#it's been a hot min since i've made things of her so here we are
btsqualityy · 1 year
BTS Dating Series #16: Nicknames
Members x Reader
Genre/Rate: 18+, fluff
Summary: Nicknames are an endearing sign of growing affection.
Warnings:n Some suggestive making out in Yoongi's part and just general suggestiveness in Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook's parts.
Kim Seokjin
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The two of you were at Jin's apartment, moving around each other in the kitchen as you worked on preparing dinner.
"Hey Jinnie?" You called out to him. "How much gochujang am I supposed to put in here?"
"Hmm," Jin muttered as he stepped over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and hooking his chin over your shoulder. "I'm not entirely sure, jagi. This is Yoongi-yah's recipe and I doubt he'll answer the phone if I call because he's had his head stuck so far up his girlfriend's ass these days."
"First off, don't make fun of him," you huffed. "He really likes her and you need to be a supportive hung."
"Of course," Jin nodded dutifully.
"And secondly," you murmured as you turned around in his arms to face him. "Jagi? Why'd you call me that?"
"Well, it just felt natural," he shrugged. "Besides, you are my sweetheart. Do you not like it?"
"No," you smiled as you felt your cheeks warm up a little. "It's fine." You turned around without another word then and Jin smiled knowingly to himself, tightening his arms around you before pressing a kiss to your head.
Min Yoongi
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"Fuck, I missed you so much," you murmured against Yoongi's lips as the two of you made out messily. After not being able to spend much time together over the last week, the two of you were eager to make up for lost time.
"I missed you more baby," Young replied huskily. "My pretty girl."
"Don't make me feel all lovey-dovey," you giggled. "It takes the lust away from this."
"Why not have both?" He suggested with a smirk, kissing you again before you even got a chance to respond. It didn't take long for your hands to start wondering and Yoongi's resolve broke when you reached down into his boxers.
"Fuck, come here Min," he huffed, quickly clutching your waist and changing your positions so that you were on your back on his bed, underneath him.
"Wait, what did you just call me?" You questioned breathlessly. "Min?"
"Shit, I didn't mean to say that aloud," Yoongi sighed.
"So you didn't mean it?"
"No, I did but I don't wanna freak you out."
"Why'd you call me that?" You pressed.
"It just...you feel like family to me already," he admitted with a sheepish shrug. "Like, like you're mines."
"Oh baby," you whispered, reaching up and cupping his cheek with your hand. "I am."
"Yeah?" Yoongi whispered as he lowered himself so that his face was near yours. "Say it again."
"I'm yours," you mumbled before kissing him firmly.
Kim Namjoon
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"Oh my gosh," you giggled loudly from your place sitting across from Namjoon, instantly covering up your mouth so that you didn't disturb the other people who were dining around you. "You're too much. Why would you tell me about Jin eating that hot Chile in front of all these people?"
"Because I knew it'd make you laugh and I love seeing your smile," Namjoon admitted, making your cheeks warm up. "I feel like I haven't seen much of your smile these days."
"We've both been working," you shrugged, reaching out and picking up your wine glass. "I've missed you but I kind of like that we each have our own things going on, you know?"
"Trust me, I get it," he nodded in agreement. "And I missed you too." Just as you went to respond, you heard a buzzing noise and you realized that it was Namjoon's phone once he reached into his pocket. After looking at the screen, Namjoon looked back up at you with a sorry expression.
"If it's work, go ahead and answer it if you have to," you gave him permission. "I don't mind."
"You sure?"
"Positive," you smiled as you took a sip of your red wine. Namjoon answered the phone then, speaking in hushed tones since the two of you were in the middle of a restaurant.
"I'll look over the song as soon as I'm able to, Hob-ah but I can't now because I'm out with my girl," Namjoon murmured. "I'll call you later, ok? Ok." He hung up the phone then, smiling at you. "You ok?"
"More than ok," you nodded, your mind repeating the words 'My Girl' over and over again.
Jung Hoseok
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"Hey baby, where are you?" You called out as you walked into Hobi's apartment, fresh from your workout and ready to see your boyfriend.
"In here!" He shouted from the living room and you walked that way, laughing when you saw Hobi's body strewn over the couch.
"And just how long have you been in this position?" You wondered as you walked over to him, sitting down next to his feet.
"About 10 hours and it's been amazing," he sighed dreamily. "How was work? And your workout?"
"Both good, productive," you shrugged.
"Enough to put you in a good mood?"
"I guess so," you shrugged.
"So much so that you called me baby," Hobi smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
"Is that weird?"
"Yes, coming from you," Hobi nodded. "Anything that you wanna talk to me about?"
"No," you shook your head. "I just, you always call me cute nicknames so I wanted to do the same for you."
"Well, I appreciate the gesture baby but I don't need a nickname to know how much you love me," Hobi reassured you.
"Alright, regular old Hobi it is then," you joked, making Hobi roll his eyes as you leaned over to press a kiss to his lips.
Park Jimin
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"Jimin-ssi!" You shouted over the loud music that Jimin had blaring throughout your apartment, which was quickly becoming his as well these days. "What do you want for lunch?"
"What?!" He shouted back.
"Turn the music down and maybe you'll be able to hear!" You giggled and Jimin followed your suggestion, turning the Bangtan song down before walking into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Sorry baby," he murmured. "Repeat yourself for me?"
"I said, Jimin-ssi, what do you want for lunch?"
"Anything you make is fine, I'm not picky as long as you're cooking it," he shrugged. "Let me ask you a question though."
"What's up?"
"Why do you still call me Jimin-ssi?" He wondered. "I mean, we're long past strangers now, right?"
"Right but it just became a habit and honestly, I kind of like it," you smiled, glancing at him over your shoulder. "It's like our own little thing, you know?"
"I do know," Jimin nodded. "I like having us having a little thing."
"Oh, no you don't," you shook your head when Jimin began leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck. "I'm hungry!"
"So am I," he shrugged, making you laugh out loud as he continued to kiss you.
Kim Taehyung
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"Mmm," Taehyung moaned deeply as he pressed a firm kiss to your lips. "I love you."
"I love you too," you murmured back against his lips, receiving two quick presses of his lips to yours before he pulled away and moved his body so that he was now laying next to you instead of on top of you the way he had been. Needless to say, the two of you had enjoyed a slow morning and Taehyung had decided to give you an amazing wake up call.
"My gorgeous girl," he whispered as he intertwined one of your hands with his, leaning over and continuing to press open mouthed kisses over any piece of your skin that he could reach. "My love, my joy."
"Your joy?" You echoed, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
"Yeah," he nodded. "You make me so happy, happier than I ever thought I could be with another person. Even if we're upset with each other, it still makes me happy to see you or talk to you. That's why it feels right to call you that."
"Tae," you huffed, closing your eyes once you felt the tears welling up in them.
"Aww baby," Taehyung chuckled fondly, opening his arms and allowing you to burrow into his side before he pressed a soft kiss to your head.
Jeon Jungkook
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You rushed over to your front door once you heard the knocking, a wide smile on your face as you unlocked it and yanked it open.
"Hi baby," Jungkook grinned.
"Kook!" You squealed, rushing forward and literally jumping onto him. He caught you with a huff, laughing afterwards as you hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much!"
"I've only been gone for a week," he pointed out and you looked down at him.
"If you didn't miss me, just say that," you rolled your eyes.
"Of course I did," he smirked, making you suck your teeth before you kissed him passionately. Once the two of you had properly greeted each other, he set you down and you pulled him into your apartment before you shut the door behind him. "Hey, did you call me Kook when you opened the door?"
"Uh, yeah?" You shrugged with a laugh. "Is that not a nickname of yours?"
"It is, you've just never used it before," Jungkook replied. "I like how it sounds coming from you."
"Yeah? Well, if you want, I'll say it over and over again," you purred. "That is, if you can make me."
"That week I was gone must've dulled your memory when it comes to what I can do to you," he smirked. "Go get on the bed."
"Yes Sir," you winked, yelping when Jungkook reached down and smacked your ass.
Tag List: @addictedtohobi @brittneymccray @cursedcursives @arata18nanami @leftieaquarius @devilsbooksworld @starmyy @werewolfbanshee-love @li-moonchild-il @kpop-servant @cheysjimin
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apocalypticavolition · 7 months
Let's (re)Read The Great Hunt! Chapter 43: A Plan
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I've believed in my own lies so strongly I made them come true. I promise that this time I rant much less about the Seanchan. I also promise that this chapter doesn't actually spoil all that much, but it's still spoils a few things for this book and the later The Wheel of Time series as a whole so you shouldn't keep reading unless you're ready for that.
This chapter has the a'dam bracelet as it's all about the plan to get Egwene away from captivity.
Feeling worse than useless, she picked up her skirts and ran, and Egwene’s screams pursued her. She could not make herself stay, and leaving made her feel a coward.
Shame you didn't kill Renna BEFORE she put the bracelet back on!
Nah I'm just messing Min. Shit sucks. This is a terrible way to get a POV section.
She was not accustomed to weeping openly, but then she was not accustomed to feeling so helpless, so useless.
Sadly, Min never does internalize the notion that she may have been a medium fish in Baerlon but that she's krill compared to the world's big players. Even more sadly, the fact that she is comparatively useless as a combatant never stops being relevant in her life. She shoulda pulled a Ty Lee and invented a knife style that just fucks up channelers or something.
“That color becomes you,” Nynaeve continued. “You should have taken up dresses long since. Though I’ve thought of breeches myself since I saw them on you.”
Nynaeve is pretty conservative at times but it's sweet that she's thought about how she has the option to wear pants thanks to Min.
Min hesitated a fraction before saying, “She’s as well as can be expected.” Min could see it all too well, if she told them what was happening to Egwene right that moment. Nynaeve was as likely as not to go storming back in an attempt to stop it.
And she's not even using her seeing powers to predict this future!
‘Give me a damane of my own on my deck,’ he says, ‘and I will sail this instant.’
Domon really does seem to be an incredibly adaptive man and a quick thinker. It's a shame he always stayed pretty background; I wonder what he might have pulled off if he'd had a chance.
“I wish Rand were here.” Elayne sighed, and when they both looked at her, she blushed and quickly added, “Well, he does have a sword. I wish we had somebody with a sword. Ten of them. A hundred.”
Keep it in your dress, Elayne. The adults are talking.
She touched her chest absently, as if feeling something through her coat.
KEEP IT IN YOUR DRESS, NYNAEVE. Good lord how is Min being the reasonable one about boys right now?
I hope one of you can think of something I haven’t; I’ve wracked my brains, and I always stumble when it comes to the a’dam, the leash and collar. Sul’dam don’t like anyone watching too closely when they open them.
General protectiveness of their ability to hold slaves, or furtive, subconscious acknowledgment of the fact that should destroy an empire?
A man’s ring of heavy gold floated above Nynaeve’s head, and above Elayne’s, a red-hot iron and an axe.
Well Nynaeve already has the ring so that's a terrible future vision, and this particular prophecy actually doesn't come true for Elayne because it relates to a cut version of how Rand loses his hand. Let's say it's got something to do with Manetheren and Perrin I guess. Or maybe it's a Fourth Age thing.
Many people had fled here from villages further from the coast. Min saw no point to it—they had leaped from the possibility of a visit from the Seanchan to the certainty of Seanchan all around them—but she had heard what the Seanchan did when they first came to a village, and she could not blame the villagers too much for fearing another appearance.
Safety in numbers and staying inside the region the Seanchan aren't likely to wage war against any time soon.
The inn had been hastily renamed The Three Plum Blossoms, but part of the word “Watcher” still showed through the slapdash paint work on the sign.
Betcha anything that three plum blossoms are an auspicious omen in Seanchan culture and that the innkeeper is already currying some favor.
“It’s all right,” Min told her, taking a place on the end of one of the benches at the table. “He only looks and sounds like a bear.” Elayne sat down on the other end, looking doubtful.
Min is of course pretty used to all sorts from her own inn days, and anyway if there's any omens around Domon they're likely ones that suggest decentness.
I did think I could spin a tale or two and be on my way, but now I think when I no entertain him any longer, it be an even wager whether he do let me go or have my head cut off.
I think Domon probably would be enslaved instead but yeah not a good outcome in any case.
Two gold rings hung on the cord. Min gasped when she saw one—it was the heavy man’s ring she had seen when she read Nynaeve in the street—but she knew it was the other, slighter and made for a woman’s slender finger, that made Domon’s eyes bulge. A serpent biting its own tail.
I told you your prophecy was dumb, Min.
But also damn Nynaeve is reckless and this Aes Sedai impersonation business is going to get so out of hand. Real Aes Sedai lie there though, where she tells him he knows what it means instead of the truth that she's earned the ring but isn't Aes Sedai.
Six damane they did put around her, stepping out of the alleys of a sudden. I did think she would . . . do something—you know what I mean—but. . . . I know nothing of these things. One moment she did look as if she would destroy them all, then a look of horror did come on her face, and she did scream.
Frankly I suspect they were overdoing it with six; the Seanchan have more powerful channelers on average, after all. I wonder if they've noticed it yet.
“Egwene said they have two prisoners,” Min said slowly. “Ryma, a Yellow, and she didn’t know who the other is.” Nynaeve gave her a sharp look, and she fell silent, blushing. From the look on Domon’s face, it had not furthered their cause any to tell him the Seanchan held two Aes Sedai, not just one.
I'm a little surprised Min is naive enough to mention this. You'd think with her life experiences she'd be much more guarded about what information she's willing to share, and with whom.
“With some people,” she said, “you have to be certain. If you show them one glimmer of doubt, they’ll sweep you off in some direction you don’t want to go. Light, but I was afraid he was going to say no. Come, we have plans yet to make. There are still one or two small problems to work out.”
Nynaeve is an icon and we will close out this chapter with a moment of respect for her.
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dnalt-d2 · 4 months
QSMP has Ended, but What Do I Think, and What Will I Do?
(Probably my last long post for a while, so heyyyyyy)
So…QSMP is over
OR IS IT?????
