#it would mean so much if anyone reads any of them (and/or signal boosts this post)!
aces-and-angels · 3 months
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edit: i hit the image limit for this post, so any new additions will be included here
the tag is starting to get kinda crowded (great problem, dw). i just thought compiling them all here would make things easier for everyone to find! all of the art displayed below is free to use for the purposes of promoting vetted gfm's here on tumblr. no credit is needed unless specified (marked = ***). if you have any questions regarding how to craft a post using any of the art provided -> please do not hesitate to reach out to me! note: please press follow post as i will most likely need to update this masterlist from time to time.
some info is below the cut on how to best utilize this material. please read it in its entirety before using any artwork. thank you 🖤
learn how to make art for this project here:
this project has gained a lot of momentum and has shown very promising results. the level of engagement once art is attached to a vetted gfm increases significantly. you will see what i mean as i have linked example posts of how to best use these pieces to help families in need.
i currently have a list of over 20+ families that i am spotlighting in my own personal progress tracker (the list has gotten so long that i now need to make a second version to accommodate all the families trying to get in contact with me).
this art campaign boost is truly meant to be utilized by anyone. i would sincerely appreciate it if y'all could take some time and pick maybe 1-2 people from this list and use the art below to create your own signal boost posts on the families' behalf. as someone who is periodically tracking their progress- i know that donation rates have slowed for a number of them. i am one person and can only do so much on my own. the essence of this initiative is to get more people to mobilize as a collective. it will take everyone to get on board in order for these families to be able to reach their goals. that means spotlighting their accounts/campaigns periodically.
you need to keep up the momentum.
the individuals you are helping currently live in areas with minimal internet connection, meaning it is very difficult to spotlight themselves on their own. especially since this site is continuously suppressing/deleting their accounts. they need you to interact with their content. tumblr isn't like other social media sites. it's known for being very 'anti-algorithm' and it's common culture for many of us to not really care about our levels of engagement (i.e. follower count/amount of notes per post). it's very hard for your own content to "break" your inner circle of followers and gain traction if the topic of the post is not "popular" or "trending" these families are not operating on this site the same way you are. you may be using this platform as a means to "just vibe" but they are using it as a desperate attempt to raise essential funding to save their lives. the importance that their posts be elevated cannot be overstated. anyone who has ever created any sort of og content here knows how quickly a post can die out if no one interacts with it. this cannot happen with them.
tips for making your own signal boost post* (*for vetted campaigns):
-> make it easy to read + eye-catching: the problem i am seeing when you search many of these families' accounts is that their "tag" (username of their account) is full of the same types of posts (i.e. a generic response to their initial message to another person on tumblr) <- aka it is very easy for people to tune out which is the opposite of what we want to happen. creating your OWN posts in response to their asks allows the art to appear FIRST when people look up someone's account via tumblr's search bar, which will attract more attention to their accounts. it also forces people who are making these posts to actually sit down and read the stories they are sharing with the rest of their mutuals/lurkers alike -> include verification sources: the main reason people are searching for these accounts is b/c they are trying to see if it is okay to reblog/share their campaign with their own following. if you address this plainly and early on in your post that includes artwork -> people are more likely to interact -> tag the account you are promoting: please include the families' account as one of your #'s so it will appear when you search for their names on tumblr. also try @'ing their account in your post so it'll be easier for these families to find your work. some of them are incredibly new to the platform and may not be aware of all its features. something that you may find intuitive may not be as easily understood for these individuals. your role is to make them as easy as possible to find for others so they can gain more support. --- don't have time to type out a whole post for a family on their behalf? -> interact with one of theirs! attach something nice/helpful to their posts so it is more readily available for others to share. the same rules apply from above. as i said before, some of these accounts are brand spanking new and are not formatted in the same ways as others that may be more well-versed on how tumblr operates in terms of promoting their campaigns. (for example: even if the account has been vetted/verified by multiple trusted individuals- the owners of that account may not know to include that info in their posts about their campaign every single time they post. you can make their lives easier by including that info for them by reblogging one of their og posts and adding the necessary info on their behalf)
you can also find a more comprehensive list of vetted campaigns by el-shab-hussein/nabulsi here <- their list is now over 200+ with several campaigns that are "in the red" (very low in funding). please do not hesitate to try to spotlight anyone from this list as well!
el-shab-hussein also has a masterpost pinned here with additional campaigns (including those for other countries like sudan)
alright i've explained enough- time for the art!
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artist: @rhq274 | @rhq2744 *** free to use, credit required meet raghad (read and share full post here) Hello, I am Raghad Qanou, a medical student from Gaza City. My people and I have been subjected to genocide for more than 230 days. My family and I have lived through various types of torture and inhumane conditions. This link is my only chance for me and my family to escape death and try to start over. This is not easy. But we are trying, and we would be happy to have you help save our lives and our future. instructions to utilize artwork: those who wish to share raghad's art MUST do ALL of the following: -> follow raghad on tumblr @rhq274 | @rhq2744 -> like + reblog one or more of her posts seen on her account that promotes her fundraiser (you may also include additional art shown below to help further boost her campaign; see example) once those actions detailed above are completed, you may use raghad's art to promote her campaign. *if you are utilizing this art for another campaign that is not raghad's -> you must also mention + link her fundraiser as well /// for those able: please consider donating to raghad's campaign here (vetted; no 221 on el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's sheet)
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artist: me lol free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @lampyri free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @aria-ashryver free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @monmonp0k free to use, credit not required- but if given, is appreciated example
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artist: @juudaimes-true-form free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @gaiuskamilah free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @marnota free to use on all social media platforms (i.e. tumblr, insta, twitter, etc), no credit required example
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artist: @marquainequeen free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @palms-upturned free to use, no credit required example
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artisit: @inkyswampbones free to use, no credit required example
99 notes · View notes
birklurks · 2 years
I’m kinda confused by your recent posts. I’m sorry if I missed something but are you planning to leave fandom entirely? This blog has been a great resource for fics. I understand if it’s just too much work and upkeep to be active because it’s hard to keep track of everything but I’m not sure what this commenting on fics debate is about. I understand literally what it’s about but I guess I just don’t understand why you’ve gone inactive as a result unless it’s just general frustration w the fandom
Hi there anon 👋🏻,
Why would I leave fandom?? I've gone inactive? Says who?? 😂
I'm on Tumblr just as much as I've ever been, and I've been reading fics as voraciously as I ever have (wait, that's not accurate - I'm actually ripping through more fanfics than ever because I'm not wasting minutes of my time here and there to leave written feedback for the stories I enjoy). I don't even bother clicking the kudos button anymore, it's great!!
It's not hard to "keep track of everything", not at all. It's been 1000000% fun fun fun fun fun fun fun consumption for me while putting in literally zero effort of any kind (I LOVE these kinds of "communities"!!)
As for the "commenting on fics debate": not sure what you're referring to, but as far as I'm concerned, since I've been wondrously reformed - there is no debate.
I admit that before September of this year, I used to think that the feelings and morale of our fanfic writers and fan artists actually mattered, because they are the ones doing all of the hard work and heavy lifting to create the content that makes fandom so much fun... and I spent the last four years listening to new writers and veteran writers across a broad range of ships and reading their countless demoralized pleas for written feedback, reblogs and other forms of substantive engagement from the masses who blindly and voraciously consume their work product for free. (I know, so stupid right?? 🤪)
I used to take their concerns to heart, and vowed to use my tiny little corner of our fandom sandbox to try and keep their concerns at the forefront, support their tireless work via kofi's, commissions and signal boosts, and do whatever I could to encourage silent readers in our fandom to leave our writers notes of gratitude and encouragement every once in a while if they enjoyed a story - something, anything, whether it was long or short, in whatever language they felt most comfortable with.
But, I finally learned that all of that was a massive waste of time and money because I was recently informed by a superior and virtuous individual here that I could take the concerns expressed by so many writers in our fandom "with a grain of salt", and that expecting the occasional reader engagement in any specific form (like written feedback, which costs zero money to offer and takes maybe a minute or two of a reader's time) is an improper form of "entitlement".
Since then, I realized I don't have to give a shit about the concerns of our fic writers who feel unseen, unappreciated and demoralized by the dire lack of substantive reader engagement in our fandom.
Fandom has taught me that nobody owes anyone anything, and if these whiners were "better" writers and "kinder", more "empathetic" people (like the virtuous author who generously took the time to "educate" me 😇), they would write solely for themselves and their own fulfillment instead of being gross and harassing innocent readers for the occasional crumb of feedback. 😡
I mean really, these writers are so entitled - HOW DARE THEY ask for basic common courtesies from people who enjoy their work product for free?!?!? 😤
Anyways, that's why I'm exclusively a silent reader now. And as I've been repeatedly lectured over the years, just because I'm a lurker doesn't mean I'm not "part of" fandom. If people can't read my mind and gauge my love and enthusiasm for fanworks through my radio silence, that's on them - not me. 
Obviously, they need to get with the program and learn telepathy for my convenience!! 😠
Hope this helps clear things up anon, happy thanksgiving!!🦃❤️
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rafael-silva · 4 years
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hi all! I’ve been writing for buddie and tarlos for a while now, I’m enjoying it so much and I want to have all my fics with their links in one post to share all of them with fellow buddie and tarlos shippers, hence, this masterpost! it will be updated as the fics are updated and it would mean the literal universe to me if anyone decides to check any of my work out, I would really appreciate it! 
911 and 911 lone star crossover:
Austin Bound
summary: “I heard that a firefighter in Los Angeles had a piece of rebar go through his brain. And then he was back at work within a month,” Judd nonchalantly states.
“That’s impossible.”
“My buddy swears it's true,” Judd replies.
Where Eddie is Judd’s buddy and they've been keeping in touch since Eddie left for LA. After a couple of phone calls with Judd and some catching up, Judd realizes Eddie isn't quite as fine as he claims to be. Judd convinces Eddie to take some time off and to bring Christopher to visit Austin, to see him and meet the 126 crew. Eddie agrees and ends up bringing Buck along, too.
AKA where Buddie and Tarlos meet, friendships blossom and feelings are brought into perspective.
status: in progress, 4 chapters
tags: buddie getting together, tarlos established relationship, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst 
summary: Set during 3.03 The SearchersMy take on what happens after Eddie sees Buck at the hospital, finds Chris and Buck collapses on Cap, Chim and Hen until Eddie and Chris show up at Buck's place with a little twist to the ending of the episode.
status: complete, one chapter
tags: getting together, missing scenes, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, fluff 
At First Glance
summary: Buck had no idea that the next call would hit so close to home. Too close. And that it would knock him off balance, in more ways than one.Buck has his past locked behind a door but a call with a little boy unexpectedly rips that door wide open and brings it all rushing back. Eddie helps Buck through it, and Buck opens up to Eddie about his past, his parents and the years before he joined the Fire Academy.Plus, the first time Eddie calls Buck Evan.
status: in progress, one chapter 
tags: getting together, kid fic, buck’s past, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, fluff
911: lone star:
not like the movies
summary: Set during 1.08 Monster InsideMy take on the direct aftermath of TK getting shot, what happens in that hallway until when Carlos sits by his hospital bed with some extension to that scene.
status: complete, one chapter
tags: missing scene, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, aftermath of TK getting shot, carlos finding out
hammering heart
summary: Set during 1.10 Austin, We Have a ProblemCarlos's point of view during the time TK is in the bus saving the driver until Owen gets TK out and TK rides in the ambulance.
status: complete, one chapter
tags: missing scene, emotional hurt/comfort, worried carlos, carlos and owen have a moment 
Catching Fire
summary: “Dispatch, we have a 10-33 at our location. Fire has ignited, we need Fire and Rescue, Medical and back up. Three individuals trapped, two officers and one civilian.” “Fire, Medical and back up is on route to you now,” comes the quick reply. “Officer Reyes, report.” Radio static. “Officer Reyes, report.” Silence. “Carlos!” Nothing. Where Carlos and his partner respond to a noise complaint that quickly escalates into a blazing fire, putting their lives in danger. The 126 are called to the scene and TK’s heart drops into his knees when he learns that Carlos is trapped inside the burning apartment. The 126 frantically work to save the officers, and they deal with the aftermath together, as a family.
status: in progress, 3 chapters
tags: established relationship, hurt carlos, worried TK, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, on call injury, recovery 
mentioning some lovely people (hope you don’t mind being mentioned!)
@buckleyevan @buckleys-diaz @captain-flint @oliversstark @oliverstarked @evanzbuck @shannondiaz @rafasilvas @transbucke @benjisvictor @eddiedeaz @karenwilson @grayson-dick @judsonryder 
260 notes · View notes
keigelsss · 4 years
Hard At Work - Kuroo Tetsuro
a/n: HERE IT IS!!!!! it’s really bad. i struggled. i just wanted to get it over with but this idea weighed heavily on my mind for so long and i cant seem to get it out the way i want so this is the bare minimum with what i was trying to go for sorry :/
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, timeskip!kuroo, dom!kuroo, language, teasing, literally half the fic is foreplay oops, smut, oral sex, unprotected sex (no glove no love y’all), kuroo smacks your ass once, sir kink?, SIZE KINK, belly bulge, overstim, squirting, creampie, as always my shitty writing. *thoughts in italics… if i forgot a warning pls lmk*
Summary: you never thought you’d find yourself in this situation, let alone with the man in charge of your paycheck. luckily those files weren’t that important.
word count: 4.7K
You’ve only been working in this position for about two months now, assistant to one of the smartest sports promoters in the country. It’s a wonderful job and you get to meet star athletes almost every day, but what wasn't in the job description was the super hot promoter that you would be working under literally. If you thought it was hard coming into work with someone so damn attractive, the amount of teasing that went on in and outside of the office was insufferable.
Your day began like every other; come in, bring Kuroo some coffee, a full list of the day's meetings and tidy up in his office. While setting the coffee on his desk, you anticipate what comment he’ll make about the lack of a baked good to accompany his beverage.
“Awe Y/n, looks like you forgot to bring something to munch on again,” he was currently going through emails while twirling a pen in his hand. That scheming smirk that you’ve come to recognize all too well plastered all over his smug face. 
“I’m sorry, Kuroo, they were all out at the café.” You placed your belongings on the small desk located in the corner of his office, spending some time to go over today's schedule as well as sort through a few contracts and client files.
“It’s all good,” he let out a soft chuckle. “You could always let me eat you instead, shortcake.”
You gave a pointed glare to the man before sighing and closing the file cabinet you just finished sorting. “I think it’s best if we get to work, we’ve got a long day ahead of us, sir.” he sends the smallest smirk in your direction then returns to his tasks. Shit... Did I mean to make it come out like that? Whatever he always teases the ever-living hell out of me so it's about time I had my share of the fun too, it’s only fair. Right?
Most of the day was uneventful, the typical routine coming and going without any interruptions. At around 4 pm though, you found yourself swamped with far more paperwork to go through than usual as well as having to scan and digitally file. We didn't have this many meetings today, did we? I just did a stack like this… Most of these need Kuroo’s signature, they shouldn't be on my desk.
Raising your head you shifted your gaze, letting your eyes land on him. He’s seated only ten feet in front of you behind his desk but today it seems like an entire mile. Did he always look that good going through his messages?
While gathering the papers that were wrongfully in your pile and saying a quick prayer to anyone out there, you walked over to sit in one of the matching seats opposite him. Placing the folder down softly to not mess up the flow of his work. He instinctively moves his elbow away to make room for the file and side-eyes it momentarily.
“Just give me two minutes here and I’m all yours sugar,” he says with a quick smile in your direction.
