#it rips off his face and he’s left with a red mark and is trying to hold back tears
r0se1111 · 1 day
Stan Pines x Reader
This man won't leave my head get OUT!! Ford is a little hm... silly in this I love the guy but he was kinda crazy at this point rip. Loosely based on this. Might continue but I'll prob diverge from the og post a bit for completely selfish hurt/comfort purposes >:)
You hadn't planned on getting your best friend sucked into a portal that leads to who knows where. You'd begged him to stop, trying desperately to convince him that together you'd figure something else out. But once Fiddleford left in a fit of hysteria, there was no one else to make sure Ford didn't end up killing himself over this project.
Maybe he'd be better off that way. Not floating past incomprehensible dimensions, armed with only a pair of out-of-date glasses and a worn coat. The bitter thought crosses your mind for a moment before the crushing guilt of even considering that punches you in the gut.
But no, you had stayed by his side, his ever-faithful research assistant. Every time you saw the dark circles under his eyes, the shake in his hands, and the madness written across his pale face, your heart just broke.
So when he'd told you he had reached out to his brother for help, and when his brother actually showed up, you could have cried tears of raw relief. Stan, as he introduced himself, was a little rough around the edges, broader and a bit taller than Ford, but had the same sort of tired wild hope in his eyes as Ford did when he was convinced the portal "just has to work this time!" And when Ford snapped at you in his exhaustion, Stan was quick to fly his hand out in front of you as if he could physically shield you from your friend's words. You decided then and there that you trusted him.
Things got worse as Ford explained his plan to his brother, all but pushing him out the door in his urgency to hide those damn journals. The two quickly fell into a fist-fight, you frantically hitting at shoulders and tugging at rouge elbows as you attempted to break them apart. Then you watched, horrified, as Ford floated through the air and into the blue glowing veil of the portal, disappearing from this dimension.
You heard the power shut off, and vaguely heard Stan screaming something you couldn't make out over the ringing of your ears and beating of your heart. Your wide eyes started blankly through the circle of the portal, as if you would see Ford simply standing on the other side.
You didn't.
Hands roughly grabbed your shoulders and a figure knelt down to make eye contact with you. Before your eyes focused and you could only process the basic shapes of that face, you had a wild thought that it was Ford, that the events of the past few minutes were just a bad, stress-fueled dream. But when you returned that hard stare, you saw longer hair and a slight raised scar across a lip moving in speech.
"You can get it to work, right? You made this with him?" Stan kneaded the skin of your shoulder, whether to soothe himself or you, you couldn't tell. His voice sounded raw and tired in fear and overuse, and it cracked a little with his desperate questioning. You gulp and stand, methodically walking to the control panel and repeating steps you had practiced hundreds of times before. Except, just like 99 out of 100 times before, there was no flicker of blue, no jolt of energy that brought Ford back. You tried again. No response. Again. Nothing.
You stood there working the knobs and buttons, doing the math in your head for what seemed like hours, until your hands were numb, and you were aware of tears wetting your cheeks. That hand was back, doing that funny little kneading motion which actually did a damn good job of grounding you.
"Hey... Y/N, right?"
You jerk your head around to look at Stan and see that he had those same tell-tale wet marks running down his cheeks. He had been watching you for all that time. His lips looked red and bitten at, and he'd lost that nice warm splash of color in his face. It suddenly hits you that while you'd lost your best friend, this guy had lost his brother. A wave a nausea makes you keel over.
"Oh-oh god," You choke out, pulling away from his comforting touch. You don't deserve it, not now. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Jesus, he's your brother Stan and I- I took him away, I let him do this-"
Stan is looking at you with a complicated expression, almost like he's in physical pain. He pulls his hand away from where he'd reached out again for you and formed a tight fist against his thigh. "You didn't-" A quick, sharp sigh. "Look." He brings his hands up to fiddle with his fingers in front of his stomach. "This whole situation is fucked, and if anyone is to blame for it it's not you. I want," He cuts off into another hitched breath and you notice his hands are shaking too. "I need to fix this." Stan fixes you with a suddenly determined gaze. "But I don't know shit about..." He gestures vaguely to the mess of buttons and pasted notes before you.
"You want my help." You don't ask, because there's no question about it. Of course you're helping. Even if this Stan guy had kicked you out and told you to get lost, you'd figure something out to get Ford back. Even if Stan turns out to be completely hopeless and obnoxious, you are staying in this sleepy little town and this run-down shack until your friend is home.
Stan nods, and the way he mutters a hoarse "please" makes you think he's not used to how that word feels, tastes. He's tangling his fingers together again, looking like a guilty kid awaiting his punishment. Your heart clenches. This guy is gonna kill me. You decide then and there that you were going to take good care of him.
This time it's you who reaches forward to press the weight of your hand into his shoulder. "I promise you, Stan, I'm not going anywhere until Ford is back."
Stan looks up at you and you realize those dark eyes you can never say no to run in the family. You spend a moment categorizing Stan's features, how his mouth twitches a little further left when he frowns, and how his strong nose looks a little snow-burned, red and raw. You stare at him a bit longer, feeling penitent and dizzy with the weight of the night's events.
Turning back to the control panel, you pick up a notebook haphazardly leaned against the wall the panel was tucked into. You flip it open to a miraculously blank page and rummage through your pocket for your spare pen. You let Stan lean into your space then begin writing. "So, quantum mechanics..."
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goatman647 · 6 months
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Cacapoopoo quality jaaeeebnnn vick mar
This is it I’m finally learning how to draw all of my favs all of my little favorite guys ever except for trant I need to prepare 20 days in advance before drawing that guy (I’m putting it off because I don’t want to figure out what his face looks like when he’s not smiling)
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senseichaos · 8 months
Alastor is low-key a psychopathic sadist in this so you've been warned
Alastor predator / prey play.
In episode 3 you can see his room which half of is a forest-swamp-like interior. But what if it was a forest?
"Alright dear.. I'm going to ask you to run into this forest," he begins, teeth so largely grinning you can see his gums poking in it. His eyes glow darkly and he leans in slightly closer "And I'll chase after you, and when I catch you.."
His scleras turn a black and his horns begin to grow. You shiver, shirnking away from him as he speaks. His words come out distorted, a thin crackling accompanying them:
"I'll delight in your body, no matter if you scream and cry.. I'll tear every piece of innocence from your pliant figure many times until you admit that I own every piece of you.." he trails a single claw down my chin, causing you to gulp. His eyes send you into a sort of trance, their deep red shine making your knees weak.
"Sound good, my fawn?" He asks, eyes softening as he brushes his hands through your locks.
You nod. You shouldn't have. But you did.
And then he lets go of you, smiling manically as you shiver under his gaze. Alastor licks his lips, black tongue poking from his lips. You cry beneath your breath, already feeling a sort of terror go though your body even though he hasn't commanded you yet.
And then he does
"Run" he growls, and you're off.
You run despite your shaky legs and aching feet. You jump over logs and rake yourself through bushes. You don't once look behind you, and Alastor doesn't seem close by, anyway. So you take a sharp turn, almost tripping in the process as you run in that direction; I hope that this decision means that he'll be far behind. Perhaps you could even find a place to hide.
A sudden rustling comes from a bush to your left, and this stupidity causes you to look towards it as you run; with this uncaring look comes a consequence: you trip over a root on the swampy forest floor, making your body shoot forward and fall into the grass. You cough rather loudly, shaking your face as you attempt to get up.
Fuck. Your ankle is twisted to shit. How are you supposed to run? You look around wearily, dragging yourself across the ground by your arms to try to find any sort of hiding place in this barren wasteland of trees and small bushes.
Then your ears catch a noise.
It's stomping. You hear stomping.
"Little fawn? Come out for daddy.." Alastor says, walking nearby.
You feel a terror shoot from my body, and you shuffle away as fast as you can. To get behind anything. You see his silhouette to your left, so with a determination you crawl (or rather shimmy) behind the nearby bush.
Fuck, the bush rustles as your body passes by it, and Alastor is now looking in your direction completely. From his silhouette you can see that he isn't in his regular form. No. He has those large deer horns poking from his head, and his upper body is larger as is the rest of his body.
And there's that glow. That glow of his red irises and Yellow smile as he looks. As he looks in your direction. As he looks in your eyes.
You are suddenly appreciative that Alastor isn't in his full demon form. Or he may rip you shreds by his claws. He doesn't stalk towards you yet. He just smiles wider, not breaking his eye contact whatsoever as he just stands.
But before you could even pry yourself from his gaze, he's running.
You scream, trying to stand but your ankle buckles beneath you; this makes you fall on your chest as you glance wearily backwards. Just as you glance backwards, he's on top of you.
You scream rips through the air again, feeling searing pain go through you as he rips your clothes up to shreds. He doesn't care for the fact his claws leave scratches and marks against your back, all he cares for is ruining that innocence you harbour. When you whimper he aggressively pushes you down so your face hits the ground and your arms lay splayed next to you, laughing to himself as he tears your panties off of your mound harshly. He flips you over again, wanting to see your dirty face after it's been shoved into the ground.
"Little fawn.. how drenched you are~" Alastor purrs, dragging a clawed finger through your wetness. The sharpness of it just barely stimulates your clit, causing you to moan as you attempt to close your legs. Alastor doesn't like that. As soon as he sees you attempt this he forces his hands around your thighs, pushing them open until you cry out in pain from the force.
"Don't test me, little fawn.." He growls, his gums showing from his manic smile. It makes you aroused in a way you can't describe. For a moment he looks at your ankle, which is bruised from the fall you took. What you didn't expect is for him to grin at this, before shifting his eyes back to your own teary ones.
"you seemed to have twisted your ankle my dear!" He leans down his nose barely brushing against your own as his claws dig into your plush thighs. "That means you can't run away.. how convenient for me," Alastor growls, finally moving one of his hands from your thigh so he can wrap his hands around your neck, forcing you to tilt your head backwards. This gives him the opportunity to bite into the area where your neck meets your shoulder.
First he just licked the area with his black tongue, causing you to shiver at the way his gaunt body leans over you. Then he barely nibbles the area, making you squirm in a way that Alastor doesn't like. He digs his claws further into your thigh as a punishment.
And then without warning, he bites down, his teeth sinking completely into your shoulder. You scream out, tears falling down your cheeks as you shake from the sheer pain of it all. When he starts to withdraw his teeth you scream again, sobbing loudly as the pain shoots through your entire body.
When he fully withdraws, he just smiles, admiring his work. Blood pours from the wound quickly, and you could feel yourself losing a lot of blood.
Thankfully, Alastor loves you enough to not kill you. So he withdraws his hands from your neck and clicks his fingers, the blood moving back into your body before a bandage appears on it.
"Can't have my fawn bleed out, can i? What would Charlie say!?" He laughs, his black sclera darkening as he wipes away your tears. You whimper like a dog, lower lip wobbling as you open your eyes. You and Alastor just stare into each other's eyes for a moment, taking in each other and each other's flaws. He is smiling, you are crying.
What you fail to notice in this moment is Alastor unbuckling his pants, pulling his cock from the confines of his boxers and pants so his tip barely kisses against your entrance. When you notice this you whimper, trying to draw yourself away from him. Though Alastor just pulls you back by your twisted ankle, causing you to gasp in pain from the way he does it.
"Little fawn, there is no use in running away from me," he tilts his head, licking his lips as he presses the tip of his cock flush at your entrance. "You've been caught already, my dear!" He laughs, and without warning plunging his cock into your entrance.
You scream his name, moving your hands to cover your mouth. Alastor laughs, his black tentacles appearing from the ground to pry your hands from your mouth, holding them down. "It's much more fun when I can hear you scream for me, isn't it dear?" He laughs, drawing his hips back before thrusting harshly into your core again. You moan, teary eyes rolling backwards with a sort of agonizing pleasure.
"How tight you are, Little fawn," He says, pushing your thighs into your chest so he has better access to your holes. Each thrust he gives you makes you moan loudly, though Alastor doesn't even so much as grunt. He just grins as he watches your innocence leave you with a prideful gaze.
"S'too much! Fuck!" You yell, feeling his tip brush against your cervix painfully. Though Alastor only laughs, closing his eyes and laughing as he speeds up his thrusts. The tentacles around your arms tighten as you attempt to move them, Alastor's brows furrowing with his laughter.
You couldn't even understand his motive anymore. Is he enjoying having you beneath him? To the point where he humors it?
"Oh, how funny you are my little fawn," He says, moving one of his left hand from your thigh to wipe away a tear of laughter. As he puts his hand back on your thigh he tilts his head, speaking: "But I already said I don't care if you want to stop,"
"You already agreed to this, didn't you?" He says, and you scream with a painful pleasure.
"You wanted this."
His thrusts become manic in pace and you can't help but give up on moving. He's in complete control of you now. He's in control of your feelings, he's in control of your thoughts, he's in control of your body, he's in control of your pleasure. He owns you now. And there's nothing you can do but take it.
You'd take anything he'd give you.
With a whimper and a sob you cum on his cock, walls clamping around his length as he bites his lip. He watches your face the entire time, a snarky and prideful look on his features as you come loose around him.
Once you finish, here comes that horrible overstimulation that makes you gasp for air. How has he not came yet? You had no answer.
"My little fawn, too bad I cannot breed you. I guess this will just have to do.." he says, serving you one last harsh thrust as he empties his load inside of you. And he cums a lot, like- a lot a lot. You can feel your stomach bulging every so slightly with his cum as he leans down, kissing your cheek.
"Oh thank God," you sigh, happy that the sex is finally over.
"God!? Ha!" He laughs pulling out of you.
You begin to sit up, but Alastor's tentacles hold you down. He tuts, grinning as he presses his cock head against your anus.
"Who said we were done, Little Fawn?
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jjoongstar · 1 month
𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔
➺pairing: hongjoong x afab!reader
➺genre: nsfw, pure filthy smut, slight humour at the end
➺wc: 1.6k
➺warnings: overstimulation, penetration, protective sex, choking, squirting, mirror sex, missionary, doggy, fingering, scratching, biting, marking, spanking (tell me if i miss any!)
➺synopsis: he fucks her too good & too much up to her limits :D
➺a/n: my first smut that I'm posting here, so sorry in advance, pls spare me😓
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what? your head still in a daze while hongjoong ties off the used condom filled with his seed, tossing it away and he slips on a new one. your body is aching but looking down at hongjoong's girth, its still thick and throbbing. he pulls you by the ankle and inserts himself back in and you elicit a loud moan in surprise.
he grips your hips tightly and his thrusts into you are hard and needy. his eyes full of lust. he moans out your name out loud. along with praising you how good you made him feel. your pussy hugs his dick so well, like it was molded perfectly to fit him.
he knew you were close when he felt your pussy clenching around his dick. he moves in and out faster and you grip the bed sheets beside you and you came all over him. again. "fuck, baby, you feel good?" he slows down his movements before you nod simply at his words that could barely hear.
he continues on moving faster not letting you fully recover from your high. your legs shaking over the stimulation he gave you. he felt leans in closer to you burying his face at your neck. "I'm so close," he pants out, feeling his breath tickling your ear.
his last thrust made you jolt up a bit. you felt his body tense and his cum spurts out of his dick into the condom. you could still feel it inside you.
