#it’s really just to get that feeling on them since the archon quest isn’t over yet
midnight-pluto · 4 months
PRIDE — genshin impact
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various!genshin characters who I believe are queer and my headcanons for the them!
char: ayaka, lisa, kaveh, neuvilette, wanderer/scaramouche, zhongli
a/n: pls keep in mind that my headcanons for these characters may not always translate to my fics as they are for everybody and i try to stick to the canon as much as possible
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bi-curious with she/they/it pronouns
she definitely gets flustered around specifically pretty women shopkeepers and does her best to compliment them in anyway without stuttering
although she isn’t still quite sure if she likes boys in that kind of way; they had a crush on thoma for a couple of months when he first became the kamisato’s retainer
shocked the public when appearing on a float during inazumas pride parade, and it took a lot of convincing from both her brother and thoma that it would be perfectly fine for her to appear in the festival
u cannot tell me that the two lesbians running the city wouldn’t throw a pride fest U CANT
gay; any pronouns
…do i really have to elaborate?
well, he was a closeted gay for most of his life until his later years at the akademiya so that was something he went through
didn’t have his first kiss until he was in his 20’s too but i don’t really think that matters
pansexual who goes by she/her pronouns!
she never necessarily “found out” she liked everyone she just kinda knew and assumed it was the same for everybody else
but soon came to the realization that it was not the case by leisurely making a comment how she found everyone attractive in their own way at the akademiya
also found out that the akademiya wasn’t necessarily discriminatory, just haters of everything remotely romantic
was jean’s first kiss
i’m sorry i feel so strongly about this
am i projecting because im also ace? maybe
might be in the greysexual area or demisexual but they haven’t dug to deep into that yet as he still has other things to do for fontaine before themselves </3
triple A battery over here: asexual, aromantic, agender and any pronouns (so maybe quadruple A then?)
wanderer is a puppet who can feel human emotion, but i don’t believe they have that kind of desire of romantic affection — yes he had the desire to be a god, but that was because that was his original purpose. not because of human greed for more
back to the puppet thing, puppets don’t have organs. so quite literally, scara has no gender
god i can write an essay about him
gender-fluid, demiromantic and omnisexual with he/they pronouns
i think there was something about him taking the form of an old lady back in the archon quest? but i could just be remembering wrong and my gender-fluid headcanon could have no real basis 😭
but yea, he’s lived a long life so it’s most definitely going to take a while for him to fall in love with anybody
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a/n: this has been in my drafts since — i kid u not, — november.
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i am not joking.
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heaven-s-black-box · 5 months
When I Woke Up- Nahida & fem!Reader
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Recovery date: April 16th, 2024
Description: Hello I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I wanted to request an idea I just got that's based on the Sumeru archon quest, okay so what if the reader, who posses a vision, has dreams with Nahida ever since she was a child until she became a teenager, they'd play and do all kinds of things together in a beautiful flower field and the reader even started to view Nahida as a younger sister despite Nahida being hundreds of years older, but one day when the reader just became a teenager Nahida tells the reader what was happening with the sages and how she was basically imprisoned on the Sanctuary of Surasthana, just as the traveler and Paimon arrive in Sumeru, which infuriates the reader especially since she couldn't stand the sage's arrogance especially since she was friends with a lot of people in Sumeru including Nilou and it would take almost everything in her power to not lose her temper.
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contributions. Reader's like, 19 here, and I image people get their akasha terminals at 8. Anyways, Reader isn't really hot headed like the request kind of implied, she's more just impulsive. Also this ended up being super long. Finally, it starts in first person but 90% of this is third person.
Word count: 2 333
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When I woke up, I was riding in a flower carriage. There was a girl my age with white hair and skin as pale as moonlight. Her eyes were so green they looked like they were glowing. She told me her name was Nahida, I told her my name was Y/n. We talked for hours, and hours until I woke up.
When I woke up, I was riding in a flower carriage. Nahida looked the same, but I was taller now. She cupped my face and said she had to look up at me now. I braided her hair as we talked, and talked, until I woke up.
When I woke up, I was… Nahida was crying. She looked the same as ever, but I could barely lay down in the flower carriage now. I cupped her face in my hands and brushed the tears off her cheeks.
“Why are you crying?”
“I-I want to meet you,” Nahida sobbed, holding onto my hands. “I want to meet you before…”
When I woke up, I was in my room, with a hydro vision clutched in my hand and tears soaking my pillow.
“Good morning Nilou,” Y/n beamed as she set a box down backstage.
“Good morning,” Nilou laughed.
The dancer was busy stretching while everyone else set up for the Sabzeruz Festival. Y/n sat down across from Nilou and began to join in on her stretches.
“You seem to be in a good mood today.”
“Ya well, I have a feeling I’ll get to meet a friend of mine soon,” Y/n hummed. Nilou finished stretching and helped her up. The two made their way to the edge of the stage and looked out over the Grand Bazaar.
“Your pen pal? Is she planning on visiting Sumeru soon?”
“Something like that…”
Nilou turned to Y/n, brows furrowed in confusion, when she finally saw it.
“You have a vision!” Nilou squealed, causing Y/n to break out into a wide grin.
“I know, isn’t it cool? And it’s hydro, like yours!”
The sound of the Bazaar doors opening caught both of their attention, and they turned to see Dunyarzad waving from the far end. Both girls waved back, and Y/n jumped down from the stage earning herself a scolding from some of the other stage hands while Nilou rushed down the stairs. Dunyarzad and Dehya introduced the two to Lumine and Paimon, travelers who were hoping to meet Lesser Lord Kusanali.
Y/n’s fingers tightened around her sleeve at the mention of the archon.
Meanwhile the mention of the Lesser Lord sent Nilou on an explanation about the Sabzeruz Festival. Nilou somehow ended up on a lament about the Padisarahs being different from the ones found in the time of the Goddess of Flowers.
“She dreams of being able to dance among ‘real’,” Y/n put air quotes around the word real, “Pardisarahs.”
“Don’t tell me you don’t wonder what they look like in comparison,” Nilou huffed.
I’ve seen them.
“Well, take a look around,” Nilou urges, “and be sure to come check out the Festival!”
“We will!” Paimon assures her before she and the Traveler wander off.
“Hey, Nilou?”
“I’m gonna take off for the day, if that’s okay. I promise I’ll come by extra early tomorrow to help with last minute setup, there’s just something I want to handle before tomorrow.”
Nilou frowned, and Y/n found herself silently praying for the girl’s unwavering trust to extend to this one request. The dancer knew how much the festival meant to Y/n, so for her to dip out of set up it must have been important.
“Alright,” Nilou sighed, clearly reluctant. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
Y/n pulled her friend into a tight hug.
“See you!”
Y/n quickly ascended the streets that wrapped around the massive tree. She kept an eye out for some kind of hidden path that led higher into the tree where she could barely see a building, the Sanctuary of Surasthana, but she ended up on the path to the Academia. As naturally as possible, she tried to look around the building to see if there was another path off to the side but found nothing.
Seeing as she wasn’t a scholar, she couldn’t very well waltz into the building so see if there was a door that let out closer to the building she was aiming for. She’d climb this damn tree if she had too, but even then she needed to get closer to the Sanctuary.
She watched a student enter the building with someone else, the student was explaining something about an old language and her companion was interjecting with information from a recent excavation-
Y/n runs back down the path towards Puspa cafe. It was around lunch time so hopefully he would be there.
Upon her arrival, she made a B-line for Enteka.
“Enteka, hey,” she greeted the acting manager.
“Oh, Y/n, want the usual?”
“Actually I’ll just take some candied Ajilenakh nuts to go please, I’m on a mission.”
“Of course,” she passed on the order. “So, what can I do for you?”
“Have you seen Cyno today?”
The woman frowned and looked pensive for a moment.
“No, it’s actually been a few days since I last saw him.”
“Damn,” Y/n sighed. “Thanks.”
Y/n headed up to the counter to grab her bag of candied nuts and pay before leaving. Munching on the nuts, she headed to the corps of thirty to ask around some more about the General Mahamatra.
The corps of thirty didn’t know anything, but they suggested checking in with Cyrus to see if he’d heard from him, so that’s where she went next. Of course no visit with Cyrus could be short as the man offered her some coffee and insisted she looked stressed. 
“Thank you Master Cyrus,” Y/n smiled as she stepped out of his house.
“Next time you come by, bring Cyno with you!”
“I will!”
Y/n sighed as soon as the door closed and looked out at the horizon. The sun was setting and she was no closer to finding Cyno to get into the Academia. A part of her hoped she could free Nahida and bring her to the festival tomorrow, it would only be right after all, but it seemed like that wouldn’t be happening.
She stopped walking suddenly, watching the ground carefully. A moment after her, the person behind her stopped walking; their shadow was almost completely melded with the growing darkness, and she’d only caught sight of them thanks to the street lights.
Taking a deep breath, she started walking a little faster. Her pursuer kept pace, staying at a slight distance.
Instead of heading to her home, Y/n redirected herself to Nilou’s– something her pursuer must have known, somehow, because suddenly she was pulled back and a hand was clamped over her mouth. Y/n thrashed about, trying to scream. In the back of her mind she recognized the sleeves of her captor, but before she could make a get away she felt a sharp pinch in her neck. After a few moments, her body felt heavy and everything went dark.
For the first time in her life, Y/n entered a dreamless sleep.
When she came to, she was restrained to a bed in what she guessed was the Academia. She opened her mouth to speak, but quickly bit her tongue as she considered the consequences of being awake. Not that anything would change, as a voice spoke up addressing her.
“One result, can ruin an entire experiment worth of data. Somehow, your dreams were never uploaded to the Akasha.”
A man with blue hair and a pointy black mask sat beside her. Y/n felt like he was watching her, but she could see his eyes. He was holding a clipboard with a page folded over like he was in the middle of looking it over.
“Eleven years… and those fools couldn’t tell they were completely missing someone. So tell me, how did you do it?”
He was definitely staring at her now.
“Who are you?”
“Answer the question.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
The corners of the man’s mouth turned down before he let out an exhausted sigh and got up.
“What business do you have with the General Mahamatra?”
“Why do you want to know?”
She could see the man flex his empty hand in annoyance as he looked over something on a nearby table. Y/n tried to wiggle her hands out of the restraints, to no avail. 
“I don’t have time for this,” the man snapped, storming out of the room.
The sudden outburst startled her, causing her to yank a little too hard on her restraints and hurt herself. As she whined in pain, two eremites came in, cautiously releasing her from her restraints to escort her away.
They started with her wrists. In the moment between her right wrist being freed and the erimite taking hold of her again, she jabbed the heel of her palm into his face. She hit his nose, stunning him, giving herself a chance to grab his scabbard which she swung at the other erimite.
Unfortunately, in the time it took her to turn back to the first erimite, the man had recovered and began wrestling her for his scabbard. He managed to take it back, and the other man stopped Y/n from hitting either of them.
It took a while, but they wrestled her into the confinement room in the Academia and left.
Night after dreamless night passed her by as she wandered around the cell. There was no obvious way to escape and her vision, which she hadn’t even used yet, had been confiscated upon her initial capture. Y/n had taken to meditating to try and make contact with Nahida since they must have been close to each other, but she had no luck.
Anxiety started to creep up in her mind. How long would she be kept here? Where had Cyno gone? Was Nilou worried about her? How long had she been here?
A sudden commotion outside cut through her spiral.
“Let us go!”  A familiar high pitched voice whined, accompanied by the sound of heels on the stone floor.
Y/n scrambled to her feet and stood in front of the door as it opened, and the blonde traveler and her floating companion were tossed it. They seemed surprised to see here, but the floating companion quickly turned around and started banging on the door.
“ Aargh, don’t lock us up! Let us out! Waah!”
“They’re probably gone by now,” Y/n sighed.
“Oh yeah, hehe… Paimon got a bit carried away there.” She floated up to the traveler. “How was Paimon’s acting just now? Great, huh?”
Lumine nodded. She opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself and seemed to consider her words for a moment.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’ve been here for ages. I was looking for a friend and then I got kidnapped, I’ve been here ever since. Apparently there was something about the Academia not collecting my dreams?”
Paimon and Lumine shared a conspiratory glance before filling Y/n in everything that had happened since her disappearance.
“I want to help.”
“Please, Nahida, she’s my friend. That’s… that’s what I was doing when I got captured. I mean it sounds stupid now, I woke up with a vision after she told me that the Sage’s had her trapped here, and my first thought was to break her out so she could see the Sabzeruz Festival.”
“Maybe that’s why the Akasha couldn’t collect your dreams,” Lumine mumbled. She seemed hesitant, but she agreed to let Y/n help. “We need to find the place with the best signal in the room to talk to Nahida. Any suggestions?”
“Um,” Y/n looked at the sky and turned around a few times as she tried to picture where she was, “over here is probably the closest to the Sanctuary,” she said as she walked over toa  corner.
“Eh, is this the right spot? Are you getting anything?”
“It’s faint, but… I have a signal.”
“Aah, please work.”
Paimona dn Y/n went silent as Lumine entered the realm of consciousness through the akasha. Once they were sure she was through, Paimon turned to Y/n.
“So, what was your plan?”
“I uh… I was looking for a friend to help me get into the Academia so I could try to find a way to get to the Sanctuary. Then I was sort of just going too… walk in.”
“No offense, but I think our plan is better,” Paimon said.
It was a better plan, and before Y/n knew it they were out of the confinement room. Once Dehya left, Y/n led Paimon and Lumine up to the Sanctuary of Surasthana. The three stopped at the door.
“I think you should go in first,” Lumine said, hand hovering just in front of the door.
“Wha-huh? But, this is your plan, you’re the ones saving her.”
“Paimon thinks Lumine is right. You’re her friend, you should be the first one she sees.”
Hesitantly, Y/n pushed open the door and led the three inside. She’d hoped to make it here on her own merit, but that didn’t matter. Not now, as she watched the glowing ball that served as Nahida’s cage disperse. Not as she watched her friend, her sister, float down to the ground.
“Nahida…” Paimon whispered, and Lumine nudged Y/n forward.
Y/n’s steps were slow as she approached the archon.
“Hello,” Nahida smiled, looking up at Y/n. “Should I say ‘it’s nice to meet you’?”
Y/n crouched down to the archon’s level, returning her sweet smile.
“I would say, it’s good to see you again,” Y/n laughed before pulling Nahida into a hug.
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empyrangel · 1 year
Holy shit I was just thinking about what would have happened in the Mondstadt archon quest if the traveler hadn’t been there since it was their ability to purify abyss corruption that made it possible to save Dvalin- I think I just created a new au!
So basically we know the knights didn’t have a lot of options during that time. They were trying not to use force against Dvalin since he’s one of the four winds, and also due to the pressure from the fatui who saw the Stormterror issue as an opportunity to force Mondstadt into an alliance like they had with the rest of Teyvat. The only other option for the knights was to do nothing and hope the situation resolved itself, that obviously wasn’t going to happen.
Meanwhile you had Venti. Many people like to claim that Venti didn’t do anything to help the Stormterror crisis until the very end, but in reality he was trying to help Dvalin since the very beginning when the traveler first saw him in the woods.
So after being made aware of the whole Stormterror problem, Venti summons Dvalin in the woods and sees him for the first time since 500 years ago when he was first poisoned. The traveler isn’t there to startle Dvalin away but it still doesn’t go very well because corrupted Dvalin doesn’t listen to Venti since his feelings of betrayal of not seeing Venti for centuries have been abused and amplified by the abyss order. Dvalin eventually storms off and Venti didn’t really make any progress with him, but at least he got to see him again.
Venti moves on to plan b like he did in the game and steals the holy lyre. Restoring the lyre’s anemo power in the game was done through using purified teardrop crystals, which was only possible through the traveler’s purification ability, but Venti’s the anemo archon I’m sure he could manage to infuse it with anemo on his own, especially back when he still had his gnosis.
So Venti takes the lyre to Starsnatch Cliff and tries to use it to calm and resonate with Dvalin like he used to. The scene plays out pretty much like it did in the game. Venti tries to show Dvalin that he’s here to help and see what he can do for him. The abyss mage appears and manipulates Dvalin into thinking that Venti is here to kill him. He lashes out then flys away as Venti looks out at his from fading into the distance, heartbroken at seeing his friend in such a state.
