#it would be so much easier if someone else did it for me XD
jorisjurgen · 2 months
World of Twelve dashboard simulator #2
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👁️ katarynadance follow
Freaks may say i want to fuck antonio sadisski from the bontarian boufbowl Love Arrow team. I'm freaks. I mean im freaks. I mean im freaks.
🌌 somethingquietplace
I wouldn't go that far, but NGL, I don't know how one might not develop an affinity for him... Very charming man! He might be the second greatest player after Khan.
Then again, my opinion on who the second greatest player is changes all the time, haha.
🌸 sadidaskickshoe follow
Ehh khan's been dead for centuries....! Let it go. I think he's cool, but thinking nobody will ever be better is crazy...
🌌 somethingquietplace
He developed most of the techniques still used to this day, just so you know. Visit a museum perhaps. It might be helpful?
🎃 sacriblo0ody follow
average khan fan showing how much criticism of his favourite misogynyst he can withstand.
🌌 somethingquietplace
And you're an average 16 year old child with Very Important Opinions trying to educate me nicely.
🧀 cheesefuckersupreme follow
Seeing somethingquietplace and sadidaskickshoe on the same post is kind of terrifying.
#worlds most toxic crossover? #20 callout posts gang real?
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🧀 cheesefuckersupreme follow
Guys they both blocked me ASFHFKDKGJSJ
Do i get a boufbowl fandom badge of honor now????? Did i make it in life?????
🦠 gorebludsac follow
I don't think it's a nice way to post, considering one of them is like neurodivergent and a minor, and the other is tumblr user somethingquietplace (diagnosis self explanatory)
🧀 cheesefuckersupreme follow
I'm sorry yeah i forgot that they're both diagnosed.
#ngl i feel bad kinda for both of them
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🌌 somethingquietplace
I hate adventuring with other people. Just being there and knowing I'll never be their friend. I want to say something, be in the conversation, but I never know what to say, and everyone already knows each other and
Well even when they don't yet know each other, obviously they'll prefer anyone else over me. They'll give up on trying to talk to me.
It's so weird... I hate everyone. Everyone has stupid interests and tastes. Just braindead things. Romance and fucking and fashion. And all of them have normal lives and normal families and once in a while they ask something about mine and I don't know what to say at all. And I want to be liked. Even if I have zero respect for anyone I want to like me. Is it weird?
I guess I'm just sad because I don't have that innate talent to pretend like I care about other people. Or maybe I wish someone actually liked me besides my family.
#delete later #...I really like this ''forbid others from reblogging a post'' function they added recently #When my dad dies I think I will finally kill myself I guess. #not osu #Honestly I can't tolerate anyone at my work. I hate them all and want them dead. #And I can't tolerate anyone close to my age. #They all insult me. Constantly. You know. #So the only people who like me are my family. #Its neverending. I can't take it anymore. #I think me only liking my family might be a self fulfilling prophecy but i don't care. #or so I think.
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🌸 sadidaskickshoe follow
people who post about their family issues on here are weird.... My brother isn't here but just the idea of him seeing anything on my phone makes me so scared to write anything!! 😵‍💫
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🌌 somethingquietplace
I wish people would refrain from obvious vagueblogging about my deleted posts.
#delete later #not osu
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🌸 sadidaskickshoe
people who stalk other peoples blogs are so weird!! I think it's easier to follow one another. Because this is getting embarrassing for us both XD
🌌 somethingquietplace
#Mostly I am following you because you said you liked Khan Karkass. #Even if you don't have good opinions (ones I agree with) on him.
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🦠 gorebludsac follow
A second mad xelor explosive machine has hit the tumblr boufbowl fandom
#those.two.... are mutuals now. #i canrt stop laughing there are tears rolling down my face #remember when kickshoe told me in explicit detail how she wanted me to kill myself #or how quiet typed out whole 40 paragraphs of threats #and ended that post with ''youre wasting my time away from work'' as if hes not termianlly online too #this is historical for me and nobody else
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🪰 maldemal follow
She throw dice on my tabletop til i eacflipcity
🕳️ eviltreeman follow
Collect my Thirsty Branches
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🎭 syxxxxxaenika follow
Bruh someone tried to kill the prince again and missed. How the fuck does a fifth assassin in a row fail at killing the prince of brakmar!!!! I can't live in this stupid country anymore
🌸 sadidaskickshoe
Even if things suck i dont think killing royals is the answer..... 😰
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🌌 somethingquietplace
Was in a store recently. The prices were disgusting, and the worst of all, the Ministry of Moral Purity wants to propose a tax for being negative about the government... Are we in Brakmar now? Is this Brakmar we're in?
I have something very taxable to say but shall refrain.
🎭 syxxxxxaenika follow
Bontarians when something bontarian happens bontarianly in bonta: is this fucking brakmar
unlike you, I have the free speech to wish death on our royalty. I can say freely that I hope the prince of brakmar kills himself.
🌌 somethingquietplace
It's literally so easy to hate you even besides the holier than thou attitude... Your city has lava. Would a good place to live with good people have lava. Would a good place with good people have invented something called "the Brakmarian burial"?
🎭 syxxxxxaenika follow
You can't be saying that white-blue boy
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🪄 pantypervert69 follow
@/xellymelly has been selling re-bought goods from The Mad Xelor. Do NOT buy from her. Not only are they dangerous, they are also wildly past their expiration date. DO NOT USE ANYTHING YOU BOUGHT FROM HER. IT WILL KILL YOU.
🌌 somethingquietplace
If you have items made by The Mad Xelor, Kerubim Crepin from Bonta's Aux Tresors de Kerubim shop has a recycling program for all victims of this scam. He even gives out rewards for all the items you bring in.
I implore you to consider taking the things you bought to him, and making the world a safer place. (And "★bring some magic to your life★")
#not osu #I can personally vouch for this store's quality. It's very well known among some circles around here.
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🚬 pigpigeazer follow
Everyone always jokes about the bad parts of classes but nobody ever talks about how generous the pandawa are, how honest iops are, how lively ecaflips are, and how empathetic sacriers are
🎃 sacriblo0ody follow
literally im always saying that!
🤖 athefogenesis follow
Except it always comes at the expense of mentioning that their religion makes them ignorant, addicts, or drives them to self harm?? We need to bully people who are hardcore about class tenets harder. You're destroying yourself for some all powerful reality-warping creature that doesnt give a shit about you
🤹 lancerclown420 follow
People like you give us atheist classes such a bad name. Everyone and everything in the world has a purpose, both those who follow a deity, and those who follow a primciple and
Actually they're a sufokian supremacist so nvmmmm
🧙 hupperschlongartor follow
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🌌 somethingquietplace
#not osu #delete later #the thing is that. I never stopped hating him for ruining my life. #But the amount of hatred i feel ebbs and flows. Does it make sense? #This is stupid. So stupid... Like #oh nooo papycha... you neglected me as a child to the point of incurable mental diseases... #They would be better off if I was dead honestly #i need me and my dad to die. #I need everyone to die actually
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🦞 foggerfish follow
Apparently there's a big thing going on in demigod history community because Goultard (you know, the 4847372882843 or whatever year old son of Iop) undied again and was spotted somewhere around Astrubian border.
👽 cvt3-r41nb0w follow
MY WEDDING IS BACK ON NOBODY WILL HOLD ME BACK. He already married witches i can be the fourth
🗣️ thedarkwitchfromthatbook-is-gay follow
Isn't he gay
😈 osawhip666 follow
isn't he a mass murderer
🌌 somethingquietplace
Finally a reason to kill myself?
#I have to work with demigods a lot so... #Wish me luck in avoiding him like plague? #I had horrible experiences with him in the past #but talking about it would definitely lead someone to finding out who I am so... #I hope he kills himself and it sticks for once.
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🪐 8lunarcoeur8 follow
I wish people would stop rb'ing quiet's boufbowl gifsets considering the fact hes racist, misogynist, a freak, a bonta apologist (goes with the racism), has a fucking Maid, and likes some really weird things.
At least kickshoe has the excuse of being like a teen but this fucking guy is just something else.
🧙 hupperschlongartor follow
whatd he do? 🥺
🪐 8lunarcoeur8 follow
Says weird things about brakmar (x, x, x, x, x, x, x, and mooooore), is a freak (x, x), and a misogynist (x, x, x) (STOP STANNING KHAN KARKASS) also he's weird about huppermages and self described his class as an antihuppermage and even though it was like 200 years ago hes a wholeass immortal man and also is Still a weirdo about ecaflips.
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🌌 somethingquietplace
RE: the newest cancellation
I don't care about your feelings and I have nothing to apologize for.
#not osu
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🦴 skellythievin follow
Not me honoring sram by stealing bones from the graveyard 😭
🦴 ougigou-woof-woof follow
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🌸 sadidaskickshoe
Yaaa antonio sadisski won as always!! They should put sadidas like him in the hall of heroes for our country ᕙ⁠ ⁠(⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠)
👯 mirarynnnw follow
He sucks
🌸 sadidaskickshoe
Hi kill yourself :) /gen
#i was banned from using my phone but ill risk it all again to say that nobody will miss you!
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linked-maze · 10 months
Currently I'm trying to figure out why time from lu and time from lm would be so different from each other logically rather than the easier answer of "most people pretray the same character in different ways". So logically what would happen in lu times life that made him so different from lm time? Well my mind instantly went to trauma because people are different people will react to trauma differently and both hero of times have a unhealthy amount of trauma so logically they probably reacted to the trauma differently. Some people if they've gone through something traumatic and survived it will believe that people who could go through similar trauma will also survive it and might even be pricks about it without realizing it. Lu time seems to be a case of someone accepting their trauma and trying to live with it, and lm time seems to be a person who believes that everyone else should be able to react to trauma the same way he did?
Another difference is lu time never found his navi and lm time did find navi again (even though why anyone would bother looking for her is beyond me but link is a wierd kid so whatever) so lu time is still sad about losing his navi while lm time got to spend a lot more time with navi. maybe that is also a factor for why these two people who have very similar experiences are so different from each other? If we take hyrule warriors characterization of time he was apparently a little jerk so perhaps lm time just never grew up from that so that if he ever met warriors again warriors would recognize his attitude? Also heres another big difference lu time is married! Currently we're unaware if lm time is married at all, so lu time probably gets a lot of joy and works through his trauma because he has someone in his life he loves so much. I dont think malon would marry this version of time but perhaps lm time is married to someone other than malon or just isn't married at all?
wow! what a mouthful XDDD lovely!! so we all imagine the Links differently when we are playing the games- he absolutely has some trauma, a lot of issues that I'm not even gonna go into rn. my Time is kinda stuck if that makes sense? he is an adult, yes. but his maturity is way behind. he is also doing it on purpose XD as to whether he is married or not- well, it is complicated ^^
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theamityelf · 9 months
“ you shoot anyone who comes through that door who isn’t me. ” kamuegi? Kamuegi!
(Alright, less fluffy than last time! XD)
Their place of refuge only had one entrance.
This was not accidental on Izuru's part, of course. There had been an active choice between the security of a single entrance (the chance of being cornered) and the security of many exits (the chance of being faced with enemies from many directions at once). Either scenario was one he could handle well enough on his own, so of course Makoto was the deciding factor.
It was easier to protect him from unidirectional ambush than from multiple lines of fire.
