#it still looks dangerous as fuck like what if the other actress had just pushed a little too hard on the wrong spot??
thewritingpossum · 1 year
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Geez Natalia, I really wonder why she might be afraid to be alone in a room with you, truly a strange reaction...
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peaky-shelby · 2 years
DEFINE ME | Neymar Jr. x OC
Summary: Famous Singer and Actress, Gabriella Hamill, travels to Qatar after being invited on live television by her favorite player, Lionel Messi. Despite the invitation, Ella tries to avoid the cameras and hide in plain side, wanting to enjoy the games without the chaos that comes with being in Public places and it all seems to be going well until she meets Neymar Jr. in this bad boy meets good girl story, the definition of good and bad is lost between the lines and redefined by the past and future.
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Chapter 5: scared by definition
Chapter summary: just when Ney is getting closer she pushes away but how long can they stay away from each other.
Warnings: the most annoying cliffhanger in the history of cliffhangers 😂🤣
Writer's note: i hope you will all have an incredible new year's eve.
Taglist; @xngelsau @sirensanction @reneyahh @thegrinch101 @geekwritersworld @chaotic-taco-collector-blog
@blondedjoys @maneaterss @inthemoonlightblue @iluvneyney @woozarts @missamericana69
Apologies if i forgot to tag anyone pls comment and I'll tag you on the next one!!
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During the drive home Gabriella was singing Muchachos on top of her lungs and shaking Maggie who was sitting next to her, watching as she celebrated Argentina’s win against the Netherlands. A part of her wishes she could have gone and celebrated with the team but she also knew that it was dangerous, especially after the trick she pulled with hugging Neymar in the middle of the field.
Mid-verse she looked at Maggie who was scrolling on her phone.
“Would you stop worrying about that? There’s nothing connecting me to the figure. People don’t even know I’m in Qatar.”
“I’m still trying to understand what you were thinking.”
“I wasn’t thinking, that’s the point.”
“The point of why you should stay away from him?”
Gabriella snatched the phone out of Maggie’s hand and held it up, so she wouldn’t reach it. “Enough with this please. I’m happy. I’m a nobody here. Yes, it was a mistake but you should have seen him.”
“I did see him.” She reached to get back her phone “He had the same look in his eyes that you had- “
“No, listen to me. I’m happy that you are happy and as much as I complain seeing you like this makes me proud. But I have a responsibility to handle the consequences. If the same shit happens, its gonna be on me.”
Gabriella let out a weak sigh and looked out her window. Her eyes melancholically searching for something to hold on. As they reached the house she noticed a figure, dressed in black, sitting on the steps, head low to his knees. She must have opened the door to ran to him before the car had even stopped because she tripped, scraping her knee against the pavement. She got back up quickly and reached his broken figure.
“Neymar” she called but got no response until the 5th time she tried. She slipped her hand under his chin, to force him to raise his head. His glowing eyes landed on her, red and hurt. She cupped his face, mumbling words to bring him to his senses but it got nowhere.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Said Maggie, standing behind her. She pulled out the keys quickly and went to open the door. Then she stood next to Neymar and helped Gabriella pull him up to his feet. Maggie tried to get him to lean more on her than Gabriella but he seemed to be preferring her warmth. They almost fell about three times while trying to get him up the stairs, stumbling on the steps or their own feet. “Why not just leave him in the leaving room?” asked Maggie. Gabriella didn’t answer.
They laid him on the bed. He’d whisper words in Brazilian that Gabriella wouldn’t catch and reach for her whenever she’d move away. She sat on the edge of the bed holding a wet towel on her hand and placed it on his head, patting his entire face with it. He moved a few inches trying to get away from it. Then she had him sit up with his back on the head of the bed, drinking an entire water bottle, despite his complaints or him pushing her hands away from his lips. He seemed to be getting back to his true self, his eyes focusing on her a little easier. She used the wet blanket again to stroke his head, then passed it over his eyes and his nose. As she passed it over his re opened his eyes, that stared at her and the towel reached his lips, where she kept it a little longer before pulling away. He reached quickly for her hand, even in his state, Antonella was right, when he wanted something, he needed no encouragement. She smiled weakly at him.
“This shit hasn’t stopped ringing.” Maggie said, walking inside the bedroom, handing the phone to Gabriella. Thiago Silva was calling him. She stood up to go in the hallway, he tried to reach for her again but his hand fell short on the mattress.
“I just need 2 minutes” She reassured him and went outside, signaling Maggie to stay with him for a while. She answered the phone, feeling a little awkward. “Thiago?” she asked. The other line stayed silent for a few seconds.
“Who’s this?” he asked, a little angry and angry.
“We met in the changing rooms after the game. I was with Neymar.”
“He’s with you?”
“Kinda. Yes.”
“What do you mean kinda?”
“He’s pretty out of it. Very drunk.”
She heard him cursing in Brazilian and closed her eyes, knowing that Neymar would probably be in trouble tomorrow.
“You want me to come get him?”
She didn’t expect that question. She didn’t know how to answer or what to say. If he asked Maggie, she’d say yes, no second thoughts. Maybe that was what was best for him. But Gabriella wasn’t sure, then-
“It won’t be necessary. I’ll take care of him and bring him in the base tomorrow.” She said, only understanding what she said after she heard herself saying it. She closed her eyes again, like she had let something wrong slip and she wanted to take it back. Thiago thanked her and hanged up, letting her return to him.
Neymar was now sitting on the edge of the bed, Maggie was standing a little farther away from him, trying to pull him up be the arm.
“What’s going on?”
“He’s about to throw up in your bed- “
“Am not!” he argued. Gabriella replaced Maggie, who after that left them alone and sat next to him.
“Don’t leave me alone with her again, she’s mean.” He mumbled, sounding and looking like a 5-year-old boy. Gabriella couldn’t help but laugh at that. Her smiled faded away to quickly when he saw his expression changing, like he was actually going to throw up. She helped him up and he ran in the bathroom of her room. Gabriella stayed outside as he practically closed the door on her face. She leaned on the doorframe, rubbing her eyes together while he was probably regretting all his life choices over the toilet. “There are extra toothbrushes and toothpaste on the second drawer.” She said loudly when there was silence from the other side. A few seconds later, she heard him opening the drawers and then the sink and then the sound of him brushing his teeth. When he came out, he looked more tired than before, leaning against the door, but somehow he managed a smile. It was weak bit it was a smile nonetheless.
“Do you have any pain killers?” he asked.
Gabriella’s heart sunk. She shook her head quickly “no!”
He seemed weirded out by her reaction but he didn’t have the strength to keep the conversation going.
“This is usually the part they say they’ll never have another drink ever again.” She said in a whisper, trying to lighten the mood. He scoffed and let his head hand; he didn’t even have strength to keep looking at her. “Come on” she prompted and helped him get back on the bed. When he sat down, she noticed his shirt was wet and dirty. Without really thinking about it she reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it up. He held his arms high, to make it easier for her. She gulped when she saw his bare chest and his six pack, standing frozen with his shirt on her hands. He caught her staring and smirked, slowly held her hands to take the shirt away from her. That movement awoke her and she looked in his eyes instead of his chest, seeing his naughty look. She pulled her hand away “Sleep” she ordered. She pulled back the sheets of the bed so he would lay under them. To her surprise he obeyed and laid down, his head sinking in the pillows. She covered him with the sheets, when she pulled them up to his chest, he held her hand again, this time interlocking their fingers.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. Gabriella shook her hand and sat next to him, looking at their hands.
“It’s ok.” She strokes his skin with her thumb. “But you should have been more careful.”
“I know” he said in the same way she had said it after his loss. In a way that meant I don’t give crap anyway. She smiled incautiously at that. He moved their hands towards her direction, pointing at her. “Did they win?” he asked and only then she realized she was still wearing her Argentina hoodie. She wanted to slap herself in the face and he must have understood that because he was quick to tell her that it was fine “just tell me. It’s ok.” She nodded, unable to hide her smile and he smiled back, an honest smile “Si! Joder Leo!” He called, seeming happy for a few seconds. Gabriella was in awe; despite his loss he was still able to celebrate for his friend. “Was it a good game?”
“It was a mess” she answered quickly.
“Tell me about it.”
Gabriella hesitated “are you sure?”
He nodded. Gabriella started telling him about the referee that was giving out yellow cards like it was an UNO game during the match. She got up at some point to go and change and she’d tell him about all the fights that escalated between the two teams while she was in the bathroom. She told him about it seemed like a clear win for Argentina in the first half but everything changed in the second half.
“The penalties were fucking nuts as well-“she said coming out of the bathroom, that’s when she was faced with his sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful in her bad. She walked on the other side to lay next to him but over the cars, using her shirt as a cover instead. She stared at him, the lines on his face and his lips, rosy and kissable. If she let in her intrusive thoughts, she would have kissed him by now but instead she let herself fall asleep in the sound of his heartbeat and his breathing.
During the middle of the night Neymar woke up. Saw her laying next to him but as far away from him as she could and over the sheets. He moved as gently as he could so he wouldn’t wake her and pulled the sheets over her, the second she did that she moved in her sleep, closer to him and snuggled herself with the covers. He smiled and fell back asleep.
The two of them woke up again by the sound of loud knocking. She stood up quickly, scaring him and opened the door while he was trying to open his eyes. Rubbing them. He could hear yelling from the other side of the door, he sat up, feeling dizzy and confused and reached for his phone which was blowing up with massages from his PR manager.
That message alone was bad and enough to wake him up. He stood up and opened the door, the two girls were arguing in the hall but stopped when they saw him. Maggie glared at him, reminding him that he was shirtless.
“What happened?” he asked, walking over to them.
“You happened.” Said Maggie bitterly and walked down the stairs. Ney looked at Gabriella, who just handed him her phone.
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“Puta...” he mumbled, reading the tweets.
“A fucking pair of shoes.” She cursed “I need coffee.” She went to the kitchen. Neymar went to quickly put on his shirt and went behind her, stumbling on some of the steps. She had already turned the coffee machine when he reached her.
“Gabriella- “
“Do you want coffee- of course you do, you’re hangover-“ she was moving around the kitchen like a robot, avoiding him in any ways she could. He couldn’t understand if she was angry at him or the media. “Sugar?” she asked, just when he was about to speak. He didn’t answer “I’ll leave it black.” She said then, pulling two cups and filling them “FUCK!” she cursed when she spilled some of it on her hand and let down the kettle, breathing loudly.
“We can play it off and ignore it. It will go away.”
She laughed at that. Sniffed her nose “caramel or cinnamon?” she asked. Neymar was completely taken aback by her reaction. He tried saying her name again but she asked louder “Neymar do you want caramel or cinnamon?” he didn’t answer. She waited for a few minutes before pushing the coffee away from her on the counter “it’s ready then.”
Neymar moved closer, taking hold of his cup. He watched her, putting sugar in hers.
“If we don’t say anything- “
“They’ll just find something to say themselves. Don’t act like you don’t know them.”
“Is it so bad to be seen with me?”
“it’s not about you Neymar!” she snapped, glancing up at him. “Not everything is about you.”
He scoffed, moving away from the counter and walking towards the kitchen table. She was back into being feisty with him and with everything that had happened he didn’t know how long he would be able to pretend its ok but he ignored her comment. Then she started speaking, keeping her gaze on the coffee, her back on him “Now that they know that I am in Qatar, they’ll never let it go. Same way they didn’t let it go in the past”
“But you’re here for your father-“
She halted her movements. Raised her head to look at him, her eyes shooting daggers. He was confused at what he said that was so wrong to her.
“How do you know that?”
He hesitated “You’ve talked about them in interviews-“
“I’ve never spoken about them on Camera! They’ve torn my life to pieces to find that information! You don’t know them! So don’t talk about them- “
“I think I know you enough!”
“You don’t!” she snapped, her voice loud and bitter “And I don’t know you that’s the problem but now we have to deal with this because I was goddamn stupid-“
“que passa Gabriella?” he asked, raising his voice and feeling a little annoyed by her outburst.
“Why are you digging into my past?”
“Why did you run on the field yesterday?”
“Because I felt sorry for you!” she said coldly. He knew she didn’t mean it but it still stunk. He looked at her hurt but she looked away.
“Wow” he exclaimed in disbelief. Lowering his head and clicking his tongue.
“That’s all it was. Same reason I took care of you last night.” She added, her sharp words cutting deeper.
“You know what, I’m gonna go. I’m sure you and your bodyguard will figure this out.” He left his cup down and stormed out of the house. Gabriella threw her spoon across the counter, letting it hit on the wall with a loud bang and slapped her fresh made cup of coffee on the sink, letting it break in pieces. Maggie appeared by the entrance, watching her. Gabriella took a towel to clean the spilled coffee.
“That wasn’t fair.” She said, making her look up confused.
“Since when are you on his side?”
“I’m not! But now that he’s part of this you might as well let him help.”
“He can’t help.” She shot back quickly and sat on the kitchen table, hiding her face in her palms. “He should stay as far away from me as possible.”
Maggie pulled back the chair next to her and sat down. “You have two choices. One of them is do what he said, ignore it and keep hiding but you risk making a bigger story that way. You look guilty. The other is going out, showing your face, making it seem like you just wanted to keep a low profile and you were never really hiding- hey look at me, it’s not going to be like 2020. It will be a small story about Qatar and it’s not going to get into politics.”
“I can’t go through the same thing.” Her eyes began to stink with tears. Memories of crowds outside her hotel and the headlines, the news like a mob surrounding her. Like she had done a crime, she hid deeper in her palms.
“You won’t. People are gonna be more interested in you and Neymar than Qatar and you don’t have to answer to anything. I’m not a fan of you being connected to him but what is done is done. Look at me-“ Gabriella uncovered her face, to look at Maggie. “Don’t let them define this for you…” she stroked her face “We’ll get through this. We’ve been through worst.”
Gabriella nodded “I know… I know… I just really wanted these two weeks to be normal...” Maggie held her hands smiling.
“I think that ship sailed when you met Mr. trouble.” She laughed. Gabriella wiped her tears, sniffing back her sobs.
“I shouldn’t have spoken to him the way I did.” She groaned, rubbing her face “he lost a game last night and no he has to deal with me and this…” she mumbled.
“I mean… You can always apologize.” Maggie whispered, looking down.
“you’re actually encouraging me to go speak to him?”
“never said that.” She smiled.
Gabriella walked out of the base, hoping that she would find him there. Instead, she met Thiago, who seemed in a rush. She reached her hand to him but his bodyguard stopped her so she called his name, making him turn and look at her. He signaled his bodyguard that it’s ok and walked over to her.
“Is he upstairs?” she asked.
“You shouldn’t be here.” He said bluntly. Then motioned his head for her to follow him and snuck her in the hotel.
“Why is everyone packing?” she asked, seeing all the suitcases on the hallways and the players carrying them outside.
“Most of them are going back home tonight. The others have to move somewhere else now that we lost.”
She wanted to ask what was Neymar doing but she didn’t. Thiago led her down the hall to Neymar’s room, careful not to be seen by anyone. He knocked on the door twice. Neymar answered in in Brazilian that he was coming and later opened the door, holding it a tower of shirts on his hand. He was also packing. He froze when he saw her and for a moment Ella thought, he’d shut the door on her face but instead he opened it wider, let her in.
“You have 10 minutes.” Warned Thiago to which Neymar nodded. Gabriella looked around the room, one suitcase was closed and the other half full. Neymar walked past her to continue.
“You’re leaving?” she asked.
“Yeah. No need to feel sorry anymore.”
“I didn’t mean it.” She responded. Neymar kneeled on the floor, placing the shirts on the suitcase. He didn’t answer anything to her. So, she moved closer, sitting on the bed. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok.” He whispered.
“Ney please look at me, I’m sorry.” He stood still. Moved his head just a little so she could see his face. “Can we go somewhere? Talk alone?”
“We are alone.”
“Thiago will come in here any minute now.”
“It’s not like we are gonna be naked if he does-“
He sighed, turned his attention back on the suitcase “Let me pack and we’ll go.”
She couldn’t help herself so she asked “why are you packing?”
“I have to move to another apartment until I get back to Brazil.”
“So, you’re not going back right away?” she asked, hopeful. He must have heard the hope in her voice because he smiled and gave her a knowing look.
“No, I’m not.”
After Neymar packed, she got in the car with him, music playing to fill the silence as the sun was going down. He stopped the car on the same hill they were a couple of nights ago. The music fell short as the engine turned off as well. She wanted him to speak first, it would make her feel more comfortable but he never did and she couldn’t blame him considering the way she had reacted before.
“I don’t like people talking about my parents.” She finally said “Not unless I’ve spoken to them about it myself. I deliberately never answer questions about them… still the media has found a way to make stories about them. People think they know them and my relationship with them. It’s annoying.” She explained, all the time looking away from him. He stared at the steering wheel, holding it tightly. “That’s why I snapped.” She waited for him to say something but he never did so she finally looked at him. She couldn’t quite translate his expression, if he was sad or angry or if he was accepting her apology. “Please say something.” She prompted. Neymar turned her gaze to him.
“Why are you so terrified of the headlines?” he asked her. “You should be used to it by now.”
“I wasn’t always like this.” She explained “It was after…” her voice trailed off “after the incident that I even considered on letting go of my career completely. Having people share their opinion about you twenty-four seven is one thing but… I was used as a political weapon. That was completely different. I don’t want to go through that ever again. It came with a lot of consequences.” She shivered just remembering the yelling.
“Who leaked the information about the abortion?” She looked at the street. Peter’s face came in her mind like a glimpse. She trembled at the thought. Then she felt his hand on her thigh and she turned to look at him.
“It doesn’t matter who leaked it. What followed was hell. I was used by the republicans to attack the democrats, meanwhile I was trying to recover emotionally and physically… the man I loved ha turned his back on me and couldn’t get out of my house because I was followed and attacked wherever I’d go. Shit like that messes with your head really bad, you know?” she hadn’t realized she was crying until she tasted the salt on her lips “and they didn’t know… none of them knew what I was going through, or why…” she took in a deep breath, sobbing in between her sentences. There was so much more she wasn’t saying to him about the rehab center, about the months she spent locked in her house and how she was just rebuilding her life and her career “When the worst was over, I kept a low profile. They still found a way to make my life a story. Any men seen around me is my boyfriend or a one-night stand.” She wiped her tears “Neymar, I’m scared-“
“Is it because of my past?” he wondered leaning closer.
She laughed in between her sobs “You’re not exactly the most uncontroversial person in the world.” He let his head hang. Out of instinct, she cupped it in between her hands, she felt the need to look in his ocean eyes. The eyes that had hypnotized her in these last few days to do things, she’d never actually do. She wanted to kiss him, everything in her wanted to kiss him, become his, sink in his touch and his perfume. “It’s not just about you. It’s about me too… I have a feeling that if we start this it’s gonna go crazy fast. I’m not gonna be able to control it. Think about what is going to happen in just a few days when you go back to brazil and I go back to work. They’ll eat us both alive-“ she looked at his lips.
“Why should my past define whether I can have the future I want?” he asked, leaning his forehead on hers.
“What is that?” she asked whispering, knowing what her breath on his lips was doing to him.
Can you smell the smoke? It's the steamy next couple of chapters 👀 comment to unlock them!!
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streaminn · 1 year
I caught you JDWicked :)
"Why can't you just accept that people care for you? Is it so hard to think maybe someone could look at you and go "Oh! Maybe they shouldn't fucking die!"?"
"I can take care of myself. I don't need you to care for me."
Helios is taken aback at that. How dare she? She can't stop from yelling.
"Don't act like you care, Helios. We both know we just wanted to have a good story for your mother. "The big bad wolf finally coming out?" A perfect story to get her respect." The cool tone might've calmed her down at a different time.
A different place.
A different life.
Helios' muscles feel like someone dropped a lit match into a barrel of gunpower. She can feel the starts of steam just before the first sparks ignites.
And she ignites.
She's screaming now. She can feel her voice carry and deflect from the trees and earth and air. She can feel her voice rattle her bones.
She hopes Viper's bones rattle too.
"What-" Viper starts but Helios isn't listening now. She's mad and her anger thrums under her skin like magma.
Her body is a gas filled coal-mine. And Viper is a moronic canary flying in while set ablaze.
She can feel tears push on the back of her eyes. She hates that she sounds caring.
She hates that she is.
She turns and slams a fist into the tree closest to her. The bark and core collapses under her swing.
She turns back to Viper. She can feel her bones shake from her rage. If she didn't love the shorter woman, she'd be strangling her.
For a brief, brief moment, the world stands still. There's no forest-fire raging, pushing ever closer to them. No monster just beyond the edge of the forest that they can hear the feel the attacks of, even so far into the forest as they are. There's no haunting sense of fleeting time.
They're just 2 scared girls in the woods. 2 scared girls who care for each other, but only one can say it.
And it's here, in their little fragment of frozen time, that 2 scared girls embrace.
Maybe embrace is too graceful a word. It's more of honey and poisoned-glue being smacked together and trapping one another.
They barely have time for frantic "I love you"s and a wild plea for the other to stay safe before they part ways.
Viper to the flames.
Helios to the monster.
