#it's a tragedy your honour and it's slow and painful but I love it
disgr-aced · 11 months
whatever you do, don't think about codeflippa never experiencing physical affection (be that in the revolution, where she's just an agent, or before that, where she was at best a test subject), and then going on this mission to recruit a grieving dad and suddenly getting hugged like, every 5 minutes.
Don't think about her being surprised at what's happening (because what the hell is this strange arm-wrap pose??), but having these warm arms around her...she can't quite place it, but she feels safe and comfortable, and it's new but it feels nice.
Don't think about her trying her best to mimic this behaviour, trying to fit in because this man hugs a lot and that's obviously normal for him, and throwing her arms stiffly around her 'dad'. She let's him know she's trying to hug him, but he already knows. He already loves her, after all.
Don't think about her continuing to hug him, and at first she tells herself it's just to play the role, that this is likely what his original daughter would have done and that's the only reason why she keeps doing it.
But then there's a skydiving accident, and he vanishes for just a second. And for that second she panics, thinking he's truly gone, her mind fizzing and her breaths short, and when he reappears - before she can even think - she's gripping his leg, hugging him tightly as if to beg him never to leave again. And he hugs her back, smiles, holds her hand and takes her home.
She tries to pretend the fear is from a photo they found earlier, and maybe it is a little bit. But more than she'll admit to herself, she's scared of losing this man, losing her dad and the safety she feels with him.
"I love you dad, please please never forget that"
That night she dreams fitfully, but every time she wakes she finds him sleeping beside her bed, and she finds that holding his hand is the only way to calm her mind enough to fall back asleep.
Don't think about this little girl, who has finally felt what having a family is like, looking up at her dad and realising his body is deteriorating. But only where she held his hand, only where she hugged him.
And telling herself that it's her fault for daring to believe she belonged in a loving family.
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hyerinrose · 2 years
Hello, can I make a request for soft yandere Mermaid OC x Female Pirate Captain Reader?
In this scenario, Female Pirate Captain Reader has been mutinied against by her own crew, who force her to walk the plank.
She falls into the ocean, but before she could drown, she finds herself in a giant air bubble, that she finds out won’t pop. It turns out she was rescued by a mermaid reader, who saved actually been following her ship for months, curious about her. So, the mermaid pushes her bubble to take her to her underwater home, to take care of her.
However, trouble rises, when the mermaid loses the bubble in a sudden underwater whirlpool, which sends the reader’s bubble spinning to it gets lost. Then the reader’s bubble gets played around like a ball by a school of dolphins.
Eventually, the mermaid finds the captain and apologizes for losing her. They continue their journey, until they reach the mermaid’s home: a beautiful underwater reef
《Yandere! F Mermaid X Pirate Captain! F Reader》
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A/N : Apologies for the late response :) Thank you again for the request! I don't know what gender you wanted the OC to be so I assumed it's a female, I'm sorry if I got it wrong T_T
P.s send more request!! I love your ideas a lot :DD
T/W : soft yandere, fem reader, yandere fem, implied death, implied murder, mentions of drowning, death, this is too soft to be yandere, but we have to recover from the yan from Anti hero.
The journey towards Zenith Kingdom has been a disastrous one with the countless of troubles that arose.
Somehow [Name] and her crew managed to pull it through the bumps on the road, or in this case the violent waves. However, unknown to the pirate captain at the time, her crew was grewing anxious day by day as their supplies decreased.
Their destination was still far from their reach and with the added stress of tragedies and losses that occured throughout the journey, they were losing their trust in their captain.
With the influence of a crook who had garnered respects among his peers, they all collectively made the decision to turn their back against Captain [Name].
[Name] never had thought there would be a day she'd stare into the dark and murky ocean in a state she's in. Being a pirate, [Name] had known the ocean could be serene and beautiful while also being dangerous and terrifiying at times.
With her vision now blindfolded and her arms tied at her sides by a piece of cloth, she nervously steps into her eventual doom. The plank creaking with each steps she took only fueling the sense of dread building in her.
'I can't believe this will be my end, I've tried my best but I'm afraid it was not enough. I was never built for this..' [Name] felt like tearing up at her predicament. She had never intended to become a pirate, but after her Mother passing she took over the ship to honour her mother last wish.
Her breath catches in her throat as she reaches the end of the plank, the end of her life.
The cheering of her former crew, who she had thought she could trusted were drowned out by the sounds of the crashing waves. The [H/C] pirate took another step and she felt herself falling into her watery grave.
There is no chance of her surviving with her limbs immobilised other than waiting her slow painful death. She gasped for air as waters enters her nostrils.
When suddenly, the feeling of suffocating were gone as oxygens fills her lungs once more. [Name] opens her [E/C] orbs and observed the giant air bubble she was engulfed in after she had regulated her breathing.
Out of curiosity [Name] tried to pop the bubble by poking it when she realized it's her only lifeline.
'Why did I even try to pop it in the first place?! Now I'm going to die in an even more humiliating death' She scolded her action in her mind.
Thankfully much to [Name] reliefs, the air bubble remains intact and didn't popped and possibly lead to her drowning. It is only then did the former pirate noticed a pair of blue eyes staring at her outside of the bubble.
"Oh, Hello? Are you the one who created this to save me?" [Name] asked in a gentle manner as the person(?) moves closer to her.
"Yes.. It is only natural that I helped you after you had rescued me from those fish net I was trapped in" Once they were closer only now did [Name] noticed the beautiful blue-white scales on the figure's flapping tail.
'A Mermaid? If I recall..' As [Name] were trying to recall her memories of aiding a mermaid, she felt the bubble lurges forward and began moving.
"Apologies for scaring you! but it's best we get going. The waters gets dangerous around here and I dont want you to be hurt" The mermaid's long white strands of hair flows behind her as she were pushing the bubble towards her home.
"O-oh okay. Uhm hey uh-"
"It's Arran, You may call me Arran from now on as you'll be residing with me from now on" Arran spoke in a gentle voice with a smile on her face.
"My name is [Name] and uh why are we going to your home?" The former pirate asked as she comfortably sat in the bubble.
"The world is unsafe for you, those pirates whom you call comrades will capture and torture you if I were to return you back to the surface. I shall protects you like how you did to me, [Name]" Arran face grew gloom as she remembers the day she met the female former Pirate Captain.
Tears gathered in her sky coloured eyes as she tries to free herself off of the net she was tangled in. Arran had been warned by her peers and mothers of the danger swimming off alone but she had never listened.
She's aware of the fishermen's nets around the area and often swims there to frees the creatures that would be caught in it. Arran had never thought it would be her trapped in it one day.
Her hope was losing as the more she struggled, the more deeper grave she's digging for herself. Until [Name] appears. Thinking that the woman was there to harm and capture her, Arran hisses and barred her sharp fangs at the Pirate.
"Woah woah easy there, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm going to help you out of that, okay? Please don't bite or scratch me!" [Name] tries to assure the mermaid as she got closer and pulled her pocket knife to try and free the creature out of.
Once she was free, Arran submerged herself in the water and only peeks her head out to observe the human female in front of her.
"Thank you" Is all she says before swimming off to her home. While [Name] thought nothing of the encounter, the same couldn't be said for Arran as it stays in her mind.
From then on Arran began trailing after [Name]'s ship for months, curious of the act of kindness the human had given her. Arran discovered that the Pirate were to kind for her good and began drowning the bad apples who she surrounds her at every chances. She had always wanted to take [Name] away but never wanting to kidnap her, it leaves a bitter taste in her mouth at the thought.
Which is why when she saw [Name] falling off the plank, she hurriedly created the air bubble to ensure [Name] safety.
"I see.. I'm sorry that I have forgotten about you, Arran" [Name] scratched at her head as she couldn't recall a memory of that day.
"Mm it's okay. What matter now is that we're togeth-- Oh no-!" Arran stops midway speaking as a whirlpool formed. She should've known the weather was windy that day!
"What is happening--" Unfortunately for [Name], the bubble drifted too close towards the vortex and was pulled in it.
"[Name]!" Arran yelled out for her and tried to rescue her but she was far too late as the [H/C] were sucked into the whirlpool.
"Where am I-- WH--WHY AM I BEING TOSSED AROUND??" The female pirate were horrified to find herself in an unknown location and having her bubble used as a ball by a group of dolphins.
The cetaceans were enjoying themselves while [Name] were suffering through her mini earthquake when she was finally rescued by Arran.
"Oh [Name].. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sor--" Arran kept apologizing to her in a rushed manner as she kept pushing the bubble towards her home. The whirlpool had taken [Name] down to the seabed and the dolphins had thankfully brought her close enough to the underwater reefs.
"Arran, Arran, please calm down! How many times are you going to apologizes?" [Name] tries to calm down the mermaid who looked at her guiltily. Curses her and her otherworldly beauty, [Name] thought.
"As much as it take for me to forgive myself for being so careless with you" She pouted but lightened up, seeing as they were close to her home.
"Does me forgiving you, helps alleviate your guilt?"
"Yes but it's not enough. I.. I almost though I had lost you forever, [Name]. I love you too much to let you go now that I have you in my grasp" Arran gazes all of sudden turned sharp, her blue eyes boring into [Name] [E/C]'s with adoration in them.
The female pirate was too stunned to utter a word from Arran's confession and opting to stay silent. Their journey continues in silence between the two until they finally reached their destination.
"Arran.. about what you just said--" [Name] finally spoke but the mermaid cut herself short, knowing what the woman is about to say.
"I know. But what matter to me the most is you being with here with me. After all,"
"Finally, we can be together forever, my pearl"
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I’m looking for some good misunderstandings stories 🤩 my favorite is when it’s Sherlock who misunderstands and gets upset but I also love John misunderstanding. Also if there’s a fight even better. I’m feeling really angsty 🤪
Hey Nonny!!
AHHH I like them too! I just checked to make sure I didn't have new ones to add... and I do have enough for a new list, so THANK YOU!
Check these out!
See also: Miscommunication / Misunderstandings
Poppies For John by grannysknitting (T, 1,102 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship) – Rememberance Sunday fic - John notices a discrepancy between Sherlock's stated intent and his actions. Sherlock, for once, explains himself. Friendship or pre-slash, your choice. Intended in honour of those who defend us.
Rupert Street by WritingOutLoud (M, 27,262 w., 9 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting || Case Fic, Sexuality, Demisexual Sherlock, Drugging, Smart John, Sherlock Has Internalized Biphobia, Fluff, Angst with Happy Ending, Gay Bar, Flirting, John Manipulates Sherlock to Eat, John Deduces, Arguments, Kidnapping/Torture, Hospitalization, John Whump) – Discharged from the war with nothing but the clothes on his back and a realisation of his bisexuality, John Watson has to learn who he’s become. He can’t afford London on an army pension, but the city is the only friend he has. In an effort to understand his newfound queer identity, he heads to a bar one night, where he stumbles across a mysterious stranger who turns his life upside down. ‘I dug around inside myself, and I'm not quite sure what I found, but it was beautiful and terrifying all at the same time.’
A Goose Quill Dipped in Venom by Polyphony (M, 52,748 w., 16 Ch. || Celebrity John AU || Alternate First Meeting, TV Host John, Supermodel Mary, Character Death, Mystery, Romance, Case Fic, First Kiss/Time, Meddling Mycroft, Drug Abuse, Doctor John, PDA, Deductions, POV Sherlock, Toplock, Sexual Tension, Angry/Rough Sex, Hopeful Ending, Asperger’s Sherlock) – Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective, is called in to a very ordinary although brutal murder. Something is badly out of tune with the whole scenario and Sherlock finds himself becoming more and more obsessed with the crime - and also with the victim.
Isosceles by SilentAuror (E, 56,609 w., 7 Ch. || Post-S4, POV John, Original Male Character / Sherlock Dates Another Man, Love Triangle, Jealous John, Virgin Sherlock, Sexual Coaching, Angst, Romance, Domesticity, Unrequited Feelings, Miscommunication, First Kiss/Time, For a Case, Friends With Benefits, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Spooning) – After solving a case for a major celebrity, Sherlock gets himself asked out. When John asks, he discovers that Sherlock has no intention of going, at least not until John agrees to coach him through whatever he might need to know for his date...
Lunar Landscapes by J_Baillier (M, 57,046 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || S3/TAB Fix-It, Slow Burn Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Confessions, Drugs, Pain, Medical, Injury, Sherlock Whump, Mental Health Issues, Panic Attacks, Romance, Secrets, Tragedy, Trauma, BAMF John, Doctor!John, Drug Addict Sherlock, Injured Sherlock, Grieving John, Idiots In Love, Protective John, POV John Watson, PTSD Sherlock, Sherlock is a Mess, Medical Realism) – An accident forces John to face the fact that Sherlock's downward spiral had started long before his flight to exile even left the tarmac.
Gold Rush by ShirleyCarlton (E, 71,783 w., 17 Ch. || Post S3 / No Mary, Friends to Lovers, Mentions of Past Sexual Abuse, First Kiss, Case Fic, Slow Burn, Alternating POV, Switchlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Marriage Proposal, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abduction, Anxious/Insecure Sherlock, Miscommunication, Emotional Lovemaking) – John has divorced Mary and pops round to 221B one evening to find Sherlock in the middle of a case. As Sherlock tries to find the identity of a young woman’s stalker, John realises he can no longer deny his feelings for Sherlock – which then, to their befuddlement, turn out to be mutual. Shy kisses and tentative embraces ensue. But will Sherlock be able to cast off a shadow from his past that he thinks might prevent John from wanting to stay?
Repairing the Broken Things by BakerTumblings (M, 75,252 w., 15 Ch. || S4 Compliant, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Trauma, Hospitals, Big Brother Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Realizations, Severe Accident, John Whump, Pneumonia, Medical Procedures, Bed Sharing, First Time, Healing, Happy Ending) – "I'm calling today to notify you that there's been an accident."