But this is where it gets interesting. This time Venti has no trump card after the lyre. He has no strange, starborn traveler from afar to help him cure Dvalin of his corruption. He’s running out of options and he’s getting desperate.
Venti can’t save Dvalin, but he can save Mondstadt. If he waits, the knights will have no choice but to slay him. Venti has to confront and seal away Dvalin the way Morax did with Azhdaha. But the thing is, when Azhdaha was sealed away the first time he wasn’t completely eroded yet and was voluntarily imprisoned, Dvalin on the other hand is completely corrupted, it seems there’s nothing left of him. Venti has to fight him. And so he fights Dvalin, trying desperately not to harm him and only weaken him. When Dvalin is down, Venti lays by his side, tears pouring from his eyes, frantically whispering pleas for Dvalin to forgive him. How he’s sorry that it came to this. How it’s his fault that Dvalin spent all those years alone and in pain and succumbed to the abyss order. And most of all he tells Dvalin how much he loves him. How special he’s been ever since he found Dvalin as a baby and raised him alongside his young nation. How even if Mondstadt turns it’s back on Dvalin, Venti’s image of him won’t waver. Even if the people’s memories of him fade over time, Venti will keep him present in his ballads, and he won’t give up on hoping that one day Dvalin can be saved, and the two of them can be reunited once more.
And with that, he places the seal, and severs Dvalin from his world indefinitely.
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deci-doodles · 10 months
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My designs for Childe’s older siblings (that I’ve finally managed to revisit after *checks notes* two years)
They all used to be super close (they’re the closest in age to each other after all), but then, well, abyss shenanigans happened, Ajax came back violent, he got sent to the Fatui, everyone was traumatised, etc.
Names can be found in the alt text, character intro notes below the cut
Tesey (Тесей Сергійович Нещадименко):
The eldest child, currently working as a textiles merchant, so he’s often overseas as a result (or at least, it’s the excuse he uses to be away from Morepesok). His feelings on Ajax are greatly conflicting and whilst he does feel a level of resentment to him he does ultimately still love him and misses what they used to have. His avoidance of Morepesok and his brother is out of guilt for his perceived failure as the eldest when Ajax disappeared, reappeared and the havoc and grief that ensued was something that was out of his control. He knows what he wants (to go back home, to reconcile with his brother, to better himself) and is trying to work on himself, but he has a tendency to resort to more self destructive means to cope (isolating himself, smoking, can come off as cold and rude when he’s off the clock).
He was in Liyue during the archon quest (tfw your baby brother tried to drown a nation) and ended up going to Sumeru for some time. But after receiving word back home of Ajax’s injuries following the Fontaine fiasco, he immediately started packing his bags and booked a ticket back to Morepesok…
Kirena (Кірена Сергіївна Нещадименко):
Second eldest child, currently doing her medical residency in Morepesok under the local doctor. A pretty no-nonsense individual who’s desperately trying to keep things together under her stoic image. She’s probably the most well adjusted out of the three since she’s come to terms with her feelings but she’s ultimately extremely upset with how everything turned out and felt the need to step up back home ever since Tesey left.
She’s the only sibling who’s still actively in communication with all the others so she knows that her brothers want to be better and she loves them dearly, but dammit if it isn’t driving her up the wall over how they keep dancing around their issues instead. And now that Ajax and everyone else is finally back home, it only really exacerbates that irritation as she tries so hard to keep everyone together and get them to finally talk for once, if not for her sake them for the rest of the family.
Illya (Ілля Сергійович Нещадименко):
Third eldest child, a hunter who’s also still in Morepesok. He’s quite jovial, extroverted and friendly to those he meets and is more than happy to bust out his domra (doesn’t mean you can just escape his gaze though), but it’s fairly obvious how his mood changes when Ajax is involved.
He doesn’t like to admit it because it makes him feel incredibly guilty, but he’s scared of Ajax ever since that final near-fatal brawl which landed him in the Fatui (Illya had tried to intervene as things got out of control, to protect Ajax and to protect people from him, only to be injured himself and knocked out cold with scars remaining to this day). Now that Ajax is back home, injured, he fees he can’t avoid him anymore and has to confront his issues (if only it were easier said than done).
As for his profession… he’s always had a desire to protect the people he cares about, so he intentionally goes after dangerous animals with his group. Maybe it’s a subconscious response to what happened that day, but he can be patient, and if he finds someone who’s a potential threat to Morepesok, he’s more than happy to play the waiting game.
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sunfudge · 11 months
I have to agree with your stance on the AQ. I almost fooled myself into thinking it wasn’t good when the reality was I thought it was amazing but having to see so much grief throughout the quest knocked me out (in a good way). From the first 10 minutes where it was completely reasonable to see Navia break down after staying strong in front of the victims of the sudden flood, and her final bittersweet goodbye to Silver and Melus - wow. I’ve seen people deal with grief and if anything Navia was so damn strong for keeping it together. I’d be bawling for days girl like huh. And if you think about it, with how Fontaine has a strong theme of deception (like everyone is hiding something about themselves), isn’t it refreshing to have Navia who is so incredibly genuine and earnest with her intentions and her want to help everyone? I love her a lot.
Then we were hit with the gradual masking of Furina?
Like - we almost had her open up but then it was revealed we were in the Opera house. This was made worse later on when the traveller saw her inner dialogue during that moment was “surely I’m allowed to put myself first for the first time in 400 years?”. As the human side of Focalor, Furina was absolutely outstanding and selfless. Ohhh my God and the way Furina thinks of her suffering as a kind of “price” or sacrifice to pay for saving Fontaine? Direct contrast to earlier dialogue about how Silver and Melus should not be seen as a mere prices?? FURINA YOU’VE DONE SO MUCH MY LOVE
As much as it pains me that we didn’t get to see her at the end of the AQ to check on her, I guess it makes sense? If you were performing for 400 years and you finally get a chance to crawl away from watchful eyes like you wanted, I think it’s reasonable to just. Want to go away for a bit. But God I really really wish her all the best with finally being allowed to live as herself and not as someone else.
There’s so much to talk about I can’t condense it all. Even small details like a random audience member saying “wait, the death sentence? Isn’t that too harsh? Her only sin was making us!” made my heart clench. Furina begging her people to believe her because she is terrified that they will drown since her facade has been the only thing keeping the flood at bay. AND she will blame herself for not doing enough. Neuvi going “after 500 years, you think I would have the heart to proclaim them as guilty?” Focalor’s goodbye to Furina being “you can now live as a human like I always wished we could.” OUGHHH
Anyway. Wow. I just,,, yeah. I really really liked the quest in all honesty. I needed a good cry and I got it. To each their own opinion, and everyone has a right to not like things in the game. But personally to me this was fantastic.
I'm so glad you sent me this because I'm about to totally lose it about the archon quest in this reply.
Below are further spoilers for the 4.2 archon quest
I totally agree with you on the grief thing, and upon reflection and sleeping on it I think the fact I did this quest all in one continuous sitting over the course of hours added to my previous mixed feelings, just because it was SO MUCH sadness in such a short space of time that it kinda made me associate the quest with feelings of sorrow.
Had I completed the archon quests in parts, having gone away and came back to it later, I feel I'd have handled it better, but I can't stop myself from doing archon quests in one sitting, it's in my DNA to complete them all at once LOL
Navia's bit at the start... Oh it had been about 20 minutes into me playing and I was crying buckets. Full on sobbing.
I play in English and when I tell you her voice actress had RENT DUE because her crying, her voice, everything just broke my heart I literally was like okay great it's not even been half an hour and I'm broken for her, what the fuck.
As soon as I saw Silver and Melus weren't with her I teared up cause I was like they're dead, aren't they? And then I just kept crying anytime they were brought up, and then when they saved her from the primordial sea :(
Navia is a very good character, I love her, she's so authentic and genuine and strong it's made me wanna pull with her purely to spoil her because it's what she deserves.
On to Furina, my heart has ACHED for her since we found out the truth.
I always loved her, and I always thought she did have some sort of plan ever since she reacted with such anger to Arlecchino's insinuation that she was ignoring the prophecy and doing nothing. It was raw real anger from Furina which of course we now understand. It contrasted so harshly with what the game was showing us her acting like, plus Neuvi saying that she is 'taking the prophecy very seriously', that made me go 'we do not know the whole truth', and I was right but FUCK it was in a way I'd never have been able to predict.
WHEN I REALIZED WE HAD TRANSPORTED HER TO THE OPERA HOUSE I STARTED CRYING AGAIN I wanted to wrap her in a blanket and protect her. I totally understand why the trial took place, from the perspective of the other characters there is an impending doomsday that will wipe out the entirety of Fontaine's population, from their perspective it made sense and was justified because they weren't hearing Furina's thoughts and thought crucial information pertaining to the prophecy was being withheld from them, both them and Furina had the shared goal of protecting Fontaine - but that didn't mean that whole section didn't hurt like Hell to complete.
She thought her world was falling apart, after so many years of dedicating herself entirely to this role in order to save her nation she thought it was ALL over and those 146848 scenes (WHICH btw when it changed to THAT number of scenes I was BAWLING, what a hard hitting way to show her continuous suffering in a way that's so impactful) were for nothing.
You know I didn't even realize the Silver and Melus/Furina price thing until you just said it, oh mannnnnnn this fucking archon quest.
It's sore, but you're right - showing her at the end of the quest and us speaking with her would not have made sense. Giving her space after that made the most sense narratively but it definitely also made me feel like we had no sort of closure on her wellbeing (I'm sure her story quest gives us some of that) so that also added to my pain at the end because I was like ... The last time I saw her she was walking through the city as those people yelled 'the prophecy was wrong', and I hope she knows that the prophecy was only 'wrong' BECAUSE of what she did. The prophecy was wrong because of YOU, my love
She deserves a happy and peaceful life doing all the things she loves from now on.
Also, I presume she's mortal now? I'm sure Focalors made the point of saying her existence was what increased Furina's lifespan so like - now she's a whole mortal human being...
There's so many thoughts that have come from this quest.
The Oceanid reveal was so good, like you said that NPC saying her sin was making them, and now believing she'll be sentenced to death for it... Oh god.
The begging, her saying 'believe me I AM your archon' the slow descent into her crying because she believes it's all over when in reality she was FINALLY at the end, the fact she never knew when the end was coming she didn't know this was meant to happen she wasn't aware this was finally the end of her pain
Oh Neuvillette declaring the citizens of Fontaine innocent is one of my favourite moments in the entire game now.
Having had time to process it, I agree, this is one of the best stories in the game and it was told incredibly well and the whole thing was so fucking emotional I felt like I got battered after I finished it.
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paintedscales · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 :: Day 3
Prompt :: You Pick! (Delight) Characters :: Nomin tal Kheeriin, Lorha Keipah Word Count :: 958
FFXIV Write 2023 Master List
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A plate of pink cubes of gelatinous sweets, powdered liberally with snow sugar, was placed on the table that Nomin found herself seated at that evening at the Carline Canopy. One of her current companions that had come with her to see to levequests, or various jobs and quests around the city that may have been asked of them, had brought them over after putting them together. Luckily, this companion of Nomin’s was a Keeper of the Moon miqo’te who went by the name of Lorha. Being with her was like having a social shield that prevented people from shooing Nomin away on more than one occasion while they traveled around Gridania.
“Um…what…what exactly are these, Lorha?” Nomin finally asked, staring at the sugared cubes before her. She reached out and grabbed one, feeling it give even under gentle pressure.
“Ala Mhigan delights!” Lorha happily chirped in response. She sat down in the empty chair next to Nomin while waving to a waiter. Once the waiter had arrived, Lorha asked for some tea to accompany their treats.
“Did you get these from Ala Mhigo?” Nomin squished the confection between her fingers a couple times. Part of her was simply mesmerized by how the treat gave and slightly returned to form -- more so was she taken by how the snow sugar separated with cracks. The patterns reminded her of lightning.
“Oh no! I made them myself, actually!” Lorha sounded proud of herself as she reached over and took one of the treats and bit half of it. Her ears had perked up, and her tail curled forward and around her. It seemed that she was enjoying herself well enough.
Lorha then peeked over at Nomin. She noticed the auri still pinching and squishing the cube between her fingers.
“Try one! You said you like sweets, didn’t you? You’ll surely enjoy these!” Lorha urged, popping the other half of the delight into her mouth.
Bringing the cube she held to her nose, Nomin tentatively sniffed the confection. There were fruity hints that she could discern, though there were also some scents there that confused her. The scents that befuddled her were scents she had not once encountered on the Steppe in the past. It made her only somewhat reluctant.
Taking a tiny bite of the corner of the cube, Nomin pushed the sugary substance around in her mouth, allowing it to coat her tongue.
Lemon -- she could taste that for sure. She could swear she also tasted orange, but was not quite sure since she had only sampled a few of them in Limsa Lominsa last time she was there. Everything else was just sweet with a hint of a floral aftertaste. It was delicious, though -- Nomin could certainly see just why the Ala Mhigans would call this a delight.
“It’s delicious!” Nomin said, not too aware how surprised she sounded as she took another bite.
“Isn’t it just?” Lorha grinned and took up another confection. “You know, the origin of the delight isn’t really well known. I don’t even know it.”
“Nothing in Sharlayan that told you?”
“No, unfortunately. Then again, food and how good it tastes isn’t as diligently studied as some may hope.” Lorha took a bite of her new confection before placing a finger to her chin as she slowly chewed and savored the flavor. In her moment of thoughtfulness, she asked: “tell me, have you ever heard of archon loaf?”
“Um…no? What is that exactly?” Nomin put the rest of the delight into her mouth as she awaited an answer.
“Well! I’m glad you asked!” Lorha smiled, but it was not a smile that Nomin found herself feeling as if she were in good company. Lorha had turned to her bag and pulled out a neatly wrapped loaf of bread. It was dark and looked kind of like rye that she saw at the markets at the Shaded Bower. It was sliced and ready to be taken slice-by-slice whenever Lorha deemed necessary, it seemed.
Taking up one of the slices, Lorha used her fingers to break it in half and offer one such half to Nomin. Of course, Nomin was a little uncertain. That smile Lorha had made her feel uncertain. But she tentatively took the half-slice.
It was dense, and the bread did not feel quite…’right’ in her hold. However, Nomin brought the slice to her nose and sniffed. What she smelled almost repelled her. There was a stink of the ocean to it mixed with the earthy, sweet, and bitter scents of a myriad of vegetables.
Nomin definitely did not wish to try it now. However, curiosity compelled her as she nibbled at it.
Almost immediately, Nomin turned and spat whatever she did get back out of her mouth. She scraped her tongue against her teeth, trying to rid herself of the taste before putting the bread down and lunging forward for the tray of delights to snatch up a new one.
“The hells is in that thing?” Nomin asked, stuffing the whole cube into her mouth this time and keeping it there to coat the inside of her mouth with something much more appealing to her sense of taste and smell. Meanwhile, Lorha had been giggling gleefully, all while eating her bit of archon loaf without so much as a grimace.
“Sharlayan scholars have decided this is the best solution to hunger while maintaining their studies -- especially in the fields where aether is so abundantly necessary. If you need a quick boost to replenish your aether, this is your ticket to it,” Lorha replied, not answering the question. “It’s got fish, veggies, flour…your more important food groups that are rich in aether.”
“Ith fial…” Nomin replied, shoving another delight in her mouth.
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kyogre-blue · 2 years
For totally smart and legitimate reasons, I have started a second Genshin account. 
This one is on Asia server, also for totally legitimate reasons. The ping fluctuates between about 140 and 200, though this hasn’t affected the gameplay experience much so far. 
To keep it within manageable scope and the spice things up, I have come up with a premise: tall men only. Lumine has decided to live it up while the cat her brother is away and is gathering herself a harem. Being a woman in her centuries (millennia?), she has no interest in little boys, whether they’re really teenagers, baby faced, or fake jailbait that’s actually immortal. Thus: tall men only. 
