#it’s so gender of them ✨
harrowharksoup · 1 year
Happy to live in a universe where I sometimes come across fanart and am momentarily confused bc which ginger gay with the golden eyes and sunglasses is it??
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bbreakingbenjamin · 5 months
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𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔 🖤👋🖤☠️
𝕵𝖔𝖊𝖞 𝕵𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓 & 𝖂𝖊𝖉𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖉𝖆𝖞 13 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝕶𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌! 𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖆𝖟𝖎𝖓𝖊, 2011.
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reinabeestudio · 9 months
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I keep reading their name as 'Saffron' so, the funnie colors 💥
At first I thought it was a pun on 'Sin fin' (endless in Spanish). Fitting since, well. Y'know. The Loops(tm) (<- said like The Horrors)
(*In Stars And Time by @insertdisc5)
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Corentin discovers the joy of fashion after being re-introduced to clothes that aren't saturated with blood and gore for the first time in over a decade
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girlboyburger · 1 year
Its-using animals club!
Alas i feel your pain, especially when someone's go-to response is "isn't using it/its dehumanizing?"
right. like. it doesn't matter if you think it's dehumanizing. it's what i want to be called, and like my name, you'll call me by it / its or we will not be having further conversation.
to me, personally, that's like. kind of a huge part of the appeal? full respect to those living in the "it can be a moment, it can be the mountains or the sunset" because, me too! but also a massive appeal to it / its is i can easily sum my gender up as some kinda boygirlthing. it/its he/she. like an animal you don't know the gender of.
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 1 year
Octonauts Week Day 2 HOORAY! 🥳
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Crab and Urchin my beloved, Clovis and Laverne my also beloved 💙💙💙
I like a lot of octonauts ships but these guys pretty much are actually cannon hehehe >:3
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un-pearable · 10 months
species don’t exist — i mean, obviously, they do. but they aren’t objective. species are (as most things are) a cultural construction, a coalition of humans deciding where and when to draw what lines. constantly in debate: did you know paleoanthropologists are unintentionally incentivized to claim to have discovered entire new genera along the path of human evolution because they are more likely to generate media buzz and gain desperately needed funding. thousands of plants may be categorized together but a centimeter’s difference in skull thickness warrants an entire new genus name. we are more genetically similar to chimpanzees than they are to their fellow non-human primates, but due to the rules of Linnaean taxonomy humanity will never be collapsed into the same genus as them because the rules dictate that the older genus name prevails: humanity would never accept becoming Pan sapiens, especially not after it took decades for it even to be accepted that humans were a part of the taxonomy in the first place. even the most basic of criteria we’ve used in the past to decide where a species stops and starts continues to be debunked - fish from entire opposites of the world can produce fertile offspring. analogous evolution can find lines that split millions of years back creating critters that would be side by side in a disney cartoon. categorization is a eternal battleground of western scientific standards requiring universalized objective qualifiers vs. the futile efforts to recognize the unmeasurable amounts of nuance held in traditional ecological knowledge — versus the fact that, inevitably, it all boils down to a vast continuum contained within only a few percentage points of variation in the squiggly lines that tell the cells of everything on the entire globe how to eat
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myymi · 2 years
last writing thing of the year 🤭✨
Sonic huffed and crossed his arms, pretending to look at a watch on his wrist while his foot tapped an impatient rhythm.
1 second..
2 seconds..
3 seconds. 
4 seconds.. 
‘Jeez, pal, you’re really taking your time. Don’t make me wait for ten seconds!’ The hedgehog thought, glancing up at the sky in hopes to spot his companion.
After 6 seconds, a slight movement of grass from behind told him his buddy had finally scoped out the area.
“There you are, Tails!” He exclaimed as he turned around, arms still crossed and his foot still tapping away. “I was waaaiting!” He sang, knowing it got a few giggles out of his charge every time he did it.
And sure enough, Sonic was rewarded with a few of his pal’s giggles for his efforts. “Sorry, Sonic. Thought I saw a buttnik, but it was jus’a bug.” Tails said, gesturing to a bush somewhere to the right.
“S’all clear?” He knew it was, he would’ve heard those dumb-bots by now if any were there. That, or they would’ve spotted Tails and attacked. Still, he waited for the kit to confirm it.