Kintsukuroi by sussexbound (E, 91,823 w., 20 Ch. || S4 Compliant / Post-TLD, Grief / Mourning, PTSD, Internalized Homophobia, Therapy, Past Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Anxiety, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Suicidal Ideation, Masturbation, Minor Character Death, Sexting, Frottage, Inexperienced Sherlock, Rimming / Anal / BJ’s, Emotional Turmoil, Finding Each Other) – “I love you.” Sherlock sees the words hit John with almost physical force. He reels back a little, jaw twitching and eyes filling. “I love you,” he repeats, a little softer, a little more gentle, as earnest as he possibly can. Because they’ve been teetering on the brink of this thing for years, and it had become painfully obvious over the last few months that they were at a tipping point. This had to happen. Now it has. Now they can see where they end up. The tears in John’s eyes spill over, and he wipes at them angrily. “Do you even know what that means?”  
The Summer Boy by khorazir (T, 94,706 w., 6 Ch. || Post S3/Post TAB/Alternate S4, Friends to Lovers, Flashbacks, Sussex, Bullying, 1980′s Kid Sherlock, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Inexperienced Sherlock, Grief/Mourning, Pining Sherlock, Background Case Fic) – About half a year after the fateful events at Appledore, Sherlock and John embark on a private case in Sussex. For Sherlock, it’s a journey into his past, bringing up memories both happy and sad that he has locked away for almost thirty years. For John, it means coming to terms with the present – and a potential future with Sherlock. Part 1 of the The Summer Boy series
The Lost Special: Family Matters (As Do Relationships) by ShirleyCarlton  (M, 144,688 w., 40 Ch. || S4 Fix It Fic / Meta Fic, Unreliable Narrator, John’s Mind Bungalow, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending, Demisexual Sherlock, Holmes Family, John Whump, Gay Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Drug Addiction, Parenting, TFP is a Nightmare, Virgin Sherlock, Slow Burn, Minor Character Death, Switchlock, John’s Past, Sherlock’s Past, Eurus, Love Confessions) – Sherrinford is not really the name of some high security prison. That was just a figment of John’s frantic coma dream. And Eurus is not actually Sherlock’s sister. That’s just something random she said to John before shooting him. Sherlock and John were never actually estranged. That was just their act to cover up what really happened to Mary – or Rosamund Moran, as her real name has turned out to be. Sherlock does have a secret sibling, though, and his name is Sherrinford. After finally eliminating Moran – though in a rather dramatically different way than they had envisioned – and exposing the truth about Eurus, John encourages Sherlock to delve into his past and to find out whether the reasons to keep Sherrinford away from Sherlock were the right ones, and to discover what really happened in 1981. Along the way, Sherlock and John gradually, finally, stop keeping each other at a distance, and eventually become a proper family of their own.
Against the Rest of the World by SilentAuror (E, 151,714 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TRF, Hiatus Fic, POV First Person Sherlock, Present Tense, First Kiss/Time, Big Brother Mycroft, Escaping from Capture, Soft Sherlock, Toplock, Insecurity, Infidelity, Travelling, Introspection, Pining Sherlock, Depression, Fantasies, Yearning for the Past, PTSD Sherlock, Suicidal Ideation) – Sherlock has been away from London for nine hundred and twelve days and counting, and has no idea what sort of reception to expect when he finally returns. 
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petrichortrees · 3 years
the ghost of patroclus speaks to menoetius
Are you proud of me father
From the moment I was born you looked at me
With only disgrace in your eyes
I was an unsightly inconvenience
An irritant born from a pitiful marriage
You longed for a mighty son
And when you were given one you sent him away
You cherished your kingdom and your glib nobles more than you did your own blood
Did they tell you I fled to find Achilles
When he left to train with Chiron
I don't know why I humour myself with the thought
I am an exiled prince with no father or kingdom
Instead I have one boy
And he has me
And I would follow him to the ends of the earth
To the mouth of Hades
I would bring him the lyre of Apollo if he so desired
Just to see his emerald eyes light up
And for the soft curves of glee to carve his pink lips
Did they tell you of my travels
From Phthia to Scyros
From Scyros to Aulis
From Aulis to Troy
Wherever Achilles went I would follow
Because I know what it's like to be alone
And there is nothing worse than the thought of the life in his verdant eyes dying out
Or for the joy of youth to be ripped from his face
So no matter how much it pained me
I went with him
And I loved him
And I tried to preserve the boy who used to whisper to me in the centaur's cave
Did they tell you of what Troy was like
Of what it did to Achilles
Of what it did to me
I was ordered to guard his honour
For that is what will be left of men
So I did as best as I could
But nobody warned me of what pride does to men
Nobody speaks of how it twists and contorts the mind
And my demigod had submitted to his hubris
Letting it consume him
I fought Trojans
But I also fought death in the tent flooded with our wounded
Thanatos lingered outside the door
And I did my best to keep him at bay
But my best, as always, was hardly enough
Did they tell you of how the men cried to me
And of how I cried to Achilles
I kneeled at his feet and I wept before him and I held his hands close to my face as the tears streamed down
I pleaded and I sobbed and I begged
He was conflicted
And I hoped his love would prevail
I wanted the boy who used to juggle figs and craft songs by the beach to resurface
But the Fates care not for fruits and melodies
No matter how sweet they are
Did they tell you of my final moments outside Troy
Of how I killed so many
And let my hubris consume me
Apollo knocked my wits from me and Achilles' armour fell with them
There was nothing I could do when Hector plunged his spear into my stomach
And it still hurts
Because I had been the one to seal Achilles' fate
Did you mourn for me father
The men did
Achilles did
He let his grief cradle him in place of me
His vanity had fled
Replaced now by a heavy guilt
I could do nothing but watch as he unleashed his wrath on Hector
I heard the Gods selfishly fear for themselves
His fury could've brought down Troy
Maybe even Olympus
That is how he will be remembered
A tragedy composed of rage and arrogance
They do not know of the sweet boy
And a lilting voice sweeter than Orpheus'
They do not know of his smile
Delight sharpened by the childish hints of mischief
Will you remember me father
Will you tell others of how I found love in a boy doomed to fame
Will you tell others of how my pining heart fought for him
My father
Doomed might
Your son
Glory of the father
I have your might and have made it my own
My tenderness drove me to battle and gave me strength
And it doomed so many
I am called many things now
But to you I will always be Patroclus
Slow, stumbling, stuttering
I will be the son you traded for the brief guarantee of a reign free from the stain of disgrace
To Achilles I will always be worth his life
He cannot be without me and I cannot without him
He is half my soul and my very own
Are you proud of me father
Your answer does not matter
I have been taught pride has no worth
And if you did not love me in life, your affection holds no sincerity in death
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nillegible · 4 years
(Part 3 of Stay, the MY time travel fic. Read Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 )
It’s several more weeks before he meets Qin Su again, and it’s like having a sword shoved through his gut a second time.
He thought he’d gotten over her death in the weeks since, but apparently not.
Meng Yao’s skills at administrative work, honed to perfection over years of managing Jin sect, had resulted in a series of rapid promotions, as more and more people realized that Meng Yao was not only capable but willing to do boring meticulous drudge work and do it well. By the time Qin Su returns from her mother’s small, secluded clan, Clan Liu, Meng Yao is one of Qin Cangye’s personal aides.
He keeps his face when she thanks him for saving her life just barely. It’s so hard, when she looks so young and carefree, untouched by the grief for a lost child, of a secretive husband who never turned to her.
Meng Yao had done that to her.
I didn’t have a choice, he’d cried to Er-ge, in a temple and felt justified. In front of her sweet face, that defence dies a quiet death.
She’d killed herself, when she heard the truth, and for one moment, in between the grief, the rising terror of an unknown enemy stalking him, he’d hated her for it. Do you think you have suffered more than I? How dare you take your own life, while I still didn’t give up?
But he owes her better than that, so he smiles, and promises the Young Mistress Qin that it was Meng Yao who was honoured to have been of assistance to her. He remains perfectly cordial, always, in her presence. He doesn’t hide away, doesn’t take paths around the buildings that she frequents, even though every time he sees her again, it hurts.
This pain, at least, Meng Yao deserves.
He’s careful not to get too close though. He makes his excuses not to join her where he can, and never shows her the attention he had in a previous life. He didn’t expect this to be noticed, but as he’s learned the hard way, some eyes are always sharper than Meng Yao would give them credit for.
When Qin Tianyu approaches him for tea and a discussion of the talismans that Meng Yao has been reworking to be more efficient, he thinks nothing of it. When they’re working on writing some together after, and the talisman master carefully broaches the topic as if it wasn’t intentional, Meng Yao can see the Sect Leader’s interest in the matter.
“Meng Yao has been noticeably cold to Su-sizhi,” says Qin Tianyu.
Meng Yao looks up, sharply. “I have no quarrel with Qin-guniang.” How did I miss this?
“I said cold, not a quarrel,” he returns calmly. “She is the only one you do not call shijie.”
“She’s the heir, it’s polite, Qin-shishu,” Meng Yao says, even though he knows it’s not good enough. Everyone else calls her Su-shijie, quite enthusiastically. He endures the carefully considering look that Qin Tianyu sends his way. His mask had held up beneath Wen Ruohan, Nie Mingjue, Jin Guangshan, and Lan Xichen. He would not be unmasked by the a simple elder of Laoling Qin.
But Qin Tianyu just nods, as if confirming something to himself. “The idea was floated that Meng Yao joined Qin sect for Su-sizhi.” he says, and Meng Yao freezes, wary. “After all, Sect Leader Jin does not need another spare heir.”
Meng Yao sits in silence, work ignored as he tries to decide on a response. He had briefly considered before approaching Sect Leader Qin that it may look like this from outside, but had reasoned to himself that as long as he showed no interest in Qin Su, it would blow over, and he’d look like any other disciple. That people would find it suspicious that Meng Yao was not angling to marry her to become the next Qin Sect Leader is a surprise.
So, what should he say to turn this suspicion astray?
“This humble disciple is merely Sect Leader Jin’s bastard son. Young Mistress Qin deserves better,” he says, hoping that was vague enough to be acceptable.
“Meng Yao professes to be remarkably unambitious,” returns Qin Tianyu, lightly. Liar, he’s saying, even though for once Meng Yao isn’t actually lying. Qin Su did deserve better than what he’d given her. He’d loved her enough to know that. But unambitious people cannot do what Meng Yao did to keep his place at Wen Sect. Couldn’t remove the head of Wen Ruohan and end a war.
Unambitious people would not do all of that, just to become one of threw personal aides of a minor Clan Leader.
“Maybe I used it up,” says Meng Yao. From the way the elder glances up, he realizes that he had been silent long enough that he believed he wouldn’t get an answer. But Meng Yao has found his words, and there’s nothing to do but continue, “My mother wished to be a Jin concubine. She wanted me to do anything it takes to secure a place within Jin Sect. That it was the only way for me to live well.”
And she was wrong. She was as wrong about this as she was about Jin Guangshan. It had been a constant, grinding pain, to know again and again that the person he loved above all else had been so incredibly wrong. Meng Yao had thrown himself life and soul into trying to prove her right, into gaining his father’s regard and living well. He’d fought desperately, thinking that if only he gathered a little more influence, that if he did just a little bit more, then he’d succeed. Get the recognition his mother craved for him.
At some point, spite and fury had taken the place of love and duty, but he had not wavered in his goal. But he’d still never proved her right; had murdered his own father, and sat in mourning like a filial son, truly mourning how much he’d failed.
Nothing that he did could ever make up for it. This time, he knew better than to even try.
“It was my mother’s ambition,” he says aloud for the first time. Perhaps to a broken woman who did not even own herself, it had been liberating to imagine owning so much, to be in control of her own fate. “It was hers, but I…”
He falls silent, and after a few moments Qin Tianyu returns his attention to his paused work. For several minutes, he just watches the hypnotic way that the talisman master draws the same talisman again and again with the most minute of differences, to be tested and ranked according to efficacy.
“But you?” he prompts, when the stack is complete.
I want to live. That single, animalistic need, that had kept him alive through so much that would have killed others. I will not die here. Not now.
“I want to live,” says Meng Yao. And then continues, unable to stop, “I wanted her to live, too.” And when she didn’t, when illness wasted her away, taking her from him in pieces, unable to save her for want of something as immaterial as gold… something had broken in him.
Qin Tianyu nods, serene, as he gathers up the completed talismans. “Meng Yao would do well to think about why.”
You think your life is worth more than theirs? All the people you sacrificed, to live just a few years longer?
“Why shouldn’t I deserve to live?” asks Meng Yao, sharp. “Why shouldn’t we… why are our lives to be discarded at the whim of those stronger than us?”
“Silly child,” he says, “You have survived. You are alive. Now what?” Meng Yao just stares. “Perhaps Meng Yao should consider getting on with other things.”
Get on with what? Meng Yao had turned down Sect Leader Jin’s offer, had given up the name Jin Guangyao, just to escape the tragedies that that would precipitate.
But he was alive now. He was alive, and had time – perhaps even unmeasured time, so long as he stayed out of his father’s way. Perhaps he wouldn’t cultivate to near immortality, like those stronger than him, but he could live nearly a century more. Now what? Why are you alive?
It was so unlike him to not have a plan, but for once he hadn’t really. He didn’t…
“Meng Yao,” Qin Tianyu snaps, and when Meng Yao looks up, he’s leaning forward over the table, hand out and hovering over Meng Yao’s wrist.
“Master Qin?” asks Meng Yao, but rather than answer, the elder gently touches his fingertips to Meng Yao’s wrist. The pressure of foreign qi is familiar; light and diagnostic, before it withdraws.
“This old teacher apologizes,” he says, when he’s done. “I did not mean to cause you distress.”
“Not at all, this martial nephew is glad for his elder’s guidance,” says Meng Yao, taking his hand back and holding it to his chest. “I will meditate on how to prove myself more useful to Qin sect in the future.”
“Meng Yao, you misunderstand. No, rather, it was this master who misspoke. I did not mean to imply that you must prove yourself.”
“I understand,” says Meng Yao, after a beat. Spoken aloud, it must have sounded more cruel than he wished. But that was still what he meant.