(I don't know for sure and I don't think anyone else does right now either tbh I'll circle back to this)
So the day started 10 mins earlier than I fucking expected because no one said anything about a QSMP Info Stream, so I slept through that stuff about D.R.A.G.O.N. But I have since seen it and oh boy
I hurt about it
To start with, they listed Chayanne and Lullah as deceased, even though as far as we know, they're eternally asleep in Rose's Garden. Did the Feds just list them as deceased because they couldn't find them? Probably maybe idk what am I a cop??? I do know that Richas probably actually died and that fuckin sucks. RIP little dude. Your chaotic energy WILL be missed, sincerely
Now the rest of the surviving Eggs (possibly sans Dapper and Pomme for BBH/their own Lore reasons) to be left in cryogenic stasis. I will return to this point later
Everyone got loaded up into a plane to go somewhere, but crashed before arriving, leaving everyone to gather plane parts and survive numerous Code Monsters. RIP Etoiles, you and your badass sword/shield would've loved QSMP Horror
Also, since I didn't mention it, we got some strange occurences with some of the people. Fit got deported, RIP to him as well, and replaced with local Heterochromatic/Possibly Homophobic Catboy Madagio. Pac became PacOvo, or whatever they were calling him, I think I missed that part. And Mike is a straight-up zombie. Dude lost his eyes at one point, I saw it myself, it was fuckin wild. Also Max showed up. And I'm not sure he did much to explain that. I do know he seemed to trauma-bond with Bad about their mutual Nuke-related deaths. Wouldn't be the first thing they trauma-bonded about, I'm sure
So they managed to fix the plane, only to be told that the Codes are a product of a virus in long-forgotten plot-point SOFIA, and they needed to destroy her in order to destroy them and the Feds, much to Max's (and for some reason Quackity's) dismay. But they still basically ripped her apart and did the thing anyway, and they managed to essentially destroy the island. I think. Or they just escaped? I'm gonna be real, I'm not 100% sure on whatever happened there, it's been a hot minute and I'm tired
Either way, we were then met with a montage of numerous moments on the QSMP, and then an ominous Number 2, which has some…Interesting implications…
Now I've never been part of the DSMP fandom, but I still kinda feel like this has the same vibes of DSMP Season 2. And by that I mean that right now, I'm sure there are intentions to continue eventually, once things behind the scenes are sufficiently sorted out, much like how DSMP was initially intended to continue. That's likely why they left the surviving Eggs in a state that possibly leaves them open to continuation. However, I think we also all need to keep in mind that things could potentially not be sorted out
This doesn't mean don't be excited, I know I am. But I do think we need to keep our expectations in check, just in case we get a different announcement. There is always the possibility that things went too far in the wrong direction, and course-correction just isn't feasible
Once again, I wanna say just how happy I am to have been here for all this. I was there on the first day of QSMP, just by pure coincidence, and I have been here ever since, all the way to the end. I don't regret that in the slightest, and I am super glad to have seen the community it fostered here. I'm not quite social enough to have been able to make friends the way a lot of you have, but nevertheless, I am really happy to have been along for the ride. For me, I think it was that I kept seeing some of the same names in the feed, and in my notifications. That made me really happy, seeing all of you
So Thanks Quackity, Thanks Admins, Egg-Related or Not, Thanks QSMP Creators from all over the world, and of course, Thanks QSMPblr, for making this an incredible experience
Now as for this blog…
I'll admit I made this side-blog as primarily QSMP-related, while also hoping to talk about my other fandom interests sporadically, maybe do some fanart. But then suddenly people started following me???
Like actually wanting to hear what I have to say apparently???? And that blew my mind, but also made me too anxious to start posting other fandom stuff because "That's not what these guys are here for, what if they get annoyed, etc." Just that typical social anxiety fun stuff that lives in the void where my brain once was
But at this point, I'm probably gonna belay that entirely, and start finally ranting about other things here like I've been holding off on for a while. Might even just do an art dump of random stuff that I just made and never did anything with. So uh, if anyone who followed me doesn't wanna see that…Sorry. I just don't want this blog to die entirely, if I'm being honest
I do have a project I'm hoping to work on, and I might do some progress reports over here, but if not, and you're still curious, I also have my main blog [@dna-d2] that I would be on otherwise. Idk if I'm gonna go to posting there primarily, hard to say. But that's the thing about the future. You can think all you want about how it's gonna go, but in the end, it only takes a moment to decide what will actually happen. Did that actually mean anything?? Was it actually profound????? Or am I just tired and hungry at 3 in the morning?? YOU DECIDE, THAT'S THE MAGIC OF NONSENSE
So yeah
See you later
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flowered-mp3 · 6 months
rant on friend drama lmfao pls ignore unless ur curious about my life ahhaha luv u all
my bf's friend group is a hot fucking mess - i hate it here.
i don't want to be like. that person but fuck, man. i've always been against have super super integrated friend groups where people date each other and get super close with their friends partners and something just happened yesterday that just adds to my distaste of it. i'm sorry, but i cannot be super close friends with cis-het men for a reason and this is why - it causes so much drama and confusion for both myself and the parties involved. i'm not saying that i, a cis-het woman shouldn't be friends with cis-het men but fuck, based on what i've experienced so far it's getting harder and harder to believe.
so summer 2023, someone in my bf's friend group (let's call her jess) arranged a cottage trip with some people (three couples, one dude)
my bf
my bf's cousin (let's call him tyrone)
my bf's cousin's gf (let's call her steph)
jess' bf (let's call him steve)
steph's friend (let's call him cam)
now, this friend group has been in existence before my bf and i started dating (so i'm the new person). additionally, there's another friend group that they're a part of that doesn't include me - let's call them the val group (because they're obsessed with valorant. idfk.) the val group is huge - people dating each other within it, they have a dedicated discord server, etc. my bf isn't super close with them but tyrone, steph, steve, jess, and cam are.
so jess organized a cottage trip with the seven of us and it was fun! i don't have a big social battery so it was a little tough for me because we were all staying in a small bnb with one bathroom lmfao but i did have a fun time with them all. i got to talk to them, get to know them better, and i liked to feel more integrated into my bf's friend group - it made me feel like less of an outsider.
before the trip, i heard from my bf that jess and steve were having some disagreements lately - jess frustrated that steve doesn't make enough time for their relationship, jess feeling that members of the val group are making her life more difficult (apparently, one of the girls that is dating jess' close friend within the val group is upset because jess plays val better than her, i cannot make this shit up lmfao) and steve isn't standing up for her, etc. etc.
flashforward to fall 2023 - my bf told me that jess and steve broke up. i talked to jess about it and it was an amicable break up - they both mutually agreed. she told me that there was alot of differences in how serious they took the relationship, apparently. steve didn't seem to be aligned with her seriousness. jess was making career moves, planning for her future and got frustrated when steve always seemed to be putting it off, never seeming to take their future seriously. they also lived kinda far from each other - i'm talking across the city type shit - solid 45 min drive to see each other. my bf and i are the same but it isn't a problem because we dedicate a single day during the week to see eachother, and we both drive. problem - steve doesn't drive. they've been dating 3 years and this man seriously never got his license, even after jess pushed him to do it. steve also had health issues (chronic knee injury) and never seemed to be concerned about his health, etc. jess expressed that he never took it as seriously as she did and if they consistently talked about it for 3 years with no result, that's it. the relationship is not pursuable anymore, imo. jess also expressed that the cottage trip just further showed her that steve wasn't doing boyfriend things - he would see the other boyfriends do things for their girlfriends and compared it to her own relationship, which did nothing but make the rift grow further between her and steve.
now here's where things get dicey. after the breakup, jess started to talk to cam more often. since we have discord, you're able to see what people are up to and it seems that they were doing things together, talking more, etc. i've also been to dinner with jess, cam, my bf, and myself without steph and tyrone. from the outside, this looks BAD. jess just broke up with steve and now the other friend (cam) that steve was already concerned about starts hanging out with his ex one-on-one? the optics are BAD on that one. and because the val group is filled with a bunch of assholes, they've been teasing steve about it. since steph is friends with steve, steve has been coming to her about how he feels about it. i feel so bad for steve here - it's not fair for him to get made fun of because his ex is moving on with someone within that friend group. but on the outside, jess looks BAD because it seems like she doesn't care about how steve feels and what's going on with him BUT LIKE. the val group sucks! they've been making jess' life hell to begin with. why that fuck would she have a regard for people that treated her poorly? additionally, she's also LYING to steph about where she is. steph asking her to hang and jess saying she's busy or tired, when in reality she's hanging with cam instead. what a mess. and what also sucks is that cam is straight up ok with it and instigating the conflict??? he's like "yeah it be like that dawg" but i'm like??? tf??? you're making it worse for jess? fucking idiot.
because steph knows that jess is lying to her, steph went to my bf to vent about it. do i feel good about it? no lmfao but it happened. essentially, steph expressed frustrations that jess was lying to her about hanging out with cam, and additionally, tyrone ALSO had a problem with the optics of the situation. but the hilarious thing is that tyrone and steph met when steph was dating another guy in the val group, and tyrone was straight up flirting with steph WHILE SHE WASN'T SINGLE. they were hanging out one-on-one while steph wasn't single. now for some reason, they find problems with what jess and cam are doing? steph and tyrone did the exact same shit to get together, and now suddenly when jess does it, they feel some type of way? RIDICULOUS. the second that steph broke up with the guy in the val group, she went on a group skiing trip with tyrone and shared a room with him within the week. and my bf was there to observe the whole fucking thing so my bf is upset because this is incredibly hypocritical (i agree like what the fuck). so because of all this, steph and jess' relationship is strained.
now flashforward to literally yesterday night. i went to an easter dinner at my bf's house and his whole family was there (so therefore, tyrone and steph were there as well). i was blissfully ignorant until after eating, i noticed that my bf and steph were like. nowhere to be found. tyrone was in the living room with his dad and i was busy playing with my bf's nephew so i was like huh idk maybe my bf's busy with his dad or something. he was gone for a WHILE. like a solid half hour. so i thought that i lost my glasses and remembered that i napped in my bf's room so i went upstairs to see if i left it there. then i overheard steph's voice and my brain was like uhhh wtf and i open the door to see my bf and her ALONE in his bedroom, door closed. she sounded like she was crying but i was so just. shook i guess that i just started to ask where my glasses were and left the room. i wasn't even visibly mad i was just. shook. so i just left and resumed what i was doing. eventually, my bf came out he knew that i felt some type of way because he put on his coat and asked to go on a walk away from the house. we sorted it out while talking outside but there's a reason why i'm mentioning this point lol. my bf said that steph was talking about a blow up that happened with jess but didn't mention specifics.
then literally 30 mins later, jess calls me. i missed her call so i texted her what was up and she said that she really needed to talk to me and that i cannot tell anyone that she contacted me. since her and my bf are close friends i asked if my bf knew and she said that she actually wanted to talk to both of us so on my drive home from his house we called and she explained everything.
apparently in jan/feb 2024 steve and jess had a couple of calls. steve reached out to jess wanting to "catch up" but apparently it was a call for steve to ask jess to get back together. jess explained that their relationship problems wouldn't be solved overnight (understandable), and that getting back together now wouldn't change anything. steve didn't like this, and now their break up that was amicable is now no longer amicable at all. now, rumors are being spread around that jess emotionally cheated on steve throughout the relationship, that jess has been trying to get closer to the guys only in the val group. and the fact that she became much closer to cam and my bf after the breakup just does nothing but fuel the rumors. because of that, my bf's name is also being dragged into the drama for ammo purposes and it fucking pisses me the fuck off.
apparently, steph did have a convo with jess about the whole situation, and how what jess is doing isn't "a good look". steph brings up a situation where my bf came over the jess' place to fix her pc and said that she shouldn't have had him alone in her bedroom. in reality, I was there in her bedroom along with cam and my bf, so she wasn't alone with my bf. but recall the situation that happened at easter dinner - she was LICHERALLY in a room alone with my bf. hypocritical? yes but to give benefit of the doubt, i think that this is a misunderstanding though because after, steph said that "if you're ok with hanging out with ___ (my bf's name) alone, you should be ok with hanging out with the guys from the val group alone." i think that steph is misconstruing things - perhaps questioning the favoritism for my bf? maybe steph is implying that jess is discriminating against the members of the val group? even when the val group treated her poorly? ugh. now my bf's name is being pulled up as an example of how jess is "purposefully" getting closer to the guys only, fueling the emotional cheating allegations. i know that it isn't true but it sucks regardless as his girlfriend.
so now, everything is a mess. my bf's friend group is in shambles and i know that this is weighing so much heavier on him than me. normally i wouldn't involve myself at all but this is my boyfriend we're talking about. anyone says shit about him and literally? it's on sight like mark your fucking days. now i also have my bf asking me why i don't deal with his kind of stuff in my friend group and literally i honestly believe that it's because i only have girlfriends and i don't strive to be bestie bestie with my friends bf's. we don't see it as proper so we normally avoid situations like this where people break up and all the complications that happen after the fact. like if i'm close with my friend's bf and they break up, it's bound to cause division within the group because people will take sides - it's unavoidable. i probably sound like such a cynic but it's how i feel based on what i've experienced.
and what sucks the most is that jess is genuinely my friend, as well as steph. it sucks that they aren't friends right now. it sucks alot. just.... ugh i hope that they can sort things out eventually but right now, everything is so tense and heated that it's impossible. my bf and i are kinda caught in the middle of it (my bf mostly though, steph hasn't talked to me about this at all). anyways. that's it for now.
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oakwolves · 1 year
18 + your favorite infinity train ship for the kiss game (i do not go here but we've been mutuals for so long that you are just a comforting presence on the dash so.)
Aww ty! I'm glad to hear that! Sorry this took so long lol. I went with Doebells (Kez/Alan Dracula) for this prompt since i've already done this one with a different ship!
As her friends walked away laughing, Kez felt the last of her draining confidence slipping away.When she heard the car door slam shut, she sighed and  gravitated lower to the ground against the wall. She looked back at the bathroom door where Ryan and Min-Gi were and heard the sound of music playing quietly. She smiled slightly, then floated away from the door without a word.
“I’ll just… leave you guys to that…” she made her way over to one of the punch tables. But as soon as she lowered her cup into the punch bowl, the table rustled a little. Then, it suddenly, launching the punch bowl in the air and leaving a white-tailed deer in its place.
“Oh my god!” Kez shieked, dropping her cup. Upon a closer look, she recognized who it was. The punch bowl,  landed on the deer and soaked him completely
The deer snorted and dug his feet into the ground a few times. He then burst into flames, instantly evaporating the punch before the fire went out.
“Oh… hey! I didn’t see you at all at this party,” she said. “But… I guess that doesn't really matter since the party’s over now…I kinda blew it.”
The deer started to nudge Kez towards a different table, one with various snacks. As he helped himself to the leftover food, Kez rested on the table next to him quietly. She glanced at the bathroom door again. Ryan and Min-Gi still hadn’t come out. Not that she blamed them. Now that the party was a bust, they’d be stuck here until the next party rolls around.
A puff of hot air brushed over her, sending her a few inches backwards. She looked up to find the deer peering down at her.
