#it’s fine for people to dislike huntlow!!!! that’s okay!!!!!!
bookiedoodles · 2 years
If you ship Gold////ric or Hunt////mira you’re literally not allowed to shit on the development between Hunter and Willow kthx ❤️
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divinemiracles · 11 months
may i ask why lunter shippers often criticize and/or dislike lumity so much ─ as in, the pairing itself, not the fans? it's extremely frustrating because i'm a multishipper (lumity main, but i very much love lunter too) and i don't understand why the shipping war over which one "should be true canon" isn't just one-sided from biphobes/antis/etc., because i was always under the impression that was the case. i've only ever experienced the fandom mainstream and i'm still new to spaces where shipping luz with boys, especially hunter, is acceptable. i'm curious as to why each side has negative shit to say about the other as if their opinion is absolute. hell, i'm still confused by how much people passionately hate huntlow this bad for being boring and unoriginal at worst; if it's problematic for the age gap then surely lunter is too (rhetorical)? anyway, i hope this ask comes across okay and respectful enough. i read your blog's description and pinned post so i hope i can find some answers through you.
~ bi-ship
Thank you for being so respectful!
There’s many reasons as to why Lunter fans dislike Lumity as a ship. It’s mainly due to a difference in shipping taste or out of spite since a handful of Lumity shippers are toxic (I like Lumity, it’s cute, but I fall under the difference in shipping taste category).
Lumity and Lunter are two completely different ships. One falls under the cutesy, wholesome, loving couple (Lumity) trope and the other falls under the angsty, heartbreak, storyline, and lore-based (Lunter) ship trope.
Many Lunter fans are mainly in the fandom and watch the show for the lore and Wittebane brothers, which is why they ship Lunter (for the Evelyn/Caleb parallels). If Lunter was canon, TOH would be a completely different story and have the Wittebane family as a major key to the story. But with Lumity, the story doesn’t go much into the brothers and just has a cute loving couple.
That’s where most of the criticism comes from. Lumity isn’t a ship that’s there for the lore, it’s just there for sapphic representation and normality. Also, since it was the first Disney sapphic couple involving a protagonist, it would be difficult to add it into lore-based angst since it would probably be passed as “too toxic” or whatever. That’s why they’re so lovey-dovey. Keep in mind this is just a thought. Lumity is not toxic at all, they’re just a normal couple.
With Huntlow, Lunter fans mostly hate it and criticize it for being boring and unoriginal like you said. It was rushed a lot and could have been dropped since it didn’t bring representation or relevance (Willow was never confirmed as Evelyn and they were never in-show confirmed or coded as bi/pan. I headcanon them as such but all they ever had were popular color palettes). It also depends a lot on perspective. It’s toxic to some and not toxic to others. I have a deep hate for it just for the unoriginality (bad boy turns into malewife for the shy girl that turns into a girlboss) and irrelevance but I don’t actually view it as TOXIC toxic since in my viewpoint, it’s just two normal people pushed too hard into a malewife x girlboss ship. I don’t like how Willow does sometimes resemble Belos but she’s far FAR better and healthier than Belos.
To sum this up: Lunter fans often dislike/criticize Lumity and Huntlow for being lovey-dovey, unoriginal, and not relevant to the plot. It all boils down to a difference in shipping interest. None of the ships are actually toxic (it’s mostly just people looking far too deep into them) but some people can view it as such and that’s fine as long as no one gets harassed. We all have different views.
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bardcoven · 2 years
okay i don’t normally cue in on ship discourse because frankly it’s just stupid and not worth it (especially when it’s over a fucking tumblr poll) but claiming huntlow is ableist because of the “half-a-witch” thing is just… no. it’s not a matter of opinion or media interpretation it’s just a flat out incorrect statement.
the point of their dynamic wasn’t “two disabled people are only considered ‘whole’ when they’re with each other” it was “two disabled people actively try to uplift each other and show the other that they’re more than the label that was unfairly slapped on them as a child” and finding comfort in someone being Like You.
i do not care if you dislike huntlow, most people don’t. but the thing is you don’t need some epic morally just reason to not like them. you can vote for alphyne (or whatever the other ship is called i never played UTDR) just because you liked them more. it’s so unnecessary to drag out words like homophobic, ableist, misogynist that have heavy meanings and connotations over a fucking Tumblr Ship Poll.
all of us on here are grown. there’s no fucking reason to be acting like this over fictional relationships. this poll was supposed to be fun and it’s just not anymore. i don’t give a shit if huntlow wins atp. if this is how it’s gonna be for the next however many weeks then i’m completely fine with us tapping out.