There is no resolution after that. Qin Tianyu seems unable or unwilling to explain better, though he clearly thinks about it for a while. Finally, he dismisses Meng Yao, who leaves with the talismans. The lingering unease of a conversation that went poorly is left to fester in the room, while Meng Yao retreats to the disciple quarters immediately.
He resolves to work harder.
[AN: What do you think? Too OOC? I'm hoping to give MY a proper and slow redemption story, but it’s a toss up whether it’s going well or not. Thannk you for reading, please drop a comment in the replies if you have writing advice! I’ll be so grateful!]
[Click here for part 4!]
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lisasstars · 3 years
Ok I have finished Oathbringer… one word to sum it up… PHENOMENAL!! ❤️
My thoughts: Spoiler free!
Brandon Sanderson is incredible of making amazing worlds and such intriguing well developed plot and characters. The plot is so intricate and layered, with so many secrets that when you discover one secret another secret is formed waiting to be revealed.
So much happens in the book that you feel like your on a rollercoaster but is well balanced as there are moments of conversation and development of characters that break in between the action to slow down one scene to then focus on another one.
Dalinar Kholin: I love Dalinar! He is such a well developed character and I adored finding out about his life back in his youth and how much he has changed as the tyrant he was into the man he has become. His life was filled with sorrow and pain, but I found it all so intriguing as there was light in his life and I think this book really emphasises on the point that even though there is tragedy in one’s life there is also hope and the ability to carry on. I felt really sorry for the people in his life back in his youth and how his actions made them feel, yet still saw the good in him despite his bloodthirsty behaviour. Dalinar has been on journey of finding himself through his past and how his past has moulded him into the man he is today and how he has accepted the pain and his actions he did to carry on the journey he is still going on.
Kaladin Stormblessed: I love Kaladin! What I love about Kaladin is his ability to carry on and protect his people, especially Bridge Four. His determination is admirable and inspiring. I adore seeing him soar and be one with the sky and winds; it’s delightful seeing him feel content and smiling in the skies. His journey is incredible and seeing him come into this new power and the authority that has been given to him is amazing because he truly deserves it. Anytime he feels that he has failed or feel that a death is his fault breaks my heart because he burdens himself with every life with no consideration to his own as he wants to protect everyone. I loved Syl always being there for him and act as a constant being in his life; someone he can depend on and help him when he needs the help. I absolutely loved all the interactions with Bridge Four and how each one helps one another and Kaladin having people looking out for him and in turn he looks out and after them. Bridge Four is built on togetherness and hope; helping each other regardless of past doings and coming through it as together as a family.
Shallan Davar: I love Shallan! It’s heartbreaking to see her personality cracking and the layers coming undone as she has built up such a defence in her mind to warrant her past from leaking out and affecting her, yet the cracks have formed and it’s effecting her, making her confused and troubled. It’s clever how Sanderson intertwines the personalities making them appear completely different people as there are yet are one at the same time. I hope Shallan can talk about her past and can see her heal because she needs to confront things and not let it consume her, while also believing she deserves to be happy and to not blame herself or make her believe she deserved the wrongs in her life. I loved her quips and her ability to smile regardless of everything going on, even if it’s not so good to pretend all the time that’s everything is okay when sometimes it’s alright for things not to be. Her interactions with Kaladin are funny as they understand one another and know and can help each other, with the helps of puns. Her interactions with Adolin are so cute and I loved that he saw her, Shallan, not her other personalities and that he is someone who she can depend on and to ground her and bring her back to the real her not the ones she has created.
Adolin Kholin: I love Adolin! He is such a compassionate, loyal, loving character who wants to help in anyway he can and be there for the people he cares about. He doesn’t judge anyone regardless of their station or who they are and cares and protects those who need help. I love seeing his friendship grow with Kaladin and seeing them care for one another and Adolin knowing when something is up and tries to help him by getting Kaladin to talk and open up. I really loved seeing Adolin being vulnerable and appear uncertain because it showed that he isn’t always the confident, happy go lucky person he appears to be; that he does have vulnerabilities and does worry about his place in the world, especially with Shallan as she is a Radiant. I adored his interactions with Shallan as they are so cute and funny together. His ability to make her feel safe and grounded is adorable because he acts as a focus to her and someone who doesn’t judge but cares for her and to let her talk to him in her own time without pushing her into talking. I love how he knows the difference between Shallan and the other personalities, Veil and Radiant, and loves Shallan and brings her back to the present.
Honourable mentions:
Renarin Kholin: Love him! I feel so sorry for him yet love how he is embracing himself and finding his place in the world with the support from Bridge Four and his family.
Jasnah Kholin: I love her ability to stand up for herself and take no nonsense from anyone and embracing herself and her beliefs yet cares and fights for her family.
Navani Kholin: I really love the authority and the ability to take charge or situations and to remain care and collected in a logical yet protective way especially towards Dalinar and her family.
Evi Kholin: I felt so sorry for her and the life she has lead as she is a pure loving soul who only wants peace for the world and her family, yet circumstances made it not possible for her.
Bridge Four: I love all the members and it was really great hearing from some of their perspectives. They make me laugh and cry for them; both separately and together.
Elhokar Kholin: I loved how he accepted his mistakes and wanted to change them and make himself a better man for himself, the kingdom and his family.
Lift: I love her. She makes me laugh with her non-filter dialogue and how she says it how it is with no consideration to how the words appear to everyone else.
Szeth: I love seeing him grow and try to make up wrong doings by helping the people who need the help, even if he is plagued by his own thoughts and nightmares of his past.
Wit: I love Wit and how he comes up with silly stories that hold actual truths and tries to help people along the way with his odd way by speaking advice clouded in a mix of riddles and tales. I loved seeing him help Shallan and giving her hug, to just be there to let her cry and let her emotions and feelings come bare and give her advice to help and heal her.
Venli: I really liked seeing her perspective on the “enemy” side and how she feels about the treatment of her people and where she fits in in all the chaos of the war.
In conclusion, I loved Oathbringer because it rang with hope and the ability to change and be there for the people you love. Through the strength of love and togetherness. Brandon Sanderson is exceptional of creating a complex plot that doesn’t overpower or overshadow the characters and vice versa. The story and description is so detailed that it makes you believe you are actually there and living the world and the characters’s lives. Despite being over 1000 pages long I found myself wanting more and more because I never wanted it to end. Truly incredible!! 💕💕
No spoilers for the next book, Rhythm Of War, please. Thank you!
How I feel about the book. 👇👇 AMAZING!!! ♥️
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bloodtroth · 5 years
Grindeldore 120th anniversary fic
(Ao3 link)
Gellert raised his head as he heard the distinctive sound of heels clicking against the concrete floor. As he identified the footsteps, he lowered his head back down again, not bothering to look at the person that was now standing behind the door of his cell.
“I see you’ve finally decided to come to see me,” he said, his voice hoarse from lack of use. The sound of it felt enormous in the silence of the prison. The quiet, he thought, was the worst aspect of his punishment. It had driven him mad more than once.
When he received no answer, he looked up to confirm that the person was not merely the product of his own mind. It would not have been the first time. But, no, the shadow Albus’ figure cast on the floor was there, and from his position on the floor, Gellert could just see the top of his head.
Unnerved by his silence, Gellert sneered, “What may I thank for this great honour?”
In answer, a hand reached for the flap on his door and passed a small packet through it. “Happy anniversary, my dear,” Albus said, and Gellert closed his eyes against the feeling hearing his voice arose in him. It had been years since he had last heard it. Albus’ voice was different now; whereas before it had still held the lingering notes of youth, it was now slowed and dragged down by age and remembered grief.
As he rose to shaky feet and made his way to the door, Gellert wondered if the grief had all been due to him, or if Albus had faced other tragedies since the day he had locked him here and walked away without looking back. Gellert was uncertain; his Visions were hazy at best, fragmented by the wards restraining his magic.
Bending down, Gellert picked up the packet. It was wrapped in a green paper that was sprinkled with stars. Gellert nearly smiled. It was very much to Albus’ taste. He turned it with his hands, trying to guess what was inside.
After a moment, he slipped the packet inside the pocket of his torn prison robe and, raising his head, met Albus Dumbledore’s eyes for the first time in years. The sight of his aged face shocked him, although it shouldn’t have. He knew that it had been decades between the last time and now, but knowing it and seeing it were two different things. Albus looked old. Ancient. A far cry from the auburn-haired youth Gellert had first known, or the grim, dignified professor that had been his doom. Albus smiled at his shock, and his eyes were suspiciously moist.
Gellert averted his eyes; tears had always made him uncomfortable. Clearing his throat, he asked, “We’ve never celebrated anniversaries before. What’s different this time?” Albus did not answer, but Gellert could hear him shuffling in place, his hands sweeping across the expansive fabric of his robes in an unconscious gesture. Sharply, Gellert looked at him. Albus did not meet his eyes.
“Show me. Now,” Gellert commanded, his heart beating furiously at his chest. Albus sighed before lifting his hand through the bars of the small window. Gellert sucked in a breath as he saw Albus’ hand. The skin was black and withered, clearly as a result of some powerful curse. Quickly, before Albus could withdraw it, Gellert grasped hold of it. Albus let out a small wince, but Gellert ignored him as he closed his eyes and felt for the extent of the damage. His magic confirmed his fears. “You’re dying.”
“Yes,” Albus confirmed, his voice resigned. Gellert looked at him and saw the calm acceptance on his face. Desperate, he pleaded, although from his mouth it sounded more like a command, “Let me use my magic. I can heal you. You know I can.”
Albus smiled sadly and shook his head. “No, Gellert.”
Switching tactics, Gellert lifted the hand to his lips and whispered, “Mein Schatz-“
“I said no,” Albus said, his voice sharp as he extracted his hand from Gellert’s grasp.
Narrowing his eyes, Gellert grasped the bars tightly and leaned his head against them. “What are you planning?” he hissed. Their eyes met again, and within seconds Gellert knew everything Albus had done and would do for his version of Greater Good. Gellert wondered if he slept at night. He had always been a slave to his guilt.
“It’s a necessary sacrifice,“ Albus answered, his face detached as if they were talking about the weather and not his oncoming murder. Gellert wasn’t fooled for a second; Albus only appeared detached when he was trying to restrain his emotions. Scoffing, Gellert shook his head and hissed, the accusations practically dripping off his lips, “So, that’s it then- you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the Greater Good. Just like you were willing to sacrifice me. To sacrifice us.”
Something flickered behind Albus' eyes - a flash of hurt perhaps - before he composed himself again. “You speak as if you hadn’t been willing to do the same. Wasn’t that what you had planned with that poor boy? To kill me.”
Gellert shrugged. “I won’t deny it. But I didn’t.” Leaning his head as far as the bars allowed him, he whispered, “Do you know why you won our duel?”
Uncertainty flickered across Albus’ face. “I was always more skilled in duelling.”
“True,” Gellert acknowledged, “but that is not why. You know I could have killed you when you stumbled. You have always known, haven’t you?”
“Yes,” Albus admitted, his voice soft.
“So, why didn’t I?” Gellert asked, even though he did not expect an answer. Albus looked down. Gellert pressed closer, the bars digging into his skin. “Because when it came down to it- when it came down to killing you- to letting you go- I couldn’t. Because I love you.” Gellert watched as the impact of his words hit Albus as if he had been smacked. A single tear made its trek down Albus’ cheek. Ignoring his pain, Gellert continued, “You have imprisoned me, you have not visited me, you have taken from my everything I once held dear. And now you would take yourself as well?”
Albus looked fragile. Gellert wondered why he had come at all. Perhaps he had thought that Gellert would comfort him. He was wrong. If he was so determined to force Gellert to live in a world without Albus, then he deserved none.
“Don’t be selfish,” Albus admonished, but his voice lacked conviction.
Gellert snorted. “Selfish? Are you sure I’m the one who is being selfish?” he asked, his voice mocking. “You are the one who is planning to take themselves out of this mess you’ve created and leave it to others to solve. When it comes down to it, mein Lieber, you have always been more ruthless than I,” Gellert hissed. With every accusation, Albus’ veneer of calm was breaking. All it would take was one more blow. And Gellert had always known just how to hurt him. His voice carried a pitying tone as he delivered the final strike, “If they knew the full extent of what you had done, I’m sure those boys of yours would agree.”
Albus turned away abruptly, and his voice shaking, whispered, “Goodbye, Gellert.” He made his way hurriedly down the corridor, running away as if the force of Gellert’s words could not reach him anywhere he went.
Throwing himself against the door, Gellert shouted after him, “Don’t think you can get away from me by dying! I will follow you to death if I have to, I can promise you that!”
Albus stopped at the end of the corridor. His back turned to Gellert; he said, “Gellert, I’ve never been under any delusions that I could.” Then he turned down the corridor and disappeared from view.
As Albus’ footsteps faded, Gellert fished the packet Albus had left him out of his pocket. He ripped open the green wrapping, revealing a ring box. With hands still shaking from rage, he opened it. Inside there was a marble ring in the shape of the Deathly Hallows. He picked it up, rolling it between his fingers. The back of it was engraved; The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
Smiling wryly, Gellert slipped the ring on his ring finger. It fit perfectly. Closing his eyes, he sat down and leaned his head against the cold rock wall. Behind his lids, there was a pale face with glowing red eyes, his own laughter and the sudden flash of green light. He smiled.
Wait for me, darling, he thought, wait for me.
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wiccamoody · 5 years
on falling in love with your best friend and reddie...
There’s this thing about falling in love with your best friend where you don’t know until it’s far too late. When you fall for someone you already love, it’s hard to see the feelings as anything outside of just growing affection for that person. Not until you find yourself thinking about how much you want to be around them, how close you want to be with them, how you always want to be touching them, to find excuses to do so. How eventually you’ll find that you don’t just love them, you’re in love with them. And I think for a lot of queer people, falling in love with your best friend is almost one of those destined things. They’re safe. They love you already, and you love them, and you know each other inside and out already. 
