#it's a mental breakdown
only-writes-one-thing · 11 months
ya boy is back to listening to the yt version of grocery store by cavetown
you know what time it is B)
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transgender-png · 1 year
me to my stuffed animals, mid breakdown: I don't think I can romanticize my way out of this besties
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ma91c · 1 month
Alastor in the last episode be like:
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and then.... "this place reeks of death, there's a chill in the air-"
btw I used this as reference
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tudirkulosis · 6 months
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edit: hey!!! this is post is getting WAY more traction than i thought it would so please go follow & support @tothechaos (op of the tweet) !!
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the-heaminator · 8 months
Chapter 6 of "I'll be fine, don't you worry about it.
It was force of nothing but pure habit that woke Arthur up at the time he needed to actually go to work, he knew it was not his day off, and even without his alarm he managed to wake up, exhausted as usual, it took a while to realise something was off.
He was too warm, he was never this warm,  it felt rather nice honestly, like being swaddled.
He finally registered a weight, a heavy one, being pressed down on him, it smelt....like washing liquid and a little like mothballs, his face was under it, he didn't know where he was, this wasn't his blanket, nothing he owned was this warm, or heavy, he was being smothered, shit, shit, shit, not this again.
He threw it off him, it took longer than he had hoped, the blanket was heavy and it was large, it just kept on going it did, he made a great deal of noise doing that, his eyes were still bleary, his vision wasn't great at the best of times, and this is very difficult to define as even a remotely good time, he didn't know much but he knew this was not his flat, his flat made sense, the floorboards were hard and cold, specific ones that nearly 7 years of living there he knew creaked, there was always a draught and it always smelled a little damp, it wasn’t great but it was familiar, and he needed familiarity, he moved off the sofa, he concluded it was a sofa, but it was not his, too stiff.
The first thing he felt on the floor was carpet, warm and forgiving, it was dry, too warm,, this was not his flat, where were the children, fuck where were the children, where was he even,  why couldn't he move, why couldn't he see, he was so hungry, he wanted to be sick, too much, too much happening, he heaved but nothing came out except the tiniest bit of acid, his mouth tasted sour, he coughed painfully, backing into the wall with no idea of what to do next, breathe, he had to breathe, then he could make sense of what any of this was.
Gilbert woke to an almighty crash and then desperate scrabbling, thumping against walls, intruders, shit, he didn't own a gun, the best he had was a cricket bat in the corner of the room, it was early in the morning, the sun was up, but barely, red, purple, the darkest vestiges of blue, who would try to rob him at this time, and they were awfully loud, what type self-respecting robber would make such a racket, honestly.
He only just registered he asked Arthur to stay the night when he saw him backed into a wall, blinking hard and looking scared, terrified, and sick, he looked sick every time he saw him, but now he had gone too grey to be good.
He was usually struck by just how old Arthur looked normally, with frown lines too deep and hair too grey for his age, right now he looked very young; and absolutely terrified, they just stood there for a moment before Arthur's conscious mind finally kicked in, pressed up against the wall like a feral thing, he realised he might look like he had lost his mind, when he very much had not, he could not do that, he was just a little frightened.
Gilbert was still bleary with sleep, and adrenaline could only do so much, once his mind registered Arthur as not being a threat, in no way could Arthur ever be a threat to anyone but himself, the adrenaline wore off, and he still had no idea what was going on.
The children were still asleep, it was too early to wake up, and Gilbert could not help but ask "What happened? You look like you've seen the devil naked?"
Arthur laughed a hollow little laugh, not as much of a laugh, closer to a bark, he still could not think straight, this was….Gilbert, this was Gilbert, where were the children, why was he here?
Gilbert was worried, considerably more than that, there was something wrong with him, he was still grey, his eyes were darting around, again like a creature caged, and his breaths were rapid and shallow, save for the occasional, very much forced deep one, his mind was not catching up even as he forced himself to try and do this.
He did not answer, but he did seem to respond to his name, which was good, he forced his eyes to look at Gilbert, they were about the same height, practically eye to eye normally, but in his fear, Arthur had hunched, the light glinted in his eyes, orange did not mix with green very well.
He snapped out of whatever that was, not completely of course, but enough to speak up “Where are the children?”
Gilbert was confused, how was that the first thing that came to his mind when he was in such a condition, he was a strange little man.
