#it’s been TWO MONTHS MAN
just-avocado · 1 year
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[Accompanied story below <3]
“Bobbyyyy!” “I love you Bobby!!”
The boy grinned as wide as he could as he waved to his mami, his papi, and all the other players who had travelled so far to see him.
They all waved back, everyone one of them was smiling, holding up their smiles for one minute longer if it meant the little boy could rest with peace of mind.
There were so many things left unsaid, too little time, too many emotions at the brink of overflowing. Bobby could see it in their eyes and he knew they could see it in his. But this wasn’t about that, he needed to stay strong, he couldn’t let them leave knowing he was afraid.
The boy swallowed those feelings down until the gentle hiss of the closing wall hit his ears. The last thing he heard was his mothers strained “I love you”, her voice laced with tears she couldn’t let him see.
“I love you too!” He’d tried to sign, but by then it was too late. The loving faces of his family had been replaced by the same cold, white quartz that now surrounded him. He’d known this was how it would end. Ten minutes, that’s what Cucurucho had said so that’s what Bobby had prepared himself for.
It had been easy to distract himself from the reality of it all when Jaiden and Roier were there to hold him. But now that they were gone, there was nothing else on his mind. 
The little boys lip trembled as he begged with all his might that the wall would reopen. His mami and papi would run in to hold him, to bring him home, as tío Bad and tío Cellbit tore Cucurucho to shreds. Bobby would have the final blow and everyone would cheer.
The Federation would never dare come near him or any of the other eggs again. He’d see Richarlyson again. He’d watch the sunset. He’d paint one more picture and then a hundred more after that, in his own home, not within the claustrophobic walls of this cage.
His mami could finish her story about the egg with overalls that took over the world. His papi could take him on another adventure only this time Bobby would always listen when he said to be more careful. He swore he’d listen.
Bobby felt a small sob escape his lips.
He should have listened.
If he’d listened he could be doing all those things and more.
But he didn’t. He was alone and he was dead.
The little boy could only wrap his arms and tiny wings around himself, desperate for any comforting touch he could get. He was dead. Deaddeaddeaddeaddead. Bobby forced his eyes shut, trying to stop the panicked tears flowing from his eyes. 
Was this it?
Was he just going to be here? Forever? Locked away in this place his family could never find him? Was he really never going to see any of them again? He could feel a deep pit in his stomach open at the thought.
With trembling arms, Bobby moved to wipe the salty tears from his face.
The sensation brought him back to the week before. Or was it less than that? Him and Richas had been playing tag around the Favela. Tío Pac and tío Mike had been taking care of his friend that day, and compared to his paranoid tío Cellbit and Forever, they were trusting enough to let the two boys out of their immediate sight.
And in a very, VERY rare moment of weakness Bobby had missed a step on a small set of stairs while running and received an extra painful shortcut to the bottom.
Now Bobby was no cry-baby, in fact he’d never cried in his life. But the spike of fear as he fell and the painful rocks digging into his skin were really pushing it. And Richas, because he was dumb and slow (and also it), took forever to get down to him. However, once he did, he didn’t make fun of him. Instead, he quietly took his oversized sleeves and used them to clean the dirt from his friend’s face. If there was a bit of tears smeared there too, neither of them commented on it.
At the time Bobby had just shrugged him off, insisting that he was fine and didn’t need his help. Now, there was nothing Bobby wouldn’t give to have him there.
But he wasn’t there, Bobby was alone.
Richas was alive, in fact he probably didn’t even know that his best friend was dead.
The boy had sworn next time Bobby visited he would demand a rematch, as if he could ever actually beat him at tag. If Bobby had just listened, maybe they would have gotten that chance.
“No, no, estoy cansado, hijo.”
“Es demasiado peligroso, dejémoslo para otro día.”
Bobby couldn’t get mad at his papi, he was the one who had run in after all.
If he’d just listened…
The anguished screams of his father still rang in the boys ears. His breathing only quickening as he relived those final moments. The axe of the Vindicator breaking through his armor and lodging itself deep into his chest. The pain like an explosion, deafening all other sensations. The arms of his papi as he desperately tried to carry them both away, only to be overpowered himself moments later. 
All at once the two realized what was happening. They were both down, bleeding out into the deep wooden floor of the mansion. A mansion thousands of blocks from any homes. No one would be able to save them. No one would even know what’s happening until their death messages pinged on every com.
As Bobby failed to blink the blurring from his vision he felt his papi use the last of his strength to pull him close. If the younger’s head was a little clearer he would have apologized. If every movement wasn’t a fresh shot of fire into his veins he would have hugged his papi back. But as the pain evolved from boiling to ice cold and his vision turned black, his only fleeting thought was the hope this was all a nightmare and he’d wake up safe at home.
