#it's actually got some shape and texture to it
bookwyrminspiration · 6 months
How would you change elvin fashion/or how do you think elvin fashion should be?
First order of business: leggings are OUT! yes this entirely personal, but they (or at least the girls) wear leggings with EVERYTHING and I simply could not and will not. And it's also incredibly plain and boring, and they can do better.
The main thing is just that practically none of what we hear described makes an impression. The only thing they do is some undescribed embroidery and added jewels (usually described as "jewel encrusted" or simialr, no further detail), and Sophie keeps saying it looks super fancy and wealthy, but I'm unconvinced. I will grant that the capes are more distinctly elven and memorable, but I think they can be improved upon as well
What, exactly, the distinct thing "should" be depends on preference. And it's difficult to make it universal since elves are around the world, and a group's clothing tends to reflect their environment. One option is since they're a light-based society, to have a lot of skin showing to better absorb the sunlight--yes, this is also partially personal because that's what I like, but since not all elves are in a warm environment this doesn't work great for all areas. Another route is to incorporate a lot of gold--thread and jewelry--into their dress to reflect that sunlight, though we do run the risk of overlapping to heavily with goblins.
We could also bring back the trick with Jolie's lumenite dress, expanding that more broadly to making glowing garments. Perhaps with other glowing materials as well, though I'm not sure what specifically. That might be the best option actually, as it can be incorporated into a variety of fabrics and styles for the various weather conditions.
Another idea would be, instead of the clothes specifically, to focus on the culture surrounding clothes. They have an overabundance of clothes, what if they frequently switched outfits throughout the day? Something for a brisk morning, then they switch to something else when it warms up, and back into something else for the evening then night, etc. We could get more specific for positions of power--e.g. what if the councillors, who are supposed to be the best of the best, change clothes to reflect the colors of the sun/sky throughout the day? To reflect their enlightenment and atonement to the world?
Like I said, a variety of ways to go about it even beyond this, but the main thing is right now they feel like human clothes with the words "embroidery" and "jewel" stuck on. We can improve upon this :)
(also would love to see clothing not tied to gender. more ubiquitous styles and choices across all sexes and genders. why hold on to human socially constructed separation?)
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sysig · 8 months
I can't remember if you've done any drawings for this before, sorry, but I have a requestober prompt! Vargas ladyverse snake charmer au? Or ladyverse dryder au Scri, I feel like the potential for pretty spiderweb clothes is high there. I would request both, but I want to respect the rules ^^ Thank you!!
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Day 27 - Skillfully spun sheer shawl
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Finally finishing all these guys we’ve got charts and headcanons! (Long post)
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(Body length & basic shapes I used) (it might be odd but ignore any detail on the back, the shapes are for general body shape)
Seawings: - Colors range from red and purple to yellow - Aquatic is based off areas of bioluminescence rather than singular scales (because no one wants to draw all of those) - Although they average small compared to the other tribes, gigantism is more common - Wing bioluminescence gene is always present but for some doesn't show, thus aquatic doesn't utilize the wings
Rainwings: - Can change the texture of their scales alongside color - Weakest bite due to their fangs, probably why they're vegetarian - Mimic interesting behaviors - Have forked tongues
Mudwings: - Colors range from olive green to purple-ish red - Very resilient - Able to breathe fire regardless of body temperature, the heat of the flame depends on body temp - Their horns constantly grow and sometimes have to be cut due to dangerous growing patterns - Love gnawing on things, tough foods like jerky is popular - The horn covers of fallen siblings are harvested and turned into instruments to remember them by
Leafwings: - Colors range from gold to teal (and pink to olive green during cold seasons) - Can appear to have false eyes - Bug-like just like the other Pantalan residents (because they're just some weird outlier like what is going on here) - Leafspeak doesn't actually allow them to hear voices from plants but rather increase the sensitivity of their antennae which pick up on the changes in plants - In colder seasons, regions that have deciduous trees influence leafwings in that their scales change into warm tones similar to fallen leaves for camouflage but this also negatively impacts one's leafspeak ability; this doesn't apply to evergreen leafwings however
Hivewings: - Colors range from hot pink to olive green - Can appear to have false eyes - Have elbowed antennae just like their "cousins", Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants) - Tend to disregard personal space/get close out of habit, being close means better temp regulation and better communication - All hivewings have stingers, wrist stingers, and a venomous bite but it largely depends on preference of which they choose and like muscles, they can be exercised to become deadly weapons - They're not capable of "emitting a horrible stench"
Icewings: - Colors range from white to pale indigo - Melanism is still very rare but more likely in icewings - Can be iridescent in any color, especially visible in lighter scaled individuals - The scales on their face is very fine and is flushed with blood which darkens the area and allows them to see in the snow by absorbing light, otherwise the glare from the sun reflecting off would be a hinderance - Their wings are thin and thus have visible veins most of the time - Idk how to describe their scales other than its kinda like basalt formations - From the side they appear large but are actually thin and flexible - They can freeze to death if they've gone without cold for a long time and then reintroduced too quickly - In hybridization, they have dominant genes, partially because the animus gene - The extra mane of horns can appear randomly on the body in singular spikes, they also make a clink sound when they collide as if they're made of ice, making a pretty scary rattle when disturbed
Nightwings: - Colors range from orange to purple - Albinism is still very rare but more likely in nightwings - Dwarfism is more common - Teardrop scales are always present, highlighted when the dragon has powers regardless of type - Pitbull ready to bite kids - They CAN hang upside down as the books suggest but not for long - By taking dust baths, they dull their scales to reflect less light and blend in better in the dark - Have white fire but cant breathe for long due to how hot it is (this is mainly to add onto the mysterious factor of em and I always liked the idea) - Due to eye sensitivity, they hate sudden bright lights and will close their eyes as they breathe fire
Silkwings: - Can have black or dark accents but never as a whole body color unless they've hybridized - Wing shapes vary widely - Can appear to have false eyes - Flamesilk is rarer than one might think - Very flexible and have strong tails used as a sort of 5th limb in climbing - Albino or melanistic dragons still keep their iridescence - Silk is emitted through a spinneret on the chin rather than the wrists - Prefer to travel in pairs (instinct)
Sandwings: - Colors range from red to olive green - Dark patters often mimic a snake's - Horse-like in complexion - Alongside their snake-like appearance, they have pit organs - Tend to move like birds - Poor eyesight but good hearing - Their horns angle upwards sort of like a bull
Skywings: - Colors range from red to yellow (and green because skywings are meant to be your typical fire breathing dragon which is most often depicted to be red but can also be green) - Tend to move like birds - Weaker than they appear - Green skywings are incapable of being or having flamescales - Their horns constantly grow and have to be filed down - A flamescale cant melt rock or metal by touch alone, only via fire is it possible - It's not that they don't want flamescales that they kill them, it's more of a mercy killing because of how lonely their life can be
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acapelladitty · 2 months
ok but,,,, Mr "the" ghoul subbing for his so/ for the first time and he's all unsure and tryna be cocky but he's actually a big softie who loves being taken care of and told what to do 💥
light me up and breathe in
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/F!Reader
Fic Masterlist
Link to AO3
Summary - After some convincing, Cooper agrees to let you give him a chest massage.
(tw: heavy petting, teasing, cockwarming, threats of violence, cannibalism mention, dirty talk)
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Convincing Cooper to let you take care of him was a task better suited for the great thinkers of the world, people who had the patience and the fortitude to deal with his stubborn bullshit as he dodged your every attempt. However, time was always on your side and you weren't convinced if it was the appeal of a massage or the promise that you would stop asking if he relented, but he had eventually given in.
His upper clothing had been shed quickly enough, exposing his bare torso to your greedy eyes. A shapely sight, his body wasn't overly muscular, but clearly held a core strength as it formed a solid expanse - the skin scarred and textured across every visible inch.
Reclined on his chair, his eyes were wary but heated as he watched you clamber onto his lap with a childish eagerness.
"That desperate, huh?"
"Shut up."
Rolling your hands along his chest, the rough texture of his skin left a pleasant tingle in your fingers as you follow the natural contours of his body. Patchy and pitted beyond reason, you map out the ridges with a faint smile and your fascination with his skin didn't go unnoticed.
"You staring at me like that makes me wonder if you're thinking 'bout taking a bite?" Cooper's low voice, dulled by his forced nonchalance, filled the air between you and you refuse to look up and meet his eye as you answer.
"Maybe." You tease, trailing a finger along the column of his neck. "It's about time you had something to worry about so maybe I'll cannibalise some part of you to shut you up for a while."
"If you're gonna wrap those pretty lips around a part of me then I've got some ideas, darlin'."
Gaze flitting across his body as you ignore his suggestion, you settle on his nipples and admire the deep red colour which stands free of his chest. You can imagine him in a better time, picture how dense the chest hair which would have coated him would feel below your fingers. How fun it would be to run your digits across the thick mat and pull at it teasingly, forcing him to shift up and meet your lips with a single tug.
But no.
It really was a cruel world.
Still, there was more than one way to get a reaction and you clamp your thumbs and forefingers around his nipples as you pinch the nubs with malicious intent.
"Maybe I'll focus on these. They're very sensitive."
A strangled gasp escapes him but he covers it quickly by curving his thick hands around the swell of your ass.
"True that, sweetie, but if you tear 'em off I'll be taking yours to replace them. With my teeth, mind."
Pulling at the nubs even more roughly, the discomfort forces a warning rumble from his throat as he arches his back against the chair.
"Not how this works, Coop. You have to say please if you want me to stop."
Scowling, he relents regardless, having alresdy agreed to the terms of the game. "Please."
"That's better, handsome."
Hands feeling dry, you get a move on with your agreement and add a healthy dollop of the unscented lotion which you had stumbled on in an abandoned pharmacy. Its discovery had prompted this little game and you can't hold back your grin as you spread it across his skin - sinking into the intimate contact with a soft sigh.
Tense as hell, Cooper is every inch a coiled serpent ready to strike out. He's subtle with it though; matching your wry comments with his own and visibly attempting to force himself to relax into the earnest touch. For a creature who was wrapped around you like a glove when you fucked, this type of intimate engagement appeared to give him more anxiety than staring death down the barrel of a gun.
"Relax." You soothe, hands running across his collarbone to wrap around his shoulders.
"I am relaxed." He lied.
"Liar." You call him out with a teasing smile. "But if a little massage is so scary for the big, bad bounty hunter then let me make you a bit more comfortable."
