#it was an anon hate message someone sent me acting like they sent the request of jacob with a reader
oreana-galena · 2 years
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incognitopolls · 6 months
hi, i sent in a comment back when one (not me) anon said they were unfollowing due to constant cisnormativity and gender essentialism in the polls. you didn't answer my ask back then, or maybe the ask disappeared since tumblr does that sometimes, but i would appreciate it if you would answer this, because i think it would be beneficial for everyone to actually talk about this openly.
i'd just like to ask, knowing that you may edit polls submitted to be more inclusive and clearer, why is the recent poll about preferences for a partner's pubic hair specifically for people with penises? and if there is another poll coming that's the same but for people with vaginas, i'm wondering why it would be necessary for a question like it to be separated like that. personally i don't see how that would make a big, or more importantly an interesting difference in the results. to me all it seems like it's doing is excluding intersex people and supporting this idea of "the two sexes" being fundamentally completely different from each other and someone's genitals playing a big part in defining people's preferences.
i'm not intending this as a hate comment, but as a genuine request for conversation around this subject, as you yourself said to the anon that unfollowed, that you'd like to hear about their side. i know i'm not said anon, but i think we're kind of talking about the same subject here, and recently there's been a lot of polls here separating people via genitals, and it's beginning to make me feel a little uncomfortable, in big part due to it implying that a huge portion of people here see gender and/or sex as a binary, and that people on the opposite ends of that binary are fundamentally different from each other due to their sex/gender.
apologies for the long ask, i just really wanted to avoid misunderstandings so i may have rambled a bit more than necessary.
Hi! Thanks for bringing up your concerns. The way I interpreted that question is that anon was curious whether pubic hair affects the sensation on the penetrating partner‘s penis, or whether pubic hair can be a hindrance– for example, acting as a barrier, or adding friction.
The original question was only aimed at people with penises, and I hadn’t planned on posting any variations for different genitals because (from what I’m assuming about anon’s curiosity) the question is so specific in asking about the sensation and/or logistics for a penis navigating around hair. I don’t think it would be helpful or yield any interesting data to post the same poll for people with other genitals. 
In this case, I think my error was in not specifying “does a partner’s pubic hair affect the sensation on your penis during penetration?”. That’s the question I think anon was trying to ask, but unfortunately it was more clear in my and anon’s heads and didn’t come across in writing as clearly as I thought I was saying it. 
Also, in response to the sentiment that there have been a lot of genital-related polls lately, there have been about 3 in the past 2 weeks, or about 3%. (7 polls per day; 49 polls per week; 98 polls every two weeks.) I understand if it seems like a lot, but the actual saturation is fairly low. I'm saying this not to dismiss you, but in the hopes of reassuring you that this blog is not shifting to become more heavily focused on separating people's genitals.
I got a number of helpful messages about the previous conversation on dyadism. I didn't respond to them due to some things in my personal life that limited my time, but I read them and have them saved as a reminder to myself when writing up polls so that I can continue to make these polls more inclusive of intersex people– I promise those messages weren’t ignored.
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duskymrel · 6 months
Heyyyy guys call out post that I can't fucking believe I have to make but I guess I do.
I'm not really one for online relationships, and I've never seen myself to ever be in one. But I really liked @whspermy-name and gave it a shot. They've told me from the beginning of our friendship that they were my age (15 at the time, 16 now.) When we began our relationship, I was 16 under the guise that they were as well, since we share a birthday. (I know this is true because they told me their birthday before I told them mine, and it's the same).
I was aware that they were in middle school, but that they had been held back twice when they were really little. Very believable, as I know several people who got held back early on in elementary school.
Then a bunch of their friends make a groupchat on Discord a few weeks ago and dm'd me and told me the truth. They were lying about their age to me. They are 13. I immediately broke up with them and told them I was disappointed in them for lying. I didn't really want to be friends with them and was incredibly angry, but I stayed calm and for the sake of being gentle, I told them I would be willing to continue being friends with them. After a lot of messages, they responded a lot time after my initial message with a GIF of someone tying a noose.
They then threatened suicide to everyone and tried to manipulate me, which obviously didn't work. A little after our breakup they started flirting with me, and I had to tell them that I didn't want them doing or saying anything romantic to me because it was wrong and made me uncomfortable.
Today one of their friends sent me a dm and told me that whspermy-name is acting like what they did isn't a big deal. It is. I felt so nauseated when I found out the truth and was absolutely disgusted. They obviously didn't really care about me or our relationship if they'd lie and manipulate me the way they did, especially after I put a lot of effort in to make up for the physical barrier.
What's worse is that I found out they're sexually harassing one of our friends, who will be anonymous by his request. They had threatened to molest him and have grabbed his ass several times. When I asked whspermy-name about this, they denied it and said that anon did it to them as well and they were just reciprocating him as a joke. A lie, as anon has trauma regarding this subject manner and would literally never.
@cheezy-moon is actively trying to hide and deny whspermy-name's behavior, and has said that they never touched anon and that he "might have confused them with someone else".
I've done something I never do and blocked them both, as I really fucking hate drama and don't want to talk about it more than I have to. I wouldn't even have made this post if it weren't for whispermy-names sexual harassment, which is what really made me angry. I was nice and forgiving towards them even though I was royally pissed at their lies, and all it did was help me realize what a goddamn bullet I dodged when that group messaged me.
Thank you for your time, have a wonderful day !!!!
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my-one-true-l · 2 years
Hi, I really like your blog, especially now, with the wammy week. In my opinion, it should be Wammy Fortnight 😁 I am also a fan of L, and if you still do requests, I have one for you - what are the negative traits of L personality, in your opinion? I mean, we tend to idolize him in the fandom, but no one is perfect and I like to see him as a real person, with both positive and negative features. ( true negative traits, not the ones we say at a job interview:" workaholism is my weakness"😉)
Hello Dear Anon! Aww, you're very sweet. I'm glad you enjoy my blog! Wammy Week has a special place in my heart and it makes me happy you've been having a good time with the event!
I agree that characters aren't characters unless they are well-rounded and that includes their negative traits.
Now I'm not going to get into anything about how he was during the confinement arc because regardless of how that all went down (I've written about that at length in other posts and that analysis doesn't belong here). Though I know everyone loves to throw that around as one of the big three that make him a bad person (the other two being the whole "selfish and hates to lose" line from the manga/anime and the "It's not a sense of justice at all" in the C-Kira One shot/stuff that comes before the That Monster speech-that is a whole other post that I have so many thoughts on, but they don't belong here lol.) Those aren't his flaws, at least not in my opinion. The flaws are what cause him to act the way he does (not excusing it, just trying to understand/explore his motivations...)
So let's get to it!
Flaws I believe are present in canon:
Let's his desperation get the best of him.
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Though I think L is always changing what he claims his motives are (at least when talking to Light), I think when talking to Chief, this is a moment of complete honesty. He's never been up against someone he has had so much trouble bringing in, and in turn, has no idea how to proceed or handle the possibility of failing/be bested, or you know...dying. Often people throw around that he's a liar, and to me, no sh**. You don't tell your main suspect what you have on them or the truth in any regard for that matter, you want to keep them off guard to trip them up, but I think that is the beginning of him acting more and more erratic because he doesn't know what else to do. No matter what he does, Light evades him. We don't know what he was like in past cases other than what we get in LABB, and that isn't a complete picture either because we don't see it through his lens, but from what we get in the beginning of the manga, he's never wrong and always solves the cases he's working, quickly. Here, I think we're supposed to see how his confidence is being shaken, and will go to extremes to not have this be the case that takes him down...No matter what he has to do. However you interpret the actions he takes because of this, good or bad, is up to the reader.
Tunnel Visioned.
L tends to focus on what he believes is the correct answer, seemingly based on his hunches about a perpetrator or case in general and we can guess that this talent rarely steers him wrong. However, I think that is also a flaw in his character. In regards to Light, he isn't wrong, he just can't find the evidence to prove it without a doubt. For one example of this, Let's look at when he's presented with the message from Kira sent to him through letters left behind by criminals who committed suicide in prison.
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He wonders if this is Kira's way of saying Shinigami exist or if it's another clue entirely. He sees how the deaths that are caused by Kira are supernatural in a way, even figuring that he needs a name and face to kill, yet he's still surprised when he hears the second Kira say Shinigami.
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It's as though he completely dismissed the idea that it could even be a possibility because he didn't believe in them in the first place. It's like he intellectually considered it and then just said it wasn't possible.
I do feel like he learns from these narrowed ideas once he's shown that he's...well...wrong, but it doesn't change that it's a flaw.
Flaws That I HC:
These are some of the flaws that I include in my fics about L that I think you can make an argument for based on canon moments, but ultimately aren't technically present.
Prone to addictions. The way he is with everything from sweets to his relentlessness to pursue a case, to me says addictive personality, and that doesn't mean it has to be a bad thing, but I think he has to keep an eye on it so not to get too carried away. I don't think he would be much of a drinker and would avoid drug use because of this tendency.
Short tempered when stressed. I think he would tend to snap at people he cares about when he feels stressed out or like he's failing.
Has moments of self-doubt. I know so many people like to say he's arrogant, but I never saw him that way. I took him as someone that would do anything to get what he wanted, and when those things he did, good or bad, didn't give the results he was hoping for, he questions whether or not it was the right action to take.
I know you like to be anonymous, but I would love to hear what you see as his flaws. 😊
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sugamamacustard · 4 years
Sweet little chick
 Pairing: Mafia boss! Alpha! Sugawara Koushi! X Omega! Reader
Genre: Fluff, Yandere
Request: N/A
Summary: The Karasuno Crows fell to the will of one person and one person alone. You were expected to do the same to the mama crow.
Warnings:  Slight/Yandere! Themes. Stockholm Syndrome, Collars, dresses, blood/core/ mafia compliant violence. 
Author’s Note:  An anon on my main blog (Shameless plug, it’s @angstyclowns​) sent me an amazing message and I took care of myself for once and now I’m super motivated! Also, I’m tried keeping this gender neutral, but reader does end up in a dress and thigh highs, so I’m sorry for that!
Requests: Open!
Disclaimer: I do not condone the acts below, please do not kidnap people you fancy and force them to stay against their will until they pull a beauty and the beast. Thanks for reading!
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Sugawara Koushi
➵ You weren’t sure how long you had been there. 
➵ In fact, at this point you weren’t sure you cared. 
➵ You were respected here. People groveled on their knees at your feet for your favor, just to make you smile.
➵ Because if you liked them, your alpha was less likely to slit their throats. You were a direct link to getting in the alpha’s good graces.
➵ At first, you hated it. Hated the feeling of people begging you for their lives.
➵ And sometimes, sometimes late at night, you hated it now too. Hated how their screams still rung in your ears, begging and pleading for you to help.
➵ Most times, your alpha tried to keep you out of the bloody weeds of his business, but some times, when Noya or Hinata weren’t quick enough to stop a new guy who royally messed up from begging you to call off the hit.
➵  At that point, you had to hide in your nest, close your eyes and cover your ears until Suga came to comfort you.
➵ In the beginning you would smack him away, but now you craved his touch. His hugs, his purrs, his words of reassurance, anything he would give to you to settle your fears. 
➵ You weren’t sure why you pushed him away in the first place, as you were much better now. You were getting help after the untimely death of your parents (Car accident), you had friends (Suga allowed you to keep company with some of the other crows’ omegas), and everything you wanted at the snap of your fingers.
➵ You were perfectly content with life as it was. 
➵ But that didn’t mean you didn’t have your own rules to follow. 
➵ Your alpha had several rules to follow, especially because of the role he played. 
➵ When he had meetings with Fukorodani or Nekoma, you were to sit on his lap, in whatever tight little number you were gifted that day, and stay quiet. Occasionally, Daichi (Who ran Karasuno along side Suga) would bring his own omega and you two would be allowed to talk quietly among yourselves or play Animal crossing together. 
➵ If you had a concern or comment, you would whisper it to Koushi, who would either allow you to share or re-word it himself.
➵ The other leaders thought you were the second cutest thing in their worlds (Their own omegas holding first. But you were reminded them of their own omegas they left at home) and always listened when you spoke, treating you like a valid member of the Karasuno crew.
➵ Which you were. 
➵ But not in the same sense as everyone else. You were more-or-less an innocent bystander that held the title. 
➵ Under no circumstances however, were you allowed to talk to someone that wasn’t approved by Koushi. Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa (Read, Iwaizumi), even Ushijima were all approved, their omegas too, but no one else. 
➵ They understood this, growling at their guards and anyone else they brought for a meeting to stay away. 
➵ But unfortunately, not all people took the gracious warnings they provided. 
➵ The day started off like it normally did, with Suga waking up far earlier than you cared to know. 
➵ He pecked your lips while you groggily watched him get ready, button his shirt while you sat up to run your hands through his hair.
➵ “Do you have to leave so early, Koushi?” You whined, pulling him down once more to hug him tightly. He chuckled in your ear, pecking your cheek before prying you off. 
➵ “Unfortunately I do, sweet thing. But I promise, I’ll back to pick you up for the meeting later.”  A final kiss was pressed to your lips before your alpha was off, tightening his tie on the way out and slinging on his suit jacket.
➵ Predictably so, you went back to bed, sleeping until a knock on the door woke you up. 
➵ Hinata walked in slowly, beaming down at you brightly before setting down a silver and gold box and walking back out, closing the door behind him. You liked Hinata. He seemed to have a second sense to when you wanted to talk or when you just wanted your alpha.
➵ His omega was lucky. 
➵ But you were more lucky. You got to see your alpha soon, since he always had your dresses delivered in the time frame that allowed you to get ready right before Suga would show up to pick you up
➵ So you shakily got up, stretching and yawning before picking  up the box and sliding off the top. The dress inside was a velvet black up until the bodess, which was a sweetheart neckline. From there, a mesh overcoat covering your shoulders and arms hooked around your neck. It was beautiful. 
➵ So you slipped it on quickly, styling your hair with dry shampoo and whatever else you deemed appropriate and slipping some black thigh highs to match  before clipping on the final accessory
➵ It was a pristine white collar that buckled around your neck, with a small white bell and a hanging heart charm that simply said your name. It wasn’t as extravagant as the other omegas’ collars, but it suited Suga-- who, in a way, owned you. 
➵ Like clockwork. the moment you finished tightening the collar your alpha was knocking on the door, opening it soon after and smiling at you. 
➵ He was in a different suit then what he left in and his knuckles were wrapped, but you didn’t want to question it. 
➵ “Ready to go?” 
➵ You nodded excitedly, hooking your arm with his and making your way out of the room. He grabbed your switch (Which he had gifted you, custom with your favorite colored joycons) on the way out, soon leading you to the ‘meeting room’. 
➵ Daichi and Kuroo both smiled from their conversation when you two finally made your entrance, nodding in your direction. 
➵ Suga sat in his chair, allowing you to sit in his lap right after before passing you the gaming console and starting the meeting. (Kuroo and Daichi said something about how lucky Suga was that you were ‘ready’ whatever that meant)
➵ You didn’t care to listen, probably for the better, only playing animal crossing with small hums leaving you. 
➵ Twenty minutes in and all was fine with minimal disagreement on whatever was going on. At least, minimal trouble for the alphas.
➵ You felt a sense of unease set over you while you were playing a while ago but hoped it would just disappear. 
➵ But it never did. 
➵ You looked up to see Suga completely enveloped in the conversation with Kuroo and Daichi, so it wasn’t him, nor the other two alphas. 
➵ Looking around, you noted it wasn’t any of the Karasuno crows that were in there. 
➵ All the usual people Kuroo brought with him were focusing on the void. 
➵ All but one. You had never seen him before but he looked slimy from here. Even Lev (One of Kuroo’s bodyguards that got along with literally everyone, including you) was standing far away from him.
➵ His hair was greasy and blue. A gross as blue that looked like he tried to go for silver but failed. 
➵ It was disgusting to you and he was staring directly at you. Who tf was this guy???
➵  You mindlessly nuzzled back into Suga’s arms, which made him falter and look down at you before going back to the conversation (A land deal?) 
➵ But the feeling never faltered. 
➵ You had tried getting up to go the bathroom once during the meeting but the feeling at you sitting right back down, trying so hard to focus on your game. Your scent was burnt slightly, which set Suga on edge, but what made it even worse was when the boy- smelled like beta- offered to take you off of Suga’s hands for the meeting. 
➵ “A frail thing like her shouldn’t be in the company of such vile conversation topics, yeah?” 
➵ “We’re talking about land, what about that is vile?” Suga sneered, switching from looking at you to the man. He could tell you were off the moment you burrowed into him.
➵ There weren’t any excited giggles coming from you if you discovered something new. No squeals of joy when you finally, finally caught that fish you had been trying to catch for however long. Nothing. Silence and tense muscles.
➵ He had been trying to figure out what was wrong with you the entire time until it suddenly clicked. 
➵ The male spoke and you were grabbing his shirt like a lifeline.
➵ It was him. 
➵ This beta was making his omega uncomfortable. 
➵  Kuroo and Daichi picked up on this fairly quickly, Kuroo already apologizing to Daichi before looking to the Beta. 
➵ Suga didn’t hear what they said, but he felt Daichi pushing you and him out of the room. A silent promise in his eyes.
➵ He picked you up effortlessly, taking you to your room and setting you in your nest and scenting you excessively
➵ You whimpered and allowed him to do so, the switch being discarded somewhere. 
➵ Suga held you to his chest for hours after that, silently planning  ever terrible thing he would unleash unto the unsuspecting beta. 
➵ there was nothing in the world Suga wouldn’t do for you. 
➵ He killed for you once and he’d do it again over and over again.
➵ Whether it be faking a car accident or disposing of trash, keeping eyes on you with specially planted agents, Suga was willing to do everything for you. 
➵ And he certainly had the means to do so.
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mikalara-dracula · 3 years
💚 for subaru? <3
💚 What it's like to text Subaru
Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor or aren't comfortable with slight NSFW.
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Hi there, Anon!
Thank you so much for requesting! Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to request again anytime. :))
Texting with Subaru really varies on who you are to him along with what kind of mood he’s in.
For starters, if he’s texting someone he got assigned to be partners with in class but they’re not friends, he’ll only talk about the project with them.
And with this, he’s pretty monotone with his wording, but nonetheless, he’ll act rather respectful if the person doesn’t piss him off.
For example, he’ll use phrases like ‘K’ or ‘That’s fine’ when agreeing about something regarding the project.
He also lags sometimes to respond, but usually apologizes if it’s been about a day or something. Other than that, he’s actually quite fast at responding.
However, if he gets partnered up with someone he finds annoying or that he doesn’t like, he’ll be a lot more monotone and pretty cold in his texts.
He won’t apologize for responding late either, he’ll just respond and won’t care to say sorry. He’ll even go days without responding because he just hates the idea of talking to someone who annoys him--in fact, he might not even answer to begin with.