(To keep things simple, I’m also using Lumine herself, which covers the gaps in elements, and any trial characters. Since they invite themselves along, might as well put them to work. If things get annoying enough, I will “invite” some local party members out for a day to help with exploration too, but this is for the future. One additional note is that I’m only going to use the men after meeting them in the story, though this isn’t a particularly notable restriction.) 
Anyway, jokes aside, it’s very interesting seeing early Genshin again. 
It feels... really different, more than I had expected. 
In terms of exploration, Mond has a lot of chests just tucked away in corners, without any puzzle or red-ring enemy killing requirement. There’s definitely more expectation that you’ll go poking around every inch of the map, without any particularly obvious indications where to look. Compared to that, the recent maps are much denser in things to do, but they’re also kind of dumbed down? Most chests are highlighted by something glowing, or a seelie will lead you around, or something. It makes exploration quicker, but it also kind of makes it feel more... artificial? 
The bigger difference though is in terms of story. Because Mond story is subtly but really noticeably different on basically every level. I heard that rumor about a bunch of the writing staff leaving before Inazuma and now I really do feel like there might be credence to it. 
It’s hard to explain the differences precisely because it’s more in terms of style and tone. The style is much more willing to poke fun at itself (especially where Venti is concerned) and much snappier in general. The characters chat among themselves a lot more too and have very noticeable dynamics in a way that’s lacking in Inazuma and Sumeru. Both the archon quest and the story quests are much more character-focused. 
I do want to say that my first playthrough impression wasn’t wrong though. The snappier pacing also means that the story can feel rushed or truncated at times. This is more forgivable in the prologue, and I would like to think they would have gotten better at it if they’re continued with the same style but... yeah. 
It’s going to be very interesting to do Liyue next (I’m just going to do Xiangling’s quest before heading over) because I think it was also a big change from Mond in its focus and style, but I don’t recall it particularly well anymore. I’ll have to pay attention to it. 
One additional side note is how different it feels to play when you more or less take out the gacha. Without a particular need to grind for primos, there’s no reason to rush exploration or catch up on story. Yeah, I’ll miss Itto’s event, but so what? Yeah, I’m leaving behind a bunch of chests, but eh. It’s much more relaxed and feels like a pretty different experience on the whole. 
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serengeral-alaan · 1 year
A Brief Retrospective on the Seventh Astral Era storyline (2.1-2.55 MSQ), since I re-finished it recently
A brief retrospective on the Seventh Astral Era MSQ, which I will abbreviate as the SAE MSQ, not counting the CT quests and the Binding Coils quests:
If there’s maybe one thing that unites the FF14 playerbase, it’s that the MSQ between the end of 2.0 and the start of Heavensward is the weakest MSQ in the game, despite the strong ending to 2.55 that immediately sets up the start of the well-regarded 3.0 MSQ. Here, I think the SAE story suffers the opposite problem from 2.0: the characters are ok, but the plot structure causes a lot of misery.
As you’re going through the SAE MSQ, it’s very difficult to get a sense of where the story is going and what it’s building up to, and it’s a problem that persists for a while. Much like the 2.0 MSQ, the SAE MSQ sets up a lot of future conflicts but takes a very long time to pay them off. We further set up the Ala Mhigan refugee crisis, we set up events with the Doman refugees, we (very) slowly build a sense of unease with Alphinaud’s new venture in the form of the Crystal Braves, we further develop Ishgard’s conflict with Heretics and Dravanains, and we steadily delve deeper into who the Ascians are and how we can deal with them.
However, there are three main issues with SAE MSQ’s approach.
The first is that most of these conflicts do not feel as strongly emotionally tied to the characters. The Scions remain largely outsiders dealing with problems that they’ve inserted themselves into, and the initial band of Scions haven’t changed much since 2.0, meaning the issues with 2.0’s characters persist to a degree into the SAE MSQ. Maybe it’s just me, but in 2.0 and frankly until the Ul’dah banquet, Minfilia, Thancred, Y’shtola, Yda, Papalymo, and Urianger just aren’t all that compelling to me. As a result, the things they do and feel aren’t all that compelling to me, either.
There are some exceptions–the SAE MSQ writers did a great job making Moenbryda likable, memorable, and conveying how much the Scions (especially Minfilia and Urianger) love her and miss her when she’s killed, plus Alphinaud’s tale of hubris and Nanamo’s tale of tragedy more than pay off in the ending sequence. The latter two, however, don’t feel emotionally compelling until their shocking conclusions: whereas Moenbryda is cool and likable from practically the very start, Alphinaud and Nanamo’s conflicts seem kinda low key until the shocking and sudden twist their story arcs take at the infamous Ul’dah banquet. The rest of the conflicts in the SAE MSQ fare worse; while the plight of the Doman refugees is unfortunate, it’s hard to feel as emotionally distraught over yet another group of refugees whose names and faces we don’t really know (though us getting to directly help the Domans and work with them makes them pretty likable in the end). Meanwhile, running around stamping out Ramuh, Leviathan, and King Moogle Mog XIII are amusing spectacles at best, and they don’t provide much emotional catharsis upon their defeat, not even to the same extent as our first Primal victory (Ifrit), our reward for going through the Titan arc, and the shocking twist at the end of the Garuda arc.
The second problem is that we never really get an overall sense of where the story is going, because all the story arcs within the SAE MSQ feel almost unrelated to one another. By the middle of the 2.0 MSQ, you have a pretty good sense of who the main villains are (the Primals, Gaius van Baelsar, and Lahabrea), what they’re up to (domination of innocent Eorzeans, conquest of Eorzea, and revival of his dark god, respectively), and how to stop them (beat them up, beat him up via Operation Archon, beat him up once he stops teleporting around like an asshole). In SAE MSQ, however, there isn’t a strong unifying thread tying all the smaller story arcs together. While Teledji Adeledji is basically the main villain of the SAE MSQ and we somewhat quickly realize that he’s up to no good, we’re simply left with a vague feeling that he’s indeed up to no good until the infamous Ul’dah banquet suddenly unveils scheme. Since we can’t just beat up Teledji due to political constraints, and since the other political players in Eorzea are either too busy or too politically weak to do anything about Teledji other than glare at him suspiciously, we’re left adrift doing random tasks like beating up more Primals, helping refugees, rooting out Imperial spies, and beating up dragons for Ishgard until Teledji suddenly springs the trap. Thus, the emotional current running through the SAE MSQ isn’t wonder or grim determination like in 2.0, but instead a vague sense of confusion and aimlessness.
The above two issues combine to result in a general lack of narrative tension over the course of the SAE MSQ. There is a noticeable blip in the form of Moenbryda’s sad death and the fight against Nabriales, but beyond that, the emotional sense one gets from the SAE MSQ is low key until the infamous banquet scene. The characters don’t care as much about most of the events in the SAE MSQ, so WE don’t care as much about most of the events in the SAE MSQ; meanwhile, the lack of direction in the overall plot means it’s harder for us to feel excited about what might be coming next.
If the SAE MSQ were very short then that wouldn’t necessarily be a big problem–after all, we do need a cool-off period for the narrative tension after the excitement that was the Praetorium sequence. But…the SAE MSQ is not a short story. Which leads me to the third problem:
The above two problems persist for a very long time. The SAE MSQ represents almost two years’ worth of content. The sheer playtime length of the SAE MSQ is pretty substantial, and it can feel even longer if you do the CT quests and the Binding coils in the middle of the SAE MSQ on top of that. Yet throughout most of it, the story feels a lot like an aimless series of random tasks that we have to do while giving Teledji the stinkeye from time to time.
All of this combines to create the feeling that the SAE MSQ is most well known for: the feeling of being a long slog. Low narrative tension + long storytelling time = slog slog slog.
Like I said before, however, the characters introduced in the SAE MSQ are fine, and the SAE MSQ doesn’t really bungle any previously introduced characters, either. Aymeric and Julia are cool, Teledji is delightfully hateable, Ilberd is a fascinating character, and Alphinaud–as much of an annoying Redditor he is this early on in his character arc–is a far more interesting face of the Scions than Minfilia, plus he only gets better from here. The character-writing is solid, and forms a foundation that prevents the struggling SAE MSQ from being unplayable.
Next: onto 3.0 and Heavensward I go. Boy does it start strong.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
reader impact || first meeting
series masterlist characters: xiao, albedo genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: have i read a few genshin impact x game character reader stories and impulsively decided to make one too? maybe. you can't prove anything. i don't know if this will be a series but we'll see :D
xiao's playthrough -
xiao, named as alatus on his streaming platform, has made himself known as a gaming streamer with an awkward personality and blunt words.
he's the type of streamer who wouldn't have a set type of game and would, instead, play whatever his viewers recommended.
valorant? sure, he'll try it out.
hitman? why not?
animal crossing? it's a complete 180 from the other games, but sure.
when one of his viewers recommended genshin impact, he was quick to say yes and search for the game.
once the game finishes downloading, he quickly begins the game.
once the opening cutscene passes, he compliments the overall aesthetic of the game, pointing out the smaller details such as the footprints made by his character and the sound their clothes make when they move.
as always, his expressions are quite monotone to a point where it seems nothing draws his attention towards the game.
one of his mods, however, knows xiao well enough to where he knows which character he would like.
they convince xiao that the game is worth sticking with towards the second half of chapter 1, act 1.
he doesn't understand but he trusts his mods so he promises to continue.
it takes a few hours, especially because of the grinding, but a few streams later he's finally made it.
after fighting a one-sided argument with cloud retainer, he immediately begins his trek to the wangshu inn. and yes, trek, he enjoys walking/gliding through the world of teyvat rather than fast traveling everywhere.
he walks up the stairs to the top floor of the inn, resting his hands in his lap as the cutscene begins.
"to the blind, everything may not be as it appears..."
xiao is normally stoic during games, even ones with scenes made to fluster the player and catch them off guard.
but not this time.
once xiao's character is faced with yours, he just stops. his chat is spamming messages, asking if he's okay and if he's actually emoting for once.
he just stares at your character for a good five minutes.
and trust me, at least half of his viewers clipped that.
"... who are they?"
that was his only question after those minutes of silence. never before had he been attached to a character within the first few minutes of meeting them. his mind is racing and all he can think about is how amazing your character design is and how nice your voice is and how cool your character is and--
oh right, he's streaming right now...
anyway, the more your conversation goes on, the more he loves your character.
you're just so sassy and snappy but he loves you either way.
once you turn away with your back towards the camera, he just stares.
he stares at the intricate tattoo on your exposed arm and the mask hanging off of your belt.
and then you're gone.
his face drops so quickly and his viewers are very quick to point it out. he grimaces once paimon starts talking and he's very tempted to just speed through her dialogue.
he just wants to see you again.
once he hears from verr goldet that you've never smiled (at least around her), he immediately turns to the camera and says, "we better make them smile in this game."
once he finds out about your favorite food, he's already asking his viewers if he's able to get the recipe for it.
the next time he gets to talk to you, his face just lights up once he sees your character standing on the balcony.
however, once his characters tell you about rex lapis's death, his heart sinks when he hears how sad your voice becomes, even if your tone is still as harsh as before.
he gets all sad again when the quest ends and he has to wait to unlock the next archon quest.
he ends the game there and decides to spend the last few minutes talking to his viewers.
"i'll stream genshin again soon."
his viewers all know it's only because he met you.
albedo's playthrough -
albedo often does art streams and the occasional science-y stream.
if he does games, he mainly uses them to admire the art/mechanics of the gameplay.
genshin impact was one of those games he decided to play on his own solely because of the beautiful scenary.
(and the opportunity to draw more characters).
he's definitely the player that cares about elemental reactions above all else. pretty much every character he uses is built for elemental damage instead of physical.
most of his genshin streams are him walking around teyvat and pointing out the scenary.
he was definitely excited for the dragonspine event because that meant a better view of teyvat!
what he wasn't prepared for, however, was the reveal of a new character: you.
he isn't too into looking at the updates for genshin on his own, so he didn't find out about who you were until his stream asked about it.
he decided to react to the newest updates live since his chat seemed excited to hear his input.
once he pulled up the latest update details, he spent a few minutes talking about the new subzero mechanic.
but once he scrolled down to the characters... OH BOY
he's able to keep his composure but he definitely spends longer talking about you.
he almost gasped when he saw you were the chief alchemist of mondstadt.
combine that with the fact that you rely on elemental damage instead of physical...
your honor, he's fallen hard.
he'll put a countdown on stream to when your character and event drops, even on his non-genshin streams.
speaking of those streams, on the week just before your event, his streams will all be based around you and the information he's seen on you.
his art streams will consist of you and how he thinks your attacks will work just based on the description (he purposely avoided all pictures of your attacks for this stream).
his science-y streams would probably be based on your element.
once your event drops, that's the only thing he'll stream until it's over.
your assistant used to be his favorite character to play as but they just never clicked. it's not like he hates your assistant, it's just he didn't immediately fall in love with them.
his party definitely has your assistant in it, though.
he would have normally taken his time to look around dragonspine and admire the new scenery, but he couldn't help but speed through it until he finally gets to see you onscreen.
once the cutscene officially introduces you in front of a canvas, he's internally panicking.
you like art too?! and science?! how perfect can you be?!?!?!
he will genuinely feel bad when he scares the hilichurls because he knows that that's what you were sketching.
"who are you? why did you alarm them?"
even when you tell him you've finished sketching, he wants to make it up to you :((
if he were able to, he would've lured more hilichurls to let you sketch more.
some people in his chat would probably spam him to skip your dialogue because it's so wordy, but that's the exact reason why he listens to it all.
he likes listening to your character ramble on, especially because you have a soothing voice.
anytime your character does their idle animation where you give life to something, he will always let it play. even if your dialogue is finished before the animation, he would not progress until it's completed.
once your character asks for help, he would immediately agree before you finished your sentence.
man just wants to spend more time with you.
he likes staring at the tattoo on your neck whenever the camera is close to you. he just thinks it's really pretty on you.
once your other nonplayable assistant begins talking, he'll skip through the dialogue. he doesn't care if it goes more in depth into this world's alchemy, he just wants to hear it from you.
"hmm, looks like the potion's ready. i'll try a little first."
"please don't..."
he doesn't want you to try it just in case it hurts you :(
anytime he is allowed to walk freely with you around, he'd definitely put his traveler character next to you for a few minutes and just let you two stare at each other.
someone asks him why he spends a few minutes doodling on his desk when you talk.
he shows them the notebook that he had been writing notes in. it's filled with little doodles of you and some more information you give on the world of alchemy.
for future streams the involve you, he'd set up another camera to show the notes and doodles he's making about you.
sometimes he'll spend a few minutes on a single section where the camera is focused on you just to recreate the picture in the notebook.
he absolutely loves whoever planned out the camera angles because of how cute you look in every one of them.
he definitely gets a bad vibe from rosaria when she hints at the fact that you may be using alchemy against him.
he will defend you and alchemy to his grave!
that one scene where you create a flower in front of you is one he will always treasure.
he makes sure someone clipped that moment just so he can draw that, make it a print, and put it on his wall.
since most of his viewers most likely consist of artists, he will encourage them to draw you and send him fanart. he will put them all on a wall and dedicate every picture that goes there to you.
"if i one day lose control... destroy mondstadt... as well as everything around it..."
"will you be there to stop me?"
"wait... no."
if people were only listening to that portion, they would still be able to hear the pout on his face.
he'll end the game there but change his stream into an impromptu art stream.
he will only be drawing you in nice situations to distract himself from the fact that there is something going on with you.
"hm? what do you mean something's wrong with (name)? i have no idea what you're talking about."
poor boy's in denial...
