#it’ll probably be awhile before the next one lol
gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
I heard you are looking for Barbie prompts👀👀
1. Ken learning to kiss (he's never done it before lol)
2. FtM reader struggling, Ken helps him realize he's just as much of a man as anyone else
3. Ken asking for advice on winning over Barbie, only to fall for reader
4. Ken revealing his struggle with toxic masculinity and his shame
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God so many amazing prompts, I wish I could write them all but I don’t wanna bore anyone with how long of a fic that would be. So if anyone wants me to do the other prompts (1, 2, or 4) plz let me know.
Prompt 3: Ken asks for advice on how to win over Barbie, only to fall for reader in the process.
You cringed as another one of Ken’s failed attempts of impressing stereotypical Barbie. You had to applaud your friends’ tenacity because had it been you, you would’ve just given up in the moments where Ken had done nothing but persist in his pursuit of the beautiful blonde. You honestly didn’t a clue in whether or not it’ll do Ken any good in telling him that he would be better off in giving up, or it’ll just further persuade him into trying even harder in his efforts in a desperate form of hope that one day she’ll see him. Like actually see him.
Whatever the outcome, you knew that not matter what was being said by anyone, Ken was one to never know in when it’s okay to quit. His supposed advancements weren’t advancing anything in regards to his and Barrie’s relationship; they were still on square one in your humble opinion, as it was quite blatantly obvious that Ken needed Barbie like she was the oxygen he breaths but Barbie didn’t need Ken, she could very well breath happily without him.
Quickly seeing how you and Ken were the only ones left upon the peachy pink beach, you sighed as you made your way next to your blonde friend -who was very much in the literal sense lying face down within the sand- before sitting yourself down next to him with your knees propped up so that your arms may rest atop of them, followed softly after by your head feasting atop of your arms as you stared out beyond the horizon.
‘Well, that certainly went off without a hitch, didn’t it blondie.’ You said rhetorically whilst Ken groaned as he removed himself from the sand before practically slumping himself against your side.
‘First of all, my names Ken, not blondie, and secondly what is it that I’m doing wrong?’ Ken said, ‘I’d thought that she would totally be girlfriend/boyfriend with me by now but it seems that no matter how many times I’ve tried to make her see the man behind the tan, the more she doesn’t want me…what do I have to change about me to get her to admit that she likes me?’ He adds solemnly before looking over at you with a look of sheer desperation and hopelessness. ‘Tell me what it is that I have to change about myself in order to make Barbie see me.’ He asked of you, making you look his way as he grabbed your hands in his, almost like he was pleading to you to hear him. ‘Tell me what to change and I’ll do it, tell me what will make her see me as more Ken the boyfriend then Ken the friend.’
You stayed silent for awhile as you made the conscious choice to stare into his beautiful cerulean blue eyes that looked almost midnight blue with how they perfectly mimicked the starry sky above, or how they perfectly encapsulated the deepest depths of the very ocean he often -though not that often as he liked to claim- surfed. It was without saying that the Ken before you, your best friend Ken, was probably the most beautiful Ken you’ve ever come across, and while it’s not uncommon for friends to hype up the others beauty; there was obviously lines in the sand in regards to how far one can speak so highly of another’s appearance without it having somewhat romantic implications.
Upon realising how long you had been inside your own head, whilst externally just staring at him like a weirdo, you began to talk. ‘Here’s one thing you can stop doing and that’s going to extreme lengths to impress her.’ You told him, watching as his face slightly drop before feeling a panic consume you into continuing soliciting your advice, ‘I’m not saying you should cut it out all together but maybe tone it down a little, nobody here wants you to end up badly hurt yourself one day. Besides I think it’d be best if you just let her see the so called ‘man behind the tan.’ You added on as you pulled one hand of yours away from Ken’s hold in order to press it against his chest; more specifically where his heart lies. ‘Show Barbie the Ken that I know and love, the Ken who isn’t above helping others, the Ken who loves horses despite never having ridden one, the Ken who loves the beach, the Ken who loves his friends and will go above and beyond for them.’
You paused before trailing your hand upward so that it was now resting behind his neck, your thumb running across his skin in soothing patterns as you smiled at him, causing Ken to take a sharp inhale of breath. ‘You don’t have to change Ken, I don’t want my best friend to change for someone who won’t realise how lucky she is to have you in her life Ken.’ You utter softly before adding, ‘because I am and I prefer you the way you are right now, but I’m not the one your perusing and therefore I have no say in who you change for, just hope that you never do.’ You hauled yourself onto your feet before making your way off of the beach and back to your home, leaving Ken to stare after you in wonder and in awe.
‘Have I? Have I been going after the wrong person?’ Ken asked himself as thoughts of Barbie quickly became thoughts of you instead and the feeling that usually blossoms within him for Barbie, seemed to have only blossomed more then ever in regards of when it came to you. Naturally Ken was conflicted about the sudden change, wasn’t he suppose to be with Barbie? Then why did the notion of being your boyfriend felt more natural, more likeable then being Barbie’s boyfriend? He couldn’t understand how after perusing Barbie for as long as he has, his heart and mind have seemingly made peace with the fact that she wasn’t even at all interested in him, just as they were immediate in their change of trajectory and instead decided to set their sights on you after this particular night on the beach, and engaging within a conversation that relied on him to being open and honest about his feelings.
Ken just couldn’t understand why he felt so breathless when you smiled at him not too long ago, it felt as though you knocked the wind clear out of his lungs and he was still struggling on getting it back the more his mind stayed stuck on that particular moment. Ken was afraid to admit that he had fallen for someone new, but a small part of him was telling him that he had fallen for you way before the events that lead up to tonight’s conversation, telling him that it was no longer Barbie he was trying to impress but you.
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beauspot · 2 years
thoughts after i saw black panther wakanda forever again.
firstly queen ramonda’s muscles in this movie were crazy 😭 i don’t even think i noticed it the first time. all of the women in the dora looked strong as hell and beautiful i’m obsessed. since we’ve introduced ironheart and we’re supposed to be getting a tv show(?) i hope happy and her get involved and it would be hilarious if she becomes friends with peter and mj but mj has no idea who peter is but riri does(and she’s the only one who does).
the fight scenes in this movie are so good, like some of the best in the mcu, there’s less cuts and the use of slowmo especially in scenes with the water makes them so gorgeous.
the black and gold in shuri’s black panther suit represents her brother and tradition and the vengeance of her cousin n’jadaka.
why does m’baku challenge for the thrown? with him in this movie it feels off for him to do it for selfish reasons maybe shuri asked him too.
i know the romance plot was scrapped because of test audiences but to me(this is MY OPINION 😒) the romance would have made their ultimate rift so much weightier. what if they had at the end of her tour simply had namor tell her they were more alike than anyone else he had ever encountered and asked for her hand BEFORE asking her to burn the world or if he asked for her hand in order for the scientist to be returned and she said yes. to then be drawn out of the water and have his people killed so he turns around and kills her mother and the final fight hits so much harder.
shuri not only doesn’t kill him because of his people but because some part of her does love him. this is not me negating the relationship they already have, it’s beautiful whether they ever are romantically involved or not i just think it would enhance the story.
also it’s been bothering me but shuri is not 19 and i keep seeing people say she is. she was 19 before the blip friends 😭 in universe it’s been 6 years since the first black panther.
another thing that bothers me is people fully missing the point of the talokanil as antagonists. yes they are the villains of the movie but they are not. VILLAINS. their goal is the same as the wakandans. to protect their home. over the years this goal has been warped by grief and anger and it’s completely understandable. people who look like them have been enslaved and beaten and killed and the surface countries have made it very clear they desire vibranium to control the world. not to help it. hate him if you want but namor is right. the world will turn on wakanda and the only ally they have is talokan.
The core of this movie and honestly black panther as a series is the way black people and other poc are so focused on hating one another, a hatred that was taught to divide us when killmonger, and t’challa, and namor, and shuri, are not enemies. they are victims namor and killmonger understood that better than t’challa and shuri because they’d seen first hand how the world treats people who look like them. Now obviously they could have gone about it another way, a better way but don’t misconstrue that to mean killmonger OR namor were wrong, they weren’t.
i’m very excited about phase 5 moving forward and i can’t wait to see these characters again even though I know it’ll be awhile. shuri will probably be in the next avengers and i have no idea when namor will be back. i hope we get this movie on streaming soon so i can analyze it more closely
OH LAST THING. i see what y’all were talking about with okoye and attuma and i totally agree lol
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yue-muffin · 2 years
An update on my genshin adventures...
I finally finished the Mondstadt archon quests, but there’s a lot left to explore and a million sidequests I didn’t finish. I want to get those done before moving onto Liyue, so it might take awhile.
Also, confession time! I restarted and rerolled a few accounts because while I started with Lumine, I quickly realized that I prefer Aether’s voice especially next to Paimon’s, which is super high pitched. I just have a weird thing about high pitched female voices, I really don’t like the higher register and can’t stand going the whole game like that. I still love Lumine’s design, though. It’s so pretty.
Anyways, I had to reroll once because the first account I created with Aether got the worst 10-roll ever (weapons only lol) and it’s early enough that getting a decent character matters and I could still restart and replay up to that point without ripping my hair out.
Second time was the charm! The second pull on the beginner banner yielded a Beidou, and a 10-roll on the event banner yielded (another) Faruzan. I figured she and I were destined to be together, so this account was the keeper.
After that, I kept chipping away at the story and getting lost in the wilderness.
I made enough progress a day later (on the 26th) that I could get another 10-roll. I normally save up my gacha currency and make a bunch of rolls on banners that catch my eye, but it turns out that the Wanderer banner was actually the entire reason I started playing the game...(I’m weak for lore, remember? I’ve always seen Genshin characters around, but I watched like one story trailer with Scaramouche/Wanderer’s backstory and fell down the rabbit hole).
So, I was like, what the heck why not. I don’t know any of the other characters on upcoming banners, whatever they may be, so why not throw it all in on the one I actually want. Mind, I didn’t expect anything, except I really hoped it wasn’t an ALL WEAPONS one again lol. And kind of wondered if I’d be cursed to get Faruzan a third time (there were two other 4 stars on the same banner with equal chances as her, I think?).
Anyways. I pull. AND I GET WANDERER??? 
and a 4 star sword because why not.
mind you, I’m not even AR15 yet at this point and I spent zero dollars on this game. I’m still confused about the pity wish system, but it definitely wasn’t that, because this was only the second roll I did. so, it was just. regular odds for a 10-roll, whatever that is because I’m bad at probability.
I was dying, I could not believe it lol. And I was like, that’s it, I’m set. Even if I get absolute garbage out of the gacha from here on out, I’ll be happy.
I’m still saving up the primogems, but the other wishes you get that let you roll on the standard banner, I decided to just go for when I reached 10 because that banner doesn’t change.
Anyone want to guess what I got?
this account is blessed by anemo. i have NO idea–
I do have a small problem with this. I like all the anemo characters I have. My team comp will be so fucked if I use them all though haha...
I didn’t really get to mention the story, next time then, but I also adore Venti’s character. he’s such a brat. a troll. also, this guy is supposed to be the weak one when he just had the source of his magic powers ripped out of his chest and he gets up, dusts himself off, and totally dodges any explanation as to how he’s coping with that aside from ‘i’ll just sit under this tree, it’ll help me heal faster’.
right. venti’s great. his name, though, is hilarious in japanese. i almost die every time I hear it. “V” is not really a native sound in japanese, so it very easily gets muddled up with “W” depending on who says it. it sounds like his name is “wenti” sometimes and that is so close to “wendi/wendy” that the first time I heard it, I actually did choke a little.
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yuckydraws · 3 years
Fic Recs
Okay I’ve seen a few people make these lists, and I wanted to make one! I have a lot of fics that I just adore and I know I’m always have trouble finding new fics, so maybe this list will have some that y’all haven’t read yet;)
This post is gonna be dedicated to monogamous Sans/reader fics, but I’m planning on reblogging this post with a list of monogamous Papyrus/reader fics, and then one with poly/harem fics. I might also do one with little ficlets or fics that don’t have a relationship in them but are super good and worth reading;)
I’m always looking for more fics so please let me know if you have one I should check out!!
Also these fics aren’t in any particular order, mostly just whichever ones came up first in my “marked for later” page;) and apparently you can’t make nice looking links on mobile and my computer is having issues so bare with the messy format.
First Round: Sans/reader’s
Despite Everything it’s Still You by @crusnikroxas https://archiveofourown.org/works/13461474/chapters/30859359
I LITERALLY CANNOT RECOMMEND THIS FIC ENOUGH- People who have followed me for awhile may have seen me gush over this fic many times, but it deserves all the gushing! It’s a delicious slowburn, and has such a unique take on soulmates and souls in general. It’s an amazing read full of humor, mystery, fluff, science, angst, and amazing characterization! I can’t do a long summary without spoiling anything but: The reader falls underground where she finds happiness, but what’s going on with her soul?
(CW: female reader, violence and eventual smut, alcohol mentions)
Cadaverous by @crusnikroxas https://archiveofourown.org/works/21808357/chapters/52040893
Another Cru one because they are great;) this one doesn’t have as many chapters yet but it is off to an amazing start! It takes place in the Horrortale universe when monsters are still underground and there aren’t a lot of those, so it’s pretty interesting.
(CW: female reader, violence, gore, eventual smut)
These Are Our Days by @Rehlia (for some reason I can’t tag sorry! But they do have a tumblr account with that name<3) https://archiveofourown.org/works/7244671/chapters/16447825
Another slowburn!!! It’s set on the surface after the pacifist route. I love the characterization the author does and how they really get into the integration of monsters in human society as well as monster culture! Also I think Sans is written beautifully in this fic;)
(CW: female reader, eventual smut, some violence, and depictions of terrorism against monsters)
Big Cats Like Bones Too by @kertneyk https://archiveofourown.org/works/28020429/chapters/68640615
YALL THIS ONE IS SO GOOD TOO ANJSKSMSM- it’s by my bro kertney! I’ve reblogged all of the updates so chances are y’all have seen it already, but if you haven’t read it you totally should!! It’s another deliciously well written slow burn, and this fic has such a kickass reader omg- The reader is a were-leopard who has trouble with impulse control, and Sans is emotionally constipated, what happens when they come together?
(CW: female reader, cop reader, violence, eventual smut)
So You Think You’re Good Enough for MY Human? by AstroWritesStuff (aka @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut ) https://archiveofourown.org/works/29381988/chapters/72178977
Astro is blessing us with this fic!!! I love it so far I can’t wait to see where it goes! It’s great and y’all should read it;) Sans likes reader, reader has a bitty Sans that hates big Sans - I just know this fic is gonna be good-
(CW: alcohol mentions)
Lost in Translation by ladyarkytiorofdunans https://archiveofourown.org/works/15316746/chapters/35536638
I binged this one awhile ago but I really loved it!! I haven’t been able to find a lot of good beasttale!sans/reader’s but this one had me on the edge of my seat the whole time;)
(CW: violence, kidnapping, violence against monsters)
Also check out it’s sequel!! 725K https://archiveofourown.org/works/28918452/chapters/70949985
Star-crossed by @alch3mic https://archiveofourown.org/works/29095785/chapters/71422581
Only has one chapter so far but OMG WAS SO GRIPPING AND I LOVED IT!!! I can already tell the world building is gonna be amazing. Basically the reader is a cool mage and so far is a baddie ;P also in this fic Sans is a mermaid!!!! I love me some mermaid fics<3
(CW: none yet<3)
Lights like Stars by Sebbybear https://archiveofourown.org/works/9787064/chapters/21979091
I’ve gotta be honest it’s been awhile since I’ve read this one but I remember binging it and liking it;) it’s set after the pacifist route and it another great slowburn!
