#it’s fine like.. i’ll be okay. i just was really looking forward to y’know. not having to pretend to be a functional human being that day
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I love waking up to a text from the assistant manager telling me someone I worked with yesterday is poorly (with what girl??? Is he contagious?????) and asking if I can pick up a shift today or tomorrow
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#i ended up saying i can’t do today because… i can’t. who is going to take care of mabel??#i can’t foist a blockheaded terrier on anybody with such short notice. and anyway i don’t want to#i’m fully booked up today with dog walks and reading a cosy thriller. it’s gonna be the whole day ideally#but i accepted a 9-5 tomorrow 🙃🙃#it’s fine like.. i’ll be okay. i just was really looking forward to y’know. not having to pretend to be a functional human being that day#i kind of hope she finds someone better in between now and her seeing my message. or that sick coworker in question makes a very fast#recovery. i mean i hope that anyway. i like him. but like…#8 hours of pretending to be a person. and then i have to do it again on friday. whyyyyyy#like i don’t think anyone appreciates or realises how much it takes out of you to have to smile and be polite with people who are being#terrible to you sometimes; while you’ve been on your feet all day and your body is aching and you’ve been doing heavy lifting#and maybe you’ve been scalded or burnt at some point or cut your hand and man there’s just so many things that can go wrong at my job#i get covered in something at least once per shift. milk; coffee; soapy water; mixture of the three…..#and i’ve just realised i don’t even have enough shit for lunches this week because i assumed i’d only be doing 3 shifts#so i ate all my snacks and only left enough stuff for 3 lunches#i’m probably just going to buy lunch there tomorrow. which’ll cost me like. nearly an hour’s wages. which is why i don’t do it. 🙃🙃🙃#fuck it. i can just suck it up and pick out a sandwich and some crisps or something; write my name on them and put them in the fridge#it’s just annoying!! like i’ll be fine but i’m just not mentally prepared for unexpectedly having to work lol#personal
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princessbrunette · 8 days
If kook!reader ask pogue!rafe to come with her to midsummer would he go?
yes but not without rejecting you one million times. it’s not because he doesn’t wanna hang with you particularly. he’s already fucked you a few times by this point and he’s starting to get a little too attached to the point it makes him mad. it’s because he knows he’ll stick out like a sore thumb. you’re a kook, and you’re just about tolerable — so he would rather not spend the evening cosplaying as wealthy and talking to people he knew looked down on him. it challenged his dignity.
but then you’re looking up at him, that fucking baby bunny rabbit lost puppy needy kitty look with the big eyes and pouty lips and twitching nose, tilting your head and lowering your voice — asking him if you’d done something wrong, as if you couldn’t fathom why a pogue like him wouldn’t wanna be paraded around midsummers.
“there was a god damn storm a few days ago, m’up to my neck in repairs for the same assholes who’re gonna be there ‘cos they can’t do shit for themselves. you really think i wanna spend the night in a fuckin’ rent-a-tux gettin’ talked down on? nah, sorry. no. take one of your other little friends.” he dismisses you, throwing the rag over his shoulder beneath the blistering sun on his work-site where you’d come to visit him, wearing your prettiest sundress in hopes to have buttered him up.
“rafe! s’not like that. the vibes are like, really good there so everyone’s gonna be nice! and drunk! they had this really good champagne last year and it’s all free, don’t you wanna try it rafe? you don’t have to talk to anyone but me!” you beg, all whiny and fuckable so he’s walking away to his station, hoping you get the hint and leave him alone. as usual, you don’t.
“answers no, kid. go home.” he drawls but you tug on his arm until he turns, forcing your body up against his making some other builders wolf whistle in the distance. “y’know you’re on some real thin ice, okay?”
“i’ll let you put in in my butt?” you pout and he frowns, eyes darting around.
“you— what?”
“c’mon rafe, anything you want. don’t make me go there alone. s’embarrassing.”
“so don’t go alone. already told you, take one of your kook friends, know you got plenty of those who i’m sure are dyin’ to hang off your arm the whole night.”
his lack of care over you seeing other people stings, and you blink up at him, all hurt and scorn.
“fine. i’ll ask jj, i think he’s gonna be there anyway, working and stuff. maybe i can pull some strings and get him to be my date inste—”
“jesus chr— alright… fuck. i’ll come. but if i hate it i’m leaving…yeah?” he forcefully detaches your arms from him and bends at the waist to stare into your eyes, making sure you got the message. you seem happy enough, nodding and shooting forward quickly enough to peck him on the lips. he stands up straight with an exasperated eye roll. “and what’d i tell you about the PDA shit whilst i’m at work?” he scolds, but he doesn’t really care that much, he’d even go as far as to say you looked pretty adorable, skipping off happily.
“yeah, yeah — i’ll text you the details!” you squeal, disappearing away from his workplace. you were gonna be the death of him.
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salty-croissants · 6 months
if your still taking requests, can you do a Bullfrog and Rayman/ramon of their S/O is Pregnant? if you can't that's okay
Thank you for the request !
I apologize for taking longer than usual , I found myself in need of a break since I was feeling a bit too uninspired to write :,T
Anyway I’ve never really written anything for a pregnant reader before , so this was a pretty fun challenge :,) 
Hope it turned out okay ! 
Details : use of female reader ( thought I’d go for that given the prompt , hopefully that’s alright ! ) ;
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
Deep down , Bullfrog still can’t believe he is actually going to become a dad …
While he is definitely worried about how he is going to keep you and your future child ( or children :> ) safe , this frog is still really looking forward to start a family with you , and he will remind you of this a lot .
< y/n , my dear , I’m just so grateful to have you by my side , you know ?
I’m so happy about our child , je ne peux pas attendre … >
He is the absolute best at taking care of you , using all the spare time he gets when he isn’t out for missions to be there anytime you need something , no matter how small .
< I’m back mon amour ! 
Here , I brought you some more food in case you get hungry , and I also made some tea while I was at it . > 
< Thank you honey ! This is exactly what I needed , you’re amazing ~ > 
When you’re feeling a bit fatigued , Bullfrog loves to just rest by your side , with the two of you often falling asleep into each other’s arms .
And if you ever try to stay up anyway , well … your partner is very good at persuading you to do otherwise .
< Hmm … I’m not that tired , sweetie … we can still … talk , or maybe do … something else … > 
< Non y/n , you need to get some sleep … you had a long day today , and I don’t want you to stress yourself too much . 
I’m going to be right here with you mon cher , so don’t worry , alright ? > 
< Heh , alright , thanks Bullfrog … 
Oof , give me a second , the little one is starting to feel heavy … > 
Your beloved assassin adores those simple moments of intimate bliss he gets with you , and whenever he occasionally opens his eyes to check on you he can’t help but feel an overwhelming happiness , knowing that you’re the person that he’s going to share a family with …
Despite the uncertainty of your futures , Bullfrog knows that as long as you’re with him , there will always be hope for him somehow .
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Rayman 🧡
Oh boy is he excited ! 
Rayman loves children , so the mere thought that he’s going to have a kid with you fills him with joy …
He never thought that he’d be able to have something like this in his life , given the way people see him despite his popularity , so you better believe that he will be showering you with affection … even more than usual . 
< Oh y/n , sometimes I still can’t believe this is happening , y’know ?
I just … god , I love you so much ~ > 
Unfortunately , I honestly doubt the Directors would show much care about the fact that their star’s partner is going through a pregnancy …
They need Rayman to be on the show , that’s what matters most to them , so as much as he hates the idea of leaving you alone he doesn’t have much of a choice …
< Damn it …
I’m so sorry … if I could stay with you I would , but the Directors … > 
< Hey it’s alright hun , I’m just gonna lay here and rest until you come back , I should be just fine . > 
< Mm … well , maybe I can convince them to let me go home earlier than usual : I don’t want anything to happen to you because I couldn’t be here , y/n … I … I would never forgive myself … > 
< Ray , love … you worry too much . 
Now come here , I didn’t forget about your goodbye kiss ~ > 
< Heh , thank you y/n … mm … ~ 
I’ll be here as soon as I can , I promise . > 
During the immensely frustrating hours where he can’t be with you , Rayman is still going to remain in contact with you by calling you and sending you texts … a lot .
“Hey sweetie ! 
This should be the last interview for today , I can’t wait to see you ! ❤️
How do you feel ? I remember yesterday night you couldn’t sleep much , did you manage to get some rest ? Oh , you should also remember to drink some water if you haven’t already , it really is important , especially now !”
“Hi Ray ! ❤️
I’m okay , don’t worry , I got some sleep and that really helped a lot !
I think our child is happy you’re coming home … I can feel it kicking since I begun writing you this message ! 
We’ll both be waiting for you ❤️❤️”
After Rayman gets home , I hope you’re prepared to be showered with love and affection for the rest of the day :
he just can’t express how much he missed you , from your voice to your beautiful face … you just make him so happy , and knowing that you’re about to start a family together is just everything he could possibly need .
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Ramon 🖤
1 Now that he doesn’t have to care about his job or the orders of the Directors , you better believe that Ramon is never , ever going to leave your side , especially now that you’re pregnant .
He is terrified at the idea of losing his one chance of finding happiness in his otherwise bleak existence … he won’t allow that to happen .
< y/n , where are you going ? > 
< Ah , I’ll be right back Ram , I just wanted to go for a quick walk just outside , my legs are a bit sore and - > 
< I’m coming with you . > 
< You don’t have to do that , love … I know the wounds you got yesterday while fighting those Eden guys still hurt , you should rest . > 
< I don’t … care about that . I need to be there for you . I need to keep you and our child safe .
