#it was actually pretty warm today (comparatively) and it gave me some hope
orcelito · 2 years
Daydreaming about being able to wear shorts again. I'll put up with the deathray that is the sun just pls stop making the wind so painful
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dukee2 · 5 months
more than friends?
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pairings : Hanni Pham x gn! reader
genre : fluff
parts : part 1
a/n : part 2 of minji’s fic will be released soon..
warnings : none (?)
btw reader is hyein’s older sibling, and since this is a highschool au, hanni and reader is 17, while hyein is 15 (i know its supposed to be a 4 year age gap but just go w it)
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as the alarm clock rang through your ears, making you awake from the peaceful slumber, you sat on your bed to check the time, while you were still groggy, you rubbed your eyes, getting up to the bathroom.
as you brushed your teeth, you turned on the shower and got ready for school, brushing your hair, buttoning your shirt as you carefully put on your tie, then topping it off with a coat.
checking your final look, you finally grabbed your phone, looking at the time, you rushed to grab your backpack, storming downstairs.
as you ate your breakfast - a simple cereal and some juice, you finally grabbed your lunchbox, storming outside, you got onto your bike (or whatever you want it to be), riding it all the way to your school.
when you arrived, you spotted a familiar figure - it was hanni. although you were just “friends”, you undoubtly had a special spot in your heart for her, a feeling you couldn’t describe, a feeling most teenagers felt - and it was described as love for someone, but of course, hanni and you were just friends - nothing else right?
as you were way too concentrated in your thoughts, by now, hanni had approached you, tapping on your shoulder - shocking you as a result, you turned around to see her chuckling at your reaction, as you playfully got mad at her, you couldn’t help but think - why was she so pretty?
and the playful flirts she gave you weren’t helping either, making you even more attracted to her, was she also attracted to you?
“class is almost starting, let’s get going.”
you said to her, with a steady tone.
“alright, alright.”
she responded playfully, intertwining her hands with yours.
god, her hands were so warm compared to yours.
“so.. got any plans for today?”
you tried to initiate a conversation, hoping she had none.
“no.. not really, actually, wanna go out with me afterschool? i’m pretty free today.”
she responded to your question, facing to you.
“ah.. i see. sure, we can go.”
you said, finally reaching to your class and entering it, as you parted from hanni to sit at your assigned seat.
as you listened to the lecture your proffessor was giving, you began taking simple notes, well, atleast until you fell asleep.
when the school bell rang, your eyes opened, awakening you, you instantly gathered your supplies and cleaned your desk, rushing to the cafeteria for your food.
as you lined up for your food, you spotted hanni sitting with her friends - they seemed to be having a playful conversation, laughing at eachothers jokes.
your mouth slowly curved into a smile, when the cafeteria lady called you, you grabbed your already prepared tray - and sat at the empty tables in the corners, eating your food peacefully.
well, until suddenly, hanni approached you, sitting down at your table.
she said, smiling at you.
you responded, meeting her eyes.
“so.. about the hangout later.. where do you want it to be..?”
she questioned you, fidgeting with her fingers.
“how about.. my house? my parents wont be home, they’re on a business trip.”
you answered.
“hmm.. alright!”
she replied happily.
as she ate with you, you kept staring at her, watching as she chewed on her food, until you snapped out of it and continued eating.
as you finished eating, you cleaned up your tray, before sitting back with hanni, starting a conversation.
“so.. whats your next class..?”
you questioned her, leaning your head towards hers.
“huh… i think its world history class…?”
she answered, taking a bite of her food.
“oh.. i just had that class before lunch.. well, good luck then.”
you smiled at her, sitting up from your chair and waving goodbye.
when you weren’t facing her, you took a deep breath, the warmness that was once on your cheeks - had disappeared, your heartbeat was normal now, and you strutted to your next class.
as you finished your last class - you finally went to your locker, and dropped all your books inside of it, grabbing your backpack and going to your bike - hopping onto it.
before you went off - hanni suddenly patted your shoulder, making you turn your head.
your faces were awfully close to eachother, making you instantly nervous and shocked.
“hey, could i come with you?”
she questioned you, a pout on her face
“huh? oh yeah, sure, of course..!”
you answered quickly, stuttering in between words, as you made space for her on your bike, she hopped on behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist.
which of course, made you shocked of the sudden feeling, your face - flushed.
“you ready..?”
you questioned her, placing your foot on one of the pedals.
“yeah, just go..”
she answered, her head on your shoulder.
as you cycled off to your house, you couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling of having hanni close to you, this close to you.
“you’re awfully warm today.. you’re normally cold.”
she said, her voice a little muffled due to her head on your shoulder.
“yeah.. i know.”
you answered, sneaking a glance to her face, before keeping your eyes on the road again.
as you finally arrived at your house, you parked your bike, hanni hopping off first, then you.
you walked to the door, unlocking it with your keys. hanni entered first, then you, closing the door and locking it again.
“snacks first?”
she askes you, her eyes meeting yours.
“yeah, prepare yours, i’ll prepare mine.”
you answered, walking to the kitchen with her.
as you both prepared your snacks, you went to your room - turning on your tv and turning to hanni.
“so, what to watch?”
you asked her, raising one of your brows.
“a romcom maybe?”
she said, looking at you.
“oh come on! we always watch those, what about final destination?”
you whined at her, looking at the screen.
“i want a romcom.”
she said blankly.
you said, obliging to her.
as the movie played, you started eating the snacks you prepared, focusing on the movie still.
as time passed - you didn’t even notice hanni was curled up beside you, your arm on her shoulder, keeping her close, a blanket basking both of you in warmness - well, until
hyein barges in, not even knocking.
“oh.. oh. am i interrupting something..?”
hyein says teasingly with a mischievous smirk.
“what do you mean?”
you say, looking at her in confusion.
“hanni’s literally sleeping and curling up beside you, are you that dumb?”
hyein responds, before you could get a chance to answer, hyein takes out her phone and takes a photo of you two, slamming the door closed.
“wait.. what did she say..?”
you mumble, until you realize the sleeping hanni beside you, making you instantly flushed and forgetting the movie playing.
“oh sh…”
you mumble again, trying to keep hanni asleep.
“well, whats the worst that can happen?”
you say, before leaning your head on hanni’s, falling asleep too.
little did you know, hyein was taking as many photos she could of you and hanni, a wide smile on her face.
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a/n : guys im sorry i kinda ran out of ideas on how to continue this fic ☹️
ᯓ★ signing off, exulansis. all rights reserved. please don’t plagiarize and translate.
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Starlight Glimmer was quite cheery as she made the final preparations for the next lesson. She felt more confident than ever that she was succeeding in helping Chrysalis turn a corner. While in every previous lesson had one thing or another she was worried about. 
Whether that was Pinkie's shrillness, Cheese Sandwich being just as off putting as his marefriend sometimes, and the know-it-all attitude of Mud Briar in the Laughter lesson. 
Or a reunion with Cadence and Shining Armor getting too heated, then there was the spoiled Flurry Heart thinking she can change Chrysalis just by looking cute... and that's not even getting into how Discord almost drew all her progress back into the negatives during the Kindness lesson. 
She also wasn't sure how the one-on-one talk with Thorax would go, though the Changeling king felt it was an important step. Starlight's just thankful she had Ocellus there to help balance out Chrysalis.
And the egos in the room that were a part of the Loyalty lesson had her wondering if they'd even mix. Though luckily, those turned out to be the types Chrysalis could vibe with the most.
But now that she's onto Honesty, there were little-to-no worries this time. Well, maybe just a tad about Pharynx when he shows up. Maybe also a little if the subject of Tarsus is brought up too. But even those seemed tiny compared to how devastated she felt the moment Discord decided to step in all of a sudden. Starlight couldn't see anything going wrong on that level when they have all the good hearts they’re bringing in today.
The Apple Family had not too long ago finished their annual harvest and the ponies (Along with a certain yak) that Starlight approached about showing up for this lesson were more than happy to assist anyway they can. They standby waiting for Starlight to give them the signal from outside the portal. Starlight jumps through the portal and approaches Chrysalis' large barrier cell with a confident, excitable smile.
Starlight: Good afternoon, Chrysalis!
Going into this lesson, Chrysalis was actually… feeling good. She was even looking forward to the lessons now. Though her pride would keep herself in check. She was only doing this for freedom! For her personal goals, definitely not because she came to see Starlight as a friend. At least, that's what she was telling herself. But the truth was that even if Chrysalis didn't want to say it out loud, Starlight was helping her in ways she never thought possible. 
She'd kept her family life to herself until Starlight had chipped away at her defenses. And now, Chrysalis had been willingly sharing her history with her… it was a change that still scared her… but at the same time, it gave her hope. Maybe things can be better. When Starlight approached her cell, she had a noticeable smile for Starlight. And the wings on her back looked shinier than they were at the end of the Loyalty lesson.
Chrysalis: Heh, is it that time already? And so soon after the last one? Not that I mind, I highly doubt we have much concern for today. I know Applejack will be coming along and besides a potential sour look, I'm sure this lesson will be a breeze.
She sounded quite confident, but considering the lesson is about honesty, Chrysalis may have more difficulty than she thinks.
Starlight nods, and gives a warm smile
Starlight: Yeah, I'm positive this lesson will go pretty smoothly. Maybe there will be some tension for when it's time to call down Pharynx... as no doubt with having seen Ocellus and Thorax again. It's about time you spoke with him too.
Though I will say, things will be pretty different this time around. You won't need to answer a question on when you've been more honest. Nor come clean to how many times you lied, as a changeling queen who's a master of deception. I assume there'd be way too many to count.
This gave Chrysalis some pause.
Chrysalis: Ah… yes, Pharynx… I've no doubt he has some choice words for me... He was always so loyal to the hive. I kind of expected to see him in the previous lesson… but given his tendency to speak his mind without filter, it's fitting you chose him for this lesson.
And hmmph… you dare to assume that I've not been honest! Oh the audacity! I've been a paragon of… pffft, I cannot even make that bold faced of a lie. But you do make a blunt although fair point. If we were to catalog every lie I've ever told, we'd need a multitude of books to fill them!
She seemed almost proud of that statement. But it was clear that Chrysalis had become much more comfortable with joking around with Starlight.
Starlight chuckles a little before her face turns more serious
Starlight: To be frank, today's lesson will be more about us being honest with you... there are many things I withheld talking about until now. Crucial information that has come out in the time you've been gone. But I promise there was a reason for it, I'm not sure any of the previous lessons could have been as cleanly done if I had told you what we'll delve into today from the very start.
But before I talk about this, we are also bringing in our first few guests near immediately. Especially Applejack, who as the Element of Honesty. She will help assure you that everything we're going to say today... is the truth. 
Chrysalis: What do you mean that you'll be honest with me? What sort of information have you been withholding, Starlight Glimmer?
Chrysalis tilts her head, looking much more serious. But given the information that had come about during her time away, she assumes it was withheld so as to not overwhelm her with it. 
Chrysalis: Well, Applejack is honest to a fault, I know that much. If anypony lies, she'll be able to call it out… so fine, bring her and the assortment of others in. I'm sure it'll be an interesting bit of discussion.
Starlight prepares a pair of gum. Though in this case, she pulls out two at once. In order to have enough gum to make a larger bubble for the portal.
Starlight: Just a heads up that one of our guests has grown quite big. But as huge as they are, they have a big heart... in both a metaphorical sense, and also literally given a yak's anatomy.
Starlight chews the two packs of gum and begins to blow a large bubble. A big loud pop is heard as a portal is opened into the chamber.
The first one to step in is in fact the large guest that Starlight was referring to. It was none other than Yona, who beams a smile as she arrives at the scene. Her excitable footsteps enough to make small tremors in the underground chamber.
Yona: Yona Yak has arrived! Yona excited to meet friend Ocellus' mother!
Next to go through the portal is a yellow pony with red hair, and a big bow. The 3rd and final member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Apple Bloom. Behind her is a cart she drags in that has many bottles of what seems to be some kind of drink. With an aptly named Applebrew's logo on both sides of the cart.
Apple Bloom: Howdy, Chrysalis! Ah heard from the other crusaders y’all been meetin’ up wit’ them during ya lessons and also getting t’ know their tricks o’ the trade. So ah hope ya don't mind that ah brought some special drinks! Ah'm sure ya'll like em! They are made with love after all!
Chrysalis looks a bit surprised by some of the guests, she obviously recognizes Applejack and by extension, Apple Bloom, but the others all seem new to her. The yak, Yona, whom Chrysalis could gather was Ocellus' friend. Though the other pony that comes in alongside Applejack, she has no frame of reference for. She sees her cutie mark, a star with musical notes on it, but it doesn't ring a bell. 
Coloratura: Wow… so you're the Queen of the Changelings. Uh, I'm Coloratura. Though friends call me Rara. It's nice to meet you.
She seemed a bit more reserved than the others, Though Chrysalis can taste a very distinct flavor of love coming from her… and it was directed at Applejack!
Chrysalis: Well now… this is certainly an interesting assortment...
As Applejack walks forward, she seems to stare down Chrysalis a bit. Given how Chrysalis' whole style of villainy includes lying as much as possible. No one would fault Applejack for still holding some mistrust of the Queen. But as much as Chrysalis can feel the air of judgment by the strong farmer. Applejack also trusts Starlight enough to know she's doing the right thing. After all, this is hardly her first rodeo when it comes to other villains that have turned good and/or have had a chance to turn a corner since.
Applejack: Howdy there, Chrysalis. Ah'll admit it's not all that easy t' know what t' say t' ya fo’ the first time in ah long while. But ah have heard Starlight has made progress wit' ya. And ah didn't detect any lies from her mouth. But ah'm here t' make sure y'all haven't been usin’ ya dirty tricks t' deceive her... Y'all got that? 
Chrysalis walked up to the edge of her cell, looking down at Applejack with a smirk.
Chrysalis: Oh believe me, Applejack, this whole experience has been an odd one for me as well. I may have managed to fool even you the first time we met when I posed as Cadence, but I'm not foolish enough to try and lie while in the situation I'm in. Last thing I desire is to be turned to stone once more. I will earn my freedom, and you can judge any way you want. I'm sure you've spoken to your other friends who've had their time with me. Did it seem like ah've tricked them?
Applejack nods
Applejack: Yea... ah've talked with Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow about how each o' their sessions went. Ah was surprised Dash seemed t' have the most glowing thoughts about their session. Not that the others didn't have good things t' say. But somehow Rainbow was happier about the session then Pinkie was fo' hers. Which is odd, because if ah recall correctly... Rainbow Dash lost, but Pinkie won against you in different competitions.
Chrysalis: See? Glowing reviews for the Queen! But I'm hardly surprised, perhaps you'll be singing a different tune by the end of the day, hmm?
Applejack: Though... another thing... Fluttershy oddly seemed ah bit mo' reserved, but also giggly as if she was hiding somethin’. Fluttershy bein' reserved would have been normal ah long while ago, but she's taken quite ah bit o’ strides since then. Given Fluttershy was happy, ah can't imagine it was somethin' bad. But it does make me curious o’ what she did during her session with y’all that left her that way…
Starlight: That does sound like strange behavior for Fluttershy... maybe I'll have to go see her sometime soon. But we'll get this session done first.
Chrysalis was a bit confused by the mention of Fluttershy's strange behavior. She didn't recall that lesson ending on the highest note.
Chrysalis: Odd, I have no clue why she would have had that reaction considering... well, an uninvited guest...
Chrysalis snarled for a moment before taking a deep breath.
Chrysalis: It doesn't really matter though.
Starlight: Anyway... Chrysalis. Obviously, you know Applejack relatively enough, and you have seen her little sister Apple Bloom before. Though naturally, she's since become a hard worker at the farm like most other Apple family members. She’s become a very skilled tea and potion brewer after many years of friendship with a nearby zebra named Zecora. As she mentioned, she's brought many of her most popular drinks on the cart. If you're thirsty, feel free to ask me to teleport a drink into your cell.
Our big friendly yak here is Yona, she took over as the Teacher of Honesty at the School of Friendship once Applejack stepped down. Like Silverstream, Sandbar, and Smolder from earlier sessions. She's another of your daughter's closest friends.
Yona: Ocellus always says yak love is filling! Cause Yak have best and biggest hearts in the world! 
Starlight: And lastly, the pony you're probably least familiar with is none other than Coloratura. She's a world renowned pop star in Equestria who was a close childhood friend of Applejack's. She's also Sweetie Belle's manager... and as I'm sure you can tell already... but her and Applejack's friendship blossomed into something more in the time you've been gone.
Applejack blushes and looks at her famous marefriend with a warm smile as Starlight tells Chrysalis of their status. Wrapping a hoof for a hug around her lover's neck.
She looks at the others there as Starlight gives them all a more proper introduction. Apple Bloom looked quite proud of her accomplishments especially.
Apple Bloom: Ah'm sure ah've got somethin' that'll wet ya whistle! Plenty o’ flavors t' go around too! 
Coloratura also blushed and hugged Applejack back before looking at Chrysalis
Coloratura: I don't suppose you may have heard some of my music?
Chrysalis looked at the group with a curious look. It was clear why Coloratura was there now, the taste of her and Applejack's love was palpable. With Applebloom it was quite obvious as well, being Applejack's sister and all. But with Yona, Chrysalis could taste something… familiar. It caused her to smirk.
Chrysalis: I will certainly take you up on one of the drinks, I could use it, given the flavors of love I'm tasting right now. And Applejack, I'm delighted to get such a flavor of love between you and your famous marefriend. It’s like a fine wine… it certainly was good on its own when it was fresh… Starlight mentioning you two were close friends as children certainly makes sense with that in mind… but I’m sure it was nothing compared to what it is now. I congratulate you on finding true love… 
And speaking of which, Yona was it? Yes… I recognize the love coming from you… I tasted it weeks ago from Sandbar… yes, it's clear now. Interesting~
As for Coloratura's music... I cannot recall specifically… perhaps if you played music from that time frame, I MIGHT recognize it. 
In reality, Chrysalis had heard some of Coloratura's songs but it was back when she was going around as the Countess. Her minions bringing back some loot from their raids of pony homes that included records and music players.
Yona blushed at the mention of Sandbar
Yona: Sandbar... best pony Yona has ever met. So kind... so smart... if only pony spines weren't too brittle for yak strength. Yona would hug Sandbar tighter than anything in this world!
Chrysalis chuckled
Chrysalis: Well that's one thing we can agree on in a sense. Pony bodies certainly are fragile.
Starlight walks on over to Applebloom's cart and looks through the flavors. She doesn't know Chrysalis taste buds enough to know what flavors she'd particularly move toward. But she decides on just picking what she knows is one of Applebloom's most popular. A tea that's made out of the freshest apples of the Ponyville orchard, as well as fresh Pears from the old Pear family orchard. With the rivalry now just about fully healed, the Pear family works hoof-in-hoof with the Apple family. It's most certainly what Pear Butter and Bright Mac had always wanted.
Starlight: Here Chrysalis, try this apple-pear mixed flavor tea. There are other flavors to pick from, but this one I think is the flavor Applebloom is most proud of for a multitude of reasons.
Chrysalis takes the tea that Starlight teleported in. Applebloom looks on expectantly, hoping that Chrysalis will enjoy the product. She put a ton of effort into making every single drink and potion after all. Chrysalis took an initial sip and seemed pleasantly surprised. Of course apples were the apple family's namesake, but the addition of the pear flavor really made this tea shine. While not as good as love was to Chrysalis, she can appreciate the flavors here. Not too tart or sweet, it was just right.
Chrysalis: Not bad… not bad at all… I can see why it's popular among you ponies.
Applebloom: Haha! It's ah best seller fer ah reason! Mixin’ mah ma and pa's specialty o’ apples n’ pears!
The mention of parents did make Chrysalis flinch a bit but she just kept drinking the tea to avoid saying anything in regards to it.
Applejack hugs her grown-up younger sister
Applejack: Them brews y'all learned from Zecora has certainly started our family's newest tradition! It's too bad Granny and Grand Pear passed befo' they could ever get the chance t' try this mix. Goldie Delicious probably would have loved it too.
Chrysalis hadn't paid much attention to the guest's attire. But when Applejack mentioned the old ponies that have since passed away since she had been in stone. She noticed both Applejack and Apple Bloom reflexively touched the colored shawls around their necks. Chrysalis could tell that this meant the two sisters were wearing what had once been their deceased family member's heirloom. She could feel a tinge of what sadness does to a flavor of familial love, although oddly it didn't feel as if they've been dead for years and they miss them. Chrysalis initially just dismisses this as the two having gotten over their grief enough not to show too much. It's still hard to see any family members pass, but those who lived full lives and died relatively peacefully she imagines is an easier pill to swallow... especially considering what Chrysalis herself has gone through with her family. 
Applebloom: She's been ah great teacher fo' sure! And ah know they would've loved t’ try it... but they know o’ our efforts! They're always with us after all!
Chrysalis looked somber, noticing not only Applejack and Applebloom's attire but the sadness tinged love as well. There wasn't a snarky comment or some snide remark given at the mention of the family they've lost. After all, she too had been mourning for those she's lost more openly as of late. She took the comment about their family always being with them as a more figurative phrase rather than literal. She looked to Starlight and whispers, actually being courteous to give the sisters their moment.
Chrysalis: ...Can we just get to the lesson first before… whatever this is over here?
Starlight: Certainly, Chrysalis. Alright everyone, it's time to te-
Suddenly the door into the chamber is slammed open, Starlight's head turns fast to see who's barging in. It's Pharynx, with a very noticeable scowl on his face.
Starlight: Oh, hi Pharynx... you're here early. I was going to call you down a little later after I've informed Chrysalis about a few important things. But if you want to speak with her now, I won't stop you...
Pharynx: This was not going to wait, I'm done with waiting! I've been patient long enough and she needs to hear what I have to say!
Chrysalis grimaced when Pharynx barged in. She knew he'd be showing up, she just didn't think it would be so soon. He was her clear favorite back when she was in charge. But now… this seemed like he was ready to rip her a new one. While Chrysalis had become more accustomed to the changelings' new looks. Seeing Pharynx look somewhat similar to Thorax in his new form still took her by some surprise. But she found it interesting he still had a much darker color scheme compared to the others.
Chrysalis: Pharynx, it's... been some time since we last-
Pharynx: No, you will not speak! You will just listen to what I have to say! I've held my tongue because I trust my brother and Starlight. But you... you turned your back on us, on the hive! And we grew without you...
Applejack just about grimaced with Phayrnx's sudden entrance. She whispers over to Starlight
Applejack: Best give Pharynx his space to' say his beef wit' his Ma.
Starlight nodded as she whispered back
Starlight: Exactly what I was going to do...
Starlight walked back by the others side
Starlight: Pharynx, shall we leave you alone to discuss things over? Both your brother and Ocellus had their chance to have a 1-on-1 conversation with Chrysalis. It'll be only fair if you'd like us to do the same.
Pharynx nods but keeps his eyes locked on Chrysalis as the group gives the two some space. Once they were alone, Pharynx paced back and forth, almost expecting some kind of quip or snarky comment from Chrysalis… but she was actually staying quiet, willing to listen to what he had to say.
Pharynx: Hmph… got nothing else to say? You may have the others fooled, but not me. There's no way you actually want to turn over a new leaf. You were so willing to toss us all aside… you were willing to use us, not for the hive, but for your own means! There's no possible way you want to just… change! All you once taught me, about the glory of the hive, how changelings could be strong.... was it all a lie?! Tell me!
He was clearly and understandably angry. His drive had always been striving towards protecting the hive, whether he was the older style of changeling or the current form, that part rang true no matter what. Chrysalis looked down and sighed.
Chrysalis: I did use you all for my own gain, yes. Pharynx... look at me, you'd know if I was lying. I… I don't know what I ultimately want, but I want my freedom, and I don't wish for any harm to befall the hive. But I still firmly believe in the strength of the hive… now more than ever. I can see how much I was holding you all back as much as I hate to admit. I'm not asking for forgiveness...
Pharynx: Good, cause I'm not looking to forgive… you… you broke our hearts! You may have thought we abandoned you, but you abandoned us! Even after a majority of the hive transformed, some of us remained. We believed in you! S-so… don't… don't give me hope… don't you start acting like a mother now… You always criticized Thorax for being a traitor… but you were the one who betrayed us! YOU DID, NOT HIM!
Chrysalis looked down, Pharynx wasn't wrong. Chrysalis had done those things, she trampled on the hopes and dreams of her most loyal changelings for her own gain.
But she felt something, Pharynx's love for the hive… but there was more there, perhaps he may have still had a shred of hope for Chrysalis? But it was something he didn't want to believe to keep himself from being hurt again? It was like what she'd been doing in avoiding her own past family issues.
Chrysalis: Pharynx, I cannot deny what you've said… and this doesn't leave this conversation, but… I'm trying… I want what's best for the hive, still… it's why when I get free, I will not ask for an immediate return to a position of power. I merely want to live… and perhaps… be in your lives if you'll allow...
She was letting herself be vulnerable with him. It felt like an inverse of the conversation she had with Thorax.
Outside the chamber doors, Starlight meditated internally. In some ways, Phayrnx's time with Chrysalis allows her to prepare herself to tell the queen all the truths of the world that have changed how all lifeforms on the planet look at life itself since Chrysalis was imprisoned in stone. She knows it's all going to be hard to take in for her, but this is one of the most important discussions to have if Chrysalis is to be walking around freely again.
Applejack meanwhile just bides her time, she knows the Changeling royals have a lot of family drama to get over. She's lucky that outside the rivalry with the Pears, there hasn't been too much infighting in her own family. She's been over protective of Apple Bloom, but they hardly argued compared to how Rarity and Sweetie would sometimes get. And that's not even getting into what was learned from Rainbow's session about Chrysalis' old hive.
Yona: Hey Apple Bloom, Yona is thirsty. mind if Yona grabs a bottle or 2 of tea from your cart?
The large yak asks for a brief moment of levity during the current situation.
It was quite a tense situation for all involved. Applebloom nodded to Yona and let her have any choice of drink. In fact, she gave everypony there a freebie.
Applebloom: Ah can't imagine what it must be like t' have such anger towards another family member. Ah mean, AJ and ah have had our squabbles in the' past, but nothing like… well that.
She looked to her older sister.
Applebloom: Ya think they'll really be able t' resolve their problems?
Applejack shook her head
Applejack: Ah wouldn't be mah honest self if ah said ah was confident in this working out smoothly. The royal changeling's family issues are far above any pony's family issues ah know about. Chrysalis lost just about her entire family in that strange sinkin' island disaster. And her new family is full o' complicated issues that stem from Chrysalis' attempts t' make sure what happened t' the old hive never happens again... surprisingly, ah can kind o' relate... ah never wanted anything like what happened t' Ma n' Pa again... it's why ah babied ya so much before ya dared going t' that cursed fire swamp when y'all were still little... 
Ah suppose it's different that Chrysalis actually had ah target t’ be mad at,  some pony that we don't know, whereas... with mah folks... it was ah freak natural disaster that ah couldn't have stopped. Ah still think Chrysalis went too far with tryin' t' take over Equestria over it. But ah won't lie that she's ah lot mo’ relatable then ah'll give her credit fo'
Applebloom chuckled a bit.
Applebloom: And ah fully understand why ya did what ya did… And ah'm glad t' have somepony like you t' always look out fo’ me, AJ. Still… ah know she was once our enemy, but ah can't help feelin ah bit sorry fo’ Chrysalis. From what the crusaders have told me, she's… really tryin’, at least in her own way."
Meanwhile back on Chrysalis and Pharynx's end. Pharynx was still letting every bit up pent up emotion out at his mother.
Pharynx: How am I supposed to be so sure you won't turn tail and run once you're free!? You wanna live in isolation again!?
Chrysalis: I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT, OKAY!? I know already that I'm not meant to be the sole ruler anymore… my time is long past. I just… I want to see what the future holds! But that thought also scares me! But let me tell you one thing, I'm not running! If I wanted to, I could have already tried! But I'm doing this not just for myself, but for you and your siblings along with the rest of the hive!"
Pharynx seemed stunned by this revelation. He knew she wasn't lying.
Pharynx: You… you still think of what could be best for the hive?
Chrysalis: I never stopped thinking about the hive! Yes, I will admit I was too prideful, and let my ambitions get the better of me. I do still want my revenge for what happened to my original hive years ago. 
HOWEVER, those… stupid… nonsensical… annoying ponies… they… they're letting me see things I didn't think possible… I want to keep going, Pharynx. And I want you to be there, too. I told Ocellus the same essentially. I don't expect us to be in a happy mother-son relationship whe… I mean if I get out of here… but… I would like to see how much you've grown as a leader....
Pharynx paused for a moment to process what she just told him. He gives her an odd look.
Pharynx: Wait a moment… why would you tell this to Ocellus? What does she have to do with any of this?
Chrysalis flinched, she didn't realize Pharynx had been kept in the dark. She assumed either Thorax or Starlight may have filled him in.
Chrysalis: (Oh of all the... great, just great...well I'm already in this deep, no going back now.)
Pharynx, as a royal changeling you should know… Ocellus is one of us. She too is a royal changeling. She was to become my heir… at least… that was the original plan...
Pharynx was stunned, he thought he'd been aware of everything going on in the hive. To have this bombshell dropped on him was no small thing.
Pharynx: WHAT!? All this time, she's… she's supposed to be a… a queen?! And you only tell me this now?! I was one of your most trusted changelings! Don't think you can pull this kind of stunt! Why hide it at all? Of all the lies you've told, that's rich even for...
Chrysalis looks at him with a very serious gaze.
Chrysalis: Pharynx, I've lied about many things withheld much from all of you… but I'm not lying right now. Ocellus was meant to become the new queen of the hive. And should she choose to accept this role, that’s still the plan.
Pharynx: You… you can't be serious. Does she know?! Is she aware!? Does Thorax know!? Why… why was I not made privy to this information!?
He slammed his hooves to the ground.
Chrysalis: ...They've been made aware recently, yes. I've kept this information because it was to ultimately protect the hive!
You may not believe me, Pharynx. But my heart has been and always will be with this hive. I will always want to see my changelings thriving!
Pharynx looked shocked by this. He knew she was being genuine but he also felt angry that he wasn't made aware of any of this sooner. 
Pharynx: Why… why didn't you just tell us this from the beginning, why did you turn your back on us.... why didn't you...
Pharynx: What do you mean by again!? Stop beating around the bush and just tell me!
Chrysalis sighed...
Chrysalis: Fine… let's start from the beginning.
She then began to tell him the history of her family and the original hive… at least from what she knew.
Chrysalis: …And that’s just about all I’ve told Thorax and Ocellus. Although, if I may add… there is one factoid that I have not told them yet, that I can reveal to you first… I hope this somewhat makes up for not sharing this information with you sooner, the identity of the mass-murdering pony that has fueled my desire for revenge…
Pharynx nods Pharynx: Alright… who was this pony? Just thinking about this pony’s name is enough to make Chrysalis involuntarily growl, as there was no one, not even Discord. That Chrysalis wishes nothing but pain and suffering on. Even as Starlight has slowly gotten Chrysalis to be more comfortable around ponies she used to regard as enemies, she feels she’ll never get over her hatred of this particular one.
Chrysalis: Her name… was Sunset Shimmer… Celestia’s protege before Sparkle came along. I witnessed her kill your great Uncle Tarsus, and ran away as she left my family to die in flames! I also suspect she was responsible for the deaths of your grandparents, I can’t say for certainty… but if she would do what happened at Mt. Thrace… poisoning my parents hardly seems below her.
Pharynx looked very conflicted by this information. He wanted to call Chrysalis out especially in regards to whom she saw as her true enemy, Sunset Shimmer… but he also could tell she wasn't lying and that made no sense to him. 
Pharynx: (This… this is so much to take in… she's been having this over her head this entire time? This is why she drove us so hard? 
But I don't understand, Starlight has brought her mother to see us before, she doesn't strike me as the type to have done such vile actions. 
If she did, she wouldn't be a spirit right now… but wait… she doesn't know any of that… and I've never seen her look so sad about family… heck, I don't think I've ever seen her look sad before, she's never shown this kind of emotion to any of us. Perhaps Starlight really is changing her slowly…)
After a moment to think, he looked at Chrysalis with some understanding.
Pharynx: I think I get it now… why you made the choices that got us to this point... I still don't forgive you for turning tail and running, and also what you tried to do to all of us in your anger when you partnered with Tirek and Cozy Glow… but I get it now...
Chrysalis: Pharynx, I'm still sorry you were the last to find out. But I...
He held a hoof up to stop her.
Pharynx: I just need time to process all of this. But… maybe, MAYBE I'll give you a chance when you're freed.
(And I know when she finds out about spirit summoning… she can see her siblings. Then I along with Thorax and… Ocellus, we can meet them too)
Pharynx walks toward the door, and signals to Starlight and the others they can now return to their session. He thinks for a moment about telling Starlight what Chrysalis told him about Sunset, but he knows for sure it would drive a wedge that won't easily be removed, it'd quickly turn this session into a disaster. 
Perhaps, he also has a feeling that the two will soon debate this for themselves later. A hope that if Chrysalis learns about how only the good or otherwise normal living beings become spirits, maybe she'd wonder if she was mistaken somehow about Sunset's role in what happened to the previous hive. His mother wouldn't question the very judgment of the cosmos themselves... right?
Regardless, he thanks Starlight for the time to talk and proceeds to sit back as the group resumes their session with his mother. Though certainly not without a lot of things swirling through his mind.
Starlight, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Coloratura, and Yona meanwhile all walk back to where they were before Pharynx interrupted. Starlight looks at Chrysalis with a warm and concerned face, only knowing that there was quite a bit of yelling.
Starlight: Are you ok, Chrysalis? If the session with Pharynx was too upsetting, we can leave you alone for a little while before getting into the meat of our session...
Once the others came back in, Chrysalis let out a sigh. She wasn't prepared to deal with Pharynx so early on in the lesson, but if that was the roughest part of her day out of the way, she assumed the rest would go smoothly.
Chrysalis: Don't start worrying about me, I was expecting to have that conversation eventually, just not so soon… still, I will be fine. Let's just continue. You said that this lesson would be mostly about you all telling me truths and showing me honesty, so that'll be rest enough I assume. 
Pharynx stayed in the corner, not wanting to speak up again but he looked to Starlight, hoping she knew what she was doing. 
Applebloom held up another one of her bottles of tea.
Applebloom: M-maybe you'd like another bottle of mah apple n' pear tea? It'd help ease th' nerves...
Chrysalis: ...you know what, sure. Glimmer, teleport it in here… please...
Starlight nods, and floats up another bottle from Apple Bloom's cart and in mere seconds it disappears before immediately reappearing on the floor of Chrysalis cell.
Starlight: Drink as much as you need, because... and I must stress this... what I'm about to tell you, will shake everything you've ever believed about our world and life itself. Though I may at least reassure you that I don't mean it in a bad way, in fact, there's a good part of this that will feel like the best news of your entire life. But regardless, do not be surprised if your brain is absolutely overwhelmed by the information I'm sharing with you today. If you need a breather just to comprehend it all. Feel free to speak up as I go on... ok?
Chrysalis raised an eyebrow as she took a sip of the drink. This seemed odd coming from Starlight but she shrugged. Considering all the things she's seen in her life and the things she's already been told, she didn't think there was anything left that could actually shock her.
Chrysalis: Sure, Glimmer. What is this world shattering information you have to tell me? I highly doubt what you have to say is that shocking. But go ahead.
The rest of the group could see how she didn't seem to really believe this, little did she know what Starlight was going to reveal.
Starlight takes a deep breath, she knows Chrysalis is in for quite a ride.
Starlight: I'll begin with a summary at how we began to discover this new information, pardon me if some of this is information I've already mentioned a while ago to you but the context is important. Shortly after well... the defeat of your team up with Tirek and Cozy. Princess Celestia delayed her retirement by a year. It also served to give Equestria a transition year to prepare for the beginning of Twilight's sole reign in Canterlot.
This last year before Twilight succeeded to the throne allowed her some freedom for some special plans in her last year living on a regular basis in Ponyville. However, the special plans found her this time. For a wedding was going to take place in Saddle Arabia, and it was between two friends that live there that Twilight and Spike are close to. Plus, the Royal Family was hosting it at the palace, and giving Twilight full freedom to invite as many guests as she wanted. She quickly got the idea after spreading this news to the other Elements to invite many of the family and friends met across her time in Ponyville for a special Royal Ball prior to the wedding. 
It was a fantastic night all-around, believe it or not many changelings were invited to gather for the atmosphere of a wedding ceremony. And many fantastic Equestrian Talents were put on stage, including Rara here, and well... a rather strange moment where Trixie cramped me and her into a lamp using a strange wish from Twilight. It was even a little emotional for me that night... I was still a little peeved at my father for a spat I had with him in the weeks prior to the ball... He still wouldn't tell me who or what happened to my mother even after all these years I've known him.
Though thankfully, I also had a nice bonding moment with Applejack there. We talked about our families, Applejack's deceased parents. And my own mom, who i didn't know was deceased yet nor did I know anything about. There was still hope at the time my mom was still alive somewhere to find out my true destiny at last. Somehow it all slipped my mind in the years I got to know Twilight, but I didn't once ask for a wish if she could help me find my mother. But that was certainly going to change the morning after.
Chrysalis listened intently. At the start, it just seemed like some standard fare pony business, nothing to do with her. She didn't see how some wedding was going to shake her perception of the world. If anything, her view of weddings was soured ever since her failed attempt in Canterlot to pose as Cadance all those years ago. She started to look a bit bored though she did look a bit bemused when she mentioned being stuffed into a lamp.
Chrysalis: Wait...are you a genie now, too? Is that the shocking revelation? And… your father wouldn't tell you about your mother? I don't see why he would withhold that information. From what you've told me, she was a soldier who died honorably in the line of duty. Why hide that?
She'd gotten invested again, especially with the mention of family. Applebloom and Coloratura hugged Applejack as Starlight continued on. 
Starlight: However, I was not the only one that night that was thinking of a long lost mother... Spike had a plan to visit the bones of his birth mother that were still sitting in a cave somewhere in the desert nearby. The morning after the ball, he, Twilight, Princess Celestia, Malakhar, and the Sultan of Saddle Arabia went together to the spot where Spike's birth mother laid to rest.
He went there to pay his respects, and although he of course expected no response of any kind. He spoke to the skeleton of his mother of how happy he was that he found Twilight. And also softly spoke a desire that he would have liked to meet her while clutching the dragon tear necklace he wears. He didn't think anything would come out of it, but he wished to know who she was and more. Even if it sounded silly.
Chrysalis: So he got to have a moment with his deceased birth mother, good for…
Chrysalis gasps as Starlight interrupts and continues on
Starlight: But that's when a real miracle occurred... a large comet-like entity came down from the sky and into the cave forming a giant sphere before all that witnessed it. It would then shapeshift into none other than a spirit of Spike's dragon birth mother. At that moment, we discovered... that Dragon Tears... when wielded by a dragon... are capable of allowing us to summon, and speak with, the spirits of the deceased... 
Chrysalis reacted understandably with shock and disbelief, spitting out some of the juice she was drinking.
Chrysalis: EXCUSE ME?! Glimmer, I've heard and seen many things over the years, but you cannot just expect me to believe that the dead can be returned to the mortal plane! What you're saying is impossible! ....it has to be...
They could see a flicker of hope in her eyes, as if she wanted them to prove her wrong. Applebloom spoke up.
Applebloom: Ah know it's hard t' believe. But it's the truth. Spike... he's able t’ bring down spirits o’ the deceased… it's how ah... got t' meet mah parents fo’ the first time.
