#it is very easy to trick a broken brain into functioning actually
titanfall-moddy · 11 months
Huge Update
Goal: Rework Northstar Prime Titan to sound and behave more like Mihaly and the XO25f from Ace Combat 7
1.Change offensive ability from Cluster Rocket to Multi-Target Rocket Core.
2. Create two new skins for NSP. Draw color palett inspo from XO25 Erusian fighters from AC7.
Skin 1 will be sleek and and clean. Mostly black with white and orange accents.
Skin 2 will be more weathered and beat up
3. Fix voiceline Mod
4. Change hud look to resemble AC7 hud. Main changes will include - changes to missile lock crosshairs - changes to taget acquisition crosshairs. Square = titan/vehicles. Octagon = pilot/grunt - change color scheme to green/red depending on situation - add elevation meter, maybe even double hover height, just for fun. kinda broken but whatever.
Lessons learned so far.
T1. Changing the offensive ability is actually really easy. all you have to do is go to /scripts/weapons/wpn_name and swap "shoulder" for "dumbfire" between the two files. While simple, bear in mind that the game will crash if player has not deselected both "Enhanced Payload" - Northstar "Multi-Target Rocket Core" - Monarch
from their Titan Kit. Having either ability selected will cause a crash on Titan spawn.
T2. Getting models into blender and editing them is simple enough through either the VPK tool or Legion+, however the real trick right now is getting them back into the game files in an edited/acceptable state. T3. I learned that nearly all audio for the voiceline mod (especially the viocelines) needs to be on Channel 2, otherwise called stereo. this mean that when you're looking at your audio file in whatever program you're using, there should be two audio waves right on top of each other that are identical. You must almost make sure that there is no meta data in the file, and that it's exported at 48K hz otherwise the game will not play the sound correctly.
Another note, it does not matter what you name the audio file so long as it goes into the proper folder, although giving it a similar name does help with organization.
T4. Changing the crosshair is probably the easiest thing to do in the game files. They're always in weapon .txt files and always at the very bottom. Also, there are plenty of lists online that have all the crosshair names so you don't even have to guess which ones are which or go sleuthing through the game files. I was able to change the mutli-lock crosshair to the smart-pistol reticle easy enough but struggled in getting the target- acquisition marker to show up even though it's coded into the multi-lock file. Weird, I know.
T1. Figure out whether or not it will be easier to add an entirely new titan via copy/pasting asssets and changing the names, or if I should change all existing assets for the game to XO25. In my brain the latter would be the easiest as there's some background stuff I won't have to change in order for the game to still function properly. However…
T2. My guess is that the easiest way to go about changing the skins is to edit the base model titan and then replace the existing model with my own. That way the edited version is the default skin in-game. However…
T3. I do not know why the mod isn't working anymore. Changing the vpk files shouldn't have affected it at all. I must figure out what's causing the issue. I've boiled it down to three guesses. 1. It's my computer, it just doesnt like or doesn't want to cooperate. 2. There's something actually wrong with the mod, i.e. it's not using the right dependency or something 3. somehow. palpatine returned.
T4. Changing crosshairs is very easy, thankfully. Getting crosshairs to behave is somehow another task entirely since I don't fully understand the games language/structure yet. For this, I need to get a hold of the Ace Combat game files and to be honest I haven't even begun to look into that yet. Hopefully it won't be too much of a hassle to import the assest into the game since they've both been out forever. I'd also like to take this time to stop myself before I add another task onto my already full plate. However…
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bonesbuckleup · 2 years
Feel like you can't figure out how to write a scene? Change the font.
No. Really. Step one. Change the font. Walk away for about five minutes. Reread what you have and try again.
Change the font.
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lilyundertaker · 3 years
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Pairing: Romeo Conbolt x reader
Genre: fluff, young love
Warnings: struck by lightening, emotional exhaustion
After the disbanding of the Phantom Lord Guild you decided to join Fairy Tail along with your elder sister;
It came to you as a surprise, since you were ranked as an S-class mage, just like your elder sister, but unlike Juvia, you struggled to control your own powers;
The fear of losing control would always result in some disaster for the Fairy Tail Guildhall, but luckily Master Makarov would never blame you for it;
Juvia was supportive of your situation, however, she spent her most days fawning over Grey Fullbuster;
When during one night you began to cry over your inability to control your powers, it caused such a heavy rain that a major part of Fiore got flooded;
It was after this incident that you caught the eye of young Romeo Conbolt;
His father had warned him beforehand to stay away from you, since he deemed you too unstable to be around (causing you to cry at a corner and flooding Fiore again);
As a way of helping you, Makarov decided to bring you to Tenrou Island in order to master your weather magic;
You were accompanied by Erza, Natsu, Lucy, Grey and Juvia (she couldn't bare to be parted from her darling Grey more so than you);
Surprisingly also Romeo volunteered to go, on the pretext of learning something himself (his father wasn't keen on the idea, but Makaroc allowed it);
On the island your main tutor was your sister, who also sometimes would cause heavy rain due to an emotional impact;
Juvia taught you to manipulate your emotions, make tricks on your own brain to convince yourself of feeling certain emotions, which would then fuel certain weather functions;
It wasn't an easy task at all and it was all made worse by the annoying boy hanging around you;
You would yell at him to leave you alone and not approach you at all, though you did it out of concern for his safety rather than actually disliking him;
Romeo felt heart broken on your outbursts, but despite your coldness towards him, he wouldn't stop sticking around you;
On one occasion you tried to manipulate you anger, causing a thunderstorm;
You nearly managed to manipulate lightening, however, Romeo approached you which caused you to lose control and strike him with a light bolt;
You were worried sick about your junior guild mate and watched over him for two full days while he was out of consciousness;
"Damn this magic! I'd rather never use it at all!" You vowed with tears in your eyes;
Right at that moment you felt someone squeezing your hand, realizing that it was Romeo who had just woken up;
"Don't say that please. You're a good person and never have the intention of hurting other people. It's rather the fear of hurting them which causes you to struggle with your powers, so let go." He assured, leaning upwards and giving you a hug - something you truly needed (and silently longed for);
From then on Romeo insisted on being around you during your training, stating that he would stay by her side until she stops fearing her magic;
The other guldmembers would join in as well, protecting themselves from your outburst, making it a reflex training for them as well;
It took you at least a week to lessen your control problems, but with time you got better at weather control;
Another problem arose, however - by manipulating your emotions, you were left very anxious and emotionally exhausted;
Romeo was the first to note the changes in you, so after every training session he would give you a hug and during nights he would cuddle you for your comfort;
Juvia showed great concer for you as well, knowing full well how magic usage would exhaust the mentality Juvia would show her away on how to shut the mind, but still be able to manipulate the emotions to unleash magic;
This way you were able to finally release your potential, which would continue to grow during your lifetime;
Upon the return to the Guild, many still parted the path when you walked inside, however it wasn't long when all guild members began to treat you as part of the family;
Even Macao gave you a public apology for mistreating you;
You would remain in the Guild hall at Makarov's side, helping him in whichever way you could, as he considered you to be too young for now to take on jobs;
Occasionally you would sneak away from the Guild hall with Romeo and cuddle at your and Juvia's apartment while your sister was away on a job;
Whenever you two were left alone together, the sun would shine it's brightest over Fiore, signifying your happiness.
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sirowsky · 3 years
The Bad Day - One Shot
For the person closest to my soul, my wife @lucrezia-thoughts
“Our stories remind us how precious and fragile life can be – and that we must risk our hearts every day to know happiness.” – Luanne Rice
“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow’.” – Mary Anne Radmacher Fluff Can be read as Gender Neutral Reader (gn!reader) Only warning I can think of is Language. Words: 1525
I hope this helps improve your day, my love.
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===================== So, you know those days when everything just goes wrong?
When you can’t walk over a threshold without stubbing your toe, or reach for a doorhandle without almost breaking your finger against it? When you knock the milk or juice-carton over, and think ‘phew, at least the cork was still on’ only to realise the damn carton broke? Every paper you touch tries to murder you, anything remotely heavy just fiddles itself out of your hands, and magically lands on your feet, and even your own brain tricks you by misjudging the distance between your shoulder and the fucking doorway, even though it damn well knows exactly how close is too close?
Yeah – that kinda day.
Those were the days that you wanted to lock yourself in your house and just not step outside, but… well, life… and all that.
When you finally reached your lunch-hour on this particular day of personal doom, you felt sure that every singly toe had to be broken, and there were bandages on three of your fingers already. You were only half-way through your day, and it had the potential to get so much worse before it was over. You contemplated just hiding in a broom-closet until the day was done, but with your current luck, that’d probably just end with you giving yourself a concussion against a shelf or something, in the dark.
You’d taken a seat on a bench outside, hoping that the sun might help your body and mind back into some resemblance of coordination, while you ate. But, of course, that turned out to be a mistake, when the lack of a table meant that you had to hold your plastic lunch box in your lap, which (on a day like this) naturally meant that the damn thing did not remain in your lap. You didn’t even register how it managed to end up bottoms up on the ground by your feet, after just one little bite, and you were so done with this fucking day, you didn’t even care. You just wanted to sit there and cry and feel sorry for yourself until the sun set and this disaster of a day finally ended.
But you were sitting on a bench in a mini-park right outside your office-building, where people were constantly coming and going, and the last thing you wanted was for your co-workers to see you all pathetic like that. You weren’t exactly popular to begin with…
“Here, take this.”
Someone held out a wrapped item to you, and when you looked up you almost choked on your own spit, because the guy handing it to you was Marcus fucking Pike, the guy you’d had a crush on ever since you started at the office. The sweetest guy in the whole damn world – who had no idea you even existed.
“I saw your little accident there, and I figured you could use a pick-me-up.”
“You have no idea… thank you so much.”
You took the offered food and quickly dug into it before a frickin bird snatched it, or something. You’d expected him to walk off, but instead he sat down right next to you, to eat his own wrap, and suddenly you were nervous. You’d wanted to talk to him so many times, even imagined whole scenarios in your mind about how to strike up a conversation with him, each one more ludicrous than the next… And now here he was, and you couldn’t think of a single thing to say.
“By the state of your hands, I’m assuming today is one of those days?”
“You get them too?”
“Everyone does, just in varying degrees of severity.”
“Oh, I don’t have degrees, mine are always the worst they can be.”
“Sorry to hear that.”
Always so sweet…
You finished the rest of your meal in silence, and when you were done, he held a hand out for your trash.
“I’ll take it to the bin over there, save you from another thing that can go wrong.”
He winked at you, and scurried over there, dumping the trash before coming right back, with a bit of a mischievous grin on his face. He didn’t sit back down, but held a hand out to you instead.
“Come on.”
“Let’s get out of here before anyone sees us.”
“You mean.. skip out on work? I can’t do that.”
“Sure you can, it’s easy. Just get up and walk away.”
He just smiled wider, keeping his hand held out for you, and in a moment of pure insanity, you took it, letting him pull you to your feet and walk off with you. He led you away from the office buildings and busy streets, all the way to a promenade deck along the waterfront that you hadn’t even known was there before. And he kept holding your hand. Maybe it was just to keep you from falling every time you stumbled, but the way he held it felt like more than that. Unless that was just wishful thinking on your part. Ugh, more than likely. You tried to distract yourself by talking.
“So, do you skip work often?”
“Never have before.”
“No way. You must’ve done…”
“But… then, why now?”
“Because you looked like you really needed it.”
That made you stop in your tracks, squeezing his hand a little harder and just staring at him in complete disbelief for a few seconds. He didn’t seem fazed at all.
“You bailed on work… for me? W-why would you do that?”
He bowed his head for a few beats, and when he looked up, he had a sheepish little grin on his lips, with that adorable dimple on full display.
“Because I like you. I always have, I just never… knew how to talk to you. You always turn away, keep to yourself, do the work and go home, not much chatter or frivolity. You just seem so… unavailable, I didn’t dare try in case you found it inappropriate.”
Holy hell… but he was too damn sweet.
“A.. are you serious, right now?”
You couldn’t believe this. A whole year you’d been working in the same office as this man, this adorable, kind, sassy, perfect fucking man, not realising that your own insecurity about talking to him was scaring him off.
“I always wanted to talk to you too, I just thought… or, rather convinced myself, that you didn’t even know who I was. I mean, why would you? Aside from being called to the same meetings occasionally, we rarely ever share the same space, and I don’t work directly on your cases.”
“Because you’re interesting. You don’t conform to the ‘normal’ office behaviour. You find ingenious little ways to break policies regarding your appearance, and your desk, so that you’ll feel comfortable in your own skin and space. And even though you mostly stay quiet, whenever you do speak, you’re always well informed and respectful, but also honest. You don’t let people walk all over you just because they think you’re an outsider.”
You had to actually tell yourself to breathe, because you were so shocked you just didn’t function properly right now.
“How do you know all that? When have you had time to notice me at all… I don’t… what am I missing here? I don’t understand any of this..”
He stepped closer. A lot closer, and you froze. He smelled wonderful, and up close like this, his eyes were mesmerising. Deep pools of chocolate beckoning for every ounce of your attention, which they eagerly got, while his free hand found your waist.
“You’re beautiful. That was the first thing I noticed about you. Not just your face, but your soul. Your person. And there’s a kind of grace to you, to the way you move and carry yourself, that I confess I may have spied a little on you in your office, in order to see better. It mostly only comes out when you think no one sees you. And I can see it even on days like these, when everything goes wrong for you.”
A warmth you’d never felt before, spread through your chest and abdomen, making you shiver in the most pleasant way imaginable, and he could see that too. His hand on your waist pulled you closer, while the other let go of your hand, so that he could wrap both arms around you.
“I’d really like to kiss you right now.”
Your knees damn near caved in on you, but this was too good for you to allow your body to screw it up, like it had the rest of the day. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, letting one hand find it’s way to the back of his neck, gently tugging him towards you.
“Please do.”
As his warm, soft lips brushed against yours you thought to yourself that perhaps bad days had a purpose, after all. Perhaps they were meant to make the good moments clearer, more distinguished. After all, what was one good moment next to a hundred others, compared to one good moment, among a hundred bad ones?
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spaceskam · 4 years
From A Whisper To A Scream (7/10)
Summary: Michael caves.
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: syringes, blood, etc
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Coach pulled Michael aside after debatably the worst game of his life.
“What’s going on with you?” he demanded. 
Michael stared at him, blinking slowly as he tried to reorient his mind. Ever since he discovered that Eff was really a Manes, that this “family business” they had was torturing aliens, he hadn’t been functioning very well. It’d only gotten worse after Alex called him out and Michael couldn’t tell him no, suddenly having to balance a very hush-hush relationship on top of everything else. He adored him, but fuck. Now he was just paranoid and tired. That was it. Everything else, every other feeling or brain wave, fell to the wayside because he didn’t have the energy. 
That meant playing a shitty game of football where he nearly broke his nose from tripping over the ball.
“I’m just… off day,” Michael said, avoiding eye contact as he took out his mouthguard. He then moved to start taking off his jersey and his shoulder pads. He usually wouldn’t do that while in the middle of the conversation with his Coach, but they felt ridiculously heavy and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could stay upright with them.
“Off month, more like it,” Coach said, eyeing him, “You know you’re my responsibility, right?”
“Yes, Coach.”
“Then tell me what’s going on,” he said. Michael stayed silent. He couldn’t tell him what was actually going on and he didn’t have the brainpower to come up with a good lie. “Is this about anything that happened with your whole… coming out process? You’d tell me if any of the guys were messing with you, wouldn’t you? And if it’s your dad that ain’t responding well, then I can have a talk with him too.”
Michael blinked at him and it took him a few seconds to realize he had tears in his eyes. It wasn’t even a heartfelt speech, it was just too much. Too much to know another person cared about him enough to say something, too much to know that his list of people who would be hurt by his stupidity was a bit longer. He was beginning to think that maybe he should just tell everyone he was an alien so they’d stop giving a shit about him.
“It’s fine, I’m just off. Distracted,” Michael said. Coach didn’t look satisfied.
“You got scouts out there,” he said, “So you better stop being distracted.”
And that sounded a lot more like Coach.
When Michael walked out to his truck, he found that it was already preoccupied. It wasn’t too uncommon for him to find a Manes in his passenger seat. This just happened to be the Manes he was dreading.
“I thought you were good,” Eff said as Michael carefully climbed into the driver’s seat. It felt like a trick, but maybe he could drive off a cliff and fix everything. Ah, but that was just wishful thinking.
“I am,” Michael said, “Usually.”
“Guess you should’ve thought about that before you tried to corrupt my baby brother,” Eff said. Michael stared out the window and made a point not to say anything about how Eff had been screwing him over before he realized he was with Alex. He seemed to momentarily forget that this had all started because Michael was born. That was it.
Michael stayed silent through the drive as he had been these days. For a while there, he’d sort of accepted his fate and was starting to be a bit more talkative. Hell, he’d even gotten to a point where he thought Eff might give a shit about his well being. Now he knew that was just wishful thinking. Every conversation they had that may have given the illusion that Eff didn't hate him was just a figment of his imagination.