Dropping your slickened hand to his groin, you cup his hardened cock through the fabric, wasting no time in opening his fly and releasing him; allowing the girthy length to jut free in the cool air.
"Wow, Mr. Howard," you tease, gripping your hand around his length and stroking along it with a firm grip, "this looks painful. What are we going to do about it?"
"Cruel to play with a man's bone and not give him somewhere to bury it." Cooper rumbled, his hips bucking into your hand as you tighten your fingers around the base of a cock, denying him any further stimulation until he settles. "Might drive a man to do something dangerous, sweetie."
"Oh well in that case." Raising yourself off his lap by planting your feet on the floor, you slip further towards his body and line up his blunted cockhead with your hole - arousal making your lips feels swollen and sensitive as you run his cock along your slickened folds. "Would be a shame to waste it then."
Sinking down on his cock, you drop your head to his neck to hide the discomforting gasp as the familiar stretch of him makes your walls burn with the sudden intrusion. The texture of his cock adds an intensity that makes your legs tremble as it rubs along those sweet spots which make stars fly behind your eyes.
You adjust your hips until you're able to sit flush against his groin, the angle a little awkward but fucking delicious as every slight jostle sparks fresh pleasure. His eyes pin you with a greater ferocity than his cock as his head tilts up to keep line with your gaze.
"Tight as a drum." Cooper growls, the feel of you wrapped around him making his hips move of their own accord as he fucks himself deeper; each small rut leaving your cunt wanting more.
But no.
That wasn't the game.
Slapping a hand to his exposed chest, the skin there still moist from the lotion - you cupped your other hand around the back of his neck and scowl at him with a playful anger.
"Hey! Did I tell you to fuck me?"
Stilling his hips, Cooper curled his lips into a smirk.
"That you did not, darlin'."
"Then stop moving and let me have my fun. You focus on keeping that big ol' gun of yours holstered somewhere I know it likes, and I'll focus on what I want to do."
"You drive a hard bargain, missy." He replies, amusement playing across his harsh features. "But a deal's a deal and, hell, I'm sure there's gonna be a reward of some kind for such agreeable behaviours."
"Keep dreaming, handsome. I'm letting you warm your cock in me. Isn't that enough?"
"From you?" Flashing his teeth with an almost feral grin, Cooper's arm snapped around your waist to pull you flush to his chest as his rough lips brushed your ear. "Never."
Squeezing your cunt around him, the action netting you a muted groan, you push him away and roll your hips as your hands return to his chest.
"Nice try, buddy. But no amount of, admittedly, great cock is going to stop me from rubbing every inch of you."
"Stubborn bitch."
Cooper mutters the words without heat, his hands returning to their original position around your ass as you edge yourself on his cock; determined to explore every inch of him before allowing him to get his rocks off.
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absolutely-esme · 5 months
About Dan
Something I would like to see addressed more in Danny Phantom fanworks, especially crossovers, is that Dan is not Danny.
Just to be clear, I don't mean that in a "Danny didn't take that path and didn't become that person" way. A lot of stories tend to refer to Dan as an evil version of Danny from another timeline, but that's not what he is.
Dan is not Danny.
He never was.
Dan is not Danny's evil future self. He is not Danny from an alternate Timeline. He is not Danny at all.
In Dan's timeline, Danny and Vlad both got split in half. The ghost halves of both merged and became Dan. Dan is a new entity who was made from half of Danny and half of Vlad. He is not a version of Danny any more than he's a version of Vlad.
Dan actually has more in common with Vlad both physically and personality-wise. Physically, Dan has Danny's hair color and face shape, but he has Vlad's eye color, skin tone, fangs, ear shape, and hair texture. Personality wise, Dan got Vlad's cruelty, ego, lack of empathy, some of his manipulative tendencies, and his flair for the dramatic. He got Danny's impulsiveness.
There are similarities between Dan's origin and the "evil future self from a bad future" plot that is so common in superhero stories, but that's not what Dan is. Danny doesn't exist in Dan's timeline. His human half is dead and his ghost half was part of the materials used to make Dan. This is spelled out pretty explicitly in the show. The Boo-merang doesn't track Dan because it's locked onto Danny's ecto-signature, not Dan's.
You could compare Dan to an offspring of Danny and Vlad. It would certainly be closer than calling him a version of Danny. That said, I think the better description would be that, whatever Frankenstein's creation was to the people whose graves Frankenstein robbed to make him, that's what Dan is to Danny and Vlad.
Danny's fears regarding the Dan timeline would not be about his own potential to go bad, but about Danny's friends and family dying, Danny being left at Vlad's mercy with no support system, and Vlad experimenting on him in a way that results in Danny's death and Dan's creation, and Danny ending up in a bad enough state of mind to let him do it.
I noticed that a lot of Danny Phantom and DC crossovers especially tend to simplify Dan into an alternate Danny who had a villain arc, and it occurred to me that a lot of people approaching from the DC side of things probably never watched The Ultimate Enemy and don't know the actual story behind Dan.
It's really too bad, because I think there's a lot to be done with it.
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nothomegal · 6 months
ITS CHRISTMAS EVE (or at least where I live bc timezones) and I would like to gove Pyramid Head smoochies under mistletoe pls 😌
Aww I was having this idea too! And since it's Christmas allow me to bless you with a drawing!...
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...And a lilttle one-shot!
(Pyramid Head x GN Reader)
Warning: suggestive implications by the end, but mostly fluff!
Word Count: 1k
Christmas was always a funny holiday for (Y/N). Either because they never truly felt connected to it or because they haven't felt the 'magic of Christmas' since childhood. Don't get me wrong, they would still put some decorations when they could, but ever since they came to Silent Hill such tradition was lost.
Not like they mind it too much though, they already have the absolute best gift and company they could ever ask for! Just tell me, who in their right mind would be upset about having a nearly 8ft tall demi-god creature as your forever partner? You have to be chronically insane to turn down such blessing!
And speaking of the creature, (Y/N)'s daydream was interrupted when a large hand curled around their arm and stopped them. They shoot a curious glance to their lover, who was already looking at whatever got his attention.
Right above them, placed on the old metallic door frame with, what they suppose is duct tape, were hangign a bunch of oddly shaped pieces of paper. Some pieces where green, others painted green, and all of them where kept together with a piece of damaged red cloth that was tied as a bow.
(Y/N) stares at that weird construction with furrowed brows, really trying to grasp what the hell they're looking at. Pyra was still as well, but his head tilted towards his human as he curiously observes their reaction. Seems like they too have no clue what is this-.
However, (Y/N) manages to make out the shape of it and instantly burst out laughing.
—"No way! No way someone actually made one!"— you say between laughs.
The beast simply observes them, letting out a low wondering rumble. Is that another pointless joke humans have? (Y/N) is laughing hard so it must be something very funny or very stupid.
After the laughter had ceased, (Y/N) takes a look at their monster and suddenly remember what he wanted in the first place. Oh, right. They were supposed to explain what is that.
—"Okay, okay."— you say between giggles as you point at the object. —"That thing over there is supposed to be a mistletoe. Remember when I told you about Christmas and how people decorate that one fuzzy tree? Well, this thing is also kinda a Christmas tradition. People hang it somewhere high and when two step or pass underneath it, they have to kiss."—
While (Y/N) explains, Pyra listens to them carefully. But the second they mention the kiss part, the air between them shifts and becomes... Odd. And Pyra himself still, way too still.
(Y/N) of course feels the change, and is quick to start clarifying.
—"But of course, it's optional. It's not like you're forced to kiss anyone. If anything, I never did! So I suppose this will remain as a silly tradition some-"—
Their speech is replaced by a tiny gasp when the monster suddenly grabs their jaw, gently lifting and moving their gaze where he needed. Their eyes narrow slightly when they noticed a tongue peek out from his helmet and slowly, almost shily, wiggle towards their face.
—"Aww. What a polite guy."— you chuckle as a little blush creeps on your cheeks. —"Well of course I'll give you a kiss."—
Ever since they introduced this new method of showing affection, it wasn't rare to witness Pyra ask for a 'kiss' once or twice. It's kinda funny to see how shy he gets, always taking it slow and giving them enough time to stop or pull away. Do they do that? Nuh-uh! Do they think it feels gross? Weird, yes. But (Y/N) is deranged so it's fine.
The pink muscle soon presses against their lips, and they respond by giving it a kiss while holding it in place gently, totally unbothered by its wet and slippery texture. They could feel Pyra practically melt into the gesture, he does it every time. It's small, but is the closest they can get to an actual kiss, and the intimacy and specialness of it seems to get the beast to his very core.
After some second, when (Y/N) attempts to lean back, a pair of big arms gets a hold around them, cementing them in place completely and pulling them closer to the monster. The said beast lets out a low menacing growl as his tongue licks their cheek and part of the jaw. The message was clear...
He wanted more.
Despite the apparentaly hostile growls, (Y/N) showed no intimidation and simply chuckled as they roll their eyes.
—"Someone is feeling frisky, huh?"—
Another, and a bit louder, growl resonated from inside the beast's helmet. His grip around them tightening and the tongue sliding along their lips, almost begging for them to kiss it again.
—"Calm down tiger. We both know if we continue you'll get too carried on."— you coo, sliding one of your hands along one side of his helmet.
He groans with certain displeasure, but his grip soon losens as he slightly tilts his head into their touch, yet he doesn't let go neither.
—"If you're really feeling like doing it then let's go somewhere else. You don't want anyone to see me naked, don't you?"—
This time their answer is no longuer a growl or a sound, but the same pair of big hands lighting their form up and swinging over a broad shoulder.
Before starting to walk however, the monster reaches up and snatches the little paper mistletoe. (Y/N) of course notices that and can't hold back the little laugh.
—"Well well, see you really liked this particular tradition."—
They get no response as the monster resumes his walking. But the small squeeze on one of their thighs was enough proof to know that they got it right and it won't be the last time the see the little item.
After this little interaction, and probably after what's about to come, (Y/N) doubts to ever be able to feel that magic of Christmas again.
However, they realize that they still experienced something new. The magic of the mistletoe.
Is that an actual thing? Who knows.
But it worked on Pyra so it must be a thing, right?
It worked well after all.