"god you're making me insane," he slips out the used condom and puts on a new one.
you look at up at him in disbelieve. he's right. he is insane. you've lost count how many rounds it went, how many orgasms you both had, how long you two had been going, even the time. what time is it now? who knows. not that he cares anyway.
he flips you over and grabs your hip pulling it upward. you have no energy left in you and you flop your head onto the mattress. all of your movements were guided fully by the man in charge.
spreading your legs a little wider, he slips himself back into your hole. even after all that, your pussy still feels tight to him. he moans out loud as he molest your ass making you feel back the arousal in you and lands his hands flat onto your skin making you yelped.
every time he went back and forth, drilling his thick cock into your dripping pussy, he spanks your ass cheeks. tills its red and tingling in pain. he loves to see you in this state. all fucked up as he fucks you from behind, leaving his handprints on your butt. you love it too. it felt so good every time he connects his hand to your skin, you moan out his name in pleasure, thanking him so much for it. it had your drooling, painting the bedsheet in splodges of a darker shade than its original colour.
you raise your hand weekly, trying to reach out to him from behind. the tingling feeling in your stomach builds up again. he notices the it and the way your legs are slightly twitching. "come together with me baby," he left his hand from your hips and makes its way to your head, tracing your spine before he grabs a fistful of your hair from your scalp. he tugs it back, gentle but firm. a final thrust from and you both came, but he didn't slow down. instead he went for a few fast thrust before pulling out, making you scream out his name. he puts you down, letting you lay on your side.
you were catching your breath, chest heave up and down, you felt so tired, your throat hurts, your back is in pain, your legs sore, heck, your whole body is aching. your eyes glued on hongjoong, as he gets up from bed and repeats the same process. you sigh in defeat and close your eyes shut upon seeing him rip another condom packet. here we go again.
your eyes shot open when you were dragged by him to the edge of the bed, in front of the tall body mirror standing against the wall. he sits down at the edge and lifts you off for a while then pushes yourself on his still hard dick. he kisses your shoulder blade when you whimpers at him. reassuring you that its fine.
"be a good girl for me, love," he spreads your legs wider by his leg and hooks each of them to his, locking you in place.
his hip movements were slow as he just wants to grind himself with his dick in you. his hand moves around touching every single part of your body. he squeezes both of you breast making you let out a long moan. he fondles them roughly enough making you feel a bit better from the constant ache.
he trails wet kisses all over your back and neck, biting, sucking, licking, marking. you felt like being branded by him at this point by all of the marks he left on your body. he moves his dominant hand to your pulsing wet pussy. he stripes down your fold collecting all the liquid that came out of you from the previous rounds with two of his fingers and he puts then in his mouth, savouring every single drop.
"fuck, you taste so good, babe," he lets out his fingers and grabs your jaw forcing you to face him as he kisses your lips. it wasn't rough, but sloppy and wet. his tongue dives into your mouth, exploring every corner. he pushes out the liquid in his mouth into yours. he wants you to taste yourself that was mix with the taste of his mouth. he pulls away when he felt your grip on his thigh, telling him you were out of breath. he looks at you and bites his lip, holding a smile back from himself. he loves the way you look right now. the way your eyes bore into his, half lidded, your hazy mind, your swollen lips, the string of saliva connecting your both lips, and your overall disheveled, fucked out state.
while you were distracted by his beautiful eyes, his well sculpture nose, his gorgeous face, he used the same hand from before and rubs your swollen clit. back and forth, up and down, side to side. every movement made you feel like electricity flowing into your body. it didn't take long for you to cum on his fingers. you cry out for his name and arch your bare back against his chest when he didn't let you ride out your high and instead moves faster.
your legs getting numb you can't feel your toes anymore, you grab onto his thighs so firm, digging your nails deep, knowing it'll leave indents and you pull your nails, scratching his plump bare thighs, it hurts like its bleeding, and he loves it so much, be groans into your ear. you feel a tight knot swirling inside your lower abdomen and you cry your lungs out when the feeling went out of your pussy.
"shit, that's so hot, look at you!" he exclaims and you look at him through the mirror, you gasped in shock with your view. you just squirted and the liquid was everywhere. the floor, hongjoong's hands, his legs, the mirror even. you slump back, resting your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes trying to calm yourself.
but obviously hongjoong is not having it as you felt his dick twitch inside you. he lifts you off and lays you on you back in the middle of the bed. the air in the bedroom smell nothing else but sex. your whole body felt sticky, smeared with all kind of juices.
"i haven't cum yet sweetheart," was all you heard before he made his way into you again.
"hongjoong please, let's stop for a bit-" you whine at him but he shuts you up by attaching his lips to yours. muffling every sound from you. after he devours you lips, leaving you in a trance, he lifts off your leg raising it over his shoulder and he starts drilling himself. again.
"h-hongjoong, wait!" he didn't wait, obviously. he wraps his hands around your throat, firmly enough to make you roll your eyes back.
"look at me when i fuck your brains out, baby," he orders you but his voice sounds like a blur to you. he grips your neck a bit tighter than before, shaking your face a bit, enough to bring your attention back at him and you moans out at the feeling, crying out for him.
but this time, you felt different. your whole body hissing in pain, your pussy aching, your head feels dizzy, you can't feel any of your limbs anymore and your vision went dark and your mind went out too.
"y/n?" hongjoong slows down his thrust and finally stopped when you didn't respond and your body went limp.
"Y-Y/N WAKE UP!!" he slaps your face a few times gently. he quickly pulled out when you gave him the same reaction.
he ran towards the bedside table, grabbing his phone, quickly unlocks it and towards the phone app.
"hongjoong? why...what's wrong?" the voice of the receiver croaks in a raspy voice.
"uhhh i kinda fuck her too good??"
"how long...."
hongjoong pulls out the phone away from his ear, checking at the time and he lets out a small gasp. 4.07 am.
"hongjoong....SINCE WHEN?!" seonghwa notices the silence and speaks up first.
"since after we came back from dinner around 11...ish something??"
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taglist: @engentiny
can send an ask to be on the taglist <3
network: @othersideoutlawsnetwork
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callsign-songbird · 7 months
This was supposed to be a short rambling and ended up turning into a mini fic lol. I know the tense shifts, I know it's sloppy lol
Anyway, Simon has a sweetheart who gets kidnapped and gets to meet "Ghost" for the first time.
The first time you meet Ghost, it's supposed to be carefully planned and controlled. After all, Simon was so worried about opening that part of himself up to you. To you, he was Simon. Soft, introverted, sweet, desperately trying to break a cycle of generational trauma. You had never met Ghost.
But, of course, nothing in Simon's life can go according to plan, and when you have people that mean something to you, they become weaknesses. So, when you get kidnapped by a Russian military company with the intel that you were important to Task Force-141? Ghost has already burnt down the world once, you're sure as hell that he would do it again for his love. So, when you meet Ghost, it isn't carefully rehersed and planned like Simon wanted. No.
Instead, you're terrified, bound, and gagged on a cold concrete floor wearing little more than your skivvies as tears stream down your face. Then, out of the blue, gunfire and shouting rings through the halls. Stealth be damned, as soon as their cover is blown, you know that Ghost will fight like a rabbit animal. He barges into your cell, tackling a man against the wall with a knife to his throat and a gun at his head.
Those eyes that had looked at you so softly and tenderly were completely unrecognizable when they were this wide and intense, wild with bloodlust. "Where is the girl?" He spits out in fluent Russian before his eyes catch sight of you.
A single bullet through the soldiers' skull, splattering Ghost with even more viscera and gray matter. Ghost doesn't even seem phased as he holsters his pistol and pulls away, letting the body drop with a sickening thud. He walks brazenly up to you, but pauses as he notices the way you frantically back yourself into the corner, trying desperately to stay away from this monster who had surely come to drag you from one hell to the next.
Then, he crouches down and outstretches a gentle hand to you, letting you come to him. He called your name so sweetly, and that was a voice you recognized. You tried to muffle out his name through the rag shoved into your mouth and tied around your head. That earned a low chuckle, a dangerous one that you hadn't heard before. "Not quite, love. Ghost. Now, let's get you home, eh?"
Ghost. The name echoed in your mind, bouncing around as you tried to remember where you had heard it before. Your eyes flicked over to the corpse splayed in the doorway of your cell, making you nearly vomit in your mouth before looking away. Ghost shifted closer, using the knife still in his hand to cut through the rough ropes binding you. "Bloody hell... idiots didn't even use chains, could have escaped right easy, you could of." Ghost muttered, mostly to himself. The words were terrifying to hear.
He reached to untie your gag next, a chuckle rumbling lowly in his chest as you flinch away. He gives you half a second to compose yourself before he unceremoniously rips the gag off of you and tosses it to the side. Red marks are etched into your cheeks where the gag had dug in, and the sight makes Ghost seeth. "Oh, love..." His words are soft, but his tone is enraged, as if those marks alone could start his new crusade.
"LT!" Blue eyes and a neatly groomed Warhawk pop into the door, stepping casually over the corpse as the new face made his way over to you. "This her, LT?" A thick Scottish accent was present, along with a bit of thinly veiled appreciation. "Off limits Johnny, this is her. This is my girl."
Whenever Simon called you his, it was soft and reverent, as if astonished that he could call someone so precious his. But when Ghost said it? It was commanding, possessive, and left no room for argument. You were his. And that thought was almost scary.
Ghost wasted no more time, scooping you up into his arms and making their way quickly through the facility you had only caught glances of while Ghost and Johnny talked in some military jargon you didn't understand.
That's when you noticed it.
Even though Ghost was holding you so tight and close, even though his touches seemed so rough and careless, even though he was splattered with all sorts of blood and viscera, you had none of it on you. Ghost had been so careful with his touches, with how he held you, determined not to stain and taint your delicate skin with the fuel to his fire, the essence of his soul. And that was quite possibly when you realized that 'Simon' and 'Ghost' were merely two sides of the same coin. And they were both yours as much as you were theirs. his.
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 months
Marked : The Rite (VII.)
A Masterlist for The Rite is HERE A link to my regular Masterlist is HERE Summary: (7) Shaken from Loki's exit, you seek counsel from the wisest person you know. As does Loki. And twin moons aren't the only thing coming together. Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Smut. Mild angst. Asgardians behaving badly. More smut. (w.c 5.2k)
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Loki didn’t know whose hands were touching him, whose breath was on his neck, whose empty congratulations were ringing in his ears.
He was halfway down the aisle before he realised you weren’t with him. Loki turned, trying to stop the tide of bodies sweeping him away.
Did I leave her?!
The moments after the announcement were a blur. He'd meant to take your hand, to pull you up with him...but —
I didn't. I left her.
The riotous blob burst into a small feasting hall near the Rite chamber with long tables laid with glazed hams and towers of pastries. Thor slapped Loki’s back hard enough to leave a mark.
"Is she getting changed? Is she coming?" Loki glanced over his shoulder, drawing the sash tight around his hips. It didn’t make much difference, being that the robe was translucent, but he needed something for his hands to do. “Don’t be absurd, brother.” A tankard was shoved into his hand. “Sif came to the festivities after your Rite—”
“Yes but Sif was a warrior, and a member of the inner circle." Thor’s face scrunched. ‘Your one is…” Loki’s face hardened. “Is what?”
Thor’s laugh made the ale ripple. “Come, Loki, be serious. She’s not one of us. You have what you wanted, your place in Asgard’s Royal line. You can stop playing the cunt-struck lovelorn, now.” Loki stiffened, setting the tankard down purposefully on the table. "She loves me."
"Yes, and?" Thor shrugged, a grin spreading across his face. "She isn’t the first, she won’t be the last. Who cares about her? Enjoy the—”
Loki smacked the tankard from Thor’s grip. It flew across the hall at force, hitting Fandral between the shoulder blades. He spun. “—I care...brother,” Loki hissed, so close to Thor’s face he could smell the pepper-roasted ham he’d been guzzling between idiocies.
“All my life I’ve been surrounded by people like you, thinking I was the one who should linger in shadow; the one who didn’t fit; who didn’t deserve the life he had.” His molars pressed together, growing more incensed with each of Thor’s vacant, casual chews. “But it was the rest of you that needed to change. She sees me for who I am, and she loves me.”
Thor rolled his eyes. “Did that witch Lagertha slip her some magic potion to smear on her lady-bits? Brother, you’re acting most unlike yourself.” Loki’s hand flew to Thor’s throat, lifting him off the floor.
The blonde’s face turned red instantly, struggling against his grip. No one tried to intervene, they knew better than that. With a growl, Loki lowered him, but he didn’t release the grip on Thor’s windpipe.
“Perhaps I’ve been concealing the true fury I hold inside me, brother,” Loki hissed in his ear, enjoying the desperate swallow as he struggled for air. “Boys, boys,” Fandral smarmed, edging them apart. “Your brother’s right, Lo—ki,” Fandral said, sliding an arm around his shoulder and grasping against the chiffon clinging to his muscle. “Enjoy yourself, hmm? Forget that pretty nothing. Tonight, perhaps you’ll indulge in something more…on your level.” He winked, curling a loose strand of Loki’s top knot around a fingertip. “I told her not to get attached. It’s not your fault if she did, she was warned.” Realisation hit Loki like a chariot.
“What did you say to her?” he growled, noting the sudden fear in Fandral’s eyes. The man stumbled back, tripping over a pair of ridiculous satin shoes. Before he could hit the floor Loki’s arm shot out, grabbing the cravat bunched at Fandral’s neck and pulling him up. Fandral slammed against Loki’s chest, nails ripping down the fabric of his robe and tearing into chest muscle. “I’m sorry, I’m sorr—” “What…did you say to her?” An arctic silence had fallen over the feasting hall. Pain clawed beneath Loki’s skin, but he ignored it. Blood was already starting to clot between the minuscule weave. “That you were trying to make her fall in love with you, which, wh-which you did—”
“—And?” Loki shook him, making Fandral’s coiffured golden curl wobble loose. “—A-and that you’d discard her,” he choked, eyes darting manically to the ceiling. “Which…you did.”
Loki punched in the face: right on top of the fastenings covering his re-set nose from last night. Fandral whimpered as Loki punched him again, only stopping because of the tidal wave of arms pulling him off. He thrashed, throwing his fists and swiftly receiving one himself. Loki’s face wrenched to the side, the knot atop his head falling and the golden snake clip bouncing to the stone below. “Brother, stop…” Thor shook his fist, knuckles blossoming scarlet. Loki’s stare fell on Fandral, being hoisted between two guards out the room. He pressed his cheek, wincing. “I avoided your nose, at least,” Thor said. “But it will bruise, for certain.” “Fuck you, brother,” Loki spat.
He didn’t indulge the hands that grasped at him, half-drunk, petitioning him to stay at his own celebrations. He could still taste your delicate arousal on his tongue, and hear the unspoken words hanging in the air between the two of you.
I love you, your eyes had said, even before the enchanted robe confirmed it. He wondered if his had, too. What must she think of me?
The guards opened the golden door separating the inner palace from the outer court. Their eyes fell down his body, but they said nothing. Under normal circumstances, Loki could materialise a more modest outfit with a wave of his hand, but his emotions were too high; his magic was too unstable. So, for now, any members of the court milling around would have a scene to tell their grandchildren about: Loki of Asgard, resplendent in his Rite robe, cock hanging free – on the way to salvage the love he thought he’d never find — if she'd still have him. Quick footsteps pattered behind him and Loki whipped around, fire flashing in his eyes. Håkon stood masked in shadow, a low hood covering his face. “What are you doing here?” Loki said, not bothering to hide the exasperation in his voice. Håkon shrugged. “I thought you might need me. When you messed up, you know?” Loki folded his arms, suddenly aware the boy was seeing him practically naked, but Håkon’s eyes were set firmly on his own, even when a pair of leather pants materialised around Loki's lower limbs. “What do you mean when I messed up?” Loki scoffed, feeling his ears burn. “Why—?”