And anyway, Makoto hated to be surrounded. Specifically, particularly hated to be surrounded, physically, more than he hated to be physically cornered. It was a leftover anxiety from the trials, Izuru believed. As much as Makoto didn't want to see it as such (and perhaps didn't believe he did), each time he had been suspected in the trials had been a moment in which he had been surrounded by enemies. Managing multiple streams of attack to protect himself.
(This fear was a subtle post-traumatic stress symptom, so it hadn't been sanded down as much as his more people-facing ones, like the way his defensiveness would sometimes flare up in casual arguments as if they were of critical importance.)
All this to say, there was one door, and it was now unsafe. The hacked Monokuma which Izuru had been using for perimeter surveillance revealed the hordes closing in. Human hordes.
And he was pressing a handgun into his lover's hands.
"I-I can't-"
"Yes you can," Izuru interrupted, before the unproductive thought could spread its spores. "It's no different from using your hacking gun on Monokumas."
"It is different. These are people. I can't-"
"Yes you can, because you love to be alive, because you love your friends, and you love me. The beings who will be trying to get through this door-" (He was careful not to say "people".) "-want to kill you. You want to be alive."
Makoto's eyes were damp, but the tears weren't falling. They usually didn't. Izuru briskly dabbed his lover's tears away, so that he could see clearly as Izuru redirected his attention to the handgun.
"This is the safety. It's currently on. Now it's off. If you pull the trigger, the gun will fire. The aiming of it is no different from your hacking gun, except that you're no longer going for the eye. Aim for the torso; it's a larger target than any extremities. Shoot anyone who comes through that door who isn’t me." He needed to leave now, but he also needed to be assured that Makoto wouldn't freeze, if it became necessary to fatally wound someone. He brought their faces closer together, eclipsing all else from Makoto's vision. "Think of it this way: However many of them you have to kill in self-defense is nothing compared to how many I will kill if you die." He kissed him, quick and fervently, and then looked him in the eye. Makoto was upset, but he was also focused. Izuru made his exit. "Lock it after me. Every lock. Then stand back." He shut the door.
The hordes were here. He cracked his neck and got to work.
The door was off its hinges when he returned. He had known that there was no way to prevent this, with the numbers he'd been facing, but still his pulse ran laps at the sight.
It seemed that not many had made it inside. He only had to step over one body on the way in- alive, shot in the stomach. Encouraging, where the silence wasn't.
"Makoto?" he called.
There were no reactive sounds, but he could hear breathing in the next room.
He rounded the corner.
Three bodies. Two dead, one dying, all in a heap on the floor. The blood pooled beneath them, and just beyond the reach of the pools was Makoto, standing frozen with his gun outstretched, visibly distraught. The sight of Izuru seemed to spur his brain back into action; he processed the arrival first as a threat (Izuru had entered silently.) and then as a relief.
"Please, can you do something for them? Can you help them? I can't-!"
Izuru stepped over the bodies, turning Makoto away from them and drawing him into his arms. Their heartbeats conversed at a patter-pace. "You're alright."
"D-Did I kill them?"
"They just passed out from shock. They'll be fine."
"N-N-No, they...All that blood..."
"They'll be fine," he insisted. "As for us, we have to leave before the next wave arrives."
"But if they die, I killed them. Then I'm the murderer, I-I'm the culprit..."
Izuru once again placed his face close to Makoto's, taking the handgun from him as he did. "You are not in a killing game anymore. There will not be any consequences for this. You're safe, as long as we leave." And with that, he lifted Makoto from his feet, resting his weight mostly against one shoulder while his other hand held his gun at the ready.
"Wait, we can't just leave them there!"
He ignored the squirming and stepped over the bodies again. Casually kicking the one who was still alive, so that he would make a noise (however faint) and prove that he wasn't dead. "You were acting in self-defense. Your guilt is irrational. Don't adopt Enoshima's standards for wrongful killing."
"Everyone...Everyone will hate me..."
"Do you think they haven't had to kill in self-defense?"
"I..." His whole frame shook once, but then he said, "I can walk."
Izuru set him down. They were out the door, now. Those who would have killed them were spread on the ground, twitching impotently. He had mostly shot or broken their spines, killing only when it was most efficient by a significant margin. A carpet of corpses would have bothered Makoto.
"...Would you tell me if they were dead?"
Izuru wished the matter wouldn't weigh so heavily on his lover. Makoto deserved someone who wasn't a liar. But he needed someone who was. "Of course."
They were making quick progress, now that Makoto was cooperating. Soon, they would be somewhere safe again, and Izuru would have time to comfort him, feed him, distract him. Regrettably, Makoto had already had enough time to return to the killing game in his mind, but Izuru would pull him back.
In fact, it was probably more accurate to say that he had been playing by the killing game's rules all along, and this was his first time breaking them. Which meant he just needed time to see that there was no execution coming for him. That Enoshima's judgement no longer held weight, and no one alive would hold this against him. He hadn't lost her game; he had won. He had won a long time ago, and now it was over.
"Look at me," Izuru said, deciding that they'd walked far enough to pause for a minute. "At me," he said again.
Makoto's eyes met his. Slightly wet. Foggy with shame. His face had that remote look that it always acquired when he went through something emotionally overwhelming.
"Thank you, Makoto."
He blinked, confusion interrupting the daze he'd been in. "Thank...?"
"Thank you, for protecting yourself. Thank you for choosing to defend yourself. I was worried you might not."
His eyes became wetter. "It's not...It's nothing to...thank me for."
"But it is. You've never killed needlessly. When the need arose, I'm glad you met the need."
The tears fell. Better than the alternative; he didn't cry enough. "So I did kill them?"
"They were always going to die today. That was the choice they made when they tried to kill you. The choice you made was whether you would die with them, and you decided not to. I'm thankful for that." He brushed his lips gently over Makoto's, then took his hand. "Just a little farther. Then breakfast, alright?"
He exhaled a shaking breath which Izuru took to be affirmative.
He would need a lot of attention, today. A lot of reassurance and affection. And Izuru was more than happy to provide it.
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nieves-de-sugui · 9 months
15 people, 15 questions
I got tagged by @wanderlust-in-my-soul and @isaksbestpillow a few days ago. Thank you! It makes me really happy 🥰
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes. After a Spanish actress and someone else I think. My parents liked the name so they gave it to me.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday, when I went to my friend's mom funeral. it was a very sad moment.
3. Do you have kids?
Not yet. I definetly want to have kids someday. It's a little funny to me, because it's the only thing I am 100% sure I want in my life, everything else is a blur. I tend to be a very indecisive person.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
As a hobby I have played tennis, in my early youth. I have sort of lost that ability since. I want to take up Badminton but I don't have money or time. I don't know if martial arts count, but I also did Taekwondo. I really miss it... but the same problem persists.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes. Very often, as a joke mostly. I also might use it if I'm angry, then I become a little cruel. Thankfully I very rarely get angry.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Generally how they look. Whatever is most eye catching, ig. Then I pass onto personality pretty quickly.
7. What’s your eye color?
Brown with a tiny little bit of green. Very tiny, but it's there.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I have enough bad things happening in my life to seek them out in fiction. Particlarly, scary movies tend to tire me physically because of how much tension I have in my body. I like a good scary movie, but they're so rare I don't generally go looking for them. Happy endings give me life, but good endings do even more. I would choose a sad but good/logical ending over a happy/illogical one. Let's just put more care into the final product and I'll stop complaining about current movies or shows xD
9. Any talents?
I do not know if they're talents (I have a hard time seeing them as such) but I guess I have a few. I can draw and sing pretty well, sort of play the cello, memorize lyrics pretty easily, guess how a song is gonna go pretty fast, understand other people's feelings and actions, comfort people, cry lots anywhere and in front of anybody... To say a few xD
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies
I consider a hobby something you make, so stuff like watching shows or reading wouldn't count as such. I watch A TON of shows, and read some books. But I would like to have a manual hobby, like sewing or something like that. I guess drawing might count? But latetly not really. I am currently in search of a hobby. I want to go back to cello classes, and dance classes... but money....
12. Do you have any pets?
I do not. And don't plan on having any. I hate finding hair around me (even my own hair). Idk why but it drives me crazy. I like my friend's pets but I don't think I have the energy required to have a pet.
13. How tall are you?
Like average. I think 5,3 ft would be the american equivalent.
14. Favorite subject in school?
History, Literature, and English, iirc. I'm a humanities gal.
15. Dream job?
I don't really have one? I just want to find a job in my field, and then see what I want to do. Idk if the path I've chosen is gonna be good but I think I'm gonna like it. I just need someone to give me a chance :)
This was an interesting game. I hope it's easier to know me like this. I love to make friends on this site :3
Tagging @xagan @0ffgun @gunsatthaphan @emotionallychargedtowel @elilmwenseni27 @emil-luvs-satur @takeadeepbreathandexist @thelonelyweavergirl @nahaluk @thewayofsubtext @ranchtastic @raktae @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @italianpersonwithashippersheart @lun-rambles invinting you to play if you feel like it ❤
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destinationtoast · 2 years
"Entertainment" and modern AI-fandom interactions
There's a 1985* sci-fi short story I once read by M.A. Foster called “Entertainment” that predicts what will happen in an increasingly AI-generated art world.  I can't find any excerpts or summaries of it online, but what I recall is:
In the future, humans can prompt machines to create any art -- e.g., "What would a collaboration between early-era Peter Gabriel and late-era Beethoven look like, with a music video directed by Werner Herzog?"  (That's a made up example, but someone originally gave me the story because Peter Gabriel and early Genesis are actually referred to in the text, and I was at the height of my fandom. XD )  An AI then comes up with a bunch of different examples, and the human who gave the prompt chooses the one(s) they like best.  They then release the creation to the broader world, and people make micropayments to stream it.  Everyone competes for attention, hoping to go viral or at least make a decent living.
(There's a dystopian aspect, where if you don't make enough money and your balance drops below zero, you disappear back into the human factory to get remade.  Also, people don't have sex in person -- they pay each other for the rights to their likeness, and they have sex with simulated versions of one another.  All of which is rather interesting, but not as directly relevant to the point I'm making here.)
M.A. Foster did an impressive job foreseeing a bunch of aspects of modern AI and online culture (especially keeping in mind that there was no Web or social media or digital streaming or online micropayments at the time this was written).   And it’s becoming easy to imagine that we may reach a point where many of the story’s predictions about art come true, as well.  
Currently, you can give increasingly complex prompts and get AIs to respond with something that makes sense and seems like a valid reply. Newer AIs often create text and images that are both exciting and terrifying due to what feels like a sudden potential to blend in with or replace human output.  Fandom, along with everyone else, is unnerved.  After all, will we still need fan creators in a world where we can prompt AIs to do this?
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Or this?
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Or when AI can even take the prompt “Professor Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr kissing next to a conflagration” and output this?
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Okay, there’s definitely still some funkiness going on there with some body parts; cherik fanartists can still obviously do better, for the moment.  And more generally, AI output is still frequently goofy, full of embellishments and fabrications, literally tasteless, and/or flat-out wrong – but we can see so many promises of how good it will get.  And we can imagine how AI output will increasingly be incorporated into transformative fandom and shipping culture.  
But all of the above examples illustrate another thing that M.A. Foster got right: If you want AI to produce something really interesting and compelling, it's important to have a human come up with a good prompt and then select the best output. 
