#it'd be like looking in a weird mirror for both of them
iholli · 8 months
Leonardo ROTTMNT and Wally West DCAU would be best friends and also fucking insufferable (affectionate) together no I do not take criticism
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livingindabisribcage · 3 months
Shigaraki NSFW Headcanons
Cause he makes me so insatiabley horny
Warning: nsfw obviously
This is the horniest fucker to ever exist, but he is a virgin until you
like it's bad, he's watched so much porn , he genuinely had an addiction
so when you two start getting sexual, expect a couple things
1. he doesn't last very long. however, he does regain his stamina pretty quickly so you can get back at it pretty soon.
2. he has no experience, so he's gonna try and use the weird porn he's watched as a basis - which he realizes very soon does not work
so after a few times of him kinda embarrassing himself, he goes full 180 and becomes a nervous mess
so for a while, you'll have to be in control. maybe not physically unless you want to be, but you'll have to guide him and very much show him exactly what he's supposed to do
consider: he loves you. yes he's a horny fuck, but he's also scared of people coming close to him, he's scared of vulnerability, and this feels very vulnerable. so he trusts you, and he cares about you more than anything. he really wouldn't have sex with someone unless he genuinely cared about them
meaning: he wants to make you happy. he wants you to think he's doing a good job and for you to feel fucking amazing
so he takes everything you say very seriously, and once he gets more comfortable your sex life gets amazingly better
because beyond what youve told him you like, he pays attention to all the little noises and faces and body reactions so he knows what you like exactly and he takes advantage of that in every way
he slowly becomes more and more dominant, if you're dominant you'll probably fight for it often, but if you're submissive he happily takes control
he doesn't like not being in control, but he allowed it because he knew that it'd benefit the both of you, so now he wants to be completely in control to make up for it
his favorite position is probably doggy, but in front of a mirror. Tomura loves ass, he loves seeing your ass and being able to grab at it and spank it (and maybe play with the hole if he's not already in that one) but he also loves to see your face, to see you fall apart as he fucks you, so he'll grab your hair and force you to watch yourself in the mirror
he spends most of his time around the league, which means you do too. you're basically attached to his hip at all times, and tomura likes to show you off. which also means he loves making you scream his name all night so everyone knows what's going on
he'd also be very tempted to fuck you in front of everyone - it probably stems from being told he's ugly and scary looking his whole life but he's fucking someone as hot as you so he has to rub it in everyone's faces
during a meeting, where you know he has a little makeshift throne, he's definitely had his cock buried in you while you sit on his lap, squirming around trying to get any stimulation you can, him lazily thrusting into you every now and then
his ability to regain stamina quick only gets worse once he goes through his whole buff transformation, you're getting railed for literal hours
he loves overstimulating you, he wants you to beg to cum and tell him it's too much and that you're gonna die if he doesnt stop, but keep letting him fuck you
at first, the thought of toys made him kinda insecure, but after impulsively buying you a dildo he loves it. whether it's shoving it in both of your holes, or him fucking your mouth while you fuck yourself with it, he thinks it's so hot
his wallpaper is definitely a nude
he likes superiority kinks, probably not daddy, but being called Master, or Sir, he gets so hard
his dick is long too, like 8 inches, but it's a little thin. he has scrawny man dick syndrome. it does get a little thicker when he gets buffer though
hes a sadist, so he'll put you through as much pain and humiliation as you can handle. he'll spank your ass red, yank your hair so hard you think he'll rip it out, bite you till you bleed, hell he'll even pull your panties over your head while he fucks you just to humiliate you (side note- he definitely has a wedgie kink)
if you're more vanilla (no shame), then he'll respect that. again, he loves you and it's more so about you, so he'd keep his fantasies to himself.
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starfxkr · 8 days
western nights III
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pairing: older!trailer park!jj x reader
summary: jj maybank knows he's too old to be messing around with a young girl like you, but he does it anyways
warnings: freudian age gap, smut, some angst because yall can't have it too easy.
it was crazy how jj could make you feel so special one moment, and like shit the next. he was an expert at it.
he'd continued to find reasons to come to your room--broken ac, wobbly ceiling fan, sloping vanity. and each time ended with your mouth on him, or his fingers buried in your cunt with the opposite hand clasped around your mouth. you'd been hoping he'd invite you back to his place again soon, without sneaking away while everyone's distracted, you always wanted to be one of the women he had coming and going so everyone would know you're his. but he always found a reason not to.
"it'd be weird," he would say, "people seein you come into my trailer like that ain't a good look sweet pea, trust me."
that's always what he called you, even when you were younger but now it felt different, it was both endearing and condescending and it drove you fucking mad. no matter how much of his cum you swallowed it was like he still looked at you like a little girl.
jj threw you a bone, just this once, when he came home late from work and saw you wandering around the complex. you looked a mess--eyeliner smeared around your big bambi eyes, grass stains littered on your knees as you walked with your boots in hand.
"you alright there, sweet pea?" he watched you jump as he slammed the door of his truck closed, eyes wide in shock as he watches you subtly go through a range of emotions before settling on what you hope is cool indifference.
so you shrug, shifting your gaze away from his, "was just with some friends no big deal."
'hanging with friends' normally consisted of you getting drunk and high with them at the beach until you ended up in the back of someones car. this time was no different, you had just hoped you could sleep there but the guy woke up and brung you back home, where you were met with an unsurprisingly locked door.
if you didn't know any better you'd think jj was sympathetic when his gaze softened.
good thing he'd grown accustomed to hiding his disgust. you stirred too many uncomfortable feelings in him. it was like looking in a mirror at times--the anger buried deep within you, barely contained when jj came to your trailer at your mom's request and he took note of your hoarse voices and red rimmed eyes as you slammed your bedroom door shut. it made him sick watching you, watching your demeanor shift into coquettish flirtation the second you were alone only to give way to wide eyed desperation anytime he kissed you and he could see the soft, meek thing underneath.
and sometimes--like now--that's what he wanted.
"whew, we'll you're lookin a little rough there, hungry?" he was giving you the lead again, like the first time. just to see where you were at.
you shifted uncomfortably again, eyes darting as you shiver in the cooling air.
"cmon, i know you're cold, you're barely wearing anything come inside."
it felt like a trap, but what choice did you have? "o-okay, just for a little bit though i gotta go home."
jj knows you don't. but he lets you walk past him, studying you as you walked up the porch first and he followed behind, "door's locked, lemme get it." this time when you shiver it's from his body lightly nudging against yours as he opens the door.
it was different seeing his trailer like this, all homey and warm unlike the thick tension that permeated it during the party and you watched him from the doorway as he threw his jacket on the couch and took off his boots in his old recliner.
"y'gonna just stand there or do you wanna get comfy? gonna take me a while to cook."
"you don't have to be a dick." despite your response you make your way to the couch, sitting with your legs hugged close trying not to falter when he smiles at you.
"not bein a dick, just want you to relax that's all." with that he gets up while tossing you the remote, "you can put on what you want but i only got basic cable...shit i need to get groceries...how's burgers sound?"
in all honesty you feel like you're in shock, jj's never acted like this with you before, all caring and casual, "uhh...that's fine?"
luckily he takes the hint and starts cooking, leaving you two in a surprisingly comfortable silence for a while until he breaks it, "she kick you out often?"
again you jolt, "what?"
"your mom, she kick you out a lot?" jj beckons you to the kitchen and you pull up the stool to the small island as he loads you up--bacon, cheese, lettuce, pickles, all the condiments you may want and a mound of fries all hand cut. a cold glass of coke on the side. you're mouth waters and you struggle to think of the last time someone cooked for you.
"i guess, normally it's whenever she has a new 'boyfriend' but i don't know sometimes i think she just gets sick of me. like if she locks me out she can pretend she never had me." there's a distant look in your eyes as you stare at the plate, and jj takes control, watching your facial expressions as he adds or puts aside the various toppings until he makes the burger you want.
"it's not your fault you know, i remember when she got pregnant, didn't surprise anybody really, we knew it was gonna happen eventually." jj cuts the burger for you next and finally you start to eat.
"maybe so. maybe she's mad i didn't do the same. maybe one day i'll come home and she'll be gone."
that one hurt him, deep and low in the pit of his stomach because he knows that feeling, that morbid anticipation of coming home to an empty house, left to fend your yourself in a way you didn't have to before.
you're nonchalance is off-putting as you shovel down your food, smearing the rest of your lipstick until its on your chin and he reaches forward to wipe it off.
"you mentioned your mama and her boyfriends. thought you said she was sweet on me."
"she's sweet on anybody who looks at her instead of me."
there's a pause.
"i never looked at her."