“Asleep in the room, remember?” Gilbert knew that Arthur probably could not, Arthur realised slowly that he probably should not have walked all the way here, but honestly what option did he have?
Arthur’s throat was painfully hoarse, “Can I go see, just to make sure? Then I have to go to work, I’m probably late.”
Gilbert relented, the man was in a state, and it was no harm to make sure his children were fine, the door creaked open, Alfred was all over Matthew as usual, and since matthew was almost always cold, it was pretty good, both buried so deeply into the blanket that all Arthur could see, save for the vague shapes of legs and arms, was Alfred's messy little mop of hair, and Matthew’s considerably longer mixed in it, he was due for a haircut.
Good they were safe and he now knew where he was, he was still quite warm, there were no draughts and the heater seemed to be on at full blast, too bad he had to go to work, he should take the children home first, he had already burdened Gilbert enough, Mr Belichmidt was too kind, honestly.
He moved to wake the children, but Gilbert held him back, for some reason, Arthur’s shoulders were narrow and too thin, and sharp, he hissed quietly “Where are you going, it is 5 in the morning.”
“Must get out of your hair at some point.”
“Not when you’re in…a…state like this, it is too early.”
“I have to go to work.”
“No, you do not, we agreed you would take a sick day, you were cold as the dead when you showed up yesterday.”
“We did?”
“Yes, we did, sit on the sofa, I will make you something to eat.”
“Gilbert it is 5 in the morning, do not do that, do you not have work today, go to sleep.”
“I would say the same to you, but I think you need more food in your system than you have, you ate a schnitzel before you went to work, did you eat anything after that.”
“....no? Arthur would not tell Gilbert that he threw it up not long after, not out of illness, but rather out of guilt, his stomach did not want to part with it, but he made it, he assumed that would not be an option here.
Gilbert wanted to hit him, why would someone not eat something on a full shift, a standing shift to be that, but honestly he was a little worried that it would finish him off for good. Eggs seemed like a good call now, soft-boiled, the way that Gilbert and Ludwig both liked them, not too heavy, with the state Arthur was in right now, he wasn't sure he could survive much heavier, and a dry slice of bread.
It was quite a sad meal honestly, Gilbert did not eat much, it was too early for breakfast, Arthur looked at him like he was tearing out his left kidney right in front of him, Gilbert had to physically make him sit down, he should not be standing, he was still very cold, just above warmer than a corpse, he did not ask what that entire commotion earlier was about, he honestly did not want to know, he just wanted to get him stable enough to go to sleep properly.
 He was on 2 hours of sleep, both of them were, Arthur may have been used to it, but Gilbert was not, and he was a little pissed at the fact that he was awake at this time, not that he had to deal with Arthur, because honestly, any irritation he could have had was overshadowed with concern, and this was a steadily building concern, one that had started to build now almost 5 years ago, he had aged a decade in that time, and had reached is breaking point with whatever today and yesterday was.
He set down the plate of food, the eggs took a fair bit longer than he would have liked it too, it was too cold to be awake right now, it had frosted over last night, thick enough that no doubt the children would have the time of their lives sliding, and falling, all over “Food, eat it.”
He still protested weakly, he was hungry though, starving actually, but Gilbert had already kept his kids all day, him for the night, now breakfast, that was too much for him to do for them, and, honestly, they barely knew each other, he would eat it for now, if the guilt got too strong then his body would get rid of it, simple as, he would eat it now and get rid of it later, yes, that made sense, at least to him.
He started to eat, Gilbert dozed off a little after eating his egg, Arthur ate in small, controlled bites, and eventually the food was finished, they ate on the sofa, and Gilbert had fallen asleep, he wouldn’t notice if he went to work would he now, take the children, he would not notice.
Arthur slowly tried to get up, Gilbert had put the blanket on the both of them, it was awfully cold, yes, more reason that Gilbert would stay asleep, he tried to pick himself up, his legs were weak with exhaustion but he managed it, but not, as he hoped, without Gilbert noticing, he let out a sleepy mumble, “Sit down Arthur, you aren’t goin’ anywhere.”
“I-I thought you were asleep,”
“I was, but you are louder than you think. Go lie down on the bed.”
“T-there is no need for that!” He practically squeaked, he would not do that to Gilbert, it was his bed after all.
