#lila is fucking faking be a boy for attention i fucking hate her
bitch-its-me-alv · 4 years
You can’t touch what’s mine, bitch
(Part two of He is mine, bitches)
Damian was very proud of himself. He got a very hot and sweet boyfriend 13 months ago, managed to keep that boyfriend more than happy, and had managed to hide the existence of marin from his family for 14 months. 
He had no idea how an alleged family of detectives and vigilantes hadn't even noticed that their youngest member was in a relationship. And that he spent less and less time with them and more with Marin. He was severely disappointed in his family, although he never said it out loud, he thought they would make better opponents.
In Marin's apartment he even had his own closet where he had his clothes, the only reason Damian kept coming back to the Mansion was because of appearances and his precious pets.
But he knew he couldn't go on like this forever. he wanted to introduce his family to Marin, to see how damn perfect he was, his photographs around the world, his point of view so different from the others, the way he sang for Damian even when he was in another room… Well maybe if he kept to himself how weak he was for his boyfriend everything would be fine.
With a good contact on the dark web, he got a protector on his cell phone, and so there were more than two thousand photos with Marin. They on their first date, in the bathroom mirror, at gotham school, in the classrooms, in the cafes, in bed. Their chat seemed like they were talking for years, full of memes that Damian didn't understand at first, and memes with their own faces.
He take all possible measures, but never anticipated that Marin would get sick from some kind of virus, forcing him to stay in bed, well, Damian actually forced him after Marin almost fell down the stairs at school.
So when he informed his father that he would take a break from patrols until further notice, he turned on all the Wayne family alarms.
Little Demon Spawn wouldn't use patrols as an excuse to hit people? Would he pass up the opportunity to take his katana out of its case? Who had he killed? Oh my god, would he be doing drugs? Maybe that would explain the little bruises on his neck and wrist.
“Oh for all the bats, Bats, what are you going to do? your only son of blood became a drug addict!”Dick very concerned about his little brother's safety “Tim, hack his cell phone, look it up in the network of cameras in the city, we can't leave it like that!”
“Calm down, boy wonder. It is clear that he killed someone and he is not using drugs.”Jason tried to appease his brother in his mother hen way.
"Well, he's hiding something big, someone has been removing images from cameras for over six months, and Damian coincidentally never sees himself in them, not even at school.”Tim didn't want to alarm anyone, but the fact that he hadn't found evidence of his little brother in the last six months in the city was certainly a big concern.
Had he been going back to his habits from the prince of assassins?
Everyone looked at Bruce, waiting for his words. “We will follow him just to make sure he is safe, whatever his secret he will tell us sooner or later.”
(They didn't know it was more later than sooner)
Nightwing, Red hood, Red robin, and Batman followed the low trail Damian left when he left the mansion. Unaware of the luck they had, of Damian being in a discussion on the phone with Bourgeois, to distracted to know he was being followed.
They stopped on the roof opposite the minimarket that Damian entered. With tim setting up the microphone to understand what Damian was saying. Another red flag was that he could not hack his cell phone.
"There is no need for threats Bourgeois, I understand the delicacy of the situation, and I am fully prepared to waste a couple of days on the cause."
No one in the family harbored hope at this point.
After hearing Bourgeois rant about the importance of his best friend's health, Damian continued navigating the soda aisle, he would never understand why Marin insisted that Dr.Pepper was the best of drinks when Mountain-Dew was clearly superior.
"To prevent him from trying to escape I had to chain him to bed, his insistence on continuing with his final project is very irritating, I am grateful that he can hardly speak at this point, or else his voice would be ringing throughout the department."
The whole Bat family was shocked and disappointed, Damian was holding a hostage somewhere horrible, and he was working with someone else.
At leaving the store, the vigilantes dispersed, all decided to find Damian's hostage, then they could deal with Demon Spawn. They were a little scared of what Damian could have bought in a simple minimarket to use as torture.
From Damian's phone, Chloe gave up with her hateful act and said goodbye to her best friend's boyfriend. "Just make sure he recovers properly, it is very rare that he gets sick, no matter what country or climate Marin was in, he almost never contracted any disease."
"I am conscious chloe, we both know that if there is someone Marin surrenders for, it will be me. I will inform you of any change in his condition."
He hung up the call as he entered his apartment building. His call with chloe lasted his entire journey on the street, luckily he was about to spend all his time with his soft and muscular boyfriend.
Meanwhile, on the rooftops around, the watchers waited for a more appropriate place for torture, but with their beloved Demon Spawn they never knew. Tim pulled out the binoculars so he could see through the walls of the building, looking for the poor soul that Damian held captive.
What they did not expect was for Damian to reach the top floor of the building, taking off his coat and shoes as he entered. The apartment very well furnished and full of life, as if someone actually lived there.
Batman was about to fly straight to the biggest window in the apartment, when what Tim saw made him fall backwards. Bats snatched the binoculars away from him before anyone else could.
"Bats you really don't want to see what's going on there, you wish you could forget it!" All the boys went crazy trying to get Tim to tell them what he had seen.
Inside the apartment, Marin was chained from his right hand to the head of his bed, his mystical blue eyes reddened at the corners, his body rendered by the dark green sheets that Damian had insisted on buying or would not sleep in bed. Marin saw nothing wrong with the old bear sheets.
Instantly Marin felt better when her grumpy boyfriend came home. If he could have produced any vaguely human sounds, he would have rushed Damian into the room.
Before Damian could say anything to his very sick boyfriend, Marin pulled him down onto his chest. Damian was very frustrated that despite all his years of killer training, he always fell on his boyfriend's chest. It was very common to find himself more than six times with his face buried in his hard chest.
So as a very usual act, he made himself comfortable to lock Marin between his body and the bed, holding on tight as always.
They give each other a chaste kiss to avoid germs, but the habit is difficult to break even for a few days. Tim falls on his back at that moment.
“Why did you take so long? It is sooo boring here without your vocabulary of yesteryear and your beautiful frown.” Damn the expensive cologne that always clings to damian, making his neck and hair always so tempting. He curses his body that matches him, which is always ready to attack at any time, and curses his sharp jaw.
"Your very dear best friend distracted me all the way, pretending to be the enemy, as if she hadn't been happy for us when we got together"Damian rolls his eyes.
Marin apparently having said the last thing his throat could handle surrenders to his boyfriend's possessiveness, letting Damian give him little kisses all over her face, excluding his lips. 
Across the street batman curses and turns around, contacting agent A. Tim comes out of his stupor and tells his brothers what he saw. They also desperately contact agent A, the only sane one in any situation.
Two days later Marin is fully recovered, shining like a malicious and amiable ray of sunshine. 
After Marin confessed to Damian that he knew he was Robin by his butt, and consequently deduced who the other bats were, along with super boy and superman, the barriers of the alter egos had fallen, and in exchange Marian told him about what he found in the Amazon caves and about who his relatives were.
To say that Marin had been about to split the marble island of his kitchen in two because of nerves would not be a lie, but once again, Damian surprised him by saying that it was not very important in his relationship that he had villains as a family, reminding Marin that his mother and grandfather were assassins and that he was also assassin at some point.
So there were no unpleasant surprises in their relationship, but there were surprises for the rest of the world. Marin knew about the secret that Damian was hiding from his family, because he was the secret.
He didn't get it wrong, no, Marin knew that Damian was more than willing to tell the world who he was dating, if the first selfie he published was something to consider, or ... all the broken hands he left behind because he thought they were very comfortable with him.
Oh, he loved when damian got all possessive, like a bristling kitten, or rather a panther ready to attack.
Returning from his fantasies, Marin decided to tell Damian that his time was up. His aunt Ivy had mentioned that the cameras hidden among the succulents had caught the bats spying on them days ago. Harley and ivy investigated before informing him, wanting to make sure they weren't going to confront him.
He loved Ivy and Harley, but the fact that they had called his parents and his nonna had not made him very happy, now he would have to explain why he had not told them about his boyfriend.
Marin hoped that the feeling of imbalance that was beginning to form in his chest was only the work of the family drama that was coming and nothing else.
➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞
Damian was a bit more bitter than normal at school during the morning, he would admit that his call with Bourgeois distracted him from his surroundings, but it was about time that his family began to suspect.
Obviously he didn't take it out on his angel, he was what kept him going, so if Marin's fans came out with completely unnecessary bruises, neither Jon, Chloe, or Marin said anything.
And when Marin started kissing him more often to distract him nobody complained so much.
By the middle of the school day Damian had his hair messed up by Marin, Jon had chosen to warn Marin's outside friends about getting close, and Chloe was on her cell phone as usual. But a strange call to Marin sparked everyone's interest.
Marin reluctantly answered upon seeing the unknown number, but when no one spoke on the line, he knew it was a premonitory call.
The group partially aware of Marin's secrets nodded in acknowledgment, attentive to what was to come.
➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞
Tim was ready to die, Dick was almost there, and Jason was more than pleased to help his little brothers leave this plane of existence.
Bruce was regretting in the darkest corner of his cave, what had he done wrong for his son to hide his partner? The moments of fatherhood that he shared with his son came to his mind ... and he realized that in reality he had not done much fatherly, so it made sense.
“I can't find any mention of Marin Dupain-Cheng, Jon Kent, Chloe Bourgeois or Damian on the internet for the last year. Everything has disappeared since October 28 from last year.”Tim was going crazy, he couldn't possibly find nothing.
“Calm down replacement, you can not find anything because you are looking for them from our devices and accounts. Alfred lent me his cell phone, and when I look for the name of our mysterious boy many interesting things appear”
“What are you waiting for Jason? Show it on the screen, I'm worried about little D”Dick said.
Bruce just nodded to his son, he had to be a better father to Damian from now on.
Jon, Chloe, Damian and Marin instagram appeared on the main screen of the cave. All with ridiculous names, like hellaMari, NottrollJon, QueenChloOriginal, and TheDEmon66. With too many followers to be just teenage accounts.
The only recent one was that of damian, where his photos were of him distracted, the one with Marin or the animal welfare he helped and the one he founded.
I had comments like: I would like to be you, how lucky you are, how I chose you, omg give me your life, etc ... It was very disturbing for the bati family, especially because they did not know that it was THE Damian Wayne, nor did they have his real name, they called him demon.
The evidence was refuted a year ago, with a photo in the instagram of Marin, of Damian and him facing the sun. With Damian's hair styled in a modern way, and with Marin lying on him, winking. Damian didn't even look the same even though he wasn't smiling, how happy he looked without needing to smile amazement at his family.
Thereafter, Jon and chloe began uploading photos of the group. A video especially on the NottrollJon insta convinced them to stop snooping.
Now they just had to wait for Damian to come back.
➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞
"Since they overcame their own incompetence, I decided this would be the most effective, Marin, this is my family, my father Bruce, Grayson, Todd, and Drake. I think Alfred is in the kitchen but you already know him. Father and idiots, this is Marin my boyfriend for a year, congratulations for finding out.”
The bats definitely did not expect Damian to arrive with Marin after school, they had assumed they would have to hunt him all over the mansion. Even so, Bruce always prepared for everything with his mask, he shook Marin's hand, impressed by the height and strength of the boy.
"I'm glad you guys have finally discovered our secret" Marin smiled to the bats, making Damian grumpty.
“Wow, why are you like the sun if you date Demon Spawn?”
“Wait, did you know that he was hiding you from us?” Dick was surprised.
“Well ... I think we better start the story in the dining room, we don't want to make Alfred wait.” Damian was very pleased with his family's reactions and the fact that they were very surprised to approach Marin.
None in the family knew how to describe Marin yet. Physically, it was quite a surprise, with his big, slanted eyes, his symmetrical face, the fact that he was bigger than Jason in muscles and height, that his smile rivaled Grayson's, and that his dark blue hair was real.
But they knew very little about their attitude, tastes, or backstory. Tim's investigations had been very vague, only discovering that in reality there were not many papers about Marin because he had never been to school, or had lasted more than nine months in one place.
Then they followed the boys into the dining room, still amazed at Damian's attitude. Determined to inspect Damian's boyfriend thoroughly and decide for themselves how dangerous Marin Dupain-Cheng was. After all, if their beloved little brother liked it, it would have to have a dark side.
➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞
As night fell, the bats could tell that Marin Dupain-Cheng did not lie to them even once. With their detective senses on edge, everyone could agree that he didn't tell a lie even once.
Which leaves them with the incredible travel anecdotes that Marin had related to them to please Damian and distract him from the accusations of his family.
It was refreshing to say the least, Marin's point of view on heroic and villainous figures, the problems of the world, the little ones, the horrible situations of the poor, the wonders of traveling. It was a drastic change to what they were used to. A vision stained brown with red and black shades, the city, the complaints and the pressure on the vigilantes or the absolute disgust for the anti-heroes or rogues.
“So you were in the scarecrow attack at the museum a year ago, and you threw your motorcycle at the guys who were shooting at you?” It was obvious that Jason had reminded him of the incident long ago, but unaware that Marin already knew their identities because of her boyfriend's butt, Jason pretended he hadn't been there.
Tim, Dick and Bruce had also been there, but they didn't see the moment that happened, so their disbelief was not acted.
"Was it because of the toxin of fear, or before you could already launch motorcycles at your whim?"Bruce spoke, seriously, what the hell did he take in the morning to make his voice so deep and strong?
Marin told Damian that it was the magic of the dark knight, but Damian dismissed it saying that after pretending so much he had stayed like this.
“Oh no, it's actually partly because I do what I can to keep fit.“Marin and Damian knew what was coming
“And the other part? "Dick asked suspiciously.
“Well that's thanks to my curse” Marin shrugged. As Damian reached for his hand under the table and all the bats leaned in his direction synchronously.
“Damn, like magic and that?”
“Yeah, when I was five, my nonna took me to the Amazon, of course she hadn't originally thought about going to the jungle, but for some reason I escaped, and ended up being swept away by a current in the river. Miraculously, I came to some kind of cave next to the rapids, where I touched something I shouldn't have touched and then the plague's curse clung to me.” Marin didn't mention that the curse came with the slim silver ring that right now was being rubbed by his boyfriend.
“So you're saying, that you have super strength because you drank from the Amazon River?“ Tim hit Jason, wondering if that white streak actually meant the death of all his neurons.
"It is more complicated than that but yes, it is actually quite similar to what you say”
Damian looks at his father, he will never admit it, but he was worried that his father did not like Marin, either because of his magic, the fact that he discovered his secret identities ... Or that his family is made up of the rogues of Gotham and other non-heroic personalities.
“He also discovered our identities a month after we started dating "Damian let out.
This time no one moved, with poker faces and saved breaths. Tim was the boldest "How ... did that happen?"
“I know Damian's butt from near, and being Robin didn't hide his butt very well.” Marin knew exactly how to break the tension, even if it means embarrassing his boyfriend a bit.
Jason and Dick started laughing seconds later, Bruce massaged his forehead, with the slightest blush on his cheeks. Tim dropped his head to the table, regretting his question, Damian just covered his blush, without looking directly at his family.
“Tt, Marin, couldn't you just tell them something else?”
“Of course not mon amour, they would know if I had lied”
After that they moved into the living room, where the fireplace was conveniently already on. The talk was postponed until it was late at night, and Marin after so many jokes with Jason and Dick had forgotten to mention that his parents would be coming to Gotham soon to meet them all.
Oh well, interesting things were definitely to come.
➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞
Damian had a good night, maybe it had to do with the fact that he shared a bed with Marin, but they had done that before, or maybe it was the fact that this was the bed where he slept only before meeting Marin. Or was it because he had finally introduced his boyfriend to his family, and they all got along wonderfully.
Naturally someone had to ruin his good mood, and to his surprise, it wasn't his brothers this time, not even bruce had that nerve. It was that annoying weakling with casuela hair and orange spots on his face who dared to affirm that he had dated Matin and had currently come to town to repair his relationship.
The rest of the Gothnamites at school seemed unconvinced of their cheap babbling in bad English, but Damian didn't give a shit what his classmates thought. The important thing was that they had learned the lesson about Marin a long time ago, and it seemed like Damian would have to break some noses to make his point again.
"Oh yeah, my Mari and I were like this in the past." He showed his intertwined fingers. "But when he had to leave France because his aunt was trapped in the Himalayas it broke my heart, now that he's in town he has been insisting that we come back, isn't that so romantic that he dragged himself along for me?"  
Lian was proud that all eyes in the hall were on him, who said that the Gothnamites were smarter was clearly an idiot.
Perhaps he did not realize that all eyes were of displeasure, weariness, and a few concerns. The skinny boy clearly didn't know what he was getting into.
Damian approached with irritation, after a quick check, decided he couldn't hit him ... as hard as he wanted. The chestnut build was too weak, and judging from the orange stains and chipped teeth, there was a more than 73 percent chance that a punch from him would send him to the hospital, and Marin had made him promise not to send more people to the hospital, to the hospital outside of school.
"Oh, so you and Marin are something?" Damian said to the chestnut, ignoring how people began to crowd with interest, while leaving space so that they did not cross with the cold words of Ice Prince, or his fists.
Lian, ignorant and malicious noticed the growing crowd, he had to do it right, or Adrianna would destroy him.
"Well… I don't really want to create any misunderstandings, especially with all the false publicity that he put on instagram, I mean, Marin didn't know a better way to get my attention, so he ended up hiring that model to fake a relationship for Internet." The crowd gasped, that boy would end up knocked out.
"Woah, everything that has come out of your mouth is nothing but shit, and I've only had the misfortune to meet you for a minute."Damian spoke. “So I will tell you something flimsy rat, Marin has never had something with you nor will he, he is a man of good taste, he has class and high standards that you will never can fill in your miserable excuse for life. So you better shut your mouth full of shit before I kick your ass and those horrible orange stains you have.”
The students smiled, that bastard would finally shut his mouth in the best way, oh, and sunshine prince did not look close, there was a great possibility of punches.
Lian did not know what was the best way to react, that guy was scary, damn, he was surely the thug, the safest thing was to play the scary victim, anyway he was too scared to act angry.
"Oh, maybe you are one of the people who is in love with Marin, I can't blame you, my boyfriend is charming that everywhere he go he get a ... admirers entourage, it is understandable that you are angry but there is no need to do great matter about it.”
Damian was about to reply with his usual cold and dark aura, when his boyfriend entered the crowd. 
Lian, or actually Lila, cringed at the sudden appearance of Marin, she / he thought it would keep her record of being late to school and give her time to manipulate the sheep.
“Stop your pathetic act Rossi, the French in our old school may be a ball of idiots, but in Gotham things are very different.”
Ah, Marin. It could be called sunshine prince and boy did it fit him. You can be in his graces and be lucky to have a ray of sunshine to light up your days, or you could be an idiot without self-preservation and die from sunburn.
Lian tried to regain command, wild was going to kill her, she had not been in the city for five days and had already been discovered.
“Oh, Marin darling, you don't have to protect me from the media anymore, you can stop pretending.”
