#it's a feng shui issue
dreamingofbabylon · 8 months
people on normal social media will really just send u links to shit. you're telling me I have to open instagram just to see your little meme pictures? god forbid TIKTOK?? the audacity. can you imagine sending ur friend a tumblr link for a funny little text post. we at least have the courtesy, the SELF AWARENESS to screenshot that beast. I would never send my friends to this place. if you're not already here, it's my burden to bear. I will forage for the Good posts and hand deliver them to u. because I CARE
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juliasgoodusername · 1 year
Sometimes a girl has to go a little crazy. Sometimes a girl has to make a book-accurate floorplan for 300 Fox Way. These things just happen, sometimes.
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Obsessive annotations under the cut ✨ but be warned, there's a LOT
Okay first of all, I'm no architect, and my only knowledge comes from work experience in the real estate industry + a lot of Sims. The style is sort of neo-rural French colonial. I didn't set out to adhere to that standard so much as I made an amalgamation of homes in Blue Ridge Mountains-adjacent towns in Virginia. Specifically, my headcanon Henrietta template is Orange, VA (I'll save that explanation for another post) so I took inspiration from real estate listings from there.
Alright alright I know there is supposed to be one bathroom, but I simply can't tolerate that in a house with 6+ residents. I can't. There was a possible contradiction in the descriptions of "the single shared bathroom" that I used as an excuse to add a 3/4 bath, and I threw in a powder room for free. Because technically there is still only one full bathroom! But seriously with that many women over 30 most of them probably have IBS or chronic constipation and I'm not making them all share a toilet.
Officially we only have 4 bedrooms listed in text: Blue's, Persephone's, Maura's, and Calla and Jimi's shared one. Everyone else gets rooms that don't qualify as bedrooms via Virginia residential building codes (such as the attic, obviously, which falls below the combined ceiling height and square footage requirements). That really just leaves Orla unaccounted for but I'll get to that later. Other aunts and friends seem to visit during the day and live somewhere else, because in The Raven King only Jimi and Orla were described as needing to move out of the house during the demon stuff.
I designed the entire interior floorplan before I even touched the exterior, so there's a few issues, like how I'm totally missing shutters on the windows that functionally need them most. 🫶 I didn't feel like making the windows smaller to fit them, and I could have added faux-shutters but I think those are stupid. 😘
First floor
"This house is lovely. So many walls. So, so many walls," Malory said as Blue entered the living room a little later.
- Blue Lily, Lily Blue, Chapter 30
Right off the bat, we have an insane number of doors and walls. Old colonial houses are pretty much the opposite of open concept. Functionally I believe that's because it's easier to control heat with closed off rooms, but Virginia is not particularly cold so idk. As for the number of doors, I mean....😤😤😤 I prefer archways/doorless frames in small high-traffic spaces, but every time I thought I could get away with it Maggie would specifically describe doors opening and closing (For example BL,LB Ch 41 gives the reading room double doors, and even the living room gets one in Ch 11. What kind of living room needs a door???). I'm actually missing one of the doorways described in canon, but if you know which one I'm talking about I DARE you to find a place to put that thing!! But I digress.
“Mom," she said as she jumped down the crooked stairs.
- The Raven Boys, Chapter 3
I'm liberally using "crooked" to establish the corner turn stairs. Blue steadies herself on the stair railing when she identifies Gansey for the first time (TRB Ch 15), so I wanted the stairs to have good visual access to visitors. It also sort of has a feng shui-ish effect of separating the public and private energy zones in the house. If that statement made zero sense, I think one of us doesn't know enough about feng shui 👀 and it might be me.
I'm also using that quote to establish Maura's room downstairs, if Blue generally expects to find her mother there, but mostly because everything else was upstairs and it was getting hard to fit. Granted, at one point Blue leads the boys "up the stairs to Maura's bedroom" (TDT Epilogue) but since they were just arriving at 300 Fox Way those stairs could easily be the outdoor ones. There's a handful of little things to support me here, such as Adam grabbing a scrying bowl from Maura's room to use in the reading room (BL,LB Ch 41) implying that her room was the closest place to find one. And speaking of Maura's room-
Calla was overwhelmed by how much shit Maura had in her room at 300 Fox Way, and she told Blue this.
... The mess was taking years from her life. ... Maura liked chaos.
... The psychic hotline rang in the room next door. Calla's concentration fluttered away.
- Blue Lily, Lily Blue, Prologue
Maura is my favorite hypocrite. She claims to detest clutter (TRB Ch 34) and yet her room is literally described as chaos. She probably treats her room like a college student and moves the furniture every time she gets bored/stressed. Thus, I gave her the most insane furniture configuration I could think of while still matching all the contents described.
The phone ringing next door might imply that she neighbors the phone/sewing/cat room, but that area is pretty well described and Maura's room is never mentioned there in any other instance. That leaves us with the kitchen phone (TRB Ch 27) which I put in the hallway with kitchen access as a compromise so it would technically still be in a room next to Maura's.
In the reading room, the man looked around with clinical interest. His gaze passed over the candles, the potted plants, the incense burners, the elaborate dining room chandelier, the rustic table that dominated the room, the lace curtains, and finally landed on a framed photograph of Steve Martin.
- The Raven Boys, Chapter 13
There are so many quotes about the reading room that I just don't feel like citing them, but other details include the mismatched chairs, the shelves, doors etc. It's also described specifically as Maura's "front room" (TRB Prologue) so it's one of the cornerstones that I designed the rest of the layout around. Because of the plants, it makes sense that this room would be south-facing too. (Although idk how much light they get with the wraparound porch awning in the way. Oops lol!)
The outside suddenly seemed vivid in comparison to the dim kitchen. The April-bright trees pressed against the windows of the breakfast area, ...
- The Raven Boys, Chapter 3
Blue Stormed into 300 Fox Way's kitchen and began a one-sided interrogation with Artemus, who was still hidden behind the closed storage closet door.
- The Raven King, Chapter 9
Likewise, I'm using the particularly dim kitchen to place it on the north side, where we also know there's trees in the backyard.
I'll say the kitchen layout is weirder than it strictly needed to be because in the Virginia homes I referenced I adored all the strange kitchens, especially with old timey 'servants area' vibes where laundry kitchen and pantry are all connected. Instead of a kitchen island, they get one of those rolling kitchen carts which I doubled as a bar cart for the drinks they have in the living room.
The kitchen has a doorway to the hall (TRB Ch 13) and the living room is within view when Blue's on the kitchen phone (Ch 27).
Speaking of chapter 27, that's when we get the description "The morning light through the windows turned the drinks a brilliant, translucent yellow." So I put the living room on the east side of the house, where the rising sun would cast really strong light like that.
Second Floor
When she woke up, her normally morning-bright room had the breath-held dimness of afternoon. In the next room over, Orla was talking to either her boyfriend or to one of the psychic hotline callers.
- The Raven Boys, Chapter 3
Blue headed toward the red-painted door at the end of the hall. On her way, she had to pass the frenzy of activity in the Phone/Sewing/Cat Room and the furious battle for the bathroom. The room behind the red door belonged to Persephone, ...