If the person he doesn’t like is pushing him to do something or really pisses him off about something, he’s not afraid to go off on them either over text.
He’ll even block them if he feels like it and doesn’t care if he ends up failing the project. They were annoying to him so he values that over a grade and cooperation with someone he had to tolerate.
He’s not afraid to ghost them either.
If Subaru is texting his best friend, he’s a total ass and definitely not monotone.
He’ll send his best friend the weirdest shit ever, from memes to pranks, or even just gross stuff.
And it doesn’t matter to him if his best friend is a girl or a guy, he’s gonna do this shit anyways.
Is savage af with them and they’re always texting each other back and forth throughout the day.
Now, if Subaru is texting his crush, things are a lot different.
Whether he’s involved in a project with them or not, he’ll still remain pretty reserved through his texts because he doesn’t want them to suspect that he likes them, but he won’t be as monotone.
He’ll actually put a bit more effort into the conversation and might even send a ‘:)’ if he thinks it’s appropriate.
He’ll even try to add space between texts--that is, he’ll hold back and try not to answer them right away because he doesn’t want to look ‘eager’ to text them, but deep down, he’s dying to respond the minute they send him something.
He finds anything his crush says interesting and if they text him first without a reason, he honestly doesn’t know how to handle it.
“They thought of me? Why? They probably texted the wrong person.” He’d think.
But when he realizes that they truly meant to text him just to talk, he honestly can’t believe it and has the biggest smile on his face, but he’d be quick to wipe it off because he thinks it’s stupid that a text could make him feel that way.
Plus, if any of his brothers would notice him smiling over a text, they’d never let him live him down.
Especially a certain fedora-wearing vampire.
But sadly, there was this one incident where he was in his room and had left the door open and Laito came in without notice.
“Hey Subaru, Reiji needs yo-,” Laito would stop, noticing the smile on his little brother’s face, it being due to something that he was looking at on his phone. “What’s with that face? Is it a girl?”
“Tch! Fuck off!” He’d say, quickly changing his expression and walking out of the room to go see what Reiji wanted, but mostly to brush off his brother.
With his crush, he doesn’t mind texting for hours, or even at weird hours like 3am.
The topic can literally be about anything, and he’s all for it. The fact that they’re talking to him is enough to make him happy, but he of course would never admit that, not even to himself.
He doesn’t like to get into topics that involve personal things in his life or touchy topics because he’s worried he’ll say the wrong thing and end up scaring them off.
He’ll take things slow and try to build a friendship with them, but will always try to keep a distance because he feels that he doesn’t deserve them deep down.
He’ll never ask them out or even hint at it, he just doesn’t have the confidence to do it, plus, like hell, he’d admit that he has a crush on them.
He hates that his crush has this power over him to make him feel happy over any message they send him, but if he sees that they’re getting too close, he’ll try to distance them, mostly because he feels that they’re too good for him.
But if someone manages to defy all the barriers and walls he’s put up and ends up becoming his s/o, things change.
When texting his s/o, he likes just about anything they send him, but because he’s a tsundere, he’ll act cold and disinterested even tho he doesn’t really mean it.
It’s really 50/50 as to who initiates the conversation first over text. It’s either he starts it or his s/o does.
He really isn’t the type to send good morning or good night texts, but his heart will skip a beat if his s/o sends him one.
Literally, dis boi dead if they sent him one xDD.
He’ll get pretty savage in his texts and is rather sarcastic beyond all means with his s/o.
He loves to tease them pretty much about anything.
Doesn’t mind sending perverted messages if the conversation goes to such a topic.
And if he really wants to be bold, he’ll even send a picture of himself shirtless in hopes that they’ll drool over it or that it’ll throw them off and have them turn into a blushing mess, but this is only when he’s super comfortable with them.
Doesn’t really send nudes, but if he does, it’s pretty rare.
And holy shit, when he does it’s honestly hot.
Loves it if his s/o sends him nudes, but tbh, he really prefers to see them naked in person rather than in a photo. But he of course wouldn’t pressure them to send them, but he doesn’t mind it, in fact, it gives him ideas as to what he wants to try out on them next time he sees them.
Talks about his s/o’s ass just cuz he sucks that way.
Plus, he’s secretly a fucking perv xDD.
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters with a chubby! s/o 💗
characters: tsukishima, oikawa, atsumu, osamu & suna
thank you anon for this cute request 🥺
tw// comfort, fluff, angst if you squint, insecure! reader, swearing, they/them reader but reader wears a dress (in osamu’s)
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(a/n): anon requested comfort but i feel bad bc i’m writing this like ‘no, (y/n)! stop being sad! you’re beautiful! 😡’ then i remember that i can just select+delete the pain away💗💖
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Kei Tsukishima
let’s not pretend like tsukki gives a fuck what you look like tbh ✋
like nobody is ‘perfect’ and everyone is insecure (to varying degrees) so why would he care about your weight?
nobody ticks every single box to meet society’s definition of ‘beauty’  
plus, tsukki thought beauty standards were stupid away so he created his own - and you meet every single one 💖
in fact, almost everyone meets his beauty standards - besides himself ‘:)
he seriously doesn’t care about your weight tbh, it’s the most trivial thing so why would he care?
although, he wasn’t naïve enough to think that everyone was like-minded
your front of ‘i don’t care about what other people think of me’ was strong enough to fool even the most observant of poeple, including tsukki
however, tsukishima failed to take into consideration that you were his girlfriend, meaning that you could be playing the same game as him; ‘pretend to not care about superficial things like beauty so nobody will think for a second that you are insecure about your body’
he wasn’t one to give compliments but neither were you tbh so the mutual agreement y’all have of ‘let’s call each other names as a form of endearment to avoid those awkward moments were you are looking for the right words for praise but can’t come up with anything’  was fair
but after you accidentally sent him a self-deprecating ‘joke’ message that was clearly meant for a friend, he never passed up the opportunity to compliment you ever again
like he kinda just stared at the message like 😮 ‘does (y/n) seriously care about their weight? why? it doesn’t even matter. how stupid! who told them that the shape of their body is important? bc it’s not..’
then he turns to look in the mirror like ‘wow you srsly need to put on muscle, lanky bitch. or else (y/n) will probably leave you for some built jackass like kuroo. pick up some weights, noodle arms!’
anyway, he’s not too good with words and comfort in situations like these but he’ll probably reply to your text with something out-of-character and surprisingly sweet
to paraphrase (bc the actual text would probably be like a whole damn persuasive essay LMAO he starts with the introduction, makes five points and finishes with a conclusion pfft) , i think it would be something like: ‘hey, (y/n). ik that text was probably meant for one of your friends (but if they’re the ones making you feel bad about your weight then you should probably drop those toxic cunts anyway 💅✨) but i just wanted to say that even though you are the biggest clown i’ve ever met (/j) you’re still v beautiful 💗 stop being insecure or i’ll pass away ⚰💀 ok thx love you bye’
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Tōru Oikawa
how are you insecure if you’re dating oikawa? /j
like he is such a hypeman
whenever y’all take pics in your ✨fancy outfits ✨ for formal event, he acts as though you are second most beautiful thing on the face of this earth 😍 (second to him ofc)
but he only does that so he can keep up the reputation he has of being effortlessly confident bc he’s scared that if it slips for even a second, everyone will see how truly insecure he is
truthfully, in his eyes, you come first place by miles (❤ ω ❤)
like srsly, you’re so gorgeous in that dress!! he hopes that you know that he is joking about the whole ‘second place’ thing bc you should be able to tell by the way he looks at you that you’re genuinely the most striking person he’s ever laid his eyes on 
you never acted overly confident in front of him but he definitely didn’t think you were as insecure as you are
he thought you were just..humble :)
sometimes he’d hear you mutter something mean about yourself as you passed the mirror but he paid no mind to it as he figured that you just cared about your appearance and wanted to maintain a certain image
however, once he was made aware that you didn’t want to maintain your image but rather, change it - he never let you murmur anything nasty about yourself under your breath ever again, not without proceeding to tackle you to the ground and shower you with his love, affection & praise 💞💕❤
and he never made a ‘second place’ joke ever again, he started his honesty streak by reassuring you that you’ll always be the number one in his eyes 🤩
also, after that, he was a lot more open about his own insecurities with you and you made sure to respect them and help him in a similar way that he did
there is just so much love and admiration between the two of you and at first you were both to shy to express it but now, you both are showering each other in compliments 24/7 bc you both just want the other one to know how perfect you view them as (❁´◡`❁)
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Atsumu Miya
atsumu is a hypeman like oikawa but...better :)
he’ll compliment you on anything you wear and he makes it a point to use the most inappropriate compliment as possible, relative to the outfit you’re wearing
so if you’re wearing your pyjamas, he’ll call you ‘glamourous’
if you are wearing a swimsuit, he’ll call you ‘elegant’
if you’re in your work clothes/school uniform, he’ll call you ‘sexy’
and if you’re in lingerie, he’ll call you ‘adorable’
but it makes you blush so hey, no complaints
so when he finds out that you’re actually insecure about your weight, he’s just like ‘no ❤’
like he hates the idea that when you look in the mirror, you don’t see the god(dess) he sees
like why? it’s the same person
💞 fuck ‘perception’ 💞
💕 ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ TF YOU ARE THE FUCKING BEAUTY💕
grrr he was so mad  
but he was also soft 
he was like ‘if (y/n) insecure? then why hot? then why pretty? then why fit perfectly into my arms?’
plus, THIGHS
he’d never diss a person bc they had small thighs or anything BUT he’d also NEVER complain about being given the chance to be with someone with some good thighs 👍
tbh the best could do to help was compliment you ten times harder to eliMINATE ALL YOUR INSECURIES 
(and ofc i don’t mean that in a way - for example - if you’re insecure about your nose, he’ll fkn chop it off......he won’t chop your nose off LMAO he’ll just show you how much he loves it, to the point where you have no choice but to love it too ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ )
anyway, plz love (or at least, tolerate) yourself or else he’ll suffocate you with all his love and affection :D
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Osamu Miya
osamu is at a loss when it comes to typical beauty standards tbh
to him, weight (and most things) are similar to..hand size, for example
just like how you can’t imagine someone feeling self-conscious about the size of their hand (especially if their hand is a healthy size) 
he can’t imagine why some one would be shamed for their weight (especially if they’re a healthy size)
so had no idea you could possibly be insecure about something like that and he probably on realised after a few years in the relationship 😅
there was a formal event coming up and y’all were going as dates so you wanted to shop for outfits together 
as couples do ✌
anyway, he was on a dress site, scrolling away until you pointed out one that you thought was pretty - and it matched the color of the tie osamu bought too!
it was a fair price (for a formal dress 🙄 which is probably like $68/50) so osamu was like ‘buy it then ( •̀ ω •́ )✧’  bc he thought it would so gorgeous on you 
but you were like ‘no’
and after he pried further, you explained how you thought it wouldn’t ‘suit your body type’ 
but like deadass it’s not your blood type-  it’s just a thing ppl made up to make ppl (mostly women) feel bad about themselves for no reason
but that might just be his inner atsumu talking 🤷‍♂️
he didn’t even know what to say at first- he was just like ????? body type ????
but once he figured out what you meant, he still had no idea what to say- at least, without sounding rude
what if someone came up to you and told you they were insecure about the shape of their knee.......what do you even say???
so he was silent for like the rest of the day
you decided to give him some space just in case something happened which had upset him
he had no idea what to say, in all honesty, so he hoped that his actions spoke louder than words 
around 3 days had passed since you last spoke to osamu and you were beginning to think something you had said made him uncomfortable
you were studying in your room until there was a ring at your door so you rushed downstairs and you opened it to reveal a package sitting on your doormat
you had recently ordered some cleaning equipment so you were sure that the content of the package was probably that
so imagine your surprise when you tear it open to reveal  — you guessed it —  the dress 💕
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Rintarō Suna
when he says that he doesn’t care what ppl look like, he means it
he upkeeps his own appearance though bc..it’s his!
like why would he care about what weight you are? that’s none of his business
as you can tell, he’s generally not shallow but sometimes when y’all are just cuddling and your face is pressed to his chest, the words ‘you’re so cute’ just fall from his lips
so ofc he appreciates compliments over his skills, personality, humour etc over flattery about his appearance 
hence, the praise he gives you is usually based around those things too bc he just thinks that you’re just like him in the fact you don’t appreciate skin-deep comments
so when he found out that you’re actually insecure about your weight (or something else), he kinda blames himself
he thinks that the whole reason you’re not extremely confident in your appearance is all due to him and the fact he fact he maybe didn’t compliment you on your looks enough  — but that’s not to say that he doesn’t think you’re beautiful 
you’re the most radiant person he’s ever laid his eyes on and he thought you knew that regardless of whether he vocalised it or not
he wasn’t really sure what to do tbh
bc he loved you and wanted to comfort you ofc but he was scared of making things worse
like what if something he says accidentally makes you so upset that you break-up with him 😭
but he knew he couldn’t just stay silent about the issue, especially when he wanted to say to much
thus, he sent you a heartfelt message on discord 
(rather than snap, whatsapp etc so he could edit it after he posts it bc knowing him, he’ll probably write something, reread it ten times then as soon as he hits send, he spots a bunch of mistakes)
and he’d explain how you’re simply divine regardless of your insecurity and if anything, it just makes you cuter 😍
ok ok so i really don’t want it so seem like he has a fetish bc HE DOESN’T 
but he think your curves are so fun and pretty ❤ 
like everything about you is pretty but suna just can’t comprehend why you’re insecure about something like your weight when he literally adores it (bc he adores everything about you) 
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iguessilovebakugou · 4 years
Stranger ||  Bakugou x Reader ||  { Anon Request }  ||  Stalking
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TW:  Cursing ||  Stalking || Threats of violence  ||  Implied desire for Non-Con (not from Bakugou tho) Word Count:  5.5K
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It started after the Sport Festival.  
A DM that had been sent to your private social media account - a friend from your old school named Honoka. You hadn’t spoken to her since starting UA - and the moment you saw the notification, you felt guilty that this was how she had to reach out to you.  She had been so proud of you when you got accepted, she almost started crying, hugging you tightly and telling you as much.  She asked you to keep in contact in High School.  You had promised her you would.
You had been so busy, it was hard keeping promises.
Honoka: Hey!  I saw you on the TV - you were amazing!  I can’t believe they wouldn’t let you pass onto the finals.  Good thing though - you would have gone against that asshole.
Honoka:  Not that you couldn’t have handled it!
It should have tipped you off that one of the quieter kids of school would have used such language, but it didn’t.  It had been a few months since starting high school and people have changed faster.  You didn’t think much about it aside from replying before your train pulled into the station.  You might miss your stop and be late to school.  
You were always punctual and refused to have something as stupid as that go against your record.  
You waited until you were off the train, standing on the steps before sending a quick message. 
Thanks!  It was really terrifying.  But I lost fair and square.  Besides, I wasn’t the only one who didn’t make it to the finals.  So I guess it’s okay. :) 
You decided not to humor her comment about Bakugou.  While it drew a hot, angry tie around your neck, part of you understood.  Honoka wasn’t alone in thinking he was...less than pleasant.  It had been a point of contention, something that bothered you both that day and since.  People were just wrong about him.  She didn’t know him like Class 1-A did.  A few short clips from some televised sports festival didn’t do him nearly the justice he was deserved.
You didn’t have enough time to put your phone back in your jacket pocket when it buzzed again. 
Honoka: Still.
Honoka: You were so strong.  We all think they should have made an exception for you.
Honoka: We should meet up sometime.  Gtg! Text me after school to set up a time!
You wanted to question it but you didn’t.  
You really should have questioned it.  
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King Explosion Murder was a perfectly good name.
Miss Midnight just doesn’t understand art.
The conversation had been going on for a hour.  It was the longest that you and Bakugou had texted.  You had moved from a group text to your own private thread.  He didn’t text you like normal boys did - no pictures, no emojis, no stupid memes he had found.  It was...conversation, one that hadn’t been as hard to keep going as you thought.  you tried to distract yourself with school work while he replied, but found it hard not to keep your attention on your screen as the text bubble flashed.  
Bakugou:  It was better than “Deku”.
Well Deku was less violent
Honoka: You still up?
You stopped.  Honoka?  Why on earth was she texting you...oh shit.  You groaned, rubbing your eyes and kicking yourself for forgetting to text her back like she had asked.  You had been so wrapped up texting Bakugou since getting home that it just completely slipped your mind.  Though, to be fair, most things slipped your mind around him.
You opened your chat with her, trying to figure out how to apologize without seeming like too much of an asshole.
Hey, yeah, sorry.
I started talking to one of my classmates and totally forgot.  
My bad, dood. 
Once again, she replied quickly. 
Honoka: Who were you talking to?
There was a small part of you that wanted to ask her why it was her business, but you bit your tongue.  She probably didn’t mean anything by it and some residual bitterness from her comment this morning was probably lingering.  You took a deep breath. 
We workshopped hero names today.  His got shot down by our teacher.  
It was so sad. 🤣🤣🤣
Honoka:  Why are you talking to him?
It wasn’t a question, not really.  It was a statement.  Like you talking to Bakugou was taboo, you could practically hear her grasping her pearls.  You shouldn’t have had to explain to her why you were talking anyone, let alone him, and it bothered you that she felt she was owed that right. That she even dare ask the question. Your brow furrowed as you sat up in bed.  
What do you mean?
Honoka:  Why are you talking to him?  He seems like an dick
Honoka:  And isn’t good for you. 
Honoka:  You need to focus on being the best hero you can be.
Honoka:  He seems like he would only drag you down. 
Rage filled your stomach.  Your hands were shaking as you tried to figure out what the fuck was going on.  She had never acted this way before...right?  She had always been so nice and meek and unassuming and... 
You were confused, finding yourself chewing on your lip as you tried to make sense of what the hell you were seeing.
He’s my friend.  I really like him.
Look, he’s not as mean as he appears on TV.  He’s actually a really good guy.  And he’s really smart and he’s going to be a better hero than even me some day.
So I would appreciate it if you didn’t talk about him like that.
The chat bubble popped up.  Then disappeared.  Then popped up.  And disappeared again.
It’s funny - you had never felt so threatened by someone not answering.  But as the bubble flashed for a final time, something told you that you had fucked up. 
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Honoka was always quiet, yes, but she was also amazingly sweet.  She cried when you were little kids at the ending scene in All Dog’s Go to Heaven, always scrounged up change to donate to someone on the street looking for food, and volunteered every weekend to help with the younger students struggling in studies.  She hadn’t been born with a mean bone in her body.  
But by the end of the week, you were certain the person messaging you wasn’t the same Honoka you knew.  She had changed - and not for the better.  Not in the slightest.  She was growing more insistent that you talk to her - every night.  And if you didn’t?  
