#it’s just all gender
scarletwoods · 3 years
Jack Black is cis but he has transmasc swag
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goreador · 2 years
testosterone is available in needle because it is bouba and estrogen is available in pill because it is kiki hope this helps
#edit dec. 28: if you tag this with a booba joke i will block you#do you see how many notes this has? your joke is not original and it is not funny.#edit dec. 28: i got an angry anon over this#edit dec. 29: im still thinking about that. they called me a dingus. you hear me?#a dingus. im so hurt. they couldve just called me a slur.#edit dec. 30: to all of you who see these tags and laugh at my misery...thank you#i made this post 2.5 hours into a car trip while stuck with my entire family#this was not a post of joy#the post is also not funny. but im happy my misery gave you some enjoyment i guess#edit dec. 30: OH SOMEONE CAME INTO MY INBOX AND CALLED ME A BOZO#im assuming its because of this post because no one really sends me anons except for the person talking about circumcision divorce#but no one really insults me with words made for vitriolic 10 year olds so im assuming people got really bent#over a kiki bouba hrt shitpost ? idk. im just the messenger#edit dec. 31: happy new years eve#because of the constant attention this post is getting im opting to use this as a to-do list#edit jan 2: happy belated new year#the post is currently at ~14.7k notes and someone finally got the initial joke i was trying to make#i am not reinventing gender roles i am just...consonants are sharp and vowels are round#and needles are sharp and pills are round#edit jan 2: THERES A TAG LIMIT?#ill stop when this is filled. thats when i will stop.#ive always been this annoying but its in the tags of my own post so......if you dislike it get over it lmao#'why do you keep updating the tags' its not like they work for any search functions#this was initially a blank shitpost anyways i could just delete it if i wanted to stop getting notifs#edit jan 3: today we broke 15k notes. we are slowing down 🎉#edit jan 4: no fun allowed#EDIT JAN 4 THIS IS IT THIS IS THE TAG LIMIT!!!! BYE#edit feb 20: its picking up again. i thought i was safe#edit jul 19: people keep reblogging this let my shitpost die please crying & begging
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icebluecyanide · 3 years
there’s this post going around that’s like ‘what if alien languages had pronouns that didn’t include gender information!’ and there’s about five different enthusiastic replies and like, i get the excitement but i’m begging you to learn about languages other than english
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
girl help someone is taking things out of context and ignoring the differences between 19th and 21st-century gender norms on Twitter again
specifically, some person claims they have Figured It Out and Louisa May Alcott was Definitely A Trans Man
(this person is insistent to the point of refusing to call her by her name, using instead her family nickname Lou, and using only he/him pronouns for her)
(and by the way, Lou was a common nickname for Louisa. it was not inherently masculine, and the fact that her family called her that is irrelevant)
like. dude. there’s definitely a discussion to be had about LMA and gender. as with many 19th century women who expressed desires to be men for greater social freedom and/or evinced enjoyment of presenting in a masculine way, we cannot be certain that she would still be a woman presented with the modern range of gender determination options
but like. she wasn’t. and given the options available in her day, she chose to continue living as a woman. which is still significant and cannot be dismissed with a mere “they had no choice back then,” because...some people did. there are known trans people from that era, who socially and aesthetically transitioned. that doesn’t mean  anyone who didn’t couldn’t have been trans, but it does mean that experiences have to be looked at with a great deal of nuance
take the quote they open with:  “I am more than half-persuaded that I am a man’s soul put by some freak of nature into a woman’s body.” sounds pretty trans- but the second half is, “… because I have fallen in love with so many pretty girls and never once the least bit with any man.” in answer to an interview question about why she never married. which is a very Victorian idea: the conflation of one’s gender and sexuality.
