#it’s like when I used to weld and people would be like
otiksimr · 19 hours
I thought I dreamed this but apparently I woke up in the middle of the night to talk about metal dragons so here's the semi-coherent train of thoughts:
Dragons hoard treasure for they are not flesh and blood, but golems who use their fire breath to weld themselves into greater forms, but also to forge newborns.
It is said the first dragons were tiny, clockwork servants, who spiralled to invent new aspirations once their creators passed on.
Their eyesight would be shit, working more like early prototypes for cameras than eyes, because eyes are complicated as fuck. However their hearing is phenominal, and their sense of smell is arcane. (Not so good its magic, no, actual magic, the same that grands them autonomy.) Their sense of touch is pressure related, but the presence of water or corrosives provokes a spooked reaction from them. They avoid storms when possible, even if that means going above the clouds to do it. These dragons have no sense of taste, because they do not consume food.
These dragons fuel themselves as a forge might. Their swathes of firebreath in an area is to create charcoal, which they can press into denser shapes with their mouths. It is a steady burning fuel. Scorched bones are a favourite, particularly for younger dragons. However, due to their tragically poor sight, unless the prey is moving a great deal, finding bones is a pleasant surprise for dragons. My phone is dying lol
[Question about fuel for different species, and something called Mistborn which I haven't read?]
I thought about different dragons but their form isnt dictated by genetics. They're all designed. I can see dragons being united by *how* rather than *what*, taking on different shapes and metals based on how theu were first forged and how theu have grown
[Question about stagnant population if no one makes more dragons]
Yeah, I think the denizens would have classified them as an independant species now, because no people remember how to make them and Dragons keep forging new dragons
So there is no fixed gestation for a "hatchling", because like most creators, a dragon can go into a passionate state and build a baby in three days, and the same dragon could forge and reforge a baby over years.
And then I went back to sleep again, apparently.
That's nice.
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fiishes · 11 months
Raised a safety concern about a job at work only for my supervisor to say “just let one of the boys do it.”
Because as we all know, the presence of a penis makes one immune to shoulder injuries.
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tvgals · 6 months
all i can think abt is mechanic! choso
he hates using his words, so he uses his talent instead.
he realizes that acts of service fits in your category of showing affection, so he got a bright idea of giving you a welded flower he made you.
choso was riding back home in his pickup truck, holding the flower he’d made out of metal for you at work. he was hoping you’d like it, it was best he could do as of right now. he didn’t have much money to buy you all the luxuries he’d seen you browsing through on your computer.
he pulled into the driveway and put the flower in the pocket of his hoodie he was wearing. he groaned as he got out of the truck, stretching his back before he walked into the house. the smell of your collard greens and macaroni bringing a smile to his face.
“choso?” you call out. “it’s me, baby.” choso calls back, walking into the kitchen. “hi, my love!” you grin. choso bends down and presses a kiss to your lips. “how was work?” you ask, lifting the lid to the greens to check on them.
“grueling.” choso says. he takes a pause to think about this whole gift, maybe you wouldn’t like it and would just throw it away when he walked out. “what makes you say that?” you ask, taking choso out of his thoughts. “hard day. people nagging, you get the bit.” choso complains. you hum in acknowledgment.
“uhmm..” choso sighs out. you turn to him with a concerned look on your face. “i made this for you.” choso mumbles, handing you the welded flower. “i know it’s not perfect, and i know it doesn’t cost much, but i made it with all the love i could muster.” choso says. you smile, taking the flower gently. “it’s beautiful, cho’…” you say, caressing the metal.
“i know it’s nothing fancy, but i just want you to know i’ll love you until it withers away.” choso says, looking at you. you sniffle, holding the flower to your chest. “i don’t need anything fancy from you, it’s perfect. thank you, cho’…” you whisper, hugging him.
almost cried while writing this…
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hwaitham · 29 days
𝓱𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 ⋆ ࣪˖ 𓂃𓋜
boothill x f!reader . unspecified relationship ノ unspoken confessions (?) ノ reader is implied to be his engineer ノ he calls you poppet ノ something short and hopefully sweet for our dashing ranger (〃ω〃) ꒱ྀི 912 wc
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“you know, i’m most jealous of people who have houses to live in.”
your muscles tense upon hearing boothill’s words and the crack to his voice as he speaks them. he sounds more human than ever. 
the metal plates of his chest are turned open, outwards, baring all his inner workings for you to inspect for errors. tangled wire and frayed heart. a cold, lorn ancestor pumping blue blood.
“i mean, it’d sure be nice to have a place to come back to at the end of the day. kick my feet up ‘nd pop open a bottle of bart 17 years… strum some tunes ‘nd sing to the moon. fudge, having a bed to lay down in don’t sound so bad, either.” he scoffs, takes a swig of the malt juice sitting next to him on the lab bench. sets it back down, smiles at the floor— a wistful smile at that, you notice. one that doesn’t near reach his bionic eyes, one that crackles and decays at the edges of his lips like oxidising iron.
the grip on the soldering gun in your hands slackens the slightest of bits, your smile mirroring his own. “that sounds rather lovely.”
“y’know what else would be rather lovely? a pretty little lady to make that house a home.”
there’s a hitch to your breath when you realise how boothill has leaned in to invade your space, broad shadow looming over you and diesel oil laying thickly on the membrane of your nostrils. some feeling bordering the line between trepidation and earnest expectation fills your gut as you sense his gaze on you, and you do your best to avoid it, fighting the urge to hold the man you’ve grown so terribly fond of to your chest, as tender as your own heart.
(you would let him live there, in your heart, if he so desired. you would wish for it, even.)
“perhaps she’d be an engineer of sorts— patch me up when my missions go awry, put all of my broken pieces back together again…”
“oh… yeah?” your voice wavers, yet your hands remain as steady as ever, welding two wires together.
“mhm,” boothill drawls, leaning into you further. the space between the tip of his nose and your forehead feels infinitesimal. “i’d have her back, just as she’d have mine. i’d take care of her, just as she does me… kiss her ‘nd love on her, make her the happiest woman in all the galaxy.”
his voice melts into something nectary and bedroom-soft the more he speaks of this woman, so cloyingly sweet that it gives your lungs and limbs a warm ache, warmer than silica from the sweetest of sands. you find your sinews loosening at the feeling, heart slowing— his shoulder looks to be an enticing spot to rest your head. 
you yearn to share this warmth with him.
so, finally, you allow yourself to meet the ranger’s eyes, blinking in surprise when you realise just how close he’d gotten over the past minutes. close enough to be able to make out the yawn of craters and mountains decorating his slate irises, the near faded freckles over pale meat that you long to brush your thumbs over. boothill, too, seems to startle as you look up at him, the little smirk once etched on his lips falling into a small pout of awe.
“and… and she’d have these eyes, the most darlin’ dewy eyes that’d just— gosh— they may as well have gone and knocked my heart straight outta whack.”
these eyes, your eyes, chocolate sweet eyes that are teeming with about the same paradoxical innocence and percipience as a doe’s— boothill doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to them. how looking into them rouses his mechanical heart like no other, seizes his entire being with such a voracity that he thinks he just may blow a fuse.
the cyborg nearly remembers what it feels like to be hungry.
and born from the longing that chokes you is a generosity wherein you’re ready to offer anything, everything to him; you’d let him indulge in that hunger and have you without question.
there’s no hesitation in your response as you whisper, near inaudibly— he’s sure he wouldn’t have picked up on your mousy voice if it weren’t for prior enhancements you’ve made to his neuro chip. “maybe you should try asking her if she’ll join you. maybe… she’ll say yes.”
you finish your soldering job on his wires and seal shut the metal plates of his chest, letting your gloved hands linger there momentarily before bringing them up to cradle his face.
an odd sensation works its way under his flesh at the contact, sweet little tingles beneath his cheek, like cinnamon powder dusting over frothy milk. he’s quick to find a place of rest within your palms, the respite you give him with a tender smile, and boothill realises that this is more than enough.
he doesn’t need a house, when he’s already found a home in you.
“well, then,” huffing out a quiet laugh, he gently takes you by the waist with chromium fingers, soft lips finding the crown of your head. his body is of both hard and soft parts; metal and meat. “what say you, poppet?” 
his hunger, too, has both hard and soft parts. head and heart, an immortal soul and human happiness.
“would’ja ride with this lone ranger ’til the end of the line?”
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ghouljams · 7 months
The Android!Ghost au you’ve talked about is giving « the guy is actually more of a heavily modified human (probably against his will too) than a complete android » and I’m living for this kind of stuff. Please, let’s keep talking about it.
:3c Ghost in the Shell(1995)-core
You've always been more at home with androids than with regular people. They're not as loud, they don't ask prodding questions, you know exactly where you stand with them. They don't care that you'd rather be in your workshop than... wherever normal people go when they're bored. You work on one of the heavy mechs during your lunch break. The bot hands tools up to you while you sit on its shoulder, its huge fingers delicately holding your rivet gun as you try to avoid breaking out the welding machine. It's not looking good.
"It's really stuck on here XG-9," You tell the mech, listening to the click of its cameras as they adjust to the new information.
"I can wait until yearly maintenance, this issue is not impeding my primary motor functions."
You roll your eyes, bots always say that. You know well enough that just because something isn't hurting now, doesn't mean it won't hurt later. Or, impede function later. You have to correct yourself on that. The mech technically doesn't feel anything, its diagnostic picked up a blip and it asked you to fix it. You scratch your head with a sigh and grab the offered hand to swing down.
Ghost is standing there waiting for you when you land. You take a step back, just a hair too close to the android for your own comfort. He cocks his head to the side. You're struck again by how quiet he is. Not just in the silent manner he regards you, but the silence with which his body functions. Androids aren't loud, not unless they're malfunctioning, but you can hear them. It's, well, ghostly. You wonder if that's how he got the nickname.