“Oh, that’s my friends there. I’m sure you saw what happened on stage. I really thought things would go well. I mean, we’re so close to seeing Morgan and… things would be alright.”
Kez sighed and decided to help herself to some of the food on the table alongside the deer.
“I really thought I’d be able to help these guys and maybe do something right for a change,” she said. “But even if we do get out of this car and back to my car I’m still worried about stuff going wrong.”
The deer snorted, as though asking Kez to elaborate before continuing to devour the food in front of him.
“You know how I said I wanted to explore the other cars for a while? Well, I uh, I kinda, like, got kicked out,” she admitted. “I swear I wasn’t trying to ruin Morgan’s life, things just happened so quickly and I couldn’t stop everything from coming crashing down before it was too late. When I ran into Ryan and Min-Gi, they're just… always fighting and then they make up and then they start fighting again…at least they seem to be getting along now.”
Kez shoveled another brownie in her mouth.
In between bites, she said, “Those two have a lot going on from wherever they came from that I can’t even begin to understand. I figured that maybe it would be better if… they didn’t have to go back home and deal with all that. And maybe Morgan wouldn’t be lonely anymore. It’s, like,  supposed to be a win-win? Right?”
The little bell deflated when she detected no reaction from the deer. She continued eating quietly. The deer suddenly straightened up, projecting a glowing image from his antlers. When Kez looked closer, she saw an apparition of herself talking to Ryan and Min-Gi. The guys looked a little upset, but understanding. The three of them shared a hug before the image  faded out into the air. The deer closed his eyes briefly before staring back at Kez.
“You’re right…. I should talk to them about this,” Kez said. “When the moment’s right. Thanks.”
The deer blinked before nuzzling the metal shell of Kez’s body. She felt her body heat up slightly and smiled at him. The door to the bathroom opened, and Min-Gi popped his head out looking around. His eyes rested on Kez. He shifted a little and patted the space on her shoulder , encouraging her to take a seat there. Kez looked back between Min-Gi and the deer. The deer snorted and nudged Kez towards the bathroom.
“Alright, alright, I’ll go!” she laughed. She leaned in and left a brief kiss on the side of the deer’s face. His antlers suddenly burst alive with sparkling roses blooming on the crown. One of the roses fell off, and he leaned forward to catch it in his mouth to eat. With that, he gave Kez one final nudge towards Min-Gi and took off.
Kez watched the deer fly off into the air before following Min-Gi into the bathroom.
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thevelria · 1 year
Emerald (ErenxReader) ~Chapter 6 -Tantrum~
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Author's note: 31.000+ characters. It's a long ass chapter.
It contains drinking alcohol, blood, some lemon and an accident during sex. 
Enjoy the chaos~
The weekdays flew away in a blink, you were doing plus hours every single day, but there was one thing, which saved you from going insane. It was a short week, because of the upcoming holiday you had a long weekend, from Friday till Sunday.
On Thursday you were already daydreaming of a calm and mostly problem free weekend. You had your moments with Eren during the days, but it seemed he finally understood you and since you opened up to him, he kept his distance you asked before. It didn't bother you at all, you felt relieved, focusing on your job.
You just got back from the kitchen with a cup of hot coffee, when you noticed the message on your laptop.
-So, did you think about Friday?
-Not really, to be honest. This was a hell of a week with these plus hours. I don't want to be an ass, but I want to relax on these free days.
-What about Saturday? 🙂 And don't say you don't know...
-Will you be angry if I refuse Saturday, too?
-Yeah...I'll be hurt to the bones😭 It's just a dinner...I would like to get to know you better 🙂
-Fine...just a quick dinner. No drinking, no parties!
-Y/N! -you heard Sasha's voice from her desk.
-Come here, if you have a second.
You walked up to her, seeing a huge smile on her face, offering you a free chair next to hers.
-What's up, Sash?
-I've been wondering with the girls, if you would like to join us tomorrow for a girlish day?
-Uhm...What do you have in mind?
-Shopping, eating, watching the newest action film in the movies. C'mon it's gonna be super fun! You look so burnt out nowadays, I'm sure you need to relax -she winked at you- Annie and Historia would love to get to know you better too.
-Well, yeah. You must be right. I need to relax a bit.
-Awesome! -she laughed with sparkling eyes- I'm gonna text you later with the details.
It surprised you as well that you were looking forward to hang out with them. It's been so long, when you spent time with girls. Even if you had some friends, they all lived in the city you moved out of, not to mention they had a family, husband and children. So yeah, it wasn't the same anymore. You were the only single in your group.
You decided to wear something comfy since you were about to just chill. A simple light blue jeans, with a black tank top, which had the symbol of your fav anime on it. The patch of the Wings of Freedom placed right above your heart with the motto "Shinzou wo Sasageyo" under it. Yeah, you were an adult, but it didn't mean you couldn't dress the way you felt like. You were a nerd, so what? You slipped into a black Converse and grabbed your jacket. You agreed to meet them around 1pm before the biggest mall in the city.
It was past 1 and you were swearing like a lady, because you couldn't find a free parking spot. You heard your phone ringing and it made you even angrier.
-Hey, Sash -you picked up the call, putting it on speaker.
-Where are you?
-I'm here, just trying to find a fucking parking spot...oh wait I see one. I'll be there in a few mins -you hung up.
Historia and even Annie looked nice, they smiled and greeted you with a big hug. As you were wandering in the mall, looking for a shop to go to, Historia walked next to you, hooked her hands on your elbow.
-So, Y/N -she chirped- How do you like our office?
-It seems fun so far -you smiled- I'm sorry I didn't have time for you guys this week. It was such a rush.
-Nah, don't worry -Annie said from behind you- We know how it is.
-Sasha talked about you 24/7, so we really wanted to hang out with you.
-All of you are way too sweet -you laughed. It really felt good. Having these strangers around you, who were claiming for your friendship. You felt somehow special...maybe important. It was a strange, but exciting feeling at the same time.
-I told you at the dining hall, girl -Sasha chimed in- You are cool, so we like you!
-Thanks, really -you blushed- You are cool, too. For real.
-Guys! -Annie gasped- I need to go in there -she pointed at a lingerie shop- I need to get something special for Armin, it's gonna be our anniversary soon.
You all followed her immediately, starting to check the supply. You found some really naughty pieces as well and even if you had no one, you felt the urge to get them. A blood red lace bra with matching french penties and a black-turquoise push up bra with a matching tanga were the ones you immediately fall in love with.
-What did you get? -Historia asked curiously after you left the shop -Wow, hot -she winked at you, peeking into your bag.
-I know right -you laughed out loud.
Annie got a super sexy, seethrough babydoll with lace penties. The smirk on her face told all of you that she was confident that her man was going to love it.
-You and Armin are such a cute pair -you admitted- I saw you guys at work and I have to tell you, you are so cool together.
-Hah, thanks, Y/N -she laughed- He didn't give up and finally I gave in.
She saw the confused look on your face, so she continued as you were walking to the next shop.
-Armin is Jaeger's best friend. I knew Eren before and he was the one who introduced me to Armin. I found him cute, but that's all. Armin kept hitting on me, but I rejected him every single time. Then Eren told me to go on a double date with him and Mikasa and of course Armin.
The name of his wife made you shiver, but you tried to act cool. You couldn't let anyone notice that Mikasa's name made you feel nauseous.
-So, I accepted the offer and yeah the rest is history -she blushed from head to toe. It was clearer than the sun that she was head over heels. So madly in love with her man, it almost made you jealous.
-Yeah -Sasha chuckled- Back then Jaeger was fun to be around. Not like nowadays. Sometimes I hate, when I see him in the office with that annoyed, depressed look on his face all the time.
-He's cool to be around. He can be really cute and fun - you said, slamming your hand against your mouth after you realized you said it out loud.
-Oh, I'm sure -Historia smirked- We all see how he acts around you, but with us he's a total dick -she laughed.
-Are you and him a thing? -Annie asked, raising one of her eyebrows.
-No! -you said strictly- Of course not. We are just friends, that's all.
Sasha looked at you from the corner of her eyes, but kept silent and you loved her for that more than anything. You knew she wasn't stupid since she saw and heard things she shouldn't have had to.
-Who's hungry? -you asked, trying to change the subject. Sasha screamed out loud and headed to her favorite fast food restaurant in a blink of an eye.
-I'm so full -Sasha cried, tapping her tummy with her tiny hand.
-You ate the whole fucking menu, Sash -Historia laughed- Of course you are full.
-I was hungry -she shrugged.
-So Y/N -Annie turned to you- What's up with Jean?
-With Jean? -your eyes widened- Why?
-He was so full of himself that you agreed to date him -she smirked- Telling everyone proudly that you didn't reject him.
-Date? There's gonna be any kind of date -you pulled an annoyed face. -He asked me to have dinner with him tomorrow, but that's all.
-So it's a date -Historia giggled.
-Nope -you shook your head- Plus I heard he's a womanizer anyway.
-What? -Sasha looked surprised-Who said that?
-Does it matter? -you raised one of your eyebrows.
-Well since it's not true... -Annie shrugged.
-So who said that? -Sasha asked again.
-That son of a... -Historia laughed out loud- Well, Y/N. I have to tell you something. Jean is the most faithful and adorable guy I know. He's not a player, nothing close to it...
Her words felt like blades into your heart, because it meant Eren lied to you and you felt angry and offended at the same time. Why did he lie to you? Why did he want you to believe that Jean was an asshole?
-Oh...-that was all you could press out from yourself.
-It seems Jaeger wants you for himself -Annie clicked her tongue.
-Girls, please... -you rolled your eyes- I don't date my coworkers anyway.
-Well, you definitely should give Jean a chance. Believe me, he's an angel -Sasha smiled softly -What about buying you a hot ass dress for tomorrow? -she raised her brows up and down.
-Well - you hummed- yeah, why not?
-That's the spirit! -Annie winked at you.
Historia claimed she knew a shop you would love and was sure that you would find something special for the occasion. Well she was right. You picked a snow white, tight dress, which ended just around the mid thigh and had a decent cleavage. Plus you found a black leather jacket with some silver zippers.
~Your outfit~
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-He's going to drool like a dog -Annie laughed, seeing the stuff you bought.
-Good -you smirked. Even if you didn't plan to do anything with him, you felt mad at Eren and somehow it felt like you wanted to punish him by going out with another man.
Speaking of the devil, your phone started to ring.
-Who's that? -Sasha asked.
-Nobody -you smiled, rejecting the call from Eren. But he didn't give up and called you again in an instant -Oh for fuck's sake -you rolled eyes. Sasha picked the phone out of your hand.
-Who's dickhead? -she asked, raising one her eyebrows- Oh wait -she started to laugh, while answering the phone -Jaeger, is it you?
-Sasha, give back my fucking phone -you sighed angrily, but she refused to do so. You felt like in high school again and it honestly wasn't a pleasant feeling.
-Sasha, why do you have Y/N's phone? -he asked confused.
-Why are you calling her anyway?
-Sasha...phone...now -you said strictly with a dangerous look on your face. Sasha gulped big, but screaming in the phone before handing it back to you -I love your contact name...Dickhead!
All the girls bursted out in a loud laughter. You facepalmed yourself, before holding the phone to your ear.
-What do you want? -you asked annoyed.
-Yep, that's how I saved your number -you said with a cold tone.
-Fucking hell -he laughed. You thought he might get offended, but he found it actually funny- I should change your name, too...what about Cold ass bitch?
-Sounds perfect -you cracked a half smile- Sorry, but I need to go. I'm busy.
-Yeah -Sasha yelled into the phone- She's busy with buying naughty clothes for her date with Jean!
-Sasha! Shut up! -you shook your head.
-Are you going out with Jean? -he hissed.
-As I know it's none of your business. Not to mention the fact you lied to me about him -you started to lose your cool. You felt your blood slowly boiling. He stayed silent, which proved the fact he really did lie to you.
-Y/N, I can explain...
-Bye, Jaeger! -you hung up the phone.
You tried to collect yourself and faked a huge smile like nothing happened.
-Soooo...which movie? -you kept smiling.
As you were sitting in the movie, watching a pretty cool film you felt your phone kept buzzing. You thanked God for putting it into a silent mood before the movie started. You took a quick peek, seeing Eren kept messaging you without a break. You ignored it anyway.
After the movie ended you hugged goodbye to the girls and headed home. You really did have fun with them and you were grateful for it. Historia made you promise you were going to hang out with them more from now on.
When you stepped in the house your phone started to buzz again.
-God damn it, Jaeger! -you cursed, checking your mobile. But it wasn't him, but Jean.
-Hey, beautiful. Tomorrow 7pm would be okay to meet?
-Hey, handsome. Sure, perfect.
-I'll pick you up😘
After you gave him your address, you checked your texts from Eren.
-Y/N, I'm sorry about lying.
-Please let's talk about it, okay?
-Y/N stop ignoring me...damn it!
You rolled your eyes and ignored him anyway.
The next day was about you being extra lazy, laying in bed, watching TV, reading and sleeping a lot. Eren hasn't texted you since yesterday, but you didn't mind it. Around 4pm you started to get ready for the diner. Taking a hot, relaxing shower, putting on some makeup. As it wasn't about a party you chose some natural eyeshadow colors, with black eyeliner and fake eyelashes, making the look perfect with a matte, chocolate brown lipstick. You curled your hair, letting it down. You got ready just in time, slipping into your black heels, when you heard a light knock on your door.
-Good evening, beautiful -Jean greeted you with a wonderful bouquet in his hand.
-Hey -you smiled right away.
-I brought this for you -he handed you the flowers.
-Thanks -you nodded, still smiling -Just a sec, I put them in water -you rushed back, looking for a vase.
Jean opened the car door for you, acting as a real gentleman.
~Jean's car~
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-You look beautiful -he added as he got in the car as well.
-You look pretty good, too -you smirked.
He was wearing dark blue jeans with a navy blue buttoned shirt, the last three unbuttoned with a casual suit jacket. His semi long, brown hair and his mesmerizing light-brown eyes made him look super handsome.
Jean took you to a fancy restaurant in the city. It made you surprised and felt a little underdressed.
-You should have told me that you wanted to take me to a place like that. I would have picked another dress then.
-You look perfect, don't worry -he chuckled.
-Good evening, sir -the girl at the counter greeted him.
-Evening, I have a reservation for 2. Name is Kirstein, Jean Kirstein.
The way he talked made your body shiver, you had no idea why, but he looked way too charming.
A waiter walked you to your table, making sure one of his coworkers was on his way to take your orders.
-What would you like to drink? -Jean smiled at you.
