#it'd be very intense and semi dark...
mrsoharaa · 5 months
me currently thinking about a steamy, intense cnc 3 way with Miguel and his Villain counterpart/variant.....
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twstfanblog · 1 month
~Manhwa AU- A Fairytale Do-Over~ Pt 3
A/N: Writing has been so hard recently and there's no reason for it. Other than making me mad I think >:( But here's the next part! I'm going to start making a taglist for this series, so reply if you want to be added so you'll be alerted to the next part being posted! thank you and have a grand time reading! Word Count: 3.7K Pairings: Sibling Leona & Farena Warnings: Alluded to child neglect Lilia's cooking Prev / Next
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A month had passed since Malleus’s birthday and Yuu still refused to accept any of Lilia's requests for playdates.
She sighed, turning the page of a book she remembered never finishing. Her family's personal library had become a small sanctuary for her recently. The magically enlarged room was like a maze; towering dark wood shelves filled with books that were easy to get lost in without a map. A hidden nook close to the three floor-to-ceiling grand windows, the enchanted fireplace crackling peacefully while Yuu or her fathers would rest on overstuffed decorative pillows reading together. The perfect place to run and hide from a very overzealous bat fae who wanted to feed her a ‘home-cooked meal’ to make her feel better enough to come visit the imperial palace. Yuu only needed to glance at the pot of noxious black sludge to be given a traumatic memory of what would happen to someone who ate Lilia's cooking…
While Lilia was more than free to chase her around the manor, her father was quick to stop the fae from running after her into ‘his library’. The family library obviously held the precious books of the Crowley family; Yuu’s favorite playscripts and fairytales, Divus’s historical fashion logs and his various past fashion sketchbooks. Dire even kept a small collection of older spell books in the room, some possibly older than the empire itself. Lilia's cooking could melt the bones of a whale, Yuu was sure of it, divine only knows what it'd do to a poor flimsy book.
So, the library was safe. For now at least. There was no telling where her parents would forbid her from entering in the name of her ‘health’ if they worried anymore.
Her parents continued to grow more and more concerned over her personality shift. They thought she didn’t notice, standing at her bedside in the middle of the night and speaking in hushed tones about what to do. Her papa would sit on her bed and run his hand along one of her braids while he grilled her father on what he was doing to get a mage doctor to their home.
Yuu couldn’t use magic, so she wasn’t entirely sure why her papa thought a mage doctor was needed (Only a few days later did she realize that her papa thought she had been cursed. Which was possibly true, time travel and all…). Dire had managed to deflect each time Divus asked, tucking her tighter into her covers before leaving the room, a silently furious Divus following after him. They’d try to broach the topic during breakfast each morning, asking if she had anymore strange dreams, if something new had appeared in her room, or even if someone had spoken to her.
It didn’t ease their concerns when Yuu denied anything new or strange happening, but Yuu wondered how much they would panic if she said something did happen. While it could potentially be funny, she’s almost completely sure her fathers would put her through an intense magical purge ceremony that would actually make her ill.
Sighing, Yuu closed the book, placing it on her reading nook’s ‘to be continued’ pile. It had been at least an hour since Lilia had shown up to the duchy, her parents had hopefully either sent the old fae home or were having a discussion over wine. Leaving Yuu to freely walk around the library again.
Thumbing through a book on gardening (though the pictures were more interesting than the semi-faded blocks of text), Yuu suddenly felt a chill creep into their spine. Kalim had described the feeling to her once, recounting one of the many tales of failed kidnappings and assassinations; the feeling of being watched.
Yuu did their best to remain calm, following Kalim’s advice. It's no good to let them know you know, act as nonchalantly as you could until you were in a safer location. (A conversation that had originally terrified them, only for Kalim’s beaming smile to promise that no harm would ever befall his dearest friend. Not so long as she had him and Jam-)
Swallowing, Yuu slowly closed the book and started to walk down the aisle. Maybe they were just there to steal something and Yuu had unfortunately been in their line of sight. A notion that was quickly dashed feeling the eyes stay on them and the sounds of footsteps following them. Yuu hates to admit it, but she panicked and broke out into a sprint.
Whoever was following her remained silent, keeping up with her easily through the turns and weaving between aisles. A part of her wanted it to be Lilia, since the worst that could happen was she'd have to have a bite of whatever he brought masquerading as a stew. Then again, that might actually kill them…
Panting, fed up with the sudden game of cat and mouse, Yuu ran around a corner and turned around quickly. The heavy book on plants raised in the air over her head and thrown blindly to whoever was chasing them. A multicolored blur appeared from around the corner, narrowly dodging the book in a sloppy side step. The two children looked at the heavy book on the ground, the thud it made echoing through the library briefly but the true horror was the fact the book had nearly exploded on contact with the ground. Pages of text and a stray beautifully illustrated flower fluttering to the ground in their silence.
The other child stared at the pile of paper that was once a book, blinking in shock before turning to Yuu with a glare and crossed arms, “What, are you trying to kill me?”
Yuu blinks then yells at the boy, poking a finger furiously into his chest, “You were the one chasing me!?”
The boy huffed, rolling his eyes and swatting her hand away, “I was just playing around. You're the one throwing ancient texts at people.”
“It wasn't ancient.” Yuu hoped it wasn't ancient. But, casting a glance at the pile, Yuu wondered if they were stronger than they remembered being as an eight-year-old…
Shaking her head, she brushed off the concern. The book was probably just…very old (please not ancient), her father would be able to replace it easily or fix it, “Anyway! Why are you in here? I've never seen you before.”
The boy raises an eyebrow, almost sneering back at her, “I'm a guest. Why are you scurrying around here like a rat?”
“Like a-I live here, you shithead!”
The boy stepped back, eyes wide in shock either from her yelling or from realizing who she was, “Wait…you're the Crowley girl?”
“What of it? You haven't even introduced yourself to me in my own house!”
Rolling his eyes again, the boy stepped closer to walk a slow circle around her, studying her with a sharp eye, “It's just surprising, ya know? Rumor has it, you're supposed to be sick as death in bed. Not taking any visitors nor going to any of your little friends’ socials.” He smirks, tilting his head, “But instead of seeing some sickly child, I see a little rat who's healthy enough to throw books with deadly force.”
“...” Yuu frowns, nearly sneering at the smug boy, “I'm not going to stand here and listen to some boy in a hand-me-down dashiki-...you're Leona Kingscholar.”
Leona was taken aback, tilting his head, “How do you guess? Other people wear dashikis, you know…”
Yuu nodded, but pointed to various areas of the garment as she spoke, “Yeah, but very few have actual gold embroidery on them. not to mention the overall state of it; it's faded but only in high friction areas. Meaning it was for casual wear instead of formal seeing, again, the authentic gold threading. And the sleeves's been stitched up, not professionally since it's affected the appearance of the pattern. It's not concrete, but that's normally a sign of sentimental value since it's merely to keep the fabric intact instead of presentable to the public.”
“...” Leona sighed, crossing his arms as he looked off to the side annoyed, “And that clearly shows you're the child of Duke Crewel. Only someone with his textile-obsessed blood would deduce me as a Kingscholar from my clothing rather than being a lion beastman…”
“Who else would I be? Though my parents love each other, they aren't having another baby anytime soon. Plus, I'm already an only child…”
Leona coughed, struggling to hold in his laughter before clearing his throat to speak, “I assumed you were Duke Crowley's oh-so-elusive student I've heard the adults whispering About. Many of them were pretty pissed after learning their darling little brownnosers weren't going to get access to your family's private collection of ancient grimoires.”
Yuu's face pinched together, eyes scanning along the floor as she dug through her mind. Just like a normal dream, her past life had quickly started to fade from her memory as the weeks went on. Anything past her 12th birthday had become hidden in fog though anything before then was slightly clearer. But even so, she had no memory of her father having a student of any kind. In fact she's not even sure her parents allowed other children in their manor besides her, she couldn't remember ever hosting a playdate at the Crowley duchy at least…
“My…my father doesn't have a student? At least I've never met them…”
“...” Leona hums, short and absolute, as though he had gained a piece of a puzzle no one else had noticed on the table yet. Yuu watched in real-time as Leona made the mental decision to keep said piece to himself.