"What's wrong with 9?" He asks, there's no concern in his voice, why would there be?
"One of his casings is tight, it's compressing a motor," You report, glancing up at the mech. It's busy setting your tools back into their casings, giant hands careful with your pieces.
"His?" Ghost questions, and you hear his cameras click, dialing in to observe you. It's not a secret on base that you have a tendency to personify even the trash-droids. You don't rise to the bait. Ghost turns his attention to the mech instead. "You good 9?"
"Functioning within parameters Lieutenant," The mech chirps. Ghost nods and looks back at you.
"He's fine."
You sigh and go to gather your tools, grab a bite of your sandwich. You assume the lieutenant needs something fixed or he wouldn't be here. Lieutenant. That's unusual. Not unheard of, but definitely rare. Rare enough you don't think you've ever met an android that has the honor of a rank. Not one still in commission at least. You stare at him over your bread, inspecting him for any twitch in her servos.
He's beautiful machinery. Everything about him moves and flows as naturally as flesh and blood should. You've been thinking about what to use for his musculature since you last worked on him. Looked like some sort of aluminum poly... kev-spring... God you don't know, you're grasping at straws. Irreplaceable that's what it is.
"What d'you need?" You ask between bites. Gotta be something, androids don't come looking for you for no reason. They're not curious, they don't wonder how you're doing. They certainly don't stop to watch you work. Curiosity is a human emotion.
"Back plates need to be realigned, you didn't put them back right." He tells you. You nearly choke on your sandwich, thumping your chest and coughing as he stares down at you.
"Excuse me?" You cough in disbelief. Never in all your years as a mechanic have you been accused of such a thing. You glower at Ghost and set your food down. You twirl your finger to have him turn around, he does without complaint, stripping his zip-up off as he does. You don't know why he needs a jacket, not like he gets cold, but you suppose it helps him blend in. Although if he wanted to blend in he could've opted for a more human face plate.
You push his tee up, fingers skimming his synthetic skin, checking the black plated spine for misaligned pieces. Everything feels in order. You grab one of your micro screwdrivers and tap the tiny flat-head against the seams of his spine, testing for gaps. You push his shirt up higher, lean closer to get a better view. This would really be easier if he was sitting- no, laying down. His chest expands and contracts with false breaths, your working theory is exhaust release, but under your hand it feels like life.
You press the button at the top of his spine, watch the plates disengage and pop up. Starting at the bottom you push each one, manually, back into place. There's a small click that lets you know the plate is engaged, and his T5 doesn't click.
You grumble to yourself, and grab your glasses from your tool set along with a pair of needle nose pliers. It's an easy fix, a little fiddly, but you manage to manually hook the latch into place. You make a mental note to order a spare part. The rest of his spine lays down easily, neat clicks that you monitor more closely now that you've had to fix one. When you reach the top you make sure to press the plate on either side of his spine firmly into place before locking up the whole thing. There's a soft hiss, and a release of steam between the panels when you engage the lock.
Ghost rolls his shoulders with a soft groan as you drop his shirt back into place. "Fuck that feels good," He sighs, his modulator sighs. You frown, replacing your tools. It shouldn't feel like anything.
"Yeah?" You ask, human curiosity getting the better of you.
"Like gettin' my back cracked," Ghost hums, he twists at his waist like he's stretching out his muscles. Beautiful machinery, that looks and acts like a beautiful man. You think you understand why he wouldn't want a human face, he'd attract too much attention.
"Glad I could help," You look away from him, back to your tools, "I'll order a new part, should fix the misalignment permanently." You'll keep this fix off the books for now. It's too strange- Ghost is too strange. He almost feels human, but he can't be you've seen his mechanics. He can't be.
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sorcerous-caress · 7 months
So fun fact about me irl I work with children but often my teacher language slips out like telling my friends to say “bye bye bus”, telling another person in my lecture writing to “be nice to the pencil, it’s your friend.” And greeting a roomful of grown as adults with good morning boys and girls. It’s mortifying but How do you think the companions would react to having a teacher!tav slip up like that.
Dealing with a Teacher Tav
[Bg3, fluff, platonic kinda, nb!reader]
[Gale, Shadowheart, Laezel, Wyll, Karlach, Astarion, Halsin, Minthara, Jaheira, Minsc]
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He delightfully plays along whenever you tell him to thank a stranger or say goodbye to an inanimate object. He thinks it's very silly and joyous.
Teachers have always been a big part of his life, it doesn't phase him in the slightest when you unawarly awake the deep memories of being in wizards pre-school for him.
Says good morning to you back, adding a teacher honorific at the end for the sake of being playful while asking if you've finally graded the homework he handed in.
He gives you an apple occasionally. He thinks he is very hilarious.
She freezes in awkwardness whenever it happens, not sure if you’re being serious or just playing around. Sometimes, you don't even register slipping up as go on with your day, leaving her wondering if she's imagining things.
She has zero experience with the school system, completely confused by the need to say thank you for carriage after it arrived. It's just a carriage, why should she?
One time while her and Laezel were arguing, you used the same call you'd use in the classroom to get the kids to quiet down and it completely caught them both off guard. They just stood there baffled, forgetting their original argument.
Why, yes, she is very familiar with teachers. In fact, she was the best out of her class, ask any githyanki teacher, and they'd tell you endless praise about her throat cutting techniques and sword welding stances.
You, whoever, use very unusual teaching techniques. How would learning a song about washing your hand and brushing your teeth help her in slaying her enemies?
Intriguing, so you take advantage of the brain's tendency to latch on to phrases that rhyme, which makes them easier to remember? And you encode your melodies with instructions to embed them into the impressionable youth?
Huh. She actually is impressed. She made her decision, you will lend your teaching skills to help her embed the most effect way of fracturing someone's spine into a melody to spread to the githyanki children.
As someone who has been an unofficial teacher for so many kids throughout his years, he can relate to your struggle a lot. He slips up more than he cares to admit.
The both of you meeting early in the morning while still groggy and tired, your brains working on automatic mods as you greet each other with the same high pitched enthusiastic voice you use to greet a toddler.
Then just stare at each other, complete understanding between the two of you. Like two people accidentally using their customer service voice in front of the other.
You struggle to tie your boots once, and he unconsciously bends down to tie them for you while using the rabbit loop euphemism, only to stop in his tracks as he realises what he's doing.
He uses a curse word once, and you immediately use your teachers voice and say, "we don't speak like that here, that's wasn't very nice."
You're both tired, you both need a nap and neither of you brings it up when the other slips.
Much like Gale, she finds it extremely amusing. Top tier comedy to her. Unlike Gale, she hasn't been to any proper schooling system, so she doesn't exactly know what most of these phrases mean or imply.
In a way, it lets her pretend she was a part of something like a school in her youth, like she could've had a normal childhood like everyone else.
She'd indulge you, saying goodbye and thank you to the pigeon that delivered her a letter, or overhearing Wyll's rabbit loop ryhme and whispering it under her breath as she ties her own boots. Who knew this could've been so easy?
You remind him of how Leon was with his daughter back in Cazador's manor. Astarion never was close with any of them, but still, he sometimes overheard him attempting to give his daughter a semblance of a normal childhood and growth.
It's endearing when you accidentally use your teaching ways while dealing with the owlbear cub, but he'll never admit it.
Doesn't indulge you with it, he has appearance to keep. Well, unless he has a chance to twist your innocent meaning words into a sex or gorey joke like the 12y old humour that he has.
Ah, the scrowl on your face is the exact same one Leon had around him, such fond memories.
Ah, you bring him back to his old days of having to deal with the children at the grove. Although his methods focused more on showing them that nature is a friend rather than inanimate objects.
But who is he to judge your ways? If anything he could learn a thing or two from you to add to his skillset.
Tells you about the fables that were passed down from elf to elf throughout the generations, animal stories have always done a great part in teaching him morality.
Do you happen to have any? Maybe you could tell it to the children of the grove, they are good kids.
As a noble, she was only given the best and most prestigious of teachers while growing up. Even the ones that weren't a drow would still be considered the best of the best, crème de la crème.
Yet not a single one of them applied such...childish methods. etiquette and discipline were taught by the lash and threat of punishment, not lullabies and gentle guidance.
....it's not as bad as she imagined.
She doesn't get why some of your companions find it amusing. She doesn't bother indulging either.
But sometimes, sometimes, when it's just the two of you, and she is sure not a single soul is around, she will reply with a pun with the most deadpan face expression you've seen.
Despite what most would think, she actually integrated the same methods into her teachings back when her kids were little, it just happened to be weaved with her more dangerous lifestyle ascept.
Here comes the plane, with the airplane usual holding a good dosage amount of poison to build resistance.
A short rhyme about what to check before leaving the house, except the list has a suspicious amount of daggers and trap disarm kits in it.
If it works, it works, so what if she had to alter a kid's book about a honey loving yellow bear into one with decipherable texts to teach them Harpers' secret communication language.
Ah! Boo does use the same method on him sometimes, the two of you have a lot in common. Although Boo's methods do involve a bit of biting every now and then.
Say, how about he teaches you some fables from Rashemen, a lot of them are about a rabbit who got lost after not listening to his witch frog companion.
You could use it in your teachings later! Show the youth the importance of good teamwork. Yes, he is aware of the fact he didn't listen to Jaheira and got captured by the cult. No, he doesn't see why this is relevant? Why is Boo suddenly agreeing with you? He is supposed to be on his side.
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imaginesforeons · 6 months
Hii since requests are open May I ask if you could write something for yan! Nanami with very scared reader who's just straight up terrified of him and the situation they're in they always hide when they hear him come home shake and shiver whenever he touches then and even vomit from all that stress and fear? If no that's completely okay and feel free to ignore this, thanks a bunch and have a great night/day I love your writing!<33
Sure!! I wrote this, hope it's ok! Also, I will get to the other requests as well, but I had eye surgery a few days ago so it's slow-going. Don't worry though, no-one will be forgotten.