(CW: depictions and implied sexual assault, female reader)
Curious Laughter by Spiffysiffy https://archiveofourown.org/works/25947901/chapters/63073864
I’ve gotta be honest, I’ve only read a few chapters but this fic is so fluffy and cute omg- Basically the reader is part of Papyrus’ study group and Sans takes a liking to them;)
(CW: none yet<3)
For a Bad Time by Welpthisismylifenow https://archiveofourown.org/works/28816350/chapters/70673976
This one is super funny;) not a lot of chapters yet but I’m invested!! It’s based on the whole trope of “they are best friends online and know each other in real life- but they don’t know it’s each other”? I don’t think I explained that well lmao
(CW: female reader, eventual smut, alcohol mentions)
Modern Love by MissWolfinger https://archiveofourown.org/works/23939803/chapters/57571432
THIS ONE IS SO GOOD AJJAKAHANM- it’s another “they are best friends online and know each other in real life- but they don’t know it’s each other”? And its so well done lmao. I also really like how independent the reader is in this one;)
(CW: none I can think of??)
In the Woods Somewhere by WelpThisIsMyLifeNow https://archiveofourown.org/works/27316066/chapters/66740269
Not a lot of chapters yet but omg I love it!!! The reader is a security guard at the library Sans is using the archives of for a project. It’s a pretty good premise and I’m excited for more;)
(CW: none I can think of)
Blueberry Magic by flamingburningfandomtrash https://archiveofourown.org/works/22894261/chapters/54720940
Another one that I haven’t read that much of but I’ve heard good things so I thought I would put it on the list;) a soulmate au where the reader has synesthesia and perhaps another secret 👀
(CW: mild smut, verbal abuse, named reader, female reader)
Little Bab(ies) Mine by CreativePoptart https://archiveofourown.org/works/21711805/chapters/51789190
This is a short fic (six chapters) but it is soooooo cute!! It’s about Sans and the readers experience with their first pregnancy, very sweet and fluffy;)
(CW: AFAB reader, description of labor)
Not Your Doll. by LadyAnatares https://archiveofourown.org/works/6087736/chapters/13953901
Okay this one I haven’t read at all but it’s been in my marked for later and it seems promising? It’s set after the pacifist route and its a super slowburn with Sans having a history with Toriel. I’m hoping to get to it soon, it has a lot of chapters lmao.
(CW: implied child abuse, monster discrimination, eventual smut)
Pursuit of Happiness by outindaylight https://archiveofourown.org/works/14465631/chapters/33419772
THIS ONE AHHAKAJ IS GREAT!! It’s set after the pacifist route, focuses on monster integration, and is a slowburn. Sans works to open up a human and monster nightclub to help monster-human relations, and he commissions the artist reader to help and romance happens;)
(CW: violence against monsters, violence, female reader, mild sexual content)
Fur a Good Time, Call... by @popatochisssp https://archiveofourown.org/works/15881328/chapters/37005171
THIS ONE ANNAJAKA- probably the best HT!sans/reader I’ve ever read. It’s so sweet and fluffy - obviously it’s horrortale so dark stuff comes up a little but omg this fic had me 🥰🥺 pretty much the whole time! Okay basically the reader and Sans work at an animal shelter, and once they get talking.... you get the picture
(CW: dark themes of horrortale mentioned)
My Monster (CanuckTale) by AuroraDragon1983 https://archiveofourown.org/works/18727231/chapters/44419780
I haven’t read this one either (it’s on my reading list I just haven’t gotten to it yet) but from what I’ve seen it looks promising. Reader finds Sans passed out on a riverbank and helps him out by taking him home and tending to him, once he wakes up, interesting conversations take place.
(CW: Soul intimacy)
A Bloody Meeting in the Woods by StickyGem636 https://archiveofourown.org/works/21911377/chapters/52299754
I personally had to stop reading this fic due to personal reasons/triggers but it’s really well written and I’m putting it on this list because I think other people might like it;) Basically, the reader lives in a remotely and they meet their skelebro neighbors through interesting bloody circumstances...
(CW: blood, female reader, misogyny)
Cave Bear by @llamagoddessofficial https://archiveofourown.org/works/26181586/chapters/63709984
Okay this one is one of the few horrorfell fics I’ve found and it takes place underground and so far it’s really good!
(CW: gore, broken limbs, cannibalism, violence, kidnapping, starvation)
Tangles by @popatochisssp https://archiveofourown.org/works/22458358/chapters/53663182#main
Another one of the few horrorfell fics I’ve found. This one doesn’t have a lot of chapters either but omg y’all it’s so sweet, it takes places on the surface and y’all hf!sans deserves all the hugs that man has been through so much-
(CW: none I can think of? The dark stuff underground might be mentioned eventually but as of now it’s pretty fluffy)
The Bystander Effect by Tinibopper https://archiveofourown.org/works/9533000/chapters/21556130
I haven’t read this on yet either but it looks like a good one and one of my friends liked it;) the reader has a soul of bravery but she has extreme anxiety. Despite that, she can’t help but try to stop frisk from falling underground, I think y’all can guess what happens next;)
(CW: female reader)
The Skeleton Games by @poetax https://archiveofourown.org/works/8700787/chapters/19948357
This one is sooooo good y’all- basically the reader is a badass vampire and Sans is a tsundere little ass which leads to so many great comical scenes;) I could not put down this fic I’m telling y’all-
(CW: blood, heats, female reader)
Between Flesh & Bone by Darkina https://archiveofourown.org/works/5249321/chapters/12111500
I binged this one awhile ago but I loved it!! It’s after the pacifist route and Sans is the night security guard where the reader works, the reader tends to work late.....
(CW: sexual harassment/assault, eventual smut)
The Mathematics of Love and Loss by OpalFruits https://archiveofourown.org/works/7898632/chapters/18042874
This is another one I never finished due to personal reasons, but I’m putting it here because I think some of y’all might like it;) it’s after the pacifist route, war broke out again and Sans “recruits” the reader rebel to help the monsters...
(CW: blood, war, death, eventual smut)
Skeleton Kisses by docemoon145 https://archiveofourown.org/works/17428046/chapters/41029673
Okay this one was so interesting and cool!! It really goes into the shocks that one my have while dating a skeleton and I like that it explores those instances in depth instead of skirting over it? It also led to a lot of laughs lmao and it’s a slowburn!! I like me some slowburns;) Basically the reader goes on a blind date to find that she’s set up with a skeleton. Sans the skeleton.
(CW: heats, eventual smut, female reader)
Teach Me How by bibliomaniac https://archiveofourown.org/works/6594973/chapters/15087157
This one I’ve never read either lmao, but it looks good! I just don’t do great with the enemies to lovers trope, I’m more of a friends to lovers person;) but basically the Sans and the reader are teachers at Toriel’s school, they don’t like each other it’s a small school....
(CW: none I can see)
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catboyantichrist · 3 years
hello! i saw that you were taking requests for headcanons and oneshots! could i ask for some headcanons on either a gn or male MC bringing a brother along to get their first tattoo? as in the MC getting their first tattoo and having the brother come along because they’re secretly nervous lol….. thanks so much! <3
Aaa! Of course! I originally planned to write this as a M!MC but it ended up completely gender neutral. Also this idea is so creative so thank u for asking me to write this ^^
☆ The Brothers Coming With GN!MC to Get Their First Tattoo!  ☆
You finally did it! You gained the courage to finally get your first tattoo. You've been wanting this for awhile, it's just external forces always made it difficult for you to get one. I guess the brothers really helped with your confidence huh? Well the days leading up to the appointment your nervousness started to get the best of you. What if it hurts too much?
Not wanting to cancel the appointment, you decided to ask one of the brothers to come with you! Just for fun y'know... not because your scared or anything.
-When you walk into Lucifer’s office asking if he’d come with you to get your first tattoo, he was more than happy to accompany you.
-But he also wanted to have a bit of fun.
-When you go to the shop he immediately noticed that you were nervous, and he started lightly teasing you without hesitation. 
-”Are you nervous MC?” He smirks.
-”No! Why would I be?” You were shaking.
-Oh you’re shaking. Maybe toning it down would be a better idea.
-When the artist comes out and actually begins, Lucifer just puts you on his lap. The pure shock from that would just get rid of any pain in that moment.
-While you’re getting the tattoo, Lucifer’s getting work done on his phone. There’s never a bad time to do work after all! Ignore his massive undereye bags.
-You need a distraction? MC why don’t you start on that potions homework from awhile ago?
-Once the tattoo is completed, Lucifer help you with the aftercare. Once it's healed he will begin to lightly graze his hand over it when he’s close to you.
-You wouldn’t even need to go to him to ask, he’s already going to your room to ask if you can hangout. So when you ask if he could come with you to get your first tattoo, he immediately agrees.
-When you go into the tattoo parlor, he’s just as excited as you are. After all, his human has been talking about this for weeks!
-When the tattoo artist comes out to ask some general questions, Mammon begins to notice your anxiousness. When they leave to set up the work area, Mammon leans over and puts his arm around you.
-Don’t worry MC! You’re the strongest human I know! Plus you have the great Mammon to protect ya!
-When the tattoo artist brings out the needle, Mammon is scared FOR you. But, keeping his word he shakily grabs onto one of your hands.
-“Only focus on me ya hear! It’ll be over before ya know it.”
-The only thing that scared Mammon more then the tattoo was the price OF it.
-He’d contemplate+ getting matching tattoo’s with his human, but needs to check if that would get in the way of his modeling career... just kidding. He doesn’t care
-”Oi MC! We’re gonna match one day. Ya got it?”
-Convincing Leviathan to go outside can be sort of… difficult. Especially to a place he’s never been to before.
-When he sees how fidgety you are when you ask though, he sighs and agrees. “Fine but only because you’re my Henry”
-When you go into the parlor, he immediately goes to see if any of the tattoos are themed after any anime's. If there are, you will have to drag him away from them so that you can actually get the tattoo.
-When he turns away sad, you grin and offer to come back with him to look at the art another time.
-Depending on where you’re getting your tattoo he’d either play games on his phone with you or you’d just watch, so that there’s something to distract you from the pain. 
-If that doesn’t distract you enough you two will just start rambling about whatever anime you’ve watched last.
-He was intrigued that you wanted him to come support you out of everyone. This seemed more like a job for Asmo. You’ll just ask Lucifer instead? Well you should’ve asked for him to come sooner!
-Before even going to the tattoo shop, Satan was doing as much research as possible to make sure you were prepared.
-He brought water and pain killers just to be safe. Yes the water was in a cat themed water bottle. I will not take criticism.
-When you go into the parlor Satan will watch the artist with intrigue and possibly even ask questions about being a tattoo artist.
-Satan will sit beside you and probably read with you or to you. If your handling the pain well enough Satan will probably just hold your hand and continue with the previous conversation he was having with the tattoo artist.
-Once the tattoo is finished Satan will research the best possible tattoo aftercare routine (and obviously talk to the artist about it as well)
-He found the whole experience fascinating, and contemplates maybe even getting a tattoo as well one day. Obviously just to spite Lucifer... no other reason. (-Cough- MC’s approval -cough-)
-“OoOo MC where are you getting the tattoo 😏”
-Okay jokes aside, of course he’d come with you! He’s supported tons of his friends and admirers when they were getting their first tattoos! These may or may not have been his name and/or face
-I’m not saying he’d do the same and try to convince you to get a tramp stamp of his name but I’m saying that’s exactly what he’d do 
-Although at the end of the day, no matter what you chose he’d love it!
-When the artist starts working Asmo immediately grabs onto your arm (or whichever arm isn’t getting tattooed) and starts talking about whatever gossip that’s going around currently.
-Every time the artist says “5 more minutes” (which is at least 10 times) Asmo puts his hands through your hair and praises you on how well your doing. Damn even the tattoo artist is blushing.
-Once the tattoo is finished he’d be so excited to take pictures of it, and he’d waste no time finding clothing pieces that would show off the tattoo even more! He'd also ask the artist for tips with aftercare and what skin products are okay to put on the tattoo.
-You want Beel to come with you to get a tattoo? 
-“I mean if it makes you happy MC! Can we go to Madame Screams afterwards?”
-You walk into the tattoo shop and decide to look at some of the designs with Beel
-You turn for a second because you saw an amazing design. Although you nearly had a heart attack when you turned back.
-No Beel wait the food designs aren’t actual food!!
-Because of the amount of exercise this man does, and some not so... happy issues. Beel knows some very effective breathing exercises! Before and during the beginning of the tattoo he’d lead you through some breathing exercises to help you through the pain and any possible anxiety.
-He’s already holding your hand (if you allow it) and if the pain gets to be too much he gives you 100% permission for you to squeeze his hand, he’ll barely feel it anyways. Once the tattoo is finished Beel grins at the sight of it.
-”Wow MC it looks great!”. If the tattoo involves food in anyway, you may need to remind him that it’s not real as his stomach growls almost immediately. 
-”Could we go to Madame Screams now?”
-“Why don’t we just take a nap instead?”
-When he realizes how much you really want this tattoo he begrudgingly agrees. Although he immediately cheers up when you offer to cuddle with him when you both get home.
-You go into the shop and he wants to get it done as fast as possible
-When the tattoo artist begins, Belphie was originally holding your hand.
-Now he’s just found anyway possible to cuddle with you... oh nope now he’s just asleep.
-On the positive side it gives you the opportunity to put your hands through his hair to help calm down. You kind of start drifting off yourself...
-Next thing you know you’ve woken up with the finished tattoo. Belphie eventually wakes up as well and lets out a long yawn.
-”Wow MC... it looks great. Do you wanna go take a nap at the planetarium?”
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ghostie-galaxi · 3 years
TO1 playing with your hands/you play with their hands
Giant ass softy
Adores it
I think he might not notice at first but once you do it like once or twice he'll catch on to it as one of your habits
Looks at you when he notices and literally melts
Probably gets excited and just wraps his hand around yours
When he gets the chance though, he'd probably do the same thing to you and see if you notice
Which you do and smile at him
Probably take turns playing with each other's hands because you both love doing it
And the others would probably notice this being a big deal between who's turn it is to play with who's hand
And they'd probably laugh at you both and cringe from being gross
Well, they'd laugh and tease Jaeyun, maybe not so much you lol
And he'd probably get shy and yell at them, he is leader after all
But the older members will probably thinks it's cute so no big deal with them
And it's not like he's going to stop just because the others are being jerks
He'll deal with it, and it'll be fine
Still continues to take turns playing with your hands because he adores you and wants you to keep doing it
Notices one day and from then on can't get over how cute you are
Just smiles gently at you and let's you continue
Might move your hand though occasionally so you're tracing patterns on his shoulder or back instead of his hand, but would normally let you do your thing with his hand because you're too cute
He'd only do that though if he was stressed or tired, since your touch always makes him feel better
Especially if he's in the studio alone and needs company and inspiration, he'd have you there with him and have you touching him somehow
Might even have you in his lap and your arms around him
Or you'd stand behind him and wrap your arms around his shoulders
But if you were just sitting together somewhere with the members you'd mostly just stick to playing with his hand
Probably tries it to you someday to see why you enjoy doing it so much
Probably doesn't understand though, but he thinks it's cute when you do it
And you get happy when he does it every now and then
Just enjoys when you touch him and likes that you have a habit that is just you touching people lovingly
As a fellow Cancer I can confirm that we are hopeless romantics and simp for any tiny acts of affection
So I can imagine he would too
Definitely notices the first time you do it, especially if you do it for awhile
Doesn't really say anything but inside he's so freaking happy
Let's you continue doing it and silently enjoys it
He's so happy my god-
Eventually he'd probably grab your hand and kiss it, because he needs to match the energy of being the romantic type
Y'all just turn into #couplegoals
Honestly probably tries to get you to do it by putting his hand near yours and hopes you'll take a hint
And if you don't then he'd probably just hold you hand
Appreciates everytime to do play with his hands, and be one way or another tires to return the gesture
But either pulling you closer, wrapping his muscular arms around you, pulling you into/onto his lap, etc.