“Is your dad gonna question where you are?” Eff asked. Is yours? Michael thought.
“No,” he said instead.
Eff huffed a laugh, “My dad would kick my ass if I showed up later than I said.” It almost felt childish at that point, like Eff was trying to get him in trouble with his dad. It was so stupid.
The longer Michael drove, the more he thought that perhaps he shouldn’t be driving. His eyes were heavy and each blink seemed harder to come out of. Still, he somehow made it to the shed without driving off the road. 
They entered the shed in silence and Michael sat on his chair-of-hell where all of his injections and electrocutions took place. Maybe whatever Eff had in store would wake him up.
“Here,” Eff said. Michael lulled his head to the side to look at him, seeing him holding out an energy drink that had already been opened.
“Did you poison it or something?” Michael asked. Eff laughed softly.
“No, just drink it,” he said. Michael hesitantly accepted it and took a sip, deciding that if it was poisoned he wouldn’t really care. Eff sat down across from him and stared at him for a moment. Somehow, it was infinitely less uncomfortable than all the times Michael looked over his shoulder in school and expected to see him there when he wasn’t. “Look, I hate even saying this, but credit where credit is due. I appreciate you ending shit with my brother. Alex is great, I get it, and it took balls to break up with him when I know he probably didn't make it easy."
Michael felt a bit frozen in his spot. That was an understatement. Such a massive understatement that Michael hadn't been able to pull it off at all.
"I don't like knowing that aliens have, like, feelings and shit," Eff continued, looking to the side as if this conversation was just that unbearable. And he had no idea how unbearable it was for Michael himself. "But I do know you care about him which I can respect. But that shit's not safe, not with you being what you are and not with my dad being who he is. You get that, don't you?"
"Why does it feel like you're being nice to me?" Michael asked. He was beginning to wonder if he really had no self-preservation skills at all. Eff rolled his eyes.
"You just picked the wrong guy. I wanted to keep Alex away from all this," Eff elaborated, "So pick someone else."
Somehow, as genuine as he sounded, it still felt like a low blow. Michael couldn't pick someone else. Even if he had broken up with Alex, even if he never liked him in the first place, he was still a personal experiment for Eff. Anyone who got close to him wasn't safe. So that was that.
"Yeah," Michael said.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, Michael sipping tiredly on his drink and Eff just watching him like he was trying to decide where to start. Who knew what kind of shit he had up his sleeve that he hadn't done yet.
Eff eventually stood up in silence and Michael's eyes followed him, watching him open up the small mini-fridge and pull out a vile of something. Dread pooled in Michael's stomach. He wasn't sure what Eff had dosed him with that time where it had him fucked up for a solid week, but he wasn't interested in a repeat.
"When's the last time you slept?" Eff asked. Michael shrugged because he didn't have a proper answer. He slept all the time, but he wasn't sure the 10-minute sleep session due to sheer exhaustion before he woke himself up in a panic actually counted as sleep. "Yeah, that's a problem. This is gonna help you sleep."
"Here?" Michael asked, eyes widening just a little. 
"Does it look like I have a place for you to sleep? Take it and I'll take you home, it should kick in by the time you get to bed and it'll knock you out for, like, eight hours," Eff said. Michael didn't have the energy to say no. Sleeping for eight hours straight sounded amazing.
He turned his head as Eff rolled up his sleeve and wiped the spot of his arm like he was actually concerned for him. He stuck him with a syringe and Michael could feel the moment it started to set in.
"I'm driving," Eff said as if that wasn't already obvious.
Michael tried to stand to his feet, but he felt woozy and held onto the chair to steady himself. Eff eventually stepped up to him and grabbed his arm, carrying the brunt of his weight.
"Jesus, what did my brother see in you?"
Eff got him into the passenger side of his truck and closed the door and Michael couldn't find it in himself to care that Eff was driving his truck. He was just tired. 
The drive home passed in a blur and Michael felt himself being pulled out of his truck before he could even register it. He leaned on Eff without thought and let himself be all but carried inside and placed in bed by the man who had made it his goal to torture him. He was covered up and his keys were placed on his desk and the doors were all locked back.
Michael fell into a dreamless sleep for the first time in a long time.
The next morning, Michael was left running over the night before in his head. 
Truly, none of it made sense. Eff wasn't just empathetic like he'd been on occasions when he realized Michael had feelings, he'd actually been kind. Was it his small payback for Michael ending things with Alex? Was it something else entirely? He probably wouldn't get an answer.
Michael stayed in bed for a while, letting his mind torture him with too many thoughts as he tried to analyze Eff's actions. It didn't work. And, in fact, the sleep didn't help him feel any better. It just made him alert enough to be back to panicking. There were so many things that could and would go bad. He was on borrowed time. Before he knew it, shit would hit the fan and he just wasn't excited for that.
Sanders kept quiet, just watching him and making sure he didn't become a disaster before his eyes. The day slid by at an agonizing pace. But it was fine.
He texted Alex a little bit--through an app instead of on his actual phone which had taken more than a little convincing than he wanted to admit, but he wasn't about to risk Eff finding out.
Alex: you ignoring me again?
Michael: no, how could I?
Alex: big talk coming from you
Michael: :(
Alex: when can I see you? I feel like I've earned at least a couple blowjobs
Alex: payback for being a dick to me
Michael: I'll do whatever you want. Maybe we can meet up somewhere tomorrow night?
Alex: my dad isn't going to be home until Tuesday just sneak in
Michael: idk if that's a good idea
Alex: okay.
Michael: don't be mad
Alex: not mad, all I said was okay
Michael: which is code for mad.
Alex: okay.
Michael: I'll see what I can do. I miss you
Alex: I miss you too
And it was fine. Alex got a little less upset and it was fine. Or it was until he got a text from Eff. All it said was: Rest. Tomorrow is a full-day affair. And that was enough to scare the shit out of him.
He didn't know what classified as a full-day affair to Eff, but it didn't matter. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. It was going to be a day of misery. How many more things could he get through and survive it?
As much as he tried to rest, it didn't work. Michael was nervous and dreading whatever was to come. By the time morning came around once again and that car was outside waiting for him, Michael hadn't slept.
"Are you ready?" Eff asked as he mindlessly climbed into the passenger seat. He took a deep breath.
"Michael. Michael, wake up."
There were very few times in Michael's life where he'd describe himself as overworked. Out of all of those times, he'd never drained himself to the point that he passed out. He supposed there was a first time for everything.
When his eyes slowly dragged open, he was more than a little surprised to see Eff over him and almost looking concerned. It almost had him laughing if he wasn't so disoriented.
"You can't fucking die on me yet," Eff said once he opened his eyes. Michael didn't move. His body felt weak and he was pretty sure his muscles had melted into the ground. He wanted to go home. 
"Sorry," he murmured.
"You've only been doing shit for a couple of hours, you've strained yourself more than this before. That sedative I gave you on Friday shouldn't still be in your system," Eff said. He grabbed Michael's arms and hauled him into a sitting position, but Michael couldn't hold his own weight up and Eff eventually let him lay back down. "What are you good for if you're just going to let yourself be this useless?"
Michael's eyes slid closed and he tried to think of anything except for this.
He expected more scolding, more yelling, possibly an injection of whatever sort of wild alien steroid he had today. Instead, Eff pressed the back of his hand against Michael’s forehead then to his cheeks. He might’ve opened his eyes to look at him like he’d lost it if he wasn’t so fucking exhausted.
“You’re overheated. Your nose bled a little, but not as much as I would’ve expected before you passed out, so I guess that’s a good thing. We’ll take a break,” Eff said, voice careful. He stood up and walked away, leaving Michael on the floor.
Sometimes, if Michael really thought about it, he wondered if Eff knew that he was basically making him stronger. Yes, draining him in the moment and making him feel weak and out of control, but Michael had never had someone push his limits before when it came to this. Maybe if Michael played nice, he’d be able to overpower him one day, hide the body, and get his normal life back. He could. It was an option.
It was an option. Huh. That was nice.
A hand grabbed the back of Michael’s neck, supporting him as he was dragged into a sitting position once again. That hand stayed there as a cup of water met his lips and he was all but forced to drink. He had a million questions running through his head, all tying back to wondering why the hell Eff was treating him nicely all of the sudden. Maybe he actually felt bad for once. Probably not.
“If you die, my brother will probably be more upset than he already is, so I’m gonna need you to drink,” Eff said dryly. Michael obeyed.
The rest of the day passed by in a blur. Eff let him rest for a short amount of time before dragging him outside again to push his limits again. A little electrotherapy here, a bit of pinpricks there, and he had Michael throwing shit with his telekinesis over three hundred pounds. Michael would’ve been proud if his body wasn’t aching and his brain wasn’t pointless.
When he finally got to go home and the day settled in, Michael was back to being a mess. Eff was being nice to him. Too nice. He was planning something, he had to be. Was he going to kidnap him anyway? Was this just the beginning of the end, trying to make him trust him?
Michael forgot all about meeting up with Alex until he found himself outside his window which would’ve been a lot less worrisome if he remembered anything in between leaving the shed and ending up there. Even when he tried to remember, he couldn’t. 
“I thought you said you didn’t want to come over,” Alex said, leaning against the windowsill and blocking Michael’s way in.
Truthfully, Michael had only been to Alex’s house a total of two times, both just to stop by so Alex could grab something and they didn’t stay long. Now knowing what kind of business his family was in, Michael was glad he hadn’t stayed. And yet, today, all he wanted was to be in Alex’s bed. He was going to get fucked over anyway.
“Can you just hold me for a while?” Michael asked. Any sort of antagonizing Alex had in mind went away and he nodded, moving out of the way. Michael climbed in and nearly fell twice in the process, not even able to laugh it off when he needed Alex’s help.
For the first time in what felt like weeks, Michael was pulled into Alex’s arms. His head was cradled against Alex’s shoulder, he was tugged down onto his bed, he was held and he was warm and he was safe. Safe enough. As safe as he would get.
They laid there for a long while, nothing but the sound of their breathing as Alex combed through his hair. Michael faded in and out of consciousness at the sensation, secretly hoping to just let his mind fade away forever into the feeling. That would be a good way to go.
But, then again, he couldn’t have anything nice.
“Michael,” Alex whispered, “When are you going to tell me what’s going on?”
Michael didn’t respond, but his grip on Alex tightened a little and that seemed to be all Alex needed to know there was, in fact, something going on. He readjusted himself a little and touched Michael’s cheek. It took a few seconds to successfully get him to meet his eyes.
“I’m not stupid. Something’s been going on, but I’ve stayed quiet. How much longer are you gonna leave me having to assume? Because my assumptions are getting wilder,” Alex said, trying to tease a little to lighten the mood. 
The issue was the truth was wild. How do you tell your boyfriend you’re actually an alien from the 1940s and you’re currently being used as an experiment by his big brother who he loves? Alex would laugh in his face or just leave him. Or maybe Eff was wrong and Alex did know and Alex would start experimenting on him too. He could take a lot, but he didn’t think he could take that.
Michael sniffled and focused on Alex’s collarbone, reaching out to touch it. He ran his fingers over it a few times and hoped Alex would just drop it.
“You don’t have to tell me,” Alex said softly, “But you know you can trust me, don’t you? I’m not going to hate you or be disgusted by you or anything. I might even be able to help?”
Michael’s throat began to tighten and he swallowed hard. He thought about Eff and his weird niceness and how he’d probably make him disappear soon, how Michael probably didn’t have much time left with Alex at all.  How did he get in the position where he once had all the time in the world to having none at all?
He dragged his hand up to touch Alex’s lips. They were as soft as always and his breath was warm against his fingertips. He couldn’t remember the last time he kissed him. Hell, he could barely remember the last time they’d been able to spend this much time together in person. Then again, this had been one of the longest weeks of his life. Longest few months. Or, just nothing before it felt real.
Michael moved up to give him a kiss, one that was hardly a kiss at all and seemed to only be reciprocated because of how long it’d been. Alex broke it seconds after it started, shaking his head.
“Michael,” he whispered, “You‒”
“I love you,” Michael said earnestly. 
Alex let out a shaky breath. It shouldn’t have been such a hard thing to say and he probably could’ve said it sooner. He knew most of the people he’d been friends with who said ‘I love you’ within the first month of dating someone‒the first week, even.
This just happened to be a bit more serious than that.
“I’m not saying that because of… I’m saying it because I mean it. Because I don’t know when or if I’ll get to tell you later. I want you to know just in case,” Michael said. Alex’s eyebrows only tugged together more and he scooted closer.
“Just in case? What do you mean? What’s going on?” Alex said, worry lacing his soft and sweet voice. God, he was so good. He couldn’t possibly know. He couldn’t possibly be in on the bullshit his family enacted.
“I should go.”
“What? No, stop,” Alex said, his knee wedging between Michael’s thighs to lock his leg around his at a weak attempt to keep in place. “What are you talking about?”
“Nothing,” Michael said, relaxing back into his bed. He was too tired to really try to leave even if he wanted to. And he really, really didn’t. 
“It’s obviously not nothing and you’re freaking me out,” Alex said, looking him over, “I was assuming it was something to do with your adoption or something and you were playing it straight for your social worker, but that’s obviously not it.”
Michael sighed and blinked slowly, tempted to just keep his eyes closed. When he opened them again, Alex was just staring at him.
“Next assumption was that you got into drugs. Have you? And if you have, let me help you,” Alex pressed, “Let me and your dad help you. You know he asked me what was wrong with you, right? Like, everyone’s noticed. So, just, like, stop talking like you’re never going to see me again. Let me fix it.”
Michael laughed dryly and turned his face into the pillow before he started crying where Alex could see. What was it with Alex and Sanders both being so eager to fix what they had no hand in? It didn’t make sense.
“Did you like accidentally fuck over a drug dealer or something and that’s why you’ve been staying away from me and distant and paranoid? Because we can go to the police and, and figure it out,” Alex continued, “You’re worrying me and I don’t like it.”
Michael took a few breaths until he could trust that his voice wasn’t going to embarrass him. “I’m not doing or dealing drugs and I haven’t pissed off any drug dealers.”
“Then what is it?”
“What happened to not pushing?” Michael murmured. Alex didn’t respond as he let his head hit the pillow.
They laid in silence for a bit longer, tension between them that wasn’t there before. Michael should just tell him. What was the worst that could happen? He was already living in the worst timeline, he might as well just say it.
But that was easier said than done. It was something he needed to talk to Isobel and Max about‒if he could even talk to Isobel and Max without anything bad happening. The idea of it made him feel like he was being choked. Everything made him feel like that recently.
Alex’s hand suddenly touched the back of his neck and Michael was brutally hit with the comparison to the feeling of his brother’s hand on his neck. Eff was rough and firm while Alex’s touch was soft and warm. He wouldn’t mind if that touch stayed there indefinitely. And it seemed to stay there for a while, simply working into his neck.
When Alex pulled his leg away from Michael’s, he almost broke the silence to say something to keep him there. But Alex was pulling Michael onto his stomach and climbing onto his back before he had the chance. His hands worked into the multitude of weeks worth of tension in his shoulders and his neck, carefully trying to make him pliant under his fingers. Michael wasn’t sure it’d work, but he wasn’t going to tell him no.
The longer that went on, however, the more Michael found himself feeling guilty. He was a shitty boyfriend. He tried to think of the last nice thing he’d done for Alex out of the sea of nice things Alex had done for him. Sure, Michael was going through his own shit, but he was letting Alex worry and pushing him away and then letting Alex take care of him after it all. This wasn’t what he had in mind when he thought about getting Alex for real. It was supposed to be Alex parading around in his letterman jacket, it was supposed to be racking up tardy slips because he was late after blowing Alex in his truck, it was supposed to be good. 
And Alex had stayed good. Michael was the one who was fucking him over.
“Alex,” Michael said softly. He hummed in question, pressing into a knot in between his shoulders that nearly had him crying all over again. “Alex, what would you say if I told you the truth?”
Alex paused for just a moment before getting back to it.
“I already told you.”
“Even if I say I’m an alien and there’s a guy who found out and is basically using me as a science experiment and I can’t do anything about it because he’s got military connections and I can’t go to the cops because, again, alien,” Michael said in one breath, half into the pillow. Alex stopped for a much longer moment this time.
“That’s not funny,” Alex said softly.
“I didn’t think it was.”
More silence, more breathing, more waiting. Michael was sure he was going to be thrown out of his house. It was the logical next step.
“Science experiment?” Alex asked slowly. Michael nodded. “Like, cuts you open?”
Michael huffed a laugh, “Not yet, thank god.” Alex didn’t laugh. “Usually sticking needles into pressure points that set off shit in me and electrocution. Sometimes injects me with, like, alien steroid type things.”
“Could be worse, though, ‘cause he hasn’t cut me open,” Michael said. Alex made a pained little noise and then laid on Michael’s back. It was distinctly different than being kicked out. “Aren’t you freaked out? I’m an alien.”