He tried to get closer, but damian slapped his hand against the lockers before he could touch him. Lian did not hesitate to exaggerate and throw himself against the lockers. "Agh, this brute just attacked me! Separate him from me!"
No one moved, sharing the feeling of shame that apparently the skinny did not have.
Marin decided to speak. "Let it be known, that I am not associated in any way with this cheap and lying bitch. Anything that comes out of her mouth is more false than the pyrite. I hope I don't see you again Rossi"
When Lian was about to throw herself at Marin's feet, Damian stopped him, putting his brand name shoe on her chest.
“Don't even try you bastard, he's my boyfriend. And you can't touch what's mine, bitch.”
When the order of the hierarchy was restored, with Damian and Marin walking hand in hand the students lost interest, and left quickly. Completely forgetting the sulfuric chestnut on the ground.
Lila Rossi was so fucked up, and the Agrestes still didn't know.
At a spa across town, Chloe had a feeling. And in a room a few doors from where Rossi Jon was, he also felt it.
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toriwakes · 3 years
Pretty Boy 187 [s.r x reader]
summary: reader finds out that her new found tumblr crush is none other than her coworker.
content warnings: she/her!reader, mentions of alcohol
a/n: hi!! i’m so happy to be posting again. i’m really proud of this, so i hope you all like it! as always, let me know if you have any requests!
Tumblr media
convincing spencer to get tumblr was tough. not only did he hate technology, he didn’t like social media either.
“it’s gonna be fun! c’mon, please?” you’ve been bugging him about it for about a week. “spencer, please just download it. if i have to hear (y/n) whine again i’m gonna loose it.” said derek, plopping is papers on his desk. “you like it when i whine.” you teased, causing derek to flash you a toothy grin. “alright! jeez.” you clapped of joy and jumped to help spencer, but he stopped you. “no way, i’m not letting you follow me.” he kept his phone facing away from you, your arms dropping to your sides in defeat. “fine. i’ll find your account somehow.” “we’ll see about that.”
over the next few weeks you acquired a few new followers, only one catching your eye. ‘prettyboy187’ followed you on a quiet friday afternoon. the username caught your attention at first, but when you checked is profile? that’s when you were hooked. half of his pictures were just aesthetically pleasing: outside of his window, his extreme sugary coffee, some books. but others...
it was an excerpt of a poem and his hand was holding back the pages. you doubt he meant to capture it so beautifully. just his hand was godly. you wasted no time dming him.
hey :)
how desperate did you look right now? he followed you barley an hour ago. you cant stop staring at that picture.
he didn’t sound happy. well, he didn’t “sound” anything, you guys were texting. but you could feel his tone through the screen. where you overthinking this too much? you shuffled into your bed, wrapping yourself in the covers as you pondered what to say next.
i just wanted to tell you i really like your account. are you a photographer or something?
no, i’m not. my friend convinced me to get this app and i noticed people post aesthetically pleasing photos on here, so i’m just doing the same haha.
ok, well you don’t post nice pictures. at least, not that type. maybe you’d post a picture of the snow or your bed, but every now and then you’d bless the feed with a picture of you in a swimsuit. it was more for opinions on the suit than anything else.
ohh. maybe i should start doing that.
how do you mean?
that sounded like a very judge-y ‘oh’. your eyes scanned your own profile to see what he could’ve hated. there was you in your favorite red swimsuit, a picture of your computer with netflix on the screen. the rest of the posts were of the same type, so you couldn’t pinpoint what the problem was.
what is it?
no, nothing. your recent picture. that’s a nice swim suit.
oh. that’s what he meant. you practically threw your phone across the room and squealed. thank the universe that he didn’t dislike you already. you shot him another text. just like that, you had your first ever tumblr crush.
“what’s up with you pretty girl?” derek asked when you walked into work. you supposed you still had the blush on your face when pretty boy wished you a good morning and day at work. “nothing!” you said, obviously it being something. as if on cue, spencer walked in behind you also giddy. “what, you’re both sweet on someone now?” when neither of you responded, derek laughed. “what?” emily inquired, taking her seat. “spencer and (y/n) both have a crush.” emily’s jaw dropped. “spencer has a crush?” everyone broke into laughter, jj overhearing and almost dropping her files. “why is that so surprising?” spencer defended himself, derek giving him a ‘you know the answer to that’ look. “well?what’re their names?” he pushed. you bit your tongue. you didn’t even know his name. yikes. “let’s start.” aaron called. saved by hotch. thank goodness. “this ain’t over.” derek warned the two of you. yes it was. by the end of the day morgan would’ve forgotten all about this.
you were right like always. morgan didn’t ask anymore about it, instead offering to get drinks. you turned it down, desperate to get home and text your boy. and you did, only at 11pm.
hey, sorry it’s so late. had a long day at work.
no worries, so did i. listen, i have a question.
this boy only sent messages that would make your heart drop. with a pacing heart, you texted back.
his ‘online’ button flashes on. then he was typing. then he was deleting. it seemed like hours before he responded.
what’s your name?
godamnit. you didnt have a display name because you didn’t want anyone you knew finding your account. what’s a fake name you can use? maybe...
why did you pick spencer’s ex’s name? you don’t know. you remember being insanely jealous of her because she got to kiss spencer in the pool while you were posted outside. your crush on spencer was still very much alive, but not as much as it was with pretty boy.
that’s a pretty name.
thanks. now you have to tell me yours ;)
you’ve never been so nervous for a text conversation in your life. for some reason, the back of your head wondered what it would be like if you were texting spencer. it was just a thought, though. spencer would never say half of this stuff.
call me morgan.
oh NO. please no... you stalked his profile again, terrified that you’ve been flirting with your coworker this past month. alas, your eye caught another body picture- this time of his arm. no tattoos like derek. not to mention he was much smaller. not that that’s a bad thing. you don’t think you’d ever be able to handle derek...
you arrived at work yet again with a blushing face. “come on, you can’t keep hiding this from me! tell me something at least!” derek whined. “okay! his name is morgan. and i know what you’re thinking, and no, it’s not you, my boy is much more attractive.” derek’s mouth formed into an ‘O’ shape in fake offense. “that’s damn near impossible. ain’t nobody prettier than derek morgan.” spencer walked in now, again with a dorky smile on his face. “spencer. (y/n)’s got a crush on-“ you jumped to cover his mouth, the sound of your crush’s name muffled. “what- hey! no fair! derek gets to know but i cant?” spencer whined. derek held his hands up and sat back down, not wanting to get you mad. smart. “three can’t keep a secret.” was all you said before sitting down to clean your workspace.
the new highlight of your day was texting morgan. you learned several things about him; he has a job he can’t specify for personal reasons, he really wants a dog but he feels like animals hate him. you told him about your cat joel, and how they could absolutely love him. he appreciated that.
if i tell you something, do you promise not to freak out?
depends. are you about to tell me you’re a serial killer?
you giggled to yourself at your humor.
i wanna meet you.
you promised not to freak out, but you were freaking out. it was just now setting in that you didn’t know this man at all. where he lived, how old he was, even what he looked like. you took a few deep breaths and asked a question.
where do you live?
quantico virginia.
no hesitation on that one. he lived in the same town as you? you didn’t know how you’d be able to turn this down...
shit, me too. let’s meet up then.
i’ll send you a good place to get drinks.
“every time you walk in here, you’re blushing. now so are your ears.” you beamed at derek, sitting at your desk before spilling. “i’m gonna meet him.” “wait what? are you sure that’s safe?” you rolled your eyes. “i’m an fbi agent. i’m not scared of a little danger.” you playfully winked and derek blew out a huff of air. “if anything happens, you know you can call me.” you pouted at your friend and nodded, appreciating his concern. spencer was spinning in his seat. “you happy too?” you asked. he only nodded and didn’t elaborate. you we’re going to press on, but hotch called you all in and you lost your chance.
on rare occasions, the bau got tough cases with very happy endings. this was one of those cases. the plane ride home was extremely joyous and derek offered to get drinks again. this time, everyone accepted (all except hotch). you texted morgan telling him you were going out tonight and you wouldn’t be back till late. you laughed to yourself. it was like he was your boyfriend.
the night was young and you were fairly tipsy. ok that’s generous, you were drunk. you were spending most of your time with penelope and it took you a minute to remember spencer. “ohmygosh! spence!” he was startled at your presence but he gave you that flat mouthed smile of his. “how are you! you’re my favorite scorpio.” you nodded as you said it, as if trying to convince him it was true. “thanks? i’m good. you’re drunk.” he pointed out. “no shit. hey!!! you never showed me your tumblr user! you gotta show me that girl you like, bet you she’s really sexy.” you didn’t even know what you were saying at this point, whipping out your phone and snapping a picture with spencer. “what are you doing?” he asked, watching you type. “posting this on tumblr! i want everyone to know you’re my favorite in the world.” he wanted to ask favorite what, but a ping on his phone distracted him. lila posted. he smiled and checked her page.
holy fuck.
“(y/n)?” he asked, not looking away from his phone. “yess?” you responded. “what’s your tumblr?” what is your tumblr? “uhhh..i don’t know, check.” you tossed him your open phone, and his eyes only grew wider. “you’re lila?” the words rang through your ears like a siren. “what?” the word was breathy, you couldn’t add stability to what you said. spencer showed you his phone, ‘prettyboy187’ on the screen. “you’re morgan?” still no confidence in your voice whatsoever. your feelings were supposed to change, you weren’t supposed to like that morgan was spencer. but they didn’t. you didn’t even think about the fact he saw your swimsuit photos. you loved that morgan was spencer, and you still wanted to see him on the weekend. “are you mad?” you asked, not being able to stop yourself from sipping from your glass. “no. should i be?” you smiled. “no. do you still wanna meet up this weekend?” “yes. but i don’t wanna get drinks.” he wasn’t even drinking, why is he complaining. “where should we go then?” “my house.”
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artxyra · 4 years
The Secret Life of MDC | Part 6
Part 6: Just let them fall
Part 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
Note: If you had read the original version on my website, I totally did not rewrite this entire part just to avoid a fight scene. 
The mission was simple: save the two idiot exchange students that don’t have any common sense. It was a frustrating task to even track them down. Base on the footage from security cameras and likely villains who are crazy enough to start drama, it is very likely that the dumb and dumber are safe but being hold over a pot of acid, fire, or water will killer animals. Who knows?
“You know, they just have given us an excuse to bring the Gotham miraculous crew back into action,” Andrena says as her bee-like wings flutter to life. Her eyes narrowly focus on anything strange.
To Gotham, Andrena is equivalent to Paris’ Melitta Bee (Chloe’s new alias once she was inducted back onto the team). Every member of Paris’ MT has a Gotham counterpart. For Ladybug it was Ladybird, for Chat Noir it was Lykoi. Then for the two missing members Viperion and Ryoku, there was Python and Naga. The only difference two their styles are more realistic and less magical.
“There is no time for play, Bee.” Ladybird walks out from the shadows, the current boy wonder walking behind her. She crosses her arms and lets out a heavy sigh. “As long as we are active in the fight any damage the two may endure could be undone. You know how I hate to bring out the team.” Everyone could see the tiredness behind the red and black mask that lies in her bluebell eyes.
“Tt. They deserve whatever comes their way.” Robin scoffs. From the corner of his eyes, he could see his siblings joining them on the roof. “What did you find?” This question wasn’t pointed to anyone directly, but they all knew there was one person with the answers.
“Red Robin—” Lykoi lowkey hums ‘Yum’ much to everyone dismay “—has appointed Oracle as our eyes, and together that have determined that the two missing students are located in one of five potential areas.”
“That does not help our case, Wing.” Nightwing would never admit it but a glaring Ladybird is a dangerous Ladybird.
Silence followed as everyone thinks of something.
 “Do we have to save them? They just made this worse on everybody.” It was Lykoi’s voice that surprisingly states this. Everyone turns to the cat theme hero with wide eyes. “What?”
“Normally under typical Paris standards, I would say no, but do to the fact that we are in Gotham and my job is on the line, I am legally obligated to say yes.” Ladybird pulls out her communicator and turns it on. “Everyone’s logged on.” A series of nods, groans, and yeses. “Good RR, what’s the plan?”
“Yes, but you’re not going to like it,” Red Robin could hear the impending groaning coming his way and he is not wide awake enough for this.
Which lead the Miraculous Team and the Bats to be split across Gotham searching for the two exchange students.
Ladybird and Robin’s location was empty. Nothing unusual about the location it was just an unused warehouse.
“I hate them.”
“Them being everyone or the two the idiots.”
“What do you think?”
Robin shakes his head and lets out a hefty sigh.
Lykoi and Nightwing’s location proved to be difficult to find. At first, that thought this was the place, but both heroes vigilantes were proven wrong.
“We both agree not to tell Ladybird.”
“Agree, she would kill us.”
“I heard that.” It wasn’t Ladybird’s voice that came through the comms. It was Oracle’s. “Don’t worry I won’t tell Birdie.”
Lykoi and Nightwing share a glance. It was better to be blackmailed by Oracle than be grilled by Ladybird—well that what they think anyway.
For Andrena and Red Robin, it was more of a battle of wits and smarts between the two. Actually, more on Red Robin than with Andrena (she didn’t want to be a partner with Red Hood).
“You better hope that one of the others found this fucking warehouse or I will kill you myself. These boots were expensive.” Andrena shrieks pointing to the mud that now lays pack on her boots.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll make it up to you.” 
Andrena rolls her eyes and opens her communicator, Red Robin does the same. However, the outcome was different for the two. On Red Robin’s feed, it was static, he quickly goes into work to scramble the information given. Andrena sees a message from Red Hood.  It reads, “Found it, suckers!”
“Hood found the warehouse.” Andrena places her communicator back on her person and looks to Red Robin. She could see the invisible sweat and sleep on his face through the cowl. “Let’s go.”
RR lets out a frustrating sigh, but as he types a last-minute code into his device the static slowly turns into quality footage. Not high quality but enough pinpoint what is happening. The room is dark but there is an ominous green glow at the lower half of the screen.
“Shit,” RR murmurs through it was loud enough to catch Andrena’s attention as an electric blue glow begins to grow behind her.
“What?” It was breathless yet concerning. Behind her, the portal fully develops causing her to let out a low growl and pushing RR in the direction of their “ride”. “Just explain it to the others.”
The portal closes and the first person they are meet by is a somewhat disappointing Ladybird.
“Hey Buggy,” Andrena sheepishly smiles, better throw RR under the bus, “RR found something interesting. Check it out.”
Ladybird makes her way over to the bee and the third Robin, she eyes RR practically asking him the question, “what he found”. Everyone waits with bated breaths as he shows her the footage. This time unlike the awkward murky background, it shows Lila and Alya tied together on a mini platform that is slowly lowering to the ominous glow below them.
“Is it sad that I want to see them fall.” The ladybug theme hero sighs into her glove-cover hands. “Alright, we need a game plan. Hood, what did you find?”
“There is a tunnel beneath the building. There’s no exterior access.”
“Oracle is sending us a blueprint.” Red Robin adds to which Nightwing nods and checks in his own portable monitor. Robin tsks and crouches down on the ground.
The planning process to a good minute to formulate.
“Is everyone in position?” The question ran through everyone’s coms as their trained bodies wait patiently for the cue. The Questioner (most likely Ladybird or Nightwing) took their silence as an answer. “Let’s go.”
The vigilantes are immediately greeted by darkness.
“Argh, my hair!” All movement ceased to exist. The Miraculous Team automatically knew that screech. It was Lila’s. “Please, I promise Bruce Wayne will make your life worthwhile. I’m very good friends with him.” Everyone, aside from Robin, felt a shiver go down their spines. Robin had gagged at the thought of Lila, his girlfriend’s tormentor, being friends with his father.
“Are you sure we can’t kill her?” Red Hood asks, well more like stated but everyone knows what he meant. He didn’t receive an answer.
“Better yet, who’s the person that decided to capture the two. There are only two heat signatures in the building.” Tim fiercely types against his device.
Nightwing kicks down the door. The large thud grabs the two teens' attention.
“We’re saved.” Lila cries out in delight. Her face literally brightens much to everyone (aside from Alya’s) dismay.
“Yes, I can finally get that interview just like you said, gurl.” Alya squeals her body wiggling on the platform.
Robin staggers in his footsteps. Interview? Like you said? Something isn’t adding up.
“Are you girls okay?” Nightwing typically heroic voice shines through as Red Robin rushes to what he believes to be the controls for the platform.
“No! We’re tied together, slowly moving to our deaths.” Alya shouts, “Ladybug?”
“Uh... no, I’m Ladybird. Now hold still.” Balancing herself on the platform in front of the two, she pulls out a knife and quickly goes cuts to the first layers of rope. “We’re the villain?”
“He was getting something to surprise us.” Lila’s voice squeaks a little. Everyone pulls back to face Lila, not including Alya.
“What do you mean?” Robin fakes a cough and glares at the Italian girl.
“No, no,” Lila begins to sweat. Her mind running multiple scenarios to get out of this. “We have no idea where he went. It was pitch black for us.” Tears forms in her eyes. Alya tries to comfort her bestie but couldn’t due to their bindings.
“Red Hood, stay on high alert, Lykoi, Andrena, follow his lead.” Ladybird cuts through the final rope. Alya shuffles her feet to get away…
“Ah!” The reporter’s foot slips.
“Merde,” Ladybird deadpans and lets herself fall.
Her right arm wrap around Alya’s waist as her left grabs for the yo-yo. It was a split second; her feet did touch the unknown substance in the large pool. She was expecting a burning sensation, but nothing happens.
“What the hell, RR, get off the control and test out the substance.” Ladybird safely places Alya down on the concrete flooring. Nightwing and Robin run over to the two for different reasons. Robin pulls Ladybird into his arms and checks for any injury while Nightwing does the same for Alya. The ombre haired girl is visibly shaking.
Lila remains on the platform above the pool screeching her head off. Andrena could already sense a headache forming and flies up to the platform. “Venom!”
Lila freezes, her screaming ceases to exist.
Rather than pushing Lila off the platform (the temptation was very luring), Andrena wraps an arm around the liar and flies to the ground floor. Suppressing a shiver, she pushes the girl out of her arms and into Lykoi’s much to his dismay.
“Seriously?” Lykoi’s glare said it all.
“I have informed Oracle that we found the missing students. She informed me that the GPD eta is ten minutes.”
“Good, that will give us time to search the premises for anything odd.” Nightwing states.
“Way ahead of you,” Red Hood shouts from afar. Eyes rolls but they all shrug in the end.
“What do you mean there weren’t any prints or such leading to the student’s kidnapper?” Commissioner Gordon asks, well he yelled but his face isn’t red yet, as the faces the Bats (aside from the large bat himself) and the Miraculous Team.
“What he meant to say, was that nothing in this warehouse suggested that there was third person let alone a typical Gotham’s villain.”
“So, you're saying this was an act?”
“No, I don’t think all of it was an act?”
“Hmm… This isn’t going to go well with explaining this to GA’s headmistress.”