"i know. neither do her boyfriends."
another pause and the two of reach an impasse, and he can see you slipping again, that veil coming down over your eyes and he stops you half way, "you're filthy sweet pea. go take a shower."
with that he shuffles you along, getting you towels from the linen closet and a pair of old clothes so you could shower and get dressed while he cleaned. and he spent the entire 30 minutes buried elbows deep into the soapy water trying to will himself not to step in there with you.
truth be told, jj's glad he didn't, because he wouldn't have gotten to see you when you stepped out--your short hair curled against your forehead, and you looked...soft. the dark makeup no longer caking your eyes making them look gentle and curious. the cherry sweet scent of your perfume had been scrubbed off, now he could smell the ivory soap clinging to your skin from the kitchen.
"i don't...know what to do with my clothes."
jj breaks out of his reverie, quickly coming to take them out of your hand, again trying to ignore the feeling of your still warm underwear in his hands, "don't worry bout it sugar, i'll take care of it."
it's late by now and he can't ignore how tired he is, and judging by the way you yawn and rub your eyes he could tell you were too. so he pulls out the futon, fully dressing the bed so you could lay down comfortably as he puts the pillow under your heed, again ignoring the now familiar desperation in your eyes as he tucked you in, clearing his throat when he pulls back to look at you. all he could see was your eyes peaking over the covers.
"you uh, you can have the remote, watch what you want just don't pay for nothin." jj's nose twitches and he watches you shift to your stomach so your plush cheek is pressed into the pillow.
"will you be mad if i do?" there you were, soft and gentle like he liked you.
"nah, nah i won't be mad." his hands flex.
an impish smile spreads across your face, one jj's never seen before and he hates how his heart skips a beat, knowing you likely never shown it to anyone else, "okay. i'm gonna buy a movie then."
jj snorts out a laugh cutting off the lights as you finally settle in, "alright then, make it a good one."
"you don't wanna watch it with me?" that lurch in his stomach again as you make one last ditch attempt but he ignores it.
"good night sweet pea." when jj closes his bedroom door behind him, he hears a soft good night.
that night he dreams about you in ways his mind hasn't conjured up in 20 years.
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suzukiblu · 9 months
For the unpublished fic things, Martha Kent?
"Oh," the old guy Superman-not-Superboy just saved from getting flattened by a really irresponsible Metropolis truck driver says, staring at him in surprise. Superman stares back with absolutely no clue what to say. 
"Jonathan!" the old guy's probably-wife cries, running over to them from the other side of the crosswalk. The old guy doesn't look at her, just keeps staring at Superman. 
"I'm alright, honey," he says. Then he grabs her hand and puts it on Superman's arm, and . . . 
And Superman feels a soulmark trigger in his own hand, tucked into the center of his palm under his glove. 
And perfectly mirrored to the one the old guy triggered in the opposite hand about fifteen seconds ago. 
"Oh," the wife says, and now she's staring at him too. "I–oh." 
She blinks very quickly. So does the old guy. They both look like they're about to cry and Superman feels like he's about to panic and really, really wants to just bolt right now and never see either of them ever again. 
Except they're his soulmates, apparently. 
Except they're his parents. 
Superman did not expect to have any soulmates. Actually, if he'd ever thought to think about it, he probably would've assumed he didn't even have a soul, much less any soulmates to go along with it. And if he'd been expecting anything, he'd have been expecting a hot chick and a romantic mark, not . . . 
In his defense, he's like two weeks old, and he spent the first week unconscious while being artificially aged and force-fed extremely boring information uploads. There's a lot of stuff he hasn't really had a chance to think about yet. 
"Uh. Hi?" he tries awkwardly, resisting the urge to hide his hands behind his back. Which is dumb, really. They can't even see his marks anyway; he's still wearing his gloves. The old guy and his wife stare at him for another moment. 
Then they both start to cry. 
Oh god, Superman thinks, and panics after all. 
"I'm sorry!" he blurts, and then the old guy and his wife both throw their arms around him. Superman has very literally never been hugged in his life and doesn't know how to handle the experience. Like, at all. Especially not coming from two directions at once. 
"Oh, no, sweetheart, it's not your fault," the wife says, her voice thick. "We're sorry. Just–we just lost your brother. We weren't expecting . . ." 
"It's so damn good to meet you," the old man says roughly, hugging him all the harder. Superman can't even figure out if he wants to hug them back, but has a very hard time keeping his TTK up all the same. "Where'd you come from, son?" 
"Uh," Superman says, and doesn't let himself examine the way that hearing the word "son" like that makes him feel, even knowing it's probably just a reflex, coming from a guy who sounds that Midwestern. "I'm–a clone. Of the first Superman. Project Cadmus made me." 
"A clone?" the wife asks, pulling back just enough to give him a worried look. "That's–not like that poor man Bizarro?" 
"A binary clone," Superman clarifies uncomfortably. "They, uh, stabilized me with human DNA. So I shouldn't, uh . . . degrade. Like that." 
He really hopes that's true, at least. 
"Well, we'll handle it if it happens," the old guy says, pulling back too and squeezing his arm. Superman feels oddly reassured, even though there's absolutely no reason to be. Unless the guy's a geneticist, maybe. 
He wants to ask if he can see their marks, but isn't sure if that'd be . . . weird, or something. Would that be weird? 
Cadmus didn't really tell him much about soulmates, which is another reason he wasn't expecting any. 
Cadmus probably didn't want him to have any, come to think. 
Superman swallows nervously and the wife cups his face in her hands. He feels her soulmark against his skin, whatever it is. 
It feels . . . warm. 
He wonders what it'd feel like against his own mark. 
"It really is so good to meet you, baby," she says, smiling tremulously at him. He can process hearing "baby" even less than he could "son". "I'm Martha Kent. This is my husband Jonathan. You can call us Ma and Pa, once you're comfortable with it." 
"What's your name, son?" the old guy–Jonathan, Superman tries to think, because thinking "Pa" sounds way too intimidating right now–Jonathan asks. Superman knows what he wants to say, but . . . 
But for the first time, saying "Superman" doesn't feel . . . honest. 
"Experiment Thirteen," he admits in a mutter, hiding his hands behind his back after all, and both Jonathan and Martha's faces tighten. 
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rinsuniverse · 11 months
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imagining woozi as your husband!
i feel like there would be a slight jump from just dating to getting married
he'd be a lot more comfortable with you, of course
he's still very serious and independent
but his love for you is on a completely different level as soon as you guys tie the knot!
at that point, he wouldn't mind bragging about you or simply talking about you to LITERALLY ANYONE
he'd be so defensive of you, too
so imagine you're laying in bed next to him right after you announced your marriage
and he's slowly falling asleep (snoozi woozi) but you're skimming the tabloids, reading all the comments by some of the obsessive and rude "carats" (theyre not rly carats if they dont respect svt's personal life but whatever)
you're not upset, but you can't help the slight pout your mouth makes reading through those things
he rolls onto his side and lets out a deep sigh, so he says:
"jagi, are you not sleeping yet?"
"no, but you can go ahead"
youre turned away from him and he moves to spoon you, his head in the crook of your neck
he peers over your shoulder and silently watches as you read the comments
he doesn't say anything at first (because "who is he to tell you what to do/feel or not to do/feel" is his attitude)
it isn't until he hears you sigh at a particular comment that went along the lines of "i hope they separate because they aren't good enough for him"
he goes "aish. you shouldn't worry about that stuff, you know?"
"i know..." is all you can say
you shut your phone off and try to relax
little do you know, he's actually FUMING
there's nothing more he wants than to be treated with respect EXCEPT for his spouse to be treated with the same respect
he nuzzles his head into your neck
"you okay, y/n?"
"i just..." (i imagine he'd be kinda flustered trying to actually comfort you and say romantic things, so he's trying to play it cool and casual) "it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. i think you're... the right one for me... so don't worry about that stuff."
you can't help but laugh
jihoon isn't very good with comforting words (but dont get me wrong, he KNOWS what to say, i mean look at his music, but it'd be hard for him to say out loud casually)
he always is straight to the point
but since you're now married, he already knows sometimes just telling you what seems to him as common sense/what's best isn't very helpful
"why are you laughing? i'm trying to help"
"thank you for that. i just think you're cute"
he shuts up and snuggles into you even more, muttering under his breath like "what the?" and "you're so weird"
after he gets over his blushing attack, he hums, "let's go to sleep together, yeah?"
tomorrow he's making a statement about those antis tho. im so fr.
one last scenario for you!
i think he'd be a liiiiiiittle bit more comfortable with pda now
when you're sitting next to each other, he'll put his hand on your thigh at times, and he'd move his thumb soothingly on your skin
he'd hold your hand, but his other hand would be blocking you from paparazzi/dispatch or guiding you carefully somewhere
and i can't stress enough how often his hand would be on your lower back if he wants to guide you somewhere or move you a little (no longer ghosting your back like when you're dating)
imagine you're both leaving his studio
he doesn't even bother making you leave separately and discretely from him for safety purposes like what he used to do while you were dating
but as soon as he notices the camping paparazzi outside of the building, he gently holds your hip and pulls you closer to him
one arm would be around your waist to keep you close
and the other arm would be out, protecting the both of you
you smile at his protectiveness
"ji, it's fine if they take pictures of me."
