#it was super fun to answer! :D
What drew you to rping the genshin characters you have now? Are there any more you're thinking about picking up?
Answered! || @theoneandonii
((Oooo good question! 🤔 It's a bit hard to say since all of my current Genshin muses are so different from each other. Hard to see any common threads weaving through all of them that would've made me go-- 👀 YOU are the Chosen One asdfkldsj XD
With that said, I think the easiest character for me to answer this for would be Xiao! I'm of the opinion that most people have a handful of Types(TM) of characters that they tend to be drawn to. It's not an end-all-be-all rule, of course, but just like everyone has their own individual taste in anything else, like clothes or ice cream flavors. Of all my current Genshin muses, Xiao is probably the one who's the most obviously my Type(TM) 😂
I'LL ADMIT IT, OKAY?? I have a thing for ✨tragic✨ characters who go through a lot of angst and suffering. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ BUT even more so, I have an even BIGGER thing for characters who struggle with control over themselves--characters who contend with some greater, darker power within them that's fighting to get out and threatens to turn them into a monster. 👀😩👌 It's the same reason why Sayaka is my favorite Puella Magi Madoka Magica character, if you're familiar with that show. X'D So, yeah: makes it easy to see why I'd gravitate to this tiny grumpy tragic bby! 🥺🙏💖
As for additional Genshin muses, well 🧍I'll admit to being veeeery tempted by Neuvillette 👀👀 (and who can really blame me for that I mean c'mon aslfdkjd) but I don't like to get too hyped for potential new muses or commit to anything until I'm able to learn about them, so 8'D we'll see what happens when he's released and I can read all his character info asfldjsdf RIP me most likely.))
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omaano · 4 months
If you're still taking requests on the polyam drawing thing, D2 with Padme/Rex/Anakin?? (with Rex in the middle getting smoochies 😚🙏💖)
If you're not, then just thank you for sharing I'm enjoying seeing the cute poly/platonic art! 😊
Changed to E3 for a pose, and I’d turned it super self indulgent (pretty purple background for me yay!☺️) I hope you will like it too! Thanks for asking!💕
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I really like this look for Padme (mostly because of her beautiful hair), and I also wanted to deck Rex out in something pretty too. It’s a nice pink tinted dream :3
Polyam/platonic poses for these sketches
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rosynova · 7 months
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(first off, i'm so sorry about the quality, i've been fighting tumblr for 2 hours trying to fix it and it doesn't want to work with me :') please click on the pics for better resolution!)
so ever since reading this ask from @blank-house i've had this little scenario in my head because of jamie's bit, and i've finally gotten the chance to sketch it out :>
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unicornpopcorn14 · 11 days
omg so like, Dazai and the shipping container incident with him getting shipped overseas got me thinking... (I am super late to reading it 😭)
Chuuya, unaware of what happened in the moment because he had been sent overseas himself for an international mission, and he had to go out and scout a foreign shipyard for illegal weapon shipments.
AT THE SAME TIME, he conveniently receives a message forward by Mori to be on the lookout for one of their own agents because a Port Mafia member had been taken hostage around the location Chuuya was in.
Chuuya's ??? because why hadn't he been notified that someone was also either on the same mission as him or had managed to be such a bumbling fool that they got caught by foreign enemies. ANYWAY, he keeps an eye out for anything suspicious while still working on his own mission when he sees a particular area of the shipyard had been surrounded by armed foreign criminals, so he's ready to go bust some ass when they all swing the shipping container doors open and barge in to see Dazai there.
Chuuya just facepalms himself in disbelief because he can't believe Dazai followed him all the way to another country (even though it was totally coincidental) but also, he's not even surprised that Dazai managed to get himself caught by the enemy. Again.
They kick some enemy ass and Dazai gets shipped back home on the next plane back to Yokohama, and Chuuya overhears Dazai complaining to Mori on the phone: "What about my home?!"
Omggg you read my silly shipping container fic hehe *hidesss* /silly
Thank you so much for this omg <333 I genuinely cackled. There really is no end with the shipping container shenanigans huh jknfjew
Lmao Mori telling him to be on the lookout for an agent without specifying that it's DAZAI so Chuuya can take this seriously pffff
I can imagine Chuuya's shocked then angry as heck face when he spots Dazai like,,, he'd probably do a double take at first being like "is that really who I think it is?" and it quickly turns to "Fuck it is who I think it is..."
Dazai would be adamant that that was part of his plan (when it really wasn't) and complain that Chuuya's ruined it and it is somehow Chuuya's fault that he has no home now fjsbfkjebaf
Which will earn him a (justified) kick to the head 😭😭
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bleue-flora · 1 month
please tell me that transcript of the final that one of your anons had shows what c!Dream said about ghostss
I don’t know. Tragically, it won’t even let me open the doc anymore for some reason… :(
But I did transcribe that part for a different anon answer I’m working on so here it is. It’s very short but it’ll never stop irritating me how if Tommy just shut up for one second with his Spiderman’s Aunt May speech (which ya know I just realized probably has to do with his title: No Way Home lol XD), then Dream probably would have given us the answer…
[clip] Dream: “They don't know anything—they don’t know anything.”
Punz: “You don't know anything.”
