#it was for this reason that she had to stop drinking mountain dew. because there's of course blue food coloring in it to get that green
Though I haven't watched the video yet (so I may actually be wrong in assuming what it's about), I was kind of confused by MatPat's new Style Theory video about whether or not you can be allergic to color... But then I remembered an old friend of my sister's, who is allergic to blue food coloring. LOL
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lixxen · 10 months
Danny Fenton and his gas station job
This is a joke I made in the Ecto-Implosion server and had made pictures for. This is a Headcanon list for that.
Specifically made for @lavendarlily
Danny got the job originally because he did not want to get a job at Nasty Burger with Valerie. He needed money to pay for things, as his parents were starting to take away his allowance.
Danny doesn't actually hate working at the gas station. It's not horrible pay and not a lot happens at certain times of the day.
He can't use the trash compactor, since he isn't 18. But he enjoys doing trash. It gets him off register and his coworker can cover reg until they have to work the compactor.
He hates making coffees. They take forever and Danny simply doesn't have the attention span to remember that he had coffee running.
He forgets to pull the coffee a lot.
Danny gives out free slushies to his friends and family. He doesn't get the point of charging them, especially if he gets them.
He likes to mix banana and mountain dew flavored slushie. He did it originally to make Sam pissed, but now he genuinely likes it. He committed too hard to the bit.
He hates IDing people. The company passed a policy where you have to ID everyone and it is the bane of his existence. Everyone argues with him, even if it isn't his fault.
Danny now judges people on what cigarettes they smoke. Oh? You smoke L&M Menthol longs? What are you. 45 and divorced? Marlboro NXT? What are you, a 28 year old frat guy? Get out of here.
When Vlad caught wind of his new job, he makes a purpose to stop in and bother Danny. He orders too much and makes Danny bring out fresh everything. It makes Danny's blood boil.
But Danny got his payback when Vlad went to buy wine and his ID was expired. No wine for Vlad. Not that he'd drink gas station wine anyways, let's be honest. He bought it to piss Danny off.
Danny has arguments with people all the time, as best as he could while keeping composure.
One time a lady complained about how the cold creamer she added to her smoldering hot coffee made it slightly less hot. He had to calmly explain 10th grade chemistry to her.
Danny has had to chase off exactly 16 birds that have wondered into the store to steal food. Six. Teen. Birds.
He's also experienced bird on bird violence that ended with a cup of ranch and other stuff on the window. They held a funeral that day in the fuel shed.
Danny has never been robbed at the gas station. The movies lied and he can't tell if he's disappointed or not.
Danny is always one fussy customer away from going intangible and knocking out a tail light if someone tells him the wrong pump for gas. Just one. He'll do it.
Danny hates the uniforms, by the way. They're itchy and he can only reasonably wear long sleeves underneath during the winter.
Also, the hats are ugly. He hates them. Why does he need hats?
His coworkers are pretty cool, though. They take smoke breaks (camel crush menthols or L&M full flavor shorts) a lot. Not that he minds, but he thinks it's ironic in all honesty.
Ghosts for some reason never show up while he's at work. He wishes they did because it can get boring.
On boring days, him and his coworkers will take pickle slices and throw them at the roof to stick them up there.
There are six pickles on the roof.
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ghouletteanon · 1 year
Mushy May: Day 29 - Wine-drunk affection
How come there are only 3 days left? Prompt list for Mushy May can be found here, curated by the marvelous @forlorn-crows.
Relationship: Mist/Dusk (new ghoulette)
Summary: Dew has convinced Dusk and Phantom that you can't get drunk from unholy wine because it's technically not wine after Copia has blessed/cursed it. Mist has to come and get her mate.
Word count: 916
Rating: T
“And then Dew said you can’t really get drunk because it’s technically not wine anymore,” Dusk rambles into the crook of Mist’s neck as she leads them away from the backroom where the mass wine was stored.
Dusk, Phantom and Dew had broken into the backroom, but when Rain found them, he had gone straight to Aether and Mist to come and get their partners. Mountain volunteered to help as well, and he had picked up Phantom and carried the sleeping quintessence ghoul somewhere to sober up. Mist led Dusk away before Aether could even start his tirade.
“Mm, but then it did not really taste like blood either, so I shouldn’t have trusted him,” Dusk continues, leaning heavily against Mist as she stumbles over her own feet. “Blood is tastier.”
“You’ve been topside enough to know better than to believe what Dew says,” Mist argues, but she finds it difficult to be angry. It was Dusk’s own fault for falling for an obvious lie. She tightens her grip around Dusk’s waist as they start climbing up the stairs. “Phantom is new and naive, but I thought you were smarter than that. You’ve had wine and bread before at mass.”
“But it’s such a tiny amount! How could I know if it was still alcoholic or not?” Dusk insists, her words slurring as she struggles with both walking and talking at the same time. Her eyes are barely open, hair falling into her face as she walks the familiar route, she has taken for several years now ever since Mist and her finally made their relationship public. “You’re tastier than wine anyway.”
“I’m tastier than wine?” Mist laughs fondly. Dusk rarely got drunk, saying she did not like the taste of most drinks, but when she did, she said the sappiest things. “You don’t even like wine so that’s not really a compliment.”
“But it is! You’re tastier than…” Dusk stops in the middle of taking a step, her foot hovering over the next step. She gives Mist’s neck a lick, taking Mist by surprise as her rough catlike tongue swipes across the sensitive gills on the side of her neck. Dusk loudly declares, “You’re tastier than blood and fish combined!”
“You’re ridiculous,” Mist shakes her head fondly, but accepts the compliment and steers Dusk forward. They stop right outside their room and Dusk leans against the wall as Mist opens the door and says, “You’re going to drink some water and then get straight to bed.”
“I don’t want to drink water!” Dusk complains and pouts, making Mist roll her eyes. For some reason Dusk kept pushing her water side away, but Mist could not force her mate to talk about it. Perhaps one day, but not when Dusk was tipsy from drinking unholy wine.
“You will drink water, or I will make you soak in the shower,” Mist warns her mate. She gets the door open and Dusk stumbles forward in a way that’s somehow still graceful even if she struggles to put one foot in front of the other. “You’ll have a dehydration headache tomorrow otherwise.”
“I don’t want to shower. I just want to go to bed with you.” Dusk stops at the foot of their bed, staring at her boots like they have offended her personally as she can’t get them off without opening the laces. “Help me, Mimi?”
“Only because you asked so politely, and I love you. Sit down and I’ll get you some water.” Mist kisses the top of Dusk’s head. Dusk’s hair is still curly from the braids she wore under the helmet she wore during band practice. Dusk still needed to learn how to do her hair into curls, but Mist selfishly loved doing it for her for as long as she could. This tour will be the first time they are apart since they formalized their relationship and Mist retired from the band and it has not really felt real.
“You’re the best.” Dusk sits down at the edge of the bed, her feet barely reaching the floor. She calls after Mist, “You’re better than all the blood and the fish in the world.”
“That’s high praise.” Mist exits the bathroom, glass in hand that she gives to Dusk before she kneels and helps her unlace the combat boots. Knowing her mate, Mist works fast as Dusk would probably fall asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. “What else am I better than?”
“You’re better than…” Dusk considers her words between chugs of water. “You’re better than all the chocolate and licorice in the world.”
“Even better than salty licorice?” Mist humors her partner, helping her undress before she strips down as well.
Dusk nods enthusiastically, eyeing her mate shamelessly. “Yeah, and you’re even better than tar licorice too.”
“That’s a really high bar to beat,” Mist smiles and lays down in bed, patting the space next to her where Dusk crawls up. Tar licorice is Dusk’s favorite candy after all, even if Mist never really understood what she liked about it.
Dusk’s voice is sleepy as she rests her head on Mist’s chest. “Nah, you’re my favorite thing in the world, both topside and in the pits.”
“You’re my favorite thing in the world too, Dusk.”
Mist is almost asleep when she hears a small, “Mimi?”
“I knew it was wine, but I didn’t want Phantom to feel stupid for falling for it.”
Of course she had. “You’re a good friend, Dusk.”
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iamthecomet · 2 years
Hi Comet! Asking about your headcanons has been so much fun and now I feel like I can't stop. Now, for something completely different from clothes: Copia has received orders that the band has to have a team building night where they play board games. Who wins Monopoly? Who initiates strip poker? Who is content to just play "Go Fish"? Who is a sore loser after losing [insert board game of your own choice]? -Ghoulette Anon
I LOVE answering your headcanons asks so much, seriously. Ok, I'm totally in with the idea of team building night. I think Copia will play ANYTHING. I think he's just happy to be there. Whatever the ghouls suggest, he's all in. He's a good sport, isn't really competitive. He just enjoys being there with his ghouls. He always wins Monopoly somehow. Swiss is the card shark, hands down. He has a vast wealth of card games stored in his head and loves teaching everyone new ones whenever he can. He is absolutely the one who initiates strip poker. Cumulus and Rain would be happy with just Go Fish. They just like being there with their pack. They are rarely competitive, and don't really care of the game is boring. Cumulus likes a game she doesn't have to think about so they can all talk and bond more. Rain just doesn't want to deal with the inevitable fight that happens if they play something too high stakes. Cirrus and Dew are both terrible losers, but for different reasons. Dew hates games of chance. He will flip a table if a game of monopoly goes south too quickly. He is competitive to a fault, and hates losing because of bad dice rolls, but is generally ok if he loses something because of his own bad decisions.
Cirrus on the other hand is a master at strategy and hates losing games when it's her own fault. She's fine if fate decides she can't win. But if she's the one who messes up? She's miserable, though far less explosive than Dew. She isn't going to flip a table, but she will be snippy for the rest of the night. They are both very good at games that involve strategic thinking, and forethought. Dew wins Uno at a constant. Cirrus has never lost a game of Risk. Aether's favorite game is Candyland. No matter how many times everyone tries to tell him it's a game for children he does not care. He usually gets them all to play it with him mostly because it only takes five minutes to complete a game. Cumulus, Rain and Copia are happy to indulge him. Everyone else suffers through it. Swiss and Dew are trying to find a way to turn it into a drinking game--they've had limited success. Mountain's really good at scrabble. He wins almost every time. Copia is the only one who gives him a real run for his money. They have a friendly competition with it, while everyone starts using slang and curse words on the board and trying to count them. Mountain gave up trying to enforce the rules on that almost immediately. Sunshine is really good at trivia games. Trivial Pursuit is her favorite. No one has any idea how she knows so many things, but she always seems to know the answers.
No one needs to know that it's because she reads the cards in her free time and has the answers memorized.
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eirian · 1 year
health talk
had a super bad health scare today that had me getting driven to the ER :x im fine now, i think it was just severe gas cramps that formed in my chest to give me really really bad chest pain but it went away completely and im fine now
but it did cause me to have a breakdown b/c it made me realize ive let my health get..so bad. i have no stamina b/c i sit on my ass all day. i never exercise. walking to the bathroom makes me winded. i never drink water. the only reason my cholesterol is good is because i take medication for it. i have given myself chronic back pain bc of my weight and sedentary lifestyle getting out of hand. i cant walk normally and my back always hurts and im always tired (sleep apnea) and im just generally not at my healthiest.
it makes me remember one of my aunts (i think she passed at some point) who drank so much mountain dew she had to get a tube thing attached to her stomach bc it fucked up her body so bad. and im just thinkin like. man is that gonna be me? am i rly gonna do that to myself..?
it sounds so stupid and silly b/c "simply drink water", "simply walk more", "simply stop drinking dr pepper" all sound so easy. hell they probably are. but for me theyre just not and i HATE that. i like the taste of dr pepper so much why would i give it up ??? but also would i rather live past 30 or would i rather have dr pepper every day. yknow. its basically that.
idk i just feel really bad about my health right now. im going to try and cut out dr pepper again, at least not completely but to the point of where i only have one can every couple of weeks or something, and drink juice and water in the meantime instead. and eat more veggies. and walk a little more. i feel really embarrassed and ashamed about my body and health but this is at least something i can do.
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highspeed-wobble · 1 year
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1996 Chicago Illinois. I was 18 years old. I now have a 19 year old and a 17 year old that I love dearly. In 1996 I was told by my mom that I need to get a fuckin job. I worked at Old Orchard Mall at American Eagle Outfitters but this was the what are you doing with yourself talk. Trish made it weird some but not without reason. I had to figure a gig out. A career that could provide passage though life. My dad said he’d get me into the elevator union. That sounded fantastic. He built the elevators in Sears Tower and the John Hancock. I’d be honored to get into that line of business. My mom was really fuckin with me though. It wasn’t even June, I told her “Hey, we do well, but we aren’t gonna be to the point where I’m not going to have to work. So give me this summer to hang with my boys. My mom said, yeah I get that so she did. I piloted my 1986 Caprice through countless adventures some how we always had gasoline and beer money. Half way through the summer the Trish came at me hard. She’s all up on the job shit. I’m like Mom, it’s July what the fuck. She’s like “Yeah!! Everyone is going to be looking for a Fuckin job at the end of the summer, and you won’t have one if you wait that long.” She didn’t sugarcoat it, and she wasn’t wrong. So I thought well, I have fun at the mall with my boy Dave but I need a JOB job. If I’m stopping my summer of Metallica, Jagermeister, Cherry Coke, and Mission Impossible I need to make as much cabbage as possible. I need to consult my Uncle Mike. My uncle was absolute gold. He said yeah, I’ll get you at the liquor warehouse at Judge & Dolph in the split isle on 4 ten hour days on 3rd shift. You’ll be able to get booze for cost plus tax you start tomorrow. Oh fuck. Okay. It was awesome. My favorite thing about this job was that I’d get off work in the morning and traffic would be horrendous going into the city so I’d slide by my Uncle Mike and my grandpa for Coffee in the morning. I in that 7 week period got so much knowledge from both of them. My Grandpa Ed Doyle was a former Illinois house representative. Him, my pops, and my Uncle Mike were the pinnacle of Chicago street knowledge. Blue Collar people skills. The art of giving a fuck about your pals. I’d drink coffee I didn’t enjoy because my grandpa made it, and I’d listen to advice I didn’t ask for but I needed it. My uncle would say stuff like “People suck Kev, pay attention to who calls you. When they call you and why. Most people suck at keeping in touch, until they want something. Don’t be that piece of shit. Call your boys, ask about their Moms. Remember shit about their life. This is the stuff no one does. Because people are lazy. Don’t do that, you’re from better stock than that. Take care of your boys. Be a good friend.” Keep in mind I had a Velcro wallet and in that wallet I had a sheet of paper with my “important” phone numbers on it. I had a Mountain Dew Pager so cellphones were still 2 years away from me and my friends. My uncle was right though. My Grandpa Eddie told me, “Everyone thinks our world is black or white, you can’t be more wrong. Everything is just shades of gray. Nothing in life is that easy. You as a man have to pay attention and listen. Navigate the gray. The path will show itself if you’re actually looking and listening.” I had more lessons over coffee with my guys but really both men said the same thing. Life is about listening, life is about love. Caring about eachother and not waiting to talk. Listening in a lost art. Listening is more important than talking. I’m bad at interrupting. I am trying to work on it. I’m constantly trying to be a better listener. I’m still trying to digest the outstanding advice I was lucky enough to get 27 years ago and apply it to my Wednesday. I found in these discussions that if you’re a giver you actually get more if you’re doing it right. Caring is the patch to a rich life. They were and are legendary and I was lucky to have 7 weeks of bad coffee mixed with amazing advice. It helped shape me into the Jagoff I am today. Look after eachother and take care.
