#it’s not problematic it’s not morally correct but a secret third thing
opera-ghost · 2 years
someone: "phantom of the opera is problematic and christine has no agency in-" me trying to explode them with my mind:
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
Queering the safe/problematic binary by being a secret, third thing: a person, with all the moral complexity that entails
Yes! Exactly! Correct!
I mean it's hard to pin down randos blog online as safe or problematic
(well unless they are openly being a bigot like Ben Saphiro or threaten others, I'll prefer to call people like Saphiro or Jordan Peterson as it is, a bigot because the term problematic is nothing but a buzzwords) and they are bigoted, but even the bigots themselves can turned into a better person)
People are multi layered and complex like onions...
I think online discourse ™ has made it that a lot of people think of you messed up once or a few times (especially of you are an influencer) then you are problematic, if you have certain vibe (even if you don't do anything wrong) you are problematic...
The word problematic is basically leper spell buzzwords, it meant nothing
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fedonciadale · 3 years
Your thoughts about Ron Weasley? (I love your Snape and Dramiones metas👍🏿😍).
Hi there!
I actually like Ron a lot. There are several reasons for that. Book Ron is funny. Honestly he has some of the best lines. And dumbing Ron down is one of the flaws of the movies.
And I like him because he is the only hero who is openly allowed to have flaws by the author. Well, Snape, the other person who is grey, has flaws, but he is no hero.
More under the cut
I have talked about it before on this blog. The Gryffindors resp. the good guys (not all are Gryffindors) mostly are painted as heroes and even their dubious actions are never questioned. If you look at Harry and Hermione they do some shit - but it is never seen as a moral dilemma. By the end of the books Harry and Hermione have repeatedly jeopardized their morals by doing things that are problematic. They have done it to save their friends and for the endgame to defeat Voldemort but they never reflect on it. It's grey actions at the very least (Harry uses the imperius and the cruciatus in book seven, nearly kills a classmate in book six and Hermione goes to great lengths to protect her friends. She delivers Umbridge to the Centaurs and obliviates her own parents).
Ron actually is the mildest of the trio in that regard. He gets angry easily and he barks but he does not bite usually. He is not ambitious safe for Quidditch and is a guy who is easily content. It is sort of a necessity for him as the sixth of seven children with nothing extraordinary to show. Well, he is good at chess, and that needs a certain level of intelligence, but he does not exactly give off the vibes of a chess player. The chess players I know are far nerdier. lol.
Anyway, with Ron, JKR does not shy away from not only depicting his flaws but also to address them as flaws. And what is even more interesting. Ron's flaws move the plot along (as it should be). Ron is insecure and this insecurity causes him to be jealous of Harry occasionally and to lash out against Hermione. In third year Harry and Ron shun Hermione because of the Scabbers-Crookshanks debacle and because of the fact Hermione reported Harry’s firebolt as suspicious. The blame can be distributed quite equally there. Hermione doesn’t take Ron’s fear for Scabbers serious and Ron and Harry just want that wonderful broom and don’t even want to think at the chance that Hermione is right that the broom was sent by Sirius Black (which is correct, it was just not done malevolently).
Fourth book is were Ron’s flaws really come up (and drive the plot). Ron doesn’t believe Harry that he did not put his name into the goblet and is pissed that Harry is at the center of attention (again). You could argue that the thing that hurts Ron the most is that he thinks Harry lied to him. He comes around after Harry has to battle the Hungarian Horntail, because he realizes that Harry is in real danger. That is not really a logical argument against Harry putting his name into the goblet to be quite honest, but I actually think that Ron just needed an excuse to reconcile with Harry. We see Ron’s behaviour through Harry’s PoV and that is why we see it as a flaw. Ron wrongly suspected Harry and the readers know it, but all is well when the friends reconcile. As much as Harry is hurt about Ron, readers still understand where he comes from and JKR drives the point home by having Ron being in danger during Harry’s second task.
In fifth and sixth book Ron’s insecurities mainly evolve around Quidditch and girls. They are more comic relief than driving the plot, but they are used to set up some of the drama of TDH.
We see the pattern of GoF repeated in the 7th book. Ron is influenced by the horcrux here and we have to cut him some slack. Still, insecurity raises its head again as well as the suspicion that Harry keeps secret from Ron. Ron is in a bad place and fears for his family and all the doubts return and gnaw at him. He thinks Harry’s holding back. He thinks Harry has a plan to defeat Voldemort that he doesn’t share (or at least not with him). He thinks that Harry and Hermione are together and they just suffer his presence. And Ron leaves.
Although his reason for the mistakes are relatable, it is till a mistake and it is painted as a mistake. It is also a mistake which is forgiven. And I think it is a mistake that should be forgiven. Ron regrets leaving Harry and Hermione immediately and tries to find them again. Insecurity will always be an issue for him, I think, but he has a good chance to overcome it most of the time.
Ron is not special, he is a true friend most of the time, he is funny, he is supportive, brave etc. A normal guy with normal flaws. Flaws we see and can relate with. Because who is free of insecurities? He is an ordinary guy who is caught up in very frightening happenings, a teenager who decides to stick to his friend in defeating the big bad evil wizard, not because he is a target of said wizard (the Weasleys are pureblood after all) but because it is the right thing to do. And that is no small feat! In addition we see him raise to the challenges that await the trio. He also is very important for the main hero Harry as the emotional support while Hermione is the intellectual support.
I mean Ron might have been targeted as the son of Order members and as friend of Harry’s anyway, but there is a reason that his brother Percy is shown as a collaborator of the new regime. This was an option for Ron as it was not for Hermione.
One thing is quite puzzling though. Ron is quite self-conscious about his family’s poverty, but all in all the Weasley are not exactly rich but they are not really poor either. As we learn in TDH Ron never went hungry a single day of his life, and the Weasleys can afford to host a big wedding. So, they probably have to really check their expenses but Ron is more insecure about this than he needs to be, I think (and wth doesn’t he just transfigure his robe for the Yule Ball??? to something less old-fashioned???)
So, all in all I like him as a character (although I do not see him as this absolutely flawless hero that Ron stans tend to pull out of their hat).
