#it’s like trying to turn a profit on a public park
ok in the bread one they mentioned the irony of running ads for ad-free i think. but this. this.
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it’s the online equivalent of getting mugged by your boss
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kayawolfhorse · 4 months
Anywhere You Go | Read on Ao3
My piece for the @boatemvillagezine! The zine turned out spectacular, be sure to give it a read <3
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the air is fresh in Pearl’s lungs as she slides open the van door and steps out into the small parking lot, gravel crunching beneath her boots. Turning around, she offers a hand to Mumbo, who still looks queasy from the bout of carsickness that’d struck him earlier on the road.
“Grian is trying to kill me personally, I think,” Mumbo mutters, holding Pearl’s arm for stability.
“If I wanted you dead, I would’ve been rid of you by now,” Grian comes around the front of the van saying, offering Mumbo a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
Mumbo harrumphs, “You took that last turn faster than you had to and you know it. Why did we let you drive, anyway?”
“I’m a perfectly adequate driver, I’ll have you know! In my defense, I did not see that bend coming up—”
Scar climbs out of the backseat next, adjusting the tiny version of his scarlet top hat he’d insisted on bringing along, though his Swaggon attire had been swapped out for a more practical shirt and shorts combo of the same color scheme. Pearl admires the dedication to the theme, really.
Hooking an arm around Grian’s shoulders, Scar says, “Now, now, gentleman! Let the worries of our travels fall away as you admire the magnificent view all around us.”
Still sitting in the passenger seat, maps spilling out upon the dashboard in front of him, Impulse snorts, “You make it sound like you’re trying to sell them the forest, Scar.”
“Well, you know what they say, there’s profit to be had everywhere you look!” Scar hums, getting that all-too-familiar gleam in his eye.
“As your CEO, I appreciate the mindset, but you can’t sell us public land,” Mumbo points out with a laugh, straightening up looking significantly less ill. Scar shrugs, a cheeky smile on his face.
Adjusting the bandanna she’d tied around her braided hair, Pearl bounces on her feet. “Profits aside, we’re finally here! Let’s get going already!”
Earlier in the week, Impulse had proposed an overnight hiking trip, following a trail through the scenic foothills of the closest real mountain range, ending the day out by camping around the lake found in one of the higher-up valleys, to give the Boatem crew a break from building. The idea was met with enthusiasm, and just a couple days later, Pearl found herself crammed between Scar and everyone’s luggage in the backseat of Mumbo’s van as Grian drove and Impulse directed, Mumbo clutching the front of his pineapple-patterned shirt next to Scar for dear life.
After hours being stuck in the same uncomfortable position, Pearl’s more than ready to start up the trail. The others are quick to agree, and after packs are assembled, shoelaces are tied, and the van is locked, they’re off.
The woods feel like an entirely different world than the lot they parked in. Tall, thin trees with fluffy foliage form a lush canopy high above Pearl’s head, and between the trunks the ground is alive with brush, pocket-marked with fallen logs and framed by the soft brown pine needles of the forest floor. Lichen creeps up the boulders scattered throughout, and steep rock faces contrast beautifully with the greens of the plant life.
Mumbo’s the first to break the hush that had fallen over the group. “Wow,” he breathes, “just, wow.”
Impulse nudges Mumbo and points to a tree with a thicker trunk and hole in the center that, paired with the bits of bark surrounding it, almost resembles a mouth of sharp teeth. “Hey, look, it’s Treesa!”
Following his gaze, Mumbo laughs. “I see it! Could be Treesa’s cousin, maybe—it doesn’t quite have her eyes.”
“I knew it was going to be pretty, but I didn’t expect it to be this amazing! Would you just look at the shape of those trees!” Scar walks in front of the group and waves vaguely to the left, grinning.
“Uh, Scar, we’re surrounded by trees,” Grian teases in a deadpan.
“And they’re all beautiful,” Scar agrees, stretching out the syllables of “beautiful” with a studious nod.
“Oh, I completely get you. Look at this terrain! I’m getting so much inspiration for my mountain already.” Pearl wishes she’d brought her sketchbook with her. Such beautiful shapes! She’s determined to commit everything to memory to recount on paper later.
Scar and Pearl fall into step together as they walk, the path beneath their feet nothing more than a line of dirt trodden enough to be distinguishable from the undergrowth, laughter from Grian, Mumbo, and Impulse echoing all around them. Sunlight filters through the trees, dappling against the gorgeous landscape, and the conversation between Pearl and Scar is nothing short of gushing about every detail.
The first three forks in the trail are marked with signs, and it’s easy to follow the arrow pointing towards the lake. The forth fork’s signpost, however, must’ve succumbed to the elements at some point, and now lays half buried in the mud puddle gathered on the side of the path.
“I can’t make out what any of it says, can anyone else?” Grian squints at the muddied sign, whose lettering has weathered away almost completely. After a chorus of no’s in response, he asks, “Impulse, would you be able to find the route on the map?”
“I sure can!” Impulse sticks a hand in his shorts pocket, only to frown. Checking the other pockets, his expression grows more worried, until he pulls off his backpack to root around its compartments. “I must have it here somewhere.”
Remembering the stack of maps piled on the dashboard of the van, Pearl sucks in a breath through her teeth and asks, “Did you actually grab it from the car? Before we left?”
Freezing mid-action, Impulse’s eyes go wide. “Now that you mention it… no, I didn’t. Do we go back for it?”
Grian shakes his head. “We’ve already been hiking for hours. If we go back now we’ll be trying to find the campsite in the dark. Should we just… follow the path and hope for the best?”
“It’s a terrible idea, but it might be our best option, and if that doesn’t sum up our group as a whole, I don’t know what does,” Mumbo agrees.
“Then it’s settled! Onwards!” Scar marches forward, before seemingly remembering that they haven’t decided which route to take. “Actually, which way are we going?”
Impulse points to the right, where the slope they stand on continues uphill. “The lake’s in a higher valley, it’d make sense to keep going up until we find it, right?”
With a shrug, Grian says, “Seems like a reasonable plan to me.”
From there, of course, it doesn’t take very long for things to go wrong.
Right over the crest of the hill they’ve been hiking over is a pool of sticky, deceptively shallow-looking mud that spans too far on either side to be avoided without getting tangled in dense vegetation. In their attempt to cross, Scar missteps and ends up in mud up to his ankle, his boot completely trapped underneath. Mumbo and Impulse manage to free Scar, but his shoe is lost forever, and the spare pair Impulse loans out to Scar is a size too tight.
On the other side of the puddle, the trail is notably not nearly as worn down as the rest of it has been so far, and after a while it fades entirely, leaving the group stranded.
“I can’t see anything!” Mumbo throws his hands up in defeat. “Isn’t a lake supposed to be big? Surely it should’ve been visible by this point?”
The part of the forest they’ve found themselves in is densely wooded, the trees close enough together that it’s near-impossible to see anything beyond the small clearing they’ve stopped to rest in. Paired with the slowly setting sun, Pearl’s suddenly struck by the feeling that she does not want to be here past dark, thank you very much.
Shrugging her pack from her shoulders, Pearl suggests, “I could climb a tree? See if I could spot anything from up there?”
The idea is met with mixed responses. “It’s definitely illegal, and stupid, and dangerous,” Impulse starts, “but… it would be good to reach a higher vantage point.”
“Oh, super illegal,” Grian agrees. “I’ll go with you, Pearl. We’ll make sure not to litter or destroy the tree. I’m sure the forest will understand.”
After leaving their bags with the rest of the group, Pearl and Grian set off to find a good climbing tree. The forest is predominantly made up of tall trees with narrow trunks, with their shorter, bushier counterparts dotted in between—nothing ideal for climbing.
“Oh, this one is pretty good!” Pearl says, as they come across a tree suitably large, with branches low enough down to act as footholds.
“Sure is,” Grian says, bending down to tie his shoe. As he straightens up, he tosses Pearl a grin. “Race you to the top!”
“Oi!” Pearl exclaims, grabbing at the first branch and hoisting herself up. The limb creaks, but holds fast, and Pearl reaches for the next. Partway up the tree, Pearl and Grian are neck and neck, and Grian sticks his tongue out at Pearl around the trunk, Pearl wrinkling her nose in response.
In the highest boughs that’ll support her weight, Pearl gives a whoop of victory, holding her hand out to Grian to help him up the last bit of the way. There’s no real place to sit, so instead Pearl takes to crouching on her branch with an arm around the trunk, Grian standing, holding a hand up to shield his eyes from the sun.
“See anything?” Grian asks, after a quiet moment of taking in the view.
Scanning the land around them, Pearl sighs. “No. It is quite lovely from up here, though.”
From so high up, the mountains are visible through blue-tinged fog, ringing the horizon like a crown. Rolling hills stretch out as far as the eye can see, and Pearl can just make out the rocks that break up the woods below. The cool spring breeze rustles the treetops around them as it does the loose hair around Pearl’s face, and when she inhales, Pearl’s surrounded by the scent of sweet, refreshing pine.
“Well, this was a bust, then.” Grian lowers himself, readying for the climb back down.
Carefully shifting her grip to join him, Pearl takes one final sweeping glance, when something shiny catches her eye. Turning fully towards it, she gasps, “Wait! Grian! I see the lake!”
“You do?”
“Yeah! Over there!” Pearl points to where the last remnants of the sunset sparkle over the water of the lake, mostly obscured by trees and uphill to their current position. “It’s not too far! We’ve been running parallel to it, looks like.”
Grian laughs, full of incredulous relief. “Sounds about right for us. Let’s grab the gang and get going!”
Feeling rejuvenated in their discovery, Pearl and Grian sprint to where the others are waiting in a small clearing, seemingly focused on the ground at their feet.
“Please do not destroy my shoes,” Impulse is saying as Pearl and Grian come into earshot. Scar, wearing said shoes, pouts in response, and Mumbo looks to be weighing the merits of the option.
“We found the lake!” Grian shouts in excitement. “It’s just beyond that hill over there!”
The trio looks up from the shoe debacle in almost perfect sync, which Pearl can’t help but snicker at. “You did? We’ve been this close the whole time?” Mumbo passes a hand over his hair. “I thought we’d have to camp out right here!”
“Don’t be dramatic, my good sir, have some faith in us! We would’ve been fine,” Scar assures. “Though, having an exact location streamlines the process, I will admit.”
“You were just planning to cut Impulse’s trainers into sandals!” Mumbo retorts. “You have no standing to be calling me dramatic.”
“My toes are all cramped! I see where Impulse is coming from, unreasonable as it is, but it would’ve been worth—”
“Fellas!” Grian interrupts. “We can keep arguing about shoes all you want later, but for now it’s getting dark and we still have a couple hundred blocks to go. Let’s get a move on.”
“Fair point,” Mumbo concedes, holding a hand out to help Scar to his feet. After Scar’s up, they’re moving, anxious to get to the campsite.
The woods beyond the clearing are far darker than Pearl expected them to be, and the torches are broken out almost immediately. The birdsong that had accompanied the daylight is quiet, save for a few stray chirps here and there. Even amidst the shadow, while surrounded by the glow of the torchlight and soft chatter of her friends, tired from a long day of hiking, Pearl feels safe.
Nighttime has settled over the land entirely once they reach the lake. Stumbling through thick brush, Pearl breaks through to the water’s edge—only to find herself looking at the campsite, tiny from so far away, on the other side of the lake.
“…Well, at least we found the lake?” Impulse winces.
Mumbo sighs, picking loose a few thorns stuck in his shorts. “There’s no way we can walk all the way around, is there?”
“We could take boats across?” Scar suggests.
“That’s a great idea, actually! I packed a few extra, just in case.” Pearl pulls the boats’ compacted versions from her backpack, setting three down in the water and watching them grow to full size.
“You’re a lifesaver, Pearl,” Grian thanks, climbing into one of the boats. Scar settles in behind him, and Mumbo and Impulse get into the next one together, leaving Pearl with her own.
Grian’s boat leads the way, and as Pearl rows behind it, she catches sight of the stars, reflected against the water, disrupted by the ripple of her oars. Slowing to a stop, Pearl lets her boat drift as she looks up to admire the scene, filled with more galaxies than she could count, the moon hung high above. Stars all around her, in the water and night sky, Pearl feels like she’s floating through the void beneath the Boatem hole, untouched by the chaos of the world above.
Apparently noticing Pearl’s inaction, Impulse’s rowing peters out, and she waves to let him know she’s alright. After a moment, Mumbo calls out for Grian and Scar to stop, and the soft lapping of the water against Pearl’s boat and rustles from the surrounding forest are the only noises to break the silence as they all take in the view.
They soon start for the site once more, docking against the sandy bank. Five tents are arranged in a semicircle around a campfire, and dinner is shared over it. S’mores are an irreplaceable classic to any good camping trip, and after a proper mess of sticky marshmallow and gooey chocolate is made, Pearl bids her goodnight, and heads for her tent, exhausted in the best way.
In the morning, the hike back is easier than the one the day earlier, and they make it back to the van in the early afternoon. The drive back home is filled with blasted music and recounts of their adventures, and towards the end of it, Pearl isn’t the only person to catch a quick nap on the final stretch of road.
Returning to Boatem, Pearl sets down her bag and immediately goes for her sketchbook, stored by her bed in her little starter boat. She has so many ideas for her megabase.
(Reblogs do more than likes!)
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ghulehunknown · 10 months
And He Sees Nothing Wrong With That
Terzo x F Reader
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“You know you need to be punished for being too seducente”
Flashback Friday! Bringing back one of my first ever fics from AO3 and posting it here
Summary: Jealousy plagues Terzo’s mind after an unproductive and frustrating clergy meeting, and he sets out to prove you are his.
CW/Tags: sexual innuendo and humor, dry humping, oral sex (F receiving), public oral sex, vaginal fingering, light dom/sub, light degradation, light possessive behavior, spanking, established relationship, porn with plot
Word Count: 2.5K
On Saturday you headed into the chapel for a large meeting with Papa and several members of the clergy. You would finally be discussing the details of the next ritual installments.
During the first meeting of the day, Copia and one of the bishops kept staring at you and whispering to each other. Copia stole quick glances in your direction over and over. You quickly straightened the veil of your habit, feeling self conscious. Maybe they weren’t talking about you? You weren’t wearing anything revealing that day, your veil wasn’t out of place…So what could it be? You never had much interaction with the Cardinal before. You didn’t intend to return the looks but you couldn’t help your eyes darting back and forth through the pews to make sure if he was actually looking or not.