Dream: “They don't even know. You don't know what death is. You don't know.”
Tommy: “Dream—“
Dream: “Tommy, let me ask you a question. When you died, why didn't you come back as a ghost? Before you revived, why didn’t you come back as a ghost? But why did Wil—“
Tommy: “I don’t know.”
Dream: “Wilbur was a ghost.”
Tommy: I don't know.
Dream: “You don’t know.”
Tommy: “I don't know, and that's Okay!
Dream: “Do you—do you want to know? Do you want to know?…”
Tommy: Dream, you have a power—you two both have a power to revive, alright and with that power comes a Great Responsibility. That you are taking No—No responsibility over! Please, just think for a second.”
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charmwasjess · 5 months
10, 14 and 20 for ask game!
For 10: Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
All of them?!?! I write mainly in Dooku's Jedi era (pre-prequels? are we still calling it that?) and that was a super tiny part of the fandom back when the movies were actively coming out. It didn't seem possible anyone would care about it now, so having any readers is like... fucking AMAZING! I love each and every one of you DEARLY.
I'll also say, responses to my fics where I'm writing Dooku and Sifo-Dyas together has been interesting. I definitely lost a reader or two, which makes me sad, but I was really surprised and incredibly touched by the much larger positive response to it. Having been a queer person in the closet for a lot of my younger life, writing queer experiences openly is really cool to me.
For 14: If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Answered a little bit of this here and here. :D
For 20: What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
I admit, I really like Milk Run. For those of you who haven't read it, in the fic, a "Milk Run" is a Jedi slang term for an easy lowstakes mission where nothing exciting happens. Dooku is recovering from an injury and so desperate to get out of the Temple that he'll take any mission - so he and Qui-Gon are assigned a classic good ol' Milk Run. Of course, this is wonderful because Dooku knows how to handle the most dangerous missions the galaxy can throw at him, but not how to sit still, and it's fun to write him doing things he's bad at.
It also gave me a thematic chance to explore a topic I love: Jedi working nontraditional Jedi jobs. Jocasta and Sifo-Dyas lives as Jedi who both serve the Order in less traditional "run in with your lightsaber out" roles. Jocasta obviously in the Archives, and Sifo-Dyas currently supervising a group of graduate students at a Jedi archeological dig site.
There's actually a snippet I love where Sifo-Dyas is trying to explain to Dooku that there are other ways to deal with a space pirate queen that kind of hits at the heart of the fic's Milk Run theme:
“She threatens you?” Dooku tried unsuccessfully to keep the outrage out of his voice. He couldn’t possibly follow Sifo-Dyas around for their whole lives finishing his fights for him. Even if he might still want to try.
“Not in a real way. It seemed like almost pageantry to her, or posturing. You know, her crew gets to see her face off with a Jedi, and I get to pull out my lightsaber and wave it around in front of the graduate students, all just good fun…I never thought she’d actually try something.” He scowled. “Especially not with the connivance of the asshole Arnet!
“Sifo…” The words "wave it around" were echoing surreally through Dooku’s head.
“I know, I know. I’m releasing my anger into the Force.”
“No, it wasn’t that…" In his own career as a Jedi, Dooku was occasionally called out to deal with especially troublesome pirates on missions that were more his typical, life-threatening dangerous style, decidedly not milk runs, or research on cultural sites. There was nothing of good fun or lightsaber-waving in the desperate violence of those encounters. “I was just going to say… your life… it is sometimes strange to me.”
“What, just because of the Queen Theo thing?”
“This situation where you and a space pirate recreationally antagonize each other for the entertainment of your subordinates is a fine example of what I mean.” Dooku scoffed. “Come to think of it, perhaps you ought to have slept with her after all. She might have been less inclined to eventually steal from you.”
“Oh, wow, so you know all about pleasing women now.”
Dooku shot him a venomous look. “I get by.”
Sifo-Dyas began to laugh. “I honestly don’t understand why people think you have no sense of humor. You’re completely hilarious.”
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majorproblems77 · 1 month
I should try to do whumptober, at least in part. There's a lot of good prompts
You totally should! :D
I'm really loving some of the prompts this year, and I've got ideas for a bunch already I've been busy with my notebook haha
Join us Aj! We can add you to the whunptober friends of 2024 :D
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yourfavvgal · 1 month
helloooo :D i thought this was a fun question to ask so what song do you think you would use as your soundtrack if your life was a movie?
hellloo cherryy!!! :D
this definitely seems like a super fun question aaa!!! (I TOOK TIME TO THINK ABOUT THIS)
okay im thinking either ‘frankly,mr shankly’ by the smiths or ‘flowers never bend with the rainfall’ by simon and garfunkel !!
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scucouncil-doodles · 10 months
ask for da bois (/genderneutral): their sleep schedule?
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gods don't really need sleep tbh
(more specific thoughts I have are just that condi does tend to go long periods of time without sleeping just because of getting wrapped up in projects, charlie and bizly are pretty similar in that they don't really tend to sleep a full night but it's not unlikely to find them curled up in some weird nook somewhere, and grizzly actually sleeps the most like a normal person since they'll sleep at night and also take naps! but just generally they suffer when they have to go back to mortal sleep schedules for any reason LOL)
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egginfroggin · 3 months
Tell me your headcannons for Kirby! I don't get to hear people's thoughts about Kirby much!
