#it's a hodgepodge mess but
aethernoise · 6 months
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So, I typically keep my BG3 posting to my side account, but this is far too amazing to not put in front of a much wider audience so BEHOLD!! my Tav (Xandra) and Gale by the incomparable @britishmuffin
This ship has me in a mage hand stranglehold and I'm not complaining. I love them & I am obsessed with how gorgeous Muffin drew them here. My crops are watered my skin is clear my spell slots are all replenished. Thank you for your time (& Muffin for an always wonderful experience).
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doginasillyhat · 18 days
my biggest red flag is that i will ALWAYS tell someone to spend their money.
i have my savings that i genuinely don’t touch, sure, but i am the only one in my family who buys things. my room is filled with vintage toys and comic books and my whole growing nintendogs collection. truly what even is the point of living if you can’t enjoy things!!! be smart with money but you can also SPEND it and not hoard it!!! buying myself a 5$ bunnykins cup to sit on the shelf with all my bunnykins china is not going to break the bank but it IS going to make me happy!!
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If the tfa jettwins are afraid of this version of starscream (since they are part of the elite guard), how do they feel with the older seeker constantly trying to adopt them?
And what does tfa starscream(and the clones) think of him?
They're super confused, unassuming this happens before they find out that the Starscream of this dimension is actually their carrier. Constantly trying to dodge his attempts to abduct and care for them XD
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sadiestics · 1 year
was listening to an episode just there where sadie pronounces ‘mafia’ like ‘MEH-fia’ and frank says the word in the next line, and he uses sadie’s pronunciation of it, and i just think that’s a little detail that so encapsulates the doyles—
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featherstorm2004 · 4 months
Ok but the implication that Fyodor inherits the personality traits of the people who kill him is extremely messed up when you think about it. And considering how old he is it's very likely his original personality has been completely taken over by this point, honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Fyodor doesn't actually have a grand master plan but is instead working with a hodgepodge of half baked ideas culminated by his past vessels over the centuries.
Especially when you consider that these new desirers seem to effect him strongly, with him not giving two shits about Aya until he took over Bram and now suddenly he's yandere levels obsessed with her.
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hqbaby · 4 months
seven — i have a secret
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2k content. profanity, FEELINGS FEELINGS FEELINGS
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You met Satoru by chance. Or at least that was what you thought until he confessed three months into your relationship that he’d devised the whole thing.
“You’re not serious,” you said, gaping at your boyfriend. “You couldn’t have planned that.”
The two of you were sitting in his car, seats reclined backwards as you shared a bag of fries and passed a milkshake between one another. The speakers were blaring a hodgepodge playlist the two of you had made, one you’d both added all your favorite songs to with no rhyme or reason that resulted in an eccentric mix of ‘90s rock, rap, and—courtesy of Satoru—Britney Spears’ entire discography.
Things were so much simpler then. Better.
“I planned it all!” he told you, laughing as you continued to stare at him in bewilderment. “I had a massive crush on you, what else was I supposed to do?”
“I dunno,” you gestured frantically, “maybe talk to me like a normal person?”
He snorted. “Please.”
“Please what?”
“You wouldn’t have given me the time of day!”
You gasped in faux shock. “I totally would’ve!”
He pointed the fry he was holding at you in wild accusation. “You turned down everyone who asked you out,” he said, all matter-of-factly. “Desperate times call for desperate measures, princess.”
You shook your head, grinning now as your boyfriend stuffed a handful of fries in his mouth. He’s such a boy, you thought.
“Let me get this straight,” you said as you sat up, placing your hands on your lap. “You took a class that isn’t even in your curriculum, purposely bumped into me after a game, proceeded to tutor me for a whole month just to ask me out?”
He shrugged, beaming proudly at his apparent job well-done. “What can I say? I’m a mastermind.”
You tossed a fry at him as you laughed. “You’re unbelievable.”
“I believe ‘amazing’ is the right term,” he said, sitting up now too. He leaned in towards you and brushed a strand of hair from your eye. Quietly, he added, “And you were totally worth it.”
His lips met yours and you swore that if you died right then and there, you’d have died happy.
What a shame it all had to end.
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Your neighborhood is safe. Well, that’s what you tell yourself when you go rogue—against all of Maki and Nobara’s insistence and all your empty promises—and decide to go on a run in the dead of night.
You don’t usually take this kind of risk, resorting to early morning jogs before class or training, but you couldn’t sleep anyway and the tournament is coming up soon. You’ve never been one to half-ass anything, so you have no intentions of half-assing this. Safety be damned. You’ll run if you want to run.
The streets are still as you make your way around the block. You circle the park, the cluster of houses, the apartment buildings. There’s a convenience store that’s still open—you wonder what it’s like to work there, to tend to an empty shop. Maybe it isn’t so bad a life. Maybe you wouldn’t mind winding down in your old age and owning a 24/7 convenience store. Maybe you’ll have grandchildren by then, but that would require children and you don’t necessarily want to think about that just yet.
You distract yourself with the different sights, the mindless thoughts, the grocery list of things you need to buy the next day—anything to not think about the fact that you’re absolutely exhausted and could pass out at any point in your run.
You haven’t slept much since that brief reprieve afforded by Sukuna’s company a few days ago. You’ve gone to classes, dutifully attended meetings for your organizations, religiously beat your body into perfection in training. At this point, you’re just running on auto-pilot.
You wonder when this will ever end.
You circle back to the convenience store and your foot—so tired, so susceptible to minor inconveniences now—catches on a stone on the ground. At least you have enough foresight to land your ass.