The beastman smiles, his ears flicking only once in what could only be excitement, “Interesting…oh well. It's only a rumor after all.”
Yuu rolls her eyes. From memory, Leona did have a bad reputation as a troublemaker, “Fun. You still haven't told me why you're in my house though. I'm pretty sure the Kingscholar duchy is to the east of the capital, not the north.”
Leona shrugs, fingers gliding over ornate spines of books before he pulls his hand away, making a face when it comes back covered in dust, “My brother is getting a measurement done. He brought me along claiming I could be fitted for my coming-of-age robes if there was time.”
“...But your 10th birthday has already passed, hasn't it? You should have had them by now.”
“...” Sighing, the beastman clicked his tongue in a moment of annoyance, “Shut up. You don't even know anything…”
Yuu tapped her chin, thinking hard about what she could remember of the Sunset Savanna clothing culture, “You're supposed to get them on your tenth birthday, As a rite of passage right? Thanking the gods for allowing you into your first stage of life or something like that…” Lord, just how much knowledge about clothing did she have at this age? It was hard to tell what were bits and pieces from her past life and what was simply drilled into her young by her papa.
Leona was quiet, looking away from Yuu's curious expression, “It's a ceremony of blessings. In the Savanna, once a child reaches ten, it's thought a number of bad omens aren't able to take hold of them anymore. But that also leaves them vulnerable to omens that plague adults. So either the community chief or head of the house is supposed to anoint them; bring them the blessing and protection of their family or community's ancestors…”
Yuu nods, Dire had talked about the ceremony once or twice, having barged in during one of her lessons with Divus to deliver unasked-for information, “Your father is the heir to the Sunset Savanna kingdom, but he stays near the Noctorn capital to build alliances. As the Savanna prince, he'd be liable to use the family sword to-”
Yuu paused in her stream of conscious babble. The ceremony could use a number of items to bless the child so to speak. Her father had told her of a number of ways he had personally bore witness to; an elderly woman shaking a branch over children, fine gold dust being spread on cheeks in patterns, even fresh spring water being poured over their heads and clothes.
But the Kingscholars, the Kingscholars used a sword. Tapping the unsheathed blade along the shoulders and then once against the forehead.
Looking at Leona, she finally noticed that one side of his bangs were longer. Dark brown waves that framed against a eye that was a shade lighter than the other, slightly hiding the clean vertical line of raised dark pink skin.
“...” Yuu bit her lip, wondering…if she should ask, “...Leona…how'd you get that scar?”
Leona stared at the floor, gently pressing a claw down the still-sensitive skin.
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Leona sat beside a vent in the hallway, legs pulled up to his chin and arms wrapped around them. He was looking down to the ground, eyes unblinking as he listened to his father rant and yell.
“-utter embarrassment! And you want to reward another one of his tantrums!?”
Farena’s voice rings out, softer yet still carrying the hard edge his father's had, “I'm not rewarding him. I'm taking him with me to my appointment with the Duke Crewel. Leona's only getting a fitting if there's time-”
“You don't need that design book then! That mutt of a duke doesn't need it because he isn't making traditional garments. Especially not for that-”
“Enough!” Leona could hear the snarl in his brother's voice, clearly able to imagine the fury on the face that matched their father better than his ever did, “Just because you're upset Lord Lilia hasn't responded to your letters yet, doesn't mean Leona is at fault! I refuse to let you place it on him just because he acted out on the prince's birthday!”
“BAH! So you admit it! He's acting out and you're-”
“I'm giving Leona his due! You know damn well he was supposed to have his ceremonial dressings last year. You were supposed to send for someone from the homeland to fit him properly! You were supposed to bless him! You go on and on about how back home we are kings and not dukes and should act as such, and then you treat your own son like he's less!”
“He is LESS! Sickly! Defiant! Brazen! He's been weak and less than since the day he was born!”
“...How…DARE YOU!? Don't you dare blame that fever on Leona! He only got sick because you forbade the physician from tending to him when he got hurt! He may fully lose his sight in his eye because you wanted to punish him!”
“He should have never touched that sword! That is for the heir or head of the house! The true princes of our family line, he had no right to touch it!”
“We are all the princes of this family. Grandmother rules the Savanna in your place while you continue to make fancy with dead royalty you never even liked.” The rustling of papers, a flourish of fabric, “I'm leaving for my appointment, I'm taking Leona with me and that is final.”
It was soft, angrily and bitterly mumbled as Farena stomped out of the room. The sound of his father's liquor cabinet opening, the older man muttering, “Leave him there while you're at it.” 
The sound of Farena slamming the door made his ears hurt.
And that's how his brother finds him, back against a wall with his eyes pressed into his knees and arms to hide away his tears. Farena sighs, kneeling down and putting a hand to his shoulder, “Leona-”
Leona quickly shrugged his brother’s hand away, moving to stand on his own and rubbing harshly at his eyes, “I don’t want your pity, Farena-”
He was pulled into his brother’s arms, the older prince breathing calmly in an effort to center Leona and himself. Farena pulls away once he feels Leona untense his body, smiling and brushing the younger boy’s hair from his face, “It’s not pity…No matter what we become to each other. Know that I never pitied you…”
“...” With a final sniffle, Leona rubbed his eyes one last time before he nods, “Okay…”
“Come. We have to leave if we’re going to have time for you to get your fitting.”
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“...It was an accident.”
As though that wasn't the most heartbreaking and concerning thing Yuu had ever heard. But Yuu wasn't going pick at an already tender wound, “I see…what…what was the Sunset Savanna like? There’s a lot of various areas like deserts and jungles, right? Was it fun exploring there?”
“I wouldn't know. In theory, I know what it's like there but I've never been, I was born here.”
Leona nods, “My brother remembers moving though, he's told me stories and every now and again we get visitors or refugees coming to our duchy.”
Yuu hummed, looking down the aisle, “I think we have a book on the Savanna somewhere…” She waved Leona away, “There should be a table with snacks around. Wait for me there while I go get it.”
“Don't you order me around…”
She was already walking away, looking over her shoulder with a glare, “Just go eat some snacks while I go find the book.”
Finding the book wasn't too hard. The library was normally organized weekly, though even then random books would appear in the wrong place. Luckily, Yuu was able to find the book of their desire easily. Pulling it off the shelf they nearly fell to the floor at the sheer weight of it. Huffing, maneuvering it in their arms to rush off to her and Leona's meeting spot.
The other young lord was luckily seated at the table, picking at the selection of cookies and other finger foods left out. He looks over, snickering at seeing just how much she was struggling, “Poor, sickly, Yuu. Even a book is too much for the grand lady now…”
Yuu glared over the large book, managing to haul it with her onto the stool before dropping the book on the table and releasing a cloud of dust. Her expression turns malicious as Leona starts hacking and coughing, sending more dust in his direction as she opens the book and lets the heavy pages fall to the table.
Leona waves the dust away from his sensitive nose, glaring through his teary eyes as he sneezed again, “Brat.”
“Bastard. Your family is the reigning line, isn't it? So you'd have stayed in the capital, right?”
For the next hour, the two spent their time looking through the book, Yuu asking him questions for a more in-depth look at the foreign land. And while Leona had never been to his homeland, he still knew more than Yuu and was more than elated to lecture the younger girl on what she had gotten wrong.
Soon, Leona could hear his brother calling out to him in the distance. He looks to Yuu, tugging on her hair to gain her attention, “I’ve got to go, my brother is calling me.”
Yuu nods, closing the book and holding it out to Leona, “Here. You can take this home with you.”
“Why are you giving me one of your books?” Leona still takes the book, tucking the hardcover under his arm and looking at Yuu in question.
Shaking her head, Yuu smiled, “Not giving it to you. It’s a loan. So you’ll have to come visit me again.”
“...” Leona laughs, short and behind his hand before returning Yuu’s smile, “Deal. I’ll come visit again since you clearly need someone to ramble to. I’ll bring the book back when I feel like it.” He ruffles Yuu’s hair roughly, making the younger girl almost fall over from the force of it.