Håkon sighed. “—Do you know where her rooms are?” A swallow worked down Loki’s throat, common sense spreading now that his heart had slowed. “No.” Håkon smirked in a way that Loki felt entirely responsible for. “Exactly. Come on, let me help you for once.” Loki’s heart wrenched a little at the sentiment, quickly diluted by the whisper of ‘idiot,’ as Håkon passed him. And then it was his turn to smirk.
The boy led him through a maze of corridors Loki had never seen before, up three flights of stairs and to the furthest wing of the court. Your door was open, but to his dismay, Loki quickly realised you weren’t there. Clothes lay strewn across the floor, emptied from a dresser.
“Where is she?” Loki growled to no one, and Håkon shrugged lightly. “Depends what you did, master,” he said, glancing out the door and down the corridor. “But she’s gone, alright.”
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No one had tried to stop you. And really, that said it all.
You’d made straight for the baths and shrugged off the ceremonial robe, pulling on your old day dress as quickly as possible. You’d run to your chambers with bare feet slapping against stone, slamming the door behind you with wild eyes and wilder thoughts.
I have to get out of here. You couldn’t stay here where you were a figure of ridicule; where everyone knew you loved Loki enough to satisfy some ancient magic and his first thought had been an ale, and the approval he so desperately wanted.   A place of honour, yeah right. Anger curdled in your gut. He hadn’t even said thank you. Bastard.
You bit back tears as a bag was stuffed with all the necessities you could think of. It would take a few days to arrange travel somewhere far away from here, maybe back to your family. But until then, you couldn’t sit here waiting for whatever pity knock came at the door. And there was only one place that came to mind. “Oh,” Lagertha said, peeping through the gap in the bronze door of the Weaving Tower. Moonlight smoothed the deep wrinkles of her face, and the bobble of a sleeping cap hung by the sheet of fabric draped down her chest. She peered to either side, groggy eyes blinking back to your face. “Got Loki exhausted and begging for mercy already? You better be here to spill all the details - I’m a little old for girl talk but I’ll do my best.” She smiled as she said it, but it was wary.
When you didn’t reply she added, ‘…What’s he done?” And then, you started to cry.
Lagertha ushered you inside, bringing you to a small door at the back of the ground floor. Through the haze of tears, you couldn’t even appreciate that the door that had appeared from nowhere on the smooth circular wall, opening into a homely set of rooms. She plonked you at a small table and set about making tea while you heaved out the important details: ceremony, amazing, loved him, left.
Lagertha sighed. She drooped into the chair opposite and pushed a steaming cup of something herbal in your direction. You blew a wet snort into the sleeve of your dress. “Blessed Norns, dear. We may not be royals, but we’re not animals.” She fished in a pocket of her nightdress. “Here,” she said, offering a suspiciously crinkled handkerchief. You took it, blew into it, and she sighed again. “I’m sure he meant well, love.” “He left me!” you gasped, high and squeaky. Your eyes itched from tears and Lagertha grimaced. “He didn’t say a word, let himself be dragged off by the people he claims to despise all telling him how fucking great he was…Fandral was right. I’m nothing to him.” You folded your head in your hands, staring at the table. “I never liked that Fandral,” Lagertha said after a pause. Her chair creaked. “Never trust a man with more shoes than sense, that’s what my mother always said.” A small laugh erupted in your throat. And soon afterwards, the stone weighing in your stomach was dust. Temporarily, at least. When the teapot was empty, she showed you to a small bedroom beside her own holding a long single bed, and not much else. A nightdress was folded on it, woven by Lagertha. The threads shimmered in moonlight. “I can’t magic you up a four-poster bed, I’m afraid,” she said with a sad smile. “But I can guarantee you’ve never slept on finer sheets.” You shook your head. “No, it’s perfect…thank you, Lagertha.” And as you curled your knees to your chest, staring at the wall, you tried not to think about Loki’s eyes as he kissed the inside of your knee; of his warm breath in your ear as the syllables of your name lingered on his tongue, and the hope you'd felt. That was the worst of it. You were trying so hard not to think about it, you almost didn’t hear a knock at the front door.
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“What do you want?” Lagertha hissed. You stood with an ear pressed tightly to the wood separating the front door of Lagertha’s quarters to the main entrance of the Tower. A low voice rumbled in response. “I don’t know what to tell you,” Lagertha said. “She doesn’t want to see you.”
“…Safe?” the voice mumbled. It sounded sad. Is it…? You pulled the door open.
Loki stood in the entrance, that broad shouldered silhouette unmistakeable. Shards of liquid moonlight dashed across the wild hair spread over his shoulders. He still wore the ceremonial robe, but the intricate folds were tangled and now he was wearing a pair of those — fucking —leather trousers that clung to every insane muscle. And then, breath caught in your throat. A bruise the colour of stormclouds was spreading under Loki’s eye socket, and a deep scratch ran from his heart down to the oblique on his left side.
He gasped your name, lunging forwards – but Lagertha stopped him with a delicate press to his chest. He looked at her, and then at you. “I need to speak to you,” he pleaded. “I can explain, it’s not what you—" You raised a hand. Part of you wanted to run into his arms and tell him to shut up and kiss him into oblivion. But another part, the sensible part, knew that nothing had changed. Not really. Lagertha looked between the two of you.
“Why don’t the two of you have a little chat, hmm?” You said nothing, staring at Loki. He was breathing heavily. Did he run all the way from the palace? How did he know I was gone? Butterflies erupted in your stomach as you noted the twitch of his fingers by his sides, the frantic dart of his eyes over your face, his lips itching to say the words jostling behind them.
Lagertha rose her eyebrows at you, and you nodded in confirmation. She made a fist at the thin material on Loki’s chest and pulled him inside. The bronze door slammed. The god smoothed his hair back, his abdomen twitching. “Upstairs is about as private as it gets,” Lagertha said breezily, shuffling across the floor. Her bare feet whispered across polished marble. “Just…try not to throw him out the window, will you?” she asked as she passed, patting your shoulder. “The kids need those hams from the palace.”
You lowered your gaze as her wizened hand lingered and then slid into the darkness beyond with the rest of her. And the next thing you felt was the gentle touch of a finger trailing up your jawline. “Little Ow—" “—Don’t.” The finger flinched. Your vision started to blur. “I’m so embarrassed, Loki,” you whispered, hoping he couldn’t hear the waver in your voice. His brows peaked.
“Come upstairs,” he said, letting the fingers graze down your arm and tentatively cupping your hand. Loki led you up the staircase, his perfect ass shifting in those ridiculous leather pants. You bit your lip, trying to douse the hope building in your gut. That hope always got you in trouble. The measuring room looked different by moonlight. A wide bar of white spilt through the solitary window. Outside, Asgard's twin moons were almost in perfect alignment. Once every 500 years, you thought lazily. The chaise in the corner was still in the same place you’d first seen the god draped over it, the first place you’d seen the hint in his eyes there could be something more.
He dropped your hand, pacing to the centre of the room, and spread his arms, turning in a solemn circle. Loki looked up beneath his lashes, the bruise shadowing one half of his face, and moonlight dashing the other. “I am, who I am,” he said with a tinge of bitterness. Loki’s tongue nipped over his lips, trepidation flashing on his features. “To everyone…I am the prince of pleasure. I am usually drunk, mostly rude, or having sex…or all three.” You rolled your eyes, arms folding over the thin nightdress. “But then…I met you,” he finished. He crossed the room, a hand sliding around your waist. “Years in the palace shovelled dirt on the person who I am, who I want to be. I felt like I was…mad. But with you, I feel whole. I can be…free.”
His lips brushed yours, hovering. “When they said The Rite had been successful…I was blinded by everything I always thought I wanted. Everything I’d been conditioned to want by that awful place, just for a moment," he said, voice catching against the short puffs of your breath into his mouth.
“But what I truly want…is you. And you owe me nothing, I know that. But I need you to know that I —” You threw your arms around his neck, pulling him to your lips, tongue demanding entry as he stumbled back and clasped his hands at your back.
“I love you, Loki,” you gasped through messy kisses. "You fucking fool, I do...I just thought, I thought..."
He pulled away. The dark, tangled halo of his hair framed the angles of his face. Loki’s eyes were black in the gloom, a small sliver of blue ringing blown pupils. He cupped your jaw, and brushing a thumb over your parted lips. “I love you in ways I thought weren’t possible, I love—”
Your body moulded to him like a magnet, tongue exploring his it was the first time. His hands cupped the base of your skull as one of yours worked down his chest, down his waist. Loki hissed, jolting back. “I’m sorry,” you said, glancing at the ragged scratch. “What happened?” “Fandral,” he muttered, but before you could ask his mouth was on yours again. You squeezed his cock through the tight leather as Loki unwound his hands from your hair and shrugged the ceremonial robe from his shoulders. “Can we…you know... now?” you breathed against his chest as your eager fingers pulled at his laces. Loki’s chest shook with silent laughter but all he said was, “Yes. If you want to.” You looked up, scandalised. “If I want to? Are you mad?” Loki’s hands stilled around yours. The tip of his cock was hard against your fingers, and all you wanted to do was dig down the narrow gap of the fabric and squeeze; feel him tremble under the weight of how much you wanted every part of him. “If you don’t want me anymore, if The Rite was too much and now you have doubts…you’re under no obligation to—”
“—Fuck you?” A smirk curled at one side of Loki’s mouth. “Well, yes.”
“You’re every bit the arsehole they say you are,” you said, poking the centre of his chest, “you’re vain, and brash, and arrogant…” Loki’s smile grew, sinking slowly to his knees. “Keep talking, darling. Ruin me.” His thumbs and forefingers curled above your knees, working upwards and raising the hem of your nightdress with it. “Proud, and mouthy…but…you’re also kind, and generous and, oh-gods,” Loki’s mouth fastening to your clit, suckling gently. Your fingers raked through his hair, pulling his face tighter to the heat between your legs. In the pearl-slick gloom, there was only you and him; Lagertha's fabrics glistening like exotic bird wings in the half light. Your legs trembled and Loki’s hands flew to your ass, balancing as you staggered through orgasm with a rush of his name.
Sinking to the floor under his guidance, your lips met; whispers of ‘I love you,’ cracked the stillness while Loki waved his hand, and soft fur rugs unfurled from nothing on the floor.
You pressed against his chest, nudging him onto his back. Light kisses were peppered on his bruised under eye, down the line of his nose, across his parted lips. You travelled down his neck, tongue nipping over the thick vein straining and dipping into the hollow of Loki’s collarbone. “Please,” he gasped quietly, nails scraping lovingly down the ridges of your spine, “I need you, I’m begging you, darling.”
“A Prince? Begging?” Tutting softly, you straddled his hips, scooting down the god’s long legs and pulling the leather trousers as you went. Loki laughed as you threw them to the side and kissed up his perfect femurs, and then up the trail of the scratch on his stomach. His cock nestled between the swell of your breasts, pre-cum leaking into the fabric of the nightdress. “No…” Loki whined with feigned frustration. Or maybe not feigned, you thought with a thrill. His cock was incredibly hard, flat to his stomach, the tip dripping fat beads of arousal to the skin below. He arched his back, his eyes flashing with a primordial need. Your grip tightening around the girth, and Loki released a guttural choke. With a deft swoop, you captured the crown of his cock in your mouth. Loki was silent for a moment, and then, he moaned.
It was the most beautiful sound you’d ever heard. His skin was velvet against your tongue; every ridge pulsing in time with each suck. Loki’s words were unintelligible. Murmurs of praise in an ancient tongue, the glimpse of his fingers tightening around the furs out of the corner of your eye, his hips quivering with the effort of not emptying down your throat. Your fingers tightened around the base, tongue flicking the sensitive underneath of his shaft. Loki squirmed, and you looked up – mouth full of his cock. His brows peaked in desperation, his jaw slack and strands of hair stuck to his forehead. “I need to be inside you,” he panted, biting back a groan, “please…fuck me. Please—" Before he could finish the sentence, you’d crawled up his chest, kissing him like a Valkyrie. Loki Odinson was putty in your hands, thrusting against your bare thighs like a needy youth desperate to feel a cunt wrapped around his prick for the first time. And it was fucking hot.
A deep groan rumbled in Loki’s chest, and it was only at the last second you realised it was a growl.
He flipped you to your back, caging your wrists above your head, and spread your knees wider with one of his own, settling in the middle. Loose hair hung around his jawline. Above you was the devastating god of legend: the one that could ruin a city and a woman with one smoulder. And he was yours. “I love you,” he said again, nudging his cock at your slippery entrance. You arched up, capturing his lips. “Please, Loki,” you whispered. Loki’s cock breached and the two of you stilled. He panted slowly; his eyes fixed on yours as he eased himself inside.
The god’s forehead rested against yours as he circled his hips; a fullness rising like the tide filling a narrow cave. Of all things you expected Loki to be – gentle wasn’t one of them. And now, you weren't sure why. You clenched on every drag of his cock from your cunt, relishing the pained pleasure in his eyes before he sank inside again.
Each wickedly slow wave of his hips caught the deepest secrets of your desires; his breaths timed with yours, and only your name on his tongue. And then, his lips lowered to your ear, sucking the lobe between his teeth as he came with a thunderous gasp of devotion. "I'm yours," he breathed. "Utterly."
Your legs tightened around his hips, capturing him deep, locking tight enough you’d swear you’d never let go.
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Loki's face buried in your neck, his heartbeat thumping against your chest. “I feel cheated,” you whispered against his cheek.
He frowned, pulling back. His cock twitched inside your snug cunt. Norns, it was even more perfect than he dreamed it would be, but — “Excuse me?” he said, followed by a confused snort unbecoming of royalty. He cringed as your lips rippled with a stifled smile. “I’ve heard all these tales of Prince Loki and his sexual theatrics…drama, you know?” You shrugged, and Loki tried to ignore the gnawing desire rear in his lower stomach at how innocently fucked-out you looked. “Is my lover…unsatisfied?” “No?” You bit your lip, and Loki’s manhood eased from your silken channel with a licentious slurp. His eyes narrowed as you continued with, “That was…incredible, I just…you’re different to how I thought you’d be. Gentler, more…romantic.” Loki knelt back, heels digging against his ass. He ran his hands through sweat-damp hair, pausing with the fingers locked behind his head. “You should be honoured,” he sniffed imperiously. “I don’t think I’ve made love like that in…” He realised he’d been staring at the window and tilted his head to meet your eyes, “Ever.” Your beam of pride made his heart explode into a thousand, shining pieces. He towered over your moon-drunk body, memorising the lines that appeared in your face when you were truly happy. Joy. Acceptance. Love. So, this was what it felt like. One finger traced over Loki’s lips, down his chin; fell to his chest and continued its descent between his ribs. “Are you asking to experience both sides of me, tonight?” he asked: slow, gravelled.