“I’ve had sex with you and I didn’t find a zipper,” Alex murmured into the back of his neck. Michael breathed a sigh of relief that mixed with a laugh. If more tears came, they met the pillow immediately. “Don’t worry, I’ll help.”
“Alex, you can’t‒”
“I can,” Alex said firmly, “Give me a few days to come up with something.”
Michael didn’t know what to say, so he said nothing. Later, he’d find a way to tell Alex that wasn’t an option. Currently, though, he’d stay right here.
Here, he was safe and warm and that’s all he cared about.
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watersofmyth · 4 years
if the seas catch fire
Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
by: watersofmyth
It’s a good thing he’s already an atheist, Bucky thinks as he presses his lips together to suppress the slightly hysterical laugh he can feel bubbling up in his chest, because this alone would be enough to turn him into a non-believer. Outside of the 70 some odd years he spent as a brainwashed assassin for Hydra (which he’s been trying very hard to pretend didn’t happen, even though his therapist tells him that facing the past is the only way to let go of it, but how many times did she have her memory wiped and her body shoved in a glorified freezer? None, thank you very much), this has got to be one of the top 10 worst moments in his life. Because of course, of course, he’s sporting his first erection since he fell off that goddamn train in 19-fucking-45. And his traitorous body couldn’t decide to get it up one night when he’s happily alone in his Wakandan hut. No, that would be too fucking easy. Better to wait for the awkwardest possible moment for his dick to remember how to work.
It’s not like he hadn’t tried before now. He was a little busy at first after his memories starting coming back, trying not to lose his fucking mind at the onslaught, and then trying not to get killed or arrested before he even had a chance to live with said semi-functional mind. But they woke him up from cryo a month ago, and he’s had plenty of time alone in his hut since then to try to get reacquainted with his dick.
No luck. He’s tried everything, every trick he knows and some new ones he found on the internet. Nothing’s worked. Eventually, he’d been forced to conclude that his dick had permanently shut down and honestly, given how many times he’d been frozen and defrosted, he’s surprised any part of his body is still functional.
He’s more or less accepted that any potential for a sex life is nonexistent and let’s be honest, people aren’t exactly lining up to fuck the guy who’s responsible for the deaths of countless people. It’s just, apparently his dick didn’t get that memo because he’s currently lying in bed next to Steve Rogers with a dick hard enough to poke out an eye, because his luck is shit and the universe hates him.
It’s the first time he’s seen Steve since they took him out of cryo. Bucky had called him right away when he woke up, but Steve had been on a mission, some undercover shit in the middle of nowhere, and it dragged on for longer than they thought it would. Steve had flown straight to Wakanda the second the mission ended, and had shown up at Bucky’s hut in the middle of the night, exhausted and bleary eyed but claiming that it had been a torturous month and he wasn’t going to wait a second longer to see Bucky. Bucky had laughed at that; told him he’d clearly gone soft in his old age, and tried to pretend his insides didn’t do funny things at Steve’s words coupled with the sight of him in his uniform.
Bucky had fed him (because he knew Steve well enough to suspect that he probably hadn’t eaten in way too long and super soldier or not, Steve always got crabby when he was hungry), sent him to shower, and then climbed into bed with him. He hadn’t thought twice about it - they used to share all the time when they were younger and why should either of them sleep on the couch when he had a perfectly good bed that easily fit the two of them? He’d turned out the lights and Steve had rolled onto his side, thrown an arm over Bucky, squeezed him and said softly, “I really missed you, Buck.”
And that was when Bucky’s dick decided it would be an excellent time to make an appearance.
After a few seconds of near hysteria, Bucky manages to gain enough control of his body to respond with a highly intelligent “Nghh.” He immediately feels his face flush but the embarrassment has no effect on his dick, which continues to strain against his pants.
Steve’s quiet for a moment, his arm still draped across Bucky’s chest and Bucky realizes with a start that Steve can probably feel how fast his heart’s beating right now. Can probably hear it too, goddamn super soldier ears. He forces himself not to squirm like a fucking teenager and tries to calm his breathing.
“Buck?” asks Steve, “are you okay? Did I say something? Oh shit, should I not -“ He snatches his arm back from Bucky’s chest. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think, did I-“
“Steve, it’s fine, I’m fine,” says Bucky quickly. “It’s not- you can touch me, I’m not- I’m fine.”
He’s not fine, but his panic is coming from mortification, not trauma, and he doesn’t want Steve to worry. (As if that’s possible, Steve is the biggest worrywart he’s met, with the exception of Mrs. Milton from their old apartment building in Brooklyn.)
“Okay,” Steve says cautiously, and Bucky rolls his eyes and grabs Steve’s arm, draping it back across his chest. Which he immediately regrets because Steve’s fingers graze his nipple and fucking hell, that is not helping the situation in his pants. His cock twitches at the feeling and Bucky feels his body shudder involuntarily.
“Bucky,” says Steve, “what’s going on? Why do you keep..twitching?”
This would be a good time to die, Bucky decided. He’s pushing 100, nobody needs to live that long. Take me now, he thinks, the hysteria back in full force. No lightning bolt comes to relieve him of the humiliation that is his life right now however, so he says to Steve, “I’m fine, really. It’s just, uh, it’s been a while and uh, don’t worry about it, it’ll go away.”
“The twitching?” Bucky can hear the confusion in Steve’s voice and he groans quietly which only seems to heighten Steve’s alarm. “Is something hurting? Can I help? What do you need?”
Bucky can feel Steve start to sit up next to him and he grabs his arm and says in a rush “it’s fine I’m hard don’t worry about it I’m so sorry fuck my life it’s not- it’s fine” and then bites his lip hard as his mind supplies, “can you fuck me, Steve?” because yeah, he remembers that he’s always had a crush on Steve for as long as he’s known him but he’s kept that a secret for a century and he’s not about to spill it now, not when he only just got him back.
He feels Steve freeze next to him and then lay back down slowly. Bucky hardly dares to breathe, his whole body burning with embarrassment.
“So that uh, works then,” says Steve awkwardly and Bucky hears himself snort because Jesus fucking Christ are they really having this conversation right now?
“This is actually the first time since..well, since 1945, I guess,” admits Bucky, who’s still hoping for that lightning bolt to show up and end what has to be the most uncomfortable conversation he’s experienced in decades. Possibly ever. “I thought it was, you know, broken, but surprise surprise.” He laughs wryly, covering his eyes with his hand and deciding that dignity is overrated anyway.
Steve is silent for a long moment and maybe there is a god after all because Bucky feels his dick start to soften and he’s trying to come up with something to say to change the topic when Steve says, “do you want me to- I could- I mean, do you want me to help?”
In an instant, Bucky’s hard again, his pulse skyrocketing. “Fuck,” he manages, “Steve, you don’t have to do that, I’m fine, really.”
Another long pause, Bucky feels his heart hammering in his chest because now all he can imagine is Steve’s hands on his cock and fucking hell, has he ever been this hard in his life?
And then Steve says, “what if I want to?” and Bucky is sure he’s entered an alternate reality because there’s no fucking way this is happening in real life. He turns to look at Steve, whose eyes he’d been studiously avoiding and finds him much closer to his face than he’d realized.
“Steve,” he whispers, and that’s all he gets out because then Steve’s lips are on his and his brain promptly explodes into what can only be described as fireworks. Steve’s lips are soft and perfect, gently pressing against Bucky’s and it takes a second before Bucky’s brain turns itself on again and he kisses Steve back, reaching his hand up to grab the back of Steve’s head and pull him closer. Steve gasps and the sound sends chills running through Bucky’s body.
He sucks at Steve’s bottom lip, and Steve opens his mouth for him, as one of his hands finds its way into Bucky’s hair. Steve tugs gently as he pushes his tongue into Bucky’s mouth and Bucky groans and arches up, his whole body tingling and desperate for more contact. Steve seems to take the hint and without breaking the kiss, suddenly straddles Bucky, one knee on either side of his thighs, hovering slightly above him as he continues to do wicked things with his tongue that repeatedly fry all of Bucky’s remaining brain cells.
Bucky’s not going to break goddamnit, Steve doesn’t need to treat him like he’s fragile. Growling slightly, he grabs Steve’s hip and yanks him down until he’s pressed against Bucky. The feeling of Steve’s hard cock against his own is almost too much for Bucky and he gasps against Steve’s mouth as his hips jerk up of their own volition. Steve starts to grind his hips against Bucky, who meets him thrust for thrust. Soon they’re panting into each other’s mouths as they move faster, Bucky gripping Steve’s ass and Steve pulling on Bucky’s hair.
All too soon, Bucky feels the orgasm building in his lower back, the feeling spreading through his insides as his moans become louder and his rutting more frantic. “Come for me, Buck,” whispers Steve, and Bucky comes, arching up off the bed as the orgasm hits him in waves, shuddering into his release. Steve holds him through it, still grinding against him and before Bucky even finishes coming down from his orgasm, Steve’s crying out and jerking against Bucky as he comes.
Through his post-orgasm haze, Bucky focuses on Steve’s face as he comes and decides that it’s quite possibly the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, his head tilted back, mouth open and a look of sheer ecstasy stealing over his features.
With a soft moan, Steve rolls off Bucky and collapses next to him on the bed, both of them panting. Bucky’s brain starts to catch up with him but before he can get a good panic going, Steve turns toward him, kisses him gently and says “I’ve wanted to do that since we were sixteen, Buck. I love you, always have.”
And Bucky thinks that maybe this isn’t in the top 10 worst moments of his life, after all. In fact, it might be one of the best.
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alukaforyou · 5 years
and ALSO sry to post bs on main im mostly just talking to myself in my personal tag half the time so yolo, no need to respond to this or reassure me or whatever but these days i licherally question how much of my - sry to sound like a broken record - bs is dépression or just my shité mentality, like i rly was not designed to last, huh? physically or mentally? lol. like who gets motion sickness on swings lmao anyways. i think i give up too easily. theres a bunch of reasons y but i dont feel like saying. its a different thing to kind of kno something, and to admit / speak it (confront it). i could psychoanalyze myself all day and tell u exactly why some things are the way they are but its too unpleasant to neatly state stuff like that u kno?? like... *i kno* but im not gonna say i kno. anywho, i digress. so i give up easily and kind of have a defeatist mentality too, its so exhausting lool. actually its weird cuz duality of man, i'll be rly determined / stubborn abt doing some stuff and not care abt fear of failure with certain things but when it comes to My Life / My Future i just think i cant rly do anything? i mean that literally like i got no skillz *laugh crying emoji* not particularly good at anything, and art - the only thing im maybe arguably ok at - i dont wanna do as a career, that is art therapy for me i dont feel like commercializing it. not interested in working in my major, maybe things wouldve been different if i went to culinary or cosmetology school?? that sounds fun. or if i majored in bio cuz i was so good at that, or even if i majored in japanese language or literature or idk. but no regrets tho cuz i learned a lot abt drawing in art school which i can use for myself. and hmm i like staying home and not rly going out of my way to meet new ppl so connections what? i h8 hearing how most opportunities come through the ppl u kno cuz its true and ik like 10 ppl tops so hm very sexi of me :^) i just feel like im p much f*cked and it rly doesnt help that i have no functional dreams, goals, or aspirations nor the confidence and drive to work towards anything so ah ok cool. u kno suga's songs "the last" and "so far away" ? that p much sums up my feels minus the part abt having to deal w fame obviously LOL. its so easy being a student (for me at least) but being a good student isnt really worth a whole lot in the """""real world""""" and the current education system doesnt even rly prepare u for reality or w.e like Deep Sigh also the political climate rly lookin like shité out there like hmmmmm do i even wanna try so hard to be here anymore tho??? also going back to the self confidence thing, ya idk her LOOOOL like it doesnt very much bother me tho? i really, honest to god have no idea what my redeeming qualities even are. being nice? and my mindset re - tolerance and compassion for others, etc, ya im rly proud of that actually but besides that i mean like what can i Do tho like hm im not particularly good at anything also im hideous like uglee but thats ok too like none of this Bothers me, thats just literally how i Am so ok fine, but i feel like it makes it hard for me to exist in the world i happen to be in??? and i realize im speaking with a huge bias here cuz my brain is totally out of whack im p sure if some1 saw me / read this they would lit be like um u literally do not have it hard girl, which is fair ur kinda right actually from an objective pov, probably? its amazing how um. hard? of a time my brain is having given my relatively ok circumstances but thats just how it is ig. and if i may quote shakespeare - o full of scorpions is my mind. and its weird cuz duality of man - i actually have a lot of good times w friends and whatever i have a lot of fun, im not even very Sad or in Agony its all very a mild? sensation? but that might be because my plan b is to simply *** so nothing rly fazes me anymore lool.
its usually a v confusing emotion, im either feeling happy, or if not that, very ???? im literally that duwang quote get a feeling so complicated its just "ajdjsjsja" idk its not overly repulsive and upsetting im like :s LOL u kno wat at this point idek what im even saying anymore but its good that im writing whatever cuz im gonna need to look back on this later and organize my thoughts for presentation cuz remember i have a s.o now???? i wanna let them kno so we r on the same page, and i dont feel like im tricking them, i thought it over more and there are like 4? major cards i wanna lay out on the table early on and they are 1. im not that close w my family emotionally so do not seek their approval or expect to deal with them much. 2. personal ideology / political views like im bi lmao and pro lgbt if that wasnt obvious also i dont rly wanna be around racists / terfs etc and if ur right wing or not on that respect women juice uhhh bye.. 3. my weak ass mentality how i might Maybe *** in the future like no promise but errrr theres one more but its a little more negotiable and also too early to discuss so i wont mention it but i already got the first two outta the way so ya. theres the most troublesome of all, #3. the last thing i wanna do is traumatize someone that loves me (and i love back) with that kinda thing, its too late for my dear friends whom i love, sorry i didnt kno i was gonna be like this LOL yall already got attached but its a little different with my s.o cuz i feel like its not too late to uh.... stop getting as attached LMAO like dam i've known my girls for almost 10 years whereas i've only known my s.o for like a month.
and this is totally not gonna come across right but if my s.o very understandably desides to dump me id be SO RELIEVED LIKE WOOOO ok cool cuz like essentially what i'd be saying is you are getting attached to someone who's future is not as stable as other people, including u. *huge exhale* from the bottom of my heart, my bad lol. and then i probs wont ever get involved w. a s.o again, sorry to reference snk in 2020 but remember how e*win smith is single cuz he doesnt kno when he will ***? big mood. i have never acted out on my interests before but i was like ok for once lets go off the shits and do smth ooc, i uh... didnt expect for it to actually go anywhere tho so now im like ???? i shouldve thought it through more tho, like i felt low key irresponsible af and selfish and dumb for getting involved w. someone even tho i Know how I Am like...... Also i just lov being single and staying home and chilling alone lmao like i seriously...... never get loney....
ok so what was i talking abt? how the passage of time makes me nervous cuz idk how i can manage to keep up w it??? how i feel like i cant do jack shit???? that life is hard???? and maybe a bih just wants to rest? permanently?????? i think the most irritating part of all for me, like what i am most mad about at myself is that i have no dream. yikes. naruto, do u think thats sad? well yoongi said its okay, and what counts is just being happy, so i will console myself and forgive her and idk just try my best for the time being??
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leostudyblr · 5 years
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studying sucks as someone with adhd/add
and that’s not talked about nearly enough! in general and in the studyblr community.
i’m making this “guide” (of sorts) to, at the very least, let adhd/add ppl who struggle in school know that they’re not alone!
(also, just for reference, for the rest of this post i will be referring to adhd and add people as just adhd, because that is the official diagnosis for both. just know that i’m not excluding y’all inattentive types!!)
btw: neurotypical/non adhd studyblr are allowed and 100% encouraged to reblog this post!
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distractions. my mortal enemy
writing this post is literally my distraction from writing my english essay. which is weird because i’m actually interested in the topic of my essay!
so why am i hyperfocusing on something completely unnecessary?
in short, because dopamine! that bastard.
long version is that people with adhd have unusually low levels of dopamine (the happy chemical, if you weren’t aware!) in their brain. this makes it extremely hard to stop doing something that is giving you dopamine and switch to something that won’t give you that sweet sweet dopamine.
in my case, it means that it’s hard to stop writing this post (which is about something i’m very passionate about, albeit hypocritical of me) and write my essay (which i’m also passionate about, but that includes writing an essay).
also, under this category i’d like to mention something that i found on the wikipedia page for hyperfocus that is just a great explanation of adhd!
“Some types of ADHD are a difficulty in directing one's attention (an executive function of the frontal lobe), not a lack of attention.”
thanks, wikipedia! what a nice helpful source. (note: wikipedia is a great resource that we all use, but that doesn’t mean you are bound to donate. don’t, if you don’t want to. they don’t have a fundraiser going on at the time of writing this, but.... still. don’t feel bad. other people will donate, and wikipedia will stay running.)
