#it isnt bad but it is definitely not good. mostly it's insane.
vamppeach · 6 months
i am doomed to be enraptured by mediocre media
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oceanwithouthermoon · 11 months
the way i have absolutely flooded the kubosai tag is crazy😭most of the recent posts are mine.. my bad..
... anyway, im thinking about kuboyasu picking up different hobbies as a form of anger management, teaching himself coping mechanisms and to use his hands in more gentle ways and let himself make mistakes without taking his anger out in unhealthy ways..
knitting, crocheting, art (he already draws but he wants to do it more and start painting n stuff too), or even scrapbooking or journaling ?? he also already stress bakes/cooks lol.
and since he does it so much, he has so many little pieces of art and he ends up gifting most of them to saiki.. because kubo thinks theyre crappy, but saikis eyes lit up in a way kubo doesnt get to see often when he caught sight of kubos crocheted little pink cat with a suspiciously saiki-like grimace on his face.
so now saiki has all kinds of little knitted/crocheted blankets, pillow cases, stuffed animals, gloves, sweaters, etc. (he made a lot of scarves, bags, hats, coasters, etc. at first since those are easier for beginners, and at first he was keeping them for himself and his mom but the house has too many damn coasters and they do not need that many accessories and sweaters.. so the whole friend group started getting them, but mostly saiki.. and saikis mom started receiving some too).
and little paintings of cats (because kubo definitely loves cats but also saiki just reminds him of one so he draws/paints them for him a lot.. he doesn't know if saiki actually likes them, but he says he doesnt mind so..) and some cute paintings of their friends.. he makes a lot of vent art but saiki obviously does not receive that stuff☠️.
he also tried to learn yoga.. but he learns quickly that he just isnt very good at keeping his hands still and unoccupied for too long.. he might revisit that later, but for now hes just trying to at least learn slow and calculated motions with his hands..
he probably also starts helping kusuo and kurumi with their gardening (because they definitely have a garden). i doubt arens mom has a garden but i bet he could convince her to help him start one after enjoying it with the saikis so much.
the scrapbooking/journaling he mostly keeps to himself.. its mostly pictures of him and his mom, his friends, and him trying to document his feelings in messy pages of writing/doodles/choas..
i love the idea that he starts collecting stickers+fun pens+washi tape to use, which is something he totally would not normally fixate on but he starts getting really excited about it..
tbh it's probably mostly silly stickers from anime he likes, like one piece and dragonball.. a lot of his other interests like the yakuza movies wouldnt have stickers he could get so he just doodles the characters.
but he starts branching out into sillier and more colorful stuff, mostly thanks to chiyo, kokomi, kusuo, and shun. chiyo+kokomi have lots of girly stickers and glitter pens that they give him when they catch wind of the journaling..shun has lots of silly stickers from comic books and theres a surprising amount of harley quinn+poison ivy along with the mcu stuff(mostly spiderman).
chiyo+kusuo have like vocaloid+prosekai stickers, but kusuo mostly is just the reason aren has lots of bright pink+green on a lot of his pages hehe..
anyway, a lot of the gifts he gives to kusuo start getting really.. obvious ? he once gives him this crocheted pink cat with a blank expression and a purple dog whose taller and smiling, both wearing glasses, that are permanently knitted together holding hands☠️and kusuo just.. accepts it. and a lot of the stuff he receives along with their other friends are suspiciously more detailed than everyone elses and there are a lot of hearts and the cat+dog thing becomes a frequent motif and theres so many coffee jelly stuffies and keychains its insane
shun will get like.. a black and red sweater, meanwhile kusuo gets a purple sweater covered in pink hearts+matching gloves+a scarf+socks+a tote bag+a headband ??? aren are ur hands okay seriously
kusuo keeps every single gift obviously, and the first dog+cat plushies along with some other gifts are on his desk so he can look at them literally all the time..
yet somehow they arent dating yet😭aren basically professed his undying love with all the hearts and romantic ass offerings but neither of them have really said anything out loud yet☠️☠️
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TEEHEE IM BACK (i hope me spamming you ((i know this isnt spamming but shh)) is okay) I WANNA SEE YOUR HEADCANNONS FOR TIM AND MASKY and also maybe eyeless jack? i don't remember if you write for him IM SORRY IF YOU DON'T, ONE OF MY FAVOURITE HEADCANONS FOR TIM RA|IGHT NOW: he would so paint, like it makes sense to me that he would, and i think he would be good at it too!!! he would at least be okay at it yknow?
Characters: Tim Wright, Masky and Eyeless Jack
S/O: No
CW: Semi realistic
Tags: SFW (Sexually)
Headcanons below!:
Tim Wright:
Ok expanding on that painting headcanon,, he would totally paint! And he would 100% be decent at it, though I can imagine it sorta being like Alex Kralie's pages, but like,, more deranged if that makes sense. Like to an average person who doesn't know what happened during canon/pre canon would probably find it drawings/paintings off an insane person. But I feel like the paintings would just be like, the operator and the events that happened but like, he has really terrible handwriting + I feel like he shakes a lot so it all combines into a mess. But I also can imagine him painting like really nice landscapes as well, of forests, swamps, mountains etc.
I have a feeling that he still visits Brian, Jays and even Alex's graves every month or so, even if it does bring up bad times and makes him emotional I feel like, he would still want to visit them and just update them about life
Remember how very shortly in early marble hornets how Alex mentioned his dog? (Not Seth's) I believe the dogs name was Rocky, yea, definitely adopted the dog after Alex died
I don't know how much he'd really be social after Marble Hornets, he'd probably stay mostly to himself and just try to stay alone
On a brighter note,I think he would try to quit smoking and I believe the medication has helped him a lot now.
Definitely doesn't even utter A single sound now, he mostly just wanders through the woods and occasionally kicks rocks. I don't see him being too murderous nowadays, if he does kill he tries to keep it short and painless, he doesn't want anyone to suffer and definitely sometimes has breakdowns after.
Finds the tapes sometimes, watches then on an almost broken player
Sometimes will try and apologize to Jessica but will run away before being able to
Eyeless Jack:
Hobie Brown but cannibal basically
He definitely is a stalker-ish type, not a "One day and done type of guy" no, he'll stalk his victim for weeks, making sure they're perfect
Stalks from the trees and alleys type, once he figures out that it is the right person, he'll plan a,perfect time and date, he's already memorized their schedule and such
Scalpel? Yea, maybe usually just uses thought animalistic talons and teeth of his though, the police usually can't find any evidence of what had happened cause either he'd: 1 burn the place down, 2 kill the people investigating the crime or 3 hide the body somewhere it'll decompose fast enough for it to be hard to trace
Seedeater was merely an accident, just a random deer, dog and bison carcus merged together into the demonic entity today that Jack happened to meet
A/N: Tim is my favorite, can you tell?
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blueopinions49 · 1 year
Mistyping on The Enneagram
The purpose of this post is to understand what are mistyping and how they happen. I’ll explain some of the patterns ive noticed when it comes to some of the mistypings as well as some of examples ive I personally disagree with. Please dont take any of this as a personal insult if any of these examples I give are things you've done in the past or the typings I disagree with are your own.