Ladybird might as well say goodbye to her life and curl next to Robin in her final moments. If this was just a fake, Lila and anyone who was involved with this plan of hers are in for a treat and she’ll have front row access to it.
“Just make sure that girls are returned to GA safely, Gordon,” Nightwing instructs, they knew what he was going for. It was to them out of her and on patrol—well some of them at the very least.
Marinette curls into Damian’s chest, looking at the screen in front of them. After a night like that she didn’t want to think about the consequences that the liar had unleashed.
“You okay?” Damian presses his lips against her forehead, their hands intertwine fighting for dominance.
Marinette doesn’t say anything. How could she? There was so much floating around her mind that she couldn’t place what she was feeling at the moment.
They stay in silence until a loud thud disrupts the environment.
“Bad news,” Dick and the rest of the family file in. “Rossi confessed to the kidnapping being a ploy.”
“Goddammit, there went my morning and quite possibly my entire week.” Marinette groans collapsing next to Damian and covering her face with her hand.
“Well it’s not liked your exchange program can get any worse. You have like three weeks left of it anyway.” Jason shrugs trying to make the mood lighter… it didn’t help.
“Not now, Jaybird,” Marinette growls, causing the hairs on the back of everyone’s neck to raise high. It was rare to see Marinette angry and Lila has done the impossible. Kwami may help in the morning, especially when Marinette doesn’t get her coffee.
Mari Needs Coffee @MarinetteMemes Is it too late to push someone off the roof of WE?  🤔 #shemesswiththewrongsgirl #ineedcoffee
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aestheticseungmean · 4 years
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My Heart Wanted You- Seo Changbin
Changbin was dating a girl who was using him but he just. couldn’t. see. it. Unfortunately for him, he found out the hard way.
Requested by @hwangscorpio
Warnings: Cussing
3.2K words
Angst but mainly fluff
“Okay gentlemen, I’ll be waiting on your responses to join this groundbreaking evolution of technology. Have a great day!” A sigh left your lips as you stretched your fingers. Writing notes and comments all while evaluating what each of the men will decide, really takes a toll on you. As the men from other companies left the room, your boss bid them a farewell at the door before slumping in the seat. “Sir, you’re not supposed to sit like that. What would the others think?” You were his assistant which was never good in stories. But, you were respected and depended upon a lot. “_________. I think they would think I am a lazy boss. This is why you are my favorite asset. This company would be underground if it was just me.” Your boss was a young guy, thrown into this work way too early. “It looks like Hex Co. is excited to be in on this. The rest are unknown.”
“I would kill for something alcoholic. Run the notes through the database.” He sighed out, running his fingers through his current blond, moppy locks. “Will do, sir!” “Oh, one more thing.” You turned to look at him expectantly. “Stop calling me sir when we are alone. Makes me sound old.” You replied, “As you wish, master.” Knowing that that wasn’t what he had meant. He wanted you to call him by name. “_____.” A teasing smile graced your lips. “Sorry, Chan.” With your messy notes in hand, you walked towards your desk to input the data. When you first applied for the position, you were only going to do it to pay off student debt. Now, you loved your job, despite the aches and pains. Your boss was friendly, your coworkers were nice, lunch was always delicious. There was always something new to find in the office. One day it’s a pink door and another it’s a drone delivering notes before crashing into a wall.
Everything was perfect. Well, except your best friend Changbin. The thing was, he had a girlfriend. Which isn’t the bad part. No, the bad part was, she was manipulative and a pathological liar. For some odd reason, Changbin just couldn’t see it. The thoughts raced in your head as you inserted the info. “Hey, _____? Can you help me with my computer?” You stifled a laugh towards the younger male who looked at you with wide, confused eyes. “Sure, Jeongin.” It simply started out as just a few minutes until he asked you more and more. Before you knew it, it was time for him to clock out. “You know, I think Jeongin likes you.” “Oh, yeah? How do you reckon that?” You turned to face your boss who eyed your computer only seeing half the work done. “You don’t see those heart eyes he gives you? They’re bigger than that apple on your desk.” Chan let out a chuckle. “And you’re the master of love?” “Absolutely.”
You finished up your work while Chan spun around in the office chair he found. Clicking save, you turned to see your childish boss giggling as he spun faster and faster. “Chan stop, you’re going to get sick.” Eventually, he came to a stop and held his head in his hands, complaining about the world spinning so fast. “Hey, I told you so.” He looked up to find your smug face staring back at him. “You’re mean.” “Whatever, boss.” Walking beside him to clock out, you sighed happily as you left the building. The cold autumn breeze nipped at your cheeks and you thanked the gods that Chan wasn’t one of those bosses that forced you to wear business attire. In fact, that’s a reason he was so popular, he let people wear what they wanted as long as it was appropriate. You buried your face in the sweatshirt you brought knowing that it was in fact a chilly season. “Your sweater is wearing out.” “I know. I’ve had it for years but I still haven’t been able to buy a new one.”
The cool metal of the car door made you recoil, shivering in the process. “There’s still some daylight, come on.” Chan grabbed your hand. “Where are we going?” “To get you a new hoodie. I don’t know how you stay warm with all those holes.” From a distance, it would look like you two were a couple and that is exactly what happened. “_______!” You gagged in disgust at the fake voice you knew oh so well. “Hello, Lila.” “I didn’t know you had such a handsome boyfriend.” A protest started to leave your lips but Chan stopped you. “Yeah, I didn’t know you had such a handsome boyfriend, _______.” You watched as Changbin’s girlfriend batted her mile long, fake eyelashes at Chan. “Where is Changbin?” “Oh he’s busy.” She replied, not even taking her eyes off of the blond. Does she really think you are stupid? Changbin had no plans today and he wanted to surprise Lila with some chocolates. When she thought you weren’t looking, her fingers trailed up Chan’s arms. You cleared your throat and she dropped her hands.
“Have a good night, Lila.” The words were cold and harsh as you pushed Chan away from the girl. He spoke up after you made your way into the store. “She seems um, nice?” “She’s a bitch.” Heat fought off the cold that lingered on your skin. “Colourful words there. Is she really that bad?” You scoffed while scanning through the hoodie section. “She’s always flirting with other guys while she’s dating my friend. He deserves more than that lying, scheming, conniving bitch.” Chan huffed at the new information. “Someone like you?” “Exactly- Wait? What?” You abruptly turned around only to be met by a broad chest. “I told you, I’m the love expert.” He teased. You watched as he reached behind you to pull out a large hoodie. The cloth was shoved towards you expectantly. “You’d look good in this. Plus, it’s soft inside.” A million thoughts pummeled through your mind but you played it off. “So we’re going to ignore the fact that you are my boss yet giving me love advice.”
Chan chuckled, his dimples prominent on his face. “Just think of it as a friend giving another friend love advice.” Breaking your gaze off of his, you looked towards the hoodie he had handed you. It was a maroon color and was definitely going to be big on you but you liked that. You liked getting swallowed up by your hoodies, coats, sweaters, and sweatshirts. It offered you a sense of comfort and warmth considering you were unreasonably cold 24/8. “So we’re friends?” Chan nodded. “I’d like to think so.” “I like that.” He smiled once again and led you to the cash register. “Just these items?” “Yes.” The cashier looked unamused at everything. It made you happy because you don’t think you could handle another person fawning over your boss. “Have a good night.” “You too, miss.” Chan handed the bag to you outside of the store. Respectfully, he looked away as you switched hoodies which you found cute because you had on a shirt underneath.
“Okay, I’m done.” “Do you want to keep this hoodie?” You shook your head. “Then can I do the honours of throwing it away?” “How about we do it together?” A gleam in his eyes signified that he agreed to that. When you reached the familiar, pristine parking lot, the two of you walked towards the dumpster and threw away the tattered fabric. “Thank you, but I must be going.” “Have a good night and see you tomorrow!” You wished him a good night as well and entered your car. The silent rumble of the engine coming to life sent a rush of excitement through you. “I’m going home to sleep!” Except, it wasn’t that easy. The lights were on which was unusual considering you don’t have a roommate. “Hello?” A blanket was sprawled out on the guest bed and all that peeked out was soft brown hair that belonged to your best friend. “Bin?” The blanket shuffled and warm yet tired eyes peeked up at you. “I went for a walk today but it got too cold. I hope you don’t mind that I crashed here.”
“Of course not. You are welcome here all the time.” Changbin smiled a little and sat up, the blanket falling to his lap. “Have you eaten yet?” “No, I was waiting on Lila but she never came.” The nerve of that bitch. Anyone could see how much Changbin was putting into this relationship and she was throwing it all away. “Are you okay?” A shiver ran down his spine at the motherly look he was receiving. “I’m okay, I promise.” “Let’s go make some food.” You took his hand and dragged him to the kitchen to make macaroni. Sure it was midnight but it doesn’t matter. When the light hit his face, you could see his tear stained cheeks. “Changbin-“ “I can’t help it. I know she’s not in the relationship anymore but I love her.” You rested your head against his and sighed. “I know. I just wish you could see the others who love you more.” Changbin pulled away first and directed his attention towards making the food.
The next day, Changbin was gone before you finished getting ready for work. It was disheartening but fair considering you pushed into his life. You topped off your outfit consisting of simple jeans, blouse and the sweatshirt Chan got you with a toboggan. The office was warm as you entered making you happy. “You look good today. Is that a new hoodie?” Unfortunately, you were not alone for long. “Yes it is, Jeongin. And thank you, you look good today as well.” The younger boy beamed with pride, ecstatic that you thought he looked good. “I brought a hot chocolate for my favorite assistant! Oh, Jeongin. You’re early. I’m afraid I didn’t get you one but if you want, I’ll give you five dollars so you can get one.” “It’s okay, hyung.” He went to work leaving you and Chan alone. “First of all, I am your only assistant. Second, give me the hot coco because I had a restless night.”
You took a sip of the steaming liquid and sighed. “What happened?” “Changbin crashed at my place because his fucking girlfriend stood him up. He cried. Cried. I hate that bitch.” The pencil in your other hand cracked under your anger. “Calm down. There’s only so much you can make someone see.” He shuffled a few things around on your desk to make room for him to sit. “I know.” “Here, let me take you to lunch today.” You nodded, allowing him to smile and tell you to make sure he has enough time to take you to get food. The hours leading up to lunch were monotone, filled with boringness except Chan occasionally pestering you. Your phone buzzed violently on the desk, you picked it up and answered the call without looking at the ID. “Hello?” “Can we go out to eat today? I want to be around someone.” It was Changbin. It hurt you hearing the amount of pain that was in his voice, signalling he was alone today as well. “My boss wants to take me to lunch but I’ll cancel so I can go with you.”
“It’s okay. I don’t want to impose.” “Changbin. Just come to my work and we will all three go. I want to be there for you. You know that.” A sniffle from the other side. “Okay. I’m heading that way now.” “I love you, Binnie.” A single sob let out before he hung up, getting ready to go see you. Banging your head against the desk sounded like an amazing option right now. Yet, you knew you wouldn’t be able to get away with it. “Hey, you're almost ready?” “I hope you don’t mind but Changbin’s in his way here and I invited him to tag along.” Chan giggled and ruffled your hair before motioning to stand up. “Of course I don’t mind. I feel like a proud dad watching their kid chase after someone. Don’t mind me.” Rolling your eyes playfully at his antics, you grabbed the hoodie that was discarded earlier and put off to the side. It was like you were two all of a sudden when you mixed up the holes. It was a sight to see when Changbin walked in. On one side, you had Jeongin trying to pull up the hoodie and on the other was Chan doing the same. “Put your hands up!” “I’m trying, Chan!” He scoffed and tugged at the material. “Try harder.”
Changbin laughed at the scene in front of him knowing that he’s been in the boys’ position. With Jeongin being able to free his side, Chan was able to slip his side off scrunching up the hoodie and put it over your head. “Arm.” You turned red as you saw Changbin watching you get babied by your boss. “I said arm. Are you not paying attention?” He turned to see what you were staring at and smiled. “Oh, your 𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑠ℎ is here.” You put your hand through the arm hole and shoved him. “Shut up.” Chan made a move to do the other side as well but you put your arm through it before he could. “No.” Changbin was taken by surprise when you hugged him tightly. “Please forget you ever saw that.” He smiled but shook his head. “No can do.” “Hey, go get your wallet and phone before we leave.” Your friend eyed your boss and felt you move away, immediately missing your warmth. “Okay, got it.” “HAVE FUN, _____!” Jeongin yelled at before you left and you waved at him and said “I will.”
The diner was a 60’s style diner with girls on skates. “I wanted to work here because they rode on roller skates.” The only catch though, you’d have to wear the outfits too. A tall waitress rolled up to you while pulling out her order sheet. “What can I get you guys to drink?” You looked at the drink names and snorted. “I’ll have the Groovy Ginger Ale.” The words were choked out as you continued to read the names. “I would like a Disco Dew.” Changbin recited, smiling at how easily amused you were. Chan was last. “I’ll take a Funky Fanta.” She clicked her pen and gave off the server’s anthem. “I’ll be back in a few minutes to get your order.” Chan nodded and thanked her. “Okay, I take it back. I wouldn’t be able to work here.” Changbin tilted his head confused. “Why?” “Imagine people saying Funky Fanta except it’s in different tones and voices.” Both of them shook their heads at the thought. Soon, the waitress came back to get the food order.
“I have to use the restroom real quick.” You and Chan nodded and watched Changbin walk away. The doorbell chimed and a familiar face walked in. Your eyes widened in surprise because she was with a boy. She noticed you right away. “Fancy seeing you guys here. Don’t you guys work or something?” “Yes, Lila. We are on a lunch break and who is he?” Lila flashed a smile over to Chan. “He’s my friend.” “Where’s Changbin?” You knew the answer but you wanted to know what stupid lie she was going to come up with. “I’m going to go find us a table.” The male placed a quick peck on her lips before she pulled him back in for a longer one. Behind them stood a crushed heart watching the whole thing. “L-Lila?” Her face dropped and she quickly turned around. “Binbin!” Changbin side stepped her attempt at a hug and a kiss. “Looks like he was a really good friend.” Lila pursed her thousand dollar lips which weren’t done well. “Bin don’t be this way, you haven’t returned my texts. I thought you didn’t love me anymore.”
The customers started to stare at the commotion, clearly feeling bad for the fake girl. “I didn’t return your texts?” You knew this was going to get ugly soon and clearly Chan did to. His body was tense next to yours. Changbin pulled out his phone and showed her the texts. “It was the other way around. I was the one texting you and you were off with other people. I should’ve listened to _____!” Lila’s face turned ugly as she became angry. “YOU MEAN THAT WHORE WHO’S CLEARLY FUCKING HER BOSS?” Changbin started to say something but you stood up. Her face smelled like cheap grandma perfume but you ignored it. “I AM NOT FUCKING MY BOSS. HE IS MY FRIEND OUTSIDE OF WORK. FURTHERMORE, IF I WERE TO FUCK ANYONE, IT’D BE WITH THE PERSON YOU FUCKED OVER.” Her mile long nails scraped your face as she slapped you. Seething, you punched her. Hard. You heard a crack and blood spilled from her nose. Still angry, you went back for more before Changbin carried you outside.
The cold air cooled you down and you focused on the male in front of you. “You told me you were okay! You promised!” He couldn’t keep eye contact, instead he cried. “I couldn’t force myself to do it.” “If you still love her, I can’t keep being the person you go to to cry. I love you but this whole hurting yourself is not okay.” You turned to walk back into the diner to get Chan only to see him walking out. “I paid and the lunch is here. We are not allowed back in there again.” “It’s okay.” The mood was tense as you guys ate in the meeting room. Changbin left only saying a small bye and thank you. “He likes you too.” “CHAN JUST STOP WITH THIS LOVE CRAP. I’M SICK OF IT ALREADY.” This time, you didn’t care if you hurt yourself. You slammed your head on the hard table and cried. Cried from the pain in your head, cried from anger, from your heart hurting. “I want you to go home early today. Finish what work you were doing and go home. Go to bed.” Chan’s voice wasn’t soft as usual. It was commanding. And, you complied.
The apartment was quiet save for the fish tank filter. You threw your stuff to the ground and noticed that Changbin’s shoes were set by the door. You walked towards the guest room to find him hunched on the floor crying. He was surrounded by ripped up photos of him and Lila. “Binnie?” Changbin looked up, the tears in his eyes making your heart ache. “If I asked you to stay, would you?” “Of course.” You sat down next to him and pulled him close before stroking his hair. “I’ve been fighting my feelings. I knew that deep down inside, she wasn’t right for me but I clinged onto her. But I realized today that she wasn’t the one my heart wanted.” He paused for a minute to wipe his nose with the sleeve of his coat. “My heart longed for the person who loved me even though I shut them out. I rejected their love because I was too scared to ruin the friendship.” “Changbin-“ Your fingers paused as you thought about what he was saying. “My heart wanted you.”
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ofmythsandmadness · 4 years
So...I finished season two.
I’m putting ALL my thoughts under the tab so please, don’t click unless you’ve seen it all, and/or you just....like don’t care about spoilers? But please if you’ve not watched it, watch it first ‘cause it deserves all the hype and attention.
You can read part one to this here.
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I deadass thought he was gonna die.
I thought throughout the entire show that he was going to die, and ESPECIALLY at the end, I thought that was it. I guess I’m glad though that he didn’t die of course. But I was convinced, and glad he didn’t and that there was no shock-value death of a major character. 
(though like maybe one of them should have gotten hit by a bullet in one of those final scenes?? I mean….there were bullets EVERYWHERE. By SO many guns. How did they miss every time????)
Aiden Gallagher did a terrific job with the character. I don’t agree with the things he personally has done but I am convinced on his acting abilities, I mean JEEZ. He sold the act and alongside Diego/David Casteneda, was really one of the best actors on the show. I am thoroughly impressed. I didn’t really like him much in Season One, but he’s sold the role to me now and I’m very impressed.
That being said... I kinda hated Five. That’s it. I liked him in general but some parts, I was so pissed off and just didn’t like. He was an asshole and I know he IS an asshole but it was beyond just being a grumpy old pisspot. And I don’t know really how to feel, because I know being 45 years alone and lost and then becoming the world’s best assassin or whatever will fuck your head up, so it makes sense. I just think there were points where he lost most of his humanity, and then he’d flip-flop back to a more caring being. I sort of just wished there was a clear definition to all of his thoughts and emotions on it all.
But at the same time his character makes sense so I don’t know how to feel??? Maybe I’m just pissed on how he treated Diego and shit. But I’m very very glad he’s not dead!! 
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Okay, I thought she was REALLY dead in that scene. You know the one I’m talking about.
Holy shit.
I was so scared. And also it was so sudden (and a little cool admittedly how Lila just threw it back at her like that - HOW DO I WORD thAT NON-SEXUALLY) and I was so fucking worried they’d kill her off, because I find sometimes her character comes off a little disposable. Not because I want her gone, more that the show finds her an afterthought and pushes her with someone or ‘silences’ her.
