#it just looks like shes in donut jail
i-spaced-sorry · 1 year
I just wanted to tell you that I love your writing so much!!!!
Also I was wondering if you could please write a Jay Helstead x little sister reader??
Like maybe Jay has had custody of her since she was a baby and now she starts asking questions about their parents. Like why it has only ever been Jay taking care of her and where is her mom? Maybe the reader is like 6, just started kindergarten and maybe this is what stems the question asking (other kids talking about their own parents and asking why the reader only ever talks about Jay)
Thank you for all that you do
this is 100% your choice and feel free to make any changes
Hi! Thanks for requesting! I hope you like it, it kind of went dark! I'm also enjoying playing around with writing time skips, so I hope you enjoy that (if not, sorry)
TW: mention of past abuse, mention of death during childbirth
Title: Why?
“Why” you asked while you sat down to eat your cereal.
Almost dropping the coffee pot, you watched as your brother Jay placed it back on the machine and sighed, “I thought we left this stage when you were 3”
“No, why” you tried again, beginning to whine when your brother didn’t understand your vague question. 
Sitting across from you at the table, Jay placed his coffee down and asked, “why, what? I need more than just a word.”
You chewed your cereal bite and swallowed before you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. 
“Why is it just you and me and occasionally Will? What happened to mommy and daddy?”
Jay knew this day was coming. Though he was hoping it wouldn’t happen until you were at least out of elementary school. But he should have known better, 6yr olds are relentless if he remembered his time in school correctly. 
“Uh, just because it was easier this way. Can I ask where this is coming from?”
“And where did she say it was coming from?” asked Hailey, while the two of them sat in the surveillance van watching the corner store for their suspect. 
Continuing the look through the binoculars, Jay responded, “some of her friends were talking about how they were excited for some donuts and dads party their class is having in a few weeks.” 
“Okay, follow up question, what did you tell her when she asked?” asked Hailey, putting a pin in the stupid class party that definitely is leaving kids who don’t have dads out. 
Turning to face his partner, he wiped his hand down his face and sighed, “I panicked and told her it was easier this way.”
“Jay. You didn’t answer her question at all.”
“I know, but what was I supposed to say? Hey Y/N, you live with me because mom died during childbirth and dad went off the rails and abused you mentally for the first 3 yrs of your life and it wasn’t until I came home from the War that I realized how bad it had got and now dad is in jail and you have a restraining order against him where if he comes within 50 ft of you, I’m allowed to tackle him and call the police on him? Yea, I’ll pass”
Laughing slightly at her partner's bluntness, Hailey replied, “I’m not saying say all that to your 6yr old sister. But I do think she deserves some explanation”
When she notices her partner opening his mouth to protest, she adds, 
“Age appropriate Jay. Age appropriate.”
You were sitting at the kitchen table coloring, while your babysitter for the evening, Stella, was putting together your after school snack. 
“Okay munchkin, here is your snack” she said as she placed your apple slices and peanut butter beside you. Seeing your paper she asked curiously, “what ya coloring there?”
Not looking up you replied, “a picture duh” 
“Okay sassy pants” was all Stella replied before walking away trying to process what you drew. 
When Jay got home, he thanked Stella and walked her to the door. 
“Thanks again, Eva was stuck studying for her final exams and I didn’t want her to be torn away every few minutes to deal with the monkey”
While shrugging on her coat, Stella smiled, “it’s no problem. I like hanging out with Y/N. Though, I don’t know what’s going on with her, but she was drawing some interesting pictures this afternoon”
That caught Jay’s attention, “interesting how?” he probed. 
“Nothing bad, just she was drawing a shadowy figure outside the house, you, Will, and her were inside, but she was crying in her drawing.”
Sighing, Jay replied, “thanks”
And with that Stella left and he shut the door behind her and turned around. 
“Now or never” he muttered. 
Walking over to where you were eating dinner, Jay sat down. 
“Do you want to hear about why it’s just you and me and occasionally Will?”
You looked up from your spaghetti, “Yes!” you just about screamed while nodding your head insistently. 
“Okay, so when you were being born, mommy was not very well. The doctors had to make a decision. And I want you to know the decision that was made is not and will never be your fault.”
You felt tears prick your eyes, “mommy died?” 
Jay felt his own eyes prick, “Yes, but I will tell you as many stories about her. Whenever you want. And I bet you, Will, will too , if you ask him nicely.” 
You stared for a few moments taking everything in. “Okay, so that explains mommy. What about daddy?”
Jay didn’t really know how to appropriately tell you that your dad had abused you, so he went with a toddler age appropriate response and hoped you wouldn’t probe for more. 
“So, when mommy died, I went away right”
“To fight a war!” you inserted!
Nodding, Jay kept going, “yes, to fight a war. So it was just you and dad. But dad was really sad about mom and he did some bad things. Will and I didn’t know what these bad things entailed until I came home and Will came back from school for the summer.”
“Bad things?” you inquired. 
Mentally screaming fuck, Jay calmly replied, “he was hurting and took it out on others and was just not being a good dad. So he had to go away for a long time.”
“But why you? Why not Will or grandma or grandpa?” you probed. 
“Will was still in school and wasn’t in a good spot to care for himself, go to school, and care for you. Grandma and Grandpa both have their own slew of health issues and we thought it would be better if they didn’t have to restart the parenting process. I had come home from the war for good by that time and it was decided I had the most stable housing and money coming in. So that’s how it was decided it would be me, you, and occasionally Will.”
You thought for a few minutes, taking in everything you just learned. When you finally slipped out of your chair, came around the table and hugged your brother exclaiming, “thank you” over and over again.
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Mid week Review :) The amazing hits keep coming in S2. Another goodie for them. Hard to believe we have 9 eps left in this season after this one. Such a rock solid season for them. Let's get started.
2x13 Follow-Up Day
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We first find our lovely couple pre-roll call. Smitty is celebrating his last day as ‘Mr. Irrelevant’ He scored so low he’ll never get promoted. Honestly most depressing thing I’ve ever heard... but it’s Smitty. So he’s rolling with it like we all would expect him to. The scores are going to be posted soon. Meaning Tim will get to know where he ranks as well. (Tim is all smiles while they’re talking btw. It’s pretty cute.)
You can see Lucy is so excited for him to get them. Supportive and proud wifey reporting for duty. All she can see is the light at the end of tunnel for him. She knows he crushed it. Tim on the other hand looks nervous af about these results. You can sense how edgy he is in that last gif. Lucy is her sunshine self for him regardless. His encouraging cheerleader. Her default mode for him. Her pride for him is just gushing out of her.
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Tim being Tim can’t handle the support. So naturally he pushes away when she does it. Instead of thanking Lucy for her support he deflects it. Says 'No doubt' and nothing more. Leaving Lucy a little baffled. Has to leave before she sees the affect her support has on him. I get Tim’s reaction I really do. It seems like he's being rude when really he can't fathom it. When you’re not given words of affirmation or support growing up, it’s so damn foreign to receive it.
Her support means so much and he craves it yet he can’t actually process or handle it. I relate to this all to well. He's still not used to having someone in his corner consistently like Lucy is for him. Always showing up. It's so nice you almost can't trust it. It sounds insane but it's true. Deep down you need it and want it. But when you get it you push it away or down play it. Just like Tim did in this scene. Good thing our girl is relentless. Our never ending cheerleader for him. Sees past his rough spots and loves on him more for it. Ugh I love them.
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In roll call they’re all assigned follow up cases that are about to be put on the back burner. Hence the name of the episode. Tim and Lucy get assigned a house break in. No prints or DNA. It's for a man named Nevin Cooper. Former gang member. They arrive at his donut shop and ask to see him. (Side note I'll never be over how he ALWAYS opens the door for her. Chivalry does it for me.) The eye contact she gives him when he does it too my goodness. But I digress ha Sasha his GF is instantly tense at their presence. Asking if she can help with something? Before they can answer they hear a noise and head back.
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They find Nevin talking to the new head of his former gang. Tim immediately tries to square up with this guy. Tells him he’s the one who put his former boss in jail. Tim doesn't waste much time and asks if he’s the new leader? Marquel quotes Shakespeare as his answer. Lucy can't help but comment on this. Marquel softens a bit says she’s smart for a cop. Tim does intimidation and Lucy tries to build rapport with Shakespearian knowledge LOL Yin and Yang.
They’re clearly giving him grief for leaving the gang post jail. Mad he's trying to go straight. Tim and Lucy are able to scare Marquel off for now. Nevin is evasive with them after they go. He won’t admit to anything. Apparently Sasha called them not him. Tim knows they're not going to get much more out of him so they leave. Tim knows Marquel is sweating Nevin. He just can’t prove that or him breaking into his house just yet.
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They make it back to station and Lucy starts asking how the results work. Clearly the only thing on her mind is his exam. It’s adorable. She asks him if he gets the stripes right away? Tim tells her passing the test is just the first step. You only get promoted once a spot opens up. So that’s why his ranking is so important.
If he makes it to the top of the list could take him a month or two. Lets her know the lower you are on the list the longer it takes. Says for some they’ll never get a shot. I.e. Smitty. Can see why he’s so damn stressed about the whole thing. Just passing isn’t guaranteeing anything. Tells her if nothing comes up he has to wait 2 more years to take the exam again. I love how intently she listens to him. Look at her absorbing everything he's saying.
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Grey comes up to them says Nevin has been assaulted. Lucy says that’s crazy they just saw him. Tim says Marquel must’ve double backed after they left. It’s landed him in the hospital. They know he won’t talk to them. So they try their luck with Sasha. She is upset he got hurt cause they showed up. Tells them they had to make sure Nevin wasn’t snitching. Lucy says snitching about what? She balks and clams up just like he did.
Then Tim steps in with a damn good mini speech above. He’s not wrong. This guy is relentless. A predator. He’s not going down without a fight. She gives in and says they’re trying to pressure Nevin into laundering drug money for them. Gave him only 24 hours to decide. Lucy asks if they can arrest Marquel for assault? He says no it’ll only incite the gang. They’ll end up killing them. Lucy asks him what they’re gonna do? He looks stumped. Says he doesn’t know…
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They go to Grey for some guidance about what their next move is. His answer doesn't appeal to them either. He mentions making him a CI dragging him back into the life. Wrapping up Marquel's crew that way. Lucy isn't on board for this. Says he's trying to get out of the life not get thrust back into it. Grey uses this hard decision as his segue into his Sergeant results. I love Tim darting his eyes at Lucy first when he asks about the scores. *heart clutch*. He's nervous for himself but also nervous he tanked it and she'll know he did. He doesn't want to let her down. She helped him so much.
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Lucy goes from upset about Nevin to radiant proud wifey when she hears the news. Tim looks so very relieved. Reserved but relieved. The Tim Bradford way haha Lucy voicing her excitement is too damn cute. Just spews out of her like word vomit. He looks at her like 'Not in front of Grey' LOL Wade’s face is too damn funny. Not subtle in the least Lucy. I know in S5 when Tim came to him about them dating he wasn’t shocked in the least. They’d been emotionally dating for YEARS before they were official. He had a front row seat for a long time.
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Lucy gets his silent communication message loud and clear. She tries her best to rein it in like the cute human she is. Bring it back to a 'professional' setting in front of Grey. Says 'Congratulations Sergeant Bradford' with heart eyes x 1000 ❤️ Subtle as a hammer Lucy. Didn't scale that back like she think she did. I love her so much. She sure tired haha
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It’s then the scene takes a turn for them both. Grey tells him there’s an opening in North Hollywood. Captain owes him a favor. He could start in two weeks. They’re both stunned. You can see it on their faces. Lucy thinks there is now way in hell he’s going to pass up this opportunity for her. So her sadness is she thinks she's going to lose him to this. Tim however is immediately hesitant about the quick turnaround. Lucy of course doesn’t want him to go. It’s evident Tim doesn’t either. Another tough decision ahead for our boy it would seem. Stay or go and get everything he’s been working hard for?
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The next day rolls around and Tim decides to take a run a Marquel. Trying to appeal to him to let Nevin go. That he gave a decade of his life to them. Took the fall like a good soldier. Lucy even quotes Othello like the BAMF she is. Trying to persuade him to their side. Using their Shakespeare rapport from the other day. It fails. Do love her trying with Shakespeare though haha Had to take her shot.
Lucy asks what they do next? Ready for his next plan. Tim says he doesn’t know. They made their play and failed. Then our girl does what she does best. Challenges him. Says she never thought she’d see the day he gives up. She did once call him the DEAR method incarnate. Reminds him he is the king of subversive tests and tricks. No way this is the end of the road for them about this.
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That there has to be someway for them to win coming at this sideways. What I love about this scene is yes she challenges him, but also builds him up while she’s doing that. Encouraging him to be more creative about this. That he has it in him to win this fight. That he just needs to allow himself some space to work it out. Such a damn good partner to him in more ways than one. Love his face in the second gif above. Ready to go back into battle over this because of her.
