#it's been FOUR YEARS
drulalovescas · 5 months
"You know, we know what it is, what’s going on. We don’t talk about it. The actors don’t, Jensen and I don’t. But we’re all perfectly aware of how the relationship is, the writers are completely aware of how it’s being written. It may be unspoken but that doesn’t mean it’s not there or not true."
~Misha Collins
"Ok, we know what the subtext is, bury it a little bit. [...] Mainly because all the other aspects of that story tell us that. Show us that, actually. That's the whole thing. Show us, not tell us.” 
~Ben Edlund
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sarcastic-nerd · 4 months
i want the 118 to talk about some of their crazier calls involving the weather – and maybe Buck mentioning that the 126 in Texas went up against a solar storm (as told by TK) – and I want Bobby to mention that Buck tried to dig out Eddie from beneath the fucking ground when the well collapsed
i need to see Eddie's face when hearing it and Bucks reaction
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mimiwrites2000 · 8 months
I never intended for Legends to be canon divergence.
It was supposed to be a one shot about the Colossal Titan, this humongous monster of destruction– having this gentle, delicate healing power, that is only activated at certain, specific conditions.
The condition was that Annie was severely injured at the harbor battle when they were trying to capture the flying-boat, and Armin was willing to give his life to her, he was willing to do anything for Annie to live.
He was desperate.
And so this power was activated, and he was able to heal her, faster than any healing any titan is capable of.
And that was a Legend told in books and a story that circulated between people on the continent; the Colossal Titan Healing Abilities. But no one saw it in front of their eyes before.
The one shot was about Armin saving Annie. That was it. It was supposed to end there. And, since in Legends Eren lives, he is still the founding titan, and he still has its powers....
He can manipulate memories....
So, I thought of the memory-wiping plot twist... what if Annie's father made a plan to wipe her memories, so he could start a new life with her... and what if Eren agreed to this plan?
And, that's how things spiraled, and now I have a story over 130k words, 32 chapters, and ongoing.
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starrsarchive · 4 months
what is your biggest fear and why
once i stayed up to 3am with a few of friends and we played minecraft for hours while laying in front it the tv and i ate entire box of cheezits WHILE laying down,, thinking it would be fine,, and then when they left and i went to bed i violently threw them up and i've never ever touched a cheezit since
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How could you translate Katniss' internal thoughts to screen?
If you become the screenwriter for the new adaptation, what would you do?
Are there any movies or tv series which have good example of this type of narration?
Thank you 😊
Oh tough question @curiousnonny. I've literally been sitting on this one for at least a year because I've been trying to figure out how the heck I would translate more of her internal thoughts to the screen. I will say this...
I have such mixed feelings about what Gary Ross and company decided to do for the films. I get why they did it, but man did it suck at times. What I mean by that is, they turned Katniss and Peeta into The Watson character. By that, I mean that in the original Sherlock Holmes stories, Watson's role was primarily to ask questions and doubt Sherlock's theories in order to give Sherlock a chance to explain what happened and show off his so called "genius."
Haymitch has to explain certain things about the Games to Katniss and Peeta that, in the books, THEY ALREADY KNOW because they live in this world and are not idiots. And the thing is, the movies showed that the film makers DID grasp the concept of how to show us a little and trust the audience to figure out the rest. Gale's thirty second rant in the woods about "What if everyone just stopped watching... It's sick. You root for your favorites and cry when they die" (paraphrase). Movie!Gale tells us something about the Games that we get from Katniss's internal thoughts in the books. And that is that while the districts hate the Games...they partake in them. Katniss tells us about how people in 12 ENGAGE in the betting. It's become a cultural thing so that even though there are people who know the tributes, even though it might one day be you or your sweetheart or your child in the arena, the Games are STILL treated as a form of entertainment on some level...even in the districts. And Katniss knows this, which the movie shows when she tells Gale "That'll never happen" (another paraphrase).
There's also the odds board that we see very briefly in the Capitol. Now we the audience know, just from those handful of seconds, that there's wagering on the Games, without Katniss telling us. More brief scenes like that would help with the world building.
Which leads me to... it works better as a tv series. It's written by a television writer and the story is blocked and paced like a tv series. And I cannot believe that I am saying this, knowing that it winds up being so hated by so many of the fans by the final season, but Game of Thrones the tv series, at least in the first season, did a phenomenal job of translating an entire book to screen. I've only read one book and watched two seasons, so I cannot speak to later seasons/books, but wow. Just... do THAT with The Hunger Games. The added length of a tv series gives you the advantage of more scenes and less of the book being cut out. You have the luxury of included so many of the characters that got cut from the movies, which all of that will naturally bring more of Katniss's thoughts and feelings, and understanding of her world, to the forefront.
But you can't stop there, you need an actress who, at a rather young age, can tell an entire story in just a few facial expressions to play Katniss. Not to bash Jennifer Lawrence because there were some parts of her portrayal of Katniss that were excellent, but I felt like her acting was hit or miss sometimes, and at others her portrayal suffered because of both the script and the editing. Sorry not sorry. So casting is key to bringing her internal thoughts to life through acting.