Their efforts will be enough to win.
They have to be.
"C-cut!" Comes the shaky call, as the blare of the "End Scene Alarm" rings in the studio.
"Holy shit, are y'all alright? That got so fucking intense."
"I-" Bianca's actress has tears falling down her face in waves. Sin wonders if a siren's body has enough water to cry that much. "Fuck."
"Yeah, I-" Tyler's actor barely speaks through his sobs. "I can't fucking be on this set, I did to go breathe and calm down and not be here for the reshoot, I-" Bianca's actress takes his hand, crying just as hard- harder, maybe- and leads them both off set.
"It.. wasn't that bad? I think you guys got a lil' too invested in it. And yet, we're the actresses." Sin gestures to herself, then Wednesday.
Wednesday says nothing.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Yoko piped up. Sin's only seen her cry when she thought her and Divina had broken up, and yet she's bawling. Sin bear-hugs her, and picks her up.
She grips tightly.
"That's my wife." Wednesday grumbles. She begins walking to her and Sin's little trailer-breakroom. "Do you want tea?"
Sin swings herself and Yoko around to face Wednesday.
"Yes please!"
"Everyo-everyone take 5! or- maybe 10! Jus-just take a break. fuck. I need to go cry."
"Ya think we over did it? Everyone seemed really upset- Thing stilled hasn't gotten over it!" Enid points at the shaking hand, holding onto the box that held Enid and Wednesday's wedding rings.
"They'll be fine. I think it a compliment- my writing-"
"And our acting."
"-Moved them to tears." Wednesday takes a powdered donut and eats it.
She wipes her sugared fingers on Enid's black sweatpants.
Wednesday smirks, then takes a drink of her coffee.
"Relax, we'll just tell everyone that it's coke. They'll be understanding."
Enid slaps her arm in scorn.
Wednesday rolls her eyes, then takes Enid's hand.
Kisses it.
"No." Enid reels her arm back in. "No kissies for coke-fiend rumor-spreading girlfriends!"
Wednesday's eyes get glassy. Wet. Enid knows the aren't fully black; they're a very dark brown.
"No rumors or no kissies!"
Wednesday's eyes get wetter, bigger. Enid wonders if she has any werewolf in her because that's a very good set of puppydog eyes.
"Forever?" She asks, voicing breaking. She looks like she's about to cry.
"What? No, Willa it's just a joke."
"You promise?" Her voice wobbles.
"Yes, yes I promise Babycakes, I promise. I couldn't live without your kissies. Is jus'a joke."
"Not very funny."
Enid sighs and rubs Wednesday's back, soothing circles. She kisses the top of her head.
"Yeah, I got that from you almost fucking crying."
There's a bang on their door, and Enid almost breaks her wife's spine when she flinches and hugs her closer instinctively.
"You're on in 15- and, for the love of god, warn us before you decided to give it your all and make everyone cry. Miss Tanaka still hasn't stopped crying."
Enid rolls her eyes now, takes Wednesday by the arms and kisses her.
"They think that was our best? I pity them."
"We got 15 minutes." Enid stands them both, dramatically steps back, then offer her hand.
"May I have this dance?"
Wednesday crosses her arms, then stares at Enid's hand.
"Remind me why we're married?" She takes the werewolf's hand, setting them into a position to start dancing.
Enid spins them slowly, smoothly. Wednesday taught her to slow dance.
"I'm cute, taller than you and can put up with your bullshit?"
Wednesday scoffs, let's Enid push her out then reel her back in spinning.
She pushes herself to the bulky wall of Enid's body.
"I don't know about cute. I'd say more... seductive. Painfully charming. Impossible to ignore and overlook."
"Careful," Enid whispers into Wednesday's shoulder. She kisses it. Scrapes it with her teeth. "We've only got 9 minutes left."
-Writer Anon. (also Yoko was there for emotional support and free food. She ended up needing the emotional support.)
Omygod writer anon really be coming in for the clutch, thank you again for the really good content
I'll prob shift the Viper books from being rather accurate to what happened in their nevermore years to being inspired and based on it. There's alot of similarities if you knew the source material and the book
It also helps give freedom in writing these types of things 💀
if it helps lycoan curse is where Enid low key skips another semester due to outside reasons. She's taken to smth akin to a camp so she can be tested by these elder wolves (If yknow then yknow) bc her status as a grimwolf has been exposed due to the rumors from sophomore year and they need to know if she's with them or against them
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blackacre13 · 1 year
Hiii! Will you update Actress AU PLSSSSS. Thank youu!!
Part 15 is here: https://www.tumblr.com/blackacre13/714614662357975041/i-am-dying-for-a-part-6-of-the-actress-au-pls
Here’s part 16!
“See, America might get to see you running through the woods in a tank top and get a two second glimpse of that braless bounce, but me?  Fuck. To think that I get to have you all to myself, in my bed, and make love to you until you see stars and can’t even remember your own name? Worth its weight in gold, Ocean.”
“You’re going to make love to me all day?” Debbie giggled, trying to hide her blush.
“Did you have other plans?” The blonde grinned. “Because I know I had several orgasms in mind and all of them require your participation.”
“Breakfast first?”
“Sure,” Lou nodded, tossing the comforter towards the end of the bed as she crawled between Debbie’s thighs, lowering her head. Her nose brushed against Debbie’s clit as the brunette giggled, trying to close her thighs together as Lou pushed her legs apart, biting at the inside of her thigh.
“Real breakfast,” Debbie whispered.
“After I eat you,” Lou murmured. “Promise.”
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“Oh you’re bad,” Lou laughed, grinning at Debbie who was waiting on the steps of her trailer. “What if someone sees?” She wagged her eyebrows, pretending to dramatically looking over the brunette’s head to survey the lot as Debbie rolled her eyes.
“I don’t care,” Debbie whispered, inviting herself in and closing the door behind her. Lou pressed her right up against it before she could walk any further into the trailer. “I needed to kiss you.”
“You kissed me—“ Lou checked her ever present Rolex that always appeared when she was off set or out and about. Debbie made a mental note to ask about it. “Three hours ago. Could’ve been more recent but someone didn’t think we should report to set at the same time,” she shrugged, fingers playing with Debbie’s dress straps. “This is pretty. Costume or clothes?”
“Costume,” Debbie spoke, brushing off the question. “And about that kiss—“
“Don’t I get a hello first?” Lou giggled. “Or am I only good for my lips?”
“God, you know you’re good for so much more than that. You’re amazing, Lou. I just—I missed you, baby. But you’re right. Hi. How was your morning after I left?”
“Lonely,” Lou sighed dramatically. “Lacking kisses from a certain gorgeous brunette. She abandoned me. Off being dressed by stylists and having her hair curled all for Hollywood glamour.”
“But you just—“
“Shhh,” the blonde snickered, thrusting her thigh between Debbie’s legs. “You make it too easy, Ocean.” She cradled Debbie’s face, pulling her lips towards her own, gently kissing her, sweet, delicate and slow, but her thigh teasing Debbie dangerously. “Preview for later,” she shrugged, stepping back.
Debbie immediately missed her even though the blonde was still directly in front of her. She was smitten. And she was fucked.
“I missed kissing you too, Debs,” Lou admitted softly, belatedly inviting Debbie further into the trailer. “And I had a feeling you’d be headed this way. My assistant is bringing over two breakfasts.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to—“
“I insist,” Lou grinned, flopping onto her couch as she opened her script. Debbie watched her for a moment as her brow furrowed. She was making a note Debbie couldn’t quite make out and then dog earring the page before she set it down. “Had to remember that for later. And as I was saying, breakfast is a must. You can’t just live on pussy and iced coffee.”
“Is that not what you do?” Debbie teased, without missing a beat. “Thought I was just emulating a professional.”
“I’ll make you breakfast next time.”
They hadn’t talked about next time and the assumption had Debbie blushing. Though she realized she hadn’t even had time to obsess over what they’d shared and how it would progress. She’d been in a blissful, smut daydream cloud on her way to set, humming and smiling as they set her hair, appreciating all the little things like the weather and the tea her assistant had brought her. And she’d been set on visiting Lou in her trailer as soon as she possibly could. That’s all she’d been thinking about. When she could see Lou next. To touch her. To kiss her. She had missed her.
“You thinking about me again?” Lou teased, folding the script on her lap and leaning towards Debbie. “How gorgeous I am or how chivalrous? Or something more obscene like my tits or my—“
“Come over tonight,” Debbie blurted. “I mean—only if you want. And I can’t cook like you do but I have a chef and we can eat whatever you want or go wherever you want if you want to risk it but then there’s the issue with the paparazzi and maybe you want low key and I don’t know if you even—“
“Are you asking me to come over tonight?” Lou smiled softly, reaching out for Debbie’s hand.
“Yeah,” Debbie squeaked, cursing herself as she blushed again.
“Then it’s a date,” Lou nodded. “I’ll bring dessert.”
“Is that a euphemism?” Debbie stammered.
“If you want it to be,” Lou winked, the two of them jumping as a knock hammered at the door.
“Places in ten, Ms. Miller!”
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getmemymicroscope · 1 month
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"Young bengal tiger" Mimoh Chakraborty (you know, in "sensational Fardeen Khan" vibes) comes to us as Rocky, a "much loved dancer" (they did the same thing in Jimmy, and no, it isn't working) whom every lady is gaga over (no, literally; one girl just intentionally runs into his car - which, BTW, he's definitely driving on a walking back - while on roller skates; another randomly shows up in his hotel room - lock your room, bro! - and undresses, before later threatening to kill herself if she doesn't get him; and, of course, the 'love you' jealous friend who is just jealous whenever he even talks to anyone else; his number is somehow public, because fangirl after fangirl calls him at home and expresses their undying love for him).
Before the intro to his 'fame,' we get a pre-intro sequence that ends with the stupid death of a girl (no, seriously - she's being chased by someone and spends her time calling people who don't answer, writing a long-ass note but not naming the person or why she's being chased, and then finally running upstairs in an unfinished building and again calling someone and apparently saying "help me, I'm in danger" without saying who is threatening her; in her defense, the call recipient also doesn't ask who is threatening her). It's played off as suicide - but clearly isn't, because this movie is called 'The Murderer.'
Then we get a bunch of jealousy being the actresses, leading to one tipping over a glass of orange juice on the other's towel and then writing a "your sister committed suicide because of the guy you're chasing after" (to make her hate him, of course). And a couple of meh songs, and a sequence where he shows a girl how to dance for his show and then, after she falls and sprains her ankle and has to sit it out, a dance show where he doesn't even use that step.
Ashutosh Rana, Shakti Kapoor, Vishwajeet Pradhan, and Milind Gunaji all show up as folks we're supposed to suspect as the eponymous 'murderer' - and the movie spends a lot of time making them look guilty, and then not guilty. In fact, the story literally feels like they got to the end and were like "shit, we've ruled everyone out; who's left?" and then had to scramble to come up with some stupid idea why said person would be the murderer. It flops, miserably. ... Also dumb: one of our characters claims to be an "encounters specialist" with like 56 or something encounters to his name, then turns out to actually be a contract killer - and yet misses, badly, twice. Whoever hired him really should've found someone more reliable. Another guy, after being found out, goes on the run and somehow ends up hiding in an abandoned train car that's just sitting in the middle of nowhere.
Two months after the "suicide" (or longer?), the cops finally investigate the place - and find not only perfectly preserved shoe prints, but also tire tracks of the car. Which, once the movie is spoiled, is even dumber - because how the fuck did the killer not see the car pushed into the randomly present body of water (so many stupid conveniences in this movie) when he would've clearly been upstairs.
I get wanting to making everyone look guilty, because it is a 'whodunnit,' but, damn - they spend more time trying to make literally everyone be not guilty. The final reveal is predictable, but also dumb - because, what the fuck was that. And the fact remains that our 'hero' and his friend literally interfered with, and hid, not only the evidence but also HER FUCKING BODY! (How did everyone know it was 'suicide' when there wasn't even a body?)
The main takeaway from this movie - other than the fucking ridiculous amount of nepotism that runs things (and runs them very poorly) - is that some people have enough confidence (and know the people) to create a horrible, shit story and turn it into something (still shit, but it is out there), whilst others sit on their ideas because they can't make it perfect. Guess it is time to lose that inhibition and just use the false confidence and put stuff out there, no matter how bad it is.
Because chances are you'll find a lot more stuff even worse than that.
0 notes
blouisparadise · 3 years
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of July. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Jealousy, Jealousy | Not Rated | 1163 words 
Harry gets jealous when James Corden hold his Louis in his lap and pets him on the Late Late Show. He shows Louis who he belongs to and takes care of him.
2) The X-Factor Judge | Explicit | 1635 words 
Harry watches the X-Factor and gets jealous about Brendan jumping on Louis. When Louis gets home Harry reminds him whom he belongs to. 
3) Didn’t Know You Had It In You | Explicit | 1807 words 
Harry sleeptalks and reveals his kinks which Louis is more than happy to try out.
4) Mine | Explicit | 1979 words 
"So you been single for a while now?" Louis gulped as the vibrator slowed down sending a thankful look to Harry before glancing back at the interview who was looking at him with great interest,
"Uhhh yeah," he replied keeping his answer short and brief. He straightened his back shuffling slightly on his chair as the vibrator shifted inside of him hitting his prostate causing him to let out a small gasp as grimaced at the interviewer who just grinned back. She must be an excellent actress or just stupidly oblivious.
5) In The Moment | Explicit | 2611 words 
Note: This is part 2 of this series.
Where it's their first time and Harry is being all fluffy and encouraging Louis to say his name and other dirty stuff?
6) Salvation Under My Breath | Not Rated | 2858 words 
Louis is pregnant...
...and Horny
7) The Sight of You Brings Forth a Peace In Me | Mature | 3254 words
Louis loses inspiration and goes on a nature walk to find some. The inspiration takes shape in the form of Harry. 
8) Put Your Sweet Lips On My Lips | Explicit | 3435 words 
Note: Part one of this fic is #23 on this list. 
Adjusting to one another’s life came as naturally as the sun rising in the morning and brightening the sky, chasing away the darkness that had dared to lurk in its absence. They did not side step each other, did not second guess their instincts once they were finally together. It was the crash of roaring waves - reckless in their paths - but upon meeting had unified into calm waters in the vast sea.
Living with Harry was like a breath of fresh air. In all his years, Louis had never felt alive. He supposed there was some credit to be given to how devoted Harry was to him. The man would rather step in a raging fire than let him suffer even a trace amount of agony.
9) Fuck U (Even) Betta | Explicit | 3568 words 
Note: This is the sequel to this fic.
Harry had sensed Louis was getting antsy all day, prodding and poking at Harry’s psyche like a game of mental whack-a-mole, trying to find that one thing that would flip the switch and push Harry over the edge. Even after all these years Louis still thinks he can get a rise, that he can in any way control the scenario. He couldn’t be more wrong.
10) We Act Like Nothing Is Wrong To Avoid What’s In Front of Us | Mature | 4179 words 
Louis sends nudes meant for Harry to the wrong person on accident. Harry finds out. Rough sex ensues.
11) Love's First Bite | Explicit | 6135 words 
Note: The pairing in this fic is Louis/Zayn.
For Zayn, love was never a part of life’s equation, not when you’re considered a lowly vampire while working in the Vampire’s royalty club, Love’s First Bite. He’s bitter and resentful and sees no point in looking into his past or future. But when Zayn saves a human named Louis, it all changes. He finds something special in him and, more importantly, someone worth giving up everything he holds dear.
12) Your Blueberry Eyes | Mature | 6154 words 
Louis tattoos and Harry falls for blues.
13) Blow Me Away | Explicit | 6471 words 
Louis likes giving blow jobs.
He doesn't exactly get off on it – he's been with people who properly loved it, and he's not quite that into it – but he doesn't mind the feel or the taste and he really, really likes watching his partner lose it, so getting down on his knees regularly is a no brainer.
Which is why it's a bit frustrating that every time he does, Liam hauls him back up again.
14) Thank You For This Prom Night | Not Rated | 6554 words 
Note: This is part 3 of this series.
It's Prom Night. Stuff happens.
15) Can We Make It Anymore Obvious? | Explicit | 6628 words 
Five times the boys accidentally walked in on Harry & Louis plus one time they did it on purpose.
16) It's The Way You Love (I Gotta Give It Back To You) | Explicit | 8153 words 
Stretching, Louis finally pulled the duvet aside and let his feet fall onto the plush rug at his feet. Louis lived for soft, comfortable, plush things. From the fairy lights and fake plants to his plush robe and thick socks, everything in Louis’ little one bedroom apartment was carefully catered to his whimsical and soft aesthetic.
17) My Eyes Want You More Than A Melody | Explicit | 8315 words 
Harry’s brain is short-circuiting at an absolutely awful time, the more expressive side of him is falling to pieces for some reason. The only responses he can give are venerated vibrations and nods, the feeling of Louis’ sweaty skin sliping him further into nothingness. Lightly dewy thighs, so muscular and plush— his lips feel just the same, so dangerously soft, a devious intention lying behind it all. “You’d do anything for me,” Louis mumbles, teeth tugging on Harry’s bottom lip, eyes dragging from his sinfully pink mouth when he lets it go to his hooded green eyes. “Isn't that right, daddy?” Harry whimpers— something that’s so foreign to him— but nods, trailing his hands up his shaved thighs, fingertips passing the hem of the dress.
18) Running Is Different Than Going | Explicit | 9018 words 
Note: The pairing is Louis/OMC.
On the run, the last thing Michael expects from a stranger is help. Louis offers him everything he needs so he can keep running, but makes it harder than ever to continue doing so.
19) Quarantine, Baby! | Teen & Up | 9615 words 
Note: There is no smut, but it contains mpreg Louis, so we’ve included it in this monthly roundup. 
When Harry and Louis get a little too bored in quarantine, they turn to each other for some x-rated entertainment. Then, what starts as a COVID-scare, turns out to be something completely different.
20) Effervescent Horizons | Not Rated | 10676 words 
Note: This is part 6 of this series. There is also no smut, but it contains mentions of bottom Louis, so we’ve included it in this monthly roundup. 
They go to college together!
21) Moments | Explicit | 10726 words 
Looking back, Louis should’ve known that the universe likes to fuck with idiots like him who think they’ve got it all sorted.
Looking back, he should’ve known that the minute he relaxed and let his guard down, when he thought things were going smoothly, that’s when it would hit him.
Looking back, he should’ve known to be on the lookout for a curveball.
He just hadn’t accounted for that curveball to have long legs, green eyes, and dimples; a curveball named Harry Styles.
22) The Blood Is Rare (And Sweet As Cherry Wine) | Explicit | 14270 words 
Note: The sequel to this fic is #8 on this list. 
"Officer, I see you're giving away my secrets already," Harry said as he entered the room.
"It's hardly a secret," Louis accepted the delicate glass, cutting a glance at the man when the underlying scent hit him, "A little early to indulge in such things, isn't it?"
"You've had a long morning, I'm sure. Merely looking after your health, Officer," Harry smiled.
"You don't need to concern yourself with that."
"Someone has to."
23) Violent Delights | Not Rated | 76174 words 
Prince Harry is arranged to mate Princess Charlotte, but first he must spend a month completing courting traditions which ends in a mating ceremony. When he arrives to the Tomlinson castle, he finds the forbidden North wing holds that which the family has worked hard to keep secret. Mainly: the sickly sweet Prince Louis, who’s rare gender has forced his family to keep him locked away for his own protection.
24) Truth Behind Golden Eyes | Explicit | 228727 words 
Louis is a royal servant born with magic in a kingdom where his sole existence is outlawed with a war he has no idea he has a part in upon him. Harry is the prince on whom the burden of mending a broken kingdom falls upon and he might be willing to risk it all for a simple servant if only he admitted it to himself.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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house-of-slayterr · 3 years
Gala Time!/ @howl-fantasies
An: don’t mind the change of gifs, I couldn’t find any good gifs with the original actress for this chapter.
Tw: Violence
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Maggie’s POV:
After hours of dress shopping with Ivy, I was exhausted. I turned to her pouting.
“Not that I don’t appreciate it, I was the one who called you after all, but how long does it take to pick a dress. It’s just a stupid gala”
Ivy paused, grabbing my arm.
“Stupid Gala? You were hand invited by the mayor, Penguin doesn’t do that for anyone.”
I cringed at the nickname, I don’t think anyone would appreciate being called that.
“And judging by your tone, you don’t seem to be fond of that development. I promise I’m not scheming anything with Oswald, nothing that would concern you anyways Ivy. I still haven’t told anyone about our arrangement.”
That was a lie of course, Y/N and Victor knew, and It took me hours to beg them to not aggravate Ivy further. I could handle her, and I assured them of that over and over again. It’s was annoying really, how sometimes they seemed to want to see me get hurt, and other times they acted like over protective parents.
“Good Petal.” She praised.
I had to admit, it was impossible to be mad at her when she looked like that. When we came to a giant again, I was confused.
“That’s your dress!” She exclaimed.