The calls were incessant.  One after the other until you finally had to shut your ringer off.  And the voicemails - she never spoke.  Just let it sit for a moment before hanging up.  And you were grateful for it - you didn’t want to talk to her.  Every chance she got, she showered you with praise and adoration while slinging hate at all your friends in 1-A.  But no one got it like Bakugou did.
Honoka:  Stop talking to him.
It’s not any of your damn business who I’m talking to.
Honoka:  If you don’t stop talking to him, I’ll tell him what a whore you were in Middle School.
The water of your bath was scalding, but that didn’t stop you from shaking.  Why was she doing this to you?  Why was she so adamant about making your life miserable?  This wasn’t Honoka - not even in the slightest.  
I’m blocking you.  Leave me alone.
Don’t talk to me anymore.
No matter what, he was pure evil to Honoka.  He was disgusting, arrogant, rude, a monster, a villain hiding in sheep's clothing and would do nothing but drag you down.  He would hurt you, she said.  
Honoka:  Go ahead.  I’ll just make other accounts.
She was as good as her word.  At least that hadn’t changed.
Your classmates were starting to take notice.  After the first few accounts were blocked, she started using a calling app to randomly call you - only to hang up the moment you answered.  Sometimes it was once a night, supplemented with texts about what a no good, lying whore you were.  About how you were just some slut who’s opening you legs for the first guy who gave you any attention. 
Honoka:  Fucking skank.
Honoka:  You’re so fucking worthless.  
Honoka:  You fucking him?  Is that it?  Is that why you want to defend him so bad?
Honoka:  He’s probably fucking every other girl in your class.
Other times, the calls were every hour on the hour.  It had gotten so bad, that you started sleeping in later and later.
You raced through the empty halls, trying to will time to back up.  You had slept in, missing your first train.  When you got on the second one, you fell back asleep until the stop after yours.  The only thing you could do was get off and just run to school as fast as you could.  Class had started 20 minutes ago.  This had never happened before - in your whole life.  You were always meticulous about getting to class early.
You were a good student.  A good person.  You were.  
“Well, look who decided to join us.”  Mr. Aizawa didn’t even bother to hide the annoyance in his voice.  It made it all the more terrible
You wanted to cry.  You felt the eyes of everyone in your class fall on you.  It made your skin squirm, your stomach flip.  You wanted to turn around and just...run home.  To crawl into your bed and... 
You bowed low, your head almost hitting the floor.  “I’m so sorry I’m late, sir!  It won’t happen again!”
“Be sure that it doesn’t.”  His glare hardened.  “We’ll talk after class about your punishment.”
Punishment.  Shit.  You couldn’t speak, resigning to solemnly nodding as you making the walk of shame to your seat, collapsing down.  You had to take a minute, to steady your breath.  To try and collect yourself.  At least at school, you had an excuse not to answer her texts.  To ignore her and pretend like she wasn’t out there being fucking crazy.  School was safe.  School was free from it all.
Almost by habit, you turned and looked over at Bakugou.  A small part of you was praying that he was looking at you.  That his glare would ground you in a way only it knew how.  But when your eyes met...the only thing you felt was misery.  
You fucking him?  Is that it?  
Your heart raced, panic flooded your nerves, and all you wanted to do was run.  Get away from everyone and just...just go to sleep.  You just wanted to sleep.  But Honoka wasn’t allowing that.  You couldn’t stop thinking about half of the things she said while the other half had been resting heavily in your stomach, making you sick.  She was stealing everything from you.
You’re a fucking slut opening her legs for the first guy who gives you attention.  And of course it had to be that fucking dog.
No...no you couldn’t look at him for too long, afraid that he would know.  Terrorized as you were, you couldn’t run the risk of him finding out.  Because...what if she messaged him first?  What if she told him all of her lies and...what if he believed her?
No.  No, that couldn’t happen.
You pulled away from his stare, folding in on yourself.  Just get out your books.  Focus on class and get out your books.  Your phone dinged and your blood ran cold.  You dreaded even looking at it, but as you tugged out your notebook,  the piece of plastic fell, resting against the back of your bag.  It was as if some higher power was damning you to be always aware of the vitriol Honoka was spewing in your direction.  The lock screen shone bright: 21 missed texts, 44 missed calls.  But the most recent message sent horror down your spine.
Honoka:  Naughty girl, sleeping in late for school.  
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You slipped out of the lunch room and made your way down the hall.  You were going to put an end to this - once and for all.  You didn’t know what game Honoka was playing at, but whatever it was, you were fucking done.  She was starting to seep into every facet of your life and it was ending now.  Right then, in that hallway.  
When you got a safe distance away from the double doors, to ensure no one could hear you when you started screaming, you searched through your contacts for her number.  When you finally found it however...
God, just looking at her name made you sick.  The fact her contact picture was of you and her, eating ice cream at a beach, grinning and giving the camera a peace sign, posing as only 12 year old girls knew how, it drove a knife into your chest, twisting it even deeper the longer you stared at it.  She was making your life a living hell.  It wasn’t right, it didn’t make any fucking sense.  Why was she doing this to you?  Did you do something to her?  Were you cruel in your last interaction?  Did you make a joke that went so poorly that she decided the only way to get back at you was to ruin your entire life?  To push you so close to the edge that...
She going out of her way to make your life a living hell and for what?  
Well, no better time like the present to find out.
Your thumb slammed down on the dial button.  Each ring was like nails on chalk board.
Her voice was even worse.
She said your name so surprised, before crying it out in joy.  “Oh my god, it’s been so long!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Honoka went silent on the other end of the phone.  “Uh...are you okay?”
“You’ve been harassing me since the festival and you’re just going to act like-”
“The thousands of texts!?  The millions of calls!?”
She didn’t answer.  You couldn’t help the grin that spread over your face.  You fucking got her.  You caught her in her bullshit lie and she didn’t have anything to say for it.  You hated to admit it, but part of you was excited to hear how she was going to explain it way.  How she was going to break down and finally you could tell her off and it was going to stop and you could get a good night’s sleep and maybe your mom could make your favorite curry and you would be able to eat it and not throw it up later and -
“I haven’t been texting you.”
Well...you couldn’t have said you were expecting that.  You stopped, staring at your feet.  “I...what?”
“I...haven’t been calling you.  Or texting you.”  She said, her voice - that ever familiar voice - filled with worry.
...of course she would be worried.  She was always so fucking nice. 
“Yes you have!!”  You shouted, gritting your teeth.
She said your name, so softly and so calmly, “No.  I haven’t.  I promise you, I haven’t.  Are you okay?  Is everything alright?”
The phone vibrated in your fingers and the screen lit up once more.  Another unknown number was calling you.  You didn’t hesitate and for the first time since this all began you answered the her-him-they-it. 
“What!?”  You screamed, pressing the phone to your ear.  You strained to hear, to try and find out who was doing this to you.  “What do you want!?  Why are you doing this to me!?  Leave me alone!!!”
The dial tone felt like a death sentence.
The hallway shrunk and expanded, growing larger and darker - like the mouth of the beast, it was going to swallow you whole.  You pressed your phone to your forehead, slumped to the floor and realized...you were crying.  No, not just crying.  You were sobbing, each one wracking your body and shaking your bones.  Shit...shit, shit, shit.  You just wanted to go back to the way things were.  You wanted it to stop, wanted whoever was doing this to leave you alone and - 
Your phone buzzed again.  Another message.  
Another sob rocked your body, but you found the strength to turn it back into view.
Your fingers trembled so hard you almost dropped the phone.  You didn’t want to look at whatever it was.  Whoever was doing to you was fucking sick, was deranged and psychotic and out of their mind and...you had to do something about it.  Maybe you could tell a teacher?  But what could they do about it?  Up security?  Just for you?  No, it was entirely out of the question.  You couldn’t go to the police - since who ever this was hadn’t physically done anything to harm you.  
You were on your own.
You opened the message.
It was your house.  The sun was setting.  Then another.  This one was early in the morning.  Then another.  And another.  Another another another another another another another another another different angles, different times of day...but all focused on one spot. 
Your bedroom.  Sometimes it was empty, but other times you were in shot.  Sometimes working on homework, sometimes sitting with your cat on the window sill, other times pulling your shirt above your head, reaching behind your back for your bra and...
UNKOWN NUMBER :  Stop ignoring me.
Your phone clattered to the floor as you gripped your hair, trying to steady your breathing.  In two three fours, Out two three fours.  In two three fours, Out two three-
The scream was involuntary, as was backing against the lockers so hard that you slammed your head against them.  Bakugou recoiled, staring at you, his eyes wide with surprise.  It didn’t last long, quickly overtaken by gritted teeth and snarls.  “The hell is your-”
He must have noticed the tears, the absolute panic on your face.  The silence fell over the two of you, the echo of your scream now long gone.  You wished you were.  You couldn’t look at him, couldn’t face the shame of what was happening.  How could you explain it. 
“You alright?”  
You pulled your legs up to you chest, hugging them tightly.  “No,” You replied.
Bakugou was never one for consolations.  So you were almost surprised when all he made his way over to where you were sitting and sat down beside you.  You flinched, only a little, but it didn’t seem to bother him none.  He shoved his hands in his pockets, but didn’t say a word, his bright red eyes focused out the window across from you.  You...were grateful.  For the first time in almost two weeks, you didn’t feel entirely vulnerable.  Like everything was crumbling down around you.  And in this small moment of peace, you felt horribly exhausted.  Your mind ached, your body was sore, your eyes were so red and...and...
You rested against his shoulder and he didn’t make a move to stop you.  It was like Bakugou was putting himself between you and...whoever was stalking you.  
Stalking you.  You had a stalker.  
You sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes.  “I’m sorry.”  You offered.
“For what?”  He barked.
“For crying.”
He didn’t answer for a moment, “Tch.  Yeah, well...maybe suck it the hell up.  Whatever it is, it’s not a big deal.”
Not a big...you turned to look at him, eyes narrowing.  “Not a big deal...?”  
He looked at you, a bored and disgruntled expression on his face.  “Yeah.”
“It’s kind of a big fucking deal.”
“Oh yeah?  Well then what the hell is it?”
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“Whoa, it’s that kid who just won the Sports Festival!”
“Oh, wow!  He’s so much scarier in person!”
“Do you think he would be mad if I asked for an autograph?”
“Yeah! Look at his mug - he’s obviously pissed off about something!”
Bakugou had stayed late, even through your detention, to walk you home.  It was nearly dark now as you walked side by side down your street.  The sun was struggling to peak over the row of houses and a purple ink had settled over the top of the sky.  
It was taking everything in you not to apologize...again.  He didn’t need to be dragged into your mess.  But...shit, it wasn’t like you weren’t ecstatic that he offered to walk you home back in the hallway.  He was a terrifying presence, unstoppable.  As he stalked down the road towards your house, a scowl on his face as his eyes peered around every corner, it hit you that you felt safer now than you had the past few weeks.  
“Hey.”  You picked up the pace, making sure to stay close.  “Thank you again.  I just-”
“Ugh, stop thanking me!”  He glared at you.
“I’m just-”  You sighed and gripped your bag straps.  “I...I don’t see the point of you walking me home.  Not...that I don’t appreciate it, I just...won’t that make him mad?”
Bakugou scoffed.  “That’s the point, you idiot.”
Sometimes, you thought you almost understood him.  But then he blew up Rome and screamed at you to start over tomorrow morning.  You stared at him in confusion though ultimately decided you didn’t have the energy to argue.  You were just...thankful that he was here.
“This is me.”  Your house was a small thing, nestled on the corner and surrounded by a garden that was meticulously maintained by your mom while you were at school and your father was at work.  Sometimes the pictures had her in the shot, busy at work.  Your lips thinned as you stared up at the second story window,  Your white curtains lay still and your cat stared down at you, like she knew something was wrong.  Like she knew...that things were amiss. 
Well...Bakugou came all this way and the guy didn’t have the guts to show himself.  As you had figured, you had completely wasted his time.  It wasn’t like he was going to move in just to be your watchful protector.  You didn’t want to think that maybe he was just patiently waiting until you were alone but...
“Do you want to come in for something to drink.  It’s the least I could...”  
Bakugou wasn’t looking at you.  His attention was focused entirely over your shoulder.  You blinked, taken aback by the cold, dead glare on his face.  The way his eyes seemed to burn with...rage?  Unbridled anger?  Nothing seemed to do whatever it was justice.  “You’ve been following us since the train station!”  He yelled out.  “Why don’t you stop being a fucking coward and come out of hiding!!”
…someone...had been following you?
You could see the reflection of someone in his eyes.  With a shaking breath, you turned to look at who he was talking to.
You weren’t sure what you expected.  But throughout the day, you had come up with an image in your mind of what your stalker had looked like.  He would be the perfect embodiment of the horror you had suffered though, that was for certain.  A Cheshire grin, wild unkempt hair, vacant, glossy eyes, maybe a knife or something - anything to solidify himself as the monster who had been making your life miserable.  But...he wasn’t.  As you got a good look at him, you realized that he looked relatively...normal.  And for some reason, that thought alone made you sick.  
He was about your age - maybe a bit older - in a school uniform you didn’t recognize.  His hair was dark, pulled back and pushed behind his ears.  His chin was dusted with facial hair and his eyes were darting between you and Bakugou.  He had been standing by the cross walk and tried to pretend to be shocked that Bakugou was even addressing him. 
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t pull that bull with me.”  Bakugou stepped around you, making his way towards him. “I saw you get off the train with us.  You made every turn we did.  Always stayed one step behind where you thought we couldn’t see you.”
The kid only got a word out before Bakugou gripped him by his shirt and slammed him up against the wall of the neighboring house.  “Please!” The kid yelled.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Bakugou!”  Your legs finally remembered they could move.  You bolted over to where he was standing, looking between the two of them.  “Bakugou maybe it isn’t him!  Maybe he-”
“Show us your phone then if you don’t have anything to hide!”  He lifted him up and slammed him back against the bricks.
“I don’t have to show you anything, you fucking lunatic!”
You don’t think you had ever seen him on this street.  You don’t think you had seen him ever but-
“HEY!”  The boy tried to stop Bakugou from reaching into his pocket.  But it was no use.
You caught it was ease, “Try the day of the sports festival for the password.”  Was all he said.
This was fucking insane.  What if this kid wasn’t the stalker?  What if he was just some random guy who was meeting a friend.  You looked back and forth between the two of them - Bakugou, hair wild and death in his eyes, and this guy who looked down at him with fear and...
You swiped up, entering the date as instructed.
It unlocked.
And you were met with a pretty lain layout.  Some photo editing apps, Youtube, a few games, and...
Texting and Calling apps.  Your blood ran cold as you opened the first one up.  Texts apon texts, all to the same unlisted number.  Your unlisted number.  You went to the photo gallery and there they were.  The pictures of your house.  Some of them were zoomed in and cropped to only show you.  You wanted to be sick.  You wanted to-
“I can explain!”  
“What the fuck,” You breathed, scrolling through the pictures.  Not just of your house, but of you - walking home from school, of hanging out with your friends, of you shopping.  And that’s when you saw the edited versions.
Fuck.  Oh Shit Fuck. 
“I was only trying to help you!!”  He cried, scratching at Bakugou’s wrist, making his skin bleed.  “I only want what’s best for us!”
“I think I’m going to be sick.”  You covered your mouth, trying to think of what to do next.  Should you call the police?  Your parents!?  What do you do now?
His eyes fell on Bakugou, practically snarling.  “I knew he would do something like this!!  I knew he would try to make me look like some psycho, but I’m not.  I know how he would treat you!  He’s a rabid fucking dog, a mongrel!  I couldn’t let him treat you the same way!  I couldn’t!  I’m just trying to protect you!  But you wouldn’t fucking listen!!  So I thought if maybe you and I could talk you would understand!  You would see what I’m-”
Your body tensed as the smell of burnt stone and ash filled the air.  You looked up and half expected his head to be blown clean off.  But it was still attached, only now he looked terrified as he stared down at Bakugou.  You followed his gaze, saw the look of pure, unadulterated rage.  His hand had connected to the wall beside the man’s head, smoke dancing up and around them.  And he was shaking.  Oh, god, how hard Bakugou was shaking.
He spoke low, deep in his chest.  “Listen close, you freak.  You’re going to leave her alone from this point forward - you got that?  If I find out you’re even thinking about her, I’ll kill you myself!!”
The world fell silent.  No one said a word until.  Your stalker was crying now, shaking as he nodded, quickly, mumbling apology after apology.  You couldn’t find the words to say, but your heart.  God, your heart was beating so hard in your chest as you stared at Bakugou.  He...he was...
The window in the house behind you slid open.  An older man leaned out the window, his wife nervously peering over his shoulder.  The looked to the source of the commotion before standing up straight, fumbling as the smoke continued to rise from the spot Bakugou...well...destroyed.  “Hey!!  If you don’t get off my property, I’m calling the cops!”
...the police.  
The police.
Oh god, you had his phone.  You could prove he had been stalking you!!!  You perked up, smiling for the first time in weeks, “Yes!  Yes, please, call the police!”
The man stared at you, confusion on his face. “....what?”
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The weight of the situation only grew heavier when the police searched the contents of the guy’s backpack. 
Rope.  A knife.  Some cloth.  A box of condoms.  And a jar of a clear, sickly sweet smelling liquid.  You heard one of the officers say what it was, though you were sure you weren’t supposed to hear.  But you did, and so did your parents.  Your mom nearly broke down for the third time that evening as your father swore under his breath.  
Homemade chloroform.
His name was Eito Moto - a second year at another High School near your home.  You would find out later that the stalking had started long before the Sports Festival - ever since he started working at the coffee shop you and your mom would go to every Sunday for breakfast.  Your neighbors, the ones who actually called the police, had seen him hanging around sometimes but didn’t think much off it.  
They thought he had just been a fan.  
They decided not to press charges against Bakugou for putting a hole in their fence.  “Given the circumstances,”  The man said, “I think I would have done the same thing.”
You had to go to the police station to file a report and request a restraining order.  It took well into the morning hours, where you mainly spent your time talking to different police officers, retelling the same story, going over evidence, assuring them you didn’t know this guy so you had no clue why he thought you two had been dating for months.  
They sent Bakugou home, your parents offering him their thanks and promises they would find a better, proper way to think him for essentially saving your life.  
By the time you fell into a crumpled heap on your bed, it was 2 in the morning.  It had been so long since you felt...okay.  Your stalker was in police custody for now, you could at least rest easy tonight.  You gripped your pillows, tugging them up and over your head to block out what meager light filtered in through the hallway.  No more late night calls.  No more insistent texts telling you what a no good whore you were.  You were okay.  
Everything was going to be okay. 
...oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.