Terzo noticed this right away, and looked between you two while he was at the pulpit speaking. He paused momentarily, as he caught Copia’s eyes, then resumed speaking. “Ah sì, the fucking tour…” he trailed off, flipping through pages. “It’s going to be called the…” he traced his fingers along the paper and tapped it once he found the words. “Ah dio mio who wrote this shit?!”
You saw Copia frown a little and cross his arms. Slightly disgruntled, Terzo continued. “It’s the fucking Popestar Tour.” He gestured to himself, almost sarcastically showing off his full Papal regalia, and giving a little curtsy.
“I’m sorry, the Fucking Popestar Tour - are we fucking the audience now?” one of the other cardinals called out, garnering a few snickers from the clergy.
“What?” said Terzo.
Omega crumpled up his papers into a ball from the back pew and threw it at that cardinal’s head, nailing his target perfectly. The cardinal turned around to the ghoul, making foul gestures with his hands and cursing Satan’s name at him.
“Actually that’s a good idea!” piped up Copia for the first time in an hour, leaning forward in the front pew. That smart fucker, you thought. Pretend to sing praises of your Papa in front of the whole clergy while tearing him apart. He continued to glance towards you. You instinctively looked in his direction, now trying to warn him off from going any further, but he continued. “Papa Emeritus, we can barely afford these garments,” he said gesturing to Terzo’s robes. “Accounting is stretched thin, so we really should be thinking of ways to generate profit.”
Terzo shot a dark look in Copia’s direction, quickly shutting the Cardinal up. “Sì sì, like we have the time to line them up outside in the parking lot,” Terzo mused sarcastically. “You know,” he quipped, pointing his finger at Copia, boasting, “the shows have gotten bigger since I became Papa.” He glanced back at you and then to the audience.
“That’s perfect!” exclaimed one of the bishops. “Take a ride on the Pope - we’ll add it to the meet and greet experience!” (“Cazzo, that’s not what I meant,” said Terzo, though it fell on deaf ears.) The bishop clasped his hands together. “Hey, get HR on this immediately. Tack on an extra fifty euros to the regular meet and greet,” he murmured to the sister sitting next to him, who began scribbling on her clipboard. The rest of the audience murmured in agreement.
“Fifty…?” you could see Terzo mouth the words incredulously.
“Yes but how do we implement the fucking?” the sister asked. “Imperator will want to know the details.”
“Do we provide the condoms or does the audience?” someone else asked.
“Who said we’re using condoms?” shouted Rain, who sat in the back pews with the other ghouls. The younger ghouls whispered excitedly to each other and laughed boisterously. Alpha and Omega each took a turn to smack the younger ghouls on the back of the head, nearly knocking their masks off.
“We should definitely provide them,” said Copia. “You can’t trust any of these motherfuckers nowadays.”
“Who’s in charge of branding?” asked one of the cardinals. “They’ll be able to come up with something clever to put on the wrappers.”
“Cum Together!” said the sister, wagging her pen in the air, and continued writing furiously on her clipboard. Several clergy members nodded in agreement.
“Sì, just make it one big orgy,” added Copia, smiling sneakily, looking at you again. He chuckled. “You know, one time I went to an orgy - ”
“You shut up,” Terzo said, pointing a finger at Copia. Copia looked back at him offended but immediately snapped his mouth shut.
“Yes but HR will want to know the details - we need waivers a-and STD screenings - ” chimed in the sister, worriedly counting on her fingers before Terzo cut her off.
“No, no one is fucking me!” Terzo shouted. The room fell silent and he paused for a moment. “Not that cheaply anyway,” he added dryly, looking back through his notes to get back to the topic at hand. He scoffed and muttered under his breath, “Not since college…incredible.” He rolled his eyes and continued.
He finally calmed the audience down and finished speaking, then dismissed the clergy in a hurry to reconvene in fifteen minutes.
Copia leaned across the aisle to your pew before he left. “It was a good idea, no?” He shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the back pews to strike up conversation with the others.
Feeling annoyed, you turned back to him and started to say something but thought better of yourself and turned to face Terzo. Your eyes met his, and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Oh shit, you thought, knowing just how this looked to him. You gathered your belongings and headed to the altar to start setting up the communion for mass later in the evening.
Terzo remained where he stood, gripping the sides of the pulpit as the clergy milled out of the front doors, tapping his fingers on the sleek mahogany. You could hear the gold nails on his leather black gloves click rhythmically against the wood. You gazed along his profile; he wore a frown and raised an eyebrow, looking straight ahead.
Once most of the clergy left, he walked over to the altar where you stood. “Come here, Sorella!” You tried to look busy to avoid the intensity of his gaze. His papal face paint looked even more menacing in the light of the chandelier, the light only picking up the white paint and his white eye. He seemed taller when he wore his mitre and full papal robes.
He grabbed the large silver Grucifix next to you and clutched your hair, forcing you face down and bending you over the altar. “We talked about this, Sorella. You understand the consequences, sì?”
You yelped. “Papa wait - ”
“Silence,” he commanded, pushing up your skirt and paddling you square on the ass with the metal cross. You let out a small moan. Fuck, why did that feel good? Your skin stung, mostly from the cold of the metal, as he wasn’t intending to mark you - only making a metaphorical point of who you belonged to.
“Yes, Papa,” you said, resigning while feeling your heart beat with excitement.
He tore down your panties to your ankles, spat into his hand, and shoved two clawed, gloved fingers into your pussy, unrelentingly moving them in and out. You moaned louder this time.
The two cardinals who were still in the back of the hall murmured and quickly shuffled out the front door.
“Sei mia,” he whispered menacingly quiet in your ear. He groped your left breast as he dry humped your thigh from behind, his golden nails still gripping you inside. “You know you need to be punished for being too seducente, si?”
You whined, the pain from his slap still stinging and his gold nails prodding your soft interior flesh. “Yes Papa I was so stupid,” you choked out, clinging to the cold marble altar for support. You could feel his rock hard erection prod into your thigh through his robes. He lifted up your leg to go deeper inside your cunt, now raw from his claws pounding into you feverishly.
He sighed contentedly. “You’re so tight, Sorella. I can feel you getting wetter with every touch, these gloves are sliding in so easily now. Cazzo!” he exclaimed, rubbing his clothed erection on your thigh in fervent passion. “You’re going to be moaning when the next session begins - just like my goddess should. Sei così futto bellissima. You are mine, and I am yours. I want the whole fucking clergy to see you’re mine, and show that idiota Copia his place. He thinks I’m some joke? I’ll show him.” He grabbed your jaw with his free hand. “You hear me?”
You nodded in his hand. “Terzo, my beloved, there’s nothing going on there! Please, believe me - ”
He pulled your hair back so you could see into his eyes. “I know bella mia, he’s just a prick. And he’s been making eyes at you. And how could he not - sei la più bella qui.” He relinquished the grasp on your hair, your hairline aching from his tight grip, and he swung your head back down to the marble. He continued fingering you from behind, pinning you down with his other arm to keep you from moving wildly by his frenzied, almost desperate touch. He kept looking towards the door. “Where’s your phone?” he asked.
You whined, barely able to utter another word.
“Your phone, your phone, principessa!” he urged.
You wanted to ask where his was but could only manage a few guttural moans and pointed to the floor, where your phone flew out of your habit moments earlier.
He bent down and picked it up to look at the lock screen, never breaking his rhythmic thrusts with his hand. He grunted and mumbled, “He knows better than to text you when I’m right here.” You leaned over to see 12:53 - seven more minutes until the next meeting was supposed to reconvene. “We can figure out how to kill time,” he said, finally easing up on you, now slowly entering you with just his index finger. “That’ll teach that stupido uomo ossessionato dai ratti not to covet what does not belong to him. Voglio assaporarti.”
Fuck, he really was going to one-up Copia.
He flipped you over so your back laid against the cool marble. He hovered over you and stared deep into your eyes as he slipped his gloved fingers out of you and into his mouth, moaning, tasting you. “Deliziosa,” he said. He slid two fingers back inside your dripping wet pussy, rolling his thumb over your clit. You grinded your hips against his hand, clutching the edge of the altar, hoping to hurry up your encounter before anyone else came back in. Small, wet sounds echoed along the stone walls.
You both glanced back at your phone - 12:55. The Cardinal was usually annoyingly early.
“Who makes you feel good?” he asked loudly.
“You do, Papa!” you screamed.
“Who do you belong to?” he demanded.
“You, Papa!”
“You would never leave me, not for him?” This last question sounded wounded, not a command. He broke your gaze briefly, looking at the floor, his long eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks. He quickly flicked his eyes back to yours.
Why would he ask these questions? “Never my love,” you whispered, whimpering at his touch. Your clit quivered under his thumb, and your wet cunt contracted around his digits.
“Good girl.” He spread your legs apart, and ravished you with his tongue, flicking wildly around your clit and motioning a come-hither inside you with his index finger. You grabbed the sides of the altar in euphoria. Your body convulsed around him, your thighs wrapping around his neck. You lost control as your body tensed and released, Terzo moving expertly in rhythm with your hips, and you cried out in ecstasy, your ardent moans for your lover echoing through the chapel walls. Your arousal came flooding out of you, and Terzo latched his lips around your labia and sucked deeply, drinking you.
He gulped and chuckled, as he continued to finger you while he looked up. You followed his gaze to the front of the chapel, where Copia and several cardinals and bishops stood, mouths agape at the sight before them.
You quickly shoved him off you and pulled down your habit to cover yourself, but it was too late as they likely walked in just as you were wailing like an animal for your Papa.
“Are you quite finished?” one of the bishops asked, annoyed.
Copia was red in the face and glanced away as Terzo stared at him. He brought his arousal soaked fingers to his mouth again, exaggeratedly sucking them clean. “Oh sì, ho concluso il mio lavoro,” he said, answering the bishop but grinning at Copia, his face paint smeared around his mouth and chin.
You blushed, embarrassed; yet you tried to hide a grin yourself, because that was one of the most thrilling experiences of your life. You slid off the altar and stood beside Terzo, trying to conceal putting your underwear back on by standing behind his vestments. You held onto his shoulder for support, your legs shaking like mad.
Copia slowly made his way up the steps, papers and Unholy Book in hand, eyeing the altar where you just laid. You had left behind a small pool of your arousal - and probably some of Terzo’s saliva as well. “I see,” he muttered, a disgusted look on his face as he tried to find a clean surface to place his things. The remaining cardinals and bishops took their seats, eyeing Terzo with trepidation. It looked like everyone - Copia especially - had several words to say, but their place was beneath Papa.
Terzo grabbed you by the shoulders to whisk you away, and you both broke out into laughter as you made your way to the pews. As it was the Cardinal’s turn to lead this meeting, Terzo happily took his place in the second row pew, propping up his feet up on the back of the first row and leaning back contentedly with his hands behind his head. He proudly wore his smudged paint and the scent of you like a badge of honor. You took your place beside him, still stifling laughter.
Copia flipped through his Unholy Book, trying not to look at the two of you entwined in an embrace. Terzo kissed you on the temple, looking at Copia. “Cardinal, I know it must be hard for you to imagine such a passionate embrace, seeing as you’ve never pleased a woman…but this is how it’s done.”
Copia slammed his book shut and started to speak but suddenly fell silent. “Sister Imperator,” Copia said, bowing his head slightly in respect.
Imperator came entering the chapel and took her place a few rows behind you, on the opposite side of the aisle - almost as if to keep a close watch on you.
Terzo sank down into the pew, pulling up his robes to cover his face, as if that would make him invisible. You looked behind your shoulder, and caught a glimpse of her stern face.
What trouble would you be in now?
Italian to English Translations
- dio mio (my god)
- Cazzo (fuck)
- Sei mia (you’re mine)
- seducente (seductive)
- Sorella (Sister/Nun)
- Sei così futto bellissima (You are so fucking beautiful)
- Idiota (idiot)
- bella mia (my beauty)
- sei la più bella qui (you’re the prettiest here)
- principessa (princess)
- stupido uomo ossessionato dai ratti (stupid rat-obsessed man)
- Voglio assaporarti (I want to savor you)
- Deliziosa (delicious)
- Ho concluso il mio lavoro (I’ve finished my job)
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lenteur · 11 months
random thoughts about castaway diva, episode three
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
i'm glad we're getting to see more moments of mok ha during her time on the deserted island.
I'm also glad we're seeing so many parallels between her and yoon ran joo and i really hope the show will develop the relationship between the two women because the story is very interesting.
I'm just speechless because both women have so much in common but they don't know it yet. They're both born in the same island, they have a passion for singing, they went through the same hurdles at the same time. It's details like these that make their bond so special.
The su*c*dal ideation for both mok ha and ran joo is understandable. Mok ha has spent a long time alone on that deserted island that she lost hope of someone finding her. She figured no one would miss her/no one thinks she's alive after all that time. It's not easy being alone for more than a decade with no one to talk to. For the latter (ran joo), I think her dark thoughts occurred when the public turned on her because of her attitude. The only thing that made her happy (singing) was no longer an option because no one wanted to listen to her. Or maybe it's because of the band-aid on her neck? I don't know what it is but it could be the cause of her distress and less than happy thoughts?
I see ran joo's ex manager turned into her new CEO profited from her to become some hotshot in the entertainment industry. It seems he forgot about her and invested the money he promised to her on new and younger artists.
It's really telling how women are more affected by time in the entertainment industry. Once she became "too old" or "too diva-ish" (sorry for my lack of vocab), lee seo jun (finally found his name) along with the public diverted his time and attention to someone else. I'm saying the entertainment industry is more severe on women because only one little tiny mistake can make them fired/erased from public attention. For men, it seems the industry and public is lenient on them. This is only my opinion that I based on things I've seen in the music industry as a whole.
Lee seo jun compared the artist to flowers that wither with time. I think it's the perfect image to describe what I was trying to say earlier (cf. Previous point).
So yes, it is only natural for yoon ran joo to be sad because she can no longer do the thing she loves the most: singing.
The audacity to name the company RJ Entertainment and mistreat the artist who started it all!!! And to rename it RNJ so it won't be based on ran joo's name anymore. I'm seething. All men do is lie and cheat. BOOOOOOOOOOO!!! tomatoes tomatoes
Mok ha is so cute as a fangirl. Park eun bin really nailed that part lol.
I find it both sad and beautiful that the only person that seems to pay attention to/care about yoon ran joo is mok ha when lee seo jun should be the one to do so.
Woo hak insulting ki ho stating a literal teenager should be able to throw down a whole adult, an adult that is as tall as a fridge? He's lucky I wasn't right in front of him or else I would've slapped him so hard he would've landed on the moon. How can you blame a child for that?
