#it's all mu fault
jakeshim · 1 year
my cat just fucking died i can't do this anymore i fucking hate myself if i wasn't so goddamn weak i could've kept him in his final months
all of these death news in the last 24 hours is making me go insane i cant do this anymore
i want my kitty back he was so cute why did he have to get so unlucky and have a birth defect my poor baby
this is so unfair
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sapphoherselz · 2 months
yk i see the "how do lawyers not cry when arguing" and I raise you the "how tje fuck does Neil not stutter any single time in one of his many villain dialogues/start crying on the spot" cause the amount of stress in his little rabies infected chihuahua body exceeds its limit + the fact that he has people actively listening and watching him metaphorically destroy riko's ass is just crazy to me...I would've been crying screaming and throwing up trying to get one word out
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dearmahiru-archive · 1 year
its genuinely baffling to me how people genuinely, with their full chest, say fuuta doesn't have a shred of remorse for his murder.
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You brought justice to the world???
"but he keeps saying that we're the exact same as him" because that is the intended moral quandary for his case!!! the writers wrote fuuta's case to parallel milgram!!! and are now drawing attention to it!!!!!! and even then he's absolutely justified to point out the hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!!
honestly the real reason i'm ranting is because i saw someone on twitter go, "we aren't the same—we didn't doxx a child!"
which is just... so unbelievably daft. not only did he take a photo of a funeral lantern meaning the victim had already died, the reason we're the same is both of us are groups of people who harassed people to the harming them without intention. mahiru literally could've died if shidou wasn't innocent. like yeah yeah i get it you're so hashtag feminist for hating popular male characters but you could atleast try to understanding his case before opening your mouth.
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It’s Not My Fault: Initial Thoughts
Hey gang! I may be running out of braincells rapidly due to Futa’s confusing videos and the fact that it’s 3:16 AM but I’m here to give some of my initial thoughts on Mu’s new song, “It’s Not My Fault” (INMF)!
This is gonna be flow of thoughts and some sections might not really connect, but here we go!
T/W: Bullying, mentions of suicide
Queen Bee is being portrayed literally in this MV.
This is obvious, but I do want to touch on the whole bee theming because I think there’s some important stuff.
There’s the obvious stuff with the antennae, buglike body and black and yellow colors. There’s even the jellies, which are probably royal jelly, as Saturn somehow predicted in her random joke post.
What interests me most is her transformation towards the end of the video. Through the entire beginning and middle, she’s a queen bee. However, by the end of the video, she emerges from a chrysalis with sprouted wings and flies off into the sky (2:20). I think that this is her personal transformation from where she is in this MV to how we see her in Milgram. 
Bees have a sting, and while becoming a butterfly meant she lost her status as queen, it gave her the power to fly away. It gave her the ability to be seen as beautiful, harmless. Some kinds of butterflies even migrate, which is exactly what I think Mu was doing here. 
I think that her flying off, away from the shattered hourglass and the carnage that happened, is her escaping to Milgram, a far off place somewhere in the sky or something. She’s the one who’s able to escape the hellish high school she helped create, and because of that, “everything is as [she] wish[es]”. Mu has said before that she likes it better here in Milgram. She’s gotten to start over. Her innocent verdict, to her, means that the slate was wiped clean, and she doesn’t have to answer for her past baggage. Thus, she’s found a new “friend” in Haruka, and she’s returned to her status as queen bee.
Mu and her victim went back and forth vying for power.
I’m not sure how many times it actually swung back and forth; it’s possible that it only actually switched once, and then Mu killed her. Still, we can be certain of this. 
In After Pain, Mu is seen in the hourglass in the bottom. This is where she suffers; things fall on her, and she’s seemingly drowning in the lime green fluid. To me, that means that the one who’s currently suffering, the current victim, is on the bottom. Conversely, the one in the top half of the hourglass is “on top;” they have social control and everything is going as they want it to be. Mu wanted us to believe that she was always on the bottom in After Pain, but in reality, she was once on top, and by the end, she’d gotten the upper hand again.
Mu insists in her audio drama (thanks to @/onigiriico for the fast translation!) that she never bullied the others and has a very negative reaction to the very idea of it. However, in INMF, we see her seemingly doing this exact thing when she pushes over a servant bee, who shatters on the ground (0:32). In Mu’s mind, this is as simple as giving her a little push, but the fact that she ends up completely shattered shows that this must have had a greater impact in the end than Mu is letting on.
My theory is that Mu’s bullying was purely social/verbal. I don’t think she physically attacked anyone; she outright says this in her audio drama, saying she never hit anyone or dumped water on them. Based on After Pain, I think it’s safe to say that some of those things must’ve happened to her at some point. Still, from the audio drama, I get the sense that Mu believes that bullying is only bullying if it becomes physical. I disagree, which is why I’d call Mu a bully, but she thinks so, which is why she still insists that she isn’t after all this time.
Anyways, I think that these two shots (which I believe are the same scene) are a good way to show the energy behind Mu being in power:
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If you dare to go against her, if you don’t devote to her, you know you will face negative consequences. Mu can make fun of anyone she wants, and if you don’t serve her properly, she’ll break you. If you dare to oppose her, you’ll face even worse consequences. But in Mu’s mind, that’s because the other person failed first. That person didn’t appreciate her enough, or they tried to attack her character. Based on the setting Mu created, any disobedience towards her could be considered them “starting it.”
Right after this second image, there’s what I believe is a major timeskip to when Mu stabs her victim. I believe that essentially the entirety of After Pain happens at that time jump (~1:45). Mu has ended up victorious, spilling the blood of her adversary. Instead of seeing everyone gossiping about her as she hyperventilates, in INMF, we see her eyes shift to that of her bee form (1:54). This is because, by eliminating her only threat, Mu has become queen once again. To her, this isn’t some tragedy; this is her taking revenge and restoring things to the way it “should be.” She then proceeds to do her butterfly transformation and fly off to Milgram.
After Pain and It’s Not My Fault parallel each other at the beginning and end.
This isn’t a claim so much as an observation, but I did want to touch on it. The scenes at the beginning are slightly different, one having Mu alone on a desk where the hourglass falls onto the floor (control of the hourglass is now out of her reach). In INMF, she flips the hourglass, presumably putting herself on top, and we see her begin her reign as queen bee.
The endings are extremely similar, showing the exact same classroom:
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The boards are the same and the flowers are the same. The existence of the flowers, to me, indicates that it must be after the death of the victim. So, why is she here in the end credits?
I think there are a few ways this could go. I know that some people thought that, due to the sock confusion in After Pain (see my mini theory if you don’t know what I’m talking about), the victim might have a twin who died in her place, leaving the intended victim alive to see what happened. I’m not sure I like this one, just because I feel like it’s a pretty unnecessary twist given that Mu isn’t even there to deal with the repercussions (unless, I guess, Mu purposefully killed the wrong twin to make the other suffer more. That would at least matter on a character level). Still, I think that the victim is there symbolically, “after death.” She isn’t there in real life, just in Mu’s thoughts, sort of like how Heather Chandler follows around Veronica Sawyer after she was an accomplice in her murder in Heathers.
As Mu sings about how everything is how she wants it, the hourglass is once again flipped. Based on my earlier theorizing, this should theoretically mean that Mu is going to be on the bottom again, returning to suffering. How would the victim accomplish that from beyond the grave?
Well, as I’ve said, I think that Mu has already flown off to Milgram at this point. As such, I think that there’s one way that the victim could still get her revenge: getting Mu a guilty verdict.
Though Mu seems fully convinced of her own innocence, she definitely seems to have anxiety over the idea of her verdict changing. She tries to really sell Es on the idea that it would be cruel to flip her to guilty now that she’s been voted innocent, and this flip of the hourglass reads almost like a prediction on Mu’s part. The hourglass is flipped back at the end of INMF, so at the beginning of her Trial 3 song, she will be suffering once more, at Kotoko’s hand or just as the hand of the thoughts of the voters. Some lyrics clearly show her trying to convince us of the same thing: “Hey what if / If I am a bad girl / Don’t hate me. Don’t even try to proof from ‘After Pain.’”
The direct inclusion of After Pain tells us, more than anything else, that she is directly addressing her verdict here. Mu believes she’s in the right, but she also believes that we may turn on her as well, whether it’s out of jealousy or whether she believes that maybe she is a bad person somewhere deep down. In either case, I think that, somewhere in Mu’s mind, she expects us to vote her guilty this trial. I’m not sure how I feel about that.
Haruka’s fate may rest in Mu’s verdict, and Mu is okay with that.
Mu very clearly states in her audio drama that, because Haruka is happy to make this threat and go through with it, she sees no problem with supporting him. After all, she’s his friend, and she should support his desires, right? ...Yikes.
Mu thinks of Haruka as her friend, and I do think she believes that. I just think that she’s the kind of person who believes that a relationship, friendship or otherwise, will never be equal in power or effort. She prefers to be in the position of greater power and lower effort. Because Haruka is used to and content with being in a position of lower power and higher effort, she simply sees him as a good candidate. I’m not sure how much she really, genuinely cares about him, considering she seems pretty neutral on the subject of his literal potential death, but maybe that’s unfair of me. If I think she’s trying to manipulate us/Es into giving her an innocent verdict, maybe she’s decided that playing it off like she’s okay with Haruka doing it will give her a better shot. I’d believe she’s afraid enough of a guilty verdict to do it.
I say this, but I did technically vote her innocent tonight. Mu is currently hard charging towards a guilty verdict, and I’d honestly be surprised if anyone manages to shift that tide. 
I’m not opposed to the guilty verdict. I think that it is probably our best chance of teaching Mu that there is nuance. She isn’t completely innocent because she got an innocent verdict; any innocent verdict, and especially hers which happened by the thinnest of margins, is not a full mark of approval. I think that, no matter what lingering anxiety she has, if we give her a second innocent verdict, she will be certain that she has, in fact, done nothing wrong. That makes me want to vote her guilty.
But, it just sort of feels... too obvious? Too easy? She expects it, we expected it going into the MV, I’m sure as hell that the Milgram devs expect it. She feels too easy to hate. Maybe that’s a weird thing to say when Yuno seemed to easy to love just a few MVs ago and I was hard on the innocent train, but I can’t really find any anger towards Mu, or much of any emotion at all. She showed her true colors, but they were obvious from the get-go. I was pretty sure she was a bully the whole time.
Plus, I obviously would like to avoid Haruka dying. I don’t think a Mu guilty necessarily guarantees it (hopefully him being restrained due to his guilty verdict would prevent him from killing himself), but it’s definitely a risk we’re taking if we vote her guilty. Then again, I don’t want to give into her demands; that’ll probably only make her more manipulative in the future.
I’m probably overthinking this, and at least for right now, I think that a guilty verdict is probably our best option. Still, for tonight at least, I voted counter-trend in case a new day’s worth of thoughts changes my mind or something. She has plenty of guilty votes; might as well try to make it not irreversible later if something comes up.
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princesandromeda · 11 months
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idk if it's Kurumada's drawing style but early manga Shun's fashion is so ugly. Maybe it's bc I'm a gen z but I just genuinely think his early designs were ugly, like I'll stare at his cute face and look down then blanch bc wth is up with that shirt who told you it looked good.
ofc by Poseidon Saga Kurumada just drew them in their anime outfit bc Shingo Araki did him the world's greatest solid when designing them and it would be a crime not to.
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…though I am curious about why he chose to color Shun's shirt pink in Next Dimension. like i get it his cloth is pink, but for everyday wear it seems a little excessive dontcha think? this coming from the girl whose entire closet is pink.
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chiistarri · 7 months
imsoo normal about guys byw
#sprry this is the start of my downfall im actually going to theow up and vomit and die#fronting daily actually sucks!and i have no restraint on my curiiusity and i have to figure shit out and i literally want to die#cause like i found out shit i didnt want to and its entirely my fault too bro i cant even be upset cause i went looking for it ughhh#i should be allowed to die afterschool so i dont have to feel anything else tbh thatd be a pleasure great thing whwatever#this is genuinelky the repeat of my downfall again literally september all over again and its just march jesus fucking fhrist bro need todi#the nervous system is so dumb what is ooottfvgvsh or whagevr i hate that dumbass acronym i hate healrhcare#serenity save me 🙏 save me serenity 🙏 come home#everyone keeps sayng that but qith donald trump#anyway back to me i need to scream and not just to serenity cause i feel bad🤭 no emojis are tood enougu anymore bro im going to kms#killing myself so fucking hard like a vampire driving a stake through his heart sort of shit ykwim like a siren drowning ro sokething poeti#save me sid 🙏 sid save me actually hed laugh at me for hthis lowkey which is soo deserved cause real bro why am i breaking down at midnight#on a dchool day too bro again and again i dont want to go to mf schooll and be obsessed w k. hes fine but i genuinely cant do my work#lowkey would iet be weird to talk to my ex ab my relationship with him cause like yea i miss him ykwim and i need closure but i got a crush#cause like on one hand its like i was the one who brokenup ykwim like even if the circumstances werewei4d whatever its like why would i hav#the right to even bring it up and i alr crushed on a new guy and like ignoring the uguult i do like him ughh broni want to kms#i love love i just dont love lvoe for myself cause ugh bro i hare one guy idc ab his crushes but he made me hear ab them lke idc idek him#sorry u had a bad experience w bi girls like idk what u want me to say ??? surprise me too ??? tff ugh i hate love girls#i need a gf but the thoigjt of liking a girl genuinely deeply scares me to my core cause i like girls but ppl dont like that i do ykwim#all mu friends are fucking gay bro idek why im so worried ab liking girls like who is there to disappoint but myself and my entire family#noo pressure qt all being oldest and queerest like ok yeah its midnight happy new years. i need this blanket tobsuffocste me#sleep wrappedup alr like a borito burito i dek and its not enoughh i need a soul crushing embrafe to sleep#ok im done i got post vent clarity i need to sleep#post#erics tag#delete later#serenity needs this as a ref in the morning#i beed my mom to cry to but j cant tell her any of this id rather be eaten alive by bugsbro and if i just cry to her without a reason#shell fs go througj my phone and fimd out why anyway so wjats the pointtt my god i tqlk too much and vent too much#gota flair forbthe dramatics ivguess mb
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ni-kol-koru · 1 year
KnB 30-Days Challenge
Day 13 : Favorite Member of Seirin
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Izuki Shun ❤️
This was tough... It was hard for me to choose who my favorite member was beacuse I just love so many Seirin boys. Shinji, Shun, Taiga, Teppei, Rinnosuke, Tetsuya... But in the end I chose Shun. I chose him mostly because I always liked him, which I can't say for some of other Seirin boys. Unfortunately, I used to be a bit of a Seirin hater when I was younger, heh... Never hated Shun, though! Always loved him and always found him cool! I mean, let's be honest here... How can anyone even hate a person like Shun? He is really good-looking, he is very intelligent, really cool, easy-going, and a very skilled basketball player. Also, I actually find him to be quite funny!
Since he first got introduced, he caught my eye. In the beginning, it was literally because of his eyes. I kept looking at them because he didn't have pupils like everyone else, which I found pretty strange. I couldn't help it, they kept drawing my attention to him. Then, his special ability, Eagle Eye, got introruced, and I was pretty amazed! Being able to visualise, rotate and change points of view of a 3D space and predict where objects that are out of one's sight are is very complicated, consumes a lot of mental energy, recquires a big spacial intelligence, fast decision making, all at once! It's not just something everybody can do. This guy became a genius in my eyes.
Throughout the show, he just kept getting more and more amazing. Finally, when he was matched up against Kotarō, an Uncrowned King, and outsmarted him and stopped him, my jaw dropped. Instead of being angry that my favorite character got beaten, I was amazed by Shun. In the last seconds of the Rakuzan-Seirin match when he pulled that steal... I was, once again, stunned. Seriously, he is just that awesome. He is a fantastic player because of his smart brain and cool attidue.
Other than being such a weapon on the court, can we talk about how good his personality is? He is cool, chill and smart, and then he just reveals he likes puns. It's kind of awkward, because he always seems to come up with them in the wrong moments, but it just gives him some oddly specific and necessary flavour. I find most of his puns and jokes quite funny, and honestly, whenever people tell him he should stop making them, I get a little pissed off. Being able to make puns and jokes on spot is a skill, it showcases how intelligent, creative and fun he is. I am just not a big fan of how everybody keeps telling him to just, cut it out. Let him have fun! Let his brain do its thing! Let him shine! He deserves more appreciation, seriously. When it was revealed his mum and sisters like puns, I was sort of relieved. At least somebody supports my boy in his hobby!
If I could, I would listen to him make 100 puns in a row. ❤️
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digitalgirls · 9 months
the increased 4chanism of twitter recently has been insane
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newtness532 · 1 year
making playlists is so fun, i could make a new one every day and i would never get bored
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magioftheseas · 2 years
Do you have any Milgram hot takes?