“Sure is!” The boy beamed and shot a thumbs up at the older, tails wagging when he received a few headpats in return. “There’s also a berry bush just there,” he pointed to a spot past Sonic, “I don’t remember what is and s’not okay to eat, though.”
“That’s alright, li’l bro, I can help jumpstart that big brain of yours.” The teen ruffled his bangs and grinned down at the boy before nodding to the clearing. “Let’s set up camp first, sound cool?”
“Way past!” His fluffy appendages still wagging, Tails grabbed hold of their bag and ran to the clearing. Only Sonic was still wearing the bag, so he ended up getting dragged with it.
“You really like settin’ up camp, huh pal?” The hedgehog commented with a light laugh, letting himself get tugged along since he knew the little fox could carry his weight, no sweat. The younger laughed nervously and let go of the bag once they were in the clearing.
“Sorry, Sonic,” He wrung his hands, his twin tails twisting behind him in a show of embarrassment, “I still can’t really contain my excitement.”
“No sweat about it, li’l bud.” Sonic assured him as he stood himself upright and pulled off the backpack he was wearing. “It’s normal for kits your age.”
“Is flying normal for kits my age?” Tails asked, holding his hands behind his back and leaning forward.
“Well, not kits,” The hedgehog set the bag on the ground so he could pull out their blankets and other necessities. “But other kids, yeah, sometimes.”
“Then what does that matter?” Sonic paused what he was doing to turn and look at his little buddy with a raised brown. The fox was just grinning back at him, rocking on his heels.
“Matters ‘cause it means you don’t gotta be ‘mbarrassed about it.” The teen countered, reaching to poke the fox’s stomach. The latter squeaked at the touch and ducked away, giggling from his new spot 5 feet away from the older.
“S’hat mean I should be embarrassed ‘bout what isn’t normal for kits my age?” Sonic sighed and shook his head. The kid was quite a handful sometimes.
“Not what I meant, and you know it.” He said, reaching out to poke the younger again, but he was quick enough to move away this time. The kit giggled and sat down while he watched the older pull out their camping supplies.
“What color were those berries you saw, Tails?” Sonic asked as he set down the pot they used to cook chili dogs in.
“Some kind’a pinkish red.” Tails’s namesakes twitched behind him. The hedgehog hummed and waved his hand, pulling out a bottle of water.
“Think those are raspberries. Go pick a couple so I can check ‘em out, will ya?” He asked, taking a small sip of the liquid.
“Sure thing, Sonic!” The fox beamed as his tails wound up, lifting him off the ground so he could fly to the bush of berries he saw earlier.
Sonic twisted the cap back onto the bottle and set it on the ground. He’ll have Tails drink some once he gets back with the berries. He reached into the bag and pulled out a jar that’s full of water, specifically for cooking chili dogs.
He poured a bit of it into the pot before replacing the lid and setting it back in the backpack. He quickly set up a spot for the campfire, and used his old lighter to start a fire. He then picked up the pot of water and suspended it above the crackling flame.
Sonic looked in the direction his little brother flew off in as he dumped a couple of hotdogs into the pot. The kid was only supposed to pick one or two for the hedgehog to examine, what was taking so long?
He didn’t have to wait much longer, though. He smiled when he saw the fox run back to the clearing, and, from the looks of his appearance, it was obvious what held him up.
“Sorry I wasn’t back in a Sonic Second,” Tails apologized, handing two berries to his hero, “my tails got caught.” Which was obvious, considering there were all kinds of knots, twigs, and leaves stuck in his fur that were definitely not there a few seconds ago.
“Don’t sweat it, little buddy.” Sonic said as he took one of the berries. He held it up to his face, only needing to study it for a few seconds to confirm it was, in fact, a raspberry. “Go ‘head and take a bite of that one, Tails.” He pointed at the pink berry in his brother’s hand.
“What’s it taste like?” He asked, but bit a piece of it off before he could get an answer. He would’ve done it anyway, he wasn’t one to turn down food! Especially not when Sonic said it was okay to eat.
The teen laughed lightly at his buddy’s impatience and popped the raspberry he held into his mouth. “They’re sweet n’ tart. Not my favorite, but decent.” Noticing the kit’s wagging tails, he assumed the younger quite liked them.
