#it'd make sensory issues more manageable like.
sharkboywrites · 11 months
HIII If you're accepting requests rn I'd love to ask for something done! Floyd leech x autistic (preferably trans, but it's okay if not as well!) male reader! basically I'd love for my fave character to comfort me lol,,, Like... bodily affirmations, squeezes, lots of sweet kisses... maybe some crying... Idk!! just go with whatever comes to mind! (sorry if too vauge, I feel sooo braindead rn XD)
yah ty if you get around to this!!! it'd make my days so much better, I've already read all the stuff in the floyd x male reader tags so I'm feeling so deprived of good n' comforting content aughhh....
Bad Days
Floyd x autistic trans male reader
A/N: So funny thing I wrote like half of this and then my app reset so I have to rewrite almost I’ll of it :,) but anyways this is also kinda a comfort fic for me because I’ve been dealing with a lot of sensory issues and transphobia lately , along with being borderline denied an autism assessment so this is a fic for both of us anon
Trans male reader, autistic reader, dysphoria, sensory issues, autism meltdown, non sexual nudity
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Days like these are tough. From the moment you woke up you could tell that something was wrong. It starts with the clothes. The shirt and jacket just feel wrong.
But there’s nothing else to wear so… you wear it. Then it gets worse in class. The temperature is just too much, and it makes your clothes feel so much worse, like you want to just scratch at your skin until the feeling stopped.
The noises the people make around you are unbearable. The gum chewing, the lip smacking, all of it is just to much. It makes you want to tear your hair out and rip your ears off.
The lights are too bright and everyone is just so loud, it’s starting to feel like your getting a migraine, like you just can’t take it anymore and start screaming at any moment.
And of course somehow these feelings just make you more aware of your body. You’re suddenly hyper aware of your chest, your waist, your face, even your voice. It’s all too much.
Luckily, when you first came to Night Raven Colege, you thought ahead about this. It was important for your teachers to understand your situation, diagnosis or not.
Crewel was aware of your situation, and with one look you’re able to slip out of class. You rush back to your dorm as quickly as possible, suddenly grateful that classes were going on so nobody could see you. You can’t help the whines that slip from your throat as you desperately try to hold yourself back from completely breaking down into a mess of screams and cries.
You’re able to quickly make it back to your dorm, locking yourself in your room and throwing off your uniform. Sure, being completely naked almost in tears in your dorm room isn’t the most flattering thing, but you just had to get that stupid uniform off.
Rubbing down the worst feeling parts of your body, you’re able to calm down enough to dig out your favorite clothes and throw them back on, even if they not be in the best state. You just need them right now.
Being able to use any type of noise cancelling headphones or earbuds helps calm you down a little bit more. Just having them in, even if you’re not playing anything, it helps get all of the noises from the day out of your head.
A drink of water also helps. In very few gulps you’re able to swallow almost an entire bottle of water. You lay down in your bed, breathing heavily as you start to calms down in a safer environment.
As you lay in bed, you can feel your soft blanket in your feet, rubbing them back in forth to get a nicer sensation than what you were feeling for most of the day.
Taking a few more sips of water, completely finishing off the water bottle, you take your stim toy of choice. You have all of your favorite options thanks to everyone at NRC giving them to you. As you fidget and play one of your favorite videos, you start to think. You managed to slip out of class, and you didn’t even hurt yourself or make a complete mess of your room. At least that’s some progress.
You’re cut off by your thinking by a knock on the door. Not able to form words at the moments, you pull yourself out of bed and peek out of the door.
Standing there is your tall, rather intimating boyfriend.
“Eh? Shirmpy what happened? You just left class so suddenly…”
He has his usual playful drone to his voice, but you can tell the slight hint of concern, a difference you’re sure only you and his brother can notice.
You stay silent, just giving him a pained look and hoping he understand. He does.
“Not talkin’? Alright… you want me to stay?”
You’re able to give him a small nod, and he walks right in and practically jumps onto your bed, making grabby hands at you, his mood doing almost a 180, as he usually does.