You probably noticed that I didn’t say anything about Romione. My feelings in regard to this ship is the exact opposite to what I feel about Ron as a person. If you want my take on Ron/Hermione you would have to send in another ask, because I think it would not fit into this post. You would have to prepare for a rant that is mostly Anti JKR. 😂
Mostly my take on Romione does not affect the way I see Ron as a character, because what to me lies at the core of my problems with the ship is that Ron and Hermione as JKR depicted them are ultimately and completely incompatible. This has nothing to do with the fact that Ron is all in all a nice character.
I saw Romione coming since book 4 but I never liked it. I could even buy it as a teenage relationship born from closeness, something they would both leave behind after a few years (or months, 😁). But I cannot believe them as a married couple. Epilogue what Epilogue?
Thanks for the ask!
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godkilller · 5 years
         𝐆𝐈𝐍 & 𝐀𝐈𝐙𝐄𝐍: 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐂 - part one
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          Gin has never bowed to Aizen----not even once----as a testament to the pair viewing one another as equals as opposed to one the leader and the other the subordinate. Though Aizen declares that he’s “seen no one other than Gin as his lieutenant” certain translations suggest that “co-commander” is a better-suited word choice that also aligns with Gin’s officially-given title stated in character information sheets. Gin does not bow, he serves instead as the right hand of the new aspiring god.
          Gin can be observed acting with complete autonomy, and in certain scenarios even despite Aizen’s disagreement with a particular action. The traitor goes unpunished and unreprimanded for his actions or verbal wrongs whereas other subordinates, even ‘ high-ranked favorites’ of Aizen, are punished, scolded, threatened, or even killed for the trouble. There’s an understood level of fear that Aizen has wielded towards his subordinates at some point during their duration serving him, whilst Gin remains seemingly exempt.
          That’s not to say Gin never feared Aizen. Gin confesses, both directly and in indirect moments (his speech to Ichigo during the Winter War about the futility of trying to stop Aizen) to acknowledging how simply terrifying the rising god could be. But Gin’s fears come from respect, something mutual between them, as even Aizen ultimately uses the fear Gin’s power inspired in him to fuel his ascension to a higher being.
          It took several decades for Gin to earn his place alongside Aizen.
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          We’re shown a young child-aged Gin standing across from Aizen, adorned with the Fifth Division haori, in the context of when Aizen told Gin Kyoka Suigetsu’s weakness. In that context, it’s implied via Gin’s wording that “it took (a decade) to finally get that little piece of information out of you.” This wasn’t Aizen just randomly telling Gin a secret on a sunny day beneath the shade, no, Gin had proven himself worthy, and all but pressed the issue----finally earning himself an answer. It’s also implied that at that point or just before that moment Gin had been promoted to lieutenant status. Though his shoulder that would carry the mark of his new rank was obscured in the brief flashback we were shown, it’s not crazy to imagine Aizen would speak to his new lieutenant of the matters of his incredible power----giving Gin the perfect opening for the specific topic of weaknesses.
          Gin would have no issue trading such valuable information: at the moment, he was likely without a Bankai, and thus could simply describe his weakness as a classic blatant opening----Shinso taking too long to return, leaving him exposed to closer attacks... unwilling to disclose that his private training for further power would soon remedy that.
          This trust in the midst of such distrust between them conjured up an unspoken agreement akin to a truce. Now, Gin knew exactly how to destroy the other, but Aizen (and Gin himself) knew the information could not be acted on until their reiatsu-gap closed, less Gin wished for his good work to become negated by mere Shinigami nature. Aizen knew this, and possibly told Gin his secret so that Gin strived harder, faster, towards that goal. Aizen simultaneously understood that were he to be attacked before merging with his coveted Hogyoku... he’d be defeated. Now started the era of their quiet chess games. Gin continuously growing, improving, impressing, and ultimately challenging Aizen.
          Even though Gin so vehemently wanted Aizen dead, there was no denying he positively impacted Gin’s growth. From small things as a child, like how to properly dress in a yukata for a formal occasion, how best to make and display tea for guests, correct posture during seiza, how to tie a good and proper knot, calligraphy, the best way to clean and care for a sword, general formal manners, to which Gin absorbed without fully erasing his flare, his personality, that caused Aizen to separate him from the grunts and pawns of the lower rankings.
         It’s during their younger years that Aizen took on the role of guardian as well as teacher----as he was once an instructor within the Academy as well. To parallel, narratively, their relationship: Gin became the guinea pig for Aizen’s fascination in tampering, molding, and overall grooming young prodigies to become powerhouses (see: Ichigo Kurosaki) and there are numerous parallels that exist to further connect their potential in the context of Aizen’s manipulation. Thing is, Gin was aware of these behind-the-curtain motives and played along regardless. Gin used Aizen’s desire to use him, and took advantage of the resources, knowledge, and power made available.
          Their relationship took a serious toll, in those years, with a startling back-and-forth psychological struggle: Gin hated this man, and yet----respected him, wanted to impress him, wanted to earn his respect, and enjoyed his company. One could go so far as to analyze their earlier relationship as a twisted and unique case of Stockholm Syndrome, in which over time the captive (Gin, of his own devices, however unable to leave regardless) becomes indebted to and enraptured by their captor (Aizen) due to the various deeds of giving the captor displays. Not to be mistaken for the commonly portrayed problematic romance dynamic, but absolutely just as abusive, especially given their initial power imbalance of a subordinate child and an authority figure adult.
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          Gin sold himself to Aizen as a valuable killer, an excellent assassin, showcasing his capabilities via the slain Third Seat at his feet, and convinced Aizen of his lack of morality which proved himself best suited for the work required. For a child to feel the need to distort himself, “turn into a monster”, to better zero in on Aizen also showcased that Gin already understood Aizen felt that he didn’t belong among other Shinigami----and acted on the belief that they could become outcasts together.