So it's both the abandonment from her company and the vocal nodules that made ran joo spiral into alc*h*l and dark thoughts. This must have been painful to hold in for so long. And the fact that mok ha is the first person she told this to is another proof of how strong their bond is. It might not have been long but they both are each other's confidant/emtional support.
It seems that even ran joo disappointed mok ha by giving her false hope when dr*nk. Even then, mok ha is worried about her and wonders what she went through to change so much. Mok ha is the only one who hasn't changed that much after all that time. It's like time stopped for her while everyone else moved on and changed.
Just like ki ho said, mok ha liked ran joo because she lacked worries and gloominess. But now it's not the case so i'm wondering if mok ha will stop being a fangirl and see ran joo in another light.
Okay so bear with me while i try to write my thoughts. I just find seo mok ha empathetic to the point where she sometimes forgets herself. She's willing to protect ran joo and pretend she didn't hear her beg for an audition. She's going as far as giving her compliments that no one has told her (ran joo) in a very long time. I think this is both a strength and a weakness because I can predict some people will take advantage of that (and her credulity) to manipulate her. However, just like I mentioned before, Mok ha still hasn't changed at all and has kept her naivety. So yeah, I'm very interested to see how or if she will evolve in that sense.
I'm just saying that because mok ha was ready to throw hands when she understood how lee seo jun took advantage of ran joo, but it seems she puts others before her.
The man that took over the seafood restaurant is a betrayer. First he told ki ho's dad how he was working and earning money to save for the future. And now he's also telling the father that mok ha came to visit him. It's disgusting because he's trying to hide it behind a smile. He's on the father's side because ki ho never dared accuse his own father of ab*se. I mean when his own dad is a police officer, it's difficult to do so.
The truth bomb scene is exactly what i said previously. Women in the entertainment industry are aging way quicker than anyone else. The truth hurt mok ha and it's like she's submerged with it. She doesn't know what to do. Even then, she finds it in her heart to have empathy for ran joo. Mok ha is an incredible and strong woman.
I am so happy they developed the story around mok ha and ran joo. They're helping each other out and making the other realize things that they wouldn't be able to see otherwise.
I'm relieved someone opened ran joo's eyes about lee seo jun's goals. He wants to wait until the end of ran joo's contract just so she won't become the majority shareholder of the company. That's why he left her. He doesn't want her to sell 20 million albums. GOOD JOB MOK HA! GO KICK LEE SEO JUN'S ASS RAN JOO!!!
i'll give this episode a 9.5/10 as well
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handoverthekawaii · 1 year
We Go Together | Homelander x You | Chapter 21
Tumblr media
Taglist: @hom3landr @theaudacitytowrite @lover1307
Note: This chapter contains brief mention of Biblical themes.
You and John part ways with Queen Maeve and Black Noir somewhere in rural Pennsylvania. Once it becomes clear that your group isn’t being followed, the captain of The Seven touches down in a strip mall parking lot and lowers his teammates to the ground.
While Maeve texts A-Train to come and pick them up, Black Noir wordlessly pulls a silver key out of his suit pocket and passes it to John. Then you and John bid the two Supes farewell, you embracing one after the other in teary hugs and thanking them again for helping to rescue you.
“Hey, no need to thank us,” Maeve says modestly. “We’re superheroes — this is what we do!” Turning to John, she adds,
“And whatever Vought was up to at that facility… is NOT what we do.” Maeve promises that she and Noir will grill Madelyn Stillwell upon their return, and they won’t stop digging until they figure out what else the company might be hiding.
“Keep me posted,” John requests, clapping both his teammates on the shoulder gratefully before lifting you back up into his arms.
As he takes flight, you catch a last glimpse of Maeve and Noir in the parking lot below. Noir is power walking across the parking lot toward a Buster Beaver’s Pizza Restaurant, and Maeve is following behind with a pretend-exasperated shake of her head. You have no idea what is going on, but you can’t help but smile at Noir’s singleminded focus. You’ll have to ask John about it later —
But not right now, because John is shooting up into the sky like a bullet fired from a gun. His arms wrapped around you tightly, his jaw set with determination as he rockets into the atmosphere. It would be impossible to speak over the howling wind, so you tuck your head beneath John’s chin and try to calm your nerves. I’m okay, you tell yourself. I’m safe.
We’re going to be alright.
John’s destination is the same place where Black Noir’s key unlocks the front door — a remote hideaway, high in New York State’s Catskill Mountains, where the Supe spends a couple weeks every summer. Noir has hosted private dinners for The Seven at this residence now and again, but at this time of year there’ll be no one around for miles.
It’s the perfect location to take refuge when you’re on the run from the most profitable corporation in America and need time to figure out your next move.
Your adrenaline levels had finally started to come down during the flight, but it is only when your feet hit the cedar front deck that you realize how utterly drained you now feel. When John turns away from you to open the door, you grab onto the porch rail tightly with both hands to steady yourself. You force yourself to take deep breaths, in then out, but the trauma and stress and existential dread of the day is catching up with you, and you are feeling a little worse for wear.
When John pivots away from the door to lead you inside, a bolt of terror courses through him at the sight of your drawn face and haggard, disheveled appearance. He has no idea whether you looked this unwell all day and he only just now noticed, or whether something more serious is wrong — could Vought have given you drugs that are just now fucking you up?!
John responds the only way he knows how, by leaning into his Homelander public persona and taking complete control of the situation. You hardly react as he swoops you into his arms, dashes into the kitchen, and sets you down on the marble countertop while he begins rifling through the cabinets.
A moment later, he deposits a paper plate of peanut butter crackers into your limp hands and tells you, “Eat a few of these for me.” [continued on AO3]
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useless-bi-otch · 1 year
Cookies'n Cream - Chapter 18
Last chapter / MasterList / art by @aneenasevla
Chapter 18 - Curiosity Killed the Gorilla
"... Aaand it's sent! Now we just wait for the likes, shares and comments about how lucky I am for the company."
"My God, you really want me to kiss you here in the middle of the street, don't you? Because that's what it looks like," Tomori jokes, giving him a playful push, to which Okubo laughs. The push didn't even make him move, but it was enough of an excuse for him to place a hand on her back and leave it there, in a discreet caress. He shows her the cracked phone screen.
"Save it for when the likes start to come, lady. Then I'll feel like I've earned it," He winks, supporting her as they get off the train to the crowded station. "But there's something you can do for me right now."
"Hold my hand so I don't lose sight of you in the middle of this crowd. You're so short that I fear you'll be swallowed by this sea of ​​people and I'll never see you again..."
"You clown," She pats the hand he offered her. "In that case, take advantage of your privileged view and guide us out of this crowd. And tell me how the weather is there among the clouds, while you're at it. Any sign of rain?"
"Nope! Clear sky, few clouds, the first stars appearing along with the soft and pleasant tones of twilight," He looks up as they leave the station. "Perfect weather for a walk to your neighborhood. It's the first time I've followed you home on foot, now that I'm thinking about it..."
“It's a good walk until there. It's sort of part of my weekly workout, in addition to the weightlifting sessions I do at home."
“I'd love to attend a session like that one of these days,” he comments, smiling at the thought. He could give her tips, do demonstrations, tell funny experiences he had in gyms... and of course, seeing her wearing a sports bra and leggings would be a nice bonus. "I'm not exactly a trainer, but I know enough to give you some directions, if you like."
"Oh, would you look at this…," She turns her head to the side at him, smiling playfully. "First he offers to help me with baseball batting, and then to give me tips on working out. I'm starting to think this is a very well thought out scheme of yours to start a career in coaching, with me being your first attempt."
"It wouldn't be a very profitable scheme, considering that I don't charge anything more than a few kisses and a few hours in your company," He joins in the joke. "It's just that I can't get enough of how much we have in common. It makes me want to keep trying to figure out if there's something I like that you don't, and vice versa."
"Well, just ask! We've been asking questions about each other's lives, all these times we've gone out together, afterall," She smiles and, this time, she's the one who offers him her hand. "And now the opportunity is perfect, because we're going to my house. A well-reserved, non-public place, where there aren't a bunch of voices around to disturb our conversation..."
... Okay, when she put it like that, it was even easier for him to understand the size of the step they were taking.
They had gone out together a few more times after their successful second date that resulted in their first kiss, and to various other places besides the batting cages at the sports center: a walk around Shibuya, two trips to the movies, a walk through Ueno Park with riding pedal boats and even going to a maid cafe, just for the pleasure of their inside joke. All these encounters ended the same way as the original: him leaving her at the door of her house, but not before exchanging some heated kisses, which were getting longer and longer, neither wanting to say good night and goodbye. None of these times did she invite him into her home.
But now that seemed about to change, and he felt a strange rush of anxiety overwhelm him at the thought. A mixture of want and a slight fear of what that could mean for the two of them. I mean, calling your current date to your house was a lot more serious than suggesting they go get some love in a motel, wasn't it?
He wonders, rather involuntarily, if she would like him to invite her to his apartment too, in the near future. Holy shit, he'd have to give the place a good sweep before that happened, he wouldn't know where to hide his face if she saw the mess that was his place...
He is unceremoniously roused from his reverie by her voice, calling to him with some concern. She was looking at him with one eyebrow arched, her hand still outstretched, fingers opening and closing slightly.
"Is everything okay? You looked worried all of a sudden... ooh, is it the hands?," She moved her arm away, embarrassed. "Sorry, you don't have to feel obligated to do that if you don't want to-"
"I do!," He hurries to answer, his voice a little louder than necessary, extending his hand to hold hers and prevent it from getting out of his reach. "Sorry, I started to think about some things here and got distracted..."
"Do you want to share them with me? Or would you rather keep your schemes on how to make me this generation's next model athlete a secret?"
"I would keep them secret from the public and the press, never from you, hahaha. But no, seriously... I...," He looks to the side, feeling his palms sweat. "Is this really okay? Me, going to your house...?"
"Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?," She asks, smiling gently as if to reassure him. "I didn't invite you the other times only because we always came back a little late from dates. But now it's not even seven o'clock. It's still too early for us to say goodbye..."
He would've rocketed up if that had been humanly possible, joy making his feet light and even dancing.
"I agree! It's just that I would've brought something if I'd known. A souvenir, as the custom demands..."
"You already gave me too many souvenirs, hahaha! Enough flowers for me to open my own flower shop, remember?," She jokes, lightly hitting the side of her hip on his thigh, which was what she could reach from that height. "Now I'm the one who wants to reciprocate. What do you think about eating a savory dish of mine for a change?"
"Wow, I'm in! I mean, I've already eaten sandwiches made by you at the bakery, but not a real dinner," He smiles openly, and unconsciously puts a hand on his belly. "Just thinking about it makes me hungry, damn it..."
“And after you tell me that, do you really expect me to let you go willingly? A cook's life's mission is to feed others, especially those she cares about!," She raises a fist with determination, and he chuckles softly.
"You sound like Sanji from One Piece when you talk like that, hahaha! Who's your favorite Straw Hat?," He asks excitedly, but this excitement wanes a little before the slightly embarrassed smile she opens.
"Uh… Chopper, I guess…? I don't know, I haven't watched One Piece since highschool..."
"Oh, I see… sorry, it's just that I'm such a nerd…," He scratches the back of his head, now just as embarrassed. "The girls I've gone out with were always bored with my conversations. I end up forgetting that this is not really your thing..."
"Hey, you're stereotyping again," She points at him with an indignant pout. "I'm not really into manga and anime, but it's not because I'm a woman. Kanny herself loves One Piece, you know?"
"Really? Damn, I'd like chatting with her about it if she wasn't hating me right now..."
"You can chat about it with me. It's not because I'm not a fan that I wouldn't want to hear you talking about your interests," She squeezes his hand to reassure him. "Seriously, we don't need to have absolutely everything in common. It's actually good that we don't, so we discover new things that we might like."
"Heh… you're right," He intertwines his fingers with hers, smiling again, now more relieved. "And I tell you the same, okay? You can talk to me about the things you like, not just martial arts and baseball."
"Heh, I hope you don't get bored..."
“You'll be amazed at how open-minded I can be. Let's have a chat about women's interests. For example, if you prefer to get a Helsa skirt or Swarovski crystal earrings..."
"Hell no, forget about it! I'm serious, don't laugh! Ugh, you big meathead...!," She punches him in the arm, to which he throws his head back with a thunderous laugh. "I think I'd rather get a box of those chocolates again than that..."
"Noted! I'll bring one with at least half a kilo of chocolate next time...just kidding!," He exclaims when she gives him a threatening look. "But seriously, I promise I'll listen to you when you want to talk about your interests too. I'm really curious now..."
"We can talk better over dinner. It'll take a little while to be rady, but we can do other things while we wait. You've never seen the inside of my house, for example," She comments, a little thoughtful. "It's kinda funny to think that Rihito has been there, but you haven't."
"Yeah, he made a point of throwing that in my face a few weeks ago," Okubo snorts grumpily. And he arches an eyebrow when she sees Tomori getting suddenly tense . "What is it?"
“Did he… tell you about my interior decorating choices?”
"Uh… if you're talking about the posters in the living room, he did tell me," He nods after thinking a bit. "But I'm not someone to dictate how you should decorate your house, Tomori. And again, I don't judge your tastes... if you promise not to judge my Ultraman posters if you visit my apartment one day, haha."
"I won't, I promise," She laughs, a little calmer. And then thinks better about what he said, blushing a little. "But would you do that? Invite me to your apartment, I mean..."
"Sure, why not? It's only fair," He nods excitedly. "Then I can show you my trophy room, my reading room, my consoles... I just think we'd have to order a pizza at dinner time, because my fridge has seen fuller days , haha ​​ha!"
"I'm starting to think that the questionable diet of single men isn't necessarily an unfounded stereotype," She jokes, and then points, "Oh, we're already around the corner! I think that was the fastest walk I've ever taken from the station to here..."
"Yeah, I didn't even notice the path I took either," He comments, a little surprised. It was amazing how time seemed to fly by when he was with Tomori. He would've moaned about it in another situation, but not now. They didn't have to say goodbye on her doorstep. They would still have many hours together from now on.
"Hopefully, we'll have all night."
The thought filled him with a rush to get to her house, and he tried to contain it. Why bother if the night has already been won? And any extra time with her was a win, whatever they were doing.
They are soon through the automatic gates, stepping onto the stone path that leads to the porch. The overhead light came on, and she smiled at him.
"Before we go inside, I want to start our little ritual."