“HEY!” Yuu smacks at Leona’s hand, pouting as the beastman runs out of the library to meet his brother. She sighs, trying to smooth down her hair lest her papa see her with her hair in disarray.
Leona Kingscholar was a troublemaker, that was the common trait anyone could give him. She remembered bits and pieces of her fathers talking about the young lord, each of them remarking what a shame it was. Leona wasn’t as physically strong as the rest of his family, but the younger lord was smarter, a fact his father always overlooked in favor of his older brother. Yuu couldn’t remember the two brothers ever having a negative relationship. Then again, she remembers one of the Kingscholar brothers leaving with their father back to the Sunset Savanna when the queen mother is on her deathbed. Sadly, she couldn’t remember which went.
If anything, Leona would be a good person to talk to if she went along with her plan. Breaking ties with Malleus was impossible, but her other two playmates would be easy enough, though it would be painful. And while it had only been a few weeks, things settled well enough. Malleus didn’t ever send her letters anyway, she would simply stop sending him letters. The hardest part would be breaking her friendship with Kalim and running from Lilia’s visits.
Leona wasn’t meant to be a replacement in any way. The youngest Kingscholar was almost isolated from others because of his abrasive attitude a trait Yuu unknowingly shared. Even if they didn’t become anything more than library friends, they’d at least have each other to speak to this time around.
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Leona looked out the window of the moving carriage, the borrowed book resting in his lap while his brother rambled on.
“-weirdly thorough. I had thought we’d have more time for your fitting, but it wasn’t in the cards this visit. I did leave the book of designs with Duke Crewel, though. So when I go back for my second fitting, I’ll make sure you can see him.” Farena looks over, frowning as Leona doesn’t respond to him. Sighing, he tugged on his little brother’s ear to gain his attention, “How about we go out for lunch? We don’t need to head home just yet.”
“...” Leona’s eyes glance down at the book on his lap, smirking as he looked up to his brother, “I met a ghost in the Crowley library.” “You what?"
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You made it! Have some art I did of the babies and their outfits in this chapter
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91 notes · View notes
kittievampire · 1 year
Kin of the Demon Prince (pt. 6)
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Warnings: Smut, Semi-public sex, Cursing, Angst, MC is a fuckin unit, Female MC, Single Mom MC, MC x Diavolo
Link to part 1
Link to part 2
Link to part 3
Link to part 4
Link to part 5
Link to part 7
Link to part 8
Link to part 9
Decided to give you guys a lil something for this one.
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To say Diavolo was lonely a majority of his life was an understatement. A gross one at that.
He didn't have any friends growing up. Hell, it took a lot of convincing just to get Barbatos to stick around. His father was strict when he was present, very cold-blooded, especially toward his only son. One would argue that Diavolo got the worst of his father's cruelty; that is, if the demon king didn't sentence a hefty amount of demons to a torturous end in the dungeons.
The feeling of relief that had washed over him when his father had decided to rest below the Devildom was apparently new to him. It was as if the last of his chains had been broken off and he could finally execute the first few steps of his plan.
Peace among the realms.
It'd taken longer than he'd originally intended, but after the arrival of the seven brothers, he was taking more action. With Lucifer by his side, he finally established the foreign exchange program that allowed students from the Human and Celestial realms attend school in the Devildom.
That's when he met you.
You were a peculiar little lamb. A lamb with the instincts of a tiger.
He saw so much in you, yet he still found you hard to read.
Curiosity was what reeled him in most.
You were what made him want more.
Your voice drove him absolutely wild. It was sweet like honey, and it was music to his ears. And when you said his name like that, the nickname you gave him, it only made him crave you more.
His hands gripped your hips tightly, thumbs tracing circles on your sides as he pulled you closer to him, eyes sealed shut, and tongue exploring your mouth. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, RAD uniform becoming more and more undone the more intense the situation became.
You pulled away once you felt your lungs clench, panting heavily as your glazed eyes met his. A string of saliva connected the two of you, only disappearing once Diavolo's lips chased yours once more. Hands roaming down to grasp your thighs, he lifted you up effortlessly and gently sat you down on the teacher's desk of the empty classroom the two of you occupied.
You placed a hand on his chest and pulled away momentarily. "Dia, here?" You asked softly, a dark red blush dusting your cheeks and the tips of your ears.
Diavolo reached up to tuck a few strands of your hair behind your ear and smiled sweetly at you. "If you wish to save this for another time, I'll gladly oblige, MC." His mouth spoke one thing, but his body spoke another. His gaze so starving, full of lust and admiration, his hands quivering as to not rip open the top of your uniform, and the tent in his pants serving as hard evidence to his actual desires. He didn't want to stop, but he would had you asked.
Letting out a small sigh, you wrapped your legs around him and pulled him into another heated kiss. Who were you to deny the prince of the Devildom anyway?
Diavolo's hands traveled upward, pulling down the top coat of your uniform to your shoulders and unbuttoning the top of your blue button-up blouse.
You glance at the clock with hazy eyes. You had less than twenty minutes until lunch ended, you needed to make this quick if you wanted to have time to clean up before the next class got here.
His mouth latched onto your left breast, biting down ever so gently to leave barely-visible marks. Your hands reached down to his pants and cupped his bulge, letting out a small whine as his teeth nibbled gently on your nipple. "Dia, no time," You whimpered out softly, hands fumbling to undo his belt.
The prince only grunted in response, kissing up your chest and sinking his teeth into the flesh that connected your shoulder to your neck. His hands moved down to unzip his pants and pull them down a little, reaching into his boxers and pulling out his cock.
He pushed your skirt up, fingers grazing over your clothed slit before pushing the crotch of your panties to the side. "Quick... Quick..." He murmured out, one of his hand gripping your thigh tightly to hold it in it's place, far away from the other. You felt the tip push against your entrance and whimpered. You hadn't taken him without preparation before, but considering how soaked you were down there, there was a chance you'd be fine.
If he wasn't so damn big.
You took a moment to mentally curse his length before you felt him pull you against him, thrusting his hips forward. His free hand came up to clasp over your mouth, muffling your near-on scream as he bottomed out. "Fuuuuck," He groaned out as your walls enveloped him, welcoming his cock with their warmth.
You were trying to keep yourself up right with one hand on the desk and the other draped over his shoulder, as well as trying to relax. There was only the slightest bit of pain, but it had subsided rather quickly. Despite this, Diavolo remained still, lust-filled eyes glued to your face, as if waiting for you to give him the go-ahead. Slowly, your teary eyes met his, tongue pressing flat against his palm.
A shiver ran down his spine, pulling his hips back. You let out soft pants against his hand as you felt his cock pulling slowly out of your cunt. He snapped his hips forward, again, and again.
Your cries and whimpers were muffled against his hand, nails digging into his shoulder and scraping against the desk.
"My Queen, I can't help but feel that you're enjoying this situation," He spoke softly, leaning in a little closer to tease you with proximity, as well as his voice. "Do you like it when I silence you?" Your eyes squeezed shut as your cheeks burned, walls clenching around his cock, which slammed brutally into your pussy. "Do you like the risk of getting caught?"
You whined against his hand. Pushing your leg toward you, your knee almost pushing against your breast, he fucked into you at a newly gained angle, hitting that spongey spot that made you see stars. The hand that was on the desk went to rub circles on your puffy clit as your walls squeezed around his cock.
Diavolo moved his hand away from your mouth, your moan bouncing off of the walls of the empty room. "Dia, I'm-" You whimpered out only to be cut off by the demon leaning forward to press his lips to yours.
You walls convulsed, your nails clawing at his shoulder as your orgasm hit you hard. Your sounds were swallowed by his mouth, his hips rutting against yours faster, pace stuttering a little before he stilled. His cock was buried deep inside of your cunt, tip pushing against your cervix as his cum shot into you, filling your womb and painting your walls. Diavolo pulled away with a small groan, thrusting a few more times to ride out his orgasm before slowly pulling out of you.
Heavy pants escaped the both of you, one of your hands reaching up to tangle itself in his red hair. The prince looked down, letting out a small sigh in bliss as he adjusted your panties, not wanting his hard work to go to waste and leak out of you. You shuddered a bit, batting your lashes at him as he pressed his forehead against yours. "I love you," He said softly, hand grasping yours and intertwining your fingers with his.