This unnatural, horrible, evil place was the exact opposite of home. No matter how much he wished for the familiar walls of his room or the countless paintings in his apá’s attic the walls remained the same. He’d never feel the comfort of his home again, would he?
That last thought was all it took for the poor boy to finally break.
Bobby’s legs gave way beneath him as he crumbled to the ground, finally letting all those ugly feelings out. The fear, the regret, the sadness, the anger, the pain. He felt his heart unravel and fall apart as his whole body shook with anguished sobs.
Even when Bobby was still alone, before he’d known the love of family, of friends. Back when he still wondered if the great dragon that had brought him into this world would ever wake up. He still hadn’t felt this helpless.
To think that was only two months ago.
It hurt, so so much. It was amazing to the boy how the pain he felt now was somehow so much greater than the day before. That this burning in his heart was somehow more scaring than the iron blade of a monster.
Bobby wondered if this was how they felt too. The children that had died before him.
Trump had been forgotten, present enough for adults to notice him, but not enough for them to realize he’d been all but abandoned.
Tilín, the closest thing to a sibling he’d had, neglected by their father and accidentally killed by their tío Charlie.
And Juanaflippa, there to witness her friends death, her papa’s exile, brought back from hell due to the pure determination of her parents, only to be dragged back a day later by the stray blade of her own mother.
A small part of Bobby realizes that compared to them, that despite his situation, he is lucky. Lucky to have had loving parents who never let him go hungry. Lucky to have the chance to make so many new friends. Lucky that so many cared enough to brave thousands of blocks of uncharted land just for the chance of his revival. Lucky that despite his carelessness and his pride the Federation granted him ten minutes alone with his mami and papi before he had to leave for good. Bobby hated the Federation with everything he had but…
Thinking back to the day of their funerals, filled with broken sobs and burning grief. The final goodbyes, final words, final embraces, final promises. If nothing else Bobby would hold onto the saddened laughs and smiles of his ever growing family as he ensured their last memory of him would be full of as much light as he could possibly share.
As Bobby failed to wipe away his tears he could almost imagine Tilín there with him, almost feel their hand on his. A constant missing piece ever since that day. He’d hated Charlie for so long after he’d seen him hunched over the body of his sibling, desperately trying to find any remaining life, something to save.
The hand moved slightly, running a comforting thumb over his knuckles.
The boy blinked his eyes back open in shock. Two large, maroon eyes blinked back. Bobby could feel his breath get trapped somewhere in his throat as as Tilín slowly moved his hands from his face to wipe away his tears.
They looked exactly the same as he last remembered. Shoulder length black hair tied into a tiny ponytail with a vibrant red ribbon. Eyes wide with kindness yet with a subtle mischief underneath. An oversized, dark blue jacket like the one their father wears. Small, golden yellow wings sprouting from their back. Bobby never thought he’d see them again.
Bobby was no stranger to the island’s tricks but as Tilín carefully helped the boy back to his feet he had no doubt in his mind that this was the same Tilín he’d known and loved and grieved. Somehow, left to rot in this horrible pristine room, Tilín had found him and he wasn’t alone.
With shakey hands Bobby signs the only thing he can. “You came for me?”
Tilín let out a huff of disbelief as if not being there was never even a possibility. “Of course I came for you, dummy.” They signed, with an exasperated smile. “We all did.”
Tilín nodded happily as they spun to the side to reveal Trump and Juanaflippa a small distance away.
Upon seeing him the two enthusiastically waved their way. Bobby lifted his hand to give a small wave back before needing to wipe away at one last tear as his heart battled between disbelief and relief like no other.
“Are you ready?” Tilín signed, taking a step forward.
Ready? Oh…
“Is…” he paused, “Is it scary..?”
Tilín’s smile turned sad for a moment as they turned back to their brother. “Un poco si… pero that’s why we’re here, so you don’t need to feel afraid!”
Bobby didn’t know what to say, his breath hitched with emotion as his heart caught up to his brain. Bobby squeezed his sibling’s hand as his thoughts repeated like an echo. This is real. Tilín is real.
Tilín gave him a small smile, as if reading his thoughts.
“It’s okay if you don’t wanna leave yet,” their hands motioned, “But I promise it’s much better than this stuffy place.”
“You bet!” Juanaflippa happily added, stepping up behind Tilín alongside Trump, “Don’t worry Bobby, the first step is the worst part, after that it’s a piece of cake!” Her smile was so genuine and encouraging, Bobby had almost forgotten it.
The boy turned to Trump, it was a weird feeling, seeing him so close again. Bobby frowned, thinking about how little he actually knew about his lost brother.
Trump sighed before signing, “That’s one way to put it but what Tilín said is true, it’s easier when you have a friend.”
The trio looked at each other.
“Or three,” he finished with a chuckle.