But overall I loved her storyline. I didn’t know if I’d like her just being married, it felt again like an afterthought and she was being pushed to be with someone, but the civil rights movement plot was really well done, in my eyes. I loved too the agony of having such impressive powers, but scared of the effects of doing so and also not wanting to be the person she was before. I felt for her and I was so impressed with her separating herself from her past, trying to push away from being the one who had it all and trying to be her own self. I think that this season did that really well, with all the characters and finding themselves, and I just...I want her to be happy, and successful and I want to see her find a way to use her powers without causing pain to herself or others.
And not be with Luther. Please, anyone who can do a thing about it reading this, do not make her and Luther a thing.
(also - emmy raver lampman is in general so goddamn talented and beautiful and i wish her the best. i just heard her rendition of satisfied and me oh my, that gal deserves so much more love, i hope this show catapults her career even more forward)
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Literally invented cottagecore.
Also, I love her.
I was so impressed with the way they handled her queer storyline. I was so worried about it, admittedly because television shows have a history of handing out stereotypical plotlines and not caring about the depth of them but dear FUCKING heavens, I loved this one. I cried like a baby, and yet I was left almost happy, at the end? Not happy, because they’re apart and Sissy’s stuck in a world that she can’t be herself in, but there was a beautiful bittersweetness that I adored about it. And it was realistic, and they didn’t just follow a trope and leave it there to wither up and die.
Vanya was adorable in this season and while I normally hate the amnesiac storyline, I think it’s an easy way out, I liked it here! Because yeah it was I guess an ‘easy way out’, but it worked and it made Vanya be able to be here and actually start over. I didn’t want to see her so burdened with who she had been and who she was forced to be, I wanted to see her smile and dance and love her siblings and she could and I couldn’t be happier. I mean, when she was just saying how she loved her family and her family was amazing...obviously it’s funny cause the family’s so messed up, but she meant it and I just want so much good for her.
I just love how they naturally developed the idea of the Hargreeves genuinely liking each other. This season really brought them together but unlike the first, it wasn’t necessarily because they had to, but because they wanted to. And I think Vanya did that for them. 
Basically...I don’t know how to put it all into words without making this a 70-page thesis essay. But I love her and want the best for her.
(side note - I really also was impressed with Harlan. I was scared that somehow they were going to do something stupid with him, but he was adorable and I loved him. his character made me tear up a little, too. as someone who has close family with severe autism, it’s rare to see a show that doesn’t make an upsetting and non-accurate portrayal out of someone on the spectrum. but he was so precious and smart and good and Sissy loved him and dammit, I would die for that little family)
I’m ALSO curious if Vanya’s gonna visit Sissy ever? I mean I thought she would have at the end but obviously the cliffhanger didn’t leave room for that...idk know though because I think with multiverse theories and whatnot, she wouldn’t even know her but...eh.
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I don’t actually have much to say on him, which is shocking because in Season One, I could have written a whole book on his character. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t love him! He’s still one of my favourites, and I wish I could just take away his pain because that boy deserves at least a kernel of good in his life. But truly, there’s just not much I know to say about him??
The scene in the restaurant with Dave and his uncle though hurt. What hurt more though was his nonchalant nature about it, because he’s been through that so many times and he almost expected it, which hurt. It’s expected and I knew he couldn’t just waltz up to Dave and confess his love and they’d be dandy, but as a queer person, it was a punch to the heart just watching him go through that.
I just want him to be happy someday, and bond with his siblings because there’s a deep sadness that lurks with Klaus, and maybe it’s from the actor too but there’s a melancholy that I relate to, which I hate because that melancholy is a heavy burden to carry. A worthlessness, and a deep depression that he’s seemed to have fallen into that’s a bitch to climb out of and I’m scared that he won’t be able to. He covers it up in funny gestures and vices but it’s still destroying him. Even the cult - he lacks any real love and he finds it in meaningless places, never remembering their names or anything about them and coming off as an asshole when really, he’s just looking for someone who truly cares about him, who he is on the inside and listens to him without yknow, becoming brainwashed and treating him like a god.
I’m interested to see where the show takes his character.
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This show really said fuck my feelings on this one, huh???
I cried so hard when he got to save the day. He finally could do more than just follow Klaus around, and he finally got to be more than their dead brother. For so long, Ben was just an idea, a memory and I can only imagine the pain of having to deal with that. They touch on it in the show but it’s so much deeper than just being alone with only Klaus to talk to - I mean Ben was literally nothing, to any of the others, aside from being their dead brother. And when he finally got to save them, and save Vanya and fucking HUG HER AS HE PASSES ON TO THE AFTERLIFE….when I tell you I sobbed....
And his hug with Diego, how HAPPY they both were….the way that they both just….:’((
And that scene with young Klaus and Ben....Netflix when I said I wanted more Ben content I don’t know if I meant THIS.
At the same time...it was beautiful and bittersweet because he was happy, almost, moving on to his next life. He was able to do what he needed to and move on and that was beautiful. And, he got to say goodbye to at least some of his siblings, and so I can’t truly be sad about his passing. Even though it made me sob like a newborn babe.
But also...what the fuck was that ending?
And by that I mean, who the fuck signed off on that stupid lil’ haircut??? HUH???? WHY DID HE LOOK LIKE HE WAS WEARING FUCKING FAKE BANG-CLIPONS AOIHWGOIHWOIWHOIGWH
IN CONCLUSION. Fuck Reginald Hargreeves and also just FUCK.
In conclusion, I really loved this season. It ended happier than I expected and that makes me happy, so much more happy then I thought I would have been. TUA has been one of my favourite shows, and I’ve over the past while waiting for S2, developed several strong loves for these characters. More than I’ve ever cared about others. And for the most part, they were given the justice I hoped they would be.
Overall, I am happy. And I hope we get season three, almost entirely just so I can figure out if Ben Hargreeves is wearing fake-bang clip ons or not. And also...like for everything else.
Also, what the fuck is a Sparrow Academy? Whomst??? And where’s miss Lila?? And are they technically related and if so HUH?? And also...no rights to Mr Reginald.
This is such a messy summary, lmao.
But let me know what you think! I’m going to rewatch it soon, probably tonight and I’m so excited to fall even more in love with it. (and them)
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#WayneAngel: Chapter 2
The Maribat AU by @ozmav and @maribat-archive is all I can think about atm, so enjoy more of this
Summary- After Grayson posts a video on the wrong twitter, Damian feels like he should lose his social media privileges, and possibly his hand. 
Part 1
Part 2 (HERE)
Part 3
Wayne’s Angel @FashionableInGotham
Thanks for outing my relationship, Dick, now I owe Tim money. 
Marinette paused realizing that no one was going to believe the lone tweet, even as she hit send on the first post of her new twitter account. There were probably a hundred fake accounts popping up already in light of the news. Thousands of theories on her were already flying around the net. 
She probably had a zillion texts from her classmates about the video, but she had taken one look at the group chat and missed calls she had gotten from Alya and turned her phone onto do not disturb. She’d check for texts from her actual friends later. 
She sighed and stuck her head outside, and was only mildly surprised seeing the two middle Wayne boys stilling sitting on the patio. 
“You guys are still out here?” She asked, only for Jason to flip her off and Tim just bleary lifted his head up, having been taking a nap in the sun like a cat.
“Easy boy,” She soothed Jason, “I’ve just come to tell you the kitchen is no longer off-limits, and that Damian is attempting to murder Dick.”
“What did Dickie do?” 
Instead of answering Jason’s question she held up a blue bill between two fingers, “Oh I also owe Tim this,” 
She watched Tim pause mid-yawn and eyes flash to her before his eyes grow large and he cracked up laughing.  
Jason slipped into a cheeky smirk, “No…” 
“Oh yes,” Marinette sighed, “Dick accidentally uploaded the video he took earlier to his public twitter, instead of his private one. #WayneAngel and #MariDami are both trending right now.”  
“The demon spawn might actually succeed in killing him this time,” Tim gasped out, snatching the bill from her.
“Not on Alfred’s birthday, he won’t,” She giggled back before holding up her phone, “Either way, mind helping me enter the celebrity Twitter scene? I feel there’s going to be lots of clean up involved, but I figured the sooner I’m officially introduced the better, but I need someone to confirm I’m me on there.” 
Tim pulled out his phone, “One introduction tweet coming right up.” 
Tim Drake Offical @TJDrake
Thanks, @AFlyingGrayson for fucking up and winning me the bet with on who would out The Demon spawn’s relationship! 
Anyways, Just wanted to introduce @FashionableInGotham as my actual favorite sibling and the Demon spawn’s real, flesh and blood, girlfriend, Marinette.
With the tweet was a picture that Tim had snapped of the three of them chilling on the porch, Marinette perched on the armrest of Tim’s chair as the boy waved the banknote in front of the lens, Jason smirking as he gave the young girl bunny ears. 
It’s a very endearing picture, in her opinion and was ranking in retweets in a heartbeat. Her follower count was climbing from the seven Waynes. Marinette wasn’t going to ask how Tim managed to hack twitter to make the missing Waynes follow her, she really didn’t want to know. 
Plausible Deniability and all that.
The tweet was followed quickly by one from Jason. 
Jason Todd Lives @BestTodd
Yes the brat has a girlfriend
Yes I lost the bet on if he’d follow in Bruce’s footsteps 
Yes that’s my real reaction to her picking me up
Yes she’s is that adorable irl, Proof vvv
Yes @FashionableInGotham is my unofficial baby sister and I will fuck up anyone that upsets her
The picture he attached as proof of her being adorable was of her working on a piece, her tongue sticking out between her teeth as she concentrated. The reds and purple laying in pieces around her as she snipped and sewed them together. Behind her, you could barely make out Tim and Damian arguing on her chaise. 
There was a sudden bang as the patio door was hung open and Dick tumbled through, phone in hand, with Damian still following him, but the knife had been replaced with his sword. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were introducing Marinette on twitter!” The eldest whined as he continued to dodge Damian’s strikes. Damian stilled, turning to his other brothers. 
“You what!” 
Marinette rolled her eyes, “Easy Damian. It was my idea. Get a good image out there before people have too much time to theorize about how I wormed my way into the elusive Waynes.” 
Tim just snorted, “Ah yes, Marinette the masterful gold digger who had no idea she was dating the Damian Wayne for the first two months of their relationship.” 
The other boys laughed as Marinette’s face turned bright red. 
“You promised not to bring that up again,” SHe whined as her boyfriend came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her. 
“You know you love us, Angel,” He mumbled as he pressed a kiss into her hair, pointily ignoring the fake gagging from Jason and Tim. 
“Sooooo” Dick drawled, bringing everyone attention to him, “We have about an hour we need to start dinner, and two before he and B get back. Who’s up for a little twitter QnA?” 
 The group chat was too hectic to keep up with anymore, no one was sure what was happening, until Chloe texted each of them individually and offered up a conference room at her family’s hotel for them to gather and go over what was happening. 
She was a little surprised that they all agreed, especially Lila. The gig was up, there wasn’t a way for her to convincingly spin this turn of events, not when the Wayne’s were already rushing to social media to defend the girl after the video accidentally went up, introducing her under a brand new twitter. 
If anyone saw that the blonde was already following said twitter, she’d claim it was to keep up with any drama that unfolded from little miss no one dating a Wayne. 
After all, she had an image to keep up, she couldn’t just... 
Her head snapped up to see Adrian standing in the doorway. 
“How on earth did you get here so fast?” She asked with a raised brow. 
He glanced away, rubbing the back of his neck, “I... might of snuck out...” 
She laughed, “Knew school would be good for you.” 
He grinned sliding into the seat next to her, making her relax. 
Their relationship had been rocky for a while, but after Queen Bee made her official debut, they were working through it. She couldn’t deny the fact that his eyes glowed as she tried her best to be a better person made everything easier
“So have you abandoned your ridiculous high road principle?” She questioned, watching him flinch slightly. 
“You know I didn’t...” 
“Yeah, Yeah,” She sighed waving her hand, knowing it was still a sore spot to him that Marinette had taken the advice so poorly before Chloe stepped up and explained what he had meant. 
Keep your head down, don’t draw attention to yourself. Messages that had been instilled into Adrian for years, both to keep out of the media spotlight and, after his mother disappeared, to stay at of his father's way. Lies had never been an issue to him since rumors were always flying around the model and the people he worked with, so while it took him a while to see that the lies that Lila told were different than those written in the gossip columns and were actually doing harm. 
Let’s just say the boy was still beating himself up for that, even if Marinette forgave him. Sadly it was too late to have Adrian come forward on his own to out Lila without it looking like Marinette had just gotten him under her thumb so they had been waiting for their chance.
Chloe was glad to say that that day had finally come. 
“Did you know Damian was the boy Mari talked about?”  He asked quietly. 
“No,” She sighed, “Luka and Kagami had no idea either, you’d know this if you bothered looking at your phone.” 
He shrugged, leaning over her shoulder, “I left it at home, Dad tracked me last time I snuck out with it.”  
She huffed a laugh handing over the phone so he could see the... colorful texts from the pair. 
“I didn’t know Kagami knew any swears in French,” He confessed after scrolling through the group chat. 
“My money’s on her learning them from Ms. Couffaine,” Chloe offered lazily, “That woman swears like a sailor.” 
“She lives on a boat,” Adrian counters, “I think that qualifies her as a sailor.” 
They lapsed into silence as Adrian clicked over to the entire group chat to see if he could make any sense out of it now that the flow of incoming texts has trickled off. 
“Are you okay?” She suddenly asks making him arch a brow, gazing up from the phone. 
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“Your lady is in love with someone else.” 
Adrian smiled softly.
 “I accepted that awhile ago Chlo,” He reminded her, back to the day they were all too close when time ran out, when the five of them could no longer hide, “I’m very happy to be her best friend, plus I’ve been thinking that I might look what the cat can drag-in” 
She groaned, whacking him, “You’re ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.” 
“Like you weren’t wondering if you’d be a good snake charmer.”
She squeaked, swatting him again harder as he fell off his chair with laughter.
“I told you that in confidence, not so you can make stupid puns!” 
“Oh come on Chloe, don’t throw a hissssy hit,” 
“I’m a bee, so buzz off!” 
They stared at each other before breaking down into giggles. 
“I hate you,” She whines through the pearls of laughter. 
“No you don’t,” He waggled his eyebrow making her laugh harder. 
Knowing he won he glanced back at her phone only for his smile to twist into a wicked grin. 
“Tone down the Chat in that grin or people will put it together,” She warned, poking his cheek. 
“Marinette and the Wayne boys just said they’re doing a QnA under #Daminette.”  
Chloe blinked a few times before her smile twisted to match his, “There’s a projector in here and we have about five minutes until anyone else gets here.” 
“I’ll grab your laptop and make sure Plagg and Pollen come down from your room,” Adrian said, climbing to his feet. 
“I’ll call Luka and Kagami and ask them to be prepared, and then get Jean to get refreshments and inform Jagged Stone of what’s happening,” She assigned to herself before he nodded and took off. 
Operation Dethrone Lila was officially underway. 
About fucking time
Taglist: @kceedraws @northernbluetongue @starry-bi-sky @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @lexysama @vincentvangoose
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gothfoxx · 5 years
Miraculous Ladybug, Male! Marinette x Lila, They were partnered up with in a project but they hated each other. They have settled their differences or they would fail the project.
(I’m using @virgil-is-a-cutie ‘s male!Marinette name for this)
When Ms Bustier said they would do the project in pairs Marin could feel the eyes of everyone in class glance hungrily in his direction. There was sure to be a fight for an easy grade. “Partners will be assigned at the end of the lesson so please pay attention!” The teacher informed them. ‘Ha!’ Marin thought as all the greedy vultures groaned and moaned about their lost meal ticket.
“That leaves Alya and Juleka as the last girl team and Lila and Marin as our last co Ed team!” Ms Bustier said way too cheerfully for someone that just sent a guy down the river. “Remember I want to see effort from both of you in your project for this lesson, think of it as your idea child. Raise it together with love and care!” The woman added a happy little half clap to emphasize her giddiness at the prospect.
Marin held back an eye roll that he was sure several other students could share. At least it was a subject he liked so if he had to do all the work he wouldn’t be struggling. The plopping down of a bag jars the bluenett out of his musings huh Alya left already and when he looks up he sees his nightmare hasn’t ended yet, “Hey~ Marin. So I guess we’re working together huh?” Lila asks feigning innocence and dripping artificial sweetness. When he doesn’t address her right away she tilts her head and pouts, if he didn’t know it was all an act he might have been swayed into being sorry.
He heaved a sigh to rivial a tiny god’s and puts on his ‘customer service’ smile, “Guess so. So do you have an idea for what we should do? I’m all ears!” Might as well jump to it and prepare for the worst. She surprises him by pulling out a piece of paper with some sloppy writing on it. “I might have one idea.” She beams, ew she can fake that too is that healthy?. “Oh cool.” Came his less than enthusiastic reply as he tried to read the paper, “So what IS the idea?” He finally asks after getting nowhere trying to read from the paper. Lila grinned and this time if was the kind her was used to, the sly cruel smile of a Predator on the hunt.
“I’m glad you ask Marin! It just so happens that my grandpapa’s work involved research of this area. We have some of his old journals at home. We practically have this done!” She boasted, and for a lie this one seemed rather...dumb to say the least. How was she going to get out of something so plainly’put up or shut up’? “So I guess we’re doing it at your place?” He remarks as he looks back at his notes for the list of suggested topics. A sound like a strangled cat catches his attention back to the brunette, she was red in the face and sputtering, “excuse me? Come again?” She wheezes between two steadying breaths. He’s confused at to what set her off but he repeats himself, “Are we doing the project at your house? Where the journals are?” And by golly she goes from looking mad to being embarrassed. “Oh, sure” comes the oddly soft response.
After school Marin texted his parents that he’d be home for dinner and prayed that if this was some kind of murder plot that they would at least start the search for his body quickly. The awkward silence dragged on until it got to be too much for the boy so he asks, “So what did your grandpa do?” After a few steps Lila answers with a grand sweep of her hand towards a front door. “You’ll just have to see, welcome to the Castello Rossi!” For all the grand showmanship it’s a very plain looking house, well kept but plain. “How nice, I like your plants.” Marin comments trying to be civil since they still have work to do.
As Lila opens the door with another grand gesture Marin is shocked to see how empty and impersonal it feels. Most of the front room looks unlived in with just two picture frames sitting on the mantle. “Mama won’t be home till later so let’s go to the office and get as much done as we can.” She states, beckoning him to follow. The office is a stark contrast to the room earlier, stacks of important looking paper tower on the dark wooden desk, Knick-nacks and books fill the shelves, and family phones are scattered along the walls. While Marin is taking it all in Lila goes to a shelf in the corner and pulls out two worn out sketch books.