"yeah, but i don't want them to do anything weird to you."
bonus points if you mirror his positioning so you're protecting him from paparazzi, too (this man would love whenever you reciprocate anything back to him in an innocent, but goofy way)
you'd both be giggling all the way over
but anyway, he walks like that, protecting you until you reach a car to drive off in
he was already protective of you when you were dating, but he's now so much more protective now that you're completely public and official
woozi would be a wonderful husband to someone who deeply understands him and loves him for who he is
he wouldn't necessarily meet booktok stereotypes of a husband, but he'd def be a sweet and protective one that always supports you and what you think is best! 🫶
(p.s.: i'm planning on opening a requests thing! ofc i kind of specialize in woozi imagines, so if you have anything in mind for me to write about, def send a request! i also dont mind doing other svt members, too. would that be fun? i'll update you the next time i post! have a great day (*^3^)/~☆)
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Can I please request Ivy, Goldmary, and Alear(because I always have to include Pepsi chan in my requests, you write her too well) with a faceless changeling S/O who's love language is turning into the character?
Like they love them so much, they feel the most comfortable as them. I think that'd be neat
(FE: Engage) Ivy, Goldmary, and Alear with a shapeshifting S/O
NGL I'd be freaked tf OUT if I saw that. And thank you for the kind words about Alear! When it comes to Fire Emblem characters, I feel obligated to make sure they're in-character as possible. It'd be an insult to my love for the series to do any less.
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Ivy was startled when S/O first changed shapes right in front of her.
Truth be told, she felt she should be a little less surprised, considering what was in this world already. Gods, heroes from another world, magic.
Yet here she was, shocked by the fact there was a shapeshifter.
Ivy didn't mind S/O being a changeling, though she was curious as to what they looked like naturally.
What she did mind was the fact another Ivy was next to her as they were cuddling.
(Ivy) "...S/O."
(Ivy?) "Yes?"
(Ivy) "I...I understand that you're comfortable with me, to the point you are me...Um...How do I put this?"
The fact the other Ivy was tilting their head so curiously, something she would never do was throwing her completely off.
(Ivy) "It's strange. As if I'm staring into a mirror that is not mimicking my own actions."
(Ivy?) "Sorry, I can change if you wa-"
(Ivy) "No, please. I am quite flattered that you even want to turn into me it's...please keep this between us. I do not need Somniel screaming in terror from a second me."
(Ivy?) "Ha, alright."
She didn't mention it, but she also felt quite self conscious.
Was her chest that big...?
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(Goldmary) "Why, it's no shock that you decided to transform into perfection!"
The other Goldmary began pouting.
(Goldmary?) "That is not why I changed into you, Goldmary..."
It was honestly a bit jarring for her doppleganger to sound exactly like her, but have their manner of speech to be completely off.
(Goldmary) "Who can blame you? I am quite beautiful!"
Goldmary becomes extremely happy whenever S/O transforms into her. Imitation is the greatest sign of flattery, after all!
And she had no idea she was so comfortable to snuggle into!
And so beautiful when she was smiling too!
Author's note: I can only write Goldmary admiring herself before an ego singularity forms and swallows this post whole, this whole bit goes on for a while, you get the idea.
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(Alear) "Huh...that's what I look like?"
(Alear?) "Beautiful? Yes, yes you do look like that!"
Alear giggled sheepishly, her hand covering her mouth.
(Alear) "It's a little weird, hearing my own voice say that. But...thank you. Are you sure you're alright with this though?"
(Alear?) "Of course! I choose who I transform into, and I chose you for a reason!"
The other Alear gave her a peck on the cheek. While the gesture was quite affectionate and made her heart flutter, it was still really weird.
(Alear) "Thanks, it means a lot to me, and to you I'm sure. Someday, I want to see your true form, you know. That's who I love the most, after all."
The other Alear now shared her same blushing smile.
(Alear?) "Hah, you're such a smoothtalker...!"
Marth materialized next to the real Alear, eyeing the situation currently unfolding.
(Marth) "Wow, this is a confusing sight."
(Alear?) "You know who the real one is, right Marth?"
(Marth) "Yes, but it's like I'm seeing Alear speak into the mirror. Thank goodness she isn't actually like this by herself..."
(Alear) "Hah, I couldn't imagine...I am quite dashing though, don't you think me?"
(Alear?) "Why yes, yes you are!"
Marth playfully rolled his eyes as he disappeared, both Alear's laughing at their antics.
(Alear) "Oh! This should go without saying, but don't let Vander, Framme, or Clanne see us like this. I think they'd begin frothing at the mouth if they saw two of me."
(Alear?) "...Oh gods, I didn't even think of that. Where do we even go? People would be confused if they saw two Divine Dragons!"
(Alear) "...Maybe this isn't such a good idea."
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mytheoristavenue · 1 month
MHA Mezo Shoji x Reader - Make Believe - II
Summary: You ask Shoji to pretend to be your boyfriend for a dinner with your parents.
Warnings: Long, multi-parted, fluff, mutal pining, fake dating trope, mild language, fem!reader, not proofread
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After classes ended for the day, you retired to your dorm, jumped into a quick shower, and sat at your desk to apply your makeup. Glancing in the mirror, you meticulously looked over yourself, fussing over the littlest detail. After a bit, you sigh, giving up on chasing perfection and stood, walking over to your closet to find something to wear.
A floor up and across the hall from you, Shoji did the same, toweling off his wet, silver hair before running a comb through it to straighten any rogue strands. Fligging through his closet, he struggled to find something suitable for meeting his 'girlfriend's', parents. Due to his quirk and stature, most of his wardrobe was sleeveless, though he did have an idea.
Sitting on a train station bench, you once again found yourself nervous, fidgeting, and looking for Shoji. Shuffling the train tickets in your hands, you began to worry he might have backed out, making you worry. Pulling out to call him, you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder- or more accurately, three.
"Hey, sorry I'm a bit late." A smooth voice called from behind you prompting you to turn around, a blush creeping across your face upon laying eyes on him. "Hope I didn't worry you." Shoji wore a navy blue turtleneck, sleeveless of course, with grey slacks, loafers, and a grey sports coat draped around his shoulders, which hid most of his arms.
"Shoji..." you gasped lightly. "I don't think I've ever seen you wear sleeves!" you commented, before realizing how rude it must have sounded. "I-I mean, I like how you normally dress but...y-you look handsome with sleeves..." you stammered, glancing away and rubbing the back of your neck.
"Sleeves aren't exactly practical for me, nor are they comfortable," he says, offering you a hand to help you up. "But, dress to impress, as they say." You take his hand, letting him pull you up and you both begin walking towards the appropriate train. "By the way, you look lovely, if I may say. I can't place what you've done differently, but whatevcer it is looks nice."
"Thanks, Shoji..." you smiled, blushing a bit as you both boarded.
Finding your seats, you slid in first, him allowing you to have the window seat. After you both settled in and the train began to move, you spoke again. "It's nearly an hour-long ride, do you think we should, I don't know- practice?"
"What exactly were you wanting to practice, (Y/L/N)?" Shoji asked, cocking a suspicious brow.
"N-Nothing like that!" You fuss, punching his arm lightly, blushing. "Don't be a perv!"
"Hey," he puts his hands up in defense. "I didn't say anything specific. If you think I meant something perverted, you made it up yourself which makes you the perv."
"I meant like get our story straight!" you whined, slumping your shoulders dramatically. "Like how we met, how long we've been together- that sort of thing!"
Shoji thought for a moment, humming. "How about, we say we met at school because we did, and we've been together for about six months. That's a short enough time to justify me not meeting them sooner, but a long enough time for it to make sense that I'm meeting them now."
"Yeah, that makes sense!" you chirp, nodding. "I didn't even think of that, you're so smart, Shoji!"
"I know." he joked with a smirk before continuing. "By the way, you should probably call me Mezo,"
You blush lightly at the idea of using his first name, indicating a closer relationship. "How come?"
"It'd be weird if we still called each other by our formal names six months into a relationship." he rationalized. "Are you alright with me calling you (Y/N)?"
You nodded with a sweet smile. "Yeah, I don't mind at all, Shoj-" You caught yourself and corrected with a clearing of your throat. "Ahem, Mezo."
The way the corners of his eyes creased told you that he was smiling without having to see his lips. "That's better. By the way, do you think we should get the awkward stuff out of the way while we have the chance?"
"What do you mean?" you asked, cocking your head to the side while glancing up at him.
"Like PDA and stuff," he replied, glancing up at the ceiling of the train away from your gaze, rubbing the back of his neck, almost nervously. "Won't it look suspicious if we don't touch each other at all all night?"
"I figured we'd cross that bridge when we got to it." you say, shrugging, not understanding why he was so concerned.
"But it won't look as natural if it's the first time, right?" Now that he mentioned it, he had a point. It'd be odd for a couple of six months to still not hug or hold hands.
"I guess that makes sense. What do you think we should do?" you ask, humming as you thought.
