#it was a bit on the nose but i still find it brilliant that they LITERALLY got mother superion inside a prison of sorts
sisterdivinium · 2 years
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The closed window behind Mary is already reminiscent of prison, yet her comment is both a remark on how she can leave after visiting her own mother as well as a promise that she is definitely and defiantly going to leave Mother Superion to this jail all by herself — because, in this moment, Mother Superion is stuck there. Her own visit to Duretti has him coming in and later out of what is, to all intents and purposes, her cell, Swiss Guards on either side of the gate acting as her jailers.
She says she seeks guidance and, although Duretti says basically nothing, he does provide the moral guidance that completes the lesson received from Mary earlier. Mother Superion’s expression, as she turns towards us after seeing her “cell” being shut again, locking her in with her sense of obligation, her rigidity, her hierarchical position, her spiritual dead end, tells us all we need to know. Even the light comes in through the bars from the left of our screen, as it came through the window when Mary spoke: they’re on the same side, now, and the prisoner is freeing, if not yet her body, then her mind and resolve.
(here's part two)
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luveline · 1 year
𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐨'𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚
you and miguel have different definitions of the same word. he finally gives in to temptation —featuring a cranky but lovesick miguel and a flirty, head-in-the-clouds spider-girl. pre across the spider-verse but contains spoilers. requested here. fem!reader, 3k
This has to be your favourite song in the whole world. 
You sit in the hall beside the entrance to Miguel's office (this week, you're thinking you might call it The Bedroom, on account of all the magic happening inside), headphones on, a bottle of lemonade beside you. 
Today has the makings of a great day. You're at the Spider Society headquarters and not at home, for starters, and one of the Peter Parkers you'd made friends with in the med-wing saw you this morning and recognised you, which is brilliant because he looked super similar to every other Peter Parker you've met. He offered to help you fix your rinky-dink headphones, and now they're working again and loud enough to cover the sound of Spider Chatter, even with your enhanced senses. 
What's more, Miguel has finally emerged from his dormitory, and he's walking toward you looking confused. That's a step up from unhappy. 
He asks you something. 
"What? I can't hear you." 
He says something else. You shake your head, music too loud to catch even a hint of what he's saying, and Miguel eventually crouches down to push your headphones around your neck. He's surprisingly gentle. 
"What are you doing?" he asks. 
"Waiting for you, what did you think I was doing?" 
"Why are you sitting on the ground?" He gestures backward to a red-lit control panel. "Chair right there." 
"I think that's someone's desk." 
"It's really not." 
Miguel stands up and doesn't hesitate to grab your arms and help you up too. It means more to you than it should, because it's not necessary and a few months ago he wouldn't have bothered. Which isn't to imply that Miguel is a mean guy, Lyla says he used to be a loser (code for sweetheart), and you get flashes of it every now and then in chivalry and kind smiles. 
He's not mean, he's cranky. 
"Don't sit on the floor," he says. "Just– just go inside if I'm not here." 
"Well, The Bedroom doesn't come when I call." 
Miguel's lips part in confusion for a second. Lyla appears at his shoulder, and says, "She can't get the platform to come down without you, genius." 
"Put her name on the command list," Miguel says. 
Your eyes widen. Lyla flashes to his other side, closer to you, and smiles playfully. "Done." 
"Stop sitting on the floor," Miguel says, turning around. He walks a few steps and pauses when he realises you're not following. "Are you coming with me?" 
You jog to catch up with him. Music plays against your collar, a slinking, indie sound that makes Miguel wrinkle his nose. You turn it up a little bit and smile when he glares at you. 
You enter the atrium that houses The Bedroom. Miguel hops up onto the platform because he's too tall to see sense while you struggle, but you're pleased when he takes your hand and pulls you up properly. All these familiar touches today, anyone might think Miguel liked you. 
He definitely does. 
You sit down in the spinning chair near what you've decided is your desk but certainly isn't, again pleased beyond words when you find your sketchbook from last time still there, cleaned away carefully, pencils in a pot and a brand new pencil sharpener by the side of it. It matches your spider suit. You look over your shoulder, your face lit up with thanks, and Miguel swiftly looks away from you. 
"It's electric. Tell me when the battery's dead, I'll charge it." 
"Thank you," you say, flipping your sketchbook open to the last entry. 
You aren't Picasso, but most members of the Spider Society are somewhat artistically inclined, considering the suit-making rite of passage they must all endure —if you don't know how to sew before you start, you will by the end. 
Or like Miguel, you could cheat and make the suit out of nanotechnology. 
You haven't really been designing any suits lately. Spidering is tiring, you need to relax, and your reluctant friends are the easiest subjects, though Miguel's face is painstakingly difficult to get right. He's very angular, high cheekbones with that divot that needs kissing stat, and his nose… He's really pretty, but you almost wish he wasn't so your sketches of him held a better likeness. 
He's the only one of the regular crew that stands still long enough to be drawn. Jessica doesn't like you (or maybe she does, it's hard to tell, but she hasn't forgiven you for asking if her baby was like a maraca bead when she fights) so she doesn't let you draw her. Lyla will stand very still if you request it, but after a few portraits she got bored and started changing her hair or glasses, and after a few more she gave up. Margo is hard to focus on because her blue light makes everything else seem super orange, though she does stand in one place usually. She takes up a lot of pages, but it's Miguel you've drawn most of all. 
You go around the Spider Society sometimes asking people if they'll sit for you, but again your skills aren't impressive, so it's awkward when they want to see how you've done. There are drawings of all kinds of Spiders, including yourself, between Miguel, and Miguel, and Miguel. 
His back, the side of his face, his hands ungloved. His pointy bottom teeth mid fight. The naked stretch of his arm and his Rapture injector positioned over it. He might not appreciate that one. You rip it out and toss it in the waste paper basket under your desk, where it incinerates, paper smoke curling up toward the extractor fan on the atrium ceiling. 
"What are you doing?" he asks without looking at you, his gaze on one of his marigold coloured monitors. 
"Drawing." You're not drawing so much as sitting there with a coloured pencil in hand, trying to think of conversation starters. "What are you upto?" 
"According to the program, there are no Canon events today at risk of disruption," Lyla chimes in, "so Miguel's doing chores." 
"What, not one bad thing is gonna happen today?" you ask. 
"Nothing we can predict," Miguel says. 
You swap your pencil for your drink, unscrewing the lid of your lemonade to sip at it leisurely. Today is your favourite kind of day. No fighting, lots of time with Miguel, and music to go with it. You're so happy you could melt. 
Miguel turns to you and sees your stickying smile. 
"Nothing. Just happy to be here with you," you say.
"Don't say stuff like that," he says, turning back to his screen. 
"Scared you'll actually experience sincerity?" Lyla asks. 
"Lyla," he warns, as though Lyla might be afraid of any consequence he had the power to inflict. 
"Sorry," you say, not very sorry, but not wanting him to be uncomfortable, "it's just nice, being friends with you."
"We aren't friends." 
You're not quick to take offence with Miguel. He can be cruel. He's hurting, he's unhappy, he has a lot on his plate. Oftentimes he's so tense with apprehension his neck locks up and you hear it clicking as he turns one way or another, or if he isn't apprehensive he's disappointed, furious, upset. You give him the benefit of the doubt because you know him, but you don't know the tone of voice he uses now. It's like he's offended at the insinuation. Like he would never, ever be friends with you. 
You put your lemonade on the desk and don't know what to do. His insipid floating platform is too high now to leave without causing a scene. Maybe when he's busy you can web down and go home. All you know is that you desperately don't want to be near him. But home sucks, and the dormitories are worse. You're stuck. 
"You can be so mean," you say softly, turning back to your sketchbook and pencils. 
You're thinking you might draw him with a bunch of bee stings, or find a previous sketch and cross his eyes out.
"What?" he asks. 
Your hackles rise. "You're mean. Don't talk to me." 
"What?" Miguel stands very still. "Y/N, what?" 
"What do you mean, what? I said something nice and you said something cruel. I get it, okay, we aren't friends, so don't talk to me." 
"I've upset you." 
You stare at your blank page. "It doesn't matter." 
"No, I've said the wrong thing." 
"Miguel, don't bother. What else could you mean by that?" You laugh with little humour. Crestfallen doesn't begin to describe how you feel. "I'll be quiet. I just don't want to be at home." 
"What's wrong with home?" 
"Is there ever much right?" 
"Did something happen?"
"We aren't friends, so why ask me?" 
You bite the inside of your lip as Miguel approaches, his footfall hushed over the lightweight metal flooring. You turn to him in your chair, head tilted back to meet his eyes, arms crossed over your stomach defensively. 
"That's not what I meant when I said that." He speaks slowly, firmly, to avoid any misunderstanding. "What's wrong with home, mi cielo?" 
You tap his ankle with your shoe, looking away from his gaze. You don't want to tell him, and if he keeps looking at you like that, you will.
"¿Qué pasó?" He bends at the waist slightly, bringing his face closer to yours, dark hair falling into his eyes.
"I don't know what that means," you murmur.
"Did something happen?" he asks.
"Nothing happened, it's just– it's lonely there," you say, squirming under the weight of his gaze, his sudden caring. "What's with you? One minute you're not my friend, the next you're worrying about me? You're giving me whiplash." 
He stands up, and his face falls back into a more typical emotionlessness. He's clearly feeling something, but he's wiping the slate clean. 
"When I said we aren't friends, it didn't mean–" He grunts, crossing his arms over his chest. "I thought you were staying in the women's dormitory?" he asks, frustrated.  
"I am, but I'm useless, and they don't really respect me because I'm–" 
"–not as experienced," you finish, eyes flaring. 
"Oh, my god," Lyla says, appearing in front of him to make sure he sees her delight at his slip up. 
Miguel bats her hologram with an annoyed grunt. She disappears again, her tinkling laughter cut short.
"It's a good thing," Miguel says quickly.
You stand up. "It's not the point." 
"You should feel at home in the dormitory, and if you don't, I'll find you somewhere else to stay here, you don't have to be in there if you don't feel welcome."
"Miguel, you're sounding awfully friendly right now." 
"We aren't friends," he says again, stepping closer to you. "What's so hard to understand about that?" 
"But we spend time together. We have fun. You like me, Miguel, you do, you tell me jokes sometimes, you make me things for me. You… you do like me, right?" 
"You know that I do," he says, his eyebrows pinching together. 
"You like me, like, you want me," you say, just to make sure.
His fist clenches hard enough to make an audible sound. Miguel's voice is fraught, and through barely parted lips, "If you know that, what's the problem?" 
You don't know. Maybe it was silly to worry about how he sees you, because you do know that Miguel likes you, but you also know he hadn't wanted to like you. His attraction to you was reluctant, you're not stupid enough to miss that, and it was important to you that whatever tension sexual or otherwise lingering between you had bloomed into mutual affection. 
"I want us to be friends, too," you say. 
"I thought we were more than that." 
It's such a quiet admission. He isn't afraid to say it, and he isn't reluctant like you feared. 
"Miguel," you say. "I want you to like me. I know I can be off-putting, I know I tease too much, but I don't want you to like me despite those things, I just want you to like me. So, when you say we aren't friends…" 
"I've never heard you say three serious sentences in a row," Miguel says, reaching out for your hand. He pulls you toward him slowly, his fingertips gliding up the length of your arm. "Then again, it's the same nonsense as usual." 
"Of course I like you. How else do you need me to say it? I like you and I want to kiss you, I like you and I like that you're irregular. You want us to be friends? Then let's be friends." Miguel's hand closes around your bicep. His thumb presses against soft fat and muscle alike. "But not just friends." 
Relieved, you sigh. "So you're saying we really weren't friends?" 
Miguel leans down until his face is the only thing you can see. His smooth skin, his dark eyes, their darker flush of too-long lashes; it's unfair how pretty his eyelashes are, how they curl, how they bunch in triangles you have to fight to resist touching. His eyebrows so often slightly set, giving him an unhappy expression even now. 
He brings the hand that isn't clasped at your bicep to the hill of your waist. It's hot as a brand, and it pulls you closer, your neck craning with every inch he steals from between you. 
"We can be friends," he says. 
His fingers twitch against your arm, and his hand begins to climb. It's not as slow as it feels, conquering the curve of your shoulder, your neck. His hand is big, his thumb pressing into the column of your throat gently.
He looks at you for a measured lapse of time, and you know, finally, that you're on the same page. 
"What you said before, 'mi cielo?'" You hold his elbow. "What does that mean?" 
"My sky," he says. "My… my heavens. It's saccharine. It's something teenagers say, when they're," —his voice dips, the hand at your waist squeezing tight like you might slip through his hold—  "infatuated." 
"Just teenagers say that?" you ask.
"No," he allows. "I always thought it was too much." 
"But you–" 
"Yeah. I did." 
The first kiss is surprisingly sweet. On the tail end of words, Miguel presses his lips half-parted to yours, slowly, softly, like the brush of a downy feather. He lingers, and it's your own movement that spurs him on —you shudder up into his lips and he loses control. 
The sound he makes is a shock. You try to pull back to check he isn't hurting, and he lets you until he realises why it is you're pulling away. "It's fine, it's okay," he says quickly. 
Assuaged of your concern, he pulls you back in and he kisses you, he kisses you, his hand squeezing too tight and his nose bridge sliding up against yours from the force of it all. Your chest feels like a pit and you need Miguel closer if you're ever going to fill it, your hands snapping up to his face like magnets. There's no need to pull him down to you, he's already wading in, not wading —crashing, kissing you so hard your lips burn. 
You make a sound that says, hopefully, This is really fun, but don't give me a bruise.
His tongue is a heat at the seam of your lips. Your weight bends, your chest leaning into his front. He doesn't hesitate to ease his hand behind your back and prop you up against him as things get heady, and the only thing you can feel is him. 
All those times he almost kissed you, all those times he couldn't cross the gap. He poked and prodded and provoked you into getting into his space and each time you called his bluff. You wanted Miguel to give in, and now he has, it's the meltiest, most stickying warmth you've ever felt. 
Voices sound far away, off the platform and down the hall. Jessica and someone else, approaching fast. 
Something sharp snags your bottom lip as Miguel pulls away. You press your finger to your sore lip. When you pull it away, blood spots your skin. 
Miguel takes your face into his hand and angles your face to a glowing screen carefully, in total juxtaposition of the grip he'd had on your waist. 
"Sorry," he mumbles, the tip of his fangs catching the light. His adrenaline must be high. 
"Excited?" you ask him breathily. 
He wipes your lip with his thumb. The other hand pet's your cheek. You feel suddenly and smotheringly adored, all his attention on your pinprick wound. 
"Everything okay up there?" Jessica calls. 
Miguel drops your face like he's remembered himself. You turn to your newfound company, Jessica Drew and an unhappy looking Gwen Stacy. This high up, there's no way they can see the state of either of you, mussed hair and Miguel's blushy cheeks, but they'll see you eventually. And Miguel might like you, might want you, might be your more-than-friend, but he's a stickler for appearances, and being found kissing your subordinate dizzy when you're supposed to be working would mortify him.
"I cut my lip on a lemonade bottle," you call cheerily, waving at grumpy Gwen. Her lips perk up. "Miguel's trying to tell me it's my fault. Is lemonade usually sharp?" 
His hand flattens subtly at the small of your pack. 
"Thanks," he murmurs. 
"Welcome, handsome. Is it bad?" you ask, turning back to hip with your lip pouted. 
His eyes visibly soften at the sight of you. "Not that bad." 
"Alright, good. You'll have to let the platform down, I need to go." 
"What? Where are you going?" he asks. 
"If we're friends now," you say, lilting, performing a half spin in front of him just to watch his eyes narrow, "I'm going to have to make us bracelets. Friendship bracelets." He clearly doesn't like the idea of being friends still, so you amend with a softer tone, "Friends and whatever that was. Come on, you'll love it. I'll make it match your suit." 
He rubs the space between his eyebrows. 
"Will you bring your stuff here?" he asks, the platform beginning to lower under your feet. 
"Duh. I need to take lots of measurements. I'll be in your hair all day, you'll hate it." 
He nods like he agrees. "I'll hate it," he says, deadpan. When he's sure Jessica and Gwen aren't looking, he gives you a smile you've never seen before. 
You and I have a secret, it says. 
Lyla appears by your shoulder to instantly tell him otherwise. It goes without saying that she's mildly disgusted and extremely smug. "Don't match it to his suit, Y/N. Mr. Heartthrob here needs something soft. How about some baby pinks, hm?" 
Miguel sighs, but you barely hear him over your excited gasp. "Yes! Pink and white, for sure, that would be so nice." 
"Great," Miguel says. "Perfect. Thanks for that, Lyla."
"You're so welcome!" 
thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed :D please reblog if you have the time ♡
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moonstruckme · 3 months
hii idk if ur taking requests but can u write sth with rockstar!remus who’s like full of adrenaline after a shkw and just kisses r ☹️☹️ the others wont let them be LOLLL😭😭😭 hope ur having an amazing day 💘
You have an amazing day too !
rockstar!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 643 words
James all but sprints off the stage, as he always does, working off his post-show adrenaline the best way he knows how. His routine seems unaltered by the fact that this is the biggest show the boys have played yet, but you don’t suppose he can really kick it into a higher gear than it already is. It’s also entertaining for the rest of you, watching him hurdle over sound equipment and careen past frightened-looking crew members before calling a “sorry!” behind him. 
You know to expect Remus behind him, leaving the stage at a slower pace while Sirius stays and soaks up the energy for as long as he can before someone physically drags him off, but you’re not expecting the unusual energy about your boyfriend when he comes in. 
Remus is crackling, the exact sound of when he plugs his bass into the amp but around him like an aura. Your heart kicks in your chest. 
You beam at him, holding up the small bouquet you’d impulse-bought at a stand a few blocks from the venue. You feel a bit silly, but Remus doesn’t seem to mind. 
He lets out a breathy little laugh at the sight of you and shakes his head as he takes two long strides, grasping your hips and pressing you into the wall. 