It’s then that everything crashes down on you. You can do nothing now but sit on the ground and wearily massage your legs as you wait for the last bit of strength to return to you, just enough to make you get up and walk home. You just sit there, on the pavement of a dark street, fully aware that it’s probably not a good idea but also fully aware that you don’t have it in yourself to care.
You pull your phone out of your pocket. There’s a text from Maki asking if you placed the orders for the shirts you’re selling at the children’s rights fundraiser. Right. You forgot to do that. There’s a text from Kento asking if you have notes from that one class the two of you share. An email from Yuki with the details of the tournament. A meme from Sukuna, an image of a clown with the accompanying message “u.”
Then there’s the text you’ve been avoiding.
satoru <3 : can we talk sometime?
You should really change his contact name.
And it’s like the universe hears you. You don’t know if you’ve ever fully bought into the whole “the universe is listening” thing, but you might just become a full-fledged believer, because as soon as you look up from your phone, you find a figure walking through the shadows towards you.
A random straggler maybe? A murder with an axe? One of those zombies that keep chasing you in your dreams?
You know who it is as soon as the first bit of light from the dying street lamp hits his hair.
He’s walking with his hands in his pockets, head hung low like he’s tired or thinking or both. It takes him a while to even register your presence. It’s only after you put your phone away that he looks up, alerted by the slight movement.
His eyes meet yours. Blue piercing straight into you, like he can see your thoughts. Like he can read your mind. You always suspected he could.
“Hi,” he says.
He’s standing a few feet away from you, close enough to take in your weakened form but far enough to run away if you decide to lunge forward and strangle him for whatever reason.
You lift your hand, a tiny wave. “Hey.”
His eyes scan your body, already checking to see what’s happened. He notices your legs spread out on the pavement, the bags under your eyes. You look okay, though, he thinks. Not in any immediate distress.
“What are you doing here?” he asks. His voice is unsure, afraid of entering the realm of familiarity, uncertain if you want him there.
You shrug, “Oh, you know. Just seeing the sights.”
He nods. “Right.”
“You wanna sit with me?”
The question isn’t so much said as it just flies out of you. A natural thing, to pose this question. Akin to asking about the weather, akin to how you used to tell him you loved him. Exactly what was expected, exactly what it should have been.
His answer is just as expected too. “Sure.”
Satoru steps closer and crouches down to sit in front of you. He sits cross-legged, placing his hands on his knees as he looks around hesitantly.
“It’s really late,” he says.
“I know.”
“It gets dodgy here at night.”
“I know.”
“You shouldn’t be out by yourself.”
You crack a smile at that. “I’m not alone now, am I?”
Satoru looks at you incredulously before smiling too. “Maki is so gonna kill you if she hears about this.”
“Then don’t fucking snitch,” you warn him. Your words are harsh, but your tone is light. Easy. “I’m already in hot water with her.”
“What did you do?” he asks. He relaxes a little, placing his hands behind him and leaning back. “Did you lose her sweater again?”
You roll your eyes. “That was one time.”
“Nuh-uh.” He shakes his head. “I remember at least four times you came to me all panicked because you didn’t know where it was.”
“To be fair, half of those times I was just looking for an excuse to talk to you.”
He raises a brow. “You’re kidding.”
“Not,” you tell him. “You’re not the only one who made shit up to talk to their crush.”
The two of you laugh, remembering that horrifying period of time before you got together and routinely embarrassed yourselves for one another. 
You know this whole thing, laughing on the street with the boy you broke up with less than a month ago, should feel wrong, at the very least awkward. But it doesn’t. When you look at Satoru, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles, you can’t help but remember just how much he meant to you. Maybe just how much he’ll always mean to you.
Satoru shuffles closer and says in a low conspiratorial tone, “I have a secret.”
You pretend to look around, check to see if anyone is listening. Then, you ask him, “What?”
He moves closer until his face is just inches away from yours. And he says the words you already knew he was going to say.
“I miss you.”
You let out a breath.
“I miss you too.”
You both lean forward, close enough to feel his breath on your lips, but not enough to touch his. His hand reaches for yours and squeezes it, holds it to his chest. There’s comfort to his touch, a familiar warmth. One that you’ve loved for a while now.
“‘Toru,” you say quietly.
You wonder if he can hear your heart pounding through your chest. You suspect that you can hear his.
“We can’t do this.”
His eyes flicker to your lips. You can almost read his mind. Why can’t we?
But he pulls back and so do you. He lets go of your hand, nodding as he takes his warmth away with him. There’s disappointment in his expression, but also a deep understanding. A deep knowledge that this isn’t right. You can’t do this.
You wring your hands and turn your gaze to a receipt on the ground. It lists a very specific assortment of things: a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of water, some lube, and a teddy bear. It must be Valentine’s Day somewhere.
“You’re good, right?” you find yourself asking. “With… Kimi.”
Satoru hums. He’s avoiding your eyes too, lost his footing in this whole interaction just like you. “Yeah, we’re good,” he says, words leaving a pit in your stomach that you try to ignore. “And you’re good with him?”
There’s a venom in the way he says the last word. As if he means to say, you’re good with him—him of all people. The scourge of the earth, that’s probably all Satoru can think about when he even considers the idea of Sukuna.
You nod. “We’re good too.”
Satoru’s eyes search yours and you do your best to hide the fact that you’re lying. You already know what he wants to see. He wants to see that you’re miserable without him.
That you made a mistake.
He doesn’t find what he’s looking for, so he just clears his throat, looks away, and says, “Good.”
You pull your legs up to your chest and wrap your arms around them. Suddenly, this whole thing feels like the kind of wrong it always was.
“You should go,” you say.
Satoru shakes his head, standing up and dragging you up with him. “I’m taking you home.”