Well, it's been almost two months, but it's Kirby time!
I actually have a ton of HCs for Kirby in general, though the ones for the puff himself are pretty regular, I think. He's a cheerful, clever little lad, full of innate power that the Copy Abilities serve to amplify.
As far as more in-depth HCs go, I do have one that I keep meaning to talk about, concerning what Kirby is and how he relates to Void.
This will probably get very long, so I'll put it under a read more.
Thank you for the ask, friend! :>
Kirby and Void are related in that they are both the same species at different points in their lifecycles.
Voids (the species) are incredibly powerful beings comprised mainly of magic, stardust, and emotions given form. There cycle is self-perpetuating, and killing a Void is nigh impossible
Void is the archaic name for the species; the species has never been particularly common, with few in existence at any given time, so they are mostly regarded as legend. The species is more commonly referred to as Star Children
The life cycle of a Void, or Star Child, has two branches, differing between the first and second phases; the first cycle has four phases:
Null phase, also called the Void phase: at this stage, the Void consists of ambivalent magic and stardust. The ambivalent magic absorbs energy that it comes across as it drifts through the cosmos, and will begin to lighten with positivity or darken with negativity. This form, though extremely rare, is arguably the most powerful
The "Puffball" stage: having absorbed positivity, the Void coalesces into a solid, mostly static, stable form. It is full of latent energy, and if one can sense magic and affinities, they will find that the Puffball is blindingly bright, full of love, joy, and brightness. The Puffballs are inherently light, and have an instinctive drive to A) protect that which they love, and B) suppress darkness, and especially Dark Matter, their anathema and direct opposite Puffballs usually become warriors in at least some capacity; they are considered guardians of light and the universe, and extremely powerful, skilled beings, each unique in their own sense
The Decline, or Tainted, stage: At this stage, the Puffball, usually centuries old by now, has begun to experience side effects from fighting Dark Matter. Their light has begun to diminish, and their instincts become more conflicting. Eventually, they tip into the fourth and final stage of this branch
The Dark Matter stage: eventually, the Puffball will become so stained with darkness that their light fades entirely, and they become Dark Matter. In direct opposition to Puffballs, Dark Matters are full of negativity, envy, grief, and anger, and where Puffballs seek to protect and cultivate light, Dark Matter seeks only to harm and spread negativity Dark Matters are usually unstable, and may take many different forms; they bear one, single eye (possibly a living metaphor for their one, single goal, and narrow drive), and light is their anathema. Puffballs are the creature most capable of destroying them Once a Dark Matter is thoroughly defeated, they are returned to stardust, their persisting, tattered soul laying dormant until, eventually, their magic returns to an equilibrium, and they begin the cycle anew as a blank, featureless Void
The other branch of the cycle results from the Void absorbing negative emotions, turning its magic dark; in this branch, the Void evolves directly to the Dark Matter phase, with a power level and process similar to that of puffballs -- they have immense raw power, which they temper as their form coalesces into something similarly solid
Examples of Puffball-stage Star Children include Kirby, Keeby, Meta Knight, and Galacta Knight; Galacta Knight was sealed when he was beginning to enter the Decline phase, causing the Ancients to worry over what a being of his incredible -- even by Void standards -- power could do when he eventually fell to darkness
Currently, the only known Dark Matter that evolved directly from the Null stage is or was Zero
Void, the character, is in an odd place, as he was defeated in the Null stage; however, as killing a Star Child permanently is nigh impossible, the effect of being defeated at such a vague, unpredictable stage seems to have halted his physical progression into a full Puffball while still allowing his consciousness to fully blossom
And, for my favorite *checks notes* and only bubterfly knight, a vague few points that are subject to change:
Morpho Knight is not a true Puffball, and is an enigma; he physically resembles one, but is considered more of a "panic button" for the universe. His role is to escort ancient, exhausted souls to the afterlife, ending them permanently -- and this includes Star Children whose existence threaten the fabric and stability of just about everything He is neither light, nor dark, but somewhere in between, and he exists to keep that same equilibrium stable across the universe
That was a lot of writing! Ough.
These theories are basically a framework that I built my fics around; Kirby lore is pretty vague, usually, and someday I'll probably do a truly deep dive into it (red string and everything, probably), but today is not that day. Some smaller points are subject to change, but the overarching summary remains just about the same across all of my AUs -- yes, including Little Stray Feathers.
I could go on a whole 'nother rant about how the magic system I've roughly got in place and how it applies to different characters (i.e., Hyness, all the Mirror World reflections, Gooey, etc.), but we'll be here all day in that case.
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry it took so long to respond to -- I knew it was going to be a chonker, and it took a while to find the energy and time to write it all up.
Thank you again! I hope you have a very good day! <3
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sleepiestpeach · 3 months
Hi friend! I hope you had a lovely june! Here's to julyyyy 💗🌸🌼
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incense-and-iron · 1 year
I didn’t realize we were also doing propaganda for our WoL’s!! Um, so I’ll just post some picks of Vastha [I almost typed Vorsta bc that’s what two of their friends call them for fun/jokes lmao. It’s okay, he’s got funny names for them both too!] Some of these pics are older-- you can tell by the haircut. Also I’m putting it under a cut, not very conducive to helping as propaganda I knowwww, because the pictures are massive and tumblr won’t reformat them to be next to one another.