-Maybe some wine? -you furrowed your brows, checking the drink list.
-Please bring one of your best wines...with a whole bottle -he smiled softly.
-Yes, sir -the waiter nodded, walking away in an instant.
-I have no idea what to eat -you giggled, slightly shaking your head in embarrassment.
-Me neither -he laughed out loud.
You've been browsing the menu for long minutes before finally choosing a meal randomly.
-I was afraid you would cancel my invitation -Jean looked you in the eye.
-I don't know. I was almost sure you and Jaeger are a thing or something -he shrugged.
-I told you we weren't anything -you sighed annoyed.
-So it means I have a chance? -he smirked.
-I didn't say that either -you laughed out loud.
-I like that you seem unreachable, you know -he admitted.
-I don't just seem like that, Jean -you leaned closer, lowering your voice with a naughty smile on your face.
-We will see -he poked his inner cheek with his tongue.
The night went smoothly, you laughed and talked a lot. He was talking about the way he got into the company. The difficulties he had to face every single time someone found out he was the son of the CEO. That he had to work twice as hard as anybody there, because he just had to prove his rightful place. You found him truly honest and at some point you really felt sympathy for him. Like Sasha's words rang in your ears as she was talking about Jean being an amazing human in general.
The food was really delicious, not to mention the wine. You were aware not to drink too much, though you felt you were getting a tiny bit tipsy.
-Thank you for this amazing night, Y/N -Jean said as he opened the car door in front of your house.
-I can say the same, I really did have fun with you -you smiled slightly.
Jean walked you to your door, standing in front of you, while you were facing him with your back to the door. You knew what he was waiting for, or at least you thought you did. But you weren't stupid, sleeping with two of your cowerks within only a few weeks. Nah, please.
-See you on Monday? -you pulled an awkward smile.
-I would really love to get to know you better, Y/N -he grabbed your wrist softly- I want to date you and make you mine.
-Jean, please...-you sighed.
-I can be a perfect boyfriend and I'll prove that -he smirked- Just let me do it...- slightly leaning in for a kiss.
You hesitated, kissing him would have been a huge mistake, right? Yeah...it was. As his soft lips touched yours with so much tenderness, it sent shivers down your spine.
-Good night, beautiful -he broke the kiss, leaving you speechless on the porch.
On Monday morning Jean was all smiles, feeling above the clouds. He really liked you and the kiss you shared made him feel special.
-What's up Kirstein? -Connie greeted his friend in the kitchen.
Almost all the boys were waiting in the kitchen to prepare a coffee to start the day with.
-Not much -he shrugged- I had an amazing weekend -he kept smiling.
-Who is she? -Reiner asked with a smirk.
-Wait -Connie raised one of his eyebrows- Y/N accepted your offer, didn't she?
-Shut up! -Jean blushed.
Eren was standing behind them with his mug in his hand, listening carefully to the conversation. Rage builded up in him second by second.
-Oh, she definitely did -Bertholdt laughed out loud.
-Did you kiss her? -Reiner smirked.
-Well...-Jean clicked his tongue proudly- Her lips are as soft as they look -he admitted.
-Bro! -Connie punched him in the shoulder, being proud of his friend.
Eren clenched his jaw, not noticing he tightened his grip on his mug until he accidentally crunched it into pieces.
-Fuck -he hissed as he felt a sharp pain in his palm, seeing blood spreading everywhere.
-What the fuck, Jaeger? -Reiner looked at him in shock.
You stepped into the kitchen just to witness Eren's bleeding hand.
-Oh my God -you rushed to him- Are you okay?
-Fuck off! -he hissed at you, leaving the kitchen immediately.
Eren avoided you all day long and you truly didn't understand what was going on. Jean stepped by your desk from time to time. Inviting you for smoke or coffee breaks and you happily accepted it. As you were standing outside, smoking you turned to him.
-Do you know what's up with Eren?
-Not really -he shrugged- Okay, he might have heard me talking about our date -he blushed.
-Our what? -your eyes widened.
-About Saturday night and about our kiss.
-For fuck's sake Jean -you raised your voice- Why did you have to talk about it anyway?
-Why? Is it a secret? -he pulled a face- I thought you didn't care about him.
-It's not like that...it's just... -you tried to defend your actions.
To be honest you didn't understand either why you reacted so offended, but you felt guilty.
-It wasn't a date -you said with a strict tone, spun on your heels, heading back to the office.
You saw Eren at his desk with a sad and pissed off look on his face. You would have loved to walk up to him, talk to him, but you knew it was the best just to leave it. Thoughts were rushing through your mind and you made a decision. You already dragged yourself into a fucked up situation and talking with him in front of everyone would have made it messier anyway.
At the end of the day you all were about to leave for the beer session. Except Eren, who refused and rushed out of the office without even looking at you. Yep, he was totally mad at you. Everyone noticed that something was off, but they thought Eren had just one of those days. Days, when he was a total asshole. But you knew that you were the reason behind his act.
This time Connie was the loser and the driver, he cursed under his nose, because he really wanted to drink some booze. Well maybe next time. The evening was fun, though. You laughed a lot, drank four or five bottles of beer, and chatted with the girls. Jean kept his eyes on you, but didn't know how to act before the rest of you, since you left him really confused during the day.
-How was the date? -Sasha asked you, while dropping herself down next to you lazily. You were the only one at the table, since everyone else was busy playing pool.
-It wasn't a date, Sash -you pinched the bridge of your nose.
-Yeah, sure. Then how was the night, which was not a date? -she moved her brows up and down.
-It was okay -you shrugged.
-Okay? That's it?
-Yep, that's it.
-Did he kiss you? -she smirked.
You didn't answer, but the slight blush on your cheek gave you out in an instant.
-Oh, he definitely did -she laughed out loud.
-Shut up -you laughed now as well.
-Look, everyone knows he's a softy. He would treat you like a princess, if you'd let him -she put her hand on your shoulder. -But please don't play with him, okay? He's a good man and doesn't deserve his heart to be broken.
-I'm not playing, I'm just...I don't even know what I want -you admitted.
Because that was the truth. You were afraid and confused, all the rules you stuck to and all the things, which worked so great so far, seemed to fall into pieces.
-We all have our stories, Y/N. But you need to decide what you really want. Jaeger is a broken man, he's miserable and mostly a freaking asshole. But Jean is different, he would bring down the stars for you if you'd tell him so -she smiled softly.
She knew...was it so obvious to everyone else too? Maybe this conversation, maybe the alcohol in your system, maybe everything at the same time, but you felt the knot in your chest. Tears building up in your eyes.
-I'm so fucked up, Sasha -you snobbed, laying your head into her neck. She hugged you tight, caressing your back up and down.
-It's okay. I'm here, if you want to talk okay? -pushed you back straight, looking into your eyes- You are not alone. We all are here for you -she hugged you one more time.
-Thanks, Sash...really -you tried to pull a smile.
-What's up, girls? -Jean walked up to you two and looked worried the second he noticed you were crying -What's wrong, honey? -he sat on his heels next to you.
-Nothing -you faked a smile- really. Just Sasha's words made me soft for a second -you laughed out loud, wiping your tears quickly away.
-Are you sure? -he furrowed his eyebrows, not really buying your response.
The night was about to end and you craved nothing else, but your bed. You felt exhausted and mostly confused. You put on your 'I'm fine' mask, so everyone believed that you were truly okay. You faked it so many times during the years that it wasn't even a hard thing to do anytime anyway.
After you walked out of your bathroom you checked your phone, didn't really know what you expected. Maybe a text from Eren, maybe from Jean. You shook your head and placed the phone on your nightstand. As you laid under your blanket the feeling of Eren laying next to you rushed through your body and made you shiver.
-Fuck, I really need to stop this madness -you hissed, being mad at yourself.
During the night you woke up for a loud knock on your front door. You slowly opened your eyes, listening carefully, not being sure you heard it right. The next knock was even louder and harder. Yep, you definitely heard it well. As you crawled out of your bed, you couldn't stop yawning.
-What time is it? -you rubbed your eyes with the back of your hand, reaching for your phone -2 in the fucking morning? -you hissed in anger- Who the fuck is it at 2am? -you walked up to your door, hearing the third, aggressive knock.
-I'm coming -you raised your voice- There's no need to break my fucking door -you cursed under your nose.
The second you opened it, your eyes widened, witnessing a super wasted Eren in front of you.
-What are you doing here? -you raised your eyebrows. You were truly surprised.
-Why did you kiss him? -he clenched his jaw- WHY? -he yelled, trying to stand straight.
-Are you drunk? -you asked the obvious.
-Answer me, Y/N! -he took a deep, annoyed breath- Tell me!
-Go home, Eren -you shook your head, trying to close your door, but he blocked it with his foot.
-I thought you liked me -tears started to build up in his eyes. It made you surprised, confused, terrified.
-Come in -you sighed- And please stop yelling on the street. It's fucking 2 in the morning.
The pain in his eyes was real and it made you feel guilty right away.
-So? -he clenched his jaw.
-Eren, I thought I made it clear for you... -you took a deep breath.
-Oh, drop this shit act, Y/N. I do know you like me! -he walked towards you until your back was leaning against the front door.
-Stop it -you hissed.
-Tell me then...look me in the eyes and tell it to my face that you don't feel anything, that I was just a one night stand and I'm going to leave right now and never come back.
But you kept silent, because it wasn't true. You did feel something, but you couldn't form it into words. He cracked a painful smile and kissed you. Kissed you with so much softness that your knees started to shake.
-You shouldn't...we shouldn't -you mumbled.
-Shut up, Y/N -he smiled into the kiss.
His lips, his tongue tasted like alcohol and smoke, but you didn't mind it. You threw your hands around his neck, deepening the kiss second by second. When Eren started to slowly guide you to your bedroom you hesitated to stop him. For a blink maybe, then let him do it anyway.
Eager hands were caressing your body up and down, he was hungry for your touch, for your body and so were you. You wanted him right there, right now. As you started to undress him, and was about to pull his shirt above his head, he looked you in the eyes and stopped you.
-I'm going to make things clear, first -he said with a serious tone.
-If we do it, it's not gonna be just sex anymore...got it? You will be mine, only mine -he growled with dominance in his voice.
-Eren -you sighed.
-Tell me to stop then -he smirked, guiding you to your bed, pushing you softly down. When you stood up you saw the fear in his eyes.
-Let's take a shower first, you stink from alcohol -you laughed finally.
-Fuck... -he let out a desperate chuckle.
Eren dressed himself down quickly, standing in front of you naked. The sight of his perfect body made you dizzy. His eyes followed your every move as you got rid of your clothes as well. You held out your hand for him, while stepping into the shower. The hot water hit your body and made you shiver, you enjoyed the way as it ran down on your exhausted muscles. His eyes were blinded by lust as you rubbed his chest with the shower gel you just poured into your palm, reaching lower and lower, when finally grabbing his semi hard dick.
-Damn... -he let out a low moan, shaking under your touch. As you kept washing him his breathing got heavier second by second. He pushed you against the tiled wall, caressing your body with passion. Planting tiny kisses into your neck, he smirked when you tilted your head slightly, trying to give him more space. He kissed your shoulder, your collarbone, making his way lower and lower on your body and you let him. You felt the tension between your legs, feeling way too desperate and vulnerable at the same time. When he reached the bottom of your stomach he looked up into your eyes. You bit your lower lip, when you felt his big hand slowly picking up one of your legs and placing it on his shoulder.
-Eren -you moaned his name the second his tongue entered your pussy. He smiled, because he knew...he knew you gave in. The way he was eating you sent you into another world. His tongue danced on your clit, gently tapping and sucking on it. You rushed your fingers through his wet hair, grabbing it harder, when he added one of his fingers to make the tension deeper. You became a moaning mess as he kept pleasuring you in a way you didn't even think he was capable of. Heavy breaths, louder moans rushed through the room as you felt your climax was about to burst out.
-I'm so close -you tried to push him away, but he grabbed you tighter.
-Come for me, darling -he murmured, keeping you standing still.
His husky voice sent shivers down your spine and you couldn't hold it back anymore, riding your orgasm out on his face. When you finished, he straightened himself up with a proud smirk on his face. And you loved it, you loved that look, because it meant you could be weak this time. For the first time after so long. You grabbed his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss, tasting yourself on his lips.
-Let me take you, please -he broke the kiss with a shaking voice.
-Come -you stepped out of the shower and he followed right away. But he was way too eager, grabbing you in front of the sink. You knew he couldn't wait anymore, so you put your hands on the sides of the marble sink and pushed your ass up a bit for him to be able to take you there and then.
-Damn -you moaned, when you felt his huge cock entering you.
-You take me so well, baby -he mumbled in delusion- I love feeling your tight pussy around my cock- he kept bubbling, thrusting you harder and harder from behind. You tried your best to hold yourself still, but with your wet palms it was way too difficult. As he fastened his movement, you felt your hands slipping out under you, then a sharp pain woke you up from the tension he was giving you.
Blood started to spread everywhere and you slammed your palm against your chin, kneeling on the ground.
-Oh my God, Y/N -he yelled, when he realized what just happened.
-Give me a towel -you hissed as you felt the blood running through your palm, down your neck, reaching your chest.
-Fuck...fuck -he paniced, handing you the cloth.
He helped you up, looking terrified.
-I'm so sorry, I didn't want to -he tried to check your chin. The look on his face revealed you the truth -Fuck, it's ugly. I need to take you to the hospital right now -he breathed heavily.
-I can't believe this shit -you hissed, the pain was unbearable.
Eren dressed up rapidly, helping you to put on some clothes as well.
-I'm gonna drive -you took a deep breath, still holding the towel on your chin.
-What? No! -he argued.
-You are drunk for God's sake. I don't want to die, just help me... -you rolled your eyes. He kept silent, because he knew you were right.
As you entered the hospital he ran to the reception, yelling and arguing without a break. You would have loved to facepalm yourself, but you felt weaker and weaker second by second. You lost a lot of blood after all.
A kind nurse guided you to a room, where a tired looking doctor stitched your chin, putting a huge bandage on it, when he finished.
-Thank you -you smiled with pain in your eyes.
-Next time try to be more careful, when you are having fun with your boyfriend -he cracked a half smile. You didn't even realize so far that it was obvious what happened. He chuckled as your face grew super red in an instant.
-Y/N -Eren ran to you, when you walked out of the room- Is everything okay? -he looked at you worried. Gently touching the bandage.
-She will be fine -the doctor said with a calm tone, leaving you both there.
-Just let's go home -you rolled your eyes.
