#it was literally just a random gifset of a line from a movie
unluckyxse7en · 2 years
I'm so tired of being critical about what I consume. And by that really what I mean is I'm tired of waiting to be shamed for any given thing when like. There's always Something to find fault in for any given piece of media.
And maybe that's a sign I just really know how to gravitate to the wrong stuff? But there's always a reason, from even a single 'off color' joke that encourages some form of bigotry to the creator being horrible, to the company that produces any tv form of it being even worse.
And people are choosing to show their activism by shaming people via inbox or in replies. On Tumblr. The world's most listened to and popular site, especially known for raising awareness on shitty things in media or the world at large.
Oh wait.
Point being... I don't think people should drop their activism entirely. But seeing a one off fandom post and just Knowing someone (or someones plural) had to remind everyone there how shitty x or y is in that franchise is just. Exhausting. Tumblr is meant as a site for sharing memes and writing goofy posts, and some people need that. Some people need good silly things to feel like the rest is worth fighting for.
Like... The world is shitty and we already have posts dedicated to reminding us of that and how to be mindful of that. Let us have goofy posts too, if they're not doing any harm.
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number5theboy · 2 years
Hiya, random musing but have you ever watched “no country for old men”? The main villain uses a captive bolt pistol to kill people/break locks, which is directly referenced in s1 of TUA when Hazel and Cha Cha break into the academy. I thought this was weird because there’s no reason for this to be in the show outside of being a blatant reference, the weapon is never seen, mentioned or used again. The only other possible references to this movie I’ve noticed is that Klaus steals a black briefcase hoping that there’s money inside, ultimately getting himself into a world of trouble with Vietnam and Time Travel, while one of the main characters (a Vietnam veteran) from ncfom finds a black briefcase full of money that gets him into world of trouble with the villain and various gangs. I’ve never seen anyone online mention this. It’s strange as well because my Dad showed me ncfom just a few days before my sibling showed me TUA, so I made the connection easily. This, the Luke Skywalker comment, and the Footloose scene are the only movie references that I’ve caught which is extra strange (though maybe that’s just me not having seen any other references) because you’d think that a reference that blatant would have some kind of running gag or meaning or foreshadowing but it’s dropped and never picked up again. I know ncfom did well with the critics but it’s not something that’s referenced much (although I think the line “I’m older now than my father ever was” may have originated with this movie? Which is a line I’ve seen circulating a couple times).
Apologies if you have mentioned this/seen this and I’ve just missed it.
hey, pretty sure i sent an ask about No Country For Old Men and I just wanna add that hiding a black briefcase in the vent of an old and rundown motel, moving between motels to hide, and having a shootout/confrontation in a motel is also a direct parallel/reference to ncfom idk why the showrunners continuously reference this movie in particular but it's definitely purposeful at this point. if i didn't send that ask to you originally or it got lost i'm sorry to have confused you lol
Hey Anon!
This was a really interesting ask to receive. I hadn't noticed the parallels because it's been a while since I saw the movie and I never really felt the desire to circle back to it.
But it does make sense as a movie to make callbacks to, what with the story about a contract killer and someone fleeing from him while law enforcement runs around in circles, unable to do something about the abundance of violence. I will say this, apart from the captive bolt pistol (and even that), I don't know if the references are specific enough to truly be confined to that movie in particular. Motels are common locations in thrillers, and briefcases are a common object in heist movies and the like. There are some more visual parallels that can be drawn, like these:
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But I do feel like 'tough person cleans up their wound wearing a wife-beater' is a visual I've seen a bunch of times, and 'cool guys don't look at explosions' is literally a trope so overused there's a fifteen-year-old parody song about it where that scene from No Country for Old Men literally features in the music video.
I get where you're coming from but I genuinely don't know how many - if any - of these references are actual references or if they are just entries in a long-standing visual history of crime cinema. It's not out of the question for it to be deliberate, Season 3 very deliberately shouts out Wes Anderson and specifically The Grand Budapest Hotel (see this amazing gifset for examples), but Wes Anderson has a more distinct visual style than the Coen brothers, so for S1 it really depends on interpretation.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 3 years
(Previously, on Season 4 (re)watch...)
Hey you know what? 4.13 is actually a cool episode to rewatch! Diane and Phoebe content, what else could I ask for?
Misogynist secret service guy is SO pining after Dave, I'd watch a spinoff of that, honestly...
Beth being like, "hey, if I'm on city council I'll have real leverage over a local gang leader" sounds like the most illogical thing she's ever said, but hey, it's Good Girls, so... Also why is Beth soaking in the hot tub in a sweater?? (that thing can't count as a bathing suit, come on)
I love how Annie and Ruby are like, "brousin AND homeboy want to fuck you now" and Beth is in total denial about it
Oh my GOD, Nick having a flirty phone call with Beth in front of Rio and the ensuing dick contest is absolutely delicious!!! Rio being all smug like "I'd give her what she needs, hmmm", pahahaha, these roosters oh my gosh
I am absolutely feral over the fact that Beth has now been compared to a basket ball and a hamburger. This is simultaneously gross and hilarious
Ugh, I hate how needy Annie is! I mean, I understand that she's got anxiety after the kidnapping, but couldn't she go sleep at Beth's or something? I'm glad Kevin turned her down though
Rio making himself at home everywhere he goes is absolutely hilarious. Imagine him entering the starbucks in the morning and having his way with the expresso machine without asking anyone
I love how Annie is literally SNAPPING at Rio after he kidnapped her, like she’s literally defying him to hurt her again and I love it
DIANE!!!!!!!! I just love this character so so much, I think she has become my favourite. Spin-off when??
Before watching this episode, I had seen gifsets of Diane coming for all the former strippers, and I genuinely thought this was taken from some random movie Noureen had played in, but this is so much better, although I don't see why any of those girls would come back to the stripping business given that they all seem to have found pretty cool new jobs
I need more of this Dave x his oblivious wife dynamic
WHY IS STAN TEAMING UP WITH DEAN HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE BFF WITH RIO WTF??!! Also I love how these MRA/skincare guys are so sectarian and narcissistic that they're instantly ganging up on Stan when he says he's not interested in their gig, while he's the one who's bringing all the evidence to the table. Also Dean totally has an uncool-kid-who's-suddenly-made-friends-with-the-cool-kids vibe
This parenting conversation about bedtime is extremely weird (and also very passive-agressive and not at all about parenting lol)
Ugh, Annie trying to disgust Angela from Kevin is just gross. I'm glad she saw right through it though
I'm sorry but who brings their BABY to a stripclub??? Pretty sure that even the strippers have better options
Annie's "auditions are on Tuesday" to the bigot moms is an underrated line
I really really love how the blondie leader of the moms' association or whatever is literally a clone of Beth. Bigot!Beth. But they are the same and it fascinates me in how it reflects Beth's double-sided mask. Bigot!Beth is sneaky, entitled, all about outrage, and it's just so Beth... This episode could be about multiple personnalities disorder and I'd buy it.
Is the corkboard included in the hotel room price, or did Phoebe travel with it? Either way that's ridiculous
There are way too many gardening metaphors/references in this show, somebody has a problem. But I just love broke/single!Dave showing up and his dynamic with Phoebe.
Wait wait wait. Did Nick actually send Bigot!Beth and her crew after Beth to yank her metaphorical ponytail and incite her to run for city council??? Gee, how much hold has this guy??
I don’t know why, but i just LOVE the bit with the jewelry store manager, I feel like the actor has put so many thoughts on his character’s backstory just for those thirty seconds lol
Excuse me, the LENGHT OF RETRACTABLE DOG LEASH???? Is that what they talk about on city council permanences???
The suggestion that Stan does pole dancing with a fireman helmet on is actually one of the best things this show's ever come up with
Oooooh, I didn’t notice on my first watch that Beth has Phoebe and Dave's corkboard now!! Is that the show's way of saying that she made a deal with them to take Nick down? (I've been on tumblr so I know the answer to that) Now I really understand better why she drops the fake smile as soon as she turns away from Nick
Once again I'm here for this super immature dick contest between Rio and Nick over Beth. They are all stupid hormonal pre-teens and I love that for them.
Bonus 1: Real question here, what is behind this door? There’s materially no room for a fire escape/stairs  between that door and Annie’s kitchen, I plead a decor misshap
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Bonus 2: What else did you expect? At this point my Google image search history would give a heart attack to my NSA guy...
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Bonus 3: This episode’s card. I was this close to actually check the “Beth and Nick make out” box because this is already foreplay lol. And Ruby couldn’t shed a tear this episode?? Even a small one?? I mean, I’m glad she was rather happy this ep, but will I ever make a bingo?