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womensblood · 3 years
First Meetings/Relationship Headcanons!
GENDER NEUTRAL PRONOUNS! Reader IS trans (specifically transmasc, but can be interpreted as transman even tho there are no he pronouns), it’s not brought up much, but it is there. You may interpret your gender however you like.
S3XUAL CONTENT!!!!!!!!! AHEAD!!!!!!!!
High s3x!!!!!
unhealthy relationships, tr4nsphobia (mentioned), implied/referenced pr0stituti0n
Imma be honest, this is a little teeny eensy bit self indulgent. Because you’re a stoner lol.
Old Man Myers
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You’d have to be very special to capture Michael Myers’s attention and not be killed.
So. Guess what. Guess what. You. Are a stoner. Because I said so, and because it just makes things funnier.
But, upon meeting him for the first time, ya know… it’s Michael fucking Myers, so yeah, it’s a little scary.
You got kicked out of your house 4 years ago, right when you came out to your parents, and you’ve been staying at the old Myers residence for just as long. And no one ever goes near here because of the legends. It’s been practically untouched since… well… you know.
You have your own room, which is Laurie’s old room (not that you knew that), and you made it into your own the best you could.
Sometimes, before you eat, you like to smoke, just because it tastes better while high. You got a little extra cash too, so you were able to order a large pizza AND a drink.
Eating something nice is a rare treat, and when you get the chance, you take it. You had it sent to right across the street and requested Ellie, an old friend of yours who knows what situation you’re in, and brings pizza to the house in secret. She gave you an extra pizza too, which was also a large, and you almost cried.
You’re eating for about 3 minutes, practically fucking moaning while you’re eating cause it’s warm, fresh pizza and you haven’t had that in a long fucking time. You hear a floorboard creak, but you don’t think anything of it. The house is old and in Haddonsfield, for some reason, Halloween is the coldest holiday of the year, and the windiest. So, you don’t care.
You practically skip to the kitchen, and hum as you look for some cups, and wash it out in the sink. But when you turn back and you see Michael Myers standing right behind where you were just sitting you almost started crying literally.
But, while high, sometimes your brain doesn’t make the smartest decisions.
“Uh… hey… man.”
“You… want some pizza?”
Surprisingly enough, you don’t sound scared, nor did you look scared because again, you were kind of blazed out of your mind.
He doesn’t do anything. He just watches you.
“I mean, uh… if you’re real, you must have come from that… old hospital, right? So, you’ve gotta be at least a little bit hungry. Oh-oh! Are you thirsty?”
Honest to god he doesn’t really know what to do. He’s never had this kind of… reaction.
He was going to kill you definitely. But he wanted you to see his face before he did it.
But now, you’re fixing him a glass of Mountain Dew in a freshly washed cup and you stumble over to him, and fearlessly hand out the glass. He doesn’t take it. Obviously. He’s not going to take his mask off in front of you.
So you just… set it down. And stare at him.
“Oh! Uhh, you want me to turn around? Cause—like, you, uh… you don’t like people seein’ your face, right?”
Took you long enough. But, still, he’s genuinely surprised you knew that. But he’s also like, dumbfounded by how stupid you are because you rush over to the kitchen with your back turned and cover your eyes with your hands.
If he wanted, he could walk up right behind you and slaughter you. And he should have.
But, instead, he quickly lifted up his mask just enough to where his mouth was shown and chugged that shit as if he hadn’t had water in years.
It was disgusting. But, it was satisfying. He ate a couple of slices, then stopped.
You didn’t look back once, and you still had your eyes covered and your back turned.
With that, he left the kitchen and went upstairs.
And you kind of forgot that he was here so you were just hunched over the counter with your eyes covered for like 10 minutes and then you remembered and turned around. He wasn’t there.
You closed your pizza box and went upstairs to go to your room, and you found him in it.
“Jeezus! Christ! What is wrong with you????”
A lot of people wouldn’t dare to speak to Michael Myers like that because he might kill them. And usually, he would have. But instead, he gave you a warning.
He slams you against the wall by your neck and holds you there, staring you directly in your eyes.
You could barely see into his mask, and the only light in this room came from the window, and the couple of candles you lit, and it was just enough to see those horrible, empty eyes staring you down.
You couldn’t scream. You could barely make any noise.
And he presses harder.
And harder.
You can’t breathe anymore.
You can’t see any emotion in his eyes and you know you’re going to die.
He squeezes your throat, and just like that, he drops you. You’re not dead. You didn’t die.
But the message was crystal clear.
You’re terrified. But, you still remember your manners.
He lives with you now. Even though you rarely see him. But when you do, surprisingly enough, you don’t really try to avoid him. Unless he’s in a bad mood, or, in the rare occasion (surprisingly) when he’s covered in blood. Then you go up to your room, and leave him be.
You leave out food for him and put his name on it, and also leave out a drink. Sometimes.
He does notice that you try to be respectful, and in his youth, he wouldn’t have cared. But as an older man who spent the entirety of his life in a psych ward with virtually no privacy, he appreciates it. Just a little.
The first time you wrote his name on a piece of paper in front of his food, he snorted. They used to do that at the hospital, but at least their handwriting was nice and even.
He doesn’t actively engage in “conversation” or even try to approach you, so you’d have to do that.
And you do. After a month of living together, you do.
Do you know how much it took you to convince yourself to do it? A lot. And you forced yourself to do it sober.
You find him on the couch, just staring at the empty fireplace and you managed to get your hands on Chinese food after persuading a manager from some dingy Chinese food place.
But hey, it actually tastes pretty good.
You stepped in front of him, and he looked up at you, and you couldn’t see his eyes.
“I got some Chinese… I have, uh… sweet and sour chicken with noodles, Mongolian beef and… xiao long bao?”
But then you remember he doesn’t like eating with his mask off in front of you, and now you feel stupid.
He takes the beef, and you hand him a fork, then sit down with your back facing him.
“Uh… I hope you don’t mind me sitting here.”
He doesn’t answer. As usual. And it’s just quiet.
“I don’t… I don’t like eating alone. And since we’re… like, roommates technically, I thought I’d eat with my roomie.”
And that was enough. He didn’t care. As long as you didn’t look.
And then it became some sort of ritual. You two eating together. You have your back turned and he eats.
You guys eat every couple of days. And Michael, he doesn’t eat much at all. But, he knows he has to eat.
After a few weeks, you don’t feel as uncomfortable as you used to.
In fact, you kind of enjoy his company.
And he doesn’t mind yours.
“Hey… you don’t have to but, uh… could I… sit next to you when we eat?”
You thought you’d push too far. And he just stares at you in silence, for a long time, and you feel… ashamed. Embarrassed.
“Sorry… uh—could I still sit, or do you want to eat alone?”
Again, he doesn’t answer, but, he also doesn’t move. So you sit down, and dig in. And when you hear him start to eat too, you’ve never been more relieved.
You guys don’t have many other interactions besides when you guys have dinner together. Sometimes you salute him in the hallway when you’re going to take a leak, or nod your head at him if you two are in the same place at the same time. He responds by acknowledging you. Just looking at you.
And after 3 months of living together, you find yourself watching him more. How dirty his jumpsuit is. With old bloodstains and dirt and god knows what else. His hands. All the scars and how rough his fingers are.
And then you realize what’s happening and
No. No. No.
‘He’s a fucking serial killer’, ‘He’d kill you if he gets bored, you know that’, ‘He HAS tried to kill you! You psycho!’ Is what you told yourself in hopes of snapping out of it.
You didn’t. Sorry bro, you’re stuck with this.
And you just… suck it up. You’re like, ‘hey, I can deal with this. I’m gonna be fine. He’s just a friend, I think. And he’s an old man! I mean, it’s not like we’re gonna actually fuck lol
You don’t realize it yourself, but you’re different when you’re around him. And he notices.
He doesn’t put it together right away either. He just thinks you’re being weird or some shit. He’s used to you being weird by now.
But now, it’s getting annoying. He doesn’t know what’s up with you, and usually, he wouldn’t give a shit about anyone or anything, but he’s annoyed that he doesn’t know what’s wrong.
He starts watching you when you think you’re alone. Whenever you think he’s out killing or doing god knows what, sometimes, he watches you from a distance, or inside the walls.
He listens to you. And he watches you. And for some reason, he had no idea that you smoked weed. But when he did, he almost chuckled.
This man doesn’t care about invading someone else’s privacy. So, when you’re out or somewhere else in the house, he goes through your stuff.
And you have some notes in your journal.
Michael can’t read much, but he could make out his name. And a couple of other things. Then he got to ‘Jesus Christ I want to fuck Michael Myers’, and his mind is blown.
Just for a second. Then it hits him. You want to fuck him. A much younger and more attractive person wants to fuck him. Huh.
Michael Myers is old. And he’s got a lot of pent up sexual frustration.
The only action he ever got was when he was younger, and the young hibristophiliac nurses wanted him to fuck their brains out, which he did happily. He ended killing a few of them after he was done, but he let some live, just because he knew they’d come back.
But you… you’re unlike anyone he’s ever met. But, then again, he hasn’t met many people.
You’re attractive to him in an odd way. Not romantically. Not at all. But he does find you interesting. And somewhat amusing. Kind of annoying. But, you respect him. And it doesn’t take a genius to see that you genuinely enjoy being around him, and feel comfortable round him. And with anyone else, he wouldn’t have tolerated that for a second. He’d kill them. But he finds himself not wanting to kill you.
It gives him mixed emotions. He doesn’t care about you. Does he?
It doesn’t exactly make him sad at the thought of you dying, but he would be… disappointed. He might even find himself thinking about you.
He wouldn’t someone else kill you. Or anything else kill you for that matter. You were going to die by his hand when it was time.
He isn’t exactly subtle about wanting to fuck you. He’s a straightforwards man.
I’m actually going to make the s3x stuff into a story but I’m too lazy to change the info on top<3 my bad guys
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
Chains of a family [B.W]
Bill Weasley x Grant! Reader
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Summary: The reader has left the burrow trying to hide from Molly’s harsh comments. Bill’s mom doesn’t want his son near you cause she thinks you’ll hurt him judging you for your family reputation. Arthur thinks differenly so he’ll try to make amends between you two
Word count: 3.4 k. Too long I’M SORRY
Warnings: none
English not my mother language so pleeeeese tell me if something’s wrong
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A/N: Hey! Another chapter for you’all. Thanks for keep reading this. The next part will be updated soon and yeah, hope you like it! If you want to be tagged just tell me and i’ll do so :D
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Chapter 3: Expectations
It was bitterly cold outside the burrow, and you wondered if winter had come early. Your icy hands clenched your sides, refusing to go back inside even if your knuckles burned and your bare feet began to crack from the hardness of the grass on your soles.
You walked on the grass feeling the dew wetting your fingertips. On the other side of the garden the gnomes were burying one of Molly's ornaments with what, you guessed, the woman would be very angry when she found out, but no more than she already was. Molly's words were harsh. Even if her intention was not to make you feel bad, she had managed to put a huge weight on your stomach after the fight.
You didn't blame her, it was almost certain that Molly would react that way, however, you hoped that within her there was a bit of empathy for the situation you were experiencing with your family. It wasn’t easy for anyone to go through a war that could have been avoided in one way or another, however, for the Grants it was an even more difficult challenge knowing that the trigger for such a war was grandpa Tim Grant's half brother.
You walked around the house, crossing the barnyard, watching the chickens peck at a rubber boot on a very rusty cauldron. The cornfield grasses moved with the wind at the same rate. From right to left, right to left, right to left and then they changed the rhythm from left to right, left to right, left to right ...
The barn was just behind the thick grass rising into an old stone sty, which had several crooked stories attached to it. Four or five chimneys dotted the roof of the cellar, and most likely the entire building was held up by magic due to its crazy bolt-on construction. You took a look back at the main entrance of the house where you could hear the voices of Bill's brothers next to Molly's, deciding to get away from the Weasleys before starting a new fight.
You crossed the cornfield finding a pond full of frogs that you dodged with a little scream and a ballerina jump. Then you came across an old broom shed that was half stowed and a pervasive smell. You headed there, thinking of helping out with the cleaning and wasting some time in the process until William came home from the ministry in the early afternoon.
The brooms were on top of each other in a corner of the shed where the garden gnomes used them to play with each other. One of the gnomes had gotten a match with which he had managed to light a couple of strands of the broom of one of the twins -You knew it because each of the brooms had the initials of Molly's children painted on the base. That one had a huge G in the center - which soon expanded into the rest of the broom's dark fibers. You immediately turned it off earning yourself a tiny kick from the gnome.
The smoke from the fire mixed with dust, and the foul smell of expired wax made your eyes water . You wondered vaguely when was the last time that place had been cleaned up, however, the density of the raised dust and the rottenness of the broom wax on the floor told you about the nonexistence maintenance of the shed. The orchard was contained within a paddock, so you assumed there would be no problem cleaning it up later.
You collected each thing by hand placing them where you thought they should go. You finished cleaning the shed earlier than expected, securing the door when exiting to prevent the gnomes from entering and destroying everything again.
You continued your way in a straight line until you reached the barn where a thick layer of dust hid the doorknob. You opened the warehouse with your wand finding the worst scenario ever imagined. The walls were hidden in ghastly cobwebs, the shelves were clothed in huge mountains of dust, and Muggle stuff were strewn everywhere. Mr. Weasley's old Ford Anglia was on the left side of the barn,  storing certain flying objects that you couldn't recognize from the cloud of dust that rose and entered to your eyes.
Well, that seemed like an even bigger challenge than the shed on the other side of the garden. You started by washing the car using your wand to launch several aguamentis causing a waterfall of mud falling from the roof to the fender. Then the car doors flapped open like a pair of wings, letting out the flying objects. You raised your wand by closing the barn door blockig them the exit and initiating a chase that lasted a couple of hours to catch each object, throw it inside the Ford Anglia and finish polishing the hood before the flying, spoiled car got upset.
You forgot the last time you helped your household servants clean a simple fireplace ornament. Years before, when you were little and your brothers liked to spend time together, you helped the butler to clean some objects in the house because it was more fun when you formed competitions between you, Anthon and Margaret to know which of you cleaned the house ¿faster . You had fun and old Alfred got less tired. But that was a long time ago and in the present you didn’t remember what was the proper order of cleaning.
You were lugging box after box for several hours getting a terrible allergy in the process. The last box was made of recyclable paper where you put Mr. Weasley's old newspapers and Molly's worn recipes. You carried them to the fourth shelf from the right, previously cleaned, raising it with both hands. A speck of dust flew across the room, stopping on your nose causing you to sneeze so hard you fell backwards with the box on your face. The papers flew around the corners causing a disaster worse than the initial one.