“Yes, yes there is, you look like you've seen a ghost still, and you look very sick.”
“I do no-” It was punctuated by a massive yawn “t look sick.”
“You are closer to grey than skin should ever be, Arthur. Lie down, I will take the sofa.”
“But it’s your bed!”
“But you look ready to keel over.”
“I am fine.”
“You are not. Lie down before I make you, would it make you feel better if you were on one side of the bed, I will be on the, it would address both our….” Gilbert forgot the words “Worries, you will be warm and on an actual bed, the sofa is not very comfortable, and I still sleep in my bed.”
Arthur was too tired to argue with logic that made sense in his head, yes he should be going to work right now, but Gilbert physically would not let him, and honestly, this was not half bad, he was so warm now.
He needed to call his boss or something, but he did not, his head felt like a large pile of mush all of a sudden, again, he was asleep in moments, curled up in on himself, very similar to how a cat would sleep.
In his sleep he stuck to the wall, Gilbert wrapped his arms around Arthur's bony chest and held him closer.
He hadn't been held like this in over a decade, he felt safe, he felt safe, his children were safe, he was safe.
Safe and held in somebody's arms like a child, held close with tenderness and care, he would normally be embarrassed, he was too tired and too anxious, too frightened, to care, he was held. 
And that was what mattered.
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positivelyqueer · 1 month
alright everyone, we’re picking ourselves up and going again. We’re putting ice on our split lips and busted knuckles. We’re doing our dishes and our laundry even if it stays hanging on the line for four days. We’re texting our friends back. We’re wiping the dust off our clothes. We’re booking and attending medical appointments. We’re taking the empty dishes out of our bedrooms. We’re sitting outside in the sunshine. We’re holding our heads up. We’re apologising to the people we’ve hurt. We’re forgiving ourselves.
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lost-and-created · 1 year
I'm fffffffffffffIIIIINNNEEE!
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otlwoozi · 2 months
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놓치고 십지 않아, 부디 내게 상처를 내줘.
i don't want to let you go, please, leave me scars.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 2 months
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soooo today's ep, huh QwQ
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goldengirlgalaxy · 6 months
Reverse Clone AU
So, I've seen a couple stories where Danny is Damian's clone. How about we reverse it?
Danny was born Damian Al Ghul, being raised to be an assassin since he could walk. However, he had a good heart, and eventually his mother overstepped around him (maybe she killed one of his favorite caretakers? Maybe he saw her killing someone with a loving family?), causing him to decide to leave the League next time they let him outside.
He was discovered by the Fentons, got adopted, and had his name changed from Damian Al Ghul into Daniel 'Danny' Fenton. Over the years, his time in the League slowly faded from memory, only remembering that one moment that drove him from them.
Talia, meanwhile, tried to create another baby, but found she didn't have any more DNA from Bruce. However, she did have plenty of Damian/Danny's DNA, so she decided to simply clone her son, making sure that this one would never get it in his head to run away. She decided to let the memory of her first son go, completely overriding it with the new Damian, as if he had been the first son and not merely some clone, forcing everyone in the League to keep the fact a secret.
So, things continue on, Danny becomes Phantom, Damian becomes Robin, so on and so forth. Eventually, one of the Batclan stumble upon Danny and take an interest in him once they realize he looks like Damian.
They actually don't think that he's a clone, because he's older than Damian and records show him having a history older than Damian, so they believe that Talia had another child, which Damian is already a little salty about, because it means that his status as the heir of the League and potentially his title as the only blood son of batman are completely meaningless.
Unfortunately, their investigations lead to the League figuring out where Danny is, at which point Talia drops by and decides to reveal in front of everyone that Danny is the original Damian and Damian is a clone meant to take his place.
The only one who takes it well is Danny, who tells everyone to get off his porch before he activates the home defense systems because he does not care for this drama.
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cloud-hymn · 3 months
“Who said please that made you hate the word so much?”
“I did.”
Nora please what if that was my final straw
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onionninjasstuff · 5 months
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this is part one! | next
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animatedtext · 4 months
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mrsfeiix · 2 months
Most important meal of the day
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triona-tribblescore · 1 month
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IM FUCKING BACK BABYYYY!!!! [Read tags for a lil info!]
(Please accept this silly doodle dump of my brainrot boys uvu ✨)
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waddei · 1 month
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dressing him up for las nevadas!!
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