Bobby remembered a story Tallulah had shared (one from her abuelito apparently). He remembered it for it’s ending where the hero had died protecting her friends. Bobby had argued that the story couldn’t end that way but Tallulah just giggled and weirdly agreed. She flipped the page of her notepad and explained that her death hadn’t been the end of the tale.
It was the start of a new chapter.
One filled with those she had been missing during her life.
Maybe that’s what this was, Bobby thought. Not an end, but a beginning. One filled with a family he never got to properly know.
He’d miss everyone on the island. Bobby would remember the joyous laugh of his apá and the caring smile of his mami everyday. He would treasure his time with them all and hope they did the same in return.
Bobby looked up, gazing into the eyes of his siblings with a new spark in his heart. Because no matter what was thrown at him, Bobby always got back up.
As he signed his hands were still a bit shakey, only this time with a newfound, anxious determination. 
“Well what are we waiting for?”
The three lit up, Juanaflippa playfully elbowing Trump as she got a running start towards the faded white behind them, the walls of the room from before nowhere to be found.
“You saw him Trump! Race ya!”
Trump splurted out a laugh before quickly outrunning his sister.
Bobby’s grinned widened as Tilín began pulling him along, not to be outdone by their siblings. Giggles escaped their lips as they caught up pace.
As Bobby ran he thought of the many adventures ahead, ready to make every new moment count. 
And when he saw his mami and papi again he’d tell them every second of it. One day.
But for now until forever he’d enjoy every second he had with the family before him, together again.
Thank you for reading :DDD
I wrote like 90% of this the night Bobby’s death was confirmed and then lost motivation for two months before finishing it lmao
Aaand I tried my best but before Bobby died I had never actually seen a Roier or Jaiden stream (now I watch them pretty often) so if there’s any inconsistencies such as how they refer to each other just ignore them for my sake XD
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egophiliac · 10 months
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I'm wonder if it's going to be broken up the same way? I know Eng sometimes chunks things differently (you guys apparently got the entire back half of 6 in one enormous update?!), so I'm curious if we'll have the same cliffhangers! :O there is...so much that happens...
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hoshiina · 5 months
— a guy asks for your number ft. hoshina, narumi, reno
warnings: mentions dick and profanities in hoshina's
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fawn-tongues · 1 month
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Safe Bet
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
wish more ppl in the timkon tag understood the concept of "best friends to lovers" 😩 where's my "years' worth of stupid inside jokes referenced at the worst moments just to make each other giggle" nonsense. where's the bone-deep understanding and knowing of each other. the ease and relaxation in each other's presence. the "i know how your head works without you having to tell me" of it all. where's the "no one knows me better than you. how could it be anyone but you" of it all!!!
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thosedamnedghouls · 2 months
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and when i tell you all ive unfortunately fallen down the Dick Grayson parents Peter Parker rabbit hole
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sentientstump · 1 year
found an unfinished animatic for the season 9 first day, ✨hweat shenanigans✨ that i started a year ago ( o_o wdym a year ago ) And i kinda can't finish it now, so here you go!
yes, thats a horse head, its essential
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also have a meme
i did a high resolution version as well but then i remembered why i wanted to do the animatic in the first place... and it's for that moment when a goofy looking horse cuboid head stares at you with its nose and you can't even see it's eyes
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tabooi · 3 months
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i call this one "literally what was going on with the second us tour"
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maalidoesart · 3 months
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the gays win
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mrtequilasunset · 1 year
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Still trying to figure out their shape
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
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Howdy hello- guess who made a wings au :)
More to come with this eventually- I’m working on my designs for other characters at the moment, but for now we’ve got Red-Tailed Hawk for Curt and Eagle Owl for Owen.
For DMA I had Barn Owl wings because a) Barn Owls are beautiful and I wanted to draw the wings for them, and more importantly, b) Owen would probably want to disguise his wings, and it would make sense if it was as a different type of owl. I just assume he’d dye his feathers in some way or another. Look- just don’t think about it too much.
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vulpinesaint · 27 days
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Venom + Kissing Death by MOTHICA
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youmademeallnervouswithyourfrickingblowerthenirealizedyouhaventgotaclueandthenitwas i calmed down
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Astarion: *shaking Gale awake at 3am*
Astarion: Time is ever marching forward and your mortal days are running out. Every second that goes by is a second lost.
Gale: …should I be worried?
Astarion: time is an fucking illusion, Darling, the only thing truly real is death.
Gale: go back to bed.
Astarion: what truly comes after death?
Gale: …I’m not emotionally or mentally stable enough for this, go ask Withers.
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getvalentined · 2 months
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A handful of work created for the Chaos Theory charity fanthology, because even if I can't draw I can repost work I'm still proud of.
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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lhqr outfit musings... (underlayers, everyday outfits, performance / out on the town outfits)
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