Suddenly I was being dragged behind her. This dress was by far the most extravagant thing I’d ever tried on in my life. Weirdly I felt almost naked under Ivy’s gaze, and I was terrified of how she would respond. I wasn’t even sure why, this was just another stupid dress, I’d already tried on 20+ today. When I stepped out and did a spin, her face was blank. And anxiously fidgeted with my hands behind my back, a habit I had to break if I was hanging out with Gotham’s most dangerous people now.
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“Earth to Ivy!” I exclaimed.
She stood, walking around me, eyeing me like a hungry predator. I gulped when she stopped infront of me.
“It’s a shame…” she started.
“If you weren’t attending the party with your heart set one Gordon, I’d try to steal you away. You look practically devine Little Flower.”
She moved a strand of hair behind my ear, kissing my neck delicately. It sent shivers down my spine, and I’m sure the blush on my cheek was more than evident. I cleared my throat.
She chuckled when my voice cracked.
“I gotta get out of this dress! I can’t afford it anyways, I don’t even know why I bothered.”
I rushed back into the fitting room and stripped. I looked over my body in disgust. I hadn’t been touched like that in forever. Don’t get me wrong, Ivy was gorgeous, and honestly way out of my league. But I couldn’t help but imagine Jim’s lips instead. I hated the power he had over me, and the worst part, he didn’t even know it. I looked at the myriad of scars riddling my body. Scars that someone “innocent” like me should never have. It was easy to hide them most of the time.
I rushed to get dressed and pushed past Ivy to get out the door. I just wanted to get home and mentally prepare for the phone call I had to make to Oswald. Maybe I’d tell him I was sick, or something came up. I sat at home sulking in my pjs when I got a text from Y/N.
You look like a sad sack of potatoes My love, what’s wrong.
Of course you’re watching me right now, why don’t you come inside like a normal person
Cute… you think I need permission to come inside
I hear the sound of my window lock click and I sighed.
“Why can’t you just use the door like a normal person?” I called
“You dont seem to complain when I’m bringing you food.”
“Are you?”
Y/N was suddenly in front of me, her makeup was flawless and I just starred in awe for a minute.
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“We’ll don’t you clean up nice.” I complimented.
“Cant say the same about you Dear, you look awful.”
“Yeah, we’ll I feel awful too. I’m not going.”
Her body stiffened at that.
“The fuck you aren’t! Oswald has been talking about it all day, why do you think he sent me. You’re going even if I have to drag you by your throat!”
“I don’t even have anything to wear” I protested.
“Ivy called too.”
She grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch. We made our way out of my apartment and into the limo downstairs. I tried to protest that we hadn’t locked my door, but she insisted that that wouldn’t stop anyone anyways. I sighed as she dragged me along.
“If I have to get all dolled up for this bullshit, then you do too.”
I rolled my eyes.
“You’re telling me Oswald has his own personal stylists? Why am I not surprised.”
She chuckled.
“The Zsaszettes use it all the time.”
“The what now?”
“Vic never told you about him? There his girls, you know he’d love for you to be one of them one day.”
“I’m sure he would, but you can tell Victor to keep dreaming… besides, I already have a job.”
“Making flower bouquets-“
“Hey, the funeral business would be very bland without my artistry!”
“They’d be pretty bland without my artistry too.”
I playfully hit her arm.
“Besides, I’m not gonna let those idiots touch you. I’m doing your hair and makeup today.”
“If I’ll look even half as good as you, go for it I guess.”
Within an hour I was growing bored, Y/N was fairly silent as they worked at that worried me. Normally they at least taunted me, or told me about one of their newest missions. But she was much scarier when she was quiet.
“Y/N?” I started.
She stopped tugging at my hair.
“I’m almost done, just be patient Little Mouse.”
“It’s not that, are- are you ok. You’re never this…. Indistinct.”
She let out a chortle.
“You’re worried about me?”
“Of course. I may be your “pet” or whatever you like to call me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t consider you a friend. What’s bothering you?”
“I don’t know, I just have a feeling somethings gonna go wrong tonight. And Oswald’s making me wear a stupid dress. Do you know how hard it is to kill someone wearing a dress?”
“More than you think.” I muttered under my breath.
“What was that?”
“I said, I didn’t think- that you cared all that much. I thought you thrived in chaos.”
“When it’s calculated, and I’m the one causing it. Now quit your worrying, you’ll get wrinkles and ruin all my hard work.”
She finally turned me around in the chair and I got a glimpse of what I looked like. I was shocked. I didn’t even know it was possible to look this, put together.
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“You like?”
“I’m afraid that when I take this all off later, I’ll just disappear entirely.”
“None sense. I may tease you a lot Maggie, but many people are envious of your looks. You should be grateful you have a pretty face, that’s gets you a lot when you want something.”
“Is that how you trapped Victor in your web?” I joked.
“That and the Venom I spiked his drink with.” She admitted.
“Y/N, have you seen my good Cufflin-“ Oswald stopped dead in his tracks. “Wow.”
My eyes widened.
“Is it really that bad?” I asked.
Oswald shook his head.
“On the contrary Dear, I’m afraid James wont be able to keep his eyes off of you.” He complimented.
I blushed heavily. I didn’t like having this much attention on me.
“Though in afraid I might have to lock you away. You might catch Oswald’a attention instead of me.”
“Please, you look very handsome Oswald.”
“If you two are gonna pseudo flirt, I’m gonna blow my brains out.” Y/N whined.
I stuck my tongue out at her as she left to room, showing off the dagger she had strapped to her thigh under her dress as a warning. I rolled my eyes. I walked up to Oswald and helped him fix his tie.
“Edward is gonna love you, and if he doesn’t, he’s a damned fool. I’m sure your mother would have loved to see you tonight.”
His face lit up with a real smile.
“You think?”
I nodded. “Shall we?”
I stuck out my elbow for him to grab. I could hear the party getting denser downstairs. As we made our way out into the party, all eyes turned to us. It made sense, Oswald was the mayor, and it was his Gala after all. I watched as the party came to a halt.
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“Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you all for joining me at tonights gala. Please, enjoy yourselves!” Oswald announced.
We made our way down the grand staircase and through the crowd of people. I scanned the room, frowning as I spotted Jim with Lee. She looked stunning. God I hated her, and her perfect hair, and perfect smile. She even had a better job than me. How could I ever compete.
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Oswald must have felt my nervous energy because he grabbed my hand to stop me from fidgeting. I looked down at him.
“Join me?” He asked.
We sat on these thrown like chairs near the front of the ballroom. It was very daunting. I laughed a little to myself when I noticed Victor, he wore his usual attire, but matched his tie to Y/N. It made me smile, in some ways they were kinda adorable. But I had enough self preservation to not tell either of them that. He gave me an awkward thumbs up when he looked at my attire. It was then I spotted Edward, he looked rather charming. I nudged Ozzy.
“Go get him!” I whispered.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to leave you here alone.”
I nodded. Oswald didn’t hesitate to go talk to Ed, and I smiled at how desperate he was. This crush must have been stronger than I thought. I made my way over to the punch bowl and spotted a boy hiding behind a curtain. I furrowed my brows walking over to him.
“Not having fun?” I asked.
He seemed startled. I giggled a little.
“Just avoiding my butler.”
“Butler?” I asked, intrigued.
“You don’t know who I am do you?”
“Should I?”
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“Bruce Wayne… you’re not from Gotham.”
“I think I’d look a little more villainess if I were from around here.” I joked.
“We’ll at least you’re aware of our crime problem.”
“I’d have to be blind or a dumbass not to. So, Bruce Wayne, why are we avoiding the butler, scared he’ll tell your parents you did something wrong?”
His face dropped, and I knew that look. I’d seen it on Oswald, and id seen it from myself.
“Somebody told you?”
“No, I just, I know what it’s like. But if you wanna hide from the butler, I suggest beneath the staircase, or up there in the rafters, he won’t think to check for you there.”
He smiled up at me.
“Actually, I’m rather enjoying our conversation Miss-“
“Blossom, Magnolia Blossom! And I too am enjoying myself, strange child. So, what do you do for fun at these things?”
“I don’t know, I usually let Selena chose how to ruin these things…” he admitted.
“Oh Selena, she sounds fun. How do we find her?”
“She normally just, shows up, she likes to crash parties. Don’t tell Alfred, but she steals things sometimes.”
I made a “lips are sealed motion” and held out my hand.
“Well she won’t find us hiding in this corner, why don’t we make it easy on her.”
I dragged him out until the centre of the dance floor. It was odd having such a young dance partner, but I figure with his status he was used to having to dance at these things.
“Do you even know the steps?”
“Believe it or not Bruce, I have been to a Gala before… just not in Gotham.”
“I didn’t take you for the-“
“Rich type? I just make the right type of friends I guess.” I cut him off, not wanting to go into my backstory. Especially not with a kid. As we danced I averted my eyes when I saw Lee hanging off Jim. But I locked eyes with a young girl sneaking around the dance floor. Selena, I presumed. As I was about to point her out, I saw Jim approaching. I’m a swift movement, Bruce handed me over into Jim’s arms and ran off to catch Selena. That cheeky bastard. I tried to leave the dance floor but Jim stopped me.
“May I have this dance?” He asked.
I wanted to be mad, wanted to hate him even, but the second his ocean eyes locked onto me, I was drowning. He grabbed my hand and spun me round.
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“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Dancing?” He smirked.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather be dancing with Little Miss Perfect?”
“I thought I was.”
I shuddered. I hated the way my body involuntarily reacted to him. I’d never felt this way for anybody, and I was disgusted. I felt weak. I glanced over to see Selena and Bruce dancing awkwardly, and I had to hold back a chuckle. Bruce smiled over at me, raising a brow.
“The detective?” He mouthed.
“It’s complicated” I mouthed back.
As the music picked up, Jim and I got swept up in the sound. It felt like we were the only two people on the dance floor, and maybe we were. When the song came to and, the men all bowed, and the women all curtsied.
“Can we talk?” Jim asked.
“I-“ I paused.
Victor was shaking his head at me, signalling for me to come over.
“I’m sorry, I have to go.”
I pushed past Jim, leaving him stranded alone on the dance floor. As I approached, Victor grabbed my arm firmly. He began to pull me toward a back exit but I resisted.
“What could possibly be so urgent, Jim and I-“
“Forget Jim, it’s not safe here.”
“What are you-“
A gun shot rang out throughout the room and I flinched. He went to pull me again but I still refused to me.
“Go find Y/N.” I said.
“Sweetness can handle herself.”
“I’m aware Vic, but you two work better together. I have to find Oswald, or did you forget your boss was at this party.”
Victor growled, letting me go.
“If you get yourself killed Kid-“
“I won’t, now go!”
I ran into the chaos, scanning the room for Oswald or any sign of the shooter. I couldn’t quite figure out who had crashed the party, and I didn’t really want to stay long enough to find out. I spotted Oswald in the crowned and I pushed past the screaming people to get to him. I knew the exists would be closed soon, whoever planned this wouldn’t be dumb enough to let anyone escape. I’m sure Jim was already on it though. I crushed my body into Ozzy’s, moving him away from the crowd.
“Maggie?” He exclaimed.
“We have to get you out of here!”
“Me, what about you!”
“We’ll go together. Vic and Y/N are working on finding out who crashed, Jim’s trying to keep everyone calm. I think I remember Y/N telling me you had a secret entrance under the back stairwell right? I’ll meet you there.”
“Wait Where are you-“
I ran back into the crowd. I had to find the kids. I frantically searched every face until I found Selena. I approached her quickly.
“I know we haven’t met yet, but you’re Selena right? Do you know where Bruce is? I thought he was with you.”
I didn’t mean to sound as panicked as I was, but I couldn’t keep my calm when kids were involved. It hit far too close to home for comfort.
“He went to find Alfred.” She explained.
“Go to the west wing, under the back stairwell you’ll find a secret exit. I’ll grab Bruce and Alfred and get them out of here.”
“How can I trust you?”
I knelt down to her level.
“I have a feeling you and I are a lot alike Selena. I wouldn’t never do anything to hurt Bruce. Now go, I couldn’t live with myself if one of you gets hurt.”
I watched as she ran off in the direction I’d sent Oswald. Suddenly there was feedback over the speakers. I winced.
“Welcome, Welcome, Everyone! The first person to bring me Bruce Wayne, alive, gets to shoot Jimbo here!” The person announced.
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My blood ran cold. Before me stood a man who looked hedgehog on benzoylmethylecgonine. His hair was orange and crispy, and his face looked to be stapled on. It was disgusting, and his filthy hands were on Jim… MY JIM. I was enraged. But I had to be carful, I couldn’t use my powers, not here, not in front of everyone. I made my way to the front of the crowd, really wishing I hadn’t warn a bright fucking red dress.
“Tick, tock, the longer you hide kid, the more people get got.”
I prayed Bruce had gotten Alfred and gotten out, I didn’t care how many people died, just as long as he and Jim were ok, Vic and his girl could take care of the rest do this. Jim seemed to notice me before the man on the stage did, and he shook his head.
“Don’t, run” he mouthed.
But the ginger appeared to notice this and turned his attention to me. He tightened his grip on the knife near Jim’s throat. I dug my nails into my palms to stop me from lunging at him.
“Now who’s this pretty thing? Much brighter than your dull little Doctor Jimbo!” He announced.
Good to know I wasn’t the only one who disliked Lee.
“Don’t touch her!” Jim exclaimed.
“Ooo, there’s the fire! You, come here!” He demanded.
I stood my ground.
“Come here or I’ll order my minions to shoot until you’re the only one left in the crowd.”
When I didn’t more right away, he called my bluff. Shots were fired again and scream filled the air. I debated my options, before realising the most rational choice was to listen. I crawled my way onto the stage at the front of the room. The band was already long past dead, having been killed as soon as this mess started. I cringed as the blood on the floor seeped into my palms. Filthy.
“What’s you’re name Dollface?”
I froze, why do people always insist on calling me that.
“Don’t fucking call me that!” I snapped.
“We’ll then I’ll need a name Doll-“
“Maggie.” Jim answered for me. “Leave here our do this Jerome, she has nothing to do with this.”
“On the contrary Jimbo, she has everything to do with this. Because if somebody doesn’t bring me Bruce Wayne, I’m gonna splatter her pretty little brains across this whole stage.”
One of his goons grabbed me from behind, trapping me in place.
“Oh Brucie!” Jerome sang. “Your detective is doomed, but the damsel doesn’t have to be!”
I growled when Bruce actually came to my rescue, what the fuck was he thinking?
“Don’t hurt her!” He shouted.
“Oh, there you are Little Bat! Why don’t we have some fun?”
Bruce joined us on the stage, and Jerome pushed Jim to the ground, dropping his knife and grabbing Jim’s gun. A lubber rushed to pin Jim to his spot on the floor.
“Now, Let’s play a game. I call it, pin the bullet on the billionaire!” He exclaimed.
God, this guy was fucking psychotic. I could handle Victor, he had his motives. But Jerome seemed to be completely unstable. I was brought back from my thoughts when another gunshot sounded, and I looked to see blood leaking from Bruce’s leg.
“What a rush!” Jerome exclaimed, jumping up and down and clapping like an idiot. “But how to make this more fun? Hmmmm. You!” He pointed at me.
I glared at him.
“You shoot the kid, and I let you go.”
“Piss off you clown fuck!” I seethed.
“Ooo, she bites! Fine, you shoot the kid, or I shoot the detective.”
My eyes widened. I looked at Jim and he seemed so conflicted. But I couldn’t let him get shot, not when things just started to go my way. I nooded, and the idiot holding me let me go. I stepped forward and Jerome came up to my face.
“I can see it in your eyes SugarPie, you’re just as crazy as I am!” He declared.
I rolled my eyes.
“Just give me the gun Jerome!”
My tone seemed to catch everyone off guard. But I was far too enraged now to keep playing innocent little victim. Life had taught me better. Y/N had taught me better. His laugh was extremely unsettling. I snatched the gun and aimed it at Bruce, squaring my shoulders like my brother had taught me to do hundreds of times before.
“I’m sorry Bruce.”
He looked horrified, poor kid. But everyone had to believe I would shoot. But in fact. I was just stalling. Victor would figure out I never made it out soon and Y/N and him were far too fascinated with me to leave me behind now. At least their unhealthy obsession with me could come in handy sometimes.
“Maggie, you don’t have to do this.” He pleaded.
“Oh, but I do, and I want to. I lied.”
“Magnolia don’t! You’re better than this!” Jim shouted.
“Yeah? And what is it you pretend to know about me James? Huh?!? You know nothing-“
“And the plot thickens folks! Come one sweetness, who’s it gonna be? I’ll let you take your pick on who you shoot first!”
“Funny you should say that Jerome. Eeny… Meeny… Miny… You!“
I quickly pulled the trigger, hitting Jerome in a non-lethal spot causing him to stumble back. I used that momentum to my advantage and sent a kick into his chest, knocking him to the floor and training the gun on him. He cackled, starring straight into my eyes.
“See! I knew you were crazy Dollface!”
“I told you not to call me that!” I spat.
“Maggie.” Jim’s tone held confusion, but it was still warm and gentle.
“Goodnight Jerome.” I said.
I brought my foot down on his head, knocking him out. But it seemed he got one last signal off before I had, because before I knew it the room was spinning. I heard several people shouting my name, but I couldn’t pin point anything. I felt a warmth in my abdomen. Blood. I stumbled backwards, falling to the ground. Suddenly Bruce was standing over me, he reached down to put pressure on my rewound, but I stopped him.
“Don’t. You can’t touch my blood, I’m contagious.” Was all I said.
It wasn’t a lie per say, put i didn’t want to taint him. I knew my blood wasn’t always bad, but he didn’t deserve to be subjected to my pain. Sooner or later I’d hurt him, wether I meant to or not. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jim apprehending a few of the criminals. A dapper looking man approaching , placing a gentle hand on Bruce’s shoulder. Alfred I suppose.
“What am I supposed to do? You’re dying.”
“Y/N Zsasz.” I strained out.
“Pardon me?” Alfred asked.
“She can help me….”
“I think you’re confused Miss, the Zsasz’s don’t, help people.”
Jim approched with Lee.
“Maggie, what the hell were you thinking? Where did you-“
“You can scold her later Jim, she needs medical assistance.” Lee reasoned.
For once I agreed with her. The adrenaline was wearing off and I cursed under my breath. Lee tried to help but Bruce stopped her.
“You can’t, she said he blood is contagious” he explained.
Damn kid. If only you knew how much I wanted to ruin this bitch.
“Contagious? How?”
They all got cut off when I started coughing up blood.
“Doesn’t matter, I’m fine”. I hissed.
“This isn’t fine, Maggie!” Jim said.
I pushed myself up on my elbows, a scream tore through my throat.
“Just tell me what to do Doc.”
Lee looked at me like I was crazy.
“Preferably before I bleed to death.”
I couldn’t hide my threatening tone. Y/N would fucking killed me if I died right now. Protecting Jim none the less. And my family, Oliver and Thea, they wouldn’t know what happened to me. They wouldn’t find me.
“I’m not dying today” I determined.
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An: Will Maggie make it out of this? What lies will she spin to get her way out of this one? Who will believe her? 🤨 also I might use both Hayley and Davina gifs from now on, since Hayley has darker gifs for me to use 👀 so sorry for any confusion.
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nyctophilin · 4 years
Fake affection | I
sweet anon: Can I request a dom! Han Jisung smut? Where he and the reader are fake dating because Jisung want's to make someone jealous but ends up fucking the reader instead? I love your writings so much!!
Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Epilogue
Description: Han Jisung has been rejected by the girl he likes one to many times. He decides that he has had enough and is set on making her want him back. What could possibly make her want him more than seeing him with her rival after she boldly assumed he can’t find anyone better. That way Jisung and Y/N are stuck in a fake relationship until Jisung’s crush falls for him. Or he falls for someone else.
All rights reserved © nyctophilin 2020. Re-posting, copying and translating any of my works is prohibited.
Pairing: Han x fem!Reader, Hyunjin x fem!Reader
Word count: 4.5k
Genre: College!AU, Fake dating!AU, Angst, Fluff, eventual Smut
Warnings: swearing, mention of masturbation
A/N: Wow, so it looks like I am unable of making short fics, haha. I planed for this to be a one-shot but it’s already this long and I don’t want to bore you guys with long fics so I will make a second part and a third if needed but I doubt. I really hope you guys like this one. Feedback is very much appreciated.
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      Y/N was tapping her finger on the desk, her head resting in her palm. She was watching the professor walk around in front of the class explaining something but she wasn’t paying attention. Her mind was filled with thoughts about whether or not she was going to get the role. 
      Some people from her university that were majoring in Film Production had to write a script for a short movie and the best five got chosen to be produced. Initially, she believed that only Theater and Film Majors could participate at the auditions but the administration of the school made an announcement one morning informing them that everyone could take part in the audition process. That meant she had to deal with more competitors for the role she wanted.
      Initially, Y/N was the only one who wanted to audition for the main role of one of the movies since people didn’t really catch its concept that well. When the audition day finally came, one Modern Dance major showed up out of nowhere and auditioned as well. The apparition of that particular character made her blood boil with anger.