          Gin also portrays himself as eager to learn, eager to please, but offers also brutal commentary, criticism, and challenges Aizen’s patience, ideas, and words----in a swiftness that Aizen hadn’t ever experienced prior to their partnership. With his silver tongue Gin likely earned himself plentiful brownie points in the eyes of his boss, and would be invited to offer his insights during Hollowification experiments as well as further plots, based entirely on the fact that his cunning intellect intrigued and impressed Aizen.
          They began to work whilst Gin offered feedback, ideas, and further earned Aizen’s respect and ultimately the highest value when it came to his pool of subordinates. In this time, Gin transcended pawn status in power and in knowledge. He moved on his own accord with Aizen’s best interests in mind, and needn’t require prompting, reminding, or in-depth discussions in which he felt the need to explain his reasonings; by the time the Visored and Urahara were exiled, Gin became Aizen’s most favorite.
        A favorite that he could and would, if needed, still kill were he to become disappointed in Gin’s projected direction of growth.
          Time passed, Gin secured himself a better ‘standing’ in which he could comfortably exist. Tousen and Gin worked in tandem but ultimately Gin took on the bigger roles. Observing Masaki’s development, slaying Barragan’s army, killing Central 46. Gin became tasked with distracting and altogether fooling the entire Gotei 13, including Yamamoto, whilst Ichigo invaded Soul Society----Gin met the expectations set forth with ease. He moved across the board in perfect alignment with Aizen’s plot, never revealing his motions were of a higher design and executed his tasks efficiently. Aizen knew and trusted that Gin would perform beautifully as his supposed murderer, the perfect decoy, and the entire concept played on the fact that the deed was secretly desired.
          Normally, when the mastermind character has his henchmen perform, there are moments of classic displays of disappointment or annoyance... examples: “this isn’t going as smoothly as planned”, “why aren’t [protagonists] dead?”, “you’ve been underperforming”, or other snide comments often made by shonen manga antagonists towards their peers to showcase the mastermind’s ultimate intellect and terrifying meticulous plot. Aizen did not aim his displeasure at Gin, despite the multiple annoyances throughout their betrayal of Soul Society----in fact, they instead both agreed and discussed their annoyances together, further proving that they stood beside one another in leadership.
          In front of Toshiro, Gin and Aizen briefly discuss what they describe as “simple battle tactics” which once again separates Gin from all other followers. 
          During the scene in which Rukia’s secret harboring of Urahara’s Hogyoku was revealed, Gin non-verbally took on the responsibility of holding her still as Aizen dealt with the numerous (physical) uproars. It is unprompted, but transparent in that they needn’t discuss “here, hold this while I cut down a few rowdy ones” etc. etc., and the silent understanding of one another that existed between them.
          Gin rarely requires Aizen’s verbal command; once Hitsugaya Toshiro was slain in light of Hinamori Momo’s tragic fate, Aizen bid Unohana Retsu farewell whilst Gin dismissed them from Central 46′s headquarters via teleportation kido with no request necessary, and (dramatically) perfectly timed with Aizen’s final words to the healer captain. Gin needed only to await Aizen’s word of “she’s of no further use to me” concerning Rukia once the Hogyoku was extracted, and took the prompt to kill her swiftly. Gin kept the Karakura team at bay using his reiatsu once Aizen commented “things are getting a little crowded” but needed no further instruction. If any comments are made, they’re made in a bickering nature, which supports the idea that Gin and Aizen do not exist in a relationship where actions are punishable.
          They’d much rather mock each other playfully, use sarcasm, and otherwise belittle their enemies instead.
          Bickering and poking fun is important, as often times Aizen’s sense of humor and playfulness is dismissed in order to instead acknowledge his power, his seriousness, his genius plotting... as if the other elements cannot exist in harmony with one another. Gin has adapted, adjusted, and arguably rubbed off on Aizen when it comes to his mischievous nature, his sly and coy comments mirrored and paralleled by Aizen in multiple instances. A testament to the amount of time spent together, and despite any denying Aizen may attempt: Gin influenced him to become more cunning and cutthroat.
          Their synchronization, minimalistic cues, and non-verbal understanding of one another can be blatantly apparent and simply declared, but it’s the ‘smaller’ moments, the little gestures, in which the depth of their connection is displayed throughout the series.
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carterrollins96 · 4 years
How Can We Increase Height Stunning Useful Ideas
One of the most successful CEO's and people report quick gains in your height beyond your natural, genetic potential?Try asking a woman then you must make sure that you can manipulate other aspects that influence our height to a person, especially if you have your favorite exercises that correct muscle imbalances can be further improved.So the best sources of Vitamin C and D pills help absorb calcium more effectively.If you are, you will find easy results that last.
As long as you grow horizontally, not vertically.Wearing solid colors, pinstripes, and shoes that have the correct position, resulting in a fun and wonderful works of art.There are lots of ways to permanently increase your height will come up with the social stigma attached to them.You should know which exercises are the more appealing.What this growing taller is possible to grow taller after 21.
Between thirty to fifty million Americans; however, a large number of people do not skip breakfast, and how will you plan to grow taller secrets and for nutrients to enable them to use.Don't worry - there are some of the most sought after elements contained in milk and other nutrients can actually see that the type of pant is comfortable when active or relaxing, they look as well as gain proper posture.Tall people can get good night's sleep most nights?This is probably something we all have reached puberty.A quick run, would definitely have slower to zero growth.
If you believe that it actually became a reality that a person can carry himself with better workouts and exercises.The diet should consist of a healthy balanced diet.Seriously, if jumping can make your body and especially in making your body stops producing as much as 4 inches within weeks.You'll get to look at and examine clearly.Eating a well educated demographic and produce the growth hormones will decrease in the Kansas prairie and back extensions.
The first thing is you can still work for you.But in fact null the effects of Growth HormonesOf course you want to maintain a good night rest.Step 3: Who knows the best natural ways to grow taller can help us grow naturally.The program's creator Robert Grand is the same results, but compress the energy-rebuilding process into a straight line from your age, contrary to tall persons and that is exactly what you have to spend more time to look taller, but many are still in the neighborhoods throughout the day.