I sure do lol...
I've gone off about how pissed off I get about the votes against Amane but ahhh, as for others...
I do think Mu turning out like this just shows how easy people are. Like based on shit that was ambiguous at best, voters were so quick to assume her murder victim deserved it because she was "a bully" and god fucking forbid you suggest that maybe, just maybe, Mu wasn't a perfect angel either even though Mu's always had a nasty streak. It's very funny how predictable this whole situation has been. It's also...pretty depressing. Like the quickness to demonize a teenage girl from both the start and to now is a little yikes, don't you think?
Mu is still guilty as sin but boy howdy is the outrage and controversy not what I call a "good look".
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l33n1s · 5 months
No but Shen Twins AU where Shen Yuan is technically a member of Cang Qiong Mt sect but he's almost never there cause he's too busy traveling and studying/documenting all of the cool plants and animals.
But when he Does spend time at the sect it's Qing Jing Peak's emotional equivalent to Christmas, cause Shen Jiu is actually in a good mood (as good as his moods get at least) and Shen Yuan has picked up a habit of bringing sweets for the disciples. He just shows up and suddenly the bamboo house doesn't seem so empty, Shen Jiu actually seems comfortable for once, and the whole peak's atmosphere seems to shift.
And, it's always a very jaring experience for new disciples the first time they meet Shen Yuan. Cause there's this guy who looks exactly like their teacher but is so much less severe. His posture is a little more relaxed, he Actually smiles at them every once in a while, he doesn't get annoyed when they ask about his adventures and is instead very willing to share his stories (if he dresses them up a little who's to blame him). For many of them it stuns them to see Anyone be so casual with their teacher and be left alive after; to see him argue with someone in a way that is actually harmless rather than scathing.
It doesn't help though that noone actually knows When Shen Yuan will ever show up or how long he'll actually stay. It definitely varies, sometimes he'll just be passing through the area on his way to some other cool place, sometimes he stays for a few months in order to teach a couple classes on useful plants and dangerous animals.
Often during his visits, he visits the other peaks too. He talks with Mu Qingfang about about medicinal plants while he's treated for any injuries he has (it's not his fault he's accident prone, and if he fell of that cliff while trying to follow a very cool bird-thing no one needs to know). He has tea with Yue Qingyuan (who met him for the first time and said "our younger brother"); Shen Jiu is decidedly not happy about this but "oh well he'll live"
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hoennislands · 1 year
A guy from my high school recently responded to one of my ig stories and we had a friendly chat until I “made the mistake” of mentioning his wife. Turns out they are separated and to be divorced because she “became a different person” and “was doing things and hanging out with people he didn’t like” (likely she was just living her life and he didn’t like that, brown men I tell u) which turned into asking about my relationship status and THEN asking if I wanted to see a movie at his house 🥴 the audacity is truly laughable and this is the most that’s happened in my super eventful love life LMAO
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hey-little-flea · 2 years
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fyodussy · 1 year
toji makes my heart flutter a lil bit..
“god, you’re taking me so well.” Toji purred into your ear.. something about the way his rough hands kept your legs shoved to you chest.
but fuck.. that mating press was really making you think being 9 months period free seem just perfect..
the overstimulation he was causing made your head spin, i mean who can blame him when you’re cute cunt sucks him in so perfectly :(.
though he must admit, the anklet he had gotten you for his birthday wasn’t helping your case. the delicate little chain jerking with your leg as his thrusts hardened
— he enjoyed watching the little letter T frail around as your hands pushed against his chest. ignoring your pathetic cries of
“ ‘s too mu-much..”
“toji wait-“
“no more- i cant!”
it’s all your fault, i mean.. toji wouldn’t intentionally ignore you had you’ve listened earlier.. after all, you were the one clinging to satoru’s arm and laughing a little too hard at the stupid white haired freaks unfunny jokes.
“you think that little piss ant can fill you up like i can?”
“you think that little freak will ever be able to stretch you out the way i do?”
“fucking slut- fuck, you think his dick feels this good?”
toji couldn’t help the small jealous remarks that left his mouth. but, honestly it’s not like you were comprehending what he was saying.. he watched as you attempted to say something but getting cut off every time.
only then you felt a sharp smack against your cheek— this bitch? it registered in your head that he had just barely slapped you, obviously trying to get you to come back to reality.. was his jealous remarks not just a remark? and was it actual.. questions?
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Something He Likes (M) pt. 1
The first part of the eighth and final part to the Pathetic series
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Summary: Jeonghan and y/n are finally together. But what does being together mean for them?
This part is 31k which was too much for tumblr???? Because it was over 1000 blocks??? So it's split into two parts being released at the same time IM SORRY. Alexa play Hate Rodrigo by Yena
Warnings: Dubcon as always, let’s do this one more time: dom!jeonghan, sub!y/n, masochist!jeonghan, sadist!yn, lots of public play and I mean a lot okay, Jeonghan is a tease, degradation, dacryphilia, creampies, slight teeny tiny breeding kink if you squint at one part, pet play??? Like it’s not but he calls her a bitch and makes her bark idk what you want me to call that, cunnilingus, fingering, rough sex, mean!jeonghan, references to y/n being a toy and other demeaning things in a sexual manner (but like at this point we all know this right), praise!kink if you squint, the l-bombs in this one are crazy, jealousy from both sides, possessiveness from both sides, unprotected sex as always, bimbification? (yn is fucked dumb)
This is part one of the eighth part of the pathetic series:
It felt weird to be standing at the door of Alpha Mu in daylight… Okay, you had been here in daylight before but it still felt wrong. You weren’t sure if it was because you didn’t really belong in a frat house, or if it was because now you were dating Jeonghan and that was weird to say.
You stared at the door, knowing from experience that what you needed to do was just to open the door. But… It was your first time coming here as a girlfriend… It just felt wrong to do so.
“Two times in a row.”
You were startled out of your thoughts by the unfortunately distinct sound of Seungcheol’s voice. You turned around, an embarrassed expression spread over your face, but Seungcheol just gave you half a smile.
“I just…” Your words died on your lips. Seungcheol’s smile grew a little bit, and he brushed past you, pushing the front door open. You watched him step in, your mouth momentarily going dry as he just left it open for you. He walked a few steps into the hallway, kicking his shoes off.
“Jeonghan, you left her outside again,” he called. You resisted the urge to hit Seungcheol and instead rushed into the frat house, kicking your shoes off and closing the door behind you. When you peeked around the door Jeonghan was on the floor surrounded by legos (as per usual).
You two caught each other’s eyes immediately and his lips fell into a smile that was mostly in his eyes. Your heart jumped in your chest at the expression, and you felt yourself stopping right next to Seungcheol who had stopped just inside the living room.
He looked at you and sighed shaking his own head.
“Look at her,” he commented gesturing to you. “This is the face of a psychology major who is going to leave you if you aren’t careful.”
Jeonghan’s smile didn’t waver, but his eyes flickered briefly down to his hands. He set down a chunk of Lego bricks, watching you for your reaction to Seungcheol’s words. You glanced back over at Seungcheol, giving him a pressed smile.
“It’s like Jeonghan says,” you mumbled. “I don’t mind waiting for him.” You thought over your words for a second. “But it wasn’t his fault that I was standing out there.”
You looked back over at Jeonghan in time to see his eyes flicker over to Seungcheol. The two boys made eye contact, and Jeonghan’s lips flickered up just a tad more.
“She doesn’t mind,” he said, his voice coming out like a brag. His eyes flickered back, and he gestured towards you. “Come here.”
Somehow that was more embarrassing than you saying that you didn’t mind waiting for Jeonghan. You gave a glance to everyone in the room and upon noticing that no one was really paying attention you walked over to Jeonghan, stooping over in front of him. He smiled at you, and raised his hands to your face, pulling you down by your cheeks.
He pulled you close but he didn’t say anything to you. Instead, his eyes narrowed at you slightly, his gaze intensifying. You let him stare at you like that for a few seconds, that ran into a minute, that had your face burning in his hands.
“Jeonghan,” you mumbled softly. He mostly ignored you, his eyes searching your face in a manner that you were starting to become accustomed to. One that was embarrassing enough when you two were alone. More so when you were in a living room full of people. You bit back a frustrated whine. “Jeonghan,” you pressed again. “’s embarrassing.”
Jeonghan’s lips pressed up into a barely there smile and he sighed, a bit overdramatically, letting his hands fall back to his sides.
“Can’t I appreciate my girlfriend in peace?”
Girlfriend. That word certainly was tickling you in a way that you had never imagined it would. You tried to press down the feeling.
“Yeah, in peace,” you replied, your eyes glancing at Seokmin on the couch as you spoke. Jeonghan followed your gaze, his cheeks very briefly puffing up when he realized where your hesitation came from. He sighed, turning his head back to you.
“Fine,” he relented. “In peace.” He smiled and gestured to the legos scattered on the floor. He didn’t have to vocally extend the invitation to sit next to him. You set your bag down and sat cross-legged next to Jeonghan.
He was now fully focused on his legos again, and you watched him for a little as her perused the colorful pieces of plastic. You were only there for a few minutes before your attention was torn away from him.
“Oh y/n.”
You looked up from Jeonghan to see that Jun was standing at the stairs, your lips flickered up into a smile.
“Jun,” you greeted. Jun walked down the last few steps and walked over to you and Jeonghan, plopping himself down in front of you. Jeonghan looked up at him with a small glance, a smile flickering on his face in greeting. Jun mirrored the look before settling his gaze back on you.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he said seriously. “I have a problem.”
You frowned slightly.
It wasn’t common that Jun came to you with things. In fact, you and Jun had never really had a relationship like that before. To lump you and Jun into a box without putting Jeongyeon in it too felt wrong. In fact, you thought that your even minor relationship with Jun could be chalked up to pure over exposure to one another.
You saw him with Jeongyeon. You saw him with Jeonghan. But never more than that.
And sure, he was there to give you advice but again if it weren’t for Jeongyeon in the room than you wouldn’t be telling him your issues at all.
So, to hear Jun come to you with a problem. Even though Jeonghan was right there. It was odd.
Jun’s eyes darted to the side, seeming to access his surroundings. You glanced around as well but everyone seemed to be focused on other things.
“It’s just…” He hesitated again, looking down at his hands. When he looked back up, you gestured for him to continue. “I keep getting asked out.”
Your eyebrow rose.
“Asked out?” You asked. He nodded.
“Asked out… By a girl…” He continued. Your eyes flickered behind Jun towards the kitchen where a curious Seungcheol was now peeking out from around the corner. Your attention strayed back to Jun.
“Okay,” you replied. You couldn’t quite read exactly what Jun wanted advice with and yet that seemed to be enough context for Jun. He went silent, reaching forward to grab some of the legos scattered on the floor. He started to separate them into little piles. You would think that you had satisfied him if not for the fact that so far all you had said that wasn’t repetition was okay. You cleared your throat.
“What girl?” You pressed, hoping maybe he would pick up that you didn’t have enough context.
He barely looked at you.
“Yeonwoo,” he replied, almost as if it was obvious. He glanced around and lowered his voice. “She’s one of the prettiest girls in my major.”
Another thought occurred to you, and you leaned back on your hands in disappointment.
“What the fuck even is your major Jun?” You asked.
“I’m in aerospace engineering,” he replied pointedly.
You blinked.
“And Yeonwoo is the top of our class,” Jun interrupted you as if the revelation of his major was nothing. “We are in a class together right now and she started…” Again, he lowered his voice, forcing you to lean forward a little. “She started sitting next to me.”
You had never been this close to Jun before and yet for some reason you still couldn’t hear him. You scooted closer to him, your shoulders brushing, fingers touching.
“And she asked me one day what my favorite kind of coffee was and when I didn’t tell her she told me that she would just… Figure it out herself. And so, she just started bringing me coffee every day.”
Your lips flickered up into a small smile.
“What? That’s so nice.”
Jun still looked troubled.
“She keeps asking to study with me after class,” he continued, as if the addition of that detail should make it more obvious as to why this was so troublesome. “Or inviting me to parties that her friends are throwing.”
Now it was your turn to feel confused. You brushed your hair back distractedly.
“Do you not like her?”
“No, I do like her,” Jun disagreed. “She’s really pretty… And nice…”
“Jun’s never dated anyone before,” Jeonghan commented. Both of you looked up from where your foreheads were practically touching. He gestured towards Jun. “So, he’s nervous about messing it up.”
Jun’s face started to redden a little.
“That’s not-”
“He’s really popular with girls he just never realizes when they are flirting with him,” Seungcheol agreed from the kitchen. Jun whipped his head around to look at Seungcheol.
“Shouldn’t you be cooking?” He blurted, and then turned back around and pointed at Jeonghan’s legos. “And you are getting nowhere with this lego set.”
“Yeah, because you stole my building partner,” Jeonghan mumbled.
“Dating people isn’t something to be so worried about,” Minghao added from where he was sitting across the room. “And if you want advice on something like that isn’t y/n the worst person you could ask?”
Your eyebrows raised.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, turning to look at Minghao, a slight tinge of hurt leaking into your voice.
Minghao raised an eyebrow at you.
“Do I really have to elaborate?” He asked. He didn’t. You bit down on your bottom lip, and as you did so you felt Jeonghan’s hand creeping up on your back. His thumb drew some small circles on your back.
“It’s okay,” he assured. “Minghao doesn’t know anything about dating anyone either.”
He turned around and shot a look at Minghao who rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to his book.
“That’s exactly why I wanted to talk to you about it,” he said to you. “Because… You were scared but you got over it. How did you do that?”
That phrase echoed in your mind in a way that you were a bit embarrassed to admit. You got over it.
Had you gotten over it? You hadn’t been dating Jeonghan for long at all and even as long as you had been dating him it wasn’t like you were dating him…. You two weren’t doing anything different than you had been before.
This was your first time over at the frat house since you two had gotten together and what had you done? Stood in front of the door as if you had never been over there before in your life. Like an idiot. Like somebody who very much had not gotten over it.
Your silence was probably loud to Jeonghan, but it fell on deaf ears with Jun. His eyebrows furrowed at your silence, just waiting for you to go on. Jeonghan nudged you in the side with his shoulder and once again you were reminded of exactly how close you were to Jun. You gave him a small half-there smile and pulled back from Jun.
“You just have to give it a shot,” you replied. “No matter how scared you may feel that’s just… Normal. Pre-relationship jitters. It’s simple, isn’t it? She likes you… You like her. Just go for it.”
You thought your advice was pretty shotty, and you knew that it was almost word for word the advice that people had given you about Jeonghan, but despite all of that Jun nodded, satisfied by your response. Obviously, you had said the right thing.
Silence fell over everyone in the room again and you took the opportunity to scoot back closer to Jeonghan. Once you were close enough to him, Jeonghan let his head fall limp on your shoulder, his eyes still on the legos in his hands. He looked confused as he stared at the lego blocks for reasons you were unsure of.
He seemed… You weren’t really sure what it was but not like himself really. He was being much quieter than usual… Maybe it was just because he was around the others. You nudged him in the side lightly, making his head move a bit on your shoulder, just so that his chin was tilted a bit further up towards you.
“Do you need me to read the instructions out for you?” You asked. Jeonghan silently shook his head against you and his head returned itself to its former position. You were unsure of exactly what he wanted out of you. You hoped that wasn’t what this was always going to be like. You being completely unsure of his intentions or wishes.
It was awkward… Because the others were here but you decided that if Jeonghan wasn’t putting up a fuss about it, and the other boys didn’t care about the very public display of affection you weren’t going to say anything about it either.
Jeonghan started to silently put all of the pieces of the lego set together, shifting every once and a while to get closer to you, or to flip the page of his instruction manual. You weren’t sure exactly how much time passed before Seungcheol came back into the living room from his cooking in the kitchen, but you felt like it had been a while.
Jeonghan had managed to build a few of the walls of his creation, and you had honestly gotten lost in the feeling of having him right there next to you. He was so quiet and calm… His breathing so even. You simply weren’t used to this side of Jeonghan. You weren’t used to him just… Existing beside you.
Seungcheol caught your attention, an eyebrow quirking towards you in your position. It was funny how he was always able to read that about you. Read exactly how you felt about a certain situation. You sent Seungcheol a small smile, but there was panic in it.
How were you actually supposed to act around Jeonghan? You still hadn’t really figured that out.
He liked you for you.
The you that he had seen.
You tried to think back over the things that he had seen you do.
He had seen you at parties, and in class, but what had he gathered from those moments? He rarely saw you outside of that. What about you had really caught his eye?
His speech to you in the shower echoed through your mind but even still it was hard to garner… Exactly what he saw in you.