As it turns out Lila’s grandpa was part of a team of anthropologists that studied post World War I art and his books were a mix of notes on the how the war changed how the art had changed and sketches of people he had interviewed. It was all so fascinating and emotional. Marcelo Rossi had a way with words, Marin felt like he could hear the man’s voice narrate as he read entry after entry. They easily got most of their project done, the impact of WWI in everyday life, all they needed was a second source and they would be finished. All in all it was a not horrible experience, maybe if Lila could shape up they could really be friends like everyone wanted.
Ending 1: not so bad
Marin was surprised that in the week and a half that they had been working together to discover the Rossi family were well known in nitch circles of the anthropology and archaeological sciences. He had seen a picture of her great aunt recording the dying language of the Tihan people of Tiahana, gotten to read the musings of the eccentric late great-great-uncle Sal who studied prehistoric plants. They were amazing people who changed their fields, it was a wonder Lila depended on lies to get attention. When the day of the presentation came up Marin was excited to share what they had written, Lila even brought scans of the sketch books to pass around. Everyone else’s reports were pretty standard in comparison so when it was their turn they knocked it out of the park!
After class Marin walked out with Lila like he had done everyday for a week when to realized that he didn’t need to follow her anymore. It caught him off guard at how sad that made him, he liked seeing the real Lila under all the lies and faux confidence. Did they really have to pop their little bubble just because they didn’t share a goal anymore? “Aren’t you coming?” Lila asked tugging on Marin’s sleeve, “We need to celebrate, that report was definitely an A. We deserve a treat!” She declares, dragging the less than reluctant boy along with her. They announced their relationship a few days later to the cheers of the class.
Ending 2: how did it end up like this
Marin had gotten to know the real Lila over the week and a half they worked together. He had really gotten through to her as he assured her that what her family did was interesting and there was no need to hide behind her web of lie. She agreed to come clean to the class with Marin to vouch for her after the project. He was really proud of her and was planning on asking her to lunch together later that day.
Strangely when they walked in that morning in prep for the report Marin felt the burning feeling of eyes boring into the back of his head. Ms Bustier met them at the bottom of the steps, “Lila is it really a good idea for you to come in today with everything that you’ve done?” The teacher inquired with a grit of her teeth. A murmur rippled through the room as Marin realized the glares weren’t aimed at his mmm for a change. Lila paled and looked around the class before focusing back on Ms Bustier, “What’s going on? What do you mean by what ‘I’ve done’?” The brunette asks a bit nervously.
It was Alya that stood up and pointed an accusing finger at Lila. “You lied about everything, you made me think you were going to help me with my career! You just strung us along like puppets!” She roared, Juleka had to hold the journalist back from rush the Italian. “Alya sit down! I will handle this!” Barked Ms Bustier, looking very run down and already very tired for the time of day. If Marin though Lila was pale before then she looked ghostly now, her eyes looked huge on her face as she looked at the struggling Alya. “As you can see. It would be best if you spent the day with the principal. Your mother should be here soon” the teacher growled.
Just then Juleka lost her grip and Alya rushed forward making Lila bolt out the door. Marin braced his body, the same way he did when Manon tries to escape to cling to her mom, and grabbed Alya around the middle and kept her from chasing his friend. “Why are you stopping me! She lied, you know she lied!” Raved the girl trying to wrestle her way out of his grip. “She played us!” She snarled. “She played you like the cheap kazoo you are!” Marin responded in kind. “I told you before it was a problem that she was lying but none of you would hear me out, you asked for proof, you called me envious! But it’s now that I like her and she promised to come clean that you choose to see the truth!? Fuck you guys!” He yells, dropping Alya on her ass and running after Lila.
He finds her crying in the hall that leads to the principal’s office. Her eyes are red and puffy, it breaks his heart to see her scrubbing her face in an effort to make the tears stop. Kneeling down next to her Matin holds his arm out so she can curl up into his side. “Don’t worry about them. They never knew the real you. After all the talk they spout about friendship and loyalty and giving chances they never even tried to get to know who was under all the celebrity stories. They all dropped you without asking questions or giving you a chance. So don’t worry about them. You have me.” He promises, rubbing her back soothingly. They wait there a long time before Mrs Rossi arrives, Marin stays for the meeting holding Lila’s hand through the whole ordeal. With compromises on both sides Lila is allowed to stay in the school but she will be switching classes and seeing a councilor. After Marin walks Lila and her mom back to their car, it might not be the best time but he’s not sure when he’ll get the chance again, “Once you’re not grounded anymore will you go out for coffee with me? Or a movie, I don’t even know if you like coffee.” He rambles get stopped in their tracks when Lila leans over and places a peck on his cheek. “I’d love to” she smiles, eyes still a bit wet, before having to close the car door and drive away.
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geekgirles · 5 years
Lila, Mayura and the Big Bad.
This is something I’ve been meaning to address for quite some time now.
Do you all remember when, back at SDCC2016, the Miraculous staff announced a villain far worse than Hawk Moth would appear in season 3?
Back then, we all assumed it’d be Mayura. But as of late, I began to believe they actually meant Lila.
I know, I know, they said they’d debut in season 3; but if you think about it, Lila’s true potential as a villain has started to be fully explored since Chameleon, A.K.A Season 3, episode 1.
Compared to Nathalie, who’s basically Gabriel’s assistant in and out of the suit, Lila’s had far more moments that hint on this.
Back in Volpina, it could be argued that she was indeed just a new girl who wanted to make friends the easy way because she moved a lot. The key word being ‘could’, since that episode threw a lot of hints too of Lila being far more dangerous than just that. 
The fact that she refused to forgive Ladybug proved her stubbornness since it had also been her fault that she’d been humiliated, for she’d lied and defamed the superheroine in the first place.
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This leads us to the several hints thrown at us about her during her debut:
Hawk Moth himself said her anger hadn’t disappeared and that Volpina would return.
While back then it was her choice to refuse Ladybug’s apology, it also gave us a glimpse on one of her most defining traits; her incapability to acknowledge her misdeeds and feel remorse for them.
Volpina portrayed her as someone who doesn’t care about the lengths she has to go to to achieve her goals, be it lying, spending money, bad-mouthing others or putting first her selfish wishes over far more important matters.
Whereas, Mayura so far seems to be a loyal ally to Gabriel, working as a field agent or giving him advice on how to take down LB and CN, unlike Lila. Despite her own romantic feelings for her boss, the side effects that come/will come with the damaged peacock miraculous or her apparent change in attitude when transformed; Nathalie knows her main goal is and will always be help Gabriel to take down our heroes and bring Emilie back.
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 As for Lila and Gabriel... although it’s true they’ve teamed up several times to antagonise our heroes, Lila seems to think she’s using Gabriel just like she uses everybody else. 
Their interaction in Oni-chan is the best proof of that.
 If you pay close attention, you can notice Lila’s choice of words are still lies; in the short timespan they’re in each other’s presence, Lila lies about her intentions with Adrien to his father, compliments his (incredibly flawed) parenting, tells him everything he wants to hear about what Adrien needs… Those are all tactics to get on someone’s good side!
On a side note, she also played a role (although minor) in Heroes’ Day, the same special where Mayura was first introduced. Quoting one of our all time favourite quotes; coincidence? I think not!
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And now it’s time to talk about Chameleon, which, in my honest opinion, could get the show’s award for most hated episode, to be honest…
Here we finally start to see part of Lila’s true colours. According to this episode (and the ones that follow), Lila doesn’t lie just because she’s lonely, she lies because that’s the method she’s developed to get her way with whatever she wants!
Now, I won’t deny her decision might’ve been a result of her mother’s busy schedule, but I will not deny either that Lila actually takes full advantage on her mother’s absence to lie to her heart’s content with no one to stop her.
But back to the point. 
Chameleon showed a Lila that has no sympathy for whoever it is she uses and for what she uses them. We’ve seen her take full advantage of her peers’ kindness to get the pettiest, most selfish things; she’s faked injuries and diseases to get a seat next to Adrien, to get her classmates to bring her her food, and to try and spend more time with Adrien while he plays piano. 
If that weren’t worrying enough, the level of narcissism she displays is; she clearly thinks herself superior and far more intelligent  than Miss Bustier’s class (and the fact that they believed her in this particular episode doesn’t help), seeing them as nothing but pawns; means to an end.
And let’s not forget about her declaration of war at Marinette. I am going to say this just once; cornering someone in a bathroom and threatening to put an end to their social life unless they do your bidding is straight up harassment.
Not to mention, Marinette never actually picked a side, it was Lila who declared war at her. And why? Because Adrien had chosen Marinette over her. So, instead of aiming her contempt at the boy she likes, a boy who’d expressed in that very same episode his discomfort at being around her if she kept on lying, she decides making the girl he prefers over her suffer is better.
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It should also be noted that in this episode Lila herself grabbed the akuma and contacted Hawk Moth to destroy Ladybug. When Nathalie, the only person who knows her boss’ secret, only took the akuma in Catalyst because it was all part of their plan and, later on, the peacock miraculous because Gabriel was losing and wanted to help him. She did it because their original plan was all for naught, not because the boy she likes had asked her, in the nicest way possible, to stop lying to his face like it’s no big deal.
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The best part of this is that it is not a one-time thing. Oni-chan revolves around Lila manipulating people like it’s not big deal. And I obviously don’t mean just Gabriel, as I mentioned before.
Let’s go check that list, shall we?
Lila manipulated Nino into talking with Adrien to help her with schoolwork.
As a result of the previous point, she made Adrien spend time with her instead of doing what they were supposed to (the homework).
She used Nathalie to get inside the house twice in the timespan of a few minutes.
She lied to Roger about LB and CN not appearing to save her when Oni-chan appeared to get away from Kagami.
She put Sabine and Tom in danger.
She used Oni-chan to do her dirty work.
She lied to Chat Noir to get rid of Ladybug, even if they were actually trying to save her of all people.
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And if this is not enough, let’s move on to Miraculer. As @lexysama once pointed out in one of their posts, even if Gabriel went to Lila, it was never him who told her to lie to Chloé and make her doubt Ladybug; that was all her! And why? Because she couldn’t stand the idea of Chloé being friends with Adrien. Because her jealousy pushed her to hurt Chloé. Because she cannot stand the idea of not being Adrien’s one and only. And that same jealousy and desire for total control over him is what leads her to dislike Marinette and Nino too. I mean, considering Marinette doesn’t hesitate to tell her to fuck off, it makes sense, BUT NINO?!?!?!
This episode also portrays Lila as someone who doesn’t care if the person she’s hurting has actually wronged her or not, because if Chloé not recognising her is anything to go by, it’s painfully obvious that she just couldn’t have messed with her to deserve such scorn. Which is… low. It’s very low. And don’t get me wrong! Chloé is far, far from perfect, but she still has more morals than Lila, so messing with her when she’s at her lowest, just like messing with anybody in such circumstances, it’s pretty twisted.
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To summarise, if this whole post is not enough to, at least, explain why I think Lila is the one that’s supposed to be far worse than Hawk Moth and Mayura, then why does she have to appear in Timetagger at all?! An episode in which it was established Gabriel won’t always be Hawk Moth. If that’s not a hint, I don’t know what is...
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sk8terzz · 4 years
OK WAIT VAMPIRE AU AND IM LIVING FOR IT i have a shit ton of headcanons so,,,
here’s a quick summary
Humans hunt vampires and they’re often outcased/killed, although there’s been more recently since they’re learning from a young age to disguise themselves and can now hide their teeth.
also there's a couple types of vampires: some who melt in sun but have wings and can eat normal diets and those who don’t melt in sun, don’t have wings and need a little bit of blood in their diets (but it can be from like,, animals. It doesn’t have to be humans)
the vampires who melt in the sun (ILL CALL EM MELTY BOYS) are super rare so unless stated otherwise, whenever i say “X is a vampire” i'm referring to the not melty ones with no wings
setting/time/almost everything is the same. They are just. Vampires. (THEY LOOK DIFFERENTS TOO SFBDJHG)
also ships include: adrinette/ladynoir, djwifi, julerose, kimax, myvan, nathaniel/marc (I FORGOT THEIR SHIP NAME) and chlolix (chloe/alix)
You can send me ask if you want more details on certain things but yeah
if that interest you there’s more stuff under the cut
here’s what everyone is because its easier
Marinette: vampire *MELTY BOY
Adrien: vampire *MELTY BOY
Nino: human
Alya: half vampire thing?? Idk it just feels right *the sun hurts her skin a little, and she has little wings*
Chloe: vampire
Sabrina: human
Alix: vampire
Kim: human
Max: human
Rose: human
Juleka: vampire *MELTY BOY
Nathaniel: human
Lila: human
Mylene: human
Ivan: vampire
Everyone else is a human except for marc, nathalie and adrien’s mom *MELTY BOY
- marinette feels rlly bad about being a vampire (ALSO she a melty one)
- can go in the sun for about a minutes before it begins to really hurt so being ladybug isn’t awful cause she can hide in the shade most of the time
- ALWAYS HAS A SUN CAP ON (when she’s marinette) she just wants to be in the sun bro
- some guys start a theory that ladybug’s a vampire and she’s SCREAMING LIKE BRO HOW DO THEY KNOW but it was a joke
- alya is like,, super weird about vampires cause she was taught her whole life to hate vampires by nora because she thinks they’re super dangerous
- at first alya’s like “yeah suck it vampires” and then she learns she’s actually half vampire and she’s kinda like
- “fuck”
- almost rejects the miraculous lb gave her cause she was like “no im kinda vampire”
- but lb just goes “yeah me too so what”
- nino’s super chill with her being a vampire!! he finds it rlly cool lol
i feel like i could go into more detail about their relationship but That’s Another Story For Another Day
- adrien kinda hates being a vampire (esp a melty one) and hides it from everyone but plagg
- his dad would kill him for being a vampire because then his son wouldn’t be perfect and that’s not good enough
- felix figures out he’s a vampire but doesn’t tell anyone
- felix isn’t a fan of vampires but respects his cousin and keeps his secret
- hiding his wings is so annoying like??? He wraps them around his body and wears a cap all the time is the WORST
- also same thing as lb he can go in the sun for about a minute as chat noir before he begins to melt
- again i can go into more detail about chat noir/ladybug and marinette/adrien but im trying to keep this kinda short
- CHLOE OH GOD chloe is so scared
- don’t get me wrong she still is mean and petty but she’s really scared someone will find out shes a vampire
- and someone does
- alix is super chill with chloe and is like “hey man i know ur a vampire but i am too”
- after this they both end up getting feeling for each other lol
- THEY BE DATING but that’s a secret
- chloe’s mom knows she’s a vampire because she saw her fangs when she was born which is part of the reason she doesn’t like chloe
- in this au audrey never warms up to chloe instead chloe learns to not give a shit about what her mom thinks (with the help of marinette and ladybug) and tells her off before her mom leaves for new york
- her mom still keeps the fact that chloe’s a vampire a secret from everyone tho
- cause outing someone as a vampire is actually so low that even thought like yeah,, not everyone likes vampires but like no one’s gonna like u either bc you outed them on something so personal and something they trusted you with
- sabrina doesn’t care if chloe’s a vampire she still really cares about her
- but sabrina wouldn’t like it if anyone else was a vampire
- also another thing about chloe she tends to act like she hates vampires to avoid detecting from the Vamp Police 
- ig the vamp police is like sabrina’s dad who really hates vampires and actively looks for them (which is part of the reason sabrina isn’t a big fan of vampires either.)
- they’re not called the vamp police it’s just the police but i like saying that
- like i said before alix is Vampire and basically learns who’s a vampire in the class super quickly
- she knows what to look for when someone’s hiding their identity and knows she’s not the only vampire in the class
- she also figures out everyone’s super hero identities (which is why she gets the rabbit miraculous)
- max knows from stats that it’s likely that there's a couple people in the class who are vampires
- max had to teach him (with the help of alix) what a vampire was but it took like an hour
- the only reason kim actually learned something is because his boyfriend told him that if he paid super close attention (after running through the whole presentation like 3 times) he would give him a smooch
- after that kim grew a big brain and learned everything
- both of their parents and ondine would be super accepting if they were vampires tho
- but they’re both human
- also a little more lore its not biological if you’re a vampire or not it’s purely chance
- Its kinda like being born lgbt ig
- ALSO EVERYONE IS SOME FORM OF LGBT but i have my own hc for that
- lgbt vampires are incredibly oppressed like they can’t go out into the street *pensive*
- ANYWAYS juleka is a melty vampire and rose is a human
- rose’s family is super into hunting vampires 
- rose invited her gf over for a family dinner and the whole time they talked about killing vampires
- juleka doesn’t hate being a vampire and thinks it’s really cool
- rose had marinette design juleka a sun hat similar to hers because juleka kept forgetting she melts in the sun and went out in it more times then she should’ve
- juleka’s a little bit more outgoing in this au and drops hints that she’s a vampire because she thinks it’s Epic
- rose has to remind her that not everyone thinks it’s epic
- nathaniel is really passionate about vampires and wants to learn more about them
- nathaniel is so supportive of marc it’s rlly cute
- he has to stop himself from mentioning his bf’s a vampire bc he remembers not everyone thinks it’s as cool as he does
- marc loves that nathaniel is so supportive
- when he first saw nathaniel drawing the class of vampires he just went “fuck he’s the one”
- 100% nathaniel draws marc looking super vampire during class
- i’m just now thinking of akuma’s but like here’s kinda how it would work
- They’re basically the same as they were before (being all evil and shit,, basically the same powers) but i think there would be some story changes??
- lady wifi would be less concerned with lb’s identity and more with if she’s a vampire or not because the cause of her akuma would be her theorizing if lb’s a vamp or not
- causing chloe to make fun of her and say stuff like “cool people can’t be vampires they’re stupid and serve no purpose in life”
- lady wifi doesn’t manage to rip of either lb’s mask for her fake teeth because the costume change also adds fake human teeth to replace the real ones (and you can’t take them off like the mask)
- but lady wifi doesn’t know this so she assumes lb’s not a vampire which she’s disappointed with but alya doesn’t remember this
- BUT the media and chat noir think that she’s not a vampire
- reflekta’s design is a little different but that’s about it
- The change with lady wifi is the only akuma i can think about rn but if i do more headcanons about this i might go more into detail on stuff like that
- the build up to the akumatisation is basically the same but adrien realises that lb is marinette and also a melty vampire cause he she’s her melt a little when she leaves the room
- after marinette breaks up with adrien he runs in and transforms 
- after the reveal of adrien’s mom and stuff adrien reveals his wings and tries to kill is dad
- gabriel is disgusted by his son and tells him how disappointed his mother would be
- then chat gets akumatized and stuff
- instead of hitting the moon he’d hit the sun so that he didn’t need to struggle with being a vampire anymore
- he sucks the life out of hawkmoth and claims that he and lb can be together now that there’s no daylight but she says she can live like this which is when he kills her and goes on a murder spree
- then he just sits atop the eiffel tower in complete darkness until past lb shows up with bunnyx and she fixes everything
- his motives are more about disappointing his mother this time and being ashamed about being a vampire
- and also that his wish would be to make it so nobody is a vampire so people wouldn't have to feel ashamed about their identity and hide it all the time
- lb teaches him to love himself and his identity as a vampire and how proud his mother would’ve been of him
- ok enough about chat blanc 
- lila is a human and she acts like she loves vampires 
- but she actually hates them
- she’s super touchy with adrien and he’s even more uncomfortable now cause he knows she’s lying and would hate him when she found his wings
- all the vampires have seen this act before and tell their s/o’s so basically everyone’s against lila except for like maybe sabrina
- no one thinks she’s cool because i hate her
- she still lies about going on rides with prince ali and other stuff 
- absolute jerk
- her family is known for hunting vampires but she claims she’s different
- ok but ivan is just a sweet vampire trying to keep his identity a secret and mylene is just his support human gf who loves him just the way he is
- ivan doesn’t hate being a vampire but also doesn’t like it cause he’s worried that everyone will say stuff like “i bet you’re a vampire” “you’re a villain and you’re cruel, just like vampires” and other stupid stuff
- he is just a soft man
- mylene thinks him being a vampire is super cool!!