This isn’t new; for years, we have been living in an increasingly curatorial world.  For instance, with stock photos of nearly everything, and digitized versions available of much of the world's art and photography, and endless hours of new YouTube & TikTok videos uploaded to the web every passing minute, it's much easier these days to create new images or videos or other visual works without being an artist.  But building a compelling visual work based on others' images -- a mood board, edit, collage, fanvid, etc. -- still benefits enormously from being driven by a human with a particular sense of style and particular goals in mind.  And the more that any human wants to see something that is different from the most common or most popular images that already exist, the more likely they are either going to have to create it themselves – or at least push the AI really hard in that direction via increasingly specific prompts and feedback.  (None of these roles are unique to online culture, either – art commissioners have historically prompted things, and art collectors and museums have curated them -- but these days we all have access to a much wider world of online works, and we all curate our own tumblrs and pinterest boards and so forth, even if we don't explicitly create curatorial works for fandom.)
The thing I found most unrealistic about "Entertainment" was that people weren’t tempted to try their own hand at creating art; it was a purely remix + curation culture.  In reality, even if AIs get really excellent at creation, so good that their fic and art are as good as your favorite fan creators’ work, I don't think they're ever going to suppress our own creative urges.  We live in a world where there are already 313 Dean/Castiel high school AU hurt/comfort fics – and yet people were still inspired to write/update two more this week.  People are not going to stop creating new fanworks just because the AIs are increasingly able to join in and create more.  And, for some time yet, humans are still going to lead the way in creating new canons with compelling stories and characters, which machines will then learn from and remix.  (That is another thing that human artists have also always done -- drawing inspiration from and remixing one another's art -- and something that fandom in particular is pretty great at.)
TL;DR human contributions to fandom will still be very important for fandom for the foreseeable future.  Even if the internet -- and now AI -- have helped us shift from spending more time as solo creators to also having increasingly active roles as prompters and curators.  
This post was partly inspired by @fansplaining 's latest discussion of AI & recent fandom panic, "Artificial Fandom Intelligence", as well as @cfiesler 's post, "Elon Musk did not create an AI trained on your fanfiction." They also addressed other issues that fans are worried about, like the idea of AIs and their creators getting credit and/or monetary reward for new fanworks trained on existing human-generated fanworks. If you've read other good meta about any aspect of fandom & AI, I'd love pointers -- please feel free to share in the notes!
*At least, it was collected in a 1985 anthology called Owl Time; I’m not sure when/where it was originally published.
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cult-bull · 5 days
Crowns of Sins Thoughts
What's up with the red crown and sin? Why does it promote it? Does it eat it? Does it need its host to grow stronger? (Most certainly making a Crowns and Hosts thoughts posts later too)
Obviously, the sins of the flesh update came later on in the game's development and in interviews I remember the creators talking about coming up with ideas and letting their writers figure out how it fits into the lore afterwards, so who knows how much is intended from the start and how much just came later.
The red crown being able to talk seems to have been there from the start, since it has speech coming from it so to say during doctrine choosing, at least it feels implied now that we know it can speak.
How sins work seems quite separate from the bishops and their crowns… until you try to think about it. Kind of. Maybe it's retroactively fitting pieces into where they could belong but hey, this is my blog and my journal of random cult of the lamb thoughts not proper theory crafting XD
I don't think it works though when just limiting yourself to the Christian seven deadly sins.
Leshy I'm throwing out the window instantly. I'm not sure what sin his chaotic ass could represent, as I'm saving wrath for someone else and even then, Leshy doesn't really seem... wrathful. Angry, loud, first boss energy, but not wrathful. He is the youngest god though, so maybe he just didn't have the time to be that sinful.
The only sin he is so far guilty of is being a weirdly cute follower
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Heket is almost too easy in comparison. Gluttony, and even greed in terms of hoarding food from others by causing famines and giving their followers food if they worship well, and possibly because Mida's cave is near it, being pretty close to it on Jalala's map right between it and darkwood
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It would be a bit easier to tell if we got more proper lines of where each "territory" of a bishop ends and begins. How large something actually stretches is questionable
Anyway, Heket would certainly fit right into a user of a ritual like the cannibalism one (and regain all her devotion through the mushroom drugs) so it just fits right in there.
Kallamar is where my "seven deadly sin" thing not working comes up. He is not guilty of any classic sin, nor does he promote it. I know we all in the fandom like to make him lustful, partially due to that one bishop hotline video I'm sure, but I'm not sure if anything else points him into a lust category in game though, If yes, feel free to correct me.
I do say betrayal and selfishness could count as sinful. He is a scaredy-cat (a powerful scaredy-cat but still), but he rather throws his siblings, especially a broken Shamura under the bus of your vengeful wrath when you come to get him post killing Leshy and Heket, just to somehow live. He's a coward, a backstabber, no matter if he feels bad about it afterwards or not. That feels ripe for a sin.
Shamura is weird too, not because nothing fits, but more because it's speculating about their past self. Their broken mind self is... well, broken. Love them, but clearly something changed about them.
Through the lore tablets in game we learn a young Shamura was the one who asked/threatened the older gods to bow to their old-back-then-new faith and began a war against the many gods with at least I presume, the other bishops.
Shamura is a god of war, of conquest, and probably even wrath back then too. Once again, it feels ripe for sin to have someone who seeks the blood spilled in the battlefield. Again though, that's speculations about a past Shamura.
Narinder is a bit easier again, since one can likely assume pride to be a good sin for him. Prideful as he tried to rise, he fell, and retained his high and mighty pride when thinking the lamb couldn't possibly ever stand up to them until being forcefully shown that fact of life.
And fall he did, like he usually does.
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With all the bishops having "access" to a main sin source though (except leshy), they could have easily had a way to make their cults, their temples and more, stronger. In the game, we only upgrade the temple visually, but since a god grows stronger with worship, likely do their crowns as well, and it just helps feed that.
Likely a way of how the new gods Shamura and co rose up to power that much could be through this, though i have other thoughts for later dates too on that (and if Narinder was around back then, having the literal death god as your sibling probably helped in a war too-)
The crowns and their relationship to the gods of new and old need more exploring in general, I feel like. Not just from the game, but like, I want to see other people throw their totally-not-a-crown hat into the ring. Where they came from, how they work, etc.
Ramble times over, did this make sense? Probably not. But I like my randoms to an audience of mostly myself👍
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adorablebanite · 25 days
15 & 24 for the edgy oc ask :)
Well hello :} thank you so much for indulging me!!
15 - OC face claim??? Oh no I haven't even thought about it! Both Destri and Lilla are from one of the CC mods (I'm sorry I'm on mobile I can't remember which one, but it's probably obvious to those who use it!)
I hope some screenshots will suffice? 🥹
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And 24 let's see ummm - What's an alternative path your OC could have gone down? What different choices etc!
This question is so fun!
For Lilla it's kind of funny because her destiny was kind of set for her because she was made via a Banite ritual where two Banites boinked (that's a Banite word, I swear, look it up👀) and Bane infused his essence into it somehow (I dunno how copulation. rituals work I'm just assuming it's something like that - but later on I was like "what if Bane possessed the male and-" nevermind 😈).
Basically he wanted the ultimate Banite supporter for his next Chosen so make sure things go well, and Lilla's kind of infused with the will to be as loyal as one can possibly be to Bane's Chosen, but it kind of got botched and the Banites who did the ritual couldn't put her through the ringer of bringing her up with the edict. Ultimately she ended up in the same place she would have regardless if the Banites could follow through with her traumatic training or not, so with Lilla all roads really just led to Gortash, as he's the chosen. She sees it more like she was made for HIM rather than the chosen, but it's foggy whether things would be different if the chosen was someone else - chances are she'd be just as enamoured with someone else because it's wired in her blood to be devoted and loyal (and ultimately love) the chosen.
I kind of liked toying with Gortash's reaction to this - like he's always wanted someone to love him unconditionally - and here she is (even though she can't be an equal, it's still nice) - but when he finds out she had no other choice but to love him, he struggled with the idea of Lilla's love being disingenuous (which is honestly laughably ironic from what we know about him).
Long story short Lilla's path always leads to where she is now- she just may have been a bit different and less sweet and adorable, but that's what makes her a fun Banite, imo xD
Destri's struggle is the epitome of being torn between two worlds! May I answer with a self-indulgent excerpt that basically puts it into words easier than I can explain it? (I'm also sorry I've I've shared it before my brain is smooth like a bean and my memory is -45)
Warning; uncharacteristically soft Gort! I am highly aware but do it anyway xD because dopamine.
“Remarkable!” Gortash scoffed while pacing his chamber in agitation, “Absolutely astounding . We unfold a grand scheme to usher in a new dawn in the name of the Dead Three, and all Myrkul’s Chosen can think about is resurrecting his dead daughter!”
Destri was stretched comfortably across his bed, silently re-reading her lewd novel while the tyrant fumed.
“The insinuation as well…” he spun on his heel to roam the length of the room again, clenching his fist, “Such disrespect towards our lords’ alliance. Myrkul no doubt expects full fealty from him, but it’s clear the general has his own agenda, and is using his god to serve himself - just as he had with all the previous ones he’s abandoned…”
Destri looked up with a tired sigh, “You truly are so impassioned about the bone lord’s relationship with his patron gods?” she drawled, flipping to the next page in her book, and flicking the tip of her tail playfully.
“Well…” Gortash scratched the back of his neck in aggravation, “Perhaps not that specifically…but it’s the implication of it all.” When Destri merely rolled her amber eyes, he strode over and snatched the novel from her hands, “What have you been reading all this time, that you’ve been so eager to avoid me seeing?”
Body tensing in abject embarrassment, Destri was probably the closest she ever had been to outright gutting the tyrant. Thanks to her oath to him, she stayed her hand, but she soooo very itched to gore him with her horns at the way his face fell when he read the colourful words on the page before him.
“Tyrant…” she pushed herself up off the bed, and stepped over to him with such sensual calmness, it made his skin crawl, “Return that to me now, or suffer the consequences.”
Despite the divine pact that protected him from her bloody wrath, Enver dropped the book back into her outstretched claw, swallowing dryly, “That was foolish of me, Bhaalspawn,” he muttered, “I apologise…”
Now THAT took Destri off guard. She narrowed her piercing gaze at him, awaiting some smug addition to his admission, but he only followed it up with a sincere look. She pursed her lips, and shook her head at him, but spun around to return to his bed, rather than leave the chamber altogether - however he caught her elbow, stopping her from moving away.
“Wait…” he murmured thoughtfully. She turned around to face him with an exasperated glare, but his soft expression immediately muted her anger, “Is this-” he gestured to the novel, “due to anything I can…help with? I rather didn’t take you for being touch-starved, but if there’s anything I can do…”
Destri gawked at him for an awkward moment before bursting out with a hysterical snort of laughter, “Are you rubbing it in, tyrant? Having a laugh? You can’t help yourself, can you?” Her anger was further aroused with each question, but the look of befuddlement on his dumb tyrant face told her he was being sincere… which was much worse. She couldn’t stifle a flowery guffaw, and flashed a fanged smile at him, “You’re serious? Tyrant, I am not touch-starved …This just helps…” she faltered, realising the fact she hadn’t really thought through exactly why she consumed such smut - her own experiences with Enver were drastically more licentious than the scenes in her novel, “...To get my mind off things, is all,” she said finally, uninterested in clarifying further.