Anyway, Vastha isn’t up yet, but he will be in the future! Vote on @woltourney ​ for my handsome, transmasc [he/they] gay, blueberry cat <3 He’s super friendly and nice and will cheer you up and cook you a nice meal :D Oh man, I wish I could use some scenery pictures as propaganda-- if only because his major hobby is scenery photography.
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More under cut, please please please look I promise it’s worth it; I’m just saving your dash from clutter!
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Memes and funny faces after this point bc why not!
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to-be-a-dreamer · 1 year
Yes. Yes, I do have an inbox full of asks from the game the other day. However, why would I be a normal person and answer them when I could finish this response from literally ten months ago? (Other than this paragraph and the bit near the end, everything here was written back in June. I cannot even begin to tell you why it never got finished but enjoy I guess)
Okay, perfect so let me tell you guys about a little story called Pearchwood Hollow! It was a mystery/horror original story I wrote in 2019 that I repurposed into a Newsies AU. Obligatory "I have a very loose mental roadmap of how this plot goes at best, and nothing but general vibes and random scenes in mind at worst". This AU is an absolute mess and I have no idea how at least 50% of it goes, which is the exact reason it has never seen the light of day. You can read the concept chapter I wrote if you want; it's not that great but it'll help you get an idea of what this is going to be. (Don't bully me for the characters' names I was 16 and thought I was being quirky) It's formatted kinda weirdly because of the application it was originally written on but luckily I saved a copy to my computer after I deleted the original file.
Anyways, the basic idea:
It's a small town au and our main character is Davey Jacobs, an 18-year-old high school graduate/rising college freshman who lives with his parents and brother, is best friends with Charlie Morris-Larkin and Katherine Pulitzer, and was dating Jack Kelly-Larkin for most of high school. Jack and Charlie are brothers and Charlie is older by like four months because I said so. Davey and Jack broke up a few weeks after graduation because they made plans to go to colleges on opposite sides of the country. They're still friends and it's totally not awkward at all. Nope. Besties for life, those two.
Anywho, if you read the chapter I linked, you already know the mystery that's being set up, but just as a little TLDR: the town Davey and the gang live in is completely and totally normal. Really, it is. (this is not me being sarcastic again, it really is just a regular, boring town in middle-of-nowhere New York)
It's called Pearchwood Hollow and it seems perfect, almost too perfect. Davey's been there a few times and everyone he met was super friendly and helpful. The lady at the gas station gave him a free candy bar, the mechanic who helped them out when they got stuck on the side of the road taught Davey how to change a flat tire, and the nice old couple who own the local sandwich shop snuck an extra cookie in his bag. It's a perfect town, full of perfect people who live in perfect houses and go to perfect schools and play in perfect parks and have perfect everything lives.
So why does every single person within a 100-mile radius know the exact same rule: Never, under any circumstances, stay in Pearchwood Hollow overnight
Davey liked to think his parents trusted him. He didn't have a curfew because they know he isn't interested in staying out late and getting into trouble. He was allowed to go anywhere in town as long as he gave them a general idea of when he would be home. He had his own job and his parents allowed him to do whatever he wanted with his salary, knowing that he always puts half into his savings account and made sure his phone bill was paid before spending anything on himself.
Yes, Esther and Mayer Jacobs trusted their oldest son, he had never given them any reason not to, after all. But Davey had never in his life gone longer than a week without being strictly reminded "never go to the Hollow".
No one knew where the rule came from, not even the oldest people in town. As far as Davey could tell, the fear of Pearchwood Hollow went back at least six generations and for seemingly no reason. Every once in a while, a couple of local kids would go to the Hollow with the intention of staying the night, but they always chickened out before sunset. No one had ever spent the night except for the people who lived there, all of whom usually laughed off the rumors or seemed genuinely clueless about them.
Davey was curious of course, everyone was, but he figured if so many people were afraid of the Hollow there must be a good reason. He would not be known as the fool who went poking around in places he shouldn't have and ended up becoming the answer to the mystery.
Which brings us to the beginning of the Actual Plot:
The opening scene is Davey packing for college while Les helps him and whines the whole time about being left behind. He's fine, just dramatic. Davey insists that he'll love being the only kid in the house and getting all of their parents' attention. Just in case though, Davey promises to leave his favorite denim jacket for Les to wear while he's gone and Les gives Davey his favorite friendship bracelet that he made at camp.
Anyways, Les has to leave the room for something, and, while Davey's shifting boxes around and trying to figure out how to pack his whole life into one tiny little dorm room, he finds an envelope behind his desk. It's covered in a thin layer of dust, a bit crumpled, still sealed shut, and reads "To Davey" on the front in neat, loopy handwriting.
Of course, he opens it and finds a letter from someone telling him that they've always wanted to know what was wrong with the Hollow. That they couldn't take it anymore and were going to find out what the rumors were about, once and for all. They told Davey they were planning on staying for one hour past sundown and to expect them home before dinner if all went well.