Humming your response and relaxing into the chair you take the time to admire his features. The messy but somehow put together hair that, according to his long-term clients and friends, has been that way since childhood. The sharp features of his cheeks and jaw, his pink lips permanently resting in his signature smirk that can mean an infinite number of things as you’ve come to find out. A muscular neck that is far too appealing for your taste, broad shoulders leading to strong arms, and an equally muscular chest. It’s no doubt that he is built like a god under that dress shirt, it fits him so perfectly it's almost offensive.
You’re so caught up in your thoughts of the man in front of you that you don't even notice how he moves his body, giving all his attention to you.
“Stare any longer sweet girl and you're gonna start drooling all over that cute outfit of yours.” His deep chuckle vibrates through you, definitely causing something to happen deep in the pit of your stomach. Your body was so hot and your throat was so damn dry from the way he was looking back at you. Is he undressing me with his eyes? Fuck! I’m one to talk, I’m doing the same thing.
“Uh it looks like some papers of yours got in my pile, if you can sign them, I’ll finish scanning and get out of your hair.” 
You sat up to hand him a pen then rest your palms against the desk. Those pieces of paper are the only thing separating the two of you and it helps you keep a grasp on reality for the time being.
He toyed with the edges of the folder, lifting just the corner, not even bothering to read over the contents. “Yeah, I put them there thinking it would keep you in the office just a bit longer but you caught on to my plan faster than I thought.” He met your gaze with a semi defeated smile.
“You thought I wouldn't notice at all? Kuroo, I thought you were supposed to be the mega genius here because I had just filed all of those this morning.” A sudden boost of confidence ran through your body and your hands found their way to the folder and started mimicking his previous action that, hopefully, would drive him just as crazy as it did you. Your cold fingers delicately traced above his watch then to his forearms, stopping right where he cuffed his sleeves. A small hiss escaped him through his teeth followed by an airy laugh.
“Call it an experiment.” You couldn't help but giggle at his response.
He suddenly moved back, completely reclining and relaxing in his chair. He went to loosen up the tie around his neck and even went as far as to open two buttons on the restricting shirt. Cheeky bastard.
Kuroo cleared his throat. Resting his elbow against the arm of his chair, chin resting in the palm of his hand. “I bet I can tell what you're thinking right now, shortcake,” he continued to roll his chair back slightly.
Without giving a second thought you moved around to his side of the desk, sitting and leaning on the end farthest from him. You conjured up the best comeback your normally shy and reserved self would never think of, but right now, it's war.
“Oya oya? Tell me, boss, what am I thinking right now?” you finally turned your gaze towards him, pulling off the most convincing innocent eyes you had.
He stood up from his seat, taking the slowest steps toward you and stood right beside your small body. His large hands are dangerously close to the edge of your skirt. If he could feel how hard your heart was beating in your chest you’d be done for. 
That contagious laughter of his booming throughout the room once more. He’ll never admit it but your teasing words sound a lot like him.
“Well if the way you're clenching the hell out of your thighs right now isn't the biggest sign.” His calloused fingers finally make contact with the exposed skin on your legs and slowly rise to trace the curves of your body. Finding a place to rest on your jaw with his thumb gripping your chin forcing you to look directly at him. “I’d say you're thinking of all the different ways I could make you cum on my desk,” his thumb began to slowly trace your lower lip.
You were barely aware of the small moan you let out while fluttering your eyes closed. “Let's say you're right Kuroo,” you nearly choked on the lack of saliva in your throat. “What else am I thinking?” your response barely above a pathetic whimper.
He let out a happy sigh as he placed his thumb between your lips, pressing slightly to signal you to open up. That sigh quickly turned into a small moan when you let your tongue slip from your mouth and wrapped your lips around the digit. Years of hard work and skill evident in the sensation of his thumb pressing against your tongue.
“You’re probably thinking about my cock filling every inch of your tight little pussy,” he moved to stand between your legs, his other hand finding residence on your hip and squeezing the clothed flesh possessively. “Or maybe you’re thinking you might just have the upper hand here because you caught on to my little trick,” he began to mess with the hook and zipper on the side of your skirt. Lowering the piece of flimsy metal agonizingly slow. 
“If that’s the case then you're seriously mistaken sweetheart also when it's just us, call me Tetsuro,” he whispered his name in your ear and if you weren't trying to match his teasing energy, you would’ve made the first move but the build-up was so much better.
He finally let go of the zipper on your skirt and began to pull it slowly down your thighs, all while maintaining eye contact. He slowly removed his finger from your mouth and trailed any lingering saliva along your bottom lip and down your jaw before his hand found comfort around your neck, offering the softest squeeze, eliciting yet another breathy moan from your lips. If only you knew how much those sounds of yours were causing him to short circuit.
“Tetsuro. If there’s anything I know very well, it's my place in this office.” You kept steady eye contact while attempting to squeeze your thighs together. 
Kuroo noticed your struggles and continued to strip the skirt from your body. Your lower half was beginning to burn with anticipation. His long fingers then traced the outline of your panties, if he looked any closer he would see the little wet spot forming right at your entrance. He lightly pulled on the thin material and snapped it back against your body, a small chuckle rising from deep in his chest because of how cute and responsive you are to his actions.
“And where is that exactly?” He can't help but tease you, even though his cock is absolutely suffocating, he still wants to make sure you know who’s in charge. 
“I'm an employee on your payroll, aren't I?” your voice was so soft, focusing more on steadying your breathing. He began to run the back of his hand along your hip and grazed his knuckles against the area that you ache for him the most, a throaty sigh escapes you and some of that newfound confidence as well. Where the hell did she come from?
“It only makes sense that my position is under you.” Kuroo is slightly surprised by your response but he can tell that you’ve had enough of his teasing just like he’s had enough of having to come up with new ways to fluster you. Now it seems that all his prayers are being answered, he finally has you to himself all alone in the office, and there’s only one thing on his mind after hearing the words slip from your lips. “That’s definitely the right answer, but I hope you don’t mind if I spend some time on you first?”
His fingers were now pulling the fabric of your panties down and off your body, he never breaks eye contact, rubbing his hands all over your legs and occasionally squeezing your soft skin. He finally returned to eye level and placed both hands on your cheeks, bringing you in for a hot and desperate kiss. He managed to push you further onto the desk so you can rest comfortably, the cold sensation of the wood on your bare skin forced a tiny gasp to escape. 
Kuroo began to play with the buttons of your blouse, pulling on the material. By the time he gets to the last button, you’re halfway done removing his, finally seeing the strong body underneath it all. Hot. Once he had you completely undressed he took a single step back. Biting his lip and admiring your body.
“You’re so god damn sexy.” He came back to you, hot mouth leaving kisses all over your neck and chest. He spent some time on each of your breasts, sucking and biting on your sensitive nipples, sending waves of pleasure straight to your core. His hands hooked under your knees and spread your legs. You're practically dripping onto his desk by now and can’t help but grind your hips against nothing, desperate for some sort of relief. 
“Someone's a little needy, huh?” his breath was hot against your stomach and fingers digging into the meat of your thigh. Once he got on his knees in front of you, his fingers found their way to your throbbing center. Slowly parting your folds and massaging your sensitive hole with perfect pressure. “Fuck. You’re so fuckin’ wet too,” with his other hand he used his thumb to play with your clit. You threw your head back, letting out a soft moan as you made contact with the desk below.
Kuroo wasted no time putting your legs over his shoulders, leaving wet kisses along your thighs and placing several on your hips. He finally placed a kiss on your clit, causing you to yelp and buck your hips against his face. “You taste better than I imagined baby girl,” he licked a stripe through your folds, then sucked on your clit softly. “Mmm it feels so good!” you’re a moaning, whimpering mess already. Kuroo has to use his hands to keep you still but he’s humming happily while lapping up all you have to offer him and you can't help but shake. “Am I making you feel good, pretty girl? Your cute little pussy is so sensitive huh?” his tongue was replaced with one of his fingers gathering up your slick and slowly entering you.
“Yes yes fuck I love it. I want your cock. Please.” you looked at him through lidded eyes sucking your bottom lip harshly in between your teeth. He can't help but smile at how cute you look begging for him. “Relax baby girl, we’ll both get what we want but I gotta work you up a bit more.” He added another finger curling them a little to find your sweet spot, while sucking on your clit. He knew he found it when you squeezed your thighs around him and called out his name. Your walls twitching around his fingers, reaching your first climax of the day. 
He pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to his mouth, sucking off every bit of your juices, moaning in sheer delight. Another kiss was placed on your clit before he began a trail of them to your neck and jaw, teeth sinking into your skin. One of his hands caressed your cheek as he kissed you on the lips, your taste and his hot breath sending another wave of arousal through you and you moan into his mouth. He pulls away and rests his forehead against yours. “Wanna make you cum with my tongue one more time okay sweetheart?”
You wanted to whine and throw a fit but his mouth was magical and you weren't one to complain. With a small ‘okay’ and another kiss on the lips he made his way to your pussy once more, already swollen and ridiculously sensitive. He began with the same rhythm as before, soft groans of satisfaction driving you wild. The grinding of your hips against his face only became more violent when he added his long fingers. Finding that same spot as earlier. 
“F-fuck oh fuck I’m gonna cum!” you arched your back off the desk and brought a hand to your chest massaging squeezing your nipples. The only thing you hear before your orgasm rips through you is the loud squelching of fingers inside your pussy and his moans of praise. When you open your eyes and finally come back to earth, you see Kuroos face, hand and wrist covered in your juices. “I haven't even fucked you yet and you squirted just like that? You're gonna be the death of me Y/n.” 
You giggled a little, hiding your face in embarrassment, body still trembling from the intense orgasm. Of course that smart mouth of his is sinfully skilled. He moved your hands out of the way, intertwining his with yours, lifting you and pulling you into another kiss. 
You let go of his hands running yours along his toned chest, leaving small scratches, quickly removing his belt and slacks. You squeal at how big he looks in his boxers, his cock begging to be free. Pulling the waistband down and letting it drop to his feet, you moan at the sight. A small bead of precum forming at the tip, now an angry red from being neglected for so long. “I wanna make you feel good too Tetsu.” 
Before you can drop to your knees for him he puts his hands on your hips, rubbing soothing circles. “Next time gorgeous, I wanna feel you right now.” he lifted you off the ground, legs wrapping around his waist and lips meeting in a sloppy mess of teeth and tongue. One of his hands made their way to your ass, squeezing softly before landing a smack. You moaned in response and ground your hips against his throbbing member, the tip creating glorious friction against your folds. He finally placed you back on the desk then fisted his cock a few times, running the tip against your folds and teasing your entrance.
“Want you inside me now Tetsuro. Please.” your chest was heaving in desperation and he loved that he made you like this. “Okay sweet girl. If it’s too much let me know.” You gave him a small nod and he kissed you while letting himself slip inside your warm walls. You were already so wet from before but he was so long and thick that the intrusion was slightly painful. 
“Holy shit! you’re so damn tight.” he says through gritted teeth. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, fingers tugging softly on his hair when you feel him bottom out inside you. He lets out a few puffs of air because it's taking all his willpower not to cum with the way your pussy is gripping onto him right now. You let out a few whimpers and he checks your face for any signs of discomfort before retracting his hips and thrusting into you. You make eye contact with him, he’s absolutely mesmerizing with that lusty look in his eye and a small layer of sweat on his forehead. 
“S-so big Tetsu. It feels so good.” you squeeze your legs wrapped around his waist, bringing him closer to you and he groans in response. He begins to thrust into you slowly, still trying to keep his cool but finding that sweet spot inside you every time. “Oh you're gonna make me cum with the way you are clampin’ down on my cock like that sweet thing.” he shifts the angle of his thrusts and cages your head between his arms. His large upper body casting a shadow over you that makes you shiver. You can see the way the muscles on his forearms and biceps are flexing with every thrust. How he’s looking down at where you two are connected in pure fascination, tugging his lip between his teeth.
Using his arms to push off the desk, he tugs your hips to the edge and keeps his fingers embedded in the soft flesh, meeting each of his thrusts. You lift yourself as well, resting on your elbows and watching him. You notice a small bump on your belly each time his hips meet yours and it's enough to have you roll your eyes back. Holy fuck now that’s different. Kuroo noticed your surprise and pressed a hand against your tummy, making you feel him even deeper if possible. 
“I’m right there baby girl. Can you feel it?” You feel as though you're being split open but it hurts so good. His stare and dominating aura so sinful and addictive, you know you're in trouble. “Yes it feels so good. I love your cock.” He feels you fluttering around him and picks up his pace. The sharp sound of skin slapping echoes throughout the office along with his animalistic growls. 
“Is that right. You gonna cum on this cock, like a good girl?” his thumb found your clit, working small circles. “Make a mess all over my desk? Let me cum inside this tight pussy?” his thrusts were reaching deep, that bulge in your tummy only looking bigger now. You tried meeting his thrusts halfway, your hand gripped his wrist and you neared another orgasm. “Y-yeah, oh fuck. please. I wanna cum so bad. wanna make you feel good too, sir.” 
At the last word you said he thrusted into you once more. your walls fluttering around him bringing his release as well, he hunched over with a groan and found your lips as he spilled his seed inside you. The warmth filling you up and making you feel nothing but bliss. Your ankles locked around his waist, heels digging into his lower back, keeping him buried inside you while you caught your breath’s. 
He pulled away first, watching as his cock slipped from your tight hole, both of you letting out a sharp breath from the sensitivity. His cum followed right after, dripping down onto his desk. The sight of your clenching pussy and the mess was enough to get him hard again. He wants as much as you’re willing to give him. Lifting your upper body he pulls you in for another kiss, this one a bit sweeter. 
You pulled away and began kissing his jaw. “I want more.” You said looking up at him with bright eyes. Your makeup is messy but you still look delicious as ever. 
He gave you a playful grin and a peck on the lips. “You read my mind gorgeous.” 
He spun you around and bent you over the desk, pressing your body into the wood but not enough to hurt. His fingers slowly ran down your spine, leaving goosebumps in their wake. You turn your head slightly so you can see him, right now he looks intimidating as ever. Large muscular body towering over you, one hand gripping your ass and the other teasing the head of his cock along your folds. He can see how your dripping hole is clenching around nothing, your frame trembling from previous orgasms. He's so damn overjoyed that he slips right inside you, not wanting to waste another second outside of your tight pussy. 
The stretch that he provided was nothing you've felt before, he was definitely the biggest you’ve been with. You felt every ridge and vein, every twitch, you still feel him in your stomach. Nothing beat how warm he is though, flooding every nerve with heat and electricity. 
He set a brutal pace, balls slapping against your clit each time, making you cry out and moan incoherent versions of his name. His left hand gripped your thigh and hitched your leg on the desk, the shift in position causing him to drag the tip of his cock perfectly against your g-spot. “Right there Tetsuro, feels so fucking good.” you ached your back in ecstasy. 
The hand he had hooked under your knee creeped up your thigh and rested on your hip. He used the other to raise you off the desk and wrap around you. His warm hard chest pressing into your back and his large, rough palms massaged your tits. You can feel his warm breath on your ear and you shiver when he groans. The deep rumble of his chest crashing into you like a wave. 
Hearing his moans right in your ear was like heaven, the feeling of his cock twitching inside tells you he's close. “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum so fuckin’ hard. Your little cunt’s squeezing me so fuckin’ tight. You gonna be a good girl and let me cum inside again?” his rough pounding turned into slow, deep strokes. Slamming into your sweet spot with pin-point accuracy.
“Please. Feels so good and I want your cum. Want it in me so bad.” his hand moved to your jaw turning your head, squishing your cheeks and leaving a sloppy kiss against your lips. You brought your arm up, grabbing his face, pulling him closer. You sucked his bottom lip between your teeth and he growled in response, slow thrusts gaining some more speed.
The hand he had on your hip made its way in front of you, fingers trailing softly against your swollen clit. Tears were pricking the corners of your eyes from overstimulation but you loved every second of it. “I want you to milk my cock, take all your filling like a good little shortcake and make a mess on this desk. Can you do that for me?” you only nod and moan your answer.