It was to get her mind off him , and the blasphemous feelings she harboured between them. Debauchery and bloodless flesh games were never a complication - but the infuriating way the tyrant occupied her heart was . When she first stalked him, he sat politely behind her heart and around the corner where her Father couldn’t see…But now he damn near enveloped it- filling it to the brim with his exasperating voice, and his chewable face, and his detestable chest, and his unbearable smile, and his stupid. Fucking. Haircut.
Enver cleared his throat, considering his next words carefully, “Well…I could help with that too, if need be.”
He meant that sincerely too. He was genuinely trying to be courteous - even though he didn’t understand at all. He was so stupid . So irritating. So damnably excruciating - she needed to flay him. That would fix things, really. To pull her favourite pieces off, and chew them up, and spit the pinkish pulp out, right off the balcony into the lake in idiotic little pieces. Plop. Plop. Plop. (Like that).
“Help me by doing what, tyrant?” Destri scoffed flippantly, trying desperately to evade his sentimental approach, “Tie me down? Pull my horns? Tug on my tail?” As she said this, she brushed the stubble under his chin with the tip of her tail, but his expression didn’t falter - he continued to gaze at her with gentle concern, which made her want to bite his eyeballs out.
“That’s not what I meant…” He started, trying to find the right words, “It doesn’t have to be like that. I just…I would like to ensure you are…well…happy…” He loosened his shoulders, as if finally saying this released a world of tension, but Destri only scowled, baring her fangs. He was making things much, much worse for her.
“You think because I’m reading some indecent novel, I’m not happy?” She purred with a forced grin, “You could roleplay as the daring knight, if you want - Or, no! The swashbuckling necromancer…”
Gortash’s patience was fraying at the edges, and his soft expression began to harden into frustration. Good . It was better he was angry at her, than whatever this was.
“Well what do YOU want, Bhaalspawn?” he pointed a clawed finger directly at her, exasperated, “Is it not obvious I only wish to be kind with you? Is that somehow not appropriate now?” His obsidian eyes bored into her, smouldering with emotion, “I am clever in many regards, but clearly am I in no way equipped to appease you - barring slicing my throat and consuming my innards - or whatever it is you always rant and rave about…So you’ll just have to tell me , how to appease you. If you would…”
Rendered speechless, Destri only stared at Enver while he turned away to pace, but immediately lunged back again with an antagonistic finger directed at her as he continued, “I may not have experience with laying my emotions bare for you to witness, but forgive me, for my experiences perhaps hadn’t entirely been nurtured as perhaps it should have…” his expression dimmed to a gentle frown, “...But should I be so mercilessly tormented for trying? ”
Destri swallowed a painful lump, pouting with defeat, and fear. She couldn’t tell him that her destiny - her very soul - wavers on the edge of her Father’s ever-parched blade. Under Shar’s horrid curse, Bhaal would struggle to peer into her soul - but if she entertained the tyrant’s heart wrenching plea, she would surely know the Murder Lord’s wrath, once she returned to the city. Even if she could somehow hide her heart from his hollow, crimson eye, Orin would know. Orin was always looking. Searching. Stalking. Scrutinising. Always waiting for her to slip. Then wha t ? Bhaal would not let his own flesh and blood free so easily. She wouldn’t be permitted to frolic through the fields and forests with the tyrant like they had in their false memories, drawn on by consuming each other’s blood potions. Oh no. Ohhhhh no. If her Father didn’t tear her mindflesh to ribbons, Orin would at his behest, with gleeful giggles... Then Destri would have no tyrant, no mind, and no soul of her own. Her birthright was to be elevated as His Slayer; to ultimately offer her body and spirit for Bhaal to twist and contort for His wretched desire… That or to be disgraced, and exiled as a living, mindless murder-husk.
Those were her two options…‘A bleak prospect,’ the tyrant would say, if he truly understood. But he didn’t. And he never would. There was no third option, where she fell in love with Bane's Chosen and they lived happily ever after.
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tozettastone · 5 months
Wait, it's interesting that you're thinking anon might be an older cishet woman with family and kids because I really thought this is a younger Gen Z who's "media critical" and TikTok brainrot because of the "you're a grown-ass adult" and I've encountered miserable and already burnt out and mentally ill Gen Zs who would say shit like this. XD
You might be right though, but the similarity is so funny and jarring. Gen Zs really are the next Boomer
Oh no, to be clear, I don't think they HAVE to be an older cis het woman! I meant that they remind me of that kind of person.
I think the "I suffered in this way and so you need to as well, or else I will chuck a wobbly about it," feeling is a universal thing that we all feel when we have to challenge important beliefs we hold.
Other versions of this behaviour include, for example, "I paid my massive student loan off and it was awful, so how dare you get loan forgiveness?" and "I was hit by my parents as a kid and I'm fine, so I don't see why you should get a 'softer' childhood than I did, you're weak and entitled," and so on.
The "older cis het women" in my description were one example. They came to mind easily because they happened to be recurring characters in my adolescence.
So I agree, you could definitely be right: that anon may well be quite young, I have no way of knowing that! I just think, more, that they are managing what is actually a pretty universal experience of interpersonal resentment for someone they perceive to "have it easier" without very much grace or dignity.
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walkingstackofbooks · 5 months
TOS rewatch - Conscience of the King
Jim is SO certain that Kodos is dead, isn't he? Or at least, in utter denial that he could be anything else. Ohhhhh.
Gosh, the complete CONTROL he's maintaining as he looks up the information, only stroking his hands anxiously.
"Stop." I spoke too soon - he can't allow the computer to continue to say about the massacre. MY HEART IS ALREADY TOO MUCH.
Jim's description of Tom as "with a very long memory". How much of this has Jim blocked out of *his* memory? He appears to have no recognition of Kodos, which I've never really thought about too much before, but how deep is that memory buried?
(Alternatively - and I have no idea if this would track at all with any other episodes - but aphantasic Kirk?)
The way he smiles at Lenore definitely would add to his reputation if it wasn't obviously a ploy to get to the bottom of this.
I've never thought about the fact that Lenore IS Lady Macbeth, either, killing Kodos' "rivals" for him so that his future is clear. I really feel like I ought to have 😅
OH, and SHE'S like the cat who's got the cream when he suggests they leave, because it's like he's handing himself straight to her - far easier than I imagine she'd have thought it would be to trap a Starship Captain!
"At the party you were such a brash young man" He's more than ten years your senior, Lenore. You've been playing Lady Macbeth too much.
Why did she let him take her so close to her murder? Did she just not realise what direction they had come in until it was too late and then was trying to distract him with a kiss once she realised? I guess she is not exactly a professional with this...
Oh, Jim. It always strikes me how Tom is an actual friend to him, still - he clearly knows Martha, and she knows him.
Jim delighting even at this time in making Spock confused about knowing about the pick-up 🤣❤️
Oh, he has really played her so well, even without knowing that *she's* behind the killing - she totally believes he's just a charming captain who has quite fallen for her charm.... Although I guess he's the same, thinking that she's just Kodos' innocent daughter who's fallen for *his* charm.
And again, his startled-ness at Kevin Riley. I guess there's technically no *reason* why he should have known the other survivors who had seen Kodos? With 4000 survivors, I guess it could have been quite random which ones of them saw Kodos.
Okay, with his orders to Spock to send Kevin back to engineering, Jim has definitely entered "fight" mode, and as tactical as he can be he's not thinking with his whole brain here.
"Did it ever occur to you that he simply might like the girl?" "It occurred. I dismissed it." "You would." I don't know what this is but Bones, Spock, I love you.
I'm guessing Bones isn't worried only because he hasn't been snapped at by Kirk.
Bones really feels like he's trying to avoid this conversation here - either hecan guess the conclusion Spock's coming to and doesn't want to hear it, or he already knows and is trying to protect himself privacy.
Spock reaches out for Leonard's arm! "Over 4000 people" and he has to reach out to TOUCH Bones. SPOCK 💔💔💔
Oh yeah, I think Bones totally knew already about Tarsus. He didn't know the Karidian connection, definitely, and he maybe didn't know about Riley, but I really think he knew about Jim. He barely reacts to Spock saying Jim's name, already steeling himself not to give away that he knew.
Oh, Riley. "Someone talk to me!" Ohhh, bless.
"Something to reassure me I'm not the only living thing next in the universe." He's so melodramatic I love him XD
The disinfectant into the milk is so jarring!
The way you think he might not drink the milk but then he does! Aghhh. The drama!
Spock needing to physically protect Jim by making him completely informed Vs Bones needing to emotionally protect Jim by letting him have a little longer in ignorance.
Bones backing Spock up - "he's doing his job!"
Spock and Jim telling each other to get out and go! And Spock of course coming back after doing orders.
Well that did seem like a murder attempt for sure.
Kodos barely reacting. I guess he knows the name James Kirk, knows this might have been coming.
The fact that Kodos barely looks at the paper but still keeps up the charade afterwards. Argues with Jim about Kodos' motives but pretends Kodos is another man. And it shouldn't work too dissuade Jim yet it does because Jim has to be *surer* then sure, he can have no room for doubt 💔💔
Seriously, Bones, recording your medical log with such sensitive information out in the open like that?!
I guess being raised by a secretive af Shakespeare actor probably screws up your childhood a whole lot. This Lenore and Karidian scene is so chilling.
Her insistence in finishing the play. Her quoting of Shakespeare over her father's body. It's like Shakespeare was the more real world to her.
How long does it take him to process that Kodos saved his life and died for him. Because fucking hell that is a HELL of a lot.
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thecursedanon · 6 months
Masterlist + Requests
(Last updated: 10:45pm - 6/23/24)
Heeeeeellloooo everyone! Curse here, I thought I'd make a masterlist for my fics so they would be easier to find seeing how I plan to make many more fics In the future :3
ALSO! I have an AO3 account if it's easier to read my writing on there. I'm TheCursedAnon on ao3 as well :3
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I'm operating with 2 fic request slots for now so I can get a feel for them, I can't guarantee they'll be super long because as I've stated previously my muse is a fickle bitch. I'm also not sure how fast I'll be able to get them out because I'm working on my own original non t-word series right now, but I'll do my best! <3
My HC requests are also OPEN, there's no limit on hc's, request as many as you want. :3 also feel free to send me your hc ideas! I love reading them! <3
Guidelines for requests:
I don't write NSFW. I've got nothing against it, It's just not for me lmao.
I don't write other people's OC's. Listen... Y'all, I love OC's, I'll be the first to admit I have a whole like 20 page google doc of OC's from various different fandoms-- but something I've learned over the years is It's really hard to write someone else's OC well, with official characters there's enough content for me to consume to get a feel for them... OC's not so much. :( I'm sorry.
Also, as I'm consuming JJK content, I'm forming a mental list of characters I will not write for... So far there's only a few on the list;
Meimei - I feel like most people will get where I'm coming from with this one. I don't mind writing a few lines of dialogue for her If it's necessary to the plot, but I'm certainly not comfortable making her a lee! or ler!
Toji - Sorry. I actually can't stand this deadbeat father LOL.
Mahito - Seriously, screw this ahole for what he did in Shibuya, I like his design but that's literally IT 😭
I debated putting Kenjaku on the list... but I feel like there are certain scenarios I could make work with him... but just know I don't like him, and he's SORTA on my list lol... depends on the prompt Ig.