- they kiss a lot and ivan is worried he’ll bite her but she’s ok with it
- sometimes ivan wishes he was a melty vampire so he could wrap his wings around mylene to cuddle her and stuff
- they are v cute valid couple
- gabriel knows nathalie is a vampire and she knows he knows but neither of them make comments on it
- nathalie does really like vampires and doesnt mind being one herself
- she knows adrien’s a vampire and helps him hide it
- his father likes to know everything about adrien so he tried leaving cups with blood in them in his room to see if he would drink them
- and if he did cause he didn’t know his father was testing him nathalie would just refill them
- she starts keeping blood around the house and gabriel assumes it’s just for her cause he isn’t educated and doesn’t know the difference between rare vamps and the common vamps
- but it’s for adrien
- ALSO LIKE LAST ONE BUT one time lb and chat went out at night to hunt for blood cause they were thirsty but they ran into each other and it was rlly awkward
- but they’re both rlly oblivious and convince each other that they were out for a nightly stroll cause they couldnt sleep
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TUA DISNEY AUs: Aladdin (Pt. VI)
(please understand that by AU, I mean they share an incredibly small amount of things in common with the original source material which I barely remember BUT the “story” takes place in the setting of the film) (not to be misleading or anything :p)
(BEWARE: abuse, fake character death, etc.)
(If you can handle watching Umbrella Academy, this will be fine for you.)
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(Aladdin) Diego doesn’t really want to live on the streets anymore, but he can’t do much better. He used to be the prince - was having an affair with a servant boy and everything. But then Reginald found out and sent him off to the streets, and executed Diego’s lover, Klaus. Now Diego acts as a sort of vigilante justice-seeker, with his two roommates (read: pitiers-with-a-shed) Lila and Eudora, a kickass couple who like to flirt on the battlefield of the rooftops. Diego just wants to get out of Agrabah.
(Jasmine) Allison is ready to be queen. Okay, she’s not, but anything to get her jackass of a father off the throne. She’s been working with Ray, a magical wiseman, and Five, the shady-ass vizier, to overthrow Reginald’s rule for years, but it’s yet to happen. And now the bitch wants her to get married. Well, newsflash, buddy, Allison’s busy right now.
(Jafar) Five hates this place. He should’ve just left with the Handler. No, he takes it back, she was evil… but still! Plus she keeps sending Cha-Cha and Hazel after him, and his new apprentice Leonard is a little bitch, and he really just wants to get Allison on the damn throne and be done with it, but he needs this diamond for the spell they’re gonna use against Reginald, and it’s hidden in the stupid Cave of Wonders. So Five has got to find some idiot to go get it for him. He’ll start with Cha-Cha and Hazel. They’ll die, sure, but that’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make.
(Dahlia) Klaus wonders where Diego went off to. Reginald told Klaus Diego chose to run away and leave him, but Klaus is pretty sure that’s bullshit, especially since he then employed this weird witch lady called the Handler to curse Klaus mute and deaf. He now works as a servant to Princess Allison, making friends with the kitchen folk like Sissy and Dave, and studies the old books in Allison’s room when she’s sleeping, hoping to find some sort of way to reverse his curse and bring Diego back to him.
(Genie) Luther hates lamps. They suck. Also the princess is really pretty and his master’s a dick. Ah, shit. It’s Five - wait, isn’t that the bitch who got him stuck in here in the first place? Handy something or other? Oh hold the fuck up -
(Abu) Ben is just about done with Diego and Klaus’ bullshit. Fuck that lady who cursed him to be a monkey, he really hates her. But that’s unrelated! Right now the point is that he’s been purposefully getting lost and forcing them to come looking for him so he can get them to bump into each other, but they never do. Ben’s a horrible matchmaker - actually, you know what? He’s not. He’s great at this. It’s their fucking fault for being so horribly inept. Yeah. Let’s just blame everything on them why don’t we. They fucking deserve it for being so fucking dense. God.
(Rajah) Vanya knows Five transformed her into a tiger for her own safety. After what happened to Klaus, she knew her punishment for Sissy would not be dissimilar. But she’s getting real tired of just rubbing up against Sissy’s leg to get her attention. Sissy always smiles kindly at her, because of course she’s in on the little secret, but Harlan is scared of her and Vanya is sad. Oh, and she doesn’t trust Five’s new apprentice Leonard as far as she can throw him.
(Sultan) Reginald is a bitch. He’s aware of this. But he needs to keep his hold on power, and if that means fake-executing his children and turning them into animals when they misbehave, then so be it. It’s not like this could ever come back to bite him in the ass. Right?
Five gets to fuck off to wherever he wants after dear old dad is gone (Vanya’s fault, she ate him). Vanya and Sissy get hitched and head off on a very long boat ride together with Harlan. Ben sacrifices himself to save Diego’s life in the final battle against Reginald and the Handler, but returns as a ghost thanks to Klaus’ powers. Allison marries Ray and Luther, once he’s free of that horrible lamp that is (Klaus broke it by accident). She is crowned queen and everyone loves her. Meanwhile Diego breaks Klaus’ curses with true love’s kiss and they arrange a lavish and glorious wedding only to fuck off to god knows where ten minutes before the ceremony is scheduled to start, so instead Lila and Eudora take their places at the altar and become captains in the army because they’re badasses and deserve to be recognized as such. And everyone lived happily ever after.
Except the Handler. She got dropped off a cliff.
(Or Five is Iago and the Handler is Jafar, if you so please.)
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stony-feels1776 · 7 years
Recovery - Chapter One. Tragedy.
Hey all!
Chapter one to my Stony fic - Recovery.
Warnings:  Bad Angst, pain, blood, etc.
chapter two: https://stony-feels1776.tumblr.com/post/172014265099/recovery-home-chapter-two
{More under the Read More}
Link to it on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/546540151-recovery-stony-tragedy-chapter-one
"Steve Rodgers, you irritate me." Tony Stark said, running a hand through his silky brown hair, eyeing Captain America with conflicted brown eyes. They were sitting in a restaurant, in a red-themed booth. Steve was sitting across from Tony, looking out the window, a smile on his dashing face.
"Tony, you know you love me," Steve said, turning his attention to Tony again. His breath hitching, Tony looked into Steve's dazzling blue eyes. He started to fidget with his fingers, glancing away. No. He was not in love. He didn't love Steve Rodgers. Nope. Not a chance in hell.
"I actually hate you," Tony said, one eyebrow going up, real smooth, "I thought we had accomplished that." Nice, Tony. Cover up your feelings with sarcasm. "Friday, what's the weather like today?" Tony asked his watch, where FRIDAY, an AI designed to help Tony, was listening.
"Sunny, with 2 miles per hour of wind. Zero chance of rain. Fifty-seven degrees Fahrenheit." FRIDAY answered quickly. Tony smiled, missing JARVIS (his previous and - don't tell FRIDAY - his favorite AI). FRIDAY was brilliant, and Tony was proud of himself for her creation.
"Perfect. Thank you, Friday." Tony said, to which FRIDAY gave her usual 'anytime, sir.' "So, Cap, it's nice outside. Are we going to sit here for hours? What a boring first date. I expected better from you, Captain Romance." Tony joked, ignoring all of his feelings.
Steve laughed his warm, soft laugh. "Tony, you were the one who invited me here." He exclaimed, smiling, running a hand quickly through his gorgeous blonde hair.
"Only because you were so clearly dying to take me out on a date that I did it for you," Tony said instantly. He was a genius, so of course, he could make a clever comeback for anything.
"Oh, Tony Stark, I adore you," Steve said in a flirtatious tone, blinking, smiling sweetly, holding his head in one of his hands. Tony opened his mouth, but no words came out quickly, so he just chuckled. He didn't blush. Could Tony Stark blush? Add that to the list of mysteries. "But seriously, I acted like that because we need to have a serious conversation."
"Really? Cap, I hate conversing and being serious isn't n my nature." Tony put on his sunglasses and glanced out the window. "Make it quick, because I get bored faster than you can run,"
"Pepper's deciding that she..." Steve paused. Tony should have stood by now and walked out. Instead, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes showed concern and curiosity. "She doesn't want to see you anymore."
"What?" Tony said, laughing a little. "Captain is-to-stupid-to-know-not-to-fuck-with-Tony-Stark, you better not-..." Tony cut himself off, looking out the window in confusion. His heart ached. Not Pepper. He couldn't lose Pepper. He bit his tongue and his nostrils flared. Great fucking job, Tony fucking Stark.
"I'm sorry, Tony, but it's true. She met with me two weeks ago." Steve explained, a sorry smile on his face. Tony bit his tongue harder. What an idiot he'd been.
Tony stood, planting his hands on the table. He swallowed hard, breathing in. "Thanks, Cap," he said effortlessly, faking a smile. Boy, was he ever good at that? "Hopefully I won't see you around." And then Tony left, walking out the door.
He clicked his watch and his suit formed around him. He took off as quickly as possible, soaring into the cloudless blue sky, his thoughts not being nice at all.
"How could I lose her, Friday?" Tony said, hovering in the air.
"Sir, we should go home," FRIDAY responded, ignoring Tony's cry for help. She was an AI, not a therapist. Tony felt a pang of sorrow. JARVIS would have tried to help him.
"Fuck you, Friday," Tony said, taking in a shaking breath and exhaling for as long as he could. He then leaned down and flew back towards Stark Tower, landing with a thud on the roof. He clicked the area of his suit above where his watch was and the suit deactivated, returning to its state in the watch. Looking at the sky, everything felt hopeless again.
Night came quickly, and Tony crawled into bed, wishing he could fall asleep and wake up in a different time. A time where Pepper loved him still. A time Steve Rodgers didn't gain any of Tony's attention. A time where he wasn't Iron Man, just a simple genius billionaire, living with Pepper, not having any involvement with the Avengers.
He fell asleep quickly.
Then he fell.
Tony's breathing was ragged as he fell out of the sky. He couldn't breathe. Once he hit the ground, the world went black, but then everything was a dark blue. Steve and Pepper were lying there, dead. "Your fault..." Pepper whispered, while Steve's eyes closed and tears traveled gently down his cheeks.
Tony shook them, begging for them to wake up, listening to their breathing stop, their blood covering him, encasing him. It dried on him and he couldn't move, he could just cry.
And then he fell again, watching as he fell from the hole as Steve and Pepper were murdered by another copy of Tony, who looked up and smirked.
And when Tony hit the ground this time, he woke up and screamed, clawing at his chest, closing his eyes tight, crying.
Tony took a burning shower, ignoring how his body screamed for him to stop the burning. He didn't even bother to wash up. He simply stood there, staring at the pristine white tiles. He rubbed his chest, watching the arc reactor glow. He ran his fingers over it.
It would be awfully simple to pull it out right now.
"Sir?" FRIDAY said, her Irish voice filling the house, "Ms. Potts is here."
Tony gasped for air, not realizing he'd been holding his breath. He took his hand away from his chest and rubbed his eyes, feeling lightheaded. He turned off the water and almost lost his balance as he dried himself off and quickly threw on a simple grey shirt and some jeans. He ran a hand through his knotted, wet hair, and traveled quickly downstairs.
He opened the door. Pepper. "I'm sorry," Tony said instantly.
"Tony, I assume Captain America told you everything?" She asked, holding a suitcase and calmly staring back at Tony.
"No. I mean - he told me that... uh, we were over." Tony said, holding back tears as he stared at Pepper.
"I care about you, Tony," She began, "but I... got a job offer. For the NSA. I have to join. But they said... they said for security reasons, I had to terminate my relationship with you." She noticed the lost look in Tony's eyes. "Tony, we can still be friends." She added quickly.
"That'd be great. Now, I have lots of work. Be safe. The NSA can be dangerous." He said quickly, faking a pleased and proud smile. He closed the door. "Friday, keep her out. But keep records on her. Everything big, tell me. We gotta.... keep her safe. Always." Tony said to the air before sitting down on the couch. He picked up his phone.
Three missed messages from Captain Nice Ass.
"Tony, where are you? God, are you mad at me? I'm sorry." "Tony, I'm concerned about you." "Tony. New mission. Meet us ASAP. At Clint's farm. Please."
Tony stared at these messages. He broke into tears. Why did Steve even care? What mission? All Tony wanted to do was hide and sleep. He wiped his eyes pathetically, whimpering. He sighed and looked around. He was fine.
"Friday, I'm going to Clint's farm. Lock up the tower," he walked out the door and clicked his watch again before flying off into the sky, thinking only of work. He wondered what mission this could be. Some positive things came out of Pepper leaving him; now he didn't have to worry about endangering her, and he could have crushes without feeling immensely guilty.
He landed quietly on Clint's farm. "Alright, fuckers, what's up now?" Tony said loudly, the metal mask disappearing. His brown eyes scanned the farm. Sitting on benches and on the ground was: Clint, Steve, Natasha, Vision, Wanda, Thor, and Peter.
"You decided to bring the child?" Tony demanded, feeling rage fill up his chest, pointing at Peter and glaring at Steve, who must have been the one to assemble the team. Peter looked awkwardly down at the ground, scratching the back of his head. He looked like he wanted to speak up, but knew better.
"He's not a child. He's going to help us fight, Tony." Steve stood. God damn him for being taller than Tony. Peter shuffled his feet and nodded.
"Mr. Stark, I'm not a child." He said awkwardly, "And I want to help! You gave me this suit and all... and I just figured I could be of some use. I just want to be like you. Help people, y'know?" Peter chimed, looking worried.
Tony couldn't help but think dark thoughts. He wasn't helpful. "And I don't want you to be like me, kid," Tony said bitterly, sighing, "but I guess I can't stop you." He hated how pathetic and weak and how out of control his voice sounded. He cleared his throat quietly. He hated the sympathetic eyes Steve was giving him. "Alright, you ignorant fucks, what's on our agenda?"
"Stop cursing," Steve said, "okay. So-"
Clint cut him off, "My daughter's been taken. Lila." Clint looked as hard as a rock, his eyes hard and emotionless. However, the bags under his eyes and how red his eyes looked proved otherwise. Tony wasn't sure what to say. Peter looked down again. Steve pat Clint on the back gently and Natasha side-hugged him gently.
Part of Tony wanted to point out that some random, not-so-powerful, regular-but-bad human could have captured Clint's daughter. Instead, he went with, "Well, I guess we're going to have to kill that bitch." Clint almost smiled. Tony blinked and swallowed. Okay.
"I can find whoever did this on my own. I don't know why you'd need the whole team when all you need is me." Tony said, his thrusters turning on. He was now taller than Steve. He shot a triumphant smirk at Steve, even though he didn't seem to notice.
Clint paused and looked terrified. "No. What if something happens to you?" He paused again. "What if they kill her because of you or something? Oh, God, Tony, no, you can't go." Tony's eye twitched at this. What the hell could that mean? They were more likely to kill her if they were all there.
"I can do this, Clint. Go be with your wife. She'll need you." Tony said quickly in a slightly demanding voice. Clint was stubborn but God knows that Tony could outlast everyone. Besides, Clint's wife really did need him.
Clint hesitated but nodded. "Please, take someone with you, Tony. Please."
"Me, myself, and I are going. Kid, make sure they stay here. That's an order. You all have to protect Clint and his family while I'm gone. I'll find her. I'll tell you when I do." Tony took off immediately. He would find her. He could work alone. He wanted to be alone. He couldn't put any of them at risk.
Or take the risk of being alone with Steve Rodgers.
He couldn't be in love with that man.
Tony entered the cave, breathing heavily in his suit. It was pouring rain outside. He was in a forest in Central America. FRIDAY said that security cameras had caught her and a masked man just north of the forest heading inside of it.
Tony took the mask off and breathed in the fresh air. It was humid as fuck down here, and Tony was dying of heat.
Then there was rustling. Then Tony was kicked down.
And three people stood around him. One was holding a gun to Tony's head, one was Clint's daughter, and the other one was holding a gun to the quivering girl's head.
"Let her go." Tony hissed immediately.
"No... I don't think so." Their voice was distorted, but it was easy to tell they were using a cheap voice changer. They pressed the gun harder on Tony's forehead, making him wince as it dug into his temples. The gun cocked.
Tony winced and looked at Clint's daughter, who looked remarkably brave. "Let her go, and you can do whatever you want to me. I don't care. Just... let her go." Tony said, his voice getting higher. He tried to move his hand sneakily, but his attacker stomped on it, and Tony heard the blasters shatter.
"We're in a forest," the other man said, quickly, whispering, "she'll never survive five minutes out there. Plus, then we don't have to deal with a defiant Stark and a crying girl."
The other man seemed to be considering it. While they were looking at each other, Tony grabbed his helmet and whispered to FRIDAY, "Please. Help her find her way home. I don't know where they'll take me. Keep her safe, Friday." He looked at the girl and pointed to the door, then to his helmet. She seemed to understand. He set it out as close to the entrance as he could as silently as possible.
"Fine. Go." The one holding the gun to Tony's head said. The girl scampered away, quickly grabbing the helmet and sprinting as far as she could.  
Tony smirked up at his attackers. "Well, I'm all yours, love, what now?"
Tony woke up, dried blood all over his face. His vision was blurry and the dim room was too bright for him. He winced, his head pounding. He was chained to the wall, being held up by the chains. He leaned his head against the wall and tried to breathe. He could taste dirt and grime in his mouth. And something acidic. Maybe he threw up earlier. The whole place smelled rancid.
Tony blinked a few times, and then someone yanked his hair. Hard. His scalp burned as he closed his eyes and clenched his jaw against the pain. "Well, good morning! Thought you'd never wake up. It's not fun beating up someone who's not alive!"
The attacker's fist connected with his ribs. Tony gasped and groaned in pain. Another one, the exact same spot. Tony felt like crying, but there was too much dirt in his throat to allow anything but dry sobbing noises.
"Did you let her go?" Tony demanded. His attacker laughed and punched him another time. He could basically hear and feel his rib snapping.