You bit your lip again, but the smile couldn’t be contained. Loki lowered, making a show of placing his palms above each of your shoulders.
“Are you asking for Loki of Asgard to fuck you like a god?” he growled, relishing the frantic nod of your head. “To take you as his mistress, and mark you as his own?” He shot you a wolfish grin. No words passed your lips – at least, none known to gods or men. Your hips thrust up to meet the dangle of his riotously hard cock with a clouded, desperate mischief in your eyes.
“Mmm,” Loki hummed, sliding a flat palm between your breasts and massaging the base of your neck. In one graceful movement Loki’s hand dropped to your waist, the other scooping beneath your hips and sliding your body up his thighs. He gave your arse a tight smack, grabbing a handful of hot flesh with an approving rumble. He held you still above the tip of his cock, mustering his best look of regal indifference. “What do you want?” he goaded. The fingernails digging into his shoulder muscle would leave marks, but Loki didn’t care. “Fuck me again, Loki…please, hard” you gasped, raking through his hair. He knew it would be hanging in perfect dishevelment around his jaw, trailing the hollow of your neck, strands marking his moonlit skin like ink.
Loki lowered you an inch, letting the tight ring of your cunt swallow the tip of his cock. His whole body shuddered, fingertips sinking into the soft flesh of your waist. “F—fuck, darling,” he stuttered. He hoped he’d never become accustomed to that silken fire.
You yelped as Loki powered upward.
His thighs smarted, and your legs tightened around his waist. The god took several steps forward, pressing you tightly against the turret wall.
Asgard’s twin moons shone through the window, coating the city rooftops like white sapphire. They're almost joined, he noticed. The court would be out in force for the event: fires blazing, chants ringing. His absence would be noted. But all Loki could feel was the beat of your heart against his, and your whispers of forever in every breath.
The moan that ripped from your throat as he buried himself was heaven, and Loki intended to wring pitches of pleasure from that pretty throat that you’d never thought possible. He ripped the neckline of your nightdress, devouring the supple skin that taunted him — palming your perfect breasts, and his enthusiasm as harsh from his throat as it was from his cock. You arched into his body, offering your neck like a willing rabbit to a panther. Or was he the rabbit? Hel's fire: It had never been like this.
He wanted to consume you, or rather, let you consume him. An endless cycle of lust, and love, and eternity. He wasn’t afraid anymore. Whatever he’d found in you, he’d found himself. Every inch of himself was alight with the grip of your cunt as he bottomed out again and again. A hand flew above your head, gripping a chunk of uneven stone. “Make me yours, Loki Odison,” you breathed as your climax ebbed, clenching tightly around the root of his cock. He dragged it out with a gritted growl. Webs of cum squelched as he eased in, and out; your ambrosial mess coating the wet, slow clap of skin. “You give yourself freely,” he panted, and your fingers wrapped deeper in his hair, tugging sharply. He hissed, delivering a punishing thrust that made the wall behind you tremble. “I take nothing which isn’t offered freely; I take nothing which isn’t already mine.” At that, your crossed ankles pressed deeper into the base of his spine. Loki thought he might explode. “Mark me with your power, Loki,” you said, nudging his lips to yours. “Uhhh, g-gods…don’t…” A sob caught in his throat as he felt orgasm swell. He bit into your shoulder, sucking hard enough to bruise. Your gasp of pleasure was the final tie. It snapped. Loki’s hand flew to your ass, pulling you a final devastating time down the rippling veins of his length. His heavy breaths thrummed with climax, your hands fastened to the sides of his face – forcing his eyes to yours.
“Mark me,” you slurred, resting your head against the wall: watching him come undone inside your sweet cunt with a lazy smile. Loki’s vision blurred, blood thundering in his ears. He screwed his eyes shut, face tipped to the ceiling and a strangled moan choking from his throat as he emptied molten seed deep inside you for a second, glorious time.
Your lips fastened to the hard vein throbbing in his neck, kissing up until they met the angle of his jaw. "Which side of me do you prefer, then?" he asked, noting the wild thump of his heart. He felt your smile against his cheek.
"I love all of you, Loki." You kissed the tip of his cheekbone. "Every side," you whispered, "and each piece between. You never have to pretend with me. And I promise, I won't pretend with you."
Loki's vision blurred, a thick swallow working down his throat. And for the first time, he knew without a doubt exactly what he wanted; what he needed.
“Marry me,” he murmured, and your grip on his hair faltered. “What?” You looked at him with nothing less than utter bemusement. “You can’t be—" “Serious? Deadly.” Loki lowered you to the ground and kissed you so deeply that he felt the hidden parts of him mingle with yours. But it was meant to be this way. “You opened yourself to me during The Rite – gave me my destiny – but it wasn’t the succession, it was you.” You opened your mouth and closed it again.
Loki raised a hand and snapped his fingers.
Balls of light burst in perfect sync in mid-air: dozens of tiny, flickering orbs of golden flame. Your eyes met his. “Loki, I love you, but you don’t mean that you need to…your family would never—" “—Fuck my family,” he said softly. “To Hel with their inane traditions that serve no one but themselves. I will marry you, and I’ll be happy. I’ll make you happy. If you want it.” Loki touched his forehead to yours, feeling your shoulders begin to shake. “Together, we can usher in a new age of Asgard; a new dawn.” Loki drew his face away, unsurprised to see tracks of silent tears making your cheeks glisten. With every second that passed, the nerves in his stomach skittered to the emptiest corners of his mind he preferred never to tread.
“Will you have me?” he whispered, searching your face. “Will you help me?” The air was knocked out his lungs as you threw your whole weight at him; arms locked around his neck and mouth pressed violently to his own.
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Amber slats of sunrise played in the sharp crevices of Loki’s cheekbones. They softened the bruise Thor had left. Loki hadn’t wanted to hide it, not from you. Not from Lagertha, either.
His blue eyes peered knowingly over the rim of one of her pattered teacups, narrowing softly. You smiled, and straightened as Lagertha came bustling through the kitchen door. “Ah, you stayed the night,” she said brightly, nodding to Loki and making for the teapot. “Thought you might. And I see you got the night-robe I left out, thank you for…wearing it. Not that I don’t appreciate the spectacle but given the circumstances it may be a little…inappropriate.”
She poured a cup, plopping down in the third seat at the small table, before looking between you. An eyebrow rose.
“If I go upstairs, Loki Odinson, there better not be a button out of place.”
The words were honeyed, but you could tell she’d kick his ass if there was. And Loki knew it too. You stifled a laugh as his eyes widened, and he pressed an innocent hand to his chest: mortally wounded. “Every thread is in place, Lagertha. You have my word.” She rolled her eyes, landing on you with a wink. "Mmm..." she murmured sceptically, her eyes falling to the tattered neckline of your nightgown. Heat crept up your neck.
The three of you sipped in silence before Lagertha said, “So I assume I’ll need to clear my weaving schedule for a wedding, then?” Loki's tea erupted in a splutter, bringing a fist to his mouth and coughing frantically. You turned to her. “I…um…we,” Lagertha patted your hand. “Don’t worry dear, I wasn’t listening. But like I said the first time we met…I have eyes.” She smiled gently. “Am I wrong?”
Her wry gaze swung between the two of you. “Thought not. Fandral just ordered a new batch of capes. I’ll tell him it won’t happen this quarter: Royal wedding garments take top priority, you see. What a shame. I know how much he loathes not getting what he wants.”
She gave you another wink. “But, for the two of you, I shall enjoy every moment.”
Loki reached across the table, and your own hand crawled forwards, meeting it. “I love you,” he murmured. “Finally,” Lagertha huffed. “Nice to hear you say it out loud – blazing Norns, it’s been a long week. If I wasn’t already grey, I would be.” Loki threw her a loving glare as his thumb massaged the centre of your palm. Despite lack of sleep, you’d never felt more awake. “As much as I adore her, Lagertha likes to think she knows everything, darling.” “Cos’ I do,” she said with a shrug. “At least where weaving and their enchantments are concerned. But this?” She gestured between you, “It was as obvious as Asgard is golden. Colour me unsurprised when you announce it and no one bats an eye. He’s met his match, and I’ll curse anyone who says otherwise; weave a spell into their robes which makes them perpetually shit themselves, perhaps. But you better not forget about the little ones—”
“—Never,” Loki cut in. She nodded, and put her hand on top of the knot you and Loki had made. A golden ribbon as thin as cobweb snaked over your wrist, slithering in soft waves through the gaps in your fingers and up Loki’s forearm.
“May the Norns bless you,” Lagertha said with a gentle smile, and the ribbon dissolved like melted sugar, absorbing into your skin. And as you and Loki’s eyes met, you knew, finally, that they did.
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A/N: Thank you so much for coming on this journey with meee❤️I really hope you enjoyed seeing a bit more of this version of my Asgard, silly as it is. 🕯️ Whether you're reading this two days or two years afterwards, I'd love to hear your thoughts 😊 May the Lagertha-Vibes be with you, always.
A Masterlist for The Rite is here Series now: Complete. A link to my regular Masterlist is here
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obsessivevoidkitten · 11 months
An Interesting Safari
Yandere Male Gnoll Pack x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Violent and painful noncon, gangbang, face fucking, gagging and slight suffocation due to face fucking, dacryphilia, spitroasting, cum swallowing, scent marking, piss marking, reader gets their insides piss marked, musk, spit as lube, kidnapping, non-sexual bondage, gagged and bound reader, escape attempt, chasing, shocked reader, broken reader, general yandere behavior) Word Count: 1.7k (I hope you enjoy this Halloween meal I have prepared for you all.)
You had wanted to go for years to see all the animals of East Africa and finally you had managed to make it happen.
But then at one of the rest stops you had spent a bit too long in the restroom and the vehicle full of tourists had just up and left without you.
Now you were stranded in the savanna with this little bathroom stop being the only structure for miles. You were about to make a U-turn back into the restroom to just hide in until the next tour arrived, but you heard a cackling laugh.
Thinking that someone was there you turned around and called out.
“Hello, is someone there?”
No response. You turned back towards the door and were pulled back suddenly. You were quickly gagged and bound before a large bag was wrapped around your head.
It felt as if you had been slung over the shoulders of someone very strong as your captor began hauling you back home. Even through the sack on your head you could smell his strong scent.
All you could perceive was a demented cackle but after a while your abductor spoke. Apparently he wasn’t alone. They spoke with frightening alien voices that were high pitched to match the laughing.
“I can’t believe we found a mate so easily!”
“Yeah! Normally when we smell a good one the humans get in that contraption and drive off before we can catch up.”
What were they? They spoke as if they were not human at all.
Then a third voice spoke up.
“I found 'em, I get to mate first!”
Oh god, they were going to rape you. They’d probably rape you then kill you and dump your corpse for some animals to rip apart. You couldn’t stop the hot tears from streaming down your cheeks, running as if trying to escape the fate you were sure you were about to experience.
“Hey, it smells scared.”
“I like it, it’s kinda cute.”
The one that was holding you stroked your back in what was probably meant to be a soothing gesture, but its claws lightly grazed you and only brought forth more fear.
“Don’t worry, we will keep you safe and warm and fed, and all nice and full of dick. What more could a little mate want??”
As terrifying as that last part was, at least it didn’t sound as if they were going to kill you.
But that night as they removed the bag around your head and the gag from your mouth you almost wanted to be dead.
You were outside of a cave. Terrifying hyena-like visages stared down at you. Tall and intimidating, muscular bodies completely covered in fur. One was black furred, one red, and one tawny and spotted. They wore only tattered loincloths.
They had rounded ears, hungry eyes, sharp teeth and claws. Clearly apex predators.
Gnolls. You never imagined that monsters such as these prowled the savanna in real life.
You were too shocked to even scream so you just cried silently. One of them leaned down and stroked the tears off of your face.
“No need to be scared, even if it is cute~ We won’t leave you behind like your own kind did.”
They all began removing their loincloths revealing large and strikingly thick cocks on each of them. You screamed as best you could through your still present gag at the sight. You didn’t want that in you.
They surrounded you, undid your binds, and took your clothes off. You didn’t bother with struggling, too scared of what their claws and teeth could do to you if you rebelled.
Then they did something you did not expect. They each grabbed their cock, aimed at you, and began pissing. Your entire body was drenched in the foul liquid.
One of them chuckled at your obvious disgust.
“Sorry, gotta mark our territory.”
They took you into the cave, drenched and naked, and finally removed the gag from your mouth. You knew screaming would do nothing to help you since there was surely no help nearby, so you resorted to the only option you had left available to you. Begging.
They ignored you and only laughed.
“Do you think we are stupid? When else are we gonna find a nice mate all ready to be taken?”
“Yeah, you’re ours and you can’t do anything about it.”
The spotted one, the one that seemed to love your dismay and tears, licked your cheek and placed you on what passed as bedding for these beasts. You were on your back with your legs on his shoulders, pleading and crying the entire time.
He didn’t go in dry, thankfully. He opted instead to sniff at your enticing entrance, giving it a few tentative licks, before going feral and lapping at it like it was the best thing he had ever tasted. Thick gobs of drool drenching your hole, his tongue twirling circles in you and stretching you out a bit.
When he couldn’t hold himself back anymore he jammed his dick right into you, hilting himself to his large testicles in one hard plunge.
You screamed as loudly as you were able as despite the stretching and slippery drool his thick member still opened you up painfully. You were sure you’d rip something.
With your mouth open from yelling, the black furred one took the opportunity to ram his sweaty dick right down your throat. You were dizzy not just from lack of oxygen but from the scent of his cock.
You gagged helplessly as your throat bulged out with each thrust, and you were sure your abused hole was bleeding by now with how hard the spotted gnoll was pounding into you.
They began using you like a two way fleshlight, establishing a rhythm. The spotted gnoll would pull you towards him by your hips and slam you down on his prick before the black furred gnoll would pull you the other way and impale your face and throat on his.
All the while the red one jerked himself off while watching.
You could barely cling to consciousness as you were so thoroughly abused on both ends but finally they both pumped into you. You were forced to swallow mouthful after mouthful of musky gnoll seed at the same time that a massive load was being dumped into you from the other end.
They both finally pulled out and you thought that your ordeal was finally over. You gasped for breath, shaking as you sobbed.
But you were not allowed much time to recover, you had forgotten about the red gnoll. His cock was slightly smaller, and he was less brutal in wielding it, going slow enough for you to manage to feel some pleasure in this whole horrible ordeal.
Though that was almost worse. At least when you felt pain you didn’t feel the guilt that came with your body betraying you.
You felt immensely dirty and ashamed as you came.
They all cuddled you and cleaned up the cum as it leaked down your soft human thighs. Running their hands over you and licking you affectionately as you cried yourself to sleep.
For over a week after that, you were on autopilot. Broken and in despair. The gnolls didn’t care, they were sure you’d come around eventually. As long as they had you there they were happy. They cooked for you, cleaned you, reapplied their “scent mark”, and cuddled you and told you how happy you made them.
And every few days they’d breed you again. Though they were a bit gentler given your weak human constitution. Bakari, the spotted one, was always the most eager to stuff you full of his seed. Kito, the gentlest one forced himself into you less often but cuddled you and babied you constantly. And the black-furred Akida behaved in a way that fell in between the other two.
But no matter who did what to you, you barely reacted.
But one day, you were no longer catatonic. But you didn’t let them know that.