Request slot 1: Lee!Yuji, Lers!Nanami, Gojo, Yuta, Choso, Megumi & Todo. (Whoooo boy, Yuji gonna have a busy day XD)
Request slot 2: Empty
~Upcoming Fics~
Lee!Nanami + Ler!Haibara fic - (TW: Mentions of Abuse) Haibara is concerned about Nanami, he's acting really out of character and now he's isolating himself... Haibara makes it his mission to get to the bottom of what's bothering his best friend. (85%)
Lee!Yuji + Lers!Nanami, Gojo, Yuta, Choso, Megumi, Nobara & Todo ~RQ~ - It's Yuji's birthday, what better way to celebrate than by getting the snot tickled out of him by his friends? (Not started)
Amusement park shenanigans pt 3 - Gojo is now raining down hell on EVERYONE. Everyone be catching these wiggling fingers now. (Not started)
Name TBD - The beginning of an AU... :) (2%)
(I'm just now realizing how much comfort I write... LOL)
~Fanfic Masterlist~
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1. Amusement Park Shenanigans (Lee!Nanami, Switch!Yuji, Ler!Gojo) - Summary: Gojo decides to take the students to the amusement park, and drags a very unwilling Nanami along with them... after trying to failing to convince Gojo to let him leave, and one too many grumpy remarks from Nanami, Gojo decides to do what Gojo does best... cause absolute chaos. Upload Date: 3/12/24
2. Amusement Park Aftermath (Lee!Gojo, Ler!Nanami, Ler!Megumi) - Summary: Did Gojo seriously think Nanami wasn't gonna get revenge for that little stunt he pulled the other day? Upload Date: 4/5/24
3. Rainy Day (Lee!Yuji, Ler!Nanami) - Summary: Yuji Is super down today, that and he's not been sleeping well due to the nightmares he's been having. His friends, concerned about him go to Nanami with their concerns, and the stoic teacher takes it upon himself to cheer Itadori up. Upload Date: 4/11/24. 🔮NEW🔮
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Rashad: So who exactly are you dating? Kalim: Uhhhhhh
Rashad: ???
Kalim: Yes
Hcs of Kalim coming out to his siblings/ how the other bois parents react to his big poly?
Kalim's conversation makes me think of the beginning of "Boy Bi"
But I got this boo!
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Kalim Coming Out to his Siblings:
Obviously this is when he visited home for break with Jamil, who at this point already told Najma/Najma knew from the get go with their reactions together
Kalim was nervous, obviously, and was even debating on just not saying it today
Then Rashad opened his mouth during a dinner without their parents or Jamil's parents, "So, Neige's been extra busy the last few months. And Arie said that he, Neige, and Chenya's been are NRC often. Have you seen them around?"
Kalim nearly dropped his food with Jamil looking surprised.
Honestly you two should've known those three wouldn't be quiet with their relationship
Kalim admitted rather loudly that yes indeed he knows because he's dating them. In fact he's dating others. And they're all dating each other. And he's so happy and in love!
A lot of his siblings were happy for him, some were too young to fully get it and why it has to be a secret but none the less they love seeing their brother happy
THE OTHERS COMING OUT TO THEIR FAMILIES: I will order these from best to worst or meh
They all made gameplans to not do it alone or in private without discussing things over with everyone else
Heartslabyul -
Trey was actually pretty excited to come out to his family since he himself having secrets with his family
So Trey went on a video call with his family and chatted with them as Riddle and Cater and Chenya who snuck in joined in a bit and said their hellos before Trey said, "So, um, there's someone else here..." And invited Kalim in who snuggled between Cater and him. As Trey started saying his thing Chenya was hugging Kalim's neck, Cater had his hand on Trey's, and Riddle held Kalim's hand across Trey's lap which made it easier to say, "Mum, dad, I'm gay. I'm in a poly relationship."
He teared up when they said he was proud of him and laughed when they went on complimenting his partners
Deuce was very nervous about it, he knows his mother wouldn't really be mad or throw him out over it, but he was still nervous it'll go wrong somehow.
Lucky for him Kalim was physicals there when he came out alongside Jamil and Ace when the two Scarabian beans came to the Queendom of Roses for break and they all sat at a cafe when Deuce's mum had a break off work and told her. He actually cried when she hugged him and told him how much he loves him and is proud of him, which caused Kalim to cry
Cater tried to act like this wasn't a issue but he was nervous as shit inside. Like Deuce he knew his family wouldn't throw him out but the fear that they would be grossed out by his relationship and he's have his anxiety picking up (I hc he has anxiety he's working with now)
He arranged a meet up with his sisters and mum for brunch in the Mostro Lounge in which Azul and the Tweels worked extra hard to make good impressions and food for the three as Cater built up the conversation talking about school, club activities, oh and his besties from his dorms and club before drifting to, "Uh, speaking of Kalim, Lilia, Riddle, and Trey-" and slowly started talking about his feelings with them, voice cracking some, before ending with, "You know I'm pan, and um...I..well we...um...I'm in a relationship...w-with them..." He didn't look at his family for a while until they all came to his side of seating and hugged him, telling him it'll take time for them all to be used to it but they love him no matter what
Ace did a two part coming out since I headcanon thanks to you his parents are divorced and it makes sense to me He was surprisingly super energetic and excited for this and he went out of his way arranging a lunch date with his mother at a cool 50's themed diner in Sage's Island and invited his partners as well.
The lunch was going well, people came and were ordering, Cheka was there and having fun, and Ace was having a good confident talk with his mum. Until he said the words "These are my romantic partners" and she walked out. People left and right had many waves of emotions of this reaction but Ace followed her out to the parking lot to talk more and she tried telling him she wishes he can have a "normal" relationship with a girl. His mood was crushed after watching her leave and just came back inside and sat down silent. Then Azul ordered them all milkshakes and cherry pies and Cater ate a lot even though they all know how much he hates sweets
With his dad and brother he was more alone but had his partners on his phone with the mic off and in his pocket. He sat on the couch while they're watching the basketball game, nervous as shit since his confidence dashed when he came out to his mum, and slowly started by saying, "So, you know how I said after the game you both visited for that I was going to a club meet afterwards? Well...I was actually not with my club...I was...with my partners...Because...I'm bi..." and he slowly started to tear up as he started to ramble before both his dad and bro stopped him and told him that it's a lot to take in but they still love him regardless. Yeah he was a snotty mess at that moment and denies it afterwards
Riddle broke the rule. He went to talk to his mum without informing the others
He went home during winter break while Kalim and Jamil stayed back for Azul Jade and Floyd since they can't go home during winter and told his mum
Everyone got a text from him right after in the group chat saying what he did and that he's arriving back to NRC imminently, so Octatrio and Jamil and Kalim rushed to the mirror and were met with a red faced teary eyed Riddle who's barely standing from crying so much and Ace and Deuce and Leona and Ruggie and Vil and Idia came back early to help comfort him while they all joined in a video call later that night, Riddle just heartbroken as he sobbed what his mother said and shaking
Savanaclaw -
Ruggie was nervous for different reasons, he brought Kalim, Leona, Vil, Rook, Jamil, and the Octatrio to his neighborhood during break off the school for a week and was scared they'd be mugged or assaulted but luckily it wasn't Leona's first rodeo in the slums thanks to being friends and dating Ruggie so he made sure their identities of wealth and power were covered and a lot of people assumed Vil and Jamil were women so they were extra respectful and Jamil's like "That's nice but why-"
It went well him coming out to his grandmother as she said Ruggie works hard making everyone happy and he deserves so much happiness in return
Jack's pretty chill as it was back to back with Epel's family and he brought his partners on a group video call to meet them properly and his siblings kept going on about how pretty they are and "Bro bro talks about you a lot though and how you smile so cute-" and he's all blushy
Leona did it alone after talking to them all and he visited home He mostly was taking small cause of how big it was, starting with Cheka building it up, watching Cheka play with everyone and tells him about them a lot and kind of implying in a way a kid would he loves them before he sat Cheka down and talked to him about it and Cheka's cute ass face lit up like "You're gonna marry all of them?" and he's like "I'll have to try" He then dropping hints while on phone calls with his brother
Soon by the time he came home and chilled there as usual for a bit, he waited for the right moment and told Kifaji first and told him his plans to tell his brother, sister-in-law, and parents during the dinner in which Kifaji was honored he was told first
So the dinner happens and unlike everyone else who had words and speeches prepared he just casually said like as if he was asking someone to pass the butter. It didn't go as well and he assumed that and remained calm and composed when things were said yelling was made so announce he'll stay with someone else for the rest of the vacation and left the room. Though Kifaji comforted him and he finally cracked and cried a bit before leaving dead in the night for Ruggie's home
Octavinelle -
Azul was just nervous as shit and worked hard to not show it or mess up
He had set up a nice day for his mother and step-father to visit and set up a nice dinner at the Mostro Lounge for them where he did a good presentation display of the food and his schooling conversations. When the mood felt right he took a breath and said it, and was quickly met with his mother hugging him tight telling him how proud they are and smooching his face up and just being that sweet but honestly embarrassing mother
Dylan already knew cuz same dorm-
Jade and Floyd were pretty indifferent with their coming out since their parents didn't really care who they date as long as they both and all respect each other well and all that jazz
They both came out during a parent teacher day where they came out of their poly relationship and the parents looked at Kalim, them at them, then at Kalim and went, "You sure you want to date our boys? We love them but they can be a bit crazy-"
Both Mama Ashengrotto and Mama Leech were showing embarrassing cute pictures of their babies to the partners
Scarabia -
Jamil has a legit panic attack before he could do or say anything Just beyond scared shitless and was about to literally throw up
Kalim pulled him aside and told him he didn't have to say it if he doesn't want to and so he just didn't. They'll hear from Kalim in the end and that eased his emotions a bit
Pomfiore -
Rook was excited as hell. Like puppy dog energy!
But the second he appeared home with his partners in tow, introduce some who didn't meet, and announced everyone wasn't surprised they just went "Oh honey we knew, but FINALLY!"