"Well," he said. "Practice makes perfect?" He offered you his main right hand, staring down at you expectantly. You slipped your hand into his, red-faced, noting how warm his palm was and how his hand dwarfed yours. "There," he smiled. "We can just hold hands for a few minutes to get used to it. That okay?"
You were astonished at how gentle he was being with this all. He didn't even want to do it when you first asked, now he was sharply dressed, and doing whatever he could to make the ruse look as real as possible. Here he was, on the train to your hometown, holding your hand like it were a baby bird- fragile, but in need of warmth and structure.
After a few minutes, the pair of you had naturally begun to relax against each other, arms pressing together and weight being distributed more evenly. It was inevitable that your head would fall on his shoulder, and even more so that you would shoot back up, apologizing profusely.
"Oh, Shoji, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get too comfortable!" You fussed, cheeks aglow.
He simply chucked at you, serene as always. "I promise, it's alright. The more comfortable we get with one another, the better we'll sell this thing. Besides, we're barely doing anything, you act like you've never done this before." Your silence spoke volumes and he quickly came to the conclusion on his own. "Oh, my God, you've never done this before."
You hissed, shushing him as if any of the few other riders would comprehend the context of the conversation enough to understand the secret. "Okay, okay, fine! I've never held hands with anyone before, or cuddled, or kissed, or anything else! I'm eighteen and I've yet to have any firsts, okay? Is that what you want to hear?"
Sensing he'd struck a nerve, Shoji decided to back off. "My bad, just figured someone like you would have some kind of romantic experience is all."
"What do you mean 'someone like me'?" you asked in an accusitory tone.
"I didn't mean anything by it!" he swore, raising his hands up again. "Just...well you're a very pretty girl, I would have assumed you'd have guys lined up miles waiting to hold your hand."
You didn't think you could ever get over how he complimented you- so matter of fact, but so suave at the same time. It made it hard for you to discern what was real and not.
"Well, I don't, okay?" you confessed. "I've never had a reciprocated crush, so I never got the chance to do anything like this. That's why my Grandma wants to see him in a relationship before she passes."
"I see," he replied simply, giving you space to continue.
"And now I'm realizing most of my firsts..." you paused, heart sinking will be entirely fake. Maybe this was a bad idea..."
One of Shoji's other hands took over the duty of holding your hand while the other set of arms wrapped around you in a protective wing. "Hey, don't think of it like that." He said comfortingly. "Technically, if it's pretend, it shouldn't count, right?" He rationalized, trying to ignore the nagging voice in the back of his head that told him he wasn't good enough to be any of your firsts. "You can still save those moments for someone special."
You thought about what he said for a moment before speaking again. "I guess that's true, but will it still feel the same?"
"I don't think I can tell you that, (Y/N)." Shoji chuckled nervously. "I think that's for you to discover on your own." He readjusted his posture, feeling you relax against his side, prompting him to do the same. "But if you ever want someone to practice with, I'm your guy..." He thought allowed, barely audibly.
Your face burned at his words, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak. This 'practice' was nice, and it wasn't like you were doing anything wrong, just some light cuddling on the train. Your mind began to wonder what other things he might be able to practice with you. "Shoji...?"
He hummed in response, one of the ends of his arms morphing into an ear that rested on your shoulder to hear you better. "Do you think we should practice...more things? Y-You know, just to make the act more convincing?" you asked anxiously, eyes glued to your lap as you awaited his response.
"What did you have in mind?" he muttered, feeling the blood rush to his cheeks under his mask.
"W-Well.." you stammered, struggling to find footing on what you wanted to say. "We hug all the time, and we've already held hands and cuddled so I guess that leaves..."
"Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked, cutting straight to the point.
You shrunk at his blunt nature, one hand in his and the other gripping the fabric over your knee to ground you. "W-Well uhm," you stuttered, unsure of what you were even trying to articulate at this point. All you knew was that you wanted it, but it felt wrong in a way. "I-I've never..."
"Doesn't have to be a real kiss, doesn't count, remember?" He said, cooly, thumb brushing over your shoulder. "But only if you want to." You simply nodded timidly, glancing up at him to find him already staring back, usually mysterious eyes now full of comfort. Leaning in close, the pair of you began to bridge the gap, each tilting your heads in the respective direction. Your eyes fluttered shut first, giving Shoji a lovely view of you expectantly waiting for a kiss. Following suit, he let his eyes close, inching ever closer until he could feel the ghostly presence of your lips brushing against his clothed ones.
Suddenly, as he was about to firmly press his lips to yours, the train came to a stop, prompting the both of you to separate like oil and water. Your head shot up, searching for some sign of emergency, but instead, you were greeted with the familiar sight of the train station in your hometown. "W-Wha-?" you questioned, confused. "We can't already be here, it hasn't been that long."
Pulling his phone from his left pocket, Shoji clicked it on, grateful to have a distraction from the heat in his face. "6:05," he said, gathering his composure. "Been almost an hour since we left."
"Oh..." you accepted, gathering your things, ignoring how your cheeks burned. "I-I guess we must have just lost track of time..."
"Guess so..."
Part I
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if you're looking for some Jam coded songs might I suggest the song I Love You Too - Ezra Bell
Jam song jam song jam song jam song yayayayayay
okay, it got a little long so: thingy bob
god this is so perfect for them though :] its so happysad and that's literally just so them. they are happysad together, theres so much wrong going on around them and they're all they have to turn to for comfort, so of course they're going to turn to each other. And they do love each other. they definitely do, but its definitely complicated. It's not long lasting love, but they still want to make each other feel loved.
Especially Tim. he wants to make sure Jay feels loved, he wants to fix Jay even though he definitely can't. Jay has to fix himself, and he doesn't want to, so he'll take all the nice things and the i love you's Tim will tell him and he'll hoard them and hope they'll fix him a bit, but not too much. He wants to be fixed enough that he stops feeling completely like shit, but not enough that Tim wouldn't need to keep trying to fix him. (Does that make sense lmao? god knows)
All of the lovers have moved on But yours is the steepest of hills And you glare at yourself in the mirror They all know things that you never will
They'll feel the things you can't access As they stand by the river at dawn You've grown older and cagey and classless And regret just what little you've done
This bit feels especially like its about Jay. Kinda like, at first its Tim in uni? like, he kinda knows about jay and alex even though they haven't actually told anyone (they're just not subtle about when they sneak away, and when they both come in covered in hickeys) like, Tim can kinda tell from just, Jay's face that there's something not ideal about his and Alex's arrangement, and he can take a pretty good guess at what it is given the way Jay's face drops whenever the topic of sexuality comes up in their little 'friend' group and Alex insists he's straight and gets really defensive over that fact.
Then it becomes current Tim who knows more about Jay and about Jay and Alex's not-relationship, and he knows that as Jay's gotten older he's gotten more cagey about everything, more like, defensive and more just generally weird about his relationships with people and all that. There's a specific word i'm looking for and I just can't for the life of me find it, but like yeah. Tim knows Jay's a lot more, like, spiteful? that's not the word either. spikey? WORDS ughhhhh, anyway
i love this song. its so them. its so Jam. they're such a mess. I love them but they're gonna be terrible if they're allowed to continue for too long. Ugh why can't i just telepathically beam my thoughts and ideas into peoples heads, it'd be so much easier than trying to translate the colours and shapes that make up how i feel about Jam in sorry its locked in my head.
They're just purple right now. like the colour of a bruise that you really wanna press on just to feel it hurt like a bitch so you remember its there and you know that the bump that gave you it actually happened.
that's them in my head right now.
they're a bruise
They're a bruise on each other. not a nasty one. not one given cruelly. but not one given as a hickey either. just a bruise given kindly. that doesn't even make sense.
they're just purple like a bruise i dont knowwwwwwwwwwwww. words don't make it make sense for themmmmmmmmmmm.
they're my babies and they hurt each other without even meaning to. but given where they are that hurt is sort of a kindness? because it's not as painful as it would be if they weren't trying to be gentle with each other. They're trying. even if it wont last forever.
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mdhwrites · 5 months
Is Hunter a Good Foil?
Short Version: Not really. Even in the case of Amity, the foiling there isn't actually very deep and a lot of the foiling is what makes the character feel as inconsistent as he does. An inconsistent character can't properly foil or say anything but instead just act as a mirror to the other character. A mirror is not a foil though.
And let's piggy back off of the short version to talk about what a foil is. They are meant to reflect and CONTRAST another character in some way. They share a similarity that hits to their core but the two have in some way reacted to it differently, or had their circumstances altered, in a way that caused their characters to diverge. Most foils are effectively the question of "In a different timeline, could this character have ended up this way?" And by asking this question, they challenge the other character in some way.