Applejack: Trust me, Chrysalis. Ah hardly believed it either. It sounded way too good t' be true, even when mah folks showed up. Ah denied as hard as ah could, ah didn't want t' get mah hopes up. That changed, when ah truly felt their embrace fo' the first time since ah was ah little filly…
Seeing Applejack confirm this made it much harder for Chrysalis to deny. She knew Applejack was honest to a fault… but she still had some doubts. Or perhaps she didn't want to get her hopes up herself. As her mind went straight to thoughts of seeing Arista, Spur and Tarsus again.
Chrysalis: You're actually serious… I require proof then! Show me… show me… a… spirit...?
Starlight nods
Starlight: Exactly what I planned to do. Chrysalis, we actually have two more surprise guests to introduce you to. Allow me to open up another portal, to see for yourself...
Starlight opens another pack of Portal Gum. Just a pony-sized bubble this time though certainly tall enough for the spirit of a certain stallion.
Starlight: Chrysalis, I would like you to meet... the spirits of Pear Butter and Bright Mac. Otherwise known as Applejack's late parents.
As Starlight introduced them to Chrysalis, transparent hooves poke out of the portal and soon their faces are visible. The spiritual couple walk towards the group side-by-side. Both Applejack and Apple Bloom with big warm smiles. You'd think after a decade they'd be fully used to having their parents capable of being summoned down. But inside their hearts, they'll always cherish that they can see them again despite the tragic fate that fell upon them.
Pear Butter graciously bows for Chrysalis as a courtesy for royalty in the room, despite the imprisoned status Chrysalis still currently has. 
Her eyes widened when she saw Starlight already prepared for this and had portaled in two ponies. Chrysalis could see through their bodies and they had an otherworldly glow to them… interestingly enough she could taste the love they had for each other and their family. On a personal level she was also surprised to see Pear Butter actually respect her royal title. Bright Mac did something similar as he removed his hat and bowed for a moment. Chrysalis was rendered speechless, her eyes twitched. She couldn't process that she was seeing spirits of the dead right in front of her.
Starlight: I'm sure you have many questions. Like how is this possible, if spirits exist where do they go, and what is the purpose of their afterlife, etc. I promise you there are answers for at least most of your questions. If there's a question you have that we don't know yet, it's because this is still generally new to us even after a decade of this being a now worldwide discovery.
It might be a tad easier to just go by the order in which Twilight and Spike learned of how all this worked. It actually wouldn't be long after they summoned Spike's birth mother, that they summoned a more knowledgeable spirit thanks in part to Princess Luna, Somnambula, and Kubuya. With them they were able to summon the first ever genie who had herself return to mortality more than 1000 years ago, and she filled those who were in the cave that day of what's in the afterlife, and we even understand now just what life has been this whole time if you can believe it. You could say... the purpose of life has been discovered, at least for our planet.
I suppose to get ahead of one question I'm sure you may have in your mind... yes, we will gladly summon your most cherished family members. Spike is currently out of reach right now on a diplomatic mission, but I promise he'll be here next time. And you'll get to have the miraculous reunion that the Apple Family had with these two for yourself. We could even set it up for as early as tomorrow morning so you're not waiting for too much longer. 
This was a lot for Chrysalis to take in. She took a seat on the ground, still looking absolutely stunned by this revelation. She never would have imagined there was a way to speak with the dead or that there was an actual afterlife for their planet. 
Chrysalis: ...I think I can see why you waited to tell me about this… I would have just laughed it off and called you insane... I'm seeing those two and I still can't believe it...
This made Bright Mac chuckle as he simply phased through the cell barrier. Chrysalis can now hear the echo in the spirit’s voice for the first time. It sends shivers down her spine.
Bright Mac: Oh believe me, it's still ah tad weird on our end too. But ya get used t' it after ah while. 'sides, ah get t' see mah children again all grown up too!
When Starlight mentioned allowing Chrysalis to see her family again too, she stood up in shock. Some tears about to fall.
Chrysalis: A-AR-ARE YOU SERIOUS, STARLIGHT?! I… I can see them again?
This little outburst took Pharynx by surprise, but it did confirm that she was truly genuine when they had their conversation in regards to their family. He said nothing, but there was a small smile on his face. Chrysalis did take a moment to breathe and while she was a bit upset that it wouldn't happen today, she didn't even think such a thing would've been possible had she not seen proof in front of her.
Chrysalis: They've been gone so long… what's one more day? Arista… Spur… Tarsus... I… I can see them again… talk to them...
Applejack: ...And hug 'em!
Applejack says as she wraps a hoof around her mother for a warm embrace, the spirit mother gladly returning the hug.
Yona sighs
Yona: Yona would like to hug pony ghosts! But yaks can't...
Starlight giggled
Starlight: Yeah, I suppose one of the first things I can mention is only those who were close enough friends with the deceased when they were alive, or related by blood are needed to summon them in the first place. But a bonus perk for those that miss their departed friends and family. Only they can actually touch their spirits. 
Starlight demonstrates by waving a hoof through Pear Butter and Bright Mac and all it is doing is simply phasing through them. If there were any remaining doubts now, the fact that some ponies could physically touch them while others can't proved this wasn't just some hologram trick. The Apple sisters were truly touching their parents, while those who were unrelated could not do so whatsoever. These were indeed magic spirits of some kind, and Chrysalis' eyes shined in a way many of the guests there had never seen up to this point. 
Chrysalis looked baffled, but in a good way with this overload of what was indeed perhaps the best news she’s ever heard.
Chrysalis: Hug them? But they're ghosts… how would you...
She watched as both Applejack and Applebloom actually hugged both Pear Butter and Bright Mac. 
Chrysalis: ...The more I learn, the less I understand... So you're saying that not only can I speak to them, essentially it can be like olden times?
She looked in awe at the sight before her. The taste of the love coming off this group was unlike any of the previous pairings. This was a love that existed across life and death itself. She couldn't describe the flavor but she knew she liked it.
Chrysalis: This is one time I will say… you ponies have truly found a way to amaze me... spirit magic... never in my wildest dreams did I think such a thing was possible. Oh! That reminds me then...
She looked to Starlight
Chrysalis: If this is possible, you must've been able to find the truth out about your mother then, correct? I'm assuming you've spoken to her spirit?"
Starlight nods her head
Starlight: Yep! Indeed, I have. Although, there will be time to tell you all about that soon. There's still some things in particular about our world and the afterlife that you need to know before I get to what it's personally meant for me. I did wonder if maybe my mother should have also been a guest for this session, but I decided maybe that'll be better saved for next time. Applejack's parents serve as a good example of the miracles of Spirit Summoning already. I am certainly looking forward to when you meet her though, once you do... So much about me is going to make a lot more sense!
Chrysalis: Well given your magical power, I'm going to assume you gained it from your mother… so saving her for the next lesson does make sense.
Pharynx let out a silent sigh of relief. Because he was aware that Chrysalis would need some prep time before meeting Sunset. Right now, she needed to be slowly acclimated to the reality of the world and the afterlife.  
Starlight: For now though, before I explain how the afterlife works. There's new facts about our world's astronomy that I must mention that only the deceased spirits could have told us about barring us ever inventing a safe transportation that could reach space prior to the summons we started with a decade ago, cause one thing you should know... is most beings that have ever lived... are actually circling the globe as we speak, and have been doing so ever since life began. 
Chrysalis' face twisted in more disbelief at the reveal that the spirits are circling around the planet at all times.
Chrysalis: What...? How does that even work?! I've never seen literal ghosts flying though the skies, if they're circling the globe, where are they?
Bright Mac: Ah can give ah bit o’ an explanation. See, ya actually do see us up their either as stars or comets shootin cross th' night sky! See, we spirits are part o’ ah soul shield. We're protectin our world and the planet itself! And it ain't just exclusive t' ponies and other sapient creatures, but other animals and plants too!
Chrysalis: Soul shield...? Protecting the world? Uh… it feels like there’s been plenty of saviors… believe me…
Starlight: As oddly convenient as it sounds, for the most part. The soul shield is invisible to us. But as Bright Mac mentioned, we can on occasion see what look like comets orbiting the planet. Though I do believe AJ has some thoughts on this subject that isn't confirmed, but it's our best guess at the moment.
Applejack: Ah don't even know for absolute sure if this is how it works. But there is somethin' o' ah theory ah've brought up with everypony. On nearly every large Apple Family reunion prior t' the first time we summoned Ma and Pa, Ah'd look up at the night sky and there would be these pair o' comets n' the sky. Ah often wondered if in some way, that was mah folks giving the only message they could that they're lookin' over us. Ah may actually have been right in some fashion, the comets may in fact have been them. Although if it was, it's nothin' they did entirely on purpose as they can't recall ever knowing they were being seen.
Anyhow though, the gist o' this theory o' mine is that when certain spirits are being thought about deeply on the planet. Such as ah family reunion, it makes them more likely t' appear in the sky. It's kinda hard t' test something like that however. Especially when it's just easier t' bring them down and have them there fo’ the reunion.
Starlight: Frankly, if every spirit was visible all the time. Night time would barely exist as the sky would be too bright and probably disorientating to look at. Imagine having trillions upon trillions of comets circling the world constantly. It'd certainly be a mess... 
Bright Mac looked to Pear Butter and chuckled.
Bright Mac: Ah gotta say, ah think mah daughter's explanation is quite a fun one. Pear and ah do love it when th' family gets together!
Chrysalis still seemed so lost, the rest of the group was fully aware of how this all worked and she was like a deer in headlights. But she did wonder about the shield itself and who was part of it. She looked at the two spirits before her.
Chrysalis: ...During your time in this... soul shield or whatever...did you see changelings that look somewhat similar to myself there...?
Pear Butter: Of course we caught a glimpse of a great number of changelings in our time up there. Although, I doubt we'd be able to tell easily which ones were those you knew, amongst the many generations that came before them. Up in the soul shield, we generally mingle with our fellow deceased friends and family. Interaction does happen between spirits who never knew each other when we were alive. But it's rather sparse for the more recently dead to converse with everyone. The more ancient the spirit is, the more freely they can travel the shield to speak with others. If a conversation between two spirits that never knew each other is deemed important to do, many former tribal shamans and elders from the days of our cave pony ancestors that have learned about every culture that has come up since their time will arrange it.
The less sentient spirits such as Dinosaurs that are even older than our ancestors just go about anywhere they please. In fact, there's this little raptor pack that would always come by me and Bright Mac. Not gonna lie, I'd have been terrified of them if they had been around when I was alive. But when there's no such threat given well... we're already dead... they're oddly cute!
Pear Butter giggles 
Bright Mac: Oh yeah! Ah can't wait t’ see them again! Kind fellers they are! It's funny, when we're all spirits they seem as docile as any kind o' pet!
Chrysalis looked a bit disappointed. But this made sense. Starlight already said they'd be able to summon her family tomorrow, but she at least would have hoped that she could get some information now if possible. At the very least she felt comforted to know that changelings of the past were not left to the wayside.
Chrysalis: Hm… disappointing… oh well, with literal trillions of apparent souls to go through it makes sense. Hmm, this soul shield… if it contains all the souls of everyone who's passed on and is protecting this world… it must be quite powerful. Maybe it's for the best that neither I nor any other one you all deemed as villains tried to harness it for ourselves.
Her understanding of how the shield worked is a bit off but she was still learning after all.
Starlight: I do have something to say in terms of... villains and this kind of magic in a bit. But I still need to start off with a few more crucial details. Given your dislike of us ponies, you've probably questioned why we're the ones that have the authority to move the sun and moon around. Whether that's Twilight currently, Celestia & Luna before her, and then the Unicorns in the Pre-Equestria era. 
Chrysalis: You actually do bring up a good point, even for as long as I've lived, you ponies were in charge of the sun and moon. While it's something we begrudgingly had to accept, though I am well aware control can easily be ripped away with the right tools. I never did understand why you deemed yourselves worthy to control them���
Starlight continues
Starlight: There was actually a very long period in our planet's history in which no one had control of the Sun and Moon...
And back then... that meant... the sun and moon... did not move at all!
What's more, our planet does not rotate. As such, half the world was a desert scorched by the then eternal sun. And the other half was a frozen nightscape where the only light was from the moon and far away stars. 
She grimaces at the thought of a dry hellscape or a permanent dark & icy tundra as a home and neither sounded like good options. 
Starlight: Most of life and/or civilization having to be in the parts of the world that served as a vertical equator that were in an eternal state of being in between day and night. An eternal twilight and/or sunset you could say. Hehe!
Starlight winks, making something of a pun. Although the mention of the latter word for the transition between day to night makes Chrysalis jump before she calms down, assuming Starlight only meant the word and nothing else.
Starlight: There's a possibility it was once normal for the sun and moon to move on its own, with the planet rotating until a sudden event caused that all to change.  There is however a strong theory about it that has come out in the past decade, this is where I can start elaborating when it comes to soul magic and villains. You may have not noticed this explicit detail, but I said MOST deceased spirits go up into the soul shield... I'm about to tell you what those exceptions are. 
Despite her not liking the fact that ponies control the sun or moon, the idea that they used to move on their own and the planet used to rotate seemed like absolute nonsense. 
Chrysalis: Oh please, I find that theory hard to believe...
(Though to be fair... she's been showing me many things I once thought as impossible so… hmm…)
She looked a bit concerned at the mention of exceptions to the soul shield.
Chrysalis: What kind of exceptions...?
Starlight: To put it simply, evil or otherwise antagonistic beings that never came to regret their actions. When those kinds of beings pass away, they do not go up to the soul shield. In fact, they just about lose all existence and sentience they ever had when they were alive. Transforming into dark magic that does nothing but ravage or weaken the planet.
The most well known example might be the windigos. They were once a rival tribe of our ancestors that centered their culture of hatred and violence in the frozen tundras when the world was split between desert and glaciers. Their spirits in some way stuck around, but they do nothing but feed on hatred and bring the cold winters they once thrived in with them.
And the strong theory I mentioned has only come up recently within the past decade, but the death of Grogar might have been what released enough dark magic to stop the sun and moon from moving naturally, along with the planet's rotation.
This might explain why culturally, Equestria isn't fond of executing our foes.You might bring up that Sombra has been killed on multiple occasions, but he was a special case. He had infused himself with dark magic where he placed a powerful spell that allows him to control himself in a dark magic form, though the catch is he ends up trapping himself in a void should he be defeated by the magic of love and/or friendship. With only powerful feats of magic such as the Crystal Empire's sudden return or well... Discord willing his return to both our chagrin. Some even say he might have secretly allowed himself to be killed by Celestia and Luna, or at least was aware of this as a long term Plan B. 
The reason we don't do executions isn't just because we're naive and friendship-happy, there's actually real consequences that come from the death of those who died evil. So if there's even a sliver of a chance to help turn someone's life around. We take it, otherwise we use petrification for those who were either too far gone to save or just waiting for the perfect opportunity to redeem them. 
Chrysalis' expression sours even more from this information. She seemed to take it almost personally
Chrysalis: Look, if you wanted to just tell me that I won't be going to this soul shield or whatever, you could just say it to my face without beating around the bush… though being trapped in stone or cursed to nonexistence… neither sounds like a suitable end...
She rolled her eyes at the mention of Sombra being an exception
Chrysalis: Oh great, one of the most whiny and pathetic villains to roam Equestria stumbled on technical immortality… Though I suppose he's like the windigo in that regard. They can never be truly destroyed... but now I get why you ponies are so adamant on trying to reform every single one you deem as a villain. And why you turned myself, Tirek, and Cozy Glow into stone...
Starlight: Chrysalis... I wouldn't be saying any of this to you if I didn't think there was hope for you... but I apologize if I made you feel like I was passively-aggressively saying you don't have a chance.
Perhaps a slight change of subject is in order though... the discoveries Twilight and Spike found out while talking with Jinn brought more context onto Spike's dragon tear necklace. The gem on that necklace is made of crystalized soul magic. The same exact stuff that spirits like Pear Butter and Bright Mac here are made out of. Dragons are our largest and longest-lived sentient creatures on the planet, they as such have the most soul magic within them. A dragon tear sometimes showed up when a dragon was about to die, creating excess soul magic that is left by the dragon who passed away. Spike's the only known one to make a dragon tear of his own and live, but that required a traumatic moment where a monster of a pony named Zathir nearly had Twilight kill all her friends and Spike while being brainwashed.
Just a chip of those are powerful enough to transform ponies into what we know are genies. Which gets into another few twists about this. We call the magic that makes up the Dragon Tears and spirits as soul magic, though it's true that actually the souls that are in every living being we know of are also made of that kind of magic. Which gave us 2 major discoveries... one was that magic isn't just power, nor is it just magical spells and/or friendship. All of life itself... is magic too!
Chrysalis raised an eyebrow.
Chrysalis: What, are you saying that my supposed reformation undoes the things I've done? How would it determine this level of good or evil?
She seemed more curious even though the rules didn't make too much sense to her yet. It was a lot to unload on her. And that only increased as she was told of the nature of the spirits and by extension, genies.
Chrysalis: To think dragons had such power locked within them… this soul magic, it sounds even more powerful than the power pure love would give. Stronger than the power of the most ancient of artifacts...
It almost sounds like Chrysalis is thinking like her villainous self... but...
Chrysalis: It's good we didn't know about its existence then when Tirek, Cozy and I teamed up... it would have been badly abused
Was she... glad that they didn't know about soul magic? Pharynx's eyes widened in surprise, hearing her praise a power and not desire it.
Starlight: As for the other discovery, Genies like Twilight are actually half-spirits. For let's just say... genies and spirits have a few similarities... Pear Butter and Bright Mac, why don't you two demonstrate for yourselves at least one of those.
Pear Butter looks in Bright Mac's eyes before nodding. They soon float themselves in the air, and their lower bodies merge into a waving, curvy tail from the hips on down. Swirling around the chamber in a majestic dance in the air.. 
Chrysalis: If genies are half-spirits, how does that work, you cannot be alive and dead at once... And what other similarities do they have? And if you have these tears, why not make more genies?
She doesn't get an answer to her second question but she does watch the two apple family spirits dance and fly around in a way that makes them look more like genies themselves.
The two spirits fly for a little while longer before coming back down having given a sufficient example of Spirit flight.
Starlight: I could go more into detail about how genies as half-spirits work. But I'm sure you're already quite overwhelmed with what we've already told you. It may be best to save some details for you to learn as you get accustomed to being free again. The most important similarity between Spirits and Genies is they are both able to grant wishes. However, that in itself has a big difference in genies are capable of granting the wishes of the living. Whereas spirits only attend to the planet's wishes.
...Which yes, that means our planet is in a way, alive on its own. Although more akin to a plant-like soul that can't speak. But just like how earth ponies can feel out what plants need, spirits can do the same for the planet. And that's how the soul shield was formed, as the planet's desire is for itself to be protected and that as much life as possible lives happy so that the day comes when more living beings pass they add strength to the shield rather than damage the planet. What the shield protects the planet from are stuff like stray meteors or a solar flare burning through our atmosphere.
We don't know if there are other planets out there that work like ours. Maybe there's other planets that have their own soul shield. Or maybe we're some outlier where we're the only planet where magic has evolved this far, and quickly enough to the point that life itself is synonymous with magic. But either way, every living being has a soul that makes them as magic as any other. The way they live their lives affect whether they add strength to the soul shield, or unfortunately transform into dark magic.
As long as they have some form of love in their hearts, they'll always have a chance of being among the trillions of souls before us. And you shouldn't underestimate yourself, Chrysalis. The soul shield does not judge based on past actions, what's more important is where you are when your time comes. You've done evil deeds, but so have I. It would be cruel if one terrible action defined your fate.
Maybe forcing ponies into cocoons for your changelings to drink their love dry is still a dastardly act. But you never went so low as to end a pony's life. That's still a moral compass that we can build off of. There's a big difference between you with more unrepentant evil like Zathir, who as I mentioned before nearly killed Spike in front of Twilight's eyes... or Cozy Glow... who along with her family... had a role in the death of my mother...
Chrysalis once again felt lost within most of the explanation, looking very much like a student who didn't study for a test. While she picked up on some key details, the talk about the wishes of the planet and the idea of going beyond their own seemed to go right over her head. However the talk of how the shield judges those who pass on does hold more of her attention. Starlight makes a valid point that she too used to walk a villainous path. Of course looking at her now, no one would believe that. But it did mean Chrysalis had a chance should she take her redemption seriously. 
Chrysalis: So it's forgiving to an extent...
She smirked
Chrysalis: To be fair, I didn't kill anypony but it wasn't from a lack of trying! But I also cannot extract love from a corpse so... there's that.
She said trying to bring some levity in her own morbid way. It was clear this talk of potential death and what may happen to her actually got her a bit nervous. Seeing proof that there is something of an afterlife does make her worried for where she ends up when her time comes. 
Chrysalis: You speak of those who would cross all lines then... So that wretched demon who killed my family and most of my original hive would be among that list as well. Hmph, good riddance then.
Starlight: Most likely, yeah. But... how about we get to a happier conversation. I can start getting into what spirit summoning's done for us. The first summoning outside of Spike's mother and Jinn were in fact Pear Butter and Bright Mac themselves. Twilight felt it the best way to begin spreading the miracles of spirit summoning to reunite two parents who died way too soon with their much older children.
Others that have reunited included Celestia and Luna's generations of their most loyal staffers and guards, Twilight's friend Malakhar with his grandfather, Pinkie's family with Granny Pie, and all sorts of others.
Pear Butter: Speaking of Pinkie, I don't think we mentioned yet a certain discovery within our family to Chrysalis yet that wouldn't have been possible without spirit summoning!
Applejack: Oh yeah! Ah almost forgot, y'all not going t’ believe this Chrysalis. There was this one time Pinkie joined mah family on ah road trip because she found some sort o' blurry family tree book that might have confirmed we were related. In the end, Goldie Delicious' family records ended up being too smudged t' find out the answer fo' absolute certain. But we would find out later thanks t' all this spirit stuff. Granted, it's ah little distant still. But mah grandma on the pear side o' mah family was Pinkie's grandma's sister. Which means me and mah siblings have been second cousins with Pinkie and her sisters the whole time!
Starlight chuckles
Starlight: Honestly, all you're going to do is confuse Chrysalis about pony genetics even further. She was already puzzled that Maud and Pinkie were sisters, let alone this! But... I suppose I'm not so different. My mother had a pretty bright color scheme all things considered, I think most of my coloring came from my father's side!
Speaking of which, I am eager to tell Chrysalis about the day I reunited with my mother's spirit... but are there any last questions you have about spirits, soul magic, and/or spirit summoning before we move on?
The talk of reunions and spirit summoning does put a gleam in Chrysalis' eye, the group can see how hopeful she is to see her own family… tomorrow.
Chrysalis: You speak of all these reunions… you'd best follow through on your promise. I… I want to see my siblings.
She tilts her head at the mention of the apple family's extended roots.
Applebloom: Aw yeah, that was a fun trip, sure we almost met our untimely demise at the bottom o’ ah waterfall, but we got some great pics out o’ it! Plus, we've made that dangerous route ah bit o’ ah tradition!
Upon learning that Pinkie is indeed related to the apples, Chrysalis sighed and shook her head.
Chrysalis: My condolences, your family tree is now a hodgepodge of absolute insanity. You have my sympathy… pfft, pony genetics are just an absolute nightmare... I pity anyone foolish enough to try and figure it out.
She spoke with a heavy amount of sarcasm. When Starlight brought up herself into the conversation and her own family.
Chrysalis: I feel if I try to figure out anymore about the soul magic, spirits or what have you, my head is going to burst. Why don't we stick to something a little more… grounded. So the day you reunited with your hero soldier of a mother. That must have been a shock for her to hear you went down a villainous path… not that I'm interested but… how did that all go...?
Starlight paused for a moment, though smiled still
Starlight: She... did scold me a little. But I fully explained to her why her untimely death was the first domino to fall in a long string of events that I didn't have too much control over. Maybe I could have chosen to ignore things such as the manifesto about equality. But I was still too upset about Sunburst leaving. And then fate had the audacity to actually give me my cutie mark after trying out my mother's spellbook, as if destiny was laughing in my face to give me a cutie mark just as I was being convinced by the manifesto to hate them.
I had a lot of pent up emotion when I came clean to my mom. It was probably the longest time I cried since I was only a filly....
And all my mother did, was just what good mothers do. Hug, and comfort me in my worst moment...
Admittedly, I feel like all you'll do is laugh at me that a grown pony like me still needed the comfort of my mother. I'd even understand it if you mock me for it.. but... I never felt what a mother's comfort was like for my entire childhood... it was a lot more crucial to my development than I ever thought possible. Twilight filling in as a surrogate older sister filled in a void, but when I got to speak with my actual birth mother... everything just flowed out... all the tears... all the memories... everything that had led me to the life I lived up to that point...  everything had finally come full circle in my life. It was an emotional moment, but it was a needed one. I know myself more than ever now, and I know my mother will always be proud of me.
My mother was the angel I needed to set me on the path I'm on today. And I'm excited for when you get to meet her tomorrow!
Chrysalis listened intently, the whole group could see that despite what she said about not caring, she clearly did. But not only that, Chrysalis was thinking on how she'd talk about the things she's done to her siblings, specifically Arista and Spur. Tarsus.. he wasn't one for mushy emotions. Though the mention of her mother doing what 'good mothers do'... it made Chrysalis feel… guilty. She looked to Pharynx and then looked away as their eyes met. She was not going to be winning mother of the year anytime soon but… perhaps it's something to work on. 
Chrysalis: ...No, I won't laugh... I… I kind of get it. Though in my case… I don't need my parents, though I still long to see them again, but it's my siblings, they were to me what your mother is to you in terms of that needed support. Heh, I will laugh somewhat at taking in Sparkle as a sister. But coming from someone who had siblings to one who doesn't? I do not know if you have biological siblings. 
But perhaps I shouldn't judge too harshly. And yes, I too look forward to meeting this hero mother of yours. I may not have respected ponies during her time, I can however respect a soldier who was at their most powerful. Besides, much like our exercise with Cadence and Shining Armor to laugh at Sombra. Perhaps your mother and I can exchange barbs at Cozy's expense!
Applejack places a hoof on Starlight's shoulder.
Applejack: Ain't nothin' wrong 'bout sharin' ya feelings 'bout family... the loss o' my folks early in mah childhood had ah tremendous effect on me as well... Ah nearly quit Apple farmin’ altogether and attempted t’' try living wit’ mah aunts and uncles in the Orange families in Manehattan just t’ try if ah change o’ scenery could help me wit’ mah grief... but that only added homesickness t' so many emotions swirling in mah mind. Ah rainbow would eventually give me ah sign that ah should go back home. Realizing that wherever ma and pa were, they'd want t' see me happy back at the humble barns o’ Sweet Apple Acres.
It's thanks t' Granny, Big Mac, and the sudden importance o’ needing t’ step up fo' Apple Bloom when she was only ah foal helpin’ drive me forward. Ah never really fully got over mah parents' deaths. Ah freak rare natural disaster that just happened t' ruin mah life out o' nowhere... sometimes the way death can come suddenly can be scarier then some evil perpetrator. Because at least in those cases, ya’ll have something t' blame. Where loved ones just being at the wrong place at the wrong time... just makes it seem like the universe has it out fo' ya. It can make ya paranoid, and overprotective o' those ya still have...
Bright Mac, Coloratura, and Applebloom hold Applejack close.
Applebloom: Ya may have gotten on mah nerves sometimes with ya constant worryin’... but ah'm glad that ah had ya there, AJ.
Bright Mac: We never intended t' leave th' family so woefully unprepared fo’ what happened t’ mahself an Pear… but we couldn't be mo’ proud o’ who ya became.
Hearing about the loss of family members puts Chrysalis in an odd mood. But seeing Applejack be able to reconcile some of her feelings with the spirits of her parents… in a weird way, it gave her some hope for her own family reunion.
Chrysalis was a little afraid to ask her next question, wondering if it could be a touchy subject with spirits. But she figures if it is a sensitive topic, they can change subject quickly enough.
Chrysalis: How exactly did you two die? Gruesome question I know, but… considering how relatively young you look, I cannot imagine it was a natural death.
Pear Butter looked at Bright Mac with a bit of a grim look, but both of them nodded figuring that it was important to tell.
Pear Butter: As Applejack said... it was a rare natural catastrophe... we died at a place called Flame Geyser Swamp. Now even the name of that place already doesn't sound like the most inviting place, but it's a convenient place for all sorts of deliveries and ground routes for travel...
Starlight nods confirming that
Starlight: Me and Trixie once went through that place when we were trying to get to Saddle Arabia together. I actually nearly got burnt by one of the geysers before Trixie saved me. I didn't even know that place held such a dark significance to Applejack. When I learned that's where they died sometime afterward, I felt quite guilty that me and Trixie were singing all happily through that place. Luckily, Applejack wasn't too fussed about it.
Applejack: Despite how dangerous that place looks, over 90% o' ponies goin’ through get out o' there generally unharmed... And even most o' that 10% are grazin’ burns and/or had the first aid necessary t’ get them t’ ah hospital. It's just ah shame mah folks were in the 2% or less that were fatalities…
Pear Butter: We weren't killed by the flames however, it was something far worse that's generally dormant under the swampy floor, and was not watched for by our scientists yet because of how rare the event of such an eruption was: Toxic methane gas
We did try to leave our delivery cart behind to flee from the gas, but the cloud was still too fast. It caught up to Bright Mac first, and without thinking I immediately went back for him. Although, I doubt I would have been able to outrun the cloud anyway. If I was going to suffocate to death, at least it meant me and Bright Mac would have our last moments together... 
Applejack takes off her hat and places it over her chest
Applejack: We wouldn't find out what happened til' 'bout 3 days later. Granny Smith recovered their bodies, and naive lil' me thought they were jus' sleepin'... only fo' reality t' set in like ah thunder bolt as ah felt the cold temperature o' mah mother's hooves... ah brutal way t' learn that those closest t' us aren't promised t' be with ya forever...
Applebloom: Ah even tried t' foolishly go and make ah trip through there bah mahself… and nearly paid the price if it weren't fo’ Applejack. Dang Chimera almost made me lunch.
She looked at Applejack and then at her parents
Applebloom: At th' time Ma and Pa died, ah was jus a baby then. Ah never got t’ really know them till we were able t’ see them with spirit summonin’
Chrysalis looked quite somber about all this.
Chrysalis: Of all ponies… I never would have assumed we had something like this in common. It is… painful to have your loved ones ripped away...
She took a deep breath, even though she'd been telling her history more openly now, it didn't make it easier.
Chrysalis: I too lost my parents suddenly... They were murdered, though we never got true closure on who truly did it. But it's what started my hatred and distrust of ponies. I saw them as infallible, invincible beings… only for reality to quickly dash that thought.
Applejack: Huh, really now... Ah'm sorry t' hear something similar happened t' ya folks too... and ah hope whomever did it got their just desserts one way or another. Doesn't matter if they were ah pony or not, they'd never be ah friend o' ours.
Starlight takes the opportunity while Applejack and Chrysalis talk to note much of what they've gone over today in her notebook.
Yona: Yeah! Historically, murder was crime all yaks rose up to crush evildoer together... although learning about this dark magic stuff... might be why avalanches become common in yak country... but yaks strong, and very hairy, we survived them all!
Pear Butter: I'm sure Spike would gladly allow you to see your mother and father again along with everyone else you miss when you see him soon. I have faith your parents were great if you were able to have children yourself like Ocellus. 
Chrysalis: Oh believe me, Applejack, who I suspect to be my parents' murderer is one whom I’d wish the most terrible fate upon them possible. You may all be trying to redeem me, but that feeling will not change. Starlight may already know this, but while you, Sparkle, and the others may have been a thorn in my side… you do not even come close to the anger I feel for who I blame for everything. I think it’s highly likely my parents' murderer and my hive's murderer are one and the same...
Coloratura: I cannot imagine what that feels like but to hold onto resentment for so long...it leaves you hollow inside... wouldn't you rather face your family with the love you feel over the resentment?
Chrysalis sighs, especially when Ocellus is brought up.
Chrysalis: Who she became is in spite of me, not because of me. She rose to the occasion because I was not there. But… I know my parents and my sister will be thrilled to meet her… and the rest of my lineage.
She looked at Pharynx with a small smile, trying to bridge the gap between them.
Pear Butter turns toward Coloratura
Pear Butter: Sometimes it's not that easy just to get along again with family when there's resentment... especially when that resentment is within the family itself... we've since made up, and I'm glad he's with us in the Soul Shield along with both my mother and my mother-in-law now. But my father about dis-owned me when he learned I chose to marry into the Apple family over moving to Vanhoover with him. He couldn't get over some ridiculous business rivalry over his own daughter's feelings...
I never got to hear a real apology from my father until after I died, and if spirit summoning had never been discovered by Spike. I'd had never found out how much he's changed, and our reunion in the Soul Shield would have been more than awkward, to say the least...
This statement actually worried Chrysalis, she misses her family. But at the same time, she knew their deaths came not long after a nasty argument after years of tension between the four of them. Would the spirits of her family still hold on to that same resentment over their last argument. 
Would they guilt trip her for being the sole surviving royal?
Or maybe worse… one or two of them could be disgusted at what she's done, and what she had become. It makes her wonder for a moment if summoning them would even be worth it, but she shakes her head and realizes even if they say they never want to see her again. That hearing their voices one more time would be enough. 
Bright Mac looked at Pear with some sadness.
Bright Mac: Ah do wish he'd have just accepted us while we were alive… but it does warm mah heart that he did finally change his tune. Heh, he's up there wit’ us now and insists that ah call him Pah Pear. Course he'd never have changed if it weren't fo’ AJ, Big Mac and Applebloom here…
Applebloom smiled up at her father.
Chrysalis: I... I suppose you have some point there. I… I had an argument with my parents before they'd left. Now that I think about it… same went for my sister and my younger brother. I've been so caught up in the thought of seeing them again… what if they don't want to see me?
Chrysalis had intended to keep that thought to herself, it's only after she said it, that she realized it wasn't an internal thought. She was feeling more comfortable being open and hadn't realized it.
Pear Butter: I don't know the extent of how bad your last discussions with your family went, but even if they're still bitter about anything that happened before their deaths. There will be plenty of time to work things out. Sometimes just the reunion itself will supersede any other emotion. You might not even have to worry about apologizing to each other until the dust has settled after a joyful reunion.
Of course, I don't mean to make light of what your argument was about. I imagine as part of a royal family, it was a much more serious affair than the feud my father had with the Apple Family. The family feud my father had with the Apples is one thing, but in the grand scheme of things it only impacts at least two families and at most the agriculture of when Ponyville was still only a small, rural town. In your case... a whole nation, or hive rather, was on you and your families shoulders. Making decisions that impact hundreds if not thousands of your subjects.
Chrysalis: Indeed, both times it was regarding the well being, future direction of the hive, and… erm… debating about waging conflict… hmm...
That gave her some pause now that she thought about it. Every time she got into an argument of how the hive should be run, she lost something. The first time, it was her parents, the second time, her siblings along with 90% or more of her old hive… and then when she was confronted years later, by Starlight and her son… she lost her crown. 
Chrysalis: (No matter how many years pass… I keep making the same mistakes…)
Applejack: Yea... sometimes ah wonder how ponies like Twilight can handle all o' that politics and junk. So many things ya have t' keep in balance t' try t' make everyone happy. When there's inevitably going t' be someone who very vocally hates ya decision no matter what y'all do.
Twilight trying t’ increase relations with other nations through the school o’ friendship got some severe pushback from ponies like Chancellor Neighsay who was adamant that education in Equestria was fo’ Ponies only. Luckily, he changed his tune when Cozy made her move. But ya’ll would think friendship fo' all is somethin' everypony in Equestria agreed wit’ even back then.
Even besides Cozy, it was ah big wake-up call that Equestria needed the School o’ Friendship more than the other nations to be honest. We ain’t teaching friendship t' non-ponies purely fo' the purpose o’ gaining new allies. Even our own country had some things t' learn from other cultures. It wasn't ah one way street when it comes t' knowledge bein’ passed.
Yona nods
Yona: Yona remember well! Chancellor pony thought yaks were too dim-witted for friendship. But Yona proved him wrong! And now yaks like Yona can teach friendship to ponies themselves! 
Coloratura: I've had contractual spats and things like that, and of course Applejack knows the issues I had with my former manager, Svengallop. But I fully agree, we're barely scratching the surface compared to what royal problems are like.
Chrysalis raises an eyebrow when she hears mention of Cozy being a wake-up call for ponies.
Chrysalis: Hmph, I could have told you that. It doesn't surprise me that there are ponies who think themselves superior. You may not have seen it, but what do you think it felt like to be seen as nothing more than monsters? And before you mention the actions I've done, keep in mind the injustices we've had thrown at us by ponies. Yes, the actions I took while being Queen were possibly not the way to go about things… but I speak out of my own experiences. I'm sure even Pharynx would agree.
Pharynx: To an extent, yes. But I know they are not the monsters we've generalized them as either. That too is a two way street, mother. 
Applejack: It is kind o' a wonder why Celestia was never able t' have her own attempts at uniting Equestria with non-pony nations on the level Twilight has. She never seemed like the type o’ leader t’ not even TRY t' make good wit’ those who could have been potential allies. 
Celestia was ah fantastic leader from ah pure domestic point-o’-view, but her foreign relations record seems t’ have been at least ah little spotty in hindsight. She avoided war fo’ the most part, even with threats from the Yaks at one point...
Yona: Heheh... yeah... Prince Ruthorford known for shouting hyperbole as leverage with other nations back then. Almost never actually meant it, but yak's large bodies and tendency to smash very intimidating. Yaks got bigger slice of negotiations through threats... has mellowed out since though. Threats no way to be friends with others after all.
Applejack: ...But otherwise it feels odd that Celestia may have never tried t' reach out t' the species we now covet good relations with. She didn't strike me as one t' be careless about others strifes. Regardless, if they were ah pony or not. Not t' mention somepony like Neighsay being able t' get into such high positions under her nose with the kind o' beliefs he once shared. But ah suppose even Celestia can be fooled. Chrysalis probably knows all about that since Shining and Cadence's wedding.
Chrysalis was silent for a moment, looking down. She spoke in a lower tone.
Chrysalis: Oh, that's where you're wrong. Celestia did try. Of course none of you were even born then… the only exception being the two who are spirits now.
Bright Mac: Wha? Ah don't recall hearin' that, then again, ah was so focused on the farm duties, ah never kept up with the politics and such…
Chrysalis: Blissful ignorance... Well, allow me to inform you. She was well aware of our existence then. There was even a meeting among the leaders of different species' nations at the time. A potential peace treaty that would have begun the process of uniting this world long before Sparkle was even a thought in her mother's mind… unfortunately… two of the leaders were murdered in cold blood by a pony assailant! I'm sure you can imagine why tensions rose and no sort of peace talks were thought of after that. Who wants to sign a peace treaty to a nation that just had an assassination take place?!
Chrysalis slammed her hooves to the ground, huffing. But she took a moment to compose herself.
Chrysalis: And I'm sure you can guess who those leaders were…
Applejack: Oh Celest-
Applejack actually stops herself mid-sentence. Realizing that statement has a bit of another meaning when something of such bad timing ruined the former Princess' own attempt at uniting with other nations.
Applejack: That's just downright awful, we could have been friends the entire time! And some rogue pony dared t' buck it all up… causing other nations t’ wait til' ah new face and new approach was made with Twilight in charge t' try again. Hard t' imagine how different the world would have been had ya parents lived t’ see this union through...
To be frank, it also sounds like ah miracle that didn't outright start ah major war between the Changelings and Equestria. Assassination is no joke. How was ah conflict not ignited from somethin' like that?
Chrysalis: Are you starting to understand now? Why I believed ponies could not be trusted at that time? I had my reservations about my parents going and we argued about it… and that was the last time I ever saw them alive.