He blinks, confused. "Ritual? What ritual-"
She interrupts him by raising her right hand, hooking her fingers in the fabric of his shirt, and making him duck with a small tug. Their mouths meet, and soon Okubo's initial astonishment is replaced by an almost euphoric satisfaction. Hell, in what universe would he deny her a kiss? He reciprocates promptly, one hand automatically going to her back as hers rest on his shoulders. Soon the contact gets a little more intense, and he finds himself pulling her off the ground with a hug. She holds on to him more firmly so she doesn't lose her balance, asking for more by touching his lips with her tongue, and he obliges with an enthusiasm that made her chuckle softly.
Damn, seeing his excitement being so well received did lots of good to his self-esteem, as well as his libido. And if that meant that she wanted it as much as he did... dammit, then the dessert that came after that dinner would be the best he'd ever tasted!
They finally pull away when the need for oxygen becomes impossible to ignore, panting softly and looking into each other's eyes. He puts her down slowly, and she gives him one last peck before smiling at him.
"Just for luck..."
"Believe me, I'm feeling very lucky right now," He jokes, his voice husky. "Best ritual I've ever done. I think it's good that we always do this from now on, so that luck never ends."
“Never wasting time, not in the octagons or out of them.” She laughs softly, squeezing his hand one last time before digging through her purse for something. She takes out the keys and unlocks the door, leaving it open for him to enter right behind her. "Leave your shoes by the door, please."
"Alright," He nods, muttering an 'excuse me' and giving a quick bow before taking off his shoes and entering, having to bend down a little to do it. He busies himself with observing his surroundings while Tomori leaves her purse in the coat rack next to the door.
After walking down a long corridor, they arrive in the small living room of what was the interior of a typical middle-class residence, with enough space to accommodate a couple without children or a small family. For a single woman who lived on her own, that should be more than enough, he supposed. It was in a slightly more western style, which was common in Tokyo's newer residential areas. Two sofas, one small and one medium, with a tea table in the center on a cream-colored rug, and against the wall, a television on a wooden cabinet. In the center of the table was a vase, and inside it, the daisies, gerberas and gladioli that he had given her a few days ago; seeing that she was taking care of the flowers made him immensely happy.
Separated from the living room by a counter was the kitchen, also small but looking professionally equipped; nothing more than expected for a chef. The dining table was also small, but that would only make the diner even more intimate. He saw other vases with more flowers there, adding color to the room. The stairs in the corner must lead to the upper floor where the bedrooms and bathroom were.
In general, it would be an absolutely normal residence if it weren't for one detail: the posters of different sizes on the walls, some glued, others framed like photographs. They were all from fighters he either knew personally or had seen in action on television or the internet. Sekibayashi's was one of those privileged enough to be framed, as was Gaolang's. The twinge of jealousy that hit him was short-lived, however; it was enough time for him to notice his own poster, also framed, striking a victorious pose while displaying the championship belt around his waist.
"Uh... so...?," Tomori suddenly asks, arms crossed, seeming to want to look at everything but him. "I know it's a bit exaggerated and that it looks more like a teenager's bedroom than the living room of an grown woman's house..."
"I haven't seen too many teenage bedrooms or too many grown women's living rooms to make a comparison," He jokes, scratching the back of his head with a low chuckle. "Honestly? From what Rihito said, I was expecting something much more 'hall of fame-ish', if you know what I mean, hahaha!"
"If my living room was something of that level, I'd have to charge you visitation," She jokes too, smiling sheepishly. "So… you don't mind?"
"It's not like I have the right to, come on," He shrugs calmly. "Again, it's your house, Tomori. And honestly, there are fewer posters than I was expecting."
This ends up making her laugh, her shoulders shaking. "What? Were you expecting to see my living room walls completely covered in posters, to the point where you couldn't even see their colors?"
"Hey, hey, my informant was Rihito, and you've met enough of him to know how he's always adding tails to his tales," He justifies himself, and it's his turn to be embarrassed. "No, seriously, your place's nice. Tidier than mine, that's for sure. And you have good taste in idols, no denying," He points to his own poster, arching an eyebrow. "Who's the hunk over there? Do I need to see him as a rival for your affections or something?"
She laughs out loud this time, even though she's still blushing. "Nah, no need to! Not anymore, anyway," She looks at the poster, her eyes softening. "He used to be an idea I had in my head, you know. The idea of ​​someone who would be a source of admiration and inspiration personified, like Seki, Gaolang and many others. Someone far above, out of my reach. But what I'm seeing in front of me now...," She looks at him over her shoulder. "This someone is someone I can laugh with, joke with and talk to, someone I can touch, hug and kiss... so I prefer him much, much more."
Okubo can only stare at her, dumbfounded, his plans to make fun of her over her former idolization of him going down the drain in a way he couldn't have foreseen. Again, she left him speechless without even trying very hard to.
That was probably one of the things that would never change about their relationship, no matter how deep it got. And after that, he wanted anything but that to change.
He moves before he knows it, and Tomori gasps as he takes her in his arms, lifting her off the ground again to reach her mouth, in a kiss even more intense than the one they exchanged on the porch. She hugs him around the neck to steady herself, reciprocating with a low, long sigh, and Okubo shudders as she wraps her legs around his waist. He automatically holds her tighter, not wanting to move an inch away from her.
Holy shit… if it continued at this rate, they'd end up skipping dinner. He blamed that adorable creature who could wrap a grown man almost twice her size around her little finger for that. He wanted so badly to take her to the bedroom, or who knows, to lay her down on that couch and give her the treatment she deserved...
“Not with all these posters around staring at you, dipshit!”
Shit, the posters… he suddenly felt very aware of the dead stares of the fighters depicted on the walls, especially those he knew on a personal level. It was ridiculous, but it seemed to be the same principle as a religious person refusing to do something sinful in front of a representation of the deity they worshiped. As if Sekibayashi, Gaolang and all the others were watching his performance and judging him.
And with that thought, his excitement died pretty quickly. Hey, maybe he had found the ideal method to get rid of morning wood!
"Hnnn...," He murmurs low against her lips, giving it one last lick before pulling his face away to breathe. "And he's also enjoying doing all these things with you. He wants to do so much more. And he's feeling really stupid for talking about himself in third person."
Tomori laughs, leaning her forehead against his. "I think that's cute of him… okay, okay, I'll stop," She promises when he huffs. "But seriously, I had imagined that you'd be uncomfortable seeing your own face on my living room wall. Maybe I shouldn't have hung the poster up there again..."
"Then I would be offended that there is no tribute to me on the living room walls of my number one fan!," He snorts, but his tone remains playful. "I'm used to seeing my own face on television, on magazine covers and on the street screens in Shibuya. But… this one's definitely not one of my best angles,” He scowls at the poster.
"Why not? This is the portrait of the moment when you were enshrined as the first Japanese to become Ultimate Fight's heavyweight champion! It's glorious," She snaps back in mock outrage, whereupon he sets her down to place his hands on his hips.
"Yeah, but not in this picture! Look how the light hits my head," He points. "The sweat makes it look like a disco ball... yeah, laugh at the bald man, very empathetic of you," He snorts as he watches her bend over herself a bit, wiping a tear of laughter from one eye.
"S-Sorry, but it's hard to empathize with someone who is bald by choice. And anyway, that's your opinion. I really like this poster and I think you look great in it," She pats the frame, smiling excitedly. "It's the result of all the sweat and tears you've shed to get to where you are, a slap in the face to all who doubted you, an irrefutable proof of how right you were when you said that the defeatism of the Japanese martial arts leagues was nothing more than underdog syndrome, excuses from those who talk a lot and do little!"
Okubo can't resist, laughing happily. "Damn, I've missed those passionate speeches of yours about me, hahaha! But seriously, it's really nice to see someone who positively interpreted the crap I said in that documentary..."
"It wasn't crap! ... Okay, maybe that final jab of yours was unnecessary," She admits after thinking a little. "It was by far what made people be mad at you the most in those days."
"Yeah, it's kinda unforgettable when cancel culture bites you in the butt fot the first time, hehehe!"
"And he even takes pride in it, my god…," She laughs along with him. "But in general, I agreed with everything you said in that documentary. In fact...," She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, suddenly shy. "It was after watching it that I found the motivation to change my life."
Okubo stops smiling, surprise and curiosity taking over his features. "Change your life…? Oh, are you talking about your delinquent phase?"
"Well, yes, in a way... oh, but if we were to talk about it now, we'd going to be here in the living room all night and dinner would never get ready!," She suddenly claps her hands together, rubbing them afterwards. "We can talk better while we eat, how about that?"
“Uh… sure, that's fine with me.” He nods, taken aback, but dammit, how could he refuse food when she was the one offering it? "Want some help? I'm no chef like you, but I can cut and wash some vegetables, I don't know."
"Well, since you're offering...," She nods, smiling "Just wash your hands first, please. The bathroom is upstairs."
"Yes ma'am!," He salutes, eliciting an affectionate eye roll from her before she turns and heads for the kitchen. He climbs the stairs to the upper floor, which consisted of a long corridor, with two doors on the left and one on the right.
Now... which of the three was the entrance to the bathroom? Damn, she hadn't told him which door was the right one. Maybe it was the first... but for who's going up the stairs or for who's going down? And why was he making a fuss about something so stupid?!
"You're afraid of accidentally walking into her room... which is pretty stupid considering your night will end there."
The thought lifted his confidence a little. Heck, if he missed the door on the first try, he could just close it and try again. He does so, choosing the lone door on the right.
It wasn't the bathroom, but it didn't look like a bedroom either, as there wasn't a bed in there. In the dim light from the hallway, he thought for a second that it was a spare room being used as a storage room. There were boxes stacked in a corner, rectangular white objects propped against them. They looked like... canvases?
Okubo couldn't help his curiosity and groped along the wall until he found a switch. The room lit up, and he found himself in front of what looked like a small crafts room. At least that's what he assumed when he saw himself in front of the painted canvases propped up in the boxes, the small shelf partially filled with colored pencils, graphite, brushes and a few paint pots, a desk with piles of papers full of doodles and a easel, right in the center of the room.
And there were pictures too. Not wall posters of fighters this time, but framed photographs, attached to a magnetic photo board or in frames that filled the other half of the shelf. Many were from people he had never seen before, but who bore enough resemblance to Tomori that he assumed they were her family: an older couple, who must’ve been her parents, and a younger man accompanied by a woman of the same age; probably her brother and sister-in-law.
But his interest was entirely focused on the photos where she appeared, especially the older ones. There he found familiar faces: Tomori with Kanami and Hiro, the three of them looking like they were in their teens (holy shit, was it just him or did Kanami used to be chubby when she was younger? Those extra pounds definitely weren't the muscles he saw). They appeared in a lot of those photos, at the most varied times. And in many of them, there was another girl with them, with tanned skin and curly, dyed blonde hair. She appeared with only Tomori in several photos, one of which depicted both of them wearing school uniforms.
And what captured his curiosity the most about these older photos was that in almost all of them, Tomori's hair wasn't wavy and brown, but straight and black. So that current hue and texture was unnatural? Damn, he'd never have guessed just by looking...
Just as he never would've guessed that she was an amateur artist. He didn't explore the room more and peek at her work only because it would be tremendously impolite. But he might ask when he returned downstairs. He turns off the light and closes the door slowly, not sure if he feels more guilty for snooping or curious about what he's seen.
He tries the first door on the left this time, and luckily it was a bathroom; a room with three sections, consisting of the tiny laundry room, the toilet and sink area, and the shower and bath area, all separated by thin walls. The bathtub seemed small, and he found himself thinking sadly that it would be next to impossible for the two of them to be able to bathe together there. Well, the bathtub in his apartment was big enough for both of them, so that was all the more reason for him to invite her over there one of these days.
He turns on the faucet and washes his hands, taking the opportunity to check his reflection in the mirror. He looked presentable, but dammit, he'd only taken a quick shower in the morning before accompanying his friends to Kazuo's office, and from there he'd taken two walks, one to the bakery and the other to Tomori's house. Did he not smell of sweat? And what about his breath after eating? Maybe he should at least use the mouthwash right there in the sink, or take off his shirt and give his armpits a quick wash with soap just in case. The mood would sour pretty quickly if he smelled bad...
He suddenly feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He hadn't asked her for her Wi-Fi password, so his mobile data must still be on. He dries his hands and checks his messages. There were some from Rihito, in their group chat.
just to let you know, @EggHead, we're in kaneda's place
we couldn't resist, biohazard 8 was calling us with siren songs
sorry, we'll do another game night with ya on a free day
Okubo rolls his eyes, but the truth is, he wasn't exactly upset. He had no right to demand that his friends not have fun without him. But he was glad to know they were at least considerate enough to let him know.
no worries man
tell me what games he has there later
enjoy the night on your side and I’ll enjoy in mine lol
i wasn't expecting you to answer now
what, she couldn't stand your smell and told you to wash it off first? 
fuck you dude lol
she's making dinner and I'm going to help
did ur mom never teach you that you can’t have dessert before dinner?
have some manners
lmao you worthless pervert
yeah, gorge yourself on dinner and then go eat the hell of that dessert
just be careful not to fall mouth first in her plushies by accident lol
the fuck you mean?
what plushies?
have some respect you fucker
talking about her lady bits like that
what lady bits
fuckin dumbass
i'm talkin about stuffed animals lol
okay i got it now
but seriously, what plushies?
and you still ask
she is all cute, girly-girl and shit
i'm pretty sure her bed must be full of that stuff
Okubo frowns. The mental image that those words painted... he shivers a little. Damn, that sounded so wrong!
wait, you really think so?
fuckin hell...
when it’s not one thing, it’s another
are you going to let that slow you down?
going limp over stuffed animals is the last fuckin straw LOL
I wouldn't give a single fuck
it's easy for you to say talk!
you're not the one who will have one knee on the mattress and the other on top of Mockey!
holy shit dude
rihito hollered for the entire building to hear
i even came to see what it is, let me read it
it's the my little pony squad getting in the way of egghead's dick weting session xD
again, i wouldn't give a shit 
but go check it for yourself to be sure
oh my xD
but go check it?
are you talking about him going to snoop on her room??
this is wrong on so many levels!
it’s just for conscience relief man!
that way he doesn’t get scared and goes all limp-dick in the worst time possible
it's still wrong
if it bothers you so much, Okubo, see if there isn’t another more appropriate place for it
there's another room
a crafts room it seems
she's apparently an amateur artist, can you believe that?
it's full of art supplies like canvases, pencils, brushes, even an easel
we know
miss uta told kaneda and I that she likes to paint and illustrate
on wednesday before the sunday rihito went to talk to her
himuro tought she might like it, considering she likes doing cookie art
she confirmed it when he asked
and why didn't you fuckin tell me anything???
you had information like that laying around and you didn’t think about sharing it with me??
what difference does that make now?
it makes a difference because I could've bought her a gift based on that!
fucking hell dude
lmao cry me a river
no, cry her a river, preferably on her bed 
that's exactly what i'm gonna do
fuck the plushies, and fuck you guys too
fair weather friends
LMAOOO dude's fuckin pissed
you guys are good again, you're on her house and you're about to get laid
the fuck you complaining about?
and thanks to us, by the way
don't be ungrateful, Okubo
okay, okay, my bad
thanks you bastards
and I need to at least prepare myself for what i'm gonna see, kaneda
i'll just open her bedroom door, I won’t even go in
for god's sake
at least be discreet
don’t go through her drawers or anything
dude i won't touch anything
i'm not rihito
man fuck you
i'm a bit of a pervert, but i'm not a sicko
yeah, right
anyway, i'll be off now
she must be wondering why i'm taking so long, i won’t keep her waiting
see ya
Okubo puts his phone away again, cursing under his breath. Damn Rihito for putting absurd mental images in his head that didn't help his arousal at all. How the hell was he supposed to perform in a room full of cuddly plushies, staring at him with those beaded eyes exuding innocence and motherly disapproval?!
