#it is a very tough job market
kcrossvine-art · 1 year
this is a long-shot but would anyone in the Seattle region know of indie music labels, studios, or production crews that could use an extra hand?
for 'boring stuff' like sales and data
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slythereen · 11 months
lestappen playing padel publicly… rbr and christian posting lestappen content… openly supporting their friendship all of a sudden… do you think christian horner sent max on an extraction mission
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pinkypastal · 2 months
Hoyo games badly summarised
Honkai impact 3rd: a very stressed lesbian's unrequited love for the universe she might destroy
Genshin impact: a series of side quests so elaborate they became the main quest
Honkai star rail: travelling the stars, running from criminal exes, killing God. the family business
Zenless zone zero: The job market is tough in the apocalypse
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felassan · 21 days
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BioWare on Threads: "We asked the game team what jobs our Dragon Age companions would have if they worked at the studio. Check out where our devs thinks their favorite heroes would fit into the BioWare family!" [source]
Image text reads:
Q. If our companions worked at the studio what would their jobs be?
"Emmrich Top vote: Art Runner-ups: Marketing, IT Commentary - "Emmrich has a tasteful, gentlemanly eye, and the experience of age to understand good art." "IT, because Emmrich would have undead servants, fresh from the Necropolis, wiring ethernet ports and installing video cards." "Neve Top vote: Leadership Runner-ups: Testing, IT Commentary - "Neve finds solutions, so she'd be in Leadership." "Game Testers are detectives because they use their skills to find bugs." "IT, because Neve would be the studio's problem-solver." Bellara Top vote: Art Runner-ups: IT, Programming Commentary - "Bellara is very creative, so she'd work in the Art department." "Game Programmer, because she's always tinkering and building things." "Definitely IT because Bellara is a mad genius." Lucanis Top vote: Design Runner-ups: Art, Audio Commentary - "Design, because Lucanis is a mastermind at piecing things together." "Art. Assassination is an art form, and his work is beautiful." "Lucanis lives off of coffee and hides in the dark, so definitely Audio." Taash Top vote: Testing Runner-ups: IT, Audio Commentary - "Testing, and Taash would send all the bugs right back at us with a grin." "If Taash worked in IT, you'd try to get your things working before asking for help." "Taash could appreciate the bombastic yet subtle nature of Audio." Davrin Top vote: Leadership Runner-ups: Audio, Production Commentary - "Davrin would work in Leadership because you can count on him to step up when things get tough. Also, a good leader cares about their people as much Davrin cares about Assan." "Audio, because Assan would help to create sound effects!" Harding Top vote: Marketing Runner-ups: Leadership, Production Commentary - "Harding would work in Marketing: she's used to selling the Inquisition." "Leadership, because she's always in contact with her people and gets things done." "She works hard to find solutions, so she'd be a Producer on the game team."
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evansbby · 12 days
an update from me :)
hey everyone, i know i haven’t been very active on here lately. and the reason is because a lot of things in my life have changed. i’ve been debating even sharing this but i feel like i’m in a good enough position to be okay with sharing it.
so these past two years, i had been super active on here (late 2022- early 24) and that was because, well, I didn’t really have anything else. that’s because I had graduated in 2022 and then i just couldn’t find a job in my field. like so many other recent graduates, it was just so hard and tough and it really made me lose all faith in myself.
i found myself to be in the worst mental state i had ever been. I cut myself off from my friends, felt like a burden towards my family, was having meltdowns and panic attacks almost daily, even started eating unhealthily and was just overall in a very bad place.
HOWEVER, i always felt like I could come on tumblr and that’s why i was so active and writing all these stories because honestly, they were almost like a crutch to me. like the ONE thing i had to look forward to in life during those times was the feedback I’d get when i posted a fic, and honestly it’s what kept me going. like i swear to god, on some days this blog and community was the only thing that i had to look forward to and keep me going, and writing felt like such a huge escape.
because i felt so USELESS. like i was wasting my life and not making any money or being able to kickstart my career after uni, and that it would be like this forever, so when I was writing it actually felt like I was doing something with a purpose. honestly on some days I would literally wake up early and go sit in Starbucks all day just writing my fics like i was cosplaying working or something just so I’d have a purpose. (I don’t go to Starbucks anymore lol boycott)
anyways, i never shared this on tumblr these past few years bc you guys don’t understand what a failure i felt like. i would sometimes get asks on here asking what i did for a job and I’d feel so embarrassed of my current state of being unable to find a job when it felt like everyone else who had graduated with me had one and obtained one so easily. like i felt ASHAMED.
i remember once i got an ask asking what my job was and I just said “fashion marketing” bc that was one of the things i wanted to do and id done an internship in that field so i just put that but it was a LIE i was unemployed and the most depressed ive been in my whole life but I thought maybe i could manifest it.
ANYWAYS, and you’ve probably already guessed it, but the reason I’m not so active anymore is because I did eventually find a job. a really good one that I’m enjoying so much and I’m so happy at. Finally, I’m feeling like myself again, like I’m living that life in London as a twenty something that I’d see everyone on tiktok living!! Like I’m finally just having fun, going out with friends, being active, having money to spend on fun things etc.
and it feels so surreal and crazy because when i was depressed and jobless, it made me doubt myself so much. Like the constant rejections and failed interviews made me doubt myself and lowered my self esteem so much and I thought I’d NEVER achieve this life that i have now! And I don’t want to jinx it but I literally thank God every day for finally granting me this because I really feel like I would’ve gotten worse and worse and IDEK.
But back to the main point, and so because of my new job I just don’t have that much time for tumblr anymore. But this isn’t a goodbye post… not at all! I find that when I’m super busy in life is also when I get the most motivated to write! Like for example in summer 2022 I was on here so much and that was the summer I had the most fun, was the most busy. I think when I’m busy in life, I get motivated to write.
Which I believe is the case right now, because I’m SO motivated to complete all my stories, I keep thinking about them and writing them slowly, so please don’t think anything is abandoned! I just wanted to make this post to be more transparent about what’s been going on in my life and what had been going on these past two years. That maybe someone else going through something similar can see that eventually, everything does work out.
Anddd I don’t really know how to end this. I just want to say, yall don’t understand just how thankful I am for having this blog, this platform, to write my stories. For having you guys. Because who knows how much worse my mental state would’ve been these past two years when I didn’t have ANYTHING else going for me, if I hadn’t had this blog it would’ve been so much worse.
Thank you so much for believing in me and enjoying my stories and always always letting me know how much you enjoy them. And I’ll say the truth; I know everyone says that engagement on tumblr has been bad lately but I can say that bc of you guys I have literally never EVER had this issue. And that’s not me being big headed, that’s just the truth and it makes me so happy and grateful. Yall always came through for me and still do now! Every time I think my fic is going to flop, you guys come through for me. I appreciate it so much. You guys have no idea how much you helped me when I was at my lowest. And continue to.
Many thanks
Me 🩷🩷🫶🏼🫶🏼
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liveontelevision · 1 month
Sweet Radio Demon Alastor x Reader
As promised, here she is -
It's inspired by Living Tombstone's song Alastor's Game!
CW: Reader is a cannibal and it's a p big part of the story so mentions and details of cannibalistic intent and murder
Some people just don't belong in Hell. The structure of divine judgment must be rigged, punishing any poor soul who commits sin without realizing it. Those individuals don't belong.
Then there are those who do. Those who realize there's an afterlife and instantly come to terms with their placement. That's when all the Oh, I'm definitely going to Hell for this jokes start to bite back.
It's always easier for those who choose to be sinners to adapt to Hell's settings. The job market for porn stars and actors is extensive, and protection is almost guaranteed despite the souls owed or deals made.
But, what interested you the most, you depraved sinner you, was the loveliness of Cannibal Town. Not only was it the nicest part of Pentagram City, but you felt right at home considering your appetite when you were living.
It was immense. Some kind of craving that you could never satisfy, no matter how many callers you invited into your home and how many of them never left. You got creative, playing with recipes, spices, and cooking methods, but it was never, never, enough.
Sometimes, you'd wonder how you got to this point. You were a normal enough kid, went to school, had a nuclear home life, and you were comfortable financially, the works.
You remember it feeling like a stomach ache.
A stomach ache that brought you to tears and kept you from school some days. You almost assumed it was something every child went through until you learned what subdued the pain.
It was the solution. You ate like a carnivore at first, then the food became increasingly rare as you aged up. Until you stumbled upon some strange forums online (There's something online for everyone, I suppose). You gave in to the cryptid suggestions. You tried rodents at first, only after thorough mental and food preparation, but fuck did it do the job. It made your body shutter and your mind hazy, momentarily melting any thoughts of guilt you might still have.
As time went on, you grew hungrier. Animals weren't cutting it.. but maybe he could.
You found him online, chatted for a while over some messenger, then discovered how much of a dirtbag he truly was. That seemed to disarm you from the whole idea.
Poor thing.
Maybe if he was kind enough, he would have been spared.
You invited him over.
As you watch him approach your door, you tussle your hair, and adjust your clothes that leave little to the imagination. With a continuous, you can do this, you can do this, you're drawn to the knocking of the door.
"Damn, babe, if I knew you actually looked like this, I would've come over sooner." He props his arm on the doorframe as he speaks.
Is.. is that supposed to be a compliment?
Your eye only twitches a bit before you cover your expression with a cute giggle. Holding your hands behind your back, you lean forward.
"Not too bad yourself, big guy. How's a movie sound?"
One thing leads to another, you're seated on your couch, and his hands are immediately on you. For someone who acts so big and tough, his touch is awkward and uncomfortable. Like he doesn't know what he's doing.. probably because he doesn't know what he's doing.
The inexperience helps.
You didn't take into account how large he was. Assuming this would go as planned, you'd be set for weeks, but the actual action of getting him down still worries you.
You're barely an hour into the movie, which you can hardly remember, before his sloppy lips are on yours, which you respond to with a grimace. He doesn't seem to take into account your reactions, grunting against your very unresponsive lips.
He places a large hand on your waist, pulling you roughly to him.
You need more. You need to evaluate your prey. You place your hand on his wrist, delicately running your fingers up the entirety of his forearm, tracing and digging into each vein and muscle you can find. That continues up to his chest. Before long, you find yourself straddling him, his wide hips forcing your legs apart a decent amount. Despite his build, his composure clearly shows he's nearly at your mercy. While you're running your hands along his body continuously, occasionally kissing him or letting out fake moans to his ear, you're feeling his ever-growing length pressing into your leg.
You'd be disgusted by the sensation if you weren't planning your next move internally.
You hid weapons everywhere. If you remember correctly, there should be a knife sitting in the crevice between the couch’s armrest and the side table. You just have to reach -
"Take this off." You command with a breathy voice, tugging at his t-shirt that had some unknown stain on it. You almost regret putting so much effort into your appearance.
Oh, well. You're taking notes in the back of your mind for any future endeavors.
You guide his desperate hands to pull the shirt over his head. In one movement, you drop the shirt and take the hidden knife into your hand. You hadn't realized until just now, but -
You're shaking.
You let out a deep breath. With your arms reaching over the arm of the couch, you're essentially caging him in. Nothing looks suspicious yet. Not to him, at least.
You lean in to give him one final kiss. You aren't exactly sure why. It's not doing anything for you. Maybe some sort of sympathy is crossing your mind?
… You'll have to work on that.
You pull away slowly, giving yourself time to examine the state he's in. His eyes are glazed over, his breath shallow.
Do it now.
You're ready. You've studied anatomy, disarmed yourself to the idea, and prepared for the worst.
You have to do it now.
You straighten your back, the knife now visible to him. He doesn't seem to notice at first until your arms are in the air, hoping to find some momentum in the stab. With your eyes still open, you find the spot where it should end this without too much pain for either party. You dive as fast as you can, but you made a fatal error.
You shut your eyes.
The moment was immediately silenced by the tension of his hand fisting the blade of the knife. He caught it. He stopped it just before it could pierce his chest, only bleeding from his palm. You both sit silently, in disbelief, perhaps.
A silent curse slips from your lips, and that seems to snap him back to this failure of a hook-up.
"You fucking psychopath!" He screeches. He stands, effectively throwing you off his lap as he does so. The action forces a small yelp out of you, and your grip on the knife is immediately taken from you. You stare up at him from the ground.
The tables seem to have turned. He's looking down at you, stumbling and struggling to find his grounding, all the while holding the knife. Despite this, despite his large build and his newfound advantage, he bolts for the door.
Was this better than him attacking you? Will he go to the police? You almost hope he's fragile enough to not admit he was attacked by a frail creature, or that he'll use this as a story to brag to his friends over, I escaped a psycho bitch last night.
You start cursing again. They become more frantic and louder as you follow him out. You watch him stumble off your patio and back to his car. You manage to find reality when a previous thought hits you.
You hid weapons everywhere.
A shotgun sits by your front door. It wasn't the most hidden, but in your defense, it was dark enough outside that it went unnoticed. And you're in a rural enough area that some wouldn't bat an eye at the sight of it.
With shaky hands, you pick it up, already loaded, and aim it at him. He's already in the driver's seat, but you're too exposed to let him just drive off at this point.
You didn't really know much about guns. But in an emergency such as this, it seemed like it would come in handy. So when you took your shot, you never considered the consequences of shooting bullets at a running car, especially with your poor aim.
You come to moments later, fire and pieces of metal surround you. You try to take in your surroundings, but your ears are ringing, and your senses are overwhelmed by the severe burns covering most of your body. You manage to find your home, still mostly intact. The car, on the other hand, is completely decimated.
In the corner of your eye, you think you can spot some resemblance of your date sprawled along the asphalt. With a heavy breath, which you consider might be your last, you let your head drop onto the pavement.
"My my, what a predicament you've got yourself into!"
A voice?
It echoes through your head. You can still only see the crackling of the fire surrounding you, and your ears still ring, but the voice seems clear as day. There's a bit of a static to it, but still it's clearnes startles you. You attempt to respond through the pain.
"Save your strength, my dear. I'll be quick since it seems you won't be with us much longer." The voice says. You can hear footsteps, a clear clicking of heels that echo in this ethereal space you find yourself. You struggle to lift your head, only catching a glimpse of the stranger kneeling in front of you.
"I'll clean up this little mess of yours, and we can discuss my repayment once you're in less of a.. scorched state. Deal?"
How could you consider the consequences? Or even comprehend his words while you’re like this? You aren't sure what he means, and you have no time to question. Your consciousness seems to be honing in on the burns.
You let out a horrific scream, clutching your arms, only intensifies the pain. If you could see the stranger, you'd see a disturbingly unphased smile.
"Help me - H-Help me! Please!" You beg and cry out, finally reaching out your hand to him.
"So? Do we have a deal?"
"Deal - Deal! Fuck- I-It hurts..!" You sob, biting your blood-dampened lip to prevent any more screams.
He takes your hand, gripping onto the raw skin of your burns. Your next scream comes out silently. You feel your vision blur before your body finally comes to terms with its seemingly sealed fate.
You shoot up from your bed, your face running with tears. They feel cool, running down your heated cheeks. You quickly wipe your face, leaving a wet smudge of makeup and sweat across your fingers.
Right.. make-up from the date.
You scan your bed, no man in sight. It’s a relief to wake up in your bed alone. Shifting out from under the covers, you look to your hands, waving them in front of your eyes and running your hands across your own skin.
Maybe even softer than you remember previously.
Some sort of calming amenity seems to be sweeping over your body. With glazed eyes, you examine your body that should be severely burned, yet you feel nothing.
Still, in a state of shock, you rise and wrap yourself in your blanket before leaving your bedroom looking a mess. You roam your home, looking around with still-damp eyes. You feel like a tourist. Like none of this is yours.
Not anymore.
You find yourself standing by your front door, opening it without hesitation. It's a clear sunny day. The grass is just as green, if not greener, and there were flowers there that you don't recall ever planting.
Suddenly, your bare feet against the heated pavement sends a slight panic through you, as the more gruesome details of the previous night conjured in your mind.
That's why nothing looks right. You were sure your porch was blackened by the fire. The grass was a flame, and there was a car - and that man and the voice -
You approach where his car was parked, only to find a torn-up strip of rubber, assumingly from its tire.
"What the.." unable to even complete a thought, a familiar voice only brings up more questions.
"Ah, my apologies! I assure you it is quite out of character for me to miss a spot." You see a disturbingly tall figure come from behind, swooping down to pick up the rubber scrap. He examines it within his red talons, turning it back and forth. You stand dumbfounded, but he goes on anyway.
"So, what exactly caused your date to ..implode? Was he not to your liking? Too handsy? Too-"
You're too tired for this.
You rub the sleep from your eyes, turning on your heels and letting the blanket drag across the rugged pavement behind you as you head back inside. You almost expect some sort of resistance from him, a qwip on how rude it is to walk off in the middle of a conversation, but there is none. Maybe you just imagined that little interaction. Maybe there wasn't really anyone there, and you're still tired or still sleeping.
You open the door, and that same bright smile greets you from inside your own home.
That seems to wake you up.
Your wide eyes scan his face, then peek inside your home behind him. You turn back around to see where he previously was, and obviously there's no sign of his travels. You slowly turn back.
"May I speak now?" His voice is laced with a radio filter, and it hits your ears in the strangest way. The reality of the situation turns your exhaustion into apprehension, yet you nod your head anyway.
"I may have caught you in the midst of your disarray, but I must admit, I'm curious about what led to it." He steps aside and gestures for you to come inside. To your own house.
"H-He got the upper hand is all." You decide not to comment, moving inside sluggishly. As far as you know, this strange being has no idea of the sins you've committed. You quickly fib.
"He attacked me, actually."
"Oh, how devastating!" He lets out a saddened sigh, a hand over his heart with fake sympathy. "Now, was that before or after you attempted to drive a knife through his chest?"
With a defeated groan, you flop onto the couch.
"What are you? A sleep paralysis demon? A.. nightmare? Am I still asleep?" You grumble, running the possibilities out loud and not expecting a true answer. You actually hoped that it would all go away. That this voice in your head, this hallucination, is just that.
In your head.
"Ooh, I like the sound of that.. A nightmare~ has a nice ring to it wouldn't you say?" He stands in front of you, his hands folded formally behind his back.
"Now. Enough with the compliments. What truly happened, my dear?” When his voice suddenly turns sympathetic, you find yourself actually in need of someone to vent to.
“Well, since you're clearly just a nightmare - or.. something - ” You sit up, take in a deep breath, and with its release, you reveal yourself.
All of you.
Every single animal you've killed to curb your pain, what seems to work and what doesn't, and the previous nights failure. You talk about the number of friends and family you've scared off throughout the years, everything.
“I.. was gonna eat.. him…” You squeak out your final sentence. You've never really said it out loud before. And never in front of someone else. It made your own blood run cold. Not the thought of the act itself, but just sharing it aloud. your eyes stay fixed on your fidgeting hands in your lap when a loud cackle interrupts your anxiousness.
“My word, aren’t you just the cutest basket case? You're lucky to be dealing with a demon of similar tastes.” He hisses his final words, all with a sly smile. He sounds prideful in his admission. His words seem like they're meant to disarm you, and even though he essentially admitted to being a cannibalistic demon, it works.
“Well.. since we have sooo much in common-” Your voice drags, the notion of being similar to this demon feeling strange to mention out loud, “-would you.. help me? With all this..?”
Expecting another laugh, maybe some more teasing, you're met with a confusing expression. His smile is still there, unmoving, but you catch the smallest twinkle in his eye. He stands and faces away. The hope of finding an outlet for your cannibalistic intent starts to dwindle.
Your misplaced disappointment is overtaken by the flickering of lights and the soft tunes of a radio nearby, one that you recognized but were sure had been broken for decades. He turns his head unnaturally, looking over his shoulder to meet you with blackened eyes.
“I would be absolutely delighted.”
“Lucky for you, some of your late-night delivery seemed to withstand the flames!”
You follow that transatlantic accent to your kitchen, unamused by his continuous puns and casual speech. This big scary demon friend of yours presents a commically large plate, with a very familiar carcass sitting atop.