You peeked out from under your pillow, trying to calm your racing heart.  It couldn’t be him, you thought.  He was in jail, so they wouldn’t let him call you - right?  They wouldn’t let him do that, even if they did give him one call.  With shaking fingers, you reached out and plucked your phone from your end table.
Bakugou is calling!
Oh....oh thank god.
You couldn’t press accept fast enough.  You sighed, resting back against your pillows.  “Hey.”
“Is that bastard in jail?”
A laugh, a good honest laugh.  “Yeah.  Yeah, he’s in jail.  Dad and mom are gonna to talk to a lawyer tomorrow about our options.”
“Did you get a restraining order?”
You nodded.  “Yeah.  That’s what took so long and why we have to go to court.  They gave me an emergency one so...”  You blew out a puff of air, watching as a lock of your hair jumped up and fell back into place.  “At least there’s that.”
“You should have talked to me about this sooner.”  It was softer than you anticipated, less of a bite than he normally had.
You knew you should have.  You should have told someone but...it felt so...pointless?  Like it wouldn’t have mattered.  But, you had to give credit where credit was due.  “I wish I would have.”
He didn’t respond.  You had expected he would have started yelling at you, about hiding it from everyone.  Chastised you for being so stupid and letting it go on for as long as it had.  But no, he stayed quiet.  You could imagine him laying in bed, staring up at his ceiling, and wondered what he was thinking about.  What he wanted to say.  
You rolled over onto your side.  “Hey, Bakugou?”
“Thank you.”
There was a long pause before he let out a soft noise.
“Don’t be stupid.  I was only doing what I had to do.”
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Stalkers are fucking scary, yah know.  I had to listen to some voicemails left by stalkers to get the vibe down right - and I still don’t think Eito sounded perfect but hey.  At least one blessing in that:  I’ve never been stalked.  
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
your favourite girl : d.d
brief summary: as well as being one of davids friends, you’re also his fwb. but as time passes by, you can’t help but allow your feelings for him to develop, even if they’ll never be reciprocated. (1.9k)
requested: yes by the sweetest anon, i needed the angst so thank you love! warnings: none that i’m aware of
all my links
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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“So, David’s gone for the night then?” Your roommate, Gee, stands in your doorway as you exit your bathroom after cleaning yourself up and changing into fresh PJs.
“Yeah,” You breathe out as you tug on your duvet, seeing the indent from where he was less than an hour ago, by your side. “sorry, did I wake you?” You ask, turning your attention back to her as a frown etches heavily in her eyes.
“Y/n,” Gee starts, stepping across the threshold into your bedroom and hovers beside you. “how much longer can you kid yourself with this?” She sighs as you collapse down onto your bed with a heavy heart.
“It’s fine, really.” You lie. “We made this arrangement ages ago, and it works for us.” Another lie, it might work for him, but you couldn’t deny the attachment that was forming in your heart for his.
“Remember who you’re talking to here,” Gee chuckles as she sits down on your bed and you lean against her, resting your head on her shoulder. “just don’t let yourself get hurt, okay? Promise me that at least.”
Gee holds her hand up, sticking her pinky finger out as you loop yours around hers. “I promise.” You mutter, hoping this was a promise you could keep to.
“And boom, there she was on the ground cradling her knee!” David laughs, looking through the footage on his laptop whilst Jason and Natalie sit either side of him, you across the room with Ilya.
“It wasn’t my fault, you should’ve warned me you had decided to prank Ilya.” You roll your eyes, catching David’s bright smile briefly directed your way. “Honestly that’s the last time I try and offer my services, David.”
“Come on, Y/n, you love me really.” David jokes, unaware of how heavy those words dig into your heart.
Silence falls for a second as David’s words linger and everyone's attention falls to you. You force a soft laugh from your lips, which seems to please David as he carries on editing, but Natalie remains unconvinced as she keeps an eye on you whilst you scroll through Instagram.
“You wish, Dobrik.” You retort, glancing up from your phone to see him looking back at you with a goofy grin, one reserved for these situations only.
After a while, Ilya shuffles on the other end of the sofa, kicking his feet out and jabs your side unintentionally. “Ow.” You mumble, catching Ilya off guard as he sits upright, rubbing his eyes.
“Shit, did I hit you?” Sleep remains heavy in Ilya’s voice as he reaches out, resting his hand on your arm.
“It’s okay, Ilya, just my side.” You smile, rubbing your side, unaware of the daggers from David being sent in Ilya’s direction.
“Sorry, I’m a wriggler when I sleep.” He winks, and you laugh lightly.
“I’ve had worse, trust me.” You joke with him, nudging his arm away as he lies back down whilst you return to your phone, catching sight of the time. “Oh god, I gotta go.” You quickly rise to your feet, David now averting his focus to you.
“Where you going?” David asks, his eyes refusing to leave you as you gather your things.
“An appointment, but I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” You wave to the others, but David stands up and follows you to the front door.
Holding it open for you, David hovers in the doorway as you take your car keys from your bag. “Wanna come over tonight?” He asks, licking his lips.
“Erm, I can’t tonight, maybe tomorrow?” You suggest instead, and David simply nods.
“Okay,” He comments. “good luck with your appointment.” He waves you off as you get into your car and as you go to reverse out, Taylor appears by the gates.
You wait for Taylor to pass you by with her bright smile as she almost skips over to David.
He always looks so happy to see her as he brings her into a tight hug, forgetting anyone else exists. Taylor walks into the house, and David doesn’t even spare you a glance as he closes the front door, slamming it shut.
“Y/n, that you?” Gee calls out as you close the front door.
“Who else would it be? A polite burglar?” You joke back as you kick your shoes off, walking past her room toward your own, but before you reach your bedroom door, you feel a tug on your arm.
Without a moment to react, Gee pulls you into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. “Okay, hi, sorry,” Gee mutters, a wild look of panic in her eyes as she begins to pace around the same ten steps.
“Gee can you stop moving, you’re making me feel motion sick.” You step forward, taking hold of her arms so she finally stands still and faces you. “What on earth is going on?”
“Well, someone knocked earlier and I thought you just forgot your key again, and I answered it and now David is sat in your room waiting for you to come home.” Gee quickly rambles, exhaling deeply as she finishes. “Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not mad.” You tell her as hundreds of thoughts rush through your mind. “I just, I told him tonights not good for me, god, why can’t he get the message.” You groan, wishing you could slam your head against the door in peace without stirring David across the hall.
“What happened earlier today?” Gee asks, now crossing her arms as you sigh under your breath. “Because clearly, something did, based on how both of you are acting.”
You quirk a brow at her remark, how was David acting?
“Nothing really, I just told him tonights not good, and I had an appointment this afternoon.” You explain, and Gee chuckles under her breath.
“Maybe he thought you had an ‘appointment’ if you know what I mean.” She nudges you.
“What? No way.” You scoff. “If I met someone else I’d tell him.” You state, knowing you value his friendship above all else, even if he seems to forget that sometimes.
“Well, you can’t leave him waiting forever in there I’m afraid.” Gee reminds you as she stands aside, allowing you to reach for the doorknob.
“What do I say, Gee?” Your voice softens as you look up to her, pleading for some advice.
Lifting her hand up, Gee sticks out her pinky finger. “You made a promise to me last week, don’t let yourself get hurt.”
“I did, didn’t I?” You sigh, lifting your pinky up and looping it around hers. “Okay, I can do this.”
Opening the door, you close it behind you and take a brief moment as you stand in front of your own door, wondering what will happen the next time you exit it.
Pushing back your worries, you open your door and David rises to his feet, rubbing his hands across his jeans.
“Hey,” He speaks up. “how, how was your appointment?” His voice is soft, almost caring as you quietly sigh, removing your jacket and throwing it on your chair.
“Yeah, it was fine.” You brush it off. “Why are you here, David?” You don’t want to waste any time, and clearly, he’s taken aback by your question as his eyes widen for a second as he composes himself.
“Well, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Seemed a little off when you left earlier.” He shrugs it off uncertainly.
“It’s nothing really. But I told you I was busy tonight, so why are you here?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest as you catch David’s eyes darting to the bed for a fraction of a second. “Course, that’s why.” You scoff. “Well, I hate to say you’ve had a wasted journey, Dave. I’m not in the mood.” You move forward, opening your bedroom door, but David remains still, frozen on the spot.
“That’s not why I’m here, Y/n.” David comments. “Do you really think that’s all I wanna see you for?” He almost sounds hurt as you lower your gaze to your carpet. “You’re my friend Y/n, before all of this,” Stepping forward, David rests his hand on your forearm and pulls you away from your door and over to your bed. “and I just wanna hang out with you, like old times.”
Looking up, you see his classic smile, the one you’ve genuinely missed that causes butterflies to flutter in your stomach and bees to swarm your mind.
“So, you wanna watch a movie with me?” You suggest, and David nods, taking his usual spot beside you on your bed whilst you search through Netflix.
As you pick a movie to watch, David’s phone pings and he picks it up, smiling down at it. You can’t help but sneak a glance, and the bees swarming your mind become reckless as the butterflies begin to fall into the pit at the bottom of your stomach; it’s Taylor.
“Sorry,” David mutters, unable to wipe the smile from his face as he glances up to you.
“I get it, don’t worry.” You whisper as you curl up under a blanket whilst David remains on top of it as you watch the movie together.
Slowly but surely, David begins to nod off, his head dipping away from yours.
You watch as he turns his back to you, lying on his side as the credits play and you’re left alone once more. “Goodnight, David.” You mutter, hearing a mumble from him in response as you lean over and kiss his cheek, brushing his hair out of his face.
Turning your TV off, you creep out from your bed, leaving David fast asleep as you tiptoe over to Gee’s room.
“Y/n?” Gee whispers as you open her bedroom door, thankful she’s still awake as you rush over to her, unable to stop the tears falling from your eyes. “Oh, Y/n.” She sighs, holding you close in her arms as you sob into her chest.
“I just wish I could be his favourite girl, Gee.” You manage to say through hiccups as you lift your head up and Gee wipes your eyes, a sad smile on her face. “But I made a promise,” You remind yourself. “and it’s about time I stuck to it.”
“You’ll be okay, Y/n.” Gee tells you, knowing it’s true. “Just gotta let your heart heal.” You can feel the pit at the bottom of your stomach starting to close up once again, no longer dragging your heart toward it.
“Yeah,” You breathe out. “thanks Gee.”
As you rise to your feet, you look over your shoulder to Gee’s doorway, swearing you heard a floorboard creak. But as you walk out from her room, nothing is out of place, and your door is as you left it.
Creeping back into your room, you close your door behind you, unaware that David is wide awake with a thousand thoughts rushing through his mind.
“Hey, Y/n?” David whispers as you tug on your duvet, curling up into it.
“Sorry, did I wake you up?” You ask softly, thankful for the darkness disguising your puffy complexion.
David shuffles to turn and face you, his hand hesitantly rises and he rests it on your cheek, stroking away stray tears. “It’s okay,” He chuckles. “I just want you to know something, okay?”
“Okay,” You whisper, almost seeing his eyes searching for yours as he shuffles closer, his breath now on your lips.
“You’ll always be my favourite girl, Y/n. Always have been, always will be.” 
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little-diable · 4 years
Script - Chris Evans (smut)
Request by anon: I really like your writing! I’d love a Chris Evans or Steve Rogers story using prompts 10 & 24. Thanks!!!
Enjoy my loves. xxx
10 “I can’t keep on acting like we’re just friends”
24 “Let them hear you scream my name”
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“(Y/n),” Chris whined into the phone, he was laying on the sofa in his trailer, eyes focused on his script, cursing the words that somehow didn’t want to stick with him. 
“What?” his friends annoyed undertone made him chuckle. “I need your help,” Chris chewed on his pen, he felt desperate, didn't want to embarrass himself on set, didn’t want people to make fun of him, for not knowing his lines. 
“Of course you do,” she muttered under her breath. “I’ll be there in twenty,” she hung up the phone. 
Her jaw was clenched, hard eyes focused on the road, hands wrapped around the steering wheel, a storm was raging inside her mind, of course Chris would only call her, if he needed help. She hated herself for getting that excited as she read the name of his caller-ID, (y/n) couldn’t even think back to a time, where she hadn’t felt the tingles, the butterflies, every time she’d be near him, every time she’d hear his voice. 
“Evans,” she pounded her fist against the door of his trailer, sunglasses kept on hiding her tired eyes, she was holding two cups of coffee in the other hand, impatiently tapping her foot. 
“There she is, finally, what took you so long?” he chuckled as she stepped into the trailer, pushing his coffee into his hand, “yeah, you’re welcome.” 
(Y/n) plopped down on the sofa, hands automatically grasping the script, she couldn’t let herself admire him in that gorgeous blue shirt, didn’t allow herself to be lured into any smalltalk, couldn’t and wouldn’t stay around him for too long. 
“Come on, old man, let’s get this over and done with,” she mumbled, falling back into their normal routine. Ever since they had crossed paths she had been his study partner, she’d run his lines with him, endless nights of cursing the cowriters for coming up with those words. 
“Don’t know what I’d do without you,” Chris had his legs sprawled out on her lap, arms crossed behind his back, bright eyes hooked on her frame. “You definitely wouldn’t be an actor, no more,” her heart skipped a few beats at the sound of his laughter. 
“Will you watch?” Chris grasped her hand, fumbling around with her fingers, he’d always feel much calmer every time she’d be around the set, watching him do his scenes, teasing him all about his acting. 
But (y/n) couldn’t stay, at least not when he’d shoot a love scene, where he’d kiss somebody that wasn’t her, arms slung around the actresses waist, lips moving in synch with hers. Of course (y/n) knew, that it was “just acting”, but that was enough to make her feel sick to her stomach, insides churning as she’d wish for nothing more than to be the one he’d wrap his arms around. 
“No, no I won’t,” (y/n) rose from the sofa, pushing his legs off her lap, she walked up to her bag, ready to leave the trailer, to go back home and eat a bunch of comfort foods. “What? Why? You always watch my scenes,” Chris grasped her wrist, he turned her towards him, frowning as his eyes fell upon her distressed expression. 
“Scenes where you don’t kiss someone,” (y/n) mumbled before she could stop herself from oversharing her thoughts, both froze on the spot, her eyes slowly wandered up his face, hooked on his bright ones. She cleared her throat and stepped away from Chris. 
“Do I look that awful while kissing somebody?” Chris tried to come up with any explanation. 
“No, Chris,” (y/n) sighed. “What is it, (y/n)?” He stepped closer, set on finding out what was going on inside his friends head. 
“I can’t watch you kiss somebody else, while I wish that the person you kiss would be me,” (y/n) whimpered, her eyebrows were furrowed together. “I can’t keep on acting like we’re just friends,”  she shot him one last glance before she turned her back on him and walked out of the trainer, she had to get away, not giving him any chance to respond to her confession. 
Tears were blurring her vision, (y/n) placed her forehead against her steering wheel, god, why did she have to tell him? He’ll probably never talk to her ever again, how embarrassing, why why why? (Y/n) deeply exhaled as she left the studio, driving towards her apartment, ready to bury herself between a few blankets, stuffing her face with ice cream, cursing Chris Evans for simply being himself. 
(Y/n) had been laying there, back pressed against her sofa, blankets covering her frame, for hours, phone on silent, not noticing the messages he had sent her, the countless times he had tried to call her. A knock ripped her out of her thoughts, slowly (y/n) walked towards her door.
“Chris?” He had his arms crossed in front of his chest, an angry expression graced his features. He strode past her, right into her living room. 
“How could you?” His deep voice made her shudder. “I’m sorry,” (y/n) whispered, she felt like a small child, ready to be scolded by her dad for doing something so stupid. 
“How could you say all those words and just leave? Without giving me any chance to respond? I fucked up my scene, because I couldn’t stop thinking about you and those perfect lips I want to kiss,” Chris placed his hands on her cheeks, she gawked up at him, no words left her mouth, too confused by his words. “Fuck, (y/n), I’ve been in love with you from the first day I met you,” he whispered, hands wandering down to her middle. 
Chris dipped his head down and finally pressed his lips against hers, she responded to his touch right away, arms slung around his neck, blood was rushing in her ears, tingles shot up her spine, overtaking her body. He picked her up, made her wrap her legs around his waist, not breaking their kiss once.
“Bedroom,” she mumbled against his lips. 
Chris carried her towards her bed, hovering above her as he placed her down on the mattress. “I love you,” Chris whispered over and over again, glad to finally be able to say those words out loud. “I love you too,” she chuckled, fingers wandering underneath his shirt, tracing his abs, obsessed with the way his skin felt underneath her fingers. He helped her take off the light fabric, her eyes wandered up and down his chest, admiring his skin, hands tracing loose shapes and patterns.
“Doll,” Chris muttered, snapping her out of her trance, he attached his lips to hers once again, hands tugging on her sweatpants, taking them down her legs. “God, (y/n),” his mind was racing, drunk on the way she tasted, the way she felt against his skin, heart skipping a few beats every now and then. He impatiently pulled off her shirt, groaning as his eyes fell on her bare chest, no bra to hide her skin from his hungry eyes.
“Fucking gorgeous,” Chris sucked on her skin, hands cupping her boobs. 
A shuddered breath fell from (y/n)s lips, her fingers ran up his back, nails already leaving a few red marks behind, something he’d definitely tease her about later on. Chris kissed his way down her upper body, settling between her thighs, he nuzzled his nose against her clothed core, his name escaped her lips, back arched for him, moaning as he ripped her panties apart, tongue sliding through her folds. 
Chris devoured her, worshipped her in every way possible, he rubbed her clit with his thumb, teasing her skin, fingers dipping into her heat, exploring her wetness for the first time ever. He felt his length throb against his trousers, rock hard by now, aching to finally be buried inside of her, like he had dreamt about for ages. 
“Chris,” she called out his name, his eyes found hers, telling him everything he needed to know. 
“Condom?” He breathed out, eyes looking around her room. “Top drawer,” (y/n) whispered, watching him pull the material over his impressive length. “I love you,” he repeated, kissing her as he ran the tip of his member through her folds, a growl wrecked through him, (y/n) wrapped her legs around his middle, heels digging into the small of his back, getting him to push forwards, sinking into her heat. Their moans got mixed up, high on the feeling of finally being one, no clothes between them, skin on skin. 
She tried to bite down on her lip, toning down the volume of her sounds, mind focused on her thin walls, too scared to attract any unwanted attention. Chris tugged on her lip. 
“Let them hear you scream my name,” he smirked at her, set on watching her fall apart, while she’d moan his name. Her eyes fluttered close, he felt bigger than she was used to, nothing she had every experience, already obsessed with feeling that stretched and full. 
“Jesus fuck, you’re so tight,” Chris nuzzled his head against the crook of her neck, inhaling her heavenly scent, slowly building up the speed of his thrusts. Moans spilled out of her lips, he grazed her sweet spot over and over, pushing her closer to the edge, she could have already cum in that exact moment, his sounds were enough to make the knot in her belly grow tighter. 