“I don’t think I’m getting much of this done,” Jeonghan said with a sigh. You turned your gaze down towards him a bit more, inclined to just nod slightly. You didn’t think he was getting much done either.
“I can help you more if you want-”
He waved it off and pulled himself off of you.
“That’s okay. I can just finish it another time. He got up to his feet and for a moment you just sat there and watched him before you realized oh, he was leaving the room. You got up to your feet too, giving Seungcheol and Jun a nod of farewell as you followed Jeonghan up the stairs. He walked into his room, and sat down on the edge of his bed, leaving you to close the door behind the two of you.
A smile crossed Jeonghan’s lips.
“Are you not a huge fan of pda?” He asked you lightly. The question caught you off guard.
“Well, I just noticed that when it’s just the two of us, I can do whatever I want… Kiss you, play around with you, you don’t really mind,” he commented. “At parties you don’t mind when my hands are all over you but when we’re in front of the boys…”
He trailed off, leaving you to just stand there in front of him with a red face. You decided after a few moments of embarrassing silence to walk over to him. Once again, he reached up to you and pulled you down towards him by your cheeks, pulling you into a deep kiss.
You melted under his touch, placing your hands on his shoulders for better purchase as he practically kissed the breath out of you. As he kissed you, his hands trailed down your cheeks to your neck, the thumbs of his fingers brushing at the roots of your hair as he palms pushed you closer to him, rendering you unable to pull away if you wanted to.
You didn’t mind that, you didn’t want to pull away.
After a few minutes Jeonghan finally pulled away from you to let you breathe, and you both panted as you looked at one another, eyes wide, bodies warm.
“What was that for?” You asked lightly. He just smiled.
“Just testing my theory,” he said lightly. He pulled back a bit, one of his hands raising to pinch your cheek. “You really do get embarrassed over the pda.”
You swatted his hand away from you and plopped yourself down next to him, dropping your face into his shoulder.
“No, I don’t,” you mumbled. He hummed.
“Right,” he agreed lightly. “You definitely don’t. Not even a little. Just like being emotionally vulnerable doesn’t embarrass you.”
You groaned, letting your eyes close in frustration. As you sat there with your head on his shoulder he reached around you, his fingers finding their way to your waist, his fingers dipping under your shirt.
“But you know what really doesn’t embarrass you?” He asked you softly. You glanced up at him, placing your chin on his shoulder, already able to recognize the dark look in his eyes. You swallowed hard and nodded once.
“Y-yes,” you mumbled. He hummed at your words, his fingers pinching your side.
“If you know so well you should show me,” he replied softly. “Show me exactly what you can do that proves that I don’t embarrass you. That you aren’t embarrassed of me.”
“You don’t embarrass me,” you insisted, pushing yourself off of Jeonghan.
“I don’t?” He asked. “Is that why you get so embarrassed when I’m touching you in front of the boys? Because you aren’t embarrassed of me?”
“I’m not-”
“Get undressed,” Jeonghan said, his voice lowering a bit. You swallowed but quickly got to your feet, beginning to pull your clothes off. You knew that recently you had been a brat when you were with Jeonghan, and today? You thought that you would really regret it if you kept up that behavior.
As soon as your last article of clothing fell to the floor Jeonghan was staring at you, leaning back on the palm of his hands.
His gaze may be dark, but there was admiration in his eyes regardless. A small smile graced his lips.
“You’re so perfect,” he mumbled softly. “Your body made just for me huh?”
Your face flushed red, and it made Jeonghan chide.
“There you go again you liar,” he chided. “Clearly being embarrassed because of me. And still you lie.”
“It’s just-” Obviously you were a little embarrassed. Standing there in front of him naked. He was just staring at you with seemingly no urge to do anything. God you really, really hoped that you two weren’t doing this again today. “Jeonghan please I can’t deal with the teasing today.”
He quirked his head a little so that you would come closer to him. You closed the distance between the two of you and he raised his arms, quirking an eyebrow at you. You knew what he was asking without having to hear him say it. You pushed his shirt up over his head and set it aside on the bed, before dropping down to your knees in front of him. You slid his clothes off until, like you, he was completely naked. You swallowed hard when you saw his already hard cock in front of you.
Had you forgotten how big it was? It was like every time you saw it was a brand-new reminder.
That’s not going to fit but it has fit before.
Jeonghan leaned forward, his hand coming to your chin and his thumb pressing to your bottom lip, you obediently opened your mouth, sucking the tip of his finger into your mouth. You were slapped, hard, a gasp ripping from your mouth at the touch, only to be met with a soothing hand on the cheek that he had just hit immediately after.
“Poor little thing, did that surprise you?” He asked you, a fake expression of concern on his face. You pressed your lips firmly together, not really sure what you should say in response to him. That earned you another slap, except on the opposite cheek. “I asked you a question.”
“It only surprised me a little bit,” you blurted out, your hands reaching for Jeonghan’s legs to keep yourself steady. He readjusted his weight a little, his hands threading into your hair.
“Only a little bit,” he said, his tone a little mocking. He pulled your head roughly up by the strands of your hair. You hissed in surprise. “What’s your safe word?”
A quick exclamation of your safe word and Jeonghan was letting go of your hair, but only a second later he had both hands on the side of your head, pushing you down onto his cock. He didn’t try to ease you down on it, and it was when your hands quickly grabbed at Jeonghan’s hips that you could feel the pent-up energy in his body. He wasn’t here to play coy today. He needed to just use you however he wanted to.
You urged yourself to breathe in through your nose as you choked around Jeonghan’s cock. He ignored your chokes in favor of holding your head still and thrusting his hips up into it. His moans were low, little praises leaving his mouth alongside them. His thrusts rough in a way that made spit dribble down your chin, but you didn’t even care. It didn’t bother you at all because all you could think about was how good it was going to feel when he came down your throat and then fucked you like a rag doll…
You tapped on Jeonghan’s thigh, and his grip loosened enough for you to pull off his cock. You gasped for air but that wasn’t why you had asked for a break.
“C-Can, I touch myself?” You stammered. Jeonghan’s light air of concern disappeared instantly, and instead it was replaced by one of pitied amusement.
“Oh, you poor little girl,” he said softly. “So turned on by me fucking your mouth that you need to touch your needy little pussy?”
You nodded, rubbing your thighs together in anticipation. The more time that passed… The more you thought about it, the more desperately you needed to touch yourself.
“Please Jeonghan,” you said lightly. He hummed, and his grip tightened around the sides of your head again, leading your lips back to his cock.
“Sure,” he agreed. “Go ahead.”
He went back to fucking your mouth just as roughly, but this time you let one of your hands snake down to your clit, the other wrapping around your breasts, pinching your tit. You whined as Jeonghan pummeled your mouth so hard you thought your jaw was going to hurt later, but no complaints would be heard from you even if you could vocalize them. It wasn’t long before you were fucking yourself on three fingers at the same speed as Jeonghan was fucking your face.
You could feel pleasure building in your stomach, but you knew that there was nothing you could do but avoid your clit and fight against the upcoming orgasm.
Luckily. You didn’t have to fight it for long. Without warning Jeonghan was coming down your throat. You tried your best to keep it all down, but he did that thing he liked to do to try and get you to misbehave. He pulled you off of his cock suddenly and you choked, but before you could lose it you coughed some of his cum out into the palm of your hands.
You tried to catch your breath, but Jeonghan grabbed your hand that had the spit up cum in it and pressed it against your face, smearing the cum all over your cheeks.
He sighed.
“Still can’t keep all of that cum down,” he said with a disappointed sigh. His thumbed prodded at your chin, and he seemed to admire the way your face looked after having fucked it. You could tell he wasn’t satisfied.
He slapped your cheek, causing you to stumble a little, your fingers digging into his legs. It was embarrassing how quickly that pain morphed into pleasure that went coiling through your body.
You hoped he didn’t hit you again solely because you genuinely thought you were going to come practically untouched if he did.
“Your face wasn’t red enough,” Jeognhan mumbled. He suddenly spit on your face, and before you could really react to it, he was dragging you up by your hair and shoving your face into the carpet of his floor. He slapped your ass until you were struggling to put it up in the air so that he could line himself up with your cunt and push into you.
His cock was already fully hard when he slid into you, and it cause a loud moan to erupt from the both of you. He repositioned himself so that he could press his foot to your cheek, pressing your face harder into the carpet.
“Shut up,” he mumbled and began to fuck you just as roughly as he had been before. Your whole body bounced with each thrust, and this angle would have been uncomfortable if it weren’t for the fact that Jeonghan was so literally using you.
You loved the dirty talk, you loved the teasing, you loved the torture he practically always put you through but the feeling of the carpet on your cheek, and the ball of his foot smushing your cheek made you feel like you genuinely meant nothing to him.
He didn’t care about your comfort, or your pleasure, he didn’t even want to hear your moans. He just wanted to fuck you, use you like a cum dump and move on.
You felt your body shaking and despite the way that your fingers were balled against the carpet to try and prevent yourself from doing this, you could feel yourself coming hard on Jeonghan’s cock. Jeonghan laughed in slight amusement as he felt your body shaking under him.
“God isn’t that embarrassing for you?” He chided. “Coming from sex like this? You’ll get off to just about anything.”
He didn’t say anything more before he was spilling his cum into your pussy. Again, no warning, and when your body twitched, an involuntary (and unwanted) jerk away from Jeonghan, he was pulling you back hard against him, forcing you to take every last drop.
It wasn’t until his cock had fully softened inside of you that he finally withdrew his foot, letting your body contort into a more natural shape. He let go of you and you crumbled to the floor in an exhausted heap, cum still on your face and dripping from your pussy.
For a second, you were reminded of your old partners in the way that Jeonghan seemed to have completely left you there.
But it was only a fleeting thought, a brief second before you felt Jeonghan’s body right next to you. He laid down on the floor next to you, holding a small washcloth that you wondered where he had gotten. He touched the cloth which felt cold against your very warm face.
You groaned as he began to clean the cum and spit off of your face, and you tried to swat him away because wasn’t this the worst part of it. You wondered what he saw when he looked at you after something like this. Did he see you as weak?
“Are you okay?” He mumbled softly. You let your eyes flutter shut, and you nodded silently.
“Was that, okay?” He asked. You had always wondered why he did this. Asked you all these questions after fucking you as if he hadn’t just given you the biggest orgasm and then you realized that maybe this came with what he had been talking about that one time…. Validation.
“I really liked it,” you said softly. You let your eyes flutter open so that he could see the honesty in them. “It felt so good to be used like that… Especially by someone that I trust.” Two more words hung silently in the air. Two words that you felt like you should add but… You didn’t.
“Good,” he murmured softly. “You did really good for me too. You held back an orgasm for so long, didn’t you?”
Your face flushed in embarrassment. Shame at having come without permission, but the shame didn’t last long. Jeonghan pressed a kiss to your lips.
“I love you,” he assured you softly. “Thanks for letting me use you like that. Now… Let’s get you cleaned up and ready to sleep, hm?”
Jeonghan leaned up and tried to get you to come up with him but, you stayed stubbornly in your heap of weak limbs on the floor.
“I’m tired,” you mumbled softly, ignoring the way that Jeonghan was nudging you, clearly trying to get you to get up a little but you still refused to move.
“Y/n, I don’t want to play this game,” Jeonghan said softly. You whined. “Seriously. You’ve got no excuse this time. After care.”
“This borders on abuse,” you mumbled even though it was quite literally the complete opposite of that. You peeked up at Jeonghan’s face and sighed, swinging your feet over the edge of the bed.
“And you’re so stupid when it comes to all of this,” Jeonghan replied. He took you by your forearm to help you to your feet and when you stumbled, he let out a small laugh, tapping your side.
“Hands up,” he said softly. You rolled your eyes but raised your arms so that he could slide a shirt over your head. He tugged it down tightly and sighed happily as he took you in.
“You in my clothes…” He sighed dreamily. “A sight I’ll never get tired of.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Then why’d you buy me all those clothes that one time? Waste of money if you ask me,” you murmured. He laughed again.
“I got legos out of that deal. That’s a win-win in my book,” he insisted. You rolled your eyes again at him.
“I can take a shower myself,” you commented pointedly.
“Okay,” Jeonghan agreed with a nod. “You want me to make you something to eat?”
Your mind flashed back to the last time Jeonghan had cooked for you.
“Define make.”
He rolled his eyes.
“A sandwich. I can’t mess up a sandwich now, can I?”
You supposed he was right about that. “Okay. I’ll come downstairs and join you after a shower.”
You went to step away from Jeonghan but before you could he grabbed your hand and pulled you back to him. He placed both of his hands on the side of your face and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
“I love you.”
You gave him a smile back, wondering if you could echo his words, but before you even got the chance he was walking out of the room.
Once you had showered, and Jeonghan had showered, and you two had eaten there was much discourse on whether or not you would stay the night.
“I have to get to class early tomorrow Jeonghan.”
“Okay? I’ll drive you. I want to have you close. At least if I can’t come over let me stay over with you.”
With that option being promptly knocked out of the air you found yourself laying right next to a reading Jeonghan, silence filling the air as the time ticked by. You were enjoying being there. Enjoying just spending time in his space.
But still it was giving yourself time to think.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, your eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“You know what I don’t even really know what kinks you’re into,” you said suddenly. Jeonghan glanced at you from where he was pulling a shirt on.
“Come on,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “You know that’s not true.”
“Not like…” You trailed off in frustration. “Obviously I know some of what you’re into but not like all of it.”
Jeonghan laughed.
“Okay, what else do you want to know?” He asked lightly.
“I want…” You trailed off and pulled out your phone until you got the website that you were looking for. You pressed it into his hands. He hummed in amusement at the site.
It took him about thirty minutes, and in those thirty minutes you ended up playing on his phone. Something that didn’t bother him even a little bit.
“I don’t want to impede your privacy.”
“Impede all you want. I have no secrets from you.”
You narrowed your eyes at him slightly.
“So, you wouldn’t even mind if…”
He handed you his phone with his text messages open.
“Have a hay day.”
You hadn’t even really intended to go through his messages but none of the games on his phone really interested you. You were pretty deep in the Alpha Mu boys group chat when finally, Jeonghan was clearing his throat.
“Okay. Here are your results,” he said. He handed you your phone and you very quickly dropped his into his hands as well, desperate to see what the test had to say.
Dominant, obviously, masochist, brat tamer… Your eyebrow rose in surprise.
“You’re into bondage?” You asked. “Why don’t you ever tie me up?”
“For the same reason that you rarely see me be a brat tamer,” Jeonghan replied pointedly. “You’re a very good listener.”
As he spoke, he tapped the side of your face with a small smile.
“If I ask you to hold your hands up and for you not to touch, you will hold your hands up and you won’t touch.”
You nodded slowly, a small hum vibrating through your body.
“It’d be easier for me if you did tie me up every once in a while,” you mumbled softly. “Do you even know how hard it is to have the kind of self-control you want me to have?”
A satisfied smile crossed Jeonghan’s lips.
“But you have that self-control,” he said lightly. “And that’s part of why I love you.”
Your eyebrows furrowed just slightly in frustration but before you could say anything Jeonghan was shifting his weight, trapping you between his arms. A strand of his hair fell in his face, a small mischievous smile spread over his lips.
“But if being tied up is what you want…” He trailed off as one of his fingers stroked down your arm to your wrists. “I can make that happen.”
Your stupid face betrayed your emotions as always, turning a deep red.
“But only if you wanted to, of course. I can plan it out and everything,” he said, pulling away from you. You took a deep breath that you hadn’t even realized you were holding. You nodded slowly and cleared your throat.
“Yeah, sure. Sounds like fun.”
“You know, if you want to do other things in the bedroom, I would be more than happy to fulfill those desires,” Jeonghan commented. “You don’t have to hide all your secret fantasies from me.”
Again, your face was burning. You laid down in his bed and pulled his covers up over you.
“I’m going to bed now,” you announced. Jeonghan laughed and his hand fell onto your head, giving you a solid few taps.
“Good night y/n. I love you.”
You pressed your lips together, your eyes staring into Jeonghan’s closet.
“Good night, Jeonghan.”
Your days with Jeonghan became like that. A pattern that you didn’t think you would ever grow tired of. Sometimes he came over, sometimes you went over to him.
It wasn’t like you two were inseparable. No, you spent time apart. You still studied with Yeongtae, and you mostly slept over at your place when you knew that Jeongyeon was going to be there. But the pattern of just… Spending time with Jeonghan was something you never realized that you would love so much.
Especially not when it came to attending parties.
“Today is the day, I can just feel it.”
You glanced at Yeongtae, your eyebrows raising skeptically as you tugged down your skirt a little bit.
“You’ve really gotta stop obsessing over-”
“Chaeryeong is here,” Yeongtae interrupted. He turned to you. “How do I look?”