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zuzusexytiems · 2 years
hot take, and I'm saying this as a hardcore huntlow shipper, but huntlow antis are entitled to their opinion just as much as anyone else—especially if they're just expressing their thoughts and they're not hurting/directly being rude to anyone.
guys, our ship is already canon. our tag is FLOODING with fan art and fic, and so many people are enjoying it and celebrating it with us. the positive feedback on huntlow is the majority. so is it really so bad if we see 1 or 2 people say they dislike huntlow?
we already won. we have everything we want atp, and by the time the finale comes around, we will have even more. we don't need to convince every single person in the world to ship our ship. we don't have to prove anything.
if a person says they don't like huntlow and that they prefer another ship—especially if that person is decent enough to keep that opinion within their own space—that's fine. not liking huntlow doesn't mean they're terrible people. it just means they don't like huntlow. and that's okay.
we have canon status. we have official crew sketches. we have a steady flow of new fan art and fanfic from amazing artists and writers. if there's an epilogue montage in the finale, we'll probably even see hunter and willow married with kids.
please relax.
we'll live.
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edalynn · 2 years
Okay usually I let stuff like this slide, but this is just ridiculous. 
Normally I politely ignore huntlow anti posts. You wanna talk about how you hate a ship? Cool. That's fine. That's valid. Its totally vaild if you don't like huntlow. I may not agree, but it's still valid. 
But HARASSING a storyboard artist over drawing boards with Huntlow in them? Are you fucking kidding me?! It is low of me to say this, but you are terrible. And it's even lower for you to even be stooping to something like harassment. 
Like, you are in your TWENTIES. Grow the fuck up.
I'd expect a minor to be immature enough to harass a crew member, NOT A GROWN ASS ADULT.
Also, it seems you have no clue how The Owl House is made. The Owl House is a script driven show. NOT a storyboard driven one. Meaning the scripts are written first, and the board artists draw the scenes according to the script. The storyboard artists have next to no input on the story at all. All, even Halyen Wong once said that she has no idea where the story is going. Another thing to note is that scripts don't just have the dialogue, they also have stage directions. Meaning that most, if not all, of the huntlow blushes were written in the script, not added by the storyboard artists. 
So, if you're going to look to harass the crew for adding huntlow, maybe do your research and learn how the show is made, or better yet DON'T HARASS THE CREW AT ALL??
Again, I usually let huntlow anti posts slide. I usually politely ignore them and let them go on with their day. But you are openly harassing a REAL person who has done fucking nothing wrong over a fictional ship. What is wrong with you? Take a step back and grow the fuck up. Mike is innocent and you have no godamn right to be talking about him like that.
No one is actively harassing the storyboard artists as far as I know, and I am only talking about my dislike for them on my own blog with my own friends & followers. Unfortunately for you, people are allowed to dislike crew members on creative projects for their opinions and additions to said projects. If I were personally messaging and berating Mike or Rebecca or Hayley that would be one thing, but I’m talking on my own over here in my corner about how I dislike their push for a ship that was clearly (and told by Dana to change their storyboards of) meant to be in the show. Personally, I think Mike is kinda weird. But that’s my opinion and not your place to tell me to change my mind on that? Plus- that’s not entirely how scripts work either. The storyboard artists have literally said they went off script and put their own additions in that Dana either made them take out or tone down. And if anyone is harassing anyone, it’s the person sending direct anons on tumblr and not the tumblr user yelling out to the void on their own blog. I don’t think you know what harassment means.
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hadesisqueer · 2 years
Some people need to calm down when it comes to shipping things because some of you guys can be fucking creepy.
I'm a shipper myself. I love shipping. But y'all need to draw the line between shipping and being fucking obsessed or harassing someone.