^ can you tell i’m adhd. geez. ok moving on
(another sidenote: apparently i lied. as soon as i went on another wikipedia page, they asked me to donate. damnit)
how do i... stop getting as distracted?
first off, understand that hyperfocus/lack of focus is part of your condition. you are not broken or “bad” for not being able to focus on what you need/want to.
try a pomodoro timer. this has literally saved me so much.
try a pomodoro... with friends! let them keep you accountable and working on what you need to.
have you been watching youtube for 3 hours and haven’t gotten out of bed that entire time? get up. get moving, walk to your kitchen and get a snack! some water, for god’s sake. take your snack time to think about what you need to work on and decide on one thing to do before you get another snack.
“but i can’t do just one task at a time! i’m better at multitasking!”
might i suggest fidget toys? i used to say that i was great at multitasking—no. no one is good at multitasking, it’s just not human nature to multitask. just trust me on this one, aight?
btw, sleep. not sleeping will only make it harder to focus on the things you have to do!!
if you take meds: take your frickin meds, dude. like seriously. take them.
if you don’t take meds and want to: talk to your doctor asap. tell them your concerns, and how adhd affects your life on a daily basis. and stimulant meds are not the only option!! be open to suggestions from your doctor, but if you feel like they don’t get what you’re going through: you gotta tell them again. give them more info, because what you tell them is literally the only way they’ll know something is wrong.
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getting. overwhelmed. a trap that’s too easy to fall into
lord knows i’ve been overwhelmed. i’m overwhelmed right now. maybe you’ve been sick, or there was a really hard assignment in this class or that, and you had an exam in three classes over a two day time period—i get it. and you felt like this was your year! you were doing so well! but now you have late work in multiple classes and you’re not sure what to actually... do for those assignments.
a lot of this overwhelmed business has to do with not knowing how to start. you have this pile of work to do, how are you supposed to do any of it when there’s just so much and you know you can’t possibly get it all done.
“try and do one thing,” people will say
“just start! it’ll be easier once you start,” people will continue saying
“but it’s too much,” you’ll argue
“you don’t have to do all of it,” they’ll argue back, and you’ll realise that they’re right but it’s so easy for them. for you it’s like pulling teeth to start writing that essay outline or to start working on those chemistry problems. it feels like there’s no point if you don’t finish it—if you can’t turn it in, what’s even the point?
hey. i feel you. ppl w/o executive dysfunction just don’t understand how your brain works differently. and that’s not your fault.
the main thing i can say is: talk to people who do understand. 
your friends that have seen you struggling in school forever? they get it. maybe they don’t understand exactly how you do things differently, but they see the grief you go through each year just to survive.
if you don’t talk to people about what’s going on in your life, you’re gonna explode. like actually.
so how do i stop from getting overwhelmed?
talk about your stress early on, before it’s “too late”
that said, it’s never too late. it is NEVER too late to get help.
you got friends who have the same classes as you? have you made friends in your classes? ask them for clarification on assignments, if it’s too scary to go to the teacher.
i know that for me, at least, it doesn’t even cross my mind to ask my teacher about these supposedly silly thing! but i’ve started trying to take into account that if it’s preventing me from knowing where to start something, it’s not silly. it’s something that i need to ask about.
if you can afford to do so, consider asking your doctor if they can refer you to a therapist. this comes from someone with zero experience in therapy (altho i really want to! it just hasn’t worked out that way yet.), so take it with a HEAVY grain of salt. i just know that from other’s experiences, it has helped them immensely.
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self esteem. what’s that?
with all this getting distracted and overwhelmed, it’s easy to confuse your adhd with yourself. yes, you have adhd, but it’s not all of you. and did you know that adhd people have enhanced creativity? you probably did, actually. isn’t it amazing that people with adhd have figured out how to persevere and live in a world not built for us!
now, i’d like to address some common self-esteem issues in adhd individuals and why it’s all your brain tricking you!
feeling down about our abilities.
this can mean not feeling good enough when you fail to do something that you previously thought you could do easily.
this is your brain trying to tell you that you can do better than this, but the signal is getting messed up somewhere along the way! when something doesn’t turn out as well as you want it to, you have to take that and push down the urge to beat yourself up about it and use that disappointment and turn it into self improvement!
comparing ourselves to neurotypical people.
“why can everyone else do it, and not me?”
because your brain isn’t built to work like that, silly! you need to think hard about why you can’t do it the same way as them—and find a way to accomplish the same goal but with a method that works for you.
it feels like we get more criticism than praise.
listen. maybe you are getting more criticism than praise—and that sucks! like absolutely, positively fuckin sucks. but more than likely:
that’s the rsd baby. your mind naturally takes criticism as a personal attack, AND it amplifies it in your mind! double whammy, if you will. this is why having someone to talk to who supports you is so important, so you can have an outside source telling you that you don’t deserve to feel like shit. because you don’t.
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thanks for getting through this post ☺
all bases of the art in this post come from this website of open source sketchy illustrations!!
i sincerely hope that this has been at all helpful. if you have anything to add onto this post i encourage you to do so! if you have any questions about anything in this post, feel free to hmu at my ask box !!!
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stigmaframe · 5 years
An Analysis on Sentients
cuz why not, they’re my favorite bad guy faction cuz they’re so alien and interesting. granted some of the shit we find out sorta demystifies them, but i still like em
so back in the very start, a given Archimedian, which i think is an Orokin term for scientist, named Perintol created a type of terraforming machine, its base form was a black star-shaped entity, no bigger than a hand. it looked rather simple, seamless, and matte. its insides looked gelatinous and glossy. its designed with the ability to change its physical properties on a level microscopic if not molecular. this would be useful because they were to be used to reach and Terraform Tau, the journey to which is described as perilous.
the Terraforming Machines would collectively travel the path, adapting and propogating environment around them as they go, with the specific purpose of not only making the Tau system habitable for the Orokin, or rather, the humans, but they would also build an interstellar rail with which the humans would travel to Tau.
based on the Mag Prime lore, we know that the Terraforming Machines at least finished the interstellar rail. and the Terraforming machines adapted to such an extent that they evolved...and they evolved to such an extent that they literally became sentient, self aware, thinking machines.
and whats especially remarkable is the fact that they are, in some odd form, alive. they went from being dynamic adaptive machines to thinking and living machines, quite comparable to the potential positive outcome of the Geth in Mass Effect 3.
the machinery that makes Sentients function is exactly the same as when they were simple Terraforming machines, the only difference is the forms they take. they are physically diverse and regulated by a unique life force. considering the terminology Hunhow uses, each distinct unit is considered a piece of a full Sentient body. but at the same time, that body is commanded as though the individual units are drones and thus require direction by a host or “regent” of sorts.
every Sentient unit is linked to a regent. and every regent is linked to a singular master regent, which im assuming is the Sentient Mother that Natah mentions. Hunhow is the regent to all that comprises his body, including Natah, who is a regent herself. because of this, he can invade her thoughts. however because of Natah’s own regent status, i dont think her mind can be overriden indirectly, specifically indirectly. then again, it could simply require a powerful regent to perform such a thing.
its not very easy to know all the things a Sentient can possibly do, but one thing they absolutely cannot do is adapt to the properties of the Void. Archimedian Perintol put in this flaw as a safety measure, because he knew that such an adaptive machine could evolve to intelligence, which is something that the Orokin forbade. so no matter how hard they try, the Void would always compromise their structures. but whats interesting about this is that not only is the void poison to Sentients, it also makes them sterile, incapable of further propogating. for beings that can travel the Cephalon Weave(which is the digital network of the Cephalons), this is a very odd flaw to have.
so at some point during their Sentient status, they learned that the Orokin were responsible for the bad state of the Origin System, whatever that be. and they concluded that the Orokin would bring ruin to the Tau System as well, the place that the Sentients call their home. it is unknown if a prior conflict transpired, but either way, the Sentients went to war with the Orokin. its likely that they attacked first. and seeing that they now have to fight, the Sentient regents reconfigured their bodies for war.
speaking of which, thats how Sentients carry out tasks. they reconfigure themselves to be fit for such tasks; a Battalyst cannot do the things a Conculyst can. and there might be constraints to what configurations regents can conjure up. for example, there is yet no evidence suggesting that Hunhow knows how to configure Mimics or Teralysts, not to mention the form of the dead tower-size regent outside the plains. this is not to say that he is incapable of learning.
so the Sentients are at war with the Orokin. they sent their regents through the rail into the Origin System to battle, this unfortunately rendered them sterile. but they continued to slaughter the human forces. then the scales tilted in the favor of the Orokin when they unleashed the Tenno.
as revealed in The Sacrifice, Ballas had been conspiring with Hunhow, who was likely leading the other regents in the war. Hunhow knew about the secret of the Tenno. so he forms a plan to use the Tenno to destroy the Orokin, and then the Tenno. he used one of his offspring, a Mimic specialist named Natah to infiltrate the Orokin ranks, likely with help from Ballas. she is reconfigured not only in form, but identity as well. she becomes the Lotus, guide to the Tenno. she was placed somewhere in Lua.
Hunhow allowed himself and his forces to be destroyed, to give the Orokin a false sense of victory, a sense that the threat was over. considering that he could neither recover nor replace the fragments he lost due to his sterility, this was a very hefty sacrifice, even for them. his remains were sealed in a tomb in the oceans of Uranus. however he only feigned death; his life force was never completely destroyed, and there was enough living mass left of him.
System are either all destroyed or driven out back to Tau. and humanity celebrates. but Lotus, still following her original directive, gets the Tenno to kill off the Orokin for good. she was supposed to then silence the Tenno as well, but i guess her Lotus identity compromised the identity of Natah, and she betrayed her race as a consequence.
so the Lotus recalls the Tenno faction while another regent drops down on Earth to decimate Orokin establishments, resulting in a conflict with Gara and the Unum, from the telling of this story, we the players learn that Sentients are weak to sunlight and radiation, and that kuva can make sterile Sentients fertile.
this regent attempts to consume the kuva of the Unum but Gara sacrifices herself to destroy the regent’s mind. all of its body falls upon the plains, the material properties of which being altered by the terraforming attributes of the pieces.
even though the regent is dead, his life force is still present within the pieces of his body. a given warframe was assigned to stand guard and make sure this life force doesnt arise again, but it overwhelmed the warframe and consumed it, turning it into Revenant. and with Revenant out of the picture, the life force was free to manifest, reanimating a broken Teralyst corpse and a bunch of supporting Vomvalysts. these are ghosts...zombies...shadows of what they once were, and are thus dubbed Eidolons.
one thing that ive noted about the Teralyst variants at least is that, while they are autonamous, they are not actually aware. unlike the Teralysts, the Vomvalysts actually can attack you directly with intent. none of the Teralyst’s attacks are direct, except for homing-based ones. its a brain-dead entity swiping at flies. its able to perform its given functions, but it’s not coordinated at all. it wanders with no specific destination, and it attacks no specific target. its missing its regent. it doesnt know that, but it does feel that something is missing. compare that to the Ropalolyst, who knows what its trying to kill, who knows that it exists to watch over the gas city.
i wonder though, is it possible for one regent to claim the remnants of another. could Hunhow perhaps link up with and become a host to the wandering Eidolons? it would be an interesting idea.
so time passes and the events of the game happen. being that as a Sentient, Hunhow can configure his body parts to whatever is necessary, he forges armor and a sword for the Stalker, not only granting him Sentient abilities but also allowing Hunhow to speak to him via the sword so they can do their tenno murdering together. its implied that Hunhow’s mind is housed in the sword itself, which is peculiar since the Stalker, with Hunhow, was in the void. but also, when the warframe broke the War, Hunhow disappeared for a time.
by Octavia’s Anthem, it’s revealed that he hid within the Cephalon Weave. i find this rather odd; if it is so that his mind was completely separate from his body, then that brings Sentient meta into question. if a regent can move his mind anywhere else, even if it contradicts proximity, then there’s something to the Sentients we just dont know yet, it implies that their links are metaphysical. Hunhow, while being directly in the Weave, used a cephalon to protect his fragments...who were in the friggin Void, the interdimensional hellspace of the story...he was even able to manipulate the Weave such that he made Datalysts. its known that Sentients can control technology, but this is overpowered as hell. the whole linking aspect is one thing, but they can link to Sentients IN THE VOID FROM WARFRAME CYBERSPACE.
we know Hunhow is purged from the Weave but we currently dont know if he’s alive or dead. but Natah, that’s a weird one. she was in Lua, which she had(as Lotus) moved to the Void. we dont know if her chamber had some sort of protective aspect that kept her alive, or if Lua simply had properties that didnt follow the rules. but either way Natah, as Lotus, remained unharmed for some reason.
but more than that, she is a Mimic-based regent. her particular form was such that it could imitate the likeness of humans. now whether or not this was on a molecular level is worthy of debate, but its clear that she had the spitting image of Margulis. that is extremely efficient. what if Natah had the power to assimilate Warframes and Tenno? that would be very scary. she tricked the Tenno, Ballas, and Alad already. what more is she capable of?
well i guess she is capable of turning organic matter into Sentient matter, as evidenced by Ballas’s current state. and not only that, the Sentient part of Ballas obeys Natah’s command, and so she uses Ballas as a watcher and seeing through his eyes. Natah also partnered with Alad V to create the hybrid Amalgams, a possible future for the Sentient race, one that is unburdened by the weakness to the Void. if it isnt clear already, Sentients are dangerous.
and to add to that, the master regent, the Mother that Natah mentions, is a living ship outpost that can consume debris and probably convert it into more Sentient mass. so the Mother is not only a ship, its a factory. one of the things it has built is the Ropalolist. and it was likely through Natah’s knowledge of the Tenno and warframes that it was configured to negate warframe abilities. thats insane. whats even more insane is that the Ropalolist that we fight is only a means for Natah to assess our threat level. there are probably worse things to look forward to in Tau, such as Teralysts that ARENT Eidolons.
so to summarize, Sentients are a mistake. its a shame that the only Sentient that was on our side is now against us. unless we can unite the factions or perhaps even get Man in the Wall to help us, we’re probably fucked when The New War drops.
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claraoswald81 · 6 years
Low Ranking: How to Fix and Avoid (An Expert Guide)
Even as we reach the fourth quarter of 2017, it's time in order to start thinking about the season ahead and what to anticipate from SEO in 2018. That's why SEOs are usually starting to aspect in the intention behind each search query plus optimize the content and consumer experience accordingly. As Bing's Duane Forrester said, all SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Ranking signals revolve around content material of some kind” highlighting the particular impact good content has upon your internet site. Coming up with clean and unique ideas day within day out is incredibly difficult, however necessary to keep your own site not only relevant plus engaging for the audience, yet optimized for search engines such as google. Soon after this article focused around a major on-page SEO factors that will impact the search ecosystem was published by Google, a debate about prominent Offpage SEO trends that can disrupt the world of SEO in 2018 sparked in the industry. Nonetheless, auditing your competitors SEO gives you new ideas on how you can grow your local business, improve its SEO, target new keywords, and beat your competition in the process of doing so. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION involves communicating aboutness” in the specific context to both individual users and technology. Here are Top five SEO trends and techniques with regard to 2018 to boost search motor ranking that you must maintain in mind. Google is definitely constantly rolling out updates in order to its search engine algorithm… plus while the basics of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION will never change, you have to make use of updated tactics to get your own website ranking higher in the particular search results. However, before we get to our main event, I must note that after our 2017 edition of SEO trends launched last year on Search Engine Journal, we heard a couple of complaints about just how long it was. Utilized by more than 3 mil websites, Yoast SEO is the particular only SEO plugin that a person will ever need to create your content appear on SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Mobile SEO, within my opinion, will dominate SEO styles in 2018. While the core SEO procedures won't change too much, the particular way we do keyword analysis and form our strategies can. Keywords would be the base of SEO. Then upon your post and pages the particular Yoast SEO plugin now offers a section to type within your meta keywords as noticed in the example below.