The flowers are instantly forgotten. Remus’ mouth is warm and insistent on yours, his knee pushing in between your legs and his nose pressed into your cheek. You don’t realize you’ve stopped breathing until he breaks the kiss. 
He sets both hands on your cheeks. There are crew members buzzing around you, and the crowd is still thrumming outside, and somewhere James is talking loudly, but Remus’ face is the only thing in the world. Scarred and sweaty and smiling at you. 
“Great show,” you scrape out. 
Another short laugh. If you didn’t know better, you’d say your boyfriend was giddy. “Yeah?” He gives you another kiss, shorter but still shock-happy. His lips stay curved against yours. “I thought so,” he admits, a bit softer, like a secret. 
You lower your voice to match. “You were incredible.” 
Remus grins even bigger, brilliant and totally unlike himself. He’s practically glowing. 
“Remus,” Sirius shouts, prancing toward the both of you with his usual regard for private intimacy, “if you’d pause in fondling your girlfriend, James says we’ve got a group out back who wants autographs.” 
Remus drops his forehead to yours, his disbelieving puff of air tickling over your nose. You pet down the hairs at his nape. 
“Oh, are these for us?” Sirius sounds delighted. Remus doesn’t take the bait, but you do, turning to find him looking at the flowers hanging limply from your grasp. “Doll, you shouldn’t have!”
“How could I resist,” you play along, letting go of Remus to ease one of the stems out from the rest. Sirius takes it from you happily. “They go so well with your outfits.” 
“More Remus’ than ours,” James notes, coming over. He’s even sweatier than the other two, but his excess energy seems mostly spent, “but I’m sure that’s only coincidence.” 
“Certainly,” Sirius agrees. “She’d never pick favorites. Say, babe, want me to sign something of yours?”
“She’s good,” Remus answers for you, tugging you closer and touching his lips to your brow. “I’ve got this one.” 
“I’ll bet you do.” James is grinning. He prods Remus’ shoulder, encouraging you both to follow him towards where the fans are waiting. “She may not pick favorites, but you will, is that right?” 
“Enough,” Remus says, but he’s still too happy to work up any real rancor. 
“Oh, I already know you’re gonna get an extra special autograph, doll,” Sirius teases. Your face starts to heat. “Likely when we see you tomorrow, he’ll have left you some even darker than a marker could do—” 
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sarawritestories · 5 months
You're My Forever
High Lord Eris Vanserra xFem Reader
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Summary: Eris Vanserra sits on his throne, allowing himself to be lost in his thoughts when his mate comes looking for him.
Content warning: A little bit of self doubt. A whole lot of love
A/N: This is dedicated to @milswrites who helped me have a major breakthrough in a plot of my Novel and this was the best way I knew how to thank her!
Word Count: 1.3k
ACOTAR MasterList
Eris Vanserra, High Lord of the Autumn Court.
A title the eldest Vanserra child never thought he would receive. Running his hands along the gold arm rests of the throne, as if the cold bite of the metal could keep him rooted in reality a reminder that he wasn’t dreaming. Beron was dead. His reign of terror came to an end. This throne, this manor, the entire Court of Autumn was Eris’. Eris sat on the extravagant piece of furniture crossing his leg over the other and allowed himself this one moment to be lost in his thoughts. A moment where he let his doubts rise to the surface.
Would he be a fair ruler?
Could he make a difference within his court?
Was he a good mate? A good husband?
Would he make a good father?  Make sure his kids experienced no harm by his hand as he had with Beron?
Was this just a dream? Would he wake up tomorrow back in the clutches of
“Eris?” Eris blinked at the sound of his name looking up he couldn’t help but smile at the sound of your voice. You had stepped into the throne room a pink silk robe wrapped around yourself, your hand supporting your swollen belly. Your hair fell in soft curls right above your chest, face as radiant as ever.
The newly appointed High Lord met your eyes once more, his mate, his beautiful mate, wife soon-to-be mother, the most beautiful female in all of Prythian in his eyes. Your soft smile still made his chest tighten. “My Little Doe, what are you doing out of bed?”
You approached the dais, you were halfway through your pregnancy and walking was becoming more challenging, “I’m looking for my husband, who should have met me in bed hours ago.” She stopped right in front of him and looked around the room, “I can’t seem to find him, High Lord, you wouldn’t happen to know where he is?”
Eris rubbed his chin as his eyes dipped slightly, your robe slipped down revealing your shoulders just enough, that Eris saw the light pink lace bra and the swell of your breast. and he adjusted in his seat. “My fair maiden, what does this male look like?”
“Handsome, has adorable freckles across his nose, eyes that resemble fiery embers.” Your eyes glanced down to his mouth, “A very kissable mouth,” You smiled, “His hair is red and long and smooth enough that I find myself always running my fingers through it.” You grip his knee clad in his riding clothes from going out to the villages earlier.
“Well, he sounds very beautiful,” Eris puffed out his chest causing you to giggle, and he loved that melodic sound. “He must be if he was lucky enough to have you, as his mate.” His throat tightened; he was a lucky male indeed.
“I believe I am the lucky one. The mother blessed me with a mate, who is brilliant, kindhearted and passionate as he is pretty.” Your smile fell slightly. “Are you okay?”
Eris smiled, and adjusted his legs and patted his lap, “Come here, My Love.”
The High Lord tilted his head as you tugged your bottom lip between your teeth. “I’m too big, I’ll hurt you.”
Eris growled, as his brows furrowed, “We’ve talked about this.” He leaned down and gripped your chin, “What did I say?”
You sighed, “I am growing a person, and with that is going to be changes I’m simply not used to.” He quirked a brow, waiting for you to continue. “And if you heard anyone talking down about me, you would be the one to teach them a lesson. Even if said person was me.”
The male kissed your forehead, “Good Girl, now come here and sit on your High Lord’s lap.” He released you from his grasp and leaned back. You stepped toward him, and Eris helped turn you and placed you on his lap, picking your legs up so that they dangled over the arm rest. His arm wrapped around your shoulder, and you placed your hand on the base of his neck. With a flick of his hand all the doors that led to the room locked causing you to jump briefly. “Now, where is that sweet little babe of ours?” You smiled as he tugged at the tie of your robe and the strings fell to the side and the silk slid off your round stomach. Revealing lace panties that matched your top, garter belts holding your sheer stockings in place. With his free hand he grazed your calf and worked his way up your body.
 As he began his slow ascent up your body, he could smell your arousal, “Waiting for me in bed? I am a fool.” He reached your stomach, admiring the stretchmarks that have appeared in the last few months. His russet eyes, met yours, “You are the most beautiful creature, and how hope our child is just as beautiful as their mother.” You could feel heat rise to your cheeks, as you leaned your head back as Eris warmed his hands just a bit to ease the discomfort.
“Eris Vanserra, I know what you’re doing.”  You lifted your head quirking your brow.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His lips pressed to your stomach his fingers sliding under the waistband of your panties.
Your hand found his wrist. And he lifted his head, “Eris, what’s wrong?”
Eris sighed and moved his hand, wrapping you back in your robe. “Nothing is wrong. I have everything I want. I have my court, my throne,” He pressed his forehead to yours, “My beautiful mate, carrying my child.” He closed his eyes. “I’m terrified that I will wake up, and I will find that this will all be a dream.”
“Darling, how long have you been feeling this way?” You whispered pressing your hand to his cheek swiping your thumb a crossed his freckled cheek idly.
“Since I became High Lord.” Before you could scold him, he continued, “I didn’t want to worry you. Or worse, I was afraid that you would think I would turn into my father and leave.”
“You’re my mate, my equal,” You pulled away and lifted his chin, so he met your gaze, “When I accepted the bond, I did it because I love you. Because I knew then what I know now.”
Eris tilted his head, “What is it that you know?”
You leaned in and kissed his nose, “You’re my Forever. I will always choose you.”
Eris smiled and pressed his lips on yours and you granted him access to deepen the kiss. His tongue met yours as he devoured your taste. You moaned in his mouth and felt his cock rise to attention against your ass. You began to move your hips to give the high lord the friction he craved, and he grunted in your mouth. His fingers threading through your hair as he dominated the kiss, his hand idly rubbing your stomach.
He pulled away from you needing air, “You’re mine and I love you.”
You laughed, “I figured, the child in my womb would have been a strong argument for both of those statements.”
Mischief danced in his eyes, “You know I am keeping track of all of your rule breaking for when I can properly punish you.”
You smiled and pecked his lips, sliding off his lap facing the door. Turning your head you winked, “I’m well aware, High Lord.” You untied the robe and let the pink silk fall to the floor turning back to face the High Lord. He admired your full body, and his heart rate began to quicken. “Now, may I show you how much I love you?" You got down on your knee’s hands braced on his thighs.
Eris began unlacing his pants a smirk on his face, “As you wish, High Lady.”
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pretzel-box · 6 days
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PART 7 : A cure so sweet
Tags: Reverse AU, Fluff, Established Relationship, Lots of cute interactions, sick sebby
Words: 1,3k
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If Sebastian hated one thing above all, it was feeling sick. That strange, sickly sensation would settle deep in his bones, weighing down his every movement. His nose constantly ran, and sneezes came out of nowhere, only adding to the misery. Hiding from monsters in a deadly facility was already hard enough, but being sick made it almost unbearable.
Fortunately, he had you—a brilliant partner with a shop filled with a strange assortment of junk, some of it actually useful.
"Aw, come here, Sebastian!" The moment he stepped in, you pulled him into the warmth of your shop. Several heaters hummed along the walls, and Sebastian already knew you’d make him settle in his usual spot, close to one of them.
Sebastian groaned as he slumped into his designated spot near the heater. His head was heavy, and he shivered despite the warmth. You knelt down in front of him as best as you could with a soft, concerned smile, your hands already busy. A blanket appeared out of nowhere (probably pulled out from one of the shelves), and before he could protest, you draped it around his shoulders.
"You're worse than I thought," you teased lightly, brushing his messy raven hair away from his forehead. "You always try to power through it, but not today."
He gave a half-hearted grumble, but leaned into your touch, appreciating the small moments of comfort. "I’m fine," he muttered, but the rasp in his voice betrayed him. "Just need to—"
"Nope." You cut him off, placing a gentle finger on his lips. "Today, you’re resting, no excuses. I’ll handle everything."
Sebastian sighed, but the softness in your eyes melted his resistance. You moved away briefly, returning with a cup of hot tea. "Here, it's ginger. It'll help with your throat. I found it recently in a cupboard down the hall near a break room.”
He took the cup, his fingers brushing against yours. "Thanks," he murmured, taking a sip and wincing at the sharpness of the ginger, but the warmth spread through him, soothing his throat. "You always know what I need."
"I know you better than you think," you said with a grin, settling beside him.
He glanced at you, eyes softening. "I'm lucky to have you."
You leaned in, resting your head on his shoulder. "You always take care of me in the chaos out there. Let me take care of you now."
Sebastian’s lips curved into a faint smile as he closed his eyes, leaning into your warmth. The world outside might be a mess, but in this small shop, with you beside him, he felt a little less broken.
Sebastian let out a long sigh, sinking further into the blanket as you pressed closer to him. The warmth from the heater mixed with the comfort of your touch, and for the first time all day, he felt a bit of the tension leave his body. He placed the half-empty cup of tea on the floor beside him, his hands finding their way to you, pulling a part of you gently onto his lap.
"You know," he whispered, his voice still hoarse, "you make it really hard for me to stay grumpy."
You smiled, shifting so you could wrap your arms around his neck, your noses nearly touching. "That's the plan," you said softly, brushing a light kiss against his forehead. His eyes fluttered shut, the simple gesture easing away the lingering weight of sickness. "I like it when you're all soft like this," you teased, your voice dropping to a quiet murmur.
Sebastian chuckled weakly, his hands slipping around your waist, pulling you closer. "Only for you," he whispered back, his voice low and rough but filled with affection.
The moment hung between you both, thick with the warmth of shared comfort. You leaned in again, this time pressing a tender kiss against his lips. It was slow, gentle—like neither of you wanted to break the moment. He kissed you back, lazy and soft, as if all the energy he had left was reserved just for you.
When you pulled back, your foreheads rested together, and Sebastian's eyes stayed closed, his breathing steady. You shifted slightly, nestling into him, your head resting in the crook of his neck. His arms instinctively tightened around you, his hand slowly tracing circles on your back.
"You know you don’t have to push yourself so hard," you whispered against his skin, your breath warm and comforting.
"I’m used to it," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to your hair. "But with you… it’s different. You make me want to slow down. Just… be here."
You smiled against his neck, letting your lips brush against his skin before you placed a lingering kiss there. "Then stay here," you said, your voice tender. "With me."
Sebastian let out a content hum, shifting slightly to pull you even closer. "I think I could get used to this," he whispered, his lips finding yours again in a slow, lingering kiss, as if time itself could pause in the warmth of your embrace.
Sebastian sighed softly into the kiss, his lips barely brushing against yours as he held you close, the warmth between you both making the world outside feel distant. When you finally pulled back, your fingers instinctively moved up to his hair, threading through the soft strands and gently stroking his scalp. He leaned into your touch, eyes fluttering shut once more as a content hum escaped his throat.
But then, a small frown appeared on his face as a particular thought hit him too late. He shifted slightly beneath you, as if something was gnawing at the back of his mind. "Hey," he murmured, his voice still raspy. "You should probably keep some distance... I don't want to get you sick."
You paused your gentle strokes, tilting your head to meet his gaze. He looked so torn—worried, even in the middle of all the comfort you'd been giving him. His brow furrowed slightly, like he was already kicking himself for letting you get this close while he wasn't feeling well.
"Sebastian..." you whispered softly, brushing a thumb against his cheek. "You know I don’t care about that."
He opened his mouth to protest, but you silenced him with a gentle kiss—quick, reassuring, filled with all the affection you'd been holding for him. His breath hitched slightly, his hands tightening around your waist, but before he could get another word in, you pulled back just enough to look into his eyes.
"I’m not going anywhere," you said, your voice firm but full of warmth. "You’re stuck with me, sickness and all." You gave him a soft, teasing smile, your fingers resuming their gentle motions through his hair. "Besides, what kind of partner would I be if I didn’t take care of you?"
Sebastian’s face softened, but his concern lingered. "I just… I don’t want you feeling like this," he muttered, his thumb absentmindedly tracing small circles on your hip.
"Maybe I will," you shrugged playfully, "but we’ll deal with that later. Right now, all I care about is making sure you feel better."
His heart swelled at your words, and the way you kept running your fingers through his hair was slowly breaking down his resolve. He leaned his head against your chest, his eyes closing again as he let out a deep breath. "You’re impossible," he murmured, though his tone was soft, affectionate.
You grinned, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "And you love it."
"Yeah..." he whispered, his arms wrapping around you more tightly. "I really do."
For a moment, you both stayed like that—Sebastian curled up in your arms, his worries slowly fading as you held him close, your fingers moving rhythmically through his hair. The warmth between you was more than just physical; it was the kind of comfort only you could give him, a sense of peace that no amount of chaos in the world could take away.
"You’re everything to me, you know that?" His voice was quiet, almost as if he was afraid to say it aloud.
Your heart fluttered at his words, and you gently tilted his head up so you could look into his eyes. "And you’re everything to me," you replied softly, leaning down to kiss him again, slow and deep, as if you could pour all the love you felt for him into that one moment.
Sebastian kissed you back, his worries finally slipping away as he melted into your touch.
It took exactly two weeks till you were bedridden and absolutely sick, crying out loud for your boyfriend.
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vitaminkyeom · 17 days
us, again || j.ww (teaser)
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PAIRING || Wonwoo x Female Reader
GENRES || Angst, Fluff, Strangers To Lovers AU (?), Reverse Chronology
SUMMARY || If crush at first sight was a thing then you were a fine example of it. How you were heads over heels with a man you had just met was beyond you but you all you knew was Jeon Wonwoo had occupied every bit of your mind and heart. But when you and him finally began dating, little did the two of you expect a your relationships to turn out this way.
Or, in which, you and Wonwoo unfortunately have a happily never after ending.
A/N || If you want to be added in the taglist, send me an ask!
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“Is this seat taken?”
You looked up to see who it was and immediately felt the air almost knock out of your lungs. Your cheeks heated up as you blinked at the student standing in front of you, all coherent words thrown out of your head because he was just so, so handsome. 
He looked so good with his square framed glasses, unbuttoned chequered shirt over a casual t-shirt and dark blue jeans. In fact, he looked like any other of the countless averagely dressed college students you had seen on campus so far and yet, he looked so attractive that you were having a hard time formulating a simple sentence. 
“Uh,” You began, staring at him as you tried to rack your brains for an appropriate response. What was the question?
“Nope!” Yubin said, reaching out to grab your bag and place it on your lap. “No one’s sitting here so you can sit if you want to!”
He gave you (the two of you actually but you hoped it was just you) a small smile before sitting down and you slowly turned towards your now grinning friend, frowning slightly as you just tried to process what had just happened.
He was sitting next to you. He was sitting next to you. The guy, who caught your eyes within a few milliseconds of your encounter was actually sitting next to you. 
‘You think he is cute?’ Yubin mouthed to you, to which you could only exhale and look back at the presentation that was about to start in front of you, unable to think clearly still. 
Cute was an understatement for the guy next to you. He was handsome. Ethereal. Beautiful. Someone who made your heart stutter just by looking at them and made you hyper aware of your each and every action, just like now as you carefully slid out your notebook from your bag.
Your cheeks felt like they were still on fire, and you tried to act nonchalant as you cleared your throat and flipped through the pages, trying to find an empty page when your pen fell from your hand.
Just brilliant. You mentally cursed yourself as you bit your lips. bending down to pick it up but he was much faster than you, the pen already in his hand as he offered it to you. 
“Uh, thank you.” You mumbled, trying to give him a small smile but of course your flushed cheeks had to act up at this moment itself and you were pretty sure you ended up giving him a lopsided one instead.
He just nodded back at you, before turning his attention back to the presentation and so did you, but it was like you could still feel his gaze on you. 