He did nothing to make it look any less disturbing than it truly was. the skin was nearly burned off, the smell was just awful, and the shirt was somehow still recognizable through it all.
You cover your mouth in response. The fact that it doesn't smell much different than some of the other carnivorous meals you’ve prepared nauseates you more than the sight of the corpse itself.
“Quite a specimen, very good choice! But, you needed tips, correct?”
All you can think of to respond is a simple nod of your head.
“Then let's get started!” With a snap of his clawed fingers, a sleek black apron covers his suit.
The next few hours were grueling, but.. fun? If you're allowed to call it that. You were given multiple pointers, and sure, they were all quite helpful, but they were in excruciating detail. What certain parts of the body you should pick or avoid was one thing, but discussing what wine pairs with what organs? It's not a conversation you ever thought you'd have.
By the time the meal looks normal, all decorated with spices in a baking pan and in the oven, you instinctively go to do dishes. As you fill the sink and start bringing things over, a little creature has you nearly tripping. You look down, seeing a strange little stitched doll carrying most of the dishes to the sink. No matter how strange it looked, you respond with a curious hum, fully desensitized to it at this point.
“Huh..” is all you can say. You take any remaining dishes and follow suit, plopping it all into the water. The little doll seems to be tugging at your leg when you try to walk off. It's holding its arms up to you, letting out little murmurs that sound restrained by the stitches across its mouth. You hesitate at first, but scoop it up in your arms and place it aside the sink. And it gets to work scrubbing away.
“Damn, you're cute, and you clean? Can I keep you?” You ask it quietly, giving it a quick pat on the head. It seems to smile.
“Quite a delightful little thing, one of my better creations, I must admit.” The response from him seems to scare the poor thing straight. It immediately lowers its head and focuses on cleaning. You scoff at the interaction between the two. if his own toy is scared of him, should you be as well? “That being said, I simply can not part with it. My apologies.”
“Oh, I was kidding. Mostly.” You reply quietly. You hear the first chuckle from him that seems genuine. No ill intent, just a joyous response to your little quip. It felt kinda.. Nice.
“So, Mr. Scary Demon Man-” You clear your throat before you speak. “-why are you here, exactly? did I do something to summon you? Or-” He cocks his head to the side at the title, a little twitch to his eye.
“Not at all, my dear. I simply wanted to help you in your little endeavors, from one cannibal to another, Haha!” His tone goes back to that of a salesman. Like he’s trying to convince you he’s something he’s not.
“Well.. thank you, I guess. I don't really understand why you’d want to help me without wanting something in return, though. You don't seem like-”
“-A charitable man? I suppose that’s fair.” He doesn’t give you a chance to reply. “If you’re so desperate to return the favor, why don’t we strike a deal? Just a little one. Between friends.”
You weren’t stupid. His words made it clear that this was his intention from the moment he chose to save your life. You shrunk a bit.
“Sure, between friends.” You let out a sigh, your somewhat chipper attitude immediately fading. He takes no time to be empathetic.
“Good! Now, you seem to have an eye for food. This meal was ideal considering your poor execution.” You can’t stop your eyes from rolling. “And you can’t get meals quite like this where I’m from. How about you keep providing, with my assistance, and I’ll make sure it’s prepared to the best of my abilities. In exchange for all my hard and generous work, I get half the spoils! Seems far more favorable on your end, but I’m feeling rather generous today.”
Where he’s from? You want to question it. You want to know more about him, you want to know -
“What’s your name?” Your sudden questioning leaves him speechless for a moment, but he’s quick to recover his charming smile. “You never told me.”
“Well, considering you won’t need my name if you don’t agree to this little game, how about I throw that in as well? You provide the living flesh, and I’ll handle the rest. And, you’ll get my name.” He stands before you, a bit too close for your comfort, as he reaches his hand out to you. “Call it a deal?”
An ominous green glow surrounds the two of you. It sends some kind of wind through your clothes and hair. His hand is especially bright, and his eyes go back to that frightening black that you experienced previously.
At the end of the day, if this is what you have to do to stifle those damned pains, it doesn't seem all that bad. You extend your hand, instinctively flinching at the seemingly impending danger. But that still doesn't stop you.
“O-Okay.. Deal.” With the touch of his palm against yours, the glow flashes, forcing your body to tense and your eyes to squeeze shut. It only lasts for a moment, though. When you open your eyes, you first examine your connected hands. His hand is huge compared to yours. From this proximity, you can truly take in how unnaturally tall he is.
Attempting to tug your hand back, his grip tightens, forcing your hand to his lips for a quick kiss to your knuckles. An outdated and surprisingly intimate action leaves you a bit flustered.
“My name is Alastor. It’s been a pleasure, my dear~”
And so, your transactional deal went on, right until your demise. You used a similar tactic to bring more meals to your doorstep, finding a handful of poor saps online. You weren’t exactly sure what he meant when he offered his assistance, but when the time came, a strength took over your body that you never experienced before. There were no more shaky hands or sympathy. Your aim was always true, and it was just so easy. Any impending dangers or possible retaliations were alerted to you by a subtle whisper, a voice, coming from just behind you. It was startling at first, but quickly became a comfort.
When it came to preparing the food, which Alastor said he’d handle, you’d essentially leave your victim's remains in the kitchen and would come back to a meal ready for the oven. Sometimes, you’d leave the body as is, limp on the couch, or sprawled on the floor, only when you were too exhausted to deal with the clean-up. On nights like that, you’d wake up to a completed meal the next morning. You liked to picture him going through your home, rolling up his sleeves and wearing that apron, cleaning things up, and cooking in your kitchen how he did that first night.
That being said, you didn't normally see his physical form. There was the lent strength and whispers during your hunts, but other than that, contact seemed to nearly cease. Why was that upsetting you? You cursed yourself for being too much of a romantic - for making this seem like anything more than a delusion you conjured up to make this whole action easier for you.
And that pain? That constant hunger that was never sufficed nearly went away. In fact, you’ve never felt fuller.
He did return on especially rare occasions. You never complained, and you attempted to hide your excitement when you'd catch him lurking in the corner of your eye.
Sometimes, it was to cook for you again. Despite the deal being in full swing, you would ask him to show you some of the recipes. Normally, it would just appear, looking delicious and homemade as always, yet you still pestered him to show you how to prepare some things. He always acted burdened by it, but seeing him cooking felt.. Domestic. Like, when he was cooking, he was truly in his element. It made it easy to forget what he was, which you found yourself questioning less and less. It simply didn't matter anymore.
One particular visit was late into the night. He actually woke you up from the racket, which had never happened before. Stumbling out of your bed, expecting to see police raiding your home or something worse, you’re instead met with a swaying radio demon and a shattered vase. Whenever he was around, soft music would play from your busted radio, a contrasting notion to the fumbling man in front of you now.
“Alastor?” You call out, a wave of relief hitting you and bringing the baseball bat from your hands to the floor. “What the hell are you doing? It’s like.. three in the morning..” The realization of the time makes the previous adrenaline seep out of you.
“Ha-ha! Isn’t that an interesting concept? The Devil’s Hour. Throw some religious implications, and it drives people mad! In reality, it’s just when your feeble body is at its most vulnerable.” He rambles on, spilling the drink from his bottle as he exaggerates his actions. He walks to you as he goes on, his body still swaying. “When your little fragile human heart reaches its lowest speed. When waking you would cause.. distress.” He goes on, his words suddenly sounding melancholic.
“Your breathing is erratic.” He adds, staring intensely at your heaving chest. “And you are hot to the touch-” The back of his claws trace the apple of your cheek, where even you can feel the heat radiating from your skin. Because his voice has no filter. You’ve never heard it like that before. You’ve never heard him sound so human.
His hand traces down your face to press against your chest. He’s feeling your heart. And it’s beating erratically.
“Your heart is fast. Are you distressed?” He leans in closer, to the point where you can smell the alcohol on his breath. “Do I make you distressed?”
In a flustered panic, you push him away. His closeness, his touch, it all threw you off guard.
“N-no, I’m just tired. You woke me up in the middle of the night, asshole.” You cross your arms over your chest, watching him laugh and struggle to find his bearings after being shoved. With a groan, you pull him by his slender arm over to the couch. He sits down with a thud, and you sit a careful distance next to him.
“That is what is so refreshing about you, my dear.” He lets out a dreamy sigh, and you pull the whiskey from his hand before he can break anything else. “Why - you have no idea who you’re dealing with, I could be a powerful demon overlord,” He slurs his words. “But, to you, I’m just your sweet radio demon~” He sings out.
Alastor leans into you, uncharacteristically tapping your nose. You swat his hand away, forcing another loud chuckle from him. He stays leaning forward, even seated beside you, he towers over you. Your wide eyes meet his.
“Even your eyes show no sign of fear. How curious.” You stay like this a little longer. His breath still reeks of expensive whiskey, but you can’t seem to tear your eyes from him. You’re terribly focused on keeping your distance, but he doesn't seem to have the same concern.
With a sly smile, he removes his coat and flips to his back, laying his head in your lap. With his long legs crossed over each other and hanging very much off the couch, you’re almost nervous to touch him. He wasn’t especially touchy, only doing so when necessary; fingers brushing against fingers, a hand on the shoulder for a mere second- why can you remember each moment so vividly? Why is it so fresh in your mind?
“Alastor, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you at home? or.. wherever you are when you're not here?” That’s still something you’ve questioned. You weren’t one to pester him so insistently, wery on losing the good thing you have going on.
“Unfortunately, I’m not sure! Be careful with your alcohol, my dear! Ha-haa!” He slurs out with a grin. “I suppose.. I prefer to be here.”
“What? Why? If you’re some powerful overlord, don’t you have somewhere better to be getting sloshed?” You scoff, keeping your eyes away from his head that was still perched comfortably in your lap. He seems to even nuzzle into your thighs a bit, and it only flushes you more. You take an unpermitted swig of his confiscated drink.
“Hm! Well, I can’t exactly get meat this fresh in Hell-” He taps his chin in thought to your rhetorical question that clearly went right over his head. “-besides! It’s not nearly as nice without you.” He sounds so matter of fact, so sure of his words. You hold your breath, suddenly reliving every moment together before this.
You’d chat and joke around in the kitchen, but you’ve really learned more about him than you thought. How he sews together those strange little creatures. And he seems so proud of them, despite their clear fear of his presence. You noticed he always puts some sort of spice in the meals he cooks, and that even if it's too much, you eat it anyway. How he simply hates getting dirty despite his occupation. He rolls up his sleeves, has that dumb apron, and uses those little toys of his to keep clean.
You loved it.
You’ve done nothing but enjoy every moment with him. You don’t need to know what he is to know that.
Wait, did he say Hell?
“You’re from Hell? There’s a Hell??” With a more shocked exclamation than feared, you finally look down at him. He’s too far gone, humming along to the music, he barely hears your questions. With a clearly defeated sigh, you brush his hair from his face. He winces from the action, his smile wavering but not breaking under your touch.
“Ah, I wish I knew how you survive this cozy little life.” His voice is quiet and mumbled.
I can live this way because of you.
He manages to finish off the bottle with one more swig - when did he take that back?
Your thoughts begin to wander, absent-mindedly twirling strands of hair through your fingers, raking your fingers down his scalp, only to startle yourself with the sensation of animalistic ears. And they’re twitching. Whether it be your reaction or his, it seems to force a little yelp from you, so you reel your hand away.
“I didn’t mean to alarm you, darling.. Could you - or.. You can.. Continue. If you’d like.” His voice had dropped that strange filter again. You feel woozy. That whiskey you had shared, maybe it was strong. Or.. it was the middle of the night, you were sure you were just tired. You spiraled to come up with any reasonable excuse other than developing feelings for a Hellbound demon. You wonder if you-
Oh, you’re definitely going to Hell.
But, could it be something to look forward to?
Your intimate thoughts cloud your mind, leaving your hand mindlessly petting a literal demon. Your fingers combed through his hair, delicately clawing up the ears and pinching the softness at the tip of each one. Despite your thorough and elaborate massage, your mind has wandered to how a relationship with a possible hallucination of a demon would work out. But that's ridiculous, isn’t it?
“Alastor, can I ask you-” your words are brought to a halt and your eyes drop. A quiet hum of satisfaction, leaving a barely conscious radio demon, who’s head still sat in your lap. With a curse under your breath you decide you're trapped.
There was absolutely no chance of escape. What, were you supposed to wake him? What if you upset a powerful overlord demon, or whatever he claimed to be? Albeit uncomfortable, you force yourself to sleep. Enjoy it while you can, who knows if it's even real?
You didn't see him for awhile after that.
Alastor was a poinient man. He never missed a pick up before. So when you realized the meat you've portioned off for him was still sitting in your fridge, you start to worry. You're not exactly sure why, you’ve pushed any and every intimate thought from your mind.
This is purely transactional.
Even though his portion had gone untouched for a few days.. A few weeks, if you really think about it, you already had a date set with another victim.
It went on as usual. A dumb hunk of meat thinks he’s all that until you’re straddling him. You decide to stick to what you know works; a knife to the heart.
You mapped exactly where to plant it, as he fiddles with your top, and with a raised arm, you go to claim your next victim.
There was no warning.
There was supposed to be a warning.
The next thing you know, you're pinned to the floor, your wrist being gripped so tightly you have no other option than to scream and lose your grip on the knife.
Your date took no time. No hesitation.
The last thing you see is the opposing view. A stranger straddling your body with a knife held high above his head.
It seems so quiet.
And it's awful.
Where was the warning?
If anything, you should've at least heard Alastor's voice telling you how to avoid this. You always do. A slight pang of worry hits you, but it's quickly overtaken by anger.
With a final yelp that's fueled with frustration, hurt, and a broken heart, you met your demise quickly and alone.
By the time you've come to, you're surrounded by a handful of black eyed children. You immediately scramble backward, hitting your back against a brick wall. You’d notice your surroundings if these little scavengers werent eyeing you with an innocent curioustity. You let out a hiss, holding a hand over your eye. A streak of blackened blood comes from it, your palm thoroughly stained with it.
“You must be new~”
“You’re very handsome!”
“How did you die?”
A bombard of tiny voices and questions go straight over your head, a ringing in your ears forcing your mind to go hazy.
“Alright, give ‘em some space, kids!” A sweet voice seems to bring you back. You look down to your seated body. Your skin is a deathly gray, and your top is stained with your own blood. It’s still red. “Don’t overwhelm the poor thing, I’m sure they’re quite shaken!”
Your eyes then trace up the silhouette of a vintage looking entourage, then to a sharp-toothed smile. The woman stands before you, a hand held out to you.
Her eyes are just as black and her skin is just as pale as those children that now whisper and giggle to eachother nearby.
It didn’t take you long to realize your misfortune.
You died.
You’re upset sure, but you find that you’re mostly angry. None of this wouldve happened if you- if he-
“Come on, cutie! Let’s get you cleaned up.” Her considerate smile clears your mind almost immediately. You don’t hesitate accepting her assistance.
“He was supposed to help me. He said he would be there for me! I died because of him..!”
A strained smile and a quick nod is the only response you get to your angered rambling. The kind face that scooped you off the streets was Rosie, one of the most powerful overlords in Hell, who just so happens to own most the souls in Cannibal town.
Lucky you.
She did exactly as she said, having her fun and playing a bit of dress up with you. It wasn't exactly your style, but there were more concerning things when it came to your appearance. Your eyes were just as black as Rosie’s. As those children who have been following you around.. In fact, most residents of cannibal town had this feature.
You really are in Hell.
Right where you belong.
Right along side people who are just like you. It almost felt.. Comfortable.
You confided in her, going on and on about some jerk of a demon who broke a promise that cost you your life. How he had been helping you in fights, saved your life a number of times, taught you how to cook, showed up drunk to simply sit in your lap, then just fucking disapeared when you needed him most. Your face was turning red, from anger or the way you gushed about him, Rosie couldn’t quite decipher.
What wasn’t comfortable was the period clothing you were put in. But according to Rosie, it’s Perfect! What a doll!
“Is Alastor. The radio demon?” She completes your sentence with a sigh, standing to tower over you and placing a hand on your shoulder. “I hate to break it to you, hun, but no one’s seen him in quite a while.. If i’m being entirely honest with you, he’s a dear friend of mine.” You instantly tense at her words. You just went on a rant about how shitty he was, only to find out he’s disapeared with no explanation. Maybe it was a good reason. A good enough reason to leverage your own life? You aren’t sure.
“I have to find him!” You finally say, as if a lightbulb switched in your head. He seemed so unattainable all these years, but now? You’re in his house. “Miss Rosie! Can you help me? His name-”
“I can’t say he didn’t wrong you, but he’s a man of his word, hun.. If he’s not holding up his promises, then he might be in some real trouble.. ” You hear her voice crack, yet she doesn't let her smile drop.
Another factor to consider that Alastor might have bitten more than he can chew, yet she still sympathises with you. You nearly knock the wind out of her with your arms encircling her small waist. Your head rests just at her chest. You can’t see her face, but her arms are around you almost instantly.
As you got settled in town, you did actually use the skills that Alastor had taught you throughout your lifetime. You understood why he made your previous deal. Demon flesh was just fine, but you really needed to spice it up to be anything special. And even then, it still couldn't compare to fresh, living, meat.
You started off just making and baking your own food. Then, when one cannibalistic child asked to try some, they told their friends, who told others.
After a while, you were cooking for half the town. You had a line every morning out of your own home. Once Rosie took notice, it was time for you to make a deal.
“Why can’t I sign a contract with you? You’ve done so much for me, I trust you with my soul.” You had taken Rosie out for dinner, where you planned to discuss a potential deal. Even with you barely being in Hell for a year, you heard plenty about Extermination Day, contracts, dealing in souls, all of it. You did your research. You talked to some of the townsfolks and saw no real downside in giving your soul away. Your proposal seems to surprise her, though.
“You still have your soul? Didn’t you make a deal with Alastor?” She asks, quieting her voice when she says his name, as if just the sound of it would make you upset. It only makes your eye twitch, though, just at the thought of the whole ordeal.
“I did, but he didn't say anything about my soul.. Was he.. Supposed to take it?” You question.
“Well.. he’s made deals like that before, favors for favors, right?” You nod. “But to go all the way to Earth just for some food? That’s.. Not like him…” Rosie seems to be lost in thought, trying to piece together his intentions. You clear your throat, and attempt to calmly bring her back. You slide a tupperware container of lady fingers you had made just before this.
“I want a restaurant, Rosie. I’ve been keeping an eye on that abandoned shop in the town square. I can feed everyone in town if you’ll let me. And.. protection, of course. Would that work?”
She opens the box with a sparkle in her black eyes, almost immediately popping one of the delicate treats to her lips. With a hum of satisfaction and a snap of her fingers, the glowing golden paper floats in front of your eyes.
“It’s a deal, darling!”
You could barely call it a restaurant at first, but you were elated. Rosie granted you some extra hands to make deliveries and assist in the kitchen. Everything seemed to be going your way. Your first extermination day went by quickly. For some reason, angels weren’t destroying everything in town. And you and your little shop were both safe, untouched, really.
You had a steady job, loving customers, and a residency near the center of town. You were almost surprised how having a shared interest, in eating human flesh, can bring people together. And after just a few years, you had a community.
You had a family.
Something you never really though you’d have, in life or death; A home.
Things were going so well. This was supposed to be your happy ending. It had been a few years since you had signed the contract, and you still feel satisfied with your decision. You could really be yourself here.
In Cannibal Town.
In Hell.
It made you laugh sometimes, how much joy the underworld brought you.
On a say that seemed like any other, you had sold out your stock for the day early, and went on to send the rest of yout employees home, when you heard a ruckus near the gazebo.
The screech of a microphone, and a very distant agitated Susan, is all you can truly hear from where you are. You drop everything to join the crowd.
It was the princess of Hell.. You weren’t one to keep up with politics or media, there was no need for you. You entertained yourself plenty just by residing in town. But, you managed to hear her blow up before being dragged away. A tall, rugged figure takes their place, ready to entertain the crowd while the Princess gathered herself.
“Come one, come all! While our little princess is collecting herself, who would appreciate a quick song, hm?”
“There is no fucking way..” You mutter to no one but yourself.