With a smile, you let out a small chuckle in response and pecked him gently on the lips. "I love you too."
It'd been roughly a month since you'd left his realm. Diavolo probably cried the most when you left, and he'd been longing for you ever since he saw you go. His bed felt a lot bigger now, a lot emptier. He'd find himself texting your D.D.D. only to realize you don't have access to it.
He missed you so much.
"My Lord," Barbatos entered his room with a small smile on his face. "Solomon is requesting your presence. He says he has a message from MC."
This was probably the best thing he could've hoped for.
A message from you?
What did you have to say? Were you going to regale him with what you've done so far in the Human Realm through the sorcerer?
Maybe he'd get to hear how much you missed him too.
"Solomon!" He greeted as he walked into the room, embracing the white-haired sorcerer and patting him on the back. "It's great to see you! How have you been?"
The sorcerer smiled. "I've been well. How about you, Lord?"
Diavolo chuckled. "Well, I've been better. I honestly never thought I'd be so clingy. Speaking of which, how has MC been doing?"
He saw Solomon's expression change and raised a brow in confusion. "That's what I wanted to speak with you about."
The two sat down at a table, Barbatos setting down two cups of tea before them. "Ah, how do I say this?" Solomon murmured out, eyes casting down to the drink before him.
Diavolo took a sip of the tea, setting it down and looking at Solomon with stern eyes. "Is something wrong?" He asked, earning a hesitant glance from the sorcerer.
"Well, for starters... MC, she's pregnant."
Diavolo felt the world freeze around him. He paused, eyes shot wide open.
MC was pregnant.
With his child.
A wide smile formed on his face. "Pregnant?! With my child?!" He laughed a little bit in pure joy at the thought. Diavolo could imagine it already. You, him, and your baby. Of course, the two of you had discussed it before. But it was never anything the two of you thoroughly planned for. While it was so sudden, he was excited. "When does she want me to meet with her? Is she here? Does she want me to go up there or shall we bring her to the Devildom? Actually, I don't think she should put herself through all of that work to get down here, I'll visit her myse—" "My Lord," Solomon interrupted him, florentine gaze shifting from the demon to his tea. That's when Diavolo noticed the frown on his face. His brows furrowed in confusion. "She said that... She doesn't want to keep it," Solomon said, taking a sip of his tea.
Diavolo's gaze shifted downward. He was excited, of course, because he thought he was going to have a child. But you don't want to keep it? He was definitely upset, mainly because you made the decision without consulting him. He placed his hands on his face and gently massaged his muscles with a sigh. "I suppose... I don't get a say in this situation. I'm not the one giving birth, so, whatever she wishes to do with her body is completely up to her..." He murmured out quietly. "But I would like to speak with her about it before she commits, if that's possible." Diavolo looked up at Solomon, a glint of desperation in his eyes.
Solomon met his gaze, almost deadpanning as he spoke. "MC doesn't want to see you anymore."
Diavolo's hands clasped together, pressing his forehead against his thumbs at the news. You didn't want to see him anymore? After finding out you were pregnant, he found out you didn't want to keep it, now he finds out you don't want to see him anymore?
There was a silence in the room, Diavolo's demonic aura beginning to slowly become apparent around his figure. "Did she tell you why?" He asked, voice dropping an octave.
Solomon took another quiet sip of his tea before he spoke. "She said... A lot of things. That she didn't want to live in the Devildom, she didn't want to be tied to demons in any way shape or form, et cetera, et cetera." The sorcerer, by this point, had noticed how the demonic aura around Diavolo only got more powerful. More menacing. More angry.
Barbatos placed a hand on Solomon's shoulder, meeting his glance with a smile. "I believe it's time for you to leave, Solomon. Thank you for stopping by."
Once the two left the room, Diavolo's form began to shake and shift. You didn't want to see him anymore? You didn't want any relation with the Devildom whatsoever? Why? Why didn't you tell him this sooner?
Diavolo wanted to get angry. He wanted to throw furniture around the room and break anything he could. He wanted to have an outburst, he wanted to be angry with you.
But he couldn't.
All he could do was sit there, sobbing quietly in his seat.
Where did he go wrong?
After about eight months had passed, Diavolo found himself drowning in work of his own volition. He saw, now, why Lucifer does it. It takes him away from the world, even if it was troublesome or boring, he was focused on something else. Something other than the fact that you and his baby were gone.
As the months passed, the feeling of dread never subsided. It was never easier to handle, it never got better. It was just there. Mocking him. You were present in his mind all the time, fond memories becoming bittersweet, and sweet dreams became nightmares.
On top of that, there was this odd feeling he'd get every now and then. It made the back of his throat tingle, a shiver run down his spine, and his heart swell. Every now and then, it'd trigger a shift to his demon form. There was no pattern, no rhyme, no reason, nothing. The feeling came and went. Sometimes it'd wake him in the middle of the night, sometimes it'd be during the day.
He'd asked the royal physician about these odd occurences, only to be told it may have something to do with his genetics. Given the fact that he did get you pregnant, he could feel the connection between him and the child he'd made. That, or he could be feeling a strong connection with a magical item or relic. This information confused Diavolo because you'd gotten rid of the baby, hadn't you? To this, the physician shrugged.
Diavolo had half a mind of discussing the matter with his father in the Mausoleum, but he'd rather not wake him for such a trivial matter.
He decided that, perhaps because you were once carrying his child, you were the indirect cause.
However, over the next few months, the feeling became more intense. Once he discerned it was coming from the human realm, he'd send demons there to search for whatever it was. If it was a powerful relic, then perhaps it would be a nice asset to the Devildom. If it was you, well, he wasn't exactly prepared for such an outcome. He couldn't say that he wouldn't be overjoyed to hear from you, of course.
"Lord Diavolo," Lucifer spoke up as the last of the student council members left the meeting room. Diavolo looked up at Lucifer with tired eyes. He was emotionally drained from the year he'd had, and it showed. "I spoke with MC when I was in the human realm."
Diavolo perked up a bit at the sound of your name. "MC?" He repeated softly. Lucifer nodded. "It appears that Solomon may have given some false information..." He said softly.
The demon prince was silent for a moment.
"What false information?"
Lucifer deadpanned at the alter in tone. He furrowed his brows upward and let out a sigh. "When I saw MC... She was accompanied by someone..."
Diavolo's demonic aura surrounded him. He'd become less and less emotionally stable since the sorcerer's visit, so his mind immediately went to you and another man. "Someone? A partner?" He asked, fist clenching on the table.
Lucifer shook his head, closing his eyes for a moment. "An infant... No older than three months. She had crimson red hair and eyes that resembled the gold that littered the tips of her black horns and wings." His ruby eyes opened to meet Diavolo's.
"You mean to tell me..." The red-headed royal trailed off, earning a nod from the Avatar of Pride. "Your daughter lives, my Lord."
Diavolo placed a hand over his face, trying to stop himself from breaking down then and there. He was overwhelmed with so many emotions at once. You decided to keep it? Then why did you say you were going to get rid of it?
"However," Lucifer continued, Diavolo moving his hand so he could look at the sin before him. "MC expressed that she was unaware of what the sorcerer told you. That it was not her original message. I would suggest—" "We'll discuss the topic of Solomon at a later date, Lucifer." Diavolo interrupted him. "If Solomon lied, we need to find out why. But right now, I need to prepare."
Lucifer raised a brow. "Prepare for what, my Lord?"
Diavolo glanced up at the ceiling, taking in a deep breath before sighing heavily.
"For my trip to the human realm. I need to confirm something."
"My Lord," Barbatos called out to him, knocking on Diavolo's door. He looked up at the door, holding Selene close to him instinctively. "MC is awake."
Barbatos led the demon prince down the hallway, the red-head supporting Selene's head so she could look around the castle. He smiled at her curious eyes, gently cooing at her. The door to the room you were residing in opened, and you were sat up in the bed.