You could always depend on Floyd to understand what you’re going through. He also has his fair share of his own mood swings and tantrums, he’s never judge you for your own.
You walk back to bed and slowly slink into his arms, leaning against his chest comfortably. Floyd was somehow never too hot or too cold to cuddle with. He was somehow always the perfect temperature no matter what you were feeling. It almost feels like he knows how to control his own body temperature on purpose.
He squeezes you tight, not as hard as he does when he’s mad at someone or intentionally trying to hurt them, but a real, genuine hug. And it’s perfect. Others would complain that his squeezes are way to tight, but to you it’s perfect. He’s almost like a weighted blanket. You’re glad you make him feel safe enough to hug you as hard as he wants with genuine love.
He snuggle close to you, leaving soft kisses on his he top of your head and cheek, but not anywhere that may be uncomfortable in your overstimulated time. He’s mindful of where exactly he’s touching you, he knows what parts don’t want to be touched in these moments, even the most obscure ones.
As the two of you snuggle and watch whatever you chose to put on, he mutters sweet things to you.
“I love yooou.” “My boyfriend….” “My boy.” “So handsome”
It seems like he’s in a lovey mood now. Even with his sudden switches, he always seems to know the right things that you need to hear. He also checks up on how you’re feeling.
“Are ya comfortable?” “Feelin’ any better?” “Are you too warm?” “Do ya want your stuffed animal?” “Want me to move my arms?”
When you aren’t talking, the both of you are in a comfortable silence. It starts to become hard to keep your eyes open after the day you’ve had combined with the cozy environment with your boyfriend holding you tight.
Eventually, you can’t fight the exhaustion anymore and feel yourself starting to drift. Before you fully fall asleep, you feel a soft kiss on the top of your head and the arms around you squeeze just a bit tighter.
“G’night Shirmpy, sweet dreams…”
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Aaah I love writing comfort fics. Usually my head cannon style posts do better than my actual fics so I guess I’ll see how this goes. Also this is based on my own experience with autism, so if it doesn’t fit you I’m sorry, Ty for reading and have a nice day
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Iz Hands x a reader with sensory issues. Mostly with voice though, not much with texture and other things. Reader is a good fighter and shit, much like Blackbeard, but just can't stand the constant yelling and noise. I just feel like it'd be interesting to explore that. Izzy noticing reader flinching or covering their ears when he yells and feeling bad. He wants to help but doesn't know how. Maybe they talk and Izzy realizes how much the noise effects them and is sort of like "How the fuck did you captain a ship before then" but later tries to make them or get the crew to make them something to block out noise. Sort of the 1700s equivalent to noise cancelling headphones.
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Ship: Izzy Hands x Reader (implied romantic but vague enough to be platonic) Notes: You’re a well known pirate and friend of Ed’s, eager to be along for the ride with this strange new world of his. You're skilled enough that when you suddenly react strangely to Izzy yelling at you. He decides to investigate and then help. Warnings: some descriptions of sensory overload, Izzy being bad at comfort (he’s trying)
Honesty, you’d been doomed to this fate the moment you were on a ship with Izzy yells-as-a-hobby Hands.  The only reason it hadn’t happened already was purely luck. But your luck could only last so long.  
You’d had sensitive hearing your whole life. In all honesty, it was an asset as much as it was a hindrance. After all, no one had  been able to sneak up on you. But most times it was a problem. You never knew why but occasionally sound just became unbearable.  Voices in particular. Sometimes hearing someone yell felt like taking a point blank cannon blast to the head.  Usually you could pretend that none of it bothered you. You had developed an art to hiding your flinches and holding back your reactions during your long and successful pirating career. 
But you couldn’t always manage that.  And currently, you were having an incredibly hard time.
It probably wasn’t actually Izzy that pushed you over the edge. Well, at least not only Izzy. The crew’d had a party the night before to celebrate a really good raid. That alone was a lot. 
And now Izzy was yelling as usual. Your brain was so busy screaming about how loud it was you actually had no idea what he was actually complaining about. Each syllable grated on your mind. You were as tense as a bowstring trying incredibly hard to focus on anything but the sound to no avail. Your hands almost trembled so you let go of the rigging you were trying to redo to try and calm the shaking. 