He holds his hand up to his ear, waiting patiently for the adoring crowd to praise his presence before he went on. You knew Rosie was a friend of his, he was a cannibal afterall, but for the entire town to love him just as much? Including Susan?
It’s absurd.
He went on to perform some showtune, one that sounded familiar to you. The crowd excitedly surrounds the pavilion, dragging you nearly to the front. You held a look of disgust. A look of betrayal.
You didnt want to see him, you told yourself. Things were perfect as is, you felt no need to repair a relationship with your imaginary friend you conjured up while alive.
Although, you never thought you had to. He had been gone for years, he nearly became just a passing thought.
An unreasonable part of you stayed put. A part of you wants him to see you and recognize you, to remember what he had forgotten. You stood with your arms crossed, your heart beating rapidly just at the sight of him.
He looks entirely the same, completely unphased. You’ve changed so much visually, and you’re happier now. Bolder. You’re not shying down now.
He catches your eyes.
The music screeches to a halt, sounding like a record player needle dragging across the disc. You’re holding back a smile, almost proud that you were able to stop him in his tracks. This had to be the first time he’s thought of you in over seven years.
And stops singing.
Lucky for him, the princess is finally ready to make her own point. You stick around, not exactly paying attention to her lyrics. You keep your face of disdain strong, stepping away and flinching at any advance Alastor would make to reel in the crowd. He seems to distract himself just fine until Charlie whisks away the crowd. Again, you're firmly planted in your spot.
Alastor turns to you, much more apparent of who he’s dealing with now that you stand alone from the crowd. His ears are flat against his head, and his smile is turned at the corners. His eyes seem to dart back and forth as if he’s deciding whether or not to stay. To be with you.
Oh, he’s nervous.
You’ve never seen him nervous before. It feels good. You’re making the almighty Radio Demon nervous. You smile just slightly. But not a smile between old friends, but a smile in response to his realization that he fucked up.
Despite your delay, Alastor continues on with the rest of the parade. Your body immediately lost all tension once he leaves.
“Well, well! I knew I recognized that menu. I was ready to tear apart some poor sinner for using my recipes.” A familiar, antagonizing voice echoes throughout your little empty shop.
You turn on your heels, almost startled by the sudden intrusion.
But, you'd be lying if you said you weren't hoping for it.
Just a little.
Of course, he'd come back. Maybe to make another lowly deal. Or to get you to do more menial tasks for him, to flaunt his power and authority.
“Yeah, well.. when you've been left for dead, and all you have is your skills, you do what you have to, to survive.” You snap, turning your back to him to continue wiping off an already spotless counter. “Plus, it never hurts to marginalize.”
“I've actually tried some of your food here.. Hm! And I hadn't the slightest idea who prepared such a meal. You've gotten better, I'll give you that! Such a small world.” He says with a nostalgic sigh. You can hear his heels clicking throughout the empty store, circling the room before eventually approaching you.
How can he speak to you like you were still.. aquitanced?
“I hope whatever kept you busy these seven years was worth my life.” You mutter. You weren't sure if you wanted him to hear that or not. Maybe if he did, he'd finally apologize or-
“Oh, it was! A nice little sabbatical is exactly what I needed.” You quickly turn to see him polishing his claws against his coat and smiling quite brightly. “I will say it is a pleasure to be meeting you here! I'm glad you settled in so easily.”
“You killed me, Alastor! You were supposed to keep me safe.. and now I'm dead! Because you disappeared without a word!” You start to scold him, finally hitting a breaking point. All he does is scoff at you.
“Oh please, I didn't even take your soul. And it's not like you'd end up anywhere else if you were to perish later on.” He speaks so casually about it all.
But, you were ready to cry. To kick and scream at his arrogance.
The feeling of sharp fingers engulfing your shoulders leaves you suddenly tense and puts your murderous thoughts on hold. He's vanished from in front of you and now looms over you, his eyes meeting yours from over your shoulder.
“Plus, you seem to be quite happy here! Why don't we just call it even then, hm?”
He can not be serious.
You pull away from him, the tears welling in your eyes finally letting loose.
“Alastor, stop!” You yelp, turning to face him. “That’s.. so unfair! You broke a promise! And you-” you hold your finger out to scold him even more, but you feel your body simply going slack. “-you hurt me.. I just.. thought that after all that time, after that night, you'd care a little more..” You look up to him, in the hopes of being met with some sort of sympathy. But his unnatural smile goes unwavering. You rub your arm awkwardly, losing your confidence as your words turn more vulnerable without your realizing.
“Oh, I can feel your pain, not to worry dear. I truly meant no harm when I couldn't hold up my end of the deal.” He's smiling and drawing out his words, only setting off a sense of unease within you. You finally let out a shaky sigh.
“With everything you've done for me.. I thought that.. you might've liked being around me…” You let out, your voice running slightly ragged from the previous shouts. “I thought we were having a good time! Then after all this?” You grow an uncertain smile.
A previous sight that made you giddy before only brings you dread now. His ears are flat, his eyes struggle to meet yours. He's losing his composure.
“I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted it to happen.” You laugh through your words, your hands raking through your hair in a stressed manner. In your little pits of passion, you don't get the chance to see his wavering smile, the grimace on his face, any of it. When your words are met with silence, though, that's when you finally look up to him.
He's nervous, again.
“Oh.. my-” your sentence barely starts before he attempts to cover his slip up.
“Now let's calm down, I really didn't mean for- I didn't intend-”
“Isn’t there rules to this? Were you ever allowed to meddle with my life in the first place - let alone - be on Earth??”
“-God! You killed me on purpose?? Just so I could come down here to do your bitch work?” You snap, your laugh becomes delirious and your tears betray the anger you're meant to be showing.
He’s scrambling for a witty reply, his expression finally showing his true intentions for the first time in a long while. He’s speechless.
“I’m such an idiot.. Of course, you never cared. Bastard.” You mumble your words to the room, losing any fear of him hearing your insults.
Your vulnerability sends a strange shiver down his spine. One he’s never felt before, one that makes his chest ache and his muscles tense.
“Well - Now, let's just talk for a moment before you-” Alastor extends his hand out to your turned back, but it never reaches you. A delicate grip takes his wrist, bringing him to a full stop. He stops, unnaturally snapping his neck to see who would dare disrupt the Radio Demon himself.
His ears flatten against his head, and with a sudden disbelief in what he’s seeing, his eyes return to their normal crimson.
Rosie towers over his hunched form, her eyes stern.
“Al, sweetheart, you gotta go. You're disturbing my client.”
I love when Alastor fucks up and found out
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sports-on-sundays · 2 months
I’m sorry Ik request are closed but o really need a part 2 of Lando and Oscar
one for two / LN4 & OP81 / Part 2
Summary: Lando x female!Australian!McLaren marketing unit worker!reader x childhood best friend!Oscar - The drama ensues. Two Formula 1 drivers who just so happen to race for McLaren also just so happen to have fallen for you. Picks up straight after where part 1 left off. Takes place from Monaco GP 2024 to Spanish GP 2024. Short time frame, but a lot happens.
Warnings: mention of vomiting, crying, "I'll kill you" joke, swearing, very slight innuendo, if I missed anything let me know
Requested?: Yes, by this anon, everyone who answered in the poll in a way, and by @gracielukey
Author's Note: Fret not, I will be writing a part 3!
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“Wait, Y/n, one second-” you hear behind you as a hand wraps itself around your arm. You look back to see Oscar Piastri beaming at you with a smile worth a ton of gold on his face. He’s out of his race suit and now back in regular street clothes: a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and an expensive black watch on his wrist. “I still haven’t given you your birthday gift yet.”
Oh, yeah, that’s right.
Earlier, when both McLaren boys had snatched each of your hands, pulling you in separate directions, both thoroughly excited to show you whatever gift they’ve gotten for you for your birthday, which just so happens to be today, the Monaco Grand Prix, you had shook them both off and waved them on to go do their PR duties.
For once in your life, as someone who is in marketing in McLaren, you got to do a fraction of your actual job concerning the two drivers, and not play the part of both their dramatic love interest.
Yet here you are again, looking back at a handsome Australian boy with earnest brown eyes, waiting for you to come with him so you can see your present.
You sigh, smiling. “Alright, Oscar. Show me this present of mine.”
He leads you to his driver’s room, where he holds the door for you to follow him in, and gently shuts it.
You have a jolting memory of the last time you were led into a driver’s room and the door was shut behind you, and the driver was saying he had something for you. It had been Lando’s driver’s room in Miami, after he won the race, and, well, you’ll never forget what the gift he had for you had been.
Lando’s kiss.
Though it didn’t really change anything at all, it seemed to change absolutely everything.
And now, just standing here, watching Oscar rummage around in his piles and bags of contained mess, you can’t help yourself from blushing as the memory floods back to you.
Oscar snaps you out of your dreams, though, when he straightens, holding up a small box that fits in his palm and a white envelope, and says, “Here… Don’t know if it’s your type of thing, but…”
“Jewelry?” you raise your eyebrows, eyeing the box.
He nods. “I don’t see you wearing jewelry a whole ton, but I thought you might really like this, regardless.”
You smile. “Usually I save it for special occasions, but I like wearing jewelry. Now, let’s see this card here…” He hands it to you, and you open it up. Oscar watches you intently as you begin reading his not-too-messy, not-too-neat handwriting.
Dear Y/n,
I just want to take this opportunity to say how much I appreciate you. You, as a person. Everything about you, I love. Your teasing, your jokes, your playfulness. Your hard work and dedication. You’re so understanding and kind. I love how gentle you are, yet also tough. You’re the perfect balance, for me and for anyone. You have the softest, most beautiful, caring heart, but a tough skin, too, and you can hold your own. You’re so strong and capable, too. I admire you in so many ways.
I love being with you. Time spent with you is my favorite time. Whether we’re just laying or sitting somewhere together, basking in each other’s silence and simply company, or going out somewhere, exploring someplace, and experiencing something together. I love it. I adore it. I love being with you.
Sometimes, I think about when we were little kids. I think about how we’d sit together and whine about how hard it is to be an older sibling, or how this or that rule by our parents was stupid. I remember playing with you, exploring. Even then, Y/n, we were forming a bond, and I think it’s beautiful. I hope we stay like this forever. Together.
I just want to be with you.
I remember as I got older and I moved, I missed you so much. So, so much. We stayed in touch, but you don’t know how much was missing without you always by my side. It’s like in a way you complete me.
I’m so glad that fate and time and whatever else all worked together that today, right now, you can be with me, on your twenty-third birthday. Twenty-three years, Y/n, I’ve known you. You’ve been my best friend. Somehow, we always keep running into each other. Like as if time and space and the universe knows we’re meant to be with each other, for each other, and it won’t let us be separated for too long. Like me and you have a magnet.
I love it, Y/n, and I hope you do, too.
I also love how beautiful you are. Your stunning eyes when they look straight into mine. The way you look over your shoulder and wink teasingly. The way your eyebrows scrunch together when you’re working hard or trying to figure something out. The way you flip your hair, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you laugh, and the way your touch feels; I love every single little ‘way’ about you. You are it, everything I want. I don’t know what you feel, but I know that for years, I knew it.
I knew I’m supposed to be with you.
If you don’t think so, that’s okay. But just know what I know. Because for years I was terrified to say it, but now, I know.
I know this, Y/n:
I love you. I always have, and I always will.
Yours truly, Oscar Jack Piastri 5/26/24
As you read the last words, you feel a lump forming in your throat as you softly gasp, “Oscar…”
“I’m sorry if it’s a bit over the top,” he says right away with a slightly nervous chuckle. “I don’t mean to seem sappy. I should have just left it at ‘happy birthday’...”
“No, no-”
“I just had a lot to say, I guess,” Oscar mutters, glancing down. “A lot to say, to make up for the years of staying silent.”
“Oh, Oscar, stop!” you laugh, your voice cracking as you suddenly throw your arms around him in a tight embrace. You feel your eyes begin to water as you squeeze them shut tightly and bury your head in his shoulder, murmuring, “This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever read, Osc… You’re going to make me cry…”
As you hug him, it’s like a weight is lifted off his shoulders. He wraps his arms around you back, his hand slowly, absently beginning to rub your back.
You sniff a bit, whispering close to his ear, “That’s just about the most beautiful thing I’ve read… Oscar, I- I, um… I-” love you, too, your brain screams, begging your lips to form the words. You love him, Y/n. You know you do. Just say the words. Just say them.
But you finish with, “I- Thank you so much, Oscar. Thank you.”
He nods, resting his cheek on your head for a few seconds, before murmuring, “Why don’t you open the gift now?”
You nod, slowly leaning away. You mop up your eyes with your hands before taking the box. You slowly open it and gasp when you see a sparkling green gemstone inside, attached to a golden chain. “Oscar…” you breathe. “It’s beautiful…” You slowly begin taking it out of the box.
“Emerald, for May, on a gold necklace chain.”
You stop taking it out of the box to freeze and look up in surprise, eyes wide. “Real emerald? Real gold?!”
“Yes,” Oscar chuckles. “Yes, Y/n. It’s a real emerald on a real gold chain.”
Your jaw drops as you blubber, “Oscar… Oh my God, Oscar… you didn’t have to…”
“I think you’ve forgotten I can afford it. And I would spend any amount of money, if it was for you. But do you like it?”
“What do you mean?!” you exclaim. “What sort of question is that? Of course I like it! I love it!”
At that, the young McLaren driver immediately beams. “Here- want me to put it on you?” You nod vigorously, so Oscar takes the necklace gently from your hands and reaches around your neck to clasp it on you. You feel his soft hands briefly brush the skin of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine, before he takes them away and leans back to view you. “It looks lovely on you. Compliments your features.”
“You really think so?”
He grins with a soft chuckle. “Y/n, I know so.”
Once you’re done sitting with Oscar for a bit after that, just being with him, you exit his driver’s room into the hallway with a tired but contented sigh. You tuck Oscar’s note and the box the necklace came in into your pants pocket, about to get going and continue on with your life, when, once again, you’re interrupted.
You suddenly feel two strong arms wrapping around you from behind as the scent of Lando’s cologne fills your nostrils. He leans close to your ear, rocking you a bit, before murmuring in a gentle, concerned voice, “Hey, Y/n… How are you?”
You smile softly, feeling his warmth against your back. “I’m alright,” you sigh, your head still slightly in the clouds about Oscar’s note and gift.
Lando unwraps his arms from around you and gently guides you by your shoulders to turn around and face him. “What were you doing, hm?” he suddenly asks softly.
“What do you mean?” you ask, eyebrows furrowing.
“In Oscar’s driver’s room. I saw you leave.” His tone is in no way accusatory. Just genuinely concerned.
“Nothing,” you frown, licking your lips. “Why do you care?”
He crosses his arms, the concern mostly falling off his face now as he says simply, reaching up to drag his thumb under your eye, “Because of this.” He holds up his thumb to show the chalky smeared mascara on it. “And because of the redness around your eyes. Are you okay?” The concern comes flooding back as he lifts his other hand to gently touch your cheek. “Did something happen? Did Oscar do something? Y/n, you know you can tell me. You know you can trust me.”
But you can’t help yourself but chuckle. In a way, it’s sweet how caring and worried Lando is acting, looking out for you like that. But also kind of funny that Lando thinks Oscar Piastri even has the capacity to do you any harm, at least not on purpose. So you say, “No, no, Lando! Don’t worry! I’m not upset! Those were happy tears!”
Lando doesn’t look much less concerned, though. “What made you so happy?” he asks carefully.
You sigh, figuring there’s no reason to not tell Lando, at least partially the truth. “Oscar just gave me a super sweet birthday gift is all.”
“Oh,” Lando nods slowly. “What was it?”
You smile and point at the necklace hanging around your neck, resting perfectly in the middle of your chest. “This…”
“Oh,” Lando says again, this time more impressed, looking down at it. “That… It looks beautiful on you.”
You smile wider. “Thanks.”
But then the British man swallows. “I know you’re probably tired and wanting to get back to your hotel room, but I have a gift for you, too.”
“Just make sure it’s not a kiss this time,” you softly tease. “I don’t think my heart can take it right now.”
“No, no, of course not. I actually bought you something for your birthday!” the Brit chuckles, his hand naturally falling to the small of your back as he leads you to his driver’s room. He keeps the door hanging open, though, and you’re sure that’s intentional, to give you more of a sense of reassurance. You appreciate it. “Alright!” he says, clapping his hands together. “Close your eyes and hold out your hands.” You shrug and obey, doing so. You feel him place some light, small item in your hand, before he says, “Alright! Open!”
You chuckle as you open your eyes, teasing, “What was the point of having me close my eyes?”
“So it was a surprise! Now look at what I got you, for God’s sake, Y/n!” he rolls his eyes jokingly.
You look down at the little card in your hand, shaped like a credit card. You bring it to your face and study it, until your eyes widen when you recognize what it is. “Lando, is this…?”
He grins broader as he sees the sparkle in your eyes. “Yeah, yeah. It is.”
“You didn’t have to!” you laugh. A gift card for a free weekend to a luxury spa. You’ve often told Lando how nice it’d be to have a spa day, just relaxing and letting the weight off your shoulders.
But you weren’t expecting it as a birthday gift! And you definitely weren't expecting some expensive luxurious place, and for a whole weekend!
“And,” he smiles, reaching in his pocket to pull out a second, identical card which he places in your hand, too, “A second one, because I figured it’d be no fun alone, so you could bring one of your girl friends or something.”
You throw your arms around Lando and peck his cheek, which is a lot more of an easy thing to do with Lando than it is with Oscar. Oscar, you’re more emotionally connected with. But physically and romantically, you’re a lot more connected to Lando. Lando giggles as you exclaim, “How’d you even think to do this?”
He shrugs. “You talk about it. And you work constantly, so damn hard, you deserve a break. You don’t get enough credit for all you do. Take a weekend to just relax and enjoy, hm?”
You smile and shut your eyes, nuzzling your face into his neck, loving the sentiment, loving the gift, and loving Lando’s attitude in recognizing how hard you do work.
It feels so good to simply be appreciated.
The day after the Monaco Grand Prix, that Monday, Oscar texts you, asking you if you'd like the meet up before you have to go back to the U.K.
You're leaving tomorrow, so it had to be a yes.
Now you sit next to Oscar in his car, in the parking lot, as you buckle your seat belt and Oscar absently drums his fingers on the steering wheel.
Finally you break the silence with, "So, what's the plan, Stan?"
"Um..." Oscar begins, and just by one quick glance, you can see the deep thought written across his face as he looks forward out the windshield.
And you're right. The Aussie's thoughts are raging, about only one thing. And that thing, of course, being you.
He bites his lip, feeling a pang of slight desperation, but mostly just indescision.
He thought the nice note he wrote you for your birthday would've... given more of a reaction. Or maybe the necklace would've pulled at your heartstrings a little more. Just... Just a hug felt wrong to Oscar.
Why doesn't she love me back?
I whisper of a thought in his mind responds, Maybe it's got to do with Lando. Maybe she just simply doesn't love you because she loves Lando more.
He swallows a lump in his throat, pushing that thought out of his mind with, No, Oscar. She said she's got nothing more with Lando than she's got with you. You need to trust her. You know you love her. Therefore, trust her.
Of course, naturally, Oscar has no idea that he really shouldn't trust you.
Prompted by his thoughts, Oscar suddenly asks you, ignoring your own question, "Did Lando get you anything for your birthday? Just asking, because, you know, he had said he had something...?"
"Oh, yeah!" you exclaim. Oscar can't help but recognize the way your face lights up at the mention of merely Lando's name. You continue, "He got me a free weekend to a spa for two people!"
"Oh. You're going to a spa with him?" Oscar says slightly absently.
You laugh. "No, he suggested probably one of my friends. Lando would've told me if he wanted to go."
"Ah, right. Of course."
"Oscar?" you suddenly say, concerned, leaning closer. You place your hand on top of Oscar's drumming fingers on the wheel, forcing the nervous movement to stop. "Is something wrong?"
"Hmmm..." he sighs. Oscar, you've just got to make a move. A real move. Lando is loud, impulsive, fun. He wouldn't second guess.