Instead you waited until they were all asleep together one night. You carefully extracted yourself from their grasp. And you ran. As fast as your legs could carry you.
You had no idea what direction you were heading or where anything was, probably why they had put the bag over you when bringing you here, but that did not slow you down in the least. You didn’t care where you ended up or what happened to you as long as you were far away from your abusers.
But even that was too much to hope for. You were sure you had managed to escape but then you heard the cackling. You knew right away that there was no escaping them now. It was close and from all directions.
Suddenly you were on all fours, pushed into the dirt from behind before being forced into a face down ass up position.
“I thought you had learned to be good!” That was the unmistakable voice of Bakari, the most violent of the three, “I guess we have to REALLY show you your place.”
“You were being such a good mate for us, so well behaved.” That was Kito. He almost sounded hurt. Like you had betrayed him.
Bakari ripped your clothes off, shredding them into confetti, before lining up his dick with your hole and driving it right into you with no prep or lubrication. This was far more painful than the first time he had taken you.
He fucked you right into the dirt, thrust after thrust, taking a sadistic pleasure from your tears and pained wailing.
It was by far the worst thing you had ever felt.
He finally emptied his nuts into you and bit your neck hard as he did so. Blood welling up where he had bitten you. It would certainly scar so you would never forget who owned you.
But even then his cruelty wasn’t at an end. He kept his cock in you as he began draining his bladder into your pained hole.
“Gotta mark your insides as property too since what we were doing before clearly wasn’t enough for you.”
It burned all the sores and tears he had created from railing you so hard.
And he was just the first… you would have to endure the other two doing the exact same things to you before finally being given a break and taken home where they would nurse your bites and clean you up and treat you like their sweet little mate.
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fabric-shower-curtain · 6 months
By complete accident I somehow have the autopsy scar mod on top of the bhaalist tattoo mod, don’t ask me how they’re both on my durge I have no idea how it happened. But it got me thinking how would the origin characters (+halsin) react/barely react to a lover that is heavily scarred and tattooed? (Set in Act 1)
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Read more for the full brainrot
Astarion: The first time Astarion saw your body for himself was when he walked past your tent late at night, through the flaps in the entrance he saw all those scars, he couldn’t tell what had you awake this late in the night, especially mostly naked with your back turned. The vampire simply continued on his way to hunt for the night. He dropped it there, until that is, the second night in the clearing you two spent together. He was lying down leaning his head against his arms as his red eyes stared at your naked body. His eyes flowed down every scar that littered your body, he barely seemed to look at the tattoos but that’s what he asked about first “So, can you translate that one?” - he points to the tattoo across your left arm, lifting up the limb you pull your skin to take a proper look at it. It’s been a while since you properly saw it, because just out of sight enough to make it annoying to stare at. When you tell him Astarion seems content with the information. His fingers drift across the tattoo. It’s a tender moment until the elf’s hand floats toward your neck. His ice cold fingers dancing across the lingering puncture wounds on your neck - “But these are by far my favorite mark on you,” You lean into Astarion’s touch releasing a chuckling sigh before calling him the weirdest flirt you have ever seen.
Gale: He really didn’t mean to go to the river at the same time he truly meant to go two hours early when he said he would, but that tome was particularly interesting - the effects of adrenaline on libido, certainly important for a man so restricted by his netherese orb. But now it was two hours past and he definitely had a musk going on. Taking an extra robe and rag Gale went to the nearby river, only you were there too. Illuminated in moonlight you were bare in front of him. Gale cleared his throat loudly, trying to let you know he was there. What he did not expect was for you to whip around and get out of the water to say hello. He tried his best to only look at your face, he did not succeed. Your skin was glowing with a vei of water cascading down in droplets. Gale’s eyes followed one droplet from your hair, down your neck, across your chest until a certain tattoo caught his eye, infernal script. Trying to keep his focus on the tattoo rather than the flesh its on he asked you if it meant what he thought it did. He was right in fact, and you told him the story behind why you got it, quite the nice tale. The wizard relaxed enough to notice another scar across your soldier “Is that from a magic missile?” He asked without thinking. Nodding in confirmation you turned to show your shoulder blade where the other two missiles struck. As you turned around the coldness of the night hit you like a thunder wave, a massive shiver shook your entire body spraying tiny water droplets around. “Gosh you must be freezing,” - Gale wrapped you in his towel-rag before stressfully ushering you back towards the camp. Once you got back to your tent you realized you left your towel and clothes on a nearby rock, you could return the peeping Tom favor.
Halsin: Halsin adores you long before he ever saw your birthday suit, sure he thought about it, quite a lot, but with his focus deep on the shadow-curse he doesn’t have time to do much other than think about out. But the first time he does see you was far from romantic or sensual. A hook horror had slashed your entire back open when you got to close, and Halsin watched it all happen. Before the beast even hit the ground he was rushing over to you, he didn’t think, he just ripped your armor right off of you to get to the wound. You might have been screaming but his ears were ringing too loud to tell one noise from another. Halsin couldn’t even see where scar ended and fresh cut began, your tattoos were doused in enough blood to make them impossible to see against your skin. The bear of an elf’s hand floated above the wound with the same glowing blue light the hook horror’s body was basking in, thank silvanus he was far enough from the sussur tree for his magic to work. Even with his healing a scar in the same place as the monster's claw marks stayed. Halsin’s druidic skills must be faltering, that’s what he determines at least. Until the next day, you’re healed fully up and about getting ready to leave camp for the day. Halsin calls out your name - “I’m sorry I could not heal you fully, I tried best I could but the scar persists” to his confusion you begin laughing. The scar he’s so upset about has been on you for so long now, and you tell him such. His healing left no scar, in fact he healed you so well an old scar was able to show.
Karlach: The first time she saw you naked you were bathing next to each other after a battle. Even with Dammon’s initial upgrade you can’t touch each other, but you swore to find ways to be intimate without touching, just like this. However you neglected to inform her about what lay under your clothes until now, scars covering you head to toe interlaced with tattoos of varying quality. “Hey Soldier! How come you didn’t tell me before stealing my aesthetic!” You didn’t even register this was the first time exposing yourself in such a way, a brief moment of panic before you burst into a smile. “Come here, let me see them” Karlach makes you twirl around, using the faintest touch of her fingers to pull your arms out and see the tattoos wrapping around them. Her eyes continued to trail down your body, after a gasp she jumped back up to your face - “That burn scar looks like mine!” She said before pulling down her trousers to show you the near identically placed scar on her thigh. But Karlach didn’t ask about the obviously fresher stab scars, she continued to smile at her new discovery but lets the two of you properly bathe for once.
Lae’zel: Even when pinning you against a wall the githyanki warrior wasn’t particularly gentle. It’s not like you didn’t know what you were getting yourself into tonight, she had said pretty explicitly she seemed carnal pleasure. Somehow Lae’zel was even more assertive in such a scenario than during your adventures. You couldn’t even take your own armor off, she practically ripped it off of you. Your body is exposed to her in an instant, she doesn’t react, her hands go immediately to unlace your trousers and undergarments. The night is enjoyable even as exhausting as it was. Only much later does Lae’zel ever comment on them, and its in a conversation praising you two’s battle prowess “Each scar is a battle fought, a battle won.” You try not to tell her you have at least two scars from dropping the knife while cooking with Gale. She’s sweet in her own way.
Shadowheart: Shadowheart first saw you naked while healing a particularly cruel wound, goblin had snuck up on you and slashed your torso deep. You stabilized yourself quick enough with a healing potion but the wound persisted. After the battle you wandered your way over to Shadowhearts tent, asking for help. She laid you down atop her bedroll, sliding your shirt off as you let yourself relax into the makeshift bed. And then you caught it, Shadowheart’s eyes widened, shit. But she didn’t say anything; she pressed her warm hands towards your open wound as they lit alight with magic. Radiating from your gash the warm feeling washed over you, your eyes closed softly breathing out in relief. Shadowheart quelled her magic, looking over you for a fat moment. You can feel her eyes wandering over you, up and down your chest, down your stomach and across both your arms. The relief of healing has left you now but you’re still too scared to open your eyes. And then a soft hand traced along your largest scar, her fingers were so light it tickled. “I like your tattoos.” The half-elf’s voice was soft, her eyes focused back on your large scar, “How’d you get that one.” Whether or not you tell the story she’s content, happy to have this extra piece of you in her memory.
Wyll: Poor Wyll just wanted to ask about the plans for tomorrow, but not only did he smack his horns on the skeleton of your tent while entering but you’re also as naked as the day you were born. The man nearly shrieked like he saw a ghost, his entire chest swelled up with his shoulders shooting up and he looked like he just swallowed a frog. Without a word Wyll turned on his heel and left your tent, only after trying to cool his blushing face off did he even process all your markings. Upon the log he sat on he dragged his hand up and down his face trying to process what the hells just happened. And then you exited your tent, completely decent this time. You greeted Wyll and sat beside him wondering what he had barged in about in the first place. But the poor man can’t even look at you. He as calmly as he could gave you the sincerest apology you’ve ever heard. After your acceptance he finally turns to you “So what does that tattoo across your back mean?” You pause for a moment, then explain as best you can. And that conversation continues just like that, he’d ask how you got a certain scar or tattoo and you’d answer him. In return he showed you one particularly nasty scar on his arm from a monster he fought while traversing the sword coast. What may have started as the most embarrassing moment of your partnership ended with you closer than before.
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lightwing-s · 8 months
nightwing teasing y/n with his Escrima sticks (erotic electrostimulation) before he slides himself in... please and thank you
rating: 18+ (MDNI)
Dick had you tied up on his bed. Spread wide open. Wrists and ankles hooked to different ends of the furniture, forbidding you from moving even an inch. Of touching anything that wasn’t him or his dick through the walls of every single hole you owned. He’d been in all of them tonight. 
You were a bliss of sweat and overstimulation. A pool of your mixed juices already soaking the bed sheet underneath you. But your boyfriend had a vigilante’s stamina, and even though he’d made you cum more than four times tonight, and he himself must have had just as many orgasms as you, he wasn’t even close to finishing off with you. Ooh, he could last the whole night.
Feeling his cold hands sliding through the valley of your tits, you squirmed once he grabbed at one of them tightly. His nails dig on the sensitive skin, leaving red crescent moons as another piece of decoration on your chest, joining the purple and red stains and the bite marks he had left earlier to create a beautiful and sinful body of art. 
Your eyes pooled with water, and you extended your neck to catch a sight of his tall frame on top of yours. His hard-on slammed on your cheek, right beside your mouth, and you just had to turn your head, the only part of your body you still could move, to catch it between your lips. You sucked on the tip, the taste of his precum and your highs, all together, hitting your tongue. Abruptly, he thrusted his hip, sinking his cock deep in your throat, and you left out a muffled cry. A tear falling down your face.
Dick let out a chuckle. Dark and pretentious. “Can’t leave a hole unattended for too long. Right, my little slut?” he said, wiping your tears with his thumb. His cock still filling your mouth, making your jaw hurt from being open wide for too long. 
The sweet gesture of his thumb caressing your cheek had you fooled. Thinking he was done being rough. But, he just diverted your attention away from the long stick he had in his hand. You only realized what he was doing when a strong jolt of electricity swept through your entire body from your core, making your back arch up from the sudden sensation. You almost let out a scream, if it wasn’t for your full mouth.
“Quiet. Quiet, little one,” he cooed, stroking your cheeks with his knuckles.
You felt the stick resting on top of your clit again, just the pressure Dick was putting in making you water. Your heart beat faster in anticipation of the sensation about to come, but your boyfriend liked to play. He knew you were expecting it at any minute now, so he wouldn’t give it to you then, instead, pulling it in and out of you with swift moves. 
You cried out in pleasure, your moans stimulating Dick’s cock and making him cum inside your mouth. His seed spilling out of the corners of your lips. When he finally slipped his cock out of your sweet little mouth, another strong burst of energy hit your clit and this time you let out a loud scream. Dick laughed at you again, enjoying every single one of your squirms, cries and pleas for him to stop. He wasn’t going to stop, not yet.
Suddenly, you felt his presence leave your side, and instead of finding time to pull yourself together, you worried about what he was about to do to you. The room was silent, and you had your eyes slammed shut, too weak to even open it. You felt your last orgasm sliding out of your folds, pooling under your ass. Without any warning, his cock ripped you apart, following along with one and another jolt of energy from his escrima stick.
With his free hand, he pressed his fingers on your waist, trying to keep your hips down. “Quiet,” he devilishly laughed. But your body jumped with each thrust and each jolt he continued to send through your body. Soon, he had you cumming once and twice, to the point your body was so weak it wasn’t responding anymore to the sensations he had been giving you.
Unresponsive, you laid in bed trying to catch your breath, while your boyfriend reached his high once more within your walls with a loud grunt.
“You’re so good to me, my little slut,” he complimented, leaving a trail of kisses from your oversensitive clit, all the way up to your lips. “So. Fucking. Good.” He gave you a kiss, tongue sliding in as you felt the ropes getting loose. He had you untrapped, and immediately your arms and legs wrapped up around his neck and waist. He laughed again, the vibrations reverberating through your body. Pulling away from the kiss, exhausted and sore, you felt his lips on your cheeks, your tear soaked eyes, and your sweaty forehead.
Your breathing started to steady, as his lips now lingered just below your ears. Eyes still closed, you were ready to fall asleep, tangled on his body for warmth, and he continued his caresses all over your skin.
“No, no, no, baby,” he whispered sensually in your ear. “We’re not done yet.” You groaned, and felt his smile speaking against your neck. “We still have a long night ahead.”
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lovelytsunoda · 14 days
dancing in the dark | mick schumacher
summary: after her team gets totally ripped apart in court, yn returns home and changes into some comfy clothes, content to lounge on the couch for the rest of the evening. however, that flannel shirt drives mick crazy, and he has other plans
pairing: mick schumacher x law clerk!girlfriend! reader
warnings: 18+ content, cutesy smut, (seriously this smut should feel horny and like a warm hug at the same time), mick says some funny things. the lawyer referenced is mickey haller from 'the lincoln lawyer' because i fucking said so. (i literally just realized what i've done giving her boss and her lover the same name lmao i dont know any other tv lawyers so this stands and im making it part of the plot) it’s actually shorter and a lil less graphic than originally intended dont shot the messenger
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court was rarely ever pretty, but usually yn could leave a courtroom feeling like she did the best she could.
not today. she was shaky as she left the courtroom, even after mickey haller, the lawyer that she worked for, assured her that she'd done nothing wrong.
"that was my mistake, not yours." he had insisted. "everything you put in that document i told you to. lorna and i checked it three times before i filed it."
of course, that did nothing to make her feel better as she drove back home, taking the rest of the afternoon off. mickey had insisted, which usually meant he had something to work on that he didn't want any help on.
when she pulled into her driveway, she dragged herself out of the small car, and into her empty house. mick was still out, presumably with the dog. he had training this morning, and then a meeting in the afternoon, so he had likely taken angie to his mothers.
still feeling off, she stripped out of her court clothes, donning her fuzzy socks and a plaid flannel top. she let her hair down from its tight bun, gently massaging her scalp before heading to the kitchen to make a mug of hot chocolate.
the file was still in her bag, along with a red-marked copy of the form that had been misfiled. the entire trial had to be postponed, so the haller camp was likely the most hated set of people in that courtroom.
she turned the kitchen radio on, a habit she had picked up from her grandparents. her grandfather loved seventies music, so there was always some don mclean or dolly parton playing in his house when she grew up. she herself preferred the eighties: inxs, springsteen, blondie, benatar.
she heard the front door open, followed by the sound of mick's duffel bag hitting the floor. she listened to his footsteps, and it was soon enough that she felt his arms wrapping around her waist.