is she saying she’s gay? is she saying she’s trans? and what are to we to make of a Victorian woman who calls herself “Papa” to her adopted daughter but nonetheless lives as her birth-assigned gender? who expresses a desire to be a man so she can join the Union army, but enjoys sewing and describes women’s gowns in lavish detail in her books? butch woman? artistic trans man? genderqueer? cishet but gender-nonconforming and a product of her time? like so many historical figures living on the edge of the rainbow, she evades firm categorization
that’s a conversation worth having, for certain. but in the absence of surety, all we can do is use the terms she used in life- and converse
however. if you have to cherrypick this hard, and ignore a lot of evidence that runs contrary to your theory, she is definitely not up there with Charley Parkhurst and Dr. James Barry in the ranks of For-Sure 19th Century Trans Men
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Just saw a TERF say "you want to look like franensteins monster?" in reference to gender affirming surgery. holy shit yes?? I'm almost disappinted that this isn't how it works.
I love being trans & evil on purpose. TERFs can't slow me down by calling it bodily mutilation because that sounds sick as fuck. I'm a monstrosity of my own making baby!!
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that's enough "grieving" when a person transitions. you didn't lose a kid, you lost a concept. you gained a kid who is happier & healthier & has so much more joy in their life. learn to celebrate instead.
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humbuns · 2 years
If you're still taking requests can you draw Asmo & barbatos in cheerleaders outfits and Diavolo just standing there in the back
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i was gonna take a break from requests but i got too curious whoops
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airshipsinking · 2 years
Ah, yes, Hermitcraft. The show with the gorgon who's really into scale models, a dogboy who's way into Shakespear plays, the champion of a pantheon of meta deities whose sole purpose is to watch the lives and dreams of players, a conman far too prone to magical shenanigans happening around and to him for his own good, a game design major with a minor in cartoon villany, an explode-y cybernetically enhanced bush creature whose favourite pastime is to shake fist at God(s), an eccentric scientist from a childrens' mystery book, a guy who builds complex industrial-scale machinery as a fun brain teaser, a setmaker who goes out of his way to make every bit of his creations be as functional and/or interactable as possible, a guy who likes to play industrialization bingo, and of course: Joe Hills
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"Trans men/transmascs aren't hated for being men/masculine we're/they're only hated for being trans"
Tell that to literally any trans man, or even transmasc individual, who has lost numerous friends during their transition because they became "too much of a man/too masculine".
Tell that to any trans man or transmasc who has been asked and berrated with questions and comments such as "why would you EVER want/choose to be a man" "how could you do this to us?" "Well as long as you don't act like/become too much of a man." "You're not going on T, though, are you?" and plenty more
Tell that to any trans man or transmasc who has been pushed out of entire support groups and communities, even if they have been there for YEARS, because they're no longer a woman
Tell that to any trans man or transmasc who have been labeled as a traitor to women and woman/sisterhood for being a man/masculine
Tell that to the trans men and transmascs who have been deemed dangerous and thus shunned, threatened, or even assaulted all because they're men now "and they should expect and accept it"
To the trans men and transmascs who have been assaulted in ways to try and "fix us" and turn us "back into women/lesbians"
Tell that to the trans men and transmascs who are labeled as the killers of parents sweet precious cis daughters or stealer of irreplaceable invaluavle lesbians or a poor unfortunate victim of being groomed by the Big Scary Trans Genders
Tell that to the trans men and transmascs who have been denied crucial, sometimes life-saving and/or life-altering health and medical care all because their gender marker has been changed to an M.
Tell that to the trans men who get told we're the ones responsible misogyny being systematic - that we just want to have it "easier" and surely can no longer be feminists because we "chose being an evil, oppressive (trans) man over being a soft, holy (cis) woman"
Tell them that all of the losses of their social connections and supports, the grimaces and sneers people have as their transition goes "too far". Tell that to the trans men and transmascs who have been deemed as predatory, potentially dangerous, in need of "saving", and so much more. Tell it to the trans men and transmascs who go through constant silencing, scrutiny, erasure and gatekeeping. Tell them that all of the pain, grief, loneliness, isolation, harassment, abuse and MORE that they have experienced ISN'T because they're a man or masculine, but because they're "just" trans. Even when, during all of these horrific moments in their life, the people inflicting this violence against them held nothing but contempt for them choosing to be a man. For trying to parade around as a man, when clearly they're just some poor delusional cis woman.