Yandere!Nanami x TouchAvoidant!Reader
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~Nanami comes home. You aren't happy~
CW: Past kidnapping. Yandere Nanami. Forced contact but nothing NSFW.
WC: 934
REQS are open. At the top of my page you can see who/what I write for. The more specific your requests the better! :)
Buy me a coffee?
The room that he put you in when he had to leave could only be described as scared to impose. Soft cream walls stared at you from every angle, and an impossibly plush carpet rested beneath your socked feet. Baby blues and minty greens made up the few colors, and they were things like pillows and blankets all of impossible quality. Minky couture and goose down pillows had become your new normal, strewn across the ground and whatever sparse furniture there was, yet nothing else decorated the space. There were no lamps, no paintings, no furniture that wasn’t carefully and thoroughly bolted down; nothing could be used as a weapon. Even the window was welded shut, made of polycarbonate that was impossible to break. You would know, as you’d tried multiple times.
It was a room carefully constructed, a room not meant to impose on the delicate sensibilities of the one in it. It held the same air as a therapist’s office. Or a padded cell.
You shifted, sinking deeper into your chair. Idly you thumbed through your book, but nothing in it caught your interest. You had finished reading it hours ago, but you were too shy to ask him for another, and instead simply left your finished reads on his table to show that you were done. The light shining through your window was turning a burnished gold. It was getting late, which meant soon he would be home. You felt a churning in your stomach at the thought, and gripped your book tighter in your hands, listening to the pages crinkle.
You jumped when you heard the rumble of a car’s engine pull into the drive, then the damning sound of a door opening and closing. Forgotten, the book fell from your hands, hitting the floor. You grabbed a pillow, soft and fluffy, and held it to your chest, trying to create some sort of barrier between you and what was coming.
All too soon, he was there. From across the room you locked eyes, yet before you could say anything he started moving towards you. Your muscles jumped, and it took all you had not to run. It wouldn’t work, you’d already tried.
“How was your day?” Nanami asked as he loosened his tie.
“Fine,” you murmured, casting your eyes down and staring at his feet. When a hand touched your shoulder, you winced, jerking back into the chair as if you tried hard enough you’d bury yourself into it and disappear.
Above you, Nanami sighed. Slowly, he knelt before you, placing himself between your legs and staring up at you in a way that made your skin itch. A large hand wrapped around your calf, unyielding. It didn’t hurt, but you knew it would be impossible to break out of his hold.
“We’ve talked about this,” he murmured. A calloused thumb stroked over the skin of your leg.
You shifted restlessly. “I know.” When his other hand wrapped around your calf, it took all you had not to scream. To anyone else it probably would have felt nice, witht the way he had started to massage it, but it was all you could do to hold in a scream. Instead you brought your legs in, folding them criss-cross beneath your body.
“Most people would love a massage after a long day,” Nanami said.
“Most people aren’t kidnappers,” you snapped back. 
Nanami hummed. “I suppose our circumstances are unique.” And then he ran his knuckles across your cheek.
Your skin went electric and you flinched, flailing and trying to jump from the chair. Before you could touch the carpet, a strong pair of arms wrapped around your waist. You froze, and your expression could have been enough to bring any onlookers to tears. The arms shifted, lifting you, squeezing you to his chest.
“Please, Nanami,” you whispered. “Please let me go.”
“Shh,” the man murmured, pressing a kiss against your brow. To you, it felt like a brand.
“Let me go,” you pleaded.
You started to struggle, and though you knew it was a fruitless action, there was nothing left for you to do. Twisting, you writhed in his arms like a snake, but it only made things worse. He held you closer to him, enough that you could feel it when he breathed, and when your shirt rode up your torso from struggling, his large, calloused hand found its way to your naked skin, fingers trailing across it. He made his way to the bed, sitting on its edge with you still in his hold.
“Stop it!” you shouted, pounding your fists against his chest. “I said stop!”
“Listen to me,” Nanami said. He was raising his voice, not out of anger, but in an effort to make himself heard. He wrapped one arm around your torso, holding your arms down, while the other went to your face, turning you to look in his eyes. “Listen to me, dear. The only reason I do this is out of my love for you. Can’t you see that?”
“This isn’t love,” you snarled, angry tears building in your eyes. “You’re delusional!”
“Shh,” Nanami crooned. He pressed his lips to your temple. “I know you don’t like it, but we’re going to stay here until you calm down. One day you’ll understand.”
You kicked uselessly at him, but it only made Nanami hook a leg over yours, pinning you. You sniffled, and felt the first tears coursing down your face. Nanami only held you closer, and started rocking back and forth, a motion that would have been soothing in any other context.
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elly-grace · 1 month
His world
Idk what to name this one lol also not edited at all
Pairing: Joe burrow x reader
Warning: not eating, mean comments
Word count: 1176
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The day started off like any other day. Joe wakes up to the sun shining through the window, then gets ready for practice. After Joe is ready he wakes you up with a good morning kiss, then after a short conversation heads to practice. This was normal, it was the status quo, it was routine.
But the status quo was broken after Joe left for practice, you felt off. You felt like crying, the hate from Joe's fans was really starting to get to you. There have been so many rumors about you and Joe recently. The main three were; cheating allegations, an engagement, and pregnancy. None of which were true, you would never cheat nor would Joe. You and Joe have been together since freshman year of college. Neither of you ever thought of cheating on the other in all the time you've been together. There's no engagement, at least that you knew of. But the pregnancy rumor hurt the most, you knew why it was being thrown around. You had been gaining a little weight, which you were self conscious about.
The comments flowed through your head.
‘She's so ugly! Like gross.’
‘She’s getting really fat, must have had to get pregnant for Joe to stay with her sorry ass.’
‘Joe can do so much better than her’
You felt the tears well up in your eyes.
“What if Joe leaves you?”
With that thought the floodgates were opened. Part of you knew that Joe would never leave you, he loved you with his entire heart. His world literally revolved around you, he didn't know how to do what he loved without you in his life. You two have been part of each other's lives since birth. Robin and (your mom) had been friends since childhood, which forced you to be friends. Joe was the built-in best friend, always there for you, and you were the same for Joe.
The other part of you thought the comments were factual. With you gaining weight you've been having troubles feeling comfortable in your body. It didn’t make you feel ugly just different. You knew Joe could have literally anyone he wanted, he could do better than you.
You try to calm down and take a few breaths coming back to rational.
You walked to your closet and found your oversized hoodie and a pair of leggings to change into. Then sluggishly made your way down the stairs then into the kitchen. Making your way to the fridge, you open it but then the fat comments come to your head. Deciding you would just skip breakfast you close the fridge. You check time seeing it was almost 9 which meant the other WAGs would be calling you soon. As if on cue your phone rings, it was Jess, Sam's fiance.
“Hey, are you coming out with us today?”
“Hey Jess. I think I am going to stay home.”
“You sure? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just not feeling good today.”
“Okay, call us if you need anything.”
“Okay, have fun!”
You said then hung up.
You started to do some house work around the house. You cleaned the entire house, starting in Joe's office and finishing in the basement. When you finished cleaning it was already noon meaning Joe would be home soon. You head to the kitchen to start making lunch for him, deciding to make a chicken caesar salad. You finished plating the food as soon as he walked in the door. He made his way to the kitchen and saw you and moved towards you to give you a kiss.
“Hi, baby. Have you been crying?” his eyes were fixed on your doleful looking face.
“Maybe.” you just shrugged, “it doesn’t matter.” as tears weld in your eyes.
“It does! It matters, why are you crying?” he said in a voice the told you he wasn’t going to stop until you told him.
“I’m getting so much hate. People say I'm ugly, fat, and you could do better than me. Which don’t say the last one isn’t true.” You looked down. Joe instantly made you look back up at him by putting his fingers under my chin. Noticing that my hair was messy and all over he moved some of it out of the way.
“Listen to me please, I love you, only you. You are beautiful, I don’t care that you're gaining weight, it means you're healthy.”
Your stomach starts to growl. Joe gives you a sad look.
“When did you eat last?”
“When? Cause you barely touched your dinner.”
“Breakfast was the last full meal.”
“You need to eat.”
You sighed but you would do anything for him. He was the love of your life.
“Okay” you said and started walking to the fridge when he grabbed your arm and pulled you back.
“Wait, I'm not done. I’m never going to leave you, never let those comments get to your head.”
He gave you a passionate kiss, then walked away. A few seconds later he comes back with something in his hand.
“This is definitely not how I wanted to do this but.” He spoke getting down onto one knee.
“Joe?” You were shocked.
“Y/n m/n l/n, I can not fathom my life without you in it. You’ve been here since day one, literally day one. You're the only constant thought in my mind. Every Injury, every bad day you’ve been there. You're it for me, it’s always been you. It took us 18 years to finally get together but I knew in middle school when that guy broke your heart. When I saw you crying I wanted to beat him up for hurting you. Now here we are 9 years later, I don’t think I can spend another moment of you not being mine forever. You are my world, my best friend and hopefully soon my Fiancé.” The tears that have been welling in your eyes finally fell.
You nod “yes”
Joe slides the ring onto your finger and stands and gives you a hug and then a kiss.
“I love you Joe”
“I love you too Y/n. I’m going to address the fans about the hate today when I go on ‘New Heights’.”
“Thank you.” You gazed at his face with his beautiful smile plastered upon it.
“How about you come with me?”
“Will Travis and Jason allow that?”
“They will, they’re pretty laid back.”
You nodded and soon you were in joes car with him.
“Welcome to the pod Joe, I hear you got some exciting news” Travis said
“Yeah, as of today I am an engaged man.”
“What, congrats man!” Jason yelled.
“Thanks guys, but I’d also like to address one more thing before we start.”
“Yeah go ahead.”
