#it has to be about love or it wont matter!!
atlantis-scribe · 2 years
i don't know about you but a character who is hellbent on unlocking the secrets of the universe and blind to everything else is more tragic and more compelling in the perspective of someone who loves them
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princehoneytea · 9 months
sorry no art in a hot second... ive been really burnt out for a long time now and its been miserable, ive been looking for a normie job for ages so that i can make art something i do for myself again and i havent had much luck but.
i have good news now.
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lovesickeros · 2 months
putting my thoughts under the cut in case people dont want to spoil themself on arle voicelines
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currently obsessed with the view our current harbingers have of the Tsaritsa. both childe and arlecchino greatly respect her even if arlecchino is dubiously loyal to the Tsaritsa at best. they both talk about her as a figure who is gentle and compassionate, completely at odds with both the organization she allows to commit horrible acts (dottore. its a lot of dottore. he canonically took children from the hoth under the old knave if they were no longer considered "useful" and used as test subjects). shes described as someone with no love left for her people yet the harbingers we've heard talk about her never seem to describe her in such a manner. of course, childe mentions she had to harden herself to complete her goal, but he still notes that shes too gentle. the more we learn about her the more i want to meet her purely because she is contradictions all the way down and its great!!! taking whatever scraps i can get and its perfectly in line with my characterization too so i stay winning
#not a fic#shaking like a rabid dog TSARITSA LORE TSARITSA LORE TSARITSA LORE#lore that actually follows how i characterize her too!!!!!!#a woman who is the goddess of love yet so clearly incapable of it and still it peeks through anyway#a horrible contradiction of the goddess of love and the tsaritsa. the cryo archon.#a woman who is gentle and loving and adoring at her very core but she cannot love. she cannot allow herself to love#despite the fact it was the very thing she was known for. she was the goddess of love and now she must sever a part of her#the fatui as a whole is all about “the greater good. no matter the cost” and it shows through every member!!#also the themes of “love” are shown through her harbingers as well in interesting way that i adore#childe and arlecchino themselves especially.#childe is all about familial love. he adores his family and esp his younger siblings. he'll do anything to make them happy#contrasted by arlecchino's lack of emotion at all. she cares for the kids but does she love them? maybe. but she is not a good “father”#she is still a harbinger. still raising children to be soldiers in the name of the tsaritsa.#but also her + clervie as a theme of love (however you see them aside)#i wont go too in depth but scara and his is familial as well (ei. and later nahida)#and also signora (romantic. rostam) is the turning point in her story. it made her into the crimson witch of flames!!!#something something love is consuming. and it consumed her (also applicable to arle to an extent)#okay ill shut up now this has been ur daily tsaritsa yapping
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 3 months
ok yeah, I'm willing to put Young Royals up as one of, if not the best teen drama ever written
and not just writing! cinematography, costumes, music, performances! this show truly is a masterpiece
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niishi · 10 months
I only ever comment on tiktok in order to change ppls perceptions of Sanji smh it's all so surface level one way or the other and then I hit them w the deep analysis and they're like "oh wait I never thought of it like that.. ur right".... What am I doing spending my time white knighting for Sanji smfh
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yuridovewing · 3 months
As a fellow Dovewing lover, it's frustrating how the fandom watered her down into a whiny brat who never cared about Ivypool. I mean, seriously? Not only did Dovewing care about her sister (reacting in horror when Lionblaze, her own mentor and Jayfeather are willing to potentially sacrifice Ivypool's safety by employing her as her spy instead of trying to get her out of the Dark Forest's clutches, hiding a thorn in her nest to cover for her scarring from her training).
Heck, even the scene where she tries to feed Ivypool her catch during a hunting patrol was demonized because 'she was trying to make Ivypool break the code like SHE does, as if it doesn't matter' and because she got upset when Ivypool started arguing with her! But you guys said she didn't care, right? Plus, people act like being forced into a prophecy is something you should be grateful for, as if it didn't irreparably change her close relationship with her sister? As if Lionblaze and Jayfeather didn't still keep her out of the loop (and for all the fussing they made about keeping it a secret, Lionblaze confesses his power to Cinderheart and Jayfeather doesn't even care).