- The Raven Boys, Chapter 11
Blue's room and the Phone/Sewing/Cat room are our cornerstones for this floor. In several examples we know that the Phone/Sewing/Cat room faces the street and has a window (TRB Ch 15, BL,LB Ch 4). While Blue's room is "morning-bright," we also get descriptions of guests at the front door "backlit by the evening sun," (TRB Ch 15) so once again we're probably talking about south windows if it's sunlit at both times of day.
Adam sat awkwardly on the edge of Blue's bed. It felt strange to have so easily gained access to a girl's bed- room. If you knew Blue at all, the room was unsurprising - canvas silhouettes of trees stuck to the walls, leaves hanging in chains from the ceiling fan, a bird with a talk bubble reading WORMS FOR ALL painted above a shelf cluttered with buttons and about nine different pairs of scissors. Against the wall, Blue self-consciously taped up the drooping branch on one of the trees.
- The Dream Thieves, Chapter 49
We get some great descriptions of Blue's room (especially TRB Ch 43), although the above one is my favorite (#wormsforall). Every piece of furniture is accounted for exactly as described except the desk which I added because it seemed practical, and Blue is nothing if not practical™.
Persephone's room is also very well-described, all the way down to the furniture and lighting placement (BL,LB Ch 4 and TRB Ch 11) and it's surprisingly similar to Blue's room, if not a bit smaller. Her room gets strong afternoon sunlight, so I put it on the south too (BL,LB Ch 43).
Calla and Jimi share a room that's also upstairs (TRK Ch 16). Because they are the only two who have to share a room, I have justified that it must be the "master bedroom" (sorry for using that term) and is far bigger than the other bedrooms. I managed to fit two queen beds in there, but some scholars [me] would argue that Jimi and Calla might also share a bed because they are in love. Can you prove me wrong? No, you can't.
As for the bathroom, remember when I mentioned a possible contradiction? Famously, Maura draws the ley line symbol in the steamed up shower door (TRB Ch 1). However, much later we get Maura, Orla, Calla and Jimi all sitting in the bathtub for some kind of ritual (TRK Ch 9). No matter how I picture it, I can't put 4 full grown women in a bathtub together without someone partially sitting on/spilling over the side. But that would be impossible in a combo bath/shower enclosed by glass doors!! Thus, I gave The Bathroom a nice tub and put a small shower in the en suite of Jimi and Calla's room. I know this is a stretch but I don't really care.
Blue had never been a big fan of the attic, even before Neeve moved in. Numerous slanting roof lines provided dozens of opportunities to hit your head on a sloping ceiling. Unfinished wood floorboards and areas patched with prickly plywood were unfriendly to bare feet. Summer turned the attic into an inferno.
... In one of the narrow dormers, two full-length, footed mirrors faced each other, reflecting mirrored images back and forth at each other in perpetuum.
- The Raven Boys, Chapter 34
Trying to fit the attic access in after everything in the second floor was my biggest challenge, because stairs normally take up a lot of space and you have to be careful about head room. I'm the end, I decided it was one of those fold out attic doors that you have to reach from the ceiling of the hallway. We might get a lot of instances of the attic door being opened (😤 seriously, Maggie... 😤) but technically a trap door in the ceiling is still a door!
Dormers pretty much cemented the French colonial style for me. And you know the drill by now: a hot room probably means a lot of sun, which means I give it a south facing window!
Mud Room/Cellar/Basement
This cellar has absolutely zero mention in the text, but my justification is based in the architecture. So far we've got a funky old colonial house, built without a garage, lots of walls etc. Especially in a low-income/semi-rural area, it's not crazy to assume that 300 Fox Way was built before most residents had refrigerators (1930s-40s). Besides iceboxes, a major way to keep food fresh was root cellars. Modern renovations for old homes convert these to concrete basements, but that's why the basement is so small and connects to the kitchen.
My headcanon is that Orla originally shared a room. Pick whoever you want: Maura, Blue or Persephone, any of them would easily be such a chaotic roommate that Orla snapped and in a fit of teen girl rage moved herself down to the crummy dark basement. Over time, she made efforts to glamorize it, such as a vintage dressing screen to hide the flood drainage pump. The privacy also allows her to bring boyfriends over, even sneaking them through the mud room.
This is really just my artistic license, but I swear it makes a surprising amount of sense in context. There's cases of Orla sneaking into the kitchen (easier if she has a back entrance) and she's almost always using the phone upstairs or in the kitchen (because a basement would get bad reception) even though her calls get kinda ~intimate.
Aaaaaand I think that's everything. Sorry it doesn't look like the photo from the wiki at all, but I couldn't find a source for it and Victorian style wasn't super common in the areas I researched. Let me know if I missed anything major! I'll probably cry myself to sleep if so.
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bowieandqueen11 · 1 year
Resolved Issues / Roman Roy Imagine
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Request: HIIIII gonna send my succession request while i still can lol.
how about roman and reader sharing childhood stories? him realising that perhaps, maybe the way his family has treated him is tiny bit Not Normal. the reader being somewhere between "oh my god let me give you a hug" and "i just might fight logan roy in the parking lot". yknow good old hurt/comfort you do it like no other
Thank you so much sweetie!! But also yes I feel this in my soul frick Logan Roy lmao 
Warning: strong language. mentions of diarrhoea and mentions of child abuse/ physical abuse! 
This 3k beast took quite a while to write, so feedback is appreciated! Thank you! :)
(I do not own Succession or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @loverboyromanroy.)
Roman shrugs his shoulders and looks steadily at you, straight into your eyes.
‘The fuck- how should I know? Like... twenty three, ish?’
Roman’s perching on the edge of his own sofa, so obviously uncomfortable even in his own apartment. His wrist flicks as he answers, and a few drops of the whiskey he hasn’t touched comes sloshing round the side to stain his brand new eggshell blue decorative pillows. He had never cared much for property. But then again, he hadn’t cared much for whiskey either growing up; it had been his father’s drink of choice, and therefore his. The faint fire in the cold marble fireplace behind his head licks between his ears, and illuminates the confused amusement gleaming in his eyes.
You scoff, and shake your head at him incredulously. ‘You own twenty three houses, and you choose to live here?’ Awaiting an answer you know will be even more ridiculous, you make an effort to tuck your legs criss-cross under you, and sit with your knees resting just underneath Roman’s lower legs. ‘And yet you still live in the coldest ass apartment, I swear to god I’m freezing my ass off, and that’s even with the fire going. Are you a fucking yeti or something, Roman Roy?’
He chortles as you continue: ‘you thrive in colder climates, huh? That’s not surprising, considering a glare from your father could freeze hell over.’ You take a final sip of your drink before reaching over and placing it on the sleek black coffee table; Roman’s eyes drop for a split second as if almost in despondency, some kind of deep scarred sorrow peeking its way out like a tired child, before rising back to yours, seeking comfort. It doesn’t slip your attention. You make sure your fingers brush against his socks as you slip your hands back to your lap, and give a sweet squeeze to the tippy toes. He lets out a giggle and kicks his foot out at you, and it’s the most delightful sound you’d ever hear: that true, unadulterated happiness that Roman Roy rarely ever is permitted to have, without some kind of malicious intention lurking behind it.