The rest of the session passed in a blur, as you tried your level best to concentrate on what was being explained but it was just so hard doing that when each second seemed to drag on for hours and you were painfully aware of what he was doing and how embarrassing you were acting. 
Finally, after what felt like years, the students started getting up and leaving the auditorium. Your mind was in a whirlwind as he too started packing up his things. Now’s the time, Y/N. It’s now or never. Just ask him-
“I didn’t catch your name!” You squeaked just as he got up, causing him to pause and look at you confused. You immediately cringed at your voice, sinking into your seat a little before clearing your throat and repeating your sentence. “Your name? I didn’t catch it.” “Oh.” He said, his face softening a little as he pushed his specs back up his nose. Okay, now that was hot. “It’s Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo.
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trendywaifus · 10 months
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thinking about navia waking you up with kisses and being extra loving in the mornings after healing from the archon quest. cw: none
the early sun crept through the beige curtains, causing light to slowly spread through the bedroom. although you’re not awake to witness the sunrise, navia happily was. she yawns a bit, pushing some of her messy blond strands away from her eyes. “ another morning, another routine. “ she mutters, her gaze aimlessly shifting over to your sleeping form beside her. a loving smile find itself across her lips when she sees your peaceful face.
navia’s gaze drops down to your chest as it softly rises up and down. there’s no lag or any irregular breathing—good. she knows it’s ridiculous to observe your breathing but she can’t shake away the bitter sense of doubt that’s occupying the small corner of her heart. sighing, navia’s gaze returns to your face again; this time full with intent and worry. frowning, she places her hand on your cheek. your skin still felt pleasantly warm.
you stirred a bit, before heaving a deep sigh through your nose. navia’s face softens, “ sorry, mon trésor.”she apologizes, dipping down to place a sweet kiss on your nose. the blonde snorts at your nose cutely crunching up from the kiss. “ naviaa. . “ you drawled in a drowsy voice, opening your tired eyes to playfully glare at your lover. the corner of her lips curls into a sheepish grin. “ i didn’t mean to wake you, i. .simply wished to admire you and couldn’t resist. “ she half lies, carefully shifting her bare body on top of yours. it was true that she was admiring you—you’re (beautiful/handsome) even when you’re asleep. but after what happened a few months ago, how could she not be so attentive to your health? you were now one of the few, if not, the most precious person in her life.
wordlessly, navia holds your face delicately with both hands and brings you into a passionate kiss. you hummed with content, lacing your arms around her waist and sleepily kissed back. “ how was your sleep, mon amour? dreamed of me as always? “ she inquires softly, her voice full of tease. you cracked a smile, rubbing the small of her back tenderly. “if i’m not still dreaming right now, then yes.” navia lets out an angelic, bubbly laugh that made your chest bloom with indescribable warmth. the skin under her eyes crinkles, her sparkly, oceanic hues looks ever so brilliant than usual—archons, maybe you are dreaming.
navia’s lips traces down to your jawline, leaving kisses in its wake. your breath hitches as she moves down to your neck, planting a brief kiss right against your pulse point. by now, the drowsiness left your body. “ you sure are extra loving this morning, navi. “ you chuckled, sounding a bit flustered. you feel her smile into your neck, she presses a few more kisses against your skin before sighing happily.
“ why would i not be when you’re still here every morning with me? “ she whispers, voice slightly strained.
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daenysx · 5 months
hi I can’t stop thinking about an aemond fic with his girl graduating university. I graduated today and can’t stop thinking about how supportive your modern aemond would be!!
thank you for requesting, angel! i'm sorry, this is a bit short but i hope you enjoy, congratulations!! requests are open
modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader ♡
aemond watches you take your make up off as he does every night.
this time, it's a bit different. the hour is later than usual, you are a little tipsy because of the celebration drinks but you insist on completing your skin care routine. he lays in bed, his eye following your movements in the little bathroom attached to his bedroom. you give him a smile when your eyes meet, he likes being the person you smile at night.
you apply your night cream on your clean face and turn off the lights as you leave the bathroom. aemond adores how your face looks without any make up on, he likes it either way but your clean face reminds him how safe you feel with him. you trust him enough to create a night time routine with him, it's so nice to be the person you sleep and wake up next to. he opens his arms, you willingly lay next to him, your head on his chest and your arm wrapped around his waist.
"you don't have classes tomorrow." he says. "how does that feel?"
you sigh, nuzzling closer. "it's so weird. i don't think i ever remember a time when i don't continue studying after summer."
"you'll get used to it." he graduated three years ago. "and you can always continue studying if you want."
"i feel free." you say. "and i'm kinda proud of myself. i mean at some point it was really hard like it's never gonna end."
aemond is proud of you. so proud, he can still remember how his posture got straighter the moment you finally graduated. he is the person who has been with you all the time when you were studying, when you were crying because of your papers, when you were finding out about your grades and celebrating them. now, it's all over. you finished another important part of your life and he is one of the main characters. such a nice feeling, he thinks.
"i totally remember that point." he smirks. he does remember the time of your final week during your last semester at uni. it's safe to say he won't let you forget it either. it was a hectic week, you don't remember you ever studied harder in your life. one night, you were literally talking about your lecture notes in your sleep and aemond had the pleasure of learning your class.
"it happened once, aemond." you roll your eyes. "i can't control what i do when i sleep."
he changes your positions to be on top. he kisses your nose, your cheeks. he feels delightful tonight, you cup his cheeks to start a kiss that plays with his heartbeat. he brings his finger to your chin, tilts your head back for a deeper angle. you are both very tired but aemond thinks he can kiss you for an eternity. it makes him feel like he's the lead of one of those cheesy romcoms but he can't help himself.
"do you think it's gonna be okay?" you ask him, breaking the kiss. he knows you are nervous about what to do with your life now, university was hard but it had consistency. your every day was planned, routines were safe. right now, you need to build yourself a new life, it's a new chapter. beginnings are always scary.
"of course it's gonna be okay." he says, playing with your hair. "no matter what you decide to do, i'll be here."
"i think i'm afraid of stucking into a thing i'll hate and then never being able to change it."
he smiles, your pout has always been this cute. "trust me, sweetheart, you can change it. if you ever feel like you're stuck into something, i promise i'll help you with the change you want."
your pout turns into a smile. there she is, his brilliant girl. he kisses the corner of your lips fondly.
"i'm so proud of you." he says before kissing your forehead.
"thank you." your eyes are shining, you kiss him as a way of telling how much his words mean to you.
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
hii iris!! being one of my fav writers, i was wondering if it would be okay to please request you write something halloween related between Satoru and reader while they're in a lowkey relationship and instructors at jujutsu tech? maybe he drags reader and the students on some night of shenanigans? up to u, i just love how u write and i feel you'd kill this hehe
thank u so much! have an awesome day!
life's no fun without a good scare
summary: you have the brilliant idea of playing hide and seek in a corn maze against the most powerful sorcerer in the world. should be fun, right?
wc: 2.6k
cw/tags: fluff and crack and crack and fluff, established relationship, swearing (a lot of it, you'll see why lol), mentions of eating, angst if you squint, co-parenting megumi AND his friends!!
note: AAAA hi!! thank you so much for the love omg :')) i hope you like this, i definitely enjoyed writing it even though i did get a tad carried away lol. GOD this was so fun to write, thank you for suggesting it
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3 thank you for your support!!
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“I’m going to eat so much candy, I’ll throw up.”
“What’re those tubs over there?”
“They’re for waterboarding Itadori,” Megumi deadpans without hesitation, clearly misrepresenting the apple bobbing game just ahead. You state his name warningly, like he was six years old again, and he mutters a half-hearted apology under his breath. “Maybe we switch out the victim for our esteemed teacher, instead.” You cover a snort with an unsuccessful cough. Even though you’d practically raised him, his jabs at Satoru never lost their humor. 
“Your suggestion will be taken into careful consideration,” you say, “though it will become more of a possibility if he continues to run on Satoru-time.” Nobara hums in agreement, kicking a stray piece of hay with her toe while you continue to progress through the general admission line to the pumpkin patch. Your fashionably-late boyfriend had sent you a very cryptic text at noon, instructing you to “pack up the kids and take them to the following address.” When you replied with a chain of question marks, he sent an infuriatingly unserious GIF that had you pinching the bridge of your nose.
“What time did he tell you?”
“5:00.” You check your phone preemptively, already anticipating the followup question. 
“And what time is it now?”
“5:20,” you sigh, sliding your card across the shelf of the ticket booth and receiving four orange wristbands in return. After slipping them onto the wrists of your three unofficial children, Itadori and Nobara immediately disappear into the crowd; Megumi, however, stays plastered to your shoulder and makes his distaste for the bustling festival known. You scan nearby groups of people for a tall idiot with white hair with no luck. If Satoru still showed up, he would have to pay for admission himself. “Let’s grab a table and find me a bottle of soju–”
“Barely twenty minutes and you’re already drinking? Since when did Shoko replace my lovely partner?” Satoru’s sing-song voice calls out from behind you, like he’d been standing with you the entire time. Despite your attempts to remain irritated at him, you can’t resist when he turns you around, lacing his fingers with yours and pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. “Hi, gorgeous. What took you so long?”
“I assumed you were running late, like you always do,” you argue futilely, the world melting away when you catch his eyes over the rims of his sunglasses. “Is this not too overwhelming for you? Having so many energy signatures in one place?”
“I’ll be fine,” he assures you with a confident wave of his hand. “After all, I have your energy to ground me.” Your legs start to feel a bit gelatinous when you hear a very obvious throat clearing itself and suddenly remember that Megumi is still standing there. “Shouldn’t you be on the playground or something, my dear student?”
“Shouldn’t you be on the playground or something, my questionable teacher?” You burst out laughing and your boyfriend’s jaw drops in indignance, gearing up to say something just as childish. On instinct, you cover his mouth with your hand, recoiling in disgust when his tongue darts out to lick your palm. “Gross. I’m gonna find my friends.” 
“Don’t do anything dumb!” The boy waves his hand dismissively and you roll your eyes. In a different universe where he actually was the child of you and Satoru, he had his father’s sass gene. 
“He’s used to this by now, isn’t he?” Satoru chuckles and it reverberates against your body, making your head spin in lovesick circles.
“I’d imagine so, seeing as we did raise him like this,” you answer, letting him start to guide you toward whatever stand interests him first, his arm draped over your shoulders. “Do you think Yuuji and Nobara have figured it out?”
“If Megs hasn’t told them, then definitely not,” he states with utmost certainty, looking over one of the games with all the concentration of a hunting tiger. In the middle of the stall was a large pool of water, and swirling around in it were small, colorful bowls in the shape of blooming flowers. The goal, you guessed, was to land a small ball in a certain color and get a corresponding prize from the lineup hanging overhead. It was truly an enticing array of stuffed animals, too, from wolves and monkeys to dinosaurs and little princess dolls. “Which one do you want?”
“Hmm? What do you mean?” 
“Choose a prize and I’ll get it for you, guaranteed.” 
“Guaranteed? You do know these are designed to scam you, right?”
“And I am designed to do whatever you want, so take your pick.” After a moment of consideration, you point to a stuffie of a black cat wearing a pumpkin costume. “Cute choice.”
“It reminds me of Megs.” He laughs and pulls his arm back, stretching his neck from side to side and handing a few dollars to the game attendant. It was all for show and completely unnecessary, and he knew that; he also knew that his over-the-top shenanigans always made you laugh after a stressful week. Whether you knew it or not, he’d noticed you were increasingly overwhelmed by all the work from the previous days, specifically regarding training his students while he was off on an assignment. Along with completing your own missions, you were supervising the three first years and guiding them through boring paperwork, which he knew made you feel like shit. It’s why he suggested you go to the festival in the first place, to get your mind off of work and spend time with you. And, he’d be damned if he didn’t get you that fuzzy little cat on his first try. 
“Watch the master at work, sweetheart,” is the last thing he says before carefully tossing the first of three balls toward the only purple bowl in the pool. He’s the tiniest bit off, though, and he curses under his breath as it ricochets against the edge and into the water. “That was a practice shot.”
“Sure, baby, sure,” you giggle, stifling your amusement into a fist. His tongue peeks out the side of his mouth in absentminded focus and you’re sure he’s found the perfect arc when the voice of one of his students cheers from behind you. 
“You’ve got this!” Despite their well wishes, Yuuji and Nobara accidentally timed their cheers at the precise moment his fingers let go of the ball, messing up his aim even worse than the first time. They deflate in embarrassment and Megumi’s face turns red from trying not to laugh. The usual deadly aura radiating off of him increases tenfold and it makes you shiver despite the warm autumn air. “T-Third time’s the charm, sir!”
“Fucking hell, why do I even bother–”
“Satoru, that’s cheating,” you whisper, sensing him imbuing the tiniest amount of Cursed Energy into the last ball to easily manipulate its trajectory. “I can just buy the thing online; you don’t need to be doing all of this.”
“I can buy you anything online, but I also want to prove that I’m better than everyone else,” he mutters much too seriously than the situation required. “Plus, once I win that damn cat, it’ll have a nice story to go behind it.” 
“Your ego truly knows no bounds.”
“You know you love it.”
A minute later, you’re walking away from the game with the fuzzy cat in your arms and Satoru’s arrogant smirk by your side. The rest of the night is spent watching him drag his students into various inflatable obstacle courses and tumbling down the slide after they push him over the edge. In spite of all the excitement, you have to drag them to a picnic table to sit and eat; even then, the three students challenge their teacher to a funnel cake eating contest. To no one’s surprise, Yuuji wins by a landslide. 
Satoru pays for everything, of course. When someone wanders over to a game booth, he pays for their game every single time and continues to pay until they win a prize. By the end of the night, all five of you have at least one prize in your possession and Satoru’s bank account is barely affected. 
Before the fair closes, you propose a game of hide and seek in the gigantic corn maze. You and the three students would get a five minute head start, and then Satoru would enter and race to find you before you reached the other side. The first years’ eyes shine with excitement when you tell them they can use techniques as long as they don’t make a mess. You consider throwing a veil over the entire thing, just to make sure Megumi’s dogs don’t start any rumors of hellhounds in the area. 
“If the kids can use theirs, then you’re not allowed to use your technique,” Satoru concludes and you make a noise of indignation while you gameplan by the entrance of the maze. “Don’t start with me; that’s totally fair!”
“I don’t understand how that’s fair in any way,” you argue up at his ridiculously confident smirk. You wanted to slap him and make out with him at the same time, none of which would have been appropriate in present company. 
“You make portals, sweetheart. If we’re making the maze a no-fly zone and I run into one of your doorways, I’m gonna be in there for the rest of time.”
“I’ll just make simple doors!” 
“The last time you said that, I was stuck on a mountain for three hours,” he reminds you and you huff in defeat, completely forgetting the three pairs of eyes watching this entire conversation. Sweetheart? Since when did he call anyone sweetheart? Nobara and Yuuji knew that you both were friends from high school, but the bickering seemed suspiciously akin to that of an old married couple. They glance at their spiky haired friend for confirmation of their theories, but he avoids their gaze and continues munching on pumpkin spice popcorn. “Alright, five minutes on the clock. Don’t let me catch you,” he smiles wickedly and you all but shove the three students into the maze. 
In a blink, Megumi summons his dogs and sends them to look for the exit. As you sprint down straightaways, Nobara intermittently sticks a few nails into the walls, essentially creating security sensors that will trigger if Satoru passes by it. It also helps establish what paths you’ve already explored and where you need to go next. In what feels like seconds, five minutes is gone and your heart drops as you see a black veil descend over the maze. The atmosphere of the maze feels electric, like wind before a storm, and you nervously laugh and urge the students to move faster. 
“So, are we ever going to talk about you and Gojo?” 
“That’s what you’re focused on right now?” You shoot back in amusement and Nobara shrugs, sending another nail into the corn with a strike of her hammer. “I don’t think this is the proper place to have this conversation!”
“So, are you two actually dating? Megumi won’t say anything, but he’s a terrible liar when we ask if he knows something!”
“I think the latter shooting ominous strikes of lightning into the air is a more pressing issue!”
“Lightning strikes which, I’ll add, are increasingly getting closer!” Yuuji’s voice rises to a panicked yelp and you curse in disbelief as your group slams into another dead end, giggling from sheer fear and swatting the students to find another way. All the while, blasts of pure Cursed Energy fly upward like fireworks, illuminating the field in terrifying shades of blue and red. “Any status on the nails?”
“He just passed the third one closest to us,” Nobara reports, face slowly losing color as the most powerful sorcerer in the world hunts you down. “You can’t send Nue to stall him?”
“You think a bird is going to stop Gojo Satoru?” 
“Well, your damn dogs haven’t come back yet and we’re running out of options–” The back-and-forth is cut short by a faint howl coming from the back right corner of the maze, just a few hundred yards away. One of the dogs appears from the floor, hooking a sharp right turn that has you four stumbling to catch up to it. The howls continue, as do the strikes of lightning, while you follow the dog to what you assume is the exit. “The nails haven’t picked up his energy signature in a while,” Nobara informs you in slight relief while the howling grows closer with every step. Yuuji’s mouth breaks into a victorious grin, but you and Megumi aren’t convinced. 
“Does that mean we lost him? Or did he get lost?” 
“Something doesn’t feel right,” you mutter low enough for only Megumi to hear and he nods in agreement. “I don’t feel him anywhere.” 
“That cracking behind us is just the corn, right?” Yuuji’s voice becomes uncertain and the static in the air only becomes more palpable. You’re so close to the exit and you can tell he’s getting nearer, but something in your gut tells you that you can beat him. But, Nobara’s realization makes your blood run cold. 
“Wait, I don’t sense any of my nails anymore–” 
“Found you.”
Your throats rip a collectively brutal screech as Satoru’s voice seems to come from directly behind you, and you glance backward to only see a pair of knife-sharp blue eyes staring through the black corridor of the maze. Colorful curses of fear babble from the mouths of the students and you slam your feet even harder into the ground as you sprint for the exit. The bright lights of the pumpkin sign were in sight; you just had to make it a little farther. 
