#it's a holiday for the kids after all
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whatever you celebrate (or whatever you don’t) give yourself a congratulations for making it through this year. im proud of us
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So it was established in the last episode that Taylor still believes in Santa (tbh I wouldn't be surprised if it's come up prior to this ep too but anyways-) so... Do you think (saint) Nicky been has portalling in every year since the betrayal to sneak in a gift for his son amongst the pile? That Cassandra doesn't even notice because it's just one among the many many presents she herself has bought and wrapped? But every year without fail... Taylor gets one gift that simply says "from: Nick" and well, obviously that has to mean it's from Santa (a conclusion which Nicky expects him to come to, and why he can sign his name at all, though he misses when he could just write "dad"). And one year when he's still quite young, a sleepy little Taylor actually catches Nicky in the act, and Nicky wishes more than anything that he could just *stay*, but instead he only softly tells Taylor to go back to bed, and Taylor thinks that Santa is a lot younger and a bit sadder than he expected, but what's he gonna do- not listen to Santa Claus? So he smiles meekly at the man he does not know to be his father, and hurriedly heads back to his room.
Also yes of course Nicky eats the fucking cookies left out of course he's not gonna pass up on free cookies (which are home-baked to top it off) come on that's a given.
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Being the eldest kid is tough. Being the eldest kid of 10-14 ish kids? That's on a whole 'nother level baybee~
Do you know how stressful holidays are????
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obstinatecondolement · 7 months
I have a lot of fondness for clunky Hallmark Christmas romance movies with rock bottom production values, vaguely established and extremely contrived plots, dodgy dialgoue, often questionable line readings, and child actors playing a kid who seems either three years younger or older than themselves. Hallmark have not undermined themselves with glib, self aware irony or attempted to "elevate" the delightful low artform that they excel in. Refreshing, honestly.
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iftitah · 4 months
my mom's college is sooo nostalgic 😭
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Me: what if child washed up on the island somehow and was amnesic and tests were done and the burns find out this person is related to them and woodrow is called to the island to do tests too and it’s found out he’s the father and had no clue he had a kid and child gains memories and their mother is awful and Charlie and Woodrow get legal rights to child and now Kade Dani Graham and Cody have a cousin to get to know
#BURNS COUSIN BURNS COUSIN BURNS COUSIN#I imagine this cousin to be a girl roughly around Cody’s age give a year older or younger#just; Woodrow is known as the ‘takes risk’ brother between him and Charlie#you know he had to get into all sorts of dating mischief when he was younger#he gets a girl pregnant by accident but he doesn’t know and she doesn’t tell him#she starts to raise the child and tells her that her father walked out on her#the mom realizes too late she doesn’t love being a mom but keeps child around to use her#I don’t know what incident would happen to get this child amnesiac and on the island but something happens#the child having good times with her ‘friends’ the burns who she’s staying with until she gets her memories back#and exploring the wackiness and tech of the island until Woodrow finally gets to the island like 3 weeks after she had showed up there#AND FINDING OUT THE BURNS ARENT HER FRIENDS BUT HER FAMILY#AND NOW SHE SUDDENLY HAS A DAD?? /HAPPY TEARS#AND WOODROW IS ALL well Charlie’s the family guy I don’t know if I can measure up but I’ll try to take responsibility; wow I have a kid!#AND THE KID IS ALL you don’t have to apologize for not being family oriented I have a dad now and your trying and that’s all that matters#SHE ASKS IF SHE CAN CALL HIM DAD AND HE JUST MELTS#She was going to travel the world with Woodrow but Charlie had a cow about her education and didn’t want her doing only online schooling#so they work it out that she stays with Charlie during the school year and goes traveling with Woodrow during the summer#and Woodrow also visits the island more for holidays for his kid#AUGHSNSAUAHABDVBADHHHH#WOODROW FLUFF#BURNS COUSIN#GIVE IT TO ME#Woodrow burns#Charlie burns#Cody burns#Graham burns#Kade burns#Dani burns#cousin burns#tfrb
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shyspider · 5 months
HI SHY!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!!!!