Tell them, because clearly you know everything and exactly how all of this works and how everyone's lived experiences have gone. Because you apparently know everything more than anyone else.
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hawberries · 3 years
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TGCF but it’s [long pause] all girls
images are drawings of TGCF characters as women, styled in modern clothing.
The first depicts Xie Lian leaning into Hua Cheng in delight, wearing a low-cut cardigan, a jean skirt and birkenstock sandals; Hua Cheng is standing primly with a glossy red coat slung over her shoulders, a red crop bralette, white shorts, and ostentatious thigh-high lace-up stiletto boots.
the second has Shi Qingxuan cheerfully hanging off the arm of a stoic He Xuan; she’s in a mint button-up and beret, and white shorts with an airy pink mesh skirt over top, as well as a pink belted harness around her shoulders and under her chest; she brandishes a fan with 风 written on it. He Xuan is in all black with heeled boots, mesh sleeves, a cage bra framing her cleavage and an elaborate black and gold chained belt around her waist.
the third depicts Feng Xin and Mu Qing arguing passionately, Feng Xin in athleisure with short hair and a green hoodie, Mu Qing in a charcoal check blazer and shorts combo.
the fourth depicts the three tumours; Pei Ming stands in the middle, grinning wickedly, in a red crop top that shows off her shoulders and cleavage and obnoxiously chunky balenciaga sneakers, one arm slung around an exasperated-looking Ling Wen and an aloof Shi Wudu. Ling Wen is in a modest tan sweater and long wool skirt; Shi Wudu is eye-catching in a sleeveless cerulean jumpsuit, white stilettos, and a long, fur-lined white duster slung over her shoulders. she is gesturing with a fan that reads 水.
the fifth is a line sketch of Feng Xin, sleeveless and making to draw back her bow, back to back with Mu Qing, who is making to draw her saber. they are both scowling fiercely over their shoulders at each other. the sixth is another line sketch, of Mu Qing, Xie Lian, and Feng Xin walking; Mu Qing and Feng Xin are arguing angrily with each over over Xie Lian’s head as she waves at the camera, beaming and calling out, “San Niang!”
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allsystemsblue · 2 years
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but for real thou… although excuse me where is my puppy love at? BLAIDD SHOULD BE IN THE DAMN FRONT TY
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may12324 · 3 years
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The swooning harpy
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Just a reminder that grammatical gender is not the same as the gender that people have. I see a lot of people online who think that all gendered languages are a problem, and they can be frustrating, but a lot of that seems to come from a lack of understanding on what grammatical gender even does.
Like, first of all, the categories themselves are arbitrary for the most part. “Masculine” and “feminine” for nouns doesn’t actually mean that your chair is a woman. The word for chair in Spanish is feminine, which means that it gets described with feminine articles (la, una, las, unas), adjectives (usually ending in an -a), and objective pronouns (la). Again, none of this has anything to do with the chair actually being female. It’s just the category that the word falls under, and that category tells us how to talk about it in a sentence. The grammatical genders could literally be anything; maybe some words are purple and some are green, and you have to describe purple words differently than green ones.
Second, some words even to describe people have a specific gender that does not ever change. La persona is a feminine word regardless of the gender of the person being talked about. Soy una persona, even though I’m not a woman. Even in a gendered language, there are some words that don’t gender the person in question.
It definitely can be frustrating and does mean that a lot of situations that don’t need to be gendered are gendered (for example, saying a sentence about my teacher would automatically gender the teacher, depending on if I say profesor or profesora), but a lot of people don’t even seem to realize that in grammar, gender means something different. Which is honestly a shame, because overall it opens up new ways to be more descriptive. For example, if I’m in another room and drop something, and sigh está rota (it’s broken), you automatically know that whatever I broke is a feminine object. So it can’t be, for example, a plate (un plato). Maybe it’s a cup (una taza). Sure, it’s not necessary, but it can be very interesting.