“So my fiancé has been receiving some pretty brutal hate from some of my fans recently. I just want to say that she is beautiful the way she is, and I love her more than anything in the world. Please stop hating on her.”
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Requested by: @funnyjb
Hope you enjoy!
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rose-pearls · 4 months
Hi there!! If your requests are still open i’d like to make one, btw Im not very good at requesting, so im sorry if this doesn’t make any sense.
Could your possibly write a Clairrise x Hephaestus’s Nb kid reader. Like we’ll make/repair weapons for her, and we weld her flowers with nuts and bolts and cute stuff like that!!
Feel free to skip this request!! Have a good day/night!!!! :D
Hi!! Thank you so much for your request, it was so cute and I loved the fact that it was a reader from another cabin then the Aphrodite cabin! I hope you like it and that it is what you wanted! My requests are open for every fandom I write for!
Main Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain, @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @niktwazny303
Clarisse La Rue Taglist: @peanutbelley, @abbersreads
Non-binary reader, if there is a mistake somewhere please tell me and I'll fix it! I am always open for feedback :))
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When you started dating Clarisse a lot of people were surprised, it wasn’t often that a child of Hephaestus and a child of Ares got along, let alone date each other. But it had just made sense when you had met her during your first day of camp. You had tried to find what you were good at, with the help of Luke, and as you were trying to figure out how to use the spear he had given you a beautiful girl had arrived.
“Why don’t you let the expert teach them, Castellan?”, the brown-haired girl says with a confident smirk, making you blush. Luke had just rolled his eyes at the words before telling you that he would get you at the end of the hour to try something new.
“Now, you should watch your grip when you wield it,” she says before starting to show you how to adjust your hands, making your skin tingle at the touch.
It wasn’t until later that you realized why so many people had been watching the two of you, Clarisse wasn’t really the type to help someone out or to be patient with anyone. When your father claimed you after two days of being at camp the whole camp had been waiting with anticipation how Clarisse would be reacting to the news, after all she was a proud daughter of Ares.
“I don’t care about who your father is and what beef he has with mine, Ares always has beef with everyone. So, what do you say of ignoring who our parents are and just moving along?”, Clarisse had seemed unaffected, but she had been preparing the speech in her head since last night, when one of her siblings had told her who your parent was. She was hoping that Ares wouldn’t ruin this for her either, she only knew you for three days, but you were someone she cared about, whether she liked it or not.
“I would love that,” you had told her and after that the two of you had stayed close friends, much to everyone’s shock and your sibling’s dismay. 
Getting together with Clarisse had been the most difficult part, she didn’t see love as something good or worthwhile. She had seen her mother getting into depressive episodes after Ares left her to raise Clarisse alone and she didn’t want to ever experience that, let alone be that cause of someone’s pain. It had taken you a while to try and convince her that you could be something more than just friends and that love was something incredible to experience. 
“I just don’t want to hurt you or lose you, it would hurt far too much,” she had told you once, when the laughter of the campers could be heard from far away.
“Wouldn’t it hurt more to know that we could have been something but that we just didn’t try? I know that we are demi-gods and that we could die any day but I don’t want to die and regret not having had a chance to spent every single day with you and showing you how much I love you,” there were tears in her eyes at your words, and you could see the conflict in her eyes before she brought you into a soft kiss, as if she was scared she could break you.
“You’re right,” she had whispered before bringing you back into a kiss, this time more fervent as she showed you just how much she loved you.
It had been two years since then and you couldn’t be happier, watching Clarisse spar with her siblings and preparing for Capture the flag while you made some flowers out of a few things you had found around your working area. 
“That for me?”, you hear behind you before your feel a soft kiss on your cheek.
“It is,” you tell Clarisse as she sits next to you, watching the intricately woven nuts and bolts you had found around.
“I love it, thank you,” she tells you before bringing you into a kiss.
“I’ll add it to my collection,” she says with a bright smile, already trying to figure out where she was going to put it.
“I’ll see you after capture the flag?”, you ask her, and she nods in agreement as a pout forms on her lips.
“I can’t believe you aren’t going to be playing capture the flag today,” you smile softly at her words before taking her hand in yours.
“Well, I need to teach every single thing I know to my new sibling but next time I’ll be there,” you promise her and enjoy the satisfied smile on Clarisse lips.
“Fine, but I need a good luck kiss first,” she whispers, and you quickly do as she requests, smiling as she deepens the kiss.
“See you later sunshine!”, she tells you before joining her siblings, making you smile as you watch her putting on her armour. 
It was just an hour later when you heard the door of your cabin slam open, your new sibling looking scared at the sound, as if he was expecting a monster to come in. But it was Clarisse, tears in her eyes and a broken spear in her hands. 
“Why don’t you go to your station and work a little bit on the things I taught you?”, you quickly ask your sibling, who quickly scurries out of the room. 
“Clarisse?”, you whisper as you look at her trembling form, she looks like she is desperately holding back her tears but as you carefully put your hand on hers, she breaks down.
The tears are falling down her cheeks as you bring her into a comforting hug, holding her close as she holds on to you for dear life.
“What happened?”, you ask her softly, hoping not to make her cry even more at your words.
“That new kid, he broke my spear,” she whispers, and a sob leaves her lips at the words, making you hold her tightly. 
“Gods, I’m so sorry Clarise, I know how much it meant to you,” you whisper in her hair, wishing you could go back in time and save it.
“It was the only thing he ever gave me, to show me he cared and now it is gone,” she says, tears falling into your t-shirt, but you don’t care as you try to calm her down.
It takes a moment to calm her down, stroking her hair and letting her talk it all out. You know better than to say it was going to be okay, she had just lost something incredibly valuable to her and you didn’t know what to do. 
“I can try to fix it,” you whisper softly, and it takes a few seconds before she moves her head to look at you, teary eyes looking into yours.
“You can?”, she whispers, hope appearing into her eyes, and you smile lovingly at her.
“I can try, I can’t promise anything about it still being able to burn someone, but it can be repaired. Nothing is too broken to be fixed,” you tell her, and she takes a deep breath, like she is trying to get herself back together.
“If you can do that, I think that I will marry you,” she says with an emotional smile, and you laugh softly at her words.
“Common let’s see what we can do,” you whisper before taking her hand and bringing her to your station. 
It takes time to put it back together, as the metal had been broken by Percy’s sword but after finding the right metal to fix it you manage to bring the two pieces back together.
“And there we go, nearly as good as before,” you tell her as she looks over the spear, watching how it was once again a whole spear and not two broken parts.
“Thank you,” she whispers with concealed tears in her eyes, but you just shrug your shoulders.
“It was my pleasure, now I can watch you train with it again,” you tell her, and she looks excited at the words, she kisses you lovingly on the lips before dragging you to the training ground, an excited smile on her lips. 
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crystlizabeth · 7 months
Dad!Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley & his hellion youngertwin!Zhuri because she’s a daddy’s girl!!
A/n: Zhuri is about 6-7 years old.
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.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
-dad!Simon loves both of his girls dearly but as almost any child dose they have a favorite parent. Zhuri ila Riley his youngest twin and a little shit that rained hell whenever she pleased.
-dad!Simon who’s quiet but is always accompanied by the most social little girl know to man kind.
-dad!Simon who if he had to run errands Zhuri would go with sitting on the front of his motorcycle her pink helmet on waving at cars at lights.
-dad!Simon who asked Sa’Diya if she wanted to go out with him and his sister always making sure to include both girls but Diya always said ‘no thank imma stay with mama’
-dad!Simon who knows Zhuri is his own little guard fog thanks to her mama either scaring off ladies that would try chatting up her daddy or interrupting said conversation putting the attention on her.
-dad!Simon who hated when people would tell him that his daughter is a pretty thing not in the creepy way but in they way he knows boys will like her.
“Ari what do we think of boys?” Simon mumbled looking down at his daughter.
Zhuri scrunched her face gagging holding her little hand to her throat continuously gagging “disgusting and stupid.” She shouted causing her own little scene
Simon grinned under his black face mask looking up at the older lady his had a scared look on her face.
Simon only laughed lightly watching the lady walk away as his daughter continued her dramatic reaction smacking the back of her head lightly because people were starting to stare.
“Alright ya little shit, lets go love..” he laughed waiting for the kids to start fallowing him.
-Dad!simon whenever his wife put him to do something she would come ‘bother’ him starting to beat on him hoping to get a reaction out of her dad.
-dad!simon who playfully pushed Zhuri down and she would come right back up to beat on him. To be honest she was a biter.
-dad!simon who had gotten so used of her biting him that he just gave her a ‘are you serious look’ only for her to laugh and continue fulfilling her mission to get her fathers attention.
-dad!simon when he dose play fight with her it can get rough real fast and one time he accidentally pushed her back causing her to hit her head on the side counter. He felt so bad and scared him self because he knew she was hurting he picked her up as she continued to rub the back of her head Simon saying sorry over and over again and that he didn’t mean to be so rough.
-dad!simon who had the young girl tell him over and over it’s okay and it’s not his fault and that it doesn’t even hurt that bad even though there were tears welding up in her pretty eyes.
-dad!simon who watch his wife look at them both trying to figure out why her husband and daughter were both on the edge of tears only for Simon saying he hurt his babygirl.
“Are you kidding me.” Simon watched as his wife put her hand on her chest out of relief.
“You big baby I’ve watch her get beat on worse by her sister she just bumped her head honey.” She reassured Simon her hand rubbing her daughter’s head kissing it.
“You alright baby you know daddy ain’t mean to hurt ya.” She said.
Zhuri nodded “I know it was and accident..” she muttered softly.
“See Si she’s alright.” She spoke watching her daughter lean into her father her arms wrapping around his neck.
“Such a daddy’s girl.” She laughed lightly patting Zhuri’s back kissing Simon real quick.