My mom gave me covid for Christmas
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pizzaqueen · 8 months
Not sure I’m going to end up having time to write my Halloween fic after all 😞
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tj-crochets · 2 years
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I’ve gotten a bunch of new followers recently, so I figured I should introduce myself! My name is TJ and I like to make things. I started out crocheting, but over the years I’ve learned knitting, sewing, doll furniture making, sewing, and most recently embroidery. I usually link to the pattern in the notes when I post finished projects if I use someone else’s patterns, but I do frequently make my own patterns and have shared a bunch of both sewing and crochet patterns for free! If there’s ever a pattern you want a link to and you can’t find it in the notes of the post, please let me know! More info below the read more
That said, the pattern for the crochet UFO music box is available here or as a kit here, and the lemon armadillo pattern is available here. The rainbow quilt in the picture is a free pattern called the Postcards from Sweden quilt, the floral quilt is a crumb quilt with no pattern, the embroidery I made up as I went, and I designed the patterns for all the sewn plushies in that top picture.  I mostly post about things I’m making, and I’d say more than half the time what I make is plushies? Some tags I use to make it easier for my followers to blacklist non-crochet/non-sewing posts include #tj cooks, #tj bakes, #the person behind the yarn, #tj talks about work, and several others I can’t think of at the moment lol. I have some health issues that are now (thankfully) mostly under control, but I have pretty severe, fairly odd allergies and have weird salt issues and talk about that sometimes. I also play a few instruments, and very occasionally will post snippets of me playing and singing. Please let me know if there are any tags you’d suggest I use for blacklisting; I try to be sure I tag clearly enough for anything that needs to be blacklisted to be caught by the filters, but I am not infallible
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im2tired4usernames · 26 days
Ugh I was excited for today until I found out I'd have to spend it with people that actively make me hate being alive hate the future and drain me off all energy physically mentally spiritually like a vampire I can't stand to be around her she is the definition of stupidity and even then that's generous as fuck this bitch has filled her brain with so much garbage I watch her brain cells die at alarming rates every single time she uses her vocal cords her giggles make me want to jam a sewing needle into my ear repeatedly so I can never have to hear it again its a friendly reminder that my parents decisions this time my dad's constantly makes me want to die
#i cant even shes just so dangerously stupid#she thinks energy drinks with natural caffeine are safe to give people who have been told by doctor doing take caffeine with thia meds#ahe thinks of a child is CHOCKING to lie them face down n rub their back#she has the evangelical woman voice worse then women I've met n that cult ahe giggles constantly and behaves like the stereotype lil german#boy just got a lollipop over.... everyone and everything whe acts likw an 11 year old I just got the first boyfriend and all they could talk#is how perfect their boyfriend is and they're so pretty good for that I pulled a boyfriend is and it's like a God thing that they met how#SOOOOOOOOOO in love while constantly nonstop touching ahe has to be touching him her hand on his thigh her atm linked with his her heaf on#his chest she has to be in her lap they make out all over the place IT'S DISGUSTING AND EMBARRASSING STOP SWAPPING SPIT#she started a i. hwr words 'love diary of their love journey' they hadn't been dateing 2 months her kids are spoiled fake Instagram bitches#with such shitty views on politics SHE'S A TRUMP FAN GIRL SHENLOVES TRUMP MY DAD BROUGHT IN A TRUMPIE#there's so much i cant even say because even admitting it on tumblr is too embarrassing i wanted.to.likw her i liked her the first day but#THE MORE I GET TO KNOW GET THE MORE N MORE N MISS RED FKAGS#she threw away all my siblings clothes school books toys uniforms for sports their in toys i bought them that week make up jewelry#in the disguise of helping clean house#while i was at the hospital the kids call me in tears i call her beg her to wait and nope.ahe didn't i found the bags by the curb i brought#my dad sided with hwr because 'she didn't mean any harm she didn't know sje was throwing them away'#my mom hasn't bsen dead a year he