Epel was back-to-back with Jack as mentioned and he was sweating bullets throughout the whole thing
Basile and Aicha knew rather early after walking on on Epel getting his flirty make-out grind on with Neige and Kalim before Kalim had band club and Neige was going out on a date with Vil and Rook and they were taking their time, but they swore secrecy. . . for a price
It was clumsy in the end since he blurted it out and squeezed his eyes shut, only to get silence and opened his eyes to his family staring at him. Jack held his hand to keep him steady and his family reacted rather calmly, yeah there was one aunt and uncle who started some bullshit but Jack ended that real fast
Vil met with his dad in town after a photoshoot in the weekend and arranged for him to meet Kalim, Leona, Esther, and Cater during lunch in a nice yet isolated spot in a cafe
Taking a breath, he gave a well planned for ahead of time speech to Eric and confessed he's in a relationship with all of them, how it happened, etc. Eric took it really well, he accepts whoever Vil dates as long as they treat him well and all that jazz
Vil with his mother though was rough She called him every name in the book through the phone and was all like "What would the tabloids say? Did you even think what the neighbors would say about me?!" Before Kalim reached over and hung up the call for him
Ignihyde -
Ortho knew from the beginning cause Idia vents to him a lot and he just sensed something was afoot when he noticed them coming to his dorm a lot for study sessions and one time walking in one "study" and took a mental note of how slightly messy Kalim's hair was and his brother's ashamed looking face and the heighten heart rate of the two
As for the parents (Slight Chapter 6-7 spoilers but it's mostly location and parents) he took them to the Island of Woe which gave Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, and Vil flashbacks to that one time they got kidnapped by Idia of all people and they all hung out for a day before the second night being a dinner with the parents in which Idia came out there
Parents reaction? "Idia, sweetheart, we've seen your anime harem internet history we know and we're so proud of you for meeting such beautiful and kind people~ Everyone please treat our boy well!" And Floyd gave Idia a knowing smirk
Diasmona -
Silver and Lilia were left out cuz Lilia is Silver's adopted dad and also duh-
Well they planned with the idea with jokes- Silver: "Father, I have a confession to make..." Lilia: "What is it my boy?" Silver: "I...am gay father." Lilia: giggles "Oh my dear boy, I am also gay" Silver: dramatic gasp Lilia: snorts Silver: "Father, I have another confession to make..." Lilia: "What is it my boy?" Silver: "I...am in a poly relationship with someone..." Lilia: he giggles "I am also in a relationship... with your boyfriend and future step-father" Silver: makes a face cause he didn't that Lilia: cackling
Sebek, like I mentioned before, shot himself in the foot one evening during summer break
His siblings made a comment about Kalim and Sebek went red and went "How did you know?!" and is met with confusion and he excused himself to go to the other room to make a quick phone call with them all and asked if he can say it without them
After they gave him to okay, he came back and came out
Malleus was on a phone call with his grandmother after talking to the others and was in the room alone and said it, it went well since he rarely gets romantic with people and without it blowing up in his face with rejections or failed love
Esther's family I think was fine with this since Esther is getting SO MUCH LOVE but also they see Kalim and went, "If you ruin that boy's innocent soul-"
Royal Sword Academy -
Chenya came out the same week Riddle was in town, he was the most excited of them all since he's been very open since day one
His parents were confused but his grandpa and siblings were happy to hear the news
Neige was nervous but soon calmed down and came to the dwarfs who were more surprised they didn't notice and a bit concerned of some of the partners but they calmed down enough to meet them properly
They join in on NRC hang-outs but get stuck with chilling with Ortho which they ain't complaining
Arie, well-
It went with him wanting to go alone and promises to return back right after and knows it won't be good but everyone's trying to convince him to let them come with in which he was not budging
A couple hours passed and Arie texted Esther that he's going through the mirror and everyone waited for him, only to see him with a bruised face and eyeliner tear streaks on his cheeks and a red swollen lip "Yeah it didn't go so well..." He said trying to be whatever with it and walked calmly pass everyone, "What did I expects? He hates me so why would he like me being in love with men like this?"
He tried to drink the wine Rook brought for their date and Vil stopped him, he argued a bit until Silver took his hands and he shakes his head, "I'm fine guys, really, I'm fine..." He kept repeating "I'm fine" until he finally cracked and started sobbing into Silver's chest
They all watched as many movies they can rent at the Scarabia dorm with Idia's movable projector while having wine, foods of all kinds, and make-up and Arie started to feel much better
Nobel Bell Academy -
Rollo just didn't tell his family. Forget that idea
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2a8n · 1 year
New add. info 3
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Most of this post will be devoted to my comments on the new information that has appeared, and not mediocre my assumptions on them, since the amount of this very information from the streams from DSP has increased so much lately (she streams almost every day). So expect a lot of text from me here and a small amount of any pictures. And yes, these drawings were also made on the stream, if I'm not mistaken.
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I wonder what Rock did that makes Shirogane not even want to call him by his first name? Okay, he still doesn’t call Idate by name, but is this hot-tempered penguin really even worse than Rocma and Suno-san in the eye(s) of our depressive wolf? And yes, when did all the characters from Ice Scream manage to find out the name of the Orca? He had never introduced himself to anyone before. I understand that his niece Nagi and his "best friend" Rock may have learned his name as well as he learned their names due to long acquaintance, but what about the rest of the characters?
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And the second warmest DSP character will be his brother Yukiyoshi? =)
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--Especially in a place where there is a orca-rapist-abuser-bully-sociopath, a polar bear that can shred you to pieces at any time if she doesn’t like you or she is in a bad mood, a swearing penguin, which can also because of a bad mood or if you are not a child, say more nasty things and shoot you, and, finally, a living piece of pissed snow, mocking you at every opportunity. Indeed, Shirogane is really hard to get to think positively. I believe in it. Sounds like true.
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I see that Takama has become more talked about on streams. Well, not as often as about his younger brother, but still… =\
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Sorry dude, I forgot to mention you earlier. This character during the whole time that was his shown in Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea, wasn't presented as very intelligent. I mean, all his conversations were about his hunger and even his longest monologue in essence consisted of the fact that "an empty stomach is the world's greatest pain". Even if he knew how to transform into a humanoid form, he wouldn't do it, simply because he couldn't even think about it: it would be easier to get food in his animal form, and he wouldn't even think about it, only because he is tormented by hunger more often than thoughts about his possibilities.
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Most likely, those who don't find this guy scary will themselves be no less scary persons… And it seems that everyone that Idate considers weak (they either cannot fight back, or don't want to for some reason, or all at once), he classifies as "toys". Now I remember that he calls violence a "play", and in my head it just goes "play with toys" -> use violence on someone. I want to hit him.
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Gosh, this friendship between Shirogane and Yukisada is clearly starting to go in some strange direction, don't you think? xD "Childhood friends" -> "close friends" -> "housemates" -> "great friends" -> "share a bed"…
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They look youngful and at the same time younger than Orca. The Orca looks older, and at the same time he is older than these two. It remains to find out who else looks older/younger than whom, in order to collect at least an approximate picture in myself head regarding their age composition.
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At least, before the meeting with Orca, he was definitely good health… ( - _ - )
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DSP clearly keeps all information regarding the Shirogane family a secret. This wasn't the case with the family of Idate, Rock, Peraco, and, possibly, Yukisada (no one has yet asked anything about Yukisada's and his brother's parents). Does it mean that they can play some role in the Ice Scream itself…?
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We recall that DSP divide into virginity into "rear virginity" and "genital virginity", and, based on this, we are already building our conclusions about what has been said.
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I remembered that there was an official art showing Yukisada with a suitcase. Is it possible then that not only Yukiyoshi, probably, not living on Iceberg Isle, is visiting his older brother, but Yukisada is also visiting his younger brother as well?
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But he only and does what he thinks about his childhood friend Shirogane and takes care of him all the time, so Yukisada indeed doesn't have time to think about love, ALTHOUGHWAITASECOND--! ( 0 _ 0 )
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true-blue-sonic · 14 days
💛, 💚, 📖 (can be a game or a spinoff media) :>
We're going with Sonic XD
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Hmm... I'm not at all opposed to reading Sonadow fics because I like the dynamic often shown between them (aka FLUFF I adore myself some fluff :>), but I do think that canon Sonic and canon Shadow could never pull that off together. And if they were in-character, I wouldn't want to read a fic about it: I feel like most of it would be racing and trying to one-up the other when there's no adventure going on as opposed to more romantic stuff, and that doesn't interest me much. It's the same problem I have with Sonjet, actually, but I don't know if that is a popular ship or not, haha.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I think the main core of what people get wrong about Silver is that there is zero indications Rivals!Silver grew up in an apocalypse, and '06 Silver did grow up in an apocalypse yet was remarkably well-adjusted through it all. Silver doesn't have any social skills because he was all alone in his future? Disproven with literally the fourth sentence spoken in his intro in '06. He doesn't tolerate being made fun of (Rivals 2), only got deceived in '06 and has shown to be remarkably shrewd and suspicious in later games (e.g. Rivals 1, Generations), and is honest to a fault but also won't let people not believing him stop him from fulfilling his goals (Rivals 2 again, Sonic Channel story). Silver is weak and feeble and cannot run two meters without immediately collapsing from lung ailments? He can run for literally hours in '06 and the Rivals games with zero indication of problems, and his only "ailment" is that he is just slow on foot, which gets solved just like that through him being able to fly. And so on and so forth, haha. Silver is more friendly when together with companions or when not on a mission... but he's brave beyond belief and also still highly opinionated and not afraid to speak his mind or tackle the root of problems head-on (e.g. Forces, TSR). In short, he's not a poow uwu blorbo who needs to be handheld by others because he can't do anything by himself or because he's feeble. He does better with a companion (Blaze in '06, Espio in Rivals 2), but he can handle himself just fine without it.
📖: If you had to remove one book from the series, which would you choose?
Does IDW count as a book? That one for sure XD The Tales Of books absolutely suck when it comes to characterisation, but nobody knows of them, haha. But I find it such a shame! I remember truly enjoying IDW and looking forward to new issues, and the faults I see now were much easier to ignore or to chalk it up to a slightly differing characterisation. (E.g. I like myself a plot wherein Silver needs help from other people and he in turn helps someone like Whisper find security in the world! But the incident of him getting his ass handed to him by an Egg Pawn then became him being clumsy, incompetent, infantile, poor at using his powers, unable to stand his ground, getting immediately overrun by someone with zero seniority over him... and so on and so forth.) But those faults in combination with the fact I think the characters have become increasingly more poorly-written as time went on, plus the storylines mostly focusing on original comic characters I no longer care for or never cared for to begin with, just make the comic entirely unenjoyable for me now. I don't read the new issues anyway, but I wouldn't be mournful if the IDW comic got cancelled.
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sonnetnumber23 · 1 year
Good Omens 2 Re-watch. Episode 5.
“You leave me with no alternative” – says Aziraphale to the musician preparing to promise to give him a book for free.
[Love the Doctor Who theme playing in the background, hehe]
“Nina and Maggie are depending on me. They just don’t know it yet.”
First of all, all those jokes about Aziraphale organizing a ball to dance with Crowley are actually very true. And I don’t think he’s doing it just to hold Crowley’s hand – he really wants to see Nina falling in love with Maggie so that he himself could believe that Crowley might open up to him someday at last. Again: he wants to have control over something; he wants to feel that he is capable to make someone happy, and to deal with his own problems himself too.
Secondly, Aziraphale could have just as well made all those people come to the ball – after all he made those men in suits leave his bookshop and never return – but he chooses to negotiate with them, manipulate them, but let them come on their own free will. He’s basically tempting them all, but “They don’t have to say yes,” as Crowley once put it. And Crowley is following him around watching this.
I love speeches they do in Hell. :D Dagon in the first season, now Shax. :D No wonder, Crowley was the one to record the greeting message. XD
Nina talking to Crowley is so much gentler than when she’s with anybody else. Both here and later when she tells his about Lindsay leaving. You just see how she feels him and relates to him. It’s like it’s easier for her to talk to someone for whom everything is harder than for most of other people. She’s all prickly with Maggie and Aziraphale because quite often they act like the world is a happy place made of rainbows and unicorns with kind people all around you. Compared to that Crowley must seem kind of more real to her, or at least less annoying, huh.
And God, oh God, Crowley’s face after that conversation. How can a person show so much emotion with their dark glasses on?
The scene on the terrace of the French restaurant leaves me with a whole bunch of complicated feelings. They’ve probably all been described already, but if I try to lay them out for myself…
The first time I watched I didn’t even pay that much attention to the “smitten” joke, because I was a bit disturbed by how little attention Aziraphale pays to Crowley’s concerns. “You’re being silly” is not the way you should calm down your demon, Aziraphale!
But, as I looked through the gifs later, and now during the re-watch, I came to realize that this moment also shows me that side of Aziraphale that I’ve been trying to feel and describe in these posts.
