#it’s time to share the stage old man 😭
sagaubeloved · 7 months
Zhongli has been one of THE characters I’ve kept in my party since the first day of his release, he is my little meow meow kitty dragon and I refuse to let him go.
Recently though, I started fixating on Kazuha who I’ve been using more of in battles and I stg, every time I end a fight with Kazuha there is a split SECOND where Zhongli appears on the screen with his spear and it’s driving me insane.
Like I love you, but let me finish the battle with our little wind boy in HIS fighting pose 😭
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tpwkwriter · 5 months
different situatons where h gets jealous and possesive of reader
i just imagined it and im gonna dieee
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Ooohhh🤭 another headcannon coming your way!
Warnings: cussing, mentions of Alcohol, drunkeness, jealousy, violence😭
————————jealousy, jealousy—————————
Because of his high status and his constant surroundings of celebrities, fans, paparazzi, TMZ agents harry always had a watchful eye of his girl.It’s not that he didn’t trust y/n, it was the eyes of others he didn’t. Harry’s love for y/n was something so different, he had never felt such love and pride in his girl, he truly loved y/n.
“The returning ex”
Despite this man of y/n’s past being long gone and simply a college fling it still never made sense to why he would occasionally pop back up in Harry’s and y/n’s shared life.
It was a friends birthday party being held at there usual club, y/n remainder sat on a barstool at the bar happy to watch the room of drunks and dancers while Harry was socialising with various friends and work mates around the room, still cautious and aware of his pretty girl sitting at the bar.
“Y/n” a familiar voice heckled.
“James” y/n muttered under her breath.
And there he was the man who took everything from y/n and left within 1 night, despite his actions being many years ago y/n still couldn’t bring her self to be nice to him.
“How are ya” he asked, helping himself to the stool next to her.
“M’Fine” she blankly answered.
“Good, good” he said sipping on his bottled beer.
“Where is he then? The world renounced Popstar?” He asked clearly getting straight to the point.
“That would be me mate”
James’ figure slouched once he saw his replacement.
“M’harry” he said from behind y/n moving forward so he could shake his hand.
“James” he answered shaking his hand.
Harry took no further time in pulling a stool out and sitting himself as close to y/n as he possibly could and putting his hand around her waist.
“I suppose I won’t interrupt anymore, see ya round y/n”
“You scared him away” she laughed.
“Means v’done my job” he said meeting her lips.
“Stage side drama”
If able to, y/n attended most shows, whether that be backstage, side of the stage, in a tier surrounded by bodyguards courtesy of Harry.
She loved it all so much and it never got old.
The loud intro to kiwi filled the stadium, the lights go crazy and the fans give it all they have.
Y/n was in Harrys peripheral all night, the sight of y/n dancing, singing taking the occasional video/photo and making eye contact with her when a song is dedicated to her it reminded him why he did all this.
Y/n was standing to the right side of the stage watching her lover do what he did very best, it wasn’t until she felt a cold arm snake around her waist.
“Enjoying your night” Micheal Harry’s friend whispered into hair.
Harry regretted ever allowing Micheal meet y/n, he was convinced he would make advances if he wasn’t around.
“Very much so” she replied facing him allowing him to lip read over the speakers.
Harry quickly glanced over to his girl and when he saw his “friend” mindlessly wrapping his arms around his girlfriends waist.
H was already high on adrenaline it didn’t take much to push him off the edge.
After the infamous whale, and endless kisses and ‘thank yous’ to the crowd, and still much to his disgust in his peripheral vision, Micheal was still finding any exscuse to be as close to her as he could.
While waving to the sea of people, he speed off of to the side of stage to finally be reunited with his girl, and do something about this Micheal.
“Baby!!” She squealed removing herself from Michael’s loose embrace and throwing herself into her much more comfortable hold instead.
Without a word he just holds her tighter and presses kisses along her hairline, with two hands gently cupping her head, he pulls her out of his chest so he can rest his forehead on hers and speak only to her.
“Love, can you follow the rest of the band f’me and I’ll meet you on the tourbus alright? M’just gonna find Glenn back here?”
She nods and presses a kiss to him, she’s been meaning to that for a while now, the sound of Micheal huffing and puffing behind them really made Harry satisfied.
“I love you, and make sure you stay with them alright” he says against her lips, before slowly releasing her.
“I love you and don’t be too long” she smiles before hurrying off to find the rest, “bye Micheal” she utters before whipping round the corner.
Little to the girls knowledge Glenn wasn’t even here, he just wanted to have a chat with Micheal, perhaps a kind warning.
“You really got lucky with her man” Micheal laughs.
“Yeah, yeah, I did mate I really did, and because of that I’d rather you keep your hands to yourself” he stated, keeping his calm stature but a serious tone.
“Your Harry fucking styles, you could have any chick in the world, and your mad at me for having an arm round a basic girl” he laughs, not catching the drift.
Say what want about him, but y/n, no that’s the line.
With the adrenaline still flowing through his veins, he didn’t fear much at this very moment. It wasn’t until Micheal was backed against a wall that Harry realised he was getting closer to the idle man.
“Say that again” he coldly said.
“I said tha-“
Let’s just say that Micheal was lucky Harry had various security and staff surrounding the backstage area.
“And they called it puppy love”
Y/n had been practically begging for any sort of pet ever since her and Harry moved in together, a companion to keep her company when Harry’s out on the road, y/n worked from home, and there was a puppy needing a home, what could be the problem?
The problem lies where little buddy (there black Labrador) grew quiet clingy and protective of y/n to the extent where even a hug would set the little man off.
“Fuckin’ hell bud” he said, referring to the pup who was currently barking at Harry because of his hand resting on his mums thigh.
“He’s just making sure his mummy’s safe aren’t you baby” she said adoringly picking up the pooch and holding it to her chest where he happily wagged his tail and snuggles into her scent.
Harry then tried again, seeing that the puppy was snuggled in her neck trying to rest, he this time cuddles into his girlfriends side, resting his hand in it’s original place on her thigh and pressing kisses to her shoulder.
However the bliss only lasted around 3 minutes, before the pup found out and started again.
“Oh bud shush your noise” she gently scolded, moving him carefully onto the sofa space next to her.
However buddy made his way back on y/n’s lap and countinued to bark at Harry making it clear that y/n was his mum.
Tired and in need of some TLC, Harry called it a night.
“Bloody pup, I’m going to bed, it’s clear it’s not me he wants” he says patting her thigh and getting up from his position.
“Babe it’s okay, he needs to get used you being around me-“
“No y/n, as long as he’s here we aren’t gonna get any time together” he huffed as he made his way out of the living room and up the stairs.
“I think daddy’s a little mad…and jealous” she whispered to the pup.
Once y/n gently placed the pup in its bed, she headed up to find her sulky boyfriend who was found still sat up against the headboard scrolling on his phone.
“Harry” she began, sliding herself into her side of the bed.
“C’mere” she softly said.
To which he did, he enjoyed feeling that slight bit more vulnerable around the girl, and slid into her arms resting on her chest, she loved using her fingertips to play with the soft curls that sat above his head.
“M’sorry” he mumbled against her chest.
“Don’t be silly, got nothing to be sorry for” she chuckled quietly.
“I was jealous of our fucking dog, s’not right y/n” he continues.
“Hey, hey, I get it, it’s okay, and we will get round to training him promise” she confirms countinue long to comb his hair.
“I know, I know, jus’ don’t like sharing you, you were mine first” he says a low chuckle leaving his lips.
“S’okay, m’always yours, no matter what”
“Unless we get another puppy..then my hands may be a bit full” she added, a small smile curling on both there lips.
“You’d be so lucky” he groaned
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callmerainman · 2 months
in having ✨ideas✨ again, and this one’s very fluffy
could we maybe have a sinner! adam oneshot where the reader plays a mandolin and decides one day to play this song in a very low key attempt to impress romance the guy? and maybe adam’s all like “yeah it’s alright I guess” but he’s totally transparent.
please, and thank you
SHOW AND TELL | sinner!Adam x sinner!Reader
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word count. 1.7k
tags. Adam being in denial, Reader plays mandolin, fluff, sinner!Adam, gn!sinner!Reader
a/n. aaaa sorry for taking so long! hope you'll enjoy this because the prompt was so cute and funny 😭
This could be a chance.
You rotate the wooden instrument between your hands. A mandolin, your musical companion for so many years. You would have never thought that one day you'd be using it for trying to pick up someone. Especially not the First Man, Adam.
It's "Show and Tell" night at the Hazbin Hotel. The monthly occurrence you never understood, because no one really ever showed anything worth talking about. Angel Dust would put on some of his old porn videocassettes, Husk a cheap bottle of booze that he'll come up with a story for right on the spot, and let's not talk about the time Cherri Bomb showed one of her most recent, newly advanced creations that almost blew the whole Hotel up to pieces.
Also, the last couple of months, Show and Tell night has been graced with the addition of Adam. When he set foot in the Hotel it was clear that he still didn't really believe in Charlie's project. He just didn't have any other options. But, after some time, a hint of comfort was starting to show on the arrogant fallen angel. He became tamer, more sufferable to be around, almost pleasing sometimes. At first, you thought that you would have never had anything to share with Adam. But then conversations started to flow in the common rooms, and you two started to hang out outside the Hotel, even opening up to each other.
Adam wasn't that bad. Adam was funny to be around. Adam was easy to talk to. And Adam was pretty and...
Oh. Oh!
You crushed hard. Denial was the first stage, because c'mon, that's Adam, the former leader of the Extermination, a sadistic bastard. But he was also the one to greet you first when you came down for breakfast in the morning, who sat next to you at dinner to have some small talk, and the one who laughed more at your jokes. You learned to accept your feelings, but then a new problem presented itself. How exactly do you pull Adam?
He was more interesting than you thought that you could ever be. Not to inflate his ego, but he was the First Man to ever be created. He named the animals of Earth, he has been around for so long that he has seen it all. And he had two knock out ex-wives! How could you even compete? He played the guitar and was in a rock band in Heaven. But then, remembering that information, you glanced over at the wooden mandolin hung up to a hook on the right wall of your Hotel room. Maybe Adam didn't like you, but he for sure liked music. And mandolin wasn't exactly his type of instrument, but you still had music on your side. Yeah, this could be a chance.
You and the other guests take a seat each on the couches and chairs of the common room. Adam is sitting right in front of you, your eyes interlocked for a second before you both look away. Geez your cheeks feel hot. Then here comes Charlie, waltzing in the middle of the circle traced by the seats, smiling happily as she announces Show and Tell night. She suggests Angel to go first.
"I hope it's something a little...different from your usual presentations" she proposes.
Angel cocks an eyebrow upwards "No miss, this is exactly what you're all thinking of".
Husk groans, dragging a paw down his face as Angel puts on one of his porn movies he starred in. You look everywhere but the screen, and this includes Adam. He's not paying attention, playing with his VPhone behind his crossed legs so that Vaggie won't notice and threaten him with her angelic spear. As you throw him quick glances throughout the night, you realize that he quite literally didn't pay attention to anyone, not even a second. Concern starts to build up in you. What if he doesn't even look at you?
Adam only intervenes when it's his turn, positioning himself in the middle of the circle with a loud sigh. He then rummages in his robe, and takes out his designated object.
"A bra?!" Cherri Bomb asks.
"Yeah" a sly smirk spreads on Adam's face "this is the first bra a chick ever threw at me during a show. The first of many, many bras"
"How the fuck did you even bring it down here?" you question, more worried about that circumstance than the origin of the underwear article.
"You don't know my ways" Adam replies.
He keeps rambling some more minutes about how he broke Heaven's record for bras thrown on stage, with the smuggest, biggest shit-eating smirk known to man. After he's done, he plops down on the couch again, ready to not listen to anything the next guests have to show. And he does, either by taking a nap or playing on his phone.
"It's your turn, (Y/N)!" Charlie announces, clasping her hands together.
Shit. You reach for the case resting near your ankles. You open up the hard cover and take out your wooden mandolin.
"You play instruments?" Angel Dust asks, surprised.
"Yeah, I practice everyday" you say.
Of course no one knew, because Adam always has his rock music and amps blasted on max and he obliterates the hell out of any sound from your Hotel floor.
"I used to play mandolin when I was alive, it was my first instrument. I thought that I might as well bring it down here with me".
"C'mon, play something!" Charlie encourages you, a bright smile sparkling on her adoring face.
Here comes the difficult part. You gulp, feeling your guts squeezing from nervousness. Because Adam is staring. Since Charlie called your name, you noticed that Adam had put down his phone and he's now actually paying attention to you, unlike how he did with everyone else. This is sending you over the edge. Out of embarrassment and excitement at the same time. Damn butterflies in the stomach. You just hope to not mess this up.
You stroke the chords with your thumb to make sure they're correctly tuned. You shoot Adam a quick glance. Still staring at you, nonchanlanty, but he's watching. Just like you planned. You take a deep breath, you position your hands correctly and then you start playing the mandolin. The tune is relaxed, dreamy, mesmerising as you pluck the strings with ease. Your fingers almost flow with the sounds coming out of the instrument. You make sure not to mess anything up. Your technique is flawless, so there shouldn't be any worry. What's worrisome is trying not to look at Adam too much. You do give him a few glances to check for any reaction, but this could lead to missing pieces. You take a deep breath and go on strumming. Finally, despite Adam's wanted but feared attention, you manage to relax and let the sweet serenade curl around the room. As the delicate melody unfurls, you notice Adam shifting, placing his chin in his palm as he gives you his undivided attention. Then, you signal the end of the tune by finger picking a calm, lingering chord progression. The second you put the mandolin down, an excited clapping of hands makes you jump on the spot.
"Bravo! Bravo! That was amazing, (Y/N)!" Charlie erupts.
You chuckle "Thanks, Charlie"
Your gaze shifts from Charlie to Adam. He was still staring, but something's different. Is he blushing? Are his pupils dilated? Or maybe is just the result of your delusional imagination. Maybe not, because even someone else noticed Adam's change in attitude.
"Sooo, Adam, whatcha think?" Angel Dust cooes, a pointy smirk curling on his face.
Adam snaps out of his state, his eyes shooting up at Angel.
"Uh?" he goes, defiant but at the same time confused.
"You seemed to reaaaally enjoy it" Angel inquires.
Adam's eyebrows shoot upwards, his lips tight and reduced to a thin line. Oh he's blushing.
"I ehm-" he stutters.
"Right!" Charlie is quick to interrupt him "What did you think about it, Adam? Share it with us!"
Adam looks at you for a brief moment. You don't say anything, you're probably as embarrassed as him. He breaks eye contact, scoffing.
"Yeah I don't know, whatever" he mumbles, crossing his arms in an attempt to look unimpressed.
His own body is betraying him. His foot rythmically tapping on the floor, his heart racing, his scrunched, nervous face and his cheeks now turned into a hot mess.
"You sure? Seems like Cupid hit you in the right spot" Angel elbows Cherri Bomb, who giggles "Your face looks as hot as me"
Adam grits his teeth, clenching his fingers around his clothed arms.
"Yeah!" Cherri Bomb intervenes "you need a hand? A cup of water? Some air? (Y/N), you broke this guy!"