From there, I hate to say it, but at some point, you do have to trust your audience to be able to pick up on things. I think you do need to include a few flashbacks, but you can slow roll them. Show us Peeta giving her the bread in flashback then cut back to Katniss on stage looking slightly horrified and confused. Peeta's trying to talk to her on the train, return to the flashback and show his mother hitting him. Let current Katniss show just a flicker of guilt followed by slight annoyance and determination. You can even keep the flashback silent, if you want. Peeta's helping clean up drunk, vomit covered Haymitch and tells Katniss that he doesn't need her help and doesn't want the Capitol attendants. In her train compartment, Katniss shows us the whole thing, starting with her Mom being nonresponsive, an emaciated Prim, a picture of her father on the mantle with the black ribbon over it and a picture of the whole family next to it. Ah yes. Audience can now deduce that Katniss's father is gone and Mom's a wreck, the family is falling apart. Then give us the sound. Katniss pawing through the trash, Mrs. Mellark screaming at her, and the gift of the bread. Your audience is smart enough to take it from there.
You'd have to give us the dandelion part later on, too, but I actually think you could work that in somehow during the arena. Have Katniss find some dandelions after the girl from 8 dies. She can stare at them, cut to the flashback of the day after the bread. K&P share a look and then end it. She sees the dandelion. Prim can mention the bread, causing Katniss to look away from the dandelion, maybe ask how Katniss got it, and then Katniss goes into the woods to gather dandelions for her family to eat. Cut back to Katniss in the arena, confusion playing on her face until she remembers she's on camera and drops the mask back down. There is so much that can be done with one second of emotion that quickly changes to something else in this situation, and while they did manage some of that with Jennifer Lawrence, I don't think they used the technique to its full advantage.
The problem is that the movies were inconsistent with how they handled this problem of translating what Katniss tells us/says to us onto the screen. At times, they spoon fed us too much and did it in the form of spoon feeding information to Katniss and Peeta that they would've already known, making our protagonists look like idiots. At other times, like with the bread flashback, they didn't give us enough, so we don't understand the stakes and the significance of that moment. Fix the inconsistencies, and I actually think they were kind of on the right track with the movies, they just didn't follow through completely or effectively.
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glitterwolfvi · 20 days
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figured it was about time I updated my human Y.V design <3
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nesbiter · 1 year
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How's that going, NASA?
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witherydithery · 10 months
I just remembered that Wilford Warfstache is cool. Oh no, my brain is demanding work start back up on the fangame.
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missphoric · 1 year
it's a wine drunk and crying over my now-estranged first transfem friend who taught me to love my body kind of night
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... Why did nobody ever tell me switch online had some random obscure app that lets you grab extra profile pics to use, all the default ones suck so bad and I've been using the same random-ass link icon for years 😭 (<- has never played Zelda so there's no emotional connection)
I saw ppl on my friends list w Pokémon icons and headed over after a koraidon one... Then realised it was a set they've stopped doing now and that I missed it ;______;
... Then I saw this second set includes arven. All is forgiven 🤣
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pixelcurious · 2 years
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You can't take the sky from me
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fazcinatingblog · 4 months
Tony's lease finishes in February boooo why. Break it
Maybe I'll just message Erandi and be like come live in a non Sri Lankan household no I can't do that, that's not nice
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dykealloy · 9 months
what do you mean jennifer saunder's shrek 2 cover of Holding Out for a Hero didn't play over the entirety of dressrosa arc
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I am incredibly serious right now when I beg you all, please, and if you have Twitter or Tiktok or whatever to please spread the word: click on an author's profile on Ao3.
You want to know if an author has written more? Want to know if they're still writing? Want to see more from them? Want to know if they've written a trope or kink or sex scenario you enjoy?
Click on their name. And look at their profile.
I cannot tell you how many times in the last six months someone has read a new or newer fic of mine and said they (a new reader who has read nothing else I've done) "can't wait to see what you do next!" I've written 50+ fics and over a million words already.
"I don't know if you're still writing..." click on my profile. I am. I literally wrote a 128k+ fic for that ship last month.
"Would you ever do X?" "Please do Y!" I already did. Click on my name and look at my works.
Archive of our Own is a library. It's an archive. Not social media. It is your responsibility to fight back against the laziness that corporate algorithms have trained into you.
Click my author name. Just click it. Just click it.
Before you demand more, or ask if a writer will do XYZ, or wonder if the author still writing, or anything - click on their profile. Click on the author's profile.
I'm not trying to be mean or condescending or anything like that. I'm just exhausted. It's disheartening and frustrating to repeat myself ad nauseam, because someone couldn't take thirty seconds to do the tiniest bit of work to see if I've written lately, if I've written more for their ship, or scan my works to see if I've written what they're asking for. Please. Please. I'm begging.
Click the author's name, and explore before you ask.
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krysmcscience · 4 months
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Call this the Whoopsie AU (it's barely an AU)
I mean. Narinder never explicitly SAID the Lamb would stay dead... :3c He probably should have been more specific. >:3c
Part Two:
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Well. The Lamb tried, but...sorry, Nari, the crown hates you now. Shouldn't have been so quick to lend it out, I guess. :D
Aaaand Part Three:
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'Isn't he just adorable?' -The Lamb, probably, while their followers smile and nod and internally scream at the brand new hellcat they now have to share living space with...
Anyway, nothing says 'Dead To Me' like following a person around to loudly remind them of how dead they are to you. Right? Right. Narinder's got this all figured out. <:]
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egophiliac · 7 months
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(almost) four years in, and I finally had time to draw something for the anniversary! woo! 🎉🎉🎉
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