      Her competitor for the role was none other than Mina, her so-called enemy. They weren’t enemies in the real sense of the word. They just simply didn’t click with one another and silently agreed a long time ago to ignore each other. They weren’t pulling childish stunts on each other, they didn’t speak each other's names unless necessary, they didn’t try to win each other in grades or parties or body counts. They were just mutually ignoring one another. And everything was fine until she showed up there.
      Y/N wasn’t going to lie and say that Mina wasn’t good. Her performance wasn’t exceptional but for someone that has never done that before, she was fairly good. That had her worried about her chances of getting chosen.
      When the bell finally rang ending her suffering she got up in the split of a second and left the room. She could not bear to hear any more of the professor’s babbling. Her boots let out quiet thuds every time they touched the concrete floors. She found herself in front of the announcement board but the paper that was supposed to tell her if she got chosen or not, was missing. Thinking to herself that they probably will put it up later she turned on her heels and made her way towards the cafeteria.
      She met her friend Hayoon there and they sat down at a table situated in the centre of the cafeteria. They talked about how they had been up until then and Hayoon complained about one of her classes and how she’s going to fail it.
      The chatter in the cafeteria died down when the door was slammed open and Mina stomped in, a bitter expression on her face. “I can not believe that they made me a stunt double! What does that even mean?” Her voice was louder than it should have been as she addressed her friends. Her intention was most probably to attract attention.
      A smirk crept on Y/N’s face as she realised that she did, in fact, get the main role. She gave her friend a suggestive eyebrow raise as she slowly took the chopstick to her mouth. Her face dropped when she heard the stomping approaching her. “Hey, loser, what’s a stunt double?” Mina’s voice was scratching her ears. How she managed to sound like one of those toys for dogs sometimes, she’ll never understand.
      “I can’t believe you’ve auditioned for a role without knowing what a stunt double is.” Y/N rolled her eyes at the other girl and a few people from around them chuckled. Mina’s face caught a crimson colour as the embarrassment settled in.
      “Haha, you are so funny!” It was clear by now that the girl was trying to mask her flustered form by trying to embarrass Y/N back.
      The truth was that she didn’t mean to make fun of her. She just let her first thoughts leave her mouth. “I wasn’t trying to be funny.” A sigh left her lips. “A stunt double is a person that executes all the dangerous or action scenes for the main actor so they don’t get injured. Stunt doubles are usually gymnasts, people that know martial arts and all that jazz. They probably chose you because of your dance background.”
      “I can’t believe it. Not only they didn’t give me the role, but they are also going to use me to protect you?” Mina had an annoyed expression.
      “Oh please! Did you really think they were going to choose you? You entered that room without even knowing the concept and somehow managed to get the feel right a couple of times. Meanwhile, some of us actually prepared for that audition.” Y/N was fed up with Mina’s princess behaviour. Always thinking that everything is rightfully hers and expecting everyone to kiss her ass. All that just because her father was donating a big sum of money to the university every term. They are donations at the end of the day and she should not be expecting special treatment just for that.
      Mina’s face became a crimson red for the second time in ten minutes and she stomped away from Y/N’s table. The few people that were watching them averted their eyes when Y/N took a look around.
      From the corner of the cafeteria, someone was watching them with a smirk on their face. Oh, how he got just the perfect idea.
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            Y/N sat in the second closest row to the professor. She was in “Canto class” as she liked to call it. It was one of the optional classes she chose to take that year. It wasn’t a compulsory class for Theater and Film majors since you don’t necessarily have to know how to sing to be an actress but she took it anyway because she thought it would be fun. And so far it was.
      A loud bang invaded her left ear and she turned to find Han Jisung having his back to her and chatting with his friends that were seated a few rows behind them. She raised her eyebrow but didn’t question it. It wasn’t like the seat was occupied and she definitely had nothing against him sitting next to her. He probably just wanted to pay more attention since he and his friends are always distracted during class. 
      Y/N turned back to her stuff and opened her notebook to take another look at the notes from last class. Soon after the professor entered the classroom and the chatter died down. 
      She was vigorously writing in her notebook everything the professor was explaining to them. Suddenly she felt a touch on her left elbow and stopped for a second. She immediately resumed her writing, convinced that he probably did that by mistake. Not even a minute later she felt another touch on her elbow this time more evident. She ignored it again not paying much mind to it. Jisung’s elbow collided with hers causing her to push her notebook and scribble on it.
      She snapped her head towards him and felt anger overcome her when she noticed the smirk on his face. “What?” She whispers yelled in his direction.
      “Hi!” He did a short wave of his hand in her direction and she clenched her jaw. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply before going back to her note-taking. She had only five minutes of peace before he poked her side again. She smacked his hand away from her and continued to mind her own business.
      Throughout the class, Jisung kept bothering her and trying to talk to her despite her obvious wish to let her take notes. When the bell rang she got up quickly, her blood boiling and left the room in a hurry hoping she could lose Jisung on the busy halls. As she was hurriedly making her way between the sea of people she felt an arm going over her shoulders and she crashed with the owner of the arm.
      “Why are you in such a hurry babe?” Jisung’s voice rang in her ear as they were practically glued to each other. She grabbed his hand and swung his arm away from her shoulders.
      “For the love of God, what do you want from me Han Jisung?” Exasperation was present in her voice as she threw him an ugly look.
      She couldn’t guess what he needed from her to annoy her to that extent. They were acquaintances and nothing more. They knew each other from that one class they shared and the longest interaction they had was when the professor prepared an interactive class once and they had to work in groups of five.
      He was the university’s “heartthrob” as people liked to call him. Y/N personally thought that that title should be given to Hwang Hyunjin who was majoring in Modern Dance. He was more mature than the rest of his friends, he was friendly with everyone and wasn’t pulling pranks on innocent people to entertain some brainless creatures. But who was she to oppose the masses?
      On top of doing all those things, Jisung was also in a relationship with Mina. Every time they are together they will target someone and will start making fun of them. More Mina than Jisung but he was still entertaining her actions and that made him as guilty as she was.
      “I need to ask you something. Or better, make you a proposal.” He winked at her and she felt an uncomfortable shiver run through her. How disgusting.
      “Ok, and what is it?” She threw him an expectant look and he started looking around.
      “Let’s talk outside where there are fewer people. You got a free period, right?” Confusion made its way on her face.
      “How do you know that? Are you weirdo following me?” She has never talked with him as friends and they share only one class. How on earth would he know her schedule?
      “What? No! I see you hanging out around the university all the time after our class.” She rolled her eyes at his answer and gestured her hand towards the closest exit out of the building signalling him to lead the way.
      Very soon they were seated on a bench under a tree somewhere behind the university. It was her first time coming there. Y/N usually liked to remain at the front of the building since couples usually liked to come there and make out sometimes even fuck.
      “I think we should start dating.” He blurted out and she froze for a second before jumping to her feet startling the man.
      “I knew you were fucking weird. I’m leaving!” What in the actual fuck did she think when she came here. For a second she expected a real conversation but Jisung’s main skills were flirting and making bad jokes. She set her expectations way too high for that conversation.
      She picked her bag from the bench and started leaving only to have Jisung grab her wrist and stop her. “Wait, let me explain. I swear you’ll understand better after.” Y/n wanted to turn and leave but the puppy dog eyes he gave her made her stay and listen to him. Now, don’t get her wrong, his expression didn’t soften her but if he was desperate enough to try the puppy eyes on her then it must be important to him.
      She plopped down on the bench and waited for him to start talking. “Look, I’m pretty sure you know Mina. And I know you two aren’t on great terms. I say we date so you can get back at her for all the things she has done to you.” He raised his eyebrows at her and pursed his lips.
      Y/N was the one that raised her eyebrow next as she leaned her head to the side. “Aren’t you and Mina dating?” 
      “Obviously not.” Jisung used a tone that pissed Y/N off. A tone that said ‘It was so obvious, how can you not know?’ and she didn’t like it one bit.
      “Oh, I’m so sorry! I must have read the signs the wrong way. I mean, it's not like you are always together and you carry her backpack around and you hang out outside of school six days out of seven and kiss before classes and make out behind the university probably right on this bench.”
      A smirk appeared on Jisung’s face. “Who’s following who now?”
      “Don’t flatter yourself. Mina’s voice is so annoying I could hear her every time she talked. When I would turn to see what was up now you two were most times engaged in some sort of PDA.” She spoke fast trying to prove that she wasn’t following him. She didn’t know why she felt the need to do that but the thought of Jisung thinking that she has some sort of interest in him was terrifying. He completely humiliated the last “unpopular” girl that confessed her feelings to him and at that moment the last thing she needed was for him to go around saying she is a stalker.
      “Well, we are getting there. I asked her out and she said that she’ll love to but it’s too fun to tease me. When I asked her ‘What if I get a girlfriend?’ she told me I can not find anyone better for me than her. When I saw you fighting in the cafeteria earlier I knew I found my perfect girl. Not only are you hot, but she also hates you.” Y/N raised an eyebrow at his words.
      “Hot?” Her tone was untrusting as this was the first time someone from uni had said that to her. 
      “Yeah. You didn’t think that guys came to last year’s theatre spectacles because they were actually interested in theatre, right?” A laugh left his mouth at her dumbfounded face as she registered his words. A blank expression adorned her face immediately after trying not to seem so surprised.
      “Well, not anymore.” She let her tongue trace her bottom lip before biting the flesh. “Ok, so tell me what you actually want us to do.” Uneasiness settled inside Jisung as he watched her bored face.
      “Well, I mean what I said. We should date. Or fake dating if you will. That way I can make Mina jealous and push her to run into my arms. I bet she can’t stand seeing me with you for too long.” He looked into her eyes hopefully thinking that maybe he convinced her but his hope was quickly shattered when she opened her mouth.
      “What are you? Five? I don’t want to get back at her and I have absolutely no reason to help you in your sick plan. I’m out of here!” Once again she picked up her bag to leave only for Jisung to grab her wrist and stop her, again.
      “Please Y/N! I’m desperate. I’ve been trying to date her for a year and a half already.” That was pathetic. She had absolutely no reason to help him. None at all. But something pushed her to stay and accept his offer. Maybe she could take advantage of the situation.
      Turning her head towards her she tried to keep a straight face as best as she could. “What do I get out of it?”
      Jisung’s face brightened instantly at her question and he held her hand with both of his. “Anything you want. If it’s possible I’ll do it.” His eyes were pouring into hers and a stupid sparkle was present in them.
      “I guess you were going to do that anyway but I want you to present me to your friends.” The same bored expression that she had on for almost the entirety of their conversation was adorning her face. Jisung was amazed at the lack of emotions she managed to show but she was an actress. Maybe she’s just good at her job.
      “Why? Do you have a crush on any of them?” A smirk was enveloping his facial features and he had a teasing tone. Y/N rolled her eyes at his comment.
      “No. Some of them seem like really interesting people but their only defect was hanging out with you. Now that I have to hang out with you too I might as well start talking to them.” She shook his hands off hers before putting it in her front pocket. “Now I have to go to class cause my free period is almost over. See you later, babe!” She winked at him before turning around and making her way to her next class.
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      The next day she met with Jisung in front of the cafeteria so they could walk in together and “announce” their relationship. Somehow he got hold of her number and they texted the night prior about the terms of their little deal. She felt like laughing when she saw how serious he was about it. If he really did end up dating Mina she’ll be convinced that both of them are idiots.
      His arm was over her shoulders as they walked through the tables. Multiple people were staring at them but she decided to ignore them. Upon reaching the table she placed her tray down and took a seat. The people at the table were looking confused at one another and some were throwing Jisung questioning looks.
      “Everyone, meet my girlfriend.” He spoke gesturing with a hand towards her. She smiled at them and waved her hand, muttering a soft ‘Hi!’.
      One of them, who she recognised to be Lee Minho, a Modern Dance major cleared his throat. “Hey. It’s nice to meet you.” He had an awkward smile on. “What are you majoring in?”
      “Yeah, I don’t recall seeing you around campus.” Seo Changbin, a Music Production major added.
      “Oh, I…” She started talking but a puff coming from her left stopped her.
      “Seriously dude? You share a class. She’s L/N Y/N from your Theory and Improvisation class.” The voice belonged to Hwang Hyunjin and she felt a funny feeling in her stomach at the realisation that he knows her. Everyone around the table was throwing him weird looks.
      “You are right but how do you know that? I’m pretty sure you don’t take that class.” There was a trace of embarrassment in her voice.
      “I don’t but sometimes when I wait for those guys outside of the classroom I see you walking out.” He said that with nonchalance taking a bite from his food.
      “And how do you know her? She’s not a Music Production major otherwise we would have known. And she’s not a Dance major either otherwise Minho and Felix would have known about her as well.”Changbin’s tone was almost provoking as if Hyunjin had done something bad and he was about to reveal it.
      “She’s a Theatre and Film major. Last year when we went to all those theatre spectacles to support Jeongin I was actually paying attention to the plays. She had either the main role or the lead. I remember her being really good.” She felt her cheeks heat at his comment.
      “Thank you!” She threw him a smile. However, she got ignored as Lee Felix started talking.
      “Do you know her Jeongin?” She somehow felt offended by his question. Maybe that wasn’t his intention but he should have used a different tone.
      “Of course I do. We share almost all of our classes and last year we worked on multiple plays together.” Annoyance was present in his voice caused by his friends' ignorance.
      She knew Jeongin from the first day. He was the first to speak to her although they didn’t exactly become friends. They kept on working on plays together throughout the entirety of the first year of college but they kept everything mostly professional since they both had their own group of friends and she kind of disliked most of his friends.
      “Then how come you never talk about her?” Now, wasn’t Changbin an annoying one? She rolled her eyes discreetly at his question.
      “Because we are not the best of friends. Why don’t you talk about Kim Gina from your degree?” The youngest question was a good one. They were acquaintances and barely knew something about each other. What was he supposed to talk about?
      ���Gina is not hot. What am I supposed to talk about?” The older male said calmly with a shrug of his shoulders.
      The water she was just drinking got stuck in her throat and she started coughing violently. Jisung started hitting her back repeatedly trying to help her swallow. When she finally calmed down she looked at him annoyed.
      “Who she is, is not important. What’s important is that she is my girlfriend” he gave Changbin a side look ”and you have to accept that. Stop talking about her like she is not sitting right in front of you.” A few of them raised their hands in defeat while some of them averted their eyes. Minho and Changbin rolled their eyes.
      She felt her blood pressure spike up at their action. She remembered why she never wanted to talk to any of them. Arrogant pricks.
      “Ok, Mister protective boyfriend. Just tell us when you break up.” Minho took a bite of his food done with the younger man’s antics. Everyone knew that he was in love with Mina. The moment she shows some interest in him he would probably leave this one in a heartbeat.
      Y/N sucked in a breath discreetly. He really got her worked up and she hated it. She put an arm around Jisungs shoulders and yanked him towards her, his face close to her chest. With her other hand, she grabbed the sides of his face making him look up at her and forcefully pursing his lips. 
      “Break up? Do you wanna break up with me, babe?” Y/N’s voice was mocking as if she was talking with a child. Jisung swallowed hard before shaking his head. She smiled at his response and used the hand from around his shoulders to ruffle his hair. “That’s what I thought.” She placed a short kiss on his lips before releasing him and turning back to her food.
      Everyone at the table was looking at both of them shocked, especially Minho and Changbin. She wanted to let a proud smile escape her but she controlled herself.
      For the rest of the lunch, she decided not to engage in any more discussions with Jisung’s friends. She continued eating her food and listened to them talking about things that didn’t involve her, occasionally responding to Hayoon’s texts.
      She was the first one to get up, impatient to go to her next class and not have to see them. “Bye guys. It was lovely meeting you!” She smiled at them, a smile half true because she did like some of them. “Bye babe. See you later!” She grabbed the sides of his face again placing another kiss on his lips before taking her empty tray and leaving them alone.
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      The men all watched her as she made her way out of the cafeteria. When she closed the door behind her they all burst into laughter. Jisung was biting the inside of his cheek irked by their action. When the laughter stopped, Seungmin that was sitting next to him put his hand on his shoulder.
      “I absolutely adore your girlfriend. She knows how to keep her ‘babe’ in check I see.” Seungmin tried cupping his face as Y/N did but Jisung slapped his hand away.
      “Are you her good boy, Jisungie? Does she give you rewards if you listen to her?” Minho cooed at him and Jisung held back an insult.
      “Shut the fuck up. It’s not like that. She surprised me as well. Who the fuck knew she was going to do that?” When he proposed the whole fake dating thing to her he thought it would be easier. Looking at it now he can’t understand why he thought that. He saw the way her fights with Mina unfold and he knew she was an actress which meant that she was probably either crazy confident or really good at faking it. For some reason, he thought she would be easier to tease and control but it would be a lie if he said it didn’t intrigue him. He liked a challenge and if the prize was Mina he would try his best.
      “And you man” Chan spoke for the first time “what the fuck was that? Do you know her entire biography?” He was looking at Hyunjin who rolled his eyes.
      “I told you I paid attention to last year’s plays. On top of that, she’s hot. I remember that after one spectacle I and the guys from my dance group at the time talked about her for like a month. She was so..” The man let out a groan and threw his head back trying to explain what he meant.
      “Sure, tell me more. Did you masturbate to the thought of my girlfriend? Perhaps got any wet dreams about her?” Jisung commented, raising an eyebrow.
      Hyunjin winked at him as a smirk made its way on his face. Some of the guys simultaneously let out disgusted sounds at his gesture.
      “But how did this whole thing happen? I can’t remember a moment when you talked about her or when you were together.” Felix’s deep voice rang making everyone pay attention to him.
      Changbin suddenly let a gasp out and dramatically covered his mouth. “Yesterday our little Jisungie sat next to her in Theory and Improvisation and when the class ended he ran after her. I think he might have had a secret crush!” The older man teased.
      “Yeah, but she looked really annoyed with him. Hence why she sprinted out of the class. Why would she accept to date him if she looked like she’d rather listen to Mr Jung talk about the first piano ever invented.” Chan intervened making Jisung shrug his shoulders.
      “She was annoyed with me but what can I say? I’m so charming she couldn’t refuse me.” He leaned back in his chair putting his arms over the back of the chair. 
      “I think she did it out of pity. When she realized you’ve been trying to get Mina for a year and a half now she probably felt so bad for you she decided to sacrifice herself so you look less like a loser.” Hyunjin said his tone way to serious to be a joke.
      Jisung threw the man a deadly stare. “At least I didn’t masturbate to the thought of her like a fucking virgin.” He spat in the other man’s face.
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innocence - 38
  PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
WARNINGS: angst, smut (18+), oral (male receiving), handjob, slight innocence kink 
A/N: not me still not fully recovered from the “you wanna see what i can do with leverage” moment. oof, still gets me heated up. anyway, this smut was mostly inspired by my pinterest board showing me this and this which i feel would be something y/n would wear for bucky. enjoy xx 
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She didn’t know she was running, but she was. She ran off that room before he could catch up to her but through the middle of her thoughts she could hear him yell out for her and run after her. Maybe it was an adrenaline rush, the thought of getting severely hurt or any other thing but she had managed to outrun him, running into the main corridor where everyone was awaiting for the judge to announce the results. As Mr. Hawthorn screaming her name registered in her brain, she rushed to Bucky, taking him by surprise. Out of instinct he wrapped his arms around her, looking down to see her hiding her face in his chest. 
As Bucky started to wonder why she had suddenly appeared and even why she had left in the first place, Mr. Hawthorne made his way down the hall yelling out her name made it all the much clearer. Bucky held her slightly behind his back, hand tightly holding hers as the man made his way to them. Bucky held out his metal arm in front of him, stopping Hawthorne from getting any closer to her. 
     - Give me that phone, Y/N. Now. - he wasn’t yelling, his tone was constant as he starred both Bucky and Y/N down. She moved her phone behind her back, typing while maintaining eye contact with the agency director. - I said ...
      - Back off, man. - Bucky tried to remain calm, he knew having a major fight or even yelling at the man in front of him wouldn’t put him in a good spot. However, he’d be caught dead if he allowed that man to even dare to touch his wife.
      - C’mon, Y/N. You wanna play with leverage? At least step away from your guard dog and confront me or are you already too comfortable with being a housewife? 
      - You wanna see what I can do with leverage? - Bucky pushed him slightly backwards but Y/N stopped him before he could do anything else, squeezing his hand and handing out the man in front of the two of them her phone. Before Bucky could even complain about getting her phone back, Mr. Hawthorne left the two of them in a fast pace. - What the fuck was that? What did he do? Why did you give him your phone? 
      - Trust me, okay? - she cupped his face, leaning her forehead against his when she wasn’t even sure if what she did was going to work. Her eyes darted slightly across the hall, seeing Chuck with the lawyer but quickly returned to Bucky. - I love you. 
      - What’s wrong, princess?  Hm? What did he do to you?
      - I love you too would’ve been nice, Buck. - she teased.
      - You know I love you too that’s not the point. You’re trying to distract me. Don’t shut me out. 
      - I am not shutting you out, Bucky. Nothing happened, it’s fine ... he’s just ... upset at me. 
      - Why is he upset at you? 
      - I ...