Everything was so damn loud.
You closed your eyes and tried to focus. No dice. You had to get out of here. 
Maybe you could make up a reason? Maybe you could say you were hungover from last night's party? Or maybe you just weren’t feeling well? Though, both of those excuses were liable to get you yelled at by Izzy Hands for slacking off… Shit.
Maybe you could escape to the stores? When had anyone done inventory last? Or you could climb up to the crows nest? That might be quieter? Maybe-
If you were not as overwhelmed as you were, you would have definitely heard someone getting closer but now, you only realized when a hand grabbed your arm and spun you around. The suddenness of the action did not help your racing mind. Neither did the fact that Izzy Fucking Hands was currently yelling in your face. Your long suffering composure finally broke and you flinched back, clasping your hands over your ears and pulling away. You felt your back hit the railing and your shoulders shaking from gasping. 
Everything was suddenly quiet.
More so than it would be if you had properly covered your ears. Something was up. You peeked your eyes open and saw the whole crew staring at you, dead quiet. Even Izzy, shockingly, had backed up, looking confused at you.
“I-” You managed. “Uh.” You fumbled for words, hands still clasped over your ears. “I’m gonna just go… Yeah.” While everyone was still stunned you booked it, pulling one hand off one of your ears just long enough to open a door and disappear below decks, found a quiet corner and curled up in it. You tried to steady your breathing, hands still covering your ears.
Slowly but surely your mind calmed down. You kept your hands where they were but you were feeling a little less like your head was being ripped in half and your brain finally managed to reboot. You groaned. It had been ages since the last time you slipped up this badly in front of people. At least that time you'd been able to write it off as a symptom of blood loss on account of the hole in your side.  This time? This time, you had no excuse. (Maybe you could go with the ‘pretend to be hungover’ plan and just deal with Izzy’s lecture later…)
Izzy wasn’t able to sneak up on you this time since you weren’t completely out of it. The moment the storeroom door opened you looked over. The moment you noticed him you dropped one of your hands into your lap, trying to play it off like you were leaning your head on the other one. “What do you want?” You tried to imbue your voice with some ‘I’m the captain and you have to listen to me’ energy you usually managed to have but not this time. Your voice came as an exhausted whisper.
Izzy looked very odd, lingering at the door like a nervous shadow. “I-” He started at a slightly louder than speaking noise and you jumped ( your body having apparently completely given up on the fight to stay unnoticed). “I’m sorry… I think.” He finished in a stage whisper.
You raised a brow, both from the strangeness of Izzy being so considerate and the strange phrasing. “You think you’re sorry?” You echoed.
“The boy, Spriggs, said I should apologize.” Izzy elaborated. “Though I’m not sure what for.” A pause. Izzy glanced around and gently closed the door behind him. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Your confusion only intensified. This was very odd for him. Sure the apology was stilted and awkward but it seemed genuine. Izzy Hands genuinely apologizing to you… You never thought you’d see the day… He visibly fumbled for more words so you decided to put him out of his misery. “You don’t need to apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“Look, I’ll tell everyone that you apologized and everything’s all fine. You don't have to do this. I officially accept your not-really-apology for whatever you said.” You commented, chuckling weakly. “You’re free to ditch me.”
“You don’t know what I said?” Izzy looked genuinely baffled.
You shook your head, pulling both hands away from your ears and letting them fall into your lap. “Not a clue. I couldn’t hear you.”
Izzy tilted his head. The gesture looked so odd on him. “Is there something wrong with your ears? Should I get the doctor?”
“No, no. Nothing’s wrong… Well, if there is something wrong it’s been like that my whole life…” Izzy only looked more confused. You considered for a moment. Eh, fuck it. Might as well… “It’s just a thing that happens with me. Sometimes sounds are just…” You motioned vaguely with your hands. “Too loud. Just the yelling and all the noise makes it hard to think.”
