#it was gonna be like a- a slow burn kinda uh- idk what i was doing
hazelelel · 9 months
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Found these hiding in my old FLIPACLIP and idk what to do with them. I have no desire to clean them up or finish them
I think it was probably from this scene in an abandoned WIP about Jackson, this muggle dude who was an information gatherer for Dumbledore.
Context: He meets up for meetings with Minerva, Albus, Remus, and Severus each week to give reports. He's made a precarious deal to not be killed, as he is immune to Obliviation (idiot accidentally made friends with a trickster god). He's been to many meetings and now everyone is starting to like him except obviously Severus who hates him. Heheh.
Her- here- here's the scene:
Jackson sat stiffly in his chair in front of Albus's desk, watching as the headmaster flipped through his report. Minerva sat to the side, giving Jackson a stern look. Remus sat next to her and gave Jackson an awkward little thumbs up. Severus was sandwiched in a shadowy corner, looking perhaps even more murderous then the last time. The silence dragged on. Jackson was weary, not only from training with Wotton (thats the trickster god, m'dudes) in a futile attempt to gain any upper hand against a magical opponent with a major advantage, or living in the woods, but also by the issues he was having with his mind. It was all tangled up in there and every time he ventured in, meditating in an open field, he'd find himself thrown out violently. His own mind! It was as if there was something that didn't want him to know it was there. It sent a chill of unnerve down his spine.
Albus set his report down on the desk and finally smiled, pushing his half moon spectacles up on his crooked nose.
"Another excellent report, Jackson. I enjoyed your analysis on the 1930's in both the Muggle and Wizarding world." Albus slid the stack of papers back and Jackson took them. "Now, I believe I want to ask you a few questions."
Jackson swallowed thickly,
"Please." He gestured for the headmaster to continue, all cordial and shit.
"This… issue we've seen arise when trying to obliviate you, it's made for quite the conundrum. In every way, you are entirely normal, yet this sticks out as if there is something larger at play." Albus sobered, leaning forward and folding his fingers.
"I was hoping to attempt something a bit more… experimental." Albus went quiet for a sinister moment, then smiled. "Severus and I believe that you can see through illusion magic due to an abnormality in your mind. Perhapse some deformity of your psyche, but there can be no knowing unless we check. That would be through-"
"Occlumency." Jackson uttered, having read through the mind arts section of the Hogwarts library. "You want to enter my mind?" His eyes darted towards the door. Albus waved his hands gently. "Jackson, my dear boy… there is no need to fear. I only suggest we perform a very brief scan. I believe Severus here could do so and you won't even notice."
At the mention of Severus, Jackson broke into a cold sweat beneath his button-up. The man in question stepped forwards, a looming presence of perpetual anger towards Jackson.
Albus tilted his head, watching Jackson carefully. "That is, only if you consent to this process, of course." Jackson blinked. He was being given a choice? Why? That seemed off.
"Well… no, I would perfer if we-"
"For God's sake, Albus! We twiddle our thumbs for the likes of him now?" Severus hissed, a sneer frozen on his face. Jackson flinched under his intense stare of hatred.
Albus frowned, "Now Severus-"
"To hell with this." Severus shook his head and swooped forwards, bending over front of Jacksons chair faster then he could react.
"That's really won't be necesSSSARY-" Jackson trailed off as Severus grasped his face in both chilled hands and bent down uncomfortably close, his flared nostrils blowing puffs of pissed off air along Jackson's cheeks.
"Look at me." Severus demanded and Jackson immediately closed his eyes. If he'd learned anything living as a muggle in a wizarding world, it was context clues. Context clues told him to not listen for shit. Severus made a noise of frustration and tightened his grip. He leaned in and whispered directly into Jacksons ear, completely turning his brain off for the few seconds his words bounced around his skull.
"If you do not want to end up as potion ingredients, I would suggest you obey me, Muggle."
Jackson, with now very little reluctance, opened his eyes. They were met with a pair of black ones. So black he wondered how. As black as the black of a lake on an overcast night, or the darkest dark of a deep, deep well, or the deepest, most soul grabbing aggressive of- of... Okay, Jackson is no poet. Give him a break.
That was his last thought before the feeling of falling into a mile deep hollow took both of them in a vice grip.
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carmenized-onions · 5 months
Tony, Terry, Tommy? | Walk-In Hotfix
synopsis; You get an unexpected call from an old friend in need of an emergency repair. Good thing: that's kind of your whole gig. Bad thing: You've been avoiding the Berzatto family for the past year.
tasting notes; hurt comfort? idk man, he's in a fuckin' freezer. this is gonna be a long slow-burn series. We don't use Y/N here and we've got a very preestablished storyline going on babes. Eat up.
portion; 3.1k+
possible allergies; SEASON 2 FINALE SPOILERS, I've started writing this before Season 3 comes out in June so we're going WAY off canon (unless I'm an oracle), Mikey is gonna be central baby, any tw you require for the bear-- you require for this.
pairing; Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto & Fem Reader (No pronouns!)
I have not written fanfiction in 5-6 years and once again some goddamn pretty boy just YOINKS me back in. I'm making up my own season three here so I'm kinda flying by the seat of my pants with this series, hopefully it turns out. If it doesn't... C'est la vie, I had fun.
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The inciting incident, the thing that pulls you in, and permanently alters the trajectory of your life—                    Is honestly quite boring, because it’s just a phone call from an old friend.
You stare at your screen for what feels like eons but it’s really just a few rings. It’s enough time to frantically search through blankets on your couch for your remote to pause your show— Which might as well be like 10 years of time. You’re heavily debating not answering; what if it’s something heavy? What if a mutual childhood friend died? What if it’s a love or murder confession? What if it’s about the money you owe her? The money she owes you?
Do you really want to take that kind of call? On what’s been a peaceful Friday night? That’s a rarity in your part of Chicago, c’mon. If it’s important, she’ll leave a voicemail... Who are you kidding, she doesn’t leave voicemails— Frankly, it’s bizarre and concerning that she’s calling in the first place instead of spam texting. …Alright, she’s let it get to the fourth ring, she’s probably dead or dying. You need to pick up.
She sounds infinitely stressed, but relieved to hear your voice.“Hey, hey, uh—”
There’s a cacophony of yelling, banging, and what you imagine are kitchen noises in the background. Guess she kept to her guns after Sheridan. That’s nice. Or maybe it’s not. Hard to tell.
“Are you good?” She can’t see the concern on your face or your free arm crossing over your waist— But she can imagine it in the worried lilt of your voice.
“Yeah, yeah yeah, yeah— I-I’m good— Well actually, no, I’m not good, that’s why I’m calling. Actually. Sorry. I know it’s been a minute, it’s fucked up to call only when I need something—”
“Is your dad still a handy-man?”
Ah. Goodbye peaceful Friday night. Hello emergency hotfix services.
You click your teeth, “Oh, no, he retired. Got a case of… Getting fucking old disease.” But a part of you is relieved it’s a thing that’s broken, and not her. This is at least manageable— Whatever it is.
“Fuck. Okay. Fuck. Ha, yeah, my dad’s got that too— Well, okay, then I’ll talk—”
You’re quick to jump in. “I took over the business though. So, if you’re—" “We need help so bad right now.”
You can’t help but laugh at the speed of it, but immediately feel guilty hearing the desperation in it. “Yeah? Who’s we?”
You stick the cellphone in the crux of your neck, already walking across your apartment to throw on your jumpsuit— Dark navy blue, elbow length sleeves, dad’s old logo embroidered on your right breast pocket.
CHICAGO’S KINDEST ⚒ FIXERS & CO. It’s managed to grow on you.
There’s an egregious number of patches ironed or sewn onto the back and shoulders of it. All from businesses you and your father had either worked with or done odd jobs for. A NASCAR jumpsuit, but for nostalgia and small businesses. Something something ‘it all starts with your neighbourhood’. Your dad would say.
Syd continues, she hasn’t changed much. You hear her sharp dicing in the background, the rhythm seems to calm down into an actual flow instead of erratic speed. You figure either the dinner rush is starting to slow down or she’s relieved you’re coming. Who are you being humble for, no shot it’s the former.
“So, you know how I’m like— Like a chef and shit?”
 You hum the affirmative, putting her on speakerphone so you can pull out your tool kit with both hands.
“So like, I actually co-own this restaurant opening tonight.”
“Oh nice!”
“Yeah— Yeah, yeah, it’s really nice, but actually, it’s not, because it’s bad.”
“In the way I can fix?”
“In the way you can fix, yeah. Hopefully.”
“What’s the damage?”
“So, my co-owner uh, Carmen, he got locked in the walk-in. Like trapped.”
You take a beat, a confused one. Half-stepping, almost tripping. You stare at your tools, picking out what you’ll actually need for this— How the fuck— “How is he trapped in the walk-in?”
“So, he meant to call to get it fixed—” “And he didn’t?” “And he didn’t.”
“What was broke about it in the first place?”
“The doorknob on the inside, broke off. And right now, or, more like, 5 minutes ago, the handle on the outside broke off too.”
“Yeah, fuck.”
“Do you have the outside handle, still?”
“Yeah. Yeah, laying around somewhere— It snapped off though, like—”
“Uh…. Y’know, I would check, but I’m actually kinda—"
“Can we run table 36, please, Chefs?!” Now that’s an uncomfortably familiar voice.
“Yes, Chef! …I’m kinda busy.”
“Right. Restaurant. Oh, what fucking restaurant? You said Carmen, that’s that fuckin’ Michelin guy, right?” Berzatto. It has to be. The smallness of this world is a personal prank on you.
“…How do you know that?” Son of a bitch.
“…I try to remember what you like.” It’s a good save, but that was too intimate for 3 years of no contact besides Happy Birthday texts, fuck fuck, recover— “Ahem, uh, Restaurant?”
“The Bear. Formerly The Beef. You do still live in Chicago, right?”
Berzatto. Confirmed. Bleh.
“Fortunate for you, I do. I know The Beef, I’m not far, I’ll be there in ten. Tell him to not have a panic attack, if you get a minute.”
“I will not get a minute. But I love the dream.”
And you’re off. Jumpsuit half zipped over what was supposed to be a sleep shirt but is now posthumously a work shirt. Nobody has to know you’re wearing pajama shorts under this. Carhartt jacket thrown over your shoulders— Your dad’s, so, a bit oversized. Toolbox in hand, utility belt on— Though you’re mildly sure if your hypothesis is right, you will only need your threateningly long sledgehammer.
Thank God for your car. CTA would not like you right now.
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You pull up front. Oh boy. The sign change is making you feel a type of way that you were not expecting. Pride? Envy? All seven of the deadly sins? Maybe. No time to stew on it because there’s an older woman smoking and having an emotional spat with who you assume is her shivering son out front. So. Definitely going through the back alley instead of getting in the middle of that shit.
Alas, it’s not any better, because there’s Syd, vomiting next to a dumpster.
“Better to ignore or acknowledge you in this moment?” Is the response you decide is best, despite the question, you’re already by her side. You put your tools down (out of the splash zone) and rub her back with one hand, holding back straying braids with the other.
“I couldn’t—” More vomit. “Fuckin’ tell ya.” Syd takes a few deep breathes before standing. She considers going in for a hug, but remembers, the vomit. “Good to see you. I want to catch up, f’real, but—” “The bear in the walk-in?” “The bear in the walk-in.”
You nod, fishing through your pocket. You hand her a mini container of Tums. She waves it off, of course, and you double down, of course, “Who you acting tough for?”
“Fuckin… No one.” She grimaces, taking the box. She makes a show of taking one, like a fussy kid.
You refuse to take it back. “Keep it.”
“Never stopped being the mom friend, eh?”
You laugh, picking up your tools again. “Listen, there’s no telling what the night and your stomach holds. Lead the way?”
The Bear is pretty, or at least the kitchen of it is, so far. It’s clean. Cleaner than it used to be. The death trap walk-in is really the only eyesore for you. You stare at the broken-off handle in your hand, twisting it back and forth to look at all the angles. It’s honestly a pretty clean break.
Sydney’s left to talk to her dad, as she should, and the rest of the kitchen is either too busy to pay you mind or is just silently relieved to see you.
Tina— Who has thankfully opted to not say ‘Hey, good to see you, it’s been a year, what the fuck’—Taps the walk-in door and says to this elusive Michelin Carmen that she’ll be right back, that help’s here. He does not seem to register this at all. She gently slaps your cheek before rushing back to her station, regardless.
“Maybe I’m just not built for this, maybe, maybe that’s okay— Maybe that just is.”
You’ve never said his name to him, it feels heavy on your tongue. “Carmen.”
“Right? What the fuck was I thinking?”
Alright, he’s too far gone. You flag down one of the cooks that are just shadowing for the night. “Hey, can you hold this in place for me?”
You stick the handle into what’s left of the hinge still attached to the door, which is, not much— But hopefully, again, if your hypothesis is correct, it’ll give enough leverage. The cook holds it in place, a little terrified as your sledgehammer comes into view.
“Not gonna hit you, promise.”
“—I’m a fuckin’ psycho. That’s why. That’s why I’m good at what I do.”
You tap (bang) the hammer on the door, enough to stop his train of thought. For a second, at least. “Sweetheart, I need you to stand up for me, Carmen Chef Sir.”
“...Who the fuck is Tony?”
The meek cook beside you speaks up, “He means Tommy.”
And Tina is quick to yell from across the kitchen— hearing how? We don’t know. “It’s Terry!”
“I am none of these people.” You sigh, readying the hammer. “Carmen, can you stand up, and just tuck your fingers in the wedge of the door? If there is one?”
“Heard. Yeah.” There’s shuffling from in there, getting into position. Though the steps and the words seem dazed, as he’s forced out of a mental fog. “Here.”
“This isn’t a fix by the way. Your whole door is fucked after this. Not that it isn’t already, but, y’know.” You back up, teeing yourself up before running forward.
“Well, wait—”
You slam the mallet into the tip of the handle perfectly, forcing it way too tight into the gap of the hinge. You push the cook aside with your hip, now using the long handle of the mallet to stick between the knob and the door, using it as further leverage to pull it open. It is incredibly straining.
“Carmy!” Is it okay to say that nickname before you’ve even seen his face? Eh. You’re moving the boulder, he’ll forgive you. “You feel air?!”
“Holy shit— Yeah, yeah— Push?!” “Of course fucking push!”
And it becomes apparent in this exchange of force that this Head Chef must be significantly stronger than you, because it’s opening a lot faster now. Though, fast is a strong word for the snail pace this is happening at. But it’s more than the nothing that was happening a minute ago.
“Aye… Cousin?” Richie, in a… suit? Runs up to you, coming from front of house. He immediately grabs a free spot on the sledgehammer’s handle to help pull. He was shocked to see you doing, well, this, right now, but then upon registering, he’s just shocked to see you. Period.
You can only groan in response, sticking a leg up and putting your foot on the wall as if it’s gonna add meaningful leverage— Oh wait, it kinda is. “Y'clean up good, Rich— Opening going—Fuck— well?”
“Oh yeah, fucking peachy.” He can only manage to wheeze in reply. Investing his strength in yanking rather than reintroductions; thankfully it pays off.
The hinge shoots open, you would have absolutely fallen on your ass if Richie was not ready to stabilize you. The walk-in door cracks open. Just a bit. It’s not dramatic, it’s just a breath.
It’s so anti-climactic that Richie doesn’t mind walking off to cheer before Carmen even comes out. Clapping your back as he does. “That’s what I like to fuckin’ see, Cousin! Ingenuity!”
Though, to be fair, he’s moving to intercept a very sweet looking, worried girl. You look up at her, wheezing as you keel over slightly to catch your breath, hands on your knees. She’s saying something along the lines of ‘What’s going on?’ ‘Is he okay?’ Girlfriend? Probably. Richie seems to be coaxing her accordingly. You turn your head back to the door. Carmen hasn’t come out yet. That’s a red flag. With another wheeze, you stand up right, opening the door further, peeking in.
He's standing there, catatonic. Not looking at you, but straight forward, beyond you. He must’ve been by the door to push it open but now he’s stumbled against the back shelf. Every time his girl’s voice manages to ring into here, his eyes crinkle— Wince. His breath keeps hitching. He looks afraid. It is better to be caged right now than it is to be out there, doing whatever he could be doing, right now. Talking to anyone might be a death sentence, right now.
“I don’t need to provide amusement or enjoyment. I don’t need to receive any amusement or enjoyment. I’m completely fine with that.” He mumbles repeatedly. You can barely hear it over the buzzing of the freezer.
Whispering it just for himself, like some sort of fucked up mantra. Like it’s a state of inner peace to feel this bad. You doubt he even sees you right now.
You know you don’t know Carmy personally. Mostly just through hearsay.
He’s never met or heard of you, that’s for sure.
But you know Berzattos. Or. Knew the one.
And you know a downward spiral. Intimately.
And you know that right now, he’s fucking cold. He is shivering and making no move to leave that state. You think he thinks that’s the state he deserves to stay in.
Nothing to lose but a good first impression, right? You drop a screwdriver in the doorway as a doorstop— Because how fucking dumb would it be if you both got stuck? And. Extremely slowly, you approach him not unlike approaching an actual captive bear. In your eyes, you might as well be.
Standing right in front of him doesn’t stop his mantra. You slip your jacket off, half hugging him to drape it over his shoulders. “You’re just cold.”
“I’m a—” “You’re just. Cold.” You cut him off before he has the chance to self-deprecate again, smoothing out the sleeves on him. His eyes readjust to actually look at you rather than somewhere beyond.
You sniff. You’re already cold and it’s been 30 seconds. This poor thing. You rub your hands together, breathing hot air into them before touching them to his frigid fucking face. “Fuck you’re really cold. Like danger cold.”
Never being one for boundaries or hesitation, you hug yourself to him. It’s the fastest way to warm him up. You slip your hands under the jacket— Your jacket— And just engulf the Italian Popsicle Man before you.