You stayed lying on the floor taking the box off your face staring at the ceiling. Undoubtedly that would be a difficult life without anyone to help you doing the things more than yourself, however you were willing to try ‘cause you didn’t want to return home where things were simple but with a high cost. You weren't sure you wanted to trade your freedom for a few extra comforts. You let out a sigh ready to stand up when a singular sheet of a recent newspaper flew towards you, stopping on your chest. You caught a glimpse of a fairly familiar photograph in the ink, so you took the paper and read:
"Dark Mark sparks panic." Muggle family murdered.  Death Eaters numbers grow”  Your hands trembled over the paper, caressing each of the words, reading them over and over again. The weight on your stomach grew and grew, as if it were suddenly going to explode. A huge picture of uncle Tom stood in the middle, with that toothless grin and throbbing nostrils “Merlin’s beard”
Your fingers tingled, and you couldn't help but run your touch over your uncle's face trying to think how he got to that point. Grandpa Tim never talked so much about his half brother and you never had the courage to ask him even if the curiosity was eating your insides. There were few times where Tom Riddle's presence was in the family conversations and if that happened, then your father changed the topic from one second to another. It was annoying living in the shadows, but it was even more to be tied to a cause that no one sympathized with, not even his own brother. But Tim Grant was reserved, perhaps too reserved. Maybe that was the reason why he allowed the actions of his little brother to escalate to those levels and allowed too that his only son had choose the wrong side. However, you didn’t understand - or support - Voldemort's ambitions, neither did your grandpa and that cost you to be rejected by the rest of your family.
Your eyes watered and you didn't know if it was because of guilt or if the damn dirt had entered your eyelids. You looked at the ceiling in the haze. You searched your mind and realized that the situation affected you too much. You weren't welcome with the Weasleys, nor with the Grants. You felt desolate, as if the barn walls were closing in on you.
Molly's reaction was valid, you repeated yourself as many times as you could, because anyone who had lost a large part of it’s family to a member of another's would have done the same thing or something so much worse. You shook your head, once again feeling the rejection you were used to.
The barn door opened suddenly, letting in a gust of wind hitting your body directly on the ground. Your skin prickled from the cold causing the newcomer to laugh.
You looked up to find yourself face to face with the distorted figure of Arthur Weasley who was holding a couple of drinks along with a weird smile that made you laugh. The man sat on the floor next to you leaving the glass next to your face.
"I'm sorry I scared you. it’s freezing cold out there and in my defense, nobody comes to this place”
“It’s okay, I wasn't expecting visitors”
"Fine, then" Arthur took a sip of his drink licking his chapped lips, but still showing you that smile so much like Bill's. You folded the newspaper on your lap, nervous. "So ... what are you doing lying in my barn?"
"I ... I was trying to clean this place up”
"Is that so? ‘cuz It seemed like you were about to take a nap."
“Yeah, i had a little mishap here”
"I see, do you want to get up?"
"Yes, thank you." Arthur held out his hand, slowly pulling you up to leave you sitting in front of him. He offered you the drink and you clinked glasses before drinking. It was hot chocolate, you guessed, made by Molly. Your stomach churned.
Mr. Weasley glanced around the barn, surprised to see more than half perfectly arranged
“This place hasn't been so clean since Bill was born”
"No, no, it's okay," he mentioned, waving to play it off, "Molly had been asking me for a long time to do it, so I think you just made my job easier."
"It's nothing, Mr. Weasley
"Did you see something you liked?"
"Uh, yeah," you answered wiping your lips. "Ignoring the fact that your car almost killed me, I noticed that you have a lot of muggle stuff."
“Ah, yes. They are fascinating, don't you think?”
"Certainly, but I also realized that most of them are useless, why do you still have them here?"
"I like to collect them," he replied, taking another sip of his drink. You mimicked his action “to be honest, I don't even have a clue how these things works, but I suppose I'll find out in time. Muggle devices are not as advanced as ours, much less functional, however, I find them entertaining and special somehow, did you know that they use a subway to transport themselves underground? And they must leave coins in a machine so that they give them a little ticket. A ticket! The first time I used one I was deadly excited!
You smiled, imagining how it would to see Mr. Weasley that happy
"I could help you understand how they work." You winced when Arthur looked at you with wide eyes. "My ... my grandfather lived with Muggles for a while and knows a lot about this artifacts. Several times he spoke of his usefulness to my brothers and me”
“Fantastic!” He replied cheerfully. You smiled “It's wonderful (Y/N), thank you”
“No problem”
Then a silence settled between you, being cut off only by the babble of the gnomes outside the barn kicking the timbers trying to get inside. Arthur cleared his throat as he ran his little blue eyes over each of the walls of his newly renovated barn. He smiled again placing one of his hands on your shoulder
"I found out what happened with Molly in the morning," he mentioned. You nodded “My children told me what you said to each other and ...”
"I'm sorry I spoke badly to your wife, Mr. Weasley" you interrupted, sipping your glass all at once, leaving it on the floor. "I know after this I'll have to talk to William and find another place to stay."
“She is not like that. She rarely has such behavior with the people and I can only think that my Molly has a lot of mixed feelings. The war has us all nervous and the fact that the memories of the past have arisen again ... they make her have reactions that are not very usual in Molly.”
"I'm not blaming her. I think she's right”
"What I did to my family ... running away, betray them..." You started playing with your fingers on your lap, embarrassed. "It's not something a trustworthy person would do."
“What are you talking about?”
“For the Grants, it’s very important to support the family in their endeavors without stopping to think if that could be harmful to the others. With uncle Tom becoming the most dangerous dark wizard of all times ... people would think that his relatives would follow his steps and they did “Mr. Weasley listened attentively, ignoring the screams of his wife announcing that the food was ready “At least most of them. Now all of us are tied to the He-who-must-not-be-named, whether we want it or not. It ruined our lives and I couldn't stay in that place forever
"Why aren't you on his side?"
"Because I can't see my brothers make a wrong decision" You crumpled the newspaper with your hands looking at how the pic of Lord Voldemort turned into a streaked stain "I have my own convictions, even if you don’t believe so”
"I don't believe anything of you, (Y/N)" Arthur's voice turned stoic as he stared at you harshly. "Neither the good nor the bad. I am a believer that you should judge someone by what demonstrates, not by what it’s said about them. Right now you aren’t showing me anything but that there is something in your family that you don’t like and that the dirt in my barn is intolerable to you”
You smiled
"We're all here waiting to see what are you capable of. Good or bad, you get to decide who (Y/N) Grant is from now on. Starting over. Forget that the Grants' actions make you worthy of the consequences”
Warmth attacked your chest. It was comforting to feel for the first time the acceptance of someone who wasn't doing it out of mere compassion or that it was Bill. That Arthur gave you the benefit of the doubt encouraged you to continue as before: trying, trying, trying.
"I think his wife doesn't think the same."
Arthur Weasley patted your shoulder.
"I'll talk to her, she'll understand. Meanwhile let's go home, it's time for lunch”
"Did Bill come back?"
"Yes, my son and I came back from the ministry a while ago.He wanted to find you, but I asked him to let me do it. You know, because sometimes it's good to have the daughters-in-law on your side”
Your cheeks heated up and then the rest of your face turned completely red. Arthur studied your reaction, smiling as he realized you were just a kid looking for approval. He patted your shoulder again, inviting you to leave the rest of the mess and accompany him to the burrow.
"These aren’t a good times to trust the Daily Prophet," Arthur mentioned, noticing the crumpled newspaper in your hands. You skipped the pond and skirted the cornfield until you reached the garden entrance where Bill's brothers and Bill himself had set up a long table near Molly's apple tree where they planned to spend the afternoon. One of the twins raised his wand putting the cuterly across the table, one set for each of the family members. You wondered if there would be a place for you at the table “Honestly, these are not good times to trust anything or anyone, so if you accept my advice, don't worry too much about reading the newspapers, they will leave you more questions than answers, Hey, you will break that!
Arthur scolded his twins when they fiddled with forks in a battle to find out which of them would wash the dishes after eating. Arthur ran towards them while Bill approached you greeting you with a kiss on the cheek. He frowned, watching you closely and then removed his coat, draping it over your shoulders.
"What the hell were you doing outside without a sweater?" It's freezing!”
"You worry way too much," you told him, pressing the faux fur against your shivering body. The truth was that, after the exchange of words with Bill's mother, you didn’t have the time to get a sweater before leaving and of course your wounded pride wouldn’t let you get dressed again before going to hide in the barn. Bill clicked his tongue rubbing your arms. "I'm fine, I just lost track of the time cleaning your father's barn and I didn't feel the cold until now”
"You're bad at lying, did you know that?"
"You should stop asking so many questions." You smiled at the grimace on the older Weasley's face. "Nothing happened."
"That's not what the twins told me," he suddenly mentioned. You felt the tension in Bill's body when Molly passed by him giving you a dangerous look, however you decided to ignore it for the good of both of you “ What my mom said ...”
"It’s okay, it doesn't matter I discussed it with your father and we worked it out”
“Are you sure?” You nodded “I hope so. Not because she’s my mother I will let her offend you in any way”
Your smile widened. You couldn't possibly love that man more than you already did. You approached his body, throwing your arms around Bill's neck, having to stand on your tiptoes to reach only to kiss his chin. He lowered his head, managing to bring his lips together.
“Help your brothers set the table, I'll go take a bath”
"Don't you prefer i help you instead?" You laughed
"I can do it by myself, thanks”
"Hmm ... you sure?”
"William ...”
"Okay, okay, okay," he urged you leaving a couple of kisses on the corner of your lips. "Don't be gone too long. i’ll miss you, love."
“I will not. Wait for me just here, yeah?”
You went upstairs to the room you shared with Bill and jumped into the shower enjoying the warmth of the water above your head. You leaned against the tiles thinking that your first day in the burrow had turned out very bad, but better than you had thought. Even if Molly didn't believe your words, you would do your best to fullfil the expectations of the others members of the Order. You would be loyal to them, to the Aurors, and you would fight whoever you had to to prove that your actions were worth more than the rumors surrounding the Grants did.
You were going to prove how wrong they were with you and, incidentally, you would forge a reputation of your own, one of which you would proud of
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For the BTHB, maybe friendly fire with hero x villain making a team together but somehow hero just go confused and stabs villain?
If you are uncomfortable, please ignore it! Be safe <3
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Circle for completed, heart for requested
Thank you for the ask! I am comfortable with everything other than rape/sex things (being on a farm makes you see some very icky things). But thanks anyways!
This is an example of not doing the multiple parts because 1.) it is an event and 2.) the ask was anonymous.
Warnings: stab wound, unconsciousness, breaking in, major character death, family feud, attempted murder, grief, crying
*not edited*
Hero sat at the cafe, idly sipping at her hot mocha and watched as the costumers walked in and out. She didn't exactly pay attention to them for she was looking for someone with more notable features.
"Hey Hero." The person she was waiting for slid into the seat ahead of her.
"Villain," Hero nodded her head and took a long sip. Villain waited, his piercing hazel gaze glowering.
"Are you done?" Villain asked after a while. Hero smiled and swallowed.
"Yup," she replied, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
"This is serious Hero," Villain groaned. "Supervillain has taken over half the city and is stopping my operations."
"Sounds like a problem for you to smooth out," Hero replied. "Not me."
"If Supervillain over powers me, the whole city is in peril."
Hero was silent for a moment, thinking of Villain's words. He was right- Villain might be ruthlessly cruel, but Supervillain was devilishly evil. To him, killing was a hobby, whereas Villain thought of it more as protection.
Not that Hero agreed with Villain's actions or sympathized with his reasons, but if she had the choice to choose between them, it would be Villain.
"Okay why do you need my help?" Hero pushed aside her drink.
"The power that flows through your veins is pure energy, not diluted or an off-brand. It is indestructible and unattainable. Between my ability to travel through the shadows and you, we can kill Supervillain in his sleep."
Hero scrunched her forehead. She knew that Villain wanted Supervillain off the streets, but not dead, and based on the distant look on Villain's face, it seemed that he wasn't entirely certain either.
"You sure about this?" Hero asked softly. Villain's eyes seemed to snap back into the present.
"Yeah," he said, pushing himself out of the wooden cafe seat. "Meet you tonight at the park."
Hero found Villain leaning against the swings after ten minutes of walking around, searching.
"You could've told me when are where exactly," Hero pointed out in a joking manner. Villain looked at her and half-smiled.
"Should've, you're right. Look, the plan is to turn off the power to Supervillain's base. We need to get onto the room and shoot it down with your energy. That'll shut off all the electricity and open the doors also known as the Emergency Blackout Initiative. It's a safety hazard. Then, we knock out a couple henchman and change into their uniforms. We put the guards in a dumpster then galvanize it. Your powers should be able to melt the polyethylene. Should be, you'll have to get them up to 230 degrees. Can you do that?"
"Yeah, but give me some Mountain Dew afterwards."
"Check," Villain said, patting his backpack. "I know your preferences. Okay, next we are to need to get to the top floor. There are sensors throughout to record our molecular data and DNA, so we'll have to move fast. I can't take you through the shadows- you could get sick and that would be worse than getting shot by a taser. The doors to Supervillain's bedroom are fingerprint operative, but I met with Supervillain the other day to exchange surveillance data- apparently there was a breach in one of his laboratories. Anyways, I collected his fingerprints so we are good to go. Then, we..."
Villain's voice trailed off. Hero stepped forward a foot, confused. Villain seemed to be suffering from some sort of mental breakdown.
"Then we kill him. He has umbrakinesis which is sort of like mine, but he manipulates shadow. He can, and will, conjure an illusion. I will harness that energy and you, with your power, will use me as a reflector."
"Won't you die?" Hero asked. Villain shook his head, a real smile dawning on his lips, as he tapped his chest.
"I'm wearing an absorbing vest to dull your powers the second they hit me," Villain replied.
"I thought you said mine couldn't be obtained?"
"They can't be, but they can be absorbed and used. It's really their only fatal flaw."
"That's the same thing," Hero crossed her arms, eyes twinking, but Villain didn't seem to be in the mood for light teasings.
He just shrugged and adjusted his backpack.
(Skipping the break in so it won't get too long)
"Okay," Villain said as he ran the piece of tape over the small, black box. It illuminated into a neon green, showing the crevices and swirls of the scanned fingerprint, before disappearing with the lock clicked.
Of course Supervillain's room wouldn't be unlocked during the Emergency Blackout Initiative. Just had to make things so much harder.
The pair stepped into the clinical room, weapons raised. Hero held a dagger while Villain was equipped with an electric gun.
The supervillain was slumbering on his bed, snoring softly, with his whole body splayed out. He looked so comfortable that Hero felt like it was illegal to wake him.
"Okay, maybe if he doesn't awake we can just-" Hero made an extravagant gesture with her hands that awkwardly symbolized a gorey kill.
Villain shrugged and holstered his gun, walking up to the sleeping figure.
It wasn't until Hero saw them side by side that she saw it.
The exact same, brown hair with the same tanned complexion. Slightly crooked nose and wide, bushy eyebrows.
They were twins.
Villain knelt next to Supervillain and ran his hand over his sibling's ear. "Hey bud," he whispered, voice thick with emotion. "I hope you realize that I am only doing this for the city's sake; not that I hate you. Oh boy, I don't hate you, I love you. I love you so much!" Villain broke down into sobs, cradling his twins head.
"Villain?" Supervillain asked blearily, trying to pull away. "What are you-"
"Hero now. Do it now, please," Villain begged.
Like she was in a dream, Hero drifted over to the bedside. Supervillain's hazel eyes darted to her.
"What's going on? What's, what's..." Then he saw the glint of metal, the dagger in Hero's hand. "No, no, no... Villain what are you doing?" He thrashed in his twin's hold, gasping for breath.
"I'm sorry," Villain cried, pressing his lips to Supervillain's head. "So sorry."
Hero dove in, but where Supervillain's body was, there was just the mattress.