Meanwhile Nightheart is angry he isn't orange and hates his mom for being exiled and the whole world has to stop for him. 🤪 And Bramblestar is simply so tortured by having an evil father, the only choice is to train with him and his evil half-brother and hide this from his wife! (But remember, it's bad when that witch Squirrelflight hides the parentage of the three from him, even when Blackstar and Leopardstar were still around after being complicit in the torture and killing of halfclan cats.) Why are these male characters sympathized with, even when they actively harm people (Nightheart forcing himself into Sunbeam's life by lying to everyone about being her mate without even asking her if she would be fine with that beforehand), Bramblestar (we all know what he does), but when Dovewing or any other female character is upset, people freak out and call them whiny brats or abusive for (checks notes) asking her partner if he loves her anymore after they argued multiple times in a book. Really makes you think! (Sorry this is so long, you just have based opinions!)
dovewing being characterized as this flighty airheaded vain popular girl stereotype in fanon is like. one of those biggest "we didnt actually read the books" things in the fandom. like theres so much fanart where shes grinning and giggling over the prophecy and shes besties with the trio and shes got preferential treatment, and then in the actual books shes basically the autistic kid no one actually likes. people really, REALLY overexaggerate that one scene where she snaps at ivypaw and brags. (and i dont wanna shit on amvs but i am forever side eying how the animation community handled dove back in the day. more than one person animated her getting murdered. normal.)
i do think its gotten better recently at least. but wow does it feel like at least one person on the writing team has a bone to pick
(also awww thank you <3 no need to be sorry i love getting stuff in my inbox)
#it does also feel so insidious to me just how long the bramblesquirrel conflict was painted as ''equally kind of wrong''#the ppl who put words in squilfs mouth sometimes which. btw ill get to that when i read the book#and tbf part of it is that sometimes abuse isnt as easy to spot if youre primed to the mainstream version of it#like. bramble isnt a born evil wifebeater everyone can see coming from a mile away. hes a complex guy with his own insecurities#and his own goals and people he openly cares about. and even in some fanon stuff i see ppl kinda erase that part of him#(which i wont pretend im above- ive been trying to walk that line myself)#and that doesnt match how abusers are usually percieved by the public. or in this very series.#like. the main excuse for clear sky is literally ''hes sad his sister died and tried to save her! no one changes THAT much''#anyone can be an abuser. you could be an abuser. i could be an abuser. that doesnt mean that we ARE but we are capable of it#and the thing that catches ppl off guard is that abusers are really good at hiding who they are and theyre often charming#i often hear this account of abuse that goes something like ''my parent abused me but no one believed me bc theyre nice in public''#you dont know whats going on behind closed doors. and ik this is about funny kitties at the end of the day but its quite telling#so... yeah bramble has his nice moments. hes got his GREAT moments even. i love his relationship with his mom for example#but those moments dont mean that hes not capable of being worse. of being a monster to his loved ones#its why squilf keeps getting sucked back in. hes not a one dimensional asshole. hes capable of being kind to her.#and thats what makes his disgusting moments hit so much harder#wow ok i got off topic in the tags but yknow. idk i got feelings abt this matter as someone who's experienced toxic relationships
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jrueships · 7 months
Admin: which teammate do you pick to cook your Thanksgiving dinner?