“Elephant, elephant, elephant!” Yuuji’s suggestion comes out as incoherent yelps and he tries to fire off black flashes to no avail. Megumi looks at him like he’d grown four new limbs. 
“Summon the fucking elephant, Fushiguro!” A nail rockets away behind you only to be immediately sent back, embedding itself in the husk by your feet. 
“I hate to break it to you, but the elephant isn’t going to do anything when–”
“When I’m already right behind you,” he whispers directly into your ear and you scream as his footsteps line up with yours and his arms snake under your legs, lifting you off the ground like you weighed no more than a cotton ball. He disappears with you into darkness, firing off a single precise attack that cuts the lights of the entire exit so that the path is pitch black. Somehow, you end up outside of the maze while the three students continue to panic inside and he gently sets you on your feet. His menacing aura disappears in a blink and he nuzzles his nose into your neck, his arms holding you close by your waist. “I found you,” he says with a smile. 
“You did. I know you always do, eventually.”
“Mhmm. Did you have fun?”
“Honestly, that was the most terrifying experience of my entire existence,” you laugh, threading your fingers into his hair and tugging him even closer. He chuckles warmly, ironically just as quiet as the fearful bickering of your students in the maze. You barely feel any sweat on his forehead against your shoulder and you can’t even imagine how messy you looked after running for your life. “I look like shit, don’t I?”
“You’ve never looked prettier,” he murmurs, pulling away briefly to press a kiss to your cheek. “We should probably go grab the kids.” You hum absentmindedly, vaguely making out the voices of Megumi and Yuuji trying to figure out which way to go. 
“Stay here a little longer. Let them think you’ve taken me away to your scary vampire lair, or something.”
“As you wish, sweetheart. I'll be your scary vampire anytime.”
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Pairings: George Weasley x Fem! reader Summary: George reads the letters he wrote about you to himself throughout Hogwarts Warnings: mention of have a b0ner, boobs, tears, hinting to masturbation, the use of Y/n is used a few times, I'm sorry
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George bent down on the floor of his bedroom, he looked beneath to bed and pulled out a box that had been left untouched since he and Fred opened up the shop before the war
he sat down and leaned against the side of his bed, opening the box and pulling out the book
he sighed before opening it, turning to the front page, the first day he met you
1 september 1989
Dear diary
it's the first of september, meaning it's the day Me and Fred go to Hogwarts.
Me and Fred couldn't find an empty compartment to sit at, and there was no way we were going to sit with Percy, or Charlie- as his was already full
but we Found one with a boy in our year, Lee. he's cool, he let us sit with us and gave us some candy- which made mine and Fred's nose bleed. I didn't think anybody other than me and Fred would care about jokes and pranks, but i guess I was wrong, cause Lee does too!
the train started moving and we waved to our parents. i think it was about five minutes later when i saw a girl walk past, still holding her bags and stuff, she looked lost
I opened the door and let her inside
she smiled and sat with us, she wasn't that interested in pranks, but she laughed at the stories we told her.
Her name is Y/n, and I have a feeling she's going to stick around for a while.
George smiled and turned to the next page, a year and a bit later.
December 12, 1990
Christmas is coming up soon and our friends are doing a muggle thing Lee told us about- secret santa
not all our friends wanted to do it, but the main ones like Y/n, Angelina, Alicia, then it's me, Fred and Lee, so there's six of us, even
I got Y/n, I still don't know what to get her, there was no money limit or anything like that, but I just don't want to get something too cheap- but that's probably all I can afford
she's a good friend and after the first day of first year, she's stayed by our sides, no one else let her in to sit with on the train but we did, so she stayed
I'm glad she did, she's funny. and as much as she says she hates doing it- she helps me and Fred with pranks a lot, mostly because she's smarter than us
I wonder if she got me for secret santa, the odds of that would be really low, but it's not impossible, i would accept anything she would give me with a smile
George had gotten you some candy from Honeydukes- and you, infact did not get him, instead you had Fred, to which you gave him a bunch of products from Zonko's
George flipped to the next page as he heard noise coming from outside, dinner was probably coming soon and George would have to hurry before he was caught reading these
November 28, 1991
My third year at Hogwarts started a few months ago, the Famous Harry Potter started his first year
my younger brother Ron is his Friend, along with a strange girl, Hermione?
her and Y/n gets along pretty well, i think they go to the library together
speaking of Y/n, we've gotten closer, she would have to be my best friend- other than Fred. Lee is up there but he's been spending quite a bit of time with Alicia, I think there's something going on there, but i don't really know
Y/n decided to try out for the Quidditch team, due to mine and Fred's encouragement, she's really good, she should've been on the team last year, she's a chaser, and she's brilliant!
she's got the latest broom and it goes wicked fast, sometimes in training, we'll just race each other, she always wins though, mostly because I let her but who cares, it's worth it when i see the big smile on her face when she rubs it in
Fred started to tease me about it, saying i'm being soft.
I'm just being nice
October 13, 1992
fourth year started last month, school is getting a bit harder.
Fred Invited Y/n over in the holidays, she stayed at our house for about a week, I was a bit nervous that she would be overwhelmed by our family but she fit in great, Mum loved her and said she should come over for breaks from now on.
so she'll be coming over for christmas this december.
she stayed in Ginny's room, although she snuck into our room to mess around with jokes before she'd actually go to bed, I think mum knew that we did that because she glared at us when we would come down for breakfast the next mornings, she wouldn't say anything, just put her hands on her hips when we yawned
she's really cool, she's really pretty too, i don't think i've ever noticed it before, but she is, and Fred doesn't mind telling her that.
I think he fancies her because they always giggle to themselves
I don't know why but I would always get this pit in my stomach every time I saw them alone together.
He talks about her to me before going to sleep in our dorms, it's starting to piss me off, it was getting annoying because I just want to go to sleep and he'd start talking about something funny she said to him that day and he'd just laugh
i cover my eyes with my pillow every time to try and block him out, though it never really works
George laughed at that entry, looking back on it now, he should've known what the feeling meant
September 5, 1993
we got back from Holidays a few days ago, Y/n couldn't come over because she went over to Italy with her family
she had gotten boobs and the tight low cut shirt she wore to the train station really left little to the imagination, I know I sound weird and like a pervert, I shouldn't think this way about my best friend
but I can barely make eye contact with her anymore without my eyes lowering to her chest.
she's stunning and everything about her makes my heart flutter now.
she also had a slight tan and her hair was longer, she's always playing with it and I can't help the way my mind begins to wonder when i stare at her
she's making my body feel different, the way she bites her lip when concentrating, the way her eyes flutter when she looks up at me to talk
she's using lip gloss too, one that makes her lips look really kissable
I hate to admit it but i sat next to her in class yesterday and my dick decided it was a good time to get a boner, as painful as it was, all i could do was push it down.
she had noticed my uncomfortable state and in her sweet, innocent voice she asked if i was alright
"you ok there, Georgie?" she giggled
I could only nod my head.
and as horrible as it was, later that night, when laying in my bed, I couldn't help but ease the pain to the thought of her.
September 20, 1993
I fancy her, I've completely and utterly fallen in love with her,
it sounds like its just because her body has changed but it's so much more than that
she is kind and funny and sarcastic. and beautiful, like HOT.
too bad she has a boyfriend now, he doesn't deserve her and he wouldn't treat her half as good as I would if I were hers
Fred found out, turns out he never fancied her, but he just cares for her, as friends.
Fred thinks I should tell her, but I can't and I never will
Update- she broke up with him!
George laughed at the update at the end, which was 2 months later and flipped to the next page
December 6, 1994
McGonagall told us about the Yule ball today, a dance
my eyes were fixated on Y/n as she sat down laughing with Angelina across the room as I stood with Fred
Fred told me he liked Angelina a few weeks ago and I'm sure he'll ask her to the ball
Ron got called on to demonstrate the dance and she whistled at him, making him glare at her, to which she laughed
when the class was dismissed, Y/n came up to us and started joking around
I couldn't help but notice the way she has the top buttons of her shirt undone, and her tie a bit loose
it was getting rather chilly and she wasn't even wearing a jumper
I asked her if she was cold and she shook her head with a smile
"I like the cold, George, you should know that" she giggled, nudging me
she was rather short compared to me, the top of her just barely met my shoulder so she always looks up when talking to me
I've also noticed she likes to roll her skirt up, so merlin forbid she bends down to pick something up.
she's also gotten a bit more touchy, not just with me but with the rest of our friend group
her hugs would only happen coming back from breaks and holidays but now she'll hug you almost everyday in the mornings
her hugs have always been nice, but the way I can practically feel her boobs pressing up against me makes it all the better.
December 18, 1994
most people I know already have dates to the ball, Fred had asked Angelina to the ball within the first few days of hearing about it
Y/n has been asked a few times but she's politely declined every one
Fred keeps pressuring me to ask her already and I strictly telling him no, she'd reject me like every other guy whos asked her, and then it would make it weird.
We're also doing another secret santa this year, I got Alicia
Alicia is...nice? she just has a really big flirting problem, and that's not with everyone, just me
she asked me to the Ball a few days ago, and as much as I didn't want to go alone, I still said no
She's not really my type, and as much as i try to make her stop flirting with me, she just keeps doing it, I speak for all of our friend group when I say it's annoying, and I know that because they've all said it
it's nothing against her, but it's just weird
and Y/n doesn't mind talking about it, making jokes and stuff
the only person i have ever felt something for has been Y/n, and I don't want it to be anybody else
George remembers that week like it was all yesterday.
George was sat on the Gryffindor couch, your head in his lap as you told him about your day
"but anyway, why haven't you asked anybody to the ball!?" you sat up, sitting on your knees next to him
"I- I don't know, why haven't you said yes to anybody?" George questioned
"I don't like any of them, barely friends with most of them" you shrugged
"w- well do you? like anybody?" George stuttered
George noticed the small blush rising to your cheeks
"uh- not really" you smiled sheepishly "you?"
George's heartbeat quickened as he grew nervous
does he tell her?
"not really" he responded, copying your words
"you should go with Alicia" you nudged him shoulder, making him roll his eyes
"merlin" he cursed under his breath as you giggled
"only kidding of course..unless you actually want to?" you frowned
"if i wanted to go with her I would've said yes"
you smiled
"it's getting pretty late, i'm going to head to bed" you yawned
George nodded his head
"alright, goodnight"
"night, Georgie" you kissed his cheek before getting up and going to the dormitories
George stared off at the fire as the kiss lingered on his cheek, making his skin feel funny, a good funny
a few days later, Fred pushed George into asking you
"just go talk to her, this is probably your only chance!" Fred whispered before shoving George into you
you stumbled forward and almost bumped into Angie, who had to pause her sentence
you looked back and saw George
"sorry" he apologised
you grinned and gave him a hug "it's fine!"
Angelina saw Fred look at her from behind and walked over to him, leaving you with George
you stared up at George to see what he wanted but he only looked back at you nervously
"is there something you wanted, George?" you chuckled
"I want a date to the ball" he sighs, finally saying it, knowing that Fred would kick his ass if he didn't
"I'm sure Alicia will take you" you smirked
George licked his lips and thought of what to say
"no- no ok um...do you want to go with me? no! I would love if you would accompany me- wait ok. I really want you to go with me to the ball...I- I uh-"
December 20, 1994
I asked her to the ball, after what feels like forever being in love with her, I asked her
Fred pushed me into doing it
so I did, I sounded like a complete fool and I wish I could've said it better, word it so I didn't sound so stupid
maybe if I did that, she would've said yes
better yet- I had also admitted that I loved her, that I have for a long time. I had gotten so nervous that I outed myself
she just stood there in surprise before I ran off in complete and utter embarrassment
December 25, 1994
I went with her, it turns out that she was going to say yes but I ran away before she could've said anything
she told me she loved me too, and she made me the happiest man in all of Hogwarts
it was the Ball a few hours ago, you should've seen her, she was stunning- a type of stunning that when you see her, you can't say anything out of shock on how beautiful she is (which I did)
I can't describe the feeling I get when I'm with her- or see her, but it's overwhelming
i feel faint now every time I see her
she told me she would go with me the day after I had asked her in that stupid way. that was when she told me she loved me
she actually loves me.
I don't know how I can manage to make her love me but I'm grateful- and cautious
what if I mess up?
but that doesn't matter, we're not together
Update: jan 5- I asked her out, she said Yes!
February 19, 1996
Valentines day was 5 days ago, Y/n was obviously my Valentine and we had a great day, I took her to that tea shop in Hogsmeade she's been talking about for a while, if was very...pink and not the type of romantic that I like.
but she enjoyed it so I loved it.
we've been dating for a little over a year and it's great, I am absolutely in love with her and I think she is too
she's mad at me right now though
Today, at Quidditch, I beat up Draco Malfoy for bad mouthing, making Umbridge ban Me, Harry and Fred from the team, which is total bullshit!
anyway, I didn't get badly injured, Malfoy can't punch for the life of him
I only got a cut on my lip but Y/n yelled at me when walking back to the castle
I told her I don't really care I got kicked off but she still told me off, she's cute when she's mad
and I can't be mad at her for worrying about me, especially when she said I looked hot when beating Malfoy up
she let that slip from her mouth and hit my arm when I laughed at her
Merlin I love her, and I never want that to change, so just so you know. you are an idiot if you EVER LEAVE HER.
Fred and I are finalising our plan on leaving Hogwarts to start the shop up
Y/n knows about it, I've reassured her that we'll see each other, but I'm still worried she'll break up with me so I can focus on the shop
but right now I have to make it up to her for getting in a fight so.
April 21, 1996
she told me she wants to break up, she said it wasn't because of us, but because she wants to focus on our futures
I refused, it's the day before me and Fred leave.
I don't want to leave her, it feels like I only just got her and screw anyone who will try to take her away.
I told her I didn't want that and then it turned into a fight
she said she only wants what's best for us, but she is the best for me, and I will try to be the best for her
she left my dorm and I don't know where she went, but I want to see her, to tell her it will work.
I knew this was going to happen, but i didn't want it to.
Update- I found her and I begged her to stay with me, I told her that she should come live with me and Fred when she graduates and she didn't know what to say, she said she'll think about it
June 26, 1996
she moved in with us, she decided to stay with me and live with me, all her things are here now and she's in the bathroom right now, going through it and putting things in there, I couldn't be more happy.
I have the girl of my dreams to wake up beside me and go to sleep in my arms, forever
"George! dinner!" He heard Fred yell out before the door opened
"George..." he heard Fred sigh sadly
George felt the tears start to prickle in his eyes as he thought of you and how much he loved you
"I told her not to go...why didn't she listen?" George asked as his tears met the page from a few years prior, before the war
the same war that took you away from him
Fred walked into the room and sat next to his twin
"come on, I told you not to find this" Fred said, taking the book away.
it's been a while! i'm sorryyyyy
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Fake it Till you Make It | Part 13
“Buckley residence”
“Melissa, my second favourite Buckley! Hi, it’s Steve, is Robin there?”
“Oh Steve! Yes, yes one moment, I’ll just—weren’t you on holiday with your parents aaaand—?” he’d been calling Eddie his ‘partner’ for the week leading up to the big holiday. Never dropping any names, but given he’d found a sort of second home at the Buckleys… they were relentless in finding out who he was dating.
Since it’d never be Robin.
He wasn’t falling for it, no matter how deep they’d been into flower power back in the day. If he came out, Robin would end up coming out in solidarity and he knew she wasn’t ready yet so—“Yep, calling from Chicago airport, bit of a time sensitive call” he wasn’t giving it up.
“Oop, I’ll grab her—” there was a scuffle on the line then a quick “ROBIN, STEVE’S ON THE PHONE” another quick scuffle later and suddenly
“Aren’t you supposed to be on a plane right now, Dingus?”
“I’m in Chicago! Just checkin in on my baaaaaby, how’s my little bun today? Any morning sickness yet?”
“Mom get off the phone!!”
“Hahaha I’m kidding Melissa! Can I talk to Robbie alone though?”
“Unbelievable, you kids are turning me grey.”
“You’re as beautiful as ever though!” The other line clicked off, and Robin’s snickering laughter was all that remained. “One day she’s gonna stay on just to call my bluff.”
“But that is not today, again, aren’t you supposed to be on a plane? What’s up?”
“…Okay so, hypothetically, if you were fake dating someone you… I dunno… maybe, sorta… click really well with, can laugh with, and maybe sorta like a little, would you—”
“Steven Leopold Harrington do you have a crush on your boyfriend?”
“Fake, fake boyfriend, Robbie, fake. And that isn’t my middle name.”
“You’re not DENYING it! It's not even been a DAY yet, Steve!”
“No, I’m not—well… I’d call it more an interest than a crush, but that’s why I’m calling you, what would you do?”
“Pine uselessly for years, you know this.”
“Got it, pine uselessly” He could do that. He was doing that already, sort of. He’d watched in squinty eyed rage while a newsstand cashier with a nose ring flirted with his fake boyfriend while he grabbed a drink to down during the wait between flights. It didn’t go anywhere, Eddie barely even noticed, but Steve noticed. Steve noticed everything. “You really should ask Vi—”
“NO. Listen Steve, as the kids would say, you have found an ‘ultimate cheat code’ to asking your crush out, listen closely now, don’t want you to miss it… you’re already dating him!”
“It’s fake though!” Luckily his parents were off showing Eddie a cool mural they found last time they flew through. No chance of them hearing him.
“So?! Just act like it’s real! It’s like a test, you have a week to see if you’re actually growing ooey gooeys for this guy, and at the end of it, you’ll know if you wanna keep him.” Brilliant in theory but one small hiccup
“What if he doesn’t want me at the end of the week?” The fact that he hadn’t had a solid date in forever before the scheme looming over his head and heart like a dark cloud of suffering.
“I will eat my own shoe. Trust me dingus, trust me. He’ll want you, just work that mysterious Harrington Charm I’ve heard so much about. You’re already half-way there, you get to kiss him already.”
“…Okay, it’s gotta be the real stinker shoe though, you know the one.”
“The skunk one?!”
“Yep. The skunk one.”