"Hello, ma'am. My name is FRIDAY. I work for Mr. Stark." The computer's voice scared Lila so badly she dropped the helmet and leaped away from it. "There is no need to be afraid. I am going to help you get to your father. I have already updated the team of our coordinates. They will be here soon."
Lila stared at the helmet, picking it up. It was a little heavy, but she'd helped her father with firewood before, so she was good at carrying heavy things. "Can I talk to daddy?" She said quietly.
The phone didn't even get a chance to ring before Natasha picked up. The whirl of helicopter blades was very audible. "Lila?" Natasha said instantly, listening and talking like her life depended on it.
"Auntie Nat! I'm in the forest. Mr. Stark gave me his helmet and his Friday. Please," she started crying, "come get me. I'm scared." Nat made a choking noise.
"Honey, we're almost there. Keep talking to me. We're almost there." Natasha said. Clint started flying faster until they landed a few hundred feet away from Lila. Once the plane landed, Lila ran towards the helicopter. Natasha caught her, holding her tight. Clint walked over and hugged them both, tears going down his face silently. He couldn't lose his family.
"Where's Mr. Stark?" Peter asked.
"They... took him. He told them they could have him instead. He gave me this," she showed them the helmet, "and told me to run." Peter looked confused.
"FRIDAY, where is Tony?" Natasha asked.
"I do not know. Tony's suit was deactivated, and so was all tracking functions." FRIDAY answered. "However, I believe that they would have headed north. Satelite imagery suggests there's a small compound that way."
"Take her home. I'll find Tony," Steve volunteered. "Peter, Thor, Nat, protect them. We don't know if they still want to attack them." Steve was already in his suit and he grabbed his shield, hopping out of the helicopter. Clint nodded and saluted him.
Steve ran into the forest.
The building couldn't be found. Even with FRIDAY's help, no one could re-locate the building that was seen by the satellites.
It's been a week. No sign of Tony Stark.
Steve was beginning to panic. He and Natasha kept looking for him. But then Steve told her to go back to protecting Clint because Thor and Peter both had to return home.
Tony groaned in pain as the chains slipped off his arms and legs. He fell to the ground with a thud, dust flying into his mouth and eyes. The men stepped on his fingers and one kicked him in the ribs. Tony could barely breathe, and dark spots swam in his vision.
Stay awake. Stay awake. Don't give in, Tony thought, but I want to die. Death would be better than this. He groaned. No. Stay for the Avengers. Stay for Steve. Stay to rub all this in Clint's face.
Tony was helped to his feet before he was slammed against the wall. "Now, honey, we've got something new for you. You're going to run. Up and down the stairs. Or the punishment," the man balled his fist, "will be much worse."
Tony stood upright and almost passed out immediately. He tried to walk, even. But everything hurt too much. He took another step and collapsed, shaking, sobbing. He could barely breathe. He let himself drop into unconsciousness.
"Vision! Hey!" Steve yelled into his phone. Vision could find Tony.
Or, at least, Steve hoped so.
"I'm here, Steve Rodgers. I heard about Tony's disappearance. I assume you've called to see if I could help you find him? Well. You're in luck." Vision answered, sounding full of themselves but also worried.
Steve gasped. "Really? Where is he?" Steve almost shouted, smiling, because however worried he may be, he was now a billion steps closer to rescuing Tony.
"He's underneath you." Vision said. His voice didn't display any emotion. Steve's heart dropped.
"What do you mean?" Steve asked, his voice going quiet and solemn. No. Tony could not be dead. Steve looked at his feet. There was a flower. A red dahlia. Tony's favorite.
"Pull the flower out of the ground." Vision instructed.
"No!" Steve protested, his emotions piling up. He felt confused. No. Tony wasn't dead. He couldn't be. He was 'The Invincible Iron Man.' No.
"Do it. It'll open up the stairs, Steve Rodgers." Vision said.
Steve reached down and yanked on the flower. Sure enough, a secret door opened. Vision hung up. Steve walked down the stairs, keeping his shield close to his body. He walked carefully. To his surprise, there were no guards. No one to stop him.
Then he heard whimpering. Tony.
Steve turned the corner and watched through a broken area in the stone walls. There, he saw Tony curled up on the ground, weakly covering his head, being kicked and violently messed with.
"Get up!" One of the men - who were dressed completely in black - commanded. Tony weakly stood up, shaking. His eyes were blood red and his face and neck were covered in bruises. His nose, mouth, and chin were stained red. "Run around this room three times and then do four jumping jacks. You black out, I swear we'll beat you to the brink of death."
And so Tony tried to run. Steve watched him as he held his ribs and his face turned an ugly shade as he struggled to breathe. Tony collapsed, gasping for air. "P-p-please d-don't!" Tony cried as they picked him up by the arms again. The taller man raised his fist and Tony slumped to the ground just before the slim man tried to punch him.
"Stop!" Steve yelled, making them turn to him. He ran through the door and hit both of them with his shield. Hard enough to severely injure them. "Tony," Steve begged, kneeling on the ground, not daring to touch the injured man.
"Vision? Anyone! Come in, please! Tony's injured. Really badly. Please. He's barely breathing and I don't know if we can move him." Steve said, hoping someone heard him.
Wanda had lifted Tony out with her powers. No one touched him. Clint cried upon seeing him. He claimed it was his fault. It wasn't. Steve could barely recognize him. His nose was broken and his face was covered in blood. They'd taken off his shirt - luckily, the arc reactor had been left alone. They must have known to leave it be. They wanted Tony alive. His sides were completely black and purple. They said it was a miracle he had survived.
They said that there was a chance he could die now, on that operating table.
They had to fix his ribs. They were going to try to fix his nose. Clean him up. They had to relocate his knee and his shoulder. Three toes were broken. Almost all of his fingers were broken.
They asked Steve to leave the room.
So he did, hoping that he'd see Tony again.
Pepper Potts showed up quickly. Everyone Tony knew well was there. Pepper, Thor, Peter, Bruce, Clint, Natasha, Fury, Wanda, and Vision.
No one said anything.
Steve hated the silence. He wanted someone to say something. However, when Steve tried to speak, a miserable croaking noise came out and he bit back sobs.
"This was all my fault," Clint said, rubbing his forehead and his eyes. "I should have... been home. I should have watched her. I should have protected her." He paused. "I shouldn't have let Tony go alone." His voice cracked.
"It's not your fault-" Everyone (but Peter) chimed in instantly.
Two weeks passed. Every day, they'd meet up again and wait, unless one of them was busy.
They waited for hours.
Then the nurse invited Pepper in.
When she came out, she was crying.
Steve asked her why.
Because Tony told a joke when he first woke up.
"He said," Pepper said, wiping her eyes, "'I loved this. What a great nap. I could totally sleep for seventy years - just maybe not in ice.'"
"That insane fucker," Steve caught himself saying, smiling. Glad to know Tony was still in there. "How's he doing?"
"Stable. They say he'll 100% live," she frowned, "but he'll be in pain. For a long time." Everyone's happy faces dropped a little. "But good news. The doctor isn't a normal doctor. They fixed him up pretty damn good. He'll have some difficulty walking and stuff, but her technology was able to help a lot." She said.
"Can I see him?" Steve finally asked.
"Actually, he asked to see you, Steve. Then you, Clint." Pepper explained.
Steve walked through the door.
Tony was bandaged but looked better. He even smiled at Steve. "Ah, Stevie Starry Pants, welcome!" He said, awfully cheerful. "I'm on morphine, my dear friend! Basically high. Anyways, how's life?" Tony asked.
"How're you?" Steve asked in return, smiling. He sat down on a chair next to Tony. Tony's eyes were half-way closed as he reached over and grabbed Steve's hand. Tony's hands were bandaged and he assumed that however, the (quite remarkably pretty) doctor fixed the rest of his broken bones, she did that to his fingers as well. As Steve touched Tony's hand, his skin was broken and it felt... unnatural. Tony's skin was always so soft. Steve held Tony's hand as he looked at the ceiling.
"I'm fine. How long was I gone for?" Tony asked.
"Two and a half weeks. And then you were sleeping for another two weeks." Steve answered. Tony tried to shake his head but ended up wincing in pain. Tony's grip tightened on Steve's hand.
"Do you think Clint could handle an I-told-you-so?" He asked, forcing a smile.
"Yes. No. Uh- maybe." Steve answered, offering a weak smile. He put his other hand on top of Tony's. Sighing, he closed his eyes. "God, Tony, we were so worried-" he stopped, shaking his head. He fought back the tears that wanted to come.
Tony looked down. His bruised jaw shifted as Tony thought of something to say. "I didn't think you'd ever find me," his voice quivered weakly, "and I almost gave up." his voice broke on 'gave.'
Steve looked into Tony's desperate eyes. "Tony Stark, I want to help you," Steve said. He knew Tony would need help. Pepper would abandon her job in an instant to help Tony, but Steve wouldn't let her. He'd be the one to help Tony.
"Stevie Rodgers, if I had the strength, I'd use this vulnerable and heartfelt moment to kiss you, but since I can't, can you plant your lips right on mine? No making out yet, though, because my jaw's still tender." Tony looked nervous and confident; hurt and immortal, powerful and weak.
Steve hesitated. The words didn't make sense in his brain. Tony watched him, his eyes watering up as he pulled his hand back. "I was kidding, Rodgers. I couldn't care less about your affection. Really, I could-" Tony suddenly began sobbing. He was shaking, unable to move and hide. 'I'm sorry-" Tony began to apologize.
Steve gently grabbed Tony's chin and leaned down, kissing him gently. Tony stopped sobbing instantly and gently kissed back. They sat in this bliss for a few seconds, Tony's hand slowly reaching as far as he could to touch Steve's back.
Then the door opened. Tony pulled back, eyes wide, face flushed.
Steve did it. He solved one of the mysteries. Tony Stark could blush. Covering his eyes, Clint walked back out. Steve smiled down at Tony, grabbing his hand again. "Tony Stark, I love you," Steve said. He'd bitten back the feeling of 'love' ever since Peggy died.
But now it was bubbling over. He stared down at Tony, who was chuckling, wigging his toes, biting his lip. "God, I fucking love you too," Tony said, opening his mouth and laughing, almost like he couldn't believe this was happening.
Steve couldn't believe it either.
"You better go make sure Clint doesn't snitch on us," Tony said finally. His face twitched and Steve didn't want to go, but he smiled, nodded, and left.
Clint was sitting, his hands over his face. He looked like he was either going to cry or laugh. Steve patted him on the back. "Go on, Clint. Tony wants to talk to you." Clint cleared his throat and gave Steve a look that Steve couldn't describe. It was packed with all the emotions at once.
Clint walked through the doors and sat down next to Tony.
"I told you I'd get her to you safe," Tony said smugly, staring at the ceiling. Clint bit his cheek, wanting to laugh and cry at the same time.
"Thank you, Tony." Was all Clint could say.
They sat in silence for a while.
"Don't tell anyone about how I forced Steve to kiss me," Tony said quietly, his hands shaking. He held them up and watched them, curling his lip at them, angry at his unsteady hands.
"What?" Clint said, "Explain. Please,"
"Okay. I said 'what? No goodbye kiss? God, I nearly die and you still won't treat me like the gentleman I am, Captain Bad-at-romance.' So he kissed me. It was completely platonic. He felt the need to kiss me on the lips. I ask you for a kiss, too. That's how you can repay me, by the way. Or, that's the start of it, at least. Right on the cheek, please." Tony said, speaking too much too quickly. He hoped Clint wasn't bright enough to catch his lie.
Clint smiled and laughed. "God, Tony, you're such an attention-seeking, lovable, foolish but powerful, loser!" He exclaimed, leaning down to give Tony a soft kiss on the cheek. Tony smiled, quite proud of himself, and made a shooing motion with his hand.
"Send some more paparazzi in!" Tony cried, grinning.
It had been a week since Tony had woken up. he was still confined to the hospital. Steve stayed with him for hours. Today, Tony would be going home at three o'clock. It was noon right now, which gave them plenty of time in the hospital still.
"I miss the morphine high," Tony said, frowning. Steve remembered the first day they took him off of morphine. Tony was groaning all day, sometimes gasping for air, sometimes complaining. He'd ordered pizza that day and ended up puking all over himself. That was two days ago. Tony was feeling better now.
God bless the doctor. No one knew who she was besides that she didn't live in America and was truly brilliant.
Tony stood up. He almost fell over, clenching his jaw as tight as he could as his body seared with a burning sensation.
Steve quickly grabbed Tony's arm, steadying him.
This would be a long recovery.
But Steve would always be there for Tony.
And so the path to recovery starts.
//Authors note//
Hey all! My name is Aeron, and I love Stony.
I promised myself not to start another fanfiction.
If you are reading this, please don't get attached!! I love nice comments, but if you rush me then I'll want to work even less!! So, please, you can leave nice comments, joke around, react to stuff, and etc. but please don't just comment asking for a new update!! I'm going to update them in bulk!! If you want to be tagged when I update, please tell me!!
Sorry if this made very little sense, haha. I tried to plan a plot, but that didn't work too well.
Also, I am not very old, so obviously my writing isn't fantastic.
Date: 3/13/18
Word count: 5035
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breeeliss · 8 years
In defense of Lila Rossi and other “bitchy” characters
Look. I get it. Lila screwed up in “Volpina.” Her entire narrative in that episode was set up in a way so that we weren’t meant to sympathize with her. She lied in order to get her way, and objectively speaking, lying isn’t okay. 
Now that being said: I’ve had it up to here with this fandom villainizing her. 
You do not have to like Lila. Hell, I even understand if you have personal reasons for not liking her. But the disrespect of her character is what really gets me. It isn’t even that people have unfavorable opinions of her. I’ve seen her be depicted as mindlessly cruel and evil in fanfiction to the point where it seems her sole motivation is to ruin the lives of our main characters. If that isn’t already bad enough, people in this fandom also like to call this 14/15 year old girl a bitch and a whole other slew of insults that are frankly undeserved. 
This happens to Chloe as well. But I’ve seen many posts that address this issue with Chloe, and not too many on Lila. 
I’m not demanding you like her or demanding you sympathize with her. But I do hope that I can at least help people understand her motivations a little better, and draw attention to a very worrying trend that’s infected this fandom and many others, i.e. taking teenage girls who have made human mistakes and turning them into bitchy, irredeemable, evil characters. 
So! I present you with a very long post complete with screenshots from the one episode she was featured in (lol) to try and help shed some light on her character and her treatment in fandom. Let’s go!
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Back to Canon: Quick Character Analysis of Lila
I think it’s important to acknowledge that most of the scenes where we learn about Lila are all happening from Marinette’s point of view. She bursts into school amidst gossip about this person named Lila and looks more confused than anything else. It isn’t until Alya tells her that she’s the new girl and points up into the balcony to show Lila talking with Adrien that Marinette starts to get peeved. First words out of her mouth are: “Who is this girl and what is she doing with the love of my life?” So of course when Alya goes on about how awesome she is and shows her the Ladyblog interview, Marinette is very jealous because Lila has become an immediate threat to her crush on Adrien, and she knows she’s dishonest. So of course Marinette assumes bad intent from the start. 
Because she’s our heroine and we have spent the whole season sympathizing with her crush.....we sort of assume bad intent from Lila too. It’s natural. But, for the sake of this, let’s step away from that interpretation. Let’s give Lila the benefit of the doubt. What do we get?
Well, first off, we have a girl trying to impress a boy she likes. Lila’s leading them into the library to do homework together because it’s obvious she likes him. And it seems really harmless at first. She’s trying to bond with him over a “superhero” book he has (”I love superheroes!”) so that she can get close to him. 
Where is starts going south is when she recognizes Ladybug and sees how Adrien reacts to the mention of Ladybug. 
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“She’s amazing....”
Immediately shocked and goes on the defensive. She’s lost him. He’s gushing about another girl. She’s gotta get him back. So what does she do? She reframes her strategy and uses his fascination with Ladybug to her advantage. Lila tells him, “A girl doesn’t have to wear a costume to be amazing, you know,” which is basically a muted “hey, look, there’s an amazing girl right here in front of you.” (nudge nudge) But then this is where fans start to really lose sympathy for her: she lies to Adrien. 
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“You know I actually happen to be very close friends with Ladybug. We can chat about it if you want!”
Listen, we already know at this point that she’s lied. The Ladyblog interview was a lie. But hey. You’re the new kid going to school in Paris. What’s one thing that will get any Parisian kid to like you? Say you know Ladybug. Ladybug’s a celebrity in Paris, and if Lila says she’s close friends with her? Instant like from everyone in school. Now, opinions about lying aside, that’s a very understandable reason to lie. You may not agree with the methods, but the intent is not necessarily malicious. She just wants people to like her. She wants to be accepted. She’s new. She has no friends. It’s a small lie that’s hard to prove wrong, and it does the job of helping her meld into the school. 
That’s evidenced by this scene with Adrien here. She’s not trying to screw anyone over. She’s not trying to ruin Marinette’s chances with Adrien. She’s not trying to mess with Adrien’s head. Lila’s trying to get Adrien to like her. That’s it! A very normal teenage motivation. So when she hears that Adrien likes Ladybug, she figures “hey, if I go on about how much I know about Ladybug, maybe he’ll like me more!” It’s not uncommon for people to tell lies to get others to like them. Hell, when I was a new kid at a new school, I did that too. It’s a very normal response, and certainly not a reason to outright villainze her for and accuse her of being a manipulative bitch. 
Now admittedly, Lila’s very ambitious and very resourceful. She takes this even further. She steals his book. 
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While this is intense, let’s also please acknowledge that Marinette has stolen Adrien’s cell phone to ensure he didn’t listen to an embarrassing voicemail she left him. Not that this excuses what Lila’s done, but let’s not delude ourselves into thinking this is evil. Marinette’s done something similar. 
Lila doesn’t want to be one upped by Ladybug. So she sees a perfect opportunity to make herself seem even better than Ladybug: let’s pretend that I’m actually a superhero. Better yet. Let’s pretend that I’m a superhero that’s better than Ladybug. That’ll win Adrien over for sure. This is a huuuuuuuge lie. And without Ladybug’s intervention, she was definitely about to get found out. But I cite that as a flaw on Lila’s part: she takes things too far and doesn’t know when to dial back on the lies she tells. But I digress. Lila has an opening! She’s found this book and found another heroine besides Ladybug. Time to go necklace shopping!
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“[Volpina’s] one of the most important superheroes. More powerful and celebrated than Ladybug!”
It’s funny that while Marinette’s staking her out, Tikki mutter’s “She’s good...” because....yeah, she is. This is fucking clever. Where she got that necklace we’ll never know, but this is a very good and very elaborate lie. Adding in the whole “my grandmother gave me this necklace” was a top notch touch. But she’s really selling this whole “I’m better than Ladybug” thing. Adrien is fascinated by superheroes so she basically said to herself, “Alright, let’s pretend to be a superhero.” Honestly, while a very extra method, this is still understandable. This is still to its core an attempt to impress Adrien. And then, Ladybug jumps in and completely tells her off. 