“I’m not gonna last long,” he panted. “Shit,” (y/n) curled her toes, nails clawing into his shoulders, he felt too good buried that deep inside of her, meeting spots nobody had ever managed to graze. 
“So pretty,” Chris eyes wandered down to her hips, watching himself disappear into her heat with every thrust, her sounds engulfed him, urged him on, intensifying the heavenly pleasure. By now he ferociously pounded in and out of her, skin meeting hers, the noise echoed through the room, leaving them breathless as they were pushed over the edge. 
(Y/n) moaned his name as her walls clenched around him, fluttering as her orgasm crashed upon her, her eyes were pressed shut. The speed of his thrusts began to falter, Chris growled as he released himself into the tight fabric, hands placed on either side of her head. 
“Shit,” he chuckled, slowly pulling out of her, getting rid of the condom, eyes hooked on her the whole time. (Y/n) watched him with those gorgeous (y/e/c) eyes of hers, smiling as he crawled back underneath the covers, tightly wrapping his arms around her. 
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Title: Quarantine: A Love Story {11}
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Chris Evans x Reader Mini Series
Warning: Cursing, Plot, Angst, Scorching Slow Burn, Tease
Words: 6.2k
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Note: Okay, so this ask/request came in and I was all prepped to write it as a one shot, but I had so many separate ideas that sprang to mind for it and from it. As of right now, I am going to play this one by ear. Hell, I might just keep writing it as long as we’re all in our quarantine/self-isolation. So, it might be one part every week, or I might change it. I honestly have no idea, so let’s start with calling it a mini-series and see where it goes. Thank you anon for the request, hope it’s cool I tweak, twist and stretch this out. 
I hope you guys enjoy this. Thank you for reading as always!!! ❤️❤️
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
***Slightly Interactive***
**Images NOT My own. 2nd, 3rd, & 4th found Via Pinterest**
Previous Chapters:  Q1 |  Q2 |  Q3 |  Q4 |  Q5 |  Q6 |  Q7 |  Q8 |  Q9 | Q10 |
-Quarantine: Week Seven & A Half –
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“I’m glad that you guys are doing okay, mom. Tell dad not to go on those walks with Mr. Beardsley. Tell him to stay his ass home,” you badgered.
 “You know that man does what he wants. The other day he was in the backyard building some abomination he calls a bird palace. Y/N, he made a three-story house for a bird,” your mother informed. You couldn’t help but laugh.
 “I sent you the picture. Look.”
 You put your cell on speaker and looked at the new message with the photo attached. The most hideous creation appeared on the screen. It was lopsided and looked like it had every board out of place.
“Oh, my goodness.”
 “Do you see? Then he had the nerve to ask me if he should paint it to make it more appealing.” You busted out laughing then. There was no way you could have held it in. All you could imagine was this atrocity painted yellow, blue, or even red.
 “I didn’t know what to tell him. He worked for hours on it,” your mother went on.
 “So, what did you go with?” The line was silent for a while before she sighed.
 “I told him to paint the damn thing rainbow colored. Told him it would attract more birds that way.”
 The two of you laughed together, not bothering to care how loud you were. After a few minutes, the two of you quieted down. You needed a good laugh.
 “How are you, darling?”
 “I’m fine, mom. Things are quiet as the world passes me by.”
 “So dramatic. Glad to see nothing has changed from when you were a child.”
 Rolling your eyes, you took a sip of your Arnold palmer and leaned back in the lounge beach chair. It was another beautiful day. Mother nature was laughing. While most of the world was locked away, unable to fully enjoy the great outdoors, she was serving Spring goals with upper seventy degree and sunny weather days. You were lucky to be near a beach and able to take advantage of it.
 “I’m not dramatic, I’m--,”
 “Just spirited, yeah, yeah yeah,” your mother filled in echoing the same words the same way you’d said them since you were six.
 “I don’t appreciate the shade, mom!”
 “Girl, watch your tone.” Pressing your lips together, you got your head on right. Your mother would slap you into next month if you played with her wrong.
 “What’s wrong? Is it Chris? Did he look at you and roll his eyes again?” She snickered, and you rolled your eyes again. She was always teasing you about the way you complained about Chris.
 “That boy is clearly head over heels in love with you. Anyone with one half good eye can see that.”
 “You don’t know what you’re talking about, mom.”
 “The hell I don’t. I am a woman too, Y/N. I know what a man looks like when he’s got it bad. I’ve been married to one for the last thirty-four years.”
 Taking another sip from your glass, you burrowed deeper into the chair and watched the waves roll onto the sand. The water was a lot calmer now in the afternoon than it had been earlier this morning, you thought.
 “All right, since you want to play dumb, and blind,” your mother sighed out.
 “Actually, mom, I have a question. Did you have Chris promise to stay away from me or something along those lines?”
 “Why would I do something like that?”
 “I don’t know, you tell me.”
 “I don’t know. Okay, wait—he has the reputation of being a ladies man.”
 “You mean a whore?”
 “In twenty-twenty, we call people what they are. We don’t sugar coat. He has a reputation for being a whore.”
 “He’s a man, an unmarried one at that. He has no reason to be celibate. You also need to remember that just because someone appears to be living one way doesn’t mean that is really what it is,” your mother attempted to reason.
 “What does that mean?”
 “He could be sleeping around but doesn’t want to.”
 You snorted and shook your head. “So he’s being forced to sleep with every blonde, brunette, and occasional redhead he comes across?”
 You shook your head, realizing you were actually getting angry about it.
 “You sound jealous, babygirl. Jealous women aren’t attractive, plus your jealousy gives away how you really feel about him.”
 “Feel? Whatever mom. I don’t feel anything.”
 “Okay. Just remember the lies we tell will always be revealed.”
 You hated when she tapped into her ancestral priestess side and read you like a book. You knew you were lying. You knew you didn’t feel nothing. You felt something alright, but at the moment, you didn’t know just what it was.
 “To answer your question, no, I didn’t make him promise anything.”
 “Then who would?”
 “Maybe Scott. They’re brothers, and he knows Chris through and through. Maybe he was trying to protect you from becoming yet another notch.”
 You thought about her words. It was possible. Honestly, Scott was raising to the top of your list the more you thought about it. It felt like something he would do to protect you. The only thing you couldn’t understand was why he felt the need to make him promise. From the very beginning, everyone has always thought Chris just didn’t like you. The way he acted toward you and spoke about you did not scream that Scott had something to worry about. Since there was no evidence to how Chris felt, then why would Scott make him promise something like that, you wondered.
 “Can I take this conversation as you having ended things with that other one?”
 Groaning, your head went back to Charles. Things with him were still up in the air. When you made a break from someone, there was nothing left suspended. You made a quick, clean break, usually disappearing without a trace. Everything was just weird. Part of you felt as if you were being too cold with him and that you should give him a genuine chance. Then when you thought that, Chris’s face popped into your head as a reason not to. It was like there was this war inside of you between two guys.
 “The other one is—focusing on himself right now.”
 “Ah, you kept your wall up, and he got frostbite from being left out in the cold, and he gave you an ultimatum.”
 “I hate when you do that.”
 “Don’t hate the player, gate the game. Honey--,” your mother began before you cut her off.
 “I don’t want to hear it, mom. Not now.”
 “Okay. You’re an adult, old enough to make your own decisions and mistakes. You don’t need your mother’s wise years of experience and words to help guide your way so you don’t make as many mistakes as others would. I understand.”
 This was the guilt trip no one had mastered like your mother. She could guilt you with so little. Sighing loudly, you finished off the glass. “Fine, mom, go ahead. Priestess me.”
 “Maybe use this quarantine time to figure out why you’ve always cared so much what Chris Evans thought of you. Think about what it is you want from your life—for your life. What’s important, babygirl? Maybe the way you’ve lived these last years is not the most conducive to getting what you really want. Maybe you need to open up, lower those walls, give people a chance instead of expecting them to disappoint and hurt you, pull them closer instead of pushing them away. Take a chance on what you really want.”
 You sat there letting her words resonate. You knew she knew what she was talking about, and you knew it was all coming from a place of love, but it didn’t stop the feeling of being attacked. You hated when she was right.
 “You’ve always liked Chris. This is what this is about,” you accused.
 “That is not true. I don’t care that every time I’ve met him, he’s been respectful, kind, and sincere. I don’t care that every Christmas he sends us a gift, and every New Year a card. I don’t care that he also does the same for our birthdays and anniversaries. I don’t care that he’s shown to be a good man despite his philandering ways.”
 “Wait, wait, wait. He’s what?”
 “Mom. He’s sent you guys gifts and cards?”
 “Yeah, I thought you knew. He also comes by and checks on us from time to time when he’s in town and calls when he’s out of town sometimes,” your mother revealed.
 You were floored. You didn’t know any of this. Your head began to spin, making you feel like you’d put more than a few ounces of rum in the glass. The ringing in your ears did nothing to help matters. All you could hear was your mother’s confession echoing in your head.
 “Y/N! Are you okay? Can you hear me?”
 You took a few shaky breathes and did your best to calm down. “I’m fine. I just—I didn’t know any of that.”
 “Oh. So he’s been doing all this in secret and not to impress you?”
 You rubbed your forehead and pinched your nose bridge.
 “That means that Air B&B in Los Angeles your father and I stayed at when we went on vacation last year was probably not just a normal Air B&B.”
 “He set it up for us, said he got a great deal and took care of everything. It was beautiful. Do you think it was his house?”
 You remembered that trip. Your parents sent you picture after picture of the view and the interior of the house. You wanted to go back to them now and play detective.
 “Oh my god. I had no idea about any of this.”
 “Now that you know, what’re you going to do with it?”
 Again, your eyes went back to the water, and in seconds, you’d zoned out. “I’ll call you tomorrow, mom. Call me if anything. I love you.”
 You sat there for several long minutes just allowing the conversation to swirl in your head. When the words quieted, and your internal freak out settled you scrolled through your phone to the pictures you’d saved because you liked the décor. It took a few minutes, but when you found the set, you sat there zooming in to the max to analyze every inch of the picture. Nothing gave it away to be Chris’s house. Nothing pointed to it not being a run of the mill Air B&B. It was very nice, though. In the last picture, you zoomed in and saw something in the wall that could have been a picture of Chris and his siblings when they were younger, but from the picture, it was blurry, and you really couldn’t make it out. You could have latched on to that and deduced it was his house, but you were scared to face that fact.
 For the last three years, while he was being a world-class asshole to you, he was being a prince to your parents. You couldn’t wrap your head around his strategy. If he liked you the way he professed what in his mind said the way to get you was to be a dick to you but make your parents fall in love. It made no sense.
 When you finally got up from the chair, the sun was beginning to make its descent behind the horizon. You had maybe an hour before nightfall. You intended to go back to the guesthouse to shower and just mellow out, but your legs decided to walk. When you looked around, you were surrounded by trees and greenery. You had no idea where you were or how long you’d been walking or in what direction you walked. After spinning around a few times, you noticed the worn path before you.
 “Where the hell am I?”
 Continuing forward, you followed the path that looked like feet had traveled plenty of times. The further you walked, the less condensed the trees and bushes became, and the more your curiosity rose. After another ten or so minutes, you came to a thicket before you that looked to block your path, but upon more observation, you saw the worn path you’d been walking on continued underneath it. There was something behind it.
 You pushed at the bushes that were entwined within branches and were shocked when it gave way easier than you expected. They parted like a gate. It was a gate. Before your eyes was the quaintest structure you’d ever seen.
 “Holy shit!”
 You stood there, marveling at the tiny house in front of you. Tiny wasn’t even the right word for it. The tiny house trend applied to school buses or shipping containers, not this. This looked like an off the grid, half house, or treehouse. You didn’t know what the fuck you were looking at. You continued walking forward while spinning around to take in your surroundings. The entire area was quarantined off with tall, thick bushes, trees, branches, and vines. It was incredible.
 The more you looked around, the more you fell under its spell. It was beautiful and one with nature. When you got close enough to the house, you could see scratch marks on the deck. You knew they were from Dodger. This must have been where Chris disappeared to. Stepping onto the deck, you took notice of the two Adirondack chairs, one blue the other red. Trailing your fingertips across them, you continued walking around. Every detail and item you saw, you could picture him either using it or sitting on it.
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When you got to the door, you contemplated if you should go inside. This was not your property. You were snooping. It wasn’t right, but your curiosity again won out. When you turned the knob, it moved. It wasn’t locked. You stepped over the threshold and gaped at the space. It wasn’t as big as the big house, but it was in no means cramped. The wooden floors and walls gave you a feeling of comfort. Everything laid around screamed down to earth. It was the vibe Chris always gave off when he wasn’t being a dick.
 You looked around what was the living room, and then made your way to a galley kitchen that screamed man. It had the necessities, a stovetop, fridge, dishwasher, a conventional oven, and a sink. The butcher’s block countertop gave you the idea it had been used often. As you made your way through the dwelling, you took notice of a small bathroom that had no luxury, a toilet, a tub, a sink, and an incredible view. When you made it to what you knew was the bedroom, his scent bombarded you. It was the same scent from his bedroom in the house, pine, fresh air, fragrant wood, chocolate, hops, and something that you still hadn’t been able to pinpoint in all the years you’d known him.
 You wandered around the room, looking at everything you saw. The things in here looked a lot more personal than of that was in his room before. You saw a signed baseball, family pictures, empty bottles of beer, toiletries, and papers that were strewn around. It took every ounce of strength to ignore the bed in the room no matter how loud it called your name. You wanted to roll around in his sheets and wrap yourself in them, but you knew if you did that, you’d probably never get out of the bed. Without being able to control yourself, you approached it, climbing the few steps to it and touched one of the plaid shirts that were resting at the foot of the bed.
 “Don’t do it, Y/N.” As soon as the words left your mouth, the head ignored them and did just what you’d said not to. You took in a deep whiff of his shirt and moaned. Fuck, it smelled so good that your mouth actually watered. Disgustedly you threw the shirt and stomped out of the room, cursing his name.
 The more you saw, the more you liked, and the more you liked, the more you wanted to see him in it. You wanted to watch as he cooked in the kitchen, watch as he sat in the Adirondack chair, wanted to watch as he drank bottle after bottle of beer while sitting in that leather chair with a book or his laptop. You wanted to watch how he fit in that tub; it seemed impossible. You wanted more than you’d wanted in months, years—ever.
 You opened the fridge and took out one of the many bottles of beer and hit it on the side of the butcher block countertop and took several healthy gulps. When you brought it back down, what you saw took your breath away. The view of the sun setting was breathtaking. You walked out to the front deck and sat in one of the chairs and just watched mother nature’s artwork across her natural canvas.
 Before you knew it, you’d watched the sky turn from beautiful hues of purple, orange, pink and red to a navy color with specks of white. You couldn’t get over how the stars were so bright here. You were so lost in the view that when you heard Chris’s voice, you actually jumped.
 “Shit!” Your scream was loud, and before you knew it, you’d flung the bottle at him.
 “Woah!” You heard it shatter, and Dodger burst into a flurry of howls. You clasped your hands over your mouth in shock.
 “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”
 “Jesus, they should have signed you to the Dodgers, maybe we’d have won more,” Chris teased.
 “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you repeated. Chris ticked his tongue, signaling Dodger to calm down. Like the good pup he was, he came to Chris’s side and sat then pranced over to you to lick across your cheek.
 “Hi, Dodger. How are you, boy? I’m sorry I scared you.” As if he was saying he accepted your apology, he continued licking at your face.
 “What’re you doing here? How’d you find this place?”
 His questions were serious ones. You avoided his eyes and focused on Dodger, hoping he wasn’t too angry at your trespassing.
 “Uh—well, see what had happened was—I was walking and not really paying attention, and I just—found it.”
 “Just found it? It’s a ways away from the main house. How’d you even know which direction to walk?”
 “I didn’t. I’m telling the truth, I didn’t make a plan to walk this way, I was wandering and came across it.”
 Chris didn’t speak again for a little while, but you could feel his eyes on you. Risking it, you glanced at him, and sure enough, his eyes were on you. “And you helped yourself to a beer.”
 “Yeah. I’m sorry. I know it was an invasion of your privacy and trespassing. I’m sorry.” He didn’t speak, but his eyes looked cold. He was angry.
 “Look, I’ll go. I shouldn’t have—I’m sorry to impose.” You stuttered as you got to your feet and began walking to the same thicket you’d walked through.
 After a few quick steps, he called your name.
 “It’s okay, Chris,” you answered without stopping or looking back.
 “Go get her, Dodge.” Dodger barked and tramped to you, blocking your path, hopping up on his hind legs to gently claw at your abdomen.
 “Down Dodger.”
 Ignoring you, Dodger kept clawing at you before he got hold of a piece of your shirt pulling you back toward the house. Your protests didn’t matter, and you were actually pretty surprised with how strong he was. He’d been taking it easy on you this whole time. When he was back beside Chris, he let you go and circled the two of you before he sat blocking your path to your escape.
 “Good boy,” Chris muttered, scratching behind his ear. “I’m sorry if I came off terse, I was just surprised. I wasn’t expecting to see you sitting on my deck.”
 “No, you have no reason to apologize. I understand. This is your place. I should have turned my ass around a long time ago. No wonder you’re mad.”
 “Y/N, shut up. I’m not mad. Surprised. Come on.” Chris walked ahead of you onto the deck and toward the door with Dodger on his heels. When he realized you weren’t following him and Dodger, he stopped and looked to you.
 “What’s the problem?”
 “Aren’t you coming?”
 “I wasn’t—planning to,” you responded.
 “Come on. It’s dinner time. Let me feed you.”
 That was all it took for your mind to go into the gutter and your eyes to drop to his crotch. He must have known too because his hips jutted forward. You had to bite your tongue extra hard, not to say what you really wanted to say.
“Jesus, you’re killing me,” Chris grunted before he walked inside, leaving the door open for you.
 Like an idiot, you stood there. You didn’t know what to do. If you went inside, you were worried you’d do something you couldn’t take back. He didn’t come back out or say anything else. After about ten minutes, you slowly walked inside and closed the door behind you. The coast was clear. You walked more in and around the corner and saw Chris in the kitchen with his back turned busy making whatever dinner was.
 “Took you long enough. That’s yours,” he said as he turned and slopped two rounded meat circles on the stovetop. It instantly sizzled and smoked. Beside the stovetop, you saw an opened bottle of beer. It was like he knew you’d come in.
 “If you took any longer, it would have gotten warm. There’s nothing worse than warm beer.”
 “Really? I could think of plenty of things,” you responded before you took a swig.
 “Like what?” Chris plopped two more meat circles on the stovetop to add to the sizzle.