Case #1 Bad Media Literacy 
Often one of the biggest mistake I see when it comes to typing characters enneagram its the interpretation of the characters motive and character arc being incorrect and often based on nothing. The claims you'll mostly see is flattening of the character and often they'll just take one line of dialogue or small piece of the character and typed them based on that. Rather than looking at the character overall. Even if the characters motives and desire are bluntly on display they'll usually ignore these in favor of their misunderstanding of the text. 
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Ex- Maxine Minx (3w4 so/sx) being typed as 2w3 sx/so
-Maxine Minx is a character whose desires are screamed to you by the narrative (literally). Maxine craves stardom and status; she yells at Pearl that she won't have the life she doesnt deserve because she is a Star. Her  sense of self importance and entitlement are clear pointers to soc 3. So I find quite shocking/horrifyng seeing people type her as a sx 2. Let's start with the fact that Maxine’s core desire being in creation of a unique bond with ONE individual in which she ignores her own needs to please the subject is one of the most unhinged takes ive ever seen because there is absolutely no evidence of this in the text. Second Maxine being a Super Ego+Positive type is just not true there isn't any evidence of that in the text. It's just a mess of a typing based on bad media literacy and even worst understanding of subtypes. 
Case #2 Misunderstanding of Subtypes 
This is one of the most unlikely cases I see most people have a decent understanding of subtypes. However this still sometimes happens in which people usually take the definition of the subtype and barely explain it. Sometimes they dont understand what each instinctual variants desire is. 
Social-The desire to find a place in which they belong. Will have a belief that they have a big role in this world.
Self-Preservation-Looks for the needs of the self and those around them.
Sexual- They look for connections and to influcence others. Can be romantic or not. 
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Ex-Daenerys Targaryen (2w1 so/sp) typed as 1w2 sx/so
Dani being typed as an sx1 isnt as bad as some of the other typings I'll cover here but it still shows a bit of confusion. The sx1 looks to perfect others through sharpening them morally. While the soc 2 looks to help others for the greater good. Both of these are super ego types which I why they might be confusing and have some similarities. 
 #3 Detachment between subtype and Type Structure  
This is the most common mistake ive seen people make when it comes to typing enneagram. They usually detach the subtype from the type structure and stick to the definition of the subtitle without taking any parts of the type it self. The focus on the subtype makes it so the core desire of the enneagram type itself is replaced rather than complement it. The core desire of the enneatype will and should always come first when it comes to typing. This has led to allot of mistyping in which they ignore crucial parts of the enneagram and character/person they are typing. 
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Asuka Langley (3w4 so/sx) typed as 2w3 sx/so or 4w3 sx/so 
Both of these typings cause me a headache so ill cover both 
4w3 sx/so- sx 4 Asuka is one of the worst typing ive seen. They hyper focus on the flimsy definition and the poor understanding of Asuka’s character makes this typing a mess. To believe that Asuka craves for “depth and authenticity” is one of the most insane understanding of her character. And when checking at the triads it becomes even more evident that this typing is holding for its dear life on the misunderstanding from her character. To believe that Asuka is a withdrawn type is one hell of an interpretation. When it comes to attachment style Asuka being a frustration types makes no sense either. The E4 believes itself to be “too deep and profound” for others which is why they find themselves frustrated believing that others aren't as profound as they are. Also having any form of self hate ISNT a sign of enneagram 4. 
2w3 sx/so- This typing I see a bit less but its still pretty common. This typing probably comes when people hyper fixation on Kaji. And tbh thats kinda of bad since that is a minor plot beat when it comes to her character. And when you look at E2 as a whole Asuka just doesnt fit there anywhere...The sx ignores the need of self to please ONE individual who they believe can return the love they need. And Asuka doesnt ever ignore her own needs at all. Also Asuka being a super ego type...no. The super ego types believe they are doing righteous acts and believe themselves to be morally superior. And how does this apply to Asuka? well it doesnt. 
Case #4 “May look like X type” 
Following the same topic from the last case they will usually focus on the small part in the final description of the subtype in which they point out some similarities with others. However it is important to note that they are still the same type. The Enneagram core desire and needs doesnt change because they may look like X type. And this seems to be very rampant as of recently. 
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Anakin Skywalker (8w7 sx/so) typed as 4w3 sx/so- This typing makes is as bad as the previous character. The current fixation on the may look like E8 in the description of sx E4 has made allot of different charcaters and people be mistyped based on that single line. Anakin never desire authenticity nor depth. He makes it very clear in both The Clone Wars show and Attack of The Clones that he craved power In order to protect those he loved. Saddest part is he quite literally tells us this in attack of the clones...
Lack of Knowledge of General Type structure and Ignoring Triads 
The type structure of each type is complex and detailed however it is key to understand its importance when it comes to typing and understanding the enneagram. Naranjos work on the enneagram is my preferred source when it comes to general type structure I highly suggest you find pdfs or sometimes people of personality coffee leave the type descriptions of naranjo in there. Understanding the core desire of the enneagram and the lines inside is something ive noticed people have a hard time understanding and not taking into consideration when it comes to typing.  Triads is also a very good and important tool to understanding how the types work and it helped me allot to distinguish them. Especially when it comes to object relations. 
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Ex- Cassie Howard (9w1 sx/so or 2w1 sp/sx) being type 3w2 sx/so
So im not sure on Cassies enneagram just yet im between the options listed above however Cassie being typed as a sx 3 makes no sense at all. Cassie being a competency+assertive types makes very little sense to me. Especially since the sx 3 looks for success in the interpersonal sense they dont really crave the “love” that comes from it just the image of filling the role in someones life. While I think the sx 9 makes more sense since her being an attachment type makes the most sense to but also I could see sp 2 tho. I don’t see the assertiveness that the sx 2 has.
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alyimoss · 5 months
Yeah I'm also new to tumblr that's why I'm doing this (re: starlo dad ask a few days ago)
Also do you have starlo hcs
lmao welcome to tumblr
and yeah ig but theyre not rlly?? idk substantial?? its been a while since i was insane abt uty, ive been meaning to replay it but stuffs been getting in the way.
anyway heres a couple
i think hes a good cook. i like the thought of him teaching ceroba how to cook, too (she almost set the kitchen on fire, they yelled about it in fear, had a couple drinks, then almost set the kitchen on fire again and yelled abt it). he also is the one cooking for the rest of the feisty five more often than not (they others are mostly ok at cooking tho. ed's really good, but struggles sometimes bc his hands are too big to be able to properly use certain utensils and appliances. moray is also a pretty good cook and help ed out a lot. they make a great team. ace is alright, can definitely follow a recipe, and is really good abt finding ones the rest really like. mooch.. mooch wouldnt go hungry if she lived alone. but shes generally not allowed to cook. has a no-bake dessert everyone loves though, she makes it on holidays and special occasions and to bribe the others)
this isnt my hc but i dont remember who i first heard it from but i loooove the hc that star glows when hes flustered. i think when he first started crushing on ceroba and theyd have sleepovers, hed just start glowing at times and shed throw pillows at his face telling him to stop bc she couldnt sleep
on that note, consider the bunk bed in his room. him and orion definitely shared. and orion definitely dreaded ceroba sleeping over bc her and star would share a bed and stay up late joking around and playing and talking and whatnot and hed often have to get up and just leave to go sleep on the couch or with their parents. they got into arguments about this.
he runs warm. dont hold his hand unless you wanna get sweaty.