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actualbird · 4 years
nobody asked but here i analysed polygon’s “unraveled” and bon appetit test kitchen’s “gourmet makes” and i think they are similar and use three key story elements to their success | a 1.9k word long analysis by an unhinged creative writing fresh grad trying desperately to use their degree to connect two dots
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If you asked me who my favorite internet celebrities are, I would not hesitate for a second to answer. Brian David Gilbert from Polygon and Claire Saffitz from Bon Appetit Test Kitchen. They’re awesome! They both host popular YouTube webshows about video games and cooking respectively, two things I am terrible at and don’t do very often. And yet I am enraptured by every episode of their shows. Why? How?
My thesis is this: Polygon’s “Unraveled” and Bon Appetit Test Kitchen’s “Gourmet Makes”, while wildly different shows on many levels, are extremely similar in how they use three key story elements very, very, well.
These three story elements are 1) Plot, 2) Character, and 3) FAWWIEOT (it’s an acronym, I’ll explain it later, I promise)
Let me start with the first and most basic story element these two shows wield amazingly: Plot.
Plot is, in simplest terms, what “happens” in a thing. This is what you’ll find on a movie’s Wikipedia page summary, the details of what went down, the events that took place, the things that occurred. There are many different types of plots because there are many different types of stories, but one of the most basic kinds of plots is very clearly illustrated by something called Freytag’s Pyramid.
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Freytag’s Pyramid is a very simple plot that is moved forward by a non-negotiable in many, many stories: conflict. All is well, the line is straight, then a challenge arises and things start to escalate. At the climax, a decision or a group of decisions are made that leads to a de-escalation of the conflict, bringing things down until we are back at a flat line and the conflict has been resolved.
Every single episode of Gourmet Makes can be plotted onto Freytag’s Pyramid
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Nearly every single episode of Unraveled can be plotted onto Freytag’s Pyramid too (with the exception of some, like a number of the categorization episodes, the Kojima name generator)
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I know what you’re thinking. “So what if Gourmet Makes and Unraveled fit on some funky pyramid? What does that mean?” Well, dear reader, it reveals to us just one of three reasons why these shows are so enjoyable.
Freytag’s Pyramid is basic as shit, and yet it is one of the first plot structures taught to fictionists because people, up to this day, like it. Why? Because Freytag’s Pyramid fulfills two very important desires that we, as humans, love. 1) The desire for there to be a problem and 2) the desire for that problem to be resolved. It scratches our eternal itch to want to watch shit go down but doesn’t leave us up on a cliffhanger, it gives us our catharsis.
Gourmet Makes gives you the entertainment of watching Claire struggle with her task. Then Gourmet Makes shows you Claire slowly and surely rising above the challenge (notable in literally every episode of Gourmet Makes). Unraveled makes you watch BDG work himself up into a frenzy trying to do something stupid, but then Unraveled shows the payoff of...of watching BDG do something stupid, but this time towards some kind of resolution (very notable in the latest Unraveled “How to increase your stamina with terrible video game tactics”).
It is clear to me that Gourmet Makes and Unraveled both use plot in a way that gives viewers satisfaction. But what keeps them coming back for more?
Well that leads us to the second story element: Character.
People love Claire Saffitz and BDG.
Don’t believe me? Look through the tags of literally any gifset of either of them. Here, I did it for you. Here’s some tags for Claire:
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And here’s some tags for BDG:
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It’s pretty obvious to see that these two are well loved, but why? It’s not just because they’re both good looking, it’s because Claire Saffitz and BDG, with how they are presented in their shows, are good characters.
Claire Saffitz in Gourmet Makes isn’t scripted. She brings her own human frustration, determined hard work, and joyous glee to the show and it makes watching the show all the more enjoyable. BDG in Unraveled, however, is scripted, but he brings to the table his chaotic performance and ‘off the shits’ lecturer energy that brings the viewers in. Regardless of their differences, Gourmet Makes and Unraveled are similar when it comes to character because of one thing: they actually have characters.
What am I talking about? Well, for a period of time on the internet, people in the cooking media sphere and the video game media sphere settled for video content that was divorced from who was presenting the information. Videos like the ones from Tasty where everything was filmed top down and you only saw two hands perfectly putting ingredients into a bowl. Videos like the myriad of video game walkthroughs or video essays that are presented only by a disembodied voice who also seems allergic to actually having fun. This is content that hinges on the fact that people like seeing cooking or video games and that the presenter will mostly just be a background thing.
Bon Appetit Test Kitchen and Polygon both did not want to succumb to this style of presenting information. They both made the decision to bring their presenters into their video content, highlighting their respective presenters’ personalities, quirks, and styles. This is evident in all of Bon Appetit Test Kitchen and Polygon’s video content, not just Gourmet Makes and Unraveled. Do I watch Bon Appetit's show It's Alive because I want to actually make foccacia? No, it's because I love how Brad Leone  mispronounces words and makes me laugh. Did I watch "Fixing Anthem’s boring mech’s with ballsy design" because I actually give a shit about video games? No it's because I love how Pat Gill jokes about fake testicles and also I think he's hot.
The fact that there are actually characters for us on screen to see, makes Gourmet Makes and Unraveled good shit. We’ve got a plot with clear conflict, but that means nothing if there are no personas for us to root for. Gourmet Makes and Unraveled gives us these personas. They give us Claire Saffitz whom we want so desperately to see smile and succeed. They give us Brian David Gilbert whom we want so desperately to see go a little bit crazy. They give us people to connect to, and that often bridges the gap to viewers who honestly don’t give a shit about cooking or video games. Viewers like me who just keep coming back to Gourmet Makes and Unraveled because of the fact that these are characters I care about, these are characters who I want to see smile after finally nailing the recipe or slowly take off their suit as they tell me shit about Zelda I don’t understand.
Gourmet Makes and Unraveled utilize plot in a way that makes these webshows satisfying, and they use character in a way that makes these webshows accessible and keeps people invested.
But they go further.
This brings us to our last story element, not exactly a common or rudimentary one, but an important one nonetheless: Fucking Around With What Is Expected Of Them.
(I know there’s probably a legitimate literary term for this, but sue me, quarantine has kept me stuck in my house since March, so I may have forgotten the exact words I learned in class. FAWWIEOT will have to suffice.)
The gist of FAWWIEOT is that stories have been around for fuckin ever, and because of that, there are clear patterns and tropes that stories follow. FAWWIEOT is the recognition of those patterns and tropes, using them, but finding a different outcome or flair to make themselves special, to make themselves stick out. Kinda like when you’ve got a fic on AO3 tagged with ‘friends to lovers’ but also tagged with like, I dunno, something completely random like ‘character is also a dragon’. Use the tropes, but do something different. Give the audience something they already know, then throw in something new to make them remember your content specifically.
Gourmet Makes and Unraveled FAWWIEOT (I’m using the acronym like a verb now, this is my post, I’m allowed to) very purposefully using an important technique: Flaws.
The standard trope of a cooking show is the chef easily talking to the camera as they perfectly put the ingredients together. All the food comes out perfect on the first try and everything is heavenly and wonderful. Classic cooking shows like Barefoot Contessa (hosted by Ina Garten) and Everyday Italian (hosted by Giada de Laurentiis) followed this pattern, and it made for good television.
But who fucking watches television these days? Everything is online now, and the internet is vicious. If you aren’t interesting, the internet will throw you out to the gutter. So how did Gourmet Makes set themselves apart?
By showing you that things aren’t perfect after all. Gourmet Makes shows you every trial that Claire tries, they show you her successes, but also her failures. They show you when she gets tired and hopeless, they show you when she bounces back and tries again. Gourmet Makes made a cooking show that was flawed, and people loved it.
And what about Unraveled? The design of Unraveled, from BDG’s suit and mug to his presenting style, key us in to the fact that we are watching some sort of lecture. Some kind of educational performance. Personally, this makes me think that Unraveled is FAWWIEOT-ing academia and basically any other media where an “expert” talks at you.
The standard pattern of experts talking to you are basically like TedTalks. You have somebody very well versed in the topic trying to explain to you something, showing you their hypothesis, their process, and their findings.
Unraveled FAWWIEOTs expertise by making BDG research the most crazy shit like OSHA regulations or the Geneva Convention, make the wildest hypotheses like ‘Monster Energy in the morning will be a good idea’ or ‘Sonic is blasphemous’, and then, ultimately, completely unravel himself. The expert in Unraveled isn’t an all knowing being who is always right, he is flawed (and loses his marbles, more often than not.) And we love it.
FAWWIEOT-ing is key because of how it gives us a pattern we know, and then does something new. Novelty is important on the internet, and Gourmet Makes and Unraveled have made a name for themselves on the unique way they Fucked Around With What Was Expected Of Them.