"i thought you were in court today?" he mumbled, kissing her shoulder softly. she could smell his cologne, a musky and earthy scent. something inexpensive, for he saved the dior for special occasions.
"we got absolutely destroyed this morning over a misfield document with the courts, so mickey sent us all home to regroup."
truth be told, it was days like this one that had yn questioning why she'd even started this job in the first place. lately she'd had more bad days than good ones, but lorna had assured her that it would pass.
"you know what the great thing about being alive is?" mick said softly, taking her by the hand and gently spinning her to face him. "you can always try again tomorrow. nine times out of ten, there is always a second chance."
"i know you're right. i just feel guilty since i was the one who drafted the document." it didn't matter that mickey checked it and lorna filed it. she was the one who drafted it, so the error was hers.
"your lawyer checked it over, right? and he didn't see anything wrong with it?"
"yeah but-"
'no buts. i refuse to see my brilliant girlfriend be down on herself for something that isn't her fault."
she was about to protest again when mick swayed their bodies into a dance, slightly out of tune with the springsteen song that was playing from the corner. 'dancing in the dark'. it was their song. she smiled despite herself, laughing along and joining in with the dance. mick twirled her around the kitchen twice before hooking his hands under her thighs and lifting her into the air. she laughed in surprise, gripping his shoulder as he carried her over to the couch.
she giggled as he dropped her onto the couch, climbing over her and planting himself between her thighs. mick leaned in to kiss her, his lips soft against hers. she smiled into the kiss, exhaling softly as she unconsciously bucked against his crotch.
“you know this shirt drives me crazy, right?”
“this one?” she pursed her lips. “it’s almost a decade old. it’s the oldest shirt in my closet.”
mick grinned, strands of blonde hair falling into his eyes as he nuzzled his cold nose into the skin between her boobs. “you’re like a sexy lumberjack.”
she laughed as mick kissed over the flannel on her shirt, slowly making his way down to her exposed hip where the shirt had ridden up when he placed her on the couch. "what does that even mean?"
he pressed his nose against hers, her slender legs wrapping around his toned body. "hey, pretty girl. what can i do? how can i make you feel better?"
"mhm, i think i have an idea." she smiled shyly, running a finger down his chest.
"does it involve you screaming my name in pleasure?"
"why yes, i think it does."
laughing, mick kissed her again, gently nipping at her lip before he pulled her into his arms, her legs securely wrapped around his torso. he carried her to their shared bedroom, placing her at the edge of the bed before sinking to his knees on the plush carpet.
he pulled his white t-shirt over his head, discarding it somewhere across the room as he lifted her legs over his shoulders, gently kissing up and down the expanse of her leg.
the sight of mick between her legs never failed to give her butterflies. he never hesitated to get on his knees for her, no matter how sore they may be in the morning. she never even had to ask. mick always seemed to know just what she needed.
her chest was filled with love as mick kissed, licked and sucked his way across her inner thigh. he was her sweet boy, her love. mick thought that she was an angel on earth, and had even made the cheesy 'did it hurt when you fell from heaven' joke the first night that they spent together.
he tongued at her wet core through the black cotton of her panties, eliciting a gentle gasp from the woman above him.
"you liked that, sweet girl? did that feel good?"
"yeah." she breathed, shifting on the bed, arousal jolting through her body. "i want you, mickie."
"it's so weird that you call me that when the guy you work for is also named mickey."
"it's spelt different."
"same difference." he laughed, pinching her thigh gently.
"i guarantee you that i'm not thinking about my boss right now, mick."
mick laughed, his warm hands traversing her thighs, up to her ass, and pulling her closer to his face. "raise your hips, honey pie. let's get those pesky panties off of you."
across from her, a large round mirror sat on top of the white ikea dresser, and she couldn't decide what was more erotic: the reflection of her blushing, panting face and the back of mick's head between her thighs, or looking down and seeing the look of lust and adoration in mick's eyes as he slid her calvins down her legs.
making eye contact with her lover, she teasingly began to undo the buttons on her flannel, letting the fabric fall away and expose her naked curved body to the man on his knees in front of her.
“you fucking undo me, baby.” mick said, voice husky as he visibly held back a moan. “so pretty just for me. I don’t deserve it.”
he gently ran a hand up and down her thigh as she used her legs to draw him closer to her core, the heat radiating off her skin and warming his.
he kissed her core gently, smiling at the soft sigh he drew from his lover before he began to lick at her slit, juices running down his tongue and around his lips.
“holy fuck.” she exhaled, throwing her head back.
if she looked in the mirror, she’d be able to see micks shoulder blades rippling under his skin every time he pushed himself closer to where she needed him most.
“yeah, you needed this, didn’t you? needed me to help you feel better? that’s what I’m here for baby, you don’t even gotta ask.”
there was reverence contained in every lick, every nuzzle. every time his nose bumped her clit. every gasp and moan she let out spurred him on, encouraging him further as he continued to make out with her pussy.
“fucking hell, mick. that feels so good.” she moaned, rutting against his lips. “oh, god!”
“atta girl.” mick encouraged, snaking his arms around her waist. “just use me to feel good, baby.”
she was flush against his face now, practically grinding herself against his tongue. she chanced a look down, moaning at the look of sheer lust in micks eyes as he met hers, his long pink tongue licking at her opening, face practically covered in her juices.
“mick, oh my god!” she squealed, thighs closing in around his face, fingers twisted up in the duvet as she tried to stay upright.
she came with a scream, arms threatening to give out beneath her as mick continued to work her to the edge, never giving up his relentless pace
“that’s my girl. come on, give it to me. I know you can, pretty girl. I know you can do it.”
she slumped backwards, allowing the duvet to pillow around her as she felt her legs go week. her hands moved to ruffle micks hair, a lazy smile on her face. he continued to kiss her thighs as she lay there to recover, listening for every breath, every soft sigh.
“how’re you feeling?” his voice was soft as he crept up the bed, gently hovering over her body. he laced one hand with hers, his nose running along her cheek.
“absolutely fantastic. you always know how to make me feel good.”
when he kissed her, she could taste traces of herself on his lips. in the beginning, she’d felt so awkward about tasting it. now? now it just served as another reminder of how much mick loved her. a reminder that he enjoyed pleasuring her.
“can you taste how sweet you are?” he hummed, kissing her softly again. “just like heaven, princess.”
“oh yeah?”
“yeah, pretty girl. I’m pretty sure heaven is right between those thighs of yours.” there was a sparkle in his blue eyes, and a cheeky grin on his lips. “you know, you’re more than just pretty. you’re fucking smart too. I wish I could be half as smart as you are. do you think that if I slipped my cock into you right now, I could absorb some of that knowledge like through osmosis or whatever?”
she grinned stupidly at the sheer absurdity of the question. once you got him in the bedroom, mick schumacher had no filter whatsoever.
“wanna try it and find out?”
mick drew back, undoing the top button on his levis while she sat up just enough to toss her flannel aside and move up the bed. she slipped a small throw pillow underneath her hips when the lay back down, sweaty hair brushed behind her ears. mick clambered up the bed to join her, large hands reaching to the knob on the bedside drawer for a condom.
he slid inside her with ease, buried to the hilt as he kissed her forehead gently. she squirmed underneath him, gently rutting her hips into his.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
his thrusts were gentle, yet still deep as he drew one of her legs up and around his waist, her arms coming to link around his neck as she pulled him close. he was a gentle lover, a passionate one. he believed in taking his time to make his partner feel good.
“my god, babe, you feel so fucking good. so good for me.” he groaned down her ear, teeth nipping at her earlobe. “taking my cock so well.”
hands on his shoulders, she could feel his muscles rippling and undulating under her dainty hands, french nails leaving small scratches along his tanned skin.
“oh, just like that.”
the pace was slow and comforting, sensual and erotic as mick somehow managed to make every thrust feel like his cock was going deeper, deeper, deeper.
“eyes on me, honey pie. I wanna see that pretty face of yours.” mick encouraged, seeing her eyes screwed shut in pleasure, cheek resting against the pillow. “where’s my sexy model girlfriend?”
a smile crossed her features, a moan escaping her throat as mick brushed against her spongy walls. she turned her head slightly, staring right up at his goofy smile and sweaty face.
he leaned down to kiss her, moaning into her mouth before slipping his tongue in and touching it against hers.
his hands travelled up and down her body, over all of her curves. over her breasts and rolling her nipples between his fingers.
“you’re so pretty.” he whispered, kissing her softly. “I love you.”
“mick,” she moaned softly. “faster.”
he smirked, snapping his hips quickly against hers. “how’s this, baby? you close?”
“yeah.” she whined. “think so.”
she curled her legs tighter around him, trying to pull mick closer and closer to her, trying to take him deeper and deeper. his breath was heavy on her neck as he left open mouthed kisses in his wake. one of his hands came down and over her waist, thumb rubbing gently at her sensitive clit. she moaned out a small curse, nails digging into his back.
“please.” she panted “don’t stop.”
his free hand desperately clenched around the sage green duvet, his grip white-knuckled. her walls contracted around his cock, causing his eyes to roll into the back of his head. he swore in german, his hips faltering as he tried to keep his composure.
“give it to me baby, come on, I know you can. keep taking my cock. fucking shit, baby, I’m not gonna last.”
“mick!” she screamed, back arching, skin pressing against his, walls contracting around his thick dick.
her nails were digging into his back, her face flushed and facing away from him as she came. at this angle, he was happy to lean over and press gentle kisses to her face, softly whispering praise and encouragement as he continued to work himself to the edge.
his hips stuttered, cock twitching as he spilled into the condom, body shaking as he lowered himself to rest beside his lover. he had yet to pull out, their legs still locked together. her skin was warm as he pulled her into his arms, swollen lips leaving kisses against her sweaty hair and her fingertips drew shapes against the bare skin of his chest.
out in the kitchen, he could faintly hear the radio. it had long since changed from springsteen, now playing the dulcet tones of paul hewson and u2.
he knew he should get up. he at least needed to take the condom off. maybe pull a blanket over their bodies.
but having her in his arms was a type of heaven within itself. her scent overwhelming his senses, her touch comforting over his flushed skin.
he needed her beside him like he needed oxygen to breathe.
“mick,” she mumbled, head still resting against his chest. “I need to go to the bathroom, and you’ve still got most of your lower body weight on me.”
he grinned sheepishly as he disentangled himself from her, watching from the bed as she strode to the closet, pulling a silken robe around her lithe frame.
he was so in love. he hoped this would be his forever.
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ms-fade · 8 months
To fill
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Luke castellan x chubby!fem!reader. 18+ Drabble
Request: Luke x plus size smut im begging taking out anger from like loosing capture the flag on the reader plsss -anon
Warnings: smut content, minors not allowed, rough f*ck, Luke being aggressive and dominate, slight degradation, hair pulling.
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“that’s it,” his hoarse voice growled into your ears, “fuckin’ take it.”
Luke’s hand kept itself on your hip and gripped the fluffy skin, and the other keeping your leg help up as you tried to balance yourself over the table.
you didn’t participate in capture of the flag, being a child of Aphrodite you didn’t find it your style, but you cheered your boyfriend on every time. However this time for the first time in a long time, his team had lost.
And boy was he enraged at losing. When you went up to him you saw how tight his jaw clinched together and gritted his teeth, the sword in his hand was kept in a tight grip. He was huffing and puffing and you knew he could hurt someone if he wanted to in that moment.
But being the amazing girlfriend you are, you offered comfort to him and a sweet smile but he wasn’t having any of it. He glared at you for a second then tugging your arm away and you were forced to follow him.
and that’s how you ending up here. Gushing around his cock that bullied your insides and not caring if he was too rough with you. He was tugging and squeezing every part of your body, and sinking his teeth all around. The pretty skin he loves to kiss was now covered in bruises and red marks, or his bitemarks.
Luke had tendencies to fuck you rough sometimes but never this hard, and out the blue. He would start slow by kissing you softly or rubbing up you body to get you going, telling you beautiful you looks. And if he was to be rough with you he’d start off slow by reaching his hand up to your neck, tugging you around or giving your ass a few smacks.
but he jumped right into it with his teeth nipping at yours and pushing you against anything he could find. his hands practically ripping of your clothes and slapping your pretty tits to see them bounce.
Even when you whimpered and whined he didn’t care.
“I can’t fucking believe it,” you felt his tip brush up against your spot, “I lost- To ares kids of all fucking-” a pleasured moan left his lips cutting him off.
you pout your lips while gripping onto the dusty wooden table under your. Each time his hips slammed into yours you could hear the wet sounds your pussy made and could feel your juices running down your thigh.
“Such a little whore, taking my cock so nicely without any warning.” He forced you back into him causing you to let out a small scream after you tried to bite your lip for being too loud. his movements stopped for a second and let his dick rest in your warm walls.
you whine and try to look back. You grind your hips against him, trying to get him to start moving again but this seemed to piss him off more.
your face gets pushed down into the table as he let your leg fall back onto the ground. you yelped as he started to pound into you making the table move into the wall. your body jiggled against him, something he loves so much. If only he could see it all.
“So greedy, I just lost and you’re whining like a bitch in heat? You will take what I give you, I’ll fuck you cunt as much as I want tonight. Cry, whimper or plead. It doesn’t matter to me what you do,” he leaned down and took a fist of your hair, pulling your head back as his body pressed yours against the table.
“Tonight you’re just a hole for me to fill.”
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joonsmagicshop · 10 months
Stress Relief
Summary: Taehyung gives you an offer you can't refuse
Pairing: Taehyung/Reader
Word Count: 2k
Rating: M/18+
Tags: Fingering, Fuck buddies
Author Note: This is a fic to get this series established. There is a small amount of smut. More info at the bottom
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You could faintly hear water running in the background as you come back to your senses. You were still spread out on the bed, legs splayed open, fingers still clutching the fabric of your bed sheets below you, and chest heaving from orgasm number four.
Taehyung (Yes that Taehyung) usually fucked you good.
But today he was an absolute animal.
You let out a small whine at the soreness between your legs as you rolled on your side to fish for your sweater that had been taken off, well more like ripped off by Tae when he arrived at your apartment.
You didn't bother putting on pants because you knew how this went.
How it had gone for the last eight months.
He would text you asking if he could come over. You would reply, usually saying yes unless you were busy. He would pull up in an unmarked car to your apartment. Have mind-blowing sex with you then get you cleaned up and leave.
You had met nine months prior and both were immediately sexually attracted to each other. After a long discussion about what you both wanted you started to become fuck buddies.
Tae didn't want the drama of a relationship but still wanted to get laid and you had just gotten out of a relationship at the time and had no desire to jump back in.
It was perfect.
You sat up on the bed and frowned at the closed door.
He was usually back from the bathroom by now with a damp washcloth.
You slowly got out of bed and hobbled to the bathroom where you saw him on his knees getting a bath ready for you.
You cocked an eyebrow in confusion
He never stayed longer than he had to, and sure as hell never did this.
