#it's been so long since I've written for them and this made me super happy!
giggly-squiggily · 11 months
Okay, I just watched Moriarty the Patriot recently and been obsessed with them(as I’m sure you can tell considering I liked every fic you had of them😜) Anyway! I was thinking of the reunion. We know William survive, but he lives in Switzerland and we know Sherlock moves out there with him as well. So, the Moriarty brothers, James Bonde(Irene Adler), Fred, Moran, and Jack goes to Switzerland and they see William and Sherlock and after the tears and words that haven’t been said that are finally spoken they have a they have a tickle fight.
{Headcanons to Dabbles: CLOSED!}
JEJRJERJEKJRJKE YESH! I love this so much alrkaejrajkej This kinda turned into "Let's wreck William- the dabble" but like- the tickle fight elements are in there! I hope you like it friend :3
William hadn’t realized how hollow he felt until he was in the arms of his brothers once more.
Louis’ wet voice saying his name, Albert’s arms strong and steady- the dull ache in his chest was finally starting to ease as he breathed them in, barely fighting off his own tears as he squeezed them close. “I’ve missed you…I’ve missed you all so much. Welcome home.”
Around him, he heard movement- Moran barely hiding a sniffle while Bonde bumped him gently, Fred offering his assistance to Sherlock as they carried in bags. Soon though, it was just them once more; three brothers no longer separated.
“Come now- let’s go in before we catch our deaths out here.” Albert was the first to pull away, shivering as the cold air cut through his jacket.
“Have you been well? You’re thinner than last time I’ve seen you.” Louis noted, hand already out and squeezing William’s side. “You’ve been eating, yes?”
“Ah-Yes, yes I ha-have! Louis!” William caught the investigative hand, pulling it away gently from his waist. “Please!”
“Forgive me brother- just worried.” Despite the apology, Louis was smiling, sharing a look with Albert across his shoulder. Oh dear- this wasn’t going to end well.
Sometimes, William hated how right he was.
“L-Louis, really! I’m fine, I promise!” He scooted back further in his seat against the couch, hands held up as his brother approached. “There’s no need to interrogate me further!”
“Who said anything about interrogating? I just haven’t heard you laugh in such a long time. Neither of us had, right Albert?” Louis turned to their eldest brother, nodding once.
“But of course, Louis. I for one missed our dear brother smiling and laughing. The last time we’ve all seen one another- well, you were quite the character.” The brunette moved quickly, snatching up William’s wrists with ease, pulling them up and out of the way. “I don’t fault you for it- but I would prefer my next big memory of you in mirthful tears, not pained ones. Ready?”
“Oh no- don’t you da-ahahhhahahahre!” William all but broke when Louis grabbed his sides, tapping against them with rapid speed. He’d gotten better at tickling in their time apart. “Lohohohoohuis, pleahhahahhahahse!”
“There it is! That’s the look we’ve been longing to see.” Louis giggled softly, easily switching from tapping to pinching and further sending William into giggly hysterics. “It’s so refreshing to hear it, don’t you agree?”
Albert was quiet, watching William laugh with the fondest of expressions. When his voice wouldn’t work, he simply smiled, alternating his grip so he could hold William’s wrists with one hand and tickle him with the other.
“Ah! Nohohohohot youhuohohohu twohohohooho! Alhahhahahahhalbehehehehhert!” William could barely speak, flustered and breathless. He was happy though- it was clear as day on his face as his brothers drew out every once of laughter he buried away for so long.
“What a sight to see, wouldn’t you agree?” Hidden just out of view by  the doorway, Moran grinned at Bonde, arms folded across his chest. “Hadn’t seen that sight in awhile.”
“Yes. It’s lovely.” They nodded, equally moved by the nostalgic sight. For a moment, they stood there taking it all in. Then…
“Shall we go get Fred? Give him a similar treatment?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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heartofwritiing · 8 months
and you just can’t say goodbye.
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paring: (zombur) William Godwinson x fem!reader
summary: Wil gets bitten, and angst ensues.
authors note: HUGE thanks to @ax-y10 for the help because originally this fic was gonna end a lot more agnsty but then they gave me an idea that was more on the happy side! I've never written a zombie apocalypse setting before so please excuse anything I get wrong. I've only watched other people play The Last of Us and I've briefly seen one episode of The Walking Dead so you can see how this will probably go. lol. The Sorry Boys zombie video is brain-rotting in my head rn I've watched it about four times now. yes. I love Zombur, so here's a drive-by of me throwing this fic at you and then skirting off with smoke from my tires. enjoy the brainrot :p (I'm so sorry this took me so long to get out, I've been procrastinating finishing it because I'm having some self-doubt at the minute but I hope you guys like this anyway even though it's a mess lol)
warnings: zombie apocalypse au, angst, death, violence, swearing, lots of kissing, characters use guns, the writer doesn't know anything about how guns work lmao, sort of happy end? super unedited!