“Satoru, it’s fine—”
But he won’t hear it. He’s already holding your hand and pulling you in the direction of your apartment building. As much as you want to, you don’t necessarily have the strength to argue with him, so you let him lead the way, one painful step after another.
When you get to the front of the building, Satoru drops your hand and motions for you to head inside. “Get some sleep.”
You turn to the door, then you hesitate, looking back at him. “Satoru.”
“Yeah?” His voice is soft, like he’s worried it might scare you away.
“I’m sorry,” you say.
His eyes widen just a bit as he tilts his head. “For what?”
You swallow. “For everything.”
You don’t expect him to smile, but he does. It’s all gentle and sweet. It’s exactly the way he’s always looked at you. The way he probably always will.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, princess,” he says. “It’s just the way things are.”
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notes. if there’s one thing i know about me when i’m writing my love triangle fics, it’s that i refuse to let either side go down without a fight 😌
ALSO FINAL REMINDER THAT THIS SERIES HAS SMUT, so minors sincerely fuck off please, i'm not responsible for what you consume online.
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fairygodsystem · 3 months
Do you have any system names for just the grouping that aren't system or collective?
We are really wanting a one worded collective name
♡ Alternatives to "system" or "collective" Master-list ♡
Association  Assembly  Aggregation  Assemblage  Assortment  Array  Alliance
Band  Body  Batch  Battery  Bunch  Bundle  Battalion  Bracket  Brigade
Class  Club  Chain  Circle  Crew  Collection  Cluster  Clutch  Clique  Clump  Clot  Combine  Conglomerate  Congregation  Crew  Crowd  Company  Collaborative  Communal  Cooperative  Common  Corporation  Compilation  Collation  Caboodle  Convocation  Cumulation  Constellation  Clan  Consort  Crop  Coalition  Classification  Conspiracy  Cabal  Coven  Corps
Establishment  Enterprise
Faction  Function  Formation  Foundation  Fellows  Fellowship  Family  Force
Group  Gathering  Grade  Gaggle  Grouping  Gild  Guild  Genus  Generation
Herd  Horde  Hoard  Heap  Huddle  Hodgepodge
Institute  Institution
Lot  League  Legion  Layout  Lads
Mass  Medley  Mess  Miscellany  Mobilization  Muster  Mess  Melt  Mutual  Mob
Number  Network
Operation  Outfit  Order
Platoon  Party  Parcel  Posse  Phalanx  Pack  Personnel  Pile
Round  Ring
School  Squad  Squadron  Set  Species  Syndicate  Staff  Stack  Stock  Suite
Team  Troop  Trust
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daycourtofficial · 11 days
How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
Pairing: Eris x Rhysand’s sister!reader | WC: 3.2k | warnings: depictions of violence
Summary: Eris tells his sons a story, letting them know how a strong knight defeated an evil dragon and saved the kingdom.
Note: this is a part of my gingerfucker series and mentions events that are detailed in ‘Cold was the steel of my axe to grind’. This is also anplay on the ‘retellings’ prompt for today - thought it’d be fun to have Eris sanitize how Beron died as a fairytale story @erisweekofficial
“Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed.” - G.K. Chesterton
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The sound of wood clashing rang through the room before being immediately followed by a trio of giggles. Eris stood outside the door, arms crossed debating what to do, listening as the children inside pretended to be knights defeating an evil king. Or was it a dragon they were fighting and they were Peregryn warriors? It was impossible to keep track of Atlas, Nyx, and Leif’s antics. Their interests changed so quickly, it was impossible to keep track of what was the thing to be during their playtimes.
Their games of make believe often took elements of Eris’s life and formed a hodgepodge of stories where most of the time they are brave warriors seeking to defend their lands.
The boys enjoyed it. Eris’s back didn’t whenever he was deemed the bad guy, their small swords leaving bruises that seemed to last for a week.
Early fights between the boys had led to many tears - they all wanted to be the hero, the good guy. They did not know the males their fathers had been before, the males who had done unspeakable things to survive.
Before he could make the decision himself, Leif had made it for him by appearing in the door way and holding onto Eris’s trouser leg. Eris ran his fingers through Leif’s red locks, forcing his son to look up at him.
Leif was incredibly sensitive - an empath like his mother, Leif often became overwhelmed incredibly quickly. Fat tears would begin rolling down his cheeks before anyone could realize what went wrong. Nyx and Atlas, both a few years older than Leif, often became too rambunctious for the smallest Vanserra.
But Leif’s eyes were bright and full of joy, not a hint of upset on his small face.
You and the Archerons had gone to spend the evening in a cabin a few miles away. You weren’t far from the Forest House or from Eris’s mind, but you insisted you needed a weekend before this next babe came to be yourself. Three kids under five was going to be a lot and the two of you wanted to soak up every moment possible before having a newborn again.
Unfortunately, Leif took the separation from his mother much harder than Atlas did, but seemed to be doing surprisingly well. Eris crouched down, getting down to Leif’s level to ask, “are you alright?”
The small boy nodded before a yawn escaped his mouth, betraying his real feelings.
“Are you tired?”
Leif’s nod at that question was more pitiful, as if a full nod were too taxing for the small boy. Eris opened his arms, allowing Leif to wrap his arms around Eris’s neck before he stood back up, walking into the playroom, finding it impossible to find the floor from the toys scattered across it. He got peeks at the green rug beneath, but various plushies and toy armor littered the floor hiding it.
Eris whistled, the two whirlwinds slowing down enough to take form as small boys, their swords going lax at their sides.
“Is this a playroom or a graveyard for lost toys for all of Prythian?”