He must have felt you staring because he turned around and shot you a boxy grin, adorned back in his sweatpants and oversized hoodie
“Hey, uh what's all this?” You asked trying to keep the suspicion out of your voice.
“I-shit you hate it don't you?” He said boxy smile falling off his face.
“No! Not at all. I just. We don't do this? Ever? I'm just confused.” You admit as you lean against the counter and he turns off the water.
The bath does look heavenly with steam rising from it and the smell of lavender bubble bath in the air.
“Well I feel like I owe it to you, I was pretty rough this time.” He says with a cocky grin eyeing the bite marks he had left all over your thighs, which were starting to turn a beautiful shade of dark red.
“Tae it was fine, I would have said the safe word. But thank you.” You say as you remove your sweater and slowly climb into the bath.
He watched as you settled in.
You closed your eyes, fully expecting him to leave like he always did, but instead he closed the lid of the toilet and sat on it watching you.
“Tae…everything okay?” You ask watching how nervous he suddenly looks.
“Yeah, I…are you okay?” He responds, playing with his long fingers and not looking at you.
“Yeah, I said I was fine.” You say and a light blush covers his cheeks.
“Okay, Taehyung.” You say, which has his eyebrows shoot up. You never call him by his full name.
“What's going on? I don't want to sound rude, this is all very nice but you never do this. You clean me up and go. I'm not complaining at all! It's not a bad thing. I'm just..well… still confused.” You admit staring at him as his gaze finally catches yours.
“I want to talk to you about something.” He says slowly, carefully.
You stare him down and wait for him to speak. He looks so uncomfortable and nervous, picking at his fingers.
“Go ahead Tae. The floor's all yours.” You say softly waving your hand.
“I, well I know I've liked this arrangement we have and I know you do too. It works. And I think it's good for both of us. And god you are the perfect fuck buddy like I could not have asked for better, honestly.” He rambles.
“Tae. If you want to stop this arrangement you could have just said. You didn't need to butter me up with a hot bath or anything. We agreed to be open with each other.” You say.
“No! Oh god, I'm making this worse! I want…the opposite actually.” He says running his hands through his fluffy brown hair.
You stare at him.
He stares at you.
The room is thick with tension and steam from the warm bath. Even though he has seen you naked many times you still feel slightly vulnerable as you sit there and try not to let your mind run wild.
“Tae please, whatever it is just tell me.” You plead as he slides off the toilet and sits on the floor right across from you.
“I know what I want to say I just don't want it to offend you that's all.” He admits.
You let out a little laugh.
“Like twenty minutes ago you called me your little whore and spanked me raw. I don't think I'll be offended.” You say with a soft laugh as you see his features soften a bit.
“I-yeah you're right. Okay. So as I said I love fucking you. I love having someone I can text who can get rid of my stress. Again, you are the perfect fuck buddy. Really I couldn't have asked for better.” He starts, staring at the floor, once again not making eye contact.
Which has you nervous.
You feel like you are on the edge of a very tall cliff, you know something is coming but you don't know what.
“I-Well. The guys know about you. Not who you are or anything! Just that I have…someone on the side. They know about our…arrangement.” Tae says pausing again to gauge your reaction.
You weren't surprised. You knew how close they all were and you expected Taehyung to tell them about you, hell, you expected him to brag about his arrangement.
However, the both of you had a set of rules when you started this whole thing, one of them being he would never talk about work, or the other band members. So you were surprised he was even mentioning them to you at all.
“Anyway. We have been training for our tour, we leave in three months and everyone is very stressed and high-strung. Hobi almost hit Namjoon yesterday because he got a dance step wrong and nearly took him out.”
“The last couple of weeks have been very long and very tiring. I'm sure you noticed I've been calling on you more, and being a little more….rough.” He admits with a shy smile.
“Tae believe me it's hot as fuck. This is what our arrangement was for right? Stress relief. For both of us.” You remind him.
You didn't mind that he was calling on you more. You knew once he went on tour he wouldn't call on you at all so you were relishing all this until he came back.
“This is why I'm glad to have you. I love going on tour. I love seeing our fans but the prep can be…well. A lot. Everyone is feeling it. Everyone is at maximum stress. And you're like my oasis from all of it.”
“Well after our last practice, some of the guys mentioned… how they wish they had… what we had. An… arrangement where they could blow off some steam. Have someone to help with all the stress.” He says cocking an eyebrow.
Your mind is running a million miles a minute and you are sure your eyeballs are about to pop out. Is he suggesting what you think he is suggesting?
“I really don't want to offend you, and you can yell at me if you want. But I was wondering if you would be willing…to share the wealth. Help my bandmates with their tension. Let them fuck you.” He finishes finally staring at you.
Your jaw drops and even in the hot water of the bath, you feel yourself shiver. Goosebumps cover your arms and legs.
How could you possibly say no to that?
There was no universe or timeline where you would say no to that.
You knew the members of BTS of course, from what you had seen online as you had never met them but a slew of dirty thoughts started racing though your mind.
“You still with me?” Tae teases which has you snapping out of your thoughts and looking down to see some of the bubbles have disappeared and Tae can clearly see you clenching your thighs under the water.
“I-um sorry I think my brain stopped working.” You admit with an awkward laugh.
Tae leans down and presses a kiss to your collarbone as your eyes roll to the back of your head. His lips are soft and warm against your skin as his hand comes to palm your breast. It feels so good and you already feel yourself throbbing. You weren't sure if it was because of him, or his suggestion but you felt a moan fall from your parted lips.
His hands traveled down your wet, naked body and settled between your legs, which you opened obediently for him.
He darkly chuckled against your throat as he felt how soaked you were.
“God you really like that idea huh?” He mutters as a finger enters you and you buck your hips up at the sensation of him slowly thrusting his finger in and out.
“Tae. Fuck.” You cry out as he curls his finger under the water and rubs against that spot inside you that has you moaning out his name and gripping the side of the tub.
“You'd like that, wouldn't you? You'd like to be Bangtan's little slut. Let all the members fuck you. So naughty Y/N. So dirty.” Tae growls out as his finger speeds up and you are a moaning, whining mess under him.
Soon enough he coaxes you through an orgasm that has you shaking and moaning below him. You bury your face in his sweater to muffle your cries as your wall flutters around his digit.
Once he removes his finger you throw your head back and try to catch your breath.
He is above you grinning as he watches you try to recover.
“Fucking hell Tae.” You say breathless as you stare him down.
“So I take it you like that idea?” He asks with a lick of his lips as his fingers dance around the water, swirling the leftover bubbles around.
“Yes. I do. Very much. Mhmm.” You say trying not to show how excited you are.
Tae laughs, he can see right through you. But is nice enough not to comment on it.
“So here's what I'm thinking. I talk to the members. Make sure they are okay with it. It will be the same arrangement we have. I give them your number. They text you when they need you. Sound good?” He asks.
“Sounds good to me.” You reply.
“Yeah seems like it sounds very good to you. Don't make yourself cum too much tonight thinking about it yeah?” He teases which has you flicking water at him.
“You are the one who suggested it!” You tease back with a laugh.
“I didn't want you to be offended and here you are, enthusiastic as ever. I love it.” He says removing his hands from the water and wiping them on your bath towel.
He stands up and adjusts his sweater, pulling it down to cover his hard-on. You smirk and Tae shoots you a look.
“Well, I should get going. Just remember who you belong to babe. I was here first.” He reminds you pointing to your thighs where the red bite marks are starting to turn into small bruises.
You nod at him and he winks at you.
“I don't think I'll let you know what they say. I think I'll let it be a surprise. If you get a text from an unknown number…well you'll know. Now be a good girl and don't be glued to your phone too much.” He says over his shoulder as he turns to leave which has your mouth hanging open in shock.
You hear him chuckle and slip his shoes on as he leaves, you lay back in the bath and close your eyes, mind reeling with what the next couple of months are going to be like.
Authors Note #2- Firstly, thank you for reading! I do plan to make this into a series! Here's how it will go, on the last day of each month (Starting January 2024) I will release another part
Seven parts total for Seven members (because let's be real Taehyung deserves a full fic not just a small intro)
I spun a wheel to decide the order (but purposely saved Namjoon for last for...reasons)
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The Order that was decided was
Jimin, Jungkook, Jin, Yoongi, Taehyung, Hobi, Namjoon
If you want to be put on a tag list send me a message and I'll add you.
This series ends at the end of July 2024
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martiniblues · 1 year
weave your little webs of opacity ; 이민형
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pairing spiderman!mark x female!reader
synopsis dating your friendly neighborhood spiderman was never an easy task. having to hide his identity from your family and friends was tough, but his life being put in constant danger was even worse. one night, he shows up at your window for reasons you feared most.
genre mutual comfort, so so so much fluff, slight angst, mark has cuts and bruises, reader uses she!her pronouns, established relationship, slightly suggestive towards the end.
wc 1.5k
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tap tap tap
that’s what you heard as you lay in bed, attempting to fall asleep. you sat up, looking around your pitch-black room to navigate where the strange noise sprouted from. assuming it was nothing, you laid back down, pulling your comforter back up your body.
a few seconds passed before another sound was heard. "baby… it’s me." you could recognize that voice from anywhere.
quickly throwing yourself out of bed, you rushed to your window. after pushing up the glass, you were able to take in his appearance. he was wearing his spidey suit without the mask, revealing many cuts scattered across his beautiful cheekbones.
"mark what happened?" you quickly pulled him to your carpeted floor and examined the rest of his body. his suit was ripped in various places to expose more cuts that were littered across his abdomen and chest.
"it’s not too bad." he joked as his head fell back against the edge of your bed. you ignored his comment and held his face in your hands, inspecting it once more before running to your bathroom and grabbing your first aid kit.
crouching in front of him again, you began getting out the disinfectants and gauze you needed. "mmmm~" mark groaned, reaching for your waist and attempting to pull you to sit in his lap.
"dude, you have cuts all over you; i’m gonna hurt you!" you protested, trying to free yourself from his grip. "i think you being closer to me will help more than some stupid medicine." his head rolled to the side as he looked at you with a stupid smirk.
you fought back the urge to slap his chest but retorted to sitting in his lap after all. "you cheesy loser." you commented before working on moving his hair back from his face.
"hey, that’s not very nice. i’m injured here!" he whined, laying his head back once more. "baby, seriously, sit still." you held his head firmly as you picked up one of the soaked disinfectant cloths. "this might sting a little." you said before dabbing one of his cuts and quickly blowing on it softly to ease the stinging sensation he clearly felt due to the hiss that fell from his lips.
"i’m sorry." you cooed as you continued to work your way across his face. with every dab on his cuts, his grip got tighter on your waist.
after finishing his face, your fingers looped under the collar of his suit. "can i… um." you stuttered, knowing what was underneath. you and mark had been together for over a year, but still, the sight of him shirtless left you blushing like a little girl.
he laughed at your nervousness and kissed your flushed cheek. "you act like you’ve never seen me shirtless before." he teased you as he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, making you grow even more red.
"whatever, i’m just making sure i won’t hurt you or anything." you rolled your eyes, trying to hide the fact that you were burning from the inside out. "that’s not how you were last night-" he was quickly cut off by a hand to his mouth. "shut up!" you shrieked, causing him to laugh as your palm left his lips.
you began to slowly pull down his suit to rest at his waist. if this were any other scenario, you would have begun kissing him right then and there, but the sight of many cuts and bruises left your heart to pang with worry.
"oh mark…" your fingers lightly grazed over a large pink spot on his side that was slowly blooming into a dark bruise.
"yeah those guys weren’t playing around." he laughed, but you could see the pain stitched between his brows. "baby, you have to be careful. i don’t know what i’d do if-" mark cut you off instantly by pulling your lips to his.
suddenly, all worry melted away, and all you could feel was him. forgetting about the cuts and bruises between you two and just feeling him on you.
"i know. i don’t mean for things to end up this way." he sighs, slowly pulling away from you. the little light from your lamp next to you two left a beautiful glow on his breathtaking features.
"how could someone be so senseless as to mess up such a pretty face?" you said before you even had time to think about your words. mark’s cheeks instantly flushed at your words, biting his lip to hold back a toothy smile.
"i think it’s kinda hot, don’t you think?" he moved his face to show off his battle scars. "whatever…" you will admit that it is insanely hot when you ignore how they got there. but he doesn’t need to know that.
you continued your doctor-esc duties before realizing you never got an answer to how he ended up like this in the first place.
leaning back slightly, you softly held his face to look into his eyes. "what happened, mark?"
he sighed and stretched his body slightly before his hands came to rest on your hips once again. "these idiots were trying to rob the bank a couple blocks away, and i tried to stop it on my own, but it turns out they had some bats and plenty of rings on their fingers to nearly take me down. but…" he reached under himself to get his phone to show you the news headline that he (spiderman) had in fact beaten the criminals and gotten them arrested. "i got ‘em anyway." he smirked cockily while you tried not to slap him for his stupid actions.
"i’m proud of you and everything, " you averted your gaze from his phone to lock eyes with him, stroking his cheek with your thumb. "but you shouldn’t be doing these things on your own. i know you’re strong and amazing at what you do, but i worry about you all the time. these guys could have done so much worse to you if one thing went wrong!" you expressed your distaste for his actions.
mark did take you seriously because he knew what happened when he didn’t, but you just looked so pretty above him that he couldn’t find it to control himself.
"so you think i’m strong and amazing?" he teased, turning his face slightly to kiss your wrist that he now held. he then stretched his torso to accentuate his sculpted body and defined arms.
"that’s all you got from my speech?" you tilted your head in disappointment but still couldn’t fight your eyes from taking all of him in.
he just made it so hard.
"dude, you don’t even try to act like you don’t love it." he titled his head to catch your eyes but winced slightly when he irritated a specific cut on his jaw.
"okay pretty boy, just sit still for a minute; i’ll be back." kissing his cheek where he wasn’t hurt, you made your way to your closet, where you kept the clothes mark left at your house, which was quite a lot.
picking up a shirt and shorts, you made your way back to the boy, who began to take off his suit. your cheeks still flushed at his bare skin, even if you had seen it countless times. "it’s not polite to stare." he commented as he stole the clothes from your hands, beginning to pull his shorts up his legs.
you just rolled your eyes and sat on the edge of your bed, relishing in his appearance for the hundredth time that night. you helped him pull his shirt over his tender skin and guided him to sit against your headboard with you.
"aren’t you forgetting something?" he asked as you reached over to turn off your lamp, leaving only the moonlight to illuminate your bodies. "hmm?" you hummed, unsure of what you could have possibly forgotten. silently, mark tapped his cheek, his forehead, his lips, and finally his nose.
you laughed at the childish pout pulled on his lips and rolled over to be flush against him, making sure to avoid hurting him.
"oh how could i forget?" you could feel the smile on his lips as you kissed all over his face. it was lazy and slow due to your tiredness, but you also took your time, wanting to absorb as much of this moment as you could. even though mark always came back to you in one piece, the thought of that not always being true hung in your mind like a curse.
"i love you so much, mark. more than anything." you pulled away before kissing his lips softly. he pulled you closer to him, squeezing your hips and raking his fingers in your hair. "i love you (y/n). i promise that i will always come back to you." it was as if he could read your mind, and maybe he could with his spidey senses, but you would never know.
you two stayed like that all night, slowly and deeply expressing your love for each other. it wasn’t until the sun began to outline your figure from the window behind your body that you finally decided to sleep.
you two were both tangled endlessly in each other’s webs of love and wanted no way to escape.