He told her she has no quit in her. That applies to him as well. This moment is absolute undeniable proof of that. This scene right here is one of the reasons he stays at Mid Wilshire. The impact she has on him. How she lights a fire under him like no one else ever has. She’s the whole reason he's staying really but this scene is a facet of why she’s the reason. A reminder and the moment he makes his decision. Not just about this situation but about his career. It’s more valuable for him to keep what they have than to leave for that promotion.
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We find out Tim’s out of the box plan. To turn Nevin's donut shop into a cop hang out. No way he’ll launder money there now. It's brilliant. Lucy commends him on his great plan and make sure he knows how genius it was. Then tells him with sadness in her eyes North Hollywood is lucky to have a sergeant like him. Tim squashes that sadness and lets her know he isn't going to move up yet. He seems really excited to tell her that he is staying. It's pretty cute.
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Lucy is clearly thrilled when Tim reveals he’s not taking it. She of course isn’t going to assume it because of her. So she makes a joke and ask if he’s waiting on Malibu then? Oh Tim has rubbed off on her too. Deflecting through humor. Then Tim says that iconic line of his about finishing what he starts. With far more affection and heart eyes than I’m sure is needed. But hell we’re gonna lap that up all damn day.
Their looks are so incredibly telling. Basically saying exactly how they’re feeling while dancing around it at the same time. Once again you forget he’s dating one of her closest friends this season. The amount of emotional rapport being built in S2 is mind blowing and beautiful to behold.
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She wouldn’t be Lucy if she didn’t give him a little crap though. Saying he better move up at some point. That those books on tape took her a long time LOL Her labor of love for him is what those were. His is he chose Lucy over furthering his career. (This won't be the last time he does this either) He wasn’t ready to leave her. This is such a big thing for him to do. I don't think he even realizes how big this is. Wouldn’t have done this for any other rookie. But Lucy is forever the exception for Tim. He values their bond and connection far too much to give that up. He can’t tell her that but actions speak louder than words. And his are SCREAMING.
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The smile he reserves only for her comes out after her little jab. You know he loves it when she gives him a hard time. He says ‘Yeah’ then they are in literal lock step after that. Just look at them. Their body chemistry without even touching is out of this world. Looks like she wants to touch him with some playful pushing but holds back on that last gif. Easy you two your massive feelings that are growing by the ep are showing. Damn they cute I can’t get over it ha So ends another wonderful s2 episode for them.
Side notes-non chenford
Did enjoy Nolan’s SL with Pete coming into the picture for first time. Always funny. Harper being funny in this one as well.
Wopez had a good SL as well with his mom. Enjoyed it.
Thank you all for your continued support, likes/reblogs. They fuel my reviews so very much. You’re the best :) see you all in 2x14
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
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minors dni; afab reader. nsfw ! — lowercase writing intended, suggestive themes, mommy and daddy kink,
moss' notes; you might not see eye to eye with moss' headcanons or characteristics that moss defined as being more mommy or more daddy, but please enjoy this non the less!
⠀⠀( pairings . . . ) — kiriko, moira, ashe, mercy, d.va, widowmaker + afab! reader
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first laying some grounds for the criteria of what moss defines or uses as characteristics for deciding who is more mommy and who is more daddy. THIS FIC IS NOT ABOUT ROLE PLAY, IT'S ABOUT THE KINK !
mommies are more nurturing, they utter kind words to cherish, care for and protect you, help or courage whatever your dreams or goals are. they are good at telling you how they feel, and although they might take some convincing to do so, they are open about their feelings so the two of you can work any problems or discomfort out quickly and as effectively as possible. they are protective like a mother figure, they don't just protect you from physical harm with their words but would rather lie for you than have you in any conflict. she often tries to take interest in your interest, maybe look after it, and suggests making time with her regarding that interest. they are so affectionate you might get sick of them, and they express their emotion overbearingly which might cause you to think they are being clingy and overshooting the point of validation.
daddies have a harder time expressing their emotions, either because they are closed off or are afraid they won't appear as strong in your eyes as they originally deemed you see them. they would rather see you in jail as a cause of teaching you a lesson than have you get away with murder. they are protective like a father figure, and they use physical force if they need to do to not see you harmed. they rather show their feelings through physical touch rather than uttering sweet words to you out loud. she often shows you her current hyper fixation, trying to rope you into the loop of it and convince you to make plans with her while she had already had you confined to a chair just doing that. they might seem distant because of their lack of showing their emotions and you might rule them ignorant, cold, and uncaring of how you are but that is not true! they care about you deeply, they just have a hard time verbalizing it.
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— 𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐨...
...she might appear to be on the daddy side just because of how she was raised to protect and take action in almost every case but kiriko is really a mommy. although she might be in her daddy phase, she will eventually grow into the mommy one and settle there comfortably. she will offer herself up to whoever tries to harm you, either after or before trying to fight them. when you get hurt she will take care of you, when at your lowest she will do what you need to get better, then her hyperactivity and clinginess around you is just sickeningly heart-warming.
"wanna go out and get some donuts or- oh! that's it, you stay here, get cozy, and leave everything to me. I'll get us everything, making this a date right now, officially!"
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— 𝐦𝐨𝐢𝐫𝐚...
...now moira is the easiest out of the six since she is a classic daddy, but do not call her that please, she isn't interested in being addressed by such a title. her appearance, the tall frame with the slim build is just screams daddy, but also her clothes and the way she behaves in the bedroom can't be anything other than daddy. she is the one who will get you to see those animals she will be subjected to her experiments before her 'innocent' caressing touches wrap your mind around her finger and you let her do whatever she pleases with you. moira is never really open about her feelings but there are some clues you can pick up along the way to know what she is going through, both good and bad.
"however... the flowers are for you, to show my appreciation even if it's not practical to aid a bunch of cuts and already dead plants. i know you like them."
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— 𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞...
...ashe might act all daddy with all those aggressive words towards the people who try to talk their way into your panties. act all tall and proud with them, ready to pull her gun and shoot but in reality, she is a mommy. when behind closed doors or when no eyes are on the two of you she is showering you with sweet compliments, offers to take care of a few things for you like food, or gives you a massage if you'd like. she might be possessive, yes, but that's just her being worried about you and all those people who betrayed her before you, she doesn't want you to leave her like that. she never wants you to leave her side because who will protect you if not her?
"nice and tight by my side, yeah? wouldn't want anyone to kidnap you, i would never ever let that happen sugar."
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— 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲...
...there is no question angela is a mommy and it isn't just because she is a doctor, her personality from the start was very caring and nurturing, ready to take on the world's pain for you. you can call her mommy, she won't mind, and might even be flattered when you do, being called such a title is nothing but an honor for her. she gets so invested in you she will always tell you strange life-saving facts, and if that's not your style she will just continue trying to spend time with you. angela can quickly feel like she is being too much by trying to aid you every second of the day and apologizing frequently. she spreads herself thin, giving so much more than she receives so don't forget about her!
"have had a good day my liebling? sure if there is anything i can help you with or cheer you up, do say so. really, it would be no bother to me to help out."
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— 𝐝.𝐯𝐚...
...no matter how hard she tries to threaten anyone by punching or kicking them in the ass if they come near you. she might try to act emotionally mature, keep herself distant and try to appear stronger than she actually is. she is in an early daddy phase where she wants you to spend as much time with her the way she likes that might be unbearably annoying, but don't worry she will soon turn into her mommy-er side. hana will always be a mommy and might need to have some more years behind her to like or appreciate being called one.
"you are so fine my bunny! you're blowing my mind and if anything, we are playing in this room all day with no stop, with whatever you'd like."
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— 𝐰𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫...
...now for widowmaker is a tie because of amélie's protective side and widowmaker's sadist side.
amélie is mommy, she cares for you deeply and will take care of you after anything anyone did, let alone widowmaker. she knows how widowmaker can be and she tries as hard to not let you experience her too much only if she is safe and sane to be approached. although don't call her mommy without consulting with her first, amélie is fragile and can slip and slide away easily. she is shy and often unsure of herself
"would you care to share a cup of tea, mon coeur? or are we aiming for a much sweeter time?"
widowmaker is more daddy, she won't hesitate killing anyone for you and then asks for a prize for doing so. she caresses you and tries to persuade you to do things, don't worry she too has a line she won't cross, but both of you will be pleased in the end. she will also try you out on the field, coerce you into taking a life for her, prove her if it comes to it you can protect her or yourself. it is very romantic for her when you do, it might be daunting for you.
"there is nothing more sweeter than this, chérie. you will get used to it, I'll help you with it and you'll get a reward for every right and a punishment for every wrong."
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lovergiirlsblog · 2 years
Deep end part 2
Summary: What has Y/N decided about her future with Mason? Is she giving him up or is she finally embracing her fate and taking her life back?
Author’s note:
• Please read the first part before reading this one so it can make sense.
• A new character will make an appearance in this part! Hope you like her as much as I did.
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Flashback :
“Shall we grab some donuts after this ?”
I was on top of a ladder painting one of the walls of our brand new home with the help of Mason. We could’ve hired a painter but we wanted to test our painting abilities and have fun at the same time. This new house means a lot to me because it was the first house that I designed as an architect.
He looked from my paint-stained overalls to his and laughed
“I dare you to go out like this” I climbed down and put the rollers back in the the paint bucket. “Challenge accepted! But first I have an idea. Follow me!” He put his rollers on the floor and followed me to the other empty room that we’ve already painted yesterday. I grabbed a red paint and took off my gloves to dip my hands in the liquid then print it on the wall. “No way !” He covered his wide open mouth with one hand ”Oh c’mon Y/N what was that for? My arms are still sore from yesterday ” I turned my head, hands still stuck on the wall and smiled” From now on, this will be our art room. We can try and paint actual paintings next. How does that sound ?” I can see him from the corner of my eyes kneeling in front of the bucket to do the same.
“That’s a great idea actually!” He smirked,putting his arms on either sides of my head to print his hands right next to mine.
“Are you kidding me ?! Everyone played “knock-a-door-run.” in their childhood. What a disgrace !” he stood rooted to the ground,eyes wide open.
I shrugged,licking my finger after throwing the donut box in a bin. “I already regret it okay ? I was just a mature kid who didn’t want to do illegal stuff”.
Both of my parents were lawyers so I obviously had a slight idea on the field from a young age.
“Come on we’re gonna make you relive your childhood.” He dragged me towards a house on the street after looking left and right to see if someone is watching us.
“Are you insane ? I’ve already told you it’s illegal”
“No one will catch us if we ran fast. Come on, go. I’ll count to three okay ? On three you knock and run as fast as you can.”
“Not everyone you know is a footballer Sir ! I haven’t ran in ages.” I tried to convince his stubborn ass but of course I ended up on the door.
“Ready ?”
“No! ” I hissed
“One.. two.. three go !”
At that moment, i felt like I was a seven year who’s about to sneak out for the first time to play in the park behind their parents back.
I took a deep breath,looked back at Mason who gave me a reassuring nod and pressed the door bell.
“Run, Y/N, run!” he screamed and started jogging like he was in the champions league final.
I broke into a sweat and my heart was threatening to burst forth from my ribcage. I, myself,was surprised by the way I ran at that moment. We thought we got away with it until a voice shouted
“Hey, you two!” We froze and glanced at each other.
“Oh,shit” he mumbled,closing his eyes. He was already turning red.“
”If I go to jail at 21, it’s on you Mount !” I swallowed hard and my heart began to hammer against my chest as we turned around faking a smile.
An elderly woman was waiting for us in front of her door, arms crossed and an unpleasant look on her face. We walked to where she stood tilting our heads down, ready to apologise.
“You’re 20 minutes late” she looked at her watch and rolled her eyes. I hadn’t noticed the goosebumps creeping on my arms until now. I frowned my eyebrows and looked at Mason to see that he was just as confused as I was.
“This is so unprofessional,honestly!” She shook her head” Anyway, come in. Your tools should be upstairs”
I opened my mouth and closed it. Tools ? What’s going on ? I looked down at my overalls and it hit me.
“Oh! She thinks we’re painters Mase !” I mumbled to Mason who was trying hard not to laugh.
“I guess if we don’t want to get arrested we have to paint her house”
Three hours have passed and we finally finished painting. We went downstairs to find the lady who’s named Anne watching TV.
“Oh you’re done ?” She said,getting up from the couch. Anne looks more relaxed now. “Umm, yeah” We stood in front of her with our arms crossed behind our backs. After a long discussion,Mason and I decided to confess the truth.“Can we tell you the naked truth ?” We said at the same time when she gave us cups of tea
” We aren’t painters but don’t worry your walls are perfectly painted” We confessed,avoiding looking her in the eye. We were like kids who broke the living room’s vase and now it’s time for them to tell the truth.She hasn’t pronounced a word which worried me even more. “We were playing Knock-on-a-door-run but it was my idea. Y/N has nothing to do with it.” Mason added once the silence filled the room.
She smirked and took a sip from her cup “ Can I also tell you the naked truth ? I know you’re not painters, I didn’t even hire a painter. I’ve heard your whole conversation from my window before knocking on the door. So I thought it would be cool if we had some fun.”
End of flashback:
“Are you fucked in the head ?” Anne gasped and covered her mouth with her hands” What do you mean you’re getting a divorce ?”