Gourmet Makes and Unraveled are two of my favorite webshows on the internet as of now, and there are many reasons why, many reasons I didn’t include in this post. What I wanted to do here is to highlight how these shows use story elements to be good content because at the core of these videos, even if they aren’t literary fiction, they are good stories. Good stories with a plot that satisfies us, with characters we can see and love, with new twists that keep us on the edge of our seats.
Good stories make for good content, and Bon Appetit Test Kitchen and Polygon have me as a subscriber for as long as they continue on this road.
Thanks for reading!
(Read my other Polygon-adjacent analysis essays at actualbird.tumblr.com/tagged/nobody-asked-but
If you have any suggestions or ideas for more Polygon-adjacent analysis essays I can write, send me an ask!)
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jorgecrespo · 4 years
Rank the most overrated scenes in the Skamverse
Guess who's back, back again, Kallie's back, tell a friend 🤗🤗
So anyway now that I'm back I thought I'd do this ask that will make everyone super mad at me!! But who cares everyone is always mad at me and if you ain't got nothing to live for then you got nothing to lose babe 🤙🤙🤙
The ending of druck s4. Whatever. You know what. I'm very excited for a new generation. However, I'm still fucking pissed at the ending. Amira's goodbye party where Mia is with this random chick and one of the main characters is lich really leaving the country but we'll never hear from her again and that video. THAT VIDEO. "This one's for you" IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP RIGHT NOW. Not only were we promised an alien movie but wtf was the point of breaking the 4th wall like that. Like, what was that? I'm so mad just thinking about it. I just want to forget that ever happened. Jesus was crucified for telling the truth too, just keep that one in mind
Ending of s3 (except españa). España isn't my favorite evak season so you know things are serious right now. Let's get it started. So with og and italia it had the whole "babysitting Even" aspect that everyone knows I fucking HATE. France was better but it was a bunch of shifting povs and reminding me Charles exists so it's like :/. Wtfock was ok but not groundbreaking. It's fine. Druck was the best but it was so short. Why? There was nothing to it. What's the point to any of this. What's the point of my life
The end of s5. Holding hands, crying, graffiti, Lola showing up and acting like we know her. Honestly, fuck this season. The ending was not "cute" it sucked like every other episode OK LEAVE ME ALONE
Druck bonus episode. You know what, god has left the building and no one can hurt me, this shit was dumb. Come fight me, alright. It's fine. But answer me this, what was the point? All the characters felt different (and that's on rushed writing, luv 💅), it was just some random clips that didn't add anything, AND apparently it was the first week of s4 when it very clearly wasn't. So like, no. No. Druck had three amazing seasons and I just ignore the rest. Life is easier that way
"Do you see me laughing". Jens doesn't get a free pass because of this line and that's that on that
Arthur losing his hearing. Ok, y'all are talking about this like it was a cinematic masterpiece. It was ok. Still not sure why Arthur picked a fight with a drug dealer. But you know what, that's fine. The scene is perfectly acceptable but like, pls calm down everyone
Ending of france s4. Holy shit guys, why do I still see people talk about this scene like it's good. Glad Imane is finally with her stupid boyfriend and her horrible friends that's really cool! Why can literally no skam end a season properly eye.....
Call your girlfriend. Never been my favorite tbh. The og had the shock factor and wtfock kinda made the same impact, however I don't really think the scene is necessary. It's fine but like..... necessary? Nei
Alexia breaking up with Arthur. Ok, yes this was cool. We stan Alexia. But, as is usual for skamfr, it tried to erase everything that already happened. Really happy she's suddenly strong and brave when y'all tortured her for no fucking reason jfc.
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norcumii · 4 years
some musings on TCW season 7
One of the things that makes Tumblr difficult is that I really, REALLY don’t want to harsh anyone’s squee. I don’t want to be that person who sails in, sneers disdainfully at what people are enjoying, and then ambling out, having sucked as much joy out of the room as possible.
My brother used to do that about ANYTHING I was watching, and I still resent it. I don’t want to do that to anyone.
Meanwhile, I’ve reached my saturation point with Season 7 of clone wars, and in my own tired, perpetually exhausted way, I want to scream. Thus, kvetching under the cut. In all seriousness, if you’re enjoying Season 7, then please, PLEASE skip this rant. I sincerely hope you continue to enjoy and Season 7 continues to entertain.
I haven’t watched it: I’m practicing that much self care, at least. There’s been lots of meta and gifsets running around, so I’ve gotten enough second hand exposure – along with useful meandering through various wikis and such – that I feel able to comment about it.
It is indeed very cinematic, and I guess if you dig the art style, then it is a very good example of said art style. But from a broadstrokes perspective, the writing?
What an absolute screaming dumpsterfire.
The thing that finally pushed me from “meh” to “nope, gotta rant about this” was a fascinating piece of meta here, about how Maul is the prism character – the lens through which the story is told. Now, that’s my phrasing and not the OP’s, and again, I haven’t actually seen this so I’m taking a lot of things at face value.
It’s a fascinating approach, and makes the angst and despair that much sharper – especially if you apply this post about parallels to RotS, and let’s not forget the very impressive mocap for the lightsaber fight.
My question, however, is why the FUCK would you do that in the first place? (Not the mocap. That’s genuinely impressive.)
First off: you’re putting the audience in the same boat with the villain. Your lens character is the one who frames the story, who puts into perspective how one interprets events. In this case, that implies that what Ahsoka, Rex, and the rest of the clones are doing is in the antagonist's position, which might be part of the whole “nothing is true and nothing is false but everything is fucked” atmosphere that they seem to be trying to foster (see: Ahsoka’s arguments with Obi-Wan. GFFA has some good breakdowns as far as I can tell). So Maul is supposed to be the lynchpin of this story, either as the protagonist or the Sancho Panza to the protagonist.
That’s a damn weird take on this particular story. Is it about Mandalore? Is it about Ahsoka’s journey? Is it about Maul’s journey? Or are we trying for something meta about how it’s how Maul and Ahsoka’s journeys parallel each other’s, and how those contrast with Anakin’s?
Have you noticed yet who’s missing from this equation?
For a show that’s called “The Clone Wars,” there’s been astonishingly little clones involved in the broader plot. So let’s take a step back from this one issue and look at the season as a whole.
There’s been ten episodes so far this season, out of twelve total. Six of them have centered around Ahsoka. The other four have been about Rex and the Bad Batch. Now, let’s set aside the whole very valid debate about having so many female centric characters and stories is grand, and we need lots more. That’s a damn good point, and Star Wars as a whole needs better diversity on all fronts. Not the particular lens I’m looking through at the moment.
There’s been four of ten episodes about clones. In the final season of The Clone Wars. Yes, they show up in other episodes, but that’s not the focus.
Why would you do that?? We got five seasons already where the clones are more background noise with the occasional highlight (The Deserter, the Umbara Arc), and the entire freakin’ war has been named after them. Ok, so maybe that’s to some degree social commentary about how the Republic was viewing them – background noise against which the weird mythical Jedi shit really stood out – and the sixth season was more a hodgepodge of “we have THESE episodes nearly in the can, rush to finish them because this is important shit to get out the door to bridge from this series to the movies.”
They didn’t expect to have the chance to make this season. They could’ve done pretty much anything, since they didn’t even default to just using the episodes that WERE 70% done (if not more) and had been released into the wild as animatics.
So why pick these stories to tell? And moreover, why this way? Why not make the last hurrah that the crew could not have expected be something coherent and about the actual people that the damned show is named for?
Let’s play with hypotheticals, since kvetching without reasonable alternatives is considered uncouth these days. Let’s say one wants the Bad Batch “rescuing Echo” arc (and that it’s not agony porn. To be fair, I’m not sure if it IS agony porn, thus the presumption that it’s an arc to be had). Since we already spent SIX ENTIRE SEASONS beating home the point that clones are individuals and to be respected as such, rather than introducing new clones who are “aberrations” just to drive home hey, they’re clone versions of TF2 characters clone versions of terrible action movie heroes individuals, how about this?
Cody calls in the Bad Batch, a squad that gets sent into the worst situations and honestly, isn’t ever really expected to come out alive. They’re bad clones, you see. Their leader is probably a man named Dogma – he’s a Jedi killer, but damn loyal to the Republic. His second in command – not that either of them are happy about that – is Slick, a Brother Killer and all around asshole. The other two members of the squad are two deserters: Cut Lawquane, who was found and brought back to the army, and Boil, who was caught trying to leave after Umbara. They have a civilian support member, Suu Lawquane (a damn good sniper, and she now has armor as well as actual clothes).