In the context of reddie, it’s such a slow process. The Losers are all each other’s best friends already, some closer than others, but they’re all best friends. When you’re being fed information on how horrible gay people are from your parents, when the word gay is weaponized against anyone even slightly different from the perceived “norm”, when the only gay people you see in the media are dying or existing in a glass closet that can barely be called that because their identities are being erased and it doesn’t matter anyway because people will still spit their insults at them and the way they are, fame and money aside. When this happens, and when you’re falling in love with your best friend, you don’t know until you find yourself in the position where you can’t stop finding excuses to touch them or be around them or hell, argue about any stupid topic with them. And it moves so slowly because you’re having fear etched into you and you’re just a kid and you just want to be a kid and hang out with your friends, how can you realise you’ve fallen in love with them until you find yourself crammed into a hammock with your bodies all pressed up against each other and one of you is fucking around with the other to get a rise out of them and it suddenly hits you like oh. There’s so much more I want to do with this person and there’s so much more feeling than what I can give Stanley or Bill or Bev or Ben or Mike. How can you realise when all your best friends end up treating each other the same way anyway? How can you realise when there’s so much love and care to go around for each other?
But when you do—when you figure out that this is what falling in love feels like and there’s nothing you can do to change it because this feels like so much more than a little crush and you’re already in so deep with this person who you love and who knows that, it’s terrifying. It’s terrifying to be in love with someone who knows you love them already because social expectations aside, how the fuck do you tell your best friend who you love and who loves you that you’re in love with them when that might change the entire structure of your relationship?
So you don’t tell them. You can’t anyway. You need to sit down and reassess and make sure that you fall in love with a woman. You need to make sure that people know you’re into women. Sometimes, you need to be so aggressive about it because giving people even the slightest chance to second guess your romantic and sexual attraction opens you up to a world of pain and abuse. 
So you don’t tell anyone. And eventually you convince yourself the feelings aren’t real and you all move away and forget each other anyway. So you’ve got this sexuality crisis on your plate but at least you don’t have the weight of being in love with your best friend on your plate anymore. 
But what happens when you get a call and your worst fears come true again? What happens when the crippling anxiety of your health fears that you can barely fucking manage at 40 comes crashing back down on you? What happens when the feelings you worked so hard to shove down come crawling back up? What happens when you’re on a plane, in a car, sitting in a musty hotel room and you remember that you fell in love with your best friend? What happens when you realise you’ve never actually gotten over that love? What happens when you’re sitting in a restaurant surrounded by your childhood best friends (minus one) and you realise that fuck you never got over your best friend and you’re still as in love with them as you were at 13 when you first realised that your feelings aren’t entirely platonic? 
And then you realise you could die. All of you could die, and these feelings are back and you’re having your deepest fears dug up and shoved into your face again and fuck it’s impossible to focus.  
There’s an inherent tragedy in falling in love with your best friend. The fear that everything will be fucked if you tell them. The added fear if you’re queer and don’t know what to do with these feelings everyone has told you are bad. There’s tragedy in not being able to tell this person how you really feel. Because often it will fizzle out, maybe into nothing. Maybe they’ll always be the one that got away. Maybe it’ll haunt you until you eventually die. 
But being with that person again is everything. The immediate connection like nothing’s changed. The love and care you can still feel from them. And—maybe—you think that this time you can say something. Get to a point where you’re ready enough to admit it. 
Richie and Eddie didn’t get that ending, though. Their love story was a tragedy from the start, and it became immortalized in that before they had the chance to actually talk and grow and change together. 
They didn’t have the same experiences growing up, but they share trauma all the same. They share some of the same secrets. They share a love for each other that they carried through their whole lives. Carried in fear, and forgetting. A love that came rushing back when everything went to shit again. 
Eddie died loving Richie. He died sharing words with his best fucking friend that are so familiar between the two of them it became their love language from such a young age. 
Richie carried the weight of loving Eddie in his deepest fears and sent them to burn in hopes of a better future. 
Richie never got to tell Eddie how he loves him. Eddie didn’t get to do that either. But in those last moments together, their destined tragedy unfolding between them and around them, they knew. 
And maybe that’s enough. Maybe it’s enough just to know. But that doesn’t change the tragedy of not being able to live their truths together. Of not being able to heal from this trauma together, of not being able to grow old together. 
So maybe it’s not enough, in the end. Because their love story was a tragedy from the start, and they didn’t even get the chance to change that. 
But Eddie sharing his love in his last words and Richie getting the chance to go back to his secret one last time is closure. It’ll take Richie a long time to move on. He probably never will. But in Stan and Eddie’s last words, he can move forward and be proud. And maybe it eases the tragedy a bit. Because he gets to live his truth and honour his best friends, and the love of his life.   
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sassysatsuma · 6 years
Follow You - 3/?
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Fandom: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Rating: M
Characters: Kassandra, Brasidas,
Ships: Kassandra/Brasidas (slow burn, Spartans to friends to lovers)
Summary: “Against all of her better judgement, Kassandra already felt bonded with Brasidas, a friendship that she’d tried to fight for fear of what it might become. He was a man she admired, respected, trusted. A man who in another life may have even been someone who could have had her heart. He was everything she should avoid, everything that could make her vulnerable.A potential weakness that she couldn’t afford.“
An Assassin’s Creed Odyssey AU, where Brasidas joins Kassandra and the rest of the Adrestia’s crew.
Author’s Note: Takes place after ‘And the Streets Run Red’ main quest mission, so be wary of spoilers!!The developing love story of Kassandra and Brasidas in an AU where he joins the crew of Adrestia and becomes Kassandra’s trusted second in command and confidante. The slow burn, Spartans to friends to lovers romance that I wanted Ubisoft to give me. Feel free to like, reblog or signal boost!
Read it below the cut or here on AO3.
“But there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.  And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.”
Mumford & Sons
The closer the Adrestia came to Naxos, the sicker Kassandra became.
It was an odd sensation, hurtling through the waves towards a woman who she hadn't see in 17 years, Myrrine the unattainable goal that she'd been searching for ever since she'd washed up on Kephallonia's shore. Her mater represented everything that Kassandra had been missing; the family she longed to be a part of. Seeing her again had been her true drive ever since the moment she’d lost sight of her on Taygetos, before the world slipped into darkness and she woke up, broken, bruised and alone.
Myrrine had always been so far away, even when Kassandra had her own ship and crew and the means to follow her. But now she was just so close.
Too close. Although Kassandra wanted nothing more than to see her, there was a growing part of her that felt raw, opposed towards the very idea. The seeds of doubt were already in her mind, the worry that she'd not be enough, that she'd be a disappointment. That someone simply being alive and able to find her mater after everything would not be enough. It was terrifying to feel so out of control and vulnerable, a sensation that grew and grew the closer they sailed to Naxos.
Kassandra didn't deal well with feeling weak, in truth she wasn't used to the emotion. And so, she did what she always did when faced with emotions she didn't want to feel. She hid away, retreating into herself for fear of letting the crew see her so exposed.
It almost worked too.
It was the early hours of the morning and Kassandra was below deck, hunkered down in what was considered her "quarters". In reality it was simply a portion of the ship's hull that was cordoned off and called hers, thin planks and curtains cutting it off from where the rest of the crew ate and slept. Inside, Kassandra kept only the sparsest of possessions; a chest for her armour and weapons and a smaller, ornate trinket box that held oil and a bone comb for her hair. The only other furniture was a place for Ikaros to call home, fashioned from an old, gnarled tree branch that protruded from the floor. A favoured resting place for her most trusted friend when he grew tired of circling the skies above the Adrestia and the waves.
Now Ikaros was sitting atop his perch, squawking content whilst Kassandra fed him another hunk of meat from the end of her knife. It was supposed to be hers, but with her appetite well and truly lost, she figured that at least one of them should benefit from the meal.
"Hungry tonight, aren't you?" She smiled softly, stroking the downy feathers at his throat affectionately. Ikaros squawked again, although this time the sound was quieter, as affectionate a sound as the bird could make. "Get some rest, friend. I'm going to need you in the morning."
"Shouldn't you be resting too?" A voice, most definitely not Ikaros' startled her and Kassandra jumped in her skin, cursing under her breath at the chuckle she earned from the intruder. She looked to her left, to where Brasidas held the curtain that covered the doorway to one side. He was grinning as per usual, his face softly lit by the low lamplight of the room.
"I could say the same to you."
"I'm not the one meeting my mater in the morning." He shrugged, surveying her with those eyes that read her so easily. "Should I stay or go?"
"You can stay." Kassandra nodded in response, trying to be as nonchalant as possible in her agreement despite the little voice in the back of her thoughts scolding her for giving them even more time to be alone. She turned her back on him, returning to her bedroll and sitting down with crossed legs. "But close the curtain, I'd rather at least maintain the pretence of privacy."
She watched him closely, his movements careful as he did as she asked, replacing the curtain as though it had never been disturbed. Bare footed, he stepped towards Ikaros, reaching out and rewarding the bird with a soft stroke to the head as he passed. Traitor. Ikaros had accepted Brasidas right from the start, something that the bird did very rarely.
It had been one of the reasons that he had earned Kassandra's trust so easily, her companion the best judge of character that she knew. Now, that trust merely pushed at her resolve.
"I didn't bring wine this time." Brasidas smiled, seating himself in front of her. "I thought you'd disapprove."
"It's probably best to meet my mater not smelling like a taverna." Kassandra laughed. "Thanks."
"There'll be plenty of time for her to learn the truth about her daughter..." He teased, dodging her attempt to swat at him with the back of her hand. "I'm joking of course. You tend to smell a lot better than most mercenaries."
"And you'd know that how, I wonder?" This time it was her turn to taunt him, a smirk pulling at the corners of her lips. "Sounds like someone has a sordid past?"
"Sordid?" Hardly. I've just fought a lot of mercenaries in my time."
"Sure... fought."
"I fear that you think I'm far more interesting than I actually am, Kassandra."  He raised an eyebrow curiously, still smiling although his eyes were there again, perpetually reading hers. "I'm not known for my gift of seducing every mistios in my path. Apologies."
Just this one then. The thought chased across Kassandra's mind before she could stop it, but she kept her face blank under his scrutiny. Already chiding herself for letting their conversation twist into almost flirting, Kassandra paused, already too aware of the need to shift to more innocent topics. It was then when she realised that for everything Brasidas knew about her, she knew so little about him. He was always so quick to speak about everything but himself, happy to laugh and joke and deflect whenever directly questioned.
She decided there and then that needed to change.
"Maybe it's because we always end up talking about me and never the other way around?"
"But you're so much more interesting than I am, mistios."
"I doubt that."
"Says The Great Eagle-Bearer!" Brasidas grinned. "How could a humble soldier compete with one blessed by Zeus himself?"
"You could tell me and maybe we'll find out?" Kassandra rolled her eyes, her overly inflated title feeling all the more alien when spoken by a man she considered a friend. "Tell me about yourself, Brasidas. Where's home?"
"Obviously. But where?"
"You misunderstand..." He paused, all at once looking as on edge as she’d ever seen him. She watched as he all but considered lying to her, an anxious hand rubbing at the back of his head.
"… Home has always been an abstract idea to me. There was a place where I grew up, yes. A family too. But it isn't something I long for in the same way that maybe you do."
"And where is this family?"
"Dead, mostly.” His reply was blunt, but the sigh that left his lips betrayed his true emotions. “My mater went to Elysium not long after I was born. I’m told my pater was never the same after she died. He was Tellis, a man from a humble family but as loyal a Spartan as you could find. He was the man who taught me and my brother the importance of our shields, who pushed us to embrace our agoge training and to honour the Gods."
"You have a brother?"
"Had." A sad smile flickered across Brasidas' features. For a moment his eyes left hers and flicked around the room in a desperate attempt to buy himself time. When his gaze returned to hers, there was a sadness reflected in his eyes, although it was also tinged with pride. "Iasonas. He was my elder by a couple of years and the very image of my pater. We trained through the agoge together, then sailed together as soldiers. He was everything I ever wanted to be."
"How did he die?"
"In battle with the Athenians. We were separated, Iasonas chosen to lead a garrison of men whilst I was sent abroad to spy. His ship was surrounded by the Athenian fleet and overcome. I was told that he died honourably."
"Brasidas..." Kassandra found her mouth empty of words, guilt creeping into her thoughts at the realisation that she by being so wrapped up in her own grief she’d never stopped to think about what tragedies might have befallen her friend. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be, his death isn't your burden to bear. It was painful, for a time... I held myself accountable for not being there with him when he needed me. But I know now that if I’d been there, pater would have lost two sons instead of one that day."
"Everything you said about Phoibe..."
"I’d known that loss.” Brasidas nodded in agreement, fixing her with a kind smile. “That night above Athens, I saw everything in you that had filled me when Iasonas died. Seeing a friend go through that was difficult. I wanted to help."
"You did." Kassandra stated bluntly, caught somewhere between sympathy and empathy for his loss. "Others tried, but only you managed it."
"The Gods have given me a great gift, to be able to get through that thick skull of yours." He laughed softly, at home on more familiar ground. Leaning back on his hands he surveyed her with curious eyes. "Or perhaps... it's because we are more alike than we think?"
"Which mountain did your pater throw you from?" Kassandra teased in return, her smirk breaking into a full-blown smile when he laughed heartily at her joke. There was always a pure kind of happiness that flooded her soul whenever she made him laugh, the sight as beautiful as it was endearing. "We could compare scars."
"I imagine pater wanted to throw me from a mountain many times growing up. He was always so frustrated with me. Iasonas was always the better fighter, but I had an interest in so much more. I lapped up every story about the Gods, thought myself a modern-day Prometheus for a time with all my schemes. As I grew older, my interest switched to history and politics. I cared more for how Sparta was ruled than for fighting purely for its honour."
"And pater didn't approve?"
"Pater didn't understand." Brasidas shrugged. "Politics, history... these were things he considered less important. My interest in them only seemed to anger him. He used to joke that I was the most Athenian of Spartans... but it was never something that he took pride in."
"He sounds as blind as Nikolaos." Kassandra shook her head, his words ringing all too familiar. "You fight better than most Spartans I've met, but a country needs more than just warriors. I don't pretend to understand the Athenians and their symposiums but their enthusiasm about philosophy and learning isn't always a sign of weakness."