in the case of clover lives/dadlo, hes the last one to know that clover thinks of him as a father figure. everyone else knows, either through observation or clover accidentally calling him dad in front of them or them just admitting they think of him as their dad. star probably learns of this via ceroba or dina or one of the five or someone telling him "you know clover thinks of you as a father figure, right?" and he bluescreens about it
im not like. the biggest corn yaoi shipper ever, but i think its cute (and the name makes me laugh), and i think dalv confesses first. theyre in some fancy restaurant or something and star asks "so, what'd you call me here for?" and to that dalv responds by just blurting out that he thinks hes in love with him. and star immediately chokes on his food bad enough he needs medical attention.
so ceroba mentions in-game that living w the feisty five is a bit of a nightmare bc of the sleeping and the fact that everyone has some kinda problem that specifically makes it hard for her to fall asleep. i think star is actually pretty normal in terms of sleep. might snore lightly if hes in an uncomortable position, but overall just quiet. the rest of the five dont fare so well. ed's got it best, he just snores. loudly, but everyone other than ceroba is just kinda fine w it. moray grinds their teeth and needs to be restrained or theyll end up halfway across the room from where they fell asleep. or farther. ace sleepwalks and talks. ceroba once woke up to him eating the berries off the plant on the dresser by her bed. still asleep. mooch also grinds her teeth and "sleep steals", aka waits for everyone else to fall asleep so she can go through their stuff. star, despite being able to sleep through everything else, somehow has a 6th sense for her or something, because he very consistently wakes up to catch her red-handed and chew her out
thats all i rlly got lmao
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onlyplatonicirl · 1 year
henlo it is i the headcANON, here to go ramble about everyone's favourite little guy, casey. its insane to me just how much you've endeared me and many other tcoti fans to this silly fella
i can see casey going to a religious school (the only difference from a non religious school is you learn re but literally no one cares lol), most parents will try and send their kids there cause they are known for being better schools (they get more funding for extra lessons), and casey couldnt give less of a shit about it
i also think he wouldve went to an all boys school, he just sorts acts like he did lol
whilst in school my man would try and break every single dress code policy known to man, half of the time hed just show up in his pe clothes, the other time hed show up with no tie, no jacket, a coat and whatever else he could fet his hands on that he wasnt supposed to have (english schools have really strict dress codes, idk why its dumb)
he knows a small amount of spanish, in most british schools you are forced to do mfl (modern foreign languages) and its usually either french or spanish (you rarely have a choice to pick which you want to do), some will let you pick up german and even mandarin but thats usually at gcse level or as an extracurricular activity (which most kids are also forced to do). he isnt fluent in spanish, not by a long shot, but he definitely knows how to have a conversation, albeit very scripted and short. however, one thing he does understand is how to swear in spanish, and what it sounds like. i imagine him and his friends just looking it up on the laptops during class time, definitely to annoy their teacher.
so i have this image in my head that gray doesnt like swearing all that much (maybe fresh got to him lol), so he tends to swear in spanish or french because the british boy wont understand - alas he does
casey could not be arsed with most lessons because he didnt really care about getting a good education since he couldnt see all that bright of a future for himself, if one at all, but he was actually quite good at maths and history, even when he tried not to be
he has been shown on more than one occasion, undernovella, and whilst he was put off it due to it 1. being in spanish, and 2. the cast being played 99% by monsters, he actually really ended up enjoying it by the end
hes also been getting into anime and manga ("dude its like a comic book but even more brutal"), mostly shonen like one punch man and dragon ball, but he also really enjoyed sailor moon and doesnt want to admit to it, he liked the romance and friendship aspect of it, also pretty girls
he has always been into comic books, his favourite super heroes are deadpool and spiderman
before he met gray (properly), he mostly played shooter games (ones that were free or cheap), fortnite, valorant, and a pirated copy of fifa, because thats what guys play. if his past self saw his year 4 stardew valley save file, hed spontaneously combust
i think he also plays splatoon now, he mains the dualies because theyre cool, hed definitely be an inkling as well but thats an au for another day
zelda too
despite everything thats happened, he really did grow to love his last foster mum, she was a single lady and she treated him like her own son. hes had bad experiences with the foster care system in the past (breaking news: fork found in kitchen), parents only taking him in for the money, some wanting to complete their family and forcing him to live by their ideals, all that bad stuff, which is why he often ran away from them. he had run away from his last foster mum, two times before, but it was very early into their relationship before they got to understand each other better.
his last foster mum asked him what his hobbies were his first night at her house, he didnt know, so she suggested he pick up an instrument - he decided the guitar, because it looked cool. he almost cried when she offered to buy him lessons, he didnt take her up on the offer, determined to learn it by himself, and he did
he has a really nice singing voice he'll never let anyone see - hes a lyric baritone
also whilst in canon hes a brummie, i like to imagine he was born a bit further north (hes a mackem to me), and moved to birmingham to be with his most recent and last foster parent, and that he lived there for so long thats hes picked up the accent
he felt really bad leaving her but managed to convincr himself that she would be better off without someone like him in her life
casey is a very traumatised child, he has a lot of triggers and boundaries he doesnt fully understand himself, plus a boat load of unhealthy coping mechanisms (mainly smoking and socially isolating himself)
he tries to keep his bad habits a secret from gray, because he doesnt know how he would feel about it - he knows, he doesnt like it but he isnt exaclty the greatest at having healthy coping mechanisms himself, at the very least he tries to get him to swap one for another, instead of smoking play stardew valley with me for 37 hours straight :) ?
he often struggles with the idea that hes a burden, so he doesnt let people spend money on him, or give him gifts
he also struggles to express his emotions (hes british unfortunately), and has a hard time saying 'i love you' to anyone, the only person he never strugfled saying that to was his mum
bit of a trigger warning, im going to be talking about casey's injuries and all that jazz, so if you dont wanna read, head to the next bullet point! casey shouldnt be alive, the injuries he suffered were severe, the paramedics were convicned he was a lost cause (still they have to do everything they can), so it was a shock to all when he pulled through. this was, however, not without a bit of a battle, and it left permanent effects on his health. casey's lungs are horribly scarred (smoke inhalation will do that to you), and it doesnt help that he smoked before and after. his nerves on the left side of his body where the support beam collapsed on him, are quite literally fried. where it hit directly, he cannot feel anything there, the areas that were dames by the fire however are unbelievably sensitive and painful to the touch. even after the scar healed it stills remains sensitive, so he bandages up those areas. the beam also broke and bruised a lot of his bones, mostly his ribs and the bones in his arms. his left ear is also burnt, and a portion of it, mostly the tips of it, are straight up missing. after recovering from the initial injury, he had a skin graft taken from his right thigh to supplement the damage done to the left side of his face. for a while after he had to take a lot of pain meds, and undergo a ton of therapy both mental and physical - even still hes not fully healed
casey loves animals, particularly dogs. his last foster mother had a german shepherd, and he used to let it sleep on his bed. it made him feel safe and loved. dogs and cats also just like to come up to him on the street, bros a disney princess for real
beefed with paperjam for a while, both had a lack of trust in each other, but they got to be on equal ground after a while, that didnt last long, not since after chapter 31..
hes fighting demons (bisexuality)
ever since he met gray and by extension his wack ass family, hes grown more and more accustomed to monster culture, particularly their disregard for gender norms and compulsive heterosexuality, and hes been experimenting with his gender expression, he never thought hed actually enjoy dressing in pink or taking care of his hair. he tried painting his nails, but did not have the patience to let them dry, he still sometimes wears it, albeit chipped and blotchy, but he thinks it suits him
he has always been fine with being labelled a man, but sometimes he doesnt feel as though it fits him, not entirely, hes not sure what his gender is because sometimes male really does fit him, but other times he just wants to throw the whole concept of gender away, hes stuck with unlabelled for a while and feels as though it somewhat fits him
he once buzzed his hair cause all the guys in his school did for whatever reason, he cried for several hours afterwards and got nicknamed sampson for a week, biggest mistake of his life - bro experienced dysphoria for the first time in his life
celebrates gyftmas because its way cooler than christmas (I NEED A GRACEY GYFTMAS ONESHOT ASAP), he celebrates the majority of monster holidays since everyone (1 to 2 people at max lmao) in the house he currently lives in does too. is confused as to what monster halloween is supposed to be
likes going out with gray (which is once in a blue moon), his favourite spot is waterfall, but he also really likes snowden and hotland
- headcANON
Also I hope you don’t mind me tagging @ottererpop because they’re a Casey enthusiast as well and they must see all of this solid gold.