-dad!Simon who was inside with his wife as the two girls played outside watching them form the window when he saw Zhuri fall in the distance soon to hear a blood curtailing scream from Sa’diya and then a shouting for her parents. Mind you both parents work in said army both of them running out side seeing blood on ‘Diyas hands and Zhuri sitting crying her eyes out as she held her mouth.
-dad!simon who had to rush In daughter to the hospital because she fell her face hitting the ground so hard her top teeth had gone through her bottom lip and fallin both out when she sat up.
-dad!simon who sat the with his daughter bleeding in the back seat his wife holding both teeth and a towel to Zhuris face as she cried for her daddy. Sa’diya who sat in the front crying aswell feeling back because she had pushed her sister while playing.
“Diya baby it’s alright things happen, I know Zhuri but daddy has to drive.” His wife spoke to the two girls.
“I didn’t mean to Ari im so sorry..” ‘Diya sobbed.
“It’s alright Sj I promise Zhuri is gonna be okay.” Simon spoke looking over at the older twin
-yeah that was an eventful evening, but non the less dad!simon stayed with his hellion at the ER till 4 in the morning while his wife and other daughter went home because there’s school In the morning.
-dad!simon who got into her bed with her and held her because she was in so much pain even though she was still drugged up. Her fresh stitches in her bottom lip Simon had to keep prying her hand away because she wanted to touch them because the were itchy.
-dad!simon who wanted nothing but you yell at the doctor, because he had left with answering was there any other damage to her teeth, how long will the stitches be in and what is she taking for the pain.
-dad!simon who luckily knew that the teeth that fell out were still baby teeth.
“Daddy..” Zhuri muttered.
“Yeah baby?” He whispered rocking her.
“Am I gonna have a scar..” she asked.
Simon who didn’t know if she was gonna burst out into tears if he told her that there definitely was, “Probably baby just a small one should fade…”
“I want one, be cool, just like you..” she slurred.
Simon closed his eyes taking a breath she wanted a scar like him like the scars that sat on his face, she didn’t truly know what those scars were from but they didn’t make him cool.. but right now they would be just because is baby thinks they are.
“I wanna be like you daddy… I wanna be brave like you.. and help people.. I want people to like me.. I wang to be able to be quieter too, so people don get so upset with me be like sissy you know..” she spoke softly her lip quivering.
It wasn’t often Simon saw her cry, and to hear that lasts sentence. Something was going on at school it seemed maybe at her gymnastics as well.
“What’s going on love why do you think you have to be quiet..” he asked.
“My teachers keep getting mad and kids at school are mean— why are they so mean alway telling me ti shut up..” she cried lightly.
That made simons blood boil, “Ari, you should never let someone make you be quiet. Being loud is who you are it’s not a bad thing your big spirited, your such a brigh and love-able person Zhuri. You be loud in my favorite thing I love hearing you talk, and being excited about things. Don’t let them bring you down because you’re being you.” Simon said kissing her forehead whipping away her tears.
-dad!Simon who when they got home ended up sleeping next to her on the couch.
-dad!Simon knew that even through the hard times she would always be his light, nothing was the same everyday.
.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
A/n: I know it’s a bit everywhere but I love dramatics and I love Simon and Zhuri they’re my favorites! Probably gonna write more about them!!
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luvyeni · 5 months
10 DAYS TO FALL IN LOVE — chapter 6. dates and apologies !
word count. 0.8k+ content warning. none just angst and fluff
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You clutched the stuffed animal in your hand that heeseung had won for you as you walked through the park per his request. “You’re really happy about that stuffed toy.” He said. “Be careful people might think you’re crazy and on a date with that thing instead of me.” You rolled your eyes pouting. “don’t call my child a thing, he has a name.” You said, the boy laughed. “yeah, what is it?” you thought for a while, before shrugging. “well I won him, why can’t he be named after me?”
You shook your head no, smirking menacingly, looking back at him. “I like the name sunghoon.” His face dropped. “That’s not funny.” He said flatly. “It’s a little funny.” You said. “not even remotely.” He tried to walk a head of you. “yah! Don’t leave me.”
“Stop walking so fast.” You grabbed his arm. “say your sorry and i'll slow down.” You whined, and he started speeding up again. “okay! Okay.” You shouted. “im sorry.” You said , and he stopped turning to you. “I won’t name him after sunghoon.” You said. “and?”
“And we can name him heeseung.” He smiled. “thank you,  that’s all I ask.” You rolled your eyes. “can we sit, I tired from chasing after you?” he nodded , finding a bench to sit on near the water. “here lets sit here.”
“did you have fun.” He asked — his eyes filled with so much nerves. “i won’t give you so much credit.” He frowned. “but I had a lot of fun.” You said, lightly punching his shoulder. “you remembered how much I love amusement parks.”
“of course! We used to go all the time after classes.” He said — remembering how you’d drag him whenever you had the chance, riding all the rides you could and eating the food until it was time to go home. “we had so much fun back then.”
You smiled — quickly frowning, it was fun hanging out with heeseung — but you couldn’t help but remembered why you stopped doing those things in the first place. “we did have fun back then didn’t we?”
He saw the change in your mood. “you okay?” you nodded, he kissed the back of his teeth. “it’s been 5 years since we hung out , not 50, I can still tell when you’re upset and lying about it.”
“Why are you doing this?” you said. “doing what?” He questioned. “this ,being nice to me, wanting to go on a date — I mean even as high schoolers you didn’t want to be anything more than friends, now all of a sudden you want to flirt and date me, even after that situation.”
He knew this was gonna come up and he thought he was ready , but he suddenly couldn’t speak. “I want to forgive you, I really do, but I need at least an explanation, is this just a joke between your friends because — it’s not I promise.”
“Then tell me what it is.” You said. “I’ve always liked you yn, even when were in high school.” He said. “I didn’t say anything because I didn’t think you’d like me back , I mean we both what I looked in 9th grade.” You dry laughed. “but then things changed, I didn’t mean for them to, they just got out of hand.”
“you really hurt me heeseung, you were my only friend, I stood by you for everything.” You felt tears welding in your eyes. “and for you to say all those horrible things, and that our friendship meant nothing.” He wrapped his arms around your body. “im sorry.”
It was silent — both of you didn’t say anything as you say on the bench. He finally spoke up. “im so sorry I hurt you.” He whispered into your hair. “I'm so fuckin stupid yn.” He wiped your wet cheeks. “I’ve been waiting for the longest time to tell you that.” He said. “for the past 5 years that’s all I wanted to tell you.”
It felt like a weight had been lifted off both your shoulders. “please forgive me.” He said , squeezing your hand. “I’ll try my best to quit, I swear.” You wanted to believe him — it was only 5 days, but it was longer than you’ve ever seen him in 5 years. “you’d really quit?” you asked. “for you? Of course I would.”
You both began to get cold , so you found your way back to his car — making your way back to your dorm. He parked outside your building, not really wanting to let you out. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow and take you to school.” He said , you nodded. “good night heeseung.”
You undid your seat belt opening the door. “Let’s go baby heeseung.” He laughed. “are you really gonna call it that?” you nodded. “of course , he’s our child.” You said , quickly reaching over to kiss his cheek his eyes widening. “wh-what—” before he fully say something you got out of the car.
“yah! You can’t just run away after doing that.” you turned waving. “goodnight!” you shouted, he watched you go into the building , before driving off a big dopey smile plastered on his face.
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gay4abby · 7 months
TW: sh — If you’re not comfortable with this no worries but I was wondering if you would write a Jordan li x fem reader fic where they are kinda rivals (like reader is a total academic overachiever and just gets on Jordan’s nerves) but then Jordan finds her in the bathroom or somewhere after/while she self harmed/cut herself and realizes that they have to stop being an asshole for a second and help her and just the realization that they don’t know everything that goes on in people’s lives.
Been Something More …
warnings, huge self harm warning, angst, anger outbursts, attempted sexual assault. pairings, jordan li x reader. requests r open, it takes me a minute to get thru them tho so i do value ur patience ‹𝟥 hope u enjoyyyy
If there’s one thing you know you absolutely love doing is pissing off Jordan Li. Number one at something was instilled in you since birth, it didn’t convenience Jordan in anyway. The rush of being better at something too good of a drug they could give up coke. Jordan was the one you always have to one up, the one where if they’re good at welding you have to be fantastic at it. Where Jordan’s ranking is number three, yours is number two. Essentially you guys are always neck and neck with each other and it irritates Jordan to no end. There hasn’t been a day at God U where they felt like they were on top because you were always there to kick them down a notch.
It wasn’t always like this, though. When you and Jordan first met, you were both wide eyed freshmen’s that were hoping to get into crime fighting school, get under Brink’s good graces and possibly make it to the 7. You had that dream, but you always felt like you weren’t enough for it. No one needed to know that though, not even Jordan. Little did you know Jordan felt the same way. Anyone who had the same aspirations as you had to know their place. General requirement classes were on every freshman’s time table and you found yourself in the same class as the timid teen.
They barely spoke a word to you as you sat next to each other. You noticed their fingers pulling at one another underneath the table, but had the straightest face to anyone who can see. It was applaudable, but you tried not to make it shown that you were watching them. Jordan carried an air of confidence, your body tense, mouth tightly shut. Unnoticed by Jordan. It was a wonder how you guys are the way you are today, constantly fighting and bickering when just freshmen year you didn’t think you could outshine someone like Jordan. The yearn of a hollow heart where it once was filled with a brief friendship from you and Jordan, you really don’t know where it went wrong.
You passed out flyers, enthusiastic energy blooming from you as you engaged with the students who passed by the courtyard of the fourth quad on campus. The housing system always confused you when you first started out, your understanding of it coming from a rival. You felt his eyes bore into you, your smiling almost fading, the lull feeling of wanting to crawl away somewhere and die was welcomed. As much of a front you put up, it always felt demeaning when Jordan would turn their nose down on you.