Now it was making sense why Chrysalis was so spiteful towards ponies, even before the destruction of her hive, the pain had existed before that even occurred. 
Chrysalis: And you see, Applejack, had I… or rather had my older brother gotten his way, we would have gone to war. We just needed time… time to heal from the loss, time to reinforce our strength, so that no one would ever harm us again!
Her voice was getting louder as she recalled this.
Chrysalis: And when we were already down… you ponies sought to… exterminate us! Our reinforced hive became our tomb! At least… that’s what I’ve believed…
The room just about falls silent, there's not much anyone could say. They've truly come to understand why Chrysalis' went on to do what she did. But hearing what happened still doesn't make it any easier. The only noise Chrysalis could really hear in the immediate aftermath of her loud statement, was the sound of Starlight's pencil writing in her binder. She's been doing that for quite a while in fact, besides when she chimed in when the discussion was about the Flame Geyser Swamp. 
Perhaps she's just trusting Applejack and the others with conversing with Chrysalis all on their own. Still, it felt odd to Chrysalis that she hasn't been talking as much as she has in the other lessons while Chrysalis recalls what she's telling. She couldn't help but wonder if Starlight was ignoring what she was saying. As for most of this conversation, she had her nose in the binder. The urge to remind Starlight that the traumas of her past are not to be noted down like its homework rises.
Chrysalis is silent along with the rest of the group, but she looks to Starlight who's writing up a storm.
Chrysalis: You're oddly silent for a change, you usually try to stop my anger from boiling over. What, does my plight fascinate you that much, Glimmer? Or are you just ignoring me? In fact, I'm surprised to not hear any follow up questions to the things I've said thus far. Say something!!
Starlight: Oop!
Starlight's head perks up from behind as Chrysalis yells out at her. She bows apologetically
Starlight: I-i'm sorry, didn't mean to make it look like I was ignoring you. I thought I'd let Applejack and her parents handle things while I jot stuff down... although, I suppose... there is one more thing I should own up to...
I... I'm actually aware of much of what you've said today already. In fact, I've known at least some details from even before any of our lessons started...
Applejack gasped in surprise
Applejack: Wait... really, Starlight?! Why didn't ya fill us in on this? What Chrysalis told us was very much new information t' me!
Pharynx: You knew of my family's history and didn't bother to let me know about this!? What about Thorax or Ocellus!? Did you know before them too!?
Starlight: Don't get me wrong, I didn't have ALL the details before the lessons. But... I've known about Chrysalis old hive the entire time, as well as the names of her royal siblings and her parents, and what happened to said hive. Frankly, I didn't expect Chrysalis to even be anywhere close to saying her sister's name up until at the earliest... the loyalty lesson, let alone her other siblings. The fact she mentioned her existence at all during the Kindness lesson seemed like a miracle, and I could tell from that point I was sneakily making great progress with her... even if Discord almost ruined it entirely.
If I had mentioned it earlier, she would have likely been alarmed that I knew so much and demanded how I knew. I can only say that the source of how I got this information... was my mother's spirit. And I couldn't say that until she was made aware of spirits and/or the soul shield. The only other conclusion she might have thought about, is I used a time travel spell to find out about her past.
Applejack: Alright... but that still doesn't explain why y'all didn't tell us!
Starlight: Well... to put it simply, it might have annoyed Chrysalis even more. If she was telling a story, that everypony in the room knew about already. That she wasn't aware they already knew. Best to have someone there to learn it from her.
Yona: Hmm... Yona supposes that’s a good point...
While the group was surprised by this, Chrysalis however was the most stunned by this news.
Chrysalis: Excuse me?! You've known? Beyond the things I've already told you?! How?! How could such information have leaked?! You heard Pharynx! Not even my own children knew of the hive's past! Explain yourself!
As she and everyone else listen to Starlight's explanation. She does make excellent points about keeping it hidden so as to not upset Chrysalis. Which both is logical… but still upsets her anyway. Because she knows Starlight is right... But when she mentioned how she got the information, it did raise a few red flags in her mind.
Chrysalis: I wouldn't have guessed you would use time travel to look into my past. Especially your genuine reaction to the fear of what the potential alternate timelines you'd already created were… but your mother's spirit knew? That information was not readily available, even amongst ponies. I'm aware your mother died a soldier… but how high up was she to be privy to such information? Who was your mother?
Starlight raises a hoof
Starlight: Calm. Down. Both of you... Take a deep breath, and relax... 
Starlight pauses to let the two have a brief breathing exercise. She can tell they're eager for answers, but she needs them to be thinking more logically and open-minded.
Starlight: You have every right to be upset at me for not sharing or at least telling you that I already knew. But once again, I urge you to remember. Chrysalis, you yourself did not want Pharynx to know yet that Ocellus was meant to succeed you one day until you were ready to tell him. 
And Pharynx, we feared telling you too soon would have put the present hive in a difficult situation. Not to mention how you might have interrogated poor Ocellus as if she had been secretly programmed to one day take sole control of the hive just like her mother did. Yes, I knew a lot of what Chrysalis told us. But many changelings here would need to hear it from your mother themselves to confirm that what I said was true. And either Chrysalis was still in stone, or she wasn't quite trusted yet. AKA still a risk of causing the hive to think that she was trying to retake the hive again.
Both Chrysalis and Pharynx grumble in a similar manner. Starlight is making valid points for both of them. Pharynx looked off to the side, trying to protest this while Chrysalis looked away, saying nothing for now.
Pharynx: I… I wouldn't have… I grrr...  I wouldn't have been mad once I assessed she wasn't evil… I wouldn't have yelled… much. But If only someone had told me she was my sister sooner, this wouldn't be an issue!
Chrysalis looked back at him and snarled.
Chrysalis: I did what I thought was best at the time! Had the hive stayed the way it was, you would have learned the truth when the time was right! Plus, if I told you at any given point after my own banishment, would you have believed me!? Would any of you!?
Pharynx quieted immediately. Chrysalis sighed and looked back at Starlight, the latter continued to speak.
Starlight: As for the identity of my mother, I'll get to that. But there's still some things that I haven't told you yet that are very important too. I've mentioned my still living father as far back as the Kindness lesson. But I nor did anypony else mention his name, did they? Before I mention my mother, I should talk about him too, and possibly other details in terms of my own family history.
Chrysalis: But what does your father have to do with this, Glimmer? What, was he a high ranking soldier too? What does he have to do with me?
Starlight shakes her head
Starlight: Nah, my father was as average as a unicorn could be. Any and all magical skill was inherited from my Mother's side. Perhaps that was to his advantage in their relationship, because when my mother married him. She was actually seeking a much more normal lifestyle after the sights she's seen.
His name is Firelight, and he's lived in the humble town of Sire's Hollow for as long as I can remember. Chrysalis gasped as she heard Starlight’s father’s name, not to mention the fact he happened to live in Sire’s Hollow. A dark possibility gets in her head as she looks to the side, she hopes beyond hope that it’s not true. 
Chrysalis: (Firelight?! She can't possibly be... no… it must be a coincidence… Please… let it be just that… otherwise…)
Starlight: My father had fond memories of the simple life shared in that little town. Though that can get a little to his head, because he's often afraid of change. Like any new buildings going to destroy what he loved about the town. He used to clash a lot with Sunburst's mother who was once determined to turn Sire's Hollow to be like a mini-Las Pegasus with resorts, hotels, and keep up to date with all the current trends from technology, fashion, and more.
My mother first met him on a relatively routine assignment. My father was lovestruck the moment she saw her. He approached her carefully from behind... although, all that got him was a suplex as she thought he might have been some criminal trying to mug her.
They'd one day get married, and have a baby all their own. Which grew up to be me, but not too long after I was born. My mother went on her final mission that she hoped would be her last one before retiring for good to live a simple life with my father. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the last thing she did alive…
The worst part about this is my father never found out what happened to her until many years later. He held onto hope that she was still alive even mere seconds before seeing her spirit for the first time. He never told me who she was though, because he was afraid that if I found out who my mother was. I'd end up following in her footsteps, and end up disappearing like she did one day. It annoyed me to no end. You and Pharynx can be mad at me for not disclosing what I knew earlier. But imagine having information hidden from you for longer than your entire childhood. Especially when it turns out that the identity of my mother was key to understanding who I am for the longest time.
Starlight points to Apple Bloom
Starlight: It's thanks to Apple Bloom and her friends that helped show me that my mother's identity was the most important aspect of my life. My cutie mark practically depended on it. And that was why I was only fueled further in my hatred of Cutie Marks. My father would turn out to have perfectly understandable reasons for hiding her identity from me, but... that still angered me more than anything…
Without a clear sign of what my Cutie Mark was, I had to try to interpret it myself. And my best guess, was that I was gifted the magical power to end Cutie Marks all on my own and create the equal society that the manifesto that indoctrinated me at the time beckoned me to make.
I believe I told you earlier that my cutie mark story was similar to Twilight’s, only  in her case she understood what her mark meant. Whereas I had absolutely no clue what mine meant. What was the raw magical power I have meant for and why did I have it? That was a question that has bugged me for most of my life. 
It finally became clear though, the day Spike summoned her for the first time.
My mother was special obviously. But I didn't expect just how special she'd turn out to be... she'd prove to be none other than... one of the most powerful unicorns to ever live.
Chrysalis hoped for any detail that could dispel her worst fear, but unfortunately, nothing Starlight says contradicts with the possibility. And she despairs internally as Starlight described her to be a particularly powerful unicorn.
Chrysalis: You know, you'd mentioned your home before during our kindness lesson… I thought nothing of it then. But… it's strange, the more I thought about it…
I did find it an odd coincidence that you happened to live in the same town my scouts and I used to scour for… a long hated target…
(There's no possible way… her mother couldn't be… no, Starlight would have told me a name by now. We're frien- tch, what am I thinking?  Hmm... not once has she said a name for her mother... and if said mother was able to give her information on the truth of my original hive… no. NO! It's impossible! She couldn't be… I had no data on her having a child… or Starlight being her child! Wait… wait, I’m really afraid to ask her this question… but I need to know the truth… now….)
Chrysalis was listening intently, her face growing more serious and also distraught. The dots were all connecting in her mind but she needed confirmation.
Chrysalis: What was her name… please… don't tell me… it's… it's... Sunset Shimmer…! For all the love and mercy of this world, please tell me that wasn’t her name!
The group could see Chrysalis' anger bubbling, she was clearly trying to hold herself back. But this put Pharynx on edge, he knew what was coming...
Starlight's eyes widened, she is aware Chrysalis probably knew Sunset from before. But she was not expecting such a rise in vitriol in Chrysalis' voice.
Starlight: Why... yes... but... why do you seem to be so upset...?
Then she gasped
Starlight: Wait... you cannot possibly think... that... that she was responsible for what happened?!
Just about the whole room gasps, if Sunset Shimmer is who Chrysalis blames for everything. This session was about to take a turn for the worse, and fast.
Chrysalis was shaking in anger now, her horn started to crackle. She looked both angry… and hurt by this revelation. And the sparkly color of her wings shift all the way back to the way they were before.
She slammed her hooves on the ground before going right to the edge of her barrier. The rest of the group looked very much on edge.
Chrysalis: And you… you've been playing me for the fool this whole time! Oh it must be sooooo funny for you? Tch, I should have known, your magic power, that snark, you're her in every single way!
Everyone else knows where this is going, and some have trouble thinking if there's anything they can at least try.
Applejack: Now hold on t’ ya horses, cain't we all calm down fo' ah moment and discuss this like gentlemar-
Starlight: No.
Starlight angled her eyes as she bluntly interrupted Applejack. Starlight herself stomps the ground and snorts.
Starlight: I will not stand for this absolute SLANDER! If my mother was guilty of what you say, she wouldn't have become a SPIRIT! Have you already forgotten that?!
Phayrnx attempts to whisper something that he hopes calms the situation.
Pharynx: Listen, I know what you told me before, but I've met Sunset’s spirit and she isn't like...
Chrysalis gave Pharynx a look that shut him up immediately.
Chrysalis: And you chose to say NOTHING about that until this exact moment?! Yet you had the gall to yell at me for hiding things. Stay out of this, child. KNOW YOUR PLACE! 
She looked back to Starlight
Chrysalis: Then it seems this universe is just truly in the favor of ponies and far too forgiving... Mass murder is fine if it's against what this world deems as monsters? To think I was trusting you! Your mother is no better than Cozy Glow! You can deny this all you want, but you were not there, you did not see what I saw! I WATCHED AS SHE KILLED MY BROTHER! I WATCHED AS SHE MADE THE VOLCANO DESTROY THE HIVE!
Her tone then got colder.
Chrysalis: And do you know what she did? She ran away… thinking she'd finished the job she started at the summit of world leaders…
The comparison of her mother to Cozy Glow only gets a larger rise of out Starlight. Veins just about popping from her forehead
Starlight: That's it... THAT'S IT! I really wanted to delay mentioning this until you got to see your family's spirits... but obviously, I have no choice but to start hammering home the harsh truth... your older brother, Tarsus... WASN’T the great king you think he was... He manipulated you and the rest of your old hive from the very start, my mother had no plans on harming anyone else when she traveled to Mt. Thrace. She went down there specifically to take him down... SHE WAS DOING YOUR HIVE A FAVOR!
And you know what else my mother told me? Despite Tarsus being her target... she said she tried to save him at the end of their duel as he hung off a cliff... but he didn't WANT to be saved. My mother believes he purposefully flung himself to his death to manipulate you one final time. 
And with what we know about dark magic, Tarsus' soul probably expedited and empowered the eruption into the unstoppable force that would not just flow through all layers of the hive... but also sink the island. And I wouldn't be surprised Tarsus was at least slightly aware that might happen…
Yona hugs Apple Bloom tight as she shivers at the scary sight of the argument between these two. Poor Apple Bloom feeling the large yak's strength, thankfully Apple Bloom has bulked up quite a bit of muscle ever since, not to mention an earth pony's naturally stronger body then the other types.
Yona: Apple Bloom! Y-y-y-y-yona's scared! What can we do to calm pony and bug queen down?!
Applebloom looked terrified, not having felt like this since she was a filly. 
Applebloom: Ah… ah don't know! Ah've never seen Starlight this angry and Chrysalis looks ready to take us all down. B-but that barrier should hold her in, right?
Chrysalis gets an equally angry look as Starlight starts speaking about Tarsus.
Chrysalis: Doing us a favor…? DOING US A FAVOR!? How dare you, Starlight Glimmer!? You and your mother know NOTHING of Tarsus! He only wanted to enhance and reinforce the hive, make us stronger than ever before. Furthermore, he SAVED MY LIFE from your mother! The only reason I am alive now is because of him!
You claim that she tried to save him!? NO! That is the true lie here. I had to watch as she kicked him to his death! SHE PUSHED HIM IN! I SAW IT ALL, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!
Chrysalis slammed herself against the barrier holding her.
Pear Butter looked in Bright Mac's eyes
Pear Butter: Is... is this a look at what our daughters have faced on their adventures?! I'm almost positive we ourselves might have been overprotective of them if we had been around…
Bright Mac looked equally terrified, he and Pear may have been spirits and were technically not going to be harmed but they still felt the fear for everyone else in the room.
Bright Mac: Ah... never imagined this is what they've faced all these years... one sec that Chrysalis was nice in her own way and now... ah don't know what's goin’ t’ happen...
As the argument between the two continues, the power rising from Chrysalis starts to shake the chamber. Getting more and more intense by the second. And there was the beginning of a feeling this wasn't isolated to this room. As Chrysalis' power, much of which she's gotten over the past 4 sessions feels like it's created a fault underneath the hive that begins to endanger the whole thing's structure. Neither Starlight nor Chrysalis realize it yet, but the others certainly do.
Applejack: Gaaah! What in tarnation's happening'?! It feels like this whole place is ‘bout t' collapse! Starlight! Chrysalis! Please whatever ya do, ya gotta calm down! Ya’ll might kill us all!
Mere moments later, both Thorax and Ocellus arrive on the scene obviously distressed with this turn of events.
Ocellus: Mother! Starlight! Professor Applejack! YONA! Why is everything shaking?!
Thorax: Pharynx! Please tell us what's happening! 
Chrysalis continued to stomp and slam against the barrier, her magic crackling the strongest it's been in years. She can't even tell she's shaking the hive, she's so focused on her own anger right now.
Chrysalis: YOU LIED TO ME! Made me think we were connecting! And you didn't even bother to tell me that you were the daughter of my family's KILLER! All because this is just some project to you! SOME WORTHLESS ASSIGNMENT!
Applebloom: Ah… Ah think we need t' get outta here! It ain't safe!!
Coloratura: Aaaah!! Applejack, what do we do!? You're used to fighting villains, how do we stop this!?
The group is shocked to see Thorax and Ocellus but given the circumstances, it makes sense they'd arrive.
Pharynx: You two! It's… it's Chrysa- ...it's our mother! She was told the truth of who Starlight's mother is and just... she's losing her grip on her anger, and it's causing the whole hive to tremble! We need to prioritize saving everyone and the hive itself!
Starlight: Listen here, Chrysalis. I HAVE NOT LIED TO YOU A SINGLE TIME THROUGHOUT ANY OF OUR SESSIONS! And I certainly have not done so today! In fact...
Starlight turns toward Applejack
Starlight: Applejack, have I lied today? You'd tell me if you thought so, right?!
Applejack stood silent for a moment, really more focused on the shaking. But she soon replies
Applejack: Uh... yeah... You  haven't lied one bit. But I think there is more pressing iss-
Starlight: QUIET!
She interrupts in a way that almost mirrors when Starlight herself was still a villain.
Starlight: Now... I need you to tell me if you detected any lies from Chrysalis today...
Applejack side-eyes the shaking chamber and everybody is worried. But the quicker she responds, the quicker she can hope to get Starlight to focus.
Applejack: ...Starlight, Chrysalis has not lied one time today either
Starlight: WHAT?! What are you talking about?! She said such horrible things about my mom. You cannot possibly belie-
Applejack suddenly raises her voice
Applejack: STARLIGHT! THAT'S ENOUGH! There's ah big difference between a lie, and ah perception o' the truth! And right now, there's no way t' prove it t' Chrysalis fo' certain' until we show her family’s spirits! 
And if ya'll don't stop this verbal wrasslin' and start helpin'... all o’ us down here, plus ah huge section o’ the hive above will be suddenly joinin' that soul shield!
Applejack finally gets through to Starlight, with this wake-up call of a statement. She shakes her head, and looks around now realizing that yes, the chamber was shaking. And the power emanating from Chrysalis threatened the very structure of the hive.
Starlight: Oh... oh no.... What.... what have I done.... 
Chrysalis only gets angrier as Applejack speaks about Starlight having only told the truth. The hive rumbles.
Pharynx: Mother, stop this! If you continue, you'll..
She grins after hearing Applejack says Chrysalis has also told only the truth.
Chrysalis: You see?! Even she knows, I did not lie! Your mother is a MURDERER! And if you think for a second I will align myself with you any longer, you've got another thing coming! To think I was starting to trust you, believe in you! You would much rather stab a knife in my back just when I look away, right as I fully trust you!
She slams against the barrier, still angry… and heartbroken. Blind to what she was doing. But when she hears Applejack yell about the potential destruction of the hive, she slows down… but is still just as angry.
Chrysalis: This cursed barrier is the only thing protecting you from me... If it wasn't here… I'd... I'd...
Applejack sternly turns towards Chrysalis
Applejack: Now don't y'all start putting words in mah mouth. Ah didn't confirm Sunset was indeed y'all hive's killer. Only that ya truthfully believe that, it's not technically ah lie if that's what yall’ve always believed. But reminder that ah also said Starlight hasn't lied either.  Only one o’ y'all have the real truth, but bringin' down the hive on top o' us isn't goin' t' get the real answer!
Applejack then turns toward Starlight's direction
Applejack: Now, Starlight. Give me ya big pack o’ portal gum. We need t' get most that are down here ah way t' safety.
Starlight's still distraught that the situation has deteriorated this much and this fast. It felt like all of a sudden, all the previous sessions were for nothing, and they were back to square one. Or possibly even WORSE than square one if possible. The worst part is, Starlight too believed Chrysalis was making a change. And suddenly, the identity of her mother and the queen's adamant belief that she killed her family has seemed to reverse everything.
Starlight solemnly nods, says nothing. And gives her whole pack to Applejack. Though Applejack makes sure Starlight keeps one for herself. Applejack brings out a piece of gum and quickly works to create a portal that leads straight to Sweet Apple Acres
Applejack: Apple Bloom, Yona, Rara... get on back home, if the worst case scenario happens, I'd rather neither of you die like this...
Pear Butter: Wait! Applejack... you're... not doing what I think you're doing... are you?!
Applejack just tips her hat solemnly to her mother.
Applejack: Ah'm goin' t' try t' help get as many changelings upstairs t' safety befo’ potentially the whole thing goes down... if... ah end up goin' down wit’ the metaphorical ship... at least we'll be together forever... in the soul shield..
Yona: Wait! Professor Applejack, can't we just get Princess Twilight here with that gum?!
Applejack: Trying t' bring ah force like ah genie t' stop Chrysalis forcefully might speed up her descent into madness. With lives still at stake, Chrysalis may still yet hesitate long enough fo’ enough o’ us t’ get out safely. But tryin' t' take the easy way out is only goin’ t' make Chrysalis want t' inflict some sort o' pain on Equestria, even if that includes her own race in the process... speaking o’ which...
Applejack turns towards the other changeling leaders and/or future leaders. Thorax, Pharynx, and Ocellus.
Applejack: Y'all get t’ safety too, Ah know ya'll probably want t' help ya subjects upstairs. But if ah recall correctly, the royal changelings are the most important to keep alive to rebuild. Ah don't think ya subjects would blame ya if y'all decided t' seek safety.
The three royals think about it for a moment. Though Pharynx insists that he needs to help their subjects upstairs. Meanwhile, Ocellus shivers a little in fear. Though soon she takes a deep breath, and puts up perhaps the bravest face she's ever shown.
Ocellus: No... I'm not leaving! This isn't who my mother is... Now that I've come to understand her... she's... actually probably counting on me getting to safety... for if she goes with the hive while I survive, then it'll all be up to me to at some point create the next hive. 
But if I refuse and mom still goes through with this, then... as sad as my death would be... it would prove my mother just couldn't let go of her grudge enough to even save me... her own daughter... and her legacy would be she was willing to let her own race die without even attempting to figure out the truth of the matter.
It was a risky bet, but Ocellus was really putting a huge ultimatum on Chrysalis’ shoulders. If Chrysalis goes through with this action, she will not just destroy herself. But potentially put the changelings on the brink of extinction. Will her years-long grudge with the ponies be too much to get over that she'd sacrifice her own race's existence?
Meanwhile, as cracks begin to form on the walls. It becomes obvious to Starlight. That the only thing holding up this chamber will soon be the barrier. And as more of the distress of the current situation gets to her, nearly the entirety of the changeling's existence, Applejack's life, all suddenly endangered by a sudden turn of events. Tears flow from the corner of her eyes, as in her mind. She has only one action she can think of doing... but she waits until more are safe before going on with this.
Applebloom was not having any of this plan, she was clinging to her, trying to convince her to do anything else but stay.
Applebloom: Absolutely not! Ah can't lose you, AJ! Ah… ah cain't take care o' the farm wit' just Big Mac and Sugar Belle! Ah... ah know ya'd be ah spirit but… no! Not yet! It ain't ya time yet!!
Coloratura however knows that determined look, she knew there was no convincing Applejack… but that wouldn't stop her from at least saying her piece.
Coloratura: Applejack... you have to come home… I'll be waiting for you there... 
Bright Mac: Darlin’, ah'm proud o’ ya fo’ standin ya ground. but this…
Applejack tips her hat
Applejack: It wouldn't be the first time somepony in our family went far befo’ they should have...
Applejack not so subtly looks on over to the spirits of her parents. She gives Apple Bloom a tight hug, just in case this was the last time both of them were alive. She then approaches her special somepony.
Applejack: If... there's an opportunity at the last second. Ah'll try t' see if ah can make it out just fine. But fo' now...
Applejack moves in for a big, long kiss. With the same purpose as her hug with Apple Bloom.
Applejack: Now get goin' y'all. Just remember… we will see eachother again soon… regardless of what happens here…
Yona: But... but... Yona not sure pony spirit is the method we want when we do meet again....
Yona herself tears up for her old teacher, and whom she succeeded as the teacher of Honesty. Luckily, Applejack has also blown a big enough bubble for Yona to fit. Reluctantly but gradually, Apple Bloom, Rara,  and Yona all cross the portal. Pear Butter and Bright Mac also do so despite no danger to their spirit forms. But there's not a lot they can do here, if their daughter ends up joining the soul shield from this. It would be more bittersweet, they'd be together forever. But they'd also prefer Applejack to have the long life they couldn't have. The portal remains open, the ponies who cross nervously watch as if they're behind a window on the scene.
While the group reluctantly lets Applejack potentially sacrifice herself while saving lives. Thorax, Ocellus, and Pharynx are trying to get Chrysalis to stop her anger or at least calm her down.
Pharynx: Listen! Don't you care what happens to the hive!? To us and especially Ocellus!? You told me your love is for the hive above all else, was that a lie?!
Chrysalis' face twists and contorts, she's angry but she can also see what she's doing… yet the idea that all this time, she was actually bonding with the daughter of her family's perceived killer. It was too much.
Chrysalis: Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! I… I...
Her horn is flaring, she can hear the screams of everyone, not just in the immediate area but in the hive above. Her mind flashes back to the moment she watched her original hive be destroyed. These screams were the same... She looked at Ocellus, Pharynx and Thorax. They weren't budging despite all this. The only one damaging the hive right now, was her.
Chrysalis: No... what am I doing...? You… your family has taken everything from me... GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
She slammed her hooves down once more… and stopped. 
Chrysalis: Get out… just… get out...
Nearer to the barrier, the three royal siblings of the changelings stand their ground in front of Chrysalis. Even the once cowardly Thorax, stands tall even on the brink of a potential untimely end. And he sternly stares down his mother. For once, Thorax looked like the leader Chrysalis hoped he would be.
Thorax: Mother, you must realize how foolish this would be to end it all here... you potentially bring us to extinction... when it's pretty clear the ponies aren't our enemy... don't you see Applejack behind us? She's willing to sacrifice her life, a happy life that includes a close sisterly bond and true love…
Let's say you're hypothetically right about Sunset... you'll only prove to show that you're the same as her if you dare bring the hive down right now.
The three stand firm even as Chrysalis tries to urge them to get out, it just means Ocellus is correct. Their presence is allowing Chrysalis to hesitate. And as long as she does, that gives more time to save more of the hive should Chrysalis break down and give in.
Chrysalis stares down at her children, glaring specifically at Thorax from the comparison to Sunset.
She was wavering, the rumbling to the hive was stopped but it was clear that Chrysalis could still go over the edge at any moment...
Pharynx: Then stop this! You'll destroy the hive if you continue! Destroy your legacy! And as you've told all of us now, if we go, the future of the hive dies with us... And we're not going anywhere, mother.
Chrysalis looked like a caged beast… yet there was that level of uncertainty on her face. She didn't want to destroy the hive… but she couldn't hold in these angry feelings any longer. 
Chrysalis: Why don't any of you just listen to me!? Why must you be so stubborn!?
Pharynx: Seems like the apples don’t fall far from the tree.
Though as they continue to stand, Starlight suddenly approaches closer to the barrier. A sad, but somewhat determined look in her eye.
Starlight: Applejack, Ocellus, Thorax, and Pharynx... you're doing well to get through to Chrysalis so far... but... this ultimately comes down to me and me alone... It was I who was entrusted with Chrysalis' care, it was all the previous sessions that gave Chrysalis all the love and power she's using that currently threatens the hive now... you're not the ones who should be laying your lives down...
...I'll ...I'll be right back...
Starlight makes a portal of her own, to an undisclosed location but presumably somewhere around where she lives. Applejack, Thorax, and Ocellus all look worried.
Chrysalis flinches. She then steps back as Starlight approaches the barrier, putting herself in a defensive stance.
Chrysalis: I will not destroy this place, but I will not go down without a fight, Starlight Glimmer! I will not... h-huh!?
Thorax: Huh... what... what is Starlight going to do...?
She was just as confused as everyone else who remained when Starlight portaled away.
Chrysalis: h-Ha! Like mother, like daughter! Run away! Fine... it's… better this way...
It's only just about seconds later when Starlight returns, and she even closes up the portal she created using her magic. In her mouth is a small bag, with a single large pill in it. Tears are flowing from her eyes as she looks back at everyone in the chamber.
Thorax takes a good look at what Starlight brought back. And when he realizes what she's got right there... he gasps.
Thorax: Starlight... no... you... don't have to do this...
Starlight turns her back, tears still streaming from her eyes.
Starlight: I'm afraid I do, Thorax... if... I don't make it... please... tell Twilight and Spike... they can summon my spirit... so I can say… I’m sorry…
Starlight's horn charges up and in a flash. She ends up inside Chrysalis half of the chamber.
Everyone else on the other side of the chamber or watching from a portal all yell out in unison
Applejack/Thorax/Ocellus/Pharynx/Yona/Coloratura/Apple Bloom/Pear Butter/Bright Mac: STARLIGHT, NOOOOOOO!
As soon as Starlight is in the chamber. She quickly opens the small bag and ingests the pill inside. It's bitter tasting and makes Starlight's entire body shiver in an unpleasant feeling. As magical sparks come out of her horn, before they dissipate into nothing.
Starlight then turns around to look Chrysalis in the eyes. Tears still streaming from her face.
This brought Chrysalis into utter confusion, what did Starlight just do? She had to know, She wondered if maybe Starlight was perhaps preparing to take her on in one last duel to the death. But that face did not look like somepony about to challenge her, it looked more like… surrender.
Chrysalis jumped back immediately upon seeing Starlight in her cell. She got in a defensive stance, her horn crackled with a bright green glow.
Chrysalis: GLIMMER! Come to fight me yourself after all!? Fine then! I'll take you down with me!
At first she assumed the pill Starlight swallowed was something to power her up in some way, but the reaction the others gave was not one that made her think that for long. But she still stood ready to fight, even if Starlight wasn't looking the same.
Chrysalis: What was that!? What did you just swallow!?
Starlight paused, taking a deep breath before answering
Starlight: It's... a pill... that temporarily disables all tangible magic... it's... made from the same material that your anti-magic field was made out of. Only we now use it for medical purposes such as when a unicorn's horn was going haywire... I am thus... completely defenseless for the next few hours...
If... you insist... that my mother is the killer you think she is... then please, don't take your frustration out on your own hive and your own family... 
I'm right here... hit me... hit me as hard as you can... even if... even if it kills me... you'll finally have the revenge you’ve craved for so long. You’ll send me to see my mother who won’t be expecting me, you’ll leave Twilight having to find somepony else as her new student, and better yet... you'll still be alive... although... you should probably expect to be turned back to stone... most likely permanently.
If revenge is all you've truly wanted... direct all your power onto me! And no one else! PLEASE!!!!
As Starlight states this, the rest of the group gasps loudly.
Yona just about pokes her head through the portal. Though Apple Bloom and Coloratura use all the earth pony strength they have to pull back the yak. They almost slip, before suddenly they get the help from someone at the farm. None other than Apple Bloom's big brother Big Macintosh. Who combined with Apple Bloom and Coloratura, are able to pull even a yak like Yona from doing something reckless.
Applejack: Starlight...
Applejack shakes her head, all this going in has distracted her from what she set out to do. Try to save the changelings. She uses this time to finally get things straight
Applejack: Pharynx, come with me. We'll save as many as ya kind as we possibly can... Ah don't know what will become o' ya mother and Starlight at this point. But in case things still turn out fo' the worse, we need t' get goin’, pronto!
Thorax: Go ahead, Pharynx. Me and Ocellus will stay down here. We don't know what's going to happen next, we might at any second be together again up in the soul shield. If this is the end of the Changelings, let's take some pride in our last moments.
Ocellus herself has waterworks in her eyes at the present situation
Ocellus: Mother... p-p-please... don't.... don't hurt Starlight! I beg of you! You're better than this! I know you are!
This gesture stunned even Chrysalis, Starlight was just going to...let her do this? A wicked smile comes across her face
Chrysalis: Oh… oh this is just… AHAHAHAHAHA!!! So be it then! I hope you're prepared to take every bit of my wrath I have for your mother… I'd say to tell her I'll see her in Tartarus but well… neither of us will be seeing each other after today!
Something about her laugh sounded off though, it was maniacal but also… kinda forced. As if she was only trying to convince herself. Chrysalis was in too deep now to back down. For a moment, she and Starlight just stare each other down. Pharynx looks back at the two before turning to Applejack.
Pharynx: Curses! How could it have come to this!? This is exactly what I thought she'd do and yet... GRRRRAAAAAAH! I… I can't let this be how things end!!
Chrysalis looks to the others and speaks in a cold tone.
Chrysalis: I have no intention of harming this hive, I do not care what is done to me after this. This world, this universe sees me as a monster, a relic of the past. I do not belong in it, Ocellus. And since she wants to pay the debt her mother owes, then I will gladly inflict it upon her.
She turns back to Starlight and grimaces. Seeing that face, she thinks about the previous lessons, the genuine laughs she's had, the heart to heart moments she's had with the others and Starlight. Was she really going to throw it all away? This felt familiar… like when she chose to align herself with Tarsus over her parents… or her siblings. Starlight could see her hesitate, even start to cry, but her horn still charged up to its max.
And then she fires in Starlight's direction...
Everyone else watching, especially Ocellus and Thorax shout large screams of "No!" as Chrysalis prepares to charge that blast that was meant to end Starlight's life... a loud magical explosion is heard. Everyone averting their eyes as the brightness of the explosion lights up the chamber.
Ocellus: No... Starlight.... Noooooo!
She wraps her hooves around Thorax, crying into her older brother's shoulder presuming she was gone even before the dust clears… 
Though as the smoke of the blast disappears. There's... an image of a lilac pony... still standing where she was.
Starlight closed her eyes, crying, and grimacing as she prepared for the last bit of pain that would send her to the soul shield and reunite her with her mother forever. But after a while when she definitely heard the explosion, she felt no pain. If this is what dying instantly felt like, it felt odd. She dared to open one of her eyes. To see what's happened... Chrysalis used up her blast. But all she did was create one tremendously sized crater. That just manages to avoid even singeing Starlight
Starlight: w-w-w-what? C-ch-ch-Chrysalis... d-did... did you... m-m-miss?
Remarkably, Starlight had been spared. But everyone else watches cautiously, as they don't know yet if that was just a misfire. Chrysalis could still easily go for another attack. How truly cruel would it be for the queen to make it look like she was about to spare her, only to do the coup de grace mere moments later.
Chrysalis is the only one who's expression hadn't changed, it's unclear whether or not Chrysalis will just fire again or… if she's intentionally sparing Starlight. Her horn still had smoke trailing off of it but it didn't spark anymore. She walked right up to Starlight and whispered into her ear.
Chrysalis: While you may have asked for death, I will not give you the satisfaction. I won't be like your mother was to my hive. Now get out, leave me be. I'd much rather die alone… 
Go tell Sparkle you failed, there is no redemption for me. Your failure is the price you pay, not your death. Just… stay out of my life, Starlight Glimmer… Because if I see you again... then I will kill you. Consequences be damned… This whole ordeal… it's just… just...
She looked away, clearly starting to shed some tears.
Shock and awe are on everyone's faces as they hear that Chrysalis won't be going through with it. Not taking down the hive, and not even ending Starlight's life. Ocellus and Thorax feel like saying something, but they just about fear something they could say might make Chrysalis change her mind in a hurry. It does at least give them time to converse with those still watching from the portal to Sweet Apple Acres.
Thorax: Other than teleporting in a small object like a plate of food, this barrier is resistant to changeling magic. We can't teleport inside, nor can we open it. Otherwise, Chrysalis would have easily been able to open it herself once she got enough power. The pill Starlight ate is still going to last for a few hours, and we don't know if Chrysalis could decide to finish Starlight off anyway if she's in there for too long.
We need a unicorn to get her out...
Yona: We... we could try to get Princess Twilight here... now that there's time.
Big Mac: Nnnooooope. Ah have just t' solution.
A moment later, Big Mac brings his wife Sugar Belle to the portal. She walked in, and had been told of the situation as her husband retrieved her. Sugar Belle approaches the barrier, teleporting a whole pony is actually a huge ask for Sugar Belle but at least it won't be for a huge distance. It might take a lot out of her still to try, but she's no less determined to help Starlight get back to safety.
And the meaning of a former Our Town villager saving her is not lost on Starlight as she braces for the teleportation spell.
The baker unicorn charges her horn with all her might. She winces in pain as she attempts a spell that's still a bit far above her skill for frequent use as a burn mark begins to fade at the end of her horn. But this was an emergency that had to be done. Sugar clenches her teeth to try to get through the pain as a glow emanates from Starlight before a bright flash makes Starlight disappear from behind the barrier, and a mere 2 seconds later she's brought back to the safety of being outside the barrier. As soon as Starlight's on the other side again, Sugar Belle almost faints, though her husband catches her. She's breathing heavily as if she had just run a marathon after performing that spell. But it worked, a huge relief on everyone's faces that no one was killed or seriously hurt after all.
Pharynx and Applejack had managed to evacuate nearly all the changelings up top, though they certainly did realize the shaking had stopped. Applejack and Pharynx did hear a large boom, while still looking for lost Changelings. They might have thought that Chrysalis did indeed go ahead with killing Starlight, but when Applejack uses another piece of Portal gum to check. They see that Starlight's relatively unharmed, and Applejack's brother and sister-in-law have arrived.
Applejack: Big Mac! Sugar Belle! What y'all doin' here? This place was in danger o’ crashing down not too long ago!
Sugar Belle: Applejack, it's alright. The crisis is over... for now... Chrysalis has stopped. And she seems to have only fired a warning shot instead of striking Starlight. Big Mac stepped in to help hold in Yona, and I was called over to help teleport Starlight back out. Everyone's going to be ok...
As the others each breathe a deep sigh of relief. Applejack hugging everyone of those watching from Sweet Apple Acres, joyous tears from both Apple Bloom and Coloratura that Applejack won’t have to sacrifice herself after all. Starlight looks across the barrier at the moping Chrysalis.
Starlight: No... there's still one of us... that isn't ok, yet...
The group wonders who Starlight is talking about. And it becomes clear, Starlight was referring to Chrysalis. Despite what she had said and had nearly done, Starlight still considered her one of them. The Queen confused as she ever was, even after threatening her own kind, accusations of the worst kind against her beloved hero mother, and even almost killing Starlight herself. Starlight has not given up on her. She thought about just laughing, and saying how naive Starlight is still once more. But if she does laugh, it feels forced more than ever. And there was this feeling, that Starlight's refusal to give up on her... was actually working. 
Pharynx had rushed in along with Applejack and was just as shocked to see that Starlight and Chrysalis were both still standing. But he could see the smoldering crater next to Starlight, the blast that caused it would have easily killed her. Pharynx was at a loss for words on what to say to Chrysalis. Things were unsettlingly calm… but it was clear the problem hadn't been resolved.
Chrysalis just… stood there, turned away from the rest of the group. Her mind processing her own actions as well. She hated Starlight's mother, and she was so angry at Starlight… so why couldn't she follow through? Why did this hurt more? She tried to laugh as she would when she was in charge, but it sounded forced… fake. Each laugh was followed by a few tears.
Chrysalis: Get out...  get away from me...
The tone of her voice sounds like she’s trying to still sound as cold as ever, but there was a hint of her holding back a very intense despair. She couldn't bring herself to say anything else. Starlight was safe but… this lesson of honesty and potentially any other lesson… was over.