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If SnK Characters Had Visions
tags: gn!reader, a genshin au, headcanons
a/n: a repost with some edits. 
pyro sword
ironically despite his love for freedom and things associated with it, eren’s inner fire would pairs better with the flames of pyro 
he’s the guy you were forced to team up with despite thinking he’s really sketchy (even if he also happens to be hot and your shoulder angel and shoulder devil often fight over whether or not being hot is enough to balance out being shady). basically, good ole enemies to friends to lovers party
despite the smirks and how he teases you, eren has a titanium wall enhanced with geo around him and he never lets you in when you ask personal questions such as where he’s from and his family and things like that. he misdirects every time and only seriously tells you to leave it alone if you keep pressing
still even even there are things he is hiding, eren seems to at least care enough about you that he comes to your aid when you’re fighting opponents giving you a hard time and glaring away adventurers looking to ask you to join their party instead but you aren’t sure sometimes
you have definitely smashed at least once. twice. thrice. who knows but you swear they were all accidents. very hot accidents that lead to you wondering if you can really trust him and leads eren to wondering if he is letting things get too out of hand emotionally when he knows he’s getting too attached to you for things to be good
at least he can put his money where his mouth is, enemies are easily overpowered
his story: eren is visionless. in fact, he was always intended to be visionless. the pyro archon found gifting him a vision too dangerous and avoided it entirely deciding eren’s inner rage and ambition was an indicator of bad events to come. after all his yearning for a vision to give himself the ability to fight against strong enemies and never receiving one when his friends did, eren decided to get a delusion which he fought about with his childhood friends but their words didn’t reach him. now he works for the fatui
your first meeting with eren wasn’t by chance, it was all planned from his need for help to often requesting your help on assignments. his plans were to use you and your potential connections and abilities to serve the greater purpose of his schemes, but eren does eventually come to genuinely care for you. but does he love you enough to turn against whatever the tsarista ymir is planning? who knows
hydro catalyst
hydro and armin just go hand-in-hand with one another and while he isn’t the most adept with weapons, his skills as a mage are second to none with strategies that overwhelm his enemies completely
armin’s abilities lead to him being a great healer and he wishes to take that knowledge to the medical field when he feels his days adventuring are over
because of his abilities, the locals in a sumeran village he stays in often goes to him when they need to be healed though some often see armin’s stern side if what they’re asking him to heal is ridiculous or they got hurt doing something stupid
the party strategist who keeps track of the many quests you may take at a time and organizes them from most to least urgent to help decide which ones should be done immediately and what quests can be put on the backburner until you can get to it (though armin would honestly prefer you, yknow, didn’t accept so many requests at the same time)
you often enjoy listening to the stories armin weaves better than any bard and you’ve probably even asked why he didn’t become one when he’d clearly be so popular but adventuring is what armin has always wanted to do since he was a little kid. leaving small mondstadt to discover what the world holds and when he was invited to study in sumeru, he took his chance
his story: though he wasn’t strong growing up, armin recognized his lack of physical strength and thus improvised with the hand he was dealt and worked around it, a vision he was soon blessed with. had a large fight with a former friend after finding out his desire to obtain a delusion and armin hasn’t been home since though he says he worries for a friend back home that seemed lost when his best friend left their town but he hasn’t been able to bring himself to visit or write her back
you have wondered if this friend back home was someone armin is romantically interested in but he vehemently denies it to which you tell him you think he is protesting too much, it’s fine if he has a crush back home (except it isn’t and it bothers you too much to tell him). but armin clumsily tells you that if he really liked her, he would’ve gone back to mondstadt ages ago but he hasn’t because he enjoys traveling with you
cryo claymore
with a tragic childhood, it’s no wonder mikasa would have a cryo vision. her skin runs cool and she’s as reserved as her vision would imply. but mikasa cares deeply about those she travels with and it in shows in her protective nature
but mikasa’s skills on her own are decent enough to get the job done to the point that sometimes she snuffs your abyss mage target before you can get to it (but even if that can be annoying at times, it’s reassuring to have mikasa in your party)
she always makes too much when cooking but at least you know you’re always taken care of
the party member who has way too much of anything just in case you run into something. unexpected trip to the snowy mountains of dragonspine? mikasa somehow managed to fit 90 bottles of Frostshield Potion and Warming Seelie bottles in her bag
it can be hard to get her to loosen up at times but give her a drink or two at a tavern and she smiles a bit more easily and you actually got her to dance with you a few times while a bard sang a cheery tune
once you had to cancel a bounty you initially accepted when you realized mikasa had a cold she tried to hide from you and took care of her the entire day though she insisted she was strong enough to fight. initially you suggested she stay at your lodgings while you went to handle the bounty with another adventurer you both knew, annie. but you ultimately decided against it when mikasa seemed distraught and spent the rest of the day by her bedside while she slept and held her hand (she hasn’t said it, but she appreciates the fact you stayed. it always feels like people she cares about leave her behind and she can’t help if you’ll follow the same pattern)
her story: gained her vision at a young age after the witnessing the deaths of her parents and realizing the cruelty of the world she lived in. is on a quest to find her childhood friends and met you along the way. you joined parties after encountering mikasa fighting a ruin guard during your travels and you stepped in to help and she decided to aid you in a quest to pay you back from there you kept running into each other and you both decided to form an official team
one night surrounded by the light of soft dandelions, mikasa tells you about her childhood friends she is looking for. one she knows has gone off to further his academic studies and another she fears is walking down a path of darkness and how she felt they both left her. at that, mikasa asks if you can stay by her side
anemo sword
is this guy even human? probably not but levi would use his vision to give him an extra burst of speed and it makes him unbelievable fast when he decides to pull out all the stops and holds one of his blades in reverse
the quiet protector of the city he resides levi is a vigilante who made a promise to an old friend and he strives to unlock the secrets of the abyss order and destroy them once and for all
but to the unsuspecting of mondstadt, levi is just the town’s grumpy librarian who obsesses way too much over cleaning and will hunt you down to the ends of the earth if you borrow a book, funny enough that’s how you met and it was a terrifying experience
levi prefers to take care of enemies quickly and with as little mess as possible and as such tends to go overboard, even on hilichurls and slimes (you are sure you once saw a geo slime run the moment he saw levi approaching and you felt pretty sorry for the thing)
levi isn’t much of a cook but he makes great drinks and his tea is one of the few things that give you energy in the morning and you’re sure it is an attack booster. it’s a nice quiet moment for those both of you though and you often find yourself staring at your companion and noticing how long his eyelashes are before looking away before he can see you (he always does)
(no lie a quarter of levi’s jobs is keeping hange’s experiments from getting out of hand)
his story: has had his vision since he was a young child living in the slums of an unknown placed and had to fight everyday for his survival. one day, he found a masterless vision in the rubble of the area and once he touched it, it began shining. like i said, you met because you had an overdue library book and nothing was scarier than levi ackerman raining down from the sky in a plunge attack of fury asking you with a dark voice “where’s the book”. you get laughed at whenever you share that story. you always turn in your books on time, that’s for sure
despite the scary encounter though, you still stop to talk to levi whenever you can since you find him surprisingly charming. the grump adds to it, you suppose. he began helping you with requests after you discovered his identity as a vigilante and you helped him with keeping said identity hidden. funny enough, everyone thinks the vigilante in question is a rogue hilichurl because of how short they are much to levi’s annoyance and your amusement
pyro cataylst
hange the vision (and hilichurlian) eccentric uses their vision in any way possible to further their research whether it be using it for bombs, a power source for light in the home,
hange is a catalyst user and their abilities in your party are better suited to support than a heavy attacker but you need to be weary of their cooking most of all. hange has the highest rate of making suspicious meals
as one would guess, hange is an enthusiastic vision researcher though their methods of doing so is a bit… unconventional. they think the academics in sumeru aren’t doing enough and took things into their own hands and hange thinks that visions could be used to as an energy source that could benefit the whole continent and in order for that to happen, visions need to be understood completely
would honestly love to get their hands on a delusion to study the properties and what makes them tick and if that can lead to better understandings of vision
despite their high energy and dedication to their cause, there are times when hange’s happy demeanor fades and they wonder if their research is ever going to get anywhere and if being made they head of the alchemy department was a mistake
you have spent a lot of times putting out the fires that were a result of hange’s experiments but you still have fun with them since their personality often leads to you both having some wild adventures you can share stories about at a local tavern while occasionally coughing out smoke
their story: hange couldn’t tell you how they got their vision because honestly, they didn’t even notice until days after when going through their messy research piles a vision that shone brightly when they touched it and so their vision was obtained. but what exactly they did to be gifted such a thing and when it happened, hange can’t tell you. their vision greatly aids their research though
honestly probably joined your party after witnessing a stroke of genius usage of your vision and asked you to help further their research in visions as a whole by observing your vision in action and you found it a bit hard to say no after your ego was stroked so much
electro sword
jean the swordsman with an electro vision to boot, jean’s vision is often used as a band he forms around himself to shock enemies and keep projectiles from affecting him and he ultimately sends a shockwave of electro to temporarily paralyze enemies, making it easy for jean to finish them off
the adventurer trying way too hard to prove himself and has probably made up some stories about his adventures to impress those from home, especially his parents who didn’t want jean to become an adventurer in the first place but he does his best to reassure them
jean is from fontaine and it shows in his cooking, but fancy and hard to pronounce it may be, it’s pretty good and filling
despite all his boasting, jean is actually a skilled fighter and is pragmatic and observant and because of this, jean’s potential to actually become the greatest adventurer in the land is something he can obtained after a few years of experience
jean has a tendency to lecture you a lot when you do something he thinks is stupid like ‘putting yourself at risk unnecessarily’, the hypocrite is one to talk. but once when drunk, jean confessed to you that he didn’t think he deserved his vision since when he earned it, he wasn’t able to save someone important to him and he worries that if he isn’t careful, you’ll share the same fate
his story: jean’s vision story is one he would rather forget since his first bout adventuring resulted in the loss of one of his former party members against a ruin hunter they were requested to destroy and his friend marco took a hit that was meant for jean and perished in the battle. lightning struck and a vision appeared while jean finished the battle himself
you joined forces when jean found himself in over his head against a group of treasure hoarders and tell him it probably would’ve been easier if he had some friends with you. you were fresh out the guild, a new adventurer, and you were looking to have a travel companion and asked jean outright to be yours. he accepted after some ego stroking but jean promised himself it would be different this time
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versadies · 4 years
helloooo Can I request a poly headcanons for Xiao and Zhongli? Thank you so much!!!
penpal: omg that’s a unique dynamic, i love it. hope you enjoy this headcanon! (sorry if it’s short 😔🙏)
sypnosis: what it’s like to be in a poly relationship with zhongli and xiao
warning/s: angst if you squint, not proof-read, spoilers on archon quest
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holy crap girl you got a damn jackpot.
you probably have the biggest patience because it will take a long time for xiao and zhongli to even realize their feelings.
listen, these two will treat you so well and make sure you’re happy. your relationship is the kind of relationship that everyone wants but can’t have.
i can’t really see xiao and zhongli rivaling but they try to work out on how they’ll make this relationship work (with your help ofc)
the relationship needs to be kept a secret since xiao is a yaksha and zhongli is rex lapis, so the three of you can’t hang out together in the harbor or anywhere that has a lot of people around.
sometimes xiao would sneak in to liyue harbor and to your home just to see you— but your meeting place is always the inn.
verr goldet is one of the people who are aware of your relationship and she makes sure no one can bother y’all or see you together.
the three of you would take a stroll around the area of wangshu inn at night (after xiao and zhongli made sure that there won’t be any monsters to disturb yall’s night) and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
dates with them are very fun and open.
if you and zhongli are available for the whole day, the three of you would go to the adeptus mountains and have a picnic there to watch the beautiful view of the geo nation.
sometimes you’d also have your date on mt. tianheng where you can see the whole harbor or in wangshu inn as per usual.
zhongli would def feed you lots of seafoods whenever his food has it (he hates it) and xiao will make sure the consultant-retired-god doesn’t feed you too much to the point when it makes you hate seafood as well.
zhongli and xiao would walk you home by the end of your date. they’ll swoon if you give them a goodbye kiss before leaving!
there were some days when you are only with one of them for the day since the other is busy.
if xiao is busy having to do something regarding to some threat to liyue, you’d be with zhongli.
with you and zhongli, the both of you would be in liyue harbor hanging out by having lunch in wanmin restaurant, shop around the marketplace (pls prevent zhongli from emptying his wallet), stroll around the town, and etc.
if zhongli is ever busy with his job in the wangsheng funeral parlor, you’re with xiao. often, the both of you would just stay by the top floor and enjoy the calming breeze. you’d also talk about your day or a random topic while xiao listens and comments when he wants to.
if you’re an adventurer, xiao will follow you (discreetly) depending on how dangerous the commissions are. he and zhongli have a share of knowing death and they both want you to never be involved with it.
if you try to tell xiao about your suspicions of him following you, he’ll probably deny it and say he’s “too busy protecting liyue and it’s probably your imagination.”
whenever you got bad injuries to the point where you need first aid, zhongli will happily nurse you while xiao lightly scolds you about being more careful.
since it’s their first time having a relationship, you’d mostly have to be the one to establish affection first.
it will take months or maybe a year for them to get used to these affections. once they’re used to it, they’ll start giving you lots of affection!
they’re the type of people to give you love through action and not words.
when it comes to their favorite way of showing affection, xiao is usually the one who likes to hold your hand while zhongli likes to give you kisses, mainly on the forehead.
when you are sad, they’ll try to find ways to make you happy. whether it’d be listening to you venting while cuddling, a break from what makes you sad (depending on the cause), give you gifts, or take you to your favorite place.
f in chat for the people who made you cry or sad, they’re gonna deal with the wrath of two powerful immortal (and mortal since zhongli is yknow...)
they’ll be very protective over you when it comes to the fatui— especially if childe is around. zhongli may have interacted with the fatui but he does not want you to be involved with them. which puts another reason why the three of you often hang out in the wangshu inn.
xiao will literally obliterate childe if he ever touches you (even though it’s just a high five or a friendly hug) if it weren’t for zhongli holding him back lmfao
as i mentioned in my liyue headcanon, fights with them are rare. however when there is a fight, it’s serious.
i can’t say what most of your fights are about since all of them are different but when you all fight, you try to solve it.
if they somehow made you walk out from them after a fight, they’ll apologize the next day with all of your favorite foods, trinkets, flowers, or maybe something that makes you forgive them.
your most memorable moment of them is your first lantern rite festival when you three watch the lanterns together by the mountain near the harbor.
their most memorable moment of you is your first date when you went to one of the mountains and have a picnic with them.
sometimes if you can’t sleep, you’d either visit zhongli and xiao— mostly zhongli since xiao is in wangshu inn. zhongli would give you tea to help you sleep and let you sleep with him.
if you’re up for late night talks, expect zhongli to tell you all of the stories he knows that he thinks that are interesting to you. his voice often lulls you to sleep.
if xiao is in your home, he’ll either listen to your rants or play his flute to you to lull you to sleep. if you’re okay with it, he’s willing to give you cuddles.
if there’s one thing zhongli and xiao worries most, it’s your mortality.
zhongli may be mortal now so it’s xiao who’s gonna have that burden most.
xiao has that vibe that he isn’t the type for a poly relationship when zhongli suggested but now that he experienced it, he’s scared of you and zhongli passing away.
i think he’ll know that zhongli is rex lapis (either from his suspicions or it was an accidental discovery) so that makes him even more worried on losing the both of you.
xiao would most likely go for a breakup just to save all of you from this worry— but thinking of having to avoid you just makes him wanna barf.
for now, when all is well and liyue is peaceful at the moment— xiao will just hold on to this relationship that he would consider as a sweet dream.
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
I admit that i enjoyed act 3 but it feels like really rushed i have so much complain with that.
The build up until act 2 was so good it give us so much premise but the final blow si meh. Sorry that i want to share thing long rant with you
1. Why the final talk is with yae, no offense to her but we need ei to explain not to mention she witness khaenriah downfall so she can give us more information, i feel like they do it for the plot armor so they can just keep dragging this
2. So many things that quite inconsistant, the shogun is show no mercy to anyone that even did a little thing outside what she think its right, how come she can still have a talk with signora, when sara is falling like that, and also there is no clarification about sara right now.
The traveler was so done at first they refuse to help thoma and ayaka at the beginning. But they seem so happy and forget everything how come they are not RAGE ( okay maybe this is to bias and personal) when this nation provide nothing about our siblings information and also why they are not mention anything about their problem in ei stroy quest. Its nonsense! She is right in front of youu, ask about your siblings, ask about khaenriah, ask about ukmown god!!. How come they can just forget like that. Also mihoyo really waste the potential about twin things i thing ei will give us so much help bcs of the sympathy that we both rn lost our twin but noooo.