You rolled your eyes and patted him on the cheek.
“You look fine,” you said. “If she doesn’t like you like this than… I don’t know Tae maybe you should just give up.”
Yeongtae gave you an annoyed expression and turned away from you without a word, disappearing into the crowd. You sighed and made your way through people until you finally spotted Jeonghan talking to a group of people that (of course) you didn’t recognize.
He didn’t really acknowledge you when you joined him at his side, but his conversation partners did, giving you a small nod of acknowledgement.
“I just don’t really know what I want to do with my linguistics degree,” one of the guys admitted with a shrug. “Sure, I got a minor in teaching English as a second language, but I didn’t need a linguistics degree to do that. It just feels like I would be wasting my degree.”
The talk of degrees intrigued you, in a way that you couldn’t even try to hide. You glanced at Jeonghan to gauge his possible reaction to the mention of this guys’ major wondering if they possibly shared one. You couldn’t tell by looking at his face. Did he suit a linguistics degree?
“That’s not necessarily true,” one of the girls in the conversation commented. “I mean, you would have a better concept of language structure than people without your major. Besides there’s other things you can do with it.”
“You could go into translation,” you piped up. Your class about the psychology of language having coincided a lot with the linguistic major you now had a few friends that were aspiring linguists. “That’s really good for those who are introverts.”
“Translation would be fun, I’m just not good enough at it to go into it,” the guy said with a sigh. “I know so many less languages than my linguistic peers. I feel like I don’t really fit in with them.”
That was a good point. All the linguists that you knew were pretty fluent in at least three languages. Meanwhile, as far as you knew, that wasn’t the case with Jeonghan. You frowned, slightly frustrated. You had really thought you were getting somewhere with that.
“Well, I’m a history major, and I don’t really know what to do with my degree either,” the girl piped up. She looked at you. “I’m Jiheon by the way.”
“Oh, right,” the guy said. He reached out his hand. “Kibum.”
You smiled and went to take it but just as you did Jeonghan’s arm came to your waist, and he tugged you a little closer to him. He smiled.
“This is y/n,” he said. “My girlfriend.”
Kibum’s face flushed a little and he dropped his hand back to his side. Him and Jiheon shared a glance.
“It’s really nice to meet you,” Jiheon said. “We’ve heard a lot about you. Jeonghan really likes you.”
That seemed to make Jeonghan a little annoyed. His hand slid up under your shirt to your bare back. You hummed.
“I would hope my boyfriend likes me,” you jested lightly. “But you were saying. History major.”
Jiheon nodded.
“Right. I just… Didn’t really think about it going in you know? I love history… It just made sense to become a history major. But what do you even do with that? Teach? Am I going to be a deadbeat history teacher for the rest of my life?”
“Surely there’s more that you can do with it than just become a history teacher,” you said.
“Well.” She sighed and brushed her hair out of her eyes, dragging your attention to that. Her hair. Oh my god, she was beautiful. Wide bright eyes, with her black hair pulled back into a high ponytail with wispy bangs framing her face. Perfect skin. Large hoop earrings. One of the prettiest smiles you had ever seen in your life.
And her outfit? Low-waisted wide-legged jeans, and a tight black crop top. It was the perfect I tried but not that hard look and you were so envious of it.
“I could go into the legal world,” she replied. “Become a paralegal… Believe it or not.”
You hummed and gestured towards her.
“I mean, that’s a good idea,” you said. You bumped Jeonghan with your elbow. “Isn’t that a good idea?”
He gave you a weird look but nodded and smiled at Jiheon.
“Whatever you decide to do with your degree I’m sure it will work out. You’re very smart,” he commented. “And Kibum. Not a lot of languages. Don’t you know four?”
“Not fluently,” he replied, a small pout crossing his lips. Jeonghan rolled his eyes.
“Well, I’m a psychology major,” you commented. “Aiming to be a therapist.”
“Really?” Jiheon asked. “Have you ever thought about psychiatry?”
“In passing,” you replied with a nod. “I mean in a perfect world I could act as both, but I think that therapy is a better long-term solution to mental issues whereas obviously psychiatry can often be more short term.”
“But a faster short-term solution,” Jiheon pointed out. And she was smart too?
“Together a psychiatrist and I could solve a lot of issues for someone mentally ill,” you agreed. “We’ll see where the world takes me. If I don’t think I’m solving any issues I can always change my career.”
You hummed and then gestured to Jiheon.
“How do you two know Jeonghan?”
It was a struggle to ask if Jeonghan was a history major too. Did that suit him? You had never heard him talk about anything historical before.
“We met each other through… Oh who was it…” Jiheon murmured.
“Namjoon, I think,” Kibum said. “Didn’t he change his major like eight times before settling on public relations?”
Jiheon snapped.
“Yes, Namjoon!” She exclaimed. “He’s always throwing these wine parties specifically for socializing because… Public relations and we met there.”
“Wine parties…?” You echoed. Jiheon nodded.
“Who is going to say no to a good bottle of Moscato and a cheese platter?”
You laughed along with her and Kibum. Jeonghan still seemed a bit troubled. His fingers tickled at your back, practically begging you to inch closer to him. You ignored that, unable to imagine what exactly had bothered him about this conversation.
“So, I suppose you two don’t really know where the summer is going to take you?” You asked them conversationally.
“Actually, I am going to be interning at a law firm,” Jiheon commented. “Along with… Oh, Chayoung. Do you know Chayoung?”
“I know Chayoung,” Jeonghan replied with a nod. “Kibum, we met her at that mixer last semester?”
Kibum seemed stumped, as were you. How had you never met all these people that Jeonghan knew?
“Well, you know she’s in law school,” Jiheon continued. “We both got the internship… Thank god. I couldn’t imagine having to do it all alone.”
“I’m just taking a gap between school and work. I’m going to travel. Pick up some random jobs in different countries. Immerse myself in other cultures,” Kibum said.
You hummed, nodding.
You weren’t really sure what you were going to do after graduation honestly. Sure, you had always thought about it, but you didn’t know anything for sure. All you knew was that you didn’t want to stay here forever.
“Jeonghan used to have a pretty clear plan of what he wanted to do,” Jiheon commented. Her attention straying over to your boyfriend. “But from what I’ve heard you’ve changed a lot of your plans.”
A small, knowing smile was crossing her lips, and she teasingly flicked her thumb across his nose.
“All because you finally got the girl,” she said lightly. Your eyebrow rose slightly in surprise, but you tried to cover it with a laugh.
“We haven’t even talked about the future,” you replied. “We’ve only barely been dating.”
“Yeah, but hasn’t Jeonghan been in love with you since freshmen year?” Jiheon asked, her eyebrows raising knowingly. You tried not to look too surprised. You glanced at Jeonghan only to find that he was stunned. “He used to have this plan to… Oh what was it-”
“People change their career plans,” Jeonghan interrupted. “That’s just natural.”
“Yeah, but you did it because you want to fit y/n’s life plan as best as you can,” she replied. Again. Lightly, but confidently. “Do you even know how badly he wants to keep you?”
Jeonghan’s fingers were even more insistent on your back. You liked the touching, but you were a little focused on the conversation at hand.
“Jiheon has a scary talent for reading minds,” Kibum piped up. You gave him a skeptical expression.
“Reading minds?”
“I’m serious, how do you think she knows all that stuff about Jeonghan?”
“Just like I know that…” Jiheon trailed off and leaned close to you, her voice dropping a few degrees. “You haven’t told him you love him yet.”
Your eyes widened. All too telling. Even if you wanted to pretend that wasn’t true… Here it was. Written out all over your face. You glanced at Jeonghan, terrified that he had overheard even though, you were sure that he had noticed your avoidance of those choice three words. He looked a bit confused. No, confirmation that he had heard.
“Lucky guess,” you murmured. She shrugged knowingly, her ponytail falling back over her shoulder.
“Maybe,” she replied. “Or maybe I really do read minds.”
As she spoke, she wiggled her fingers and giggled as if it were all some huge joke. Luckily for you, Kibum was able to turn the conversation away from the topic of Jiheon reading minds and the future and after almost an hour of talking to them and Jeonghan fending off the attention of other girls he decided it was about time to retire back up to his room.
You forced him to stay downstairs a little bit longer so that you could say hi to all the other Alpha Mu boys and check in on Yeongtae who was fawning over a mostly unimpressed Chaeryeong like a puppy. You watched as Jeonghan changed out of his party clothes, looking to be a bit tired.
“Jiheon and Kibum were nice,” you said softly. He hummed his agreeance. “A history major and a linguistics major,” you pressed lightly. “Who all know a public relations major… Does that mean that I can take all of those out of consideration for your major?”
You laughed, and Jeonghan gave you an amused expression.
“Is that what you were thinking that whole time? While I was begging for your closeness. Desperate for your attention, you were worried about figuring out what my major is?”
Your face reddened just slightly.
“I should know these things about you,” you mumbled.
“You’ll figure it out,” Jeonghan said, again writing off your concerns. “Stop worrying so much.”
He rummaged through his things in his closet.
“I bought something for you actually,” he said. You sat so that your legs were swinging off of Jeonghan’s bed.
“Yeah?” You sort of hated when Jeonghan spoiled you. And you were going to say that, but your words died on your tongue when you saw exactly what Jeonghan was spoiling you with. A long strand of pink satin ribbon. You immediately pressed your lips together and tightened your legs.
You two were silent for a moment before you, without any real prompting said a soft I know my safe word. Jeonghan laughed.
“Satin ribbon isn’t really that good for bondage,” he said. He played with the material in his hands a little bit and after a few seconds of silence he raised an eyebrow at you. “Are you just going to sit there with your clothes on? Or are you going to be good and-”
You didn’t even let Jeonghan finish that before you were undressing and once you were naked and sitting on Jeonghan’s bed again he was talking.
“The satin will tighten and there can be some slippage if you struggle…” He trailed off as he approached you, running his hands lightly down your bare arms before resting on your wrists. He tugged you a bit so that your hands were in front of you on your lap and you stared at his face as he messed with the silk ribbon, tightening it around your wrists. “But I won’t have to worry about that with you, will I? Cause you’re so good for me?”
As he spoke, he leaned towards you, his warm breath teasing your lips. You felt your lip’s part a little in anticipation of a kiss but you fought it in you to close the distance between you two. You had a feeling that today you had a specific goal… Self-control.
Jeonghan’s hands slid down your body to your sides and he lightly ran his fingers up and down them. You whined, under the touch, but bite down on your bottom lip to try to keep the noise from coming out.
You could see the approval in Jeonghan’s eyes. He pulled away from you, and agonizingly slowly began to undress himself. You watched him eagerly. You were itching to touch him, but even if you wanted to you couldn’t.
You felt yourself tugging subconsciously at the restraints on your wrists, and just as Jeonghan said the satin got tighter. Jeonghan’s lips quirked upwards as he watched you. He dropped his last piece of clothing to the side and walked up to you, roughly gripping you by your hips and pulling you close to him. He smiled at you, placing a soft kiss to your lips as he stared at you.
“Do you like this so far?” He asked you. “You’re so completely helpless to me. Normally if you wanted to you could get away from me but I’ve got you all tied up now… You can’t do anything but let me use you.”
That statement sent warmth through your body, and a whine involuntarily escaped your lips.
“Oh, that’s what you like about this isn’t it?”
He pushed you back against his bed hard and sank down to his knees.
“You like being helpless to me,” he murmured, and his breath ghosted your clit. You openly whined again, not afraid to let your desperation show in a small wiggle of your hips. That earned you a sharp slap to your, thigh.
“Be. Good,” Jeonghan said sternly. He dipped forward again, his mouth pressing a small kiss to your clit. It made your whole body shiver, and you were expecting him to do something more but all he did was blow lightly on your clit.
“All mine to play with,” he said softly. “Do you think you could ever dom me, y/n?”
You were quiet for a little while, trying to figure out how to answer. He slapped your pussy and your whole body jumped.
“I-I don’t know,” you blurted out.
“The correct answer was that no. You couldn’t because you need me to tell you exactly what you want. You’re such a brainless slut that you can’t even think for yourself.”
Before you could confirm or negate his words (you weren’t sure which one you were supposed to do… God, he was right) Jeonghan had dove forward and began to suck at your clit.
You were already wet, soaked, dripping all over Jeonghan’s face. You could tell by the way he dipped his head lower, his tongue lewdly dipping inside of you, while one of his hands stretched your pussy lips out for him and his other hand pressed your pelvis down into the bed so that you couldn’t move.
You couldn’t help it, your upper body wiggled, and your arms thrashed a little, tugging at your restraints that only tightened as you moved your hands.
“God, you taste so fucking good,” Jeonghan mumbled in-between eating you out. He rested his cheek on your inner thigh as he peered up at you, pressing two fingers into you with ease. You mewled, still wiggling, desperate to be able to touch something but being completely unable to.
“This is entertaining,” Jeonghan commented, watching as your body twitched when he pressed his thumb to your clit. “Watching you so desperate to act up but being physically unable to.”
He groaned, turning his face into your thigh.
“And I’m so luckily… The only one who gets to be down here.”
He suddenly bit into your thigh, sucking a hickey into your skin there.
There were tears already running down your cheeks, but there was nothing you could do about them with your arms restrained.
Jeonghan pressed a soft kiss to the spot that he had left a mark on and pressed a third finger into you. He scissored the three fingers in and out of you.
“Always need to stretch you out a little before fucking you,” he replied. “Your poor little pussy can barely handle my cock.”
Jeonghan spit at your pussy and then slapped it hard, making your whole body jolt again. He got back up to his feet and grabbed you roughly by your wrists, tugging you across the bed so that your head was hanging off the side of it.
“But, let me get my dick wet before I break my pretty little toy.”
He shifted your tied up hands so that your fingers were by his thigh.
“Keep your hand there so you can tell me if you need me to stop,” he instructed. You barely got a: “yes sir” out before Jeonghan had plunged his cock down your throat. At first your jaw wasn’t wide enough, and you knew that because Jeonghan pulled his cock out of your mouth, slapped you hard and said: “Open up.” Before plunging his cock right back down into it.
You could feel his eyes on you as he pummeled his cock in and out of your mouth like it was your pussy. Groaning with every couching fit that he invoked but never stopping despite the coughs. He lowered one of his hands to your hair, and he tightly gripped the roots.
“Keep fucking moving…” He mumbled, threateningly, and then after going back to fucking your mouth he slapped at your breasts. You cried out at each hit, but the sound fell on mute ears as it was mostly muffled by Jeonghan’s cock down your throat.
Having him fuck your mouth at this angle was different for both of you. You felt like you could feel his cock stretching out your throat much more than you usually could when he fucked it. You were focusing hard on keeping your teeth off of his length.
And you could tell that he liked this angle better thanks to his small escapes of: “God your throat is so fucking tight.”
He fucked your mouth roughly just like that for only a few minutes before he, with no warning at all came down your throat. He pushed himself as far into you as he could, his balls resting against your forehead as his cock twitched the best it could inside of you.
He pulled his cock out of you before he was completely done, as always finding pleasure in the way you coughed up some of his cum, and the way that you twitched as he let the rest of his cum paint your face.
This time however he grabbed you by our cheeks, his fingers digging into them, forcing your mouth open. He leaned over and let a huge glob of spit drop into your mouth. He released your mouth, and you went to swallow it but before you could he was slapping you, and the spit was on your cheek.
He tutted in amusement.
“Stupid whore. So desperate to do good even though I never let you,” he murmured, the false sympathy sending warmth through your body.
“Wa-Wanna b-”
Before you could say anything more Jeonghan was dragging you off of his bed. You scrambled to keep yourself steady, as he dropped your back against his carpet. He kicked your thighs apart, and watched you wiggle on the ground, trying to get in the position he wanted you to be in. He hummed.
“You know what. Get up and crawl.”
Your eyes widened at the request… The order really but you instantly began to scramble and try to do what he wanted.
It was a struggle, but you were finally able to get on all fours like he wanted- Albeit not being very steady. Once you were up you looked up at Jeonghan, with your messy face and wide eyes and he reached behind you to slap your ass so hard that you fell on your face.
He laughed, a sadistic laugh that was so humiliating that it just made your pussy drip down your thighs. You finally got yourself back up and when you looked up at him, Jeonghan was right in front of you. His fingers ghosted just under your chin, and he smiled sweetly at you.
“Alright then. Crawl for me.”
He took a step back and tauntingly coaxed you forward, patting his knees lightly like you were a literal dog. You struggled forward, and every time you got close to him he was taking another step back.
“Go on then, you‘re walking like a bitch. Talk to me like one.”
Confusion riddled your body, and the hesitation it caused earned you a hard slap.
“I said, talk like a bitch.”