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"shit! I'm out of ammo!"
You pulled the trigger on the handgun once more, but nothing. It was luck that you had even found one. Even so early on in an apocalypse. A month had gone by since the first day of the outbreak. Though it was likely that you should've died on the first day, you don't know why you've survived this long. you should be dead.
At first, you thought staying in your apartment was the best chance you had of surviving. Big mistake. That strategy turned south when your front door was barged in after four days of no disturbance from any outsiders. Your boyfriend Wil had grabbed everything you could carry, and you hadn't stopped moving ever since.
Now, you and Wil found yourselves trapped in an alley with no escape. A pack of infected had cornered you, slowly closing in while making menacing noises. Wil bravely stood between you and the horde, fighting them off to protect you.
"Climb up the fire escape!" he shouted back at you.
You looked around until you spotted a ladder conveniently placed on the side of the building within reach. Infected were dropping like flies as Wil's shots echoed through the air. The ladder shook as you climbed, heart pounding in your ears. You glimpsed down to check and see if Wil was following, to find he was surrounded on all sides by infected. Your heart dropped when you saw one of their mouths was too close to his wrist. By the time you called out his name, it was already too late.
'Fuck!' Wil screamed as the infected bit through his skin and charred his flesh. Blood gushed down his arm and around the infected's mouth. You cry his name as he reeled back his fist and punched the infected repeatedly until it staggered off of him, but it was too late. Your eyes were fixed on him as he quickly climbed up the ladder, gasping for breath as he did so. He seemed in immense pain as he pulled his body up the ladder, slightly struggling.
Upon reaching the roof, you found a roof access leading to a floor with multiple doors, revealing it to be an apartment complex. Wil was already feeling the effects of the infection. His skin was sticky with sweat, the bitter taste left in his mouth tasting the blood rising in his throat, and the sudden vertigo he got just by rushing down the stairs was enough to make him nauseous.
You came to the floor with all the apartment units and quickly kicked in the door of the closest one. It took a few attempts to kick the door, and then bam! The sound of splitting wood and the door bouncing off the wall made a delirious Wil jump.
You entered the small room, helping Wil through the doorway, and setting him down gently before closing the door. You searched around for something to barricade the door with. Just in case of any infected find you. The only thing that looked heavy enough was the dresser tucked into the corner. Using all your muscles, you pushed the object across the room with the bottom of the dresser scraping against the wood, grimacing at the loud noise.
Letting out a sigh of relief, you knew you were safe for now. You dusted your hands off and turned back to Wil who was slumped against the wall on the floor, clutching his bitten arm. Wincing and squirming from the heat burning through his skin spreading throughout his veins.
The room was dim, and you noticed the sweat beading down his forehead. You quickly took your backpack off your shoulders and strode over to him. Taking out the first-aid kit you had for emergencies, you pulled out the tiny bottle of anti-septic cleaning solution and the roll of bandages.
You gazed down at his wrist, which was curled against his chest, shrouding you from looking at it. The ring of teeth marks oozing out the color of maroon as black vines protruded around the area, extending over his skin. His head lulled to the side as he let out a moan of pain.
"No, baby, keep your eyes open," you tried to lure him back to consciousness. Take his hand and position it palm up in your lap. He whines like a wounded animal in response.
Unscrewing the cap, you quickly prep the cotton pads. Then you quickly realize you should've put on gloves beforehand. Muttering curses under your breath you shake your head at the thought, There was no time.
"What are you doing?" Wil's voice slurs. He sounds groggy, like something is trying to creep up his throat to escape, not him. It scares you. You refuse to look at him.
"I have to clean the wound before it gets infected," you say nonchalantly.
With the little strength he has left, Will reaches out his unbitten hand to catch yours. You stop your movements in disbelief of his actions, tears brimming in your eyes as you try to save his life, but he stops you again. You both know what's inevitable, you just can't accept it.
"Wil-" you try to pull out of his grasp. You reach out to touch his wrist again this time, he is the one who pulls away.
"Look at me," he pleads. You can't bring yourself to shift your eyes to his, knowing this was inevitable. You had to try. He had to let you try.
"just stop."
Wil tries to grab the items from your hands, but you move too quickly for his shrinking reflexes to keep up. Moving beginning to be too strenuous.
"I can't- Wil-" You struggle to fight against him, too scared to hurt him. Though he's already dying.
"Stop, honey..." he quivers.
"Just let me save you!" you cry. It echoes through the room. The air is tense, and you finally meet his eyes. His skin is sickly pale, eyes bright with red veins and glossy. Purple hues outline under his soft doe eyes as they peer into yours. He fists the hem of your shirt, inviting you closer. Your breaths mix together as he presses his forehead to yours.