“But we were gonna use that on—” Kevin, they were gonna hide it in Kevin’s office after he refused every holiday request Robin put in for a month after she, very politely, shot him and his advances down, why they still had it was… a mystery. They kept forgetting to get rid of it. “Fine, the skunk one. I will eat the skunk shoe, that is how confident I am that Eddie will want you, now please go and spend time with your way cooler than you boyfriend before your parents turn him into a normie.”
“Miss you already.”
“Miss you more”
“Miss you most.”
“Hang up.”
“No you han—” she hung up, and Steve couldn’t help but laugh about it knowing that undoubtedly. She’d be laughing on her end too.
The second flight was much easier to get Eddie onto. In fact, after they spent the hour between flights milling around the terminal, Eddie led him down the gangway, hand in hand, demanding he hurry up or “they’ll leave without us, my precious little harlot!!” there was no rush, they were actually first in line at the gate in front of his own parents, whom Eddie beat to the front of the queue, dragging Steve with him, still ribbing him for the mile high club thing.
He was not going to live that down any time soon.
The flight, in theory would give him a lot of time to think though. Nine hours. In seats that were too far apart. His parents in the middle of the cabin in a semi-enclosed pod-like structure comprised of two seats and a desk between them which they both shared to work on some paperwork, and he and Eddie on opposite sides of the plane.
Which sucked. Because he couldn’t hold Eddie’s hand.
He couldn’t make sure Eddie was okay, and that alone really dug into his time to think about things, because his brain was quite stuck on the fact that Eddie was alone on the other side of the cabin likely going through it as the second flight excitement could only last so long, and that just wasn’t okay.
Eddie couldn’t even do anything to pass the time, he’d packed all but one of his notebooks in his checked luggage, Steve was pretty damn sure he'd go insane if he had to just sit there with nothing to do for a whole nine hours.
So, they teamed up. From opposite sides of the cabin, because somehow Eddie just understood what Steve wanted him to do without having to be told.
It took them a joint effort all of one hour into the flight to puppy-dog eye his parents into switching seats with them.
This allowed them to pick at each other’s ‘gourmet’ meals, Eddie stealing several of his steak fries, and Steve stealing both the last bite of his steak, and two of his orange slices, it allowed Eddie to ramble on about the D&D campaign he was plotting to send the kids through when they got back, allowed Steve to subtly plant the idea into Eddie's mind that maybe... maybe he might be interested in seeing what that looked like.
Maybe they could hold the first session at his place when his parents went away again. Plenty of room! He could watch for once, instead of ribbing Dustin for it and purposefully never getting the name of the game right.
All leading to them both settling in their reclining seats, wrapped up in blankets, facing each other's smiling faces, and falling into an incredibly easy food-coma slumber for the remainder of their flight.
Both wishing the seats were just... a little closer.
Part 15
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umbramoons · 5 months
A Happy Ending
A/N: I absolutely adored the ending we got for the Bad Batch, except for one thing. I just wished that Tech could have grown old on Pabu just like the rest of his family. And so, for everyone suffering from similar emotions, I whipped up a short little something. I hope you enjoy!
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The stars were shining brightly, and it was a beautiful night on Pabu. For the first time in what felt like weeks, Tech allowed himself to set his datapad aside and enjoy the sight. Down on the beach, he stared up at the pinpricks of light, wondering which one of those distant worlds Omega would visit first.
Omega, a rebel pilot. Tech would feel proud if he wasn’t so concerned. He knew that she was more than capable of taking care of herself; he and his brothers had made sure of that. But he couldn’t just ignore the risks of such an endeavor. And she was his sister. Such emotions were to be expected.
A warm presence settled against him on the sand, and Tech lifted an arm in a familiar gesture to let Phee rest against his side. He sighed as her head rested on his shoulder, basking in the comfort of the touch he had grown to love. “She’s gone?”
“She’s gone.”
They both sat there in silence for a long moment. The breeze picked up slightly, and Tech shifted to pull Phee just a bit closer. “Is it… normal to feel this much worry?”
Phee chuckled quietly, clearly finding his distress endearing. “Don’t stress so much. Omega’s turned into one of the best pilots I’ve seen in a while. She’ll be fine.” She bumped her elbow against his side. “I hear she had a brilliant teacher.”
Tech huffed warmly, a sound of amusement and satisfaction. “It’s true, she did.”
There was genuine laughter as Phee leaned away from him, scrunching up her nose in affectionate disapproval. “All these years, and you’re still hanging on to that ego?”
“Well, why not?” Tech leaned in and touched his nose to hers with a smile. “You’re still holding on to that beauty.”
Phee shook her head with yet another laugh and raised a hand to gently trace the faint grey stubble adorning Tech’s cheeks. “One of us has to, brown eyes.”
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writingmysanity · 11 months
Commit to the Bit (1)
Pairing: Sanji x Baker!Reader
Word Count:
TW: ummmm nothing really, perhaps slightly creepy man.
A/N: Not beta'd... well, not fully. dying on this hill lol thank you @stray-kaz and @sordidmusings for listening to me ramble about this and helping me find some direction with it, considering I sat down to write with "baker" and a vibe. You're amazing.
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Early mornings were always your favorite. 
The gentle risings paired with the lingering silence in the streets as you wander towards the building resting in center square. Though silent, you're not alone. Wandering shadows linger in groups as the various vendors trickle into the square to begin their daily set up just as the sun begins to kiss the horizon. 
Your family has long since owned many of the buildings in the square. Before the last revolution on the island, your grandparents ruled it with an iron fist. You have since taken over the duties, your grandparents being some of the few taken in the onslaught, your father left with permanent injuries that keep him from working any longer. 
You often feel as if these things should trouble you, the knowledge of what happened. The passing shadows flickering in your peripheral should bring you some sort of unease, even as one darts towards you as you turn the key to your shop. Instead, you turn towards the small body, quickly accompanied by that of his mother, a smile hiding the exhaustion on your face as they call your name. 
“Yes?” stopping abruptly before you, Peter moves to shove a small sack into your hands, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He is excited, firm in the knowledge that he is often treated to a fresh pastry from your ovens if he behaves. His mother pauses behind him, hand resting on his shoulder as she attempts to hide her unease.
“Our rent,” she states softly. You nod, but she continues. “I understand it is two days late…” she sounds winded, panicked. “I will earn the rest today, I swear.” Slowly, your smile slides from your face as you shove the door open, motioning to the young boy to hurry in. 
“You know where you may go,” you state softly. He takes off like a bullet into the darkness, easily able to navigate the layout by now. You wait until he is out of earshot before you turn back to the woman before you, softening. 
“You owe me no more,” you assure her. She moves to dispute it, but you raise a hand, the glistening light of the dawn making the whole world around you dusty, hazy. “No late fees, no worries.” you assure her. It has only been a year, and still the fear seems to have settled firmly in the hearts of those around you. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she forces a kind smile on her son as he comes barreling back out of the shop, arms full of loaves of bread. 
“Peter,” she warns, gently. “That is too much. You are allowed a snack.” Again, you wave her off. 
“They were going to be fed to the birds anyhow.” you assure her. “Day-old bread doesn't sell as well.” she pauses before nodding. 
“Thank you”
Watching as they wander away, you can't help but sigh. Golden rays filter over the open sea, casting the island in brilliant hues of pinks and purples as it chases away the last of the shadows. Steadily, more bodies clamber into the square, limbs clumsy with sleep. The ever lingering scent of salt mixing with the warmth of fresh bread coming from inside the shop. 
Taking a deep breath, you swing around, heading into the building with a smile. 
“Angie!” you call with laughter in your tone as the short red head appears before you. She smiles brightly at you, her normal lopsided smile fading with sleep, her face and hands covered in various spots of flour. 
“You’re late,” she accuses, scrunching her nose to chide at you playfully. Shrugging slightly, you smile apologetically, nodding at the door. 
“Sorry,” you start with a hum, lifting the bag that Peter had shoved into your hands. “I got stopped.” she just nods with a laugh. 
“I saw,” she hums. “Little thing scared me, I thought another dog got in.” 
“Nope, just Peter.” you muse as you go to put the berry away. “Though, I can't say there is much difference.” you both laugh when you catch a glimpse of the cabinet you keep stocked with your day-old goods.
He didn't clear it out, you notice, softening. Angie follows your eyes, smiling softly. 
“I still don't know why you dont sell those.” she hums. “They won't earn as much, but more than giving them away for free.” you shrug, settling on the floor, looking at the remnants as you try to plan what lunches you can make with what is left. 
“We make enough, Ang,” you say softly. “And there are people who go hungry. The island is still healing.” 
She doesn't push. She knows of your guilt, even if there is nothing for you personally to feel guilty of. Your family has done a lot of damage, and she can't find fault in you wanting to fix as much of it as you can. 
“They are doing well,” she assures you, hand resting on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. “Now if you don't mind,” she grins, winking down at you. “My shift is over. I would love to get some sleep.” laughing softly at her, you nod. 
“You've helped me so much, I appreciate you.” you say softly, standing to see her off. She just nods, wiping her hands to rid herself of as much of the white gloop as possible, heading towards the door. 
“Yeah, yeah,” she calls. “Love you, too. There is a new batch in the oven, don't forget them. I'll beat you if you ruin my work!” she states as the door slides shut behind her. Huffing a laugh, you start loading the fresh pastries and breads into the displays’ as the sun lifts higher in the sky. It won't be long until the market is filled with locals and guests alike. Pirates and marines looking to stock their ships and merchants trying to sell their wares to the locals. 
By the time you finish stocking the first of the pastries, the door dings as it swings open. The distant hum of life swarming the market makes you smile as you rise to greet your first customer. Jeff, your biggest regular, and an unfortunate thorn in your side, strolls in with a large grin. You can't help the slight twinge to your smile, threatening to twist into a scowl. 
“Jeff!” you call as evenly as you're able. “You’re early.” 
His laughter echoes strangely in the small area as he settles into “his” spot next to the window, shifting to rest his heels on the opposite chair as he leans back. Far too used to getting his will, either by throwing money at it or with sweetened words dripping with honey, you have found the man incapable of accepting your favorite two lettered word. His ways may get him places with those of the odd house wife who married much too young in fear of being alone, but you can't help but feel sick when he turns his charms on you. Still, you could do worse, as far as your father is concerned. He is hoping to settle you into a life of luxury, free of having to work yourself to the bone. 
You'd rather work yourself to death than allow him to rest a ring on your hand, though. 
A prize, you realized long ago, is all he views you as. You own land, and by marriage, it would become his own. 
“I couldn't wait to see you again,” he coos, his whole body seeming to lean into his wink as your false smile tugs down at the corners. “I've been gone, haven't you missed me?” he calls loudly. As if you couldn't hear a whisper or the drop of a pin. His boisterous voice makes you cringe. Sighing, you prepare him his regular – a strawberry tartlet and a cup of coffee. 
“I miss the peace.” you grouch to yourself, back turned to him. Even turned away, you can feel his eyes on you, raking down your form. 
You don't have to check to know that the exact amount is already waiting for you on the table top, resting in neat piles. Setting his order before him, you go to pull away to grab the money when his fingers slide over your palm to grab your wrist. Clenching your teeth, you bite back your knee jerk reaction to slap him. 
“When are you going to let me put a ring on that pretty finger, hm?” he asks, leaning forward, his hooded eyes in resemblance of what he believes to be a sultry look. Just as you're about to open your mouth to respond with your sentiments – over your dead body – the door dings again. Immediately, you take the opportunity to pull your hand from his grasp, turning to send the newest patron a relieved smile. 
“Hello,” you call, almost a little too cheerful. “Welcome in.” 
You watch in amusement as three bodies all try to enter at the same time, shoulders getting stuck in the frame. There is a bicker and a whine before one of them pulls back to allow the other two to stumble in unceremoniously. 
“What was that for, stupid cook?” The taller, green-haired man snaps at the blond who had stepped back, his hand wrapped into the back of the third man's shirt, keeping him from trying to lunge forward at the array of goodies before him. 
“We couldn't all fit through the door, Mosshead.” The blond states as if it should be obvious. It should be, you felt, but their bickering brings a smile to your face as you place yourself behind the counter again. And far away from Jeff. 
They look ready to continue to bicker, so you call out to them again, hoping to catch their attention. “How can I help you today?” they all pause, looking towards you and your expectant look. You smile as the woman that had been forced behind their shenanigans pushes her way through, coming to stand before you. 
“Your pastries are fresh?” you nod, motioning to them. 
“Made not even an hour ago,” you promise. Three of the other four come to join her at the counter, looking over the variety of pastries, breads and other baked goods you have come to offer. The green haired man stares intently, only moving when the smaller brunette beside him nudges him to the side. 
It doesn't take much to recognize them, their faces lie plastered on every bulletin on every island across the seas at this point. Luffy and his signature hat being the biggest tip off, shortly followed by the famed demon hunter shifting his swords at his side to keep from hitting the display. You appreciate the gesture. 
You've never been in the habit of turning pirates in, not unless necessary. They bring more revenue in than the entirety of the marine fleets that seemed to stay docked in port. 
“See anything you'd like?” you offer after what seemed like several minutes of silence. Out of habit, your eyes trail up to keep tabs on the other body lingering back. You may not make a habit of turning them in, but you know the lot. Oftentimes they are entirely too focused on their own gain and what they can get away with when they think you aren't paying attention. 
You almost expect his eyes to be lingering along your wares or the walls, seeing what they think they can steal without being caught. What you certainly didn't expect was for his eyes to be plastered to your face, a bashful, boyish look to him as he seems to try and shrink back and away from your gaze. Blinking, you feel the warmth of your flush touch your ears as your attention is brought back to Luffy as he nearly salivates over the counter, his eyes locked on the pastries. 
“Can I get one of everything?” he asks excitedly. Your eyes flick back to the blond man still hovering back from the others as you nod, moving to start pulling everything out. 
“Of course,” you say kindly, quietly cheering your ability to keep your voice even. “What about the rest of you?” Their voices ring out as they quickly order before their captain is able to try and swipe the remaining food. Once their orders are pulled, wrapped and packaged, you stand straight, cringing at the twinge that pinches your lower back in retaliation for staying bent over for too long. 
“Anything for your friend?” you ask quietly, nodding to Sanji. Breaking from whatever spell he seemed to be under, he strides forward. Nami stares at him oddly when his voice comes out entirely too soft. 
“Is there anything you recommend?” He asks slowly, eyes flickering back from you to the food before him. “Anything, of course, that my dear captain has not yet swiped.” He amends, earning a laugh from you, emboldening him. "As long as it is as sweet as you" His words start out strong, but taper off shyly when his eyes catch yours. You can almost see how he is kicking himself, the confused pinch in his brow and how he sends Nami a glare when he catches her curious look. 
“My special, coming right up.” you hum, trying to dismiss the flickering gazes of the two in silent conversation. His eyes linger longer, trailing along your skin. You hand each of them their orders, huffing in amusement when Zoro takes Luffy’s order without a word. Last in line is Sanji, his hesitation evident as he reaches out to take the neatly wrapped package from you. 
“Thank you,” he smiles, the warmth of it making you squirm slightly. It’s entirely too genuine for a pirate, you decide. Instead of shying away from it, you smile back, unable to help the warmth pooling on your cheeks. 
“You'll come tell me what you think of it?” you request, shuffling on your feet, mentally kicking yourself. Evidently, all it takes is a shy look and a pretty smile and you're suddenly unable to keep your composure. He pauses at the door, sending you another smile. 
“Nothing would bring me more joy.” 
It's not until you look around, reveling in the silence that their departure left, that you realize that the shop is empty. Jeff is nowhere to be seen, his coffee half gone and his tartlet untouched. Huffing, you shift around the counter to clean up his mess, deciding to give the tart to Peter when he comes to visit at lunch time. 
The rest of your day, and even the better part of the next is quiet. Patrons coming in and out, the gentle push and pull of business as per usual, marines and pirates alike. Being nothing more than a simple seller of wares, many merchants and marines ignore your presence and often talk freely. 
It seems pirates are the only ones who can recognize a person with any semblance of power – though they seem to understand your unspoken rules. The biggest being, don't cause a ruckus and there won't be any trouble. 
Instead, they sit simply and enjoy their food with relatively boring conversation in comparison to their marine counterparts who openly speak about the bounties they are looking for. Perhaps they are hoping some young maiden will sweep up with large eyes and tell them where their bounty is hiding, begging them to capture them to keep her safe. Perhaps they are just loud. Either way, you didn't like their newest conversation. 
The strawhat crew. 
As with every time you hear whispers, you send your favorite errand boy to collect the wanted posters. Peter is more than happy to help, racing around the island to tear down the posters while sneaking past the marines. 
They may be famous, and they may be memorable, but you refuse to help them be reminded of who they are looking for. 
Panting, Peter returns, thrusting the posters into your hands with a grin. You grin down at him, offering him his favorite tartlet, watching his eyes widen in excitement, though it seems much more mild than usual. His mother will appreciate his energy being spent tonight when she locks up. 
“Your payment,” you coo, ruffling his hair gently, earning a happy sigh. You pretend not to notice the stares of several of your patrons eyeing the pile of posters in your hands. In silence, one person from each table is waved out the doors, as slowly and inconspicuously as possible, to check the bulletin boards. 
Rule number two – if your poster disappears, so should you. 
It isn't two hours later that the distant echo of shouts reaches your door. Frowning, you lean out to see what's going on. Did another pirate try his luck against the marines?
Steadily, the shouts get louder, joined in by the various vendors cursing at the lanky body weaving through their stalls in effort to keep ahead of the slew of marines hot on his trail. Another leap and dodge through the vendor two stalls down and you finally get a good look at the pirate in question – Sanji. 
Successfully slowing the marines, he skips half a step to gulp down some air before he is yoinked into your shop by his collar. 
Immediately, he is on the defensive, yanking back from you. You let him, glowering up at him. Seeing that it's you, he relaxes some, eyes flickering back towards the door. 
“As much as i'd love to give your pastry the glowing review it deserves,” he pants. “I'm a tad busy at the moment.” rolling your eyes, you grab the arm of his jacket, tugging him to the kitchen. 