started dating right after ahe died#hes talking about marrying this woman this woman who has never had an honest educated thought once in her life#WHO ASLO SPEMDA MONEY LIKE A DRUNKEN SAILOR AHE CAME FROM A WITCH FAMILY HER LAST TWO HUSBANDA WERE TOUCH SHE HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OF THE COMMON#SHE SPENDS LIKE SHE STILL HAS MONEY WHEN SHE DOSE NOT AND IT'S LIKE YOU DID NOT JUST SPEND OVER 180 DOLLARS N PASTRIES GOD#SHES SO FUCKIN STUPID AND EVERY HOLIDAY SINCE MY MOM DIED WVERY FAMILY GWT TOGETHER BECAUSE WE DON'T TALK OR.DO ANYTHING WITH MOM'S SIDE#OF THE FAMILY ANYMORE SHE'S THERE EVERY WINGLE MOTHER FUCKIN WEEKEND SHES HERE I'M EXHAUSTED SHES PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY DRAINING TO BE ARO#OUND SHES LIKE IF SOMEONE TOOK A GOLDEN RETRIEVER ON A DIET OF JUST FUCKIN COCAINE LITTLE GERMAN BOY WITH LOLLY AND CRUELLA DEVILLE AND FUSE#THEN TOOK A STRAW AND DRANK ALL THE SMARTS OUT OF THAT BEING#UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGH MY DADS GOIN TO NARRY RHIA BITCH SHES GOIN TO TRY TO BE A MOTHER TO ME AND MY SIBLINGS AND THEY'RE GOIN TO#be so fucked up because her kids are not ok SHE FUCKED THEM OVER BAD SHE HAS FOUR KIDS ALL ADULTS THEY'RE JUST WOW#I HATE MY LIFE I HATE WHAY FUTURE MY FAMILY IS GOIN TO BE THE GOOD THINGS IS I WON'T HAVE TO STAY I CAN GO N MAKE A NEW ONE WITH MY WIFE#FOR ME BUT MY SIBLINGS ARE FUCKED AND ANYTIME I WANT TO VISIT MY FAMILY YANDERE GOLDEN RETRIEVER BITCH WILL BE THERE WORMING HWR WAY IN#SHES CONSTANTLY CALLING N TEXTING MY DAD NONSTOP OF SHE'S NOT NEXT TO HIM AND IF HE CAN'T RESPOND INSTANT SHE FREAKS OUT N BUGS ME
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Listening to my parents joke about getting wasted and puking when I know those were the nights I locked myself in my room and tried to cry quietly because I hate seeing people drunk
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robinsnest2111 · 2 months
just realising I won't have silly meowing conversations with the cat anymore, or scritch her stupid lil head, or be greeted by her and let her in when I come home from work late at night, or give her food when she loudly demands it.
damn. lots of things to get used to.
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bootyful-seventeen · 7 months
the fact that tubi has so many of those animated movies i used to watch as a kid has me planning for a childhood movie week
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nerdie-faerie · 2 months
You've heard of crazy cat lady, now get ready for crazy bird baby
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pynkhues · 10 months
Having little nephews is having them scream-sing happy birthday to you over the phone and then when your sister asks them how old they think you are, one says a-million-and-six and the other says fifteen 😂
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hoperays-song · 1 year
TW: Transphobia and Current State of Trans Rights in the US
I hate holidays. Because sitting in a room of people who pretend to care about trans rights while not doing anything to help them, while continuing to misgender and deadname me after four years, while saying that it’s not that bad in the US, while saying it’s wrong for me to flee for my own safety, while saying that no one is actively trying to kill trans people, is fucking terrifying. They know nothing on the matter and say that I’m being a “pretentious prick” for telling them information on the matter. They say there isn’t a genocide against trans people. They say we’re exaggerating.
I’m sorry but trans kids are being taken from their families. Trans people can be arrested for dressing like themselves. Books with trans rep are being taken off shelves. Hundreds of bills are proposed that would ban us from existing. Countries are now offering up asylum to transgender Americans.
No trans person I know doesn’t have an escape route planned. We’re being killed, wiped out from existence. We are terrified.
I have had to hold my kids and tell them that if worst comes to worst I will get them out no matter what. I’ve had them send me photos of go bags asking if “will this be enough?” I go to my classes everyday scared that will be the last time I ever do. I have a group of seven I have made a plan to get to the border with. I’ve been given death threats within the past week to my face. Sure, as my bio family said, some areas aren’t “as bad” but no 13 year old should have to be making escape plans. No one should. No one should be fearing for their lives instead of just living them.
We are stage 7 of a genocide. And I’m tired of only trans people caring.
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