#it needed a post on its own hehehe
purplerider · 1 year
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in honour of those wonderful news
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fishnchip3011 · 3 months
everytime i actually open up sdv to play i get flashbanged with sebastian's white ass sprites because i always forget not everyone sees him as wasian💔 my current hc for him is half chinese (liable to change... but ik for sure he's half asian) but he is Not bilingual he can't rly speak or write the other language he can only understand it when listening but even then he's not very fluent LOL this is just turning into a sebastian hc post might as well go full out. to me sebastian Does have relationship experience but has been thru shitty ones in the past which is part of the reason why he's so pessimistic & brooding </3 and he'd hook up with ppl in zuzu city for a night for a while but it just made him feel shittier so he's stopped since ☝️ also people make him out to be way cooler than he actually is like yea sure he's kinda cool but he's also a Massive Loser especially when he tells you how he hates "seasonal fads" like pumpkin spice and that one line about the potluck soup where he's like "Why ruin the potluck? Hmm... I guess some people feel liberated when the rigid structures of society break down a little. Maybe I'm weird.” WHO ASKED😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 his ass also can NOT cook he can make spaghetti but it's mid. he probably has low ass stamina and yeah he's tall and lanky (rn i see him as around 5'9-5'10) but you could snap him in half over your knee. when he's in an actually healthy relationship he gets really flustered over certain romantic gestures cuz he's not used to feeling valued or being considered someone's #1. he picks up on little things and does acts of service but i also think he can be really callous and insensitive at times because while he can be pretty perceptive he is also Very Emotionally Stunted. he unlearns lots of unhealthy behaviors & mindsets with the help of his partner & family & friends ^__^
#i almost popped a vein trying not to mention rowan in all of this so this post is more. consumable i guess#but rowan to me is soooooo perfect for him to me because rowan's whole thing is empathy and warmth#where it's a strength but also a weakness for him because he's also a chronic people pleaser and a doormat#out of the need he feels to make people feel valued which is a good thing but not when its to the point of self negligence#rowan gives rly good advice but overburdens himself cuz he feels responsible for ppl&doesnt give himself the same treatment he gives others#when he's with sebastian he helps him feel valued and sebastian learns to trust people more and not to immediately assume the worst of ppl#and seb is sooooooo perfect for rowan bc seb is vocal about what he dislikes and when hes not happy w something/one#and is good at setting boundaries whereas rowan is Not. he helps rowan learn how to say no to ppl and be more assertive#& think abt his own feelings more! they both help e/o vocalize their feelings#for rowan its vocalizing his opinions more and valuing himself more & for seb its vocalizing more for the sake of better communication#w other ppl so he can establish better trust & relations w ppl. and stop being so closed off/unapproachable LOL#their differences match up well but it also leads to arguments/tension cuz seb doesnt communicate and resorts to avoidance#and rowan is too pliant sometimes to the point where it hurts not just himself but the ppl around him including seb#also fun fact rowan is the type to cry when he gets really angry/upset & when seb resorts to avoidance instead of reassurance#(which is what rowan wants) rowan sometimes ends up catastrophizing & also bottles up his emotions similarly to seb#they always reconcile in the end tho even if it takes a while </3 they r both learning ok!!!!!!!!#not perfect to the point where they dont argue bc thats Impossible but they suit each other well. they r good for each other qwq#eon babbles#stardew valley#farmer rowan#<- i talk about him in tags. hehehe
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Tuvok’s intake of breath/slight straightening of posture when Janeway says she spoke to his family before she left....................................................I can’t speak
#yes this is important enough to merit its own post <- favortism#Janeway & Tuvok are so <3#you know that fanfiction trope where Kirk is like 'Spock please - we're in private. No need with this Captain stuff' ?#they are the COMPLETE opposite HEHEHE#Janeway (to her friend of twenty years): Hello Mr. Tuvok. / Tuvok: Hello Captain v_v <- just got done telling an ensign that HE knows the#captain would not appreciate being referred to as 'ma'am'#Janeway & Tuvok: what if 'you're right as usual' could be our always?? <- something's wrong with them#AAAAAAAAA 'they're worried about you' (Vulcans do not worry) 'they...miss you.' (...as I do them.)#Then Janeway immediately rising with her wide eyes and promising to get him back to them like she's making a blood oath AAAAA#H E ALREADY MISSED THEM. HE ALREADY MISSED THEM AND THE Y ALREADY MISSED HIM.#Tuvok is the 'I lived bitch' meme twiceover but specifically to T'Pel#Tuvok's goes undercover with the Maquis - The Maquis ship is lost - Voyager is lost - Voyager is found but thousands of light years away -#AND YET HE MAKES IT BACK TO HER IN THE END#NO GRAVE CAN HOLD MY BODY DOWN!!!! I'LL CRAWL HOME TO HER!!!!!!#Anyway Janeway and Tuvok would make a blood oath to each other about anything they are so dramatic and duty bound#O H MYGFUCKING GOD IS THAT NEELIX~!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!#HI NEELIX~!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3 HIII!!!#Janeway (to some guy she found in a dumpster): My Name Is Captain Kathryn Janeway Of The Federation Starship V-#Also I love Neelix trying to act like 'oh there's just ONE thing really you could get me to make me cooperate...'#when the one thing is LITERALLY water...GIRL....!!!! HE 'S DYING!!!#me seeing the scene where Tuvok meets Neelix: WOOW just like leolaroot's moth to the flame music video!!#Tuvok's speech pattern my beloved <3#'I aSsure you that everything in thisrom HAS a specific fuuunctiooon.'#B'Elanna: (so scared she's literally shaking) Sorry I'm just freaking out bc I'm Klingon#BABY. GIRL. NO. YOU ARE /NOT/.#how she pronounces her name changes...here she says BAY-lanna instead of BUH-lanna#livetweeting
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weemssapphic · 8 months
I see you opened your requests hehehe. This little idea popped into my head and i can’t get it out. So it’s larissa x reader and r is the new principal since everyone thought larissa died but tn tn tnnnn she’s alive and she comes back to nevermore but only as a professor since they already hired r which doesn’t sit right with larissa and she automatically doesn’t like r. So they bicker all the time until they just hate fuck one day (how it came to that point is totally up to you) and pleaseeee i need them to fuck the shit out of eachother. Then when it’s done r admits that she would much rather just be a professor, that being principal is too much for her and she’ll back down from the position.
Anywaysss that’s it and make it as long as you want if you decide to write it :) (love all of your work btw)
A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK (*hides in shame*). I do hope this makes up for it, I found it very fun to write and, though it took a different turn than I'd originally planned, I am happy with how it turned out! And thank you so much 🤍
like a candle flame
Larissa Weems x f!reader
Words: ~ 7.5k | ao3 link in title
Content/warnings: angst, lots of bickering and arguments, enemies to lovers (sorta), unhealthy relationship / power dynamic, coma, mentions of ptsd/anxiety??, nsfw (smut): hate sex, rough sex, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, marking
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Principal of Nevermore Academy: it certainly had a nice ring to it.
The past years all led up to this: after finishing university and getting your masters in education, you’d scored a teaching position at a school for outcasts in California. Being an outcast yourself, you were grateful for the opportunity that had opened up - teaching was a passion of yours, certainly, but teaching outcasts, kids like you, that was a dream come true. Eventually, you took over assistant principal duties at the school and you had to admit you liked the change of pace, being involved in the administrative side of things for once.
During your time in California, you’d set your eye on Nevermore Academy - another prestigious school for outcasts, the first school of its kind. And when you’d heard of an opening for a new principal? You just had to apply. The position was posted at rather short notice - apparently, there had been an incident involving the previous principal, who’d been in a coma for weeks and hadn’t shown any signs of recovering. They needed to find someone to fill in for the new school year - fast - and, as though it were fate, your application was immediately accepted.
The school year at Nevermore had been going on for a few weeks now and your new office was finally starting to feel like your own. You’d made a few changes in decoration - some of the prior principal’s decor was a bit odd for your taste. But you were settling in well, getting to know your duties and connecting with your staff and students.
You were just catching up on some emails as the door to your office flew open, rattling in its hinges and causing you to jump, your heart racing.
“Jesus, you scared me! Haven’t you heard of knocking?” You fixed your gaze on the woman who had so unceremoniously barged into your office and was now taking long strides towards your desk. She was a stunning woman - tall, with long legs; dressed to the nines; her hair nearly white and perfectly coiffed to accentuate her cheekbones; her eyes deep blue and sparkling with a deep fury.
“I don’t have to knock to enter my own office,” the woman hissed, her tone venomous. 
Your brows knit together in confusion and you squinted at her, your mind going a mile a minute. Now that you thought of it, she did look vaguely familiar… Who the fuck- oh. Oh. 
“You’re the former principal, aren’t you? I thought you were in a coma?” You figured the polite thing to do would be to ask how she’s doing, show some sign of concern, but she looked perfectly fine to you - and she didn’t seem in the mood to engage in small-talk, anyway - so you bit your tongue.
The woman’s eyes flashed dangerously, her upper lip twitching as she tilted her head. “Principal Weems. Headmistress of Nevermore Academy. Now if you’d be so kind as to get out of my chair…”
You stood slowly, placing your hands on your desk and leaning forward. While you didn’t quite match her height, you’d be damned if you let yourself be intimidated - you’d worked too hard for this position, wished for it too much, you wouldn’t let her take it from you, no matter who she thought she was.
“I’ve been appointed principal of Nevermore. This is now my office. If you have an issue with that, I’d like to kindly refer you directly to the school board.” You paused, raising an eyebrow and sorting some papers on your desk. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have meetings to prepare for.”
Principal Weems glowered down at you and you glared up at her, neither one of you seeming to want to back down. Her eyes flicked between your own, blazing with fury and passion in equal measure. Abruptly and without another word, she turned on her heel and stormed out of your office, slamming the door behind her.
Your eyes followed her every move as you stared after her, your heart thundering in your chest. The nerve of that woman. This was definitely not something you’d planned for - you hoped she wouldn’t cause too much trouble with the school board.
As expected, you received a call from the school board the next day - it seemed that the former principal had caused a bit of an uproar after she’d left your office. The head of the school board informed you that Ms. Weems, formerly Principal Weems, would be appointed to Nevermore as a history teacher. You figured the decision was made due to her connection with the school, but also to keep the peace. Even based on your short interaction from the previous day, you could guess the kind of hell she’d raised after leaving your office.
Given that her former quarters, which had been locked up for the time being, were attached to your new office, Ms. Weems would be appointed new quarters in the teacher’s hall as well until the end of the school year. What this meant, however, was that she would have to come by your office to pick some of her things up from her old quarters - which you were not looking forward to.
It was nearing 5 pm on a Friday - you still had a pile of administrative paperwork waiting to be completed, but you couldn’t concentrate for the life of you. You’d already cut your lunch break short to deal with the shenanigans of some students, and with the weekend so close your motivation to read through the documents the mayor had sent you was at an all time low. Slipping your phone from your pocket, you decided a break - just a short distraction, really - was in order, and started to scroll through your socials.
The door to your office creaked open - you figured it was a student who needed something and raised your head to reprimand them for forgetting to knock, only to be met with the sight of Ms. Weems. Larissa, as you’d read in her file. A beautiful name for an admittedly beautiful woman - too bad she seemed intent on loathing you. She stopped in the doorway, her lips curling into a disapproving frown.
“Hard at work, I see,” she sneered, closing the door behind her and giving you a once over, her eyes full of disdain as they lingered on the cell phone in your hands.
“I hardly see how this is any of your business,” you replied, your voice hard as you scowled back at her. Two could play at this game. “And if I may be so blunt, it’s rather rude not to knock before you enter someone else’s office. Particularly when that person is your superior.”
The blonde’s features hardened even further, her expression changing from disdainful to downright icy.
“Do not underestimate my connections in this town, Ms. Y/L/N. It would be a shame to see you lose your new position so suddenly.” Her voice was condescending, sickeningly sweet with a razor sharp edge to it - you tightened your grip on your phone, your knuckles turning white as you felt your heart begin to pound viciously.
“Is that a threat, Ms. Weems? And, while we’re on the subject of my position, I would prefer if you would address me as Principal Y/L/N from now on.”
“Not a threat. A promise.”
With that, she swept past your desk with an elegant yet powerful stride, swiftly unlocking the door to her former quarters and disappearing inside.
After what seemed like ages, Larissa emerged with two massive suitcases. You tried to ignore her and concentrate on your work, but it seemed she was deliberately being as noisy as possible, and that made it increasingly difficult to focus on anything else.
“You know what?” You stood from your desk, shutting your laptop and grabbing your phone and keys. “I’m going to head out to get some dinner. You just figure this” you gestured vaguely towards her quarters as you crossed the office “out.”
“Chivalrous,” Larissa remarked sarcastically as your hand rested on the doorknob - you turned and raised an eyebrow. 
“You’ve been nothing but rude to me since the second we met. You want help? Call your friends or connections or something.” With that, you disappeared into the corridor, slamming the poor door behind you and missing the way Larissa’s face fell. 
By the time you got back to your office late that night to lock up (and you’d taken your sweet time, not in the mood for any more altercations), Larissa was gone. 
You barely slept that night - you were restless, tossing and turning constantly. You hated arguing with people - particularly your colleagues, which Larissa now was. Tomorrow was to be her first full day back at Nevermore, and it left you feeling unsettled and anxious.
Against all odds, the following morning was a quiet one. You’d half expected Larissa to barge into your office before lunchtime to scream at you about something, but no such outburst occurred. You’d gotten ahead of yourself, however - late that afternoon, the door to your office burst open, the tall blonde once again stalking towards your desk.
“Still having problems with the concept of knocking, I see,” you hissed, clenching your teeth.
Larissa glowered down at you, completely disregarding your statement - save for the subtle twitch of her upper lip.
“You really should adjust your tone when speaking with your staff, Principal Y/L/N.” She spat the word 'principal' at you as if it were laced with venom. “One might otherwise get the impression that you don’t respect them.” The right corner of Larissa’s lips curled up slightly into a condescending smile, and you felt a raging heat begin to boil in the pit of your stomach.
“It’s clear you don’t respect me, Ms. Weems,” you replied as coolly as you could. “But we both know that insulting me, no matter how much joy it may bring you, is not the reason you barged into my office. So. Why are you really here?”
“The planning of this year’s Rave’N.”
You raised an eyebrow, leaning back in your chair and clasping your hands together on your lap as you waited for Larissa to continue.
“As you may know, Nevermore Academy has been built on a centuries old history of tradition. I have spent my career upholding those traditions that make up the very heart of this school, to uplift our students, our faculty, and our community.”
You ran your tongue along your upper teeth - you already knew where she was going with this, and you had to fight the urge to groan and roll your eyes.
“So imagine my surprise, and dare I say disappointment, when I found out that our new dearly beloved principal was planning on canceling the Rave’N. An activity that our students greatly look forward to and that is essential to this school’s extra-curricular framework…” Larissa trailed off, her own eyebrow quirked in challenge as icy blue eyes flashed dangerously.