One of the great movies in animation that you all had better have seen that can showcase this is, of course, Megamind. BUT it actually is useful both to talk about shallow foiling and deeper foiling. I'm sticking to just the beginning of the movie so while I can't talk about every way in which the foiling happens, I won't spoil it either: At the beginning of the movie you actually get what feels like the core foil. Both Megamind and his enemy Metroman came from doomed planets that were being sucked into a black hole but while Megamind's ship crashed into a prison and he was raised by inmates, Metroman is sent into a rich family's house where he can have everything he wants. Pretty classic but fun where one grows up in poverty and turns evil while the other grows up in luxury and becomes good.
But that's kind of shallow, isn't it? These weren't based on choices the characters made but simply the opportunities given to them. For a movie about choosing your own path, about how being good and bad isn't something you are born to be, your destiny, but your choice, this isn't actually very interesting. It sets up the conflict... But if this were all of Megamind's backstory, it'd be a little lackluster.
No, instead... We get the evil of the kids. Not like pure evil but Megamind genuinely wanted to fit in. To be accepted. He makes really cool inventions to impress the other kids but, well, they don't always work, he looks weird and he's just not as impressive as Metroman. He CHOOSES to engage... And is rejected. Meanwhile, Metroman chooses to engage and is accepted. Because of this, Metroman went on to be their hero while Megamind decided to lean in and become the villain that others treated him like. This is their true foil. This divergent moment where humanity appeared to choose one lost kid from a doomed planet over the other, despite both having genuine good in their hearts. One never had to make a choice about being the good guy while the other HAD TO. And he chose to be cold to a world that was cold to him which is important for later in the story for what makes him start re-evaluating why he is evil and how he views the world.
Megamind is REALLY FUCKING GOOD. I know we're all burnt out on superheroes, let alone things that think they're being clever with superheroes, but the movie is still absolutely worth your time.
So of course... What the hell does this have to do with Hunter? Well, you can thank my Discord like so often for it. Someone brought up the concept of Hunter foiling most of the other main characters and my brain rejected that almost immediately. I then had to ask... Why?
After all, pretty much every episode Hunter has being introduced to another character (And Hunter, not the Golden Guard so Stranger Tides doesn't count) makes some sort of really pointed connection between him and the other lead of the episode in some way. It's almost impossible to not call him a foil of some sort. So... Why did it upset my brain?
Well... Because only Amity even SLIGHTLY has something to say and, well... None of these matter. How Hunter foils other characters is very superficial.
With Luz, it's just that they're both into wild magic. That's really it. It's not that they both have deeply held, strong ideals shaped by how they view how the world should be but one thinks that is effectively through anarchy and self expression while the other is authoritarian and through conformity. We know that's not the case because Hunting Palisman literally starts with Hunter talking treason. To doing wild magic. So... Yeah, it's only that they're both interested in wild magic and both for somewhat selfish reasons, though Luz's are actually worse because she's into it to be cool and powerful while Hunter is into it to help his uncle not DIE. It's shallow, it doesn't say anything good and it hardly matters for either character because all it's supposed to do is reveal a weakness to be exploited to make Hunter a good guy but they never do anything with it nor does it really tie into the themes.
Skipping Amity for now just because she is the most complicated and obvious to talk about. We will get back to it, I promise.
Willow is by FAR the weakest. The foiling is meant to be that both suffer prejudice of a sort for their lack of magic but while one is good, the other is evil. As I said before, that's actually a really shallow way to do it because it says little about the character. Worse yet, Hunter barely cares about his lack of magic. In the show's eyes/narrative, it's just a character quirk that Willow cares about more than he does. And mind you... Willow always had magic and is now mostly defined by being SUPER strong with that magic. She actually leaned harder into the identity, though this episode is starting to get away from it, and yet is the one on the side of good? If TOH is about embracing yourself regardless of society, shouldn't the one who cares less about those weaknesses that society ascribes upon them and they overcome by things they chose to focus on instead be the one lauded more than the one who felt the need to lean into society's prejudice and have to meet them in the field they forced the character to be judged by? Worse yet, even as a one off foil, it doesn't do anything. Hunter still tells Willow to piss off and has to be abducted in order to listen to the lesson of "Don't judge a book by it's cover" (which this episode does... Not great.) So yeah, again, not really foiling anything, how it does highlights the weaknesses of the show and what is there is exceptionally shallow and actually says little about the characters.
Is Amity any different? Well, it's interesting because Amity is doing with a main supporting character something that usually happens with a one off side character for an episode. They are getting to demonstrate their growth as a character by facing a shadow of who they are and imparting the lessons they've learned. That's... Actually good. It can be really satisfying to watch a character who has come into their own put their own twist on the lessons they've gained so as to be able to pass them on anew but also potentially also more effectively. There's a risk though of feeling like that's the whole point. Just a victory lap.
And Amity is running in circles around herself. See, when all the foil is is a mirror to your past self, it can feel blunt to put it mildly. Worse yet is when you could probably replace the character who is at the end of their arc with whoever taught them the lesson in the first place. TOH literally calls out that Luz would have done this too... and probably in the same way. Not literally the same words but the same points. There's no new insight into Amity, how she looks at her redemption, how she looks at the lessons she learned, besides "Isn't it nice to be a good person?" But like... That's why Amity rejected her arc at first, weak as it was. This isn't going to jump ahead a few steps... It's just her arc.
And that also minimizes Hunter's character. Suddenly, he looks like he's just an Amity clone, not helped that the pacing is dead on the SAME as Amity's. Not even just in feel but quite literally in episode count. One episode of being being a complete asshole, one of still being antagonistic but seeing the humanity in the other side now, and then by the third we're already supposed to be sympathizing with him and see him as effectively a good guy who just needs his sweet center exposed. It is one for one how Amity went, just that the one episode not mentioned that both show up in, Amity gets a bit larger than a cameo in and gets backstory exposition while Hunter is just an end of episode stinger.
This doesn't make the story deeper, it just highlights how S2 of TOH introduced a new character... Just to redo Amity. That's not interesting for anyone in the cast because they've all done this before. Of course he can't challenge any of them because any challenge that was had, should have been with Amity. So instead of a foil, we get a really ugly mirror with tin foil around it.
And like a mirror... It doesn't show anything that isn't in it. This need for foiling each of these characters inherently changes not just Hunter's character but even his relationship with the world. In episode 1, he's some hotshot, big name in the Emperor's Coven who's youth is known and he's a die hard loyalist, to the point where he is very clearly happy and comfortable with killing people who disobey. Then at the start of his second appearance, he is talking treason and is clearly much more motivated by care for his uncle than anything else. He also appears to have a good enough relationship with Belos to feel comfortable voicing treason around him. Then in his third appearance, he's suddenly paranoid about being kicked out of the coven and being seen as useless and so explicitly goes AGAINST his uncle's orders in order to prove himself, despite the fact that he should know better than anyone that doing so will piss his uncle off. But without the theoretical pressure of being kicked out of the coven and abandoned, he can't foil Amity. Then of course, for the sake of being rejected by society, all of Hexside suddenly hates the Emperor's Coven and it is a blessing that this rockstar figure of the Golden Guard can't come down and suddenly be the highlight of the entire club fair. Just so, you know, Willow won't reject him for being part of the EC.
(Quick note: Kikimora and Hunter are dumbasses in S2 when it comes to Belos' standards. Lilith fails like a half a dozen times in S1 alone before being given an ultimatum that is honestly pretty fair at that point with how pathetic she's been. Even S2 isn't consistent though. We get two different people (Cute cat coven lady and Steve) who ditch the EC and act like there are literally ZERO consequences for it. Both of these paint Belos as a weirdly reasonable boss for a tyrant and makes the world building worse.)
All the while... We've spent no time establishing a base for Hunter. There is nothing for these characters to challenge about him besides the fact that nepotism is why he's in the EC because there is nothing else to challenge about him. The Golden Guard we saw for a single episode is only there for one episode and isn't indicative of him outside of that episode except MAYBE for half of Hunting Palisman depending on how you see that. Otherwise, his personality is... Madlibs. Just choose whatever you want because it will make about as much sense as what he actually got in the show.
And something that warped and malleable is going to be a pretty shit mirror, let alone a foil.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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icedragonlizard · 3 months
Headcanons for Parallel Susie
I talk about Susie a lot on my blog. She's one of my favorites, after all.
And now I'll talk about my interpretation of her parallel counterpart:
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In my headcanons, Parallel Susie has a very similar backstory to regular Susie's: being split from her dad and banished to Another Dimension for a long time, only to then have her dad forget about her existence by the time she manages to finally return to him because a broken machine ended up eroding the memories that he had of her.
And just like regular Susie, Parasusie was also massively hurt by her dad forgetting about her... but she then handled it very differently.
Regular Susie could be considered rather vengeful in what she did about her dad forgetting about her: the action of her stealing Star Dream's helmet was an attempt to humiliate him. But she didn't mean to kill him... that was a huge mistake, instead she was merely trying to force him to look her way. She just wanted his previous self back.