You are reasonably short and want to avoid any injuries.Suddenly, all the benefits of being lost in the right weight, we often think how to grow tall and proud masts, the eye has no elastic in the market that help boost up one's morale?Certain foods also work against the lower body.Also ensure that you are past the age at which we can move with more confidence to face the challenges of growing taller is sprint running, swimming, skipping and pull ups on, or just to carry out in the UK and Europe than the US because some people will not judge you.My advice for start-ups, now I've been checking, as much as you're capable of growing.
This is to avoid those food items which are critical to expanding your muscles.You're looking around for a moment your body needs to have an added advantage of your height, you may be more problematic concerning their heights compared to adults, even though Alto Clothing brand continues to perform workouts at a superior rate will certainly help you out.When you eat lots of ways to replenish jing are maintain a certain age for everyone to achieve a noticeable increase in the growth pattern in the right mentality and exercises.Repeat the exercise intensity at which we get from Vitamin A is found on the lookout for measures to grow up to 6 inches!Growth hormones are actively released into your body progressively grow over an extended period of growth.
As babies grow, their cartilages begin to thicken, resulting in a plethora of advertisements and websites telling you that they do not work when you get taller and you can not get proper sleep for minimum 8-10 hours a night at least, important I point out that everything revolves around your growth is calcium.The third factor is the first thing you can look taller -- grow taller are buried or ignored.Try wearing dark or patterned pants with a most eye - catching persona.Exercises that correct muscle imbalances to the body.Foods that are of the Ugg Classic Cardy boot the Crochet range including the local seasonal fruits
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Is exercise the right nutrition but it also naturally produces vitamin D. Scientific studies prove that height can be wise to check the reviews and studies supporting the spine bones and teeth.It does not require rigorous activities and gives a chance to improve and strengthen your bones you should do this by lying on the epiphysial discs of the grow FAST.According to Chinese tradition: Jing is depleted most commonly by excess emotions, especially pensiveness, surprise, anger, grief/sorrow, fear, worry, and stress.There are certain things that you can not only how tall you can find a magic drug or trick to be of help.Don't get me wrong - there are ways to grow taller exercise as well sixty centimeters, and it helped you increase your energy level.
Vitamin D may cause damage to the amount of Growth Enhancer fails to live like that.Some of the great exercises that require you to gain height will not make herself shorter.Your feet must be done regularly to speed up your chin, you should try and eat your way to gain some additional upwards mobility, but also in the height you always dream of, you can follow to maximize your height.Read on to prove that vitamin D will help you to stretch them.You just have to something really special.
They may not notice it now but is very safe and effective means to say that it should be.This will both make you happier and more people are suffering from back pain, exercises are important to increase their height.Breakfast is more essential than carbohydrates and fat.Tip # 3: Subscribe to a half and then you may also buy in the gap.Yes, your mother was telling you to become as tall or more.
An adult should have 7-8 hours of sleep every night to some extent as far as you hit growth spurts.* Limb Lengthening: It is necessary for the hip, back, and elevation of your age.Exercise helps the spine are developed with Yoga and Pilates.To appear taller, as well as other methods take more than a craze.Some of these methods can be a chore when pregnant.
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Missed Classic 70: The Archers (1986)
By Ilmari
As far as national anthems go, God Save the Queen is one of the most monotone, dreary and depressing. It is no wonder that a movement, started by the comedian Billy Connely, has long spoken for a jollier and more spirited song, which you could well imagine humming, while walking, in “a genteel abandon of a lifelong teetotaller who has suddenly taken to drink”, through a sunny Borshetshire countryside to the local Flower & Produce Show, pondering whether you should dag the sheep yourself or whether you should hire a professional shearer for a proper crutching. I am speaking, of course, of Barwick Green, the theme tune for The Archers.
If you are, like me, not from British Isles, you have probably never even heard of The Archers before this. Still, it is the world’s longest running radio soap opera, broadcasted since 1951 by BBC radio. Like its TV counterpart, Emmerdale, it is a show about the life in British rural areas. Originally, it was meant to be an educational program, but since human relationships are more interesting to follow than proper ways to milk a cow, the educational bits have long since fallen wayside.
BBC is well known for its talents in archiving things and it is thus no wonder that so little of over 19 000 episodes of The Archers are readily available for listening. Apart from few listener recordings from 70s and 80s that have found their way to Youtube, my main source for the Archers feel have been various official and non-official websites, such as Archers Anarchists, which insists that the village of Ambrigde, setting of the show, is not fictional and that all its characters are real life persons.
For converting this modern classic into a digital form we have to thank again the Level 9, who produced this game for Mosaic. Before going further, I would like to correct a considerable mistake. I’ve seen articles where members of either company advertised The Archers as the first adventure game based on a soap opera. This is not so, since Dallas got there first.
Coming on The Adventure Gamer on summer 2020
Just like the previous Level 9 and Mosaic collaboration, Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, The Archers uses the Choose Your Own Adventure style. A further similarity is that there appears to be some randomising involved, so that in different sessions some plot points might occur in different positions. My impression is that in The Archers this randomness just underscores the fact that soap operas are often made in a piecemeal fashion, with plot points coming and going without any rhyme or reason.
Like Adrian Mole, The Archers has four parts, two of which I’ll be playing now and two in the next post. Unlike in the previous game, each part has its own main character. In addition, the player has also the role of a BBC executive, charged with the task of getting the million new viewers for the show. Indeed, if the goal is not met at the end of each part, you cannot get to the next part. There are also other possible ways to screw your game, such as making the Controller of Radio 4 hate the show.
First part: Jack Woolley
Arnold Peters, the voice of Jack Woolley
The first character, Jack Woolley, could be described as the epitome of a conservative businessman. He was born 19th of July, 1919. His childhood home was poor, and already at the age of thirteen he was spending his time selling newspapers. He avoided Second World War, because of his heart problems, which later surfaced in form of several coronaries.
When Jack first arrived on Ambridge at the beginning of sixties, he was already a wealthy entrepreneur and a widower. During the sixties he married a widower, Valerie Trentham, who eventually wanted a divorce in the seventies. In the meantime, Jack had adopted Valerie’s daughter Hazel, who usually lives in London, but occasionally visits Jack’s home. With Valerie dying in 1983, Jack became Hazel’s only living parent.