Please y/n … you’re all I have . > 
< Okay , okay … we’ll go together , hun . I won’t leave you . > 
< Thank you … > 
He finds it especially comforting to gently rest his head on your stomach , listening to the baby’s occasional small movements beneath … 
It’s in little tender moments like these that Ramon can finally put his mind at ease , momentarily forgetting about Eden and the mess you’re in .
< Does this hurt , darling ? > 
< Hmm ? 
Oh no , it doesn’t ! Don’t worry about it …
It actually feels very nice ~ 
Ramon’s mind often gets crowded with unwelcome thoughts about what kind of life will he be able to provide to your kid , given the critical situation you’re currently both in , and as much as he tries to keep those feelings to himself you’re able to understand what’s on his mind . 
< I know you’re worried about our future , I am too … but I just know things will be alright for all three of us . > 
< How do you know that … ? > 
< Oh , that’s easy Ram : 
I have you here with me , and that’s all I need to keep on going !
It’s not going to be easy , but I know we can face what comes next if we stick together , and we’ll be able to make our child grow happily in a good place . > 
< Heh … you always know how to make me feel better , y/n .
I love you so much , you know that … ? > 
< I love you too Ramon … trust me , we are going to be okay . > 
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nevadancitizen · 3 months
synopsis: a drabble about retired transmasc ghost and him discussing his top surgery plans with you.
word count: ~750
characters: transmasc! simon, gn! reader
trigger warnings: discussion of surgery, needles/testosterone injection, simon having breasts and top dysphoria
notes: wrote this because i'm six months on testosterone as of last friday 🎉🎉!!!!! (also note that this is not fetishization: i am a pre-op transmasc man)
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simon’s lucky to have small enough breasts that they virtually disappeared when he enlisted. the drills and training were so harsh on his body that they looked more like pecs than breasts, so the feeling that he needed top surgery went away for the time being. 
but now, he’s nearing fifty, retired, still “in shape,” but not anywhere near where he was when he was part of the task force. his breasts are a bit more noticeable now, enough where he’d do a double-take in the mirror if he wasn’t wearing a binder or tape. the familiar feeling of top dysphoria came creeping back, as sniveling and pathetic as it is. (not that he felt pathetic for feeling it – he just felt as if it was a benign tumor that he’d be much happier without.)
you and simon had tackled this as a team, as you always did. you both did research about types of top surgeries, doctors, hospitals, recovery, the like. you had reassured him when you noticed any amount of hesitancy, (mostly about him being “too old” or not qualifying for surgery), calling him your “big man” and holding him tenderly, soothing your hand over the softness of his belly.
you took care of him in soft ways like that. you made sure he was comfortable, laying him down as you wiped an alcohol swab over his belly. your hands were careful as you pinched the fat of his stomach and injected his testosterone shot, soothing the injection site with a bandage and a kiss. 
“i can do that myself, y’know,” simon grumbles, but he does nothing to stop you.
“i know,” you say softly. you rub a thumb over the bandage, pushing down on it gently to calm any lingering pain – though usually, there was none. “just practicing taking care of you for when you’re recovering.”
“you take care of me just fine, lovie.” simon takes the syringe from your hands and caps the needle before putting it on the bedside table. then, he pulls you down so that you’re laying on his bare chest. he was shirtless and binderless – a true man in his true form. 
you hum and move so that your cheek is pressing against his chest, your hand resting on his sternum. you breathe in deeply, taking in the scent of the musk between his breasts. it was a heady and intoxicating smell, just like simon.
you trace the scars on his sternum – acne scars from when he first started testosterone. “hm… i’m gonna miss this,” you mumble.
simon’s hand comes up and pets the back of your head, messing with your hair. “miss what?” 
“this,” you say. “resting on your chest. hearing your heartbeat.”
simon huffs out a laugh. “the recovery is only two months.”
“two months too long,” you whine, then press a kiss to his chest, right over the darkest, dipping acne scar. “how am i gonna kiss you like this when you have all those bandages on you?”
“you’re just gonna have to wait,” simon chides, but you can hear a smile in his voice.
you sigh dramatically and nod. “you’re right. and i know it’s for the best. i’m just gonna miss loving on you like this, okay? even if it’s just for two months.”
simon just hums softly in response. his hand continues to play with your hair, combing the strands with his fingers. 
“mh… you gonna miss my chest?” he asks.
“i don’t think so,” you say. “it’s your choice, really. i’ll support you through everything, you know that.” you glance up at him with a teasing smile. “and i’ll finally get you to rest while you’re recovering instead of you busting your ass every day.”
simon rolls his eyes, but there’s still a smile on his scarred lips. “yeah, yeah. you sound like you’re looking forward to it, lovie.”
“maybe i am.” you bury your face in his chest again, pressing another kiss to his scarred skin. 
“don’t expect me to stay down for long,” simon says.
“i won’t,” you mumble. 
simon presses a soft kiss to the top of your head, his hand drifting down to rub one of your shoulders. “i know.”
you sigh softly as you relax into his touch. you know it’ll be like this, now and forever. even after simon’s surgery and recovery, he’ll cradle you to his chest and exchange kiss for kiss like he is now, loving and soft and sweet. 
he’ll always be your boy. your lovely boy.
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kingofanemptyworld · 3 months
Rin, identity issues, and the complications of being an isolated, alienated teenager
It feels sort of weird to say but I generally don’t head canon characters as having particular sexualities. Whatever people go for in fics is usually fine with me - gay, lesbian, bi, pan, something more general like queer. As long as it makes sense for the story they’ve built and the character they’ve shaped to fit it, I’m good. Unless you’re ignoring a canon LGBTQ+ sexuality, in which case, yeah, I’ll take issue with that.
But anyway. Rin.
I’ve got my personal ship for him (BonRin my beloved), but regardless of the pairing I see him as bisexual. He’s so open with his infatuation with Shiemi, and okay, sure, fandom likes to ignore the love interest in shounen for the most part because we’ve got gay ships to peddle. But I don’t see the point in that unless it really reads like it’s a front, or a result of a character suppressing themselves for one reason or another. And with Rin, I think it’s pretty clear his affection for Shiemi is sincere. You technically have the in-universe evidence of the demon that brought out his true desires to back that up, but even without it, Rin likes her. It’s complicated because of Yukio and Shiemi’s own inexperience with romance, and yet I never once doubt he really likes her.
That being said… he’s very appreciative of the guys in his life, too. (Peddling my gay ship here) Bon in particular, considering he’s often admiring how cool he thinks Bon is, that his haircut suits him whether it’s the blonde rooster look or the undercut. If you don’t want to see it as romantic interest, that’s your prerogative, but to me Rin comes across as seeing cool and cute as different traits he finds attractive (in Bon and Shiemi respectively).
I also think his bisexuality would fit neatly into his narrative struggles to “pass” throughout the early parts of the series. Rin has grown up as the neighborhood problem child, ostracized for being violent, and eventually he decides he’s fine with just his brother and his father — and the rest of the monastery, presumably — for company. (Except that’s absolutely not true and clearly he’s starved for friendship and support.) People looked at him and saw a monster, even before his demonic heritage made an appearance; why would he bother giving them even more ammunition when it comes to reasons to hate him? So no matter when he figured out his attraction to guys, he’s not going to lean into it, because he also likes girls, right? (Ignoring for a moment that bisexuality is a lot more nuanced than that.)
Rin likes girls, Rin is human — that’s what’s going to get people to like him, or at the very least tolerate him. That he likes guys, that he’s half demon, he can shove that shit down and pretend it doesn’t exist. Lock up any stray thoughts and keep the sword sheathed around anyone who doesn’t already know.
(Excuse me for being amused by Rin wielding his humanity and supposed heterosexuality as a sword and shield.)
The problem, of course, is that he can’t keep up the facade forever. The narrative won’t let him. Rin has to embrace his demonic side, because it’s the only way to move forward and to continue to help his loved ones. And once he’s moved past the issue of his friends being upset over the deception, when they understand he’s still Rin despite what he’d hidden from them, Rin is finally allowed to be himself. He uses his flames, he lets his tail move freely in the open around the Cram School kids. Rin still doesn’t like this side of himself — it’s inextricably tied to every moment of pain and isolation he’s dealt with his entire life, including the death of Father Fujimoto (and, y’know, his mom). But he is moving forward, he’s trying to adapt.
And isn’t that some great fucking subtext for his bisexuality, too?
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asgirlblog · 3 months
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You’re Out Boy-scout. Part-3
Your last interaction with Felix was about two days ago in class. You realized you have a few of the same courses, and he plopped himself down beside you that day. He leaned over and asked “Do you have a pencil I can borrow?” Not to disrupt the lecture you quietly nodded and began digging through your bag for one. You pulled out a 0.7 gray mechanical pencil and placed it in his hands, your fingers brushing against his. “You can keep it.” You say. “Really?” He leans over once again and whispers in your ear. “That’s kind of you, I’ll have to return the favor some time.” The warmth of his breath sends a shiver down your body to your core. “No really, it’s okay. That’s the least I can do considering how kind you’ve been to me these past few days.” He smiles. Little does he know you spent the rest of class imagining all the ways that he could return the favor. You watched his fingers fidget with the pencil, spinning it around, tapping it on the desk. When did that become so hot?