"And that is why I like you, Kassandra. You've travelled, seen the world for what it really is. Seen both Sparta and Athens for what they truly are. People like us see the best and the worst in both. Our paters are from a different world. A different time."
"For all his faults, Nikolaos was always proud of me. He found no weakness in showing it. I can't imagine what it was like for you."
"It was a childhood, no worse of better than any other. My pater was a great man and I was fortunate to have my brother." Brasidas smiled fondly. "Just as you are fortunate to have Myrrine.”
"And what if I'm a disappointment?" Kassandra's voice faltered at that, her anxieties suddenly crashing back to the forefront of her thoughts. She looked up at him with worried eyes. "What if she expected more?”
"There isn't a mater in the world who wouldn't be proud of you. Believe me, you couldn't be anything more if you tried."
"And you are biased." Kassandra shook her head, her hands reaching up to comb her fingertips through her knotted hair. For once it was loose, hanging down past her left shoulder in unruly thick tendrils. It was only when the hair passed from between her fingers that she realised her hands were trembling. "We're getting close."
"Are you ready?"
"How can I be? I'm about to meet the woman I've feared dead for so long, a woman who thinks that I'm dead. How do you even begin to prepare for that?"
"I'm not sure you can." Without further word, Brasidas stood, a fluid movement that startled her with its suddenness. Half expecting him to leave, Kassandra watched closely as he stepped around her, lowering himself to his knees again behind her on the bedroll. In an act of by now characteristic kindness, his hands chased hers away from her hair and he took it between his own fingers, gently pulling the strands into a braid identical to the one that she normally wore. "The Fates have already decided your path, Kassandra. All that remains is for you to follow their lead."
It was the gentlest gesture she could remember. His fingers were soft, knowledgeable as they twisted her hair together diligently, a constant ghosting presence against her scalp that brought with it more comfort than it should have. Without realising, Kassandra relaxed into his touch, long held tension dissipating from her shoulders and neck. She couldn't remember the last time such a small action had brought her so much peace, her heart aching for the closeness that she worked so hard to deny it.
And then it hit her like a wave. Phoibe. Memories of all the nights on Kephallonia when she would let her braid her long hair, whilst her friend spoke wistfully of eagles and blessings from Zeus. On those nights they had talked for hours, Kassandra telling Phoibe what little she remembered of Sparta whilst she told her tales of when her parents had been alive. Those nights had been the start of them becoming like family, Kassandra living in the fantasy of the childhood Phoibe had shared with her loving parents.
A childhood they'd both been robbed of all too soon.
Suddenly the pain was back, reminding her that Phoibe would never beg to braid her hair again.
Vulnerability followed in an instant, playing on her anxiety and pushing her over the brink. As Brasidas tied off her braid, Kassandra felt a tear slip from her welling eyes, the salty liquid painting a long, slow line down across her skin. She turned her head away, praying to whichever God might be listening that he wouldn't see her weakness, but with Brasidas nothing went unnoticed.
"It's nothing." She shook her head dismissively, pulling her newly formed braid gently from his hands in the process. She turned, looking to where Ikaros sat on his perch and blinked away her remaining tears. "You just reminded me of Phoibe."
"There's no shame in feeling."
"But there is shame in weakness." Kassandra sighed, returning her gaze to his. "There's more honour in strength."
"Now who sounds like a stubborn Spartan?" Brasidas' smile possessed a warmth that blinded her and she faltered, transfixed by the creases that framed the very corners of his lips. "Don't turn into your pater, Kassandra. You'll break my heart."
With a tenderness that she'd denied herself of for so long, Brasidas reached forward, his thumb and forefinger resting under her chin and slowly lifting it upwards so that she looked upwards. All at once, Kassandra's heart thundered in her chest; the sudden realisation of just how close he was dawning on her. Frozen in place by brown eyes that had fully ensnared her, she was helpless to do anything else but watch as he pressed closer, his lips grazing hers with a gentleness that felt like a question.
His question didn't go unanswered for long.
She kissed him back, leaning into his touch, completely lost to every inch of him. For a single, blissful moment, they stayed that way, locked in a soft embrace that threatened to end them both. Brasidas never pushed for anything more, although his hand moved to frame her face, his thumb rubbing away the damp trail her tears had left behind. When he finally broke the kiss, he didn't withdraw, instead keeping their faces close as he rested his forehead against hers.
"We shouldn't." Kassandra spoke first, her words betraying her emotions as she struggled to save face. She didn't pull away, she didn't have the heart to, but the beating of it in her chest had her scrambling to save herself from falling further despite it all.
"... We aren't." Brasidas smiled, still so close that his breath tickled against her lips. "You think too much."
"And you don't think enough."
"Perhaps that's what the Fates intended." He pulled back at that, broadening the gap between them. For a moment there was silence, his lips parted as though he had more to add. Instead, he lowered his gaze, smiling to himself before moving to stand. Kassandra started to stand too, but his outstretched hand stopped her, a shake of his head telling her that he didn't expect her to follow. "Sleep first. Focus on your mater. I... should have picked my timing better."
With that, Brasidas was gone, the room feeling so much colder without his presence within it.
Ikaros squawked indignantly in the background, but Kassandra barely heard him, her hand tracing her lips as she fought to process the kiss they'd shared. Her mind was split, halved by the fear of letting him get so close and by the relief of knowing that he cared for her just as much as she cared for him. It was a strange duality, one that comforted just as much as it scared her.
He was a weak point, a chink in her armour to be exploited. But he was also a place of strength and comfort when she was determined to give herself neither. Perhaps Brasidas was right. Perhaps the Fates had made them to be as two sides of the coin on purpose. Or perhaps that was simply Kassandra's traitorous heart talking.
With the night only promising more questions and precious few answers, Kassandra took her friend's advice, rolling over towards the oil lamp that lit the small room and extinguishing it, plunging both herself and Ikaros into total darkness. Fumbling for her blanket in the darkness, she pulled its comforting weight up and around her body, settling into her bedroll and the warmth that came with it.
Perhaps a rested mind would bring the clarity she so desperately needed. Even if it didn't, at least the peace of sleep would give her relief from the emotions flooding her system, if only for a little while.
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lulusoblue · 7 years
Fabled (Karai/Shinigami)
oh my gooood. I was so stuck on this first one for so long because apparently my brain is bad at the angst I was trying to go for. Then my good friend @guide-to-the-galaxy posted her piece and reminded me “hey you have the option to au” and i slammed the table and suddenly could write again so thank you Jo I dedicate this piece to you.
I just love Karai and Shinigami together, their chemistry and their friendship is great and the mystery of their history just has me wanting more, so they are probably my overall OTP in the show if I’m honest. so this is my contribution to @lgbtmntweek for Day 1 (OTP)!
There is a legend that surrounds an ancient forest. One that has lived long and passed from parent to child for many generations. A great snake, Kiba, who guards and protects this sacred domain. She was said to have scales as white as freshly lain snow, and fangs as sharp as the finest katana forged.
There used to be a shrine for her at the edge of her forest. But it had been burnt to a crisp like the rest of the wood and the grass and the stones and the life.
It is all nothing but ash and black and death when the witch begins her trek through it. If Fire could see this, it would be devastated.
She calls herself Shinigami, though she is not Death herself. She only follows close behind, letting Death lead her to where it is called. Shinigami sees what Death has had to take in the charred and blackened remains of it all, and looks on in pity. There is nothing that she can do to reverse this tragedy. But she can give means of avenging it.
Then, there is crying. It is not a human crying. It is stronger. There is more pain and sorrow than any human’s cry to Shinigami’s ears. She walks towards the sound through the haze of smoke and the fall of ash, letting Death lead her to another victim of a cruel fate.
Kiba is just as the legends said she was. A great, giant thing, coiled in on herself among her dead home. Ash and soot covered her scales, but Shinigami could see the pure white of them. What entranced her more about this creature were the markings that legends had failed to pass on. Lines of a faded violet, almost painted onto Kiba’s body like a canvas, serene and smooth, and each line had the ebb and flow of the story behind it.
The crying stops. Shinigami freezes as Kiba’s form uncurls and rises and looms above her. Burning green eyes glow through the haze the snake’s head disappears into, and the witch hears a voice in her head.
Whatever business you seek here, witch, I desire none of it. You will leave me to mourn.
The woman stands her ground, and it takes every ounce of willpower in her not to flee. The enchantment had so quickly turned to terror as she sees the marking of faded violent shift into blood red. The lines move into harsher tales of woe and the serenity of them is lost.
“I… I’m here to offer you a chance to…” Shinigami trips on her words, but she must push on. She promised herself. She promised her good friend Death. “A change to avenge your home. Your family.”
Kiba’s eyes narrow and the snake’s fury grows thicker than the smoke in the air.
Do not mock me. You are aware that I am honour bound to this forest.
Shinigami gulps but persists. “Your forest is dead. Death has come for it, and Life will not return for many years to come.”
And I must wait for Life when it arrives. I cannot leave.
Kiba’s head is right in front of her, silent and sudden.
I cannot leave! Do you not understand? I cannot seek the revenge I wish for because I cannot leave!
Shinigami’s head rings from how Kiba’s voice echoes and reverbs through and inside her body. Every instinct is begging her to move, begging her to run.
I am honour-bound to this land. I am forbidden to leave it.
Shinigami breathes deeply, resists the urge to cough and choke on the stench of loss. When she feels her nerves have steadied and her heart has slowed, the witch slowly pulls a sheathed weapon from her sleeve.
“I… I have something to severe that bond.” Kiba pulls away. Shinigami feels the snake’s gaze leave her and focus on the tanto in her hands.
What… what magic is that?
“It is yours, and your means of avenging your land,” Shinigami explains, holding it out in front of her for the snake to get a closer look. Her head leans back down, but the malice has lifted from the air as she inspects it. “Should you accept its contract, you can walk among the mortals as though you were one of us. You can find those responsible for… for this.”
Kiba hesitates. She pulls away again, slower, and her voice hums with caution.
And what price will I pay for such an opportunity?
Shinigami steels her nerves and looks the snake in the eye. “Though you will forever be a Guardian… you will never be able to set foot back in this forest again.”
Silence. The two stand there, eyes locked. The great snake and the little witch. And then.
What must I do to seal this contract?
Shinigami pulls the tanto from its sheath. “It must draw your blood.” And she holds it out in front of her, waiting for the great snake to grant permission.
The snake’s head whips down and catches the slightest nick from the blade. And then she changes.
Shinigami watches as the snake disappears. It coils and writes and gets smaller and smaller, settling itself to the ground as its body changes shape. The white scales become white skin. There are no more markings of blood red or faded violent. There are now legs and arms and a body. There are ears and shoulders and hands with fingers and feet with toes. There is now a woman with burning green eyes and long black hair in the place of a great guardian snake of the forest.
The witch walks to the snake in a woman’s body as she tries to take in her new features. Shinigami pulls a cloth from her sack and wraps it around the woman’s shoulders. “We should make haste. If we linger, you will feel the contract’s effect.”
The woman turns and stares into Shinigami’s eyes, and once more the witch finds herself entranced by her. Something about it this time felt… different.
“I never asked your name,” the woman says.
The witch smiles. “I lost it long ago. I call myself Shinigami now.”
“Ah. You are a witch of Death, then.”
“Not… quite, no.”
The woman doesn’t break her stare. Then, at last, she tells the witch in her new voice, “I will need a new name as well. I cannot keep Kiba. It would not be right.” And then the woman looks to the ground.
Shinigami can see it on her face. Shame. She knows that feeling well. “Well, then if you don’t mind, I will help you find a new one, too.” She offers the woman her hand.
The snake looks at the witch through a woman’s eyes and the hint of a forked tongue slips out for just a second. Then, carefully, she takes it, and lets herself be pulled up onto her new feet.
This pieces is something of a fantasy/folklore-fable AU, like the Samurai Jack setting crossed with a Snow White and Bigby scene from Fables. Might continue on it if I feel like it in future, but for now I just hope you guys enjoy!
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head-and-heart · 8 years
4x04 Personal Highlights
So I know that there has been a lot of negativity surrounding this past episode, but I would like to point out that it was far from being all bad and I would say it was a hell of a lot better than episode four from LAST season (aka. my least favourite episode of this show, ever) there was actually some good shit buried in this episode that I would like to address.
Never too much positivity, right fam?
Okay, I’ll get to it.
1. “Bellamy should be back by now.”
I mean, it’s self-explanatory. Even the C/exa queen is writing us some Bellarke shit .. hmm, I wonder why? Maybe cause she has to? Maybe cause Bellarke is becoming canon? Huh, weird.
2. Monty being a total babe and trying to comfort Clarke
It only serves to make the absence of his name on The List that much more painful, but I love seeing Monty trying to cheer Clarke up. He’s such a beacon of light. @the-ships-to-rule-them-all and @abazethe100 talked on their podcast about how its not just Monty’s brain and skills that make him invaluable, but who he is at his core - a source of optimism and support. He holds people together. I thought it was worth mentioning because @theskyboxpodcast is always good, but I especially loved that bit.
3. Devon’s acting
The writers truly could not have picked a better actor to play Jasper. He kills it, over and over and over again. Devon is the perfect mix of humour and tragedy that makes Jasper so heartbreaking and unique. He brings life to this character in a way that few actors could. That scene in the rain perfectly demonstrates this.
(UNRELATED: I’d love to see how Jaha was managing out on that lake when he heard about the acid fog. The possibilities are never-endingly humourous.)
4. Kane calling out Octavia
This scene was soooo validating because its the first time that Octavia’s actions have TRULY been called out. And it wasn’t just a brief call-out, it was an entire lengthy scene dedicated to why Octavia’s actions are NOT being supported by the narrative and are NOT right or honourable. 
“A warrior knows when not to kill. Lincoln taught you that. You seem to have forgotten.”
And to those of you who were screaming about Octavia never dealing with the consequences of her actions after ... what? 4x02? YOU COULDN’T WAIT TWO EPISODES??? WHY DO YOU JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS WHY DO YOU TORTURE YOURSELVES? Short rant concluded. This was a top-knotch scene. 