That much was already weird enough, but there were details in the letter than didn't make sense. First of all, there was the fact that Davey doesn't know anyone named "Sarah", and she kept speaking about him, Les, and their parents as if she were close to their family. Extremely close. Then she asked him not to tell Katherine where she'd gone until she got back, again, as if she were close with Davey's best friend. She called him D, an old nickname his family used when he was a little kid. Other small things like that.
Davey is completely and utterly confused, so, naturally, he goes to his two best friends to make them confused with him (one of which is his ex's brother and the other of which is his ex's ex. This is normal.)
Davey, Kath, and Charlie are, individually, incredibly smart individuals, so you would think that between the three of them, they could figure out a reasonable plan of action. However, their first working plan is to just. Go to the Hollow and see what happens. They don't stay overnight, they go during the middle of the day just to see if anything about it has changed since the last time any of them went.
There's a chapter or two of the gang driving around, looking at the old, decrepit town, a far cry from what they all remember. All of the buildings are falling apart and overgrown with plants. The road is full of potholes and cracks and looks as if it hasn't been tended to in decades, maybe even centuries. Davey's pretty sure he doesn't see a single animal in the entire town. It's only been six months since one of them was here, so they have no idea how it looked so bad.
They ask around a bit to try and learn what happened, or even if anyone knows a girl named Sarah, but every person they try to talk to just yells at them to get out before they get "claimed", whatever that means. Even the nice little sandwich shop that Davey remembers has basically crumbled into a giant pile of rubble and the man at the counter glares so harshly as they enter that they turn right around and go back to the car.
It's weird and creepy, nothing like they remember about the Hollow, so they leave a lot sooner than they originally planned. This chapter(s) ends with the three of them encountering Jack on the road out of the Hollow.
He's absolutely furious for a few reasons. First for going to the Hollow without telling anyone (Katherine could have sworn she sent Darcy a text right as they crossed into the town limits). Second for not answering their phones when literally everyone has been trying to find them (Davey couldn't remember his phone going off at all while they were in the Hollow, but when he checks he does in fact have several missed calls and texts from his parents and his friends). Third for turning off their location-sharing so that Medda and Jack couldn't even figure out where Charlie was (Charlie had barely touched his phone all day, but when he pulls it out to prove it, sure enough, his location-sharing is off.) I also think that it's been at least an hour longer than the trio thought, but I'm not sure if they would realize that now.
And so they have no choice but to tell Jack what's going on, to show him the letter and explain their "plan". He understands, he probably would have done the same thing, but he's hurt that they couldn't bother to tell him. He knows that things have been a bit awkward since the breakup but they're still his best friends and Charlie should have had the sense to at least tell his family what he was up to instead of scaring them half to death by practically falling off the face of the earth for four hours.
I have no idea how long this confrontation lasts, but by the end of it everyone has more or less made up, and now Jack is in on the goal to figure out the mystery. I told you there is no plan for this, I barely know what's going on at this point.
Here's the kicker: when Jack asks if they at least learned anything useful on their little field trip, Davey, Kath, and Charlie all say "no". They tell him that everything was just as perfect and idyllic as always, everyone was nice and welcoming and nothing weird was going on. They're not lying. The reader knows all of Davey's thoughts and memories in this moment and, as he recalls them, they are drastically different from what the reader knows to be true.
This is when we discover what the characters won't for a long time: the Hollow affects your memories. As long as you leave before sunset, the memories you made during your time in the Hollow are replaced by new ones. Fake ones. Memories of colorful houses with blossoming front gardens, of cheerful diners and mom-and-pop shops, of friendly townsfolk with genuine smiles and happy lives. Our narrator has forgotten four whole hours of his life and doesn't even realize it. What else don't we know about this story?
Wasn't sure where to add this, but I think something would happen in the Hollow that left a physical mark. Like, the car got scratched, someone skins their knee or gets a small cut on their arm, or someone drops a book in a puddle of water which leaves the ink bleeding and the pages warped. Something physical that can't easily be fixed, but could easily be forgotten for a little while. Jack asks what happened and the trio realizes that none of them knows. It's a big enough mark that they definitely should have noticed as soon as it happened, but none of them did. Or, at least, none of them remember if they did.
Also, at some point, we would meet Finch, Albert, and Spot, three best friends in the grade below our main characters who sometimes just kinda show up and are Also There. If Davey and the gang thought really hard about it, they wouldn't be able to remember where or how they met the three younger kids. And if Finch, Albert, and Spot thought really hard about it, they wouldn't be able to remember where or how they met each other.
Here's where the plot gets a little muddy and I start to lose my grip on the steering wheel. Or maybe my navigation system just shorted out idk it's less of an outline and more of a wishlist after this point:
So our new Buzzfeed Unsolved gang consists of Jack Kelly, his older brother of four months, his ex-girlfriend, and his ex-boyfriend. Someone book them a weekly timeslot on the History Channel.