Shockingly, he doesn’t push you off or suddenly reawaken to his senses and tell you to fuck off. He doesn’t flinch, if anything he leans in. His body doesn’t really have time for surprise, right now, it just takes what it needs. And what it needs is warmth and oxytocin. His breathing slowly but surely self regulates, and once you start to remember decorum you lower your arms— But. He opts to place his chin on your shoulder, like the world’s most gentle hook, and that alone is enough to keep you there.
It's a long, silent, liminal spacey moment before he speaks again. Both of you speak just above the decibel of the freezer's buzzing.
“You’re not Tony.”
“You’re Terry?”
“No, Tina said Tony’s Terry. I don’t know who the fuck Terry is.”
“Terry’s the fridge guy.”
“You’re still going to need to call him; I did just make it worse.”
“That’s fine.” He swallows. “Who called you?”
“Should’ve called you earlier.”
“Should’ve called the fridge guy earlier.”
“Yeah.” He sighs, but he makes no move to move, so you don’t either.
“You know Mikey too?”
Ah. The patch. The Beef. It's worn, but it sits proudly on the left shoulder of your jumpsuit. Your heart tightens and so does your posture.
“Yeah.” You sigh. It’s shakier than you’d like it to be. “Dad knew him, so then I knew him, so then I occasionally fixed shit for him. Shit that ‘Fak couldn’t?’ I think his name was?”
“Hm.” He hums. “He ever got locked in the walk-in?”
“Yeah, he really fucked it up, like waayy worse than whatever happened with you tonight. Like whatever happened. At least 10 times worse.” Your voice is coated with sarcasm, but it’s not entirely untrue.
You’re relieved, when Carmen laughs at this, a touch maniacally, but it’s something. Right now, any emotion from him besides regret and anxiety feels like a trophy. He straightens up, pushing his hair back, so you remove your arms.
“You’re fuckin’ funny, Tony.”
“Still not Tony.”
“Oh my god!” A blonde, very pregnant woman cracks the door open, relieved. “Are you okay, Bear?” You step aside so she can hug Carmen, holding his cheeks to look over him. Oh, this has to be—
“I’m good, I’m great, Sug.” He says this incredibly unconvincingly, hanging one hand on her wrist.
But what matters more in your brain right now is: That’s Sugar. Natalie.
And now you can put a face to both siblings you’ve been bitched about to.
Chain-smoker, means well, cringeworthy husband, too good for her family, incredibly judgemental, cares too much and worries more, loves to fight, her mother’s daughter, pushy, sticks her foot in her mouth, can’t take no for an answer, would lay down her life. Natalie Berzatto. Little sister.
Michelin Star retaining, big shot, sensitive, definitely a virgin, ball buster, sweats the small stuff, sweetheart, asshole, incredibly smart, flighty, coward, deeply loyal, whiny, screamer, show-off, fantastic drawer, shell, mister new york, annoyingly humble, undeniably the most talented. Carmen Berzatto. Baby brother.
Mikey’s words. Of course.
Nat turns her gaze over to you, “Thank you.” You can only bring yourself to nod in reply, a bit awkward— Lost in your rolodex of memories of the people you’ve never actually met until right now. It’s weird to feel parasocial about a normal person.   
“Our toilet, exploded.” She says.
Now that pulls out you of it, and gets a laugh out of you. You put your hand over your mouth. “Yeah?”
Sugar shakes her head, eyes widening like she’s just stepped in it, “I didn’t mean like— Like, you just did a job, right, that’s like tacking on another last-minute service—”
“That’s fine.” You put a hand up stopping her from continuing, still chuckling. “I’ll take a look at it tonight and try to fix it tomorrow?”
She nods, smiling bright, “Thank you, Tommy.”
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Who needs to use Y/N when you have the fridge guy?
I so desperately hope you liked this first chapter. I've been stewing on this for like a week so I beg of you to reply/reblog/send me an ask (anon or not!!) telling me what you thought!! Unless it's mean!! In which case, do NOT!!!
And just a forewarning, as we step into uncharted territory where the walk-in meltdown was cut short, I need you to hold my hand through it bb. We're making this man's life better or we're gonna die trying.
Next Part
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stuff in my head about what's happening
there is absolutely no end to the drama that is Twisted Wonderland :-)
"what's happening now" so basically everyone is disappointed with how Vil's SSR has absolutely no story. no personal, no appearance in the event. he's just there to be pretty. and give furniture.
and you Know it's bad Bad when not only the EN fans but the JP fans are talking about it. and by talking about it, i mean
personal story has trended
a big twst artist, twst_13, made a tweet expressing that they were pretty upset with the lack of story, and well.. that honestly ended up being their last straw in leaving the twst fandom. and due to their rep, it really spread throughout the fandom and uh yeah here we are
and rn a lot of people are doomposting. just your regular twst afternoon
so yeah it's been fun so far B)
in all seriousness, ik a lot of people aren't happy with this. if you're really discontented with what's going on so far, email twst. giving feedback is the best way for them to know what their audience wants, and they do listen to their fans if enough people send them concerns. you can send through this link. i think it would be great to email them in Japanese, but if you really can't, wellll let's hope some people there understand English <3
anyway there's a cut because i currently have talk too much disease and have Opinions on this so i want to make it an easier scroll for people encountering this post.
hi welcome to under the cut, where you will find the real reason why i'm making this post: to not Shut Up about what's going on.
personally my thoughts on this are mixed. on one hand, I really don't mind some cards just getting furniture instead of stories because (1) guest room feature nice for me, but I also understand that those who aren't immersed in it would be more frustrated; (2) more importantly is the thought that with less stories to write about, the writing team would actually, idk, have more breaks. the main focus would be delivering a Good main story chapter, and they put event stories on a halt for a bit.
on the other hand, this Is an event SSR, so it feels weird. club cards are acceptable because at least it's new New art and kinda accepted already that it's not gonna get personals. the main story cards, like cerberus Ortho and upcoming general Lilia SSR, are acceptable because they are already accompanied by main story. some tsumsted cards like the SRs and Rs are acceptable too because the event story itself already accompanies them. but an event SSR of an event being reran. it's a bit disappointing.
but at the same time, i've also gone through the time that twst was slow in pacing. and it was really hard. that was the first wave of exodus, and it's still the biggest one to this day. so it's like, if guest room furniture can let them keep updating the game so that it doesn't go too quiet, then I'd really much rather have what we're having now over slow pacing.
and diasomnia has been in the waiting room for wayyyy too long. a lot of fans, EN and JP alike, have been frustrated with how long they had to wait for diasomnia content. and ik twst listens to complaints especially from their JP audience. so it's good that now they're shifting priorities to dia story and ensuring that fans aren't dying too fast. and ngl after how long pome and igni felt (emphasis on felt because pome actually wasn't that long in hindsight, it just felt long after how we went from frequent octa and scarabia to two-month halloween), it's good that main story is getting updated at a good pace.
most importantly, i really just hope that the writers have more room to breathe. making a lot of personal stories, as well as revising, editing, and getting approval would be understandably difficult. in the end, we really don't know the situation in the hq, so whatever is happening there, i hope that the teams and devs aren't burning out
at the same time though, i also don't want event SSRs like upcoming Silk Vil not having personals to become a norm. a big part of what makes twst enjoyable is their story and their characters. and much of what we know of the characters is found in the personal stories. but see, this is where sending in a concern is important!! because we want this game to be as best as it can, and simply complaining about it will cause an echo chamber of doompostings with no substantial effort being put into actually doing something about it. i'm probably gonna see if i could send a concern to them about it because yeah, I want to see twst doing better.
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everything-redacted00 · 10 months
Charlie is famous and Casper is his bodyguard pt.2
Slow burn, sorry I just have too do it (cause I’m a menace) if you wanna get tagged in the next parts ask😊
thanks for the help @no-see-um-incorrect I hope I got your prompt right
TAGS: @idk-ig-7 @antipasto-the-theif @neighborhoodcrybaby
@sleepyqueerenergy @ashertalbotshusband
It was later in the day and Charlie didn’t have any appointments or interviews to do today he had a completely free schedule so he asked Casper too do stuff with him
Casper was sitting on one of the dinning room chairs watching Charlie while he was looking at the tv
———— Casper’s inner monologue—————
he’s kinda cute
wait no! You can’t fall for your clients Cas it’s literally the number one rule……
but he’s so.. NO stop-
———————-back too talking———————
“Are you alright Casper?”
Casper flinched not noticing that Charlie had moved in front of them
“Huh.. oh yeah I’m alright just.. thinking”
“Well I was thinking.. since my schedule is completely clear for today that we could maybe play some video games”
“uhh *casper thinkings for a second* sure we can play some video games what are you thinking?”
“Well I have some Mario kart.. do you wanna play that?”
*Casper starts to smile widely* “yeah that would be great”
“why are you smiling so much? You have some devious plan don’t you”
“oh it nothing just that I’m gonna kick your ass I’m a Mario Kart champion back home”
“oh really now.. well “back home” doesn’t have me”
“mhm whatever you say freckles”
Casper walked over too the couch and sat down waiting for Charlie and he just kinda stood there with a blush so red you could mistake him for a fire hydrant
“aren’t you gonna come and show me who’s boss freckles?”
“uh uh y-yeah coming”
they sat and played for a while until Casper got too thinking
——————-Casper’s inner monologue———
Wow he’s cute when he’s focused like that and his eyes there so.. pretty
Wait shit focus dumbass your gonna loses
but him- ah shit he passes me.. on the last lap to
———————-talking again —————————
“Ha I won”
“that’s a first”
“hey come on I’m not that bad”
“Charlie you won twice out off like eleven rounds you suck at this”
“I do not.. hey where did the nickname go?”
*Casper got a malicious grin in their face* “oh do you like it when I call you… freckles?”
“I-I uh huh uhh”
“Oh come on freckles I was just joking now shouldn’t you get some food by now we’ve been playing for a while”
“Uh.. right food what do you want?”
“Me oh I don’t know.. you pick, as long as it’s food in not too picky”
“alright well how about I get Pete to get us some food from that sandwich shop downtown”
“who is Pete?”
“oh right you don’t know Pete, he’s my driver and personal delivery person”
“oh alright, well sandwiches sound good too me so go ahead and call him”
“Ok you got it Cas”
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trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
yoo could i ask for a playlist for a tallulah qsmp fictive mayhaps? she has an insatiable hunger for music it's frightening (/silly) ,, she likes soundtracks (child of light is her current fav), stuff like the oh hellos/cavetown/bears in trees, and generally cozy sorta feeling songs, plus anything lullaby-ey if that makes sense :] hope u guys are well! sorry this is a tad long or vague hhaha -–🔉🌠
hello! Admittedly I rushed this a bit I’m not as sure about these as I was about 🌾🪶 Phil’s but I took a swing we’ll see if I missed later I guess. I tried to include as many artists as possible so you have plenty of people to look through since you said she was a bit insatiable when it came to music! I did phone in the last few songs like the lullaby-eque ones. yeah again this was a bit of a mess on my end. Though I have been writing down songs for this for a while I didn't have an easy time narrowing down things as to what I wanted to include so at this point I've just thrown my hands in the air and declared it done now. Sorry if the playlist is messy or unsatisfactory.
Art used is by @/sallomezz on tumblr and can be found here!
Hope you find something to enjoy on the playlist or in my bonus ramblings below! -phil
okay so I kinda cheated my self imposed rule of one song per artist but in my defense I couldn’t choose between Moonlight and Paperwork… They’re my two favorite Fish in a Birdcage songs and I thought both were kinda fitting so oh well both of them are there.
Anywho I could go on and on and on about how I was this close to fighting myself to the death (<- hyperbolic) over this. Let's just get to other recommendations I didn't put on for one reason or another.
Starting with musicians I put on there but didn't include a song from for whatever reason:
Myxrite! My personal favorite song Now and Again doesn't look like its on Spotify at all so uh yeah I'm linking it here because I like it a lot.
Bug Hunter is on there too but he's currently in the top ten of my favorite musicians so yeah here's more suggestions! Go With The Flow and Listen to Your Mom pretty high up there in terms of my favorite songs. Making Up Words is one of my favorites lyrically (though I must say that Disco in the Panic Room is up there too), and of course I have to mention Try My Best and Slow Burn because I keep using lyrics from them to inspire drawings (that I'll never post anywhere online). Okay fuck I need to move on before I link literally every single one of his songs lol
Same as Bug Hunter, The Narcissist Cookbook is up there in terms of my favorite musician + he put the MOTH album (one of his old ones that wasn't on on youtube yet) on youtube recently so he's been in my head a lot. Ghost Stories and UNWELCOME GUESTS (warning: unwelcome guests starts with a phone ringing noise idk my friends always get surprised by it so I'm just gonna mention it in case) are rahgjagh they are so good they exist in my head rent free
Madilyn Mei has been on loop in my head cause a friend of mine. Anyway Six Legs (tippy tappy toes) and Sleeping in the Kitchen. just live in my brain now because of them lol
The actual recommendations that aren't just more songs from folk on the playlist already:
I Fight Dragons! I fucking love them! Their music tends to have techy/8-bit noises and they're a bit more on the rock side of things but their stuff is really good! Good Morning Sunlight and Oh The Places You'll Go... They are the most <3 to me forever... Sunny Afternoon too... God I love IFD I need to make my friends listen to them with me more
If you like IFD you may also like Jonathan Coulton or the portal song guy as my friends know him lol. Nobody Loves You Like Me or Now I Am an Arsonist or really anything from the Artificial Heart Album is always my go to for showing people besides the songs from Portal (Still Alive and Want You Gone) that my friends know.
Similar to IFD, a lot of Going Spaceward's songs have techy noise in the like proper releases, but his youtube has a lot of acoustic versions of his songs that don't have those. His covers are good but really most of his music is just funky. Uh since I will absolutely not narrow this down in any timely fashion I'm just going to link the entire Can You Hear It Album and uh Count Past 23.
Joseph Dubay is a musician I only got into like a few months ago but I really like his stuff, kinda similar vibes to what i was going for with this playlist but a lot of his songs just didnt fit the vibe so I didn't feel like adding them. That being said I am obliged to tell absolutely everyone I talk about music with to listen to Pastel Goth and 4evr so yeah.
Completely different vibe but San Fermin may be of interest to y'all! Astronaut and The Woods are the ones I listen to most from them but everything about their music just scratches the brain itch for me. Their stuff is indie rock which is kinda in the genres of the bands you mentioned!
A bit of a different suggestion but since you mentioned her liking soundtracks AZALI might be a cool youtube channel to check out! They make short songs in FL Studio and idk I'll be honest I don't listen to soundtracks or things like you mentioned in that part of your ask but I do listen to every upload AZALI makes and I think they're all pretty neat. The songs are all like a minute or two long but I like to just put them on loop when I'm writing. Truth, Violence, Warmth is my go to for writing for this specific project, but Mechanical God was how I found their channel and I'm just fond of City of Shattered Glass so there those three are my suggestions.
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ahundredtimesover · 9 months
you know i read the tw and knew that this was going to be about emotionally constipaded characters i just never thought they were gonna be THAT constipated bc what do u mean you can treat your assistant like a human being and say sorry
i'm so freaking excited to see the development of both of them i kinda fantasize while reading because i love to make myself suffer like when jk thought "who would want him? Who would even take a chance on him? Who would even think it’s worth it to be with him?" i was picturing them already in love and oc making him see that he's worth it when there's so much to go through before we're even close to that lmaooo my way of coping with slow burn
and i love that i'm feeling a "he fell first"???????? maybe idk dont crush my hopes just let me be happy at least until next ch anyway i'm loving this story so so much mimi ❤️and im so happy that this is just the beginning!!!!! love it love itttttt and love you and your brainnnnn
Ro! Hahahaha you know, I’m not one to usually write emotionally constipated characters but I’m enjoying this so much 😂😂 it’s idiots being idiots in an office setting. But I totally get your way of coping with slow burn and uh, I encourage that. We’ve got a longggg way to go.
And with that ‘he fell first’ vibe… I cannot confirm nor deny 🤭🤭 there’s definitely a lot of push and pull though. And I rly wanted to make the tension as thick as possible hahahaha but thank you so much for dropping by! Love hearing what you think about it ☺️☺️ sending you love as always 💕
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pearblossommina · 1 year
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I finished it!!!!
(And here’s a photo of the Pacific Ocean)
(Good god that ending) (I did take notes until about chapter 51 and then I just kinda fell into vacation mode) (here are some notes! From whatever days-of-the-read-a-long)
Good stuff
Holding hands
Listening to her trauma dump with rapt attention
This is like, the best first date Celaena’s ever had. (It’s about damn time) (I have been. DYING. For a trickle of romance. A small taste, a sweet little nibble?)
I’m gonna assume that they are each other’s carranam
(rare)(oh so rare)(so special)
Hey, guys, hurry up and fall in love, let’s get this over with, MY HEART IS READY.
Heyyyy also when they talk to each other wordlessly, is Celaena imagining it, or are they both daemati?
Or is that just a thing that all fae can do in this world?
Dude this grandmother is such an awful woman and I hate how abusive she is
(You have a heart, Manon. I know you have one.)
ABRAXOS taking the crossing! Hell yeah!
“There was nothing romantic about sharing a bed with Rowan, and they kept to their own sides.” Uh huh. Sure. I platonically sleep with hot guys I’m attracted to all the time.
You know, the thing is, she did love Chaol, but they were only together for like ONE WEEK? I don’t? Understand? How she hasn’t moved on yet? And her feelings for him are so tangled up with her feelings for Nehemia. Like; I’m not judging, I know sometimes people fall in love and it’s just, you know, hard to move on, but?
Can you move on?