The intense eye contact between the two of you, mixed with his hard thrusts and rough fingers, make that tingling feeling in your core seem like the first one all over again. Your head falls back against his chest as your body locks up and shakes uncontrollably, the tight fluttering of your walls brought his release as well. 
You can feel his warm load inside as he keeps fucking into you, allowing you both to ride out the intense wave of pleasure. All while massaging your clit, only bringing on another orgasm, making you squirt once more on his hand and desk. Feeling it drip down your legs, surely his too. 
Once the rush of euphoria passed, you both fell forward, his cock still inside you as you both caught your breath. You were still quivering with aftershocks of pleasure when he slipped out of you, a mixture of both of your cum spilling onto the floor and down your thighs. 
He stumbled back onto his chair and took a deep breath. Hypnotized by the way you’re still spread out for him to see, the beautiful sight of your plump ass becoming something he wants all the time. You finally sit up slowly turning to lean against the desk, legs feeling like noodles. Both of you catching the other staring and letting out a fit of laughter. He reached for your hand and pulled you down on the chair with him to relax, wrapping his strong arms around you. 
“So, I was thinking, maybe I should give you a promotion.” he kissed the top of your head and you pinched his nipple teasingly. “Stop fucking around Tetsu.” he smirked and gave you a knowing smirk. 
“We just did, sweet heart.” you rolled your eyes and nuzzled into his neck. 
After resting for a while the two of you got cleaned up and dressed, tidying up the office so it didn't look like two people just fucked in it. Once you were done you both stood and looked out the window of his office, watching the sun disappear and the stars start to shine. He made a sound like he just remembered something. 
“Do you wanna go out to get something to eat?” he looks at you while putting his coat on.
“I’d love to, I’m starving,” you grabbed your purse and put on your coat as well. “Oh, uh what time is it?” you ask him. 
He lifted the sleeve of his jacket, looking at his watch and raising a brow. “That’s weird. My watch is stuck at 4:45.” you look at him in confusion. 
A sudden burst of wheezing laughter echoes through the walls and you’re still wondering what’s so funny. He turns to you and looks at your face, melting at how cute and innocent you looked. 
“I think you ruined my watch, Y/n.” he brings a hand up to your face moving a piece of hair that was out of place. You can't help but blush at his words, instantly turning away from him and opening the doors to his office.
“Well we’re even now because you ruined any other man for me.” You walked ahead of him in annoyance but he knows it won't last long.
He’ll have you screaming his name again in his bed in no time. 
I wonder if he was joking about that promotion though…
✨stay sexy my friends✨
Taglist: @bobabybo
a/n: if you made it this far... yooo... im so sorry you had to read this. it didn’t tickle the brain the way i wanted and i trashed it like ten times only to go back with what i originally started with but if you liked it and you feel a lil sum ;) lmk i would love feedback or what I could’ve done better. i don’t know what I want to do with this blog just yet but for now its just my thirsts and writings. i reply and like on @keigohoes im just stupid lol.
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caffeineforbucky · 3 years
As Time Goes By...(Chapter three)
A/N: This one took a while to write. I've just been so busy doing absolutely nothing all while procrastinating, so special thanks to that. No, but I really hope you like this, fellow reader. If you like the series, let me know if you want to be tagged!
(Side note: I've been playing RE8, thirsting over lady D, and dying over and over...it's going great! It's part of the procrastination...)
Also, has anyone seen the Bridgerton musical tiktoks? I swear I've had the 'burn for you' song in my head all last month and if you've been living under a rock...here's the link:
Word Count: 2,299
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem! Reader
Warnings: I don't know....angst? As always, John Walker!?! AKA; Fake Cap. Umm...If I missed any let me know.
(A little PSA: I don't hate John Walker: or the actor. John is a well-written character. This is just strictly for the purpose of where my story is going. I'm more reiterating how Bucky treats him in the show. Thank you!!)
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You groan, rolling from your left side to lay flatly on your back, arms spread out beside you. You inhale deeply, becoming aware of the moistened dirt and crushed wildflowers beneath you as they release their aromatics. Birds chirped around you, the busy sounds of traffic fading away while you lie still in the field, oxygen feeling heavy in your lungs.
You barely heard the worrisome calls of Sam over the sound of your heart pounding in your ears. You lift your head, the view of icy mountains in the distance, blurry figures making their way towards you while you somehow managed to sit up. Your head was spinning, a sharp ache on the side of your thigh.
Your eyes flickered down, taking note of the small paring knife lodged in your thigh. You exhaled softly, nodding your head at the sight of it. "Okay," You grumble in agreement. With shaking hands, you wrap your fingers around the handle, bracing yourself by taking intervolved breaths before carefully pulling it from your thigh.
You worked fast, ignoring the crunch of rocks and dirt under the acknowledgeable footsteps of Sam and Bucky. Taking babochka, you cut off the end of your pant leg, wrapping the spandex around your wounded thigh before securing it with one of the holsters, tying the ends into a knot. You remain quiet, carefully pushing yourself up to your feet, transferring all of the weight to the opposite leg, eyes drifting up to meet the guys. "Are you guys okay?" You murmur, dusting off the clumps of dirt and dead leaves from your jacket.
"Are you?!" Sam exclaimed incredulously. "You're bleeding!" He points out, gesturing to the bright red staining the skin of your calf as it dripped down to your boot. The wrap might've held the wound shut, but that didn't mean blood wouldn't have soaked through.
"Oh, this?" You ask, glancing down at your leg, the wound throbbing in agony, but you did your best to avoid it. "I've had worse." That was true, from all those years fighting as an avenger. Getting shot, kicked, stabbed, beaten until you were purple, and undergoing mind control. This tiny stab was the least of your worries. It still hurt like hell, and you couldn't hide the discomfort in your features.
"Do you want a piggyback?" Bucky asks suddenly, slightly annoyed at your nonchalance and still concerned nonetheless. You weren't expecting it, the odd but kind offer, especially from the menace himself. Though you weren't one to pass up being carried. With a hesitant nod, you agree, watching Bucky crouch just a bit, allowing you to climb on his back.
The position was awkward for both of you. With his hands tightening on the back of your knees and your arms wrapped around his neck, neither of you could think straight. Yet, you were still thankful. The road to the airport was a long one, and you weren't sure if you could make it in your state. Bucky held you as if you weighed nothing, his super-soldier strength showing off while he carried you on his back, footsteps matching up with Sam. He didn't mind doing it, especially since he was the one who offered, and the proximity was just a bonus.
"Sorry about Redwing," Bucky muses, breaking the silence while the three of you sauntered down the empty road. There was nothing for miles, only empty plains of grass and dirt. Young trees scattered, lacking the greenery around them, evident of the cold weather in Munich.
"No, you're not," Sam remarks, narrowing his eyes to a pinprick at the winter soldier. "You've always hated Redwing."
"That doesn't mean I'm not sorry about it," Bucky grumbles, tightening his hold on you as he felt you slipping. You gasp at the sudden strength, clinging better to his shoulders as well. "How're you doin' up there?" He asks, jaw clenching from your touch.
"All things considering," You sigh, pushing aside the butterflies in your tummy at how close you were to Bucky. "I've been better. We've gotta find out where that super serum is coming from."
"Yeah," Sam chimed in, glancing at you. "-And how the hell after 80 years are there eight super-soldiers runnin' loose?"
Loud honks of a horn ring in your ears, tires treading on the gravel as an army jeep slows down beside the three of you. "So, that didn't go as planned, huh?" John chuckles, pushing the door open only for you to keep walking, paying no mind to the man in stars and stripes.
"Okay, keep going," John utters, signaling the driver to keep up as he pulls the door shut. "Look, at least we know what we're up against, huh? And I'm pretty sure it's one of the big three...so,"
"Aliens, androids, or wizards," Lemar comments as John nods his head in agreement.
"There's no such thing as wizards!" Bucky grunts, keeping his eyes forward, hands on the back of your knees.
"Fine, aliens or androids," John settles, sharing a look with his best friend beside him. "Look, it's 20 miles to the airport, and you guys need a ride. Gary, stop," He instructs, the wheels slowing down. John opens the door once again. "Get in," He sighs, motioning all of you inside the jeep as Bucky and Sam's footsteps came to a halt.
Bucky gently sets you down, taking note of the small whimpers falling from your lips. No matter how tough you appeared to be, you still carried so much vulnerability. "You okay?" He asks, eyes filled with so much concern it almost scared you. He hadn't looked at you like that in a while. "Do you want any help?"
With a soft nod, you oblige to Bucky's ask, needing more help than you anticipated. You didn't want to add any strain or force to your injury. You didn't even realize it happened, and that part of it was Sam's fault for swooping to grab you while you had a knife in hand, but you weren't going to start pointing fingers. You wrap your arm around Bucky's shoulder, using him as support while he boosts you up on the jeep after Sam climbs up first, helping you settle beside him.
"Woah!" John exclaims, almost rising to his feet at the sight of your thigh, your hands stained with blood. "Are you okay?"
With a curt nod, you adjust yourself to relieve some of the pressure while Bucky takes a seat on your left, leaving you to be right smack dab in the middle as he pulls the door shut. You blow out a breath, knowing damn well if it hadn't been for the mishap, you would've walked the damn 20 miles.
"Lemar, hand me the first aid kit," John instructs, pointing to the steel case beside his friend. You wanted to protest, but even you knew that the strap wasn't going to work. Mouthing a thank you, you take the case from Lemar's hand and clip it open.
"Okay, so we got eight super-soldiers on a bulk supply run," John continues, the jeep beginning to roll down the road. You hand the case to Sam, asking him to hold it while you searched for gauze, medical tape, and butterfly bandages, you were probably going to need stitches, but you'd worry about that later. "Why?" John asks, watching closely as you patched up your wound.
"They say their mission is to get things back to the way it was during the blip," Sam answers, handing you another strip of tape. "Maybe they're just tryna help."
"They had a funny way of showing it," Bucky adds, his eyes trained on you, a hiss slipping through your lips as you roll down the remaining spandex. You sigh in relief, the ache becoming dull as you shut the case, giving it back to Lemar.
"Better?" John asks, earning a single nod as a response. "I don't think we've properly met. John Walker," he smiles, offering a shake of his hand, but you didn't move, only staring at the outstretched palm in front of you. "Does she talk?" John mumbles suddenly, looking to Sam or Bucky for a reply.
Your eyes cast down, gaze hardening at the sight of the shield in his grasp. Flashes of Steve running through your mind, the many times he'd catch you trying to throw it like he would. Steve Rogers meant a lot to you, having joined him in not signing the Sokovian accords, being an outlaw, and helping to clear Bucky's name with Sam. So, seeing a man who wasn't Steve hold the shield awoke something in you. Something unkind and hateful.
"When she wants to," You claim, John squirms in his seat, sensing the tension as your eyes flicker to his. "And frankly has no desire to speak to you."
"You don't even know me," John defends, glancing at Bucky, a sly smirk on his lips, and Sam, who rendered quiet, his eyes looking elsewhere. John sets his attention back on you, lips razor thin.
You scoff, shaking your head softly as you fold your arms over your chest. "Jonathon F. Walker," You begin, leaning back in your seat, your eyes never leaving his. "Former Captain of the U.S Army's 75th Rangers Regiment. Graduated at the top of your class from the United States Military and the first person in American history to receive three medals of honor, ran RS-one missions in counterterrorism and hostage rescue."
John's tongue darts between his lips, a frown spreading throughout his forehead at the information you were giving him. Either you did research on him or, you just read his file, which you had done both. You were not one to go into a mission without potentially knowing who you were up against. It was better to be safe than sorry.
"So you saw the news?" John chuckles, the frown falling from his features while he shrugs. "Big deal, so did the entire world."
"Custer's Grove High school alumni."
John's smile falters.
"There you met, Lemar Hoskins and your current wife," You tilt your head in curiosity. "Olivia, right? Or am I getting it wrong?"
Clearing his throat softly, John broke eye contact with you. So you did know him, and you probably knew more than you led on. "Do they always just stare like that?" He gestures between you and Bucky, who had displayed the same distaste for him.
Sam glances beside him, observing the matched body language you shared with Bucky, its no wonder Bucky had taken a liking to you, even if he'd never admit it. "You get used to it," Sam smirks, turning his head back to Walker.
"Okay..." John drags, eyes flickering to the more sensible one of the trio, and that was Sam. "Look, that serum doesn't have the greatest track record, no offense," He waves his hand, dismissing the insult directed towards the only super-soldier in the car.
"We need to figure out where they're going. How'd you track 'em here?" Sam asks, "The flag smashers."
"Uh," Lemar murmurs, scratching the back of his head. "We didn't track them. We tracked you through Redwing."
"You hacked my tech!?" Sam gripes, straightening out his back as he sat up.
"Sorry," John laughs, "It's not exactly hacking. It's government property...kind of the government. Alright, you know things have gotten kind of..."
"Chaotic," Lemar adds.
"Yeah," John nods in agreement. "The GRC, they're doing their best to get things up and running smoothly post blip. If you guys teamed up with us-"
"No." Bucky interrupts. He couldn't let Walker finish that sentence.
"I've got mad respect for all of you," Lemar praises, looking between the trio before him. "But you were getting your asses kicked 'til we showed up."
"And who are you?" Bucky bemuses, cocking a brow at the man next to John.
"Lemar Hoskins," You mention, "I could've sworn we've been through this." You shake your head at the old man, for being 106, he couldn't hear a thing.
"I see a guy hanging out of a helicopter in tactical gear," Sam shrugs, "I'm gonna need a lot more than Lemar Hoskins."
"I'm Battlestar, John's partner."
"Battlestar?" Bucky repeats, narrowing his eyes at Lemar as he nods, confirming his alias. "Stop the car!" Bucky shouts suddenly, brakes screeching as the wheels come to a stop in the middle of the road. Bucky pulls open the handle, ducking, as to not rail his head on the bar-frame above him before hopping off the jeep.
"Look, I get it, okay?" John sighs, calling after Bucky. "I get the attitude, I do. You didn't think the shield was gonna end up here. I get it, Bucky. And I'm not trying to be Steve!"
"Good," You interject, rendering John to settle his eyes on you. "Because you will never be. And just because you're the one wielding it..." You grab the bar above your head, using it to pull yourself up. "It doesn't make you Captain America." And with that, you carefully jump off the jeep, following after the heated super-soldier.
Sighing in frustration, he rips his eyes away from your retreating figures. "I'm not trying to replace him either. I'm just trying to be the best Captain America I can be." He explains to Sam, hoping the falcon would cut him some slack. "-And it'd be a whole lot easier if I had Cap's wingman on my side."
Sam's eyes widen in surprise, his tongue darting between his lips. "It's always that last line," He scoffs, shaking his head as he jumped off the car, following you and Bucky.
John's lips thin out, face scrunching in a scowl. "Let's go," He instructs. The sound of the jeep leaving making its way to your ears.
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rosesvioletshardy · 4 years
we keep each other grounded - nolan patrick
okay so this is the first time i’m writing for nolan and the first time i’m writing in a while so i’m sorry if it’s really bad 
i tried my best to remember what happened in the first two game against the capitals so if i got anything wrong i’m sorry you have the right to yell at me
warnings: fluff, suggested nsfw ??, none
# of words: 1,514 
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home games had to be some of Nolan’s favorites because it didn’t involve that much travel but they often did mess with him knowing he’ll have to do better than usual. The past couple of mornings he’s been getting up earlier than his usual time to go out for runs and practice more before he left for practice with the guys. You started to notice how much quieter he got whenever home games happened and it was the first one that’ll have fans in Wells Fargo center which meant that he and the rest of the team would need to do a lot better than they were already doing. You knew that it wasn’t their fault with what was happening and they were trying their hardest. 