‘Okay, well, one’, he ostentatiously holds a finger up by twirling it in the air, and it takes you a second to realise he’s pointedly showing you his middle finger. ‘Fuck you. Two-’, he decides to count with his pinkie finger, ‘my dad owns twenty three hours, I own approximately zero fucking squilch of that. And three, I’m a fucking incredible designer - see that Feng Shui over there? All me baby, I would have fucking killed it as an interior design.’
‘Having one sad as fuck looking potted plant by the window and literally no personal items doesn’t count as Feng Shui, dumbass. You’re just sad.’
‘Okay - well - if you’re such a smartass-’, Roman winds his hands up by his head but nearly lets the crystal glass his brother had bought him for his last birthday fall onto the hardwood floor, so he grimaces and gently places it on the rug. He turns back to glance at you, and despite the fact he’s positioning himself as if he’s conducting an interview: elbows resting on knees with hands clasped out before him, face set in stone, he still looks intent and truthfully curious about the answer he’s hoping you’ll give. ‘What was your childhood home like then? I’m sure full of unicorns that shart rainbows and fucking fairies that sneeze glitter from the way you hate my deco.’
You pause to think for a minute, not fully expecting such an honest question to come from Roman Roy. You place a finger gingerly against your lip, and in that second, perched up on the edge of the pristine settee, Roman wishes he could just leap over and replace your fingertip with his lips. He had never been so entranced by someone: never had the privilege of knowing someone from this corporate world who would be so truthful, so different from him. And yet, at the same time, someone who so deliciously, so crudely, so cruelly reminded him of the young child locked in the cage within his heart: so unknowingly let him cling onto the little bit of him he had tried to keep alive. The only bit of him left that wasn’t a Roy. That was just Roman.
Yet, even in the hope that clouded his mind as he awaited your answer, your words came like slices to slit against his throat. ‘Well, I suppose my home was... well, not to sound pedestrian, or super corny, but it was a happy one?’ He nodded, content to bleed out in front of you. ‘There was usually a lot of laughter, and of course a lot of stress, but you know. We could all rely on each other. It was... yeah, it was nice.’ You stop, biting your bottom lip and switching your legs around so you could raise them up and pull them against your chest. 
You didn’t want to look at the man sitting before you suddenly. It was as if he had regressed into himself as you went along: withering, shivering slightly like a frosty chill over an empty playground. It looked - it felt unnatural, as he stared at you without seeing. He blinked languidly for a moment, soaking in your words, before jutting his bottom lip out and trying his best to grin at you. ‘Well, my childhood wasn’t so horrid either. My brother took me and Ken camping once, and although it was fucking sleeting down like bullets of pure fucking ice down by the stream, Connor did eat a fish that looked like a mouldy shoe and spent most of the night running off into the woods holding his ass.’
He snorts then, his little high pitched hyena laugh bubbling out of him as he places the back of his hand against his lips to try and hold it in, and you can’t help but laugh along with him at the sorry image of the supposed Roy brother patriarch scuttling around like a crab with diarrhoea. 
‘That’s sweet, but do you have any other actual memories with your family where someone isn’t being ridiculed?’
‘Woah, hey-’, he holds both his hands up, and slides down from the armrest to come sit in front of you. ‘When you meet my brother, you’ll understand that he deserves it.’ You flush slightly at the implication, becoming rather uncharacteristically bashful around Roman, and glancing quickly down between your legs. Pulling at a thread until it becomes loose, you pray the timid fire glow is enough to hide from him the rushing heat crawling up your neck. Due to the fact that Roman also is shyly looking down at the toes he’s currently wiggling to busy himself, you both miss the way the other is blushing. 
‘But...uh’, he starts finally after a moment of contemplation: a blessed few minutes of serendipitous indulgence, of growing warmth and familiarity, and just enough time for the two of you to realise how much your presence and conversation had only furthered endeared the two of you to each other, despite the hint of sadness that laced it. 
‘I really - I mean, my dad was like, always busy.’ He scratches the back of his head, embarrassed by the way you tilt your head and look quizzically at him. He becomes hyper aware of how close his knee is to resting against yours, and decides to swallow the fear that seems to be clogging up the back of his throat, and shuffles forward until there’s finally contact. ‘And my brother was like, following in his footsteps and all that jazz’, his eyes widen as he holds his hands out by his side. ‘So there wasn’t really much time for... fun, I guess. Or mistakes. Or family.’
It breaks your heart to watch him deflate once he finishes speaking, and suddenly the austere, cold walls and empty, hollow halls of his apartment make all the more sense. He looks so worn out, so tired of having to hide himself away behind a big, empty mansion full of props and antiques and nothingness all put out for show, because that’s what he was. That’s how he saw himself. A big, empty, tired, twisted puppet trying to bend over backwards to escape the marionette strings of daddy’s love, not realising they’re choking him. It was a strategy, a way to protect himself: to become placid, to mask yourself as being one of them, to fit in with his father’s lifestyle, and maybe then the slaps and strikes and kicks and whimpers would feel like something good. Because he’s trying to be just like his father. So if he’s hit, it’s only because the puppet hasn’t quite danced to the right tune, that’s all. 
As you glance around, you finally begin to notice how unused all the furniture in Roman’s apartment looks: the cellarette by the bar that looks as if it had been varnished yesterday, to the large screen television on the either side of the elongated room that Roman clearly only put on once a night to watch the news, to the velvet cushioned armchair positioned to sweep out and look across the skyline of the city, yet the headrest didn’t even have a dent. All these things. All this barrenness. It made you sick to your stomach. Here he was: a toy left on the shelf to collect dust, taken out to play with only when it suited the puppet master, and he was still so desperate for love that he still tried to copy his father. 
And you could see from the way his eyes were beginning to turn blood shot as he slowly sat there and turned the cogs in the back of his brain over, that this was a thought he had had many times before.
You try your best not to look at him too pitifully, in case he might take offence and retreat back into his shell again when you hold out your hands to him. He swallows thickly, watching your every movement as your fingers unfurl over his knees, and you signal at him to come closer. For a moment, as he squints his eyes at you, he seems tentative. But then you roll your eyes, trying your best to still seem casual, and flutter your fingers at him again. 
It takes less than a second for him to latch on this time, and his fingers grip into the sides of your skin so tightly you’re afraid he may draw blood. But then, you suppose, that’s all he’s been familiarised with.
‘It’s fine, I’m fine’, he tries to shrug it off, but his fingers only squeeze into yours all the more desperately. Worried he’ll try and pull away if you keep them suspended between your touching knees, you slowly pull them down to rest on your lap as he continues talking. He begins to play with your fingers almost subconsciously, looping them through his stout ones. ‘I mean, sure, my earliest memory is Shiv trying to drown me in the pool because she didn’t want so many older brothers to take all of daddy’s attention away from her. And Ken was never really present, dad was always shipping him away to some conference training or having him sit at his feet like his lap dog, but it’s fine. I’m fine. I grew up to be a well adjusted adult without any concerning issues at all.’