I Must respond to some of these AAA
- I talked with multiple people about how Casey is ABSOLUTELY breaking every dress code he possibly can. Like he would come to school in the bare minimum to not get expelled but his “uniform” would just be wrinkled to hell and his tie would just hang around his neck completely untied
- Casey is genuinely intelligent and if he actually tried in school he would do really well. However he’s a massive shithead and doesn’t care because of how depressed he is
- I do have a very specific speech pattern and tone of voice for him in my head but I’m not sure exactly how to write it. Also about him being from Birmingham - he’s not really from the main city itself but more generally around that area, so he very well could lived farther north and end up closer to the main city has he went to live with foster parents. Im purposefully avoiding getting too detailed with exact places and cities because then it just becomes hyper-specific.
- he absolutely would love undernovella - he love sitcoms so he would adore those over-dramatic plot twists
- He and his current foster mom (before he left ofc) have a tolerable relationship. She was often gone from the house and left him to his own devices, so he would mostly just skip school and play games on his computer all day, which did annoy her significantly.
- his smoking is partially a coping mechanism, partially a peer pressure “cool guy” thing that he picked up, and partially something that could very subtlety equate to self-harm. I could get into a whole thing about his smoking habits. He doesn’t smoke that often, but it is definitely something he tries to hide from Gray. Or at least not make it obvious. Like I said recently PJ has caught him smoking cigs over the kitchen sink while Gray’s been asleep.
- you are correct in your assumption that he doesn’t feel anything on the part of his torso that was severely burnt.
- I’m sure he has shaved all his hair off at some point. In the past he for-sure had one of those haircuts that’s short and buzzed all on the sides but long on the top, or at least buzzed in the back.
- gray’s family and the entire omega timeline being extremely unlabeled when it comes to gender and sexuality, like it’s not a big deal in the slightest, is definitely a massive change for Casey and he struggles to understand it. He’s grown up in an environment where he’s constantly felt like he has to prove how tough and unfeeling he is in order to get ahead. That’s why he’s so embarrassed of his severe sweet tooth, because he’s scared it comes across as “girly”. He’s by no means sexist but he definitely is over-anxious about not being perceived as “weak”.
- I’m sure he would absolutely adore waterfall :)
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Character: Kujo Takamasa
First impression
since i first saw him in rikus fucking. 1st beat flashback. i knew that man was sus as hell amen! i was super curious since we got that bit of knowledge that tenn left with a random guy and basically had this prediction that he was AWFUL and the cause of all of tenns problems. in the first actual scene with him i was mostly like 'what a cool scene!' but as soon as we learn he's tenn AND AYA'S dad i was like. oh i bet he's why tenn works himself into the ground and has all these weird complexes and won't talk to riku i bet kujo’s this horrible abusive guy. i even wrote this little tenn&aya angst fic back in october when i was watching 2nd beat that holds up decently well (it was basically a sickfic where tenn was like ik im sick but I Have To Go To Work bc otherwise kujo’ll be pissed and aya was like My Mom Died Of Illness) but definitely has some inaccuracies and missed how interesting tenn and aya's characters and complexes are. anyway i hated that man!
Impression now
I LOVE THIS MAN!! he has every disease <3 <3 <3 i love his hair. i love his vibes. i love when he fails at life. he's still an awful parent who did/does definitely traumatize tenn but it's in a fun funky way. i love a man who goes insane with longing. i also just really like the little snippets we get of him existing. being himself. his personality entertains me. i like his dramatic monologues and i like that he’s goth
Favorite moment
oh my god. when the high school trio corner him in a hallway and he’s like “when did i start running a children’s counseling hotline” my friend. perhaps when you started using them as raw material for idols??? its so funny hes like. whats up with these kids ❓
Idea for a story
THIS IS SURPRISINGLY HARD bc i give him a lot of screentime in my stuff that ISNT centered around him but then with just him all im thinking of is easy little character studies where i wax poetic about zero. OH!! actually i’m always dreaming up dumb kujo family crackfic. they go to the grocery store. (i actually have snippets of this one thought up.) they go to a diner. they go on an overly long drive and hate it. haruka is always there causing drama. its a beautiful world
Unpopular opinion
ONE TIME I SAW A FIC MAKING HIM HOMOPHOBIC nah. hes gay. hes homophobic against haruki specifically. but in general taking an antagonist and making them do allllll the bad stuff is never my jam. also w that the idea/theory that he fucked over zero, like pressured him too much as a producer? i could see him being the reason zero disappeared, but i don’t think he could or did Manage zero— if he overwhelmed zero, it was probably with excessive love and devotion— like i bring up in the favorite relationship section he’s the guy who says “this song is the most amazing thing in the world” and gets so excited about it he breaks your stuff!
Favorite relationship
i thought about this for a little but i think i gotta say him and haruki! apart from them being the choice with the most history, their dynamic is just fun— harukis a jokester. a free spirit. a silly guy if you will. and generally laid-back/unattached- while kujous very serious and singleminded. add in Beef and that they used to be really close and it’s so fun; i also think a lot about the flashback scene where haruki’s having kujo listen to his new song and kujo’s like THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER MADE!!!!!! what a hypeman :> and harukis like don’t break More of my glasses so that’s another fun touch of contrast in their dynamic
(and god. i’ll make this last forever kujou vs here for a good time not a long time haruki. what a pair to trap in endless grief)
i also actually really like his and gaku’s dynamic? all their scenes together are really strong, it’s really satisfying seeing gaku tell it like it is— with all this care for tenn and knowledge of tenn’s issues embedded— and having gaku play kujo in the zero musical also brings out ALLLL the similarities in the two characters (that are really quite different) and makes every kujo-gaku scene during that period extremely fun bc gakus doing CHARACTER ANALYSIS
Favorite headcanon
ough… ive talked about this before but i think aya buys him best dad merch, haruka buys him stuff that says “worst dad” and he ignores what all of it says and just like. wears/uses it.
also i like the idea of him being consciously goth/alt but in different styles since before zero disappeared
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galaxy-lilies · 5 months
I saw that you completely moved to a different Minecraft fandom. Is it ok if I ask you if it's better over there? Like do you find it less toxic? Is it like completely no toxic shit or just a lot less or about the same but less insane?