Taking a moment to collect yourself, you let out a long sigh - God, this woman was irritating. “Ms. Weems, I have absolutely no intention of canceling the Rave’N. I am, however - as you may have heard - postponing it until the spring. I’m not certain where you got your information, but you may want to check your sources before you go around rashly pointing fingers at people.”
Larissa folded her arms defensively across her chest, her cheeks slowly turning red in hue. “The Rave’N has been held on the same weekend every year for nearly 200 years. What made you decide to break tradition?”
“It’s my humble opinion, Ms. Weems, that it isn’t working well at all. The Rave’N, the way it has traditionally been held, has consistently taken place a few short weeks before end of semester exams, squeezed unceremoniously between other events that are far more important for the Academy. The Poe Cup, for one - which is steeped in history, as you may rightfully agree, and which encourages healthy competition amongst our students. And, of course, Parent’s Weekend, which is essential for nurturing our wider outcast-community and involving our dear parents and alumni. The Rave’N, in contrast, is a frivolous school dance which, whilst certainly entertaining, wastes precious time that students could spend studying for their exams.”
Larissa looked like she was damn close to exploding on the spot. Her nostrils flared as she stared you down, her expression nothing short of disdain and utter disgust. When she spoke, red lips curled around brilliantly white teeth, which flashed dangerously in the light of the setting sun from the window behind you.
“I will not have you ruining this school, a place I have devoted my entire existence to, whilst you waltz in here and decide that it isn’t up to your arbitrary standards. Just because you don’t have the experience required to run a school and juggle multiple events at once, does not mean that they have been poorly planned. Rather, I believe this situation reflects your own shortcomings as an administrator.”
“Fine.” You grit your teeth - you’d have fired the woman on the spot if she hadn’t weaseled her way in through the school board. “You want to have your precious Rave’N this fall? You plan it then. I, however, want no part in it.”
Larissa let out a snort. “It’s nothing I can’t manage. And not to worry, I’ll leave you out of it.” With that, she turned and stalked back to the door, her hips swaying in an irritatingly tantalizing way - it made you furious.
“Oh, and Ms. Weems? If you barge into my office to insult me one more time, I will not hesitate to take this up with the school board.”
Larissa’s shoulders tensed and her hand paused on the door handle - then she yanked the door open and, once again, slammed it behind her. 
Although Larissa had since refrained from bursting into your office unannounced for a verbal sparring match, the bickering continued full-force. You’d hoped it would get better as time went on, but the opposite proved to be true.
Thoughts of Larissa had begun to plague you wherever you went. You couldn’t avoid her - she was everywhere. She argued with you during every staff meeting, made a point to pass you in the hall every chance she got, chose a seat directly within your line of vision during lunchtime - taunting you wherever you went. You’d started to hide in your office during breaks simply to find some reprieve.
You’d even lie awake in bed at night, unable to get the infuriating blonde out of your head. The worst part was, it wasn’t just your anger and anxiety over the arguments and the disrespect that kept you from sleeping - it was the fact that, despite it all, you couldn’t get over the strange pull that you felt towards this woman, even as you’d begun to hide from her like a coward.
She was driving you utterly mad, in every sense of the word. When she argued with you, baring her teeth, her face contorted with rage, you wanted to slap her. Then, and it took you a few sleepless nights to admit it to yourself, you wanted to kiss her - you wanted to consume her, to smudge her lipstick and litter her body in purple marks, to push her up against a wall and fuck the rage out of her. You wanted to see the arrogant, furious, domineering Larissa Weems turn into a needy little slut, utterly at your mercy and begging you to cum, to please, please, let me cum- 
You groaned in frustration, slipping a hand under the covers and into your underwear. Your cunt was absolutely drenched and you couldn’t take it anymore, rubbing hard and fast circles around your clit as you felt both shame and pleasure overwhelm you. Your imagination was your best friend as you pictured Larissa: her face flushed, her lipstick smeared down her chin, her milky thighs trembling and clenching around your hand as she rode your fingers - sinful moans being ripped from her throat because of you. 
Your orgasm washed over you as you reached your peak - it came and went, and you pulled your fingers from your underwear and wiped them on the sheets. Embarrassment and regret welled up inside of you as you laid there alone in the darkness of your quarters, unable to stop your thoughts from drifting towards a certain former principal and what she might be doing in her quarters.
Sleeping, probably, you thought bitterly.
Each week proved to be more trying than the last, and you found yourself, more nights than not, lying awake until ungodly hours thinking about Larissa - touching yourself because of Larissa. The harder she made your life, the more you seemed to be consumed by her - and then, the next hurdle was thrown your way.
Part of your duty as principal was, of course, conducting performance evaluations of your staff. Since you were new at Nevermore and unfamiliar with the staff members, you’d had to pop into parts of their classes to observe and get a feel for their teaching - and most of the teachers welcomed this with open arms.
Larissa Weems was not like most of the teachers, though. Given how often she’d shown up in your office unannounced, you’d had no qualms about randomly popping into her last class of the day, closing the door gently behind you and taking a seat in the back row.
Larissa stopped teaching immediately, her proud, tender smile slipping from her face when she saw your face among the sea of students. “Can I help you, Principal Y/L/N?” Her voice quavered slightly, and the students turned around curiously, their eyes darting between you and Larissa.
“Don’t mind me, Ms. Weems,” you said with a forced smile. “I’m just observing for today. Just pretend I’m not even here.” You gave her a wink which had her lip twitching and her nostrils flaring - the tension between the two of you did not go unnoticed by the students, who were eerily quiet as Larissa resumed her lesson.
Before you’d made your presence known, Larissa had been smiling so warmly at her students - it was obvious how much she cared for them, and the energy in her classroom had felt inviting and kind. The shift in energy when you’d sat down was alarming - Larissa had turned into an ice queen almost instantly. You could tell she felt uncomfortable and tense, and her teaching was robotic and distracted. Her students didn’t seem to be very engaged either - it seemed that her mood had rubbed off on them, and a feeling of unease blanketed the room.
When the lesson was over, Larissa immediately turned to her desk to pack her things, her students filing out of the room in silence.
“Ms. Weems, I’d like to see you in my office in twenty minutes, please. I have something I’d like to discuss with you.” You didn’t wait for a reply before slipping out of the classroom and hurrying to your office.
Exactly twenty minutes later, a low knock sounded on your door - you were almost pleasantly surprised, but then Larissa barged in anyway, without waiting for you to respond, and you felt a twinge of annoyance bubble up inside of you.
“You wanted to see me.” Larissa grit her teeth as she stalked up to your desk.
“I did. Please, have a seat.”
Larissa ignored your offer and you let out a heavy sigh. “I must say, I was really disappointed this afternoon. The energy in your classroom was bordering on hostile and you made all of us feel very uncomfortable. I wouldn’t say that’s exactly conducive to learning and-”
“What were you even doing in my classroom?” Larissa hissed.
“I have been getting to know our faculty and their teaching methods better. It has worked quite well with your peers, however this afternoon was… eye-opening for me. What disappointed me the most, Ms. Weems, was that I caught a glimpse of you teaching as I entered the room, and it was… lovely. You care about your students, you really do, and I believe you to be a capable and nurturing teacher - your student’s grades prove as much.” You stood and rounded your desk, coming to stand in front of Larissa. “But the way your demeanor shifted when I joined your class… The way you refuse to work with me - it cannot continue like this.”
Larissa took a step forward, into your personal space. You could practically feel the white-hot anger radiating off of her in waves - it completely engulfed you. “You humiliated me in front of an entire class of my students and I-”
“Oh, shut up, Larissa!”
The blonde looked visibly shocked at the sudden use of her first name, the way it rolled off your tongue. Her pupils widened and her cheeks flushed - it was as if a switch had flipped inside of her as her eyes began to narrow and her lips curled into a sneer, electricity crackling between your bodies.
“Make me.”
That was it - the last straw. The heat you felt coursing through your veins was too much to bear, and without a single thought of consequences, you crashed your lips into Larissa’s, your hands immediately resting on her hips and tugging her closer.
The blonde let out a wanton moan as your tongue wasted no time in swiping at her lips, begging for entry - which she granted you without hesitation. Her tongue immediately met your own, licking into your mouth with a desperate sort of passion as she pushed her body flush against yours. Her left hand fisted at the collar of your shirt, pulling you closer and closer as her right hand threaded itself tightly through your hair, holding you in place.
The tension surrounding the both of you was growing thicker by the second, a hot coil winding itself tightly in your abdomen and lighting your entire body aflame. With a step forward, you had Larissa pinned between you and the edge of your desk. A little push was all she needed to topple back onto it, pulling you with her. 
Larissa’s hands shot out to catch herself before her back hit the wood, and your lips disconnected for a moment. Her hot breath was heavy against your face and you looked up to see Larissa’s gaze fixed intently on your own, her eyes heavy-lidded and her pupils dilated so that there was barely a sliver of blue visible.
Her lipstick was smudged, smeared across her chin, just like in your fantasies, and for a moment you froze, like a deer caught in headlights.
You, the prey, and Larissa, the predator.
A wicked smile formed on her lips as she realized your predicament.
“Thought you could just fuck the attitude out of me, did you?” she purred, baring her teeth. You swallowed thickly, your eyes glued to her kiss-swollen lips, your heart pounding so fast you thought it might burst.
Even leaning back with her ass resting on your desk, she still towered over you. Her height had never intimidated you before but for a moment it gave you pause - you felt so very small. That moment was enough for Larissa to realize she had the upper hand, enough for her to slide her palm over the outside of your thigh, enough for her nimble fingers to tug the fabric of your skirt upwards until it was resting snugly above your hips, your panties on display for her. 
“How naive of you,” she murmured as her fingers came to rest on your abdomen - you shivered at the touch - before slipping into the waistband of your underwear. You felt your cheeks burn as Larissa slid two fingers between your folds - you were so wet for her already, and the thought embarrassed you. 
Larissa hummed quietly as she began to tease your slit, taking her time exploring your sex and gathering your juices on the pads of her fingers. When she finally soothed her fingers over your clit, you let out a strangled gasp, your hands coming to rest on her shoulders and squeezing tightly as your eyes fluttered shut.
Your clit was so sensitive, like every casual brush of her fingers could send you over the edge - but they didn’t. Just when you thought you might cum, her fingers left the little bundle of nerves and slid down your slit, towards your entrance. 
She slipped the tip of her finger in, just to the first knuckle, before retracting and circling your entrance with a featherlight touch. Your nails dug into Larissa’s shoulders as you bucked your hips into her hand, whimpering desperately.
“So needy already and I’ve barely touched you,” Larissa tutted. “Tell me, have you pictured this before? Have you craved it?” Condescension dripped from her lips but you couldn’t find it in you to care - in fact, if anything, you felt the coil in your belly tighten and you ground your hips harder into her hand.
“Y-yes,” you whimpered. There was no point in lying to Larissa, not with how wet you were - and you would do just about anything to cum right now.
Without warning, Larissa plunged her finger into your hole, chuckling at the moan that clawed its way from deep within you. After a few pumps of her finger, she added a second digit and began to match the thrusts of your hips as she fucked you.
She curled her fingers upwards, going deeper this time and causing you to thrust forward so violently you nearly slid to the floor. Her reflexes were quick and she steadied you with her free arm, a smirk growing on her face.
Whatever power trip she was on, you didn’t care to stop her as her lips crashed into yours, her tongue all but forcing its entry into your mouth and asserting dominance. You felt entirely at her mercy as you felt yourself teeter on the edge of pleasure, your mind going fuzzy as Larissa’s fingers hit all the right spots inside you. What finally sent you over the edge was the way her thumb brushed over your clit at just the right moment, her fingers stroking your walls.
You clenched around her as you came, the coil in your belly snapping. Your moans were swallowed by the blonde, who seemed unable to keep her lips off your own, kissing and licking and gently nipping.
Your hands slid from Larissa’s shoulders to her waist, steadying yourself as you pulled back from the kiss. Larissa slipped her hand out of your underwear, her fingers glistening with your arousal - she brought them to her mouth and made a show of placing them on her tongue, licking and sucking and letting out a satisfied hum.
She watched you watch her, a smug grin growing on her face as your own cheeks flushed at the vulgar noises she was making. It was almost too much to bear, and you felt your frustration return with full force as Larissa pushed herself off the desk, holding her head high and smoothing the wrinkles in her dress. You would be damned if you let Larissa fuck you and then go on disrespecting you and making you feel awful about yourself. 
“You thought we were done here?” You squared your shoulders and glared at Larissa in challenge - she quirked an eyebrow, looking slightly taken aback. “After all that, you would deny me the opportunity to return the favor?”
Larissa’s breathing quickened and you smirked as you leaned in to kiss her jaw. Your lips trailed lower, down the side of her neck, and she tilted her head back to give you better access as your teeth found her pulse point. You could feel her pulse hammering away as your lips latched onto her neck, sucking until her skin had been marked deep red.
Your hands found her hips and you moved down her body until your face was level with her thighs. You could feel Larissa’s gaze upon you as you slid her dress upwards to reveal her underwear - her knuckles turning white as she gripped the edge of the desk. There was a wet spot at the center of her underwear and you leant in, slowly dragging your tongue over the fabric and drawing a breathy groan from Larissa’s chest.
“And here you had me thinking I was the only one who was so wet right now,” you teased, your tongue finding Larissa’s clit through her underwear and giving it a gentle kitten lick, causing her to buck her pelvis into your mouth.
“So impatient…” You glanced up at Larissa’s face to see her cheeks flushed and her chest heaving as she glowered down at you. She made no move to stop you, however - quite the contrary, as she began to roll her hips against your tongue.
As much as you wanted to go on teasing her forever, you also felt a desperate urge to get a taste of the woman before you, so you hooked your fingers under the waistband of her underwear and pulled it down her long legs. You hooked her thighs over your shoulders, unable to stop yourself from moaning as you watched Larissa’s glistening folds spread for you.
You began to place wet, open-mouthed kisses to the insides of Larissa’s thighs, alternating between each leg and reveling in the way her thighs began to tremble beneath your lips. Smirking, you bit her thigh - right next to the entrance to her pussy. Larissa hissed and yanked your head back by the hair, her eyes flashing violently. Behind the aggression, there was a pool of unfettered desire already unspooling. Larissa was coming apart at the seams before your very eyes, and you could tell by her anger that it was unsettling to her.
The very thought emboldened you. “Well if it isn’t the former principal of Nevermore, turned into a needy little slut for me.” 
Your words had the desired effect - Larissa mewled and bucked her hips towards your mouth. You took the opportunity to dive right in, the scent of her arousal filling your nostrils and making you feel dizzy with want as your tongue dragged its way up her slit. She tasted absolutely divine and you let out a satisfied hum that vibrated against her pussy and drew a deep moan from her chest.