I smiled awkwardly at the people who were giving us dirty looks.“Annie,could you please lower your voice?” I whispered faking a smile.
Since the “knock-on-a-door” accident, both Mason and I have become closer to Anne. Mason invited her to one of the games at the bridge once to make up for his mistake. And from then,we started visiting her regularly to check up on her since she lives alone.
If there was something I learnt about Anne is that she can’t control her mouth when she gets mad or surprised.
We were sitting on a bench in the park. For some reason,she was the only person that I wanted to tell about the divorce.
“Oh good lord ! Why ?I’m going to lose my mind! Is this the same , full of life, couple that knocked on my door four years ago.”
It has been three weeks since I left. No one knows where I went except Anne who insisted that I stay at hers until I feel better. Mason, hasn’t texted or called me at all, for three weeks. Isn’t space what I wanted ? Why does it hurt like hell then ? I sometimes watch his games, he looks so much healthier now and he’s back to his old playing level. A part of me rejoiced to see him smiling again. I wish I could say that him,being happy without me, didn’t make my heart feel heavy but no,it shattered me. It felt like someone stabbed me right in the chest.
“He looked better off without me. He’s getting used to my absence” My own words broke me even more. Anne held my hand in hers when she noticed that I was on the verge of crying” I have to do this. I love him, I always will. But I have to let him go. He can hate me but It won’t matter as long as he gets back on his feet and find happiness again.”
“How do you know if he’s really happy ? Everyone can fake a laugh in public. Would you be happy if it was all the other way round ?”
I shook my head and sighed “ he hasn’t even texted me, for three whole weeks. Yes I asked for space but it would have helped a lot if I knew that he had my back when times got rough.” I always hated crying in front of people but once the first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream.
“He respects your personal space Y/N! He loves you more than you think he does. I promise” she opened her mouth to say something else but she closed it again.
“I made up my mind. It’s better off this way Anne. I don’t want to live without him but he needs to get better. He can’t be happy with a woman like me”
“Oh my dear child, come here”she wrapped her arms around me and ran her hands through my hair.
In the past few weeks, I have been barely eating a thing. Every time I try and force myself to eat,I end up throwing everything up. I can’t even look in the mirror anymore, I no longer like my reflection. I look as pale as a ghost and I’ve lost a lot of weight.
I wish life wasn’t cruel. I wish I didn’t have to let the only person that I love from the bottom of my heart go. I wish I was worthy. It sets my heart on fire,whenever I think of him gleeful with someone else I can’t lie. But I’m done being selfish.
"If you love somebody,let them go" that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I just hope that if there will be a next one, she loves him the same.
« I haven’t talked to anyone about this but I guess I have to now. Chris,my dead husband was infertile. Everyone was always asking us about kids and I know how it made him feel » She wiped a tear « He once asked me if I wanted a divorce. I obviously wanted kids but if I had to choose between him and a kid, I would blindly choose him. Seeing him,down in dumps broke me. Your situation reminded me of ours because he left me thinking that I can be happier without him and find love again. But guess what ? I haven’t stopped loving for a second.And the pain that I felt because of the infertility wasn’t comparable with the one that I felt when he left me. We met after 5 years, 5 whole years of distance and agony. He asked if I had been with someone else and wanted to get back together. A year after, a miracle happened, now we weren’t trying to have a baby but I somehow ended up pregnant. What I want to say Y/N is good things happen to those who aren’t expecting them. Enjoy your life with the man you love and if you’re meant to have a bundle of joy, you will all in good time. Do you think Mason deserves to be punished for something that isn’t his fault ? No don’t tell me he’ll be happy without you because that’s a lie I can promise you that. One day one of you is going to leave this World first. I’m not telling you this to scare you in fact I’m telling you to enjoy life before it’s too late. Every minute matters. God you’re worried because he didn’t text you but he comes every single night after you take the sleeping pills just to watch you at ease. I don’t care if you get mad because I told him you’re staying with me. He deserved to know,the guy was worried sick. He loves you more than anything Y/N. Don’t let him go! »
My vision became blurry from the tears that constellated in my eyes. I God she’s so right. I miss the old us. I miss behaving like kids in the streets. I miss talking about everything and nothing on the rooftop. I miss supporting him at the stadium. It’s time for me to take my life back. It’s time for Mason to be happy WITH me, again.
« Thank you Anne! You have no idea how much you helped me! » I pressed my hands into her back « I gotta go now. Love you ! »
« Wait! Where are you going? » She said once I jogged towards my car. I opened the door and shouted « I’m going to fix what I’ve broken ».
I swear I never drove home so fast in my whole life. On the way home, I played songs for the first time after months now and I sang from the bottom of my heart and danced like a crazy.
I parked my car and ran inside the house.
« Mason ? »
I searched for him downstairs but there was no response so I speeded upstairs « Mason ? » I passed by the art room and noticed something. My eyes wandered from our hands prints to a canvas board on the easel on which a face that looks a bit like mine was painted. My heart was about to explode as I ran my fingers on the painting. He remembers…
From Annie:
You left before I tell you that Mason is in Portugal ! IT’S THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL!
To Annie:
Why do I feel nervous now that I’m at the stadium and waiting for the game to start? I took a sip from my water bottle and wrapped my arms around myself.
The game started and Mason hasn’t realised yet that I was there. My feet were bouncing on the ground.
Another corner kick for Chelsea and now it’s Mason’s turn to take it. Once he walked to the corner he noticed me. He blinked twice and frowned his eyebrows not believing what he saw. I smiled big and mouthed a « Good luck baby! » causing him to shake his head and put the ball on the ground.
Before the end of the first half Kai scored a goal and I found myself screaming so hard and hugging people I don’t even know. There was only 10 minutes left and Mason was brought out of the pitch. I can see him biting his nails and watching the game anxiously.
Mason’s stress level at that moment: Me, four years ago, trying to knock on Anne’s door and run away.
The final whistle was finally blown and players jogged into the pitch to celebrate together. I bursted into tears of joy and grabbed my phone to film Mason on his happy day. I can’t believe that I almost missed this crucial day!
After lifting the trophy, Mason ran to where I was seated and helped me jump into the pitch. I couldn’t wait any longer to jump into his embrace and wrap my legs around his waist « I’m so sorry and I’m incredibly proud of you ! » He smirked and put me down,his arm curled around my waist and pulled me for a hesitant and tender kiss. God I missed this! Our lips were exploring each other for the first time again. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach again. I rested my hands on his shoulders as I felt him grinning against my lips. I opened my eyes when he broke the kiss,pulled me and started running « Come on let’s take a picture with the trophy! ».
Mason didn’t want to leave my side even after the boys went to the dressing room to continue celebrating. He didn’t even want to let go of my hand.
« A little bird told me that you were stalking me in my sleep » I said once we were sat alone on the pitch’s grass. « Oh ! She can’t betray me like that ! » he covered his face with his hands and crinkles formed around his eyes as he laughed. The sound of his laughter was like music to my ears. A music that I almost forgot. His eyes were sparkling from the joy and pride of that memorable day.
« I’m deeply sorry Mason for everything  » I muttered and squeezed his hand. He kissed my temple as a response. « I’m sorry too. But since it’s over now let’s not talk about it. I’m glad to have you back. Can you believe I won two trophies today ? » I chuckled and gently push him « Go and have fun with the boys, idiot! » he tried to argue but I stopped him « No no I don’t want to hear a thing. Go! I’ll be here with Sofia. I promise I’m not going anywhere this time. Don’t get too drunk though ! »
He hesitantly got to his feet and walked towards the changing room after shouting an «  i love you ».
My heart leapt up with joy and blood rushed into my cheeks.Had I ever been happier in life ?
A year later:
Mason and I have adopted a cat. We call her “Chelsea” it doesn’t take a genius to know who came up with the name. Whenever people ask us about children we say that we have a daughter called Chelsea and she’s about to give birth. We love to confuse people who want to stick their nose into our business. Our relationship has never been this good.Whenever I feel emotional, which is rare, i always pour my heart out to him and he never hesitates to hold me close and let me cry on his shoulder.
Life is beautiful, yes it might have its ups and downs but we should never forget to appreciate the things the we have and take care of them. When we take care of things, they last. We need to focus on things that we have, not the things that we wish we had. I had to learn this the hard way but thank god I did!
Taglist :
@faatxma @luvdoves-world @oriellefleure
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freneticfloetry · 1 month
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911 lone star: found family
Thanks to @liminalmemories21 @reyesstrand and @tellmegoodbye for the tags!
(1) What is your favorite 911 Lone Star Found Family moment?
This is tough, there are so many good ones! I’m a big fan of the group slow walk (with donuts!) near the end of Push, and of everyone joining forces (under the expert command of Marjan) to help Mateo pass his written test on his final try, and Team Tarloft presenting Nancy with the MVP trophy in Red vs Blue, and of course the “yes way” engagement celebration… but the moment that always gets to me, without fail, is the boys bringing food to the hospital while everyone waited for word on Grace, and all of them rallying around Judd, group hug-style.
(2) Which platonic pairing/friendship dynamic are you most looking forward to seeing again in season 5?
Can we just have a moment of silence for all the Crace content we will now be denied? Because Carlos and Grace are my perfect platonic soulmates — the way they work together, the way they mirror each other, the way their cool heads and crazy big hearts make them so capable — and the world will always need more of them. But since that won’t be happening… I crave more TK and Nancy, especially in the context of exploring Nancy as a character, and I am forever a ride-or-die Paul and Marjan girlie.
(3) If you could pick one Lone Star character to be friends with, who would you choose?
Absolutely Grace. Her wisdom and empathy would be stellar qualities enough, but she’s also quick and witty and fiercely fucking loyal, and everyone should have a girlfriend like that.
(4) Which would you rather attend: Catan night at the loft or game night at the Ryder house?
Oof. Probably Catan, for the vibes, but it’s a very very close call.
(5) A character of your choice ends up in jail. Who would they call to bail them out (assuming their romantic partner, parent, and/or child didn't pick up)?
Honestly? I think Firehouse Dad Owen would bail any of his kids out no questions asked. Well, okay, there would be questions. But not judgement, and certainly not any assumption that they’re guilty of any actual wrongdoing. Knowing Owen, he’d automatically assume that, no matter what happened, it’s either a misunderstanding, some vast conspiracy, or something completely and utterly justified.
Again, open tag for whoever hasn’t done this yet!
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musicallygt · 4 months
Borrower Skyes Au: Ema and Klavier Sizeswap - A Small Visit
Well, it's been well over 3 months since the last chapter......... like a year and a half LMAO. My writing style is very different now (like how i write in present tense instead of past tense) but i don't feel like going thru the old chapters and changing them to match lol.
Some things to note:
1) i looked up the process of visiting someone in prison and decided it doesnt work for what i want in my fic lmao. if ace attorney can have a fucked up inaccurate legal system then this doesn't have to be accurate either and i can do what i want forever lol
2) I reference this fic that @spirit-small wrote for my au a lot in this!! the experience is definitely enhanced if you read it first
“Kleine Fräulein, we are not doing that!”
“You can’t tell me what to do, fop!”
“I’m serious, there is no way this will end well!”
Ema is giddy, just barely holding back giggles as she practically skips out of the Prosecutor’s Office. The more she thinks about this idea, the more excited she finds herself becoming– not even the fop could stop her from doing this (and it’s not like he can, not when he’s now the size of a borrower while she’s the size of a bean).
“It’s not like your brother can do anything to me now!” Ema whispers back. “What’s he gonna do? Put me in another jar?”
“Watch before you cross!” the fop hisses in her ear just before she can step onto a busy road, cars speeding by. She’s bouncing in place as she waits to cross, the fop on her shoulder gripping her hair tightly as he’s jostled in place. 
“Listen, hör zu!” There’s a desperation in his soft voice, even as he speaks quieter. “We already got plenty of chemicals from the Office, let’s just forget about your idea and head back–”
And Ema promptly tunes him out, ignoring his pleas as she finally crosses the street. She is going to visit his brother, that foptop, whether he wants her to or not.
She looks up at the street signs, mentally going over the directions to the detention center that she managed to get.
The fop just doesn’t understand why she has to do this, why she needs to see his brother.
Ema can’t stop grinning. 
Oh, she can just imagine the foptop's face when he sees her again, now the size of a full-grown bean. He'd probably freak out at the sight of her, especially after what happened last time they met. Maybe he'd even beg for her not to hurt him for what he did to her, and maybe she'd pretend to consider showing him mercy.
She giggles. This is going to be so good.
“One visitor to the fopto— er, K-Kristoph Gavin!” she announces once they reach the jail, the tiny fop on her shoulder finally shutting up as he hides in her hair.
The bean at the front office just pauses in the donut he’s biting into, just before shoving the rest of it into his mouth and turning to the computer, messy fingers on the keyboard. “Name?”
“Ema. S-Skyence. Ema Skyence.”
He looks back at her, eyebrow raised.
“Like ‘science’ but with the ‘k’ sound.”
An awkward pause. 