Adam jumps in his own seat, pointing a furious finger towards Cherri and Angel who are laughing their asses off.
"Cupid didn't hit shit! I said that I don't give a flying fuck about (Y/N) and how fucking good they look when they play mand-FUCK!"
"Ooooh" Angel and Cherri sing song in unison, a devilish grin.
"Aww, Adam! That's so sweet of you!" Charlie chirps, genuinely proud of him.
Adam lets out a frustrated, anger-boiling growl before hurriedly getting up from his seat. His newly sprout horns grow bigger, his tail quivers and his wings puff. He starts to hysterically point at everyone in the room.
"You know what? Fuck this shit! Fuck this stupid Show and Tell night, fuck this Hotel, and fuck you, and you, and you, and fuck everybody! Except (Y/N)- no wait shit!"
And then, Adam punches the air and just storms off, leaving Angel and Cherri Bomb laughing behind him.
"Oh my God..." you whisper, incredulous as you rub your shoulders up and down with your hands.
Angel gets up and plops down on the couch next to you, leaning towards you with a smug grin.
"I dunno why would you hit that, but good job" he says, offering your a fist bump.
You let out a small chuckle before pounding Angel's fist.
Nailed it.
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starsomens · 3 months
Okay hear me out
Noah and the reader have been together for years and one day when he came back home preparing for a special date with the reader she came in and they had a huge argument because of fake dating rumours about him and someone else online and the reader goes back to where she originally lived and the guys promised her that they wouldn't let Noah go but eventually he does chase after her to explain everything but here's the thing the day of the date...
He was going to propose.
idk if you like this idea just something that came up in my mind at 3am I just need you to write a actual good version of my version
Love you so much❤
Hello my love! It did not ignore this it’s because I took THAT long to get it all done 😭
"Don't act like you don't love the attention you getting from her!" you yell back at him
"Are you fucking stupid? Do you fucking hear yourself?" he yells back
This was a very explosive argument. This was their biggest tour yet, and successful nonetheless! But...there of course is always a downside to things and in this case it was, rumors. Specifically, romance rumors with Poppy since he had been seen with her a few times. The first was at the release party where Noah was attending without you....then the tour started.
You were tagged in countless pictures and posts of Poppy and Noah how everyone was calling them a cute couple, asking about you and asking if you both had split. Then the handshakes started, no it wasn't a big deal but with everything piling on....her doing something like a handshake...something so cute....you only wanted it to be with you
He came home wanting to take you out but you were just so tired and over everything. You didn't even give Noah one of your long passionate kisses like you usually did
"Yeah I do! It sounds like one of us is making sense!"
"Goddamn it Y/N, what the fuck is your problem?"
"You and her are my problem!" you were trying hard to hold back tears and keep your voice strong
"Will you fucking grow up, she toured with us, she sang on stage-"
"She wore you jacket, she did handshakes with you, you twirl her-"
"Are you fucking kidding me? A twirl? How old are you 5?"
"You don't fucking get it Noah," you sigh sitting back down on the sofa massaging your temples "it's more than that-"
"No it's not Y/N! You're fucking jealous over an artist who toured with us! You're so fucking insecure you can't stand to think I'm talking or interacting with some girl I work with," he snapped "i bust my ass on tour, show after show and I come back only for you to put up this bullshit?"
"Yeah keep you're fucking mouth shut because you know you're on some bullshit letting social media dictate our relationship like the gullible dumbass you are!"
You felt your chest snap and you bite your inner cheek as you stand from the sofa and go near the front door.
“Y/N….Y/N wait, I didn’t mean that you know what I mean- it’s- you’re not-“
The door slams and you left your shared home. You just walked instead of taking the car and that way he just wouldn't know where you were since the car was home. You even texted Nick and Jolly to keep him at bay because you just wanted space and to be alone.
This is NOT how this night was supposed to go....at all. AT ALL! He wanted to come home, take you to your favorite place, some ice cream after and then ask you to-
*Knock knock*
It was Nick and Jolly, they had com initially to try and calm the situation down, mostly Noah and to figure out what happened and how it all went down hill. Well, Noah explained what had happened. He started to hear the story for himself from his own mouth, and he stopped in the middle of the story and just stood up from the couch.
“I need to find her.”
“Look man, I think she just wants her space this was a lot-“
“You don’t get it Nick I NEED to find her. One way or another I’m gonna talk to her and apologize”
They really did try and stop him. They tried to stop him from leaving the house, but somehow his lanky ass got out the door. He gone to the car and drove around for a few minutes thinking of where you could possibly be. He tried calling and texting you and you were completely ignoring him. He even asked your friends, but he knew that they wouldn’t give him any information knowing that if he told them, he upset you, they would never want to hear from him again.
“Come on think! Think!” He scolds himself “…….wait what if-“
He makes a sudden turn on his next right. There was one place he could try, it may have been a slight chance but he remembered you said that it was strangely cozy and calming to be there. And it was a close enough walk to get there in about 10 minutes or so
As soon as he makes it to his studio building, he parks quickly and makes his way to the door and upstairs. Usually he would like doing some studio work at Home, most times when he is in the studio it’s when he’s working with the rest of the boys or really just needs to focus into the song he’s working on. He had you with him couple times and you really liked it there. He had given you a copy of the key to the studio only because if you ever felt that you were unsafe or you needed somewhere to go he wanted me to be somewhere where people knew you and he knew you’d be safe there. It was more than an emergency type of thing for you to have the key, but this was the one place he knew that you may be in.
He he he thought that you may have not been there, but he heard the very familiar sniff of you when you were crying….shit.
He gives a knock to one of the tables as to not startle you. He sees you and walks over to you, huddled into a ball and you were facing away from him. You knew his presence was there, but you didn’t want to look at him he said.
“Hey…..” he has no idea why he would start that way when he knew that you wouldn’t answer that
“Y/N, look I know I fucked up and I shouldn’t have said what I said, and you know that I didn’t mean it. I never think of you that way-“
“ but you still said it. It Hass to be true for you in some part of your mind…..” wasn’t true at all. He was just spewing bullshit. He doesn’t think any of that you ever in his entire life.
“No I don’t. Y/N, was being stupid Oky? I didn’t mean anything when I said that. None of that is true. I’ve never seen you that way in my eyes you know that….im sorry.” he knew that no matter what his explanations were he still had to apologize to you and he really was sorry from the deepest parts of his heart. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt the person he loved the most in this world.
His heart broke every time he heard you sniff, or he saw the very faint shape of a tear falling down your cheek
“Y/N…. You know when we started dating I had a really deep talk here actually with Nicolas. that’s when I told him that I was seeing you, but I also told him that I was really scared…” he admits, you never heard from him “ I was scared because I didn’t know I would be doing the right thing and I didn’t know if I knew how to be a good partner in a relationship, especially because of growing popularity of the band I was…afraid that it would scare you off”
You turn your head just a bit, but not completely as you listen to his story
“ and Nick gave me probably the best advice I could have for that moment. He told me that relationships wouldn’t be easy because they never are and I’m going to fuck up really bad sometimes….. and you’ll forgive me even though I fucked up really bad. You should have forgive me still did.
“ if you don’t forgive me, I understand. But I need you to understand that I know in this world you’re…you’re my entire world at this point, my source of happiness. Was supposed to go this way. I had an entire thing planned and I fucked it up because I didn’t reassure you in the right way.”
“Noah I….maybe I was-“
“No you weren’t. I know what you’re going to say and you weren’t being overdramatic you weren’t being jealous. Miscommunication, but that wasn’t your fault. It was mine for not clearing it up. I wanted to do this in a different setting and a different way but…” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny box. He opens it to reveal delicate, like it was personally crafted to his design.
“Noah…..” you just couldn’t pinpoint your mix of emotions. You were still mad at him but at the same time you should have known better than to believe rumors and he pulled out.
“Y/N, my princess, my world, my muse, my everything. You’re the reason I keep going and keep trying to be a better person. The amount of questions I’ve answered as to how I’ve been able to do so many things and accomplish so many obstacles and just improve myself as a person and an artist…. All my answers come back to you. You are the reason for everything. We had a lot of thinking to do and one of the constant thoughts in my mind was you….”
You turned around fully facing him, fat tears running down your cheeks, and all you could do was just guck at him while he poured his emotions out. You were mad at him you knew how hard it was for him to fully express himself emotionally.
“… constantly every issue, every decision I always went back to you and how he would feel and what you would say. I love you. I went to the local jewelers and looked at rings and I bought it without hesitation because I just knew. I’m an asshole, and a jerk,”
“And a big fat meanie pants” you throw in your inside joke and he chuckles
“Yes, the biggest meaniest pants in the world. But the one thing I know I’m sure of is that I love you and I don’t want to picture the rest of my life without you. Y/N….will you give me the honor of being your husband? If you’ll still have me.”
You chuckle as the tears still fall
“ you are the dumbest guy I’ve ever dated…..”
He could feel his heart sinking his chest, thinking that you were about to rip him a new one, and he wouldn’t blame you….
“But, you’re also the most sincere I’ve been with……Noah, somehow always find a way to make up for your wrongs and I have no idea how you do it” you giggle as you closer to him, he was still holding the box waiting for your response
“ as long as you promise you’ll make up for tonight I think I can marry you”
“Awh even after I poured my entire soul out to you?” he says, sarcastically holding a hand over his chest. “ I think I can work something out.”
“You better, I can take my back answer back” smile slides the ring onto your finger and hold your hand tightly
“Eh I don’t think so baby, you’re stuck with me for life now,” he slides his hand up your arm after he puts the ring on and gently squeezes and caress the skin with his thumb
“I really am sorry baby. Truly deeply sorry.” he stands up and holds your hands as he do to bring you up with him and he brings you into a hug as he repeatedly kisses your head. “ and makes it up to you. I think I know a way to put those rumors to rest.”
“You do?” You looking up at him and he gives you a nod
The next day, Noah takes it upon himself to get back onto his social media platforms and announce his engagement to you. He made sure to include some of his favorite pictures of you guys together and wrote a heartfelt small paragraph. Putting arrest to the rumors and addressing who it was in his life that he loved the most.
It was saved to say that the band and him had blown up over the next week with the engagement course, Noah wasn’t big on social media as he has stated before and it wasn’t a huge deal but him going out of his way to put a statement out there on your end his behalf really did mean something to you. Next step was to plan for the actual wedding.
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lazycats-stuff · 6 months
I re-read the fic where baby reader first words was "jay" it was to cute 🥺😭 maybe a part 2 of Jason using this whenever his siblings fight and he's just "was your name his first word? I don't think so."
Oh yeah, Jason would totally use it. No doubt about it. Bragging rights too. Jason Todd & child!male reader - part 1 so to speak. Also, it's a little bit short, but it's full of fluff.
Summary: Jason is still on cloud 9 ever since (Y/N) said his name.
Warnings: Bragging rights, Jason feels like he is the king of the world.
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Ever since (Y/N) has said Jason's name as his first ever word, Jason spent even more time with his baby brother. His goal was for (Y/N) to say Jason at one point. Full name and not just Jay. Not that. But still, he is happy that (Y/N) loved him so much that he would say his name.
Of course, that event made new arguments in the family. Of course, (Y/N) is a baby and (Y/N) is not at fault at all. They never blames (Y/N) and they never will. They blamed Jason for it and Jason blamed them. Bruce and (Y/N) would watch them from aside.
(Y/N) would be tilting his head in confusion and Bruce would kind of copy the same head movement. The arguments were always about something completely stupid and at this point, they were all just looking for a reason to fight.
Alfred would scold them all the time, but there was no point. It seemed that the four older boys need to just get it out of their systems. Bruce was confused as to why they have entered this stage, but at least they weren't actively trying to kill one another.
At least.
Bruce was feeding (Y/N) some mashed up fruit that Alfred has prepared. (Y/N) loved to eat the fruit and he giggled every time he saw the familiar dark red color coming towards his mouth. Bruce smiled at the sounds, happy to see his baby happy.
" Oh I'm sorry, did (Y/N) say your name as his first word? " Jason countered and Bruce sighed. This is the nth time that Jason has mentioned that fact. And there was more to come, Bruce was sure of it.
" Oh please Todd, babies love people who share their IQ. "
Bruce snorted quietly. (Y/N) looked confused at the noise that Bruce made. Bruce shushed him gently, putting more mashed fruit into his mouth.
" Oh please demon spawn! He knows who is intelligent. " Jason tried to defend himself, but Damian wiped the floor with him with that insult.
" Master Bruce, they are going to drive me crazy. " Alfred said as he entered the kitchen, taking his grandson into his arms.
" I know. Did you hear what Damian said? " Bruce asked as Alfred was gently swaying his grandson.
" I had to give him the credit, he is witty. " Alfred chuckled and (Y/N) giggled at the sound of laughter.
" That he is. I can't blame them. Every time they argue, Jason pulls the (Y/N)'s first word so much that it's becoming insane and outright annoying. " Bruce said and Alfred nodded, (Y/N) giggling and making more cute noises. Bruce couldn't imagine his life without (Y/N) anymore and his noises that he makes.
No baby should be this adorable. Bruce watched as Alfred handed his son over to him to wash his hands. He had plans to make some cheesecake and he couldn't do it with (Y/N) in his arms.
Bruce listened to his sons arguing and then he heard Jason running over to the kitchen, stopping when he saw (Y/N). He walked over to Bruce, taking him into his arms. " My baby brother, the only one who loves me. " Jason said as he swayed his brother, giving him a kiss on his head.
" We love you too Jason. " Alfred chimed in and Jason shook his head. " No, only (Y/N) loves me. " He said and the baby giggled once more.
" Yes you do. " Jason said as he glanced down at his brother. " He doesn't see my flaws. " Jason said and Bruce raised his brow. " Well, he doesn't have to listen everyday how he said your name as his first word. " Bruce said and Jason gasped in faux shock.
" Old man, you hurt my heart. Do you see this (Y/N)? They teamed up!" Jason said as he walked out of the kitchen. Bruce smiled at the sight of his two sons. Now he knew that if something were to happen to him or Alfred, Jason is the one to take care of (Y/N).
Of course Bruce had that planned out. Of course he did, he is Batman and his job is dangerous and him dying is something to keep in mind. He is human and he is mortal.
Nothing really spectacular.
" He loves that boy so much, it's incredible. " Alfred said as he was making the batter.
" I know... " Bruce said as he glanced over to the newspapers. He took them to see if what was happening in the city.
Jason walked with (Y/N) to his room, stopping to allow Tim and Dick to give him a few coos and then moved to go on with their tasks. Damian stopped too and Jason narrowed his eyes at him.
" Come on Todd, you can't be mad at me for stating the truth. " Damian said as he caressed (Y/N)'s face.
" Oh I am mad. I am so pissed that you can consider yourself lucky that I'm holding (Y/N) right now. " Jason said in a neutral voice, but Damian knew that Jason could mess him up and that he would start fighting him if he didn't have (Y/N) in his arms.
" Sure. See you later Todd. " Damian said as he walked away.
Jason let out a huff as he carried (Y/N) to his room. He knew that (Y/N)'s nap time was nearing and he was going to take that nap with (Y/N). Whenever he could, he would take a nap with his baby brother.