      - Mr. Barnes. - the lawyer approached the two of them, interrupting her just  as she was about to start her sentence. - The judge has called everyone in, let’s go. 
      - Has the jury made a decision? - Y/N’s grip on Bucky’s hand tightened and she was almost frozen on the spot as he started to walk to back to the court room, but she didn’t move. 
      - Hey, it’s just us, princess. Just us. - Bucky smiled at her, kissing the top of her head but she could barely register things.
She couldn’t hear anything as the two of them walked to the court room’s door where they were separated again with Sharon, Steve, Sam and Chuck accompanying her to the bench while Bucky took off with the lawyer. She sat down on the harsh, cold wood, her heart beating fast as she tried to read Chuck’s face yet she couldn’t. The jury and judge arrived, and suddenly everyone was on their feet, waiting for whatever decision the jury had taken; however, the jury looked confused, almost puzzled by the fact they were back into the court room. 
      - It has come to my attention that further evidence as been found. As such, bailiff, take the witness Mr. Hawthorne into custody where he will be charged for the harassment and stalking of Y/N Barnes as well as obscuring justice. In the matter of The People vs James Buchanan Barnes, this case is dismissed. Mr. Barnes, you are free to go. 
A few oh my gods erupted into the court room which went into complete frenzy as the bailiff took Mr. Hawthorne into custody who merely stared her down and shouted out in disbelief. She turned over to Chuck who took his phone off his pocket and played the exact same audio which she had played to Hawthorne just a few minutes ago.
     - I could kiss you. - she hugged her friend, a big smile on her face.
     - Please, don’t. I am still largely afraid of your husband, he would crush me like a soda can. Do you want me to die such a painful death? After I had to somehow understand your typo filled text with the worse recorded audio I have heard. Sincerely, Y/N, Bucky would’ve done a better job and he is what? As old as dinosaurs?
     - You’re the best. - she kissed her friends cheek before going over to Bucky who was being swarmed by both his friends that had come to congratulate him, his lawyer and some reporters.
She smiled at him, standing in the back of the crowd and catching his eye despite everyone surrounding him. Bucky couldn’t care less about those people surrounding him, congratulating him and even some complaining that he once again had avoided paying for his mistakes. All she cared was catching her eye in the middle of the crowd, as if a spotlight shone onto her. 
     - I hope you enjoy being being out of a job for 10 years. - Mrs. Olson said as she passed by to probably be with Hawthorne but Y/N didn’t say anything. 
She knew what was on the line but she would throw it away for Bucky. If it came between Bucky being free or her career, she would always pick the first option. However, it didn’t sting any less.  Yet, this was not about her, not today. Today was Bucky’s day. The day where he got rid of the problem that she had brought upon the two of them and while it was now gone, it still occupied a tiny spot of her mind which screamed at her about her own guilt in this whole situation. The flashes were bright and she kept being pulled to the back as more journalists and reporters tried to get some time with the former Winter Soldier but he avoided them, breaking through the crowd to be with the only person he actually wanted to celebrate this with. 
    - What did you do, princess? - he wrapped his arms around her, turning to exit the court room and leave all this experience behind. - And don’t say it wasn’t you, the lawyer told me it was you.
    - He could be lying. 
    - You could’ve gotten hurt. Why didn’t you tell me? 
    - It was just a guess ... I didn’t want to raise your hopes over a guess. I’m sorry. - she leaned her head against his covered arm. - It’s my fault this whole thing happened and I thought if I fixed it, I’d feel better.
    - It’s not your fault this happened. You could’ve gotten hurt, he could’ve hurt you and then what?
   - He was not going to hurt me. - she scratched her neck. She knew it was a lie, everyone is capable of everything in her business. - I had to do something for you. I am ... I am so tired of being weak. 
    - You’re not weak, what are you talking about?
    - Weren’t you in this trial? They talked about you as if you were some cold blooded murderer and me as if I were the weakest person ever. As if I wasn’t standing in that room and hearing to it. If I could defend myself, if I had put my foot down none of this would’ve happened. 
Bucky’s heart broke as he heard her talk, tears pooling in her eyes as what she had been feeling for the past weeks of meeting, court days and witness speeches seemed to finally explode, breaking free from the pressure she had been putting on it so it didn’t show, so she didn’t feel weak. He had never felt weak before, helpless maybe but never weak. Even as the Winter Soldier he could easily overpower his handlers if he wanted to, he could overpower new recruits and pretty much everyone who he was presented with. He’d never felt weak, he’d never know what it was like to feel weak and he had never even considered she felt weak because he just did not see her as weak. She was soft but not weak, she had strength in her softness, in her kindness. She’d done things he couldn’t see himself doing in his mid twenties. 
     - Hey ... - he flushed her close to him, drawing invisible circles on her back and kissing her temple. - Do you wanna get cheesy chips?
     - I need to go say goodbye ...
     - It’s fine. - he combed her hair away from her face to kiss her forehead. - I don’t want you to get caught up in a mess with photographers. 
     - I’m ridiculous. - she cuddled against his side as he led her out the back of the court where he had parked his car. - I should be comforting you, not the other way around.
     - You’re not ridiculous. This was as bad for me as it was for you. - he opened the car door for her. - Besides, I love comforting you. 
     - Really? Because from what I know, you were the one in danger of being in prison for at least 5 years. The only danger for me was trying to get naked during spousal visits. 
     - Aw, princess. You were willing to get naked in prison, for me?
     - You’re ridiculous, Barnes. 
     - So are you, Mrs. Barnes. - he smirked. - You are not weak and you are not ridiculous. Are we clear? 
     - Don’t use your sergeant voice on me.
Bucky chuckled, putting the key onto the engine and turning it on as the car started to roar up. She leaned her head against his shoulder, mindlessly listening to the song on the radio, probably one of Bucky’s favourites. On that moment, she didn’t care her career was on hold for the next 10 years because he was here and he was free like he deserved. As he pulled in front of the chippy shop nearby his flat, she perked her head up to kiss the corner of his mouth. 
    - Can we do takeaway? I wanna go home. - she cuddled against his shoulder once more. 
    - Sure, princess. Stay in the car and I’ll be right back, yeah?
    - Yeah. 
He left the car, loosening his tie as he entered the shop, leaving Y/N in the car. She rose her hand up, looking at the wedding band on her finger. It had barely registered in her that she was married, she of all people. She knew she wasn’t attention’s sweet centre and she knew she definitely did not deserve a guy like Bucky. God, in her wildest dreams she’d never thought she’d even end up with a man as caring and thoughtful as he is. It was almost surreal she’d even gotten married without having to fight her agency, at least too much. Her lips stretched in a smile as her husband came out of the shop, a toothy, childish grin on his lip as he waved the brown paper bag on his way to the car door.
He drove the two of them back to the flat and once they were inside, her shoes were thrown to one side as well as his tie and jacket and the couple made themselves comfortable on the couch. Y/N sat on Bucky’s lap, takeaway on her lap while he held his on his hand with the other searched for something to watch on TV, eventually landing on The Honeymooners.
    - I need to take you on a honeymoon. 
    - I don’t need a honeymoon. 
    - Bullshit. - he held her close by, hearing her giggle through the small digs onto the plastic container. - Where do you wanna go? C’mon, entertain me. 
    - Hm ... - she looked up, nose slightly scrunched. - Italy. 
    - I was stationed in Italy for a while. Nice place, great food. Where about?
    - There’s this movie called Letters to Juliet, it’s in Verona, and I always thought it looked so romantic. 
    - Okay, princess. Whenever you want, I’ll take you to Verona and we will have a nice month long honeymoon. 
    - Month long? 
    - Yeah. If we go any less, we won’t have time to do any sight seeing. 
    - Why is that?
    - Because I do intend to have sex with you in every part of the hotel we stay in. - he kissed the crook of her neck, taking the takeaway container away from her and placing it on the coffee table. - Maybe even try it in those tiny Italian balconies.
    - You just escaped five years of prison and you’re thinking of vouyerism already?
    - You shouldn’t look so pretty, then. - he hooked his finger under her chin and turned her face towards him, giving her a long drawn out kiss. His hand climbed up from her thigh up to her dress, pushing the sleeve down to expose her shoulder. His stubble rubbed against her soft kiss as he laid a kiss on the subtle skin of her shoulder.
   - Mhm, Buck ... - her hand pushed his shoulder back and he immediately pouted. - I have to shower. I smell like the dusty, mouldy court room and I’d like that smell off me. 
    - Mind if I join? - he pulled the sleeve off her other shoulder but she held her dress against her chest before it could fall down. - I can give you a massage.
   - If I allow you with me in the shower, there will be no showering. - she got off his lap, pushing her dress up. - I’ll be back. Try to keep the pouting to the minimum until I’m back. 
   - Just so you know, you’ll need another shower after you’re back. 
Y/N rolled her eyes, before padding into the bathroom, leaving Bucky on his own in the living room shuffling through various channels. The shower on the background was running until it was running for too long, Bucky turned his head around, looking at the door that led to the bathroom.
    - Princess, everything ok? - he prepared to get up and check on her but was. interrupted by her opening the door.
She stood against the door wedge with her typical shyness which made her so endearing to anyone who met her, yet, this time, it was something other than endearment that Bucky was feeling when looking at her. She was dressed in a white corset and knickers with a small floral print and small pink ruffles at the edge of her underwear. The corset was also adorned with a blue ribbon and small blue bow, everything covered in with one of her many short satin robes that she normally used over her pyjamas or over one of Bucky’s shirt which always looked like a dress on her. 
    - Were you wearing that ... - he cleared his throat, trying not to stare at her perky chest. - Were you wearing that today? 
    - No, I bought this one in case you won. - she closed the door of the bathroom behind her, padding barefoot over to the couch, standing in front of him, her robe slightly slipping of her shoulder. - Do you like it? 
    - Fucking hell, princess. - he leaned forward, hands wrapping around her waist to pull her close to him. 
    - It looks silly, doesn’t it? I don’t know, I just thought I’d wear something nice and do so ... - Bucky interrupted her rambling by kissing her, his hands pushing the robe fully off her and throwing it somewhere in the living room. His hands massaged her thighs and upper body until they were cupping her face, kissing her as if he hadn’t seen in her in ages. 
Her hands rest upon his shoulder, lips melded against his in a long, drawn out kiss. She whined as Bucky moved his lips from hers to her jaw and slightly under it, sucking the subtle and sensitive skin he found there. She allowed herself to get lost in the feeling of his slight stubble against her sensitive skin, drawing kisses and leaving hickeys with slightly rough lips. His hands scouted her corset for the square brackets, loosening the garment and pulling it over her head before leaning to kiss her again. She smiled against the kiss, breaking it to look at him which greatly annoyed Bucky, who tried to kiss her again. 
    - No... - she pushed him back against the couch as he tried to kiss her collarbones. Her hands toyed with the fabric of his shirt, fingers trailing up and down his chest. - Let me do something for you.
    - Princess ... - she ignored his pleas and attempts to pull her in and distribute more kisses all over her body.
Instead she climbed off his lap, standing on her knees in front of him, eyes looking up to him with a devious like innocence which was intoxicating to him. Her hands ran up his thighs, nails racking over the fabric of his trousers until they reached his belt. She bite her lip, unbuckling the accessory and tossing it aside before pushing his trousers down along with his underwear. She gripped his cock in her hand, her finger swiping the pre-cum off his tip before he started to move her hand slowly up and down.
    - Oh fuck ... - Bucky groaned, throwing his head back with his eyes shut. She smirked at this reaction, continuing to move her hand up and down in a painfully slow motion. 
Bucky groaned and moaned, head pressed against the headrest of the couch, eyes closed and lips opened. Her confidence grew at the sight of her completely blissed out husband and she stopped her motions. Before Bucky could whine about it, she kitten licked his tip before licking a broad stripe up his cock eliciting a low grumble from him. He looked down at his wife through half closed eyes, locking eye contact with her. Y/N gave him an innocent smile with innocent eyes before taking him in her mouth. Bucky breathed out, high gasp as his hand gripped onto the couch cushions. He moved his hips forward unconsciously, his cock hitting the back of her throat. She breathe through her nose as she bobbed her head up and down his cock slowly, cheeks hollowed out as she made it upon the spot. 
   - Fuck, princess. Fuck, you’re so good, fucking hell. - Bucky breath harshly as she picked up the pace, her movements almost matching up with his breathing tempo until she started to vigorously suck his tip, getting him almost shaking before returning to take him inside her mouth once more. - Fuck, stop. Stop. 
  - Did I do something wrong? - she pushed her hair behind her ears.
  - Come here. - Bucky helped her up and on top of his lap, pushing her underwear down her legs before he did so. She held herself up by holding onto his shoulders, staying slightly taller than him as he holstered her up. 
She looked down as he looked up, his eyes gazing onto hers as he lowered her down onto his hard cock, silencing her whimpers with a consuming kiss. Her skin seemed to flush hot and cold at the same time as he filled her to a halt. Bucky let her accommodate to his size, kissing down from her lips to her collarbones.
    - Fuck, you’re pretty. - he panted, moving to kiss her neck while his hands held her still. - So fucking pretty, princess.
    - Bucky, please ... move. - she hide her head in the space between his shoulder and neck, a hot flush settling in her cheeks. 
    - I’m not gonna ... fuck ... I’m not gonna move if you hide, princess. - he spoke through moans, voice strained due to the grip of her walls around him, pulsating. - Look at me, look at me when I’m fucking you. Let me see your pretty face. 
Y/N whined, moving to look at him as he flushed her chest against his. She probably looked a mess yet had no time to worry about that once he started to push her hips up and down on him, eventually leading her into riding him. Her hand slide from his shoulder to his chest as she bounced on top of him, the sound of skin slapping against each other along with the moans and groans of both of them as they chased their high. She felt her own walls pulsating with each thrust, her lower belly coiling up as she continued to move up and down his cock as if she were going to die if she stopped. She gasped and whined, continuing with her movements as the coil continued to tighten up and her movements sped up. 
   - That’s it, princess. Such a good girl. - he moaned against her ear, silencing some of her moans with messy, wet kisses. - You wanna cum on my cock, hm? I know you want to.
   - Buck ... - her gasp was high as her walls spasmed and her body tensed. The grip on his dick led him over the edge just a few seconds later and he pulled her completely flush against him, feeling him cum fill her up and leak onto both hers and his thighs. She hide her head on the crook of his neck, mewling while she regained her breathe. 
Bucky chuckled through his breathlessness before slipping out of her which caused her to let out a small whine before he laid her down on the couch, arms wrapped around her. 
   - Make that a 3 month long honeymoon. - he cuddled her against his chest. 
   - How much of that will be sex? - she looked up, completely blissed out.
   - You’ll get a week of sightseeing if you keep pulling this on me.  
   - Right. - she rolled her eyes. - I forget that you are old and cannot take this much excitement. 
   - Are you teasing me, Mrs. Barnes?
   - Maybe. - there it was, the little playful smirk he loved so much. 
   - Oh, princess ... - he lifted her up as he got up from the couch, walking towards their bedroom. - You’re gonna regret that. 
taglist: @disasterbi @lookiamtrying @buckysteveloki-me @americasass81 @jamesbarnesappreciationclub @lostinthebeans @mariahthelioness29 @oh-nohoney @peaches-roses-sins @theadorasabditory @sipsteacasually @saiyanprincessswanie @booktease21 @noiralei @learisa @everythingisoverratedbutgreat @uglipotata72829 @naturalthrone22 @husherstan @mandiiblanche @vicmc624 @itsallyscorner @chipilerendi @emzd34 @writerwrites @bluevxnus @that-girl-named-alex @captnrogers @nsfwsebbie @sarge-barnes-sir @niki-is-a-thing @cynic-spirit @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @buckyswillow​
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skiyoosmi · 4 years
if fate permits
chapter twenty two: i love you
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note. i am sorry for the veeeery long wait; i finally finished it tonight (after fucking up with it for two whole months) but yeah, my emotions are quite unstable right now so this was affected by it (in short, this is a roller coaster ride so pls be ready)
playlist. stay (acoustic ver.); never let me go (both sung by ghostly kisses)
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You absolutely had no idea what you were doing right now. As far as you could remember, you were the playwright, the writer of the script. You never had any interest in acting in plays, musicals, nor acting in general… none at all – so why is it that right now, you were standing right on the side of the stage, waiting for the cue for you to come out, dressed up as someone you weren’t supposed to be, someone you were only supposed to have written for?
You swear, this was the most chaotic crowd you have ever seen your whole life. You only watched, alongside Hajime, as people lined up right by the entrance of the university’s theater, murmuring and gossiping about the play that was less than an hour away from starting, “I gotta say, they look way too excited for a story that they should know like the back of their hands by now. It’s kind of funny,” Hajime chuckled, letting out a quiet ‘yeah’ as he shoved his hands in his pockets, watching you cringe on the girls that were obviously here for your best friend. You swore you heard one of them say they’re going to ask him out after the play and you almost wanted to drag her out of the venue by her hair.
“I would say it would be a waste of a ticket for people who are here just to gush about handsome faces instead of the story itself but then again, it’s us who are benefiting from it anyway.” You huffed and muttered a few more things under your breath, beginning to walk to the direction of the entrance for the crew members which was on the farther side of the theater, Hajime silently following and shaking his head out of amusement for your obvious jealousy. I can’t wait for the time when it’s me you’re being jealous for, he thinks.
You thought the crowd outside was chaotic? Nothing could have prepared you for the view you were welcomed to as soon as you entered the backstage. Literally, almost all of the crew members were running around frantically, pushing the small and large props here and there. Hajime, as if he had his ‘danger’ instincts set on, grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to his side just right when a random lad passed by where you were at a while ago, struggling to carry what looked like a heavy log on his shoulder (you figured it would be for one of the scenes that were supposed to be in the forest). You were sure as hell that if you weren’t moved out of the way by your friend, the lad would’ve collided with you and that thing he was holding would’ve fell on you because he was too busy looking back and chatting with his companion who was carrying other props.
Irritated by their carelessness, Hajime clicked his tongue and spoke up, “Oi, you two have to be careful and watch where you’re going. You might just cause an accident with what you’re doing.” The boys replied with an insincere apology, immediately going back to their business. You were soon brought to your senses as well and realized that you were still in his arms. Blushing profusely, you muttered a quiet ‘thanks,’ too flustered to think of a more decent reply. Hajime raised an eyebrow, smirking before leaning his head close to yours again, foreheads touching each other, much like the other day.
“You’re red. Are you feeling sick?” If it was someone he wasn’t close with, it would look like he’s just being concerned but you know better because you can practically hear the teasing behind his voice, so, you punched him right by his shoulders, muttering with a hint of shyness in your tone, “Asshole. Stop trying to tease me, it’s way too much for me. When the fuck did you even get so brave to act like this with me? Jerk.”
He cackled, slinging his arm around your shoulder, and beginning to pull you deeper inside the backstage. You both stood idly by the corner of the backstage, watching the actors get ready. From your position, you could see your blonde best friend, eyes looking lost as they wandered around the area until it stopped right to where you were. You think you held a staring contest for about twenty seconds until your companion spoke up, “You know, I personally think it would be better if you go to him and say your good luck, yeah? Nothing’s going to happen if you just stare at each other all day. I’m willing to share you with him… just for today though. After this, no more.” 
A confused expression formed on your face, wondering what he meant, though he just snickered and ruffled your head, “I said… go to him before I change my mind and pull you away from here.”
“I can’t. These days, I’ve been feeling way too many feelings and I don’t know how to control them. I feel like… I might just burst and tell him everything but I don’t want to. I’m not ready yet,” you admitted, fiddling with your fingers as you looked down, only for your head to be raised up again as Hajime held it up using your chin, a tender smile plastered on his face.
“Tell you what… if you lose control and everything goes astray, just look at me and I’ll save you, like a knight-in-shining-armor,” he whispers, patting you on the head before pushing you towards your best friend who was still looking, by the way. You took a deep breath, stopping right in front of him, biting your lip before opening your mouth to say something but Atsumu beat you to it, arms immediately going around your form and pulling you into a bone-crushing hug, “I’m sorry,” He mumbles into your hair, while you nod, reciprocating the gesture, “I… I’ve been such a shitty best friend, huh?”
“Yeah, right,” You huffed, trying to look mad and intimidating but it only came off as cute in Atsumu’s vocabulary, “After this, I’ll treat you to this really good restaurant. We can talk about anything and everything you want to tell me, even if they’re bad, I’ll listen, yeah?” He suggested, his hold on you still not loosening as he looked down on you, “I’d prefer it if only good things come out of your pretty mouth though.” 
You rolled your eyes, getting ready to retort as usual but a loud crash and a cry of pain interrupted you. Looking to the source of the sound, your eyes, as well as Atsumu’s widened. You can only watch as Yui, who was on the floor, clutching her ankles, angrily screech at the boy who was bowing his head and apologizing, the large piece of wood you luckily avoided a while ago found its victim and it’s the main actress of the play, “What the fuck! Why weren’t you watching where you’re going?! Look at what you did!”