The two looked to each other as they fell into a mess of giggles, the cousins looking completely unrelated. Atlas so far had inherited no features from his mother, the little boy pale and freckly much like his father, his cheeks often pink from how hot he ran.
Nyx on the other hand was quite tan, a byproduct of the time he spent in the sun this summer. His small wings fluttered in excitement, not quite strong enough to launch him from the ground but enough to produce a decent wind.
Eris had gotten all three of them washed up an hour ago, allowing them to work out the last of their energy in the playroom where he knew they wouldn’t get dirty again. He figured Lucien had crept off to his own rooms to change, his clothes dripping with water after Atlas snuck his hound, Pumpkin, into their bath and Lucien had to chase down the wet beast.
Eris was so amused at the sight he didn’t tell his brother he could simply call for the dog, instead letting him slip and slide across the floors in an attempt to get to him.
The boys stood in their pajamas, all looking up at Eris. He moved his head toward the door, motioning for Atlas and Nyx to follow him.
“Come on. Time for bed.”
The two small boys groaned, but Leif merely nuzzled into Eris’s neck as he carried him into the room down the hall.
Despite the size of the Forest House, Atlas and Leif did much better when sharing a room. The two had been kept separate when Leif was born, until Leif was around eight months old and Atlas woke up just about every night and dragged Leif into his bedroom.
Most mornings Eris found Leif in Pumpkin’s dog bed in the corner of Atlas’s room, curled up with his older brother, Pumpkin sleeping peacefully on his son’s bed.
The first morning it happened caused Eris to spiral. Finding Leif’s crib empty sent him on a hunt throughout the house, waking up everybody in the process until he went to check on Atlas, finding the small babe in his brother’s arms.
It has been several years and the boys fight on occasion, but overall are quite happy to share a room. For tonight they get to have Nyx share their room too.
To prepare for their cousin, the boys grabbed their mattresses, pushing them together on the floor and putting pillows and blankets all over the floor so all three of them could lay together.
Nyx’s wings were still quite small - not big enough to support his weight, they barely stuck out around his shoulders. The sight of Nyx’s wings still sent a twinge of guilt through Eris.
It had been centuries since your wings were taken from you, but Eris still remembers the venom he had spat at you right before you lost them and how incredibly small you looked when Tamlin had showed up with you, your back a bloody mess.
You had made peace with it long ago, but every so often whenever he finds himself with an Illyrian nearby, he wishes you could have those wings back, even if for just a moment. To watch you glide in the air, the winds of Autumn that had pushed him so far holding you up.
Eris lit the candles in the room, dusk casting the room in darkness. Leif’s fingers gripped his collar tighter as he crouched down, failing to put him on the floor.
“Can you tell us a story?”
Atlas perked up at Leif’s sleepy voice, practically vibrating in excitement. “The one with the dragon, please daddy?”
Atlas clutched his hands together in pleading, bouncing up as Eris agreed. He knew what Leif’s question was for - the small boy didn’t want to be set down yet, too content in his father’s arms to be left alone. If only Beron were alive to watch him cave to the demands of toddlers - his heart would stop beating in anger.
Eris stood back up, all attempts of removing Leif forgotten as he moved to the rocking chair in the corner, sitting with Leif curled up to his chest just like he had done hundreds of times before. Atlas and Nyx followed, sitting right in front of Eris on the mattresses that lay across the floor. He rocked for a moment - both to gather his bearings, deciding where to start the story, and because the anticipation killed the little boys before him.
“A long, long time ago, there once lived a knight.”
“What’s his name?”
Atlas was quick to shush his cousin, annoyed at his interruption no matter how many times he had heard the story. Leif began tapping on Eris’s chest, wanting him to keep talking, the sound of his voice soothing.
“We’ll just call him the knight. The knight lived a long time ago in a kingdom that doesn’t exist anymore.”
“Why not?”
Eris had no idea where Nyx’s inquisitive nature came from - his father certainly didn’t look too hard at the world outside of his dim perspective. The boy probably spent too much time with Azriel - anytime the spymaster was seen by either of his kids, they both ran rampant with questions of “why” and “how”, partly because Azriel would answer every single one of their questions, and because in their presence, he would also ask why and how and who questions.
“You’ll find out.”
Nyx opened his mouth, but Atlas moved his hand over his cousin’s mouth. “Stop.”
Eris continued with his story. “The knight lived in a land ruled by an evil dragon. He breathed fire at anyone who dared try to overthrow him.”
Nyx’s eyes grew large, excitement filling them as Eris pretended to breathe out fire.
“He was a big, nasty beast. His fangs are the size of a door. He had big red scales that covered his entire body, shielding him.”
Maybe he began embellishing these stories a bit.
“The handsome knight-”
“When’d he become handsome?”
Atlas slapped his hand onto his forehead in aggravation and Eris had to bite his tongue from laughing. The little boy hardly ever stopped talking and to watch his frustrations at his cousin doing the same was very amusing.
“He was always handsome.”
Eris had slowly been telling Atlas and Leif stories of his life in a much more palatable manner. Replacing their grandfather with a dragon, making Amarantha a dragon, making Rhys an evil king who hated him. He’d never admit it to anyone, but it was quite fun.
In one story he made Lucien a donkey just because it amused him. Lucien had been less than thrilled at his fictional depictions, even going so far as to try to tell his own stories to the boys. They didn’t like Lucien’s storytelling, so much so they begged him not to tell any stories.
“The incredibly good looking knight decided he needed to make a plan to kill the dragon,” giggles accompanied his words. “The knight had one issue: he was in love with a princess from a different kingdom.”
Leif gasped as if this were a new story to him - he enjoyed all aspects of Eris’s stories, but Leif was always happiest to hear about the princess. Whether or not Leif knew the princess was his mother, Eris wasn’t sure.