The words hang between you, but you bite your tongue. You want to tell him how much you want him to stay and not give up. Deep down, you already know it's not enough.
"It's too late for me darling, leave me here.”
“I'm not leaving you,” you say sternly, shaking your head.
You were determined to stay with him, no matter how difficult things got, you were unwilling to abandon him.
“Please, I don’t want you to see me turn into a monster.” his voice wavered. Your heart sank. No matter what, he would always be your Wil. Sweet, caring, and lovable Wil. Whom you adored with every fiber of your being.
You reach up to cup his face with your hands, but they feel cool against your clammy skin. His cheekbones are slowly becoming more prominent. You stare into his eyes, but the urge to tell him to be quiet becomes harder as anger festers in your chest. However, it's not anger towards him, but rather frustration towards the universe.
Instead, you snuggle up next to him to demonstrate your lack of fear and your trust in him. You want to be by his side and provide comfort. You understand that it's unrealistic to expect him to recover from this infection given his history of being sick and having a weakened immune system. It's best to accept the inevitable outcome.
It's unclear how much time has passed while the two of you remain in that position. His arm securely around your shoulder holding you close, with your arm laid across his lap where your fingers provided soft circles against his hip bone. The room grows darker as the sun sets. The air feels eerie yet comforting all at once with Wil by your side. Nothing but the sounds of his raspy breathing and occasional coughing fit to surround you. He whispers through the dark against the crown of your head with horse words. Sweet nothings, promises that make you curl into him further so he can't see the single tear you shed.
He lifts his hand to gently cup your cheek, tilting your head to meet his gaze. Selfishly, he leans in for a soft kiss. You whine at the metallic taste in his mouth when he groans to part his lips so his tongue finds yours. It makes your head spin like a top how this man makes you feel. His lips are chapped, rough, and fast as he indulges in you for maybe the last time. You gasp and reach up to tangle your fingers in his locks to reel him closer to you. His hand finds the underside of your thigh, digging into your flesh. The mere touch of his hand sets your body ablaze and sends shivers down your spine.
It's frantic and passionate, your love for him shown physically. When you disconnect, suddenly remember you need to breathe. his eyes are hazy and his pupils are blown. You are sure you look like a flustered mess.
"I love you," he says sincerely, and you believe him.
It stings in your chest, you can't stand it.
"I love you more," you reply.
You tuck yourself into his neck, breathing in the scent of sweat and outdoors, and it's calming. Wil rests his head on the crown of your head. You neglect how his breathing has slowed as you drift off to sleep.
The next time you open your eyes, the sun peeks through the window, casting a golden glow over the bedroom. Your bones crack when you sit up to stretch from sleeping in the same position all night. You knew you'd regret it later when you had back pain for days. You turn to Wil, who doesn't stir when you move. Your heart dropped when you noticed something different about him.
Around his eyes were a darker color than the previous night. His cheekbones were completely sunken in where you could almost see the bone. his lips were a blueish color and his chest was rising and falling.
This was your fault. You should have stayed awake.
Tears streamed down your face as you called out his name, gently shaking his body, but he didn't respond.
"Wil!" you wailed, begging for him to come back.
You slumped forward, cradling him against your chest, pressing kisses to his temple, and muttering apologies against his cold skin. You felt your heart break as you realized he was gone, and tears rolled down your face as you held him close to you. You felt a deep emptiness settle in your heart. You knew you would never fill the void his death had left. You sobbed, gripping him tighter, and whispered your final goodbye. You held him close, cherishing holding home one last time. Knowing that you would never be the same again.
You're too distraught to move. You don't want to leave him here, but you don't have any other choice. The urge to keep on and survive was slowly fading now that you had no one left in this cruel world.
Wil felt heavy in your arms to the point where your arms were falling asleep, but you refused to let go. If you were to leave now, you may be tempted to never return to the person you once were. Allow your sorrow to consume you. The one good thing left in your life was gone.
You suddenly felt hands grab your lower back, causing you to yelp in surprise. Fingers gripe harshly at your skin through your clothes. Wil's chilled breath glides up your spine as he lets out a deep groan against your collarbone. He was alive? How?
His lips ghosted across your collarbone, pressing his nose directly into your pulse point. His hot breath fans across your exposed skin, causing goosebumps to rise along your body. Then, you feel his teeth nipping at your skin, and your eyes widen realizing his intentions.
You jerk away and shove him off you roughly. Crawling backward, quickly shuffling away from him, your heart pounding, until your back hits the opposite wall with a thump. You wince in pain from the impact and notice Wil gradually beginning to crawl toward you. A fixed gaze over his sheer white eyes, almost glowing like moonbeams. Chills ran down your spine as you gazed at your former lover, unrecognizable.
