#it's TERFs and transmisogynists
anastacialy · 4 months
i do not know how to explain to people that "transmisogyny" is the specific transphobia that trans women + transfems face (often but not exclusively at the hands of cis people), and "transandrophobia" is the specific transphobia that trans men + mascs face (often but not exclusively at the hands of cis people), and that they all come together under the umbrella of "transphobia." these are not opposing concepts nor are they mutually exclusive, to believe in one does not mean non-belief in the other. is there a simpler way of phrasing this. can i be clearer.
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alyrch99 · 4 months
I just want to say that if you devote your time, money, attention, and the resources of your social media platform to censoring and attacking trans women during an ongoing massive cultural reactionary movement with us in its crosshairs, not only are you part of the problem, but you are a heartless piece of shit to such a degree that you should not be able to look yourself in the eyes.
You are dragging a woman's protections away from her as an ongoing campaign works to tear her down. She said literally hours ago that she was posting about this to try and protect herself and her name from the false and highly politicized allegations against her, so you respond by having a hissy fit that people are asking what happened and replying by snap deleting all of her accounts??? Are you 6 years old? Have you no conception of right or wrong???
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maxellminidisc · 1 year
Once again, please stop reblogging from lesbian-archives. They have tags for rad feminism, "gynocentricism", "womb envy", antiprostitution, and separatists tags along with other similar terminology in terf and swerf communities on their blog. It's literally within the most used tags when you go to search. Plus they used to reblog from terfs often enough and use said tags until they decided to be a lil more cryptic I guess....
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gremlingirlsmell · 1 month
iunno calling transfems "transvestigators" for doing egg jokes and harmless speculating about dead celebrities in search of representation that is already so rare, is a new low. they love to paint us as terfs, a hate group specifically dedicated to eradicate us, not just for standing up for ourselves and speaking up about transmisogyny. no, now they're doing it even if we seek solidarity and representation.
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onlyfangz · 3 months
everytime i see some dumbfuck transgender terminally online discourse im reminded that cisgender people dont have to deal with this shit and i age 10 years.
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dykesynthezoid · 1 year
It’s crazy how much people will tell on themselves by being openly transmisogynistic in trying to “gotcha” completely mundane feminist/sapphic shit with “idk this seems kinda terfy to me :/”
There’s that vintage lesbian sex party invite going around and someone is actually claiming the fact that is specifies “women only” means it’s terfy. Can we fucking… can we… like. How can you people not go two minutes without implying you think trans women are men. It’s crazy. Sorry but we have no idea, actually, how inclusive or exclusive this random lesbian orgy from the 70s was, and just saying it’s “women only” doesn’t indicate anything other than it’s, y’know, a lesbian sex party.
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
feels like a lot of you didn’t see the study which found that lesbians are the most likely of the whole LGBT+ community to support trans people because i still keep seeing takes like “not ALL lesbians are terfs, just because a lot are 🥰” or “most lesbians aren’t terfs, but most terfs are lesbians, so it’s fine to hold lesbians to extra scrutiny 😍” or casual, unsupported claims that “transphobia is a big[ger] issue in the lesbian community” by people who actually think they’re doing lesbian positivity and it’s INSANE because you’re wrong! and this leads to a significant proportion of lesbians actually delaying coming out because they’re afraid of being assumed to be transphobes, meanwhile transphobia among bi people and gay men (and transmisogyny among tme trans people) often goes completely unchecked. 
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pleasuresoftheharbor · 4 months
anytime i step outside my mutual circle i'm always shocked by how prevalent the #Notallmen misandry truther attitudes are on here like you people are so doomed...
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ransomnote · 4 months
i think a lot of issues about this website could be fixed if they changed the way blocking works. as it stands if someone blocks you you can't reblog their posts anymore. however if someone reblogs a post of yours and leaves a nasty comment, people can still reblog it, like it, reply to it from them after you block them. i think if you block someone it should "disable" your posts on their blog. turn off likes, reblogs, replies, with an opt in "visibility" option that makes it so only the reblogger can see your post on their blog after blocking. i think this would stop a lot of harassment campaigns still in their infancy. this doesn't account for people you have blocked making their own individual nasty posts about you, but i think this would help curb the issue in a not unnoticeable way.
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grendelsmilf · 6 months
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if you mean misogynist just say misogynist
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gachafem · 18 hours
"dont be hostile toward men because what if they're closeted trans women" becoming a genuine talking point the queer community is starting to use is making my head hurt oh my days
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"all people who talk about transandrophobia are white " Zionists" ... Oh also all the Black trans men who talk about it are sexual predators if they exist which they don't because everyone who talks about transandrophobia is white "
Do some of you hear yourselves?
Like ive seen contradicting accusations in the notes one person says "they sexualise everything" the next is "they're prudes who hate sex positivity " like not to mention the infantalisation and "stolen trans valor" & "you're not the sexuality you say you are actually" like how is this criticising misogyny and transmisogyny?
Also just the sheer hatred and erasure of intersex and multi gender people like geez
Like what was actually said because all of the notes aren't talking about that they're just making up a caricature of a "theyfab trender who isn't really as trans as real trans people but are invading lesbian spaces to force real lesbians to fuck men" to be mad at rather than "this specific thing they said was misogynistic /lesbiphobic"
Instead it's all just like "no you have to detransition to reclaim misogynistic slurs that have been used against you or to be a lesbian otherwise you hate women" or "trans men must be binary & only use binary terms and" male terms" or else they're fakers" like what? In the 70s radfem fried fuck is going on?
Like you know that nonbinary people exist right?
That trans butches (of all agabs) exist right?
That intersex people who might use language that seems "contradictory" at first exist right? Like idk if someone is being misogynistic surely there's misogyny to point to rather than claiming that their identity/existence itself is misogynistic?
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gremlingirlsmell · 29 days
why in the name of Fuck are there transfems joining the war on transmisogyny, on the side of transmisogyny
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empyreasheart · 3 months
idk its just very frustrating to me that feminism has regressed. for so many reasons and sources. terfs, whatever brand of feminism is happening on tiktok. people using trans women as gotchas when they dont even care about trans women and their issues. its all so frustrating and it makes me angry
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knifeslidez · 3 months
too many people use amab/afab language to attempt to disguise terfy messaging
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lunityviruz · 9 months
If trans women are women why do you feel the need to remind the world everytime you see a post talking about men and women? 🤨
Why is it that whenever someone makes a post uplifting women you gotta reblog it and be like "and trans women too! ☺🥺" as if they weren't already mentioned in the post??? 💀
Why is it than when a nigga is dissing MEN literal MEN you gotta come up here and be like "uhm trans women do NOT deserve this treatment." Like bitch you are the problem in the situation. All you're saying is you don't see trans women the same way you see cis women, you gotta remind yourself that every time?? You can't just see the word "women/woman" and think trans women aren't included??? Bitch you're weird.....
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