“What is your favorite berry?” Tails asked, putting the rest of the berry in his mouth. He liked it a lot, but blueberries were better.
“Chilidogberries.” Sonic joked, sitting down next to the fire to watch the hotdogs cook.
“There’s no such thing as chilidogberries!” The fox crossed his arms and frowned.
“Is to!” The hedgehog argued, taking out a can of chili from the backpack. “They’re really good, li’l bro.” He picked up the water bottle and patted the ground next to him, signaling the other to come sit.
Tails huffed but did as he was told, taking the bottle when it was offered to him. He made sure to only take a sip of it like Sonic did, even though he told him to drink enough so he wasn’t thirsty anymore.
Sonic reached into the bag once more and pulled out a pink hair brush, a gift from a girl he had saved a few months ago so he could maintain Tails’s fur better.
“Alright, li’l bro, let’s fix up those tails of yours.” He turned back to the younger with a smile, holding up the brush.
“Fix them?” Tails repeated, his ears lowering as he set the water bottle down and glanced at the fluffy appendages behind him, completely missing the hairbrush. “There’s something wrong with them?”
“No, pal,” The hedgehog shook his head and tapped the kit’s nose with the flat end of the brush. “I meant cleaning them up. Getting rid of the twigs and leaves.”
“Oh,” The fox smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck, “will you be careful?”
“‘Course, little buddy!” Sonic ruffled his bangs before crawling behind his little brother so he could brush his tails easier. “‘Sides, you can alway tell me if it hurts. Keep an eye on the dogs for me, will ya?”
“Okay, Sonic.” Tails nodded and turned to watch the pot hanging above the fire, playing with his fingers as he waited.
Sonic smiled and set the hairbrush in his lap, deciding it’d be better to pull the tangled twigs and leaves out of his fur before brushing the knots out. He briefly wondered how often he would need to brush out his buddy’s tails, they were bound to get tangled up pretty often. Fur maintenance is a lot more of a hassle than quill maintenance.
Soon enough, the final stick was pulled and Sonic could start actually brushing the fluffy appendages. His ears twitched at a quiet sound, swiveling until he realized what it was.
Tails was humming the song Catty Carlisle made in Sonic’s tribute. The kit had been quick to dub Sonic’s Song as his all time favorite song, saying it was the coolest song ever. He decided that faster than the hedgehog could run a lap around Mobius!
Holding one of the tails in his left hand with his right gently brushing the fur, Sonic began humming along with his little brother. The song was catchy, how could he not! Also, it made the kid happy. That is, if the other tail softly wagging (which caused it to repeatedly hit Sonic’s side) was anything to go off of.
Before too long, the first tail was completely not free. Sonic sat the brush down once again to run his fingers through the fur to make sure he didn’t miss a single knot. Nodding in approval, he set it on the ground and picked up the other tail to repeat the process.
“Hey, Sonic?” Tails asked a few seconds after they had finished humming.
“S’up, li’l bud?” The hedgehog glanced at the kid briefly before returning his attention to the knotted up fur.
“I, uh– wanna say thank you s’all.” The kit’s voice was quieter now, a clear sign he was a bit embarrassed. The teen cocked a brow.
“What you thankin’ me for? I haven’t even cooked up your chili dog yet!” He poked the fox’s side with the tip of his shoe, earning a quiet giggle.
“Well, I know that, but” Tails swatted at his brother’s foot, “you do so much for me everyday, even though nobody else would. I think that deserves a thank you.” He said as he pulled his knees to his chest.
Sonic gave him a sympathetic look even though the younger couldn’t see it. “You don’t gotta thank me for that, li’l bro. It’s what heroes do!” He set the brush down so he could rub that little area behind the kit’s big yellow ears, earning a few quiet purrs from the action.
“It’s what brothers do.” He added in a whisper that was just loud enough for the younger to hear. He retreated his hand so he could finish brushing his tail, ignoring the few quiet sniffles that followed his words.
“Well.. I, uhm–” Tails hesitated, pulling his knot-free tail to his chest so he could hug it. “Love ya, big bro.” The older had a feeling it was so that it would muffle his words, too.
“Love ya too, li’l bro.” The kit squeaked and hid his face further into his tail. Sonic smiled before brushing out the last few knots, humming another song that came upon the radio regularly.