Immediately your eyes widened as you saw him and Selene. "She's okay," You said in relief. Diavolo looked up at you and nodded with a small, bitter smile on his face. "I can take her," You said softly, assuming that Diavolo wouldn't want to burden himself with the bundle of joy you assumed he didn't want in the first place.
Diavolo paused at the side of your bed, the door closing behind him, and Selene reaching out for you. It pained him slightly, but he handed Selene over to you. He thought you looked so pretty holding his child in your arms.
Sitting down beside you, the demon prince remained quiet as you cooed at your baby. Minutes that felt like hours of silence went by, the sound of Selene's little babbling being the only thing that kept the room from being drowned in the quiet and awkward airspace.
"MC," Diavolo spoke softly, eyes meeting yours. Both of you could see the pain in the other's eyes, all of the emotional factors of the past year, and yet, despite all of this, you could make out the glint of love for each other. Love that was thought to be broken. Quietly, Diavolo continued.
"Can we talk?"
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thewickedbohemian · 1 month
Dream Animated Movie Musical Tournament Seed Round Group E
For information on this tournament as well as the seed poll for group A go here
Why these musicals should be animated movies (in my opinion)
Jekyll & Hyde: it's a classic story, its gothic nature would make for a very cool "dark animated movie musical" a la The Hunchback Of Notre Dame and it'd be a lot easier on the actor playing both leads if they didn't have to play them both physically in the movie too
She Loves Me: another one where the musical might be wholesome and old-fashioned enough that I feel like it'd work better as a cartoon especially given there's been at least one live-action movie with its sort of premise that's more famous than the musical
Assassins: given the structure of the show animation (and the stylistic opportunities it presents for things that'd break the budget or be impossible in live-action) might be the only way to give a movie something that wouldn't just be solved by a pro shot, plus there's recent events for both sides (aka not just the one you're thinking of) that might make an Assassins movie any time in the semi-near future feel "too soon" without the distance it being adult-animation-but-not-in-the-juvenile-way could add
The Book Of Mormon: it makes so many freaking Disney allusions it seems only natural it should get a movie in a similar style (imagine how insane that could make "Spooky Mormon Hell Dream" look) and that could also add room to add some somehow-visually-represented-narrative-bias on behalf of the elders (that gets removed as they have stuff in common with the villagers) or something to account for some of the inaccuracies in the depictions of Uganda that can't just be accounted for by "it's a musical, shut up"
The School Of Rock: not only is this one of the many distance-the-movie-musical-from-the-movie things (don't blame me, blame whoever decides to keep making musicals from movies) but the movie's old enough it could use a fresh coat of paint and with the added young-people-friendliness of it being animated this could be a bona fide phenomenon among a certain crowd of young people (it's just who the hell do you get to voice Dewey that could fill the shoes of both Jack Black and Alex Brightman)
We Will Rock You: (what do you know, back to back "power of rock and roll" musicals) it'd have enough popularity to deserve a movie despite the obscurity of its story due to being a YA dystopian jukebox musical built around Queen songs but why it should be animated is the world it builds might be a little too technically intensive for live-action
Grease: classic musical (even if it might not be as family-friendly as you remember) but A. many people have kinda thought in hindsight some of the cast of the original movie were not as great a singer as the movie wants you to think they are and B. the movie leaves a lot about the musical on the proverbial cutting room floor and a new take could be a little more faithful
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bluejaybytes · 2 months
calliope :]
👕 1, 11, 16 / 📦 3, 8, 14 / 🌤️ 8, 19 / 🤝 14, 15, 20 / 💓 1, 3, 5, 10, 14, 22 / 🎲 1, 3, 4, 9, 10
DAMN !! If I missed or forgot any... oh well
👕 1. What is your character's favorite physical trait they possess?
Probably their hair honestly... Not many settlements have major surface dwellings nowadays, a lot of the largest settlements have no residential living on the surface at all, so the intense sunbleaching at the tips of Cal's hair is a little remnant of their home that they can still carry with them
👕 11. Is your character's favorite color a color they wear often?
Kind of, but frankly I just don't think Cal's ever really put serious thought into what he'd call his "favorite" color. He likes rich copper and brown tones and that's what he tends to wear the most, though that's just because it's less expensive to get undyed leather clothing over dyed. If he really thought about it he'd probably go with dark blue as his favorite color though, and that's not something he really has things to wear in those shades.
👕 16. Is your character's appearance more telling or deceiving?
Telling, he's very typical with his attire. His job is quite physically demanding and needs a lot of different gear to do well, and he's just generally quite a practical person, so his clothes are very indicative of that, he's fully geared up to go into lesser explored caverns in the search of scrap metal and haul it out to be sold. Even things like his aforementioned sunbleached hair are quite indicative of his background, his hair and his general discomfort in larger settlements makes it clear he's from not just a surface settlement, but clearly one that wasn't just an add-on to a larger cavern settlement
📦 3. What type of object is likely to catch your character's attention?
The cop-out answer is "lanterns", as they're incredibly knowledge on the lantern robots and wants to find one in good enough shape to boot up. However that's literally the entire catalyst of the plot, and I feel like this question is meant for more nitty gritty answers, so I'd say basically any type of little mechanical trinkets. They like to take things apart and put them back together to see how they work, so they'll frequently keep any little mechanical bits from the scrap metal they bring back if it's something they think could be neat to tinker with, and like, semi-broken childrens toys that need a mechanism replaced and so forth. They simply enjoy taking things apart and putting them back together again
📦 8. What would it take for your character to give up an item they really like?
A lot, but frankly that's just because he doesn't... have much he really likes in terms of personal items. He tends not to stick around in one place too often, so everything he carries with him are things that are necessary for the job. Most little things he finds and likes enough to keep with him only stay for small portions of time before he drops them off with his scrap metal at whatever trading post he's frequenting for the few months he's there. For something to mean enough to him it'd take more than just a few bucks to give up, it'd have to really mean something, and at that point he wouldn't give it up at all.
📦 14. Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want?
Ehh, not really? Again, partly just because they don't have any central home or anything, there's nowhere they'd keep anything that was just owned for the sake of having it. They'd like nicer gear, but that's not something embarrassing or something they'd avoid admitting, their job just has a lot of wear and tear and are always in need of fixing or getting new gear.
🌤️8. What type of environment does your character like best?
Hot and dry. As much as they're well experienced with the typical upper caverns atmosphere, and as much as they have to be completely decked head to toe in clothing to prevent insane sunburns due to the thin atmosphere, they just enjoy the blistering surface heat. While air does move in the caverns, enough to cause dust storms even (Though that's only because of human interference, as cavern settlements only started to get big once they figured out how to pump large quantities of air into the caverns to make them more sustainable, and in the process caused cavern dust storms), more often than not Cal feels as though the cavern atmopshere is just... stagnant. And they really hate that feeling
🌤️19. What animal would your character say best represents them?
In-universe, I have no idea what the sort of local fauna would actually look like, but if Cal was choosing a regular real life animal, they'd probably say a vulture of some kind. They'd like the idea of being a bird, and they'd relate to vultures being a scavenger to survive. Also, vultures just look cool, and I think they'd appreciate that
🤝14. Who would your character say knows them best?
Juno, though to be fair, no one really knows them, including Juno. They're generally not super chatty as a whole, given the solitary nature of their work, and their constant desire to not stay in one place for too long, so even the people they do interact with on a more regular basis, they tend not to really talk much or talk about themselves basically at all. Most personal questions are brushed off dismissively, they'd rather not share much. Juno's the one who knows them best in large part because she's just... someone who's been around them longer. Even though they've known each other for a relatively short amount of time, only a few months, that's a few months of direct contact with each other, as compared to just a few passing conversations as Calliope leaves and returns from scavenging trips.
🤝15. Is there a person your character would turn to for backup in a fight?
Not at all. Technically the answer could be Juno, but Juno, as much as she's like 400 pounds of pure metal and, assuming she's aware a fight's about to happen, could win without much trouble, she's just not a fighter. Neither is Calliope however, so the issue of needing backup for a fight isn't ever an issue, Cal is a chronic conflict avoider, while they're not a pushover, they're also not afraid to just quiet down and allow people to just be wrong about things, unless it's something they're directly morally opinionated on.