They eventually decided that the best thing they can do is just research the Hollow and see if they can figure out why there are so many warnings about a seemingly-normal place. They don't find much, people have been searching for answers about the Hollow for over a century and never found anything. Finally, Katherine manages to find one newspaper article from the late 1800s, early 1900s. (It might be a little on-the-nose to say it's from 1899, but that's around the time period, I didn't even do that on purpose). According to the article, there was some kind of tragedy that killed every person in Pearchwood Hollow. I haven't 100% decided what happened, but my top 3 options are: blizzard, massive flood/tropical storm, or mysterious illness. I think I'm leaning towards blizzard just for simplicity's sake, but the illness one would be easy to explain why it didn't affect any of the surrounding towns. It's really not important, all you need to know is that everyone in town died, and the article states that no one has any plans to rebuild or repopulate.
Then the exact same newspaper released another article a week later, talking about a new school opening in Pearchwood Hollow to help with the large population increase over the past few years.
This is when the gang starts to revisit the weird stuff that happened when they went into the Hollow. Their phones seemingly not working, time moving differently, and the physical mark that I mentioned earlier. With this, in addition to the news articles and the letter from Sarah, there's only one logical conclusion to come to: the Hollow affects your memories.
Okay so maybe it's not exactly a logical conclusion and they definitely argue about it for a while, but it's the best explanation anyone has. But if the theory is true, that means there's no way of learning what's going on. Not unless they stay in the Hollow overnight.
Again, I have absolutely how the plot progresses to this, it just Does, alright? So yeah, the gang decides to just stick it out and stay in the Hollow overnight. How do they decide on this? Absolutely no idea but it happens and we're going with it, it's important to the plot.
Now this is really where I have no idea what happens beyond really vague ideas so just bear with me:
The gang goes to the Hollow and it's the same as the last time (the time the reader remembers), the run-down buildings, the horrible roads, the weird townsfolk, everything. Except this time, as soon as the sun sets, it's like a switch flips in everyone's heads and they suddenly remember that this is how Pearchwood Hollow has always been. Every single time, they had had the same awful experience, their memories were just replaced after they left. It's fascinating and terrifying all the same, but they move on to the next part of the plan, which is to find Sarah.
Which they do. Somehow. Don't ask questions, I don't have answers. They find Sarah and, again, a switch flips and suddenly they all remember her. She's Davey's twin sister, Jack's best friend, and Katherine's girlfriend of two years. It's very emotional, very sad, many tears. I'm so good at descriptions.
This is when the pieces all start to fall into place for both the reader and the characters. Sarah left the note for Davey about a week or two before the story started, went into the Hollow, stayed after dark, got trapped, and everyone in the outside world forgot she existed. Every physical and digital trace of her disappeared, except for the letter. As Sarah keeps explaining, they learn dozens, if not hundreds of people get stuck in the Hollow every single year. And then the world just... forgets them. People they knew, people they were friends with, maybe even people they loved. All gone.
Sarah doesn't know why, no one in the Hollow does. They still age and die as normal, so this has been going on for over six generations just like in the outside world. The town is pretty run down after a century of not being able to call for outside help or materials, but they don't really need to sleep or eat or drink like they should, so the lack of safe housing or good food or clean water isn't really a problem. The Hollow is basically a weird little pocket dimension and the people inside are somewhere between dead and alive. They just live out the rest of their lives wandering aimlessly in their odd little prison, making tentative friendships that don't mean all that much, and scaring off any visitors so they don't get trapped as well.
Davey, Katherine, Charlie, and Jack aren't technically stuck yet. They could still leave, but they'd forget everything again. They aren't really trapped until they get "claimed", which, according to Sarah, should be happening any minute so they really needed to get going. They argue this, of course, saying they won't leave without her and she insists that she can't leave, that she's tried and everyone else in Pearchwood has tried, but there's no way out after you get claimed.
They're arguing about this for a few minutes and then they hear a voice calling out from the other room. Asking Sarah who she was talking to. Then the final switch flips and they remember Race. And Davey can't feel any emotion besides horror as the boy freezes in the doorway. This is Jack and Charlie's little brother and, if Davey's memory isn't failing him again, he's been gone for over a year. And all that time, while he was stuck in this horrible limbo, they were just living their lives as if nothing had happened
Okay, so this is where I stopped writing back in June because couldn't think of an ending. We're picking this up about ten months later so apologies if there's any continuity errors after this
For the sake of getting this finished so it doesn't sit in my drafts for another ten months, we're gonna speedrun our way through what is technically the climax of the entire story, just deal with it. In case you haven't noticed I love creating situations for my little guys but I'm so bad at getting them out of said situations
Basically, Pearchwood Hollow is the way that it is because back in 1899, when the whole town was destroyed, there actually was one survivor. It doesn't really matter who it was. Maybe the mayor, maybe a poor farmer, maybe a small child. Who they are isn't important. What's important is that they were scared, lonely, and so very desperate.
Desperation is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands. It makes you vulnerable.
They made a deal with something. Maybe they thought it was an angel. Maybe they knew it was a demon. Maybe they didn't care either way.
The demon couldn't bring everyone back, but it could bring others in. It promised that if the person could get people to stay in the town just until sunset, the demon would make sure they were never lonely again. It could give them a community, a family again.