Although his tone is mocking, once he’s finished his rambling thought he lets go of your hand to rub his eyes. He does a half-yawn to try and cover the fact that they’re becoming rather bleary - to hide the fact that this is beginning to get at him, actually. And he’d rather stop now, if that’s alright. He’s the jokester in the family. The happy man. The go to cheer-upper. The pathetic one. He didn’t want to cry. He didn’t want to cry in front of you. He was never allowed to cry.
He jumps when he feels your hand against his knee, and he sniffles slightly when he looks down and sees you’ve leaned closer towards him. ‘And your dad?’, you ask quietly, cautiously, pulling the hand of his you were still holding tightly into your sternum. ‘What was he like growing up?’
‘Well, I was annoying. I- I am annoying, so, you know-’
He chokes then, and this time he can’t stop the sob that breaks out from the back of his throat like an overdue bell chime.
‘I’m annoying. I’m fucking annoying, you know that?’, he chokes out between sobs, doubling over on himself, but he’s still laughing between each gasping breathe. ‘I’m such a piece of shit’, he states, doing his best to stop his lip from wobbling and the tears from clouding out of his eyes, but he doesn’t complain when you take your hand off his lap and guide it to the small of his back, just before the dip in his shoulder blades. Gently - ever so gently, as if you were cradling a new born child still so unused to human touch, you guide him down to lie on your legs. He goes easily, taking his hands back to lean them under his chin, and allowing you full utility of your fingers. You put them to good use, beginning to stoke back stray curls of his mother’s hair away from his face, tucking them behind his ear until his breathing evens again.
He watches the sun fall over the edge of the Waystar Royco building: a sight he has seen many times before, but one that feels all the more eerie as the slates of dark metal blot out the light like a flashy tomb.
You bring him back, pursing your lips together and trying not to laugh sorrowfully as he sneezes at the feel of your finger moving down his forehead to trace over the dip of his nose, and evidently tickle it. You move onto the curve of his left eye, and it fills you with at least a little comfort to notice the way he squeezes his eyes shut at the movement. What was less welcome, though, were the few pearly tears that slipped past the cracks of his eyes and began to trace down the old bruised shaped hollows of his cheeks.
‘God Roman’, you choke out, trying to gently turn his head so he’s looking up at you. For a moment, he throws a tantrum and shakes his head in refusal, but your fingers are unrelenting and all forgiving against the side of his jaw, and soon he can’t help but give in to the love he’s so desperately begging for. He allows you to turn him, still squirming in your touch, until the two of you make eye contact. And there’s such naivety there, such desire and craving and conviction and belief as he keeps his eyes trained wholly on yours, that the words just come tumbling out of your mouth.
‘I’m going to fight your whole family I swear. I’m going to fight them all, one by one, and then take over Waystar, maybe find out what the fuck is going on between this Cousin of yours and Shiv’s husband’, he chortles at that, and chokes a little, ‘and then the two of us can burn the place to the ground and ride off into the sunset.’
Although he feels only elation at your words, he starts to shake when you use the pads of his thumbs to gently, tenderly wipe the tears away from beside his nose.
‘Stop, please’, he whimpers, but you know he’s not talking about your physical actions. ‘My dad’s never going to die, even if he is gone. Just- just- get out while you can, okay? Just fucking run.’ He grabs up at your hands, and holds onto one intently. ‘Just fucking go, okay, because I will destroy you. I’m- fucking poison, alright?’
‘No, no’, you state more firmly, when you see the creases in his forehead begin to appear. He shakes his head, and his whole face crinkles up when you admit the one thing left unspoken between the two of you.
‘You - you’re worth it. You’re worth putting up with all of this for, Roman Roy. One day, you’ll be free, and we’ll get to make new memories. Better ones.’
‘Just shut up. Shut the fuck up. Please. Just-’
His words die out on his mouth when you lean down swiftly and replace them with your waiting lips. His hand falls from where it was encircling your wrist, and after a moment of stunned shock, comes up to press firmly against the nape of your neck. His widened eyes melt slowly into a blissful, languid close, and despite the fact that he has no fucking idea how to actually kiss someone he cares about, he does a mighty good job of latching onto your bottom lip and whimpering when you go to pull away.
‘You promise’, he whispers into the tense air between the tip of your nose and the side of his stubble. He leans up to kiss you again, and a bite of saltiness stings at your mouth. ‘You promise’, he murmurs again as he opens his mouth, refusing to break away from the kiss: instead breathing you in and licking the tip of his tongue against your own. Steadying yourself, you grip onto his biceps, and press a last, ardent kiss to his mouth by latching onto his top lip.
‘I swear, Roman, I swear to god I’m going to make up for all the lack of love your family has given you. And I’ll start right now.’
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What is Mercury Retrograde? Backup your harddrives or better yet just dont TOUCH your laptop and decide to sync your itunes/backup your photos unless you want them to have an awful death on your hands. It ain't pretty.
Three to four times a year the planet mercury appears to travel backward across the sky. How does it affect us?
Delays, hesitations, things breaking down or exhaustion of energy.
[Connect with friends] __________________________________________________________
Venus Retrograde:
A situation that takes place every 18 months, how does that affect us?
May be feeling more reclusive and prone to miscommunication while fears around love and intimacy may arise.
[Heal any relationship issues] ___________________________________________________________
Mars Retrograde 
About every 26 months, earth comes up behind and overtakes mars/
Dulling effect on motivation, leading to reduced vitality and lethargy.
[Get into an exercise routine]
Jupiter Retrograde:
An optical illusion, appearing to spin backward for four months.
This ones a good one [weirdly enough] it makes you strong, likely to attain paternal wealth, not face any poverty in any form.
[Travel to a favourite place] __________________________________________________________
Saturn Retrograde: 
Appears to move backward within the sign from our vantage point on earth, the diff in speed or revolutions create an illusion the planet isnt slowing down.
Given a reprieve from the typical saturn transits, which may include pressure and a sensation of burden, fear or frustration.
[Practise self-discipline] ___________________________________________________________
Uranus Retrograde : appears to move backward, stations retrograde once every year
More tempered and inverted, transform your world instead of changing the world around you. Encourage YOU to do the changing.
[Study up on current events] ___________________________________________________________
Neptune Retrograde: 
Intuition is hard to engage, making us believe things that arent real, time when you get lost in a fog, emotions, visions. In a wild dream with no end.
[Cut the energy vampires out of your life] __________________________________________________________
Pluto Retrograde:
 Is a backward spin through the underworld. A reclamation of our shadow. Invitation to commune with parts of ourselves we have yet to accept.
Shift the foundations of your relationships, prompting a deep reassessment of what you want to commit yourself to. A reminder to love yourself first. 
[Feng Shui + Declutter your spaces.]