I'm just curious. It's a little bit like you moved to a different city or school and I'm asking how are you doing over there
it's definitely calmer here compared to dsmp fr fr, less drama to occur, no one is going all "ooo are you team X, team Y, team Z and if youre on one of these teams and not my team then youre BAD youre HORRIBLE youre a PIECE OF SHIT-" like none of that is going on.
The only difference I have noticed is that there's a general / more prevalent "please tag shipping posts" since some folk are uncomfortable with rpf while in the dsmp fandom it was a free for all/a general understanding of its fun to mess around with both cubitos and ccs like "ooo i wonder what karl, sap, and q were doing when they were doing their meetups back in 2022" and "the fiances cuddling in kinoko" were both fair game ideas under the RPF umbrella and that's how i understood it but now i realized that RPF is in reference to the first example LMAO/specifically their irl, cc personas
another nice thing is that there isnt the rush or panic of "oh CRAP i missed this stream!" because, well, the series is mostly on youtube with the occasional stream here and there and there are many POVs to watch and see in bite size 30-40 minute episodes. it's how im getting through cub's season 5 POV, just pulling up the playlist on his channel and letting the videos go
However that isnt to say that hermitblr hasnt had their fair share of shit, running off some hermit ccs off of tumblr before in 2018, 2019 or so, there were some staunch shipping wars, but i think?? i showed up after the aftermath so you don't see much of it / its easier to avoid
and since i was burned already on twitter, im not even going to touch hermittwt :D back to my tumblr roots here i come
Overall, if you dont dig too deep into the fandom its pretty good, its when you back log to years pre-pandemic where some things were. not great. (at least from what i understand thanks to moots who were / are in the hermitcraft fandom) but i don't plan on digging deep anyways, im content with where I am now. It's nice not to stress about drawing or posting ccs that will get you mass unfollowed or blocked
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creacherkeeper · 6 months
for sleepover saturday (time isn’t real) 4, 5, 9, and for florence 22, 25, and 30 🥰🥰
time isnt real!!! its nearly saturday again so lets just pretend this is sleepover saturday!!!
4. What's your favorite part of DMing?
i find it all so incredibly enjoyable but i think the best part is making things that are so Targeted for pcs / players and then they go crazy over it <333 like wow i get to be telling stories that are specifically for my friends!!!! and like yalls level of investment has been sooooo rewarding it makes me more emo & feel more loved than i can say <333 ive been a creative all my life but nothing has felt as good to make as lost township
5. Do you have a favorite NPC? Or type of NPC?
evil question ,,,, and like genuinely i really enjoy most of the npcs. like i find something to like or be interested in with all of them or else why would i hand them off to yall. ive definitely spent the most time with lizzie just bc of player engagement (yall know who you are)(she did not even have a character sheet in arc 1) but i think its unfortunately obvious my favorite archetype is dyke paladin with religious trauma and many things wrong with her. and i wont apologize for that.
9. What's your favorite thing your players do?
interact with the world and the plot in ways that are less about moving the plot forward and more about really inhabiting the characters. like arc 1 was very much a contained murder mystery and i think yall still did a great job with yalls characters but were very focused on Solving The Plot and i feel like in arc 2 yall have really stretched your wings and let your characters loose in a way thats just so so fun. has it taken forever to get to plot reveals Yes but its so worth it when yalls little guys are just being insane on screen for hours at a time
for florence:
22. How do they feel about the rest of the party?
cass: so intimidated. but also curious? quiet middle aged woman with some sort of strange foreign magic florence doesnt recognize and i think florence Wants to talk to her but will not approach first. shes clearly going through something but has mostly been keeping to herself and florence is not gonna be the one to break that
divine: she wants to be in divines good graces so bad,,, shes a wittle scared of divine but in the like. outcast girl vs popular cheerleader type of way and she definitely thinks of divine as the leader of the group. as wolf vs deer shes trying really hard not to scare divine but is maybe showing her belly a little too much. she thinks that if divine doesnt like her the rest of the party will follow suit. just feels kind of dumb and tongue tied around her
onion: shes so fuckin scared to talk to onion now. she already just really didnt know what the vibe was and then found out onion was fey and was like cool fairies are real i guess and then onion went into the First flashback and she snapped him out of it and onion immediately changed the subject to talk to her about lizzie and let her know lizzie is okay which she appreciated but is feeling very mixed up about, especially rolling so high on onion to get ,,,, A Vibe with onionlizzie. AND THEN THE SECOND FLASHBACK HAPPENED BECAUSE SHE WAS TRYING TO BE NICE TO HIM and now onion seems Unhappy and is Booking It and florence is like okay !! i fucked up !! dunno what to do now !! so shes probably just not gonna try to talk to them again unless they approach her first and she has a very clear direction for how the conversation should go. she feels sooooo bad but is also. Worried. not a good thing to get triggered by babyboy!!
tenny: she has no fucking idea how to feel about tenny. she knows tenny isnt human and tenny seems to have some sort of connection to animals / monsters and she knows tenny was being held captive in the blasting company so theres clearly Something going on there. but tenny is really keeping to her little squad and i think again its like. florence will talk to her if tenny approaches her first but shes not going to make first contact because her role in this group feels so tenuous already
will: shes autism imprinted on him. i think will is the only one in the group she actually just feels comfortable around and shes wondering why he's so different from oliver. she had definitely heard of him before while in silvermoon and then actually meets him and hes just very kind and caring and reassuring and shes definitely going to stick as close by him as she can. shes nervous or unsure or intimidated by everyone else there but will tried to calm and reassure her after she triggered onion and seems to be the person trying to take care of everyone on the trip. dog bonded to that sad old man. shes also hoping that if shes good with will maybe oliver will be less scary at her
25. Do they believe in love?
fucked up question. i think she thinks that love is duty & work & effort & loyalty and that its not meant to be easy or always fair but you just stick it out anyway and put more elbow grease in until it works. i think shes very used to being the one putting more of the work into relationships and does not necessarily see that pattern or that its a problem. shes dated and shes had flings but shes never had romantic love and she does not think its in the cards for her. she has her sisters back and she thinks she just needs to be grateful for that and not ask for more
30. What are their thoughts on justice?
interesting ... i think florence thinks justice is like. a nice ideal to keep in your head when youre making decisions but ultimately not a force thats like. Real. in the world. shes seen too many bad people be celebrated and too many innocent people suffer to think that justice is something that actually has any power in the world. the wolf pack is much more about Balance than any sort of actual goodness or fairness so even her temple never really purported itself as having justice as an ideal. the closest to that in wolfsden is sidewinder and florence has seen firsthand that his domain is not really enforced in any way
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werebutch · 2 years
tell us more abt these ocs
Omg hiiii okay so this project started as a way for me to goof around with writing while working on a different more serious project.. so take that as you will…. It follows three main characters through their lives during capitalism’s slow fall, but mostly focuses on the relationships the characters have with each other and their sense of identity.
Atlas is a werewolf, fits the trope well by being quiet and angry and bloodthirsty. He started as me wanting to make a “cringy” oc for fun but i got really attached. He struggles with his sense of self, morals, view on Christianity and the way he was raised. He’s pessimistic and sarcastic but can also be extremely loving and loyal, depending. A large focus later in the story is atlas’s absolute attachment to his lover seraph, which does more harm than good. He and scotch are bffs/lovers btw
Seraph is human, but they’ve definitely stuck to the theme of their original concept, atlas’s guardian angel. They’re pretty much the complete opposite of him, like a shaky chihuahua. On the outside anyway. Seraph is obsessed with managing how people see them, they do an insane amount of micromanaging to stay this kind of symbol of purity to the public. Obviously this isnt a complete mask, they’re still a nervous wreck, compassionate, creative, but they’re also prideful, selfish, and revengeful. They struggle with Christianity as well as self image, their relationships, and facing the consequences of their actions.