Just wants to share every and all kinds of affection with you
Still as a Cancer, physical touch is our love language I don't speak for all Cancer's don't @ me
Literally just adores everything about you and everything you do
This motherfucker would be so cocky and flirty when you do this
Thinks it's sweet at first and enjoys your cute habit but gets to the point where he just teases you for it
Saying stuff like "you know, if you want to hold my hand you could've just asked"
To which you'd be like "I don't, I enjoy doing this"
Which he's probably just laugh at and be like "I know I'm just messing with you"
He does really like your cute habit though and hopes you never stop doing it because of his teasing
If you did stop though after that he'd grab you hand again and try to get you to do it
Or grab you hand and starting playing with it too, trying to get you to do it
And then it'd be your turn to be like "you know, if you want to hold hands you could've just asked"
And he'd just shake his head slowly but smiles
He knows he deserved that
Kisses you forehead because he loves you, and your attitude lol
Pulls you closer and cuddles you
Probably notices the second you touch him and then gets all excited
Let's you continue doing it while he sits there melting inside
Doesn't really try to play with your hands too, he kinda just enjoys letting you do it
He'd do it to you too as more of a comfort thing
Like if you're upset or he upset you he would come try to hold you hand and rub circles in it to at least try to comfort you
Which you enjoy it too so it normally work that he's doing something you normally do as a way to make you feel better
But if you're actually upset at him normally when he tried to apologize by doing that, if you accept it you'd just end up hugging him
And then after words for the next few days he tried to play with your hands more in hopes to make up for it a little bit
Which might also include hand kissing
But overall, honestly just enjoys your cute habit and let's you do your thing
He likes just having your hands together so likes that you natural just like touching people's hands
Also long as you're only doing that with him 😉
Loves it
Like I gets he's one of the older members but he's a total cutie
So he's a sucker for tiny acts of affection
So if you play with his hands he's going to notice
Another one that just gets all excited inside when you do it
And he'd be another one to return the affection by also playing with your hands or doing something else
Like he might play with your hair one day or rub your shoulders or back a lot as a way of trying to show his tiny acts of affection
Sometimes he might just hold onto your hand with both of his sometimes or hold onto your arm just to be closer to you
Super cute all the way around and just loves holding you
And loves when you hold onto him too
I feel like I could see him being a bit insecure about being tiny and cute thinking that you'd want someone who can protect you or is more "manly" so when you do give him back hugs and cuddles with him he tends then to see the positive side that you love him just the way he is
Or if he does tell you about that you'd reassure him saying you like him the way he is because you get to do that with him and he appreciates the little things to you
Which makes him feel like 10x times better than before
He's now your personal ball of fluff so take care of him
Does enjoy it but I think he'd take it more as a sign to do a bit more skinship
So like if you start doing it out of habit, when he notices he'll put his arm around you, hold your hand, place it on your thigh, etc.
If you really want to continue doing it though, you'd probably have to actually hold his hand so he knows not to move it
Or if does move his hand around your shoulders or something and he notices that you look upset afterward he'll move it back after awhile and let you continue
You'd probably just have to come out and say that you have a habit of playing with people's hands and that you like doing it so when he moves it upsets you
To which then he'll be more considerate and let you play with his hand
Or if his arm is around your shoulders he would give you his other hand to play with
I can see him taking your hand and tracing circles with his thumb on the back of it when his arm is around you
He does think your habit is cute, he just might prefer more skinship than just playing with his hands
Never wants to accidentally hurt your feelings though, so he'll let you do it and tries to be more conscious of it
Might also try to kiss your hand or kiss you behind the ear or something when you're close
Still enjoys it's but probably forgets every now and than that you do it so you try not be too upset if he moves
But he'll probably end up putting his hand back so you can continue
This bitch-
Holy shit when I say I'm so in love with him he's definitely one of my ults
There's an actual video of him mindlessly playing with Woonggi's pinky during some V-Live I think (I'll put the video but warning it's a ship video, idk what V-live it is specifically so I just put the video I found it from)
So literally he already plays with people's hands so like-
All I can imagine is just him doing the same thing when you guys are sitting really close to each other, as his other arm is around your waist and you're leaning into him
And you look down because you felt him and noticed making him look at you while you're still looking at his hand
Before you look up at him with your faces are really close and you share a moment with each other right before you kiss
Like alsjabcoameval •///•
He's definitely going to be the person to play with your hands he's going to notice if you do too
So y'all would always have super cute moment like this
I swear I love him sm
Here's the ship video if you want to see what I mean, you can skip to 4:30 if you'd like just the moment.
Another cute ass bitch
Probably has dreamed of this moment of having a S/O that plays with his hands
Also another one that's probably a hopeless romantic and just loves these cute things you do
Even if he doesn't really notice at first
Wouldn't notice until he pulls his hand away from you for a second and feels you right there and just looks back at you, completely shocked
Before he has the biggest smile on his face
Can't get over how happy he is and how cute you are
Now Everytime you're sitting next to each other he will basically hand his hand (lol) over to you and make you play with it
Really just enjoys the feeling of you tracing your hand along his fingers and lines on his hand
Or when you brush lightly across his fingertips and it tickles slightly
He gets so giddy off of these little touches
Especially more if it's not just his hands, if you just lightly rub his shoulders or back he'd probably explode
Honestly just a sucker for any sort of affection and loves the light tracing touches
Unless you take that as an opportunity to tickle him in which he probably wouldn't let you do that for like a week until he gives in to you
You'd probably have to start back with playing with his hand though after that, but he still loves it so
Honestly just loves it, and loves you, so yeah
Honestly probably doesn't notice
Like he just doesn't feel it and pays no mind to it
Until he goes to move his hand for whatever reason and he feels you right next to him
Probably gives you a confused look as to why your hand was so close, making you shy away thinking he was annoyed
To which he'll just grab your and hold it thinking you were trying to hold hands with him
You'd smile at him knowing he wasn't annoyed or anything and he'll smile back at you
It might take a little while for him to notice that you just generally play with people's hands
I think at times he'd be kinda bold so he'd probably just ask you straight up what you're doing and why you do it
So you'd just end up telling him and then he'd have to get used to it eventually
He really doesn't mind though when you do it he's just not really used to it
More specifically not used to really noticing it, since the members do sometimes play with his hands cough look at Kyungho's cough
So it would probably be an adjustment period because now when you do it he definitely notices and he's just got to get used to you just doing you're thing
He really doesn't mind though when you do it and if he hurts your feelings about it accidentally he'll be sure to apologize and encourages to continue
He still tends to enjoy it and thinks it's a cute habit of yours, but unlike most of the others he just doesn't really pay much attention to it
Unless something really bad happened and you stopped completely for a while, he'll be happy to see you getting back into your habit when you're with him, as a sign that you're getting better
So yeah, still likes it, but doesn't obsess over it really like the others
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lizbug13 · 3 years
Puppy Love
Jake Jensen x reader
Warning: fluff, cuteness overload, love at first sight, puppy Jensen, alcohol and swearing (I think, I can’t remember what all I wrote so better safe then sorry)
Author’s note: sorry I haven’t posted anything! It’s been super busy and then my adhd said we forgot about the writing I started but I got a lot of motivation and finished! I’ll try to work faster next time lol I hope you enjoy!
You were moving into an… interesting neighborhood you could say. The moving truck just showed up for the second time today to help move everything from your parents house. You had been living with them throughout your college and now that you’ve graduated, you decided to find a job and get your first house.
As you were struggling to lift a box, a man came up behind you. “Let me help you, it looks heavy.” He said with a chuckle grabbing the box before it fell. “My names Clay. You moving in today?” He asked while I grabbed another box and led him inside. “I’m y/n and yeah, I just graduated college and needed out of my parents. You don’t have to help, I can get all this. It’ll probably take awhile.” I said feeling about taking up his day.
After a little bit of playful arguing, Clay insisted that he had nothing to do and was happy to help me move. The day went by pretty quick and I was grateful for Clay’s help because it would’ve taken way longer without him.
“Hey, I’m having a get together tomorrow evening. It’d be a great way for you to meet some people if you’d like to come?” Clay suggested with a smile. “Oh I wouldn’t want to intrude on you and your friends. They’ll probably think it’s weird inviting someone you just met as well.” I smiled sheepishly.
“Nonsense, it’s not even close to the weirdest thing I’ve done. Plus there’ll be great food and we love having new people over.” Clay said hopeful. I smile back and agreed to go. He told me that he live two houses down (the blue shitty one, he called it) and to just come over around 6.
After he left, I unpacked a few thing and made dinner. It was pretty late so I went to bed and woke up around 8 the next morning. I went on my usual run and then ate breakfast. I watched tv until 5:30 and then got ready for to go to Clay’s. I showed up at 6:02 and knocked on his door after sitting there for 5 minutes debating if I should just go home.
Clay answered the door and smiled. He said everyone was out back and that I could just go on back and he’d be out in a minute. I walked through the house to the back door. There weren’t a lot of people, maybe 4-5, I didn’t really count and hung out by the door until Clay came out.
“Hey everyone, this is my new neighbor, y/n. Y/n, this is Aisha, Pooch, Jolene, Cougar, and that is Jensen.” Everyone waved and smiled at me except Jensen, who stood there staring and not moving, even his mouth was a little open. Clay clapped him on the shoulder, “what’s the matter Jensen? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Jensen sputtered but eventually gained control of himself. He clear his throat and smiled. “Nothing. Hi, I’m Jake.” He took my hand and kissed the back of it.
I looked down and blushed hard. I looked back up and he was staring at me with his charming smile. Clay scoffed with a smile on his face. “I’m gonna go check on the grill. Jensen, try not to drool too much.” He chuckled and walked away. Jensen made a face at him before turning back to me.
“So…. Do you have any hobbies?” He asked before looking down and muttering to himself. I chuckled and smile. “Um… I like to do a lot of things. I’m pretty active and like doing things too.” I smiled up at him since he was much taller (and bigger😍) than me. His face broke out into a smile and he giggled (his fucking giggle). “Oh yeah. Im always trying new things.” He went on to rant about the new things he’s been doing.
Soon the food was done and Jensen fixed me a plate like a true gentleman. We ended up talking about anything and everything for the rest of the night until everyone started turning in. First Pooch and his wife, then Cougar, then Aisha until it was just me, Jensen and Clay. “Well. I’m gonna head in guys, it’s getting pretty late. Try not to get arrested for nudity in my backyard.” He smirked at us. I blushed and looked down while Jensen awkwardly chuckled, also turning bright red. We were all sitting around a fire pit and me and Jensen were sitting close enough that I was almost in his lap.
Clay went inside and it was just me and Jensen left. “So you probably got a boyfriend waiting for you at home.” He sighed sadly. “No I don’t but you’re girlfriend would probably be mad that your here with me alone.” I gave him a light smile. He didn’t say anything and kept staring at me. “What? Do I have something on my face?” I asked, wiping my face. He shook his head, “No girlfriend and no, no you’re perfect. I mean not perfect but you don- I mean you are perfect.. but not in a creepy way! I just- how do you not have a boyfriend? I mean, you’re just so pretty and nice and … I’m rambling. That happens when I get nervous, especially around pretty girls. This is probably one of the longest conversations I’ve had with one and I don’t know why you’re still talking to m-“ I cut him off with a peck.
He looked stunned for a second before lightly touching his lips where I had just kissed. He looked at me, stunned and not saying a word. I started to get worried that I had overstepped and opened my mouth to apologize but then he surprised me. He leaned back it to kiss me, deeper than the last. We kissed for a good couple of second before pulling away.
It took me a second to register everything and open my eyes but when I did, I saw his beautiful face smiling at me. He looked like a puppy in love. I giggled at him and grabbed his hand.
“That was the first kiss I’ve had in a long time.” I said smiling up at him. “Me too and I wouldn’t be upset if it happened again.” He replied with the biggest smile on his face. I chuckled with him and leaned our four head together.
“You should take me on a date first, big boy.” I smirked at him. His face drained a little and I got worried I said the wrong thing. “Oh my god, of course. I completely forgot and I’m normally better than that, not that I get a lot of attention from women and talk to them much, but in generally I like to think I’m pretty smooth and good at remembering stuff like that an-“
I cut him off by grabbing both his hands and turning him to face me. I smile at him and say, “it’s ok haha. It’s not a big deal Jake. I’d love to go on a date with you and get to know you better if you’d want that too. And I think you’re quite charming, have to watch out for other ladies if this goes somewhere, which I hope it does.”
He smiles and agrees, “If we do get farther, which I can see happening because I actually am really starting to like you, I’m gonna be the one to have to watch out for other girls and boys. Wouldn’t want anyone, male or female, stealing my girl.” He softly kisses me. I smiled and pulled away.
“Oh so I’m already you’re girl now?” I smirked at him. He laughed and shook his head. “Not yet. I’d like to make a better memory while asking you to be my girl but I can make plans for the future.” We see the light in the back room turn on in the house out of the corner of our eyes. “Get your asses out of my yard and get a room!” We hear Clay yell with a chuckle.
I look at Jake and I’m a silent conversation, we decide that it’s probably time to head out. He holds my hand and walked me to my house. Once we reached the door, I turned towards him. “So when’s the date?” He chuckled and leaned in to kiss me.
“I’ll have to check my calendar. If you give me your number, I’ll text you when and where.” He smirked at me. I giggled and we exchanged phones. I bit my lip and looked up at him. He smiled back at me and brought my hand up to kiss the back of it.
“I had a really good time tonight. I wasn’t planning on going but I’m glad I did.” He said. I smiled and looked down to hide my blush. “ I had a great time too. I can’t wait to go out with you and get to know you better. I’m not really busy with much right now so text me anytime.” I said looking at his face, trying not to get distracted by his beauty.
He kissed me one more time before retreating back towards Clay’s house to get his car. I waited on my porch until he got in his car. He got in, he looked back over at me and waved before getting in and driving off. I went inside my house and leaned back against the door, sighing. I smiled to myself knowing that I found a pretty decent guy and hoping that it all goes well.
~~~~~~~~~~~At Clay’s house~~~~~~~~~
Clay held a glass of whiskey while he watched the encounter out his window. He smiled to himself, seeing how good this could be for Jensen and Y/n. He took pride in introducing them and already had plans to take all the credit at their wedding. He chuckled to himself, “Those punks are gonna be the death of me. Gonna be lookin’ like a damn puppy in love. Golden retriever ass.” He smiled, happy for his friend and new neighbor before heading to bed himself.