“And her king wouldn’t let her live in the kingdom of the dragon.”
“Why not?”
“Because dragons love the taste of princesses!” Nyx shrieked a little, and for good measure he added, “and the taste of little boys.”
Eris enjoyed riling his brothers up when they were young - one of the traits the centuries haven’t worn down. Once they both stopped screaming, Eris continued his story.
“So, the knight began planning with the other knights of the kingdom. They spent months making a plan to get rid of the dragon. He was killing their crops, even eating some of the people, and hoarding all of the kingdom’s gold. No one had any money or food. They devised a plan and set a date to take down the dragon. On the night before, the knight slipped away to see his princess one last time, to catch a glimpse of her before going to battle.
“She was as beautiful as he remembered, their last meeting was months ago and he thought of it often. Her king didn’t approve of their relationship, but they met secretly without him knowing. She invited him up into her chambers, where he told her the plans for the next day. He wanted to say goodbye, wanted to see her one last time. He gave her a kiss farewell-” giggles filled the room. “And then the knight left once more. It was the hardest thing for him to do.”
“What was?”
“Saying goodbye to his princess.”
The boys were enraptured in the story, paying close attention to every word from Eris.
Atlas didn’t admonish Nyx for his question, wanting to know the answer himself.
“Because he loved her very much.”
He rubbed Leif’s back softly, rocking the chair gently as he continued.
“The knight left the princess’s tower, heading to find a secret weapon.” Nyx’s wings fluttered, the wind brushing over Eris and Leif. “He walked through the kingdom to find a special, magical sword. It had been hidden centuries before, waiting for the rightful person to come find it.”
Atlas pretended to wave a sword in his hand, making sounds that somewhat resembles clashing as he and Nyx pretended to be fighting with swords.
“The knight rode in on his horse, meeting the other knights as they rode in and fought the dragon head on.”
“Did the horses fight?”
“No, they stayed far away as the knights used their swords to pierce and stab the dragon over and over again, but he remained unharmed.”
Atlas and Nyx began acting out the story, Atlas grabbing a pillow and pretending it was the dragon.
“The dragon paid special attention to our knight, his teeth sharp as he kept scratching and biting the knight. He was injured, but he kept fighting on with his magical sword. The dragon hit him with his tail, causing the sword to go flying through the air.”
Eris’s voice rose and fell with the story, his words glossing over the atrocities of the day. He could not figure out a nice way to add in how their mother poisoned at minimum twenty-five of Beron’s closest advisors.
Their mouths were wide open now, desperate to know how the tale ends, Nyx allowing his inquisitive nature to take a backseat to Eris’s storytelling.
“The knight thought it would be over as the dragon snarled at him, opening his mouth so the knight could see his big, nasty teeth. He could even see some of the spinach he had eaten for dinner.”
The boys erupted in giggles, softs echoes of “ewwwww” littered the room.
“The knight had accepted his fate. He knew it was over, and all he could think about was how grateful he was he got to see his princess one last time. He had closed his eyes, preparing to die, but the dragon stopped breathing his nasty breath in the knight’s face.
“The dragon had turned, only to find one of the other knights, Sir Flint, had come from behind. He had picked up the magical sword and slashed the dragon’s neck!”
Tiny gasps came from his audience, but he continued to his favorite part of the story.
“Blood poured out of the dragon as he fell, his big body making a big thunk as he fell. Some say it even caused an earthquake because he was so heavy.”
Eris couldn’t tell them about the extent of Flint’s sacrifice - not yet anyway. But he would make sure they knew his name, even if he were merely a fairytale hero.
“Once the dragon was slain, the knight removed his armor to show that he was secretly a prince the whole time!”
The boys screeched in excitement, jumping up and searching for their swords to start fighting again, disappointed to remember they were left in the playroom. Once they settled back down, Eris continued.
“The other knights gave the prince a crown, making him king of the kingdom. His first act was to go find his princess and bring her to his kingdom, making her the queen.
“The end. Now, I think it’s time for bed.”
The boys groaned in protest, but complied. Grabbing their blankets and settling onto the beds all over the floor. Atlas and Nyx nestled in, hiding themselves amongst the blankets and pillows. Eris stood, Leif’s body having grown heavy with sleep, his steps careful to navigate the various pillows, trying to find a spot for his son.
Leif groaned at the stirring, but Eris was quick to hum softly, soothing something in Leif.
“What happened to the prince?” Nyx’s wings fluttered with anticipation, the blankets moving with his joy, wanting to know what happened to such a brave male.
Eris leaned in conspiratorially, the boys leaning into him as if he were going to tell them a secret.
“His kingdom is long gone, but he’s still alive. He wanders the lands of Prythian. He was last seen in Winter a few years ago. They say he hunts for little boys who stay up past their bedtimes.”
Their small shrieks made Eris want to laugh, but he kept a straight face despite himself. He looked to Leif, his youngest son much more susceptible to these tall tales, only to find him asleep once more. His eyes were closed, his round cheeks pressed into his chest making the freckles on his face scrunch together.
Atlas and Nyx had quickly thrown the blankets over themselves, their voices quiet telling the other to stop talking. He was able to find a spot for Leif next to Atlas, gently moving his head to a new pillow, draping a blanket over him.
“Good night.”
They echoed his sentiment, their voices muffled through the fabric of their blankets. Eris shut the door behind himself, listening to the two cousins bicker back and forth, their voices getting quieter as the dark lulled them to sleep. He started walking down the hallway, only to find Lucien walking his way. His brother changed his stride to walk with Eris, following him through the halls.