She is so gorgeous and her voice is so soothing. She makes every episode better just be existing.
7. Jackson being a total babe and helping out Raven this episode/showing compassion and concern
So I’ve seen people shipping it and I am ... oddly, not opposed??? I mean, he’s sweet and that banter was nice and he’s a doctor which means he’s probs smart and also can help her out with her pain (kinda) and it will never happen but I CAN DREAM OKAY? 
Also, Jackson is Jackson’s only name. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules. You will never hear me referring to Jackson by any other name. #dealwithit
8. “Save us all” sounds like “keep us all clean” in Trigadesleng because apparently Grounders know their priorities
I guess this explains why L.exa had that deep conditioned shit last season while Clarke was progressing through her slow but steady evolution into a dirty mop
9. “I’ve never met a line I wouldn’t cross.”
Richard you get the best lines. And you slay them every time.
I’M SO EXCITED. Lindsey and Richard are both a thrill to watch and they’re both so sassy and their history is just ... WOW. They haven’t had many scenes together ever since that KILLER scene in the dropship where we learned Murphy’s backstory which is a total crime because THEIR CHEMISTRY SERIOUSLY FLIES THROUGH THE ROOF.
I do think Murphy was trying to get on Raven’s good side when he grabbed her and helped her to safety and it was definitely for his personal motives, but I do also believe that a large part of him wanted to do it as an attempt to make up for fucking up her life so bad as well. It’s such an interesting dynamic to watch.
Just want to clarify that I don’t ship it because ... y’all he literally shot her and paralyzed her why do you do this?? But I definitely want to see more of them on my TV screen
11. Dad!Kane cupping his son’s face
Need I say more?
12. “Warriors don’t reveal their secrets.”
13. Ice Nation is SO much more interesting than Trikru
14. “Remember that time we welded your dad’s furniture to the ceiling? Now THAT was a prank.”
15. “You’re not God, Clarke. You don’t get to decide who lives and dies.”
Hmm ... that’s an interesting line. Almost like it might be ... I don’t know ... A major theme of the show or something?
Also A++ delivery Devon. Kudos.
16. This show is SO GOOD with moral dilemmas
They truly do bring their A-Game every season. The List is just one example of these so-called moral dilemmas. There truly is no right choice. Clarke was pragmatic, everything she did made SENSE. But was it moral? Was it humane? That’s another story, and it’s one these writers are not afraid to tell.
17. Monty and Clarke’s interactions are all so on point
“You’re the one going too far and using the same old justification: it’s all for my people.”
Monty is spilling the tea this episode and while I understand Clarke’s mindset and sympathize with her for dealing with the pressure on her shoulders, everything that Monty said in this scene was absolutely 100% true, and it’s going to come into play in Clarke’s character arc this season, I am sure.
18. Raven’s struggle with her leg is so real
Kim perfectly captured the struggles that Raven has to deal with and how her leg, while limits her physical ability, certainly does not limit her determination, her skill, and her brain. 
19. “What if the fight is all we are? We torture, kill, betray. We pretend we’re more than that just to make ourselves feel better, but it’s a lie.”
I love this line so much. This episode encapsulates so many themes and big ideas of the show (and it grapples with morality in hugeeeee ways) and I’m loving it.
20. “You’re not a prisoner, Luna. You have a choice.”
Raven putting her gun down and saying this to Luna is SO important, especially when you think about how Clarke tried to force the flame on her in 3x14. Free will was a major theme last year and I’m glad to see it paying off now.
21. Jaha swooping in and stealing that crowd
Listen. I know that there are many conflicted opinions on Jaha and I know that lot of people hate him. But I have never been more intrigued. His story this season is sooo interesting. I have no idea what to expect from him. I feel as though he is so disconnected from the other characters at this point in the narrative that he’s a complete wild card. Do I trust him or not? Should I? What are his motives? What knowledge does he have that the other characters don’t?
He’s so fascinating to me in that he is completely unpredictable. His story this season could break off in just about any direction. 
This scene was really fun to watch. Clearly, Jaha’s years of being a Chancellor comes in handy with a crowd. He knows what to do, what to say, to sway them. It reminds me of Bellamy, in a way, actually. Say what you will about Jaha, but he has a way with words and he knows how to inspire people. I can’t wait to see how this goes. 
(I totally think that lottery is bullshit and I think that Jaha realizes this, but he’s manipulating the crowd. We’ll see how this blows up in our faces later.)
“The people need to feel like they have a say in their fate.”
Another interesting line that I enjoyed. Just wanted to point it out.
22. “It’s the only choice you gave yourself. If you think you have the best idea, you have to convince people, not lie to them. Or lock them up.”
So choices and free will and truth and morality are all big focusses of this episode. People seem to overlook how much great thematic stuff is in 4x04 but there’s a lot and it’s great.
23. Becca’s lab is bomb AF
25. “Take me home.” 
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courtiers · 7 years
@ocean-settler in regards to ‘jamie is azor ahai’
there are a few necessary things for someone to be a candidate for the prince who was promised/azor ahai:
be born under a bleeding red star
be born of salt
be born of smoke
live whilst “the darkness gathers”
have the “blood of the dragon”/descended from aerys and rhaella targaryen
wake dragons from stone
wield lightbringer
have links to ‘the song of ice and fire’
most of these can be pretty nicely applied to jaime, i think
being born under a bleeding red star
there are four possible events that could count as “when the red star bleeds”: the comet that was seen during the year of aegon targaryen’s birth; the red messenger comet that appears during the events we see taking place; oberyn martell’s death; or elia martell’s death.
the comets are the things everyone cites as fitting this part of the prophecy – they’re literal red stars that are described as looking like they’re bleeding – but oberyn and elia’s deaths slip under the radar as possibilities. but thinking about it, what is the banner of house martell? a red sun – a red star. so “when the red star bleeds” could refer to the death of a martell. two major martells die at important junctures during the story, oberyn and elia. either of them could be the red star.
so what was jaime doing during these events? was he being reborn? well, yes.
the year of first red star, aegon’s comet, was either 281 AC. jaime was raised to knighthood and joined the kingsguard in 281, a kind of birth as he becomes a new person and dedicates himself to a cause. interestingly, 281 was the year of the false spring – it’s certainly notable that jaime’s ‘birth’ into knighthood happened in a year with not only a bleeding star, but also what appeared to be a winter’s end.
the second red star’s bleeding is elia martell’s death, which, admittedly, jaime had little to do with directly. however, he was in the red keep, murdering aerys, at the same time as clegane was murdering elia. in other words, jaime was reborn as the kingslayer in the same building, at the same time as a red star bled.
the year of the second comet, the red messenger, signals the beginning of jaime’s character development. his journey during a storm of swords and the relationship between him and brienne changes him from someone with a relatively poor code of honour (his association with cersei’s schemeing and his pushing a kid out of a window are two examples) into a more honourable man (saving brienne from rape and from the bear pit despite it being in his best interest not to).
the last bleeding red star is oberyn’s death. jaime, although his name is never mentioned during tyrion’s trial by combat, was not only almost certainly present, but in the aftermath of the trial and oberyn’s death had a significant change of heart, siding with tyrion instead of his sister and beginning along the path away from loving her. their relationship, at least in the books, essentially fizzles and dies at this point, marking a new page in jaime’s life.
any or all of these events could be the bleeding red star the prophecy refers to – it’s extraordinarily notable that jaime was actively changing during all of them.
born of salt and smoke
there are two ways the “births” in the azor ahai prophecy can be interpreted: the birth of salt and smoke is a single event, or the birth of salt and the birth of smoke are two different events. either way, i think they could be applied to jaime.
if they are the same event, then one answer is his de-handing by vargo hoate (and zollo). here’s the full passage:
Still, still, long after they had snuffed out the torch they’d used to sear his bloody stump, days after, he could still feel the fire lancing up his arm, and his fingers twisting in the flames, the fingers he no longer had. 
He had taken wounds before, but never like this. He had never known there could be such pain. Sometimes, unbidden, old prayers bubbled from his lips, prayers he learned as a child and never thought of since, prayers he had first prayed with Cersei kneeling beside him in the sept at Casterly Rock. Sometimes he even wept, until he heard the Mummers laughing. Then he made his eyes go dry and his heart go dead, and prayed for his fever to burn away his tears. Now I know how Tyrion has felt, all those times they laughed at him.
the smoke being that from the fire used to cauterised his wound, the salt being his tears due to the pain. in many ways, it’s similar to rhaegar’s idea that the “salt and smoke” was summerhall, in that the smoke was from the flames and the salt was from people weeping for the tragedy.
the other possibility is in his last chapter of a feast for crows. in this chapter, jaime dreams of his mother, a vision essentially telling him to abandon the lannister dreams of glory and success. in the dream, his mother cries, and he wakes up to a letter from his sister asking him to come to fight in her trial by combat – a letter which he burns. tears = salt, burning paper = smoke, and jaime is reborn as he forsakes his sister completely.
while subtle, both of these possibilities work well, though it must be acknowledged that it’s also entirely possible that jaime’s birth of salt and smoke is an event which happened yet, and may in the future be a much more significant revelation of his status as azor ahai.
live whilst “the darkness gathers”
this is perhaps the most obvious one, being the beginning of winter and the rise of the Others, and is not jaime specific since it can be applied to any azor ahai candidate
have the “blood of the dragon”/descended from aerys and rhaella targaryen
this one is... trickier.
there’s a relatively popular theory going around that tyrion is not actually a lannister, but instead the child of aerys targaryen and joanna lannister. it’s stated in-text that aerys was sexually interested in joanna, so it’s not outside of the realm of possibility that she sired his child.
or children.
because there’s no reason to discard that idea that it might not be tyrion that’s aerys’ bastard, but jaime and cersei instead. in fact, it would be a pretty satisfying poetic justice if tyrion was tywin’s only trueborn son, instead of the twins he was so proud of.
it’s textually stated that jaime and cersei are unlike tywin. cersei thinks she has inherited tywin’s intelligence and ability to scheme, but with every turn she proves herself incompetent. likewise, jaime is told by his aunt that
"You smile like Gerion and fight like Tyg, and there's some of Kevan in you, else you would not wear that cloak... but Tyrion is Tywin's son, not you."
it appears in a metaphorical context, but what if this is not only metaphor, but foreshadowing as well. if jaime and cersei are in fact aerys’ children, then they truly have the blood of the dragon.
the problematic element here appears to be that they don’t have rhaella targaryen’s blood. barristan selmy tells daenerys that the ghost of high heart apparently prophesised azor ahai would be born of aerys and rhaella. however, when examining the actual quote, that’s not necessarily true:
“Your grandsire commanded it. A woods witch had told him that the prince was promised would be born of their line.”
not born of them, born of their line. the targaryens were so inbred that they had no new genetic material entering their line – marrying brother to sister kept the bloodline ‘pure’. aerys and rhaella, through centuries of inbreeding, were essentially genetic copies of each other – any child of aerys’ would essentially be of rhaella’s line too. therefore, it doesn’t matter that jaime is aerys’ child and not rhaella’s. he is still the child of their bloodline, and thus an azor ahai candidate.
however, if this theory turns out not to be true, then jaime is still not necessarily discredited. “born of their line” sounds almost too straightforward to be a direct quote from a prophecy. i would kill for the exact wording of the woods witch’s prophecy, but i reckon it would more likely have been worded something like, “the prince who was promised will have the blood of rhaella and aerys”. and even if jaime is not aerys’ son, he still has aerys and rhaella’s blood.
he has their blood on his hands. he directly killed aerys, literally soaking him in targaryen blood, and also stood by and did nothing whilst knowing that elia was being raped and murdered on the other side of the castle. jaime has their bloodline on his hands no matter his parentage
wake dragons from stone 
this part of the prophecy is linked to the blood of the dragon. if cersei and jaime discover their true heritage, it will be the metaphorical ‘awakening’ of two dragons – two new targaryens. and the stone they wake from? casterly rock. the dragons born on the rock will wake up. as simple as that.
if the twins are not secret targaryens, this becomes more difficult. several theories:
the dragonstone volcano erupts (highly unlikely but AWESOME)
skaagos volcano erupts (see above)
aegon gets greyscale and is cured (boring)
the dragon carvings on dragonstone come to life (ALSO AWESOME)
the petrified dragons on dragonstone get cured of greyscale (AMAZING)
there are dragons on skaagos (too obscure, maybe?)
sansa/alayne stone marries aegon and has a kid (highly questionable but i kinda like this one)
someone slow to anger gets pissed off (think viserys’ “waking the dragon” threats) (kinda hilarious)
eh i don’t know. i just feel like dany’s dragon’s and jon’s lineage are too obvious answers
wield lightbringer
lightbringer, “the red sword of heroes”, appears to have been recreated during the books by several characters – stannis, beric dondarrion, perhaps even daenerys (some suggest that her lightbringers are her dragons). some theorise that the actual historical lightbringer survived through the ages as ice (the stark sword), or dawn (the sword of house dayne).
i’d like to suggest another potential sword to become lightbringer: oathkeeper
in a storm of swords, jaime sleeps against the stump of a weirwood tree and has a dream about a burning sword. here’s the full text:
“Give me a sword, at least.” 
“I gave you a sword,” Lord Tywin said. 
It was at his feet. Jaime groped under the water until his hand closed upon the hilt. Nothing can hurt me so long as I have a sword. As he raised the sword a finger of pale flame flickered at the point and crept up along the edge, stopping a hand’s breath from the hilt. The fire took on the color of the steel itself so it burned with a silvery-blue light, and the gloom pulled back.
From behind came a great splash. Jaime whirled toward the sound . . . but the faint light revealed only Brienne of Tarth, her hands bound in heavy chains. “I swore to keep you safe,” the wench said stubbornly. “I swore an oath.” Naked, she raised her hands to Jaime. “Ser. Please. If you would be so good.” 