“Make yourself look busy,” you hiss. “Quickly.” he freezes, but only for a moment, as he all but throws his jacket off, quickly tying the apron you shove his way. As he finishes, the door dings. Freezing, you both stare at one another for a moment before you force a smile to your face, reaching up to mess up his perfect hair, motioning to the flour, hoping he'd get the idea before you swing out of the kitchen to greet your guests. 
“Hello,” you sing. “Welcome in.” 
Standing before you is the same slew of Marines, huffing and puffing. Their hair and uniforms are obviously askew, tugged and pulled from placement in their chase. You can't help but muse at the fact that while they looked a mess, you had to forcibly change the pirate's looks to make him look as haggard as these men look just from chasing him. 
“How can I help you?” 
“Have you seen this man?” The man in front shoves the poster in your face, his tone less inquisitive, more accusatory. Narrowing your eyes at him, you yank the poster from his grip, pretending to get a good look at it. Truly, you can say you haven't seen this man. The artistry of the image before you is laughable at best. They made his face wider, pudgy and his hair stringy and closer to that of the straw your neighbor feeds his hogs. The nose was completely off, much too narrow and flat. 
It seems the only thing about the poster that can even be considered “correct” is the name. 
“No, sir.” you state honestly, shrugging before making a show of trying to hand him the poster back. He doesn't take it, so you just set it down before you on the counter. He eyes you suspiciously motioning to two other marines to his right. 
“Then you wouldn't oppose us searching the premises?” he asks, a sickly sweet smile twisting his features. “To ensure that he hasn't… snuck in here without your knowledge.” Without waiting for your okay, the two marines immediately make for the kitchen. Huffing, you glare at the man who fancies himself in power. 
Before you're able to say anything, or even really move, Sanji comes through the kitchen door pretending to be none the wiser. The apron is properly dirtied, as if he has been trying, and failing, to bake all day. His long bangs are tied back, the tufts on the top of his head reminding you of a pineapple. His face is covered in flour, nose scrunched up as he walks in head down seeming to mutter to himself.
“Why can't I get this – excuse me… oh, I'm sorry” he pauses, reeling at the scene before him, eyes going comically wide as he hugs the bowl and whisk in his hands to his chest. “Am I interrupting?” he asks slowly, frowning. You shake your head slightly, offering him a weak smile. 
“No, it seems that the world government has just made it their goal to harass us today, is all.” He snorts, rolling his eyes as the marines all seem to zero in on him.
“I thought you said you haven't seen the man, miss” The leader snarls. Curiously, Sanji looks down at the wanted poster, his whole face scrunching up. 
“You couldn't possibly mistake… that… for me.” The distaste, the pure unfiltered dejection rolls off of him before offense kicks in. The marines are not amused, but you are, your laughter bubbling up. The sound brings a slight smile to his lips, forcing a pout. 
“This is my newest apprentice,” You start, motioning to Sanji with a smile.
“That is obviously a pirate.” he states again, your glare falling to him as he forces out the pleasantries that are expected of him. “Ma'am..” 
“He is no such thing,” you roll your eyes, looking rather unimpressed. They turn back to Sanji who is just watching them all with a raised brow. 
“What is your name, son?” you’re expecting something common, something easy to fake, but perhaps a strong background. You weren't expecting –
“Rudy,” he states with the utmost clarity, not even pausing for a moment to consider the possibilities. The men before you seemed equally as thrown back, perhaps expecting him to waffle for a moment longer in an attempt to catch him in his lie. 
“Rudy?” the marine repeats back to him, slowly, eyebrows furrowing. Sanji just nods, giving a noncommittal one armed shrug, making sure to not allow the bowl to tip over. 
“It's a family name.” 
Before they can try to wiggle themselves any further, you place your hands on the counter, smiling widely at them. “Now, gentlemen, if you have no further business here, you are invited to go harass those who deserve it.” Several of them go to open their mouths to speak up, but close them when your gaze falls to them, daring them to do so. 
After several moments of awkward silence, the Marines quietly file out of the door, each offering a mild apology as they duck through it. Waiting until the last of them have left, you march to the door and lock it – nevermind it is still mid-afternoon. With a degree of finality, you flip the open sign before turning back to the tall blond standing behind the display as he finally sets the bowl down onto the counter top.
“Uh,” he starts, clearing his throat. “Thank you.” He can't seem to meet your gaze. If he had, he would see the amusement dancing in your eyes. 
“No problem… Rudy.” you jest. He groans pushing the awful wanted poster away from him, watching it as it flutters and flips to the floor. 
“It was the first name that popped in my head,” he defends. “Short notice.” His cheeks flush when you giggle, starting towards him with renewed confidence. Stopping just short of him, you press yourself up onto your tiptoes to run your fingertips over the tufts of hair jutting out from his head. 
Night falls surprisingly quickly once you open your doors back up to continue accepting orders. Sanji stays in the kitchen, keeping up the facade of being your newest apprentice as the Marines continue to hover around, lying in wait for him to try and make a break for it.
He doesn't. 
Eventually, they retire for the night. This allows for the darkness that's settled over the town to act as a cover, swallowing the hurried shadows as they file into your little bakery through the back door. Angie is less than enthused to be sharing the space while she continues to busy herself with her job.
“You’re kidding,” Nami tries to sound scandalized but her amusement shines through, earning a glare from the cook before her. Sanji is still wearing the apron you had given him, caked in flour and frosting, though his hair was no longer tied back. Despite his attempts to clean up, he still looked a mess. Usopp and Luffy stare at you and Sanji as you rest against the wall beside the door. 
“We still need a few more days for repairs, Sanji.” the orange haired girl sighs heavily, flopping into the chair she had dragged in from the dining area. “And you go and catch the attention of Marines. Great. Fantastic.” This earns a defensive look from the tall blond beside you. “I expect this from Luffy or Zoro.” She continues, her hands jut out at the men in question sitting before her. 
Luffy does well to look sheepish at the accusation – probably because it's a true statement. The boy can't seem to stay under the radar to save his life. Zoro on the other hand looks so exceptionally bored with the conversation that he could actually be nodding off.
Scratch that. 
He is nodding off. 
“Well,” you start slowly. “I may be able to buy you that time.” You offer, earning a clear resounding chorus of confused sounds and wary looks from the rest of the crew, minus Zoro, and a nervous look from the cook. Angie pauses in her kneading, watching you in curiosity. It isn't often you break your own rules. Rule five, don't fraternize with pirates. Get the job done and walk away. 
Shooting Sanji an apologetic look, you push on, ignoring the amusement in your friends eyes.
“The marines are stupid, but they are consistent in it.” Nami snorts, nodding. “Well, this afternoon was a close one. We were able to convince them that Sanji was not the man they were looking for. We can keep up the story, keep to the bit, and it should allow you to finish your repairs and restock…” 
“What do you need?” Luffy asks, leaning forward curiously. You shrug, jutting your finger at the man beside you. 
“Just your cook,” you state calmly. 
“What’s in it for you?” Usopp asks with a frown. 
“I just hate the smug bastards.” You grouch quietly, earning a snort from Angie where she is busying herself at the overs, muttering to herself. That’s an understatement. You try not to glare at the back of her head.
“Dare I ask, what is the con?” Nami asks, bringing your attention back to her as she stands up, moving to settle before the disheveled cook. He frowns, crossing his arms to mimic her own with a scrunch of his nose. 
“Guys,” you hum, tugging on Sanji’s sleeve, catching him a bit off balance in his stare down with the navigator. “Meet my new apprentice.” 
“So,” a huff comes from the back of the room. “The cooks’ been demoted?” Zoro’s voice rings out in the silence that surrounds the crew, clear amusement lacing every word. Immediately, Sanji moves to jump after the swordsman, growling. 
“Shut it, Mosshead.” 
Angie snickers to herself, sliding past the ragtag group to continue her duties. Pausing before Sanji, she offers him a pat on the arm, her hands dusted with flour only adding to the several layers already thickening his once nice shirt, mirth dancing in her eyes. 
“Welcome to the team, Newbie.”
no pressure tag list: @stray-kaz @sordidmusings @gingernut1314 @fanaticsnail @rainbowpitofdoom
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joocomics · 9 months
make my wish come true (18+)
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from ─ ⋆ dinna’s holiday special *ੈ✩
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pairings: jiseok x fem!reader
genre: smut wc: 5k
summary: tying up your boyfriend was the first thing on your christmas wish list, but it turned out to be more difficult than you thought
contains: dom!reader but nothing hardcore, brat tamer!reader, sensory deprivation, bondage & blindfold (m!rec), dirty talk, pet names, marking, overstimulation (m!rec), oral sex (m!rec), edging kink (m!rec), unprotected sex, creampie, light degradation kink (m!rec), praise kink
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It’s the late morning of December 27th.
You’re laying in bed, pretending to read a book one of your colleagues got you for Christmas and listen to Jiseok’s footsteps around the apartment.
After doing his usual shower routine he decides to do the laundry that’s been piling up. He takes lazy steps dressed only in a pair of gray sweatpants. They hang loosely around his waist, tempting you to look up from the book you’re reading every time he walks pass the open door to your shared bedroom. You get a small quick glimpse of his half naked silhouette, but it’s enough to tease your imagination.
While waiting for him to return you lose more bits of your patience, as your ultimate christmas wish is still yet to be fulfilled. Are you being silly? You even put on a special cute outfit and makeup for the occasion, that as more minutes pass by, begin to feel a little too much.
After half an hour Jiseok appears in the bedroom finding you still laying on the bed against the multiple cushions. As he gets closer his expression becomes suspicious.
“Are you going out?”
“No, why?” You ask nonchalantly, gliding your bare feet on the sheets, aiming for a seductive action that’s not too obvious.
It seems to work, because Jiseok’s eyes begin to scan your body slowly and more carefully. The red color of your lips was about to put him in trance if it wasn’t for your revealing pajama set to catch his attention. It consists of tiny shorts that are clinging to your intimate parts, exposing the sides of your ass cheeks every time you move side to side, and a flimsy cropped top.
His eyes are taking literal bites from you, but he still doesn’t bring up what you want to hear. Did he forget?
“You did your makeup even though we’re staying home today, that’s all.” He shrugs his shoulders before crashing on the bed. “You look so pretty, baby.”
“Yeah, because I have an occasion.” You look for a way to give hints.
Jiseok runs his palm over your leg, as he rests on one side. His dark hair is still slightly wet, and a few strands are falling into his eyes.
“What is it?” He glances at you questionably, pushing fingers between your plush thighs. The tempting color on your lips pulls him in though, and he crawls up on top of you, propping himself up with two hands. “Damn, you’re one beautiful doll.”
The tip of his nose brushes yours as he leans for a kiss that you did not allow.
“You’re not ruining the makeup I just spent an hour on,” you say, gripping his jaw.
“Fine, I’ll just kiss you elsewhere.” He scoffs at your comment, but doesn’t move an inch away from you.
You take a deep breath, as your hands attach to his fit stomach, feeling its warmth from the shower. Satisfaction flutters inside you from the way his abs instantly tense.
The nice scent coming from his skin stimulates your senses, making you humm in pleasure while placing your mouth close to his ear.
“You promised to let me tie you up.”
“Oh, did I?” He exclaims in a fake surprise. “Cause I‘m pretty sure that you asked me to tie you up…”
“Stop messing around!”
“I’m not, you know my memory is brilliant. Why would I forget about something like that?
“You’re such a baby.” You attempt to shove him away, but his arms are locked on both sides of your body. “Just admit you’re scared that you’re gonna like it too much.”
Jiseok laughs straight away at your assumption. He breaks the eye contact by glancing at the wall in front of him, which means you succeeded at pushing his buttons.
“Nah, sweetheart, I just know you’re gonna give up the first five minutes begging me to fuck you.” He smirks, looking down at you again. “You know how good I make you feel, it’d be a waste of time.”
“That’s my Christmas wish, Jiseok! You promised.” You flutter at him with curled eyelashes, and you can see parts of him melting.
“Fine,” he sighs, pecking your cheek and falls on his back. “I’m curious to see what tricks you have under your sleeve.”
You watch him sprawl out on the mattress with his legs spread apart as if he’s making a snow angel. He stares at your shorts clinging to your butt, as you get off the bed, and immediately a part of him wants to take his words back.
“Tsk, get up.”
Jiseok lifts his head up when you come back, looking questionably at the chair you brought with yourself.
“You’re sitting here.” You state, putting the chair down in the middle of the room.
“On the chair? Why?”
“Because we fuck on the bed all the time, I want something new.”
“Wow…” Taken aback from the way you prepared for this, Jiseok stands up at the sight of the ropes in your hands. “You’re gonna turn out to be a lot dirtier than I expected you to be, doll.”
He doesn’t wait for you to tell him. He takes off his sweats and sits down. Even though he wasn’t really fond of the idea to get tied up for a long time now he finds himself getting excited. It’s entertaining to watch your attempts to boss him around.
“What other dirty fantasies are you hiding from me?” He smirks, smacking your ass as you walk behind him.
You guide his arms behind the chair making sure to use some force as a signal to not act so cocky.
“Hey,” he blurts out through a giggle. “Gentle, please. I need those.”
“To answer your question…“ You breathe in his ear, sending shivers down his spine. “I have many.”
“Are you serious?” He tries to take a peek at you.
“Don’t move,” you scold him, having a hard time tying his wrists.
“What are they?”
“I can’t come up with just one right now.” You grin when he lets out an irritated sigh. “Is it too tight?”
“No, it’s good.” He tests out the knot by pulling his hands.
When you walk around the chair to face him the view is so captivating. His half-hard on twitches in front of you, as you step closer.
“Come on, just one,” he whines, tilting his head to the side. “Tell me the first one that comes to mind.”
You already have a few fantasies on your mind, but seeing how his pleading eyes are getting darker while skimming down your body, you decide to take your time with answering.
You rest your hands on the back of the chair. Your top instantly opens on your neckline from the movement, revealing your bare breasts straight into Jiseok’s face. It’s so obvious he’s trying his best not to look inside. It’s what you want after all and he wants to tease you by not giving it to you right away.
Jiseok breathes in deeply, focusing his gaze on your face that’s just as appetising to him as your body.
“Do I turn you on, princess?” He breaks the silence, but you dismiss his flirtatious smile.
“I want to make a sex tape with you.” You lift one leg, separating his thighs. “So I can watch how you fuck me when you’re away.”
Jiseok’s lips release a surprised sound after he feels your knee pressing his soft ballsack.
“Will you let me film as you take it from behind? I want close ups of your ass, baby.”
His words send an instant rush into your veins, but you manage to sound composed.
“If you’re being a good boy today, why not?”
You move your hand down his chest, as your knee presses a little harder against his balls, taking the smirk off his face, then bring it up to find his neck. You melt hearing him humm after you wrap your fingers around his throat and finally kiss him passionately.
Jiseok’s plump lips deepen the act in seconds catching you off guard. You try to keep up with how quickly they move, making room to slide tongue only for it to dominate yours. He moans in your mouth, not stopping for a second, as spit begins to pour from both of you.
When you pull back gasping for air, you catch him smirking.
“You okay, doll? You look dizzy.”
With one strong swipe along his bottom lip you smudge the red stain from your lipstick. Your tongue clicks at his smug attitude.
“Close that naughty mouth, you brat, or I will put tape over it.”
You force him to look you in the eye, when you push his head back by pulling strands of his hair.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so mean…” He grunts in response. “I like it.”
You swallow the urge to smile at his reactions, and drop slowly on the ground to face his cock. It has shifted into a full erection.
Jiseok’s mouth opens from anticipation, but quickly shuts when your fingertips move from his thighs to his abdomen instead.
You watch his teeth bite on his lip, as you warm his shaft with your breathing. You’re so close you can lick his base if you just slightly drag out the tip of your tongue.
But you don’t.
“Have I told you how much I love your abs?” You coax, scratching his muscles.
“Just one million times in the last two days.”
He chuckles at your irritated reaction, but when you pinch his nipple hard, he quickly clenches his jaw.
“Baby, if you just wanna talk we can do it with my arms not tied to a chair you know.”
“I know, but now I’m in charge so I decide how these things will go.”
You take his erection in one hand, eyeing the glistening shreds of pre-cum, sliding down his length.
“You look turned on to me, baby. Are you enjoying being tied up?” You follow your question with slow tugs up and down.
“Fuckk, finally.” He groans in a hoarse voice, before speaking further. “I enjoy watching you get horny from me being tied up.”
Your fingers stop at the tip, as you gaze at the playful sparkles in his eyes. You slowly spread the sticky release all over his flushed head only to mix it nicely with your drop of spit.
Jiseok sighs, throwing his head back from the feel of your hand twisting around him, making him wetter and hard as a rock. Warm sensations build in his core, as he keeps on talking lifting his head up.
“How many times have you touched yourself to the thought of this, huh? Shit, I can only imagine how sexy you looked—“
Talking to you always gets him faster to his peak, so you drop his cock mid sentence.
His eyes bulge out from panick, as he curses under his breath. He doesn’t have time to react properly at the underwhelming way the pleasure fades when he sees you removing your top.
“Ahh, shit, baby, no..” He shakes his head, looking away.
“What is it?” You ask in an innocent voice. “I’ll be more comfortable if my clothes don’t get in the way.”
You lean your head against his thigh, running a finger up his twitching cock as if it’s the most fragile thing.
“So sensitive it’s cute.” You coo, forming a circle on that little vulnerable spot of his tip that drives him crazy.
“F-fuck, I don’t think I can do this.” He pules weakly, not losing sight of your finger going into your mouth to clean it from his essence.
“But we just started.” You say in a calm manner, before placing a kiss on the flesh of his inner thigh. You enjoy the possessive scarlet mark of your lipstick, the contrast against his skin arouses you.
“I know, baby, I know it’s just…” He speaks out loudmouthedly, but your lips moving higher up his body inevitably slow down his voice. “How am I supposed to just stay here when you’re naked in front of m-me… and… I can’t touch you? That’s so annoying, f-fuck.”