Suddenly she was hit back, flying in the air until she met with a hard wall. Groaning, she laid there stunned. When the spinning was vanquished, she saw that Villain was in the same predicament.
"Are you okay?" Hero asked. Villain nodded, but he made no effort to stand.
A shimmering figure appeared beside her and Hero lunged for it, but only swiped at thin air. It then appeared at her other side, so she tried again.
She tried until she was leaning against the wall, dizzy and out of breath.
"He's making an illusion," Villain muttered, rubbing his eyes. He looked so tired and so sad that Hero just wanted to poof them both out of there.
But that wouldn't help the situation, or the direness of Supervillain's ruling and power.
"Can't you do what we discussed?" Hero asked.
"Yeah," Villain replied, slowly standing up. He then waited, pupils darting about, until suddenly he reached forward and grabbed something seemingly invisible.
Another figure then appeared next to Villain. A woman, mid-aged leaning towards elderly, stood by him, caressing his cheek.
"My dear, dear son," she spoke, voice soothingly hypnotizing. "What are you are doing dear? You know better than to play with your brother's powers."
Villain's hazel eyes seemed to cloud and he swayed. "M-mom?" He croaked, leaning heavily against the wall.
"Yes, it's me dear. Give me back those shadows." The woman extended an unnaturally smooth hand, not lidden with garbles and veins that an older lady would have.
Villain held out his hands, then snapped out of it at the last second. But the woman smacked Villain's head so hard that it snapped back and smashed into the wall behind him. He fell into an unconscious heap.
The woman's body shimmered until it was out of existence and Supervillain stepped out from a door-like portal. Out of the shadows, Hero realized, stepping back into a corner.
"Oh dear brother," Supervillain crouched down and grabbes Villain's limp head. "It's not you who should be sorry, it's me." Supervillain wrapped his hands around Villain's throat and squeezed.
Hero's heart started pumping rapidly. No, he was going to kill Villain. She stepped out of the corner, dagger raised. Slowly, she stalked towards Supervillain...
"Whatcha doing?" Supervillain asked, halting his murder, and turning to look at Hero. Villain's body drew in a large exhale.
"Killing you," she said, but before she had a chance to land the killing blow, the pair vanished.
Then reappeared behind her.
Then in front.
Then above.
"Stop that," Hero growled, swinging aimlessly.
Suddenly, the vaporizing ceased and ended with one of the villains slamming the other against the wall.
Before they could do their trick again, Hero dove the dagger into the front one's side.
The villain turned slowly around, limbs trembling in shock, as he shakily brushed his fingers over the dagger.
"What, what." The villain fell to his knees, tears building in his eyes.
Hero felt the blood drained from her face and she too, knelt down to be face to face with him. "Villain," she breathed, fingers dancing over the hilt.
Villain swayed, so Hero wrapped him in a hug, mouth open in a soundless sob. She stole a glance at Supervillain who was staring at the scene in shock, clutching his fingers and pulling them nervously.
"Mm Hero," Villain groaned, head involuntarily falling into the crease of her neck.
"I got you buddy, I got you," she rubbed his back soothingly even though she could feel his body slipping.
Supervillain's chin trembled as he tried to hold back a cry. Soon it became too much and he thrusted his head into his hands. "I don't want him to die. I don't want him to die."
Hero ran her hand through Villain's hair. He sniffled, pulling himself into Hero with his last bout of strength.
Hero sobbed as he fell limp in her grasp. The wound was too big and positioned perfectly to hit an artery- it was a blow made her killing.
"No!'" Supervillain cried, running forward abd grabbing his brother's body. "No, no, no, no, no."
He squeezed Villain, grabbed his hand, but nothing revived him. The supervillain sobbed wildly, screamed even, until he slowly picked up his head.
"You killed him," Supervillain growled, lunging forward to attack Hero. She reacted quickly, sending Supervillain off with a bolt of energy. He landed on the ground motionless other than a few sporadic twitching from the current of electricity. Tears were drying on his cheeks.
Hero looked from the unconscious brother to the dead one. She would have to bury Villain, in a meadow, and Supervillain... he needed help.
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thefandom-casserole · 3 years
alright but remember: Couch Hedge and Frank had to be on a boat with around 7 (Nico, Piper, Percy, Leo, Annabeth, Hazel, And Jason) who all have ADHD...I have so many headcanons for this though...
• Leo getting really frusturated with one of his machine things and getting really emotional and sad and annoyed and stuff
• bonus points if it’s Frank who goes and talks to him about it
• Jason who’s hurt so often and can’t stop moving which agrivates Piper so much
• “Jason you’ll reopen your wounds!“
• “but I need to do /something/ Pipes!”
• Annabeth hyperfixating on something random and then everyone getting really into it
• Then they all have little copatitions and Hedge gets really into it too and Frank has to be the voice of reason.
• Percy getting these midnight thoughts and refusing to go back to sleep until he’s told every person on the ship his ideas or awful thoughts
• Hazel asking “huh” 15 times in a row until she gets distracted
• Nico needing to drink a whole pack of Mountain Dew before he falls asleep
• later when he and Will are together they both do it
• Piper hyperfixating on sword training
• Hazel almost not being able to keep up because Piper works best at night for some reason
• Piper sorry she’s my favorite needing to figure out how her cornucopia works
• Frank telling Hazel to come down for breakfast and then coming back an hour later to find her in the same position shaking her leg or something
• Hedge or Frank talking to one of them and then being interrupted because “look a squid” or “that reminds me”
• Annabeth trying to write or draw something but her mind going to fast so she accidentally skips some words or some things and her growling and having to start over again
• Percy taking watch but then completely forgetting to sleep but bombards Annabeth with random facts the next day
• Nico trying to tell someone something but his minds going so fast and he sees everything and then he forgets to say something. oh no now he has to restart, wait what’s that?
• Plus he mumbles
• Frank: “Hey Jason what time is it?”
• Jason: “What?”
• Frank: “What time is-“
• Jason: “12:31”
• Leo fidgeting so much he breaks things
• Leo feeling really, really bad about Calypso and he can’t stop feeling like I’ve abandoned her like everyone’s abandoned me and oh no oh no oh no
• Even though I don’t ship them
• M U S I C
• Everyone bouncing while they talk during meetings
• Frank at first thinks they aren’t listening but Hedge explains about ADHD to the best he can
• Even more h y p e r f i x a t i o n s
• Them not taking their medicines because they have a whacked sleep schedule
• Hedge having to remind them in his own way to take them
• Nico also feeling really bad about letting Percy fall
• Jason kinda not talking to Piper for a while because he’s having a really bad day and Piper absolutely freaking out like “he doesn’t like me anymore oh no oh no oh oh oh”
• and Frank having to assure that yes Jason loves her still and it’s alright
• Leo having a great idea for an invention and then forgetting it the next second
• Annabeth too ^
• Hedge being lenient about his bed time rules and whatnot
• Nico suddenly having a hyperfixation and he starts acting kinda how he was before the Bianca incident until he realizes and goes back into his shell
• Everyone being so surprised
• Hazel grinning from ear to ear after it and trying to reassure him it’s okay
• Nico not buying it
• Annabeth laughing And having a good time but then having a melt down about Luke and Tartarus the next
• Frank and Hedge just being completely supportive and patient for the entire thing
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thediamondgirl17 · 4 years
Alpha!Goshiki x Omega!Reader: That Day In The Gym (SFW-ish) Part 4
Oh. My. GOSH! I got so many notes, and so many comments for this part! So to all the Anons who wanted more posted! I got you! I would have tagged the person who suggested this ‘jealousy’ chapter, but they were Anon! I hope you see this! To all the others who want to be tagged, feel free to leave a comment or message me separately, I will be happy to tag you in it! If you also have ideas for this story or maybe a different one, feel free to leave a comment in my ask box! 
You may be asking, “Writer! Why is this SFW-ish! And not full SFW?” Well, my amazing readers, that is because I plan on making the end of this chapter a bit...steamy? I guess...Is that the word? I don’t know. However! If you WOULD like a NSFW chapter, I JUST might be able to make that happen for you! 
Another side note: I have been a bad writer...I LOST MY NOTES FOR THIS STORY! UGH! But- it’s okay! I made new ones! Some  information about the characters may change like ‘I thought this person was a Beta and their scent was this?’ Well it might have changed because of my lost notes, but bear with me here! I tried my best to remember! 
I think I’ve kept you all long enough! Here is Part 3 if you haven’t read that yet, and I hope you enjoy this chapter! 
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    When the purpled haired Alpha dropped you back off at your dorm, your face was pink and chest filled with the butterfly feelings from your first kiss. He had bid you a goodnight before heading off to his own dorm before he was caught out after lights out. However, the both of you could hardly sleep soundly after what had happened. Both of your hearts were pounding loudly from it, and neither of your heads would let that moment leave them. 
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    When you had walked into practice the next day in the afternoon, your cheeks heated up a bit when Goshiki walked in. In response to that, the wing spiker’s own cheeks heated up and he felt himself become bashful in your presence. Of course the two of you would be shy, you HAD just started dating and all. A ball had rolled your way, and you reached down to grab it. You stood up and handed him the ball with a small blush, his hands brushed against yours as he touched it and both your faces got a little hotter at that. 
    “So you finally did it huh? Found yourself a cute little Omega!” Tendou cooed softly with a small smile. Both of you stiffened up a bit and gulped. 
    “W-we aren’t-,” 
    “H-he isn’t m-my-,” You both paused and looked at one another then gulped. 
    “W-well...she is...my...,” The wing spiker said softly and looked away from them. Tendou offered a small shit-eating smile 
    “Ya’ know coach won’t let you two be all lovey during practice...And you two are going to have to tell him~,” He teased. You shook your head all nervously. 
    “W-well w-we won’t...T-there is no reason to at the moment...,” You gulped and looked down. Goshiki nodded in agreement with your statement. If nothing changed, then why would they have to tell him about the two of you? 
    “Line up everyone.” Coach Washijo said sternly, causing the small personal side practices to pause and all of the players lined up. “You too Omega.” He spat. You tensed up. 
    “W-where do you want me to stand?” 
    “Just stand next to Ushijima for now.” He placed his hands behind his back and you stood next to the tall Apex Alpha next to you. The scent of fresh potting soil and mountain dew flooded your senses. It didn’t help either that your heat was only a few days away, so you got more affected by it than normal. 
    “Tomorrow we will be having a practice match with one of the college teams we played earlier in the season. Be ready for that, since this is a game I expect you to win even if it is only for practice or not.” He paused. “Omega, you will be keeping score.” He said as if it was the only thing you were good for. You nodded a bit and hummed in response. And after a while of him talking and scolding the team for this and that, he let everyone loose again to practice on their own. 
    “You’re gonna get to see me play for real tomorrow!” Goshiki said with a smile during his water break. You flushed and looked off to the side. 
    “You’re going to be great.” 
    “As the next future Ace of Shiratorizawa, I have to be great!” He said tilting his head up in a proud way. 
    “Well I think that you’re great...Next Ace or not...,” You said looking down at your fingers. 
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    The next afternoon had rolled around fairly quickly. However, this afternoon had proven to be a bit much for yourself alone. You had been setting up the gym, cleaning, getting uniforms ready, getting water ready, and much more. Nobody was allowed to help you due to the fact that they had to do more intense stretching and warm ups. Goshiki would watch you run back and forth along the gym to get everything ready, and he couldn’t help the small smile that crept up on his face when he watched you work so hard for the team. 
    You had just finished putting out waters for both teams, already filled when they had come in. It was a group of 11 boys, and what seemed to be no female manager. Your instincts had told you that they were all Betas and Omegas. 
    ‘Typical for a sports team...,’ You thought to yourself. You looked down at the ground as the team walked past you. You honestly couldn’t help it, it was instinct. 
    “Nice to see you again Coach Washijo...Thank you for having us.” The captain said with a bow to the coach. In suit others bowed and said their thanks as well. The old Coach just lifted his hand up to stop them. 
    “Thank you for coming to play us.” He said in his usual cold demeanor. “However, you said there would be one more of you as well as an Omega.” 
    “One of our team mates got his rut a little early,” The captain said standing up straight. “Our Omega is taking care of him.” 
    Almost on cue, you and Tendou looked at each other with a grossed out face. Not only did the captain just state that the teams Omega took care of their ruts, but also that this Omega belonged to all of them. Which was the complete opposite of respect. 
    “As they should.” Washijo nodded. Your face had heated up from embarrassment and shame. Why? You had no clue, but you gulped harshly and looked down. 
    “I think we should get this game started!” Tendou chimed in with his usual strange antics, however you had known that he had just wanted the topic changed due to the fact that you were both extremely uncomfortable with the situation. 
    “Omega.” Washijo said sternly. “Introduce yourself.” You stiffened up and stepped forward. 
    “H-hello! My name is (F/n) (L/n), I’m the manager of this team. I will be supplying water and towels during this game. Please let me know if you need something.” You said with a small bow. 
    “Oh I definitely need something from you Omega.” One of the teams members had said. You stood up straight and just looked away from him, disgusted. Goshiki walked over and placed his hand on your shoulder. 
    “She is part of our pack.” He warned and them with the simple phrase. 
    “Let’s get on with it.” Ushijima said and turned, heading to the end of the court to do the first bows before the game started. 
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    The game had started and Shiratorizawa won the first set by 5 points. Due to the fact that you were not able to be everywhere at once (Much to Washijo’s disappointment) the other coach changed the numbers while you got clean towels and full bottles of water for everyone. Every once in a while though you would pause a moment to watch the game. You were still fairly new to it, so you were still learning. However, even watching as a beginner, you watched the purple haired Alpha with admiration in your eyes. His own eyes would travel for a split second while he spiked the ball, over to you. And when he noticed you were watching, his straights were extra straight and powerful. Then when his feet would hit the floor and he would turn to you, you would turn away and blush. However, the other team had noticed this as well. 
    The ball had dropped to the opposing teams side and rolled past you while you were folding towels. You looked down at it and then looked behind you to see if it had come from there. 
    “Get that for us Omega.” The captain from the opposite team said. You stiffened up, hating the way he called you by your title instead of your name, as if you were worth less than him. You bent down and picked it up only to hear cat-calls and whistles when you had bent down. Now your own and Goshiki’s face had become red. Yours from embarrassment, and his own from anger. You picked up the ball and walked to the captain. You held out your arm and muttered something. “What was that?” The captain said with a smirk. 
    “I-I have a name...,” You said softly. 
    “Yeah. And you have a title.” 
    “I would prefer you use my name.” 
    “No.” He said. And you looked down at your feet and the floor and walked off the court. He was an Alpha, his word was final against yours. 
    “She said, to use her name.” Came a voice from the opposite side of the net. Goshiki. 
    “What’s it to you bowl cut?” The captain asked turning to face him. Both of them had been rotated up front so they were face to face at the net. 
    “Enough.” Ushijima said in a strong voice, one that made both of the Alphas look away from him on instinct. From that point on the game continued with a tense silence between the captain and first year wing spiker of Shiratorizawa. 
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    Once the game was over, you had found yourself relaxed a bit. Everyone had their towels and their drinks and should have been good...except...
    “Omega.” The captain said shaking is bottle in a rude way. “I want more.” You looked up at him and sighed, standing up you went over and took his bottle from him. This earned a slide glance from Goshiki. 
    “...I have a name...” You said softly and swiped the bottle from him. He then put his hand around your waist and smirked. 