Your best friend jogged towards her and once again, you were left behind. Love seriously sucks, you thought as you watch him try to shush Yui’s cries. The director, who heard about the situation, ran to where you are, asking what happened. “I think her ankles are injured, Miyu-chan,” you quickly replied, anxiety beginning to arise within you because what was supposed to happen now? You can’t cancel this play; you all have been working for months for this! Besides, the theater must be full of the audience now. As if she was reading your mind, she spoke up, “We can’t cancel this now, but we can’t force her to act as well. She can barely stand up, look. Mina, tell Mari to ask the audience to wait for a little while more, we have to think of a solution.”
By now, Atsumu was supporting her, making their way towards you with Yui limping, “Miyu-san…” “No, Yui. I know what you’re going to say but I won’t let you do that. Go to the infirmary and have your ankles checked. Your well-being is more important than this play,” the director firmly said, much to the brown-haired girl’s dismay.
“But you can’t cancel it! The people who bought the tickets will get mad! I can do this, it barely hurts, Miyu-san!” Yui pleaded, even going as far lifting her injured foot in a pathetic attempt to show that she was fine but it only put her to a worse situation as soon as she winced. Miyu only gave her a look of ‘I told you so.’ 
“Don’t worry about the play, Yui-chan. YN can replace you in your role.”
“What?!” “WHAT?” You simultaneously yelled out, obviously not expecting the sudden decision to be made, much less one that has something to do with you, “Wait, wait, wait… Miyu-chan, aren’t you being a little rash right now? I’m not a good actress!”
“She’s right!” Yui scoffed, “I’ve been practicing this for so long and you’re going to replace me with someone who never did?!” 
“That’s right,” Miyu nodded, crossing her arms, “She knows the script and the lines better than anyone here. And don’t try to fool me, YN, you know you can act.” Her unrelenting eyes told you that she knew everything there was to know; she’s been your friend for more than a year now, after all. 
“Oh, well. You won’t change my mind no matter what you say, so just go, Yui. Iwaizumi-kun, sorry for this sudden request but can you take Yui to the infirmary after what we’re going to do?” Hajime blinked but nodded, nonetheless. He feels somewhat sorry for the brunette who was on the verge of tears as she was helped by the crew members into one of the changing rooms to undress her costume.
It’s definitely not the first time in your life but you felt like vomiting the breakfast you had this morning.
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You already lost count of how many times you took a deep breath in hopes that your heart will calm down. You listened as Mari neared the end of her welcoming rites and speech for the play, placing your hands on your chest as a final attempt to get tranquility within. The fairytale-like background music began to play and soon, a younger version of your character appeared on the stage; it’s the beginning of your Cinderella play. To be honest, you don’t even know where they got that child actress and how they managed to convince her to join the play but right now, you couldn’t care less because all you’re thinking of right now is how to not mess up your lines and deliver them with the proper emotions. 
Your brother, Osamu, Tooru, Makki and Mattsun, who you were sure as hell were in the audience, will never let you hear the end of it if you mess this up. You don’t want to live the rest of your days in Japan being a laughingstock. No way, you refu–
“You’re thinking too much about it. Calm down,” A voice from behind you interrupted, hands beginning to massage your shoulders to get your stiff muscles to relax. Turning around, you were met with the one and only Miya Atsumu in a prince costume. Right there and then, you felt like your heart’s going to burst for a different reason this time. 
Goodness heavens, Lord Jesus, thank you for blessing me with this beautiful man and letting me meet him, you thought as you savored the view in front of you, also thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Miya  for successfully creating Atsumu and delivering him to the Earth, it must have difficult to produce such fine masterpiece.
“Ya look… beautiful,” the blonde mutters, a hand rubbing his nape and sheepishly grinning, a slight blush adorning his cheeks, “Ya should dress up yourself from time to time, yanno? It really suits you.”
“Gee, thanks for calling me ugly on my normal days,” you scoffed, giggling when he let out a sound of disagreement, “No! That’s not what I meant, idiot!”
“I know.” 
Before you can continue your conversation, the signal for you to come out is finally closing in as the “stepsisters” appeared onstage. Rather shakily, you took a step forward, almost tripping on your dress due to your nerves. You were fortunate that Atsumu was attentive enough to grab your wrist, “YN, I told you to calm down.”
You gulped, nodding and taking a deep breath. He smiled upon seeing the determined look on your face and for some reason, his body moved on its own - placing a hand on your cheek with his thumb rubbing it, he approached you and placed his lips on your forehead. Maybe it’s because you were so nervous or maybe it’s because you longed for this moment for almost your whole life. Whatever the reason is, you just find yourself tearing up a little bit as he whispers, “That’s my girl.”
Never in your life had you wished that time can stop this much before. As you stood still in Atsumu’s embrace, you felt your heart being squeezed with so much love yet pain at the same time. How is it that he’s so close yet he’s someone you can’t have? 
“I love you, Atsumu,” you tell him, eyes still watery; heart hoping that it reaches him, that he picks up the meaning behind your words. But he doesn’t, as he stops to look at you, he squints his eyes in a joking manner as he speaks, “Hey, why do you look so emotional today?”
Disappointment grows in the depths of your whole being, though you don’t show him that. Because perhaps this was enough, you can try again another day. You’ll try and try until he finally understands. You can do that… you’ve been holding on pretty well the past fifteen years, so you huff instead, ignoring the painful thump of your heart, “Nothing, you jerk! Is it really that weird to hear me say I love you to you, hah?!”
You hear the dialogue of one of the stepsisters, calling out as your cue. You start to trudge forward but before you could fully go, he replies, “I love you too, YN, always remember that although I’m so shitty sometimes.”
Yeah, this is enough for now.
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Perhaps, you shouldn’t have been so confident in saying that; you should’ve just been straight to the point because nothing has ever compared to the agony engulfing your insides as Miya Atsumu sat in front of you in a random booth of a restaurant, speaking the words you’ve always dreaded to hear as a Moira and as his very own soulmate, “YN, I think I’m done waiting for my soulmate. Can’t you just cut my thread off please?”
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Electric Feel - Tom Hiddleston smut
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The one where Tom moved in to help you, but you end up helping each other.
Warnings: porn with a very unecessary and minimal plot, smut, dom!female, sub!Tom, masturbation (m), oral sex (f), mistress kink, brief mention of a stalker, actress!reader
Word count: 2k<
A/N: This is so small compared to everything @just-the-hiddles​ deserves, but it’s her birthday and I just couldn’t let it go by without a token of my gratitude, love and admiration! Happy birthday, Liz! I hope you know how much I care about you! ALSO: unedited for the moment because I just started and finished this entire thing in the last six hours when I should be studying but oh well.
Tom’s P.O.V.
I didn’t remember stopping to think for a single second ever since I saw the news. My fingers acted on their own accord, hitting those numbers I had memorized so long ago, raising the phone to my ear as I waited for her to pick up.
“Hello?” Hearing her voice didn’t calm me down like I expected it would. I realized then, I’d only feel tranquil once more when I could see her with my own eyes, touch her skin, feel her warmth.
“Darling? How are you?” I still asked, almost automatically, and if I had hoped she would at least be well enough to pretend to be okay, the sharp inhale that preceded her burst into tears shattered that illusion in a second. “I’m on my way.”
And that was how I ended up in her house in what felt like the blink of an eye. The trip there could have lasted days - all that mattered was that the second I had my arms wrapped around her, everything felt alright again.
“It’s okay,” I soothed her, but it was probably better directed at myself. “I’m here now.” It took at least a day before I was comfortable enough to ask her about it. “How did they find the guy?” When she latched onto a detailed explanation of the events from the last week, how she’d started receiving random death threats that suddenly weren’t so random anymore, I felt almost like I wasn’t even there, but floating over the living room, watching us talk from the outside looking in.
I held her close for a long time after that, unable to admit even to myself that not feeling her body against mine made me feel empty and weak. And so the feeling of protectiveness stirred awake inside of me - or maybe it had been there all along, I just failed to acknowledge it.
All I knew was that inserting myself into Y/N’s daily life was much easier than I ever expected it to be. And even if I told both her and myself that this was for her own safety, because she needed someone around until she felt comfortable by herself again, I knew it was more for my own benefit than anything else.
I just didn’t anticipate it would make my feelings that much harder to deal with. Did I know that I wanted her? Yes, maybe even ever since we’d met. And as our friendship progressed and we became closer, I saw that desire develop into something deeper, more solid. Still, I stupidly believed it was nothing more than a crush, and I’d be able to pretend it didn’t exist and get on with my life day after day like it wasn’t there.
Now that my days began and ended with her, I was highly aware of my mistake.
“Tommy,” she called out, making me lift my eyes from the tv and fall on her and the dog she currently tried to control. “I’m going to take her for a walk, okay?” I sat up automatically, ready to join her, when I felt a hand over my shoulder, gently pushing me back against the sofa.
“C’mon, finish the movie!” She admonished, a knowing grin on her face. “I think there’s a scene coming up with someone you particularly enjoy. I’m just going into the backyard, no need to worry.”
Even though I stayed seated where she’d left me, my eyes trailed over her figure as she disappeared inside the kitchen, until I heard the backdoor close. Despite knowing there was no possible immediate danger to her inside the boundaries of her own home, I couldn’t help but worry.
That was until a moan caught my attention, bringing it back to the tv once more. It sounded so familiar and so foreign at the same time, I was instantly intrigued, eyebrows furrowed as I struggled to identify the young woman that was being so brutally fucked by the main protagonist in a dark club.
My mouth hang open once the lighting changed and her face became recognizable, those same alluring features tempting me just as much as they tempted the character on the screen. So this was what she meant, I didn’t even know she was on this movie when I first picked it out. 
I could feel my member hardening inside my sweatpants as her beautiful, melodic voice kept tempting me, and I grit my teeth as I chanced a glance at the kitchen, wondering how long I had before she was back. Not enough, I knew that. Still, looking down at my crotch made me believe it was worth at least a try, because the alternative was her surely seeing just how affected her little scene had made me.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
The silence in the living room was my first indication that something was different, and as I stepped foot in the place where I’d left Tom not even five minutes ago, I realized my intuition was right - he’d abandoned the movie and left me alone in the main floor of the house.
Maybe he wanted to take a shower, or answer a call? I didn’t know, but I figured I should let him know I was back before he got worried, so I climbed up the stairs two at a time before stopping in front of the guest room he’d been staying in, suddenly frozen by what I heard.
“Y/N…” It was my name, breathed out in a whiney, raspy moan that left me no doubt over what was happening behind the door I now clutched so tightly. My mind drifted back to the movie we’d been watching, the scene I knew he’d see. Had I been the cause for his arousal?
My body acted of its own accord, the week of emotional tension before he arrived, replaced by the sexual energy that was always present whenever he was around finally getting the best of me. 
I opened the door. His hand was curled around a large member, the sight of which had me whimpering as I clenched my thighs together, alerting me of my entrance. His eyes, which were closed, immediately widened upon seeing me, and he tried to cover his erection with both hands, even if it was obviously not possible to do so. 
“Why are you shy?” I asked, head tilted as I analyzed the man before me, my mouth watering at the sight. I was desperate to give in to this desire, let go of the fears and anxieties that had been clawing at me ever since the first message arrived, and so I climbed on the bed like he was my prey, determined to make him crack and admit his own attraction to me.
“You called my name,” I noticed once I was on his lap, eyes taking inventory of every inch of pretty skin I couldn’t wait to bruise. “Don’t you want me?” At the sound of the insecurity in my voice, he jolted, eager to show that there wasn’t a reason for there to be any.
“Of course I do.” Smiling, I hummed appreciatively as I licked my lips, eyes darting down and seeing that he still hadn’t resumed his movements on his cock, even though it clearly needed some attention.
“Then why don’t you touch yourself while I suck little lovebites all over you huh?” Finally, I enveloped his pink lips with mine, eager to taste them, touch his tongue with mine. But I needed to see him cum way too badly, and I craved the control I knew I could exercise with him.
So I forced myself to pull away, laying kisses down his jaw until I reached his neck, starting to bite and suck there at the sound of his whines. Below us, I noticed he had started jerking off again, although hesitantly, and so I covered his hand with mine and forced him to get back to his previous pace.
“Show me how much you desired me,” I ordered, as he instantly fought back, “Kiss me again.” It was such a sweet request, and particularly in the breathless tone he tried to make petulant, it made me even more excited to play with the man I had wanted for so long. 
“But do you really deserve another kiss?” I taunted, pressing them on his chest, on his biceps, anywhere other than his lips. He was breathing through his mouth now, long deep sighs being interjected by his moans and whines, and it all went straight to my panties. 
“Yes,” he insisted, hand tightening around himself and a delicious blush spreading over his chest as I sat back on by heels to judge the hauntingly tempting image before me. He bit his lower lips in an effort to hold back his own sounds, but as I got rid of my clothes, his efforts proved fruitless, and a wanting cry escaped his throat as I forced him to quicken his movements once more.
“Oh, I see…” I wasn’t done teasing him, not by a long shot. “You���ve wanted me all along, haven’t you?” All he could do was nod, and I could see the underlying shyness in his reluctance to admit it. 
“Well, I’ve wanted you too, baby. And right now, I want to suck you off until my jaw is sore, how does that sound like?” Another moan was all I got as a response, making me smile wider than I’d ever done before.
“But I don’t think you’ve earned it yet. So for now, all I’ll let you do is keep touching yourself while you suck on my tits, how about that?” His eyelids were heavy when he looked at me, having to throw his head back to be able to meet my eyes.
“Fuck… It’s… perfect.” I cooed at how wrecked he looked like, even with how little I’d touched him, my navel brushing his member briefly as we adjusted ourselves so he could wrap his lips around my nipple.
“Oh…” I gasped in delight as tingles raised up my spine at the pleasant sensation, and between us, I could feel his movements growing more desperate as my moans replaced his in the otherwise silent bedroom.
When I felt him spill all over my stomach, I pulled him away from my chest by my grip on his locks, finally giving him what he wanted and capturing his lips with mine once more. “Hmm…” I moaned once we parted and I’d scooped some of his release to give it a taste. “So sweet.”
Tom was looking at me like I was some sort of extraterrestrial being, chest visibly heaving in his effort to keep breathing. “Can I taste you know?” He at last managed to ask, and I pretended to think, before gently nudging him out of the bed and onto the floor. 
“Yes,” I approved, wrapping his curls around my fingers again before bringing him down to the apex of my thighs, moaning as his tongue eagerly plunged inside of me, eager to get acquainted with the most intimate part of my body. “Who would have known you could be such a submissive little thing, huh?”
When he raised his head to answer, just the sight of my wetness dripping from the lower part of his face had my heart skipping a beat. “You should have known… A single word from you and I’d drop to my knees and worship you like you deserve… Mistress.”
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henrycavillobsessed · 4 years
Henry x first person reader 
Words: 2377
Summary: You and Henry have a “friends with benefits” situation going on,  but you’ve caught feelings, and so has he. Everything comes to a head when you see photos of him out with another woman. 
CW: Angsty smut! Sex, male and female oral giving and receiving; female ejaculation. Bad language. Anger and slight violence (struggles).
Notes: Hope you all enjoy this smutty, angsty one! I really enjoyed writing it :)
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Looking in the mirror, I smiled widely. Damn I look good, I thought to myself. It was Henry’s turn to visit my house, and I knew he’d love the new lingerie set I’d bought that day; a scarlet babydoll with matching lace panties. Pulling on a silk robe and stepping into a pair of black stilettos, I quickly checked my makeup and hair was still perfect and then I left my bedroom. In the kitchen, I pulled out a chilled bottle of white wine from the wine cooler and set it on the table with two glasses, and then lit the scented candles and dimmed the lights. Looking at the clock I saw that I still had half an hour until Henry arrived, so I took a seat on the table and turned on the TV that was mounted on the wall. The showbiz news was on, and funnily enough the newsreader was talking about Henry and his new movie. I smiled to myself. It always amazed me whenever I saw Henry on TV, or in a celebrity magazine, knowing that I was sleeping with him, and had been for the last six months. It had started off as a one-night stand after I met him in a club on a night out in London, and it soon turned to a regular “friends with benefits” situation. The secrecy was what made what was already hot sex even hotter, and we regularly met up, taking it in turns to go to each other’s places for the evening, always leaving in the early hours to avoid the paparazzi. It was a complete no-strings attached arrangement, with both of us knowing it would never go any further, although recently I had started to look forward to our evenings more and more. I suppose you could say I missed him when I wasn’t with him, which was dangerous territory to be in. I needed to keep a check on that. Shaking my head away from these thoughts, I reached for the wine and poured myself a glass, glancing up at the TV. 
“… and speaking about Henry Cavill, could there be a new lady in his life? Known as one of Hollywood’s most eligible bachelors, Cavill was spotted today in Kensington enjoying a drink with an unknown, but incredibly pretty, brunette…”
A photo flashed up on the screen, and there he was. Sat at an outside table of a wine bar, holding a large glass of red, Henry’s head was thrown back in laughter. The woman next to him was also laughing, her hand resting on his forearm. They looked incredibly cosy. It was obvious they were on a date.
I felt like someone had literally grabbed my heart and was crushing it. My stomach plummeted, and I went icy cold. I gasped for breath, my hand flying to cover my mouth to try and stop the sob clawing its way up my throat from escaping. Tears sprung to my eyes, spilling over and streaking my mascara. Where was my phone? I grabbed it from the counter, opening Google. Typing his name in the search bar, I cried out as photos of them both popped up immediately, all with speculative captions asking who this mystery woman could be. I threw the phone across the room. My breathing was too fast. Grabbing the wine, I drank the whole glass in one. 
“What the fuck!” I whispered to myself. What was this reaction? I knew this would happen one day. He was Henry Cavill for fuck sake, I was lucky to have managed this far having a secret fling with him. Of course he’d end up with someone for real one day, probably an actress or a model, not a nobody like me. But if I knew what was coming, then why did it feel like my heart had been shattered? Why did it feel like I’d just lost him?
“Fuck!” I said again, louder this time. I poured myself some more wine, trying to get my bearings and control my breathing. As I was drinking the second glass of wine, slower than the first, I heard a key turn in the front door. Shit. I forgot he had a key. Usually he’d knock and I’d answer the door, giving him his first view of whatever lingerie I’d chosen for that night; he’d barely make it through the door before his mouth was on mine, his sexy muscular arms wrapped around me, a hand reaching down to
Jesus Christ, this was not the time to get horny over memories! What was I going to do? I stood up, wobbling slightly on my heels. I pulled them off, and turned to face the window so he wouldn’t see my tear-stained face when he entered the kitchen.
“Hi! I did knock but you didn’t answer, I hope you didn’t mind me using the key,” I heard him call as he walked down the hallway. 
I could smell his aftershave as he came into the room; he smelled absolutely delicious. I hastily wiped the black streaks from my face, using the dark window as mirror, and turned around to face him. 
“There you are!” Henry beamed, and then whistled. “Wow. You look breath-taking. But hey, um, before we, erm, begin, I need to talk to you about something…” 
Something inside me snapped, anger replacing the devastation I’d felt at seeing those photos. Who the fuck did he think he was? Did he honestly think that I’d still get on my back for him after he’d told me about his new woman?!
“Oh, I know what you’re going to say,” I said, my voice low. 
“You do?” Henry looked taken-aback. “But I-“
“I saw the photos, Henry.”
He stilled. I walked slowly towards him, seething. 
“How long has this been going on then, huh? Have you only come here to tell me because you knew I’d see the news today?”
I stopped in front of him, wishing I’d kept the heels on. He towered over me, his male scent overpowering my senses. 
“Listen, it’s not-“
“It’s not what I think it is? Ha, spare me,” I spat, my voice louder now. The anger was bubbling up to the surface; I couldn’t control it. “What have you come here tonight for, Henry? One last fuck before you move on with your brunette?” 
His face clouded over with anger of his own. He stepped closer to me. “Y/N, you don’t know what you’re saying.”
I laughed humourlessly. “Oh I think I do! That’s all I ever was to you, wasn’t I, a hole to fill- literally! – until you found someone better! Well, fuck you, okay! I’m a human being, with feelings! Didn’t you know I’d end up-“
My hand flew up to my mouth again, halting the words before I said something I’d regret. Henry frowned. 
“You’d end up what?” he asked. He walked towards me as I shook my head. 
He didn’t stop until he’d backed me up against the wall. 
“Nothing, just forget it-“
“I asked you a question.” His voice was dangerously quiet. 
“I said it was nothing!” I pushed against his chest, trying to get away from him. I’d have had more success pushing against a brick wall, but I didn’t stop. 
“Y/N!” he shouted, grabbing the tops of my arms.
“Get off me!”
“Not until you answer me!” 
I struggled against him, and he growled, the sound echoing in my sex which traitorously clenched in response. He was all male, and I was completely captivated by him.
“For fuck- I love you Henry, okay? I love you don’t you see that?” I angrily wiped the fresh tears from my face. Henry let go of me, finally, and stared at me, an indiscernible look in his eyes. 