" You are the only one who loves me (Y/N). And honestly, I love you too. " Jason said as he laid (Y/N) down on the bed, near the wall. (Y/N) yawned quietly and Jason laid down next to (Y/N) and he reached out to grab Jason.
Jason gave (Y/N) his pinky and his little pink fingers wrapped around Jason's pinky and it didn't even close all the way. Jason smiled and cooed more at his baby brother.
(Y/N) slowly started settling down and he closed his eyes. Jason watched him for a few moments and by few moments, probably for over 10 minutes. Soon, Jason fell asleep too and made sure to listen to (Y/N)'s noises and movements.
Thankfully, Bruce and the training he got the make him sensitive to movements and sounds. When it comes to (Y/N), that is great. Especially when it comes to (Y/N)'s protection.
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03jyh23 · 18 days
— i'm not afraid anymore || choi jongho (the fear still lingers part 2)
<first part> <third part>
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ex-boyfriend!idol!jongho x ex-girlfriend!single-mom!reader
synopsis: reuniting after years of being apart, you reveal to Jongho that he is the father of your four-year-old daughter
genre: angst, a slice of life, a bit of fluff
trigger warnings: unplanned pregnancy, single parenthood, financial problems mentioned, emotional conflict, intense discussions about parenthood and relationships
words: 12.8 k
reminder: what you're about to read is purely fiction, so let's keep it separate from reality.
!minors do not interact!
— hi there! so it's finally out 😭😭😭 i kept you waiting long enough, didn't i? so, i once again wrote about parenthood... i'm sure some of you expected this story to go in a whole other direction, but i still hope this is a nice surprise! i wanted to dedicate this one to @jjongbearshoney, who's been waiting for it since the first part was posted. i know it's long and i've tried to make this part shorter, but i couldn't force myself to delete any of it. i'm hopeful some of you will still choose to read this.
love, monika. ♡
if you enjoyed this post, i'd be so grateful for a little love – a like, reblog or comment would truly make my day!
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"Mommy?" Your daughter tightened her grip on your hand as you walked home from preschool. You hummed in response, looking down at her. "Why is it just you and me?" she asked, furrowing her brow. 
"What do you mean, Nari?" your daughter paused; her big eyes filled with fear. "You know you can tell Mommy everything," you added when she hesitated.
"Why don't I have a dad like my friends?" she finally asked. Your heart dropped. You knew this day would come when Nari would start comparing her family to others, but you were unprepared for the moment. You had never discussed Jongho with Nari; the last thing you wanted was for her to hate him for his absence. She had never asked before, so you had hoped that the time would never come when she would become curious about her dad. But as she grew older and started to understand the world around her, you knew that this question was inevitable. 
What you did instead of talking about Jongho, you introduced Nari to ATEEZ. Since she was little, you would play their songs, and she grew up dancing in your arms to them. You two would spend time together, sitting in front of the television and watching their shows. With every episode, every song, and every interview, her admiration for the band continued to grow. It was a shared experience, one that brought you both closer together, and her love for the band grew right along with her. What made everything better was that Nari's favorite member of ATEEZ was Wooyoung. You couldn't help but think about how disappointed Jongho would be if he ever found out. His own daughter had chosen another member as her favorite. It was a thought that often brought a smile to your face.
You never once resented Jongho for choosing his music career over you. You understood that he was born to be on stage, to pour his soul into his music. Your heart was shattered when you two parted ways, but then you discovered you were pregnant with Nari. You knew then that you had to be strong and that you had to be the best mom possible for her. It was challenging, especially when she was born and bore such a striking resemblance to Jongho. It played with your emotions sometimes. 
You knelt to meet her gaze. Her round face, sweet cheeks, and hazel-brown eyes each time reminded you of the man you once loved. 
"Nari, your daddy is really busy," you began, unsure of how to continue the conversation. "But Mommy is sure he loves you very much," you reassured as you smoothed her hair, attempting to smile. "I know your friends' daddies are around." You tried to keep your voice steady, swallowing the lump in your throat. "Just because he's not here, doesn't mean he doesn't love you," you told her, seeking to comfort both her and you. 
With a certain sadness in her eyes, she expressed her wishes, "I'd really like it if he wasn’t so busy all the time," she complained. As she pouted, a wave of empathy washed over you, causing your heart to break for her. 
"I know, baby," you whispered, your voice barely audible as you fought to control the emotion threatening to overwhelm you. "Do you want me to tell you more about your daddy?" you asked softly, ready to share the stories of you two. Nari nodded, and a smile finally appeared on her pretty face. ‘’Alright so we will buy you your favorite ice cream and you can ask whatever you want, how does this sound?’’ Without uttering a word, Nari gently nodded and stretched out her hand towards you. Accepting her silent invitation, you felt the warmth of her delicate fingers in yours. As you walked hand in hand, you could see the excitement in her eyes as she pulled you in the direction of her most adored destination - her favorite local ice cream store. 
Entering the store, you ordered the ice cream and chose a seat next to the window. A sense of nervousness washed over you at the thought of speaking so openly about Jongho after all those years. But you knew deep down, it was time to face it. You took a deep breath, staring out the window as you waited for your order. The streets were busy with people going about their day. The ice cream arrived, a sweet distraction, but it did nothing to quell the anxiety churning in your stomach. You picked up your spoon and took the first bite, letting the familiar taste flood your senses. 
"Tell Mommy, what do you want to know?" you finally asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over the small store. You held your breath, waiting for her reply, bracing yourself for the questions that were bound to come from your curious four-year-old. Nari thought for a moment, her small brow furrowing in concentration. 
"Everything," she finally said, her voice soft, eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I want to know everything." You chuckled at her response; it was moments like these that made motherhood such an incredible journey. You took her small hand in yours, 
"I met your dad at a coffee shop," you started, your voice filled with nostalgia."It was a warm summer afternoon, just like today. He walked in, and when I saw him, it was as if time had stopped for that moment." 
Nari was thoroughly enjoying her lemon ice cream as she continued to savor her treat, she curiously glanced over at you. She wondered if her dad also shared her love for this dessert. With a playful smile still smeared on her ice cream-covered lips, she asked, "Did he order ice cream?" 
You giggled at her question, "No, I think he ordered an iced americano." You remember the day as if it was yesterday. Jongho had ordered and chose to sit at the furthest table possible. You were sitting close to the cash desk, stealing glances at him sometimes, admiring him. He was writing something in a big notebook, so engrossed that he didn't hear the barista calling him to pick up his order. So, you decided to test your luck and brought his coffee to him. As you approached him, your heart pounded in your chest. It was as though you could hear it echoing throughout the quiet café. You set the coffee down gently on his table, not wanting to disturb his concentration. Startled, he looked up and locked eyes with you. His eyes were warm and inviting, a soft 'thank you' escaping his lips. You returned the sentiment with a shy smile, not trusting yourself to say anything. 
"Why would he order coffee when he could have an ice cream?" Nari asked, finding it strange that someone would choose coffee over ice cream. 
"Your dad is a little bit different, Nari," you said, smiling gently. "He really loved his coffee. He said it helped him think and focus. But don't worry, he loved ice cream too. Just like you, he had a sweet tooth." 
"Will Daddy buy me ice cream next time?" she asked as she was finishing her dessert. 
"I'm sure he would love to," you replied, smiling at her. "One day, if he's not too busy, I'm sure he'll take you to get ice cream. Would you like that?" Nari nodded eagerly, her eyes lighting up at the prospect. Just the thought of spending a day with her dad made her heart flutter with joy. You knew what needed to happen next. You had to create an opportunity for her to meet Jongho. Even though it might hurt, Nari should meet her dad at least once. Her happiness was most important. You knew you needed to put your own feelings aside for her. This next step might be hard and painful, but as her mom, you knew it was what you should do. 
"Then Mommy will make sure Daddy will take you next time," you promised, your heart aching at the hopeful look in her eyes. You would do whatever it took to give her the happiness she deserved. 
On your way back home, you felt a sense of relief wash over you. This heartfelt conversation with Nari had helped clear your mind. Finally talking about the man, you loved brought you a strange sense of nostalgia, yet you also felt content. After all these years, you have finally been able to share your story, your feelings, and your past with your daughter. It was as if a burden you didn’t even know you were carrying had been lifted from your shoulders. The walk home was peaceful, the cool evening breeze brushing against your face as the last rays of the setting sun painted the sky in hues of pink and orange. 
In no time, you reached your apartment complex. Nari was running around the playground with the neighbor's puppy chasing after her. She was the sweetest creature. She was fascinated by the world, loved animals, and her soul was just so pure. You felt an immense amount of happiness to be her mom. 
"Grandma!" Nari exclaimed, her face lighting up with sheer joy the moment she spied her grandma approaching from a distance. Upon arrival, your mother warmly greeted Nari with a tender embrace. After a moment, they both made their way over to where you were standing. You were taken aback, surprised to see your mother in your presence without any prior notice. 
With a puzzled expression, you turned towards her and asked, "Mom, why didn't you tell me you were coming?" 
"I wanted to see you and Nari," your mother admitted, her voice warm. You could see the sincerity in her eyes. You could feel the lump forming in your throat as you listened to her. It was a comforting reassurance, knowing you weren't alone in this. "And I hoped I would be welcomed for dinner," she said with a playful tone in her voice while gently placing Nari on the ground. A glint of laughter shone in her eyes.
"Absolutely," you responded, your smile wide and welcoming. The sincerity in your voice was enough to assure her that the invitation was genuine. You reached down and took one of Nari's small hands in yours, feeling the softness of her tiny fingers against your palm. Your mom mirrored your action, reaching for Nari's other hand, her fingers wrapping around the little one's hand with a natural gentleness. For a moment, the three of you stood there, a small, connected chain, silent and content in each other's company. Then, with Nari's laughter filling the air around you, you all began to move, making your way to your small apartment. The moment was simple, yet filled with a warmth that spoke of familiarity, of home. 
You finally reached your floor and stepped into the comforting familiarity of your apartment. As the door closed behind you, a wave of relief washed over you. This was your sanctuary, your escape from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Your apartment was small, with one room occupied by Nari, and a combined living room and kitchen where you also slept. The bathroom was big enough to fit a bathtub and a washing machine. It was far from perfect, but nobody truly knows how hard it is to be a single mom, barely making ends meet, especially when you were still so young. Sometimes, you felt ashamed of the way you lived your life, as you wanted Nari to grow up in a better place, a home with a beautiful garden and a seesaw. But you could barely afford this apartment, buying a new house was never an option. So, you took a lot of care to ensure that your apartment was always neat and clean. Every item had its own place, and there was a sense of order and tranquility that pervaded the space. 
You found Nari, tired yet excited from the day's activities, eagerly awaiting your attention. With gentle hands and a warm smile, you took her to her room and helped her change into more comfortable clothes. Nari’s room was everything she had ever dreamed of. It was her own little wonderland that mirrored her innocent dreams and youthful enthusiasm. All her favorite toys were thoughtfully displayed around the room, adding to its charm and making it a truly magical place for her. The toys ranged from dolls to action figures, to stuffed animals, each one with its own special place in Nari’s heart. The most striking feature of the room was her small bed, adorned with a beautiful canopy. This bed was more than just a place for her to rest; it was her castle, her secret hideout. It was here that Nari would sleep like a real princess, after a day full of adventures and playful activities. Guarding her while she slept were her loyal teddy bears. These soft and cuddly guardians were always there by her side, watching over her. They were not just toys, but her friends, and protectors. Nari even made you print out a picture of Wooyoung, which she lovingly framed and placed on her tiny desk. It became her most prized possession. Every detail in the room reflected Nari’s personality and vivid imagination, making it a perfect haven for her. 
As Nari settled down, you decided to play her favorite Disney movie. The familiar tunes filled the room, and Nari's eyes lit up at the sight of her beloved characters. While Nari was engrossed in her movie, you made your way to the kitchen. Your mom has already started preparing your meal. The sight of her working her magic in the kitchen, coupled with the tantalizing smells, made your stomach rumble in anticipation. 
"So, Nari asked about her dad today," you started, your voice barely above a whisper. As the words left your mouth, your mother froze in her place. Her eyes met yours, a mix of surprise and concern in her gaze. The room fell silent, the only sound being the sizzle from the pan on the stove. "Mom, I feel lost. I don't know what to do," you confessed, your voice trembling with uncertainty. 
"Do you want them to meet, honey?" your mom asked. Her gaze was steady, her eyes never leaving yours. She was searching for an answer, not just in your words, but also in your expression. There was a hint of concern in her voice which was understandable. After all, it was a significant moment, a decision that could change the dynamics of everything. You hesitated for a moment, weighing the possibilities in your mind. You could feel your mom's expectant gaze on you, and it somehow made the decision harder. 
After what felt like an eternity, you finally spoke. "Yes, mom. I want them to meet." Your voice was firm, but inside, you were bracing yourself for the changes that were about to come. Your worlds were about to collide, your secrets were about to unravel, and you could only hope that in the end, everything would fall into place. "But I don't want him to know that Nari is his," you admitted shyly. There was a moment of silence as you pondered over your words.
"Honey, I know you might be scared, but I believe it's high time he found out the truth," she said, her voice softer now, yet resolute and unwavering. She cast a glance down at her hands, her fingers intertwined, and when she looked up at you again, there was a raw determination in her eyes that you hadn't seen before. "He needs to know that he has a daughter. That he's a father. It's not just about you anymore, it's also about Nari. She will be 4 soon and deserves to know her father. It's time for you to step up and let him in on the reality of his situation." 
"I'm not going to tell him, Mom," you replied firmly, your resolve clear in your tone. "I wouldn't risk Jongho's career like that," you said, speaking more to yourself than your mother. "I was prepared to spend a lifetime without him knowing the truth." Despite the fear and uncertainty, a sense of resolve washed over you. Your mom sighed heavily; you know it wasn’t the response she wanted to hear. 
"Even if you somehow end up meeting him, do you think he's stupid?" she asked abruptly. Her question was unexpected, and it caught you off guard. 
"What do you mean?" you responded, taken aback by the sudden change in her tone and line of questioning. 
"One look at Nari, and he's going to know the truth!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with conviction. "Nari looks exactly like him!" your mom slightly raised her voice. "I have never seen Jongho with my own eyes, but even if my judgment is based only on how he looks on TV… Honey, her eyes, her smile... they are all his," she continued, the room fell silent, you were lost in your own thoughts. You knew that the resemblance was not just physical, Nari had also inherited his mannerisms and charisma. 
"I... I hadn't thought of that," you admitted, feeling a sudden knot tighten in your stomach. The realization that Jongho could easily figure out the truth was alarming. "I'll figure something out, Mom. I promise." You said, trying to reassure her despite the sinking feeling in your chest. 
"If you don't have his phone number, maybe you should contact his company?" your mother suggested, her voice filled with concern. You stared at her, aghast at her suggestion. 
"Mom, are you crazy? That's the last thing I'd want to do," you retorted, shaking your head at the absurdity of the idea. 
Your mother's eyebrows rose in surprise at your response. "Well, I was just trying to help," she said, a hint of hurt in her voice. 