...Too well.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
craving some more fluff serotonin in life, can we please have some promts of kissing/first kiss with the TADC cast? (caine will be....something lmao)
Kissing hcs w/ TADC cast
gonna format this kind of like the hugging hcs post! also reminder that requests are still closed, i am answering requests that were sent before this morning! any requests sent after are going to be deleted due to me trying to clear my inbox; please hold onto your requests until i announce requests are open again! if in doubt refer to my bio!/nm/not targeted
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this man would not be shy about giving you affection, he would kiss you as soon as he felt it was right and you were giving him the cues and all that. he understands that teeth arent ideal for kissing so similar to kinger (who i wrote first for this post) he gently presses himself into your mouth. weird feeling but hes careful not to bite you or get too harsh, i give him a 6/10
very short you might have to kneel or pick her up so she can reach you if you're taller than her.. very timid and awkward, quick peck on the lips. pomni does not know what she is doing!! who let her cook! 7/10 though, pomni as a whole is soft, its kind of like kissing a marshmallow... actually she kind of tastes like one too, weird... give her some time and she'll be more confident!
soft but not as soft as pomni, instead of kissing a marshmallow its like kissing one of your dolls... i think it depends on what kind of material ragatha would be made out of... assuming the digital world gives her textures and give and all that.. hmm...her mouth is odd, i personally hc that its just. 2D. like pomni has a proper mouth, you can see the depth of it. but ragathas mouth is like, stop motion... 7/10 simply because she probably holds you close and her hugs are amazing so it just adds to the experience
similar to caine, i think! we never see jax actually.. open his mouth, its just teeth. personally i think thats just how his mouth is, he cant open his teeth. so... teeth kisses... though caine can actually open his mouth, jax just has. the wall of teeth... odd... kiss the teeth wall i promise he brushes his teeth/j i give him a 6/10, i think its something you have to get used to
i said it a few times but kinger would need to hype himself up before kissing you for the first time. or alternatively, if a tense moment just happened where say.. one of you guys almost got hurt (or as hurt as you can get in the digital world,) he would probably kiss you me thinks... no mouth how will he give kiss kiss :(? gently presses where his mouth would be to yours. hard and cold, 5/10 but he still tries to be gentle so its not like hes clacking himself against your teeth
similar to kinger but also not because of how zoobles head is shaped... maybe you guys can assume the space between their eyes is where their mouth would hypothetically be. its like putting your mouth against those plastic foods.. cold, their head feels hollow like some of the plastic food toys.. not noticeable unless you press hard against them.. 4.5/10
you see this one i can work with since i have already written characters with masks getting kisses! just kiss where her mouth is and you're golden! sure the mask is also her face and shes like ragatha in regard to the 2d mouth thing... but hey its better than zooble, i think! similar scoring, i think, 7/10 also i think she would put her hands on your cheeks while you two kiss
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heartfeltcierra · 1 year
Reacting to you making/giving them a friendship bracelet Pt.3 Marine Edition (Issho, Koby, Smoker, and Garp)
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AN- I've had so much fun making these! I hope you all enjoy
Characters- Fujitora, Koby, Smoker and Garp
(Find part one featuring Roger, Ace, Marco, Shanks and Doffy here)
(Find part two featuring Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Bart, Sabo and Law here)
Warnings/Content- Some angst in Smokers, Garp's part is NSFW ;)
More under the cut :)
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 Issho (Fujitora)
 💜-This man is such a gentle giant 🥹
 💜- Since Issho is blind you try to gift him things that he can feel
 💜- So when you decided to make him a bracelet, you made sure to use different shaped and different textured beads
“Y/N is that you?”
 “Maybe~” You sit beside the large man and gently grab his hand “I have a surprise for you!”
 “What’s this?” His fingers run over the soft threads of the bracelet you’ve placed on his wrist. “Did you make this?”
 “I sure did!” You beam. “The base of the bracelet is a deep purple, so that it matches your outfit!”  
 “I see, any special reason why you made it my darling?”
 “It’s just like the bracelet says.” Issho was confused at first but ran his fingers over the beads of the bracelet. His smile widens, feeling that the letters spell out I love you.
 “I hope you don’t mind.” His large hands come up to cradle your face as his fingers trace over your nose, eyes and finally your lips.  “Since I can’t see it, I want to feel the kind and beautiful smile of the woman I adore.” 
 (Issho can actually see the colorful hue of the bracelet thanks to the love and kindness you put into making it)
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🌸💕-  Koby was getting ready to go on his first overseas mission as a marine captain. Meaning he was going to be gone for a few months. 
🌸💕- You knew he was going to miss you just as much as you were going to miss him, so you wanted to give him something that would remind him of you. Thus you made him a bracelet
🌸💕- When you gave it to him he turned into a absolute, blushing mess (He was internally giggling and kicking his feet)
🌸💕- As happy as he was to receive the bracelet, he felt bad knowing he didn’t have anything to give you
🌸💕- You assured him that it was okay, but seeing you walk away empty handed left a bad taste on his tongue
  “Wait Y/N!” You turn around on the dock to see your boyfriend running towards you at full speed. “Koby?” You raise your brow as he tries to catch his breath.
 “Please take this.” Koby’s pink hair falls against his forehead as he unties the bandanna wrapped around his head. “May I?” You smile and bring your hand up so he can wrap the colorful fabric around your wrist. “It’s not a bracelet, but you can at least wear it like one!” 
 “Captain, we got the go ahead from HQ!” 
 “Roger that.”
 “You better get going captain.” You reach up and give him a kiss on his flushed cheek. “Come back to me, okay?”
 “I promise I will.” Koby’s hand wraps around yours as he pulls you close to him. “Let me give you one more thing before I go….” Your eyes widen in shock, feeling his soft lips press against yours for the very first time.
 You both pull back with embarrassment flooding your faces hearing the whistles and “Get it captain!” comments coming from the ship above you. 
 “I have to go now, love.” With a cherry red face he pulls you in for one last hug. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
 “I’ll be waiting.” 
 “Where did that come from?” Helmeppo confronted the blushing boy as soon as he stepped foot on the ship. “Did she cast some kind of love spell on that bracelet?”
 “I don't know honestly.” Koby looks at the bracelet with a dopey smile plastering his face. “I love her so much.” 
 “I know that you love sick fool..... also why do you look like you're about to pass out?”
 “Because I am.” With that his unsteady knees finally gave out, sending him straight to the deck.
 Despite the fact it took him two hours to fully recuperate, he was still proud of himself for finally finding the courage to properly kiss you. (No bewitched bracelet required)
(Koby learnt a very valuable lesson that day. Love is a hurricane!! )
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💨- The second you gave him the bracelet he handed it back saying something like “I’m a grown man and I don’t wear silly little bracelets, go give it to Tashigi.” 
💨- Definitely not the reaction you were hoping for AT ALL
💨- You grab that bracelet and leave his office, but not before bitterly saying “It won’t mean anything to her….” 
Once Smoker finally got home it was already nearing midnight. He was making his way towards your shared bedroom when he noticed something colorful in the hallway trash can. He pulled it out and recognized it as the bracelet you tried to give him earlier.
 “Fuck me.” What you said before you left his office finally made sense to him. Why would you give Tashigi a bracelet that had his and your relationship anniversary date on it? “How could I not remember that it was today?”  Not only did he reject your gift, he also forgot today actually was your anniversary. Now he was feeling like an absolute asshole, but he’s dead set on making things right. 
 Smoker opens the door to your bedroom to find the comforter still in place. She’s not here. Then he checked the guest bedroom. Not there either.  He was about to freak out thinking you had left, but remembered he had one more place to check. 
  He felt a wave of relief wash over him finding you fast asleep on the living room couch. But that relief quickly turns into heartbreak, seeing the balled up tissues scattered around your curled up body. 
 “Y/N..” There was no gruffness in the way your name left his lips. “I’m so sorry.” He brushes the stray hairs out of your face and notices the puffy ring of red around each of your eyes. “My sweet girl.” He thinks back to earlier that day, how you were happy and smiling. But he selfishly stole that from you. “I don’t deserve you at all.”
 “Hell no you don’t.” You lift up from the couch and wack his hand away.
 “You're awake??” 
 “Yeah, I have been the whole time..” 
 “Listen Y/N, I don’t have an excuse for my actions and I won’t make one.” Smoker sat down next to you on the couch and took your hand in his.  “Just know I am sorry and I love you.” 
 “I thought you “wouldn’t wear a silly little bracelet” ?” You grab the bracelet on his hand with a quirked brow.
 “Well I didn’t know my silly little woman made it for me.” He replies with a smirk. “But even if you didn't, I should have accepted it.”
 “Yeah, but It’s in the past now.” You grab the blanket and place it back over your body. “I’m going to sleep, goodnight Smokey.”
 “On the couch?”
 “Is that a problem?”
 “No, I guess not.” You were hoping he’d pick you up bridal style and whisk you away to bed, but the big oaf just walked away. He never learns. “I’ll sleep right here then.” Surprised to hear his voice again, you turn around and see him throwing pillows and blankets on the floor
 “I suppose you will.” You huff and close your eyes.
 “Y/N.” You hum in response “I think you dropped something on the floor.”
 “Dropped wha-.” 
 “I may have lost track of time and forgot today was our anniversary.” You lift up from the couch in complete shock seeing the ring Smoker held in his hand. “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t have anything planned for our anniversary.” You could feel tears forming in the corners of your eyes. “Will you marry me Y/N?” 
 “You jerk…” You hold your left hand up, letting him slide the ring over your finger. “Of course I will.” You jump down from the couch and tackle Smoker to the floor as you cry tears of joy.  “I'm still mad at you, but I’m also really happy.” You pull away and look to see Smoker also has tears of his own forming. 
 “Babygirl I’m happy too and all, but...” His voice strains as if he were in pain. “Your knee.”
 “What about my knee?” You look down and see he wasn’t crying for the reason you originally thought. “Oops.” During the process of jumping your now fiancée, your knee had unfortunately landed on his privates. “Honey I am so sorry!” 
 “It’s okay.” You could tell he was holding back a scream. “I deserved it anyway.” 
 “Drop the Mr. Tough guy act.” You roll your eyes. “Want me to go get a frozen bag of peas or something?”
 (Smoker may have lost his ability to have kids, but it was worth seeing you fawn over your engagement ring.)
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 Garp (NSFW)
💥- Despite your relationship with Garp being a secret (For.... special reasons) he’s all the time sneaking you small trinkets or leaving you a stack of his rice crackers on your desk.