Bring so many of Rex’s issues home to roost. Make that poor man question all his life choices. He’s still reeling from the whole chip arc and Fives’ death. Let him see what the Grand Army does with its too loyal soldiers, how Dogma did the right thing against orders and is now leading others into the meat grinder on the daily. Let him see what the Grand Army does to traitors, like Slick whose hands are red with the blood of his brothers – just like Rex’s, after Umbara. Cut, who left after too much death, and built a life. Boil, who lost so much, who had enough and just wanted to go find the one remnant of good things that he’d ever encountered in his short life.
They’ve got slave explosive implants somewhere – three because they’re flight risks, Dogma because – well, no one can say why, but it’s so. Let Slick shove Anakin’s nose into the fact that the Jedi are still leading a slave army, have Anakin have to confront that it’s not hyperbole anymore, not when the clones have chips in their heads and now these have slave implants they literally don’t know where.
Hell, have Anakin blow up at Cody over this, and perhaps Cody has to pull rank – establish on screen that he’s running so much of this damn war. He doesn’t like what’s been done with the Bad Batch either, but he can only put out so many fires, and keeping this from raging out of control is the best he can manage.
Let the audience see consequences. Let there be fallout as they go searching for Echo, and the Bad Batch’s various past issues bounce against the experiences of Rex and whoever’s along with him.
(For that matter, if you still want to tackle Mandalore and all that, have one of the soldiers going along with be Vaughn – get to know the man for a little bit. See how Random!Clone reacts to all this, not just Jesse and Kix. Someone without the history with any of these men. While we’re at it, Dogma had Kix in the firing line against Jesse. GIVE ME THE REACTIONS, DAMMIT! AND! And does Rex ever have to say to Dogma “you did the right thing, that Jedi needed to die”? How much does that blow EITHER of their minds?)
Show us travel time. Show us what it’s like for a bunch of soldiers to be stuck in a tin can flying through space along with an entire penal squad of brothers who spit in the face of what the GAR stands for – for reasons both good and bad. Show us what the years have done to Dogma and Slick, how Cut and Suu have adjusted from a life of growing things to having to murder things. How Boil just is done, and wants to head to Ryloth (hey, maybe Numa is currently living with her new sibs/cousins/friends/arch-rivals Shaeeah and Jek).
Then add poor Echo into that mix. Echo, who doesn’t quite know what he’s doing anymore, who was in the Citadel, then stuck in a nightmare of battle sims, and now in this new nightmare of a war that dragged on even longer – and no Fives.
Let us grieve along with him. Fives got a four episode arc (gee, I wonder why this season wanted to start with a four episode arc dealing with the last Domino >_>) where he fell, let us watch Echo’s rise and how he deals with all this.
Let him decide he wants to leave some of the more painful memories behind, how he can’t stay with Rex because it hurts too much, but at least now he’s got some fellow exiles to watch over.
Let the last we see of him be Echo using his new abilities to dismantle both the insidious little buzzing chip inside his and his team’s heads, along with the explosives they also have to bear. Fives died because of the chip, let Echo help others to live in spite of it.
Then slide the camera focus from Rex to Vaughn. Perhaps he gets assigned to go find the former Commander Tano (did he know her at all? Or had he just heard about her?). We could follow him across Coruscant, meeting various civilians who had Strange Encounters with that nice young Togruta. Maybe we get a fun montage: Vaughn questioning people, their various reactions, possibly as a nice voiceover to What Really Happened – that also gives a grand opportunity to get people’s impressions of the Jedi and their clone lackeys.
Then off to Mandalore, still from Vaughn’s perspective. Let us watch this poor man’s rise, as he has to be the metaphorical third wheel to The Team’s reunion. He’s the poor uncomfortable bastard in the room, but he’s a good man, loyal and skilled.
(Also, why could we not get the clones receiving patches or decals of Ahsoka’s markings, and play with that? Emphasize the clones’ individuality – some have it on their shoulder bells, some did the helmets, some have the design down the arm, along the leg – just...diversify, dammit!)
Have Vaughn keep up with Ashoka all the way through to the fight with Maul. Have him be hit, have him be disarmed for the fight – all he can do is witness it (for that matter, you can echo the Duel of the Fates, with Vaughn being in Qui-Gon’s position of dying on the floor).
Then let us see Order 66 from the clones’ perspectives. Show us the sieges, show us Bly and his squad following Aayla into the woods; show us Wolffe and the pack separating from Plo; show us Fox patrolling the Senate.
We’ve seen the Jedi die already. Show us the other side, if you insist on breaking our hearts, and show us how the clones go from good men to good soldiers.
Let me see Cody, let me see the aftermath on Utapau. Let me see Rex breaking, or refusing to break, or whatever it is that happens.
Let this season be about clones.
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strvwberryblcnde · 4 years
👫 teddy/lana
send a 👫 and I’ll write four headcanons i have about our muses’ relationship.
ok so. lana has a habit of sharing food as one of her many love languages i think. she jst likes.... giving ppl things even if it means she’ll have less. she’d let a wolf make a meal out of her n eat every last piece if she loved him n she knew he’d feel full. bt of everyone i feel like teddy hs always been the one she does this w most.... like even when they first met in the cafeteria she gave him spoonfuls of her greek yogurt n honey. whenever she’s eating fruit (which is a lot she’s obsessed w strawberries n peaches n grapes n tangerines n oranges) she’ll ALWAYS give him half whether tht’s segmenting up pieces or dividing bites evenly between them n Without Fail it’ll always b half tht she gives him whereas she might give other ppl like.... a bite or a piece or two bt......... it’s rly specific each time tht she gives teddy half. it isn’t even intentional it’s jst like a subconscious thing bt if we were to slide on spectacles n analyse this in an english class fr it’s Meaning then. looks at u then looks away. i think this represents the way tht teddy hs always felt like another half of her. they’re one in the same. in a lot of ways they’re very similar mayb even................ TOO similar n that’s why it’s been sch a fking.... bastard of trying to work things out ever bc they very much hv the same rampant commitment issues n bad timing n fears of never being gd enough. i feel like in the past a guy she ws dating (noncommittally as lana tended to do these things) wld have even noticed this n it would have bugged him a lot just like... how close she was w teddy in general............. n he would’ve one day brought it up in the middle of a fight he’d picked jst cutting away from what they were talking abt to be like. u only ever give me one bite but u would give teddy all of it if he asked u to. tell me i’m wrong. n she’d scoff out a laugh in disbelief looking around like omg...... all this over a fruit...... what are u even sa-- n he’d cut her off n be like. literally tell me i’m wrong lana. n she wouldn’t even b able to after going quiet n rly realising what it was he was actually Saying. he’d storm out. relationship over. icons of always being a little bit in love w each other n not even noticing it until someone else points it out <3
god. sighs dramatically at the idea i jst had. i cn imagine in la verse lana being rly drunk getting bk from a date one time n inevitably it was just some random loser since she’s back to dating Trash in this era bc she just truly cbas trying after her breakup w dom n............. it would be like a parallel to tht one time they’d fallen out over him sleeping w imogen when she ws upset w him bt crawled into his bed drunk at a party just to lie w him for a little while despite everything...... she wld have gone to his instead of hers on some drunken automatic pilot n somehow got into his room n..... she’d clamber in n flop nxt to him n maybe it wld be funny at first if he woke up n was like lana what the fk...... are u doing here.... so disorientated n confused.......... n she’d just be joking initially bt very clearly drunk like making fun of her date talking abt how he kept complimenting his own hair n calling himself a tesla in a sea of prius’ n checking himself out in every window they passed n then the laughter wld slowly trickle off n she’d go kind of quiet fr a moment n maybe teddy wld assume she ws passing out bc she’d drank sm bt after a short silence she’d perk up with a mumble out of nowhere n, barely conscious of what she’s saying, b like “why didn’t u wait for me like u said u would”. n if he was like.............. huh? she’d have her eyes shut n just b murmuring half awake then open them sleepily to look at him n rly quietly be like........ “u promised”. mayb she’d even reach out to gingerly trace his face bt then her wrist wld go slack bc she was rly tired n she’d just wriggle closer n tuck her head to get comfy n be like “warm” then promptly fall asleep. JSGSFKGHFHGKHGSFKH. literally jst jolting him awake w this rarely serious n genuine conversation then passing out. jst the worst fk teddy’s life bet he lay there staring at the ceiling fr so long after tht one <3 lana wouldn’t remember this in the morning either she’d wake up like why am i here........ did we meet up last night............ teddy jst like >_> u crashed here it was nbd.