Larissa’s fingers wound themselves even tighter in your hair as your tongue began to draw lazy circles around her clit, smearing your saliva and her arousal around the sensitive bud. You began to alternate between licking and sucking, wrapping your lips around her clit and flicking your tongue over it - experimenting with different paces and amounts of pressure to find out which drew the most sinful moans from the blonde’s lips, which made her thighs begin to tremble around your head.
You found it easy to lose yourself in Larissa - in her taste, her scent, the noises she was making, the way her pussy felt against your tongue and the way her hand felt against your head. You lapped hungrily at her cunt, your own desire burning hot within you as you felt Larissa barrel closer and closer to the edge - if the shaking of her legs and the volume of her groans was anything to go by.
Glancing up to catch a glimpse of her face, you dipped your tongue into her entrance, feeling her walls clench. A fire seemed to burn in her eyes as she came undone. You could tell how badly she wanted you by the way her lips parted as she gazed down at you, the way her tongue grazed her lower lip, the way the exposed part of her chest was red with anticipation. Her head lolled slowly back and her eyes fluttered shut, and you continued to lick and suck through her orgasm.
Larissa let go of your hair and slumped back onto the desk, her breathing labored. You let out a satisfied hum as you licked the arousal off the insides of her thighs, then gently unhooked her legs from your shoulders and stood, leaning over the desk and smirking down at her.
She lay back against the desk, staring at the ceiling. When you came into her line of vision, she tilted her head towards you and met your gaze, a strange expression on her face.
“I need to leave,” she whispered hoarsely, her eyes wide and glassy.
You opened your mouth to speak but before you could get a word out, Larissa had pushed herself up and pushed past you, pulling her dress down with one hand as she stooped down to grab her underwear with the other hand. She balled it into her fist, hiding it from view as she hurried to the door.
“Lari-” Slam.
Larissa was gone, leaving you to slump down in the armchair across from your desk, your chest heaving and your mind racing.
After a night of tossing and turning, you woke to an email from Larissa in your inbox.
Ms. Y/L/N,
Unfortunately, I am feeling a bit under the weather today, and am unable to teach my afternoon classes. Please do be so kind as to find a suitable replacement.
L. Weems
Something wasn’t sitting right with you. Your stomach churned as you read the email over and over again, and it didn’t stop as you brushed your teeth, nor as you got dressed, nor as you settled at your desk with a cup of coffee.
You couldn’t get the previous day out of your head, and two things stuck out in your mind most of all: 
Firstly, the little glimpse of Larissa that you’d caught when you’d first entered her classroom. The warmth, the genuine smile directed at her students, the encouraging tone to her voice. It was a side of Larissa that you hadn’t been privy to at all, and it made your heart ache - making you wish, even if just for a moment, that she could someday afford you that same warmth, that that brilliant smile of hers could be directed at you.
And secondly, the way those few moments made you realize how much you missed teaching. You’d always felt that your greatest purpose in life was to guide young outcasts and help them achieve their own goals, just as your teachers had done for you. And right now, as principal, you weren’t doing much of that at all. Maybe Larissa was right - maybe you weren’t cut out for the administrative side of things. The constant push and pull, the political bullshit, making all these decisions for the good of the school and being left so very unsure of yourself, with so little time to dedicate to the students you loved so much.
Your mind was replaying your last interaction with Larissa - the look in her eyes, how she’d left in such a hurry. Something was definitely off, and you wouldn’t rest until you’d sorted it out.
Shutting your laptop and abandoning your coffee, you grabbed your keys and made your way to the teacher’s quarters.
“Ms. Weems?” you called out, rapping your knuckles against the door to her quarters.
“Ms. Weems?”
“Larissa?” you tried, knocking again.
This time, a soft shuffling could be heard, followed by the click of a lock, before the door opened just a crack, revealing one side of Larissa’s face, cast in shadow - it seemed she had the curtains drawn, and you suddenly felt guilty in case you’d woken her.
“Didn’t you receive my email, Ms. Y/L/N?” There was no hard edge to Larissa’s voice - she simply sounded exhausted.
“I, uh… I did, yes. I’m sorry if I woke you. I just wanted to check in and see if there’s anything I could do for you.” And talk, you added in your head. “Could I please come in?”
Larissa stared at you for a moment. Then a moment more. Then, she opened the door just a crack more and allowed you to step inside her quarters. 
The curtains were indeed drawn, though the second that Larissa closed the door behind you, she hurried to the window and opened them to let in some light. She looked pristine as ever - not a hair out of place, makeup done to perfection, clothing free of wrinkles. She didn’t look ill at all. The only indication that she may have been curled up in bed was the untidy way her sheets were made up, as if she’d pulled them up and fluffed them in a haste.
Larissa’s eyes followed your gaze to her bed and she quickly took a step to the side, blocking it partially from view.
“Have you come to inspect how I keep my quarters now, as well?” she asked, an iciness seeping back into her tone. “I didn’t realize that was any of your concern as principal, Ms. Y/L/N.”
You shook your head lightly, finding yourself suddenly at a loss for words. “I… no. No, it’s not. That’s actually not why I’m here. Could you… um, could you please call me Y/N?”
Larissa scoffed and crossed her arms across her chest. “Alright. Y/N. Why are you here then?”
Your teeth sank into your lower lip as your mind whirred with all the things you wanted to say, all the things you wanted to know.
“What happened yesterday?” you whispered finally.
“You were there, were you not?” Larissa said with an incredulous snort. “Or would you like a quick recap?”
“No, I mean… I mean when you left.”
“I wasn’t feeling well.”
“You look fine to me,” you challenged with a raised eyebrow.
Larissa’s face hardened. “Your lack of empathy is absolutely astounding, Y/N.” 
“Well considering the fact that you never actually opened up to me, it’s no-”
“Opened up to you?” Larissa scoffed. “I didn’t realize we were friends. Why should I speak with you about personal matters that don’t concern you?”
You opened your mouth - then promptly closed it again. Larissa was right, of course. You weren’t friends, and what she was or wasn’t going through was, of course, none of your business. That somehow didn’t stop you from wanting to know, though. As infuriating as the woman had proven to be since you’d met, you couldn’t help but desperately wish for things to be different than they were.
“You’re right. You don’t have to tell me anything. I just… I came by to tell you that I’m giving up my position. I’m going to call the school board this afternoon to quit, and I’m telling them that they should hire you back instead.”
The words left your mouth in a rush, and you felt so much lighter the second they did. Larissa’s lips parted, her eyes wide as she tried to process the information. You waited but she didn’t say anything, and so you turned to leave.
Just before you reached the door, Larissa found her voice. It was low and shaky, barely audible - but her quarters were so quiet you’d have heard a pin drop.
“I heard everything.”
Your brows knit together in confusion and you turned to see Larissa perch herself at the edge of her bed, her gaze trained on the floor in front of her.
“I don’t understand,” you whispered. “What did you hear?”
“It took ages for them to find me. When I woke up, I knew I was in the hospital because of the noises around me. Only I wasn’t awake, not really.” Larissa’s voice sounded bitter and subdued, her fingers twitched from where she was playing with them in her lap. “I heard people speaking to me. Then about me. And about Nevermore. And I couldn’t… I couldn’t say or do anything. I could only listen.”
Your heart was thumping erratically in your chest and you took a tentative step towards Larissa. “Who was speaking? Your friends, when they visited you?”
Larissa let out a shaky sigh, her eyelids fluttering shut. “Tell me, Y/N, how much time have you had to maintain your friendships since starting your position?”
The question confused you, and you drank in Larissa’s tense body language, her pained expression. Then you realized what she meant - her friends, if she even had any, hadn’t seemed to visit her at all, and a wave of guilt washed over you, so intense that you took a seat next to Larissa on the bed.
She opened her eyes and peered over at you, seeming to take your silence as a form of acknowledgment. “Some students visited in the first days - Miss Addams and Miss Sinclair, mostly, Miss Barclay once or twice. Later it was school administrators - trying to figure out what to do with me, I suppose, whether or not to…” Larissa trailed off into silence, letting out a shuddering breath as her eyes darted about the room. 
Without thinking, you leant in and pressed your lips to Larissa’s cheek - you felt her tense up and pulled back as quickly as you could, your own cheeks turning scarlet. 
“I-I’m so sorry,” you stuttered, scrambling to your feet.
A hand curled around your wrist, stilling you in your movements. “Don’t be,” Larissa whispered.
“Do you want me to go?” you asked anxiously. 
Larissa looked up at you with wide, watery eyes. “Could you stay? Just for a few minutes. Please.”
You nodded, sitting back down next to Larissa and resting your hand face up on her lap - an offering which she accepted, placing her hand in your own and interlacing your fingers.
“Thank you,” she murmured, her voice shaky. 
You gave Larissa’s hand a gentle squeeze, and the two of you sat in silence for what felt like hours, your hands intertwined. Strangely, you felt more at peace in that moment than you had since starting at Nevermore, and Larissa seemed to be getting more comfortable as well, even resting her cheek on your shoulder at one point.
The moment you left her quarters that afternoon, you pulled your phone out of your pocket to call the school board.
It was with a heavy heart that you hauled your suitcase onto your bed and unzipped it. Leaving Nevermore would be bittersweet for you - as much as you would miss the school you’d been dying to work at your entire life, you knew you were doing the right thing - for yourself, for Larissa, and for Nevermore.
You opened your wardrobe and began placing your clothes into your open suitcase when you heard a knock on the door to your quarters.
“It’s open,” you called out, and the door creaked as it swung open to reveal Larissa. “Hi,” you said with a shy smile, which Larissa returned hesitantly.
“I’ve just received a call from the school board and gotten everything sorted out. Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
You smiled softly at the principal. “I think I have some idea.”
Larissa’s cheeks turned pink and she looked away, her eyes darting around your room before landing on the mess on your bed. “Do you want to leave?” she asked, her voice soft and curious.
You chuckled nervously and gave her a light shrug. “I don’t know if I would say I want to leave, but I don’t see what choice I have without a job here. Unless you’re renting out rooms…?”
Larissa chuckled. “Actually, a position has opened up for a new history teacher,” she said. “I’ve taken the liberty of looking into your employment history and I think you’d be a great asset to our staff.”
Your eyes widened. “Really? You would hire me?”
“Yes,” Larissa said firmly. “I would. If you’d like to stay, that is…”
“Yes!” you all but shouted. “Sorry… yes. I would love to, that would be amazing. Thank you, Larissa.”
Larissa nodded, smiling softly. Your eyes fell to the large suitcase that was standing just behind Larissa, and you cocked your head to the side in question.
“The school board has agreed to allow me to take over my old quarters,” Larissa supplied as her gaze followed your own.
“Ah. I see.”
You fidgeted in place and Larissa watched you curiously for a moment. When she realized you weren’t going to say anything else, she gave you a curt nod and placed a hand on the handle of her suitcase. “I’ll leave you to it, then,” she said softly. “Perhaps we can set up a meeting this week to get you acquainted with your new position.”
You nodded, your stomach doing a little somersault as your heartbeat began to pick up just a tad. Larissa took a step back into the hallway and started to pull the door closed behind her.
“Larissa, wait.”
The blonde froze in her movements, her brow furrowing as her gaze shot up to meet your own. You swallowed thickly.
“Do you want help? Moving all your stuff back?”
You held your breath as Larissa stared. Then, her face lit up with a bright, beautiful smile, red lips curling up at the edges and sparkling blue eyes crinkling at the outer corners.
“I would love that.”
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apollosfavkiddo · 3 months
Helloo!!! im in such a Jason Grace era these days and fics for him are SO limited in the fandom?? its actually super sad. i loved your previous jason fic smm, Would you consider making a Jason x fem!reader where Jason just has a veryy bad day, he gets overwhelmed by everything and everyone, and he just cries into reader's arms and she comforts him?
i feel like he deserved to just cry it all out atleast once, considering the amount of pressure the poor boy has had from everything :( so i would lovee to read about that!
⛧° as long as we're together °⛧
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content: jason grace x fem!reader
warnings: angst but then it’s fluff, kinda short, cursing, 5’3 (1,60m) reader, life in New Rome!
a/n: HA LOOK WHO’S POSTING TWICE IN JUST ONE DAY???? hehehe i love this request so much my boo deserves more in his life i don’t fucking care.
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Sometimes it’s just too hard to be Jason Grace.
The mighty son of Jupiter. Pontifex Maximus. Counselor of the Zeus cabin. Juno’s Champion. Hero of Omlympus. Centurion of the Fifth Cohoort.
The titles were endless. And so was the work.
And everyone, and i mean everyone, counted on him for various things and reasons.
“Hey Jason, are you coming to capture the flag?” Annabeth asked, every week.
“Hey superman, come to bunker 9!” As always, Leo wanting to show him some new cool tricks or projects.
“Oi, sparky! Can you help me pick an outfit for my date?” Piper would ask him.
He was just so tired. He just wanted to tell them all to fuck themselves.
But he would never. He was too noble to do that. He just wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he knew his friends were needing him and he was… well, being a human and an young adult, taking care of his own stuff.
So when he got home from another endless day, back to his shared apartment in New Rome and to his beautiful girlfriend, who made him his favorite dessert - brownies with caramel and peanuts -, he broke down almost instantly.
Obviously, you ran towards him, scooping him in your arms - which was a difficult task, since he was almost a whole foot taller than you - but you did it anyways, pulling him close to your body, letting him sob in your shoulder as you tried to soothe him.
You had never seen him cry like that, clinging on you for dears life. Once again, he was never one to show his real feelings to anyone, not even your or Thalia.
You scooted him in your arms, rubbing soft circles at his back while you whispered small ‘shh’s and ‘it’s gonna be okay’s in his ear, the both of you say in the floor of your cozy apartment.
After a few minutes of compulsive crying, your shoulder and the upper part of your white tank top completely soaked in hot, wet tears, he finally calmed down - at least a little.
“Hey, honey.” You finally whisper into his ear as he pulls away from your embrace, eyes all puffy and red as he sniffles and wipes his tears with the back of his hand.
“Hey..” He mumbles, his tone low and cracked as you kept caressing his hair smoothly. You caressed his hair and gave a soft and gentle kiss so his cheek.
“Are you okay?” You were answered with a soft nod of his head as he scooted closer to you, snuggling against you warm body and keeping his head on your chest. He looked like a five year old child, and that made you smile. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No.. not now. Is that okay?” He asked, his voice all mushy and muffled by his cheek tightly pressed against you body.
“Of course it is, my love. Do you want to eat? We have pasta with that sauce you like.” She said between little kisses in his eyes, his cheeks, the bridge of his nose and his lips. “And i made you your favorite brownies.”
“Mmhmm…” He let out a content mumble, finally pulling away from him and giving you a kiss on the lips. “After that i… after that i’ll talk to you, ‘kay?”
“‘Kay. But you have to eat before. Come on, i’ll help you get up.” She said as she got up and held out her hand for him to grab.
You finally got on your feet, and you turned around to reheat the food. When you were at the oven, he wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled his face into your neck, breathing heavily as he kept the closest he could to you.
Soon, the food was on the table, and the doorbell rang. It was the girl that walked with your dog. You thanked her and pulled Thor, your golden retriever, inside the house.