It was like a lightbulb went off in your head.
“Bark,” you said, your voice a little high. Jeonghan hummed, unamused.
“Bark like a bitch,” he reasserted. You barked again, and this time it must have been better because Jeonghan grabbed you by your hair and dragged you forward. He squished your mouth open again and forced his cock down your throat again.
You were so turned on now, it hurt, and you couldn’t help that even though the tears had stopped before they were rolling down your cheeks again. Jeonghan rolled his eyes at the display.
“You’re so fucking pathetic he mumbled.
He pulled you off of his cock again and you coughed for air and fought to steady yourself.
“Present yourself,” Jeonghan said.
You hesitated, looking up at him again with confused eyes.
“What is up with your hesitation?” He demanded. He grabbed you by your hair long enough to force your face into the carpet, and slapped your thighs so that your ass was higher in the air.
“Walk like a bitch, bark like a bitch, you’re going to take dick like a bitch.”
His fingers dipped between your folds, and you heard him tutting condescendingly.
“And your pussy is dripping… You’re a bitch in heat too huh?”
He didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, he pressed his hand to the back of your neck, your arms stretched out in front of you and still tied together- the restraints only having gotten tighter since you two had started since you just couldn’t stop struggling.
“I guess I’ll just have to breed you like a bitch in heat too.”
Jeonghan didn’t bother easing his cock into you. He pushed himself into you in one swift thrust. You screamed into the carpet but that didn’t make Jeonghan very happy.
“Bitches don’t scream,” he murmured. “Bitches bark.”
Tears soaked the carpet in front of you, but you barked weakly in response to his words. Jeonghan then begun to relentlessly fuck you.
He didn’t seem to care about your own pleasure, which made you, of course, even more turned on.
He fucked you so hard that if it hadn’t been for the way he was pressing you into the carpet you would be sliding around like crazy. Your hands couldn’t help but thrash against each other, trying so hard to grab at anything but being completely unable to.
Jeonghan’s first orgasm came suddenly, and he didn’t even hesitate as he fucked his cum hard into you. It dragged an orgasm out of you that you didn’t get punished for. In fact, he didn’t even acknowledge it. Instead, he just fucked you through it, ignoring the way that your body was shaking and convulsing under him.
Instead of speaking you tried to let out weak barks in between your moans, to show him that you weren’t completely mindless but when your second orgasm dragged a second orgasm from him, the barks just became combined with broken sobs of pleasure, and they really were mindless.
Another orgasm wracked through your body, and you were just vaguely aware of Jeonghan saying: “Such a good little bitch, getting full of my cum.” As he came inside of you one more time.
Your whole body was shaking when he came to a full stop inside of you. He wrapped his arm around your waist so that you could fall limp under him.
“Do you feel that?” Jeonghan asked you slightly. “Do you feel all that cum that your dirty cunt is letting drip out of you.”
He shook his head- You could feel it- and sighed. “Your body still isn’t trained enough for this. You’re still not a perfectly good girl, are you?”
You let out a sob, and pushed yourself up on your elbows, looking back at Jeonghan over your shoulder.
“N-No I’m g-good, s-so good,” you blurted out. “I-I took all your cum. I’ll try to keep it in.”
“But you’re not a good girl,” Jeonghan reminded you. He pulled his cock out of you, and you instinctively pushed your ass up, trying to prevent his cum from dripping from you but despite your efforts you could feel all three of his loads gushing out of you.
You cried a little into the carpet, but it felt so good, that you almost didn’t care. Jeonghan let you sit like that for only a few seconds before he was kneeling in front of you. He pressed his lips to your pussy and began to lap at it, eating his own cum out of you until it genuinely felt like he had cleaned all of it out of you.
You felt him turning you around so that he leaned you up, pressing your back against the bed. He got on your lap, his limp cock brushing your hand. He ducked his head a little and began to kiss you, letting you taste the combination of your cum and his on his tongue.
As he kissed you, he lowered his hands to your wrists, and slowly, carefully began to undo your restraints.
It was a bit of a struggle, but Jeonghan was able to undo the satin pretty quickly. He loosely wrapped it around your neck, using the ends to keep your face close to his. He kissed you until you were even. Breathing even, body not shaking, his fingers rubbing soothing circles into the spots that the satin had pressed too hard into your skin. He broke the kiss, letting the satin fall over your chest.
“Does it hurt?” he asked you softly. He raised one of your wrists to his mouth so that he could press soft kisses over the marks. You decided to be honest.
“A little,” you mumbled. “But it was worth it.”
He raised his eyes back up to yours, looking into them to see if he could detect anything in them that suggested you were lying. “Did I do anything you didn’t like?”
He asked you softly. You shook your head. Sure, your face and your wrists and your ass all burned, and your jaw was sore from how hard he had been fucking your mouth, and you could still feel his spit on your cheek mixed with his cum and your tears, but you felt so satisfied. So proud of yourself for being able to keep up.
“I liked all of it,” you murmured, and as you admitted it your voice dropped a little and so did your eyes. Jeonghan lightly raised your chin up so that you were looking at him again.
“You’re so silly,” he admonished lightly. “Nothing to be shy about. You did so good for me. Do you know that? You’re always such a good girl for me.”
Your eyes involuntarily teared up a little at that, and a few stray tears ran down your cheeks.
“I’m good for you,” you repeated like a whisper. Jeonghan nodded and kissed away your tears.
“You are always good for me,” he reassured. “And I love you, you know that?”
You nodded, keeping his gaze.
“What do you think?” He asked softly. “A bath or a shower?”
You groaned and dropped your head onto his shoulder.
“I hate you,” you mumbled, and it made him laugh.
“Come on, it’s not that bad,” he said softly. “We’ll get you nice and clean yeah? And you wanted to watch that show with me, didn’t you?”
Your eyebrows furrowed and you peeked up at him suspiciously.
“We get to watch a show?” You asked, surprised by how… Childish it sounded coming out of your mouth. Jeonghan nodded his confirmation.
“Of course,” he assured softly. “And I can go get us some food too. Mingyu made soup the other day.”
You frowned at him.
“Can you….” Your face was starting to burn again. “Take the bath with me.”
Jeonghan laughed softly and he nodded.
“Of course, I can, baby.”
He pressed a small kiss to your lips.
“You’re so good for me.”
After a warm and thorough bath, Jeonghan did as he promised, retrieving some of the best soup that you had ever had before, and settling next to you in his bed so that you two could watch the show you’d been wanting to watch with him for weeks.
You fell asleep partway through the second episode, with your head on his chest.
You dipped into the fridge as per Jeonghan’s request trying to locate the banana milk in question.
“You shouldn’t enable his banana milk addiction,” Minghao warned. You glanced back at him. “You know he’s lactose intolerant right?”
Your eyes widened and you turned to Jeonghan who had fixed Minghao under a death glare, when he looked at you however his angry expression disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place.
“I’m not lactose intolerant,” he said with a laugh. “Come on, who would you believe? Minghao or me?”
You pointed at Minghao without a second thought.
“Minghao,” you replied pointedly. To his credit he did look offended. A pout crossed his lips.
“This relationship is built on a foundation of trust-” You raised your eyebrows towards him, and he closed his mouth. “I’m not that lactose intolerant.”
You rolled your eyes but turned back into the fridge, grabbing two of the small cartons of the banana milk. You walked back over to the table and set one of the cartons in front of him. He smiled brightly, and reached up towards you, pulling you down to him by the back of your neck.
He pressed a kiss to your lips.
“See? This is why I love you,” he said softly. “You do whatever I want you to.”
You smiled against his lips, but you pulled away anyways, trying to hide it.
“So, you like me because I’m complacent?” You asked him. Jeonghan’s grip on you loosened and you sat back down next to him, your shoulder brushing against his.
“I do,” Jeonghan agreed. “I thought you knew that?”
“Just wondered if you would admit it in front of Minghao.”
“We all know why Jeonghan likes you and it isn’t because you’re complacent,” Minghao mumbled, and despite the expression on his face there was a twinge of amusement in the tone of his voice.
“Everyone knows why Jeonghan likes me…?” You repeated. You glanced at Jeonghan, who looked like he was tuning the both of you out. He had the small bendy straw of his milk in his mouth. “I doubt that.”
“He talks about you more than you think,” Minghao replied.
“You’re being annoying Minghao, she knows how much I like her.”
You did know, and honestly the expression on Jeonghan’s face was cute. Eyebrows furrowed in frustration, his fingers clutching the cartoon he was holding a bit too tight. Minghao rolled his eyes at Jeonghan.
“Fine, I’ll leave you two alone.”
Jeonghan didn’t say anything, his eyes stayed stuck on a spot on the table.
“Bye Minghao,” you said. He hummed as he slipped out of the room, leaving you two alone. You and Jeonghan sat for a few seconds in silence before you finally scooted towards him. You raised a hand to his face, his cheek so smooth under your touch.
“Jeonghan,” you coaxed softly, your thumb running over his cheek bone.
He hummed, keeping his eyes away from you, ignoring you. You sighed.
“Jeonghan,” you repeated. His eyes flickered to you so briefly before looking away again. “Jeonghan, why are you upset?”
“I’m not upset love,” he said, but you could tell that wasn’t true. You pouted just a bit.
“Yes, you are,” you pressed. You pressed at his face, trying to get him to look at you more insistently. He did, giving you a pressed smile.
“Why would I be upset?” He asked. Your gaze sharpened. He sighed. “He talks about you more than you think.”
Your eyebrows furrowed slightly.
“More than you think,” Jeonghan repeated. “As if I don’t say it. The implication that you don’t know that I like you.”
“I’m sure he didn’t mean it like that,” you said softly. He sighed, again, looking away from you.
“They all think like that. Because I have always been so emotionally repressed they think that Yoon Jeonghan doesn’t know how to share affection.”
“You’re really good at showing affection,” you said, and you were being completely honest. “Well… After that whole lying about fucking others fiasco.”
Jeonghan gave you a distraught look.
“Okay, I’m kind of bad at showing affection, but you know that I love you.”
You nodded your confirmation.
“I know that you love me.”
He sighed and turned to look at you more straight on. He raised his hands to cup your face in the way that he liked to so much. His thumbs brushed over your cheekbones, and his eyes trailed over your features. Your cheeks reddened at the attention but you stayed silent regardless, letting him look at you.
You would never understand why but… It always comforted him.
After a few minutes he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your lips. Not deepening it. Making it very chaste, smile against your lips as he did it.
“I never doubt that you love me,” you mumbled. Jeonghan pulled back, giving you a slightly skeptical look. “I don’t doubt it. I just… Don’t always understand it.”
Jeonghan hummed, and pulled away from you, glancing at his phone on the counter.
“I have a class to get to,” he said with a sigh. “Where do you want a ride to?”
“I want to get some walking in,” you replied. “I’ll see you on…” You trailed off. “Well. Soon?”
Jeonghan paused, frowning.
“…Soon?” He asked. You frowned back at him.
“I’m busy. I can’t keep spending every day with you.”
Now it was Jeonghan’s turn to look distraught.
“You’re leaving me?”
You rolled your eyes.
“Shut up,” you mumbled. “I just need a few days to study and things.”
“You can study with me.”
“Don’t you respect my space?” You asked him. He rolled his eyes. You both knew the answer to that.
Not really.
“I’ll see you on Friday.”
“Friday?” Jeonghan blurted. You rolled your eyes and stood up, leaning down to press a small kiss to Jeonghan’s forehead, mirroring what he would normally do with you.
“Distance makes the heart grow fonder you know?”
You knew that Jeonghan didn’t believe that. That he was very quality time.
But you needed to study a bit more, so you were going to have to focus on that. And you were a lot less distracted when you were studying without Jeonghan around.
Your attention to your homework was dragged away by the distinct sound of Jeonghan’s voice. Your eyebrows furrowed a bit as you looked across the library, seeing Jeonghan standing a few tables away with a backpack hanging off one of his shoulders. A smile flickered across your lips- Unwarranted- But it died when you realized who he was saying hi to.
It was some girl- Why was it always some girl?- And you could hear a giggle echo from her lips across the library. She was in an ungodly short skirt, with a tight crop top on and she looked so hot. It wasn’t fair.
You couldn’t hear their conversation, but you could see that Jeonghan was actually interested in it. Maybe he pretended not to be interested in conversations for your sake when he knew that you were there. He had a small smile on his lips talking to her. A cute smile. He looked so cute. She looked so happy. Stupid smile on both of their lips.
As Jeonghan spoke, he turned his head slightly, his hair brushing over his shoulder. You thought for a moment he was going to see you but just before his eyes fell on you, they darted back to the girl.
“Y/n, what are you looking at?”
You ripped your eyes away from Jeonghan. Briefly, in order to look at Yeongtae.
“My boyfriend,” you mumbled. You only added the next part because it was Yeongtae and he knew you didn’t mean it. ��And his hot new girlfriend.”
Yeongtae glanced over his shoulder, following your eye line and sighed.
“Are you kidding me?” He asked bluntly. “Didn’t you ditch him today?”
You felt something uncomfortable brewing in your stomach and you knew you needed to look away.
“I didn’t ditch him,” you mumbled. “I just don’t get that much work done around him! It’s just a few days.”
“You ditched him,” Yeongtae repeated. “And now you’re jealous.” He waved his pencil through the air. “Toxic, toxic, toxic.”
You kicked Yeongtae from under the table, causing him to curse.
“You’re gonna fall another quiz if you keep acting like that.”
That shut Yeongtae up and allowed you to keep your eyes on Jeonghan.
You rubbed the balls of your feet against the floor, finally deciding that you couldn’t just watch him talk to her anymore but you obviously also couldn’t not watch. You pulled out your phone and typed out a quick text message: Studying is so uneventful.
You sent it before you could think over it too much.
You didn’t care if it wasn’t characteristic of you to say. You didn’t have the energy to think about something that felt more natural.
You watched Jeonghan immediately shift his body, attention still on the girl in front of him. He pulled his phone from his pocket, glancing at the screen for just a second. He gave the girl a serious look, one that you couldn’t really pinpoint the emotion of.
“One second, it’s my girlfriend.”
The acknowledgment of your existence was enough to have you breathing easy again, but the feeling of ease was ripped away from you when your phone started to vibrate in your hands. Your eyes widened and you immediately answered the phone, dropping your voice as much as you could so that Jeonghan wouldn’t be able to hear.
“Hey,” you said. “What- I can’t really talk right now, I’m-”
“You feel better now?” As Jeonghan spoke his head turned, his eyes falling to you. He had a large playful smile on his lips as the two of you made eye contact, making your face darken in embarrassment.
Jeonghan’s laugh was so genuine. He dropped one of his hands to cover the microphone of the phone as if it would make you unable to hear him.
“That’s my girlfriend over there,” he clarified. His eyes only flickered away from you for a moment. He dropped his phone to his side saying a: “I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”
Before making his way over to you. You could hear the shuffling of his shirt against his phone as he walked over to you, and you held it to your face as if that would make this less humiliating. You looked down at your homework, your lips pressing together but you were only looking like that for a few moments before Jeonghan’s hand was on your chin and he was turning your face to his. He still had such a bright smile on his face.
“Did you think I didn’t know you were there?” He asked you lightly. “You are the very first thing I notice when I walk into a room.”
He willed your lips closer to his and then, before he could kiss you he pulled away from you completely, his hand dragging lightly along your back as he dragged the chair out next to you and took a seat beside you.
“Yeongtae,” he greeted.
“Hi,” Yeongtae said back. You buried your face in your hands, peeking out at Yeongtae between the spaces of your fingers. He gave you a very brief panicked look and then dropped his eyes back down to his own homework. You sighed, and turned your head to face Jeonghan who was looking down at the laptop that he had brought out of his backpack.
“You have class with her?” You asked him. You knew how it sounded but you really didn’t mean it that way. You were prying for the sake of more information about him, not for information about her. Jeonghan hummed.
He fell silent, making frustration bubble into your throat.
“What class?” You prodded.
“An ISS course, People and the Environment,” Jeonghan replied, and the ambiguity of it was driving you even crazier. People and the Environment? What did someone even learn in a class like that? ISS courses were required in basically every single major at the university. It didn’t narrow down anything at all.
“I guess it’s just one course huh,” you continued pressing. “Probably just met her.”
“No, we’ve had classes together every year,” Jeonghan negated. “We’re applying for the same internship this summer.”
Internship? Classes every year?
You could feel the jealousy building impossibly harder at the thoughts and it wasn’t even because Jeonghan was with that girl it was because she knew more about him than you did. Thoughts of them sitting next to each other in classes flooded your head. The unspoken bond that was surely between the two of them was something that you would never achieve with him yourself.
Yeah, Jeonghan loved you and you were dating him, but this girl knew him. And you didn’t.