“You can’t handle noise?” Izzy asked, still looking disbelieving. You nodded. “Then how the fuck did you captain a ship?” He was clearly still making an attempt to be quiet so his words came out as more of a hiss than a yell.
You shrugged. “I got good at pretending it didn’t bother me. When I was a captain, I could stay in my cabin and avoid most of the noise. Can’t exactly do that anymore, can I?”
“Pretending? So it always bothers you?” 
You nodded. “Yup. Sometimes it’s just too much. With yesterday’s raid and the party… I guess it was a bit much for me. Everything was just too loud. Pretty pathetic huh?” You laughed lightly at yourself. Of course Izzy was going to have a fit over you ditching work for something so stupid.
“Impressive actually.” Izzy stated bluntly 
You did a double take. “What?” If it was supposed to be sarcastic then it was delivered wrong. 
Izzy seemed surprised at your surprise. “What? You work through all that.” You weren’t convinced. Izzy sighed. “You work on a ship full of idiots who won’t do their damn jobs even if you served it to them on one of Bonnet’s stupid fancy plates, and you work through all that shit?”
You couldn’t help the smile. “Was that a compliment you just gave me?” You chuckled. “Who are you and what have you done with Izzy?”
The man rolled his eyes. “Oh fuck off.” His voice was still soft. “Does anyone know?”
You shook your head. “Nope. It’s too easy to exploit in a fight. Don't want to risk it.”
“Not even Ed?”
“No, I think he knows there’s something with me and sound. He’s observant enough but I never told him.” Sure you and Ed had been kind of friends before, for a long time too but before the Revenge, the idea of being allowed to be that vulnerable (even around someone you trusted with your life) felt wrong.  Izzy seemed weirdly stoic for a moment. You wondered how he felt, knowing a secret his captain didn’t. “You can tell him if you’d like. I’m not going to ask you to keep a secret from your captain.” You knew how Izzy’s loyalties lied between you and Ed, but you still didn’t want to put Izzy in an uncomfortable situation because of your screw up.
A moment passed in comfortable silence and you stretched and stood. “Well, back to it…” Izzy held up a hand to stop you from leaving. “What?”
“You’re taking the rest of the day off.” You could tell he meant it as an order even though his voice was still soft. 
“No, no. I can get back to work.” He stared. “Seriously I’m fine. I’ve worked through this sort of thing before.”
Izzy huffed and for a moment you thought he was going to back down but instead. “Take the day off. That’s an order from your first mate.”
You sighed. You weren’t winning this. “You got it, first mate Hands. Don’t hesitate to get me if anything comes up.” He nodded curtly but you doubted he’d get you for anything short of an emergency.  You walked out into the hall towards your cabin. “Also, thank you.” You called over your shoulder. “It was nice of you to come by to check on me, even if it was under duress.” 
“I will take your break back.” Izzy grumbled but you knew it was an empty threat. He’d had to convince you to take the break after all. 
You chuckled. “See you around!”
The day after what you were mentally calling ‘the incident ‘ you came on deck to find nothing unusual. It was quiet, as it usually was. Even back when you were a captain, you always came up on deck early. It was calm and you could get a lot of work done. You waved at Izzy when you came on deck. He returned the wave (after looking behind himself as if he assumed you were waving to someone else).
As the day continued the crew slowly trickled awake. Quite a few people asked if you were “feeling better”. Apparently, Izzy had told everyone you’d had a headache (Sans Ed of course, you caught the slightly concerned looks he gave so, you gave him a thumbs up in return). As soon as the crew was on deck you were already bracing yourself for more yelling. It didn’t take long for someone to piss Izzy off enough. You could see Izzy gearing up for a yelling match while Wee John and Frenchie seemed unimpressed and you were already mentally preparing for the sound. 
It didn’t come.
You heard Izzy instead hiss out a cold “Wait.” at barely above a whisper. Whether it was the unusualness of it all or the serious tone of his voice, they listened. Izzy quickly made his way across the deck to stand at your side. You raised a brow in silent confusion. “Cover your ears.” He mumbled, clearly making an attempt to be quiet. It was strange but you humored him, curious as to what was going on.