Like for example, I'm a RWBY fan. I have a bunch of RWBY ships I like. Bumbleby (Blake and Yang, wlw ship) is my favorite. There are people who ship Blacksun (Blake and Sun, f/m ship). I neither dislike or like that ship, I simply prefer them as friends. I leave Blacksun shippers be and enjoy their stuff. I do a lot of Bumbleby content. Yet I get a bunch of asks sometimes of Blacksun shippers bothered because I like Bumbleby. Some of them are outright homophobic. And those specific shippers can fuck off. Not all of Blacksun shippers are like this, of course, most of them are super nice and let people be just the same. This happens with a few Bumbleby shippers as well, who get too intense and don't let other people alone. And a bunch of other ships from RWBY.
Another example of “shipper gets too fucking intense” that I've lived is about a tweet I made about Stranger Things a couple of years ago with my old account about Mileven (m/f ship) and a Byler (mlm ship). I said that I actually didn't really like Byler—I'm mostly neutral about it, like it's not my thing but it's fine if you ship it—and actually prefered the m/f ship because idk. I just liked it more. Like I was (and am) all for Will being gay and I agree that he has a crush on Mike, I simply don't ship them because I like them better as friends and I prefer Mike to date Eleven and I want Will to get another boyfriend. That's literally it. And most Byler shippers understood that and were fine with it like the normal, nice people they are, but since there's always an idiot who takes it too seriously, two of them took it personal? And started ranting about how the other ship was too forced and a bunch of bullshit. Kind of like with Bumbleby and Blacksun, but reversed? Only that instead of being homophobic, they called me, an out lesbian, homophobic. Like calm down, I didn't tell you not to ship it. (And I repeat, this was only two idiots. Most Byler shippers are very good people. Like I said, this happens with every single ship).
This has also happened with Zutara VS Kataang (I ship Kataang, I don't like Zutara but I really don't mind if you ship it, just leave me alone, random person on the internet) Korrasami, Huntlow, Catradora and other ships or ship haters-- like. Chill the fuck out. It's okay to ship any ship as long as it's not like, pedo, abusive, or something (and no, Catradora does not count as abusive because it's a fucking enemies to lovers and before they get together Catra has to fucking change for the better and work to improve herself. If you don't like it or ship something else it's fine, just leave me be). Take a deep breath, and remember: these are fictional characters. Stop being a dick. Let people enjoy things.
Also, get the fuck out of my asks, homophobic dickhead.
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tinyghostotus · 2 years
Hey, please don't follow or interact with me if you're going to be gross when disliking a harmless ship
Seen a lot of people being gross when it comes to hating Huntlow. It's okay to dislike the ship!! It's okay to blacklist/filter the ship tag because if your dislike, too!!
It's also okay to still be uncomfortable or dislike it even though Willow has been confirmed to have turned 15 at some point in S2A (most of those photos seen featured Gus' S2 design. His face also didn't seem as round in that photo so I'm positive it took place in 2A)!!
What isn't okay is being really disgusting with your hate. I've seen so many people say really gross things, especially now that Willow has been confirmed to be 15 while Hunter is 16. So, if you've said or agree with any of the following, please just block me:
People should die for shipping it
You'll kill yourself if you see the ship/it becomes canon
Being fatphobic and racist (I've heard this is mostly happening on Tiktok??)
Calling the ship gross and that "people who ship this must have been groomed as a kid"/making fun of grooming and the victims of it while hating the ship
If you believe victims don't deserve to be happy and in a relationship (idk as a victim who had multiple abusers... It really makes me feel like some of you are saying we're too broken for relationships. I understand wanting Hunter to get therapy, I do too, but the way I've seen some people word this makes it come off as if some just think none of us are allowed to date at all because we've been abused/traumatised)
People hating the ship just because its 'hetero'/'straight' and not LGBT+ (mspec and trans people exist. If we date the opposite gender, we're still LGBT+. Our relationship is still LGBT+. Don't be phobic just because mspec and trans people may date the opposite gender)
Again, it's perfectly fine if you don't like the ship!! Nobody is forcing you to ship it. Even now that its confirmed in episode that Willow turned 15 at some point in S2A, which means there's about a year gap between her and Hunter, I understand if people still don't like the ship because of headcanons or anything like that!!
I just don't feel comfortable with people who say that kind of disgusting thing interacting with me. Especially when you could just... Block/blacklist the ship tag (and block accounts if needed) and just continue on with your day. So, if you've said anything like the stuff I've listed, or have agreed - and continue to agree with it - with anyone saying it, please just block me because I really don't want any of you interacting with me
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