And then his mouth was on mine, our lips crushing together. One of his hands grabbed the back of my head, and mine wound up behind his neck. His other arm was around me, holding me tight against him as we made out passionately. He growled again, and I could feel his erection straining against his jeans. He picked me up one handed and kicked the door behind him; we fell into the living room. He threw me down onto the sofa, and pulled off his t-shirt, his perfectly sculpted chest and abs coming into view. I was panting, and so fucking wet; my legs clenched together for some relief as he ripped off his shoes and scrambled to take off his jeans and boxers. He impressive cock sprung free as he stood there naked, eyeing me up like a lion does his prey. Then he bent down and threw open my robe, his breath hissing as he saw what I was wearing. He stretched his body out over mine, and kissed me again, hard, and then moved to my neck, biting down. I cried out, raking my nails down his back; I was sure I drew blood. He moved further down my body, taking one of my nipples in his mouth and rolling it around with his tongue. I arched up, the onslaught of pleasure taking over. I was desperate for him to touch me elsewhere, my pussy pulsing with need. After giving attention to my other breast, he moved down, looking me dead in the eyes as he tore the delicate lace panties off me with his teeth. And finally, his attention was on my clit, and I nearly came there and then just from the first lick of his tongue. He thrust two fingers into me, and fucked me with them as he ate me, and the first orgasm exploded around him, as I squirted hard, causing him to groan erotically; he licked my juices up, looking up and licking his lips when he was done. I sprung up, twisting him around and down so that he was sitting on the sofa and I took his dick in my mouth, sucking him feverently, licking up and down the velvety warmness, tasting the exquisite salty flavour of him. His threw his head back, a vein popping on his neck. He came quickly, and hard, the onslaught of ejaculate flooding my mouth. I swallowed it down quickly, wiping my mouth. Henry reached out and grabbed me, pulling me down towards him. I knew what he wanted. I mounted him, taking all of him in one, and then I was riding him, hard, his hands grabbing my hips, urging me to go faster, harder. We didn’t speak, our breath coming out in pants and gasps, both of us racing to climax. I screamed as I came again, ferociously, almost painfully, tightening around him, milking him as hot spurts of his cum pumped into me as he roared his release. 
As far as last fucks went, it was spectacular. Wait. Last fuck. The argument before came back to me, and I gasped, the pain in my chest returning. I got off of Henry quickly, grabbing my robe and covering myself up again. I could feel tears choking my throat and I did nothing to stop them. 
“Y/N, wait, I-“
“I didn’t need your pity, Cavill. That was a mistake.”
“For fuck sake, Y/N!” Henry cried, getting in and stepping into his boxers. “That wasn’t about pity!”
“Then what was it about?”
“I love you too! There, I said it! I fucking love you too, alright!” Henry thrust a hand through his curly hair, pacing around the room. I stood rooted to the stop, speechless.
“But… but what about that woman, your date?” I asked when my voice returned. 
“She wasn’t a date! She’s a new director, we met for a drink to talk about a potential project!”
Realisation began to dawn on me. “So when you said you needed to talk to me about something…”
“I wanted to tell you how I felt, how I truly felt about you! Because I saw the paparazzi at lunch, I knew that there would be photos, I knew you’d see them. And then I thought, if it had been the other way around, if you had been seen out with another man and I saw photos of that, I’d be consumed with jealousy. The mere thought of it made me rage.” He stopped pacing and turned to face me. 
“I know we have a “friends with benefits” thing going on, but it isn’t enough for me anymore. I love you. I want more. I need more.”
I looked at him incredulously; I can’t believe how wrong I’d gotten it. 
“You actually, really love me? Like I love you?” I asked, daring to hope.
“Yes!” Henry laughed. He picked me up, and spun you around. “I really love you!”
We both laughed together. It was like the beginning of the evening hadn’t even happened. When I thought I’d lost him…
“I thought I’d lost you,” I said, voicing my worries. “Not that I was yours to begin with, not really…”
“I think you’ve always been mine Y/N, and I’ve always been yours. I’ve been captivated with you from the moment I first saw you, first kissed you. I couldn’t even look at anyone else. It’s always been you.”
I started crying again, the whirlwind of emotions I’d felt since seeing that news report completely overwhelming me. Henry smiled indulgently, opening his arms. 
“Come here, baby.” 
I entered his embrace, taking in his scent of expensive aftershave and sex. Being in his arms felt so familiar, like I was always meant to be here. 
“What’s going to happen now?” I asked, looking up at him. “Am I going to be seen as the “new lady” in your life?”
He responded by gifting me with the most gentle, loving kiss. “Hell yeah, baby. Now I’ve got you, I’m not letting you go, and I want the whole world to know.”
He kissed me again, and we went upstairs to spend the night as we’d originally intended. But now our true feelings for each other were out in the open, it was like the first time all over again. Plus I didn’t feel like a nobody any more. I was Henry’s, and he was mine. And I couldn’t wait for the whole world to find out.
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
Ok, so what in your opinion is the WORST mistake that the showrunners for Game of Thrones made in terms of content, either it's addition or redaction?
WARNING: Looooooong post ahead
Themes are for eighth-grade book reports
This absurd quote by one of the showrunners explains why exactly the show fell appart. They wanted to make a story... without themes. Anyone with a minimally functioning brain will tell that this is impossible because every story, even the simplest and least complicated story there ever, has a theme. Even a nihilistic story has a theme "Nothing matters". Every. Story. Has. A. Theme.
But Game Of Thrones didn't, at least not after the writers ran out of books to adapt and did their own thing. Everything every character did was no longer to build a narrative, but to essentially act as click-bait. The focus was to make people keep watching, not on making any content that was worth watching.
The first four seasons had it's problems, just like the books had it's problems, but Martin's writting was so brilliant that it managed to stay good even while being handled by absolute clowns. The moment season four ended was the moment the show stopped being an adaptation and became it's own thing - and like I explained before, said thing wasn't a story.
Both the show and the books had MANY shocking, heart-breaking and downright horrifying scenes: Daenerys being raped by Drogo; Bran being pushed out the window after accidentally seeing the queen fucking her brother; the whole deal with Craster and his daughters; the Dotrakhi destroying Mirri's village and her revenge against them and Daenerys; Ned's death; Melisandre giving birth to a shadow baby that killed Renly; The Red Wedding; Jeoffrey's death; Tyrion killing his father; Theon being tortured by Ramsay...
The difference is there were REASONS behind the shocking scenes Martin created. Even when you look at things like rape and torture scenes and threats of rape/torture - Martin used those scenes to remind us that the world he created is an EXTREMELY dangerous and downright vile place, and that the characters are never truly safe, and that there are WAY worse things than just being killed.
Dumb & Dumber on the other hand, gaves us scenes like an evil, former man of the night's watch evily making an evil speech to his fellow evil men, evily drinking whine from a human skull while nameless women were being raped in the background - but little does he know that Jon Snow, the hero, is about to wreck his shit. It takes something that could realistically happen (and that did happen in the books) and takes it up to eleven because the writers think shock is the same as quality and that the audience is SO STUPID that they need to practically make the actor jump out of the TV, grab us by the shoulders and scream "I'M EVIL! I'M THE BIG BAD! ROOT FOR THE HERO TO KILL ME!"
Pretty much every bad guy became a parody of Jeoffrey, ironically enough because the writers took Jeoffrey too seriously. He was a cruel, sadistic character, who had WAY too much power - but he was also a spoiled baby whose reply to Tyrion bitch-slapping him wasn't a threat, but "I'M TELLING MOM!" Jeoffrey worked because he was only allowed to do his thing whenever smarter, more competent characters like Tyrion and Tywin where not around, meaning his actions, while inhumane, never reached the point of no longer being believable.
The horrible things that happened to the characters no longer felt "right". For instance, Sansa had just been taken to the Eerie by Little Finger, who has a weird complex in which he sees her both as the daughter he never had with Catelyn AND as a replacement for Catelyn, and she was starting to truly be a player instead of a pawn... and then the writers realized "Oh shit, we should have not cut the Jeyne Pool/Fake Arya' plot, that was important" and forced it on Sansa, making Little Finger hand her on a silver plater to Ramsay and turning her into a victim AGAIN, this time to a man that dramatically fights his enemies without a shirt own, practically saying "come at me bro"
Compare this to Ned's beheading, or Catelyn and Rob being betrayed and killed by the Freys. These moments were shocking and downright depressing - but they were earned. The writting was on the wall for anyone to see: Ned was at the mercy of Jeoffrey, and the Starks had given the Freys, who are notoriously disloyal, a reason to resent them. These twists felt completely natural, were the only logical way for the situation the characters were in to play out, AND they had consequences to plot instead of just making the audience gasp and then being forgotten about.
Plot armor
It's kind of ironic and almost tragic that the show that became famous for killing characters later became the worst type of high-stakes series, putting the characters in situations they could NOT survive, not even if a goddamn miracle happened, and having them live anyway. What's even worse is that it happened repeatedly. If I had to see Jon Snow almost die and then survive anyway one more fucking time I was going to lose my mind.
There's no bigger proof that there were just no consequences for the "main" characters anymore than watching the second, third, and fourth episodes of season either. The first sets up that this battle against the night king and his army of undead is likely going to kill the majority of them, if they're lucky... and then in the third we see the plot armor in all of it's "glory", and then in the forth we find out that the Dotrakhi, who had ALL been killed, actually still have half the numbers they had the night before, somehow. Even red-shirts weren't dying anymore.
This disaster needed it's own session because HOLY SHIT, it's a miracle/tragedy that everyone didn't go "Fuck it, I'm never watching another episode of this stupid show."
The Dorne plot in the books isn't perfect, but what the show did to it was so fucking bad that I'm pretty sure the writers didn't even read the Dorne chapters in the books, they just looked at a wiki, wrote down the names of a few characters and then did their own shitty thing.
In the books, Doran Martel is a clever, dangerous man, who pretends to be harmless so people will understimate him and step right into his trap. In the show, Doran Martel... died. That's it. I can't remember anything else that happened to him. Add him to the list of "Brilliant characters that became stupid due to shitty writing", I'm sure Tyrion, Varys and Little Finger will love making him company.
The sand-snakes, one of the main driving force of that plot, were all distinct characters in the books, with their personalities, goals, methods and motivations - basically they were created by a writer who knew what he is was doing. In the show they were all the same "character" who could be perfectly described by that horrible, cringy, PAINFUL line one of them (I can't even remember which) said to Bron "You want a good girl, but you need the bad pussy" (Seriously, if that actress ever kills the show-runners as revenge for having to say that, she'll be 100% justifyed in doing so)
And we cannot forget the driving force behind that unwatchable shit show: Ellaria Sand. In the books, the death of Oberyn made her believe that revenge only leads to more blood-shed. In the show, his death enraged to the point of wanting to avenge him and his family, and she did this... by killing his family. If that doesn't explain how insane and stupid this plot-line was, I don't know what will.
Hype = Character assassination
Many shows are based around the conflict between the bad guys and the good guys. Game Of Thrones is not one of these shows. Or at least it wasn't. As they ran out of ideas, the writers started mutilating every single character until they could be label as "Good" or "Bad", regardless of what felt right to the story and to the point that there was nothing left of said characters. Stannis's actor, Stephen Dillane, straight up said that the only thing he got from being on the show was money and that his character's motivations and decisions were nonsense - ironically enough, that kind of brutal honesty means that the writers had THE perfect actor play Stannis, and wasted his fucking time.
Here's a list of the characters that fell victims to this horrible fate: Catelyn Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Melisandre, Stannis, Jorah, Daenerys (bonus points for being mutilated into being both a generic, shitty "hero" and a generic, shitty "villain") Greyworm, Rhaegar Targaryen, Lyanna Stark...
Pretty much the only character who became more complex in the show than she was in the books was Cersei. While her book self was never just a "Generic Evil Queen", the show version of her was far more sympathetic, which made the stories she was part of interesting. Too bad the writers ran out of ideas of what to do with her after season six and just left her by the window drinking whine until Dany showed up to kill her. Which brings us to...
Why is this happening?
Cersei was seen as a threat in the last two seasons based on nothing but the things she HAD done. Her story just ended the very second season six did, but since she was still alive despite being one of the bad guys she had to die... I guess. She (and by extention Jaime) joined the list of characters that had nothing to do, but were still around: Davos, Theon, Yara, Melisandre, Bron, Sam, Gendry, Bran (the last one being SO unnecessary that he was cut from season five and no one noticed)
To combat that issue, the writers gave characters "motivations" that made no sense. For exemple: Sandor Clegane. His only reason to be in the show was so he could kill his brother. The problem was that Gregor was already dead. He was a walking corpse. There was nothing left of the abusive brother Sandor once knew, meaning he had no reason to fight him, and that, to keep Sandor around, the writers should have come up something new (like the redemption that book fans have been waiting for, and that has a lot of backing evidence). You might as well have had HIM be the one to randomly fly out of nowhere and kill the night king despite having no connection to him.
And since we're talking about the night king... Arya was the one to kill him. Why? Because the writers ruined Jaime's redemption arc, meaning that the only fitting ending for him was to die with Cersei, and so Arya could not kill Cersei despite wanting to, having the ability to do, AND having heard a prophecy that said she'd "Shutting brown eyes, blue eyes, and green eyes forever", the last one being the only one she had not done AND applying to Cersei. But Dumb & Dumber admitted they had no plan for this, so now that they were at the last season, they needed to do something with it, and they retconned it to mean Arya would kill the night king...
But Arya killing him meant Jon had nothing to do, so Dany had to go mad so he could kill her. To "hint" at that, they ignored all the not at all subtle foreshadowing the previous season had of Dany and Jon having a kid, and they even showed her getting jealous that he was technically the true heir... even though that made no sense since they were going to rule together anyway, and even after Dany went full "Mad Queen" she ASKED HIM TO RULE WITH HER. But anyways, he kills her and becomes king...
Except he doesn't actually become king and him being a secret Targaryen has no effect in the plot, because Bran needed to become king so there'd be a reason for him to be alive, because his magical powers turned into a plot-device. A plot-device that wasn't used at any goddamn point. Seriously, the only thing as bad as Bran becoming king was Euron's existence - dude was THE most useless villain ever AND the worst Jeoffrey parody.
A darker story (literally)
I could not end this rant without bitching about this. What is the point of spending an ungodly amount of money on sets, costumes, make-up, special effects... and then using such poor lighting that no one can see what the fucking is going on?
Anyway, this disaster of a series was so absurd it should be used as an exemple of what NOT to do.
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7soulstars · 4 years
Emerging of Kalon
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Request: I need some new johnny depp fics in my life where I want a reader with insecurities and johnny reassuring her that he loves her the way she is.Maybe she is a bit more chubby than his past gfs and she has to wears glasses.Abd thanx so much for accepting it.
Yooo this imagine is soo important to me. As a person who had a lot of insecurities and has suffered through depression.It is really important for me to spread a certain message to others like me. I have this belief that you aren’t born with insecurities,you are made to have them.Don’t point out things to people that would make them uncomfortable in the long term guys it becomes quite scarring for them and it also makes you a damn bully. Also it is normal to have stretch marks, tummy rolls ,acne, scars ,body hair and all that stuff, Man or Woman or any other gender you identify as.That’s what makes you human.If people can’t accept you for who you are please cut them out of your life.Ya’ll beautiful and I love ya’ll. Hope you like this !!
Pairing : Johnny Depp x Reader
Warnings : TW,Nosy people who like putting others down for fun, Signs of depression,Suicide attempt,Angst,Swearing, Fluff, Johnny being the absolute sweetheart he is.
Kalon ;Latin for ideal beauty in all, physical ,spiritual and moral forms
“I still can’t believe THE Johnny Depp went for you after his past ones”,said someone snapping her out of her trance.”Pardon ?”,she asked as if to confirm whether she heard him right . “I mean look at you....His exes were all supermodels weren’t they? Not a single flaw..”,the man guffawed.”Well you have have a micropenis why did your wife choose you?”,her bestfriend snapped crudely making her cringe.”Let’s go Y/N “, Y/BF/N said dragging she out of the restaurant .Well this wasn’t how I wanted college reunion to end up like,thanks Nathan she thought. “Are you alright Y/N ?”, Y/BF/N asked. “Of course”. No I’m not. “It doesn’t bother me at all.” It bothers me too much. “Nathan’s a dick .Don’t let it get to your head EVER”. But he’s right, his words are already in my head. “Yeah...”
2.The disquieting
“Hey glasses ! Looking ugly as always.”
“Look at her hogging like a pig, hey fatty you want more?”
“Darling why don’t you try going on a diet.”
“Don’t watch telly, you’re blind enough already”
“Jason what do you think of Y/N ?” “Damn man she was not even my type”
“Please Stop !”, Y/N woke up with a jerk, breathing in short gasps .”Johnny-”,she stops cutting herself off as she looked at the empty looked at the empty side on her bed. He isn’t in the country she remembered . Silence. She stared at the framed picture of them together on the wall. Plip. A tear fell. Plip Plip. Two more,before she couldn’t control it any more. The past wouldn’t change.She knew it would haunt her forever. But they had stopped for a while. But since Nathan ,it came back harder than ever. She didn’t tell Johnny, she’d never tell him , the last thing she wanted to do is to become a larger burden. So she cried herself to sleep every single day.
Y/BF/N frowned as she looked at Y/N’s lunch. “Since when do you eat salads ?Hell,that isn’t even salad it’s just *ugh* lettuce....”,she says looking at the leafy stuff with absolute disgust. Y/N looked at her as if she did not understand what she was saying “I love salads,you know what? I’m not that hungry.....better get back to work! See you later!”,she said leaving as she didn’t even let the other speak. Starving, Hurting, Looking into the mirror and hating herself. The cycle continued.This was going to be dangerous in the days to come and she knew that too. 
6 missed calls from Mom
19 missed calls and 87 messages from Y/BF/N
40 missed calls and 150 messages from Johnny 
3 notifications from Twitter. 
No one had seen her in 4 days .The telly changed channels at Johnny’s apartment .Things scattered around as a trembling hand set down the remote . Fat tears dampened the pillow as her eyes read the news headline. ‘Johnny Depp at a dinner date with ex wife Vanessa ? Is he finally done with his simple girlfriend ?’
5. Falling
This was it.She ended up the way she predicted she’d end up 10 years ago. Weak,Tired,Empty and Lonely. She stared at the bathtub as it filled itself until it was overfilled,water spilling out of its sides as it splashed onto her feet. She didn’t flinch at the coldness.She stayed robotically still, looking down at her palm. A blade. Without hesitating she got into the tub,the tap still running. She didn’t think anymore,tears wouldn’t fall even if they wanted to. She closed her eyes as she let her self go ,ignoring the frantic ringing of her phone and the banging on the apartment door.
6. Alerting
To say Johnny was concerned was an underestimation.Y/N wasn’t picking up his phone since several days .He was distracted, couldn’t concentrate and worry filled his entire existence.He didn’t know what to do,even going as far as asking his ex wife for advice.He decided to go back ,back to his girlfriend’s loving arms.
The moment he stepped back into the city he took his time.Picking out her favourie flowers ,the chocolate she always loved and a little something of importance. He ignored the notifications is phone was chiming with, his mind only full of thoughts of her....The thoughts were short lived , disturbed much to Johnny’s dismay by Y/BF/N’s call. He ignored once,ignored twice but after that he knew something was wrong.”Johnny !”, panicked voice spoke through the phone. A frown replacing the man’s smile “Did Y/N text you that absurd note too?” “No,wait Y/BF/N let me check”,he put the call on hold as his eyes skimmed over the words displayed on his screen. His phone now dropped on the car floor he wished all of it was a dream.They stopped as he stormed out, back to his apartment. He knocked wildly on the door but not a voice came nor a cackle. He threw his body on the door several times ,”Goddamitt Y/N OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR DON’T PLAY WITH ME RIGHT NOW !”.In his panicked feat he had forgotten he had the keys until they dropped out of his jacket pocket.He didn’t wait a moment as he fumbled it into the key hole ,kicking the door open as soon as it opened.
Splosh . The sound of water hitting the ground from the bathroom echoed in the whole house.
“Y/N ?”, Johnny softly whispered as he pushed open the bathroom door. A horrific scene unfolded before him.
It had been two days and Johnny wouldn’t budge.He saw red that day and the site still wouldn’t leave his thoughts alone.He would neither eat,nor sleep as he sat beside his beloved girlfriend who lay on a hospital bed. Dark Enough by Amanda played on the radio. The text message, and the talk with Y/BF/N replayed in his head as if war replayed in a retired soldiers dreams. “I didn’t know you were hurting that bad”,he whispered, tears threatening to fall again. He place his head on her stomach as he let the silent tears fall,until her hand fell on top of his head.