Desperation is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands. It makes you vulnerable. It makes you irrational. It prevents you from remembering all the warnings passed down from generation to generation about reading the fine print before accepting a deal from a demon. They never give you what you think you're asking for in the first draft.
At the time of our story, the original person who made the deal is long dead. But the demon will never break its oath, not as long as there are still people in the Hollow.
Demons gain their power from soul sacrifices. Technically, there's a specific ritual a human must complete of their own volition before the demon can stake their claim, but every rule has a loophole. Willingly entering a demon's earthly domain past nightfall despite warnings to keep away? Close enough to a ritual sacrifice for a demon to claim your soul and keep you trapped for the rest of your life.
Anyways, long story short but Davey and Co meet the demon and somehow don't ask questions Davey convinces it to take only his soul in exchange for letting the rest of his friends go, including Sarah and Race. I'm thinking the reasoning is because souls that are willingly sacrificed by someone who fully and completely understands the meaning of said sacrifice are ten times more powerful than souls that are forcibly stolen using a shaky-at-best loophole.
Desperation is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands. It makes you vulnerable. It makes you irrational. It makes you impulsive. It tricks you into thinking you've outsmarted your opponent when both of you know the game was over before it even started.
Jack and the others try to talk him out of it. Davey insists that this is the only way and at least most of them should be able to go home. They won't remember him anyways so they won't have to mourn. Before any of the others can try to offer themselves up instead, the demon snaps its fingers and suddenly the reader is sent back to the opening scene.
Davey is in his room packing for college. Sarah comes in to try and steal some of his sweaters to take with her to her own university just two hours away from Davey's. They bicker like all siblings do, like they always have.
They meet Charlie, Katherine, and Jack for lunch at Jacobi's later that day. Sarah greets her girlfriend with a sweet kiss and Davey slips under Jack's arm like it was the only place in the world he belonged. None of them mention the Hollow. The thought of the place doesn't even cross Davey's mind.
Jack leaves early to pick Race up from work, grumbling lightheartedly about how his annoying kid brother should hitch a ride with his friends instead of bugging him all the time. Davey rolls his eyes, knowing his boyfriend is eager to soak up every second left at home with Race before Jack and Davey move across the country to go to college together.
Davey does not find a dusty envelope behind his desk.
Esther and Meyer shed several tears the day they drop Davey and Sarah off at college, mentioning how quiet the house will be with only the two of them living in it
If he thought long and hard about it, Davey wouldn't be able to remember why he left his favorite denim jacket at home.
If anyone asked, Davey wouldn't be able to recall who gave him the handmade friendship bracelet he always had on his wrist.
And if anyone asked, David Jacobs would say he has only one sibling, his twin sister Sarah.
Always read the fine print before making a deal with a demon. They never give you what you think you're asking for.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
with the constant vow, do you think john would've been able to cure dean? like if it had happened in stanford era, for instance
...man, that's a ponderer. (happy wincest wednesday -- idk if that's when you sent this but let's just go with it.) um -- do spoilers for the fic matter? Well, there'll be spoilers here, if anyone cares.
Let's just relocate the entire thing to Stanford Era, as you say. 2003, Dean's 24, him and John are still working together but the separation is beginning. Given the two-part nature of the curse and cure, I think...
Yes, John would be able to turn Dean back into a guy. He does care for Dean and love him and his love is... complicated, let's say that, haha. The fact that he would work is telling about the emotional incest of their whole situation. He's entangled with Dean in a way that Bobby, for example, isn't, even if he's not Dean's fuckoff actual soulmate. (One benefit of this scenario: they wouldn't try Bobby as a substitute. I can see John throwing a random stranger at Dean, but not Bobby. One horribly awkward bullet dodged!)
That said, the iterative nature of the curse would continue, much as it did for Sam and Dean, because the second part of it was that Dean had to believe it, and as long as it took him to really lock in to Sam, he never could with John. Not quite, not really, where it counted. We see a deep and true ambivalence about John in Dean, not just when he's older with the benefit of hindsight but all the way back then, as a kid. It comes up over and over: he loves John and also knows, deep, that John doesn't really have his best interests at heart; he knows that John loves him and he knows that John will treat him as a useful tool, to be cared for but discarded if need be. Even in his most devoted moments there's this almost hysterical pleading edge -- like if he just says it loud enough, maybe he can believe it's true. Not the kind of bone-deep certainty that the curse required to lift. He and John would never get to that dawn in the desert in Albuquerque, even with a month's worth of closeness and intimacy in the rearview.
The reason for that is, of course, my pigheadedness about characters' meta roles in the story. God can never reach a true sympathy with Michael or Lucifer. He necessarily has to be external, looking away, his plans always in motion. John always always always has to be most focused on the revenge for Mary or he's not John -- and what's the point, if he's not John?