As soon as your hands were covering your ears Izzy went back to where he was standing and (after confirming one last time that you had your ears covered) went straight into yelling. 
You assumed he'd drop it after a bit. He was just giving you time to recover. That didn’t happen. Instead it became a part of Izzy’s usual routine. When he was going to start yelling, he'd always let you know, at first he had to run up to you, then later all it took was a glance. The heads up did help quite a bit. 
Of course you couldn’t always cover your ears. Whenever you had your hands full and couldn’t do what the two of you usually did, Izzy would instead switch to whispering his threats, grabbing whoever he was talking to and pulling them close.
“They respond better to it as well.” Izzy confided to you one morning, both of you leaning against the railing, drinking coffee and relaxing after a successful raid.. 
You grinned. “I’ve used that strategy for ages. You’d be surprised how intimidating whispering can be.”
Izzy chuckled lightly. After that he stayed quiet for a long moment. You raised a brow. You could tell he was trying to figure out how to bring something up. You decided to stay quiet and let him organize his thoughts.
You were rewarded for your patience by a jumpscare as Izzy just awkwardly shoved something into your arms. You looked down to see you were holding a box? You looked back at him and raised a brow. “It’s a very nice box…” You commented somewhat cheekily.
Izzy was doing a really good job at not looking at you. His face even looked a little flushed. “Piss off. Just open the damn box before I toss it into the damn ocean.” He mumbled. His tone was nowhere near as harsh as usual. 
You smiled, gently opening the box. Inside were a bunch of small pieces of… You picked one up. It was malleable in your hand. Wax. It was some kind of wax. 
“They're earplugs. Apparently they’re for your ears.” Izzy stated bluntly, answering your unasked question.
“In what way?”
Izzy sighed, seemingly unsure of himself. “You put them in your ears. Got them on the raid. Had a very well stocked clinic.” You nodded, you remembered Roach being excited about it all. “Willing to bet half of that shit was some kind of experimental treatment. Not even Bonnet knew all of them so it’s not just fancy. Saw the surgeon’s log. Apparently they’re designed to protect a soldier's ears when they’re fighting.”
“And you grabbed these for me?” You asked, already smiling, you pulled two pieces out and pocketed the box.
Izzy flushed more. “I- Well…I  thought they’d be most useful to you. So…”
“Thank you.” You placed a hand on his shoulder, you felt the flinch even as he tried to play it off. You immediately moved to pull away but Izzy moved his arm slightly as if to follow so you left your hand there. You’d been working the wax in your hand so it was already soft enough to try. You gently placed one into your ear, switching the hand on Izzy’s shoulder to put in the other. 
It actually… Kind of worked.
“I think they work… Izzy, could you yell for a bit.” Izzy chuckled at the request but he did step back a bit and shout. You could hear him well enough that you knew he was calling your name but the sound wasn’t overpowering like it normally was.
“Holy shit.” You whispered. 
Izzy was quick to rush to your side. “Are you alright? Did it work? I-”
You cut him off by placing a hand on both his shoulders and pulling him into a hug. He fumbled for a moment then shivered but clung to you almost desperately.
“Thank you Izzy. Seriously. It means a lot to me.” You whispered.
As close as you were, you could hear Izzy’s soft, “Of course. I’m glad they help you.” 
You had a few minutes before the crew would come on deck. So you closed your eyes, enjoyed the quiet and stayed where you were until then.
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koscheicore · 13 days
Ranting abt driving, disability, ableism. Use of general "you".
I'm so sick and tired of being "encouraged" everytime the topic of getting a driver's license comes up. Because, I can't drive because of my autism and dissociation... or maybe I could, but the process of learning it is genuinely debilitating both to my mental health and in turn physical health, and to my parents' wallet, since I can't pay it myself. It'd been over 60 practical classes, every single one full of anxiety, every single one in which I dissociated, in which I couldn't pay attention to all the overwhelming stimuli. I gave up, it was too much. Maybe, if it were cheaper, and I had all the time in the world, I could indeed learn it and manage. Or maybe, just maybe, I just can't drive because I am disabled. Not that they test for dissociation or sensory processing and overstimulation issues when you're driving for more than half an hour.