After the first game against the Capitals, Nolan had thought it was just the nerves that came from having fans in the arena again and being back in Philly that made them lose. Then the game against the Sabres boosted up their confidence a little more, especially after his shootout winning goal. They had another game against the Capitals again and he was for sure about bringing his A-game the night. Now, he was in your guys bedroom getting ready for the night and trying to calm his nerves that were getting to the best of him. He was fumbling with his tie knowing that he has trouble but tonight was bothering him even more and making it worse. You watched as he grunted in frustration and undid it before redoing it as you watched him. Nolan carefully started over again, mumbling to himself the instructions and words of encouragement, trying to calm himself down.
“You’re doing it wrong” you tell him as you walk over to him and take the tie from his hands. 
“I’m sorry, just nervous again i guess”
“You have nothing to apologize for. It’s okay to feel like this, it’s normal. You know it’s okay for you to express your feelings, even if you can’t put it in the right words sometimes, your body language says it all too.” you remind him giving him a small smile, fixing his collar as he gives a small smile
“Yeah, I know. It’s just there’s a lot of pressure that’s being put on us and we don't want another repeat of what happened.”
“You guys will do great, I promise. Now you better leave or you’ll be late. Remember, take deep breaths, talk to each other, or send signals, and good things will come.” you finished holding his hands before giving him a kiss. When you pulled away, your foreheads rested against each other and he held you in his arms before giving you one more kiss
“I love you. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I love you, and we keep each other steady. Good luck. I’ll be cheering you on” you tell him as you look down and point to your jersey with his name and number when he can’t help but smile big as the both of you left and headed towards the front door
“Thanks, i’ll see you later tonight.”
“Hey, remember: win or lose, i still love you.” you reminded him as he exited giving a small smile and mumbled it back
The entire game had you on the edge of your seat. As soon as you thought they were going to score, it ended up being blocked. You could tell that they were trying and wanted to win this game against the Capitals seeing that the last two times didn’t go so well. Sitting on the couch, you nervously watch the second period as JVR got them their first goal of the night. This boosted their confidence but you didn’t want to get your hopes up too quickly incase something ended up getting jinxed
“Okay, relax Y/N, relax. They still have some time left in this period and third period to catch up to them” you had to remind yourself constantly. 
At this point you were sure that you didn’t have any nails left due to the two shots the caps managed to get in such little time after they scored. It wasn’t until a couple of minutes later Nolan scored making you jump and start screaming, hoping the neighbors didn’t call the cops. Grabbing your phone, you quickly texted him a huge congrats even though he wouldn't be able to see it until after the game was over. 
The rest of the game consisted of you yelling at the tv hoping that the guys would get more goals but they ended up losing 5-4. You knew Nolan would be disappointed but he knew he had to keep a straight face throughout any interviews he had to do afterwards. When he read your text, it put a smile on his face seeing how proud you were of him and how much he deserved it.
“Oh, what is little baby cat smiling about?” hayes asked as he saw him smiling big at his phone
“It’s Y/N isn’t it? Was it about your goal?” Travis asked trying to sneak a peak over Nolan’s shoulder causing him to move and turn even more red
“Yes it was about my goal, no not like that by the way. I know what you’re thinking.” he shot back
“Wasn’t thinking about it. But seriously what did she say” travis asked 
“Just how proud she is of he” kevin answered as he looked over nolan’s shoulder
“Oh boys Patty here is whipped” they joked as everyone laughed and Nolan smiled. He didn’t mind being whipped seeing how much he loves and trusts you
“Not like you guys aren’t with your wives and girlfriends. But I don't know, we just feel safe with each other and always bring out the good in each other. I mean, I’m not saying we’re perfect either, we have fights too, but we just keep each other grounded and we’re there for each other even if we don’t want to be at the moment.” Nolan said, smiling and turning red just at the thought of talking about you. 
Yeah he didn’t like talking about his personal life, especially his dating one, but he felt comfortable enough to tell his friends how he feels about and around you. They all looked at him with big smiles as he looked at them with a concerned look but shook it off because he knew that wouldn’t be the only time they’d see him like that.
After getting dressed and finishing a couple of interviews, all he wanted to do was just go back to your apartment and hold you. The entire car ride home he kept drumming his fingers against the steering wheel waiting until the moment he can just relax with you and the dogs. You were doing the same, waiting for him to come home and just let him let out everything he’s feeling about the game and let him rant about things he would never tell anyone else, just let out all his frustration on whether it was the whole game in general or how he played.
 Hearing the door click, you jumped off the couch and went over to where he was and all he could do after dropping his stuff off at the door was hug you. You knew that even though they ended the game behind one point, you were still proud about it seeing how the other games went
“Hey” he said softly kissing you on the head
“Hey, you guys did good tonight and I'm proud of the goal you made. I think I may have scared our neighbors again with it since the game with the sabres.” you tell him, causing him to laugh, picturing the scenario of you having to explain to your neighbors that it was a misunderstanding.
“Thanks, I just think I could’ve done better-”
“Nols, stop. You did your best and I’m proud of you for it. You all tried your best and you did it. Maybe that green jersey brought you some luck and it helped.”
“Well, technically it was all because of you and your words”
“Oh please-”
“No i’m not kidding. Just you supporting me in general and helping me through everything when it comes to helping me through my migraines or in general, you’re always there for me even when I’m in another city playing. It’s because of you.” he whispered the last part causing you to blush
“I mean it. I mean you deal with everything that’s happened and help me calm down when I get into fights and get sent to the locker room. I’m glad you’re in my life and if it weren't for you I know I would’ve beaten myself up about this game” he finished. Staring into his eyes, you gave him a small smile before giving him a kiss 
“C’mon, you need to relax now and get your mind off the game. Especially after that goal you made.” you told him taking his hand and heading towards your bedroom
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akatsuki-shin · 3 years
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I... I don’t often call out anyone specifically using social media before, but... I saw this among the reblogs in my first post about MXTX novels English release announcement and I feel that this is just too much...
I’m not going to tag this with the fandom tags because this is literally just my personal rant, and I don’t want unpleasant things to appear when people are happily browsing the tags.
I also censored the person’s blog name. It’s not like I want people to mass attack them.
But I do have some things I want to say about this kind of mindset.
And this is gonna be a long post, so I’ll cut it with "Read More” later below as not to disturb anyone’s browsing experience.
Why do they have to split the books into multiple volumes?
First, you do realize that the original Chinese version and other languages versions are also in multiple volumes that don’t always be published on the same date, right?
SVSSS has 3 volumes, MDZS has 4 volumes, TGCF has 5 volumes.
With the English release, both SVSSS and MDZS get +1 volume while TGCF gets +3 volumes.
Why you ask?
Have you ever considered how long a single Chinese word would be if written in alphabets?
The word “人” in Chinese only needs 1 (one) character, while in English it would translate to “P E O P L E” = 5 (five) characters.
The word “知己” in Chinese only needs 2 (two) characters, while in English it would translate to “C O N F I D A N T E” = 10 characters, or “S O U L M A T E” = 8 characters.
Now apply this to an entire novel. FYI, TGCF has more than 1 million word count in Chinese, so you can do the math by yourself.
I mean, just go watch the donghua or live action in YouTube. One single sentence in the Chinese sub is often translated to two or more lines in the English subtitle.
And have I mentioned that the English release will have:
Character Guides
And I’m going to repeat this once again: In China and other countries that already get their official releases, it is also NOT always all released on the same date as a single set/box.
So yes, (not) surprise! For the Chinese release and official releases in other countries, you also often need to purchase multiple times, pay shipping fee multiple times, and wait for certain period of times until all volumes are released.
It doesn’t only happen to MXTX novels, it happens to almost all novels, be it danmei or not.
Why don’t they just wait for translations to finish and release it all at the same time/as a box set? Why the span of two years?
On my part, I already say above that in China and other countries that already get their official release, it’s also not always published all on the same date.
Other than that, I’m not an expert at book publishing, much less when the publisher is not from my own country. But maybe consider the following:
They’re releasing 3 (three) hugely popular IPs all at the same time. Maybe the preparations take more time and effort to ensure everything is flawless?
Since it is very rare (or maybe never, cmiiw) for danmei novels to be published in English, maybe the publisher is testing the market first? Because if they already release them as a huge bundle from the start and it somehow flops, the loss would be very big. If it works well, then good! Maybe for future danmei release, they will consider making a box set or releasing them within shorter timeframe. 
In terms of marketing, if they wait another 2 years to release it all at once, will the momentum still be there? You can say “so in the end it’s all about money”, but if not sales number and money, what else should the publisher expect to receive for their work? They’re already putting a lot of effort buying all three IPs from the Chinese publishers, proofread or even translate some from scratch, pay translators, editors, illustrators, printing companies, etc. If it’s not selling well simply because they release it at the wrong time, aren’t all these efforts going to be wasted? And you can bet there will be no more danmei published in English if their first try already flops merely because of losing the momentum.
Are there any other rules or regulations they need to comply that prevents them from releasing everything in one go? But once again, even in China and other countries, it is also not always all released in one go, so this argument is already invalid from the start.
But they make it so expensive like this!
I’m sorry to break it to you, but I’ve compared the prices to MDZS Japanese release + TGCF Thai release and... The price isn’t really that much different.
Btw, I’m using Google’s currency converter, in case anyone wants to know where does my calculation comes from.
Okay, so here’s MDZS Japanese version from CD Japan:
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One volume of MDZS Regular ver. cost 1760 yen. This is 15,96 USD before shipping. There’s only like $4 difference.
There’s also the Exclusive ver. that cost 3660 yen (32,92 USD) but we’re not gonna talk about that because they’re basically making you pay for the bonus, which is some acrylic panels and illustration cards.
Now here’s TGCF Thai version from Sense Book:
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Translation using Google Chrome page translate:
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One volume of TGCF costs 360 baht. This is 10.77 USD before shipping. So there’s about $9.22 difference.
Again, notice the difference of word/sentence length in the Thai words and English alphabet.
"But there’s still difference in price and other releases usually gets merchandise!” - Correct me if I’m wrong, but the US is probably one of the most expensive countries in the world. Do you think the materials, printings, and manpower cost is the same with other countries? Especially compared to one in Southeast Asia.
“But it’s xxxx times more expensive than the original Chinese version!” - Excuse me, the original Chinese version doesn’t need to pay for translators, proofreaders and editors with multilingual skills, and purchase the IPs? If you think it’s more worth buying the Chinese version, then by all means go ahead.
Some last words...
I’m not looking down on those in difficult financial situation, but hey, I’m not filthy rich either? I come from a third world country and even if I’m a working adult, I’m still in working middle class + I got my parents to take care of. My country’s currency is literally just a tiny 0.000069 USD per 1 Indonesian Rupiah.
Every single fandom merchandise that you see me bought, either I’ve saved up for that or I sacrificed other things to buy that. I just don’t show the struggle to you guys because why should I? I’m just here to have fun about the fandom I love, not to flex my struggling financial condition.
These official English release of MXTX novels? All 17 books are going to cost me almost HALF of my monthly salary. But hey, I think it’s a good thing that they didn’t release it all at once, so that I can save up between months to purchase them all and plan my spending better.
If you feel the price is expensive, especially if you have to ship from outside North America, consider the following:
Book Depository provide free worldwide shipping
The books’ ISBN numbers are all available in the publisher’s website, just show it to you local bookstore and ask if they can order it for you
Plus, there are already hundreds of generous fans doing free giveaways in Twitter, even the publishers are helping to signal boost this. You can go and try your luck if you’re really desperate.
Lastly, I know how much love we all have for our favorite fandoms, but remember that fandom merchandise is NOT your primary needs.
You are NOT obliged to purchase any fandom merchandise if you can’t afford it and you should ALWAYS prioritize your primary needs.
Also, if you still want to read the fan-translations that are still available, alright go ahead. But remember that the translators themselves already said fan translations in English are now illegal. You can read it. We all consume pirated contents at one point. But don’t flex about it and diss the official release just because you can’t afford it.
I don’t know if the person who made that reblog tags are going to come at me or not, but even if they do, I literally don’t care. I’m not gonna waste my time arguing with someone with that kind of mindset and will block them right on the spot.
Also Idgaf if they call me out or talk behind my back, I literally don’t know them, so I don’t care.
End of rant.
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ornithia · 2 years
Saw your post on what the hazbin. Well, yes indeed, they DO have a hateboner for viv so much that they bully people mainly other critical blogs, spreads lies about them, and then doesnt see that what THEY do themselves is bullying yet call out on viv for doing it when they're doing the same thing. Whatthehazbin also spread rumors that a certain critical blog was a transphobe all over because of something they said was taken out of context, then they accused them of being 12 years old, when they were actually 18, and the whole critical community went to attack this person. Just being leonest also sided with what the hazbin. Also, crowscritique accused petitprincess1 of sending her followers after them when she indeed did not. I am still somewhat in the crit community, but Its in general full of toxic as fuck people, people who cant take a joke, and sensitive as fuck pussies.
sorry it took a while to reply to this ask, anon. it's been a very busy week.
publishing your ask to the main tag mainly to serve as a signal boost so other fans can see what *really* goes on behind the scenes of these self-righteous individuals, and how they like to stir baseless drama JUST to see who can accumulate the most internet points over a poorly disguised satanic panic/moral wankfest
also, and this part is specifically dedicated towards anon - i would strongly advise against associating with the critical community. you seem reasonable and appear to have picked up on the underlying toxicity that runs rampant in those circles, but i'd like to take this opportunity to remind you and anyone else who chooses to engage with media through a critical lens - you don't NEED a "community" to validate your feelings about hazbin hotel, or any other media. particularly when the brand of "criticism" these groups choose to foster more accurately entail behaviours associated with gaslighting and gatekeeping
want to be a genuine critic, instead? who actually cares about the media they consume and is honest with themselves and the rest of the community when it comes to their analyses of character, plot, and setting? start by asking yourself - are you truly content exploring the medium for what it is, or are you simply fulfilling some "moral obligation" in order to justify your distaste for a specific show or genre?
if it's the latter, don't even bother - save yourself the frustration and just go find something else to read/watch bc it's literally not worth the headache or time investing your anger in something that doesn't directly spark joy. and if it's the former, then - are you willing to take criticism for your criticisms? and in turn, are you willing to hear out fans who disagree with you, and hear their perspectives and learn why they might identify with something you thought would alienate them instead? all without resorting to bad faith conclusions about the narrative, cast, crew, or fandom? if your answer to any of those is "no", then you should probably start learning how to think critically with works you have previously enjoyed, bc a critical mindset doesn't mean you relentlessly shit on something for not being perfect; it means you analyse it in its context in order to better understand why it was created, and for whom and what purpose. so that hopefully, you and others can take something away from it rather than shutting your minds down to worlds of potential and possibility.
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heliads · 3 years
One Moves On Chapter Four: Crow Rock
Stiles Stilinski doesn’t know what to think when he’s taken by the Ghost Riders. He’s grateful to be joined by Y/N L/N, although when he finally escapes, no one seems to remember her at all.
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Now that he’s finished his research, Stiles isn’t sure what to do next. Does he drive over in a fit of glory and bad decision making, hope to find Y/N and pray she hasn’t left before he gets there? Does he risk traveling without a pack to one of the areas with the most supernatural activity other than Beacon Hills? 
In the end, Stiles decides to just go. Deliberating and hesitating won’t do him any good, not when Y/N is still out there, weaponless and with no idea where she is. Stiles spends a haphazard half hour running about his house, trying to put together supplies he might need for the trip, before finally stumbling over to his Jeep.
When he finally makes it out, keys clutched in his hand, Scott is waiting for him.