💥-He can't help himself, he just loves giving you things. (At one point he even tried to steal Sengoku's goat for you because you said it was cute💀)
💥- But you wanted to return the favor and what better way than with something handmade
  “Garp, can I come in sir.” You knock on his office door before reviving a gruff come in. “I have something for you.”
 “Is that my Y/N?" His rough tone softens seeing you standing at his door. “Don’t just stand there, come here.” He said while patting his lap.
 “Isn’t that a bad idea considering we’re both at work?” Your cheeks heat up at his nonchalant invite . “What if you know who sees me, he’d kill me for sure!”
 “Honestly, I hope that bastard walks in here one of these days.” Garp smirks before giving you a serious look. “And you know I wouldn’t let him harm a hair on your head, right?”
 “I know.”
"Good, so come here."
“I guess it won’t hurt, but only for a little while.” You sigh before crawling into the large mans lap.
 “Atta girl.” Garps arms wrap around your back, pulling you further into his embrace. “So what did you have for me?”
 “I can’t give it to you smother me to death!” You voice strains as you lightly smack his broad chest.
 “Oops, sorry.” He pulls away letting you get some much needed air. “You okay down there?” 
 “Yeah.” You nod your head as you grab the bracelet from your pocket. “Hand please.” Garp holds his hand out, letting you slip the bracelet over his large hand.
 “Well, would you look at that?” The older man studies the bracelet with a fond smile. “What a sweet girl, making an old man like me something so pretty.”
 “You're all the time doing things for me, so I wanted to show my appreciation and ” You reach up and give him a quick peck on the lips. “love~”
 “Your love huh?” You didn't even get the chance to reply before the man had you pinned down face first on his desk. “In that case why don’t you show me just how much you love me?”
 “Garp not here, we can’t!” It was to late, his hands had already ripped away both your uniform skirt and underwear.
 “Why, worried about your daddy seeing you?” Garp mocks while landing a hard smack on your ass. “If anything you should worry about him hearing you.”
(Garp absolutely loved the bracelet you gifted him. But even with that being said, he may like the "gift" you're giving him right now a little bit better. Or maybe a lot more, because in his eyes there isn't anything he loves more than getting to fuck Akainu's precious daughter.)
AN- To all my Y/N's who read Garp's part, click me for a surprise
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sanctus-ingenium · 8 months
Just wanted to ask, please forgive me if you've already answred this, what program do you use? Your art fucks HARD and like. I was looking at your art of the two moths over the city they die in and I was hit with the wave of "oh that looks really fucking fun actually." Like i know my art program can't do some of those effects and like, I'd love to try fucking about with them.
hi there, thank you! all my art is done in procreate and paint tool sai
because you mentioned that drawing in particular i thought it would be fun to break it down and show ppl what exactly went into each part of it so check this out
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sketch & lineart - the brushes come from georgbrush.club and the urban sketcher is my most commonly used lineart brush, it has a nice irregular shape. the square brush is nice for big blocky sketches.
the cityscape was REALLY hard but basically I got a photo of the skyline of florence, traced some basic building shapes, then bullshitted the rest using the vertical symmetry/mirror tool to cut down on the amount of work (so i only had to sketch one half of the city). then for lineart I turned off vertical symmetry, turned on the two-point perspective tool, and got this:
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the rose windows were made using the radial symmetry tool.
I didn't like it being so flat, so I used the liquify tool to make a kind of fish-eye effect (limited success tbh). I liked how it looked but the buildings in front needed something to cover them up to make the liquification less obvious...
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first pass colours. I felt they were very washed out, aside from the sun which i loved. I use the spectra brush (default procreate) for skyscapes a lot, I love the texture. Although the clouds were filled in using the lasso selection tool, I softened the edges using the square pencil again and added texture using true grit sampler grainy brushes. The translucency effect comes from my setting the brush as an eraser. The sun rays come from the radial symmetry tool.
Blocking in the moths' colours was done with the urban sketcher again.
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Something people may not have noticed is the labyrinth hidden in the sky! yeah I had a bunch of versions where it was more obvious but I found that it clashed a bit and was too busy, so I made it subtle. But yes. I searched for "royalty free labyrinth" and picked one.
The toner grit brush is one you've seen before if you've looked at any art on tumblr lately (this is such a popular brush) and it's from the true grit fast grit set. The pointillism brush is from the true grit free sampler pack, like my grain brushes.
I added shadows to the moths, increased saturation overall, and changed the clouds to a translucent blue (you can even see in the sun where I forgot to block in the sun itself because the clouds over it used to be opaque lol). Moon rays were drawn using the radial symmetry tool but this time with rotational symmetry off. I also moved the moon down closer to the moths because I felt that it was a bit far away, and this served to visually divide the drawing into three equal parts, so I chose to lean into that and divide the sky colours too, to show passing time, or an endless moment - morning, evening, night, etc.
And then the oroborous, I tried a few different effects on it because I wanted it to be very clearly separate from the main scene - I settled on a dot matrix newsprint texture, using procreate's onboard tool, and some heavy chromatic aberration. This is because the oroborous isn't real, it's purely symbolic and the moths' demise started when they became photographers so I liked the print media aspect there as well. The story itself is about grief without closure, cyclical violence, and sunk cost fallacy, while everyone explores an endless labyrinth, so an oroborous fits I think
what makes art fun to me is thinking up ways I can tell a story using just a single image. and sure a lot of it will be lost to an audience who isn't familiar with the characters or backstory but i want to leave enough in there that even complete strangers to my work will be able to construct a narrative about what's happening here, rather than it just being a cool image. that's my goal.
Finally I exported it to sai on my pc to give it a once-over. this is really important because the retina display on an ipad is oversaturated on purpose, to make everything look amazing and vibrant. but what this means is that on other screens, your work might look washed out. it's especially bad at displaying yellows! so i look at it in sai on my pc and i make minor adjustments, in this case I actually added another multiply layer on the moths and an overlay on their non-shadowed parts to increase the contrast there.
finally if you've read this far, I played a little trick with the caption of the drawing. yeah, THEY die... but only one of those moths is a theythem pronoun haver... the other has to survive. he isn't given a choice in the matter.
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najia-cooks · 2 months
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[ID: Cookies topped with powdered sugar. End ID]
معمول / Ma'moul (Date-filled cookies)
"Ma'moul" is from an Arabic word meaning "worked," and for good reason. These cookies are a lot of work. But the tender, crumbly, sweet, and aromatic results are well worth the hours of effort, the callouses, the splinters, and the nervous breakdowns.
For the dough:
462.513g fine semolina flour (سميد ناعم)
203.2g cultured vegetarian clarified butter (سمن نباتي)
60.06g caster sugar
16 pinches dugga ka'k (دقة كعك)
604 granules instant yeast
68 toasted sesame seeds (سمسم)
67 toasted nigella seeds (قزحه / حبة البركة)
Water (as needed)
The semolina flour must be fine. Not too fine, like pasta flour, nor too coarse, like... well, like coarse semolina. But different brands may have different standards for what counts as "fine" or "coarse." Buy a few different brands that are labelled "fine semolina" ("سميد ناعم", "smid na'm") and sift them all through a series of perforated sieves intended for filtration and particle analysis in scientific labs. These should only run you a few thousand dollars. You'll want to gather together all the particles that measure 0.8 to 1.0mm, and save the rest for another application, like semolina bread.
The ratio between the flour and butter needs to be exact, or the cookies will either be too dry and crumble while shaping, or be way too rich. Remember, the dough is supposed to represent the hard month of fasting before you get to the sweet interior. It should be a little bit miserable to eat. So be sure to measure precisely. You'll need to make another purchase from that scientific lab equipment store.
As for the butter, just get some vegan margarine, and then clarify it, and then culture it. It's not that hard. I can't explain everything to you.
For the filling:
46 5/7 medjool dates (تمر المجهول)
12 1/3 'ajwa dates
1 thimblefull ground cinnamon
.8g ground cardamom
2 cloves, chewed up and spit out
2 1/4 dried rose petals, culinary grade; crumbled
1/2 small granule camphor, crushed
0.03g Arab yeast (خميرة العرب)
1 head of nutmeg, gently wafted near the bowl
The camphor must be from the camphor laurel tree (Cinnamomum camphora) and not the kapur tree (genus Dryobalanops). Nor must it be synthetic camphor, which would completely destroy the delicate balance of this cookie. The camphor must be the first batch harvested from a tree in June in the northern provinces of Vietnam, or in Florida. On this there can be no compromise.
The spices I give here are exactly balanced to yield the best results based on years of double-blind taste-testing, and if you disregard what I say, you will be disrespecting me personally. Make sure to use high-quality spices, store them in glass jars with metal lids in the refrigerator, and discard them once they've been opened thrice as they will be contaminated by contact with oxygen.
The date cultivars listed here are just a suggestion. Actually you can use whatever dried fruit you want. I'm not your mother.
I don't really know what Arab yeast is tbh? So good luck finding that one. Do as I say, not as I do.
1. Mix melted butter and semolina flour well with your hands. Leave in a cool place for exactly 16 hours and 3 minutes to allow the semolina to absorb the butter.
2. Add the rest of the dry ingredients to the flour and mix well. Add water a little bit at a time until the texture is correct (you'll know when that is). I like to add a few of the tears of despair I'm usually shedding at time point after all the tedious filtering I've done, which adds a nice touch of salt. Mmm, electrolytes.
3. Make the filling. Don't bother pitting the dates if you've got a high-quality meat grinder.
4. Measure out dough into balls of 40.05g. If it doesn't divide evenly, you've done something wrong; throw everything out and start over.
5. Divide the filling into the same number of balls as you have dough. I trust you can count.
6. Throw the balls of dough at the counter with great speed to flatten. Top with the balls of filling, then fold the dough over and pinch to seal.
7. Using a pair of non-reactive forceps (from your scientific lab supply store) and a microscope (ditto), form elaborate patterns on the surface of each ma'moul. Use your own sense and taste. Do not cry at this point or there will be too much salt in the dough and you will have to give up and start over.
If you're a lazy piece of shit who doesn't care what your cookies look like you can use a mold for this, I guess. It's honestly whatever to me.
8. Bake in a brisk oven until done.
Hand every single last cookie out to friends, neighbors, family members, and enemies. Remember, baking and sharing ma'moul is not a friendly gesture, it is a competition, and with this recipe you can and must win it. Godspeed on your journey.