    “And I told you that I don’t care...Now be a good little Omega or else I’ll have to teach you a lesson about respecting you Alphas.” He snarled. In an instant Goshiki found himself holding the guy’s wrist with his hand, leaving you enough room to wiggle out of his grip, which you did. 
    “Don’t touch her.” Goshiki said in a low tone. 
    “Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it bowl cut?” The captain smirked. This caught the attention of both teams and the coaches. 
    “Goshiki. Let go of him now.” Coach Washijo said sternly, however the Alpha didn’t listen and stared down the other Alpha in front of him. In a battle of titles, Washijo had no power. 
    “I’ll hurt you.” He warned and felt his jaw tighten as the purple haired boy held the guy’s wrist tighter. 
    “Bring it on-,” The captain began. However before he could finish you had cut in. You turned to face Goshiki and shoved your wrist under his nose where your scent glands were. Visibly everyone could see how his eyes went from intimidating and almost borderline feral, to calm and relaxed. He let go of the guy’s wrist and held your hand closer to his face, your scent covering his senses and he sighed softly at the smell. Both teams went on cleaning up after that, leaving the rest of the day to end in a tense silence. 
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    When Goshiki was walking the both of you back to the dorms. The same tense silence filled between you besides some of his commentary, which comprised of things such as: 
    “Some Alphas are assholes...,” 
    “Omegas shouldn’t be treated that way.” 
    “That guy gets under my skin.” You didn’t pay much mind to what he was saying until he stopped walking and looked at the ground. You paused a few steps ahead of him and looked behind yourself to see him staring at the ground. 
    “Tsutomu?” You asked softly. 
    “I-...I wanna scent you!” He said abruptly and looked up with pink cheeks, clenched fists, and a determined look on his face. Both the statement and his boldness had caused you yourself to blush violently under the small light on the side of the walkway back to the dorms. 
    “Th-thats s-so i-intimate th-though...,” You said softly. Suddenly, you felt him take a quick stride forward and held your hands in his. His were much larger than yours and enveloped them. 
    “B-but I want everyone to know your mine! W-well n-not mine a-as in I see you like your just an object-! B-but mine as in...Nobody else can have you...,” His voice slowly trailed off as he went on. “A-and my dorm mate is out and won’t be back for two days! He went to visit family! S-So we can do it in my dorm!” 
    “I-its past lights out...,” You said softly. 
    “(Y/n)?...S-stop deflecting the suggestion...,” He said looking down into your eyes. 
    “...Y-yeah...L-lets do it-” You started, but before you could finish you felt the purple haired boy quickly drag you along to his dorm room. And you had suddenly realized, you had never been inside Goshiki’s dorm room before. 
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    When the two of you had finally got to the dorm, you knew it was going to smell like him, but you didn’t know it would be the thing that fully enveloped your senses. You stepped inside and you smelled nothing but warm lavender and it made you close your eyes and hum. In return this caused the purple haired boy to blush and pull you further into his room. 
    He sat you down on his bed and closed the window curtains and locked the doors to his dorm. The two of you had remained in your school uniforms due to the fact that you had both just gotten out of practice and changed into non-sweaty clothing. He gulped, and pink dusted his cheeks as he climbed into his bed with you. In return your felt your own cheeks get hot. Goshiki had laid down on his back with his back against the wall, in a sitting-upright position. Then he pulled you on top of him with your chests pushed together and burried his face in the crook of your neck. Slowly he took a deep inhale of your scent while he dragged his wrists along your sides. 
    “So beautiful...,” He cooed softly into your neck. “Y-your so pretty...And your scent is so nice...I could drown in it...,” He cooed and kept dragging his wrists along you. You gulped from embarrassment and lifted your hands up to him and gently slid them along his neck and shoulders, which were the only areas you currently had access to. 
    And for a while it had gone just like that. Small kisses on scent glands, hands dragging down each other in an intimate and passionate way. Sweet nothings were whispered to one another, and deep kisses were also not a rare thing either. The actions made both your hearts flutter in sync and left the both of you drowning in a sweet mixture of warm lavender and your own scent. It was only when his hands reached down and gripped your hips to pull you closer to him, that you felt yourself snap. Your pupils had dilated and you were softly panting. Goshiki had noticed the sudden change in your demeanor and looked down at you. 
    “A-are you okay?” He asked. However it took you a moment to respond. 
    “...My heat...,” You panted out. “...Came early...,” 
Taglist: @officialfictionalwreck @stanwallpapers @kyrah-williams @samwise-though @steggy4ever 
If you want to be added to the tag list just let me know and I will happily do that! 
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highonchocolate · 4 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 10
First   Previous   Next: Nonexistent   Ao3
Walking down the hallway, Jason felt his suspicion grow as he recalled the conversation he just had with Marinette. She had been fidgeting while answering his questions, repeated ‘homework’ several times, and given him way too much information when he had asked. All trademark signs of a liar. But why would she lie about having homework? As he mulled over the possibilities, he made his way down to the kitchen where Damian and Tim were (unsurprisingly) arguing. Alfred (surprisingly) was absent, probably doing something in another room. 
Jason thanked whatever power was up there for the small mercy. He didn’t think he could deal with the Alfred Disappointed Stare No. 5 (Trademark and Patent pending) today.
“Hey Demon Brat, Timbers, how’d ya like to do some recon on Pixie?” He called out, enjoying how they both immediately stopped arguing to turn and fix him with incredulous (Tim) and disgusted (Damian) looks. “Have you finally lost your mind, Todd?” Damian asked, fixing him with a derisive stare. 
“Yeah, why would we spy on Mari?” Tim agreed, a puzzled frown on his face. 
“Because she lied to me about doing her homework so that she wouldn’t have to play video games with us.” He responded, regretting it immediately. Only after saying it out loud, did he realize exactly how immature and stupid that sounded.
“Aw, is poor little Jason sad because someone didn’t want to hang out with him?” Tim laughed, tilting his head to the side as if talking to a small child. Next to him, Damian snorted into his cereal, not even bothering to hide his amusement.
“I didn’t mean it like that you little shit, it’s just...suspicious.” He finished lamely, trying to justify his reasoning.
“Besides,” he continued, “if you don’t, I’ll tell Alfred about that time you mixed Mountain Dew and two energy drinks into a large coffee with five shots of espresso just so that you could stay awake long enough to spite B.” 
“Drake you imbecile!” Damian shouted, turning to glare at Tim. “How could you be so vulnerable as to allow him to discover your secrets?!” 
Tim just looked at him in horror, eyes wide in shock. “You wouldn’t.” He gasped.
“Try me fucker!” Jason shot back triumphantly, knowing he’d won.
“Fine.” He groaned, dropping his head onto the table with a thunk. 
“As for you, Gremlin, if you don’t help I’ll show everyone the picture of you wearing your Nightwing pajamas and sleeping with that Batman plushie from three years ago.”
Damian turned his glare from Tim to Jason, the heat of a thousand hells burning in his furious gaze. “How dare you bring that up, Todd!” He snarled, seething with rage. “I will break your shins and use them to cut out your lying tongue!”
Jason simply rolled his eyes, too used to the threats to be bothered.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, brat. Can you just hurry the fuck up?” 
Damian’s glare somehow managed to intensify, but he still got up off his stool and stomped reluctantly over to him. Tim took his time finishing the rest of his coffee before flipping him off out of spite, and then walking over to them as well.
“Alright, so how are we doing this?” He questioned, looking expectantly at Jason.
“I don’t know, Timbers, you’re the genius. You tell us what you think you should do.” He drawled.
Tim glared at him, but refused to respond, brain already whirring as it came up with solutions. “Well vents are definitely out of the question, but I think there might be some secret passages in the manor we can use. We’ll have to look at the blueprints.” He sighed. “Remind me why I'm doing this again?”
“Because, Drake, he has blackmail.” Damian scoffed, still scowling at Jason.
“Yeah well in case you haven’t noticed, I have dirt on you too, kid.” Jason responded, rolling his eyes. 
“And anyway, Drake.” Damian continued, steadfastly ignoring his words. “Your idea is unreasonably complicated. We are dealing with a civilian, and she is incapacitated, so there is no need for you to devise such an intricate plan.” 
“Damn, Demon, you’re making it sound like we’re planning on murdering her after we already tortured her and cut off a limb or some shit. She just has an ankle boot, calm the fuck down.”
“Damian, you do have a point. Her room has a balcony, so if one of us can distract her long enough the other can climb up there and plant a bug in her room. But we’ll have to take it out after we make sure she’s not doing anything suspicious. We can’t just invade her privacy like that.” Tim conceded, contemplating the merit of the younger’s suggestion.
“You say that like we haven’t already hacked her fucking phone and listened to her calls.” Jason snarked back. “But yeah, we should take it back after we check.”
“Alright let us begin, you fools. I have no desire to be under your power any longer than I have to, Todd.”
Tim went to his room to grab one of the listening devices he had stashed there, while Damian and Jason fought over who was going to be the bait. 
“I can’t do it, I already fucking talked to her today, so it’d be suspicious!”
“Well me and Dupain-Cheng are merely acquaintances at best, and besides, I clearly have the more superior skill when it comes to stealth.”
“You little shit! I can totally be stealthy!” 
“The volume at which you are shouting begs to differ.”
“Oh shut the fuck u-”
“Enough!” Tim shouted, having heard their raised voices even before he had rounded the corner. “I’ll be the distraction, Damian’s the ninja, Jason you just listen to the feed since you’re so suspicious of Marinette.” 
“Fine.” Jason grumbled.
“That is an adequate arrangement, Drake.” Damian aquesied, looking as though it physically pained him to make such a statement.
“Whatever.” Tim rolled his eyes, already heading up to Marinette’s room. Damian slipped off in another direction, presumably to make the two-story climb to her balcony, and Jason sat down and opened up the laptop to connect to the live feed from Tim’s listening device. 
Tim knocked on Marinette’s door and waited. He heard what sounded like a crash, a thud, and a muffled curse. “You can come in!” She called out, sounded flustered and out of breath.
He opened the door cautiously and stepped in. Her desk chair was lying on the floor and some notebooks were spread out on the ground nearby. It looked as though she had fallen out of her chair when she heard his knock. But why would she be so startled? 
She was looking at him expectantly, and he remembered he was supposed to be distracting her. 
“Oh hey Marinette, I remember you saying last month that you liked to design,” he began, flashing her a faux-hesitant smile. 
“Um yeah, I do like designing. Why?” She questioned, looking at him strangely.
Time to tone up the acting.
“Well, I know it’s already the beginning of October, but I was wondering if you could help me make a couples Halloween costume?” He asked, giving her a sheepish look, and infusing the barest undertone of hope into his voice.
At the mention of costumes, she immediately perked up, looking a bit more invested in what he was saying. 
“Sure! Who’s it for, though?” 
Tim facepalmed mentally, forgetting that she had only been with them for two months, and hadn’t met Kon yet. 
“Oh, it’s for me and my boyfriend, Conner.” He laughed, “I guess it never really came up, but yeah, I’m bisexual and cassgender.”
Marinette smiled blindingly up at him. “So what did you have in mind for your costume?” 
At that, Tim stalled. It wouldn’t exactly hurt to have matching costumes for Halloween, would it? He did have a few ideas, but he didn’t know if Kon would like them. 
He must’ve voiced his thoughts out loud, because Marinette just grinned and said “How about you talk to your boyfriend and see what he has to say about matching costumes, and then I can design something for you?”
Internally, Tim began panicking. Why was he becoming so invested in this bullshit excuse? It’s not like he was actually going to dress up for Halloween. His plans were to eat chocolate covered espresso beans, watch shitty movies with Kon, and then go on patrol until 3 AM and write reports until he passed out from eventual sleep deprivation. Fuck Jason and his stupid suspicions. Now I have to actually put effort into my appearance. Isn’t putting on a suit for meetings at WE enough in the dress up department? Ugh.
But all he said was a quick “Sure! I’ll ask him what he thinks, and let you know.” Before turning and walking back down the hallway. I hope Damian had enough time to put the bug in there. He thought as he plopped down next to Jason on the couch. 
Less than a minute later, Damian was there, a triumphant smirk on his face as he settled in next to them to listen. There was a quiet crackle of static as the mic synched up, and then they were able to hear everything that was going on.
After Tim left, Marinette closed the door with a sigh. “Why me?” She sighed, looking over at her fallen desk chair and the scattered notes spread out across her floor. With a grunt, she picked it up and pushed it back over to her desk before bending down and collecting the scattered papers. Walk/hobbling back to her seat, she collapsed into her chair with a groan before turning back to the evil worksheet sitting innocently on her desk. “Fuck math. Who in the world decided we needed to study freaking triangles to pass highschool?!” 
With another sigh, she picked up her pencil and went back to working. 
Not even five minutes later, she slammed her palm down on the table and stood up, cursing creatively in Mandarin. 
“Stupid fucking bitch ass piece of shit! Does it look like I care if sine squared plus cosine squared equals one?! Does it look like I need to leard this stupid shit to become a fashion designer?! Newsflash I don’t, so why the hell do I have to study this absolutely confusing stuff!”
She shouted, glaring furiously at the question she had just come across. “I really, really, really hate math sometimes.” She said, switching back to English. 
Pulling out her phone, she clicked on something before raising it to her ear with an exhausted sob/groan. 
“Hey Buginette, how’s Gotham?” The familiar voice of her best friend/brother greeted her.
“Adrieeeen.” She whined in French. “Help meeeee.”
“Is it Math again?” He laughed, sensing her problem.
“Stop laughing!” She pouted. “It's really hard and I can’t call Max because Max hates me, actually everyone hates me, and now I want to cry, but I don’t have time to cry properly, so can you please just help?” Her eyes began to burn, and she swallowed around the tightness in her chest. “Ignore that. Just...remind me how to do this again?”
“We are coming back to this,” Adrien informed her sternly, “But I’ll let it go for now. So what you want to do is…”
Tim shut the laptop lid and glared at Jason reproachfully. “You happy now, Jay? She wasn’t being suspicious, she was actually doing her homework. And now we heard her have a small breakdown over math, and then another one over how her friends hate her. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take that bug back, and go do my work.” And with that he stalked off.
“Tt. Your concerns were unfounded, Todd.” Damian scowled, also getting up. “I am going to feed BatCow.”
Before Jason could reply, he had left, disappearing to go play with his pets. 
Slumping back on the couch cushions, Jason let out an aggravated sigh and ran a rough hand through his hair. There was something strange about Marinette, and whatever it was, he was going to figure it out.
@laurcad123, @liquid-luck-00, @toodaloo-kangaroo
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bitch-its-me-alv · 4 years
You can’t touch what’s mine, bitch
(Part two of He is mine, bitches)
Damian was very proud of himself. He got a very hot and sweet boyfriend 13 months ago, managed to keep that boyfriend more than happy, and had managed to hide the existence of marin from his family for 14 months. 
He had no idea how an alleged family of detectives and vigilantes hadn't even noticed that their youngest member was in a relationship. And that he spent less and less time with them and more with Marin. He was severely disappointed in his family, although he never said it out loud, he thought they would make better opponents.
In Marin's apartment he even had his own closet where he had his clothes, the only reason Damian kept coming back to the Mansion was because of appearances and his precious pets.
But he knew he couldn't go on like this forever. he wanted to introduce his family to Marin, to see how damn perfect he was, his photographs around the world, his point of view so different from the others, the way he sang for Damian even when he was in another room… Well maybe if he kept to himself how weak he was for his boyfriend everything would be fine.