(I’m complaining but I think it’s so important. SO IMPORTANT. That girls and women have representation like this. Love, and relationships, and complicated feelings, especially in a fantasy novel) (it’s very well done SJM) (Ty for your service)(it does remind me of Feyre/Rhys tho) (I mean if I’m being honest the arc is starting to feel a little same-y) (lol)
I just. I dunno if it’s even important to find out the mystery or if I should even care about what the king of Ardarlan is up to.
It’s the same beast from the library - right? But the king has made millions of them?
And unleashed them on the continent to try and kill off all the fae and Demi-fae, probably in the hopes of eradicating magic?
Does he, specifically, hope to murder Aelin Galathynius or does he just hate fae and magic in general?
I’m very confused by this chapter
I mean it’s exciting but
I kind of don’t know what’s going on
Wait are we done fighting the creatures???
What about the creatures?
Then they had all the slaves killed - all the slaves?
(That bastard!)
Why does Dorian hate his brother so much
I mean he’s just a kid. A LITTLE BOY.
Sorscha is such a cutie. I wish she had been here when Celaena was still staying in the castle. I mean I know she was, actually, they just ignored her at the time… BUUUUT. I wish she was dating Dorian so that they could have had a cute little friendship square with Dorian and Sorscha and Chaol and Celeana, going out and having adventures and being in tender love before all this shit hit the fan.
These books don’t have enough *love* it’s just intense intensity all the time and sometimes boring plot laden exposition stuff. I like a slow burn but I’m READY for the ignite.
Day 8
"I claim you, Rowan Whitethorn. I don't care what you say and how much you protest. I claim you as my friend."
“If Narrok planned to lay siege to Mistward,” I don’t know who Narrok is, who is Narrok? Did I space out and miss something vitally important? Did the King of Ardarlan get a name in the last 50 pages or something?
(Maddy read the remainder of the chapters without taking notes) (Maddy is at the beach) (Maddy flies home tomorrow) (The vacation is over and the book is finished) (when’s the next one) (😭😭😭)
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 14x04 Mint Condition
“Isn’t your coffee a Mint Condition?” “Cash for gold” “time to slice and dice” “why so fkn angry?” “shit’s gonna get ya” “Why is this dude so fkn angry all the time?” “Why did he take the thing out of the box?” “what the fuck dude” “pizza” “what the fuck? Is this a real thing?” I think it’s made up for the show but based off of real horror movies
“That horror is borderline comedy” “time for movies then. Sounds like a good plan” “hell yeah brother” “technically a tv show” “at least give the show a movie” “who’s Thundercats? The series the toy came from?” Yeah, Thundercats was on the box
“Obviously the best holiday. If you don’t like halloween, I can’t trust you” “what’s with the pocket protector?” They’re making a homage to a horror movie. I don’t know which one “uh huh” “uh huh” “oh those glasses are perfect” “why does anyone know what that means? Why would you enunciate the acronym?” “why is the librarian asking about genital?” “The blazer is fkn amazing. The outfit keeps getting better” “good luck ordering lamb’s blood on Halloween. It’s like April Fool’s; no one will take you seriously” “Where would I get a sport coat like that? It’s ridiculous” “What do they call that dress? A poodle skirt?” “smooth” “man those insurance rates are going up by the minute” “tactical insurance agent” “time to slice and dice” “how’d they get the permission to use the real poster?” “I don’t feel like the bar of a chainsaw would be strong enough to hold up in a wall like that” “what if they live under a power line?” “looks like an f-coat chainsaw. I could be wrong though” “popular with the farmers” “so I hear”” “so we’re just going to stand in the doorway the whole time? That’s a good way to watch tv so I hear” “hey Dean’s collar isn’t popped. Idk if he’s using collar stays or just heavily starched” laughter “oh my god” “What’s that? ASD?”
All Saint’s Day
“Who’s the picture of? A producer? Some cast member?” IT’s the guy who died 
“Time to slice and dice” “This is weird, but I think you’re in danger. AHHHH” said in a fake Sam voice “You know what would have been another good spinoff? American Horror System but supernatural. Over the top horror shit but with the cast of supernatural” “what kind of a smile is that/“ “dream come true man” “Fkn kid in a candy shop” “well we never did the monster footprint in the ground did we? We could have had Jurassic Park in otherworldly supernatural land. That was the coolest reveal ever” “what horror movie did that? Or is it all of them?” I don’t know a lot about horror movies
“I feel like I’d like them but a lot of them have jumpscares, and I don’t like that” “time to slice and dice’ “didn’t think that one through did ya?”” “Best security guards ever” “what is that going to do?” “hospitals are really empty at night” “and no more hearing” “you’d be deaf for days with a high probability of permanent hearing damage” laughter
“Do we get to watch it/ Is it real?” laughter
“Really?” “owie” “why wouldn’t you run?” “I mean that will burn” laughter “that was pretty funny” “didn’t they speculate one episode that the ghosts actually go somewhere good?” “hey we had a MOTW episode. Kinda. Yeah” “Why does Dean have a Casio watch on? Is that part of the outfit?”
“How slow is Sam’s metabolism? Damn” “I don’t understand” “time to slice and dice” “to be continued” “oh that was good. I enjoyed that one”
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Ayyyy she's okay :D
I mean not for long, clearly, because it's The Good Doctor and 25 minutes in
SLFJGHSKDGK Morgan what are you up to xD
I mean maybe she's not up to anything but yk
Yeah I agree, I don't think you can just send him home
Well okay you did refer him and whatnot, sometimes that's all you can do :((
Hmm yeah he doesn't care about the points, deep down. We've seen how much he cares about patients
Dude chill he's just walking by XD
Okay maybe he is doing it a bit on purpose lol
Yeah exactly, that's what I was saying
Like idk if she should base it solely on that but at the same time she is happy and that's extremely important
Lol bye Lim xdd
You do need to discuss it though
Ahhh yeah maybe it's a distraction, both of you :((
Shaun what are you gonna do lol
Ayy he got it moved up!
Yeeeah right, that's not how it works
Ohhh yeah it's like an addiction, so he must feel for him extra :(
Uh oh 😬
Heeee didn't tell him
And Perez, you're kinda being obvious xdd. It's probably the best you can do but still lol
Stoppp this is so sad :(((
I mean the brother could've been a little more clear but I really don't think that's what he was trying to do, or how he felt :/ :((
Ohhh noo :(( 😬😬
Ahhh true
I mean at least you guys are acknowledging it XD
Honestly it be brave if they kept them apart and I do want them to be happy but idk I think we might have another slow burn for them
I just want them happy xD
But I mean at least it's in a nice way on Morgan's part lol? Again though (I believe she's done this before, maybe even with Park xDD- yeah right when they were just friend with benefits lol), it's not really her business to meddle in other people's relationships XD
Uh oh, a page
The first two minutes of Up, lol XDD
Hmm nah y'all are better working together :))
Ohhh no he collapsed or something
Ohhhh nooo he RUPTURED his ESOPHAGUS??
Dang, poor guy :((((
Well it's good Perez was honest about it :) tbh he's a pretty honest guy
Hmmm so what are y'all gonna do then :((?
Ayyy! And it was Perez's idea
Ooop the girls are fighting. Again XDD
XDDD I love Morgan and Asher lol
Anyway, best of luck y'all
Hmm he's gonna have Powell take it
Yup xdd
I think he may just not wanna mess up further, and help her along the way
Aww hi guys :)
Oh yeah she got it without him doing it lol!
Not a great look Shaun xDD
Okay well at least y'all have communication xdd
Aww yeah, restoring something beautiful :'))
I mean true but personal is different from work
Awww, okay, you'll try :)))
Yeeeah I don't think we need to be making offers yet Lea xDD
Anyway, <3 you guys
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neko-nemesis · 3 years
𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙤 𝙄 𝙛𝙞𝙩?
Diluc Ragnivindr x fem-bodied reader.
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❗WARNINGS ❗: MDI (MINORS DON'T INTERACT OR EREN IS COMING FOR Y'ALL), 18+ sexual contents ahead, nsfw, angst at the beginning (read the important note please) , slow burn-ish(?), SPOILER ALERT ⚠️ (Diluc's backstory is revealed a lil) Hurt/comfort, Fighting, Hatefuck, Hard Dom!Diluc x reader (later the mf is soft asf mmm), oral (receiving), fingering, temperature play, degradation, outdoor/public sex, extreme spanking, mask kink (sorry I'm kinda a whore for masks >//<), praise kink (receiving), reverse comfort, making up, emotional!Diluc (idk, I just see him being vulnerable around those he genuinely trusts) anddd I think that's it. Imk if I missed anything.
𝑷𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒄𝒆: 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒎 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒈𝒆
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 2.5k
⚠️ important note: before becoming basically a smut writer, I wrote and was into Angst (a little too much, a little sus?), I still very much am ehe~. Don't mind me posting angst now and then 🤪. On a real note, please remember this is a work of fiction, I have no intention of making a character look bad nor romanticize arguments and problems in relationships. But I will say this, it's very real. No relationships is gonna be 💯%, never. Communication is a must <3 If this may seen triggering, please avoid reading this! I love angst because there's realism in it and writing about it with comforting/spiCy (joking) endings or even reading other amazing writers helps me cope with my own bs. Lemme know what y'all think of this and if I should make more of others. Reading shit like this sometimes is very heavy, so hotties y'all better remember to take care of yourself and remember that you're loved. Mwah 💋 <3
Note : Sooo, Im in the mid of writing something 'bout Albedo 👀 (stay tuned for that babez) so like suddenly I just blink and see that I've written this whole shit about Diluc /j 🧍🏻‍♀️ damn, my bad 🤪 ik hella crazy but it is what it is. Ohhh and I'm literally going on a trip to the beach literally in the morning buuuuut it's about drive, it's about powe- anyway, sorry I lagged irl. As I was saying, fuck sleeping 😩🤟 (/j, please don't be like my dumbass.) LEMME KNOW Y'ALL'S THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS as this is my first angst here and if I should continue 👽 and uh, oh yeah THANK YOU FOR THE INSANE AMOUNT OF FUCKING SUPPORT, BRO WHAT?!!?!! YALL GOT ME CRYING AND SHIT. THANK YOUSM 💓🫂 UDRHJEDJ okay enough, I realize how long this is getting, Oop$. Reblogs and notes are appreciated alot!! Suggestions/requests are very much open. (Ya gal's a little empty in the head sometimes, it's very much appreciated too >//<) Aite I'll shutup now though lmaojshdj- (-_-;)・・・
You stare off into the distance, you felt sick and lonely. You felt hurt. This is not what should've happened. You and him were supposed to be happy. Your hand digging into the flesh of your palm, leaving a crescent mark caused by your nails. The events from 2 days ago left you restless and emotionally exhausted in the middle of the forest.
You understood being in a relationship with none other than Diluc was not going to be rainbows and unicorns, you understood he disliked PDA, wanting to keep his reputation clean and just in general wanting to keep what you two share behind the comfortable door of the Dawn winery. But for the past few weeks, you felt as though you were getting ignored, just totally shoved to the side like it's nothing. Waking up to find the cold bed empty is not something new to you but doesn't mean it hurts any less everytime. You tried to understand his problems and tried somewhat of a helping hand to him but only to get pushed aside.
"Thank you for the offer dear but I'm fine."
"I'd like to do my work in peace, I hope you understand."
"Please shut the door behind you."
Biting your lips hard and blinking away the tears, you went on, letting him be and carrying on. You were a ticking bomb, tolerating things until you couldn't anymore. You weren't asking for much, you wanted to be in a more committed relationship, like marriage. You both weren't getting any younger and have been together for years now yet Diluc didn't see the necessities of that. You accepted that too. You weren't asking for much. Just his love and time was enough but unfortunately you were deprived of them too.
Your hands slam hard on the table, "Diluc I can't explain this enough, can you not see it for yourself how distant you've been?" You yell, being already tired of the argument. From all the stress and burden of running the Tavern and being the Darknight Hero by night has already taken a toll on him. And the start of an argument with you was the last straw. Cutting the string from which he was barely hanging on. "I don't have time for this." He mumbles, walking past you but you didn't cave in this time, you raised your hand and block his way. "You don't have time for anything anymore. It's now or never! You're not going anywhere, Diluc." You say, shaky voice and fury dancing in your eyes, "it takes two for a relationship! Two goddamnit!" You say, your hand weakly hits him in the chest, "I feel like I don't exist! You're overworking yourself and I want the fucking best for you-"
"Oh? you do?" He asks, mockingly, all self restraint going out the window. "Because hearing you complain like this rather tells me a different story." You cock up your brows in irritation, "Oh so now, caring about your health is complaining. You're being ridiculous" you gritted your teeth, Diluc now standing so close to you that it was almost comforting. What changed it though was the fact he leaned down enough to be inches away from your face as he chuckles, you can tell he's angry. "You don't understand anything, do you y/n? You do know well enough I need to be present in order for my business to run smoothly and by night, Im around Mondstadt making sure the civilians are safe because I'd be damned if I ever trust the Knights of Favonius ever again." He snarled, making you nervous but from the adrenaline rush, your anger didn't falter. "Say Diluc, where do I fit? Hmm?" You ask, diluc pauses and you can see the conflict behind his crimson eyes, he was taking far too long to reply to you. Well then, I guess you had your answer.
You look away for the first time and laugh as you realize how dull you started to feel. Visually it seemed like the colours around you drained and now only darkness took over. Without another word, you run out the door faster than you ever had and mindlessly without a sense of direction, you ran. You ran and ran, from between the grapevines, then through the forest. Only stopping as you gasped for air. Your lungs screamed for oxygen, your legs ached but that wasn't even the worst part.
You never heard him chasing after you, to stop you from leaving and it crushed you.
Now here you were, heartbroken in the whispering woods, picking up lampgrass flowers lazily, for what reason? you don't know. Maybe they reminded you of him. You laugh at yourself from how ridiculous all of this was getting. You hadn't dare to step inside the city nor go anywhere around the dawn winery in the past 2 days. The nature became your home, dipping in the lakes, sleeping under the open sky and living off of fruits and meals cooked on the camp fire. You just don't know what to do. Is this the end?
Are you two officially..broken up? Just like that? You remember everything back every moment and think if you became just too overbearing, s high maintenance person. If you were expecting too much, if this is all your fault.
Tears fill up your eyes again as you held your face in your hands, stopping yourself from another crying session. Footsteps could you heard and you felt unnerved. Your head shot up and looked around frantically, standing up fast and grabbing your weapon. Before you knew it though, red consumed your line of vision and the dull blade you had in your hands, which you were clutching onto for dear life goes flying off to somewhere you can never find it again as your back hits a tree. You yelp in shock, you weren't hurt though. Not when the familiar warm arms held your back and no matter how hard the impact was, you were shield from the blow. Your eyes widening as the face of the man you love stares back at you, the only difference was the mask he had on. His chest heaving for air but still, his expression of rage never falters. "You could've gotten yourself killed!" He yells at your face, your head roll to the side as a weak chuckle escapes from your mouth, "ah, the dark knight hero. You're suddenly very caring-" "Enough already!"
He huffs out air in frustration. You look past him as you tried to struggle out of his hold. "let fucking go, Ragnivindr." your loud voice rings out into the woods, radio silence taking over as his eyes watches you struggle, you could barely push him away. "You're not going anywhere." He mumbles, lowly.
"Just fucking go, leave me alone, fucking go away- go leave leav-" "fuck you." That was the last thing he says before his lips shuts you up soon enough. The kiss was anything but gentle. It was filled rage and hate. Messy and desperate yet the relief washing over Diluc made him light headed. Teeth clattering at times but most importantly, both of you fought for dominance, diluc's teeth often sinking down on your bottom lip as you try to pull away to breathe. "Fuck-" you tried to speak, "stop- I need to b-breathe." Pulling away for a second as the long string of saliva dripped down his chin, diluc could say one thing. "You don't need to, sweetheart." You almost agreed with him. From how desperate his lips kept getting on yours, felt like you were breathing for the first time ever after so long. You felt Alive in his arms.
Soon he pulls away, both of you were panting for air but Diluc left you no chance for that as soon as you both pulled away, your body was used like a rag doll as he now had you turned around and bend over. "Wai-" you were off by the sound of your dress getting torn up along with your underwear. You gasp as you felt his warm hand smacked your ass hard. "Now- say.." he begins, rubbing his hand on your bum to sooth out the pain as your lips trembled. "What should I even do to you." You hear him say next right beside your ear. You tried to speak but the exhaustion was catching upto you. "You ran away, you ran away from me." He mutters, using his vision to warm him his hands more as then proceeds to smack your ass harder than the last. The heat from his palm had you gasping for air. He groans at your cute little expressions and tears before chuckling as he notices your arousal dripping down your thighs, "I've just now hurt you and you're getting off to this?" He mumbles, his voice darkening with lust, amused even though it was not the first time, "Disgusting little whore." Again proceeding to hit you harder as you let out choked cries out of pleasure. "S-shut up" you cry out. Tears flowing down your face, which made diluc look fondly at you for a second before a small smirk creeps up on his handsome face, his mask making him look more ominous. "Oh yeah?" He asks, "it's pathetic to see you under the impression that you have any say in this?" He questions you as if you were stupid. You felt so little under his burning gaze but it turned you on so much more. You hardly can remember when was the time you both last had sex but this, you weren't complaining but doesn't mean you'll be obedient.