@saltyflowermakertaco @chvntelle-99 @gwilymleeisbae
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
ATEEZ as things and feelings
@haechanhues​ don’t mind me just doing it again cause i liked it uwu maybe i should just change to doing headcanons LMAOOOO
as i wrote this, i realised the members of ateez have really cultivated a specific image for themselves (eg. hongjoong as a fashionista, hwa as the mom, yunho has a big bear etc) and so i really hope that these are at least some part of their real identities and it’s not just kq forcing it down their throats ;(
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there’s just something very sophisticated about joong, though he’s absolutely refined and clean-cut (despite that whole jack sparrow get up in their rhythm ta stage)
because he loves fashion and dressing himself up, he can’t tolerate how much you don’t care about the clothes you’re wearing! he knows EXACTLY what would make you look even better and what would totally boost your confidence and so he wouldn’t hesitate to drag you out to a boutique, whether it’s for thrifting or it’s one of those expensive ones like Dior
he’ll spoil you because he can, and because he wants to
he also has a knack for pretty settings, so that expensive cafe down the street that sells mediocre coffee but with a STUNNING exterior? he’ll bring you there just so you can be his photographer and he can be yours
you know when the coffee sucks but he still manages to contain his facial expressions and not hurl? yeah that’s joong being classy
the sophistication needed in everything simple and possibly disastrous
“i know the coffee sucks but look at our instagram now”
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honestly are you an atiny if you don’t agree with this
it’s been about a year since i started stanning ateez and my first impression of hwa is that he’s actually very timid and shy and awkward when it comes to firsts
on stage is a completely different story
so i’d assume he’s probably the same in private, ie he’s aggressive and dedicated when it comes to things he loves to do, but probably a little more timid and worrisome when it comes to people/things he’s not familiar with, but that doesn’t stop him from trying out new things and setting off on an adventure!
you’d be the one to surprise him with an impromptu trip, thinking that he’d be happy to escape but no he worries about clothes, packing, the weather, the itinerary-
it takes you a good amount of energy and convincing to tell him to calm down and that you’ve got every thing down, so he can just busk in the joy of being with you in a completely foreign land
he would also be the kind to try grocery shopping overseas then figure out how to make do with the ingredients
he’s home even when you’re not back in your house
“i made chicken soup with a mix of... whatever that was because the lady said it’s a local delight and that it should go well with chicken-”
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PLEASE this is self-explanatory no??????????????
a big, giant, fluffy, adorable bear! 
it’s literal - as big as his clothes are on you, he acts like them as well - making sure you’re comfortable and warm and you have your own space
i feel like yunho would be the kind that shows care and concern and sometimes he doesn’t really know when to stop, and so he figures out your boundaries just so that you would be comfortable around him
whenever you’re sad or depressed or you just had a shit day, he’ll always be there for you to hug or even vent your anger
sometimes you’d get frustrated with him because he’s too nice at work too and get trampled over and then all your feelings build up and there you have it, he’ll cradle you like a baby and tell you not to waste your feelings on things that don’t really matter
he’ll tell you he’s okay, as long as you’re okay
“please don’t cry, it’ll bloat your face tomorrow morning :(”
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he’s not the most talkative person, no, but that’s exactly what draws people. he’s always listening, always watching, but never really saying anything, and lucky for you, he says everything when he’s engaged in something he likes
he’s known for his stellar concentration, so it’s no surprise when he’s able to figure out that new tech thing he got and figure it out within the first 10 minutes, thereafter, you take the chance to get him to talk about anything and everything you want him to
he takes awhile to warm up to people, sometimes very mechanical like the things he likes to play with, but when he does, his care is silent
he buys the Bluetooth keyboard you need cause your laptop keyboard is wonky
he buys the cute marvel themed mouse pad cause your current one is peeling
then when you got him that xbox, his competitiveness hopped out like doomsday and he’d trash you on a good day with a lack thereof of mercy when it comes to verbally trashing you
but on some shitty days when he can read your tiredness and frustration, he lets you win
“give me that mouse pad, it’s almost as messed up as you.”
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scary on first sight/impression, yet nothing but a place full of memories that was once full of life - that’s san for you
i think he’s very intimidating on stage, which is exactly how many abandoned places are marketed on the media - haunted, ghosts, murderers, weird plants and insects etc, but what about the history of those places before they went to shit?
there’s so much more to it than what you see
adventure, wander and thrill-seeking overwhelms you when he’s around. there’s absolutely nothing to be afraid of. 
lighthouses - where you find your way, and that you’ll never get lost
people tend to lose sight of what they love and want in life and san would probably be able to inspire you to get back on track, by the sheer force of his own passion and vision for himself
“run with me and we’ll see the light together!”
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ok when i say mismatched outings i mean it in the way that he’d dress up and ask you to dress up BUT you’d find yourself at a cheaper/more coffee-shop like eatery instead of a restaurant
he has fun admiring how pretty you are on the way there, but when he pulls you up to a coffee shop you’re like what? then why did i dress up so nicely for?
mingi knows that you depend on your appearance alot for confidence, so he really wants to see that pride when you’re out with him
lazy pajamas and messy hair are reserved for sleepovers and for days when you don’t really feel like doing much - and of course he’ll be there to comfort you when you need it
i think he’ll find absolute joy in pulling you close and wrapping his longass coat around you on the colder autumn/winter days, and then he’ll ruffle through your hair and you cant run because of his coat and arm wrapped around you
will definitely get judged by passerbys 
but like the mismatched outfits x location, he really doesn’t care. it’s the company he cares about. it’s the condition of his company he cares about. it’s the food he cares about. not the reputation, not the pure material of someone’s clothes
“i know i told you to dress pretty but must you outdo me all the time” /insert pouty face/
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omg the noise pollution
‘let’s call yeosang’
‘what for?’
‘just ‘cause’
and you’ll do it on your phone because wooyoung knows yeosang won’t pick it up if it’s from his phone, and so when he does pick up and he hears you say ‘hello’ with the most amount of guilt in your voice, he tells wooyoung to fuck off and hangs up
seonghwa would be your next victim but hwa would stay on the line just so he wouldn’t have to worry about coming back to a burnt down kitchen - not because he thinks wooyoung can’t cook, but because wooyoung gets absolutely distracted with you around and would want to impress you with his culinary skills, which more often than not, backfires
pranks aside, all wooyoung wants to do is to make you laugh or smile and make the time spent with him the most fun and worthwhile
even if it meant getting into trouble with his members, he decides it’s worth the risk if it means he gets to see you happy and full from eating the food he prepares
like his experimental dishes, every joke and bs pun he says is new and never fails to amuse you - even if you don’t actually laugh
you see a new side to him with every passing day and he can be sensitive if he wants to, or completely clown himself if he wanted to as well
“don’t complain about the food! i bothered to cook for you and you complain about it?!”
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the one time you let him snap your apple into half cause your teeth hurt and now he snaps all your apples in half and it’s becoming more of a joke over anything else
finally decided to go to an apple orchard for the lols and amuse the people there with his apple breaking skills
you’re extra amused everytime he manages to do it (because how?????) and he adores seeing that on you - you’re honestly not easy to entertain so he’s a simp for when he’s the reason why you are
it came to a point where you got curious how strong he was because he hasn’t revealed one bit of skin ever since you’ve met him
it started out as you actually challenging him, but when you lost with two hands against his one hand, he started teaching you techniques on how to win instead
of course, he’s never let you beat him because he knows it’ll hurt your pride if he does
very, very quiet and subtle care - makes apple juice from the leftover apples he has at home and brings it to school for you
sometimes asks wooyoung to make dried apple chips for you but tells you he bought it cause he doesn’t want you to know he troubled someone
“are the apple chips too sweet? i can buy you another brand”
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ushisrever · 3 years
Safe House pt. 3
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Pair: Akaashi Keiji x fm!reader
Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort
Content: suggestive, werewolves, cursing, alcohol  
Summary: Your two best friends who went missing for two months appeared in front of your vacation home but with guests - werewolves. And one of them is named Akaashi Keiji - a man you may or may not be marked as your mate.  
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: Ahhhh finally getting close to the end...I think lol.  What do you guys think of how this series will end? Feel free to send me your thoughts!  Maybe it’ll help me write the next part hehehehe :))
Taglist: @sunarent​ @the-japanese-wagtail​ @sunarinnie​  @crystal-lilac​ @alexparrsih​​ @kexjispencil
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 
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The kiss was sweet and warm.  It’s everything Akaashi could ask for.  But damn that kiss.  Damn it.  He hopes it never happened, but a part of him wanted even a slightest feeling of your touch.  He knew that his restraints would be too much to handle when you appeared at the dining table with everyone else the next morning.  Even with your hair not at its best, and your face pale from the hangover, he still found you radiating as ever. 
It’s annoying and frustrating at the same time.  His fists even clench more when you sit down across him.  His eyes glance quickly on your lips immediately remembering that faint touch of it against his.  He immediately looks away when you look at him.  
“Mornin’, Akaashi,” you say with a smile despite the throbbing headache. 
All he could do is give a polite smile and nod.  
Even with his mind just simply about you and those soft lips, that one problem is still in his mind.  The idea that...an alpha marked you.  Every alpha is unique in their own smell, but there will always be a strong distinctive smell that immediately tells you that it’s an alpha.  A smell that helps lower werewolves if they are crossing other territories or claiming an alpha’s possession.  
Possession. He will never get over that idea.  The idea of an alpha most likely marking you to claim you as a possession.  It’s getting him riled up to the point that he has no idea what he’s going to do.  His senses heighten the moment your lips touch.  If only it didn’t happen, he would be able to sit across from you in a much more peaceful manner.  However, now all he could think about is getting more of your warmth.  
“Are you okay, Akaashi?” you notice the shift in his facial expression.  It’s as if it darkens for a moment and disappears when you pull him away from his thoughts. 
“Um...yeah.  Sorry, excuse me,” he stands up from the table and leaves.  Bokuto noticing the hidden worry in the other members of the party, he stands up and follows Akaashi out to the backyard. 
“Akaashi,” Bokuto calls out. 
Akaashi groans and sighs trying to compose himself before he turns to look at Bokuto. 
“Did something happen last night?” Bokuto asked, concerned in his voice. 
“Happen,” Akaashi chuckled.  A bitter chuckle. 
Bokuto frowns. 
“You didn’t-”
“Of course not! She was drunk. I would never do that to her,” he growls at Bokuto. 
Bokuto without any change from his concerned expression. 
“She kissed me...but I pulled away immediately,” he added. 
That is the only time Bokuto’s eyes widened.  No wonder his friend has been restless the whole night.  For all he knows, Akaashi probably didn’t sleep a wink last night.  If only, that kiss was simply a revelation that you like Akaashi, but there’s a different situation at stake here.  Akaashi couldn’t even bear to even think about it longer - or rather think about it while you are only a door away from him.  His wolf is acting up, and there’s no other way he could even get it to calm down. 
“I’m leaving for a while,” he said and turned away. 
“Where are you going?” 
“...I don’t know.  I’ll be back,” he said and walked to the forest.  He hides behind a big tree, undressed, then shifts into his wolf form.  Before he even lets his wolf get the better of him, he runs into the forest...away.  Just away from the house, and from you.  
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It took awhile for you to even get over the little headache and before you even managed to do something else other than lay on the couch.  You went to look for Akaashi in different parts of the house.  After seeing that look and just the way he quickly left as if avoiding you, you knew there must be something wrong.  
"Have you seen Akaashi?" You asked Bokuto as you saw him out in the backyard. 
"Uh, yeah.  He left.  He said something about dealing with some things," Bokuto scratches the back of his head and offers a smile that you sure means he’s hiding something.  
“I’m sorry...but perhaps...did I do something stupid last night? I..forgot.  I couldn’t even remember how I got up to my room,” You chuckle for a bit. 
You notice the shift in Bokuto’s face.  You immediately groan at the idea that you may have done something stupid.  Perhaps, that’s the reason why Akaashi left that quickly. 
“Oh gosh, I did! I did something stupid.  That’s why he left, didn't he?” 
“No! No.  It’s not that.  You didn’t do anything..stupid.  Akaashi just really has so many things in his mind,” Bokuto replied immediately, trying his best not to leak anymore from that.  Though, his face just tells it all. 
“Don’t worry about our beta, y/n,” Kuroo appears from behind you.  You turn to look at his calm demeanor. 
“He’s just stressed about, you know...our situation.  It has nothing to do with you,” he gives an assuring smile.  
All you could do is just nod, but you know for yourself that you’re not entirely convinced.  You rather hear it from the man himself.
Though, even before you could drown yourself with the thoughts of him, you hear your phone ring.  You pick it up and you hear the one familiar voice that you haven't heard of in quite some time now. 
"Hey, it's me.  How are you doing?  I was wondering if we could meet?"
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Akaashi later finds himself deeper in the woods.  Still in his wolf form, he lays down on the ground finally letting himself rest after running for long.  Though, running isn't really tiring.  It's the fight between him and his wolf.  A fight whether to go back to where he could smell you or go as far away from you.  
Hate began to sink in the more he let himself stay in the deeper parts of the forest.  He hates the fact that he found his mate in the middle of a crisis.   He hates the fact he couldn't even get a chance to tell you about it all because of a mark. And...he hated the fact that all he could think about is running away from you rather than solving this head on.  He hates that last reason more. 
He never knew he'd even get himself into this kind of mind battle and self control.  It was all too easy before, but with you...especially that smile...and those soft lips...and your sweetest personality...it becomes all the more difficult.  
He lets himself drown into the feeling all the more.  However, it did not take long before he heard rustling leaves.  His eyes perk up and look around.  He looks up and finds a wolf with black fur coat and a bag hanging on its mouth.  
The black wolf slowly shifts   it's fur retracting.  Fur turns into skin and eventually turns into a human form.  
He quickly grabs spare clothing from the bag and puts it on. 
"Why don't we talk?" Kuroo said, hinting concern in his voice.  He throws the bag towards Akaashi and turns to go somewhere. It doesn't take long for Akaashi to do the same thing and follow suit.  
They stop near the cliff and eventually admire the mountain colouring the view.  They both stand side-by-side and just simply let it stay that way. Noticing that Akaashi wouldn't let out a single word, Kuroo does the talking. 
"She’s looking for you," 
Akaashi tenses. 
Kuroo glances at him.  "Y/n thought she did something wrong last night," 
Akaashi couldn't dare look at Kuroo. 
"Bokuto told me what happened," he added again.  
Akaashi doesn't talk still. 
"Do you want to hear my opinion in this situation?" Kuroo once more added.  This time he waits for Akaashi to respond.  
With the idea that Akaashi doesn't know what to do anymore, he finally nods.  
"You fight for your place," Kuroo spoke. 
Akaashi looks at him. 
"Why settle on an idea that you have no right to approach her all because of a mark?  Y/n didn't even know about werewolves until they met us.  Therefore, she never even knew about the mark.  In other words, someone took that place beside them when it's not even theirs to claim at all," Kuroo explained and let out a sigh before continuing. 
"Maybe it did before...we don't even know who this person is.  It's probably just some dumb wolf she met and now even marked her for what goddamn reason," he added. 
Silence lingers in before Akaashi lets out the words. "It's an alpha," he looks away. 
"An alpha?" 
"Yeah," he sighs once more. 
"So...you're being dramatic because of some wolf hierarchy shit?"  
Akaashi frowns at the sudden comment. Of course he'll be concerned.  What if the alpha is another dark alpha? What if it's an alpha that just claims so many and would not rest if someone touches someone who they claim as theirs? 
"I appreciate the concern that you don't want to make the situation get worse with us just because of some crazy alpha marking everything they see.  However, take it for someone who has a mate...you'll regret it," 
Akaashi glances at him. "Regret what?" 
"Regret not protecting her.  If we say that this alpha is some crazy bastard, are you seriously going to just let them be in the hands of someone like that?" 
Regret.  He even forgot to consider that.  He was too focused on avoiding and putting himself in a line that shouldn't exist in the first place.  Kuroo notices the change in facial expression in Akaashi's face and knows the words got to him.  
"All it takes is one step to really know where you and your mate are in this situation.  Don't let the idea that you cannot do anything because of some stupid mark get to you.  Just take a step," he comes closer to Akaashi and gives him an assuring pat on the shoulder. 
Kuroo is about to leave when Akaashi talks. "I...the first step.  What...should be my first step?" 
"...I say you confess.  Talk to her about the real situation...and you go from there.  After all, they're part of this.  You two are mates.  It's only right that they have a say on this," Kuroo smiles and walks away. 
At that, a sense of determination is slowly building up on him.  It is unfair that you have no idea what’s going on.  Yes, a hint of worry is getting to him at the fact that you might get reeled in the dangerous situation they are in.  However, why should he be worried when you have him? He'll damn do anything just to make sure you still live the life you want instead of hiding from the dangers his world has.  What matters is your safety...and...hopefully...you accept him to stand by your side. 
And so, before anything else he shifts into his wolf form and runs back home.  He runs through the forest faster than he could ever be as if any second that passes by is a second to waste.  He even catches up with Kuroo who’s been running head on first.  
Before he knows it, he’s already arrived at the house.  Kuroo probably had to raise an eyebrow at him when Akaashi was entering the house in his wolf form. And another cough from the clothed human form Kuroo when Akaashi shifts back to human form...and forgot he has no clothes on. 