You kept silent in the car, when you noticed it was already 6 in the morning and you had to get ready for work even though you felt way too tired.
-Do you have clean clothes? -you finally broke the silence, looking at Eren- Or the more important thing -you stopped for a second- Are you still drunk?
-I'm fine, I swear -he felt ashamed- I have some clothes in my car in front of your house.
-Wait! -you snapped at him- Don't tell me that you were stupid enough to drive, while you were wasted.
-Uhm... -he smiled embarrassed.
-Fucking hell Eren, you could have died! -you yelled.
-I'm sorry.
-Promise me, you won't do that again! -you clenched your jaw.
-Nothing happened -he shrugged.
-Promise me! -you screamed- I cannot lose you, you fucking moron -it slid out of your mouth.
-I promise -he cleared his throat, slightly smiling under his nose. 
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remnantsfm · 1 year
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CHIRRUP > FORUMS > SORT BY [LATEST] > THREAD: did anyone else get sick after the interrogation?
📌 carmine_heart (original poster): i'll keep this short since i'm still in pretty bad shape. basically a couple of days ago i went to the enforcer division for my questioning. i thought it went okay, i answered all of their questions, they were pretty nice and offered me a drink too. i went home feeling pretty good since my boyfriend confirmed my alibi that same day. but then this next morning i started to feel weird. my head felt hot and at first i thought it was a fever, but i don't know. this feels different. my head feels like it's so...full, and i haven't really been able to think properly. i feel like i'm sleepwalking. i can't tell if i'm just so stressed about this case that i'm making myself sick or what. my boyfriend says i've been acting weird. saying weird things. but it's really hard to remember the last day, much less what i said... there was a reason i wanted to post here but i can't remember now either. please can someone tell me i'm not the only one going through this?
comments. ( < page 2 of 37 > )
cerulean_scale: Maybe you caught something? There's been a cold going around since the storm. scarlet_venom: i feel it too doesnt it feel so good? ;my bed feels like clouds. i dont ever want to leave amber_tear: okay idk what all of you are talking about but personally my interview went AMAZING. it made me realize a few things about myself. i went to my best friend's house after and confessed. i feel like i'm on some kind of high. i feel fucking great!!! emerald_touch: serial killer on the loose and everyone starts literally losing their minds loooool searing_sparrow: something happened at that place. i swear. i felt fine at first too but i woke up this morning and my heart feels like it's beating out of my chest. a couple min ago i called my mom and told her some shit i've kept from her in years and i don't remember what the hell i was thinking when i wanted to do that. i barely remember the call at all its like it was someone else and i was just watching from the other side. i feel like i'm going out of my mind radiant_flame: hey (@)searing_sparrow i'm friends with OP and i went to check up on them earlier today and the way they were acting... i'm worried. can we talk offline? silver_lantern: i don't think you're sick. https://www(.)thebell(.)com/article/23-08/water-advisory-issued-foul-play-suspected-by-enforc…
❝ [11:22 KST]. the city has issued a PUBLIC DRINKING WATER ADVISORY affecting ALL public and private buildings registered to the city of ansan. no specific details have been provided yet, but the contamination is confirmed to be neither toxic nor harmful. drinking from impacted water sources can result in several days of a FEVER-LIKE CONDITION, including high temperatures, erratic behavior, and lethargy/overactivity. the city advises all citizens to AVOID CONSUMING WATER SOURCED WITHIN ANSAN, including but not limited to: tap water, bottled water of ansan origins, and potentially natural sources of water within city limits. this warning remains in effect until the city deems it safe. civil offices are already facing outcries as this advisory comes amidst a pending murder investigation, for which the enforcer division still has not resolved. multiple anonymous sources have claimed that they experienced these symptoms far earlier, however, suspecting that contamination may have began as early as the day the murder investigation was publicized . . . ❞
this event will last OOC from 3. august - 17. august.
ansan's water sources have been contaminated with an unknown substance that causes anyone who drinks it to experience a hazy, fever-like condition that makes them more . . . HONEST.
to participate, simply reblog the PROMPT LIST for each participating muse and make sure your askbox is opened.
all participants are required to send at least one prompt to all other participants. you may send multiple prompts out to each muse, but at least ONE prompt should be sent OFF-ANON so that the admins can make sure everyone is participating fairly!
to avoid blogs possibly getting sh@dowbanned, try to avoid sending many prompts in a short period of time.
as this event is a pseudo honesty hour, we want to encourage the spirit of honesty! in-character, this condition makes the muse feel more feverish / nauseous / faint if they actively attempt to lie or suppress the urge for honesty. avoiding the truth can also heighten the symptoms.
conversely, giving into the honesty will grant the muse a brief feeling of relief from the symptoms.
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ladyravenjadethe2nd · 1 month
Spoilers for Part 9 of If Wishes were Kisses
This might be my favorite part. I really think I'm gonna surprise a lot of people and I really think it will ruin the awesome if you read this early. So you have been warned if you check this out before I get around to posting chapter 9 you will not as fun of a time.
Okay so what I've done is added many cannon characters from fandoms not HxH or MHA and hidden them! Very cleverly by the way.
Frist chapter though does go to an HxH reincarnation that you never see in my story. You only feel her effects on it.
Bisky! That's right she's been here the whole time. I made everyone the correct ages so her 57 year old self was reincarnated before MHA cannon even happened.
She's also not the same Bisky we all know and love. She hated being buff in cannon so reborn into a world with better laws (Child endangerment wasn't a thing in HxH and several other things make that world more dangerous) and a fairly normal family why would she push herself into having a body she hates again?
Nah this Bisky doesn't work out like she used too maybe she would if she could transmuter herself, but that's not how her power works here.
Her quirk gives her the effects Cookie her ability, could do. In about 30 mins she can make a body regain the same stamina they would from a good nights rest.
If you combine this with say Recovery Girl's quirk which uses someone's stamina to heal you have someone able to not only heal a bit faster, but survive more surgeries and more uses of Recovery Girl's quirk.
Now she didn't want to be a hero since she didn't want to fight, but she did become a very pretty girly Doctor who has worked with heroes before.
She makes tons of money, has tons of side flings with hot men and lives her best life never knowing that Gon or Killua are here.
She also saves Sir Nighteye. Bet you thought that I was lazy and didn't have a good reason for everyone living didn't ya?
With her quirk he is able to withstand a life saving surgery and in cannon he died right when he learned to believe that the future could be changed. Therefore he saves Midnight.
Anyway first chapter goes to her. The following chapters will be a new character each time and I have many, with fairly long stories of their own.
We have Rin Shouto's aunt who is also Rin from Naruto. This sweet peaceful girl with died young in a world with child soldiers got really pissed off when she was born into peace.
She realized what happened to her was unfair and feels like she didn't stand up for herself enough so she's a lot more outgoing and less polite in her day to day life.
I'll go though her feelings about her death and her relationship with her parents.
Luckily brown hair is common and Shouto is very distracted when he briefly mentions her face tats. I figured they were a clan thing and she got them redone as an adult.
There are a lot more side characters that you may not see, but only hear about that won't effect the story much at all, but I thought doing this was super fun.
Sato married a woman from France although he lives in America and owns a bakery with her. At some point it will be mentioned that he has a daughter named Mari, although that is actually the nickname of Marinette from Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir.
Her chapter will be about her traveling to France to intern with a great French designer friend of her father's Aoyama who has a son Adrian.
My very favorite of these characters though is Ratio the son of Iida and Camie. Ratio is how you say Light's name in Japanese.
Light is reincarnating because those that use the Deathnote cannot go to heaven or hell.
He has already been in Naruto and Harry Potter, but he didn't have a nice ending in either time. This will be relevant in a min.
So he starts out planning to take over the world and he has a great plan.
Light has both his parents quirks, but he is smart enough to pretend to not have glamour. Instead everyone is distracted by the engines that come out of his shoulder and then bend in a way that looks like angle wings. He can use them to fly.
Light is gonna take over his father's hero agency by day and set himself up to lead the hero commission by day and use glamour to look like a Shinigami by night and terrify the villains into following him.
He will be the god of this new world!
Except he goes for a playdate over at the Todoroki/Yaoyorozu place when he's around 8 and sees Milluki watching Deathnote.
This changes everything. Of course he has to watch it. Of course he has to wonder if any other world could also be found in media and he finds them.
In the Naruto he was competing with Minato to be the next Hokage. Things were going well, but he was betrayed by Danzou and killed. Who could have know?
In Harry Potter he was competing with Tom Riddle as the most perfect student and dies when he tries to blackmail Tom when he realizes he opened the chamber of secrets.
That's twice now that if only he had been able to learn about these worlds before he would have had a great time ruling the place.
Clearly this new world he is in is special. It might be the only world where this information is available to Light. His next life could be in any hundreds of thousands of worlds and to not try to arm himself with knowledge would be senseless.
New plan. Light is now a full fledge Otaku. His new goal is to consume all the content he can. He becomes Milluki's best friend and they watch anime together.
Your never gonna guess that Raito is Light even with all the signs because him throwing away power to enjoy fandoms is crazy.
Now Light needs a plan to keep his easy lifestyle where he can binge One Piece in peace so he needs a job of some sort.
You know if manga is about real places if he becomes a manga writer he will pretty much be God creating a world. He's very into that idea by the way.
His dad is pretty sad that his only kid isn't suited to taking over the agency though so Light should find a badass hero wife that can run the agency for his dad and make Light a kept man that has free time to read and write.
He marries another reincarnation Kari from Digimon or Hikari as is her Japanese name.
Did you know that Hikari means light? Did you know that her last name was mistranslated and it's supposed to be Yagami?
Her cannon name is Light Yagami of course they have to get married!
So she only halfway remembers her past life. Mostly she has odd dreams about monsters.
Kari is the kid of the Invisible girl whose powers work by refracting light and Tailman. Her digimon Gatomon is called Tailmon in Japanesse by the way.
She looks like a cross of herself and Gatomon. She has the Gatomon tail with the stripes turning invisible. Her power is that she can send a ring of light flying off of her tail. It looks like Gatomon's tail ring.
Light acts like the perfect boyfriend and while sometimes he does feel a little....off she never has a good reason to breck up with him.
They are pretty happy actually.
I have a few more ideas, but those were the best ones that I'm certain I will use. Feel free to comment on this if you have an idea for a character from a different fandom being reborn into this story!
Seems like I can't post more then 10 links in a post so I'm adding the spoilers for part ten here.
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard (okay, more like medium-well)
So, I'm freshly postpartum (nine months is still fresh, right?), and I've just ordered a bunch of clothes that fit my right-now body because I've given up on the idea of losing weight before I go back to work as a teacher in the fall. I'm breastfeeding six or so times a day, can't imagine putting on anything but a lounge bra at this point, and know for a fact I won't be counting calories anytime soon, if ever again. We're down to one feeding per night, but there's still no such thing as a stretch of sleep longer than six hours (and those are real hard to come by). I dropped my scale off at a thrift store when we moved into a new apartment a few weeks ago, for goodness sake. All of this to say, I went to bed last night fully intending to embrace my body as it is, enjoy my new clothes, go for stroller walks with my little one, and focus on getting unpacked in this new place.
...then I found growwithjo on YouTube this morning and had so much freaking fun doing her Do This Every Morning 20 min (low impact) full-body workout that I am JUICED. Y'all, I'm jumping straight into 75 Hard. Screw all my plans to settle into discomfort and continue to feel meh about my body. I'm starting today. 75 days from now is July 31. That means we're having a... Hot Mama Summah. Here we go!
A couple things about me, I've dealt with disordered eating, obsessive calorie counting, and major shame about food in the past. One incredible thing that came with getting pregnant last year (actually it was 2022, which is insane!) was an almost immediate shift in my mindset about food and my ability to enjoy food without guilt. As soon as I knew I was eating for two, a switch flipped and those 32 years of food shame just went away. Knowing that my body, the body I've lived in and, at some points, truly despised, my whole life, was creating a little human?? Dang, that changed me. I'll dive deeper into that another time, but I'm including it here to explain that I won't be counting calories during this adventure. I'm nine months into breastfeeding and know my body needs extra calories to feed my girl, so I'm going to continue to eat until I'm full and enjoy my sweet treats. I also won't be weighing myself due to the aforementioned thrift store drop off as well as an obsession with numbers and addiction to weighing myself before and after every workout when I'm deep in weight loss mode. I will share that the last time I checked, I hadn't lost any weight since an initial ten pounds the day my baby was born in August 2023, and at that point I was at 235. I'm 5'2.5" and carry my weight in my chest and belly right now. Perhaps I'll have a doctor's appointment in a couple months and be able to give an update using their scale. We'll see!
Let's dive into 75 Hard. If you've been around the internet in the last few years, you might have heard of this mental discipline challenge created by Andy Frisella. For 75 days, you must: drink a gallon of water, do two 45-minute workouts (one must be outside), follow a diet plan of your choosing with no cheat days, don't consume alcohol, read 10 pages of a self help or educational book, and take a daily progress picture. As I've made clear, I have a nine-month-old, so I'm not going to do every element, but I'm not quite doing a "soft" version, in my opinion.
Mama Cat's 75 Medium-Well Plan:
Eat 2 fruits and 2 veggies
Drink a gallon of water
Do a 20-minute workout and at least 45 minutes of walking (can be split into multiple walks based on what baby will tolerate)
No alcohol
Take a daily progress pic
As you can see, I'm skipping the reading and shortening one workout to 20 minutes. I am a big reader, but it isn't something I've gravitated toward for relaxation in motherhood, and I honestly don't want to use up what little time I have during naps to read when I could be completing all my NYT word puzzles (and updating this blog)!I'll make another post later wrapping up Day One with a list of what I ate and how I moved my body. I'll try to update daily but might do a few days' worth of posts at a time if taking time to write it all out gets tough. So far, I've already done my workout video, 45-minute walk, eaten two fruits, and enjoyed an hour of snuggles while baby girl contact napped. I've also nursed three times, and I'll never stop feeling proud and impressed by that, so I'm going to celebrate it daily! I have a lot to say about my breastfeeding journey and look forward to making a post about it eventually.
Wish me luck. Let's hope this motivation high lasts and I don't give it all up tomorrow!