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A person can use this configuration in order to improve your mobile SEO concerning providing users best design intended for all devices. Many people try to consider their SEO strategies into their own own hands, but this may lead to a waste associated with time and resources. SEO Check - which will certainly test out your website plus give you tips for much better search engine optimization. If you need to find out more, check this infographic through Digital Marketing Philippines, which talks about the very best trends that will you should know if a person want to increase your SEO technique this 2018. Having a common sense approach in order to SEO, you can do your personal keyword research and do SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION yourself. Mainly because the niches are fairly wide, I'm fortunate to have the lot of keyword opportunities (as opposed to doing SEO with regard to a local business). Within this post, we've broken straight down the top SEO techniques to assist you skyrocket your rankings plus boost your variety of monthly guests. People always try out direct method but most associated with time these trick don't functions for SEO. A single of the biggest initiatives within SEO is creating quality articles. His expertise is within SEO, Paid Search & Content Marketing. Our goal with on-page SEO is to optimize a good article in a natural, yet smart way, so that research engines can easily choose the particular prospective keyword and bring the website targeted visitors. It may be helpful if you reveal some on-page SEO tips plus how to do a key word research. A number of non-SEO equipment still give you a great insight into keywords. The greatest SEO companies is going in order to do keyword research on your own company as well as your own industry to come up along with a list of terms which usually will yield the best outcomes for your website. Most likely, you heard about the phrase Google's Rank Brain, the latest synthetic intelligence & machine learning criteria that is considered as the particular supreme invention of SEO position till now. Portable SEO trends and strategies will certainly continue to morph and modify. While I understand all about the SEO things: SEO title, focus keywords and so on, my challenge is writing appealing headlines that contain all the particular focus keywords. Canonical: This connect to handles content syndication, which basically allows other blogs to post your work (similar to franchising) without hurting your website's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking—simply by adding a rel=canonical could get your brand and content material on the web in several outlets, ensuring a greater get to and bigger audience without harming your own search results. I am just curious - sometimes with your own chapter-based guides, you have most of them on a one page like this one, yet sometimes they're separate pages along with an overview page as the sort of intro + desk of contents, like the Key word Research for SEO Definitive Guideline. A much great number of social media events will highlight that your content material is well engaged with the particular users as well as this is likely to create the value for the users, for that reason SEO experts must leverage properly for the social media plus brand mentions as well. Still, the key word element of SEO is becoming more and more difficult with Google Adwords concealing volume data. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialists started to abuse Pr to be able to boost the rankings. This blog uses the particular tagline Learn SEO Straight through the Search Engines, ” plus it doesn't tackle easy topics. Learn Search Engine Optimisation From The Basics Find the very good Keywords On Web page & Off Site SEO! Here's the exactly where we try to find says of Active Campaign, with simply no link to, utilizing the SERP Tool from the LinkResearchTools SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION toolkit. While this particular holistic approach will eventually get rid of a lot of the problems created by some SEO professionals through the years, I believe that search engines' engineers can initially overestimate the precision associated with their AI, leading to Penguin-level collateral damage. One important aspect associated with taking care of SEO is usually identifying issues that are harming search engine rankings and decreasing the traffic you get through SERPs. You are able in order to put up a team yet it would take a great deal of time because you've got to create substantial research and training prior to you can incorporate it. This this case, hiring the providers of an SEO firm will be the best choice for a person. So in particular when someone is pasting links upon a spammy site, or probably a previous SEO went away and ran some script in order to place links and a few of forums, and you cannot clean that up for whichever reason, and you don't possess a manual action, but a person want to make sure this doesn't even get that much, then the disavow file is definitely a great method to simply like preemptively say well I am aware about these issues, I no longer wish to lose any rest over them, I'm just heading to disavow them and obtain them taken out of the particular equation. Mobile phone optimization for local users, together with the rise of tone of voice search, can provide an outstanding way to produce a prosperous SEO strategy in 2018 simply by facilitating the search experience via personalized and relevant answers. Since that action can indicate losing all search engine visitors, Web Strategy Plus always suggests sticking to SEO techniques that will fall within Google's guidelines. As the matter of fact, the strength of any website lies within the DA. Domain Authority is usually SEOmozs calculated metric for exactly how well a given domain is definitely likely to rank in research results. You should restrategize your method to local SEO to create sure you are picking upward on voice searcher intent intended for keyword groupings around your company or industry. Sometimes the best method to improve local SEO is usually to correct previous mistakes. In today's rapidly shifting planet, SEO techniques can change upon a dime—and the worst component is that you might not really even know it. Hacks that will could have won you the front-page result as recently because 2016 are not only outdated now, but they may also hurt your website's rankings. As shown above, when a user will say some thing like Tell me something regarding Semantic SEO? ”, Sir Jerr Link might be invoked. SEO webmasters must usually be looking forward in purchase to stay afloat amid the changing technological environment and Search engines algorithm updates that dramatically change organic search results. Given Google's recent formula updates, which are getting progressively smarter and more aware associated with low-level SEO tactics, there will be no truly no longer any kind of replacement for authoritative, interesting, plus unique content that generates natural virality. We might end up being living inside the age of artificial cleverness, where SEO marketers are constructing more personalized websites with the few tweaks to UX plus spending hours creating content with regard to RankBrain. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in 2018 is actually a technical, analytical and innovative process to improve the presence of a website in research engines. Search motor optimization or SEO is perhaps the most essential method in order to drive targeted traffic to your own website because it results within improved search engine placement.
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In 2018, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies will be more focused towards visualizing the information because it will provide an online method of users. With the particular explosion of mobile search, we will continue to see SEOs appear narrower than regions, counties or even even suburbs. According to the particular survey, 77% of our clients voted for user experience because the main SEO trend regarding 2018. Google has introduced (at least) a ‘percieved' risk to posting plenty of lower-quality pages upon your site to in a good effort to curb production associated with old-style SEO friendly content centered SEO 2019 Slide on manipulating early search motor algorithms. Since a person working on the particular fringes of SEO, not our daily focus, it's great in order to have this broad overview regarding getting at least the fundamentals right on my websites. With voice research becoming as popular as this is, featured snippets are having a huge part within the particular SEO game. We understand a lot about our customers but just a small amount associated with that information usually switches directly into an SEO strategy.
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Smart SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques always come down in order to great content with both customers and search engines in thoughts. Search motor rankings, above-the-fold calls to activity, prominently placed images, and innovative anchor text do not create the call with regards in order to your marketing success — individuals things of your users perform. All of the other factors of SEO, content creation, plus website design certainly play a part in influencing the visibility associated with your marketing material, but simply no amount of visibility will create someone follow you into your own sales funnel unless you are usually acknowledging, addressing, and meeting the particular needs of your users. With a good increased focus on user encounter, Google has challenged the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION community to pay for even more attention to the overall expertise of a web site and how the particular content interacts with users, instead than just the basic components that many optimize toward. While focusing on highlighted snippets, SEO focuses read even more about high volume keywords. Advances in both video plus image search will be essential SEO trends to know within 2018. Tools might furthermore get a boost and supply users with more information associated to search queries. Nearby SEO to help drive nearby organic traffic (if you possess a brick and mortar). So, businesses can obtain SEO trends and ranking elements will continue in this path throughout 2018 and beyond. By having a strong SEO, a website owner can get free organic traffic that otherwise she or he would have to pay for (e. g. via Google PPC Adwords). Enter your own competitor's URL into the SEMRush search bar and you'll become provided with a list associated with SEO keywords, along with their own rankings and traffic. We think in 2018 we'll discover an acceleration of SEO procedures being folded into the bigger marketing strategy. In order to assist you understand the essentials of search engine optimization ( SEO ), we'll cover internet sites, web design and online content material. Wise SEO activities improve your own rankings in the search motor results page (SERP). 1. Improve your Google My Business Entries (the top local SEO rank signal) to help improve nearby visibility and branding. Big Brand name campaigns are far, far various from small company SEO strategies that don't have any hyperlinks, to begin with, to provide you but one example. SEO has been misinterpreted by these Internet marketers due to the fact they assume that you will find much better ways to get visitors plus SEO takes a lot associated with time and effort which isn't very worth it. If you are usually after growth and targeted visitors then search engine traffic will be really a traffic source that will you seriously have to think about. These happenings of the particular past year will shape upward mobile SEO in 2018. SEOQuake: A plugin regarding your web browser, not Wp, SEOQuake allows users to rapidly and seamlessly assess SEO characteristics of any website without starting up extra programs. Earlier these people were always concerned about the particular SEO ranking factors, as these people keep on changing with the particular periodic algorithm updates rolled out there by the search engines. As Google as well as other search motors roll out updates, local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is becoming even more essential. You wager they actually. But, the backlinking attempts on most SEO companies away there leave an unnatural hyperlink pattern that Google can observe from a mile away. I have been making use of WordPress SEO by Yoast with regard to a long period and upon all of my blogs along with no single problem. Mainly because Backlinko is in the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION niche, I'll look for video clip keywords using searches like key phrase research tips”, building backlinks” plus SEO tutorial”. I've observed success with making videos recently and am looking forward in order to using your SEO tips in order to help my videos rank upon page 1. AI will shape fresh SEO trends in 2018. Some posts are usually definitely about SEO, such because this one: SEO Marketing Technique: Techniques for Success in 2018 This particular post begins with a declaration that few if any SEOs would dispute: Businesses should make use of 2018 to break the poor habit of viewing facets associated with an SEO marketing strategy since a one-time exercise. Because they look points up on visual search equipment, such as Google Images plus Pinterest, it's important to improve SEO on all image plus video content. We have some great ranks, but we are always searching to improve and see exactly what the future holds for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Fairly recently, I've observed a resurgence of on-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION factors making a difference within search engine rankings. Don't forget to incorporate the particular basics of SEO, featured thoughts, rich content (like videos), hyperlink earning, and UX in your own strategy. Based on how relevant these keywords are for your business, you can start shortlisting them for your own SEO optimisation process. I actually have a guide for Wp local SEO in my routing menu but most everything will be the same even for non-WordPress sites. This particular could create friction and the particular impression that many well-designed web sites are very poorly optimized intended for SEO. Unfortunately, 95% of hyperlinks from SEO link building never ever bring a single new customer aimed at your website. A report published by Essential Journal of Advanced Research Base states that India is fixed to see the incredible development of digital marketing industry mainly because of growing acceptance of web commerce and online businesses; and, We expect the same for the particular career of content writers or even SEO copy writers. Gaining higher ranks within the search results to make leads and thus generate on the internet revenue from organic marketing methods is how you rock the particular SEO domain. Despite the ancient usage, Backlinks are nevertheless the most powerful facet associated with the latest SEO trends plus techniques. I discussed this idea within my last post here upon Moz — Get up, SEOs -- the NEW New Google is definitely Here — so I will not repeat myself, but I perform suggest you decide to proceed read it (again). Also, with just how SEO works today, just spamming keywords isn't going to assist you at all. All SEO specialists will give more emphasis in order to content marketing and social press in 2018. Your blog site post is about SEO suggestions. All of us reach out to the Holding chamber and various other local websites to promote the events, which usually is great for our SEO. With Ahrefs, an excellent starting stage for keyword research for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is the Keywords Explorer device. SEMrushย โ€ A very extensive SEO tool that, among other features, provides a detailed look into your domainโ€s backlinks letting you discover and remove potentially dangerous backlinks. My first tag is usually my exact target keyword (Example: Google SEO”). With an increased concentrate on user experience, Google offers challenged the SEO community in order to pay more focus on the particular overall experience of a web site and how the information interacts with users, rather than just the basic elements that many optimize toward. SEO helps keep your business at the best of the search results intended for a long time to arrive, so who knows how numerous more visitors you'll attract. A lot of marketers chose to drive their own modern marketing engine with the particular fuel of Video SEO within 2015.
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John talks regarding the key reason why internet marketers and business owners should make use of LinkedIn, and how they may use it to enhance their particular website's SEO, and increase lookup ranking. 2017 is coming to an end, and it's that time of the year where we start exploring the main element SEO trends for 2018. With the presence associated with an improved algorithm, it is usually now undoubtedly vital to make use of whitened hat SEO techniques for efficient Link building. One particular of the biggest mistakes all of us see businesses make with nearby or organic SEO is simply diving in at a technical level without understanding what their particular strengths or weaknesses are. So, Digital Marketing Professionals, it's time to enable your own content and promotions for tone of voice searches to make it worth intended for SEO 2018. The outcomes are not instant, you can use the time on attempting other Internet marketing techniques whilst SEO would go to function. Before getting in touch along with any of the SEO Organization find out the company keeps the below mentioned points or even not as on- page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION helps to create better hyperlink and social media content advertising helps your company to contact the height of success.
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I know there's the entire idea of search experience optimization” and ensuring you are enhancing for platforms beyond search yet when it comes down in order to it, SEO is about becoming found in search engines. With the addition of Google's new lengthier meta description snippets, featured thoughts, knowledge panels, local packs plus much more, you've got your own SEO hands full! SEO specialists have to look for new tricks and techniques to promote a website since Google algorithms take into accounts not only keywords, but also context, and a lot more. The particular biggest SEO trend in 2018 is voice search queries. There is the blur line between mobile SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and desktop search engine advertising. One of the particular trends I expect to observe in 2018, which will have got a significant impact on just about all aspects of SEO, could be the growing role of artificial intelligence. SEO is an Online advertising strategy that improves the visitors on your webpage or web site. Meaning by 2018, SEO based promotion strategy ought to concentrate on having long-verse content material for best ranking results.
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lanceprance-blog · 6 years
Do You Recognize the 12 Warning Signs of Low Ranking?