Kuroo just laughs. “Dude, calm the fuck down,” Kuroo throws him some more clothes from a bag and heads back in. 
Akaashi puts on his clothes quickly before heading back in.  He looks around the living room and you are nowhere to be found.  Bokuto appears and already knows what’s going on. 
“They went out to do some errands,” Bokuto said. 
“Errand? I thought she doesn’t need to go to the city centre for another month?”  Akaashi said. 
Bokuto shrugs his shoulders.  A tingling panic and worry gets to him.  Why are you leaving? Did something happen?  Before questions begin to flood in his mind, he hears the main door open and close.  He doesn’t hesitate to walk to the hallway leading to the main door. 
“Y/n,” he said, trying his best not to shout due to the adrenaline rushing in his veins.  You look at him confused and surprised that he’s in front of you and actually talked to you.  Not wanting to ruin this mood by immediately asking about last night, you reply differently.
“Hey, Akaashi.  Did you need anything? I just went out to do some errand,” you said. 
“And I also met with someone.  Is that alright?” 
Met with someone?  Now that he thinks about it...he could smell something from you.  It’s a much stronger alpha’s scent.  It would be fine if you just met with someone else..but...you met with the alpha? 
His eyes widened in surprise at the sudden thought.  Do you even know who you just met? 
“Oh...um..it’s fine.  But if you don’t mind me asking...this person you met-”
Before he could even finish what he was going to say, the doorbell rang.  So much for timing.  Though, his senses heightens at the slight smell of something he’s familiar with.  You are about to go to the door and get it when he grabs you by the wrist. 
“Aka-” he covers your mouth.  His eyes glued on the door and you can definitely notice that there’s something up as you can feel his grip getting tighter on your wrist. 
He slowly pulls you with him as he backs up away from the door.  You do not know how, but the three other werewolves seem to know what is going on as well.  Your two best friends walk closer to their mates.  In silence, you all head to the backyard. The doorbell rings again.
As all of you are already in the backyard, none still talks.  Akaashi still has his hand around your wrist and is practically not planning to let go of you at all.  You watch as Akaashi gives silent orders to Kuroo, Iwa, and Bokuto. 
Though, before anything else, you notice a brown wolf emerging from the woods.  You tug on Akaashi.  He looks at you and he follows your line of sight.  He growls at the sight of the wolf and he immediately pulls you behind him.  The smell of an alpha scent flooded under his nose.  Akaashi growls more.  However, as the wolf gets closer and closer, the more you find yourself...thinking you know the wolf.  A sense of familiarity.
The others turn to the wolf as well and growls as well.  You do not know if you’re imagining things, but you can feel the wolf just looking straight at you.  Akaashi seems to notice it though.  Hence, his grip tightens.
 It can’t be.  It shouldn’t be.  He thought. 
The brown wolf stops just a few steps from them. 
It growls and crouches down. 
Silence blankets the whole atmosphere like the calm before the storm. 
In a blink...the silence breaks. 
The wolf pounces towards your direction. 
And next thing you know...a scream breaks through your lips. 
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artreider · 3 years
Let's try to get this final live blog on my station 19 rewatch done. I'm currently laid up on my couch in mild pain but unable to do anything else.
I don't really like flashback episodes but i want one for the premiere since we are jumping so far ahead. I hate that this episode starts with a fight. But damn knowing what the fight is over, i love how loyal andy is to maya in this episode. Something ive wanted for her and the team. Qnd also jaina looks gorgeous.
The fire scene yay another fire on the fire show lmao. Feel like we missed some last year which im sure was covid related.
The marina scene ugh chefs kiss. I love how happy and giddy they are. I do wish we couldve gotten to see some of their month apart communication and their quarantining apart those two weeks when carina got back. I wrote a little something related to that and i may share before the premiere of season 5.
The quiet moment between carina saying her morning was better than those 6 weeks and then asking about mayas folks was a beautiful and real moment and i love it. So brief it could be overlooked but great choice for team.
The little bit of danielle and stefania that was them and adlibbed in this episode was so great also.
I love that rhey addressed how everyone was able to attend maskless and how safe the wedding was keeping the real world element in. Also vic love you and your chicken dance comment makes me sad that we didnt get it.
Vics parents trying to talk to her about theo is so cute.
Poor lawyer she'd be good for dean.
I understand some people dont come out until late in life but that is hard to hear that you havent loved the person youve been with for decades like you do this new person. That would hurt me so much to hear, like i couldve been with someone who is my great love if youd told me sooner. I love/hate this storyline for travis family.
Ugh if this fire had gone on any longer those poor kids and elderly couple.
Haha andy you should wait until someone answers the door for you when visiting almost newlyweds or people who've been seperated for 6 weeks lmao.
Also maya's excuse and none wet (shower) sex hair i love it.
Ugh sullivan trying to defend himself makes me so upset.
Bailey giving ben hell about second and third opinions is funny, like i figure shed be all for it.
Inara and marcus leaving jack is sad. I hope we still get to see marsha in season 5. Also if they do pair jack and jo itd be a bit ironic. I mean jo too had an abusive ex like inara.
Also jack and his marsha have similar eyes, itd be something if it came out she really was his mom.
I dont understand how maya hadnt settled on what to wear she's queen of the clipboard lmao. Just goes to show how some things throw us off course. Also i totally get her saying her outfit choice will define her forever. I judge my look in my wedding photos all the time and feel like other people do as well.
Why do i feel like this exchange between maya and carina was mostly adlibbed? It just feels so fun.
This poor family and ugh i couldnt imagine having to make the tough calls of firefighters/fire captains.
Love that all the fire crew helped put the wedding on.
I understand travis emotion here.
How'd this conversation about maya's folks get started with andy???
I love that maya and andy's friendship is restored. Also famous last words maya, dont speak the bad juju into existence.
Dean you shouldve spoken up there.
Why the chief there? I live in a city and the chief aint showing up for a house call that needs a few units. At least not until fire is out of they for some reason cant get it out.
Lmao maya freaking out about wearing the same thing as carina. Andy therapizing maya is funny.
That poor boy.
The dad comments to ben are beautiful. Also love that so many of the team know how dean feels about vic.
So why is travis getting dressed separately than the rest of his team. I mean i know its because he doesnt know about Dean's feelings and pushes vic to give theo a chance as well as allow theo and travis to talk but come on. He wouldnt get ready separately.
Also what was the point of theo going to that room if not to get ready. Sorry just annoying.
I wish carina had had someone mention andrew to her. Whether ben, bailey, maya or even any of the fire team who worked on the call with him during the crossover awhile back. Her grief during this day of happiness should've been acknowledged, even with just a remembrance table for him amd other family she lost to covid.
I do love this beautiful moment with vic though saying this isnt all just for maya.
Oh my how i love the maya confronting her father. She is the brave i want to be. Also what she says to her mom, yes chefs kiss. However when her mom shows up at the wedding, really the woman couldnt grab a nice shirt or dress to wear on her way out or on her way to the wedding.
I also love the look of pride on maya's moms face both at the house and the wedding.
Im sad we probably wont get any moments of her living with marina due to the time jump.
Ugh the choice that cost maya her promotion but ahouldnt have.
Also with all maya's options for clothes, couldnt they had dressed her mama in something borrowed from maya. Lol im sorry it bothers me so.
Vic's song for the intro is beautiful. Barrett has a beautiful voice.
Maya is so happy her mom is there and i love it. Also in my head at least one person videoing is doing it for the greys family who couldnt make it to the wedding for carina.
I also love maya singing along with vic to carina.
Queen of the clipboard forgetting to write her vows is special and funny. I love carina talking her down from a panic attack. Also her simple vow is beautiful and how carina who probably did write her vows saying we're good instead of reading them after seeing maya's mom in attendance and the look shared is everything.
I truly believe that was the moment she 100% knew maya had changed from end of season 3, was definitely all the way in. She knew what it meant for maya's mom to be there.
Love the dance montage and improved marina kiss.
Another healing theo and travis talk.
Sullivan just cant let it go and ugh trying to justify it. I just cant, still not over it. Even if he isnt captain in season 5 it still isnt right.
Sullivan you cant say you have the teams back then saying you can control them and throwing maya under the bus. Those are contradictory.
This jack and andy conversation is interesting.
This marina conversation is funny but sad when you know the end of the episode.
Its so funny that so few people know about Miller's feelings at this point.
It'll be interesting to see the travis, vic and theo in season 5.
Ben and bailey are so cute.
Wish we couldve had conversations at the wedding with maya and her mom or carina and maya's mom or the 3 of them.
Inara is so wise. I hate this for all 4 of them.
Gotta love the ole grab em and pull em back to kiss them and let them know how you really feel tremmett moment.
Too late dean, they tried to tell you.
I love marina dancing in the background ugh sullivan and the surrera rehashing.
Time for the horrible news ugh.
Everyone just looking at marina and knowing is horrible.
Great season, great episode and im looking forward to whats next.
Thank you to everyone thats been following my rewatch blogging, and for all the kind comments. I appreciate it so much, made the summer so fun.
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Seventeen Reaction: Proposing To You
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Alrighty! Let’s burn through the rest of these requests with my new laptop!!! There’s two more requests after this and then I’ll go back to my series! Thanks for the request @banana-and-milk ! I really hope you like it and I’m sorry again that there was such a long delay everyone!
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In this scenario, Cheol is an incredibly cheesy hopeless romantic. He’s definitely the type to want to plan out a proposal and make it really nice. While he does make sort of a big deal out of it, he doesn’t go super overboard. He keeps the plans relatively simple because he knows the more factors there are, the more things there are that could go wrong. The most important thing to him is that it is a moment you will remember fondly forever. He wants you to be able to brag to everyone you meet about your cute proposal story. Soooooo, what he’s going to do is decorate a nice little seating area outside, have your favorite meal prepared, and 100% have a speech memorized. Cheol doesn’t really want anyone around for this moment. If anyone is around it is a photographer in the distance taking pictures for you to remember this moment. But he really wants it to be something that just the two of you have together. Which is why his speech is super well thought out, he just wants the whole thing to convey how he feels about you and how much he wants to take the next step. He’s probably the type to celebrate AFTER at a separate venue with close family and friends, but like I said, the proposal itself is a special moment for just the two of you. 
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Hannie is such a chill person when it comes to his relationship. Overall, everything is super comfortable, easy-going, smooth sailing all around. Which means he’s not really the type for big romantic gestures because you two tend to show your love for each other in other ways. He knows that proposing is a big deal, though, so he figures he should do something. So, he makes you breakfast one morning. It’s your favorite breakfast food and he gets a tiny little flower to put out on the table in a cute, tiny vase. The two of you had planned on having a day in since both of your schedules were free that day. You walk out to see Jeonghan up...early? Making breakfast? “Babe, are you ok, you never make breakfast.” To your surprise he turns to you and is just all giggly. “Of course I am! I just wanted to show my beautiful [Y/N] how much I care about them!” And he’s just all sunshine and rainbows, and you’re like?????? But anyways he pulls out your seat and you begin eating together. First, you just sip on your coffee to try and wake up, but then you finally decide to start on your breakfast. But when you push your fork into your food, it hits something...hard? So you start digging to find what’s in there, and you pull it out and- “Yoon Jeonghan, you did NOT.” He is GRINNING at you, “Oh but I did.” You don’t even wait to wash the ring off, you just slip it on your finger and then pounce on Jeonghan. The two of you spend the rest of the day Facetiming friends and family to share the news while happily cuddled up on your couch. 
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A NERVOUS WRECK. Oh my god, he has never been so nervous in his life. Of course it is happening in the privacy of your own home, because he does not think he could do that in front of other people. It. Has. To. Be. Perfect. He is freaking out that even the tiniest thing could go wrong. Today is the day he proposes to you and he wants to make it the best day of your life (aside from your eventual wedding of course). He has it all set up from outside your home leading in. You’re greeted with a sign on the front gate welcoming you home, then flower petals leading up the walk way, a paper on the front door listing the things he loves about you. And when you finally open the door, there is your boyfriend, kneeling down, wearing the sharpest suit you’ve ever seen him in, ring box in hand, biggest grin he’s ever had on his face. His heart is beating a million miles per hour. He realizes he’s been so nervous about the planning, he hasn’t had time to think about how it’ll feel to actually propose. Starts crying halfway through lol. I mean like... he can hardly finish, his emotions just overwhelm him so much. But you patiently hold his hand as you wait for him to say his piece. And once he finally asks the question, you’re both grinning and crying. You spend the rest of the night alone together, and start calling people the next day to tell them the news.
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Honestly what he does for your proposal has a lot to do with what you want. Once you two begin talking about your future together, he begins to take little mental notes about your opinions on different proposals. Whether you want it to be public or not, whether you want it to be a big deal or not, whether you have strong opinions about it or not. He himself doesn’t care too much about the actual proposal. To him, the most important thing is getting to spend his life with you, so he’ll want to adjust the proposal itself to fit your liking.  Because of this, the proposal is pretty much like a dream to you. Every little detail is made to be perfect just for you. Jun really does not miss lol. Honestly, you’re almost surprised by how perfect the proposal is. But Jun really just payed attention to everything you had to say and though it all out to make sure it went well. His attentiveness to your wants just shows how much he’ll take care of you for the rest of your lives.
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Soonyoung has big emotions, so he’s going to express them in a big way. Like this kid is really going to go all out for this. He wants to show you just how much he loves you. Of course, he doesn’t think it’ll ever be enough, but he does try to show you. So your proposal is going to be insanely over the top lol. I mean, in his opinion, you only get this moment once so why not make the absolute most of it? If it’s something that you’ve discussed and have said you’re comfortable with, he might want to do it publicly. That way, you’re not only receiving his love, but the love of all the people around you. If you don’t want that, then he’ll make up for it in other ways. He won’t do anything to overwhelm your senses while the actual proposal is happening, so you can listen to the words he has to say to you. But afterwards you can expect music, decorations, maybe even fireworks depending on where it happens. Like Cheol, he’ll probably want to go celebrate with the people you both love afterwards at a different location. Overall, to Soonyoung it should be a really fun, enjoyable time that’s exciting for you both. It will be meaningful too, but Soonyoung’s main goal is to make it a memory you won’t easily forget. 
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Wonwoo also definitely wants this to be an intimate moment. As an introvert, he’s going to want to avoid any sort of audience. But he has told everyone you know before it happens lol. He’s not always so sure of his romantic abilities, so he’ll probably reach out to family and friends for advice on the best way to propose. Which means there’s like a week or so where whenever you hang out with someone they’re just grinning brightly at you while Wonwoo is just praying they don’t let it spill. But he does really good. Because even though he’s getting all this advice on how to make a really great proposal, he realizes that the most important thing is just that he loves you and wants to spend his life with you. So he ends up just doing it out of the blue one day. You’re sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone, laughing at something you’ve seen. The light from the windows is shining down on you, and he just thinks you’re perfect. So he walks over, and kneels down in front of you. It takes you a second to notice and when you finally do you’re like ?????? “Babe, what are you doing?” And he chuckles a little before just staring at you. He says your name in a way you’ve never heard him say it before, and you just kind of know. You start crying and leap on him before he can even finish. And he’s just laughing as you’re on top of him on the carpeted floor and pressing kisses all over his face. Then you just hold each other for awhile before deciding how to celebrate. 
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Has no idea what he’s doing lol. When he realizes he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, he panics because he has to tell you this. ...How does he tell you this??? He knows it’s gotta be impressive, right? At least somewhat significant... He probably decides to play it safe and use a somewhat common method of proposing. A nice date with dinner, a day of quality time, little signs of love and affection the whole time. By the end of the evening, his plan has gone accordingly, the day went great, and he’s ready to actually do it. He’s so unbelievably nervous, lol. His voice is shaking the whole time, but he pushes through. When you say yes, relief floods his entire body and then he cries. He just holds onto you and cries out of excitement, love, and pure joy. It’s nothing too over the top, but it’s a super special moment between the two of you and Jihoon puts in so much effort (especially mentally) to make it special. 