With a good contact on the dark web, he got a protector on his cell phone, and so there were more than two thousand photos with Marin. They on their first date, in the bathroom mirror, at gotham school, in the classrooms, in the cafes, in bed. Their chat seemed like they were talking for years, full of memes that Damian didn't understand at first, and memes with their own faces.
He take all possible measures, but never anticipated that Marin would get sick from some kind of virus, forcing him to stay in bed, well, Damian actually forced him after Marin almost fell down the stairs at school.
So when he informed his father that he would take a break from patrols until further notice, he turned on all the Wayne family alarms.
Little Demon Spawn wouldn't use patrols as an excuse to hit people? Would he pass up the opportunity to take his katana out of its case? Who had he killed? Oh my god, would he be doing drugs? Maybe that would explain the little bruises on his neck and wrist.
“Oh for all the bats, Bats, what are you going to do? your only son of blood became a drug addict!”Dick very concerned about his little brother's safety “Tim, hack his cell phone, look it up in the network of cameras in the city, we can't leave it like that!”
“Calm down, boy wonder. It is clear that he killed someone and he is not using drugs.”Jason tried to appease his brother in his mother hen way.
"Well, he's hiding something big, someone has been removing images from cameras for over six months, and Damian coincidentally never sees himself in them, not even at school.”Tim didn't want to alarm anyone, but the fact that he hadn't found evidence of his little brother in the last six months in the city was certainly a big concern.
Had he been going back to his habits from the prince of assassins?
Everyone looked at Bruce, waiting for his words. “We will follow him just to make sure he is safe, whatever his secret he will tell us sooner or later.”
(They didn't know it was more later than sooner)
Nightwing, Red hood, Red robin, and Batman followed the low trail Damian left when he left the mansion. Unaware of the luck they had, of Damian being in a discussion on the phone with Bourgeois, to distracted to know he was being followed.
They stopped on the roof opposite the minimarket that Damian entered. With tim setting up the microphone to understand what Damian was saying. Another red flag was that he could not hack his cell phone.
"There is no need for threats Bourgeois, I understand the delicacy of the situation, and I am fully prepared to waste a couple of days on the cause."
No one in the family harbored hope at this point.
After hearing Bourgeois rant about the importance of his best friend's health, Damian continued navigating the soda aisle, he would never understand why Marin insisted that Dr.Pepper was the best of drinks when Mountain-Dew was clearly superior.
"To prevent him from trying to escape I had to chain him to bed, his insistence on continuing with his final project is very irritating, I am grateful that he can hardly speak at this point, or else his voice would be ringing throughout the department."
The whole Bat family was shocked and disappointed, Damian was holding a hostage somewhere horrible, and he was working with someone else.
At leaving the store, the vigilantes dispersed, all decided to find Damian's hostage, then they could deal with Demon Spawn. They were a little scared of what Damian could have bought in a simple minimarket to use as torture.
From Damian's phone, Chloe gave up with her hateful act and said goodbye to her best friend's boyfriend. "Just make sure he recovers properly, it is very rare that he gets sick, no matter what country or climate Marin was in, he almost never contracted any disease."
"I am conscious chloe, we both know that if there is someone Marin surrenders for, it will be me. I will inform you of any change in his condition."
He hung up the call as he entered his apartment building. His call with chloe lasted his entire journey on the street, luckily he was about to spend all his time with his soft and muscular boyfriend.
Meanwhile, on the rooftops around, the watchers waited for a more appropriate place for torture, but with their beloved Demon Spawn they never knew. Tim pulled out the binoculars so he could see through the walls of the building, looking for the poor soul that Damian held captive.
What they did not expect was for Damian to reach the top floor of the building, taking off his coat and shoes as he entered. The apartment very well furnished and full of life, as if someone actually lived there.
Batman was about to fly straight to the biggest window in the apartment, when what Tim saw made him fall backwards. Bats snatched the binoculars away from him before anyone else could.
"Bats you really don't want to see what's going on there, you wish you could forget it!" All the boys went crazy trying to get Tim to tell them what he had seen.
Inside the apartment, Marin was chained from his right hand to the head of his bed, his mystical blue eyes reddened at the corners, his body rendered by the dark green sheets that Damian had insisted on buying or would not sleep in bed. Marin saw nothing wrong with the old bear sheets.
Instantly Marin felt better when her grumpy boyfriend came home. If he could have produced any vaguely human sounds, he would have rushed Damian into the room.
Before Damian could say anything to his very sick boyfriend, Marin pulled him down onto his chest. Damian was very frustrated that despite all his years of killer training, he always fell on his boyfriend's chest. It was very common to find himself more than six times with his face buried in his hard chest.
So as a very usual act, he made himself comfortable to lock Marin between his body and the bed, holding on tight as always.
They give each other a chaste kiss to avoid germs, but the habit is difficult to break even for a few days. Tim falls on his back at that moment.
“Why did you take so long? It is sooo boring here without your vocabulary of yesteryear and your beautiful frown.” Damn the expensive cologne that always clings to damian, making his neck and hair always so tempting. He curses his body that matches him, which is always ready to attack at any time, and curses his sharp jaw.
"Your very dear best friend distracted me all the way, pretending to be the enemy, as if she hadn't been happy for us when we got together"Damian rolls his eyes.
Marin apparently having said the last thing his throat could handle surrenders to his boyfriend's possessiveness, letting Damian give him little kisses all over her face, excluding his lips. 
Across the street batman curses and turns around, contacting agent A. Tim comes out of his stupor and tells his brothers what he saw. They also desperately contact agent A, the only sane one in any situation.
Two days later Marin is fully recovered, shining like a malicious and amiable ray of sunshine. 
After Marin confessed to Damian that he knew he was Robin by his butt, and consequently deduced who the other bats were, along with super boy and superman, the barriers of the alter egos had fallen, and in exchange Marian told him about what he found in the Amazon caves and about who his relatives were.
To say that Marin had been about to split the marble island of his kitchen in two because of nerves would not be a lie, but once again, Damian surprised him by saying that it was not very important in his relationship that he had villains as a family, reminding Marin that his mother and grandfather were assassins and that he was also assassin at some point.
So there were no unpleasant surprises in their relationship, but there were surprises for the rest of the world. Marin knew about the secret that Damian was hiding from his family, because he was the secret.
He didn't get it wrong, no, Marin knew that Damian was more than willing to tell the world who he was dating, if the first selfie he published was something to consider, or ... all the broken hands he left behind because he thought they were very comfortable with him.
Oh, he loved when damian got all possessive, like a bristling kitten, or rather a panther ready to attack.
Returning from his fantasies, Marin decided to tell Damian that his time was up. His aunt Ivy had mentioned that the cameras hidden among the succulents had caught the bats spying on them days ago. Harley and ivy investigated before informing him, wanting to make sure they weren't going to confront him.
He loved Ivy and Harley, but the fact that they had called his parents and his nonna had not made him very happy, now he would have to explain why he had not told them about his boyfriend.
Marin hoped that the feeling of imbalance that was beginning to form in his chest was only the work of the family drama that was coming and nothing else.
➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞
Damian was a bit more bitter than normal at school during the morning, he would admit that his call with Bourgeois distracted him from his surroundings, but it was about time that his family began to suspect.
Obviously he didn't take it out on his angel, he was what kept him going, so if Marin's fans came out with completely unnecessary bruises, neither Jon, Chloe, or Marin said anything.
And when Marin started kissing him more often to distract him nobody complained so much.
By the middle of the school day Damian had his hair messed up by Marin, Jon had chosen to warn Marin's outside friends about getting close, and Chloe was on her cell phone as usual. But a strange call to Marin sparked everyone's interest.
Marin reluctantly answered upon seeing the unknown number, but when no one spoke on the line, he knew it was a premonitory call.
The group partially aware of Marin's secrets nodded in acknowledgment, attentive to what was to come.
➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞
Tim was ready to die, Dick was almost there, and Jason was more than pleased to help his little brothers leave this plane of existence.
Bruce was regretting in the darkest corner of his cave, what had he done wrong for his son to hide his partner? The moments of fatherhood that he shared with his son came to his mind ... and he realized that in reality he had not done much fatherly, so it made sense.
“I can't find any mention of Marin Dupain-Cheng, Jon Kent, Chloe Bourgeois or Damian on the internet for the last year. Everything has disappeared since October 28 from last year.”Tim was going crazy, he couldn't possibly find nothing.
“Calm down replacement, you can not find anything because you are looking for them from our devices and accounts. Alfred lent me his cell phone, and when I look for the name of our mysterious boy many interesting things appear”
“What are you waiting for Jason? Show it on the screen, I'm worried about little D”Dick said.
Bruce just nodded to his son, he had to be a better father to Damian from now on.
Jon, Chloe, Damian and Marin instagram appeared on the main screen of the cave. All with ridiculous names, like hellaMari, NottrollJon, QueenChloOriginal, and TheDEmon66. With too many followers to be just teenage accounts.
The only recent one was that of damian, where his photos were of him distracted, the one with Marin or the animal welfare he helped and the one he founded.
I had comments like: I would like to be you, how lucky you are, how I chose you, omg give me your life, etc ... It was very disturbing for the bati family, especially because they did not know that it was THE Damian Wayne, nor did they have his real name, they called him demon.
The evidence was refuted a year ago, with a photo in the instagram of Marin, of Damian and him facing the sun. With Damian's hair styled in a modern way, and with Marin lying on him, winking. Damian didn't even look the same even though he wasn't smiling, how happy he looked without needing to smile amazement at his family.
Thereafter, Jon and chloe began uploading photos of the group. A video especially on the NottrollJon insta convinced them to stop snooping.
Now they just had to wait for Damian to come back.
➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞
"Since they overcame their own incompetence, I decided this would be the most effective, Marin, this is my family, my father Bruce, Grayson, Todd, and Drake. I think Alfred is in the kitchen but you already know him. Father and idiots, this is Marin my boyfriend for a year, congratulations for finding out.”
The bats definitely did not expect Damian to arrive with Marin after school, they had assumed they would have to hunt him all over the mansion. Even so, Bruce always prepared for everything with his mask, he shook Marin's hand, impressed by the height and strength of the boy.
"I'm glad you guys have finally discovered our secret" Marin smiled to the bats, making Damian grumpty.
“Wow, why are you like the sun if you date Demon Spawn?”
“Wait, did you know that he was hiding you from us?” Dick was surprised.
“Well ... I think we better start the story in the dining room, we don't want to make Alfred wait.” Damian was very pleased with his family's reactions and the fact that they were very surprised to approach Marin.
None in the family knew how to describe Marin yet. Physically, it was quite a surprise, with his big, slanted eyes, his symmetrical face, the fact that he was bigger than Jason in muscles and height, that his smile rivaled Grayson's, and that his dark blue hair was real.
But they knew very little about their attitude, tastes, or backstory. Tim's investigations had been very vague, only discovering that in reality there were not many papers about Marin because he had never been to school, or had lasted more than nine months in one place.
Then they followed the boys into the dining room, still amazed at Damian's attitude. Determined to inspect Damian's boyfriend thoroughly and decide for themselves how dangerous Marin Dupain-Cheng was. After all, if their beloved little brother liked it, it would have to have a dark side.
➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞
As night fell, the bats could tell that Marin Dupain-Cheng did not lie to them even once. With their detective senses on edge, everyone could agree that he didn't tell a lie even once.
Which leaves them with the incredible travel anecdotes that Marin had related to them to please Damian and distract him from the accusations of his family.
It was refreshing to say the least, Marin's point of view on heroic and villainous figures, the problems of the world, the little ones, the horrible situations of the poor, the wonders of traveling. It was a drastic change to what they were used to. A vision stained brown with red and black shades, the city, the complaints and the pressure on the vigilantes or the absolute disgust for the anti-heroes or rogues.
“So you were in the scarecrow attack at the museum a year ago, and you threw your motorcycle at the guys who were shooting at you?” It was obvious that Jason had reminded him of the incident long ago, but unaware that Marin already knew their identities because of her boyfriend's butt, Jason pretended he hadn't been there.
Tim, Dick and Bruce had also been there, but they didn't see the moment that happened, so their disbelief was not acted.
"Was it because of the toxin of fear, or before you could already launch motorcycles at your whim?"Bruce spoke, seriously, what the hell did he take in the morning to make his voice so deep and strong?
Marin told Damian that it was the magic of the dark knight, but Damian dismissed it saying that after pretending so much he had stayed like this.
“Oh no, it's actually partly because I do what I can to keep fit.“Marin and Damian knew what was coming
“And the other part? "Dick asked suspiciously.
“Well that's thanks to my curse” Marin shrugged. As Damian reached for his hand under the table and all the bats leaned in his direction synchronously.
“Damn, like magic and that?”
“Yeah, when I was five, my nonna took me to the Amazon, of course she hadn't originally thought about going to the jungle, but for some reason I escaped, and ended up being swept away by a current in the river. Miraculously, I came to some kind of cave next to the rapids, where I touched something I shouldn't have touched and then the plague's curse clung to me.” Marin didn't mention that the curse came with the slim silver ring that right now was being rubbed by his boyfriend.
“So you're saying, that you have super strength because you drank from the Amazon River?“ Tim hit Jason, wondering if that white streak actually meant the death of all his neurons.
"It is more complicated than that but yes, it is actually quite similar to what you say”
Damian looks at his father, he will never admit it, but he was worried that his father did not like Marin, either because of his magic, the fact that he discovered his secret identities ... Or that his family is made up of the rogues of Gotham and other non-heroic personalities.
“He also discovered our identities a month after we started dating "Damian let out.
This time no one moved, with poker faces and saved breaths. Tim was the boldest "How ... did that happen?"
“I know Damian's butt from near, and being Robin didn't hide his butt very well.” Marin knew exactly how to break the tension, even if it means embarrassing his boyfriend a bit.
Jason and Dick started laughing seconds later, Bruce massaged his forehead, with the slightest blush on his cheeks. Tim dropped his head to the table, regretting his question, Damian just covered his blush, without looking directly at his family.
“Tt, Marin, couldn't you just tell them something else?”
“Of course not mon amour, they would know if I had lied”
After that they moved into the living room, where the fireplace was conveniently already on. The talk was postponed until it was late at night, and Marin after so many jokes with Jason and Dick had forgotten to mention that his parents would be coming to Gotham soon to meet them all.
Oh well, interesting things were definitely to come.
➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞
Damian had a good night, maybe it had to do with the fact that he shared a bed with Marin, but they had done that before, or maybe it was the fact that this was the bed where he slept only before meeting Marin. Or was it because he had finally introduced his boyfriend to his family, and they all got along wonderfully.
Naturally someone had to ruin his good mood, and to his surprise, it wasn't his brothers this time, not even bruce had that nerve. It was that annoying weakling with casuela hair and orange spots on his face who dared to affirm that he had dated Matin and had currently come to town to repair his relationship.
The rest of the Gothnamites at school seemed unconvinced of their cheap babbling in bad English, but Damian didn't give a shit what his classmates thought. The important thing was that they had learned the lesson about Marin a long time ago, and it seemed like Damian would have to break some noses to make his point again.
"Oh yeah, my Mari and I were like this in the past." He showed his intertwined fingers. "But when he had to leave France because his aunt was trapped in the Himalayas it broke my heart, now that he's in town he has been insisting that we come back, isn't that so romantic that he dragged himself along for me?"  