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boydepartment · 2 years
Hello there! It's me, sheep anon! (One of these days I'm going to run out of ideas for greetings.) I realized after I wrote my message last time that I wrote Heartache instead of Superache, whoops, spelling is not my strong suit. My week hasn't been the greatest, but I feel much better than yesterday, so I'm working on it. *Looks at myself crying on the floor for 10 mins feeling miserable* I feel like giving advice today, so here's something that I've been repeating to myself recently:
Be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up over making mistakes. Acknowledging the fact that we're all going to mess up in our lives is the antithesis to perfectionism. Otherwise, you'll realize that whoops, you've played yourself and forgot to treat yourself like a human being. You kinda have to live with yourself for the rest of your life, so get comfortable with yourself. The idea that I would have to spend the rest of my life being myself was incredibly scary in the beginning, especially since self hatred is a thing, but I find it really empowering now. The one person that would never leave you is yourself, so treat yourself as a friend. <3
There's still a lot I have to learn about the world, but I hope that this message is heard by whoever needs to hear it. Most of my advice I've gathered from other people and from my own experiences, and everything is a work in progress, but I'm working on being better. =) On a happier note, have fun going to the skz concert! Your outfit looks so cool and remember to stay hydrated throughout, I heard it gets really hot during the performance. It's really cold and windy where I live as well, so I hope it gets warmer and we can all go outside and bask in the sunlight. Hugs for everyone!
p.s. I did listen to Laufey and her music does remind me a lot of Dodie's, there's something warm about both of their music. If I had a recommend a content creator, it would be The Korean Vegan, her videos have very heartfelt and personal messages in them and have made me cry on more than one occasion. She's such a inspiration and her videos are about food, so you can't go wrong with that. She also has a podcast, which you can listen to on the go.
Hi again sheepie!!!! I’m really sorry your week has been rough :( I am glad it’s slowly getting better though!!
That is really good advice! I really believe I need to start thinking like that! I need to learn how to be less cruel towards myself, I’m very harsh towards myself and need a lot of things to be perfect in my eyes. Not towards other people of course, that would be really bad! In fact I tend to love people’s “imperfections.” Sometimes I get really sad when idols remove their uniqueness to them. I love unique and odd people. I need to start thinking that of myself. Your advice is always appreciated here :) thank you for always sharing
Also thank you so much!! I will definitely hydrate!!! I’ve been to a ton of concerts before and I tend to get a little wild! Not in a bad way though lol!!! I just love dancing around and singing along so much especially when I know the set list like the back of my hand!!
I cannot wait for the warmer weather, I live in an area where it gets warm very frequently so I am not used to the cold! I’m dying to finally get some better weather! I don’t do well in the cold lol please stay warm!!!!!! Cold and windy is a dangerous combo for colds!!!
I ended up watching a few videos from The Korean Vegan!!! This will genuinely help me a lot with food ideas because I don’t eat meat! I haven’t eaten meat since I was 11 or 12. I’m 18 now so it’s been AWHILE and a lot of testing different foods! Watching the food videos really made my stomach growl lol!!!
I hope your week starts to get a lot better! You are always very kind and sweet and so I hope things start looking up :) you know my ask box and dms are always open!
Have a good day sheepie!!
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Oh! P.s
I wanted to ask if you currently have any favorite stray kids songs! I am always curious to ask this of people!!!
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starsspin-a · 3 years
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endless edits of baghra.morozova { mutuals may reblog }
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alirhi · 3 years
10 Sebastian roles as boyfriends
Because... I'm bored and I feel like it. 😂 Probably some spoilers for, like... everything? So yeah... That.
Putting it under here for easy scrolling:
10: Chase Collins
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Who doesn't love a goofball? In the first half of the movie, Chase is basically perfect. He's sweet, funny, not all caught up in his ego, and actually pays attention to what the girls around him are saying, not just to what he wants to hear. If not for the whole... it was all an act to get close to Caleb and try to steal his magic thing, Chase would actually be a damn good high school boyfriend. He's adorable and would be a fun date, but he's also only 18 so best not to start making long-term plans lol. Also, y'know... the whole psycho revenge/power grab thing.
9 Jack Benjamin
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Y'all. Y'all. Words cannot describe how much I love Jack. Pretty sure I've made this clear. As a person/character in general, he's absolutely in my Top 3 - not just of Sebastian's characters, but any character ever. ❤ But as a boyfriend? Boy's got baggage. It's what makes me so protective of him, but seeing as how he's trapped in the closet thanks to his overbearing homophobic family and the insane expectations heaped on him, as the show left him, he can't handle an honest relationship. He's too easily influenced by all the wrong people, poor babe.
8 Chris (Destroyer)
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On paper, undercover cop sounds cool and exciting, but even if you ignore the fact that he, y'know, dies... Chris got in too deep and kinda lost the mission, so to speak. Best case scenario, you're his sexy partner and in on it all with him and end up on the lam for the rest of your lives. Worst case, this man lies for a living, so can you even trust him? And... yeah. The whole dead thing. Chris is hot af but getting involved with him is a recipe for disaster.
7 Ben
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Min and Hathor have mercy, I love Ben! He's smart, he's snarky, he's caring and loyal... he's an absolute disaster. He's another one who seems allergic to honesty, until his lying and avoiding nearly kill his girlfriend. Not exactly relationship goals lol. Everything before totally was, though! Ben's adorable, and I love how he stayed up all night to protect his girlfriend (from a ghost/demon thing... with a baseball bat. I said he was smart, not perfect, okay? XD points for effort lol)
6 Mickey Henry
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I. LOVE. MICKEY. Oml I love Mickey. He's a spazz and - even more so than Ben - an absolute disaster of a human being, but I love him. Pros for dating Mickey Henry: he's fun, he's carefree, he'll cook for you even though he's kinda bad at it lol, he loves his son and wants to be a good dad, he wants his partner to be happy and to love life as much as he does. Cons, and the reason he's not higher on the list: He's a pushover; easily influenced by the toxic people in his life, and it gets him into a lot of trouble. Being easily influenced by toxic dumpster fire of a human being Chloe almost lost him the partial custody of his son that he barely even had. He's an absolute sweetheart, but he's a complete man-child, and dating him would often feel more like raising him.
5 Frank "Suffer Buddy"
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Come on! You know he and Mickey had to be back-to-back - they're practically the same character! 😂 Frank is Mickey... slightly more grown up. He's still a disaster, but he's respectful of boundaries, he's caring, he's funny in a dry, witty way that I just adore, and hoo lordy that man is a giver! 🥴🥵 Honestly, if he didn't smoke and didn't ditch Daphne in the middle of a party hours away from everything familiar to her surrounded by strangers to go do drugs, I'd call Frank perfect. He listened, he respected her wishes, he tried to keep some distance between them when he found out she'd gone on a date with his best friend (it failed utterly and brought us to the "damn that man's good with his mouth" portion of the movie lmao but still)... I don't have a whole lot of experience with men who actually give a shit, okay? So Frank is like a goddamn unicorn to me lmao. But that drug thing... That keeps him at the bottom of the Top 5 for me. Sorry, bb
4 Bucky
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I can already hear everyone on here raging at me for placing Bucky so low on this list, but hear me out: I love this man. I love all four iterations of this man. Flirty 40s Bucky was a doll (fun date, not commitment material). Post-POW camp 40s Bucky had a fire to him that set me on fire. The Winter Soldier can choke me any damn day. Unf. And TFATWS Bucky... Oh, lady above, 2023 Bucky is a gem! He's sweet, snarky, and broken. He feels utterly, wretchedly alone in the world, and everyone around him, including his only friend, is telling him to "man up" and "make amends" for shit that was never his fault to begin with, rather than helping him come to terms with all that he's suffered and all that he's survived. Bucky needs and deserves love. A relationship with him would be so solid, if he found the right person... But it would take a fuck ton of work. He needs someone strong, patient, and more stubborn than he is to prod him until he finds a better therapist and actually opens up, and to keep him on track because even good therapy comes with homework. He does have to "do the work," Sam was right about that much, but he was way off base with what that "work" is. Bucky needs help and understanding, and he would be an amazing boyfriend... if he found someone with the strength to help him weather his nightmares and flashbacks, and help pull him out of this PTSD pit he's been in since 1943.
3 Chris Beck
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Big brains turn me on, okay? 😂This man is an astronaut and a surgeon! Yes, please! Come here, you sexy genius! He's smart, he's funny - pretty sure Sebastian is incapable of playing anyone who's not delightfully snarky lol. He's pragmatic when he needs to be but there's also nothing he wouldn't do or risk for the ones he loves. This man is husband material and I cannot be convinced otherwise! So why isn't he #1? Cuz of the whole... spending years in space, thing. Super cool job and I'd be his biggest fan on the ground, but god damn, I would miss him while he's away!
2 TJ Hammond
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Look, I'm gender fluid and he's a little bit bi 😂😂😂 Let me have my fantasy, okay? TJ's definitely got a lot of shit to work through, but love brings out the best in him. Before that fucking closeted shitbag broke his heart and stomped on it for good measure, TJ was clean and sober for months, he was happy, he was playing piano again, he was pulling himself together. Not only would he be an amazing boyfriend, but his partner would get the extra joy of getting to watch their love and devotion to him be the thing that saves this beautiful man's life. It's not healthy overall to tie your self worth and will to live to a relationship, but if he found the right person who would be there for him through all of life's shit and stick it out, I think he'd be okay. Even after his lowest point and without the support of his family, TJ still had a dream and he still chased it. He's not just the sweetest person to ever grace our screens, but he's ambitious and business-savvy, too. Keep him off drugs and watch this man take over the world, I'm telling you!
So why is TJ only #2? Well, besides the fact that he's like 99% gay and I have no bits he'd be interested in lmao, there's also the fact that this guy owns my heart:
1 Will Franklyn
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And not just because we get to see him wet and mostly naked lol. Will is fucking perfect. I would die for this man... because he's already shown that he would die for his love. He almost fucking did, and they weren't even together yet! He's smart and very aware, he's a writer so we'd get to bond/geek out over books together, he's not all full of himself (self-deprecating humor ftw!) and he's willing to help a total stranger despite actual mortal peril, just because it's the right thing to do. Fierce, intelligent, sassy, strong-willed, and a flawless moral compass? YESYESYESYESYES! Forget boyfriend - let me MARRY this man! 😍🥰
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kuronanox · 3 years
Our little secret-Kaien Shiba
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"Kaien Shiba my super hot professor."
(Your Name) day dreams with brightful eyes as she sighs and smiles sheepishly.
"(Last Name)!" Kaien shouts smacking her desk with his rolled up paper as she flinched and looks up to him. His brows were knit and focused. "If you keep day dreaming you'll fall behind!"
"Ahh I'm sorry." She apologizes and bows her head respectfully as he laughs and grins.
"I'm joking, but seriously you should try to concentrate more."
(Your Name) chuckles and mentally screams, her tiny heart would hurt if he actually yelled at her.
"Wait he knows my name?!"
She looks back up and Kaien was already at the chalk board lecturing on the next chapter. With one hand on his hip and the other writing some unknown language on the board.
"Concentrate concentrate concentrate!"
She tries to smack her face lightly as she looks lower to stare at his butt and blushes a bit yelping as the students around her stared and she looked down embarrassed.
Once lecture was done she sighed from exhaustion and packed her bag before her name was called out.
"(Last Name)." Kaien calls out as most of the student cleared out of his lecture room and she mentally cursed.
"Yes sensei?" (Your Name) asks staring at her feet interested with the patterns of her new shoes.
"You can look up." He laughs a bit with both his hand on his hips. His tie moving along with his laugh and his tucked in shirt was so irresistible for her she licked her lips. "Anyways I was looking back at some of your test scores and you are falling behind! Is everything alright?" He asks now a bit concerned.
"No! Everything is fine! I'm just not understanding the material and I don't wanna stop class because of my selfish reasons."
Kaien pokes her forehead and grunts, lightly hitting the roll of paper on her head. "Everyone is here to learn. I guarantee someone else have the same question as you too."
(Your Name) goes back to looking at her shoes shyly as the older man sighs but in a concerning way. "How about I tutor you for 30 min after class each day you are here. Monday, Wednesday, Friday." His eyes raising for her answer as she slowly nods.
"I'm sure you are a busy man and I don't have money for a tutor."
"Don't worry about it, my students come first." He assures her with a smile as she smiles back.
"Jesus he's gorgeous! I can't believe he offered to help me learn on his own time for free!"
"I'll see you next week then!" Kaien cheers smacking her head once again before walking out the classroom.
The following weekend for her was so slow because she was excited to spend one on one time with him.
"He's my professor though! It would be wrong to like him! I'm sure he's married or dating already! I mean I should be too because I'm a junior year college student but still a teacher and student relationship would be to spicy."
Throwing her pillow across the room she squirmed in her bed like a fan girl. "A girl can dream though."
Composing herself she went onto her phone and searched through all social media to "research" him some more but she found nothing.
"Maybe he doesn't use social media? He ain't that old yet though." Putting her phone aside she closed her eyes and waited for Monday to come quickly.
Lecture time came as she sat towards the front of the class to concentrate more. Still this chapter and chapters before overlapped each other and she felt super lost and defeated.
Kaien would teach and sometimes look at her direction and from the expression on her face he knew she was struggling. Once the classroom cleared out he arranged his desk to be more roomy for her to set her things down.
"Cha! Are you ready?" He asks enthusiastically opening up his notes from a few chapters back.
She smiled and sat next to him as they got to work.
Over the course of their their tutoring sessions 30 minutes turned to 40, till it reached an hour and then till after dark.
Kaien didn't realized how much he was enjoyed her company that at times they would get off subject and just talked about themselves or their likes.
"I didn't think a 30 year old man would actually enjoy tutoring." He says to her as she gasped picking up her book bag and getting ready to leave their session.
"To be fair I didn't think a 22 year old girl would need tutoring."
Kaien waved her off, closing his classroom up. Looking out the window it was pouring all day. "Did you park in the garage today?" He asks putting his coat on.
"I did actually!"
"Me too, we can walk together."
The walk was normal it didn't seem like a teacher and student relationship, it was more like friends now. To Kaien there was nothing wrong with opening up your options even though he had none.
"You are still young (Your Name) go to parties and have fun." He tells her as she looks up to him, his eyes showed a bit of sadness but she couldn't figure out what.
"30 isn't old! But then again to see your professor at a party would be kinda sus."
Kaien chuckles and shook his head as they made it to the elevator. It was silent but her heart was racing.
They've spent a lot of time with each other since he offered to tutor her but she wanted to know him more. There was a part of him she could tell was missing.
"How was your college life?"
"Wild I did so many things." He tells her placing his hands in his pockets.
"Ahh me too, there are some pretty crazy frat parties." She tells him lightly as he laughs out loud.
"Tell me about it! I've been to plenty."
As they enter the garage, the rain started to pour harder as lightning mixed with the clouds.
"Will you be okay getting home in this rain?"