"Of-ofcourse I have a say in this!" You snap, his head lilts to look at you and Archons, you regret whatever you said. Darkness consumed the man's face. "Want to repeat that, darling?" He asks, in a mocking loving tone. You notice his jaw clenched under the moonlight. "I-"
The next moments were blurry. When you were back to your senses, you realized your body was barely covered by anything, the remains of your clothing on you barely did shit but you could hardly care about it as your head was now in the clouds. Under the tree, Diluc had his tongue buried deep inside your cunt, as your head lay in the grass. Though your hips were raised enough for the man to eat you out like a starved stray animal. The filthy scene as you glanced up had you clamping down on the wet muscle of his tongue. "Fuck, you taste good." His words came out muffled as he tried to dig in his face even deeper, not even taking a second away to breathe. It was like the man was really parched for days. He hummed as all he could think of in his head was to lap up all the juices that leaked out of you and drink you up. "S-slow down!" You tried to stop him, your hand raising up and clutching onto his hair as your tried to push his head away only to have him moan and lick and suck more greedily. Soon his gloved fingers accompanied and slipped inside you with ease and started pumping in and out of you with a rough pace. His groans vibrated on your weak spots, making you let out incoherent lines as you could barely think straight. "Cum on my tongue, fucking- give it to me now." He demands as he pulls away with a pop from sucking on your clit harshly, as if on cue, you let out a gutteral moan and silence scream staying frozen on your features for a bit as your eyes rolls back from the intensity. "Atta girl, aren't you precious?" he praises you as he smiles, feeling his heart flutter by seeing you so ruined, by him and for him only. "there's my good girl, my baby." Lifting you up, you barely had the time to catch your breath as his arm grips on your hip hard enough to have control and slams you down on his hard cock. The sudden stretch was not something you were prepared for, it made you tremble in his arms as he whines, feeling your insides grip onto him tighter by the second. He starts his brutal pace, fucking you while his mouth finds home between your chest you hug his head for deal life. Then he grips onto your hair, pulling back for you to look at him as his face glows bright red as he stares into your eyes. "Fucking damnit take it" he moans, "take it take it, you dirty little girl A-Archons please, goddamnit make me cum please please" you couldn't help but whimper at him begging, he was so lost, so high off you that he let down all his guards and begged you. "Please cum- cum on me, make me cum, please hahh" by now, he was making barely any sense. He really lost it all, tears forming in his eyes from the immeasurable amount of pleasure of drilling into you while he looks upto yours, you were already sobbing at his harsh thrusts. "You. Are. Mine" he thrusts in slow and deep in-between his words as he drools, slurring on his words as his thrusts becomes sloppier. sucking on your nipples, he whines louder and louder. Muttering your name like a mantra. "Y/n i- fuck I'm close I'm close, I'm gonna cum and you're gonna take it o-okay?" With one last thrust, he emptied himself as he fills you up. From the second intense orgasm, you passed out of exhaustion.
Sometime has gone by and you wake up to the sounds of sniffles. Opening your eyes slowly and adjusting to the lights, you realize it's early morning, right as the sun begin to rise for the start of a new day. You look around and realize you're in the Dawn winery, in Diluc's room. You look to the side to see Diluc, silently crying as his comforting hands slid a warm cloth down your thighs in order to clean you up.
You tried to get up, which catches the attention of your boyfriend finally, he looks away, wiping tears away fast as he slows you down and instead helps you up, bombarding you with questions. "Are you okay love? Do you need something? Are you too sore? You've been out for days, Barbatos knows what on earth you've relied on for food. Are you hungry? Wait let me get adelinde-" you yawn, cracking into a genuine smile, "No I'm alright, stay" your tired hand lift up to caress his cheek and he buries his face into your palm, seeming very touch starved. Without his dark knight hero mask, you noticed how tired he looked, incredibly broken even. It broke your heart to see him like this."What's wrong Diluc?" You ask, concerned.
He couldn't take it anymore, he crumbles.
He crumbles like the day when his father died.
He crumbles like the day kaeya confessed about his dark secrets.
He crumbles like the day he realizes he's truly alone.
He crumbles like the day you left, falling down and never being about to stand back up and run after you.
Pulling you into a deep embrace, he cries his heart out. All of his walls has fallen down over the fear of losing you too and he was not about to watch and stand by to see you gone, like the others.
"I failed you." His voice comes out broken, "I treated you like shit god knows why, i won't- no. I can't CAN'T let you go please, I'm sorry I'm well aware it's selfish of me but just I'm so fucking sorry-" he begs, you coo and brush his hair to calm him down, whispering words of love and acceptance. The sincerity in his words are enough for you. He felt like he doesn't deserve you. Already being forgiven so easily, it hurts him.
This is who he almost lost.
Hugging you tighter, the early morning passed with him kissing you with love and apologies to which you'd reply with acceptance until you fell asleep, being secured and feeling loved again in the arms of whom you wanted only. As for Diluc, he was in the brink of collapsing but he couldn't, wouldn't stop staring at your sleeping form, it was like a fallen angel is in his arms. He couldn't help but let out the cries that re-surfaced again. This time over relief. You came back, you accepted his sins, you forgave him, you took him back with open arms even when you were wounded. And he'd be a damn fool to lose you over his own ignorance. You may have forgiven him but he hasn't, he counts down on days and plans on everything for the upcoming days where he'd do everything in his ability to make up for everything and be worthy for your love again. You are his comfort, you are his home.
He smiles as his eyes darts back to look at the little box in the nightstand before looking back at your sleeping form.
"And the day starts from today." He thinks to himself, as he falls into deep slumber on top of you, holding you and never planning to let go.
Edit: forgot to mention how much of a whore I am for this man, alright that's all. Thank you for listening to my tedtalk, love you guys <3
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shorkbrian · 4 years
How about some barbarian bakugo noncon?
Prelude - One time I came home from a walk and smelled this scent so freaking thick that I could taste it, and I almost threw up cause it smelled like skinning a deer but like, ten times worse?? and I was like lol that’s kinda weird and it turns out the neighbor had caught a skunk in a catch-and-release trap (which we gave him cause we didn’t want him catching a skunk in a trap that’d kill it) and apparently decided to kill it right then and there, and just let it by the edge of his property, right by my car. That was fun. 
Anyways, Katsuki makes a big deal about reader looking different in this. You can take that any way you’d like. Personally, I was feeling insecure about my freckles (I have so many that my skin almost looks even-toned because they almost all touch rip) and my hair color/odd face so I wrote him liking that reader looked different. It’s not super deep lol
Pairing - Bakugou Katsuki X Reader X slight Izuku Midoriya
Warnings - NSFW, dubcon, noncon, voyerisum, exhibistionism, blood mention lol. Idk groping?
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/4FeWr4OsidcJClBjUEBHWI?si=OPHwLWXrTsiNQ42SlMKLEg
There is a point where you stop screaming.
A point when you realize that no one is coming to save you, that you’re wasting your breath, that it’s fruitless. Does nothing more than raw your throat and grate against your own ears.
It’s no use. The Barbarian King seems unaffected, perhaps even spurred on by your ear-splitting screams. There’s no reason to scream anymore - it’d be impossible to scream forever.
Village in flames, corpses littering the streets. You’d heard about the stench of death from books, from traveling warriors who stop in your village for a night, regaling the people with tales of heroics and strength. It smelled quite different from what you had imagined though.
Metallic, yes, but tangy, thick enough for you to taste the iron seeping into the ground. Raw, like the scent of the butcher’s shop, heavy and suffocating - you hadn’t been able to breathe.
Everything had happened so fast, too fast. People were dead, people were dying, people were killing and being killed. You had been running, trying to escape the stifling aroma of your village being drained, the barbarians running amok through the streets leeching out it’s lifeblood.
Then you had been falling, tripped up by a loose limb on the ground, a body still warm and rattling with it’s last breaths. Shocked by the vivid image of the gore underneath you, a man reaching for his severed arm, you hadn’t been able to catch yourself as you fell, a cry leaving your lips.
And then light as you slowly blinked to awareness, slumped on the ground. A line of prisoners, prizes from the raid. You were one of them, hands bound to your neck, ankles tied to the people on either side of you. Two men had come by after a while, a green haired man in dress similar to your own - perhaps a captured man from the village?
The other man was bare chested, as many of the barbarians were, gold and red paint swirled across his skin in intricate, sharp patterns. He looked fearsome, and he barked at the green haired man accompanying him who scribbled furiously onto paper at each utterance of the fearsome blonde man.
They seemed to be going down the lengthy line of prisoners, assigning them? Selecting them for something? You didn’t know, couldn’t find it in yourself to care. You were numb, sealed off from the horrific event you had just experienced, safe within your cocoon of forced apathy.
And then the two men were in front of you, the blonde man silent as he stared you down, the green haired man with his pen poised, though he studied you also.
But they quickly moved on, the barbarian barking something at his companion, before striding to the next prisoner.
You had been untied from your fellow captives, led through the barbarian camp. Red tents, warm fires and laughter filled the space, bare-chested warriors of both genders celebrating their recent victory.
The large red tent you had been led to was warm, a fire crackling in the deep pit in the center, silky furs softening the harshness of the ground. There was a table in front of the fire, a large basin filled with water nearby, close to the fire. A desk in the corner, near the tent flap, and a folding screen hiding the back of the tent from view.
Promptly tied to the leg of a table, you were left alone, the woman who had dragged you here leaving before you could ask what was happening.
Shortly, green hair popped through the tent flap, quickly followed by the rest of the man from earlier, the one dressed like your people.
“Izuku Midoriya!” He had introduced himself, giving a little flourish as he bowed, before being pushed aside as the fearsome blonde from before entered the tent.
Still tied to the leg of the table, numb to the world, you merely stared at the ground when the two men approached.
“What’s your name?” The green haired man - Izuku - asked.
He was met with a blank stare.
The blonde man growled at your lack of answer, spitting something in his native tongue, words you didn’t understand. Izuku seemed to shrink, before turning to address you again.
“Please tell us your name. Kacchan is not the most patient man.”
The fearsome man beside him bared his teeth towards you, and you shrank back. He did not seem the type of person who tolerated being left waiting.
“(Y/N)….” You whispered, eyes falling to the ground.
“(Y/N), ah! Such an interesting name, the first part means-“ Izuku was cut off from his ramble with a shove from the blond man - Kacchan - who crouched down in front of you, rolling your name around his tongue.
Turning, he spoke to Izuku in the same jumbled language, who listened, then addressed you as Kacchan turned back to study you again.
“Kacchan would like to know uhm, uuh.....” Izuku trailed off, uncertain eyes flickering between you and the blonde.
Kacchan scoffed, listening to Izuku’s hesitancy with disdain, saying something directed at the younger man, yet Kacchan’s eyes were fixed on you the entire time. It was intimidating.
“He uh, wants to know ifyou’reavirgin.”
Oh god.
Even though the man’s words were rushed, you understood, limbs beginning to shake. You were going to be violated.
A finger poking your calf made you jump, the blonde man leering at you, head cocked to the side, eyebrow raised as if to say “Well?”
You shook your head - lovers had existed in your life, not many, but you still cherished each one deeply, thought back on the experiences you shared fondly.
When relayed this information, the blonde man seemed to grin even wider, rising to his feet. “This will be easier then, no need to go slow.”
With a gasp, you lifted your gaze, wide eyes taking in the man hovering above you. His words were completely forgotten as you took in the shock of understanding his words. He spoke your tongue? Wasn’t he using an interpreter? Why-?
The confusion must be apparent on your face, because Kacchan scoffed, turning to stride to the table, taking a seat facing the fire.
“It pays to play dumb.”
“Loose lipped locals give information more freely when they assume that Kacchan can’t understand them.” Izuku beamed, crouching down in the Barbarian’s previous place to begin untying the rope binding your hands and feet to the table leg.
“Stand up for me please.”
You did as Izuku asked, shakily rising to your feet with a helping hand from Izuku on your arm. He began leading you towards the basin nearby, Kacchan watching the two of you with sharp eyes.
“Do you need help with the fastenings?” Giving Izuku a confused look, your eyes fell to the basin, to the fire, to Kacchan seated at the table. Were they going…. Were they going to boil you alive? Eat you?
Trembling even harder now, it was only Izuku’s surprisingly strong grip on your arm that kept you upright, knees giving out beneath you.
“Help her out, she’s damn near useless.” Kacchan’s strong voice cut through the air, the air that seemed too thick, the air that was choking you, throat closing up.
What does one even do in this situation? Do you beg for your life? Scream for help? Who would come? Accept your inevitable fate?
There was no time to make a decision, however, because Izuku’s nimble fingers were pulling at the fastening of your dress, quickly unlacing it.
You were numb again, fingers leaden, legs heavy, mind fuzzy and listless. Izuku peeled down the top of your dress, and you barely thought to cover yourself - you’d be dead in minutes anyways, what did it matter?
Still, your hands rose to your breasts, shielding them from view involuntarily. Kacchan snorted from his sweat, but said nothing.
When you were completely bare, an arm over your chest, a hand over your sex, Izuku ushered you towards the basin, prompting you to step into it.
This was it, you were going to die.
One last shot of fear raced up your spine, and you turned to the green haired man by your side, his hand falling away from the small of your back. “Please, please don’t kill me, I don’t know what I did but please spare my life. Please, I’m sorry.”  Tears were burning your vision, throat choked up with thickness.
Kacchan burst into laughter. “I’m not gonna kill you, the fuck?! Goddamn, your people call us barbarians yet you’re afraid of a bath, fucking hypocrites.” There was a mirthful glint in his eyes when you looked at him, the man leaning back in his chair, arms resting behind his head as he relaxed.
Izuku chuckled also, putting his hand on your lower back again, gently pushing you towards the basin. “You’ll be okay, it’s just some warm water. It’s close to the fire because we don’t want you to catch a chill. You know, the human body actually operates best when it’s within the temperatures of-“
“Deku, shut your trap before I come kick your ass, just get the girl into the water, you dumb fuck.”
The water was warm, and it felt pleasant against your skin, just on the right side of too warm, hot enough to have you relaxing your shoulders as you sank down lower, the liquid covering you up to your neck.
Izuku-Deku? Held your hair out of the way, quickly using a scoop to wet down the strands before rubbing some kind of herbal scrub through your scalp, cleaning out the dirt and debris that had gathered during the raid. You were certain you were absolutely filthy, covered in mud and small scraps, half of your side crusted with dried blood and muck from falling in the bloody street.
For a moment, you felt embarrassed at your earlier panic, silly and like a stupid child, thinking that they were going to boil and eat you. It was clear now what their intent had been, but riddled with fear your thoughts had been clouded and slow.
Fear was still present, rolling through your brain in waves, goosebumps rising from your flesh as you tried to hypothesize what was going to happen to you. From their earlier questioning, you had a faint idea, but you couldn’t bear to think about that outcome, didn’t know if you could tolerate it.
Instead, you let the warm water soothe your body, washing away the grime and dust. Izuku’s hands were gentle in your hair, as he massaged your scalp, as he rinsed out the soap. You tried to ignore how his breath hitched whenever you shifted - you couldn’t keep all of your body covered, no matter how you positioned yourself.
His hands disappeared from your hair, instead prompting your to sit up straight so he could scrub at your body with a cloth smelling of the herbal soap.
It felt weird, and goosebumps arose on your skin as strange hands touched your body. You closed your eyes and endured, for there was nothing else that could be done.
Running would be a bad idea - a naked woman sprinting through the barbarian camp would surely be caught and violated, or brought back to this tent for some twisted punishment. And you could only run if you managed to get past the two men, who ere watching you like hawks, and much, much stronger than you.
Izuku’s hands paused briefly at your chest, eyes flickering over to the blonde man, who nodded in permission. Then Izuku’s hand were running the cloth across your breasts, washing them in gentle circular motions, taking care to not scrub too hard or push too deep.
You bit your tongue as you waited for it to be over.
And it was soon, at least that part. Then the green haired man was instructing you up on your knees, facing him. Telling you to grab onto his shoulder (the man was also kneeling) and spread your legs apart.
Trembling limbs obeyed, face flushing bright red as you followed his commands, eyes squeezing shut so you wouldn’t have to look at his own flushed face.
He ran the cloth down your back, over your ass, then slipped it between your legs to wash your sex with easy swipes of the cloth. The man’s breathing picked up subtly, and you could tell, leaning up against him as you were. His hands wandered, the cloth moving slower and slower upon your cunt, almost stroking at your folds, his fingers pressing through the cloth.
“Oi, Deku! Keep your shitty hands to yourself, you’re supposed to be washing her up, not feeling her up, shitbrain.” Kacchan barked, slamming his fist down against the table to get Izuku’s attention.
Both you and the man in front of you jumped, Izuku immediately blushing the deepest red you’d ever seen, flashing the blonde an apologetic look and you a nervous smile, before he seemed to gather himself, continuing to dutifully cleanse your nether regions.
It was awkward for the both of you, feeling his hands run over your private areas, over your sex, through your ass cheeks. But then he was down, rinsing you off with scoops of warm water before fetching a large towel, ushering you out of the basin, holding out the towel to wrap around your body when you stepped out.
Then you were ushered closer to the fire, sat upon a small stool as you huddled close to the warmth, clutching the towel tightly around you. The air was quite warmer than outside, but was still cold to your wet skin.
Izuku began running his fingers through your hair, parting knots, patting sections dry with a corner of the towel. By the time he was finished, you felt warm again, face rosy from the heat of the fire.
The heat felt pleasant, like the feeling of a full belly after a long day.
You were tired, exhausted from the emotional weight you had endured. Village burned, tripping over corpses and disembodied limbs, taken captive, forced away from your fellow villagers.  Stripped down and fondled - at this point, you just wanted to sleep.
To sleep and sleep, wake up and have this all be a bad dream. Some twisted nightmare your mind conjured up while in the warmth and safety of your own home.
A large hand upon your shoulder roused you from your half-asleep state, lulled by the warmth of the fire and the quietness of the tent. You jumped, turning to find Kacchan towering over you and Izuku both.
Kacchan crouched, his hand sliding from your shoulder to your hair, then onto your cheek. “You look so fuckin’ weird.”
Izuku sputtered. “Oh my god, what he means to say, is that we’ve never seen anyone like you before. You’re… quite unique, and very um, attractive.”
You leaned away from the hand on your cheek, and Kacchan let you, red eyes blinking slowly as they scanned your features.  He was an odd man, as was Izuku. There was an obvious dynamic of power, Izuku submitting to Kacchan willingly.