His best friend is leaning up against the driver’s side door, arms folded across his chest. Stiles’ steps falter. “You knew I was going?” Scott lifts a shoulder. “Your dad called me, said he was worried. We knew you’ve been concerned about Y/N, but we didn’t know that you would go this far. Where are you going, Stiles?”
Stiles holds up a hastily printed map. “Actually, I’m going to a town called Crow Rock. Good supernatural activity, and I followed the law of triangles-” Stiles’ voice dies off as he takes in the look on Scott’s face. “The law of triangles, which is a very reputable law from a very reputable manuscript which we all know about. Right. Well, I know how it sounds but trust me, it’s going to be alright.”
Scott sighs. “I want to believe you. Honestly, I do. But Y/N died months ago. You have to know that. I didn’t even know you cared this much about her. I’d call it grief, but you watched her die some time ago. She’s already buried.” Stiles frowns at him. “Is she? Where?” Scott fumbles for a moment. “Uh, in some cemetery.” Stiles presses his advantage. “Which cemetery? If we saw her buried, where is she?”
Scott’s brow furrows, and he stares at Stiles in bewilderment. “I can’t remember. I know where Allison and Aiden and all the others are buried, but I don’t know where she is.” Stiles throws his hands in the air. “This is exactly what I’m talking about. You don’t know because she isn’t dead. We never buried her so of course we can’t remember the cemetery. Scott, you have to believe me. She’s out there somewhere and I have to bring her back.”
Scott’s face softens. “You’re sure this will work? You know where to find her?” Stiles nods fervently. “I’ve done my research. Sometimes, people are pulled away from rifts by something called etheria. I was able to make it back safely from the Wild Hunt, but she wouldn’t. She’s not the first either- these victims, they call them etherials or something, have been disappearing for centuries. I’ve managed to track down another hotspot where she might be located and I think it’s my best shot at finding her.”
Scott nods once, then claps him on the shoulder. “I think you can do it.” Stiles looks up at him. “Really?” Scott smiles trustingly. “From what I’ve heard, you’ve put in a considerable amount of time for research. I think if anyone could track down an etherial who everyone else thinks is dead, it would be you.” Stiles grins. For some reason, hearing his best friend’s belief in him is enough to give Stiles a boost in confidence.
Scott steps away from the door of the Jeep, allowing Stiles access at last. “I just wanted to check with you before you go. To make sure you knew what you were doing.” He glances at the map, taking in the location of the hotspot. “There’s going to be a lot of supernatural trouble there. You sure you don’t want a backup group?” Stiles shakes his head, smiling. “I’m good, thank you. I think this is something I have to do by myself.”
Stiles climbs into the Jeep, giving himself a moment to think. This is it, the last moment before he sets off on his journey. He’s spent so much time preparing that it’s strange to think that this is his stepping off point, the last opportunity he has to back down and say that this is too dangerous, or that the chances are too great that he will fail.
Stiles turns on the ignition in a roar. Scott waves goodbye as the Jeep disappears down the road.
Stiles has only been driving for an hour or so before he notices a shift in the air. It’s not much, barely there, but yet something is not right. It’s like the atmosphere of the car has become quieter, even more silent than before. No one has entered or left the vehicle to warrant this silence, but it’s still enough to make Stiles feel slightly uneasy. He’d felt it a little when he was crossing over the boundary to Beacon Hills, a slight change in the energy as if by leaving he was passing through a barrier of some sort.
Stiles supposes it makes sense- you leave a hotspot, you might notice some change. Stiles doubts he would have noticed it had he not just been taken by the Wild Hunt or even gone without his temporary possession by the Nogitsune. He has a feeling that sensing this change in supernatural activity is an ability usually attributed to the supernatural, and the fact that he, a supposedly ordinary human, can sense it sets Stiles’ teeth on edge.
Stiles becomes aware of another change about fifteen minutes later. He sits up straighter in his seat, trying and failing to figure out what exactly is filling him with unease, and then he sees the sign. It’s faded, paint crumbling off of a metal backing. Even with the weathering of the sign, Stiles can still read the derelict letters: Welcome to Crow Rock. Stiles has made it at last.
The Jeep rumbles on, past the sign and onto the twisting roads. Scott, Lydia, and Malia had told him about visiting Canaan while he was still in the thrall of the Wild Hunt, and how the entire town had given off the uncanny, almost sinister energy of a ghost town. Stiles has no idea what it must have been like to walk those streets, but he has a suspicion that it would be pretty similar to how he feels right now, driving down the blocks and avenues in his truck.
Stiles has looked at images of Crow Rock from larger topographical maps, and realized that the town itself isn’t actually that big. He’d been happy then, thinking that maybe this was one instance of luck for himself and that it might not take as long to search the town for Y/N, but that hope is starting to wither away from him now. The town may be small, yes, with fewer hiding spots, but it also means fewer people to watch him. With fewer bystanders, the chance of supernaturals backing down from a public attack grows slimmer and slimmer with each mile Stiles travels within the town.
Stiles intended to drive to the center of town, where the hotspot of supernatural activity would most likely be the highest. However, as he goes he finds that certain roads are blocked off or congested with traffic that miraculously vanishes a few blocks down. He’s forced to take alternate routes, driving him on a convoluted path away from the entrance. It gives Stiles a sneaking suspicion that he’s being intentionally misrouted, that something is drawing him close.
Stiles has just taken a turn into a new street when he’s forced to come to an abrupt stop. A construction barricade has been laid across the road, orange and white paint signaling that he can travel no further. Stiles checks his rearview mirrors, ready to make a U-turn and get onto another road, when he freezes in place. A group of people is slowly spilling out into the road behind him, and they come to a stop at the main road, blocking off any chance of escape. They all consider Stiles with identical glares. This is not good.
Seeing as he can’t drive anywhere without mowing down this group of people, Stiles turns off the ignition and starts to climb down out of the Jeep. All of his instincts are screaming at him to stay in the car, to not give up the one piece of shelter he still has left, but it’s not like he has much of a choice. At least he’d be able to run on foot- if he remains in the Jeep, he’d just be a sitting duck.
Stiles walks away from the car, coming to a stop a few yards away from the group. One man steps forward, glaring at Stiles with an almost animal rage. “You should not have come here, human. You reek of enemy packs.” Most people would be smart and hold their tongues, choosing to live instead of delivering a supposedly witty retort. Stiles prefers to save his academic success for the tests in school.
“I think it’s kind of mean to go up to people and tell them they smell. I mean, I showered this morning, I can’t be that bad.” The man raises an eyebrow. “You are a human with a death wish, I see. It is not wise to pick a fight that you cannot win.” Stiles shrugs. “I’m just a tourist, man. I can see why your driving tours got such low reviews on Yelp.”
The man scoffs, the sound skidding deep in his throat like the roar of an engine. “I am quickly tiring of you. I will give you one minute to leave this town. If you are not gone by then, you will be dead.” Stiles shakes his head slowly. “I can’t do that. I’m here for someone.” The man roars at him, the sound echoing off of the buildings around them to culminate in a low din of noise. “Then you will die here instead.”
The man charges towards Stiles, claws already starting to extend from his fingers. Stiles takes one look at him and decides to do what he does best: run. He spins on his heels, dashing towards his Jeep with every ounce of energy still left in him. He’s almost there, one hand flung out towards the door, when a werewolf skids to a stop in front of him. It lets out a piercing howl, the sound of an animal about to attack.
Suddenly, a knife slams into its throat, and the wolf slumps sideways. Stiles’ head jerks up as he looks for his savior. A blur of flashing knives and running limbs appears out of nowhere, and a figure grabs the knife from the werewolf’s throat to throw it at another approaching wolf. Then the figure turns to Stiles, and he feels like he could dance with joy.
“Y/N?” She flashes him a grin. “Great to see you. Get in the Jeep.” Stiles doesn’t think twice, diving for the door and throwing himself in. Y/N climbs into the passenger seat, slamming the door closed just before a werewolf can slash her to ribbons. Stiles turns on the ignition, thanking everything holy and then some that the engine doesn’t fail him. He begins the turn to direct his car back towards the road, and then hesitates.
Y/N stares at him. “What are you waiting for? Do you enjoy being killed by enemy packs?” Stiles gestures towards the road. “The werewolves are blocking all the lanes!” Y/N’s eyes widen in something like incredulity. “Then run them over!” Stiles returns her startled gaze. “They’ll wreck my car!” Y/N grabs his hand, forcing it back onto the wheel. “If you stay here, they’ll wreck your car by dragging your dead body out of it and tearing it to shreds. Drive!”
A wolf howls nearby, raising his hand to slash at the metal body of the car. This is enough to motivate him, and Stiles slams a foot on the gas. The Jeep lurches forward, and the werewolves are forced to dive out of the way lest they get flattened by the wheels. The Jeep races around corners and through straightaways before they finally lose the enemy pack and the roads become deserted once more.
Stiles stares at the windshield unseeingly. His hands still shake from the close call. “You know, I don’t think I used my turn signal once during all of this.” There’s a quiet sound next to him, and for a second Stiles thinks that Y/N has started sobbing. Then he looks over and realizes that she’s doubled over in silent laughter. She manages to choke out two words. “Turn signal?”
Stiles stares at her for a second, then starts laughing too. Maybe it’s the thrill of yet another near death experience, or the rush of gratitude that he’s managed to find her at last, but all of a sudden every single thing in the world seems funny. He has to divert his attention back to the road in a jolt lest he run over a suicidal squirrel, which just makes them laugh even harder.
At last, they approach the sign announcing that they will shortly be leaving Crow Rock. Y/N’s laughter dies on her lips as she stares at the sign, then speaks abruptly. “Stop the car.” Stiles stares at her as she jumps out before the wheels have even stopped moving. He puts the car in park just a little bit beyond the sign, then leaps out after her. “What are you doing? Do you like the idea of being slashed to bits by the enemy packs?”
Y/N shakes her head, staring at him with quiet grief. “I can’t leave the town.” Stiles walks back over to her. “What are you talking about?” Y/N looks at him, and Stiles realizes that she doesn’t look afraid or even disappointed. Her face only holds a calm acceptance of a depressing fact. “I can’t leave. I’ve tried before, but the town won’t let me. Look.” She moves to step forward, past the ‘Leaving Crow Rock’ sign, but her feet refuse to budge. It’s as if she’s trying to walk into an invisible wall.
“I’ve tried to leave, ever since I showed up here, but I can’t. It’s like the same magic that brought me here intends on trapping me here forever.” Stiles’ eyes widen. “It’s the etheria. All those manuscripts talked about how people would be yanked away to other hotspots and never return. I thought they just meant that it was the olden days or whatever and that long of a distance was too far to travel without cars or something, but they literally meant that they couldn’t leave.”
Stiles shakes his head, unable to accept this. “I’m not giving up, not now. I’m not losing you again.” Y/N laughs quietly at that. The sound is bittersweet and tears at his heart. “I don’t think you have a choice, Stiles. There’s no way around this.” Stiles’ pulse is thundering in his veins. “No, I’m going to make a choice. Even if I have to do it all myself. No one is supposed to remember the etherials, but I remember you. We’re the exception, Y/N. I am not leaving you again.”
Out of some impulse, Stiles steps forward, wrapping his arms around Y/N and pulling her close. She stiffens for a second, then returns his embrace. After so many days of hearing everyone tell him that she was dead, that she didn’t exist, having her so close is like a dream or an impossibility. They stumble slightly as a strong wind hits them, shifting slightly but not letting go. Y/N gasps quietly, the sound torn away from her chest. Stiles looks at her. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
Y/N shakes her head slightly. “I don’t know. I feel like-” Her eyes widen as she stares at the sign to Crow Rock, the sign that is now behind them. In that brief moment, when they’d moved to avoid the wind, they’d moved over the town barrier. It had just been mere inches, but it was enough. Y/N stares at him in awe. “How did that happen? It’s never happened before.”
Stiles can just smile at her, feeling relief crest over him like a wave. “I told you, didn’t I? We’re the exception. Now, I don’t know about you, but I think I’d like to go home.” She beams at him. “I think I’d like that a lot.” Stiles reaches out, wrapping his hand around hers to guide her back to the car. They’re together at last, and they can finally make their way back to where they belong.
one moves on tag list: @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​, @blahhhhhhhaaa​
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caramelcal · 4 years
Songwriting and Fake Dating {4}
Word Counter: 1.4k 
a/n: hi! sorry ths is so late but i hope you enjoy :)
disclaimer: I do not condone the use of my work/writing without my permission. The only place this has been posted is on my (rosemoonmist) tumblr account. This has not been posted on any other platform either. If you see any plagiarism of my work please let me know! <3 People work hard on their fics, so don’t steal them ty.
Taglist: @honeyheartzz @diosa75 @katrin-okay @merceret @hoechx @ifilwtmfc @gia-kerks @thesweetestsinner @teti-menchon0604 @rachelle3musicals @morbidreader​
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It’s much later in the night, the café empty apart from you, humming softly a tune from a song you can’t remember the name of. You’re dancing a little as you give the tables one last wipe down before making your way behind the counter again. It was your turn to lock up for the night, the other waitresses already away home but you actually liked it when it was like this.
You didn’t even have the lights on as you took of your small apron-like thing and hung it up. Reaching for the keys, you stop when you hear the bell ringing, signaling that someone had entered the shop. Could they not read the closed sign?
“Sorry, we’re closed right now-” You say, whirling around and meeting hazel eyes, voice cutting off when you saw who was standing there. Clearing your throat, you shift awkwardly between two feet, “Luke.”
“Hey y/n,” Luke says softly, his hair is messy under his navy colored beanie, but you know you can’t talk, yours probably looks a lot worse. He takes a step towards you before speaking again, his voice still soft, “We need to talk.”
“What- What do we need to talk about,” Your eyes aren’t on him anymore, but instead on the counter in front of you. You don’t even notice that Luke had walked forward until he’s directly on the other side of the counter from you, his hand reaching out to cup under your face, forcing you to look up at him.
You can’t even think of what to say when you stare up into his eyes, the tension in the room only multiplying. When Luke next speaks, his words are quiet, “We need to talk about what we’re going to do when we go back to school tomorrow.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Everyone still thinks we’re dating,” Luke starts to explain, stopping briefly as his tongue wipes over his bottom lip, “We haven’t been together in school for two weeks, y/n.”
“So what? It’s not like either of us actually want to be fake dating anyway,” You break away from his touch, moving away so that he couldn’t reach you whilst you look away, sighing lightly.
The memories of what your little deal have caused flashes over your head, and you can’t help the small frown that comes to your face. Sure, Luke was a nice guy, but everything that happened, the deal just wasn’t worth it. Not worth losing your best friend over.
His eyes are still trained on you, lingering on you for a few moments whilst a small frown appears on his face. His voice is quiet when he speaks, “There are benefits for the both of us.”
“Like what? Losing my best friend?” Luke looks at you with a frown. He feels guilty about it, but the more you look towards him, the more you realize you shouldn't have snapped, you sigh again, “I’m sorry.”
“No it’s alright, you have every reason to be mad. Listen, I have a new idea if we start to fake date again,” Luke says softly, and when your eyes glance up at him with confusion riddle on your face, he continues, “Grab some paper and a pen.”
Still confused, you oblige hesitantly, grabbing the small notebook from the pocket of your already hung up apron, rounding the counter to stand beside Luke, “What for?”
“This time, we’re going to do it right,” Luke says, taking the notebook from you and scribbling something down, showing you it with a grin on his face.
Scrunching your eyes up, you go to read what he has scribbled down, before awkwardly going, “Um...”
“Yeah it’s maybe better if you write,” Luke says sheepishly, pushing the notepad along the counter towards you, the pen sitting on top, “We’re doing rules for this. The fake dating I mean.”
“Rules? Really?”
Luke rolls his eyes, “Okay think of it more like bargains, like things we’ll do for each other as part of the deal.”