🤝20. What would it take for your character to get into a fight?
If you can't tell I am not reading the questions ahead of time, but it takes a lot to get Cal into any sort of fight, even just verbal. The closest to "fight" they tend to get is haggling with people at trading posts, as they know the worth of the scrap they're bringing in and aren't about to let themselves get taken advantage by buyers who want to resell for a major profit while giving them crumbs. Even then, there's a big enough market for scrap metal that if someone's being really aggressive, Cal can just pack up and go find a different buyer rather than get into a fight.
💓1. What is a habit your character has that others might find cute?
Probably the aforementioned tinkering with small items. It's a bit of an acquired taste to find cute, but especially when they're doing something like repairing a childrens toy that broke, it can very much come off as endearing. Juno finds it cute at least, though, to be fair, Juno finds a lot of things cute, as at her heart she is a people watcher and enjoys seeing the little habits and quirks people have that make them individuals.
💓3. Is your character more prone to fight or flight?
Neither, freeze! They're confident enough in their work that even when something does go wrong while caving, they're able to keep a level head and get out safely, but on the rare occasion they're in an outright panic, their response is to just. Stand and watch it unfold, as much as they want to give in to flight instead.
💓5. Which does your character try to prioritize more, work or hobbies?
Work is his hobby. Ultimately, he's not employed, the closest he gets is the very occasional contract work when a mining crew has had a robot fail down in the mines and needs people to fish it out, so he can determine his hours each day, but he actually does enjoy a decent bit of his job. Hauling the scrap back and forth sucks, but finding it, being able to learn about the machines he finds and try and figure out what happened to cause it to end up there, it's all endlessly fascinating to him. That said he absolutely needs more hobbies than this, but as it stands he doesn't have any
💓10. Is your character a light, medium or heavy sleeper?
Very heavy. When they're asleep they're dead to the world. Juno basically has her fans running at all times and Cal still sleeps DIRECTLY next to her. The caverns could collapse around them and they'd still be passed out
💓14. Is there a secret thing your character longs to hear?
He'd like to hear that what happened to his family wasn't his fault, and that what happened to the lantern robots wasn't all what it seemed. While he's objectively correct in the second one, he's right and will be proven right, as much as he wants to hear that he wasn't at fault for the sinkhole, he wouldn't accept anyone saying it even if they did. He knows the truth of the matter, that his action of trying to make a "better" lantern to prove the robots were worth keeping around, caused the worms to burrow beneath the settlement and cause the cave-in, and as much as he wants forgiveness, there's no one left to forgive him but himself, which he doesn't think he'll ever actually be able to do.
💓22. Does your character have a high pain tolerance?
Quite, but he doesn't realize it's as high as it is. Part of it is the callouses, scrap metal salvaging is very physically demanding and requires a lot of caving, and frequently in abandoned mines with no upkeep to the structures that make it easier to traverse, so his hands are very calloused from just handling the rough rock walls all day every day for the past 20 years, but even beyond that, he's very much not someone who wants to let others know when he's in pain, and has therefore trained himself to have a very decently high pain tolerance.
🎲 1. What kind of games does your character most enjoy playing?
They wouldn't really play much, but I think they'd actually get good fun out of some really obscure card games that used to be popular but now only exist in niche communities, things they would've picked up from their family. While they haven't played in years, once they're on the road with Juno, they're able to teach her the rules and get her to play, to which she routinely loses but is so animated and excitable when she plays that frankly, regardless of the outcome, Cal just likes watching her reactions. Despite literally having a screen she can willingly not display things on, Juno can not win at any games that involve having to read another players body language, as Cal has been practicing their poker face for the past 20 years and Juno is the most emotive robot on the place of the planet
🎲3. What is a talent your character wishes they had?
Sewing of any kind. They can do basic repairs, new clothing is expensive and while scrap metal salvaging pays well enough that they can replace their clothes on a semi-decent basis, it's still way more cost efficient to patch things up themselves, and while they can do simple repairs, anything bigger than "small hole" means they need to just straight up replace it. Also, it fits in with their desire to take things apart and put them back together again. They'd go absolutely wild if they owned a seam ripper and the ability to actually do more complex hand sewing well
🎲 4. Is there an activity your character used to enjoy that they now dislike?
Not anymore, really. Tinkering was actually that for a long time after the disaster in their hometown, any sort of messing with mechanics, even small things that wouldn't ever have any impact on anything, was just a sickening reminder of what they did and what happened to their family. Even after they were able to start tinkering again, it was still not a fun task for them, it was out of a perceived necessity to stop even the risk of making mistakes like that again, they had to learn how to take things apart and put them back together safely. But luckily, over the decades, while they're still carrying the burden of their own trauma from everything, they are able to genuinely enjoy just taking things apart to see how they work again
🎲9. What is a topic your character would be excited to talk about? 
Robots. Similar to how tinkering went from something they enjoyed, to being too wracked with grief, to being a response to that grief, to finally being a passion again, his passion for robots in practically all facets went through the same process. He enjoyed learning about them as a kid and seeing the lanterns be built by hand by his family and friends, then being reminded of his loss at even the thought of them, then trying to learn as much as he could to prevent another disaster, and then being able to finally get back to just genuine love for the subject. He's actually disliked by a few of the trading posts salesmen regulars, because he'll unprompted inform them when a trade they've made for some expensive scrap was actually from a different model of robot than they were told, and is actually worth way less and that the person who sold it to them must've been a real amateur for making a mistake like that. He is then banned from commenting on past scrap deals at the booth ever again
🎲10. Is there a skill your character doesn’t know they’re bad at?
Honestly, not really? Cal's pretty humble about things they don't know, they're much more likely to underplay their skills in certain areas (Though not too much most of the time), and because of how little they do outside of work (Though, to be fair, their work has many many facets, there's a lot that goes into scrap metal salvaging at the degree to which Cal does it, so it's a wide breadth of skills that they have even with that being their main thing they do), there's not much for them to be bad at unknowingly.
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companionwolf · 11 months
Summary: After escaping Emmett's apartment and the cops, Jacob finally wakes up. Happens sometime during the night/early hours.
CW/TWs: None
Jacob comes to consciousness slowly.
Initially, there's just the pain - it's all over his body, down to his bones. His head throbs intensely, and he's not even opened his eyes yet.
Jacob sinks back down to a semi-awake state, the world going fuzzy further as his brain decides he's not there and because of that, there is no pain.
He drifts for a while in that place, vaguely aware of the sounds of someone moving around the room. Is he at a hospital? That'd make sense.
When Jacob rises again to full consciousness, the pain is there still, but he grits his teeth and forces himself to stay present, fingers gripping the sheets of the bed so tight his knuckles go white--
Wait, he's in a bed?
It doesn't feel like a hospital bed. There's too many pillows, for one thing. He tries to move and instantly regrets it; it sends fire across his self, his right leg and left arm and chest burning particularly bright. Fuck, ow.
Jacob opens his eyes.
The lights are off save the one over the sinks in the bathroom area to the far left end of the motel room. This isn't his room; his is...nicer. He glances around; Jean is sleeping in a chair near the door. The woman from the apartment is in the other bed, still out. Joy is asleep on the floor.
And Jay? Where is Jay?
The sound of running water -- Jacob looks toward it. Jay's by the sink, filling a flimsy paper cup and pouring out some kind of medication from a bottle onto the counter. They leave the light on as they come over to sit on the end of Jacob's bed, carrying the water and 2 pills.
"You're up," they say quietly, glancing Jacob up and down. "Was getting worried you might not."
"I think I got hit by a truck," Jacob says.
"From what we can put together, you did something equivalent," the other agent says.
And Jacob remembers. At least a little.
The cops downstairs, him trying to follow the others but tripping over a floorboard. Deciding that the window was the best action, charging right through it -- he remembers glass breaking. Then things get fuzzy. Sensation of falling? Then nothing.
Wait, there's something else, he remembers. Yellow mucus? Yellow something. Something in the tank moving. The sense of vindication.
"You got lucky," Jay goes on. "You could have died, you realize that?"
"There was a fish tank," Jacob says.