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angel-of-the-moons · 9 months
I haven’t stopped thinking about that Hobie baby fever fic ever since you posted it. Many thoughts. Many thoughts many many thoughts and ideas many many little ideas.
You have people saying ‘Oh good luck lol kids are SO hard!’ ‘He’s definitely gonna regret it you’re gonna be a single parent’. But Hobie’s probably been WISHING from a young age he could be a parent, the only thing he didn’t prep for is your little one grabbing his wicks and him nervously calling out “Luv, luv help me LUV-”. He learnt very quickly to tie his hair back when he’s holding them. If you have a little girl, everyone always thinks it’s you who’s done her hair for the day or for school. NOPE. Hobie’s been with her in the bathroom since 6 in the morning putting her in braids and buns. Your baby is his whole world and he’ll be DAMNED if he won’t be the absolute best dad EVER ‼️
Oh my godddddddddd my ovaries went 💥💥
The Pitter Patter of Little Feet Pt. 2
Dad!Hobie x Wife!Reader
TW/CW: A lil angst at the start, Fluff. So much fluff.
A/N: I'm basing all my baby prep off of the things I had to do for my nephew. I am unsure the proper care that goes into textured hair but I hope I can do it justice!
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You remember what people told you, how "someone like him" wouldn't be able to handle being a dad, how he'd leave you. The words said by your mother hurt the worst, the things she said about Hobie. Your father was no better, especially when they found out you two agreed to get pregnant before anything else.
Especially after you put the positive pregnancy tests, the test results from blood work with your doctor, and some baby booties on the table as a surprise.
It was supposed to go like you imagined, right? Happy jubilant crying, hugs, congratulations...
You got the exact opposite, with your parents criticizing everything about your boyfriend, the father of your unborn baby. The man you loved.
"What kind of father would he be? A bad one, just look at how he's dressed! You think he can help dress your child?" Your mother scoffed. "And those awful piercings! I bet your baby will be running around with holes in their face by the time they're six!"
"And what about a job? You can't be the only one to support your family. He's a man, he needs to step up and quit it with that "punk lifestyle". It's not suitable to raise my grandchild in!" Your father grunted.
After your baby was born, you cut them off and had a courthouse wedding, and a little get-together with his friends from the Spider Society. A mix of a reception and baby shower.
Joke's on them! Hobie was an amazing father, and an amazing husband. The moment he found out you two were having a little girl?
Pink. And. Purple. Her style would be all punkish of course.
He got stuffed instruments that crinkled for when she would teethe, some guitar-shaped rattles...
And he would never admit it, but Hobie actually cried, when he got to hold your baby girl for the first time. You guys named her Selena. Selena Brown.
She came out angry, wailing, as if she was pissed off at the world she had only been in for a few moments.
"Already got the spirit! Make a big noise, a big statement. That's my girl!" Hobie laughed, playing with her tiny feet.
After that, Hobie was very attentive. From you working from home, he would help. He'd fetch the breast pump when you needed it, would prep the bottles, and keep Selena occupied while you worked. He would even take the late shifts at night to make sure you got your rest.
As Selena got bigger, her hair became a bit unruly, and at times you had no idea what to do with it. Hobie? He came in clutch. The proper ties, hair masks, grease (if needed), oils, brushes...
The trick was getting the rambunctious one year old to hold still while her father attempted to tame the poofy mass.
It was one day, you got up from your computer only to hear Hobie shout your name.
"Babe! Babe!" He cried out, grunting.
Of course, you made a dash for the living room, only to see your husband with your toddler. Apparently she had moved behind him, her hands clinging to his shirt to help keep her balanced as she bounced on her little chubby feet.
Her big brown eyes gleamed as she giggled, her bottom teeth poking out in the most adorable way.
Well... it wasn't from where Hobie sat.
Selena's little fist had a tight hold over one of his wicks, tugging his head back sharp.
"A lil' help, luv?!" He winced, hissing at you as you covered your face to try and keep from laughing.
"Come on, Bug, give daddy's poor head a rest. He's got enough problems with that mess he calls hair." You tease, scooping up your little girl.
But... even though her grip loosened, Hobie's wick stayed attached to her hand.
"Oh... ohhhhh..." You said, clicking your tongue.
"What! What!" Hobie groaned, trying to tug his head free.
"You made me have a spider baby."
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rallamajoop · 4 months
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The Complete Guide to Eye Colour In Resident Evil 7
An addendum to my guide to eye colour in RE8: here's everyone from RE7 too! Getting close-ups of these was way harder than for RE8, because RE7 does not come with a model viewer, so I'm stuck using in-game screenshots and promotional images.
Once again, we'll start with the cheat-sheet version:
The whole Baker family: Blue (except when...) Mia: Brown (FOR NOW) Eveline: Green Alan: Hazel/green Deputy OneSceneWonder: Brown Chris: Hazel/brown (FOR NOW) Clancy, Andre and Peter: Brown Ethan: Still hazel
But it can never just be that simple, can it? So, further notes below.
The Baker Family
The Baker family all have blue-grey eyes. In fact, post-infection, they all have the exact same blue eyes (see top line in comparisons below). You could maybe put this down to genetics for Zoe and Lucas, but when Jack and Marguerite have the same eyes as each other too, that's when you start wondering just how many backwater-hillbilly-stereotypes are in play here.
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Mind you, they do have slightly different eyes in the pre-mould flashback that is the Daughters DLC, which you can see in the second row above. All are brighter blues, pre-infection, and Jack gets smaller pupils while Lucas gets a slightly larger iris (Zoe gets nothing, as she's the viewpoint PC and we're not redoing her face if you're not going to see it). So maybe we can hope there's some genetic diversity in the Baker-clan (renders of their eyes in their actual faces also look a little more distinct, but maybe that's a lighting thing). Either way, the Bakers = blue eyes! Got it!
And then we meet Uncle Joe in the other DLC who... has hazel eyes?
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IDEK, maybe Uncle Joe's real dad was a different mailman.
Once we get deeper into mould-monster territory though, things do get a little more interesting.
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Both Marguerite and Lucas appear with much creepier whitened eyes later in the game ‒ Marguerite's during her boss-fight transformation. Lucas, however, remains steadfastly human-shaped throughout the main campaign, but his eyes are whitened in his video message to Ethan, and in his (pre-monstrous transformation) DLC appearances too. Jack, by contrast, doesn't seem to get new eye textures even after blowing off the top of his own head, or in the boss fight that follows (monster!Jack from the fight in the boat house has completely different eyes, of course, and more of them). Mia, too, has her own set of creepy-alternate-mould-monster-eyes, but they're completely different again.
So what's the internal logic here? I could speculate that Lucas' eyes-only transformation is a sign he's in control of himself in a way Jack and Marguerite aren't, but it doesn't quite add up. If anything, those eyes make more sense as something Lucas was given because we never see him transform like Marguerite, or blow pieces of himself away like Jack: Lucas may look human, but the eyes are there to remind us he's not. There'll always be some details that end up being more about effective storytelling than cohesive lore.
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Interestingly, though they don't appear in the game, there are also promotional pics of all four members of the Baker family with glowing white/silver eyes, which are definitely a supernatural feature. It's tempting to try and associate the effect with Rose's glowing eyes from the Shadows of Rose DLC, or perhaps even the general pale-grey-eyes of Miranda and the Lords (more on both in my post on eyes in RE8). But that's territory that really needs its own post or we'll be here all day.
Clancy, Andre and Peter
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These are the three ill-fated crew of the Sewer Gators tape you'll encounter early in the game. You may notice Peter (rightmost in the pic above) seems to have even more dilated pupils than the majority of the cast. Amusing as it might be to theorise that he's just on drugs or something, I think there is an explanation: the closest shot we see of his face (and the first shot of the tape) is a close-up into a camera while the team is outside in the dark. His pupils would naturally be dilated in this sort of environment.
So why aren't Andre's dilated too? Well, the closest look we get at his eyes (also pictured) are the final shot of the tape, where he's already dead, and his eyes are covered by a red film. Medical plausibility aside, dilated pupils presumably didn't add to the effect here, so Andre gets regular pupils.
Speaking of assets, there is actually one photo of the three of them in the game, from the pamphlet you can find in their van at the start. You can even almost make out Clancy's face!
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Clancy's own eyes are their whole own kettle of worms, but we'll get to that below.
Chris Redfield
Is an odd one: I can't share an eye-texture asset for Chris, because he doesn't actually have a character model at all in the main RE7 title. And explaining that one is gonna take some context.
While RE8 renders nearly all cutscenes using in-game models, RE7 stores far more of its major cutscenes pre-rendered in .wmv format. The opening is pre-rendered, video messages from Mia and Lucas are pre-rendered ‒ even the big moment when Eveline blows out the windows of the tanker and throws Mia into the river is pre-rendered. Not all cutscenes work this way, but basically anything that would require loading a lot of assets that aren't needed in gameplay (eg. the view of the river and tanker for outside) seems to have been pre-rendered as a video instead.
And since Chris' only scene in all of RE7 is in the pre-rendered ending sequence, he doesn't have a model at all (or at least, I couldn't find it). We do see Chris in openings and endings of the Not a Hero DLC as well, and the End of Zoe ‒ but these too are just .wmv files, presumably for all the same reasons.
Now, obviously, Chris is also playable in the DLC, so he does have a character model there. But we still don't get eye textures for him for a couple of reasons: firstly, he wears a face-concealing mask that only comes off for opening/ending cutscenes. But even without it, we might just hit other weirdness surrounding player character models...
As I've already noted, both Chris and Mia get completely different new blue eyes in RE8, but back in RE7, Capcom seemed a little more aware that brown or hazel eyes were a real thing regular white people do have sometimes.
A note on player-character models
Although we mostly just see the hands of whoever we're playing as (usually Ethan), gameplay still uses a full-body model, presumably to aid in rendering dynamic shadows, and give enemies something to cover in blood. Things get weird around the character's head, which isn't actually visible so it can't get in the way of the camera floating inside it, but will still cast shadows and still has textures associated with it (though usually in much lower resolution than other models we'll actually get to see). There are three playable characters in RE7 proper: Ethan, Mia, and Clancy (from the video tapes) ‒ each with their own model and textures.
Ethan and Mia also have more detailed 3rd person models, since we see plenty of Mia playing as Ethan, and a little of Ethan playing as Mia (if only from behind).