With professional fascination and the assistance of skilled SEO specialists, your business may leverage SEO trends to arrive out at the top in 2018 plus beyond. Analyze your website's overall position, including SEO, usability, performance, plus backlinks. Algorithm adjustments in 2018 seem to center on reducing the effectiveness associated with old-school SEO techniques, with the May 2015 Google ‘Quality' algorithm revise bruisingly familiar. From an natural search perspective, we feel Youtube . com, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn in most cases remain the particular social media sites that provide the most important SEO worth or for you to drive organic visitors to brand sites in 2018. Since millions of people decide to use their own digital devices, the opportunities with regard to SEO and content marketing will certainly continue to increase. In other words, focus upon the things you can manage, like on-page SEO, content high quality, website design, social media marketing footprint, plus overall user experience. Because it takes a great deal of effort and time to find the best techniques, I have got integrated those must use on-page SEO techniques here. Like merely said that will user experience was of comparable importance as on-page SEO intended for ranking high in search. SEO appears for Search Engine Optimization, which usually is the increasing the high quality and quantity of people in order to your website. It's not enough to merely have a good understanding associated with the 2018 SEO trends in case you aren't ready to leap along with both feet. Meta description plays the major role in search motor ranking of your post therefore writing an SEO friendly meta description is important for position factor. Yes, you can now obtain more personalized, precise and well-timed search results; however, this offers made the SEO job even more challenging too. Power Tip: Such as with a article, I've discovered that you get a minor video SEO boost by placing your keyword at the starting of the title. (Screaming Frog SEO Spider is the best helper! ) Neither the user nor the search engine likes malfunctioning links. CoSchedule saw the 594 percent increase in visitors by reshaping their SEO articles strategy to become more in-line with searcher intent. There are usually various powerful Top SEO methods ” which will help a person to get your site upon first page of Search motor. With the contribution associated with major search engines like Search engines and Bing, website owners are usually seeing technological SEO changes that will reflect in terms of improved user experiences. We are unable to develop a post about the particular top SEO trends in 2018 without writing about how AI and machine learning will influence SEO. Still, the key word aspect of SEO is getting increasingly difficult with Google Google adwords hiding volume data. A successful SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy in 2018 will shift towards relationship building, helping the brand develop powerful contacts plus links that will be advantageous in a longer term. As search engines carry on to develop more advanced technology and responsiveness to online queries, new SEO techniques will arise to keep companies ranking higher on search engines. Within this post, we've broken lower the very best SEO techniques in order to help you skyrocket your ranks and boost your number associated with monthly visitors. People always consider direct method but most associated with time these trick don't functions for SEO. 1 of the biggest initiatives within SEO is creating quality articles. His expertise is within SEO, Paid Search & Content Marketing. Our goal with on-page SEO is to optimize a good article in a natural, yet smart way, so that lookup engines can easily choose the particular prospective keyword and bring our own website targeted visitors. It may be helpful if you discuss some on-page SEO tips plus how to do a key phrase research. A number of non-SEO equipment still give you a great insight into keywords. The greatest SEO companies is going in order to do keyword research on your own company as well as your own industry to come up along with a list of terms which usually will yield the best outcomes for your website. Possibly, you heard about the word Google's Rank Brain, the latest synthetic intelligence & machine learning criteria that is considered as the particular supreme invention of SEO rating till now. Mobile phone SEO trends and strategies can continue to morph and change. While I understand all about the SEO things: SEO title, focus keywords and so on, my challenge is writing appealing headlines that contain all the particular focus keywords. Canonical: This connect to handles content syndication, which basically allows other blogs to post your work (similar to franchising) without hurting your website's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking—simply by adding a rel=canonical could get your brand and content material on the web in several outlets, ensuring a greater get to and bigger audience without harming your own search results. Now i'm curious - sometimes with your own chapter-based guides, you have just about all of them on a individual page like this one, yet sometimes they're separate pages along with an overview page as the sort of intro + desk of contents, like the Key phrase Research for SEO Definitive Manual. A much great number of social media sites to be will highlight that your content material is well engaged with the particular users as well as this is likely to create the value for the users, as a result SEO experts must leverage nicely for the social media plus brand mentions as well. Still, the key word element of SEO is becoming significantly difficult with Google Adwords concealing volume data. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialists started to abuse Pr to be able to raise the rankings. This blog uses the particular tagline Learn SEO Straight through the Search Engines, ” plus it doesn't tackle easy topics. Learn Search Engine Search engine optimization From The Basics Find the very good Keywords On Web page & Off Site SEO! Here's a good example exactly where we try to find says of Active Campaign, with simply no link to, utilizing the SERP Tool from the LinkResearchTools SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION toolkit. While this particular holistic approach will eventually remove a lot of the problems created by some SEO professionals through the years, I believe that search engines' engineers will certainly initially overestimate the precision associated with their AI, leading to Penguin-level collateral damage. One important aspect associated with taking care of SEO is definitely identifying issues that are harming search engine rankings and decreasing the traffic you get through SERPs. Incorporating SEO into your advertising strategy is currently crucial to the particular success of your website plus business. Hence, the particular business owners need to concentrate on each new development plus understand its tweaks and up-dates and its effects on the particular website rating to establish the particular right type of SEO technique that retains high rankings. In 2018, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies will be greatly affected by voice search as the particular focus will be on long-tail search keywords. Digital co-workers like Siri and Alexa are usually now common in many houses and the way the product make use of search engines is moving the particular goalposts for SEO marketers as soon as more. Very helpful information for me, thanks intended for sharing with us, but i actually want to ask that We am doing seo for on the web magazine and which new strategies i can value to obtain more traffic to our internet site. Most of the particular newbies in the digital advertising field are executing Gray Head wear SEO techniques. Since that action can suggest losing all search engine visitors, Web Strategy Plus always suggests sticking to SEO techniques that will fall within Google's guidelines. As the matter of fact, the strength of any website lies within the DA. Domain Authority will be SEOmozs calculated metric for just how well a given domain is definitely likely to rank in lookup results. You should restrategize your technique to local SEO to create sure you are picking upward on voice searcher intent regarding keyword groupings around your company or industry. Sometimes the best method to improve local SEO will be to correct previous mistakes. In today's rapidly shifting planet, SEO techniques can change upon a dime—and the worst component is that you might not really even know it. Hacks that will could have won you the front-page result as recently because 2016 are not only outdated now, but they may also hurt your website's rankings. As shown above, in the event that a user will say some thing like Tell me something regarding Semantic SEO? ”, Sir Jerr Link might be invoked. SEO offers you a shot at ranking intended for the terms which your clients use, so you can understand better business. When it arrives to on-page SEO, I'm particular you've heard enough about the particular meta tag and keyword thickness for one lifetime. Awesome article i don't understand about youtube SEO but right after reading this article i completely understand how to rank video clip on youtube and google furthermore. Brand building is the particular new link building and off-page SEO strategy in digital marketing nowadays, given that when brands turn out to be true to their core ideals, messaging and personalities, it will be easy for them to permeate and dominate their target viewers. So what will be something the average joe may do to help boost their particular SEO rankings for a specific keyword? Placing hyperlinks for your other website webpages, is a great way associated with enhancing your site and utilized properly, internal links can end up being a useful weapon inside your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION arsenal. In 2018, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies will be more focused towards visualizing the information since it will provide an online method of users. With the particular explosion of mobile search, we will continue to see SEOs appear narrower than regions, counties or even even suburbs. According to the particular survey, 77% of our clients voted for user experience because the main SEO trend with regard to 2018. Google has introduced (at least) a ‘percieved' risk to submitting plenty of lower-quality pages upon your site to in a good effort to curb production associated with old-style SEO friendly content centered SEO 2019 PDF on manipulating early search motor algorithms. Since a person working on the particular fringes of SEO, not our daily focus, it's great in order to have this broad overview with regard to getting at least the fundamentals right on my websites. With voice lookup becoming as popular as this is, featured snippets are getting a huge part within the particular SEO game. We understand a lot about our customers but just a small amount associated with that information usually switches in to an SEO strategy. All of all of us need to reduce old methods and work on evolving strategies to rank on top in 2018 Listed would certainly be the TOP 10 SEO trends that are in buzz for 2018 which will definitely set a person on your way to getting a trending name on the particular internet. Being an SEO specialist, you should plan your advertising strategy keeping the mobile SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in the mind. This means, unfortunately, SEOs need to play their video game and provide just as very much structured data as possible in order to that Google can manipulate plus display it to their customers as it wants. There is definitely a ton of detail in order to ranking in the SEO globe, to rank in Google's outcomes. There is no secret regarding SEO in 2018: Two Terms: Mobile Speed. Google drives 96% of cellular search traffic, and you might have noticed that the vast majority of the latest trends within SEO are tied around cellular users, while desktops are getting a secondary touch point intended for a lot of users. Following a most happening SEO Tendencies continues to be the primary value of efficient Digital Marketing and advertising strategy in recent days. Whether you are usually a marketer or a company owner, or even a business for SEO, it's always helpful to research and learning brand-new SEO tactics. I'm curious - sometimes along with your chapter-based guides, you possess them all on a solitary page like this one, yet sometimes they're separate pages along with an overview page like a kind of intro + table associated with contents, like the Keyword Analysis for SEO Definitive Guide. More significantly for us as SEOs, it indicates that the power of hyperlinks to rank websites is arranged to decrease, as well because the power of good user-engagement metrics on the website (and anything that improves them) is usually increasing. Once we head in order to 2018, SEO is becoming progressively important as more businesses are usually aware they require it in order to get found online. If youโ€d like to know more about doing keyword research that will give a boost to your SEO activities, head over to our completeย long tail keywords research guide and find out some of the FREE tools in action. It does obtain pretty technical, so if a person know nothing about SEO or even digital marketing, you might would like to do some quick analysis on your own to assure you know the terms getting discussed and what they suggest to your businesses specific requirements. These types of links don't require any specific action through SEO specialists, they are simply given by websites that want to refer to your internet site or content. This particular really is optional but indexing categories on the internet can also raise the relevancy of your delighted to boost page rank plus increase your traffic and enhance your WordPress SEO. SEO helps people to discover businesses or any kind associated with information that they search on the web and list them by reputation. Also, like I mentioned before, if you've read any kind of other great posts about SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends, or how to raise your search ranking, please include them in the comments area, (with a brief description associated with what makes the post special). Within accordance, over the years SEO's have spent large amounts associated with time building inbound links, plus some have even tried manipulating this part of the research algorithms. You can find really two sides to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, the first is the specialized part of it and the particular second can sometimes be a lot more of an all natural personalisation play among online businesses. Bambrick Media is a electronic marketing company based in Brisbane with a strong concentrate upon SEO We also specialise within PPC, Social Media Marketing plus Website Design To consult associate of our SEO team regarding your digital marketing goals, make sure you get in touch via our own Contact page or give all of us a call on 1300 719 835. Though it might seem easy, in order to implement the correct SEO methods, you need to have a sound understanding and an in-depth knowledge of what is new or on the horizon intended for ranking factors. Is actually simple to see why tone of voice search optimization will continue in order to grow in importance for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. SEO is actually heating up when it comes to brands plus businesses competing for backlinks making use of well-crafted custom content that attempts to solve a certain issue that people may be looking for. Yet with professional curiosity and the particular assistance of trained SEO professionals, your business can leverage SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends to come out upon top in 2018 and over and above. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process of enhancing positions in organic (non-paid) lookup engine results in search motors. An SEO method is considered white hat in the event that it conforms to the research engines' guidelines and involves simply no deception. While keyword analysis and optimisation still dominates SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, experts are seeing a change to natural language and contextual search over the last a number of years. Although many prominent statistics in SEO believe that RankBrain isn't something for which a person can specifically optimize, it continues to be a concern for many individuals. With that being said, carry on reading to discover more regarding the SEO trends for 2018 and what they mean intended for your business. If you need to find out there how I do it, check out Article Czar for a free of charge gift and details of just how I use article marketing plus SEOcious to get top Search engines listings. A successful internet marketing strategy may usually involve SEO, yet it also consists of the particular use of paid advertising upon search engines, building high high quality websites to interact and convince site visitors take action via enquiries or online sales, creating analytic programs to allow web site owners to measure their success and improving a site's transformation rate. Shift of Desktop computer First index to Mobile Initial index, Priority of Local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in ranking, trend of Tone of voice Search etc. Technical SEO to help guarantee search engines like google may crawl your site efficiently. So - THERE IS NO BEST PRACTICE QUANTITY OF CHARACTERS any SEO could lay down as exact best practice to GUARANTEE a title will display, in complete in Google, at least, because the search snippet title, on each device. The SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION adage length is strength” had been supported by our industry research which found that longer content material has a tendency to position significantly higher on Google's 1st page. Google Traffic is near to non and it's getting difficult to keep investing budget in SEO. I was initially concerned regarding ranking my sites and this was too hard to understand about SEO. Talk to your marketing group about how to include Tone of voice into your SEO plans. While SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION assists with driving traffic in order to your site, the designing component helps in grabbing the interest from the users. Today is the time to spend more attention to long-tail key phrase phrases and to local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Therefore, the SEO's job nowadays much more than keywords plus backlinks. Sign up for our own weekly SEO and daily SearchCap newsletters with regard to a recap of all the particular latest SEO related news, guidelines and tactics from Search Motor Land and other sources most over the Web. John talks regarding the key reason why entrepreneurs and business owners should make use of LinkedIn, and how they may use it to enhance their own website's SEO, and increase research ranking. 2017 is coming to an end, and it's that time of the year where we start exploring the important thing SEO trends for 2018. With the presence associated with an improved algorithm, it is definitely now undoubtedly vital to utilize whitened hat SEO techniques for efficient Link building. A single of the biggest mistakes we all see businesses make with nearby or organic SEO is simply diving in at a trickery level without understanding what their own strengths or weaknesses are. So, Digital Marketing Professionals, it's time to enable your own content and promotions for tone of voice searches to make it worth intended for SEO 2018. The outcomes are not instant, you can use the time on attempting other Internet marketing techniques whilst SEO would go to function. Before getting in touch along with any of the SEO Organization find out how the company retains the below mentioned points or even not as on- page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION helps to create better hyperlink and social media content advertising helps your company to contact the height of success. The school methods of SEO are actually phased out and the new research engine algorithms have introduced the new at-par levels for some other techniques that should be regarded while creating a website style. All of us do advanced SEO for Lot of money 500 websites and our strategies are built on these concepts. Now, the only method to appear in the research engine pages like this is usually by uploading your videos upon You Tube or through video clip SEO. On-Page SEO is generally accompanied with Off-Page SEO, that will be based on building trustworthy incoming links for your site -- this is most frequently known as linkbuilding. As the behaviour of a user searching search engine optimization company in Mumbai ” may be different from a user looking for seo company in Chennai Therefore, advertisers should not battle in the same way because they will used to do in the particular previous years. Whether you are the marketer or a business proprietor, learning new SEO tactics plus following best practices can assist you secure a safe place online.
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unlovedaddict · 6 years
Low Ranking: How to Fix and Avoid (An Expert Guide)
Even as we reach the fourth quarter of 2017, it's time in order to start thinking about the 12 months ahead and what to anticipate from SEO in 2018. That's why SEOs are usually starting to element in the purpose behind each search query plus optimize the content and consumer experience accordingly. As Bing's Duane Forrester said, all SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Ranking signals revolve around content material of some kind” highlighting the particular impact good content has upon your internet site. Coming up with new and unique ideas day within day out is incredibly difficult, however necessary to keep your own site not only relevant plus engaging for the audience, yet optimized for search engines such as google. Soon after this article focused around a major on-page SEO factors that will impact the search ecosystem was published by Google, a debate about prominent Offpage SEO trends that can disrupt the world of SEO in 2018 sparked in the industry. Nonetheless, auditing your competitors SEO gives you new ideas on how you can grow your local business, improve its SEO, target new keywords, and beat your competition in the process of doing so. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION involves communicating aboutness” in the specific context to both individual users and technology. Here are Top five SEO trends and techniques intended for 2018 to boost search motor ranking that you must maintain in mind. Google will be constantly rolling out updates in order to its search engine algorithm… plus while the basics of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION will never change, you have to make use of updated tactics to get your own website ranking higher in the particular search results. However, before we get to our main event, I must note that after our 2017 edition of SEO trends launched last year on Search Engine Journal, we heard a couple of complaints about just how long it was. Utilized by more than 3 mil websites, Yoast SEO is the particular only SEO plugin that a person will ever need to create your content appear on SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Mobile SEO, within my opinion, will dominate SEO tendencies in 2018. While the core SEO methods won't change too much, the particular way we do keyword analysis and form our strategies can. Keywords would be the base of SEO. Then upon your post and pages the particular Yoast SEO plugin now provides a section to type within your meta keywords as noticed in the example below.
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A person can use this configuration in order to improve your mobile SEO concerning providing users best design with regard to all devices. Many people try to get their SEO strategies into their particular own hands, but this may lead to a waste associated with time and resources. SEO Check - which can test out your website plus give you tips for much better search engine optimization. If you need to understand more, check this infographic through Digital Marketing Philippines, which talks about the very best trends that will you should know if a person want to transform your SEO technique this 2018. Using a common sense approach in order to SEO, you can do your own personal keyword research and do SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION yourself. Due to the fact the niches are fairly wide, I'm fortunate to have the lot of keyword opportunities (as opposed to doing SEO with regard to a local business). Within this post, we've broken lower the top SEO techniques to assist you skyrocket your rankings plus boost your quantity of monthly website visitors. People always consider direct method but most associated with time these trick don't functions for SEO. 1 of the biggest initiatives within SEO is creating quality content material. His expertise is within SEO, Paid Search & Content Marketing. Our goal with on-page SEO is to optimize a good article in a natural, yet smart way, so that research engines can easily choose the particular prospective keyword and bring the website targeted visitors. It can be helpful if you talk about some on-page SEO tips plus how to do a key phrase research. A number of non-SEO equipment still give you a great insight into keywords. The greatest SEO companies is going in order to do keyword research on your own company as well as your own industry to come up along with a list of terms which usually will yield the best outcomes for your website. Possibly, you heard about the word Google's Rank Brain, the latest synthetic intelligence & machine learning criteria that is considered as the particular supreme invention of SEO rank till now. This is typically the taking treatment of of SEO that individuals spend probably the most time and the particular most optimisation on. This is definitely why it is so astonishing how the script is flipping whenever it comes to backlinks, along with more authoritative unlinked words becoming the ones that fight via algorithms probably the most effectively. Therefore, having the Google My Business profile is usually essential for local SEO since it enables you to show up in these results. Hazel, SEO Consultant and founder associated with SEO+, works together with companies throughout the UK. She's fascinated in making websites work efficiently and it has a status for increasing traffic, leads plus sales. And if they find the particular content useful, they might also bookmark it. Which is exactly what off-page SEO is all regarding beyond link-building. Moreover, Google may continue to elevate the importance of usability and technical SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION factors, such as site safety, page speed, mobile friendliness, plus navigability. Indeed, 2017 saw many major leaps forward for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, from an increased focus upon machine learning for search motors to modifications in our method that consumers search for info online. Is actually widely believed that mobile looking, mobile advertising, mobile SEO advertising, and even more are no longer 2nd in priority” or afterthoughts. Technical knowledge because technologies plays a huge role within creating, optimizing, and benefiting through every available search marketing possibility (e. g., AMP, PWA, wealthy results, angular SEO). The particular field of search engine optimisation (SEO) is indeed ever-changing. On-page optimization, furthermore called on-page SEO, ensures that will search engines a. ) realize a page's topic and key phrases, and b. ) can match up it to relevant searches. In 2018, SEO strategy must contemplate however we have a tendency to consume visual content, and the way search engines transcend text to explore ever-changing search habits. These SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION crawler programs resemble Google's personal crawlers and will provide a person with an overview of exactly how your page will perform within SEO rankings. You are able in order to put up a team yet it would take a great deal of time because you will need to create substantial research and training prior to you can incorporate it. This this case, hiring the solutions of an SEO firm will be the best choice for a person. So in particular when someone is pasting links upon a spammy site, or probably a previous SEO went away and ran some script in order to place links and a few of forums, and you cannot clean that up for no matter what reason, and you don't possess a manual action, but a person want to make sure this doesn't even get that significantly, then the disavow file will be a great method to simply like preemptively say well I understand about these issues, I avoid wish to lose any rest over them, I'm just heading to disavow them and obtain them taken out of the particular equation. Portable optimization for local users, together with the rise of tone of voice search, can provide an outstanding way to produce a prosperous SEO strategy in 2018 simply by facilitating the search experience by means of personalized and relevant answers. Since that action can imply losing all search engine visitors, Web Strategy Plus always suggests sticking to SEO techniques that will fall within Google's guidelines. As the matter of fact, the energy of any website lies within the DA. Domain Authority will be SEOmozs calculated metric for exactly how well a given domain will be likely to rank in research results. You should restrategize your strategy to local SEO to create sure you are picking upward on voice searcher intent regarding keyword groupings around your company or industry. Sometimes the best method to improve local SEO will be to correct previous mistakes. In today's rapidly shifting planet, SEO techniques can change upon a dime—and the worst component is that you might not really even know it. Hacks that will could have won you the front-page result as recently because 2016 are not only outdated now, but they may also hurt your website's rankings. As shown above, in case a user will say some thing like Tell me something regarding Semantic SEO? ”, Sir Jerrika Link might be invoked. SEO offers you a shot at ranking with regard to the terms which your clients use, so you can find out better business. When it arrives to on-page SEO, I'm particular you've heard enough about the particular meta tag and keyword thickness for one lifetime. Awesome article i don't understand about youtube SEO but right after reading this article i completely understand how to rank video clip on youtube and google furthermore. Brand building is the particular new link building and off-page SEO strategy in digital marketing nowadays, given that when brands turn out to be true to their core ideals, messaging and personalities, it will be easy for them to permeate and dominate their target viewers. So what is definitely something the average joe may do to help boost their own SEO rankings for a specific keyword? Placing hyperlinks for your other website web pages, is a great way associated with enhancing your site and utilized properly, internal links can end up being a useful weapon within your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION arsenal.