3. Kokomi seem lost some brain cell, she make a very succesfull grand intro but she become meh in act 3, how come a great strategist like her let the sus sponsorship slip just bcs they are desperate, not to mention her screen time is really small and her role seem so unsignificant and it feels lile she is a plain npc.
4. The awesome world quest that we have done doesnt get any mention at all! Inazuma owe us so much with cleansing sakura, thunder sakura, tatarigami, obarashi quest. It has so much potential that yae or ei or anyone else aknowledge what traveler has been done but nooo.
cracks knuckles... i suppose it's time for my promised dissertation. interestingly enough, you touched on a lot of the main issues i had with chapter III.
i think that if i had to pin the main issue, it's a lack of overall cohesiveness? we were jumping all over the place without the chance to ever flesh things out. inazuma is a smaller cast, but i feel like we didn't get to see any of them shine. since i'm most interested in the genshin characters, i'll break down my problems by going over everyone and their (lack) of impact on the story.
was ayaka not questioned or placed under suspicion for being close to thoma before his escape? i wanted to see her broken up over her duties as they relate to the yashiro commission, paired with having someone she genuinely cares about in danger. it would've been an interesting struggle if she was forced to choose one or the other. instead she just kinda took a back seat.
speaking of thoma, i don't even have anything to say, because he just... was there? for .0001 seconds. said "lol this sucks ig" and that's about it. i know we're going to get a story for him in the future since he's a 5* but i'm not getting my hopes up 😭 then in the raiden shogun's character story, man is peachy keen! be upset with the raiden shogun! have some inner conflict! even if it's just using loaded language because he's under surveillance for going against the raiden shogun, that'd be so cool. saying something like,
"Traveler, what's with that expression? Oh please, there's nothing to worry about. We're under the Statue of the Omnipresent God's protection. Nothing bad has ever happened here." *wink*
i also don't know what to say about gorou. he was... there....... i think. what is he fighting for? what are the stakes for him? what makes him place so much trust into kokomi? i'm out of things to say about him because i don't remember anything he did or said.
kokomi... oh kokomi... i was so hyped. so excited. i thought that maybe we could see a foil to the raiden shogun. that she'd have a moment where she's forced to realize, just like her opponent, sacrifices must be made that will hurt people who will never understand why she made them. or maybe something to show her military prowess. but instead she just accepts a mysterious patron's help (?), sees her people aging like the grateful dead from JJBA, and goes oh well. that sucks. what can ya do. oh bye traveler i guess, good luck with that. ????????????? HUH... similar case to thoma where she's gonna get a character story but like. she won't be the leader of the resistance anymore. that was her whole shtick. they took her shtick away. also she forced me to interact with more NPCs whose names i've already forgotten so i'm tilted about that still.
KUJOU SARA... AN INJUSTICE. A DISGRACE. a slap to my woman loving face. the build up was there. yae miko's comments about sara probably knowing the tenryou commission is involved in shady dealings, but is choosing not to think about it. sara being forced to confront reality and challenge her adopted father with the truth. being able to blaze a new path for herself in the process. when she started running to the raiden shogun i was ultra hyped up. sara, a devotee to the shogun for so long, was about to see her god interacting with the same people who led inazuma to this awful state. how would she react? would she stay ignorant, like yae miko so coyly said, choosing to look away in favor of following her god's footsteps? or would she be forced to recognize the raiden shogun isn't as divine as she once thought, and challenge her belief system?
we open the door to see the raiden shogun. the loading screen ensues. the camera pans to the ominous room, clouded in darkness, hinting at the ominous confrontation that is to come. the music takes a serious timbre. and then...
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well fuck that potential character arc i guess. (we still don't know what sara made of any of this since she poofed out of existence from the story at this point)
kazuha also was handed a similar treatment. we've been with him for a while longer now. he is our introduction into inazuma, the one who first gets us emotionally involved by regaling us with the bittersweet tale of friendship that led him to becoming a wanted criminal. a kind soul who loves nature yet was dealt a cruel hand by fate, forced to watch his home nation turn into a hostile place, where his dear friend ultimately perished as a result. we get the scene with his friend's vision lighting back up. he parries a block from the raiden shogun, in the same area where his friend was killed by her. the parallels. the drama. except this time, he wasn't too late. he protected the traveler where he "failed" to protect his friend in the past. did he feel redemption at this? or was it a bittersweet reminder of what could've been?
WELL i guess we'll never know because we didn't get to talk to him again 😭 idk who got a bait and switch worse, him or sara. jesus christ mihoyo.
then we have signora. why is the raiden shogun talking to her? does she know about the gnosis being taken, and if she doesn't, what was her plan to get it from the archon? what does she think about scaramouche? and oh, okay, we're fighting here now. good fight + god tier music. pog pog. okay, now we've beaten her up, and raiden shogun wyd— wait no not signora her lore is still on CUPS not YET raiden shogun and— ah she's dead. okay. non nerds who didn't read artifact lore are going to know nothing about her. signora has such an interesting story, and yet... well. ok.
then we get raiden shogun redemption (?) arc. i was hype for this as well, though at that point, idk why i bothered being hype. i knew they were gonna do a cute power of friendship something or another, and i'm good with that, so long as it's executed well. what i was envisioning was like seven different buffs to correspond with the seven different visions, the dreams of those whose ambitions were stolen serving as the spear to penetrate the raiden shogun's heart of stone. maybe a hydro vision giving us extra healing for a time, with the voice acting over it being like,
"Even if the rest of the world forgets us, let our will carry you through this one final time. Succeed where we couldn't, Traveler."
so on and so forth.
but instead we got— you get the idea at this point. why bother spelling it out anymore.
at that point i was surprised the raiden shogun didn't go "oopsie woopsie!! we made a fucky wucky!!!" because that was the vibe i was getting. i love ei, don't get me wrong, but i wanted to see her challenged with what she had done to inazuma in the past year. maybe meeting NPC #2345259 who lost her sister to the vision decree or something, reminding ei of the love she held for her sister... being forced to come to terms with the extent of what she's done in pursuit of eternity.
anyway. please for the love of god mihoyo hire better writers for the main story. that is all i ask. thank you.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Who do you think would be able to noncon and wife Lumine? Since she's been traveling worlds and stuff she's probably stronger than what we give credit for, so who do you think would be a good match for her?
Oh there's a lot of good candidates and I am a Lumine Harem Enthusiast™ and honestly everyone has their own advantages.
I mean yes Lumine is powerful, but still visibly struggles at times like the golden house fight, with Baal, etc, so I think it's fair to say she has combat experience/technique skill and elemental power but still the actual physical strength of the average female of her size, so, not too strong. Unfortunately without a vision, she can't just have her power stripped from her, but most of our boys are candidates in their own way.
She visibly struggles against Baal, so it's fair to say she's no match for an actual archon like Zhongli or Venti, probably not Xiao either. In terms of physical + elemental power she's not even close to a combative threat. Those three would have the easiest time of it. Of them, the most likely to do so would definitely be Xiao, based on some of his dialogues and birthday letter and teapot lines he's pretty direct about having some form of attachment to/affection for the traveler and just based on his personality I feel like he's the most likely to snap into yan mode, so to speak.
Side note interestingly one of the things I haven't discussed much is that like, yandere is rarely the natural state of a person, it's more like an underlying tendency/a state of mind/a "side" of a person that can be triggered or snapped into, and certain individuals are more or less likely to do so. Some have to be driven to a breaking point through a lot of stress, some just a few conditions have to be met, and then for a few it's basically their default when they experience affection or attachment. So certain characters are far more likely than others to "become yandere." Xiao is absolutely high on that scale for likeliness, would be in that last category, so yeah, the most likely of those 3.
Venti would be least likely, but he could be driven to it, and Zhongli is somewhere in the middle. All of them would be able to do so with some ease, though, and Zhongli and Xiao specifically could lock her in an abode. Not to mention they don't really die as easily as a person I think? So even if she attacks they'll probably be fine. Venti also has psychological manipulation on his side, he can probably easily gaslight her into seeing her brother as an enemy if he really tries. If all else fails, sweep her up with that burst of his and knock her out.
Any human or human adjacent would have a significantly harder time since Lumine's elemental powers cannot just be taken away so easily. If anyone can find a way to do so though, that would probably be Albedo. He's also smart enough to not make his intentions too obvious, much like with his quest - he would just perform harmless experiments he claims are for this or that reason, eventually developing a way to strip her of her power. His biggest advantage is obviously intelligence. He'd always be one step ahead of her, always predict her next move, and that's just as good of an advantage as any physical or elemental one.
So while it would be more difficult if she still has her power, the thing about Kaeya and Diluc is both of them are the kind of stubborn (Diluc) and deranged (Kaeya) enough to... Just restrain her. Arms and legs bound. At all times. Can't use your powers if you can't move. Diluc can just keep trying to be kind in his own way, because he *can* be sweet and caring when he tries, and would eventually just mindbreak/Stockholm her. Kaeya on the other hand... She's a lot more likely to end up... Permanently incapacitated. Can't escape if you can't use your limbs. For those two, the hard part would be getting her - most likely grab her while she's asleep, but once they have her and get her restrained, they're set. They're both bigger stronger men and can easily beat her in terms of pure hand to hand strength. Pyro is a rather frightening element and can be used as a projectile in Diluc's case, a burn can easily incapacitate. And if she tries to escape in the rain or cross a river she can be easily frozen too, and Kaeya's one of the least afraid to seriously hurt her to begin with. Eventually she'll become conditioned, the pain she experiences every time she tries to escape will eventually outweigh her desire to be free and find her brother, eventually she'll crack and give in to despair and give up, he can break her with time.
Childe and Scara would have it a bit easier than those two, because they have more help. The Dawn Winery maids can help Diluc sure, but they can't really contain her quite like Fatui can. She can't fight off 10 of them by herself. So even when they're not nearby, they can just have people watch her. Sure she puts up a fight, but they both kinda like that. In the end even if she escapes, they can probably manage to get her back, especially with help. For one I feel like Childe is a lot more capable when in a wide open space like the outdoors chasing her would be, in comparison to a tiny enclosed space like our fight with him.
The smaller boys would have the most difficulty. Razor and Xingqiu have the advantage of pure numbers/outnumbering her. Xingqiu has guards but in the end they're just normal guys and can't do too much. Still, when their entire force is gathered, they might be able to overpower her, especially if she's not in anemo mode and can't blow them away.
Razor has a similar thing going on -- sure, they're animals, you can blow away five wolves, but fifteen? Thirty? Fourty? She'd be able to escape eventually but the problem here would be staying escaped. Boy has no limits and inhuman levels of stubbornness and will gladly chase her across the entire map. Catch Lumine reaching Inazuma thinking she's finally safe and our boy comes emerging from the water like the cryptid he is just "found you, we go home now", he fucking swam across the ocean for that Lumine coochie and he'll do it again. Unbelievable.
Razor also has an elemental advantage. Other elements like hydro + cryo combo can freeze her if you have dual yans, but his is the only element where getting one good hit in can completely shock her into unconsciousness or paralysis.
The ones who have the hardest times would be Chongyun and Kazuha. It's just themselves, really, I doubt the Crux would be too willing to help imprison a girl, especially since Kazuha isn't in a position of power over them the way Diluc, Xingqiu, Scara and Childe have power over their forces, and they're not as insanely loyal as the wolves. Chongyun is on his own by default, maybe can enlist help from Xingqiu and his forces, but it's unlikely they'll help him all the time. Both are pretty determined, but they'd have a difficult time fighting her. It's a toss up honestly, but even if they lose one battle they can find her again and eventually win. They would both likely try to catch her by surprise, take her while she's sleeping, etc. Kazuha has no qualms restraining her, Chongyun feels bad, but he'll do it if he has to.
Bennett has the pure protection of being Bennett. Like yeah you want to find your brother but is it worth making Bennett sad? No. No it is not. I'd drop my entire journey right there bc I can't bear the thought of hurting him. He doesn't even have to restrain her, could you imagine breaking his heart you monster? No. Lumine is finished.
Dainsleif could probably manage. He has tricks up his sleeve, I guarantee it. He's been around long enough there's no way he hasn't learned how to handle a being like her, probably knows of a way to strip her of power.
Tbh? Ultimately, the best choice in terms of being able to handle her is her brother. He knows her too well. He knows exactly what her strengths and weaknesses are, he probably knows exactly how to beat her. He knows her better than anyone, and it gives him an incomparable advantage, so she's pretty much done for.
So tl;dr Lumine is fucked both figuratively and literally and should just accept her fate :)
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jvnluvr · 3 years
my genshin relationship headcannons!
featuring: xiao, diluc, kaeya, & zhongli! (reader doesn’t have a specified gender, you can decide that for yourself :)
spoilers are mentioned during zhongli headcannons!! please do not read if you have not completed the archon quests for liyue. 
author’s note: i really wrote this more for myself but i decided to post it anyway to share it with all of you. reminder: these are just my headcannons. you might think differently of them and that’s your opinion. anyways, please enjoy this piece of fluff! if you want me to write headcannons for any other male character, please ask and i’ll try my best. i’m going to make this a series :)
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• xiao doesn’t understand the concept of love. but he does find it terrifying. how could two humans share that bond? when he realizes that he feels more than just nothing when he’s with you, he freaks out. he’s not himself, and you start to take notice of that.
• when these feelings for you start to emerge, he’s washed over with an overwhelming feeling of protectiveness. over you. he feels the need to protect you, even when his brain knows your completely fine. you know how to fight after all.
• he can’t help it, however. xiao will always ask you to leave the fighting to him, because there’s this one little voice stuck at the back in his mind that tells him that something bad will happen to you. when he realizes you mean more to him, he just can’t afford to lose you. not when he’s lost everyone else.
• “let me protect you, please?” he feels a bit embarrassed asking this, but he’s very serious about it. he’s always there when you are fighting. he wants to help you. and he usually never wants anything to do with humans. because he’s afraid to hurt them. but he’s more afraid to hurt you. you’re so precious to him, more than anything he has ever encountered as an adepti.
• when he confesses, it’s not even a confession. xiao doesn’t know how to love. cut him some slack. he would probably say something like; “let’s be together.” i don’t know. you don’t know how to comprehend what he just said. you guys are already together? like literally. but when you ask the meaning behind his works, he gets all flustered. “how do you not understand? love, that word. that’s what i feel for you.... stupid.”
• after he confesses, and you guys are together, be ready to take it slow. xiao is new to all of this, and most of the time won’t understand the gestures of affection you provide to him. but later into the relationship, he realizes his love language is indeed physical touch, both receiving and giving. he secretly loves it when you cup his face with both of your hands. it makes him feel relaxed. for giving, he likes holding your hands or giving you head pats.
• there’s a certain fondness that forms when he holds hands with you. it’s warm, a feeling that xiao isn’t used to, because all he has felt is the cold. if you don’t touch him for a while, he gets upset, but more so confused. why did you stop? did you not like it, or are you scared to touch him. surprisingly, he would approach you about it. “why are you being distant? did i do something to upset you?” he cares about your feelings, so he asks with caution. when you hear this, your face betrays you as you start to smile widely. now xiao would be both flustered and confused. “hey! why are you smiling that? dumbass, you find this funny, don’t you?” you can’t help but laugh after that. poor boy needs his daily affection and physical touch, don’t forget to give it to him.
• when xiao calls you, he would always call you by his name. he didn’t understand nicknames of affection in a relationship, so one day when you call him with such, he’s confused. “are you calling me? why did you call me like that?” you get flustered and try to brush it off, but he grabs you and you can see the blush dusting his face. “i like that, can you do it more often?” he’s quiet about it, but you never the less agree. he also picks up on it and often calls you by saying ‘love’ or ‘sweetheart.’ of course, these names are reserved for when the two of you are in private.