Everyone there agrees it's probably time everyone starts heading home. Thorax, Pharynx, and Ocellus are going to have their hands full with the changelings who had feared for their very lives. The fact many of them could have been killed all because of Chrysalis' grudge against Starlight's mother is probably going to take a long time for them to forgive their former queen, that is… assuming there is any chance left of redeeming her to a status where she's walking around freely again.
Soon, the only one's still in the chamber besides Chrysalis. Is Starlight and Applejack.
Starlight: Chrysalis, before I go... I need to tell you something.... really important...
Believe it or not, the way you're feeling right now. Is something I've felt too...
After I traveled through time that is... sure... the fact that we found out time travel only creates alternate universes and doesn't change the present from where we traveled lessens this issue. But... that still doesn't excuse what I indirectly did to all those timelines…
You may be feeling terrible right now, but I've technically pulled the trigger multiple times when you think about it... I doomed one Equestria to a lengthy war with Sombra, and others from the rule of Nightmare Moon, Discord, you, Tirek, and worst of all... Cozy Glow. I cherish all the friendships I have back in Equestria, but I know there are other versions of them that are suffering... or even no longer alive/were never born in said universe because of my actions...
I... even nearly threatened to just stay in the past by ripping up the scroll. I felt Twilight could certainly have gotten herself and Spike back to their universe while my punishment is to stay in one of the universes I created forever. I felt Twilight would have been more than justified to punish me in such a way... but instead she decided she wouldn't give up on me that easily.
And I think, this is the time where I must do the same for you... I'm very sorry for hurting you deeply. In this case, it doesn't matter who is wrong and who is right. The emotional impact is all the same, and I've failed as a counselor. I said before that one of the worst things to say to a patient like you is to say "You're wrong" and my anger briefly made me forget all that.
Today, I've failed you as a counselor... and I've also failed you as a friend...
I'm not sure what's to come next... Though I'm going to have a talk with Twilight about how to proceed, I'm going to try my best to speak on your behalf... but if Twilight decides this isn't working out and it'd be safer to put you back in stone for a while longer... then I deeply apologize with all my heart again...
I hope to see you again soon... but... in case we don't... I truly did enjoy the time we spent together before today... I still believe with all my heart that you can still be one of us, I saw plenty of potential for it. But there's still much emotional turmoil to sift through obviously, that I didn't expect... I hope we get another chance.
But for now... Goodbye, Chrysalis... and... thanks... for sparing my life...
Despite everything that happened to this point, Starlight manages to give Chrysalis one more smile. 
Chrysalis just let Starlight say her piece. There was no snarky rebuttal, no angry outburst either. Just silence, Chrysalis could clearly hear her, but she was stuck in her own little world. Holding back any more emotions, not wanting anyone to see her in this way. She'd just thrown away an opportunity to get rid of not only someone she'd just thought of as one of her greatest enemies, she would have in turn killed the daughter of the one whom she hated the most. But she couldn't do it. 
Chrysalis: We're not… we aren't friends... just… just go away. I don't care what happens to me…
(Time travel… going to some alternative universe… sounds better than being here…)
Starlight turns back toward the portal still left open to Sweet Apple Acres. Now the only one left in the chamber was Chrysalis and Applejack. The farmer herself approaches the portal, but before she enters she turns toward Chrysalis' direction
Applejack: By the way, while ya didn't lie at all befo’ or during ya argument wit’ Starlight... ya have lied 3 times since...
The first, when ya said yall'd rather die alone.
The second, when ya said yall'd kill Starlight the next time ya met
The third... what ya said just now... ‘bout ya ain’t bein' Starlight's friend...
Applejack tips her hat one more time, before jumping back into the portal. It soon closes, and Chrysalis is once again left all alone. For how long, she wouldn't know. And an uncertainty comes to mind, where the next time ponies come down to see her, it could mean a return to her stone prison once more.
Applejack's words rang in Chrysalis’ head. She didn't want to believe that...or rather, she was trying to convince herself that it wasn't true. Once Applejack had left through the portal, Chrysalis broke down. Crying to herself as she tried to figure this all out on her own for now.
Time stands still for the next few hours as everyone involved go back to their homes and feel more thankful to be alive after a very tense situation. Those in Ponyville are a bit concerned for the changelings back in the hive, they wonder if there’s a good amount of changelings who even want to go back inside the hive when it was very nearly their tomb. They hope eventually Thorax, Pharynx, and Ocellus can help calm their subjects.Starlight Glimmer went to her own room in Ponyville’s castle, lying in bed as her magic slowly recovers from not just the effects of the pill. But all the lingering thoughts in her head. She had nearly met the end of her life had Chrysalis not hesitated and fired off a warning shot instead. She almost gave up everything she’s worked for, the School of Friendship, her promising future as a potential Princess, and so much more. She thinks of how upset her father would have been to see her as a spirit. Not to mention what her next conversation with Twilight as a spirit would have been like.
That reminded her, she still needed to see Twilight after what had just happened. She’s sure Twilight will be devastated that anything like that happened without warning. Starlight knows that just because no one was seriously hurt, Twilight’s not going to suddenly think this was no big deal.
Before attempting to go to Canterlot, Starlight reaches for her binder and writes down a major paragraph about what had just happened. She cries as she recalls the argument she had with Chrysalis. Everything seemed like it was going all according to plan, and she felt Chrysalis was really connecting with her. But while she was within her rights to defend her mother from the queen’s accusations. In her anger, she forgot to account for Chrysalis’ feelings. And as long as Chrysalis fervently believes that her mother was responsible for what happened at Mt. Thrace, and that her brother Tarsus was a righteous leader. It’ll remain the last remaining obstacle to finally unlocking Chrysalis’ heart once and for all. 
All they can do now, is hope they can find a way to carefully tell Chrysalis why her recollection of the events is mistaken. Whatever they do, they can’t lose patience with the Queen. It was a very traumatic event for her, and questioning her memory of perhaps the one moment of her life she insists she remembers vividly is only going to make her double down, maybe even just clam up and refuse to talk further.
Starlight just feels frustrated that she let her anger out at the worst time, and in some way feels partly responsible for what happened back there even if Chrysalis is sure to get the brunt of the blame. It was part of why she was willing to sacrifice herself so that no one else would have to lose their lives all because she riled up Chrysalis in defense of her mother’s honor.
However, despite the situation she finds herself in. She still held a belief that there was room for Chrysalis to grow. She understands that will sound crazy to those who were only made aware of what happened at the end of honesty as opposed to everything that came up positively in the previous lessons. But in some ways, she feels that moment where Chrysalis had the option to take her revenge and kill Starlight for the perceived sins of her mother meant something significant. 
Chrysalis couldn’t find it within herself to kill Starlight despite now knowing that she was the daughter of the pony she hates more than anything, even knowing Starlight had described her as a great hero. Chrysalis tried to play it off that she wouldn’t do what Sunset allegedly did to her brother and more indirectly the rest of her old hive. But Starlight remembers another moment that may have very well paralleled what happened.
When back in the Kindness lesson, she had a chance to show how cruel she could still be by doing something to a small creature like Angel Jr. as punishment for Fluttershy and Discord messing with her when Discord interrupted the session. Much like Angel Jr., Starlight managed to endear herself to Chrysalis to avoid being attacked or drained of all their love.
It gave her just enough hope that things can still end for the better. But explaining to Twilight after both her, Applejack, and many others' lives were in danger sounded like it was going to be difficult. Starlight attempts to get herself to move to get ready to portal over to Twilight’s castle. Although it’s likely Applejack still has the pack of portal gum, so she’ll just have t-
Suddenly a flash of magic appears in the room that startles Starlight.
In mere seconds, Twilight appears with the most concerned look on her face that Starlight’s seen in years.
Twilight: STARLIGHT! Are you OK?! Applejack told me everything!
Starlight probably should have seen this coming, it’s probably even highly likely Applejack herself used the portal gum to reach Twilight first. But at least Starlight doesn’t have to move much, as she’s still a little drowsy from the effects of the pill. Though by now her magic was gradually coming back.
Starlight: Y-Yeah… I’m ok… Twilight…
Twilight: Are you sure?! AJ told me you almost let Chrysalis kill you even though you know she’s wrong about Sunset! What were you thinking?!
Starlight: Now now… I know it sounds bad…
Twilight: That’s because it IS bad! We could have lost you! Even with spirit summoning, death shouldn’t be taken so lightly! Did you think about what your family and friends would think?!
I… I… I clearly overestimated Chrysalis’ progress. Perhaps we should put her back in stone an-
Starlight: No…
Starlight spoke a little too quietly, though Twilight did realize she interrupted her. Twilight: Can you repeat tha-
Starlight: I SAID NO! Don’t put Chrysalis back in stone!
Twilight grimaced
Twilight: Huh?! How can you say we shouldn’t when she not only nearly killed you and Applejack. But also nearly everyone of her own kind?!
Starlight: Twilight, take a deep breath and relax. Before I tell you why, I need you to be in a calmer mood. You don’t freak out as much as you used to, but you are Twilighting a little. Twilight: Does this situation not warrant a little twilighting?! But… I see your point… Twilight does some breathing exercises and tries her best to calm her mind. It’s a little difficult given the great weight of what just happened. But she trusts her student that she’ll have a sufficient answer.
Starlight: Twilight, I need you to think what if you were in Chrysalis shoes.
How would you feel if something happened to your parents, your brother, and almost everypony you knew in Canterlot and Ponyville perished in a horrible event.
And then think about what if you had a suspect of who was responsible. Years ago while you aren’t as sure you also suspect they had something to do with your parents’ sudden deaths. Then at some point, you saw them personally “kill” Shining Armor in front of your eyes. They run away, and hundreds if not thousands die shortly afterward. You’d think this same criminal had something to do with the mass murder event too.
And then years later, you’re imprisoned by those of the same species as this suspected killer, you end up slowly becoming friends with one of them that visits your cell across many weeks. Only to find out that this visitor happens to be the daughter of the suspected killer. And not only is this killer not seen as an unspeakable being, but they are CHEERED as great heroes of modern society and maybe even looked favorably upon by the universe itself. Making it sound like what they did to you and those who perished was somehow justified in a twisted sense to the world.
Now also imagine you’ve gradually been getting stronger before you find out this visitor is related to the killer. You can then use that power to get revenge by striking down the killer’s daughter, her friends, even if that possibly means yet another mass death event happens at the place you’re imprisoned in. including many of your own kind…
Can you imagine… how that would make you feel?
Twilight pauses, thinking over every little bit of detail of an increasingly bleak hypothetical scenario. Twilight: I… I… I guess I would be angry… if… the one who I thought was responsible was revered. Like the universe for some reason decided that myself, my family, and/or many ponies like me aren’t even worthy of value, and more like trash that must be taken out if the suspected mass-murderer is celebrated more than reviled…
I’d… certainly be tempted to seek revenge, or at the very least philosophically wonder why even the universe itself sees us as such lesser beings that those who would want to commit atrocities against us are rewarded…
I’m still not sure I would have done what Chrysalis just did… but… I can kind of get it now…
Starlight smiles, happy that her great friend and mentor understands.
Starlight: Chrysalis is a soul that’s been tortured perhaps more than anyone we’ve ever come across. It doesn’t entirely excuse her actions, but between the relations with her old hive already having been a complicated mess before it all went terribly wrong. She was then pressured on restarting a hive all by herself, adding the struggles that can come from motherhood for multiple children as well as being a sole ruler. All while keeping all of the emotional scars that the sinking of Mt. Thrace she had hidden from everyone. Leaving all her thoughts and feelings locked inside her own mind. 
I have to imagine it was always hard for her to even sleep without thinking of her previous hive. We just need to take a calmer approach, and find a way for Chrysalis to confront the truth of what happened that day. It’ll be difficult, and may even require her to come face to face with the spirit of my mother. Where she’ll be highly defensive, and scared out of her mind on the inside.
I doubt my mother’s words will convince her straight away, there’s no doubt she’ll find any way possible to deny anything she says. But she still does need to hear the story from her point of view, not to mention talk at length with my mom to get a sense of her personality and hope at the very least some seeds of doubt are planted. If we can at least get her to ask herself something like “Is Sunset truly the monster I thought she was?”, we will be getting somewhere.
Admittedly though… that’s pretty optimistic all things considered. There’s also the possibility this still doesn’t work and we’re left with almost no options left… but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try! You’re going to think I’m crazy… but I still have hope in Chrysalis.
I know that giving her a chance to kill me sounds like the kind of impulsive decision I’ve made before… like when I switched Celestia and Luna’s cutie mark all those years ago… but I did actually put some thought into it. Even if I put my own life on the line as the price if I was wrong…
It allowed us to really see if Chrysalis truly can be changed. If I ended up being killed, it would have been a tragedy no doubt… but it would not have been in vain. As it would have meant there was no turning back for Chrysalis after all. Unable to let go of her grudge with us ponies enough to even consider sparing a defenseless pony she was growing close with.
But since she didn’t, it actually provides more proof that these lessons have been working. She wouldn’t have spared me if she found out who my mother was probably as early as before the generosity lesson. I also think that since I was willing to put my life on the line all for her emotions. The fact I’d sacrifice much of the promising future I’d told her about, if it meant that she could finally have some form of satisfactory revenge on my mother… that might have touched a cord in her. 
She got to know me more personally now that we were no longer fighting as hero against villain. What I’ve told her about my own past, reflected much of her own. Chrysalis was just very upset that she had somepony to connect with. Only to find out that I’m related to, and are fond of her “worst enemy”.
I even told her before I left, that the self-loathing she was clearly in was not far off from something I’ve done… and you were there. So you should know very well what that was…
Twilight nodded
Twilight: Yeah… I remember all those nights where I had to reassure you that all those timelines you inadvertently created doesn’t make you a terrible pony…
Starlight: And I needed as many reassurances as you possibly could give me at that time. It didn’t matter how friendly I was with everypony. I’d get back into a rut thinking of how in another universe, I indirectly ruined the pony I just hung out with’s life or might have even gotten them killed. It’s not like those other versions of them would ever find out it was indirectly my fault… but the guilt was still there. I can never thank you enough for supporting me at that time… if you weren’t there… I… I might have… I might…
Twilight: …Carried out what Chrysalis could have done, but only by and to yourself?
Starlight pauses, lowers her head, while tears stream down her face.
Starlight: Y-y-yeah… p-perhaps…
Twilight wastes no time and gives her faithful student a much needed hug with both her hooves and her wings. They sit together saying nothing for a little while. Before Twilight quietly speaks.
Twilight: …Then you should know the next step, upon tomorrow morning. You’ll get your chance to reassure Chrysalis won’t take matters into her own hooves and just decide to end it all for herself in a world she doesn’t feel like she belongs in. We need to tell her that she does in fact belong in this world in any way possible.
Though if I may say something for just the two of us, not as a friend… not as your mentor… but as a potential foster sister…
Please… try not to risk your life like you just did ever again… please… I… wouldn’t be able to take the blame off myself if anything were to happen to you…
Tears stream down from Twilight’s cheek while Starlight gasped
Starlight: Huh? But… it wouldn’t have been your fault at all if Chrysalis had killed me…
Twilight: Maybe not in a direct sense, but I would have still been the one to give you this mission. I might have felt a guilt similar to how you felt about those timelines! You deserve a long life of happiness after all you went through in your early life. And I’m sure your mother would want the same…
Even if in this case it helped us to know where Chrysalis currently stands, I don’t want to see you anywhere close to throwing away your life like that again… please, can you promise me that, Starlight?
Starlight’s eyes flow with tears, and a soft smile as she’s touched that Twilight cares this much about her. She’s always known how much she does care about her, but nonetheless it’s great to once again hear how much she means to the princess. It truly feels like they’re now what they may have once supposed to have been: Foster sisters for as long as they can remember.
Starlight: Of course, Twilight… I don’t intend on going anywhere anytime soon…
They tightly hugged one more time, and would start planning for tomorrow morning. Today turned out to be a more emotional day than anyone ever expected. It would soon be time to bring this all to a head, and show Chrysalis the true magic of friendship at last… before it was too late.
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lisutarid-a · 1 year
[Gakuen K] Totsuka Tatara Route Translation
First snow
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: Ugh, my hands are freezing…
Saya: (It feels like as soon as winter came, it suddenly got colder)
Saya: (My breath comes out white….It's good that I changed my clothes today)
Saya: (I would have frozen to death in my light clothes…)
Saya: Hello-.
Totsuka: Oh, you're here. You look frozen, your ears are all red.
Anna: …Tatara. Remember what I said earlier.
Totsuka: Roger that. I won't forget.
Saya: What were you talking about?
Totsuka: …You want to hear?
Saya: Y-yeah, I want to hear…
Totsuka: Well, but…Once you hear it, you'll never be able to return to the light.
Totsuka: Underground gang is after me, I'm having sleepless nights because of this…
Saya: Eh…N-Never mind!
Totsuka: Haha, I'm just kidding. Don't worry, there's nothing to be afraid of.
Totsuka: Actually, we were talking about plans of King being expelled.
Saya: Being expelled? From the club?
Totsuka: Not from the club. From the school…I guess.
Totsuka: You see, I'm going to graduate without a problem, right?
Totsuka: I think I can graduate, don't know about King though. He's safe for now, but one wrong move and he would be kicked out.
Totsuka: And the reason for every grade retention is "I missed the graduation test".
Totsuka: As expected, we decided to stop him from staying in school any longer, so a big project was started.
Saya: What exactly are you going to do?
Totsuka: I’ve not decided yet. I hope I can make him want to take the test, but it's gonna be pretty hard...
Totsuka: Yaaah, as expected of King. Looks like it won't be a simple task…
Saya: Fufu, please do your best.
Totsuka: Uhm, I will. I want to graduate together. Oh.
Saya: What happened?
Totsuka: Look. Outside the window, it's snowing.
Saya: Really…
Totsuka: It's the first snow. Come on, let's go!
Saya: Eh. You're going outside!?
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Saya: Wah, it's cold…
Totsuka: It's 5 degrees cooler than yesterday, right?
Saya: It supposed to be cold…I guess.
Saya: When did you get the camera…?
Totsuka: I thought I'd film you making merry in the first snow. Come on, smile, smile.
Saya: Senpai the one who's exited.
Totsuka: Okay-okay, let's put the details aside. Tell me what you think of the snow, ple-ease.
Saya: What I think!? Well, it's…
Saya: …It's cold.
Totsuka: Huh, it's just regular.
Saya: That's the only thing that I could come up with when you asked me out of the blue.
Saya: Senpai, please lend me your camera. This time I will film senpai.
Totsuka: Ehhh, why?
Saya: You gave me a promise, at the school festival, didn't you?
Totsuka: I only want to film you.
Saya: Senpai, what are your thoughts on snow?
Totsuka: This year's first snowfall is 5 days earlier than last year. Compared to the year before last, it is 13 days earlier. Is this unusual weather?
Saya: …That's a maniacal thought.
Totsuka: Haha, is that so. In any case, it's cold. I think I'm gonna catch a cold in this outfit.
Totsuka: Your hands are getting cold too. Let's go back to the clubroom and drink something warm.
Saya: Okay. …Will there be more snow?
Totsuka: Who knows. I can't imagine there's much snow on this island. Do you like snow?
Saya: Yeah. I hope there will be more of it.
Totsuka: Let's have some fun then. Of course, making sure we're protected from the cold. Now, let's go.
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ssahotstuff · 2 years
HOME: The Final Chapter
Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Part 12 can be found here
Warnings: smut, general BAU chit chat, this chapter is pretty happy but there is some smut in a flashback in the beginning. Also childbirth but nothing descriptive.
HERE IT IS! The end! I put the epilogue in with this chapter so you have everything in one place. Didn’t feel like splitting it up. I hope you enjoy. This is the first thing I’ve ever actually finished in my life. I’d like to thank my medication for helping me this far, and everyone who has been patient with me thus far. I hope you enjoy.
Word count: 6.6 k
3 hours of pushing.
20 total hours in labor. You gave him almost nine months to live inside you, share your body. Nine long, stressful months of being pregnant and uncomfortable.
7000 hours of carrying this precious baby boy, and he looked exactly like Aaron. That was the first thought that crossed your mind as Dr. Sandra handed him to you, swaddled in a little blue striped blanket. Aaron was next to you, seated on the bed. His eyes were full of tears and love as he caught his first real glimpse of his second born.
"He's perfect."
All you could do was nod your head in agreement. He was more than perfect. He was the missing link that completed your family and made your house a home.
"Does he have a name?"
Dr. Sandra was finishing her paperwork so she could leave you and Aaron alone to rest. You'd been up nearly a day and a half, and you were both exhausted. You weren't even sure of the time; you knew it was early morning because the sun was beaming through the window. You didn't care about the time. All that mattered was in a few short hours, Jack would be joining you and you'd have your boys together for the first time.
"I told you, final decision is yours," you reminded him, the two of you glued to the bundle of beauty in your arms.
"I like the first name we picked. Night after Christmas. Do you remember? When we first tossed around the idea of you quitting your birth control?"
"Seriously, I think you'd feel a lot better if you quit taking it. The side effects are horrible," Aaron was reading information about your birth control, his brain fuzzy with all things baby. Maybe it was the wine— it was your second night in the cabin, and after dinner, and a handful of orgasms, you'd decided you were going to quit the pill.
"I'll quit today, I usually take it before bed."
"Good idea. Now the next time we have sex, we can fuck with a purpose," he chuckled, pulling you into his lap. You were on one of seven couches, piled up by the fire, keeping each other warm. It had been a day of doing absolutely nothing but each other—from the shower to the stairs, you'd been all over one another.
"We already do that," you giggled, brushing your nose against his in a featherlight motion. Before you could pull away, he was bringing you to his chest, wrapping his strong arms around you. You always felt so safe when he held you; part of it had to do with the obvious fact that you were crazy about him. Every fight, every long night worrying about him, it was all worth it. It always would be, because there was no one else you'd rather do this with.
And then there was the not so obvious; he was so much bigger than you. His frame towered over yours, swallowing up your shadow and leaving nothing but the tall, strong and so fucking sexy man that was Aaron Hotchner. He made you feel dainty but you were teeny tiny compared to his broad, solid body. He could pin you down with this body effortlessly if he wanted to; as long as it was him you were beneath, you'd do anything he asked.
"What are you thinking?”
"That I love being in your lap, but being under you is my favorite," you admitted, cackling when Aaron surprised you by flipping the two of you over so he could hover above you. Your legs were tangled together, his arm cradled under your head.
His mouth was on yours before you could get the final syllable out, tongue invading your mouth and his hands exploring your body.
"You're perfect. I'd worship you if you'd let me," he breathed, your nipple hardening beneath his fingertips. You could see the faint outline of his hands, dancing deliciously on your breasts as you whimpered, absolutely helpless when it came to him. He turned you into a puddle in more ways than one. From his words to the way he was able to touch you and send you spiraling, he was seductive in the most fascinating way. You hadn't recalled a time even now that he had to try; his confidence and his personality were hard to resist.
"I won't stop you," you panted, using your own hand to guide his toward your panties. He liked it when you expressed your neediness; and god, did you need him now more than ever.
"Do something for me," it wasn't a question, but a command. You nodded, completely powerless. You understood exactly why he was in charge at work; he could convince someone to stand on their head if he set his mind to it.
"I'm going to keep my hand right here on top of yours, just like this."
He used his hand to lead yours until you were inches away from your core, brow furrowed in impatience.
"I want to feel you, the way you touch yourself," he explained, a sheepish grin on his face as he stared down at your hands, lingering over your clothed center. You let him use his free hand to tug your knees apart, licking his lips at the sight of you spread open for him.
"We have to get these panties off," he groaned, pulling them down just enough to expose you. He returned his hand to cover yours so you could finally relieve some of the ache you were feeling between your thighs. With his index finger blanketing yours, you let him feel how drenched you were, clenching around nothing as your desire grew for him. As much as you wanted to be a tease, your clit was throbbing and you were blinded by Aaron's more than erotic request to feel how you pleasured yourself.
"Good girl, that's it. That's exactly what I wanted to feel, sweet girl."
Your arousal soaked your fingers and his as you rubbed slow circles on your clit, a sigh of relief escaping your lips at the contact. He was grinding his hips against you, rutting them against you for any sort of friction as you played with yourself. It was driving him absolutely mad, the way you'd spread your swollen lips open and direct all of your attention to your throbbing clit, aching to have his fingers replace yours.
"Feels so good, Aaron," he let his hand fall to your entrance, slipping his fingers inside of you without a second thought.
"Don't you dare stop. I'm just going to help you a little. You're soaked, sweetheart. I can tell how badly you need me," his fingers began to pump in and out of you, curling upward inside of you, blinding all of your senses as you clenched around his fingers. You couldn't help it; you were blinded by your arousal as you climbed on top of him, stroking his length with your dainty hand.
"Going to show me how badly you need it, Angel?" You lined him up with your center and wasted no time sinking down on him; the groan that left your lips had him smirking up at you, bucking his hips wildly into you as you tried to steady yourself. You put your hands on his chest and began to bounce, making his mouth fall open slightly as he gripped your ass, guiding you onto his cock at the perfect speed. You didn't even have to move, you simply sat up a little on your knees and let him pound into you from below, your nails digging into his shoulders as the pounding of your skin echoing throughout the massive cabin.
"Stay right there, sweetheart," he slowed down considerably, watching his dick slip in and out of you slowly, meticulously, as if he'd planned each thrust precisely to give you exactly what you needed; him in the most primal way. He had tunnel vision when he got mine this; the only thing on his mind was making sure you remembered why you'd given yourself to him in the first place. There was no one else that could give you the satisfaction that you needed, no one else that could be your physical comfort the way that he could. You were bound to him in a way that neither of you could explain; it was like he was your source of gravity, keeping you grounded when he needed to but taking you far beyond the normal heights of pleasure when the timing was right. As you found your high, you hoped that the rest of your life would look like this: nights of perfect bliss spent with Aaron, both of you so deeply in love that the problems of the world didn't matter as long as you were together.
He came shortly after, determined to put a baby in you before you returned home. The thought of carrying his child was an overwhelming one; it solidified the love you had for him, and brought the two of you closer. You'd been talking about it all day, lost in the daydream of planning a pregnancy together. It was all fantasy for now, but you could see it as plain as day: a growing bump, a nursery full of clothes, and a house full of love. Jack would have someone to play with, and your home would be filled with laughter for the rest of your days.
He helped to clean you up and rejoined you on the couch, wrapping you up in a blanket as he handed you a glass of wine.
"What are you thinking?" His voice cut through your thoughts, filled with all things baby.
"I just really love the idea—"
"Of you being pregnant? I can't stop thinking about it either," it was as if he'd read your mind, and when he realized he was exactly right, the two of you burst into a fit of laughter like never before. You'd gotten to see more of how sweet he could be on your vacation, and you were soaking up every second of it.
"For future reference, I'm only good at boy names," he admitted, and your mental list of names was far longer for boys than it was for girls.
"I feel like boy names are easier. I want a boy," you confessed, and his eyes lit up, twinkling in the glow of the fireplace.
"Me too. But I don't mind either way. A tiny you would be fun," he chuckled, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you in.
"But think of all the fun Jack can have with a little brother," Jack would be elated to become a big brother; you had no doubt about it.
"Well, he'd need a name," Aaron's sly grin only grew wider as you both entertained your future together.
"I like the idea of letting you pick his first name. You deserve that," he'd told you once before about how he had no say in choosing Jack's name, and you told yourself then if the chance ever came, you'd let him pick.
"Really? I'd like that a lot. You can pick his middle name then," he agreed, but you already had a middle name in mind to suggest to him later, once he'd chosen.
"You get full reign of naming the hypothetical baby," you giggled, and he brought you into his lap, his hand falling to your stomach.
"God, can you just imagine? I'm dying to see you pregnant," his mouth met yours, arms wrapping snugly around you as he cuddled into you.
"Well, after today, I'd say we're off to a pretty fantastic start," you chuckled, because that's what you'd spent all day doing: practicing.
"I like the name Leo," he said suddenly, and you were quick to agree with him, because you liked it too.
"Leo is cute. Short and simple."
"It means brave," he told you, and you thought it was perfect. A brave, beautiful Hotchner boy, just like his father and brother.
"Leo Andrew Hotchner."
By the time your hospital stay was over, you were starting to adjust to not sharing your body anymore. It was an incredible feeling to have him in your arms, to be staring at his dark head of hair rather than imagining what he'd look like. Aaron and Jack had just fallen asleep on the couch, laid out next to one another while you rocked Leo in the rocking chair across from them. Once he fell asleep fully, you'd lay him down, but his eyes had just started to close, and he looked so precious that you just couldn't tear yourself away from him.
You should've been taking Aaron's advice and sleeping when Leo slept, but the three of you had been surviving on takeout for too long, and your family deserved a decent meal, so you put Leo in his bassinet just outside of the kitchen, so you could still see him, but he was far enough away that the noise wouldn't bother him too much.
You set to work making Jack's favorite: pizza. You wanted to remind him that even though Leo was around, he was still your big boy, and you still remembered all of his favorite things. You'd been talking with Dr. Reid regularly, and he'd advised you to remind Jack of his importance the first few days of having Leo home, so he didn't feel left out. You'd already planned to watch a movie with him and Aaron while you ate dinner, so you could multitask and still fit everyone in to your new mom schedule.
Homemade pizza was Jack's favorite thing that you knew how to cook, and you loved being able to make it for him. He especially loved pizza and movie nights, and you hadn't had one altogether in longer than you could remember, if you ever had at all. It wasn't rare that things were slow like this, but since Aaron's retirement and the promise to be around all the time, he'd been appreciating things more, making time to do things he hadn't before. You hadn't seen him happier than he was when he got to bring you all home.
"What happened to taking things easy once you got home?"
You were sliding the pizza pan into the oven when Aaron came up behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist. As you stood back up, he was kissing your cheek, turning you around to face him.
"Sweetheart, you barely slept in the hospital. Please let me finish this and try to relax some. Go lay with Jack and let me do this," you didn't need to be told twice, you sank into the cushions after moving Leo within arms reach, letting his tiny hand wrap around your finger as you drifted off to sleep for the first time in days.
It was dark when you woke up, Jack still snoring lightly next to you. Aaron was pacing the floors, rocking Leo gently. It was a precious sight, one you'd been waiting almost 9 months to witness. He was talking to Leo, too quietly for you to hear, but you knew by the smile on Aaron's face that he was enjoying every second of having Leo here finally.
"Has Jack been here this whole time?" You slowly raised up from the couch, careful not to wake him. Luckily it was summer or else his entire schedule would've been thrown off from such a long nap.
"He hasn't budged. I think he was just happy to be back with you."
The days away from him that you'd spent in the hospital had been hard. Your emotions were all over the place, and you had missed Jack terribly. You felt incomplete without both of your babies around, so you weren't truly able to settle until you were all back under one roof.
"This little guy is all smiles," Aaron's own smile was contagious as he showed off a sleeping Leo, who was undoubtedly grinning from ear to ear in his fathers arms.
"I'm so glad we're all home. It really helps all the new mom jitters knowing that you're home to stay."
You were thrilled that you wouldn't be overwhelmed with doing everything alone, and Aaron would always be around to help.
"No reason to be nervous, Angel. I'm here."
Jack was beginning to stir, mumbling and turning in his sleep. You were starving, so you went to the kitchen to warm dinner back up. Sure enough, there was an entire untouched pizza in the fridge.
"You could've ate without me," he was already standing in the doorway as you preheated the oven, padding over to you once he'd laid Leo back down.
"Wanted to wait. We haven't had real dinner together in at least a week. Just takeout in the hospital. We'll put on a movie and cuddle up on the couch with Jack," he had the same idea as you, sending you back to the living room so he could remake dinner. Jack was up, beaming at you, still trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes.
"We did a big sleep," he giggled, and you opened your arms for him to climb into. He was careful with you, just like his dad explained he needed to be for the next couple of days. You were still on the mend, and tender in places you wouldn't normally be. Aaron had thought of nearly everything though, a heating pad when your back would hurt, ice packs for times when you needed soothing. He had been so attentive to everyone's needs, and you were so grateful for him.
"We did. If you're up for it, we made pizza. I thought me, you and dad could watch a movie together," he nodded, so you sent him to change into comfy clothes while you waited for him, scanning the shelves to see what you could watch. His new favorite was Spider Man, so you popped it in the DVD player and waited on everyone to get finished with what they were doing. You could hear Aaron clattering around in the kitchen for dinner and snacks, and Jack humming lightly in his bedroom as he chose pajamas for the night. Leo was sleeping quietly in his bassinet, his little hands up by his face. He looked peaceful.
Jack climbed into your lap at the same time Aaron joined you with pizza. Jack looked quizzically at his father, who was letting him eat in the living room.
"We're celebrating being home, we don't always have to use the table," he told him, which satisfied Jack enough to take a giant bite of pizza as the movie started.
With everyone you loved in one room, your heart had never been so full. You looked at Jack, sat in between the two of you, who had a normal family for the first time in his life. You were blessed to get the chance to be his bonus mom, and now you'd given him a best friend for life. And Aaron, who's cheeks must've been sore from all of the smiling he'd been doing since he came home. For the first time in his life, he wasn't having to worry about what dangers lurked in the dark anymore. It was going to be nothing but happy memories from here on out.
And little Leo.
Your pregnancy had been a scary one, more than you ever could've imagined. But it was more than worth it to have your little boy here with you, under the watchful gaze of his parents that would defend him and his brother against anything that stood in their way.
You deserved it: the happy ending. You deserved the sunshine filled days and the laughter from the playroom echoing through the house. You had earned the fridge full of drawings addressed to 'mom' and the charm bracelet on your arm that Jessica and Jack had chosen for you for Mother's Day. You had fought the toughest battles that could've possibly came your way, and you came out victorious every single time.
You had learned what it was like to be stronger than what you were dealt in life. You hadn't given up, and now you had nothing but love to show for it. You had suffered a tremendous loss when Beau died, and truthfully, the loss had taken a part of you with him. But you were mending, one day at a time with the help of Aaron and your babies. Your life up until this point was spent running from the past: from your mother, from the children you were forced to raise. Now that you were secure under Aaron's arms, nothing could take away your perfect slice of heaven.
Aaron's hand squeezing yours from across the back of the couch was the only reminder that you'd ever need again. There had been times you thought you might not survive the heartache, the pain that you'd endured, but now, with your babies close enough for you to see their sweet faces, and Aaron tuned in to the television, it was all worth it.
You were home.
"I can't believe my eyes! You look absolutely gorgeous!" Penelope was the first to see you in your dress, JJ and Emily rushing in after all of the commotion. Emily stopped in her tracks as she took you in, her eyeliner already a smudged mess. You had agreed upon simple; the dress was elegant and flowy, but still simple. The satin material clung to your body, the thin straps crisscrossing behind your back. Penelope had assisted with your hair and makeup, and despite her bold choices, she'd went subtle for you; you felt incredible. You were elated to be marrying Aaron, to become Mrs. Hotchner.
"You sure have came a long way from tapping on my window."
You gave her a warning look not to ruin both of your faces and she zipped her lips dramatically before crossing the room to hug you tightly.
"You make the most beautiful bride."
JJ and Penelope were quick to agree, putting the final touches on your hair and makeup as they crowded around you in Dave's spare master bedroom. Aaron was on the other side of the house somewhere getting ready, and you couldn't wait to finally see him. You'd been away from him since early that morning, Spencer and Morgan tag teaming the kids with Sean so you two could get ready. Your next stop was to check on Jack and Leo, who was beginning to toddle, and was not exactly the most graceful.
"Okay, before I see my man, I need to check and make sure my boys are okay," you politely excused yourself to go a few rooms over, the sound of your babies playing behind the door making your heart grow ten sizes.
"Wow, look at you, mama!" Derek twirled you around, and Jack stared back at you in awe, his eyes twinkling just like his fathers.
"We're all dressed like this because you're gonna kiss dad in front of everybody!" Jack announced, making Leo do his favorite thing in the world: clap his hands. You scooped him up, careful not to get anything on your dress, but you were shut down just as fast by Sean, who was snatching him right back from you.
"I'm under strict orders from your husband to be not to let you lift a finger," you rolled your eyes playfully at him, who was proving to be quite the brother in law. He and Penelope had offered to tag team with the kids at your house for the weekend so Aaron could take you on a mini honey moon.
"Your brother would never let me pick anything up again if it were up to him," it was almost time, Dave making his rounds in the hall to gather everyone up. Sean took Leo and went to find a seat, and Emily, JJ and Penelope came to find you to wish you luck before they were finding seats too. The only person left behind was Jack, who had graciously volunteered to walk you down the aisle.
Truthfully, you always thought it would be Ben walking with you when you finally tied the knot, but you hadn't heard anything from him since your mother had died and he'd went back home. You knew she left everything to him, so you hoped he took it and did something with his life without your mother to hold him back. He was getting the fresh start he deserved too, but unfortunately that meant being away from each other forever.
When you aren't raised in normal, you're not living anymore. You're simply trying to survive. It took you years to stop that nasty habit, going through the motions from day to day; but now that you were living, life was a much brighter place. You had two beautiful children, and you were about to marry the man who'd been giving you the world for the last 11 months. You'd wanted to wait until life wasn't so hectic to get married, and when Dave suggested having a ceremony at his house, it seemed like the perfect idea.
The garden was lit up beautifully, the sun had just set beyond the horizon, and a tiny hand was clutching yours, Jack was keeping your nerves at ease.
"I almost forgot mom!"
He slid you a piece of paper from his back pocket, your name neatly written on the front in Aaron's handwriting. You had less than five minutes until you were due to meet him at the end of the aisle, so you unfolded it, scanning the page quickly before it was time for you to walk.
I know we agreed to traditional vows in front of everyone else, but you deserve more than traditional after everything you've sacrificed for our family. I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather give my last name to. You have amazed me everyday for almost two years now, being the most perfect mother our children could ask for, and the best partner I could've hoped for.
I know it hasn't been easy. I know I put a tremendous amount of stress on you by not being around, and even though we don't live like that anymore, I want to thank you for sticking around for me. You helped me to realize how important my family is, and how much I was missing out on. The last year spent at home with you has been more exciting, more fulfilling than I could've ever imagined. That's all thanks to you.
When you walked in the coffee shop two years ago, I had no clue you'd be the one, but I had a feeling that you were going to change my life. I knew you were special, and that the impact you would make on us would be a gigantic one. You made our house a home. Do you realize how incredible that is? You are the glue that holds us all together. We couldn't do any of this life without you.
I promise to make the rest of our days together count; I'll never take you for granted again. I'm so glad that you picked me, despite all of the obstacles I put in our way. Thank you for growing and learning with me, and not giving up on us.
I can't wait to see what forever with you looks like. I hope you know how loved you are, and how much we appreciate the love you've given us. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life loving you.
You fanned the tears on your face as the music began to play; you could see him waiting for you, dressed in all black, smiling at Sean and Leo who were sat in the front row of chairs.
"It's time for us to go, mom! Uncle Dave gave the signal," Dave had told Jack the signal was waving you in, so you took a deep breath as the bay doors opened, and all eyes were on you and Jack. He held your hand tightly, waving to his dad who couldn't keep his eyes off of you. The smile Aaron wore was unlike one you'd ever seen before; it was as if for the first time in your lives, there was no worry, no stress. There was only the love you had for each other for everyone to bare witness to. You were surrounded by the people who loved you the most, standing in front of a man who'd give anything to make sure your life never had another sad moment ever again.
Jack sat with Sean as Aaron reached for your hand, lacing his fingers through yours as you waited on the officiant to start the ceremony. He shot you a quick wink as the Preacher began, but unless you had to speak, your attention was completely on Aaron, who hadn't looked this happy in all of the time you'd known him.