 Monetarily lowering the bottle, you said the first thing that came to mind. “Blue Balls.”
 Once he heard it, he looked at you. There was amusement in his eyes, but his lips were not giving anything away.
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“Oh, so you’ve had blue balls.”
 “What you think women can’t get blue balls? We can.”
 “And you’ve had it?”
 “Have you?” Your counter question had him scoffing before he took a long gulp from his beer.
 “I’m a man in his thirties, of course, I’ve had blue balls,” he admitted.
 You finished your beer, hoping it would stop you from asking a highly personal question.
 “How many burgers usually fill you up?”
 You hopped onto the island and crossed your legs. “How many fill you up?”
 “I’m a big boy,” Chris began.
 “I’ve heard.”
 His smile was an embarrassed one. He looked away from you and to the stovetop to focus on the burgers. You watched him add three more meat circles to it and watched on as he tended to them. When he sprinkled several seasonings on the patties, you smiled. There were plenty of people who didn’t season burger meat with anything but salt and pepper. He’d gone far beyond salt and pepper; you were relieved. In no time, the house filled up with the smell of juicy burgers. Your belly rumbled, bringing his attention back to you.
 “Hungry, huh.”
 “More than you’ll ever know.” The two of you stared for a few long moments before he looked away.
 “Since I know you don’t do a salad with your burgers, if you open the freezer drawer, you’ll find some onion rings. Think you can manage popping them in the oven?”
 Obliging him, you did as he asked. The two of you moved around the galley kitchen together. His body was tight, and it looked like he was taking extra care not to bounce you. Every time you got close to touching him, he slinked away from you, creating more space. The first and second time he did it, you found it interesting. By the ninth and tenth, you were amused and ready to tease the shit out of him.
 Noticing his bottle was empty, you bent inside the fridge and took two more out. When you handed him the opened bottle, you peered into his eyes flirtatiously. You didn’t know why but something about him brought out your flirtatious side. You wanted to tease him and make him beg for you. When he took the bottle, he took a sip while keeping his eyes on you. The only reason he looked away was the scent of the burgers charring too quickly.
 The sound of the conventional oven’s bell had you slinking past him grazing his body with your hip. You heard him hiss out felt his body tense. He was easy, you thought. Once you’d taken the onion rings out, you brought them to the back deck, ensuring to play up the sway of your hips. When you walked back, Chris looked to you.
 “These are practically done,” he informed.
 “Then you need a plate.” You walked behind him toward one of the cupboards. “Which one?”
 “The one on top,” Chris answered.
 You reached to the top but still couldn’t reach the platter that was there. After a few moments of struggle, you heard a scoff.
 “Too short?” You felt his presence before you felt him. The heat of his body was an unexpected but welcomed feeling. “Don’t worry, I got you,” Chris whispered before his body pressed against your back.
 A sigh escaped you that ended on a groan. Then you felt his crotch press against your ass. Your eyes closed, and you bent just a little, so your ass pressed more prominently against him. Chris’s groan was the clue you needed to know he liked what he felt. Neither of you moved. You both just froze and relished the feel of your bodies pressed together in this new way. You felt his beard tickle the exposed skin of the nape of your neck, and you’d never wanted someone to bite and mark you as much as you wanted it now. He didn’t bite you, though. You waited and waited, but still, the dull ache of his bite never came. He did press his lips to your ear. You heard him take a deep breath before he spoke.
 “You’re not the only one who can tease, Y/N.” It was a guttural whisper that lingered in the air as long as his body lingered against yours. You were sure your panties were flooded, and that was when he moved from you, leaving you with an ache between your legs you knew was going to bother you all night. You looked up, and the platter was gone.
 “Maybe you can grab the beers and meet on the deck,” Chris suggested as he walked away, leaving you in the kitchen with your desires.
 When you walked out back, you had two six-packs of beer in one hand and a bottle of whiskey you’d found on one of the shelves. Chris wasn’t there, and your grumpy ass didn’t care. Wasting no time, you popped the cork of the whiskey and poured yourself a glass full before you knocked it back. The burn was excruciating but wonderful. It distracted you from the ache in another place.
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The two of you ate in mostly silence. Your thoughts were miles away, thinking of what happened in the kitchen and how easily he’d turned the tables on you. When your mind wandered to your conversation with your mother from earlier, you decided to bring it up.
 “Why didn’t you ever tell me you check in on my parents and send them gifts and cards?”
 Chris slowed his chew no doubt using the extra time to think of what he was going to say. After almost a minute, he swallowed.
 “It’s not a big deal. I was brought up to be respectful.”
 “Respectful is answering yes ma’am and no sir. What you’ve been doing goes above and beyond. Why do you do it?”
 “Yeah. Everyone does everything for a reason. What was your angle?”
 Chris scoffed and shook his head, but he didn’t answer. Instead, he put onion ring after onion ring in his mouth as he stared at you. The fact that he wasn’t answering was getting to you, and he knew it. His smirk appeared.
 “Who hurt you, Y/N?”
 Your jaw dropped. It was an unexpected question. “What?”
 “You heard me. Who hurt you? What was his name so I can find him and beat his ass.”
 “No one—no one hurt me.”
 “Bullshit. There is no way you’re like this for no reason,” Chris countered.
 “Like what?”
 “So distrustful, so skeptical or everyone.”
 “How do you know it’s of everyone and not just you?” Chris stopped mid-chew and stared at you.
 “Okay. Is it just me you’re like this with? Are you like this with him?”
 You knew he meant Charles. He always referred to Charles as “him.”
 “None of your business,” you retorted. Chris snorted.
 “Nah, you’re like this with him too. So, who hurt you?”
 Feeling naked and vulnerable, you poured another glass of the whiskey and gulped it. This was not a conversation you wanted to have.
 “Okay. I didn’t have an angle. I like your parents; I respect your parents. I wanted to do some nice things for them. I was able, so I did.”
 “Just like the Air B&B?”
 He nodded, confirming it. “Look, if I overstepped, tell me. I’ll stop.”
 You thought about it for a few moments and sighed. “It’s fine. I’m sorry for being a bitch. I just—I appreciate you looking out for them.”
 Chris studied you then nodded. The silence between you stretched for minutes.
 “So it wasn’t my parents who made you promise to stay away from me. That leaves Scott or someone else in your family.”
 Chris sighed and leaned back. “It doesn’t matter.”
 “It does,” you countered.
 “Why? What does it matter? You hate me, end of story. Me promising to stay away from you means nothing because staying away from you would have been inevitable,” Chris ranted.
 “I never said I hate you.”
 “You sure act like it.”
 That stung, but it was true. You did act like you hated him. In hindsight, you saw it was your defense mechanism. If he hated you, you’d hate him right back that way, it didn’t matter how he treated you; you wouldn’t feel any way about it. That was all biting you in the ass now.
 “Three years, huh,” you broke the silence with.
 “Three years,” Chris repeated.
 “This is bizarre.”
 “All this time I’ve thought things were one way when they were the opposite,” you explained.
 “If you don’t hate me, what do you feel?”
 Staring at him, you swirled the glass and thought about just what it was you felt. You knew attraction and desire were in there, but you didn’t know what else. You gulped down the rest of the whiskey and chased it with your beer and groaned.
 “I don’t know what I feel, Chris. That’s a problem for me. I always know what I feel. I always know what I want. I have no clue right now. It’s like I’m out of control. I hate being out of control. I want all the control.”
 “What will make you feel like you have the control?”
 “The fuck if I know. I was doing fine thinking you were a dick, and now I don’t think you’re a dick. I don’t know what to think when I think of you anymore. This doesn’t even matter because you’re supposed to stay away from me anyway.” You stood and walked across the deck, facing your back to him while staring out to the darkness in the trees.
 “It’s the hardest promise to keep. You have no idea. For the last three years, I’ve wanted to do the opposite. I’ve wanted you in so many moments. I was at a premiere a few months ago, and I wanted you to be there with me. I’m lying in my bed, and I imagine what it would be like if you were laying next to me. I’m grocery shopping and think about you doing it with me. I see you in so many moments, and I want you in too many of them.”
 Holy shit, you thought. In less than two minutes, he’d managed to take your breath away. You turned, and there he was, less than two feet from you.
 “Holy shit, Chris,” you whispered.
 “I know, that was heavy, but it is just a fraction of what’s going on in my head, in my--.” Clenching his jaw, he looked away from you to the deck floor to shuffle his feet.
 “This is new for me, Y/N. It’s new, and it’s only with you.”
 As if someone was pulling at the invisible string between you, both of you drifted to each other, closing the space there. Your faces were now inches apart, and with every passing second, those inches disappeared until your foreheads were pressed together.
 “Fuck it, I’m going to break this promise,” Chris whispered before his lips crashed to yours.
 It was like an “aha” moment. As soon as your lips touched, the wind picked up and blew ferociously around you and through the trees. The kiss was an exploratory one, a timid one—one that reeked of apprehensiveness and fear. Both of you were reluctant to cross the line, but you both knew the line was going to be so far behind you in a matter of seconds. That was the definition of inevitable.
 The kiss intensified, and soon the fight was between your lips. You both were battling for control over the other, and neither of you was letting up and giving in. When you heard his deep moan, yours was unleashed seconds later. Chris’s hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you flush against him before his other hand clasped the base of your skull to kiss you more fervently.
 Before you knew it, you’d backed him to the picnic table you were just eating on and had pressed his back to it. When you climbed onto the table and straddled him, Chris groaned and pulled at your hair, making you moan louder and want more from him. The way he kissed you had you feeling as if you’d just woken up from a long sleep, a sleep that had held you captive for far too long. You were famished. As your hips began to grind on him, Chris groaned loudly, sat up, stood, and turned you to the table. With your legs wrapped around his back, Chris grabbed your exposed thigh and squeezed before he pulled you to the edge of the table. You now felt his need, and you were ready.
 When your hands dropped to his pants to undo them, he allowed you. Once you’d unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and was ready to dip your hand inside, Chris groaned and pulled away from you.
 “Mmm, no.”
 “Jesus fucking Christ.”
 “Come here,” you bartered.
 He looked like he was weak as he took a few steps to you, but before you could touch him, he pulled away again.
 “Wait, wait, wait.” You spread your legs wider, tired of waiting. Chris’s eyes dropped to your opened legs, and the clench of his jaw returned, only this time the context was different.
 “Y/N,” Chris whined, but he came closer until you laced your fingers behind his neck and plastered your lips to his. This time you took control of the kiss, you dictated how much he got and as you swirled your tongue around his then sucked it you felt his defiance give way until he was again kissing you with as much urgency as you kissed him.
 “Take off your pants,” you whispered against his lips. He groaned his response, but he didn’t move to obey.
 “Take—them—off—daddy.” Again, he groaned, and you felt him grip the back of your neck before his hand moved to your throat to gently hold you there.
 “Say it again.” His voice was gruff as your eyes locked.
 “Daddy.” Everything in his eyes spoke of a dangerous desire, one that you wanted all parts of.
 “Not like this, Y/N,” Chris whispered, pressing his forehead to yours.
 “You don’t want me like this. You don’t deserve this.”
 “This? Deserve?” Chris kissed you again and continued to suck the air from your lungs while replacing it with unadulterated desire.
 “You deserve better than this. Let me give it to you.”
 You looked at him, half confused as to what he was hinting at and even more confused why he was talking and not stripping.
 “Chris--,” you began before he pulled away yet again.
 “Let me be better for you—with you.”
 “A date,” Chris announced.
 “A date? In quarantine? What?”
 “Let me worry about it. Let me wine you and dine you and show you how you should feel about me,” Chris proposed. You sat there horny and unable to think past what you wanted between your thighs.
 “Fuck, Chris. Are you really saying no to this—to me?”
 “Trust me; I can’t believe I’m saying this or even doing this. I don’t know what the hell has gotten into me. I just know I don’t want to just—,” Chris said as he moved his hands around, hoping you got the gist. “Ya know, it feels wrong with you. I want to do this right; I want to do right by you.”
 “And a date is doing right?”
 “It’s a start,” Chris added.
 You were speechless. You were also out of your depth here with him. He was blowing your mind and going against every preconceived notion you’d had of him from rumors and internet sites and even stories from Scott and your friends. You didn’t know the man standing before you.
 “What do you say?”
 You covered your face with your hands and rubbed it hoping to clear away the haze that seemed reluctant to go away. “Fine.”
 “Okay, fine.” His smile was beautiful, so beautiful it did things to you that had your belly doing backflips.
 “Fuck,” you whispered.
 “Come on, let me walk you back.”
 You rolled your eyes half hating him, but you allowed him to walk you back.
 The entire walk you were miles away thinking about what almost happened and what you still wanted to happen. When Chris said good night at the door of the guesthouse, he lingered in the doorway, clearly questioning his resolve to leave. The way he looked at you made your skin tingle and your heart race. One man definitely shouldn’t have this much power over women. He was like pure sex on a walking stick. You wanted him more than you’d ever wanted anyone before him—including Charles. That thought was enough for you to run for the hills, but thanks to the wetness between your legs, you remained there and tempted him to give in. When he sighed and dipped his head, you knew he wasn’t going to.
 “Good night, Y/N.” Chris came closer and kissed your forehead before he walked off. Deep down you knew it was going to be a restless and painful night. When you closed the door, you pressed your back on it and groaned out.
 “Motherfucker! I want to fuck my best friend’s brother.”
***If you want to be tagged please SEND AN ASK SO IT WILL BE EASIER FOR ME TO KEEP TRACK OF. Thank you for reading!!!
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***There are a few that are bold that I tried to tag but your @ wasn’t coming up. I’m not sure why. I’m sorry.
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space-helen · 3 years
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Words: 2018
Pairing: Greg Sanders x OC
A/N: I’ve never written a cross oc before but I had fun!
Request:  Hi! Can we have a Greg Sanders x Oc? I'd like to read Greg meeting a girl and having a date with her and after that knowing that she is the new coroner assistant! - Anon
The man downed the last part of his drink and sighed. Peering, around one last time he defeatedly checked his phone before calling over the waiter. “Can I have the bill please.”
The waiter nodded before disappearing again. Greg pulled his wallet out of his pocket and played with it on the table as he waited in the semi-busy restaurant, a presence looming next to him made him look up.
“Hi.” A woman was standing next to his table, he could tell she didn’t work here by the way she was dressed. She was pretty and had a friendly, light appearance.
“Hi?” he replied with a slight smirk.
The woman hesitated as the man quirked his eyebrow, amused at what was happening. “I know this is totally bizarre but you’ve been stood up right?”
He scoffed and sat back in his chair  “How could you tell.” 
“I’ve been waiting for my friend and she didn’t show up either. She’s not very reliable. I just noticed you’ve been here waiting probably as long as I have and like me, you’re ready to throw in the towel.” she began to play with her hands, she was nervous.
“That’s a pretty good observation.” he gestured to the chair opposite him offering her the seat.
“It pays to take notice of things.”
“You can say that again.” he laughed, if only she knew what he did for a living. “I’m Greg.” he offered her his hand
“Avri.” she happily shook the man's hand.
“Pretty name.”
“My mums a fan of birds.”
“And she didn’t want to go for something like Dove or Robin.” he joked, his playful smile pulling at his lips.
“Too obvious, she likes to be subtle. I’m kinda glad though.” she draped her jacket over the back of the chair.
“Why’s that?”
“I hate birds.” She shrugged, pulling in her chair and getting properly comfortable. 
The man laughed as the waiter returned with the bill. “Here you are Sir.”
Greg smiled, “would you like a drink?” he offered the woman.
“Sure” he gestured for her to order and he did the same, both ordering non-alcoholic drinks as they had to drive.
“I’m sorry for the hassle. I’ll pay at the end of the night.” Greg blushed, slightly embarrassed.
The waiter just smiled “It’s totally ok.”
The two were soon left alone again. “Is there anything interesting about your name then?” the woman enquired.
“I have some Norwegian heritage, my middle name is Hojem.”
“That’s so much cooler than the bird connection.”
“Not really.” The man blushed further “So are you new in town or?”
“Yeah pretty new, I grew up here, moved away and now I’m back. I was supposed to be meeting my childhood best friend tonight and as I said, she’s really not too reliable these days. She keeps cancelling coffee dates but I really thought tonight she wouldn’t”
“I know I have no right to say this but maybe you should reconsider the sort of friends you keep.”
She smiled at the man’s comment “Most of my other friends are busy with work, which is understandable, I will be as well from tomorrow, and they all have work friends who they’re closer too. It’s not their fault it’s mine for moving away. Hopefully I can make some work friends.”
The waiter was now back delivering their drinks before leaving them alone again. “It’s not your fault.” Greg said as Avri took a sip of her drink. “People change and move on and honestly, if they’re not making the effort they’re not worth your time. I can guarantee you’ll make work friends in no time.”
She nodded and put her glass down “Thank you. I mean I have other friends that I can talk to daily but it would be nice to just have someone to hang out with you know?”
“Yeah I know.”
The rest of the night went quickly, non alcoholic drinks flowing and the two really hit it off, clearly enjoying each other's company, their laughs echoed through the air and Greg's brown eyes were sparkling.
The woman noticed the time and sighed “I think I better go. First day at a new job tomorrow after all.”
“That’s probably a good idea. I’ve got a long shift” 
Greg called over the waiter and they settled the bill, Avri insisted on covering her costs, Greg smiled and said smoothly “Fine, as long as you let me walk you back to your car.”
“Deal.” she grinned.
The two walked back to their cars, coincidentally parked not far from one another. Avri broke the comfortable silence “I really enjoyed hanging out with you.”
“Same.” Greg hesitated “I’d like to do it again if you’re down.”
“That sounds good to me. After all, there’s no better way to make new friends.” Avri unlocked her car “I’m glad we met tonight.”
“I am too. Who knows, it might even have been fate.” The man laughed, Avri echoed him.
“Let me give you my number.” 
Greg passed the woman his phone and she quickly sent herself a text message before handing it back.
“Let me know when you get home?” the man suggested.
“Ever the gentleman.” she teased slipping into her vehicle.
The man walked over to his own car and waved, she waved in return and was soon pulling out of the parking lot. Her head was rushing, she’d never been that bold before. Six months ago she would never have approached a stranger but something told her she had too. Maybe it was the man’s friendly aura paired with his attractiveness? Maybe it was the similar situation they were both in? She wasn’t sure but his charm, kindness and humour had definitely intrigued her more.
Greg slipped into his own car and rested his head back on the headrest. Tonight wasn’t the blind date he’d expected but it turned out to be a much more enjoyable time. Unlocking his phone he quickly messaged the blind date ‘I don’t think we’re going to work.” the recipient quickly saw the message and there was no reply. 
Laughing he blocked and deleted the contact, he should have known. They hadn’t really hit it off and this always happened to him. Nick had just teased him about not having gone on a date in a while.