Jay frowns. "What?"
"Upstairs, in that room with the photos," he says. "We didn't see it before in the dark but when I fell, I did, because of my flashlight."
Jay doesn't say anything for a minute.
Then: "Sure." They don't sound convinced. Jacob pouts at them.
"I'm being serious!" he says.
Jay hands him the water and pills.
"This is all we've got," they say. "Take it. Might help."
He struggles with the water, so much he nearly drops it. Jay takes it back as he puts the pills in his mouth. Then, the other agent holds the water to his lips, helping him drink. He shudders at the bitter aftertaste as the pills go down.
"How do you feel?" asks Jay, pulling away from him when they're sure the pills are swallowed.
"Take a wild fucking guess," Jacob answers.
Jay snorts. "Yeah, stupid question," they say. They stretch, arms above their head, and then stop, wincing hard, a hand going to press against their back.
Jacob frowns at them. "You okay?"
"After your stunt we pulled one of our own," Jay explains. "Took out the two cops in the place. One of them shot me. It's fine-- Jean fixed it."
A pause.
"I'm glad you missed it," they add on. "I don't think you'd, uh, have handled it very well."
"What do you mean?"
"You're not as quite ... ready for that kinda thing," Jay says. "Killing people, I mean. We did that. Well, Jean and Joy did. I tried my best, didn't get very far."
Jacob is quiet.
Then: "You know you coulda just left." The words ache more than he does. Someone in him wails. But it's true. Maybe it'd even been better. Why did they stay? They could have left. He'd have been okay. Somehow.
The other agent stares at him. "Jacob," they say slowly, "you and I both know that would have been a worse idea."
"But you guys got hurt," he says.
Jay shrugs. "It's part of the job," they say. "You should try to reconcile with that sooner rather than later. That and the murder aspect of this."
"...Right," Jacob says. His voice is pained.
Jay sighs at him. There's that weird look on their face again. Jacob can't understand it -- there's annoyance, but it isn't mean. More than that, there's... he doesn't know what it is, but it's almost soft.
"Go back to sleep," they say. "I'm on watch."
"Are we in danger?"
Jay hesitates just a bit too long before answering, "No. We're safe here."
Jacob doesn't really trust that, with the way the other paused. He glances down at his own aching form. "Shit, that hurts."
"You broke a couple things," Jay says.
"Jean set them?"
Jay nods.
"Damn," says Jacob. "I'll make sure to thank them. Beats having a giant hospital bill."
Jay shakes their head. "Couldn't have gone there even if we wanted," they say, and then stop.
Jacob frowns at them. "I mean, I think I get why," he says, "but Jay, is something else wrong?"
"No, it's fine," Jay says. They don't look at him.
Jacob wants to argue, to press, but he hurts.
He lets himself sink further into the bed. "Did we ever figure out the thud?" he asks after a minute.
Jay shakes their head again. "Didn't find Sunday's thing either," they say, sounding frustrated. "Too busy dealing with the cops."
"All we got are those photos, then."
"Yeah," Jay says. "And I guess your claim there's a fish tank in there, but I'm not sure that's real."
Jacob wants to cross his arms, can't. "I did see it!" It's almost a whine. "It had yellow stuff in it."
The other agent raises a eyebrow.
"Yellow stuff," they repeat. "Interesting." They're still unconvinced, and it's obvious by their voice.
Jacob's too tired and in too much to fight them on this one. "Are you sure you're okay to do this by yourself? Keeping watch?" he asks instead.
"I appreciate the concern, but it's not an issue," Jay says. "It'd do you better to get some more rest."
Jacob shuts his eyes, instinctively peels a little away from his body into his head; the pain dulls. That's a lot better.
"Goodnight," he mumbles. "Wake me up if something happens. I'll try to help."
"Of course," Jay says, sounding amused. "I will."
It's been a long day, Jacob thinks wearily. But they're all here and alive. That's something, right? That they got the photos and the woman out alive and none of the agents died there.
It has to be enough.
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naturally-impure · 2 years
Lingerie | Kim Namjoon
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Pairing: Namjoon x you
Length: Oneshot
Genre: Smut-ish (18+)
Warning: sexual context, foreplay
Synopsis: namjoon’s reaction to you wearing lingerie for the first time
By the time Namjoon got home, you had pretty much forgotten that you had a plan in the first place.
He removed his shoes after closing the door behind him, his hoodie hanging over his forearm and an expression of exhaustion plastered all over his face.
"Hi, baby," He called, only slightly aware of your silhouette coming out of the kitchen and into the living room. "How was your day?"
Now, you see, your day had two main parts.
The first (the usual one), was the part that started as soon as your boyfriend left for work, and you made your unceremonious walk towards the kitchen table, where you proceeded to work yourself.
There was still plenty of research and paperwork to be done before you could really get started with your new career pathway, so you were pretty busy with that. Until you weren’t.
Which leads to the second part of your day: the scheming one.
The white, flowy mesh and lace babydoll kind.
You had never really... dressed... this way for Namjoon before, so picking something that would specifically appeal to his taste was entirely new ground.
Your boyfriend had a soft spot for your innocence, the naivety and submissiveness that you let him play with when you were together.
You weren’t completely sure what kind of intense reaction that type of behavior unleashed in his brain, but you knew if you were going for any sort of style, it'd have to be that.
So, you had gone out and bought yourself your very first set, matched with some semi-transparent thigh high socks that you knew he would love. Cover all that up with a loose, satin robe, and you were ready to go.
It was a perfect plan.
Only, you forgot about it.
"It was productive! Finally finished up that paperwork with my boss," You responded, placing your mug of tea on the table before throwing yourself on the couch. "And yours?"
Namjoon hadn't really looked at you yet, instead fighting to hang his bag on the hook next to the door. "It was good, actually. The resource manager said he had some good news for me."
Your eyes lit up. "That equipment you've been waiting for?"
He sighed. "Maybe, I don't know. I know it's in high demand and it's made all the way across the world. I should've put in that order way earlier, but maybe he'll ju— w-what are you wearing?"
You paused, looking down at yourself. Oh. Yeah.
You had forgotten about that. Or, rather, you forgot about the very important part of your plan that included a robe — because your very transparent, very exposed cleavage was staring you right in the face.
You tried to keep yourself composed.
"It's new, do you like it?" You smiled sweetly, adjusting the fabric to show off the way it swished so gently. It exposed your breasts, made Namjoon clench his jaw at the sight. "Namjoonie?"
You watched as he blinked his way back into reality, taking a hesitant step towards you. You wanted to equal parts smile at being able to recover your plan and cower at the look he was sending you.
You pouted, hand slithering down to the level of your torso so you could trail your fingertips along the intricate design that tightened your waistline. "You don't like it?"
The innocent inflection of your voice made his eyes snap up to yours, something dark starting to swim on the bottom of his irises.
"I bought it just for you. Wanted to surprise you." You pulled at the socks that made him want to bury his face between your thighs. Namjoon took another step in your direction. "If you want, I can change into something else."
Just like magic, his expression of exhaustion had been casted away, replaced by one of sheer, unshakable lust. Your breath almost got stuck in your throat as he placed his hands inside the pockets of his pants and took a few silent steps towards the couch.
"Don't," he spoke up. His voice was deep and velvety, shot straight down to your core. "You look beautiful."
Namjoon's large hand cupped your cheek, and you leaned into his warm touch. His calm disposition was a threatening thing, it got you on edge as his gaze trailed down to your lips; your breasts; your thighs. He hummed.
"My gorgeous girl."
"Thank you." You said promptly. His eyes were back on you in no time, thumb caressing your bottom lip. "Kiss, please?”
His hand brushed down your face, moving onto your neck. He sat down next to you; Namjoon was thinking of what to do to you, and you were kind enough to wait.
"Does my baby want a kiss?" He asked and you nodded. "Come sit on my lap, then."
You could barely contain your excitement as you followed his order, one leg moving over his thighs so you could straddle him. He sighed in content as you sat on his erection, which only made the arousal between your legs grow.
"My girl is stunning, isn't she?" He mumbled to himself, hands slowly pulling your straps slightly down your shoulders.