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Now people like to say that Lila was faking the tears, but honestly, I don’t think she was. I don’t think Lila expected Ladybug to come call her out. No one knows who Ladybug is, so lying about her seemed safe. So of course she’s absolutely shocked to see Ladybug completely rip her to shreds....for what seems to be for no reason. Ladybug’s call out is personal. Her primary motivation for this was because she needed to get back Adrien. She says this before she transforms. So because it’s a personal attack, it also comes off very cruel, and Ladybug herself later admits this. Just picture this: you’re here trying to impress a boy, and someone comes and completely humiliates you in front of him and outs you as a liar. That’d be enough to make me cry too. This is genuine. She was horrified. She got caught. She was humiliated. And now Adrien knows that she was lying to him the whole time. Adrien could potentially go and tell everyone what happened. Her reputation is shot. Now she can’t fit in. 
Lila strikes me as a person who’s very concerned about how others perceive her. There’s no other reason for her to want to make friends and give a good impression so soon after her coming to school. So to lose face like this in front of someone -- and worse yet to get caught in a lie -- must feel terrible. 
Now another thing that I see people mention is that Lila shouldn’t be mad at Ladybug because Ladybug did nothing wrong. Lila was the one who was in the wrong and she had no reason to be upset. Now, I repeat, Ladybug was too harsh. Sure, call out a person for the wrong that they’ve done, but there’s a way to do that without publicly humiliating them. Ladybug screwed up. But I find it interesting that we are followed up with this scene. 
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Something tells me this isn’t the first time this girl has been outshined. Having her on the ground in defeat in front of a looming Ladybug poster? That’s purposeful. It suggests a failure to measure up to other people’s expectations. It suggests a failure to seem impressive to others. It suggests a failure to be well liked and to make a good impression. Something tells me that Lila showed up to school in this episode and lied about herself so much because she was so desperate to keep something like this from happening. She didn’t want to be outshined. She didn’t want to be second-rate or second place. She wanted people to find her cool. And it all fell apart. All because some superhero swooped in and embarrassed her. I’d hate Ladybug too. 
In fact, I’d go so far as to say that I respect Lila’s decision to not forgive Ladybug. 
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“Forget it Ladybug. You were right. We’ll never be friends.”
This is a girl that is probably used to people outshining her. So why would she be so quick to forgive and befriend someone who not only outshines her and has what she doesn’t, but embarrassed her so awfully? An apology isn’t good enough. Remember, Lila values how others perceive her. This doesn’t fix that she lost her chances with Adrien. This doesn’t fix that now everyone might realize she was lying. Her reputation is shot. She doesn’t give two figs about Ladybug’s apology and doesn’t want it. I don’t blame her for not accepting it. 
She has a lot of deeply seated resentment for people like Ladybug: people who are well liked and universally loved. I think that’s why Hawkmoth suggests that she’ll return. I think he happened to pick an akuma victim who’s anger was particularly deeply rooted. It’s almost sad to think about how this deep mistrust started. 
The “Bitchy” Character: Fandom Interpretations
I highly recommend you all to read up on “Fandom Misogyny” if you haven’t already or don’t know what the term means. There’s a good article here that you can look at to get a quick read up on it. Now what’s relevant to this conversation is the ways in which fans interact with the canon content we’re given, i.e. fandom interpretations, fandom meta, fandom conversations, fandom content, etc. 
This takes the form of many aspects of fandom culture. An example of this is the fact that because predominantly female fans like to fetishize and sexualize mlm pairings, the female characters who are potential love interests for either one of these characters are immediatley reduced to bitchy, mean, cruel characters in fandom interpretations. This is pretty rampant, and also explains the lack of wlw content. But another prevailing instance of fandom misogyny is this: flawed female characters are immediately condemned for their actions, while male characters who act similarly are not. 
Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter is a really good example that I like to bring up, mainly because fans love the hell out of him. Female fans in particular are “in love” with Draco and want to protect him and say that he’s misunderstood and just needs support and love. Now, while it may be true that he’s a misunderstood character, he is still a flawed character who has done wrong and has hurt others. But fandom tends to excuse this in favor of celebrating him. 
Now you can make a very good argument for why someone like, say, Chloe is very similar to Malfoy. Rich kid. Sheltered. Self-absorbed. Committed to making the main character’s life hell. Says some pretty fucked up stuff to the main character. A bully. I can go on. But what’s the fandom response to Chloe? “She’s a bitch. She’s a terrible character. She doesn’t deserve redemption. She doesn’t deserve to be celebrated. I don’t know why people like her.” It’s hypocritical. Here you have two characters that I think are very similar indeed. One is protected by legions of fans, and one is tossed aside. This isn’t a coincidence. Orihime from Bleach. Sakura from Naruto. Rei from Sailor Moon. Pearl from Steven Universe. It keeps going. 
Same thing has happened to Lila. 
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This all started when our hopes and dreams were crushed and it turned out that Volpina was a villain/akuma and not a new hero for the miraculous team. We were getting teased with little snippets of a brand new character and we were all coming up with theories and headcanons about who she was and what she could end up being. The majority of us were wrong, and I think this hit us hard. 
Now this hard hit got ridiculously heated. People said they hated her. She was evil. She was a bitch. She was manipulative. She didn’t deserve to be redeemed. She didn’t deserve to return. People couldn’t stand the sight of her. Out of all the akumatized victims we’ve come across in this show, Volpina is by far the most hated. Hands down. Why? Because of the reasons cited above. Because fandoms will enthusiastically jump on the opportunity to shit on a flawed female character. It is a consistent trend. 
Now the best (perhaps worst?) part of this? Lila’s 14-15 years old. She’s a child. She’s inherently immature. Children make mistakes because they’re still growing and learning. And we’re still going to use her mistakes and flaws to turn around and call her a bitch.
Specific to the Miraculous Ladybug fandom, I also think it has a lot to do with the fact that many fans are violently protective of the Love Square. Threats to the Love Square do not tide over well in this fandom. That’s why pairings like Alyanette and Adrinino and Ninette and Aldrien are often criticized. It gets in the way of the Love Square! And I think that’s also why people had/have issues with Lila. She was muscling in on Adrien. She was getting in the way of Marinette’s crush. Notice how people don’t seem to mind her when she’s paired with Nathanael. When does the issue of her being a bitch come up? When she’s shipped with Adrien, with Chat Noir, with Marinette, etc. She’s a threat to the fandom. So we vilify her for it. 
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What’s even more worrying is the way we’ve started to characterize her in fanfiction. She is frequently depicted as a mindlessly cruel character, and by that I mean that writers needed a villain/bad guy to place into a story for the sake of creating a drama or creating a plot point, and Lila and Chloe are often the first people tapped for that role. There is no depth to a lot of these depictions and that’s what upsets me. It is clear that Lila’s one defining trait/purpose is to be evil, disruptive, cruel, bitchy, what have you. 
The really funny thing is that this is the case in popular stories. Writers are lauded for this because we’ve made it so easy to hate Lila. We don’t bat a lash when Lila is turned into this evil, cruel, super villain who hurts people, manipulates people, assaults people, fucking kills people for the sake of a story. Let’s leave alone the fact that I personally believe this to be an example of lazy writing (unless your villain is darkness itself, you need to give your bad guys logical motivations for the things they do) but it’s also another perfect example of how this fandom misogyny has bled into how we interpret and characterize someone. We’ve lost touch with canon, and we’ve perpetuated harmful stereotypes about women in the process. 
Any woman that makes a mistake is now a bitch. Any woman that goes after what she wants is now a bitch. Any woman who offends/hurts another character is unfeeling and evil. This stuff is not new. This has been pervasive in fandoms long before this one and in many more than just this one. We’re just the ones keeping it up. 
Again, I’m not suggesting you turn around and start liking her. It’s not necessary to like her as a person in order to respect her as a character. Award her the depth and the benefit of the doubt that we are willing to award other characters. Try to step away from this instinct to slot her away as the evil character. Stop these constant shallow depictions of her where Lila’s evil just to be evil and is given no depth or analysis past that. It’s bad enough that misogynistic creators are things that fans have to deal with. Let’s not go further with perpetuating that kind of rhetoric ourselves. 
Let’s stop villainizing Lila. Let’s stop calling her a bitch. 
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geekgirles · 5 years
A sword and a yo-yo.
So, as I expected, I was disappointment with Oni-chan. And I decided to write a nice aftermath considering the lack of bonding time between Marinette and Kagami when they're the only sane characters who're into Adrien! So, I changed that ;) Sorry if it's too vague, I actually wrote it yesterday. Please enjoy! And shout-out to @apocalypse-of-the-fucked for helping me out! Girl, you rock!
The parisian sunset was a sight to behold, indeed. With the sky’s rosy and orange shades darkening as time went by, yet it only made the view even more breathtaking. She would say it could even rival the first sunrise of the year back in Japan. The only thing that made it not so perfect though, was that she was watching it from the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Right after she had been akumatised that same day.
But, she was there per Ladybug’s request. And after having to deal with whatever she had turned into this time and the Hell that Lila Rossi had proven herself to be in the scarce few hours she had known her, something inside her told her she owed it to the superheroine.
As she waited for the masked hero to make her appearance, she allowed her mind to wander back to the moment she had regained her senses.
Kagami suddenly found herself in the middle of Paris, in some unknown location she had never been to in all her months living in the City of Lights. But one thing she could recognise for sure was the two heroes standing near her and, unfortunately, the Italian girl who was complaining to her phone. Annoyance apparent in her voice.
The young fencer narrowed her eyes. From what she could hear, Lila seemed to be playing the victim to her mother, whining about the lousy job Paris’ duo of superheroes had done to protect her from the crazy chick who had lost her marbles and attacked her.
“They can’t be that bad if you’re still alive and whining, if you ask me”. The Japanese teen thought.
Everything was just very suspicious, she remembered this girl was annoying and gave off the vibe of being more fake than a tan from a beauty parlor, but didn’t she always say she was best friends with Ladybug? Then why would she criticise her like that?
That’s when she appeared. In all her mysterious glory and deep blue eyes, Ladybug crouched down before Kagami. The young fencer had to keep her cool, something that didn’t happen often considering she was practically trained to remain focused at all times.
“Are you okay?” The heroine simply asked.
“Y-yeah. I...think so”.
“Don’t worry about losing your cool and getting akumatised. Happens to the best of us”.
Kagami couldn’t believe her ears. Despite losing all control and probably, most likely, trying to hurt innocent people out of spite, Ladybug was trying to comfort her. No wonder she was Paris’ idol… No, scratch that. More like its guardian angel.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Lila exclaiming something about Ladybug having to be beside her because Alya (?) had asked her about whatever and she demanded her presence because, apparently, she owed it to her.
Then it was Chat’s turn to speak.
“Sorry, Lila, but we’d better go. Don’t wanna de-transform, you know!”
As if on cue, Ladybug followed suit but not before leaning into Kagami’s ear to whisper “Come meet me at the top of the Eiffel Tower at sunset”. And then, she was gone.
And that’s why she had had to convince her driver to take her to the famous landmark instead of going home after such a stressful day. And the reason why she found herself waiting for the masked girl to appear.
But why would she want to speak to her, though? Did she want to make sure she was alright after being akumatised? Which was sweet, but she had never heard any of the other students who had been turned into villains mention the same process. Just what was going on?!
Her thoughts were abruptly stopped by the arrival of said hero.
“Hello”. She replied as formally and professionally as she could.
Gesturing to the edge of the tower, Ladybug welcomed her to sit. Once she had done so, the polka-dotted lady did the same.
“So”-she started- “I guess you must be wondering why I asked you to come meet me here, right?”
“That must be the understatement of the century” The Japanese teen answered, a bit more harshly than she had intended. “Look, if this is about me getting akumatised for the fourth time-”
“It’s not!” Ladybug quickly corrected. “I mean, I decided I should talk to you after you were akumatised… But I actually wanted to have an honest chat with you because I believe you deserve the truth. Telling me why you became one of Hawk Moth’s victims would indeed be a good start, though”.
This was going to be humiliating… However, Kagami, always the proud one, put on a façade and sighed.
“I was akumatised because I was jealous.” She revealed.
“Jealous? Of who?”
“Of Lila.” Kagami revealed. “Listen, I know it’s petty, but I can’t help it. She was just so close to this one boy I like, who happens to be my closest friend back at school, that I just couldn’t control myself! I already have to deal with his not-so-secret crush on this other girl who’s… kind of difficult to read? She seems to be head over heels for him yet, she rejects him. It’s infuriating!”
Luckily for her, Kagami had ignored Ladybug’s utter astonishment. She was clearly talking about Adrien. But who could this mysterious girl of his be? Certainly, it wasn’t Lila. And Chloé… The fact that they were friends was appalling enough. She was convinced she was Kagami, but the Ice Queen’s outburst had left her questioning everything. Could she be talking about Marinette-erm- her? That couldn’t be possible. He had asked her for advice with the girl sitting next to her! But, at the same time, Marinette couldn’t think of anyone else Kagami could suspect of. So, what if?
“Not to mention, that Lila girl does not appear to be trustworthy at all. I have sometimes been described as a judgemental character, I won’t deny it, but this girl in particular just rubs me off the wrong way. Always so sweet, so charming around others. And yet, as soon as the vast majority turns around, she becomes cold, distant, proud… It appears as if all her charm was nothing but a trap to lure you in… And forgive me, I know she’s your best friend, Ladybug, but she’s just-!”
“Lila is a liar”.
At that her rumbling stopped. She turned to the polka-dotted girl next to her, eyes wide. So many questions popping up in her head, so many feelings battling against each other for dominance. But anger was soon getting the upper hand. So much anger.
“What?”. She hissed.
“Lila”, The hero began, "is a liar. She lies about absolutely everything. Believe me, this conversation would end a lot sooner if I just told you which truths she has actually said. But yes, Lila lies with every breath. I can’t tell you every single falsehood she’s talked about, but I can tell you this: I never saved Lila’s life, and therefore, we are not friends. Even better! Not only did I never saved her life, but I don’t even like her as a person and, on top of it, I’m pretty sure she absolutely hates me.
“Lila lies for several reasons, as far as I’m concerned. She lies to be the centre of attention and get everyone on her good side, willing to obey her every command, or , if she feels threatened enough, to turn everyone against you and get rid of you. To bring you down.”
“So everything she’s said about you was to make herself look good in front of others?”. Kagami asked, dumbfounded.
“Pretty much, yeah.” Was Ladybug’s simple answer.
The Asian teen was absolutely disgusted about that new piece of information. No wonder she seemed suspicious and fake. The Italian girl turned out to be the kind of people Kagami despised the most!
“And why haven’t you expose her to the Ladyblog? If I’m not mistaken, that Alya girl who runs it has some interviews about her and her “close friendship with Ladybug”, the world should know about this!” The fencer stated, fury apparent in her delicate features.
“I did expose her, though”-Marinette tried to excuse herself-”And that led to some damaging tendencies...”
“What do you mean?” Kagami asked, now more confused than angry.
The blue-eyed hero sighed. She really did have to fess up just about everything, didn’t she?
“Lila is prone to akumatisation. I wholeheartedly believe she’s already been akumatised four times, and whenever that happens she’s usually a tough opponent. Besides, knowing Lila as much as I’ve come to know her these past few months, she’s most likely to become emotionally vulnerable if someone exposes her lies. For a liar, that girl sure is proud!”
“And you know this because you exposed her?” The Asian girl was beginning to understand.
Once again, the hero sighed.
“Yeah… Look, I’m not really proud of that because, while she deserved it, I must admit I went overboard. I-I humiliated her in front of the guy she likes, who’s probably the same guy you like, when she was trying to win him over by saying we were friends and she was actually another superhero. So...you can imagine how that one went. Not even ten minutes afterwards I had to fight against a superhero copycat and master of illusions.”
“Wait!” -Kagami demanded- “So you’re telling me Adrien knows?!”
Now she was furious. Her closest friend knew all along and, not only did allow her to get akumatised by not telling her, but he also allowed Lila to manipulate all his friends! Something was clearly wrong with that guy.
“Yes, Adrien does know. And, in case you’re wondering, no, he hasn’t exposed her himself. He believes in taking the high road given proving Lila is nothing but a liar will only hurt her more and cause more trouble.” Ladybug tried to defend her crush.
“Yes, but at the same time he’s letting her get her way while everyone’s deceived and he has to endure her clingy tendencies!”
Now that she had given a lot of thought. By taking the high road even Adrien had to suffer Lila’s actions. And sure, it had sounded as a nice alternative when he had first suggested it, but it hadn’t stopped Lila from declaring war between them, with no Adrien directly involved, after the seats had been rearranged, and he was the one who turned Lila down to sit next to her in the first place! As much as she wanted to side with Adrien, Kagami was in the right here. Taking the high road wouldn’t stop Lila.
“You know what, Kagami? I think there’s someone who’ll share your point of view.”
Now the fencer was simply taken aback. Who on Earth would be willing to take her side if her fencing partner, closest friend and oblivious crush wouldn’t? Unable to repress her curiosity-she needed to do something with her emotions, they were running out of control that day!-she dared to ask.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Of all the people in the world the only person she would’ve expected less than Adrien’s friend Marinette was that brat of Chloé Bourgeois. But, still, that was too much! Marinette was Adrien’s oblivious crush! The girl who, although didn’t seem as bad as Lila or Chloé, she still didn’t trust! Why her?!
“I know you don’t necessarily have to get along with Marinette, but believe me when I say, out of her whole class, she’s the only other person who’s well aware of Lila’s deceitful nature. Actually, Miss Show Off already sees her as her enemy, so I doubt she’s got anything to lose.”
Kagami actually took the time to consider, even though they weren’t on the best of terms and although it certainly pained her to admit it, Marinette had to be something else to have Adrien so enamored with her. The way he spoke about her when they had their first real conversation after she had been turned into Riposte certainly showed a level of fondness she wish anyone would use to refer to her. Maybe...Just maybe, she could give her a chance.
While she kept on pondering her options, Ladybug stood up, catching her attention.
“Well, we should probably go, today has been quite an eventful day and I’m certain we could both use a rest. Just promise me you’ll think on the Marinette thing, okay?” She said as she gave her her hand to shake.
This girl was something else indeed. She was someone to admire. So mysterious yet caring and welcoming, but at the same time fierce and determined. She was exactly what Kagami had always hoped to become. But there was much more about her. She had this presence, a powerful presence, that made her both someone entirely new and different from what the young fencer had met before and, at the same time, she was oddly familiar. Something about that hair, her smile and, oh God, those eyes. The Japanese girl found herself blushing and incapable of turning her down.
“I will.” She promised, taking her hand to shake.
And just like that, the superheroine disappeared as fast as she had appeared and Kagami strangely found herself looking forward to interact with Marinette and getting to know her once more.
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