As you cross your arms and lean out of your dorm window, you feel the warmth of the sun kissing your skin. You lay your head on your elbow and close your eyes. As gorgeous as Felix was, you were too. As he walks by your building he sees you out the corner of his eye. He stops and admires your beauty from afar. Glowing skin, long soft eyelashes, plump lips. Simply stunning. He doesn’t stop until he snaps back to reality when you open your eyes. He waves and calls your name. You smile and wave back. “Hey Felix.” you say softly. He likes that about you, your pleasant nature, the way that you carry yourself. It’s very alluring to him. “Would you like to join us tonight? Some sort of party, like a small thing.” he asks unsure of how you’ll respond. At this point he knows that you aren’t a fan of large gatherings but he’s trying to help you out of your shell. “Yea, I would actually.” you say with a smile. You can tell by the look on his face that he’s pleasantly surprised. “Great, I’ll message you.” he says before he continues on his way.
You haven’t been struggling in keeping up with your schoolwork yet, but that’s because you try not go out too much. You’ve been trying to let loose a little, as that’s what you told yourself you would do once you got to college. Though you’ve never been the most outgoing person, being around Felix makes you feel different. You look forward to every moment you get to spend with him.
-“I’ll meet you in the corridor again around 9 yea?”
-“Sounds good, I’m just getting ready now.”
-“I trust you’ll look great in whatever you wear ;).”
You feel your cheeks growing hot and a wide smile across your face. Now you really have to find something nice to wear. Something sexy. Or not. You still don’t know how you really feel about Felix. It’s feels as if there’s something between you too but neither of you are sure what. You decide to go with a form fitting silver sequined dress. Low cut, but not too low. Just enough for your jewelry to perfectly drape over your chest. To make it more casual you decide to toss on a black leather jacket and some black boots. Lastly you do your makeup and your hair. A soft yet sultry smokey eye and pinky nude lip with brown lip liner. You keep your hair down. This time you beat Felix downstairs and see him as he opens the door to look for you near the stairs. He sees you and his eyes widen. He reaches for your hand and you walk outside to meet everyone else. “You look.. stunning y’know.” he says with a grin. Annabelle gives you a slightly dirty look. “Looks like someone didn't get the memo about the dress code.” she says dressed in a tight black tank top and a mini skirt. “I think this is just fine actually.” Felix interjects. The whole walk you feel Felix’s eyes on your body, now thinking that you should have chose the other option as opposed to the sexy one. The problem is not the way he’s looking at you, it’s the fact that you like it. Arriving at the party you see a few familiar faces from other gatherings you gone to with Felix. He and Ollie plop down on the couch. You find your eyes drifting towards him as he spreads his long legs. Annabelle and India walk over to the drinks and you follow closely behind. Somehow you find yourself with a beer filled cup making conversation with some other guy across the room from Felix. He notices and doesn’t like it. You’d be able to see it on his face if you were paying attention. Gesturing towards Annabelle and India, Oliver suggests that Felix “eenie meenies” one of them and takes them home because they look miserable. Not too long ago Felix had been hooking up with Annabelle and India off and on, which you knew but it still bothered you everytime you would notice them leave with him. Felix notices that you look more uncomfortable than anyone else in the room which concerned him. “Eenie, meenie, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he squeals let him go.. errr.. you’re out boy-scout.” he says gesturing towards you. Oliver sits there surprised. Felix stands up and walks in your direction. The man you’re talking to stops to look up at him and Felix takes your hand. You stand up a bit confused but happy regardless. “What do you say we get out of here?” You nod with a soft smile on your face. You begin walking in front of him when you feel his large hand plant a soft smack on your butt. Your heart nearly skips a beat but you continue walking with him as if nothing happened. Annabelle looks pissed which delighted you.
Felix wraps his arm around your waist as you walk back towards the dorm. You can feel the warmth of his body against yours and you almost melt. “Where are we going?” you ask as you look up into his eyes. “Where do you wanna go?” he asks with a smirk. Before you can answer, you hear the sound of thunder striking. Rain starts to pour and before you know it you and Felix are both soaked. His button up clings to his chiseled figure, your eyes may pop out your head if you looked any closer. He uses his height to your advantage and almost curls over you to protect from the rain the best he can. You both pick up speed and you reach his building soon. He opens the door for you, and you go in. He follows quickly after you. When you reach his room he unlocks the door and gestures toward his bay window. You plop down on the cushion as he closes the door and takes off his shoes. You pull both your boots off and lay them to the side. “We’re dripping.” he says as he chuckles. He walks towards his dresser and pulls out two oversized shirts. He places one in your lap. You hold it up with confusion plastered over your face. “What am I supposed to do with this?” you ask. “Put it on of course, what kind of guy would I be if I let you sit there all cold and wet?” he says as if it’s obvious. “Alright but you have to turn around.” you hesitantly agree. He playfully cover his eyes and spins in the other direction. You quickly slip the shirt over your dress and then pull it off from underneath. It was a bit short but it will do for now. “Finished?” he asks. “Yea, you’re okay now.” He turns back around and begins to unbutton his shirt. “Oh but you have to turn around!” he laughs as he mocks you. You roll your eyes, which he likes. You’re not sure if you start drooling or not when he take off his shirt but you know for a fact that didn’t look away once. “Enjoying the show?” he asks. You quickly break eye contact with his abs and look away. He can tell that your embarrassed. “I’m only joking y/n, y’know I like to give the ladies what they want.” For some reason hearing him reference “giving the ladies what they want” stings. Probably because it forces you to remember that you’re not the only girl he’s ever given any attention, which was dumb to think anyway.
You start putting your hair into to two braids still not saying anything. He pulls his pants down and slips on another pair of shorts over his boxers. You start fidgeting with your necklace after you finish your braids just to have something to do with your hands. Felix then comes to sit next to you. He notices your necklaces and extends his hands out to hold them, his knuckles grazing your chest as he observes them. “I got most of these for Christmas last year.” you say not knowing how to fill the silence. “Yea.. they’re nice.” he says still playing with them in his fingers. He looks up to meet your face, slowly moving his gaze from your eyes to your lips. “You’re gorgeous y’know?” he says, eyes almost twinkling. You smile and say “You are too.” He looks away shyly, which you’ve never seen him do. When he looks back you admire his features just like he did yours. His pink lips, his downward deep brown eyes, his sun-kissed skin. You reach out your thumb to feel his lips, softly rolling over the bottom, then the top. You can feel his lips curling into a smile under your touch. He raises his hand to grip yours. You both sit like that for a minute before you place your hand back in your lap. “Well we should get to bed.” you say. “Right.” Felix says looking slightly disappointed. Before he can stand up you lean forward and press a soft kiss against his lips. You pull away for a moment before he pulls you closer by your waist. This time the kiss doesn’t stop for at least a two minutes. You find yourself running your hands under his shirt and over his perfectly sculpted body. When you finally do stop you both smile at each other before stands up and gestures towards his bed. At first you’re hesitant. In high school you never had a boyfriend so this was the most physical intimacy you’ve ever had with a man. Thankfully Felix had pure intentions and only wanted to go to sleep. You lay down on the inner part of the bed and he follows behind you laying right next to you. You both lay forehead to forehead, eye to eye. He wraps his arm around you and your wrap yours around his waist. “Goodnight.” he says before planting a kiss on your nose. “Goodnight.” you say back with a smile.
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fruitsoxs · 11 months
I'll be waiting this can i request my woowoo with reader.
She have long hair and need help trim it ( cause no man land Its God damn hot). She ask vash first, but somehow he suggest to wolfwood ( he's really good on that). At first wolfwood says " why you trim it, it looks good on you". In agreement he will cut her hair as the reward is A kiss 😳 PS ( wolfwood kinda like touch her hair it so soft and caught him Its really embrassing him)
Thank you for reading this !
I love you writer ITS MAKE ME MELT OMG
i love just small fluffy things like this
pairing(s); wolfwood x reader warnings; some swearing notes; some fluff for my favorite day of the week! ty for this cute request!
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“Why don’t you ask Needle Noggin?” Wolfwood huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. He’s trying his best to look indifferent about the entire situation. When, in reality, his chest is fluttering at the thought of helping you cut your hair. There’s a small blush on his cheeks that he’s hoping you can’t see. He’s outside of the inn you’re staying at, smoking under the light of the moon.
You sigh and run a hand through your hair. “I already asked him- he told me to come to you.” You explain. Of course he did. He tries his best to hide his embarrassment by groaning in annoyance. He stands up straight, throwing his cigarette on the ground and crushing it with his shoe. He leans towards you, looking over your features. 
“What about the shorty?” “Meryl? She’s already asleep. Please help me out? Just this once?”
His curious eyes trail over your figure, up to your head. He cocks his head to the side “Why do ya want to cut it anyway? It looks good.” he points out, causing your cheeks to light up. “I just…It’s getting too long. I’m ready for a change, y’know?” You find yourself avoiding eye contact with the man. He’s always making you feel so flustered.
He can’t help but admire your cute little flustered expression. It helps him build the confidence he needs to actually do this. You see, he’s got a little thing for you. He thought you were pretty cute from the moment he laid eyes on you. After getting to know you though, well, his feelings just took off. Doing something like this almost feels a little too real for him, too intimate. Usually he would say no right away, but seeing you under the moonlight… 
After a while he lets out a sigh and nods his head. “Alright fine.” he finally agrees, but there’s a hint of mischief in his dark eyes as he leans closer again. “I’ll trim it up, if I can get a little reward afterwards.” a smirk rests across his features. “Oh? And what kind of reward is that?” You ask, rolling your eyes at his little cocky gesture.