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Also an incredibly nervous, emotional wreck. But he’s also incredibly excited!!!!!! Like ridiculously excited!!!! The type where the whole day he’s planning on doing it, he’s just grinning at you constantly. And you’re like “babe???? I know you’re usually pretty happy but it feels a little more intense today” and he just shrugs while grinning and tells you it’s just a good day. You don’t notice but he’s been taking you to all of your favorite date spots around town all day. It brings up a lot of good memories so the day is just filled with good feelings. He does it out in public, but in more of a secluded spot, like maybe on a bridge overlooking water at night. Not many people around, but he doesn’t mind if a couple people pass  by here and there. He’s so incredibly sweet about doing it, and every word is thought out and genuine. Afterwards, he’s going to hold you tight and spin you around. His laughter will ring out into the world around you. Afterwards, he’s going to want to go out and celebrate with you the whole night and tell anyone he sees that you two are officially engaged. 
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A dummy. Truly, just so ridiculous. The proposal itself is so quick that you don’t even realize it’s happening. You two are just cleaning up after eating breakfast and Mingyu just kind of goes “Hey babe” and looks at you with this big, dumb smirk on his face. And then he just tosses something at you. And you’re like????? So you start turning it over in your hands to try and figure out what it is. It looks like a jewelry box and you sigh because you told Mingyu to stop buying you every nice necklace you said you thought was cute while flipping through catalogs. “Just open it” he insists, sensing what you’re about to say. So you do and instead of a necklace, it’s a ring. You’re about to start the lecture anyways, thinking he just bought you a random ring. But then you really look at it. The ring is nice... really nice. “Mingyu...what is this?” When you look back over the box, he’s kneeling down in front of you, “I think you know.” And then suddenly, you’re engaged. He’ll probably take you out and have tons of nice things planned for the rest of the day, but he’s just really chill and casual about the actual proposal. 
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He probably wants to make the proposal incredibly unique, somewhat because of his artistic habits and somewhat because he wants you to have something hardly anyone else will. So he’ll really try to think out of the box and it will 100% take you by surprise. You just come home one day and he’s got this giant canvas spread out on the ground. “Hey babe! I got us one of those paint by numbers!” It ends up taking days lol. He’s planned it out so that you can’t see the message until the very end. And he’s a little stressed lol, because he sure didn’t think it would take this long. And obviously both of you are pretty busy so you keep having to take breaks from it. But then the night finally comes. The two of you are joking, binging your favorite show, covered in paint, having the time of your lives just being together. Then he gets up and is like “I’ve gotta go grab something.” So obviously you’re like “Oh ok, I’ll wait for you.” And he’s like “No, go ahead.” And you respond with “Babe it’s almost done, do you really want me to finish it without you?” But he’s already heading into the other room going, “Of course, maybe that way you can be the one to figure out what it is on your own.” And you’re thinking that makes no sense but you go ahead and finish it anyways. Then you step back and take a look at the whole picture. It takes you a second, but you figure out pretty quickly. It’s a couple, and one is kneeling in front of the other. You do a 180 to see Minghao behind you with a ring in his hand. “Ugh babe, you were supposed to wait until I actually knelt down.” He doesn’t get the chance to actually propose because you jump on him immediately. The canvas hangs up in every house you two live in together for the rest of your lives. 
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Also incredibly nervous about proposing and 100% wants it to be just the two of you. Seungkwan is honestly a hopeless romantic and wants to make it so special and sweet. I think he’ll also go a more simpler route in order to make it more about the proposal itself, but he still wants to actually show you how excited he is to be doing this. Plot twist: he starts crying way before it even happens so you know what’s coming. But you think it’s sweet because he’s just got so much love for you in his heart he can’t even handle it. But he tearfully pushes through his speech because he just wants you to know how special you are and how much you mean to him and how much he cares about you. Honestly instead of doing the whole kneeling down thing, he just holds you. And now you’re crying. And then you’re saying yes as you wipe his tears away and he’s just smiling and nodding at you because he could not feel more complete than he does then. 
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Vernon is definitely the type to just be like “Yo, you wanna get married?” Like the two of you are sitting across from each other on the couch, scrolling through your phones. He takes a break for a second to just look at you. He gets this weird feeling in his chest. And then he realizes... he wants to spend his whole life with you. And honestly he doesn’t really need more than that, once the thought is in his head, that’s enough, he’s just gonna tell you. “Hey babe?” he asks, nudging you a little. You give a little “hm?” in response. “You wanna get married?” You take a second to process because you’re thinking you must have heard him wrong. “Wait what?” you sit up to look at him. “You wanna get married?” You can’t help but start grinning, “Are you serious?” He nods, before sitting up and pulling you into him. “Yeah, Vernon, I think I’d like that.”
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Dino sometimes struggles with expressing himself romantically. Which means planning a proposal is the single most stressful thing he’s ever done. Should he plan a huge event that would impress you besides the fact that that’s not really him? Or should he just be himself and potentially disappoint you with a mediocre proposal? He mulls over all of his options for so long before deciding that he wants to make it special for you. So, he gets advice from other people, researches proposals online, and makes a whole plan. He puts in all the effort to create this amazing event for your proposal. And he times it out perfectly. You have some big presentation in the next town. So you’re leaving earlier in the day by train to go to the presentation then when you come back, he’s picking you up and the proposal plan starts. But when he’s dropping you off at the station, something comes over him. He watches you lean out the back of the train to wave goodbye to him. His heart drops and he starts running towards the train as it begins to pull out. “[Y/N]!” he yells. “Dino?” you call back. “MARRY ME!” he yells out, racing to keep up with the accelerating train. By then you’re too far for him to hear but he sees you nodding and jumping as you call back to him. You still celebrate together with everyone later that night, but the proposal itself is a beautiful spur of the moment event. 
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cvetus · 3 years
name/alias: min age: 18+ pronouns: she/her timezone: gmt discord: yes, just ask me! little trivia fact about yourself: i’ve been bingeing crappy chick flicks for the past couple of days and i’m actually enjoying it
character name: hwang yena age: 26 zodiac sign: sagittarius sun, capricorn moon, leo rising group/band/position: RITZ_03 info links or quick points about your character: STATS & BIO
born and bred in seoul, south korea
oldest daughter hence the incessant need to be the very best 
smart and blunt by nature, but incredibly good with her words (both spoken and written) especially when she’s trying to convince you or when she’s doing what she does best aka writing
was a philosophy major in college, currently writing for RiTZ magazine
ambitious, driven, wants nothing more than to be successful in her field
also an extreme workaholic, will put her work before you 
would do anything to get an exclusive feature, interview, whatever that will get her name on the radar (even if it means breaking your heart)
is it a coincidence her exes are all in the music scene? she has dated people just to get material on them for RiTZ, but the idealist in her also enjoys having a lover that makes music lol
often struggles with deciding whether she should listen to her mind or heart, but has a track record of choosing the former (would like to see someone influence her to do the latter though)
not the nicest person in the room but will pretend to be if she gets what she wants
basically a bitch but also a very charming one
plots or any development you’d like to see for your character:
001 / All she wanted was an exposé, a breakthrough, something to get her name on the radar. MUSE gave her want she wanted, but at the expense of their own heart. Long story short, she only dated them because RiTZ wanted an exclusive with them, and she was determined to be the first to get it, regardless of the hearts she has to trample on her way. (Muse has to be in the scene for awhile. They dated/were flings when she was just starting out at RiTZ, probably somewhere between 2018-2019.)
002 / You'd think someone like Yena wouldn't have problems getting a feature with anyone. She's charming, intelligent and incredibly good with her words, could probably convince anyone in the room—except MUSE. This might just be the biggest challenge of her writing career but Yena's no quitter. She won't stop at anything, not until she gets the story she's pining after. Unfortunately for her, it seems like MUSE plans to make her work for it too. (Muse has to be at the peak of their career, probably 4 stars or more.)
003 / New meat. That's what MUSE is to her. An up and coming star she has her eyes on, the protagonist of her next feature that will set the scene by storm. MUSE could be eager to give her what she wants (after all, it'll do them good to get some exposure), or they could be hiding something they don't want her to find out (usually, this intrigues her even more). (Muse has to be new to the scene.)
004 / The one ex that mattered. It started out the same way: she approached MUSE only to find out more about them, get some material for the magazine and maybe fuel the idealist in her by dating a musician. Except, it didn't end there. It should've, but this time, she couldn't bear to leave first. God forbid she actually fell in love—it's something she's still in denial about to this day. Regardless, it did not end well. MUSE found out about why she approached them in the first place and the rest is history. (Angst, angst and a lot of angst. Put simply: messy breakup, leftover feelings, and love turned hatred.)
005 / Yena thinks she's got MUSE wrapped around her finger. What she doesn't know is, they are using her just as she is using them. Both of them want the same thing—an exclusive with RiTZ. MUSE wants a piece that would put them in good light, but as long as Yena is concerned, where's the fun in that? A tale of mutual manipulation, neither stopping until they get what they want. (More details need to be fleshed out with mun.)
006 / A character like Yena's isn't loved by many. MUSE happens to be one of them. However, they know a good feature by her will do their career wonders. This leaves them in a moral dilemma—to do as they wish with no regards for what she thinks (and the thousands who will read it), or to swallow their pride and get on her good side? (Envisioning a lot snake energy for this, could also take a positive turn.)
007 / Yena and MUSE met as strangers on the dance floor, hooked up and never saw each other again. Years later, they meet again. Except this time, Yena's interviewing them for a feature with RiTZ. It might be a little late but at least they'll learn other's name this time. (Could've happened somewhere between 2014-2017.)
008 / Yena is brutal in her writing. Two reasons: she believes her readers deserve nothing but the truth and well, she’s a bitch. MUSE and/or their music was the subject of her latest critique piece. How they took it was the least of her concerns, but it could end two ways: 1) they took it personally or 2) brushed it off without a care. Either way, she has her eyes on their next release. Will they prove her wrong and earn a spot in her monthly recommendations, or will they simply give her another opportunity to say “I told you so”? (Yena’s a bitch and you’re welcome to hate on her.)
a best friend, partner-in-crime, someone that can tolerate her and maybe tell her she needs to chill 
enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies; both are extremely characteristic of her
enemies to friends work too, it’s just a yena thing to start off on the wrong foot with most people
the total opposite of her, someone that can teach her how to ditch work sometimes and have fun (she used to be pretty good at that, before her career took over her life) aka an intervention program she needs pronto
RiTZ folks: she can either be the best person to work with or the worst, you decide
neighbours: she rented a studio apartment near hongdae, close enough to where the magic happens
someone who is a fan of her work, it’s only been three years since she started writing for RiTZ but your muse likes the blunt, authentic and devil-may-care attitude she has
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spookybias · 4 years
ᝰ another favor | choi beomgyu ˎˊ˗
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genre: fluff & angst
type: drabble / twoshot
word count: 3.8k
description: beomgyu has finally worked up the courage to ask you out. but after seeing you hang out with someone else, he's outraged.
contents: beomgyu taking advantage of the reader's feelings, and i think i wrote beomgyu as more of a brat lol
prompts ↓
"can you picture it? you and i together?"
"you're gorgeous."
read the first half here
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𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈 𝐁𝐄𝐎𝐌𝐆𝐘𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒. His ears felt hot, which meant they had already turned red. His hands were sweaty, and he had to keep stopping on his way to your locker to wipe his hands on his pants, trying his best not to crush the rose he was holding. Beomgyu couldn’t believe that he hadn’t even approached you yet, but was already a nervous wreck. Hopefully you were at your locker and there were no interruptions because he didn’t think he’d have the courage to confront you at a later time.
The quivering boy peeked behind the corner, and spotted you, shoving books into your locker. You always arrived at school earlier than most, when the hallways were still scarce, to review your notes before class. Beomgyu had shown up forty minutes early, just for you. 
He let out a quiet laugh, and a small blush crept onto his cheeks, as he watched you struggle to wedge your science textbook between your other books.
They’re so adorable, he thought.
Beomgyu was then struck with an idea. He could walk on over and hand you the rose. Next he’d take the textbook from you, and fit it in your locker for you. Then make some sort of remark like, “You looked like you could use some help”, radiating confidence because he figured you liked that part of his personality. He’d ask you for a favor right after you hit him with a sassy reply, (he really hoped you’d tell him to kiss you again instead), and the favor would be for you to go out with him.
Beomgyu nodded to himself. He patted his fluffy, brown hair down to cover his tinted ears, adjusted the collar of his shirt, and flattened down his blazer. He was going in, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. And he shouldn’t have to worry about that, because you always said yes.
But before Beomgyu could even make it three feet away from where he was standing, someone else came up to you. They weren’t walking with a red rose, but they were walking with a dazzling persona and a smile so bright and lively that if the video game Super Mario Sunshine was a person, it would be this guy.
Beomgyu watched as Yang Jeongin took hold of your science textbook, and carefully inserted it into your locker. The book went in so smoothly that Beomgyu wondered if even inanimate objects could fall for Jeongin. Now he wondered if you could fall for Jeongin too. As he lowered his arm back down to his side, Beomgyu caught a glimpse of the shorter boy’s growing muscles. He looked down at his own arms, they were a little thinner than Jeongin’s. Did you prefer guys with bigger muscles? Would you be satisfied with his physique?
Why weren’t you telling Jeongin to get lost? You always rejected help from other guys with zero hesitation. You never even seemed interested in any of your male classmates, but you sure did look interested in Jeongin.
Beomgyu watched you hold your binder against your chest, and heard you laugh at some dumb joke Jeongin made. Since when were you and Jeongin so comfortable with each other? Laughing the way the two of you did meant that you had to have been friends for awhile now. Had you been spending your mornings with Jeongin this whole time? Did the kiss you shared with Beomgyu a couple days ago mean nothing? Was it just practice for when you kissed Jeongin?
They should be laughing with me, Beomgyu thought, turning green with envy. He stomped on over.
He stood right next to you and slapped a smile on his face, full wattage. He turned to you, wanting your full attention, but you just kept giggling with Jeongin who also hadn’t noticed him standing next to you. It was in that moment that Beomgyu was seething with jealousy. He swiftly opened up his backpack, managing to pull out his homework folder without bending the rose still in his hands. He took out Mr. Kim’s assignment, the one you had done for him, and shoved it in your face.
“____!” Beomgyu faked enthusiasm, “Thank you so much for helping me with the assignment. Look, Mr. Kim gave me an A!”
“That’s great, Beomgyu,” You said dryly, a fake smile plastered on your face. You couldn’t think of any reason why it was necessary to share the grade you got him while another person outside the loop was around.
“Good job,” Jeongin said with a cheery smile. Beomgyu couldn’t find any hints of sarcasm. “You’re an amazing tutor, ____. Can the three of us study for finals together at your place too?”
“We didn’t work on the assignment at my place.” You felt the need to clarify. You didn’t want anyone to think you were the kind of person who brought others over to your house for “one-on-one sessions”. Then you panicked. Jeongin might become suspicious. “We worked on it together after school in the library,” You quickly added in. “So, yeah, when the three of us study it’ll be in the library.”
Beomgyu didn’t like how fast you shut down the idea of him being at your house. That was the point of him thanking you with vague details right in front of Jeongin. He wanted him to be jealous. Out of absolute spite, Beomgyu threw you under the bus.
“Actually, we didn’t work on it together at all! They stayed at the library after school and did it for me.” Beomgyu wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a great big hug. “You’re the best, ____!” There. Jeongin would take the hint that you and Beomgyu were more than friends, so much more that you, a top student known for rejecting homework help and male students, didn’t hesitate to do Beomgyu’s project for him. Or shy away from his hug, which was secretly causing Beomgyu’s heart to melt. If all else fails, at least Jeongin would think that you’re a compulsive liar and avoid you.