You used to yearn for them to look at you lovingly only for it to be squashed like a child’s dream of being a mythical creature. “Vote for ____ for Student Council President! Justice is an action that deserves traction. Wouldn’t you want your voice to be heard?”
“Yeah, your future president will make sure all your needs are met. A vote for them is a vote for universal accessibility!” Your choice for your team was all your best friends idea and by the outcome of those accepting pins and proudly placing them on their attire, you knew you were in good hands. Almost all of the flyers that were in your hand were tossed out on to the floor, the aggressiveness of the impact alerting you of who it was. Your own attitude began bubbling underneath the surface, turning your body with a strained smile on your glossed lips. Jordan’s smug look made you breathe heavily, free hand fist curling slowly as you pulled it behind your back.
Seeing them was one thing, knowing they were another one of the candidates was another.
They were the last thing you wanted to see, but going to God U, being amongst the top five, it was fucking inevitable. “Watch where you’re going, I would hate it if someone would to hurt that pretty face,” it was malicious. Like inkling on a threat and it had you wondering if they were serious or not because it was always hard to tell with Jordan. Your jaw clenched, the strain sending a beaming pain through your temples. Your nail dug into your palm. You’re sure it drew blood. “There’s nothing as insulting than being called pretty by you.” You spit back, the grind in your teeth at the last part causing Jordan’s smirk to turn in size that even you wondered how it didn’t fall off his face.
How you wished you could sear it off their face for it to never appear again. “You’re so fucking funny,” Jordan bit, long legs carrying them away from you as they walk backwards, giving you the bird before turning back around. How did it even come to this? At one point you genuinely thought that you both could be good friends, the kind that makes it out of university and grow meaningful connections outside of yourselves that brings you closer together. You thought a lot of things about Jordan. You never thought you’d end up hating their guts.
The lot of you continued handing out flyers as your best friend kept a watchful eye on you from behind the table. It was unsettling succumbing to the thought of surrender, but for your sake, your best friend knew not to stir anything up when it came to Jordan, no matter how much she wanted to. Besides it wasn’t her place to say anything, she knew how you were and to cause anything to ruffle the waters was the last thing she wanted to do.
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20:05 (8:05pm)
“So, the last of the flyers were passed out at the courtyard. Since the elections tonight we don’t need to make anymore. We have enough hanging on the bulletins around campus, so, we’re all set!” Everyone cheered as you all were gathered around in the small space that was reserved for the campaign meeting. The people on your team put in so much work — you almost felt like you were slaving them, but with reassurance from them that they volunteered to do this, you weren’t forcing them to do anything.
They knew you were the perfect candidate for president. And you were reminded of it constantly.
“I appreciate every single one of you for putting in all the hard work to make this campaign possible for me. I really couldn’t have done it without any of you,” it was so sincere that you teetering on crying almost. Waterlines slowly filling up. Prior to your life before Godlkin University, it wasn’t something you were automatically proud of; the sheer thought of a full house feeling vacant wasn’t something you can easily tell someone.
They’d think you’re being ungrateful, for gods sake.
You drowned out most of what everyone was saying. That dreadful feeling creeping slowly, wrapping around you like it wanted to cocoon you into a blanket of worry and self doubt. This was typical, especially in a moment of an achievement that you couldn’t imagine for yourself. You knew you were a shoo in for the win, but it didn’t matter how much you were sure, how high your confidence in the moment was; the one thing you knew for sure was the voice in the back of your mind. Way deep to the very crevice of your brain telling you something is going to go wrong. And when it’s right you never respond to it very well.
20:59 (8:59pm)
Everyone stood around their computers and tablets, monitoring the gradual progress of the ballots. You were nervous of course, but you knew. You knew you were going to win, you knew that you were going to be able to give a voice to those that didn’t have the same advantages most funded students did at this school. And you weren’t going to fuck it up for absolutely no one.
It was yours for the taking and you worked so hard for something you never had the opportunity to do in grade school. Only a couple more seconds before the lot of you found out it was you — there was a sudden high pitched sound that drowned out the countdown to the announcement, clammy hands touched your heated skin. Your throat felt tight, your smile tight and frozen as you tried to breathe. Everything was moving slow, you didn’t realise your name was being called until you were shook to reality. “Hey, it’s alright. It was a bust, but you were runner up if they’d–”
“I don’t need your backhanded pity,” you snapped, the expression on your face made her whimper and cower back as you took a strained breath. Your heart dropped way past your stomach, it was completely out of your body before they finished saying that wretched, nonsensical pest’s name. They were invading parts of your life that you were…fine with letting go, but the one thing you were looking forward to, knew that would be yours no matter what was stripped from you like clothes.
You felt like you were in a dream where you were in front of everyone in just your underwear. It was unraveling your mind to the point where you would do absolutely anything to be buried six feet under. “Let’s let loose and forget about tonight, huh? There’s a rager being hosted by Lambda Phi Epsilon…what better way to blow off some steam than to blow an actual steamer?” Layla’s voice pulled you back to reality. You turned your head in surprise weighing the option in your head. Gilmore Girls definitely was not a hot fuck. “If you can get me alone with Luke, I’ll make sure you have a years supply of Nature Valley granola bars.”
Layla squealed pulling you along and out of the dorm to get the both of you ready for an unforgettable night.
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22:30 (10:30pm)
On campus parties aren’t something you frequented to for pass time. Mainly because you didn’t care for that. Partially because you knew you’d see Jordan there and their face alone can ruin an entire week for you. But tonight? Tonight you weren’t going to allow anything or anyone to ruin your night of fun. Carefree, brute fun without any sort of supervision. You earned it, you deserve it. Layla was nowhere to be found, failure on her end to hook you up with Golden Boy. But that’s okay since you were nursing your eighth…ninth drink? You kind of lost count after the round of shots Elliot brought over for everyone standing around the island.
The room was divided into twos, doubles of everything showing up in your vision but you couldn’t care less. The only thing that mattered was getting another drink in your system to make it all blur into one. You stumbled around in the kitchen, grabbing a red solo cup and stumbling again towards the keg. Your unawareness of eyes following you left you open for any random party goer to warp you into their grasp. “Whoops! So…rry!” Your giggles filled the air as you dropped to your knees after almost knocking over a passerby while trying to regain balance again. You were pumping the keg trying to get the beverage through, unsuccessfully pouring any beer into your cup.
“Aw, don’t pout. Look I got you.” A smooth voice rang through your ears before you even register it. You looked up a dazed expression on your features, moving over a bit to give him some room. The stranger grabbed your cup, pumping the keg until it spewed out more beer into your cup, your hands coming together to aggressively clap at the revelation. “You did it! How’d you do that?” Your words slurred as his hand grabbed you underneath your armpit to help you stand up and to give you your drink. You held on to him, he was broad and tough to the touch; you couldn’t even remember the last time you felt up a guy.
His hands slyly made its way around your hips, pulling you close to him as he practically carried you away from the scene in the kitchen. Everyone around you was unaware of the two of you, drunk or high off their asses. You were unaware of the situation at hand too, you had no idea who this guy was, but because you were unsuccessful in bedding Golden Boy — despite him having a girlfriend. You’d admit you were even willing to do a little home wrecking if meant getting destroyed by his golden dick.
But the one you were practically hanging off of would have to do. The red solo cup barely made it to your lips before it was pushed out of your hand, a whine escaping you as you carried up the stairs of the overflowing frat house. “My drink…we have to get another!” The guy could barely hear you, nodding along anyway as he continued to drag you up the stairs. You were growing antsy due to the alcohol in your system slowly fading away, but the haziness was still there. “It’s alright I’ll get you another one soon, baby.”
It was fleeting, the way he said it, like he just wanted you to shut up. You didn’t take it this way, though. You could barely understand what was going on around you. A cheer was heard from downstairs, but it soon became muffled as you heard a door shut. The clink sound rebounded on deaf ears. “This isn’t where are – the drinks aren’t… Where…” It was slurred. The guy had you leaning against a wall, hands roaming around the region below your stomach. You hummed, head lolling off to the side.
Everything around you was muffled, the guy talking to you, the music outside the room, the sudden banging on the door that the guy tried to ignore. “We’re busy!” He yelled before going back to you, how’d you get to the bed? You were motionless underneath him and he didn’t seem to care at all. You didn’t hear anything until you came back to reality to the commotion unfolding in front of you. “You don’t see they’re wasted out of their mind? What the fuck, dude?” The guy was shoved back into the nightstand, the lamp toppling over. Your eyes connected with Jordan’s tall stature, the aggressiveness of his push causing the guy to grow red in the face.
“Fuck you, man! They were practically jumping my bones, they wanted it!”
He didn’t even get the chance to stand up straight enough before Jordan landed a clean one on his cheek. With the way his body swung to the side, he was going to be out cold for a week. Fury wouldn’t be able to describe the feeling gorging from within you, “What the fuck, Jordan! You asshole, you’re such an asshole!”
“I’m the asshole? Sorry for fucking saving you from getting raped by the fraternity fiend! Do you realise who you were just with?” You scoffed as you tried to push him back, but being unable to due to his rigid form. “You had no right! I wanted to him to fuck me!”
“Right, so then you can go cry about it and tell everyone who will listen just how fucked your life is! ‘Oh poor ol’ ____, I was taken advantage off while I was drunk off my ass. Why does bad things always happen to me? Why am I such a fuck up that nothing can ever go right?’” Your heart couldn’t even drop from your chest because it was gone the minute it was announced that Jordan won the elections. You felt like eating yourself alive the way a snake does when depressed. You wanted to be nonexistent in a world that was never in your favour. So, Jordan was right. To you, he was right.
“You took everything from me, you know that? I just wanted this one thing and you took that too.” It was barely even a whisper, you shoved your shoulder against Jordan’s as you stumbled your way out of the room. “Where the fuck are you going? You’re not going home by yourself.”