You sighed, regretting your harsh words. "I know, Mom. I'm sorry. It's just... complicated," you admitted, rubbing your temples. The last thing you wanted was to involve his company in this matter. 
"Let's just try to find another way, okay?" you suggested, hoping to steer the conversation toward a more productive direction. You focused on the task at hand, the act of cooking providing a much-needed distraction from the whirlpool of thoughts threatening to consume you. Each chop and stir was mechanical, your mind elsewhere. You were desperate to find a way to let Nari meet Jongho but figuring out how to do that without jeopardizing his career or causing a scandal was proving to be more difficult than you had initially anticipated. 
After dinner, you helped Nari with her bedtime routine. Meanwhile, your mom was busy cleaning up after dinner. While assisting Nari, you could hear running water from the kitchen and clinking dishes being put away. With Nari finally tucked in, you joined your mom in the kitchen to lend a hand. The teamwork made the task lighter, and the kitchen was soon spotless. 
"Take her to his concert, you could buy a VIP ticket so you two could meet him." your mom suddenly broke the silence between you two. You looked up at her in surprise. A concert? The idea was so far-fetched that you couldn't help but laugh. But as you glanced at your mother, you realized she was serious. "Think about it. She gets to see her dad and you don’t have to say anything," she suggested, the idea not sounding as ridiculous now. It might work. And then, you could see how he reacts to Nari. If he shows any sign of recognition, you could consider telling him the truth. Yes, it might just work."Besides, we know how much she loves her 'Uncle' Wooyoung, and I'm sure she would be so happy to go and see him live," your mom added. 
"That idea isn't bad, Mom, but do you know how expensive the tickets are? There's no way I can afford two," you replied, worry evident in your voice. Concert tickets, especially for a band as popular as ATEEZ, could be incredibly pricey. You were doing your best to provide for Nari, but luxuries like concert tickets were simply out of your reach. 
"What if I will get you the tickets?" your mom asked. You stared at her, shocked by her proposition. Your mom rarely splurged on anything, always preferring to save for a rainy day. Seeing your surprise, she laughed. "I know it seems out of character for me, but I want to do this for you and Nari. I want her to have this experience, and maybe it will lead to something more." She gave you a hopeful smile, her eyes filled with love and determination. 
"Mom, I can't ask you for so much…" you protested, feeling a pang of guilt at the thought of your mother paying for the tickets. "It's too much." But your mom was already shaking her head, cutting off your protest. 
"This isn't about money, it's about Nari," she said firmly. "And if this gives her a chance to meet her father, then it's worth every penny." You could see the determination in her eyes, and you knew there was no point in arguing. She had made up her mind, and when she did, there was no changing it. 
"Okay," you finally agreed, knowing that this was the best chance Nari had to meet Jongho. "Thank you, Mom." She simply nodded, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and satisfaction. You realized then that despite everything, your mom was still looking out for you. She was still willing to do anything to make sure you and Nari were happy. Your heart pounded in your chest as you took your phone in your hands, searching for ATEEZ events. You scrolled through the results, your eyes skimming the details. Suddenly, one specific event caught your attention. It was a free event, happening in just two days. You gasped, your eyes widening in surprise. A free event? 
"Mom? I think we hit a jackpot," you smiled, as you showed your mom your phone. 
"A free event?" she exclaimed, happily clapping her hands. You were taken aback by her reaction but couldn't help but share in her excitement. You hugged her tightly, her happiness radiating onto you. You picked up your phone once again, and quickly booked the free tickets. With a deep sigh, you turned to your mother, gently taking her hands in yours.
"I'm going to see him, Mom," you whispered softly. The words hung heavy in the air, a mix of fear, anticipation, and longing. It was as if all the pent-up emotions you had been holding back came flooding out at that moment. Tears finally began to stream down your face, unabashed and unhindered. They traced wet tracks on your cheeks, a poignant testament to the heartfelt emotions you were experiencing. It was a cathartic release that revealed your true feelings. Your heart ached with a desperate longing, a yearning that had been simmering underneath the surface all this time. The lump in your throat eased, replaced with a strange sense of tranquility. All the nervousness, the apprehension that had been your constant companion, seemed to have evaporated. It was as if acknowledging your feelings had liberated you from their hold, allowing you to finally breathe. The realization hit you then, sudden and profound. You were going to see Jongho, the man you had loved with all your heart, once more. The thought brought a twinge of excitement, a dash of fear, and a whole lot of love. It was a second chance, a final goodbye, a moment you knew you would remember for the rest of your life. 
Two days have passed like two hours. It felt like you had just blinked and suddenly, you were standing with Nari, hand in hand, in a line buzzing with anticipation. You were nervous, your heart pounding in your chest. Nari, on the other hand, was brimming with excitement. She was bubbling with joy at the prospect of seeing her 'Uncle' Wooyoung, blissfully unaware of the real reason you were both there. The line moved forward gradually and with each step, your heart pounded harder. You glanced at Nari, who was chatting away excitedly about all the fun things she'd do with Wooyoung. Her innocence and cheerfulness were infectious, easing your nerves slightly. As you got closer to the front of the line, you could see ATEEZ up ahead, their warm smiles greeting each fan. 
And then you saw Jongho, being the second to last, signing an album and holding a fan's hand while he did so. His focus was entirely on the task at hand, his brows slightly furrowed in concentration. He would occasionally look up to make eye contact with the fan, offering them a warm smile. It was as though your world had stopped. Your breath caught in your throat, your heart pounding as if it were trying to escape from your chest. It had been almost five years since you last saw him. He had changed - his face was more mature, his eyes held a deeper wisdom, and the lines of his smile seemed to tell stories you weren't a part of. Yet, amidst all the changes, he was still the same Jongho you remembered, the same Jongho you had fallen for. The distance and the years that had passed had not made your heart forget. The sight of him brought back a flood of memories, some sweet, some bitter, but all precious. Standing there, seeing him after all this time, you realized – you were not afraid anymore. You were ready to face him, ready to face the past. 
When it was finally your turn, you gently nudged Nari forward. Her face lit up when she saw Wooyoung. She quickly seated herself in a chair across from the table where he was sitting. Then, she stood on the chair, stepped onto the table, and her hands swiftly found their way around Wooyoung's neck. Wooyoung was startled at first, taken aback by Nari's sudden, enthusiastic hug. You were shocked too, having no time to react to Nari's swift actions. But your breath hitched when Wooyoung recovered from his initial surprise and smiled, hugging Nari back. The atmosphere quickly filled with warmth as Wooyoung returned Nari's hug with equal affection. The surprise on his face was replaced by a soft smile, his arms wrapping around her in a comforting embrace. You watched this heartfelt moment unfold, your heart fluttering in your chest. The shock from earlier had completely dissipated, replaced by a sense of relief and happiness. It was clear to you that despite the abruptness of Nari's actions, Wooyoung was happy to hug her back. 
"Hi there, little one," he greeted with a warm smile on his face. 
"Uncle Wooyoung!" Nari responded kindly, her laughter tinkling in the air as she beamed back at him. The sight was enough to melt your heart. However, your moment of joy was short-lived as you noticed the stern look from the security guard. His gaze was fixed on your daughter, clearly annoyed with her actions. Although you understood his perspective, it was hard to stop a child from being excited in such moments. You quickly intervened, trying to maintain the peace. You gently took Nari from Wooyoung's warm embrace and brought her back to her chair. She pouted a little, clearly not happy about being moved away from her favorite person. 
"I'm sorry," you apologized, turning to face Wooyoung. Wooyoung simply shook his head and laughed, clearly not bothered by what had just happened.
"It's okay," he said, his voice filled with understanding. You handed him the album that you had brought along, as he took it from your hands to sign it, Nari put her small hand on top of Wooyoung’s. 
"My name is Nari," she said, a soft yet firm assertion that hung in the air between them. Her gaze was unwavering, locked onto his face as if searching for something within him, something perhaps only she could see. After signing the album, Wooyoung handed it back to you. 
"It was nice to meet you, Nari," he said, a genuine smile as he gently patted Nari's hair. 
"Nari, it's time to go," you softly announced, lifting the small girl into your arms, there were still other members of the band you had yet to meet. Nari, however, was not so ready to move on. She pouted adorably; her full attention still fixed on Wooyoung. 
"I love you, Uncle Wooyoung," she declared, her innocent eyes wide and shimmering with admiration. Every word she spoke was filled with the pure, unfiltered affection that only a child could muster. Wooyoung, for his part, responded with an equal measure of warmth. His eyes softened at her words, a tender smile playing at the corners of his lips. He cooed at her cuteness; his heart clearly touched by her innocent proclamation. 
"I love you too, Nari," he replied, his voice filled with genuine affection. He waved back at her, his smile never faltering even as the next fan made their approach. As you moved away, you felt a sense of anticipation bubbling up within you. You were ready to introduce Nari to the rest of the band, ready to create more beautiful memories. Nari was thrilled to meet the other band members. Perhaps not as much as she was when she met Wooyoung, but she still charmed each and every one of them with her delightful spirit. Seonghwa, Mingi, Yunho, Yeosang, and San were all absolutely enchanted by their little fan, their hearts melting at the sight of her infectious joy. 
Then, it was time to face Jongho. As you approached him, your heartbeat echoed loudly in your ears. A lump formed in your throat, making it difficult to breathe. The world seemed to come to a standstill as you stood before him. His familiar eyes met yours, and in that moment, everything else faded into insignificance. 
"Hi…" The word was barely more than an apprehensive whisper, escaping from Jonhgo's lips. His gaze was fixed on you, a whirlpool of emotions swirling within his eyes. It had been almost five years since he had last seen you. Yet, as he looked at you now, it was as if time had stood still. You were still as beautiful, if not more, as the last time he saw you. Your enchanting smile and the mesmerizing glint in your eyes had the power to make his heart stutter within his chest. 
"I'm sorry to be showing up like this," you said, your voice carrying the weight of your uncertainty. You had rehearsed this moment countless times in your head, and yet now, standing in front of him, the words seemed to escape you. You sat down on the chair, passing him the album. 
"It’s fine… it’s so good to see you," Jongho responded, each word punctuated with sincerity. At that moment, he felt as if the world around him had melted away. All that mattered was you. His eyes were lost in yours, completely oblivious to the world around him. It was as if an invisible thread was pulling him towards you, making him oblivious to everything else. 
"I just…" you started, the words hanging in the air. But before you could give them shape, a small voice chimed in. 
‘’Hi Uncle Jongho! You are my Mommy's favourite’’ Nari greeted him with a wide grin spreading across her face, she cautiously yet excitedly maneuvered herself into your lap. Her eyes sparkled with uncontained joy as she looked up, her gaze meeting Jongho's, who was across the table, her smile growing even wider, if that was possible, at the sight of him. 
"Hi, little one! Well, your mom has great taste!" Jongho responded, his words laced with surprise. He hadn't expected this. 
"I really like your songs," the little girl confessed with an earnest expression. "Mommy told me that you're a good person and that we could be friends." The words hit Jongho like a punch in the gut. The realization that you had a daughter began to dawn on him. He quickly glanced at your fingers, searching for a wedding ring, but found none. Jongho's heart sank as a lump formed in his throat, his mind racing to piece together the puzzle before him. You weren't married, nor engaged, and the little girl nestled on your lap couldn't have been more than four years old. It didn't take long for him to make the connection— you must have been pregnant five years ago, and five years ago you were his. 
"I’m sure we will be great friends," Jongho replied, trying to keep his voice steady. His gaze never left yours, even as he addressed Nari. Jongho's eyes slowly drifted away from yours, lingering for a moment before he turned to look at Nari. He took his time, observing her closely. There was something about her that caught his attention. He couldn't help but see the resemblance - something in the way her eyes sparkled, the curve of her smile. As you were sitting with Nari in your lap, you couldn't help but notice Jongho's gaze fixed on her. His eyes were filled with adoration and curiosity, something that you found endearing. Gently, you shifted Nari off your lap. You took her small hand in yours, 
"Nari," you started, your voice as soft as a whisper, careful not to disrupt the lively chatter around you. Her big, innocent eyes looked up at you, her attention completely focused on you. "Would you wait for me next to the last uncle's table?" you asked her. Your tone was gentle, Nari simply nodded, her trust in you evident. She didn't ask why, didn't protest, she trotted off, her steps small and careful. Jongho's gaze was still on her, his eyes filled with the same adoration as before. The sight warmed your heart, solidifying the beautiful moment in your memory. 
"Is she mine?" The question was out in the open before he could stop himself. Jongho’s heart was pounding against his ribcage, and his hands were trembling, but he couldn't ignore the uncanny resemblance. 
"Jongho I…" you started but were quickly interrupted by Jongho's direct question. 
"She's mine, isn't she?" you feel your cheeks flush as you investigate Jongho's eyes, unsure of how to respond. Your heart beats faster as you gather the courage to answer him. 
"She's yours, Jongho," you finally admitted, the truth coming out in a whisper. All the color drained from his face at your words. He was a father. He had a daughter. His mind was reeling, struggling to process the enormity of what he had just learned. "I found out a month after we broke up" you confessed, your words barely a whisper. The weight of your words was almost too much to bear, and you found it impossible to meet his intense gaze. 
"Y/N, you know I can’t..." Jongho began, his voice was heavy with unspoken emotions. His hand, almost as if guided by an unseen force, reached out for you in a gesture of comfort and longing. 
"I just wanted her... our little girl, to see her dad, to meet you, at least once in her lifetime," you admitted, your voice shaking with the effort of holding back the torrent of tears threatening to spill. "I don’t expect anything in return." Jongho simply stared at you in silence, his expression unreadable. His gaze was intense, almost as if he was trying to read your thoughts. 
"I'll need some time to process this," he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. The silence that followed was deafening, the tension in the air palpable. But for the first time in years, you felt a sense of relief wash over you. The truth was finally out, and despite the complexity of the situation, you felt a strange sense of peace. 
"I understand, Jongho, I don't expect anything form you," you replied, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. You knew this was a lot for him to take in. It wasn't easy for you either, but you were glad that he now knew about Nari. 
"Hey Nari!" You heard Jongho's voice asking for your daughter's attention. "Wouldn't you give me a hug?" Nari, who had been watching the exchange from a distance, hesitated for a moment before making her way towards Jongho. His smile widened as he crouched down to her level, opening his arms wide for her. Nari ran into his embrace, wrapping her small arms around his neck. Jongho held her close, his heart swelling with an indescribable emotion. As the security guard began to usher you away, a pang of regret washed over Jongho. Seeing you hustled away, Jongho felt a surge of urgency. He yearned to reach out, to clasp your hand and never release it, but time was eluding him. 
"Wait!" Jongho's desperate voice echoed as he stepped forward, stretching a hand towards you. But it was too late, you were already moved to Hongjoong’s table. Jongho slumped back into his seat, engulfed by defeat. He had let you slip through his grasp again, and now he was worried that he might never rectify his mistake. As he sat, absorbed in his thoughts, the image of Nari's innocent face haunted him. She resembled him so much with her broad eyes and radiant smile, yet she was a stranger—a reminder of the life he missed and the family he never knew he had. Engrossed in his thoughts, Jongho barely registered the next fan asking for an autograph. His thoughts were occupied by you and the daughter he never knew existed. As he autographed the fan's album, Jongho wondered if there was still hope for you and him, if perhaps fate might reunite them one day. 