His heart stops for a second. Should he say it? 
Fuck it.
“I’ll trim your hair if you give me a kiss.” he finally says, hoping that the nervousness in his eyes isn’t so easily seen. Your own eyes seem to widen at the comment, red covering your cheeks and ears as you stutter out a little response. It’s adorable, and Wolfwood can’t help but smile.”Okay…” you whisper. Wolfwood turns his head so his ear is facing towards you, cupping his hand around it.  “What was that?” He asks, pretending as though he couldn’t hear you..
You pout a bit and repeat your words., this time a little louder. “I said okay!” He grins and wraps an arm around you, leading you back into the inn. “Well then, let’s go sweetheart.” 
You make your way inside, and to his room where he has you sit down on an old wooden chair in front of him. He grabs some dull scissors, and looks over at you. “How short am I going?” He asks, hovering his hand above your head. Your shrug, keeping your eyes forward and away from him. “Just take a few inches off.” He nods, and gets to work. He starts by combing through your locks gently. It’s so relaxing, he finds himself almost unable to stop. Your hair is so soft- so beautiful. His fingers drag through your hair, separating any knots as gently as he can. You sigh a bit, and lean back, enjoying the attention you’re getting.
He finds himself blushing again. He likes the intimacy of the moment. He finds himself petting through your hair, even after all the knots are gone. “You’ve got soft hair.” he comments out loud suddenly. Even he is surprised by the sudden admission. You let out a soft chuckle. “Thanks.” And the room falls silent again.
Wolfwood shakes his head and grabs the scissors, holding them with a nervous smile. “Well, here goes nothing.” he mumbles before he starts to trim your hair. He works quietly, and cautiously. Careful not to make a mess of your hair. He can’t imagine he would get his kiss if he made you look stupid. He’s done this before plenty of times though. He cuts his own hair whenever it gets too long, and he’s cut Vash’s hair before.
When he’s done, he steps back and admires his work. It’s a little messy, but it doesn’t look back.
“And done.” me murmurs softly. You run your hands through your own hair, and smile. “Thanks a bunch Wolfwood!” you jump up and disappear off into the bathroom for a second, probably checking the damage. When you come back you’ve got a cute little smile on your face. 
“It looks great.” you comment stepping closer towards him. You lean forward, and press your lips against his cheek gently. You pop back and smile cheekily. “And that’s your reward!” You exclaim, cheeks burning pink. You then turn around, and quickly leave the room.
Wolfwood puts a hand against his cheek, his own face bright red. 
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whosthere54 · 4 months
Me? Writing about THE Prison Duo? In this economy? /lh
Yeah I wrote about the guys at 4:30 in the morning you should expect nothing less from me :)
Anyways if you want to read it it’s here. I feel like it’s too short for Ao3 but y’know how it is. Ignore any spelling and grammar errors I tried to fix them but like I said it’s like 5:00 in the morning so…. *Shrug*
Enjoy :)
Their hands shook as they placed ingredients on to the trays. They were brewing potions, not really because they needed them but more as an anxious habit of theirs. Better to be prepared than not, right? They tapped an anxious rhythm into the quartz, listening to the soft hum of the blaze rods to try not to focus on the ringing in their ears or their too uneven breathing.
They jumped slightly as their communicator buzzed in their pocket. It was late… early? They didn’t know at this point. But it was a time where they didn’t expect messages from people.
They open their communicator to find a message from Centross.
Hey, Ic. You up by any chance?
Their brows furrowed slightly. Why would he be asking for them in the middle of the night?
Hey, yeah. What’s up? You okay?
He’s on and off typing for a few moments, causing their wings to flare anxiously. Their tail swished sightly and and they fidgeting with their goggles that were sitting around their neck.
If you’re not doing anything, want to meet at the Tree?
Coming. You okay?
They don’t get a response this time. They sigh, running their trembling hands through their hair a moment to steady themself. Their potions could wait. They took off from their potion area, landing at the tree in a small spin. They hear the sound of Fireworks, and Centross lands (not as gracefully) next to them.
He looked rough to say the least. He looked exhausted, dark bags noticeable under his eyes and his hair was disheveled. He gave them a weak smile.
“Hey, you okay?” They ask again.
“I’m fine.”
Well that’s a lie.
They sigh, and gesture for him to follow them. They walk out of the little grove out into the Forrest. There’s no destination in particular, and they walk in silence for most of the time.
“… wanna talk about it?” They ask gently. They don’t want to push if it’s something he doesn’t want to talk about. He just sighs and nods.
“Okay. I’m here to listen.”
He rants to them as they walk, mentioning nightmares, and the souls. They just listen quietly, giving input when necessary and nodding to show they were paying attention. He sighs, and they sit in silence for a moment before Icarus stops walking. He stops behind them a confused look on his face as Icarus turns back towards him.
“Do you… want a hug?” They offer softly.
He paused for a moment, but nods.
“Yeah… yeah that would be nice…”
They move forward to pull him into a hug, running light fingers through their friends hair. It was nice. Centross relaxed slightly, his head resting against the crook of their neck and arms wrapped tightly around their waist. Their wings move to wrap around him as well, acting like a sort of blanket or shield for the man. Their tail resting lightly against his legs.
They felt him smile at the action, his hand tracing light shapes where it rested between their wings. They stand in silence for a while, just staying like that. They listened to the trees, the wind whistling through the leaves, the animals that passes through the Forrest hidden around them, the vauge sound of water from a river a bit away.
He backs away after a while, a soft half smile on his face.
“Thank you.”
They smile back. “Course. I’ll always be here, whenever you want me. I’ll always listen.”
He hums lightly, nodding. They stand in a comfortable silence for a bit before he speaks again.
“That goes back to you too y’know. I’m always here.” He murmured softly, crossing his arms lightly over his chest.
Their smile falters slightly a moment, but their expression was returned just as quickly as it had fell. They nod. His brows furrowed slightly at the action, but he brushed it off.
“Wanna keep walking? Maybe a distraction? We can build or farm or whatever you need. If you want help with something around your house…?” They offer. He shakes his head with a smile.
“Nah, we should head home. You need to sleep too, friend.” They weakly nod, knowing they wouldn’t be getting much of that anyways. They walk back to the tree, talking about anything and nothing, the light banter that they could always have. They reach the tree, and they turn to face Centross again.
“Alright, go on and head back to your boyfriend asshole.” They say, lightly hitting the man.
“Get some sleep dumbass.” He smiles, nudging them back. “I’ll see you tomorrow, friend.” He turns and sets off a firework as he flies back home.
They sigh, face falling just slightly as they watch him fly away. “Bye Centross.”
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aita-alternia · 9 months
AITA for holding a SHITTY BASTARD FUCKWAD DIPSHIT captive in my hive until he FUCKING grows a bulge and explains himself?
I (9, M, blood color none of your business) once knew this useless fucking wet purrbeast of a troll (also 9, M, violet) since we were just out of wigglerhood. He remained a pathetic wiggler even in adolescence, but I guess I kinda liked him anyway. In some ways. He was fun to hang out with sometimes, and he always seemed happier around me, I guess. And he was always miserable and annoying but I thought that was just, y’know, fine?? I thought that was normal for him. He always said he was fine, and like, I guess maybe I kinda knew he wasn’t, but what the FUCK could I do about it if he didn’t want help? Then one day I got news from this FLARP friend of his that he’d gone and FUCKING DIED on me! Like a WEAK LITTLE DIRT NOODLE! Like a FUCKING SPONGEDEAD IDIOT! He was like, my best friend, I guess. Maybe more?? I’m not gonna elaborate on that for you fucking drama-hungry fuckmaggots. Feast on some other troll’s dysfunctions relationship-wise, that’s all you’ll get on that subject from me.
Anyway, I dealt with it, because that’s what you do when life deals you yet another crummy hand in this rigged game we’re all playing. It’s not like I haven’t had people I care about die before. So I pushed forward.
So I yelled at him for a few hours (I could’ve gone longer honestly, because really, again, WHO FUCKING DOES THAT??) and at one point he interrupted me to whine at me like the feculent shitbag scum he is about how I had been yelling for “so long that [his] auricular sponge clots [were] malfunctioning” which is UTTER HOOFBEAST SHIT! So yeah, I bit him on the face. And then I smacked him in his fucking insufferable worthless nookshitting face until I felt a bit better. Then I towed him into my hive, sat him down on the couch and told him he wasn’t leaving until I’d heard what I needed to hear.
It’s been like 2 hours now and still whenever he opens his flap all that comes out is a pile of steaming shit about how he “needed to fake [his] death so [he] could be happy,” which like, yeah, okay, I guess I see it! He does look… better. Healthier, I suppose. Maybe happier. Less like he’s about to send himself careening off the nearest cliffside, maybe. So I’ve decided to forgive him for that, even if I’m not telling him that. What I’m looking for from him is a FUCKING APOLOGY for making me think he was DEAD and not telling me he FUCKING WASN’T for 2 WHOLE FUCKSHITTING SWEEPS! He’s a worthless whining idiotic bitch and the words “I’m sorry” still haven’t left his douchebag lips.