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dukeofankh · 10 months
I am a guy. I was not trained how to dress myself growing up. My dad--bless his incompetent small-town soul--still can’t dress himself, so it’s not like any of that was being modelled for me. And I was homeschooled, so I didn’t have friends to emulate. Everything I learned about clothing I learned from watching television, and every choice I made was made fun of. But luckily, there’s a lot of media around about how to dress yourself, and clothing can be cheap if you’re willing to go looking. (and if you get 50% off at the thrift store you work at).
I was also not trained in home decorating.
Like, I see a lot of posts about how single men’s homes look, on average, like shit. And yeah. They do. Nobody could really argue that they don’t. 
But what you learn with clothing is also applies to home decorating it is a language. There are regional dialects. There’s slang. There’s high and low formality. And learning that language takes time and effort, especially if you don’t have a teacher. Average men's fashion, like, off the rack mall stuff, is extremely homogenous, mainly because men don’t actually speak the language. They see something that looks good on someone else and they copy it. They know clothing phonetically. Not comprehensively.
But men's clothing literacy staggeringly outstrips the understanding most men have of home decorating. The term “Bachelor Pad” describes, for most men, their home during the only length of time where they live in a space which is not decorated primarily by their mother or partner. So it looks like garbage. (It is often also filled with actual garbage, but one issue at a time).
And like...it’s very easy to not be too sad about this. To frame this difference in literacy as further labour women must do for men.
I married someone with a literal fine arts degree, who could run circles around me on every component of composition, colour theory, ect. But she...cared what I thought. She asked me what colours I wanted in our house. She asked me what sort of spaces make me feel good. And when I didn’t know what words to use, she flipped her laptop around with pinterest and asked me to point. And then we found common ground, which ended up being dark academia.
I have never had a partner care enough to do this. Ever. My afab partners have always assumed that I had nothing to offer in terms of decorating the house. My wife told me that a vintage armchair I’d been hanging onto for years finally, finally made sense to her, because it looks terrible in an empty white room but it looks amazing by a fireplace. I’d bought it for 15 dollars. My taste wasn’t bad. I just had no concept of how to express it.
So rather than make the house her house and treat my input with disdain, she used her greater understanding of the language to glean what I liked, and then we built that together. Our house looks absolutely amazing, and I love it, and as a result of having that connection to it, I actually do a lot more housework and decorating projects. I watch tiktoks about Feng Shui and how to organize a space, I find cool old furniture at work and bring it home, i put up shelves for our cat to play on... because the result makes me feel like we have a lovely home. Our lovely home.
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simsinlowspace · 2 years
Gather in the Garden - 5 Meshes Recolored in Watchmen & Valkyrie
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Hi everyone! This started out as a simple project (recolor @tvickiesims' beautiful 4t2 Syboulette Rattan Chairs conversion), but when I went to take the screenshots I realized I had a few other things that would go really nicely with them, so it grew into a small set instead. Swatches, (important!) info, and download under the cut!
This set uses colors primarily from Watchmen and Valkyrie, although I tossed in a few of my favorites from The Woods are Lovely as well since Watchmen has more colors than Valkyrie and I needed to round things out.
@tvickiesims' converted Emmanuelle and Peacock Chairs in Watchmen (I didn't swatch the Peacock Chair; the texture isn't really conducive to it, the colors applied almost identically to both textures, and the swatches for this set were already taking way too long lol)
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@tvickiesims' converted Emmanuelle and Peacock Chairs in Valkyrie (btw, the polycounts are ~700 and ~4400 respectively...adding this info since there was a question about it in the comments)
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@veranka-downloads' converted Sgt. Peepers All Purpose Privacy Hedge in Watchmen & Valkyrie I love this hedge and I thought it would like nice with some flowers, so I added blossoms from @linacheries' Feng Shui Plant (flowers originally by clutteraholic). The leaves and flowers are in Watchmen colors, and the planters are in Valkyrie and a few woods. Separate subsets so you can mix and match (the background you see on the swatch is not present in-game; it showed up when I reloaded the DDS files in Photoshop to make the swatch).
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@nonsensical-pixels' converted Fairytale Pergola in Watchmen and Valkyrie Similar to the hedges, I mixed and matches leaves and flowers with Watchmen colors and recolored the structure in Valkyrie and woods. The leaves and flowers are one subset and the structure is the second.
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I also recolored @veranka-downloads' 4t2 Candle's Crib conversion in both palettes. There's no swatch because the texture is tiny, but it comes in both Watchmen and Valkyrie. There are numbered versions of the above swatches in the download; the Candle Crib numbers match the chair swatch numbers. Everything is also sorted into folders to make it easy to keep just what you like.
Here are all the included meshes (lantern pictured twice because I derped taking the screenshot):
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All the meshes are included, but I highly recommend you check out the original downloads for more colors. Also: 🚨🚨!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!🚨🚨 If you already have the Fairytale Pergola, I edited the mesh so both subsets reference the same texture rather than including the texture twice. You must delete nonsensical-simmer's (nsimmer) mesh if you want to use these recolors! I have included updated versions of the original recolors in the download so they will work with the edited mesh.
Okay! I think that's everything. If I screwed anything up, please let me know! This is the first time I've edited a mesh, and I did test it without any issues, but SimPE makes me a tiny bit nervous sometimes lol.
DOWNLOAD (SFS) This is a big one...~31MB for the new recolors :o
Lots of love, Spacey
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duskterrace · 7 months
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local ghost spotted posting intro five days late, anomaly muns claim. many express shock over ghost's sudden appearance. ✩ ( let's pretend this is introduction is actually on time and i wasn't panicked about how little i had ready lmao)
sorry for the super late introduction guys and thank you admins for being so understanding with me and my sweet summer child ! hi everyone ! ✩ im ghost ( they/them, 21+, est ) sleepy and back from the afterlife to offer up seo jinsol, your local 23 year old disaster astronomy major with the ability to manipulate the presence of yin and yang within themselves ! i've been so excited for this rp, and i honestly cant wait to start plotting with everyone. everything you could possibly need on jinsol is below, along with some headcanons and wanted plots! my discords available for anyone who needs it ( and pls need it tumblrs ims will be the death of me ). pls send a dm or leave a like if you'd like to plot so i can race over and gush over your muse(s) !