Alpey, who has brought his own baked goods for the team before; therefore, should have the most credibility and trust to be skilled in the kitchen: *happily suggests himself as the best option for jabari*
#jabari is like the kind of person who works a 15 hr shift then complains abt her tired they are#and how they cant sleep bcs they have so much to do around the house#but wont let their husband cook for them bcs they want to do it themselves then complain abt having to do it themselves#moms who start vacuuming the house at 4am then complain about how theres no one helping#'MOVE. ILL JUST DO THE DAMN THING MYS E L F !'#*2 seconds after scaring charity away* why do i have to do everything myself.'#the trials and tribulations of the stubborn control freak#he later says 'im not letting anyone else cook my food for me. (i pick) me. jabari.'#just tearing out alpeys heart and stomping on it 😭#picky ass eater who loves luxury jabari vs expired yogurt and carmel and chocolate syrup drizzled over it to feel fanciful alpey#bite#to the death#they literally asked this question last year??? before they banished gup to the gallows#alpey: alperen şengün 😄!!! ✨️ 🩵🩵#jabari: 😐#jabari (no grey matter): kill yourse-#why do they keep doing this to each other#alpey is the playful beloved family dog whos always in the room with the most people being pet 24/7 for being there & sweet#and jabari is the odd and aloof cat who has sporadic springs of affection and wacky affection#and will usually show himself when hes about to cause trouble for no apparent reason at no apparent schedule#like creeping over to a sleeping alpey and skippity papping him in the head without rhyme warning or reason#then taking off#zero apology or context given
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fischlcatgirl · 2 months
Board certified abyss 12 HATER
#‘oh youre just bad at it’ i am bad at it because its bad game design. i rest my case#im not even bad at it. i could definitely clear and 36 star if i wanted to. however i should not have to take 40 shots at thr same content#trying to random luck my way into mashing the right set of buttons and miaculously not getting hit because the hp pools are too high to lose#a single percent of your dps bringing a healer or. for that matter. actually healing.#this is i think why Neuvillette has such a good rep. hes basically invincible at c1 which means you#dont have to retry the same chambers over and over because he keeps getting one-shot. because lets all look into our hearts at this moment#his damage is not that much higher than any other dps character’s damage. he just also heals and fits into the current meta#people used to say the same shit theyre saying about neuvillette about nahida#and once natlan comes out the meta will change once again. hp builds will once again become unnecessary in abyss. bennet will make a#reemergence. overload meta will become real. there will be one character who is good to use in burgeon teams theyll be burgeon nilou. this#is my natlan prediction#part of it anyway#and then we will get shneznaya and there will be a character who does damage based on how high you can get their crit over 100% but they#wont be that meta theyll be like cursed with low modifiers. but nonetheless the meta will change again.#im in a love hate relationship with the genshin meta because it is in a love-hate relationship with itself#board certified my post#board certified metaposting
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tibli · 2 years
oh, you think YOUR fandom's lore is obscure and hard to find? bitch 90% of kirby lore is only revealed in pause screens and character/item descriptions, and a frustrating amount of it is buried in fucking miiverse posts. and i'm not even going to dig into the fact that hal just straight up refuses to clarify certain major details about games that came out over twenty fucking years ago.
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calamarispider · 3 months
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stellardeer · 5 months
i have to come to terms with the fact that I am actually well off for someone in this country now, like.. idk it's weird
i'm still living the exact same lifestyle that i was before, so for the most part it feels almost like nothing has changed, like maybe im spending a little bit more money on food and buying the "good" toilet paper, but all that does is allow me to actually have savings in my bank account
i still stand with the working class and impoverished people of this country, and I am very much still in the boat of "one [very] bad day from homelessness" so i am not taking this for granted whatsoever
i've just been watching some of those youtube channels where they interview random people all over the country and just like.. kinda show what their life is like and it's definitely putting mine in perspective
very very grateful for the opportunities i have had and very proud of myself for forcing myself to stay in college (even tho it took almost 10 years to finish and left me with a mountain of debt) and just like.. idk, i feel like i could be doing more to help people out, i can't wait til im out of debt ;o;