You continue with more red stains, as you listen to him getting more and more worked up under your mouth. His figure from relaxed becomes tense in a matter of seconds the more you pepper him with hungry kisses. Only his chest is moving up furiously, as you include your tongue, the brushing of your hardened nipples cover him with goosebumps, that add more to the pressure of his erection.
You don’t miss the opportunity to take one of his nipples between your teeth before sucking on the skin behind his earlobe. The sound of his hitched breathing while you create your bruises get you soaked.
“I’m not naked, I left my shorts on.”
That’s even worse, he thinks, but remains silent.
You lost count of how many times Jiseok has fucked you in different pairs of shorts since you’re together. The small sheer pieces of fabric you sleep in are one of the things that instantly cause him to grow a tent under the bedsheets.
“Although… they start to stick to my pussy a little,” you mumble, deciding to get rid of them too. “Wanna know why?”
Jiseok gulps when you lower yourself on his left thigh. His heart starts pounding when your naked hips begin to roll against him, letting the wetness from your folds coat his flesh.
“Why are you suddenly quiet, baby?”
The soft fabric of your pajama short caresses his skin, as you move them up and down his chest.
“Jesus, you’re driving me crazy,” he groans, watching you speed up your motions. “You’re so fucking wet, doll. You need me.”
He attaches his mouth to your shoulder, kissing your skin. The gentle sucking turns into a muffled growl when you joggle your shorts to tickle his erection.
“Right now I think you need me more,” you provoke him in order to hear him beg, but it’s more difficult to achieve than you expected.
“Ugh, baby…” he howls, as you shake the clothing marked from a visible wet patch in front of his face like a piece of candy. “Why are you playing me like that?” He tries to catch the shorts with his teeth, but you pull them away in time.
You haven’t stopped moving back and forth on his thigh, not trying to hide your soft moans at all, as your clit becomes highly stimulated.
Jiseok blinks up, admiring your face that’s contorted in pleasure, as you’re chasing quicker friction.
“Wanna taste you so bad.” He glances at the direction of your hand that holds the messy panties. Every time the fabric touches his skin he gets a rush as if it’s a cube of ice which makes his bones tremble. He tilts his chin up when you lift them close in his face, and already tries to get a sniff from them.
“Say please,” you demand.
Jiseok smirks, knowing this was coming.
“Please.” He states, not able to hold back a giggle in his throat.
“Not good enough.”
“Babyyy, come on..” He stomps on the floor with his feet. “Gimme a taste, pleasee.” His eyes concentrate on the piece of clothing drifting away only to drop on his cock.
He finds the flesh of your arm again - since he cannot use his hands he feels the desperate need to use his mouth in any way he possibly can. He does everything in his control to keep it cool when you grab on his girth through the fabric, then tug on it slowly.
“Holy shit, baby…” he groans, teeth digging into your skin. That definitely left a mark. “Free me and I’ll treat that pussy like it’s my last meal.” His eyes are hooded from lust and desperation, as the pool of arousal you leave on his leg is the only thing he can think about in that moment.
“We can both cum much quickly if you just listen, baby boy.” You explain, stroking his length in an irritating pace. “You run your mouth too much.”
Your fingers put more pressure around it, forcing him to pant for more. The friction against the wrapped fabric heats his vulnerable skin while you continue pumping.
“I’ll do better, princess.”
You felt a sudden jolt when his figure lurches up from the chair.
“I-I’ll.. fuck, faster, please…”
He bucks up his hips desperately needing a quicker pace from already being so close. The warm thrill overwhelms his core, and his brows draw together, as he focuses on the building rush.
“If I let you cum will you be a good boy for me, darling?”
“Y-Yesyesyes, I’m so fuckin’ hard, baby, I need t-to, p-please… make me… need to c-cum.”
As you concentrate on fisting him through your shorts, you cannot find a way, neither a reason to stop your hips from moving back and forth. For the first time he’s the one begging, and you can literally taste the sound of it on your tongue, sweet like honey, completely enough to get you off.
His body convulses under you, causing his voice to break during his incoherent babbling. The sight of his facial expressions becoming so much softer while his hot cum drench your shorts, turns you on to the point you hit your peak just seconds afterwards.
“Holy shit..” Jiseok looks at his lap, as his climax tones down. “This felt amazing.”
You stagger to your feet, kneeling again.
Bewildered, Jiseok’s brows draw together at you reapplying your red lipstick before uncovering his cock. The yearning look you give the mess he made of it makes him ache from the need to place his hands on your body.
“W-wait, what—” he stutters, balking at your tongue swiping his dirty length. His face scrunches up from your small kitten-like licks, picking up his cum. When you take it in your hand to close your scarlet lips around it, he wishes he could shrink away. “N-no, baby, don’t… stop it, ffuck—” The ragged sound, coming deep from the back of his throat melt away when you pull back, leaving his cock wet and clean. You mark the lower part of his shaft with a red kiss, before glancing up questionably at him.
“What did you say?” You raise a brow at him, cleaning the corner of your mouth.
“It hurts, doll,” he gazes up after you stand on your feet. “Give me a break first.”
As you go to your nighstand, searching for something, Jiseok finds your stained pajama shorts on the floor.
“Wanna put those dirty panties on and give me a spin, gorgeous?”
He’s still amused from his idea when you stand back in front of him, but his face stiffens when he spots the blindfold in your hand.
“Too bad you won’t see it.”
“Is it necessary?” he asks with a pout.
“It is, you lack some manners.”
“Thanks for disciplining me, baby.” Jiseok smirks. The gratitude sounds more like a threat. You could only imagine what he’d do to you after he gets off that chair.
Jiseok’s blood pressure goes up, not able to pinpoint in the darkness what you’re up to at all.
When he senses your warm breaths between his thighs he almost winces from his seat, as the feeling now comes to him so much stronger. His fingers form painful fists when he feels your soft lips wrapping around him - too soon, and too suddenly. You take him all the way, causing him to release a long deep wail.
“Jesus, p-please… don’t—” his legs shake around you, as his overstimulated tip hits the back of your throat. “T-too much… god—” His voice suddenly fades from the new wave of delight that begins to form while you bob your head up and down his erection, not leaving a single spot of flesh exposed. “Sooo hungry for my cock, aren’t you, doll? F-fuck gonna make me cum again..”
Your warm tongue twirls around him, saliva coats his abdomen and stiff balls, as you keep on sucking, trying not to mind his comments too much. However, they keep irritate you while also get you wet at the same time. How does he always manage to be so collected and demanding? Just when you thought you made him softer he overpowers you again.
You blink up at the marks on his exposed neck, watching his emphasised adam apple moving every time he swallows. Since he could not see or touch a thing, you make sure to produce variety of lewd, slurping, gagging noises that would help him visualise everything that’s happening. Even though half his face is covered you could notice he’s focusing on his hearing.
The quick, sloppy sucks of yours quickly leave Jiseok speechless. The burning thrill becomes three times more intense and takes over him so much quicker, that he ends up feeling like a dog in heat. It’s true what they say, about the rest of your senses feeling so much stronger when one of them is restricted.
He keeps his head tilted back, as his moans elevate towards the ceiling, leading you to think he’s close. They don’t sound heavy like earlier. They fly out of his mouth more high pitched in multiple fragile ahs and ohs.
That’s when your lips suck on his warm salty tip one last time before spitting out. The moment you pull back, Jiseok jerks his hips up, but ends up humping nothing.
“S-sshit, baby, what happened?” He yammers, panting. “Why did you stop? Whyy?!”
“Because…” You run your palms over his thighs, watching his bright red tip. “You will cum when I tell you to.”
“But I gotta cum now, babyy…” Jiseok mewls, thrusting hips up again over nothing. “I’m so fuckin’ close, your mouth got me hard as fuck.. don’t do this to me..”
While he whines your hand unintentionally goes between your legs, rubbing circles the second it got in contact with your clit. You didn’t realise how wet you are until your fingers instantly glide between your lips, getting all sticky.
“Baby?? You there?”
You humm in response, sliding fingers inside you. The moisture dripping from you is so much you didn’t need to do a lot for him to catch on.
“Are you seriously touching yourself?” He gasps in disbelief.
“I want to cum too, baby.” You begin to pump three fingers in and out of you, filling the room with wet squelching sounds.
“Goddamn it princess, don’t do that…” He tries unsuccessfully to dismiss your moans, that cause him to think of his own orgasm.
“Shut up,” you spit out, surprising even your own self, and grabbing his cock.
The sudden action causes him to hiss through gritted teeth. His lips turn into a smirk afterwards that follows by a husky groan when you begin to pump him in a relentless speed.
“Do you even deserve to cum? You’ve been acting like a brat since the minute you sat down on this chair.”
“A-ah, shit, shit, s-shit…” Jiseok furrows his brows, as he becomes shaky from your fist literally slamming down, smacking his body. “U-ugh, so’ close—“ His sentence fades, leaving only guttural sounds, coming from his dry throat.
“You can’t tell me what to do when I’m pulling the strings, baby, you hear me?”
You resume tugging harder, as you wait for Jiseok’s hanging mouth to make up an answer, but you realise he’s went almost completely silent.
“Answer me,” your fist freezes at his base, and Jiseok bursts, crying out.
The weight of his body falls forward, but only slightly because of the restraints. It takes some time for his desperate whimpers to whittle down, but you don’t let go of his cock. You hold to it tight, watching the leaky head twitch, as he struggles to regain his composure from having his second orgasm taken away.
“Maybe I should just leave you to hump the air like a total loser.”
Despite the comments, he’s still finding it hard to acknowledge the fact he’s not the one giving orders, so you give his cock a slap.
“F-ffuck, damn it, okay..” he grits his teeth again with frustration, which calls for another smack. “Baby, I hear you.. I-I do, I d-do.” He chokes on his words from defeat.
“I don’t like your tone.” You joggle his cock with a firm grasp.
“I’ll be good, p-promise. I promise. You just drive me nuts baby, can’t help it, s-sorry…”
The sudden vulnerability in him makes your heart skip a beat. His breathing still hasn’t calmed down yet, and he stumbles around his words, but that doesn’t mean each one of them doesn’t act like a fuel to your arousal.
“Come on, use me.” He calls to you quetly with such desire for a second it sounds like pleading.
You rub your thighs together, holding onto him as you listen to his erotically weakened state.
“Smack my cock as many times as you want, please. It’s yours.”
His words work like a charm, and you quickly get up, straddling his lap.
Jiseok humms in pleasure, as he feels your gentle arms around his shoulders, and instantly gets stunned when you take a seat on his poor erection. The need to release as soon as possible occupies every part of his foggy mind, and his lips form a pout before his jaw drops from your body practicing its first moves up and down.
“I know you’re trying hard to be good, so I will give you a little treat, darling.” You coo at him.
Jiseok grins, aimlessly looking left and right.
“I’ll take anything you give me, baby.”
He breathes out a soft whimper when you touch the back of his head, guiding his mouth to your breast.
“Here,” you say through a deep sigh, as you fill up all the way to your sweet spot, and it feels overwhelmingly good. “Suck to feel better.”
Jiseok’s tongue instantly makes a long stripe over your nipple, before drawing it into his mouth with his plump lips. The moaning you hear along with the noise coming from him sucking on your boob eagerly, causes you to tug on his hair from delight.
“Good boy,” you mewl, beginning to roll your hips in circles, as you slightly lift up from his length at the same time, before dropping all the way down. You admire every bit of his thickness and length, while exploring the size that’s stretching you out. After you get used to it, you start to ride him freely, and in a much quicker pace.
Jiseok cannot help, but get whimpery from the softness of your flesh, and the sweet thrill it awakes in him. Just now at this moment, as he flicks on your perked nipple with the tip of his tongue, before giving it a smooch, he realises how desperate he was to feel you; even if it’s just a small part of your body.
You pull him away by the hair, but he tugs on your nipple with teeth, like a puppy not wanting to let go of their bone.
He got just a small taste of you, but it was enough to get him drunk.
“See? You can be obedient too, baby.” You pinch his puffy bottom lip, just when he begins to hiss from the burning rush in his core. “Not a bratty loser anymore.”
“N-ngh, I want to—” he throws his head back, which instantly causes your fingers to wrap around his throat. “F-fuck, yeah, fuck me hard, baby. Use me, as you wish I’m all yours.”
“Are you?” Your free palm drops down his chest, nicely coloured from fresh bruises and red lipstick. His abs tense, as he releases needy pants one after another, that signal he’s getting closer.
“Y-yesyes, yes-s, fuck me hard,” he pleads for more, and after you grant his wish by speeding up your hips, he squirms, sobbing. “A-ahh, feels so good, I have to c-cum, p-please…”
“Why, baby? Can’t take it anymore?” You put more pressure around his neck, feeling his pulse against your palm. “Are you too hard for me?”
“Uhmm,” he gives a low, but drawed out whimper, before nodding poorly. “Wanna’ cum for my princess while she’s ruining my cock.”
“Sounds nice, but I’m not close yet..” you joke, and Jiseok sobs even harder at your words. His cockhead smashing up your cervix repeatedly makes him so woozy he cannot bring whatever’s left of his energy to add anything else.
“Kidding, baby,” you chuckle through a moan. “You can cum now.”
“Really? C-can I?” he asks with a ring of hope in his weak voice.
“Do it, cum for me pretty boy.”
You give in, as your own orgasm creeps up too close, making the stimulation difficult to contain.
Your peaks clashing stuns you both. As you hold tightly on Jiseok for support - one hand over his shoulders, and another around his throat, you use all your energy in riding your climax as hard as possible. You end up releasing a silent scream, while Jiseok on the other hand cries out into your mouth.
“H-holy sh—” his lips tremble vividly. “m’ cummin, I’m cummin’, c-cu—”
You swallow his hitched breaths, his whimpers and a few of his curses, when his head drops down defeated after you release your grip. He gasps for air, while he gets off his high and his mind barely clears up. His entire body sticks from sweat to the chair as it goes completely numb under your seated figure.
You move up to hover over his cock, feeling your mixed juices dripping out of your hole.
“You left so much cum in my pussy, baby.” You caress Jiseok’s cheek and he props his chin up even though he’s not able to look into your eyes yet. “Mmm, you really filled me up.”
“It’s because of you, princess.” He says in a quavering voice. “You turn me on so much.” His lips brush your jawline, giving it a lazy peck.
Jiseok expects to be untied now; to leave the chair and head to bed, but he soon finds out you have other plans when you begin to what feels like fucking his thick cum in and out of you, so excruciatingly.
“W-wait, wait, wait, b-baby… w-what ah—“ he stutters in panick, pulling his wrists apart, but the rope keeps them still.
“Shh, I know you can do better than that, baby.” You groan, holding onto his shoulders, as you bounce up and down in a steady pace, coating your thighs with his warm cum.
“P-please, please, I c-can’t…”
“Just one more,” you shut your eyes, throwing your head back, baffled from how amazing it feels despite cumming two times already.
“Don’t do t-this to me,” Jiseok sighs, and when you open your eyes you see a drop of tear sliding under the blindfold.
He was protesting, but not for long. His cock barely had time to soften, and as you work it in and out of you, it turned into a throbbing hard rock mess.
His angry tip keeps slipping out of you, and every time you use your fingers to push it back, Jiseok sees stars in the pitch black. It takes everything inside him to not burst out crying.
“I know you can give me one more, don’t you feel how hard you are for me..” You grunt, as you lift up, grazing your gummy walls only with his sensitive tip. This instantly makes his body react intensely, and he begins to convulse in the chair, as you keep gliding it in and out.
“I-I, I…” he begins, but cannot find the strength to form a sentence. He struggles to breath normally too, as you suck on his neck at the same time.
“What, baby? Talk to me.” Without removing your lips from his skin, you decide to take the blindfold off after you sense a new pair of tears dripping on your fingers as you cup his face.
Jiseok squeezes his eyes shut, not expecting that at all. After he adjusts to the sudden light you get to look into his dazed eyes, glossy from tears.
He’s amazed to see you’re really actually wearing the shorts you jerked him off with earlier.
“I… u-uhh.. gonna c-cum again..” he attempts to control his sobs, chewing on his trembling lip, that’s now stained with your lipstick too. “Let m-me, p-please..” He whimpers through shuddering breaths.
“Fill me up, sweetheart.”
“O-ohh, sh—“ Jiseok’s mouth hung wide open into a silent cry. His thighs shake uncontrollably, causing you to hold tight, so you don’t fall over.
His voice cracks into multiple tortured whimpers, as this climax hits times harder than the previous one. For a moment he feels like he’s about to pass out, not able to go through the sensation at all. He cries from pleasure while you just sit and watch; and feel yourself get sprayed with new shooting ropes of cum, that are so much they immediately start to spill out.
Jiseok stays still, speechless, unable to utter a word, as his chest rises furiously while he comes back to his senses. Very, very slowly.
You praise him with red kisses all over his face. They glisten from sweat and tears.
“You did so well my pretty boy.”
Jiseok keeps quiet for a while, until he lifts his chin up with a lazy smirk.
“I’ll get you back for this.”
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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revasserium · 11 months
nxx #2 - the best part
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you are the best part of a monday morning, the soft click of heels, the whish of automatic doors, the light tap-tap of fingers on tablets. he knows just where you’ll be, a soft frown caught between your eyebrows; sometimes, when during meetings, or even just when he’s passing by your desk, he wishes he could reach over to smooth it over with a fingertip. when it’s late enough, he thinks about trying. other times, when it’s late-late enough — he actually does. and he’d sink into your startled gasp of laughter, the way you go slightly cross-eyed as he leans back to grin, shaking his head, “don’t frown like that… your face will get stuck.” and when you crinkle your nose and swat at his hand, your cheeks going the kind of pink that makes him think of every single sunset he’s yet to see, every single sunrise that’s still to kiss the sky, he has to stop himself from letting his fingers graze down to trace against your skin. “no it won’t…” but there’s no real conviction in your voice, and there’s something brilliant in the secret smile you share. “you’re right,” he admits, “but… i’m not sure i like it when i think about how often you frown in my presence.” he savors in the way you blush then, the way you press your lips, the startled and then resolute way you square your shoulders before saying, “then… i guess you should try to make me smile more often.” artem blinks for a second, and then — “sure… it’s a promise then. but... you’ll have to stay with me long enough for me to see it through.”