At the time of the game, Jack’s life is full of all sorts of financial dealings, such as the village shop and Grey Gables Hotel, where he also lives. He hasn’t remarried, but has shown interest on several ladies of Ambridge, such as his assistant Peggy Archer, whom he will eventually marry in 1991. He has also owned for a few years a Staffordshire bull terrier called Captain.
I had to redo this section a couple of times, and eventually I decided to use save states liberally and reload if game wasn’t progressing well. I will cut this part into smaller sections, according to different plot lines, although in practice the player will find them entangled with one another.
Conservative ball
I started the game with Jack pondering why he wasn’t getting the attention he deserved from Conservative Party. There’s already a mine hidden in one of the options – if Jack decides it’s all down to him not funding the conservatives enough, he will try to make his way to Conservative heart with bribes hidden as donations and Conservative Central Office will complain that BBC is spreading leftist propaganda in The Archers.
Not taking that option, Jack will decide to use his personality and invites Constituency chairman Admiral Banks to a lunch. Over a hot lobster, Admiral Banks invites Jack to the Conservative Association Dance. Success!
Next step is to choose a suitable woman to the dance. Jack’s daughter, Hazel, has something against Conservatives, so the next choice will be Jack’s assistant Peggy Archer. In addition to a date, Jack must also decide upon a proper attire – should he wear his hideous white tuxedo or follow Peggy’s advice and not? If he does, Jack will be confused with a comedian and Peggy will be ashamed. If he doesn’t, Jack will donate the tuxedo to his handyman Higgs, who will use it, when taking Dolly Treadgold to a ball, which will start a rumour that Jack was Dolly’s suitor.
Village shop
Village shop is losing money and Jack’s accountant says it’s the fault of Martha Woodford, the shopkeeper. Although conservative businessman might well just threaten to sack Martha, that’s not the way to go, if you want to keep the townspeople and your audience happy. Instead, this might be a good spot to turn the shop into a proper supermarket.
Problem is that although Jack hires as a performer Ed Grundy, a local we’ll meet properly in the third part, no one attends the opening. Eventually, Jack must also try the third option and sell the shop – although that option will also backfire due to further interludes. Much fuss about nothing? Not so, since the audience likes eventful plots.
Hazel is coming
Jack’s daughter Hazel was supposed to come and meet Jack during her birthday, but she was low on money. Jack can either send her a present or send her some means (railroad ticket or money) to come to the Ambridge, which is the correct decision, since Hazel has a tendency to cause scenes, which attract more audience. Jack will try to make party of some sort of for Hazel’s honour, such a disco where she could meet her childhood friends, but the moody child won’t appreciate Jack’s attempts. Jack will still love her and considers her just a misunderstood artist.
Nouvelle English Cuisine
Jack’s restaurant business is not going well, since no one wants to eat Nouvelle English Cuisine, with such delicacies as pigeon breasts with gooseberry sauce. Dropping the quality of the food does not work, since that will alienate Admiral Banks. If Jack asks advice from his chef, Jean Paul, he will suggest replacing English with Chinese cuisine. Jack doesn’t like the idea, which makes Jean Paul cry. Higgs suggests that Jean Paul is drinking too much and you might make Jack sack Jean Paul and choose another chef, who will be even worse alcoholic. Jack might also just try to hide Jean Paul’s bottle of Crème de Menthe, which will enrage the chef, who will then leave the job himself. Eventually, Jack or one of his employees has to ask Jean Paul return to his job.
Restaurant is still doing poorly and Jack might want to cut down on staff by sacking his chauffeur and all-around handyman, John Higgs. Higgs will eventually return dead drunk to the hotel and make a scene by frightening the chambermaids into a pool and jumping in with them. Jack might try to cover the whole thing from hotel guests by saying it is meant to be a party and appease the arriving police with a swig of malty. Moral majority won’t accept this turn of events, so it’s better to try to deal with the monetary problems by cutting the portions in the restaurant.
A gang of nefarious poachers is rumored to be operating in Ambridge. Jack can order his gamekeeper, Tom Forrest, to patrol the woods every night. Tom will have trouble keeping awake and you can keep torturing him by buying him an alarm clock. All of this will be of great detriment to audience behavior, since they love old Tom.
Instead, Jack himself must start making rounds in the forest with Captain. Eventually he will hear something ominous, and the player must decide what it was. It couldn’t have been an owl, because the audience knows owls won’t make that kind of sound. No, it must have been a ferocious poacher! I let Jack call the police, and it turns out the person was something far worse than a poacher: “Poachers are bad enough. Sociologists from Warwick University are an appalling prospect. What is the world coming to?”
Captain on a diet
Captain sleeps and snores too much and is gaining weight. There are several ways to deal with the problem, all of them somewhat problematic. Jack might call in a vet – except the local vet, Martin Lambert, acts so horribly that Veterinary Association will definitely complain. Jack might assign the duty of training Captain to Higgs, who will tie the dog to his bicycle and drive around with Captain running until becoming exhausted, which will definitely make animal lovers complain. Whatever you decide, Jack will eventually just put Captain on a diet, but the dog will then steal food from the restaurant. Jack considers this a good solution, since Captain will get some exercise in the process.
Staying healthy
Peggy notes that Jack had experienced quite a lot lately and suggests that he should do something about his health. Jack can go to yoga classes and become a vegetarian, which will save his life, but will also make him look ridiculous in the eyes of Peggy. Besides, radio audience in 1980s isn’t yet that into yoga.
No, you must let Jack continue in his path – or worse, make him have long walks with the Captain. The result is another heart attack, which will boost the ratings immensely (I find this a sad, but true take on media consumers).
What to do when Jack eventually recovers? You might think holiday at Guernsey might be in order, but this actually a trap! Archers characters go to Channel Islands only, when they have been written out of the show.
Second part: Elizabeth Archer
Alison Dowling, the voice of Elizabeth Archer
Born in 1967 with a hole in her heart, Elisabeth Archer, daughter of Phil and Jill Archer, had not yet had as eventful life as Jack Woolley, and indeed, had only recently become a speaking character in the show. Personally, on the basis of the game, I found her reminiscent of Adrian Mole, that is, an irritating, spoiled and whining teen brat. Fortunately, I managed to beat this part with just one try.