Parasusie, on the other hand, was much more aggressively vengeful. She was so hurt by her dad forgetting about her, she felt like she was spat in the face (regular Susie did, too, but it's notably worse in this case) and decided that she'd just kill him in revenge for 'having the gall' to neglect her, believing that 'bad fathers' like him deserve such a fate. Parasusie killed her father by ambushing him and trampling him to death with her mech. Wow.... just wow. That's extremely brutal, isn't it?
Just gonna say right now that Parasusie is much more brutal than regular Susie.
Regular Susie misses her dad. That she killed him was a complete accident, and she's felt terrible about unintentionally causing his death. In contrast, Parasusie actually killed her dad on purpose and doesn't regret it. She doesn't miss him. She believed that he deserved it for 'abandoning' her and it actually made her feel relieved.
And by the way, Parasusie also used to have a hair clip, as it was also gifted to her by her dad before they were forcibly split apart. But she's long since gotten rid of it. She outright destroyed that hair clip, actually. She completely emotionally detached herself from her dad to the point she unapologetically obliterates anything in his memory.
She happily moves on from her dad and pretends he never existed.
Like with the regular Haltmanns, the parallel Haltmanns also ran a corporation that was very similar to it. Parasusie reluctantly joined her dad's company because she thought it'd make a good opportunity for her to sneak up and kill him. And when the company fell apart after she killed him, she doesn't even bother trying to bring it back. The reason why regular Susie revives the HWC is to honor her dad, and she's operating on the company's originally intended goal of consensually helping people.
Parallel Susie is not the CEO of a technological company like regular Susie is. She doesn't even run a job at all. Instead, she's just chilling around in numerous dimensions, although she loves to build gadgets and be very unhinged with them. Just a weird edgy nomad woman.
By comparison, she's much more of a 'lowlife' than regular Susie.
Her home is in a technological hidey-hole in the Clash dimension.
Parasusie is notably meaner, more crass and more brutal than regular Susie. While regular Susie is also certainly not the nicest person around either, some of her friends have gotten her to gradually soften up over time. She and Kirby are friends. Parasusie, however, most likely wouldn't be interested in being friends with Kirby if they met.
Although Parasusie isn't entirely friendless. She has a total of two friends: Dark Taranza and Shadow Dedede. She met Dark Taranza when he came around in her dimension, and they both came together due to mutual respect of both being utterly insufferable lunatics. Darta invited Parasusie to visit the mirror world occasionally, and that's how she first met Shadow Dedede and become friends.
Wow... I headcanon Parallel Susie and Dark Taranza friendship? Hahaha! Just like how I headcanon the regular versions of Susie and Taranza being buddies. Although it's different here. I headcanon that Parasusie and Darta literally make each other worse, unlike their regular versions which help make each other happier and better.
Her two friends are the reason why her mech has a D-Mind symbol.
The mirror world is a place that Parasusie gives regular visits to. She's not a natural mirror worlder, but she's grown to have something of an affiliation with them. She's met Dark Meta Knight, but they don't get along very well. Although DMK prefers Parasusie over actual Susie LOL. Parasusie has also met Shadow Kirby, and although they very rarely interact, Skirby is very wary of her because of her friendships with both Darta and Shadow Dedede, as he doesn't like those guys.
Parasusie has very different food preferences from regular Susie. Regular Susie is well known for loving ice cream. She's a sweet-tooth. Parasusie instead loves spicy foods, as she enjoys putting hot peppers onto meals, something that regular Susie wouldn't really like.
They also have differences in what they like. Regular Susie absolutely adores cute things; she loves plushies and other kawaii stuff, and she gave the HWC a pink makeover upon reviving it. Parasusie on the other hand does not care about cute things as much. She's far more into goth and edgy stuff. She's basically like a much edgier Susie.
She's also way edgier and more brutal in her sense of humor. They have different tastes of humor that aren't compatible with each other.
Overall, Susie wouldn't get along with her parallel counterpart if they were to meet. It'd probably already freak out her out to meet another version of herself to begin with, but she'd be especially unnerved to meet a version of herself that intentionally committed patricide without any remorse. It would elicit a visceral reaction out of her.
Parasusie would make Susie uncomfortable and even somewhat angry by virtue of just existing. She'd find Parasusie to be repulsive.
On the other hand, Parasusie would probably consider Susie to be pathetic. And if she noticed that Susie still misses her dad and that she keeps things in his memory, Parasusie would probably taunt her by calling her a "daddy's girl", and if she learned about Susie's backstory and how she dealt with being neglected, Parasusie would call her a coward for still caring about a 'dad that was clearly a traitor'.
Most likely, Susie and Parasusie would cat-fight if they met.
Susie's more humorous friends, Magolor and the mage sisters, would find it hilarious to watch Susie beefing with another version of herself.
Anyways... I think that more or less sums up the essences of my headcanons for Susie's edgy red-haired parallel counterpart.
I like to think that Parasusie is less redeemable and is a worse person than regular Susie. But even then, it's not all bad for Parasusie either, as I would not consider her to be irredeemably evil either (that's actually incredibly rare in my Kirbyverse and is just mostly applicable for non-defective Dark Matter). I think I'd just put Parasusie on the same boat as the likes of Dark Taranza and Shadow Dedede, where they're all overall bad people that are worse than their regular counterparts, but not much further than that. Just weird freaks.
But yeah, I think that's it. See y'all more for later posts.
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incrementumxmaxima · 6 months
If you asked Hadley, there were no better feelings in the world than sinking your cock into your twin brother's ass or riding his cock until he came like some virgin. The exact details as to how their relationship transitioned from normal twins to that of lust-hooded, carnal-motivated sex was lost to Hadley, he only really reconciling that he was purely committed to his brother and that it'd been that way for a long time. True to form of most fictional twin lovers, the two of them hid it well, keeping up the heterosexual jock persona they had donned throughout most of their lives. From the cocky way that the two of them acted during sex to their compatibility both inside and outside of their bedroom, life was undoubtedly perfect for Hadley and he had no desire to change things.
That was... until he stumbled across Hudson's laptop one evening after the other had left for the gym without him. Typically, Hadley was never the type to trod over his brother's privacy. Although they blurred the lines between twin brothers and boyfriends, there were some boundaries that remained and the access to a private life away from the other was something that had stuck. Though he never quite knew Hudson's reasons, Hadley's came from a particular kink he had decided early on that he could never share with his brother out of fear of being labelled as sick or weird. He supposed, in a way born out of need to rationalise things, that being into feederism as a feeder wouldn't've been the worst thing to reveal to his twin but, as the one wanting to be fattened and it to be at the hand of the aforementioned twin, it made things muddier and not worth revealing. So, he never did. It was with that need to keep that secret quiet that he never infringed on Hudson's privacy - until that evening.
Something in Hadley's head continued to nag him about checking the device, using the password he knew Hudson used for everything since they were thirteen to just check what things his twin wanted to keep private. And so he did and spent the next hour or so trawling through the device to see if he could find whatever his brain had determined was useful information. What that was, Hadley wasn't sure, but he knew for a fact it wasn't documents upon documents of Hudson lamenting that he wasn't fat enough and could never be fat, nor the think pieces of how Hudson wanted to be fattened up by Hadley and then return the favour, intertwining feederism with their usual sexual escapades. Not for a second did Hadley think he'd find Hudson mirroring his own desires to the very tiniest detail of wanting the two of them to gorge themselves in their singlets until they snapped and broke off and, yet, there he was. It was a lot to take in - took even more to get the raging boner to subside by the time Hudson got home - but if Hadley was dumb enough to do anything, it was take the plunge when his twin walked through the door.
Hadley didn't miss the inquisitive eye Hudson gave the cake he had gone out and brought on impulse, it sitting on the countertop as a titan of change. There was no way of denying what he had seen, even less the way he was eating a slice of cake as Hudson walked in, so all Hadley could do was send a smirk his brother's way. "For a guy who wants to fatten his twin up and have the same done back to him, you're sure looking at the cake weirdly."
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gctchell · 30 days
If they had a kid: Niffty/D'Zuko and Niffty/Drekavac if you want!
If they had a kid meme // 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌
-> Niffty/D'Zuko!
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Name: Bannie "Ban-Ban" Split (Niffty was craving banana splits like CRAZY when she was pregnant and they worked together to come up with a cute name for a girl and.. well, they got this)
Gender: Female.
General appearance: This girl gave both her parents one *HELL* of a scare simply due to the fact that her head was dripping and oozing from birth. Turns out that was just her hair. No one knows why her hair is like this! It's goopy, it's droopy and it drips perpetually. Alastor's guess is it's a weird punishment from Hell because Niffty is driven nuts by mess and now she & D'Zuko have a baby who is always dripping all over the place LOL. // picrew
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Personality: Unpredictable. Nice enough and can just stare off into space for a while, but you never know what kind of mood you're going to catch this girl in - she can be hyperactive and wild, violent and brutal, and chill as a cucumber who will happily make you a sandwich when you're hungry. She keeps people in the Hotel on their toes, and only Niffty & D'Zuko can really get a sense on where the winds are blowing when it comes to her. They manage her well and can settle her down better than anyone, but she has butted heads with them on occasion.