Also before I get any comments about how I’ve “wigglernapped” him or some stupid shit like that, I’m being fucking hyperbolic when I say I’m holding him captive; the door is fucking unlocked and he knows it. I don’t even have my lusus guarding the door or anything. Yeah he probably couldn’t beat me in a fight, but I’m not gonna fucking sit on him or anything; if he doesn’t want to talk to me, then I’m not gonna fucking chase him! But instead of saying anything worth saying, now he’s just fucking around on his palmhusk like braindead shitspewing dunderfuck. I’m starting to think I should’ve just told him to fuck off, it’s like he doesn’t even care about me at all. Which is fine! I’ll live. It’s just… disappointing, I guess. I thought we were closer than all of this. But AITA?
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ququb444hm · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
part 08 / moments before disaster ☆
warning(s): possible typos, lowkey rushed, really, really bad attempt to describe someone under the influence of alcohol
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the night the two groups were looking forward to definitely came faster than expected!
as well as yn’s vomit.
the current situation can be illustrated as such: tetsurou, sober, driving kozume, shoyou, and tsukishima back to their university dorms while the rest of the bunch were settled inside the apartment portion of the flower shop. tooru helped koushi in the living room to place down blankets and pillows for themselves and morisuke and rintarou who were patiently waiting for one another to finish showering. cecily and koutarou on the other hand were carefully cleaning yn up and tucking her passed out body into bed.
“I really hope tetsu tells kozume not to bring up the whole situation,” cecily mumbled, stroking yn’s head. “I already know how embarrassed she’s going to be once she wakes up and remembers everything.”
kou hummed in response, reading through the pinning messages of his group chat, “I think kozume knows better than to talk about it unless yn brings it up first, I’ll message him later about it though.” he turned his attention away from his phone and to the sleeping figure. “I hope she’s okay, you sure you can handle everything here? I can stay until surou comes back just incase anything happens.”
“I’m sure I can handle yn.” cecily reassures, “get home safe, kou. there’s leftovers in the fridge if you want to bring atsumu some food.” the ace nodded, bending down to softly kiss yn’s forehead before leaving the room.
prior to the current setting, aka the actual party, yn and everyone else were fine!
in the middle of all the singing and drinking, yn actually let the previous sighting of her ex’s car slip her mind and had her full attention set on the current gathering… well most of her attention.
let’s not forget about the reddening blonde who’s eyes barely looked anywhere else beside the justin beiber fanatic.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you had a staring problem.”
“oh shut up, tsukki.”
the sophomore laughed at the other blonde’s quick response, stretching his limbs across the couch. “y’know, I can never understand why you don’t just confess your feelings for her. It’s obvious she likes you, like super, extremely obvious.”
“I didn’t know you were the type to get all philosophical when you get drunk.”
“your mom definitely knows.”
“and I’m leaving.” kozume pushed the laughing fit of a business major aside to stand up and make his way to the doors. this didn’t go unnoticed by yn who stopped crying to baby to follow the quiet junior–
“I THOUGHT YOU’D ALWAYYYYS BE MINE, MINE- wait I have to go pee. I think.” skipping in her steps, yn pushed through the doors, looking left and right before spotting kozume who turned around and seemed to wait for her. “kozzuuuu!” yn grinned, jumping over to the boy. “you seem so downnn, are you not having fun? come sing with me!”
“yn how many glasses of alcohol have you had?”
“uhm..let me think..” her brows knitted together in deep thought and kozume couldn’t help the smile that subtly crept on his face because of how cute he found the person in front of him. “oh, oh!” taking his hands into hers, yn used kozume’s fingers to hold up the amount of glasses she consumed. “thisss…muchh! I think.”
“three?” the subtle smile grew as he began to laugh, “kuroos really are lightweights. you can’t even walk straight anymore, and your cheeks are really red.”
at the sound of that, yn’s cheeks puffed out and she groaned at the boy, “listennn here kozu!”
“hm? what is it?” his cat like eyes bore into her half lidded ones, curious as to what her hazy mind was thinking. yn’s cold hands slowly made their way up to cup kozume’s face causing him to stiffen up. 
It was kozume’s turn to start turning pink except in his case, it wasn’t the alcohol. he could feel his heart start to quicken its pace and if it wasn’t for his ears catching tetsurou and cecily singing a duet, he swore yn could get him to fall into a daze where he would be wrapped around her finger like a lovesick fool.
unbeknownst to him, he already was.
time seemed to slow down as the two stayed glued to their spots, eyes not leaving the other persons’. that is, until a familiar voice broke the thickening tension–
“kozume?...oh and yn.”
yn’s eyes slowly trailed up to meet who the voice belonged to, aka the worst decision she could’ve made that night.
In a second her senses seemed to hit her all at once and before she knew what her body was about to do–
she threw up.
on kozume.
and then knocked out.
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part 07 whore house <- | masterlist | -> part 09 therapy
note(s): uhh i do not want to do hw. none of the pictures used are mine!!
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qqtxt · 2 years
[🌸] infatuation w/ txt.kai [5/5]
✿ pairing: huening kai x reader / idol!txt / employee!you / fluff ✿ mini-fics with each member for the same situation / less than 1000 words for each member [word count: 874 words] ✿ in which they have the biggest crush on you and they try to take the first step in letting you know... [masterlist 🌸] 
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you have a motto that you live by and that is: if it can kill me, i’ll kill it first. well, that used to work if you’re going to... y’know, hunt a bear or fishing or something related to survival. no one quite prepared you for how it would be working under a big corporation; much less hybe corporation.
were you a slave to the corporate world? not really... but you weren’t the type to succumb to just anything... but this job was important to you and you know it. it pays well, it teaches you new skills, it allows you to transfer to different departments to get a change in perspective, so in all, it’s a pretty good job. sometimes, the job gets to you a bit too much that you focus on it to the point your tunnel vision zones in, and you can’t quite notice...
[🐧] kai it clicks in your mind that you’re not alone when you hear the clearing of someone’s throat. at the sound, you flinch and look up, effectively dropping the pen in your grasp as your eyes meet with–”oh? kai!”
he looks a little flustered seeing as to how he’s probably scared you.
“h-hey! sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you,” he shifts a little, hands behind his back. you shake your head and lean forward, peering up to him with a small smile, “not at all. it’s good that i get to have a break now.”
kai has to remind himself that he’s actually here to talk to you and not just stare. he almost gets lost in your eyes, the way your lips curl up with a smile and successfully setting his heart on fire without even trying. he gulps and opens his mouth, trying to speak but no words seem to come out no matter how hard he’s forcing himself to speak, god damn it!
at his silence, he notices how you’re starting to worry as you stand from your seat, hand reaching over your table so you can tap his shoulder, “a-are you okay?”
“yes,” he answers a little too quickly, making you chuckle in the process. “i mean, yes. yes i’m fine. i just–”you nod slowly, encouraging him to keep going. he takes a brief pause, heaving out a sigh before he continues”–i came to give you this.”
he reveals what’s behind his back and it’s an adorable penguin plushie. he shakily waits until you take it from his hands and he tries very, very hard not to faint at the way you giddily stare at it with love. how wide your eyes become but start to fill with adoration as you squish the plushie in your hands. it’s small enough to stay at your desk but it’s big enough to hug it if you wanted to.
"i... think of you more than just a friend and... i’d–i wanted to know if you–maybe if you’re free–”you interrupt him because you feel excited–“yes.”–but he doesn’t seem to catch on when“–to go–oh...” he lowers his gaze and rubs the back of his neck, avoiding your eyes, “t-that’s fine. we can just pretend–”you watch as your answer sinks in his brain when his voice trails off, head snapping up to look at you with wide eyes.
“wait, did you say yes?”
you try not to laugh because he looks so confused to begin with but he’s so cute. you press your lips together and hug the plushie in your arms, nodding a couple of times until he nods along to show he understands. oh my god, oh my god–kai kamal huening get your shit together–oh my god.
“o-oh! okay! that’s... okay, um...”
you debated if you should let him continue ramble on or help him out. with the way his cheeks are turning red, like his ears that have already gone bright red, you decide it’s enough torment considering he made the first move. you clear your throat to get his attention and he quiets down to look at you nervously. you glance to your watch on your desk, then back at him, “how about we go for ice cream after your practice? i should be done when you’re done.”
he doesn’t know how to act, let alone mask the way you’re able to change the look on his face within five seconds. he can’t hide the wide smile that appears, how his eyes almost disappear because of how hard he’s smiling.
“p-perfect. i’ll see you then!”
he dashes off, saving himself from embarrassing himself any further. he isn’t able to hide it completely, however, when just as he disappears, turning to one of the corridors, you hear his infectious laughter accompanied by a couple of other boys–assumingly the boys–who cheer in celebration.
you sigh to yourself and hold the penguin up to look at it. it makes you smile just looking at it that you boop the nose of the penguin to yours before you set it on your desk and stare at it for a while longer. as you dive back into your work, you miss the way kai peeks from the corridor and smiles at his presence left on your desk; now able to accompany you even when he’s not there physically.
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Maki and Tenko(seperate) each being protective a older sister to their younger brother and finding out that he has a crush on a girl from hopes peak(you can choose who) and he's already been on a few outings with her and they wanna make sure that he's treated right and isn't neglected by the girl he likes.