She really should’ve chosen a better fake name.
The bean asks more questions, most of which Ema doesn’t really understand or has no idea how to answer. But she answers them anyway, with the most bean-like answers she can come up with. And the bean types them down, meaning her answers must be good. (Or he doesn’t actually care. He seems more concerned about stuffing his face with donuts than questioning most of her replies. Which still works for her.)
Ema can’t help but stare at his hands as he types, watching how just a single finger can be used to press down the keys instead of having to use his entire body weight. Now that she’s bean-sized, she should try it out with the fop’s computer back home. It definitely seems a lot faster that way.
“I’m surprised, honestly,” the bean speaks up after swallowing another donut, filling out more information on the computer. “Mr. Gavin doesn’t really get any visitors here. Well, except for his brother sometimes. And that defense attorney, Phoenix Wright.”
Ema blinks. “Mr. Wright?” There aren’t that many defense attorney beans named “Phoenix Wright,” are there?
“Oh, were you one of his clients before?”
“Er, something like that…”
What is Mr. Wright doing with a bean like… like the foptop? There’s no way they’re friends… are they?
Before she can ask more about him, the bean at the computer speaks up again as he finishes typing. “All right, there we go! You’re good to go! Just follow Meekins over there to Mr. Gavin’s cell.”
After going through a strange doorway (a “metal detect-tour”) the tall bean, one much taller than Ema and almost comical and cartoonish in nature, leads Ema through the prison, down to some farther section away from all the other prisoners. To somewhere called “solely-tarry confine-mint.”
“Well, this is it, sir!” the tall bean announces loudly as he leads her into a cell that looks a little too nice than what the foptop deserves. “Mr. Kristoph Gavin’s cell, ma’am sir!”
“Quiet down, Meekins,” the foptop speaks up from where he sits, not looking up from his book. “Your voice is as pleasant as nails scraping across a chalkboard.”
Ema shudders, the foptop’s smooth voice bringing back memories from her one and only encounter with him, memories she doesn’t like to dwell on.
(No, this is your chance to finally get revenge! He won’t know what hit him now that I’m bean-sized!)
The tall bean’s already loud voice is amplified by the device hanging around his neck, Ema wincing at the volume. She can feel the tiny fop’s  entire body cringing on her shoulder— with his current size, she can only imagine how much worse the sound is for him.
“Yes, why else would you be here.” The foptop turns a page, still not looking up. 
The way he’s just so… so calm, it’s so frustrating. Ema can’t wait to get her hands around his neck. (Maybe. She’s not sure yet what she’s going to do. She’s still figuring that out.)
“Now, if you would be so kind as to leave us be…”
“Meekins.” Though he still doesn’t look up, the foptop’s voice us low and dangerous, Ema tensing up as goosebumps run along her arms. Hadn’t he used that same tone when he first found her…?
“I asked you to leave us alone. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“Y-Yes, sir! Sorry, sirrrrrr!” Despite definitely being taller than the foptop, the tall bean is clearly intimidated by him, quickly shuffling away after that threat.
“Well, Wright,” the foptop begins, still not looking up from his book, “if you’re here to ask me again why I killed Mr. Shadi Smith, don’t bother. My answer is still the same: I killed him because I’m an evil human being, end of discussion.”
(Damn right, you are.)
“Actually,” Ema speaks up, her voice cracking.
Damn nerves...
She clears her throat, making her voice louder, steadier. “Actually, I’m not Mr. Wright.”
The foptop freezes midway through flipping a page, finally turning his head towards her. His brows raise, eyes widening ever so slightly in what Ema hopes to be shock.
On her shoulder, the tiny fop grips her hair tighter, tense.
Ema just stands taller, puffing out her chest. “Bet you regret putting me in a jar and trying to suffocate me now that I’m the size of a bean!”
Why isn’t he feeling threatened?! Ema glares harder, waiting for him to finally crack under her intimidation.
“Ah. You’re my brother’s… roommate.”
Ema’s fists tighten on her bag strap. She can’t explain it, but she hates the way he says that word, “roommate.” It feels… condescending.
Like he refuses to see her in that way.
“Y-Yeah. I am.”
A pause. Neither of them move, just locked in a silent staring contest.
Ema refuses to back down.
“Well? Aren’t you scared, foptop?”
Why is her voice wavering? She shouldn’t be scared now, not when she’s the size of a bean.
“Scared?” the foptop asks with a stupid smirk, pushing up his glasses. “Why should I be scared?”
Ema takes a deep breath, forcing herself to stop shaking. “Because I’m bean-sized,” she states again. “I can get my revenge on you now.”
And the foptop just laughs. His laugh is loud, menacing, echoing in the cell around them. 
She hates his laugh.
“Fine, then.” With that, he closes his book, setting it aside, and he stands up.
He’s… taller than Ema. Much taller…
It never occurred to her that he’d still be taller than her even when she’s bean-sized.
“Go on, then,” he taunts, arms outstretched at his sides. “Get your revenge on me now that you’ve inexplicably grown to human size.”
Ema can’t move. She can’t speak. Her throat is tight, her chest heavy.
She’s the size of a human bean, but with the foptop towering over her, it’s like she’s normal size again. The giant foptop looming, able to grab her in his massive hand at any time, dropping her in another jar…
Her grip tightening even more on her bag strap, she hunches into herself, taking a step back.
“What’s the matter?” He takes a step closer, his eyes gleaming behind his glasses. She backs away more.
She hates how he mocks her.
“I thought you were going to get your revenge on me, were you not?”
She says nothing. Maybe this really was a bad idea…
“Or I suppose your revenge is shrinking down my brother and keeping him prisoner on your shoulder.”
Ema’s eyes widen. She had forgotten about him. One hand immediately goes to her shoulder to shield him, the tiny fop shifting tensely as he tries to stay even more hidden in her hair.
“Oh, did you think I wouldn’t notice him sitting there on your shoulder? I almost thought you brought him along to taunt me.”
“He’s not my prisoner,” Ema finds herself saying, her fingers now curling up protectively. She doesn’t know why she feels the need to defend him. “I’m finding a way to get him back to normal.”
“And am I wrong to assume you’re at fault for his minuscule size?”
She doesn’t answer.
The foptop extends his hand to her, palm up with a grin. “Now, I’d like my brother if you don’t mind. I’m not comfortable leaving him in the hands of someone like you.”
Ema doesn’t move. No, she can’t let the foptop have his brother.
The foptop frowns, a certain danger in his eyes that makes Ema’s blood run cold. “Don’t make me ask again,” he says, his voice low and threatening. “Hand over my brother. Now.”
Ema’s fingers wrap around the fop, refusing to obey.
“I’m staying with her,” the fop suddenly speaks up before Ema can say anything, moving her hair out of his way to show himself to his brother. His voice is loud and steady; if it weren’t for the way he’s trembling in her hand, she would’ve believed he’s not even a little bit afraid of this situation.
The foptop arches a brow, his frown almost a scowl now. “You’re staying with her?” he repeats incredulously, shaking his head. “Really now, entrusting your safety to this..." 
The foptop pauses, his eyes narrowing as he glares down at her. 
“…creature, at a time like this… Rather reckless of you, don't you think?"
Ema’s blood boils.
Creature. That’s what he called her: creature.
She’s not even a person to him.
All Ema can do is glare.
"My choice to trust Kleine Fräulein is none of your business," the fop replies, his voice not wavering despite how much he shakes. He grabs onto her fingers, wrapping his tiny arms tight around them. “I’m not a child anymore, Kris, I can take care of myself.”
Ema can’t explain the warmth she feels in her chest at his contact.
The foptop, meanwhile, hardly shows any reaction, though the look in his eyes tells Ema everything. “Listen to yourself, Klavier,” he says quite forcefully. “You’re four inches tall and you think the reasonable course of action is to willingly endanger yourself by staying in the possession of the lunatic—” He practically hisses the word. “—who did this to you. Your diminished size seems to have affected your ability to even think logically.
The shrunken fop hesitates, having no reply.
“Hmph. Sounds like you’re finally listening to reason.”
The foptop steps towards her again, hand outstretched once more. She takes another step back.
Ema doesn’t know why— hell, she doesn’t even understand what exactly is going through her mind right now— but she knows she can’t let the foptop have his brother. She can’t let that happen. Not here, and not during a time like this.
She has to keep the fop away.
She doesn’t even realize what she’s doing until her fist makes contact with the foptop's jaw.
"Man, that was a terrible idea. We really shouldn't have done something so incredibly reckless.”
“Ja,” Klavier deadpans, his grip tight on a lock of her hair as she walks, “that was an awful idea. I wonder why we decided to do it.”
Kleine Fräulein doesn’t respond.
Not that he expects her to.
The walk away from the prison is silent between them, neither of them uttering a word.
With each step, Klavier finds himself very conscious of every breath he takes, his chest tight.
Dealing with Kris is something he can usually handle; the man had practically raised him since the two of them were boys, Klavier growing up knowing what he’s like. Sure, he’s sometimes… difficult to put it lightly, and he was found guilty of murder, but… Kris is still his brother…
He stares down at his fists— despite how tightly he holds onto Kleine Fräulein’s hair, they still shake violently. It’s… He’s… 
He gulps, breathing suddenly difficult.
He’s never felt as small as he did compared to his brother today, and it wasn't just literally. The way Kristoph spoke, so condescending and demeaning, as if Klavier isn’t his own person, an adult who can make his own decisions...
As if he’s still the helpless little boy who relied so much on his older brother... Who trusted his older brother without fail or question…
“At least that felt good,” Kleine Fräulein suddenly speaks up, interrupting his thoughts as she continues to walk who knows where. “I mean, my hand still hurts, but I didn't realize how satisfying that would be. Probably the closest I'll ever get to punching you, fop.”
Despite it all, Klavier can’t help but chuckle at her remark. There’s some comfort in how even in this crazy situation they’ve found themselves in, Kleine Fräulein is still the same as ever.
It’s calming, in a strange way.
“We should do this again more often. Or at least while I’m still so huge. I have more I’d like to do to that jerk of a fop.”
He shakes his head with a smile. “I doubt Kris would agree to be your punching bag again. Besides, they’re definitely not letting you back in there after you got kicked out for that.”
“A minor inconvenience.”
He laughs, and in that moment, everything almost feels okay. Almost.
When his laughter dies down, Klavier purses his lips. He stares up at her— from his vantage point on her shoulder, hidden in her hair, it’s rather difficult to see her face clearly.
His throat tightens.
He stares down at his wrist, his crystal bracelet from Kleine Fräulein still adorning it, having shrunken with him.
After a moment, he scoots closer to Kleine Fräulein's neck, the lock of hair still tight in his grip. "Danke, Kleine Fräulein..." he somehow manages to choke out, leaning into her warmth.
She just hums in reply, almost nonchalantly, Klavier feeling the vibration from her neck as she does so. 
He closes his eyes, just trying to forget today, just trying to forget his fears, and just trying to forget how miniscule he is.
Being with Kleine Fräulein doesn’t exactly help him feel better about it all— she seems to enjoy being the bigger person for once, based on how she treats him now— but at least... she makes him feel safe.
"You know," she speaks up after several minutes of silence, Klavier's eyes snapping open, "it's been a long day. I think we should get some Snackoos. As a treat. Where do you beans borrow stuff from?"
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jackiequick · 1 year
Ok I am a really huge fan of the classic late 80s to 90s sitcom Full House and enjoy the new one as well but the original holds a special place in my heart ♥️
Adrianna “Jordan” Katsopolis ~ She-Hulk 📋
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- Uncle Jesse and Pamela younger sister. She moved in with Jesse and Joey after Danny asked for them to come over and help raise his daughters.
- Nicknames —> Jory, Jo, Jodie, Adrian, She-Hulk, Anna, and etc
- Speaking of Joey, she’s is particularly his other half and with Jesse, they are a trio. They get into the craziest things and always doing something hilariously weird that you can’t help but join in. The fact that they haven’t ended up in jail for something stupid while paired up is a surprise to many but that doesn’t mean they’ve haven’t gotten caught in the act before.
- But when Danny is brought into the mix of their daily shenanigans originally, it’s a unstoppable force of 4 friends! They are such caregivers at heart with such different but similar personalities, the funny band of grown ups with humor of 14 year olds sometimes always cracking jokes, wanting the best for each other and so much more.
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- Jordan is clever, easygoing, gentle and can be resourceful! However sometimes she will play pranks and jokes, even jokingly manipulate one of the guys into doing something
- Aunt and Mother figure to the girls (DJ, Stephenie and Michelle) they are all her babies. She’s a true caregiver and tends to becomes very soft around her girls. Skipping out on work days, rejecting or leaving her dates, and staying at home a lot in general just to be with her 3 little angels! Especially the years when Michelle was a baby, she spent more time at home.
- Each one the girls had their special person come to for certain things, just having a type of relationship with the guys. But with Jordan, she is like their second mom, the girls coming to her for anything and everything especially if the guys couldn’t handle it.