Eris and Lucien had agreed to keep the kids for the first night you were gone, and Rhysand would pick them up in the morning and keep them all day and night. His brother in law had been incredibly confident he could handle the three boys on his own, perhaps from some well-placed snark from Eris at how his one child was much different from two, let alone a third.
Eris didn’t have to manipulate people anymore, he could live as he wished to, showing whatever image of himself he wanted. But he’d be damned if he ever stopped tricking the High Lord of the Night Court for his own amusement.
“I was thinking about tomorrow.”
Eris hummed as Lucien spoke, the two moving toward Eris’s sitting room, both in desperate need of alcohol and to not have someone clinging to them.
“I heard from Nesta that Rhys was so smug he could handle the three boys by himself that Azriel and Cassian are going to some sporting event.”
“Hm, wonder where he’d get such ridiculous notions of himself, as if he had something to prove.”
Lucien’s laugh was barking, but he continued. “I think we should give the kids a bunch of sugar before they go to Night. It’ll drive Rhysand up a wall. He may never want to see your kids again, though.”
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Divider by @tsunami-of-tears
Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke @prythianpages @itsswritten @acotarxreader @milswrites @the-golden-jhope @hannzoaks @secretlyhers @tothestarsandwhateverend @sarawritestories @chxosangxl
Eris taglist: @magicstrengthandcourage @book-obsessed124
Thanks for reading❣️
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corn-cardigan · 15 days
Hey so artist to artist, share a secret, how do you achieve that effect? I'm obsessed with how raw it looks love to coloura love the impression and softness just *chefs kiss*
<- last art from this post
Thank you so much (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) !
The way I paint is honestly a hodgepodge of methods. I’m in no way a professional painter or visual development artist - I work like this because it’s a nice change of pace from my usual stuff. But here’s a look into my process!
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I work in glazes, then I build up to full opacity when I render. This way, whatever subject I’m painting melds with the background color. I prefer my pieces having low contrast and details. I save the most contrast and details for focal points and areas in direct light.
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I’m also mindful of what direction my brush strokes are in as a way to sorta replicate traditional painting. It tends to do some heavy lifting in terms of indicating form. ((I love low effort things with big payoffs yippee!!))
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It’s really noticeable in my last painting but I add these borders when the subject’s colors contrast too much with the background. By adding that transition border, it makes the subject feel less like a sticker and more incorporated into the background.
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When painting portraits, my focal point will usually be the face and eyes. So I prioritize all the rendering and information into that area. Everything else outside that zone is kinda a mess of colors, shapes, and brushstrokes - but it’s ok because it’s not the priority. (Also the above pics are WIPS so if I finished them, it would be a bit more refined…)
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Somethings I did in 2022 that kinda exemplifies my points. Although if I did these again, maybe I’d bump down the contrast and make it more focused??
Again, painting is not my main thing!! I just do it for fun and it’s meditative and when you're a storyboard artist, you miss colors…
I always strongly recommend studying contemporary and classical painters who have a stronger, articulated grasp on this matter. I’m just noodling around most of the times.
Lengthy post but hope this helps!!! 💕
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Brain worms struck a nerve once more...
Just? Baby Dick, he is just so smol and full of hate.
I am just imagining this small 9 year old, taking on full aged adults and winning, then turning around and grinning like the devil at the remaining crooks
I just think Gotham Twitter would be like
Gothamite 1: Robin 4 is such angy, most stabby boy
Gothamite 2: He isn't even angry??? Like that boy is just autistic, I talked to him about proper pet care for like 45 minutes after getting mugged, Bats had a fucking 1000 mile stare.
Gothamite 3: If you want real angry Robin, you need to look at n.1 or @ Realwing. I was a goon for a bit out of collage, he broke 3 ribs and my collar bone by pushing me down the stairs and then jumping on me.
Gothamite 1: Can't see it, Nightwing is too pure.
Gothamite 2: He has fucking killed/brutally maimed people? Parasocial much??
And like, also more on Baby Dickie...that boy did not speak English as his main language until he came to live with Bruce, Halys circus tours in Europe mostly? Give me little Dickie just looking at Bruce with uncomprehending eyes as the man tries to explain that Dickie will be living with him.
Give me baby Dick with the cutest thick French accent as a boy (side note, have you seen children speak French? It's so fucking cute, they sound so fancy but still so very baby) Like I feel like he spoke a hodgepodge of languages with the carnies? Maybe that carries over to his Robin ages.
Robin, running up to Batman, cycling through 5 different languages and two dialects, then just holds out a frog to Bruce expectantly.
Bruce, who missed about every 3rd word and had to translate French, then German, then Portuguese and then Romani to English in a matter of seconds, "Yes...You may keep it."
Dick, giving Bruce a very concerned look, then to the frog, then to Bruce again "You...want to... to own it? Is it not...giftig? ruim para comer? " Groaning he flaps his hand trying to think of the right word, "Does not...work well with me? Make feel bad? Is sick?"
Bruce nodded slowly, "Poisonous or toxic is the word you are looking for Chum, no its just a cane Toad, Ce n'est pas toxique, c'est sans danger."
(Dickie does keep the toad, His name is Herr Haly and he lived very well in the gardens, he died not long after Jason came around)
Later when Dick went to do Teen Titans, the reason Starfires English is kinda messed up is because Dicks brain is hardwired for like four other things, and English was just the one she was looking for, he mentally translates every word from another language to English, so the grammar is a bit rough some times.
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le-trash-prince · 10 months
KinnPorsche being a hot-mess hodgepodge of genres is exactly why I love it so much. What do you mean it’s bad writing that Kinn and Porsche spent an entire episode in the honeymoon phase feeding each other product placement slices of bread while Pete was getting tortured by Vegas. Is that not the pinnacle of entertainment?