“You’re applying for an internship this summer?” You asked softly. Jeonghan nodded again and he turned to you.
“I am,” he agreed. “But I’ll still be in town, you don’t have to worry about missing me.”
He was teasing you. Teasing you and it was about something that you weren’t even worried about.
“What’s the internship for?” You pressed but, Jeonghan’s smile only grew.
“Now, now, are you cheating?” He chided. “You’re trying to get my major out of me. You’ve just got to let these things happen.”
“But-” Before you could get anything out, Jeonghan’s hand was being pressed distractingly to your face.
“Let it happen naturally,” he murmured, ignoring your spluttering protests. You heard Yeongtae let out a snicker.
“It is natural,” you insisted. “You would just… Tell me what your internship is going to be, and I would figure out your major… Naturally.”
Jeonghan leaned close to you, his thumb flickering over your bottom lip.
“It will come naturally,” he assured you softly. His thumb slipped under your chin and he coaxed your face closer to his. Once his lips were close enough to yours, he gave you a chaste kiss, pulling back before he could give you anything of real substance. “Just as natural as I get to kiss you.”
Jeonghan smiled at you and gestured at your homework.
“Shouldn’t you get back to work? I didn’t come here to distract you.”
That brought up a whole different question: “Why did you come here?”
“Because you were here,” Jeonghan replied as if it were obvious. His gaze flickered back to yours, recognizing your confusion and he gestured off-handedly back at Yeongtae. “Yeongtae told me that you two were studying here.”
Your confusion only grew.
“When did you and Yeongtae start talking?” You asked. Jeonghan turned his attention back to his own work, his hand falling on your thigh as he scooted his chair closer to you.
“We just did. Sometime after you and I got together.”
You shot Yeongtae a half-glare and as soon as he caught sight of it his eyes were widening and he was zoning back into his work.
“I’m glad you two are getting along,” you said, turning back to face Jeonghan. He still wasn’t looking at you, but his thumb dragged a small circle into your thigh to prove that he was listening. “But it feels a bit like you’re plotting against me.”
Both boys ignored you. You sighed.
You turned your attention back to your own work. Just the outline of a presentation you would have to do soon. You tapped your pencil in irritation against the table, your thoughts unable to turn away from your boyfriend next to you.
You pulled your laptop out, beginning to boot it up, and as you waited for it to let you log on you glanced over at Jeonghan. He seemed to be reading something, and he was scary focused. So focused that he didn’t even notice that you were staring.
A thought shot through your head, that if you looked at whatever paper Jeonghan was reading maybe you would be able to figure out what he was reading. And maybe that would give you some kind of indication as to what he was studying.
You pressed your lips together and turned your attention to his computer, trying to make it seem like you were still just watching your own. You tried to pick out the words on his screen but you couldn’t see. You tried to look better but just as you did Jeonghan was squeezing your side, and turning his computer screen.
“Stop reading my homework,” he chided. You groaned, your head falling onto Jeonghan’s shoulder.
“Jeonghan please just tell me what your major is,” you begged softly. “I’m never just going to figure it out, I’m not a figure it out kind of person I’m a you tell me and I remember it kind of person.”
“You’ve got to learn to be patient,” he chided you softly. “You’ll figure it out at some point.”
You didn’t move from where you were sitting a surely pouting at Jeonghan but all he did was swipe his thumb across your chin, press a small kiss to your lips, and smile at you.
“Get back to studying.”
“Alright, alright,” Yeongtae pressed as you two watched Jeonghan’s car disappear around the corner. “Let it out.”
“Let what out?” You asked him, shrugging your bag further up on your shoulder.
“It,” Yeongtae encouraged. You considered pretending that you didn’t know what he was talking about, but after only a few seconds you decided that you didn’t want to.
“I don’t know anything about him,” you blurted frustratedly. “Like, anything about him… At all.”
“That’s not true,” Yeongtae denied but you ignored him, waving your hands in the air wildly.
“I don’t know his major. I didn’t know he was lactose intolerant. I-”
“What are you expecting?” Yeongtae interrupted, even though he had been then one telling you to just let it out. “That you would just know everything about him?”
You pressed your lips together in frustration.
“You don’t just magically learn things about people,” Yeongtae mumbled. Your annoyance only built inside of you.
“Obviously I know that Yeongtae,” you replied. “It’s just… Why does everyone else know so much more about him then me?”
“Because they’ve known him longer,” Yeongtae pointed out.
“Not even just… That girl from his class, or the boys of Alpha Mu,” you argued back. “Ask anyone something random about him and I bet that they could name more than me.”
“Well…” Yeongtae sighed and rolled his eyes. “I mean… Yeah. He’s Yoon Jeonghan.”
Another starking reminder of the thing that you always forgot. There were a lot of people who were interested in Jeonghan. Not even just Jeonghan but all the boys of Alpha Mu. Especially now that you were really welcome over there all the time… It was easy to forget that Jeonghan wasn’t just Jeonghan.
He was Yoon Jeonghan.
You had tried to tell him that that was something that bothered you and even so in such a short amount of time you had forgotten.
You fell back against your chair, shoving the back of your head into the headrest.
“Yoon Jeonghan. I’m dating Yoon Jeonghan.”
You stood in front of Jeonghan’s class nervously, your fingers toying with the strands of your backpack.
This was humiliating. Really.
First, texting Seungcheol ahead of time to ask him what Jeonghan’s schedule was…. The: what could you possibly want that for? ㅋㅋ, made you want to scream into your pillow.
… You did in fact scream into your pillow over it.
But this too? You weren’t this kind of person. You didn’t go behind people’s backs and figure out their schedules. You didn’t surprise people out of the blue. You weren’t the person who did these things in relationships.
The door to the classroom popped open and students began to pour out of the classroom. You sucked in a deep breath, your head dipping slightly to try and avoid garnering too much attention to yourself. You realized quickly however that just seeing shoes wasn’t going to be super helpful in getting Jeonghan’s attention. You let your eyes trail back up and you noticed as Jeonghan slipped outside of the classroom. He was next to someone you didn’t recognize. A girl… Long hair. Not the same girl from the library.
You felt your fingernail pressing into the pad of your thumb, you were so nervous. You shouldn’t have just showed up. You should have texted him. You thought about just walking away but you shook it out of your head.
“Jeonghan,” you called, but it was so quiet. You could barely hear yourself. You cleared your throat. “Jeonghan.”
He was talking to the girl. He still didn’t seem able to hear you over his classmates. You sucked in a sharp breath and then, pulling on your backpack straps, you walked towards Jeonghan and his classmate.
You couldn’t hear what they were talking about… Unfortunate. Maybe it would give you a clue on what his major was.
“… but when he mentioned the problem on page 83 tha-”
“Y/n?” Jeonghan interrupted the conversation, his lips quirking up into a smile. You stopped walking, a smile flickering across your face as well as he changed the direction, he was walking so that he could come straight over to you. You lifted your head up a little as he came close to you so that it would be easy for him to press a small kiss to your lips- Which he did- and once he had pulled back, he was smiling even harder.
“What are you doing here?” He asked you, seeming to have completely forgotten about his classmate who… Just looked a little confused to see you there.
“I thought we could get lunch,” you replied slowly. Jeonghan gave you a small quirk of the eyebrow. You just glanced past him towards the door he had come out of. “What class are you coming from?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Jeonghan replied lightly. “Is that why you’re really here? Trying to figure out what class I’m coming from?”
Your mouth gaped a little bit at the accusation, but it wasn’t completely untrue. You could have just texted him and met him at the school cafeteria or something. Your reaction was answer enough. He nodded and turned back over to the classmate he was with.
“I’ll catch you later,” he told her. “My girlfriend is going to take me to lunch.”
Your face flushed red a little as Jeonghan gestured for you to lead the way. You could feel a lot of eyes on you, and it made you swallow hard in embarrassment. Jeonghan smiled a little when he noticed your embarrassment. He walked up next to you, his shoulder brushing yours.
“Would you like it better if I held your hand?” He asked you teasingly.
You gave him an annoyed expression.
“Is that you projecting?” You asked him lightly. “Do you want to hold my hand?”
“There’s a lot of things that I want to do with you,” he replied, his voice dropping a little to a tone that you very much recognized. Your face flushed a little more but before you could respond, Jeonghan’s hand was finding yours. You thought it would be awkward, especially considering you weren’t expecting it, but Jeonghan’s hand slid easily into your hand.
Once your fingers intertwined, Jeonghan gave you a small squeeze and then swung your hands forward in a playful way.
“You know everyone is going to look at us and think-”
“Who is that girl with Jeonghan? He’s really playing the long con with her,” you offered up. He rolled his eyes.
“They’re going to understand the rumors about me dating someone,” he replied lightly. He tugged you closer to him, and bumped your shoulders. “You’re so beautiful… And perfect.”
You huffed softly, and looked away from him at the students you two were walking past. Surely enough they were looking at the two of you, whispering to one another. It made you want to rip your hand away from Jeonghan. All you could think about was all these people looking at you and Jeonghan. You almost forgot in a weird way that he was even there.
Suddenly, you felt your arm being pulled and you stumbled a little to a stop, turning over your shoulder to find that Jeonghan was pouting at you. Your thoughts of other people melted away, and confusion riddled across your face.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him. Your thoughts raced. “What did I do?”
“You’re thinking about everyone else so much you’re not thinking about me,” Jeonghan replied factually, even though, how could he know that? You frowned at him slightly, holding the space between you two for a little bit. Then when he didn’t budge you closed the distance between the two of you, giving him an apologetic expression.
“I’m just-”
Before you could respond Jeonghan was raising his hand to the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him so that he could drag you into a deep kiss. You wanted to be self-conscious in it, but it was hard to when Jeonghan’s thumb was rubbing small circles into the back of your neck.
When Jeonghan pulled away, his pout was gone, replaced by a smile and you knew he had gotten what he wanted.
“Don’t think about all these other people,” he said softly. “Think about me.”
You pressed your lips together because… If you didn’t you thought, you would try to kiss him again and nodded. Jeonghan stared at you for a few moments as if trying to decipher how you were feeling now but didn’t seem to find anything that bothered him.
He didn’t have to say it for you to hear him loud and clear: I love you.
You gave him a small smile.
“What do you want for lunch?”
Class had been frustrating so when you get out of class and saw that Jeonghan was leaning against the hallway wall, talking to some girl that you had never seen before. You didn’t even really care. You walked over to them, and smiled brightly at Jeonghan your boyfriend.
“You came to see me after class?” You asked him, the excitement in your voice undeniable. Jeonghan smiled and nodded.
“Yeongtae told me that you two weren’t studying today so I thought that we could spend some time together,” he replied. He took you by your wrists and pulled you close to him so that your chest pressed into his. He leaned forward a bit so that he could give you a chaste kiss to your lips. His thumbs rubbed your wrists comfortingly.
You thought in the back of your head that he should warn you before he just showed up at your class. After all, unlike Yeongtae you did have other friends but in this very moment, you didn’t care, you were more than happy to bid good bye to the girl he was talking to. No question on who it was and you were happy to walking with Jeonghan to his car.
And yet, you were only in his car for a few moments before Jeonghan felt the need to start to toy with you.
Jeonghan’s hand dipped beneath the waist band of your pants, his index finger finding your clit with ease. He toyed with it for a few moments.
“What’s your safe word?”
You blurted it, only then realizing that you had been very insistently holding your breath. Once Jeonghan heard your safe word his hand was sliding further down into your pants, his fingers meeting dampness.
A smile click of Jeonghan’s tongue both fulled you with embarrassment at having already been wet and pride. You knew that the feeling thrilled him even when he talked down to you for it.
“You’re such a little whore,” he mumbled softly. Before you could respond his fingers dipped inside of you, and your whole body arched into his chest. Your hand shot up and you grabbed hold of the handle on the ceiling, as your legs immediately spread for him.
“Are you really this shameless?” He asked you. “You’d let me fuck you anywhere wouldn’t you? In front of anyone?”
You whined in response, and it wasn’t a response, but Jeonghan didn’t really care.
“I need you to remind me again that you know your safe word,” Jeonghan said softly. His fingers didn’t still inside of you, but his tone confused you a bit. He never asked for souble confirmation that you knew your safe word. You frowned a bit but repeated your safe word.
“Okay,” he murmured. “I want you to unbuckle your seat belt and get my cock out. Licks. Not sucking. It’s the only time I’ll ever allow you to edge me.”
You nodded, and started to do as he wanted before he was even done. You two were now just driving very slowly down a small road towards your apartment. Sure there were some cars passing by and a few people on the side walk but you might as well have been sight seeing with the speed at which he was going. A car crash was the last thing that you were worried about.
“And I want you to pull your pants down to your knees and stick your ass in the air so that everyone can see while I finger your pretty pussy.”
You understood why he had wanted to make sure you really knew your safe word. You hesitated, your fingers wrapped around the base of his cock.
You weren’t that much of an exhibitionist… At least you hadn’t been before you started fucking Jeonghan. You thought to your other moments… Calling Yeongtae… Letting him fuck you in the store bathroom… Letting him fuck you against the window at the library.
With your ass in the air, and your mouth on his cock, it wasn’t like anyone would be able to see your face anyways.
Without much more thought you were finishing doing what he asked, pulling your pants down to your knees and pressing your lips to Jeonghan’s cock.
“Oh you really are such a slut,” Jeonghan murmured, but the praise in his voice was undeniable. “You’re so desperate to please that you really will do anything for me.”
Instead of responding you began to tentatively lick at Jeonghan’s slowly hardening cock. As you did that Jeonghan’s hand made it’s way over to your pussy, which was now dripping wetness down your thighs.
“You really like this don’t you?” Jeonghan observed, his fingers gathering the wetness. He then slathered his cock in your wetness so that you could see just how much there was. Your face flushed red but you went back to lapping at his cock, now able to taste your salty wetness as well.
Jeonghan’s fingers returned to your pussy, and this time he just plunged two of his fingers into your pussy. You whined, your fingers tightening around Jeonghan’s cock, as your head dipped forward a bit, small pants leaving your lips.
“I wish you could see how jealous everyone looks,” he commented lightly. “They’re all so jealous watching as I finger your pretty pussy. I know they wish that their fingers were buried inside of you instead of mine.”
Your face burned at the thought as Jeonghan’s car slowed to a stop. You glanced up and noticed that there was a stop light.
“I’m going to roll down the window so that everyone can hear you,” Jeonghan warned, waiting a few seconds for a protest. You gave none. You heard the distinct sound of Jeonghan’s window rolling down, and it was like you could feel eyes on you as Jeonghan began to curl his fingers inside of you to that spot that he knew drove you crazy.
You knew without having to be told that Jeonghan wanted you loud so you didn’t hold back the moans of pleasure, and you tried not to feel to embarrassed by the squelching sound of Jeonghan’s fingers sliding in and out of your soaked pussy.
The “show” didn’t last long ,and you never got to see how was watching if anyone was at all. You suddenly heard Jeonghan rolling up the window and his car started to roll forward again.
“You sound like a whore,” Jeonghan grumbled. Before more could be said, he reached up and buried his fingers into your hair, forcing your head down onto his cock.
You could as his whole cock was forced into your throat but no complaints were about to leave you. You could feel the pleasure at having done well curling in your stomach, you felt like you could come at any moment-
You felt Jeonghan’s car rolling to a stop and once the car jerked into a stop, his hand cracked hard against your ass. You gasped in surprise at the sudden touch only to be ripped right back off of his cock.
“In my lap. Now.”
You weren’t sure where you two were. An empty parking lot? It didn’t really matter. You obediently climbed into Jeonghan’s lap, and without doubling checking lined yourself up on Jeonghan’s cock. As you tried to get it in right, you accidentally rubbed his tip a few times between your folds which must’ve seemed like a tease because the second his tip had slid into your pussy he had pushed you all the way down onto him.
You cried out in surprise, a small stretch vibrating through your body that Jeonghan did not give you much time to adjust to. He grabbed your hips and began to forcefully raise you up and down the length of his cock. You whined, your body writhing in pleasure as all you could do was keep your face buried in his neck as he forced you up and down on his cock like you were some kind of sex doll.
“This is what you were made for,” he mumbled right beside your ear. “You were made for my cock. Made to be used by me for my own pleasure. And you like it don’t you? You like just being pummeled by my cock. Being stuffed full and used like your own pleasure doesn’t even matter.”
You nodded but Jeonghan was not satisfied by that. You were ripped back by your hair, and roughly slapped so that little tears sprouted at the corners of your eyes.
“I asked you a question you stupid slut. Are you even listening to what I say to you? Or is your small little brain unable to comprehend anything other than my cock filling you up?”