You knew life would give you some tough battles; it deals everyone a strange hand of cards and all we're left with is what we can make from it. You'd become stronger, wiser, but you also learned the true value of loving someone, and it had started not with Aaron, but Jack.
You had never loved anyone outside of the obligation of family, and even then, it was difficult. Jack had shown you the first glimpse of unconditional love, and it only grew exponentially in the two years that you'd been in his life. He made you a mom, and a hero in his eyes. He was the first person to love you without expecting anything in return. Even now, Jack looked at you like you were the brightest star in the galaxy, with his toothy grin and the occasional thumbs up to make sure you knew that you were doing great.
Jack had helped to heal a part of your broken childhood that you weren't even aware of until you met him. Each Lego set, or experiment in the kitchen was a small step towards healing that you didn't even know you needed until the hole in your chest was no longer empty. Jack had been the biggest blessing in disguise of them all, because if not for him, you would've never gotten the chance to be a mom to a little boy who needed you just as much as you needed him.
As you kissed your husband, you felt the warmth of love buzzing from everyone in the crowd, but especially from Aaron. It was a foreign feeling, knowing that you were home. You always had been with him, but now, you were a family who all shared the same last name.
You were a mother, and a wife to the greatest man you'd ever met. The bumps in the road had been rough, but they couldn't even compare to the sunshine after.
"We did it," he whispered, pulling you in for a hug as your found family cheered you on. You were beyond content, that didn't even begin to describe it. You knew that anything that you faced beyond this, you tackled head on together, for better or worse. Your life partner was gripping your hand as tightly as he could, showing off his new bride as you blushed uncontrollably, opening your arms for your babies that you'd barely seen all day. Sean handed Leo to you, and Jack clung to your leg as you took photo after photo, smiles plastered to all of your faces, except for Leo, who insisted on sticking out his tongue the whole time.
By the time the ceremony was over and everyone had eaten, the music started back up, and Aaron found you, pulling you away from your conversation with JJ so he could dance with you.
"Come on, if I don't dance with you soon, Jack will keep you all for himself," you let your head rest on his chest and tuned out the crowd of onlookers and people taking photos to appreciate the time with your husband. You'd never danced with him before, so you had no idea how good of a dancer he was until he twirled you around and you couldn't hide the smile that broke out on your face. You were happy, truly the happiest woman alive.
"I love you," it was quiet enough that only he could hear, so he pulled you in close, kissing the top of your head.
"I love you, Angel. I can't wait to spend the weekend with you," it had been months since you had a chance to be alone with him, so you were eager to spend time with him, to take off your heels and relax in a plush hotel room with him somewhere. You were staying close to home, but you had no doubts he'd went above and beyond wherever you planned to stay.
"I'm so ready to have you to myself," you chuckled, watching the dance floor quickly fill up after the song changed. Sean spun Leo around, making him howl with laughter, and sure enough, Jack was at your side, wanting to dance with you.
"My turn, dad!" He tugged at Aaron's pant leg until you picked him up, and his arms wrapped around your neck before his head rested on your shoulder.
"This means you'll be my mom forever, right? That's what Uncle Sean said," you would be his mom forever regardless, but you nodded your head anyway, squeezing him tightly.
"Forever and ever," you confirmed, which made him hug you even tighter. Aaron watched from his chair, blowing you a kiss whenever you'd catch his eye, but otherwise letting you enjoy the evening. You knew you'd have him alone later, and the boys would miss you while you were gone, so you wanted to make sure you spent the night loving on them before you didn't see them for a few days.
"Yes, mom?"
It still took your breath away to hear sometimes, and your heart would skip a beat. You were just so taken aback that a boy who had lost so much had so much space in his heart for you.
"I'm so glad you're my baby."
He leaned back to look at you before cupping your face with his tiny hands and putting the tip of his nose right up to yours.
"Me too."
After taking more photos in one night than I had in the last ten years, we were finally in the car, alone for the first time all day. I couldn't pull out of Dave's driveway fast enough, already anticipating the next few days alone with her. She lifted the console and climbed into the middle, buckling her seatbelt and settling in at my side.
"Today was perfect."
Those three words meant more to me than she'd ever know. The day had been more than perfect, it had been like a scene from a movie, and she was the star. She'd been so giving, so selfless for our family, and I got to secure her spot in my future forever. If you'd have told me three years ago that I would be retired, and that there were days that the BAU wouldn't even cross my mind, I would've laughed at you. It was hard getting out of the routine of being gone, on a plane every chance I got. Being stationary was new, but she'd helped me through everyday of it, even the days that didn't have such good endings. She was always there the next morning to try again.
"You're perfect."
I'd dreaded the day I had to slow down. But I'd learned more about her and Jack in the last year than I ever thought was possible. Leo was quickly growing into his own personality, a bright, bubbly boy just like his brother. They were two of the happiest boys I'd ever seen, and we had her to thank. She'd changed all of our lives, and we hadn't even realized it until the day came where there was nothing left to worry about. She took care of things before we got the chance to worry about them, our problems never even getting the chance to manifest because she knew how to spot them and deal with them beforehand.
It had been a year of learning to put them first.
I'd resisted the happy life for so long that I almost felt guilty for enjoying my free time with them when I knew there were monsters to hunt down, but the BAU was under the protective hand of Emily, and she knew how to lead them. They were fine without me.
My newfound role as full time father was better than any promotion work could've given me. Being able to give them the satisfaction of having me home daily was enough to shift the entire house upside down; Jack and Leo would wake up every morning to both of their parents. No more asking when I was coming home, or where I was. They'd know.
It was a brand new feeling, being loved by someone who had the potential to heal me in places I didn't know were hurting. She knew how to make things brighter, how to make your worries disappear in a flash. I had no clue how she did it, but I was thankful for her nonetheless. Without her, Jack and I wouldn't have gotten the chance to become even closer than we were, spending all of our free time working on soccer drills or building something crafty together. He was capable of so many things that I'd never gotten to witness before, simply because I hadn't been around.
I made a promise to myself before she walked down that aisle that it was her turn. It was time for her to feel the love that she'd been giving everyone else, and it was long overdue for her to have the peace she brought to everyone else's lives. As she dozed off against my shoulder, I knew there was nothing that we couldn't do, as long as we tackled it together. She'd been my biggest support through everything, and it was time to give that back to her. She deserved everything that I could offer her and then some.
Even now, with the moon high in the sky and the radio playing softly, nothing could be better. We were one unit now, an unstoppable pair. The ring on her finger seemed to shine a little brighter than before as I admired her hand, still in my lap. I hoped and prayed I was able to keep her forever, grow old with her, watch our kids become men, and fathers. I didn't want to rush, though. I wanted forever to take its time, because no amount of time spent with her would ever be enough. She was what we'd been waiting on to bring the light back to our lives, and even in the dark, she was brighter than anyone I'd ever met, or would meet.
I didn't have the answer for every question, and I wasn't perfect by any means, but I knew we'd figure out the answers together to make for a perfect life together, and that was more than enough for me.
Tag list: @sammyrenae68 @camtree @realdirectionx @ellamalfoypotter @deblou008 @ssamorganhotchner @dangerouslittlefairy @iamanironmanfan @rousethemouse @americanbeauty80 @laneyspaulding19
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starlitangels · 2 years
Shouldn’t Have Come Back
T.A.H.A. (Thinking About Huxley Again) I wrote this for me but you can read it if you want. 1.7k words
“Hey, girl, heeeyyy!” I exclaimed, running up to Emily. The bride whirled and her face broke out into a beaming smile.
“You made it!” she exclaimed. “I didn’t see you guys during the ceremony so I thought maybe—”
“I know. I know you assigned us pretty close to the front but my boyfriend is really tall and didn’t want to block anyone’s view so we sat on the back row,” I said. I turned and waved Huxley over from where he was talking to some of my high school friends. “Hux! Come meet the bride!”
He politely excused himself from the others and came over. Emily looked up at him. “You’re tall,” she said, almost as though she couldn’t help it.
Huxley chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “Heh-heh. Yeah...” he said awkwardly. “I get that a lot.”
“Em, this is my boyfriend Huxley. Hux, this is Emily. We grew up together,” I introduced.
Huxley smiled wide. “Nice to meet you,” he said.
“You too. Hugs?” Emily asked.
Huxley laughed and stooped to hug Emily. She was about 5′5″ and absolutely petite compared to Huxley. I bit my lip and looked around. “Hey, uh, Em? My parents are here, aren’t they?”
She glanced around the reception dismissively. “Yeah. I think they were talking to my mom over by the drink table.”
I peered through the throngs of people while she asked Huxley how we met and where he was from. Her mom was still standing by the drinks table, but my parents weren’t. I swallowed thickly as anxiety settled over me. If they or I started any sort of drama—
Someone said my name from behind me.
I whirled.
And there were my parents.
“We didn’t think you’d be here,” Dad said. His voice was casual but his face was cold.
“Like I was going to miss my childhood best friend’s wedding,” I said.
“I thought you didn’t want anything to do with this place anymore.”
I balled my fist at my side and quickly released it. “Nothing that happened three years ago is Emily’s fault. As far as she’s aware, I transferred to a college in California to finish my degree,” I said. “She invited me, and like hell was I going to miss it.” I kept my head high. “I didn’t come here to start anything with either of you. I came to the wedding because Emily is still my friend and she wanted me here. And I don’t care if either of you say another word to me for the entire reception. You’ve made your stance on what I am very clear, and I’m not stupid enough to assume I could change that. Unfortunately, I’m not hopeful enough either. Since I left home and went to the academy in Dahlia, I... I’ve faced a lot of discrimination for being what I am. Most of the students there have families who share their... gifts. They look down on people like me for being behind on their culture with no way to catch up.
“But I found a lot of happiness, in California, too. I’ve made some friends. I, uh, I actually brought my boyfriend today.” I gestured over my shoulder to where Huxley was still laughing and talking with Emily. My parents’ eyes both widened a bit. “He’s kinda like me. His talents lie somewhere more specific than mine but he’s on our school sports team and he’s probably the nicest person I’ve ever met.”
At that moment, I felt Huxley’s warm, callused hand slide between my fingers. “Hey, babe,” he said.
“Hi,” I replied.
“These must be your parents.” He was smiling, but his eyes were hard as stone.
I nodded. “Yup. Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Huxley. Hux, these are my parents.” I gave him their names. Huxley extended a hand and shook my dad’s hand, though I noticed my dad’s hesitation. He offered to shake my mom’s hand too but she didn’t move, so he let his hand drop to his side.
“Anyway,” Huxley said amiably. His hand tightened on mine. “We should let your parents go talk to their friends. We don’t want to keep them.”
I nodded and moved to turn away.
“Have you been together long?” my mom asked, voice a bit squeaky.
I blinked. “Um... about a year-and-a-half,” I replied nonchalantly.
“How... how did you meet?”
“We had a class together my first semester.”
“But we actually really met out in the Quad on campus,” Huxley said.
I nodded. “He noticed I was stressed and came to chill with me until I felt better.”
Mom blinked. “So, when you said his talents were more specific than yours... you meant that he’s like you.”
I raised a brow in a slight challenge. “In that sense, yes. But he’s much stronger than me. In every sense of the word.”
Even without being intimately aware of the rules and laws of covert, my parents were too ashamed of what I was to say the words magic or powers out loud around their friends. Which served me just fine.
“Meaning what?” my dad asked. Mom nudged him in warning.
I shrugged. “Best not to talk about it here,” I replied. “Suffice to say, it wouldn’t be hard for him to level a city.”
Huxley chuckled. “No it wouldn’t,” he agreed quietly.
My parents’ complexions went a bit ashen as the blood ran out of their faces. I couldn’t stop the fierce sense of satisfaction that rose in my chest, making my Core burn a little hotter.
Mom met Huxley’s eyes. “Are... are your parents... similar?”
He shrugged with one arm. “I mean... neither of my moms are as strong as I am,” he said. “But that’s never been a problem.”
“Both of his moms are delightful,” I put in.
“O-oh. You’ve met them.”
“Yeah. This past winter break we went back to his hometown together for the holidays.” I smiled a fake smile. “His moms and I have a group chat, actually.” The fake smile turned real as I thought about it. “Mostly silly stuff. They send me pictures of when Hux was a kid, I send them pictures of him sprawled out on the couch after practice, fast asleep. That kind of thing.
“But—I’m also super close to convincing one of his moms to share her special apple-and-maple pie recipe with me. It’s Huxley’s favorite dessert and only his mom knows the whole thing. There’s a secret ingredient in it she won’t tell anyone. But I want to bake it for him on special occasions so I’m trying to convince her to tell me what the secret ingredient is.” I started to laugh. Huxley did too, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“Babe, she’ll never tell you,” he said. “She’s guarded that secret since before I was born.”
I made a face. “I know. But she might give it up to her baby’s partner if said partner really wants to spoil her baby.” I laughed and tilted up onto my tiptoes. Huxley bent down and kissed me. I noticed a sheen of sweat on his forehead. “Anyway. We’re gonna pop inside for a little bit. Cool off,” I said to my parents. “Thanks for the chat.”
As we moved to leave, I heard my mom say, “You’re a freak and you shouldn’t have come back.”
Huxley’s hand nearly broke mine with how hard he tightened his grip. The ground beneath us shook. Hard. Everyone at the wedding started exclaiming and shouting in surprise. Emily’s mom screamed from somewhere.
I grabbed Huxley’s wrist with my other hand. “Baby, stop,” I ordered.
“They can’t say things like that to you,” he grumbled.
“It doesn’t matter. Huxley, covert.”
The shaking stopped. I looked around. No one but my parents and I seemed to notice that the epicenter of the quake was Huxley.
I tugged him away from my parents. “C’mon, big guy. Let’s go inside.”
Reluctantly, he followed me.
“How dare they?!” Huxley demanded the second the doors closed behind us and we were alone inside.
“Hux,” I said soothingly. “They’ve said a lot worse to me before. In private.”
“You’re their child! Shouldn’t they treat you with love and kindness?”
“They should, sure. But they’re unempowered. They didn’t know anything about magic until I finally confessed there was something up with me. That I had powers I couldn’t explain. I’ve told you they didn’t take it well.”
“Yeah—but I thought they’d love you enough not to say something like that in public.”
I shrugged.
Huxley calmed down and gathered me to his chest in a hug. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to be the one comforting me. I just... I can’t imagine parents not supporting their kid.”
“I can,” I muttered into his green necktie.
He squeezed me tighter. “So... what now?”
“Now, we say a quick goodbye to Emily and we get on a plane for Dahlia and go home.”
“You sure? Our original flight’s s’posed to leave in two days. I thought you wanted to take me to that restaurant you used to love for dinner tomorrow.”
“I’m sure. I love you, and I’d love to show it to you, but I’d rather go home. Get out of this place and go back to my new family. The one that actually loves and supports me. With you.” I kissed his tie since his grip was too tight for me to try and shift up onto my tiptoes to kiss anywhere else.
He took a deep breath and sighed. “Okay. We’ll go home. Whatever makes you happy.”
“You make me happy, Hux. No matter what.” I buried my face in his chest and inhaled that earthy scent that clung to him. “Even when my parents are... awful.”
“I’ll always be here for you, babe.”
“Thank you Huxley. I love you.”
“Love you too. Let’s go say bye to your friend and get back to the hotel.”
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
Tag list: @thegoldenlittlerose
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n0bamak1s · 3 years
laughing gas - mai zenin x reader
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request: “Mai Zenin x Fem S/o, where the s/o gets their wisdom tooth removed and confesses their love to mai acting all sweet and cute, mai then takes care of her s/o and confesses too, we can see mai being her bratty and confident self but when she is with her s/o she just lets her walls down” - @shockfirefly
summary: in the request! (genre: fluff, friends to lovers, slice of life, humor)
warnings: reader is high on anesthesia if that counts as a warning, swearing, mostly just tooth rotting fluff (literally!!)
word count: 2k
a/n: i really enjoyed writing this request! at this point i’m basically just a mai zenin stan account tbh but the requests for her are just so fun to write. i’m almost on summer break so hopefully i’ll be more active bc i have a few ideas i’m excited to write for!!
it seriously took everything in mai’s willpower to not immediately whip out her phone to film your groggy state the moment she stepped into the room where you had just gotten your surgery done. she stifled a laugh at the bandage wrapped around your head, vaguely reminiscent of the one noritoshi had worn following the exchange event. when your eyes flicker over to meet her gaze, you give what she can only assume is your attempt at a smile, but looks more like a dog caught eating its owner’s dinner, with your face all swollen and slightly flushed.
forget that willpower shit.
she shamelessly calls out your name, to which you respond like an eager little kid. “say cheese!” she gives you an uncharacteristically wide grin to signal you to mirror her actions. you seemed to not learn from your previous mistake and attempted to smile back at her, before immediately cutting yourself off with a muffled groan. she hardly bothered with hiding her giggle this time, but at the very least she had the decency to cover her mouth as she cracked up.
with an annoyed pout on your face, you huffed and turned to the nurse standing beside you, who you were apparently to loopy to notice had joined in with mai on giggling at your grogginess. “she’s so mean to me!” you said, though your tone had no real irritation to it.
“it’s just to send to utahime. she wants to make sure your doing alright.” mai lied straight through her teeth, though you seem satisfied enough with that answer as you started to push yourself up from the seat you’d been in. mai quickly rushed to your side, knowing you weren’t sensible enough at the moment to ask for her help. before you could stand up and inevitably wobble over, she looped an arm around your waist and moved your arm so it was slung over her shoulders.
“alright champ, let’s get going.” she tried to remain as nonchalant as possible with the close proximity, but unfortunately for her, you seemed determined to embarrass her as much as possible.
“well at least buy me dinner first, ya casanova!” you said (much louder than necessary, mind you). honestly, it wouldn’t be surprising to mai if you could be heard from the waiting room.
with an over enthusiastic wave from you and an awkward thanks from mai to the nurse, you guys set off on your way.
to be fair to you, it was surprisingly a relatively tame trip to the door, with you focusing on keeping your steps in tune with mai’s. you were too lost in thought to embarrass yourself until you had made it to the waiting room. you had rather innocently pointed out a small curse, which would have been completely harmless had it not actually been an old woman, and had you not spoken with an inappropriately loud voice. the poor old lady who had fallen subject to your anesthesia induced self gave you an agitated glare as mai waved sheepishly in apology. the moment you guys were out the door, you turned back to glance through the glass.
“we’ll get her later, mai!” you patted her on the back with determination, your voice still muffled in a way that made you sound like you belonged on sesame street. “she can’t fool me, stupid curse!”
had it been anyone else, mai would have simply rolled her eyes and tugged you on, but since it was you, she found herself laughing along, a quiet laugh, like the sound of a wind chime in early spring weather. the sound seemed to catch you off guard, causing you to stop in your antics before turning to face her. she paused when she felt your gaze back on her, looking at her like a kid would look at fireworks for the first time.
she raised an eyebrow at your sudden change in demeanor. “what?”
“your laugh is pretty.” you stated simply, clearly having some pride at being the one to get her to laugh like that.
she turned away for a moment, hoping it would stop you from seeing the flush spreading across her face, knowing you’d never let her live it down. “thanks.” she muttered, praying she sounded at least a little bit cool and composed.
the short walk to the car was filled with you pointing out random cars asking if they were mai’s as you rested your head on her shoulder, before deciding the swelling was too painful for that.
a large grin which quickly turned into a grimace (you really never learned) appeared on your face when mai finally informed you that you’d made it to the right car. she held your hand to support you as you stepped into the seat, and once she’d sat down, reached over to buckle you in. she chose to ignore the over exaggerated wink you sent her way in favor of her own sanity.
as she drove, you babbled on about nonsense like how you were sure noritoshi had made mechamaru to hide the fact that he was secretly a robot, or how after that run you had gotten at the baseball game, you were sure you were destined to quit sorcery to go to the major leagues. to humor you, mai nodded along, before dryly responding that she’d probably be a better fit considering how good she looked in the baseball uniforms.
ignorant of her joking tone, you were quick to agree enthusiastically. “definitely! but i dunno if i’m the best person to ask, because i think you look good in just about anything.” your voice was sincere as you turned fully to look at her with slightly hazy eyes.
before either of you had time to process the admiration you had shown towards her, you glanced back out the window to the familiar sight of your school. you excitedly waved at the sight of todo and noritoshi sparring together. after catching his attention, todo didn’t even bother to stop the roaring laughter that came from your appearance, pointing out to noritoshi the similarities between your current look and his from just a few weeks ago. noritoshi gave todo an annoyed look, before glancing back over to see mai helping you out of the car, once again slinging your arm over her shoulders and supporting you with an arm on your waist.
she tried her best to ignore todo, she really did. though, it wasn’t exactly easy to ignore him when he loudly exclaimed what a ‘lady killer’ mai was. she snapped her gaze to meet his eyes, giving him a cold glare, before continuing to slink you along to your dorm.
when you opened the door to your dorm, the first thing mai noticed was a bulletin board on your wall, decorated with photos of all your friends, which most recently included your classmates. her eyes flicked to a photo of you next to another girl in elementary school with a smile that showed off your gap from missing teeth, and she chuckled softly at the irony of the photo compared to your current situation. her gaze then quickly shifted to a newly added strip of pictures from a photo booth. she smiled fondly at the memory of you, her, miwa, and momo sandwiching yourselves together in the tiny booth to take photos during your shopping trip. they weren’t ‘good’ photos, per say, in fact you guys all looked rather ridiculous trying to pack into frame, but for some reason, mai seemed to soften up at the memory of it, and how happy you looked just to be next to her.
her train of thought was interrupted by you tugging on the hand that didn’t rest on you, making her turn to see you mere inches from her face.
why the hell were you so close???
“yes?” she questioned, hoping to deflect from the fact that she was so obviously gushing over the photos on your wall just moments before.
“will you sleep with me?”
had you not had an arm around her, she probably would have dropped you in that instant. from the way she carried herself to the way she talked to others, most people would assume mai zenin does NOT blush, yet somehow you’d managed to disprove that theory way too many times today.
“WHAT?” it was her turn to be loud for a moment.
“i’m tireddddd” you whined “and you’re so warm.” you had stated it so casually, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
she groaned, as if it would cover up her sheer embarrassment at how bold you were. wordlessly, she walked you to your bed, keeping her grip on your waist secure. it was amazing how gentle she was as she laid you down on that rock solid bed all the dorms were stuck with. she pulled a blanket over you, sitting awkwardly on the edge of the bed in hopes you’d doze off peacefully from there. when she didn’t shift from her position, you looked at her with a confused expression.
“wouldn’t it be more comfortable to lay down?” your words were still slightly slurred together. you rested a hand on hers. “you know i don’t mind.” despite your dazed look, she could tell your words were sincere as your thumb rubbed circles atop her hand.
mai turned to face you full on, her eyes gentle rather than their usual harsh look.
curse you for being so hard to resist.
“fine” her voice was quiet “but only because it’s my job to watch over you.” she stretched out her legs so she was laying down on the bed, pulling the blanket towards her so she could get comfortable.
“you’re so good to me mai.” you smiled. not a pained grimace, or an awkward baring of your teeth, but a smile. “people always seem to be so intimidated by you, but i don’t really get it. you’ve always been so nice to me. it’s nice.”
she didn’t understand how even when you were all loopy, you still managed to have such an effect on her. hesitantly, she reached up to grab your hand, intertwining her fingers with yours.
it seemed the boldness from your anesthesia had rubbed off on her.
before she had time to talk, you continued. “i always feel so glad when we get paired up for missions, you make me feel so safe. like, i know when i’m around you that you’ll protect me. i admire you so much for doing all that for me.”
she went slightly stiff at your...confession? declaration? what exactly would you call that? you had said it so nonchalantly, whether it was out of trying to play off your fear of rejection or legitimate confidence, it was hard to tell.
“plus you’re really pretty.” your hand squeezed hers as you looked suddenly very interested in the pattern of your blanket. it was odd, seeing you get so shy all of a sudden, though she supposed it was somewhat of a win for her.
as you stared sheepishly away from her eyes that traced over every inch of your face, you felt her hand come up to your cheek, tilting you to face her. she continued scanning your face with an impossibly soft expression, before meeting your eyes once again.
“you know i wouldn’t do all that if it was anyone else.” her voice was barely above a whisper as her eyes bore into yours. her face was so close to yours that you could feel her breath fanning lightly across your face. “it’s all for you.” you’d never seen her so earnest before.
you smiled softly at her, even despite the ridiculous bandages around your head, and your chipmunk like cheeks, she still stared at you with so much love.
“you like meeee.” your tone was teasing, but it was obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes that you were just as whipped as her.
“dammit. you figured me out.” she said sarcastically, shuffling forward slightly so you were flush against her.
up close, the tiredness in your glassy eyes was obvious. she sighed to herself, and slowly leaned in to plant a soft kiss on your forehead.
“get some sleep.” she smiled at your eyes struggling to fight open your heavy eyelids. “we have a lot to talk about once the anesthesia wears off.”
maybe todo wasn’t so far off with that ‘lady killer’ comment.
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angelsanarchy · 2 years
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Alone Together - Eddie/OC One-Shot Series PRT 13
Prt 1 - Prt 2 - Prt 3 - Prt 4 - Prt 5 - Prt 6 - Prt 7 - Prt 8 - Prt 9 - Prt 10 - Prt 11 - Prt 12
@thetenthdoctorscompanion @siriuslymooned @samwilsonns
Some days I would meet Eddie out at his selling spot in the woods behind the school just to get some solace from a hectic day. Today the topic of conversation was my collarbones because I decided to wear a sundress to school. At one point, he even offered me his leather jacket to cover up but it was a warm day and I liked having the breeze hit my chest.
"You know you almost gave Gareth a heartattack at lunch. I think blue is his new favorite color." Eddie teased bumping my shoulder as we walked through the trees.
"God you guys are ridiculous. If a sundress gets you all this bent out of shape, you'd hate me in a bathing suit." I rolled my eyes and Eddie paused.
"Whoa, no that's not- I would love to see you in a bathing suit. I think blue is a great color on you." I gave Eddie a playful punch before tossing my bag on the worn out picnic table. Eddie quickly tossed his jacket on the bench for me to sit on and I couldn't help but blush.
"I think you guys need to go out more. I'm pretty sure musicians are supposed to have groupies." I laughed.
"Yeah I don't think groupies are really our thing. Jeff has been in love with Heather Makinson since Freshman year, Carl is Ace so he's more of admirer from afar kind of guy and I think Gareth is saving himself for marriage." Eddie plopped down opposite me and I smiled.
"And you, oh fearless leader. We both know there's nothing left in that lanky, small hipped body that can be saved for nuptials so what's your perogative?" I teased leaning forward on my hands.
"Stop objectifying me." Eddie covered his torso with his arms, tattoos peaking out from his Hellfire shirt.
"Besides I'm paritcular about who I get naked with." Eddie smirked and I pulled the collar of his shirt down to see a tattoo I hadn't gotten a clear look at yet.
"Too scared of what the ladies will think of these incredibly detailed tattoos?" Eddie put his hand on top of mine, looking down at the tattoo.
"Oh ladies love these sweet ol tatties. You actually just reminded me I need to call Reefer Rick about getting a touch up." I let go of Eddie's shirt and blinked.
"You let a man named Reefer Rick carve that zombie face into your chest?" I asked in disbelief.
"Rick gave me a referal to a friend of his that does tattoos. I would never trust Rick to come anywhere near me with a sharp object." Eddie assured.
"I would hope not. I mean I could have drawn something a lot better than that for a chest piece. I mean damn." I pulled at his collar again and he smiled.
"Then draw me something. I trust you." I paused, still holding his shirt.
"Seriously?" I asked, not sure if he was teasing me or not.
"Hell yeah. You know I'm a fan of your art, as long as you keep it metal, I'm down to get it tatted." Eddie shrugged like it was no big deal.
"What's the catch? I have to get your initals tattooed on my tit or something?" I asked still not buying that he would let me put something so permanet on his body.
"If you wanted to be my groupie, you could just ask Murillo." Eddie smirked devlishly. I pinched his nipple and he jumped back, falling off the bench seat. He rolled in the grass, rubbing at his chest before getting up hissing.
"Did you seriously just pinch my nipple?" Eddie laughed through the pain and I smirked feeling accomplished.
"You desered that. I'm also going to draw you a huge chest piece now so while you're suffering through it, you'll remember how small a pinch that was compared to the repeated stabbing you'll feel when getting this monstrous flaming guitar tattoo with dragons flying out of it like music notes." Eddie paused at my description.
"That sounds fucking badass! I want that!" He hopped back onto the bench and started tapped my sketch pad like a child.
I spent the rest of my free period sketching different tattoo ideas for Eddie. We were supposed to hang out at his place after school but I had gotten lost in my sketching until about 6PM. I pulled up with pizza and my bag full of permanent markers, just as he swung the door open.
"Where have you been? I was getting worried you-" I shoved the pizza box into his chest so he would step back into the trailer. I kicked my shoes off and tossed my things on the floor near the door, making sure to snactch my marker case first.
"Take your shirt off." I demanded ready to draw but Eddie's eyes went wide as he stood in the living room, feet bare, clothes wrinkled from lounging and the pizza box drooping from his limp hold on it.
"W-what?" I pulled my sketchbook out and waved it at him.
"I finished your tattoo. I want to see how it looks on you, which means you need to take your shirt off, Munson." Eddie nodded like he understood but seemed taken off guard.
"I mean...you don't have to-" I pushed on the box and once his knees hit the couch, he sat abruptly.
"I've worked on this badass tattoo all day. I had to bribe Fred Benson not to rat me out for stealing art department markers so you will sit back, eat pizza and take your damn shirt off." I threatened Eddie with the bag of markers letting him know I meant business.
Eddie snorted a laugh as he dropped the pizza box on the table next to his open beer can and tugged the bottom of his shirt over his head. He shook his hair out and adjusted his guitar pick necklace before rubbing his palms on his dark jeans.
"How do you want me?" I tried not to focus on how suddenly warm I felt. Staring at Eddie's bare chest, his skin was more defined than I would have guessed considering he hates all forms of physical activity.
"I can sit on the floor next to you if you just want to lay back. Just don't choke on any pizza or you'll mess up my design." I explained tossing the lid of the box open and handing him a piece. Eddie grinned as I sat next to him on the floor, legs tucked under myself and surveying the canvas of pale skin. I opened the sketch to the page and put it on the floor next to me to use as reference as he settled into the couch, eating pizza and putting on a movie.
Eddie wanted to be surprised with the final product so he stopped watching my hands move over his right nipple, down his chest towards his ribcage. I didn't have as much space on the other side because of his other tattoo so I worked on the blank side. The two times Eddie jumped and made me screw up were when I brushed the bottom of his nipple and he chuckled.
"Tickled. Sorry." He apologized and I put my finger in my mouth to use the spit for the mess up.
"Wow...you are...don't think I'm not on to you, Murillo." I smirked focusing back on the outline. I had gotten down to about the top of his ribcage when Eddie stopped me again.
"Open." I looked up and Eddie was holding a piece of pizza that I had left on a napkin, barley touched on his stomach. He held it up to my mouth and I took a bite before he laid it back down.
"Good girl." He teased.
"If I wasn't so busy, I'd pinch you again." I warned through chewing.
"You're going to get more than you bargained for if you start pinching my nipples while you sit on the floor in that sundress, laying across my chest and breathing on me like that." I met his eyes and could tell he was smirking behind the beer can he had up to his lips. I spent another 20 minutes on the drawing with Eddie periodically feeding me pizza while I worked. I finally sat back and looked at it in full.
"Are you finished?" Eddie asked surprised.
"I don't want to be but my hands are cramping and I can't feel my legs from sitting so long." I capped my pen so I could massage my hand.
"Well if it's not done, we can finish it later." Eddie sat up and sat my pizza on the table. He extended his hands out, helping me to my feet. I groaned plopping down on the couch. He walked over to the mirror in his room and I watched him look at it
"Dani...this is fucking insanity. Holy shit!" Eddie kept twisting his body around to look at the details and grinned running into the bathroom. I shook my head, proud of what I had done but happier to be off the floor. He came out of the bathroom smelling like baby powder.
"You're amazing. This is absoutely going to be my next tattoo. Thank you." He kissed my forehead and I noticed he had put baby powder on the ink so it didn't melt off.
"Now it's my turn. Take your dress off." Eddie said holding up the pen. For a second, I thought he was being serious until he leaned forward and pulled me onto his now clothed chest.
"You're an idiot." I said exhaustedly laying across his body on the couch.
"Yeah but you love it." He used his right hand to massage my sore hand and his left to continue to feed me pizza. We stayed on the couch, cuddling and eating pizza for the rest of the night.
At one point, Eddie had taken the pen and drew a small black heart with the letters E.M on the back of my hands as it rested on his chest. I bit my lip trying to keep from smiling so hard. I'm starting to get used to the idea of tattoos.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
This could be a request or not depending on how much time you have 😅 but for your information, yes, I am thinking Tom giving y/n hickies on her neck like the night before a bunch of interviews the next day and she's like, "Are you serious?" and he's like "I couldn't resist, I just love you so much!" and when y/n shows up the next day wearing a turtleneck after she told Zendaya that she would be wearing a dress Z immediately gets suspicious and figures it out bc I feel like she's like that 😅😂
Hehehe I haven’t written anything smutty lately and I miss it. So thank you for requesting this anon, much love to you🥰 Ugh, the thought of this gave me butterflies in my stomach😭 Happy reading!❤️
Also, little note for everyone who’s sending me requests! Yes, I see all of them! Part of the reason why I haven’t done some of them yet is because I have to think of concepts on how to execute them properly. So bear with me, love you all🥰
Love Bug
My soft boi🥺
Warnings: implied smut
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(Gif from Pinterest)
The AC in your bedroom was just not doing you justice. The Californian heat was at an all time high today and has transformed you home into an Easy Bake oven. Though you were probably exaggerating, your thin crewneck sweater still clung onto your skin, making you uncomfortable. Peeling the sweater off your body, you toss it into your laundry basket. You’re left in a tank top and some lounging shorts as you sprawl yourself out on your bed. The coolness of the comforter bringing your body some relief from the heat.
Sinking into the sheets, the hustle and bustle of the day finally hits you. You’ve had a long day of press with your cast mates, promoting the movie you were all in, Spider-Man: Far From Home. You loved your job, but the press tours could just be so tiring. You were forced to wake up early in the morning and sit in a room for how many hours of the day to only be asked the same questions (most of the time). Though press tours did have its pros, meeting fans around the world and traveling to new countries was something you always looked forward to.
Marvel being Marvel, they always had to make it big. For the last few weeks you have all been traveling around the world, tired but nonetheless having an amazing time. Thankfully, this was the last stop of the press tour, California. You were back in your own bed and your boyfriend was staying with you for the time being.
You were on your phone, going through Instagram and looking at various photos that were taken today during today’s press engagements. You’ve even made your own contribution and posted your own batch of selfies and funny videos.
The door to the connected bathroom in your room opens and reveals your boyfriend. Your eyes break their focus on your phone and shift to the man in front of you. You smile and turn your phone off giving him all your attention. A smile forms on his own lips as he crawls up the bed to join you.
“Missed you all day.” He whispers against your skin, placing his head on your chest. His arms are wrapped around your figure, one leg hooked over yours. You move the hood of his sweatshirt from over his head and began to run your hands through his hair.
“Mmm, I missed you too.” He cuddles closer to your chest, arms tightening around you. His eyes momentarily shut, basking in your soothing motions.
“How was your day with Jake?” You ask him. As much as Tom wanted to do press with you, he was stuck doing them with Jake, while you did your interviews with Z and Jacob. Tom enjoyed having his interviews with Jake, but he missed being near you, even if you were just a room away.
Tom shifts so his lips are near the skin of your exposed neck. He hums against you before his lips come into contact with the soft surface. He had been tempted to mark you up all day. You wore a beautiful spring dress with a low neckline that displayed the skin of your neck. All he wanted to do was scatter red and purple love bites all over you, letting the world know you were his.
You gasp as he nips on the space between your neck and shoulder. “Interviews were good, but I just couldn’t get you out my head.” He slots himself between your legs and presses you down into the mattress.
“Teasing me with the pretty little dress of yours. Just wanted to kiss you and mark you up.” He says huskily against your neck. His breath sent shivers down your spine as goosebumps formed on your skin. His mouth sucks harder on the spot, teeth nipping gently, while his tongue soothed the bruising spot. He moved up so one of his hands are holding him up beside your head while his other strokes your side.
“Baby, we have an early morning tomorrow.” You didn’t want him to stop, but it was currently 2am and you were both expected to be awake by 6am.
His lips have made their way to the other side of you neck, pressing light kisses that turned to open mouthed ones. You giggle gently pulling him away from your neck so you can look him in the eyes.
“Babyyy.” He whines trying to shove his head back into the spot. A pout is on his lips, which were now a darker shade of pink from how much he was sucking on your skin.
“Tom, we need to be up at six.” You reminded him. Tom leans closer a boyish grin now on his expression. You couldn’t help but kiss him back when his lips captured yours. You feel him smirk against you as he pulls away.
The hand on your side moves to cradle the side of your face, his thumb brushing against your bottom lip. “We’ll be quick, I just wanna feel you. Please?”
You stare at him for a moment as his hand drifts down your body and by your shorts. Excitement swirls in your belly as his fingers get closer to your growing heat. He kisses your cheek as his hand slips past the band of your shorts to cup your mound. The wetness brings a smirk to his face as his dark eyes gaze into yours.
“Baby, look how wet you are.” He praises you as he moves your panties aside and dips his fingers into your wetness. You sigh, eyes slightly rolling back as his fingers spread your wetness on your folds.
“Fine, but—“ You bring your finger to point again him, “No marks on my neck, I’m wearing a dress tomorrow with a low cut again.”
Tom nods connecting your lips again, “Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’ll be careful.” He assures you before diving his head back into your neck.
~next morning~
You enter the bathroom, tying your hair up to keep it away from your face. You turn the shower on and wait for the water to warm up. While you wait you take a look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes widen when you get a glimpse of you neck. You gasp out loud as you see the sides of your neck with red bruises with hints of purple on them. You had them on both sides of your neck and a small one almost on the center of your throat.
“TOM!” You yell, your voice echoing in the bathroom. There was some rustling behind the door before it was yanked open. Tom entered in nothing but his boxers looking disheveled, hair pointing in all types of direction and his eyes barely open.
“What happened?” His voice was raspy, something that usually made you swoon but right now you couldn’t even focus on it.
You turn to him, aggressively pointing to your neck. “Don’t worry, I’ll be careful!” You mock him, repeating what he said to you last night before he railed you into the mattress.
Tom’s eyes widen as well before he cringed. To be fair, you did warn him. He just didn’t know how to hold back when it came to you. He cautiously approaches you a sheepish grin on his face.
“I know it looks bad..” he begins. You shoot him a look, “Are you serious right now? Tom it looks like an octopus strangled me!”
Tom moves back to look at you, “Well you weren’t complaining last night.” You shoot him another look and he nods knowing you were annoyed with him at the moment. He stands behind you looking at the mirror you were both in front of. His arms wrap around your torso as he tries to soften you up.
“I’m sorry, I just love you so much and I couldn’t resist it. I love making love to you and I just get so lost in it and I know you warned me too, I’m sorry.” He apologizes hugging you from behind. You could tell he actually felt bad by the genuine look in his eyes. You sigh leaning back into him and resting your hands above his, interlocking your fingers.
“I forgive you, it happens.” You mumble, head trying to come up with ways to cover up your neck. “How do I even cover this up?”
Tom looks at your neck through the mirror, “Makeup will work right? Just put on some concealer or that color corrector thing you use.”
You nod at his suggestion. “That’ll work for a few hours, but makeup wears off. What if I accidentally wipe it off?”