“Okay,” You start, nodding your head slightly, trying to come up with an example to know you guys are thinking about the same thing, “So like keeping the lacrosse team off my back?”
“Yeah like that. And you’ll write songs for us, but we’ll have a schedule, and we can’t write outside of that,” Luke says whilst you begin to write things on the small pad of paper, “We could do Tuesday nights and Friday nights.”
“I can’t do Tuesdays,” You trail off, looking back down at the counter with a small frown. Tuesdays were Dirty Candy practice nights, but now that you’re no longer a part of Dirty Candy, your Tuesdays were free. Yet, you were just used to not being free on Tuesdays, especially considering you had been in Dirty Candy since it was first created.
You cleared your throat before continuing, trying to put a smile on your face, “Uh, sorry. I’m free Tuesdays but we’ll have to do it late on Fridays because I’m at work until 7.”
“I’ll pick you up, we can get something to eat, and then we can go back to mine and write songs on Fridays,” Luke suggests, his hands lightly drumming against the counter before he speaks again, this time softer, “Also, I’ll get you Carrie back, as my part of the deal.”
“And how are you going to do that Luke? Carrie has made her feelings pretty clear,” You say skeptically. Especially after today, you were pretty sure that Carrie wanted absolutely nothing to do with you. She had told Kayla and the rest of the Dirty Candy girls about you calling her.
“You should know better than anyone that Carrie isn’t fully straight forward about her feelings to everyone, y/n. Just trust me on this.”
You’re hesitant, but Luke gives you a glance that tells you that you should trust him, so you give in with a sigh, “Fine. But if this fake dating thing is back on, we’re not kissing.”
“Seriously y/n?” Luke gives you a dumbfounded look, “Who’s going to believe I’m your boyfriend if I’m not allowed to do stuff like kissing you?”
“No, everything else is fine, but I want my first to be special.”
“Your first?” Your cheeks go red as you look down, but Luke’s eyes stay trained on you with his mouth almost hanging at his feet, “You’ve seriously never been kissed before? I’ve seen tons of guys with you, I-”
“Yeah, Carrie’s boyfriends, Kayla’s, the other dirty candy members...None of them have ever been mine. ‘Guess guys don’t like me like that, apart from the lacrosse team but it’s not exactly like they like me, they just want sex,” You shrug, boosting yourself up to sit on the counter, one leg crossed over the other as you look at Luke with a small smile.
Luke is dumbfounded. Guys obviously like you, you’re amazing. You’re nice and helpful, and gorgeous, why would guys not like you like that? For you to even think that is insane. Luke doesn’t know what to say, he shakes himself out of his thoughts.
“Fine. No kissing but you need to come to my gigs with me,” Luke bargains, tilting his head slightly to look at you, all you do is nod before you start writing stuff down, notebook leaning on your thigh.
You’re enveloped in a comfortable silence as you hit the pen off of the notebook lightly, looking down at Luke. He has his back against the counter, looking out on the quiet streets that the night has brought.
Your head goes over your ‘contract’ almost, and a question comes to your mind, why is Luke even doing this? Sure, there were a few benefits for him but no kissing, him having to get Carrie back for you, having to keep the lacrosse team off your back, getting you back in Dirty Candy...
“Hey, Luke?” You question, breaking the silence between the two of you as he hums in reply to show you that he’s listening, “Why are you so adamant about this whole fake dating thing anyway? I mean tons of girls would do this with you and it would be for real...”
Your eyes are still trained on Luke as he turns around to face you, hazel eyes gazing at you as he gives you a small smile, “Well...You write good songs, and that’s good for the band.”
It’s all for the band...
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rpbetter · 3 years
PSA - Positivity
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Yes, positivity is important. No, not all positivity is the same, and when we talk about “positivity” in the RPC, we need to be aware of that.
I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but a lot of the “positivity” around is performative positivity, passive positivity. It’s neither helpful nor all that positive. It’s just yelling about and pressuring for positivity, while expending no personal effort to give meaningful acts of any such thing. If you really give a shit about “spreading positivity,” uplifting mutuals and the community, you won’t balk at this. You’ll assess your behavior and try to do better.
Examples of some passive/performative positivity:
reblogging statements like “we NEED to get back into the habit of POSITIVITY” and adding tags or direct statements on the reblog that you “better see everyone reblogging this” and stopping there, with a demanding threat of, at least, shaming
copy-paste, especially anonymous, positivity chain messages (that frequently cite things contrary to the mun and/or muse’s characteristics/personality/writing)
reblogging the “I actually enjoy seeing this user on my dash” and/or “I actually like following this user” etc. style posts - it’s honestly not positive, you’re implying that you don’t like seeing, following, or interacting with some, and the overall tone of the post and action is once again shaming and demanding (not to mention, everyone else’s dash is nothing but this shit while 10+ mutuals wank over each other in this manner)
reblogging PSA’s about how to spread meaningful positivity, then doing none of it
sending an emoji meme in that denotes extremely simplistic ideas of what you like about the poster, leaving it at that
random posts of how much you love everyone, citing exactly nothing or the same handful of easy to throw out, applies to a large amount of people (or it doesn’t, but we all know everyone wants to feel like they write well, have interesting muses, etc. and it plays into this) - you sound like that drunken person every bar has that goes off about how much they LOVE EVERYONE SO MUCH, not like you’re actually encouraging anyone specifically
blowing smoke up people’s asses/using requests for concrit to do nothing but give useless ass-pats about how infinitely great they are in all areas of writing and portrayal
Examples of some meaningful positivity:
engaging with partners and mutuals on their posts - liking headcanons, commenting on answered memes, liking/commenting on OOC posts
getting specific about what you enjoy in their writing, their muse portrayals, threads, headcanons, instead of the copy-paste or emoji route
appreciating mutuals and partners in visible ways (like those stated above, sending ask memes, paying attention to what they post and their muses, showing them respect and interest as real human beings) regularly, without prompting or being guilted and shamed into it
being honest, but polite and respectful, when a mutual posts a meme requesting concrit/asking what you like about the muse or writing and what you’d encourage growth with
when sending an emoji meme in about why you follow, what you like, why you stayed etc. add something to it that is specific about why
responding to replies OOC (where applicable, not all partners mesh well enough for this or desire much OOC conversation), telling them not only that you got it and liked it, but what you specifically enjoyed the most in the reply
seriously, be specific when giving positivity, your partners and mutuals are individuals and deserve to be treated as such with receiving specific-to-them comments on their writing
generally, being respectful of others - the whole environment is far more positive when you read and respect rules, boundaries, and muses, even if that means respecting that you and another mun might not work out together
It’s a minimal effort to actually bother with paying attention to the people you interact with, to take the attention you’ve paid and apply it to meaningful, individual commentary and actions. If you cannot handle this, you have too many people to deal with in a respectful, adult way they deserve...or you may want to reassess whether you have the time, attention span, motivation, and are at the right mental space in your life to be in a hobby that requires interaction with other people.
Giving people lazy “positivity” so that you feel you’ve done what you need to in order to be A Good RPer isn’t positive. It’s kind of insulting, actually. If, IRL, someone told you and the five people nearest to you identical compliments, would overhearing this make you feel good about yourself? Positive? Visible as a person? It wouldn’t, no. So, don’t do it here.
Legitimate positivity doesn’t mean constantly forcing yourself out of your comfort zone OOC, either. Your social anxiety and social deficits aren’t a sufficient excuse; you and every other person here has these complications. I have those complications!
If you find yourself still vehemently pissed at me for saying that, may want to rant back at me about how ableist this is, here’s some things I, a person with social limitations, high distraction, and serious anxiety do:
commenting on comment-appropriate posts something specific ( “the freckle on your cat’s foot is so cute!” “I love how you addressed x in that headcanon” etc.) when I am in a good space to do so
liking posts - OOC posts, meme answers and muse questionnaires that were great whether I’m tagged/sent in the ask or not, PSA’s and resources I think are good
reblogging PSA’s, resources, and other things I know are important to the mun to have shared that I agree with
sending in ask memes, sometimes even just on anon to mutuals I don’t write with - everyone wants to be sent something, this is a great way to allow others to respond to questions no one else might ask them
anonymous, positive comments on their muse, writing, blog that are, again, specific in detail
trying to note when a mutual, even one I don’t interact with really, is clearly needing a boost in confidence or interest, being sure to send a meme or something else in to them when I can
being aware of my partners and mutuals so that I can send them, when the opportunity is present with memes or requests for asks, questions on topics I think they’d like an excuse to discuss (someone keeps posting images or commentary in tags about a muse’s pet, clothing interests, hobbies, mental health, whatever, but no one is biting, for example)
The majority of the above can be done without direct, consistent OOC conversation, and much of it can be done on anon. Sometimes, it makes people feel extra good to feel like they have a secret admirer, a mysterious mutual or partner who is paying attention and valuing their posts. It sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. Especially because so many of us have trouble with random, long, or consistent OOC discussions; sending them on anon means that the receiver doesn’t feel obligated to contact and converse with you.
Positivity’s point isn’t that it be done out of obligation, guilt, or shame. Neither is it to be done out of performative, passive, often enough even vaguely virtue-signaling, or clique-like, circular gushing about each other for an hour repetitively. It isn’t to make you feel like A Good Person, or to show the RPC that you are a model RPer, you care so deeply about the RPC that you...can’t be bothered to expend the personalized effort and pay attention to those on your dash.
If you really care about positivity in the RPC, you need to stop doing it in hollow, meaningless ways.
You need to stop demanding, threatening, and shaming others into performative actions with you. It’s not enough to say you care and do something lethargic to show it, you need to actually be bothered to be specific. And if someone doesn’t feel positive, isn’t interested in playing the reblog or chain letter or tag game, leave them the hell alone. They’re not being “negative,” and don’t need to be assaulted with pseudo-positivity. And you know what? Maybe they are being “negative” because it makes them feel positive, and if that’s the case, remove yourself if it bothers you!
Everyone has a right to be themselves and to do what works for them here, that is part of an overall air of positivity in the RPC.
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idkxwriting · 3 years
3k Followers Celebration
GUYS!!!! I’m officially over 3k. THANK YOUUUU!!!! I honestly started this as an anon place to just get some drabbles out and didn’t think anyone would want to read, let alone follow, request, reblog...RE-READ. it means the world. I know I’m slow to update, and my inbox is full of requests that I’m working on, but you are all so nice and kind and patient and just ugh.
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to celebrate we’re going to do a 3K Challenge!
I’m going to drop some songs you can use for inspiration (TAYLOR JUST DROPPED FEARLESS (TAYLOR’S VERSION) SO THERE WILL BE LOTS OF TAYLOR OPTIONS OKAY get over it but also go stream fearless (taylor’s version) forever), and random prompts (and tropes I like). Most of my inspiration songs are angsty af, so if that’s not your speed choose a prompt! If you’d like to participate let me know what song/prompt/character and I’ll update the list so we don’t get multiples.
I’ll reblog them all here :D
-no incest, underage, rape or non-con.
-smut is okay (let’s be honest, encouraged), just tag it so people know 18+
-if you’re under 18 please do not write smut. I don’t need to be accidentally reblogging adult themes by children
-you don’t have to quote specific lyrics, just run with the theme.
-one shots under 2k words if you can :)
-must be posted by May 1
-if you’re participating please follow me :)
-tag me, but also use #idkhaylijah3k 
-reblog this to boost the signal
-if you pick a Taylor song absolutely no streaming her old stuff because in this house we don’t support 🛴 or Scott bruschetta. WE ONLY STREAM MUSIC TAYLOR OWNS 💖
-MCU **my obsession with Steve Rogers is unhealthy guys. Bonus points for Stucky x Reader
-Batman (I have a lot of WIP’s that I haven’t posted for Batman, that I swear I will get around to someday).
Taylor Songs:
The Other Side of the Door (Taylor’s Version) - Taylor Swift
That’s the Way I Loved You (Taylor’s Version) - Taylor Swift
That’s When (Taylor’s Version) - Taylor Swift
Don’t You (Taylor’s Version) - Taylor Swift
Exile - Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver*** claimed by @xxwritemeastoryxx
Coney Island - Taylor Swift feat. The National
Right Where You Left Me - Taylor Swift***claimed by @sherlockholmesmypiratesociopath
False God - Taylor Swift
Other Songs:
You Belong to Someone Else - PJ Harding feat. Noah Cyrus
Fine Line - Harry Styles
Ain’t Gonna Lose You - Brett Dennen
I Need My Girl - The National
I Ain’t Ever Loved No One - Donovan Woods
A Little Bit Yours - JP Saxe
I Just Want to See Your Face - Imaginary Future
-“It’s not a double date, we’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
-"How much of that did you hear?” Claimed by @xxwritemeastoryxx
-Fake Dating
-Secret Dating claimed by @nalledimessi
-There was only one bed
-”I’m not jealous.”
-drunk confessions
-having to hide in a small space together
-couldn’t sleep
-accidentally sent a suggestive text
-"You’re not going without me...”
-having to crash at their crushes house
-”I might never get another chance to say this, so here goes nothing...”
-”He’s an idiot. Any guy would be lucky to have you.”
-getting lost together
-”I always thought you hated me...”
-almost kiss, but interrupted claimed by @derangedangel
-not liking the other person’s date
If these fill up I’ll add more :) Check my page for reblogs to see which prompts are still available :D
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melodyofthevoid · 4 years
Alright. So I’ve been trying to put together my thoughts on the matter since that post went up. The simplest way to put what happened is this: I got close to them, got uncomfortable, and left. Obviously that is a gross oversimplification but we’ll start from there.
For any of the stuff involving Moo-Ping 10, I would direct you to Ceph and Dana’s posts on the matter. They explain precisely what goes on there. That server is my second home and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. 
Now for the hard part.
I’ll put this below a read more because I don’t want to clog up everyone’s dash with this.
I’ve struggled with how to organize my thoughts on this because there’s a lot happening in my life rn. I just moved back to college today and that post came right as I was trying to enjoy my last night with my parents. It gutted me. Completely and utterly gutted me. Not only were the accusations made towards me entirely either blown wildly out of proportion or made up entirely, but they insulted and accused one of the most welcoming and kind people I know of being heartless cult members.
The “secret server” is absolutely non-existent, the only private server that I’m in with friends is the Zib Pak server, which we only use to discuss au ideas and share art before we go public with it. That’s it. The other servers I’m in also do not participate in bullying of any kind. We may discuss our own personal likes and dislikes, and occasionally get into more heavy topics, but that’s it. We don’t condone bullying or calling out. Point blank. The fact that they were so vague in providing no details or names of any kind is the biggest signal to me that they pulled all of this out of nowhere.
But the biggest thing that hurts me is that they did this publicly. We had discussed our feelings in private, and that was how I had wanted it to stay. Not because of any shame, but because of a situation like this. I wanted to handle it without shaming them, or putting any pressure on them. I’d hoped that that was enough. 
But it wasn’t. 
To sum up what happened, when mdzadr came back to Tumblr, we began talking, and started a small friendship, at least that’s how I saw it. We’d message a few times a day. Around the time that they invited me to work on a side project I was beginning to reevaluate my comfort zone and boundaries, and eventually it became clear that I couldn’t in good faith work on it. I didn’t feel comfortable working with them anymore. I wouldn’t be putting in a full effort, and that wasn’t fair. Not for something they were passionate about. 
However when I expressed this I was pressed for why, and it kept spiraling. It wasn’t fair that they got caught up in my own nonsense, and I understand why they felt betrayed by me. They thought we were becoming close and for me to pull back suddenly... I understand why they were upset. However, that in no way excuses the behavior that they showed towards me afterwards. They accused me, as they did in that post, of not caring for anyone or anything other than myself, of manipulating those close to me, even going so far as to say I led them on romantically despite telling them point blank I am aro/ace and would not return any affections. 