He immediately went to Jason, wiggling his tail and giving him the biggest licks in the world while the blond laughed.
You smiled at the sight. You knew that he was obviously hurting with something, and you were going to discover with what, but, right now, he just needed some love.
You gave him just that, as you ate together chilling and chatting about your days, you talking more than him.
He helped you with the laundry while you washed the dishes, and the chores were finished very quickly. You went back and cuddled up on the couch, a massive ball of fur, aka your dog, resting comfortably between you two.
You heard when Jason sighed and felt his shoulders shaking, showing his impending collapse, once again. You cyy it deles him closer to you as he cried and cried. His sobs were the only thing heard in the house.
Ten minutes later, when he was calmer, you were stroking his hair in the softest way you could, making sure he would be ready to talk.
“I-i’m just so… tired. Of everything and everyone. It’s- i know it’s selfish, but i can’t help but want to just… ran away. To just stay with you and Thor and give up on the rest of the world.” He said, his words are muffled and smudgy as he holds onto you.
“I know, baby… You shouldn’t work yourself out. You’re doing too much. More than you should, and you know that. You have too much work.” She said, kissing the top of his head.
“I just- i can’t let them just, you know, alone. It’s.. i can’t.” The son of Jupiter said, crying more.
“Honey, they won’t be alone. We have Reyna and Frank and Percy and lots of other people that you can use some help from. You’re not alone. Ever.” She said, reassuringly.
“No buts. You’re gonna take a week off, and we’re just gonna hang out here, together, with Thor. No works, no college, no Pontifex Maximus stuff. Just y/n and Jason. And that’s not a request.”
He mumbles something but snuggles closer to you. “Fine. As long as we’re together.”
a/n: i’m literally so proud of myself bro, i got to do two, TWO works today. i’m evolving boos
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aechii · 1 year
getting into a argument w jude before a big match and him thinking you two aren’t on good terms but before the game starts he spots you in his jersey in the crowd and has that extra boost of confidence to do well bc he considers u a good luck charm
₍⁠₍ DRiViNG FORCE ₎⁠₎
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A/N ?! nothing much to say, other than, expect ALOT of jude works this next week heheh 🤭
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in retrospect, jude's frustration was justified. blinded and consumed by workload- both her own and favours [y/n] had hesitantly agreed to take on- which had ultimately caused her deathly amounts of stress, she had missed jude’s past 5 games. it was something both her and him found distasteful, and after a long conversation, they had come to the (forced) agreement that she would show up to his next one, no questions asked.
so, of course, when she had informed him that she was due in for an extra day of work, unprecedented, jude’s uplifted mood and focused mindset merged into a catastrophic ensemble as annoyance and disappointment took over. and as she rushed around the kitchen to gather her things, jude remained stagnant and stood by the table as he watched her, frowning. 
“you’re really not coming?” jude questioned indignantly. it came out harsher than he intended, but with all due candor, he didn’t have the heart to care. 
[y/n] hurriedly leaned over the counter to grab her keys, but her boyfriend beat her to it, swiping it into his hands before shoving them into his pocket. 
“what the hell, jude?” 
“are you not listening to me? i asked you a question.”
jude’s stubbornness triggered [y/n] as she threw her arms up in the air. 
“what does it look like?” she retorted, annoyed, “i’m sorry but i really have to go.”
she attempted to reach for her keys, but was stopped by jude. his face turned frigid and a tide of disbelief succumbed him, “are you being serious right now? [y/n]- you haven’t been to any of my games for weeks!”
she checked the time, getting more desperate as she noticed it was 5 minutes past the time she was supposed to leave the house.
“jude, i’m sorry, okay? but i'm going to be late, we can talk about this later.”
he didn’t move, but rather stayed rooted in his spot, arms crossed as he glared at the girl before him. he was swallowed by fury, his mind trailing off on its own, and his mouth just let angered words tumble out.
“you’re so selfish. fucking go then.” his hand digs through his pocket, hurling the keys on the table before shoving his way back to the living room. 
[y/n] stood there, stilled with bewilderment as she attempted to process jude’s outburst. she understood that he had been m.i.a for the past few weeks, and hadn’t shown her face in support of jude. so much so, that fans started speculating that they had broken up, forcing them to reach dire needs of posting travel photos to compensate for her absence. 
but he needn’t call her that. they had talked about it many a time that [y/n] wasn’t ready to give up her job any time soon, and jude, albeit reluctantly, agreed for her to continue going. she knew it would be hard for him to understand as her work involved shifts and being called in spontaneously to fill in missing staff. 
[y/n] faded out of her shock, scoffing as her frustration lead her conscience, “if you want to be like that, then be like that jude,” she shouted to him, snatching her last belonging off of the table and heading to the door. 
she would've cared if she wasn't so pissed at jude, but she instead slammed the door behind her after jude slipped in his last attack. 
"i'll just find somebody else to wear my shirt then!"
jude could already feel how skewed his mind was the second his cleats sunk into the grass. he felt guilty, in all rights, for what he had said, but he truly was upset for the lack of [y/n]'s support. he realised that his game had dipped just bit, whether they lose or win, and consequently, his name was losing its shine on the scoresheet. 
everyone knew he performed better when she was there. gio had called her his 'good luck charm' to which jude replied with a sound of agreement because he thought so too. jude always had the urge to impress her even more, as if she wasn't vehemently aware of his talent, and it had him dominating the attacking line.
he could excuse 2 games maximum of no show, but now that this was turning into her 6th disappearance, he was getting fed up. 
"you look like there's a stick up your ass, what's wrong?" 
gio had commenced a side step circle around jude, in an attempt to dizzy the boy. it evokes a light look of judgment instead, but jude said nothing. 
"[y/n] isn't coming today… again."
his friend's face turns sympathetic and he stops his ministrations, walking up to him, "man, really?"
jude nodded, "yeah. and even if there was a slight chance she could, i've fucked that up too."
gio rolled his eyes, exhaling melodramatically, "what now?"
"i said that if she doesn't come then i'll just find someone else to wear my shirt." shame riddled his being, and his words progressively depleted in volume as gio looked punched by shock. 
"jude, what the fuck?" he tsked, "and how did she react to that? pissed? because it's very much deserved. matter of fact, i would've broken up with you."
jude's face turned hard, yet he felt his heart drop at the possibility. what he'd said was absolute shit, and it had given his girlfriend options, one of which was to leave him.
over his dead, fucking body.
"don't say that and no, we didn't break up. she just slammed the door and left."
"as if that makes anything any better, jude," gio retorted, arms crossed. he knew jude was quite an amateur when it came to gripping the reins of his feelings, but more times than not, it seemed like it was vice versa. 
marco noticed them slacking off, running up to them before they were being forced into a couple more training drills. jude knew that his playing headspace had to be on, but his conscience dallied between that and pondering over his fallout with [y/n] and he gave up, knowing that he was going to have another off-game. 
by half time, jude wanted out. they were 2-0 down, and marco was completely livid. his coach had watched them with complete confusion, trying to find the break in the circuit. if he had, and noticed that it was, in fact, jude himself, it was as if he was sworn to secrecy because most players but him were subbed out. 
jude had spaced out during the locker room talk, and his legs were on autopilot as they walked back into the field. his eyes were trained on the mass of black and yellow, in an attempt for a last string of hope, before he's interrupted by gio's voice. 
"jude, look!"
he pointed to the vip box, and jude squinted before his eyes set upon the undeniable stature of his girlfriend, dressed in his shirt. 
"no way."
his mind failed at formulating words, and the second they made eye contact, jude smiled and blew her a kiss. she didn't catch it, but rather gave him a humorous look that said, 'impress me'. 
gio watched the whole ordeal with a grin, hooking his arm around the boy before whispering in his ear, "fix the game, loverboy!"
jude snickers back, feeling his limbs light with exhilaration, "bet."
and the second he scored, he ran up to the stands, hands structured in his girlfriend's initial before making a heart. 
the smile she gave her would remain in his memories forever.
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ckret2 · 26 days
Why do you ship billford? i want to hear all ur handcanons and reasons hehehe
ALL of them? My friend I do not think you comprehend the magnitude of the task you have requested. I can tell you some of them.
Here's a post I already wrote listing why I like them, and here's a post about what Ford thinks about Bill, and I just made a post about what Bill thinks about Ford because I've had it typed up on discord for ages and decided it needs its own post.
So, some headcanons:
⭐️ While most people who ship it headcanon that they had a romantic relationship of some kind pre-betrayal, my default headcanon is that they DIDN'T have a relationship—mainly because I enjoy making Bill, specifically, miserable, and I like headcanoning that Ford violently lost interest in Bill at the EXACT moment Bill developed a sincere interest in Ford.
Meaning that Bill "LOOKS LIKE MR. BRAINIAC FINALLY GOT SMART" Cipher destroyed his own chances five seconds before going "no no wait I actually want to keep this one," and that's SO funny. I made a graph!
⭐️ From Lost Legends we know that Ford used to date a siren. In the original Greek mythology, sirens didn't woo sailors by singing prettily; sirens offered knowledge about distant and future events. Sailors wrecked their ship upon the sirens' shores and starved to death at their feet just to listen to them sing about the secrets of the universe.
What I'm saying is: Ford has a type.
⭐️ This is a mutual monsterfucker 4 monsterfucker relationship. They look at each other and go "wow you're such a weird-looking alien" and they're attracted to each other BECAUSE of that, not in spite of that. I don't want any of this "oh how could I be drawn to something so strange..." shame out of Ford, as far as I'm concerned his first crush was Mothra, a floating triangle is nothing.
⭐️ Consequently, this means that if you take an AU where Bill gets stuffed in a human body, rather than making things easier, it ironically means that any PHYSICAL attraction Ford had for Bill instantly evaporates. A humanized Bill could be the sexiest damn thing in the room and everyone else in the vicinity is going 🥵💦 but Ford's going 😐. If they hook up with Bill in a human body it's in spite of Bill's current appearance and it's because Ford knows that, underneath the body, Bill's still Bill. You could hand Ford a perfect Tumblr Sexyman supermodel and he'll be fantasizing about a three-tiered pyramid with more teeth than a shark.
⭐️ Bill WILL play Dungeons Dungeons & More Dungeons with Ford, voluntarily, for fun. However he always wants to DM and he's brutal.
⭐️ I think that the majority of the Henchmaniacs used to be like Ford: young, naive, USEFUL aliens that Bill was trying to manipulate into getting access to their universes, probably by trying to get THEM to build portals. None succeeded, but they got far enough along that either they chose to join Bill, they were forced to flee their dimension and join Bill—or, due to Bill, their home no longer existed, so they might as well join him. I think that every one of them was once his ✨favorite✨ person. I think he sealed the deal in winning their friendship & loyalty with a calculated, scripted display of vulnerability—the exact same one he tried to use on Ford: I liberated my constricting, flat world; I want to liberate yours...
He may have dated some of them, too, especially right after they joined. Because he wouldn't have recruited them unless he thought they were JUST ♥ LIKE ♥ HIM. They're special, they're important...
... and after a few years, Bill realizes they're not that much like him after all and loses interest, and they sink down into the rank-and-file with the rest of the Henchmaniacs. The Henchmaniacs are FULL of people who were once Bill's Favorite—his best friends, his confidants, his lovers—and most of them are desperate to catch his eye and be that important to him again. They gave everything they had to Bill only for Bill to get bored.
So when he shows off the human who enabled Weirdmageddon and invites him to join the gang, they know EXACTLY what they're looking at: Bill's newest favorite. They know how this goes, he'll be gaga over this earthling for the next 5 to 500 years and then Ford will be just another regular Henchmaniac. The fact that Ford doesn't seem eager to join is no problem. Ford isn't the only soon-to-be Henchmaniac whose world Bill ended; some of them had to be talked around into joining, too.
⭐️ I think that, if you took Bill with his canon personality, didn't give him any character development, and then made him GENUINELY fall in love with Ford, and had him SINCERELY try his hardest to be a good, loving, healthy partner... he would still be toxic as hell for Ford.
Part of what draws Bill to Ford is that he sees SO much of himself in Ford—some accurate, some just projection. (You who crave power and fame and fortune like I do; you who also hunger to be all-knowing; you who would also sacrifice your world and your family and everyone you know and love to get what you want; you with an ego the size of the moon, oh, you deserve an ego the size of a star.) And so he assumes that what Ford really wants is what BILL would want in Ford's shoes.
And if Bill was Ford, what he'd want is to REALLY be the man who changed the world. Bill thinks he's fulfilling all Ford's wildest dreams if he gives that to him. Naming Ford the orchestrator of Weirdmageddon is the most generous gift Bill could ever offer.
Even if Bill is Really Really Trying and accepts that okay Ford doesn't want his world invaded: his idea of showing Ford love will be pulling the strings to get Ford fame & fortune. Teach him secrets of the universe that he can publish in a dozen groundbreaking scientific papers, arrange meetings with politicians and celebrities, get him a Nobel, get him an Oscar-winning bio pic, get him a billion dollars, get him EVERYTHING Ford's ever imagined as a marker of success and then double it.
When Bill's manipulating Ford, he offers praise and approval in little drops periodically leaking from the faucet, to keep Ford thirsty for more. When Bill's LOVING Ford, he just breaks the fire hydrant and lets it flood the street.
But the thing is, that's not good for Ford. That'll never make him truly happy. Ford's only ever learned how to measure his success by external markers, but the more external markers he collects the more he'll feel like he hasn't Made It yet. It's even possible that knowing Bill's helped him get this far will make him feel like he hasn't really EARNED it. He could have the whole world handed to him and he'll feel just as dissatisfied as he was on the day he first summoned Bill.
And Bill, even if he's trying his HARDEST to do this right, wouldn't be able to understand why this isn't working. A trillion years old and the only way he knows how to show love (or to receive love) is by showering someone in praise and gifts and favors. If that doesn't work, he doesn't know what's left.
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 year
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🥧The Love You Spiritually Deserve ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
‘Why do nice people choose the wrong people to date?’
We accept the love we think we deserve.’
‘Can we make them know that they deserve more?’
‘We can try.’
– Charlie asking his teacher in The Perks of Being a Wallflower
SONG for all piles: Coming Home by NCT U
MOVIE for all piles: My Week with Marilyn (2011)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
[Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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There is a very special behind-the-scene for this PAC on Patreon. If you’re already subscribed, don’t forget to check the full post ^o^v
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Pile 1 – A Love that Helps You Remember How Precious of a Darling You Are
VIBE: Promise by Jimin
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to be in Love with the right person – 2 of Wands
The moment your sweet, sweet Heart recognises the person who’s right for you, baby, it’s all calm sunshine in your world🌤This person has a most peculiar ability to bring back nostalgic senses and memories of what you used to enjoy as a child. These are your Heart’s most honest desires that you might’ve suppressed or avoided to some extent, in exchange for being practical. You live in a world that’s given you reasons to abandon your own dreams in order to become practical and a responsible member of society. In many ways, I see you’ve tried to fit in and follow the expectations of a normal society.