Tom pursed his lips together in thought, “You could ask Laura to bring you something with a turtleneck.”
“It’ll barely move and your neck will be covered the entire time.” He suggests.
“Yeah, it’ll probably work. I just hope she hasn’t left yet, I should text her.” You move from Tom’s hold and turn the shower off. Before you leave the bathroom, Tom pulls you into a hug again. His face nuzzles against your hair, “I’m sorry, again.”
You smile and stroke his back, “I told you I forgive you, it’s ok love.” You pull away and peck his lips. Tom smiles and leans down to kiss your shoulder. Something he always did when you guys were having a moment. Instantly, you jump back and push him off, “Get your fucking lips away from my neck. I don’t need anymore hickies right now.”
Your stylist, Laura, ended up bringing you a stunning white dress that stopped above your knees. It was short sleeved, hugged your curves perfectly, and had a turtleneck that covered your neck. She gave you a pair of leather knee high boots which pulled the look together. Your hair was curled, pulled back into a half up and down style while short strands of hair framed your face. Compared to the panic you felt when your first saw the hickies, you were relieved when you saw yourself in the mirror again an hour later. You felt like a modern Go Go Girl as you admired your outfit.
You arrived at the hotel where all the interviews were being held. You make your rounds of greeting everyone, saving Z and Jacob last since you’ll be with them the whole day. You enter the room and see the two of them already sitting in front of the cameras. Jacob spots you first, “Aye! Good morning!”
You smile and walk up to them, giving them both hugs. When you pull away from Z she gives you a look. Her eyes scan you from head to toe, squinting at your dress.
“Weren’t you just complaining that yesterday was too hot? Why are you in a turtleneck?” She interrogates you. You smile nervously at her while you settle in the seat on the other side of Jacob.
“Um, you know, it’s a bit chilly today.” You lie. Jacob eyes you as well catching on Z’s point.
“(Y/n), it’s 95 degrees outside.” He tells you eyes panning around the room. Zendaya smirks leaning forward to get a better look at you, “I think someone was busy last night.”
“No, I wasn’t. I had a very nice sleep, thank you very much.” You sweetly smile at her crossing your arms.
Jacob snickers beside you, “I bet you did.”
“I guess Thomas couldn’t keep his hands off you last night.” She teased, exposing you.
“Or his mouth.” Jacob quickly adds smirking. Your cheeks get flustered squeezing your eyes shut. Jacob and Z burst out laughing at Jacob’s comment.
“I don’t even have a come back, blame Tom.” You throw your hands up in the air giving up. Z calms down and leans over Jacob to rest a hand on your knee.
“Hey, it’s ok, man. If I were Tom, I wouldn’t keep my hands off you either.” She tells you jokingly, helping you get over the embarrassment of wearing a turtleneck. You catch on and wink at her, “Aye, say less.” Your hand resting on top of hers.
Jacob puts his hands up looking shocked, “What did I just walk into? I—I gotta go.” He pretends to shove your hands away and gets up from his seat.
“I’m telling Tom about the sexual tension I felt in this room.” He yells over his shoulder as he walks out the room. You and Z look at each other amused, “Is he actually?”
Z shrugged, “Honestly, he’s probably getting some water. He was thirsty.”
The two of you catch up with each other. Talking about the press tour and what you were both planning on wearing for the premiere. You were in the middle of describing your dress when Tom bursts into the room with Jacob trailing behind him.
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writingbywatson · 3 years
Genshin Boys With A Dense Crush (Part 2)
Here is part 2~ so, the reason why I didn't include Bennett and Razor is the fact that I can never write for them, like IDK why but its just very hard for me. So yeah, sorry about that. Part 1 (Albedo, Childe and Diluc)
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Dense + Dense = more dense
It was painfully obvious that Chongyun likes you but for some reason, he can’t quite figure that out for himself
But everyone around them knows
Xingqiu is actually on the road to writing a book about the two of you
Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Yan Fei are betting on how long until Chongyun realizes his feelings
Chongyun doesn’t know why he likes to see you every day, wants to have meals with you, and why he gets uncomfortable when he sees you with another person and smiling at them
Maybe it was the work of g-
“Oh I like them” -Chongyun one day when he woke up
He consulted his best friend Xingqiu about this and Xingqiu just placed his books down and said “dear archons finally, it was getting very painful to watch”
So the two started planning a cute little confession scenario
Somewhere Xinyan and Yan Fei are crying because they lost the best but Yan Fei is arguing that betting was illegal and has no ground in the law… Yan Fei, you betted with your conscience please stop
The pair of best friends decided to go with a simple type of confession because less is more in Xingqiu’s books
It was going so well, a cute dinner and all of that
“I like you Y/N, can we be more than that?”
Oh is that Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Yan Fei spying on both of you from the bushes? Why, yes indeed.
“You want to be best friends Chongyun? But don’t you have Xingqiu as your best friend already?” - you with your ever so innocent voice and expression
Chongyun is frozen in place
Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao and Yan Fei are betting again this time how many times will Chongyun get a friendzone
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Someone revive him
He can’t take your dense nature anymore
This is Kaeya after all everything he does allude to something so WHY WON'T YOU GET IT STILL
“Oh, Kaeya? You like someone!? Can you introduce me to them?” - you asking excitedly upon hearing his and Rosaria’s conversation
Kaeya was pretty sure he was describing you
Rosaria is holding back her laugh, she can't breathe… SOMEONE SAVE HER
“I love them but this dense attitude is too much!” - Kaeya as he slams his fist on top of Diluc’s bar
“Have you tried wooing them?” - Diluc as his wiping a glass down, he's so nonchalant about this situation LMAO
“HAVE I TRIED?” - Kaeya sounding very offended
“How about getting a white bed sheet and painting “will you marry me Y/N” on it?” - Rosaria
“Yeah, they leave me no ch-”
“Sit down, don’t embarrass yourself like a child” - Diluc pushing his brother down to sit
“Just confess, normally… like… a normal person” - Diluc
Kaeya decided that in two days time he was going to confess to you, two days because he needed to make sure it was perfect
But the moment he saw you laughing with some random guy all the planning was thrown out the window
“Meet me in front of the church when the sun rises” - Kaeya to you when he passes by you at the corridor of the headquarters
When you arrived, he made you stand at the flight of stairs in front of the church while he went down
He kneeled with his right knee touching the ground and he pulled a very neatly folded white sheet from his pocket
He unraveled it and wrote, “WILL YOU MARRY ME Y/N?”
But even before you can react a thunderous shouting can be heard and a chuckle
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I’m going to try but still little info on this new pyro husband
Thoma is a very understanding boy
He likes you so much that he's willing to wait
But damn has he been waiting long
He decided he was going to confess to you today as well!
“Y/N! I like you!” - Thoma
“I like you too! You are like my best friend!” - you
Every time this happens Thoma stress eats.
Ayaka is giggling because he has never seen her friend like this
He's trying his best for you to like him, he cooks for you, takes care of you, guards you, protects you…
“You know the festival is ongoing” -Ayato as he watches his sister’s friend mop around like a puppy who has been kicked. “Why don’t you try confessing properly and straight-forwardly there?”
That gave him an idea
He dragged to the talisman-wishing thing and told you that you two should make one
When the both of you were done, you should each other what you made and to your surprise, Thoma made a drawing of the both of you holding hands
“It’s not us being best friends forever” - he clarified
“It’s me hoping to spend many more years beside you as your lover.”
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Barbatos aka Venti the Bard has been singing a lot of love songs lately
Especially when you were in the audience watching
He always likes your smile especially when you were watching him
So when the two of you were strolling around near the church of Monstad
He decided that he was going to confess today
Years of being alone and he finally get what Vanessa told him about meeting the right person
“Y/N, I love you-”
“Aww, Venti, I love you too!”
“Really?!” - Venti very excitedly
“Yeah! I love you as a friend! We’re like besties!”
Dvalin felt that
Andrius felt that
Hell even Vanessa felt that from Celestia
“Oh I got to go, bestie, I have something to do! See you tomorrow!”
Lately, the winds of Monstad have been depressing?
“I don’t understand! I thought they liked me back!” Venti his chugging his alcohol while Diluc looked at him in irritation
Diluc wants to kick him out but Venti is Monstad’s archon so he decided against it
“Venti! There you are!” - you
Venti hears your voice and because his drunk his happy instead of upset
He throws himself at you in an attempt of a sloppy hug
“Y/N! I love you~”
“I love you too, we are fr-”
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When Xiao first had these feelings he was confused
He lived a long life and this was the first time in his life where when he sees someone his chest becomes constricted and warm
“Xiao! Do you like traveler!?” - you excitedly
Xiao felt a tightening in his chest not that good type but am i being stab right now type of tightening
His answer would usually be along the lines of no and he can’t have relationships with mortals
He usually has a lot more patience with you compared to others but hearing you say that he looks good with someone else just made something in him snap
He didn’t mean to shout at you nor did he mean it when he said you should leave him alone
That’s why he's waiting for you at Wangshun Inn, his loneliness grew into worry when after 2 days you weren’t back yet
Upon eavesdropping around he also found out that no one has seen you and your last known location was Mt. Hulao and he immediately began to worry because that place was prohibited to humans
“Are you looking for someone?” - Mountain Sharper appeared behind Xiao as he reached the top of Mt. Hulao. “Are you looking for a mortal perhaps?”
“How did-”
“-That mortal is pretty noisy, they don’t stop talking and they know you.”
Oh, the warm feeling in his chest is back because they were talking about him which means that they weren’t angry at him!
“Where are they!?” Xiao would realize and I swear to you his ready to break every amber rock around Mt.Hulao
“Calm down, they are currently collecting Qingxin flowers”
Right on cue, “XIAO!? IS THAT YOU!?” he heard your voice from behind him, when he saw you, he immediately rushes to you and hugs you
“What are you doing here!?” Xiao would ask, his voice was raised only because of relief
“Oh, I got lost! And Moon Sharper here saw me, we ended up chatting and I guess I forgot the time, he shared so many stories about y- WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE THAT ARE YOU HURT!?”
“I’m alright… I just… I m-miss…”
Moon Sharper is just looking at this scene and he knows he's about to spill the hottest tea next time the adeptus (idk plural form okay) have a dinner party
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At first glance, it might look like that he isn’t affected at all
But internal his boiling
“You’ll make a great husband someday Xingqiu, I know it! Your future wife would be so happy!”
“I want you to be my wife though”
“What was that?”
He knows he needs to move so he can win your heart but how can he when you were dodging every advance he makes
What is more frustrating is that YOU ARE NOT EVEN DOING IT ON PURPOSE
As an author he wants to experience romance first hand, so he tries to be romantic about it but this was frustrating
He decided to pull his last technique from his sleeves
He lent you a very romantic book and between one of the pages he inserted a paper that read “I wish for you to be my muse.”
If that doesn’t work Xingqiu is going to ask you to fight him
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Zhongli, Rex Lapis aka Morax has lived thousands of years
Yet this is the first time he encountered someone so dense at first he taught you were just kidding and pretending but when he described what he likes in someone which was pertaining to you
You simply said “WOW THEY SOUND WONDERFUL AND YOU MUST REALLY LIKE THEM BECAUSE YOU SOUND SO IN LOVE” at his face with genuine awe, there was no sign of you being flustered and whatnot
Hu Tao was there to witness this and the younger female had a good laugh when she witnessed this
Zhongli is now praying to Guizhong for help and patience
He first wondered if the reason for such behavior was because you dislike him but it wasn’t the case because you would always smile when you see him
Which makes his knees very weak
In heaven, all the dead gods are laughing at him
He has lived for so many years and yet he doesn’t know what to do because he wants to spend years with you
But a part of him says this isn’t right because his an immortal and you were a mortal, someday him being a former god would drive an enigma in the future
That’s why he was also hesitating on his part
“Zhongli, look-look! A merchant from Monstad gave me a Cecilia!” - you snapping him from his thought, he's a tall man so you had to tip-toe to put the flower in his hair
“There you look even prettier now!” - you smiling up to him
As you were withdrawing your hand, Zhongli grabs it and places it in front of his lips
“I love you Y/N”
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groovyzombiellama · 4 years
Shy Baby Girl
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Title: Shy Baby Girl
Requested? Yes.
Plot: Cato noticing you during practice sessions and he starts flirting with you and teasing you, but slowly falls for your timid and kind nature, and then the night before the games he confesses and you spend the night together.
Warnings: I am attempting to write smut after so long of not writing anything, so i will be attempting to write a detailed smut scene :) (so please be nice to me, I’m so worried about posting this for some reason)
Word count: 3013 (I might have went a little overboard, but I haven’t written in a while, so enjoy a longer story :) )
You didn’t expect to get drafted for the Games any time soon, and when you were, your whole family was shocked, and your older sister, who actually thought she was going to be the one going in was ready to volunteer, but your dad stopped her, as he believed that you could get through it. You were actually fine with going into the Games, as you had accepted this as your life, and you knew your time was coming, and in the end you guessed it’s better rather sooner than later. But one thing worried you the most, and that was the fact that you hated confrontations, and would much rather be making friends in life, even though you knew that was kinda impossible considering the way the world was now. You were prepared to fight for your life and to win in the Games, but a big part of you dreamed of a day when you didn’t need to fight to survive. You didn’t expect anything going into the whole process, but you were planning on keeping to yourself and not responding to any provocations.
 At first, everything was fine, you were almost always training, to make sure you were as ready as possible, but whenever someone needed help, you were there to show them a move or hold their punching bag steady so they could practice accuracy. And that was how you actually caught the attention of Cato, a blonde, blue eyed guy, who ended up being intrigued by the quiet, timid girl, who greeted everyone with a smile. He watched you for a while, trying to pinpoint what it was about you that has him so drawn in, and he decided one day that he was gonna approach you, and teach you the best stance for a fight, considering this his moment to throw in some flirting in the mix. The faint blush that spread across your cheeks every time you saw him, well, it has him hooked. Watching you from afar was nothing compared to being up close and personal, and your shy smile that would grace your lips at his compliments was becoming the highlight of his day. “I see you at the gym every day, and you still struggle with the basics. If I didn’t know better I’d say you were scared.“ He said one day when he noticed that you were not using the stance that he had taught you and as he spoke, he let his hand “accidentally“ brush against yours, his eyes searching for that rosy tint that he felt was the shade only present on your cheeks and couldn’t be found anywhere else in the world.
You brushed him off, already used to his teasing, saying how you were not scared and if he needed you to prove it, he is free to challenge you to a sparing match. Cato smiled softly, a feature you had grown to like, and you lowered your gaze to hide your own smile that was curving your lips. But of course, Cato caught that and while he swore his heart was beating faster seeing it, he had to default to teasing you about how you were still not comfortable with him, despite knowing each other for a while now. The reason why he would always tease you and playfully flirt with you (although you were oblivious to that one) was because he was not really yet ready to confess his feelings to you. Pretty odd huh? A guy like him, who was training to fight for his life in the Hunger Games, basically a show for the rich to watch children get killed off one by one, until there is only one winner, afraid of what a girl thought about him.
Although he didn’t know how, he knew that he had to tell you abut how he felt, hoping that in case you felt the same, he could count on your alliance, and at the end he would let you come out on top, or would hopefully be able to convince the government to let you both win and stay together. And he had his mind set on telling you the night before the games. The fact that you were so timid and at the same time so fierce and powerful made Cato’s head spin. There was just someting about you, someting in your eyes that showed that despite the world crumbling around you, your innocence was someting intact that could not be destroyed and he wanted to protect that so much, he wanted to make sure you are not exposed to anything that could damage that, no matter the fact that you would have to fight for your life, he hoped you would let him stick by your side and protect you.
 Just like you were unaware of his flirting and the fact that he felt the same way for you as you did for him, you wanted to tell him how you felt, but you just couldn’t. There were a few times that you were certain that you were going to tell him about your feelings, but the moment you would see him, the way his sky blue eyes bore into yours and how they would light up when he smiles or develop their signature mischievous glint when he was teasing you, and all that courage that you built flied out of the window. Until tonight that is. You were currently sitting in a quiet fort that Cato had built a bit further away from the others and invited you, because he needed to tell you something, your eyes wide, lips slightly parted, and eyebrows raised, trying to process what he had just told you. Cato had just informed you about his feelings and it made you feel giddy and excited, but also gave you this newfound confidence, right after he waved his hand in front of your face, as you had been silent for far too long for his liking after he just spilled his heart out to you.
 Suddenly this new rush of confidence took over your body and before you knew what you were doing, you surged forward and pressed your lips against his, and this time it was Cato’s turn to be taken off guard and surprised. For a moment or two you just stayed like that, neither of you moving your lips, but just feeling them pressed one against the other, getting familiarised with their shape and soft feeling. Soon however, Cato started moving his lips, to which you followed suit, and the salty taste of todays lunch mixed together in your mouths, as Cato decided to lick your bottom lip, and then slightly nibble it after you didn’t get the hint, causing you to slightly gasp, and Cato took the opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth. You were filled with complete bliss as your tongues fought for dominance, that you just let yourself fall back, with Cato hovering over you, his hand on the middle of your back guiding you into the pillows he had placed for you guys to lay on. Neither one of you expected this turn of events, and you figured you would just talk and fall asleep there, but both of you were slightly worried about tomorrow, so you decided in that moment that you were gonna fall victimes to your feelings and enjoy your time together.
 As the two of you continued kissing, you felt like your hands had a mind of their own as they glided up and down Cato’s toned back muscles and his arms, one of your hands finding their way to the short hairs on the back of his neck, as you let your fingers tangle with them and even lightly tug on them, earing a low groan from Cato, which you happily swallowed. But soon it was your turn to express your pleasure, as you felt his warm hand get in contact with your cold skin, as he slipped his hand under your shirt, soothing your waist, before reaching up and cupping one of your breasts. You moaned just as your lips parted, damn lungs and their need for air. “Even though we are far enough away from the others, we’re gonna need to manage our volume baby, you never know who might be lurking, okay?“ Cato said as he looked deep into your eyes, his hand still on your breast, squeezing it after getting confirmation from you through a nod, causing you to gasp, and Cato to go right back to attacking your lips with his own.
 You felt his manhood harden against your leg as you went on, kissing and removing the top halves of your clothes. As soon as he reached around to your back to unhook your bra, you felt your nipples instantly harden as the cold air hit them, but what got you more worked up was Cato blowing on them slightly, before taking one of them in his mouth, while his fingers pinched the other. Your back arched off the pillows, and you felt your wetness pool in your core, with each flick of his tongue on your nipple. Cato sucked in a sharp beath as your hand found its way to his clothed dick, and you began to palm him, causing him to groan lowly as he attached his lips to your neck, and sucked on that sweet spot that had you seeing stars, making sure to leave a big, purple mark. After he was satisfied with his work, he kissed the spot he had been sucking on and looked at your hooded eyes, with his own getting darker and filled with even more lust.
 He wanted to see your face as his hand reached into your pants, and started rubbing circles around your clit, causing a moan slightly louder than you had intended to escape your lips. Cato quickly muffled it with his own lips, whispering into your ear that you needed to be a bit more quiet, but still continuing his assault on your core with his fingers. You bit your lip, and you could tell he could feel how wet you were and how aroused he was making you, just as you were making him (in his own words, you were driving him crazy). Without warning, his hand slipped into your panties and you threw your head back at the pleasure his fingers were giving you. “C-Cato, ple-ease...“ You wanted to say more, but your words got stuck in your throat when two of his fingers entered your pussy. You grabbed his wrist with both hands, and bucked your hips to meet his thrusting fingers, as Cato watched your face contorting in pleasure, your moans being music to his ears, and thinking in a moment how did he get so lucky to have you feeling the same way about him as he did about you.
 But hearing your cracked voice begging him for something (he knew exactly what) his fingers stopped and he removed his hand from your pants, causing you to whine from the lack of contact. Cato smirked as he licked his fingers, tasing your juices, that melted over his tongue like honey, before placing his fingers into your mouth, allowing you to taste the mix of yourself and his spit. His smirk grew into a grin as you began to fumble with the opening on his pants, desperate to feel him inside you. He allowed you to push him on his back and climb on top of him, and after removing his pants and boxers, letting his erection spring free, you got rid of your own bottoms, throwing them both to the side, and began tracing a line from Cato’s lips, down his chest and stomach, all the way to his manhood, finally getting to have your ears blessed with his breathless moans and groans as you took his manhood in your hands and licked a long stripe from his balls to the leaking tip, keeping eye contact with him, seeing his eyes flitter closed at the sensation.
 You waste no time taking him into your mouth, earning you a gutteral moan from Cato, to which you hummed, satisfied that he was now the one to have to manage his volume, and the vibrations your hum caused around his dick make him place one of his hands on his mouth at to try to supress, even a little bit, announcing to the rest of the people getting ready for the Games tomorrow the pure bliss that you were making him feel, while his other hand found it’s way to get tangled into your hair, not really forcing your head to move, just resting there, only slightly tugging on your hair when a wave of pleasure was higher than the previous ones, which he would only learn to both enjoy and regret, because that earned him you taking him into your mouth completely, so much that he could feel the back of your throat, along with the vibrations of your moan, and he could have sworn he was about to cum in seconds. When he felt truly close, he tugged on your hair a bit harder, and you got the hint, taking him out of your mouth, and the sight of your flushed cheeks, and a string of spit still connecting your plump lips to his dick was a beautiful sight to him.
 He beckoned you to come towards him, and he could taste himself as you kissed him, just like how he had made you taste your juices of his fingers. “How about you ride daddy now, hmm baby, what do you say?“ His low voice had shivers running down your spine, and you actually couldn’t wait to feel him inside you, so you positioned yourself and without any warning, you slammed hard on his dick, and it had both of you practically choking out moans from the back of your throats, getting used to now being connected into one before you started moving your hips up and down, Cato raising his pelvis to match whatever rythm you were leading him in, and despite starting off slow, soon you were placing your hands on his chest, your pace getting quicker and each time you would sink deeper onto him as your thrusts would meet in the middle. You were both no longer that concerned with managing the volume of your voice, as you didn’t really care if someone heard you, pure extasy flowing through you with each thrust.
 Wanting to tease him, you clenched your inner walls around his dick a few times, even past him telling you that if you continue doing that, he would cum sooner than he wants to. After you did it again, Cato had had enough, quickly rolling both of you over, as you squealed, and ordering you to get on your knees. You did so, even though you prefered watching his muscled torso and arms, shining with sweat, but the mix of pleasure, letting Cato take the lead, and the chance of you getting caught by someone in your heated session, it made it all so much more fun for you. Your eyes almost rolled to the back of your head as Cato accompanied his dick entering your pussy with his hand slapping your ass, and the tingling sensation that followed was only adding to the pleasure, which he knew, and so he added a few more slaps as he fucked you fast and hard, going balls deep inside you with every thrust, and ever plea you made for him to slow down a bit were falling on deaf ears. “I can’t hear you baby. Are you saying to go faster? Sure I can do that.“
He almost had you screaming with the pleasure he was giving you and as you felt the tingles in your lower stomach, you knew it was only a matter of time before you came undone. As soon as Cato received verbal confirmation that you were close to your orgasm, his hand reached around and found your clit, rubbing it fast, and this time your were truly seeing stars as your body began to shake, and convulse, and you came on Cato’s dick, harder than you had ever cum before. It was gonna take you several minutes to recover from that, you were sure of it. And the sound of your moan as you came, accompanied by your pussy walls clenching around him, Cato knew he was close too. He pulled out of your pussy, you already missing the contact, and came on your ass, and then collapsed next to you, after using a napkin to clean both of you. He gathered you in his arms and used a blanked he had brought to cover your naked bodies, and you both waited until your breating settled down.
 You both felt amazing and you knew this was not gonna be the last time you would have sex with Cato, something in your gut convincing you of it, especially after he offered you a round two as you both came down. At first it had you giggling, thinking there was no way to top what you had just experienced, but seeing the tent his dick made in the blanket, you knew he wasn’t joking and that you were not yet done with each other. That blissful night before the Games had you both cumming multiple times, each one stronger than the previous one, and before letting exaustion take over you and your eyes flutter closed, taking you off to the realm of sleep, both of you agreed to stick together no matter what and find a way to survive together, despite all odds, and prove that you were stronger together. You had found each other in this world of madness and you were not gonna take that for granted, Cato was yours, you were his and no matter what, you were sure that he will have your back just as much as you’ll have his.
I hope the two anons that requested this think I did their request justice and I hope you all enjoy reading it. I’ll try my best to write more often, but since it’s exam season and I’m trying to graduate this year, most of my time is focused on studying :) I’m literally half asleep as I finish this fic, so I hope you guys don’t find any issue with it, and if you do, please let me know through messaging me something like “This part of your fic was a bit much” or something like that, for some reason I’m worried you guys are not gonna like it, but here it is, tomorow I’m going back into my inbox to find some new requests, but for now, I need sleep badly :)
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vivvyinvienna · 4 years
Dad!Draco admiring you with the baby and toddler
baby, baby (draco malfoy)
A/N: heyo! Back again w Dad!Draco, who i am an absolute sucker for. I had to google “how to play with a baby” before writing bc i don’t rly understand children. To the nonny who requested, i hope you enjoy xoxo
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: Dad!Draco has to take a couple of sick days from work but that also means he gets to spend more time with his beloved family. Fluff :))
Warnings: unedited, baby scorp cuteness, mentions of pregnancy, stomach flu?
When Draco started rousing from his nap, it was already late in the afternoon. His body’s natural inclination to turn towards his wife took over despite his still dozing mind. After being married to Y/N for seven years and sleeping in the same bed for even longer, every time he woke up Draco felt this physical yearning for the warmth and intimacy that only being intertwined with her could provide. But today, he was disappointed. The cold sheets to his left brought him fully out of his sleep-induced haze.
Once Draco was fully awake, he used the bearing magic that was embedded into the intricate blood wards of their family home to locate his wife and child. It only took a second before he knew that Y/N and Scorpius were in the living room. Normally he wasn’t one to nap for hours while making his wife be solely responsible for their son, but Draco was still recovering from an exceptionally brutal stomach flu. He had stayed home from work for the last three days, trading his job at Malfoy Inc for saltine crackers, stomach cramps, heating pads, and an overzealous number of bathroom trips.
He stood up from the bed and padded out of the room in search of his family. When he neared the entrance of the rosy-tinted living room, he was graced by the sound of his child giggling and his wife idly talking. Standing in the doorway, he breathed in the sight of the two people who he loved with every inch of his battered heart. The floor-length French windows were slightly ajar, letting in the breeze of summer and the scent of peaches. The sunset coming in painted the room with the blush of a rose petal and the bloom of sedation. 
You were sitting on the creme-colored couch, bouncing Scorpius on your knees. He had just turned one-year-old a couple of weeks ago, and already he was starting to lose some of his chunky baby fat which you and Draco both adored. But he was still the cutest baby in your eyes, with or without his chubby baby legs. With his cherub cheeks, bright eyes, and wispy tufts of the distinct Malfoy hair, no other baby could compare. You sat with your back facing the doorway, so you didn’t notice Draco until Scorpius started squirming away from you and let out a very enthusiastic “Da! Dada!” 
Draco let out a jovial laugh when he saw the big toothy grin on his son’s face. He immediately held out his arms to steal Scorp from his mother. 
“Hey buddy!” Draco responded to him with the same amount of energy. “What have you been up to today?” He talked to Scorp like an adult, treating his noises as real answers. 
Scorpius babbled. 
“Oh really? You know, I took a pretty good nap too today.”
More babbling. 
“Well, why don’t we go to the pond tomorrow?”
Scorpius continued.
“Of course buddy, it’ll be warm out tomorrow.”
He moved to sit down next to you, giving you a pillowy kiss and wrapping the arm that wasn’t holding a toddler around you. Draco couldn’t help but stare. The fading sunshine glowed upon you with romantic affection. You were ethereal to him. He looked at you the way every girl dreamed of being looked at. And the depth of his eyes held promises. Promises that there was no one in the world he would rather see and be with than you. 
“Hey mama,” his soft words reverberated with the utmost tenderness.
This time you leaned over to kiss him. As your lips touched his, he felt a murmur of enchantment somewhere in his body. It felt a bit like healing and a bit like elation, but he was too peaceful to bother pinpointing. 
“How are you feeling, sweetheart? Is your stomach still hurting?” you were still concerned over his health despite him looking much better than before he went to nap. 
“I feel better, I think it’s run its course,” he answered matter-a-factly. 
Your conversation remained brief because Scorpius let out a whine. Probably because neither of his parents was giving him attention.
You turned your attention to your son. You danced your fingers on his cheeks, making him let out a precious giggle. As Draco watched, he felt the bells of sunshine ring in his heart, a feeling only explicable by the child in his arms and wife at his side. 
The two of you moved to the floor of the couch and continued to play with Scorp. It wasn’t before long though when he decided that his favorite ferret stuffed animal was more entertaining than his parents and crawled away to play with it. With Scorp occupied, Draco decided this was the perfect time to talk to you about something he’d been ruminating over.
“I have something to talk to you about,” he started. 
You took in an over-exaggerated gasp, “Are you breaking up with me?” you said with no real distress. 
He went along with you, “That’s actually the second thing I want to talk to you about.”
“Ok well, what’s the first?”
He took in a deep breath, as if slightly nervous. “I think I want to step down from Malfoy Inc for a little while and spend more time at home with you two.” 
You turned to fully face him. You were elated at the possibility but a bit hesitant in case he hadn’t fully thought it through yet.
“I’d love to have you home more, I’m sure Scorp does too,” you paused, “but you love your job.”
“But I love you guys more. A lot more actually,” there was no wavering in his affirmation. 
“You won’t get bored being at home all day?” you pushed a bit more. 
“I was planning on picking up some of my old alchemy projects. And you remember all the notebooks Severus left me?” 
You did.
“I think it’d be good to finish some of his potions research.”
You agreed. 
“I’ve honestly been thinking about stepping down for a while and being at home these last three days just really reminded me of how much I miss every day. He’s growing up so fast. And I miss being home with you and Scorp.”
“I miss having you home too, I miss you all the time.” You almost laughed at how clingy you sounded. “So if you want to step down, I won’t be the one to stop you.”
He gave you that smile, the one that was reserved only for you. “I guess I’m quitting my job,” he sounded nonchalant but the excitement was obvious in the smile lines of his eyes. 
“One stomach flu and you’re ready to quit your job. I’d hate to see what a migraine does to you,” you teased.
“Shut up,” he feigned offense. “Merlin, Y/N I threw up so much I finally understand how you felt when you were pregnant.”
You gave him a questionable look. “For some reason, I doubt it.” The room filled with Draco’s laughter again. 
“Speaking of pregnancy…” he shifted closer to you, slowly gliding his large hand onto your belly. “I want to put another baby in here.”
“You are just full of ideas today.” He was about to open his mouth to persuade you further, when you continued, “But I can’t say that’s a bad one.”
A boyish grin took his face. 
Then, taking you both by surprise, a loud grumble came from Draco’s midsection. You both stilled and looked at each other for a couple of seconds before he groaned and started whining. Pulling his hand away from your belly, he moved to cradle his own. And you laughed, you laughed an absurd, charming little laugh because you couldn’t get over how Draco’s whining sounded exactly like Scorpius’.
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
I just want you (Chip Taylor / Reader)
Tumblr media
Requested: Yes
Word counting: 3.5K
Summary: What would it be like to be married to Chip Taylor? Would it include a lot of women trying to hit on him?
Warnings: Cursing, spoilers of 68 Kill.
A/N: Hello, beautiful people! sorry, I've been a little absent here, but writing my series has taken most of my time! Also, I feel a little blocked, and my personal life has been a mess. But, here it is: my first Chip Taylor fic. Have you guys seen 68 Kill? I love that movie, and I love Chip so much. He deserves the world. I hope you guys like this little story!
It wasn’t like I didn’t know my husband was handsome, ‘cos you had to be blind not to see his face was made by the gods, and all of his features were simply perfect. I just didn’t know every woman would flirt with him everywhere we were all the time.
And they weren’t even subtle about it. No. They made it very obvious when they looked at Chip each time they stopped by his work. They wanted him.
After all those years together, a part of me had made peace with that. I couldn’t stop them. He was hot, he didn’t want their attention, but he wasn’t rude or anything like it. Chip Taylor was a very polite man who was also very blind to the attention his looks gave him.
Chip owned a small pet sitting business that had started to really take off in the last few months. He had some savings that he used to buy a house when we first started dating. He lived there until we got married, and then we bought a bigger place outside the town. That’s when he decided to turn his old home into his own pet sitting business. And it was a hit. Chip is fantastic with animals. He is great with everybody, but pets just… melt with him. I think they can see the kindness of his soul.
Chip Taylor deserves the best things in life ‘cos he is the best man I’ve ever met. I’ve loved him since the day it took him almost half an hour to walk over and talk to me in the bar we met.
- “Every time a pretty face pops up, my brain turns into a potato- he explained, flustered ‘cos he kept stuttering as he asked for my number.
He was too sweet. Too cute. And he loved me. He had a ring that said so. But again, that didn’t stop most women who met him from flirting with him.
- “Here he is. Little Rascal had a great day today”- Chip walked to the front yard with a french bulldog, who kept barking, trying to get an extra treat from him. I smiled from a safe distance, reading a book sitting on a porch while Chip met with the dog owner. And she was as excited as Rascal was.
- “Hi baby! Did you have a good day today?”- the lady held the leash and caressed her dog’s head a few times before returning her attention fully to my husband.
- “Thank you for taking care of him.”
- “You are very welcome, Kim. It’s my job.”
- “No, it’s more than that. Rascal hates strangers, and he has been an angel with you since day one. I tell you, Chip, you are someone special.”
I know my husband blushed, ‘cos he is terrible with compliments. So he just shook his head and scratched the back of his neck. His shirt raised, showing his very toned midsection. And I swear, I had to force myself to stay put on that chair, ‘cos the way that woman looked at my husband was enough to make my blood boil. I wanted to run over and push her away from him. I wished I could tell her to get her dog and get the fuck out of our property.
But no. I didn’t. Instead, I tried to keep on reading, which was honestly impossible. But at least I didn’t move from my chair. I just stared at that scene, trying to control the urges of smashing that woman’s head against her car.
- “So, do you have plans for the weekend?”- the woman asked him, smiling flirtatiously
- “Not really.”- not the smartest answer, I’ll give you that.
- “Great! that means you can’t say no! I am having a small get-together at my place this Friday. You should totally come.”
- “Thank you, Kim, but...”
- “I’ll text you my address. I’m not taking no for an answer!”
Chip was awkward, he felt pushed to say he’d go, but I knew he didn’t want to. If he did, he wouldn’t have hesitated. Besides, he wouldn’t usually make plans without asking me first. A part of me wanted to run and help him out of that awkward situation, but I knew he had to do it on his own. Yes, he was a grown-up, but after knowing everything he had gone through before we met, a big part of me wanted to take care of him constantly. I didn’t want anything wrong ever to happen to Chip. He didn’t deserve anything bad.
- “Thanks, Kim, really, but… I think I should ask my wife first”- he whispered and smiled kindly at the woman, who didn’t hide the disappointment from her face. I have the feeling she never actually saw the ring on my husband’s finger.
- “Wife? I had no idea you were married, Chip”- he chuckled and nodded as the woman tried to act normal again. But she couldn’t.
- “Yes, I’ve been married for the last ten months.”
- “Just ten months? Well, she is a lucky woman…”
- “Thank you”- Chip petted Rascal’s head and added- “But I am sure I am the lucky one to have her. I still can’t believe she actually married me.”
- “Come on, Chip! Any woman would be happy with a man like you.”
And that was when that woman crossed the line and rubbed my husband’s arm for longer than necessary. He froze and looked at her, not knowing how to get out of that situation. Chip is a sweet soul who still has some significant issues when it comes to setting boundaries.
I jumped from my chair and walked over quickly, with a big smile on my face. The woman turned to me and raised an eyebrow, clearly not knowing who I was.
- “Hello, sorry to interrupt you, boo, but it’s getting late for our date.”
We didn’t have a date that night. But well, now we did.
Chip frowned, confused, and waited for me to explain a little more what I was saying. But, instead, I just smiled and held his hand, making sure that the woman’s hand was as far from him as possible.
- “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m (Y/N), Chip’s wife.”- I said and waved.
- “Kimberly, nice to meet you.”
- “So you are Rascal’s mom. He is a sweetheart”- I kneeled and petted Rascal’s head behind his ears, right where I knew he liked it. Kim just nodded and smiled.
- “Ok, we should go, it’s getting late. Bye Chip”- she waved quickly, walking to her car. My husband said goodbye and wrapped an arm around my waist as I stood by his side and rested my head on his shoulder.
- “We are not going to her “little get-together,” by the way”- I whispered, and he chuckled.
- “Good, ’cause I didn’t want to go either. I actually had plans for the weekend, but I didn’t want to discuss them with her.”- I looked at him, raising an eyebrow, and felt his big hands caressing the lower part of my back.
- “Which plans?”
- “I’m planning to stay in bed with my wife the whole weekend, watch movies, kiss her a lot, and maybe asking for pizza.”
- “You had me at ˝stay in bed,” Chip Taylor”- I giggled and kissed his cheek- “She was flirting with you, by the way.”
- “I don’t care if she tried to flirt. I only have eyes for you, moonbeam”- I chuckled at the cheesy nickname and felt his lips on mine. They felt warm and soft and filled with love.
But it wasn’t always so easy to shake off the thoughts of a woman flirting with Chip. Unfortunately, sometimes it was harder to remain calm. Some women were more aggressive with their flirting. Some were actually way hotter than me, and sometimes that makes you doubt yourself.
I didn’t know Liza or Violet, so I never knew if they were prettier, more intelligent, or sexier than me. I couldn’t compare or compete with them either, ‘cos they were dead. But some random women made my life a little more challenging from time to time.
- “Chip? Chip Taylor?”- a soft woman’s voice interrupted our conversation and forced my husband to turn around, feeling now also her hand on his shoulder. We were at our favorite bar, having a drink, celebrating the end of the week and another successful month of Chip’s small business. We were chatting about our days, sitting at our usual table, when interrupted.
- “Anna Davis? Hi! How are you?! Long time no see!”- my husband stood up and hugged the stranger like long-lost friends reunited. I had never heard of any “Anna” before. I was trying to remember if I did.
- “I haven’t seen you in ages! What are you doing here?”- Anna said and laughed- “I can’t believe it’s really you!”- and so, they hugged again.
- “Hi”- I waved from the table and smiled at the two of them as they moved apart.
- “I’m so sorry, babe. (Y/N), this is Anna, my neighbor when I was in middle school. Anna, this is (Y/N), my wife.”
- “Hi, nice to meet you”- she shook my hand and smiled at me for a second, and then turned to my husband again and continued catching up.
Chip looked happy and excited to see her. He didn’t have many friends, he still didn’t know how to trust most people, probably why he decided to work with animals instead. He had a good relationship with Jim, the boy who helped him clean, and with a few classmates from the community college. But that was it.
- “I can’t believe you are here!”- Chip was beaming- “Are you with someone?”
- “My friends were leaving. I’m visiting one of my best friends, who moved here a few years ago. But she has to work tomorrow morning, so she wanted to go home.”
- “Do you wanna sit with us for a while?”- Chip asked her and turned to me smiling. Of course, I couldn’t say no. Well, he didn’t actually ask; he just looked at me, and I moved my chair to make room for one more on the table.
- “I would love to! Thank you!.”
I loved the idea of meeting Anna, at first. I didn’t know many people from my husband’s past, basically just his parents. The fact she was his friend growing up sounded amazing, and it meant I could finally talk with someone who knew him when he was a kid and could tell me more stories about my husband.
But Anna had other plans. My husband blinded Anna. She basically ignored me, and he was so excited to see her and talk to her, he didn’t even notice I was being left out of the whole conversation.