Lian was proud that all eyes in the hall were on him, who said that the Gothnamites were smarter was clearly an idiot.
Perhaps he did not realize that all eyes were of displeasure, weariness, and a few concerns. The skinny boy clearly didn't know what he was getting into.
Damian approached with irritation, after a quick check, decided he couldn't hit him ... as hard as he wanted. The chestnut build was too weak, and judging from the orange stains and chipped teeth, there was a more than 73 percent chance that a punch from him would send him to the hospital, and Marin had made him promise not to send more people to the hospital, to the hospital outside of school.
"Oh, so you and Marin are something?" Damian said to the chestnut, ignoring how people began to crowd with interest, while leaving space so that they did not cross with the cold words of Ice Prince, or his fists.
Lian, ignorant and malicious noticed the growing crowd, he had to do it right, or Adrianna would destroy him.
"Well… I don't really want to create any misunderstandings, especially with all the false publicity that he put on instagram, I mean, Marin didn't know a better way to get my attention, so he ended up hiring that model to fake a relationship for Internet." The crowd gasped, that boy would end up knocked out.
"Woah, everything that has come out of your mouth is nothing but shit, and I've only had the misfortune to meet you for a minute."Damian spoke. “So I will tell you something flimsy rat, Marin has never had something with you nor will he, he is a man of good taste, he has class and high standards that you will never can fill in your miserable excuse for life. So you better shut your mouth full of shit before I kick your ass and those horrible orange stains you have.”
The students smiled, that bastard would finally shut his mouth in the best way, oh, and sunshine prince did not look close, there was a great possibility of punches.
Lian did not know what was the best way to react, that guy was scary, damn, he was surely the thug, the safest thing was to play the scary victim, anyway he was too scared to act angry.
"Oh, maybe you are one of the people who is in love with Marin, I can't blame you, my boyfriend is charming that everywhere he go he get a ... admirers entourage, it is understandable that you are angry but there is no need to do great matter about it.”
Damian was about to reply with his usual cold and dark aura, when his boyfriend entered the crowd. 
Lian, or actually Lila, cringed at the sudden appearance of Marin, she / he thought it would keep her record of being late to school and give her time to manipulate the sheep.
“Stop your pathetic act Rossi, the French in our old school may be a ball of idiots, but in Gotham things are very different.”
Ah, Marin. It could be called sunshine prince and boy did it fit him. You can be in his graces and be lucky to have a ray of sunshine to light up your days, or you could be an idiot without self-preservation and die from sunburn.
Lian tried to regain command, wild was going to kill her, she had not been in the city for five days and had already been discovered.
“Oh, Marin darling, you don't have to protect me from the media anymore, you can stop pretending.”
He tried to get closer, but damian slapped his hand against the lockers before he could touch him. Lian did not hesitate to exaggerate and throw himself against the lockers. "Agh, this brute just attacked me! Separate him from me!"
No one moved, sharing the feeling of shame that apparently the skinny did not have.
Marin decided to speak. "Let it be known, that I am not associated in any way with this cheap and lying bitch. Anything that comes out of her mouth is more false than the pyrite. I hope I don't see you again Rossi"
When Lian was about to throw herself at Marin's feet, Damian stopped him, putting his brand name shoe on her chest.
“Don't even try you bastard, he's my boyfriend. And you can't touch what's mine, bitch.”
When the order of the hierarchy was restored, with Damian and Marin walking hand in hand the students lost interest, and left quickly. Completely forgetting the sulfuric chestnut on the ground.
Lila Rossi was so fucked up, and the Agrestes still didn't know.
At a spa across town, Chloe had a feeling. And in a room a few doors from where Rossi Jon was, he also felt it.
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michaelbogild · 3 years
Quotes by Lord Byron
Adversity is the first path to truth.
All farewells should be sudden, when forever.
All who would win joy, must share it; happiness was born a twin.
Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine.
And dreams in their development have breath, And tears, and tortures, and the touch of joy; They leave a weight upon our waking thoughts, They take a weight from off our waking toils, They do divide our being.
And gave no outward signs of inward strife
And mind and dust- and passions and pure thoughts
And when we think we lead, we are most led
As long as I retain my feeling and my passion for Nature, I can partly soften or subdue my other passions and resist or endure those of others.
Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.
Being of no party, I shall offend all parties
Between two worlds life hovers like a star, twixt night and morn, upon the horizon's verge.
But what is Hope? Nothing but the paint on the face of Existence; the least touch of truth rubs it off, and then we see what a hollow-cheeked harlot we have got hold of.
But what is Hope? Nothing but the paint on the face of Existence; the least touch of truth rubs it off, and then we see what a hollow-cheeked harlot we have got hold of.
But who, alas! can love, and then be wise?
But words are things, and a small drop of ink, Falling, like dew, upon a thought produces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions think
Come, lay thy head upon my breast and I'll kiss thee unto rest.
Dark-heaving; boundless, endless, and sublime, The image of Eternity, -- the throne Of the Invisible! even from out thy slime The monsters of the deep are made; each zone Obeys thee; thou goest forth, dread, fathomless, alone
Death, so called, is a thing which makes men weep, And yet a third of life is passed in sleep.
Eat, drink and love...the rest is not worth a nickel
Eternity forbids thee to forget.
Even innocence itself has many a wile, And will not dare to trust itself with truth, And love is taught hypocrisy from youth
For Earth is but a tombstone
For the sword outwears its sheath, And the soul wears out the breast, And the heart must pause to breathe, And love itself have rest.
For there was soft remembrance, and sweet trust In one fond breast, to which his own would melt, And in its tenderer hour on that his bosom dwelt.
For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction.
Friendship may, and often does, grow into love, but love never subsides into friendship.
Had they been wisely mingled; as it is
Hath all the energy which would have made
he knew how to make madness beautiful
I am ashes where once I was fire...
I am so changeable, being everything by turns and nothing long - such a strange melange of good and evil.
I can never get people to understand that poetry is the expression of excited passion.
I do not believe in any religion, I will have nothing to do with immortality. We are miserable enough in this life without speculating upon another.
I feel my immortality over sweep all pains, all tears, all time, all fears, – and peal, like the eternal thunders of the deep, into my ears, this truth, – thou livest forever!
I had a dream, which was not at all a dream.
I have a great mind to believe in Christianity for the mere pleasure of fancying I may be damned.
I know that two and two make four - and should be glad to prove it too if I could - though I must say if by any sort of process I could convert 2 and 2 into five it would give me much greater pleasure.
I linger yet with Nature, for the night Hath been to me a more familiar face Than that of man; and in her starry shade Of dim and solitary loveliness, I learned the language of another world.
I only go out to get me a fresh appetite for being alone.
I slept and dreamt that life was beauty; I woke and found that life was duty.
I suppose I had some meaning when I wrote it; I believe I understood it then.
In secret we met - In silence I grieve, That thy heart could forget, Thy spirit deceive. If I should meet thee After long years, How should I greet thee? - With silence and tears
In solitude, where we are least alone
In vain!—As fall the dews on quenchless sands, Blood only serves to wash Ambition's hands!
It is an awful chaos-light and darkness-
Life's enchanted cup sparkles near the brim
Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.
Mix'd, and contending without end or order
My pang shall find a voice.
Oh too convincing - dangerously dear - In woman's eye the unanswerable tear
On with the dance! Let joy be undefined!
One certainly has a soul; but how it came to allow itself to be enclosed in a body is more than I can imagine. I only know if once mine gets out, I’ll have a bit of a tussle before I let it get in again to that of any other
Opinions are made to be changed – or how is truth to be got at?
Prometheus-like from heaven she stole The fire that through those silken lashes In darkest glances seems to roll, From eyes that cannot hide their flashes: And as along her bosom steal In lengthened flow her raven tresses, You'd swear each clustering lock could feel, And curled to give her neck caresses.
Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean - roll! Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain; Man marks the earth with ruin - his control Stops with the shore
She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes
Sigh to the stars, as wolves howl to the moon...
Sleep hath its own world, A boundary between the things misnamed Death and existence: Sleep hath its own world, And a wide realm of wild reality, And dreams in their development have breath, And tears and tortures, and the touch of joy.
So, we'll go no more a-roving So late into the night, Though the heart still be as loving, And the moon still be as bright.
Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life.
Start not—nor deem my spirit fled: In me behold the only skull From which, unlike a living head, Whatever flows is never dull.
The best of prophets of the future is the past.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars Did wander darkling in the eternal space.
The dew of compassion is a tear
The drying up a single tear has more of honest fame than shedding seas of gore.
The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain
The great object of life is sensation—to feel that we exist, even though in pain. It is this ‘craving void’ which drives us to gaming—to battle—to travel—to intemperate but keenly felt pursuits of every description, whose principal attraction is the agitation inseparable from their accomplishment..
The heart will break, but broken live on.
The morn is up again, the dewy morn, With breath all incense, and with cheek all bloom, Laughing the clouds away with playful scorn, And living as if earth contained no tomb,— And glowing into day.
The power of thought is the magic of the mind.
The thorns which I have reap'd are of the tree I planted; they have torn me, and I bleed. I should have known what fruit would spring from such a seed.
There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is same. Only love
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore, There is society, where none intrudes, By the deep sea, and music in its roar: I love not man the less, but Nature more
There is music in all things, if men had ears.
There is no instinct like that of the heart
There is the moral of all human tales: ’Tis but the same rehearsal of the past, First Freedom, and then Glory - when that fails, Wealth, vice, corruption - barbarism at last. And History, with all her volumes vast, Hath but one page
There's music in the sighing of a reed; There's music in the gushing of a rill; There's music in all things, if men had ears; The earth is but the music of the spheres.
Think you, if Laura had been Petrarch's wife, he would have written sonnets all his life?
This should have been a noble creature: he
Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.
Though the night was made for loving, And the day returns too soon, Yet we'll go no more a-roving By the light of the moon.
Tis sweet to know there is an eye will mark our coming, and look brighter when we come
To have joy, one must share it.
To him the magic of their mysteries; To him the book of Night was opened wide, And voices from the deep abyss revealed A marvel and a secret.
Truth is a gem that is found at a great depth; whilst on the surface of the world all things are weighed by the false scale of custom.
We of the craft are all crazy. Some are affected by gaiety, others by melancholy, but all are more or less touched.
Who knows whether, when a comet shall approach this globe to destroy it, as it often has been and will be destroyed, men will not tear rocks from their foundations by means of steam, and hurl mountains, as the giants are said to have done, against the flaming mass? - and then we shall have traditions of Titans again, and of wars with Heaven...
Why I came here, I know not; where I shall go it is useless to inquire - in the midst of myriads of the living and the dead worlds, stars, systems, infinity, why should I be anxious about an atom?
With just enough of learning to misquote.
Yet he was jealous, though he did not show it, For jealousy dislikes the world to know it
You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her. Never underestimate the power of love. The way to love anything is to realize it may be lost. The heart has its reasons that reason does not know at all. Music is love in search of a word. There is pleasure in the pathless woods; there is a rapture on the lonely shore; There is society, where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar.
8 notes · View notes
Mountain Dew, Banana Milkshake, Latte, Cappuccino, White Tea, Schweppes, Grapefruit Juice
Drinks Ask Game
Mountain Dew - Have your ever disliked something and then changed your mind?
- Yeah, back when I was 10 or 11 when Pokemon was the Big New Popular Thing here, my grandma bought me this Pokemon magazine and in it was a two page article on another anime (Dragonball Z) that was scheduled to air on TV soon. And just looking at that article and seeing the screenshots used to fill me with so much hatred 😂 It was the art style, I thought it was so incredibly fucking stupid looking and I hated it so much. It got even worse when the commercials started airing.
Joke's on me though, I ended up giving it a go out of morbid curiosity and got hooked so bad after only watching one episode, and now 25 years later I still like it. I could talk about Saiyans and all of my headcanon on them aaaallllll day!!!
Banana Milkshake - What “Old Person” things do you do?
- I have no idea if this counts as an old person thing, but when I go to bed and get comfy, I read a book for about 30 minutes. You couldn't catch me doing this 6 years ago.
Latte - What did you think was cool then, when you were a kid but isn’t cool now?
- This is super cringe: my RP buddy, way back in the mid 2000s when I only wrote OCs, we had this story that took place in hell, with demons and such and copious amounts of 'yaoi' and 'bishonen characters'. The world was pretty fleshed out and one of my main characters was the devil... so we joked with each other that we - because our devil character looked like a hot anime dude with wings and he was our favorite - were devil worshipers. Yeah I know. Stupid. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Either way, one day she visited me and we went to this small bookstore in town, run by this old lady, and we went in to ask if she had any books about, you guessed it, satanism. We meant it as a joke, dumb as shit as we were, but of course she didn't think it was funny and chased us out. And that's when I kinda realized that it really wasn't funny at all.
I lost contact with that friend about a year later for different reasons, and while I don't want to put all the blame on her because the devil character was my design and idea and was mostly written by me, she was very anti-Christianity and I think I was pretty influenced by her at the time because I looked up to her a lot (she was like 7 years older than me and super cool in my eyes).
So yeah. Big Yikes. I feel like a dodged a bullet when we stopped being friends.
Cappuccino – You only get 3 words to describe yourself – what are they?
- Creative, loyal, shy
White Tea - What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better?
- Getting to sit down, relax and finally talk to my friends, especially after a long day T^T
Schweppes – What do you wish you were really good at?
- Being naturally confident. Most of the time my confidence is completely faked but I wish I could just... go and do the things I wanna do, meet people and go places I've never been before without my own anxiety-ridden brain holding me back all the time.
Grapefruit Juice - When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?
- Youtube and Reddit
@wrathfulmercy thanks bae <3
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obeydontstray · 4 years
I Want More (A Maxwell Lord X OFC rp)
0(A Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal - Patty Jenkins universe) rp between myself and my girlfriend @historianwithaheart ) Can be found under the same name on AO3)
Maxwell sat at his desk, getting his first breather of the day. He looked around for his son. Being the first month of summer, Alistair was spending time at the office with him, but the kid was not in his office where he left him. Max hit the button on his desk and spoke. "Hey Britney, did Alistair leave me any messages of where he was going? Did you see him?"
“No sir I thought he was with you.” In Melony’s office she sat typing away. The little black haired boy munched on his carrots and drank the soda she had gotten for him. She didn’t know who this little boy belonged to but he had stolen her heart. “Like the new Mario Alister?” She asked him. He smiled.
“My daddy is so busy most of the time so it’s nice to come hang out.”
It wasn't uncommon for Alistair to take walks around the offices. Max always made sure he had a piece of money so he could buy anything he wanted from the cafeteria, vending machines, or gift shop downstairs. But he wasn't usually gone this long. It had been....an hour? Maxwell began to get nervous.
“Sorry I couldn’t get you McDonald’s this time but I figure that you shouldn’t be eating junk every time we visit.” She felt her heart ache when he smiled at her. “I get bored so it’s nice to come sit with you.” Alistair smiled. “Well I think I’m gonna have my Lunch break soon if you want a player two?” He nodded.
Maxwell walked through the office hurriedly, asking random people if they had seen the small boy with black hair and dark eyes.
“Did you tell your daddy where you were going?” She asked typing on her desk top. Ali stair nodded. “Left a note.” She smiled at him. “Good boy.”
Someone stopped Max. "I saw a kid go that way, down the hall." He thanked the person and began opening doors.