i picture the first week they moved to LA lana wldn’t have admitted it bt she wld be feeling rly homesick............ radcliffe was very much like the first place she truly felt was her home n she’d miss all of the ppl there n just the general area A Lot............. one night i can see her jst wanting to spend with teddy to have like a sense of familiarity in an unfamiliar city (even if she’s spent a decent amt of time there over the yrs bc of jameson records hving studios etc bt still) n i’m imagining them like. breaking into an indoor swimming complex that her n her friends in high skl used to break into in the summers when they vacationed yrs ago.... maybe lana still has a key cut tht works from a connection she made bk then idk <3 it doesn’t matter <3 n they’d inevitably be drunk n just messing around n splashing each other n doing handstand competitions n all the typical..... fun frivolous childish antics lana n teddy tend to get into whenever they’re around each other.... truly jst transformed into big kids whenever they’re in the other’s company..... inspired a little by this gifset jst in terms of the playing around underwater vibe. anyway. mayb they mostly dry off bt they end up climbing up onto the rooftop after n it’s a baking summer night anyway so it isn’t like they’ll catch a cold being damp bt they share a big fluffy towel n bottle of rum between them huddled overlooking the lights of the city. n maybe somehow it gets onto lana admitting how much she misses home n how it’s kind of weird being here especially bc she’s further from caleb. she’s never been this far from him since he was away in the army n we all kno hw tht turned out. mayb she’d go a bit quiet after saying this bt then i think she’d take his hand w their fingers laced together n she’d rest her head on his shoulder n be like. at least i’ll always have u. it’s like i took a piece of home w me. we’ve always had each other like that. then she’d perk up n lift her head n be like let’s make a deal. i’ll be ur home if u’ll be mine. ok? n make him pinky promise. i dnt think she’d quite consider the sentimentality in tht bt 😔 she nvr rly does she jst says what feels natural without attention paid to the deeper meaning tht motivated it n.... sighs. looks at u then looks away....
this is inspired by tht scene in don’t trust the b in apartment 23 where she’s like “look. that video of me getting rawed by my best friend means the world to me.” KJGFGJKSFHKGHKSFGHKFSHKGSHGK god. inevitably in lana n teddy’s prime when they were literally hooking up 24/7 in earlier college yrs they made.............. a few videos. i mean it’s jst realistic. it’s jst common sense. probably even a feature length film at one point. n i had this idea where bc teddy’s trying to get into acting etc mayb if he gets an agent his agent is like.... do u have any dirt u need to take care of? loose ends to tie up? incriminating files to delete? sex tapes? n if he was like... ya..... mayb his agent wld have asked him to delete them if he still had them on his computer or w.e i mean i kno lana wld n wouldn’t have deleted them she wld have been proud of their work of art...... bt maybe he told lana abt this just laughing abt it n the atmosphere ws lighthearted at first bc she’d find it rly funny too like ommmmggggggg i’m a skeleton in ur closet tht is so fun if u get famous i cld be blasted all over perez hilton that’s kind of sexy..... bt............... mayb she’d as a joke be like. mayb we shld watch it one last time before u delete it. kind of like a funeral service. a goodbye party. sailing out the flaming viking raft n paying our respects u know??? n they were joking bk n forth bt then she’d be like. seriously tho mayb we should? growing more accustomed to the idea actually being a genuine one even tho tht is fking. the WORST idea i have EVER heard in the world like i do NOT know how lana wld think she has the self control to do that bt in her head she’s like. teddy n i are jst best friends now... it’s fine........... we’re open w each other it’s just a bit of fun.......... n then i can imagine if he went along w this it’s like a game of chicken they’re playing w each other where they’re both like fking hell shd we do this.... dnt wna seem like I’M the one tht thinks i can’t handle it........ n it’s some back n forth like nick n jess in new girl where they’re daring each other to have the threeway w the landlord. bt then like not even.... a minute into watching it as they’re both silently holding their breath n crunching popcorn they mde for the occasion (insisting on acting like it ws just a normal movie night) lana wld literally have to be like. slams laptop shut. UMMMM i forgot.... i....... have a very important meeting......... n teddy’s just like. meeting? u don’t have a job... what are u ta-- n she’s like A MEETING A VERY IMPORTANT MEETING...... very blatantly squirming around as she slowly gets up n tries to head fr the door... n teddy’s like.... taking the excuse without much question too like... ya i have to run lines actually i jst remembered gt an audition coming up..... n they’re both like ya haha... maybe some other time.... or maybe just delete it it’s whatever.... anyway we gtg haha... bye.... ttyl...... lana wld literally hv to SPRINT out of there to go home n. deal w how flustered this made her i won’t lie. she bumps into parker n is all flushed in the face n is just like CAN’T TALK BYE n takes off sprinting again like some kind of freak. it’d b a train wreck. i jst think that’d b rly funny tho n dare i say it? it’s canon. 
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ageofgeek · 5 years
Guys...they did the impossible. I liked Rise of Skywalker! They ended it well, and there were a bunch of parts that I REALLY liked (and really only a few parts that I was "meh" about).
So!  Let’s go through the main reveals/plot points and then I’ll go into more specifics. Rey is Palpatine’s granddaughter - I’ll be honest, I did NOT expect that. I think after TFA came out, I reblogged a gifset that included all of the Rey parentage theories, and I was like, “lol what? who the hell thinks that Rey is a Palpatine? wtf?” And now it’s canon?  Honestly, it’s the same kind of batshit reveal that I’d expect from Star Wars, so I’m kinda okay with it.
Kylo Ren’s redemption was...not as terrible as I thought it would be. As y’all know, I am very anti-Kylo and anti-R*ylo, so I thought I was going to Suffer in this movie. But I was surprised by how I felt about it - only mildly irritated instead of bursting with rage. I still think he doesn’t really have a personality other than 1) whiny 2) manipulative and 3) emo, but I did like the scene where he hallucinates Han and repeats his line from TFA (”I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it”). That being said, it is still highly questionable to have Kylo’s redemption built on Leia’s death/sacrifice for her son (it reads a little too much like fridging a woman to save a male character), but I will excuse the filmmakers for that because they didn’t have much footage of Carrie Fisher to work with, so there wasn’t too much they could do if they wanted to commit to not digitally reconstructing her (which I am glad they did not do).
I digress (I’ll talk about Leia in the next paragraphs). I did like that Kylo just showed up to the final fight with Palpatine in like, a henley and slacks. It seemed like a very Skywalker thing to do, lol. Also, thank God that he died. Like, damn - I see all these Kylo stans being so upset at his death, and I’m just like?  His character purposefully paralleled Vader - a parallel which I think was weak, at best, but still, a parallel - and you thought that he wasn’t going to die?  Also, what would have happened if he had lived?  Oh right, he would’ve gone to prison for the rest of his life and not gotten married to Rey and have kids, lol, what universe are you living in? As it was, I think that they did his death well - like Vader, they had him sacrifice himself for somebody that he loved (although the bond between Rey and Kylo is, once again, much more questionable to me than the bond between Luke and Vader/Anakin). And like Vader, he turned back to the Light because of his family (Leia and Han). Thinking about the 2 other ways Ben’s character arc could’ve gone (1) he doesn’t turn back to the Light or 2) he turns back to the Light but doesn’t die), this was the only satisfying way to end his arc (at least in my opinion).
That being said, I REALLY could’ve done without that kiss. Like, really? You just had to force it into an unnecessary romance? You couldn’t have just had them hug or cradle each other, platonically? Both of the climactic emotional moments of the previous trilogies were completely non-romantic, and both focused on love of FAMILY - Luke cradling Anakin, his father, as he dies, and Obi-Wan being forced to “kill” Anakin, his brother. It would’ve been so much better if they had ended this one with Rey cradling Ben, her brother, as he died. But no, we can’t have nice things because heteronormativity exists. *sigh*
But, we’re moving on. I thought that they handled Leia’s character really respectfully - I think Carrie Fisher would’ve been proud. I’m still bitter and sad that we only got one scene in the entire sequel trilogy with Luke and Leia (the OG Skywalkers and you only had them in one fucking scene together? Goddammit), but that force ghost scene at the end with the two of them made me happy - it was a bittersweet happiness, but happiness all the same (also, since it is canon that force ghosts get to chill and rest and be happy in the afterlife, I am more than happy with that ending. It also makes me want to write a ton of fanfiction. Stay tuned for that). I also burst into tears when Leia died and Maz stood near her bedside and whispered, “Goodbye, Princess.” Wow, that did things to my heart!
Ian McDiarmid continues to be a goddamn delight to watch as Palpatine, and he was genuinely creepy and horrific in this movie. I still feel like bringing Palpatine back to life (albeit in zombified form) was a real slap in the face to the perfect ending of ROTJ (and it especially cheapens Anakin’s role as the Chosen One, which is really a slap in the face for me), but they did it as best they could. I think I would’ve preferred if Palpatine was in spirit form in this movie, trying to come back to life by using Rey as a conduit or a body? Something like that would’ve honored the end of ROTJ a bit more while also bringing him back as the big villain.