• dates with xiao would be a rare occurrence. as much as he loves to spend time with you, he has his own duties and he can’t abandon them. this is one thing you have to understand if you were to be in a relationship with xiao. he can’t have you clinging onto him all the time when he has things he needs to fulfil. when you guys do get to spend some time together, it would be exploring out in the wild. i think xiao finds this very comforting. it’s nice to see the world when it’s not in chaos. you both would walk hand in hand, probably picking some qingxins and mist flowers. and i could definitely see you both just watching the sunset from the balcony at wangshu inn. 
• xiao needs to sleep with you every night. he has nightmares quite often, and your presence subdues those nightmares. if you don’t sleep with him for one night or more, his nightmares get worse, sometimes involving you in them. this causes him to become more overprotective. there would be a night where it got so bad that he started crying. it was just a couple of tears, but the sight genuinely broke your heart into pieces. he didn’t know himself as to why he was crying. he should be used to this, and more importantly, he let himself become vulnerable in front of you, xiao had this perception that he wouldn’t allow you to see him like this, but after he said that to you, it’s safe to say that you both had a long talk that night. after this incident, he allows himself to express his feelings more to you.
• overall, your relationship with xiao really changes him. and i mean in a good way. he’s learned to become more expressive with his feelings and he’s found love. even way later into your relationship, it still baffles him how he found someone like you. on your end, you’ve learned to be more calm and understanding. it would be amazing to be able to experience a relationship like this with xiao. he’s more than happy to stay with you for the rest of your life.
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• a relationship with diluc would seem impossible at first. he’s always so busy with work, and he seems to ignore basically everyone. diluc thinks that social interaction is a waste of time. people don’t understand him, and it would be a waste to try and explain why he is the way he is. not that he really needs to though. the only way i could see a relationship happening between you two is if he sees you fighting or if he saves you during a battle.
• if he sees you fighting, he takes notice of your skills. he’s fascinated to say the least. once you finish off, you see him gazing at you from afar. you get nervous, because diluc is staring at you with such an intimidating stare. in that moment, you don’t realize that it’s his usual face. so you start to walk towards him. he sees and he also gets nervous so he just stands there awkwardly. (he thinks he looks awkward, but really, he’s just crossing his arms.) when you get close to him, he suddenly mutters out, “um, your fighting skills are good.” you just stop dead in your tracks and start blushing because you didn’t expect him to compliment you. so you just a utter a small thanks and dash away from him. he thinks that he scared you off, so he gets angry with himself.
• if he saves you during a battle, i can see it being very romantic. it’s a big battle, and the enemies just keep coming, your body is starting to give up on you, and you have dozens of scratches on you. since your so tired, you lose track of your surroundings and get a deep gash somewhere on your body and you fall limp. diluc is just ‘passing by’ and he senses the hillchurls and mages so he runs in your direction. when diluc sees you all helpless, struggling to fight off the mages, he’s filled with a strong fighting urge. he takes out his claymore and finishes off the rest of the enemies for you. you find yourself leaning against a tree in order to get a grip, but diluc just carries you all the way back to monstadt. like casually. you pass out midway through the trip and you wake up feeling all warm and in a nicely lit room. but as you try to get up, you’re pushed back down by someone. you look to your side to see diluc sitting in a chair. mans been taking care of you the whole time you were unconscious.
• when he realizes he has developed feelings for you, he tries to push them away. he tries to convince himself that he doesn’t want it, that it will be a waste of time. really, he’s just trying to list out all the bad things. but as it keeps piling up, soon it’s starts to spills. and all of his feelings and emotions spill fast. he tells you quite early on that he likes you, but you happily accept and reciprocate his love. from then on, diluc completely changed his demeanor around you.
• nicknames with diluc would be also be reserved for when you two are behind closed doors. he wouldn’t want someone like kaeya hearing him say such things. he’s not embarrassed about your relationship, but he hates how kaeya or anyone else will keep nagging at him for it. but he calls you so gently with the sweetest names. i personally think he would use ‘darling’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘my love’, or ‘my little dove.’ i think diluc would appreciate small compliments like calling him handsome or something of that sort. he gets very flustered when you call him by an endearing nickname. not to say he hates it though.
• diluc loves kissing you. of course, he wouldn’t allow himself to do so in public, but when the two of you are alone, he gives your forehead kisses and kisses on the cheek because he can’t help but find you so adorable. he gives short kisses to your fingers because he finds them so soft. compared to his rough hands from handling a claymore, he loves the feeling of your hands. vice versa, you love how warm diluc’s hands are. this is expected, handling a pyro vision, diluc always keeps you warm, especially when the two of you explore dragonspine together. he secretly adores it when you come to him when you feel cold, and he’s more than happy to warm you up.
• diluc is an amazing chef, and no, i do not take criticism on this. i believe that diluc would have picked up his culinary skills from his father when he was younger. and even now, working in the wine industry, he had decided to keep learning. so diluc would always cook you meals, whether it be after a long night of expeditions or early in the morning. it’s quite the sight to see, when you go downstairs into the kitchen to see him making lots of delicious dishes.
• since diluc is so busy, dates would most likely never happen. even if he is free, he doesn’t see the point in going out. so instead, dates would be at home. it would include snuggling together on the couch watching movies, or making things together, and this could be anything you want it to be. on very rare occasions, and i mean very rare, diluc tells you to get dressed up because he’s taking you out for dinner. in all honesty, he probably feels a little bad that he doesn’t take you anywhere, so he tries to compromise. 
• diluc loves it when you lay your head in his lap and vice versa. he enjoys combing through your hair with his fingers, no matter the length. he also like doing your hair, whether it be braiding it or adding any accessory into it, including flowers!! you guys would definitely make flower crowns for each other. he diluc likes it when you play with his hair because it makes him feel warm and comforted. he sometimes just takes your hand and puts it against his hair because he wants you to run your fingers through it. you can’t help but slightly giggle when he does so.
• diluc can be very overprotective and controlling. he doesn’t want to cage you or restrict your freedom, truly. but he is quite terrified of what could happen to you out there. he has already suffered the consequences of this cruel world, right in front of his own eyes. he doesn’t want to lose someone who means so much to him, not again. this would be the main reason you two argue, but you both understand each other’s point of view so you make a compromise.
• all in all, diluc is so in love with you and it’s an amazing experience. you both take comfort in each other’s presence and it really shows diluc that it’s okay to not be so vigilant and distant. he melts around you, so please, just give him the love he has long been yearning, and you will find yourself in many interesting and surprising situations.
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• beginning a relationship with kaeya would be so unexpected. he’s not looking for love, he’s merely there just to live his life. i believe that kaeya thinks that love is not meant for him. kaeya is the type to self sabotage his own relationship, intentionally. he doesn’t mean to hurt the other person, but he doesn’t want them to love him, so he makes them hate him. he’s fine with it, simply because he’s not up for that. when you come into the picture, he goes through a rollercoaster of emotions, and he does try to fight it off. but of course, everything does come crumbling down eventually.
• how do you and kaeya meet? it’s a meeting at the tavern, one kaeya somehow remembers well, despite being drunk. you’re just sitting there, but he’s across the room, sitting there and thinking how you are indeed the prettiest thing he has laid his eyes on. does that make him go over there and start flirting with you? absolutely not. he knows all too well about how it’s gonna play out. so he keeps drinking. you however, take notice of the drunken man. his gaze is not at all subtle, so you decided to make the first move. 
• he’s taken aback to say the last. he didn’t expect one to just casually walk up to someone who’s in the knight’s of favonius. you ask him what he’s doing getting all wasted when he clearly has work to do, but he merely responds with; “none of your business.” kaeya doesn’t mean to be so rash, but he knows the outcome. you persist however, and that’s what catches him. he finds himself indulging in the conversation, and it doesn’t matter how much he wants to resist doing it, he can’t help but learn more and more about you. 
• he plays hard to get. you would think it would be kaeya who goes after his partner, but it is quite indeed the opposite. you don’t mind the challenge though, in fact, it makes you want him all together even more. he eventually grows more and more fond of you, and he confesses behind the closed doors of his office. it’s a rare sight, kaeya blushing profusely as he pours out his feelings. of course, you happily accept, and from then on things change for the better.
• ah, a relationship with kaeya. where do we begin? since you two met at a tavern, it’s only fitting if you two go to said tavern together. it depends on you, if you’re a heavy drinker like him, he would gladly enjoy the two of you getting wasted together. if you aren’t the type to drink, he really pays no mind. he still takes you out with him anyways. one could call it a date of sorts. he would also offer that you could come along with him on expeditions, missions, or other affairs. this however, is only if you bear a vision.
• this brings me to my next point, and it is that kaeya, just like his brother, is very protective of you. it shows in the way he always brings you along with him, wherever he goes. he’s already lose his family, and even though diluc is still there, their bond is distant. he already let his walls down around you, so another person who he cares for deeply leaving him might just absolutely shatter him in the worst way possible. of course, he doesn’t wanna cage you freedom, that is never his intention. but sometimes he can’t help but lash out at you. and at those times, it can get pretty serious. he always sincerely apologizes for his actions.
• kaeya is such a flirt, and it’s canon. the spark in your relationship would never fade because this cheeky man is always spewing compliments at you, one after another. he enjoys it so much, it’s written all over his face. and he especially does it in public. a man is trying to flirt with you? well kaeya is there to steal the show. all you can do is giggle and play along because it’s just so fun. he loves to see your face light up in happiness which is why he keeps doing it. 
• it’s no hidden fact that kaeya is a captain for the knight’s of favonius. if you see where i’m going with this, kaeya is a busy man. and he hates it. trust me, he much rather be getting drunk in diluc’s tavern or doing absolutely anything instead of working. but he has to do his job, so he’s gone more often then you would think. of course, he much rather be with the love of his life, but duties still call his name. he tries to make your time together very memorable, whether it be doing something crazy or something small. kaeya’s actions speak a lot to you and he always tries to finish whatever he has on his list as fast as possible just to be able to see you again. <3
• this man loves learning about you. the more you tell him, the more fascinated he is. kaeya finds everything about you, your past, your personality, everything so intriguing. he could just sit there and watch you talk for hours because you just look so adorable talking about yourself. if you see yourself rambling a lot, you might apologize for talking so much, but what does kaeya do? this man will just kiss you and tell you: “keep going darling.” even if you try to keep talking, you just keep getting flustered, stumbling over your words and kaeya just starts to laugh at you being an adorable mess. and then he’ll kiss you some more. wholesome moments. <3
• he loves seeing you in his clothes!! definitely the type to purposely leave his clothes out just so you can steal them. he’ll sometimes let you take his jacket, just to see how good you’ll look wearing it. if you don’t get the hint, he’ll straight up tell you to get your ass in his shirts. you shouldn’t even complain. kaeya has an amazing scent to him, so just relax and drown in it. if you could design clothes he would love to wear some pieces you could make! he’s so in love with you please send some help.
• all in all, kaeya would die for you. he loves you so much and he always remind you of it in his own special ways. he never thought it was possible to love someone this much, but here you are. be patient with him, love with him, do everything with him, it’s amazing to see what you two can do together. 
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• zhongli would be the best partner. he has experience, and he takes the relationship slow. this is because he wants to learn about you. he wants to take the time and see what your likes and dislikes are. zhongli is so genuinely in love with you. you get flustered when he asks sometimes but he just doesn’t understand why you feel that way. “i just want to get to know you better, my dear.”
• zhongli would take notice of you strolling around the harbor. he has a lot of free time of his hands, and it doesn’t take him long to notice how you sit nearby the flowers or helping the people around you. he would invite you for a small chat with tea, and you would simply melt at his gentleness. these occasional gatherings would become more frequent, and he would become closer to you, eventually developing feelings for you. you couldn’t help but share them back.
• zhongli addresses you so endearingly it makes me burst into tears. he would definitely call you ‘my dear/dearest’, ‘my love’, or ‘darling’. it’s always said in a gentle voice, that you have to turn your head towards him. he doesn’t mind calling you affectionately in public, but he does ask for your permission. if you agree, he says in a quiet voice in public, usually when he’s worried about losing you in the crowd. if you aren’t quite familiar with such names, he would reserve them for when the two of you are with close acquaintances.
• zhongli loves holding hands with you. chances are, his hands are quite larger in comparison to yours. (even if your hands are bigger, he loves them the same.) he loves feeling the warmth of intertwined hands. he’ll hold your hand everywhere, it’s kind of how he shows his protectiveness over you. also expect a lot of headpats. it’s a habit he’s developed from dealing with people younger then him. (ahem.. hu tao..) 
• further into your relationship, zhongli would come clean about being the geo archon. he trusts you, and he doesn’t want to hide anything from you, otherwise it slowly eats at him until he finally gives up and confesses. the way you take this information can have an effect on your relationship. he trusts you, but if you betray that trust, and start to reveal his secret, he will have no choice but to ‘take care of you.’ 
• dates with zhongli are very.. informative. the guy will keep talking about anything honestly. it’s an old habit, but you don’t mind. it’s relaxing to hear him ramble about such topics. he notices that when he gets carried away in his story, you’re sitting there staring at him with a soft smile. he gets nervous, but that doesn’t mean he loses him composure. expect for the two of you to stroll around liyue harbor or the guili plains. the date will mostly just consist of grasping the scenery of liyue or maybe eating out in a restaurant. it will most likely be in a private setting, since he is so well known in the harbor, he doesn’t want anyone interrupting while he’s with his partner. 
• but more than anything, zhongli loves staying at home. like diluc, he will show his affectionate manners in the comfort of your house. it’s adorable, really. the saying “actions speak louder than words” really sticks by zhongli. he’ll show his love for you in many ways, no matter if it’s cooking a meal for you, helping you with chores, or just sitting together in each other’s presence. you both discover new things together, and it really does warm zhongli’s heart. 
• he never wants to see you upset. no lover would want this, but it hits zhongli in a different way. if he sees even a little tear forming, he gets very worried. zhongli always wants you to be happy, as cheesy as it sounds. if you are quite sensitive or cry quite a bit, it’s no need to worry. zhongli will always be there to wipe your tears away and comfort you. i can imagine during night if you were to breakdown and cry, he would just take you in his arms and cradle you, telling you that you’re so strong fot pushing on: “you’re okay my love, shh i’m here for you. i’m always gonna be here.” i’m crying oh god. never be afraid to let your emotions show around him, he’s always gonna be there.
• zhongli carries a lot of burdens. being the oldest out of the archons, he has quite legitimately seen everything. it’s painful to live with the thought of having slaughtered thousands, maybe millions of people. being with you subdues that burn by a good amount. if anything, he learns to be forgiving from you. not only to other people, but also to himself. he’s also learned to not be so uptight with everything, since it’s quite hard for him to let his guard down around people. 
• truthfully, zhongli would have never thought it was possible for him to love someone as much as he loves you. even if he knows you will soon leave him, it’s overshadowed by the love he holds for you. zhongli is a very intimate lover once you get to know him, so during your relationship things are always lively.
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cynettic · 3 years
Hii,I’d like to request a fanfic about kaeya and venti(seperate) comforting a gn!reader after losing their pet
Summary - Venti and Kaeya comfort you after the loss of your pet.
Pairings - Reader x Venti / Kaeya
Warnings - Pet angst
Penpal - Sorry for getting to you late! If you did by chance lose a pet like that I’m so sorry to hear that- I tried to make it extra comforting for that case. If not and I’m just overthinking it- I hope you enjoy it either way :)
A/N - Ahhhh- I havent posted in so long ;-; sorry sorry, been stuck with 40-50 hours of work this entire week, and when I get home I just grind Inazuma. I havent even caught up to the archon quest, just exploring lol
Comfort after Losing a Pet
Venti has lived for a very long time, and even with his cheerful chatter and harmless jokes, he’s gained a strong sense of wisdom from these years. He has no doubt attached himself to people throughout these years and lost them, but instead of feeling sad for them, I feel like Venti would keep them close to his heart instead.
He’d urge you to do the same.
Things like these take time, taking in the death of someone important to you is not easy, he understands that.
Venti can be incredibly patient, even though it might be hard for him to put himself exactly in your shoes, he will wait alongside you.
Unless it’s a cat.