As you approached Hongjoong's table with Nar, your heart raced with a mix of apprehension and resentment. You couldn't shake the memories of your last encounter, the painful words he had spoken, and the role he had played in driving you and Jongho apart. Hongjoong looked up from signing autographs, his expression unreadable as he locked eyes with you. There was a flicker of recognition in his gaze, followed by a hint of guilt that he quickly masked with a polite smile. 
"Hello," Hongjoong greeted you, his voice carefully neutral. "It's been a while." you forced a tight smile, your hands trembling slightly as you returned his greeting. 
"Yes, it has," you replied, her voice strained with tension. There was a palpable awkwardness between you two, as Hongjoong catches sight of Nari standing beside you, his eyes widen in surprise. There's an unmistakable resemblance between Nari and Jongho—the same sparkling eyes, the same dimpled smile—that sends a pang of nostalgia coursing through Hongjoong's heart. Nari beams up at Hongjoong, her innocence and warmth melting away any lingering tension in the air. 
"Hi Uncle Hongjoong!" she chirps, reaching out to shake Hongjoong's hand with childlike enthusiasm. As Hongjoong exchanges a few more pleasantries with Nari, you can't shake the feeling of unease that gnaws at the back of your mind. With a quick 'thank you' to Hongjoong, you took Nari in your arms and quickly made your way towards the exit. You didn't dare to look back, your heart pounding in your chest. As you walked away, you couldn't help but wonder if Hongjoong had made the connection. But it didn't matter anymore. You had done what you had come here to do. Nari had finally met her dad, and Jongho now knew about her existence. What would happen next was out of your hands. 
As you exited the venue, you could feel a sense of relief washing over you. The heavy burden that had been weighing on your heart for years was now lifted. You glanced at Nari, her face filled with joy and excitement, her eyes sparkling with pure innocence. You couldn't help but feel a sense of love and pride. Despite everything, you knew in your heart that you had made the right decision.  
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After what felt like an eternity, the fan meeting ended. Jongho's mind still reeling from the shock. He found himself rushing backstage into the tranquility of the dressing room that he shared with Hongjoong. He withdrew to a corner, away from the others, needing to be alone with his tumultuous thoughts. Images of Nari's face swirled in his mind, her innocent smile seared into his memory. He wrestled with a whirlwind of questions, his brain struggling to process the reality of his newfound fatherhood. 
"Why didn't you try to contact me?" He asked the empty room, his voice barely a whisper. The question echoed off the walls, a haunting reminder of the years he had missed. "Didn't I have a right to know sooner?" His voice broke as he voiced the question, the hurt evident in his tone. He was a father, but he had been oblivious to that fact for years. The knowledge filled him with a potent mix of joy and anguish. Joy at the thought of being a father, and anguish at the years he had missed, the moments he would never get back. The room felt suffocating, the silence deafening as the reality of the situation slowly sank in. He missed out on so much. He missed seeing you pregnant, a sight he was sure would have been beautiful. He missed being there for you when you were feeling sick when you needed him the most. He missed the birth of Nari, missed holding your hand through the labor. He missed her first tooth, her first steps, her first words. He even missed her first day of school. All these milestones in Nari's life, and he wasn't there for any of them. A sense of loss washed over him, a regret for all the moments he had missed, moments he could never get back. Jongho was alone, filled with anger. He felt betrayed, kept in the dark about his own daughter all these years. He was furious at everyone, including himself. His hands clenched into fists as he grappled with the reality of missed opportunities to be a father. 
As Hongjoong entered the dressing room, he could sense the storm of emotions raging within Jongho. The usually lively and cheerful atmosphere of the room was replaced by a heavy silence. Jongho was seated alone, lost in his thoughts. The look on his face was one of confusion and shock, a stark contrast to his usual cheerful demeanor. 
"Jongho..." Hongjoong began, hoping to break the silence. His voice was gentle, not wanting to startle his friend. Jongho looked up, his eyes meeting Hongjoong's. There was a vulnerability in Jongho's eyes that tugged at Hongjoong's heart. He knew Jongho needed to talk, to let out all the emotions that were bottled up inside him. 
"I know you have a lot on your mind because of Y/N showing up," Hongjoong said, taking a seat next to Jongho. His voice was soft, understanding. "And I'm here to listen, whenever you're ready to talk about this." His words hung in the air, offering a sense of comfort and support to Jongho. 
"I'm surprised you even remember her," Jongho scoffed, the hurt evident in his voice. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions and memories, all coming back at once. Breaking the silence that hung heavily in the room, Hongjoong finally voiced the question that had been lingering in everyone's minds, 
"Y/N's a mom now, how does it make you feel?" Hongjoong's voice was gentle, and cautious, as if he was afraid of shattering the fragile peace that had momentarily settled over them. He was aware that he was treading on thin ice, yet he also knew this was a conversation that needed to be held. 
"I don’t know" Jongho's voice broke, the words he needed to confess stuck in his throat. He needed to admit that he was the father, but he couldn't find the words. The situation was too raw, too fresh. He was scared to say it out loud. 
"Her daughter, she looks a bit like you," Hongjoong said gently, his gaze falling on his friend. "She has your eyes... your smile." As he spoke, Hongjoong's hand found its way to Jongho's shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. It was his way of encouraging Jongho, of letting him know that he wasn't alone in this.
Jongho finally broke down. His voice was barely a whisper as he admitted, "Because she's mine." His hands covered his face, trying to hide the tears that were streaming down his cheeks. His body trembled with the intensity of his emotions, the reality of the situation finally sinking in. "That night... when you told me to break up with Y/N, I..." He paused, struggling to find the right words. "I thought I was doing the right thing, for both of us." The memory of that night came rushing back to him, the pain, the confusion, the regret. He felt as though he was reliving that moment all over again. 
Hongjoong remained silent, listening to Jongho's confession. He could see the pain etched on his friend's face, the regret in his eyes. "Jongho, I..." he began, but Jongho cut him off. 
"I trusted you," Jongho continued, his voice choked with emotion. "I trusted you, and I let her go. But now... now I have found out that I have a daughter. A daughter that I didn't even know existed because I wasn't there for her... because I wasn't there for Y/N." His voice cracked the guilt and regret overwhelming him. "I missed out on so much because of that decision... because of you." Tears kept streaming down Jongho's face as he sobbed, he had lost so much - his love, his child, years of being a father - all because of a decision made years ago. And now, he didn't know how to deal with this overwhelming wave of regret and loss. "I don't know what to do," Jongho whispered, his eyes welling up with unshed tears. The weight of the revelations and the depth of his emotions were too much to bear. His heart felt heavy in his chest, the pain nearly unbearable. He felt lost, unsure of how to navigate the storm of emotions within him. The anger, the hurt, the betrayal... it was all too much. And yet, amidst all of that, there was also a profound sense of love; love for a child he had never known, but already cared for deeply. "What do I do now?" he asked, looking up with pleading eyes, desperate for guidance and a roadmap to navigate this new reality. Hongjoong was at a loss for words. He could see the pain in Jongho's eyes and feel the regret that filled the air around them.
"Jongho, I... I didn't know. I thought I was doing what was best for you. For your career. I never meant for this to happen," he finally managed to say, his voice filled with regret. But words were just words, and no apology could erase the years Jongho had lost. 
"When I hugged Nari, it was like love just hit me with the power of a train," Jongho continued, his gaze fixed on Hongjoong. "I couldn't believe she's mine. The moment she was in my arms, I felt this overwhelming urge to break down, to cry and apologize for not being there from the start. Y/N's been doing that all alone, Hongjoong," Jongho cried out, his voice choked with emotion. "I wasn't there... I didn't know... The pregnancy, the birth, and then raising a daughter... She has been all alone." His voice broke in the last words, the heart-wrenching reality hitting him hard. 
"Jongho, don’t blame yourself, you didn't know," Hongjoong finally spoke up, his voice filled with understanding and sympathy. "You still have a chance to make it right." 
"How am I supposed to make it right?" Jongho asked, his voice filled with desperation and confusion. "Only you knew about Y/N. I've never told the rest of the boys, nor the managers, nothing... How am I supposed to make it work now?" His words hung heavy in the air for a moment, the weight of his predicament settling in. Jongho looked down, a mix of frustration and despair etched on his face. "Maybe it's too late... Maybe I've already lost my chance." He murmured, the hopelessness in his voice echoing through the room. His heart ached at the thought of missing out on his daughter's life, all the moments he could have been there for her. 
"We'll find a way," Hongjoong said firmly, his voice tinged with determination. "We'll talk to the managers, to the members... We'll figure it out together." 
"What if Y/N doesn't want me in her life again?" Jongho asked, the fear in his voice almost palpable. The thought of you rejecting him, of not wanting him in your life anymore, terrified him. The silence that followed was deafening, the tension in the air palpable. 
"Jongho, Nari is your daughter," Hongjoong finally said, his voice steady and determined. "And regardless of what happened between you and Y/N, from now on she will always be a part of your life. You need to talk to Y/N, to understand her perspective and express your feelings. This is not only about Nari, but it's also about you and Y/N, about the life you could have together." After wiping away the last of his tears, Jongho took a deep breath, steadying himself. He knew what he had to do next.
"I need to reach out to Y/N," he said to himself, determination filling his voice. 
"Do you still have her number?" Hongjoong asked. Jongho nodded, reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone. He scrolled through his contacts until he found your name. He hesitated for a moment before showing the screen to Hongjoong. 
"But it's been five years... She could have changed it," Jongho voiced out his concern, the uncertainty clear in his voice. 
"Well, it doesn't hurt to try?" Hongjoong asked, smiling at Jongho. Jongho looked back at Hongjoong, his expression unreadable. There was a long pause before he finally nodded, his gaze determined.
"You're right," he said, "It doesn't hurt to try." 
"Nari will not only get her dad, but she will also get seven uncles. I promise the boys will love her so much. She will be so loved," Hongjoong said encouragingly. "So don't be afraid and talk to Y/N." Hongjoong's words hung in the air for a moment, creating a hopeful silence. Jongho looked at him, his sadness visibly subsiding, replaced by a glimmer of longing and anticipation. 
"You really think they'll accept her? Accept us?" Jongho asked, his voice barely above a whisper. 
"I know so," Hongjoong replied confidently. "We're a family, Jongho. And family means no one gets left behind or forgotten." With that, Jongho seemed to find a new resolve. He nodded, taking a deep breath as he prepared himself to take the first step towards a future where he could be a father to his daughter, a future where he was no longer kept in the dark. 
The drive back to the dorms seemed to take an eternity. Jongho found himself lost in his thoughts, the car's quiet hum a stark contrast to the storm of emotions raging within him. The conversation with Hongjoong had eased his mind a bit, the weight of his newfound fatherhood feeling a little less heavy. He decided it was best to delay talking to the boys and the company about the situation until he had had time to process everything himself. It was a lot to take in, and he needed time to figure out his next steps. Once he entered his room, Jongho wasted no time. He locked the door behind him, seeking the privacy he needed for the call he was about to make. His heartbeat quickened as he dialed your number, each ring echoing in his ears until finally, the line connected. 
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After an exhausting day you found yourself sinking into the plush cushions of your couch, a glass of your favorite wine in hand. The TV screen in front of you was merely background noise, a mindless distraction from the day's events. Your phone suddenly lighted up, an incoming call from an unknown caller. You picked it up, eyeing the unfamiliar number with a slight frown. After a moment's hesitation, you finally answered, "Hello? Who is it?" 
"Hi, it's me, Jongho," he said, his voice sending a shiver down your spine. You swallowed hard, your heart starting to beat faster. ‘’Do you have time to talk right now?’’ 
"Yeah, Nari's at my mom's now…" you managed to reply, trying to keep your voice steady. You didn't expect that Jongho had your number, let alone that he would reach out so quickly. 
Jongho's heart beat harder at the mention of Nari's name. "If you're not busy, maybe we could meet up for a coffee?" Jongho offered. 
"Jongho, you don't have to be doing this. I don't expect you to do anything for Nari or me," you blurted out, the words tumbling from your lips before you could stop them. 
"Y/N, you took her away from me for four years. She's my daughter. And for years, I was oblivious to her existence. I missed out on so much because you chose to keep me in the dark," Jongho's voice was steady, but you could hear the underlying emotion. "Because of that, I think you owe me at least a conversation." There was a pause, and you could almost feel Jongho gathering his thoughts. "So, what you need to do now is send me the address of a coffee place near your location. I'll meet you there in an hour." 
"Alright, Jongho, let's meet. I'll send you an address," you sighed heavily, the weight of the situation pressing down on you. You knew deep down that you owed him this conversation, even if it was the last thing you wanted to do right now. The reality was that you weren't ready to face whatever consequences this meeting would bring about. You weren't ready to delve into the past, but for your daughter's sake, for Jongho's sake, and maybe a little bit for your own sake, you would do it. You would meet him, and you would have this conversation. 
"I'll see you there," Jongho said, ending the call and leaving you alone with your thoughts. You finished your glass of wine, texted Jongho the address of a coffee place near your apartment, and began to gather your belongings. Opening your wardrobe, you sighed loudly. You wanted to look your best for Jongho but didn't want to appear as if you were preparing for a date or trying too hard to impress him after all these years. Having chosen an outfit, put on your denim jacket, and headed to the coffee shop. 
Upon entering the coffee shop, your eyes immediately found Jongho, sitting alone in a corner. He was dressed casually in a beige coat, his face partially hidden behind glasses, and a mask. The sight of him caused a flutter in your heart and your hands started to tremble involuntarily. You straightened your clothes and ran a hand through your hair, trying to compose yourself. Taking a deep breath, you began to make your way towards his table, preparing yourself for the conversation to come. 
"Hi," you almost whispered as you found your seat opposite Jongho. You tried to maintain an air of confidence, but the reality was that your heart was pounding in your chest. You could feel a lump forming in your throat, and you quickly swallowed to clear it. The memories of your past with Jongho were flooding back, and you were suddenly overcome with a mix of nostalgia, regret, fear, and hope. Jongho looked at you intently, his eyes scanning your features. It was surreal, he thought, to have you sitting there across from him after all these years. He still couldn't quite believe, that you were here with him. His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of excitement and fear coursing through his veins. This was it - the start of a conversation that was years overdue. "Are you sure you want to talk here?" you asked, glancing around at the bustling café. "This place is still quite busy considering it's already evening," you continued. There was an uncertainty in your tone, a clear sign of your nervousness. You then looked back at Jongho, meeting his gaze. "I just think that considering your status now, it will be more comfortable to do it at my place," you added, offering an alternative. 
After a moment of silence, Jongho finally found the courage to ask, "Are you comfortable with me coming over to your place?" His voice was filled with a hint of apprehension as if he was worried about crossing any boundaries. 
"Yeah, it's alright," you responded, your tone casual and inviting. You quickly added, ‘’My place isn’t far from here, just about 5 minutes away. Besides, Nari won’t be home tonight. She's staying over with her grandparents, so we'll have the place to ourselves.’’ 