- Braiding hair, picking out clothing, issues at school, boy trouble, advice on things, passions they have at the moment, hugs and kisses, taking care of them when they’re hurt or sick, just need someone to hear them out and etc, Jordan is there!
- And if asked, which one of those angels are her favorite? She has no favorite. Yeah she’ll joke if something happens and say, “Steph at the moment, you’re my favorite.” Causing the girls to laugh or smile proudly. Or she would’ve coo at toddler Michelle saying, “Who’s my pretty girl? You are!”
- A bit of a grumpy Defense Lawyer when she doesn’t get her morning coffee or something sweet in her system by the middle of the day. Since she has a huge sweet tooth, most specifically cupcakes and donuts.
- She is single but goes on plenty of dates over the course of the show. (Ends up with Danny Tanner in the later seasons)
- Jordan is known for her witty comebacks, nerdy about music and movies jokester personality when she’s around loved ones. However she is a bit of a babbler mouth and knows a lot more than she leads on.
- Also has a bit of a temper, that is well under control if i may I add and for being kind hearted woman. But sometimes her She-Hulk tends to come out! The group calls her out on it then they all jokes about it once She-Hulk disappears and she back to calm Jordan.
- But when Jordan temper sent up volumes, you better make sure that your in the clear. Sometimes she will slip and yell out stuff like “I can and will sue you!”, “I oughta-let me at ‘em!”, “Excuse me?! Oh heck no.”, and the list goes on. Usually it’s fine but Kimmy Gibbler can piss her off or someone may just annoy her.
Sometimes there is some to hold her back and other times…
“Joey, grab her!” Jesse yells racing off after the woman into the living room, “Jory come back, I didn’t mean it.”
Joey stood up from the couch and caught her by the waist holding her down yelling, “Woah, woah, woah hold on road runner! What happened here?”
“Jess made me look what you would consider bad in front one of DJs teacher and proceeded to flirt with her in front of everyone.” Jordan explained, trying to get out of his grip.
Joey gave him a pointed look, “Jess.”
“What? I was far more interesting than her and the other teachers were more interested me in anyway.” Jesse tried to explain and even added, “Hey at least, it went well..for me at least!”
“Joseph you should’ve seen it, I was killing it. And I got to speak with the history guy and-”
Jordan grew upset and Joey smirked at her. He let her go. They didn’t let Jesse finish as Joey shouted, “Get ‘em!” The pair chased Jesse around the house as his screams and yelps could be heard. Until they reached the backyard out of breath.
Jesse put his hands up, “Hey, hey wait! I’m sorry I messed up.”
“And?” Jordan glared as Joey stood behind her, “You made me look like the uninteresting aunt!”
“Again, I’m sorry. I knew she wouldn’t care about us the second she started to talk, so I joked and flirted to lighten the mood. And I got something in return..”
Joey spoke, “Uh Jess, a gift from the school store isn’t gonna fix anything.”
“On the contrary my friend, DJ’s teacher gave me the opportunity to speak with the History teacher…”
“Yeah so?”
“We get to go bowling together next Friday…”
Jordan rolled her eyes having enough of this and about to walk inside when she heard her brother speak again. “And I got his number! He wants to go on a date with a certain someone.” Said Jesse holding up a post-it note causing Jordan to spin back around grinning.
“Really?” Jordan asked with a dazzling grin and raised eyebrows.
Joey chuckled, “Wait you got her a date with Mr Hunter? I’ve been friends with him for months, I could’ve helped!”
It turned out fine for everyone!
- Becky is her gal! The two became friends quickly and fitted very nicely together, always coming to each other for advice, helping one another out. Girls Day Out on the streets of San Francisco, gossip about anything and everyone, the list goes on.
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- AND when Jesse finally dated Becky, Jordan was more excited that her best friends, this girl was over the moon! Of course that meant she was stuck in the middle of their crazy couple shenanigans, having to root for them, and pushing one or the other to make a decision on something. Most of the time it was hilarious seeing the funniest stories take place in front of her, roasting them, Jordan set them up on a few dates and dragged on double dates with them.
And that’s what I got so far! There is so much more Full House lore I could say but I’ll be here all day. I hope you enjoyed it 🖇
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @msrochelleromanofffelton @t-nd-rfoot @yetanotherwells @gcthvile @drspencereidhotch @sherloquestea @whitewiccan @morgan108 @topgun-imagines @ohgodnotagainn @rooster-84 @blueboirick and anyone else I might add on
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valsnonsense · 6 months
Prince Apple of Pop
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*looking at an old recipe* "Potato donuts?! Now I say that disrespecting donuts should carry a life sentence so let's if we're going to jail today!!"
Parents: Queen Poppy and King Branch
Siblings: Choco (Elder Sister), Vanilla (Elder Sister), Strawberry (Sister), Oran (Brother), Lemon (Brother), Lime (Brother), Blueberry (Brother), Grape (Sibling), Iris (Younger Sister(
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/She
Sexuality: Gay
Genre: Jazz/Swing
Voice Claim: Michael Bublé
Eldest of the Rainbow Brothers, the six sons of Poppy and Branch. Apple is a sweet, quiet guy who mostly keeps to himself. He doesn't go out often, and if he does, it's only with a few select Trolls. Guys just a bit shy.
Apple works as a baker in Trollstopia. He loves baking all sorts of fun recipes from all over the world, and even making recipes he finds in old cookbooks. He teaches the occasional class to young trolls looking to branch out and find new hobbies.
Despite being a pop troll, Apple really has no interest in the genre. His heart lies with jazzy music. Smooth jazz, swing, electro swing, you name it. He was inspired when he heard Chazz perform once, and just started belting along with him. His surprisingly deep voice caught the smooth jazz trolls attention, and he got snapped up as a pupil.
Apple was taught and trained by Chazz in the ways of jazz music. He can play the saxophone, clarinet, trumpet, and several other instruments. Apple also took several voice classes to really hone in his voice. He occasionally performs at clubs around Trollstopia, spreading the joys of jazz around to as many as he can. Uncle Chazz is so proud.
He currently resides in Trollstopia alongside his family.
Fun Facts!
- Apple is currently in a sort of cat and mouse game with Prince Blaise. The Funk Prince heard him perform and made a few moves on him. Apple likes Blaise as well, but the two haven't announced anything yet.
- Apple loves making and reviewing old recipes. Though he judges them rather harshly, since the ingredients used are often questionable by today's standards.
- Apple is quiet everywhere for the exception of two places, the stage and his kitchen. In the kitchen, he is a drill Sargent, and you better stay out of his way
- Apple has a twisted nerve in his tail, making super twitchy. It often flicks around suddenly, smacking into people and other things
And that's the first of who I like to call the Rainbow Brothers! Yes, Apple and her brothers are sextuplets. Branch had six of those fruit-named babies at once. Pray for that man, he went through it.
Apple went through one of the biggest design overhauls. His first concept was super boring, so I gave him super poofy hair.
Oh, and those little marks are patterns on his fur. He and all his brothers have patterned fur.
Voice Example: Sway (Michael Bublé)
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konowhoregakure · 1 year
Konoha police department AU
Ok listen I just like the idea of them being in a tiny town where everyone knows each other, and somehow the police station is the hub, the one place where everyone seems to meet.
First of all, whoever is Hokage has to be the chief of police/Sheriff. I can see the third Hokage being the kind of Chief that saw everyone grow up and takes it easy on the kids, because he's just nice like that. The kind that knows your name and that alone makes you flinch because you didn't know he kept a close eye on everyone.
Kakashi would be the typical detective that is always smoking, a certified sleazy looking man that is actually just very tired thank you very much. Doesn't sleep ever because he needs to close these cases. (I love the idea of Guy being a detective as well, trying to help Kakashi manage his relationship with his work. Because detectives may not always work in duos but I love when they do).
Lol Jiraiya being that one guy that is somehow always spending the night in a jail cell. Nobody knows what he did this time, perhaps nothing, why is he here again?? (Tsunade won't pick him up because she is also sick of his shit)
Kotetsu and Izumo would be the cop duo, you know the one, they're always having donuts and doing nothing in their cars. They stop every so often at the station though, just to refill their coffee and make fun of Jiraiya because how did he get in there again? honestly.
There's also officers, of course. Aaaaah the whole jounin gang being officers and bullying each other through the walkie talkies. It's mostly Anko. Someone please take away Anko's walkie talkie.
You gotta have the tired office clerk who's tired of everyone's bullshit and doesn't get paid enough honestly. I feel like that would be Iruka, someone dependable but that also is kind and always manages to fix everything somehow. They just don't know how being the station's office clerk also includes helping everyone with their problems.
Naruto wants to be the Sheriff one day, and he's always hanging around because he likes to "learn" from all of the officers. In reality he's just annoying Iruka while hanging out with his friends.
(Obito is a PI that desperately wants to be a detective, but he is just not allowed in) (he keeps messing up all of Kakahi's cases)
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wickedsrest-rp · 11 months
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Name: Gia Phuong Species: Fury Occupation: Mechanic / Street Racer Age: 35 Years Old Played By: Karli Face Claim: Levy Tran
"It doesn’t matter how fast I drive … I can’t get that rush back."
TW: Memory loss, car accident
Gia Phuong was born into an everlasting family. Centuries ago, in what is modern-day Vietnam, the family matriarch conducted her first successful necromancy ritual. From that day on the Phuong family has carefully perfected their craft, earning them a reputation in the mystical community as some of the most prominent and powerful necromancers. What started as a way to bring loved ones back to life had turned into a successful family enterprise. If you want your reanimation to go smoothly it’ll cost more than just spilled blood. 
The first time Gia practiced the family craft she was only fifteen years old. Her parents had warned her that the first time never went as planned so she had been expecting there to be something wrong with the tiny mouse she was trying to give life back to. Much to everyone’s surprise, however, the ritual seemed to work without any apparent set-backs. 
It wasn’t just living creatures that the family had a knack for bringing back to life - they were also exceptional mechanics. When Gia’s great-grandfather first moved to Wicked’s Rest he opened up an auto garage - he worked on cars in the main building while his wife raised the dead in the cellar below. Fixing motors came just as naturally to Gia as necromancy did, but she liked being behind the wheel more than being under the hood. 
The first time Gia got arrested was for street racing. She had just finished restoring and modifying a Nissan Skyline she’d been working on for years and she was just itching to unleash the overwhelming power of that nearly 500 horsepower engine. Gia spent that entire night in jail with a grin on her face because all that really mattered was that she had won the race.
It didn’t take long for Gia to have a reputation around town as a thrill seeker. She’s done donuts in the Null Impact Crater, sped across Serpent’s Flat, drifted the sharp curved roads heading up to Hanging Rock, and raced through the isolated roads in The Pines in the dead of night. If it was something that would get her heart racing, Gia wanted to be a part of it. After all, even if she fatally miscalculated the risk any number of her family members could pull her back from the beyond. 
Or so she thought. 
One day, Gia awoke feeling colder than she’d ever felt before. She wasn’t in her bed, or any bed for that matter. Instead she found herself deep in Seven Peaks, looking up at the early morning sky with no memory of how she got there. As she pulled herself up onto her feet she saw the gray smoke of a nearly extinguished fire nearby, just off a nearby cliff. Without a phone and without really knowing where she was, Gia went towards the smoke only to find that it was coming from the charred, beat up remains of her Skyline. 
She would have remembered crashing, she told herself. She would be hurt if she had been in that wreck. Something wasn’t right and as she peered down at the apparent crash site, an inexplicable, intense, burning rage overcame her. Whatever was going on, Gia was going to get to the bottom of it. 
Character Facts:
Personality: Mechanical, optimistic, trustworthy, personable, hot-headed, naive, vengeful, self-sacrificing
Gia is covered in tattoos - a good deal of them are real ink but many are necromancy sigils. 
While her family has a long history of spellcasting and necromancy and are well tuned into the magical world, Gia does not have a clear understanding of the rest of the supernatural world and does not know yet that she has become a Fury or what that entails. 
 Family is everything to Gia. The Phuong’s are close knit and due to their reputation around town (both in the magical world being outcast for being necromancers and in the human world for being just a bit too strange) tend to keep to themselves. That’s why she doesn’t understand this new exhaustion she feels after spending time with them, unaware that being around happy people as a Fury is incredibly draining. 
Gia is the second youngest of five siblings and prior to her death she was the most skilled of all of them in necromancy. 
She speaks Vietnamese but it’s a little bit rusty as she mostly only speaks to her elder relatives in it. 
Gia works at the family garage, Phuong’s Auto Repair and More, but since becoming a Fury she only does auto repair, not the ‘More’ 
Despite putting on a hard exterior, Gia’s favorite genre of movies are romantic comedies. She can practically quote Sleepless in Seattle line for line.
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i-am-baechu · 2 years
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Chapter Two: The One About K-pop
Summary: “Did you just ask me if I sell coffee in a fucking coffee shop?” And with that, Taehyung was smitten by the Barista in the crazy flower sweater vest. Friendships will form but most importantly Taehyung will finally meet his soulmate. 