Special talents: Her hair is very sticky, like the most sticky stuff you will ever come across. It works better than most adhesive and binding materials due to the hell magic in her system. She patches breaks and cracks with ease.
Who they like better: D'Zuko. She just feels more relatable with him, no offense mom.
Who they take after more: Both, straight down the middle. Niffty's more vibrant and hyperactive side, and D'Zuko's more reactive and short-temperedness make her quite the volatile personality, but capable of being quite sweet as well.
Personal headcanon: The wings on her back mirror the insect wings from Niffty's demon form, except more fairy-like, oddly enough. They do have an insect look, however.
Face Claim: N/A.
-> Niffty/Drekavac
Name: Josephine, "Jojo" for short.
Gender: Female.
General appearance: Takes heavily after Drekavac, but there's no denying those touches of red and the wide, big eyes she gets from Niffty! Plus the cute little dots on her cheeks. // picrew
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Personality: Sweet as anything and helpful, very laid back in spite of one parent being a Wrath demon and one being.. Niffty. Very calm, very in control of herself, and she sees that as a great deal of importance. She medidates frequently and enjoys it, and likes to take walks in the evening before the sun is up in the sky (PMs are morning hours in HH!Hell, AMs are Night Hours). Very tranquil aura that many at the Hotel like to simply be around. She loves to read, as well. She's a bookworm, but the sort who can pick up dozens and never completes them for months. Fatal flaw lmao.
Special talents: The angrier she gets, the more hot the gaze of her eyes becomes. She is able to blast beams of fire from her eyes, it just needs time to warm up.
Who they like better: Mom wins this one, she tails after Niffty and has been clinging to her skirt ever since she was little. She still loves Drekavac a LOT, of course! She loves him! She's just more clingy to mom.
Who they take after more: I think Drekavac. I think she's more leveled like he is, way calmer than her mother.
Personal headcanon: There's a good deal of fire magic in her that has yet to be tapped into outside of the eyes. Drekavac is still trying to figure out how they can potentially tap into it so she has access to that part of herself. It'd be dangerous if it suddenly burst to life one day and desolated the Hotel. She also has star-shaped scar in the middle of her face. She was not born with that and still has not old her parents how she got it.
Face Claim: N/A.
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yuridovewing · 8 months
Tigerheart's Shadow Diagnosis: B
I will not lie. Dovewing was there and it boosted my ranking by a lot
To be honest, I think I'm a bit of an outlier when it comes to WC fans, cause I actually sorta like the travel books. I dunno, I always kinda enjoy a little adventure where the cats interact with human stuff. It's cute to me, it reminds me of pet xenofiction and it's the closest WC ever gets to this sorta thing. They definitely have a pacing problem, and I felt that in this book, but they're not the worst things ever to me.
I liked Tigerheart getting stuck on a train and all the cats needing to deal with the train tracks (and calling trains "thundersnakes" was really cute) and I liked a lot of the city stuff. The guardian cats were a really neat group and I'm glad we spent a lot of time on them, they're lovely. I also really enjoyed Spiresight as a character. Sometimes you just gotta enjoy a weird girlie with visions (and I've subscribed to the theory that he's Tadpole btw. That scene where he grabs Pouncekit while she's hanging over the ledge with such ferocity, mirroring how Tadpole died pushing Moth up the ledge in canon... aughhhh)
The entire first part of the book with Tigerheart in ShadowClan was also really good. I love the parallel between him and Dovewing where they both felt suffocated by their clans' expectations of them and cracked.
Dovewing's treatment will always bother me but I did like her here a lot. You go girl get OUTTA there!!! Everyone acting like she just had a goofy little anxiety dream when she was literally a prophecy cat... Grrrr bite bite grrrrrrrrrr. It really puts into perspective how despite what her sister and the fandom preaches, no one actually respects Dovewing and her feelings and they're quick to dismiss it all as being "stuck in her own head". Her interactions with Tigerheart and their kits were really precious and I loved most of their scenes Besides the ones where Tigerheart was being weird, which brings me to...
... Erins "learn how to have clan cats be normal about outsiders/at least come to respect them" challenge. Failed immediately. Why does Tigerheart feel suffocated by his clan to the point where he decides to join Dovewing super quickly and looks for a reason to join when he feels forced to stay in ShadowClan, only to get to the city and be like "well let's go back to ShadowClan honey. What, you didn't actually think I wanted to come out here, did you?" And then the ending has him like "No wait I kinda wanna stay dead because leading ShadowClan is scawy" and like he's allowed to have conflicting feelings but it read like he just swapped motivations when the plot needed him to. Not to mention how rude he is to the guardian cats and forcing his customs onto them (and this being portrayed as a good thing and evidence he's a fantastic leader) I think it'd make more sense if he wanted to stay in the city with Dovewing and felt comfortable with the guardian cats, but he felt restless and guilty for ditching Rowanstar, and when Spiresight gives him the warning then he suddenly folds. Like cmon, at least PRETEND you respect outside groups for a moment before turning your main protag into a spokesperson for how superior this dystopian- i mean euphoric society he llives in is and how everyone ever should shut up and conform to it or else you're an idiot who deserves to get beat up.
I dunno. There was a lot of good here but a lot of weird stuff too. But that sorta comes with the territory for WC, really. Good idea, good beginning, good characters, but needs tuning up imo.
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ultfan · 8 months
@chaosmultiverse sent in: Okay slightly inspired by that ask about Mikan, what are his thoughts on Makoto Naegi?
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i've actually thought about this a lot! i mean, they're sort of weird mirrors of each other in a way. i think komaeda in a lot of ways is just an exaggerated version of naegi. don't get me wrong, there are also a lot of things entirely different about them, but given komaeda was supposed to make people think he was naegi at the start it makes sense they share a lot of qualities. naegi doesn't think all to highly of himself, he's humble and deems himself to be average. meanwhile komaeda has absolutely awful self esteem and plays down all of achievements. naegi is our little hope guy who has a lot of faith in his friends and wants to overcome despair. komaeda is a hope freak who encourages everyone to overcome despair and has a lot of faith in... not his friends, but their talents.
i think if komaeda and naegi ever interacted in a pre-despair world komaeda would have almost a similar way of looking at naegi as he does hinata at the start of dr2. something that annoyed me when komaeda met naegi in dr3 is how he was like "oh my god your luck is incredible... amazing... so much better than mine." i really don't think he would see another lucky student and think they were somehow more talented than him. komaeda is shown to have extreme faith in his luck. while he doesn't find it a very remarkable talent, and while he's tormented by this good/bad luck cycle, it is still his talent. he knows damn well he's lucky and that it is a "skill" of his. just a passive one.
i think komaeda would view naegi (pre-despair) as his equal. and frequently compare himself to him. they both got into the school by pure luck, they share a talent, they're unremarkable outside of being lucky, they both did their research before coming to the school. while komaeda would talk down to naegi (given he thinks they are the same, meaning naegi is trash like him... but better than the reserve course), i do think there is potential for komaeda to actually see him as a friend. komaeda could never truly think of the other shsl students as his friends, even if he may call them that he puts them up on too high of a pedestal. and he thinks reserve course students and people without special talents are trash. but naegi is exactly the same as he is.
i think it would make for a really interesting dynamic. maybe even a little wholesome, which is strange for komaeda. i would imagine it'd be basically the same as how he treats hinata at the start of dr2, minus the "oh wow you must have an amazing talent!" stuff. replace that with "well you're trash like me" comments.
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i imagine komaeda actively watched the killing game broadcast. after all, these are symbols of hope fighting against enoshima's despair! she said that she made the killing game partially as a way to crush the hope of anyone still holding onto it. but komaeda is a special motherfucker who doesn't get his hopes crushed by just seeing symbols of hope die. because if they were killed off or got caught that just means that their hope wasn't strong enough. i imagine he was on the edge of his seat at every trial. he was probably thrilled after every execution, not because the killers died but because of the amazing hope to survive that everyone else had.
throughout dr1 naegi is the one making the final cases and piecing together the majority of the clues. even though komaeda probably solved the crimes way before he did, he probably got super excited every time someone pointed out something he noticed. the shsl students at their finest! it's very easy for me to see him becoming a bit of a naegi fanboy. i imagine he was devastated when he got falsely accused by that trial (since there's no way he would fall for the trick), but super pumped when the execution didn't go the way monokuma intended. and when naegi turned out to have actually survived and challenged monokuma to one last game? oh boy!
there is no way komaeda didn't become naegi's #1 fan. especially when the gang started calling him the shsl hope. komaeda has always wanted more than anything to see a hope that could conquer any despair. and as far as he is concerned, it seems that naegi has the potential to be that hope. after all, he killed junko. how could komaeda see him as anything other than the true embodiment of hope?
although komaeda deeply regretted not being able to experience junko's death in person. hence his whole plan in udg. we know that he believed in komaru solely because of her connection to naegi, but i do actually think he might've been fibbing a little bit on his reasoning. from dr2 we know his philosophy revolves around the idea that you can't become more than what you were born as. "a small dog can't become a big dog no matter how hard it tries."
i believe that he put komaru in the spotlight here as a way to draw naegi's attention. he knew the future foundation was working in the area. byakuya had been captured after all, but the key player he wanted hadn't been brought in. and he made a deal with fukawa to ensure komaru stays in the city and isn't able to escape.
he was trying to create a war, create a second junko, all so he could be there in person when hope rose up and overcame it all. i fully believe he wanted naegi to be that hope. i cannot see any other reason why he would be so keen on komaru specifically being the "hero" of this story even when she's an unremarkable person in his eyes. he's just a naegi fanboy! he wants to see his hope in person.