“Of course I’m fucking not! Contrary to popular belief, I can come to a party responsibly and have a buddy when leaving!” You didn’t even give Jordan another chance to stop you before you slammed the door close, making haste to text your sober buddy to meet you outside. One fuck up after the other and you couldn’t even have a night of reprieve to drown your sorrows in liqueur for losing. This was the worst night of your entire life.
Sobering up after the unfortunate events that occurred at the party made you pity yourself. Although Jordan was right, having them as your saviour left a horrid taste in your mouth. It was all hitting you at once. Sitting in your dorm room in the dark could do that to you. Streaks of tears stained your cheeks. You’ve been sitting in the same spot your sober buddy had put you in for three hours. Makeup still caked on your face but it was old looking now, the crying didn’t help it stay intact either, what a shock. The only way you were going to get rid of this feeling was a shower. And not just any typical shower.
The communal showers should be vacant during this time of night. Everyone either studying, partying or sleeping. You mustered up enough energy after crying for three hours straight to get up, strip yourself of your party clothes, grab your shower caddy and head off to the showers. You breathed a sigh relief after seeing no one was in here and you didn’t hear anything so you were in the clear making quick work of turning the shower on. You took the stall further down, away from the entrance so you could have some privacy.
It wasn’t something you were proud of doing, but it was something you knew that you needed to do to let yourself know that no matter what, the pain will always be there to comfort you. To mask what dreadful emotion you’re feeling so you can forget what it feels like. Fortunately for you, the showers had benches in them, it wasn’t hard for you to cut yourself because you were not about to sit on those communal shower floors. One slice and you hissed, the blood pouring from the open wound. You didn’t care to have the blood swirl from underneath the curtain because no one was there.
Or so you thought.
“Hey…uh…is everything okay in there?” You silently jumped at the voice that rang through the vacant occupied washroom. And it wasn’t just anyone’s voice. The soft, almost velvety tone would have comforted you at a time where you thought you were both friends. Now it just sends an unusual chill up your spine. “I see the blood. Are you okay?” They continued, hearing them move closer to the curtain. You couldn’t stay silent because they already knew someone was in here, plus the goddamn shower was on! “Everything’s fine, just, go away.”
Jordan called your name and it sounded concerned. Moving closer to the curtain, their delicate hand grabbed on to it, hesitating a little, “I’m going to open this, okay?” It made you jump up slightly, slipping on your foot and blood to collide with the floor. Jordan didn’t wait for an answer before opening the curtain to find you wet, naked and covered in your own blood. There was at least four cuts running down your inner thigh. The worry on Jordan’s face caused your heart to clench and you hurried to cover yourself with what little you had.
“What the fuck! Are you okay? Fuck,” she leaned down, the towel that was over her shoulder long discarded as they reached out to tug you up from your underarms. You didn’t have the energy to fight back, but that’s what losing blood tends to do to you. Jordan shut the water off after getting wet through their pyjamas. They sat you down with care on to the bench examining your thighs. You weren’t sure why they were making such a fuss over it, the both of you hating each other like your life depended on it.
“Why? What the fuck?” She looked at you with her big brown eyes and what shocked you the most was it wasn’t filled with the usually flaming hatred that you always saw. You couldn’t hold it in anymore and tears streamed down your cheeks once more. You let yourself go, the impact of the hit against the wall causing a pain to run through your skull. “Ow…”
“Come on, get up.” After reaching for your towel and securing it around you, she lifted you up from the bench and used all her strength in her female form to lug you out of the washroom.
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You didn’t expect to ever be in Jordan’s dorm room, let alone on their bed, naked, and getting patched up by Jordan! After you guys had fell off, anything remotely close to friendly activities seemed out of the ballpark for you and her. Literally impossible to be in the same room together. Who knew self harming was going to be the thing that brought you both back together?
It was silent for the rest of the time she spent covering up your wounds. You know for sure she saw the other healed over one’s, just littered across your thighs. You couldn’t read their face as they taped over the gauze, moving back to put away the first aid kit. The silence was killing you, you never realised just how much tension you both held until you were alone with them. The clattering of the kit being stored away was the only sound that rang through the room.
You can hear a pin drop if you so pleased.
You were still on their bed, wrapped in a towel and shivering slightly. Jordan took note of this and walked back to their closet to pull out a sweater and some sweats. Upon noticing, you jumped from the bed immediately stating that you should go. “I’m not leaving you alone just so you can hurt yourself again. You’re staying here for the night. Until I know you’re okay.”
“I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. Any sane person would be able to tell you that,” Jordan said sternly. You both were in a state off now, eyebrows furrowing. Jordan had enough before they threw you the clothes, which you reluctantly caught. “Put them on. Now.” Without any further argument, you stripped yourself of the towel and slid the clothes on. They were warm and it smelled like her, too. You can’t remember the last time you even hugged Jordan. Wearing their clothes made you realise how much you missed them.
You sniffed as you fix the hem of the sweater. It was a little big on you, the sleeves covering your hands making them look like paws. Jordan hid their smile before walking over to her mini fridge to bring out a bottle of water and gummy bears. “Here.” You accepted, no questions asked. Silence rang through again. The only sound this time was the crackling of the plastic bag and your swallowing as you sat on the floor, Jordan in their desk chair. It was eating away at Jordan to ask why. She couldn’t imagine you feeling that way about yourself so much so to cut yourself.
She always saw you as someone who was resilient, didn’t back down. Never took no as an answer when it came to getting what you want. Jordan saw you as someone they always admired to be. Which made them realise that everyone has their own silent battles going on and that they should be kinder even if it is to a stranger. Even if it is towards you. “I know what you’re thinking. ‘How could you do this? Your life is perfect!’” Perfect came out of your mouth like it was a bad tasting pasta. “I never thought that.”
“You’re lying. I know you do.” You couldn’t stop the tears from falling again and Jordan rushed over to sit beside you on the floor. The haribo wrapper was crushed in your fist as you tried to hold the tears back. It all came rushing out like word vomit, “You were my friend. You were the first person I connected with on campus. I came to this school with high hopes, but I didn’t come here thinking I was going to make an enemy out of someone I admire so much.
“You had no idea how much I looked up to you. How much I wanted to be apart of something I knew you were going to be apart of someday. You had it all. And I just wanted to be…I wanted us to be a paired equal,” you took a second to breathe which made Jordan cut in. “You didn’t use the past tense in admire…does that mean…”
“You fucking asshole. That’s your take away? How much I admired you?” Jordan stuttered a bit before answering you.
“No, that’s not. Fuck. No, I’m sorry. I mean. I admire you too and you don’t even realise.” That confused you. Jordan Li, ranking at number two on the charts, admires you? Someone who could never outmatch an opponent like Jordan admires you? And don’t even get me started on the fact that admire is in present tense, not past. “I’ve always thought you one of a kind. Someone my parents would love more than their own child. Granted I have other siblings, but they don’t count. You’re another Supe with incredibly unique powers. I couldn’t imagine going against someone like you.”
“So what’s with all the animosity for the past three years, Jordan?”
“I thought you hated me.”
“I didn’t! I thought you hated me!” You exclaimed into the otherwise quiet room. It was baffling to find out that it was just a case of fucking miscommunication. And come to think of it, there wasn’t a significant event that happened between the two of you to cause such strife in your friendship. Jordan realised she needed to make amends. “Well, I didn’t. At least not all the time. And what I said earlier, it was uncalled for. It’s never your fault, I hope you know that.”
You nodded, “I know, but you were right. I probably would’ve just whined about it when I could’ve just said no.”
“No, don’t do that. You were intoxicated, barely in your right mind. It’s all his fault. Not yours,” you felt her hand slide into yours as she said this, squeezing it gently those wide brown eyes wouldn’t leave you for a second. “Can I also ask…”
“It’s something I’ve always done. Even before I came to God U. Growing up in a household like mine you find other ways to make yourself forget the on going torment from your parents,” you whispered, squeezing her hand back. You leaned over placing your head on her shoulder and she automatically wrapped her arm around you to pull you closer. “I’m sorry for not being there,” Jordan whispered, as if they said it any louder it would ruin the quiet moment the both of you have going on. “I’m sorry for not being there, either.”
“Promise me something?”
You nodded in agreement, “We will always have each other no matter what, who or when. I don’t want you to be a stranger again.”
“I promise.”
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
No Girls?
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Media The Maze Runner : Death Cure
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Smutty / Flirty
Concept A Glade with No Girls
Smut: Sexy Discussions / Sexual Language / Semi Nudity
I sat watching the ocean shift and change with each of its little waves, the ship to the side being worked on relentlessly by anyone with enough skill to do so. I sat repairing various clothes and tent flaps that had been dropped off to me a skill I'd always used and honestly enjoyed something about sitting down with a needle and some thread was so very calming indeed. But I wasn't alone I had newt beside me one of the group A boys who had gotten cosy with Vince I got along with most of them but newt especially we had a comfort with each other I suppose he had a day off from his usual work welding and cutting metal work on the ship a task Vince trained him in as his steady hand was well suited for it. But today he was resting his ankle up sitting with me as I worked. 
"Why didn't you try a big ladder?'
"We did. Couldn't build one big enough."
"What about like scaffolding?'
"Y/n I don't know how else to explain this to you the walls were too big to do that." 
"Did you try a big stick?" I asked and he glared at me "do like a pole vault" 
"Your really just not getting how big these walls are"
"No if it's a wall it can be scaled." 
"Okay so if you could get to the top then what?"
"Walk along the top."
"That doesn't connect. And moves every night"
"Fine. Still sounds dull"
"Says the girl who lived in a shopping centre with a bunch of cranks for two years"
"I wore stylish pre apocalypse fashion, ate so many fancy candies and slept on a whole bed of teddy bears. My life was awesome" 
"Sure sounds like it" he laughed
"So how many girls again?'