He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself. If so, he'd have to swallow his discomfort, for Tomori's sake. He really had no right to complain about her decorating choices. And anyway, spending that time with her, showing how much he wanted things between them to work out and go forward, showing how important she had become to him; all of that was worth far more than his attempts to protect his fragile ego.
He leaves the bathroom, slowly closing the door behind him, before facing the only other door left. It could only be her room. And to peek into such an intimate room without the hostess's permission was despicable, worthy of a clueless pervert...
“I won't touch anything. I won't even go in. I'll just open the door and turn on the light, nothing more...”
With that promise to himself, he goes to the door, gripping the handle and holding his breath before slowly opening it. The room was dark, the light from the hallway only partially illuminating it. He could see a single bed, a desk with a computer, stationery and a couple of framed pictures, a bookcase and... his own face?
Okubo blinks. He gropes along the wall, finding the switch and turning on the light. And what he saw made him wish that the room was full of plushies instead of... that.
There were posters of fighters everywhere. The walls almost disappeared beneath them. They were of all different sizes, some small enough to have been cut out of magazines, and others huge, almost the width of the door itself. His was in a prominent position, just above the desk, and Sekibayashi's and Gaolang's flanked him as if they belonged to a boy band of muscleheads. And there were so many others, most his acquaintances, some even his rivals inside the octagons, and many of them looked old, worn, portraying younger versions of themselves.
All those shirtless, sometimes sweaty men flexing and showing off their impressive muscles, their expressions either triumphant or livid as if they were about to pounce on their opponent... all those dead gazes directed at the bed in the corner of the room...
If a turn-off was capable of producing sounds, his at that moment would have made the classic Pac-Man death sound. How the fuck would he be able to do anything inside that sanctuary which seemed to be dedicated to everything virile and gay?!
He quickly turns off the light and closes the door with an expression of someone who was suffering with PTSD. He swallows hard, sweating a little, his brain trying to register the scene he had just witnessed, the hemisphere responsible for rationality trying to convince him that it wasn't that bad, he could ignore it, he just needed to be on top of her and to not look at the fucking posters...!
But the other hemisphere, which was responsible for all the neurotic fantasies that had been curdling his thoughts lately, told him that, in the missionary position, Sekibayashi, Gaolang and all those others would have a very privileged view of his ass.
Okubo buries his face in his left hand, groaning hard, wanting to slam his forehead against the wall, as much to punish himself as to forget what he had just seen. Why the hell did he open that door?! That's what he got for sticking his nose where it didn't belong! Curiosity killed the cat, or in this case, the gorilla.
"Naoya?," He hears Tomori calling from downstairs. "Is everything okay up there? Do you need help with something?"
He shudders, clearing his throat quickly to make his voice as normal as possible before replying, “Uuh- no, it's okay! It's just that I received a few messages and decided to reply right away, so no notifications would disturbed us..."
"Oh, okay! I've already laid out the ingredients here on the counter if you're ready to start."
"Alright!," He goes down the stairs, trying to think of something, anything, to use as an excuse to book it. He wouldn't be able to do anything in that disturbing room, not even if he took a few blue bombers like an old man. It wouldn't happen in the living room either, and he didn't want their first time to be in the kitchen either...
Hell, it didn't take a genius to know that nothing was going to happen that night! The best thing was for him to leave, for him to find any excuse to take the road, because otherwise he would only be wasting Tomori's time. Maybe he could come up with some sort of emergency? He's trying to come up with one that sounds convincing enough when he walks into the kitchen. Tomori lifts her head and smiles excitedly at him.
"Look! I checked the fridge and saw that I had all the ingredients to make ginger pork," She points to a meat board on the kitchen counter, where there were pork strips, still raw. "I know it's not very elaborate or sophisticated, but I guarantee you that my ginger pork is delicious! Can you help me with the onions? The ginger is in that little jar with the blue cap," She makes a cute little happy sound. "I'm so excited to show you how I cook! I'm even getting a little nervous, hahaha..."
... Okubo felt like the worst person in the world, not worthy of that woman who was too good to be true.
How could he even think of running away from her house and letting her down, all because he'd paid the price for snooping? She deserved better treatment than that. Hell, she deserved all the best he could give her, even if the night wasn't going to end with them in a bed!
He wanted to stay there with her. He wanted to cook dinner with her, eat with her, talk, laugh, watch tv, anything. More physical things could be for later, and preferably far away from the homosexual sanctuary that was that room.
"Ahaha, what are you even saying? I'm the one who should be excited," He approaches, trying to smile. "After all, I'm going to see my favorite cook in action, besides being able to learn from her."
"You're a sweetheart, but you won't escape helping in the kitchen with just a few smooth words."
"And who said I want to escape it? Guide me through your kingdom of meats, vegetables and spices, miss, you'll have the privilege of having me as your humble follower again," He gestures to the whole kitchen with a sweeping wave of his arm. Tomori laughs, opening a drawer and pulling out a baby blue apron.
"With pleasure. Here, you'll need it," She throws him the apron, laughing again when he makes a face. "Relax, I promise it will be our secret. And look, we're matching!," She shows her own apron, which Okubo recognized as the one she wore in the selfie she sent him weeks ago.
"How cheesy... you're lucky I like cheesy things in secrecy," He jokes, putting on the apron just to appease her. It had frills and looked tiny on him. He snorts when she smirks at the sight, "Next time I'll bring my own apron."
"Heh… good to know there will be a next time," She comments smiling as she hands him another knife. "Cut the onions like this, into thin slices. And don't worry, they're ice cold so they won't sting your eyes."
"Yeah! Just leave them in the freezer for ten minutes and the enzymes that trigger the gas that causes burning are not activated," She explains excitedly. "Cool, right?"
"Wow, I didn't know that!," He comments, impressed, trying to cut the onions in the thickness she asked. "You're really knowledged in cooking stuff..."
"I have a degree in gastronomy for a reason," She sticks out her chest a little, in a gesture of personal pride that he found adorable. "Although this particular trick I learned from my mother. She cooks really well too."
"I can imagine. Was it because of her that you decided to pursue this career?," He asks, and she seems to think for a few seconds, looking up.
"Hnnn… yeah, in parts," She finally replies. "I liked to cook with her since I was a little girl. She was happy, saying I was going to be an excellent cook in the future. And an excellent wife," She smiles with embarrassment. "But I just liked doing things in the kitchen, seeing the happy expressions of those who ate my food and hearing compliments. I had other aspirations at the time..."
"Like art?," He asks before he manages to stop himself, and flinches a little when she looks at him with some surprise.
"Huh? ... Oh, you... you know that I...?"
"Yeah, I… I kinda accidentally saw your crafts room," He admits, a little embarrassed. "I was looking for the bathroom and opened the wrong door by mistake."
She blinks, looking even more surprised. "Oh… I was thinking that Himuro and Kaneda had told you that I liked painting and illustrating, since I had mentioned it to them before."
... Ouch. His big-ass mouth: one. Subtlety: zero. It was just like him to rattle and get himself into trouble when he could very well have gotten away with it if he'd just kept quiet. He shrinks further.
"Sorry, it was an accident..."
"No, it's okay," She assured, waving the hand that held the knife. "It was my fault, I forgot to tell you which door was the right one. And there's nothing extremely personal or embarrassing about that room that makes it a no-go zone for visitors, hahaha!"
He laughed along with her, because at this point, laughing was preferable to screaming hysterically and looking like a lunatic.
"Hehe, if- if you say so... but seriously, I really didn't know that you liked to draw and paint. And I guess I should've guessed, considering your cookies are a work of art."
"Awn, thanks!," She blushes with pleasure at the compliment. "I thought about majoring in visual arts in college, but my parents protested so much that I gave up. They're afraid I wouldn't get a good job and good references on my CV... yeah, I know, they sound controlling," She nods when she sees his sympathetic expression. "They even tried to push me to study law, medicine or architecture, which was the major my brother chose. But I put my foot down and refused. Today they mellowed down and now they respect my decisions more, even if they don't approve very much."
"At least that…," He ends up shrugging, finishing cutting the onion and picking up the ginger. "My parents didn't care much about my choices. I got drafted on my school's wrestling team as soon as I started the school year, and that guaranteed me a shitload of opportunities, so they had nothing to complain about. It sucks that you didn't have that same support..."
"It's okay, I don't regret the choices I made," She guarantees, picking up a bottle that looked like sake, from a corner of the counter. "I love working as a cook, and the salary allows me to keep art as a hobby. I mean, as far as acceptable, it's not enough for me to buy the best materials there is, but it's something."
"In that case I'm happy for you, haha… and I swear I wasn't snooping aroung there, I just saw the canvases!," He swears, a bit agitated. "I just paid attention to the photos…"
"Oh yes, those photos…," She takes the board with the chopped onions that he held out to her, starting to brown them in the frying pan. "They were supposed to be displayed in the living room, or at least in my bedroom. But there, in my crafts room, they give me inspiration and motivation. And they remind me of how things have changed since then."
"Hehe, and how they changed… I learned a lot of new things about you just by looking at those photos," He comments, calmer now that he made sure she wasn’t offended by his accidental snooping. "I didn’t know that you dyed your hair. It's not a criticism at all, this color looks great on you."
"Huh?," She stops in the act of pouring a trickle of sake into the frying pan, staring at him confused. "But I didn't. This is my natural color."
"Uh... wait, really?," It's his turn to be confused. "But I saw some pothos from your school days, and your hair was straight and black..."
"Ooh…," She nods slowly, embarrassed. "Got it. But yeah... that was my dyed, straightened hair," She explains, smiling, embarrassed by his surprise. "My school was the strict type, very inflexible with its rules. And I needed to suit the standards."
"Damn, man…," He shakes his head, indignant. "Are you serious that there are schools that still do these things? That's messed up... but wait," He frowns. "There was a friend of yours in those photos giving the biggest gyaru vibes, with her tanned skin, bleached hair and all. Didn't the school forbid that too?"
"Ooh, are you talking about Akane?," Tomori lets out a vengeful laugh. "They did, but she didn't give a fuck. They threatened her with suspension and even expulsion several times, but the threats never went ahead. She was well connected and the school board was scared shitless of her dad and his 'friends', hahaha!"
"Holy shit, I don't even want to ask… but Akane? Isn't that your friend whose number Rihito wants so bad?," Okubo's eyes widen. "Boy, he really doesn't know what he's getting himself into..."
"I told you, didn't I?," She smiles devilishly. "Anyway, she's been my best friend since high school. I was hanging out with her even before I met Kanny and Hiro. She went through a delinquent phase along with me. We used to terrorize that school. Good times, hehehe..."
"Damn, you weren't joking about that delinquent phase, eh. I've got your number," He laughs, disbelieved. "But I don't have any room to judge, as I did the same thing. I just didn't expect this to be one of the many things we have in common, haha."
Tomori lowers her head a little, eyes fixed as she tends to the frying pan where the onions are browning. She then dips the pork strips into the spiced mixture, stirring vigorously, the flames fanned by the cooking sake, which Okubo is a little nervous about. He even takes a step back.
"H-Hey, sorry, I promise I won't meddle anymore, you don't have to try to intimidate me with pyromania techniques, hahaha...!"
"What- no, that's not it," She shakes her head quickly, taking the frying pan away from the heat. "I'm not mad, I'm just…," She hesitates a little, looking up at him shyly. "I'm just wondering if it changes something for you. In the way you see me, I mean..."
This makes Okubo relax, though not completely. His expression softens as he moves closer again, his expression a little more serene.
"I already said it don't. Again, this is you, isn't it? It's just that I was really curious about what you told me just now... about the things I said in that documentary getting you through that phase," He scratches the back of his head, sort of forgetting that his hands were full of onion bits. "Was that time so complicated for you? For you to think that talking more about it will make me think less of you..."
She sighs a little, closing her eyes briefly. She turns her attention back to the frying pan, and for a second, Okubo thought she was going to ignore him and signal with her silence that the subject was closed. That is until she starts talking.
"It's complicated because, now that I think back, it seems so ridiculous and childish… although at fifteen or sixteen, you're expected to be ridiculous and childish," She gives a humorless laugh "Remember I said I had other aspirations? So... when I was younger, I wanted to become a professional fighter."
"What? Seriously?," He leans towards her, his eyes widening even more. "And why didn't this dream of yours go ahead? I remember that I asked you that day at the market why you didn't learn some martial art..."
"Yeah, you asked. And I couldn't answer you," She nods. "The truth is that I tried to learn, in the last year of middle school. You know how much I am passionate about martial arts, it runs in the family and comes from way back, when I was a little girl... so I decided that I wanted to be part of this world that I loved so much. I begged and begged my parents until they agreed to let me practice judo at a dojo that accepted women. The girls in my class were about my age, and I was super excited. I thought I was going to make a bunch of friends, that I was going to become a judoka like no other, that my fighting career was going to take off... until the third class, where I gave up, bawling my eyes out because my shoulders were killing me after being thrown mercilessly onto the mat by the other girls during practice.
"... Oh," Okubo hisses a little through clenched teeth, sounding pious. "Yeah, judo is no joke, whether for guys or gals. But you could’ve tried with another style, like jiu-jitsu. It's actually a well-recommended martial art for women.
"I know, but my bad experience on that first attempt kinda broke my spirit. The truth is, Naoya, I'm a freaking coward. I hate getting hurt and feeling pain. I hate getting beaten," She gives a mortified smile. "Which is kinda absurd, considering I was always getting into fights in high school. I think anger was a tremendous fuel."