“Hey kid, have some water okay? Only one soda!” She handed him a water bottle. She sighed. One week late for the meeting. Wonderful.
The door flung open and a head appeared. One with dark blonde hair, handsome features, and dark eyes. "Alistair!" He said, stepping in the door and reaching out his arms.
“Hey daddy!” Melony nearly choked on her drink. “Well Mr. Lord you’re only a week and three hours late to our meeting.” She stood.
He hugged Alistair and quickly stood, straightening out his clothes with his hands and suddenly turning on the biggest smile. "I'm sorry, you are?" God she was beautiful! She had shoulder length blonde hair and the biggest, bluest eyes he had ever seen. Her ruby red lips were perfectly shaped.
“You new head of financials Mr. Lord.” Ali stair smiled. “She’s my friend!” Alistair said. “Look she brought me stuff to play with.”
Maxwell scanned the room. A few scattered toys, food wrappers still out, and a a Nintendo. "So this is where you have been disappearing to."
“She’s nice, and she bought me a Nintendo and she was gonna play with me on her lunch break.” Alistair said. “ if your daddy says you can we can still do that.” Melony smiled. “Melony Morningstar, Head of your financial division. We were supposed to have a meeting one week and three hours ago.”
Maxwell sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Shit, yeah you're right. Sorry, things have been so busy."
Alistair went and hugged around Melony’s thigh. She pet his hair. “Well unfortunately for you my schedule is full up until next Wednesday at two. We’re diversifying your portfolio Mr. Lord.”
"My, you are a busy busy woman. Could we meet now?"
“Well I have a very important meeting coming up, with a top partner.” She winked at Alistair and he smiled. “Can I have another soda?” He asked drinking the Mountain Dew.
"How many have you had?" Maxwell asked. "Your mom's gonna kill me for letting you drink too many."
“He’s only had one! I let him have one when he visits.” Melony said. Alistair leaned against her shoulder. “Mommy doesn’t let me have anything, she’s too busy with her new boyfriend.”
Maxwell frowned. "That's okay, you'll always get attention from me." He promised. "If it's okay with Mrs. Morningstar, you can have another."
“Miss.” Melony corrected. “I’m a Miss and I think you’ve had enough. Don't want to send you home to Daddy and have you bouncing off the walls.”
"How considerate." Max smiled warmly. "Miss Morningstar is right. How about some water, or juice?"
“I gave him water a few minutes ago.” She blushed. “Well I guess you better go little buddy. I think the jig is up.” She ruffled his hair. “If you want you can take the NES system home. That’s up to your daddy. I..I can’t make that decision.”
He nodded. "If she doesn't mind your visits, that's fine. You can keep it here and I'll get you one for your room at home too."
“Alright little man you should probably head to lunch with your pops.” She smiled at the boy. “As for you Mr. Lord, seems you're as irresponsible with your child as you are your money. I’d like to know why you just couldn’t make our meeting a week ago.”
"I'm not irresponsible!" He said, a little flash defiance in his voice before he ran a hand through his perfectly coiffed hair. "He usually makes quick trips to the gift shop or cafeteria and back up. I didn't expect him to start touring people's offices. And I apologize, my only free time lately has been in the late afternoon. No business like show business, ya know."
“Mmm. No worries, little man and I keep each other company!” She smiled. “Oh yes far too busy. Then I guess it will have to be a business dinner then. Tonight at 6 your choice though perhaps a nice place to sit outside. The office is stifling.”
His eyebrow raised and a lopsided smile shown on his face. "Really? Tonight huh? How does Thai sound?"
“Fantastic. It’s my favorite. I’ll see you at six.” She penciled in her planner. “You best be there Mr. Lord, I am your new head of finances you hired me for a reason. And it wasn’t because I’m pretty, because you weren’t even there to look at me.”
"And I regret that deeply." He said, giving her a very obvious look over. "I'll meet you there." He said, laying his hand on Alistair's shoulder. "Come on baby, let's go."
She waved at Alistair. She sat down and smiled to herself. She had just strong armed the most powerful man in this company. Not taking his his excuses. Alistair walks with Max. “You’re not mad at me daddy, she’s really nice and she plays video games with me sometimes. She says that if you were smart you’d start investing in Nintendo.”
He grinned. "Well I'll have to think on that. No buddy, I'm not mad at you. She's a very nice lady."
“Are you gonna date her?” Alistair asked. “She’s pretty, really pretty almost prettier than Momma.”
"No no, this is just a business meeting." He assured him, even if he had different things in mind. "She is really pretty, isn't she?"
“She looks like that Disney princess, Aurora.” Alistair said. “She sings pretty too.” He said. “Can I still hang out with her?”
"Sure thing buddy." He said, ruffling the boy's dark hair. "When did you hear her sing?"
“Well one day when you were super busy, and I got bored I went exploring and I got really lost, and she found me. I was crying a lot because I was scared. She picked me up and she sang a song to me to help me stop crying because I was scared.” Alistair told him.
He lay his hand on his son's shoulder and bent down to his level before pulling him in for a hug. "I'm so sorry you were lost and scared. I'll thank her tonight for caring for you."
“It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it to happen.” Alistair hugged him. “Just be nice to her okay?” Soon five o'clock came and Melony went home to change into a sweet little blue floral patterned summer dress. Cuban stockings, blue pumps. She did up her hair and spritzed her perfume. She picked up the phone as she put on her pink lipstick.
Maxwell looked himself over in the mirror. He wore a sunset yellow blazer with white slacks and a pastel orange shirt. His white loafers were shined and he pushed up his sleeves to his elbows. His hair was perfectly coiffed and he was cleanly shaven. He picked up his Polo cologne and sprayed it on. "Daddy, if it's not a date then why are you dressing up?" Alistair asked. "Dress for success, buddy. When you're a business man, you have to always look your best. This is a meeting, it's just outside the office so I'm dressing different." The phone rung and caught his attention. He lifted a finger at Alistair. "Hold that thought."
“Good evening Mr. Lord, Raquel said this was your home number. I’m honored.” Melony laughed.
"And who said you could call me at home?" He said in a flirty tone. "What do I owe the pleasure?"
“Well Mr. Lord by proxy of not specifying which Thai restaurant in DC you have hence forth invited me to call you at home.” She spoke. She heard the flirtatious tone in his voice. She felt a zap of desire run down her spine. Oh Melony, don’t you know any better. She thought to herself.
“Precisely. I’ll see you there soon.” She smiled over the receiver. “Oh and come prepared to work Mr. Lord. I’m not one of your office floosies.”
He smiled broadly and chuckled. "Work for what?"
“Honestly you think you’re so charming. Work work. Like portfolios and the future of your company, I’m sure you enjoy being able to spoil your little conquests. In order to keep doing that my darling Mr. Lord you need to be wise about the market.”
He grinned even harder. "I could have you fired for speaking to me like that, you know." He tested.
“Then I guess you wouldn't have a company much longer Mr. Lord. I will see you in a bit. Tell my little buddy that next time he wants to come play he brings me a snack okay?” She smiled.
"Okay I will. See you soon." He hung up and Alistair looked up at him with a worried look. "You would fire her?" "No! No!" He assured his son. How could he explain himself without telling him he was flirting? "I was testing her! It's hard to explain, you'll understand when you're older. But she passed. And she said when you go see her again you can bring the snacks."
Alistair smiled. “Okay!” He happily went to to go get ready for the babysitter. Melony was sitting at a table overlooking the river into a forest. She checked her watch, her legs crossed as she skimmed through a book and sipped a beer.
"Daddy, can I dress up next time I go see her?" Alistair asked. "Sure buddy." Soon Max had dropped off his son and strolled into the restaurant looking for her.
She sat there. Looking much different from before, more soft and feminine. She checked her watch again, when she heard whispers. Ah he's here. She thought to herself.
Women stared at him as he walked past, a handsome grin on his face and he shot random women flirty winks. His bright gold watch and rings flashed in the low light of the restaurant. "Miss Morningstar, nice to see you again." He greeted before took off his jacket and draped it on the back of his chair before he sat down.
“It nice to finally capture your attention for a moment or two.” She smiled at him. It was a flirtatious smile. She couldn’t help it.
"I'm a man in demand." He said with a wink.
She rolled her eyes. “Indeed.” She grabbed her brief case. “Okay so you started in oil but how long before that goes dry, you need to diversify.”
"Alistair said you told him I should invest in Nintendo." He chuckled. "What about that little computer company? Apple is it?"
“I think that’s a solid bet, personal gaming systems, personal computers, making it individual is going to be big.” She continued. “Your oil company is a great start, it really is, and your other investments are doing well but we need to be able to have more than one leg to stand on, what are the big draws? Entertainment, technology and of course oil and trade.” She handed him a large book. See.”
He flipped through the books pages quickly. "Hmmmm, I see." His lips were pressed together in a goofy shape, making him look as if he was only half considering the things he was looking at.
She looked at him, she knew that look. He's only half considering it. She bit her lip and let her anger simmer. “Sir, I’m trying to be diplomatic but do you think I’m a joke? I’ve spent hours doing the job you’ve hired me to do, and then you can’t be bothered to see me at our planned meeting and then you come here and half ass your considerations.”
"What? I'm thinking!" He said, his warm brown eyes flicking upwards and locking with hers.
“If you say so.” She sipped her beer. “I apologize, this is important to me.”
He nodded and looked her in the eyes again. "And it shows, I apologize if I'm not demonstrating my interest. I'm just a little distracted, but here, let me take another look."
She sighed. “It is kind of late and if I’m being honest Mr. Lord. I’m tired.” She spoke. “At least I have you thinking.”
He nodded. "Yes it is late. I'm sorry we got off to a rocky start, but I really enjoyed your company tonight." He said with an earnest face.
“Well I guess at the very least you can continue to enjoy my company. I wouldn’t protest.” She said to him sipping a beer. I mean our first meeting was supposed to be just a get to know your employee type deal, but your company took a big chance on me and I..I just don’t want to fail.”
"I'm really glad whoever made the decision did. I uh-I'm not as involved in the hiring process as I should be. But I would like to get to know you more. And if it's okay, can I borrow this book? I'll review it in the morning with fresh eyes and a clear mind."
“Don’t you eat breakfast with your son?” She asked him. “And what we’re you distracted by.” She handed him the book.
"I do. I'll look it over again after I get to work." He looked up at her again. "Who wouldn't be distracted by someone like you."
She scoffed. “Honestly, Mr. Lord, I hate to sound pretentious but, again, I’m not one of your office floosies.” She looked at him. God, his eyes were so sincere. “But I have a feeling you know that.” She handed him his beer.
He nodded and took his beer before taking a sip. "I know you're not like them. I don't pay attention to them. But you..."
“But what about me Mr. Lord?” She smiled at him. She moved a strand of hair behind her ear.
"You're authoritative and commanding and just...beautiful. You fill up the whole room with your presence."
She felt her face betray her emotions flushing pink. Clearly not the rouge one her cheeks. “Mr. Lord, I..”
"And my son told me what you did for him when he was lost and alone. And that, I'll forever be grateful to you for."
She was really blushing now. “Oh it’s nothing, anyone would have done that. I honestly thought maybe he was like a receptionists son, or something I didn’t know he was yours, but I...I can’t stand to hear a child cry. Especially...a sweet little boy like that.”
Maxwell's eyes moved to his empty plate. "I never thought of him getting lost like that and getting scared. I trusted him to just go to one of two places and back. I never thought of him getting lost. It broke my heart when he told me what that was like. But, he told me he thinks you are like Princess Aurora."
“Mr. Lord, if I could be so bold.” She said to him and took his hand. “He never blamed you, and he loves you dearly.” She said to him. “I just heard him cry and I just wanted to help. But you’re a good father.”
He nodded. "I try. I only get him on weekends right now and I try to set aside time to be with him, just one on one, but it's so hard to make time in the business."
“He sees you try. I’m sure.” She realized that she was holding his hand and blushed. “I..I’m sorry.” She pulled her hand away and chugged her beer.
“This is inappropriate and I’m sorry. I should go.” She went to stand.
He reached out and lay his hand on hers. "No, no please. Don't leave. We're just getting to know each other."
She felt her heart leap up into her throat. The story playing out in her bright blue eyes. The felt it, the attention, but her mind raced. What would he do with her when he was done. He could see it, she was sure. She sat back down. “I guess then maybe I should tell you more.” She didn’t take her hand away.
"Yes, tell me everything." He said, curling his fingers so that his hand wrapped around hers.
She felt her breath hitch. Her mind racing. “I...I..” she stammered. This seemed like a hazy dream. This man, the man who ran the most successful company right now, and her. Little old her. She wasn’t worth his time. “My name is Melony, I’m twenty eight, I have masters degree in finances and law. I...I like nature, and art and archaeology. I..I’m single. Have been for a while. Because being woman, having feelings gets you no where in this big business world. I’m witty and intelligent. Some men call me frigid or a bitch but I call it getting by.”
"You don't not seem those bad things to me. And I'm Maxwell Lord as you know. I'm divorced. You know Alistair. I'm 35. We have similar tastes."
“And I’m being incredibly stupid right now. Letting you know these things about me. Letting my guard down.” She confessed. “I should have Just kept it business.” She felt the room grow hotter. “This is how a woman gets a reputation.”
"How? Just by talking to me?" He asked, confusion sparking on his face.
“By letting my guard down around you.” She said to him. “Maxwell Lord, the infamous business man, being seen with his head of finances, a young woman.” She searched his face. “I guess one of my poor traits is I’m obsessed with my image.”
He raised his eyebrows and shrugged. "We can keep our meetings strictly business and in office, Miss Morningstar."
“I suppose, but you’re still holding my hand Mr. Lord.” She breathed out.
He drew back his hand slowly. "Well, I guess I should let you go. I'll see you at work Monday afternoon to give you a decision." He said as he stood and grabbed the book.
“Mr. Lord.” She reached out for him. “Don’t.” She looked at him. “I, am just scared. I haven’t, I haven’t let myself be vulnerable in a while. You astound me. Have since I first saw you on tv, have since I applied to work for you. Your company gave me the opportunity to do more than fall into the darkness that was waiting to take me. You’ve set the annals of my heart alive with flames once again. Forgive me if I am a guarded woman.”
He looked down at her with the softest expression before he sat down again. "Really? You'd use such beautiful words for me?"
“Perhaps you need a little beauty and honesty in your life.” She replied.
He reached out and took her hand once again and his thumb smoothed across her knuckles. "Maybe you could be the sunlight in my life, then."
“Mr. Lord, I...I don’t know about all of that, but I think perhaps maybe for a little while we could make each other realize that the sun still shines.” She paused. Not knowing what to do next.
"Call me Max, please." He looked at his watch. "It's getting late, I shouldn't keep you. The babysitter will be ready to go home soon, it's after Alistair's bedtime."
“What if...I want to be kept. Max.” She looked up at him and stood. “Maybe it’s the beer or maybe it’s just your touch, and maybe it’s just my personality but I feel brave.”
"I'd love to stay but I have to be home by midnight. Unless..."
She stood and moved closer to him she took his hand and placed her lips on his in a slow sensual kiss. But her shaking body betrayed her confidence.
He moved to hold her cheeks gently in both hands and kissed her again. "Then come home with me."
“You don’t have to ask twice.” She replied. Thank god they were at a secluded table.
"Come with me, let's take a taxi."
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