"But nowadays you need a car to work!"
That means the job isn't for people who can't drive.
"What about GETTING to work?"
If you can't get to work in public transport, that means the workplace isn't accessible. If public transport takes significantly longer than a car ride, enough to inconvenience you terribly, which is the usual anyways, that means that the city isn't accessible enough.
Why must people insist on encouraging me every time I say "I can't drive"? Why do they think it's just me not trying hard enough? I tried my hardest every time. I certainly did. It had terrible repercussions on my day to day life to attend those classes. Not to mention, driving IS dangerous, and if I'm impaired to drive, then I just can't. It's not all about "managing my symptoms", even if I could do that, which I'm not sure I can manage them ENOUGH for driving specifically, is it worth it? Is it worth it to invest that much money, to go through genuinely debilitating shit, just to get to work? Yeah, public transport is also debilitating to me, but it's less taxing in the end.
What, is it because I look abled enough? Because I perform well in many other areas? Do you know how much energy it takes to perform well in many of them, that you're not seeing because you don't have my experience? This *insistence* on encouragement doesn't make me feel encouraged, but like a failure, broken, because I am disabled enough to terribly struggle with driving. You are communicating to me that I am not trying hard enough, not that it's understandable that I struggle.
And worst of all is, this isn't even just abled people insisting, it's disabled people too. Yeah I know other autistic people can drive. Yeah I know other people with dissociation can drive. That doesn't mean every single person is disabled in the same way, or same area, or has the same distress tolerance levels.
...So let me decide if I try again at my own pace. I know myself better than you. Disabled people know their disability better than an outsider. If we say we can't why is it so hard to just believe us, why do you act as if we owe you a full length explanation. If you're disabled yourself in any way you should be able to understand this, too.
I want to do an experiment. I'm going to start saying "I want to take care of the environment". See what that does. See how much the reaction changes. It is part of my reason anyways, albeit not the most pressing one, but let's see if people are more sympathetic towards this reason, than towards disabled people taking care of themselves (+ other drivers and pedestrians), or being literally unable to drive. Let's see if in their eyes this is a noble cause, if I'm "trying hard" now. If I'm correct that'll be very telling.
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knarme-stray · 1 month
Top surgery vs. being non-OP thoughts...
cw mentions of eroticicity around breasts
Pros of top surgery;
- never wonder again whether to bind or not, whether to have a bra or not
- i know i regognize myself better from my own image when flat and it'd be a kind of a relief
- the chest weight being removed would be good for my back and posture
Cons of it;
- sadly at my size I know I'll have the most trouble with sensation and bcs that area is so erotic to me, this might be a painful loss to me
- being bad at remembering instructions and having executive dysfunction around many things that'd make the recovery difficult to manage properly
- possible complications or errors of the surgery itself i know i'd develop major body image problems about that could possibly be worse for me than anything I get while having tits
- my already bad dysmorphia issues that i know would get bad with even relatively good looking results of the type of surgery my size requires
- costs big money unless had after official "diagnosis" which means it'll be covered fully
Pros of being non-OP
- A lot of the time I feel that the tits are a part of my genderqueer presentation and I genuinely love it when people think they're hot etc.
- Breasts are erotic asf for me to have even though they make my own image less regognizable to myself
- I feel like I'm wearing fake tits 24/7 and it's kinda fun and sexy sometimes but they're real so I don't need to put them on
- buying pretty bras just for extra care and respect of my body
Cons of being non-OP:
- dysphoria about how I look (not so much about the tactility / how it feels) and the unpleasant sensory struggles with binding at this size
- if there's any situation where i should try to pass as cis man (I don't care to pass as cis for purely personal preference) I simply couldn't, yeah, even when binding, so I can not camouflage as a cis man nor a cis woman to random people's eyes, I'm visibly trans in every situation. I personally want to be this way, but I lack the option of conditional "safety" in stealth or closet.
- I don't regognize myself from how I look with breasts in most attires :/
I don't think my breasts look more unfit to how I feel inside than my entire face does.