Jongho seemed to consider your words for a moment before he finally agreed, "Okay then, let's go," his tone steady, as if he was trying to mask his excitement or maybe it was anxiety. Together, you left the bustling café, heading towards the quiet comfort of your apartment. The walk was filled with palpable tension, both of you lost in your thoughts, silently anticipating the conversation that awaited. 
You let Jongho in and lead him to the living room. "I'm sorry, it's nothing fancy," you whispered, feeling suddenly self-conscious. You were aware that with the success Jongho had achieved, he was probably used to living in more amazing spaces. Jongho looked around your modest space, taking in the sights of a home that you had lovingly created for yourself and Nari. Her baby pictures were hanging on the wall, her toys scattered in every corner. His smile widened as he took in these intimate glimpses into her life. It filled him with a warm, tender feeling, a sense of connection to the daughter he was only just getting to know. 
''I don't know where to start'' you finally whispered anxiously as you sit down on the couch.
Jongho looked at you, his eyes softening. "How about we start from the beginning?''
"I found out about a month after we broke up," you started, your voice shaking. Jongho's presence felt so strange in your apartment. His eyes on yours added to the tension that was heavy on your shoulders. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" Jongho asked, his voice filled with a mixture of confusion and hurt. His eyes bore into yours, seeking answers to questions that had been plaguing him since he found out about Nari.
"I was scared," you confessed, your voice barely audible. "And I loved you too much to burden you with my pregnancy," you said, smiling sadly and averting your gaze as you felt tears welling up in your eyes. "And don't try to lie and tell me I wouldn't ruin your life with it," you chuckled, your finger wiping away the tears that escaped. "Because I would have," you continued, the words heavy with regret and unshed tears. "Your music, your dreams... I couldn't stand in the way of that." 
"I think I had the right to know," Jongho interrupted, his voice firm yet filled with emotion. His words brought a heavy silence between the two of you. His gaze was intent, the hurt and confusion clear in his eyes. 
"Jongho, I didn't mean to hurt you by keeping it a secret," you admitted, your voice trembling with emotion. "But at that time, I genuinely believed it was the best decision for the three of us." You gave him a pleading look, hoping he would understand. 
"I want to be Nari's father," Jongho confessed, his voice barely above a whisper but the conviction in his words was undeniable. You were taken aback by his confession, not expecting him to express such a strong desire to be a part of your daughter's life. You looked at him, your heart pounding in your chest as you tried to find the right words.
"Jongho... we are doing good, the two of us. You've chosen your career, and I want you to stick to that decision now. Nari doesn't change anything." 
"How can you say that? Of course, it changes everything! I am a father now!", Jongho's voice rose, his tone filled with a sense of urgency and frustration. His heart pounded in his chest, his gaze never leaving yours. "Nari exists because we loved each other," his voice choked with emotion as he continued, "She's a living proof of our love." His voice trailed off, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the room. He was desperate for you to understand. His life, his priorities, everything had shifted the moment he found out about Nari. And he was determined to do whatever it took to be a part of her life. Jongho's eyes flashed with determination as he refused to accept your words. "I am her dad, Y/N, and you can't change that!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with conviction. 
"I know you are, Jongho," you admitted, your voice softening."But I want you to focus on Ateez, you guys are already doing so well," you responded, your voice steady yet filled with a strange calmness. "Me and Nari... we'll be better off without you." The words hung heavily in the air, a painful reality neither of you wanted to face. 
"Stop lying to yourself!" Jongho suddenly stood up, glaring at you as his frustration boiled over. His voice echoed around the room, a clear indication of his disbelief and anger at your words. His outburst took you by surprise. You looked at him, taken aback by the intensity of his emotions. 
"Jongho, I made a mistake… I shouldn't have come to the fan sign, I shouldn't have let you meet Nari," you started, but he cut you off. 
"Enough, Y/N!" he exclaimed; his voice filled with raw emotion. "You don't get to decide what's best for me. She is my daughter too, do you understand?" You swallowed hard, feeling a lump forming in your throat. You knew he was right. "I want to be there for Nari." You looked at him, speechless. You hadn't expected this. You hadn't expected him to fight for his right to be a part of Nari's life. But here he was, standing in your living room, pouring his heart out to you. 
"This is a huge responsibility. Are you sure you're ready for it?" You took a deep breath, locking eyes with him. "Because once you're in, there's no going back." Jongho gaze softened, but the determination remained. 
"Yes, I'm sure," he said resolutely. "I want to be a part of her life. And I'm ready to take on the responsibility that comes with it." His voice was steady, his conviction clear. There was a pause, a momentary lapse in his speech before he finally found the courage to continue with his confession. "And...," he started his voice barely a whisper, so low and quiet that it was almost lost. You had to strain your ears to hear the rest of his sentence. "I want you back as well, if you will have me" he admitted his words carrying an emotional weight that you could feel hanging in the air between you. You were stunned, unable to form a coherent response. Jongho's words had taken you completely by surprise. You never expected him to confess his feelings, to say that he wanted you back. It felt like your heart was pounding out of your chest, your mind racing with thoughts. You looked at him, your emotions in turmoil. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision.
"Jongho, I..." you started, struggling to find the right words. You could see the hope in his eyes, the same hope that you felt blossoming in your own heart. "I need time to think about all of this," you finally admitted. "For now, we should focus on you getting to know Nari." 
His face fell slightly at your words, but he quickly composed himself. "Of course, I understand," Jongho responded, his voice gentle. "Take all the time you need. And I look forward to getting to know our daughter." After a moment, Jongho broke the silence, his voice soft as he asked, "Could I see her room, if that's not too much to ask?" His eyes were hopeful as he looked at you, his chest rising and falling steadily as he took a few calming breaths. It was clear that he was trying to keep his emotions in check, to respect your need for space and time. As much as he wanted to rush into your lives, he knew he had to tread carefully. After all, he was not just stepping into the life of his former lover, but also into the life of his daughter.
"Of course, you can but… You're not gonna like it," you chuckled softly, Jongho's heart softened at the sight of your genuine smile, a smile he had missed more than he cared to admit.
''Why?'' Jongho asked surprised, but you didn't answer. You wanted for him to see it himself. You led Jongho to Nari's room. The sight that greeted him was a mix of bright colors and cute decorations, a clear reflection of the little girl who called this place her sanctuary. And there, among all the toys and drawings, was a framed picture of… Wooyoung. 
"Is that... Wooyoung?" Jongho's voice was filled with surprise as his eyes widened at the sight. He quickly made his way into the room, picking up the framed picture in his hands. 
"Yes, it's Wooyoung," you confirmed a soft smile on your lips. "Nari adores him. She thinks he's the coolest in the world." You watched as Jongho's gaze lingered on the picture; his expression unreadable. Jongho looked at you, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions. 
"I can't believe that amongst all of us, she had to choose Wooyoung," Jongho muttered, his voice low and filled with a sense of disbelief and a hint of jealousy. His gaze remained fixed on the picture, his thoughts running wild. ''My own daughter?'' You giggled again, finding Jongho's disbelief and subtle jealousy amusing. 
"Well, she does have a good taste. After all, Wooyoung is pretty cool," you teased, watching as Jongho's face fell even more. You couldn't help but find the whole situation incredibly amusing. Here was Jongho, an idol who was adored by millions around the world, feeling jealous of his own bandmate. Jongho shook his head, chuckling softly at your comment. 
"I guess I have some catching up to do then," he said, placing the picture back on the little, pink desk. His tone was light, but you could sense the determination behind his words. He was ready to do whatever it took to build a relationship with his daughter. You watched him, your heart aching at the sight. Jongho, the man you once loved, standing in your daughter's room, expressing his desire to be a part of her life. It was a sight you never imagined you would witness. 
"Jongho, I think...I think it's a good start," you finally said, your voice soft but steady. "You wanting to get to know Nari, to be a part of her life...it means a lot." 
Jongho turned to you, his gaze softening. "I should've been there from the start," he admitted with a sigh. "But I promise you, I'll make up for the lost time." Those words, that promise, filled you with a sense of hope. You knew the journey ahead would be filled with challenges and uncertainties. But for the first time in a long time, you felt that you weren't alone in this. And maybe, just maybe, there was a possibility for a future where you, Jongho, and Nari could be a family. But for now, you decided to take things one step at a time, starting with Jongho getting to know his daughter. 
"She asked about you the other day," you started, your voice barely a whisper as you looked at Jongho. "She had never asked about her dad before, but when she did, it changed something inside me." You admitted, a lump forming in your throat as you recalled the moment. It was a memory that had been haunting you, a reminder of the reality that you had been trying to avoid. Jongho's eyes widened slightly, a mix of surprise and curiosity reflecting in his gaze as he awaited your next words. "I knew this day would come, but I wasn't prepared for it," you continued, your voice choked with emotion. At this, Jongho reached out, taking your hand in his. The warmth of his touch brought a small comfort. "I told her a few things about you, told her you were really busy," you confessed, your eyes meeting Jongho's. "I didn't know what else to say. She asked if her daddy would treat her to ice cream next time." 
Jongho's hand squeezed yours lightly as he stated, "Well, then Daddy will take her to get ice cream," he flashed you a smile and you swore you melted at the sight. You had buried your love for Jongho deep in your heart. But now, his hand on yours, his touch that you craved for so long, stirred something within you. You had to admit that those feelings were slightly knocking at your heart, reminding you of their existence. The silence that filled the room was comfortable, a stark contrast to the tension that had been present earlier. You could see the determination in Jongho's eyes, the promise of his words echoing in the quiet room. The reality of the situation was slowly sinking in, and you found yourself looking at Jongho with newfound hope. 
"I guess we still have a lot to talk about," you finally broke the silence, your gaze steady on Jongho. There was a soft smile on your face, a clear indication of your acceptance of the situation. "And a lot of ice cream to buy," you added, your tone light and teasing. 
Jongho chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I guess we do," he agreed, his voice warm and gentle. He then looked at you, his gaze softening. "But first, we need to figure out how to tell Nari." You nodded, a sense of apprehension filling you. Telling Nari about her dad would be a challenge, a hurdle that both of you needed to cross together. But looking at Jongho, his determination, and his willingness to step up as a father, you felt a sense of comfort. 
"We'll figure it out, Jongho," you said, squeezing his hand in reassurance. "Together." 
Jongho looked at you, a serious expression on his face. "Y/N, I wanted to talk to you first about this, but tomorrow I'm going to talk with company representatives and the boys. I think I will choose to go on a hiatus to spend some time with Nari and you," he confessed, his voice steady and sincere. The honesty in his words and the determination in his eyes gave you a sense of reassurance. Jongho was indeed ready to take on the responsibility of being a father, and he was willing to make sacrifices for it. 
"Jongho, I want to be clear about something," you started, your eyes meeting his. "I'd still like it if you continued your career. I don't want Nari or me to be the reason you have to give up on your dreams." Your words were steady and sincere, echoing in the quiet room. Jongho looked at you, a wave of relief washing over him. He had been worried about the impact this situation would have on his career, but hearing your support eased his concerns. 
"Hearing you say that... it means a lot to me," he confessed, his voice filled with gratitude. He was glad to know that even in this complex situation, he still had your support. 
The two of you spent the rest of the evening talking about Nari, her likes and dislikes, her habits, and her dreams. You showed him her drawings, her favorite toys, and even her diary which was filled with her innocent thoughts and dreams. Jongho listened attentively, absorbing every detail. He knew he had a lot of catching up to do, but he was more than willing to make up for the lost time. The night grew late as you continued to talk, discussing the future, your shared past, and how everything would affect Nari. You made it clear to Jongho that his career was still significant, and that he could balance his responsibilities as a father without giving up his dreams. And as you spoke, Jongho felt a wave of relief wash over him. Your support meant the world to him, and he was grateful to hear your words of encouragement. 
As you finally said your goodbyes, Jongho promised to keep in touch and to start involving himself in Nari's life slowly. He understood that he had a lot of catching up to do and that it wouldn't be easy. But he was ready to face the challenges ahead, ready to be a father to Nari. 
"I'll see you soon, Y/N," Jongho said, his voice low but firm. Before he took a step outside of the door, he stepped closer and gently placed a kiss on your cheek. The action was unexpected. You felt your blood rush to your cheeks as he placed a gentle kiss. Where his lips had touched, a tingling sensation lingered, causing your heart to flutter. He turned back to give you a reassuring smile, a promise that he would be back soon. And as you watched him walk away, you felt a sense of hope blossoming in your heart. You knew that the road ahead would be rocky, but you also knew that you weren't alone on this journey. Jongho would be there, ready to face the challenges with you, for Nari's sake. 
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faiirybread · 7 months
i know places ︴aa23
🌷 in which.. the fans aren’t happy, but they are!
alex_albon just posted!
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God bless America, God bless double points!🫡🇺🇸🦅raaaaahhh!!!!
tagged: danielricciardo, yukitsunoda, yourusernameofficial
liked by yourusernameofficial, yukitsunoda, and 927,724 others
user1 YN?????
user2 great race today, you deserved those points!
yourusernameofficial Amazing job today, it was awesome to watch! 💙💙
alex_albon Thank you so much!
user6 is yn dating him?
user5 we dont know, all the interactions between them is him liking her post and posting her stage on his story, her going to a race, and now this post
user6 ah ok
user7 NO WAY yourusernameofficial ARE YOU A GLUTEN FREE GIRLIE
yourusernameofficial Yes! I went gluten free because I kept getting muscle injuries, and it’s really helped! 💗
user11 he isnt dating her you bitch.. get out of here
user11 why would yn lower herself to him, she knows her worth and he isnt it.
f1gossip just posted!
recent photos released by korean news site dispatch of yn yln and alex!
liked by user1, user2, and 98,725 others
user2 most random couple
user3 yn.. how could you betray us like this 😔
user5 wtf are you talking about? this isnt a good thing..
user4 lol what why
user5 yns whole career is on her fans, who shes betraying with this. ive been a fan since she was 16 and to see her grow up to be such a slut is really disappointing.. i wouldnt be surprised if her company terminates her contract
user4 bro wtf are you on about?? shes a fucking human being who is allowed to live and have friends and partners. calling yourself a fan of hers then saying shes a slut is just laughable. your a 40 year old man who became a fan of a 16 year old and cant bear to think that shes not a doll for you to play with. fucking creepy and disgusting.
user7 ok but ehy this guy?! yn could literally have anyone in f1 and she chose a guy who cant even win a race??
user8 dude poor alex he does not deserve the crazy kpop stans breathing down his neck
user9 wait theyre kinda cute 🤭
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ynupdates just posted!
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Hello, this is SM Entertainment. A series of photos were shared today of YN YLN. We cannot confirm or deny the rumors, and request that you give YN privacy and empathy in this time. Thank you.
liked by pierregasly, user1, and 562,737 others
user1 what was the point of the statement if theyre not gonna confirm anything 😭
user2 sm this isnt kai and jennie.. williams racing is not gonna post a statement
user3 ok so….
user4 #DROPYN
user5 get tf outta here ‼️
user6 BOOOO
user7 this is how her company responds to alex getting this amount of hate??
user8 unfortunately its really common because of the industry standard that idils stay single/keep their relationships private so this is probably the most we’ll get from sm
user7 really? ive seen some companies do legal action, are they not doing that?
user8 not for alex, only for yn
user7 damn this is gonna be tough for alex then
user9 alex_albon pls see the light this is not worth it
user10 #DROPYN
alexalbon just posted a story!