"You're not a coward! Holy shit, how can someone who faced a whole gang of brats like you did be a coward?," He protests indignantly. She shakes her head.
"Having a survival instinct is not the same as being brave. And thinking that I wasn't brave enough to live that childhood dream of mine saddened me to the point of making me go down a bad pathç She turns her head to the side, unable to hold his gaze. "That and several other factors, such as the demands from my parents, my envy of my brother who was a model student and the star of his high school baseball club, how they saw me as inadequate because of things that weren't my fault, like the color and texture of my hair. .. all of this kind of threw me into a self-destructive spiral. I skipped classes, hung out with people who were no good, got into fights... the worst of them was when I fought with another girl over a boy, can you believe it?," She makes a face, the corners of her mouth quivering in a clear attempt to hold back laughter. "We were both liking the same guy, and you know how teenagers are… holy shit, it was a hell of a catfight! I even hit her in the face with a baseball bat, I almost got expelled from school afterwards, hahaha!
"Holy fuck, woman...," Okubo stares at her open-mouthed; the mental image that that brought was too surreal for him to be able to register properly. "I'm glad you weren't armed the night I pissed you off! You were going to leave me scarred for life, just like this girl must’ve been!"
"Yeah, now you know what I'm capable of," She says, half joking, half serious. "But relax, she's fine, and nowadays we're the best of friends. It's not just you fighters who make friends after beating each other up, see?," She made a V with the fingers of her free hand. "Anyway… that time was very difficult for me. I knew that my parents were worried and disappointed, I knew that my fame was spreading, that if I continued like that my life would be over, but I didn't have the heart to try to change, to improve... until I watched your interview, in that documentary."
She finishes frying the meat, turning off the heat and turning to face him. Okubo feels a strange shiver run up his spine at the sight of her intense expression, the glint in her eyes that almost made them look teary, the slight flush that colored her cheeks. Something small flapped against the wall of his stomach.
"You spoke about your belief that race has no influence on a person's ability to be good at something with so much conviction! You said you were good and would prove it to the whole world, and so many people doubted you. So many people accused you of being arrogant, of being a loudmouth with a giant ego, there were even some westerners being racist pieces of shit on the forums. And none of that shook you, none of that stopped you from going out there and proving them all wrong," She clenches her fists against her chest, her voice getting louder, heated, passionate. "It was your dedication, pure and simple, that got you where no other Japanese has gone. You told all those idiots to shut up and watch you fly, and you did! I could only remember everyone telling me that I was a disappointment, a troublemaker, that I was never going to amount to anything in life... and that's when I found the strength to do like you and prove that all of them were wrong about me. I could grow up, be someone, fly like you did! And if I couldn't be a fighter... then I was going to show all my love and admiration for the martial arts by supporting fighters with all my might,  cheering with every victory, taking that energy you exude and using it to chase after dreams I knew I could achieve. And that's why I love everything that involves the world of martial arts. Because this world gave me the strength to fight for myself, even if not in the same way that you do."
She stops talking at last, breathing a little hard, taking in his dumbfounded expression. And then she turns very red, playing with her fingers shyly while giggling in embarrassment.
"Ahaha, I'm sorry, I talked much! When I get excited about something, it's hard to shut up..."
But she didn't didn't know that, for Okubo, it was okay. Because the last thing he wanted was for her to shut up.
He remembered when he first met her, how sweet and adorable he found her, a delicate flower that seemed to be the kind of woman he always wanted as an arm candy; a pretty thing for him to display at press conferences as one of his trophies. A time that felt like it was ages ago instead of just over two months ago. And two months was enough to find out how wrong he was about her. And how glad he was that he was wrong.
She said how his words, spoken in that documentary, had swept her away. But she had no idea how enraptured he felt by her at that moment, by the intense passion in her voice, in her convictions, how he wanted her to keep talking because he loved that iron strength behind all the silk, loved the bravery she doubted she possessed, loved how she managed to be fierce without losing her sweetness, loved everything about her, he loved her...
... Oh. Ooh, shit. He was fucked, wasn't he? Holy crap...
... And at the same time it felt so obvious and so, so wonderful to be fucked like that, because of her. How could it not be? As he looked at her face flushed with embarrassment, the hue not fading even as she rattled on, he couldn't think of anyone who was easier to love.
He never had the slightest chance to resist it, right from the start. And for the first time since becoming a professional fighter, with a name and a reputation to uphold, he didn't feel the slightest urge to resist, either. Falling in love with her was easy, it felt good, and he wouldn't try to fight that feeling.
He just didn't know if it was mutual. And how was he going to explain to Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda that this was no longer a simple attempt to get a laid, which was no longer his priority. Damn...
“…you always say you like to hear me talk about the things I'm passionate about, but everyone has a limit on how much litany they can take. And I'm going to think I've found yours if you don't answer me now," She kept whimpering, mortified, and that wakes him up from his daydreams. "Come on, don't make me feel more embarrassed than I already am…!"
"… Why are you embarrassed?," He asks finally, surprising himself by managing to speak in a casual tone, instead of a dazzled one. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You're amazing, you know that?"
She stops chattering, blinking, mouth half open. "M-Me?"
"Is there anyone else here besides us? Damn...," He laughs low, approaching and reaching out to gently touch her face. "And you say you're a scared crybaby... you have to have a shitload of courage to recognize limitations and do what you can with them, you know? I'm very happy to have been an inspiration to you, but the willpower to change your life came entirely from you, ok? Don't take away your own merits, miss."
"Oh...," Her eyes twinkle again, in that way that made her look like she was about to cry. She moistens her lips with her tongue, the corners of them curling upwards. "I'm- I'm not… it's just that I was very frustrated for not being able to carry out that dream of mine, and that's not exactly amazing..."
"It is for me, because you didn't lose that passion within yourself, even with those frustrations. It just gave you another purpose, and now you fight in your own way, every day, one batch of cookies at a time," He jokes, to which she laughs. "Congratulations, Uta Tomori. You managed to turn your idol into your fan."
She bites her bottom lip, seeming to be vibrating with happiness as she touches his hands, which were still caressing her face. Sh close her eyes.
“Hearing you say that is almost like a dream come true, you know? But in my old fantasies, I heard it with the fervent admiration of a fan..."
"And now? How do you hear it?"
She opens her eyes, fluttering her lashes a little before turning her face to the side and kissing his left palm.
“I hear it like someone who really, really wants to kiss you right now."
And he doesn't hesitate, bending down to reach her mouth. He was going to have back pain at that rate, but doing that to her was definitely worth a few physical therapy sessions.
They finish making ginger pork and then they eat it (it was delicious, like everything else she made, dammit, he was one lucky son of a bitch!), talking little between one strip of fried meat and another. But it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was cozy. He, a chatterbox who couldn't keep his mouth shut for more than five minutes, was perfectly content enjoying this silence with her.
After dinner, she invited him to sprawl out on the sofa in the living room with her while they searched the Netflix catalog for an interesting movie. He was relieved that she hadn't suggested they go upstairs; he definitely wouldn't be abe to get in the mood for that night. But he still had that urge to be close to her, which was also unheard of.
Being like this with a girl, curled up on a couch with no perverted thoughts crossing his mind, just enjoying the warmth of the moment… holy shit, if that wasn't love, he didn't know what else could be.
"Hnnn… today has been a busy day…," She murmurs low, her eyes a little heavy as they are fixed on the television, her head snuggled into his chest as he lazily rubs her back. "And kinda emotional too. Sorry for being tired..."
He understood what those words implied without her needing to elaborate. "Sorry I'm too tired to do things that are more physical and involve less clothing with you." And surprisingly, that relieved him.
"It's fine, Tomori. I'm kinda tired too, the week was busy. I just want to be with you, that's all."
She smiles, closing her eyes "Me too. Then, if you feel like it, I'll show you the rest of the house."
"Fine be me. I'm especially curious about your crafts room. By the way, I wanted to ask..."
"Will I ever be able to see you painting?"
She pouts, looking to the side while blushing a little. "Do you really want to? It's pretty boring from the outside."
"Not if I'm your model. How about it, huh?," He raises and lowers his eyebrows playfully. "I'll bring you a bouquet of roses just to pose with one of them between my teeth."
She laughs, pushing his face to the side. "No, I'll be laughing like an idiot and I won't be able to concentrate, hahaha!"
"Laughing at your idol like that, right on his face? And she still calls herself my fan, hunf..."
"I'm your fan, but not blind about it anymore," She lifts her chin a little. And then she smiles, stealing a peck from him. "And you prefer it that way, don't lie."
Oh yes, he sure did. He could never do those things with a blind, fanatical Tomori. She wouldn't have thought herself worthy. And he wouldn't have known her so well to want to go through all that with her. If he hadn't wanted to get to know her better...
Yeah, curiosity killed the gorilla, indeed. And thank God it did.
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greatimageexpedition · 2 months
Unforgettable Safari Adventures with the Best Tanzania Safari Operator
While organizing a safari, picking the best Tanzania safari operator is essential for a reliable and basic experience. Unprecedented Picture Attempt stands separated in view of its unrivaled capacity, close by affiliations, and commitment to careful travel industry.
Dominance and Close by Data
Extraordinary Picture Mission's gathering includes close by experts who have a confidential perception of Tanzania's various surroundings and untamed life approaches to acting. This deeply grounded data ensures that each safari is made to give the best regular life sightings and social experiences. With their close information, the aides can lead you to unlikely treasures and proposition experiences that main local people have. Their skill covers the Serengeti's tremendous fields, the novel Ngorongoro Hole, and the different Tarangire Public Park, guaranteeing you witness the Huge Five and other untamed life right at home.
Unique Safari Packages
The association offers fitted safari packages that take exceptional consideration of various tendencies, whether you're searching for invigorating regular life endeavors, sincere departures, or family-obliging excursions. Their flexibility in arranging tailor-made plans ensures every pioneer's dream safari transforms into a reality. For daredevils, they offer bold game drives and strolling safaris, while those looking for sentiment can appreciate personal, confidential cabins and nightfall suppers in nature. Families can profit from instructive visits and youngster well disposed exercises, ensuring everybody has a satisfying encounter.
Commitment to Able the Movement Business
As a secretly based head, Phenomenal Picture Undertaking is committed to prudent travel industry rehearses. They center around safeguarding and neighborhood, ensuring that your safari strongly impacts the local environment and society. They work intimately with nearby networks to help preservation endeavors, guaranteeing that your visit safeguards Tanzania's regular magnificence and natural life. This responsibility incorporates against poaching drives and local area based the travel industry projects that turn out practical revenue to neighborhood inhabitants.
Prosperity and Comfort
Prosperity is a first worry for Phenomenal Picture Try. They use experienced guides, stay aware of outstanding safari vehicles, and stick to extreme prosperity shows, allowing you to participate in your safari with certifiable serenity. Their aides are prepared in medical aid and crisis reaction, and their vehicles are outfitted with fundamental wellbeing gear. Furthermore, they guarantee agreeable facilities, from extravagance tents to lodges, all intended to give a serene retreat following a day of experience.
For a remarkable safari experience that joins experience, solace, and moral practices, Staggering Picture Undertaking is the best Tanzania safari operator. Set out on a trip that certifications to meet as well as outperform your assumptions. With Extraordinary Picture Endeavor, you will encounter the wild magnificence of Tanzania, realizing that your process upholds protection and local area improvement. Leave on a safari that isn't just remarkable yet in addition dependable, having a beneficial outcome on the climate and nearby networks.
Picking the best Tanzania safari operator like Extraordinary Picture Undertaking guarantees a safari loaded up with striking minutes, social lavishness, and moral the travel industry works on, making it a genuinely once in a blue moon experience.
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umichenginabroad · 2 months
Week 10: Impressions of China
Hello hello! For this week’s blog, I wanted to talk about my before and after impressions of China. I’ve been to China a couple of times over the past summer breaks and mostly stayed in my family's hometown in Fuzhou which is at the country's southeast corner. It's very nostalgic to think about the town where neighbors invite each other to their house and everyone seems to know each other. The locals would see my new face and instantly recognize I'm a stranger. If news hadn't spread to them that a family from one block had returned and brought their grand-daughters on summer vacation, then they could easily tell I'm a foreigner from my denim shorts and tennis shoes. Because of my familiarity with Fuzhou, I experienced less cultural shock this summer but I’ll try my best to be helpful and break down some observations and differences between life here and back in the US. 
People Everywhere
Whether it's the home I stayed in Tennessee or the home I moved to during middle school in Michigan, both have huge green lawns with a wide space separating the neighbors. China, however, is more compressed and densely populated. The local park where kids played badminton while older aunties blasted loud music and gathered for square dance (广场舞) as a form of exercise, the ice cream shop that had the most flavors, and the food market where my grandma searched for the freshest produce and seafood for the day's menu— they're all walkable distances within the town. When I'm too lazy to walk, I would beg my grandpa to take me on his motorcycle or wave over one of those cycle rickshaws on the street. Ironically, my first impression of Shanghai is how everywhere is most definitely not a friendly walkable distance from my dorm, especially with the summer heat. The locals warned, "it gets worse in July and August!" The suburban area of Shanghai where I live and study is more peaceful compared to the bustling downtown which always seems to be awake with fancy city lights.
Dorm vs. Downtown Shanghai
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Regardless if it’s in the small corner of suburbs or in the less developed towns, there’s always people. This is one of China’s main qualities. In my grandparents' town, the people sleep early and get up early to start business and catch the early morning market. Here, the students are night owls and frequently pull off all-nighters to catch deadlines. SJTU is a top-notch university, so classes are intense and the students have to be very academically-driven to meet the expectations.
Spread of Tourism
Many places have been turned into developed cities adapted for tourism, and it’s become a great challenge to take pictures of sites without getting anyone in the frame. I had to angle my phone toward the sky to avoid the crowds at the bottom. To prove my point,
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Most of these tourist places are clean and well-managed, but there are some night markets that are littered with empty takeout containers and napkins and I can smell the public restrooms before I see them. The restrooms in China are not comparable to those in the US, except the ones in expensive shopping malls. They usually have squat toilets and don’t provide toilet paper in the stall, so packing travel-size tissue packs is a must. Last touch on tourism, I feel like as China becomes fancier, it’s simultaneously losing its authenticity. Tourism helps speed up the city development and brings profit to the regional government that can be distributed to further renovation projects. It’s inevitable that things are going to look and feel different than the past. But because of city remodeling, there are more things to do and more fun to have :) I do think each city I've seen is unique with their special tourist attractions and city landscape.