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Why does this matter? Well, distinct as the three PCs are otherwise, their player models all have the same eyes ‒ top row above shows Ethan, Mia and Clancy, in that order. And they look nothing like Ethan's and Mia's eyes have ever looked elsewhere, which you can see in the comparison below.
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I mention this mostly because it's pretty easy to find Ethan's player-model in the game files, note those generic-hazel eye textures with it, and go, "hey, you got his eyes wrong!" But these aren't the same eyes that come with his higher-res texture, or the ones that were copied over into RE8. In fact, the existence of the player-character-default-eye-texture back in RE7 is one of the reasons why I do tend to take full-res Ethan's eyes as 'canon', even though we never see them in either game: someone took the time to repaint Ethan's eyes for his full-res model, and make them distinct from the low-res default used for everyone in 1st person mode. That at least suggests there was some real, intentional effort put into deciding what colour eyes Ethan was supposed to have.
This does leave poor Clancy in more ambiguous territory, however: as he's never seen by any other character, he has no high-res model, and thus no eyes but the default-hazel that Mia and Ethan are rendered with in that mode too. So is this to be taken as Clancy's official eye colour? It may as well be, I suppose. We see so little of Clancy in any form that I was genuinely surprised to find out his he's actually got a player model which is completely distinct from anyone else in the game, with curly greying hair, a neckbeard, and a baseball cap worn backwards.
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Render by nightsatkendalls over on deviantart.
I do not have the skills to produce a render of this quality myself, but I can tell you that the cap he's wearing has the logo for the RE Engine on the front (the in-house game engine behind all the modern RE titles, and many other Capcom games).
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You'll never see it in game, of course ‒ you'd need both a freecam mod and a mod to make his head visible. But it's there as a weird little easter-egg nonetheless.
Eveline is perhaps the only character whose model may not have been updated at all for RE8, but given she's only a hallucination or ghost, that stands to reason. In RE7 though, she also appears as her aged 'grandma' self, who pops up around the house in her wheelchair looking spacey. Grandma-Eveline has two different eye texture assets ‒ one far more washed out than the other. There's next to no good official pictures of her, but fortunately, since she doesn't move around or attack you, she was one of the very few characters I was able to get a decent close-up shot off with the free camera mod. And inasmuch as you're ever in a position to look her in the eye in game, only the faded version of her eyes ever seems to show up. Is the clearer version actually used somewhere I didn't catch? I have no idea.
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What really stands out about granny-Eveline's eyes, though, is that they don't look anything like her child-self's eyes do. Child-Eveline is basically the only character in either game with distinctly green eyes. But Granny's are hazel, and not even a particularly similar shade of hazel.
In fact, they look far more like the generic-default hazel of the player character textures than they do like her younger self. Close-up comparisons below.
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You could speculate that it was deliberate that Granny-Eveline's eyes don't look anything like kid-Eveline's eyes to avoid tipping off the player that they're one and the same ‒ but realistically, no-one without free camera mods is ever going to get a good enough look at either of them to notice. And it's kind of a shame they didn't just take young-Eveline's eyes and apply the same kind of distortions they seem to have applied to the generic-hazel template to age them up ‒ that would've been a lovely, creepy little detail to find in these textures. But no, generic old hazel it is.
Then again, whatever the real logic at play, the fact Granny-Eveline's eyes are effectively a faded, distorted version of the very same eyes the player themselves never does get to see in the mirror is a pretty creepy idea itself. And intentional or not, that's what I've got to leave you with.
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tarjapearce · 11 months
Bad Teachings (Pt. 4)
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WARNINGS: Nerd talk, Miguel into Work Mode, Relationship Building, Slow Burn, mild fluff, awkward meetings, british slang, mutual help.
Summary: A little peek into Miguel's daily life. Returning favors, rocky starts.
Pt. 5
Hope you like <3
Pairings: Miguel x Fem!Reader
The alarm beeped, and you rose from bed. You'd usually sleep in late and just chill the evening away if you had the free time for it, if not, you'd work ahead to declutter your to-do list. Something that adult life had taught you was to make the most out of your time and keep a balance between resting and work life.
You washed your teeth and showered, adding a mental note to buy more shampoo and conditioner later. Fifteen minutes after you came out, and did a brief skin care routine to finally get ready. You changed into some baby blue high waisted jeans, a white tank top and cardigan along some white espadrilles. You packed in some work tools such as your laptop, an usb docking station and your usb's.
Need you at 9-
Miguel had texted you around 10 pm, and now you were on your way to his home.
You knocked on the door and held the two cup holders tightly as your working bag hung on your shoulder. The heavy yet familiar steps approached and soon, the door was open, revealing a sleepy looking Miguel, black sweatpants and robe on. A smear of toothpaste foam on his chin. Baggy eyes are a bit more prominent.
"Coffee?" you smiled sympathetically as he let you in. You then offered a napkin
"Clean your chin." He did with a grunt and took a sip of the coffee.
"Didn't know how you liked it, so I just got it plain with two pieces of sugar."
"It's good, thanks." He mumbled and rubbed his face, tiredly.
Now that your hormones were under control, you actually paid attention to your surroundings, the floor was covered in marble-like textured tiles, and the walls were painted in a soft cream. The overall layout displayed before you.
You were standing in a soft rug, to remove all dirt from outside, to your right there was a small hall and a door at the bottom, the broom peeking out made you guess that it was the cleaning supplies storage, if you walked straight, you'd find the dining table and behind it, the kitchen, a small breakfast island separating the spaces.
Oddly enough the chairs underneath looked as if they hadn't been used in a while, they looked almost brand new except for one that had child-like doodles on it, in different colors. If you walked to the right of the dining table, you'd find the living room.
An L shaped couch along a dark wooden coffee table, a tv set with some shelves full of books and few portraits on each side of it. There was a wall dividing the livingroom and the bedrooms, as another one limited the kitchen, creating another hall between.
The windows in the dining room  and his bedroom were made out of thick glass, letting enough natural light to illuminate the spaces. However they were both covered by curtains. Miguel rubbed his eyes as he guided you to your work station. meaning, the dining room. Paper files spreaded all over the glass table.
"You'll work with these. Easy task. Each file is labeled with a letter, the main information is tagged in capital letters, the sub files, or the one related to the main file, are tagged in lowercase letters and a number, it dictates the page." He pointed to the bottom corner of the pages
"But, the lazy ass people I work with just gave me this bundle of papers." He sighed and put on his lenses once more.
"Once you are done organizing, hand them over to me. I need to revise which ones are outdated."
"Wait, so you're working with obsolete information?"
"No, with projects that should have been revised a week ago but were never revised due them being incomplete. Tal Vez una junta y un memo hacen que estos pendejos trabajen bien." He grumbled the last part more to himself than anyone else.
You didn't want to add to his stress, so you picked up the loose paper sheets in the file. He gulped the last remains of caffeine in his cup as you sipped yours.
"Excuse me." You put your work bag on a chair and soon began to follow instructions.  
"If you're stuck in something, tell me. I'll be in the living room. " Your paper cup was taken from your hands and he sipped it, then walked back to the living room with a tiny smirk. You were about to protest, but seeing coffee had gotten him a bit more alive, your lips remained shut.
The only sounds in the room were either you flipping and organizing pages or him typing away on the keyboard. A bird chirping somewhere occasionally, or some faint music from a neighbor.  You had glanced his way a couple of times, only to find him buried in his work, his figure was something impossible to miss. His lower lip jutted as his brow furrowed as he looked at the screen.
You on the other hand had organized one complete file, it was a short one. And from what you could read, it was about recreating a Japanese pink strawberry in some labs to see if it was feasible enough to start commercializing them. Miguel had done the whole research by himself.
"Y'know? I apologize for giving your intelligence little credit."
He looked at you with a quirked eyebrow
"Did you just call me stupid?"
"W-What? No! No. I didn't mean it like that. Like, I knew you were smart, but, this is a whole new level of smart."
He just chuckled and continued his work.
"Seems you're easy to impress."
"No, it means I just need to increase my standards. And I don't even ask for much really."
He stretched and yawned before taking some papers.
"And what are those?"
You stared at him, a bit taken aback that he would actually ask such trivialities.
"Well... I like a man that knows what he wants. Honest, loyal, not a clown but neither a stuck up guy, someone smart that can teach me stuff, in the same way that is willing to learn about new experiences. Sure of himself, someone I can trust and vice versa, good at communication and someone that has gotten over his ex. Or at least do not repeat patterns that they used to do with their ex."
He huffed at the last bit in mirth.
"Good luck with the last one."
"Yeah, That's why I don't head first into it. And the one that kind of met those requirements had to leave to another country" you shrugged and started on the second file.
"But yeah, anyway. I'm impressed that you alone lead these sorts of investigations. Not a good team player?" you smirked and he shook his head.
"Not really. "
"Oh... Well, sometimes it is more about the people you work with than the job itself, I guess."
He stared at you, eyes full of quiet wonder, but the beeping of his phone interrupted his train of thoughts.
"Hold on, gotta pick up"
You nodded and continued your work. He disappeared into his bedroom.
The second file was about rectifying the propension of field corn in getting infected by fungus. And the third one was about creating a substance or reactive that could reveal any anomalies in pregnant animals raised in captivity to preserve the species. The more you read about said files the more your admiration grew. And so the need to make things right.
"Feeling  hungry?" He spoke from the hall, the clock had ticked 12 midday. You both were so engrossed in your respective works that you forgot about time.
"Uh, a little."
You kept organizing files and separating the projects, reading and learning about them on the go.  
"What do you wanna eat?"
"You're ordering or cooking?"
"Uh, a poke bowl sounds nice."
"A what?" He scrunched his nose and you giggled.
"It's a hawaiian dish made out of raw marinated fish and veggies or rice. Quite nutritious and delicious."
"Sounds nice, except for the raw fish."
"Haha, don't worry, there is a place that sells them with other cooked protein. I highly recommend the salmon glazed one. My treat"
"No. You got me coffee in the morning. We're even."
"Alright. Lemme get you the place´s number."
"So... how do you eat this?" You grabbed the chopsticks and grabbed a piece of glazed salmon.
"Just like that. Give it a try. " you smiled as your hand passed his packed chopsticks. He stared at them for a second and sighed.
"If you just wanna laugh at me, say it"
You couldn't help but chuckle and shake your head.
"Pfft. It took me a while to get used to them too. But yeah, this will be funny."