At first, it was ok. Chip wanted to catch up with Anna, know what she was doing with her life, and all that. So he asked for her parents and family. Apparently, they were pretty close growing up.
- “Remember each Friday we had a secret sleepover?”- she asked and laughed. My husband nodded and sipped his drink.
- “Yeah! I would sneak into your house and watch a movie.”
- “You know, my parents knew you were coming to hang out after curfew. They just didn’t think it was wrong”- she added and laughed- “I’m just glad they didn’t know about the day we tried smoking for the first time!”
Chip burst into laughter, and so did Anna. I just stared at them and sighed. Neither of them explained the story. They were just too caught up in each other to even notice I was there.
Yes, I was feeling jealous of Chip’s long-lost childhood friend. I knew it made no sense, but somehow, he completely forgot I existed when she was there. Yes, it was probably ‘cos he was surprised to bump into her at a bar on a random night after so many years.
But the more I looked at her, the more I realized she was gorgeous. She had long legs, beautiful golden hair, green eyes. The girl could go to a freaking beauty pageant and win it. Besides, Anna wasn’t acting friendly, if you ask me. She kept rubbing my husband’s arm, repeating how excited she was to see him, and saying over and over again how good he looked… it was a little too much.
- “I tell you, Chip, you haven’t changed a bit!”- Anna smiled and looked into his chocolate eyes, and I swear she nearly sighed. I couldn’t blame her. He is dreamy. But he is my husband, and it felt wrong.
- “Neither have you,”- he added and turned to me for a second. I looked kindly into his eyes, knowing he was happy, and that was enough to make me feel happy too.
- “Can I get you another drink, moonbeam?”- he asked me and stood up.
- “Yes, penguin, please”- Chip nodded and blushed as I called him by his favorite nickname and then turned to Anna.
- “Another?”
- “Sure!”
And suddenly, we were on our own.
- “So, how long have you been married?”- Anna asked me and looked at me innocently.
- “A little over ten months.”
- “Just married! Congratulations. You must still be living the honeymoon!”
- “Yes, we are.”- I giggled and turned to look at Chip, waiting for our drink at the bar. It wasn’t hard being stuck at the honeymoon phase with him. Every day, he made every day feel like the first day we were together, even after three years of dating and ten months married.
- “We used to date when we were kids,”- Anna simply said and chuckled - “It was very childish, but I was his first kiss.”
- “Really?”- I smiled at her, making my best not to look jealous at all. “That’s so cute!”
- “He is adorable. He was the sweetest boy growing up.”- Anna added and kept her eyes on Chip. But for a few seconds, I could see the longing in them, and my struggle not to show how jealous I was got a little harder.
- “So when was the last time you saw Chip?”- I asked and kept my eyes on her, reading her expressions. It took her a few extra seconds to stop staring at him to turn and look at me.
- “When I moved out of town when I was fifteen.”- she sighed and chuckled- “Seems it was a lifetime ago.”
- “Ok, here are your drinks,”- Chip appeared and smiled- “Plus, I ordered some more nachos, ‘cos I’m getting hungry.”- I chuckled and held his hand upon the table, playing with his fingers between mine. Chip looked at me and opened his mouth to say something when Anna interrupted him.
- “Remember that summer you broke your arm ‘cos you fell from the tree in Shawn’s backyard?”
And my husband laughed, forgetting what he was going to tell me.
I stood in front of the mirror and tried to fix my makeup. I looked tired. I was tired. It was Friday night, and I wasn’t twenty-three anymore. I was weary, and all I could think of was getting into my bed with my husband and getting good twelve-hour sleep.
But he and Anna were still talking and having a blast together, remembering the good old times. Now, if you ask me, I had the feeling Anna wanted to do more than just talking to my husband, but he was oblivious to any of her intentions. That was until I walked out of the bathroom and saw Anna’s arm wrapped around Chip as they were dancing.
She was dancing with my husband, and he was laughing. Ok, that hurt. It hurt a lot.
I sat at our table and drank what was left of my drink. I stared at them for a moment and evaluated my options. I could storm out of that place, maybe make a scene and yell. But no, I trusted my husband. I knew he wasn’t trying to hurt me or even cheat on me with her. No. He was naive and a little awkward. But by the way Anna’s hands moved on his body, clearly, she wasn’t naive at all.
- “Oh! I’m sorry!”- Anna said laughing when they reached back our table- “I just asked Chip to dance with me ‘cos I love that song.”
- “That’s ok”- I smiled at her and held my husband’s hand tight upon the table.
- “But Chip is such a great dancer! He really knows how to move!”- Anna was asking for it. She wanted to be smacked. But I behaved.
- “He really does,”- I answered and smiled
- “I hope you are not jealous!”- I turned to her and frowned, pretending to be confused
- “Of course not! Why would I?”
- “I don’t know! It’s just that… he was mine way before he was yours and…”
- “He isn’t mine”- I cut her off, and for once, my voice stopped being nice and friendly- “And he is definitely not yours. He is not a dog, Anna, he is a person, and the only owner of his soul is himself.”
Anna stared at me in silence, and Chip wide opened his eyes, surprised by my tone of voice.
- “What I’m trying to say is that… I met him when…”
- “I know what you are trying to imply Anna, you’ve been trying to do it ever since you sat at our table. You feel like you need to prove something, but you don’t. Really.”
Chip held my hand tight and kissed it sweetly. He didn’t say anything to me. He just looked at me with apologetic eyes as I cut him a short smile.
- “Ok, I think I better go now”- Anna stood up and just waved- “It was great seeing you again, Chip.”
My husband smiled and waved as Anna walked away. Then, when he was sure she had left the place, he turned to me. I sipped what was left of my drink and sighed.
- “Sorry if I was rude”- my words were a whisper only Chip could hear.
- “No, moonbeam. You weren’t rude at all. I’m sorry.”
- “Chip Taylor, you didn’t do anything wrong”- I leaned and kissed his lips softly, cupping his face with both hands.
- “I feel like I did.”
- “No, boo, really. She was… clearly trying to get under your belt.”
- “I shouldn’t have danced with her, but she pushed me...”- Chip excused himself and kissed my hand again, as I still held his face and caressed her cheeks with my thumbs.
- “Yeah, you should work on that “No” thing a little harder,”- I whispered and chuckled.
- “Sorry if she made you feel jealous. I had a huge crush on her when we were kids.”
- “She said she was your first kiss”- Chip opened my mouth, but no word came from it for a few seconds.
- “Funny, I told her that just ‘cos she said I was her first kiss, but actually my first kiss was with her cousin Alice.”
I couldn’t hold back the laughter as Chip looked at me with guilty eyes as if that was the biggest secret he had about his past.
- “Well, I bet if I run, I can still catch her!! I need to tell her the news!!”- I said and stood up, just to feel Chip’s arms around me, protectively.
- “Let her think that. We all know who all my kisses belong to now.”
Chip held me tight and close to him as his lips rubbed mine slowly. I felt my head spin as his tongue slowly touched mine, deepening the kiss. I couldn’t help but moan at the sensation of Chip’s sweet and passionate kiss. He made sure to make me feel how much he loved him every time he kissed me. In a weird way, Chip’s kisses always felt like our first and last. I think he was always trying to show me his feelings, ‘cos his previous trauma taught him he didn’t know when a kiss could be the last.
- “I love you so much, Mrs. Taylor,”- he whispered, and the title made my knees feel weak- “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
- “I love you more, Mr. Taylor,”- I replied and kissed his lips sweetly one more time- “And just between you and me, I am completely yours.”- I confessed and giggled nervously.
- “I am yours too, moonbeam. You own my heart, and I only want you.”- he whispered and kissed me one more time.
- “You just want me?”- I repeated, and he nodded, looking into my eyes filled with love- “Of all those women who wanna do you, you just want me?”
- “Which women?”- he asked me, clearly confused
- “A lot of women out there keep giving you the fuck eyes.”
- “What?! No way”
- “Do you think Kim invited you to her house for a small get-together? She wanted to get under your belt, penguin.”
- “But I am your penguin, that means I am not looking for any other woman. I just want you.”
- “Just me,”- I repeated again, and he nodded.
- “Just you, Mrs. Taylor”- I sighed, pleased, and closed my eyes for a second “Wanna go home?”
- “You still have to dance with me,”- I pouted, and he held my hand.
- “Whatever my wife wants.”
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@spenxerslut @ash19871962 @babebenhardy @meowiemari @archer561 @all-tings-diego
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Two of A Kind
I’ve been focusing on asks a lot lately because of everyone’s awesome ideas, but I saw a Cut video that was similar to this and just couldn’t resist. Hope you enjoy! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for mentions of sex and endless simping!
“Are you ready?” Marlene asks behind the camera. Kasey sits alone on a stool in the middle of the room, drumming his fingers on his knees.
“Yep. What am I doing again?”
The video cuts, revealing the same room, this time with James Potter on the stool. “You’re going to be answering a few questions,” Marlene explains. “And then we’re also going to be interviewing your wife and comparing your answers.”
“Oh, God,” James laughs. “Okay, hit me with your best shot.”
A title card appears on the screen. First Question: What was your first date?
Remus thinks for a moment. “Like, our first official date, or something that was definitely a date but we were both too dumb to notice?”
“Kasey took me to an ice rink,” Natalie says. She is inexplicably sitting on a folding chair rather than the stool. “We spent about three hours there, drinking cocoa and talking. It was a ton of fun!”
“Ice skating.” Kasey grins. “She told me she could skate, but she had never stepped on the ice in her life.”
“It was at Sid’s.” Sirius smiles to himself. “We had been together for about three months at that point.”
“Remus asked us to define ‘first date’,” Marlene says, sounding amused.
“Is there a different definition that I’m not aware of? We hung out at Sid’s a bunch before we actually got together, but those didn’t qualify as dates.” He pauses. “Looking back, they kind of were dates. We just didn’t know it.”
The video transitions to Lily and James, whose interviews are lined up side-by-side. “Lily took me to get ice cream after we went for a walk in the park,” James answers with a bright smile.
Lily laughs. “Our first date was a disaster. It was twenty-five degrees outside and we got ice cream. I think our brain freezes lasted about three straight minutes, but I had a great time.”
Second Question: When and where was your first kiss?
“Our first kiss happened on our first date,” Natalie says. “Kase caught me when I fell over and I just leaned right in.”
Kasey’s dopey smile makes his eyes crinkle. “At the ice rink. It felt like something out of a movie.”
Lily frowns in thought. “Oh, god, maybe our sixth date? He dropped me off at my apartment and kissed me goodnight.”
“I pulled a move straight from a John Hughes movie.” James grins and stretches his arms out. “Walked her to the door and everything. It was perfect.”
“Pascal Dumais’ basement,” Sirius says with a light laugh. “Which is a surprisingly romantic place.”
“It happened right after Sirius’ birthday party, which I was tricked into attending.” Remus gives the camera a mock-serious look. “Always be suspicious of Pascal Dumais. Always.”
Third Question: Who said ‘I love you’ first, and what was your reaction?
Sirius bites his lip. “I said it first, but only by two seconds. It was a long time coming, to be honest.”
“Sirius said it first.” Remus smiles at the memory. “We were both kind of wrecks at the time, but it was…amazing. I think I just cried harder and kissed him.”
Lily rolls her eyes fondly. “James said it first. We were both super drunk and he just blurted it out in the middle of the club.”
“She ran away!” James practically shouts as the video cuts to him. “I told her I loved her, she gave me this shocked look, and then disappeared! I get a text an hour later saying she caught a cab and went home, and she signs it with ‘love, Lily’. What the fuck was I supposed to do with that?”
Natalie coughs slightly. “Um, I don’t remember who said it first.”
Kasey grins at the camera. “Natalie said she didn’t remember,” Marlene calls.
“Oh, she remembers.”
Fourth Question: How’s your sex life? Anything you can do differently?
Sirius, who was taking a sip of water, chokes. “Excuse me?”
Remus is dead silent for a second, blinking at the camera in shock. “It’s, uh, good.”
“If we gave you some alcohol, would your answer change?” Marlene asks.
“Probably. Does anyone else feel like they’re suddenly in danger?”
“What sex life?” James snorts. “We have a baby. There is no time or energy for anything anymore.”
Lily raises an eyebrow. “You think I want him anywhere near me after I just shoved a baby out of my crotch?”
“It’s damn good.” Natalie winks, uncapping her own waterbottle. “Pro tip for anyone looking for a hockey boyfriend: go for the goalies. They’re flexible.”
Kasey is laughing into his hands when his interview appears. “She said that?” he manages. “Oh, Christ.”
Fifth Question: Do you dirty talk?
“Yes.” Kasey and Natalie say at the same time. James winks, and Lily shrugs with a sly smile.
Remus gives the camera crew a disbelieving look. “Are all the questions like this? Were we lulled into a false sense of security?”
“Answer the question, Loops!”
Remus sighs deeply. “On occasion, yes. I’m going to regret saying that.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Sirius says, narrowing his eyes as he sets his water down.
Sixth Question: How well do you sleep?
“Not bad,” Remus says. “Better than I used to, that’s for sure.”
“I don’t sleep,” Lily scoffs. James just looks at the camera and wordlessly gestures to the shadows under his eyes.
“Pretty well,” Natalie muses, slinging one arm around the back of her folding chair.
Sirius nods. “I’d say I sleep well most nights. It’s more comfortable with another person, which was surprising.”
Seventh Question: Why do you feel obligated to share a bed?
“Obligated?” Sirius and Remus say with matching tones of incredulity.
Lily’s smile becomes softer. “I really like sharing a bed. It makes me feel safe.”
“Oh, I love sleeping next to Lily.” James’ gaze turns dreamy. “She smells nice, she’s so warm, and sharing a bed makes childcare much easier when the other person is within reach.”
“You can’t tell her I said this, okay?” Kasey looks around at the camera crew before answering, and his cheeks turn light pink. “Nat’s side of the bed faces east, so if I get up for practice and the sun is rising, she glows a little bit. I dunno, I like it.”
“Kasey is really warm and cuddly.” Natalie says after a moment of thought. “He’s like my own personal heater and I’m never cold if he’s there. Don’t tell him I said that.”
Remus bites his lip before speaking. “I’m not much of a cuddler, but I sleep better next to Sirius than I ever have before. It’s incredible.”
Sirius cocks his head to the side with a smile. “Hmm. Having someone there to hold, especially someone I care about so much, is the best feeling. If I ever wake up in the middle of the night, he’s just…always there.” He half-shrugs. “It’s sappy, but it’s true.”
Eighth Question: Rate your attractiveness on a scale of 1-10
“Eleven,” Lily and Natalie say in unison, as if it’s obvious.
“I’m going with a solid six,” Remus decides after a moment’s deliberation.
“Eight, maybe?” Kasey answers.
Sirius makes a face. “Six? Seven?”
James is mid-laugh when the video cuts to him. “Um, seven. Lily and I have talked about this before and I got in trouble for saying ten, that’s why I’m laughing. Sorry.”
Ninth Question: Rate your partner’s attractiveness on a scale of 1-10
Not a single one hesitates. “Ten.”
“Remus said he was a solid six,” Marlene says as the camera focuses on Sirius.
His eyebrows shoot up. “What? Where is he? Re!”
“What?” a distant voice shouts back.
“You’re a ten!”
“On what scale?”
“Nat said eleven, didn’t she?” Kasey asks with a grin as the clip changes. “I love it when she does that.”
Final Question: What animal is your partner and why? Give three reasons.
Lily gives Marlene a hard look. “Marley, I love you, but what I say right now needs to stay confidential from my husband.”
Sirius laughs quietly. “Oh, he’s going to hate me for this.”
“Lily is a lioness,” James says immediately. “She’s strong, fierce, and unbelievably brave.”
Natalie tilts her head. “Good question. I’m going to go with a bear, since he’s got a big, tough reputation but he’s all soft inside. He’s a pretty solid guy, too, and he likes cold weather.”
“Nat is one of those really colorful birds,” Kasey says. “The ones with big personalities and the pretty feathers.”
“James is a lion.” Lily thinks for a moment longer. “It’s not just that he plays for the Lions, but he really is one of the bravest people I know. He’s protective of his family and cares a lot about keeping everyone together.”
Remus grins at the camera. “Sirius is a dog, and I will happily tell you why. Number one: he loves going for walks. Number two: he is endlessly loyal to the people he cares for. Number three: peanut butter.”
“So, Re is either a cat or a dog, and I really can’t choose.” Sirius’ eyebrows draw together in thought.
“You can choose both if you have reasons,” Marlene calls behind the camera.
“Really? Alright, he’s a dog because he’s friendly, loyal, and brings people trinkets as gifts. Um, I don’t have a legitimate reason for the cat one, but do any of you know that one vine with the cat that’s being dragged around on a leash?”
The camera crew bursts out laughing, and a small picture of the cat appears in the upper left of the screen.
“Anyone who has tried to pick Remus up knows that he looks exactly like that. Goes completely limp, it’s the funniest fucking thing.”
The video cuts to Remus, who raises his eyebrows. “He said what?”
The title card appears and Marlene’s voiceover begins. “Thanks for watching, Lions! Special thanks to Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James and Lily Potter, Natalie Darcy, and Kasey Winter for being with us today. Like and subscribe for more!”
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altariaas · 3 years
your face all made up (living on a screen) 
Adrien knows, to some degree, that it’s the important things that are the most important to say out loud, but it would help to know that someone’s actually listening. It would also help if things would stop breaking every time he acknowledged his emotions, too. 
i’ve taken a total of three steps into this fandom but sure, let’s skip to season 4 and fall face-first into the Angst™, as it goes. I just think Adrien should get a little raw powers of destruction sneaking out of control in his daily life. as a treat. Post-Rocketear so lots of spoilers etc.
Adrien walks home from the fight against Nino’s akuma with a raging headache, a developing case of massive anxiety, and a purpling bruise the size of a basketball on his shin.
The last one isn’t actually from the akuma. Those injuries got neatly miraculoused away, along with Nino’s heartbroken betrayal. No, the bruise is from Adrien’s incredibly stupid attempt to funnel his tornado of emotions into something concrete by kicking the front gate, only to completely miss and slam his shin into the solid steel rungs instead, sending him stumbling back in a pained fit of trying to think up creative curse words that won’t result in his father murdering him if he overhears.
Metaphorically, of course. Father’s not a murderer, except when it comes to the slow death of Adrien’s social life.
Though he really…can’t entirely blame that on Father, either.
And there comes the developing case of anxiety. Adrien swallows, a feeble attempt to banish the souring feeling in his stomach and the aching tightness in his chest. He wraps his arms around himself, staring up at the mansion and fighting the increasing urge to run. The inside of his cheek stings as he chews at it, already abused from how hard he’d bitten there earlier when Nino had started making…observations. Accusations. Wildly misdirected statements that definitely aren’t any insight to how Nino truly feels about what might be the truest version of Adrien’s slowly splintering self, if he’s going to be dramatic about it.
Overly passionate, Father’s voice echoes hollowly somewhere in the back of his head. Prone to fits of drama, just like his mother.
Spinning abruptly on his heel, Adrien beats a steady path away from the mansion gates and toward…somewhere. Somewhere that won’t make that developing case of anxiety worse, and where no one can witness his fits of drama.
The urge to send the front camera a rude gesture in farewell is violently stifled as Adrien keeps his arms wrapped tightly around himself, like the action will keep everything in neat and perfect and safe from view. He feels more than hears Plagg rustle curiously in his front pocket, but Adrien ignores the action, keeping his eyes fixed ahead.
Then the sharp reminder of how it felt when Ladybug ignored him in favor of Rena Rouge comes back and bites him solidly in the guilty part of his feelings, so Adrien pats his front pocket reassuringly.
“Just taking the long way home,” he murmurs.
Plagg’s eyes are calculating, almost greener than usual as they stare at him, and Adrien feels uncomfortably perceived. Not in the cold, bug-under-a-microscope way he feels sometimes when Father looks at him, but a hot kind of uncomfortable, the way he feels when someone looks right past the Adrien Agreste mask and sees—
What? What do they see? An awkward boy stumbling back against a wall because he never learned what his real self was supposed to look like? Hollow flirting and annoying with a capital a?
Fits of drama, Adrien reminds himself. He shouldn’t take it so close to heart. Not when Nino looked so devastated, so heartbroken. Not when Ladybug’s been giving him uncomfortably clear signs that Nino might’ve been right.
“If you say so, kid,” Plagg finally replies. “But I better get that camembert sooner than later.”
A half-smile tugs at Adrien’s mouth. “Sure, Plagg.”
At least Plagg still wants him around, masks and all. It’s a small comfort, but Adrien clings to it, his arms tightening around himself. Sure, things didn’t go…wonderfully, today, but it’s not all so bad. He got slammed into a van a couple of times, and maybe a couple of busted ribs, but that’s nothing, comparatively. And sure, Father’s finding more flaws in him to coldly evaluate than usual, and Nathalie’s growing paler and sicker by the day, and Ladybug’s either freezing him out bit by bit or starting to forget about him entirely and he isn’t sure which is worse, and his schedule is slipping further and further from manageable by the day and Nino dislikes a side of him so much it sent him straight into an akuma and—
“—kid, stop!”
Adrien’s thoughts cut off abruptly as his foot catches, his sense of balance going horizontal as he stumbles, and proceeds to nearly slam the rest of him face-first into the concrete. Plagg’s sharp warning echoes in his ears as he rights himself with a panicked yelp, hopping once while frantically hoping no one was around to see — whatever that was.
“Kid,” Plagg starts, but he doesn’t finish. He’s left the front pocket, his eyes bright green as he stares at him.
Adrien blinks, shaking the slight sense of vertigo off. “Sorry, sorry, I—”
Huh. What did he do? Rubbing the back of his head, Adrien glances at the street he stumbled over. He frowns.
The culprit is a jagged, snaking tear in the concrete, half a meter deep and the length of Adrien’s arm. He stares at the spiderwebbing cracks that branch out of it, fine grains of crushed concrete already scattering in the slight wind.
Weird, he thinks. He doesn’t remember fighting Nino this far down the street. Lucky Charm should’ve fixed that, even if he did.
“Adrien,” Plagg says, and there’s an uncharacteristically cautious edge in his voice. “What was that?”
Adrien cups a hand around Plagg, running a finger over his head in apology as he draws him out of view again. “Lost in thought, I guess,” he says, ducking his head. “Sorry.”
Plagg doesn’t reply, still staring at him with a look Adrien can’t quite identify. He feels oddly disoriented, like he actually did fall and hit his head, and now it’s spinning in retaliation. Across the street in front of him, the stoplight flickers — red, then orange, then red again. It flickers out entirely, before snapping back to a bright, acidic green. Adrien rubs his eyes.
“Let’s…let’s go home,” Plagg finally says, tucking himself back in Adrien’s shirt pocket. He doesn’t entirely meet Adrien’s eyes as he does, but he curls up against his chest, solid and warm, and it’s almost enough to banish the ache that lies beneath.
“Okay,” he says, softly. “Home, then.”
There’s a memory Adrien has, from when he was younger. It’s one he holds tightly to his chest, tattered and frayed as it is.
He was much smaller than he is now — barely six years-old, maybe, and small enough to hide behind the large statues his mother would put funny hats on to make his father laugh. She’d done just that earlier, standing tiptoed on the staircase as she’d slipped a terrible orange bowler hat on the pretty lady Nathalie said was from Greece. Adrien had giggled behind his fingers and his father had laughed, an unfamiliar sound that’s faded in memory now, but a bright and real one nonetheless.
It had been a good day, until mother had come down with a cold during dinner and Adrien had jolted out of sleep from a nightmare about giant, ugly orange hats that snatched up his mother with their ribbon-like fingers and took her away from him forever.
He’d sprinted through the house like the horrible hat monsters from his dream were on his heels, slipping in his socks up to the cracked door of his father’s study.
He hadn’t needed to knock, then, or even schedule a meeting. He’d slid through the doorway and barreled into his father, only to be caught by strong arms and swept into his father’s lap, warm and safe from any monsters that dared to follow him here.
“I’m worried about your mother, too,” his father had said. “But it’s just a cold, you see? Nothing to go slipping and falling down the stairs about.”
He’d received nothing but a sniffle in response.
“Alright.” Fingers had pinched around his nose as his father sighed. “How about we read a story then, until you’re not so frightened? Just you and me.”
The book they’d started that night was about a prince and a planet and a rose, and Adrien still remembers the sound his father’s voice made as it resonated where Adrien’s cheek pressed against his chest, his arms holding tight and warm around him, like nothing bad could slip in from outside and hurt him.
It’s a favorite memory of his, one Adrien finds springing back to mind whenever Father gives him a smile, half-formed and distanced as they are.
Lately, though, it’s a memory that stings to think about. It makes it harder to look Father in the eye, for some reason.
“And like, I really can’t say this enough, but I’m so sorry.”
“I told you, Nino, it’s fi—”
“No seriously, dude, I’m really sorry, I—”
His friend finally jerks out from his puddle of miserable apologies, and Adrien gives him a weary smile. “It’s fine. You didn’t hurt me.”
“I dragged you into the boiler room then got akumatized,” Nino says, distressed. “That’s worse than like, the plot of eight different horror movies.”
“Your head was shaped like a giant blue tear, it wasn’t that scary,” Adrien assures him.
“I am ninety percent sure I remember shoving you to the floor,” Nino moans, not reassured in the least.
Part of Adrien’s mind, the part that sounds a little too much like a spurned cat whom hell hath no fury, or however the saying goes, wants to pipe up with the fact that getting shoved to the floor was five-star treatment compared to what Nino (akuma, Nino’s akuma, that’s important) had proceeded to do to him afterwards.
The bus-slamming thing had hurt.
Not as much as hurting Nino would’ve, though.
So instead, Adrien gives Nino the kindest smile he can, lays a gentle hand on his arm, and says, “As if the akuma gave you the biceps to pull that off.”
“Hey,” Nino knocks their shoulders together, his guilt ridden expression easing just a bit as he gives him a half-hearted grin. “I’m ripped, bro.”
It takes Adrien a moment to reply, too busy fighting the overwhelmingly — traitor — urge to follow the warmth of contact with Nino like a starving animal. He doesn’t need to fight for too long — his brain throws everyone thinks you’re a joke at him just in time for Adrien to hunch his shoulders in and give Nino an awkward little grin of his own.
Maybe his brain’s a traitor too, though, because he doesn’t remember Nino even saying that about Chat Noir.
He thinks.
Actually, his brain can go sit in a corner if it’s going to keep throwing stuff like this at him. Shaking anything and everything knowledge-wise that belongs to Chat Noir from his mind, Adrien turns his attention back to the scribbled game of hangman they’ve been playing on the corner of Nino’s history notes. Group projects are supposed to be fun, anyways, especially with Nino.
“Uh, c,” he guesses.
Nino adds a single c to the blank letter spaces. Adrien squints at the paper, his mouth downturning at the suspiciously familiar arrangement he has so far.
_adia_t, ca_ef_ee, d_ea_y
“Nino,” he says, carefully.
Nino smirks. “Mm-hm.”
“If this has anything to do with perfume ads—”
“Then I hate you.”
Nino cackles, scribbling in the rest of the rest of the accursed phrase as Max loudly hushes him. Adrien rolls his eyes and huffs, but he’s unable to stop the small smile of amusement. It quickly fades as his words to Nino echo with an uncomfortable emphasis in his head.
You’re being stupid, he tells himself. Adrien pushes away the nagging feeling. Nino knows he’s not serious. He knows Adrien doesn’t actually hate him. Just like Adrien knows Nino didn’t mean it, when he said all that stuff about Chat Noir.
His fingers tighten around his pencil. He’s not supposed to be thinking about that. Nino apologized, to Chat Noir himself, and just because Adrien can’t get the sting out, it doesn’t mean that Nino meant anything genuine by it.
Overly dramatic, Adrien reminds himself. Way too emotional.
The ache in his chest makes itself known again with a pang, and Adrien bites the inside of his cheek, glancing at Nino from the corners of his eyes.
Maybe he should tell Nino he cares about him, just to be sure. The words form in his mind, only to catch abruptly in his throat, thick and cloying. He thinks of how thoughtlessly he’s been able to tell Father he loves him. Thinks of how easy it’s always been to tell Ladybug how much she means to him.
He thinks of how neither of them seem to like meeting him in the eyes, lately.
He swallows the words, opting to smile brightly at Nino instead. It’s probably for the best. Nino’s always been better at picking up on people’s feelings, anyways, and he doesn’t need the kind of nagging assurance Adrien does. And it’s not like Adrien’s had much luck telling people he loves them, lately. Actually, if you look at his track record, he probably hasn’t…had any luck at all.
Adrien shakes his head, shoving the coldness creeping into his chest as far to the corner of his mind as he can, and sketches out enough blank spaces on the paper to spell fake mustaches are the new sexy.
If he can still make Nino laugh, it’s fine. He wouldn’t be laughing if he thought Adrien was annoying and obnoxious.
So see? It’s fine.
Adrien thinks about elastics, sometimes. The stretchy, rubber kind that Mme Thurston uses to pull back the longer locks of his hair while she’s doing his makeup, tying it up in a neat little explosion on top of his head that makes him look like a blond weed. She makes it look easy, twisting the little bands around and around, until they’re tight enough to hold his hair in place.
(Adrien’s hair is always easy, of course. Chat Noir’s hair, on the other hand, would probably give Mme Thurston nightmares. Mainly because Adrien has a fun little habit of shaking his head side to side until it’s an unrecognizable blond disaster, but that’s not particularly relevant.)
(Ladybug doesn’t even need to use elastics, opting for the soft strands of ribbon that hold her pigtails in perfect place.)
Adrien doesn’t normally use elastic bands either, but he likes the way they feel when he’s nervous, stretching and rubbery, then snapping perfectly back into place, like he’d never twisted them all out of proportion at all. The way he can hook his fingers in both ends and pull and pull and pull, but they never quite snap.
Felix has a fun trick with those, when they do photoshoots together.
(When they used to.)
He’ll press a little elastic against Adrien’s arm and pull the end back, just far enough, then let it snap back into place, stinging little red marks when it slaps against skin.
“Stop it,” Adrien scowls at him, but the expression wavers. Playful isn’t a word he uses along with Felix very often, but photoshoots are always more entertaining with him, at least. Or they were, until his mother disappears, and family photoshoots grind to an utter and complete halt forever—
—just for now, his father says, until something changes, until that something happens, until that metaphorical other foot that’s always hanging over Adrien’s head finally stomps its way back to earth and demolishes him in the process—
Felix replies by stretching another elastic between his fingers, shooting it toward him this time like a little slingshot. Adrien snags it out of the air, slotting it between his own fingers to fire back. It misses by a miserable meter and a half, because at the time this conversation takes place, he and Ladybug haven’t stayed up all night practicing their aim by trying to hit the left ear of Le Stryge on Notre-Dame.
Felix snorts, snatching the elastic from the floor, and makes a show of placing the band back against Adrien’s wrist. He pulls it back with a meaningful look, like an exasperated teacher. “It’s the bounce back that hurts,” he tells him. “Not the stretching part. When it snaps back to place—” He demonstrates by releasing the band, and Adrien flinches at the tiny sting. “—that’s the part that hurts.”
Four years later, having up close and personally experienced what a shattered ribcage stabbing into your lungs feels like, Adrien wants to correct Felix on tiny little elastic bands and what actually hurts, but the point, he guesses, is that he still remembers what it felt like.
He still thinks about those elastics sometimes, and how far they can be pulled until they snap back into place. How the little rubber band can make it so far, get so close to breaking, only to snap right back to where it started.
(Chat Noir doesn’t use elastics, either.)
For all that Adrien will stand by stuffing the worst of his emotions into a box and never thinking about them ever as a perfectly reasonable way to go about handling things —and whatever Plagg says doesn’t count, he’s a kwami who compares emotions to cheese — Adrien really does believe in communication as key.
Living it out is just. Another thing entirely.
But Adrien’s lived his life with a cold mansion’s worth of words left unsaid, so on principle, he really does believe that if something’s important, you should say it. Maybe nobody will really listen to you, or take you seriously, but at least you’ll have said it, and maybe at some point they’ll remember you said it, and it’ll mean something to them.
But maybe that’s what stopping him this time — he just can’t decide if it’s the idea of not being listened to that scares him, or the idea of actually being heard that’s worse.
It’s not like he wants to tell Ladybug he’s upset. It’s not like he even wants to be upset.
It doesn’t change the fact that he is, kind of, a little bit, (a lot) — but again, on principle, Adrien just — he doesn’t like being upset. It’s all uncomfortable and hot and it sits on his chest like a rock, weighing heavier and heavier until he learns to get over it.
It’s only worse when he tries to say something about it, because that never works. Maybe it’s a really sucky side effect of being homeschooled for most of his life, but every time Adrien opens his mouth to tell someone he’s upset with them and here’s why, it always backfires spectacularly. There’s a weird moment where something happens and the other person says their part, and suddenly Adrien’s complaints sound so stupid he wants to crawl in a hole and hide. There’s a dizzying one-eighty and Adrien’s suddenly the one in the wrong, and the other person’s upset at him, and now he’s got to apologize before he makes it worse than he already has.
And granted, most of those other people are just Father (or Father’s tinny voice through the phone), but he’s already enough to beat the lesson in.
Metaphorically, of course. Always — always metaphorically. Adrien’s never doubted otherwise.
“Maybe I’m just that bad at arguing,” he mutters, swiping darkly at his phone screen.
“I dunno,” Nino says, his voice consoling. “I mean, you were pretty good at it when you argued me into watching that one anime the other night.”
Adrien rolls his eyes. “I wasn’t upset with you about that.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Nino winks at him. “Unless your voice going all high-pitched about why Sailor Moon is the peak of animation is your default setting.”
“I wasn’t upset with you, though,” Adrien shakes his head, cutting him off. “I’m never upset with you.”
And he isn’t, really. Not even when Nino tells him, in an admittedly roundabout way, that he’s annoying and irritating and has loose and shady moral commitment to love and all its forms (or something like that).
He means, it stings, but only in the way Felix’s little rubber band snaps do. Not enough to justify picking an argument with Nino. Not to justify upsetting him, and possibly losing the one friend who’s stuck by him through the worst and actually shares stuff with him these days.
Adrien bites down on the inside of his cheek. If he’s not careful with the way his train of thought’s been steering itself lately, he’s going to accidentally show Ladybug how upset he is, and that’s—
Well, the fallout of that will hurt a lot worse than a little elastic band snap.
A lot worse than it already does, so. Back in your corner, resentful thoughts.
“Uh-huh.” There’s a quiet edge of suspicion in Nino’s voice, and Adrien stiffens, suddenly feeling horribly seen. The look Nino’s pinned on him doesn’t help at all, searching and curious and—
Concerned? Upset? Angry?
Adrien doesn’t know. He thinks it’s concern, but he’s also been thinking Ladybug’s been amused with him when she’s apparently just been annoyed, so who knows, really—
Shut up, Adrien tells his subconscious furiously. Shut up, shut up, shut up.
“It’s okay, if you are,” Nino says hesitantly, perhaps having picked up on whatever storm of emotions are slipping through Adrien’s schooled expression. “Upset, I mean. At your old man or me. It’s better to talk to people upfront, y’know? Otherwise…”
Nino’s expression twists in guilt, and Adrien’s lungs feel a little like they’re shriveling up and dying. Or maybe that’s just his chest on the whole, collapsing in on itself and taking Adrien’s ability to breath right with it.
He isn’t upset. He’s not. He doesn’t need to talk to anyone upfront about it, because there’s nothing to talk about in the first place. He’s not going to be overly dramatic about this too, he’s not. He’s just— it’s just—
Is it personal? Was it something he did, that made Ladybug trust everyone else but him? Did he slip up at some point and he just — he can’t remember? She’d told him, she’d promised they were fine after New York, but maybe she’d changed her mind without telling him and decided he needed to figure out on his own where he messed up if he was ever going to be worthy of her trust agai—
“I’ll be — I’ve gotta — restroom,” Adrien stammers, shooting up from his seat and all but sprinting for the doors.
“Wait, Adrien—!”
Nino’s panicked call is lost as Adrien flies down the hall, slipping down the stairs to the bathrooms on the first floor where he’s less likely to be found. He doesn’t feel like he’s going to cry, or anything so humiliating, but there’s an awful crushing sensation in his chest that makes him think he might do something he’ll regret. Or say something, any of the raging thoughts that bang off the insides of his skull with hurt. Something he won’t be able to take back.
Adrien wavers, planting both hands on the edge of the sink and staring at the white porcelain. His breathing sounds odd in the echo of the bathroom, wavering and off-beat. His vision swims traitorously, so he glares up at the mirror instead, only to falter as he catches sight of his reflection.
He looks…not great. Pale skin and bloodshot eyes in the way that’s likely to make Nathalie call a doctor on him. Which would be just fantastically ironic, considering she’s the one who needs a doctor, even if she’s never going to admit it and keep lying to him. Just like Ladybug, all careful smiles and words chosen with forced, casual caution, staring at him with eyes that are a million other places except actually seeing him.
Stop, he tells himself furiously, squeezing his eyes shut. Stop. Ladybug is not Father. Ladybug is Ladybug, his best friend and partner and he trusts her, he trusts her to have her reasons for not telling him. He has to trust her. He does trust her, he—
A sharp cracking sound tears Adrien from his thoughts, and he snaps his head up to find seven of his own disjointed faces staring back at him. He blinks, and suddenly the faces are clinking to the floor, broken fragments of the mirror scattering around his shoes.
His first thought, apart from a bizarre sense of not being entirely in his body, is a well-timed curse word.
Instead, what he gets out is, “Seven years bad luck,” muttered, almost absently, beneath his breath.
Typical. He wonders if moonlighting as a black cat-themed superhero that leans heavily into exaggerated acrobatics counts as crossing one. Like he needs more bad luck, right now.
What he actually needs, is…
He needs an escape.
From everything, it feels like, but for now, Adrien will settle for an escape from the school bathroom with all the mirrors that just broke.
For all that he throws fits of drama about it, the thing is, Adrien has escaped.
He’s made it out of the house, to school. He’s learned physics and grammar and math that Nathalie taught him six months ago, and he’s learned how to play hangman and cut class and tell your friend’s fortune with folded paper. He’s made friends, real friends, and he’s learned how to muffle loud giggles on the phone at night and what kinds of snack food Nino likes and doesn’t like. He’s learned how to pick up on a whole slew of emotions other than disappointment and apathy and mildly reserved approval, and he’s learned how to tell when other people are hurting.
(He’s learned how to tell how he’s hurting, but he’s unlearned that one faster.)
He’s learned the words it takes to voice that Father isn’t always right, learned how to curl his fingers tight enough into his palms that they don’t shake so much anymore, and he’s learned how to stretch like a rubber band against people’s anger, bending without breaking.
(He’s also learned about the perks of night vision and bone density and six different ways to trip someone up with the leather belt you’ve got tied around your waist like a tail, but he can’t credit school for those.)
And he thinks — he thinks he’s come so far, he’s learned so much, he’s so much stronger now—
Then his father’s eyes soften just enough to resemble the eyes of the man who held him close and told him how much he loved him, loves him, who stayed up all night reading Adrien’s favorite book to him and whose lap was the safest, warmest place in the world, and Adrien—
Hates himself. Hates himself as he snaps right back into place, right back into the Adrien who crumbles at Father’s slightest snap of tone. Hates himself so much it stings.  
Because it’s so much easier to do that, than it is to hate his father.
Adrien doesn’t particularly want to go to the photoshoot after school, especially not now that mirrors are literally breaking at the sight of his face, but — and here’s the fits of drama again — like everything else Father’s deigned to want, he doesn’t have much of a choice.