Furthermore, after we said our final words, or so I thought, to each other, they sent more to me through other channels, saying that I’m the reason that they’ve deleted their account both times, that they hope I’m happy now because of it. I’m not. I never wanted them to do this, I’d hoped that they would keep creating for themself, even if I wouldn’t interact with it, but that wasn’t the case. 
The way in which they referred to me as a Demi-god and a siren, likening me to some higher power is far far removed from who I am. I am a 20 year old college student. I am a human, a person, one who makes mistakes and tries her best. 
I have poured my heart and soul into my works and this fandom, I care deeply about my friends, I’ve spent hours on call when they’ve needed help, offered as much support as I could during personal crises, boosted their works to the best of my ability, and to be called heartless, to imply that I’ve never once cared about anyone is an insult to the highest order. 
I want to move past this, and I thank everyone who reached out to me. I felt so alone when this started happening, the fact that you’re here means the world to me. If there are any additional questions, dm me, though I’d prefer to move on. This has been honestly fucking awful for me and I’m more than a little drained. This should have, as I said earlier, stayed a private matter. It may be a while before I really make more content again, I have things in the works but it doesn't feel right, not right now, and with school starting up again I have responsibilities. 
I hope I was able to get my point across, and again, thank you to everyone who has helped me in any way through this. 
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meridiansdominoes · 4 years
How To Scrap Battledroids
(I have decided to make this its own post entirely, so here it is! Read it on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24424678)
Prompt:  Anakin and The Boys make a skillshare about how to scrap battledroids but about halfway through Tup makes a hair routine class, then other troopers post their hobbies and basically thats how they win the public over to support the clones
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the first instalment of ‘Reasons Why the 501st is the Best Battalion in the GAR’, subtitled ‘How To Scrap Battledroids’, sponsored by the Hero With No Fear himself, General Anakin Skywalker!”
General Skywalker steps into frame with a cocky smirk. The camera trails from his face down his arm to where he’s holding his lightsaber with a sure grip. 
“Today we’ll be demonstrating some of the most effective ways to absolutely demolish the B1 battle droid,” the narrator continues. The camera turns slowly, revealing several clones all around the Jedi, armed to the teeth and waiting. “The B1 battle droid, also referred to as a standard battle droid or a clanker, is the most widely used battle droid manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata and Baktoid Armor Workshop. They’re the successor to the OOM-series battle droids. Early versions of the model required the use of a—”
“Holy kriff no one cares, Echo!” one of the clones says loudly. The narrator lets out an offended huff. The camera jerks and spins so that General Skywalker comes back into frame. The Jedi looks amused.
“Some of our viewers might appreciate a little background, Fives, shut up!”
“Force, can we get to it already? All this waiting around is driving me crazy!”
“Hardcase, calm down, exposition is important—”
“So is getting my weekly dose of adrenaline, Jesse—!”
“Okay, alright,” another clone soothes. “General, we’re waiting for your signal.”
“Thank you, Tup,” General Skywalker says, and ignites his lightsaber. “For that, I think you deserve the honor of going first.” This spurs a cacophony of groans from the others, but Tup makes a delighted sound. “Alright, on my signal. Echo, you’re in charge of making sure it all gets on camera, understand?”
“Yessir,” Echo says smartly. He pivots so that the entire group is visible—one Jedi and four clones, tense and waiting behind some sort of structure. 
“Alright, let’s go!” General Skywalker shouts, and they charge around the corner and take the platoon of battle droids that had been approaching by complete surprise. 
It’s possibly the most unfair fight the GAR has ever seen. It’s impossible for Echo to keep up with all the action. Hardcase’s Z-6 whines as it tears the droids apart. Tup and Jesse are dodging enemy blaster bolts and returning fire with fluid ease. General Skywalker is a storm of blue light and sparking clanker parts. At one point the Jedi reaches out his hand and sends Fives and Tup flying through the air with the Force so that they can attack from above. 
The fight is over in less than two minutes. It had been pure chaos, and utter destruction. The clones regroup around Echo, riled up and excited as General Skywalker comes within earshot of the camera again.
“And that,” General Skywalker says, sheathing his lightsaber with a flourish, “is how to take down a battle droid, 501st style. It doesn’t get any better than that.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, if you’ve constantly been wondering, “Boy, who could possibly be better than those 501st imbeciles that showed up on the holonet a few weeks ago?” like I have recently, look no further! What takes six of the 501st’s best only takes two of the 212th!” 
“Boil, less talking, more not-dying!” someone shouts, and there’s a large explosion. The camera shakes uncontrollably for a moment, and then suddenly it steadies, half of the camera obscured by the rock that the cameraman is crouched behind. Regardless, General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody are visible, back to back in the middle of a courtyard absolutely swarming with droids. 
“Kenobi deflects blasterbolts from every side, and oh there’s the Commander, headshots, every one of ‘em, look at the way they kriffin’ move! So in-sync, they turn together, no hesitation at all—!”
“Boil, quit the commentary and get down!”
There’s another explosion. Boil lets out a grunt of annoyance. The camera whirls. 
“Come on, I’m missing the best part!” There’s a flash of orange and white, and then Boil gets the camera back up. The droids are attempting to close in on the two combatants, but General Kenobi slashes and whirls with ethereal grace. Commander Cody lashes out with powerful kicks that shatter the droids at the joints. They’re absolutely surrounded by sparking droid parts, untouched in their little circle of safety. When there are only a few droids left, General Kenobi slashes his last opponent cleanly in half before tossing his lightsaber oh-so-casually to Commander Cody The Commander catches it out of midair without even glancing at it and beheads the very last droid with a lazy flick of his wrist. 
Boil whistles, long and low. He’s not the only one. 
“And that’s how to destroy a battle droid, 212th style,” Boil whispers gleefully as General Kenobi and Commander Cody motion for their troops to advance. “And it really doesn’t get any better than that. Suck it, 501st!”
Captain Rex looks extremely annoyed. 
“Since the 212th really seems to think the galaxy of themselves, this is Captain Rex of the 501st, and I’m here to show you all what it really means to destroy a battle droid.”
Behind the camera, someone giggles. Commander Tano’s hand appears in the frame as she gives him a thumbs up. He shoves his helmet on and draws both DC-17s, checking them over briefly before stepping out of cover directly in front of the platoon of battle droids, determined and completely alone. He charges, pistols already releasing a steady hailfire at his opponents. 
The battle droids don’t even stand a chance. They scream and cower and attempt to escape, but it doesn’t do them any good. Commander Tano laughs so hard that the camera shakes in her hand. 
“You know, I think that normal B1 battle droids are getting pretty old,” Commander Cody says, smirking at the camera—there’s something a bit dangerous in the expression, almost predatory. Daring their next challenger to try and top them. “So this time we’re upping our game. Super Battle Droids aren’t nearly as easy to take down as B1s, which means we have to get a bit creative.”
By ‘get creative’, Commander Cody means ‘use lots of explosives’. It’s very impressive.
“Oh kriffing—are you serious, General?” Commander Bly makes an unamused face at the camera.
“Of course, Commander. We can’t let the 501st and the 212th have all the fun, can we?” General Secura says in amusement, the tip of one blue lek sliding into frame for an instant. “Besides, we’ve got something much better than battle droids to destroy today, don’t we?”
Bly snorts.
“The Armored Assault Tank does take a significantly larger amount of effort than any battle droid can. So are we skipping droidekas, then? I don’t think anyone’s done them yet. They seem like a more logical next step up from SBDs to me.”
“Someone else can do that,” another clone chimes in, sounding a bit excited. “Go big or go home, right General?”
“Very good,” General Secura praises. She sounds pleased. “Trooper, please explain the weak spots of the tank to our audience as Commander Bly and I take care of those two on the ridge. It shouldn’t take us long. It’s a bit far—you might have to zoom in, but it should still be plenty visible.”
“Yes sir,” a trooper agrees happily as she passes him the camera. “Don’t worry, sir. I’m sure this’ll blow the rest of the videos completely out of the water.”
General Secura grins at her Commander. She shrugs one shoulder at him and pulls her lightsaber from her belt as she turns to face the tanks. Bly’s expression softens into something that definitely isn’t meant to be seen by the camera. Then he shoves on his helmet and raises his weapon to stand at her side.
“Alright, General. Lead the way.”
“You know, these videos aren’t just to show people how easy the Seppie droids are to blow up,” Tup says with a shrug. “You can do other stuff too, you know. Dogma, the comb please!”
Dogma dutifully passes him the comb. Tup releases his hair from the bun. It falls down around his face, far nicer than it should considering the amount of time it spends mashed underneath Tup’s bucket. Tup begins to run the comb through his hair, grimacing slightly as he carefully works out knots.
“Alright, everyone is always asking me how I keep my hair so well-maintained with the GAR’s very limited hair products. Today I’m gonna let everyone in on a couple of my most prized secrets…”
“I absolutely will not.”
“But sir,” Comet says (his voice trembles because he’s trying to keep from laughing), “You’re the best at it! The rest of us don’t even come close!” He moves the camera a little closer to Wolffe’s face.
“I don’t give a kriff,” Wolffe deadpans. He goes back to scrolling through his datapad. Comet swipes it from his hand and passes it to Sinker as Wolffe lunges for it, who passes it back to Boost, who tucks it behind his back. Wolffe levels a ferocious glare at them. All three of them cower for a moment until Comet finds his voice again.
“Siiiirrrrr. Sir, please.”
“Then you’re not getting your datapad back,” Boost attempts bravely. Wolffe rolls his eye. 
“What’s stopping me from just taking it from you, Sergeant?” he counters. Boost licks his lips nervously.
“I mean, it would still be just as good of a video if you did,” Sinker says, snickering. “How To Discipline your Unruly Sergeant.”
“Just once, sir!” Comet begs, focused on their original goal. “We’ll stop bothering you if you do!”
“For how long?” Wolffe asks gruffly. Comet considers. 
“Until the next deployment, sir?”
Wolffe sighs.
“Fine. But only once.”
He tips his head back and lets out a long, inhuman howl. It’s wild and fierce and absolutely terrifying. It calls warriors to the hunt, triggers something carnal in the blood of the pack. The sound echoes through the room. In the corner of the frame, Sinker bares his teeth in response. The reaction is seemingly instinctive. 
When it finally ends, Wolffe drops his chin and lifts one eyebrow at his audience. 
“Satisfied?” he huffs. Boost passes him back his datapad with a dazed grin.
“Sithspit, sir. That was… better than usual. Trying to… impress someone, maybe?”
“Get out of my office,” Wolffe growls, on the defensive. “Get that camera out of my face, or I’ll have you running laps in the gym until your brains melt out of your skulls.”
“But sir! Now you have to explain how you did it! That’s what these videos are technically for after all!”
Wolffe loses his patience. He lunges. The camera gets swung around until everything is a blur. There’s a flash of grey, a hint of white, a snarl. Comet lets out an embarrassing shriek. The video cuts to black a moment later.
General Windu is weaponless and surrounded, but that doesn’t stop him from utterly decimating every clone that gets within five feet of him. No one can even touch him. He dodges their attacks like he already knows their every move. He probably does. He flows and shifts like water around their attempts to take him down, even when they team up and pull out all the stops. Commander Ponds, hands steady as he films, chuckles mercilessly whenever General Windu successfully tosses someone aside. 
“There’s not really anything to explain here, we just wanted to demonstrate how cool our Jedi is. Mace can take on half the battalion bare handed and he barely even breaks a sweat.”
“Commander, are you actually going to help us or are you just going to sit there and watch us suffer?” a shiny yelps, two seconds before he gets his feet swept out from under him and goes down with a curse. Ponds laughs again. 
“No thanks, kid. I learned the hard way that what you’re trying to do is impossible.”
“Maybe you just never tried hard enough, sir,” Stak grits out, shoving the staggering shiny towards the edge of the mat. He charges Windu head on. It looks foolish until Ponds spots Razor coming in from behind the Jedi. He’s moving as silently as possible. Ponds shifts the camera accordingly so that all three of them are in frame. 
For half a second, it looks like General Windu won’t be able to block both of them.
Well, it appears that way. General Windu ducks low, twists so that he gets right into Stak’s personal space. Stak tries to grab him, but General Windu just uses his momentum to whirl him around and send him crashing into Razor. Their helmets clunk together with a hollow sound. They go down hard.
The onlookers cheer in excitement. General Windu has the smallest of smirks on his face as he settles back into a fighting stance and waits for the rest of the clones to make a move. 
“And that’s why our Jedi is the best,” Ponds says smugly. The next ten minutes of the video is General Windu successfully incapacitating the rest of his challengers. 
(The video is well-received by the general public but poorly received by the rest of the GAR.)
(“Respectfully, the 212th would like to submit this video to demonstrate why General Kenobi is actually the best—”)
(”The entire 91st can go kriff themselves, watch General Skywalker hijack these STAPs  in midair and you’ll know that the 501st obviously has the best Jedi—”)
(“The 327th resents everything that the 91st’s most recent video claimed and declares that Ponds has no kriffing idea what he’s talking about, General Secura is obviously a better choice, here are ten reasons why—”)
(“General Plo Koon can fight in space. I don’t see General Windu doing that, here are the clips from the 104th’s most recent zero-grav drills—”)
When Commander Fox steps into the room, the men have the decency to look sheepish. Fox takes everything in slowly—the camera in Byte’s hand, the way Thorn and Thire are standing together shoulder to shoulder, hiding the failed project behind them, the scattered nuts and bolts all over the floor. The multitool in Stone’s hand. He drags one hand down his face and takes a deep breath. 
“You told me it was an emergency, Thorn.”
“It is an emergency, Fox! Listen, we even brought you caf because we knew you’d be annoyed,” he holds the steaming cup up as he speaks in a desperate attempt to make peace, “and there’s no way we’re going to figure this out ourselves!”
Fox plucks the caf out of Thorn’s hand and sighs again.
“What is it, then?”
“Well…” Thire drawls slowly. Fox narrows his eyes impatiently. 
“What the kriff is so important and difficult that three of my fellow officers couldn’t figure it out on their own?”
“To be fair, sir,” Stone says good-naturedly, “it’s far more difficult than we thought it would be.”
Thire and Thorn step away to reveal… a piece of furniture. A bench, only halfway assembled, innocent looking enough. Fox stares at it blankly for a few moments. Byte zooms in on his face enthusiastically. 
“We were going to demonstrate how to make it, for the video thing that half the GAR seems to be doing right now,” Thorn explains weakly. “But… it’s confusing. There’s even instructions but they don’t really help.”
Fox drains the cup of caf. He squares his shoulders. 
“Force save me. Are you kidding? Give me the kriffing instructions. This is ridiculous.”
(It takes them two more hours to get the bench set up. Fox misses a meeting. Byte edits the final video to include the bulk of the angry tirades and all of the snark. Public relations improve to an all-time high almost overnight.)
(“The clones are not people. They are soldiers created for a single purpose,” some of the Senate attempt to protest. This argument does not last long, mostly because the civilians who have been eagerly following the videos that the clones have been releasing over the course of several months start to riot in protest. 
Padme Amidala and Bail Organa take great pleasure in bringing the videos before the Senate to prove to them that the clones are indeed soldiers but also individuals who laugh and cry and live just as any other citizen of the Republic does.
In the wake of the unshakable evidence and the rioting, there is little the opposition can do to stop the Clone Rights Bill from being passed, and the entire Republic celebrates.)
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lilfellasblog · 3 years
I tried to choose a question but, I'm pretty interested in answers to all those tbh
You. I like you.
Talk about the first ship you ever had. - Tiencha (Tien Shinhan/ Yamcha), which is why I'm very sympathetic to those also suffering in rarepair hell.
Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. Destiel, Tiencha, Analogical
What’s your current OTP? Oof, I think I gotta go Prinxiety! So much potential for angst with hurt/comfort.
What’s your current NOTP? You know, I honestly can't think of any tbh.
Do you have any poly ships? For my OTP question, I originally answered LAMP/CALM, so definitely that!
How do you feel about love triangles? I think they can be intriguing if done well. If there's cheating involved, it would be pretty difficult for me to feel sympathy for the cheater.
How do you feel about RPF? It's fine, do whatever you want. Fanfic has always been for fans, not for creators. Purity culture and entitlement needs to stop. It's like seeing a sign that says "Snapping Turtles", jumping in the pond anyways, then yelling at the people who put up the sign after you lose a couple pounds of flesh.
Have you ever shipped yourself with a character? Tbh, the closest I've gotten is wanting different characters to adopt me and take me from my home. But I don't think I've ever romantically shipped myself with someone.
Do you have many ships that never got together at all? *cries in All Of Them*
Do you ship any characters that have never met? Huh. I don't think so tbh.
Talk about your favorite first kiss. Well in college there was- Oh! You mean fictional characters! :3 I think Virgil's first kiss with Roman in Healing Broken Wings is my favorite.
Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together? *cries in It's Never Happened*
Has a ship ever broken your heart? In fanfic? Yeah, I've read some sad endings before and that's usually not my jam.
How do you feel about will they/won’t they? I'm fine with it so long as it ends in "Yes they will!"
Have you ever “shipped at first sight”? Analogical, actually!
Talk about a ship you initially disliked. I think when Remus first appeared, I had a hard time imagining him with anyone because of what a gremlin he is. I've come around to the trash rat tho.
Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically. Destiel.
Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship. Season 6 of Supernatural. Destiel. >:(
Have you ever shipped something despite yourself? Kind of? I've done spite fics with spite ships.
Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping. Tiencha, or Tien Shinhan/ Yamcha. They'd be so cute together!
Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against? Any ships that are part of fandoms I'm not in. I guess maybe Tony Stark/ Steve Rogers? They have such different values and ethics. They literally need a threat to the entire universe to come together.
Which of your ships have the best chemistry? Oh Analogical, easily. Royality too I think.
Which of your ships deserve better writing? Tiencha :(
Do you mostly ship canon pairings? Lmao no.
Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar? Yes I have! Crowley/ Aziraphale.
Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to? Not really, it's kind of all over the map.
Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life? Tiencha.
Does shipping come easily to you? Yes, I am trash.
Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic? Definitely not. I was a Potterhead, and I still don't really ship anything there.
Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships. Harry Potter, Marvel, DC Comics. I'm not in those fandoms tho.
Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love. Roman is playfully protective of Virgil, and Virgil teases him by dramatically swooning.
Share five must-read fics. "Unexpected Destinies" was my first fic that I got into. Destiel fic, very complex and interesting AU. I think it got deleted during a LiveJournal purge tho. I got really into the "Battle Scars" series for a hot minute. Disabled Goku/ disabled Yamcha. "Perfect Attendance" by Periwren is great hurt/comfort starring Roman and Logan. "Welcome to the Neighborhood" by LeFay_Strent is absolutely hysterical. Shenanigans with Remy and Virgil, background Prinxiety, baffled Logan, it's a good time. And "War is Hell (but crushing is way more awkward)" by Jasper01 is incredible in so many ways! Funny, tragic, accurate, romantic, sweet, heartbreaking, all the things!
Name your favorite fanartist(s). So many fanartists have moved away from Sanders Sides, so I'm having a hard time thinking of many. To make sure I cover everyone, if there are any recs please let me know and I'll signal boost!
Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP. *Googles fanmix* It would appear I have none.
Recommend 1-5 shipper blogs. Gosh, so many of the shipping blogs I follow have become inactive in the Sides fandom. So! If any of you shipping blogs would like a shout-out, lmk and I'll signal boost!
Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for you ships? Fic. So much fic.
Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP? I mean I'm partial to Healing Broken Wings AU. As for trope, I'm a sucker for angst with hurt/comfort.
Do you like and use ship names? Definitely! Much faster to type.
Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself? I'm taking the word "fictional" literally here, because there is someone I'm in unrequited love with that I'm working on dealing with and I would really love a relationship with this person even though I know any hope is fiction.
If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be? Prinxiety, and that Roman would get some goshdang therapy!
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
In a mood and I’m trying not to be, but oof. Not easy at the moment. Real life stresses are kicking my butt and I’m decidedly limited in resources for addressing that at the moment, so might as well get this off my chest, lol. Already lost the usual fifty followers or so I lose every single time I post about stuff the way I did the other day, so what’s some more, y’know?
So earlier today I tried to get my mind off things with some fic, and happened across one I hadn’t read before that promised Jason and Dick talking things out and bonding. Halfway through I sighed and went oh, this is familiar, and skipped to the bottom to check the end notes and comments to see if there was any mention of this next part, but nope. The reason for the sigh was it took me about halfway into the fic to realize that it was blatantly inspired by my post about what if Jason was missing some memories from his death/resurrection and the Pit, like specifically the ski trip they took, stuff like that. Now I’m not so egotistical as to think nobody but me has certain ideas, but its fairly easy for me to recognize when someone is basing something off a post of mine because of specific turns of phrases that I use and like, they hit ten or so bullet points from my post without missing a one. Like, there’s parallel evolution and similar ideas, and then there’s going down a check list, y’know?
And don’t get me wrong....I don’t mind people basing stuff of my posts, being inspired by them, etc. I WANT that. I’m GLAD to have that happen.
The part I mind is the way this all ties back into my interaction with fandom as a whole....and this fandom’s interaction with me. Which I don’t tend to hear NEARLY as much about as I tend to have people giving me shit about my impact on fandom....but ONLY the negative impact.
In the four years or so that I’ve been active in this fandom, I can think of only three people who have given me some kinda shout out for being the basis of one of their fics. Three people. And in that time I’ve come across literal dozens of fics that I am almost certain can trace their way back to popular posts of mine. There’s the post about Jason’s memories and the ski trip for one - this fic isn’t an isolated occurrence, I’ve found a good half a dozen or so I feel fall into the same pattern. There’s fics based off my posts about how fucked up the blame Dick got for Spyral was, with my certainty based on the fact that I know I’m the only fucking person who ever brought up various key phrases like “Bruce not having an extraction plan for Dick’s highly dangerous undercover op, leaving him stranded when Bruce got/(chose) amnesia.” I made a big deal about that in a few posts because of the fact I NEVER saw that particular element raised in any fics, and a couple months after I started including that bit regularly, I was seeing the words ‘without an extraction plan’ in every other new post Spyral fic. That’s not a coincidence.
There’s been stuff that included bits and phrasings from my post about Dick and Jason being partners who focused on helping kids who had been abused specifically....oh wait, no, my bad. The two fics I’m thinking of there lifted straight up entire lines from that post but just made it about Jason and TIM doing that instead, despite like.....the entire basis of that headcanon stemming from Dick’s juvie origin but whatever. There’s been stuff based on juvie posts of mine, stuff based on posts I’ve made about Mirage, there’s been stuff based on the post about Jason looking into why Dick was undercover as a mob enforcer and then Renegade, there’s been stuff clearly inspired by my headcanons about Jason calling Dick for advice after the Garzonas case. I could go on. There’s a fucking LOT.
I don’t try to give myself too much credit but I’m not unaware of being a loud voice in this fandom and that having an impact. And like I said, I’m not adverse to inspiring people to make their own stuff based off an idea they initially saw me present. That’s fine. People should feel free to do that. My problem is that none of this exists in a vacuum. It exists in a fandom where I regularly get people lecturing me on my presentation, people hyping up how negative I make fandom, my condescension, my anger, my hostility, etc, etc. 
But the thing I never see is any awareness whatsoever that like....dudes, I’m literally just a guy on the internet. And that goes two ways. Yeah, I have an impact on people, but they have one on me too. And I’m tired and frustrated by it being acted like this is a one way street and everyone is just helpless victims of my bullying, while meanwhile SOME OF THE EXACT SAME PEOPLE GIVING ME CRAP FOR MY NEGATIVITY are ACTIVELY adding to their own fics with stuff that I JUST posted about.
And like, I see people vagueblogging about the negativity on their dashes and its impact on fandom right after I have a Dick Grayson rant blow up and get a few hundred notes......but its acted like I DID that to fandom, that’s my negativity and mine alone when its like....y’know, if you’re not following me yourself, and this stuff is still on your dash, you uh....have to be following people who reblog my negative posts for some reason or another. And given that there are obviously reasons you follow THOSE people, maybe instead of worrying about what I’M doing all the time, you can spare a thought or two for the fact that I don’t have any power to make people reblog anything, and for whatever reason, something about my oh so negative post resonated with those people reblogging it onto your dash, which also kinda suggests it wasn’t negative in THEIR eyes, but was actually a kind of validation of thoughts or feelings they already had?
Trust me, there’s no mind control ray at work here. This mood is also brought to you by the cricket sounds that come every time I fucking BEG people to reblog and signal boost posts I make about rape/abuse fandom trends and depictions from my POV as a survivor, specifically. Like I mentioned, I LOSE followers every time I bring that stuff up. It doesn’t benefit me in any way whatsoever, in fact my notes tend to go comparatively radio silent for a good couple weeks after I go off on one of those jaunts, because idk, people don’t want THEIR mutuals and followers to think they agree with some of my oh so controversial stances?
Actually, I say idk, but I do know is the thing, because people actually go on anon and tell me they appreciate me posting stuff like this, and its like.....that....doesn’t actually make me feel good? Because I never expect any single person in particular to reblog me, but when I say crickets after I post on those topics, I mean CRICKETS. I’m lucky if I can get five reblogs on those posts in total, and those are usually all from the same people. It actually kinda sucks knowing that people agree with me and what I have to say there, but they won’t put it on their own blogs because this fandom is so fucking STEEPED in its views, they don’t want to risk their friendships or back-and-forths with certain popular fandom authors by rocking the boat.
Because meanwhile I’m making myself target practice for the people who really would like me to shut up on certain topics but are too cowardly to ever confront me directly about why they dislike what I have to say there, in the vain hope that other people might finally even just START to pass some of that on even for consideration....because I can make waves by myself just by being loud and consistent, but I can’t do shit to actually make CHANGE without other people agreeing in PUBLIC so that fandom is forced to confront the fact that no, certain opinions aren’t just one loud asshole being annoying, there’s an actual viewpoint here that people actually have in greater numbers than we realized and we DON’T have as much of a monopoly on this topic as we thought.
I have anons who give me shit accusing me of driving off certain authors by making this fandom not fun for them anymore, when like, I never even fucking INTERACTED with the authors in question. Some of the names I’m accused of driving off I don’t even KNOW. I’m called an ‘abusive survivor shaming cunt’ with zero irony or self-awareness that they’re literally doing the exact same thing because they don’t like the stance *I* take as a survivor posting about how ‘some survivors use dark fic/rape fantasy to cope’ shouldn’t be treated as a monolithic defense of such things if it leads directly into the same kind of survivor shaming other people view criticism of such fic as being in the first place.
I’ve had to unfollow mutuals because I post about how reblogging posts about purity culture is a direct fucking slap into the face to people like me whose stances on fandom culture are directly based on our own personal experiences and the intersection those have with various popular fandom takes.....like you don’t have to agree with all my takes obviously, but if you can’t see how framing a naive pursuit of ideological purity as the only possible reason people object to certain fandom trends when I’m literally standing right here saying no actually, the way these fandom trends impact me is the reason for me saying the things I say when I say “here’s how this fandom trend impacts me”.....like.....c’mon. 
And I’ve had mutuals unfollow me because despite following me because they liked my takes on social justice issues THEY care about, I just ‘post too much about what’s really just a personal issue’ and has no larger social relevance whatsoever, obviously. LOL. (Oh and this of course has nothing to do with them getting friendly with various popular authors on discord, who happen to be vocal about ‘disapproving’ of any fic criticism whatsoever. Just FYI, there’s a reason I haven’t followed anyone new or made any new mutuals in like....a year. I have my reasons for being....not quick about that).
I get condescended to constantly about not minding the tags, and then radio silence when I list literal examples of ways in which people haven’t tagged things correctly, tagged things at all, or literally used the tags in an attempt TO trigger people they just don’t like. 
And meanwhile, allllllll of this keeps happening while the general narrative is I’m this loud asshole guy with zero concern about anything but his own personal likes or dislikes and who makes fandom a negative place that’s unwelcoming in general. And with basically zero mention of all the ways in which I’ve contributed to this fandom, the amount of content I’ve made that has DIRECTLY inspired people, and the productive conversations I’ve started which have resulted in people actually changing the way they approach various characters or dynamics in fics.
Its THAT part that bugs me, specifically.
Look, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again now.....I’m not anyone’s victim. Negative fandom interactions are negative fandom interactions. All this complaining I’m doing here - lol, that’s all it is. I’m venting. I’m pissed off and I think its relevant to a greater fandom dynamic or tendencies a lot of people unknowingly or consciously reinforce, and so I’m just fucking SAYING it because while its not something I EXPECT this post will do much to change, if at all, I would still like it to change so any effort towards that end is still better than no effort at all...hence, my posting this rather than bottling it up so at least people have it to consider. 
If you don’t agree with it, if you don’t like that it exists at all, if it ruins your day to have to consider whether or not you or people you know or even like are active participants in what someone else is describing as y’know....fairly day-ruining in its own way? Hit that unfollow, that block, that make new text post button of your own and have your own rant about what a douchebag I am.
Literally all I’m trying to express is like.....fa*ndom’s got a lot to say about the stuff I have to say about fandom, but like....this is a two way interaction. A lot of people make a big deal about MY impact (again, JUST the negative though, lol) but I don’t ever see anyone ever addressing anyone else about hey maybe you could spare a thought or two about YOUR impact for a change as well.
I mean, what if....just maybe...what if.....a lot of my behavior or attitude has a lot to do with how people approach or talk about me BEFORE that display of attitude or certain behavior? Weirdly....I feel like maybe something that could then have a transformative effect on the kind of behavior or attitude people dislike from me....is.....them acknowledging or addressing things they might have done to prompt certain responses from me?
I don’t actually like being whiny or negative or down in general, just to be clear? If I see something I have a problem with or think could use change or improvement, I say so - but I pretty much always put an effort into expressing both WHY and HOW I think possible change could look - because I’m not generally interested in being negative for the sake of just being negative. I just....want things to be better. That’s not an obsession with purity or perfection, btw, I will NEVER understand how people think that survivors of rape and abuse (which include a lot more ‘antis’ than anyone else seems to want to acknowledge) and the like EVER expects perfection or thinks that the world will ever produce that - lol no I’m actually pretty clear that things being perfect is pointless, I’m just interested in BETTER.
But I mean, I like being goofy and silly and also analytical and contemplative and also creative and spontaneous. I like lots of things. I like lots of moods. I like producing, creating, generating, interacting, engaging, I like a million things more than I like THIS kind of mood, THIS kind of post.
But I’m just not someone who is content to sit and stew in that sort of thing when I know full well that the problem does not actually stem from something broken or flawed inside of me, because I’m also someone who does believe very strongly in periodic bouts of self-reflection and honest self-assessment.....so that I can change things about myself when and where I feel necessary. But this also has the effect of me also being VERY aware of when the problem is not internal, but actually just me having a perfectly valid reaction or emotional response to outside stimulus. Aka fandom’s interaction with me, every bit as much as my interaction with fandom.
So....posts like this. I’ll do my usual rituals, get myself back onto my preferred trains of thought soon enough on my own, because ultimately that is all I can control and just because I make posts like this doesn’t mean I ever EXPECT any specific result - or a result at all - to come from it. 
But, y’know, sue me for being hopeful.
I know. What an ass am I?
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