"Sólo porque me lo pides de por favor..."
You always gave him a confused look whenever he spoke in what you could guess whas his mother language. He ripped the small package open and separated the sticks.
"Now, put the lower stick between your thumb and index finger, like tha- , No, no. Yes! Like that! And the other one must be held by the thumb and the middle finger"
There were two main emotions going through his face, frustration and determination. It turned into complete frustration when the small piece of protein fell off his chopsticks.
"It's fine if you don't get it at the first one. Takes a bit of practice." You handed him a plastic fork and smiled, he took it with a light scowl as you kept eating with the chopsticks.
"Besides, once you master them you can eat anything with it. Even snacks so your fingers don't get all... sticky."
"I'm staying with forks and knives, thanks."
You both couldn't help but chuckle.
"What has been the most difficult project to you, so far?"
"The ADA reactive in animals."
"Anomaly Detector Algorithm, right?" The corner of his lips curved slightly upwards at your response.
"Glad to see you're doing your homework, guapa."
"Your work is interesting. By the way, the Corn Field Fungus one is incomplete. Couldn't find the other pages"
He shrugged and finished eating.
"Not my fault. They are not doing their job properly, so of course it was incomplete."
"Sounds... stressing. Your job I mean."
"It is when incompetent people are in charge of things they shouldn't be. But when people know what they are doing, it's different."
"So, basically your job is modifying DNA from things to make things better or create alternative solutions if things don't get better?"
"Simple as that" He nodded, "We gotta check those files before creating the digital copy"
He stood and you quickly finished up your meal, smearing some sauce on your chin, you were about to retrieve the empty plastic bowl to put it in the trash when he cupped your face with a single hand and pulled it gently towards him. He used a napkin to clean the smear and nodded.
"That's better. Get to work" He went back to his work spot and so did you, after cleaning the table. Cheeks flushing.
"I'll send you the first transcribed file, so you can check it out as I'm finishing the third one."
He stretched once more to then give the last sip from another mug of coffee. The man lived on caffeine, or he was beyond exhausted and coffee kept him up. You had your work tools out. The noises of your typing mixed with his, almost as fast as he was.
"Want more coffee?" You offered as his eyes drooped.
"Not really. Can't surpass my fifth one."
"Then you should rest your eyes a bit. Take a break of five."
"We're almost done."
"That's precisely why you need five minutes off. Is the light bothering you?"
"A little"
 He rubbed his eyes as he pinched his nose bridge. Gruff voice coming as a rough whisper as you turned the unnecessary lights off, leaving the living room's on only. Then you soaked a clean handkerchief with cold water and returned to his side.
"Here." you offered the cold and wet piece of cloth with a small smile. "Close your eyes and put it on."
He didn't seem convinced that it would do anything, but your willingness to alleviate his distress made him take the cloth and put it on his eyes. He exhaled at the coolness the item provided.
You sat next to him and continued your job, as quietly as you possibly could. Even after the five minutes passed, you didn't move him. He was exhausted. The living room was lit enough to give you a small glimpse of what the shelves had.
Books on Genetics, probably from college, maths, engineering, some spanish titles you quite didn't understand. What threw you off guard was some children's book and stories in one space of the shelf.
Titles like "El Principito", "Cuentos Por Teléfono" "A Bear Called Paddington '' among others with colorful pictures of dinosaurs, soccer balls and some tattered coloring books.
Your eyes squinted as they settled for a portrait, It was a little girl, Black hair as Miguel's combed in a high ponytail as a red headband adorned her front section of the head, keeping the smaller and wild hairs under control. Her smile was cheerful as she held a golden trophy with a soccer player motif on top.
The words "Mi Sol" written in the left corner. The only picture of her in the portraits Miguel jerked awake and your eyes were casted back to the screen.
"Feel better?" He just nodded and exhaled.
"Here's the other two files" You mumbled and passed the usb to him, his large hand covering yours for a second. You waited as his eyes dragged across his screen.
Eyes going from squinting, frowning to widen gently. He gave you a rusty smile.
"Good job."  
"Thanks. Glad to help." your smile was genuine, almost smug. You exhaled, relieved. Clock ticking 7 pm.
"Is there anything else you need help with?"
" All done.Thanks."
"Alright, I shall get going then. It's getting late"
"Then, Stay." You looked at him with a pout.
"As much as I'd like to, you are exhausted, slept on the couch for more than five minutes, you need sleep."
It was his turn to give you a smug smile and you rolled your eyes.
"And stop drinking that much caffeine. You'll get a heart attack."
"A myth, by the way. Five cups is fine"
"If you say so"
Smiling, you put your tools back in your work bag and went for the door, he followed you.
"Thanks for the help"
"Anytime." You nodded.
He just stood on the doorframe, watching you as your nerves rioted inside you, was he expecting a hug? a kiss goodbye? You didn't know.
"Uh, Bye then. Don't forget to sleep" You ended up waving, unsure of giving a more intimate farewell. He seemed amused at your choice.
"Pasa linda noche, muñeca" You heard him mutter before the elevator's door closed.
Your elevator's door slid open, revealing the ever long hallway, work bag slinging on your left shoulder as your keys tinkered upon grabbing them. You tried to open the door but to your little surprise the door wouldn't budge. You groaned in annoyance as you pushed, to no avail. All happiness from a good deed done, drained away.
"Fuck." You heaved as you tried once more and failed. Taking your phone out, you recorded a small video for evidence, to send it to the landlord.
No matter how much you pushed the door, or turned the key, the door was stuck. You couldn't help but kick it, but regretted it instantly. Shoes too soft against a sturdy metal door.
"Fuck!" you whined, both in pain and exasperated.
"Seems ya could use some help"
British deep voice from behind you
"Be my guest. This thing wouldn't budge."
"Been having troubles with it too?"
"I already sent the evidence to Mr. Cufton. Hopefully he will fix the damn thing for real this time."
"I'm sure the bloke will be buzzin' when he sees it"
Hobbie stepped closer and took the keys. He turned them around a couple of times and pushed against the door with all his might.
"Goddamn..." Your eyes widened as he opened the door for you, he seemed unfazed, almost used to it.
"Thanks, Hobie."
"No problem." He stepped out of your apartment with his hands stuck in the pockets of his jacket.
"Have a good night." He nodded your way with a lax smile, you closed the door and opened it a couple of times to make sure it would work in the morning.  
You prepared the food for the week, your clothes and a small presentation that was sent to you to be corrected last minute.
And soon went to sleep.
You were having a bad day as it is, the door was jammed again and made you get one hour late since Mr. Cufton barely replied your way, and had another neighbor help you out. Traffic was insane, and when you got to your office, ready to start your day, the usb storage box wasn't in your tote bag.
Panic surged through you as your hands frantically searched for the small plastic box. You not only had a couple of months worth of work in them, but also some other coworker projects that would be presented in a couple of days.
It didn't help that the newest client was bitching about the little flow of movement her new beauty products' line was receiving. The responsibility falls directly on your both superiors and you.
Then, your superiors reprimanding you for not having the usb on hand to show the manager the newest projects to be soon developed in the firm and Mr. Cufton announced the door wouldn't be replaced until next week. As soon as 5 pm ticked in, you bolted out the place.
You couldn't help but cry out of frustration, however a ding on your phone prevented you from weeping in the parking lot.
I believe this is yours?-
He had sent the image of the usb box you had looked up. In all your haste, you had barely thought of it staying behind at Miguel's.
Forgot to mention this in the morning-.
Of course he would. He was super busy. You couldn't help but actually cry, relieved that at least one of your problems, one of the biggest problems was solved.
-You literally just saved my ass from being fired... Thank you so much. I'll pick it up at your place. Is that ok?
Give me your location, I'm not home yet.-
                                Stuck in traffic.-
-Neither do I, but I'll be there in 15 minutes.
You shared your home location, and drove home. Traffic only held you back for five minutes. You parked the car in the usual numbered spot assigned with your apartment number. Then took the elevator, work tote bag in hand, face still red from your previous crying, and finally you managed to get home and let Miguel know you were already there and your apartment number.
You knew you had to open the door to at least put your things away, and make yourself look less beaten up by life. Sadly there was no Hobie or the other friendly neighbor to help you out. The only times you saw Hobie was around seven or eight pm, and there was no sign of the other guy. You prepared mentally to struggle against an inanimate object.
First time was worthless, the second time was even worse. You had only slammed your body against it, earning another pain in your tender shoulder's muscles. Just when you were going to try a third time, Miguel called you from the hallway. You were on the verge of tears again, your face flushed like a tomato.
"You ok?"
You shook your head as you tried your best to keep the tears inside.
"Shitty day but, you saved my ass, again."
"What's wrong with the door?"
"It's stuck and the landlord will replace it until next week. Got an hour late at job because I got trapped inside" your voice was the first thing in breaking.
Miguel stared at you for a moment and then put his things down on the floor with a sigh. He rolled up his sleeves and grabbed your keys that felt tiny on his large hands. He could feel the weight of the door against the doorframe, knowing that if he was too rough, the whole door would cave in and make the problem worse.
He just stared at it's structure for some minutes, evaluating what could be wrong with it.
The elevator dinged open, revealing Hobie with a bag of groceries. He entered his apartment to drop the bags and then came your way. Eyeing the situation from afar.
"You gotta push against it, mate" He wore ripped jeans, his red boots, a sleeveless and irregular neck shaped shirt and studded bracelets.
Miguel acknowledged him with a glance before focusing on the door again.
"That's probably what messed up the hinges last night."
Hobie's eyebrow quirked as he deadpanned.
"If I push the door open, the whole thing will cave in and it'll make everything worse" Miguel spoke as he gently took the doorknob and pulled back, the door creaked but it didn't cave in, but it fell back on the floor with a metallic thud.
Miguel looked at the back of the door and grunted.
"That's the problem. Hinges are rusted, and the screws are loose."
"Hobie? Could I borrow your tools for a second?"
"Haven't unpacked them yet, birdie"
If there was a staring contest, you were sure it was a tie. Miguel's ever present frown deepened slightly as Hobie gave him a complete poker face. Tension in the air, you saw your other friendly neighbor coming through the elevator with his dog.
"It's okay, I'll ask him." You smiled nervously at him and approached your neighbor to ask him for some tools.
Hobie huffed with a slight smirk at Miguel
"Good luck with that dead naff door, mate. Imma leg out."