But when you come in touch with the essence of this person who’s just right for you, everything changes. Suddenly, the scales blinding your eyes fall off and now you see the real colours of the world—your world. Literally this person brought your world back from the dead. Something about them rejuvenates your faith in the world you’re innately able to create for yourself. And just like that, you gradually move towards changing small aspects of your everyday Life to manifest a world of your dreams~🌷
You may return to old hobbies—perhaps resume your old piano lessons; you open up your dusty rice cooker recipe books (LOL) and start cooking again; you start singing again or you may finally join that ballet class you’ve always wanted to do when you were a child, irrespective of your age now. This person who’s just the right person for you is truly an angelic Human whose essence brings back peace of mind, Love (first and foremost for yourself), serenity, clarity, and most importantly, a hunger for Life and its endless possibilities🎋
the spiritual Home in your heart – 4 of Cups
I sense that your Soul is incredibly sensitive. You’ve probably come from other realms where the inhabitants are peaceful, and I feel strongly that you’ve often been gardeners and carers of animals in those other lives heheh You’re so spiritually in tune with the moods and sorrows of not only the people around you but also the world in general. You’re the type of person who sees a world that needs healing. You see a world needing more kindness, alas, your Kindness was taken advantage of and spat on. Then you decided to hide away and avoid people as much as possible.
Do you feel like you enjoy the company of animals, plants, and rocks more than Humans? Yeah, you can sense the spirit of non-Human creatures and you find non-Humans to be the gentlest, most understanding creatures. I think you should like to watch Studio Ghibli’s My Neighbour Totoro🐼I personally think you’re the type that would find comfort in a lot of Miyazaki Hayao’s movies because they depict the innocence of children and how they see the world with an eye for adventure. As flawed as they can be, characters in Miyazaki’s movies are understandably human and you desperately want to believe in a world that’s more forgiving like that.
Due to the nature of your emotions, you’ve often had these ebbs and flows of faith in your ability to manifest a world of kindness and gentleness that you’ve always envisioned for yourself. It’s like a painful tug o’ war between your faith in yourself and the world’s pressure for you to conform. But trust me, anybody who makes you question your values, dreams, visions, missions, and goals, are not your people. The right person(s) for you is someone whose heart is so kind and wide that in their embrace you are reminded of everything good that you deserve to see manifest in your own Universe.
up your Self-Love game! – 9 of Pentacles Rx
Ooh, I know you can’t stop admiring this person’s remarkably gorgeous smile~ But do you have any semblance of an idea why your Soul finds them so irresistibly attractive? Your person who lights up your dark horizon is a freaking multitalented King or Queen whose thirst for Life inspires a hidden courage buried deep within your psyche. When you look at them or hear their stories, you can’t help but notice that this is also a flawed human who’s beautifully aware of their own failings and shortcomings, but they work really hard at becoming a nobler version of themselves. A more astonishing expression of what’s truly good about them as a human being, in spite of everything.
Whereas you’ve tried to build an independent Life away from most Humans, this person helps you see that there is still good in trying to believe in Humanity. That there is still hope because after all the world is so big and there are many people in it. I have a feeling your person is able to hold such a positive outlook because they’ve been blessed enough with good company, maybe good family, too. So they naturally have this ability to balance the way they perceive bad people in the world.
I think their people are going to be your people as well. Their friends and family are going to admire you so much and be grateful that you’ve appeared in the Life of your person and even theirs. They are glad you’ve found each other, like they really think you’re good for each other as you’re able to hold Light for each other. You literally heal each other. Your person’s people, too, are going to see you for all the good that you are. A union with this person and their friends and family is going to remind you what a precious and talented darling you really are🧸
remembering your innate goodness – Red Magus (Edward Kelly)
loving yourself as an act of rebellion – Priestess of Prosperity
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Pile 2 – A Love that Honours Your Innocent Rose-Tinted Glasses
VIBE: OMG by NewJeans
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to be in Love with the right person – Knight of Cups
When your gentle Heart rests in the embrace of the person who’s right for you, you will know, this is a Soulmate. There’s no other explanation. You feel a strong sense of nostalgia, as if having known this person in another dimension. And when you recognise each other, it feels like, ‘Oh hey! I know you! Hmm…’ and your conversation flows so naturally as if catching up with an old, old soul friend~
Being with this person, you want to cuddle all the time. But not the oddly lustful or desperately clingy type. No, no, baby, this is pure, innocent, childlike Love. When your heart is attracted to the person whose Soul resembles your own, it’s pure bliss, comfort, safety. I think you’ll want to have a home with this person. You’ll want to build a home with them that reminds you both of the Home World your Souls came from. It’ll be a lot of fun! Because the person who’s just right for you also has the same fairy-like mind, sense and perception as you.
And holy cow you know what that means—this is someone who’s just as sensitive and considerate as you. They will really honour your rose-tinted glasses and not make you feel infantilised for the innocence you’ve worked hard to maintain. This is someone sweet, gentle, soft-spoken, incredibly polite accompanied by an out-of-place sense of humour, and a little awkward from time to time… depending on situation, I guess🦄
To be in love with the right person… you finally feel truly, genuinely seen for the first time. It feels cosy to not have to explain yourself exhaustively with words that often fail your true meaning🦦
the spiritual Home in your heart – Page of Wands Rx
Unlike most people, you’re not super ambitious or even industrious about most things. Others may perceive you as ‘lazy’ but the truth is you’re an Old Soul that remembers a time when human beings were able to live at a more comfortable pace. You can’t really bring yourself to fit in this new pace—the modern pace—because you think it’s silly that people rush to their graveyards without even stopping to smell the roses. And you want to smell those roses, all the time, you want to always be aware of all the roses and jasmines and lilies.
You can’t think of another way of living your Life. You’re quite stubborn about it because you believe in your own mindset. You’re actually a lot stronger than you may think. If there’s one thing you’re ambitious about, it is to maintain a world of your own aesthetic. I think you’re someone who’s deep down super aware of your birth right to live in a world of beauty. Sometimes you get confused about this whole endeavour because you feel like an alien in this strange world. But one way or another, you hold on to your own values and I think that’s super admirable.
Some of you who are younger may struggle a little bit with boundaries because you’re too kind. You’re really soft, gentle, compassionate and have an ability to welcome anybody who’s tired and weary. But often, people who are hurting and confused about their own place in the world could turn super spiteful towards those who are working on their own dream lives that do not agree with the convention. You really need to be careful with those whose envy has the potential to seep into your morphogenetic field and ruin your manifestations!
You can be super kind and still say no to those whose presence could jeopardise your peace of mind, OK? Also, I think you’ll really find respite in this beautiful playlist on YT, ‘Nakamura Yuriko Songs I Love’, when you feel a bit weary of people~
up your Self-Love game! – 6 of Cups Rx
So first of all, your generosity has a tendency of making you reminisce about the past. You sometimes miss the people who used to be there for you. This could be friends or family members. For some of you, this could even be a past significant other. You have a habit of romanticising pleasant memories you had with people whom you used to care about. This could lead you to a dangerous path of self-sabotage. You may want to sometimes text or call people who genuinely aren’t even deserving of your kindness, gentleness, or care.
To protect yourself, have the courage to completely and utterly burn the bridges to those you know are only acting as parasites in your Life. The way I see it, there really aren’t that many people who can fully understand and accept you the way your Soul Family does. So wait for them and make space for only them. And so, to make space for them, you need to vacant those who don’t belong! Blood is thicker than water? Bullshit. Soul is stronger than blood!
My advice to you is to get a pet instead so you have a company upon whom you can pour your nurture. I know you are somebody who likes to nurture and care for another being. So, this is the best course of action if you haven’t met anybody from your Soul Group🥰If not a pet, a plant works, too. Depends on what you like, really. All in all, know that you are deserving of good company that truly honours your kindness and wouldn’t take advantage of that softness.
remembering your innate goodness – Silver Astronomer (Galileo Galilei)
loving yourself as an act of rebellion – Priestess of Innocence
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Pile 3 – A Love that’s Grateful for the Fact You Were Born At All
VIBE: Kazamidori (Weather Vane) by Sakamoto Maaya
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to be in Love with the right person – XI Justice Rx
Okay, you’re totally an Old Soul with an important mission, babe. I’m pretty sure you already know this. If you aren’t that aware of it yet, I’m still sure you’ve always had this feeling like you were born for a greater purpose. Like, no matter what, you just know somebody sent you here to do something amazing… but what exactly? Dunno. You’re just haunted by this feeling of having your time on Earth… timed. ‘I’ve got to hurry!’ So you scurry.
I think you’ve felt incredibly lonely for the most part of your Life on Earth. You’re an alien—actually, you’re an astronaut. Deep inside your psyche, you’ve always had this debilitating realisation of having been torn apart from your real Family. You know that your family on Earth is not your real Family. You don’t even look like them, you feel. All your wants and even value system as a person, not a single thing matches theirs. You’ve always dreamt of travelling the world over to search for your people. Doesn’t matter where; they must be somewhere. Just not anywhere near here.
Of all the piles, yours talks the most about having gone through a massive spiritual purging. At some point in Life you have or will experience this. Like a phoenix dying to itself and be reborn out of its own ashes transforming into something greater than all it’s ever been in the past. When you finally accept your magic—that you’re magic—you realise that you’ve always needed to be your own first love. The day you have/had this epiphany and come to love yourself absolutely fully is/was the day you realise that everything in the world will always be alright so long as you believe in yourself🐾
the spiritual Home in your heart – King of Cups Rx
I think you’re someone who easily falls in love with attractive people, passionate people, kindhearted people, dazzling people, generous people, talented people, and all that stuff. But… that’s all really child’s play. Puppy love, if you wanna be cute. Summer crushes, if you’re casual as fuck. But the truth is, deep, deep, deep, fucking deep somewhere in the most secret corner of your Heart, there is an essence of someone whom you’re meant to reunite with in this incarnation. Damn, you made a promise, OK? That you wouldn’t ever be, EVER, serious with anybody who’s not this person💍
Dang, the day you were born into this world, you were already married🤪You had been proposed to in the spirit realm🎎It simply wouldn’t work if it’s not your person😗And for that, I hope you honour this Love that you’re carrying in your Heart and work on your spiritual development or something, until Destiny (that tricky bitch) unites you both in the physical realm. Babe! It’s worth the wait! This is the ONLY Human on Earth who knows how to embrace all of you with all of the Love you’re so spiritually deserving🥺
A small percentage of you choosing this pile, I feel quite strongly, could decide to become a monk, nun, or any other type of a celibate person who has no business being in a romantic relationship or a sexual union with another living being. This deep Love that you carry around in your Heart is all that fuels you until the day you depart from this world. You’re deeply aware of how short a Human’s existence is and you’re looking forward ever so to the day you breathe your last breath and return to your One & Only who’s always been watching over you from the Higher Realms🎐
up your Self-Love game! – 7 of Wands Rx
With all of the above said, whichever group you resonate with, all of you choosing this pile are, again, haunted by the same feeling of needing to save the world. In a manner of speaking, because you’re an astronaut, it’s true you came here for an important Soul Mission, and for that you could ruminate too much about ways you can develop yourself to ready yourself for the world stage when the time is right. But that’s actually counterintuitive and could make your whole Earth experience miserable.
I know you find it immensely difficult to be Human… even just operating with a Human flesh bag is painful enough. Some of you may even have a chronic illness that’s constantly giving you bodily aches or that you find controlling your movements quite challenging. Perhaps issues with developmental disabilities, reduced/low dexterity, immune system diseases, dyslexia, ADHD, autism (varying spectrum), gender dysphoria, and all sorts of compatibility issues that could make Life on Earth quite unbearable to some.
Compatibility issues here means that your Soul can’t quite adapt to your Earthly body because you’re too advanced or that your Soul originates from a much purer state of being that the tragic density of this dirty Human World causes immense pressure on your whole mental and physical being. And for that, you could struggle a lot with constantly wanting to leave soon. As a way to numb yourself, you could fall into a tendency of wanting to always, constantly, tirelessly, unceasingly working on something, on yourself, as if scurrying for ways to die sooner.
But… babe… you have a place in this world. Slow down a little, allow yourself to breathe, and let the Spirit of the Planet speak its thanks and admiration for all you’ve done for Her.
remembering your innate goodness – Gold Physician (Hippocrates)
loving yourself as an act of rebellion – Priestess of Clarity
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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kindestofkings · 5 months
dear john
elijah hewson x singer!reader
(ex!charles leclerc cause hes a hot red flag)
plot: its giving friends to strangers to friends again to lovers 🫶🏼
face claim: laufey <3
warning: spelling mistakes
authors note: this is for the lovely anon who requested a speak now inspired smau ! Hope this is okay?!? I was tempted by doing something on the vibe of speak now the song but imma think on it 🫡
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liked by charlesleclerc and others
yourusername wow last night on tour was something special 😢 to everyone who sangs my songs back to me and everyone who's supported my little dreams, I LOVE YOU.
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lucydacus killing it !
yourusername luv you <333
phoebebridgers voice of an ANGEL
yourusername ooh stop im blushinggg
charlesleclerc beautiful as always mon ange
ynfan1 post concert blues are toooo real
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liked by ynfan1 and others
wagsandstuff huh that doesn't look like yourusername to us.... did the couple of 3 years break up without telling us??
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ynfan1 nooooooo that girl on twitter was right ah
ynandcharlesshipper charlessss man don't do this
charlesfan she was always feeding off of him
ynfan2 she has her own career you do know that right? she a really popular singer
ynfan2 not charles cheating on our QUEEN
yourusername just unfollowed charlesleclerc
yourusername just added to their story!
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lol gonna go heal my heart I guess lol
yourmum awh my beautiful girl :( glad you're coming home 💘
↳ can't wait to see you mam
yourbestfriend men are literal pigs.
phoebebridgers he's an idiot, here for you if you need anything
elijahhewson hey I know it's been awhile since we last spoke, but the lads and I are always here for you. I should've been better at keeping in touch, but I'm so sorry this happened to you.
↳ hey E, missed you! I'm just as much at fault, guess we all just got so busy with tours (both so successful heheh). where abouts in the world are you? I'm heading home for awhie maybe we could all catch up?
↳ elijahhewson deadly! myself, ryan and josh are home and bobby is back next week, call around whenever
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
inhalerfanaccount did you guys know that yourusername is friends with inhaler??? I found all of these oldies while lurking her insta !
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inhalerfan1 bless they're so young, they all must of been friends during school !
inhalerfan2 crazy to think they've all become so successful
ynfan1 wow my two worlds colliding
ynfan2 I've always secretly hoped yn and eli would get together
inhalerfanaccount friends to strangers to friends to lovers hits soooo hard
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername time is a terrifying thing..
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yourmam I could probably find an even earlier pic...
bobbyskeetz I beg please no inhalerfan1 pleaseeeeee
elijahhewson smash x4
joshjenkinson_ the gang getting back together has 2024 winninggg
(liked by yourusername,ryanmcmahon_15 and others)
ynfan1 yesss bitch remind that silly boy who drives in circles of all the hot friends you have !!!