Now, we’ve got this “smitten” joke, which everyone likes to mention, and it’s great because it’s just in the middle of two POV’s, so to speak.
When Crowley starts talking, he’s damn serious. Though he doesn’t talk directly about all his concerns, he’s still very much in the state where he wants Aziraphale to listen to him, to hear his worries. “I spent last night worrying… He could smite me…” I wonder if little part of Crowley wishes in this moment that Aziraphale would think of the danger he’s putting Crowley in and give in, and give up his stupid idea to hide Gabriel further – at least for Crowley’s sake, and this way Crowley might keep him safe.
But then Crowley happens to stumble upon this unserious linguistic matter – “smote… smited?” – and his whole rant is compromised, as if he is too afraid himself to sound too pleading too desperate. Remember, he did completely the same when he was going to ask Aziraphale for holy water. “Walls have ear… trees have ears… ducks have ears. Do ducks have ears?” – absolutely the same. Poor boy, he just can’t speak seriously about his own fears, the danger he is in. :’( Too nervous, too afraid to ask… T_T
Crowley is known for talking a lot about how he is selfish and values his own existence above all, and yet he is always the first to take huge risks to save others. Like in every single historical minisode this season, and several times in the first season too.
And here he suddenly bares his fears to Aziraphale hoping that the angel would see that if Crowley is afraid then it’s serious and he should be afraid too.
But the thing is that he gets a completely opposite effect.
Aziraphale suddenly feels more confident. He feels responsible, and therefore he feels the strength he needs to carry out this responsibility. We’ve already seen him like this: when he tries to snap Crowley out of his panic after Warlock’s birthday and come up with a plan, at the end of the world in season 1 starting with the refusal to fight the war and further; we’ll see it later, when he “does the thing with the halo” because nothing else and no one else is helping.
And he enjoys it. You can clearly see it while he’s convincing Crowley that he has nothing to fear. It’s not because Aziraphale is oblivious of the danger or doesn’t care about Crowley’s safety. He does, he’s just met Shax after all. He just can’t help and enjoy the feeling of being brave and sure and ready to act and protect – for once. He wants it so much – to feel capable, to feel competent. I wrote in the previous rewatch posts why.
We’re so used to the (head)canon that Aziraphale loves playing damsel in distress and letting Crowley save him. But this season states it quite clearly – if partly as a joke – that he does it for Crowley more than for himself. “Saving me makes him so happy.” That’s a joke, because Aziraphale knows perfectly well that most of those times he did need saving. But whether he does or doesn’t need saving, Aziraphale is always ready to admit that Crowley has done something wonderful. He knows Crowley loves it. And Aziraphale knows he would love it too. “There must be something I could do for you.”
So yeah, maybe he is a bit intoxicated by this feeling, maybe he is too sure and optimistic about Gabriel, maybe his plan is a bit rubbish (though let’s admit – the ball plan worked better than Crowley’s rain plan), but his motives are pure.
[Oh God, I wish so much to finally see a situation where Crowley would have to rely on Aziraphale for something big and Aziraphale will be capable enough to save the day and Crowley…]
Should we or do we even have to talk about all the moments where people call Crowley nice in this season? Apart from Aziraphale, there’s Jim and Mrs Sandwich and really Nina would do so too if she wasn’t Nina. It’s so… On one hand, it’s for fans and all, and it works – I do a little delighted noise every time Crowley can’t help being nice and someone mentions it.
[My theory is that there wasn’t enough nice and deep Crowley in S1, so now we’re getting what they owed us.]
On the other hand, doesn’t it sound a bit like foreshadowing to you? Or, like the things we ought to pay attention to. Crowley doing good just because “why not” and because “I do what I please”, kind of proves Aziraphale’s point which is: Crowley hasn’t ever been bad, he deserves Heaven as much as (if not more than) other angels do.
I’m really not a fan of Aziraphale messing with people’s emotions. I know he means well, but making people feel fine and even happy while they have all reasons to be upset looks far too much as robbing them of their free will.
That’s a bit like the thing he does with Crowley at the end, isn’t it – thinking he can make him happy even if Crowley doesn’t want it, thinking he knows better what’s best for him.
And this is such a striking contrast with the beginning of the episode where Aziraphale goes to great lengths to get people come to the party on their own free will.
Again, I think this comes from the notion that this time round he’s responsible, he has an idea, and he is so excited to see it work, to be able to save the day. For once. He enjoys being in charge so much, he even asks Crowley to go out so that he can surprise him with the new bookshop look later.
The same comes for the ending where Aziraphale is so happy to be the savior that he doesn’t even listen to the person he’s trying to save.
I can understand him, I know how easy it is to cross this line and not even notice it, especially when you’re feeling euphoric about something.
But of course it was wrong both times. It even reminds of that horrible moment in S1 when Adam makes his friends smile while they’re crying.
The whole atmosphere of the ball surrounded by demons is so NeilGaimany, it suddenly feels as if the stakes are higher than you expected. At least for a moment. I must say I like it that in the end it turned out that no humans were hurt after all.
Crowley throwing himself between Maggie and the demons is a moment that makes me jump a little. It’s not Aziraphale, Aziraphale isn’t even around to be impressed, and Crowley doesn’t know yet who those ominous creatures are – and his instinct is to defend the human and to stop something bad from happening.
And oh how much I love the fact that Crowley talks to those demons as someone of a higher rank! :D I love being reminded that Crowley was cool and actually very high-up in Hell. And he still has a lot more power than average demons or angels.
[I really suspect that one of the reasons I liked this season so much on the first watch was because it gave me all my favourite things about Crowley, lol.]
Aziraphale looking at Maggie while she and Nina are dancing – there’s so much gentleness and hope, and longing in that face! He wants the same for himself so much. And he hopes for it.
At the same time Crowley is worrying crazy, the whole weight of all these people’s fates on his shoulders. And Aziraphale isn’t listening to him. There’s already a lot of great heartbreaking meta about the way they keep things from each other and then not listening when the other one tries to talk.
I just want to stress how brilliantly the POV in this scene is done: with Aziraphale, we desperately want Crowley to take his hand and dance and talk and appreciate the beautiful thing he’s created to solve their problem (because as Aziraphale sees it, if they fool Heavens, Gabriel won’t be discovered – he doesn’t know yet that Shax has already acted on her threat). And with Crowley, we get frustrated with Aziraphale for not listening, for acting recklessly and putting them all in danger. And at the same time both of them just want to hold hands. XD
And then it’s Aziraphale who puts himself between Shax and the humans (and Crowley). He is confident and I like it just as much as I like cool and bossy Crowley. And when Gabriel volunteers to go out Aziraphale says he will protect him because he promised, and he’s still doing it with his confident, guardian-angel voice, which even sounds a little bit lower than his usual voice. He has it in him – the Aziraphale he wants to be: brave, competent, true to his word. And it comes naturally to him, even though he doesn’t always have resources to keep fighting.
There’s such sad irony that we’ve heard him be like that when he defends the Earth, humans, Gabriel. But we’ve never heard or seen him defending Crowley, have we? We’ve actually seen him defending other things and people from Crowley. Which is just… Uuuugh! Again, it’s all so natural: he sees Crowley as equal, even as someone stronger, cleverer, cooler – so Crowley doesn’t need, can’t need Aziraphale’s protection, not in this way, surely?
I hope so much that we’re yet to see Aziraphale putting Crowley above all else and defending him with all he has. I’m sure Crowley’s going to explode. Or at least I will.
[On a side not: I wonder whose clothes were the suit and the furry coat the Gabriel is wearing at the party? :D Did Aziraphale just have them in the bookshop?? Why?? XD]
Ahaha, hellish bureaucracy and Crowley’s bluff is just so Good Omens, I love it.
But he isn’t listening to Aziraphale just as Aziraphale didn’t listen to him. :( Well, he’s absolutely got his reasons: Aziraphale has put them all in danger, and after all demons are Crowley’s field of expertise. But still. It leaves Aziraphale again feeling his failure, feeling that he’s just been put back in his place.
I think the joke “saving me makes him so happy” is both a joke and Aziraphale’s little attempt to get back some of his self-esteem before the inevitable battle and after he’s just been put down by Nina. It’s interesting how Nina’s words echo in Shax’s line later in E6 “…Crowley’s moral support angel”.
Earlier I wrote about Aziraphale robbing humans and Crowley of their own free will. So here we kind of see the reason why he doesn’t see how wrong this is: people keep pointing out that he has no will of his own. And it’s a sore spot. Because on one hand he’s spent his whole eternity being told that his opinion and actions don’t matter. And on the other, he keeps relying on Crowley, because he doesn’t find it bad to rely on someone he loves and trusts. Just like he wishes he could rely on God. And that’s why he can’t see his error: he’s doing what’s in these people’s interests, he’s saving them, surely they’ll be happy to entrust their lives and will to someone who loves them?? Aziraphale would be. He always is.
I know some of these conclusions contradict each other but that’s because the characters’ feelings are so conflicted. They feel so much at every given second, and they have so much background that is not easy to shake off.
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cannibalthoughts · 2 years
⭐️ please talk to me about either your Augistin or your Luisa and their relationship with Bruno 🐀💚
Hello, Anon :D I’m going with Luisa & Bruno, who I am. Extremely Normal About. This... got a bit long XD
Okay technically I don't think Bruno and Luisa actually interact in canon BUT they're super close trust me trust me
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Starting with how I characterize Luisa, because there’s some extrapolation going on here:
I think the big conflict of Luisa's character (in tandem with straight up overwork) is that she wants to be tender and vulnerable, but feels that being so would make her a burden. Other people have problems? That's part of life. They can ask for help, she'll fix it. But if she asks for help herself, it means she's a failure. It’s right there in the opening lines of Surface Pressure: she has no room for fear, vulnerability, or weakness/inability to do everything.
Also in Surface Pressure, between the Titanic and the line of doors, Luisa fixes Mirabel's glasses. It's a small gesture, but I think it says a lot about who she is. This isn't something that is any easier for her to do than it is for Mirabel. Mirabel’s perfectly capable. Luisa doesn't need to do anything. And in the action of the song, there is a lot going on that only Luisa can handle, but she still pauses for a moment for this.
In part, it could read that she fixes every problem she encounters, no matter how small, but that doesn't really cover the nuances going on. It's a very gentle gesture, even parental, and coming from a person who doesn't wear glasses herself. I think this is habit from when Mirabel was very young—young enough that she was too uncoordinated to fix her glasses without smudging them—which Luisa has kept up all these years later. Which also means that Luisa started doing this when she was young herself. That's not something she was likely ever asked or expected to do, she just did/does it because she loves her sister, who will never fully outgrow Luisa's memory of her. That's the way she loves.
(Keep that last bit in mind, I swear this post is about Bruno & Luisa)
Between this and she tells Mirabel that she (over)heard the adults talking about Bruno having a vision about the magic before he left, Luisa seems to pay attention to the people around her. In that conversation, she also doesn't speak badly of Bruno. The vision was terrible, his room is dangerous, but nothing about Bruno himself. And she knows nothing about his vision, so if she thinks it's terrible, that's a value judgment she heard from one of the adults. Considering what Alma says right before the collapse, I suspect Luisa heard someone (probably Alma) telling the other adults that, whatever Bruno saw, he abandoned them and left them to deal with it, without so much as a warning. “Bruno doesn’t care about this family.”