“Alright, you’re dry enough, get up.” You blinked at Kacchan, processing his words, before he huffed out a breath, rising to his own feet. “C’mon, let’s go, are you stupid? Get the fuck up.”
You scrambled to your feet, towel still wrapped tightly around your body, preserving your modesty.
Kacchan’s hand shot out, gripping the back of your neck, pulling you along with him as he strode towards the back of the tent, towards the sectioned screen acting as a wall.
“Deku, make your ass useful and dump out the bathwater, will ya?”
You weren’t able to see Izuku move due to the hand forcing your head forward, but you could hear his footsteps as he hurried to do what Kacchan instructed.
Rounding the screen, it was clear to see that this was where the Barbarian King slept, a pile of cozy-looking furs strewn in a pile on the ground.
You were promptly shoved towards them, stumbling down to your knees as you lost your balance. The furs provided cushion though, soft and inviting.
But you were scared again.
It was happening, it was going to happen, you were going to raped by the King.
Turning back towards the man, you began to plead, hands securing the towel around your shoulders like a safety blanket. “Sir, please, don’t do this, why me? You can have anyone, not me, please not me.”
He ignored you in favor of beginning to strip, unfastening his cloak, removing his weapons. You decided to try and appeal using a more personal approach.
Suddenly the man was in your face, his own visage twisted into a growl.
“Don’t you ever fucking call me that. Stupid ass Deku made that shit up when we were kids, I’m not some brat anymore. I’m Katsuki-“ He backed away from you, leaving you trembling. “-Barbarian King.”
The man resumed removing his clothes, dropping his belt to the ground, grumbling as he began to undo his pants. “Should beat his fuckin’ ass for calling me that, so goddamn disrespectful. Fuck him, stupid little ass wipe twerp-“
You tuned him out, frozen. What could you do? Another impasse where your options were none.
A strong hand gripped your shoulder, or more accurately, your towel, tugging it forcefully away from you.
“No!” You cried, trying to pull it back, to cover yourself, but the man was stronger, ripping it away before you could utter another word.
“No! Stop, please!” You tried again, finally taking in Kacc-Katsuki before you. He was naked now, aside from the paint decorating his skin. His cock was quickly hardening, plumping up with each step he took towards you as you scrambled backwards.
“Katsuk-Katsuki, I’m begging you, please don’t do this. I’ll do anything! Please just have someone else!” You sobbed, back finally meeting the wall of the tent.
Katsuki smirked, crouching down just out of your reach. “You’ll do anything? You’ll let my horde use you as a toy then?”
Dread flowed through your already fear-filled body, and you gulped thickly, eyes closing.
Shaking your head, you started to cry silently, tears slipping down your cheeks.
“You’re already doing fucking anything.” Katsuki growled, hand shooting out to grab your ankle, dragging you down and towards him.
A high-pitched cry left you as he pulled you under him, until he was hovering over you, grinning. “Cry all you want, ain’t gonna change a damn thing. In fact-“ He surged down, until his forehead touched your own, red eyes blazing “-It just turns me on more.”
The man pulled away, a hand falling heavily around your throat, giving a compulsory squeeze before hie started moving his hand downwards, fingers skimming across your flesh.
Immediately, your own hands caught his own, trying to still their journey as they neared your breasts. Katsuki paused, a sound akin to a growl falling from his throat as his eyes flickered away from your body and up to your own eyes.
There was a threat there, a warning. Let him touch, or else. Trembling, you removed your hands, instead grabbing at the furs you rested upon. Katsuki made a gruff sound of approval, before resuming his exploration of your body.
“You’re like nothing I’vs ever seen before, know that? Like some fuckin’ alien or something, but damn, you’re gorgeous. Didn’t even know someone could look like this.” He mused, entranced as he watched his hands splay over your body, pinching at your skin, caressing your breasts, slipping over your stomach and down between your legs.
“Oh god, pleaseee-“ You sobbed out, cringing as a finger trailed down your slit.
Katsuki stilled, quirking a brow as he smiled meanly. “Please what? You wanna cum?”
“Please stop…” You whispered, eyes clenching shut again as he found your clit, giving it a few quick rubs.
The man scoffed, before quickly teasing one of his fingers into your tight hole. “Tough shit, I’ve never had whatever the fuck you are, I ain’t stopping”
His finger burned, dry and too large, and you struggled to keep from clenching down upon it in discomfort, trying to force out the intrusion. This would go easier if you relaxed, if you let him have his way. You knew that, rationally, but it was hard to make you body obey.
Katsuki prepped you quickly, fingering you open until he deemed you ready, withdrawing his fingers and crudely wiping them off upon your thigh. You twitched away at the wetness, at your own slick being cleaned off  on your skin, but Katsuki ignored you.
“Why do you look like this anyway? What the fuck happened?” Katsuki asked coarsely, shuffling off of your thighs, moving to lounge by your side, studying you.
The man seemed to be taking a break, more interested in your looks than fucking you, but you were glad for the reprieve, trying to wipe tears from your face as you struggled to think of a response.
“I-I don’t know?” You finally spoke, genuinely at a loss for how to explain your appearance.
Katsuki studied you with sharp eyes, a hand reaching down to his cock, beginning to absent-mildly pump himself while he looked you over.
“I’ve traveled through every shitty little village in the north, met with the damn piss-baby tribes of the east, I’ve ransacked the towns of spoiled nobles, and I’ve never seen anyone who looks like you.”
You sat up, subtly shuffling away from the Barbarian King while you shrugged, at a loss.
Your appearance wasn’t anything superiorly unusual, but apparently it piqued Katsuki’s interest. Yes, your skin was perhaps a bit different, but it’s not like you were inhuman.
Katuski seemed to get tired of talking though, settling further back into the furs, getting himself comfortable as he jerked himself off. You refused to look between his legs.
“Alright, whatever. Get up here.”
Pausing, you looked at him incredulously. Did he mean on his lap? His chest? You didn’t want to be anywhere near him - wouldn’t he find more pleasure with someone who was willing?
“Are you fucking deaf? C’mon, up.” He growled, patting his thigh, urging you over.
A gulp before you started moving, limbs heavy and hesitant, unwilling as you slowly crawled forward, towards the intimidating, impatient blonde.
You straddled his thighs unsteadily, swinging your leg over, trying to avoid touching his cock.
Unfortunately, despite your best efforts, you caught sight of it, the red tip, the precum making his length shine, the wrinkly, darker skin of his balls, his blond pubes.
You cringed, distaste evident upon your face, and you heard Katsuki chuckle darkly before his hands grabbed your hips, dragging you forward.
“What, don’t fucking like what you see? Am I not to your taste? I’ve fucked whorebag princesses less fussy than you. Get over yourself.” He spat, before taking a hand off your hip, reaching underneath you to line himself up as his other hand kept you lifted.
You trembled in his hold, twitching and swaying to the side, but this was unavoidable.
A gasp left your lips as he entered you, tip slipping through your folds, teasing into your wet hole, stretching you out.
Katsuki let out a groan, slowly dropping you down until he could remove his hand from his cock, returning it to your hip, guiding you to push further down. You felt disgusting, his cock sliding against your velvety insides, dirtying your walls with leaking precum.
When your sit bones rested against his upper thighs, his cock resting fully inside you, it felt impossible to breathe, your chest rising to draw in air but failing, the distress you felt upon being speared open seemingly too much for your body to handle.
“Fucking hell, you’re so tight. You got a dirty little cunt, don’t you? Feels fucking amazing.” Katsuki groaned, moving his hips minutely, relishing the grip your inside had on his cock, how warm you were around him.
“Ride me, will you? I’m getting bored down here.” He snapped after a moment, delivering a harsh slap to your rear to emphasize his words, spurring you into tentative action.
Problem is, you didn’t want to.
Your palms rested against his heated chest, eyes raising to the ceiling as your cheeks burned. This was embarrassing, you couldn’t do this. You couldn’t be an active participant in your violation. What would that make you?
“Oi, princess - I don’t got all night.“ Katsuki growled, landing a significantly more-jarring hit to rear, hard enough to make you squeak and jump, hips twitching at the sensation of his cock moving around your pussy at the movement.
Afraid of more forceful repercussions, you started to move, slowly sliding up, then down, creeping along, hoping it’d be enough to satisfy the man.
It wasn’t.
Katsuki grumbled something under his breath, before tightening his hold on your hips, planting his feet in the furs, then plunging into you with force. The sudden movement jostled you, and you fell forward with a cry, head bouncing onto Katsuki’s chest by your hands, the man groaning as he found a satisfactory rhythm.
“There we go, that’s fuckin’ nice.”
You cried into his chest, hands clutched into fists as you were bounced up and down, the led slap of skin too loud and jarring in the tent. The paint on Katsuki’s body was beginning to smear, sweat dampening his skin and letting the paint drip onto the ground, transfer to your own skin.
It was starting to feel good, make your stomach tighten, limbs tremble with pleasure instead of fear, and you hated it.
Slick sounds reached your ears, out of rhythm with Katsuki’s quick prods. It was wet, pulsing, as if someone-
Gasping breaths reached your ears, not from the man grunting beneath you.
Another round of cold fear dampened your arousal as you honed in on the sound, realizing it was coming from the other side of the screen.
Someone was on the other side of the screen, listening in to the Barbarian King taking you against your will.
A stuttered cry left you when Katsuki pushed too hard, hitting your sweet spot, making you clench and shudder, forgetting about the other person for a second.
But they were so loud, little gasps and moans, and the shlick, shlick, shlick, was getting faster and faster, it was impossible to ignore.
Should you try to tell Katsuki? Would he stop? Would he be mad? It was so disturbing, knowing someone was sitting on the other side of the screen,  jerking themselves off so obviously .
“Katsuki-Katsuki wait, oh-“ You started, quickly cut off by a series of battering thrusts against your sweet spot.
But you had to try again. “Wait, sto-o-op, wa-unh, unh, Katsuki pl-mmh!”
“Shut up, I don’t fucking care.” The man snapped, out of breath.
“But there’s-oh…. Katsuki there’s someo-“
“I don’t /fucking care/.” Katsuki reiterated, gritting his teeth. He shut you up with another perfectly placed push against your sweet spot, and a cruel spank against your already-stinging ass.
“Ow!” You yelped, clenching up.  It was clear now, that Katsuki was aware of the listener, he just didn’t mind. Maybe he got off on it, knowing someone was listening to him take apart his latest conquest.
Clenching up was the wrong response, because the Barbarian King swore, before his hips sped up, bouncing you so violently on his lap that you found it hard to breath, barely able to hang on for the ride.
“Oh…. (Y/N)….” The voice behind the screen moaned lowly, almost whispering.
It was Izuku.
You shivered, at the sound, feeling creeped out with the knowledge that the gentle, timid “interpreter” was listening. He must have returned at some point from dumping out the basin. You were feeling revolted by this entire situation, disgusted with Katsuki, Izuku, and most importantly with yourself.
Pleasure was building quickly in your stomach, zapping up into your chest, making you tingle and shake with the sensations assaulting your body.
“Sit back, fucking sit back-“ Katsuki panted, pushing at one of your shoulders to push you up, so he could see you as he fucked up into you, watch your body move, your face contorting in pleasure.
You felt like you couldn’t help it, your eyes closing, mouth falling open to let out girlish, high-pitched moans.
Your breasts were being jostled, jiggling up and down with the movement of your body, and it hurt. Hands moved to hold them, stopping their bouncing, but Katsuki appreciated the view apparently, because he groaned, pushing his head back while still trying to watch you.
“Fuck, that’s so hot. Keep touching yourself princess, keep moaning like a little slut. Let Deku know how fucking good I’m making you feel.”
Your body didn’t give you a choice, noises being pushed from your throat involuntarily as Katsuki pounded into you, red eyes trained on your frame, intense and unwavering.
An orgasm ripped through you, seemingly out of nowhere despite the steady buildup of it the past few minutes. You gasped, breathing catching in your throat, hips furiously grinding down against Katsuki’s as you rode it out, trying to stimulate your clit to intensify the feeling.
The noises leaving you were perverted; wet gasps, little squeaks and long moans as you fucked yourself onto Katsuki’s cock, previous hesitance forgotten in preference of chasing your pleasure.
Katsuki swore underneath you again, rabbiting his hips up into you in response, breathing raggedly as he neared his own release.
You were so lost in feeling the sensations in your own body, you didn’t register the stuttered groans on the other side of the screen, the speedy clicking of Izuku jerking himself through his own orgasm, the almost-silent spatter of his cum hitting the screen.
Katsuki swore once more, a vehement “Shit, shit!” before he pulled out quickly, orgasm apparently catching him by surprise, the first few warm strings of cum shooting into your warm cunt, adding to the wet mess of your own orgasm.
The rest was aimed onto the puffy lips of your slit, one of Katsuki’s hands leaving your hips to pump his cock as he gasped, hips twitching upward at the sudden temperature change from your burning heat to the air of the tent.
Then there was just the sound of three people breathing heavily, completely spent, sweaty and dirtied from sex.
Katsuki pulled you down onto his chest, chuckling breathlessly as he brought his clean hand to your head, ruffling your hair tiredly.
“Well, you’re a goddamn catch, pussy’s like a fuckin’ vice.” The crude comment made your cheeks color, but as exhausted as you were, you couldn’t find the energy to offer a rebuttal.
“I think you’re gonna stick around for a while.” Katsuki mused, and you felt your heart drop. “Yeah, you’re a keeper. Maybe if fuckface over there-“ The blond slapped at the screen “-can stop being a pervert, we could actually fuck without feeling creeped out.”  He growled, although the blonde didn’t sound irritated in the least.
A small “Sorry Kacchan” was whispered from the other side of the screen, and Katsuki laughed dryly.
“Tell you what bastard, maybe I’ll let you touch her a bit.” Katsuki said, a hand creeping down to knead at your ass. “Then you don’t have to act like a little freak. Who knows, maybe I’ll even let you fuck her if you do good translating those maps we found. Got it, you little shitnugget?”
“Mm, alright Kacchan.” Came the tired response.
You were barely awake, already drifting off on Katsuki’s warm chest, too preoccupied with the red and gold paint no doubt smearing against your cheek than with the conversation going on around you.
You could panic about that later.
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yslkook · 3 years
mind of mine masterlist
summary: you share a series of moments with jungkook, come to several realizations about sora. things shift...for the better or for worse? pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc warnings: cursing, alc, excessive use of pet names, kinda toxic friendship, suggestive content (hooking up)
word count: 7305... yeah idk what happened lmao
a/n: if you want to be tagged, send an ask plz
“You come here often?” A voice behind you murmurs in your ear. You nearly jump, but you already know who it is.
Jungkook. Ever since he had texted you letting you know that he was on his way, you’d been eagerly looking for him in the crowded, dim lights of the bar.
“No,” You say, unable to stop a giggle from pushing past your lips.
“Lucky for me then, huh?” Jungkook grins, his smile a little dark and a little seductive. It sends a thrill up your spine.
“It is,” You nod, “Really lucky for you. And for me-”
You internally cringe at yourself. Did you learn to flirt only yesterday? Jungkook quirks an eyebrow at you in amusement before letting his hand rest on your lower back.
“C’mon, pretty, I’ll get you a drink,” Jungkook says, “Maybe then you’ll pick up a trick or two on the subject of flirting.”
You gasp and swat his chest, “Don’t be so rude.”
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Jungkook stands in between your legs at the bar, one hand on your thigh and one hand gripping his drink. You’re laughing at something he said in your ear, something funny that happened at the tattoo parlor earlier in the day-
“Mina and Mei pretended to be the other to see how long it would take for Jin to notice, since he can never tell them apart-”
“You’re all terrible, and poor Jin, you always instigate with him!”
“You’re supposed to be on my side,” Jungkook nearly pouts at you.
“Oh? Why’s that? Maybe I like Jin more than I like you,” You reply, leaning closer to him.
“But you still like me, right?” Jungkook says, discreetly weaving his fingers through yours. Nobody’s paying attention to either of you, but even if someone was, you wouldn’t mind.
Or so you thought nobody was paying attention to either of you.
“Mmm… maybe a little bit,” You grin, tilting your head to the side, “Tell me how cool and pretty you think I am, and then I’ll decide.”
Jungkook laughs, throwing his head back. His bright, bunny smile makes you smile. “You already know how cool and pretty I think you are, baby.”
“You could stand to mention it a little more.”
“And what about me?” Jungkook says, leaning forward, “You never compliment me, baby…”
“That’s- that’s not true,” You whisper. He’s close enough that you can see the stars in his eyes, the ridges on his plump, pouty bottom lip, the mole below his lip.
“But I guess you don’t need to, not really,” Jungkook says airily, “Not when I can tell that you think about me. Because my girl’s dirty, huh?”
You squeeze his lithe fingers tightly and he smiles at you, sin painted in the curves of his wicked grin.
“Uh-” You stammer, your face feeling hot, “You’re really cute?”
He throws his head back once more and you grin bashfully at him. “And I like spending time with you,” You say softly, looking up at him as if you want him to hang the moon for you.
Jungkook curses under his breath. Because he would, he really would.
“How lucky for me,” Jungkook says, patting your head fondly.
“Shut up,” You roll your eyes.
Before the night ends (and you endure the teasing of Mina and Mei), you manage to convince Jungkook into taking pictures with you. Mina is all too happy to take them. You don’t know how many candids she takes of you both- you get lost in his voice and the glint in his eyes.
And then he abruptly kisses your cheek, and your breath hitches with the feel of his lips against your skin leaving your heart sputtering helplessly in your chest.
Mei and Mina are both cooing in the background at their favorite couple who isn’t quite a couple just yet. Jungkook glares at both of them, only causing them both to laugh.