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name seo jinsol  ╱ age twenty3 ╱ pronouns he/they/she ╱ gender possibly ╱ birthday december 13, 1999 ╱ birthchart sagittarius sun aquarius moon leo rising ╱ hometown hongdae, seoul ╱ orientation bisexual, androsexual lean  ╱ personality outgoing, playful, confident, thrill-seeking, sarcastic, impulsive, stubborn, hot-tempered, curious ╱ faceclaim choi san ( ateez ) & hwang yeji ( itzy ) ╱ character inspo post ponytail zuko & sokka ( atla ), jordan li ( gen v ), beast boy & starfire ( dc titans )
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✩ HEADCANONS. tw: far too many avatar the last airbender references.
raised with manners, so they're very respectful. especially of their elders and women. they don't eat first when elders are present, they offer assistance with tasks ( normally being the first to jump to help someone ), they tend to offer to listen to someones worries, etc.
since their power is based on internal balance an yin and yang, they can be found doing a lot of activities around campus to clear their mind from time to time. ranging from yoga in the morning, to sketching, jogging, endurance workouts, forcing themself to relax, and burning incense. think uncle iroh but as a modern day, 23 year old college student. when their energy ( chi ) isn't balanced, they experience disharmony, a very tiring process that causes the typical results of disharmony except ... personified. so gender switching to female, being depressed, stressed and anxious with tummy issues ( normal hot girl sh*t imo ) all at the same time and against their will etc.
contrary to how i explain them, they are not as calm, collected nor as wise as uncle iroh. they more so have the personality of zuko, around when he started being hot and also sokka. so sarcastic, awkward, still a hot head, playfully, clumsy, and always cracking a joke or two. the vibes of a beloved leader that probably shouldn’t be leading.
they're wanderlust coded. i have this weird headcanon of them, where its a day off and they just turn off their phone at night and go for a walk in the city and just exist, looking at the city lights, sitting and looking at the river, grabbing ice cream even though its cold out side and then eventually heading back to the dorms as if they didn't just disappear for a few hours without a word. they definitely do this often too, while eating some cheap buy buy one get one snack they bought at the a convenience store.
despite how they may act sometimes, they love skinship; on that note, physical touch & quality time are their love languages.
silly but their side of the dorm follows the rules of feng shui and they’d probably playfully nag their roommate ( or any friend really ) to let them just to rearrange one of their things so their stuff fits in the room a little better.
following the ( TW ) death of their grandmother, they fell into the deepest depression and stopped wearing the patch for a while, ( no longer than a month ). the extremely negative emotions they faced kept them female the entire time, but soon enough they caught feelings for someone. feeling happier, they started the went back on the patch again. in the crudest tldr; they got their heart broken pretty badly. they decided to go off of the nullivi patch one last time after falling head over heels for a normal person. the showed them their ability, and just to be completely truthful about who they were, they shifted. it backfired pretty quickly and they were shunned, shamed and rejected. this is one incident they still struggle with letting go, and it currently affects how they view / form relationships.
they don't hate nullivi but they don't like it either. it messes with their internal balance which can make it tough to use their powers later and requires a pretty strict regimen when off of nullivi to balance their energies again.
They actively seek connections. They’d give anything to connect and have someone understand them, deeply and intrinsically without feeling like they’re being judged for who they are. They want to be able to open up and have someone see them for them; for whats really the inside and not just whats the outside, no matter what form they may take.
* more coming soon, only one braincell is on shift tonight .
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✩ WANTEDPLOTS. *more plots en route.
CRUSH : it starts with those shy glances across the room and before they know it , all of a sudden all of the songs they listen to were about your muse. for some reason, your muse has caught jinsol's eye. your muse gives them butterflies, hope even, but they don't call it a crush for nothing. ( possible routes: unrequited & requited ) SPRING FLING : what you had was quick and fun, and meaningless. in the end, there was a clear agreement from both sides that it was no strings attached, hence a clean break was expected. so why does it feel weird watching you walk by them without a word? and why does it sting to see you with someone else? THE DREADED GROUP PROJECT : lets be real, no one in this group ever really liked each other. Since the start of the semester they've kept a pretty good distance from each other, but despite their best efforts, this year they share a class and even worse they've been partnered together for a group project. their final grade is literally dependent on them working together and fast. will they do suck it up long enough to pass ? ( 0 / 2 ) A RIVAL : no need for formalities here. this is someone they just can't seem to see eye to eye with. your muse is someone who sees their presence as a threat and/or vice versa. it could be a friendly rivalry, or a genuine grudge filled feud. whatever it is, bring on the angst ! ( * would be great for rival muses in other rally houses )  TRAINER:  someone they can honestly throw down with. as a member of samjoko, they're constantly trying to find new ways to use their abilities to their advantage. whether its through regular hand to hand combat or testing the limits of their powers, they crave the power to propel samjoko's reputation further and feel like its their sole responsibility to harness said power. EX: a recent ex that broke them / or / the person they broke . the first person they sorta came out to about everything. their playlist has to be full of sad-ish songs for a reason right? this person is the reason, the reason for their glow up in public, and glow down in private. the break up could've been they're fault, could've been the other persons. all they know is... they hate that they still think about your muse as often as they do.  OTHERS : fellow members of samjoko, other residents in blue dorm, the usual fwb/ewb, enemies, childhood friend, friend groups, acquaintances, roommate etc connections. maybe people in the same major/classes, or another club of some kind?
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤDo you wish to make a connection?        ▶︎ YES.ㅤㅤㅤ NO.
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Ok I need to do Opus: Echo of Starsong now instead of taking more time to think about it because in only like 24 hours it's already started slipping out of my brain, and I'm already not going to be able to say as much as I wanted.
I grabbed it in the first place because someone who seems to have similar taste to mine compared it favorably to 13 Sentinels, which had probably my favorite story out of everything I played last year. I think overall I definitely liked 13 Sentinels more, but the stuff this did well it did rather well at too. In particular everything from the climax through to the end was excellent, compared to the ending of 13 Sentinels which was the only part of it that wasn't excellent (it was mostly fine, but it definitely wasn't on the same level as the first 95% of the story, which was amazing).
My biggest complaint about Starsong is that the second half kind of drags a bit until you get toward the climax. It probably didn't help that I did some non-essential stuff in the hope of getting a bit more information about the world and characters, but even without that the pacing felt a little off compared to the first half and the ending, and going around the map doing stuff started to get more tedious. Never so much that I even considered stopping playing or taking a break, but I definitely didn't expect it to pick up again at the end to the degree it did.
Aside from that I mostly liked most stuff about it though. The characters and story are interesting, but I didn't get super invested in them right away. They kind of grew on me as they got developed more and I got to see more interactions between them and when I started picking up on more parallels with other things in the story. I kind of wish certain aspects of the history/mythology were revealed a little earlier so I could've been thinking about it more of the way through, but maybe I just didn't pick up on some of it until a bit later.
I like that a lot of stuff is hinted at or strongly suggested without always being fully explained or explicitly stated, and it left me with more to think about at the end than I did during some parts of the main story itself. That includes the relationships between a lot of the characters, which tend to be a little messy. That's kind of to be expected when the main cast is three people with abandonment/neglect issues stuck on a spaceship together with nowhere else for their trauma to go.
I think overall the story is one of the better ones I've seen so far this year, but overall as a game I'd have to knock it down a bit further for the actual game parts of it getting a bit tedious at times. But if you're looking for a story-focused adventure game about Space Feng Shui you've come to the right place.
Oh also because I forgot to fit it in somewhere earlier I'm kind of annoyed that the voice acting defaulted to Japanese, because I didn't realize at first that it's from Taiwan and I could've been playing in Mandarin all along instead of not until the very end. I might replay it at some point with it set to that right from the beginning, since it would be interesting to see how it plays out knowing everything I know about the story that I do now.