Tossing his phone on the passenger's seat he started the engine and made the trip home.
Just as he fell asleep he felt like he was opening his eyes again. Rolling out of bed he could see a message from Avri on his phone ‘got home, sorry for the late message I fell asleep’ he smiled and replied ‘don’t worry. I fell asleep pretty soon after I got home too.’
Making himself a coffee he sipped it while he caught up on the news and grabbed something to eat. 
Upon finishing his coffee he switched off the TV showered and got dressed for his shift. Making himself some food to take with him just before leaving.
The beginning of his shift went very quickly. Greg was assigned a mysterious body left for dead in an alley-way. The body at first glance had no extensive injuries but had clearly been mugged.
The body was quickly removed to be autopsied and Greg was left to process the scene. 
It didn’t take long to process and he was soon back in the lab, sorting the evidence to be processed and was soon walking down to the morgue.
“Super-dave what do you have for me?” he announced as he walked through the doors.
“Some very exciting news.” he announced. Greg’s eyes were on the body immediately and he didn’t even notice that there was someone else in the room. “But first I want you to meet Avri Mills, she’s the new assistant. She actually helped a lot with this one.”
Upon hearing the woman’s name his head whipped up and met the woman’s eyes. 
As she moved from the filing cabinet she nodded to him knowingly and greeted him. He did the same and smiled. Neither of them alerting David to the fact they knew each other, both acting very professional.
“Do you want to explain this one?” David asked Avri. 
She smiled “Your guy here didn’t die from the mugging. He died from pulmonary edema, or secondary drowning.”
“That explains the chlorine smell.” Greg noted
David cut in “Your vic must have gone swimming beforehand then made it far enough to get mugged and drop dead.”
“Poor guy.” Greg commented. The three of them discussed more information and soon the briefing was over “Well thank you both”
“No, thank you.” David added he turned to Avri “A fun first body for you in Vegas” he laughed
“It sure was, certainly put me to the test.” Avri replied, turning back to some paperwork on the counter.
Greg smiled and thanked them both again before moving back to the main lab. He couldn’t believe what had just happened but at the same time weirder things had happened. He laughed to himself at how ridiculous it was that neither of them saw this coming, they both clearly had similar interests and spoke about their jobs in similar ways but hadn’t asked one another what they did for a living.
He was quickly able to find the pool the victim had attended and found CCTV footage of him there. The whole event was overall tragic and there was nothing they could really do. No one was at fault. Finding the guys who mugged him was harder but he was soon able too.
Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket he slipped it out. Spotting that the message was from Avri his heart leaped. ‘Meet me in an hour? Parking lot? I’m parked next to David in his usual spot.’
The man smiled at the message ‘Sure. See you there.’ 
The next hour went really quick, the evidence had gone through quickly and he soon had the two teens who mugged the vic in custody, there wasn’t much that could be done since they hadn’t murdered the guy but they’d do some time for the robbery.
Walking out of the parking lot he spotted Avri immediately, smiling he made his way over and she opened her arms, inviting him in for a quick hug, he accepted. The hug was brief, friendly, and he was soon moving away. “Crime Scene Investigator huh?”
Greg laughed “You could have said this was your new job.”
“Well ‘I work with dead bodies’ didn’t really come up in conversation last night and you didn’t exactly ask what I did for a living.”
“Touche.” he laughed leaning up against her car next to her and shoving his hands in his pockets “What are the chances.”
“I have no clue but it’s hilarious if you ask me.” she smiled to herself “Looks like I have a work friend after all.”
“Oh David? Yeah he’s lovely.” Greg joked and she nudged him in the arm.
“You, silly. David is great too though, super friendly.”
“Well I’m sure you’ll make plenty more. Have you met anyone else yet?”
“Not really, bodies have been pretty slow so far. We have one due in a little bit though, hence the five minute break now.”
Greg nodded “Slow for a change. I’ve just wrapped on the case so I’ll probably end up assisting another.”
Avri smiled brightly and admired the man’s profile but her phone going off tore away her gaze. “That’s David. I probably should be getting back.”
Greg smiled “That’s fine. Text me later and let me know how your day went?”
“Sure.” the woman hesitated. “Unless you want to grab something to eat after?”
A smile pulled at Greg's lips “That sounds good to me. I’ll meet you out here? I can take you to the place we all usually go.”
She beamed and quickly pecked Greg on the cheek “See you later.” 
The man started to blush as she jogged back into the building.
He shook his head and smiled. Unbelievable, the whole thing was unbelievable but he was grateful either way.
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softrozene · 4 years
Thank you for reblogging that "on anon hate" piece. 🥺 It's something I'm scared of and I know that's silly 😅 and uh can you share how you get over anon hate? I could use any advice and thanks if you answer I hope your back feels better!!!!!!
Warnings: Dealing with anon hate and slight mention of mental illness/su*cide.
Of course, Hon, and thank you! It also is not silly at all! I used to have that fear on my old blog, and it did end up happening (as it does time from time here) so I can give you tips and whatnot.
First, let me address the problem that I have been seeing while I have been lurking. These past few days I have noticed an increase in anon hate or anon asks that try to pass off being good, but you can tell they are just condescending. It hurts to see that especially in the One Piece fandom where I have seen nothing but support aside from the occasional anon that gets unruly- But when that happens we all come together to defend that writer. That is what a good fandom is.
So, these few bad anons are trying to stir something up and it does work unfortunately and that is something I can’t stand. Especially when they go to blogs and harassing the writer in THAT writer’s safe space. Like hot damn, they are shitty people to do that.
These Past Few Days:
Of course, in one of the instances, I saw these past few days one of the “bad anon” was purely miscommunication and they apologized to that writer since. The other bad anon to a different writer was purely a total jerk since they were able to successfully hurt the writer mentally.
The anon function is meant for a lot of good things such as shy people, people wanting to give constructive criticism, those who do not want their blogs to be known by many people, people who get overwhelmed, people who want to spread love without it being a big deal (even though it is. Your hearts are big for that and everyone loves you for that pure intention).
The anon function is not meant for hate- That is abusing the anon function.
I, personally, use the anon function for my mutuals when I get anxiety when requesting something or just wanting to tell them how much they mean to me- When people use the anon function for that, such as their anxiety/they are just shy and whatnot I see them as hella brave for doing so. In this case, you are brave <3
HOWEVER- When people decide to use the anon function to send hate: That is literally the lowest thing you can do in not only my eyes but other people. You are sending hate knowing that it may not trace back to you. So, congrats if you do this- You are a coward.
As for whatever reason, someone wants to send hate, in the cases, I saw recently it was because the writers were wanting to open up to more fandoms. Fuck those anons who made the writers change their minds. It is not the anon’s blog- It is the writer’s. They are allowed to do whatever the hell they want without anyone’s permission. It is their safe space.
If you as an anon- Feel so obligated to send a writer or any other person your opinion on their blog saying you do not like something they wrote, you don’t care for this or that, or in your eyes, they are taking too long on your request, and you spam them with hurtful words ON THEIR BLOG, NOT YOURS- I really hope you can find peace one day because that ain’t it chief.
How fucking dare you try to hurt someone in their own safe space.
Those who have sent hate:
I genuinely hope you find a better thing to do with your life. I hope your words do not affect the person they reached. I have not a clue why anyone sends hate and it still bothers me today that they do but if you have any bit of empathy think of not just the person who you send hate to but the people that love them.
You could be the last thing that makes them go over a dark edge.
You have no idea what the person you send hate to is going through.
That person you sent hate to can have mental illnesses that makes them think whatever you say is true and seriously you are the biggest asshole on the planet if you wanted that to happen.
That person can be suicidal. (Of course, to some jerks who believe others will not act because of something on the internet, they have things outside in their real lives that make them feel that way. Your words can just be a breaking point.)
They could be clinging onto a shred of a will to live- Do not be that jerk that ruins it. Karma does bite back.
Words do hurt others and no matter how silly you may think it is- Words do have an impact.
Let me say that again because there are jerks who don’t believe that: You may think it is silly, but words do have an impact.
Now for the question, this lovely anon asked- How do you deal with anon hate?
Anon hate is going to happen, unfortunately- Especially to those who do not deserve it at all, and I despise that so much.
Personally, for me, it honestly still bothers me from time to time, but I have grown to get past it with multiple methods, so I hope these help.
Report and block them.
This is the top recommendation that I suggest. I have been sticking to this one without mercy for this blog and it has worked wonders. Anons who send hate are trying to get a reaction out of you so the easiest thing to get them to knock it off and move on with their lives is to report them for harassing you and blocking them. You can block anon asks by the three dots (I believe it’s been a while lol).
Bad anons thrive on attention. Just do not give a reaction and they will stop eventually.
Laugh it off
My actual first anon hate on this blog made me laugh so hard because they told me to off myself, but they misspelled it terribly. Yeah, it stung but it was more funny than hurtful to me. So if their message are hurtful remember that these people are abusing the anon function- A cowardly act and that makes it even funnier since they don’t want to deal with any consequences based on their behavior. In other words: They are childish.
If they are relentless then that usually means they are obsessed with you which is not healthy. (Lowkey recommend they see a therapist.)
Just call them out on having a crush on you and if they continue to harass you- Most likely denying it as hateful anons do, then you can safely say that yes, they have a crush on you (I used to do this on an old blog and when I tell ya it gets them mad lol)- This method works to just laughing it off so eventually you can grow to ignore them.
If you absolutely have to answer it- Tag your friends/mutuals or make sure they can see it so they can defend you. They are your support system
In this fandom- I always see so much support when it comes to getting hate so I know that it will happen. I can’t vouch for other fandoms/places of tumblr though.
Take the option to be on anon on your blog away- They go quiet really fast
Seriously- If it is bothering you please just take the anon function away until you feel comfortable enough to allow anons back on. You may feel sad for the good anons but they will understand why you did so. After this, please seek your support system if you need to vent about that bad anon.
My favorite other option that you can do while mixing it with these other options is to continue being you out of spite. Show them that no one can change you.
For my fellow sensitive people: Our subconscious minds think everything is true. It will hear or see one thing and it has no filter so it will go: Oh yeah- That is 100% correct- Even whatever you just read from the anon. For those who get hurt by anon hate and have a mental illness like me- I also suggest trying to rewire your brain with positive affirmations so it will be easier to realize that whatever the anon says is not true at all. It may take a while or may not be for everyone but it can help.
It sucks but the best thing to do is to ignore, block, and continue on with your day spreading love and knowing you are a good person compared to them.
Maybe one day they can learn to love themselves and stop hating others (if the bad anon claim they do love themselves and can continue to be that way that just means they are extremely toxic and narcissistic and definitely will not switch their away around any time soon) but in the meantime be the bigger person than them (or have badass friends who don’t care and will fight to the death for you- For legal reasons that is a joke).
You have many options but just know that anon hate does not set your whole mood. That they may get off on sending hate but that is what their whole hobby is. While yours can be sending love- Your whole world does not consist of being on tumblr. It may be a safe space for you but remember you can also start anew if you need to. Do not let some silly hateful anon ruin your mood or make you afraid to go online. Do not give them that power.
Now on a much happier ending note, remember that these bad anons do not care about you if they are sending hate. However, there are people who go out of their way to tell you that they adore your content/your blog. They care and I think it is beautiful that they show it and come together to help others when needed.
This turned into an essay oops (1712 words yo)- Anyway, I hope that this helps you anon and I hope that it helps anyone else who may come across it. No matter what just remember you are loved.
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Hey!! 👋🏽😄 I know you said in your last rant about SK8 and Reki and Renga that you were one of those people that always looks up and learns from others, but after your last Langa edit, I just wanted to remind you how immensely talented you are. I might have not seen your first attempts at editing, but I know how it looks like when you're barely starting something, and I'm sure everyone is proud of the progress you've made and many people looks up to you as the level of skill they want to achieve. You're doing amazing! 💖💖💖
Hi, my love!!!!!! ASDFSDFGHG that’s soooo sweet, thank you so much for saying this, it really means the world to me <3 Oh, haha I’ve deleted most of my old videos so it wouldn’t hurt anyone’s eyes lmao T_T I’m still a bit nervous each time I’m uploading my vids to the day to be honest, even with so many subs rn, but at first I really didn’t have any supporters at all and my god I sucked at this, but I guess the love for my fav ships was stronger apparently haha. So I always get silly happy at each nice comment and feedback, so thank you seriously. 
I really love love love vidding, Idk why but when smth comes out the way I wanted it’s a super addictive feeling for some reason, but many times I just looked at the final result and just threw it in the trash and started over and my god how many times SonyVegas crushed and didn’t autosave the project. I’m like Suga now, I’m pressing the save button each 2 minutes, cause don’t want to lose anything xD Being someone’s inspiration is truly an honor to me, I’ve got some messages that hit me too hard. Still feels weird bc I’m like “but do you know that I can’t even use photoshop tho, how do u like me now then?” lol.
I’m always drawn to talented characters, bc they amaze me, esp the humble ones. Like those who hate Haru or Lanaga just buffle me honestly. I understand that they’re pretty and talented and everything, but they’re also the sweetest and loveliest human beings, so like...??? And I adore those who don’t whine and get what they want. I just can’t help it. I’m a strong believer in the fact that "you can do anything if you put your mind to it”. So far it worked in real life so suck it lol.
People are also saying like Langa doesn’t deserve to win this and Haru doesn’t deserve to be in Olympics, like Langa didn’t snowboard since he was 2 and Haru wasn’t swimming every day since he was born. I’m like.. and you need to check in the mirror if your face is a shade of green. BTW I’ve also been in a professional sports for quite a long time since I was a little kid, ballroom dancing and adored it back then, and I did not get jealous at ppl who were talented than me, I was watching the tapes actually with a popcorn. And oh god those large competition events when you sit there for days and give it all, but then you’re like 296 out of 1000. Why was I proud instead of being sad? Idk xD It was fun.
So thanks for liking the vid, cause I even regretted uploading it a bit yesterday. Sadly everyone already knows that we lost this fandom to the middle schoolers being extra, so they do not care for anything each episode except for this ship, so that’s what I got for posting a just Langa vid:
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And etc. and that just made me sad, cause I do not like such fandoms, like it’s not even related to the video, that I’ve been making... with love.  Also thanks for the "sama” title, I’m flattered, but editor only wants to vid matchablossom for now, so like there’s no need for any warnings. I’ve been in such horrendoes fandoms, that I’m immune to this. I also in fact didn’t know some keep ruining Langa’s page and saying that he steals Reki’s screen time... cause he’s aparently the only main character...? ...lmao? I didn’t even know Langa can be hated tbh. I wasn’t really ready for all the drama that followed me making a vid about him.
I’ve already deleted some comments, cause I’m like what this even has to do with the vid about Langa? No, I am not obliged to make a vid about Reki, too. What if I post a matchablossom vid, everyone will only start commenting “do renga”, cause fuck your efforts? I’m like... I hate such fanbases, seriously. I do not even know where this is going, but their fans are already pissing me off. I’m still trying hard for this to not affect my point of view about the ship, cause it’d be kinda unfair to them, but its getting harder each week istg.
And I maybe can’t take requests, but I love when some try to get me addicted on their ship with passion and great arguments. It happened to me with some nice ppl. But def not with agression and stupidity haha.
Cause apparently its one of the fandoms where you can’t NOT care for the main ship, even if you accept it for the only possible Langa ship (cause he doesn’t give a shit for anyone else, so like what’s the point), but it doesn’t do anything for you. I’m like... thanks for threatening. This will make me on board ASAP. Like it’s not the epitomy of love to me... I’m sorry? LMAO 
Some anon even sent me a “you’re dense” (literally thats it) ask after that Reki ask. I was tempted to write smth like “oh I’m sorry, this is the most epic love story of my life and his character is the most complex in the world and he’s the best friend and the most inspiring human being that ever hit my screen. can I become undense now? xD”. But you know I do not know if they’d realise the sarcasm and my pride sadly never allowed me to sell my life values for a bunch of 12 years olds to love me lol
My sister always laughs and jokingly says “but you’d probably get much more subs if you made a vid about this or that, but at what price that would be lmao”. Cause yeah, I never could make myself vid smth I do not like, cause I love vidding and do not want it to be associated with things I do not like, plus it’ll most likely turn out ugly, if I do not care. My mom says that she can feel love I put in my shipping vids that’s why she loves them. I really don’t think she’s wrong. But that also kinda makes me an idiot technically, cause I’m not into many of the popular ships, and some popular animes I just find really basic. 
Also I’m like 100% sure it ain’t happening, but even if they miraculously suck each other’s dicks while sitting on a skate board, I can still have the rights not to care at the end. Like did I sign some form where I’m obliged to love each and everyone canon gay ship even if it’s not what I like? Like gay is not the type of love in relationships. You can only care about his ass like Lan Zhan for example or you can only care about your ass. Like that’s different types of relationships, and whatever you like you like. So get all the way of people’s backs, please.
Also do ppl know that you do not need to be blind to the bad sides of the characters in your ships? Or you just gonna be like “I suddenly can’t see” for forever.
So really thanks for such wonderful message and liking the video and for the boosts when I need them and not being an ass to me if I’m not being obsessed with smth, when you like it. (like I think we have different ship in bnha, right? but we’re still doing great tho, thanks for being an angel <3)
I still didn’t expect this becoming a Voltron 2.0. situation tho. We in our twenties see everything differently, I guess. I do get extra about “their love is everywhere”, but I do not get extra by anonymously attacking ppl, threatening creators and yelling “queeerbating psychotic blind assholes if these two aint fucking by the end of the season I’m shaving my head and jumping out of the window and shoot the director. you do not ship it HARD? YOU DUMB FUCK. THAT’S THE BEST LOVE STORY IN THE WORLD”. Like damn, take your blinders off and see the world, kid. Firstly, it’s definitely not, secondly, ppl see love differently in general and at each age too.
Ah, also you must kill Adam, cause he’s a pedo apparently. Like he ain’t even a threat to your ship, unless you’re blind, but they’re still at it, like they do not know that this kind of age difference is literally nothing for an anime? And that there are canon ships with a huger age difference left and right, too. It’s like its their first time approaching an anime or smth. Like in anime world character can literally kill 1000 ppl with his bare hands and bathe in their blood and we can still stan them, depends on their story, ok? Also Langa couldn’t care less for his advances, so like separate Adam from your ship pls. Like, fuck off, if someone is interested in his character. Yeah, he’s a weirdo for reasons, but anime kind of weird do not apply to real life. Stop acting like you’re some purist, when later you’re gonna ship smth else and it suddenly will not apply. Also rules do not apply to animes, everyone knows they do not apply. These are not western cartoons, my god. And 24 years old flirting with 16 year old is defiinitely not the weirdest shit anyone has ever seen in the anime. Chinese BL has characters who were 14 and 30 when they met and happily married. Also FICTION is not life. Literally no one cares. If you’re scared for your saint eyes, do not watch animes, you’re gonna have a heart-attack from what you can see there. Also we’ve seen gayer bromances in animes, who are just bromances, so pls do not shoot anyone if it’s not canon.