We're born wearing random generated flesh suits and most people would probably choose being a literal dragon at any given time anyways.
I have never in my life been able to identify with my physical appearance and it goes way further than only sex characteristics. It even goes into how I don't identify with how humans look and would pick being a wolf or a lion over this shit any day. Tbh chimps aren't bad either so I'd literally return to monke and be happier lol.
Like. I'm just someone who can't even relate to my own body. I think having or not having breasts makes very little difference to how I feel about this.
I wear my -real- "fake tits" with a sense or pride and eroticism about them and feel hot about them while I also can't relate to how they look on me. That is fine.
I can't even relate to my own face and have mental breakdowns over the dysmorphia it gives me!!
So, honestly, those tits are allright. 👍
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hxzelwallflower · 11 months
( @thebigshotman )
✧・゚: All that glitters. - - - - - - - - - -
An accessory of unprecedented value , once a staple in markets and other businesses looking to ride the coat tails of his success . The spherical pair came in many colors during the seventies , but for Darkeners it holds symbolism .
A reminder that everything , is not at it seems .
Bits of code dancing in the corner of her vision , however it's far too late for Eileen to make sense of it . The world slowly began to crumble with gravity following suit , numbers assaulting each lens as her screams are drowned by the infinite white noise . Falling into their world . . . again .
What unforeseen source is responsible has little care towards the brunette's sensory issues , thus depositing her in the middle of town square , where all that stimulation can formulate to an even more deafening sound among various "cungaderos" . The landing , though unceremonious left Eileen with somewhat of a minor concussion . Ears still ringing upon lifting her head , lids fluttering only to find her view painted in similar contrast to the puppet's shades .
❝ Wh─ ?? ❞
Did she pass out walking home from work ? Did something attack her on the way ? Whatever it was her body felt like it'd been hit by a freight train , even after regaining balance . Billboards , cars , newspaper vendors , note of these surroundings are ignored until she turns around . Technicolor hues , illuminated by a familiar face with Benguiat Caslon font . Had that sign always been there ? It's here Eileen attempts to remove her [ DEALMAKERS ] , wanting a better view only to realize they were practically melded to her face . Several tugs ( and curses ) later she surrenders , panic ensuing with the now permanently equipped specs that do little other than make themselves comfy along her bridge .
Something's wrong . The streets are busier than usual , and while she managed to sift through the crowd those same numbers she witnessed to during her free fall begin popping up . Newpapers , ads , even dates plastered outside the establishments all remain the same .
( 1997 )
Only one person knows what that year means . If anyone has answers to what's going on , it's him .
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Te/Se or Se/Te
Hello Charity, 
First of all, congartulations on your book, it was very informative. 
In my workplace we currently have a workshop for us, managers, and MBTI is a strong part of the topic we discuss on it. We needed to make one test (almost everyone got xNxJ type which I highly doubt it'd be accurate), I've always got Entj on those test. I wanted to understand better how my functions interact with each other, because I still not sure if I am Entj or Esfp. I feel like I am not a typical either way. I said I feel like I have stronger Fi, I have a strong sense of self, individualism, I vary deeply about different issues and I have a "No" reaction from nowhere to certain situations. I notice everything that is around me: I notice a new hair color in a person first, a new sound, smell, etc first in the room.  He reject the possibility of Esfp, as in work I use a lot of Te: I am good at organizing, managing task, I am a natural problem solver, a no bs person. But focusing that part of me too much usually stress me out and I tires me very much: I need to recharge when I use it and I don't necessarily like to use it: I need to reward myself with something sensory: clothes, go for a walk, go eat something nice in a restaruant, listen to music, paint, yoga, gym, spa day, anything that stimulates my senses. That always calms me down. The coach we have says I am not that of a party person, a superextroverted natural performer as an Esfps usually are and I am way better in organizing things than an Esfps are, therefore I am an Entj: But aren't just a typical Esfps like that? Can you be an Esfp if you are a good problem solver, have only a few close friends, good with numbers, not a party person? Or is it possible that you feel better from your tert function when you overuse your first one and I am an Entj? 