Genre: Idol au, strangers to lovers au, barista reader!, slow burn (friends with benefits to lovers kind of), semi-short storyish format, friendships, romance, angst, comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Idol! Taehyung x Barista! Reader 
Side ships: Hoseok x OC 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, homophobia, smoking cigarettes, drugs and alcohol usage 
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
It’s been two days since Y/N got “Coffee boy’s” number and they’ve been talking nonstop. He was super sweet, he always asked her about her day and sent her websites on ways to relax after a busy day. Every time she saw his name pop up on her phone, butterflies flew into her stomach but Nikki said it could be the whiskey. Even though she enjoyed the conversations with him, she still didn’t know who he was and this annoyed her...(it was kind of hot but overall annoying). 
Coffee boy:
Good morning, I hope you have a good morning. I wish I can see you but I have a meeting, I’m sorry about that 
That’s okay. What’s the meeting about? You never told me what you do for a living 
Coffee boy:
That’s for you to find out ;)
Y/N sighed and looked up at the ceiling with a frown on her face. Nikki raised her eyebrow at her and muted the tv, “That’s the fourth time you sighed and it’s only eight in the morning. What’s wrong?” 
Y/N glanced at her and then back at the ceiling, “Coffee boy...he won’t tell me anything about himself. It makes me think he doesn’t like me.”
“Maybe...just maybe, he's part of the mafia.”
Y/N let out a laugh and looked at Nikki to see that she had a serious face, “Nikki, you can’t be serious.” 
“Just listen to me, he has a black card and he's young. That’s very suspicious. I mean also, his jacket is part of Louis Vuitton's newest collection that’s not even out yet.” 
Y/N’s face scrunched up as she shook her head, “There’s no way...I mean if he is then we would go to jail for getting involved with him and I can’t last in jail. Oh my god, I can’t go to jail. I can barely handle being alive, I can’t handle being in jail. If I-”
“Y/N, calm down. Maybe ask him?” 
“I can’t ask him if he's in the mafia, that’s how you die!” 
“No idiot, just ask him what he does for a living and tell him if he doesn’t tell you then it's over.” 
Before Y/N could say anything, Julia came in with two boxes of doughnuts and a frown, “The lady at the shop yelled at me and caused a whole scene. She wouldn’t let me have the leftover dough and even tossed a bottle at me.” 
“Julia, why did you want the dough? You don’t bake.”
Julia shrugged her shoulders and placed the donut boxes on the coffee table, “My cousin wanted the dough but he wouldn’t tell me why.” 
Nikki nodded her head and opened the box to see the glazed doughnuts, “Even though that’s worrisome, I’m hungry so it doesn’t matter.” 
Julia sat next to Y/N and looked over her shoulder, “Oh, you're texting that boy you met.” 
“Yeah, we think he's part of the mafia...” 
“That’s cool.”
Y/N glanced at Julia and shook her head, “It’s not cool, Julia. It’s a crime. We could go to jail.” 
Julia shrugged her shoulders at her, “We can have a better apartment if he's part of the mafia.-” Julia leaned back on the couch and took her phone out looking at Y/N, “I was on twitter and I swear this place looks like our coffee shop.” 
Y/N put her doughnut down on the napkin and leaned next to Julia to look at her phone. Her eyes widened and snatched the phone out of her hands, “That’s the coffee shop!” 
Nikki wiped her hands on her cotton pants and raised her eyebrow, “What the hell are you talking about?” She snatched the phone and her eyes widened, “Oh my god, thats the coffee shop...who the fuck is Kim Taehyung?”
“I don’t know but he’s trending...do you think he died in the store?”
Julia shook her head and snatched her phone back, “No, he's part of this kpop group and he's famous. Want to see him?” 
Nikki gave her a smirk and nodded her head, “You had me at famous.” 
Y/N smacked Nikki’s shoulder and shook her head at her. She leaned forward grabbing her doughnut taking a small bite as Nikki pushed Y/N out of the way to look at Julia’s phone. She landed on the ground and glared at Nikki, “He’s a human being, don't treat him like he's just a famous person. Also, Nikki we will never meet him so, don’t get any ideas.” 
Taehyung cracked his neck as he looked at himself in the mirror. He was dressed semi-formal for this interview and he wanted this to be over already. He was upset because he wanted to text the barista but he knew he was going to be busy all day. He felt an arm around his shoulder and he looked in the mirror to see Jimin with a smile, “Yoongi told me you got a girl's number...was she pretty?” 
“Yeah, she was pretty but you can’t flirt with her.”
Jimin rolled his eyes and took his arm off of his friend's shoulder, “Why would I flirt with her when it's clear you're interested in her. Tell me about her.” 
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and fixed his collar in the mirror, “She’s Irish and she's cute. That's all you get.” 
“Does she have a name?” 
“I haven’t asked yet...I thought it was kinda hot to keep this stranger thing up.”
“Or it could be really weird and she walks away because you're creepy.” 
Taehyung rolled his eyes and turned towards Jimin to smack his shoulder, “Thanks for the confidence.”
“Do you need confidence? You're Kim Taehyung.” 
“Oh, I need all the confidence to talk to her.” 
Y/N stared at the wall with a blank expression as Nikki and Julia stared at her with worried looks. They both glanced at each other, Julia looked down at her phone and then back at Y/N, “I mean at least he's not in the mafia.” Y/N let out a laugh and covered her face with her hands as her body shook with laughter. Julia flinched at the loud laugh and looked at Nikki, “I think she's broken, Nikki.” 
“Y/N, are you okay?” 
She turned her head and looked at them with a face that they couldn’t decipher, “Am I charity?” 
Y/N got up from the couch and walked into the bathroom to stare at herself in the mirror. She whipped her head to look at them, “Do you see me? Look at him, why would he ever want me? Oh my god, he thinks I'm charity.”
Nikki rolled her eyes and got up from the couch to lean against the door frame, shaking her head at her, “Or he thinks you're hot.”
“Don’t lie to me.” 
Julia shook her head and stood next to Nikki, “Y/N, you are hot. Your boobs are great.” 
Y/N looked at Julia with an annoyed look and shook her head, “Thanks Julia, I’m glad this is how you see me.”
“You're welcome.” 
Taehyung listened to the interviewer as he was looking out into the audience and smiled. He heard his name a couple of times and he gently waved at the girls in front making them gasp from the attention. He looked back to see that Namjoon was ending the interview and gave the woman a wide smile as she said her thanks to them. The group stood up from their chairs and bowed at the interviewer and the crowd with wide smiles. Taehyung waved at everyone and they made their way backstage, taking off their equipment. 
Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a pout, “I’m hungry.” 
“You just want to go to the coffee shop to see that girl, don’t you.” 
He rolled his eyes and slapped his shoulder gently, “No, I’m actually hungary.” 
Namjoon nodded his head and looked at Taehyung with a stern look, “I heard that you gave your number to a girl. Care to explain?” 
Taehyung bit his lip and looked down at his shoes before looking at his leader, “I met her and I just thought she was interesting...hyung, I really like her. The moment I saw her, I wanted to get to know her and I gave her my number.” 
“Taehyung, this is serious. We don't know anything about her and she could sell information about you or even us. You should’ve talked to us first before making this decision.” 
Taehyung bowed his head as he was scolded by his leader and Jin wrapped his arm around Namjoon’s shoulder, “Joon, stop scolding him. You should be happy that he’s found someone, he’s never done this before. Let him have this moment.” 
Namjoon glanced at Jin and then at Taehyung who was staring at the carpet. He let out a sigh and pushed Jin’s arm off and placed his hand on Taehyung’s shoulder making him look up, “Tae, just be careful. If something happens, tell us immediately.” 
“I-I will...please let me talk to her still.” 
Y/N took another shot as Nikki watched from the doorway. This was the fourth shot that she took and it's only been four minutes. Nikki rolled her eyes and snatched the glass out of her hand whilst Y/N glared at her, “What are you doing?” 
“Saving your stomach. Why are you drinking? Is it crazy that Kim Taehyung from Bts likes you.” 
Y/N raised her eyebrow and nodded her head, “Yes, it's crazy. Have you seen the way he looks? He’s hot, sexy, and mysterious, then there's me, the opposite.” 
Nikki rolled her eyes and placed the glass in the sink. She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head, “Y/N, it's obvious he's interested in you. He gave you his number and I’m sure he doesn’t do that a lot.” 
“Or he could give it to a lot of people to have orgies or I don’t know one night stands.”
“He’s been texting you nonstop since he gave you his number, that doesn’t sound like somebody that wants a one night stand to me.”  
“Or he’s just playing me because he wants a quick fuck.” 
Before Nikki could say anything, Y/N’s phone vibrated on the counter top. They both glanced at the disturbance and then back at each other with raised eyebrows. Nikki snatched the phone before Y/N could and unlocked the phone. She raised her eyebrow while giving her a small smirk, “Hey, sorry I was busy today but I was thinking of you. I was wondering if you would want lunch with me sometime in the future? Mmmm, doesn’t sound like he wants a quick fuck to me.” 
Y/N’s eyes widened as she looked down at her feet with a shy look, “He said that?” 
“Yes, now go talk to him before I slap the shit out of you.” 
She rolled her eyes while grabbing her phone before heading to her room. She locked the door behind her, taking a small breath before looking at the message with a smile. She clicked his icon and called him wanting to hear his voice. Taehyung’s eyes widened in the van as he pressed the green button with no hesitation, “Hello?” 
“Hello, Kim Taehyung.” 
Oh shit. “Oh...you know who I am. What’s your name?” 
“It’s Y/N L/N...Your name was trending on twitter when you were in our cafe and I thought someone died in it but turns out it was just a kpop star sighting.”
He let out a nervous laugh at this and raised his eyebrow, “Wait...has someone died in that shop before?” 
“I mean...it was across the street from us but it's New York so...anything could happen. So, you're a kpop star?”
He looked around him to see everyone was either sleeping or listening to their music with headphones on. He glanced up at the front to see that Namjoon was too busy talking to Jin about something to notice that he was on the phone. He smiled to himself nodding his head, “Yeah, I am.” 
“Thank god. I honestly thought you were in the mafia.” 
“You had a nice coat on so my friend assumed it. Anyways, I saw a picture of you at the interview. You looked very handsome...” 
“Oh~, did I?”   
“Oh, you like that. I take it back because you get enough praise.”
“But hearing it from a beautiful girl makes it different, darling.” There was a long pause and Taehyung thought he messed up but he heard a crashing noise on the other side. He pulled the phone away and looked around with a confused look. He put the phone back to his ear and raised his eyebrow, “Y/N? Is everything alright?” 
“Yeah, sorry. I dropped my phone. Hearing you say that made me sweat more than usual. Fuck...ignore that I just said that.”  
He let out a small laugh and shook his head, “You're so cute.” 
“You need to stop because I can’t drop this phone anymore but thank you for calling me cute. I just got called cute by a kpop star...oh my god, I just got called cute by a kpop star...Fuck anyways, can you say your name for me?”
“Kim Taehyung?”
“I just wanted to hear your own voice say your name. It feels better when you can say your own name with your own voice instead of someone else doing it. I mean I know I knew your name but it didn’t feel right that I didn’t know your name with your own voice…I hope that makes sense. Oh god, I’m blabbering.”
With that, Taehyung knew he made the right decision giving her his number. He let out a small chuckle and nodded his head, “I never really thought of it that way...I like that idea and I like your blabbering.”
“But I’m so glad you're not part of the mafia. I wouldn’t last in jail. You mentioned you wanted lunch...do you want to go out to lunch or like facetime while we eat?”
Taehyung looked around again and saw Jimin looking straight at him with a smirk. Taehyung rolled his eyes at him and turned his body towards the window, “Can we facetime and eat together? Is that okay?” 
“Oh, it's fine for me. Just a heads up, if you hear yelling or crashing, it's nothing serious. It's just my roommates.” 
Taehyung smiled at this and ignored the stare from Jimin, “That sounds like a plan. I can’t wait to see you.” 
“Yeah...I can’t wait to see you too. I mean, no yeah, I can’t wait to see you. Ummm....bye?” 
“Bye, I’ll facetime you when I get into the hotel.” 
“Okay....bye...yeah bye.” 
Taehyung let out a small laugh while putting his phone in pocket with a wide smile. He felt a small tap on his shoulder as he let out a sigh. He looked at Jimin with a raised eyebrow, “What?”
“Soooo, you have a date with the barista.” 
“I wouldn’t call it a date...more like hanging out. I mean maybe later on maybe we can go on a date.”
Jimin nodded his head at this and patted Taehyung’s shoulder, “Look at you getting a girl. You’ve been a loner for so long that it's shocking that you can talk to one.” 
Taehyung rolled his eyes smacking Jimin’s shoulder hard, “Shut up, your single still. Haven’t seen you talk to any girls in forever.” 
“You don’t know my business.” 
“Yes I do. You tell me everything.”
“That doesn’t mean anything. Maybe I hide things from you, you never know.” 
“You don’t because the last time you tried hiding something from me, you started crying.”
“Why do you remember everything!?” 
Namjoon glanced at them and sighed. He turned his head and gave them a stern look causing the two to stop talking, “No fighting. Shouldn’t you guys be tired from our busy day?” 