(liked by elijahhewson and others) ynfan2 hahahah eli woke up and choose chaos
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liked by phoebebridgers and others
yourusername turning all this heartbreak into something good ! dear john is the rawest I've ever been in my songwriting, treat her with love x
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ynfan1 so so incredibly beautiful, thank you for sharing
lucydarcus you're a wonder
ryanmcmahon_15 sobbing uncontrollably and ready to fight him
bobbyskeetz you good bro ?
charlesfan1 tough day to be a charles fan
ynfan2 omg those lyrics are HEARTBREAKING
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liked by eliswife and others
inhalerfanupdates WHO HAS THIS MAN SO SMILEY???
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inhalerfan1 FOR REAL?? hes usually so moody
elijahhewson posted to their close friends!
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replies yourusername pure stalker when did you take this pic??
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liked by yourusername and others
vogue with just days before the release of her highly anticipated spohmore album we chatted to yourusername about love, loss and all things in between;
" you dont realise how easy love can be until you're with the right person. its the most annoying thing to hear when you dont have it but some how I was fortunite enough to discover"
find out what else the singer told us at the link in our bio !
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ynfan1 shes so happy and in love
ynfan2 how can one person be so talented, smart AND intelligent
charlesfan1 eww cant believe charles used to date her!
ynfan3 love how shes not petty like the leclerc fangirlies clearly still are..
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername a year and a half ago I had my heartbroken, felt completed untethered and so so confused. today I give you my pride and joy!
this album features songs I wrote as a sobbing mess, some I wrote while I was healing and finally some I wrote after I opened my eyes and embraced what I had all along.
I love them all, I love everyone who worked on it with me and I escially love you.
comments have been restricted
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liked by lucydarcus and others
yourusername one single thread of gold tied me to you <3
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elijahhewson hell was the journey
yourusername but it brought me heaven. bobbyskeetz gross yourusername child
joshjenkinson_ my parents
yourmam my favourite pair !
evehewson sobbing it was always meant to be
phoebebridgers the sweetest love for the sweetest soul
(liked by elijahhewson and yourusername)
authors note: ahh im a broken record with the friends from home trope but its my favourite 🥲 hope you all enjoy, please as always let me know what you think!!
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divine-knight-hand · 8 months
Night of The Maneater
Part 2: The Catch
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Part One || Michael Masterlist || Full Masterlist || Read on AO3 Halloween Triple Feature Masterlist
Pairing: Michael Afton x Ghostface!Female Reader
Summary: The games are over, and The Maneater has laid claim to her prize. Now, it would seem she wants to play a new game with her catch of the night...
Content Warnings: Light bondage, slight knife kink, stalker kink, unprotected sex, Dom!Reader, Sub!Michael, edging, pleasure crying, begging, praise
Notes: This is the first time I’ve written a fic in second person. I usually write in first person, but I figured it was time for a refreshing change. Well, that and I didn’t feel like switching POVs, so now we have this. Enjoy!
Also, I didn’t realize when scheduling the post for this, but happy FNAF movie day!!! How convenient was my timing? Hehehe! 🤭
Word Count: 2,378
Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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Michael woke up in his own bedroom. The back of his head still throbbed, and he even felt a little dizzy as the haze of sleep threatened to pull him back under.
He was seated at the head of his bed, convinced the whole experience he had with The Maneater was just a bad dream until he tried to move his arms. He was handcuffed to the headboard behind him, his arms bound behind his back.
“Rise and shine~” The ghost-faced figure entered the bedroom with an air of sinister excitement contrary to her mask–which was stuck in a silent scream exaggerated by its elongated mouth and stretched jaw–and her body was draped in the dark fabrics of a tattered black cloak, leaving most of her figure to the imagination.
She strolled into the room holding Michael’s long abandoned bowl of popcorn. “I hope you don’t mind. I got a little hungry while you were out.” It was odd, hearing her voice without a phone in his hands. It came to his ears in a sound unmuddled by telephone static.
She placed the bowl on the nightstand before sitting on the bed next to him, resting a gloved hand on his knee. “How’s that head of yours?”
Michael flinched under her touch. “I- It could be better.”
“Poor thing…” The Maneater rose to her feet, strolling along the side of the bed. “Need a painkiller?”
“No thanks.” He decided he’d rather not let this mysterious figure drug him while he was handcuffed to his own bed.
When The Maneater leaned against his nightstand, he found his voice again to ask. “What are you going to do to me?”
“I’d like to do a lot of things to you, Michael,” The Maneater’s voice took a sensuous dip. “But, I need you to admit something first.”
Michael felt his heart flutter. “Wh-”
He was interrupted by The Maneater as she pulled a hunting knife from within her tattered cloak to hold the flat of the blade against his face, the chill of the steel making him shiver.
“You never fully answered my question earlier.” She used the blade to caress his face, eliciting another shudder from him. “Did you enjoy our little game?” She leaned in, and Michael almost thought he could see the faint outline of human eyes looking back at him from within the dark voids of the mask's lifeless eyes. “And don’t lie to me. I can tell how you really feel. I can see…” She dragged the flat of the blade along his jaw. “...how the danger as I chased you…” The knife continued its journey down his chest. “..and the risk of being caught by me…” She continued sliding the knife all the way to his knee before trailing it back up his thigh to rest beside his evident arousal. “...really affected you. You liked being hunted, didn’t you? I’d even dare to say that you wanted me to catch you.”
Michael anxiously bit his lip, his cock throbbing with each new part of his body the knife explored. “I- I don’t-”
“Oh, come on.” The Maneater scoffed. “Answering this question wrong is what caused you to lose our game in the first place. Would you really want to make things worse for yourself by misanswering again?”
Michael gulped, feeling a surge of humiliation as heat flushed his cheeks. “I- I did…”
“You did what, hun?” The Maneater teased as she used the flat of the knife to tilt his chin back up to face her. “Use your words, Michael~”
Michael felt another surge of embarrassment as a desperate whine creeped into his voice. “I liked your eyes on me… I liked hearing you praise me… I liked being hunted by you… and…”
He could hear The Maneater breathing heavily. “And what?”
“And…” Michael twiddled with his fingers behind his back. “And, part of me wanted you to catch me.”
The Maneater shivered, and she lazily tossed the knife across the room before cupping Michael’s face with her gloved hands. The material was thin enough to allow him to feel the warmth of her hands through it, and he let out a soft moan as his eyes fluttered closed at her touch.
“And now that I have you,” She rubbed her thumbs against the apples of his cheeks. “What should I do with you?”
Michael slowly opened his eyes, looking up at her with a soft expression. “Let me see who you are.”
The Maneater cocked her head, taking a moment to consider the idea. “Only if you ask nicely.”
Michael’s eyelashes fluttered as he breathed. “Can you show me who you are? Please?”
The Maneater slowly drew her hands away from Michael, and he softly whimpered at the loss of contact. “How polite~” She grabbed at her ghost face mask. “I guess I have no choice but to show you, now.” Then, in one fluid motion, she ripped it off.
Michael gasped at the beauty that hid underneath the eerie ghost face mask. He stared in silent wonder, taking in each feature of the human face that now greeted him with a knowing smirk. Your face.
He admired everything of yours that he could see. Your eyes. Your smile. The blush that only slightly betrayed your intimidating gaze. You were gorgeous. You were everything he wanted, and he wanted you a lot.
When you opened your mouth to speak, he hung on to your every word, finally being able to match the familiar voice to the new face. “That radio station you listen to knows me as ‘The Maneater’, but my real name is Y/N.”
“Y/N…” Michael softly tested your name on his tongue. “You look amazing…”
You chuckled at his compliment, holding a hand up to cover your growing smile. “You flatter me, Michael." You caressed his face in your gloved hands, leaning in closer until your forehead rested against his.
Michael could feel himself growing desperate. He could feel your hands on him, your breath intermingling with his against his mouth, and your gaze as it remained unwavering from his face. He would stare into those eyes for hours if his nerves allowed him to. He wanted nothing more than to pull you on top of him and beg you to take him.
Instead, all he could muster was a soft plea. “T- Touch me… Please…”
A sinister smirk tugged at your lips. “You want me to touch you?” You softly slid a hand up his thigh. “Like this?”
Michael almost felt dizzy under your touch. “Mmh… I need more…”
“More?” You jumped up onto the bed and crawled onto him, straddling his thighs. “You’re a needy thing, aren’t you?” You softly chuckled. “Luckily for you, I want the same things you do.”
Suddenly, you pulled him into a bruising kiss, grinding against the bulge that strained against the front of his jeans. He moaned at the friction, granting your tongue access to his mouth as you pulled him closer.
It was hot. Incredibly hot. Every inch of his skin burned for more of you, and he felt the overwhelming urge to pull you closer. He felt sweat building on his brow as his impatience grew. He whined as he bucked his hips into yours, drawing a soft moan from your lips.
You pulled away from the kiss, briefly staying connected to Michael by a string of saliva. “You’re as tasty as you are pretty. I don’t think I’ll be able to get enough of you.”
Michael felt a wave of both pride and embarrassment as he shyly looked away. If he wasn’t already heavily blushing, he definitely would have been now.
You began to trail kisses along his neck, unbuttoning his shirt as you made your way to his collar. He felt a sudden draft over his skin as you finally opened his shirt, sliding it off of his shoulders. The fabric collected behind his back, but the warmth of his wrists underneath the bunched material couldn’t compare to the warmth of his skin against yours.
Casting your gloves aside, you began to feel around on his chest. Michael hoped, for a moment, that you couldn’t feel how his heart pounded. Your kisses began to grow more possessive as you sucked on the sweet spot on his neck. He was sure it would visibly bruise by morning, but he didn’t care. He wanted you to mark him. To lay claim to him. He wanted you to leave reminders of what was happening that night all over his body.
You then slid your hands down to his belt, undoing it before freeing his aching cock from the confines of his jeans. He anxiously bit his lip as you closely examined his length, the tip dripping with precum.
“So hard for me,” You breathed, your fingers teasing the weeping tip.
“P- Please…” Michael mewled, tears of desperation prickling in his eyes.
It was then that you finally gave in, moving off of his lap to strip off your black cloak, before letting your equally dark bra and panties fall to join the pool of clothes at your feet. Michael’s eyes scoured over every inch of your skin–your thighs, your stomach, your breasts–before meeting your own. His hands were eager to reach out and touch you, but the faint rattling sound from behind his back reminded him that his hands were still bound.
“Don’t lose your patience now, Michael.” You playfully tutted as you returned to his lap. “We’re almost there.” You began lining yourself up with him, teasing his tip between your slick folds. “Feel that? That’s how you made me feel tonight. I meant it when I said I had a lot of fun chasing you.” Everything you were saying was filthy and raw, and it only made Michael all the more desperate for you.
He whined, words escaping him. “Mh… Please…”
Leaning forward, you kissed him again as you finally let him inside. He felt his eyes roll back as your inner walls surrounded his throbbing cock. You moaned into his mouth as he slowly filled you.
Once you broke the kiss, you began to move your hips, setting a brutal pace as you allowed Michael’s length to slide in and out of you. He watched the way your breasts bounced with each thrust of your hips. Your head was only slightly tilted back as you shamelessly moaned aloud, your eyes unmoving from his face
Michael’s mind grew hazy. All he could think about was how good your tight cunt felt around his cock… and it felt good. The wet sounds your movements created faded into background noise as your pornographic moans became the only sound he could hear clearly.
“Mh- Ohhh…” He could feel warm tears spilling over his cheeks, but he couldn’t care about how he looked anymore. He was too lost in ecstasy. “So good- Ah!”
“Oh, Michael,” Between thrusts, your voice sounded smooth. Almost hypnotizing. “You’re so pretty when you cry for me.” You cupped his face in your hands, wiping away a tear with your thumb as the stream continued.
“It feels too good…” He imagined it would be the only coherent sentence he would form that night.
“You make me feel good, too, pretty boy.” You grunted as you clenched around him, earning another whine from him.
The pressure was mounting quickly. Michael could feel it. His hair was sticking to the sweat on his forehead, and his release was so close. He just needed that one push to send him over the edge. Just a little more.
“Gonna cum already?” You teased as a light sheen of sweat formed on your brow. “You have such a sensitive cock. I can’t wait to milk it for every drop you have.”
“Please!” Michael choked as you leaned in to kiss his tear-streaked cheek.
“Awww. You really want to cum?” You immediately stopped your movements. “Not just yet, pretty boy.”
Michael choked out a sob as you edged him. “P- Please!” He attempted to buck his hips as tears spilled unceasingly over his cheeks. “Please, I want to cum! Please!”
“Poor thing…” You cooed, holding his hips down to remain unwavering in your stillness. “You’re really desperate, hm?”
Michael quickly nodded his head. In that moment, he was willing to do anything to be able to taste that sweet release you were keeping from him. His squirms of discomfort only seemed to spur you on, the sinister grin on your face growing with each whine that escaped his throat.
“Please…” Michael persisted. “Please, let me cum.”
You gave him a quick peck on the lips before giving in. “You’re lucky you’re sexy when you beg.”
You began riding him again, setting a more intense pace than before. You gripped his shoulders for leverage as you full-force fucked him, unrelenting in your motions. 
“Mm- I- I-” Michael’s voice curled into whimpers as he neared his peak again. “M’cumming… C- Cumming!”
“Cum for me, Michael.” You softly ordered. “Let me feel you cum inside me.”
“I- I- Ah!” Michael finally hit his breaking point, and his cock twitched, filling you with his release as his moans grew in volume.
You helped him ride out his sigh, his orgasm bringing you to your own, and your praise remained unceasing as you came. “That’s it, Michael. Mmh… Fill me up just like that. Oh, yes… That feels so good… My pretty boy.”
As you both came down from your highs, Michael leaned his head back against the headboard of the bed, panting as his brain remained hazy from post-orgasm bliss. He just noticed your own heavy breathing right before you pulled him into another kiss. This kiss was softer. More affectionate than passionate.
Once you pulled away, you breathlessly smiled. “Don’t get too comfortable, Michael. I’m not done with you just yet~”
“Wh- What…” His voice trailed off, the question remaining unfinished as you trailed your kisses along his jaw.
“I’m gonna keep you busy for a while.” You whispered against his ear, making him shudder. “Didn’t you hear me earlier? I’m gonna milk you for every drop you have.”
Michael bit his lip as your inner walls clenched around his cock. This is gonna be a long night…
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avocado-writing · 9 months
Hello and thank you for opening your requests! I always check on your blog before starting the day(and at the end of the day) ;) :D Would you write Aziraphale x reader dry humping fic (they're stuck in a closet unintentionally, literally pressed together, add to it existing sexual tension between them and you get some steamy clothing appreciation hehehe)
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notes: a sequel to this! felt too perfect not to be a follow-up. no mentions of claustrophobia in this fic!
pairing: aziraphale x reader
rating: E, minors dni
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The two of you may be seeing each other, but you still end up in the storeroom a lot. 