Thank you in advance. 
You sound like an ESFP. They can competently use Te to get things done, be responsible, and efficient, but they prefer to be "in the world" and engaged with their environment/feelings. You can be an ESFP and hate parties, an ESFP and only have one or two friends, an ESFP who likes to spend time alone, or an organized ESFP. It sounds like using Te is more exhausting to you than it would be for an ENTJ, so you are not an ENTJ. In this instance, I would trust your own sense of yourself as accurate over what the test administrator tells you. :)
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prince-icarus · 3 years
honestly if i could just live my entire life without leaving my house i'd be alright
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mallowstep · 3 years
Please elaborate on that thought because honestly I thought it'd be neat if someone made an au (but is it really?) where Fire's whole line had powers and someone Flamepaw (and/or Finchpaw?) was our Maribel stand-in, fits the future arc well from what we know
i mean yeah sure why not but that has nothing to do w my point. (that said me explaining my point does lead to me making an encanot au casting so...)
not an attack or anything i just want to b clear that me saying "i think the dovewing and dolores comparison people are drawing is unfounded" is not me saying "people should not make encanto aus of warriors" because, as always
fandom is supposed to be fun and people should do whatever sounds fun
sorry, i just don't want anyone to think i'm saying don't do xyz. it's very important to me we all understand we're here to have a good time.
okay, to explain:
dolores is the obvious projection character for sensory issues in encanto because of her power. i don't think i have to explain that.
people tend to dilute dovewing down into sensory issues queen. i also don't think i have to explain that.
this is why people are filling dovewing in as
however, first:
NEITHER of these characters actually have significant sensory issues in canon. i only saw one piece of evidence of this for dolores (she clapped her hands over her ears in a loud scene), and i saw significant amounts of counter-evidence (e.g., she seemed to have some amount of agency over listening in to the guzmán's discussion). since we don't have her pov, we cannot confirm if she has what i'm going to get into for dovewing, but her power seems to be manageable.
dovewing similarly only has one scene that i can remember with actual sensory processing issues. the rest of her issues are the emotional toll of being able to hear what's going on everywhere.
now that's of course not to say that people shouldn't headcanon them as having sensory issues.
i cannot stress enough that people should do whatever they want in fandom
but i want to acknowledge that the reason people compare them is based on headcanons, not their actual character arcs.
dolores is a supporting character, but her arc is about STEPPING INTO ATTENTION. it's about being seen.
dovewing's arc is more complex, because she's a main character, but i think i can boil it down to she's a gifted child---
(pause. no gifted child discourse. you will accept my next sentence at face. "gifted child" refers to the state of being a child who's skilled in one area but not in others and therefore has complex needs which require specialized support to meet.)
---who wasn't given the support she needed, and feels like a failure because of that.
god i tried really hard and i'm just not satisfied with my summary of dovewing's arc, but i'm moving on, because my actual point is,
NEITHER of their character arcs have ANYTHING to do with their powers. and since their powers are the root of their headcanons are the root of this comparison, the fact that their stories don't work becomes blindingly obvious.
like okay. dovepaw steps in as a prophecy cat filling hollyleaf's absence. she therefore is trying to correct a gap she did not create, shouldering immense pressure, despite being kind of anxious and not cut out for it.
who does THAT sound like?
dovewing and antonoio are FAR better parallels because it literally DOES NOT MATTER what their powers are. the point is that they have one, and their predecessors do not.
now if you want to make the story of encanto line up with the story of po3/oots, yeah, you're like, "well, holly NEEDS to be bruno,"
despite the fact that that doesn't make sense because bruno leaves BECAUSE of his powers and holly leaves for reasons that have nothing to do with her powers/lackthereof.
holly rejects her family. bruno's family rejects him.
that said i'm getting off topic,
dovewing reminds me a LOT of antonio. she feels all this pressure wrt hollyleaf. antonio feels all this pressure wrt mirabel. the people around them often seem to care more about their powers and such than them.
hope that all made sense and i didn't ramble too much?
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