You froze as he approached, shrinking in on yourself. His body lazily dragged itself across the wooden floor, scrapping and groaning with every floorboard. Once he was close enough, his hand unexpectedly reached to grasp your ankle, and you screamed in fear. Nails harshly dig into your skin and create recent moon shapes that make you cry out.
He yanked you with a surprising strength until you were laid beneath him, overbearing you. You are powerless as Wil, or not Wil's body leaned over you and cadged you with his arms. Tears flow from the corners of your eyes and into your ears as his face inches towards you.
"Please," you whisper. Again, he tilts his head in curiosity at you.
"William?" Your eyes bore into his, trying to find some trace of life left in them. You observe his eyes returning to their natural color and a look of terror crossing his face as he regains consciousness. He staggers back and moves away from you frantically, clutching his chest and struggling to breathe.
You both sit on opposite sides of the room against the wall, he stares into the floor burning holes into the wood, avoiding your eyes. You just blink blankly at him in shock, knees tucked against your chest again.
Wil cradled his skull, clutching fist fulls of his hair, squeezing his eyes shut, and heaving breaths of panic puffed out his mouth. Mumbles of "I'm sorry," repeated like a mantra over, and over out shakily.
You let out an unsteady breath, His eyes quickly flicked over to you and fear flooded your senses once again.
"Darling?" he tries, his voice hoarse. He moves towards the center of the room, positioning himself a safe distance from you. “I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me..." his voice trails off.
He noticed your tense reaction upon watching him inch closer to you, and it broke his heart to see you trembling in fear due to his prior actions. He could never forgive himself for causing you such distress.
"is it really you?" you asked.
"I don't know," he says honestly. "I don't feel like myself, It's like I'm trying to grab hold of a stearing wheel and fight for control right now."
Your heart sank at his words. You let them maul over in your head for a moment. It sounded like your Wil, but you hesitated in reaching out to him. So, was he alive? He didn't look it, his skin was still deathly pale and almost decayed. Nose now dripping with dried blood that ran down his lips.
His head hangs low as he silently sobs. He didn’t want this. Now he was dead and was leaving you to defend yourself. He swore he would always protect you and he’s failed. He knows its selfish to ask you to stay with him, you should just leave him here to rot. Still, he begs you.
“Please, darling dont leave me,” You shake your head and crawl towards him. He might be an undead zombie now, but you still loved him more than anything else is this life. You would do anything for him. You take his face in your hands to tilt his head up but he avoids your eyes. “look at me,” his eyes shift to yours.
“I wanna help you baby, and im sure as hell not gonna leave you, not now, not ever.” you proclaim. “So don’t you dare ever try and push me away, because im staying. No matter how complicated things get.”
You bring yourself to kiss his forehead, your warm lips making him sigh out from the touch. He holds you for what feels like hours. Eventually you both know you’ll have to leave this abandoned apartment, whether you run out of food or more zombies show up. move on, then figure things out. Whatever it takes you would stay together, no matter what.
taglist: @trashcanduck @merakiwi @addxms @ax-y10 @scenefaez @starsyoubreaklikesugardust @drop-of-void
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kandisheek · 8 days
Steve's Darkest Desire by AvocadoLove
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 1,321 Tags: Bad Guys Made Them Do It, Humor, Crack
Summary: When the villain of the week gasses Steve with a serum to remove all inhibitions, Tony is in for a surprise.
Reasons why I love it: I wanted to kick this list of with something fluffy, and this is just about the sweetest thing I've ever read. Steve, you precious bean, you are a trainwreck and we love you for it. And of course Tony is enjoying the hell out of it. I adore this fic, and if you haven't read it already, I hope you give it a shot!
it's been a long year (since we last spoke) by Anonymous
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 4,803 Tags: Skrulls, Brief Non-Con, Getting Together
Summary: Steve gets sent the link to a video of Tony kissing a Skrull that looks like Steve.
Reasons why I love it: I'm so glad that Steve took the initiative to make things right between them, because those idiots deserve each other. I love the angst, it makes the eventual romance all the sweeter. And Steve's inner monologue is super well written, I really felt for him. I love this fic, and I bet you will to, so please give it a shot!
Meeting the Avengers by firstpynch
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 2,132 Tags: Protective Tony, Sad Steve, Protective Peter
Summary: Today, June 18 2019, is a day that will go down in history because today is the group cheerily being dubbed as the ‘Rogue Avengers’ by the media will be making their not-so-triumphant return to American soil after years of being on the run. Peter was looking forward to it about as much as he looks forward to his visits to the dentist. That is to say, not very much. or, Peter meets the Avengers.
Reasons why I love it: This fic is the beginning of a series, and it kicks it off with some excellent angst. I love how torn Peter is between his excitement at meeting his childhood heroes and his resentment after the Civil War. It got me hooked instantly, and I'd not only recommend this one fic but the entire series, because it's excellent!