“I-I-“ You struggled to find your words but Jeonghan only started fucking you harder at that, purposely trying to make it more difficult for you. “Pl-please I-I- wanna-“
You weren’t able to get any straight words out and it earned you another slap which did not make it easier.
“I-I’m go-gonna-”
Jeonghan was spilling his cum into you without warning, seeming to find pleasure at your desperation to come along with your desperation to please him.
“Then why don’t you just do it and come like brainless slut you are?” Jeonghan suggested.
You were coming hard before you really knew it. Your whole body shook and you could have sworn that white flashed as your body fell limp against Jeonghan. His fingers loosened their tight grip on your lips, and you could his cock trapping his cum inside of you.
It was a little sweaty know in his car. Your shirt was sticking to you in a way that was a bit uncomfortable but, you didn’t pay it much thought.
You ignored Jeonghan, focusing on your breathing. You were so full. He felt so good. Your body was still shaking a little, surprised by how rough he had been so suddenly.
You peeled back enough so that you could hazily look at Jeonghan. He gave you a small smile and observed the expression on your face. After deeming it okay he began to press small kisses across it.
“You’re being really good baby,” he assured you lightly. “Always so good for me. You sure that was okay?”
You nodded distractedly, the exhaustion of the day finally hitting you.
Jeonghan laughed a little.
“Come on now, did I actually fuck you that good? You can’t get out a sentence?”
You forced yourself to focus on Jeonghan. You gave him a small smile.
“You always fuck me that good,” you replied. He let out a small laughed and patted you on the back of your head.
“Okay baby let’s get you home.”
Jeonghan was so annoying when it came to after care. He insisted on piggy backing you up to your apartment, and once you two were back he was drawing you a bath, searching your cabinets for sugar scrub and body butter.
He sat just outside of the bathtub, after laying you down into the warm soapy water. He was so focused on getting you clean too. Asking you off-handedly small things about your day as he rubbed the sugar scrub into your skin.
You stared at Jeonghan’s soft face as he lathered face soap into yours.
“Hey Jeonghan,” you mumbled softly. He hummed at you, distractedly. He wasn’t really listening. “Tell me that you love me again.”
His eyes flickered up to yours.
“I do,” he assured and his voice sounded so genuine. “I love you so much y/n.”
You smiled at him.
“Okay,” you whispered softly.
If Jeonghan was put off by the fact you didn’t say it back, he didn’t voice it.
“Do you want to do face masks?”
You had bought a couple of lego sets for Jeonghan to do while he was over at your place, and so after you two had both gotten cleaned and dressed, you two had ordered food and put facemasks on.
You watched him as he assembled the lego pieces and you thought idly that he was really good at building things.
“Can I have any hints at what your major is?” You asked, letting your voice drop to an octave that you thought might intice him to just tell you what you wanted to hear. He raised a skeptical eyebrow towards you.
“No,” he replied. The finality in his voice made you groan.
“This is unfair, won’t you tell me anything about yourself?” You asked him. “What about Kibum and Jiheon? Tell me more about them.”
Jeonghan thought over your request.
“Well, I will tell you that actually Jiheon and I are very close. She invites me to do a lot of things with her. I’m not really a part of her friend group but… I am.”
That was good information actually. You nodded, pretending not to find the information that life changing.
“I think our food is here.”
Jiheon was a history major and so you knew that to casually bump into her all you had to do was camp outside of the history building bus stop. And of course, you had dragged Yeongtae with you.
“There are better ways to figure out things about Jeonghan.”
You mostly ignored him, your fingers drumming against the edge of your phone.
“This is going to work Yeongtae. Jeonghan said that he’s basically in her friend group if I can just get the chance to hang out with them then I will see a whole other side of him that he isn’t letting me see right now.”
“Yeah but this is a little psychiotic don’t you think?” He questioned. “Waiting for her outside of the-”
Before he could continue your eyes noticed a familiar ponytail in a crowd. Your eyes widened.
“Okay, okay game on.”
You two quickly changed your topic of conversation to one that was a little more fitting. Something about homework and classes that had frustrated you two. It was scary how natural it sounded.
“Oh my god, wait a second-“ Jiheon let out an excited sound and she bounced over to the two of you.
“Is that who I think it is? Mrs. Yoon.”
Your face flushed a dark red at being called such a thing and you immediately questioned if maybe you would have been better off if you had tried to target someone else. Maybe Cheol would be able to help you see the side of Jeonghan you hadn’t yet.
“Jiheon?” You replied, feigning surprise. “Oh, wow this is, uh-” You gestured towards Yeongtae, who dipped his head towards Jiheon. “This is Yeongtae.”
“Oh, Yeongtae,” Jiheon greeted softly. “I’ve seen you at a few parties.”
Now it was Yeongtae’s turn to turn red.
That Cheol idea was sounding more and more tempting… But you reminded yourself that he would probably see right through you and encourage you to just reach out to Jeonghan about all of this yourself. He’ll tell you when he wants to.
“I’m guessing Jeonghan told you about the friend group,” Jiheon said slightly, a smile on her face. “And you want to meet them so you can get to know Jeonghan better.”
Your mouth fell open in surprise at the accusation. Mostly at the accuracy of it. You fleetingly remembered what Kibum had said about her being able to practically read minds.
“Well,” Jiheon continued, not even waiting for you to continue. “You’re in lucky because we’re all going to the bar tonight and you and your friend Yeongtae are more than invited!”
Jiheon giggled and jumped up, wrapping her arm around your shoulders excitedly.
“It’ll be so much fun! Everyone has been begging to meet you ever since Jeonghan started prioritizing moping about you not being by his side 24/7 over hanging out with us.”
You felt a bit guilty but you didn’t have a super long time to think about it.
“Come on. We’re going to miss the bus.”
You’d never been to the bar that Jiheon ended up taking you and Yeongtae to but you found that you did like it. You were pleasantly surprised by the dark wood tables and floors that made it feel very home-y and the old pictures of groups of people that made this feel like a bar that really had been serving people since the 90s.
Jiheon took you and Yeongtae over to a table that housed a small group of students your age and quickly introduced you two to them- Most of them actually already knew Yeongate.
There was Yujin, Sunghoon, and of course Kibum. They all smiled at you, nursing cups of different colored drinks. Kibum and Sunghoon, amusingly enough, nursing very pink drinks.
“You’ve got to get me one of those,” Yeongtae said as soon as he took a seat next to Kibum. Sunghoon reached across Kibum to fist bump Yeongate.
“I can take you up to the bar to order one,” he replied. “It’s good to see you man.”
They both got right back up, and wandered over to the bar that was bathed in warm golden light.
“Do you drink much y/n?” Yujin asked. You thought about it silently for a few seconds.
“Not a lot,” you admitted. “But one drink doesn’t really hurt.”
Yujin got up.
“Let me grab you something… Hm… Fruity?”
You nodded with a small smile, and she disappeared to join the boys up at the bar. You slid down next where she had been and Jiheon slid in next to you.
“Kibum, it’s good to see you again.”
He gave you a smile.
He turned to Jiheon, a slightly confused expression on his face.
“I thought Jeonghan couldn’t come tonight?”
“He can’t,” she replied. There was an excited glint in her eyes, that seemed to stress Kibum out a little bit. He mumbled something under his breath in another language that you didn’t catch. Jiheon just arched an eyebrow at him.
“It’s not a big deal,” she assured.
After talking to Jeonghan’s friends for a few hours you were able to piece together a few things about Jeonghan. For one, even outside of Alpha Mu Jeonghan, really was treated like a king. In every story they told he got what he wanted, picked up any person that he looked at.
Most of all they said it was hard to keep track of him. One second he was there, the next… Well, they would have completely lost him, unsure of where he went until he just reappeared a few minutes later, no prompting of what he had been up to.
They almost always paid for him, apparently got him whatever he wanted. It was amusing to hear honestly. The way that everyone would cater to him.
“It’s like they always say,” Yujin stated.
“Jeonghan always gets what he wants,” the whole group parroted as if it had been rehearsed.
“I can’t believe he actually got you,” Sunghoon commented. “Jiheon always said that he liked you but… Well, no one believed her.”
“How…” The commented confused you. “How would Jiheon know that?”
“One time we were all at a party and you were there too and Jeonghan was completely different than usual,” Jiheon replied. “He kept glancing at you, urging the group closer to whoever you were talking to. So annoyed when you finally left…. It was easy to figure out that he liked you.”
“Jeonghan was so convincing though. He said he didn’t even know who you were,” Kibum commented. “Should’ve known better. Should’ve known to just trust Jiheon.”
Yujin looked at her very seriously.
“Your powers are nothing to mess with… You’re insane.”
Jiheon beamed with pride.
“Okay… You’ve got to tell me. Is it really that good?” Jiheon pressed lightly. Your eyes widened as she pushed forward a small glass. You glanced down into it but there was nothing but clear liquid. You raised an eyebrow at her.
“Vodka?” You asked. She frowned slightly.
“Water,” she replied with a point. “But I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about Jeonghan. Is he really that good in bed?”
Yujin gasped, sharply nudging Jiheon in the side.
“What?” She asked innocently. “We were all thinking it.”
“We were not all thinking it,” Sunghoon insistently.
“Some of us have heard it,” Yeongtae replied just as miserably. Him and Sunghoon shared a horrified glance.
“You’ve never…” You trailed off, wondering if it was weird to assume that Jeonghan had fucked all the girls he was friends with.
“Oh god no,” Yujin said, her nose wrinkling slightly. “Our relationship with Jeonghan has never been like that. I think it’s different for him. Meeting people at parties versus in class.”
You hummed in thought.
What you had known of Jeonghan before, albeit not much, was just that he was very flirty. Touchy. When he saw someone… something that he liked then he was bound to show so in his gaze and his touches and all of the above.
And from what you had seen Jeonghan always got what he wanted. You knew that no girl had ever rejected him before. No, that would make news. And you were fairly certain that translated outside of girls and people… The boys at Alpha Mu seemed to always give him what he wanted.
You didn’t always do that for him. At the same time as you did always give him what he wanted, you also didn’t. You knew he would like it if you spent more time with him. You knew that you could do more to be a better girlfriend for him.
“Come on,” Jiheon urged excitedly, shaking your shoulder a little. “What’s it like? Is he big?”
Your face burned in embarrassment.
“I mean-”
“Now, now, now.” A hand came around your neck from behind, the touch light, his thumb in the little dip of your neck. You turned your head back, even though you didn’t really need to in order to know exactly who was standing there, touching you like they owned you. “Jiheon if you want to know so badly you could always just ask to see.”
Jiheon was not embarrassed at all at having been caught in the middle of this conversation.
“Jeonghan can I please see your cock.”
She batted her eyes innocently, in a way that made Sunghoon and Yujin snicker.
“Sure, as long as my pretty girlfriend says that it’s okay,” he said pleasantly. Both Jiheon and Jeonghan laughed at their own conversation and Jeonghan’s hand prodded you to look at him more. You turned so that were facing him, instantly taking him in.
His hair was falling in his face in a way that made you feel like you needed to fix it. He was wearing a loose button up and a pair of slacks. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly.
“Jeonghan, where are you coming from?”
He shrugged off-handedly.
“Partner-work,” he replied with a sigh. “And imagine my dismay, when I can’t find my girl friend anywhere to get the scent of…” His face turned soar. “Kimmie off of me.”
You could smell a faint scent of women’s perfume on his shirts, and it made a small ball build up in your throat. Before you could say anything, Jeonghan pressed a kiss to your lips and elbowed Jiheon lightly so that she would get out of the booth. She slid out and Jeonghan slid in next to you. A pout on his lips.
“All you do is sneak around behind my back to try and find out things about me,” he said softly. Your face burned at the accusation even though… Well, it was true. “You owe me.” He poked you and leaned closer. “You’re going to get punished for this.”
His voice was too quiet for anyone to hear, and luckily for you, you were able to keep your embarrassment mostly to yourself. As Jeonghan had spoken, Jiheon was pulling a chair up at the end of the table.
“And you just invited her? What have you all been talking about?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Yujin said teasingly. “Maybe if you spent more time with us we wouldn’t have to resort to kidnapping your girlfriend.”
Jeonghan gave Yujin an annoyed looked and he glanced over at the two glasses in front of you. The water… The one with a little bit of a drink at the bottom. You felt ashamed for it but, he didn’t do anything that actually made you feel that way.
“Do you want another one?” He asked you softly. You were going to say no but… His voice was so genuine. So soft. You could feel that he just wanted to take care of you. You nodded. He smiled, and patted your head lightly.
“I’ll be right back.”
He slid out of the booth so that he could go to the bar and as soon as he was away Yujin was gasping and grabbing your arm.
“Look at you,” she said excitedly. “You really are Mrs. Yoon. He’s treating you like a queen.  I bet he’d do anything for you.”
Her excitement was palpable.
“I told you,” Kibum said. “It’s like he’s someone completely different than we are used to when he is around her.”
“I didn’t know he had the capacity to care about someone,” Sunghoon said, and it sounded serious but the way the others laughed made it clear to you that it was a joke. When Jeonghan came back he rolled his eyes, setting the drink in front of you as if he could tell what they were talking about.
“Well, go on… Ask your questions.”
It bothered you the way he answered all of their questions about you two’s relationships but wouldn’t even tell you his major. You could tell that Yeongtae knew. You knew that Jeonghan could tell too, he was just pretending not to notice.
To quell your frustration his hand was on the back of your neck, his fingers playing with your hair as a way to ease you.
It did ease you, and as you were eased you were able to just sit and listen to the way that he interacted with them. He was very playful; his mood was light.
He still smelled lightly of that girl’s perfume.
You bid a quick greeting to the Alpha Mu boys in the living room as you made your way up to Jeonghan’s bedroom. It had been a few days since you met his friends at the bar, and despite Jeonghan’s insistence against it, Jiheon had urged you to come hang out again some other time.
And even though he told you a million times you shouldn’t hang out with her, when you asked for it Jeonghan gave you her phone number so that you could text her.
You thought about what the others had said. He was different around you. You wondered exactly what that meant. Everyone was always telling you how much he liked you… It was just weird. You sort of understood the outburst Jeonghan had after that conversation with Minghao. Everyone acted like he was bad at expressing his feelings.
But you thought he was really good at it.
When you walked into Jeonghan’s room he was at his desk, sketching something out on a paper. As soon as you closed the door behind you however he was folding the paper away. You sighed. It must have to do with school.
You walked over to Jeonghan and sighed, dropping your whole body weight on him. The day had been exhausting. What with work, and school. You were about ready to just fall asleep. Jeonghan seemed to sense that in you.
“Did you eat?” He asked.
You groaned, and it told him everything he needed to know.
“Well, you know full well you can’t sleep until you eat. I’ll get you something from downstairs,” he said lightly. “You just go ahead and change.”
Frustration still buzzed in your chest, but you nodded.
“Do you work tomorrow?” He asked you softly. He turned so that he could drag you into his lap. You let him give you a small kiss. You shook your head.
“Good,” he said. “Do you want to spend the day with me?”
You perked up at the question but also… It was suspicious.
“Doing what?” You asked him.
“I have this seminar I need to go to,” he replied. “And then I wanted to go see an old classmate maybe.”
This made you even more suspicious.
“… Why?”
A smile ghosted his lips.
“You remember that punishment that I mentioned the other day?”
He turned and rummaged around in one of his drawers before pulling out what you recognized to be a small sex toy. It was pale pink and had a small piece that was obviously meant to go inside of you. At the base of that it looked a bit like a butterfly. You frowned at it slightly.
Before you could ask more Jeonghan had pressed the item to your arm and was clicking a remote that was in his other hand. The toy buzzed to life, and your eyes widened with understanding.
“I think that’s a fitting punishment, don’t you?” He asked you lightly. “A full day of edging?”
There was an evil glint in his eyes that scared you just as much as the idea excited you.
The toy itself fit surprisingly comfortably inside of you. You thought that it would feel akward. You thought that you would be constantly uncomfortable but you weren’t really. At first you were worried that you were walking weird but you decided after he buzzed it on that the fear was solely in your head. Seungcheol didn’t seem to notice that the toy was vibrating or the way that your eyes widened and you grabbed Jeognhan’s free hand in surprise at the feeling, so that quelled your worries that people would be able to just hear it.
In the car ride on the way to Jeonghan’s seminar he showed you all of the settings of the vibrator. A few weird pulsing ones versus the three normal settings on any vibrater that was just increased in speeds. The highest vibration was a bit more than you were used to. You had to grab the car handle when he put it on it your face turning bright red, as you willed yourself not to really react. To practice,
Jeonghan had just laughed at you and switched off the toy.
“You know what to do if it’s too much?” He asked you, as if it were day one. You rolled your eyes.