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© martiniblues | do not copy or translate my work!
notes | this is completely inspired by that one andrew garfield spiderman scene (ifykyk). there are not enough spidermark fics on here it’s truly tragic!!! hope you enjoyed <33
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bimbo-baggins17 · 27 days
Okay so i'm a big sucker for burnt Vader fic.
Sooo there's a malfunction in his suit and he's like hyper sensible as shit and he summon YOU to help him with... his problem teehee 🤭
One way another you find yourself on his big, scarred dick rummaging your guts and that perfect spot being hit EVERY SINGLE TIME !
And a bit of subby Vader if you can plss 🙏
THIS. OH MY GOD. Subby Vader too??????? We’re kissing now.
This was a new sensation for Vader. His suit usually left him uncomfortable and especially when it malfunctioned. But this? This was new. His scarred dick was so excruciatingly sensitive he felt like he was going through puberty again. Any little move made him whimper under his helmet.
He couldn’t take it anymore. Swallowing his pride, he reaches for his communicator, summoning you, his trusted assistant for lack of a better word.
You arrive promptly. “Yes Lord Vader?” You’re surprised to see him sitting still.
“I uh..I’m having some issues with my suit.” He says, attempting to keep his voice from trembling.
You nod your head and make your way over to him. “What seems to be the problem?”
He sighs, “it’s just..it’s making me sensitive.”
You’re reaching for your tool kit. “Oh. I can help with that.”
He grips onto your wrist immediately. “No. Not like that,” He breathes out heavily. He sees your confusion. With a sigh, he elaborates. “I-..I need..a different kind of assistance.” Please get what he’s trying to say. To imply.
It takes a second but it dawns on you. “Oh.” You breathe out. He relaxes and releases his grip on your wrist. You understood. “Are you sure..you want me for that?”
He nods his head, thankful the helmet shielded the pathetic look in his eyes that he knew was there. “Yes my dear, please.”
Hearing the almighty Lord Vader being reduced to a whispered, almost pitiful begging was enough to convince you. You slowly close the distance, unclasping your belt, shrugging your uniform jacket off, “I’ll help you out. Don’t worry.”
He watches behind the red lenses, his cock was hurting with how much it was straining, watching you slip out of your uniform completely. You reach behind your back, unclasping your bra, freeing your breasts.
“Maker.” He wheezes behind the mask.
You hook your fingers under the waistband of your panties, pushing them down and stepping out of them. You come to a stop right infront of where he sits. “You sure about this.”
He nods his head. “Please.”
Nodding your head, you help ease his leaky cock from the confines of his suit. He closes his eyes not wanting to see your reaction to his scarred cock. He knows it wasn’t pretty.
You aren’t deterred at all. Was it wrong or weird to say you had a thing for him? “I’ll take good care of you, my Lord. Don’t worry.” You give his shaft a few slow pumps to get him used to it. He whines under the mask, the modulator distorting it.
You position yourself on his lap before slowly easing down onto him. His head tilts back and his hands come to grip tightly onto your hips, surely leaving marks. “O-oh..my stars.”
You struggle to accommodate his size, having not worked yourself up for it. He was hung like a Bantha. “Is..this okay?..”
He nods his head as best as he can, “Yes..more than okay my dear.”
Slowly, with his reassurance you start to just rock your hips back and forth, allowing him to get used to the feeling of being inside someone again.
“Need more.” He rasps out. “Please.”
Who are you to deny the Sith Lord especially when he’s asking so nicely?
You ease into bouncing on his thick cock. A strangled moan is ripped from him. Slow at first, just to feel each and every single bump and ridge on his shaft. You shudder as your hands reach to the shoulders of his suit, bracing yourself to go faster.
He watches your breasts as they bounce right in front his face, completely entranced with you. How you looked. How you felt.
Your slick dribbles down his shaft and onto the leather on his legs. Each time you came down onto his dick, you swore he was reaching your guts. “So good…so good, my dear.” He continues repeating.
Keeping one hand on his shoulder, you bring a hand to your right breast, tweaking the nipple. He grunts louder at the sight, feeling you squeeze tighter around his shaft.
“I’m-..I’m gonna-“ He doesn’t get to fully warn you before he’s sloppily thrusting up into you as he paints your walls with his hot cum.
You moan feeling his seed spill into you. Despite being exhausted and spent, he’s not completely selfish, not when you’ve helped him so much. He uses the Force to apply the right amount of pleasure on your clit, pushing you over the edge seconds after him.
The moans from his modulator are animalistic as your cunt clamps down around his disfigured shaft. It’s the most he’s ever cum and Maker did it feel good.
Taking a second to collect yourselves, he focuses on the heartbeat in your walls. “..thank you..” he croaks out.
You nod your head and ease off of him, both whimpering at as he slips out of you. “Of course, my lord.”
He tucks himself back into his suit, “I may find myself in need of your assistance again in the future.”
Not that you’d mind. You’d happily take care of him anyway he needed you.
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AITA for letting my dog correct (nip) my niece to prove a point and refusing to punish him?
I own an ex-K9 called Biggles. Biggles is impeccably trained, a total gentleman when you're not being an asshole to him, but also has no time for your bullshit. He'll tolerate a lot more hassle from the younger kids in our family, but if they're allowed to persist in bullying him, he will correct them, just like he would the adults of the family.
Mostly Biggles will just push them over and walk away. Its his way of saying to leave him alone. Sometimes he'll bark loudly, a kind of 'fuck off now' bark. At the very extreme, he'll give them a tiny little warning nip on the arm or hand.
(Biggles has only ever nip corrected kids twice in all the years I've had him. Once when my cousin thought it was 'cute' to dump her toddler right on top of Biggles and let him rip at his fur and try to bite at his face, and once when my nephew was having a tantrum, Biggles tried to snuggle up to him to soothe him and my nephew hit him in the face.)
I firmly believe in learning how your pet communicates and respecting their reasonable boundaries. To me, if you're yanking on a dog's tail and ignoring everyone warning you to stop and you get a nip to the back of the hand for it, that's a valid consequence of your actions and you've just learned to respect the dog enough not to try pulling its tail out of its spine.
(This likely seems unfathomable to a lot of you, but I must clarify that Biggles isn't some hyper-reactive aggressive, dangerous dog like my sister thinks. He will more than happily play around with the little ones, faux wrestle with them, let them paw all over him and fuss at him, ect. He loves children, they're his babies. He does not love being in pain, and if the person causing it will not respect him or me enough to listen to my warnings, I believe they earn it when he warns them too.)
Anyway. Like you might've guessed, yanking on his tail was what my niece was doing at the beer-and-barbeque this weekend. I told her not to. My parents told her not to. Even my sister half-assedly suggested 'maybe Biggles wants to play a different game.' Biggles got up and moved away from her twice and she followed him both times to 'keep playing.'
My entire family knows how Biggles works. I warned my sister Biggles wouldn't tolerate what was happening. My sister told me I shouldn't own such a dangerous, unpredictable dog and he should be put down if he can't handle some 'rough love from a kid.'
(This was not rough love. This was my niece literally ripping at his tail thinking his pain responses were funny.)
I didn't want to cause a scene or subject Biggles to further harassment so I decided just once I'd cave and take Biggles inside so he could get some peace and I could enjoy my burnt ends without my sister squealing in my ear about being cruel to her child by telling her off.
Unfortunately, Biggles' patience ran out before I could make my way over. My niece yanked at his tail again, hard enough that it actually jolted him on the grass, and Biggles whipped around and nipped at her hand. I got to see her hand afterward and there was just a little red mark, no blood or broken skin. He'd just pinched her a little.
My niece screamed bloody murder like he'd taken her hand off and my sister screamed bloody murder about my 'vicious animal.' It devolved into a massive family-wide argument against my sister because my entire family knows its just basic respect and kindness not to cause an animal pain deliberately, and that its my sister's fault for not listening to anyone when we all told her and my niece not to hurt Biggles.
My sister stormed off and has since been blowing up the entire family demanding that Biggles be put down. She's threatened to call the cops, animal control, you name it. None of us are worried about that. There wasn't even a proper mark left on her hand and Biggles will pass any behavioral test with flying colors, but my sister is giving everyone grief and is refusing to attend any family events if Biggles will be there.
My dad is firmly on my side, but my mom is imploring me to just fake apologise to get some peace back. When I recounted the story to my colleague this morning, he said she got what she earned, but also why would I bring Biggles to an event I knew a disrespectful little shit of a kid was at?
I don't feel like an asshole in terms of allowing my dog to establish his boundaries. In my and my family's opinion pets are their own entities and should be treated with belonging and respect when part of a family. Its also just common sense not to cause an animal pain for the fun of it.
However, I'm also very aware that getting nipped by a dog, especially at such a young age, can be catastrophic. My niece could be terrified of dogs for the rest of her life, and while I don't feel guilty she got corrected, I do feel somewhat guilty that I didn't intervene sooner and have possibly set her up for failure in the future. And I do feel like an asshole for letting it get to that point, but it did all happen pretty quickly.
All things considered I do love my niece, she's family, she just gets away with murder because my sister thinks being a little girl is an automatic pass to do whatever you want without consequence.
I've probably painted Biggles out in a real bad light here, but I can assure you that in general Biggles is the perfect family dog. He's loving, playful, he tries to share his kibble with everyone at dinner, he helped us teach my uncle's puppy tricks and how to behave and potty outside ect.
So I guess I'm really asking am I the asshole in this situation, as the one responsible for Biggles?
What are these acronyms?
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nikkisheep · 2 years
I'm Better
Sam Winchester x female reader
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, fingering, oral (m&f), praise kink, throat fucking, spitting, rough sex, name calling (whore/slut/bitch), squirting, SOULESS SAM, I REPEAT SOULESS SAM
Summary: You miss the old Sam and the new Sam shows you that he is better than the regular Sam.
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Sam was tired of his brother trying to fix him. He felt better. He was a better hunter, faster at killing than he was before. He no longer had to worry about freezing when it came to killing monsters. He was just better. Now Dean and Castiel had left you to watch Sam while they talked with Death to get Sam's soul.
He watched you as you cleaned the small apartment that you were in, watching as you bent over just the right way so he could see those pretty little red panties. You were turning around to ask him something when you stopped to find a shirtless Sam in your living room.
"Uh Sam," You lifted an eyebrow, "where is your shirt?"
"I wanted to work out," He shrugged. He noticed your eyes racking over his body.
"Oh uh, okay sure."
He started to do whatever he was planning but he couldn't help but smirk when he saw that you were checking him out. He knew that you found him attractive but he wanted to see if you would act on it.
"Can I get a glass of water?" He asked about thirty minutes later.
You nod before heading into the kitchen to get him a glass. You returned but Sam wasn't there. He was gone. You were going to turn around but he was standing behind you. You let out a gasp at the closeness.
"Sorry, I went to the bathroom." He smiled down at you.
The air was thick with sexual tension. His bare chest moved up and down with his shallow breaths and you looked up into those brown eyes. They didn't show the same kind of emotion they once did. You handed him the cool glass of water, which he gladly drank. You watched his throat as he swallowed. You were so turned on at the moment you were scared he could smell it.
Sam looked at you before placing his hands on yours. He pulled them to his chest, letting you touch him. His skin was warm but soft. He held your hands to him for a moment later before he let them go, but your hands didn't drop from his chest. You slid them around his pecs and moved them to his shoulders. He placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer. You looked at him before kissing his chest.
"Fuck," he whispered under his breath.
You took it as a green light and kissed his skin again. This time allowing your tongue to flick against him. He leaned down to kiss against your neck, causing you to wrap your arms around his neck, playing with his hair. He suckled your sweet spot as you moved agaisnt him. His hand went to your ass to pull and squeeze against him, you pressed your hands into his back.
"Jump," He orders.
You do as he says and wrap your legs around his waist. Your cunt came right in contact with his hips. He moved your to the wall before pressing his erection to your clothed core. He kissed down your neck to your chest where he rips your shirt open to reveal your breasts.
"Sam," You moan.
He pulled your bra off and starts marking up your chest. He isn't soft about it. It was all teeth and tongue. You had never felt like this before.
"Get on your knees." You do.
You pull his jeans down and mouth at his clothed dick. He grunts above you before pulling himself out. He was big in size and thickness. You leaned in and licked the head. His head fell back as he fisted himself. You take his cock from his hand and moved it to your mouth. You began to suck the tip and run your tongue over the slit. You loved the taste of him in your mouth. He was heavy and warm.
"Fuck your mouth feels so good."
You take more into your mouth and you deep throat him. He touched the back of your throat before you looked at him to start fucking your face. He pulls out before slamming back in. He does this a few times as you sputter around him. You weren't expecting him to be so hard to take as he fucked your throat. He moved against your mouth as you sucked him for everything he had. You wanted him to cum in your mouth. He pressed deeper in your throat as you gripped his thighs in hopes of him letting up.
"One more second," He coos to you.
You gulp in a breath of air when he pulls out completely.
"Fucking hell, you are such a slut."
He moves the two of you to the couch and putting you on your hands and knees before pulling your pants down. He played with your thong before pulling them off too. He leans in to smell your pussy (yes he does baby). His tongue goes straight into your little hole which causes you to scream. He tongue fucks you for a little bit before moving up to your clit. He sucks it into his mouth which has you pushing back on his mouth. He continues until you are almost there but he stops.
"I want you to cum on my dick."
He presses his cock to your hole and presses inside. The stretch felt like it would never end. As he pressed in, you felt full already and he was not even half way in.
"Just a few more inches baby."
He does not stop for a second before he pulled almost all the way out, only the tip left in. He pushes back in, hard. Your knees buckle and the couch moves. Sam then wraps an arm around your waist to pull you against him. He sits back and has you sitting on his lap. You looked at the TV in front of you, seeing Sam's face in the reflection. He winked at you before picking you up and slamming you back down. He fucks up into you as he does this over and over again.
You moan as he whispers about you being his whore and that he isn't going to let you go. He keeps fucking up into you with fever and the only thing you could do was to take it. You had no choice with how good he was fucking you.
"Whose whore are you?"
"I'm yours Sam."
He turned your head and gripped your jaw. He spit into your mouth and watched as you swallowed it with a smile.
Your sweet pussy clenched around him and he rubbed your clit as he bounced you up and down on his dick. You got closer and closer before you climaxed. It felt as if you were drowning. You could only scream as Sam doubled his efforts and you orgasmed again.
"No more Sam. Too much."
"One more," he says before thrusting harder. He thrusts one last time before spilling into you. His orgasm triggared yours and you squirted a lot onto his lap. He looked down and smiled at his achievement.
"You look so fucking hot right now," He said as he kissed your neck again.
"Sam, I'm tired. No more." You really were tired and your core was sore.
"I'll let you rest but I'm keeping you right here." He said as he moved his hips one last time.
"Sam, I don't think I can go another round."
"Don't worry sweetheart, I know you can." He said before circling your clit.
You arch your back as his fingers slip inside of you, along side his dick. He pulled out but left his fingers in. He played with the cum inside as he fucked you with his fingers. He wanted you to cum one last time. It didn't take long before you did and fell asleep right after. He smiled at you asleep on the couch as he got dressed and closed your apartment door.
Now to find his brother and the angel.
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