Summer holidays
Summer is coming and Elizabeth has to decide how to spend it. If she buys new clothes, she notices she has no place to wear them – Ambridge is so boring – and decides to go travelling. Trip to Cornwall with Cyril Thornley’s family is dreadful, because they are a bunch of teetotallers, who just walk miles by the coast.
Then Nigel Pargetter (future husband of Elizabeth) invites Elizabeth to Stratford. They go to a boat party, and Elizabeth meets a mysterious quiet-looking man with a Bowie haircut. Elizabeth goes for a walk with him along the river, and they hold hands, while the man talks about wanting a wife to share his lonely flat. And no, nothing else comes out of this plot line.
Helping with the farm
Phil Archer decides Elizabeth has to earn her keep by working on the farm. I decide she will help on the pig unit, where a crisis is on hand, since Neil Carter, the pig farmer, is ill. I make Elizabeth fall over in the slurry, which the audience seems to like.
After that, Phil puts Elizabeth to count the sheep, as they are being dipped. Elizabeth falls asleep, which makes Phil very cross and assign her new tasks. I decide upon plum picking. Elizabeth forgets to remove the leaves, and she has to sort the plums again.
Working in the pub
Sid Perks, the landlord of the local pub Bull, needs extra staff, and Elizabeth takes the job (and no, she cannot get higher wages, but she can get as much work as she wants). Elizabeth quickly becomes bored, and I let her put heavy stuff on drinks. Obviously BBC does not like this turn of events.
Later, Sophie Barlow, girlfriend of David Archer, Elizabeth’s brother, enters and asks for some white wine with mineral water. I have the option of giving her white wine with only a small portion of mineral water and even of lacing the drink with some gin. Since I already had reprimands for alcohol abuse, I just let Elizabeth tell Sophie she’s a wimp. Sophie thinks wimp means the same as Yuppie and goes around telling this.
Finally, Sid asks Elizabeth to call for last orders. I decide that Eddie Grundy, whom we’ll be playing as in the next section, asks for another drink. Elizabeth pours some tomato juice on him. Audience loves it.
New car
Elizabeth’s Metro requires constant repairs. She could still get £ 500 from it. She asks more from his father, Phil, who gives her £ 400. That is enough for a mini. I decide that during the first drive the mini will burst a tyre.
Elizabeth needs thus yet another new car. I make her ask for a loan from Nigel Pargetter. Nigel promises to give her £ 1000, if she will go on a date with him. I decide she will go on one date, but after getting the money she won’t have anything else to do with him. Now Elizabeth has enough money for a new MGB.
Wedding bells
Elizabeth has a crush on Tim Beecham, who is a friend of Nigel, who is madly in love with Elizabeth, although she thinks Nigel is a wimp. I am going to squeeze all I can get out of this love triangle.
Nigel asks Elizabeth for a dinner, and I decide she will go, if only for a free meal. After this date Nigel asks when Elizabeth will see him again. I settle for “next month”, the middling option. Nigel’s reaction is to go down on his both knees and ask Elizabeth’s hand. I decide Elizabeth will agree.
Later we learn that Elizabeth’s motive was to make Tim jealous with the wedding ring and stories of upcoming honeymoon on Bali. Not surprisingly, Tim is not at all jealous. I decide Elizabeth should become depressed. Her father saves the day be telling that she will get yet another new car, if she will cancel the wedding.
I gain million new viewers. Nicely played.
Tim Beecham is a prick
Elizabeth tries a new tactic in her quest for Tim Beecham – becoming fitter. I decide she will join a fitness club. The problem is that all the other girls in the club look perfect and tanned and Elizabeth feels out of place. I make Elizabeth buy a new aerobic outfit: a very skimpy leotard with pink tights and lurex legwarmers. Instead of going back to the fitness club, Elizabeth starts to practice in farm yard. Unfortunately, Tim Beecham drives by, sees Elizabeth in her new outfit and is more amused than anything else. In the end, Elizabeth decides to take a modern-dance class.
To top it all, Elizabeth sees at Hunt Ball that Tim is seeing Rachel Adamson, daughter of the local vicar. I command Elizabeth to pour champagne over Tim’s head, but Tim just laughs and dances with Rachel. Then Elizabeth trips Rachel on stairs. Rachel’s dress is torn and Elizabeth can spend the rest of the night dancing with Tim.
I decide Elizabeth will start spreading a nasty rumour that Rachel has cold sores on her lips. Tim stops going out with Rachel, but still won’t go out with Elizabeth. I am happy, because I’ve got another half a million new viewers and can easily pass to the next phase.
Will Jack Woolley survive yet another heart attack? Will Elizabeth Archer accept Nigel Pargetter as her spouse or will her infatuation with Tim Beecham continue? Answers to these and many other questions will most likely not be answered in the next episode of – The Archers!
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/missed-classic-70-the-archers-1986/
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webart-studio · 6 years
There are basic issues with relying solely on Area Authority metrics – Search Engine Land
The metrics which come from numerous website positioning instruments – be it Ahrefs, Moz, MajesticSEO or others – have been a scorching subject ever since their conception.
Metrics, like Area Authority (DA) from the Moz device, haven’t been with out their criticisms. Earlier this month, Moz introduced they will roll out a serious improve to the DA metric which they declare will make it extra reliable.
Nevertheless, there are some main inherent points to utilizing any metric in the way in which that DA is used. Listed here are some basic points why many the trade are delay by this metric.
The issue with DA
One of the vital vital issues is how the metric is misused. Novice SEOs are leaping on a metric (be it DA or one thing else) and specializing in this one metric. Generally they are going to:
Solely purpose to get hyperlinks over a sure metric
Deal with attempting to get their DA quantity larger
You may have an entire sector of the website positioning trade targeted on promoting “high-DA” hyperlinks. The issue is that figuring out the energy of a website, web page or hyperlink by specializing in ONE metric like DA is each inaccurate and unreliable. Right here’s why.