And then the moment is ruined by none other than Sora herself. Jungkook sighs, already knowing that you’re going to be pulled away from him. He doesn’t know why she’s even here when nobody here likes or knows her except for you. But you’re too nice to leave her out of things (mainly because you don’t want her to get upset at you for it). So Jungkook says nothing, only narrowing his eyes at her when she comes close.
She eyes his arm around your waist and how close you’re standing to him suspiciously.
“I don’t feel so good,” Sora groans, clutching her stomach. How dramatic, Jungkook scoffs. As if she’s never handled alcohol before. Jungkook looks for the blurriness that comes with alcohol in her eyes and is unsurprised to find nothing.
But perhaps his dislike for her is outweighing reality.
“Door’s right there,” Jungkook says bluntly, “And the bathroom's over there. Knock yourself out.”
He tightens his hand over your waist, ignoring your gentle swat of your hand against his chest.
“Can we go home?” Sora pouts at you, but not before sending Jungkook a glare. Jungkook already knows you’re nodding- it seems that Sora always gets what she wants.
He knows she’s faking it, and you’re too nice to see through her bullshit.
Well, Jungkook gets what he wants, too.
“I can take you both home?” Jungkook says, though the thought of being within five feet of her sends him recoiling.
“No! We can get home ourselves,” Sora nearly hisses.
“What about when she drops you off at your apartment? You gonna let her walk home alone?” Jungkook scoffs.
“She doesn’t live that far, and she can take care of herself. Or she can sleepover,” Sora answers heatedly, as if you’re not right there.
“She is right here. And I’m not sleeping over, I have an early morning tomorrow,” You say easily, feeling annoyance beginning to stir in your belly. It’s a lie, but Sora doesn’t need to know that. “Go wait at the door, Sora. I’ll be there in a minute.”
And for once, Sora listens to you.
“Jungkook,” You murmur with heated cheeks, “Maybe I can see you later tonight?”
Jungkook laughs in surprise. His girl isn’t just flirty and touchy, you’re a liar. And you’re a liar for him.
“Sure baby, whatever you want. Just please text me when you get home. Or call me and I’ll come pick you up,” Jungkook says, returning your tipsy smile. He wants to glare in Sora’s direction but refrains from doing so.
He can hear both Mira and Mei both giggling into their hands a few feet away, but you don’t seem to hear it. You don’t seem to hear anything but him.
“Okay,” You beam at him, “I’ll call you.”
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By the time you get Sora in the safe hands of her roommates and tucked into bed with a glass of water, it’s nearly 1:30 AM.
“Promise me somethin’,” She says, her eyes half awake. But you can tell she’s alert and aware.
“Hmm?” You say distractedly, about to text Jungkook telling him you’re going home soon.
“You need to stay away from Jeon,” She mumbles, watching you like a hawk, “He’s not a good guy-”
“I think you’re tired, Sora,” You say, not meeting her gaze, “I’m pretty tired, too. So ‘m gonna go home. Sleep well.”
“I mean it, he’ll break your heart, you know. Don’t you trust me?”
“Sleep well,” You whisper easily, levelling her with an intense gaze. She feels herself being scrutinized as if she’s under a microscope, but the heat dissipates quickly as you turn on your heel.
Lying to her comes so easily, even with your heart pounding painfully in your ears. But you know that’s not Jungkook’s influence on you, as she might claim. Jungkook has never been a liar- apparently that’s reserved only for you.
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Jungkook is only a few blocks away from Sora’s apartment building so you remain on the phone with him, giggling quietly, as you meet him halfway. He covers more ground quicker than you so he catches up to you quickly.
“Hi,” You laugh wildly, not sure what you’re even laughing at. You’re giddy just from the sight of him and you shyly take his hand in yours. He looks at you in surprise but says nothing, only rubbing your thumb with his own.
“Hey, baby,” He says smoothly. You only beam at him in response to how he is apparently unaffected by you. It’s so easy for you to push Sora’s words from your mind, when Jungkook is standing right by your side looking at you like that.
“I live kind of far from here,” You confess, “It’s like a fifteen or twenty minute drive.”
Jungkook shakes his head at you, pulling his phone out for an Uber. “I hate that you Uber home alone so often from here,” Jungkook says, “Don’t do that anymore. You’ve heard the stories right?”
“Yeah, I have,” You shrug, “I don’t really know who else I can call all the way from here-”
“Me,” Jungkook says sharply, “Yoongi. Hobi. Jin. Mei. Mina. Any of us, baby. Fuckin’ Sora should drive you home.”
“She’s drunk, she can’t drive!”
“Not this time, just in general,” Jungkook mutters, “Some best friend, letting you ride alone in a damn Uber for twenty minutes without even checking up on you-”
“I don’t wanna talk about her anymore,” You mumble abruptly, “I want to go home, Jungkook. Will you take me home?”
And who is he to deny you?
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In hindsight, maybe you should have slowed down. Maybe he should have slowed down. But the minute you enter the threshold of your home, your hands are warm and welcoming on his chest. You want him, you need him, you need him to hold you the way you know he wants to.
Your lips are sweet against his, trembling and burning all at once.
It’s been about an hour since you both ended up falling into your bed together, and most of that hour has been filled with you both locking lips. It had been you who had pressed your hands to his firm chest with determined eyes and a deep furrow in your brow before pressing your lips to his.
As quickly as it happened, it feels right. You’re sitting on his lap as if you belong, hips slowly rocking into his as your hands pull his hair out of the ponytail that it’s in. You sigh happily when you card through his hair, fingertips gentle over his scalp.
Jungkook loves the soft, pretty noises he pulls from you with each slip of his tongue into your mouth. You’re hungry, impatient, nothing of what his initial first impression of you was. You always want more, more, more and he wants to give, give, give.
He should’ve been more surprised than he really was when you had tugged his hand into your bedroom, pushed him to your bed and climbed into his lap. Your eyes are hooded, as you duck your head to meet his lips.
He tastes like honey and mint and something sweet. He smells like fresh laundry. You could lose yourself in him, you think, as you bite his lower lip generously.
“Baby,” Jungkook groans into your mouth, missing the warmth of your lips immediately, “Wait.”
But he moans again when you nip his bottom lip gently, coaxing your way into his mouth. It takes him a few seconds to pull away, your honeyed lips too tempting for him. You complain vocally, deciding to press your lips to his neck instead.
“Baby,” Jungkook says again, a little firmly with a tight grip on your hips.
“Honey,” You say in the same tone, your lips pulled into a pretty pout.
“Slow down,” Jungkook murmurs, gently placing you on the bed, your back against your freshly washed sheets. You hum and wrap an arm around his shoulders, eyelashes fluttering as you just watch him. Jungkook looks so good above you, lips perfectly pink and pillowy… You’re tempted to lick the column of his neck, all along the swirls of ink, but you don’t.
“It’s late,” You muse, twirling his hair within your fingers. He won’t admit that he feels like putty in your arms, hovering above you.
“Great observation,” Jungkook says dryly, “Anything else you wanna share with the class?”
“Will you stay over,” You murmur, looking up at him as he lays in between your legs and dots your cheeks in soft kisses.
“You want that, baby? Pretty baby wants me to stay over?” Jungkook nearly coos at you, and you swat his hand away at his teasing.
“Shut up,” You mumble, “Only because it’s like, 3 in the morning and it would be shitty for you to go all the way across the city alone.”
“Yeah, right, only because it's three AM. Not because you want to cuddle,” Jungkook snorts.
“You’re only good for cuddling, anyway,” You shoot back, “I have some of my dad’s sweats and shirts if you want to change. Get off me, you big oaf.”
“My girl’s mean, huh?
“Oh, who said anything about your girl,” You mutter, embracing the heat in your face.
Jungkook peels his leather jacket off, but he catches your curious eyes before you turn away and all but run into the bathroom to change and take your makeup off. He’s waiting in your bed as if he lives there, waiting for you to join him.
“Why do you look so nervous in your own bedroom,” Jungkook asks bluntly, chuckling at your soft noise of offense.
“It’s not everyday I have you in my bed,” You mumble, peeling the covers back to slide into bed next to him.
“You want it to be everyday?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, pretty boy,” You reply, pinching his waist. He yelps and grips your wrist loosely.
“You okay with this or what? I can sleep on the couch if you’re not,” Jungkook says, rubbing your wrist gently.
You hum, “I’m good. You good?”
“Got the prettiest girl right here. Of course I’m good,” Jungkook says, winking at you. You hide your face from him and swat his chest.
“Good night,” You mumble, “Go to sleep, stupid.”
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“Who the fuck,” Jungkook grumbles into your hair, “The fuck is calling you this early, what the fuck-”
You groan, pushing your face into his chest as if that’ll push the jarring sound of your phone blaring out of your mind. Rubbing your eyes with an irritated sigh, you reach over to blindly feel for your phone on the nightstand but Jungkook reaches it first.
“Of course,” Jungkook rolls his eyes, “She never misses a fucking beat does she? Even at 6:20 in the fucking morning...”
You catch a glimpse at the phone and see that it’s Sora calling you. You take the phone from his hands, letting him wrap himself around you with a pout. You run your hand over his back silently as you answer the phone.
“Hello?” You grumble raspily, voice filled with remnants of the morning.
“Hey, just checking that you were awake. You said you had an early morning today, right?” Sora's chipper voice booms into the receiver. You cringe. Has she always sounded like that?
“Yeah…” You reply, but you’re a little distracted by the way that Jungkook’s lips attach to the corner of your mouth. “Mmm…”
“You there? You falling asleep on me, or what?” Sora asks, “Always so distracted, you should seriously pay more attention-”
Jungkook hears her and glares at the phone. His eyes harden and he moves quickly, without warning you. He takes the phone from your hands swiftly as if it’s personally offended him.
“Leave us alone, Sora,” Jungkook says, steel and frustration clear in his voice, “It’s too early for this shit, go do something productive and leave us alone. ”
You watch him with gobsmacked eyes, knowing this won’t end well but unable to find it in yourself to care as much as you should.
At least not yet.
Sora’s flabbergasted screech pierces the previously quiet morning air through your phone and you wince. You knew she wouldn’t be happy, but you’ll deal with her later. When a sleepy, pouty Jungkook wasn’t in front of you already chasing your lips with his.
“Kook,” You sigh, turning your cheek to face him. He plants his lips on yours easily, pulling the words right off of your tongue and filling your mind with air.
“You embarrassed of me or something,” Jungkook teases.
“What? No,” You say sharply, eyes wide, “Why would you think that?”
“You lied to her last night and you lied to her just now. You don’t have an early morning,” Jungkook says, hands running over your cheek, “You only have me in your bed.”
“She keeps telling me I should stay away from you,” You confess, “I don’t know why she doesn’t like you, but I’ll talk to her about it later. I don’t want my best friend to not like you-”
“Is she? Your best friend?” Jungkook asks, cutting you off. Your eyes are round with confusion, head tilted to the side.
“Why wouldn’t she be?” You ask softly, “We’ve been close since college-”
“I know all the facts, baby,” Jungkook says, trying his best to not insult Sora to you the way he wants to, “I know she’s been your friend since college, you’ve seen each other at your worst, all of the usual bullshit-”
“... Why do you think she doesn’t want you to have anything to do with me? If she was really your best friend, she wouldn’t be this fucking concerned or involved-”
“If I knew, we wouldn’t be having this conversation,” You shrug, “She’s just… protective of me.”
“She cares too fucking much in my opinion,” Jungkook says, “Fucking control freak. Would someone protective of you send you on a blind date with an asshole who stood you up and didn’t even reach out to you after?”
Jungkook has a lot more he wants to say about Sora and how she treats you, but he keeps it to himself for now.
You don’t know what to say, so you say nothing. Only looking at him with those disarming eyes. He hasn’t said much about it, but your gears are already turning. You’ve been growing more and more tired of Sora’s antics- mainly the way she never seems to take into account your feelings unless it benefits her. It was tolerable in college, but the more you fell for Jungkook, the more tiresome it was becoming.
“I don’t wanna talk about her anymore,” You say finally, a repeat of what you said last night.
Jungkook looks at you, something undecipherable in his eyes, before nodding and quietly meeting your warm, sleepy lips with his own.
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It’s been a total of thirty-six hours since you kissed Jungkook and he had spent the night with you. You haven’t had any type of conversation with him about what your kiss with him meant, what him staying the night over meant. It doesn't’ stop you from feeling giddy at the thought of him, from replaying the last kiss he had given you. From leaving you wanting more.
You think nothing of it as you cheerily buy a dozen donuts to bring with you to the tattoo parlor to surprise Jungkook and your friends. Maybe you can sneak a kiss in.
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But the minute you walk into the parlor, you know something is a little off. Jungkook’s shoulders are tense, a pensive look settled in his eyes. His jaw is clenched, tongue poking his cheek.
“Hi,” You murmur, offering him the box of donuts, “I come bearing treats.”
Jungkook gives you a thin smile. He chews on his chapped bottom lip, deep in thought. You didn’t know what to expect after seeing him for the first time after he spent the night with you, but this isn’t what you expected.
He’s standing across from you with crossed arms over his broad chest. The air between you both feels cold and still, icy as you exhale. He’s upset about something, and after before you can ask him what’s wrong (before you can stop your own spiral downwards), he beats you to the punch-
“I don’t understand you,” Jungkook says, his voice perfectly calm and even. But it’s eerie.
Your heart drops to your stomach instantly and you swallow the dry lump in your throat.
“What?” You hate how soft, how weak your voice sounds. But you can’t help it, not when disappointment coats his eyes and when he speaks to you like he’s disgusted by you. You don’t understand him either. The way he switches up on you with no warning.
Jungkook takes a deep breath to tell you what’s been on his mind. Instead of the practiced speech that sounded much calmer in his mind, what comes out is-
“You let Sora walk all over you,” Jungkook hisses, “You let her dictate almost every fucking decision! She has this inexplicable hold over you, and you don’t even know it!”
Jungkook hates confrontation, he really does. But he’s at his wit’s end with you and with Sora. Mostly with you, for not seeing a terrible friend in front of your eyes even when everyone tries telling you. How can you be this blinded by it? By her?
“She manipulates you at every turn, and you just let her! And you know what, I get it- it’s hard to recognize it when you’re in it. But we’ve all told you. She’s not a good friend to you, at all!”
Your face falls, heart sinking into a black hole that begins to swirl in your belly. You can’t stand it, the fire in his eyes despite the ice in his voice. You don’t like this. You don’t like this.
“I don’t know why you’re so hellbent on listening to her,” Jungkook seethes, getting angrier the more he thinks about Sora, “She treats you like shit- you have to know you deserve better than that, right? She sabotages you every chance she gets. She doesn’t like any of us, you know that? And forget that- why don’t you fucking ask yourself why she has the opposite opinion to everything when it comes to something you like? Your fucking car, your apartment, your job, your choice in decor. Even me.”
His words make you ache terribly and you desperately need something to hold on to to ground yourself. You shove your fists in the pockets of your jacket and surely, you’re clenching your fists tight enough that your nails are piercing through the skin of your palms.
“You never question her intentions. You’ve never even dreamed of questioning her,” Jungkook continues with a cruel sneer, lips twisting into something unfamiliar that cuts across you, “You should ask yourself why. You should ask yourself by you’re always defending her, walking on eggshells around her, afraid to be in disagreement with her, when she doesn’t give a fuck about you.”
But he doesn’t stop there, “You’re so fucking naive a-and fucking foolish. You can’t see how she always has to have you in the palm of her hand, how she makes sure she’s ahead of you in life, by whatever twisted definition of that she has. You deserve better than her. And I know I deserve better than to be hidden because you’re too scared to face your supposed best friend.”
You don’t have any words. Your brain seems to short circuit at his harsh truths, unable to formulate a single sentence. Instead your hands tremble and your eyes become wet.
You say nothing. As always, you say nothing.
“You’re not gonna say anything? Not even now?” Jungkook asks, tongue pressing against his cheek.
Another five seconds goes by before you open your mouth, “I d-don’t know what to say,” Your voice is quiet, unlike what Jungkook is used to, “It seems you’ve already made up your mind about me. I’m sorry I hurt you.”
Jungkook could scream in frustration. You still won’t say what’s on your mind, even when he insults you straight to your face. He can’t tell what you’re thinking (mainly because you hardly ever say anything about it), despite being able to read you easily.
“I think I should go,” You say in the same soft, defeated voice, “I b-brought donuts, but umm… they’re over there. Goodbye, Jungkook.”
With that, you turn your back on him and on the tattoo parlor to head outside. He doesn’t see the trembling of your hands or of your shoulders. He doesn’t know that you somehow hold your tears back the whole way home, biting down harshly on your bottom lip enough to draw blood.
Jungkook doesn’t know that you barely make it into your apartment with his words ringing cruelly in your head. He doesn’t know that you collapse in your bed in a mess of sobs and the sound of your heart aching.
You’re alone.
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It takes all of thirty seconds after your departure for Jungkook to realize the weight of his words and for your defeated, hunched over shoulders to replay in his mind like a movie. It takes another forty seconds for Mina and Mei to emerge from their respective offices (where he’s certain they heard the entire conversation) and scream at him for his callousness-
“I have never known you to speak to anyone like that, let alone the girl that you’ve liked for who knows how long! What the fuck is wrong with you?” Mina says and smacks the back of his head.
“You’re an idiot,” Mei continues with narrowed eyes, “You better apologize to her and kiss her fucking feet-”
“Who else was going to tell her about Sora? She hasn’t listened to-”
“There is a way to communicate these things!” Mei says angrily, “You yelling at her like that wasn’t the move and you know it. You’re so fucking stupid!”
“Alright, I get it,” Jungkook says, equally as angry. He pulls away from both of them, not wanting to hear it from them anymore.
“That girl Sora is a fucking bitch but you’re no better for how you just behaved,” Mina hisses, “Get your shit together, Jeon.”