"Don't worry! I can wait it off on campus." She assures him as he shakes in head and unlock his car, opening his passenger seat.
"You wanna go to the bar? It's only a block down. We can wait it off there and then I'll drive you back to your car."
A part of her wanted to say no only because it seemed wrong to be drinking with her professor but she knew she wasn't a minor or some kid. It was totally fine and it wasn't like she was sleeping with him for better grades.
With a bright smile she gladly took a seat. "Sure!"
To her surprise the bar was pretty busy and it was blasting with music and people all ages mingling. He asked for a booth and took a seat across from her.
"He has to be interested if he took me to a bar or even offered to go out!"
Looking at the menu Kaien offered to pay for the night.
"Don't worry about it! I'm sure we are hungry also, it's been a long day."
(Your Name) was hesitant at first but gave in only because he wouldn't let her pay for nothing since he invited her out. They had a few rounds of drinks and it was easy for her to talk to him because Kaien was pretty open about everything.
"Yeah I remember falling down the stairs at a frat house blacked out in the bathtub after trying to get home." He tells her laughing his ass off thinking about his college days.
"Yeah it took 7 people to carry me out the house, I was dead weight and woke up in my friends house with different clothes." (Your Name) says sharing her side of stories as well.
"So you're a drinker? I wouldn't have thought." Kaien states as he drank the rest of his water. (Your Name) looks at her watch, it was about to hit midnight and the rain was slowing down enough to drive in.
"It's getting kinda late, I'm pretty sure your family is waiting for you." She says nonchalantly without realizing it may have been a sensitive topic.
Kaien slightly frowns but not enough to show discomfort. He kindly smiles to her after and says "no family, it's just me and I."
Her eyes widen in realization as she quickly apologized and bowed her head. He chuckles and ruffles her hair. "Don't worry, no offense taken. It gets lonely at times but I bare with it. Come on I'll drive you to your car."
The whole night they went out he was a gentleman, opening the car door and the bar door. Holding her bag and paying for dinner. It felt nice.
As they rode back she had to ask him, she wanted to know what this was.
"Kaien?" She asks and the way his name came off her lips felt foreign.
"Do you think this is weird? Going out to drink with one of your students and spending a lot of time with me even after tutoring me?"
There was a silence for a moment before he spoke truthfully.
"At first I was skeptical but we are both adults and what we decide to do shouldn't have to matter with imagine or what people think. That means yes I enjoy your company and I do like you."
(Your Name) blushed a bit, he admit to like spending time with her and hinted he didn't wanna stop either.
"How'd you know I like you?"
He smirks and shakes his head before pulling into the garage. "Word spreads fast around my students apparently."
Turning off his car Kaien walked her into her car so she would get home safely.
"(Your Name) if it's out of your comfort zone we could always try after you graduate." He seriously says to her leaning into her window as she gulped to how close he was to her.
"No I don't feel uncomfortable, I just didn't think this would actually be happening."
"Expect the unexpected." He says as she chuckles to how corny that was. "It can be our little secret for a while." Kaien adds with a toothy grin and she smiles.
"Yeah, our little secret for a while."
(Author Note: idk why I feel like I could make this one shot better but then it would turn to a whole story)
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farfromsugafanfic · 3 years
Sutures - Chapter 12: Cardioplegia
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): mentions of family member death, medical procedures, ANGST, hospitalization, references to memory loss
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Note: Before y’all demand my head on a stick for this ending, please note that there is an epilogue and bonus part still to come.
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"Min Yoongi? Jang Sumi?" the doctor asked, carrying a clipboard in his hand. "So, I hear you have some concerns you need to discuss with me?" 
You recognized the doctor from when you'd ended up in the hospital after the night you met Yoongi. He seemed to be the only soulmate bonding specialist in the whole city and your stomach turned. You wanted your needles.
"Yes," Yoongi said. "You see, an urgent family matter has come up for Sumi and she has to fly to the US as soon as possible." The doctor nodded. "The issue is that due to my schedule, I can't go with her. I know you said there were exemptions for work, do you think this would cover that?" 
"It's hard to know," the doctor said. "It's possible you would have no problems as the conflict involves your work. But, for Sumi, there's nothing obligating her beyond the love for her family. I fear it would be risky. We wouldn't know until Sumi is on the plane and if you both have a reaction, it's likely Sumi wouldn't be able to get to a hospital in time." 
"Then, no," Yoongi said. "What are the other options?"
"Wait," you said, touching Yoongi's bicep lightly. "What are the chances I have a reaction on the plane?" 
"I'd say a 70% chance you react, 30% you don't. If it'd been over a year since you'd met, it would probably be 50/50. As the years go by, reactions become less likely. At least in the limited experience and research, we have from soulmate couples. Every couple is different."
"I'm willing to take the chance. Maybe we could hire a doctor to fly with me--" 
Yoongi's hand shot to grip your thigh cutting off your words as your jeans rubbed against your skin where his fingertips touched. Even with the fabric between his skin and yours, it still felt like sitting too close to a fire. The sparks flying just over your head. 
The doctor arched his eyebrow. "There aren't a ton of options. We are researching drugs right now to help curb reactions in situations like this, but since the reactions are individualized in some ways, it makes it hard to develop one drug that will work for all."
"I can come with you," Yoongi said, "It's the only option." You saw in the way his lips were in a slight frown that his thoughts were racing. His voice quieted. "And you'll need me."
"Yoongi, I-I don't know how long I'm going stay. You can't stay forever and I might."
Yoongi's eyebrows rose as his lips fell into a frown. "You want to stay?" 
You felt the atmosphere lose color. The vibrant scene slowly turning black and white. Yoongi's hand still rested on your leg like it belonged there. 
"I could teach Korean. Do translation work. I don't know. But, I miss my family and knowing things can happen so quickly and I could lose them, I just..." Unlike all the other times, there were no tears. You couldn't cry over this. You wanted to cry, grab the closest objects and fling them at the wall until they dented it, or at least chipped the paint. You wanted to grab Yoongi and kiss him, tear off his shirt, pull on his hair. But you couldn't. The only thing you could do was sit and listen to the doctor say you had to choose.
"Can we talk about this privately?"
"Before you make any decisions," the doctor said. "I should inform you that we have been working on an experimental cure. We haven't tested it on any human subjects yet, but we could use you if you consent. We can't guarantee it will work, but if it does, it would solve your problems. We don't know what side effects would be, but we would keep you for 24 hours for monitoring." 
"Is it safe?"
"We believe it is. We've done animal trials and while they don't have soulmate connections like you do, they have not shown any side effects that we're concerned about." The doctor stood up to leave. "I'll give you some time. I know this isn't an easy decision, so take your time." 
Once the door closed, you and Yoongi turned towards each other, your knees knocking together. His hands found yours, but you felt his gaze on your face which was angled downward, your eyes focusing on the way his thumb moved slowly over your knuckles.
"Yoongi, I don't know what to do. I need to see my grandma. I wish this wasn't so complicated and I'm scared cause what if the cure doesn't work or it gives us weird side effects. I mean, technically we could die. Yoongi, what do I do? I'm gonna lose my grandma. I-I don't want to lose you too."
"Hey, hey," he said, letting go of your heads and pulling you into his chest. You heard his heart beating against your ear and how his fingers shook slightly as he ran them over your hair. "It's going to be okay. Let's just think about this." 
He was silent for a few moments. You didn't even hear the doctors and nurses rushing past the room or the beat of your hearts. 
"We were working to sever this anyway. We won't lose each other. I'll still be here for you. You can still call or visit. I'm just concerned if something bad happens with the cure. Are you willing to risk everything for your grandmother?" 
"Yes, of course." 
“Then, we'll try it. I want you to be happy, Sumi. I want you to be able to see your grandmother, okay?" 
You nodded. "Are you sure this is what you want?" 
"If it's what you want, then I'm sure." 
"Yoongi, I'm sorry. I know you--" 
"Shh," he said, smoothing down your hair and bunching it up and curling it around his fingers. "Let's just enjoy this last moment, yeah?" 
You burrowed into Yoongi's chest. You would truly miss his warmth, the way his heart beat in time with yours, how he noticed when you were anxious, and handed you your needles. You weren't sure someone like him would ever walk into your life again. And here you were, allowing him to walk out.
"Thanks for coming," the doctor said, nodding towards Namjoon and Eunji who stood off to the side, sharing furrowed brows and concerned glances between you and Yoongi. "Since we don't exactly know what state they'll be in after this we want to make sure they have someone to look after them after."
While the doctor continued explaining worrisome symptoms and aftercare protocol, Yoongi turned towards you and grabbed your hand, slipping a folded piece of paper into it. You flashed him an odd look before pulling your hand away and unfolding the paper, finding a plane ticket to Los Angeles. 
"I've made the arrangements. If you miss that flight, I'll get you on the next."
"Yoongi, you didn't--" 
"Yeah, I did. Now, you don't have to worry, okay?
The doctor finished talking to Namjoon and Eunji and turned towards you. "Are you ready? We need to induce a reaction for this to work, so I've made arrangements for one of you to receive the treatment at another hospital nearby. Which one--" 
"I'll go." Yoongi got off the bed and met your eyes. You'd already said goodbye, but it didn't feel like enough. There was a chance one or both of you could die. That it wouldn't work at all. There was an even greater chance that it would work and all the things you felt for the man in front of you would dissipate like fog in the afternoon. 
You'd miss the way you longed to run your hands through his hair. How your stomach flipped when he smiled at you or the way you felt his touch linger long after he pulled away. The way he could calm you with just a look or how he allowed you to fiddle with his fingers when you didn't have your needles. 
"Bye, Sumi. Call me whenever you need to, okay?"
You nodded and clasped your hands together tightly. He leaned forward and pressed his lips gently to your forehead and left the room before he could look back. 
Namjoon met your eyes and offered a sad smile. "Take care, Sumi." 
"You too, Namjoon." 
Namjoon followed after Yoongi and it was just you, Eunji, and the doctor. "Once her symptoms begin, we'll administer the cure. We'll then just monitor her for any reaction and go from there." 
Ten minutes later, it started. You felt the tightness in your chest, sweat pricking at your hairline, and your legs were restless, wanting to move wherever Yoongi was. 
"Eunji, hold her hands, help keep her still." 
Eunji was hesitant, but she walked over and held your arms flat against the bed. "It's gonna be okay, Sumi. Just breathe, okay? Just keep breathing." 
You flinched as you felt the needle in your arm and fluid spilling into your bloodstream. It was hot--not hot enough to burn--but almost. Your heart slowed, but your breathing didn't catch up. 
"Sumi, how are you feeling? Are you okay?" the doctor asked. You could vaguely make out the two figures hovering over you. Your vision went black around the edges and your legs went numb. You felt yourself falling and the two figures became smaller and smaller.
You woke up. White sheets surrounded you and the room was dark except for the light peeking in from the hallway outside. You heard Eunji in the hallway. It sounded like she was talking on the phone as you didn't hear another voice. 
"What do you mean, Namjoon?" Her voice sounded distressed. Worried. 
You glanced down at the IV in your arm. Your head hurt and you couldn't remember why you were here or how you got there. How long had you been here?
"He-he's okay, though? I mean, other than--"
Eunji's voice was now hushed. You strained to hear, but the machines connected to you began to beep. Eunji rushed back into the room, flipping on the light.
"Sumi!" Before you could blink she had her head pressed to your chest and was hugging you the best she could without disturbing all the needles and cords attached to your body. "When you passed out I thought you were going to die and I didn't know what was going to do without my best friend."
"Eunji--what--what happened? Who's Namjoon?" 
Eunji's face fell. "Oh, uh, that's not important. Let me get the doctor."
The doctor examined you. His eyes caught yours, a sad look crossing over them momentarily before he pulled away. 
“You seem perfectly healthy," he said. "I'm going to discharge you, but if you start having odd symptoms of any kind get to an emergency room. Okay?"
You nodded, not fully understanding. "Wait, how long has it been? How long have I been here?"
"It's only been a few hours, why?" 
"My grandma," you said. "I need to get to the airport and get a ticket and--"
Eunji reached into her purse and pulled out a slip of paper. "You have a ticket. The flight's in a few hours. If you hurry you can make it. I'll send your stuff along later." 
"You didn't buy this, did you?" 
"No, Yoo--you really don't remember?" 
"Eunji, what aren't you telling me?"
Your friend glanced over at the doctor who mouthed something you couldn't make out. 
"It's not important right now," Eunji said. "Come on, you need to get to the airport if you want to get to the airport on time."
"I'll miss you," you said, pulling Eunji in for a hug. "I'll call you when I can."
"Take it easy, okay? You just got out of the hospital." 
"I still don't remember what happened, Eunji. Why can't just tell me? Was it an accident? I must've hit my head." 
"The doctor thinks it'd be too stressful on you right now. Maybe I'll tell you someday, okay? Just go be with your grandma." 
You nodded, even though you overflowed with questions, something made you feel at peace as you stepped onto the plane and into your window seat. Normally, this is when you'd begin feeling sick. You settled into your seat and pulled your flannel closer around you. You didn't remember owning a flannel with the sleeves cut off. It must be one of Minki's old ones that you'd stolen, but for some reason, it kept you calm as the plane rocketed off the runway and into the air.
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namjooningelsewhere · 3 years
The Prince Charming!!
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Pairing : Yoongi x reader
Genre: 18+
Warnings: Absolutely nothing!!!!
Summary- You are forced to attend a prestigious homecoming ball which you wanted to avoid but also which you couldn't, you didn't make in any plans on avoiding until you actually meet someone interesting and suddenly everything just seems perfect. Comfortably perfect!
The big thingies weren't quite your scene, specially when all you had to do was look like a freaking doll and stand in poise and behave and watch what you said. Naah please you were done with it.
And today happened to be exactly that kind of day. It was ball at the most affluent family of the city, The Mins. Seems like the so called prince charming had returned to his kingdom after a sabbatical and to celebrate the return his parents had hosted a ball, actually quite grand one at that.
You never wanted to go home because you knew your mother would be waiting with her battalion of stylists, beauticians to make you look like a diva, which obviously you were not. You had features that were standing out but you thought you needed to shine from within to shine on the outside.
You crept inside your own house like a thief tiptoeing to avoid any noise that would attract the attention of your mother. "Rebeca where you think you are going?" Your mothers voice boomed through the corridor. She was your mother alright.
"Give me one good reason why you haven't tried the dresses I've sent to your room? One good reason why you haven't pushed it for the fittings yet?" Umm maybe i came just now, Maybe i was busy trying to prepare for a interview that can get me something real?" You scoffed.