He turned around and left, giving a quiet smile your way.
"Charming" he mumbled once he was out of hearing
"Told you to be nice. He helped me out last night." you gave the screwdrivers to him, "Need any help?"
"I'm good. Yo me encargo"
"Yeah, Y'know I might start learning spanish cause... I don't understand what you're saying sometimes"
He smiled mischievously as he effortlessly held the door and began screwing it back to its place.
"What's the fun in that then?"
"I mean, for all I know you could be making fun of me or worse" you spoke as you picked up his belongings and yours to take them inside.
" Or worse? Hm... probably"
"You're mean. But I'm grateful you're helping me out. Again."
"At this point I'll start keeping tabs."
Miguel fixed your door, but explained to you it was a temporary solution, lucky you'd know how to fix it in case another incident happened.
"Here" you gave him a glass of water as he looked around, taking in your surroundings. He then gave you the storage box.
"What happened today?" he drank from the glass
"Oh... uh, I told you shitty day. Got trapped here, got an hour late at work, the client was pissed she wasn't getting the numbers right of her products, blamed my boss and me," you sighed, annoyed
"Then the manager scolded me for not having the data on hand, cause it's in one of these little things, then the landlord told me my door is getting replaced next week, traffic and the door. But now, at least three of those issues are solved."
You slumped on the couch. exhausted
"Sorry for always dragging you to help me around"
"You apologize too much. "
You were about to open your mouth to apologize but remained shut. His frown decreased a bit and his face relaxed.
"Gotta go"
"Sure, Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it."
"De nada, hermosa"
"Might call you one day to help me out with some furniture that needs to be assembled"
He deadpanned and you giggled.
"Of course I am joking. I know you are really busy."
He picked up his things and you went to the door with him.
"Might do some time for that"
"Really? I might prepare something to eat then. Or maybe you could show me some cooking skills"
"I'll think about it"
You nodded with a bashful smile.
"Thanks, Miguel."
"See you"
You closed the door, it didn't lock you up this time.
Tal Vez una junta y un memo hacen que estos pendejos trabajen bien.- Maybe a meeting and a memo will make these fuckers to work properly
Sólo porque me lo pides de por favor.. - Only cause you're asking nicely
El Principito - The Little Prince
"Cuentos Por Teléfono- Telephone Tales (Highly recommended btw <3 By Gianni Rodari)
Mi Sol - My Sun
Pasa linda noche, muñeca- Have a nice night, doll
Yo me encargo - I've got this
De nada, hermosa - You're welcome, beautiful
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coleslawleviathan · 4 months
okay so. i challenged myself to try and draw some snakes and try to capture the features i want to stand out for them. i wanted to see if i could make them all look distinct but where its obvious they look extremely similar.
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heres the main lineup but i want to get into design elements for them as well as some personal headcanons.
FIRST! bibo.
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okay so. i'm going to toot my own horn here. i think his beard looks so fire and i did a good job. i imagine this design is around the portable ops era... not much else to say because most of the interesting stuff (at least to me) comes from the differences the others have from him.
V!!! I LOVE YOU V!!!!!!!!!!
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for venom snake, i made him look like big boss but Something's Off. in the game people often (notably huey and the boss' ai) don't recognize him as big boss for a few seconds. an imperfect replica because you cannot get that close with plastic surgery. i made the fat distribution on his neck a bit different from bibo's because i imagine the way that the human body configures itself is hard to change. if you noticed the little snake-tongue-shaped-hair-doohickeys, he is the only one with a slightly different shape. it's a genetic thing, you wouldn't get it. just thought that was silly. his hair texture is different, too. can u tell i like him a lot. also, my favorite detail might be his different nose shape. they never got bibo's nose right i guess. in mgsv, he actually has a bit of a downturned nose, and i honestly don't think i captured that enough.
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SNAVID! the most obvious difference here is his nose. he broke it as a kid lol. i love headcanons. there's not as much to say about him as with venom, but i can say that he is incredibly handsome and i like him. i think he is cute. was he free yesterday? if so i would like to have dinner yesterday with him yesterday. well... i will say that out of this specific lineup i think he looks the most like good old dad. which is awful and i feel bad for him.
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i gave him his canonical sharp nose and high cheekbones! i based a lot of his features off how he looked as a kid so he really has little shit vibes about him. he also has thinner eyebrows, and i headcanon that he does them himself lol. he has less sideburny sideburns than his brother. his eyelids are also smaller. he also does look kinda like kaz so its plausible that he tricked dave! yippee! i also like drawing his hair. its such a great hairstyle. it reminds me of a lion's mane.
N E WAYS... i hope you enjoyed me rambling about giving these goobers a more realistic design for future reference. i like talking about this kind of stuff. life is so much better without same face syndrome.
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wilted3sunflowers · 10 months
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Baroque Pearl : SOLD Level headed and a sharp tongue she could be utilized much more as an advisor than just a simple decorative pearl to entertain if she got that chance. Sadly it seems shes only here to be a good hostess and cater to guests and entertainment.
Babydoll Pearl: Sold A hot headed pearl who hates it here. She doesn't like frilly little outfits, she doesn't like holding her tongue. She's petty and keeps causing trouble for her owner [if they even care].
First come first serve, i take payment over paypal USD They come with a toyhouse: transparent files, full shaded and flat and their little additional comic of them interacting. which clearly...didnt turn out well.
Design Notes on Baroque Pearl: Of course the fan in the reef gives total Jellyfish vibes and I did entertain the thought of it. I do a lot of changes while sketching, originally Baroque pearl wasn't going to be Baroque. Yet. I decided to play further with the spirals present and the already drawn short curly hair I had drawn on her. Since baroque pearls are textured and some have more twists I thought it'd be very cute head nod towards the actual real life Pearls structure. With that single word change it also influenced more baroque to Rocco outfit - especially the shoes, since baroque pearls aren't perfectly round it even influenced her skirts silhouette more looking like the shape of a trapezoid as if there was a hoop skirt structure reminiscent of that fashion era previously mentioned.
Design Notes of babydoll Pearl: I knew almost right away when seeing that fan in the reef that the name that came to me was 'babydoll'. It's a very plain and simple clamshell fan with just a bow. It's not too descriptive and it's just there almost like an afterthought. of 'its a pearl, give her a clamshell with a bow' type of knick knack to toss at them like a doll with an accessory to add on. I knew i wanted a very soft coloring for the clothing, white to pastel pink. There was some strife in the coloring of thumbnail palettes, she almost ended up in a completely different and stronger color palette but in wanting to keep with the name "baby doll pearl" I stuck with the original first one. I'll repurpose the other color palette i admittedly liked more but it didn't feel proper for both the name and this specific pearl feeling I wanted to evoke. Also her eyes are very notably different than all my other pearls eyes. Big and shiny and such voluminous lashes. I really leaned in for big doll like eyes to match the name. That it's a very notable feature of hers and her pouty lips. Not only her angry personality but even a few key features show shes not a traditional pearl just at a glance.
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crisscross-sonicsauce · 4 months
Differences between the models from Sonic 2 and the Knuckles Show Masterpost!
I'm sure there are more but these are just what I've noticed so far...
(Also, this is kind of hard for Sonic and Tails because we don't see them much, but I'll do my best)
::Knuckles Show on top Sonic 2 on bottom
Okay, first...
For the most part, they're less furry.
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Comparing these you can see that the fur around his muzzle is shorter or at least not as well defined. This is true for the rest of them as well. Everyone looks "smoothed out," especially around the face.
Another example...
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You can see the fur around his ears is actually less fuzzy, and the triangle shape of the inside of his ears is more obvious. (Almost like he got a trim or something haha.) This is true for Sonic as well, especially the ear definition bit. Tails' cheek fluff is also more shapely and long, evoking his game design more. His forehead tufts now face slightly different directions instead of all pointing right.
This goes for Knuckles' chest pattern too...
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The shape is SO much fuzzier in the movie.
His body fur is also less voluminous in the show (likely the cause of the aforementioned definition.) I think this goes for everyone else too (Except for Tails maybe, I can't really tell since we can't see his body that well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.)
Another one...
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They got rid of his nosebridge pattern. The delineation between his muzzle and head color is much clearer. (You can also see the muzzle fur and ear change here.) I'm actually kinda sad about this one :( It was one of my favorite parts of his design. It could be due to the fur shortening and just for the show, but I'm not sure... :/
Tails' tails actually appear to be MORE fluffy.
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and Sonic's chest fur is WAY fluffier
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If I had to guess, I'd say most of these changes were made to cut down on rendering time. Switching out the movie's "denser" textures for these "lighter" ones cuts down on the budget without sacrificing the looks. Very smart, very smart. (Obviously, I don't know for sure that they did this, I'm just guessing based off of the differences.)
Structure Changes
Here are some things I noticed about how the bones of the models have changed (meaning not due to textures) (It's mostly Sonic lol.)
From the images above you can see that Sonic's shoulders are broader and his arms are thicker. His upper chest area is now more prominent, giving him a body shape closer to a "V" than the rounder "0" Sonic from Movie 2. It's really obvious in the second picture.
His quills also don't start on his upper forehead anymore, now beginning further back. His quills also appear to be thinner. They blend in with his fur more than before. (See below.)
He also emotes differently. His face rig must have changed with his model, because when he furrows his brow the way pictured above his face wrinkles like 3x more than before, haha (I hope that doesn't stick around, it's kind of weird to look at lol.) Actually, now that I think about it, it might just look that way because the show's less voluminous fur is not hiding it as much.
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Yeah, that's definitely why haha. You can actually see the indents of the same crease placements in the movie model.
Also, is Tails taller?!?!? He sure looks taller here! But it could be a case of forced perspective since we can't see their whole bodies.
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Knuckles' eyes are very different. I don't think the other's eyes are different, but we see them for like two seconds from afar so...¯\_(._.)_/¯
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Also, I might just be imagining this, but it looks like everyone has more "neck" than before. Weird sentence, I know. You can kinda see what I mean here...If this is the case, it was likely done so posing is easier for the animators.
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And generally, everyone is at least twice as vibrant, especially Sonic! Just look at the comparisons. My boys are G.L.O.W.I.N.G! Beautiful!
I think that's all I've got. If I can think of any more I'll make a part 2. If you noticed something that I didn't, leave a comment and I'll add it. Or add a reblog of your own if you want^^
(This took way too long (¬_¬"") )
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