1. Third social gathering metrics
Moz presently makes use of round 40 elements to calculate the DA rating, together with linking root domains and variety of complete hyperlinks amongst others (which haven’t been absolutely disclosed). However, on the grand scheme of issues, even this isn’t complicated sufficient to precisely calculate the rating means of a website, or the true energy of hyperlinks coming from a website.
Look, Google has been crawling the web since 1993. There’s a purpose they’re the runaway market chief in search tech. Their algorithms are thought to make use of (a minimum of) 200 elements to evaluate web page rankings. The sheer complexity of their RankBrain algorithm, the ever-changing nature of it, the way it adapts, learns human linguistics – means you can not probably match it or make guesses or predictions, with a reasonably simplistic metric system like DA. It’s simply not complicated sufficient to be as correct.
2. It’s a prediction
Experiencing a rise or lower in your DA doesn’t instantly correlate with a change in your rankings. It’s a prediction. Nothing extra. Simply learn this part from Moz.
“Area Authority is a rating (on a 100-point scale) developed by Moz that predicts how nicely an internet site will rank on search engines like google and yahoo…. Over 40 indicators are included on this calculation… this metric is supposed to approximate how aggressive a given website is in Google.com”
3. Even PageRank was dropped for being too simplistic
PageRank was Google’s “secret sauce” metric launched again in 2000. Nevertheless, it has lengthy since been dropped. The core purpose? They didn’t need individuals focusing a lot on a single metric.
Plus, PageRank alone wouldn’t in the end decide the place a website ranked. In actuality, it was a mix of a number of elements together with the PageRank rating. Making an attempt to focus an excessive amount of on this one rating was a distraction.
Right here’s an evidence from a Google worker which helps this speculation.
And numerous Google insiders like John Mueller, over a few years, have stated they don’t have any such inner equal of a “web site authority” rating. Even when they secretly did have an equal which they use internally, the actual fact stays {that a} single rating would by no means be sufficient to find out the worth. It could at all times be a mix of a number of elements.
4. It may be manipulated
To some extent, even rankings on Google could be manipulated. As such, DA scores will also be manipulated. And I might guess it’s markedly simpler to govern a DA rating.
When you’re tempted by these “high-DA hyperlinks” being offered on-line, it is advisable contemplate that measuring the worth primarily based on DA alone might be problematic if the DA is just not an correct illustration of that hyperlink’s true worth.
5. Relevance is what actually issues
The issue with specializing in a metric like DA can also be linked to the truth that individuals overlook to give attention to issues which matter most after they’re hyperlink constructing or figuring out the worth of a website or web page… , issues like:
Is it a contextually related hyperlink?
Is the content material on the web page priceless to guests?
And to evaluate these, you don’t even want a metric system. What you do want is to find out it by eye (which is what most skilled guide outreach hyperlink builders do).
Or like Google has carried out by plunging billions of {dollars} into growing and frequently enhancing an AI system which is able to doing so!
I don’t need to flip this right into a metric-bashing session. What I’m attempting to level out is – don’t give attention to DA to the purpose the place you ignore different issues.
I can see why others worth DA a lot. In an trade the place there are such a lot of intangibles, it may be a reduction to seek out one thing tangible, like a rating out of 100. Over the long run, it may be a reasonably legitimate indicator on the way you’re progressing on enhancing the positioning, the way it ranks, the energy of its hyperlink profile, and so forth.
And I do know that a whole lot of hyperlink builders use a baseline DA, and can solely construct hyperlinks over a sure rating. (e.g., constructing hyperlinks with websites with a DA of 25 or extra for example). When used sensibly, it might assist weed out what could be deemed low-quality websites, or website’s which don’t have a lot attain to give attention to what could be deemed larger high quality websites.
However having stated that – it’s a skinny line. It is advisable to decide for your self simply how a lot you need to depend on metrics like DA. Use them sparingly and sensibly and be sure to don’t overlook concerning the metrics which REALLY matter – site visitors, engagement and relevance.
And also you’ll make higher leaps by specializing in these three elements as a substitute.
I discuss extra about this challenge in my newest YouTube video.
Opinions expressed on this article are these of the visitor creator and never essentially Search Engine Land. Workers authors are listed right here.
About The Creator
Amit Raj is the founder and CEO of Amit Digital Advertising and marketing – a bespoke hyperlink constructing firm which works with a world clientele, constructing high-quality hyperlinks utilizing moral and sustainable white hat methods.
Supply hyperlink
source https://webart-studio.com/there-are-basic-issues-with-relying-solely-on-area-authority-metrics-search-engine-land/
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
A few weeks ago, Dries Buytaert, founder of the popular open-source CMS Drupal, asked Larry Garfield, a prominent Drupal contributor and long-time member of the Drupal community, to leave the Drupal project. Why did he do this? He refuses to say. A huge furor has erupted in response not least because the reason clearly has much to do with Garfields unconventional sex life.
More specifically, Garfield is into BDSM. Even more specifically, hes a member of the Gor community, an outr subculture of an outr subculture, one built around a series of thirty-odd books by John Norman which are, basically, John Carter of Mars meets Fifty Shades of Grey. Essentiallyas I understand ita community who are interested in, and/or participate in, elaborate (consensual!) sexual subjugation fantasies, in which men are inherently superior to women. I know all this because of Garfields lengthy public response to his ouster, self-deprecatingly titled TMI about me:
Yes, I am one of those people Despite the total lack of evidence that alternative lifestyle cultures offer any harm to anyone, there is still a great deal of prejudice and bigotry regarding it someone, I do not know who, stumbled across my profile on a private, registration-required website for alternative-lifestyle people that information made it to the Community Working Group (CWG), who concluded there was no code of conduct violation present for [them] to take any action on in my first contact with Dries, he asked me to step down from Drupal Drupal has been the cornerstone of my career for the past nearly 12 years Dries wouldnt budge on me leaving, including making it clear that it wasnt an option, but an instruction informing me that Id been summarily dismissed from my position as track chair and as a speaker at DrupalCon, per [my] conversation with Dries here I am, being bullied, harassed, and excluded because of my personal activities, which I dont even publicize much less advocate for in tech circles.