But she doesn't say any of that to Mirabel. And it would be relevant to whatever’s wrong with the magic. Given that Luisa is telling Mirabel to investigate Bruno’s tower, it’s not a matter of protecting Mirabel from dangerous information. I think Luisa just doesn’t believe it. Which, if my inferences about what she overheard are correct, that means Luisa believes in Bruno’s love for the family more than she believes Abuela, even after Bruno’s been gone for ten years. That trust doesn’t come from nothing.
(I don't necessarily keep that detail true in my fics, e.g. in Atlts Alma didn't tell anybody that she asked Bruno for a vision, so no one else knew. Unless Luisa actually overheard Alma talking to Pedro, but was avoiding sharing that bit of gossip, which is in line with her character. Fic-canon or not, it is always part of how I characterize Luisa, though.)
So, what we have (by my consideration, at least) a solid canon basis for:
Luisa puts on a tough facade, but wants to be vulnerable
Luisa shows her love through gentle gestures
Luisa doesn’t completely stop thinking of her loved ones as the way they used to be
Luisa is observant
Luisa believes that Bruno loves/loved the family
Enter Bruno.
Pre-walls, I like the idea that he was close with all the kids. (Nothing Jared Bush says on Twitter can stop me.) The Madrigals are a busy family, and Bruno wasn’t. I imagine that he wasn’t fielding a lot of vision requests those last few years, or going out for... anything else, if he could help it, given the combination of his poor reputation and his anxiety. And the more he withdrew socially, I think, the more the other adults would encourage him spending time with the kids. He was essentially a stay at home parent.
After the walls? Bruno’s a gentle, goofy guy. And my Bruno, at least, doesn’t stand in the present so much as straddle the past and the future. I think in the movie, when he looks at Mirabel, he sees both who she is now and remembers the little kid she once was. (Pretending to be Hernando and Jorge did work to distract her from the reality of his situation, but also made it worse. I think it would have worked better on Antonio, but Bruno wasn’t quite calibrated to interacting with a teen.) We don’t see him really interact with the other kids he knew before, but I imagine it would be the same for them.
So, the specific Luisa & Bruno dynamic that I write:
Luisa is tender but feels like she can’t let herself be because she needs to be strong and invulnerable for the family. But the facade doesn’t work on Bruno, because he looks at her and thinks “that’s my sweet Luisita” and is just as goofy and sweet to her as he’s always been. Even six foot something and jacked, she will never fully outgrow Bruno’s memory of her.
(Remember I said to keep that bit in mind? It’s one aspect in which Bruno and Luisa love in the same way.)
They also both absolutely won’t stand up for themselves, but I think they’ll throw down for their loved ones, hence my Luisa throwing Ricardo Espitia in the river that one time. They’re good for each other.
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fantomette22 · 2 years
Alright let’s chat!! *pours tea*
What are your ideas on who Rom was and where she came from? Who was she mostly connected to? What was she like? <3
Alright it's time !! drink tea
I can talk about the Byrgenwerth girl yeah !! (finally lol) Sorry I have lot of thoughts but also I feel I'm still missing a few things XD sorry in advance if that doesn't made any sense or if it's too long.
Ok so let's go with my main/fic interpret it will be way easier. So Rom, probably a nickname of Roma but I really like CosmicTeaCat and OfSilentThings idea that it could came from Andromeda as well (it would made sense). And she's basically Willem biological daughter. So she's been around Byrgenwerth since like forever I guess XD but maybe there's a connection/ she had family at the hamlet (you know the one 👀) idk.
Still not fully sure if she have brown/black hair so basically curly dark hair. Got glasses and her eyes are either hm green-blue? idk whatever is generally the color of a lake is pick your color between brown-green and dark blue.
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And hm I'm not sure ho to talk about it I know it can be a sensible subject but it's import for me as well. In my story she's autistic or got some sorts of disability at least. (I mean, there's at least 3 other characters I hc on the spectrum XD) but Rom is more in the middle of the spectrum. She's not "Asperger"/ high potential autistic (sorry I'm not familiar with the English terms). It's in the more "moderate/lower side" of it, with much more difficulties. I mean she can talk and all, she can be a bit autonomous and don't have to be with someone 24h/24 for ex. She probably managed to talk correclty really late too but hey it's totally fine ! And she became way more autonomous while growing up. There's thing and subject she excels and do really greatly but she need the right accompaniment for it and there's thing she really can't comprehend or do by herself without someone explaining first. She probably won't have a proper doctorate or a master degree but she still managed to have a licence/baccalaureate (+3/technician level, after many hard years of works) And you can't let her all alone in the middle of Yharnam and except her to be fully autonomous for exemple O_O' and similar to Caryll she need really calm environment.She's doing quite fine really it just smt you can feel she can be really out of the norm as well. I really have no idea if I did that on purpose or not, it just feel natural to me? Crazy how your own life & experience inspire you don't you think? Yes I think i heavily based her on my own little brother as well it's bit different too, yet it's the similar we'll say.
I love the interpretation where she's a super smart scholars but also really like the ones where Rom could be just a disable child that Byrgenwerth decided to turned into a great one ?! (I did a weird mixt of both ideas I guess)
She absolutely loves/hyperfixate on arthropods and gastropod ! And everything that came in between the nematodes and the chordata fishes (you know the ancestor of our spine) and in the Eucaryote/Metazoan side of the phylogenitc tree ! (I'm so sorry I think I just lost everyone who never did biodiversity in biology at the university XD). In short everything from worms, medusa, sponge, arthropods, gastropods, (to the simpler type of fish).
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(you basically have the mushroom, yeast/levures? and plants before the metazoan. The chordata gave everything from the fish to us : mammals, marsupials, reptiles, birds, amphibians...) Hope it help 🫡 hey you know all this classification first appeared in the 17th-18th century too? :D
Anyway all of this to say she loves and is not afraid of spiders & augurs at all. 🕷️🐌
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When there's big spiders everyone came find her to help them . She moves it somewhere else. And the day Gehrman and the prospectors bring back a giant spider from the labyrinth and she could come really close to it/touch it it was the best day of her life XD
She also loves the sea/ocean and the night sky, stars and plants ! She know many things about all of this too.
After the separation Byrgenwerth/Church the scholars still kinda worked a bit with the church idk it's complicated. She ended working at the research hall, mostly with Caryll, Adeline & Maria when they looked for Isz but also with Mico afterwards before going more in separate ways and end up with the choir a huge while (before ultimately returning to Byrgenwerth maybe, idk if returning at Byrgen as a spider count XD). She became the "leader" of the Choir after Caryll (I guess Laurence is the actual true leader but he's like the big boss above the choir and religious/priest/saints). She's also the first one to become a successful lumen wood kin. You know this :
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(imagined with super choir clothes)
And years after /probably after the beginning of the hunter's dream more experiments were done, she might have re work a lot with Byrgen too. She went to lower pthumeru with her team (young scholars she took care of too probably)... and they turned into spiders.
Vacuous spider, that title came after she turned into a kin. They asked her question about the cosmos, they thought she had ascend ! But she couldn't really answered... she was just 😐 well vacuous but hey she did save Yharnam from the apocalypse thanks to to veil of the blood moon. Because after they summon MP every month they were a blood moon and without the veil. Yharnam would have fallen in a few years/months instead of +2 decades later (when the hunter arrive) So during the Mensis ritual, that spiraled out of control she block everything. Her physical body died (altar in ebrietas arena but here spirits lived on in the lake!)
Connection with others :
Well Willem is basically her dad. I think he tried his best but he also work a lot and it could be complicated with Rom like I said before because of her condition. (As someone who grew up knowing people with a disability it's not always easy we'll say but they managed to found a balance in the end!) He always tried to include her where she could. When she was really little and when he was on his famous rocking chair looking at the lake he had her on his knees and he told her/teach her all kind of things.
So hm to not help thing her mom passed away when she was little. I haven't 100% decide yet. In my story, 15y before the squad meet at Byrgenwerth they were a huge epidemic and it kill at least one person (if not more) close to every characters. Rom, Maria, Mico Ludwig, etc were like 5-6y old or smt? maybe a bit older. But perhaps her mother died even before that. A scholar too probably.
Laurence was kinda adopted by Willem after his parents (who were friends with the provost) passed away because of this same epidemic. He's like 6 years older or smt? compared to Rom (and the others lil students). So they're quite chill around each others. It's not the ultimate sibling besties but they're kind around one another.
So Micolash now! He got bring back to Willem too XD but way after Laurence. When he was a teen maybe. They were really great friends at Byrgen (pre-healing church) and passed lot of time together + with Damian as well. The 2 boys decided to be there to hemp Rom. Mico and Rom were really, really close at some point. I am not entirely sure in which measure and sense but...you can guess. I mean there's smt sure but I'm still hesitating right now if he saw her as family or probably smt more. (Maybe they got in a relationship too! But parted ways at some point... you know it's complicated)
Caryll and Rom understand each other on a spiritual lvl at times XD sometimes they don't even need to talk to each other. It feel like they share a brain/braincells. So don't let them work alone unsupervised doing labs together they will have no idea what they were supposed to be after 10mins of daydreaming 😂. They got better the years after. I promised they worked well at the Research Hall XD
She was good friends with Maria too. They both share common interest and Maria is super kind too. they love talking about stars, nature and science and like each other calm presence. I mean depends if you include Caryll but they're the 2 girls of the original Byrgenwerth squad too! Oh and I forgot but one day Maria bring her back a hateful maggot (dead) from the forest. Rom loves it of course.
And Rom & Adeline are such a probably hilarious pair as well XD
Ludwig is really chilled too so idk they could vibe.
Others : Of course the staff at Byrgenwerth really like her. Dores actively tried to act the more nicely (&protectively) possible around Rom. She like really feral around everyone and show a more softer sides really occasionally to the person close to her so that tell a lot.
Of course Liam( gatekeeper) and Gehrman, really find her sweet too and I haven't much ideas of for now but I guess there's quite a few subject she could talk with the groundskeeper.
I mean even Patches (who secretly hate everyone lol) find Rom really useful to take care of spiders and insects he is supposed to remove (yes he just clean the school at the beginning then managed to become scholars & prospectors lol. And he even joined Rom team in the chalice expedition and research a few times)
Choir/orphanage : she was in charge for a while so she knew many scholars/choir member / some church members but especially the children who grew up in the orphanage : Amelia, Edgar, Iosefka, Imposter Iosefka?! (maybe??), Yurie etc She passed a lot of time with them and teach them many things. (So that would explain why Yurie would protect her!!) ("She tried to protect them from Mico bad influence and Mensis too)
Ok Kos. Or say Kosm I'm not entirely sure but there's quite a big connection at some point. I mean Kos gives eyes to Rom after all. She probably had lot of research on Kos too and was possibly devastated when they found Kos dead at the Hamlet. + I guess loosing a child/ mother made them closer too so rom might had managed to communicate/connect with great one and Kos accepted her.
OMG i almost forgot the most important ! EBRIETAS ! She passed lot of times with Ebrietas they were really close !! Maybe Rom even understand her ! (language wise) and I mean Ebrietas literally mourn her and seems to wait for her indefinitely. Did she consider Rom like a sister after she turned into a kin ? Gasp or even her girlfriend/wife ! Who knows ! (sorry I find it funny and so angsty at the same time.)
And I'm going to stop here I think 😅 Hope you enjoyed ! Thank you for finally allowed me to talk about it.
So yeah love the potato kin spider ! ❤️
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