His movements were tender when he pushed your hair away from your face, but you knew there was wickedness hiding in them.
"So eager to please me, you couldn't even wait for me to sit down first." He placed his hands on your waist, pulling your body closer to his. They were a bit firmer than before, spreading goosebumps across your skin as they slithered down your lower back, palming your bottom.
You started playing with the neckline of his shirt, eyes following the movement of your fingers so you could avoid his penetrative gaze. " ‘m sorry."
His finger found the underside of your chin, pushing it up.
"Why are you apologizing?" He asked calmly. His other hand was still firm on your ass, squeezing the flesh. "I'm not mad. You have no idea how much how I love this."
His words were suffocating you, earning a timid roll of your hips against his hard member. Your underwear was absolutely soaked and you could barely think straight.
"I want you," was what you managed to get out.
"I know," Namjoon said, his tone so nonchalant, so passive. His knuckles brushed tenderly against your cheek, a sly smile curling up on his lips. "Kiss me."
Obedient, you leaned in and trapped his mouth in yours. It was a different world when Namjoon was in this headspace — often, he would kiss you so eagerly, so hungry for more, but, now, his mouth was firm and patient; a hum melting past his throat, silently daring you to try harder.
Namjoon's hands had traveled downwards and were now tugging at your panties, pulling them up and burying them between your asschecks. It made your back arch; there was a slight pressure on your clit that had you grinding down on his cock.
He chuckled at that, sucking on your tongue as one of his hands slithered beneath your panties, harshly groping your ass.
Breathless and completely overwhelmed, you could only watch as Namjoon tilted his head to the side and asked, "What did I do to deserve this?"
"Nothing." You responded firmly, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Nothing?" He repeated, reaching up to run his fingers through your hair briefly. "So I get to see you just like this, unwrap you like my own little present, without having to do anything?"
You hummed, nodding eagerly. "I did it all for you!"
"All for me." Namjoon said simply. He raised an eyebrow. "I like the sound of that."
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
I really loved your dates with the boys and how attractions/entertainment are in devildom! The semi twisted and sinister aspects were great! How do you think idol concerts are in devildom? If you don't mind. I imagine they'd kinda be like the rock concert in barabto's date. Though maybe it'd be less "intense"? If that makes sense. Though maybe the concerts consist of the idols beating up demons that try and crawl on the stage with them? Thank you very much!
Thank you!! We're glad people enjoyed our Devildom date ideas!!
It's not exactly less intense than a Devildom metal fest ... just a different kind of intense.
The idols' costume design always incorporates their demon parts so it's almost hard to tell where the costume ends and the demon begins, and they also use their powers to transform the costumes throughout the show, such as setting them on fire, or tearing them apart to magically unfold into new configurations.
The sets have pyrotechnics like you've never seen, with volcano demons in charge of all the lighting design.
For the stage itself, there's a ring of spikes and flames surrounding the base of the platform, along with an invisible barrier all around, to discourage anyone from trying to get on.
The stage also flies around, so no matter what seats you get, you'll be close at some point or another -- though of course the best seats get the most time up close.
There are special side stages too that also fly around, which require tickets that cost extra, but concertgoers can ride on them for a few minutes as a big space to dance along.
Devildom idol groups are also of course famous for their dances, and the idol dance moves incorporate the members' demon parts and powers in all kinds of ways -- wing flicks, tail choreography, fire shooting from their limbs, or sending blood spilling out of the stage with each stomp.
(Outside of concerts, they also post "simplified" dance videos online, which are the base moves without their specific demon parts/powers, so that all fans can follow along.)
If you're willing to shell out a lot of Grimm, the VIP packages are really special too -- meet & greet, handshake event, limited edition moving photo posters, a couple dance stage tickets, and special fancy glowsticks that explode with glow-in-the-dark acid at the end of the concert.
Handshake events are also not just simple human-style handshakes, but rather involve the idols burning some special kind of mark onto the receiver, which can be anything from their group's logo, their personal sigil, their lip mark, etc.
Also this is the Devildom, so none of that faux purity, no-dating shit - the groups can have relationships or act sexual if they fucking want to.
As it turns out, BABYMETAL is actually just a Devildom idol group disguising themselves as humans, so you can watch this for a toned down Devildom idol concert experience (big warning for flashing/strobe effects)
Now, please just imagine Leviathan arriving home, still on a high from the concert and just drenched in blood, spattered with glow-in-the-dark acid, and covered in temporary burn mark sigils. :) You're welcome.
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linddzz · 5 years
out of curiosity, how dark is your natural hair color? i have really dark (like almost black) brown hair and i would love to dye it fun colors but i’m scared of bleach and also that stuff like overtone won’t work
Alright I turned this into a general OverTone review so here we go.
I'd say a warm medium/dark brown? Here's an old selfie that shows it pretty well
Tumblr media
For Overtone it definitely depends on how long you leave it in. When I did the rose gold the first time I did the recommended 10-15min and it gave a very subtle rosy color that showed up in the right light. I did it again for an hour and got the more noticeable rose color in the selfies I posted a couple weeks ago.
For the purple I went into a reading hyperfocus state and time stopped but I think it was uuuuhhhh probably two hours??????? As with other colors on dark hair it depends on light. Right now its anywhere from almost black-purple to full on violet.
Honestly their website has been pretty accurate on what results to expect. If I did less marinating it'd probably be more of the subtle hints that I expected.
My main complaint is it doesnt last long. And to Overtone's credit they do make it clear that it's temporary to semi-permanent depending on your hair or washing regimen. Without using their daily conditioner the rose gold was still there but waayyy less intense within just a week. I just got the rose conditioner and the bottle's smaller than I expected and depending on how long it lasts I may decide it's not enough bang for the buck because it ain't cheap.
So tldr review
Pros: left hair super soft, doesnt mess up curls/waves, forgetting it's on wont do any damage and it does leave noticeable color deposits on darker hair, seems to do what they say it'll do
Cons: the purple didnt take much to do all my hair but I felt like I had to use almost half the rose gold in one go, will fade within a few weeks if you dont use their daily conditioner, shit ain't cheap, their dark hair color line is limited (tho it looks like they keep adding stuff to it)
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animentality · 6 years
Aquaman was so much fucking fun.
I can't say it's my favorite movie of the year because I literally saw Spider-Man last week, and it'd be a dirty lie.
But it was insanely fun, and here's why:
- Jason Momoa is just such a fun loving roguish aquaman. He's a rough and tumble brawler with a good sense of humor and a kind heart despite the exterior. He was so funny and had such good comedic timing.
- Atlantis was really gorgeous. I was worried the cgi would be too much for me and be oversaturated or look really hokey, but it was actually really breathtakingly detailed. Atlantis really felt like a place like wakanda, this semi realistic but obviously sci fantasy world where advanced civilizations live. Adored all the giant sea animal mounts as well.
- I loved the Kingdom of the deep, kingdom of the.....ER, crabs?, and the ring of fire. Very creative locations and it felt like the movie emphasized how large the world at the bottom of the ocean was.
- I also loved the seven kingdoms, especially the trench. Very unnerving.
- I loved Julie Andrews. And the Karathen. Just so cool looking and the scene was so appropriately dark.
- loved the fight scenes, they felt pretty intense. A little generic at times but the actors I think gave it an extra intensity that made it more interesting. Jason Momoa looks so damn good when he's kicking ass and taking a beating.
- I thought the plot was maybe a little lacking at parts but it was a strong enough adventure plot and honestly the visuals and action made up for it.
- and I really loved the cheese. Yes, a lot of the costumes were dopey looking. yes Jason Momoa Dons the more dorky aquaman suit. And yet. It somehow still works. It was great.
It wasn't my favorite movie ever but yes.
It was incredibly fun.
I wasn't bored for one second and I was genuinely laughing and smiling through most of Aquaman's antics and feeling the occasional emotional pang for his troubles.
Great movie, I'd give it an 87.
On my own personal scale of enjoyment. For everyone else, I'm pretty sure y'all would enjoy it as an over 90 percent.
I'm really a little surprised at the rotten tomatoes rating but...it's actually not that bad compared to most dc movies so...good work, boys.
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