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you are the best part of a september afternoon, his cardigan slipping off your shoulder as you pour through your work files. and even though he still feels some kinda way about you doing work while you’re with him — well — he looks down at his own pile of casefiles — he can’t really blame you anyway. birds of a feather and all. he grins as he glances up, only to find you smiling. “what?” you blush, looking away, “nothing — just… this is nice.” it’s his turn to blush now. and yes, he thinks, because this is what he loves — just this, just the moments in between, the quiet breaths and the unsaid words and the afternoon filtering through the autumn leaves, the coffee still lukewarm on the table between you. he takes a breath and looks at you, really looks at you — because he can’t remember a time when he didn’t know you, when he hasn’t loved you just like this — with the pure, simplicity of a september afternoon, as certain as tides, as simple as a child’s knowledge that this is the person he never wants to leave his life. “yeah,” he says, grinning broadly at you as he reaches over tug a strand of your hair between his fingers, “everything is nice when it’s with you.”
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you are the best part of every winter day, the distant, slanted light working its strange magic over the world, casting everything in its ethereal glow. “there’s just something about the winter sun,” you’d said one day, peering over towards the far horizon, shielding your eyes from the light, pausing as the pair of you walk hand in hand towards the corner store for something or other (vyn’s long since forgotten the minutia for the memory of you). he’d raised his eyebrows and cocked his head, waiting for you to continue, and after a second, you had, turning back towards him with frost-nipped cheeks and brilliant, snow-drop eyes, laughing as you wave at the casual, neighborhood scenery around you, “it makes everything look more beautiful, doesn’t it? like… it’s a dream, or some of those old fashioned picture filters…” to which vyn had smiled and gripped your hand just a bit tighter, “yes… i’ve always thought that winter was the most nostalgic season. it makes you miss a time that hasn’t yet come to pass. perhaps… a future with someone you love, no?” and he’d watched, fascinated, enraptured as you’d blushed and turned away, tugging him behind you, mumbling something about being unfair. and he thinks that if anyone were ever unfair — it’d undoubtedly be you.
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you are the best part of a friday night — your laughter like the city lights, your smile, a million moons in a million distant skies, the shape of you dozing beside him in the back of limo, your cheeks kissed pink from all the wine. he thinks he could cup forever in the palm of his hands like this, thread your fingers with his and suddenly, he’s more sober than he’s ever been in his entire life, watching you nodding off next to him. he thinks he can see the next twenty, thirty, shit forty years of his life flashing outside along with the neon-night-skies, the way your lashes cast shadows along the high of your cheeks, the way your earrings rest against the bend of your neck. “mm… marius?” you ask, blinking sleepily up at him as the limo pulls to a quiet halt at a stoplight, your perfume making an absolute mess of his mind, and he has to clear his throat to hide just how many butterflies had exploded in the pit of his stomach at the sound of your sleep-sweetened voice — “i-it’s late… you can keep sleeping if you want… i’ll wake you up when we get home.” to which you’d leaned up and pressed as soft kiss to his cheek and it takes everything inside him not to pull you to him, press you into the limo seat and kiss you till the entire world melts away, “thanks… you should sleep too,” you say, nuzzling into the side of his neck, your breath chasing shivers up and down his spine. “y-yeah… i — i’ll try."
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nvoirs · 1 year
i had an idea and I was wondering if I could request you write it! <33
So the reader is a rookie agent working with Leon to save Ashley in re4, but Leon's salty about it because he prefers to work alone, but after getting to know her better and having an extreme attraction to her.. they hide out somewhere while taking shelter from an attack by salazar and they share an intimate moment? 😏
could Leon be dom and the reader is nervous and sub... but Leon's still respectful while still fucking her dumb?
Disclaimers: Thongs are not practical for missions but whatever! Cowgirl + missionary position, Leon dom but he's a respectful man, female reader sub, cussing, fingering, hand job, spanking, marking, biting, hickeys, creampied.
There he goes off again, walking ahead of you yet again. If you were ambushed he probably wouldn't even bat an eye at you probably saying “you can handle it on your own.” Leon Kennedy was the epitome of an arrogant bastard, he made your blood pump angrily around your body fists clenched ready to punch him squarely in his perfect nose.
You didn’t hate Leon. it’s just that he got on your nerves sometimes, he preferred to ‘work alone’ as he put it. He was acting as if you had chosen to come along with him like some dumb puppy of a rookie. You actually did look up to Leon, copying his hand movements with his gun and shielding yourself the same way he did. He wasn’t a brilliant partner to you but he sure knew how to take care of himself.
“Leon, look! There’s the church, hunnigan mentioned.”
 He mentally rolled his eyes at you ignoring your little buzzing voice as he trudged to the church shotgun in hand with you scurrying behind his tall form.
“Hey you know Leon, you don’t have to be such a rude bitch ya know? Lighten up a little.” You looked at his stoic expression that slowly changed into a mixture of arrogance and disgust.
“Watch your mouth rookie, I’m your superior. You follow my orders and speak when I tell you to.”
 You scoffed as you tagged along, pistol in hand as you glared at him. He was so fucking handsome you couldn’t lie. His golden hair wet with rain water made him look so sexy and you were biting your lip but quickly turned away when he caught you staring.
Leon was about to open his mouth when you heard a distant cry in the distance. A bunch of axe wielding cultists came scrambling your way ready to stake you both. You both turned a corner the opposite way from the church, when Leon shockingly grabbed your arm flinging you into the side of a cabin door.
“Quick in here!”
 You thought you saw an apologetic gaze for quite literally smacking you into the door but it was gone as quickly as it was revealed. You silently followed his orders walking through the door of the small home. The air smelt musty and dust particles swarmed everything you touched, a faint smell of rotting meat lingered making you curl your lips and scrunch your nose in disgust.
“Get down!” Leon hissed. “Alright, alright.” you replied, hands surrendered in the air, getting down on your knees, your back hitting the wall below the window just as a mumbling villager swept past.
 Your heartbeat thumped in your chest, and you could hear blood rushing in your ears scared of being caught. Leon however was poking his head out just so he could see out of the window.
“Fuck, they're setting up a camp goddamnit.” His frustrated words made your mind hazy, and you swallowed the lump in your dry throat.
“Looks like we're going to be here for a while, unless I can get in contact with Luis or Hunnigan.” He smacked the radio in his palm, but all that could be heard was a faint crackling sound. Not a good sign.
“So.. what now?” You trembled, wait to go to make it obvious you were shitting yourself right now.
“Don't tell me you're a scared rookie.” He chuckled a cheshire grin etching itself upon his pinkish lips.
“I mean I might be sawn in half if they find us here, in this tight little hut with barely any ammo left so yeah Leon I am a bit scared.”
For the first time ever, Leon's face seemed to soften at your curt words. “Don't worry rookie, I'll keep you safe, I promise.” He stuck his pinkie out, and you looked at it as if he was mocking you.
“Seriously, What am I five?”
 He pouted. “No but we're never too old for pinky promises.” You laughed, slapping his pinky playfully away.
It had been around an hour since you and Leon had been stuck, waiting for the right time to bolt through that door and make your escape. That time had yet to come as the villagers looked like they weren't budging at all. You'd gotten to know Leon slightly more than you had known sixty minutes ago. He was actually a pretty cool dude, and your crush on him just intensified at all the things he spoke to you about.
You eventually both stopped speaking, sighing, your eyes drooping with sleep. You couldn't help but just close your eyes..
“Wake up!” Leon whispered to you. Your eyelids shot open, “W-what can we leave now?” Your head moved from something soft beneath you, and you realised it was Leon's thigh.
You moved swiftly, coughing to mask the embarrassment bubbling inside of you. “Sorry Leon, didn't mean to fall asleep on you.” You awkwardly laughed scratching your head before stretching.
“No we can't leave just yet, but you sleeping on me was kinda cute.”
“W-what?” Your eyes widened, like a deer stuck in headlights you didn't know what to say.
“Need me to repeat that?” He whispered into your ear, smooth like honey, warm like the sun.
“No? But thanks I guess.” His deep chuckles had butterflies fluttering violently inside of you as you swallowed.
“So cute.. do you maybe want to do something else to pass the time, rookie?”
You weren't entirely sure what he meant, but then it hit you like a truck.
Sex? Here? Out of all places!
“Leon, I'd love to but not here..”
His eyes glistened, the pupil of his eyes dilating in excitement.
“But wouldn't it be fun here baby? What other place will we have this much privacy?”
He had a point. You and him would eventually meet back up with Luis and Ashley and you wouldn't have another chance of trying this new side of Leon you hadn't seen before.
“There isn't that much privacy.” You mumbled, looking up at the window, the ragged curtains fluttering in the cool breeze.
“Enough privacy then.” His hand was clutching your thigh lightly and you hadn't even realised. You wiggled your thigh slightly, and Leon gripped tighter. He was still waiting for an answer.
 He grinned when you nodded, showing his pearly rows of teeth.
He cupped your face gently, moving in for a sweet passionate but desperate kiss. His blonde stray hairs tickling your face, as his kisses slowly got more sloppy, more needy. He bit your lip, and you whined at the sudden intrusion but you liked it. Your hands slid around the nape of his neck, trying to pull him impossibly closer. At this point you were sitting on his lap, grinding down for any sort of friction.
“Aren't you just the sweetest when you make those sounds for me?” Leon gently pushed you off of him, pinning you down to the dusty, wooden floor. His hands trailing up your torso, before hovering over your chest.
You watched him, locking eye contact while the wetness grew inside your underwear. You nodded, giving him permission to undress you at your will, he started ripping off your tactical gear. It was dangerous, he knew that because the crazed villagers were only a few feet away but he couldn't help but want to see you completely naked on your knees for him.
Managing to shimmy of your pants, he squeezed his eyes shut from the view. Your underwear was so skimpy, it was barely covering you and he raised an eyebrow at the choice of underwear you'd gone with. A thong.
“What? I find them practical for missions” You pouted.
You watched his eyes darken with a brewing lust for you. Rolling you over so your tits were squished and your ass exposed he slapped a cheek. Not loud enough to alert the cultists, but loud enough that you got the message. You were driving him to the very edge, knowing what choice of clothing you had on underneath this whole time. If he had known, you would have been fucked and full of his cum long before. The stinging sensation made your pussy clench, groping the other cheek Leon left another searing slap making your eyes water.
“You okay down there?”
You nodded, “Want more please.”
He chuckled, tutting at you, “Always so eager, even at a time like this.”
Leon unclasped your bra, the straps falling down your quivering shoulders as his calloused hands ran over the skin of them. Leon pulled you up so your bra slipped from your body completely, leaving you exposed. He hummed as he dragged you onto his lap, grabbing each breast in the palm of his hand and kneading them causing you to throw your head back from the burst of pleasure.
“Oh yeah, just like that Leon.”
Your moans of encouragement spurred him on to pursuit, taking a finger before wetting it and bringing it back to your erect nipple. He rubbed his saliva around, tight little circles making you jerk up. Your pussy was leaking like crazy as you whimpered into his ear, rutting like a pup against his clad thigh. The thin of your underwear made it easier for you to grind against him, hot and sweaty you could feel yourself getting closer-
Coming to an abrupt stop because of the strong pair of hands glueing your hips into place you mewled at the loss of contact.
“No! was so close.” Tears filling your eyes.
“Aw baby, don't you want to cum on my fingers instead? don't cry shh now.” He twisted you around so you were facing him, clasping your face in his rough hands.
“Y-yes please.” Pulling your panties to the side, and with a satisfied hum Leon slipped two of his fingers into your throbbing hole.
“Oh!” You were surprised at your own noises, but maybe that's because your senior had his fingers buried deep inside of you.
“You like that?” The smug look annoyed you a bit, but you couldn't open your mouth because if you did you weren't going to form a coherent sentence for him to understand.
A low whine slipped its way from under your breath, making you slap a hand to your filthy mouth. Leon saw this, grabbing your hand that was plastered across your face and pinning it to the ground.
You were panting, the curdling feeling in your stomach increasing second by second.
 “I want to hear you, want to hear how good I'm making you feel.”  Leon mumbled inside your ear, sending straight up shivers rolling down your slumped form pressed tightly against his broad chest.
“Leon I'm gonna- I can't hold it I'm gonna be too loud-!” He already knew this with the way you were tightening your walls around his fingers like you never wanted them to leave.
 Leon hushed you and you panicked as the coil in your abdomen snapped making you scream but Leon was quicker pressing a large hand swiftly to your loud mouth.
You rode out your high by grinding against his lap, until finally you were back down to earth again.
“Baby if you're that loud with just my fingers, how are you gonna take my actual dick?”
You flushed an incredibly red colour, “You want to do that?”
His eyes glinted, “Of course I do, we've gone too far to start anew.”
The corruption was real, and Leon had you in the palm of his hand.
He dropped his pants, clutching his throbbing cock in one hand stroking it as you watched him. Your eyes fluttering hidden beneath your long lashes making Leon's cock twitch.
“Do you want to help me out angel?” His grin widened, as he watched you move from your sprawled out position on the ground.
“Yes please, I want to.” You sprung up at the opportunity, making him chuckle at your eagerness to please him. To please your senior.
You were naked completely, vulnerable to the touch and Leon watched you move your unblemished, smooth skin unmarked. He'll have to fix that later.
Holding his cock, you felt the warmth of his skin blossoming beneath your fingers. Your up and down movements made Leon grit his teeth, head leaning against the cracked wall as you rubbed him increasingly.
“Oh fuck yes, go faster.”
His command worked wonders on you, as you sped up your movements. Leon opened his eyes and took in the view right in front of him. Plump lips swollen covered in something he believed to be his own saliva, hair messily strewn on your head, and the sparkly red nail polish looked good holding him like that. He didn't really think your nail polish was professional at first but he just found it really cute now.
He was coming before he knew it. Spurts of cum covered himself, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd been this intimate with somebody.
“That's a lot.” Your widened eyes caught his attention and he chuckled.
“That's the way you make me feel, now why don't you clean up the mess you made?”
Your mouth was honest to god heavenly. Heavenly could really only be the one that could describe you finally on your knees gracing your presence for Leon to admire.
“Oh yeah, get that tongue working c'mon.” He was huffing and puffing by the time you were done, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“C'mere, come and ride me before we have to get going.” You gulped as you shifted your body weight over to Leon.
Slowly sinking yourself down onto him you felt his dick press against your inner side.
“Did you miss the entrance because you're still a little out of it baby?” He lifted you off of his lap, stroking your clit making you bite your tongue hard.
“You should try again, maybe you'll land a bullseye.” His glistening eyes didn’t seem blue anymore, but something darker entirely like he was enjoying embarrassing you.
You sunk down again, the burning sensation of Leon's cock filling your walls made tears prick your eyes.
“Need help moving?” He muttered softly in your ear.
“N-no I don’t” Your head lolled into the crook of his neck, smelling the sweat and dirt accumulated from the job. It was surprisingly comforting and you stayed like that till you heard Leon chuckle grabbing a fistful of your tied up hair yanking your head back not too hard but it definitely wasn’t soft either.
“You're so stubborn, just ask for help, you know?”
Grabbing a hold of your hips, he began to grind you against his cock and you made your way towards the snug spot in his chest once again.
“Mmph Leon- so big!”
“Or maybe you're just too small.”
Your bottom lips trembled at his words, a shudder passing over you as you gripped onto his shoulder practically glueing your hand to his skin. Making out the top of the ganandos heads you gasped when you saw one of their heads slowly turning to observe the surroundings.
Without thinking you pushed Leon to the ground, his damp hair tickling your face as you held your breath. He looked at you confused, but you just enveloped your lips in his to stop your high pitched moans. His cock was impossibly deep inside of you at this angle, slick dripping down your leg as you felt yourself reaching that orgasmic bliss.
“Any reason why you did that?”
“They were fuck- gonna see us.”
“Well they would have seen me fucking you stupid that’s all.” Grabbing your ass cheeks, Leon bounced you harder on his cock. You couldn’t even warn him as you cummed hard, creaming his cock trickling down your thighs.
Muscles tensing as a hard wave of overstimulation washed over your whole body, Leon had rolled you over pounding into you as hard as he could. Grunting and fallen curses leaving his blessed lips as he came hard inside of you. You're already warm insides, warmed even more by his creamy load.
“So glad I got to feel that pussy, hope you're on birth control baby.”
“What if I’m not?”
 You were, but wanted to tease him a bit, get his heart pumping.
“Well there’s no morning after pills around here, I mean I could ask the merchant but I don’t think he’d have those in stock so- Ouch!”
A sharp pain to the ribs welcomed Leon, as he clutched his now sore side baby blue eyes blinking up at you as he watched you pull your pants up grimacing.
“Hey what was that for?”
“For being a dick, superiors can still be dicks, you know.”
He huffed, crossing his arms, eyes narrowing at your appearance.
“Well if you want a mini Kennedy running around your legs for the next twenty years, be my guest but he’d be tough just like his papa.”
Leon had finished pulling his pants up, and buckling his belt before running a hand through his matte blonde strands.
“I was joking, Leon.” You clicked your tongue.
“Oh right, I knew that.”
“Sure ya did, now how am I going to wear this?” You brandished the torn underwear you held between your thumb and index finger.
“Well, that’s pretty unwearable rookie I’d go look for another pair.”
“We fucked and your still calling me rookie?” You hissed. “Where exactly do you want me to look for another pair of underwear in this shithole?”
His eyes were travelling to the stairs that led to the top of the house,you caught that following his lead.
“No way Leon! I am not wearing someone else's underwear, gross!” You scowled at the thought.
“Underwear really wasn’t covering you anyways, but hey It’d be nice to feel my cum drip down your legs, show you who took you right here.”
He placed a swift kiss on the corner of your mouth, leaving you to indulge in your new feelings for your sarky but extremely attractive superior.
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