May 3rd by nanasekei
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: NR Words: 4,818 Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff, Misunderstandings
Summary: “So,” Steve asks, his shy grin clearly nervous, and Tony takes a moment to forget the dinner and the flowers and the world at large to marvel at how insanely good he looks in a navy-blue three-piece suit, complete with an adorable bowtie. “What do you think?” Tony swallows, steering his thoughts back from how fantastic that suit would look on his bedroom floor, and stares at Steve’s expectant face. “It’s… It’s perfect.” He says. And it’s true. It’s perfect, it’s amazing, it’s... Tony has no idea what this is about. -- Having a boyfriend with a superserum enhanced memory certainly makes for a lot of romantic special dates. Sometimes Tony finds it a bit hard to keep up.
Reasons why I love it: Aaaah, this fic is the absolute cutest! It feels like they've already been married for a thousand years. All those little snippets of their relationship make me so happy, I would read a billion more words in this universe. Please do yourself a favor and check this one out, it's so good!
Another Chance (The Complete Honesty Remix) by laireshi
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 2,721 Tags: Truth Serum, Fix-It, Getting Together
Summary: Steve and Tony talk about what happened in Siberia. The only issue? Steve's under the influence of truth serum, and Tony's forced to accept his answers.
Reasons why I love it: The dialogue in this is absolute perfection, I love it so much! It's painful and raw but with just the right amount of hope to make me think they're going to be alright in the future. This fic is wonderful, and I highly encourage you to go and experience it for yourself!
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Hey there! So I've been wondering for awhile about the selfaware au,(i hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable if it does feel free to delete this request!) For diasomnia(particularly malleus and lilia) what would happen if fem! player gets pregnant?, Assuming that they're already at the wedded stage where the player is trapped in their respective house/palace and is married to them, how would they react to the news? Would they see the child as an extension of the overseer? Someone to also worship? Especially if the player married malleus and became the queen of briar valley their child being the heir, but what if it's lilia who's a former war general? On another note how would the faes in briar valley view the overseer's marriage if it was silver? Would there be like a sort glory to being the overseer's spouse and if so, is it right to assume that any noble house that marries the overseer would receive prestige? Overall how it could and would affect the hierarchy of the valley if the overseer were to marry and have a child with anyone from briar valley. I'm just really interested in the whole world building this au is capable of! I hope that this interests you and that i worded that properly! Thank you very much! Have a great day!
Since you seem mostly interested in Malleus, Lilia and Silver I will be writing for them. Please don't forget that my request limit are three characters.
Also, this will be gender neutral since you can have children even if you say you don't have a gender or identify as a male. You just need the working organ. (Also, I am no doctor of something like that)
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Self-aware au
All of the written characters are aged up and at least eighteen years old!!!
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, pregnancy, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, religion, imprisonment, murder, death, obsession, possessiveness
Malleus Draconia/Lilia Vanrouge/Silver-Player gets pregnant (gn reader)
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There you are, the greatest grace, the highest being, GOD THEMSELVES
Puking into the toilet
Usually Malleus would raise more of a fit if something like this happened but he knows what is going on
In fact, the entire Valley knows what is going on
And do believe me, my dear Overseer, they have gone from “let’s-imprison-them-out-of-love” to “they-aren’t-even-allowed-to-bathe-alone”
I have to admit,no matter how luxurious your lifestyle is, it’s very oppressing and stressful
Jokes on them because they want to avoid stress as much as possible
But how did this even start?
With Malleus fainting and hitting his head against the desk behind him (yes, it hurt him)
Ok need more info? Well then how about him nearly burning a forest down because he was a bit “too happy”
Also, there are suddenly way more guards in the castle
To his defense, he is having a child with God so...
Be ready to be hailed to death... figurative
There is a new temple build just for them, and a lot of prayer created, and statues carved, and you are more or less the subject of every singe discussion....
Wait... that last one is nothing new
But at least you are absolutely safe. Maybe a bit too safe.... that guard once looked at you and lost his head you know....
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Oh wow.... you are in on a ride...
You know these huge families in which every single one of them is super hyped if one member is pregnant, treat them like they are made out of paper thin glass and think that their pregnant member can step on other pregnant people because duh
That's Lilia... not you and Lilia
Not Lilia and the entire Valley
Lilia alone
You won't be leaving that chair you are sitting on for an entire year
A year? But doesn't a pregnancy last nine months?
Well yeah but be is saying that “your body is exhausted and needs to recover”.... three months...
Also, Lilia mind is still from a time long ago so I wouldn't be surprised if he knows at the beginning more superstitions about pregnancies than actual facts
All the things, “a girl steals her parents beauty”, “you have morning sickness if you have a girl”, “the babies eyes are burned if you eat spicy stuff”, “cutting your hair could lead to the child having bad vision”, “you can only have children on a full moon”, ...