I just realized I never really talked about my outings in Shanghai, so I'm going to drop some pictures here!
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Above you can see Pearl Tower, which is basically proof you've been to Shanghai. I lowered the brightness to make the color contrast stand out.
More Shanghai's landmarks!
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International Students' Perspective of China
I am taking a Chinese Cultural class along with other Umich wolverines and international students. It's very interesting to listen to the international students' impressions of China. Cultural shock hits most to them who came from other countries without a Chinese family background. They described the Chinese people as calm and emotionless, to which the teacher responded the locals will get full of emotions if the subject is on tests and GPA. Real. The calm part was emphasized with multiple examples of traffic accidents, where two bikers crashed and asked if each is okay and then parted in separate ways, like nothing had happened.
My observations:
Chinese people are generally more reserved and minded less on the polite thank you's and how are you's (how are you's are often replaced with "have you eaten")
People don't hold doors for others
People don't always follow the first-come-first-serve rule. My grandpa had laughed at me for trying to line up to buy pan fried meat-bun when people squeezed in and yelled their order
It's intimidating almost to step into the clothing stores at the shopping malls because the salespeople can be overly enthusiastic to sell their items
Prices are not always set, even when there is a price tag!! It's sometimes possible to negotiate for more discounts if you try hard enough! (not that I have the skill)
Sun protection is a big thing! People invest in sunscreen and sun protection jackets/umbrellas/hats.
Cigarette smell is pervasive
Foreigner Disadvantage
Despite English is being taught as a second language since first grade and being tested on the important standardized test (高考) that determines what universities students can get in, people don't use English in daily lives. Speaking English attracts attention and curiosity and can make foreigners an easy target for the greedy minds. Those people can tell you're unfamiliar with the market price and charge extra. There may be other sketchy deals that they will try to drag you into, so it's best to keep information confidential. When cab drivers and shop employees are curious and ask where I'm from, I just tell them I study in Shanghai. It's safer to reveal less when it's not necessary.
I realized that the more I see, the less I grow to appreciate the sites. Maybe it's the glaring sun combined with my failing vision that made me squint at the scenes or maybe there's another very likely possibility. Maybe I've seen too much of the same things that I've gotten tired of the repetitive content. Below is the Slender West Lake (瘦西湖) in Yangzhou that looks similar to the West Lake (西湖) I've seen in Hangzhou. I didn't find the views to be particularly striking until I sent them to friends and family and their comments reminded me of how pretty the scenes are. I won't be able to see them back in the US, but they will stay in my photo album forever.
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This summer has been very productive in terms of exploring, and traveling to cities has helped expand my mental map of China. I hope my blogging has helped you see some parts of China and make you feel excited to explore it if you plan to come!
Until next time!
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Vivien Lin
Computer Engineering
UM-Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Institute
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scentedchildnacho · 6 months
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All these tong VA plants like sage....I would avoid the appropriations the tzu chi help for negro issues kind of turns everyone into a belle glade....and I have some third scape ideas so China doesn't have to
Coming of age in Mississippi I don't really like the negro fantasy of cute mother God houses and then a hells Rowe story
If it's a negro encampment there is the cannibal the serial rApeist.....the just crowds of felons or people suspiciously built to fight despite being little people
If it was the metal funnel with holes all over it instead of a tipi the cannibal could go in there and have it explained that if he won't stop wanting to learn a really biting scream it can be a fire pit later
If it's the little Rowe houses rob lowe there is a whole land issue needed with fencing and privacy and if stuff becomes owned same problem as priorly
Otherwise homeless performances are all as different from each other as people are all very different from person to person....some homeless have really rock and roll performances
And really more deserve the bus rolling up with their name on it ..like their own personal bus
If its the serial rApeist a reed hut to finally publicly defecate till it was drunk enough to fall in the creek and finally go to the emergentcy room for a busted head
When people admit to themselves finally that I was a laTin and so Me modeled a little Toyota Camry......when people finally just give me my waymo vwbus and a map with the public parking as they always should have done that would be the day
When i can give big Mexican old cars to the tattoo homeless...it is green theory there isnt any consumers on the road it's all for federal machines
Tzu chi I would give to bartenders more bartenders are always trying to replace people's beef ration with alcohol when I may stop giving only a bartender housing for a homo Rowe to live it's vegetarian expectations that would be the day
Uhm beef profits are because they don't voluntarily give people their beef ration....they hold onto the meat to kill people of their rent
A lot of beef is food waste and they claim profits like they served others
I get a virus here or there and iron deficiencies I have to eat beef occasionally.....no blue economy fish cannot fix it or I have to reek like pcps
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stories-me · 8 months
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Potential Character for Mrs. Kelsey and Tumblr 1/16/2024:
Ron Swanson, Deadpan Libertarian:
What he’s from: Parks and Recreation.
Character Role:
In the first six seasons of Parks and Recreation, Swanson served as the director of the Pawnee City Department of Parks and Recreation, a role he had for six years when the series began. 
Ron Swanson is known for his deadpan personality and adherence to many stereotypically masculine traits, like supposedly only having cried two times. Being an extremely private person, he goes so far as to redact his birthday from government documents to keep others from holding parties for him. He enjoys outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, camping, and woodworking, as well as eating breakfast foods and red meat. He is also able to drink heavily without getting hungover and can chug an entire bottle of alcoholic beverages in one go. Swanson knows almost nothing about popular culture; in “Andy and April’s Fancy Party”, he only recognizes Julia Roberts as the “toothy gal from Mystic Pizza.”
Director of the Parks and Recreation Department:
As director of the Parks and Recreation Department, Swanson puts almost no effort into his job and purposely hires people who are bad at their jobs, like April Ludgate and Andy Dwyer, so they will slow down the government. A caricature of libertarianism, he believes that parks should be privatized and run entirely by corporations for profit, and thus originally did not intend to help Leslie Knope with the park project. He is a strong advocate for small government and believes that the government model should be abolished. He is against almost all government and bureaucracy. He also despises talking to members of the public, choosing to mount a rifle on his desk to scare people away.
Personal Life:
Swanson secretly performs at out-of-town bars as a saxophonist named Duke Silver, which he keeps secret from his colleagues in Pawnee. He fronts a band called the Duke Silver Trio and has released such albums as Memories of Now, Smooth as Silver, and Hi Ho, Duke. His music is especially popular with older women, who find Duke Silver extremely attractive. Eventually, in the two-part season six finale “Moving Up”, he publicly reveals his secret identity at the Unity Concert.
How he is like me:
We both have our own ideas on how things should be done, we both dislike injustice to others, we’re not that big on vegetables (though I do eat some), and we’re both musical. Also, we can both sometimes be very private. We also both like things peaceful and predictable.
How he is NOT like me:
He is stereotypically masculine, and he is a libertarian caricature (I personally don’t really care about government one way or the other).
Kelsey Notes:
Like you, Ron likes peaceful and predictable. 
People are usually unsuccessful at trying to pull Ron out of his “box” but when he meets his wife at the end of the series, she never tries to take him out of his box which in turn makes him more open minded
He becomes more likely to change and tolerate things he wouldn’t previously tolerate
It can be overwhelming to engage in conversations with others because you have to listen to what they say, comprehend it, and form a response. 
One difficulty you have with story telling is being able to sift through details to provide information about a story or character to have a conversation with another person. 
You want them to understand what you’re talking about without them having little to no prior knowledge about the story or character you are presenting to them  
One weakness for you that you continually work on is abstract thinking- refer to Andy Dwyer and his character Burt Macklin
**Look into the show Castle**
Ron likes his life to be a certain way, he doesn’t want to work too hard and he’s content with minimalism.  Over the years this changes as the people in his life help him to open up more and participate in more than just fishing and hunting. 
When we develop friendships with others, we start to realize that we have more interests than we thought and this can make us reflect and think about what we might be missing out on  
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9 Things Your Parents Taught You About used cars in Ayr
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Advantages of Used Vehicles
Getting an utilized car features a various collection of benefits than getting new. You'll have: Slower depreciation: You're allowing someone else take the most significant hit in regards to devaluation when you select an utilized car. As a result, you may even be able to sell the car for about the very same quantity that you paid for it if you desire a modification in lorries in the following couple of years. Though you won't be able to take out a zero-interest financing as you might with a brand-new cars and truck, you might still compose the distinction if you get a great funding option through a bank or lending institution because you will not shed cash on devaluation. A secondhand vehicle will certainly set you back less than a brand-new model. Less complicated to pay money: Considering that you're not paying as much in advance for a used car, you can conserve cash ahead of time and also pay money for your down payment. Lower extra costs: You'll additionally pay much less in taxes as well as likely get a lower insurance rate when you go for a used vehicle. If you're paying high insurance coverage prices currently (such as vehicle drivers in their early 20s), your reduced rate on a used vehicle can lead to substantial cost savings. Reliable design info: When you get a pre-owned vehicle, you can check information from Consumer Reports to see exactly how that design has performed. You can utilize this info to select a design that carries out well.
Personal privacy
When you possess an auto, View website one of the advantages is privacy. If you never ever reside in one area for too long, your vehicle can act as your residence. Among the advantages of having an auto is that you do not have to share area. If you're seeking a refuge to keep your items, you can keep them inside your vehicle. If you ever before really feel the demand to be alone, you can remain in your automobile. Your cars and truck works as an expansion of your private area. If you value privacy, owning a cars and truck is a terrific option.
Safety and security
Public transport and also relying on others places you in the hands of various other motorists. Among the advantages of possessing an automobile is control over the chauffeur seat. Being in the motorist seat gives you a lot more control over the outcomes of your drive. You can't constantly represent other motorists on the road with you. Nevertheless, if you're a wise driver, you can be safe no matter others. Being a smart chauffeur indicates that you understand when to make use of turn signals, most likely to the speed restriction, or quit. It's important to obtain an excellent car insurance supplier. Even if you're a safe chauffeur, insurance policy can benefit you in case of undesirable occasions. Owning a car and obtaining insurance is a lifelong investment that is sure to profit you in the future.
Save Time
Having an auto can help you save time. Without a vehicle, your schedule may focus on the accessibility of public transportation. Without an auto, your everyday routine might encounter numerous undesirable modifications. If you run a busy life, getting an automobile will aid you get great use of your time. Time is gold, and possessing an auto can aid you reduce downtime. You can likewise pick which route to take when you need to go to college or job. You can prevent stuffed freeways and also main roads. The only advantage of owning an automobile is trying to find parking. However, if you're seeking vehicle parking facilitated, look into this guide!
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Why Nobody Cares About used cars in Whitland
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Benefits of Used Cars
Buying an utilized vehicle comes with a different collection of benefits than buying brand-new. You'll have: Slower devaluation: You're letting someone else take the greatest hit in terms of devaluation when you choose a used automobile. Because of this, you might even be able to offer the auto for regarding the very same amount that you paid for it if you want a change in lorries in the following couple of years. Though you will not be able to take out a zero-interest financing as you can with a new car, you might still make up the distinction if you get an excellent funding option via a bank or lending institution due to the fact that you will not lose money on devaluation. A used car will set you back less than a new design. Easier to pay cash money: Given that you're not paying as a lot up front for a used auto, you can save cash in advance as well as pay money for your deposit. Reduced additional costs: You'll also pay less in tax obligations and also likely get a reduced insurance rate when you opt for an utilized car. If you're paying high insurance policy prices currently (such as drivers in their early 20s), your reduced price on an utilized car can result in considerable cost savings. Dependable version info: When you purchase a pre-owned vehicle, you can examine data from Consumer Reports to see just how that model has carried out. You can use this details to choose a design that executes well.
Personal privacy
When you possess an auto, one of the advantages is personal privacy. If you never reside in one area for too long, your automobile can act as your residence. Among the benefits of having an automobile is that you do not have to share room. If you're trying to find a refuge to store your personal belongings, you can maintain them inside your car. If you ever feel the demand to be alone, you can stay in your auto. Your automobile functions as an expansion of your personal area. If you value privacy, possessing an auto is a fantastic choice.
Public transportation as well as relying upon others puts you in the hands of other chauffeurs. Among the advantages of possessing a vehicle is control over the motorist seat. Being in the driver seat gives you extra control over the outcomes of your drive. You can't always represent other motorists when driving with you. However, if you're a smart chauffeur, you can be safe regardless of others. Being a wise driver indicates that you recognize when to use turn indicator, most likely to the rate limitation, or quit. It's vital to get an excellent vehicle insurance policy supplier. Even if you're a risk-free vehicle driver, insurance coverage can profit you in case of unwanted occasions. Owning a cars and truck as well as obtaining insurance policy is a lifelong investment that is sure to profit you in the future.
Conserve Time
Owning a car can help you conserve time. Without a car, your routine might revolve around the accessibility of public transportation. Without a car, your daily schedule may encounter many undesirable adjustments. If you run a stressful life, getting an auto will used cars for sale in Whitland certainly help you obtain excellent use of your time. Time is gold, and having an auto can help you reduce downtime. You can likewise choose which route to take when you require to head to school or work. You can stay clear of stuffed highways and highways. The only advantage of having an auto is searching for car parking. Nonetheless, if you're trying to find car park facilitated, have a look at this guide!