Scotch is my special little guy. He’s a human who’s fixated on making music and being a star etc etc. despite his age he has not grown up at all since high school, but thats not all bad i guess. Hes super genuine, very outgoing and charismatic. A big focus for him is his relationship with atlas and eloise, which is complicated and kind of tears him apart (#situationship). Scotch is impulsive and very emotionally unstable, and pays more attention to others’ needs than his own. He struggles with identity, love, family, and accepting help from people.
The actual sequence in which everything takes place is constantly changing, im kind of just playing with it until something sticks. These characters have gone through insane changes LMFAO.. so yes im not exactly ready to explain the exact plot.. but i have a good handle on my main guys:3
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dragonflute · 1 year
ive been cleaning out my saved vids on my switch and its making me really nostalgic and. kinda pissy so im just gonna air out my frustrations with splatoon 3 now that its been out for a year. the game is fun and has a lot of improvements against splatoon 2 but holy shit do i miss splatoon 2. the splatoon team definitely focused a lot of their energy into good parts of the game (i.e. movement mechanics, making the singleplayer not a rehash of splat1's story again, models + graphics in some ways) but other than those few improvements to me sometimes splat3 just feels like stagnant. my major multiplayer gameplay issues mostly stem from splatfests themselves. like. when it was first revealed that 3 was going to have 3 team splatfests i was like skeptical and unfortunately i do wanna say. one year after release i feel like 3 team splatfests are a hindrance to the splatfest concept. like with splat1&2 the color choices for teams were always unique and actually very interesting (i.e. gold and silver finalfest+frostyfest) but with the 3 teams it always seems like were stuck with the primary colors or secondary colors. the furthest we got from that was the chocolate one but for some reason they decided to put dark chocolate in purple like. for no god damn reason. and also i know that tricolor battles are this games gimmick but i insanely miss the shifty stations from splat2. i really think they shouldve brought that concept back because they made splatfest so much fun to be around for. but whatever. but the most egregiously bad part of splatfests now is that it seems that almost every splatfest whichever team gets most votes automatically wins. like with the two team splatfests at the very least there was a even chance of the less popular vote winning (super mushroom vs super star being a major example) but the only splatfest in 3 so far that has been won by a less popular team has been the nessie aliens bigfoot one. i really think they should do a revision of how splatfest results are calculated because it really just feels like once ur on a team that isnt popular theres no chance of winning. anyways
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biolums · 2 years
hiii hope ur well do u have. bl recs..i trust ur taste immensely 🫶🏾
so first of all. i DO watch a lot of shitty bl its a past time i greatly enjoy BUT this will be a list of shows i recommend because theyre GOOD fjdjsjkfksjdkf also idk how much bl youve watched if any!! so if youve seen all of these i can and WILL rec more im just putting the ones i would recommend MOST rn
adding a keep reading. this is a bit long i apologize jfsiodjf
1. Bad Buddy (available on youtube)
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WAGHHH this show changed me as a person… rivals to friends to lovers, romeo and juliet, secretly dating… its just sooooo good. its about pat and pran, who have lived next to each other their entire lives BUT their parents Hate each other. occurs mostly in college where they live across from each other now (sighs.. fated lovers…) AND their friend groups hate each other too. rivals 2x… however theyre forced to work together because the university is threatening punishment if the two groups dont stop fighting.
this show seriously is just SOOO good and i relate to pran on a personal level. both like… autistically and loving pat-ingly (ohm pawat.. whew hes Such a man)
2. Where Your Eyes Linger (available on viki? or dramacool if you want to pirate it lol)
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OK a lot of people rate this kind of mid in kbls BUTTT its forever my favorite idc. its about a chaebol and his bodyguard who was essentially adopted by the family for the Sole purpose of being his bodyguard. set in high school and features just the most wonderful yearning and also for some reason they only have one bed in the apartment they share. goes into power structures and stuff a bit which i thought was cool :) basically the bodyguard has been in love with the chaebol his whole life but never acted on it because 1. thats not his place and 2. taejoo is Straight. he yearns quietly until Uh Oh… someone starts taking kang gook (the bodyguard)’s attention away from taejoo and he gets jealous.
3. I Told Sunset About You (available on viki. i watched it on dramacool)
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AUOGGH.. this show will tear you into pieces. its just such a BEAUTIFUL and cinematic experience i love it so much… notable things to mention: features cheating and an obscene amount of crying. i love this show but i cannot do crying scenes. it was a struggle fjsjdjfjdjdjf anyways this show is about two childhood friends who are now rivals. theyre trying to get into college and taking classes outside of school to prepare, where they meet each other for the first time in quite a few years. teh is insanely jealous of oh aew for being popular amongst other things and it causes a lot of. tension. teh has a girl hes been flirting with for years and oh aew has a guy he likes but they both feel an INTENSE pull to each other. one that isnt easy on their relationships or theirselves.
OH!!! also this show features a ton of thai-chinese culture and is set in phuket as opposed to almost every other thai show being set in bangkok.
also i dont recommend the sequel. i havent watched it but it has some. problematic tropes that leave a bad taste in my mouth. also just destroys the characters! idk thats just my opinion though im sure SOMEONE likes that show..
4. Until We Meet Again (available on youtube)
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ok. first of all. this show is about the red string of fate and reincarnated lovers. im warning you now that it literally starts with a double suicide scene and its. its a lot. HOWEVER. i do really like this show!! its sweet and does justice to both its trope and the couple who commit suicide. basically pharm, a stick of a guy who experiences panic attacks and nightmares that he cant explain, enters college and meets dean, the captain of the swim team. they both definitely know something is up and have feelings for each other but they have to navigate flashbacks and discovering what happened to their past selves (in and korn). ALSO has a side couple whos show is currently airing!!!! im not putting between us on here since its still airing but i do recommend it :)
ugh second warning. this show ALSO has soooo much crying……….