Oh, I get to choose huh? Sweet
Hope you enjoy this
Maki and Tenko being Overprotective Towards their Younger Brother
Maki Harukawa 
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You’ve been with her since day one
You lived in the orphanage together, learned the same training, and worked together with her jobs
So naturally, she’s very protective of you
You’re the only one who’s ever seen her at her most vulnerable, and you’re all she cares about
So she wasn’t too happy when she found out you were going soft for someone
Especially that freaky, bitchy writer, Toko Fukawa
She hated the girl with every fiber of her being
She confronted you immediately, and you had a very tense argument
You stormed off, and Maki was still convinced that she was in the right
And against her wishes, you continued seeing Toko
Seeing the two of you together, you actually looked really happy
Maki couldn’t remember the last time she saw you smile like that
Maybe she overreacted a little
So she approached you and apologized 
And you hugged her, and even though she stiffened up, she hugged you back
But first, she needed to have a word with Toko
“Wh-What do you want? I know you’ve b-been s-spying on us, you’re n-not slick.”
“Look, my brother is obviously very happy to be around you. I haven’t seen him smile like that in years. You better protect that smile with your life, or you will be at my mercy. Understood?”
“Wh-What the hell?! Y-You’re crazy! I’m n-not gonna hurt him or a-anything… H-He’s the only g-guy who ever r-really loved me… It’s not some s-sick p-prank or anything. So I’m not g-gonna throw that away b-by acting like a b-bitch. He’s in safe hands. Okay?”
“Your existence makes me sad. But fine, do whatever you want with him. But if you break his heart, I’ll break your fucking legs.”
They can’t stand each other for a while, but they’ll tolerate each other for your sake
Tenko Chabashira 
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You are the only man in the entire world she can deal with
You’ve been with her since before she was taught to hate males, and even then, you were the only exception
She pampered you and loved on you, in sharp contrast to her hateful anger towards other men
You’re not really a fan of her hatred of men, but there’s not much you can do about it
Now, fast forward to Hope’s Peak, and she finds out you’ve fallen for someone
You found a connection with Aoi Asahina, and you hung out with her fairly often
Now Hina was a super sweet girl, so Tenko should be happy for you, right?
But instead, she was worried
She knew that Aoi was a girl, and girls can do no wrong, but she was worried that you might not get all the love you deserve with her
She didn’t really have a reason to think so, but she just wants her baby brother to be safe
She didn’t talk to you about it, though
You would probably think she’s being ridiculous 
So instead, she decided to talk to Aoi
“Hey! I’m Tenko, (Name)’s sister. So I heard you two have been spending time together, and I just wanna make sure he’s in good hands, y’know?”
Aoi smiled brightly at her
“Good to meet ya! And don’t worry, I’ll never break (Name)’s heart. He’s the sweetest guy I’ve ever met! I could never hurt him like that! You’re super sweet to worry about him, but it’s okay! You can trust me.”
That was all Tenko needed to hear
So she thanked Aoi and left
On the way back, she ran into you
“Oh, hey Tenko. Why are you here?”
“Oh, nothing. Just making sure Miss Asahina has only the best of intentions for you. But thankfully, I don’t need to worry anymore!”
You gave her a confused look
Then she smiled and patted your back before walking away
Tenko may be a little overprotective of you, but she’s glad to know that her bro is in good hands
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Part 2 “Bartender Steve/Steddie AU”
Part 1 HERE
Verging on drunk, his body loose and fluid, Eddie saunters back up to the bar. He’s currently two drinks in, and them being Harrington specials, they both were incredibly strong. He smiles wide and bats his eyelashes when he catches Steve's eye, causing the man to set down the rag he was using to clean and walk over. Eddie leans forward on the counter, propping his head up on his palm like a schoolgirl waiting for the latest gossip,
“Did you already chug that last drink?” Steve chuckles, matching Eddie's posture and slumping down dramatically, “I will cut you off if I have to, Munson.”
“I did, in fact, finish that drink yes, but I was wonderinggggg….” Eddie says in a sing-song voice, “if I could hide my vest back there with you.” he scrunches his nose, “It's hot as balls, lots of balls, out there and I just wanna dance, y’know?” He most definitely whines that last part. Okay, so maybe he was a little drunk already. 
He hadn't even noticed that Steve had brought him over another drink, this one with an orange on top. Steve huffs a sigh but his smirk stays put, 
“Yeah fine, hand it over, I'll keep it safe.” he sets the drink down and offers out his hand,
“Ugh you are an absolute ANGEL, Steve Harrington.” Eddie coos, shrugging off the vest and passing it over the bar. He notices Steve's eyes fall to his torso where he’s wearing nothing more than a long sleeve mesh cropped top, now unblocked by the vest and his arms. A look of purposeful expressionlessness mars his face. It doesn’t take more than a second for Eddie to realize what he’s looking at.
Steve is looking at the scars on his stomach. 
It's only a split second and Steve snaps his eyes back up, giving a small smile that doesn’t quite meet his eyes, before turning and tucking the jacket away. Eddie snatches up the drink, suddenly feeling altogether too sober. He heads back towards the dancefloor before Steve can turn back around, foregoing the straw and taking large swigs of his new, and once again delicious, drink (Steve really knew what he was doing, dammit). 
He always loved losing himself to the music, even if it was Madonna and Abba. The lights, the bodies, the sweat. He felt at home. As he buried himself deep within the crowd, he could also bury his residual anxiety from that look. That look of knowing that Steve had given and tried to hide.
Something warm and soft slips around his sides from behind him. The familiar sensation of hands grabbing his waist while he danced, of being wanted even for that moment, washes over him. The alcohol washes over him. He pushes back into the body and closes his eyes, imagining a brunette with kind hazel eyes and a lopsided smile. The hands wander up and down his chest, and he throws his arms over his head, whipping his head back and forth to the music. 
After one or two songs of being taken by the music and his daydream, the body behind him pulls themselves flush and nuzzles into the back of Eddie's neck, scruff lightly scratching his skin and making him shiver despite the heat in the club. He pictures the scruff below a ridiculous mustache, and he reaches up and over his shoulder behind him, expecting a stupid little ponytail, the name Steve on his lips. Instead he feels short cut and wiry hair, pulling him from his fantasy. He turns in place, the hands sliding over him with the movement, and finds a middle aged man with a scruffy beard and facial piercings. His sinewy arms having just enough muscle to be appealing, exposed by his sleeveless shirt. The last drink was starting to set in, and while he wanted nothing more than to bask in the attention of someone, anyone, he can’t help but feel disappointed that the man before him is not Steve. He was tipped past the point of no return (whether that means the alcohol or Steve, he can’t say). 
The older man tries to continue pressing himself into Eddie, pushing his nose into the side of Eddie's neck, forcing his head to turn. He looks back past the crowd of bodies towards the bar and finds Steve watching them. Steve raises his chin a bit at being caught, but he doesn’t look away, and something in the way Steve is looking at him makes Eddie want to give him a show. 
So he does.
Eddie pulls his hair away from his neck, giving the older man more access to his lower jaw, then wraps both arms around the other man's neck. Never breaking eye contact with Steve, he grinds his hips forward on the man's thigh, feeling a shaky breath push its way out of his lungs. He rocks forward again, and he can barely hear the light moan that comes out of his throat over the music. His eyes flutter close at the feeling, and when he opens them again, Steve is still staring, his pink lips slightly parted and brows furrowed. Eddie doesn’t push forward again, instead he just keeps looking at Steve. 
After a moment (or an hour, he can't really tell), Steve makes a motion with his hand like a drinking glass and mouths the word water, to which Eddie nods. He pulls himself away from the older man, the hands slipping down his body as he steps back, and pushes himself through the crowd.
When Eddie gets to the bar, Steve slaps a glass of ice water down on the counter immediately,
“What's this?” Eddie gestures to the glass,
“Water.” Steve leans on his arms and Eddie pretends not to notice the muscles flexing under his skin, “Y’know, the reason I called you over here.”
“What?” Eddie scrunches his brow, then jokes, “I thought you were asking for a blowjob. This is much less fun.” 
Steve barks out a laugh, “Hate to break it to you, but I have a policy of not getting head from friends.”
Eddie frowns, “That's ultra specific.”
“I've had some ultra specific situations.” Steve points at the cup, “Drink your water, Munson.”
“But mooooooooooooom…'' Eddie whines, but takes a large sip anyway, letting his eyes roll back as if it were the best thing he’s ever tasted. Steve smiles and turns back to the rest of the counter, moving around like before when he flirted and chatted up the patrons. Eddie watches unabashedly this time, the alcohol removing his reservations about staring. He watches and sips and watches and sips, until his glass is empty. And without even realizing that he had noticed, Steve brings him another glass of water,
“Aww man, I'm gonna have to pee so bad. This is all your fault.”
“Don't blame me for your bad decisions.”
“You made me the drinks!”
“And you drank them.”
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salty-croissants · 5 months
A male reader gets into a bar fight after someone insults bullfrog, the aftermath has the frog taking care of his bruises while worrying about his careless attitude towards his own life.
((Sorry, my first time ever requesting so a bit nervous. 😅))
Thank you for the request !
I gotta say , I really love this concept for a Bullfrog story : it’s just so neat and creative , so honestly thank you for sending this :D 
Hope it turned out okay ! 
Details : use of male reader ; 
established relationships ; 
presence of violence , mild swearing and blood 
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That night was supposed to be … well , like any other night , with you accompanying your boyfriend to one of his missions and waiting for him in a nearby bar .
Before he left , Bullfrog didn’t miss the opportunity to give you a goodbye kiss ( you had to get on your knees to allow him to do that , which never failed to make him adorably flustered ) , and as he gave you one last tender caress on your cheek he also left you with a reminder : 
< Please stay safe , mon choux !