All in all, I liked TROS much more than I hated it, especially since I had pretty low expectations going in. I’ve talked about the big “reveals” and moments so far, but I really liked the little things in this movie! For example:
Rey, Finn, and Poe were a full-on OT3 trio in this movie, and I loved it! The mission to find the wayfinder in the desert? Adventures! Chase scenes! Exploring! Jokes! I loved it - it was definitely giving me “Tatooine in ROTJ” vibes. They all kind of wandered apart in the second half of the movie, but they came back together at the end for that hug!! Which made me cry buckets!! (Poe holding Rey’s hand as they both hug Finn??? Wow, OT3 goals, they are so in love)
Chewie and Lando were great!  Lando felt a little random in this movie (no explanation as to where he was? No mention of Han’s death?), but I always appreciate Billy Dee Williams, so I’m not complaining.
In that same vein, WEDGE CAMEO!!! They got Denis Lawson back, and right after I got back on my Wedge/Luke wagon! Damn, I wish we could’ve seen more of him (maybe there are some deleted scenes??? Listen, I neED MORE WEDGE IN MY LIFE).
And again in the same vein as cameos, um, that Jedi voice scene??? Listen, ok, hearing Hayden’s voice again was more than I ever thought we would get, I was sO EMOTIONAL, I heard him and almost immediately burst into tears. And they got Ewan and Liam Neeson and Samuel L. Jackson(!!!), and the voice actors for Ahsoka and Luminara and WOW I am super emotional, that was hands-down the best scene in the movie for me. I was so happy to hear all of them - the acknowledgement of the prequels and the rest of the Jedi, FINALLY, after 2 previous sequel movies that didn’t give a shit about them. FINALLY we got this. And you know what? I would’ve been even happier if they had shown their faces, but I will take it. I will fucking take it. (That being said: Oh, Disney Gods - please let Hayden return for flashbacks and/or hallucinations in the Obi-Wan series. Please. It’s all I want in life).
The confirmation that Leia trained as a Jedi and had a lightsaber - I almost full-on clapped in the theaters at that scene. And I loved the training sequence/flashback that they had with Luke and Leia - they actually showed them sparring and I loved it so much! It was amazing - why couldn’t they have included that earlier? (Cue me singing: “We could’ve had it allll!!!!!”).
Luke’s Force Ghost appearance really redeemed his character from the beating it got in TLJ. It was a short scene, but it felt so much more like the Luke Skywalker I know and love, and I’m glad that they gave Mark Hamill a chance to really play Luke again.
The end scene with the Resistance coming to help. It felt a little Endgame-ish to me (then again, that was arguably the best scene in Endgame), but we definitely came full circle from TLJ, where the Resistance was basically abandoned on Crait and nobody answered their distress call. In TROS, everybody answered their distress call.
I also like that C3PO had a bit more of a role! I really love R2 and C3PO, and I like that they kept to Lucas’ original vision of the two of them being the only ones to be in all 9 films. I also deeply appreciate R2 being with Leia when she died - that felt incredibly moving and appropriate, and also coming full circle from Leia’s first scene with R2 in ANH.
Finn being confirmed as Force-sensitive! Finally! Fucking 4 years since TFA and we finally got it - hallelujah.
I think that’s about it! Honestly, I’m just so high off of the endorphins of hearing Anakin and Obi-Wan and all of the Jedi again! That scene made the entire movie worth it for me.
But this is the end of the Skywalker Saga, and that makes me really sad. The one thing that I am really upset about with regards to this movie is that it literally ends the Skywalkers. At least if you end the original 6 movies with ROTJ, the implication is that Leia and/or Luke will continue the Skywalker lineage, and they will continue to be leaders and jedi and heroes - but when you add in the sequel trilogy...it just ends. Anakin’s grandson turns to the dark side and ends up (indirectly) killing Luke, Leia, and then himself. And THAT’S how the Skywalkers end? After the tragedy that was Anakin (and Padme’s) life, history just repeats itself and the family line ends? That’s...depressing. But I think that the sequel trilogy, in a way, is still very distant from the other 2 trilogies - in a way, it reminded me of a weird, high-budget delve into the EU that is technically canon, but doesn’t feel like it’s canon???
Either way, I’m happy to accept the sequel trilogy as pseudo-canon, but still apart from the original 6 movies. I’m glad that we got to see some, if not all, of the OT characters again. I wish we could’ve gotten more - out of the old and new characters - but what we got was okay, and I enjoyed the ride.
And now, I’m just going to go cry over the Skywalker family and read force ghost fanfiction :’)
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Do you or have you ever owned a cup with your name on it? >> Actually, I have two. One time there was this dude in Meijer who was doing a promotion for Guinness, and the promo was apparently... giving out custom-engraved pint glasses???? You told him your name and he had this machine that put it on the glass for you. It was weird, especially since it was free... The font that your name is in is a bit wack, though. The other thing I have is a wine glass painted with a nighttime-y scene with skeletal trees and ravens on it. It has my name painted on the stand part, along with the date of my wedding. Sparrow has one too, with her name on it. I’m not even sure where they came from, tbh, but they’re pretty.
What’s the most expensive crafts tool that you own? >> I don’t think I own any expensive crafts tools. The only things I have are, like, pencils, a sketchbook, knitting needles, and yarn.
Have you ever woven baskets of any kind (wicker, paper, cardboard etc.)? >> Maybe as a child.
How do you like Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis? >> It’s all right.
Speaking of Jerry Lee Lewis, have you seen the biopic about him? >> I don’t think so.
How about the biopic about Tina Turner? >> Yeah, I saw that one.
Do you like the TV-show Frasier? >> I do, it’s actually funnier to me now than when I was younger. Back then I thought it was boring but it kills me now.
What’s something you know by heart? >> A lot of song lyrics? Also, the Litany Against Fear.
What is something you’re greedy about? >> I don’t think I’m particularly greedy about anything.
How valuable does a coin have to be for you to bother to pick it up? >> I’d pick up a quarter, maybe. I’m just no longer in the financial position where picking up coins substantially enhances my available funds.
What would be something you would wait in line to get for free? >> It depends on how long the line is, what kind of mood I’m in, and where I am... not just on what the item is. If I’m in a good mood and the line seems manageable, I’d wait in it even if the item is just some random trinket that I have no real use for. If I’m not in a good mood and the line is insane, I wouldn’t wait in it even if it was for an expensive thing I’ve been wanting for ages.
Has there ever been a leak anywhere in your house? >> No.
Have you ever slipped in the shower? >> Not to the point of falling.
Have you ever made any decorative crafts? If so, are they displayed? >> Not in recent memory.
Is it very humid where you are right now? >> Nah.
What is the most suggestive thing someone has said to you? >> *shrug*
Do you have friends who you playfully flirt with? >> No.
Doesn’t the Z in the Bzoink logo look like an L to you, too? >> I mean, not really, but I see where you’re coming from.
Did you ever take that 5000 question survey that was circulating Tumblr? >> Yeah, I took it a long time ago. Once the novelty wore off, I realised that most of the questions were just terrible IMO, which is bound to happen once you endeavour to write a survey with quite that many questions.
Have you ever had to change a zipper in your favourite article of clothing? >> No.
Do you prefer buttons or zippers in general? >> Zippers.
Did you grandma have a box full of pretty buttons? >> ---
What’s the most exotic spice in your spice rack? >> Hmm... garam masala, maybe? We have a wide variety.
Do buttons tempt you to press them? >> Not usually, but sometimes.
Do you have a favourite television host? >> No.
What’s your opinion on celebrity chefs? >> I think some of them are cool and fun to watch. Alton Brown is probably my fave.
Back when it first started, did you watch ANTM? >> I think I’ve seen a season or two. I knew someone who got on it, too (Isis King).
Did you know, that there was even a Finnish version of ANTM? Miss Jay made an appearance in the first season, too. >> No, I didn’t know that, but it makes sense. There are a bunch of those shows modeled after American Idol, too, for different countries.
Are you accident prone? >> No.
Have you ever broken something really valuable? >> I accidentally broke a laptop screen once, and that was pretty damn valuable to me.
What do you see as timeless? >> ---
What is something that you own, that has sentimental value? >> Most of these plushies.
Have you ever had your own website? >> Yeah, I’ve taken stabs at it.
What’s your favourite board game? >> ---
How about your favourite card game? >> ---
What’s something that you finished recently? >> I finished watching Sparrow play through Death Stranding, lol. I’m glad it was her and not me, because I’m pretty sure that game would have made me ragequit within the first few hours, and that would have been a shame.