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teddykaczynski · 16 hours
ive yet to go to a bar/club in this city that has a good layout its either too small or theres massive feng shui ease of traffic issues
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imustbenuts · 8 months
Reading books about feng shui bc research reasons and some stuff is fucking sending me
Paraphrased from the 1st book: 'plants are yang energy and should not be put in women's bedroom bc they will become too thirsty' 💀
Actual quote from a 2nd book
"3-11. Is it true that a bedroom above a garage is bad feng shui?
This is not a feng shui issue.
The concern in avoiding a bedroom located directly above the garage is a modern issue, relating to the exhaust gas fumes from a vehicle. Since most garages are similar to a closed "box" without good ventilation, the toxic fumes are dangerous and unhealthy. If a garage is well ventilated, there is no problem whatsoever."
💀💀 I laughed so hard. actually level headed take this author is pretty chill about it to the point of unintentional satire but feng shui has been pretty wild when people take it too far. few pages later
"3-20 Is it true that cacti or plants with needles or thorns are bad feng shui?"
paraphased: yeah, some say sharp needles or thorns have poisonous qi. actually, no, roses have torns too, its superstition. just make sure you dont have poisonous plants in your home"
I cant.
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vani-connects · 6 months
7 Must-Have Indoor Plants for Home
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Indoor plants not only add a touch of nature’s beauty to your home but also come with a plethora of benefits, from purifying the air to boosting your mood. If you’re looking to enhance your living space with some green companions, you’re in the right place.
Here I have came out with 9 best indoor plants for home that not only aesthetically pleasing but also easy to care for.
1. Snake Plant
Snake plants are among the best indoor plants for home environments due to their hardiness, air-purifying qualities, and minimal care requirements.
Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata
Common Name: Snake Plant or Mother-in-law’s Tongue
How to Care for Snake Plants (Best Indoor Plants for Home)
Low Light Tolerance: Snake plants thrive in low light conditions, making them ideal for indoor spaces with limited sunlight.
Air Purification: Snake plants are excellent air purifiers, removing toxins like formaldehyde and xylene from the air, and enhancing indoor air quality.
Low Maintenance: They are low-maintenance and can tolerate neglect, making them perfect for busy households.
Well-Draining Soil: Plant snake plants in well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, a common issue with indoor plants.
Moderate Temperatures: Snake plants prefer average room temperatures, making them adaptable to various home environments.
Occasional Fertilization: While they don’t need frequent feeding, a mild, balanced indoor plant fertilizer can be applied during the growing season for optimal growth.
Stylish Decor: Snake plants come in various sizes and shapes, adding a touch of elegance to your home decor.
Benefits of Snake Plant
Air Purification - Removes toxins like formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, and nitrogen oxides, improving indoor air quality.
Oxygen Production - Generates oxygen at night, enhancing sleep quality; perfect for bedrooms
Low Water Needs - Thrives with minimal water, ideal for busy individuals or forgetful watering schedules.
Feng Shui Benefits - Brings positive energy according to Feng Shui practices, making it popular for homes and offices
2. Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya)
Polka dot is Known for its vibrant, spotted leaves, which add a splash of color to indoor spaces, making it one of the best indoor plants for home decor.
Botanical Name: Hypoestes phyllostachya
Common Name: Polka Dot Plant
How to Care for Polka Dot
Bright, Indirect Light: Place your Polka Dot Plant in a location with bright, indirect sunlight. It thrives indoors as a decorative plant.
Regular Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry, ensuring good drainage to prevent water stagnation.
3. Aloe vera
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Aloe Vera’s attractive, spiky leaves make it a decorative addition to your home, enhancing the aesthetic of your indoor space. Apart from that it is one of several plants identified by NASA for its air-purifying abilities. It effectively removes toxins from the air, making it a natural air purifier for indoor spaces.
Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis miller
Common Name: Aloe, Burn Plant, First Aid Plant
How to Care for Aloe Vera
Sunlight: Aloe vera thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. It can tolerate some direct sunlight, but too much intense sun can lead to sunburned leaves.
Well-Draining Soil: Plant aloe vera in a well-draining cactus or succulent potting mix.
Temperature: Aloe vera prefers warm temperatures between 59-77°F (15-25°C). It can withstand brief periods of colder or hotter temperatures but should be protected from frost.
Fertilizing: Aloe vera doesn’t need frequent fertilizing. You can feed it with a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).
Pruning: Remove dead or damaged leaves at the base using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. Regular pruning can encourage new growth and keep the plant looking tidy.
Why Aloe Vera is Ideal for home?
Medicinal Uses - Aloe Vera’s gel is widely recognized for its healing properties. It soothes burns, skin irritations, and minor wounds, making it a natural first-aid remedy.
Air Purification - Aloe Vera improves indoor air quality by absorbing harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene, promoting a healthier living environment.
Low Maintenance - Aloe Vera is exceptionally low-maintenance, requiring minimal attention while thriving in diverse environmental conditions.
Decorative Appeal - Its striking rosette of fleshy leaves and minimalistic aesthetic add a touch of green elegance to any space, enhancing the overall decor.
4. String of hearts
String of Hearts is an excellent choice for indoor plants due to its charming appearance, easy care requirements, and the visual interest it brings to your living space.
Botanical Name: Ceropegia woodii
Common Name: String of Hearts
How to Care for String of Hearts:
Light: String of Hearts thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. It can tolerate some direct morning sun, but avoid intense afternoon sunlight, as it can scorch the delicate leaves.
Well-Draining Soil: Plant in well-draining cactus or succulent potting mix.
Temperature: String of Hearts prefers temperatures between 70-80°F (21-27°C). Protect it from cold drafts, as it’s sensitive to temperature drops.
Humidity: It can tolerate normal indoor humidity levels. However, it appreciates occasional misting, especially in drier environments.
5. Lavender
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Lavender, a fragrant herb celebrated for its soothing aroma, isn’t just for gardens. This versatile plant can thrive indoors, adding a touch of elegancy to your home.
Best Indoor Plants for Home – Lavender
Botanical name– Bold Lavandula
Common Name– Bold Lavender
How to care for Lavender
Here are short and concise points on how to care for Lavender indoors-
Light: Provide bright, indirect sunlight for at least 6 hours daily.
Soil: Use well-draining soil mixed with sand or perlite.
Watering: Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.
Pot: Choose a pot with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.
Temperature: Lavender thrives in average room temperatures (60-70°F or 15-21°C).
Pruning: Trim after flowering to promote bushier growth.
Fertilization: Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season.
Pest Control: Watch for pests like aphids and treat them promptly.
What Makes Lavender an Ideal Choice for Indoor Gardening?
Lavender isn’t just a pretty plant; it’s a powerhouse of benefits that make it an ideal choice for indoor gardening
Versatile Uses - Lavender isn’t just visually appealing; it’s also used in various culinary dishes, essential oils, and herbal remedies.
Aromatic Fragrance - The sweet, floral scent of Lavender can naturally freshen up any room, creating a pleasant ambiance.