#like idk it makes me feel a little bad sometime that im able to live comfortably while others arent#fuck i mean i got one of my friends living on my fucking couch rn i have a daily reminder of the inequality in this country#cause he doesnt have any qualifications to get a good enough job to fucking LIVE in this city#he's been trying to find a place to live but everywhere wants you to be making 3x the rent#and there's not a fucking job in this town that will pay you that much...#it's college town most people here are not even paying their own rent their well-off parents are paying it#ive never even fucking paid rent here i was living off the good fucking graces of my friends and my partner for like 7 years#and im still not paying rent i live in a trailer park and i own the trailer it's a shitty 2bd that i've had to pay to fix multiple times#but the fact that i can even afford to do that now is INSANE TO ME#I OWN A BUILDING WTF#i mean i do pay lot rent but it's only $300/mo#but rent prices here keep going up and up and up and i feel bad for my friend cause i dont know wtf he's supposed to do#i'm not charging him anything to live here so he's saved up a bunch of money but no matter how much he has the apartment places dont care#cause he wont have that money once he has to spend it all on bills and then his paychecks wont be able to cover living costs...#and i love him but he's just a little bit stupid and like.. doesn't seem to comprehend that he cannot afford a place that's $900 :'D#like he thinks that because he makes $1500 a month that he can spend $900 of that on rent like buddy NOO#what about FOOD? and OTHER BILLS? that's JUST rent dude what about lights and water????#but also idk i dont feel THAT bad for him cause he could always just move back in with his mom or live with a roommate but he fcking refuse#anyway this got off on a tangent the point is once im out of debt im donating all my fucking money
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hatecharredarch · 10 months
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I  just  wanna  say,  no  matter  what,  Toya  will  probably  never  be  full  cool  with  or  "forgive"  Enji  because  even  if  Enji  is  sorry  and  Toya  knows  it  and  maybe  "believes"  him  somewhere  in  the  future,  the  fact  for  Toya  is  that  Enji  changed  and  realized  his  family  was  what  was  most  important  to  him  because  #1  hero  wasn't  all  it  was  cracked  up  to  be,  not  because  his  eldest  son  had  a  terrible  accident  and  "died".      Like  this  isn't  bashing  Enji  cause  I  love  him  as  a  character,  and  I  wont  lie  he  hits  a  little  close  to  home  due  to  my  own  family  situation,  tmi,  and  yes,  the  Todoroki  family  didn't  intentionally  abandon  Toya  and  none  of  them  ever  stopped  loving  him  or  anything,  they  genuinely  believed  he  was  dead  and  they're  not  the  "bad  guys"  or  anything,  but  theres  still  things  to  say  about  the  fact  that  Toya  was  alive,  did  return  home  and  did  witness  that  while  his  father  apparently  believed  he  was  dead  his  "death"  did  nothing  to  change  anything.      What  changed  it  had  very  little  to  do  with  him  or  what  happened  to  him. And  thats  a  special  kind  of  wound/betrayal  a  parent  can  give  to  a  child,  and  no  sorry  or  amount  of  "change"  can  ever  really  make  it  go  away.
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orcelito · 11 months
I'm in fuckin bitch mode today I guess
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theygender · 2 years
The world is so full of knowledge and there are so many things I want to learn but the problem is and always has been that I don't have enough time
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weirdlizard26 · 1 year
didnt wanna leave a negative tag on prev post but the thing abt taking the first step is always. but what if the other person doesnt want it. what if they dont want it and they dont tell me and i keep being a nuisance to them for the rest of my life. what then.
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meringuejellyfish · 1 year
people who believe that modern precure is “falling off” are kind of insane i think
#very broad statement because i totally understand what they mean. i feel like a lot of more recent precure series' have been a little#more on the forgettable/mid tier (saying this just purely based on appearances alone. because thats a huge factor for me)#but thats always sort of been the case ... theres eh precure series from every point#kira kira has some of the most delightful designs and one of the strongest casts from any precure series#and i just was looking at a bunch of tropical rouge stuff (i will finish it someday LOL) and my gawd the fight scenes go hard#and the stylization in tropical rouge in my opinion is really lovely. it has sort of that average anime look to it but defines itself with#really fun shapes and expressiveness. i also think the color usage is just really good#wont ever get tired of the rainbow lineups where every cure just gets 1 color basically because its still done in a very appealing way#but i like when cures in a series get more interesting palettes#anyway - theres always more to want from precure. i know id go crazy if i made my own precure series. but theres also so much about precure#thats just so delightful and its quite a shame i think that its crazily popular in japan but was never properly brought over here#and when it was with smile precure (turned into glitter force) it was ... mangled#they also brought over doki doki (still under the glitter force title) and i only ever watched a bit of the dubbed version ... but i think#they might have kept it more intact ? but also havent tried any series after those two ?#i dont know all i remember is draculaura voiced the main girl (cure heart)#anyway my point was something. something something oh yeah i think the only thing id say aside from various things id hypothetically want#from future precure series (the list could go on forever) that i'll say right now is. i wish they went a little crazier with the styles for#each series. of course the style differs from series to series already but i want ...even more stylized ones#of course id be saying this when my second favorite series is heartcatch which has the coolest style and animation ever but oh my god#precure is precure and is basically appealing no matter what but ... also im a guy who just leans towards more interesting styles#i would like to continue star twinkle precure of course and think it is cute for what it is style wise but its also not my favorite#kind of style. this is more nitpicky hyper specific tastes though. im just rambling#most appealing looking precure series' in my personal opinion are futari wa. heartcatch. kira kira a la mode. and tropical rouge
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