Aziraphale’s had a big order come in. You’re helping unload your post van, arms piled high with parcels which you’re depositing wherever there’s space - a task which is getting more and more difficult. 
“Aziraphale, where did you find all these?” you ask, placing a box as carefully as you can onto the top of what is quickly becoming a structurally unsound pile. 
“Sale, my darling. You opened my eyes to the wonders of online shopping,” he says, beaming. You flush a little. You’re still getting used to him calling you darling. You love the way it sounds when it’s from his mouth meant for your ears.
Aziraphale pulls you in for a kiss when your hands are free. You alight them on his plush hips and open your mouth a little to accept what he offers. You will never get tired of kissing him, never, never. 
The door swings shut of its own volition and you allow yourself to be a little more forward. You run your hands along his back before taking a decent handful of arse and squeezing. You feel him smile against your mouth. 
“You, my dear, will drive me to sin.”
“Oh, I do hope so.”
The sound of the shop door opening makes both of you still. At once the two of you turn towards the door. 
“Hello? Mr Fell?”
Aziraphale looks confused. You’re not a stranger to the residents of this street so you mouth: ‘Mr Brown?’ The bookseller rolls his eyes and nods in agreement. 
Slowly and silently, he clicks the lock on the door closed. There’s an inside one now, installed after your last unfortunate - or not so unfortunate? - incident. You have to smother your laugh with a hand to your mouth, and Aziraphale helps you with another kiss. 
You’re suddenly aware of how close the two of you are. Legs interlocked, thighs pressing to each other’s sexes over clothes.
He’s clocked it too because when you look up, his eyes are wide. You’re aware of just how thick and warm he is all of a sudden. It’s… exhilarating. 
And just as you go to extract yourself from the position, he presses up into you. 
Another kiss to muffle. You clutch at his collar, his jacket - fuck, even his bloody bow tie to try and show him how much you’re fine with what’s about to happen. Because as he drags the width of his leg along you, there will only be one outcome. 
“Mr Fell, your shop was left open. Are you about?”
Mr Brown begins to pace the room outside. Pressed together, chest to chest and lip to lip, Aziraphale begins rutting dryly against you. It doesn’t take long for you to feel his heavenly cock harden in his trousers and your sex begins to respond in kind. 
“I just wanted to talk to you about planning permission for the street.”
He’s near the storeroom now. If you’re too loud he’ll hear. Instead you bite down on the meat of Aziraphale’s neck to quiet yourself, clamping a hand over his mouth to make sure he doesn’t cry out in pleasure. Aziraphale quickens his pace. He knows what he needs, what you both need, and he’ll get you there. He presses the plain of his palm to the apex of your legs too, to help you along a little more, just a bit more, so close —
You come in your pants like a teenager. Judging from the hitch in his breath, you’re certain Aziraphale has as well. He fucks through the aftershocks against your leg, both of you slumping against each other in exhaustion. 
“I’ll come back later then,” Mr Brown sighs, clearly believing the shop to be empty. The ruse worked. When you hear the sound of the bell going to prove he’s gone, the two of you collapse into giggles. 
“You, Mr Fell, are more of a risk taker than I thought.”
After all that time trying to convince you to call him by his first name, Aziraphale decides he doesn’t actually mind hearing you address him that way… in the right place, of course. 
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taglist: @angiestopit@dazed-soul @@foolishprincipalitee@smile-eywa@staygoldsquatchling02@underratedboogeyman@cool-ontherun-world@emilynissangtr@cool-iguana@this--is--music @ilyatan @lxsm2@clarina04@wtfhasmy-lifecometo@mrgatotortuga@wereallbrokenangels @night-affiliate @silcosmoke@kimqueenofhell@chewbrry @bajablast23 @h3k3t@am-i-obsessed---maybe@bakerstreethound
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blufox234isadumbname · 5 months
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first pass of qbadboyhalo, yes he is basically naked and has big tiddy
this is kinda playing on bayonetta rules, if yall dont know bayonetta's clothes are all made of her own hair, so this is kinda that except he is all fur?? kinda?? its like candy floss or dragon's beard type texture, because of that he's kidna wispy at the ends, a transition form solid to gaseous immedietly. also a lot of ribbons
its so i can make the hood make sense with all the strands from rambutan and keep that shape. bbh is always kinda emitting a smokey smell because of being from hell (nether), hence the smoke ring (hehehe halo) also that fanny pack idea was from tincanpenguin because i love that idea that bbh is that kinda dad. also he does have reading glasses, he kinda needs it but he only uses it to read, like yknow when your grandpa wants to read smth so he whips out his glasses, that type beat
(also idk abt post purgatoyr, i do wnat to develop more the post purgatory design because i feel itd be mroe tatered and also teh fuckign greeen mould should be there somehwere)
bonus booby vvvv
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
𝐹𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑦𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑒╰🎀 . ִ ۫ ⁎ .
Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna, & Megumi with Chubby!Fem!reader who is a Fashion Fairy ᮫ׅ ๋ 𝆹 ׅ╰🧚🏻‍♀️ . ִ ۫ ⁎ .
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🧸 A/N : hey hey i'm just done taking a break for like 2 days so now i'm back writing again hehehe :) also i forgot to make the pt 4 of the baker series with gojo, but i already put him in here so i'm just gonna post this first, and then maybe i'll post the baker series pt 4 later. tysm! if you like my writings, please reblog & feedbacks me! ty!.
🧸 Warnings ; genoside mentions & murdering attemption include, Mocking/bullying (not from the jjk characters) and maybe some misspelled word. reader skin color is not announced.
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Gojo ʚ ₊˚ ᥀
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• Yuhh another fashion-enthusiast 👸🏽👓🤏🏻
• love your style so much that he sometimes buy clothes that match your style.
• really support your ethusiasm over fashion!
• every week after he had done his training or mission, he goes to where you lived, knock the door at your house, and ask you "Y/N lets go shopping tonight~!"
• if you refuse he will be a pouting baby, whining over everything. but if you accept him, this goofball will be Over the Moon 🌙🌬
• like, after you accept his invitation, he will goes to tell his happy news to his friends and his students in a rather exaggerated manner.
• Yuuji, Megumi, Nanami was exhausted at this point, hearing gojo mumbling "She accept it!" over and over again, at this rate they dont even know if this was a blessing or a curse.
• so mother fucking proud having you as his S/o. always mumbling and bringing it to others. but if some lowlife starting to mock you, he's going to act like an annoying offensed teenager saying "How could you say/do that to the love of my life!?" but... if that lowlife is taking it as far as wanting to hurt you or endangering you, well i suppose they're gonna have to encounter the Horrifying side about Gojo Satoru (although he'd still be in his Goofy attitude 💀)
Nanami ʚ ₊˚ ᥀
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• didnt mind it, in fact he really love it, but he just doesnt show it too much.
• we all know Nanami is some sort of stoic person, so its not so surprising hearing this. he really really love you, and would die & kill for you. but he's a Man that doesnt really show it out loud.
• he's showing his love with how much he want to spend his time with you.
• one of his favorite part is that, he really love seeing how confidence you are in your beautiful clothes & jewelry.
• theres nothing more entertaining for him than seeing you compliment yourself in front of the mirror. he really love seeing you happy, and he would want to keep your confidence forever.
• but theres a time where some pest trying to somehow.. trying to.. lower your confidence. trying to.. make you uncomfortable about your own self & body.
• and if nanami knew that his beloved s/o is getting mocked and look down by some pest, he's going to go straight to their home, knock at their door, and lecture them with the wisest yet cruelest words you could ever imagine for 5 hours straight until that pest is become a crying mess and begging for mercy.
• after he done with those pest, he's going to a gentle giant to you. he's gonna try to make you confident about yourself again.
• what do you need? cuddles? food? more dress? more clothing? jewelry? hair accessories? no problem, its all for you.
• Would kill for you if that means he can see you happy and being comfortable with yourself again.
• and that's just how Nanami Kento show his love and devotion for you in his own way.
Sukuna ʚ ₊˚ ᥀
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• oh my god this man.......
• he looks like a dilf but i'm telling ya this man is aged MORE THAN A 1000 YEARS OLD. so i'm just telling it may not go so well.
• he sometimes think millenials opinion and choice about their style and fashion are weird, but its not like he cares about them.
• hell he's the King of the curses! why would he cares about mortals fashion anyway? *pfft*
• but its all change when he meets you, the love of his life although he'd rather cut his tongue out than calling you this lmfao
• oh how he looove the the colors you put outside your skin, how they compliment your curves, giving you the best look, and the confidence. yes.. the confidence 🙌🏻 the way you compliment yourself in the mirror, also the way you gave zero fuck about some people who want to take down your confidence.
• but that doesnt mean that people can just get away. you may used to it but sukuna was far from it. he's going to go to that fuckface place and take their lowlife lives.
• he may even go as far as planning a genoside if it means keeping you safe & happy.
• but we all know he's a major tsundere, so he only would-to-never admit all of this at all.
• he probably would admit this in the most confusing way you could possibly imagine.
• but again, thats just how he show his love for you. he would kill for you, and he would even start a genoside if its necessary enough to keep you safe & happy.
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attleboy · 5 months
I'm so sorry if I've said this already (I often can't remember what I've said vs. what I've just thought).
In the lovely comic that started it all, Jax thinks to himself "Forget chew toys, I think she needs a muzzle..." Do you think Pomni really does need a muzzle? Does she bite people, or are her fellow souls safe from her teeth as long as they don't, like... stick their fingers in her mouth or anything?
depends on what we're talking about… for canon i can't really say because, well. i'm not goose
but, for my own pomni interpretation well, she's not completely feral… i play it up for fun, but she's got some dignity, so she wouldn't go around chomping people over minor things :P i'd say for the most part, she's safe! no muzzle needed, jax just said that because he's an asshole lol
however… if she was pushed enough or backed into a corner, she might, and it would probably not be pretty… ultimately, she wouldn't bite a person unless she was very angry or very afraid. you'd have to poke and prod her quite a bit to get to that point, or catch her by surprise at a really really bad time, and she'd probably feel really bad about it either way
i must admit the extremes are fun to think about so i diiiiid draw pomni going a little apeshit… would've put it here but i ended up talking a lot so. it gets its own post hehehe give me a minute
edit - okay here it is
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
TBH ID LVOE TO SEE U. LIKE. DO A FULL ANALYSIS ON ROUND 3 FOR IVAN?? if not thats okay ur js so cool bro...
and even better yet I already did a pretty in depth analysis that i will break down for you rn. I wont analyze the song this post but if you want id be willing to in a later post heheh
(Ok so, this wouldve been done like yesterday but when i finished this analysis i forgot to save it and went to do smth else and when i came back IT WAS ALL GONE soooo there thats…..)
Round three starts off with Ivan and an unnamed character going on stage, from this episode we can see Ivan’s character being displayed throughout the song.
Some things that are displayed clearly is Ivan’s love for Till and his lack of rebellious spirit. However even this has layers of complexity I think needs to be explored.
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Above, we see Ivan hanging off the building by an alien, while the other kids walking away or turning their backs to them. While he hangs off the cliff he looks up at the sky, staring at the stars instead of the alien himself. Next we see a closeup of his face as a shadow passes over him, however the stars still reflecting in his eyes.
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Because it seems like Ivan is the only kid being hung off the building, we can assume this is because he did something that the aliens considered wrong. Perhaps either disobeying them aggressively or just not listening, this results in him being punished.
We can also see the other kids standing away from Ivan, almost as if trying to seperate themselves and turning their backs to him. Perhaps out of the guilt that they cannot help him.
This all leads Ivan to the lesson he learns this day. Rebellion will get him punished, he will be hurt if he doesn’t listen. In fact, this is the only time we see him being punished in his youth, showing how Ivan was able to escape punishment and physical abuse by listening to what the aliens wanted of him.
Another detail to point out is the way the shadow falls over his face. We see him bruised and crying, most likely to previous physical abuse we did not see, implying that this isn’t the only time he’s been punished.
I believe the shadow falling over his face is supposed to represent the mask Ivan wears his entire life. After this scene we constantly see Ivan being “perfect” and up to the alien’s standards. The shadow represents the mask he put on and the lesson he learned, in order to survive he must obey.
However he continues to look at the stars, something that is correlated with freedom to Ivan. I believe this is supposed to represent Ivan’s inner desires of freedom. How, despite putting on the mask and valuing his life over desires, he still has the want for freedom. He doesn’t want to be chained and masked his entire life, the desire is never taken out of him, despite him losing his own person by putting on the mask, the desire to be free is never lost.
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After this scene, we continue onto these four shots that happen right after the other. He stands in the same position in each scene and doesn’t move unless he must do something. I believe this isn’t literal but rather metaphorical, instead representing his mask. He stands there, dull, and adapting to whatever sitaution he’s in, sitting at the table if needed, holding a trophy when he must, singing with everyone else, this scene is supposed to show how he does not do anything other then what he must.
Its hard to read him because he stands there with the same look on his face, as if his face itself is the mask as it never changes. This would also go to show how well this mask is for Ivan, how good he is at masking himself. He does not express his inner thoughts, he does not do what he wants, he does not move however he desires, instead he only does what the aliens want, shown by his unmoving stance in all of scenes above, he does not make any unnecessary moves, standing in place instead.
It can also be noted that despite the location changing in each picture, Ivan still holds the same position no matter what. I believe this is supposed to represent how, again, he believes no matter what he cannot take off his mask. In the auction, after he’s been bought, after he’s in Anakt Garden, he has banned himself from taking off the mask, continuing to be the perfect person that is demanded of him in order to survive, even if he won’t be punished for simply living in Anakt Garden, seen by Mizi and Sua. This shows how deeply the scene of him hanging off the building has impacted him, it influenced his entire life.
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Right after this, we see Ivan standing alone in Anakt Garden, he is standing in the same position as always and he is alone. Next the red flowers pass by his face and Till runs past him. Till continues to chase the flowers into the dark corridor and Ivan watches, before following Till into the corridor.
This scene can perfectly describe their relationship and dynamic. Ivan, as we can, is alone and standing still. As already stated, him standing still is symbolic of his mask. Him standing alone is also symbolic of how alone Ivan truly is. Because of his mask he is unable to make those connections, as there will always be a wall seperating him from that.
However the only to get close to Ivan is Till. He brushes past him and that’s when he suddenly moves. He only looks at him at first, standing from afar, before following him. This is most likely symbolic of how the only person that was able to get the mask off of Ivan was Till. We know this because it was stated before that he seems to become immature and childish around Till, showing how it’s only around Till that he is able to remove said mask. He moves from his position and follows Till, something he never had to do, but something he chose to do. A decision that was finally his. I also think Ivan first watching Till from afar, then following is supposed to mirror how, later, Ivan watches both Till and Mizi stand against the guard dog. How he just simply watches first.
We commonly see Till with red flowers. These red flowers are representative of Till’s love and admiration for Mizi. When we see Till brushing past Ivan and chasing the flowers, not even paying attention to Ivan, this represents how Till continues to follow and chase after Mizi, ignoring the others around him, even if they are right next to him.