Maybe you should take a hint from Lando.
Maybe she just needs to see, feel, experience me.
That doesn't sound right.
That doesn't sound like me.
Oscar closes his eyes, leaning back, entwining his fingers around your hand.
I'm not Lando Norris. So is that it?
That's it. I'm just not Lando Norris.
But despite the proclamation in his head, he snaps himself out of it. "Just... thinking back on the race. Sorry."
"Are you sure you're okay, Osc?" you lean in, more concerned.
It's like Oscar can feel his heart being squeezed, warmed. And another, louder, sudden thought enters his mind:
You won't let her go, Oscar, and you know that. You'll fight for her. You'll change for her.
You'll never be Lando Norris, but maybe you've just got to quit overthinking and start acting.
"Alright!" he says, a quite sudden smile appearing on his face as he squeezes your hand. "Yeah, I'm sure." He smiles, bringing your hand to his mouth to gently kiss the back of it.
He doesn't really see the blush on your cheeks when he does that.
He lets go of your hand and says, "Alrighty, let's go. I've got somewhere to bring you."
When you get to the destination, you laugh. "Oscar, it's just a park! You made it seem like you had this big thing planned."
"Oh," he smiles a bit. "Well, sorry. Do you have something against parks?"
"No- I'm just saying-"
"Yes, sure, whatever." He suddenly snatches your hand as he says, "Let's just go for a nice walk."
It's not common for Oscar to just take your hand like that, so confidently. Lando? Sure, all the time. But not really Oscar...
But you kind of like it.
As you walk, you just chat, until you're sure you've walked the entirety of Monaco before Oscar finally gestures to a lone bench in a solitary area, and you sit down together, hands still latched.
But you let go of his, saying with a chuckle, "I just... You know, my hands are sweaty."
"Oh, sure, of course. Mine probably are, too," he responds, running a hand through his hair.
You watch him intently as he does this, and reply a few seconds too late, "Oh, no, no, they're not! I like your hands."
And you immediately blush at the fact you actually just told Oscar Piastri that.
But he looks over with that little crooked teasing smile of his and says, "Do you?"
You grin back and shrug. "Hell yeah."
"Hm. I'll keep that in mind, then."
That makes your mind immediately wander to what he could mean, and you feel bad for what you immediately think of.
Regardless, your face flushes.
And then Oscar makes the decision that he's wanted to make for months, and probably years. His twinkling eye meets yours as he says, "You like my hands? Well I like your lips."
Your breath catches and butterflies well up in your stomach as Oscar leans in closer. His hand gently cups your chin as he looks you straight in your eyes, his softening by the second.
In the exact moment that he should just lean in and kiss you, he hesitates and asks, "Is it okay if I-"
"Oscar! Yes!" you say without thinking.
Yeah, yeah. There you go again. Not thinking again, in the exact moments that you should think about it the most.
Oscar leans in, his head tilting to the side slightly as his soft lips meet yours. Your head spins as he strokes your cheek.
It's not too long and not too short. He pulls away, gazing warmly into your eyes.
There was something different about Oscar's kiss. Lando kissed you and kept kissing you, as if he couldn't get enough. Oscar stopped as soon as he knew it was the perfect time for both of you to pull away. Lando's kiss was hungry, Oscar's wasn't really. He enjoyed it, but...
You don't know.
Oscar's more romantic.
You feel simply by the way he looks at you...
You feel like a jewel. You feel beautiful.
Physically, Lando's kiss was probably better. But emotionally, Oscar's...?
You never knew Oscar could be this romantic. But, to be honest with yourself, Lando's kiss was hotter. Sexier.
God, you loved both.
You groan, falling into Oscar, throwing your arms around him.
Y/n! Y/n! You're comparing the kissing styles of the two guys you kissed without the other knowing!
They both think you're theirs!
"Are you okay?" Oscar immediately asks. "Listen, I'm sorry- Oh, God, listen-"
"No! Oscar, thank you..." you blurt shakily, leaning back to look at him.
"Uh... you're welcome..." He falters, before saying, "So... does this mean you want to be my girlfriend?"
Oh, God.
"Oh, uh, I don't think I'm ready for that- uh-" you begin nervously.
"Right," comes the brown eyed boy's curt response.
Oscar Piastri's vague clean scent fills your nostrils. Or perhaps it's the clean hotel sheets you lay in next to him. His soft touch massages your hand as you hum a song.
You know all the words, but you forgot the tune.
In another reality, he would kiss you and hold you and call you his. You would say without a fragment of a doubt that you are his girlfriend.
Like an arrow to your heart, his voice asks you once more: "Does this mean you want to be my girlfriend?"
You're leaning against his bare chest, listening to his heartbeat, British voice speaking but saying nothing, and you begin, "Oh, uh, I-"
You wake up with a start, gasping. The last thing you remember of your dream was laying with Lando, about to tell him you love him.
What the hell, Y/n?
“What’s up?” you ask as you answer your vibrating cellphone.
Lando Norris on the other end responds, “Nothing much. What’s up with you.”
“Dunno. Just packing up to get ready to be leaving Monaco. But why’d you call?”
“Hey, whoa, whoa,” Lando suddenly says. “Why’re you leaving Monaco so early? Come on, now!”
You sigh with a little smile, rolling your eyes as you throw another shirt in your suitcase. “Lando, this country is uber expensive. There’s no way I’m staying here any longer than I have to. The hotel price is ridiculous, and the rest of the team is leaving, anyway.”
Lando tsks before saying, “Come on, now. You won’t have to pay for a hotel room for extra days, you know. You can stay at my place, duh.”
Your eyebrows shoot up. “Oh, Lando. You really want me to stay in Monaco.”
“Of course I do. But you know I’d let you stay at my place anytime.”
“Mmmhm. I know…”
“So? What do you say?” Lando asks.
You hesitate, before saying, "Lan, I already told the team I'd be leaving on the plane with them..."
“For God’s sake, Y/n, then tell them you’re not, check out of that damn hotel room, and c’mere!”
“Come where?!” you ask in slight exasperation.
“Where do you think? My flat!”
“Alright, alright, I’ll do that, jeez. Text me your address. But God, why are you getting so worked up about this?”
There’s more silence before the Monaco resident says softer, “I just really want to see you, is all.”
You raise your eyebrows and say softer as you zip up your suitcase. “That’s it?”
“Yeah,” he snorts. “Not good enough for you, princess?” he teases.
“No,” you breathe, a slight smile forming on your face as warmth spreads across it. “No, that’s perfectly, one hundred percent, all the way, good enough for me.”
“Good.” You can hear the grin in Lando’s voice. “Then I’ll see you in a bit, you beauty.”
When you arrive at his flat and he opens the door, Lando wraps his arms around you, patting your back, before letting you go. “Hey, wanna come to the living room?”
“Sure,” you nod, taking in the rooms you go through as he leads you to the living space. You’ve never been in Lando’s flat before, but you have to say, it is thoroughly impressive. Soon, you’re in the living room, and the two of you plop down on the couch together. You sink into it and lean back, saying, “This is comfy.”
Lando just takes your hand and says, “Thanks.”
But you look up at him with a soft teasing smile. “So, are you going to tell me why on earth you suddenly got so clingy? You’re acting like we haven’t seen each other in three years! Just as a reminder, it was just two days ago.”
But Lando smirks, shrugging, and says teasingly, “Maybe I’m just a little obsessed…?”
“Obsessed?” you smile wider, leaning your head onto his shoulder. “Oh, don’t flatter me.”
“Aw, why not? You’re cute when you’re blushing…”
“Lando, stop,” you snort, then add, “We’re supposed to be friends. I don’t think friends say this kind of shit to each other.”
“I like the way you say, ‘we’re supposed to be,’” the race car driver begins.
“Lando! We are friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be!” you respond firmer, but deep down, you have your doubts. Your extreme doubts. Because being with Lando, it never feels like a friendship anymore, and you both know everyday you get closer and closer to finally just admitting you’re dating.
And the only reason why you haven’t yet is because of the certain someone in the way. Oscar Piastri, the sweet Australian boy from your childhood and teenage dreams.
Who kissed you like he meant it yesterday at around this time.
You feel your stomach lurch at the thought.
How can I so shamelessly act like this with Lando, when I know twenty-four hours ago I kissed Oscar back?
You jump when Lando says, almost as if he could hear your thoughts, “Is something wrong?"
You look up in slight surprise, eyes wide. “Uh- of course not. Why do you ask?"
But Lando's frown deepens. "Y/n, stop that. You know I know you're lying. I can see it on your face when something is bothering you."
You bite your lip. "Nothing is."
Lando heaves a big sigh before suddenly pulling you into his lap.
You flinch and lean away in extreme embarrassment, "Lando, what-"
"Just let me hug you, hm? You always say you're fine when you're not and I just want to help you. Let me at least hug you."
You sigh deeply and slowly let yourself lean into him. He strokes your hairline gently, and begins rambling. Lando Rambling, but in a gentle whisper.
You swallow back the huge lump in your throat, and despite your squeezed shut eyes and your raging mind, it's nice.
Until Lando is gently shaking you, and your eyes flutter open as you realize you had fallen into a calm, dreamless sleep against him. You feel his soft, nearly heavenly chuckle vibrating in your ear before you lean your head off his chest slowly. "Rise and shine, princess. You went right to sleep."
You yawn. "Shit, sorry about that..."
But Lando beams. "It's okay. It was cute. And do you feel a bit better now?"
You sigh and nod. "Yeah. I do, actually."
"Good," he grins, eyes twinkling, and leans in to give you a kiss on your cheek. "You probably just needed a nice big long nap."
You sigh.
If only it was as simple as that, Lando.
When I'm with Oscar, he seems like the obvious choice. But then I'm with Lando and he's so sweet and caring and loving and understanding and lighthearted and fun and handsome and perfect and-
And then he seems like the obvious choice.
Oh, Oscar. I couldn't stand to break your heart of gold, though.
And suddenly you freeze as Lando seems to read your mind for a second time, his voice saying softly near your ear, "Is it okay if I call Oscar?"
You snap your head back to meet Lando's eyes. "What reason have you got to call Oscar...?"
“So he can come over.”
You stare at him like he’s the craziest man alive. “Come again?”
“So he can come over and join us, Y/n. But you heard me the first time.”
“What’s your problem?” you asked quite bluntly.
“What’s yours?”
You stare at Lando, completely at a loss for words. Feeling slightly called out, to be honest. You breath deeply, before, with much effort, finally forming the sentence under Lando’s expectant gaze, “Lando, you know that Oscar thinks we’re dating. Even though we’re obviously not. If Oscar shows up… Lando, there’s too much drama you don’t know about. That wouldn’t-”
Lando raises his eyebrows, unimpressed, and says, “I know more than you think I do.”
You swallow, anxiously licking your lips. “Why do you want Osc over?”
“I’ve got some things to talk about with you. And him. With the two of you.”
Your face scrunches up as you ask hopefully, “About work?”
“Nope,” Lando says sternly as he opens his phone, scrolling his contacts, looking for Oscar’s.
You’re starting to get nervous. Real nervous. “Lando, please,” you begin, your voice laced with a certain amount of fear as you take the man’s hand. “Lando, what are you trying to do? Why? Lando, I… I’m not ready… Can you talk to me first?”
Lando looks up at you. “You clearly know what I’m doing, then, otherwise you wouldn’t be so panicked.”
“Of course I do…” you breathe. How the hell did it come to this?
Why did I think Lando was stupider than this? To not see the writing on the wall? To not see what’s clear as day?
Lando leans in closer, wrapping both his hands around yours. He stares you straight in your eyes. Everything about his actions is gentle, but his voice is painfully stern as he begins nearly whispering, “Y/n. I’m sick of this, and Oscar is, too. And you’ve had enough of this, too, whether you think you have or you haven't. I understand to a certain degree what’s been going on, but I don’t think Oscar has allowed himself to. We need to, the three of us, talk this over and figure this out. Pretending isn’t going to do you any good any longer, Y/n. And I think me and Oscar can both agree on the fact that we just want the best for you, yeah? So I know this is hard, but if you wait any longer, the situation will just get worse and worse. And now I’ve figured you out, so let’s just deal with this together, the three of us, and be honest. Okay?”
You hesitate as your eyes start to water.
You feel like you want to throw up.
I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted it to come to this. I just wanted it to work itself out on it’s own. I didn’t want Lando or Oscar to know. I wanted to figure it out alone.
“Lando,” you sniff, your voice cracking. Lando leans over to one of the end tables to grab a tissue, which he uses to wipe a tear rolling down your cheek. As you continue to cry, he hands the tissue to you and begins holding your hand as you use the other to rest your heavy head against it.
You sit there together for a while as you just cry, working through the emotions of the last months. Once you’re finally done, Lando says gently, “It might not get any easier, but please, Y/n. If you’re honest with me and Oscar, I hope you know that we’ll always be ready to help you and be there for you.”
“I know that…” you sniff. “It’s just… I don’t want to lose either of you, Lando. I can’t stand to imagine losing either of you.”
Lando nods slowly, and murmurs, “I can’t speak for Oscar, but just so you know, whatever happens, no matter what, you’ll always be my friend. And I’ll always be there for you. M’kay?”
You nod slowly, wiping your eyes one last time, those words providing just enough comfort for the time being.
“Alright,” Lando says, gently patting your hand. “Can I call Oscar? I’m sure I’ll be able to convince him to come over.”
“Yeah,” you smile weakly. “Unless he’s still sleeping.”
Lando nods and grins as he picks up his phone again to call Oscar Piastri.
When Lando goes to open the door, you follow close behind him, fiddling with your fingers anxiously. When he does open it, a surprised Oscar immediately sees you behind him and exclaims your name in shock. "Why are you here?"
"I invited her, too," Lando replies confidently, as if this is all completely normal, looking Oscar straight in his sweet brown eyes.
"Ah," Oscar nods slowly. "I can see that." He smiles awkwardly at you as Lando brings him in. He mostly just looks thoroughly confused, but doesn't take his eyes off you for a second.
Soon, you're all seated around Lando's dining room table, you and Oscar on one side, facing a lone Lando on the other side, feeling like you're about to be interrogated.
While Lando doesn't ask, 'Where were you at the time of the murder?' he does say, "I think we've all got some thing to be honest about. Oscar, I mentioned it on the phone to you, but I think all three of us have got some... stuff to discuss."
Neither you or Oscar say anything. You're too nervous to speak, and Oscar's too confused.
Lando sighs, seeing neither you or Oscar have nothing much to say, and says, "Alright, then." He slaps his palms down on the table. "Oscar, you and Y/n... You'd like to date her, yeah?"
Immediately Oscar's eyes widen, and his hand tightens around his cellphone in his hand as his pale cheeks redden. "I- What sort of-"
"Do you?"
"Yeah," Oscar admits carefully, but sort of bluntly.
"I'd like to date Y/n, too."
Oscar stares at Lando. His grip on his phone tightens slightly, but that's the only sign of a reaction his body shows as he says softer, "Well, of course."
Lando's gaze averts to you.
You sigh. The awkwardness in the air is making it stuffy and hard to breathe. The tension in the room is thick enough to cut.
"Y/n?" Lando prompts.
Your words get caught in your throat, and instead comes out a weak cough.
Apparently Oscar takes it as a sob, because immediately his hand is on your back, and he's leaning close, saying softly, "Y/n. Are you okay?"
As you bury your face in your hands and nod, you don't catch the dirty look Oscar throws Lando, and Lando's effort to ignore it. Once you've caught your breath, you barely get out, "I love you both."
Oscar's hand slips off your back as Lando reaches across the table to take your hand in his.
"I- you-" Oscar begins, before his eyes turn on Lando. "You knew about this, Lando? You knew?" You can feel the stress and, frankly, anger, radiating off of him as Oscar says, turning to you, "Y/n, I told you if you loved Lando, you could let me go. I would've taken it..." He runs a hand through his hair. "I would've. Y/n, I swear I would've. Why'd you have to play with my heartstrings? Why'd you do that, Y/n? Why'd you do that to m-"
"Oscar, stop!" Lando suddenly snaps, standing up. "Don't you see the state she's in? This is harder for her than it is for you!"
"Just stop fighting," you barely whisper.
Neither men hear you as Lando grabs Oscar's wrist and tells you sternly, "Y/n, you just stay here. I'm gonna go talk with Oscar alone, if that's fine."
But Lando doesn't wait for your input before he tugs Oscar out of the room and slams the door behind him. You suppose it wouldn't matter much anyway. It's not like you would have any idea what to say, anyway, if you'd have been given the chance.
You stare ahead in a strange mixture of regret and dread. Fear of past decisions and fear of future decisions, too.
After the door slams, unbeknownst to you, Lando immediately shoves Oscar against the wall and snaps, "What the hell, man?"
A long breath exits Oscar's lungs as he stares back into Lando's hazel eyes. "What?" he sighs.
"Don't you see she's in distress? Give the girl a break-"
"I need to give her a break? Lando, I kissed her. Do you think I would've fucking done that if I knew she was seeing you? We can both say it was all friendships all along, but we also both know this's bullshit." Oscar gulps before muttering, "She's a fucking cheater."
"No, she's not!" Lando suddenly defends. "You just don't understand."
"Yeah! Clearly I don't," Oscar says gruffly.
"So are you going to let me explain what I think went on?"
"Why don't we hear it straight from her? You could very well be biased."
"Do you think she wants to say it? Oscar," Lando sighs. "Won't you just listen to me?"
Lando watches as the Australian bites his lip, before saying, "Have you kissed?"
"Same..." Oscar hesitates once more before asking, "So it's just the 'friend' thing? She's in love with both of us so she's been convincing herself she can stay both our friends forever."
"Well... right. And neither of us knew that was going on, and... Yeah, you know."
"How'd you find out?"
"It became too obvious. But Oscar, you've had your suspicions before the beginning."
Oscar sighs, staring down. "Right. So. She denied it because she loved us both."
"That's what I'm reckoning."
"What did she think she'd accomplish? Why did she think letting that happen would do any good? We both thought she was single. And technically, she was, but not really, because, we- you- I- you- you know..." Oscar trails off before dragging his hand across his face and leaving it over his eyes. "Oh, God."
"It's complicated," Lando nearly whispers.
"You... You can say that again..." Oscar breathes, his voice cracking as his other hand goes to his face, his pointer and middle finger pressing hard into his temple.
"Oscar?" Lando suddenly asks, his hand resting on the younger man's shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"Shit... I don't know..."
"Oscar, are you-"
"No- I mean, I am, but-"
Oscar is interrupted by Lando's arms suddenly wrapping around him in a hug and Lando murmuring, "Now both of you are crying?"
Oscar, despite himself, finds his face falling into Lando's shoulder as he begins, his voice just slightly hoarse, "I'm not crying, by the way. It's just... Lando, I've been in love with her for years; I swear, probably a decade by now. And I've known her literally my whole life. A part of me just always expected she'd always be there and I'd always just... that I'd always have enough time to wake up one morning and ask her out. I should have done it quite literally years ago. But I didn't and that's why we're here now, me feeling as if I have more of a right to her love, though really, I'm not worthy of her at all." Oscar lets out a shakily breath before adding, "I regret it so, so much, Lando."
Lando's arms around him tighten. "I'm so sorry."
"You don't have anything to apologize for."
"Osc, I just want her to be happy. But I know her dating me isn't the solution. Because she'd be devastated to date me but not you, and vise versa. She's head over heels for us both."
Oscar gulps. "Well, then what the hell do you suggest?" He leans away from Lando, wiping at his eyes with his thumb.
"Oh, Oscar," Lando sighs deeply. "I don't fucking know."
After that, the two stand in silent contemplation, worrying, pondering. Feeling. Emotion. Passion. Pain.
Before Lando finally says carefully, as if walking on eggshells, "...What if we both dated her...? Just kept doing what we've been doing, but the other one knows about it, so she doesn't have to feel guilty about it, but we both still... you know, get to date her?"
Oscar bites his lip. "Couldn't that get complicated?"