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unbizzarre · 10 months
Barrayaran Uniforms
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My laptop’s still broken so it’s been a messing-around-with-gouache-paint weekend! I always draw too small so doing the deatails on this one was rough! 😫
Modern imperial dress greens on the left, and an attempt at vorkosigan house livery on the right (I don’t love how the vorkosigan house one turned out so I’m probably gonna rework it some more before adding anything to the ol’ headcannon)
-book mentions stiff high uncomfortable collars, forest green color, riding boots and side piping. There should also be two ceremonial swords but I got lazy
- I wanted to put an emphasis on embroidery and hand details in barrayaran fashion in general so I picked side piping a little more intricate and ornate than just a simple stripe
- originally I was put piping across the front like in the reference, but it got too busy and I wanted the chest to be a little simpler that way medals and other stuff would stand out better against the fabric. Plus having fewer fiddly bits helps it feel more sleek and less out of place in space.
Reference photos:
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- Barrayar as a setting has had to basically speedrun 600 years of fashion history as they make the leap from midieval to space-age in a single generation. In order to show the shift in eras I made a little timeline(ish) of the general changes in the uniform silhouette.
- biggest change in the general silhouette is the gradual shortening of the coat/shirt element from calf lengths tabards to thigh length coats to to waist height jackets
- armor and chainmail fall by the wayside, and guns are picked up. Early occupation uniforms eclectic and a hodgepodge of old midieval weaponry + stolen cetegandan ordenance. They are not uniform at all as the barrayaran military is mostly small gorilla outfits with each fighting force cobbled together from the resources at hand. New Uniformity would come with the return of central government and the implementation of infrastructure for mass production. The uniform would probably stay relatively consistant during the conquest of komarr through the pretendership. Another major shift in in uniform style would probably occur during the regency or Gregor’s coronation in reflection of the successful regime change and the continued push towards a more modern barrayar
Here’s some rough outlines:
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Reference Collages from photocopies of a fashion history book I picked up from the library a while back. Don’t remember the title. Will edit post when I do Left is Russia (not sure which century). Right is references for occupation fighters pulled from various pages, time periods, and nationalities (Russia, Mongolia, Crete and turkey maybe? Idk) I wrote all the page numbers down on the collage but I returned the book so now they’re useless.
Thanks for reading!
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suzydoozy · 3 months
Here we go again.. || Suzy +Rose
Was this really happening again? Another House shift, back to Theta she goes! This was the third? Fourth time? She was beginning to lose count. Was she so much a pain in the ass everyone felt they needed to get rid of her.... no. Don't think like that. She was fluid! She was reliable! Adaptable! She sighed, looking at the pile of boxes, some vacant, some full and needing mover's tape, some half way there. It was a hodgepodge. And at this point, moving so many times, she didn't have the energy to even sort them. Throwing stuff in boxes without thinking. That wouldn't work. But it was a method. As she huffed some loose hair from her face, a knock came from her door. That was probably Rosanna, coming to help pack her up. Normally she would care a bit, having someone see her room in such a tizzy. But this time. She simply couldn't Still.. it was the house President. And her boxes were even messy, things falling out the sides from the unorganized condition of it all. Too late now though. "One sec" she said, eyes flickering fast across the room to make sure nothing incriminating was on display. Rising and adjusting the mess that most would call a bun in her hair. Looking to the mirror, noticing the bags under her eyes. She shook her head a bit and slapped her cheeks, then went and opened the door.
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kitkatpancakestack · 2 years
I've never published for this fandom before and full disclosure I only got like a fourth of the way into the movie before I had to stop, but we all know how it ends and also how can you not want to write something after that dumpster fire, jfc. A bittersweet ficlet for my bittersweet heart.
The jeep idles with a pleasant rumble, the steering wheel vibrating against the fragile pads of his fingers. Eli doesn't have to try hard at all to imagine his father's cocky half-grin, his fingers' smooth scritchy-scratch over his beard as he laughs, Listen to her purr; she never could resist me.
Congrats dad, you're a mechanic. You did the bare minimum of your job.
That's because you don't understand the conditions I'm working under. Come on, come look under the hood.
I hate cars.
Maybe, but you can't hate this one. If anything ever happens to me, it'll be your job to keep this tragedy alive. Now come here.
Eli shuts off the ignition and stares up at the house in front of him. He guesses after making the entire road trip without issue, maybe his dad knew what he was talking about with the jeep.
The door creaks and slams shut with a dull thud. He drags himself up the porch but doesn't knock; he hears movement inside, shuffling closer, a heartbeat picking up rhythm.
The door opens. Socks enter his field of vision where his gaze is trained steadfastly on the wooden slats. The socks cross at the ankle. The wood shifts, as if the person has propped their shoulder against the doorjam.
His head and his heart and his throat are a sticky, impossible mess. All this time to think of a conversation opener and he doesn't have a clue how to start.
The man asks, "Do you even have your permit yet?"
The air around him thickens, suffocating, all the shit he repressed during his car ride avalanching him all at once. "The jeep didn't break down. Not a single time."
The corners of the man's eyes crinkle as he looks over Eli's shoulder. "How about that." Another beat of silence, and then, "I know it sounds impossible, but the moment it happened, I felt it."
A moment passes, interrupted by a breeze carrying a litany of unfamiliar scents, and still, in the hodgepodge, something familiar: his father's aftershave, his greasy hands after working on a car, his breath after morning coffee.
Eli chokes out a sob and says, "I need you."
Stiles steps over the threshold and says, "I'm here."