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So basically I was kinda pissed yersterday, cause fuck them for ruining the tag, but after chatting with my hommies and your ask, I’m okay again, I just have to avoid this fandom and stick to a tight community xD. I just got used to my nice fandoms and forgot for a bit about the precautions you need to take if you’re in one of those. You know. Who make a circus out of lgbt, instead of supporting it, and make other ppl hate being in fandoms.
P.S. sorry for this partially unrelated rant, your messages really always make my heart bloom, so thanks for supporting me, and I know you’re proud of my progress, too <3 and this makes me happy. LY
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
“Is this the ask box? Dude I have no idea where to submit crap but here it goes: The S Class have a group chat, what’s it called and do they chat shit about Amai Mask in it? Does anyone send memes? What do they talk about? I feel as if you’re the best person to ask crap like this too”
You sent me a submission. But that’s ok, tumblr is hard. It took me like 4 months to figure out how to turn anon on so you’re already a step ahead of me lol.
How the S-Class heroes text and what they would do in a group chat:
So, the name of the group chat would probably just be “S-Class”. Nobody really wastes their time trying to change it because Child Emperor would just change it back.
Yes, they make snide remarks about Amai all the time. Metal Bat especially.
I’m gonna give a rundown on what each S-Class hero does in the group chat and then give you their texting style when talking to other people (with a screenshot):
Tornado of Terror:
Group chat: Only talks shit in the group chat. Pulls no punches. She’s salty 24/7 and only agreed to be a member of the chat just so she can berate the other S-Class heroes in the event that they fuck up even a little bit.
Texting style: Her texting style is a lot. Just... a lot of words in caps. If you don’t respond to her within five minutes, she’ll spam the living hell out of your phone. She’s so angry. Someone help her.
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Group chat: Nonexistent. He reads all of the messages but never participates in conversation. He rarely ever uses his phone anyway. The Messages app is the only app on his home screen.
Texting style: A... lot... of.... dots..... Texts like an old man on Facebook. He doesn’t know how to implement contact names so he just memorizes everyone’s number.
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Atomic Samurai:
Group chat: Also nonexistent. He has that shithead boomer attitude that all new technology is evil and useless, so he doesn’t even bother reading the messages in the chat either.
Texting style: he rarely uses his phone. He just has one because Iaian’s cell carrier gave him a freebie. Atomic Samurai texts surprisingly well, he’s just super salty about it. His only contacts are his three disciples, and he would’ve had to resort to remembering their numbers like Silverfang had they not put their names in themselves.
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Child Emperor:
Group chat: serves as moderator. He basically does anything the Hero Association execs doesn’t wanna do, so he’s in charge of keeping the group chat friendly (which is almost impossible).
Texting style: perfect grammar. Very professional. All of his contacts are labeled specifically and he uses a different phone each week because he’s paranoid of any information leaks.
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Metal Knight:
Group chat: He would be a moderator like Child Emperor but then the Hero Association grew a brain cell and said fuck that. Because of this, he’s requested to be left out of it. He wouldn’t give enough of a fuck to read the messages nor engage in any discussion anyway.
Texting style: Very demanding. Short texts. Uses a different phone each week like Child Emperor because lord knows he’s got a lot of shit to hide.
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Group chat: he’s not even in the group chat and he thinks it’s because nobody’s noticed, but the truth is that everyone knows it and they’re either too intimidated or don’t give enough of a shit to ask. He gets nervous every time someone mentions it in a meeting because he would rather swallow a microwave than have to talk to his coworkers any more than he already has.
Texting style: pretty normal. Lenient on grammar, uses acronyms, texts at normal intervals. His phone is full of pics of anime catpeople and he gets Discord notifications a metric-fuckton times a day from the many, many gaming servers he’s part of (nobody knows it’s him though).
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Group chat: lurks. He reads only the important messages and responds with one-worded texts. Usually just things to let everyone know he understands what’s going on like “got it” or, “affirmative”.
Texting style: he knows how to use his phone, but in a middle-aged suburban dad sort of way. He only ever uses it to read the news, take pictures of crime scenes or important documents, use the notepad, and text a select few people. He gets new phones often—not quite as often as Child Emperor or Metal Knight—because he’s also paranoid about it falling into the wrong hands. In addition to that, technology hates him. Siri never listens because his voice is fucky as all hell.
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Drive Knight:
Group chat: He doesn’t even have a cellphone, nor is he in the group chat. He’s basically a walking computer so he’s got 0 use for a phone. And he’s not in the group chat because he specifically requested that he not be put in it on account of the fact that he doesn’t give enough of a shit about his coworkers’ internal affairs.
Texting style: Doesn’t text. Like I said, he doesn’t have a cellphone. If he wants to get a message across, he’ll communicate it over comms. Like a weirdo.
Pig God:
Group chat: Is surprisingly active? I think I’ve said this before in a previous hc, but the main three things he does all hours of the day are use the internet, eat, and do hero work (which also counts as eating). So, lo and behold, he’s got a lot of spare time to communicate with everyone over text. It’s easier for him to talk over text than it is in person, since he’s really shy. His real personality really shines through. Proud of him.
Texting style: Basically like any regular teen. Uses acronyms, sends the occasional meme, leaves people on read for hours at time because he can’t be bothered to pick up the phone, and has no care whatsoever for grammar.
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Superalloy Darkshine:
Group chat: Super active. Engages in nearly every conversation and almost serves as a mediator whenever it comes to arguments. He’s really positive and doesn’t like conflict so he’ll do whatever he can to alleviate any tension between anyone in the chat in the event that it arises. If Child Emperor wasn’t moderator, it would be him. He also exchanges boomer-ass fitness memes with Tanktop Master. The two of them just kind of have their little side conversations while everyone else is talking about a completely different thing. They’re best bros.
Texting style: Like I said, he’s super positive. He’ll use emojis every other word and a LOT of exclamation points because he feels there’s not much else he can do to express his perpetual excitement about everything. He takes care of his phone relatively well considering his whole schtick is tanking damage. He might need to get it repaired every once and a while because he absolutely REFUSES to get a new one. He grows attached to objects really easily and losing something he’s had for so long would feel like losing a close friend.
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Watchdog Man:
Group chat: not even in it. He can’t even text because no phone in the world can detect his fingers through the super thick pads of his suit. He doesn’t even have a phone for this reason. Why would he need one when he’s in the same place all hours of the day?
Texting style: like I said, he doesn’t even have a phone. If he did, he’d probably eat it. Not because he’s too dumb to know the difference, but because he feels that’s the only use it’ll serve to him.
Flashy Flash:
Group chat: Only reads the important messages and engages in conversation when it serves to humor him. He’s not super talkative, but when he is, he’s got a LOT to say. He usually just quarrels with Tatsumaki whenever she gets smart with someone. It’s a wonder she hasn’t killed him yet.
Texting style: Sort of formal. He texts exactly like how he talks. He goes the extra mile to use proper grammar and even thinks emojis/acronyms are frivolous. Pretty pretentious, but he gets whatever point he’s trying to communicate across quite well.
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Group chat: I can’t decide between him either being super involved in the chat or not giving a shit at all so I’m just gonna flip a coin here... Super involved! He’s got something to say on every topic and voices his opinion with no filter. Aside from that, he doesn’t really engage in conversation very much. He just sort of drops in every so often to give the take of the century and dips the fuck out.
Texting style: Basically like Flashy Flash’s style. He texts exactly like how he talks, uses near perfect grammar, and thinks emojis/acronyms are a waste of time. Occasionally, Saitama will convince him to “act like a teenager” and type “lol”, but it never sticks. You could say... he’s programmed that way. Hehe.
Metal Bat:
Group chat: Shit-talker in chief. He initiates all discourse on Amai Mask and nobody really complains since they’re all in the same Amai Mask hate club, practically. If anyone’s sending good memes, it’ll be him. He’s got no filter and voices his opinions with no fear, taking no prisoners and shit-talking everyone equally.
Texting style: Gen Z to the extreme. Uses emojis, acronyms, the whole shebang. He’s young enough to have grown up on technology so he knows how to use his phone well. The phone itself, however, is barely functioning. If it could talk it would be saying “kill me...” because Badd drops it, smashes it, and breaks it 24/7. The only thing he does to repair it is apply some scotch tape and call it a day. It looks like shit. He doesn’t want to get a new one until the one he has now is COMPLETELY broken.
Tanktop Master:
Group chat: Like I said, he and Superalloy Darkshine have their own side conversations while everyone else is on a completely different topic. They exchange boomer-ass memes about fitness and shit. Other than that, he doesn’t really participate outside of the occasional one-word text that lets everyone know he understands what’s being said.
Texting style: Dad. He texts like a dad. Not a smart dad either, like a tryhard dad that had just googled internet terminology and uses it in all the wrong ways. He doesn’t use emojis because there’s so many that he gets overwhelmed. He tries though, by god he tries.
Puri-Puri Prisoner:
Group chat: Basically a mediator like Superalloy. He doesn’t really like conflict and does his best to spread love and cheer but to no avail, since everyone else is a huge drag. He engages well in conversation and offers his input on plans. He’s a pretty active and well-rounded member.
Texting style: one problem, though. He’s not supposed to have a phone in prison. His texting style is very abbreviated and almost illegible because he has to get the message across as fast as possible before anyone notices he has a cellphone. The phone itself is old as hell and smells like ass. For obvious reasons.
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singeramg · 4 years
Congratulations on your 500 followers! I would like to make a request for 9 .“Just don’t break anything…again!” with Henry. Thank you!
Hey world! Sorry I’ve been a bit MIA when it comes to writing, or at least posting! Don’t worry continuations of my WIP’s are coming but I also wanted to challenge myself to break my mold of writing and try to have a little fun. Also I wanted to show my appreciation of all of you and your support of what I do!
So to anon this is something from my Fluff! Henry collection! I hope you enjoy it as much as I had fun with it!
Title: Lava and Kids Don’t Mix
Characters: Dad!Henry Cavill x Female Reader
Prompt: “Just Don’t Break Anything...Again!”
Rating: G!
Warning: None, just fluff, mention of injury, and a slightly broody Cavill man.
MasterList for more fun!
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Henry Cavill was in a panic. 
You only had one rule before you left to spend the day with his mother. Leaving him in charge of your two 5 year old  twin boys Mitchell and Michael for the day. He was supposed to keep it simple, take the boys to the park with Kal and your 2 year old Jack Terrier Russell Sandy. You knew the boys would run off all access energy at the park and after they ate the soup and sandwiches you made for all of them before you left, they would down for their nap, and you would be home and starting dinner just after they woke up.
Simple plan right?
Needless to say things didn’t anyways go to plan in the Cavill household when dealing with two rambunctious twins that looked and acted like their father and two dogs, and also an unexpected rainstorm that shortened the park trip that saw the Cavill men playing the floor is lava, while Henry warmed up the soup in the kitchen. Ignoring the roughhousing like he tended to do when you weren’t around because he grew up with four brothers and “boys will be boys.” Of course Mitchell managed to miss the couch cushions he was supposed to land on, and landed on his left arm and on top of his brother. The subsequent scream of pain sent Henry flying from the kitchen, and to his horror found two crying kids on the floor. One holding his arm hollering and the other reeling from his brother landing halfway on him, therefore he was crying too. Henry runs back to the stove switching it off and then running back over to his children which now had a dog sniffing at their faces. Henry picks up Michael first sitting him on the couch and his whimpers are already settling down but Mitchell was still hollering and holding his arm.
“Oh no.”
Henry picks up Michell off the floor who curls into his father's side.
“Mitchell can I see your arm?”
Slowly; the still whimpering child lifts his arm, and the second Henry delicately touches the arm, it sends Mitchell into a scream of pain and fresh tears.
Oh dear.
He notes the boy’s arm has begun to swell and is awfully red. He carries him into the kitchen and puts a ice pack on it and knows he is going to have to take him to the hospital.
In the biggest rush known to man he gathers the twins and puts an SOS to you. Tossing things around the house until he located his wallet, and keys, just avoiding a vase on the table, that you loved. His son hollers louder held in his arms.
You were going to kill him.
You literally left the house with a  “ Just don’t break anything again” as a joke but now it looked like it was coming true...
The small group was ushered back fairly quickly into a room and for once Henry was slightly glad of his celebrity when it came to his family. He often was irritated when he found intrusive photographs of his family plastered all over the web but this time one look at his license had gotten them into a private room and waiting for Mitch to come back from X-rays. He had called you on the way to the hospital, but you didn’t answer so he left a message and tried his mother with the same result. He had tried a few times but he knew coverage could be spotty and he wasn’t exactly sure of what his mother planned for you. He knew you would feel terrible about not answering not to mention he hated putting you through undo stress because you were carrying the third child of the Cavill brood. That had been the only reason you even went today was to get a breather without a five year old pulling at your skirts, especially since he had just gotten back from filming just over a week ago.
Yep. You just might kill him…
At least he thought. He always worried as a father about his children and where you were concerned he wanted to be everything he couldn’t be when he was away filming. You were such a wonderful mother and he just wanted to match what you did for the family. This was not it.
 Mike is sleepily resting on Henry’s arm as his brief stint with crying had left him knackered. Henry happens to look down at the arm that Mitchell landed on and noticed he is starting to bruise over his arm. Henry is just beginning to look over his sons arm for the extent of the damage when simultaneously while he was touching Mike’s forearm ; there is a similar spot to his brother’s just on the opposite arm that is red and swollen and soon as he touches it gently, Mike cries out; waking up from his sleep, and also you walk in the door.
Alarmed to find one of her sons crying. Mike notices you almost instantly, crying and running over to you.
“Oh my little man what’s the matter?”
“Daddy hurt my arm!” The young boy calls out and wants the comfort of your arms but of course you couldn’t lift him. Normally you would get onto him about that, but that could be saved for later. Besides he was child so his thoughts would be more literal meaning that Henry must have touched his arm or something. 
You lean down as best you could with your 6 month stomach which was reaching the point of cumbersome, but not making you totally immobile as it did with the twins at this point, squatting so you are eye level with him and he wraps himself around you, letting you gently lift his arm. He starts hollering at your slight touch coming further into the room with his mother and father close behind.
You only had one rule really when you left the house this morning and that was for Henry not to break anything...again! However considering you had known whatever happened in your way here, this was a mistake.
The last time you left them alone for an extended amount of time the TV had been broken during a game of catch that you had already told them not to play in the house the night before you went out for the Bridal Shower.
Needless to say you hadn’t been happy with the situation at the time and it was a material thing that could be replaced. Now here you were coming to a hospital cradling one child while the other...wait...where was Mitchell?
“Daddy hurt your arm? I think that may not be the whole truth but it’s okay we can deal with it later. Okay well let’s see if we can get a really nice doctor to take a look at it and I’ll talk to Daddy.”
You say comforting him and pretending to be mad at Henry who honestly already looks wrecked about whatever had happened between the time that you left and now. You press the call button and someone comes in almost immediately which notoriously did not happen; but you weren’t complaining. You asked for them to take a look at Mike as well. They agreed without much problem and after creating a little band for his wrist they agreed to X-ray him and gave him something for his pain.
You waddle over to the chair next to Henry who actually picks up Mike and lets him sit on his lap. He says his hellos to his parents who know the look of exhaustion and being resigned to fate way too well. They take seats as well.
“So where’s the other half of our set?”
You mildly joke.
“He should be back any moment; they’ve taken him to get an X-Ray.”
At that moment a wheel chair appears with a sleepy child in it, his blue eyes drifting in and out of lucidness.
He says but his voice is dragging indicating they had given him something to ease the pain. You let the nurse help him into bed and go over to him while Henry’s parents take over for comforting Mike.
“Hi baby. How’s your arm?”
“It was hurt-ed momma but it’s not anymore. I feels weird. I sleepy.”
You push back his riotous, dark curls with a soft hand.
“Okay baby go to sleep; Daddy and mommy will be here when you wake up.”
He drifts off and the nurse comes to take Mike for his X-Ray and with the alert child gone; a worried grandfather in tow to watch over him and the other sleeping, you sit back down with a sore back and a smile.
“So what really happened in the couple of hours I was gone.”
Henry looks sheepish; and rubs the back of his neck., his natural curls smushing under his fingers.
“Well we went to the park, but the rain washed us out earlier than intended. So we went back to the house and I cut on a movie, but the boys were playing and the floor was lava and the next thing I heard was a scream...”
“Wait...’the floor is lava’?”
“Yes. Our floors are made of lava and seeing as you can’t touch lava it meant jumping around while I warmed up lunch.”
You sigh but one look at the giant puppy that was your husband, you knew he honestly couldn’t feel any worse than what was happening right now. You were just glad no one had head injuries or irreversible damage. You absently rub your stomach and place a hand on a broad shoulder.
“I feel terrible Y/N. I didn’t think a little rough housing would come to this. My brothers and I had injuries but it was usually from tossing each other around and Rugby. Somehow we managed to avoid the hospital due to our roughhousing.”
You sit up and kiss your husband on the cheek. Henry was an internalizer, so you knew if he looked this upset right now then he felt 100 times worse inside.
“Things happen baby it will be okay. If it makes you feel any better they would have created an even more perilous game. They like to invent new ways to make me tear out my hair.”
The room laughs;
“They don’t normally end up in the emergency room when they are with you...or do they?”
He asks and you laugh shaking your head.
“No, but I’ve had a few close calls that made me question whose bright idea was it to have multiple children at the same time. They can be a handful individually. Babe, don’t beat yourself up about it.”
You rub at his shoulder as a comfort. Henry accepts it and caresses the top with his own. Soon Mike is in a similar state as his brother and they got him in a bed next to him. With both of them unconscious the doctor comes back in with X-ray reports that says both of them have a broken arm.
You sigh and Henry looks devastated and you only shake your head knowing the twins never did anything by the half’s nor did they ever do anything alone.
“I guess the Cavill men don’t do anything by the half huh. I asked all of them not to break anything and they managed it times two.”
A/N: This was meant to be fluff about a peak in the life of Henry Cavill with Children. 
More celebration prompt fics will be posted when I wake up in the am because after work today I just do not have it in me to edit anything else tonight, but I hope you enjoyed this for what it is.
Henry tag list
@msblkfire84 @magdelen69 @peeyewpeeyew @agniavateira @fcgrizi @diehadess @mary-ann84 @snowbellexx @tearsontape13 @tvdplusriverdale @p3nny4urth0ught5 @laxgirl1799 @crazymexicanfangirl @iloveyouyen @oddduckthatgirl @pinkcollectorparadiseblr @sweetybuzz25 @normatural
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