"Very funny, now go to your room and try the dresses and show it to me?" She said. I walked slowly to my room displaying ample amount of disinterest. "Faster now woman, The balls in the evening not tomorrow" you heard your voice once again. How does she know everything? You still couldn't uncover this mystery, You checked if hallways had cameras but nope nothing nada.
You try a lot of dresses but a red one catches your eyes. You try the red one it fit you beautifully amplifying every curve at your body and with a thigh high slits making it look picture perfect. Which also made you look perfect for the gram;).
You finished with a little bit of makeup and a shimmery nude gloss which made your lips look even prettier. You arrived at the ball with your parents and it looked it was more of a met gala type event.
As you walked to the hall you could see girls in all kinds of designers making it a high society designer store, looks like the so called prince charming had a lot of options to choose from.
You were greeted by a cheerful greeting and you grinned by the ear, you knew who it was. Hobi your bestfriend waving right back to him. You gave him a friendly hug, and he gasped for a second "Look at you gorgeous, looking enchanting!! He chimed.
Oh boy didn't have much of a choice you see! You exclaimed. The event turned out to be extremely boring with occasional dances here and there. All everyone was doing was to try finding the guy in question.
You moved to the hallway to use the powder room all you could hear was the gossips about the prince charming, "Where is he ?" I've heard he's hot!! Imagine how will he be?" You were absolutely disinterested in the prince charming and the only reason you had your ass in the room was your mother. That woman was capable of throwing you out of the window if you didn't do what she said. She was someone you would never mess with.
You scanned the room for Hobi, this guy was nowhere to be seen. And somehow you exactly knew where he would be at this moment. You fumbled for the phone but let him just be, At least he was having fun.
The ball was going in full swing yet there was no sign of the prince charming, wishing that man would appear somewhere and this ball would end, so you looked at the exit so that you could have a breath fresh air, you found a exit to a open space down towards the parking.
You moved ahead and went near the garden, and just spread your hands the air felt cold and specially it felt even cold with the strapless dress you had on. "Bored already?" You jumped at the voice behind you.
You turned behind to see a man, a magnificent man. Dark hair on his forehead dressed sharp a tux and those rings in the fingers was the highlight and his sly smile made me loose my breath for a second. Who was this you thought to yourself.
"A lot actually, but I don't seem to have a choice" You sighed. "And why would that be?" He asked. "You friends with the Mins?" You asked in a cautious tone. No he said. "Just that I find such events exhausting not to forget my mother bought me here all dolled up because she thinks I might find a good match and that's downright stupid. You exclaimed.
You could clearly say he was amused. He chuckled and that made you zone out to a parallel universe. "Oh I forgot I didn't get your name?" I didn't give it out yet you chuckled. Rebecca you replied stretching your hand in forward to a handshake.
"Lovely name" he said. Before you could say anything out heard footsteps approaching and next thing you knew he pulled you by the hand and started running towards what looked like a lake house.
I'm sorry people would have misinterpreted and this is a small group of the people here you know, they talk he explained awkwardness quite evident in his voice. "I can understand all these people do is talk. And I'm the last one to be involved. I have a quite fierce of a mother who will not tolerate any such nonsense of this sort" he laughed at my exasperated comment.
"Did someone tell you are dramatic?" He chuckled. "Yeah but then i told them not to mention it again" you laughed. "What are you doing here? Friend of the prince charming?" You asked curiosity taking over you.
"Prince charming?" He asked amused. " Yeah since he has a gazillion girls here who are here for him, must be a charmer I guess you say. He looks like he wanted to have a laughing fit, but didn't do so. "What if he was a charmer? I mean the guy has money, power, mostly looks and what if hes sexy too? Don't you find it appealing?"
"That's not what's all appealing, I mean i cant just doll up and compete for someone who i don't even know and besides my kind of love is more of a personality not the wallet or the pants or the looks. You argued.
"I'm starving!!" he says with a cute expression. Why don't you find something to eat inside I'm sure they have a plethora of options."I said "Nope food inside feels boring, Lets go out." You had your jaw open to the ground at his offer, How were you even supposed to leave this god damn place without your mother knowing.
You planned a hundred scenarios but nothing concrete came to your mind but some voice in your head asked you to throw caution to the wind and go with the tux guy. "Okay you said but there is one thing you have to do for me," You look at him innocently hoping he would agree. "Anything" He replied.
"Can you get me a pair of sneakers? I am going to have my feet cut off if i stay in these heels for one more min." He burst out laughing at your request, "This is the most unique thing someone has ever asked me to do", He chuckled.
He ushered you to the parking lot and opened a car boot to hand you over a pair of white sneakers and you unknowingly threw your heels in his boot. ?He closed it and pulled you towards his bike, You had your eyes out of your head for a minute. "Care for an adventure?" He smirked.
"Haven't you been noticing I'm wearing a gown all this time? You asked amused at this persons innocence. "Oh come on sneaker girl i know you can manage and for all you know this might be the most adventurous night of your life? Be a sport!"
You still could not believe you were doing this as you wore the helmet but it seemed thrilling and you thanked the designers to have kept the slit big enough to manage. The ride was filled with an adventure you have never tried before and most of it for the part that he was a complete stranger and still you felt the urge to trust him like it was inbuilt.
You decided to eat kimchi fried rice avoiding his amused looks for choosing something simple when you could have gone more for a gown and tux place but for what it was worth it turned out to be one of the best meals you and he had in a while. The time was passing by in mere fractions as you planned your last stop on a hilltop, starlit and quite a scenic view of the city.
The wind was blowing in your face calming all the excitement of the night it had really been an interesting one for sure. "did you dance at the ball?" He asked . "No why? You know its a shame that you are wearing such a beautiful dress meant to be to a ball but you didn't dance. I smiled at his thoughts believing that coming to this ball was a decision that was totally worth it. Even worth of getting myself killed by mother the moment i step inside the house. But it seemed worth it.
"Who said we cant change it?" he said. You were shocked when he played the song that was the most perfect fit for the night and pulled me in for a dance. You swayed in his arms like you belonged there and he danced as if you were some queen he was having a dance with. You moved as if it was just meant to be and in that moment strangely everything seemed perfect.
The ride back was just you and him discussing your and his interest and just normal things, just as normally as a night could have ended except he didn't let you go till you handed him your number. "Thanks for saving me from the ball and i had an amazing time really" you said unsure of his reaction.
"Likewise" He replied but with a peck on your cheek. He left you at the door bidding a goodbye. As you stood there in two minds, relishing your encounter of the stranger whose name you had forgotten to ask and second what was the lioness inside the house going to do with you?"
You Froze on your spot when you received a text message:
Sneaker girl, FYI I'm not a prince charming!!!
Something inside you told you this wasn't the last time you were meeting this prince charming.
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getitinbusan · 4 years
The Studio Sessions - Part 4
Smut Series
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It's Min Yoongi's birthday and you're ready to give him whatever he wants. When he makes a sarcastic wish while blowing out the candles he didn't think you'd take it seriously. But he's glad you did.
When word spreads about these special "Studio Sessions" everyone wants to collaborate. A chaptered 0T7 smut. 
These stand alone but why wouldn't you read them all?
The Collaborators so far:
Namjoon & J hope
The Jin Collaboration
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Moans, grunts and the sound of skin slapping on skin filled the air as the monitor played your sex scene on the oversized monitor. It was on it's second loop, Yoongi already watching it in full, had left to make sure you were okay.
Hand in hand you made your way back to the comfort of his studio. As he held the door open for you, your first sight was Jin standing in front of Yoongi's desk. His dick was in his hand furiously stroking himself as the video of Hoseok and Joon tag teaming you played. 
"Is there anyone around here that doesn't want to fuck my girlfriend?" Yoongi startled him.
Nervously fumbling he tried to tuck himself back into his pants.
"What were you looking for Jin? Were you hoping to find something?" you asked in a teasing tone.
Stammering as his face blushed hot,  "Taehyung...he told me I should come down here."
You cocked an eyebrow, "And what did Taehyung tell you you'd find if you did?" 
He looked apprehensively at your boyfriend, "He said, Yoongi was letting you have sex with everyone." 
Yoongi couldn't help but grin at how flustered you were making him. "If you thought I was going to fuck you, why are you in here all alone playing with yourself like a naughty little boy?"
Looking dejected and embarrassed he started to walk towards the exit. 
"Do you like her?" Yoongi asked his Hyung. Jin turned back towards him and nodded, "Maybe if you ask her nicely she'll let you touch her."
Usually overconfident it was strange to see him so ruffled.
"Would you…" his voice was quiet, "I mean, can I?" 
Feeling bad, you knew Jin hadn't been with anyone since his break up months ago. The split was partially because he had a penchant for being tied up and she thought it was strange. Her loss.
"I would, and you can."
He was clearly nervous about this whole situation watching closely as Yoongi moved to sit at his desk,
"You're staying in the room?" Jin seemed surprised. "Isn't that...weird?"
Yoongi laughed, "So to be clear, the weird part isn't that I'm letting everyone get off with my girlfriend, it's that I'm watching while she does it?"
Jin was getting his back up, "I just...I don't think I'm comfortable with you watching me."
While Jin was older, Yoongi never had a problem putting him in his place. "Don't flatter yourself, I've got better things to do than watch your wrinkly balls, take it or leave it."
Getting frustrated, their stupid arguing was pushing you further away from the finish line.
"Listen, Yoongi's going to do his work," you directed your statement towards him. "Which, may I remind you, is how this whole thing got started in the first place."  
Looking at Jin, "You, you're going to get fucked so hard you'll forget he's even here, okay??"
Both men huffed out a "fine" before Yoongi turned in his chair and put his headphones on. 
Standing face to face you ran your fingers through Jin's hair, giving it a firm tug you pulled his head down until his lips were on yours. He was practically purring, all thoughts of Yoongi forgotten as your tongue explored his mouth.
His eyes were closed and his lips were holding a grin, as your other hand rubbed over his chest.  You could feel his fingers working the front buttons of your dress open. Pushing the thin fabric from your skin, your breast was left exposed, he pulled his lips from yours and stared hungrily.
Tracing the outline of your nipple with his index finger it hardened under his touch. He pulled his shirt off, the wet excitement growing between your legs. His chest and shoulders were like a chiseled Greek Adonis sculpture. 
Working your tongue over his abdomen you pushed him backwards onto the couch. Straddling him, his cock was hard underneath you.
Removing your dress for the 4th time that day you rubbed your core over his denim covered cock. He felt huge, and you couldn't wait to get your mouth on him.
He groaned when you stood up, leaving your damp markings on his jeans. "Please don't stop," his desperate begging spurred you on.
Getting on your knees beside the couch you unzipped his pants, his boxers were BT21 and had RJ all over them.
"Always your own biggest fan huh?" You giggled at him, "Let's see what else you've got in here."
Reaching in he was unbelievably hard and wet, weeping with pre cum. "Are you excited for my mouth Oppa? I want to see what your cum tastes like."
He closed his eyes and his mouth parted like he wanted to say something but could only nod.
Wrapping your lips around him you only teased the tip, sucking gently but not going any deeper. Ignoring his shaft he was getting desperate trying to thrust  into your throat.
He grabbed the top of your head to push you further onto his cock but you shoved his hands away. "That's not how this works," you scolded him. "Stand up and take your pants off." 
As he stood undressing you looked around the room. Walking to the desk you ran your hands over Yoongi's shoulders and kissed his cheek.
Pulling one side of his head phones up you lifted the extra USB cables off his shelf, "mind if I borrow these?"
Smiling wide he nodded his approval. Jin, at first puzzled, lit up when he realized you were tying the cables into zip snares.
Wrapping his hands behind his back and his feet together you helped him onto the couch. "How's that feel? Are you comfortable?"
His cock was so agitated you were worried he may cum on his own. "I'm good, he panted out." 
"Good won't do, I think we can do better than that." 
Positioning your mouth you let out a hot breath over his testicles. Warming and relaxing them with your tongue you needed them to drop a little so you could safely bind them.
Satisfied with their position, you began tying his cock and balls together. The restricted blood flow would make sure his pleasure lasted a while.
He watched in reverence as you skillfully wound the cables, whimpering a little with the final tug to secure his confinement.
His cock stood up straight and stiff, "Do you want me to fuck it or suck it?" You queried out loud.
"Fuck it...please Y/N fuck it." 
"I really need to cum Jin, I think I'll be able to focus on you more if I get off first," you teased.
He threw his head back in frustration as you squatted over his face. You let him struggle, tongue just out of reach. "You want a taste?"
Inserting a finger into yourself you pulled it back out and licked it clean. It was the perfect mix of this morning's escapades, Yoongi, Tae and Namjoons cum mixed with your own creamy excitement.
Lowering yourself onto his face you instructed, "Just a lick."
His tongue lapped you, swirling around your clit, you wanted more but it wasn't part of the game you were playing right now.
"That's enough," you said, placing yourself just out of reach again.
"I need you to cum Y/N, I can't take this teasing."
"I think you can, in fact, I think you like it."
Inserting your fingers back inside yourself you pumped them, aggressively masturbating over his face. Droplets of your juices had covered his skin by the time you'd finished satisfying yourself.
Hands still bound he was helpless, licking his face you cleaned up your own mess. "That feels better," you declared while leaning over to inspect his cock tie.
His abs were drizzled with strands of sticky pre cum, his desire to have you was extremely flattering.
"Let's take care of you."
You stroked his shaft watching it ooze before finally climbing on top of him. Slowly, torturously you enveloped his cock with your cunt.
Leaning back on your heels you rode him so you could both watch him entering you. "Jesus Jin, how the fuck don't you have a girlfriend?"
He was so hard, the way his head pressed into your g spot sent lightning through your body. Yoongi was staring at your bouncing tits as you got off, cumming all over his hyung. Jin's load was huge, unable to contain it, it leaked out all over him lying spent beneath you. 
Reaching for your dress you carefully used it to wipe him off.
Undoing the cords carefully you massaged him, "Can you show me how to tie those sometime? he asked.
Yoongi chimed in from across the room "you can practice with those ones, I don't think I want them back." 
Yoongi laughed as your smile beamed towards him, "Pretty impressed with yourself aren't you?" 
You nodded "I can't believe I still remember how to tie those knots."
He pulled you into his lap and kissed you, "how come you've never done that to me?" 
"I didn't think you'd be interested."
"I didn't think so either until I saw you doing it." 
You ran your fingers through his hair, "So today we've learned that you like watching, don't mind sharing, aren't opposed to taking a cock and kind of want me to tie you up?" 
He laughed "What can you possibly have left in store for Jungkook?" 
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