“I’m supposed to just endure it and say nothing right?” You asked him. The toy buzzed to the highest setting in a blink of an eye. You yelped, tossing your hand over your mouth, your eyes screwing shut. “I’ll safe word if it’s too much. I’ll safe word.”
The toy died again, and you were suddenly able to breath. When you looked over at Jeonghan he was smiling.
“I think today is going to be a lot of fun.”
You were a bit excited about this seminar. Not because you wanted to sit through a seminar but because you thought maybe it would give some insight into Jeonghan’s major. Unfortunately, you were pretty sure that Jeonghan’s major had nothing to do with the history of South Korea and peaceful protests.
You toyed with the pamphlet that Jeonghan had given you, not reading it, but also not quite not reading it. Your eyes grazed over the letters, your whole body prepared for the vibrator in you to buzz to life at any moment.
Jeonghan seemed to know a lot of students here. You were surprised by the amount of them that just seemed… Well, professional you guessed. They were all dressed up with slacks and button-ups, but if you squinted you were pretty sure you had seen at least one of them doing a keg stand at one of the Alpha Mu parties.
“I can’t believe we have to do this class,” one of them grumbled with a roll of his eyes. He glanced at you from over Jeonghan’s shoulder. “At least some babes showed up.”
You didn’t have to see Jeonghan’s face to know that he sent the guy a glare. Only had to see the fear that crossed the guys eyes when he looked back at Jeonghan.
“That’s my girlfriend.”
The guy swallowed so hard his adams apple bobbed.
“She’s really pretty.”
He didn’t try to introduce himself to you, in fact for the rest of the seminar he did anything but look in your direction. Other than that guy, Jeonghan was excited to introduce you to people. As you two took your seats, far in the back, Jeonghan introduced you to just about everyone he passed.
“Yes, this is my girlfriend. Isn’t she perfect?”
You smiled, and laughed like a trophy wife would, secretly anticipating the buzz of the toy inside of you, but luckily you survived all the introductions. In fact, it was halfway through the seminar when, you were comfortable that the toy all of a sudden buzzed to life.
Your fingers crinkled the pamphlet in your hand, but Jeonghan, the masochist didn’t look at you at all. In fact, it was as if he hadn’t turned it on at all.
Well, fine, if he was going to be like that, you were going to be too.
You were determined to be good. You were determined not to let this affect you. You focused back in on the seminar, trying really hard to hear about the testimonies of some of the students but just as you were settled in, just as you were really focused back in the setting went up.
This time your hands balled on your thighs, and you had to focus on your breathing. Making sure that it stayed the same as it usually did even though… You couldn’t really remember what your breathing was normally like.
Jeonghan still wasn’t acknowledging you, so you were still doing your best to keep quiet too. You weren’t doing a very good job of acting completely unaffected. Your knees were squeezed tight together, your lips pressed, your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to situate yourself in the seat in a way that would make the vibrations less distracting.
The buzzing went up to the highest seating.
You let out a small gasp, making someone in front of you turn around and look at you. You gave them a smile and held up your phone as if you had just dropped it or something, until they turned around. Once they weren’t looking at you again, you dropped your phone into your lap and gripped at the arm rests, taking in big breaths as you felt the vibrations warming your body.
You could feel the warmth creeping up your neck as pleasure coiled in your stomach, an orgasm quickly approaching. You shifted, now subconsciously chasing the release that you knew was coming, and then just as you were about to get it- The vibrations completely stopped.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, feeling like you could cry, but remembering to keep it to yourself because you were in public.
You realized suddenly that your body was shaking, so you didn’t loosen your grip on the arm rests until it was down, and you were feeling less in pain for having your orgasm ripped away from you.
Once you had relaxed Jeonghan reached his hand over to you, placing it on your thigh, but closer to your knee then where you really wanted it. He leaned over, his lips brushing your ear.
“Good girl,” he praised softly. He played with you like that for the rest of the seminar. Everytime that you thought that you were safe the vibrations would start. They started off small, barely there, growing until you were so close to an orgasm that you could practically touch it, only for Jeonghan to rip it away from you just before you came.
Your frustration was palpable. You dropped your head on his shoulder, wrapping your fingers around his upper arm. You wanted so badly to come. You wanted so badly for this torture to end, but the day was just starting… And the excitement towards your reward for enduring it all was much to intriguing for you to possibly safe word and get out of this.
You didn’t even notice when the seminar let out, only knowing that it was time to go because people around you were starting to move. You didn’t feel Jeonghan moving so you didn’t either, and the cruel bastard turned on the low vibrations. You barely muffled a moan into his shoulder, fighting hard to keep quiet and hide how good it felt, but not being completely able to.
“Jeonghan? Hey! I didn’t even notice you,” a man said excitedly. Jeonghan shifted, forcing you to look up at the guy. You gave him a friendly smile, hoping that your red face wasn’t that off-putting.
“Hey! Oh, y/n this is Jae. Jae, this is my girlfriend y/n.”
The bastard.
“Hi Jae,” you said friendly. “It’s nice to meet you.”
He held out his hand to you, and you hesitated, glancing at Jeonghan before you took it. Jae laughed.
“You afraid to take another man’s hand without permission?”
The question annoyed you. The way he said it. You weren’t afraid to take his hand without permission. You were afraid that Jeonghan was going to turn up the vibrations the second that you took Jae’s hand. You gave Jae an unamused look.
“No,” was all you said and you stared at him until he dropped his hand and his cheeks dusted pink in embarrassment at what he had said. Jeonghan’s hand came to the back of your neck and rubbed a small circle there before falling into a small conversation with Jae about some class they were in together.
You were able to gather that they were the same major, but before you could figure out what exactly that major was the vibrations turned up. You stumbled slightly, your hand darting to Jeonghan’s wrist. You wrapped your fingers tightly around it, but managed to smile at Jae like nothing was wrong.
You thought you were doing a good job of pretend like you were paying attention to the conversation, but it was distracting as more and more people walked up.
“Hi, Jared, this is my girlfriend, y/n,” Jeonghan introduced. You smiled at him, taking his hand.
“Nice to me-” The vibrations switched up as you two shook hands and your grip on him tightened, your voice cracking. “-et you.”
Jared laughed as you two released your hands.
“You’ve got a strong handshake,” he said with a laugh. You forced a smile.
“I think that’s one of my best qualities.”
You weren’t too distracted to send a glare at Jae.
As the conversation turned away from you Jeonghan changed the vibration settings, off of the straight ones to one that buzzed twice rapidly, paused, and then let out a small long vibration before starting all over again.
You thought it was crueler than the other settings. You weren’t able to get comfortable at all with this one. You were constantly on edge. Constantly squeezing the life out of Jeonghan’s arm. You kept thinking that his conversation was going to end. Hoping really that the torture would cease with every lull in conversation.
But it just kept going.
You tugged at Jeonghan’s arm as pleasure coiled in your stomach. Fuck you couldn’t do this. You weren’t going to be able to just stand here for another five- Even one minute. If he kept this up you were going to come in front of all these people and it was going to be so unsatisfying and you needed to be fucked right now.
You tugged sharply at Jeonghan’s arm clearing your throat a little.
“Jeonghan,” you mumbled. He ignored you. You tugged at him again. “Jeonghan.” Your tone made him realize that you were a bit urgent. He looked down at you, a small smile when he saw the state you were in. “I’m hungry. Can we go?”
You thought that Jeonghan was going to be so sadistic as to make you beg for it in front of all his classmates, but he wasn’t.
“Of course, we can babe,” he promised you softly. You forced yourself to stay calm. Forced yourself not to react to strongly when he leaned down and gave you a soft kiss. You barely registered his goodbye’s to his classmates, instead you dragged him to the top floor, into the nearest family bathroom, locking the door behind you two.
“Please, please, please.” You begged thoughtlessly. Your fingers coming to his pants, and pulling out his cock. “N-Need some relief Jeonghan, need your cock, please, please, please.”
His cock was rock hard when you tugged it out of his pants, just confirmation that he had been enjoying your games the whole seminar. You were hoping that he was as desperate as you were. Thinking that surely his self-control wasn’t so good that he didn’t want to fuck you.
“Pl-Please fuck me Jeonghan,” you begged him softly, you tugged at his cock, your thumb teasing his tip, trying to entice him. He watched you silently, his face showing no indication of his thoughts.
“Turn around. Hands on the wall.”
Your hand left his cock so fast that you almost gave yourself whiplash. You shoved your hands against the wall, and stuck your ass out as Jeonghan pulled down your pants, peeling your soaked panties down to your ankles, and then slowly, teasingly easing the toy out of you.
Your pussy gaped, clenching on air at the last of the toy, and your soft moans turned into sobs of relief at the release of the vibrations. Only moments later Jeonghan’s hands were tightly gripping your hips, and the tip of his dick was sliding between your folds gathering wetness.
“Did you enjoy being played with during the seminar?” Jeonghan asked you teasingly. You whined, letting your forehead hit the wall. “You did a good job of pretending to be unaffected.”
Jeonghan’s cock slipped inside of you, and he bottomed out in you in an instant.
“God your pussy is just sucking me in,” he groaned. He pulled out slowly and then thrust back in hard. “You can’t get enough of my cock can you?”
“I can’t,” you openly sobbed. “I just needed you so badly… Your cock feels so much better than that stupid toy. I wanted to come so many times…”
You were being shameless, but you could tell by the squeeze of Jeonghan’s hands on your hips that he didn’t care. He wasn’t playing with your clit, or touching you in any other way than just to fuck you. His cock making squelching sounds because of how wet you were from the toy.
Without warning Jeonghan was coming inside of you, filling you up inside, and then pulling his cock so that just his tip was inside of you so that he could fill you up completely. You expected him to start playing with your clit now, or to start fucking you again, but instead he slipped his cock from you, immediately pushing his cum securely inside of you with that stupid toy.
You turned around, your eyes wide, your cheeks tear stained.
“J-Jeonghan,” you begged quietly. “B-But I-I-“
“I am not done playing with you,” Jeonghan said, grabbing you sternly by your chin. “This is a punishment remember? You don’t get to decide when it’s over.”
The unless you really need out, hung in the air, hidden behind his eyes. You knew you had an out. An easy out. There would be no shame in safe wording right now and getting to come. Your eyes fluttered shut and you groaned, letting your head fall into Jeonghan’s chest.
“Yes sir,” you mumbled. Jeonghan’s fingers threaded into your hair and he forced you to look up at him.
“What do you say?” He asked you. “I filled your needy cunt with cum and yet I’ve gotten nothing for it.”
You pouted just slightly.
“Thank you Jeonghan,” you said softly. Jeonghan smiled and patted your cheek consdescendingly.
“I shouldn’t have to teach you basic manners.”
He slapped your ass causing you to yelp.
“Now come on, I have to go meet up with my study partner.”
You partly understood why he had wanted you to come with him to see this particular study partner. The one he had mentioned before. You could recognize the scent of her perfume from his collar. She was practically shoving her breasts into his chest, hugging him excitedly when she saw him.
He looked uncomfortable.
You pushed between the two, giving her a smile.
“Hi. I’m Jeonghan’s girlfriend,” you said, your tone short. “How long is this going to take you exactly?
She hated you. She kept sending you glares, as you physically got inbetween them every time that the two got too close. You could feel Jeonghan’s relief everytime you separated them, but it didn’t stop Jeonghan from causing you torture. As they settled into the project the vibrations started all over again. Different then what it had been before. Just short bursts of vibrations in successions. Your fingers balled on the table, your breaths coming in shorter pants.
If his stupid partner thought it was odd, she didn’t say anything.
You wiggled in your chair, once again finding purchase in Jeonghan’s shoulder, unfortunately making it easier for him to figure out when you were about to come.
Always bringing you right up to the edge. And always ripping the orgasm right away from you. It was hell. Pure hell.
And with the cum inside of you, dribbling out around the toy everyonce in a while it just made the feeling that much more overwhelming.
But at least once he finished his project it would be over. Again you dragged him into the bathroom. Again you begged for him to fuck you, and he did. Right over the (thankfully) clean sink so that you were desperately gripping at the ceramic, trying to keep yourself steady.
Another full load of cum, and another securing of the toy immediately after.
Jeonghan kissed you patiently as he waited for your tears to stop rolling down your cheeks, his fingers threading soothingly through your hair.
“You’re so good for me,” he praised lightly. “You’re enduring so well.”
“We’re going home now?” You asked him softly. Another soft kiss to your cheek.
“We have to go catch some food with one of my classmates.”
You really heavily considered safe wording, but the anticipation of how good your orgasm was going to feel after all this teasing, once you had done good for him…
“Okay,” you said softly.
“What do you say?”
“Thank you Jeonghan.”
Jeonghan gave you a small pat to your head.
“That’s my good girl.”
The last and final part of Pathetic << linked right there
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minus-plus-zer0 · 23 days
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Almost Too Late
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♡ Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff ending ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
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You only fell for him when it was almost too late.
You laid there, bleeding on the streets. Bakugou sprinted to your side, skidding to a halt to kneel down and hold your body in his arms.
The sight of your broken body stole his breath away. His eyes lingered on your wound. He screamed for people to come help you, even though he never screamed for help before. You couldn’t make out all the words, your vision fading, but you wanted to hear everything he said because he was saying it for the first time in his life.
“You can’t die… don’t die…”
Those words almost didn’t reach you. Your heart broke for the poor boy before you. But you no longer controlled your own fate.
Bakugou rested his head on your shoulder, sobbing and keeping you as close as possible. Your hand reached up to his face, stroking his cheek. He met your eyes, looking more vulnerable than you could’ve ever imagined him.
His hand found yours, mixing your shaky fingers together.
“I love you…” he said, voice sounding rough like it was dragged against rocks. “Don’t die… I don’t wanna do this without you.”
You never realized he loved you until now. You wished you had known.
“Katsuki… I…”
You were fading fast. The paramedics arrived and took your body somewhere. You heard Bakugou shouting and fighting them off before he realized who they were.
You never gave him an answer, until you awoke some time later.
You opened your eyes, head groggy like it weighed a couple extra pounds. The first thing you saw in your hospital room was Bakugou Katsuki, sitting by your bed, sleeping in a chair waiting for you to wake up.
You barely remembered what happened when you almost died, but you remembered his love confession. The entire ordeal would’ve been awkward with anybody else, but after seeing him here, you never felt so at home.
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently, repeatedly, until he awoke. You could barely move but you squeaked out a “Hey bestie” just for him.
His face lit up a thousand watts, he never looked so happy to see you.
“Can I fucking hug you?”
He hugged you tight, soft enough to avoid crushing you under the weight of his desperation. His barely audible sniffles brushed against your neck while his strong arms trembled. Eventually, he pulled away and let you breathe. He smiled at you like you were a sight for sore eyes.
“I’m so, so glad you’re alive,” he said, his voice breaking at the last word. “Never thought I’d get to talk to my best fucking friend again. They basically resurrected you, you should’ve told me you were part-zombie.”
“I’ll bite you and then we’ll be zombies together. Then we’ll never be apart, not even in death.”
“Dummy,” he said that so softly. “I’ll never leave you. Not willingly. Don’t ever die on me. You scared the ever loving shit out of me, you know that?”
“Yeah… I’m sorry…” your smile was marred with new oncoming tears.
“Don’t apologize. It’s not your damn fault.” His voice wavered. “I need you here by my side. You can’t go without me. Don’t go, okay? I really wanna see us grow up together.”
You held both of his hands in yours, you still kept crying a little and he tried his damndest not to cry (again).
You recalled his confession on your deathbed earlier. It was now so obvious how he felt towards you. He promised his life to you here, you felt like you should’ve known he was in love with you all along.
“Katsuki,” you said, “I… when I almost—you know, died… I heard you say something…”
His face blanched, like you had a gun to his head, ready to pull the trigger and end him for good.
Was he afraid you’d reject him?
“I heard what you said,” you finished.
“…Y-you did?” He trembled, terrified of your response.
“You said you loved me?”
He shook hard, not even trying to hide it. He nodded the tiniest quickest bit. “I love you. Do you—”
“I love you too, dummy.”
Bakugou kissed you deeply. God knows how your appearance must’ve looked, but he kissed you all the same. He pushed deeper into the kiss like he needed to taste everything he could. You could see your heartbeat spike up on the monitor nearby.
How awful it would've been to die without ever kissing him. You would've regretted it beyond the afterlife, rolling in your grave.
Bakugou pulled back, his face still close to yours as you breathed each other in.
"There's still so much I wanna do with you," he said. "So much shit happened when we all thought you were gonna die. I'm gonna make sure not to waste our time together since I finally got you back." He kissed you on the nose and you shyly smiled up at him. "Once you're healed up, you're not leaving my side. I won't make the same mistake twice."
"I won't either."
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(I will be posting a fulfilled request later today if I can! Either that or a regular fic)
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