He knows that he was harsh, maybe too harsh with you. Looking back on the memory of your glossy eyes and sad, slumped shoulders… You hadn’t even fought him. You’d just accepted his barrage of words as fact, without even thinking to provide an explanation or a defense of yourself.
Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut in shame. Once the anger dissolves into hurt, he reaches a conclusion. He should’ve just talked to you rather than lash out at you like that.
You’re no delicate flower, but damn, he’d do anything to take away the broken look in your eyes.
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You take exactly two days off from work to sort through your feelings and thoroughly comb through your previous memories with Sora, and subsequently, with all of your friends. You spend most of this time in your bed, under the covers and scrolling through old photos from college and post-grad life.
It’s funny- you don’t really know where your sense of self got away from you.
You’ve always approached people- relationships, friendships- logically and rationally. Or at least you thought you had. It seems like a lot of your reactions to things that may have upset you or bothered you (or lack thereof) was for the convenience of others- namely Sora.
You bury your head in your hands when she passes through your memory. How could you have let it escalate this far? Can you be so blind to someone treating you so horribly for this long? Can you excuse her behavior for the simple fact that she’s been your supposed friend for years?
You try to think back on a time when you felt like you could unabashedly be yourself around Sora without any consequence for simply existing.
You come up blank.
Logic comes easy to you. It’s easy for you to make the decision to finally speak to Sora and say what needs to be said. Especially when your other friends were hurt by her actions, and by extension, yours.
After about another thirty-six hours, you decide. It doesn’t surprise you, how easy it is to make the decision. You decide that this “friendship” with Sora isn’t worth it. Not when she’s made you feel like this for years and if she treats your friends this way, too.
You’ll give her a chance to explain, but most of your mind is set already. Considering how well you know her, you know how this conversation is going to go. You dread it, but it must be done. Even if it’s long overdue.
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“I need you to be honest with me,” You say plainly, keeping your face neutral even as your heart hammers away in your chest. At least you’re in the safety and comfort of your own home, your pastel green throw pillow on your lap acting as an anchor.
Sora sits across from you, an eyebrow raised. Her mouth is twisted into something defensive, on the ready to eat you alive. How could you not notice it before?
“When am I ever not honest with you?” Sora scoffs.
“Then it should be easy for you to answer a few questions for me, and we can be on our merry ways,” You say breezily, your eyes hardened. She swallows. Good.
“The fuck you being so formal for?” Sora laughs, but her smile drops when she sees that you’re not joking.
“Why are you so mean to Jungkook and his friends? My friends?” You ask without missing a beat. You cross your arms over your chest and look at her expectantly. Your ears feel warm, but you press on.
Even if Jungkook is perhaps irreparably upset with you, you think this is his influence. Growing a spine and sticking up for yourself, for the people around you.
“Seriously? That’s what’s got your panties twisted?” Sora says, waving a dismissive hand at you, “Don’t worry about them, they don’t know you like I do- I mean who else was holding your hair back when you were throwing your guts up in college?”
“I don’t think the quality of a friendship should be assessed by how many drunken nights we had.”
“Who else was there for you when nobody else was?” Sora hisses, “I took you home when your parents left you for the holidays, I was the one who was there with you when your shitty ex’s ghosted you, god, your taste is the worst-I was the only one who ever saw you!”
You squeeze your pillow far too tightly.
“Stop holding that shit over my head,” You snap, “Those are just things that friends do. I never begged you for your support and I shouldn’t have to feel like I owe you something other than friendship just for being your only fucking friend who put up with your shit for this long.”
Before she can open her mouth to speak, you cut across her, “Stop talking about the past. College was years ago at this point. We graduated fucking almost six years ago. And even in college… you haven’t changed a bit,” You let out a mirthless laugh, “What do you have to say for our friendship right now? If you gave a shit about me, you wouldn’t have set me up with a loser who stood me up. You afraid of something, Sora? You afraid I’ve been around people who are friends with me because they actually like me, not because they get off on a weird power trip?
“Ever since the beginning, all you’ve done is push me away from myself,” You say with trembling lips, “E-everything, you’ve just… you just take everything I like and I want and completely dismiss it. It’s n-not right. A-and it took this long, for Jungkook to call it out for me to realize. This- this isn’t friendship-”
To your misery, her lips morph into a cruel sneer. “Jungkook? You went behind my back-”
“Behind your back? You don’t even have a good reason-”
“I told you, I’m only-”
“No! You’re gonna let me finish, for once,” You raise your voice, levelling her with a glare containing years worth of anger, “It’s clear, with or without Jungkook, that you’ve only kept me around to make yourself feel better. How twisted is that! You kept me down, made me doubt myself and everything just so you could feel better.”
You take a deep, deafening breath.
“I don’t want anything to do with you anymore. Even now, you can’t reassure me. Even now, you can’t call on our friendship as something fond to remember. You weaponized me for your own insecurities. Get out.”
“Get out? You’re kicking me out?” Sora’s sneer drops immediately. Maybe you’re being cruel, but you can’t take it anymore. Something passes across her face that makes you draw an ounce of sympathy for her but it evaporates immediately.
“Yup,” You say, popping the ‘p’, “We’re not friends, and I don’t think we ever were. So thanks, for bringing me back to my senses.”
And that’s that- she leaves with her tail between her legs, not pleading for your affection or your friendship. You’re grateful for that, because you feel like you might collapse in about two minutes.
It has been exactly nine days since you ended your friendship with Sora and exactly fourteen days since you stepped foot in the tattoo parlor. You’ve only just reached out to Mei and Mina, in between sporadic texts to Hobi and Yoongi.
It’s been exactly two weeks since you spoke to Jungkook. You miss him, you miss his crooked smirk, his bunny smile. Most of all, you miss the comfort and safety his presence brings. But you’re too nervous to reach out to him again, his harsh words and fiery eyes blinking back at you in your own mind. You’re nervous to even show your face at the tattoo parlor.
Jungkook has been receiving an earful from all of his friends since the last day he spoke to you. Hobi’s wrath, along with Mei and Mina’s wrath, is something he never wants to relive twice. Yoongi and Jin also lectured him, and he only looked at them with wide, doe eyes in understanding. Whatever anger he was holding on to has simmered down to hurt, and now he just misses you. And he very much regrets the way he spoke to you.
He winces when he recalls his cruel words, the sharp edge of his tongue that slipped out so easily. So quickly, to strike you right where it hurts. Jungkook can’t get your stricken expression out of his mind. Knowing he put that look on your face, it makes him ache. And he’s the coward, for still not reaching out to you to apologize.
He’s too nervous to face you, but he has to.
jeon jungkook : hi. can we talk sometime soon?
It takes you fifteen minutes to respond. What he doesn’t know is that you had panicked for ten of those fifteen minutes, nearly dropping your phone when you had seen his name pop up on your screen.
you 🧡 : hi. sure. Where?
You give yourself a pep talk the entire drive to the park. You’re glad he suggested a park, and a park close to your home- you’re grateful for the open area. You’re incredibly nervous to see him for the first time in a while, running through different scenarios in your head before scolding yourself.
It’s Jungkook. Even if he hurt you, it’s still Jungkook. You trust him. You want to trust him.
You spot Jungkook leaning on his motorcycle, looking like a vision in all black. As almost always a strand of black hair escapes his ponytail as he lights his cigarette. If you didn’t know him so well, you wouldn’t notice his nerves in the way he grips his lighter tightly.
“Jungkook?” You say softly, “Hi.”
You wring your hands together, gripping the straps of your backpack tightly. You’re just as nervous as he is, he realizes. But still, you stand with your back straightened, eyes wary. You glow, and despite the fact that it’s only been two weeks, he senses something different about you.
“Hi,” Jungkook murmurs, the pet name on the tip of his tongue but he refrains, “Come here. Can I hug you?”
“Y-yeah,” You nod with a small smile and he envelopes you in his arms, holding you tightly. Inhaling every bit of you that he can. He wants to kiss you again, kiss you breathless, kiss you so that you forget his cruelty.
But he can’t erase it. So he doesn’t.
“I brought blankets for us,” Jungkook murmurs, pointing to the basket, “Let’s go sit?”
You nod and follow his lead.
“It was messed up,” You say forlornly, “We kissed, we kissed a lot, you slept in my bed and then you yelled at me. Insulted me in your tattoo parlor. You hurt me. You hurt me a lot.” There’s only a little malice in your voice, but he’ll take it.
You’re both sitting across from each other, knees touching with open and honest eyes. You feel vulnerable and exposed around him, especially considering how your last conversation with him went.
“You should’ve just talked to me,” You mumble.
“I know,” Jungkook says instantly, takes your much smaller hands in his and squeezes, “I fucked up. I’m so sorry I spoke to you like that. You didn’t deserve that from me. You don’t deserve that from anyone, least of all from me. I’m sorry I let everything fester and took it out on you. I’m so fucking sorry. I made you cry, didn’t I?”
You look away from him for a millisecond before nodding, “You’d cry too, if the man you liked, the man you just spent the night with for the first time, spoke to you like that. In his own place of work. I only brought you donuts and you just- what the fuck? You just went off on me, I had no idea you were even feeling that intensely about Sora. About me-
“I’m not naive and I’m not stupid. Don’t take me for a fool,” You say pointedly, not letting go of his hands. Jungkook cringes before opening his mouth.
“You’re not naive or stupid, I’m sorry-”
“But… I understand, I think. You know when you kind of… know something but it takes another person for you to realize? I think I always knew how Sora was and didn’t want to face it. Or face her. For so long, it felt like she was all I had for some reason. Like even if there were others, it felt like her approval mattered the most. And I realized it was because she just always had this way of making me feel less than her. But mostly, I owe that realization to you. Even if you went about it the wrong way.”
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook says, “I’m so fucking sorry, I should’ve just talked to you about how I was feeling, rather than take it out on you. You deserve better than that.”
“I’m sorry, too,” You say, surprising him, “For allowing her to get in the way of us, for allowing her to run her mouth. For not having a spine-”
“Stop,” Jungkook says firmly, “When someone is controlling and manipulative like that, it’s hard to see past it-”
“But is it an excuse?” You wonder with a slight tilt of your head, “I let it hurt you, hurt Yoongi, Hobi, Mina, Mei…”
“Maybe not an excuse. But it makes it understandable,” Jungkook says, “All we can do is move forward right?”
“Yeah, I suppose,” You nod, “I know it doesn’t really change much now, but… I told Sora I don’t want anything to do with her anymore. In fact, I kicked her out of my apartment. It was very dramatic and satisfying. Like something out of a movie.”
Jungkook laughs despite himself, pulling a small smile from you as well. “Are you okay?”
“You just ended a friendship with someone who’s been around for a long time. That’s not easy.”
“It was easier than I thought it would be. Turns out telling someone to get out of your apartment after letting out about eight years of pent up frustration really is the most vindicating thing a girl can do,” You murmur with a soft laugh, “I think I’m just upset with myself that it took this long. That it took hurting you, the last person I’d ever want to hurt, to realize.”
Jungkook rubs your thumb gently, sending gentle ripples over your skin.
“I’m sorry I disrespected you like that,” Jungkook says, sincerity forming dotted diamonds in his eyes, “God, I’m so sorry, baby.”
“Yeah,” You sigh, “I’m sorry I disrespected you, too. By ignoring all of the red flags, I let her get away with so much. I let her get away with her saying so much shit about you.”
There’s a comfortable pause between you both.
“I think we need to take time for ourselves,” Jungkook murmurs, eyes uncertain but earnest, “Before we start anything-”
“And who said I wanted to start anything with you,” You tease, giggling when Jungkook rolls his eyes at you, “I agree… Maybe no more pet names, huh?”
“Are you breaking up with me?” He asks in amusement.
“To break up, we’d have to be together to begin with,” You say softly. Despite his own words, his own insistence that he knows you both have some feelings to work through before starting anything romantic without lingering feelings of resentment… Jungkook just wants to pull you into his lap and kiss you, steal your breath, feel your hips in his hands. You look so pretty under the sunlight, the rays brushing over your hair warmly and casting a faint halo over your head.
He drinks you in with his eyes, not allowing a single inch of you to pass him. It’s only been two weeks, but he looks at you as if it’s been so much longer since he’s seen you.
You’ve never been good at hiding your emotions around him, and this time is no different. You look like you want to eat him alive, your eyes hooded and palms hot against his. Something in you wants him, wants him to hold you close, feel his hands over any and every inch of you that he can reach.
You want him to paint you with his hands, maybe share some of that sparkle that he seems to be made of.
Your eyes linger, a soft sigh escaping your lips without realizing it. Jungkook resists a smirk, keeping his observations to himself. He catches your gaze burning through his balmy skin, on his arms, his chest, his neck…
It’s too bad. It really is.
Memories of your night together flash behind your eyelids, the way you seemed to fit just perfectly on top of his strong thighs, the way his big hands felt ghosting over you.
You force your eyes away and touch your lips subconsciously, blinking away the ghost of his kiss. Pulling your hands away from him, you offer him a contrite smile.
“I’ll see you around, Jungkook,” You murmur, standing up from the blanket. His first instinct is to help you up, but he remembers, he’s supposed to keep his hands to himself.
“Yeah. See you around.”
Jungkook’s dimples are the last thing you see when you turn your back and head to your car. You try your best not to look back at him, despite every neuron in your brain screaming at you to.
TAGS: @kookdbean @codeinebelle
MoM Tags: @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria @kaepjjangiya @drumsofheaven @ppeachyttae @tae-bebe @yiyi4657 @mygscafe @beeeetsandskzreads @maichiverse
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
heyyy- so uh I'm gonna be honest I totally did not just start crying because I totally did not just skim through your sleep awake book and cry because of how freaking amazing is. Like. oh. my. god. it's so freaking well written and the reader has such good relationships with all of characters and idk why I'm getting so emotional about it but it's so good and ahh-
um also I kinda have a weird question but since I did kinda skim through it (I plan on fully reading it later dw-) is the love interest Kokichi-? because that's what I assumed but I wasn't for sure-
also uh I'm sorry for ranting btw-
HI HI This message emotionally destroyed me /pos
yes kokichi is the love interest!! it’s very very slow burn, like. they still aren’t together and they probably won’t be for the immediate future. but yk we move i’m in love with him so what can u do.
i’m so flattered :((( thank u so much. i hope ur just having the best day or night <333
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please-buckme · 4 years
Yes, Master. - Anakin Skywalker x reader
⚠️Warnings: SMUT✨, name calling, angry Ani, soft Ani, ANI!
3,436 words
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(I didn’t make this gif! Idk why it says ‘when’ but I kinda like it.)
Today was a dark day. You could hear the rain beating against the window of your apartment window. Your covers still warm from your body heat as you lie there motionless in your bed. You can still feel the dried up tears on your cheeks from the night before, covered with fresh new tears from this morning. Today you would be finding out who your new master would be and you couldn't bare the thought of it. You told them time and time again that you didn't need a new master, that any day now you should be testing out of being a Padawan.  They insisted though. Since losing your master on her last mission you hadn't even left your room, she was like a sister to you and the only person you really talked to on a day-to-day basis. You missed her deeply. You tried to reach out to her through the Force but could never seem to find her. Was this her way of helping you move on?
Nevertheless you had to listen to the council. If they insist you be placed with a new master, then that is how it shall be. There's only one tall, annoying, arrogant and selfish problem with that, Anakin Skywalker. You knew that he among very few were left without a Padawan and you prayed to the stars every night that you wouldn't end up with him as your master.
You and Anakin were around the same age. You were both put into training around the same time and there wasn't a day where you remembered liking him. Telling a young boy that he is the chosen one.. not good for the ego. You had trained together most of your life and as you both grew older you started to feel how strong he had become with the Force. You went from winning every now and then to never being able to even pull out your training saber. So, it didn't surprise you when he became a master. It did however infuriate you. You weren't as good as him of course but you had amazing fighting skills for your age and you, for many years, were an even much for Anakin. You were so enraged that you actually stopped seeing or even talking to Anakin for a while, almost two years by now. You were a little nervous to see him if he were to be at the council meeting. You didn't understand these nervous feelings though. Anakin is Anakin and you loathe him.
After you had finally given yourself a few more minutes of starring-at-the-ceiling time you got up and got ready before leaving for your meeting. You paced slowly down the long corridors greeting fellow Jedi as they walked by. You could feel your heart beat ripping through your chest as you reached the doors to were the council sat awaiting your arrival. You placed your hands to the cold metal doors taking a deep breathe as a nauseous feeling came up from your stomach. Taking in one more deep breathe you opened the doors . You scanned the room to see who all was there. Masters Plo Koon, Windu, Kenobi and Ki-Adi-Mundi. Okay. You thought. No Anakin. Just then you heard the doors open from behind you.
"Sorry I'm late. I was on planet Alderaan when I got word that you needed me back at the temple." Anakin voiced from behind you. Master Windu put a hand out signalling Anakin to take a seat. He walked quickly to find his seat but when he passed you it felt like everything had gone into slow motion. He glanced up at you for a second not seeming to recognize you. You could tell when he realized who you were when he gave you a crooked smirk before continuing his trek to where he would sit and stare at you with that devilish smile.
"Shall we begin?" Master Kenobi suggests. You nod your head and give him a faint smile. "Now, miss (Y/L/N), we are very sorry for your lose, for all our lose but the time has come for us all to move on. As you know you are hear to be reassigned to a new master and-" You cut Obi-Wan off.
"With all do respect Master Kenobi, I feel I no longer need a master. I am ready to finally show you what my training has--" Obi-Wan signals for you to stop.
"I am sorry my dear but the tragedy of losing your master has put you very behind. Now, in a few months I do believe that you will be fully prepared to test. And who better to show you the ropes than an old friend, Master Skywalker." Shit .
"You can't be serious." Anakin said from your left. "This girl is unteachable. We don't even get along and we aren't  friends." You can see the anger written on Anakins face. You couldn't agree more with everything but the 'unteachable' part.
