#it is awesome
shadrell · 6 months
Some silly sketches for my emotional support
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— My friend, you seem quite depressed today.
— Yes...
— Um, listen, Rakter, can I hug you?
— Why not?
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— But let me ask, why do you need this?
— Hugs reduce cortisol levels and increase the production of serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphin. In the light of damned nightmares it is very useful.
(Sorry for the crappy picture quality)
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b0y-artist · 1 year
I'd walk through hell for him.
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tarnussy · 11 months
EATING up Caelid with Godrick's axe. Gah dam.
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bingobongobonko · 8 months
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youve got a real funny way of thinking about things
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hard-of-death · 1 year
Absolute gem of the day whenever I run into another hoh person that have been signing way longer than I ve and they complement my signing <3
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lostcryptids · 2 years
it really is so funny what songs i didnt realize were themes for movies. like that one jackson five song is about the rat ben in the sequel to willard. how many people don't know that sweet song is about a rat that terrorizes and kills people
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caramelapplesauce · 2 years
me and my friends book swaps are so funny because he’s giving me sci-fi fantasy action shit and i’m giving him cute fluffy shit most likely with queer people who are in love and everyone can see it but them
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caffeine-high · 1 year
holy shit
today is the four year anniversary of my legal name change
live has gotten soo much better!
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spectraltenkai · 2 years
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October is here already oh no-! BOSS RUSH TIME!
Kid Icarus Uprising was the first game I know my brother and I shared, and man we replayed that chapter a lot just because Dark Pit is THAT cool. His theme is iconic, the banter is real, and it’s hard to believe the game is 10 years old already. Hot dam! 
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videogame-ocs · 1 year
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I started playing Fallen London recently and I’d thought I’d introduce my character/OC Clara Lewis! I’ve only just started so I don’t know much about the game but I thought I’d introduce her.
Some facts about Clara :
Her birthplace was London, but she grew up from the age of seven on the surface with her maternal grandparents and uncle Thomas in Leeds whilst her parents worked and lived in London. She’s still close with her parents and knows they’re just trying to do what’s best for her.
Her maternal grandfather was a magister and a Lord in Leeds. The family fell almost to destitution after the fall of London.
She is half English, half Scottish. Scottish on her fathers side, English on her mothers. Her father was a medical student when he met her mother, shortly after London fell.
Clara inherited her red hair from her father, and her mother’s green eyes. In fact she looks almost like an exact copy of her mother facially, just with less freckles. She is 5’6 in height an inch taller than her mother.
Clara’s real surname isn’t Lewis, she took that surname, her maternal grandmother’s maiden name, so that her brother’s killers wouldn’t make a connection.
She wants to be a detective although author is another option, her mother used to tell her stories when she was little before she was sent to the surface.
If I don’t get the subscription, I plan on her falling in love and marrying the jewel thief, which will be hilarious if she becomes a detective.
She suffers nightmares due to the stuff she’s seen in London.
Clara wanted to escape something from the surface, but she never mentions what. She was escaping from an arranged marriage her grandfather (as her guardian) was setting up to help financially. She took the first opportunity to go to London to escape that predicament. Her mysterious benefactor helped her.
Her ambition is Nemesis. Her older brother Albert whom she was very close with was murdered and she wants to find out the truth. She wants to find out who killed him.
Bertie was a twenty four year old student and has only just started university to become a professor when he was killed.
Clara was seven years old when Bertie was murdered. She remembers her parents trying everything to get the authorities to listen that it was murder, but nothing worked.
It was soon after that she was somehow smuggled up to the surface. After seeing the anguish her parents went through she swore to take justice into her own hands and find the truth.
Funnily enough most of what I just said is a lie, but it’s the lie she’s telling everyone, the truth is….complicated.
What happened to her brother is true.
However, she never ever was on the surface, the people who come after her from the surface, are not actually from the surface. They are….well, people who disagree with her parents.
Her parents didn’t even meet after London Fell, they met before!
She’s essentially lying to protect her family and only a few of her new friends in London know the truth.
Despite wanting revenge for her brother (or rather justice for her brother, revenge on authorities for not listening), she is not a horrible individual. She’s dangerous, sure, but she’s not vindictive or a monster, she’s actually got a reputation of being very kind. But she’s also dangerous.
She prides herself in her observation skills, she’s extremely watchful.
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kurocrow · 1 month
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for that Miku trend on twitter! lets go india 🔥🔥
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karlrincon · 9 months
Happy New Year 2024 from Korea.
Year of the 🐲🐉!
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maviyenot · 3 months
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savage-flirtation · 10 months
These two are amazing!
*sound up*
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surkeart · 1 year
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be free!!
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batri-jopa · 10 months
world_of_engineering_75 on Instagram
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