The steel links parted like silk. “A sword,” Brienne begged, and there it was, scabbard, belt, and all. She buckled it around her thick waist. The light was so dim that Jaime could scarcely see her, though they stood a scant few feet apart. In this light she could almost be a beauty, he thought. In this light she could almost be a knight. Brienne’s sword took flame as well, burning silvery blue. The darkness retreated a little more.
this dream sword is oathkeeper:
tywin says “i gave you a sword”, referring to oathkeeper, which jaime is given by tywin later on (that this is a weirwood dream makes it understandable that jaime has knowledge from the future)
“i swore an oath” directly parallels the sword’s name, oathkeeper
dream-brienne gains a sword with the same characteristics as jaime’s dream-sword. the only sword jaime and brienne share is oathkeeper
the evidence against this sword being oathkeeper is that the blade is silver-blue, not grey-red, but then again visions have never been the most reliable when pertaining to azor ahai (or how else could melisandre have been so mistaken about stannis?). the only other explanation i can think of for this is that it’s symbolic, representing jaime becoming more like brienne, the ‘blue knight’ of renly’s rainbow guard.
regardless of whether or not the sword is oathkeeper, it cannot be ignored that the swords in jaime’s dream have burning blades, something specified in the azor ahai prophecies.
furthermore, we know two things for certain about oathkeeper: it is valyrian steel, and it is red.
that it is valyrian steel matters here – whilst it has not yet been confirmed in the books, the tv show has revealed that valyrian steel is one of the few materials which can kill white walkers. i would be extraordinarily surprised if this doesn’t turn out to be true in the books as well.
lastly, as tyrion notes in a storm of swords:
Most Valyrian steel was a grey so dark it looked almost black, as was true here as well. But blended into the folds was a red so deep as the grey.
“red sword of heroes”, anyone?
have links to the song of ice and fire
here’s a nice quote from grrm himself:
I mean... Fire is love, fire is passion, fire is sexual ardor and all of these things. Ice is betrayal, ice is revenge, ice is… you know, that kind of cold inhumanity and all that stuff is being played out in the books.
if this doesn’t describe jaime better than any other character in the series, i don’t know what more i can do to convince you
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31 Day Angst Challenge
Day 3: Betrayal
This is really just a few characters from a story that I haven't touched in two years and that I probably won't go back to. The "hero" and love interest of the story Ace ends up as the leader of a rebellion, while the main character Nihimeira along with her friends work for the villianous Queen. I was trying to flip the regular hero from the evil side coming to the light and leading the rebellion to victory thing on its head by painting the rebels as the ones actually causing trouble and hurting people while the monarchy is trying to keep the peace and it would be up to the readers to decide who was right Ace or Nihimeira. Which was the real villain or were they both tragic hero's? Betrayal features heavily in this story so I wanted to see how it went.
Soo here goes nothing!
Some swearing, threats of torture, sacrifice and murder.
Ace looked at Nihimeira, bound and gagged, hanging from her hands, her feet barely touching the ground.
She was just as beautiful as the last time he'd seen her. Her platinum blonde hair was flowing freely-- for once-- in waves around her face. She was dressed in a short gold nightgown that showed off her long, perfectly shaped legs. Her eyes were closed. Her face serene. Her breathing was normal. No scars marred her, no blemishes anywhere on her skin. Ace took all this in, in a matter of seconds and he concluded that they must have drugged her just as she settled down for the night, before dragging her down here.
His temper flared, his power flaring up with it, but of course the ropes that bound him to the far wall would not be so easy to get out of. The Queen knew their powers inside and out. Which meant she also knew how to lock them down.
He had been reckless. He had wanted his shot at her. He had been bidding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike at her. But then, he had seen her at that damned address; standing over them as if it was her right.
It infuriated him past the point of reason.
So he snuck into the palace, with only one thought in his mind.
He needed to kill her.
The Queen stepped out from the shadows. "You have awoken, finally. We are pleased."
Ace's anger flared again but the ropes didn't even warm.
"We were hoping you would wake first. Our apologies for the rough treatment but you would not have answered had We called. You have proven that much to Us."
Ace struggled in his bonds. "What do you want you Bloody Bitch Queen?"
The Queen shook her head. "Where did We go wrong? Such horrendous manners. We taught you better than that."
"You went wrong," Ace spat, "when you tried to use me as a sacrfice for your ritual."
The Queen looked at him then continued as if he hadn't spoken. "We have decided that you must pay for your crimes. As you seem to have no care for your own life We have decided to use hers."
Ace had wondered-- But she couldn't be serious could she? She wouldn't really--
"Shall We wake her first? Or shall We just begin?" The Queen pulled a wickedly cruel looking dagger and trailed it lightly down Nihimeira's face. "Shall We start with those beautiful blue eyes of hers?" The dagger trailed down her body to hover just above her navel. "Or perhaps we shall slice her open and see whether lightening truly runs through her veins?" The dagger came back up to hover over Nihimeira's chest. "Shall we see how a broken heart might still beat before We rip it from her chest? Or shall We cut out that silver tongue first, and see if she can still scream? What do you think Ace?"
The look the Queen gave him sent a chill through his body. She wasn't kidding. She was really contemplating the best way to kill Nihimeira.
"Please." He said.
"Please what?"
"Just... please just..." His fire flared again. "Let me out of these damn ropes!" He demanded. "Let me out so I can kill that whoring bitch myself!"
Yes. It was Nihimeira he had been after this night. He had seen her at the Queen's address. Standing in his position, as leader if Battalion E. As if she deserved it. She had stood over him and all those others, as if it was her right to command such power after what she, the Queen and the others had done to him.
They had turned their backs on him, betrayed him when he needed them the most, and Nihimeira, her betrayal had her the most. The one he had veen closest to. The one who had held his heart for so long tore it to shreds then stomped on the pieces.
He had watched a city burn because of it.
Oh yes. Nihimeira was the one he most wanted to kill.
The Queen blinked then slowly began to smile. "You are more ruthless than We gave you credit for. Is she not your lover?"
"Once but no longer." Ace growled. He looked at her, and all he felt was burning anger and rage. "Kill her if you wish, kill all of them. All of the ruthless attack dogs you call Battalion E. Make it as slow and painful as you wish. However, if I get out of these ropes, My Bloody Bitch Queen, there will be nothing you can do that will stop me from slitting her throat! And yours!" He vowed.
"Do it Bitch Queen. But make no mistake on this, Nihimeira is mine. I will be the one to kill her in the end."
The Queen smiled as Nihimeira flickered and vanished right before Ace's eyes. His stomach dropped. An illusion? Why? What would be the point of--
The wall behind the Queen flickered out of existence as well and there stood Nihimeira-- the real one this time, he was sure of it-- surrounded by his friends, Battalion E.
Ex-friends, he reminded himself.
They stopped meaning anything to him the day the Queen made that proclamation.
Their faces ranged from stunned to sadness to anger. But again it was Nihimeira thay he couldn't look away from. She was dressed as she normally was in her white uniform, with her long billowing black cape and red ribbon tied at her throat. Her long hair pulled back. But it was her eyes, wide and flashing with betrayal, hurt and anger that Ace lingered on.
"You all see now." The Queen said. "The traitor cares nothing for one that he once professed love to. He came here tonight to kill Us, and Our beautiful dark mage, you heard him yourself. See him Our children. He has betrayed us all."
His temper hit the ceiling. Fire engulfed Ace. Pure blue flames. They burned so hot and brightly that the others looked away. He betrayed them? Fine then. They could believe what they wanted. The Queen wanted him to be the villain? He'd be the villain.
Nihimeira was the only one that refused to look away from his temper-tantrum.
It only fueled his rage.
He imagined her under him once again, in that sane gold nightgown from the vision the Queen had showed him. But this time? He would have his hands wrapped around her damn throat. She was his. He wanted to feel the life leave her, see the light leave her eyes.
One day he would wipe her name from the history books for what she had done to him, to so many others. He would make it so that she may as well have never existed at all for all anyone would know of her. But frist he had to kill her.
"Traitor!" Novi cried. "You bastard how could you! You're our leader! We trusted you, we believed in you! We fought for you! We're your family dammit, how could you say that about her, about us?!"
Ace's fire winked out as he looked Novi in the eye. It was difficult, to pour ice into his veins instead of fire. But he managed it. "You were never my family." He told them.
Pain laced through all their features.
He had to remind himself that he no longer cared if they were hurt by him.
"You see children?" The Queen said gently, wrapping an arm around Diz, the youngest of them. "We wish it was otherwise, but Ace has turned from Us. See how he did not hesitate to ask Us to kill you all? This is a harsh lesson children, but one We feel you needed to learn."
The Queen called in the gaurds. "Take him to the preparation chamber and make ready for the ritual. He is not worthy of such an honour, but the stars were cheated once, we cannot allow such a tragedy to happen once more because of our own selfish wants. Take him away."
Ace tried to look back at them. Knowing full well that none of them would step foreward to try and save him.
After all, when he had still been loyal they hadn't stepped up. Why should they now that his was their enemy?
The Queen and Battalion E had betrayed him four times now. Ace figured it was time to even the score.
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marcusssanderson · 5 years
60 Plato Quotes on Democracy, The Republic and Life
Inspirational Plato quotes that will help you reach your highest potential.
Plato was a pivotal figure in the history of Ancient Greek and Western philosophy. He is considered to be one of the most brilliant and far-reaching writers to have ever lived.
Plato founded the Academy and authored philosophical works that have been widely read over the years. His writings covered a wide range of interests and ideas, including justice, theology, beauty and equality, and political philosophy.
Plato’s impact on philosophy and human nature has had a lasting impact. He will always be remembered as pivotal influence that shaped the Western Philosophical tradition and thought.
In his honor, below is our collection of inspirational, wise, and powerful Plato quotes and sayings, collected from a variety of sources over the years.
Plato Quotes on Democracy, The Republic and Life
1.) Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. – Plato
2.) “The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile.” ― Plato
3.) Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something. – Plato
4.) We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. – Plato
5.) Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge. – Plato
6.) One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. – Plato
7.) “Do you desire to be wholly one; always day and night in one another’s company? For if this is what you desire, I am ready to melt and fuse you together, so that being two you shall become one, and while you live a common life as if you were a single man, and after your death in the world below still be one departed soul, instead of two….” ― Plato
8.) A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers. – Plato
9.) You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. – Plato
10.) There will be no end to the troubles of states, or of humanity itself, till philosophers become kings in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers, and political power and philosophy thus come into the same hands. – Plato
Plato Quotes on knowledge and learning
11.) Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. – Plato
12.) We are twice armed if we fight with faith. – Plato
13.) Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle – Plato
14.) Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet. – Plato
15.) Only the dead have seen the end of war. – Plato
16.) The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. – Plato
17.) Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each. – Plato
18.) I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing. – Plato
19.) There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot. – Plato
20.) The beginning is the most important part of the work. – Plato
Profound Plato quotes that will change the way you think
21.) Love is a serious mental disease. – Plato
22.) “if you are willing to reflect on the courage and moderation of other people, you will find them strange…they all consider death a great evil…and the brave among them face death, when they do, for fear of greater evils…therefore, it is fear and terror that make all men brave, except for philosophers. yet it is illogical to be brave through fear and cowardice…what of the moderate among them? is their experience not similar?…they master certain pleasures because they are mastered by others…i fear this is not the right exchange to attain virtue, to exchange pleasures for pleasures, pains for pains, and fears for fears, the greater for the less like coins, but that they only valid currency for which all these things should be exchanged is wisdom.” ― Plato
23.) Never discourage anyone…who continually makes progress, no matter how slow. – Plato
24.) Death is not the worst that can happen to men. – Plato
25.) Desires are only the lack of something: and those who have the greatest desires are in a worse condition than those who have none, or very slight ones. – Plato
26.) If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things. – Plato
27.) Ignorance, the root and the stem of every evil. – Plato
28.) Laws are partly formed for the sake of good men, in order to instruct them how they may live on friendly terms with one another, and partly for the sake of those who refuse to be instructed, whose spirit cannot be subdued, or softened, or hindered from plunging into evil. – Plato
29.) Man…is a tame or civilized animal; never the less, he requires proper instruction and a fortunate nature, and then of all animals he becomes the most divine and most civilized; but if he be insufficiently or ill- educated he is the most savage of earthly creatures. – Plato
30.) No human thing is of serious importance. – Plato
Powerful Plato quotes for your philosophy life
31.) There is no such thing as a lover’s oath. – Plato
32.) “Any one who has common sense will remember that the bewilderments of the eyes are of two kinds, and arise from two causes, either from coming out of the light or from going into the light, which is true of the mind’s eye, quite as much as of the bodily eye” ― Plato
33.) Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself. – Plato
34.) No evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death. – Plato
35.) Let every man remind their descendants that they also are soldiers who must not desert the ranks of their ancestors, or from cowardice fall behind. – Plato
36.) Sons, the event proves that your fathers were brave men; for we might have lived dishonourably, but have preferred to die honourably rather than bring you and your children into disgrace, and rather than dishonour our own fathers and forefathers; – Plato
37.) And all knowledge, when separated from justice and virtue, is seen to be cunning and not wisdom; wherefore make this your first and last and constant and all-absorbing aim, to exceed, if possible, not only us but all your ancestors in virtue; and know that to excel you in virtue only brings us shame, but that to be excelled by you is a source of happiness to us. – Plato
38.) “You know that the beginning is the most important part of any work, especially in the case of a young and tender thing; for that is the time at which the character is being formed and the desired impression is more readily taken….Shall we just carelessly allow children to hear any casual tales which may be devised by casual persons, and to receive into their minds ideas for the most part the very opposite of those which we should wish them to have when they are grown up?