Till following the flowers to the corridor, ignoring the darkness of the path, is symbolic of how far he is willing to go for Mizi. It’s similar to the scene of Till rejecting Ivan and running back to Anakt Garden, despite it being the darkest route he could go. He continues to follow Mizi no matter where she is, even if it’s dangerous. And while Till follows Mizi, Ivan will follow Till. He also follows Till down the hall, similar to how, despite not having to, he goes back to Anakt Garden.
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Right after this scene, we cut to a room thats assumed to be where the hallway lead them to. We see Mizi and Till in front of what looks to be a massive guard dog like alien. Ivan stands far away, where he isn’t seen as he watches on. Mizi is scared, seen by how she holds herself and stands in shock and Till looks hurt. He’s sitting on the ground as if he was just struck and Ivan continues to watch on.
As Till stands up, we see flashes of falling stars suddenly appearing while Ivan continues to watch Till, and once he fully stands up we can see as Ivan’s pupils dilate.
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We can see, in later offical art, that this alien might not be a guard dog but rather a pet or companion given to Ivan. While it isn’t clear, we commonly see pictures of Ivan getting close to the alien or even in its mouth. The relationship between Ivan and this alien is unclear, in fact the entire existence of this alien is unclear. Such as, why is the alien attacking or scaring both Mizi and Till? If it’s supposed to be something related to Ivan, why is it hurting other humans?
The existence of this alien dog cannot be disputed, because this is the moment Ivan fell in love with Till. But it is curious about the entire situation. So let me try and break it down.
I mentioned before that Ivan seems to have a relationship with the guard dog, but I don’t think it’s a literal relationship. The guard dog is most likely trying to keep the kids out of something, however it is unclear what. If thats the case, then it would be strange that Ivan is friendly with this guard dog. I think, instead, Ivan sees himself in this guard dog.
He sees Till fighting, or trying to at least, against the dog. Something that *does* happen between him and Till during this point. The two of them get into fights because Ivan instigates to grab Till’s attention to him. He sees Till being hostile with this alien, something he believes Till is with him. Not to mention, this alien must be alone often. It’s job is to guard something, meaning it must be kept seperate from other aliens and humans and it must keep it up. It’s job is to keep others away. Ivan can relate to this as to him, his job is surviving, which indirectly results in him being alone. I believe the art of Ivan with the alien is not to say he has a relationship with the alien, but because he sees himself in him.
I also think that this is also symbolic of their relationship. How Ivan is there watching and observing Till, just seeing him in general, however Till does not notice him. He doesn’t look back at where Ivan is, because he doesn’t know he’s there. Instead he’s focused on whats in front of him right now. An alien and Mizi, similar to him focusing on his hatred for aliens and his love for Mizi.
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I believe after Ivan sees this with Till and falls in love with him, he recreates this scene in his mind. We can see this with the scene above where Ivan looks at whats happening, instead this time he looks different. Before he looked with a curious gaze and intrigue, not too worried or emotionally invested. However now he’s shown with a gripped hand on the wall, with the wall showing obvious signs of damage due to someone gripping it repeatedly. We also see the eyes of Ivan, how it’s focused and this looking much more crazed then last time.
While this could also be literal, showing Ivan might be leading Till here and watching him, replaying the scene in reality, but I believe this is more then likely a scene he replays in his head, for multiple reasons.
Till would stop believing what Ivan says after a while, in fact its most likely that it was Mizi who got him in that corridor. Perhaps he followed her in there and got in that situation. Unless it was about Mizi, its more then likely that Till wouldn’t have even listened to anything Ivan says. I think the change in looks, like the hand gripping the wall and his eyes are supposed to represent how much he repeats this scene in his mind.
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And as always, for every Ivan analysis we must talk about this scene.
We see as Ivan takes Till out of his restrains, showing him out of Anakt Garden. The two of them are shown running away from the building, getting far away from Anakt Garden. Yet, Till stops. He lets go of Ivan’s hand and stops in his tracks, suddenly he is scared and realizing that by leaving, he is leaving Mizi. Ivan is hurt as he watches Till running back to Anakt Garden, and he smiles. His smile is full of hurt but he is still smiling. We cut back to the stage where we see Ivan, now he is taking off his mask and finally showing his true feelings, the memories are making him emotional. However he quickly put the mask back on and finishes his song.
This whole scene is very literal, but it’s still worth analysizing. This goes back to the idea Till would follow Mizi anywhere. Just as he follows the red flowers down a dark corridor, he follows Mizi in Anakt Garden. This is a very confliciting for Till to do, it’s not as easy as it seems for him. In that moment when he lets go of Ivan’s hands, thats when the realiziation of everything suddenly hits him. He realizes that by leaving Anakt Garden, he is leaving Mizi. He looks up at Ivan in fear and guilt as he turns around and leaves him, not looking back. This shows that Till is aware of the weight of the decision he made. He knows what he lost, you can see him debating and struggling with this as he stands away from Ivan.
In the scene above, we can see both Ivan and Till running away together, they are holding hands and laughing together. This shows that while Till did reject Ivan and being free with him, the problem was never being with Ivan, in fact it seems he was excited for it. But the problem was leaving Mizi.
Speaking of this, we can see as the two of them are leaving, it’s important to note what they are specifically doing. Till is watching the skys, rushing forward in order to reach freedom, while Ivan watches Till, he is not looking towards the skies but focusing on Till and his reaction, this shows their priorities.
Till would’ve loved to be free, if it was with Mizi and not Ivan. Ivan would’ve loved to be with Till, even if it meant to be enslaved.
We see this pan out as Till runs back to be with Mizi. He wanted freedom, just not with Ivan. This hurts Ivan, now fully knowing his love is unrequited and as he watches Till leave him, he continues back. He is fully aware at this point that he is not loved back, and most likely will never be. But that isn’t what matters to Ivan, what matters to him is Till. He would be willing to be enslaved if it meant to be with him.
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admirxation · 1 month
˗ˏˋ admirxation's weekly fic recs ´ˎ˗
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!! dark content ahead, please read the warnings the authors have provided, and then continue at your own discretion !!
5th may '24: here are some fics i've collected this week, obviously this is not every single fic but i wanted to give some more spotlight on the ones that literally had me bouncing off the walls lmao. if anyone wants to see more recommendations i have a 'admirxation fic recs' tag if you're ever wanting to read something, and i want to try and do this every Sunday to give some love to creators. i will try to limit this to 10-20, and some weeks might be shorter cuz i don't always have to time. thank you to these creators making these fics and please give them some love
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resident evil fics
“If I gotta sin to see her again then I’m gonna lie.” [NSFW] {dad’s boss!Jack Krauser x fem!reader} ~ The reader ends up on their knees for the stranger allowed in their house; starting a fling with her fathers boss.
this was written by @mrswint3rs now i read this a bit ago but i just can’t forget about it. i love krauser content so much like there needs to be more content for this man, i love my pookie leon a feral amount but pookie bear needs to share some spotlight for the other RE guys. i am not embarrassed to admit that i keep rereading this fic, it does something to the brain chemistry. honestly the moment this girl posts more krauser fics im leaping like it’s my last meal cuz AHHHHHHH. the forceful but seductive characterisation that is written within krauser is so memorable and had me blushing and kicking my feet, and to expose myself further the secrecy tropes always get the meter going they are my guilty pleasure.
playing house [NSFW] {stepdad!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader} ~ the readers mother had passed away, leaving Leon and the reader to get closer.
this was written by @miss-oranje-disco-dancer now i always thought i wasn’t into the whole ddlg scene, before anyone things im hating i never gave hate to the concept i was just never apart of the craze if u get me, however, this fic has made me rlly rlly crave ddlg content to the point i’m wondering if the writer laced their words with crack cuz IM SO HOOKED. the gradual progression of the reader and leon is so hot, especially *spoilers for the rest of the fic* when they start sharing a bed dude the tingles i felt, and then the breeding when the reader acts so nonchalant about being bred by leon like YESSIR I NEED THIS MORE THAN ANYTHING.
Playground Love {older!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader} ~ age gap love between reader and Leon.
this was written by @j3llyd0nut . i might have a problem which how much older men fanfics i consume, like gurl its becoming a big problem… that i dont wanna fix oop- this fic doesn’t go into smut (ik what a shocker for me to be recommending something that is straight up porn lmao) but it does deal with age gaps, and i felt the way the writer portrayed it was so well written, especially with the readers’ mothers feelings to it. dating someone older comes with a mix of feelings, the envy was well encapsulated as well as the worry where it is often people try to warn. also the ending quote was such a killer (as an oscar wilde fan hehe… im an english student i love a reference).
Nerd Leon [NSFW] {nerdy!Leon Kennedy x nerdy!fem!reader} ~ Leon and the reader are both virgins who have had a crush on one another.
this was written by @nvoirs (it won’t let me tag them but you have the link to go show them some love). i love lil nerdy leon, he's so cute, especially with the pictures above the fic hehe. honestly the reader is so relatable, the idea of someone asking you out as a joke hahah ive been there too many times, no one can force me back into high school i will claw them. i quite liked the dynamic of them learning together, hehehe it's so so hot and cute at the same time and it deserves so much more love in my humble and very correct opinion.
the last of us fics
older Joel Miller [NSFW] {older!Joel Miller x afab!reader} ~ ft nervous Joel who hasn’t dated in a while and nervous to be with the reader who reassures she wants to be with him.
this was written by @pedroshotwifey and omfg i’m like the biggest simp for joel to the point it’s honestly embarrassing lmao, i feel like they wrote joel quite well and i would imagine if he was to become involved with someone again he would be nervous and be in his head about it; i found the writing of the transition back into sharing physical intimacy really well written and enjoyable, it’s not easy to do that but the author did it so well. my fav joel oneshot.
jujutsu kaisen fics
A proper send off [NSFW] {stepdad!Toji Fushiguro x fem!reader} ~ Toji puts his claim on the reader before she goes to college
this was written by @bratbby333. i feel like i died, like the author put the words on the screen and it make me curl up in a ball and squirming cuz i need toji biblically, and then i died, and then the words brought be back to heaven and then i was bonked and put into horny jail. i’m actually feral for this man. i’m feral for too many fictional men but toji is ughhhhh AHFJFKDKSKSKDDKEKSKW. i loved the descriptions of the reader almost being made for him, or more accurately, Toji making the reader made for him; the description of *SPOILERS* him moulding her pussy for his dick was YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM, i was salivating like fucking homer simpson I NEED IT.
Daddy Issues [NSFW] {stepdad!Toji Fushiguro x fem!reader} ~ reader is a brat whose stopped by her step father Toji
this was written by @nexysworld and my oh my does this girl cook, I AM THE BIGGEST NEXY FAN EVER HEHEHEHEHE. i am a new recruit to the toji fan club and boy oh boy was this the most exciting oneshot to first read after finding my love for this beautiful man. I gotta say the way nexy writes toji is honestly a game changer. like he’s such a jerk that u wanna slap, but i also am enticed by how much of a jerk he is… and perhaps wanna be slapped by him- WHO SAID THAT 👀 damn.
“well, we should probably fuck. Right?” [NSFW] {satoru gojo x fem!reader} ~ reader and gojo are trapped in the prison realm with nothing else to do.
this was written by @kingkonoha. now as we have all learnt about me liking something normally isn’t in my vocabulary; if i like a piece of media best believe im putting my whole soul into it. jjk is a new edition to my fandom endeavours and heheh gojo is my first love, im such a gojo girlie IF ANYONE COMES TO DETROY MY PEACE F OFF LMAO (gojo and toji girlie fr i am). okay if you’re a gojo girlie, kingkonoha’s writing is top tier. i loved the way they encapsulated gojo’s personality, he’s so cocky in this oneshot and ugh i just can’t help but see it so on brand for gojo; also the dirty talk in this fic is like toe curling afhdisosfheisidfhwowjwf I NEED HIM IN A WAY THAT IS CONCERNING TO FEMINISM.
The fanboy guide [NSFW] {satoru gojo x fem!reader} ~ gojo is the readers number one fan and manages to finally meet them in a meet and greet.
this was written by @kingkonoha . i love obsessing over fictional men BUT OH THIS FIC RLLY HAD THE TURNED TABLES. look i dont need anyone judging my likes, i like the idea of someone, especially gojo, obsessing over me and telling me he loves me while i ride him. girlhood = hearing i love you while riding gojo lmao. i love this creator to the point they’re probably fed up on me constantly liking their stuff haha. some bits i wanna point out, the dirty talk was like A* and the way he’s obsessed and basically babbles i love u like AFHFJSWISODODOWKWNEJ this has a chokehold on me and is like feral spray for the gojo girlies to get going lmao.
Tease [NSFW] {satoru gojo x fem!reader} ~ reader teases her sensei over text, and he later shows up at the readers door.
this was written by @dark-and-kawaii . oh look more gojo fics, are we surprised, no rlly cuz he's so hot and ugh i need him so much. i love dirty talk especially sexting it's so hot, but the fact he literally shows up at the door? i was shook but like in a horny way lmao. honestly the jealousy he feels it’s like kinda embarrassing how much i love to imagine someone all jealous over me like hehe tell me how much im in ur mind rent free HAHA. honestly i love this blog, i followed for the bg3 content and stayed for like the absolute talent in every one of their works, so much love <3
i will possess your heart [NSFW] {yandere!satoru gojo x fem!reader} ~ satoru thinks the reader belongs to him and will go any length to make that happen.
this was written by @bratbby333 . okay on this account we love a yandere, the idea of someone being so obsessed that it’s a danger to the lover, themselves and everyone around, A MUST!!!! honestly, it’s kinda baddddd how much i love these yandere oneshots but oh well it’s not like im gonna stop eating this up when everyone fr cooks. i honestly have to say this is the best yandere fic ive seen, like i was fangirling over the author over every word and punctuation they strung together, like huhhhhh it had me on a chokehold throughout it all. the journey of obsession and how far gojo went and his pathway to that was so well written, and the scene with the ex boyfriend and the heart ?!?!?!?! i was literally wide eyed like an owl going “WHAT OMFG”.
to be ex husband [NSFW] {satoru gojo x fem!reader} ~ ex bf gojo comes back in readers life and asks for a hand in marriage.
this was written by @arminsumi . lmao this fic made me have so many emotions. first of all, SHOKO MY BELOVED IS MY BESTIE I LOVE SHOKO. but the idea of gojo being an ex cuz he was a play boy i was like hmmm f u man, breaking my heart (like bruh i was so offended like i actually was the reader to the point i was like bruh i have to calm down) and then after when he’s getting all giggly with suguru im like hehehehe let the fucking commence i need me some gojo action. honestly this fic has an amazing balance of oooo this is sexy, to feelings of being a lil mad, but also comedic moments. it honestly encaptures gojo’s character so well, i was rlly impressed. also i didn’t know how much i needed someone to ask for marriage while fucking ahe
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