"Master Skywalker!" Master Windu exclaimed. "The council has decided that this is how we want to proceed with miss (Y/L/N) training." Anakin now has his face nuzzled into his hands. "Look, you are both familiar with each other and have already trained together many times before. It's only for a few months until she's back on her feet and ready to test. This meeting was to assign miss (Y/L/N) to a new master and look we've done just that. This council meeting is now over. Good luck and may the force be with you, (Y/L/N).
"Yes great.. uhh same to you, Master Windu." You gave them all a weak smile before turning to leave yourself when Anakin grabbed you by the arm.
"What the hell was that? How did you get them to agree with this idiotic plan?" Anakin questioned. You could feel the anger radiating from him.. His eyebrows were scrunched together and almost touching, his nose was narrow as his nostrils flared and his lips were pierced tight making them turn white.
"You shouldn't do that with your face, Ani. It doesn't look good on you." You gesture your hand towards his face and he grabbed your wrist, with his metal hand, aggressively. "h-um ouch?"
"You don't get to call me that anymore. It's only Master Skywalker from now on." He brought his face down to yours so that you're now eye level with him. You smirk and start to laugh.
"Really? And, uh, what are you gonna do if I disobey you, Ani." You whisper his name into his mouth. His face was now burning red. his grip on your wrist tightens as he drags you out of the room and into the hall. You're practically running behind him to keep up. "Mind giving me my arm back?" You try to pry yourself from his grip but of course you can't. You now see that he is dragging you towards the elevators. "Wh-where are we going?" You feel that nauseous feeling in your stomach again.
When the elevator finally opens he throws you in against the back wall. You feel a sting of pain in your back from the impact but all of a sudden Anakins body is pressed firmly atop of yours. You look up to stare directly into his beautiful blue eyes but before you fall too far into his trance you look away and start to push him off of you. He takes both of your hands into his metal one and locks them in place. "First lesson, obedience." He lifts your body from the wall and slams you back into it. Your head now stings and your vision is a little blurry but you're actually, in a weird way, enjoying this side of him. He has been aggressive towards you before but this time was different. This time you could practically smell the sexual tension. "We're going up to my floor and I want you stripped and on your knees the second these doors open. Do you understand?"
"Y-yes, Master." He groans in response at your words. You free one of your hands from his grip and palm him over his pants. You hear a low raspy growl come from his throat as he leans into your hand. You audibly laugh. "Touch deprived are we, Master?" He picks you up from the wall and slams you into in again making you moan and wince in pain.
The doors finally opens and he throws you to the floor. "Crawl to the bed." You do as he says and make your way to the bedroom. You feel his boot kick you along as to hurry you up. Once you get there you sit on your knees as you look up at him with lust filled eyes. "Didn't I tell you to strip?" You quickly undo your belt before taking off the rest of your clothing besides your bra and panties, both a lacy soft pink color. You sit straight up still on your knees as he towers over you. You reach out for his growing member still confined in his pants.
"May I, Master?" He nods in response as you undo his belt whilst palming him again. You kiss the tip of his cock before outlining it with your tongue. "Does that feel good, Master." You teased.
"It'd feel better down your throat." He groans now tangling his fingers throw your hair.
"Yes, Master." You kiss the tip one last time before grabbing at the hem of his pants and underwear and pulling them down. You watched as his cock sprang free from its clothed prison and stared in awe. You drooled at the sight, grabbing him at the base and slowly running your hand up and down his member. you could feel every vein as they pulsated at your touch. You watch as precum poured from the tip. You look up at him as you licked up the precum with a flick of your tongue and watched as Anakin twitched above you. You then lifted at the base to lick a line up from the base to the tip before lightly sucking on the tip. Anakin didn't bring you up here for you to tease him though. With the fist full of your hair, he thrust until your mouth was completely filled. he groaned as profanities slipped from his clenched teeth. Anakin felt so good in your mouth. You started to feel the nervousness in your stomach turn into burning passion. You reached down with your free and started rubbing yourself over your panties.
"You like my cock in your mouth, slut" You moan in responds which makes him thrust deeper into your throat. "That's good, baby girl, open your throat for your master." You moaned again allowing him to thrust deeper and deeper till he bottomed out. After a few more deep thrusts he pulled all the way out of your mouth with a pop. You were left there on your knees panting for air with drool dripping from your mouth and chin.
"Lay down on the bed." He demands while hoisting you up to stand from your kneeling position and throwing you to the bed. You watch as he strips from his remaining clothes. Your breathe hitched in your throat when he strips of his tunic and reveals his beautifully toned.. everything.
When he walks over to you you sit up and softly run your fingers down his torso, tracing his perfectly defined abs gently. "You're so.. beautiful, Ani." You can feel a little chuckle erupt from his belly as he softly pets the back of your head. A few more strokes to your hair before he pulls it hard making you look up at him.
"I thought I told you not to call me that, slut. Lay down." He demands through gritted teeth. You move to the pillows that smell like him, fragranced with mineral shampoo and sweat, not the bad kind of sweat but the sleepless kind. Even just the smell of his pillows makes him even more beautiful.
You see Anakin out of the corner of your eye stroking himself before crawling onto the bed towards you. Seeing his figure coming atop you makes you breathless, almost dizzy. You reach up to his chest just so you're touching him in some way. An unexceptional moan escapes your lips at the touch of his warm, tan skin. 'So beautiful.' You mouth trying desperately not to make another involuntary sound.
You look up now to see Anakin observe your actions before making eye contact with you. You pause as your eyes meet. You bring your other hand up cautiously to his face whilst the other travels down further.
After all these years you never would have guessed this would happen. You never noticed just how gorgeous he was under all that armor. You run your fingers across the scar beside his right eye and he pulls away a bit. "Anakin." You say softly pulling his face back to align with yours. He looks at you harshly for a second before you lean in and kiss his scar softly. "Everything about you is so.. perfect. Even your scars." You kiss your way down his cheek making your way down to his lips. You hesitate for a second before Anakin leans in and initiate the kiss.  You moan into the kiss as if you'd been waiting a thousand years to kiss this man. The kiss was so passionate and rough. You could feel his teeth graze against yours as it deepened into a more desperate and sloppy kiss.
Your right hand had finally made it to the base of his member. You stroked him a few times before aligning him with your entrance.  Anakin then glided into your slick pussy agonizingly slowly until you could feel him almost hitting your cervix. He holds himself in place as groans fall from his plump, blistered lips and onto yours. Anakin pauses. He pulls away from the kiss and glances over your body. You bring your hands up to his hips to let him know he can move but your hands were quickly thrown over your head by Anakin's favorite restraint, the Force.
You watch him while he steadies himself inside you. He slowly runs his hands down the bed until they meet your hips. The sudden contact makes you buck your hips up at him and you get a very low growl in response. You see his large hands envelope your waist as they ascend up your body.
"Anakin?" You say softly. In response he says nothing, just glares at you for a moment before he goes back to memorizing every inch of your body. You can feel the calluses on his palm as they scratch at your skin. You'd always imagined how his flesh hand would feel when you'd train for hours on end. You knew they'd be rough.  He moves them up your sides which tickled but you didn't laugh because all you could focus on was his cock. You could feel your walls clenching around him tightly as he pulsed inside of you. He then graced over your breasts squeezing them gently and flicking his thumb over the pink buds before one hand moved up to your face and swept a piece of hair away and the other, the metal one, stuck one digit in your mouth. You moaned at the feeling of metal on your tongue, his metal that is. He then pulled it from your mouth and connected it to your clit. 
"Say, Master wreck my pussy." he says in a low rasp as he draws tiny circles, with his metal digit, on your clit.
"Master, uh, Master, please wreck my pussy"
"Again." He pulls out slowly.
"Please wreck my pussy, Master." He slams back into you.
"Again." He pulls out and slams back into.
"Fuck!"  You screech at the sudden movement. Your moans were shaky now, along with your hips.
"I said again!" He then brings his metal hand from drawing circles on your clit to now wrap them around your neck. He pressed down gently at first but the longer you waited to say it the harder he pressed.
"Plea-se please wreck my pussy, Master" he pulls all the way out this time so all you can feel is the tip and your juices that came with it on the outside your warm cunt.
"Again." He growled from the loss of you tightly wrapped around him.
"Please, Master Skywalker, wreck my pussy!" With that he slammed back into you even harder as his grip on your neck tightened. He let out a loud groan before releasing your neck which you're sure is bruised now. Anakin is thrusting in and out of you at a vigorous pace making you squirm beneath him. Your moans were now screams of pleasure as Anakin wrecked your pussy.
You could tell he was getting close by how sloppy his thrusts were becoming but you weren't ready for him to cum yet. You wanted to play.
"Does my pussy feel good, Master?" You look up at him innocently. He nods in response. "I, uhh god, I-I didn't hear you, Master. Does my pussy feel good wrapped around your cock, Master?" He nods in response again with a whispered 'yes'. Just then you feel the Force weaken around your wrists. You take this opportunity to bring them up to his shoulders and push him out of you, making you both groan loudly and you can see the anger in his face. He goes to reach for your neck again but you had other plans in mind. You now use the Force and stop his wrist. He's very strong so whatever you were going to do had to be quick. You then get up from the bed and tell him to sit down on the edge. He does as you command just wanting to be back inside of you. You then seat yourself in his lap and softly grind on his cock.
"Tell me how good I make you feel, Master." He throws his head back as you kiss and nibble at his neck. "Tell me how good your cock felt in my dripping, wet pussy, Master." You grabbed his cock at the base and slid your pussy up his shaft before hovering over the tip.
"So fucking good, princess." You slid yourself back down his cock with ease. You take him at a slow pace until you're fucking him the way he had been fucking you. He's a moaning mess under you and the sight of him brings you closer to your high.
"Do you want to feel me cum around your cock?" You say shakily.
"Y-yes, baby." He brings his hands up to your back to steady you.
"Make me cum on your cock, Master. Please." Anakin groans loudly before he throws your legs over his arms and lifts you up whilst pounding into you fiercely. With that you come almost instantly. You scream in pleasure as he finishes you off. Your legs are a shaking mess and you're eyesight is flushed with ecstasy making you see nothing but stars.
After you come down from your high he throws you back onto the bed. He makes you lay down as he aligns his hips with your shoulders. You gladly take him into your mouth as he bottoms out in your throat once again. He's holding your head between both hands as he feeds you his cock. It doesn't take him long before you feel him twitch on your tongue. He lets out a low raspy growl as he climaxes in your mouth.
Once he pulls out of your mouth you let some his cum slip out onto your face, feeling the warm liquid drizzle down your check and into your messy hair.
"Swallow it." He demands. You do as you're told and lick the remaining cum off your cheek.
"Good girl." He says now dismounting and laying down next to you.
That was the best sex you'd ever had and you hate him for that. After your breathing settles you pop up from his bed and get dressed as he watches you. After getting all your clothes on and situate your hair you head to the front door.
"Same time next week?" Anakin calls out after you. You giggle to yourself before turning back around to see the that beautiful mess staring back at you.
"Yes, Master."
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magioffire · 3 years
Can we ask you who you'd look forward to see ships with?
well i dont wanna put anyone on the spot so im mostly gonna just include people who have discussed ships with me/have indicated they may be interested in shipping (also it doesnt have to be exclusively romantic shipping)
umm well first of all im extremely looking forward to the development of the relationship between aspel and vali with @aufhcker i have no idea how it will turn out between these two but boy is it fun to write about them...i live any kind of dynamic where characters start off as enemies / rivals :3c
also i have a ship in the works with @bornofbloodandwater which im real excited for. vali always wanted to meet a siren 🥺 what can i say he wants that siren tail....i love xio and vali's dynamic so far because xio is one of the few people that can fluster vali
@derobergeist and i have discussed the potential a kinda romantic friendship between thackery and valeriu. you know...the kinda friendship where you can hold your bro's hand and kiss him and its not weird.....i love the idea of thackery and valeriu being able to just openly be nerds around eachother, not have to worry about the other getting irritated or bored from infodumping like...we love to see it.
i basically have already thoroughly established a ship with @gossamerashes over our plotted rps on discord (because discord rp is rad) and i fucking love it already. i literally just love enemies/rivals to lovers/rivalmance SO much. and also im a sucker for fast sexual burn slow emotional burn like.....yeah. get all that desire out in the open right off the bat and then struggle with your emotions boys :)
@bleedinghearth and i have been discussing teddy and vali on discord too and just how nasty vali is and its a lot of fun. i want to test just how patient teddy is. i wanna test just how wild and crazy vali is. lets do it. go stupid go crazy you funky little fae
@charlotte-liddel and vali's dynamic so far is *chefs kiss* even though we have only just started interacting. i really just love that catbat/dokkalfar solidarity. i cant wait to see where it goes
@archaevist i mean less a ship that im looking forward to and more a ship that consumes my mind each and every day. i love jonvali. i literally am so gay for their entire sad existence. they deserve better but are we gonna give it to them...no....suffer....
@vcrtigoes idk man the opposites attract vibe mike and vali have is really great. i see them more as like a romantic friendship than a full on romantic relationship but you know. i just love the fact vali looked at mike crew and said "i cant breathe or think in this scary twinks presence" and then they became roommates i guess. fucked up roommate au.
@xaallo you know....their relationship would simultaneously be funny as hell but also kinda sad because like xaallo does not trust ANYTHING about vali inherently. hes just bad vibes central for xaallo as a mage a bug and a fae but is that gonna stop vali from attempting to befriend??? no way man...
@traevaler aether and vali flying boys club.....i dont know anything about your fandom but i love you bitch....*strums guitar* i am never gonna stop loving you bitch... they would be a real funny power couple like this bright ass sunshine star twink next to this dark fiery sorcerer type like....could it get any better...
@pride-of-azkets nijad and vali rivalmance when......when vali stops being denying his own desires and accepts Its Okay to be Slutty Actually. but uh yeah they actually have a lot of potential to be a gut wrenching ship. kill me just fucking do it.
@vampiric-bite no idea wtf rei and vali got going on but im in love with it. i like the vibe pixie rei and vali have and also the dynamic they have in their elder scrolls verse where vali is like "bro you make such bad choices but i vibe with you so" like....what better way to make friends right??
@thecreaturecrossroads caoimhe and vali bromance is actually my favorite thing in the world. vali needs more relationships with fae in general so he can understand that fae from outside his immediate species group arent all weirdos HJKDHJS i mean they are weirdos but like....some are weirdos in a GOOD way. but yeah vali will happily crash at caoimhe's place and maybe on her lap too.....
OK BEFORE THIS LIST GETS MUCH LONGER just wanna say i am a slut for ships and if youre interested in a ship with me most likely i will be 100 percent down to clown
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swanqueensalad · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
I was tagged by the lovely @oceanandarock <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
on ao3, only 3! ouat (swan queen), the walking dead (caryl) and a series of unfortunate events which i am not proud of but i was Going Through Something lol
4. Top five fics by kudos?
1) Never Give Up - this was my first big swan queen fic! but in retrospect i’m not that proud of it. i wrote it when i was 16 and i haven’t been able to bring myself to reread it, but i’m pretty sure it’s quite ableist and problematic. (i have put that disclaimer on it now) 
2) we’re setting fire to our insides for fun - my intermediate multichap. i have mixed feelings about this one - did i have to go so hard on the angst? - but the fact it took me like 2 years to finish BUT I DID still makes me proud lmao 
3) rise and fall - i’ll admit i do like this one still. classic soulmate au one shot set in season 1/2. 
4) all you never say - i guess y’all like my soulmate aus? this one is more of a rambly character study masquerading as a soulmate au tho so 
5) After the End - my current baby! a slow burn AU. v happy this is being well received especially as we are still in the early days. (yes ik the latest chapter is late af but i’m getting there!) 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
always! i try to respond to every single one, sometimes i’ll miss one if it’s small/i’m tired but i try! i think it creates a nice sense of community and it’s great to find out what’s landing/what people want. also it’s so sweet that people take the time to comment and i wanna acknowledge that. 
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? 
i’m a sucker for happy endings, but between the thunder and the lightning (the asoue one shot) is literally full of canon angst, and i’d say setting fire to our insides has a happy ending but with a lot of bittersweetness & is my angstiest fic overall. 
7. Do you write crossovers?
nope, just not my thing!
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
luckily not! 
9. Do you write smut?
hmmm... i’ve not published anything with explicit smut in it but uh, ya girl might have some stuff on her laptop she’s too embarassed to upload... 🙈  also i have a feeling After the End may require some spice down the line... 
10. Ever had a fic stolen?
i don’t think so! 
11. Ever had a fic translated?
i don’t think so but now this has come up i have a feeling someone did ask to translate never give up into french? i’m not sure if they actually did. this was so long ago that i honestly can’t remember. does that make me a terrible person? if u did and that was u i am flattered!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
no, i personally don’t think i could 
13. All time favourite ship?
swan queen, of course <3
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Enchanted! i was on such a roll with the first few chapters then life and other WIPs took over - maybe i will someday though. I also have a Neverland AU fic i’ve been writing on and off for ages but it’s so hefty i’m not sure it’ll ever see the light of day!
15. Writing strengths?
hmm... maybe descriptions? i think i naturally write with quite flowery and detailed prose - this is also kinda a weakness though because i’ve had to work to balance that with action/dialogue in a decent way. 
16. Writing weaknesses?
maybe pacing? i think i get caught up in things and go a bit all over the place. also, if i’m doing something character-studyish i will RAMBLE like no other. 
17. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language?
sadly i only speak english, so anything in another language is translated online and thus probably not very accurate! 
18. First fandom you ever wrote for?
i actually think it was merlin! 
19. What is your favourite fic you’ve written so far?
my own writing cringes me out so... idk... i’m gonna say After The End because i’m having a really fun time writing it right now. 
i’m gonna tag @fancyfanstuff if ya feel like it, and anyone else who wants to do it! 
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