"Of course it could..." Lando trails off, before picking up more positively, "But sometimes the easier way isn't the right way, Oscar. We both know it'd make her happier to date us both. And we both know we'd both be happier if we could date her, yeah?"
Oscar's silent, considering, his eyes slightly glazed over, despite the battle that's going on inside his mind.
"Osc...? Osc, please, mate. I think it's the best shot we've got. It'd mean the world to me-"
"Yeah," Oscar suddenly interrupts with a nod, leaning off the hallway's wall. "Yeah, I get what you're saying. We can try that Lando," he says curtly, almost hollowly as he suddenly reaches for the door handle back to the dining room where you sit.
But right before his hand meets the knob, Lando snatches it away in his own, pulling Oscar to face him again.
Oscar can't help but feel awkward at how close his face is to the other Formula 1 driver's, and averts his eyes to the floor because of this.
But Lando responds simply, "Oscar, look at me. In my eyes."
Oscar sighs and looks up, meeting the strong eyes of Lando Norris. "What?" he barely whispers.
"Thank you so much, okay?" Lando murmurs, squeezing Oscar's hand.
To Oscar, everything seems wrong. Why is he standing with his teammate, his rival, this close, holding hands, with such intense eye contact? This should be just him and you. Lando shouldn't be a part of this.
How was he so stupid to let Lando ruin it all?
Oscar, just try to trust Lando? Maybe he's right? You can conform for now, but don't conform with malice. Only allow yourself to feel anger towards Lando after it all falls apart because of him.
"'Kay," Oscar mutters back.
"And, listen, Oscar. I hope you know you can trust me. I care about you, too. So much. I like you so much. So, please. Just be real with me. M'kay?"
"Of course... Can we go back and see Y/n now?" Oscar mumbles, feeling slightly uncomfortable at Lando's extreme sincerity.
Alright, maybe more than just slightly uncomfortable.
"Sure," Lando nods, and the two men come walking back in.
They sit down, and once they've finished explaining to you their idea, you ask, "So, you're saying we all date? The three of us, together?"
"Yeah," Lando responds with a smile at the same time as Oscar responding, "Well, sort of-"
Both your pairs of eyes turn to Oscar. He swallows and adds, "I mean, yeah. Of course. Just sounds weird to me, for three people to be dating, but it's just because I'm not used to it, you know? It's good. It's fine."
"Oscar, are you sure you're okay with that idea?" you venture.
But there's no way Oscar's going to say anything but a convincing, "Of course!" after the way he saw your eyes immediately light up in hope when Lando explained his idea of the three of you dating.
So you nod, taking that answer, but just ask one more tentative question, "So, you two... you're okay with... you.. you know..."
Before Oscar's brain can even completely comprehend what you're asking, Lando throws his arm around Oscar's shoulders and exclaims, "Of course, Y/n! Me and Osc get on great! Plus, he's not so bad himself-"
And in that moment, you witness Lando lean into kiss Oscar's cheek just as Oscar turns to look at Lando to speak and-
Lando ends up pecking Oscar on his lips.
Oscar's eyes practically pop out of his head, and Lando, to be honest, looks somewhat surprised himself. But you're sure Oscar's brains are about to begin running out his bright red ears as his whole face goes fire hydrant red. "Oh..." he just manages, his hand dragging over his lip.
Lando laughs slightly awkwardly, deciding to pretend he meant to do that. He gives the other driver a pat on his shoulder before saying, "You know, Y/n, you know how flustered Oscar can get with you? Imagine how bad it could be with me. You know, me being so hot and sexy and-"
You giggle nervously and interrupt, "Yeah, yeah, Lando. I get what you're saying."
As the visit at Lando's flat goes on that day, you and Lando loosen up a fair amount at the whole prospect of the three of you dating, but Oscar doesn't seem to budge. Oscar ends up leaving early, so before you go to bed that night, you stop to bring up your nervous concern to Lando: "Lando, I just don't know if Oscar wants to do this... I mean, he doesn't seem comfortable... I just... I think he really doesn't like the idea of dating another guy... I mean, maybe he's- you know, he's not- He doesn't have those feelings for men-"
"Oh, gosh, Y/n, don't worry about that," Lando reassures you and himself, quite honestly. "He'll come around. Oscar just needs time." He adds with a tease, "I mean, who can resist me?"
"You're suggesting you're so hot you can turn straight men gay?" you ask, completely unimpressed, crossing your arms.
"No, no! Trust me, Y/n, Oscar Piastri is not a straight man to even begin with."
"Shh. You're probably just tired. Go on, you're eyes are shutting on themselves. Just lean on me."
"But Lando-"
He pecks your lips and murmurs close to your ear, "I've got you here, Y/n. Leave all your worries for tomorrow morning, and until then, I'll deal with the rest."
"Are you sure?"
"Never been more sure," Lando comments, yawning himself as you sigh, resigned, and snuggle into his chest.
You're practically out cold within minutes, which leaves Lando time to sit alone with his thoughts, stroking your hair, worrying and thinking.
What if she's right? What if this just isn't going to work with Oscar?
I thought maybe he'd be more open.
Oh, God. I don't want to hurt either of them, one bit. I love Y/n. I know I do, and I have for so long now.
And Oscar? I'm so fond of him.
Ah, here I go again. Fuck me and my distracted, wandering, boyish heart.
Just like with Carlos. Just like with Daniel.
I don't know I feel it until in one moment, one instance, they smile in a certain way or say a certain joke or do a certain thing in a certain way and-
And suddenly I'm mad in love with yet another person.
Oh, Lando Norris. If only you could date everyone in the world you ever loved.
Then I'd be dating a lot more than just two people. And on the first day of dating two people, it's already a mess.
And it's all my fault.
I guess I'll just have to be the one who fixes it all, then, too.
"Oh, uh, good morning!" you chuckle as you see both Lando's and Oscar's heads turn almost in unison when you enter the room in McLaren HQ. "When did you two arrive in the U.K.?"
"This morning!" Lando beams, throwing his arms around you.
"Oh, alright," you chuckle again. "It's so nice to see both of you..." You smile awkwardly as Lando pulls away and Oscar pats your shoulder when a sudden thought comes into your head.
Is this something the three of us should keep a secret?
Strangely (and stupidly) enough, you forgot to discuss that.
"Hey, uh, it's great you're both here right now. I've got to talk to you about, uhm- some of the media plans we have for you regarding Canada... Let's talk in the hall; don't want to disturb people working in here."
Lando raises his eyebrows as Oscar takes on a perplexed look. Once you're out in the hall together, you lean close and are about to speak when Lando interrupts with a smirk, "So, anyway. What about those... 'media plans' 'regarding Canada'...?"
"Oh, shut it, you!" you grin, realizing how much in just a little over a week away you missed Lando.
Oscar suddenly gently takes your hand by your side and says, "Oh, come on, Lando. Y/n, what did you want to say to us."
And you suddenly realized how much you missed Oscar, too, in only a little over a week.
"Well," you start, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "About this... relationship... Should we... you know, keep it a secret?"
"I... think so," Oscar says carefully, squeezing your hand. "Imagine the media's response. And the fans: the fans would be unbearable."
Lando crosses his arms and whines, "So you're saying I can't even show my affection for you two? Oscar, we're always on camera."
Did Lando just say you two? you can't help but suddenly wonder.
"Maybe you are, but there's ways of avoiding it," Oscar comments, not seeming to hear.
Hm. Maybe I heard wrong.
Because deep down inside, despite your secret desires, you know that Lando and Oscar just agreed to this for you, and have no specific liking for each other.
And that's the thing that's making you nervous that this whole thing has no chance of working out.
"Boys. I agree with Oscar," you sigh. "Lando, I work in marketing and public image type stuff. If anyone knows about this, it's me. And I agree with Osc. It'll do us no good to make this public. Let's just keep it on the down-low."
"Can we at least make a compromise?" Lando ventures.
"Go on," you sigh.
"We can at least still keep acting like we're mad in love with you," Lando laughs. "Because we've been doing that this whole time. Just no one has to know about the dating. I mean, it'll seem off if that suddenly stops."
You bite your lip but murmur, "Fair enough."
Lando grins and comments, "I gotta meeting now. See you two later," giving each your shoulders a pat.
Once Lando is gone, you turn to Oscar and murmur, letting go of his hand to touch his arm gently "Hey, Oscar. Are you alright?"
Your childhood best friend looks to you, a smile immediately forming on his face. But his eyes remain a bit hollow, a bit sad. "Of course I'm alright. Why do you ask?"
"I don't know... You haven't seemed yourself today, I guess is all."
Of course she says that, Oscar thinks. She's the one that knows me best, anyway.
"I don't? Well, I'm fine... I'm sorry if I don't seem it," Oscar responds, attempting to brighten his smile. "Anyways, I've got to be off, too, actually," he says, checking his expensive watch. He leans in to peck your lips as his hand brushes your waist, before waving and offering, "Catch you later, lovely!"
The combination of his affectionate gestures and him calling you 'lovely' kind of makes your head spin.
You lay next to Lando, absently stroking his cheek and chin, feeling his facial hair, as he holds you close, tracing sweet words with his gentle fingers into your back.
You sigh, completely contented in the practically perfect moment. You're in Spain, and it's Saturday night- the Spanish Grand Prix is tomorrow. You ended up taking the last Grand Prix weekend in Canada off, for your spa weekend. Either way, before the race tomorrow, Lando invited you for some snuggles in his hotel room, and there's no way you could say no to that.
So here you are.
But suddenly Lando whispers, "Do you think I should invite Oscar?"
Your heavy eyes seem to immediately open and sharpen at this suggestion. You take a moment to ponder his question, before asking one of your own instead of answering his: "Lando, do you like Oscar?"
"Y/n, of course I like Osc-"
"No, no, Lando. I mean... you know..." you begin carefully, "Do you like Oscar the way you like me?"
There's silence in the room as the air conditioner becomes deafeningly loud suddenly. You can hear a long, slow sigh escape from Lando's lips, into the air, before he slowly says, "Oh, Y/n. I've liked lots of people the way I've liked you in the past."
You smile a little. "I know. You're Lando Norris, for God's sake. Of course you have. But today, right now, in this moment, do you like Oscar the same way you like me?"
Lando presses his forehead into your shoulder before uttering quieter, "If I did, it wouldn't matter."
"Why not?" you prod.
"Because, Y/n, there's no way he likes me in the same way he likes you."
You sigh slowly, feeling a slight pang at hearing those words. You wrap your arms around Lando and pull him closer to you. "What do you like about Oscar...?" you whisper.
"Oh, fuck me, Y/n. Everything. His stupid sense of humour, the way he laughs at all my jokes, the way he looks at me with those brown eyes, the little birth marks all over him, how polite and calm and cool-headed and cooperative and agreeable and smart and sensible and friendly and genuinely good he is. His voice, too! His mentality. Don't fucking tell anyone this, or I will kill you, but I even like the way he's a little bit taller than me. I love his stupid hair and his big smile. His hands... I love them. I love everything about him. I love him, and it's like it all just hit me. I don't know, Y/n. I just don't know."
You lean in and peck his lips before whispering, "Oh, Lando Norris. I love him, too, for all the same reasons. And I love you, too."
"The thing is, Y/n," he barely whispers, "that he'll never, ever love me back."
That feels like a stab to your heart.
You can't imagine how it feels to Lando.
You cuddle him so close, and you hold each other so close, that you can feel his heart pounding in his chest. "Lando," you whisper. "I wish it could all just work out."
"Me, too, Y/n.
"Me too."
"Heyyy, Osc!" you grin, knocking on his open driver's room door. "You feeling good for the race?"
He smiles to see you in the door. "Yeah, I am. Come on in. Thanks for coming to see me, Y/n."
"Of course. It's a treat to see your handsome face."
He beams wider but rolls his eyes, "Oh, yeah?"
"Of course!" you giggle a bit.
"Well, do I get my pre-race hug, then?"
You grin and throw your arms around him, giving him a big kiss on his cheek, "You'll also be getting a post-race hug, too, when you win it!"
"Well, I guess that's always the goal, but we'll see about that." He leans back to look at you, gazing so warmly, so intensely for just a second, into your eyes, before looking away. He opens his mouth to say something, but then quickly closes it.
"What is it, Oscar?" you prod.
"I just wanted to say I love you."
You grin. "Don't ever hesitate to say that again. You don't need to, because I love you, too. And you and Lando better stay safe out there on the track today for me, okay?"
"Oh, alright, and the rest of the grid can all die; they don't matter," he teases.
"Oh, shut it, you!" you laugh, exiting his driver's room with a wave, "Go on and get ready for your race now!"
"Bye!" he laughs.
"Bye, bye, Osc!"
You lay on the bed in Lando's hotel room where you laid just last night, but this time, there's two people laying with you rather than just one.
Oscar is fast asleep on your right side, his right arm draped over your body and his head resting against your shoulder. Lando is on your left, still awake, gently rubbing your left hand absently as he runs his hand through his messy curls.
"Do you think Osc-"
"Ah-" Lando exclaims softly with a little flinch. "I thought you were sleeping already!" he laughs a bit.
You nod, waiting a few seconds before reasking your question, "Do you think Oscar is feeling better about the whole thing?"
"Oh, God, Y/n, I don't know. I think he's just kind of rolling with the punches," Lando sighs deeply. "He just wants you. He'll do anything to have you. Even sleep in the same bed as me."
"Oh... right..." you sigh, wrapping your arm around the sleeping Oscar, pulling him closer to you as you rest your head in the little nook between Lando's cheek and shoulder.
You shut your eyes, trying to force yourself to sleep, but your thoughts are raging, just like Lando's.
Why can't it all just be right? Why does it have to be so difficult? Is this the right thing? Should we give up on it?
Why can't the three of us just be right for each other?
This whole mess is all your fault, Y/n.
Your uncertain heart pounds in your ears, faster and faster, making you nearly go insane.
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matcha-dango · 1 year
Wifely Duties
Alhaitham x F!Reader [NSFW]
CW : smut / dubcon / choking / degradation / overstim / dacryphilia / sadistic dom character x sub reader
Word Count : 2015
The reason why Alhaitham took on the Akademiya’s Scribe work is simple : the job was easy and it paid well, he didn’t even have to follow the guidebook word by word as long as his performance was deemed satisfactory. Unfortunately, after throwing the government, he was practically forced to become the Acting Grand Sage and fulfill duties he absolutely did not sign up for. 
There was no guarantee he was going to find a good candidate to replace him soon enough, or at all. He might be forced to either pick a not so desired applicant, either truly become Sumeru’s Grand Sage. None of those options pleased him and added more stress than necessary, as if his workload wasn’t already tiring him out. 
Thankfully, he had his pretty and lovely wife waiting for him at home, always ready for him. 
Nothing was going well today. By the time Alhaitham could clock out, he was done with the daily tasks and yet, a pesky member of the Akademiya holding a folder as thick as a dictionary desperately needed his attention 6 minutes before he could leave. This was the final nail in the coffin. 
One look was enough. The man profusely apologised and ran away, saying he’d come back the next day. Great. Alhaitham just couldn't wait to see him again. 
Alhaitham had a few minutes left before he was officially gone, he took the opportunity to tidy up his large desk and the bookshelves behind him. Now, it was time to go, finally. 
As soon as he left the House of Daena, a hurried student almost knocked him off but feeble as he was, Alhaitham easily avoided the damage – but the annoyance level still increased. The moment he stepped out of the Akademiya, a running matra was about to crash into him but once more, Alhaitham was quick on his feet and managed to not get into contact. Almost as if Celestia was testing him today with those attempts at ruining his peace for the past few weeks. 
Alhaitham decided to take a different route to get home, by avoiding the bustling market and busy streets. It could have been a good idea if he didn’t accidentally step on a Sumpter Beast’s pungent faeces. That was the last thread holding him back. 
You knew what time to expect your husband to come home, so you started making dinner in advance to surprise him with a warm slice of his favourite dish and freshly brewed tea. Right as you set the plate on the table in your living room and covered it with a napkin to keep it warm, you heard the door open with a loud bang, which startled you. But as soon as you saw who came in, you got reassured. 
Until you noticed his rather angry expression and, knowing him, if he was visibly pissed off… 
“H-hey, welcome back…Tough day at work, I guess ?”
With each word Alhaitham was taking a step towards you, making you instinctively walk backwards. But his stride covered more ground and you found yourself trapped between a wall and his tall frame, as he placed – slammed – his hand near your head, without breaking eye contact. Oh you were screwed. 
“It was, darling, it was. But your almost defiant behaviour is not helping alleviate my mood.”
You felt his hand on your hips, slowly but firmly gliding up. 
“How about eating first ? It got ready just as you got back home !”
Your husband already made his choice and he let you know by finally catching up to your breast and squeezing it, just as he roughly grazed your neck with his lips. You tried to push him away by attempting to remove his hand still on your chest but Alhaitham wasn’t having any of it. He harshly bit your shoulder, hard enough for the mark to be visible for days. 
When he stepped back, you thought he calmed down but the look in his eyes told a very different story. A mix of annoyance and carnal desire, that made you unwillingly clench down on nothing. You bit your lower lip in shame but your husband knew all of your tales by now. 
All of a sudden, he lifted you off the ground and quickly carried you to your shared bedroom. He kicked the door open and almost threw you on the bed, before getting on top of you. Alhaitham was not in the mood to waste any more time. He grabbed your blouse and forcibly opened it, exposing your bare chest. 
The view made him smirk in satisfaction. 
You attempted to cover yourself. That, he did not like. He reached over to the drawer near your bed and took out a smooth yet sturdy handkerchief, the one he always used to tie your hands up whenever you wouldn’t behave. Before you could process it, he caught both your wrists and restricted your movements with the said fabric. 
Having you now under control, he kissed you like a hungry beast. His hands were sliding up and down your torso, but one went lower down to your thighs and up, cupping your clothed groin. You pressed your thighs together in an attempt to keep his hand away and in response, Alhaitham broke the kiss and pinched your thigh, demanding you to open them for him. 
Averting your eyes, you relaxed your muscles, which he took as his opportunity to spread your legs further apart. He then traced your panties up and down, slightly adding pressure where your clit was. Shortly, Alhaitham felt a damp spot getting bigger and bigger where your entrance was, making him scoff. 
“I do have a great wife, huh. But you know what would make it better ?”
You shook your head in response. Alhaitham smiled in a sweet yet condescending way, his other hand now cupping your cheek, rubbing gently circles on your skin.  
“Fucking you like the slut you are, sweetheart.”
Your eyes got wide in shock as you felt him suddenly push your panties aside and slide a finger inside of you. A whimper escaped your lips. 
“Oh baby, aren’t you the loveliest ?”
His thumb caressed your clit, smearing your love juices all over your pussy at the same time. Each stroke made your clench on his finger ; he knew he was that good and all of your reactions fed his ego. And made him greedy. 
Alhaitham wanted to hear you moan his name and the easiest way was to make you cum. Which is why he increased his pace, before adding a second finger and changing the motion to a scissoring one. You loved how his longer and bigger fingers would reach all the spots your tinier digits simply couldn’t. 
That was more like it. But his flourishing greed only made him want you to say it louder. Loud enough so all neighbours would know who was making you feel so, so good. 
His skilled movements didn’t falter a bit, they quickened instead. You felt a very familiar knot in your belly, a telltale for your impending orgasm. Alhaitham’s fingers got faster and faster, his thumb flicking your clit just as speedily. Your husband’s disdainfully pleased look plastered on his face altered to a sadistic, vicious expression. 
Alhaitham stilled himself, before painfully slowly removing his hand. You looked at him confused with a very obvious neediness in your eyes. He knew how close you were, so why ?
“Did you really think I’d let you cum after the attitude you showed me earlier ?”
“...you’re the worst.”
“Oh, really ? Have I been that nice to you, that you don’t even know what “the worst” looks, feels like ?”
You might have been screwed earlier, but now even prayers to all of the Seven couldn’t help you. 
“Wait, I'm sorry !”
“Too late, darling. No more holding back now.”
Alhaitham forcefully pushed your leg up to your chest to fold you in half, having your throbbing pussy conveniently accessible just for him. One quick glance was enough to have you still, while he freed himself from the constraint of his too tight pants. 