Johnny jerked up ,his eyes as wide as saucers, as he froze with eyes full of pain and hurt.Y/N did not dare meet his gaze.She felt ashamed and disgusted. But those feelings were immediately replaced with shock as Johnny almost lunged at her,hugging her tight. “I was so scared I was so fucking scared when I saw that text and then you drowning in the red water filled in the bathtub ! I thought you’d left me ! I thought you died you weren’t breathing...How dare you think of yourself that way how dare you think you were not good enough !? You were the best fucking thing that happened to me since my kids goddammit !”. Y/N had never seen Johnny this mad.Hell, she had never even seen him cry. She didn’t know how to answer him, she was too ashamed.He wouldn’t break the hug, as if he would loose her if he did. He loved her too much. “Why ?”,he asked again,as if he was begging for an answer. Even a word. He just wanted to hear her voice. “I was scared...”,her voice cracked coming out much broken than she predicted. “ I didn’t think I deserved you, I thought I’d never reach the levels of those beautiful actresses and models.I was scared to tell you about my past..I was scared to bother you...”. Johnny’s heart broke. He never thought his Y/N would think that way. She was always smiling .Not even a little frown on her face. Always there for everyone. Yet no one comforted her. How could he never see it? Of course he couldn’t see it she was perfect to him.His Y/N was the most perfect person in the world. “I love you”, he blurted. He never said that.He was too shy. But he hugged her tighter ,” I love you so much. Even with scars,insecurities or that ugly face you make when you see things you do not like. You were, have and always will be the most perfect to me. Please....don’t do that again...”
Y/N was discharged from the hospital in a few days. Johnny wouln’t leave her side. All his attention would be on her to see if ate well, and loved herself. Y/N felt safe. And she wasn’t wrong . Johnny was everything she deserved.
They sat on the rooftop of a cafe in Paris. A calm silence passing over them. “Y/N ?” ,Johnny asked. “Hmm?”,she hummed along, silence entailing after. ”Marry me ?”,he asked. That was the day Y/N was the most happiest, and did the beautifully emerged Kalon say yes? you’d ask. She said it without a second to spare. After all our Kalon had found her wings.
“No one is born ugly, we’re just born in a judgemental society”~ Kim Namjoon(BTS)
----The End----
Whew ! After all the procrastination and time I took brainstorming this baby is done! This was requested by the wonderful @anycsirp​ I really really hope you liked this ! Also I meant what I said before the start of this oneshot . YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. PERIODT. Please do like and comment your opinions! I really hope to read em ! I’m not that great of a writer but I did my best ! 
~Love, Hri
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charincharge · 4 years
AN: Here’s the fourth and final installment of the Actress AU. It was ready much sooner than I anticipated! If you haven’t read the first three parts, you can find them below. I hope this is a satisfying conclusion for you all! xo.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Aelin squinted against a harsh white light, making her head throb. She went to rub the mascara from her sticky lashes, but her hand tugged painfully. She struggled to focus, her brain slowly catching up with her vision as she took in her stark surroundings.
Her breathing increased as she realized where she was.
She tugged her hand again, wincing as the tube under her skin pulled at the tape covering it. Another tube ran into two smaller ones, inserted into her nose, pushing a steady stream of cold air down her throat.
Despite the tubes in her nose, the overwhelming smell of lemon antiseptic pervaded her senses, and she struggled to swallow down the pool of saliva that formed in her mouth as nausea swirled around her stomach.
It clenched hard, and before she knew what was happening, she was on her side, a thin yellow stream of bile pouring from her mouth into a light pink tub placed in front of her face seemingly out of nowhere. It splashed gently, and Aelin recoiled from the smell, her body sweating and shaking with the effort it took to expel the disgusting substance.
“That’s it,” a woman’s soft voice cooed, rubbing at her back. “You’re okay, darling,” it repeated. Despite being unable to see who was touching her, Aelin relaxed into the woman’s hand as she finished throwing up.
She wiped at her mouth, wanting to get rid of the sour taste in her mouth and graciously accepted a small paper cup of water from another mystery person.
Aelin wiped at her eyes again and rolled onto her back into the lumpy pillow behind her head and finally looked around. The hospital room’s curtains had been drawn, letting early morning sunshine filter in, but it was no match for the harsh fluorescents which shone down on Aelin, making her sweat. Two nurses bustled around her, their light green scrubs swishing as they switched out her IV bag and adjusted the oxygen tank beside her.
“You gave everyone quite a scare, sweetheart” the dark-haired nurse said, smoothing Aelin’s hair away from her face. It crunched beneath her touch, still coated in layers of hairspray.
“What happened?” Aelin croaked. The last thing she remembered was being at the premiere party. But judging by the amount of sunlight streaming through the windows, that was hours ago.
“I’m going to grab the doctor, and she’ll explain everything,” the woman said, her even voice attempting to calm Aelin’s racing heart.
Her head pounded agonizingly as she attempted to nod, and the nurse frowned in understanding.
She shushed Aelin, who hadn’t even realized she’d started crying softly as she readjusted her pillows behind her, trying to make her more comfortable. But it was impossible. Every part of Aelin ached with discomfort.
A beautiful woman with long chestnut curls and caramel skin swept into the room, her dark eyes immediately going to Aelin as she introduced herself.
“Aelin,” she said with a professional nod. “I’m Doctor Towers, and I’ve been treating you since you came in last night.” She paused, taking a step closer. “Do you remember what happened?”
Aelin winced as she shook her head again.
“That’s okay,” Dr. Towers assured her. “You had an accidental overdose.” Aelin’s mouth gaped, opened and closing as she struggled to find the words, but the doctor continued. “You came in with cocaine and fentanyl in your system, which is unfortunately something I’ve been seeing more and more of.”
“Fentanyl?” Aelin asked, confused. She had no idea what that even was, and she certainly had no knowledge of taking it.
Dr. Towers narrowed her eyes. “You are extremely lucky to be alive right now. When your friend brought you in, you were completely nonresponsive.”
Aelin gasped. Fear and shame crashed down on her. She was sure this would be all over the gossip sites. She’d be written off as a party girl, instead of a serious budding actress. Everything she’d endured with Arobynn would be for nothing. Another tear fell down her cheek as the doctor explained her treatment.
“We administered Narcan, which is used to treat opioid overdose and were able to get you breathing again.”
The doctor pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. “I’m going to assume you don’t know that your cocaine was cut with fentanyl. It’s been used more frequently as filler, but, as you experienced, it can have potentially fatal interactions.” She paused again. “As I said, you were extremely lucky.” Her face softened as Aelin wiped another tear away. “How are you feeling, physically?”
“Bad,” Aelin chuckled through her tears.
“I’ll bet.” Doctor Towers sighed and adjusted her clipboard. “You’re going to experience a lot of pain today. Your body is going through opioid withdrawal now, as well as cocaine. Plus, Narcan has a few side effects as well – stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, body aches. All sound about right?” Aelin nodded. “We’re going to keep you here to monitor your recovery for the next twelve hours. If you feel shortness of breath or like someone is suddenly sitting on your chest, call for a nurse immediately.”
“Okay,” Aelin said, her voice barely a whisper.
“Because of the events that led you here, you’re required to talk to a psychiatrist. She’s fantastic. Her name is Dr. Ytger, and she can help you decide what your next course of action should be.” Dr. Towers smiled, her seriousness dissolving slightly as her eyes warmed with kindness. “In the meantime, there are quite a few worried people, who have been waiting for you to wake up. If you feel up to it, they can come see you one-by-one.”
Aelin’s chest pounded uncomfortably. “There are people here?”
Dr. Towers’ smile widened as she nodded. “The man who brought you in has asked that he be first to see you.”
“Man?” Aelin rasped. She’d been so sure Manon would have been the one to take her to the hospital, hopefully fielding press the whole time.
Her breath caught as Dr. Towers’s eyes narrowed. “Tall, striking eyes. Pacing a hole in the waiting room carpet?”
Her breath picked up, and she struggled to calm herself as Arobynn’s faux-worried face appeared in her minds eye. She could only imagine how mad he was if he was forced to leave his own premiere party in an ambulance. Just the thought of his angry face was enough to have her feeling nauseous again. She was sure he was only here to protect his image. Heaven forbid his muse died.
“Do you not want to see him?” the doctor asked. “Aelin, if you’re in danger you can tell me. I can have the police here, and I will happily kick that green-eyed man to the curb.”
“Green?” Aelin’s head swirled. “Rowan brought me in? Not a man with red hair?”
The doctor shook her head. “No. No red-headed man.”
As relief flooded her body, she must have nodded because before she knew it, the doctor was exiting her room and returning with Rowan in tow.
Despite the pain that surged through her body, Aelin’s chest warmed at the sight of him. His tux was rumpled beyond belief, his sleeves pushed up to reveal his forearms, and dark purple circles on his skin contrasted with his red-rimmed eyes. He must have been here all night.
He perched himself at the edge of the hospital bed, careful to not brush against Aelin beneath the thin blue blanket, and the night came rushing back to her. The carpet, Rowan’s girlfriend, cocaine in the closet with Archer… She felt awful. She’d absolutely ruined Rowan’s night.
“I’m so glad to see those eyes open again,” he whispered, and Aelin could feel a soft pressure build at her throat. For a second, she was concerned it was the shortness of breath she was supposed to be looking out for, but as she took a deep breath, she couldn’t control the sob that escaped her lips.
Tears poured from her eyes, dripping in steady rivulets down her cheeks, down her chin and dripping onto her hospital gown in dark grey splotches as they mixed with her makeup.
Rowan tentatively raised his hand to her face and wiped at her tears, his thumb caressing her cheek with such a softness that it did nothing to abate her crying. Gods, she had missed his touch. She leaned her head into his hand and sighed, her breath shaking with her tears as they stared at each other in silence.
“I’m sorry,” Aelin whispered finally. She had to apologize to him for ruining his night. For bringing him here, for making him stay in the hospital for hours when he should have been celebrating his feature success.
His green eyes hardened as he spoke, though the soft caress of his thumb never ceased. “None of this is your fault, Aelin. None.”
“But, I ruined your big night, and…”
Rowan paused as he leaned forward, his lips pursing as he examined her face. “Baby,” he said so reverently that it nearly knocked her out. “You almost died, and you think I care about some fucking party?”
His fingers slid to her hair, crunching beneath his touch as Aelin tried not to cringe. She was a complete mess. A stupid, selfish mess. But she couldn’t imagine not wanting this, not wanting him. And she would take whatever he gave her.
“I swear I’m not an addict, I just really like the way cocaine smells.” She attempted to smile as tears formed in Rowan’s eyes.
“That is the worst joke I’ve ever heard,” he said, though he chuckled softly regardless of her inappropriate words. “And I know you’re not an addict,” he sighed. “That’s what I was trying to talk to you about last night. Why I wanted you to meet my—”
“Girlfriend?” Aelin’s heart sank as she remembered the circumstances that led to her latest brush with white dust. But Rowan’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“What? No,” he said, shaking his head. “My cousin.”
“Your cousin?” Aelin’s head was reeling. She was in too much pain and too exhausted for this kind of information. She was confused. Yet again.
“Tall? Blonde? Bright green eyes just like every Whitethorn? Walked the carpet with me?”
“Your cousin,” Aelin repeated. She tried to remember the beautiful blonde draped on Rowan’s arm, but she was nothing more than a hazy memory of blonde smiles and hurt feelings.
“She’s a reporter for The Terrasen Times,” he began. “She’s being doing a series of exposes on abusers in the film industry, and Aelin, she has enough to take Arobynn down.” He breathed in deeply, his bright eyes shining as they filled with tears. “I knew as soon as you kicked me out of your trailer that something had happened. But I didn’t get confirmation until I saw you at that press junket. You’re just the latest in a long line of young actresses emotionally abused and threatened and hooked on drugs to control them. I kept my distance because I didn’t want him to use me against you. But… I didn’t think…” His lip quivered as he fought with his tears. “Baby, I’m so sorry I didn’t protect you.”
“I don’t understand,” Aelin said, her mind swimming with his words but not really processing any of them.
“Four women came forward and are pressing charges against him, Aelin. The article went live last night.” Rowan’s eyes pierced through her as she inhaled a sharp breath. “He’s going to jail. He can’t touch you anymore.”
Months of frustration and fear and anger and shame and guilt released at Rowan’s words, and a fresh wave of tears poured down Aelin’s cheeks. Her body shook, as she felt herself freed from Arobynn’s vindictive grasp. Free. She couldn’t even imagine it.
She reached forward and buried her face into Rowan’s shoulder, letting his arms cradle her and soothe her pain. She inhaled deeply, wanting to immerse herself his scent, but all she could smell was stale alcohol and faint traces of vomit. The smell made her dizzy with nausea, and she soon pulled away to vomit into the bucket next to her bed.
She wiped at her face, black smudging against her skin as she pulled her hands away. “Well, that was romantic,” she laughed, though her tone was anything but humorous.
“Aelin,” Rowan murmured her name with a quiet exuberance. “I don’t care that you’ve been throwing up for hours,” he said seriously. “I love you, have been in love with you, since the first time I laid eyes on you almost a year ago, and I need to kiss you right now.” He smiled sweetly, and as he leaned in, Aelin could feel her heart stutter. “Is this romantic enough for you?” he asked, his lips merely a breath away from hers.
“I love you, too,” she replied. Her confession warmed her from the inside out as their matching smiles met in a soft kiss. His hands stroked the back of her neck, soothing her quivering muscles.
His lips pressed against hers again, seemingly unable to pull back, but Aelin felt her exhaustion catching up with her heavily beating heart all too soon. A large yawn escaped her lips, and Rowan pulled back, his hand trailing down her arm to her tube-laden hand and squeezing it gently.
“Sleep,” he said. “I’m not going anywhere.”
She squeezed his hand in return and pulled him toward her. “Come cuddle,” she asked with wide eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere, Aelin,” he replied seriously. “Not ever again.”
But despite his words, he climbed into the small cot with her, arms wrapped around her shoulders. And despite the sweat and the nausea and stomach pain, Aelin fell sleep peacefully for the first time in months.
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captastra · 3 years
Day Four
Fandom: The Outer Worlds
Prompts:  Word: play | setting: modern setting/ghost hunter au
Words: 1.5k
The ghost hunters crew finds themselves on site of a run down theater for another investigation. Will they find what they are looking for? @writersmonth
“All set up?” Max asked Parvati as they stood in the middle aisle in the theater.
“Almost…” she gritted her teeth as she fiddled with the contraption she had spent the past few minutes setting up. “Just about” - an audible pop rang out - “there!” She clapped her hands together before standing up triumphantly. “We are all set and ready to capture anything out there.”
“Excellent.”  He turned toward the stage and called out, “Rhea, Nyoka, Felix, are you guys almost done?”
From the balcony above, Nyoka could be heard yelling, “All set up here. Got both sides like the Doc and Par recommended. Heading down now.”
Rhea stepped out onto the stage right as Felix appeared from the other side. “All set here Max” - she waved her hand over her head at him - “got them by the back doors and set up downstage. Right Felix?”
He was looking into the darkness behind him but turned around at the sound of his name. “Yup all set here. Can we get out of here now. I keep thinking I’m hearing something backstage and it's creepin’ me out.”
“Scared Felix,” Rhea teased, her footsteps echoing as she jogged over to where he stood just off stage. He turned quickly at her words and Rhea enjoyed the way his face turned red. Apparently whatever was occupying his thoughts went away as he quickly puffed out his chest before replying.
“Me, scared?” He tried to sound deeper than his normal voice, standing up taller even though Rhea was still taller than him. “Never, I” - he stopped at the top of the steps leading down the stage - “am never scared. Ladies first.”
“Oh thanks.” Rhea rolled her eyes but found herself smiling as they quickly made their way down the stairs. They continued to tease each other as they walked back to where Parvati and Max stood waiting for the rest of them.
“Will you two get a room if you’re gonna keep flirting like that?”
Rhea and Felix jumped at the words before sheepishly looking away from each other as Nyoka came into view. She gave them a knowing grin, her eyes flickering between the two of them before turning to Max.
“All set up top.” She motioned to the balcony above them. “If the ghosts are here like the reports say, I’m sure we’ll catch them. I thought I’d never finish setting up with all the equipment you gave us, Parvati.”
“Oh, well, I was just going off of what Dr. Welles recommended.” She started listing off the different machines they were using for the job tonight. “So with all of that, we should be good! Dr. Welles really needs us to catch somethin’ tonight, so I made sure we were prepared!” She placed her hands on her hips in a triumphant pose.
“Yes we are all very proud of you Parvati,” Max said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “But I am with the others, we shouldn’t stay here any longer than we have to.” The way he looked around the empty theater, his eyes narrowed, darting around at nothing in particular yet seeming to take everything in. “We’ve been here long enough.”
Rhea glanced around as well, letting herself finally take in the theater as it got closer towards the end of the hour. There was an eeriness about the faded colors, moth eaten seats and curtains, and peeling wallpaper that didn’t seem….right to her. It was almost as if she could see the majesty that had once been The Lunar Theater. She wished she could have seen what the theater had been like during its prime. According to their research, the theater had run for decades. A long list of well known plays and actors and actresses had performed on that stage.
“It must have been quite the experience to see a play here.”
Nyoka stood next to Rhea, taking in the theater as well. She had a pensive look about her though still guarded as she crossed her arms across her chest.
“Yeah,” Rhea said, trying to collect her thoughts about how this place was making her feel. “It must have been a magical time.” They stood there in silence, imagining a theater filled with wonder and people.
“Uh you guys,” Parvati’s voice rang out in the quiet theater, a twinge of fear evident in her voice. “It’s almost time,” she looked at the watch on her wrist, “we need to go.” She started walking towards the door, but not too far away that she would be alone walking back towards the doors.
“No worries Parvati,” Max attempted to sound calm, but the way he tensed as he made his final touches around the machines betrayed how he really felt. “We are leaving now.”
“No complaints from me.” Felix said, quickly catching up to where Parvati stood to walk back with her.
Rhea glanced around one more time while the others started to leave. Usually on these missions, there would be a feeling...a sense of what existed in a haunted setting. Yet here, she felt nothing. She still felt nothing. Guess the doc was wrong this time. It had happened before, sometimes it was old plumbing, other times it was how noise was filtered through the windows. But the times they had been real, she knew.
“Hey, rookie,” Felix yelled at her from the exit, “you wanna get left behind or what?”
She waved him off, smiling when she heard Parvati mutter at him, “you gotta stop calling her that.” But his words seem to stick with her. No, this was not a place she would want to be left alone, walls closing in around her, to become a forgotten relic that no….
“Stop it,” she muttered to herself, clenching her fists at her side. Focusing on her breath, Rhea made her way back to the group. They all shuffled in front of the closed doors, an uneasy feeling settling over the group.
“All here?” Max didn’t wait for a response, “Let’s go.”
There was a small murmur from them as Max moved to open the doors. But when he pushed, the door didn’t move. He pushed harder, using his shoulder this time to try and move the door. But it didn’t budge.
“You having trouble there old man,” Felix smirked as he stepped forward. “Why don’t you let me help you out.”
Nyoka stepped forward silently to help and the three of them attempted to push the doors open. But no matter how hard they tried, the doors wouldn’t budge. Rhea watched as they moved to try and open the two other sets of doors that should have opened out into the lobby. Those remained shut as well.
“Guys?” Parvati sounded scared as she wrapped her arms around herself as if to protect her from danger.
“Dammit,” Max muttered under his breath as he began to pace. “Ellie, we seem to be having issues here, anything showing up on your end?” He paused his walking for a moment and called out again, “Ellie are you there?”
Each of them tried to call Ellie over their own respective radios, but only silence answered them. Max and Felix both let out more explicits while Nyoka turned her attention back to getting the door open.
“No, no,” Parvati began to rock on the balls of her feet, shaking her head. “I’m not supposed to be in these things, I’m supposed to be in the car.”
“We left the doors unlocked,” Felix insisted to no one in particular. “I swear we did..” He trailed off, appearing lost in thought as he stared at the doors. 
“Open you fucking doors,” Nyoka said through clenched teeth. She continued to push against the doors, but no matter how much force she used, they remained shut.
Rhea walked over to Parvati and put her arm around his shoulder. She tried to combat the fear that was fighting to settle in her, if only to stay strong for Parvati. But as the seconds continued to tick by, she felt the thoughts from earlier settling back in.
Parvati shivered and leaned closer into Rhea for warmth. “When did it get so c-coold?”
The others were too lost in their own worlds to hear what Parvati said, but her words made Rhea’s blood run cold. Now that she thought about it, the room had gotten colder, much colder than when they had first arrived. Rhea tried not to think about it, wrapping her arms around Parvati to keep her warm.
As they both watched the others start to act more and more frantic, Parvati turned her head to look at Rhea.
“Ye-eah?” Rhea attempted to keep her voice even but the cold had settled in on her as well.
“I-I,” Parvati swallowed, “I’m scared.”
Rhea was about to answer, say anything to try and keep Parvati calm, but a soft cough from behind her stopped her in her tracks. Her breath hitched in her throat as the shiver, that damn shiver, went up her spine. She stood there rigid, not daring to look behind her. Or rather, unable to make herself move. She didn’t want to see it, didn’t want to know the source.
“Rhea?” Parvati’s concern did nothing to shake her.
The cough came again, this time loud enough to catch the others' attention as well. They all froze, Nyoka by the door, Felix standing a few feet from her, and Max, having just turned in his pacing so his back was to them, stopped in mid stride.
Almost in unison, they turned to face the source of the noise.
A ghostly man stood before them, waiting patiently for them to respond. When no one moved, he floated forward and gestured towards the seats behind them.
“We are asking all patrons to find their seats. The play is about to begin.”
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