You, on the other hand, froze. Beomgyu was touching you! He was hugging you! And he had just thrown you under the bus!
Jeongin didn’t seem the least bit bothered, though. “You’re so smart and kind, ____. Beomgyu should treat you to dinner.”
Beomgyu wanted to tell Jeongin to shut up and wipe the silly smile off his face ‘cause it was giving him the creeps, but he liked the idea of treating you to dinner.
You didn’t, though. You figured the idea would make Beomgyu uncomfortable, especially since he had already repaid you in a kiss that he didn’t seem to care much about. So you shut it down almost immediately.
“No thanks.” You wiggled out of Beomgyu’s grasp. “Walk me to class, Jeongin.”
“Okay,” He followed you as you began to lead the way, but stopped and turned around. “Hey, Beomgyu, who’s the rose for?”
You stopped and looked over your shoulder at the single red rose in Gyu’s hand.
“This?” A much more sinister idea popped into Beomgyu’s mind. “No one really. Just gonna give it to Jangmi.”
Jeongin’s face fell and he turned towards you.
Jangmi. Streams of fury shot through you, but you hid them well, and continued down the hall with Jeongin in tow. Jangmi. The pretty popular girl in your class who happened to be very fond of Beomgyu. She showered him in adoration, but you figured that by doing Beomgyu’s bidding you could always keep her at bay. You must have been wrong.
Yep. That kiss meant nothing to him.
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𝐁𝐄𝐎𝐌𝐆𝐘𝐔 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒, 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐓𝐎𝐏. He was pissed off after an intense basketball game against Jeongin and his friends. Jeongin played happily, in it for the fun of the sport, but it meant so much more to Beomgyu. And despite his team having the advantage of their combined heights being taller, they still lost because Kai sucked at sports and kept falling over.
Beomgyu would deal with Kai later. Right now, he just wanted you to take care of him. That’s all he wanted. If you came over to him right now, everything would be okay. It wouldn’t matter that he lost to Jeongin of all people. He could give you the rose afterwards, too, and walk you to lunch. 
He looked around the court trying to find you. That was weird. Usually you were already waiting on the bleachers, and as soon as Beomgyu was done with his game during recess, you’d run up with a towel and a bottle of water.
Had he gone too far by saying that the rose was for Jangmi? The truth was that the rose was now inside his backpack. He could never give anything to Jangmi because she wasn’t you.
Beomgyu’s fangirls seemed to notice your absence as well, as they were always on standby ready for the day Beomgyu didn’t want your help anymore. They swarmed him, eager to do his bidding, but Beomgyu was more focused on trying to find your face amongst the crowd. And he did.
You stood a few feet away. With Jeongin.
Beomgyu couldn’t help the sad frown that formed on his face as he saw you hand Jeongin a bottle of water. He no longer felt envious. Just disappointed in himself. His personality must have not been attractive to you anymore. And his methods of gaining your attention were probably obnoxious. He was glad he hadn’t given the rose to you, because he was sure that you would have flat out rejected him.
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𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐄𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑. But you had no idea. You continued about your day, heading to the vending machines to pick up Beomgyu’s snack.
You weren’t sure if Beomgyu still needed you to fetch his snacks, but you really really hoped he did. You weren’t ready for Beomgyu to ask others for favors. You’d miss the attention and his minor affection that came in the form of a genuine smile and a “thank you”. You knew it was pathetic, but you'd come to realize that the kiss made you like Beomgyu a whole lot more.
As you punched the buttons for the yellow bag of chips, you thought of Beomgyu and Jangmi. You had waited on the bleachers, ready to help Gyu cool off after such an aggressive match of basketball. But as the game was coming to a close, you noticed Jangmi also waiting nearby, staring hard at the boy.
You weren’t one to cockblock. After hearing Beomgyu say that he was going to give Jangmi a rose, you decided to help Jeongin out instead, and leave the lovebirds alone. You hoped she wasn’t too aggressive while wiping with the towel. Beomgyu had such soft, gentle skin. Hopefully she had brought cold water, but not iced cold water. Beomgyu’s teeth were quite sensitive.
He sat in the cafeteria with his friends, facing the entrance. You were bold, but were you bold enough to face him after the stunt you pulled during recess? He had to suffer. The others offering a helping hand were absolute perverts. They only offered so they could get close enough to touch him in ways he knew you’d never dream of.
You’d owe him a favor for tossing him to the side like that.
You walked right up to Beomgyu, awkwardly clutching the bag of chips. You could hear Jangmi who also happened to be sitting at the same table tell him, “You’re gorgeous, Gyu.” Did he like being complimented a lot? Maybe the reason why he didn’t give you the rose was because you never complimented him. You only ever insulted him and responded with sass.
“I brought you your snack,” You held the bag out to him.
He was in awe. You had approached him this time. He didn’t need to beckon you over and then wave you off to the vending machines. And you had his favorite chips ready at the go! This was it! He could thank you, move his backpack off the seat separating him from Jangmi, and offer it to you. The two of you could sit together somewhere for the first time. For a moment, the green little monster and the fiery red fury were gone. But both things came back in an instant. He believed that Jeongin was somewhere in the cafeteria with a seat reserved just for you, and you would choose that seat over this one any day.
“I don’t want them.”
“O-okay,” You pulled your arm back as if Beomgyu had struck you. You felt judgement coming from the stares of his two friends, Taehyun and Kai, and the girls surrounding them. “I’ll just put them in my bag and save them for-”
You’d save them for what? Who? Jeongin? Beomgyu cut you off, blood boiling. “Jangmi, can you please go to the vending machine and get me the green bag. That’s the one I want.”
Jangmi sprung up, “Of course!”
“Beomgyu, I spent $3 on these!”
“That sucks. Why don’t you put them in your bag and save them, like you said.”
He didn’t miss how your lip quivered. You were used to Beomgyu being a jerk, but not this much of a jerk. You felt humiliated. The first time you approach Beomgyu and he seems pissed about it. He really was done with you and your antics.
You retreated out of the cafeteria. 
Beomgyu suddenly felt bad. He had went too far again. He just wanted you to feel jealous, the way your relationship with Jeongin made him feel. $3 may not have been much to him or to others, but not everyone had the same financial situation. Beomgyu wasn’t sure what yours was like. Come to think of it, he didn’t know anything about your life at home. He felt that he was a terrible match for you.
If you were really upset about the $3, Beomgyu would pay you back in a heartbeat. Heck, he’d even shove the chips down his throat just to please you. He never meant to go this far and make you so unhappy.
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃. Beomgyu’s words from just a few minutes before played over and over in your head like a broken record. That sucks. It did suck. The library was where you spent your lunch break. You hated the cafeteria. It was noisy, messy, and there were always annoying idiots running around. You only ever went in to bring Beomgyu his chips or cookies or whatever it is that he wanted.
No more, you told yourself. No more fetching his chips or cookies or whatever stupid snack he wants. No more wiping his sweat and bringing him water. No more cheating on homework assignments. And no more kisses. Or hugs. Or... jealousy.
You plopped down onto the hallway floor, right next to your locker. You had grown used to choking down bits of food behind a textbook, behind the librarian’s back. You had grown used to hiding there after giving Beomgyu what he wanted. You had grown used to Beomgyu.
What if things were different? What if you hadn’t been so bold and demanded Beomgyu to kiss you? Maybe he’d have more respect for you and the two of you would have a more stable friendship. Was it a friendship? What if things really were different? Maybe you’d be sitting in the lunchroom everyday with Beomgyu, and not escaping to the library to study when you didn’t really need it.
As all these questions and possibilities swarmed your brain, you didn’t notice the tall boy walking your way.
You looked upset when you left the cafeteria, and even though Gyu feared that he’d find you with Jeongin, he still wanted to make sure you were okay. He wanted to apologize. Kill the green monster, finally give you the rose.
“____.” You looked up from your spot on the floor to see Choi Beomgyu towering over you, just like he had on the day he asked you to do his homework. No more. “Where are the chips?” He just had to make sure Jeongin didn’t have them.
“They’re right here,” You said, patting the front pocket of your backpack. “I’m not handing them over. They’re mine now. You said you didn’t want them.” You’d be stingy from now on. “I can’t let $3 go to waste.”
“I know you don’t like those chips,” Beomgyu said crouching down to your level. “The first time I asked you to get them for me you called me gross and said you hated them.”
“Well, I guess I’ll force myself to eat them. And I’m gonna force myself to do a lot of other things.” You mumbled the last part.
“Are you okay?” Beomgyu asked.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
Beomgyu stared at you blankly.
“Okay. I was jealous of Jangmi.” You were still bold. Beomgyu loved that about you.
“You have no reason to be.”
“I just feel like you don’t want or need me around you anymore.”
This was it. He was going to prove to you that he didn’t like Jangmi. He calmly dug through his backpack, but his hands turned up empty.
Oh crud. He had completely forgotten that he took the rose out of his backpack after recess and moved it to his locker so it wouldn’t get crushed.
“____, I need you to do me a favor. I have something for you. Please don’t leave. Even if the bell rings, stay here until I get back.”
“I would never arrive late to class to please you. Stop it with the requests.”
Beomgyu was already up and running down the other hallway to his locker.
You rolled your eyes.
“Hi, ____!” Jeongin beamed at you. “Ms. Park sent me to pick up the unity club’s notepad from you. She said you had it last and needs it asap.”
“Oh, right.” You got up from the floor to open your locker. “Your classroom is the room we use unity club for.”
Beomgyu was coming ‘round the corner when he saw you hand a notebook to Jeongin. That’s it. He was done. He was fuming. He crunched his fist and let the rose crumble. Then he stomped over to the two of you for the second time.
“Are you kidding me?!” Beomgyu practically screamed. “Why are you everywhere?!”
“I was just-”
“No! I know what you were doing. The only person who ____ does homework for is me!”
“Beomgyu, I’m just giving Jeongin-”
“What’s so special about him, huh? Is it his dorky smile? Are you actually interested in this cupcake?”
“Actually, I don’t like ____-”
Beomgyu just wouldn’t let anyone talk. “Why is it that he can get you to do his homework no questions asked, but when I asked, you gave me a hassle?”
“BEOMGYU!” You shouted in his face. “Will you shut up? This,” You said shoving the notepad at him, “Is the unity club notepad, okay? A NOTEPAD. FOR UNITY CLUB.”
“Speaking of unity club,” Jeongin spoke quickly. “I’m just going to take this and go to class. Bye!” Jeongin practically ran down the hall, hoping he didn’t make the angry couple more upset.
Beomgyu’s demeanor changed. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh. You really are an idiot, you know that? No wonder you needed me to do your project.”
“I just didn’t want him to copy off of you.”
“Why? Because only you can?” You shook your head in disappointment. “Never again. I’m not letting you copy off of me ever again.” No more.
“I don’t wanna copy off of you, ____.” He tried to explain himself. “If you think he likes you, he doesn’t. He’s just taking advantage of you. He’s going to keep asking for more things, and before you know it-”
“He’s going to kiss me and then treat me like trash in front of his entire lunch table?”
Gyu pressed his lips into a thin line. Both of you shared a long look.
“I really am an idiot.” Beomgyu was so blind. How could he make you feel so worthless? So unimportant?
“Yep.” You shut your locker and began heading to class.
Beomgyu had this funny feeling. It was the feeling he had when he kissed you outside your classroom a couple days ago. A mix of courage and passion. “____, wait. I need to ask you for one more favor.”
“Screw your favors at this point, Beomgyu. I’m done with your silly games.”
“I need you to go on a date with me! So I can show you just how much I like you!”
You froze. Beomgyu froze. A few people who had left the lunchroom and were passing by on their way to class froze.
“Stop being loud,” You hissed. “You’re going to make a scene.”
“It’s okay.” Beomgyu assured you. “I think it was pretty obvious that I’ve liked you all this time.”
“It wasn’t that obvious,” You heard someone whisper to their friend.
“Can you picture it? You and I together?” Beomgyu questioned. He was pretty sure that if you rejected him right now he would roll on the floor and cry in frustration.
You gulped nervously. “What about Jangmi? You gave her the rose.”
“No I didn’t.” Beomgyu opened his still clenched fist to show you the rose. That was now destroyed. You stared at it contemplating.
“You’re giving me this?” You asked, as Beomgyu moved closer to you and placed the torn rose in your palm. He nodded, too scared to speak. You thought hard. No more. There couldn’t be any more favors. You wanted to be his partner, not his servant. You trusted that he had figured that out by now. “I’ll go on a date with you, but you have to do me a favor and buy me a whole bouquet.”
The two of you shared a smile. Beomgyu closed the space between you with a big hug, like the one he gave you this morning.
“So no more favors,” Beomgyu told you. “Except maybe a few more. Like I could use a kiss, some hand holding, maybe a hug... oh, and for Jeongin to go away.”
“Jeongin isn’t interested in me,” You looked up at Gyu and he blushed. “He likes Jangmi. We just know each other from unity club, which you would know I joined if you had been more engaged in my personal life.”
Beomgyu kissed your forehead. “I promise I will be. And you can ask for as many favors as you want. And you can have your $3 back. It’ll be a really good date. It’ll be so good that you have no choice but to let me be your boyfriend. Do me a favor and don’t say no.”
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swordlux · 4 years
Drunk Behaviour
Happy New Year ! Here’s one for those of you ending off 2020 a little boozy.
Let’s be real, who’s taking care of your wasted ass? (I’m talking blackout, why-did-I-do-this-to-myself-I’m-never-drinking-again drunk) It’s time we put these boys to the test, so here’s my little ranking of who would be the best. Keep in mind, this is just my reckless opinion, there is absolutely no truth here (unless you agree, hehe). It goes as so:
1. Satan
His cool, stable manner will be very welcome. He’ll take this SERIOUSLY, really letting his sweet side show in the way he takes care of you. He’s bringing you everything you need before you even ask for it, and he’s making sure you sip every drop of water out of that cup. He turns into a bit of an overbearing mom, but you’re grateful for it. He’s happy to take care of you. You feel completely unjudged and can be as miserable as you want. He’ll stroke your hair while reading to you and/or telling you cute cat stories.
2. Mammon
His caring side will really come out here. He’ll surprise even himself. He’ll probably throw you over his shoulder and carry you to his room saying, “The Great Mammon needs to take care of you.” He’ll make fun of you, of course he will, but you’ll see the care behind it and it’ll make you smile. His light humour will be greatly appreciated. He won’t admit it, but he’s trying really hard to make you laugh. He hates seeing you looking so down. It works, and eventually you forget how miserable you feel. Oh, and let’s not forget the movie he puts on that neither of you pay attention to. Yeah, this night ends with a lot of cuddles. 
3. Barbatos
He is a butler, come on, he’s good at this. He’ll know exactly what you need to feel better, and will bring it to you in a prompt and efficient manner. The only reason he’s not higher up on this list is because you’ll initially be thrown off by his professionalism in your drunk state. You’ll try to reach out to him, making some comment about wanting to know “the real Barbatos,” and eventually he’ll soften up. He’ll put down whatever he’s doing and will come sit down on the bed where he’ll proceed with stroking your hair. You’ll get to see a little sweet side of Barbatos that no one else gets to see. It will ease all your worries. He can also throw you back in time so that you can stop yourself from drinking so much, I mean...
4. Beel
Beel may surprise you, or you may already know that he has this side to him. He’ll be super sweet and protective, making sure you feel completely safe and cared for. He’ll be more concerned about you than his own hunger, and will make you whatever you want to eat. Seriously, whatever you want. Oh, and he’s definitely feeding it to you, so get ready to feel like a snuggly baby. You’ll be so overwhelmed by his sweetness, that it’ll be nearly impossible to feel bad when he’s around you. You’ll smile lots and hang out in his room, talking about random things that you definitely won’t remember in the morning. 