After gathering your slick between your puffed up folds, he pushed his cock past your entrance all the way in, feeling your deepest parts against his tip. Alhaitham didn’t let you adjust to his large size and straight up started moving at a maddening pace. 
The aching and pleasant sensation flowed through your whole body, the pleasure quickly overwhelming any pain you initially felt. And, once more, you felt your walls tighten around him. This time he didn't stop, his hips kept meeting yours. Your moans got louder and louder, until you finally reached your high. 
Alhaitham didn’t stop then either. In fact, he managed to accelerate his thrusts without making them shallow in the process. The overstimulating feeling was making your body twitch under him, your words being a blabbery mess. 
That didn’t mean he had no idea though. Quite the opposite, in reality. If you were obedient from the start, he would have allowed you to cum on his fingers, but you weren’t. If you weren’t so bratty about it, he would have denied your orgasm but made this one only more intense. Yet, your behaviour did not meet his criteria a single time. 
Since you wanted to cum so badly to the point of talking back, he decided he was going to grant your wish. Unfortunately, it was on his terms. 
A malevolent smirk appeared on his traits when he felt your walls clamp around him impossibly tightly again. If he had to teach you a lesson, he was going to do it properly. You felt Alhaitham’s hand back on your clit, giving it rapid strokes in an up and down motion. You came on the spot. 
Alhaitham gripped your thigh tighter while exhaling as you fluttered around him like crazy. Your tight pussy felt so damn good he could paint your walls white in this instant with you. However, he wasn’t done with your punishment yet. He didn’t release all of his pent up frustration in its entirety. 
“P-please… no m-more…”
With all your remaining strength you managed to wiper your request, begging for rest, but your husband only ever so slightly reduced the speed of his pounding inside your needy little pussy and flickers on your abused clit. Tears fell from your eyes, it was just too much. 
The sight of his wife’s tearful flushed face made his cock throb inside of you. His hand that was still resting on your face the whole time moved up and wiped away your tears of pleasure. Seeing his love becoming so compliant with his cock buried deep inside to the hilt was definitely a favourite view of his. 
“You’re so beautiful like this, darling.” 
The pleading look in your eyes evoked pity, at least enough to make you cum again. This time, he stopped his motions and let your pussy milk him, filling you up. The sensation was so intense you felt your consciousness wavering. Eyes tightly shut, you clenched your wrists one last time. 
After a while, Alhaitham slowly pulled out and watched his cum leak from your used hole. Chests heaving, pants hot and heavy, the bedroom was filled with your passion. You opened your eyes, looking for your husband in a sinful haze. 
He got closer to you and tenderly kissed you. You returned the kiss, as your breath was much steadier. 
“It smelled good earlier, by the way.”
“Thanks, baby. We should eat it soon, although it’s probably cold now.” 
“I’ll heat it up and bring it here on a tray, so charge up.”
Alhaitham stood up as he finished speaking, not giving you time to answer. You tried to sit up but your body had lost all of its energy. A dozen minutes later, Alhaitham came back as promised. 
“Shouldn’t we shower before eating ?” 
A devilish grin appeared on your husband’s face, oh no. How cute of you. Alhaitham gave you a sweet kiss, before he spoke up. 
“Didn’t I tell you I’ll show you my worst ?”
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sturniolo04 · 1 month
Filming For The First Time C.S.
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Bf!Chris xGf!Fem!Reader
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
*It's very long, you have been warned*
You and Chris were considered one of the newer couples on the market, considering you guys only have been dating for a 4 months and chose to keep your relationship away from the public eye and social media. As you guys became more confident and comfortable in your relationship, you guys ultimately decided to address everything and answer questions on Chris' personal Youtube channel. which bring s you to now, sitting next to him in front of his filming vlog camera, dressed in a black denim skirt with a black long sleeve-cropped shirt.
"are you actually going to talk in the video then"
chris questions looking over at you, knowing you guys filmed this video before and you really didn't talk much.
you reply in your soft spoken voice, turning and gazing into his blue orbs
"because i know last video you were petty silent"
he usually states looking and admiring you sitting next to him in the matching gaming chair he has in his room specifically for you.
"i know i didnt talk at all"
you reply subtly rolling the chair back and forth out of nervousness.
"you just sat there"
chris chuckles out still maintaining his focus on you next to him.
"im sorry 'cause i got shy"
you giggle out softly looking down at your lap and then back up into your boyfriends eyes.
"hey whats up guys I'm Chris"
he exclaims formally begining the video.
"im Savannah"
you say as he points to you signaling for you to speak on cue.
"alright guys considering all the stuff and rumors on social media I figured me and the bird should film a video because we are dating"
chris states causually.
"the bird"
you whisper questioning him.
"so i asked you all to send me questions and you guys asked me a couple"
chris states.
you softly agree.
"great job putting in your input babe-"
he trails off as you giggle softly as he looks as you meeting your eyes as you continue to smile.
" you can quiet down if you want, I don't even know if we are going to be able to use any of that footage because you were just talking over me the whole time"
chris jokes proceeding to reach his hand over and pat your bare leg lovingly a couple times.
"okay so the first question that was asked was who made the first move um I mean-"
chris trails off as you point to him turning and smiling at the camera.
"i mean yeah it was me"
he trails off again as you turn you head towards him smiling starting to giggle.
"guys im going to be honest whenever I first saw Savannah on Instagram,I kind of just dmed her because I thought she was a hot Instagram girl and I was like 'ah I'll get her snapchat that'll be tough' "
he states simply as you place your hand on top of his placed on your leg.
"that sounds so bad"
you giggle out.
"yeah it was terrible actually-"
chris trails off as a silence falls over you two as he stare away from you and the camera to the other side of his room, as you continued to have a fixed blinking gaze on your boyfriend, as he licks his lips cutely and shifts his gaze down to where your guys hands are set, you following his gaze as he shifts his gaze up to you. You start giggling as he pats your bare leg again twice.
"alright guys this a has also been a common asked question of how long we actually have been dating, you guys have asked this question a lot, right?"
chris states looking over at you for a response.
you softly speak out.
"good job baby"
chris jokes seeing you only spoke a one-word reply as you giggle out again.
"there has been alot of dates put out and videos of us keeping it a secret but we started dating October 21st-"
he trails off quickly shifting his gaze to you again, placing his hand back on your leg and gripping it slightly.
"no im kidding its october 19th i was just making a joke to see what you would do"
he rushes out starting to laugh as your mouth drops open as you playfully roll your chair backwards.
"imagine if I forgot"
he playfully laughs out as you roll yourself back towards him.
"i was going to get so mad at you"
you reply back.
"thats pretty crazy right?"
he states
you simple reply out.
he exclaims dragging out the 'y,' letting a few seconds of silent fall over you two as he lifts his fist up and you proceeding to fist bump in the process.
"i think the next question we should probably answer because it has to do with the last question we answered is 'why did we keepit a secret for so long?' "
"Savannah why"
Chris asks jokingly shifting his eye contact to you once again.
"i didnt what to keep it a secret"
you softly squeak out. As chris stands up dramatically.
he exlaims playfully.
you giggle out as chris pushes your chair backwards as you grip onto his arms.
"savannah wanted to keep it a secret"
chris states continuing with the joke as you and him get situated back in your previous spots.
you exclaim giggling in between, dragging out the 'o'
Time skip
You guys made it halfway through answering questions as you chris had another moment of silence fall over your guys environment chris is quick to break it with randomly screaming and leaning over towards you which resulting in him leaning to far and falling dramatically out of his chair as you being letting out a series of giggles from your boyfriends actions.
"that was so dramatic"
you giggle out.
"i just broke the chair the bolt fell out"
he simply stated showing the camera the bolt that fell off of the chair. As you look to see where it fell off from. Impulsively Chris throws the bolt in the opposite directions slightly hitting the glass chandelier in his room as you both shift your gaze to the ceiling with your jaws dropped. You begin to giggle once again as he turns his head to start at you once again with the shocked expression painted on his face, as you tuck some loose strands of hair behind your ear on the right.
"this is already getting bad next question- so the next question we are going to answer is when did you guys fall for each other so I'm going to let Savannah answer this question first"
he states leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest smiling at your flushed state.
"you cant do this to me"
you giggle out flustered from him putting you on the spot.
“Um September-“
You shyly trail off slightly looking up at the ceiling.
“Cap august”
Chris replies quickly, looking directly at the camera
“ on the Let’s Trip tour-“
Chris ask open endedly as he stares at you with his arm, still folded over his chest.
“ yeah “
You quietly sigh out looking down at your lap Shyly
“-it was before the Let’s Trip tour wasn’t it”
Chris questions you still having his gaze fixated on you
You sigh out again remaining you’re stilled gaze on your lap
“July-I just made that up in my head”
You nervously rush out giggling pushing more strands of hair behind your ear on the right not being able to keep eye contact with your boyfriend seeing that you shifted your gaze to him
“ but it was like late July right”
Chris asks you as you nod your head
“ so guys Savannah fell for me late July because you know I put on the moves”
Chris braggingly states out as you roll your eyes playfully smacking him on the side of his face gently
“ so yeah I would say I also fell for Savannah on the let’s trip tour”
Chris states out as you maintain eye contact with his sitting figure next to you admiring him
“ but I think I fell for her, fell for her at the verses tour”
He finishes as he his gays to catch your eyes, admiring him
“ yeah that’s when I like actually -“
You trail off agreeing with him, making rolling movements with your hands, signifying the ongoing feeling you felt getting deeper into your romantic feelings for Chris
“ when you what-“
Chris trails off chuckling confused at the action you just demonstrated. As he continues to mimic and mock your previous actions. Which resulted in you smacking him on his cheek and placing your finger over his lips to tell him to be quiet
You whisper out giggling, basically telling him to stop shaking your head in the process.
Time skip
“ OK next question is there anything that Savannah does or Chris does that gets on your nerves?”
Chris asks reading the question off of his phone screen. You groan out already immediately thinking of a bunch of different things he does.
“ yes definitely “
Chris casually answers as you quickly turn your head to look at him confused and offended as he meets your gaze.
“ what do I do”
You huff out, asking him
“ she steps on my shoes all the time 24/7-“
Chris exclaims out looking directly at the camera as you sigh out with your jaw dropped at his response,
“ like mama get off my shoes, don’t step on them”
Chris finishes stating
“ he gets mad at me-“
Yousay interjecting him defending yourself
“ they are size 11 they’re huge”
Chris continues to defend himself holding up his black converse shoes he was wearing into the camera frame. You sigh out as you push his foot back down to the ground out of frame.
“ what else do you do”
Chris says moving onto the next thing as you lean your head on your shoulder.
Chris exclaims remembering the most important answer to the question.
“ let me tell you never drive with Savannah”
Chris exclaims. As you sit slowly trying to process what came out of his mouth
You exclaim, realizing what he said, popping the ‘t’ at the end, giggling
“ if you want someone that will literally tell you the wrong time to turn every single time you’re turning actually drive with Savannah. she’s like the opposite of Google maps. Two, we have never ever went anywhere together, where we haven’t missed at least one turn”
Chris explains to the camera.
“ And then we have like an extra 20 minutes of turning”
You reply out, agreeing with him.
“ that’s because my baby right here just loves to not tell me when to turn”
Chris follows up on the answer
“ I don’t think it’s-I think like I tell you 10 seconds in advance-“
You state softly trying to defend yourself still Trying not to giggle at your statement
“ all right next question”
Chris interjects seeing where this is going as you start giggling
“ all right guys for our last question they asked ‘who initiated the first kiss?’ “
Chris asks the last question reading it off of this phone as you point to him answering the question subtly
“ i’m pretty smooth like-I got good game”
Chris trails off in his response as you look at the camera and shake your head mouthing a ‘no’
“ shut the hell up you know I got good game “
Chris defends. As he shakes his head playfully looking at you
“ OK but you don’t need good game now”
You reply honestly
“ no I don’t but like I’m saying I had good game”
Chris agrees but still acknowledging that he did have good game as he intertwines your guises hands, still admiring you
“ you had “
You casually reply
“ but she was leaving and I was sitting on the bed and she said ‘ Chris I’m leaving’ and I was like ‘ oh, you are leaving’-“
Chris continues to explain how he initiated the first kiss as you stand up from your chair and stand in front of Chris as he holds both of your hands in the process
“ and then I was like ‘ oh OK bye’-“
Chris trails off again as he gently tugs on your hands to pull your body towards him to demonstrate how he pulled off your guys first kiss as you giggle at the simple action
“ and I kissed her and she was like ‘aw turn me down’ and then I was-“
He abruptly stops as cut his sentence, short
“ no I didn’t say that”
You cutely squeak out, dragging out the ‘t’. as you lean into him with him, wrapping his arms around your waist, hugging you from his sitting position in his chair. He chuckles at your cute reply and begins to wrap up the video.
@mintsturniolo @dirtylittleheart333 @wh0resstuff @spicymuffins03 @aaliyahsturn @stayingstromboli
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strangemaleswaps · 6 months
Strange Job Swap
“Oh it's beautiful!” exclaimed the customer waiting in line. I handed her a nicely decorated cake for her son's birthday.
“It's no big deal. Just doing my job.” I acted like it was no big deal, but really I was gladly accepting the praise!
“This is perfect though. Have you considered being an artist?” she replied with a slightly more serious look.
“Yes I have actually…but the job market is tough.”
“Aww you'll get there eventually! Don't give up! Well anyway, you made my day so for that, thank you!”
“You're welcome.” I was a bit sad though, because she was right; I SHOULD be an artist. I recently earned my bachelor's degree, but yet I was still stuck in this dumb hick town, working as a grocery store cake decorator. I may have been good at what I do but I wouldn't want to do it forever!
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At least my co-workers are pretty decent, especially my fellow bakery buddies, Chase, Amber, and Domingo. Amber was cool and didn't take anyone’s shit, which is why I loved seeing her because I didn't have much confidence when dealing with unruly customers. Domingo was very sweet, and even though he didn't speak very good English, he's hella good at his job. And Chase, well…he's hot! His bleach blond hair somehow always caught the light at a perfect angle. I don't know how I even kept my focus when he's working next to me.
At the end of my shift, I clocked out, and decided to buy a couple groceries like I normally did. I scanned everything at the self-checkout, put the receipt into one of my bags, and started walking towards the exit. The store had 2 exits on either side of the front, but I only took one because the other had a certain asshole at it - Richard.
The greeter position was removed a long time ago, but they bring it back for employees that have been injured or are too old, so that they can keep their jobs. Now this old guy named Richard had surgery a long time ago and became the greeter while he recovered. But yet he never went back to his old position.
He always stays at one specific entrance, and the reason I hated him so much was because he's racist. Part of his job has him checking customers’ receipts to make sure they didn't steal anything, which seems pretty unnecessary when you have those anti-theft machines at the exit. But I've seen him. The only people he checks the receipts for are minorities. It's not a subtle thing either; he’s super friendly, greeting and saying goodbye to all the white people passing but when it comes to someone who's not, his demeanor suddenly changes. 
My luck must've run out today, because I found the sliding glass doors at my usual exit were broken and currently being fixed. The area was blocked off by a barricade, and I knew there was only one other way to leave. I headed over to the other exit, and there Richard was, waving goodbye to a white mother and her toddler. He was wearing his typical gray uniform shirt that was clearly too small, because you could see his gut and nipples trying to poke through. Gross.
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I moved through the aisle, trying not to draw attention to myself, but it was all for nothing because right on cue, Richard walked up to me and gave a great big (and so obviously fake) smile.
“Hello sir, can I see your receipt please?”
“Richard, it's me, Marco. I work in the bakery. You've seen me a million times before.” His smile suddenly faded, and his eyes narrowed, as if every ounce of happiness in his body just vanished.
“That's no excuse. How do I know you aren't stealing?”
“Because I want to keep my job?”
“Don't backtalk to me. You seem awfully suspicious today.” He then reached for his walkie talkie and started to page a manager. I really was able to walk out with no repercussions because I truly didn't steal anything, but there's a chance he would page the Asset Protection lady, who was almost as awful.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” Nobody answered him. Thank god.
“Am I free to go now?” I said happily. The anger returned to his face.
“Just don't let me catch you stealing again. Or there'll be consequences!”
“Yeah…suuuure.” I walked out the door, into my car, and back home. I can't believe some people honestly. I was so sick of this town! I needed to move away real soon.
When I got home my dog, Kenny, was excited to greet me as usual so I let him outside to do his business while I got into my running clothes, prepping for a run. As I let Kenny back in, I went to check the mail and found a weird envelope in between the bills and spam. I opened it up and it was a letter addressed “to whom it may concern”. I threw it away without a second thought but Kenny suddenly ran up to the trash can, took it out, and placed it back in front of me.
“You really want me to read this, don't you boy?” I said cheerily as I patted him on the head.
“To whom it may concern,
Are you struggling with your current job? Unhappy with the life you have? Well I have just the cure for that! We are now selling happiness inducing coins for only $1 with free shipping! One flip of this coin will guarantee you will soon get a job you love! Get it fast before it all runs out! Just follow the link on the back of this letter if you are interested.” - VV
I wondered who or what VV was supposed to be, and $1 with free shipping sounds too good to be true, so this seemed like a scam. I also wasn't a superstitious person,  but for some reason my gut was telling me that this was a good idea. Kenny seemed to think so too as he was wagging his tail under the table and I read. I followed the link listed on the back of the page, typing in each random letter and number combination into my phone and ordered the lucky coin. I went to bed that night feeling a little more hopeful.
The next day at work was just like the previous day, only the door was fixed so I didn't have to walk out the exit Richard was standing at. We did make eye contact though, and he shot me a dirty look. I got home to find that the package had already arrived, which was awfully quick. I cut open the box and inside was a golden coin with a picture of a brain on it. The other side had a picture of a person with their arms spread wide. It was a really weird design. I read the instructions.
How to use:
Flip the coin
No matter what side it lands on, you'll be guaranteed happiness in your new job!
It sounded so lame, but I followed the instructions anyway. I flipped the coin the air, and slapped it on the back of my other hand. Tails. Nothing happened. I guess it was just $1 so it wasn't a huge waste of my time. It's pretty cool looking so maybe I could display it on my dresser or something.
I felt especially tired the rest of the night, but I was fine because I had a day off tomorrow. I was gonna go to the park with Kenny, as well as do a few errands. I was just glad I had time away from my job.
The next morning my alarm went off for some reason. I must've accidently set it by mistake. The weirder thing was Kenny wasn't there. Normally at the sound of my alarm, he comes running from wherever he was sleeping, and jumps on the bed to get me up. But there was nothing. When I started to truly wake up and become more alert, I realized that my alarm was set to the default or something. Instead of my usual calming piano, it was an annoying ringing. I opened my eyes to see what was happening. My vision was blurry, but I could tell I wasn't in my own room.
What happened? Did someone kidnap me? The alarm clock wasn't even on a phone, but rather it was an actual alarm clock. I had no idea what was going on, but I reached over to turn it off so I could think. I'm certain I must've been kidnapped somehow but why? And why would they set an alarm clock? I couldn't see but felt around the nightstand for a clue and found a pair of glasses. When I tried them on, just like that, my vision returned to normal. I had perfect vision before! Why did I suddenly need glasses? I reached up to scratch my head and found my hairline was incredibly receded. I was balding! I looked down with my now clear vision to find an even worse fact. I was chubby!
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I sat up and stared at the foreign gut and two large man tits, as well as numerous graying chest hairs. I ran my hands through the hair, pinching them to make sure they were real. I pinched the tits as well, and felt sensations I've never felt before as they wobbled when I let go. I ran my hands through my face and felt a mustache and double chin, and began feeling nauseous at the thought of what I actually looked like. I didn't see a mirror in the room so I walked out the door trying to find a bathroom. The fat jiggled all around as I ran.
I got to the bathroom and nearly puked on the spot when I saw who I was. Richard. Oh god no. Of all people, I had to look like this racist bastard? I stared at myself and grazed my hands along my face. Suddenly I felt angry and started pinching it instead, as if I was doing the same thing to the real Richard, but denial didn't help; that was my face and it hurt. I touched his mustache and pinched it, as if it would come off. 