What’s the smallest town you recall visiting? >> I have no idea.
What’s the longest distance you’ve had to go to work or school? >> ---
Would you learn a new language, if you didn’t share one with your lover? >> Oh, like in Love Actually? I mean, I can’t imagine myself in that situation, but I thought it was cute.
Do you have friends who are constantly tagging you in challenges on FB? >> No. People who have me on facebook should know I prefer to do my actual fun socialising on here or Discord.
When it comes to chocolate, do you prefer nougat, jelly or caramel filling? >> ---
Are you more concerned about winning than just participating? >> No.
Has somebody you know taken their own life? >> No.
What is a number that has some significance to you? Why is that? >> 9. Well, there’s a lot of synchronicity.
Do you prefer onions, leeks or chives? >> I don’t think I have a preference, I’ll take all three. Onions may be the most versatile, though, so maybe those.
What’s the most adult thing you have to do every day? >> I don’t think I have to do any adult thing every day. Maybe feeding myself is an adult thing? Although teenagers and even kids do that too.
What’s the most immature thing you like to do every day? >> ---
Have you seen the movie, Clue? If so, isn’t it fab? >> No, but I’ve seen some funny gifsets that make me think it’d probably be a good time. I might give it a shot if I run into it on a streaming service one day.
Do your cheeks get flushed easily? Do you blush easily in general? >> No, I’ve never felt that feeling.
Are there any social cues you miss entirely? >> Oh, definitely.
When someone doesn’t smile back at you, what’s your first thought? >> They probably didn’t want to, and that’s okay. I don’t always want to smile at everyone who smiles at me, either, and it shouldn’t be a mark against my character just because I don’t smile at a stranger. But, you know, whatever. Any stranger that takes that much offense at me not smiling at them probably wouldn’t get along with me for very long anyway, so it’s a useful social litmus test in the end.
Is there a person who melts your heart just by looking at you? >> No. Well, maybe Can Calah sometimes.
Have you ever had tom kha kai? It’s a Thai coconut soup, and it’s amazing. We serve it at work. >> No, but I’d definitely try it.
Have you, or anyone you know ever been rude to a server? >> I’ve never had the experience of having to watch someone I’m with be rude to a server and I am so glad for that.
What’s something you’re opinionated and very vocal about? When’s the last time you had to verbally defend your stance? >> I don’t know. I don’t really defend any stance of mine, I just put it out there sometimes if I feel like rambling about it and then leave it alone. Arguing with people about shit that ultimately really don’t matter is a waste of my valuable energy.
Have you ever played BitLife? I sort of got hooked on it, it’s like sims but in text form. >> No. I quite like the graphical form of The Sims, so I’ll stick to that.
What’s something you regularly order online? >> CBD.
When’s the last time you made a penpal? >> I’ve never had one.
Do you often make friends online? >> I make a lot of acquaintances online. Friends are far fewer.
Do people ever try to get something from somebody through you? As in, they ask you to ask the person they should be asking in the first place. If that makes sense. >> No. Which is good, because I wouldn’t do it.
What do you think when you see a couple holding hands? >> Nothing???
Is there anything you’re forced to share with someone else? >> No.
What’s something stripy that you own? >> I have a black-and-royal-blue striped robe with the Ravenclaw logo on the back.
How about something polka dotted? >> Nothing.
What is something you find absolutely appalling? >> Some people’s utterly disrespectful behaviour on this website.
Do you like elevators? >> I mean, they’re fine. I don’t dislike them.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say “midnight madness”? >> Like... premieres? Or book releases? Or something like that. I have a vague association but I can’t remember exactly where it comes from.
What is a country you would never want to visit? >> ---
When you’re angry, does it ever get physical? >> Well, yeah, but not necessarily towards someone else.
What do you do, when you’re immensely happy? >> It depends on how I feel like expressing it at the time? Sometimes I don’t express it much at all, and sometimes I literally jump around the room.
What made you scream out loud the last time you screamed? >> ---
Can you hear your neighbours through the wall? >> Sometimes.
What is something that frustrates you to no end? >> Noise.
Do you wear shoes indoors? >> Absolutely not.
Who is your favourite stand-up comedian? >> Bo Burnham, Dylan Moran, and in general I’m fond of how Tiffany Haddish presents as a person and performer.
What’s the weirdest video youtube has suggested to you? >> It doesn’t usually suggest me anything weird.
What’s the funniest infomercial you’ve seen? >> ---
Is there a drink that just goes right through you? >> I don’t feel that way about any drink, no.
Is there a food item you can’t eat because it doesn’t agree with you? >> Not that I’ve encountered.
Do you playfully compete with someone about something? >> No.
Would you rather swim or run? >> I can’t swim, so my options are a little limited here.
Do you like the smell of tar? >> Sometimes, yeah.
Have you ever been to a sauna? >> No. I couldn’t last two minutes in a sauna.
Does your doorbell ring unexpectedly often? >> Not often, but sometimes people will ring multiple apartments trying to get into the building, which is fucking irritating.
Is your favourite fictional character a human, an animal or something else? >> I am my favourite fictional character. /facetious
Have you ever helped a stranger? If so, what did you do? >> I mean, sure. Just simple stuff, like picking up something they’ve dropped or letting them know they’ve left their key in the apartment door or dropping their mail off when it gets mistakenly put into my box.
Do you share hobbies with any of your friends? What do you do together? >> ---
Do you have any flags on display? If so, what flag(s)? >> I don’t. Sparrow has a rainbow flag with a peace sign in the middle on her wall.
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acaseofthewiggins · 5 years
*waves* This is a Space Ask. Mercury: Describe your aesthetic, please! :)
*waves back*
So, in typical me-fashion, I’ve totally overthought this question. Like, does aesthetic in this case refer to the aesthetic of my blog? My personal style? How I like to decorate? How I make art? So I guess I’ll just answer all of them real fast.
My blog’s aesthetic, is a haphazard grab-bag of stuff that happens to interest me: mostly fandom stuff like fan art and gifsets but also random art pieces or references to classic movies. Some horror-ish or supernatural stuff that seems to fit with Buffy but also a lot of totally random stuff that doesn’t fit with any kind of unified brand or theme. And now it also has some of my drawings.
I’m still figuring out what my artistic aesthetic is, but I think I tend to favor bold lines and a strong contrast between light and dark. I’ve read a lot of B&W graphic novels, so I’m pretty heavily inspired by those but I also take inspiration from a variety of artistic movements and periods.
My personal style is eclectic and very thrift-store heavy. I wear a lot of t-shirts, jeans, and plaid flannel button-ups (the total NW stereotype). But I also go femme some days and put on some dangley earrings and a nice shirt with a sweater or jacket. Sometimes I even wear a skirt or dress. Sometimes I wear mostly black or muted colors, while others I like to wear bright, eye-catching things, preferably in red, robin’s egg, or indigo.
And my decorating style is also pretty mish-mash. I love old wooden furniture: my bed, desk, and dresser are all vintage. And I tend to put a lot of art images on my wall, varying from literal postcards and images cut out of calendars and magazines and such to full sized posters. Right now my bedroom is decorated with Vermeer, Degas, and Dali. I’ve also got a Pre-Raphaelite print of Morgan La Fey, a Hubble space photo, a piece of Buffy fan-art I got a Whedoncon, a print by Kimya Dawson illustrating some of her lyrics, and some images taken from promotional materials for French museum exhibits that I saw while I was there.
So yeah. I guess I kind of do have a unified aesthetic and it’s that of a flee market or funky thrift store. A weird collection of seemingly ununified things, a love of old stuff, and a generally scattered/eccentric vibe. Which suites me pretty well, all things considered.
Well, so much for keeping it short! Anyway, thanks @thenewbuzwuzz for the ask!