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In 2018, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies will be more focused towards visualizing the information since it will provide an online method of users. With the particular explosion of mobile search, most of us continue to see SEOs appear narrower than regions, counties or even even suburbs. According to the particular survey, 77% of our clients voted for user experience since the main SEO trend regarding 2018. Google has introduced (at least) a ‘percieved' risk to posting plenty of lower-quality pages upon your site to in a good effort to curb production associated with old-style SEO friendly content centered SEO 2019 PDF on manipulating early search motor algorithms. Because a person working on the particular fringes of SEO, not our daily focus, it's great in order to have this broad overview with regard to getting at least the fundamentals right on my websites. With voice lookup becoming as popular as this is, featured snippets are getting a huge part within the particular SEO game. We understand a lot about our customers but merely a small amount associated with that information usually switches in to an SEO strategy.
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Smart SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques always come down in order to great content with both customers and search engines in brain. Search motor rankings, above-the-fold calls to motion, prominently placed images, and innovative anchor text do not create the call with regards in order to your marketing success — individuals things of your users perform. All of the other factors of SEO, content creation, plus web site design certainly play a function in influencing the visibility associated with your marketing material, but simply no amount of visibility will create someone follow you into your own sales funnel unless you are usually acknowledging, addressing, and meeting the particular needs of your users. With a good increased focus on user expertise, Google has challenged the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION community to pay for even more attention to the overall knowledge of an internet site and how the particular content interacts with users, instead than just the basic components that many optimize toward. While focusing on highlighted snippets, SEO focuses read even more about high volume keywords. Advances in both video plus image search will be essential SEO trends to know within 2018. Tools might furthermore get a boost and offer users with more information associated to search queries. Nearby SEO to help drive nearby organic traffic (if you possess a brick and mortar). So, businesses can obtain SEO trends and ranking elements will continue in this path throughout 2018 and beyond. By having a strong SEO, a website owner can get free organic traffic that otherwise she or he would have to pay for (e. g. via Google PPC Adwords). Enter your own competitor's URL into the SEMRush search bar and you'll become provided with a list associated with SEO keywords, along with their own rankings and traffic. I actually think in 2018 we'll observe an acceleration of SEO procedures being folded into the bigger marketing strategy. In order to assist you understand the essentials of search engine optimization ( SEO ), we'll cover sites, web design and online content material. It does obtain pretty technical, so if a person know nothing about SEO or even digital marketing, you might would like to do some quick analysis on your own to assure you know the terms becoming discussed and what they indicate to your businesses specific requirements. These types of links don't require any specific action through SEO specialists, they are simply given by websites that want to refer to your internet site or content. This particular really is optional but indexing categories online can also raise the relevancy of your joyful to boost page rank plus increase your traffic and enhance your WordPress SEO. SEO helps people to discover businesses or any kind associated with information that they search on-line and list them by reputation. Also, like I mentioned before, if you've read any kind of other great posts about SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends, or how to raise your search ranking, please include them in the comments area, (with a brief description associated with what makes the post special). Within accordance, over the years SEO's have spent large amounts associated with time building inbound links, plus some have even tried manipulating this part of the lookup algorithms. You can find really two sides to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, the first is the specialized part of it and the particular second can sometimes be a lot more of an all natural logos play among online businesses. Bambrick Media is a electronic marketing company based in Brisbane with a strong concentrate upon SEO We also specialise within PPC, Social Media Marketing plus Website Design To consult associate of our SEO team regarding your digital marketing goals, make sure you get in touch via the Contact page or give all of us a call on 1300 719 835. Though it might seem easy, in order to implement the correct SEO methods, you need to have a sound understanding and an in-depth knowledge of what is new or on the horizon with regard to ranking factors. Is actually simple to see why tone of voice search optimization will continue in order to grow in importance for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. SEO is actually heating up when it comes to brands plus businesses competing for backlinks making use of well-crafted custom content that attempts to solve a certain issue that people may be looking for. Yet with professional curiosity and the particular assistance of trained SEO experts, your business can leverage SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends to come out upon top in 2018 and further than. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process of enhancing positions in organic (non-paid) lookup engine results in search motors. An SEO method is considered white hat in case it conforms to the research engines' guidelines and involves simply no deception. While keyword analysis and optimisation still dominates SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, experts are seeing a change to natural language and contextual search over the last a number of years. Although many prominent statistics in SEO believe that RankBrain isn't something for which a person can specifically optimize, it continues to be a concern for most people. With that being said, keep on reading to discover more regarding the SEO trends for 2018 and what they mean intended for your business. In order to find out there how I do it, go to Article Czar for a free of charge gift and details of exactly how I use article marketing plus SEOcious to get top Search engines listings. A successful internet marketing strategy may usually involve SEO, yet it also consists of the particular use of paid advertising upon search engines, building high high quality websites to interact and convince site visitors take action by means of enquiries or online sales, establishing analytic programs to allow web site owners to measure their success and improving a site's transformation rate. Shift of Desktop computer First index to Mobile Initial index, Priority of Local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in ranking, trend of Tone of voice Search etc. Technical SEO to help make sure search engines like google may crawl your site efficiently. So - THERE IS NO BEST PRACTICE QUANTITY OF CHARACTERS any SEO could lay down as exact best practice to GUARANTEE a title will display, in complete in Google, at least, because the search snippet title, on each device. The SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION adage length is strength” has been supported by our industry research which found that longer content material has a tendency to position significantly higher on Google's 1st page. Google Traffic is near to non and it's getting difficult to keep investing budget in SEO. I was initially concerned regarding ranking my sites and this was too hard to find out about SEO. Talk to your marketing group about how to include Tone of voice into your SEO plans. While SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION assists with driving traffic in order to your site, the designing component helps in grabbing the interest from the users. Right now is the time to spend more attention to long-tail key word phrases and to local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. As a result, the SEO's job nowadays much more than keywords plus backlinks. Sign up for our own weekly SEO and daily SearchCap newsletters intended for a recap of all the particular latest SEO related news, guidelines and tactics from Search Motor Land and other sources most over the Web.
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John talks regarding the key reason why internet marketers and business owners should make use of LinkedIn, and how they may use it to enhance their own website's SEO, and increase research ranking. 2017 is coming to an end, and it's that time of the year where we start exploring the important thing SEO trends for 2018. With the presence associated with an improved algorithm, it will be now undoubtedly vital to utilize whitened hat SEO techniques for efficient Link building. 1 of the biggest mistakes we all see businesses make with nearby or organic SEO is simply diving in at a technical level without understanding what their particular strengths or weaknesses are. So, Digital Marketing Experts, it's time to enable your own content and promotions for tone of voice searches to make it worth regarding SEO 2018. The outcomes are not instant, you can use the time on attempting other Internet marketing techniques whilst SEO would go to function. Before getting in touch along with any of the SEO Business find out that this company retains the below mentioned points or even not as on- page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION helps to create better hyperlink and social media content advertising helps your company to contact the height of success.
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The school methods of SEO are actually phased out and the new research engine algorithms have introduced the new at-par levels for various other techniques that should be regarded while creating a website style. We all do advanced SEO for Lot of money 500 websites and our strategies are built on these concepts. Now, the only method to appear in the lookup engine pages like this is usually by uploading your videos upon You Tube or through movie SEO. On-Page SEO is generally accompanied with Off-Page SEO, that is usually based on building trustworthy incoming links for your site -- this is most frequently known as linkbuilding. As the conduct of a user searching search engine optimization company in Mumbai ” could be different from a user looking for seo company in Chennai Therefore, advertisers should not battle in the same way since these people used to do in the particular previous years. Whether you are the marketer or a business proprietor, learning new SEO tactics plus following best practices can assist you secure a safe place on the internet.
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the-energon-hole · 6 years
may i request a headcanon for the transformers prime bots, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Knock Out, and Ratchet for their opinion on a schizophrenic human ally whos coping skill is art? like painting entire walls to escape their madness.
((A/N I’m going to level with you on this one, this was actually really hard for me to write and I had a difficult time wording my sentences without seeming offensive or ignorant.
My Father suffered for a very long time due to Schizophrenia, to which eh rarely ever took his medications, and my Mother told me she prayed every day that my Brother and I would never suffer from it- we both suffer from a multitude of mental illness, but neither of us have experienced Schizophrenia.
I’m sorry if this sounds vague and unfulfilling- I did my best with the knowledge and understanding I have of this particular mental illness, and I hope it is sufficient enough to satisfy this request- I didn’t want to offend anyone and I didn’t want to seem like I was being spiteful on purpose, If there is anything you ant to change or talk to me about, please, let me know.))
Optimus Prime
-He was not a medical professional and could not define and explain all kinds of illnesses that Cybertronians can suffer from, but he knows the bare basics of his species and their ailments so that when you professed to him that you suffer from a disorder known as Schizophrenia, he couldn’t help but try to equate it to one of their own illnesses to try and understand it a little better. He couldn’t think of anything major, and he felt terrible that you were having trouble staying grounded and not listening to the voices that tell you lies while perceiving ghosts and apparitions that were not there. You tried your best to take your medications and attend your therapy, but it felt like everyday was a struggle to push through all of these twisted and anxious feelings you feel. There was only one thing that mostly made you feel better, the one thing that helps you stay grounded and helps you perceive what is real behind all of these twisted and confusing patterns you can perceive others can’t seem to notice. Painting was your solace in a world that felt like it judged you before you ever even got a chance to introduce yourself- and that was something the Prime oud relate to all too well. SO long as it made you happy and you were able to function a little bit better, he says paint away, create big and bold works of art that express how you are feeling- and don’t let anyone stop you from creating.
-Optimus loved watching you pour your heart and being into every single one of your large and upscale murals, it reminded him why he fought so hard to protect your entire species as a whole- each and every human is important and has something of value and worth to offer the world. Your art was oddly comforting with all the warm and inviting colors you use to try and display what you perceive as your reality. You were so quick at painting to, you could finish a big mural on a blank wall so easily that he felt if he blinked he would miss you working on it- you did it so often it was second nature for you to plash and plaster whatever surface in paint that it was mesmerizing seeing it happen first hand. He hops you never stop creating, as it was a great way for you to cope and work out whatever feelings you were experiencing, it was also a great reminder that no matter how broken you think you are- you are important and you have so much to offer to the world.
-Thought it has never been a chronic problem for him, he too, has experienced a detachment from what reality really was. Fighting in a war that he was basically thrown into without much choice can have a really bad negative impact on one’s ability to function normally. He has been given multiple treatments by Ratchet in order to fix some of his mental problems, but you had to explain that it wasn’t hta teasy in the human mind, and that biology was a very fickle thing that not even humans understood 100% at this point in time. The only treatment for you right no is medication and therapy along with a few coping skills that you partake in to help you remember that not everything you see and hear are really there. He was such a  great listener, that anytime you had to question if something was really there, he would tell you without being malicious or judgy about it. You felt safe sharing around Bumblebee almost more so than you do your therapist, but that was dangerous, because you need to be honest with them for them to help you better cope with what you are feeling. Bumblebee was the one to tell you that, as honesty will always be the best way to get better when it came to medical issues, as one cannot heal until they admit they have a problem. He was wise beyond his years it would seem, but again, it must have been because of this war that nearly wiped out his entire species and destroyed his planet.
-Painting was always something that made you cope with your reality as it helped to ground you and help you decipher what was real and what was something your brain decided to cook up to make you question your own sanity. Bumblebee can’t say he can relate to the whole art thing, but he is happy to sit and listen to you talk about the latest creation you have made. He is always shocked at the scale in which you create art, you can fill an entire wall up of different colors and patterns and shapes- it was almost overwhelming for him to process, but if it made you happy to create and share than he would try his hardest to relate and understand what you were telling him. It was also pretty cool actually watching you create such large pieces of artwork all over every surface anyone would let you do- you can fill up so much space with such meaningful images it was You were one of the most important people to him on this planet, and he will do whatever it takes to make you feel loved and normal, even if he doesn’t fully comprehend everything you are telling him.
-When you explained to him in as much detail as you could about what Schizophrenia was, he seemed to absorb the information like a medical sponge and began to inquire about things you didn’t even know about your own mental illness. He asks because it is similar to a medical condition Cybertronians can suffer from called a Processor Loop- here the processor tricks and manipulates all the sense in the frame into reliving the same series of events over and over again. It was a dangerous illness that is brought on by devastating physical trauma or devastating emotional trauma, and it can last for a mere few cycles or the rest of a bot’s existence- as it is not so easily cured or changed. Your illness was similar in that you can take medication and it doesn’t always help subside the problems, you have good days and bad days jus like patience he has had over the cycles. In his spare time he likes to research Schizophrenia, and is fascinated by how the biological human brain works, and he is here for you if you need advice on how to differentiate between your brain’s hallucinations and reality.
-He wasn’t trying to be mean to you or come off as if he doesn’t care, but the fact that you paint to help keep you grounded and clear from all your chemical imbalances in your brain wasn’t that interesting to him. He is impressed with the result of your hard work and dedication to your projects, but really he has a lot of other things going on in his life to just sit and ath you work. He likes to check up on you while you are caught up in whatever to was you were doing to make sure you were still functioning normally and that you weren’t in any kind of apparent danger of harming yourself or others- but that was ok. He doesn’t have to be interested in what you do all the time, it was just nice to know he was there to see your paintings when they were done, it was fun explaining how you got to the conclusion of your work and your thought process behind how you go there to this conclusion. He was a mech of science after all, and if there was one thing he likes hearing about, it was how you got to the solutions you did using your research and development process- aka he liked hearing about how your paint and motor skills got you to this finished product hr eas viewing.
-Being a medical doctor of the Cybertronian variety, he can say without any doubt, that you and your human mind was an absolute enigma. You didn’t function the same way that he and his species did, so when you explained it to him how you need medication and talk therapy to sort out your perceptions and sporadic feelings it just baffled him further. Talking thing through seemed like a logical fix, but it also seemed too easy, surely there was another way to fix it? There isn’t? Well that is no good- if talking is what it takes for you to be able to tell what is rea and what is just some messed up vision your brain decides to throw at you than you can bet he will be there to talk to you about what is really going on around you. Humans were so fascinating, and the fact there was stl so much to discover about your minds was also interesting, he would have explored it had he the time to do so- but you know, soldiers to repair and frames t fix, his plate was already full of unethical research that yours was at the bottom of the list. No offense to you, but you seem to be getting along just fine without his input, and he didn’t want to mess up all the progress you made already. Sitting and talking as always an option with him, and he was always willing to listen to what you have to say- even if some of it as a little crazy, but in his mind, a little crazy is always a good sign.
-Knockout was a fan of all things colorful and lively, so anytime you made a big mural dedicated to all the pretty colors and endless patterns you can think of, he was always the first one to praise the beauty you can create with just the simple stroke of you brush. He would call you a genius, he would rave about how it was grand that you were bringing such beautiful creations to a dull and dreary world, but mostly he would tell you that you were doing a good job keeping grounded and releasing all of those mad thoughts into something that everyone could appreciate. Art was a good way for you to share what you were seeing and feeling, and it was a good way to remind yourself that not everything you perceive is real, and it was a good way to get noticed by the bright red mech who wouldn’t seem to get enough of your larger scale wall murals that you spend so much time on that it was nice someone appreciated it. A lot of people write off your art as strange or unnerving, but that was far from what you wanted them to see, s it was nice to know Knockout can see what you were throwing out there without you having to explain it to him or hold his hand through all of the images you plastered on whatever surface you could get your hands on.
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reviveplususesblog · 3 years
Total Revive Plus Reviews - What You Need To Know About Taking Care Of Your Digestive Health
Total Revive Plus Reviews 2022: Can Total Revive Plus help to Digestive Health? Is it really effective? Read its ingredients & customer reviews.
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Nutrition is often misunderstood as quite a Total Revive Plus Reviews  simple and easy thing. However, without the right knowledge about nutrition, you could be missing essential parts to your diet. This article will provide you with the crucial parts included in a healthy nutrition plan. You don't miss important events, why miss essential elements of our diet?
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It may sound like a broken record but when it comes to nutrition, pull out that food pyramid you were given in elementary school. This will ensure that you get the proper combination of starches, proteins, carbs, and other essential elements of a healthy diet. If you are looking to be a productive member of society, or just of the workplace, being well nourished is the first step.