He really had the coolest little brother.
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poisoned-pearls · 9 months
magical girl Jamiazu au
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menlove · 1 year
gender rant under the cut
good things abt testosterone and passing: do not often get called a woman or miss/ma'am, get called sir, getting closer every day to my gender goals (I just want to look like jack black/meatloaf/laszlo from wwdits), terms like "boyfriend" are very gender euphoric, overall much much happier with my physical appearance
bad things abt testosterone and passing: constantly assumed to be a gay man despite that being so far from my sexuality. this in itself is fine up until I start to get to know people and explicitly tell them many times that I am not a man, I do not like being referred to as a man, and I do not like binary men and yet everyone Still constantly refers to me as a man and acts like I have no experience liking women (including cracking jokes abt how much I wouldn't understand liking women. laughing my fucking ass off.) and as if I have not, do not, and could never experience misogyny, never or rarely feeling welcomed in spaces w women, etc etc
like don't get me wrong being called a woman gives me the same amount of dysphoria but it happens much less now and this kind of dysphoria is incredibly infuriating bc it's usually done by other queer people who unquestionably support gender conforming afab people's genders/sexuality but god forbid the bitch w a beard tries to say they're a dyke that likes women bc obviously he's just a silly little smol gay boy!!
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aeide-thea · 2 years
also like. gay queer trans boudoir photography when
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i find it hilariously ironic that even before i knew i was agender i still participated in genderfuckery
like i didn’t know people felt gender i honestly thought people went along with it for the aesthetic. So i was like: nah this is all bullshit, i would like to confuse people, please
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nicepersondisorder · 11 months
i got t (androgel) 🥳🥳🥳
now i just need to grow enough balls and try to find an endocrinologist who would work with a guy who does hrt without prescription
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
I've been seeing your AWL posts lately and am thinking about playing the regular AWL myself! :D Your posts about Gustafa are so lovely. Is there any reason you picked him out of the other bachelors!
oh, you totally should! i'm not sure exactly how different the remake is from the original, but if the characters and gameplay mechanics are still similar enough, i'd definitely recommend checking it out. it's a fresh breath of air after playing more recent entries in the series. i do know that the remake does has some quailty-of-life improvements and changes some things about the characters beyond just redesigns ( like lumina being the same age as the protag from the start for example. )
if you ever wanna play the remake, though, xseed does run sales from time to time on the story of seasons games for switch and steam. i'd recommend looking out for one of those sales if you wanna grab it!
while i haven't played the original awl, i had read up on the characters before since it's such an iconic entry from the bokumono series and i was curious about them. honestly, gustafa's always kinda stood out to me since i usually love characters that are generally laid-back, appreciate life & nature, and are on the weirder side. ( *gestures at emily from sdv and jennifer from the fomt remake* ) his design feels really unique when compared to marlin and rock, too. i just thought he was a neat dude and made a mental note to try romancing him if i ever played awl or ds cute. plus, he reminded me a lot of snufkin from the moomin series, who i also adore, so that probably influenced my initial impression on him a bit, too.
i did go into the remake thinking that i might try going for gustafa, but i still wasn't sure if he was the character i was going to end up with. awl has a lot of interesting characters ( and a lot of cute girls ) so i thought someone else might swoop in and become my fave. but then i started talking to gustafa and getting his events... i was done for pretty quick, as you may have saw. 😔 he's just really pleasant to talk to and i really love that his events generally involve the two of you enjoying each other's company, admiring nature, and him sharing his passion for music with you. but, i think the moment that really sealed my fate was asking him to the fireworks festival and being bombarded by how much rizz he freaking has. when he hit tris with "i think we'll both have some sweet dreams tonight" after the show ended, it was over. he really has my heart in a death grip at this point...
oh, and he makes this face when you ask him out to the festivals.
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( he literally goes 😳, i love it so much... )
i proposed to him last night, ( i haven't gotten his engagement event yet since i haven't picked up the game yet today,) and i'm almost done with the first year. i've been having a lot of fun with this game and i'm really excited to play through more of it — especially with gustafa by tris's side. 😊✨
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sysig · 2 years
I have just realized a problem if [baby] turns out to be male;
I already have a Scriabin tag
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jisungshotfirst · 2 years
Omg Kevin snapped, ily king
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