6. Asparagus Fern (Asparagus aethiopicus)
Botanical Name: Asparagus aethiopicus Common Name: Asparagus Fern
How to care for This Indoor Plant
Asparagus Fern is renowned for its hardiness, making it a favorite among both beginner and experienced gardeners. Here’s how you can ensure your Asparagus Fern bloom
1. Lighting Requirements: Asparagus Fern thrives in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight.
2. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water thoroughly when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch.
3. Temperature and Humidity: Maintain a room temperature between 60-75°F (15-24°C). Asparagus Fern appreciates high humidity, so consider misting its leaves regularly.
4. Soil: Plant your Asparagus Fern in well-draining potting mix. Adding perlite or sand can enhance drainage.
5. Fertilization: During the growing season (spring and summer), feed your plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks.
7. Ponytail Palm
Botanical Name: Beaucarnea Recurvata Common Name: Ponytail Palm or Elephant’s Foot Plan
Ponytail Palm is a unique and captivating plant that adds an exotic touch to any indoor space. Its distinct appearance and minimal care requirements make it a popular choice among plant enthusiasts.
How to Care for Ponytail Palm:
1. Sunlight: Ponytail Palms thrive in bright, indirect light. While they can tolerate some direct sunlight, too much sun exposure may lead to scorching.
2. Watering: These plants have a unique water storage system in their swollen trunk, allowing them to withstand drought. Water sparingly, allowing the top few inches of soil to dry out between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot.
3. Soil: Plant Ponytail Palms in well-draining cactus or succulent soil mix. Good drainage is essential to prevent waterlogged roots and maintain the plant’s health.
4. Temperature: Ponytail Palms prefer warm temperatures and are sensitive to cold. Protect them from drafts and ensure they are kept in a consistently warm environment, especially during winter.
5. Pruning: Minimal pruning is required. Remove dead or damaged leaves close to the trunk using clean, sharp scissors to maintain the plant’s appearance.
Indoor Plants and Their Positive Impact on Mental Health
Interacting with plants triggers the release of endorphins, reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting a sense of well-being.
Studies show that the presence of indoor plants can lower cortisol levels, leading to reduced stress and increased relaxation.
Indoor greenery has been linked to improved concentration, memory, and overall brain function, enhancing productivity.
Plants release moisture during transpiration, increasing indoor humidity and reducing dry skin and respiratory problems.
Studies indicate that people surrounded by greenery report higher life satisfaction and a more positive outlook.
Different plants have different care requirements, so pick ones that suit your lifestyle and home environment. Caring for indoor plants can indeed be a rewarding yet challenging task. To make it easier, consider these factors like light conditions, humidity, and your own level of gardening expertise.
If you found this list of the best indoor plants for home helpful, why not take the next step? Explore our other articles for more tips on indoor plants for home, home decor, gardening, and lifestyle. Have a question or a specific topic in mind? Feel free to ask.
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sjukvarld · 10 months
not unless you learn som FENG SHUI … ( fancy way of saying skill issue )
Ur right I gotta do better
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I apologize for the post pointing fun at feng shui and I took it down. I feel frustrated and invalidated when people act like there's an easy quick fix to my complex issues but obviously I don't get to poke fun at people's cultural beliefs
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i-windwater · 1 year
June 2023 Flying Star Feng Shui Chart and Analysis
June 2023 Flying Star Feng Shui Chart and Analysis
The Feng Shui month of June starts on June 6th until July 7th, 2023. The first solar term (“Jie Qi”) is the Mang Zhong (Planting Grains), the mid-month solar term is Summer Solstice on June 21.
Major holidays and important dates in June 2023.
The monthly Flying Star chart for June 2023
In June 2023, the monthly chart is the same as the annual flying star chart of the year. So the power of the stars is even stronger.
The best areas are South, North, and West.
Watch out for health issues or accidents related to Northwest and East.
Southeast and Northeast show tendency of conflict and quarrel this month.
Summary Feng Shui chart for June 2023
Area by area Feng Shui analysis and suggestions
Center (4-4-8)
2. West (6-6-1)
3. Northwest (5-5-9)
4. North (9-9-4)
5. Northeast (7-7-2)
6. East (2-2-6)
7. Southeast (3-3-7)
8. South (8-8-3)
9. Southwest (1-1-5)
Link to the Amazon page for our picks of Feng Shui cures and enhancers: https://www.amazon.com/shop/picturehealer
(This is an affiliated page for your shopping convenience. We may earn a small commission for qualified purchases.)
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jojo-hut-jrs · 2 years
Oooh maybe bedroom for Alessi? Seems like the guy could totally either live like a complete slob or have a really nice room, and I just wanna hear what other people think
Finally, another alessi fan….
Bedroom headcanon:
I don’t think he’s a slob but he’s not the neatest guy either, the cleanliness of his room isn’t an issue so much as the state of the room itself. Alessi has unique taste that seems to flipflop towards different aesthetics and pieces, he has no eye for things like color theory for feng shui so his room (and the rest of his condo) are just a hodgepodge of cheap or found furniture, those cheap paintings and wall arts from like, bells outlet or Walmart, and whatever impulse purchase he bought off of Amazon that week. The walls are a weird paneling that don’t match the bedsheets and his bed is missing the headboard and the undersheet.
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“Rare Games.”
Between all this this (Dragon Jar is from the manga, the rest is exclusive to toei 1998) and the “Devil’s Board Game” mentioned in Otogi’s arc in the manga, there’s an implication of a whole underworld of shady, often-occult gaming rituals, with multiple cultures creating an umbrella concept of “clandestine high-stakes gambling + occult curses executed via games” independent of each other. and of some of the people invested in the former going out of their way to collect the latter via any means necessary.
The way this is executed outside of Japanese and western examples is often... exoticizing, focusing on how ~weird and spooky and foreign~ Egypt/China/India/etc are, and this is sucks.
(Skipping Egypt b/c the baggage of the millennium items being framed early on as “because Egypt is inherently weird and spooky” and how Yugioh treats modern Egyptians would require its own post, which I am not prepared to write.)
The Dragon Jar is clearly Gu magic combined with a mahjong variant, but Gu is just as much an “evil taboo sorcery“ concept as the Japanese form, kodoku, is in Japan; it is most certainly not associated with "training Feng Shui masters.”
And Aileen’s game being a Chaturanga variant is, conceptually, fine. And honestly, I kinda like her as a character. What’s... not good is how her having statues of Hindu deities in her apartment is written into the episode to be practically framed as a red flag, suddenly emphasing her Indian-ness in contrast to her more “familiar” Canadian-ness. And her having a pet attack tiger is just... do I have to say anything?
But I feel it’s got to be possible to execute the “different cultures keep fucking inventing this” concept while making it clear “this isn’t any more Normalized and non-taboo for Egypt/China/India/etc than it is for Japan or Europe.”
...On a different, lighter note, early Yugioh’s games often also suffer from Duel Monster’s Calvinball Syndrome and “Everyone plays like a Timmy even when it doesn’t make sense” syndrome. This would probably have continued to be an issue even if Yugioh hadn’t become a card game commerical. But can you imagine if the series’s middle stretch had gone into exploring this, instead of focusing on a singular TCG? At the very least, there would be less monotony.
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