“I am tired but Taehyung isn’t. He was talking to his girl.” 
Taehyung quickly sent a glare at Jimin and then back at Namjoon who had his eyebrow raised, “Do you have a date?” 
“It’s not a date...we're just going to facetime each other while we eat.”
Namjoon nodded his head and gave him a smile, “Have fun with that. Just be careful.”
Taehyung fought back his annoyance (Namjoon was only worried for him and he knew this) and nodded his head, “I will hyung.” 
Extended ending: 
Taehyung stood in his bathroom staring at himself in the mirror and took a deep breath, “It’s okay. You're just talking to her, that’s all.” He heard a knock at the door and he walked towards it expecting his lunch but when he opened it, his eye was twitching, “What the hell are you guys doing here!?” 
Jungkook looked at Jin and shrugged his shoulders, “We just wanted to see you off for your date.” 
“It's not a date!” 
Jin let out a small laugh and leaned against the door frame, “Are you going to show her your-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Taehyung shut his door on their faces and walked back to the bathroom. When he entered the bathroom his phone was ringing in his pocket and he rolled his eyes. He quickly picked up his phone (without checking it), “What?”
“Oh, sorry. Are you busy?” 
He wanted to kick himself in that moment and let out a small cough, “Never for you.” He was going to beat Jin and Jungkook’s ass after this.
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Dearest Ro, May I please beggeth of ye to bless thine eyes upon some Aurikel/Saejid headcanons you may have that we may have not discussed yet? I require le sauce~
I think we mentioned once that dragons don't normally do pets? Bitty!Aurikel was probably something of an exception and would bring home random stray animals she found that seemed injured or hungry. She stopped doing that as she got older because 1) It Was Not Appropriate For A Lady, and 2) she got sad when the animals inevitably had a much shorter lifespan than she did. She got into befriending random animals again once she became a hermit because she would have been way too lonely otherwise.
I think turtles are among her favorite animals both because they're reptiles like her AND because they can have pretty long lifespans.
Post-canon she's probably the one who most frequently visits and tidies up Ravus's memorial/grave (and if he didn't have one she'd make one for him) because she wasn't around to firsthand experience the shite he did and tbh I think she was probably one of the people closest to him asides from Sora? I think as time goes on she winds up mentally conceptualizing Ravus as like... a snake who was just never going to be as affectionate as a dog, but was still a living animal with feelings, so she's willing to do this for him.
I forget if we decided whether or not Bruhim is any good at singing, but either way I imagine Aurikel likes teasingly coaxing him into singing with her.
She's very good at lying if the need comes up! Comes from her time as a councilman's wife and whatnot. She doesn't like doing it though.
Her favorite food is donuts but she doesn't let herself indulge too often even after moving back to Dragonsbayne because they're not good for you.
If cameras existed in her world she would probably take a million photos of things. I can see photography being one of her hobbies in a modern AU. She'd like the convenience of modern digital cameras but would also have a thing for the older film based ones.
I think we agreed that he'd probably wind up in fairy jail after all is said and done. The worst part of it in his opinion is just the sheer indignity of being in jail and having his status stripped from him. The second worst part is the food. (The food is fine he's just a whiner.)
I don't think he was close to Vanille when she was a kid but I imagine he was nice to her and she saw him as a bit of a slightly stiff older brother type who worked for her father.
He's single but was thinking vaguely about settling down at some point in the next decade (or like. fae-lifespan equivalent) and was starting to internally assess various fae noblewomen as potential future partners before the plot interrupted.
I think in a modern they're-all-human AU he'd still look down on Saft but not because she's a dragon- he'd just think she's like. A trashy poor kid. He's like a catty toxic friend of Vanille's but not as bad as regular flavor Saejid, i.e. not going to actually try and murder anyone. He might do the cliche thing of "Yeah Saft Vanille's party is going to be a costume party and you should totally go in a clown outfit," and then it is not a costume party.
He plays some sort of instrument, idk what yet- but not like. Enthusiastically? He's very technical about it, you can tell he learned just because it would look good on his college application or whatever.
He's an only child.
It doesn't rain very often in the fairy realm so it's one of the few things that can actually get a non-smug reaction out of him. Like if it rains in the fairy realm- or if he goes to the human world and it's raining- he's going to pause in the middle of what he's doing to just gape.
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pipermint8magic · 1 year
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Luster Dawn pov.
I was walking in one of the hallways of the castle.
The glass windows looked more butefful in the night then in the day, I must admit.
I stopped in front of one where Queen Twilight Sparkle and her friends are shown after their victory. Just like me and my new friends now.
I heard some laughter from somewhere near me.
"Hello? Who is there?" I asked while getting ready to defend myself.
"Oh, dear Princess, is that anyway to treat you're guest?" a mare appeared out of nowhere in front of me.
"Screwball?! "
"One and only!" she snaps her fingers.
"*sigh* What are you doing here?" I demand and light up my horn.
"Oh, you look scared? Don't be. I'm not going to kill you."
"Well I'm sorry, but how could i not be. You're a thief. How am I supposed to know you don't decide kill me?"
"Now, Luster Dawn. Listen here. I may be a thief and a 'crazy monster' as you ponies call me, and I just escaped prison again... I don't kill!"
"Then why are you here?"
She smiled a big grin. It was scary how she could stretch her smile.
"Why, I'm here to help you're brother."
"My brother?"
"You got it Doll. Has he told you he cant have any children? "
I frown. I knew that he wanted someone to take care of. A family of his own.
He asked for my help before I left. I told him that magic would be dangerous and that it would be Impossible. I regret not helping him more.
" But why you? "
" I don't know, to be honest. Lets just say before I got taken to jail again, when we met, he started talking and talking. But when he told me about his problem... Well I ussaly don’t care, but he be looking adorably hot."
" don't you dare - "
" Relax! I'm not going to do anything bad to him. Lets make a deal... "
" A deal? What kind of?"
" I help him get a kid for him using our DNA. "
" Our DNA? "
" Ofcurse! Even with magic, its too dangerous to use his DNA! I thought you knew that. Ha! "
" I-I... What do you want in return? "
Her grin becomes larger.
" Simple! Those Elements of harmony things. "
" What? "
" How about... When you and you're friends don't need them, I'm going to keep them Well... Umm... You know safe. " she said the last word in a bit lower tone.
" No... "
" Why? Do you want to risk upsetting you're brother? "
I frown and look down.
" No, ofcourse not!.. I just want to keep the world safe... "
" And you will, but right now, you're brother needs you're help more."
"* sigh *alright... How do we do it?"
"Give me you're hair and blood."
"Wait, should we -"
"I'm not sleeping with you! although if you want to -"
"Good. This is the way to avoid that awkward stuff."
"Thank Celestia!"
"Indeed...oops, I have to go, cant keep my little guard friends waiting. See ya tomorrow, Princess! Hahaha! "
(sorry for my bad english) 
Luster Dawn ( Starlight Glimmer x Sunburst x Donut Joe x Rolling Thunder)
Screwball (Fluttershy x Discord)
How did my Screwball get Joker vibes slightly  now, idk...actually this gives me a idea for her voice (might go with TDK J voice for her. again idk why...)
base by 
cutie marks-
I cant remember sorry
stained glass-
redesigns and ng belong to me
characters from MLP
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eadanga · 10 months
The Royal Romance Chapter 6 Part 3
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As the Queen and Madeline retire behind their security team the ladies as head towards their tables. Hana walks up to Riley and Liam at their table she grins
“That was well played Riley and Prince Liam”
Liam smiles “Thank you Hana would you like to sit with us?”
Hana smiles “I’d love to”
All around as servants begin bringing hot tea and sandwiches Drake and Maxwell approach the table
Maxwell grins “Hey we finally get to eat!”
Drake frowns as he looks at the food and examines it “If you call this eating”
Riley rolls her eyes “You would complain about free gourmet food”
Drake smirks “I’m just saying I’m simple”
Riley smiles “I don’t think anyone would argue with that”
Drake shakes his head and tries not to smile “What I’m saying give me a 99 cents burger over some escargot aioli”
Hana gives him a surprise look “Escargot aioli? But how would you…?”
Drake raises an eyebrow “It was a joke Hana”
Hana frowns looking down “Oh”
Maxwell smiles “Now onto the big question Riley you think you impressed the queen?”
Riley smiles “I think impressed her”
Maxwell grins “Fantastic it’s like watching a bird learning to fly on it’s own”
Riley turns to Liam “Do you think the Queen approves of me?”
Liam nods “Yes I think you performed quite gracefully with her”
Drake leans back in his chair “Enough about Riley all the little sandwiches are gone and I’m still starving”
Maxwell nods “Not to worry there’s more food waiting for us back at the palace”
Riley finishes off her sandwich “I could really go for a cronut right now”
Liam looks at her confused “A what?”
Hana looks up “I think you mean a donut Riley”
Riley stares at them in disbelief “You’ve never heard of cronuts before?”
Maxwell shakes his head “Can’t say I have”
Riley looks at everyone “Really? Ok we have a critical problem to fix none of you have had cronuts”
Maxwell frowns “Please tell me it doesn’t have anything to do with crows”
Liam chuckles Maxwell and his imagination
Riley smiles “It’s a scrumptious inside of a croissant mixed with the glaze outside of a donut it’s one of the best pastries ever”
Maxwell raises an eyebrow “It sounds American”
Riley giggles “From New York we have to get some!”
Liam smiles I love seeing her excited like this her eyes sparkling “While that sounds like quite the adventure” He sighs “I don’t think the schedule will allow it”
Riley gives him a mischievous smile “Then how about a little jail break tonight? Think we can sneak out the palace and go for a cronut run? I’m pretty sure I saw them in a window in at a nearby bakery while we were driving over here”
Hana grins “That does sound like fun”
Liam nods “Very tempting are you sure you want to do this Riley?”
Riley grins “It’s time for an adventure!”
Liam grins “I’m with Riley”
Maxwell nods “Me too!”
Drake gives a small smile “Finally we get to have some fun away from the palace”
Hana smiles “New food sounds like a treat”
Riley claps her hands “It’s on then!”
They all head back to the palace and Liam waits till it’s quiet before he opens his bedroom window doors Been a while since I’ve done this I just gotta be quiet about it He walks climbs over the balcony and slowly climbs down till he reaches the ground. He lets out a sighs of relief and brushes himself off before he meets everyone outside
Riley grins “You made it!”
Liam nods “It’s been a while since I’ve had sneak out my own bedroom window” He grins “Nearly fell into the rose bushes but I stand before you unscathed”
Riley grins “And now the real adventure begins!”
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite @iaminlovewithtrr
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splendontcore · 1 year
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Disclaimer: this was originally to be a little animatic...but it would be kind of complicated because of the music, the illustrations and because original script was 24 pages long, so i decided to make a fanfic instead. Sorry for any misspelling/grammar error, im still learning!
Special delivery!
It's sunday at Happy Tree Town. June 18th, 2006, fathers day! The low population of this insignificant place with such impressive green architecture was surely celebrating this important date. Who wouldn't be grateful for their father's existence? They didnt just give permissions when mom's doesn't want to, but also carrying you in the good path. Guiding every instance of your life and helping you to take good desicions...However, its a whole spectrum. Theres good dads, for example Petunia's dad, Mr. Kirainai; a hardworking business man who always mind about his family and cares that much about her only daughter that he even created a spot for her in the company which she is going to run someday, what a great heart he has! A dad would do anything for their children after all! But there's also bad dads, Tommy's dad could nail the subjet really well; Mr. Graff... he's at jail, some people especulate the reason was some domestic disputee that ended up with Tommy's older sister taking care of what was left alive...that's awful. And then, there are just dad's...neither good or bad. Most of the town old folks would fit in this term. Perfection doesn't exist, everyone is quite aware of that, but the closest thing to that its the delicious smell that Happy Tree Bakery left in the town's air. It was run by a sweet southern lady and her husband, who were expecting a baby boy, just called Ma and Pop by the town folks. Time passed and at the time this sweet moment happened, it was just the husband who was in charge.
Francis Cooper and their squirrel pet Splendont, named after the Splendid's comic character and not the infamous antihero in disguise obviously, walked to the big ol empty tree stump reused as small bakery, greeted by the smell of freshly baked pastries and the sound of cheerful customers.
-Pop, happy Father's Day! I'd like to place an order for some special donuts.
Francis said, with a gentle smile.
-Thank you, Franny honey! What can I get for you today?
Francis glances at the menu board, pondering their choices.
-I'll have a box of honey drizzled donuts, a box of bacon and syrup donuts, and a box of jelly-filled donuts.
Pop starts preparing the donuts, skillfully drizzling honey, sprinkling bacon bits, and filling the donuts with jelly.
Francis gets s bit curious, wasnt today an important day to remember the importance of dad in their life? Why he was working in his normal schedule insted of spending time bonding with this only child?
-Pop, why are you working on Father's Day? Don't you want to spend time with your son?
Pop left escape a small sigh and keep working in the order as he speaks.