"Ooohh bet you boys fought over her. Or what she just one of those free love types who'd let all of you straight boys at her"
"No, she was only in the glade a week so"
"How long were you in there?'
"Three years"
"And you had one girl for a week?'
"I'm surprised she got out the box without being drowned"
"...by what?" 
"A river of goo"
He glared at me again "we didn't all immediately jizz ourselves when we saw a girl"
"Really? Cause I think sixty boys in a large maze together for three years would be pretty hyped for a girl. Except the gay guys they probably didn't care all that much. Bisexuals hyped over threewaY possibilities. Asexuals wouldn't really care either" I explained
"I mean Thomas may have jizzed himself but that's because she's his girlfriend"
"Ohh. But you really spent three years with nothing but big smelly boys?"
"Yeah, and it wasn't that bad we had showers"
"Yeah I know what boys are like you showered once in a month if your lucky"
"...true." he sighed 
"Didn't you have buckets too?'
"Yeah for klunk" 
"Did you have laundry?'
'not really. Just brush it off if it gets dirt on it"
"Ugggh I get why the one girl lasted a week she probably couldn't stand the smell, sweaty smell unwashed teenage boys who don't wash their laundry and have shit buckets, all allowed to fester and go all sour"
"Okay now you say it… we probably were disgusting" 
"You shower more now right?"
"Every other day, I would everyday but the showers aren't that private…" 
"Awwww you shy newt?" I giggled
"Shy? Don't want people seeing my dick? Whatever you wanna call it" 
"But really no girls?"
"No girls."
"Awwww poor newtie spent all the formative teen time without anything to imagine" 
"I can imagine. I have an imagination"
"But you spent all that time without comparison. From when you where a tiny baby boy to now big strong boy" I smiled leaning on his shoulder 
"It wasn't that bad"
"What did you use to do? At night?"
"Newt, you were trapped in their from what 13 onwards. Your really going to try and tell me you didn't.. you know after lights out" 
"Did you?'
"Constantly I was bored. It helps me sleep"
"Do you… still?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Just… curious" he blushed "no, I uhh never really had time, or the privacy"
"Awwwwww poor newtie." I giggled hugging him tightly and immediately I noticed "hi"
"Be careful with that I only just repaired those pants newt" I warned him going back to my sewing as he turned bright red "newt?'
"You ever seen boobs?"
"... How much boob?"
"How much have you seen?"
"I saw Teresa's in her shirt… and also a little down her shirt"
"Dirty boy"
"She was laying down it wasn't intentional!"
"That it?"
"That's it" 
"You ever touched a boob?"
"You ever seen ass?"
"I mean I've seen Minho. And fry. Infact most boys"
"I meant girls"
"Ever seen a? Lady area?"
"... would you want to?" I asked 
He went bright red stuttering a lot barely able to make eye contact with me "I mean uhhh well I uhh I guess I uhh what I mean is uhh kinda"
I chuckled and finished my last few stitches throwing my finished work in the basket "you're sweet newt" I smiled moving to stand In Front of him and I lifted my shirt long enough for him to look before dropping it back down and giving his cheek a kiss even if he was basically frozen with his eyes wide in place "see you later" I laughed taking my basket and headed back to camp 
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lakesbian · 15 days
Are there any spesific moments you wish to see be adapted/animated from worm? Do you think your's differ from most others?
i too am unfortunately not immune to the fact that worm is a Big Fucking Book and it's easy to forget or lose visuals that were striking in the moment but some ones i remember really wanting to see drawn in the moment:
THE OIL RIG. taylor literally turning into a bug and being furious with scion scanned like something that should be an iconic fandom visual to me the first time i was reading it, but i would also like to see the bit w/ sveta clinging to the metal rails & weld coaxing her onto him with the sky and sea and disaster as backdrop
this visual of alexandria:
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also from the echidna fight, when the part of the-thing-that's-still-getting-called-noelle that still looks like noelle is just entirely lopped off....and then regrows, but with her arms wrapped around and attached to her chest like a flesh straightjacket, and she sort of keels back and is tipped up at the sky. incredible visual and also i love it as an indicator of like. Ohh. It's been getting called noelle because it used to be noelle, but she's long gone now. reports are in: ship definitely not theseus's anymore
the part in arc 17 where krouse and to my memory jess find a pet bird in the house they've broken into bashing its head against its cage over and over again and they're like hm that can't be good
when the travelers are crawling across the now-horizontal apartment building with krouse carrying noelle on his back and the simurgh is like. Right there where they can see her. fanart of this please please please youre nothing
there is probably more i could think of if i pondered longer but alas i do have tasks. no idea how different or not they aren't from other people though
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lizz-crimson · 10 months
MK Characters Intro Banter With Monster Hunter Reader!
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In this scenario the Reader is a monster hunter from the Monster Hunter game franchise! I love, love, love MH, and I also love, love, love, MK! So why not bring them together!? Reader is gender neutral and is simply called 'hunter' in these.
Tags/warnings: Language, talk of violence (against people and animal-like monsters), Monster Hunter termanology and references, Reader is a funny monster hunting badass!
Characters: Liu Kang, Scorpion, Raiden, Johnny Cage.
Part 2 Part 3
Liu Kang
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You: "Y'know, I hunt dragons for a living."
Lui Kang: "Is that a threat, hunter?"
You: "Just a friendly heads up."
Liu Kang: "What are those blades made of?"
You: "My dual blades? These are made from the parts of Rathalos and Rathian I've hunted."
Liu Kang: "They are pulsing with both flame and poison..."
Liu Kang: "My dragon fire does not effect you nearly as much as others."
You: "These talismans aren't for show, Liu."
Liu Kang: "Let's see if I can't knock them off!"
You: "I'd love to see you get into a kick-off with a Seregios."
Liu Kang: "A Seregios? Another monster of yours?"
You: "Just imagine a golden parrot with knives for feathers. ...They also kick really hard."
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You: "Never thought I'd meet someone as angry as an Odogaron."
Scorpion: "My rage cannot ever be sated."
You: "I can't imagine how hard that is.."
Scorpion: "Have a taste of hellfire!"
You: "Please no, I've already hunted a Magnemalo today.. "
Scorpion: "I will prove a much bigger challenge."
You: "It feels odd fighting you."
Scorpion: "How so, hunter?"
You: "I only ever fight monsters. I feel I may go too hard on you."
Scorpion: "That longsword is impressive."
You: "Thanks! It's made from that Teostra you saw me hunting earlier!"
Scorpion: "You mean to tell me you successfully slayed that creature?!"
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Raiden: "What are these Elder Dragons you speak of?"
You: "They are the scientifically unexplainable monsters that roam my world. I have fought and slain many."
Raiden: "Impressive. We could use your skills in defending Earthrealm."
You: "A Zinogre would be a good companion for you, Raiden."
Raiden: "I have no interest in pets."
You: "Not even a dragon dog with natural thunder abilities?"
Raiden: "I must admit, you are hard to strike with my lightening."
You: "I had to get good at dodging thunder attacks when a Kirin went berserk back home."
Raiden: "Your world has made you versatile indeed."
You: "Raiden, help me test out my new weapon!"
Raiden: "Are you welding an axe or a sword and shield?"
You: "Both, baby!"
Johnny Cage
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Johnny Cage: "Damn, you take hits like a tank!"
You: "Armor and food, Johnny. Armor and food."
Johnny Cage: "What are those cats feeding you!?"
You: "Ready to face the music, Johnny?"
Johnny Cage: "Wait, you mean that's not a hammer?!"
You: "I'm gonna play the Ninja Mime theme while bludgeoning you to the pavement!"
You: "No Johnny, you cannot pet the monster I captured."
Johnny Cage: "Why not? It's just a big turkey!"
You: "A Kulu-Ya-Ku is stronger than it looks!"
Johnny Cage: "You beat that poor thing to death!"
You: "Unfortunately, that Pukei-Pukei became to aggressive near my village. I had no choice."
Johnny Cage: "Well pookie-pookie didn't know what hit her.."
Hope ya liked these! I keep saying I'm gonna post write stuff here but never do lol
Here's the monsters mentioned in these interactions for those curious! I put them in a lil collage in the order that they were mentioned!
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seat-safety-switch · 27 days
A lot of people know that I can't weld. For instance, all of my neighbours with functional hearing or a sense of smell can tell that I did a shit job on my exhaust. Admitting it is freeing, liberating even. And yet I still feel a deep sense of shame.
Sure, I'd done all the usual things that people recommend, short of actually doing what they recommend. Buying the cheapest imaginable welder off of AliExpress and using the worst possible wire. Spinning the dials at random as I turn piles of rusty steel into piles of rusty steel with a bunch of angrily-broken-off wire attached to them. Wearing a welding hood that mostly consists of a goalie mask with shoplifted Ray-Bans® hot glued to the eye holes. Still: crap welds.
I just didn't do it often enough. Practice makes perfect, they say. For the three or four times a year that I had to tack weld a major structural component of my car back together, it was good enough for me to weld, grind, paint. Those folks doing it every single day? No wonder they can competently hot-glue metal together: their boss is forcing them to get good. Which is when the penny dropped.
A buying spree ensued, where I got even shittier cars than usual. DSMs with half the body missing. A low-mileage, air-cooled, pampered Volkswagen Beetle that you can hear rusting like a roaring fire. A bridge support that the city says needs to be repaired to a safe standard. With this pile of garbage that needs to be welded, surely I will become competent at basic fabrication skills well before they fall apart and turn into more iron-rich dirt in my yard (the weeds love it.)
Don't count on it, though. Home Depot keeps putting grinder discs on clearance in order to subsidize my incompetence, and their return policy on worn-out angle grinders is pretty decent, especially if you bring one in and use it to cut the anti-shoplifting cage to pick up four or five more (that's all I can carry while running.) Trust me, you need the extras. They don't build them like they used to, you know. You'd think those lazy assholes would know how to stick metal together.
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