Technically, though, Adrien fantasizes as he fixes his eyes upward so the makeup artist can do her best to hide the darkening circles beneath them (“—really, dear, do you sleep at all these days—”), he could give himself a choice. He could make it fun, too, striking the perfect pose before transforming into Chat Noir right smack in front of the entire studio crew, and then Father would have something truly inspired to review that evening. A perfect snapshot of Adrien cataclysm-ing his merry way out of the studio and out into the gloriously free outside, that’s what.
Except then Adrien would have way too many choices to make, and even less all at once. The identity thing, being one. How to avoid Ladybug murdering him and dancing atop his grave, for another. Not that he thinks Ladybug is capable of murdering anyone, of course—
(—no, that’s solely reserved for him and his powers alone—)
—but he can imagine she’d be angry, were he to stage a reveal that way.
Were he to stage a reveal at all, Adrien thinks sourly, blinking until the stiff feeling of the makeup beneath his eyes fades. His makeup artist’s had to use the thick kind today, the extra-strength stuff that’s going to take forever to wash off. He stifles the urge to swipe at it, trying to relax into the feeling instead. Makeup is familiar, consistent. Sure, it’s technically another lie, but it’s one Adrien’s at least aware of. Makeup, he can see through. He can put it on and take it off himself, exercising some tiny semblance of control over what’s being hidden from the world.
Everything else, though…
“Carefree, my boy, carefree,” Vincent implores, his eyebrows furrowing as Adrien snaps himself back to the present. “You look as if you’re being drowned in mud, not soaring above the clouds.”
Adrien’s cheeks puff up as he blows his breath out, short and frustrated. At least Vincent is every bit as prone to fits of drama as he is, he reminds himself. It’s better to be stuck with someone passionate than someone as open as a brick wall, even if it is just Vincent antagonizing him with a camera again.
“Sorry,” he offers, giving him a weak grin. “I’ll get it this time, promise.”
Vincent doesn’t look entirely convinced, but he rambles about lighting and angles instead of scolding Adrien, which he can’t help but be grateful for. It allows Adrien a moment to let the smile drop, staring at the ground instead of the brightening lights around him.
He toes sullenly at the smooth linoleum of the floor, the solid black of Father’s logo glaring back at him from the side of his sneaker. Maybe he should just get more sleep. Maybe all the ugly tangled emotions in his chest are just residual buildup from being overtired, that’s all. Ladybug mentioned the stress getting to her a little while back, her own eyes bloodshot and exhausted. Adrien’s brilliant solution had been to take her to the movies, which had gone just as brilliantly as every other time he’s tried something like that, which is not very well at all. He’d been worried about her, though, even before she’d thrown him from a roof on accident. Ladybug carries so much on her shoulders, and strong as they are, Adrien knows what it’s like to be strung so tightly that even the slightest extra weight feels like it’ll snap you. He sees the same weight in his own eyes, now, even blinded by the studio lights.
His stomach twists. Ladybug’s eyes aren’t half as bloodshot lately. There’s an easiness to her that wasn’t there before, a lightening of tension, and yes, Adrien’s happy she’s feeling better, he’s nothing but glad that she isn’t so exhausted and worn, but…
But she’d trusted him before, even when she was strung her tightest. And now that there’s relief in her eyes, now that he’s taking a backseat and Ladybug adds more allies to their roster by the day, allies that she knows but he doesn't, allies that Alya and Nino probably know too, just like everything else, now that—
Was he the problem? Was it his fault, that Ladybug’s eyes turned shadowed and her movements wavered? He’s tried, he’s tried to be a rock for her, to be something constant and consistent as Adrien himself wants, but the horrible feeling that he’s not enough is now warring with the awful feeling that he’s the problem in the first place, because — why else? Why else would she shut him out like this? Why else would she decide he’s untrustworthy, after all this time, why—
The lights against his vision suddenly flare painfully bright, so bright Adrien’s forced to stagger back.
Vincent jolts away with a cry, waving his hand frantically as the camera sparks and sputters. Echoed cries of surprise ring throughout the studio as the overhead lights flicker wildly, turning the studio into a frightening mockery of a particularly bad nightclub.  
Adrien stumbles again, alarm coursing through his veins like a cold burst of water, and he darts for the intern nearby, who’s fallen over in her scramble to back away from the strobing lights. She’s just taken his hand when the lights go dark, plunging the studio into blackness. Before anyone can react beyond a frightened shriek, the lights snap back on, bright and steady as if nothing’s happened.
Adrien slowly pulls the intern to her feet, staring at the blazing lights as his vision swims, blinking against the sudden onslaught of dark spots in his eyes.
“Is it an akuma?” the intern asks, her eyes wild with fear. “Should we — should we evacuate?”
Adrenaline shoots through Adrien’s veins, his head whipping back and forth as he searches for a spark of purple, for the familiar edge of butterfly’s wings. But there’s nothing out of place, save the sputtering camera Vincent’s fretting over. There’s no sign of garish transformation, no following explosions, no loudly proclaimed demands for miraculous. In fact, if Adrien hadn’t seen it himself, it would appear as if nothing’s ever happened at all.
“It could’ve been the power lines,” someone suggests. “This place is pretty old, you know.”
“With Agreste’s standards?” someone else mutters. “I doubt it.”
“The camera is broken. Unsalvageable,” Vincent announces over the outbreak of murmurs. To his credit, he barely sounds shaken. “It must have been a power failure, or a blown fuse, I suppose. Nothing we can help.”
Vincent’s word is all the rest of the crew needs, and before Adrien can clamber up to inspect the lights himself, he’s being ushered from the studio, another intern furiously muttering about how she refuses to be fired for losing a model to “subpar building inspections” or something along those lines.
Adrien, who is already anticipating Father’s reaction himself, can’t blame her for bailing the moment he’s in the Gorilla’s hands.
Adrien is six years and three months old when his father finally finishes reading Le Petite Prince to him, and he comes the closest he ever has to throwing a fit at the ending.
He doesn’t actually throw a fit, of course, because then his father might not read to him ever again. That they finished this book together is already more precious as anything Adrien’s ever owned, and he won’t ruin that with his dramatics.
“Not all stories have the happy endings you want, Adrien,” his father tells him. Adrien feels his arms tighten around his shoulders, where he sits snugly in his father’s lap. “Sometimes you must make the most of what you have.”
Even at a young age, Adrien knows that he has quite a lot. The knowledge only grows as he does, just how much he has from his last name alone. His room alone could rival some people’s homes, Adrien has no right to want for anything.
And yet.
Sometimes, Adrien thinks back to the deep timbre of his father’s voice as he reads about yellow snakes and desert flowers and feels a stinging sense of loss so sharply it takes his breath away.
Other times, though, Adrien thinks about his father choosing to read a story about a boy who could only return home by letting a snake poison him, and wonders what that says about their relationship.
It’s not even Father’s icy tone that hurts anymore, really, Adrien thinks, as he picks at his dinner. Not that he’s likely to hear that tone tonight. Father’s locked himself firmly in his office again, and even Nathalie is nowhere to be seen. It’s quiet enough that Adrien’s gotten away with heating up the cheapest dinner they have in the house, and scouring enough cheese for Plagg that he won’t be complaining for a month.
Well, a day, maybe. Plagg’s a special kind of greedy.
But it’s painstakingly clear that Adrien will be dining alone, tonight. There hasn’t even been a single message fro Nathalie, informing him of all the lessons he’s been falling short in lately. Adrien twists his fork in his hand, setting it down with a weary sigh as dark spots flicker before his eyes again.
At least there won’t be anyone to lecture him, he tells himself, tapping absently on the table. The smooth wood looks immaculate beneath his fingers, the edge of his pinky still a bruised purple from the other evening, when Adrien misjudged the distance from the rooftop to his own window.  
Father won’t be able to lecture him about that, either, so it’s a good thing, really. It’s a good thing, that no one will be saying anything to him about the studio mishap earlier, or the darker than usual circles beneath his eyes, or he way he’s been showing up late more often than not to everything. Not about his slipping grades, or the way he keeps forgetting to hide his glare when photoshoots run longer than they’re supposed to.
It’s a good thing, Adrien tells himself, as his fingers clench around the table’s edge. It’s a good thing that he’s alone tonight. Being alone and unseen is much better than the alternative. It’s a good thing, that he can stew in whatever ugly emotions keep threatening to rise to the surface all by himself, where he won’t risk hurting anyone else with them. He can’t mess anything up if no one’s there to see it, so really, it’s a good thing, it’s—
It hits him, all-encompassing and overwhelming all at once.
Unwanted, thick and horrible and choking, the sensation of being traded out and traded off and stepped over, left behind and left out and laughed at in vicious whispers, closed doors and closed expressions and locking him out, like bars sliding down from the ceiling and cutting him off, trapped in place like an animal in the zoo, entertaining for a heartbeat than easily moved past for something better, unwanted and untrusted and alone, alone, alone again—
Adrien buckles and something howls in his ears, his hands burning as his fingers crunch through wood and his vision whites out.
For a heartbeat, Adrien isn’t Adrien — he’s the swelling of flames as fire catches light, he’s the pull of the undertow as it rips across the shore, he’s the blazing burst of lightning against metal, he’s on the edge of a cliff and stepping off—
And then he’s Adrien again, small and shaking and breathing in large, heaving gasps, trying desperately not to throw up all over the table.
“—drien, kid, Adrien, please!”
Adrien tears his hands from the table as if it’s shocked him. Black flecks drift from his fingers as they tremble, and Plagg splits into three as he flits in front of him, six pairs of green eyes staring at him in blazing concern.
“Plagg?” He barely recognizes his own voice, and his throat feels like sandpaper.
“Breathe,” Plagg orders as his image solidifies back to one, more serious than Adrien can remember him sounding. “You gotta breathe, Adrien.”
He does, in stuttering, shaky gasps, because Adrien will do anything Plagg asks him to. He’ll light himself on fire if he wanted, because Plagg is all he’s got.
Plagg is here, and that means more to Adrien than anything else could.
“Breathing,” he finally croaks out. “I’m — breathing, see? S’all good.”
It is most certainly not all good, because Adrien still feels like he got thrown off a building and into a blender, but Plagg almost looks frightened, looking from Adrien to the table to Adrien again, and—
Adrien freezes. The table. The stupidly, enormous, ridiculously expensive, lonely table his family’s supposed to use. The table he definitely, most certainly felt crunch under his hands.
Adrien follows Plagg’s gaze downwards, and suddenly feels like he’s going to throw up again.
“Oh,” he whispers.
Ice coats the inside of his chest, cold and creeping. The sidewalk. The mirrors, the studio camera, and now this.
“Adrien.” Plagg sounds so very serious.
He could explain most of it away. It’d be — it would be easy.
But this?
Adrien stares at the half-decayed table, ashes still flaking from the sides in a way that’s horribly distinctive of his cataclysm. A spiderwebbed path of smoldering destruction, all tracing back to where his fingers had been white-knuckled at the table’s edge.
Something snaps in the chandelier above him, cracking once and fizzling off into sparks.
It feels like something’s snapped in Adrien’s head. Maybe he’s lost it. Maybe he’s finally gone off the edge, and that — that can be his excuse, when Father asks him what, exactly, he did to the table. He can tell Father they’ve both lost it, they’ve both gone mad, and wouldn’t mom think this was all so funny—
A sound like a sob rips itself from his chest, before Adrien can strangle it into submission. He can’t lose it now. He can’t break down, he has to — he has to come up with a way to explain this, he has to find an escape, or Father’s going to be so angry, and so cold, and…and…
Adrien goes still. Like ice, numb and calming, he realizes he doesn’t have to worry about excuses. He doesn’t have to worry about any of that at all. No one’s coming. Not to check on him. The silence of the house is overpowering, the tiny patter of the vaporized table bits as they land on the floor almost thunderous.
“Adrien,” Plagg repeats, softer this time. “I need you to look at me.”
Slowly, he lifts his head, meeting Plagg’s bright green eyes with his own. Something in Plagg’s expression goes tight, a myriad of emotions flickering in his eyes before he schools them back into careful calm.
“Oh, kid.” Plagg’s voice is gentle. It still sounds like a lament.
Adrien tears his gaze away, swallowing. His fingers, still shaking, curl into unsteady fists. They feel odd, almost scalded. Adrien ignores it.
He can hide the table, he tells himself. He can fix the chandelier. No one will notice. He can hide this.
He’s Adrien Agreste.
He can deal with a couple of cracks in his facade.
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justwonder113 · 3 years
Midnight adventures
Matsukawa Issei x f.reader
WARNING: Angst to fluff, Slowburn, friends to lovers, mutual pining, kinda long and decent amount of cursing cuz I have no shame. Both reader and Matsun are kind of dumb.
word count 6.5k
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You loved him, you really did, even though he sometimes drove you out of your mind and made you want to bash his head against the wall. And he knew that. He knew what kind of effect he had on you and he was amused by it.  He knew just to push the right buttons, he knew how to rile you up.
You were like an open book to him, so of course he knew you had a crush on him from the start, and you knew that he was aware of your feelings. At first, you were reluctant and refused to admit having the slightest feelings for him, but after some time you accepted the fact and realized that at some point you made your feelings seem obvious. Well, he was your first actual crush, and you were inexperienced.
Your friends would also tease you a lot and at some point, they locked you two together so you could finally confess. It was after their match against shiratorizawa in the third year. That was the day you had your first kiss with him, honestly, you didn't know what happened that night, one moment you were arguing with him because he wanted to leave the team, you were basically yelling how amazing player and teammate he was and the next second you were kissing each other. You expected that after he would confess to you, but he never did. He acted with you like the kiss never happened and that really broke you.
Maybe that is why after all these years you decided to move away, both literally and emotionally. You spent all your high school years waiting for him, waiting for him to make a move, but before you knew it you graduated. You finished school not even holding hands with another boy because you thought he felt the same, you thought that maybe you could be together? But now you realized that it was all load of bullshit. Why did you have to go so far for a person who didn't care about you that much? Why did you have to hold back when he never said no to all the attention he got from girls? You knew that they meant nothing to him and that he only saw them as one-time flings but it still really hurt you. Did you even mean something to him?
You felt mad at yourself, you wasted all these years swooning over someone who didn't return your feelings. But the thing that angered you the most was that you still weren't over him. Your heart would still flutter like crazy whenever you saw him and as much as you hated it he looked better and better every time.  You also hated the fact that you couldn't blame him for all this pain, you couldn't tell that you were heartbroken because he didn't love you, that wasn't much of a reason. You were the silly one here. Why were you even surprised? He knew you for years as friends. He probably only saw you as a friend and considered the kiss as a mistake.
To be honest, he never did anything wrong, he always treated you warmly, and with respect, he liked to piss you off but he never really crossed the line, you couldn't blame him for not loving you. You guys kissed like one time, he probably regretted it and didn't want to hurt your feelings that's why he never brought it up after that. He gave you space. He didn't tell you in your face that he didn't return your feelings, he never broke your heart, you were just the silly one, clinging tightly to that miserable string of hope. You were the weak one for falling for him. It would have been better if he screwed up, if he told you that he could never look at you romantically, maybe it would make you feel a little better, your heart would break but you would get over it? But no destiny said that he had to be perfect.
When you moved away to University you promised yourself that you would start everything from the fresh page, you would work on yourself and no longer be that helpless girl who couldn't even get over her crush. You spent months working on your self-confidence and other issues, you spent countless time getting yourself into shape. Let's say you worked on yourself pretty hard. And it paid off, you had finished university and were about to start your dream job, you had gotten an offer many would dream of, you did everything you wanted, you even got in a few relationships, you should have been satisfied right? Then why didn't feel so? Why was there a feeling of emptiness inside your soul and why was no one able to fill it? It made you furious, after all these years, how could you not move on? Why did you Think about Matsukawa when you kissed other men? Why did you keep comparing everyone to him? What did he even do to deserve a permanent place in your heart? Your heart still kept beating like crazy and it's been what? years? you were in your twenties already, you needed to move on!
You were back in the city to celebrate your friends' victory over his rivals. Oikawa being the flashy person he is decided to throw the biggest party possible and now here you were. You knew you would meet him here, he was his friend as much as you after all, but you didn't expect it to hurt this much. As you said time really had done its job on him, he looked more mature now, he was slightly taller and definitely more muscular, he decided to grow his hair too, you always knew that he would look amazing with slightly longer hair, he had also gotten a few tattoos that were seen through his rolled-up black shirt. Man, did it suit him, the shirt was a bit tight fit and it really complimented his muscular form. The tattoos looked amazing on him and were these rings he was wearing? And piercings! And he had his nails painted black, Really life? He looked like your dream man, thank you very much for nothing!
You knew you would run into him today and you tried to look your best, you knew it was silly but you felt like showing off, but after seeing him you felt kind of self-conscious. You wondered if your dress was a good choice, you chose it as it hugged your curves perfectly and really complimented them but now you were wondering if it was too much. Was your hair alright? You hoped it didn't get frizzy. Oh god, why was everyone staring at you? Your lipstick didn't smudge, right? Even though you were having a war inside your head it simply washed away in an instant as you saw the face of your best friend who was grinning like crazy. You quickly headed to her and engulfed them in a tight hug. God, you missed themso much! You felt lucky just by having them in your life, and they really helped you get through with your issues,they were with you every step of the way and you couldn't be more thankful. If it wasn't for them and your friends you doubted you would be standing here right now. Even though you still felt self-conscious sometimes like now overall you were a pretty confident person who radiated power. Even when you felt weak you managed to look powerful. Maybe this was your resting bitch face? You didn't know. You felt thankful that he didn't notice you he was too busy talking with some woman, typical.
"I missed you so much! Can't believe I'm seeing you after all this time. I really missed you all. And meeting on an occasion like this we just have to celebrate our reunion, I knew Oikawa would beat their asses someday," you grinned proudly. "Okay, I'm getting carried away, I really missed you tho. We have to catch on, let's ditch your them later and have some fun!" You ranted as you occasionally squeezed your best friend who kept chuckling.
"Now now Y/N-chan, you just came back don't go stealing my friends from me!" Oikawa came out of nowhere and snatched your best friend away from you, you pouted but chuckled in the end.
"Can't make promises Flattykawa. And in my defense, I knew them longer." You teased and made a face at him, Oikawa fake gasped and clutched his heart a smile never leaving his face. You missed this idiot and his dramatic shenanigans so bad.
"Again with a nickname! Y/F/N-chan she's being mean!" Your friend only chuckled at Oikawa's childlike behavior and patted his hand.
"She has a point tho." Your friend teased along.
"Betrayed by you too! What else should I expect today?" He whined, you only chuckled and opened your arms.
"I really missed you, you dork! I'm really proud of you," you said sweetly, Oikawa immediately hugged you, you smiled at the familiar warmth, Oikawa has been like an annoying brother to you, you weren't used to not hearing his constant whining and antics even after all these years living apart from them.
"I really missed you too! Nothing's the same without you!" You smiled at Oikawa's warm comment. You were glad they missed you the same way you missed them. You really tried to visit as frequently as you could but it was hard when all of you were covered in work. Out of all third years, Hanamaki and Matsukawa stayed in Japan, you and others left the country for Universities. You felt really emotional, it had been such a long time without them...
"Look at her, hugging Oikawa and Y/f/n-chan first, don't mind me I'm just gonna stand here until you decide to acknowledge me. I thought we had something special Y/n, you're breaking my heart here." You heard a deep voice behind you, you smiled and turned back smirking.
"I would say she has her priorities set right? I mean it's me you are talking about,"Oikawa boasted, Your friend giggled.
"Missed you too Hiro," you grinned as you playfully hit his shoulder then hugged him. It was good to be home.
"Where's my grizzly bear?"  You asked as you searched the crowd for the angry spiky head.
"He's at the bar probably, Oikawa managed to talk his ears out already, he left a minute ago saying "I'm not drunk enough for this shit!" I'm sure he will be happy to see you." Makki smiled and wrapped his hand around your shoulder you smiled and leaned in on his touch. You had missed this so much!
You spent most of the evening chatting with people and having a nice time. Oikawa for sure knew how to throw a party, you even danced with some charming men. You felt uneasy tho, you and Matsukawa made eye contact a few times but none of you even moved to say something, you just smiled at each other awkwardly. Over the night you noticed how many girls approached him, well it wasn't surprising, he was a good looking young man, but you couldn't help but feel a tinge of annoyance on the inside. In the end, you tried your best to be your charming self. You talked to many different men and even danced with more of them, moving your hips passionately along the music. But you felt bored in the end. None of them were interesting, they didn't have a fire you wanted. How long were you going to be like this? Wasn't there someone who could I don't know sweep you off your feet?
Suddenly you felt overwhelmed, the alcohol was starting to kick in and you swayed your hips with a bit more passion, your best friend was next to you, Oikawa had left you two alone to have your time.
"You haven't talked to him right?" As always, Your friend guessed what was bothering you in a second.
"No, and I'm not planning on doing so. If he didn't think I were at least a little bit important than the girls he was talking to then I'm not going to interfere. I have self-respect. He didn't even bother to say hi." You rolled your eyes and chugged another shot, the alcohol mildly burned your throat but you were used to the feeling. You just felt like dancing and maybe even washing your worries away. You wanted to have fun, and you had a reason too, your friend won a gold medal and defeated his rivals! You decided to go and do another shot, getting near the bar, you noticed a familiar spiky head, you smiled and got closer finally sitting next to the buff man.
"Is this seat taken handsome?" You asked seductively, Iwaizumi's shoulders tensed for a second but he relaxed as soon as he saw your grinning face.
"Y/N!" He greeted you with a smile and got up, you were quick to wrap your hand around him.
"Good to see you, daddy." You grinned teasingly, Iwaizumi flushed immediately. You had a habit of teasing him, you often called him daddy because of his aggressive yes, but caring demeanor, and you really enjoyed it when he got flustered. Truth be told you were probably the only person who got away with teasing him without getting punched or kicked.
"God, when will you stop with the dumb nickname? People are going to get a very wrong idea, it's embarrassing," he grumbled and pointed to the bartender by his eyes, who was looking at you from time to time sneakily, he heard you and was shocked, you smirked and gave him a wink, making the boy blush harder. You smiled, as you eyed the boy he was definitely cute.
"I will stop when you won't have an adorable reaction like this," you teased, Iwaizumi only scoffed, but he didn't look mad.
"It's awfully early for you to start drinking, did Oikawa really talk your ears out?" You chuckled, Iwaizumi scoffed again but he looked amused.
"Unfortunately for me yes, I swear to God he never stops talking." You chuckled, it was such an Oikawa thing to do.
"Yeah, I'm glad Oikawa won, I'm sorry for your team but he did work really hard for it and really deserved it." You smiled fondly after noticing Oikawa dancing with your best friend over some cheezy song which probably he had chosen.
"Yeah, I'm glad too. You should have seen him tho, the all smug Oikawa crying nonstop like a baby after he realized he had won, well of course after they left the court, he was like Iwa-chan I did it!" Iwaizumi mimicked Oikawa's crying voice, you giggled. It sounded like Oikawa, "Don't laugh, who do you think had to stop him from crying? "Iwaizumi shuddered as you had a hard time holding your laughter. You had such a good time, you didn't even notice a pair of dark brown eyes observing your giggling form.
"Now all I can see is Oikawa clinging to you like a koala and crying his eyes out."  Iwaizumi only looked at you with an unamused face, making you raise your hands in defeat, the deadly aura didn't go unnoticed by you. Iwaizumi rarely lost his cool around you, but it didn't mean you were immune to his rage. "I'm only kidding, Iwa baby, please don't get mad at me." You lightly pouted as you made puppy dog eyes at him, he only sighed and took another sip from his drink, you smiled and ordered a drink, you visibly relaxed, you didn't feel on edge anymore.
You talked for a while, but unfortunately for you, Iwaizumi had to leave, apparently drunk Oikawa was somewhere causing some trouble. You found it suspicious that was too much even for Oikawa but you didn't question it. Iwaiizumi only grumbled in annoyance and left, being used to all this stuff. You, on the other hand, Made small talk with the cute bartender, he was really good looking and surprisingly very charming and smooth. You were quite drunk already and you were feeling needy, so now here you were making out with him in some empty hallway. He was a good kisser, but you still didn't feel any spark. You wanted to feel the same tingling sensation as the one you felt when you had your first kiss with Issei. The situation was not at all romantic as you said, Oikawa and others locked you in the lockers, to make up after you had a little fight. You bickered at each other for a while, well it was you who was really arguing, you were really mad at him because he was bringing himself down and planned on leaving the team, and you were trying to get to his scull how amazing he actually was and soon your lips were against each other and it felt like the most magical feeling in the whole world. You had never felt anything like that when you kissed others and today was no exception, unfortunately for you. You tried to take the lead in the kiss maybe to make it feel more enjoyable for you but before you could even try, a hand made the man separate from you. You opened your eyes to see Issei, who didn't have a very pleased expression.
"I have business with Y/N, so I don't know, get lost?" Issei said without any emotion. You looked at him dumbfounded. He didn't even bother saying hi earlier, what business would he have with you? The boy, Souma was it? Looked at you two before speaking.
"Dude what the hell we were busy!" He groaned as he glared at Issei, who didn't seem really fazed.
"Do I really look like I care?" Matsukawa asked plainly, You took the chance to straighten up.
"Listen here you little..." Souma stopped before he would go on, as he felt chills run down his spine under Matsukawa's cold glare. You sighed and straightened up.
"I guess it's pretty important, I will contact you later ok?" You asked sweetly, but you both knew you weren't going to contact him. You didn't even have his number and you hadn't given him yours. Souma grumbled and left leaving you with Issei.
As soon as he left you were quick to smack Issei's arm. "Dude, what the fuck?" He only looked at you, grabbed your arm, and led you through the hallway. "What's with the cockblocking? He didn't seem too bad."
"I didn't like him." He said like it was the most obvious thing. It made you feel mad.
"Oh sorry, next time I will choose someone you might like, for future references what type of boys are you into?" You snarled lightly. You wanted to break free from his grasp but it was too strong. Soon your back made contact with the cold wall, and you were caged between Issei's strong arms. You tried to protest but before you could even say a word his lips were on you. You didn't know how to act, your whole body went stiff but after a second you felt your body relaxing.
"God, you're beautiful." He said as he kissed you again, his big hands snaking around your waist. You were speechless, you didn't really realize what was going on. But your body felt like it was on fire. His lips kept brushing against yours just perfectly, your skin was burning hot under his touch. Your heart was beating like crazy, you only managed to whimper against him and he took this as a chance to deepen the kiss. You tried to keep up but it was physically impossible. His kiss was deep and passionate, kind of possessive too. You could feel all his lust through it. You moaned lightly, unable to control yourself. You put your hands on his chest, you could even feel his strong yet fast heartbeat, you pushed lightly, Issei took the hint and leaned back. He stared at you, admiring your beautiful form, you looked so pretty all flustered and breathless, he had wanted to do this for such a long time, for the whole night you had basically been teasing him and his patience was running thin.
"What came over you. I..." You didn't know what to say, you were so confused.
"Do you remember our random sneak outs in highschool?" How could you forget, you just lived for the tiny adventures you, Makki and he used to have at three am. Sometimes when Hiro didn't feel like coming, you would go with him instead. Eating ice cream or random junk food at three am on your special spot, you lived for it. Sometimes you didn't even talk for a whole night but still felt so comfortable. Your chest tightened again at the memory. But why bring it up now? This didn't explain all the raging questions you had.
You nodded your head quietly, looking at him through glossy eyes. "I do. Why?" Your voice was so weak it made you cringe. You didn't know, what was this about? Why bring it up now.
"Would you go on an adventure with me? I know it's Oikawa's special day, but Y/N I... We both know that we need to talk." You looked up at him with wide eyes, you had never seen him like this, he looked so serious and desperate too? Despite feeling all furious and all you nodded and let him lead you through the crowd and to his car.
"I will text him, he might get worried. But what should I say? Where are we even going? We're in Tokyo, don't tell me we're going to Miyagi!" You asked as you sat down in his car, you were confused, all this stuff was confusing you.
"No, I don't plan to take you to Miyagi, I was thinking of ordering a shit ton of junk food via drive-in and then taking you to the place I found earlier. Don't worry I'm sure you will like it." Issei assured you as he got in his car, started the engine, and started driving.
"Are you really trying to get on my good side via food? I'm really mad it's not going to be that easy." You furrowed your eyebrows, Issei huffed a laugh.
"Maybe I am? We both know that you will sell your soul to satan for a bag of doritos! If I keep your mouth busy while I tell you something at least I won't have to worry about you biting my head off," Issei pointed out like it was the most obvious argument while smirking proudly, you scoffed.
"I will hit you so hard after you stop the car, I'm not doing it now because I value my life. And besides, it's not about whether or not I will like the place. It can be next to a strip bar or some abandoned place, what's important is that you will say and you know that." You said as a matter of fact and turned away from him, looking through the window.
"I know." He sighed after a second, the atmosphere was heavy, opposite of what you were used to. You started liking Mattsun because things were easy with him and that it was full adventures, but now... You had to calculate everything you said, how you moved, how you looked at him, and stuff. When did it become so painful to be in the same space as him? And the stuff he wanted to tell you terrified you. What if he admitted that he never saw you seriously? That he only felt desire for you at some doing and nothing else. You didn't even know what made him act up today, did he have at least the slightest feelings for you or did he just found desirable in that tight dress? Maybe he just didn't like the face another man tried to take you away. Either way, anxiety was eating you from the inside. Your heart kept beating rapidly and your fingers actually hurt from playing too hard with them.
You were so lost in your thoughts you didn't even notice how he ordered and got the food. You only came back to reality only when he opened your door gently took your hand in his big one. "We're here." He helped you get out of it. The cold air immediately hit you, making you shiver slightly. "Here take this." He said as he put his jacket on your shoulders, it was so big you were basically swimming in it but on the contrary, it was really warm and soft and it smelled like him! Just perfect, you immediately snuggled in. Mattsun then took the food package from the backseat. He quickly locked the car and led you through again. You were now in front of a big clearly abandoned building, you hesitated for a second and tightened your grip around his hand, Issei looked at you, carefully examining your face."Are you feeling scared? I promise it's a safe place, I have been here. You still like exploring weird buildings like this right?" He teased lightly, squeezing back your hand. You only pouted.
"I do like exploring buildings like this, but when I said abandoned building I was joking you know that right? I like these kinds of places but not in dresses like this and especially not in high heels. I like being prepared to run from my life if there's a huge creep or some sort of monster, I don't know! And I haven't done something like that for such a long time, and we're not in Miyagi too, everything's new here!" You said as a matter of fact while playing with your hair, Issei only chuckled. You felt nervous. Before you could even comprehend what was happening Issei had already picked you over his shoulder. You felt like a sack of potatoes.
"Oh my god, Matsun what are you doing? Put me down!" You tried squirming away at the same time you clutched his shirt too afraid to fall. He started laughing, you felt vibrations through his back, you couldn't help but smile, you liked when he laughed.
"No way, I like carrying you and I have the best view too so no way princess."You could tell he was grinning while looking at your ass and it made you mumble in annoyance. You gasped when he spanked your bottom lightly, you smacked his back in response. "Do you like the view?"
"Shut up!" You whined, which made him chuckle harder. "Put me down, my dress is short!" You started wiggling again, but he had a death grip on you. You could feel the blood rushing to your face and at this point, you were not sure if it was from embarrassment, just having your head low and blood rushing to your head or just anger.
After a minute of him walking and you admiring his ass, he finally put you down. You looked around, the building was empty, there was no furniture and some of the walls were covered in graffiti. Other than that you enjoyed the place, it had a certain vibe to it. You wandered for a second, exploring the room. When you turned around you didn't see him, you walked around and eventually came out on the huge veranda. The sight made you gasp, Issei had laid the blankets on the floor and taken out the food, it looked so cozy! There were some pillows too. It was just like a little picnic, the dim streetlights also shone nicely with some fairy lights there and there and the sight in front of you of the night city was magnificent. Everything looked so simple yet so perfect.
"Okay, stop or I might have to actually marry you." You pointed at everything dramatically, you couldn't contain your smile. Everything looked like the pics you have seen on social media or in the movies. Issei smiled at you softly, you looked so cute all excited like that. His jacket really suited you too, you looked so perfect.
"I knew you would like this. I'm glad you actually agreed to come." He smiled and patted space next to him, you sighed and sat carefully, holding down your dress, it was short at it was you didn't want it to slide up too much.
"You knew I wouldn't refuse such tempting request, didn't you? I always liked our little adventures," you smiled fondly, recalling sweet high school memories.
You spent few minutes in silence watching the city, eating there and there, but it wasn't uncomfortable like before, your anxiety had calmed down a little too. You just sat there and enjoyed the moment. You didn't even notice when he took your hand but you didn't bother to take it back. You wished you could stay like this forever but you also knew it was wrong. You had to ask the question, even if hearing it could destroy you. You both knew that.
"Matsu, why did you kiss me earlier? I'm trying to understand what's going on between us but now I'm especially confused. Why did you do it? I thought you didn't like me," You were talking quietly, but in reality, it was really hard for you to contain your sea of emotions. Issei tightened his grip on your delicate fingers, neither of you bothered to look at each other in the eyes. He took a deep breath and started talking quietly.
"I don't know myself. I thought I had let go of you, I thought I was over you, but when I saw you again all feelings came crashing down on me again. You looked so breathtaking, I fell in love with you all over again. So pretty and all dolled up and this dress. God this dress, hugs you so perfectly on all the places I want to touch, I actually feel jealous of it. I want to rip it off and have you all to myself and never let go. I don't want to let go now that I tasted your lips again." He spoke lowly, his voice was raspy and it sent chills down your spine. " You are the most beautiful person here you know that right? You are probably the most beautiful person in the whole city, I think even in whole Japan or better the world!" Matsun kept going on and on setting your heart ablaze. You were mad, but at the same time, you were so at ease and felt so at comfort. It was like your mind and heart were battling each other and you had no idea which would win.
"I'm still really mad at you." You grumbled against his chest, Issei hummed and wrapped his hands tighter around your waist.
"I know and you have every right to." Issei hummed and pecked your hair, he then grabbed your chin lightly and made you look at him. "I'm really sorry Y/N, all I have been doing is to cause you pain. It was never my intention. I love you, god, I love you so much! I know you will be better without me. You can find so many who are way better than I am and would treat you like you really deserve. And I thought I came around with the fact that I wouldn't be the one to have you in the end. I always knew that. That's why I never made any kind of move on you. When you entered the party you looked like a different person. You were the most beautiful person I have ever met, you looked so confident and comfortable in your own skin and most of all you looked so happy! I didn't want to come to you and ruin it. I felt so proud too, you achieved so many things! God, you don't know how proud I am to even know you!" Matsun kept going on and on, you haven't even heard him talk this much in a row, he was always a man of few words. He looked so desperate too, and the way his voice broke, killed you too. You had known him for years but you still never had seen him like this. Honestly, You had no idea what to do. You wanted to yell at him and comfort him at the same time. You tightened your grip around his hand, your knuckles were starting to whiten but you didn't care. You wanted for him to know you were listening, that you were there.
"Matsun, I..." You tried to start but he interrupted you.
"Please let me finish." The tone of his broken voice immediately made you shut up. "I know it was my own choice to let you go, and I really thought I was fine with that but when I saw you... When I saw you something like snapped in me. I tried to take my mind away, I kept talking to this women to keep my mind off of you, but how can I pay any attention to these peasants when a literal goddess has taken over my heart? And when I saw you kissing that asshole I almost went feral! I would have murdered him if I had a chance. He was touching the one I basically find sacred so disrespectfully, I almost lost my mind. Then I got you to myself I couldn't help but kiss you. Your lips always look so welcoming I couldn't help myself. And I want to do it again and again. I don't ever want to let go. I miss you like crazy! I don't know if I can be apart from you again. I... God, I sound so pathetic, I don't even understand what's happening with me. I covered this place with blankets and stuff you love because I hoped you would come to another adventure with me. Funny thing is that I wasn't even planning on asking, I don't know how we ended up here. I thought I would end up coming here all alone, wallowing myself in self-pity again. I know I don't deserve it, and I know that everything's my fault and my fault only and I would understand if you don't want to have anything to do with me, but could you give me another chance? I don't think I can last any more minute without you. I miss you so much it actually hurts."
Matsukawa looked at you with pleading eyes, and before you could even comprehend what was happening, you were getting in his lap and were kissing him like there was no tomorrow. He was startled for a second, he clearly didn't expect you to have a reaction like this but he wasn't against it at all. In fact, in a second, he was the one taking the lead and deepening the kiss. His hands digging in your hair while you slid yours through his hair. He would have continued doing so before you leaned back and broke the kiss. He looked at you half dazed. You were quick to bring him back to his senses when you harshly smacked his head.
"That hurts!" He complained, which made you more fueled up and now you punched his shoulder.
"That's the point of hitting! I want it to hurt you asshole!" You yelled. "You know you're a huge fucking idiot right? What's with this bullshit about not being worthy to be next to me? If I didn't think your ass was worthy I wouldn't have fallen in love with you! My taste in men may not be that great but I'm not stupid! I appreciate that you're thinking about my happiness or whatever, even though it's totally uncalled for, and thank me for not beating your ass further! But I get to decide what's good for me and what's not. To your surprise genius, that comes to dating too! I get to decide whom I want to date and fall in love with and in this case, it happens to be you, fuck it always has been you! I had some partners but I didn't love any of them, cause your caterpillar brow ass has managed and captured my heart, I always come to compare them to you, and guess what they're not you! God, you can be so stupid for someone who is supposed to be smart! I'm really disappointed Matsun and mad too! I want to beat your ass even further! God, how did you even manage to come up with this bullshit? I swear to god!" You kept grumbling while messing with Issei who looked like he was still in shock, his cheeks were dusted pink and you couldn't help but squeal on the inside from how cute you found it. You made Issei blush! That was an achievement for sure and such an adorable one too! But you couldn't back down now, you felt actually mad that he had such dumb thoughts like this, but on the other hand, you found it very endearing and cute. He was trying to protect you! And by the looks of it, he was hurting just as much as you. But the fact remained the same, he loved you. Your dream came true, he shared the same feelings! You felt so happy, you wanted to kiss his face till your lips fell off.
"You know you don't have to straight ass roast me right?" Issei tried to look offended but he was having a hard time hiding his grin, you smiled and pinched his cheek making him roll his eyes.
"Oh baby, I'm not even started. What did you think I was going to forget everything? And don't be mislead Makki can't even come close to me when it comes to teasing. You're in for a ride sweetheart, teasing is only just begging, maybe if you find a few ways to shut me up, and you know what I mean, I could keep quiet for a while, you could atone for your stupid ass mistakes with many kisses for starters. I don't know Matsu get creative. The point is you're stuck with me and you can't even run from me now you got it? No more bullshit like I don't deserve you and stuff like that," You said as slowly and as seductively as you could having your face close to his and occasionally brushing your lips against his. Still being in his lap gave you the perfect leverage and you just loved the way he was tightly holding your hips, to keep your bodies close. You felt complete after such a long time...
The hurt and all the emotions didn't wash away immediately obviously, you knew that your wounds would take time to heal, but now at least you knew Issei would be next to you through the journey and that was enough. You knew that now, that you had talked things through, maybe yelled from your side but still, you knew that you could overcome many things together. You just needed to voice your thoughts out.
"Wasn't even planning on it baby," he growled while he closed the distance between your lips again making you squeal a little. Yup, you just loved your little midnight adventures.
God, I can't believe I actually wrote over 6500+words. No wonder my eyes hurt like a bitch lol. Anyway, I really hope you will like it. If you have any kind of feedback please notify me. I'll gladly take some healthy criticism. I really want to improve my writing and I promise I will do my best. This is a firts work I have ever published on tumblr and I really hope you will like it^^
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