-Well, you see, Franny, my deceased wife always encouraged hard work. She believed that putting love and dedication into what we do is important. So, in her honor, I continue to bake and serve delicious treats on special days like this.
Franci's eyes widen with understanding and admiration.
-That's really admirable, Pop. Your wife's values live on through your dedication. And I'm sure your baby son appreciates it too.
-Thank you, Flaky. At the end of the day, I'll have some quality time with my son. It's all about finding a balance.
Francis smiles, feeling a sense of warmth and connection. Then they tooks their wallet and took some money.
-Here's the payment, Pop. I hope these donuts bring joy to whose receive them.
Pop took the money while smiling back at the them.
-Thank you, Franny. I'm sure they'll love them.
Francis bids farewell to Pop, carrying the boxes of donuts, ready to surprise the fathers in their life.
Then they walks along the quiet streets, a determined look on their face can be seen on. Splendont scampers alongside them.
-So, Flaky, why did you get so many boxes of donuts? Last time I checked, you only have one dad.
Splendont said, while raising one of his stupid squirrel eyebrows.
-Well, Splendont, these boxes aren't just for my dad. They're for the significant men in my life who have been like fathers to me.
Splendont looks intrigued, his curiosity piqued.
-Ah, I see. Pray, do tell, who are these lucky recipients?
Francis stopped for a moment, trying to explain Splendont the significant bonds they has.
-First, there's Stephen's dad. You know...when we were toddlers, his parents used to take care of me. They were like second parents to me when my own dad was still grieving for my mom's loss. Then there's Mr. Johnson, my history teacher. He moved next to my house a few years ago. His own children don't visit him, so my presence helps fill that void in his life. He's been like a father figure to me.
-Oh, the retired soldier with the thousand miles stare? Interesting. And anyone else?
Franci's gaze becomes more solemn as they speaks.
-Lastly, there's my real dad. Despite his struggles with drug problems, I still care for him and hope that someday he can overcome them and be like he used to be in my childhood. He may not be a perfect dad, but he's still my dad.
Splendont's eyes soften as he takes in Flaky's words. He lefts his sarcastic comments behind to speak his mind.
-I didn't realize how many people hold a special place in your heart, kiddo. That's quite remarkable.
Francis nods as they resume their walk.
-They may not be related to me by blood, but they have made a significant impact on my life. And I want to show my appreciation for them.
Francis stops in front of Stephen's house.
-Oh, and I also wanted to send something to my yayo in Spain, but I already sent him a postcard a few weeks ago, I hope he receives it.
Francis knocks on Stephen's door, ready to give the gratitude filled boxes. They stands at the doorstep, holding the box of donuts, as Sofia, Stephen's older sister, opens the door. Sofia rolls her eyes at the sight of Francis.
-Ah, genial, es otro de los amigos inadaptados de Stephen. Stephen, your little buddy is here!
Sofia walks away, heading to the dining room where the family is gathered for the Father's Day celebration. The aroma of Chilean cuisine fills the air.
Francis shifts uncomfortably, feeling a bit out of place, maybe they should planned this to happen earlier. Stephen appears at the doorway, intrigued by Franci's unexpected arrival.
-Hey, Flaky. What's in the box?
Stephen said while raising an eyebrow.
Franci's eyes light up, realizing Stephen is curious about the box. They holds it out to him with a gentle smile.
-Its just some jelly filled donuts, Sniffles, just the onesthat your dad likes. It's Father's Day, and I wanted to give something special to the significant men in my life. This one is for your dad.
Stephen takes the box, a mix of surprise and appreciation crossing his face.
-Wow, Flaky, that's really thoughtful of you. Thank you. You know that you are part of this family too and we all care for you.I'm sure he'll appreciate the gesture, Flaky. He's in the dining room celebrating with the family. Mom made completos, his favorite food. Do you remember them, right?
Francis nods as they recall the numerous timrs they used to eat those overstuffed hot dogs...so delicious.
-Yeah, lous coumpletous, moi gueno...
Stephen's laughs softly about their butchered pronunciation. At least they tries.
-Well, I have more boxes to give this day. Keep celebrating. See ya tommorow!
Francis turns to leave, knowing that their gesture of appreciation will be appreciated by Stephens' dad and the rest of the family.
Francis and Splendont walk side by side, heading towards Mr. Johnson's house. Franci's flipphone rings, and they takes it out to see that it's thei friend, Nathniel, calling.
-Oh, it's Nutty! I wonder what he wants.
Splendont smirks mischievously, nudging Francis playfully.
-Ah, that kid. I bet he's just bored and wants someone to entertain him. Better pick up, Francis.
Francis gives Splendont a playful glare before answering the call.
-Hey, Nutty! What's up?
Nathniel was just laying on his candy cane themed bed. The room was filled with candy envelopes as usual, just the normal panoram in his house.
-Hey, Flaky. I'm just feeling kind of bored, and Sniffles is busy. Thought you might be free to hang out or something.
Francis glances at Splendont, then to the boxes in their hands, feeling a bit torn.
-Oh, Nutty, I wish I could hang out, but I'm actually on my way to Mr. Johnson's house right now. We have some things to discuss.
Nathniel would be lying if he said he wasnt disappointed by the answer, but there's nothing he could do to convince them so he just tried to keep up the conversation.
-Oh, no worries, Flaky. I...I understand. What's going on with Mr. Johnson, anyways?
-Well, it's Father's Day, and I wanted to give him something special to show my appreciation. I thought we could have a little chat too so he doesnt spend this day alone.
Fathers day? Is today? How he could it forget? Oh...because his parents dont live with him, duh. At the time this call was ocurring, his both parents where at his dad's home country, Germany, they had a full schedule of conferences to give.
-Ah, got it. Father's Day. That makes sense. I hope he appreciates the gesture.
-I'm sure he will, Nutty. He's been like a father figure to me. And hey, speaking of Father's Day, I remember you mentioning something about sending a gift to your dad in Germany.
He did? OH, YES! He didnt forget it at all!
-Oh, yeah. I sent him some delicious box filled with fancy chocolates, the best of the best. I even get two boxes for myself! But, you know, I couldn't help but worry about them getting lost in the mail or, even worse, the postman eating them all! They are so sneaky, ugh!
Francis chuckles at Nathniel's humorous concerns.
-Nutty, I highly doubt the postman would eat your chocolates. I'm sure they'll arrive safely, and your dad will be thrilled to receive them.
-You're right, Flaky. I'm just being silly. Thanks for calming my nerves.
-No problem, Nutty. Don't worry too much. Enjoy the rest of the day yourself! I'm already at Mr Johnson's house so I guess have to hung up...Take care of yourself, bye!
-Thanks, Flaky. Have a great time with Mr. Johnson.
Francis reaches Mr. Johnson's front door, ghey ends the call and looks at Mr. Johnson's house, ready to celebrate Father's Day with their caring teacher.
Mr. Johnson was sitting on a cozy armchair, engrossed in embroidering a blanket while his favorite vinyl plays softly in the background. He's lost in his thoughts, trying not to dwell on the significance of the date - Father's Day. Giving a stare to some of his frame photos you could tell he used to have a family of his own. Wife, kids and even a cute puppy. Everything was gone. His struggle with PSTD left him living alone at his old age. He havent heard of any of his children since he got divorcied some decades ago. The only thing he hopes it that at least they dont commit the same error as him to join at the militia. The sound of the doorbell breaks the silence, and Mr. Johnson's face lights up with hope. He quickly puts aside his embroidery and rushes to the door, anticipation in his eyes. Francis stands outside, holding the box of honey drizzled donuts at top. They smiles warmly when Mr. Johnson opens the door.
-Cooper! What a pleasant surprise...I thought it might be one of my children visiting on this special day.
He said the last sentence with a bit of disappointment.
Francis tries to be upbeat and grins at him.
-Well, Mr. Johnson, I'm here to celebrate Father's Day with you! I brought these honey drizzled donuts as a small token of appreciation.
Mr. Johnson's eyes well up with emotion, touched by Franci's thoughtfulness.
-Cooper, you have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you for considering me an important person in your life.
Mr. Johnson's gets his eyes tear filled by the nice gesture of his best worst student. At least someone stills seeing him as an important person in their life.
-You've been more than just a teacher to me, Mr. Johnson. You've been a guiding figure and someone I can always count on. I wanted to show my gratitude on this special day.
They share a heartwarming moment, both feeling the connection between them, just like as a father with their child.
-Thank you, Francis Cooper. This is truly touching. Come on in, let's celebrate together.
They step inside, and Mr. Johnson leads Francis to the cozy living room. They sit down, enjoying the sweet treats and engaging in heartfelt conversation. The atmosphere is filled with warmth and gratitude. Mr Johnson resumes his embroidery session, now with the help of some extra hands to spent the rest of the day.
Francis and Splendont walk back home after some hours, there's just one box left in Franci's hands. Splendont can't resist making a sarcastic comment, as usual.
-Wow, Flaky, I never thought I'd see the day you would spend time inside of that crazy old man house. What are you going to do tomorrow? Cut his grass and make his dinner?
-Oh, please. You're just jealous you didn't get to enjoy those delicious donuts.
They continue their walk, bantering back and forth, their friendship stronger than ever.
As they arrived the Cooper's residence, Francis and Splendont enter the living room, carrying the last box of donuts. But happens that Franci's dad is already passed out on the couch, surrounded by empty bottles and used needles.
-Looks like my dad beat us to it, as usual.
Splendont hops off Flaky's shoulder, transforming into his humanoid form. He looks at Francis with a mixture of amusement and sympathy.
-Well, Flaky, can't say I'm surprised. You should've expected this outcome.
-I guess you're right, Splendont. It's the usual scene around here...
Francis places the box of donuts on a small table near the couch. They leans down and gently kisses their dad's forehead, despite his unconscious state.
-Happy Father's Day, Dad.
They takes two donuts from the box, one for themself and one for Splendont.
-At least I can still honor the important men in my life, even if they're not perfect.
Splendont smirks and takes a bite of his donut, savoring the sweetness.
-These bacon donuts are way too much...but terribley fantastic Thanks, I guess.
Francis nods, content with the simple gesture of celebrating Father's Day in their own way. They walks towards their room, munching on their donut, with Splendont following close behind. Then they both enter, closing the door behind them. They takes a seat on their matress, feeling a sense of fulfillment. Frqncis gazes at the donut in their hand, reflecting on the day and the men who have shaped their life. They takes another bite, savoring the flavor, grateful for the opportunity to thank them.
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nostalgiahog · 2 years
You ever play Uno?
And you put down the reverse card?
And you wish you could do that in real life?
Bam! Uno reverse card
Alright, alright, let me explain the rules here
If I lay this card down, I can flip any situation around
Okay, so, one night I was getting pulled over by the po-po
Looked into my rear-view and saw the deputy
He asked if I knew why I was in trouble, sir
I ain't Obi-Wan Kenobi, I ain't got telepathy
He asked if I was drinkin', he started givin' orders
"Say the alphabet backwards" I can't say it forwards!
"Son, you fit the description of a neighborhood prowler
So I'm taking you to jail, have fun in the showers" (nope)
Bam! Uno reverse card
I'm placing you under arrest for the worst charge
Now, I'm taking you to county in your squad car
On the way, I'll do a couple donuts in your front yard
I'ma take your paycheck and buy some fireworks
The illegal kind that they smuggled in from Mexico
Turn the siren on, run some red lights, maybe hit a fruit stand
Sorry, I was textin' bro!
Bam! Uno reverse card
I lost the keys to these cuffs, that's the worst part
If I lay this card down, I can flip any situation around
It goes bam! Uno reverse card
I just hit a flower pot in the church yard
If I lay this card down, I can flip any situation around
Alright, here's what happened
I was at a job interview at Applebee's
I was so broke, it was probably my worst year
With the manager, she smelled like gasoline
And had an attitude, she said "Why do you wanna work here?"
"I eat cheerios with tap water, I'm so broke
I need money desperately" is what came to my head
"I wanna be on the team, I've always dreamed of
Working at Applebee's so much!" is what I really said
She said "Will you do whatever's required?"
I said "Absolutely, " she said "You're hired"
Bam! I hit her with that Uno reverse card
You work for me now, lady, and you're fired
I spent the next couple hours eating spinach artichoke dip
In the back office with my door closed
Then I kicked it with the dishwasher
We slacked off, smashed plates, and we broke a bunch of soup bowls
Bam! Uno reverse card
I'm just livin' man, I don't wanna work hard
If I lay this card down (ay), I can flip any situation around
It goes bam! Uno reverse card
I just coast through life on my surfboard
If I lay this card down (uh-huh), I can flip any situation around
Hi, Mom, I'm finally on TV!
I'm a guest on the Maury Povich Show
Meh, nobody in the audience likes me
Kinda sucks, but they don't know me though
See, my ex is here and she told everybody
I'm the baby daddy and she wants every dollar
So imagine my surprise when
Maury opened up the envelope and said "You are... the father!"
I ain't gotta say it, you know what the words are
Sorry, Maury, that kid is yours
Good luck paying that child support (bam!)
selling you online
thats it
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