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user1 YES ALEX
user2 thank you for defending her!!
user3 just not a good idea to be around her..
yourusernameofficial just posted!
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3 songs for the ones I love 💗
Slut!, Teenage Dream, and Mirrorball out now on all platforms 🌷
tagged: smtown, alex_albon
liked by alex_albon, imnotningning, and 7,273,127 others
yourusernameofficial 🤭 🤭 luv ya babes
user2 are you gonna cancel promos for these too?
alex_albon soz but promos are only for me 😝
user3 bad start dad…
alex_albon sorry kiddo had to say how it is
user5 slut! is so romantic?? alex how did you do it
pierregasly amazing songs!
yourusernameofficial thank you!!
yourusernameofficial YES!!!! IM SO EXCITED
yourusernameofficial i cant say yet but ill deffo try and meet you guys there!!
user7 she seems so happy with him dude, she never used to respond to comments or anything
yourusernameofficial 🫶🫶🫶
user8 WE LOVE YOU YN!!!
alex_albon waa waa waa 😹😹😹
charlesleclerc16 OUTSOLD 👏 👏 👏
yourusernameofficial thank you charles!!
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phoenixradiant · 1 month
Summarizing My WIP
Thanks to @tildeathiwillwrite for the tag!
Rules: summarize your WIP in 15 2-5 word bullet points (as if you were trying to summarize it in 15 seconds)
😵 Whoops all orphans
⚔️ No yeah that killing was justified
🩸 No yeah no that one wasn't
☠️ Huh one of you died
👿 You're all various kinds of insane
👥 All your secondary characters staged interventions
❕ You hate each others' guts
❗ "The enemy of my enemy..."
😨 Man you guys got beat
🌳 You need to find a tree for some reason*
😔 Undercurrent of depression swells
😡 Time to face your old friends
😇 Apotheosis
🥰 Weddings! Dead characters not invited 😭
*This isn't even the same tree-hunt from the snippet I shared earlier today, that was a flashback to "Whoops all orphans". I just like plot-relevant trees apparently.
NP tagging, let's see... @the-ellia-west, @willtheweaver, @agirlandherquill!
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mchiti · 5 days
tw illness
really didn't feel like sharing this before but sometimes life really puts you through some great shit and it's hard to find the light or any joy again. a while ago my father was diagnosed with cancer and honestly after losing my mum five years ago how is that even fair in the slightest. but he got diagnosed at a very early stage Hamdulillah so he did around a month of preventive chemio and then got a surgery which turned out successful. this morning he was dismissed and while I'm obviously over the moon about it but I suppose he's kinda feeling guilty in a way for being the lucky one out of the two. And even then he spends all his time either asking me to update him on transfer news, sending me any benji pavard pics he sees via whatsapp (loool baba wallahi😭) and more importantly, more especially, donating here and there to Palestine, sharing videos and stuff. bruh I wish I could find a way to cheer him up to be fair. I feel very thankful things are going fine so far, I'm still very anxious but I know it could've been worse, but it's so unfair it makes me so mad. And then I see how he is immersed into the greater good and I feel bad. I never liked saying or thinking this but being born here and being privileged is probably that one thing that will never ever make be able to fully grasp his attitude towards life. I love you old man
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 3 months
older!rockstar!eddie x popstar!reader
note: takes place after Paris throughout 2024, yn and eddie stop hiding their relationship now that they're both all in.
warning: slut shaming
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liked by isla_munson, coreyfogelmanis, and others
y/nl/n: 📸: eds
september 15, 2023
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em_1989: im so happy for you 😭😭
taytay.13: how she looks at him>>>
_17jenna: why is she with him? she could do so much better than some old guy
dylan_86: cause she's a slut
georgia.iloveyourson: that 'some old guy' is a literal rock legend. what have you done?
ribbons.in.your.hair: whats my girl making in the studio??? 👀
youve.been.gilmored_: y/n with glasses 🔛🔝
_jeremy.03: this relationship is weird...
ima_mirrorball: thanks for the opinion that nobody asked for 🥰
layla.anderson19: we're all gonna ignore the last photo???
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posted Feb 5, 2024
Eddie Munson (46) and Y/n L/n (25) were seen getting very cozy at The Grammy's this past weekend. Sitting next to Taylor Swift, as well as Lana Del Rey, it seems the 'Nonsense' singer's friends get along great with the rock legend.
The couple were both up for their own separate awards, Munson being up for Rock Album with 'In Times New Roman...' by Queen of the Stone Age, having been the main producer on several songs. As well as 'Not Strong Enough' by Boygenius, a group Eddie had publicly wanted to work with since their first EP, and finally having that time this past year.
L/n was up for Record of the Year with her song 'Feather', winning her first Grammy. The couple shared a cute moment, with a hug and a kiss, before she got a big hug from friend and mentor, Taylor Swift, then running up on stage; mentioning both in her speech. As well as winning Music Video for, again, her song 'Feather'.
The couple also didn't miss Eddie Munson's son, Leo Munson, getting a few awards that night also. The man worked with Boygenius, producing and winning Alternative Album, as well as beating his father in Rock Album, with 'This Is Why' by Paramore.
All around a very successful night for the couple, as one of their first fully public engagements together.
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liked by leomunson, tarayummy, and others
y/nl/n: 🎀
June 22, 2024
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em.emily: she's so hot 😍
sturniolo.13: she's crazyyy for this
dads.bradsandchads: She admits she's only with him cause of his age and money.
mom.iama.richman: i aspire to be your level of delusion
big_reputation: the pic w eddie is so cute
zebra11: y/n is so iconic 😭
katelynstyles: she's so unserious
normalpeople_: ikr i love her
flyers_fan: She's with him for attention.
carmencarmen: i also love dilfs
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liked by y/nl/n, leahsavajeffries, and others
isla_munson: my first ep 'isla' is out THIS FRIDAY!!! 🖤🤍
August 6, 2024
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y/nl/n: so proud of you hun!!! ❤️❤️
walker.scobell: 🍂
isla_munson: 🍂
corrodedcoffinofficial: So excited to listen, little Munson!
jess.1989: y/n has writing creds!!
speaknow.stan: that's how y'know its gonna be good!
madmax: nah, we know its gonna be good because Leo is producing!
emails_13: nah, we know its gonna be good because its isla!
sienna.taylor: my little recording artist 🥰
isla_munson: love ya! ❤️
samandcolbys.wife: walker and isla's comments 👀
isla.loverr: autumn leaves about to be THE teenage love song
lana.lorde: i know!!! they're so cute!
leomunson: can't wait for people to hear your work!
isla_munson: our* work
isla's ep:
balled of a homeschooled girl - olivia rodrigo
kissing lessons - lucy dacus
pretty isn't pretty - olivia rodrigo
lacy - olivia rodrigo
anatomy - kenzie (about her mom)
autumn leaves - mckenna grace (about walker)
graceland too - pheobe bridgers (leo wrote about isla)
@whoscamila @mystargirl-interlude @creoleguurl @witchwolflea @kissmejoey @taylorswiftsloverfr @random000000sblog
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kindestofkings · 6 months
a mastermind [2]
ryan mcmahon x reader
faceclaim: phoebe bridgers
authors note: happy friday everyone, proud of you for making it through the week xx @orangeinecstasy here you are <3
yourusername just added to their story!
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trumanblack wow WOW what happened to the deep seeded commitment issues??? WHAT ABOUT THE HATE FOR ALL MEN
↳ yourusername I KNOW I KNOW OKAY but matty he was so nice and I had so much fun 😭
charlixcx wow girl when are you back in london! I need to you to chat me up !!
↳ yourusername I'm home next week xx and of course we may or may doing something tomorrow... just the two of us 👀👀
lucydacus the drummer???
↳ yourusername the one and only 😍
julienrbaker we let you go on ONE solo trip and this happens....
↳ yourusername im sorry!!! he was even dreamier in person 😔
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername pints with the lads 💪💪💪
new friends unlocked! a band, with a nepo baby lead singer... do I have a type? and where do I leave back the old model
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bobbyskeetz josh man you're giving that pint some look 👀
joshjenkinson_ the look of love what else?
inhalerfan1 FINALLY my manifesting worked, now you and ryan should fall in love xx
rass75 well I know for a fact you didnt just call us older right? RIGHT??
(liked by trumanblack,bedfordanes75 and adam1975)
yourusername hehehe oh heyyy ha ha about that..
trumanblack heyyy no fair I was your first.
ynhealytruther WOW okay y'all fuck then yourusername FIRST NEPO BABY wow get your head out of the gutter bestie 😀
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15
yourusername no words to describe how I'm feeling rn.
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ynfan1 ahh this HUGE!
taylorswift counting down the days already !
swiftie1 what a service you're both doing for us sad girlies <3
yourusername I see you, I love you and I am a your fellow sad girlie <3
charlixcx taking over the world one day at a time 💅💅
ryanmcmahon_15 🔥🔥
ynhealytruther no comments from the 1975 lads, whats going on 😔
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liked by yourusername and others
ryanmcmahon_15 some shows in new york.
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lewevans hey no paps please xx
inhalerfan1 sooo excited for you guys to go on tour fully again🕺
yourusername v rockstar v cool
ryanmcmahon_15 second nature at this point 😎 inhalerfan2 ariana what are you doing here? inhalerfan1 shes friends with the lads!
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liked by julienrbaker and others
yourusername heyy its been while sorry! unplanned mysterious retreat but I've busy writing, busy recording with my fellow geniuses and busy rehearsing!
so heres a slutty soft launch as an apology for being gone ?
comments are turned off
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liked by yourusername and others
taylorswift nashville you have been WILD. it's always special getting to share the stage with another artist but when its with the genius/baby angel face yourusername it feels extra special!!!!
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yourusername you can say things like this and not expect me to cry 😢😢
yourusername you are my hero thank you thank you everything <33
swiftie1 nothing new destroyed me in the best way possible
ynfan1 it was incredible witnessing yn's pinch me moment !
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername GUYS GUYs please please please don't kill me but the next single is..... a TOTAL LOVE SONG WITH ALL THE HAPPINESS. AH I know how dare I?? but I mean im in love, deal with it. (please please)
anywayy gold rush is yours at midnight friday <3
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trumanblack ew love
yourusername have they found a cure yet?? my profession of writing heartbreak songs is on the line god dammit !
ynfan1 I can't believe the love of my life is in love with someone and its NOT me
ynfan2 how can you write scott street and then go write a love song??
yourusername ik the whiplash is real. you're gonna love it tho! I hope..lol!! ynfan2 wait of course I'm gonna love it, every thing you write is magic <3
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ryanmcmahon_15 with yourusername
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
ryanmcmahon_15 with yourusername welll we (one of us, defo not me) had planned a long softlaunch stage which was VERY detailed, but an eagle eyed fan caught us out ! big thanks to them cause theres cool pics to post :))
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yourusername my love <33
yourusername am kinda heartbroken soft launching was fun !!
bobbyskeetz my boy is all grown up 😢
joshjenkinson_ feels like just yesterday he was crying listening to waiting room.. yourusername no stop im too soft for it all !!
elijahhewson my matchmaking skills never fail 😎
ryanmcmahon_15 yes thank god for your very elaborate organising of pints <33 elijahhewson hey less is more sometimes ynfan1 wait this is soo cute
inhalerfan1 I KNEW IT I KNEW IT, I knew i could sense the vibes
yourusername girl you were mad for that, you called it before we even met ! im getting witchy vibes xx
taylorswift the detailed planning feels like my fault a bit.... y'all are SO adorable tho
lewevans man what is going on you have the taylor swift in your comments.. ryanmcmahon_15 man I've stopped questioning it, i've the taylor swift in our gaff for monthy wine nights 😂 swiftie1 those two are such icons (taylor and yn) (liked by ryanmcmahon_15)
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername just before I retreat into my home for the holidays and eat nothing but minced pies and never get out of my pjs, I thought I'd leave you guys with a parting gift from my family to yours. so much wine is a craft of love and is everything I think of when I think of the holiday season, theres some oldies, some newbies, some saddies and some friends !
a big thank you to dirtyhit as usual and the genius producers that are trumanblack, bedfordanes75 and rass75 ( all who jumped on a track also)
other friends who graced these records, taylorswift, lucydarcus, hozier and julienrbaker thank you thank you <33
also someone stepped away from the drums for a hot second and made his vocals debut, which I feel honoured about and so proud!
go listen and enjoy <333
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ryanmcmahon_15 the album and you are a work of art <3
yourusername stfu imma cry 😢
ynfan1 you write melancholy so beautifully, love it all so far!
inhalerfan1 ryan with a vocal debut?? christmas came early
inhalerfan2 obsessed with both of you, you are my parents
elijahhewson thankful everyday sir ryan chose drums or I'd be out of a job..
bobbyskeetz theres still time yet!
joshjenkinson_ thanks for inviting us onto the album!
yourusername it was my PLEASURE sir jenkinson
trumanblack always a pleasure making stuff together bedfordanes75 xx
yourusername we are such a powerhouse of a trio, like the powerpuff girls or something ! ynfan1 not 😭 the 😭 powerpuff 😭 girls 😭
Ahh what was that you ask?? can ryan sing?? All important questions! I dont know entirely, all my fics are self-indulgent but this one was particularly bad hahah hence the all over the place plot, also im in a festive mood lol. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THO, as always let me know what you think and come chat <33
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On Wings of Freedom - Barbara x Male!Reader
CW: Male!Reader, Barbara is either adult or reader is around her age, not proofread, awful poetry (poetry is hard, especially in a foreign language 😭but I tried okay?).
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You inspect the lyre for the seventh time. Everything seems in order, but your mind restlessly seeks faults. Anything to improve, anything to correct - do any act of final preparation. The audience claps and your fellow poet bows, humming in satisfaction. He walks off of the stage, patting you on the shoulder on his way out. 
"Break a leg, my friend. Good luck." He stops for a brief moment and smiles kindly. 
"Thanks…" It's all your throat, tight with stress, can let out. The bard leaves and you step on the stage slowly, holding your breath. The tavern goers look at you with restrained curiosity, understanding of your stage fright in their expectation. Guests on the second floor lean against the railing, their gazes fixed on you as well. You focus on the end of the hall, spotting a familiar, teal-clad musician. Venti winks at you and holds his thumb up. You smile at his cheering, and shift your attention to one particular visitor. You might be in the spotlight for the majority of Angel's Share, but for you the true star is she. Barbara sips her Jueyun Chilli brew, eyes focused on you. 
You clear your throat and take a deep breath. The string of your instrument are moved with practiced ease by your slender digits, accompanying your trained voice. 