So be prepared to bear screams if you do completely normal things (sometimes, not always)
You have to plead to him to look up modern medical knowledge about pregnancies
He is somewhat bearable after that but I hope no one dares to visit especially now (except Malleus, Silver and Sebek of course)
Suddenly he is more like a card soldier than a general of the Thorn Valley
“Off with their head” and all of that you know....
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Now, a human, I repeat, a human, somehow managed to make the Overseer fancy them
Gasps and sounds of fae fainting all over the place
If your significant other (or your kidnapper which is more realistic if we are being honest) would be a fae that would already have given them more power over the Valley than the Draconias could ever dream of having
Now imagine what new level of power a human would gain over the faes because of this
Non. You are correct
In fact, if you want Silver to be alive (or rather those who dare to threaten your harmonic relationship) then you should probably make it clear that everything is how you want it to be
You are not forced to be married to him! This is what you want! Not!!!
You totally aren't imprisoned! You just didn't like the outside! Not!!!
Everything is fine!
Despite being the youngest of them (by centuries) o do believe that he would be a pretty good father and also understand very well how pregnancies work
He was taught in school how it works, he had a happy childhood. What could he miss for a happy family?
Ok maybe you aren't here because you want to but what a happy pair you are on the photos!
Your eyes aren't glassy on them! Not at all! They are
The only wish he wouldn't fulfill is allowing you to leave
Why would you want to do that??! Have took care of everything!!! Don't leave him!
In the end he is the one who unlike the other two can be overpowered (even of the possibility is very slim) so he has to try... other means to make you stay
Don't worry dear! The potion doesn't harm the child. It just paralyzes your legs forever
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silenzahra · 2 months
Today's the anniversary for me! ✨
I know the Mario Movie was released on April 5th 2023, but back then I was seeing the Holy Week processions with my dad, so I didn't get to go to the cinema until April 8th, which was a Saturday, and that was when everything changed for me 😌💚❤️
This is going to get a bit long, personal and emotional, so it's totally fine if you'd rather not read it! 💖
As I've mentioned, this movie saved my life simply because I was in a terrible place when it came out. Admittedly, I had been feeling a bit better that week thanks to the fact I was going out every day and was distracted and such, but my mind was still not totally... fine.
Until, at 8PM, the Mario Movie finally started and I spent the next hour and a half with a silly smile on my face, feeling like a little kid again and experimenting lots of feelings and emotions I hadn't felt in many months. Happiness. Joy. Laughter. A warm heart. Tension. Pure emotion. Excitement. Nostalgia. The urge to cry, though not from sadness.
And the need to get those cute brothers off the screen and give them each a big bear hug.
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(Posted this edit on my Instagram account last Friday.)
Mario and Luigi did really save my life. I had already fallen for them long ago, when I was 13 and played Superstar Saga on my GBA, since that was the very first game that made me see these two as endearing and charming characters with a beautiful sibling bond based not only on love, but also trust, laughter and comfort.
And, in all honesty, seeing this movie, seeing that bond translated into it, was totally a dream come true. Aside from the M&L games, we don't really get to see much of these two taking care of each other (please correct me if I'm mistaken!). Also, I'm a 90s girl, so I had been wanting a good animated Mario movie since... I honestly can't remember. All I know is I used to watch the cartoons (specifically the one based on Super Mario Bros 3), and then I ran into the live action movie from 1993 and... Welp. Let's just say I'd rather forget it 😬 (Sorry if you did like it, it simply was NOT my cup of tea.)
And then this movie was announced, and every new trailer made me feel more and more hyped, and reminded me of my love for the Super Mario franchise. I had already been hyperfixated on it back in 2013-2016, when I played Dream Team and fell even harder for them (especially Luigi), and when I finally got to see this movie, that obsession came back stronger than ever.
I felt like a little child again. I went back to play my old favorite games. I listened to the ost on loop for months, and it ended up becoming my most listened album on Spotify last year.
And I also felt the urge to write again.
Writing has always been an important part of my life. I started at 8 and I simply couldn't stop. To me, it is like breathing, so when I spend some time away from writing, I'm not exaggerating when I say I feel a physical pain on my chest. And due to the bad place I was in, I had been away from it for way too many months.
It turns out all I needed was a dose of brotherly love in order to feel my fingertips tingling again with the urgent need to start writing.
So yeah. There are many things I have to celebrate today and to be thankful for. First of all: I'm alive, and happy, and better than ever, still struggling with anxiety and fears but feeling way better than I'd felt in the years before this film came out. I feel emotion, and joy, and will to continue living and enjoying life and fangirling and being myself. I feel connected to Mario and Luigi and my heart simply warms up every single time I think about them (which is 24/7 tbh).