He’s allergic to those little fuckers- and even if he doesn’t share a particular hatred towards them…
Jk jk he’ll comfort you and mourn your pet with you either way, he just wants to see you smile again.
What Venti could best give you is words and time, he doesn’t really have much archon duties so he’ll spend the day doing things with you. He’ll even skip a few nights at the bar just to cuddle with you and make you feel safe and like you have someone to rely on.
As for words, we all know Venti is a smooth talker- who’s to say he isn’t good at soothing someone either?
He probably won’t be as touchy as Kaeya will, and will rely on the things he can do to cheer you up. Playing his lyre, telling you jokes, and just being by you.
"People and animals come and go, I know for sure that -pet name- loved you dearly Y/n. And even if they can’t be here with you," Venti pressed a loving kiss to your chest right where your heart was. "They’ll always be right here with you.”
“They’re gone.”
You slowly sank to your knees, lips pressed firmly shut as you tried to blink away the tears. Shock coursed your body as you tried to understand just what had happened. But every time you thought about it, your heart thud a bit too loudly against your chest, and suddenly you wanted to cry all over again.
Venti, who was right beside you didn’t know what to do. His hands were outstretched to bring you into his arms, but he was unsure of whether it was the contact you need at the moment.
He decided to simply rest his hand on your back.
The two of you had just been on your way back home after having to put your pet down, something you’d been trying to delay, but knew you had to with their age and actions. Venti had stood with you through it all, but you hadn’t shed a tear back then.
But the shock gradually faded away, and you were a sobbing mess.
Venti rubbed his hand on your back, whispering soft promises and loving words into your ear. It hurt him to see you like this, and even if he was close and had known your pet well, it didnt affect him nearly as much as it did you. However, when you continued to sit crouched on the floor, he knew he needed to take action.
Slowly, he lifted you to your feet, opening the door to your home and slowly helping you inside. Tears continued to trickle down your face as he walked you over to your bedroom, a firm grip on your arm so you wouldnt fall. His thumb gently brushed the skin of your arm, a contact that reminded you he was there.
He gently sat you on the bed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Y/n,” he began gingerly, already taking off your boots and unnecessary accessories. “Take a deep breath in.”
You did just that, but another sob broke past your lips and suddenly you were wiping them away.
“No no,” he took your hands in his, your wrists encased in his gentle grip. “I’m not asking you to stop crying… I just want you to clear your head a little.” His gaze was soft as he looked up at you from his crouched position. “Being sad over this is completely normal, I’ll be with you through it all.”
He slowly brought your fingertips to his lips, pressing a featherlike kiss to each of them. So soft that by the time he’d finished, you’d stopped crying. His touch made you feel warm, a bright reminder that he was here with you, that you wouldnt be alone during this.
“(Pet Name) loved you Y/n. I want you to know that they were happy till the end, happy with you. I know you need to grieve, but don’t ever think that you’ll have to do it alone.”
Kaeya may not as lived as much as Venti, but he has certainly gone through enough to understand handling a loss. He’s lost a great amount of family, and has lost his relationship with his brother. He probably hasnt had a pet before, but knows the importance they hold.
He probably got to know your pet too, formed memories and came to love them as well.
It wont hit him as hard though .
Kaeya will also be patient with you, theres no rush to heal over what happened or finish your grievances. Expect him to be there with you for the majority of the time, he might ask for a couple of days just to stay with you.
But Kaeya still needs to work, hence time not being one of the main providers he can give you. Instead, he would wrap you in his arms and wouldnt let go. Physical contact and giving are what he’s gonna be doing.
You feel hungry for eggs and bacon? Chef Kaeya to the rescue-
Tbh I dont even know if he can cook.
Like Venti, he will remind you constantly that he’s there. Because he knows that its exactly what he needed back when Crepus died. He’ll remind you through his words, actions, and contact.
24/7 Cuddle buddy.
He most definitely calls you nicknames all the time, but the names before the death of your pet might have been more like, babe, doll, honey. He might’ve switched to love, dear, dearest, stuff like that for a little.
Idk- but ‘Your pet loved you doll,’ doesnt sound as nice as, ‘Your pet loved you dear.
“We made so many memories with them,” he whispered into your ear, arms around you. “You were always there with them, loved and took care of them, I know they loved and appreciated you for it.”
“I’m fine Kaeya,” you mumbled as he held the cup of tea to your lips. Your hands could easily grasp the sides, but for some odd reasons he insisted on being the one to do everything for you. You knew it was partly because he’d have to start going back to work soon, and he just wanted you to feel comfortable.
“I know,” he simply said, a smile playing at his lips. “But I want to spoil you with love, just take it.”
You felt your throat go dry and your chest thud painfully, something you’d gotten used to since yesterday. The loss of your pet struck hard, but you found it all the more bearable with Kaeya, who stood alongside you through it all.
Finishing the tea, he climbed into bed with you, hand coming to pull you close to his chest. His fingers slowly brushed the skin of your back, soothing patterns that would send you to sleep right away. But instead, you nuzzled your head deeper into his chest.
“I miss them,” you spoke softly.
Kaeya didnt stop with the motions on your back, but instead drifted his other hand to the back of your head. He brushed his fingers through your locks, lowering how own head down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I know you do,” was what he said in a whisper. “Theres nothing wrong with it either, you will miss them for an eternity.” He spoke from experience, but was never harsh with his words as if he expected you to know. “But eventually, you will solely remember those good memories with (Pet name). Those are the only ones that matter, because you made them happy, and they made you happy.”
The deep breath you took in was painful.
But he was right, you knew well that their memories and your yearning for them would turn into a past adoration. You would never forget them, but you’d come to accept their loss and always remember them in a happy light.
“Thank you,” you mumbled softly to the boy, wrapping your hands around his waist. “You always know what to say and do… thank your for being here for me.”
“I will always be here for you,” was his answer.
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restlessfandoming · 3 years
“new arrivals” (chilumi oneshot)
Lumine and Childe anticipate the birth of their baby. As always, the two of them never have a moment of peace, and unexpected events arise, throwing everything in danger’s way.
hey friends! long time no see :p
i’ve finished my fic “the president and the troublemaker” so i’m back to writing one shots for a bit. if you haven’t read it yet, check it out on my profile :D
this oneshot is in response to this ask i received c:
[Fic Masterlist] // [AO3 Link]
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“new arrivals”
Lumine hated Childe. Well, she hated Childe sometimes. She loved him, she really did, but in this moment, she hated him.
“Just because I am pregnant, doesn’t mean I can’t walk,” she nearly growled at him.
With a sheepish smile, Childe removed his hands from her arms. “Sorry, sorry. Your waddling makes me nervous.”
Lumine scoffed. “Of course I have to waddle.” She patted her swollen belly. “How else can I get around with this thing in me?”
Almost as if in retaliation, Lumine felt a kick inside her—don’t call me ‘thing.’
Instantly, Childe’s hand were resting on her bump, eagerly awaiting their baby’s movements. It truly amazed Lumine at how natural Childe’s paternal instincts were.
Their weekly spars had turned into nightly meetings, and nightly meetings had turned into...Well. Their current situation. It hadn’t been planned, obviously, it had just happened.
It had taken Lumine a whole week of nauseous morning after nauseous morning before Childe finally convinced her to visit Bubu Pharmacy where they both received the shock of their lives. Baizhu had been very compassionate, ensuring the confidentiality of the pregnancy as they left.
Childe had been the first one to get over the shock. For Childe, who had spent his life surrounded by family and younger siblings, he had easily grown accustomed to the idea of his own family—especially one with Lumine.
Lumine, on the other hand, took much, much longer. She hadn’t ever given it a thought: her own family?
She was on a quest to find her brother, of course. To regain her powers, defeat the Unknown God, and leave this world with Aether. She couldn’t just settle down and start a family.
Weeks passed, Lumine’s stomach growing, as she slipped into a dark place, thoughts of failure filling her mind—I’m never going to leave now.
Childe had spent all of his time, taking care of Lumine as she looked after herself less and less. Slowly, he was giving up his duties as a Harbinger; the Tsaritsa and his comrades were growing suspicious. Childe knew if they found out, it would only end in violence. A child between one of their strongest Harbingers and the all-powerful Outlander? They would surely want it as a pawn on their side, if they weren’t going to kill it first.
Childe found them a tiny cottage secluded in the vast mountain ranges of Liyue, with help from Zhongli, who was, of course, the most familiar with the lay of the land. He practically had to carry Lumine there, who was still deep in her depressive state, who spent her days laying in bed, staring blankly at the walls of her inn room, unwilling to move.
Once they were in the cottage, Childe again took care of her as she continued to contemplate her fate, unmoving; he made sure she ate, he cleaned her, and was always there to hold her at night, telling her that he would be with her no matter what she decided to do.
Her love for him only deepened as she saw how selflessly he helped her, how loyal he was. Because of him and his love and devotion, she slowly came to terms with their situation.
The more she thought about it, the more she wanted this life: some secluded home in the mountains with Childe and a bouncing baby on her hip. A slow, peaceful life; it would be such a luxury from what her life was before. But, there was always that pang of guilt that settled in the back of her throat: the anxious thoughts that she was abandoning Aether, her twin brother, for this.
And perhaps it was that guilt that blocked Lumine from having any real connection with the life growing inside her. She hadn’t envisioned whether it would be a son or daughter, whether it would have her hair or Childe’s eyes—she hadn’t even thought of a name. Thinking of this baby only drew up a blank slate, a missing void.
Now nearing the end of her pregnancy, she felt a lot of movement inside. She knew that those moments were supposed to be special, that mothers cherished those feelings, but Lumine’s body registered them more as just...foreign movements.
There was also the fear. The fear of not being able to be a mother in the first place. She envied Childe and his ease with parenthood: knowing all the things to prepare, the foods she should be eating, the first lessons to teach. Lumine had no clue what to say or do.
She and Aether had been abandoned, left to fend for themselves, from a very young age. She never had a solid parental figure in her life.
How am I ever going to be a good mother?
A soft touch to her cheek pulled Lumine from her ruminations.
Childe gave her a smile. “Need anything, Lumi?”
Lumine put her hand over his. “Hm, I am a bit hungry,” she said.
A light chuckle. “How about some sticky honey roast?” His hand slid down from her cheek, his thumb on the corner of her lips. “You’re drooling already.”
She stuck her tongue out at him. “Shouldn’t you be hurrying up then?”
Childe laughed, then kissed her forehead. “I’ll come get you when it’s ready,” he told her, exiting to the kitchen.
Lumine turned, looking out the open window, into their little garden. The earthly scent wafted through the window, the warm sunshine adding an extra tang to the air. Through the window she counted the growing vegetables, taking note of those ready to harvest.
Humming quietly to herself, she made her way to the kitchen, standing in the doorway to watch Childe flutter about the room, pulling various pots, pans, and utensils out from the shelves.
Archons, he was going to be such a good father.
There was another movement in her womb, this time sharper, a bit more painful. She let out a tiny gasp.
Childe turned, and immediately went to her, brows furrowed. “You okay?”
“Yes,” she sighed. “There’s been a lot of movement lately.”
There was a long pause before Childe spoke. “Must mean it’s nearly time.”
She locked eyes with him. “Already?”
He reached out and soothed out her hair. “Hey, no worries. I will be right here with you—always.” He smiled softly. “We’ll get through it together.”
Lumine nodded, her throat drying. “I’ll be in the garden for a bit.”
“Okay. Can you get some carrots while you’re there? We’re running a bit low.”
She nodded again, leaving the house while Childe returned to his preparations.
She walked through the tall grass, pushing open the wooden fence leading into the garden, her slippers thudding quietly against the little cobblestone path. Finding the patch of carrots, she slowly knelt down, beginning to pull the orange vegetables from the earth.
Birds tweeted, insects chirped, and Lumine again found herself in the vortex of anxiety as she thought about the coming days. Any day from now, she was going to birth a whole new life into the world—a tiny, little, helpless life she was going to have to raise, look after. Can I do it?
She shook her head.
She had helped countless lives, people of all ages and backgrounds, during her time in Teyvat. She had even formed special bonds with so many of them, this child being a result of one of those special bonds. So, surely she would find her way to loving this new life, to caring for it with all her heart, right?
And she would still search for Aether. Aether wouldn’t be angry. He would love a niece or nephew to look after. She was sure her child would love their uncle right back. So, she would have to find Aether for her child and—
Lumine blinked. Was that a bug?
“Found you.”
Lumine looked over her shoulder, finding a familiar blue-haired boy standing behind her. Scaramouche.
“What an annoyance it’s been looking for you,” he said, the ball of electricity crackling dangerously in his hand.
Anxiety pooled into Lumine’s veins. She wouldn’t be able to fight him, not like this. I can’t even stand up quickly right now.
Another painful movement ripped through Lumine’s body. She bit the side of her cheek in to keep quiet in front of Scaramouche.
“Not going to say anything?” he taunted, taking steps closer to her. “Not even going to raise your weapon at me?”
She dug her nails into the dirt, trying to make the pain go away.
“C’mon. What happened to the almighty Outlander?” His voice continued to drop in annoyance. Lumine could feel the electricity sparking directly behind her now.
“What do you want?” she strained out.
A sardonic laugh rippled through the air as he yanked her up by her hair.
“What I’ve been ordered to do.” He brought the electricity closer to her throat. “To kill—”
He froze, tiny flickers of Electro energy pricking Lumine’s skin. He let her go, stepping around her as she collapsed back onto the ground.
“How...interesting,” he breathed, eyes cast down at Lumine’s pregnant body. “So this is why you’ve hid all this time.” His eyes twitched, calculating what to do with the new information.
Lumine rubbed at her neck. “Are you still going to kill me? Or take me back to your Tsaritsa?”
“Who’s the father?” Violet-blue eyes met amber. “Don’t tell me…” He let out a cynical laugh, eyes growing wide with hysteria. “That idiot? Of course! Why didn’t we see it before? The two of you did disappear around the same time…”
He leaned down, bringing the Electro energy back near Lumine’s face. “Tartaglia’s nearby, isn’t he?”
Lumine glared at him. I can just pull my sword out right now. He was close enough for her to throw a quick jab at. Maybe she could disarm him and get away.
It had been so long since she had last fought, since she last materialized her sword. It was going to take some time to do it.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she finally answered. She focused her energy to her palm, searching through the void for her weapon.
“Playing dumb’s not going to work.” There was a surge of power through the ball of electricity. “You should just tell me before I kill you and find out for myself.”
“You don’t even want the child? You’re just going to kill a potentially powerful weapon?” she tried to bargain. She needed more time. She could feel her sword’s particles slowly returning to her.
Scaramouche paused for a brief second to consider. “Sounds like a liability.” He glanced up at the sky. “The Tsaritsa has all she needs. I’d rather not run the risk of another filthy betrayer.”
Lumine’s sword appeared in her hand.
Without hesitation, she stabbed up at Scaramouche, forcing all the elemental energy in her body through the weapon.
Anemo and Geo energy struck the Harbinger in his chest, sending him flying across the garden.
Lumine struggled to stand, stumbling her way back to the house, energy already quickly draining from her heavy body. She glanced back at Scaramouche.
He was standing up, his eyes twitching with rage. “You—” He launched an Electro attack directly at her.
She raised her hand, trying to charge her counter attack as fast as she could.
I can’t get it in time—!
A shield of Hydro formed in front of her, dissipating Scaramouche’s attack.
Relief washed over Lumine as she turned around. Childe—
“Mona?!” she blurted.
The twin-tailed astrologist gave her a small smile. “Didn’t expect to see you here,” she said. Her eyes flickered to Lumine’s belly. “And with child?”
“What are you doing here?!”
Mona threw up a Hydro shield as Scaramouche fired another sphere of Electro.
“The Hydro witch again,” he snarled. “You’re really getting on my nerves.”
Scaramouche charged an arc of lightning straight at them.
Mona casted a large bubble of water to surround them, wincing as the lightning collided with the shield, burning sparks deflecting all over.
The lightning didn’t disappear upon collision, instead continuously barraging against the water. Mona closed her eyes in concentration, brows furrowing with each passing second.