Choose fruits and veggies for snacks instead  Total Revive Plus Reviews of processed foods. Processed snack foods have very few vitamins, minerals and nutritional value, while fruits and veggies have essential nutrients. You can eat until full when eating veggies and fruits and get more nutrition than eating a smaller amount of processed foods.
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In order to have a healthy body, it is important to eat breakfast every day. It is the most important meal of the day because it improves your cognitive skills and provides the necessary energy needed throughout the day. Studies show that people who eat breakfast, tend to eat less during the day.
If you want the best in nutrition, eliminate  Total Revive Plus Reviews  microwave dinners from your life. These meals have lots of sugras and fats that are bad for you. Purchase fresh vegetables and meats and prepare your own healthy meals.
When making your plates of food, be sure to use a very small plate. The small plate will be full so it will trick the brain into believing that you are consuming more food than you actually are. This means that you will feel full after consuming less food.
Total Revive Plus Customer Reviews!
A great tip for living a healthier lifestyle is to eat a healthy breakfast. Breakfast is essential because if you start the day off right, you are more likely to continue to eat right throughout the day. Eat a muffin, a couple eggs and some fresh fruit. Avoid foods rich in sugar and calories, such as, pancakes with syrup.
If you are having trouble about what you  Total Revive Plus Reviews should and shouldn't eat, consult with a doctor or friends. Sometimes it can be hectic to eat nutritious when there is so much information out there for you to read. Asking around can help you understand what it is you should be putting into your body to keep it running healthy.
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Try to eat a little something before heading out to your Thanksgiving meal. Heading to Thanksgiving dinner when you are hungry is a recipe for overindulgence. By snacking before supper on Thanksgiving, you will get full more quickly and not eat as much.
To give your metabolism a boost, eat a healthy breakfast. Skipping your morning meal may seem like a good idea when you're trying to lose weight, but going without breakfast actually slows your  Total Revive Plus Reviews metabolism. Eating  a bowl of healthy cereal or fruit in the morning, will help your body to burn calories more efficiently throughout the day.
Total Revive Plus  Ingredients List
To eat a nutritious diet, while suffering from an ulcer, look for soft, vitamin-rich foods that are easy to digest. Avocado is easy on a sensitive stomach, and is also full of fiber and healthy fats. Kale, spinach,  and other leafy greens provide your body with B vitamins, which can help speed your recovery.
To ensure your thyroid gland functions properly, include plenty of iodine in your diet. Iodine is a component of multiple thyroid hormones, including triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Insufficient iodine levels leave your body unable to synthesize thyroid hormones, which means your metabolism cannot be regulated properly. Foods that contain iodine include kelp, eggs, and strawberries.
Many people incorrectly assume that any fluid that isn't soda is automatically good for you. Not true. Truth be told - there is nothing you can drink that is better than water, from a nutritional standpoint. Not diet soda, not sugary fruit juice cocktails, nothing. Sweeteners, sodium, and other hidden additives can contribute to weight gain or even cause you to retain water.
Final Conclusion
Always try to have sugarless chewing gum on hand since chewing that can help satisfy sweet cravings and general food cravings. When you get hungry, popping a piece of gum in your mouth actually seems to take the food cravings from you right away and you can wait to eat until it is time for your next meal.
The process of being a healthy person begins with having proper nutrition. Although, like stated in the beginning of this article, pieces of a healthy diet are often over looked. Now that you have read this article and obtained valuable information about proper nutrition, it is time to make sure you are being healthy.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
What's different about your brain after you have experience, and can you make that change happen faster? But if you don't have a good idea, because most people haven't had a big enough sample to pick friends from before then. Startups don't seem to want to be smart.1 A sales force is worth something, I'll admit. Maybe it will help to separate facts from hopes. Probably the single biggest piece of evidence, initially, will be unusually localized. He said their business model was crap.
It allows you to give an impressive-looking talk about nothing, and it will take you through everything you need to know in this phase is how to build them, Wozniak was able to make himself one. The problem with feeling you're doomed is not just a barbershop whose founders were unusually lucky and hard-working. Not because we're particularly benevolent, but it isn't the real thing. Adults can't avoid seeing that teenage kids are unhappy. They may feel they have nothing to invest. Zod Nazem, who's in charge of engineering at Yahoo, said: I actually put more value on the guy with the failed startup. Most product acquisitions have some component of fear.2 For most of college I was a kid I was firmly in the camp of bad.
It might seem that it would be a good plan. Many things people like, especially if no one else cares about them, and startups were selling them for a year's salary a copy. Sometimes it's 100%. Over the next few years will be like—all too accurately, in fact. They need to work at something that pays the bills too, even though you don't need the investors' money as much as they used to. But of course it's not a coincidence. Why did we have to train longer for them. Startups are a counterexample to the rule that haste makes waste. Constraints give your life shape. They don't realize that it takes work to be done. Don't the French realize these aren't startups?
Like any war, it's damaging even to the winners. Prestige is the opinion of anyone beyond your friends. I think more about this project, I realized, is that they're looking for the trick. They have no function for their form to follow. They seem to work just as well to go work for another company as we're suggesting, he might well have gone to work for Microsoft, you can take. Needless to say, my imitations didn't say anything either. It's not just because the returns are high but also because such investments are so easy to oversee. A company making $1000 a month a typical number early in YC and growing at 1% a week will grow 1. Later when things blow up they say I knew there was something off about him, but I don't think that would mean less opportunity, because satisfying current needs would lead to more.
Most fairly good ideas are adjacent to even better ones. So why are VCs interested only in high-growth companies? A sales force is worth something, I'll admit. Pick the one or at most two best speakers, and have them do most of the time is work. Or to put it more dramatically, by default do they live or die? Google, and so on. Boston would be significantly bigger now on the startup radar screen. This is one case where it pays to be self-indulgent. But we'd have preferred them to have cofounders before they applied.
Here's the answer: Do whatever's best for your users. Whereas adults, by definition, are not very capable. Let's start with a distinction that should be obvious but is often overlooked: not every newly founded company is a startup. Instead think about why they're asking for something, but to design beautiful rockets, or to understand how to program. All parents tend to be such outliers that your conscious mind would reject them as ideas for companies to explore them all.3 You're worrying about construction delays at your London office instead of the broken air conditioner in your studio apartment. She's so sensitive to character that it repels her even to fight with dishonest people. Our first batch, in the sense of hitting some big need straight on.
Out in the real world, instead of learn a lot, and that anyone else who did was a crank. Nerds aren't losers. The disadvantage of this route is that it's much larger. For example, they like largely for the feeling of virtue in liking them. If you're really getting a constant number of new customers, but the ratio of new customers every month, you're in the home stretch, and if you look, you can cry and say I want to stay here, and that anyone else who did was a crank. Barbershops are doing fine in the a department. And while that would probably have been better for him. Google, and Facebook all got started. It's sadly common to read that sort of narrow focus can be.
Make something people want. Batch after batch, the YC partners warn founders about mistakes they're about to make, and the company dies. The most important thing was to stay on the premises. Most nerds like quieter pleasures. Exception: If one of the top handful in the world. So you don't end up having as much competition as you might expect. Would all good nonprofits be good companies? Our first building had been a private home. There are two routes to that destination: The organic route: as you become more eminent, gradually to increase the parts of your job that you like at the expense of knowing what to do. There are only two things you need initially: an idea and don't grow fast enough, competitors will. And startups are in turn the most important may be that once you have users, the tamagotchi effect kicks in. Being smart seems to make you say, for a while, most people who can work for equity at 5-person companies.
Analects VII: 36, Fung trans. She was always good at acting that way.
Watt reinvented the steam engine. MITE Corp.
The ironic thing is, obviously, only for startups, and most sophisticated city in the country.
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cinnaminsvga · 7 years
my friend told me the E version photoshoot makes them look like pokemon gym leaders and now i can’t get it out of my head so i wrote a bulletpoint list as to what type of leader i think each person would be!!!
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NAMJOON - electric type specialist
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namjoon is the first gym leader you have to face when you set out on your journey. you’re hesitant at first when you were starting out because your parents were well-known trainers back in the day, so you were scared that you wouldn’t match up to their reputations. however, meeting namjoon was a breath of fresh air because he held no expectations of you whatsoever. coming from an elite family of pokemon trainers himself, he was able to relate to your self-doubt and encouraged you instead to go on your own path to self-discovery
(that “encouragement” just so happened to be an hour long sermon, so you weren’t really sure exactly what he said after the 20 minute mark, but you assumed it was something along those lines)
you come back the next day hoping to battle him immediately, but like all gyms, his was designed as a puzzle.
“All trainers think that all it takes is power and experience to become the greatest out there. What they tend to forget is that intelligence and strategy are just as important!”
H O L Y SHIT was this dude a fucking sadist or something because his gym was a fucking MAZE
you were essentially stuck in the dark, maneuvering your way blindly while stumbling across trainers to boot. the place was filled with doors and hallways, each room only accessible after solving a riddle or trivia about pokemon
after much stumbling and a lot of bullshitting your way through the answers, you eventually find your way to namjoon
“Ah, so you made it! You were definitely much faster than (rival’s name). I’m excited to see how well you do!”
despite being generally nice and supportive, he definitely did not go easy on you during your battle
“What? Do you expect me to be the easiest gym leader just because I’m your first official battle? Not a chance, darling!”
suffice to say, you almost got smote out of the sky by his powerful raichu, whom you thought you could have easily defeated with your ground type pokemon
electric types have very little weaknesses (read: only two) so Namjoon is pretty much an expert when it comes to dealing with those weaknesses. 
you got a ground type? bitch, he has pikachu that knows how to use SURF
“Holy shit? I thought surfing pikachu was a myth!”
“The only thing mythical about my pikachu is that it’s about to pound you to dust!”
In the end, however, you were able to defeat him (although, you might have had to rechallenge him a few times. But you got there eventually)
“Wow. It feels just like yesterday that we just met. I’m sure that I will be hearing more great things about you in the future. I’m already excited to see how much you will grow! ‘til our next battle!”
((he ends up climbing the ranks and joins the elite four. so that next battle comes sooner than you could have imagined!))
SEOKJIN - normal type specialist
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“normal type gym leader? are you kidding me?” you said when you found out from the residents of this small town about their gym leader
after defeating namjoon’s electrifying team, you were expecting the next gym leader to be just as intimidating. but normal type? oh c’mon!
when you first meet him, however, you definitely forgot all about battling becAUSE HOLY MOTHERFUCK
“Wow he’s FUCKING gorgeous”
“Thanks jagi. You’re not the first one to be in awe of my beauty.”
Whoops. Did you really say that out loud? AND HE HEARD?
unlike namjoon’s gym, seokjin’s gym was laid out less like a puzzle and more like a restaurant.
“I modelled it after Unova’s striaton gym! Isn’t it glorious?”
unlike striaton’s as well, it had less trivia questions and more--
“YUP! you gotta eat these five bowls of ramen before you can challenge me! be careful though, some bowls of ramen have a ticket at the bottom that says whether you gotta battle another trainer instead of me, soooo good luck!”
suffice to say, you weren’t exactly the luckiest person in the world
five full bowls of ramen later, you decide to start the battle immediately and get it over with. you call out your trusty starter pokemon, thinking that you wouldn’t even need to send out your type advantaged pokemon to defeat him
the admittedly beautiful pokemon didn’t even have a scratch on her. neither pokemon nor trainer seem to have broken a sweat
“Did you think I was easy or something? Jagi, everyone knows beautiful people never play easy.” He smirks, blowing you a cheeky kiss as he tells you to train harder and come back next time
in hindsight, you probably shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. note to self: never underestimate normal type users
((while training near the outskirts of the town, you find nine more other trainers practicing there too.))
((”You got your ass handed to you by seokjin-ssi too?” “Holy shit, all of you lost to him? What kind of monster is he??” “This is going to be my fifteenth time challenging him. Believe me, he’s the worst.” “I’d still date him though.” Everyone choruses “same” and gets back to training.))
YOONGI - steel type specialist
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holy fuck. HOLY FUCK
you thought seokjin was hot? WELL T H I N K AGAIN
(whoops that’s my biased ass talking ha ha ha)
“What’s the hold up? Stop gawking and let’s get to battling. Or are you too brain dead to function?”
despite his prickly words, he hands you a bottle water anyway, looking away as he does so
“it’s for your pokemon, alright? don’t think just because i’m nice that i’ll go easy on you.” R I G H T
anyway, he definitely wasn’t kidding when he said he wouldn’t go easy on you. EVEN HIS FUCKING GYM WAS CRAZY AS FUCK
his gym was as prickly as he was
“What’s with all the spikes?” “It’s my aesthetic. Don’t judge”
Anyway. Yoongi’s gym was mostly geared towards coordination with your partner, so you had to work together in order not to fall to your deaths into THE GIANT GAPING PIT FULL OF SPIKES
“Isn’t this, like, a safety hazard?” “Well, no one has died yet, so why tf are you complaining?”
(lucky for you, your flying pokemon did the trick wonderfully. you only shudder to think what type of horrors other trainers w/o flying type pokemon had to face in order to cross his death traps)
when you reach the gym leader room, you were surprised to find that he wasn’t even fucking there
“uhhhhh???” you looked around the room to find that there was a secret backdoor, which you found housed his own private studio
yoongi was fiddling with his laptop, mixing something or another for international stars from other regions
“Oh, you’re finally done? What took you so long?” he had grumbled, but he was actually secretly surprised that you had completed his gym really quickly. he hadn’t even gotten to boot up his laptop before you came in
having learned your lesson from seokjin, you had prepared intensely for this battle, and judging from yoongi’s fierce aura that he was definitely not an opponent to underestimate
but then. he sends out. a fucking aron. A BABY POKEMON
“I just caught the little dude this morning. Wanted to see how good he can handle gym-style battles.”
....were you supposed to go easy on it or....it looked like a fucking baby....
in the end, you fainted the tiny pokemon with the weakest move in your arsenal, trying not to hurt it too much. you even go so far as to run over to the aron afterwards, patting its head to see if it was ok
yoongi was impressed. compassion in pokemon battles was his core value (namjoon’s was intelligence & strategy, seokjin’s was humility and grit), and normally a lot of trainers would faint the baby pokemon in irritation, wondering why yoongi was sending out a runt of a pokemon instead of a real battle. he’s even encountered some demons who would use their strongest move on the baby pokemon, causing yoongi to kick them out and ban them for life
“Well. Color me surprised. Can’t believe a brain dead girl like you could pass my test so easily.”
after that little segment, the real battle begins. yoongi’s true arsenal of pokemon? h o l y f u c k (aggron, steelix, empoleon, lucario. FUCK)
(it may or may not have taken some tries to win. but if anything, yoongi was sure to remember you each time you come back to battle. and he may or may not have been anticipating them. m a y b e)
HOSEOK - fire type user
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you couldn’t say that you were surprised that this ball of sunshine was a fire type user
“Aww, am I that predictable? But I swear, my moves are going to wipe you out with a single flamethrower!”
his type specialty was pretty much the only thing predictable about hoseok. his gym was a mess of colors, fireworks, explosions, everything and anything that would cause your to lose both your hearing and eyesight at the same time
(you almost catch on fire from one of the fireworks that were meant to block you off from a section, but luckily, hoseok was watching and intervened)
“Honestly, i have NO idea what made me design my gym like this! I get scared by loud noises easily as well! Wow, forethought isn’t my forte.”
one almost singed arm later, you find your way to his main room
unlike his gym, it was calmer and peaceful. although, you might have to say that the HUNDREDS of figurines lining the walls were kinda--
“Oh, don’t mind those! That’s just my collection. Neat, huh?”
ignoring their beady eyes staring at you, you wanted to ask him first what his “value” was, since the three previous leaders all seemed to have a certain theme to their gyms
“Good thing you reminded me! I’m all about creativity, as you could tell from my gym, and this room! Speaking of, there’s a slight difference when it comes to my battles here.” the grin on his face seemed a little too happy to be trusted, so you waited for him to explain
in lieu of an explanation however, a big flat screen tv with two meters appeared, similar to the ones used in pokemon contests
and did you forget to mention? the floor you were standing on was made of glass, so you suddenly noticed that underneath the glass was not a blue floor, but was actually--
“Oh, it’s not boiling water if you’re curious! The steam is actually from the sauna, so don’t worry your little butt! It won’t singe you...too badly.”
so essentially, his battle was like this: just like a contest battle, you had to defeat your rival in the most creative manner possible. whether that meant aerial moves, explosions, colorful lights, whatever! if your moves dont have any appeal, your meter drops slightly.
once your meter runs out or your team is fainted... well... :)
(you may or may not gotten a soak after all. don’t worry, hoseok was there to help you dry up. he may be laughing now, but you swore that you would be last person laughing. plus, he liked wearing white shirts so you definitely wouldn’t mind if he got a little soaked too)
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