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What’s taking place: Ten companies have been chosen as semi-finalists on this 12 months’s Hatch Detroit contest, the annual small enterprise pitch competitors that first launched in 2012. It’s now as much as most of the people to assist determine which 4 companies will transfer on to the ultimate spherical to compete for the $100,000 grand prize.Voting underway: The general public voting window opened on Wednesday, April 5, and stays open by means of Wednesday, April 12, at midday. Neighborhood members are invited to vote for his or her favourite small business ideas on-line through the HatchDetroit.com web site, and may achieve this as soon as per day.What it's: Annually, the Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest powered by TechTown awards a $100,000 grand prize to a profitable small enterprise trying to open a brick-and-mortar location in Detroit, Hamtramck, or Highland Park. The highest 4 vote-getters within the present spherical of public voting will transfer on to the ultimate occasion, a live-audience pitch competitors in entrance of a panel of judges who then choose the profitable enterprise. Earlier winners embody notable Detroit companies like La Feria (2012), Sister Pie (2014), and Baobab Fare (2017).This 12 months’s Hatch Off is scheduled for six p.m. on Wednesday, April 26, on the Wayne State College Business Innovation Middle, tickets for which can be found on-line.Who’s competing: This 12 months’s checklist of semi-finalists consists of get together and occasion rental firm Bouncing Round The Motor Metropolis; Chinese language food-making expertise and eatery Chi Fan Le; footwear and accent restoration service CLEAN Sneaker Care; meals entrepreneur incubator Highland Park Neighborhood Kitchen; liquor-infused frozen dessert firm Ice Cream Detroit; Filipino bakery JP Makes & Bakes; Ethiopian meals expertise Konjo Me; new and used bookstore Subsequent Chapter Books (from Mannequin D contributor Sarah Williams, full disclosure); espresso roasters Sepia Espresso Venture LLC; and Latin-inspired Detroit-style streetfood eatery Shell Shock’d Tacos.Why it’s essential: "A key motive we consider our alumni have a lot success in Detroit's small enterprise panorama is the overwhelming quantity of assist from the group," Christianne Malone, assistant vp for financial growth at Wayne State College and chief program officer of TechTown Detroit, says in a press release. "The Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest has turn out to be a confirmed launching pad for budding entrepreneurs, not simply due to the startup funding from Comerica Financial institution and skilled counsel from TechTown Detroit and its companions, however as a result of the general public has a voice by which companies they'd wish to see arrange store of their neighborhoods, and they're devoted to supporting these companies."Click on HERE to vote on this 12 months's Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest powered by TechTown at present.Acquired a growth information story to share? Electronic mail MJ Galbraith right here or ship him a tweet @mikegalbraith. https://guesthype.co.uk/?p=2761&feed_id=2318&cld=643507423d01d
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
Locals were gleefully playing weekly rounds of The Last of Us on HBO, which was made in Alberta two weeks ago. A savvy Twitter user combined photo editing with a hilarious Calgary inside joke, and I'm familiar with that specific location.
The tweet praised set designers for making Calgary "look like a post-apocalyptic wasteland." Images of the show's main characters wandering through Eau Claire Market, the downtown shopping centre that has lumbered along — some would say zombie-like — for nearly 30 years, were attached.
Days after that bit of Calgary gallows humour, Eau Claire Market's demise was written into its saga. The concrete edifice by the Bow will be vacated next year and torn down so the city can build a Green Line LRT underground station.
Sure, some Calgarians will miss the cinema, or that Thai stand in the food court, or have fond memories of the market's more bustling early days.
But its demise was long overdue, including in the eyes of site owner Harvard Developments, which has been planning to wipe it out and build anew since at least 2006.
The rise and long-drawn-out fall of Eau Claire Market is a cautionary tale. It's a project that began with such zeal in the 1980s — Calgary's Granville Island! — and opened in the early 1990s. Since then, it has been a source of civic concern.
There are numerous reasons why it has consistently struggled. However, there is a moral at the heart of this drama. Trying to smuggle elements into Calgary is a recipe for disaster.
The dream began in 1984. Calgary's economy was in the dumps, and the massive bus barns in Eau Claire had just closed in favour of transit garages farther from the core.
This large plot of prime land is stored between the corporate core and Prince's Island Park. When civic leaders saw those vacant buildings, they had only one thought: market. The revival of public needs and farmers' markets in North America — or "festival markets" in the jargon of the time.
Edmonton had refashioned its bus barn off Whyte Avenue into a thriving farmer's market in 1983, but it was wary of drawing inspiration from what Alberta's other city was doing.
The former industrial brick buildings along False Creek in Vancouver were redeveloped in 1979 into a cluster of restaurants, cultural and retail facilities and anchored by a fresh food market, which drew the attention of Calgary boosters.
It was breathtaking, and so many folks desired one. Ralph Klein, the city's mayor, travelled to Vancouver for inspiration. He created a task force led by alderman Ray Clark.
They reminded the public not to expect a replica of Granville Island, a Calgary-specific market. However, endless reporters and proponents' musings quickly fueled the idea of mimicry. Initially, developers planned to turn the aging bus barns into a grand market a la Vancouver, Edmonton, and San Francisco's Ghirardelli Square.
Why wasn't that built? Clark recalled in an interview last week that the discovery of the site's oil contamination from its decades as a transit garage was part of the problem.
Delays and problems continued to pile up. Ownership was transferred from financier to financier. City Hall bargained over its rent and profit-sharing terms. Errors in construction. A $20 million price tag ballooned to $43 million.
The bus barns were demolished in 1988, and the two-story, 170,000-square-foot structure that Calgary residents are familiar with was built only five years later. The movie theatre wasn't finished yet, but the fishmonger, fruit stands, clothing boutiques, and Cajun Charles restaurant were popular with Calgary residents and tourists.
There have been visitors at different times. They happened to come to a location that was neither a market nor a brand-new shopping centre. Even the developers quickly admitted that Calgary lacked the population and proximity to produce and seafood to recreate downtown Vancouver's gem.
Even so, there were innumerable other telling flaws. It opened on the north edge of downtown, next to a Greyhound barn, in what was then Eau Claire's field of parking lots and vacant areas, holding out hope to be a catalyst for those spots to fill in with condos and office towers. (They arrived, but it was too late.)
This was also when downtown Calgary was not a great attraction for suburbanites; crime was an issue, and a well-known prostitute's stroll was outside the market's door. Furthermore, despite being owned by Calgary Transit and soon to be an LRT stop, the mall had restricted transit access to other malls, situated five downtown blocks from the C-Train.
The design was also a problem with the concrete parody of Granville Island's brick charm from the 1990s. A surface parking lot and the building's long windowless concrete slab confronted the rest of downtown; its main entrance was on the northern side, but its view from the river pathways was blocked by new row houses and an iron fence.
By 1998, the market was underwater - the potential value. It was sold that year, then again, before even being bought for $28 million by Regina-based Harvard Development.
In 2006, that company announced a plan to tear down the marketplace to make a path for condo towers and open-air retail. Then came another recession, accompanied by yet another set of redevelopment plans, accompanied by yet another recession.
This has kept Eau Claire Market in limbo for the duration of its existence, with tenants unable to settle in for the long term, never knowing when the wrecking ball would arrive. The preceding initiates a chain reaction of limited marketing for a doomed product and ongoing storefront vacancies.
According to the Calgary Eyeopener, another version of Harvard's retail and condo plan will be developed to accommodate the LRT line. She is the company's vision for Eau Claire and everything else in the city. That's a good thing for the project's future.
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inmh01 · 2 years
I think one of the things that is just wild about complaining about rude customers/clients/people whatever on the internet is that there will inevitably be at least fifty people that will crawl out of the woodwork to make the world’s most bullshit excuses for the person being complained about, like
“Wow, it was kind of rude for that lady to not put down her phone when she was checking out at my register, couldn’t she just tell the person on the line to wait a second while she finished up? It’s a little dehumanizing having someone snap their fingers at me and refuse to respond to my questions as I try to check them out.”
“ummm okay, but did you for ONCE consider that maybe this woman was speaking to her DYING MOTHER on the phone?? And that maybe this was her last few seconds of life and her daughter was trying to BE THERE FOR HER?? Don’t judge you can’t be sure.”
Like. That sounds ridiculous and over the top but I have genuinely heard people come up with the most ridiculous excuses for things: Every screaming child in a store has a behavioral disorder, every shoplifter has a tragic reason why they have to steal totally non-essential items, every person who shoves their cart off into the parking lot has a crippling disability that prevents them from putting it back.
I’m all for reminding people that the world is not out to get you and that people aren’t always trying to be rude or thoughtless, and I also get that there are people who are going to take this post as a personal attack because they were that one in ten happenstance at one point or another.
But when you work with the public long enough you eventually figure out that nine times out of ten, there is no deeper, tragic explanation for people being dicks. People steal because they can get away with it (and also turn a profit), people leave messes because they’re not the ones that have to clean it up, and people don’t put their carts back because they just don’t feel like it today and no one’s going to penalize them for doing so.
90% of the time, it’s just not that deep.
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Oooo, can you imagine multiple alphas are after an omega PC? It's going to be chaos. They probably be waiting for when PC's heat struck to claim them. But, who will get PC first? Are they beyond kidnapping PC to make sure PC is theirs? *whisper* can u include all the alpha LIs?
Ooo boy this is just the game on hard mode 100% allure.
Decided not to include Black Wolf and Great Hawk - just couldn't think of how they would be different than usual.
NSFW below (tw for kidnapping, noncon)
The moment you arrive on that farm Alex wants you claimed.
That sweet omega scent calls out to them and they know they have to give you the job.
Still acts kind, still tries to butter you up so you'll like them more.
Uses helping you with more strenuous work as an excuse to rub the scent over you.
But if you come to work one day smelling like another alpha? Alex isn't going to be happy.
Might start a wresting match, just some 'innocent' rough play, so they can rub themselves all over you again.
Offers to let you stay at the cottage from that point on. You're turning a profit now! No need to worry about school or work or whatever it is in that town that keeps you going back!
If you accept then all is well. Alex can move you in and start claiming you fully.
If not, you might have to watch your drinks. Alex has plenty of drugs that can kick you into your heat, have you begging to be taken one way or another.
You'll be their woman/man eventually. Patience pays off, that's one thing Alex has learned with being a farmer. The more love and care you put into a new crop or animal, the better the results. Mating you won't be any different.
Wants to spend heats with you. Wants to breed you, work on the farm while you rest, then come back inside the nest and breed you more.
Very warm, comforting scent. Reminds you of summer afternoons, with a picnic.
You have to be marked by them if you're in an arrangement.
Initially takes you on because they're sick of being asked when they're getting mated, when they're settling down and having kids, aren't you sick of working so hard?
You're the perfect little distraction. With you around, their peers stop being so invasive.
You have to behave in a certain manner though, you have to behave as Avery's true omega. Its what they pay you for.
So who is this alpha you're walking home with? All bright eyes and laughter?
Avery drags you into their car, sight going red when that alpha hugs you. People are watching, they don't care, not in this moment.
Locks the doors and drives into an alleyway, not listening to your distressed cries.
Pins you down in the backseat and marks you while they fuck you silly. What kind of a slut are you that you just let alphas touch you so casually?
No amount of apologies are going to stop them taking you. What about Avery's reputation, you ungrateful whore? Have you forgotten your place?
If Avery needs to take you home and chain you up to be a house-spouse they will. Its very unlikely, they're more obliged to cut you off and blacklist you, but its possible.
Okay with you spending heats alone, due to their busy schedule.
Scent is complimented by expensive aftershaves/perfumes in a way that let's everyone know exactly what Avery's social standing is. It commands respect.
You're not getting off the leash. It's far too risky, you'll just have to follow Eden around forever now.
Knows when you've been touching others, spanks you for it and then ruins you till you forget anyone else exists.
Doesn't matter who it is or what context.
Has proven they're perfectly okay with hunting you down wherever you run off to and dragging you back.
People are terrified of Eden, no matter how much you struggle to get away from their grip, the most you'll get is someone yelling out to leave you alone.
Pretty much only death is going to stop Eden claiming you.
Very okay with hurting any rivals. If Eden comes into town to find you with a schoolmate, Avery, or if they treck out into the farmlands and find you with Alex, Eden could get trigger happy.
Drags you back home after, noone gets to see you vulnerable apart from Eden.
No more school. No more worrying about your orphan friend, no more money or debt. Just stay at home. Where you belong.
Never ever let's your bites fade. They're always red raw and fresh. Eden will take time to rub salve into the wound to calm it, but they'll never relent when it comes to marking. Even if it's just you two out here.
No walks by yourself in the woods. Those wolves find you too tasty, what if they take you away?
Natural and overpowering scent. A little sweaty by midday, but after a bath it's very earthy and fresh. Has plenty of blockers on hand to use when hunting. You're not allowed them.
The school trio is where shit gets messy as all hell- because they're the ones most likely to run into each other vying for your attention.
Kylar will protect you from afar, with their blow darts.
Constantly appearing out of nowhere and dragging you away from Robin or Whitney. Even if you just walk past one of the others in the hallways at school Kylar knows and will cling to you so desperately.
That line in the park where they tell you they know if you've been thinking of others? Yeah well it has more weight to it now than ever.
Gives you their clothes to wear, if they'll fit. If not, then they take every chance to break into your room and put their scent everywhere - especially your pillow so it can cover you in your sleep. Maybe you'll dream of them, like they dream of you.
More likely to pull knives when you're close to your heat, also more likely to come at Whitney rather than letting you drag them away from a fight.
And when I say go at Whitney, I mean jumping on their back and fighting like a feral animal.
Panics if they pick up a scent that isn't Robin or Whitney. What do you mean there's even more people to worry about? Where have you been sneaking off to without them knowing? Is that where you're spending your heats?
Speaking if heats, will go hysterical if you spend it alone, never mind with others. You're meant to spend it with Kylar, you're meant to let them breed you.
The most prepared to whisk you away at a moments notice once their jealousy hits its peak.
Going to breed you as soon as you're tied up in their basement, going to mate you and mark you up.
Has a sharp scent. Can be a little stale at times, but its not unpleasant. A little citrus-y.
A lower confidence Robin might let someone else take you, thinking they don't deserve to be your alpha - maybe there's others out there who can take care of you.
Sits rather dejected at lunch when Kylar barges into your conversation to kiss you in front of them.
Looks away when Whitney cops a feel against the lockers.
A high confidence Robin is more likely to say something about it, but they still respect your autonomy.
It's your choice at the end of the day, Robin just hopes you choose them.
Not gonna kidnap or noncon you over it. Prefers that you willingly give yourself- it means more to them, proves how real it is that you crawl into their lap rather than being pulled into Whitney's.
Very gentle during heats. Will try to hold off cumming until you do, to make sure you're taken care of and not in pain. Might stand guard for you if you decide to go it alone, but is scared they'll give into temptation and barge your door down.
Will scent you when you ask. Its a very soothing, clean scent. Not too overpowering or demanding, not too subtle. Just nice.
Oh no.
You thought you'd suffered humiliation before? Well now there's competition you'll see something fierce.
Constantly marking you. Constantly scenting, cumming on your face and rubbing the liquids in so you'll be very obviously claimed for all to see.
Will grab you in the middle of a conversation just to make out with you in front of your friend - especially if its Robin.
If you're talking to Kylar? Same thing only they'll ask their friends to grab the freak so they can't get violent.
Obviously fuck you in public when they can, but even Whitney knows how dangerous it could be to do that when you're in heat.
Whitney is strong, but the chance of some ridiculously strong alpha pulling them off of you and claiming you instead drives them insane.
You can go heats alone. Just don't spend them with anyone else.
Gloats when you ask them to take care of your heat. Yeah, of course you want them, who else would do a good job?
Another one who likes you in their clothes.
Surprisingly fresh scent. It's accompanied by smoke and the occasional alcohol, but naturally Whitney is actually rather clean to smell. It definitely turns heads.
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