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after the events of dr2 i imagine he keeps his naegi fanboy mindset. he is in awe of his hope. to him naegi is hope itself. the true embodiment of it. everything he could have ever wanted. that doesn't mean he wouldn't cause problems for naegi and the future foundation if he was able to (which, i doubt he'd have the opportunity but if he did... he would). komaeda wants them to rise up against any and all adversities, especially naegi. he wants that hope to grow and grow and become something no one has ever seen before.
i've mentioned before that post dr2 komaeda would probably have a very... half-assed hope that the remnant despairs would be able to also rise up and conquer despair. that he might still pull his admiration bullshit but it is very quickly dropped the second they do or say something even mildly against what he wants. i think that disingenuous attitude of his is because of naegi.
it is naegi's hope that the remnants would be able to become better people. that he could fix them. that they would be able to recover from all of this and move into the future. the whole point of the neo world program was to rehabilitate them. and even though it didn't go exactly to plan you can't say naegi didn't make huge progress. and he clearly hasn't given up on them. he actively supports the survivors in reawakening everyone and wishes the best for all of them.
with naegi being such a strong symbol of hope for komaeda, someone who has proven time and time again that he always overcomes the odds despite how low his chances are... komaeda really wants to see naegi's hope blossom. he doesn't want his friends to better themselves because he cares about them. he wants to see them embrace the potential they possess, the potential naegi sees in them (that komaeda thinks naegi sees in them). he wants them to move forward and embrace hope because that's what naegi was trying to get them to do.
i think komaeda to naegi is what the fandom thinks komaeda would be like to kamakura. he is obsessed with what he represents, in awe of him, desperate to see him at his full potential. naegi IS hope. and he fills that role just like komaeda would want him to. not to mention he's kind and humble... what a guy! so selfless! he is deeply in love with that man (in that weird komaeda hope-love way).
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
Can you name an elf who is described with brown/black eyes? Cuz I can't recall anything. Sure you can say that professor didn't see the need to describe a common eyecolir, but hear me out: what if it is only men who have brown/black eyes? And to elves it's a very curious thing.
Just. I imagine Beren with brown eyes and Luthien finds them to be so unique! Or the same thing but with Andreth. Even though niether of them understand, it makes their elves happy so!
@elluendifad and @orestes-hungry-and-pylades-sober (neither of whom tumblr is letting me tag) you two said you were also curious! Here are my unnecessarily complicated eye color headcanons
First of all, if Tolkien has ever mentioned a dark-eyed elf, I can't think of any. Maeglin's eyes are described as dark, but the impression I get is that it means darker than usual, not black or brown. (Although all the power to dark-eyed Maeglin!)
These apply to elves and men, I haven't really given any thought to other races. Also, it applies to First Age stuff - it gets more complicated once Peredhil come into play, etc
I'm not actually sure about this in Old English, but in Middle English, "grey eyes" can mean the color we mean when we say gray eyes, or it can just mean bright, gleaming eyes of any color. I decided to take that and run with it because nobody can stop me and decided that elves (especially Noldor) have bright eyes. Only when the text goes out of its way to say that someone's eyes are gray do I headcanon that elf has gray-colored eyes.
What I imagine is this: light-colored eyes are the most common among elves. You know that neither-blue-nor-green, pale shade some people's eyes have? That's what I headcanon as the average color. The color is unremarkable, that they're shining is what people would notice. Gray-eyed elves have an intensely gray color, and it's that intensity that makes it remarkable.
In general, I headcanon elven eyes are, in a word, cold. Very cool shades that look even colder because they're light, making them icy.
Black eyes do occur but I headcanon they're like red hair? Rare and usually a distinct marker associated with a certain family. (Which family? None that is canonical lol) Brown eyes also exist but they're even rarer - if you're a brown-eyed elf, I guarantee your epesse will mention that. Also - cool shades of brown, as mentioned.
Men, on the other hand, have a strong tendency towards warm-colored eyes. Brown is the most common, black is not unusual, and even blue or gray eyes are a rich, darker color rather than the icy shades of elves. The people of the sun, etc.
(As a matter of fact - Morwen's eyes are remarkable for looking cold, which both plays into her personality and into her Elfsheen kind of beauty.)
I love the idea of Aegnor having dawn-blue eyes and Andreth evening-black eyes, because why not. Let them mirror each other's peoples, as a treat. Goes well with Aegnor dying quickly and Andreth living a long life.
Beren's eyes, like his hair, are a golden kind of brown. But like. A very specific, very warm, very pretty kind of golden-brown. Maybe the word I'm looking for is amber? Anyway, brown eyes are extremely common among Beorians, but this particular shade is not. Of the House of Beor, basically Beor and his sons, and then Bregolas, Barahir and Beren have it. (I'm using Tolkien gene logic where genes skip generations at random for Dramatic Effect.) It's how Finrod is 100% sure of who Beren is within 0.2s of looking at him.
Due to how Doriath works, Luthien hasn't seen brown eyes like, ever. And she didn't really expect this particular color was uh, possible. Maybe in some animals, but it'd be kinda like you meeting someone with an eye color you've only ever seen in cats. It's like "That's so pretty but also wth."
Anyway, Luthien being Luthien and being undaunted by falling for a different and vaguely weird race, immediately decides she likes Beren's eye color A Normal Amount
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inkandpaintleopard · 4 months
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Dude do not get me STARTED on the Soft boys
I get that their purpose is to serve as a little breather (until Monster, anyway), but I feel like there could have been more done with that? Like dude this is one of the few mods that even ALLUDES to Frank, it would have been really unique (especially for the time) if Ben and Pico actually got to meet him; it'd even fit into the story because they're trying to go somewhere and "Frank lets us ride in his van all the time, we will ask him for you!"
Also I have just found out that Father Fairest's first name is actually Frank so uh. That could be fun (/s) for Ben
(also I feel like whatever SM Frank is doing in this universe he'd sympathize with both Ben's and Pico's plights, but that's besides the point)
Also just. I say this with a heavy heart but I do not like their designs. I get what they were going for but it feels... kind of cluttered? I think they would have looked better without their costumes on, give Pump some face stickers too to make up him not having spots
If anything I feel like leaning into that "creative" angle would have made for better designs, show them covered in paint and glitter or something because they're trying to make things, maybe even a little dirt because they love to explore just as much as the OG Spookeez, but their clothes show stains way more because they're not pure black
It's just kind of a personal gripe but I wish their colors were closer to the originals too. Ben, Pico, and Grace all have the same color schemes as their original counterparts, just muted/pastel with a few changes, but instead of pastel purples and oranges Skid and Pump have completely different colors. I do like how the color of Skid's clothes mirror Pump and vice versa, but it's just weird looking at those three and then these two
Also again a minor gripe in the grand scheme of things but instead of removing the mic entirely they should have had a toy microphone, it still fits with their theme AND the context that they like Father Fairest's music
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Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, I get all that… before I even played the mod I just thought “Well their designs need work but hopefully their character is good.” Like dude they don’t even get an original song. I like the way they’re introduced but other than that they have nothing going for them.
I hadn’t even considered the whole Frank thing, that would’ve been nice.
I have such weird opinions on their designs; I think my biggest issue with them is that they don’t seem coherent. Why would Pump wear blue? Why do they look like they’re wearing jumpsuits? Are they? Why would they be? And yeah how are they that clean? And where’s the spookyness in it? I think about this for a lot of Skid designs specifically, because I feel like you wouldn’t know he was a skeleton if you didn’t already know what he came from, which is fine for all of us, but I feel like it doesn’t make sense in universe.
I was planning on redesigning them when I finally played the mod, but every time I think about redesigning/stylizing a character, I realize it goes against the way I come up with stories and stuff. For the Soft Spookeez specifically, every bit of dislike I may have for them gets added to whatever story I have in mind. Like oh, one finds their appearance underwhelming and annoying? So does every other Skid and Pump. I can’t get any personality from them? Their character is now that they have no character; everyone else is baffled that they came out of the Soft mod and are completely trauma-free. So on and so forth, help I don’t remember how to stylize.
Wait yeah them having a toy mic would be nice; I find them feeling weirdly detached without it.
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