Within the world there live a man Born from but a minor clan With a lyre in hand and a dream in mind He roamed the world, singing for his kind Onto a meadow one day he came Searching for a muse to lift his spirits A woman he found, of a beautiful name Her radiance unshown by mortal lyrics On Wings of Freedom we will soar Through all the skies of new and old Before us sun, behind a dragon’s roar  Only through song my love is told Her voice as soft as gentlest flax She held my heart dead in its tracks Her porcelain skin, so white and kind Yet the greatest treasure is her mind For a shed of her affection's grace For a brush of her gentle hand My shield will hold the deadliest mace My hands all my care to her will lend On Wings of Freedom we will soar  Hand in hand, our hearts of gold We'll power through the deadliest war Only through song their love is told So I stand here, on the shore Above the heavenly highs, below the abyss' roar With an inquiry I end this score I ask for a word - just one, and not more
The tavern fills with the sound of clapping and cheering. You bow slightly, your eyes never leaving hers. Barbara is blushing slightly, her quick claps sounding out as the loudest. 
"That was Y/N of Springvale with the song Wings of Freedom. Bravo for him!" 
The crowd is further animated, the sound of whistling and encouragement nearly deafening. You smile broadly, bowing time and time again. 
"Thank you, thank you!" 
Waving your hand, you make your way off the stage, making space for Six-Fingered José. 
"Good luck." You say, but he doesn't answer, sending you a thankful nod instead. 
The speaker starts announcing your subsequent, but you don't listen. Your attention is focused on Barbara, who stands up from her seat, leaving Lumine with only Paimon as company. She motions for you to follow and turns to leave the establishment. For her safety, you leave through the back door. As you close the door behind you, José's performance begins. 
You circle around the tavern to find Barbara next to the outside tables. She rocks up and down on her feet, her hands behind her back and a deep crimson on her face. Her eyes are glued to the floor, occasionally glancing up at the approaching you. You stop in front of her. You awkwardly smile at her, rubbing your forearm. 
"Y-yes, Y/N…" She speaks quietly, so much so that it's barely audible. Your heart speeds up. "I love you as well. I'll date you!" 
You can't resist the urge. Smiling like never before you grab a hold of her and pull her into a bone crushing embrace. She squeals in surprise and giggles as you lift her up and spin her around. 
"I love you Barbara, I love you so much! I'm so happy!" You stop. Both of you stare into each other's eyes for a solid second, before you blush and avert your eyes. You set her down, rubbing the back of your head. 
"S-sorry, Barbs. I didn't mean to-" Before you can finish, she places a peck on your cheek. 
"I would have done just the same thing if I were you, hehe!" 
You stand there in silence, either of you too excited to know what to do next. Barbara, still blushing heavily, gently put your hand in hers. 
"How about we go to Cat's Tail, hm? My treat! Your throat must be so tired after such a stunning performance, I'm sure of it! Diona will probably be happy to make something non-alcoholic for a change as well, I can tell! So what do you say?" 
You grab her other hand and place a quick kiss on her forehead. 
"Let's go!" 
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Thanks for reading!
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akkivee · 5 months
i care very much about stage mtc lol:
alan-san is very pretty lol like i wish i could say he’s the prettiest samatoki but that’s also a judgement based on the assumption that samatoki has given us anything under an 11 LOL
but he’s still a gorgeous samatoki lol
asanuma-san is a god tier seiyuu so anyone having to embody samatoki i doubt can capture what asanuma-san does with samatoki’s voice but alan-san’s take isn’t bad i don’t think!!!!!
like when he raps aggressively, it’s really cool lol
stage samatoki is like, the most emotional sad boy samatoki we’ve gotten and alan-san’s face sure does give it just that man just looks so sad sometimes lol
this is less to do with his samatoki and more of himself lol, but during a separate event unaffiliated with hypstage but featured a handful of them, he challenged akira-san to a video game on the basis that because both their names start with the letter 🅰️, they gotta throw down because there can only be one Ace in town and that was so funny he’s a goober lmao
asanuma-san made a very similar joke the year prior to that event and that’s how i know he shared the samatoki braincell LOL
throwback to the samatoki cross talk where he and asanuma-san had to guess what’s samatoki’s default pose on the official website. asanuma-san got it right but alan-san didn’t and upon getting it wrong, he attempted to run out from the venue LOL
mi…………….. mizue kenta sir 🥺🥺🥺
he’s slain many a human with that face of his and i’m not strong enough to fight it either lmao
juto used to have a modicum of coolness in the beginning and has been nerfed significantly over the years lmao but mizue-san’s juto is an old relic from those times lol
like it’s so funny to me both komada-san and mizue-san used to voice juto on a higher register but eventually deepened his voice as their perception of the character changed lol
mizue-san is legendary at video games and i’m not saying juto’s gamer status came from him but—
speaking of arb lol y’all know that one horn-knee bait juto card with the handcuffs????? mizue-san’s juto said hold my beer and showed the true hornee juto bait lol
like what do you mean he gets TWO solos where he tramples on and seduces men?????????????
there’s a scene at the end of track 4 where once that conflict had been resolved, juto quietly walked up beside samatoki, who was brooding to himself, and expressed an ice cold rage towards samatoki for leaving his team behind in that conflict that has stayed with me lol it’s probably the mtc moment i think about most
besides the rep live skit where samatoki gets falsely arrested but wants to stay arrested because rio wants to feed him so juto’s running back and forth confusedly trying to extend samatoki’s sentence LOL
canon rio’s stoicism is surface level actually like stage rio is more along the lines of stern with a very heavy side helping of silly and i like to that it’s the version of rio canon rio thinks he is lol
that doesn’t mean stage rio isn’t cool tho like his rap game is no joke 😭👌
that part in bop2023 where they do a solos relay and as rio’s solo transitions to juto’s he goes, ‘juto, rock that shit’ and i lose my shit tbh LOL especially when you see that pleased smile on juto’s face pls!!!!!
byrnes-san is the brand of wasian that’s good at english and i enjoyed reading reports of rio’s english lessons during mtc’s rep live
and then to come back later in bop2023 hyping the crowd up with english their japanese audience didn’t understand so he scolded them for not studying it came full circle i want to cry—
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fereldanwench · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @wanderingaldecaldo to share some stuff I'm working on so AU rambling it is!
(Also I just realized that I am once again so behind on keeping up with my mentions and asks. I need more hours in the day. 😭)
So as some of y'all know, I am a long-time Tomb Raider super fan, and facets of OG Lara Croft almost always influence my OCs because she is just goals. Valerie was no exception here--Her canon street style and effortlessly cool and tough yet elegant vibes were very much inspired by the one and only Lady Croft.
When I realized that across these three mods (one, two, three) I could make a Tomb Raider Underworld-inspired outfit for Valerie, that just became my sole reason for living for like six hours.
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Initially, I wasn't planning on delving into a story or anything with the shots--I just wanted to play with some Tomb Raider-esque settings to get a little break from the high-tech/low-life urban setting to refresh the muse--But then I realized this could actually be the perfect setting to explore another idea I had been sitting on for a while.
I had wanted to play with a Yakuza!Goro AU for some time now (turning to a life of organized crime if Arasaka hadn't picked him up has always seemed like something that could have been in the realm of possibility based on the little bit he shares about his childhood), and Lara does get tangled up with some Yakuza shenanigans in some storylines so 💡💡💡 Treasure Hunter/Yakuza AU: I Only Play for Sport (based on Lara's iconic one-liner in the intro of the 1996 game) was officially born!
Work has been nuts the past few weeks, and I didn't really feel like trying to figure out how to mod tats on Goro myself, so I asked the wonderful @86maylin if she was up for a private commission. Luckily, she was. 🙏🙏🙏 (Thank you again, May!)
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This has also been another journey into building with AMM--I have a few very specific scenes in mind, and I wanted them to be in totally original settings created specifically for this AU instead of defaulting to my usual locations (like Hanako's estate).
To kick that off, I decided I wanted to make a little living space for Goro. I got a lot of good practice building a stage, essentially, when I did the little villainess shoot a little while ago, so I felt pretty confident that I could put together something loosely inspired by the Tokyo penthouse Lara visits in Tomb Raider Legend.
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That game is almost 20 years old now, though, so the assets there were obviously very limited, and I wanted to make something a little more complete and cozy for Goro's home base, as it were. I'm still not finished with it (maybe like 75% of the way there), but I'm pretty happy with the progress:
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And another huge thank you to @bnbc and @arasakas-ronin for y'all's prop packs because they have done a lot to add some of that cool-artifact-treasure-hunting goodness to the scene. (I've used a lot but I think this toy set and this decor set were most prominently used.)
And as for the story itself?
Well, no one's here for the plot, right? 😅
I am slowly working on a couple of photostories inspired by some scenes in the Tomb Raider movies and games, and I have a general gist of the premise: Valerie is a wealthy heiress with a fondness for adventure and recovering lost artifacts with presumed supernatural abilities, and Goro is the right-hand man of a Yakuza boss who has a similar interest in such artifacts. They end up having their sights set on the same artifact (currently unknown to me, lmao, although I am very aware of the issues with the genre when it comes to, yanno, glorifying white Westerners stealing shit from other cultures so I want to be mindful that I don't fall into that same pitfall) and sexy rival treasure hunter shenanigans ensue.
So this is what I've been working on! It's a total pet project, I'm so excited about it, and I figured the time between now and Phantom Liberty coming out would be the best time to just go ham with photomode and mods and create a totally self-indulgent crossover that combines my great video game loves.
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And one last thing before I shut up, because I wanna share how Tomb Raider has always been a part of Valerie's background: her surname, Powell, was inspired by Manfred Powell, the antagonist in the 2001 Tomb Raider movie. Bonus fact: I used the name "Nishimura" in this photo story, which is also the name of two characters in the Tomb Raider universe (Lara's friend Toru Nishimura in Legend and her girlfriend Sam Nishimura in the 2013 reboot.)
Okay, if you read all of this, you're now legally obligated to share something you've been working on, too. 💙
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eggtartz · 2 years
Hello! So y'know those blind dating shows, where it's like, blind dating by outfits or by costumes and one of them has to get eliminated in each round, but it's where theres this video like blind dating by glow ups, where there's a old picture of the person and when the get eliminated they have to reveal themselves and so everyone knows how they now look like.
and so can I request a Tokyo revengers Kakucho x Fem! reader, (Note: Kakucho and the reader are childhood friends but haven't seen each other in a very long time)
and so one of the players is reader, and so there's a old picture of the reader and so Kakucho recognized the that was the reader but didn't know how she looks like now since he hasn't seen he Rin ages. but later on she gets eliminated and so now she reveals herself, so the Tenjiku members are watching that how and one of the players gets eliminated it turn out to be the reader, and she looks COMPLETELY different, she has a calm expression and long hair and She's just so pretty!! She also looks different now and looks more mature.
Everyone admits she's pretty but the other members in Tenjiku like Shion, Rindou and some others start to simp for her༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ
Cause he told them😭
a/n : oh i've seen this thing in youtube before! thankyou anon for the request and enjoy! 🫶🏻
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summary : the last kakucho would say it he's relieved he joined the show
- his members convinced him to join the show saying excuses like "you'll be lonely your whole life kakucho, you should find a partner" kakucho didn't see the importance of this but izana was in board too so he had no choice
- the participants before him found their matches, kakucho wondered if he would ever found his
- finally, it was kakucho's turn to participate in the show and he boringly went with it. he was given descriptions of his matches behind the wall then the host told him to pick one based on how the used to look like
- one particular person interested him, he showed the number and spontaneously picked this person without reading the others
- the host was a little terrified with kakucho so he implied and showed the picture before their glow up
- "y/n?"
- "you know we could've just set up a date for kakucho and the girl right?" ran said at the backstage while glancing at the monitor.
- "you know kakucho would never go on dates. even if we said we found her, he won't believe us" izana then said.
- for the past years where kakucho has found comfort with his friends, he has shared stories of his life too. including stories of you and how he wanted to see you again. izana had powers in certain areas, so he did the best he could to make his right man happy.
- he found you alright but he wasn't sure if you remembered kakucho too
- "but man's she's so pretty if she rejects kakucho somehow im gonna take her out instead" shion blurted while watching the monitor too
- mochi slapped his head.
- "man you're a sore loser taking our friend's crush like that" rindou said with a glare
- "talk shit to me rindou acting like you don't like her too?" shion raised his eyebrows while rindou blushed intensely. "no, but still.."
- "everyone shut up kakucho saw her picture"
- "y/n?"
- a girl stepped out behind the picture, a more matured looking woman with elegant style stood there and smiled sweetly at him. "hello kakucho"
- kakucho's knees bucked a bit
- shakingly held your hand and the host invited the next participant on stage as it seems kakucho had found his match.
- "what's wrong kaku? do i look weird? i wore a new makeup than i usually do it might be that"
- "no, it's that. you look really different"
- "different as in okay? or different like not okay?"
- "different as in you're gorgeous"
- you averted your gaze from him but his hand that still held yours was gripped tight so you couldn't escape anywhere
- "there's a shop nearby wanna go grab something there?"
- "the shop we used to hoard when we were kids?"
- "yup" you giggled and told him to lead the way. after taking off the mic system from the show, you two went there and had a nice, long conversation
- the last kakucho would say it he's relieved he joined the show but he might take that back
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silviakundera · 7 months
interesting bits from the Story of Kunning Palace novel (MTL)... I'm gonna simply share parts that pop out at me. you can block tag: silvia reads sokp
[Xie Wei off the chain. The fate in the 1st life of scum man horse killer....]
"Xie Wei walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, took control of the government and the court, and the first thing he did was to order people to shoot [Zhao Yunzhi] to death with random arrows. His head was nailed to the palace gate with three long iron nails, so that all the civil and military personnel who entered and exited would be shocked."
[Jiang Xuening really DIDN'T know his secrets 😭😂]
At the age of fourteen to fifteen years old, she was wondering about her own experience and destiny, and she didn't know what this strange father and mother in Beijing would look like. In the wilderness, a heart is full of fear and panic. How can one spare thoughts to figure out the deep meaning behind a person's words in his illness?
She had heard it all, but really forgot.
Later, she racked her brains to think back, but she could barely remember such words as "Shen Lang's character is beyond responsibility" and "the common people of Li are human beings, and the Ninth Five-Year Lord is also a human being".
Even so, Xie Wei still tried to test her three times before he was willing to give up; although four years have passed in this life, after seeing what she did today, he might he not think back, suspecting that she actually remembered what he said. It's just that I'm used to pretending to be stupid and getting away with it!
[frankly OBSESSED with this next bit... ]
With Shen Jie, with Yan Lin, with Zhou Yinzhi, and even with Zhang Zhe...
They are different.
Jiang Xuening will never forget that in her last life, when she felt that she had nowhere to go, she had this idea: at night, she changed into a pale yellow palace dress, with bright and attractive makeup, and went to Xinuang Pavilion with a cup of soup cooked in the imperial dining room. However, Xie Wei raised his eyes to look at her, saw her clothes and makeup, his eyes were dark, and the eyebrows raised almost imperceptibly; he had already seen through her, and smiled at her faintly: "Your Majesty, respect yourself."
She was so ashamed that night that she simply ran away.
Now, as long as Jiang Xuening thinks of the scene at that time, she still has the urge to dig a hole and bury herself. How could she die and experience it a second time?
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