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comradekatara · 3 years
ngl a big pet peeve of mine is ppl who think sokka was morally wrong for internalizing gender essentialist beliefs that men and women are naturally suited to different roles and that women can’t be warriors, when he was literally tasked with being the sole defender of his entire village when he was 13.
like, how else are you supposed to rationalize something like that, having able-bodied adult women left in your village who wouldn’t even pick up a spear to help a child having to prepare for war all by himself, abandoned by all the other men, who lost his mother in the last raid and knows that it easily could’ve been his baby sister, the target of this genocide?
how are you supposed to take that, unless women really can’t be warriors, and that’s why he’s all alone, facing down an enemy ship with fire nation soldiers carelessly crashing into his village, into the watchtower he spent so long building by himself, using it to wait for the next moment where he knows he’s going to have to give his all on the battlefield, readily sacrificing himself if it means katara will live?
his tribe has certain traditions, but more than that, they won’t even buck tradition for the sake of defending a child. so it must be biological, right? why else wouldn’t they fight? sokka grew up knowing that his role was the Protector, the Warrior, a pawn to be sacrificed, the final line of defense, rather than a full human being to be valued. and the war not only dehumanized him, but also isolated him.
so yeah, it’s only natural that he thinks that katara’s role is in the domestic space and his role is in the battlefield. so yeah, when he first meets the kyoshi warriors, of course he wouldn’t be able to process the notion that they are the defenders of their society. of course he’d be a teensy bit defensive at first. because that realization would be devastating for him. that he’s not naturally, ontologically better suited to being a warrior. but he was forced to be anyway.
but it’s also incredible how readily he accepts the proof of his beliefs being challenged, how he sincerely apologizes and changes his belief system. how quickly he realizes that his previous rationalization for why he alone was left to defend his tribe was wrong. how readily he is willing to accept this paradigm shift. how willingly he can absorb the fact that there is so much of the world he has not seen. how he has been exposed to so much brutality and injustice, and yet he already knows, with so much clarity, that there is more unfairness yet.
#when ppl call sokka a misogynist I get soo grrrrrrr#like first of all he never believed that men were superior to women#just that they had naturally different roles in society#which yes is obviously sexist and wrong#but the only indication that he doesn’t Respect Women#was when he said to katara ‘leave it to a girl to screw things up’#which is like. idk. not that big a deal actually???#because I think we all know had sokka been the one to crash their canoe#katara would’ve said ‘leave it to a boy to screw things up’#like had he said it to anyone but his sibling I’d be like ‘excuse me???’#but that’s just the kind of thing siblings say to each other#had katara also been a boy he’d have been like ‘leave it to a 14 year old to screw things up’ or smth#my brothers are always talking about how women are inferior in front of me just bc they know it’ll rile me up and they’re trying to get me#to rise to the bait#that’s just what brothers do!#so no I would not say that sokka is a misogynist lmfao#like. does the sexism of his tribe benefit him in any way?#ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT#he is literally the greatest victim of their gender essentialism#sorry katara but doing laundry is not actually harder than knowing you have to die for your village because no one else can#I get that it’s frustrating having to wash your brothers socks#but a) girl is literally a waterbender....#b) he is busy training BY HIMSELF for a fight he knows he cannot win#to protect YOU#sokkas sexism is fine actually#esp bc he is SO READY to reevaluate his beliefs#he meets ONE GIRL outside of his tribe and he’s like ‘oh shit I’m sorry for disrespecting ur culture’#and that’s it!!#sokka#has literally never done anything wrong in his entire life ok thx byeeee
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wispforever · 2 years
Gender fluid Izuna!
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this is how you support your sibing
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being gray ace is funny bc like. i'm bisexual but only when I can be bothered
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