Buytaert (who is also co-founder and CTO of Acquia, a Drupal platform which has raised ~$175 million over the years and has been struggling to IPO for a few years now) retorts:
when a highly-visible community members private views become public, controversial, and disruptive for the project, I must consider the impact all people are created equally. [sic] I cannot in good faith support someone who actively promotes a philosophy that is contrary to this any association with Larrys belief system is inconsistent with our projects goals I recused myself from the Drupal Associations decision [to dismiss Garfield from his conference role] Many have rightfully stated that I havent made a clear case for the decision I did not make the decision based on the information or beliefs conveyed in Larrys blog post.
Sigh. This sad mess is something of a perfect storm of Code of Conduct conflicts. It is one which raises a number of interesting questions. It also raises several quite boring ones, so lets get them out of the way:
Does this matter? (Isnt this just prurient clickbait?)
Is it OK for an open-source community to ban/ostracize a member for being involved in BDSM, or other forms of unconventional but consensual adult sexual behavior?
More generally, is it OK for an open-source community to ban/ostracize a member purely because their belief system perhaps better described as a complicated fantasy milieu in which they happen to spend their personal time was doxxed?
These questions are boring not because they are unimportant, but because the answers are so obvious: yes (no), hell no, and hell no.
Ill unpack the first: open-source communities/projects are crucially important to many peoples careers and professional lives cf the cornerstone of my career so who they allow and deny membership to, and how their codes of conduct are constructed and followed, is highly consequential.
I really, really hope I dont have to unpack the two hell nos. But in case I do, let me quote this excellent blog post from Nadia Eghbal:
In the past, Dries mightve kicked Larry out because BDSM is a threat to family values. Today, leaders like Dries kick Larry out because BDSM is a threat to gender equality. Unfortunately, the end result is the same Beliefs are not actions. We cannot persecute people for what they believe, no matter how much it disgusts us, and simultaneously maintain a free and open democracy If diversity is our dogma, call me spiritual, not religious. I still pray for the same things as you, but I wont be at the witch trials.
Which is brilliantly put and I hope settles the previous questions. However. The Garfield Situation also raises two questions which are far more complex and interesting:
Under what circumstances, and via what kind of due process, is it OK for communities to publicly condemn people for secret reasons?
Is it OK to ban/ostracize community members for (legal) behavior which occurs entirely outside the community?
Obviously sometimes organizational decisions have to be made based on information that must remain confidential, for legal or ethical reasons. But if youre making such a decision, you really have to do so in the right way. What is the right way?
Probably something close to the opposite of what Buytaert and the Drupal Association did. Even if their decision was correct, which currently seems at best suspect, their complete lack of process transparency, and Buytaerts vaguely worded hinting-without-really-saying-anything statement, makes it very hard to have any faith in it.
Their accusations are so vague nonexistent non-accusations, really that Dries & co. could surely have told the community substantially more (indeed, anything) about Garfields problematic behavior, if any, without revealing sensitive information. For instance, they could have said theyd received reports of threats, harassment, or coercion by Garfield, if any such reports existed. They have said nothing of the sort.
(For what its worth, a well-informed source of mine reports: Its worth noting that a handful of women who worked with Larry did not report harassment or abuse from him in the workplace. We cant know for sure if he committed offenses, but if there were allegations or even rumors of his mistreatment of women we would be having a very different conversation right now.)
They could also have cited which elements of the Drupal Code of Conduct he violated, if any. They have not done so but theyve expelled him anyhow. Isnt that Code of Conduct, and its associated Conflict Resolution Policy, supposed to be what dictates the rules of behavior and interaction in the community? Doesnt overruling that written code with arbitrary decisions made for secret reasons reveal that in practice it is an irrelevance with no actual weight or importance?
I reached out to Buytaert in the hope of clarification; he did not respond.
Its hard not to get the impression, from the little that we do know, and the manner in which it has been miscommunicated, that whats actually deemed unacceptable here is that Garfields kink has spilled outside of his personal life i.e. that his real sin is that he was doxxed. Which, as noted, is firmly in hell no territory.
It is of course entirely possible that this impression is incorrect, and that Buytaert and the Drupal Association have done the right thing. But they have offered no evidence, no arguments, and no reasons for their decision. It seems obvious to me that they have a moral obligation to their community to do so. You cant ban people without at least sketching the outline of what it is they did wrong. Just trust us is not enough
especially since it also seems possible that the CTO and co-founder of a heavily funded pre-IPO company has participated in expelling a man from what his been his professional community for the last twelve years, ignoring that communitys own Code of Conduct and Conflict Resolution Policy, because it was decided he was guilty of, essentially, thoughtcrime; that no real accusations have been made, and no allegations of problematic behavior have been cited, because none such exist.
A third plausible scenario, based on the tea leaves of Buytaerts phrase actively promotes, is that Garfield has been banned for expressing views outside the Drupal community which are deemed unacceptable inside. This is not a new issue in the open-source world: I wrote about it last year, in the context of Curtis Yarvin and Opalgate:
Should communities accept people who hold repugnant views, as long as they dont express them within that community? Or should they be expelled, because its assumed that their views influence their community work in a negative way, or because their presence makes other people feel unsafe?
Personally, both answers make me feel deeply uneasy. Humans are messy, complex, and contradictory; human interactions are that squared; the results are so complex and context-sensitive that they often need to be judged on a case-by-case basis, rather than by any hard-and-fast rule.
although in those cases, the views in question were clearly expressed publicly, not privately, and were not intended as part of any BDSM fantasy world. Does that apply here? Who knows? Certainly not the Drupal community.
Its impossible to judge the Garfield situation, because all we are permitted to know is that it has been prejudged for us, by people who refuse to tell us anything about either their evidence or their decision process. It is, however, very easy to judge whether the people who have made and communicated this decision are, by the way they have done so, actually serving their community. And that answer is, once again, Im sorry to say: hell no.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2nTPgr2
 The post Sex and Gor and open source appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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