5. Diavolo
Oh, our big cuddly teddy bear, of course he’ll be good at this. He won’t have to do much to be honest, all you want is to cuddle him. You’ll tell him this, but he’ll ignore your “I’m fine, just stay with me” protests and will get you water or anything else he thinks you need. He may freak out at first, his extreme concern for your health throwing him off balance, but eventually he’ll calm down and his usual light humour will return. You’ll have pleasant chats about life, and will learn some new things about Diavolo that you’ll try reaaally hard to remember. The best part about this, is that he’ll let you stay in his bed the whole next day. Seriously, you worried him there. He won’t let you leave till you’re 100%.
6. Asmo
Asmo will be good at this because he’s been through this many times before. He’s mastered the art of the hangover by now, and will know all the right combinations of fragrances and self-care products to make you feel better. He will either be super affectionate or the complete opposite, holding back affection so that you’ll learn your lesson and not drink so much next time. He’ll be super sweet of course, oh, and let’s not forget about that bath tub. I mean, come on, you’re taking the best bath of your LIFE. Asmo will be right there, filling the rub with lovely oils and making sure you don’t fall asleep in the tub. You’ll come out feeling super refreshed, and will pass out as soon as your head touches the soft silk of his bedsheets.
7. Simeon
This can go one of two ways, either he’ll be as sweet as a tangerine, or he’ll take this opportunity to tease you to the death. Either way, he’s stroking your hair as you lay your head on his lap and confess all your woes. He’ll give you some humorous, but encouraging words, and will do everything and anything you wish. You’ll find yourself laughing a lot, and even if he does decide to tease you, you won’t help but feel comforted in his presence. His hands will feel nice and cold on your skin, and you’ll fall asleep in a peaceful bliss. 
8. Solomon
Kind of similar to Satan in the way he takes care of you. He’ll be caring, but very cool and collected about it. He can sympathize with you more, being human, and can even make you anti-hangover potions (a bonus!). Beware though, because he may take this opportunity to pull some tricks on you. He may tell you that some drink will cure your nausea, when really it’s just water with sugar. If he’s feeling especially cheeky, he may try to break a confession out of you and ask which of the demon brothers you’re interested in. Of course, he wants the answer to be him, but you’ll probably fall asleep before you get to it (that water with sugar is potent you see)
9. Levi
Sorry, but Levi will not be good at this. At first at least. He’ll freak out, not knowing what to do, and will try a bunch of ridiculous things to make you feel better. In the end, all of his attempts will be incredibly entertaining, and you’ll find yourself laughing more than you have in awhile. You’ll really appreciate him for trying. You’ll give him a big hug and tell him all you want is to be there with him. You’ll cuddle up by the t.v and he’ll put on some anime that you won’t pay attention to because you’ll still feel terrible. He’ll notice this, and will keep pausing to make sure you’re okay. Eventually, he’ll just turn off the t.v and drag you to bed, where he’ll awkwardly comfort you as you fall asleep.
10. Lucifer
Alright, I just want to say, I am a full-on Lucifer simp, and even I don’t know if I’d want him taking care of me when I’m drunk. He will take care of you, yes, and quite well, but it will come with repercussions. He’ll tease you, oh boy will he tease you. He will find so much amusement in seeing you like this, that he won’t be able to help himself. He won’t cross the line (like he threatens to do sometimes), but he’ll definitely make some risqué comments that you won’t be able to retaliate in your current state. He won’t really be concerned because he knows you just need to wait this out, so you won’t get any of the lovey attention that you’ll keep begging him for. Eventually you’ll become so frustrated with the lack of affection, that you’ll end up sulking in a corner. Maybe then he’ll calm down and become a bit more gentle towards you, but oh boy, it will take awhile to get there.
11. Belphie
Be prepared for lots of cuddles, his ass is dragging you to bed. He doesn’t understand why you would drink so much, and may be a bit mad and judgemental at first, but of course his love for you will override all. He still won’t know quite how to comfort you though. He’ll definitely offer to pet your hair, and will give you the comfiest pillows to sleep on. You may even find the extreme comfort too much in your nauseous state. Regardless, Belphie will hold you close and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. It won’t be long before he becomes incredibly amused by you. In fact, he’ll become so amused that he’ll completely forget about taking care of you. He’ll find your pleas of misery adorable, and eventually you’ll have to give up on trying to feel better and walk the dizzy path towards sleep. (lol r.i.p)
12. Luke
Luke, oh Luke, this poor bean will be more miserable than you. He’ll scold you the whole time, and will blame this on you spending too much time with demons. This will lead him into a rant about demons and drinking, and you’ll eventually have to tell him to shut up and get you some water. After realizing how truly terrible you feel, he will do a full 180. He’ll become really sweet, and will attend to your every need. But it will take a while, and you’ll have to endure the lecturing before you get there...
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Yay, yay that was fun, now it’s time to drink some rum! 
Cheers to another year of Devildom simping! 🎉🎉
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alexmercer2424 · 4 years
Could you do Danny Johnson with a very beautiful female, deaf writer S/O who has written a lot of bestselling novels, plz?
Im finally feeling better after not feeling well these past few days (not covid don’t worry, like tummy issues) and I ate my body weight in just a few minutes…
Danny Johnson w/ a Deaf Author S/O
First and foremost it would probably be awhile until he realized you were actually deaf
Like you’d tell him, you’d write it down because you have troubles speaking, but he still wouldn’t believe it
Especially since whenever he tries to sneak up on you, you turn around most the time
Even though being a killer, he should know, that we humans have that instinct if something is around us
Lol, Danny, many animals have that sense!
But It’d be like, him dropping all his stuff from his journals to his camera and made the loudest noise without you reacting would he finally believe you
He’s naturally a suspicious person so cut him some slack on that, he never knows what to believe from people because he’s a liar himself
He also didn’t believe you were an author
But that’s more so because there’s hardly any books in the realm and he wasn’t that much of a reader before coming to the realm
He had other hobbies after all
But it wasn’t until talking to some of the other killers, the killers that did read more than the usual folk (such as the Doctor or Nurse) did he understand that you were what you were
If anything, it made his ego perk up and made him bristle with pride because he got not only a sexy lady but also a smart and famous lady
He’s narcissistic so I hope you like being shown off like a trophy
Because as he’s showing you off, he’s also showing off that he has you and no one else can have you and he won
Will also make an effort to get you a computer of sorts if you prefer writing like that
He may steal it at times though because he likes technology
But you can’t touch his camera…
After all these some secret photos he doesn’t want you seeing
He doesn’t need you to know just how much he stalks you and takes pictures of you
He’s still a weird guy and what he does with your pretty pictures he has of you is for him to know and only him to know
Aka may have a weird shrine hidden somewhere…
Also since he knows you’re a great writer, expect him to bug you give made into a character
The narcissist side in him again
Also be ready for him to bug you writing porn…
The two of you aren’t always together keep in mind, and he gets lonely, it’s the least you can do
Besides! It’ll be fun to help you think up scenes and to learn about your kinks that way
How he asks you exactly tho?
There’s sticky notes fucking everywhere!
You can’t hear his president begging so you have to see it in equal volumes
Like there’s no doubt a wall would be covered with paper and whatnot of him begging and trying to convince and also some risqué photos to be the cherry on top
Also him either sitting in the corner all seductive like or standing next to you as innocent as can be
Just do it or he’ll never leave you alone again…
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ramen-rambles · 5 years
HC: Going On A Disney Date
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader, Kirishima Eijirou x Reader, Kaminari Denki x Reader, Todoroki Shouto x Reader, Midoriya Izuku x Reader
Warnings: None! Just fluffy goodness
Word Count: 1.9K
Summary: Just some headcanons on what spending a day at the parks would be like with your favorite boys. (btw, this is based on the Disney parks in Anaheim!)
A/N: S/O to the discord for indulging me in my Disney obsession :’D Fun fact, when I went to Disneyland for Halloween, I borrowed my friend’s Pikachu kigurumi so that I could lowkey cosplay as Denki LOL
Taglist: @jojosmilktea
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜
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You had to do so much convincing to get him to even go to one park, let alone two
Teases you and smirks saying, “Why do you want to go to some lame theme park? I’m all the fun you need, princess.” 
Bakugou ends up giving in to your begging because… how can he resist such a cute face? 
He is super whiny in the beginning, literally complaining about every little thing
“Why the fuck is all the shit here so damn expensive?”, “The lines are too fucking long!” 
Don’t even bother trying to get him to wear any kind of Mickey Ears either
He thinks it looks adorable on you though, not that he’d admit it 
However, after seeing how much fun you were having, he eases up a bit and begins to enjoy himself too
Actually, he ends up becoming more excited than you
Once you start getting tired from all the walking and constant queuing, he mocks you and says “What? You’re tired already? I could keep this up for hours!” 
His go-to pose for the ride photos is to flip off the camera
And yes, you guys end up buying a copy of all the pictures because he thinks it’s fucking hilarious
His favorite attraction to go on is Toy Story Midway Mania because he knows he’ll kick your ass and get a higher score than you; or Radiator Springs Racers, so he can win the race and kick other people’s ass 
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He’s such a child at heart that he was actually the one who asked you to go to Disneyland
Had already bought the tickets in advance because he already knew you’d say yes. You felt kind of bad that he had to spend all that money for both of your tickets
“E-eji, are you sure you don’t want me to pay you back? These tickets must have been so expensive!” 
“Don’t worry about it babe, I’ve been saving my allowance to buy us these tickets. I wanted to take you out on a magical date at the happiest place on earth!” 
He really was the sweetest boyfriend
On the days leading up to your date, you two start planning out matching outfits, what rides you guys for sure want to go on, and all the new foods you can’t want to try! 
The night before, the two of you have a Disney movie marathon, snuggled up on the couch eating popcorn while watching all those childhood classics! 
His favorite movie is The Little Mermaid because where else did you think he got the inspiration to dye his hair red? Princess Ariel
Day of, you guys are BEYOND excited
Kirishima wakes up extra early to start getting ready, letting you get in a few more minutes of sleep
Once you get there, the first thing you both do is take a picture in front of Main Street! He pretty much documents your entire trip on his phone, taking candid photos of you being the cutie you were
He makes it his new lockscreen wallpaper
While he was waiting in line to buy some food, you went to the shop and bought a matching pair of Mickey and Minnie ears, wanting to surprise him
Smothered you in smooches because he was so happy you guys were matching head to toe, literally 
“Thanks babe! I’m never gonna take this off!” 
And he never took his ears off. He wore it all day. How it didn’t fall of his head was a question you had no answer to
You two were the definition of cringey couple; matching outfits, constant PDA
Not that he cared what other people thought. He was happy and you were happy, that’s all that mattered to him
Go-to ride pose is leaning over next to you, grabbing your entire face, and giving you a big kiss on the cheek 
Favorite ride is Hyperspace Mountain, loves the thrill of it plus, it makes his hair look extra spikey because the wind pushes it back up 
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You guys are such kids, after you guys went the first time, you came back so often and ultimately decided that it would be better to buy annual passes
Your guy’s Disney trips were always very spontaneous, to say the least 
Kaminari would be like, “Hey babe, what if we go to Disneyland tomorrow?” 
“Come again? You want to go to Disneyland tomorrow?” 
“Yeah, why not? We haven’t been in awhile” He says, nonchalantly 
Giving in to his pouting, that’s how the two of you usually end up at the parks
You go so often you basically have a routine down
You two take turns doing everything; driving, paying for parking, paying for food, etc
During the drive there, you guys are singing non-stop. For some reason, he knows almost all the lyrics to every single song, making you wonder how he can memorize all those words and somehow still have no clue how to remember a simple math formula
You guys also try to Disney Bound (basically, it’s a lowkey cosplay) most of the time, but if not, you guys will always wear matching outfits
Unlike most people, he actually really enjoys wearing the Mickey ears, he thinks he looks extra cute in them. You agree
His ride pose often changes, from ‘hitting the woah’ to literally bringing a prop on the ride, he just does whatever he thinks is funny
But you often collaborate with each other while waiting in line to decide what pose you should do together; if no ideas come up, throwing up a peace sign is the standard move
Favorite ride to go on is Splash Mountain, hands down. He always asks to sit in the front. For some reason, he loves the feeling of getting absolutely fucking drenched
As a tradition, you two always make it your last ride of the night. Since it’s colder, there’s really not much of a wait, meaning you guys have an entire log to yourselves and can pretty much go on it as many times as your hearts desire 
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You were aware that Todoroki had probably never been to Disneyland before, considering he spent most of his childhood training
So when you asked him if he’s ever actually gone to the parks, he was like, “Isn’t that the amusement park who has a rat as their mascot? His name is Mikey, right?”, “So, Elsa has an ice quirk too?” 
You swore that this boy would be the death of you
You were quick to educate him on all things Disney, telling him stories of when you were younger and how they were some of your fondest memories as a kid
Wanting your boyfriend to share the same experience as you, you eagerly suggested that the two of you must go together one day, and he seemed just as eager with his response
He said, “Okay then, let’s go this Saturday. It’s the weekend so we most likely won’t be busy anyways.”
“Uh Shouto, honey, I’d love to go but I’m pretty broke right now, tickets are expensive so it’ll probably take me a few weeks to save up for —“ you complained
He cut you off right there and says that he’ll pay for everything, whipping out Endeavor’s credit card 
Why did he have that on him??
Before you could protest and scold him for using someone else’s card, it was too late because he already bought them
Once in the parks, he seems to be quite fascinated by everything, but his focus tends to stay on you, watching how excited you get over every little thing
You guys get matching ears, but he’s not too keen on wearing them. At most, he’ll wear it for pictures, but that’s about it. But he also can’t help but admire how cute you look in them 
Buys you literally anything you want. Overpriced merchandise? Done. Overpriced food? You bet. Overpriced everything? Abso-fucking-lutely. Doesn’t care about the price, as long as you’re happy
Even if he doesn’t explicitly show it, he’s actually having a lot of fun! 
Being in such a magical place with his favorite person in the world makes him want to go back, reliving those childhood moments he didn’t really have
Inevitably, he ends up upgrading your tickets to an annual pass 
“You bought us annual passes?! Why did you do that, and when?!” 
“I did it on the app, while you were in that long line for the bathroom.” He said, feigning innocence
You two end up going at least twice a month, if not more. Pretty much going there to just hang out and walk around 
His poses for the rides aren’t really poses per se, it’s really just his poker face. Occasionally, you’ll pinch his cheeks to give a little flare to your photos 
Favorite ride is Soarin’ Around The World. He likes the visual appeal. Plus, the orange scent smells really good 
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Both of you guys were equally excited to go! 
You two had planned to go for some time now, saving up enough money to buy tickets and acknowledging the fact that you guys would spend a lot on food and other things 
Izuku is such a nerd that he basically makes an entire schedule of your guy’s stay, morning until night
He grabs a copy of the park map and actually brings a pen to circle which rides you guys want to go on throughout the day
He will definitely download the app in order to keep track of wait times 
Plans for which rides you guys should go on first, taking into account the the events that people would be watching instead of waiting in lines, making the most of your time
“Okay, if the wait time for Radiator Springs Racers is 90 minutes, by the time we’re done, we should make it just in time to use our fastpass for Grizzly River Run…”
It kind of amazes you how articulate he was about this whole thing
“Wow, babe. I can’t believe you planned for all of that, I thought we were just going with the flow.” You said, teasing him for being such a nerd. How cute
His hero costume basically had bunny ears on them, so he didn’t complain about wearing the Mickey ears 
You two take lots of pictures, you guys even wait in that long line to take that cliché couple photo in front of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle
Go-to pose varies depending on the ride, usually the camera catches him by surprise, so in almost all of the pictures, he looks like he’s about to cry 
Doesn’t really have a favorite ride but his absolute favorite thing to do is to watch the fireworks towards the end of the night
He enjoys just sitting there and holding you close in his arms while you two watch the show and sing along to the music
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜
Hope you liked these! Thank you for reading~
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