That leaves us, though, with a fun AU, posited by fic!Sam at some point in one of the latter chapters but here the only option left: John and his two-part child, female most of the time and male when it'll be useful. You can see him fucking Dean into masculinity to be more useful in a fight or to go see a hunter who knows them, and then waiting until the next moonrise for Deanna to appear, who'd be able to do an undercover op or winkle more information out of someone, etc. Maybe John bails for a month or two to work on something and Dean's left alone to meet the equivalent of a Cassie, but it's a guy instead, and when John comes back -- now that's a weird moment, huh? (Dean not able to risk getting too close to that guy, in case he unexpectedly changes, and then... although what a way to break up with someone, lol.) You do then wonder if Dean or John would ever consider going to Sam to see if he could cure it. I wonder if John would think of it and then decide against it. (I wonder if Deanna would show up in Sam's apartment in 2005, stuck as a girl for weeks and weeks because Dad was supposed to call and never did, and look at Sam with his arm around some other girl's neck, and think -- what if--?)
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erigold13261 · 2 years
Hi! Do you have HCs for older Yinu? I loved your take on her, as well as her future designs! Questions like: “Will she stay in NSR as an adult?” Or “What does she like doing other than playing the piano?” Thanks and Love Love Sayu Pyunnn to you!
I'm really glad you like my design! I need to make more life designs lol
As for headcanons, I would say that Yinu will probably stay with NSR until late teens to early adulthood, she is definitely not going to spend her whole life working under the same company.
I think the reason she would leave would probably because of Mama, whether it be because she has declining health or... dies. Either way, that would be a kick to Yinu to stop working and actually live, because I can see Yinu spending her whole childhood and teen years playing piano professionally so much that she just doesn't have a real life. No matter how hard Mama tries to make it so that Yinu can have a normal life, it will never be normal as long as she is a megastar.
Once she retires, or at least takes a few years away from NSR, I would think she starts exploring outside of piano. She probably has no real idea who she is or what she likes. She definitely likes plants, so she would travel a bit. A lot actually. She would go and visit all kinds of places, probably with Mama or by herself. Possibly she could go with a friend or partner if she has one later on.
During this time she would still be practicing piano, but not nearly as much as she was when she was a child. Maybe she picks up some other instruments. I can see her playing harp, which Mama would teach her, or violin, which Neon J could teach. She would definitely still be in touch with the other megastars too.
Yinu would find a love of adventure, a passion for cooking, and an eye for fashion. And honestly, I can see her also learning to fight, like karate or judo, kickboxing, something like that.
As she gets older she would start to slow down, maybe date maybe get married. Possibly stay single for a long while. I see Yinu as a lot more independent as she gets older, having had her mother basically around her and protecting her all the time would make Yinu a bit more cautious of getting in a relationship and fearing she would lose some of her independence. But she would still want to one day get married and be as happy as her parents were, but also scared of loving someone so much she might lose them like Mama lost Papa. It would be a big hurdle for her honestly.
Once she is no longer traveling, putting up small performances here and there, I could see her returning to professional piano playing. Probably in her mid 30s. She would have to learn what type of music is popular and how to make it, but I am sure she would be a hit whenever she comes back. If NSR is still around at that time she would be willing to join again, though there would definitely be a whole different set of megastars that she would have to get to know. The only one I can see still being there is Sayu, and even then that is a very low probability. Yinu would also be more willing to go fully solo in her career or join other music industries. Probably more willing to do that than to rejoin NSR if she can't get over the nostalgia.
No matter what, Yinu is going to have a long and fulfilling life. There will be hardships, and trying to figure out who she is later in life. But she will have fun overall and in the end she will retire to where Mama and Papa grew up and live the rest of her life there. Sometimes an ex-megastar will visit her, or she will visit them, or a fan will find her, but she enjoys her life and is happy in the end.
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fictionobsession · 11 months
Yes please to the edgy asks!!! 7, 14,19!
I missed saying that I would love to know for both Thenii AND Pip, but understand that Pip is newer and it may be harder, so feel free to pick and choose!
I really had to sit and think about Pip for these but I think I got her down pretty well. hopefully. subject to change, etc etc.
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
ohoho man. Thenii has changed a LOT since her inception. in total honesty, the og Thenii is a vulpera hunter in world of warcraft, and therefore had no backstory or deeper anything going on. Thenii as we know and love her today obviously came around with bg3 really, and she was very generic. she was my outlander ranger who does good things but hates people. now she has a whole traumatic backstory, is madly in love with a vampire spawn, and is a dry, sarcastic little shit to hide the fact that she really cares a whole lot. who could have predicted.
Pippin has actually changed a bit. when I first came up with the idea for Pip, she leaned more heavily into the typical Criminal archetype. now, she's a chaos demon for sure, but she's only a criminal due to her insatiable curiosity, drive to try new things, and complete lack of respect for arbitrary rules.
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Thenii definitely wants to be seen as calm, and maybe even a bit uncaring. she wants to be able to keep people at arms length, so she tries to give off sort of a "cold bitch" aura.
Pip wants to be seen as fun, first and foremost. she wants to be the life of the party, but she'd also really like if people trusted her enough to tell her things. she always wants to be the optimistic, sunny personality of the group.
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
Thenii gets quiet when enraged. she will try to extract herself from the situation if at all possible. however, if she gets pushed past that threshold, stuck in the situation, OR especially if she's enraged on behalf of a friend, she will fight. verbally, fists, weapons, whatever she has (you should've seen her at cazador's).
Pip doesn't... get enraged. no one can recall a single time she's been anything less than pleasant. (she disguises her insults in tone and wording, bless her heart)
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