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ladyloveandjustice · 6 months
Winter 2024 Anime Overview: Metallic Rouge
Metallic Rouge
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Premise: There are a robot-alien-whatever race called Neans and they're really oppressed and all that, you've heard about Detroit Become Human you know how it is. Rouge is a Nean who's been tasked by her brother with killing the Immortal Nine, super powerful Neans who want to not be oppressed and are willing to kill the humans that use them as slaves. Rouge's partner is Naomi Orthman and she's pretty fun. Eventually, Rouge sort of starts to wonder if ruthlessly killing her own people who are fighting oppression might be a bad thing actually.
Man what a mess. Kind of a fascinating, ambitious mess, but it's so bad. (If you're a fan, I encourage you not to engage with this review, you have better things to do than upsetting yourself for no reason).
I was attracted to this because like, it's focused on two women with really cool character designs! And they get to fight and be cool and have a vitriolic best buds kind of partnership! Naomi is pretty charming. The show does often LOOK good, and there's some genuinely cool animation moments, I'll give it that.
However, I realized fairly quickly that the story was a hodgepodge that didn't seem to have much of a grasp on even the basics of writing, but by that point I wanted to see what stupid plot twist it'd pull next. I don't know if it was a good decision but it sure was a decision I made. It means I get to write a review where I can be mean which is always easier than trying to convey how good a show is, I guess because less pressure.
The story starts in media res in a very confusing way. It does (attempt to) explain things a bit in later eps, but you never really stop having the feeling you've just been plopped in the middle of an ongoing story. I think it's very likely, that like so many shows, this was supposed to be a 26 episode show but it was cut down to 13 because anime originals sadly don't get to be that long anymore.
I don't think a longer runtime would have made the plot less stupid and frustrating, but it probably would have made the show a little better and some events have more impact. But rather than cut some events to let the story breathe, the show insisted on cramming a ridiculous amount of plot twists into a short runtime, meaning they never had time to land and you had no reason to care about most of the characters.
The approach to the Neans was a total mess especially. Very badly written for the most part. The Neans are literally slaves. Because of the Asimov Code (literally naming it that in universe is pretty funny I'll admit) they have to do whatever humans say, and most of the humans ruthlessly abuse them, use them as shields when there's danger, often steal their life giving nectar for kicks and leave them to die horribly, the police gun them down all the time, and also a huge amount of them are in a forced labor camp on Venus where they either die from the horrible conditions, (often falling directly in lava or being irradiated or whatever) or they just work until their bodies give out. (It definitely doesn't help that two of the Neans we see killed most horribly are Black-coded.)
DESPITE ALL THIS, the story inexplicably tries to both sides it for most of the anime. Some of the Neans are actually really evil because they'll do violence to escape their oppression! That's so bad, they're just as bad as the humans, they're really mean and randomly murder their own allies! Rouge is genuinely presented with the dilemma of "you can free the Neans and maybe they'll rightfully want revenge and kill some humans and society will ~be in chaos~ or you can just let your own people continue to be enslaved and horribly killed and abused every day. And she's like "hmm I dunno. Both sides have a point. yeah I think freeing them could be bad". Incredible. (Granted it does come around a little in its conclusion when some characters randomly change their minds, but it's way too little too late)
If you couldn't tell, Rouge is a really nothing character who it's hard to sympathize with thanks to her baffling choices, except for in a couple episodes that were genuinely charming and fun and made you think "hmm maybe it would have been fun to see these characters get into some shenanigans". Naomi at least has a fun personality, and I had a little bit of crush before her character mostly went down the tubes with everyone else.
Naomi and Rouge's dynamic could be pretty fun and was definitely the best thing about the show (and the only times Rouge showed any personality was with Naomi and a spoiler character), but the show insisted on speedrunning their conflicts and separating them constantly despite that dynamic supposedly being so central to the story, so.
But really, as I said, the most entertaining part of the end of the show was seeing how many ridic plot twists it could cram in, most of which had no impact because you didn't care about the characters, they didn't make much sense, and there was very little to set them up. EVIL ALIENS, EVIL FAMILIES, THIS BORING CHARACTER HAS SECRETLY BEEN PULLING THE STRINGS BECAUSE REASONS, that kind of stuff.
But I have to leave off telling y'all how one plot twist in the final episode is undone LITERALLY 30 SECONDS LATER because of something a character did off screen. also it's done two minutes before the episode ends. It's so funny I have to tell you.
Rouge pressed the button that frees all the Neans. Then a character who hadn't done much but I guess is the big bad now pops up and is like "Rouge you freeing the Neans was all part of my plan because you activating the device actually infected them with an EVIL PROGRAM AND NOW THEY WILL FIGHT FOR THE EVIL ALIENS!! Rouge was like "wha?" but then the Neans glowing red evil eyes immediately turned off and the brother was like "actually I anticipated it and hacked it offscreen they're actually free." And the villain just leaves without really reacting. Amaaaazing.
So yes, wouldn't recommend this show unless you really like watching trainwrecks, and despite how amazing a trainwreck it is, there are stretches where it's just a slog.
(God, this review ended up longer than I thought. So much carnage and crumpled metal to describe. But now I'm officially free.)
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gaykarstaagforever · 4 months
There is an English word I didn't know until today, derived from Middle French: gallimaufry.
It was originally a word for stew, like hash, hotchpotch/hodgepodge, or potpourri, but like all of them became a synonym for "a big mess of stuff."
No I don't know why English needs this many different words for this same concept, or why we needed the French to give them to us.
All I know is, I think I finally get where the name of a certain English scifi planet comes from.
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And I assume 70s Doctor Who writers were being a little cheeky about having to come up with a planet that was basically a mess of whatever the specific plots needed it to be and have.
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