 I should be back soon , if you need me don’t be afraid to call me , and make sure to - > 
< Hey , don’t worry , I’m gonna be careful … besides , you know I can handle myself just fine if something doesn’t go right . > 
< Je sais , je sais … still , I’ll be here as fast as I can : I did promise you we’d spend some time together when we get home , and let’s just say I’m really looking forward to it , my love ~ > 
You couldn’t help but smile while watching him rush off and quickly disappear in the darkness .
He was such a sweetheart , no one would’ve been able to guess how lethal he was on the job and how quickly he could end the lives of the targets unfortunate enough to meet him … 
As you sat on one of the bar’s chairs , lost in thought with a drink in your hand , time went by surprisingly quickly , and when you begun to glance at the door to see if Bullfrog had arrived you felt a presence next to you …
< Well hello there , good to see such a pretty face here at this hour … >
You turned around to find a … quite sketchy looking man staring at you :
since the place was pretty crowded you hadn’t paid much attention to him , but now it seemed like he had made the decision to engage in conversation … something that was a bit unsettling , given that he was a complete stranger trying to randomly flirt with you . 
< Uh … > 
You took a sip of what was left of your drink , making sure to avoid hehe contact to reinforce the fact that you weren’t interested . 
… but he didn’t seem to take the hint , and was it just your impression or did he move closer … ? 
Well , if he even dared to try anything you were more than ready to make good use of your fighting skills . 
After some more uncomfortable silence , the man spoke again , this time a clear disgust in his tone …
< Y’know , I’ve seen you talking to that … thing before you came in .
Honestly I can’t help but wonder how you can feel something positive for a hybrid :
I mean - they’re all such pathetic , worthless creatures , am I right ? > 
The more he talked , the more you felt your blood boil …
< I’ll have you know that that “thing” you’re referring to is my boyfriend . > 
, you coldly replied , giving him a warning glare .
< … 
Pfft - wait you’re serious ? Holy shit ! > 
He laughed loudly in response , causing some of the people around to give you both their attention .
The last thing you would’ve wanted was an audience … but you knew that you couldn’t let that massive douchebag get away with saying those things . There was no way you would let it slide .
< You - you mean to tell me that you’d rather be with a fucking frog than an actual person ? 
C’mon , don’t be ridiculous … that little monster doesn’t deserve a guy as cute as you , you can do so much better th - > 
It all happened in a few seconds … 
You suddenly stood up , and before you could even stop to think about what you were doing punched the man on the face hard enough to knock him down on the floor , the terrified and excited screams of the small crowd ringing in your head .
< Don’t you DARE say that shit about him ever fucking again , YOU HEAR ME !? > 
He slowly stood up , wiping a few drips of blood that had fallen from his nose after the impact , and the way he furiously looked at you made it clear that he was mad … very mad . 
< Gh … you … I’M GONNA KILL YOU !!! > 
Everyone who was left quickly fled from the bar , leaving you and him furiously fighting without giving the other a chance to breathe .
While you were definitely better trained , the man was unfortunately a lot bigger than you , and every successful hit he landed on you was starting to hurt … but you couldn’t give up , not after what you heard him say . 
Eventually , a well-directed punch in the stomach caused you to fall on your knees , the pain making your vision become blurry .
< Heh - that’s what you get you bitch !! > 
His eyes were clouded with a terrifying euphoria as he grabbed you by the hair …
< Oh I’m gonna enjoy this … > 
You shut your eyes , trying to prepare yourself to receive your worst beating in years … but that’s when you felt his grip loosening , letting you fall down on the floor . 
< y/n ! > 
That voice … could it really be … ? 
< B … Bullfrog … ? > 
You slowly opened your eyes again to find him on top of the man’s body , whose throat had been cut open by the assassin’s blades .
< I’m … *cough* …
I’m sorry … I know , this is a mess , but - agh — > 
< Careful - don’t stand up too fast … 
Here , let’s just … let’s just go . > 
Without another word , your boyfriend helped you up , and the two of you walked away as quickly as you could , the distant sound of sirens getting more and more far with each step .
Some time later …
< Now … can you tell me what happened back there , s'il te plaît ? > 
There it was … the question you knew would come sooner or later . 
You looked down , feeling Bullfrog’s eyes on you while he patched you up .
< I … that guy , he said such awful stuff about you while being a creep and trying to hit on me …
Called you a monster …
I just - I couldn’t let him get away with it so I … punched him . > 
You felt his hand gently lifting up your chin as he stared at you .
< y/n … I appreciate you wanting to defend me , but you know I don’t want you to get hurt because of me . We’ve talked about this . > 
< So what , I was supposed to just stand by and let that asshole call you names ?
How is that fair ? > 
< Non , it’s not fair , but almost getting yourself killed to prevent that won’t help .
Did you even stop to think about what could’ve happened to you ? 
What if I didn’t make it in time to stop him ? What if you died tonight ?
My chéri , my partner , the one I love most in the entire world … gone . > 
He wiped away some of the blood on your face , and you could feel his hand shake slightly as he did … a sign of how troubled he was while imagining that scenario .
< … Je … je ne peux pas … I just can’t afford to lose you , y/n . You’re too important to me . > 
The dark alleyway in which you were hiding remained completely silent after that , until you sighed while placing a kiss on his palm .
< Bullfrog … that’s not gonna happen , I promise . 
You’re right , I … really didn’t think this through . I just … every time I hear someone talking about you like that I lose it … > 
Bullfrog’s expression softened , and as he placed his forehead against yours all the bad experiences of that night seemed to vanish …
< I know … you’re always looking out for me mon amour , and I love you so much for that ~ 
… just , maybe next time don’t punch anyone , alright ? > 
< Heh … I’ll try not to . > 
He chuckled in response , while slowly getting back on his feet .
< Now then … as soon as you feel ready we can try to head back home : I think it’s safe to say it’s been quite a long night for both of us . > 
< Yeah , that sounds like a plan . 
… plus I do need to thank you properly for saving my life don’t I ? ~ > 
< Oh , you know you don’t have to thank me , my dear … but it would be crazy to pass up that offer ~ > 
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deus-ex-mona · 7 months
The Sisters' Secret Seaside Trip: Chapter 2
sena, n o, learn from your sister
previous part: (chapter 1)
next part: (chapter 3)
(tw for dieting)
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The next day—
Sena: (Alright! Let my diet begin!)
Sena: Sorry, Mom. I want a smaller serving of dinner today.
Ayako: Really? You don’t want a hamburg steak?
Sena: Yeah, I’m…
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Mona: Wow, it’s so good! Today’s hamburg steaks are awesome! Thanks, Mom!
Sena: (Ugh… The way Mona’s eating makes it look so good.)
Sena: (But wait, no! I’ve decided to slim down!)
Mona: Are you sure you don’t want any, Big Sis? Can I have your share, then?
Sena: Yeah, go ahead, but…
Ayako: Are you feeling unwell, Sena? Or is this because of your job?
Sena: I’m fine. It’s for work. I’m going to be modelling in a swimsuit at the beach soon, you see.
Sena: So I figured that I had to slim down a little for it.
Mona: Eh?! You too, Big Sis?
Sena: Eh? You too, Mona?
Mona: I’m gonna be filmed for a TV show, but I think I’ll be at the seaside around the same time as your shoot.
Mona: Lemme see—... Take a look at the map on my phone. I’ll be at this beach over here.
Sena: Ah, I think I’ll be at the same beach as you! And the date’s…
Sena: (Wait, isn’t this the same date as my shoot? So occurrences like this do happen after all!)
Sena: Hey, Mona, let’s play at the beach after we’re both done with work!
Sena: Since we’ll be at the beach, we might as well do something summery.
Mona: Ehh, isn’t it childish to frolic about by the seaside?
Mona: Besides, we don’t know if we’ll even have free time after our jobs, y’know?
Sena: It’s fine, I’ll ask my manager for permission, okay?
Mona: Well… You have a point. I’ll ask my manager too.
Ayako: Oh Mona, you’re actually happy about it, aren’t you?
Mona: Th-that…!
Mona: …may be true.
Ayako: Hehe, it sure has been some time since you girls last hung out together, right? You two are always so busy these days.
Sena: Yeah, guess so! I’m looking forward to it even more now.
Sena: (If Mona’s going to see me in my swimsuit… it’s all the more reason for me to keep up my diet!)
Sena: (I want to be her ideal big sister, after all.)
Ayako: …Oh my? You’ve stopped eating, Mona… 
Mona: Y-yeah…
Mona: For some reason, I’ve just became conscious about how I ate the hamburg steaks without a care in the world.
Mona: And I even ate Big Sis’s share too.
Sena: Oh no, now even Mona’s conscious of her diet.
Ayako: Geez, I wonder if I should stop cooking for a while… Just kidding.
Mona: Eh, I don’t want you to!
Mona: I’m gonna eat after all! I’ll eat and exercise, and I’ll maintain my figure through it all!
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After that—
Staff: Narumi! This is a gift from the staff. Please help yourself to some, if you’d like!
Sena: Thank you very much. I’m on a restricted diet at the moment, but I appreciate your sentiments.
Sena continued to abide by her restricted diet.
Cameraman: That was good, Sena! Please give us another smile!
Sena: Sure thing!
Sena: …!
Sena: (...Ah, my head felt woozy for a moment.)
Sena: (Was it… because of my diet…?)