We cannot….Anything received into the mind at that age is likely to become indelible and unalterable; and therefore it is most important that the tales which the young first hear should be models of virtuous thoughts….” ― Plato
39.) Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history. – Plato
40.) The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life – Plato
More Plato Quotes to inspire and teach
41.) The more the pleasures of the body fade away, the greater to me is the pleasure and charm of conversation. – Plato
42.) “But that we shall be better and braver and less helpless if we think that we ought to enquire, than we should have been if we indulged in the idle fancy that there was no knowing and no use in seeking to know what we do not know;—that is a theme upon which I am ready to fight, in word and deed, to the utmost of my power.” ― Plato
43.) Democracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequal alike. – Plato
44.) Many men are loved by their enemies, and hated by their friends, and are the friends of their enemies, and the enemies of their friends. – Plato
45.) If a man can be properly said to love something, it must be clear that he feels affection for it as a whole, and does not love part of it to the exclusion of the rest. – Plato
46.) Was not this … what we spoke of as the great advantage of wisdom — to know what is known and what is unknown to us? – Plato
47.) He who commits injustice is ever made more wretched than he who suffers it – Plato
48.) People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die. – Plato
49.) No one ever teaches well who wants to teach, or governs well who wants to govern. – Plato
50.) There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot – Plato
Other inspirational Plato Quotes
51.) He whom love touches not walks in darkness – Plato
52.) Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others. – Plato
53.) Life must be lived as play. – Plato
54.) “It’s not at all uncommon to find a person’s desires compelling him to go against his reason, and to see him cursing himself and venting his passion on the source of the compulsion within him. It’s as if there were two warring factions, with passion fighting on the side of reason. But I’m sure you won’t claim that you had ever, in yourself or in anyone else, met a case of passion siding with his desires against the rational mind, when the rational mind prohibits resistance.” ― Plato
55.) If a man neglects education, he walks lame to the end of his life – Plato
56.) This City is what it is because our citizens are what they are – Plato
57.) Know thyself – Plato
58.) “That’s what education should be,” I said, “the art of orientation. Educators should devise the simplest and most effective methods of turning minds around. It shouldn’t be the art of implanting sight in the organ, but should proceed on the understanding that the organ already has the capacity, but is improperly aligned and isn’t facing the right way.” ― Plato
59.) “…when he looks at Beauty in the only way that Beauty can be seen – only then will it become possible for him to give birth not to images of virtue (because he’s in touch with no images), but to true virtue [arete] (because he is in touch with true Beauty). The love of the gods belongs to anyone who has given to true virtue and nourished it, and if any human being could become immortal, it would be he.” ― Plato
60.) “Whereas, our argument shows that the power and capacity of learning exists in the soul already; and that just as the eye was unable to turn from darkness to light without the whole body, so too the instrument of knowledge can only by the movement of the whole soul be turned from the world of becoming into that of being, and learn by degrees to endure the sight of being, and of the brightest and best of being, or in other words, of the good.” ― Plato
Which of these Plato quotes was your favorite?
Plato was a key figure in Western philosophy. His works had a major influence on the conception of philosophy, and have been widely read over the years.
Besides, Plato will always be remembered as the founder of the Academy in Athens, one of the first institutions of higher learning in the Western world. We hope these Plato quotes will inspire you to reach your highest potential.
Did you enjoy these Plato quotes? Which of the quotes was your favorite? Let us know in the comment section below.
The post 60 Plato Quotes on Democracy, The Republic and Life appeared first on Everyday Power.
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readbookywooks · 8 years
At the Hohlakovs'
ALYOSHA soon reached Madame Hohlakov's house, a handsome stone house of two stories, one of the finest in our town. Though Madame Hohlakov spent most of her time in another province where she had an estate, or in Moscow, where she had a house of her own, yet she had a house in our town too, inherited from her forefathers. The estate in our district was the largest of her three estates, yet she had been very little in our province before this time. She ran out to Alyosha in the hall. "Did you get my letter about the new miracle?" She spoke rapidly and nervously. "Yes" "Did you show it to everyone? He restored the son to his mother!" "He is dying to-day," said Alyosha. "I have heard, I know, oh, how I long to talk to you, to you or someone, about all this. No, to you, to you! And how sorry I am I can't see him! The whole town is in excitement, they are all suspense. But now - do you know Katerina Ivanovna is here now?" "Ah, that's lucky," cried Alyosha. "Then I shall see her here. She told me yesterday to be sure to come and see her to-day." "I know, I know all. I've heard exactly what happened yesterday- and the atrocious behaviour of that - creature. C'est tragique, and if I'd been in her place I don't know what I should have done. And your brother Dmitri Fyodorovitch, what do you think of him? - my goodness! Alexey Fyodorovitch, I am forgetting, only fancy; your brother is in there with her, not that dreadful brother who was so shocking yesterday, but the other, Ivan Fyodorovitch, he is sitting with her talking; they are having a serious conversation. If you could only imagine what's passing between them now - it's awful, I tell you it's lacerating, it's like some incredible tale of horror. They are ruining their lives for no reason anyone can see. They both recognise it and revel in it. I've been watching for you! I've been thirsting for you! It's too much for me. that's the worst of it. I'll tell you all about it presently, but now I must speak of something else, the most important thing - I had quite forgotten what's most important. Tell me, why has Lise been in hysterics? As soon as she heard you were here, she began to be hysterical!" "Maman, it's you who are hysterical now, not I," Lise's voice carolled through a tiny crack of the door at the side. Her voice sounded as though she wanted to laugh, but was doing her utmost to control it. Alyosha at once noticed the crack, and no doubt Lise was peeping through it, but that he could not see. "And no wonder, Lise, no wonder... your caprices will make me hysterical too. But she is so ill, Alexey Fyodorovitch, she has been so ill all night, feverish and moaning! I could hardly wait for the morning and for Herzenstube to come. He says that he can make nothing of it, that we must wait. Herzenstube always comes and says that he can make nothing of it. As soon as you approached the house, she screamed, fell into hysterics, and insisted on being wheeled back into this room here." "Mamma, I didn't know he had come. It wasn't on his account I wanted to be wheeled into this room." "That's not true, Lise, Yulia ran to tell you that Alexey Fyodorovitch was coming. She was on the lookout for you." "My darling mamma, it's not at all clever of you. But if you want to make up for it and say something very clever, dear mamma, you'd better tell our honoured visitor, Alexey Fyodorovitch, that he has shown his want of wit by venturing to us after what happened yesterday and although everyone is laughing at him." "Lise, you go too far. I declare I shall have to be severe. Who laughs at him? I am so glad he has come, I need him, I can't do without him. Oh, Alexey Fyodorovitch, I am exceedingly unhappy!" "But what's the matter with you, mamma, darling?" "Ah, your caprices, Lise, your fidgetiness, your illness, that awful night of fever, that awful everlasting Herzenstube, everlasting, everlasting, that's the worst of it! Everything, in fact, everything.... Even that miracle, too! Oh, how it has upset me, how it has shattered me, that miracle, dear Alexey Fyodorovitch! And that tragedy in the drawing-room, it's more than I can bear, I warn you. I can't bear it. A comedy, perhaps, not a tragedy. Tell me, will Father Zossima live till to-morrow, will he? Oh, my God! What is happening to me? Every minute I close my eyes and see that it's all nonsense, all nonsense." "I should be very grateful," Alyosha interrupted suddenly, "if you could give me a clean rag to bind up my finger with. I have hurt it, and it's very painful." Alyosha unbound his bitten finger. The handkerchief was soaked with blood. Madame Hohlakov screamed and shut her eyes. "Good heavens, what a wound, how awful! But as soon as Lise saw Alyosha's finger through the crack, she flung the door wide open. "Come, come here," she cried, imperiously. "No nonsense now! Good heavens, why did you stand there saying nothing about it all this time? He might have bled to death, mamma! How did you do it? Water, water! You must wash it first of all, simply hold it in cold water to stop the pain, and keep it there, keep it there.... Make haste, mamma, some water in a slop-basin. But do make haste," she finished nervously. She was quite frightened at the sight of Alyosha's wound. "Shouldn't we send for Herzenstube?" cried Madame Hohlakov. "Mamma, you'll be the death of me. Your Herzenstube will come and say that he can make nothing of it! Water, water! Mamma, for goodness' sake go yourself and hurry Yulia, she is such a slowcoach and never can come quickly! Make haste, mamma, or I shall die." "Why, it's nothing much," cried Alyosha, frightened at this alarm. Yulia ran in with water and Alyosha put his finger in it. "Some lint, mamma, for mercy's sake, bring some lint and that muddy caustic lotion for wounds, what's it called? We've got some. You know where the bottle is, mamma; it's in your bedroom in the right-hand cupboard, there's a big bottle of it there with the lint." "I'll bring everything in a minute, Lise, only don't scream and don't fuss. You see how bravely Alexey Fyodorovitch bears it. Where did you get such a dreadful wound, Alexey Fyodorovitch?" Madame Hohlakov hastened away. This was all Lise was waiting for. "First of all, answer the question, where did you get hurt like this?" she asked Alyosha, quickly. "And then I'll talk to you about something quite different. Well?" Instinctively feeling that the time of her mother's absence was precious for her, Alyosha hastened to tell her of his enigmatic meeting with the school boys in the fewest words possible. Lise clasped her hands at his story. "How can you, and in that dress too, associate with schoolboys?" she cried angrily, as though she had a right to control him. "You are nothing but a boy yourself if you can do that, a perfect boy! But you must find out for me about that horrid boy and tell me all about it, for there's some mystery in it. Now for the second thing, but first a question: does the pain prevent you talking about utterly unimportant things, but talking sensibly?" "Of course not, and I don't feel much pain now." "That's because your finger is in the water. It must be changed directly, for it will get warm in a minute. Yulia, bring some ice from the cellar and another basin of water. Now she is gone, I can speak; will you give me the letter I sent you yesterday, dear Alexey Fyodorovitch - be quick, for mamma will be back in a minute and I don't want - " "I haven't got the letter." "That's not true, you have. I knew you would say that. You've got it in that pocket. I've been regretting that joke all night. Give me back the letter at once, give it me." "I've left it at home." "But you can't consider me as a child, a little girl, after that silly joke! I beg your pardon for that silliness, but you must bring me the letter, if you really haven't got it - bring to-day, you must, you must." "To-day I can't possibly, for I am going back to the monastery and I shan't come and see you for the next two days - three or four perhaps - for Father Zossima - " "Four days, what nonsense! Listen. Did you laugh at me very much?" "I didn't laugh at all." "Why not?" "Because I believed all you said." "You are insulting me!" "Not at all. As soon as I read it, I thought that all that would come to pass, for as soon as Father Zossima dies, I am to leave the monastery. Then I shall go back and finish my studies, and when you reach the legal age we will be married. I shall love you. Though I haven't had time to think about it, I believe I couldn't find a better wife than you, and Father Zossima tells me I must marry." "But I am a cripple, wheeled about in a chair," laughed Lise, flushing crimson. "I'll wheel you about myself, but I'm sure you'll get well by then." "But you are mad," said Lise, nervously, "to make all this nonsense out of a joke! Here's mamma, very a propos, perhaps. Mamma, how slow you always are, how can you be so long! And here's Yulia with the ice! "Oh, Lise, don't scream, above all things don't scream. That scream drives me... How can I help it when you put the lint in another place? I've been hunting and hunting - I do believe you did it on purpose." "But I couldn't tell that he would come with a bad finger, or else perhaps I might have done it on purpose. My darling mamma, you begin to say really witty things." "Never mind my being witty, but I must say you show nice feeling for Alexey Fyodorovitch's sufferings! Oh, my dear Alexey Fyodorovitch, what's killing me is no one thing in particular, not Herzenstube, but everything together, that's what is too much for me." "That's enough, mamma, enough about Herzenstube," Lise laughed gaily. "Make haste with the lint and the lotion, mamma. That's simply Goulard's water, Alexey Fyodorovitch, I remember the name now, but it's a splendid lotion. Would you believe it, Mamma, on the way here he had a fight with the boys in the street, and it was a boy bit his finger, isn't he a child, a child himself? Is he fit to be married after that? For only fancy, he wants to be married, mamma. Just think of him married, wouldn't it be funny, wouldn't it be awful?" And Lise kept laughing her thin hysterical giggle, looking slyly at Alyosha. "But why married, Lise? What makes you talk of such a thing? It's quite out of place and perhaps the boy was rabid." "Why, mamma! As though there were rabid boys!" "Why not, Lise, as though I had said something stupid! Your boy might have been bitten by a mad dog and he would become mad and bite anyone near him. How well she has bandaged it, Alexey Fyodorovitch! I couldn't have done it. Do you still feel the pain?" "It's nothing much now." "You don't feel afraid of water?" asked Lise. "Come, that's enough, Lise, perhaps I really was rather too quick talking of the boy being rabid, and you pounced upon it at once. Katerina Ivanovna has only just heard that you are here, Alexey Fyodorovitch, she simply rushed at me, she's dying to see you, dying!" "Ach, mamma, go to them yourself. He can't go just now, he is in too much pain." "Not at all, I can go quite well," said Alyosha. "What! You are going away? Is that what you say?" "Well, when I've seen them, I'll come back here and we can talk as much as you like. But I should like to see Katerina Ivanovna at once, for I am very anxious to be back at the monastery as soon as I can." "Mamma, take him away quickly. Alexey Fyodorovitch, don't trouble to come and see me afterwards, but go straight back to your monastery and a good riddance. I want to sleep, I didn't sleep all night." "Ah, Lise, you are only making fun, but how I wish you would sleep!" cried Madame Hohlakov. "I don't know what I've done.... I'll stay another three minutes, five if you like," muttered Alyosha. "Even five! Do take him away quickly, mamma, he is a monster." "Lise, you are crazy. Let us go, Alexey Fyodorovitch, she is too capricious to-day. I am afraid to cross her. Oh, the trouble one has with nervous girls! Perhaps she really will be able to sleep after seeing you. How quickly you have made her sleepy, and how fortunate it is!" "Ah, mamma, how sweetly you talk! I must kiss you for it, mamma." "And I kiss you too, Lise. Listen, Alexey Fyodorovitch," Madame Hohlakov began mysteriously and importantly, speaking in a rapid whisper. "I don't want to suggest anything, I don't want to lift the veil, you will see for yourself what's going on. It's appalling. It's the most fantastic farce. She loves your brother, Ivan, and she is doing her utmost to persuade herself she loves your brother, Dmitri. It's appalling! I'll go in with you, and if they don't turn me out, I'll stay to the end."
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