Just then I heard the doorbell ring. I didn't want to interact with anybody looking like this but until I figured out how to fix it, I knew I had to pretend to be Richard. I answered the door to find the mailman.
“Howdy Rich! Woah uh.” He stared at my chest. I forgot I was still shirtless. Having this much fat hanging from my body was almost like answering the door naked. “I see you've lost some weight!” he said, obviously lying.
“Oh uh, thanks.” I replied, trying to imitate Richard’s voice, which was pretty easy considering I've mocked him before.
“Well anyway, not much today; just a letter.” He handed me a letter with a purple stamp on it.
“Well uh see you tomorrow!” The mailman went on his way and I closed the door. I opened the letter and found a note similar to the lucky coin advertisement.
To whom it may concern,
Good morning! I trust that your lucky coin worked well? Welcome to your new life! As promised, you now have a job that you love. Unhappy with the results? Just flip the coin once again, and make sure it lands on what it landed on before! If not, however, your fate is sealed. Best Wishes! - VV, Venefica Viola
Shit. They're not lying though. Richard did love his job. And since I was in his body, I now had that job! But who is this Venefica Viola? It sounded like Latin somehow. I walked back to the bedroom to find Richard’s phone. Luckily he didn't have any lock screen pin so I could easily get in. I searched for a translator, dodging the random pop up ads that were everywhere on his phone and looked up Venefica Viola.
Violet Witch. So magic is involved somehow. I needed to get my coin back so I could undo this! It must still be at my own house. Shit! I just realized why the alarm clock went off. Richard worked today! He had perfect attendance and never uses his PTO, so not going in was gonna look suspicious. I glanced at the clock and realized I only had 20 minutes. 
Even though I'd love to see Richard be humiliated by going to work in his underwear, I decided that it wasn't worth attracting attention so I looked through his clothes to put on a work uniform. I found a pair of boxers and accidently flashed myself when I completely forgot I didn't have my own dick either. It was all wrinkly, but honestly a lot bigger than I thought. No. I was not about to get horny over Richard's dick! I found what he normally wore to work and put the rest on. I found tucking the shirt was more difficult than usual, as I had to pull it over my belly.
I guess I could make this work…for now. I hated to admit it, but Richard wasn't all that bad looking. It was his personality and habits that made him so repulsive, but now that I was in control of him, he didn't look all that bad. Maybe I could even turn things around for now and do something nice for the people I know he hates. I grabbed the car keys on the nearby table, and drove to work.
I walked in the store, put Richard's nametag on, and clocked in. I nearly started walking to the bakery area but stopped myself. I guess I'm really going to have to be a greeter for a day. This feels humiliating. I made my way to the front entrance and just stood there, waiting for customers to enter or exit.
Soon enough customers began arriving and I tried my best to act like Richard, though one customer asked if I was all right because I guess I overdid it. I didn't ask any customers to show their receipts though, because I might as well take advantage of being a greeter. I noticed Domingo at the checkout and when he bagged up his groceries, he approached me first instead of the door. He hastily grabbed his receipt and started showing it to me. I wasn't about to let this happen.
“No no it's ok. You don't have to show me the receipt anymore.”
“No?” He looked shocked.
“Checking receipts is stupid anyway. I don't need to do it anymore.”
“Really? I can go?”
“Yep! Have a good day.” It was unnerving seeing him so scared at the sight of me, but he smiled like normally did as he put the receipt back in the bag and walked out.
As I moved towards the break room to take my break, I noticed someone who looked awfully familiar walk through the door. It was…me! I mean Richard. It must've been; if I was in his body, he must've been in mine. It became more obvious by the way he was walking, taking big steps as if he was used to having his gut swinging around…like mine was now. God I hated this. I had to talk to him to sort things out. He smirked as I approached.
“Oh it's you. I mean me. I mean,” he paused for a second and rounded his mouth into an even bigger smile, which looked uncanny with my face. “The old me.”
“What do you mean ‘the old you’”?
“Well seeing as I'm much younger now, while you're much older, I think the term is appropriate.”
“Well yeah, but not for long. I'm going to switch us back.”
“Oh no you're not! I may have preferred being white, but I’m enjoying youth again! Oh, and don't worry. I saw that coin thing and that letter this morning, and I made sure it would never see the light of day again. You got that…Richard?” 
He called me that in the same mocking tone that I always use to call him. I can't believe this!
“Y-you can't do this! I had a future!”
“That's my future now old man. You know maybe I could be a model with these looks. Maybe make one of those, what do you kids call it? OnlyFans?”
God no, I'm an artist, not a pornstar. He can't do this!
“The greeter is a real fun job, Richard. Enjoy it. You're hired!”
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novasintheroom · 22 days
Touch me gently (Vash x Reader)
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 3k
♡ Warnings - mentions of having future children at the end
♡ Description: A drabble of various touches between you and Vash the Stampede as your relationship grows.
Part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3 (separated into different chapters, as indicated in brackets)
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Hands (056. Turn)
Neither of you are very touchy people.
Vash because he has to be careful.
You because you’ve never liked it.
It suits you both fine; neither of you signed on to the job to be touchy.
The boss wants a survey of a nearby gulch and valley. Hopes to find some good land for investment – water or oil or to build some new town with his name. You, the cartographer for the job. Vash, one of your hired bodyguards. The other two men look the part – grizzled, tough. Mercs. Vash stands out with his frame, the bold red coat. Still a merc, but he looks at you kindly, and you take to him as only a nervous scholar can. Some kind of comfort, if only in your head.
You shake the bodyguards’ hands. Vash’s is warm and a little clammy. You turn and do your best to not stare at the old-tech arm at his side. How curious, still.
Arms (053. Emporium)
The town square is full of life.
The other two mercs have gone off elsewhere to find booze or girls or bullets. Vash weaves on ahead. Always light on his feet, careful to dodge stray hands and still looking at everything with a smile. He’s careful to keep you in the corner of his eye. He loves this. He loves people. He’s in his element – one of them, anyway.
You, little scholar, are not. The crowds push in on the emporium – marketeers hocking their wares and greedy eyes follow your steps. You keep one hand on your purse. All walks of life brush past, children running around, toma pulling carts and calling out. Something lets out a boom, and there’s cheering down the street. Colored smoke rises from a stall with a dizzying aroma. It’s overwhelming, it’s more than you’re used to.
“Vash!” You call out. He doesn’t hear you.
Quiet halls with old paper and ink. The shuffle of pages, someone reading their research under their breath. Old tech flickering to life with a hum. Echoed rooms and soft music playing. That’s where you belong. That’s your safe space. Your element is so far away in this press.
A group of women pass between you and Vash. You lose sight of him. It’s jarring, how used to that red you’ve become, looking at it for some sort of comfort. He’s further ahead now, looking at a stall selling old tech baubles. You reach for him, that beacon of red, catching the crook of his arm and weaving your own through before you can think, before you can lose him again. He stills and looks down at you. Your jaw sets, your cheeks flush with embarrassment. You glance up, and ask with a look, Is this okay? Please let it be okay.
And he thinks for a moment. His heart warms. Squeezing your arm with his own, he pulls you closer to his side as you both step back into the throng. Yeah, it’s okay.
Feet (033. Trampoline)
Five months into knowing Vash, and you’re at his heels more than you ever were at your mother’s. Mostly to keep him out of trouble, but still.
The backs of his heels meet the sky more times than any grown man’s should. Summersaulting through the air to escape bullets, grabbing hands, the loss of freedom. You dog at him the entire time, your own feet pounding, pounding, pounding to keep up.
Vash meets the edge of a building, and he cries out, arms pinwheeling to keep him up. You lunge, snagging his ankles as he pitches forward. His weight pulls you, and you both fall. Luckily – as Vash’s luck often goes, metronoming from one extreme to the other – you land on a market stall’s tarped ceiling, bouncing once, twice, a makeshift trampoline. Now both of your feet are reaching for the sky.
Vash’s breath comes in and out like bellows. Yours isn’t better. In the distance, you hear shouts, screams, cries from the mob trying to hunt down the Humanoid Typhoon. You know you need to move. The stall owner is peering up at you strangely from beneath his tarp.
Still, Vash finds the time to look over at you and say, “You shouldn’t have done this.” ‘This’ meaning follow him, of course. A tired argument at this point, like he can’t get enough of saying it.
And you, you know you shouldn’t have. You have no business following an outlaw like him. Scholars stay hidden in their nooks and crannies and don’t do things like jump from building-to-building chasing after that waving red flag. You should focus on being a librarian, hand out books to word-starved children, build the world into a better place. Be who you should be.
You look back at him, a moment of stillness settling in your bones. “And let you have all the fun?” You shake your head. “No.”
A spark of something in his eyes. Clarity? Realization? He won’t tell you to this day, but his lips quirk up, and he drags you off the tarp and down to the ground. You both race off, leaving the bewildered shop keep staring after your dwindling figures.
Stomach (001. Trust)
It’s been a long day. The winds howl at the mouth of the cave, spitting dust and bits of sand like an angry cat. You and Vash set up camp deep within.
Dark with only a small electric lantern at your side, it’s hard to see the ink in your book. You don’t want to sit up to look at it, though. You squint. Vash finishes laying out his sleeping bag at your feet. He’s already set up some line and sound trap measures at the cave’s opening. No one needs to keep watch tonight.
 “We should get you a new book in the next town,” Vash says idly, “that one has pages falling out of it.”
 An old topic of chatter. “That’s because it’s well-loved,” you hum.
“You’re going to love it to death.”
You smile and raise the book to look at him. He’s set up near your legs, getting his sleeping bag ready and as comfortable as it can get on a stone floor. “Trust me,” you laugh. “I’d rather have it go like that than –“
And suddenly, he scoots up and puts his head on your stomach. A little pillow to use instead of his coat. You’re shocked, finger holding your place in the book as you look his way. He peaks back, a shy glint of blue in the lamplight. Is this okay?
Please let it be okay.
His head bounces when you laugh. You return to your book and knock his head gently with your other hand. Yeah, it’s okay.
Shoulders (082. Warmth)
His broad shoulders are distracting.
Burning white and too-hot already, the morning suns accentuate the curve of his neck, the slope of his back, tapering to a slim waist. Vash curls into a yoga pose in the shade of the outcropping, stretching his muscles and limbering up his joints. He’s shed his coat for the moment. Even he feels the heat today.
You feel a different heat. One you’re trying to not freak out over.
Since when has he been that built?
Your mind scrambles to get ahold of itself. That’s your friend, you think, chiding the rampant girlish thoughts of Holy Hannah, he’s hot.
Of course he’s also hot. Of course! It’s not enough that he’s kind to a fault and genuinely funny. And cute. His face is very cute. You purse your lips and force yourself to stare down at your notebook. You almost gag when you notice you’ve been doodling his figure this entire time, rather than writing notes of your latest escapade from town.
What are you, a schoolgirl?
Guiltily, you look up and watch him stretch his arms to the sky, from one side to the next. His eyes are dull, thoughts turned inward. You trace his shoulders again. They aren’t perfectly rounded – more square, and there are things underneath that slightly bulge and catch on his shirt when he moves. You eye those parts, wondering what it is that makes those shapes.
What’s under there?
Blue eyes suddenly flick to you, and you’re caught red-handed staring. But Vash, ever forgiving, ever one to give someone the benefit of the doubt, gives you a sincere smile. “Why don’t you join me? It could help!”
A blush’s warmth crawls up your back. Help? With what? “Oh,” you say aloud, realizing he means your own limberness needs some work. “Well, sure,” comes out before you think about it, and you put your notebook on your bag, padding over to him on bare feet.
He smiles, dimples in his cheeks. “Do you know how to do the cobra pose?” He’s testing the waters, unsure of how much you know. Vash lays flat on his stomach and bends his body upward. You follow him, feeling your abs and shoulders stretching. “Breathe in…and out…”
And that’s how it goes for a while; Vash teaching you new and old yoga poses, and you trying not to ogle your friend. Not what you expected today – but when does living with Vash ever turn out the way you expected?
Lips (097. Sinking)
The first time, it’s an accident.
You’re both pressed into a crevice in a canyon, fleeing a large worm set on making you its meal. The rock digs into your spine, and Vash is squished to your front, trying to be the shield. The worm screams and screams and breaks against the crack. Pebbles and sand rain down from above.
Vash leans down and shouts, “I think - !! – should – “
“What?!” You scream back.
Vash lowers his head just as you stretch to hear better. Your lips touch, his moving with his message and yours open in terror. Even then, you note how chapped his lips are. “We need to climb!” He starts climbing the sheer rock wall that shakes with every shove of the worm. All you can do is follow.
The second time is a coincidence.
It’s a dance at a bar. One of the many you and Vash have been to. Line dancing, dancing with partners, dancing alone – all on the docket. It happens when he’s leading you down the clapping line, cheek to cheek. He’s singing with the song, leading you back and forth and getting the crowd laughing with how he spins and twirls you, then how you dip him like a lady. You nearly drop him. He screams like a girl. You both lurch toward the other and your lips collide.
The crowd roars in approval, even if it only lasted half a second. There’re pats on the back, winks from the ladies, before you’re shoved back in line and the incident is moved to the back of everyone’s mind in favor of more drink and dancing. Vash’s cheeks flush every time your eyes meet.
“Sorry about that,” he says later, when you’re both stumbling to your rooms and the noise downstairs has died down. His hand is to his neck. Bashful. “You know, the whole…” he gestures with his hand, moving it from his mouth to yours in the air.
“No, I, uh – no, it’s fine,” you stammer, feeling your own heat of embarrassment. But you laugh to ease the tension, “Hey, best kiss I’ve ever had!” Your jaw snaps shut, teeth rattling, and before you can say anything else, you flee into your room with a squeaky “Goodnight!” following the door slam.
Vash flushes, staring at your door. His heart thuds in his ribcage, quick and bright. He lets out a chuckling sigh and goes to his own room. The motions of changing to pajamas, brushing his teeth, and cleaning his face is a soft blur. When he’s finally lying in bed, a hoarse giggle escapes, hands fisting the blankets and turning his head into the pillow to hide his smile from the moonlight.
The third time is a damn shame.
You’re nestled in the crook of his arm, both of your legs hanging off a ledge as you sit on the side of a porched building. Your stomachs are full for once, merriment of your hosts tucked away in their house as you take a moment to yourselves. Another damsel in distress saved. Another day lived.
A content sigh slides out of you, and you rest further on his shoulder. You’ve borrowed a blanket from the lady of the house, wrapped around your shoulders to fight off the chill of night. The last of the suns sets. Everything is blue and quiet.
“You getting cold?” He murmurs, wrapping you closer to his side, opening his coat wider to allow you in.
You smile at his voice. “Nah, you’re a furnace. I dunno how you stand the heat.”
You’re close again. Too close. Always too close, Vash thinks, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. It brings your eyes to his, and there’s a sudden something between you.
He can’t ignore the look in your eyes. The love there. But he buries his own echo of it deep and wonders, why me? Why would you pick me?
Still, he leans forward.
Still, you do the same.
And just as your lips brush, just as he feels the warmth of your breath fan over him –
– someone opens the door of the house and calls out, “Vash, ______, get back in here before the little worms getcha!”
You two spring apart like you’re both on fire. Maybe you are. An “Oh!” falls from your host’s lips, and she hides inside in embarrassment.
A coiling, sinking feeling rests in Vash’s chest. He isn’t sure what to call it. It feels close to regret, maybe indignation? Embarrassment? It’s hard to look at you. His ears are burning. When he finally peaks over, he sees you do the same. You both look away quickly. “Uh, uhm,” he says, then clears his throat, “they’re probably starting the games. We should – “
“ – yeah, we should.” You nod, standing and twirling around to retreat. But, you stop, seeming to catch your cowardice and glance at him. Hesitantly, you offer your hand out.
Vash looks at your hand. How many times have you offered it to him now? Too many, he thinks. But you always do so willingly. He takes your hand and stands, following you back into the house, the feeling of your breath entwining with his still on his mind.
Damn shame indeed.
Nose (107. Sigh)
In the dim morning light, you feel his nose brush yours.
His nose is straight, somehow, despite all the times it’s been broken. You feel his enviously long lashes brush your cheeks. You try to keep still.
“Morning,” Vash whispers, and kisses your eyelids.
You still don’t move, feigning sleep.
“I know you’re awake,” he says, and his lashes flutter on your own now. “You’ve stopped snoring.”
“I don’t snore,” you say, groggy, and smile when he lets out a laugh.
You hum, scrunching your body up into a ball and burrowing closer to him. He lets you – he always lets you – and his hands run up and down your back, along your sides, under your thighs. The careful caresses of a sleepy lover.
The suns rise once more, blinking into existence one at a time. The motel’s dusty windows let in a fraction of their light, old and cracked. You reach out and trace his chest with calloused fingertips. Your eyes slowly close.
Times like this are rare. A comfy mattress to sleep on, a safe room to be in (with locks that actually work), and nothing but each other to keep company. It’s perfect. Delicate.
“Hey,” he says, leaning his head down and nudging his nose with yours. “I had a dream. We had this big farmhouse with lots of land, and you had your own library in it, and I was an actual Plant engineer, but just for the city near us.”
“Oh yeah?” You yawn, shaking your head to clear it of fuzz. “No more travelling for you?”
“Guess not.” He continues rubbing your back, eyes never leaving you. “I think my mind made up that all the Plants were doing well enough to not need me as much. We even had two dogs and a cat.”
Your lips quirk up. “Can’t have a farmhouse without those.” You yawn again into his chest.
He hums. “Nope. It was a big house. I got lost in it a few times, but then the kids helped me find my way out – “
“The kids?”
He sputters to a stop, and you’re suddenly much more awake, looking up at him through lashes. His eyes rove yours, wondering if he should keep going. “The kids,” he says quietly, “yeah. I…think there were three.”
Your lips thin for a moment, teeth worrying your bottom lip. “Whose…I mean were they…?”
“Ours?” His voice is just as quiet. His hand takes yours from his chest, holding it over his heart, and says, “Yeah, they were.” He licks his lips and a blush rises to his cheeks. “Two of them had your eyes.”
The information settles on you like a warm blanket, and you give him a sleepy smile. “That’s too bad. I’d prefer they have yours.”
He stares at you a moment. Then, Vash lets out a sigh of relief and pulls you closer. Kissing your temple, he says, “Nah, they need your pretty eyes.”
You’ll agree to disagree.
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octuscle · 11 months
Hey im really confused and need some help from suport.
So im a male actor/ model and things have been really tough in the industry lately with the strikes and all so i was over the moon when a clothing brand reached out to me. But the wierd thing is this brand does not really catter to ny estetic. I usualy get jobs from high end luxury brands, but this company is a street wear blue collar clothing brand. I went to a meeting and gave me a out fit of a thick t-shirt, carpenters jeans, a flannle shirt, work boots, and a jock strap. All of them a size or more to bog for me. They also gave me a dinged up old cell phone. Then then told me to get comferable in thecloths and show up to the abandand site the next morning at the crack of dawn for the shoot. Im feeling realky weird and hungeryer then i ever been in my life. Please help.
The bag with the clothes for the photo shoot is in the trunk of your VW Beetle overnight. Cute little car. It's already got a few years under its belt. But still drives well. And that's all you can afford at the moment. You also need the money from this job. Otherwise you'll have to part with this car too. That's why you're so excited about the job. You're not sleeping very well. And normally you would go for an hour's run after getting up. But today you're hungry after a restless night. A huge appetite. You make yourself a large portion of scrambled eggs and bacon. You didn't even know you had so many eggs in the house. Yeah, that was good. Now the day can begin. You put on a white button-down shirt, plain Calvin Klein jeans and white sneakers and walk to your car at 05:00 in the morning. Yes, the Mustang is a bit rusty. But it's a classic. It suits you. It makes you feel a bit like James Dean.
Shit, you've left your iPhone in the apartment. But there's still the old Cat phone in the bag with the clothes. You type in the address and turn on the speaker. Looking at your hands, you're annoyed that you haven't had a manicure. You have hands like a construction worker.