5. Gaya Sa Pelikula (available on youtube)
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when i say this show changed me as a person.... god i genuinely have sooooooooooooo many emotions about this show. it follows karl, an architecture student. he moves into his apartment and.. some guy runs in and puts a hand over his mouth and tells him to be quiet. No he is not getting robbed but he doesn't know that. QUEUE fake dating and cohabitation to appease vlad (the guy who ran in)'s sister. genuinely has some of the best most incredible characters ever made and features incredible depictions of internalized homophobia and struggling to live your own life rather than the one someone else made for you. god just thinking about this show is makingme emotional i miss karl and vlad :(
i think this show was supposed to have a season two but something happened with the cast/production crew (im pretty sure it was SA but im not sure) and so theres no sequel. it has a cliffhanger/bittersweet ending but genuinely i think that shouldnt impact whether or not someone watches because its sad YES but its just actually such a good ending and i would have hated if they ended it another way. one of the realest and most human shows ive watched. the BEST depiction of the gay experience ive ever seen. genuinely please watch this show just for that it made me cry and laugh and sob and giggle with how nuanced and thoughtful it is about gayness
6. cherry magic (ITS AVAILABLE ON CRUNCHYROLL??? i watched it on dramacool. lmao)
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHH the movie sequel just came out and i haven't seen it yet but im soooo excited for it. cherry magic is one of the most endearing shows but it doesn't sacrifice character development or plot for cuteness. the premise is that when you turn 30, and youre still a virgin, you turn into a mind reader. which is a big premise to sell i KNOW. but they NAIL IT. adachi (the mindreader) is introverted, insecure, and uncomfortable in his skin, but his new powers force him to come to terms with himself and exist as a person. he avoids touch as much as possible as everyones thoughts can be A Lot BUT he brushes against the office hottie/mvp and finds out that he (kurosawa) has a crush on HIM. adachi doesnt understand but tries to figure out why this incredible guy could love a shy and awkward person like him. features an aroace side character and a side couple i ignored (save for the cat. udon lovers unite) its just such a sweet but powerful show and i love the characters so much :((((
7. hes coming to me (available on youtube)
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OHM PAWATS BACK IM SORRY HES JUST MY FAV AND ALSO THE BEST ACTOR EVER. anyways this show has SUCH a soft place in my heart i truly think its such a special show. its about a ghost who is never visited at his grave and therefore cant pass on and a guy who can see ghosts. Thun has seen ghosts for most of his life but he hasn't really talked to any. Mes has been dead for awhile and longs to have someone SEE him and TALK to him. when thun is a kid, he sees mes and leaves him some offerings. but he doesn't return for a very long time. thuns now a college kid and when he returns to the graveyard, he finally talks to mes and they click. from there, they work together to figure out how mes died to try and help his spirit move on, but develop feelings along the way. has the most HEARTBREAKING coming out scene ever. ohm pawat seriously deserves so many awards. ALSO has a lot of thai-chinese culture!!
i have mixed feelings about the ending. its complicated i like it and i dont like it.. if you watch it youll see what i mean sdfhsoidfjsido
OMG EDITING TO SAY THAT GAP THE SERIES IS A GL CURRENTLY AIRING THAT I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RECOMMEND AS WELL!!!!!!! we stan the autistic queen sam is and mon whos just doing her best in a lesbian world. without knowing shes a lesbian. Somehow
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tillman · 1 year
how does zato feel to play across all the GG titles? like what are the differences you think between strive/xrd/xx in his gameplan?
sorry this ask is like a month old now but i kept pushing it off cus i dont play enough strive to have the most solid grasp. and for the record im not like amazing at fighting games this could all be against how hes actually meant to played but in my experience its sooomething like this. long post. i love thinking about this stuff.
+r specifically is my absolute favorite rendition of the character. i think venom overall is still my favorite character in all of fighting games but plussy eddie comes real fucking close.
xrd and +r eddie/zato feel really similar, how specifically they want to run their gambit is slightly different (+r eddie has a lot more mix potential with numerous unblockables and really fun combos that can last for ages if youre dexterous enough while xrd zato wants to focus more on the bnb, keeping the corner on lock, and working around how kinda weird they made little eddies moves). it helps vice summon in +r is basically exactly summon in xrd, so having the overlap of specific things you can do is really helpful for looping them together. i also really like the unique things each one has! great white isnt GOOD persay but its one of xrds most fun moves. and puddle is just. man . i love puddle. <- average eddie player sentence. find an eddie player who isnt hopelessly obsessed with puddle. you cant.
strive zato is the blacksheep and its taken me a while to figure out why i feel so differently about him than xrd. they feel pretty similar (only one set of summon moves, same kinda corner pressure you want to be running, etc etc etc) but i think specifically because of how different little eddies moves feel it mixes up the entire character. zato also looses a lot of his air movement and tools which kinda brings him down to playing mostly a grounded game with only a few times where you actually want to be in the air, theres no good way to hit UP with his jumping buttons like you could before which is like... strange? when +r and xrd eddie rely a lot on stalling in the air and using his INSANELY good air moves to your advantage. (i miss shadow gallery and nobiru too much in these situations)
i dunno how much of it is just strive being a less complex game (not a bad thing! i just play zato one!) that strive zato feels a lot more gorilla to me. in the brainlessly hitting buttons and clapping along when the opponent cant do shit way. there was a lot more dancing around in the other games while strive zato can very easily just push you into the corner with a single well timed oppose. while feeling less fleshed out and like you have less options, he definitely feels WAY more powerful and like. totally fine on his own in a way +r and xrd would crumble in a second without eddie summoned in the same situations. none of this is bad its just different. zato is hands down the most fun character in strive to me.
also not to say hes like. brainless! i think the fun of strive zato is playing the "how can i keep you in the corner game." trying to predict exactly how the other person is going to try and escape my pressure and reacting just in time to catch them and force them back into the eddie+invite+c.S pressure is just TOO fun. like literally THE MOST fun. while +r has the insane corner gambits you can run with damned fang and chaining eddie ]p[ and drunkard and puddle and the weird shadow gallery loops and doing insane unblockables, wall slump and carefully avoiding resetting to neutral is another kind of insane high. i really love it.
i think they did a really good job with strive zato also in making little eddie feel like he genuinely compliments zatos movement incredibly well with how he does move. in the old games having nobiru and mawaru just means you can dominate the entire screen with very little effort, throw in fly/the fly k cancel in +r/the different invite summon in xrd/etc and you can force the other person into some real fucked situations that feels insanely good. strive zato doesnt have the SAME movement, but damn if 6H and a well timed Oppose not have the exact same absolutely evil joy of a big eddie drill -> jump p unblockable in xrd. you know?
anyways. same character, same general feel for the most part, i think the just more close quarters and fast gameplay of strive compared to the other games makes a unique experience i enjoy just as much as the more slow methodical fucked up shit of the old games. big fun.
all of this to ignore forever zoner zato from TML. that shits evil. even if he does have a DP in that game . even if its... punishable......... on hit.......
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leoprosy · 2 years
Monster High Live Action THOTS
welcome to thots :)
im ur host leonidas thotticus and today we are talking Monster High: The Movie (2022) with some spoilers ! it is all OPINION and only on the viewing of the movie versus my own MH opinions. Mostly on character portrayal and designs! and i had fun writing this lol
tbhh honestly i am not a good critic because a movie that entertains me is a good movie.
I think the best viewing experience is thinking of it as separate from the original because they aren't the same, and comparing them is kind of pointless, and i'll try to not do that but it is hard.
I'm only giving opinions here cause I haven't done any research besides like scrolling the tag on tumblr lol.
My fave was Frankie, obviously. Nonbinary, neurodivergent representation!! I felt very seen, and represented!! I wish i was that cool in high school! They're full of knowledge, don't really know social rules (and even comment on the fact that there seems to be this rule book that everyone but them has read) and man MOOD. I love their outfits, they are the right amount of ugly that i personally love to sport and yeah <3 big love for Frankie.
Draculaura made me kinda :/ initially because she's kinda a bitch at the beginning. but! she isnt meant to be G1 Draculaura! I wish she was kinder but she comes around. I really related to having parents that have insane expectations of you (the whole 'a 92% is failing' thing was like. wow mood.) and not wanting to let them down so you aren't your full self around them? heart breaking. love u draculaura. also loved that Dracula was a little pink lol.