And I'm writing again! 2023 was the year I've written the most in my entire life, and I owe it to this wonderful movie, and so far I've continued to write this year too, and that's also thanks to Mario and Luigi.
And of course, and more importantly, this film has led me to meet all of you, beautiful people, and I honestly couldn't be more grateful 🥹🫂💖 With you I can fangirl and scream and cry and be myself, and that's why I felt like sharing this with you guys, because I know you understand and share the feelings I've experimented these months since I first saw this movie. I love each and one of you with all my heart 💖💖💖
And after talking non-stop, I believe I kinda feel like finally showing my face here (the real one, not this one 😂), so... Here I go! 🤭👇
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This is me today! 🤭 With lots of Mario stuff as you can see, and I even painted my nails to match the main characters! 💅
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The blue is for Toad, the pink is for Peach, green and red for Luigi and Mario (obviously) and black for Bowser since he was played by Jack Black! 😁
Admittedly, I'm not very good at painting my nails because I'm not into makeup and such, but I do like to see them all painted, I think they look beautiful 🥰 Last year I used to paint them red and green all the time since I went not once, not twice, but thirteen times to see this movie, and every time wearing a different shirt 🤭 Though the one I'm wearing today is the one I wore exactly one year ago, as you can see here! 😁
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I literally cannot remember when or where I bought it, but it was simply PERFECT to wear to go see this movie 😁 And you bet, when the Toad guard said that quote from the first Super Mario game, I went all silly in the cinema: "OMG my shirt!!!!!" 😂😂😂
And here are some pics from some of the other twelve times I went, and you can get a look at some of the Mario shirts I own! I may go and show them all together in a different post, and maybe also the earrings since I own a lot: red shrooms, superstars, fire flowers, green shrooms... Would you like that? 🥰
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Now that I see it, I look a bit scared on the first one 😂 The green shirt I'm wearing on the second one is pure GOLD, and on the third one I kinda felt like I was taking a picture with Mario himself 😂😂😂
I did own some Mario merch before the movie came out, but last year I went and bought tons of it, including shirts, earrings, and of course plushies! 🤭
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They look like a cute little family OMG aren't they ADORABLE I love them all so so much 😭❤️💚✨
So this is it! This is my little celebration of the first year since I saw for the first time the movie that saved my life 🥰 In all honestly, I would've liked to bring a fic or something, but as you all know, I went through a very hard Holy Week and I'm still not feeling totally ready to get back to writing (even though I've gotten a couple new ideas, for which I'm deeply grateful).
But I hope sharing my experience and feelings (and my face! 😂) is enough for this year, and let's hope I can bring a new Mario story to share with you guys very soon! 🥰
I love you all so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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choccy-milky · 11 months
Hey! I have been following you for a minute and I must say, I’m so in love with both story and art chiefs kiss 😚🤌❤️ I can’t wait to see more from you and that creative mind of yours
I wanted to ask, where did you learn how to write? Do you possibly have any advice/tips that you could share?You’ve honestly inspired me to create my own story with my own character but I get pretty overwhelmed when looking at the blank page lol. Like I know what the general idea is that I want to write but I don’t know how to write out the journey from point A to point B if that makes sense 😅
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your ask inspired me to go back to my old naruto fanfic from 2011 and pick out some winners. as you can see, i didnt start off as an amazing writer or anything LMAOO. i've always read a LOT ever since i was a kid though, and just like with art, you just kinda learn and get better by doing over and over, and reading and absorbing others writing. (and also thank you!! im happy you enjoy both my art and my fic!!💖😭) but more specifically, like how i think of how i'll fill the page and get from point A to point B...i also dunno? LOL. ive always made comics ever since i was young/made stories in my head, and my whole drive when i write fanfic or even draw fanart is hyperfixation LMAO, so there's something inside of me that's just bursting to get out and i don't even really have to think about it. though i will say, as someone writing a longfic, that hyperfixation can only carry me so far and i HAVE had to stare at a blank word doc and think about how i might get from point A to point B. but honestly something that's helpful is to know which scenes you absolutely WANT/your inspiration for writing the fic/story in the first place, and then try to build off of those scenes. think of what might have led up to them/what you can do to PREVENT them from getting there, to add more sustenance/drama/etc. also, writing advice i saw a while ago that i always think about is 'how can this get any worse?' LOL. so like, if you think the scene is fine and you've added enough events, just for fun, continue to think....ok, but what ELSE could possibly go wrong? its really helped me to flesh out scenes that, in retrospect, would have been way too short and to-the-point otherwise. but again with fanfic, at least for me, a lot of it is just self indulgent/comes down to what *I* want to see bahaha. im my own biggest fan LMAO. everything in my longfic is exactly what *I* like, with all the dynamics *i* enjoy, literally written BY me and FOR me, first and foremost LOL. so maybe start there. just think of all the tropes you like/things you've enjoyed in other media, and think about how you can repurpose them into your own story and setting in an original way! that was super long LMFAO but i hope it may have helped, and ty again for the nice words😭 happy you enjoy what im doing!!💖💖
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velvet-games · 3 days
intro post
I'll probably add more to/change this later; I've just needed an intro post for a while, and this is what I could think of. you should probably remind me to update it if this section is still here after like six months lol.
name/pronouns/age/gay shit~
honestly you can call me whatever, but I probably won't know you're talking about me unless you use vel/velvet.
prefer they/it; any pronouns are fine.