One disadvantage of your Mustang is that it consumes an incredible amount of gas. You have to refuel halfway to the photo shoot. And take a shit. Hehehe, if you eat a lot in the morning, you have to shit a lot. And you're hungry again. It's almost 07:00 already. So you fill up at the next service station and then eat a burger with a large portion of fries. Your white T-shirt has a few ketchup stains and slips out of your old 501 over your belly, but now you feel good again. Your cell phone says there are only 50 miles to go. A stone's throw for your mighty pickup. The only thing you need before you arrive on the set of the shoot are cigars. Fuck, you left yours at home too. Luckily, you pass a tobacconist's just before you leave for the abandoned industrial site. The photo shoot is scheduled for two days, so ten cigars should be enough.
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You are a star model in the workwear scene. You're actually a crane operator, but you can always use a little extra money. Besides, there's usually a lot to fuck on the set of the shoots. Photographers, marketing hipsters and the effeminate professional models love your huge cock. Your cigar is tiny in comparison.
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maleyanderecafe · 4 months
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Pretty Boy Panic (Visual Novel)
Created by: Bingzi
Genre: Horror/Otome
This game, as many, is still in it's demo state and it's actually created by the same person who made Pocket Lover. Currently, there is only one route available, which is Li, one of the MC's neighbors, thought there is a bit of another boy Tao, who is currently still in the development that's in the game. There are three ending so far and a guide. It's not too long of a game, but it does bring up yandere elements.
The story starts out with the Tan Xin waking up and being annoyed because of their neighbors who are being loud. They haven't slept well in a while because of them and the sounds range from lewd to suspiciously like murder. Tan Xin works in marketing with their friend/neighbor Kelly. Their boss (who just got a promotion) has been very tough on Tan Xin, making them pick up his extra work, much to their dismay. While going home, Tan Xin is extremely tired and has the option to kick one of the neighbor's doors in frustration and out comes Li, a surprisingly handsome neighbor. Tan Xin vents about how loud the neighbors are, and though most of it seems to be a different neighbor's fault, Li promises not only to talk about keeping the noise down but also buying the Tan Xin's food. After going to sleep, Tan Xin notes that it feels as if someone is watching them sleep. Tan Xin wakes up the next day to hang out with Li and while talking sees a beat up neighbor come out. It turns out he had quite a stern "talking" to by Li. Li and Tan Xin go to someplace sweet to buy food and the two talk about themselves- like Li's job and hobbies. After a while Tan Xin develops a crush on Li and sees him bringing boxes into his room. If you offer to help carry them, he snaps at Tan Xin before apologizing- as it seems there are some important computers in there. Tan Xin gets sleepier and sleepier as the days go by and even starts to lose things. One particular day, Kelly has to wake Tan Xin up before they oversleep and they head to work. Kelly asks Tan Xin to write James up for workplace harassment and the two go back. Li sees both of them coming back and asks the MC if they could start dating since they like each other. He says yes on the condition that Tan Xin stop talking to Kelly. The next day Kelly seems to have moved or gone on vacation (sure, that's what happened lol) and Li invites them into his house. There, Tan Xin notes a weird smell and while looking around, finds the dead body of Kelly. After finding out, Tan Xin finds out just how yandere Li is (stealing the MC's teeth and getting jealous). There's an option to tackle him, but either way the MC gets tased and taken into Li's home. There are a couple of other endings, one where Li breaks up (?) with Tan Xin because they don't have much in common and one where Tan Xin doesn't even confess and gets tased anyways.
If Tan Xin decides to not kick on the door, they will wake up the next day to find Tao as he gets slapped by another woman. As Tao cries, Tan Xin tries to comfort him and they start talking. Upon going to bed, Tan Xin ends up getting a call from James about the fact that they need some work done, promising to get them a good word so that they can get a promotion. The passing week is a big pain for Tan Xin, either having to work extra because of the project that James gives them, or are being forced to do extra work for refusing James. To take a break, Kelly brings Tan Xin to a bar, and ends up having to talk to one of her friends there, leaving Tan Xin alone. There, she interacts with the lady that slaps Tao, which can result in her letting it pass or flipping her off. Either way, Tan Xin ends up drinking a lot, leading to them talking to Kelly and Tao as he seems to be at the bar as well. There is a decision on whether or not Tao should bring Tan Xin home or if Kelly should, with the two compromising and both bringing them home. Tao ends up giving Tan Xin a piggy back ride and they end up sleeping at Tao's place, which slowly builds Tao and their relationship together. Later on though, Tan Xin learns that both Games and Kelly have died, with someone leaving their body parts all over the place. While going home, Tan Xin walks in on Tao and the lady from before hugging. Tan Xin runs off, devastated, but Tao runs after them, reassuring them and talking to them about how much they mean to him.
In the good ending, Tao and Tan Xin end up living together as a couple, but Tao ends up suggesting that the two of them move after learning about Kelly and Jame's death as he wants them to be safe from the serial killer.
In the normal (?) ending, Tan Xin notices a strange smell in Tao's place and looks around, only to find the lady amputated and dying. They try to help her, but Tao ends up knocking them out, only to wake up to having lost limbs just like the other lady.
In the bad ending, Tao ends up knocking Tan Xin out after the talk at the end and wakes up to Tao cutting off their arm. He mentions that now that they've lost an arm, they can be with him, unlike another girl that he seemed to be projecting onto them.
If Tan Xin goes back to their room and wakes up much later, they will end up meeting Hu, a college student that is working at tech, though he wishes to do something else. Hu apologizes for making noise and talks about his hobbies about pictures, and later offers to buy them lunch in response to them making noise. They end up going to eat at the same place that Li goes in his route and the two of them get a parfait. We find out that Li and Hu are actually brothers, catching the two talking to each other in the hallway. While at work, Tan Xin has to make James a coffee, which ends up with James eating glass and bleeding to death. Hu ends up following Tan Xin around, taking pictures of them while they sleep.
The two endings that are a bit similar are Hu and Tan Xin meeting under the cherry blossoms (after hiking for a bit, I believe), though in one ending if their affection is lower, Tan Xin will tell him that he doesn't want to have a relationship with him, while the other they simply just hike together.
In the bad ending, Tan Xin and Li talk for a bit, but Hu ends up catching them and kidnapping him. He ends up chaining them when they go out for classes, feeding them sweets to sustain them.
This game has a bit of spelling errors, but other than that it's a pretty good start. While I do think that I currently like Pocket Boyfriend a bit more since it has more elements of horror, I do think that Li himself has some good potential as a yandere. I think it's pretty neat seeing Li slowly cause Tan Xin to drift deeper and deeper into sleep as well as steal Tab Xin's molar (which is... a weird thing to steal and shrug off to be honest). We also see that he's pretty jealous, not only killing Kelly but also beating up our other neighbor for being too loud. It's very likely a lot of his "computer" hobbies are more of a cover up, considering how he reacts when Tan Xin asks to help carry boxes for him. It makes me wonder if he will get rid of James as well if Tan Xin asks him too considering that he is the source of a lot of the Tan Xin's problems. It's weird to me that there's a "bad ending" where Li doesn't see Tan Xin as someone datable and yet still tasers them in the end. It's actually comedic in a strange way, and it makes me wonder when Li started falling for Tan Xin in the first place.
Tao I feel like I have mixed feelings of as well, considering that he is a playboy but he also cries a lot. I generally am not as big of a fan of playboy characters in games, but I do really like crying. This is such a pain. In any case, Tao seems to be a projecting yandere, where he is trying to replace Tan Xin with another girl (as I remember), though we don't actually get to see who she is or what she even looks like. He also murders both James and Kelly, presumably for getting too close to the MC as well as the lady he was seeing at first. Still I don't really understand or know why he ended up meeting her again near the end since it's not really explained what they were doing together, which kind of put me off with his character. Still having a playboy type yandere is a pretty bold move regardless, so I think that it does deserve some props. Really wish we knew about his previous obsession though since I think it would really shine more into his backstory.
Hu despite being the youngest and most harmless of the yanderes actually probably has the worst ending out of all of them considering he basically kidnaps and keeps them in his studio. I do like the description on how Tan Xin struggles when they are captured by Hu though since you can really feel the hopelessness of it. I think it's also cool that Hu mimics a lot of things from Li's route since they both go to the same sweets shop and both stalk Tan Xin for a bit, though in different ways. It makes a lot more sense when you know that the two of them are brothers and that Li is actually helping Hu with getting along with Tan Xin. I think it adds a bit more of a layer to it considering that we kind of understand where Hu is getting a lot of his advice from. I think for that reason, I quite like Hu's route.
I played this first when it originally was just Li's route, so some of the opinions here might be a bit dated. I think that it's impressive they were able to finish a game with three different yandere love interests, since that's not a common thing nowadays, with all the demos. Still I think while it is great that it's a finished game with multiple routes, there could be some polishing done as well. I feel like since Li's was the first route made, he's actually one of the more weaker writing characters, where I feel like Hu is probably one of the better ones because he's more recent, so if the creator ever goes back to rewrite the other routes, I think that Li's route could probably be more expanded on. I also think that Tan Xin's name is kind of funny because it basically means like greedy in Chinese (assuming I'm using the right characters), which kind of is how you can view them considering they have like three yanderes after them. Kelly is the best character though, she stays by our side through thick and thin.
Overall, not bad for a full game, especially since it had a bit of development time. It's often rare to see a full game for yanderes now a days since currently most of them are currently in a demo state. I am curious to see if this creator will make anymore yandere games in the future that I'd like to cover.
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fallenmintleaf · 5 days
Can't get Murder Drones out of my head. Almost like some eldritch code has taken root inside my brain. It's probably fine.
Anyway, headcanons for what the murder trio were before Tessa got them:
J was almost certainly in some corporate position. I like to think she was involved in marketing, since she has all those buzzwords ingrained in her lexicon. Maybe they even had her working with graphic design with her art skills. I also imagine she kinda hates corporate structure. "Bootlicker J" jokes aside, I can't imagine even she would have fun as a (literal) corporate slave, and she definitely enjoys freely speaking her mind: not something that flies very well in corporate and marketing contexts. Maybe she got dumped during some convoluted office politics, maybe she was dumped due to random downsizing, who knows.
N's a bit trickier. We see a lot of dexterity and showmanship from him in the manor. He's quite flashy with the glassware at a few points. He also likes drawing, but is lacking in technical skill, especially compared to J. He's also quite personable and friendly, and also seems to truly admire J in some capacity. As a bonus, Cyn mimics a lot of N's mannerisms, and one of her defining traits is her acting, even specifically playing at "improv" while rebuilding J. Therefore, I think N was in theater/entertainment.
He wasn't necessarily an actor himself: still a robot slave after all. But he likely assisted with a lot of setup. Rehearsals, testing stunts, watching over pets/kids (whether those of actors or actors themselves), etc. He enjoys fancy costumes as well, and he's pretty genre aware. He's probably had his fair share of experience with horror movies/stories. Maybe he got dumped pissing off the wrong famous person, maybe some stunt went wrong and they didn't want to bother repairing him, maybe they just wanted the newest model.
V is tough to decide. She seems to enjoy fighting the most out of all of them, but none of them are really slouches in combat, so I don't think that says much about her past. We don't see much of her in the manor, but the impression she gives is a bit more shy and demure. We see her playing chess in the credits, but one hobby doesn't mean much on its own, especially since chess is a common game to put on computers: probably all of them have chess programs built-in.
With that little to go off of, and her tendency to both act out in outrageous ways and keep herself closed-off, I'm thinking she was probably a menial worker beforehand. Minimal freedom, in a position where she'd best keep her head down. Follow the rules closely in order to keep what little she has. "Do your job and I leave you and N alone" was probably a pretty good deal to V because it was as good or better than her previous work arrangements.
Could be a lot of jobs like that for a robo-slave. But let's have fun with it and extrapolate from her usage of "narc" and her apparent desensitization to violence: she was used by a criminal organization for clean-up duty, and got dumped after being confiscated by authorities.
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exhaslo · 9 months
Hi!! I hope you’re doing well! 💚
I was hoping a for a fluffy one shot of a reader who wants to cut their hair short and is second guessing themself and Miguel’s trying to convince them it’ll be ok bc it’s just hair right? If possible could the reader be gender neutral?
Thanks and have a good day/night!! 💚
Yea of course!!!! I actually just cut my hair short again recently (although the lady messed up and made it too short) but I got you. No worries!
Also, sorry this was so late. I'm trying to catch up on requests!!!
Warning: None, just fluff
New Year, New You.
At least, that was what you kept telling yourself for the past month. It had been a tough year and once the new year rolled in, you wanted to express your change. You wanted to give yourself the motivation to change and the way you were going to do that was to cut your hair short!
It had felt like hours since you stared at yourself in the mirror. Honestly, it was a good thing that it was a slow day at work. Your coworkers might kill you otherwise. Not like they could, you had the perfect guardian at work.
Your crush; your mentor; your friend; your tall, handsome coworker, Miguel O'Hara.
You worked at Alchemax as one of the marketing agents. Your job was mainly sitting at a desk and working on how to promote the company in a good light. Miguel was always checking up on you, wanting to help.
"I've passed by about...four times...and you've been engulfed in that mirror," Miguel said as he leaned over your little cubicle.
"Oh," You raised your head, staring at the tall man, "Sorry, I've been thinking."
"I want to cut my hair short, but I just..." You sighed heavily, "I can't decide if I should do it or not. I want the motivation to make some changes in my life...but..."
"But it's just hair?" Miguel muttered in confusion. You glanced up at him, huffing your cheeks out,
"But it's my hair. Whatever style I decide, I'll be stuck like that for months."
"What styles have you looked at?" Miguel asked as he pulled a chair beside you, "Cutting your hair that short?"
"Is it bad?"
"No, it's just different," Miguel said as he looked at your computer, "You'll look fine no matter what style you go with."
"Even if I shave it all off?" You asked, leaning back into your seat. Miguel turned you towards him,
"Even if you shave it all off."
Honestly, you had to hold the tears back. Miguel was far too good for you and honestly, one of your goals this year was to ask him out. Hopefully, cutting your hair short will give you the motivation you need to do so.
"Honestly, I wonder how you're still single." You said with a laugh as you scrolled through different hair styles again.
"Who knows."
It was finally the day. You had made the hair stylist appointment and arrived at your set time. Bonus, Miguel decided to join you for this momentous occasion. Something about being there more for your emotional support.
"Alright, how did you want your hair cut today?" The stylist asked while playing with your hair.
"Um, this short?" You asked hesitantly while showing him a picture. Miguel smiled towards you,
"Doing good," He whispered, picking up one of the maganizes.
"Alright, let's get this started. You have such lovely hair, but I can just see you rock this style!"
You couldn't help but smile as your heart raced a mile a minute. You took deep breathes as you watched your stylist start to cut your hair off. It was very nervous racking, but the deed was already starting. Little by little, your hair was being cut off.
"Wow, you look amazing!" Miguel said in awe as he approached from behind. The stylist chuckled, dusting off the little hairs,
"Oh my god. It's really gone," You whispered, touching your head, "It's all gone."
"I'll give you two a moment." The stylist said before taking off the cloak.
You were still in disbelief as you stared at yourself in the mirror. Your mouth agape as you touched your head. Miguel approached you, leaning over the seat you were in. A grin on his face as he grabbed your attention,
"Does this help with your motivation now?" He asked. You looked at him through the mirror,
"How bad would it be if I said no?"
"Haha, not bad at all. Take things one step at a time. At least you had the courage to do this. I could never." He said with a hum. You chuckled,
"Ah yes, Miguel the man with the fancy hair. Even the gods have blessed your natural looks." You said with a tease, getting up from your seat.
Miguel followed behind you as you went to pay. Before you even got your card out, Miguel took out some cash and paid for you. You tried to complain, but Miguel had already started to drag you out of the hair salon. He held your shoulders,
"It's fine. Why don't get go get some lunch to celebrate?"
This was it. You were going to do it. You had stared at yourself in the bathroom mirror of the restaurant, telling yourself to confess to Miguel. This was your time to shine. You had finally given yourself the courage to ask him!
Stepping out of the bathroom, you nearly gasped as Miguel paid for both his and your lunch. That man was one step ahead of you again, but not this time.
"Miguel, let's go for a quick walk. I want to ask you something." You asked, tugging on his arm slightly. Miguel just smiled towards you,
"Of course."
Feeling your heart in your throat, you walked beside Miguel to the nearby park. This was it. This was your chance. Right as you were about to ask, you nearly held your breathe as Miguel wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"What a nice day," He hummed. You just nodded,
"Yea...Great day for uh walking."
"Just walking?" Miguel chuckled, watching you grow more nervous, "Walking and walking."
"Yep. Walking." Man, was the sweat rolling down your neck, "Walking and asking...scary questions..."
"Like if...you like...walking like this with me?" You whispered, wondering what the hell you were even saying. Miguel raised a brow towards your statement,
"Are you asking if I can keep...walking with you?" He asked, his hand gently grazing your remaining hair, "New haircut give you the courage to ask while walking?"
"Oh my god. You are such a hot idiot. I'm an idiot too. I'm trying to ask you if you want to go out with me!" You whined. Miguel laughed towards you, sitting you down on a nearby bench,
"I wouldn't have gotten so close to you if I wasn't interested." He said with a grin, "So, are you okay with me walking with you and paying for your next haircut?"
"Gosh, I can't-" You just laughed and leaned back in the bench, "Yes. I will be happy to walk with you. But I can pay next time."
Miguel grabbed your hand, kissing the top of it before the two of you kept walking.
Perhaps getting this haircut was the best choice.
I hope you enjoyed!! Sorry for it being so short! And sorry again for this being so late!!!
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markrosewater · 7 months
Echoing what that other guy said, I have felt a rise in complexity recently. With so many new cards that not only make you read and remember what they do, but what the tokens they make do, then what the tokens that that token makes does, it really adds to the mental load. Some examples would be Ring Tempts You, daybound/nightbound, initiative, Venture into the dungeon, stickers, attractions, and many more.
For instance, had a vindicate, and was debating between killing Frodo, sauron’s bane and Nahar, selfless paladin, I would have to read a total of 6 cards. Each of the original creatures, plus the 3 dungeons and the Ring card. And this problem gets worse the more effects you add on, many of which don’t go away as the game continues. If someone introduces the initiative, I now have to worry about nahar exploring the underdark. This scaling complexity as the game continues now means there’s an insane amount layers of the game, which while fun, is also very daunting, and somewhat of a headache.
If nothing else, I’d really like if “reading the card explains the card” was true, not “reading the card, then the three different extra cards that it makes explains the card”
I do appreciate your listening, and generally a lot of the new stuff has been cool. However, this push for many “outside the game” mechanics is not great for paper play, and I would prefer less of it.
Here's the core problem. A huge part of Magic is that we keep making new cards. When we do that, the audience wants new mechanics. (Market research shows again and again that one of the biggest draws to new sets is new mechanics.) We're thirty years in. We've made a *lot* of mechanics, so we have to go to new spaces to make new things. It's not as if there's lots of simple, elegant, non-complex design space that we're actively choosing not to do.
What this means is if you want to play constructed formats that don't rotate, complexity will rise with time. There's literally no way around this. Every new card we create, every new mechanic we make, every set we put out adds complexity to the system.
So if you're finding the mental load too much, there are ways to play Magic where this isn't an issue. Limited formats and rotating constructed formats limit complexity. Or you can choose to build your decks such that you focus on less mechanics you have to track.
That said, I don't think there's a way for me to do my job (aka keep designing new things) that isn't going to raise complexity. We can look at how many things we add to any one set. Maybe slow down the rise in complexity a little. But can we do so in a way that the audience is getting what they want? I'm not sure.
One of the mechanics I get asked most to bring back is mutate, and that's confusing even without the rest of Magic, so there are many forces pulling in different directions.
I do like hearing the specific things that cause you all problems, because it's possible I can figure out the style of designs that cause people problems. But the idea that we just stop making mechanics that reference things not on the card is a tough one given where Magic design technology is currently at.
I do appreciate all the input, and I hope the dialogue helps me better understand what specific things are causing problems.
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