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yaz-the-spaz · 6 years
Yaz, hi, I love your works on ao3 S2 I'd like to ask how is your creative process? And where do you find inspiration/motivation to write?
awwww thank you so much nonnie you’re too kind! 😊😊😊
but oh boy this is such a funny question to answer cause like…literally everywhere lol? like i’m so freaking sporadic, i’ll literally get inspiration/motivation from the randomest things, like it could be a random old song that suddenly popped into my head out of the blue and i’m like i should write something based on this (like a ficlet i’m currently working on based on p!nk’s ‘please don’t leave me’), or a super obscure throw-away line from a movie or tv show, or another fic and/or book i read (like the twelve series), or a gif/gifset (like that reality tv ot5 fic i wrote), and my ‘creative process’ is just as sporadic like i hesitate to even call it a ‘process’ cause it’s literally more along the lines of this most of the time
Tumblr media
like i’ll get an idea for a fic and more than likely the first thing that pops into my head is a scene from like the middle of the fic or something and i’ll just start furiously writing just to get it all down and out of my head and write stuff as they come to me but half the time i have no idea what order it’s even gonna end up being, like i just write and then when i go back and read over it THEN i start rearranging and putting all the little puzzle pieces in my head together and figuring out what order it’s gonna be in lol, that was my main ‘process’ for most of the twelve fic tbh although i feel like as i write more i’m getting better at getting my thought process more organized so like even though ideas for scenes will still come to me/pop into my head out of order i’m better now at like taking the time to process and get myself to figure out ‘okay but what leads up to that?’ and ‘where does the whole thing begin?’ before i start writing (or sometimes still as i start writing, but baby steps y’know lol)
so like for example when i first started writing the first twelve fic i’d never written (never mind finished) anything that long before and i was literally writing scenes for like the middle and the end of the fic before i’d even really written the beginning lol but now that i’ve gotten a lot more practice in with writing in general (and finishing fics in general cause that was something i was notoriously bad at before i started the twelve series lol) but anyway now that i’ve gotten more practice with not only writing but writing and finishing long fics in particular i feel like i’ve got a better grasp on my ‘process’ and even though i still write scenes out of order/as they come to me sometimes (cause that’s just how my brain works i guess lol) i’ve gotten much better at also writing in a more chronological and organized way as well and at fitting those ‘out of order’ pieces together more seamlessly i feel like, and with better transitions and origins and backstory so that things are more cohesive…but it’s still mostly a lot like that ^^^ lol
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harris-coopers · 6 years
Who are your best friends on tumblr and how’d you find them?!
Okay so these are in no particular order or ranking. I love all of these lovely humans and every single person whose ever said so much as Hi to me! (Random anons, ya’ll make my day). Also this got super long so I apologise!! Again i appreciate absolutely everyone I talk to!
@reinhartmendes: Shards was the very first friend I made on tumblr and to be completely honest, I almost lost it when she messaged me for the first time. Here I was thinking ‘omg I am not worthy of this’ because I saw her on my feed all the time and had always been far too nervous to say anything to her! Also she messaged me the day of the MET GALA (8th of May) and honestly that day was the day of blessing so I should have known only amazing things could come from it, and of course apart from well... THAT the other equally as amazing thing was my friendship with Shards. She’s stunningly talented at everything she does and I am super grateful to have her!
@forsythpendleton: Okay so the first time Sarah and I ever talked was because she had sent me an ask squealing over the fact that I was from Melbourne like her and that we liked all the same things. Half the message was in caps lock and thats when I knew, that were were destined to be good friends. Also one of the first things I ever said was invite her to a comic con viewing party and she didn’t run away so that was a pretty good sign. Honestly, I flood her messages with ramblings in all caps about SH on the daily and I swear sometimes she’s probably comes home to like a gazillion and one of them, she never cares though and sometimes she joins in, which makes me feel a LOT less crazy than I do. Also she super nice?? And caring?? and her photography skills?? Sprouse worthy. 
@emmalrb: So I can’t actually remember 100% which post it was but I messaged Emma because I knew she was Australian and basically just wanted to make some more friends on here and honestly you get 100 friends in one when you’re friends with Emma. We bonded over where we live and then shortly after over the fact that KJ was coming to Melbourne and we both were super stocked for it and also that we have basically almost the same job?? (working with kids/teachers). Also I went to comic con by myself this year (which was amazing, both the con and being alone) and I was messaging her updates throughout the day and honestly, she was so invested that she may as well have been there with me! ALSO She will randomly message me and tell me to have a great day?? Like go get yourself an Emma if you don’t already have one bc she’s amazing and her messages are the sweetest! Also she’s a super detective?? If I EVER need help with anything SH related she always knows the answer or can find a link (seriously you’re the best) And she’s also helped me lot with the Sprousehart timeline, along with everyone else in SSH which has literally been super helpeful!!?!. Love you lots!!
@jugheaddjones: Amber, my Brisbane buddy! Our conversation first started because she had messaged me and then straight after that, I messaged her with a gif and asked if she knew where it was from (sidenote: she did and I had been looking for that for SO long) We then realised that we were both from Brisbane (which if you know nothing about Australia, Brisbane isn’t the hottest city to visit). AND THEN  she freaked me out by joking around about if we knew each other in real life!! ( seriously my life flashed before my eyes bc LORD I would have passed out cold) anyways turns out we didn’t and that we both had a secret riverdale life (her words A+++ btw Amber) THEN  we both died over the fact that KJ was coming to Melbourne ( and then I cried a little bc I knew SH wouldn’t be) and basically I too, also spam her inbox with random Sprousehart info or moments. Also we both almost died on may 31st (Met Gala selfie anyone??) so if that didn’t bond us idk what would. Anyways, Amber your an A+ human being and an even better friend ily. 
@itsnotoktohit: I first spoke to Shirin about a gifset I had made, where one of the gifs was broken and I messaged a few people to see if they could delete the broken set while I fixed it. Anyways, long story short, we ended up talking for a really long time about absolute nonsense (honestly a lot of our convos, except for SH related ones bc #facts) Shirin is literally one of the best motivators ever, she is constantly happy and appreciative of literally everything. Half the time I complain to her about things and just basically spurt a whole bunch of 1st world problems stories out and she never cares?? Also she nicknamed me google in the group chat and even tho I don’t think I deserve it, it was still a pretty great confidence booster honestly. Also her love and enthusiasm for SH and all things RD is absolutely amazing and I will cherish it and her forever. 
@bugheadlover101: Peyton, Peyton, Peyton, where do I even start? So the first contact we ever had was of her sending me a post about Cole wearing Lili’s sweater and honestly?? That’s the way to my heart fam. We’ve basically been messaging about RD and SH ever since. She’s somewhat new to the fandom but honestly that’s never stopped her. She’s fits in absolutely perfectly!! We had bonded quite quickly over our love of Sprousehart and it went from there! Peyton is always willing to dig up any old/new sh info to share even just really randomly it’ll pop up in your inbox and you’re just like ‘I came out here to have a good time and honestly I’m feeling so attacked right now’ bc it hits you in the feels and takes you a while to recover. I love her to bits, please never change.
@betty-cooper: Okay so Katie! The first proper interaction I remember having with Katie was actually a tumblr post. I had posted something along the lines of ‘Cole Sprouse, the one person physically unable to look unattractive’ and then Katie (of course) replied or reblogged it and said ‘I present to you Lili Reinhart’. I then amended my post bc ya’ll a girl can’t argue with that truth. The next interaction we had was actually me asking her for a link to the bughead discord. I saw her on my dash all the time and she seemed super lovely and nice so I figured she’d be a good person to approach about it (she was!!) She then helped me with sorting all of that craziness out (turns out I suck at firguring that site out lmao) and basically she’s just been a positive light that guides me ever since. If you didn’t already know, Katie is one of the most considerate, caring and generous people on the planet. She is always willing to help me with a photoshop question or answer ( hello?? GIF QUEEN right here). Also her writing is amazing too?? What can’t she do?? ANSWER: Nothing, she is perfect. Also we bonded over the fact that Lili in Law and Order is absolute golden acting and all the other movies of hers that are less well known. Also Katie, I quite possibly the nicest human being you will ever meet. She is always positive and happy and I really appreciate that. She always pops into my inbox when I least expect it and honestly that’s amazing because she always ends up reaching out before I even realise I need someone to talk to. Katie, you’re fantastic and an absolute gem of a person, ily.
@ccshbh: Nina! First off the first interaction I ever had with Nina was based off a comment that she had left on one of my fanfics. And honestly at that time I about died bc Nina is pure royalty in this fandom and I was pretty stunned that she had liked something of mine (nevermind when she followed me. I nearly passed out that day) The next few interactions were me asking if she knew of something or could help me with finding a fic (sidenote: It was the fic where Cole tries to sneak out of Lili and Madelaine’s shared apartment, which is by far one of the best fics to grace the planet also that fic is pure canon don’t @me) Also literally allll of her fics are amazing and you should definitely read them.  Also her “Idiot...oh, but my idiot” tag on a gifset I made, basically made my day and stemmed a whole other gifset too. Also she is literally the most inclusive person in the entire world and my tumblr life got like 1000x better when you added me to the group chat! Bc I felt like I had friends on here!! Nina is basically a walking bible when it comes to anything and she always knows what she’s talking about! She’s also a super caring friend and is constantly checking in with me when I get bad anons or whatever and I really appreciate it!! She’s super lovely and really approachable and and just an all round great person!! Thanks for everything lovely!!
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