Clawdeen was alright. Her actress was very um.... Disney in the 2000s acting wise. But like it wasn't bad! I think the half human half werewolf thing has the potential to be cool but they were really fast to be like 'hey we actually are cool with humans!' and outed Clawdeen which is weird like? i feel like the other students weren't just gonna be accepting immediately. Like, idk way to put a target on her. Her outfits were definitely not the most fashionable but i did like some of them! Also the ears were really cool :3 she also has a pretty singing voice ngl she killed it
Cleo was boring. i miss her being a mean girl who also supported her ghouls and loved them. like. she only comes around cause Clawdeen saved her? also dont understand Deuce's reasons for leaving her? were they bullies together and he didn't want to be anymore? i think that's what i got from that? wack.
Ghoulia also wasn't given very much screentime, and they took away the whole zombie genius thing!! which sucks cause i really liked that she was so smart even though people couldn't understand her all the time. But!! Cleo and the ghouls could and always trusted her!! she was such a side character in this movie. I get that maybe they didnt have the budget for the other characters to have bigger storylines or whatever and thats cool. I hope they do more with everyone in the animated show, cause it seems like it follows the same lore as the movie thus far.
Deuce actually still very swaggy even though he looks like Jughead. I miss his sunglasses cause how tf do normal glasses protect people !?!?! maybe they explained it and i missed it
Heath :( my poor flamey boy. :( the cgi was so bad. and he barely did anything. but again, not enough budget and time whatever. pls more heath in the show <3
I loved Bloodgood but her jacket was like. so cheap looking. the lining stuff on the collar was so weird? like they didn't completely cover it? and the buttons were weird? idk it didnt vibe with me.
Mr. Komos did look like Jackson and then wound up being Hyde's son which is cool! fun twist! easy to see coming but still interesting i think. His full monster design was kinda funny though. like not super scary. the power to take other monster's powers?? pretty sick ngl.
Some of the outfits were boring, some of them were alright and fun even! Frankie's were my favorite obvs. I think they gave Draculaura a darker aesthetic which is cool and witchy but i also hope they bring back some of the more like dainty victorian looks to kinda idk? balance it? clash a little in a good way? they were more modern designs for sure and i get that, and that it wasn't ever going to be as alternative and gothic as the original and thats okay! i think they could've done more but hey. budget i guess.
it was as cheesy and goofy and plot-hole ridden as any other MH movie I've seen. Was it a Cinematic Masterpiece? No. Was it pretty okay? yeah! fun, silly, definitely a kids movie I would've enjoyed as a kid. I'd say if you're gonna watch it- pirate it! and maybe don't go in thinking you're gonna hate it cause then i mean, yeah you're gonna hate it. it isnt G1, don't expect it to be.
thank u for coming to my thots, i might do this more often because its fun :) there are lots of movies i've never seen that everyone ever has seen so maybe? i'll do that! idk like and subcscribes
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skloobles · 6 months
rhyl monorail
now i live not too far from this place called rhyl. and its a terrible place all things considered. high crime rate. touristy in the summer bc it has a beach. arcade hell on the front. so bad it was the place we went to study deprivation for our geography field work in year 11. but its The Place we go to! so i've learned to love it
anyway today i learned that rhyl used to have not one but TWO monorails. like one monorail is insane enough. but TWO? but the only one that really matters is the seafront one because the other one was just in the sun centre (swimming pool)
all things considered the rhyl seafront isnt THAT long and even then people are only really interested in the good bits, at least nowadays. so it makes sense why this thing only ran for about 2 months in mid-late 1980 before closing down for good.
to my knowledge there aren't any surviving artifacts of the thing. nor are there any of the other monorail, but that's mostly because they ended up demolishing the original sun centre and replacing it with a worse one a couple years back. nowadays rhyl isn't much worth visiting (on account of what i said in the first paragraph) unless you just happen to live semi-near to it and can't be bothered to go down to llandudno for the proper thing but it's definitely got a nice history. you wouldn't think it though.
thanks to the rhyl life blog (linked below) for most of this information. unfortunately it's not being updated anymore but it's a nice little thing to peruse.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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Rhyl Monorail 1980 (old postcard)
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kingzephy · 2 years
Man. I just keep thinking about Dead Souls and how much I fucking love it. Im just gonna ramble about it under the cut
Im not finished w it yet im almost finished but. Its so criminally underrated and it sucks that it hasnt gotten a proper good localization or port that isnt janky and laggy. I dont regret buying or playing it in the slightest.
Yeah its absolutely got some issues and I could talk about them for a long time, but it scratches this itch for me that I just cant explain well. I love it. I love cheesy campy media thats so bad its good which is honestly a big reason why i like it. It doesnt take itself too seriously at all. In a way it almost reminds me of some games I grew up playing, like re4 and house of the dead in a sense. Its really nothing like those games but you know what I mean
I actually dont mind the controls too much (though to be fair I had to switch to the type b control scheme and that feels better to me). Not being able to do the auto aim and walk at the same time doesnt bother me as much as i thought it was going to but it’s probably cuz im used to that from re4. Thankfully theres multiple aiming modes which makes up for that and you can walk around with the strafe aiming which is actually mostly accurate and feels good to use
Some of the weapons like Majima’s shotgun or Ryuji’s gatling gun especially are really satisfying. Even if theres a few enemies in particular that drive me insane (the monkey boys and especially the molotov cocktail zombies are so annoying they are the bane of my existence) overall i dont have too many issues w the combat aside from. Heat snipes being difficult to trigger sometimes, the auto aim can be a little glitchy every now and then, and occasionally getting overwhelmed by hoards of zombies but thankfully theres good weapons and attacks for that. I like that they included shit like chainsaws and flamethrowers
I love all the characterization they squeeze in for Majima and Ryuji especially, Its always great getting to play as Majima of course and I kinda think hes at his best in this game in some ways for several reasons, despite the weird localization. Hes just out there living his best life and I love that for him. Its good getting to see him like. Actually kinda happy for once. Its always nice getting to see him interact with characters like Akiyama. AND it was good getting to see more Akiyama and Hana together ofc
I really love the hostess conversations and the nonchalant and casual banter, I eat that shit right up. So much interesting dialog. I really enjoy the substories quite a bit, some of them more than others but i love how they poke fun at certain tropes. Theres a few real stand out ones. The main story is enjoyable and funny in a ridiculous way, even if the pacing can be weird and the plot is objectively not done well but I love it anyway for its cheesy edginess. Theres a few scenes that have really stuck with me. I think its funny how a lot of the citizens are in denial or are straight up just unaware of the outbreak and act like life goes on like normal which is something that I think. Aged well. Given the current state of the world rn
As a fan of other survival horror games its fun seeing the very obvious references to other games and such (L4D, RE, etc). I like getting to see Kamurocho in a state of complete disarray, I think the idea of separating the unaffected areas and the quarantine zones is smart and a cool idea so theres not constant zombies everywhere, the game gives you a bit of reprieve (even if it means theres some backtracking and taking the long way around things sometimes). I like how the zones move and change over time as the story progresses and more areas get infected.
Anyway. I dont really care if a piece of media is objectively good as long as Im personally having a good time and having fun w it and I can definitely say Ive had fun. If I wasnt a yakuza fan I can tell you for a fact I would not like this game but. I dunno. I am not immune to its charm. If youre a big yakuza fan and you haven’t played it I recommend at least checking it out on an emulator or something
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