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thisfairytalegonebad · 8 months
Vehicular Accident - Whumptober day 22
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Character: Ignis Scientia (mostly), Prompto Argentum (to a lesser degree) Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Car accidents, obviously. Also some description of a broken bone, but it's brief and not too detailed.
Read below the cut or on AO3 here.
Prompto is trying very hard to stay awake. They’ve been up for almost two days at this point and it’s getting increasingly hard to keep his eyes open. In the backseat, Noct’s been asleep for almost as long as they’ve been driving, and Gladio nodded off too a while ago.
It’s very, very tempting to lean his head against the window and do the same, he doesn’t remember the last time he’s been so tired.
He can’t just go to sleep, though, not if it leaves Iggy awake all alone while he’s driving. That’s like, rule number one, right? Someone’s gotta stay awake to make sure the driver doesn’t fall asleep.
That said, Prompto is starting to think driving to a hotel isn’t worth it. Yeah, it’s raining, and they’d probably freeze their asses off in the tent tonight, but it’s not really fair to make Ignis drive all the way to the hotel just because they want to sleep in soft, warm beds.
“Hey, Iggy?” he starts carefully. “Y’know, I think it’d be fine if you just stopped by the next haven, get at least a few hours of rest. Then we can hole up at a hotel for like two days. Ooor we can even just stop in a parking area and sleep in the car?”
“I will not be sleeping in a car,” Ignis replies indignantly. His hand reaches for the can of Ebony again - it’s barely been five minutes since he’s asked Prompto to open it for him, but it's already starting to sound empty.
“Okay, but-”
“Prompto, I’m fine,” Ignis interrupts him, though not unkindly. “I appreciate your concern, but I’d rather prefer sleeping in a real bed tonight. But you needn’t stay awake for my sake, you can go to sleep if you wish.”
Prompto shakes his head and reaches for the radio to turn it up a little more, even if it might disturb the other two in the backseat. “Nah, I’ll stay up with you.”
Ignis smiles, drains the rest of his Ebony, then asks for another one.
Prompto hands it to him, leans his head back against the seat and watches the streetlights speed by as Ignis drives steadily through the night, eyes firmly trained on the road, hands perfectly placed on the steering wheel.
He’s not sure when he drifted off, but he’s rudely awakened by a deafening crash and a jolt that sends his entire body flying forward, ribs bruising against the seatbelt. His ears are ringing from the exploding noise of the airbag, and he’s vaguely aware of shouting in the backseat.
“Holy shit, did we just crash?!” is the first thing that comes out of his mouth.
The windshield is broken in a spiderweb pattern and there’s steam coming from the engine, and shit, isn’t there a non-zero chance of a car blowing up after a crash?
They’re also sideways on the road, so Prompto locates the button for the hazard lights and pushes it before he starts fumbling with his seatbelt.
His right shoulder twinges as he twists to do so, but he doesn’t pay much attention to it, too fueled by adrenaline.
In the backseat, Gladio’s checking on Noct who responds a few seconds later. Gladio’s voice sounds weird, nasal as if he has a cold, but from the bits Prompto catches, they’re both relatively uninjured.
Prompto himself feels mostly fine too, so that leaves…
There’s no response, and when Prompto looks over to the driver seat, his heart sinks.
Ignis is slumped over the steering wheel, arms hanging limply at his side. Prompto calls his name again, voice rising with panic, and that gets Ignis to stir, thank the gods.
Finally, Prompto gets the seatbelt to release and immediately tears open the door. He stumbles outside and around the car, fumbling with the handle before he manages to open the driver’s door.
“Ignis, hey, you okay?”
“P-prompto?” Ignis’ eyes are wide and he blinks at Prompto like he’s not comprehending what he’s seeing.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s me, I think we crashed, uh, are you hurt anywhere?”
“Hurt?” Ignis repeats. He seems confused, and Prompto fervently hopes he doesn’t have a head injury, and gods, Prompto is not equipped to deal with this, at all, he’s barely paid attention in his mandatory first aid class!
So he does the first sensible thing that comes to his mind and cries, “Gladio! You gotta come check on Iggy!”
Ignis starts moving like he wants to get out of the car so Prompto quickly puts his hands on his shoulders to keep him in place. He’s torn between wanting to get him out of the car in case it blows up and keeping him put in case he’s hurt his spine or something, and he can’t remember the correct thing to do.
He nearly cries with relief when Gladio appears and takes his place, curtly asking Ignis a few questions then pulling him out of the car and depositing him gently on the ground.
Gladio’s nose is kinda crooked and bleeding. It looks broken, and that explains why his voice sounds so weird, but he seems to be otherwise uninjured.
In the meantime, Noct has stumbled out of the car as well and comes to stand next to Prompto, paling when he sees Ignis on the ground.
“There… there was an anak, I think, I tried to avoid it but it ran into the car, I couldn’t- couldn’t brake in time, it came out of nowhere,” Ignis rambles, and Gladio gently pushes him back to the ground when he tries to sit up.
“Shh, we’ll talk about that later, okay? Right now, you gotta tell us if you’re hurt.”
Ignis stares at him with wide eyes and it takes him a few seconds to comprehend the question. “I don’t- I don’t know, I can’t tell-”
“Okay, that’s fine, let me check your pupils first, and then we’ll see about the rest,” Gladio quickly reassures him. He gets a flashlight from the Armiger and shines it into Ignis’ eyes, but ultimately declares that he probably doesn’t have a head injury.
Then, he starts prodding at Ignis in various spots. Ignis hisses when he pokes at his ribs, likely bruised or broken from the steering wheel.
Gladio continues the examination and then pauses. “Oh, Iggy, your wrist is broken.”
He gently picks up Ignis’ right arm, but he doesn’t need to prod at it to see what’s wrong with it. It’s bent at an impossible angle and it’s already starting to swell.
Prompto, who hasn’t managed to contribute anything useful so far, frowns when he remembers the way Ignis kept both his hands firmly on the steering wheel at all times. If one of his wrists is injured from the impact, then chances are…
Unsteadily, he drops to his knees on Ignis’ left side and runs his hand over Ignis’ wrist, putting a little pressure on it just to see if there’s a reaction, and sure enough, Ignis yelps and tries to pull his arm away.
“Both wrists, I think,” Prompto says shakily.
The left one doesn’t look as bad as the other one, from the outside, you can’t tell it’s broken. But the other one is almost definitely going to have to be set, and Prompto’s stomach turns in sympathy at the idea.
Ignis is starting to shake now, trembling so hard his teeth are chattering, and while Prompto doesn’t remember a whole lot of his first aid classes, he does remember that in situations like these, shock can set in.
“Need to get him off the road,” Gladio says grimly. “Prompto, help me get him up.”
Prompto moves to help prop Ignis up, but the moment he tries to push him upright with his right arm, pain explodes in his shoulder and he cries out, white spots littering his vision.
“Prompto?” Noct’s alarmed voice appears next to him, and when the pain dies down to a more tolerable level, he becomes aware of gentle hands steadying him.
“Fine, fine, just, I think something’s wrong with my shoulder,” Prompto gasps. He tries to move his arm a little and the pain flares up again, though not as bad as before.
“Check his collarbone,” Gladio commands from where he’s still holding Ignis.
Noct gently runs his hand across Prompto’s collarbone until his fingers come across a small bump, and when he relays that information to Gladio, he nods like he’s already expected as much.
“Broken clavicle, happens a lot in car accidents. It’s from the seatbelt. Think you can hold on a little longer, kid? I’ll check you over once we’ve dealt with Iggy.”
“Sure,” Prompto says quickly. It doesn’t even hurt as long as he doesn’t move his arm, and Iggy’s starting to get really, really pale so he’ll wait as long as he has to.
With Prompto out of commission, Noct takes his place instead, helping prop Ignis up and then summoning a blanket from the Armiger which he drapes across Ignis’ shoulders.
Ignis lets himself be manhandled without complaint, doesn’t make a sound as Gladio puts his wrists into makeshift splints although Prompto can see from the way he’s gritting his teeth that he’s in a lot of pain.
“So what do we do now?” Prompto asks hesitantly. “Call Cindy?”
It’s still raining so making camp is out of the question with how soaked they all are, Ignis needs medical attention - in fact, all of them should probably get checked over by a professional sooner rather than later - and the rain isn’t doing Ignis any favours either with how much he’s already shaking.
Gladio sighs. “Think we have to, yeah. We’re close enough to Hammerhead and I don’t see any alternative.”
They can’t just stay put, though, so they drag themselves a short distance to a small shelter by the roadside to wait for Cindy.
By the time she shows up, they’re all freezing, Prompto’s shoulder is twinging a fair bit even without moving it, and Ignis is barely lucid. Gladio has him tucked against his side to try and keep him warm, and they all keep talking to him to keep him awake, but it’s clear that he needs to be somewhere that isn’t the side of the road in the rain.
Cindy takes one look at them and ushers them into her truck, telling them in no uncertain terms that the car is going to have to wait until the next morning, and there’s enough sense in that that no one tries to argue with her.
In Hammerhead, Cindy lets them have the caravan free of charge, leaving them to get settled while she goes to fetch the doctor from the Prairie Outpost.
They put Ignis into the bed and pile blankets on top of him to stop his shaking, and Gladio, true to his word, comes over to check Prompto’s injury, but there’s not much he can do except help him put his arm into a makeshift sling and tell him not to move it.
Prompto curls up with Noct on the other bed as much as he’s able to with his injury, and despite his best efforts, he falls asleep before the doctor arrives.
Read all of my Whumptober prompt fills here.
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