Scaramouche twisted his arm, amping the lightning with more energy, the Electro glow brightening.
Mona let out a sharp gasp; a fine line had splintered in the bubble.
Lumine raised her hands, straining her muscles, and mustering any energy in her body to charge a barrier of her own to help her friend.
She groaned as she collapsed back onto her knees, a horrible, throbbing pain rippling through her abdomen. Her eyes widened, feeling water trickle down the side of her leg.
No, no, no...not now!
“Lumine!” Mona breathed out. “What’s wrong?”
The blonde cried out as her body underwent another contraction. “I—the baby…,” was all she managed to get out before letting out another cry of pain. The baby is coming!
Mona cursed, another line fracturing in her shield.
“It’s over!” Scaramouche yelled. “There’s no use delaying your deaths!”
A smattering of blue Hydro energy rushed past the women, heading directly for the Harbinger. Just as quickly, Scaramouche withdrew his arc of lightning at Mona and Lumine, blocking the oncoming attack.
Childe locked his daggers with Scaramouche’s Electro shield. His face was twisted in a snarl, a dark, evil expression Lumine had never seen before.
“I’m going to kill you,” he said to Scaramouche, voice gravelly, but plain, as if it were just a simple fact being stated.
The blue-haired boy barked out a laugh. “You can’t. You were always the weakest one of us all.”
Childe mimicked the laughter. “I never did like you, Scaramouche.” His ocean eyes narrowed. “I’m going to enjoy this.”
There was an explosion of Hydro, engulfing the two Harbingers. The two struck each other with ultimate speed and precision, only brief glimpses of their fight visible, disembodied clashes of weapons and elements.
Mona let down her own barrier, short of breath, and knelt next to Lumine.
“I’ll teleport us out of here—to safety,” she said.
Lumine reached out, grasping onto her friend’s arm. “No,” she heaved. “Not...without him.” She looked up, eyes tracking Childe. I’m not going to leave you.
“The father?” the mage asked. She worried her lip as she stared ahead, lost in thought. Then, “Wait here,” she said.
The witch shimmered into thin air with a torrent of water, reappearing next to Childe. Both Scaramouche and Childe immediately turned their weapons at her, which she deflected.
She leapt and grabbed Childe by the shoulder, disappearing yet again, rematerializing next to Lumine. Childe and Scaramouche both let out curses as Mona grabbed Lumine’s arm.
Lumine blinked, and the three of them were in a thick forest: a distance aways from where they were before.
Mona cried out as Childe knocked her to the ground, foot pinning her arm, dagger at her face.
“Who are you?” he growled.
“Friend!” Lumine croaked out. “She’s my friend!”
Childe turned towards Lumine. He released his weapons, rushing to Lumine’s side. “Are you hurt?” he asked, gently examining her.
“It’s coming,” Lumine whispered.
She felt his muscles tense against her. “Right now?” Upon her nod, he clenched his jaw. He turned back to Mona. “Do you know anything about childbirth?”
Mona glared at him slightly, rubbing at her bruised arm. “No. I’m an astrologist, not a doctor.”
Childe returned the expression. “Could you get us to Liyue Harbor? To BuBu Pharmacy?”
A shake of the head. “It takes a lot of energy to teleport. I won’t be able to do it for a while, unfortunately.”
Another contraction pulsed through Lumine’s body. “Now,” she groaned. “It has to be now.” It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s coming. Tears gathered in her eyes, from the pain, from the fear barraging her mind.
“Okay, okay,” Childe said, tender. He stroked Lumine’s hair. “You’re going to have the baby right here, okay?”
He yanked off his jacket, laying it under Lumine. He motioned at Mona. “You are going to have to hold her leg.”
Mona came to Lumine’s side, face slightly pale, then took off her cape and folded it into a makeshift pillow under the blonde’s head. “You’re a doctor?”
Childe shook his head. His face was taut. “Lots of younger siblings. I’ve seen my mother deliver before.” He grabbed Lumine’s hand softly. “It’s mostly going to be you from here,” he said. He squeezed her hand. “And I know you’re going to do great. Like you always do.”
I can’t.
All her battles combined didn’t come close to the excruciating pain radiating throughout her body now. Her mind was fleeting, blurred—all of her previous anxieties crashing back; she was senseless, she couldn’t fight them off.
“I can’t,” she finally whispered. “I can’t do this; I can’t be a mother.”
Childe tucked her hair back, leaning in close, lips nestled on her forehead. “There is absolutely no one in this world that compares to you,” he whispered back. “It’s terrifying, I know, but if there’s anyone that can be an amazing mother, it’s you.”
“How do you know?”
“I’ve seen you defeat armies of men, monsters, and gods—”
“Childe, that’s different—”
“—and I’ve seen how brilliantly resilient you are. You would stop at nothing for those you love.”
“Ahem,” Mona coughed awkwardly.
Lumine and Childe looked at her.
She looked away, bashful. “You have this strange ability to have patience, and to care for everyone,” Mona said. “Even when they’re difficult and stubborn...like me.” She finally looked back at Lumine. “I think...I think anyone would be lucky to have you as their mother, Lumine.”
Lumine sniffled loudly. “Mona…”
“Now, now,” the mage interrupted. “Let’s get this on the way. I suppose being an aunt would be fun…”
“She’s right,” Childe added. “I thank the stars everyday that I’m going to be able to love and cherish this child with you. There’s no one else that could ever come close to you, Lumi.”
Tears fully rained from Lumine’s eyes. Slowly, she began to nod.
They were right. She knew herself more than capable. And she wasn’t going to be alone. Even with her fears, she had her loved ones there to support her. Together, they would be strong enough for anything.
I...I can do this.
“Thank you, both,” she breathed. She reached out, putting her hand in Childe’s. “I love you.”
He smiled at her. “I love you too.” He kissed her before kneeling by her feet.
“Deep breathes,” Childe told her. “Then push, okay?”
She nodded, taking in a lungful of air.
Breathe, Lumine, breathe.
Lumine let out a sharp cry, pushing with every ounce of strength left in her body, nerves excruciatingly igniting all over. The trees swayed as the wind picked up around the three.
“Lumine,” Mona murmured, glancing up at the leaves. “Your energy is leaking out.”
Lumine stopped pushing for a second, forehead slick with sweat. “Wha-What does that mean?”
Mona pointed at swirls of Anemo energy forming above, leaves and branches beginning to snap off. “It may very well mean you might level this entire forest.”
Oh no… “I-I can’t control it right now,” Lumine said.
“Can you form a seal of some sort?” Childe asked.
The astrologist bit her lip. “I can certainly try.” She grabbed Lumine’s hand then nodded.
Taking in another deep breath, Lumine started pushing again. Both her and Mona winced as Lumine squeezed their hands together. A blue glow emitted lightly from her body—Mona’s magic—and she felt her elemental energy rattling in her veins.
“You’re doing great, Lumi,” Childe said over her panting. “You’re almost there.”
Lumine screamed as she felt a final wave of pain, and the intense release of pressure.
Then, a cry.
Not hers, however. The pitched wailing of a baby.
She relaxed back, just listening to the crying as Childe and Mona shuffled around, checking on the baby.
It’s here.
She looked down at her feet where Childe was wrapping the baby in his gray jacket. He was smiling, his blue eyes blissfully aglow.
He carried the bundle to Lumine. “A son,” he told her. The baby was placed in her arms.
For the first time ever, Lumine looked down at her son.
My son.
“He’s so small,” she said, smoothing down his head of light hair. She held him close to her heart, and the crying quieted down. His tiny eyes opened, bleary blue hues taking in the world.
Her heart ached as it swelled with overwhelming emotion. Seeing this tiny creature, this life she carried for many months—a product of her and Childe’s love and passion—she knew she already loved him, that yes, she would give her all to protect him: her new family.
Childe wrapped his arms around her shoulders, looking down at their son as well. “You did it,” he murmured, kissing her forehead.
“Congratulations,” Mona said. “The battle isn’t over quite yet.”
Lumine looked up at her friend. “What do you mean?”
Mona raised a brow. “There is another child, isn’t there?”
Both Lumine and Childe stared at the astrologist blankly.
“How do you know?” Childe asked.
“Oh, Archons, you really didn’t know,” Mona responded, panicked. “When I was using my magic to seal away Lumine’s elemental energy, I felt the two different life forms—it’s twins.”
Lumine felt her muscles tense as her body prepared for another delivery. She let out a gasp, looking up at Childe to confirm, yes, there is another baby.
“Hold the baby,” he said to Mona, moving back down to Lumine’s feet.
Mona gently took the baby into her arms, a look of uncertainty scrawled on her face.
There was a thunderous strike of lightning right next to the group; as the dust settled, Scaramouche stepped out of the fog, purple electricity crackling all over his body.
“Would you look at that,” he growled, eyes narrowing in on the newborn. “Another body to dispose of.” A wicked grin pulled at his lips. “I was going to kill you all quickly, but now I think I’m going to make it slow. And tortuous.”
Childe stood, eyes dark. “Mona, keep Lumine safe.”
Then, he launched towards the other Harbinger, becoming engulfed in electricity as well. The two impacted, an explosion resonating around them, and Childe stepped out from the smoke, his Foul Legacy transformation completed.
Over the deafening sounds of blades crashing, Mona took the cape from under Lumine’s head, laying it under her body. She spoke to Lumine, “Are you ready to start pushing?”
Lumine shook her head feverishly. “I can’t.” Not without Childe.
“You must,” her friend said. “You can’t help him until you do.”
Lumine’s body locked up in pain with another contraction. “Okay,” she strained out.
Mona nodded, conjuring a glob of water, then placing Lumine’s child on it. “It’s the only bassinet I can make right now.”
“Can you still help seal my energy?”
“Of course.” Mona knelt by Lumine’s feet. “Are you ready?”
Lumine swallowed hard, then nodded. After taking in many deep breaths, she mustered all the remaining strength in her body to push.
A labored cry exhaled from her body, every fiber in her body praying for it all to stop.
“It’s almost out,” Mona encouraged. “Just a bit more!”
The edges of her mind blurred. She imagined her and Childe, living their lives peacefully with their two children, watching lovingly as they skipped around in fields of flowers. Aether would walk up, greeting his little nieces and nephews, waving joyfully at Lumine. Her friends—Mona, Xiangling, Zhongli, and countless others—would take turns coming to visit, to see them and their happy little family in their happy little home.
It was such a lovely dream.
Tears ran down her face, and Lumine pushed just one last time.
The familiar sound of a newborn’s cries filled the air once more. Lumine fell back, laying down in the dirt, the sight of tangled tree canopies above returning to her vision.
“A girl,” Mona said, carefully wrapping her cape around the baby. She stood, carrying the little girl to Lumine.
The two women snapped their attention back to the fight, watching as Childe’s armor shattered around him. He fell, kneeling, and gasping for breath.
Despite her exhausted body, Lumine scrambled up. “Childe!”
“You’ve grown so weak, Tartaglia,” Scaramouche spat. “You’re out of practice. Too focused on your meaningless family,” he mocked.
“Run,” Childe gasped out weakly to Lumine.
Scaramouche slammed his foot into Childe’s head, cackling as the Eleventh Harbinger fell down.
Something stirred in Lumine’s body.
“I think,” Scaramouche said, turning to Lumine, “I’m going to kill your children first. Right in front of you. How does that sound?”
Something old, ancient—something she hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
“Shield everyone,” Lumine said lowly to Mona. In response, Mona gave a small nod, grabbing the two children, and making her way to Childe inconspicuously.
Scaramouche stalked closer to Lumine. “Are you going to try and fight me?” Another cackle. “You’re even weaker than Tartaglia, especially after what you just went through.”
“You threatened my family,” Lumine nearly growled. “You hurt my family.” She raised her arm, materializing her blade. Quicker than before.
“And you’re going to pay for that,” she finished, her veins ignited with ancient energy.
He smirked. “I’d like to see you try.”
There was an overwhelming ringing in Lumine’s ears as she felt the liquid power coarse through her body. The sensation extended through her back, bursting outwards, until...a pair of wings had formed. Her pair of wings.
Her skin was aglow, a golden haze enveloping her, her wings, and her sword.
It was her old power.
Her powers had come back.
“What is the meaning of this?” Scaramouche sneered.
Lumine glanced over at Mona, the two babies in her arms, hovering over Childe, who was stirring awake. A faint blue glow surrounded them—Mona’s barrier.
She turned her attention back to Scaramouche, who was charging up an Electro attack of his own.
“It’s no use,” Lumine said, echoing his words back to him. She leapt up into the air, flying far above him as he cursed below.
She closed her eyes, thinking of her friends, of Aether, her children, her one true love, Childe—her family.
The sword illuminated, crackling with golden arcs of energy. Then, she plunged down.
A sonic boom erupted around her as she landed, acres of dirt and trees uprooting in the explosion. The mountains shook, the clouds parted, and Lumine used the last bit of her energy to blast the dust away.
Laying before her, lifeless, was Scaramouche.
I did it.
She quickly looked around for her family, crying in relief seeing Mona, Childe, and the babies safely protected.
She felt her ancient power drain from her, and she collapsed on her knees as the pain and exhaustion funneled back into her body.
“Lumine!” she heard Childe shout.
“Childe…,” she responded, voice thin.
Then, her vision went black.
* * *
There was the crying of a baby. No, two babies. It sounded so familiar, yet foreign to Lumine.
She was in a black void, looking around for the source of the crying. Whoever they were, she knew they needed her. And she needed to protect them.
Lumine groggily opened her eyes, the black void from her dreams dissipating. Her vision adjusted, and she realized she was laying in her and Childe’s bed, back at their mountain cottage. Muffled through the walls, she heard the crying of her children, and the voice of Childe trying to calm them.
She slowly sat up, the bed creaking under her. At the sound of movement, Mona stirred awake from the corner.
“You’re awake!” she shouted. She went to the door, throwing it open, and yelling, “She’s awake, she’s awake!”
Lumine blinked at her, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, while Mona came to her side.
“How are you feeling?” her friend asked.
Lumine stretched a bit. “Very sore.”
“Hmph. I would expect so; you really did level that forest.” Mona looked out the window. “After exerting that kind of power, you should most certainly be dead.” She bit her lip. “But I am glad you are not.”
“Thank you, Mona. For all your help,” Lumine said with a small smile.
The astrologist flung her blue hair over her shoulder. “You are very welcome,” she said, returning the smile.
“You never did tell me why you were here of all places.”
“Ah, yes, that.” She folded her arms across her chest. “After our encounter with that Harbinger, I decided to track his movements—just to make sure he wouldn’t cause any more trouble.” She opened her hydromancy chart, looking over the sigils. “As fate would have it, I followed him here, to you.”
The wailing of the newborns drew closer, and Childe appeared in the doorway, two wriggling bundles in his arms.
His hair was rustled, dark bags under his eyes, and his usual pressed attire was wrinkled and disheveled.
Archons, Lumine loved him.
It was obvious to her that while she was knocked out cold, he had been taking care of their newborn children all on his own. Which was probably the furthest thing from easy...
He gave her a smile, tired at the edges, but filled with love all the same—and she gave him the same smile, yearning to embrace him and their new family.
Mona mumbled something about going to observe the sky for a while, and slipped out of the room as Childe sat on the edge of the bed.
Wordlessly, he placed the two babies in Lumine’s arms, and their cries were instantly quelled.
“Now that’s something I haven’t heard in forever,” he sighed. “Silence.”
“I hope it wasn’t unbearable.” She looked down at her babies, gently smoothing their little light hairs. It would never cease to amaze her, the overwhelming love and joy she felt looking at her twins. Looking at their tiny hands, their tiny feet, seeing their little breaths—any anxiety or fears she had felt before disappeared into thin air.
Childe wrapped his arm around Lumine, looking down at their children as well. “The only thing that was unbearable was not having you around,” he said, pressing a kiss to her temple.
Lumine nodded. “I couldn’t imagine doing this without you.” She leaned into Childe’s chest. “I’ll always be around,” she assured.
“And I’ll always be with you,” he answered. “Our little family.”
Lumine smiled, the happiest of tears coming to her eyes.
“Our little family.”
* * *
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