I'm probably non-binary I guess.
I'm an adult.
I basically just identify as queer at this point, but I'm like,, vaguely aroace-spec probably? still figuring it out. I'm actually very happy to talk about it more specifically, but I might have to sit you down for an entire day to explain it lol.
what I do/post~
I mostly post fandom stuff, and my original posts include a lot of art + occasional meta. I'm starting write fic too, so that might be a more regular thing in the future :)
other accounts~
@/velvetygames -- explicit nsfw twitter/x account, not very active
@cornerbytes -- old dragon prince account that I will probably revisit when the new season comes out
@/velvet_games -- ao3 account
I post occasional nsfw here (never super explicit; that's saved for my twitter); it'll be tagged #nsft.
current fandom: hazbin hotel
previous fandoms:
hannibal (will always have a very special place in my heart)
arcane (will revisit when the new season comes out)
ofmd (literally so happy this exists; devastated it's not getting a new season)
the dragon prince (will probably revisit when the new season comes out)
good omens
lotr (I also read like 2/3 of the hobbit and will hopefully finish it this summer lmao)
things in media that make me go insane (in a good way)~
happy endings
good visuals (even if everything else is shit; extra points if it's animation)
this one's weird but I love situations where a character is really helpless; I thought I liked whump because I can be borderline sadistic about it sometimes, but whump is really not necessary at all to this concept
religious stuff, mythology, angels specifically for some reason (especially when they're terrifying and/or fallen)
gay people
you are welcome to send in ideas through comments, DMs, asks, etc., but I can't guarantee I'll draw them. if I don't, it doesn't mean that I don't like your idea; I'm probably just busy or have too many brainworms about a specific thing to draw anything but what's on my mind.
I randomly get really anxious about feedback on stuff sometimes lol, but I promise I read every single comment/tag and cherish them very deeply <33
also, like/rb spamming is totally fine and welcomed! I know some people don't like it, so I just wanted to make it clear that it's completely cool with me.
for a really long time, this was my pinned post, and it's still true! definitely welcome any interactions from mutuals <3
I do have a problem with randomly ghosting people though; I've been much better with it recently, but please try not to take it personally if I don't respond to DMs quickly. I'm probably just being insane and in my head about it. I'm really sorry.
this is an account that is purposely removed from my irl stuff; I'm here to have fun and relax on my mostly fandom-oriented blog.
I don't block often since I mostly meet nice people on here, but I am very happy to block accounts that make my experience on this app shitty.
I try to tag triggers when appropriate, but please let me know if you need me to tag anything I haven't.
art for me is just a hobby I use for fun and self-expression, so while I really appreciate concrit, keep in mind that my goal is ultimately to make stuff that makes me happy.
I am also very protective of young artists that get made fun of for being beginners or making unconventional art; you should never assume why someone is making art, and you especially should not assume that they are focused on becoming more skilled or making things that are beautiful to you. if they're not hurting anyone and you're not their target audience, get the fuck out.
I am of the mindset that media is not real, but that your reaction/the things you learn are. liking cannibal media does not make you a cannibal, but seeing bigoted portrayals of minorities can feed your biases (doesn't necessarily mean you can't consume it; does mean its effect on you/others irl should factor into if/how you decide to interact with it).
I'm vaguely fucked in the head. just keep that in mind.
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arknights-imagines · 5 months
Exe's Current WIP and Requests Queue 📝💕!!
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Hiya everyone evsgshe 💕! I hope all of you have been well 🥰~
I wanted to share what I have in the works right now and also what I have planned ahead aaaa 🤔!
Firstly, what I'm working on currently is this request for Jaye 🥺!! I haven't written for him since my Valentine's Day event, and he was v fun to write for aaaa 🙏 so I'm happy to do it again!
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As for what I have that I'd like to do afterward svdhgde please continue reading if it the news interests you 🥺 If not, then please have a good day and remember to take care of yourself 💕~
Mostly, I picked requests for characters I've been wanting a long time to write for wbsjhe 😭
There's a cute request for Enforcer aaa (my first 'kissing session' piece with Executor and SilverAsh was lots of fun so I'm happy to have a reason to write another one 🥰~):
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And also, a v v adorable and creative request for Lumen 😭! I thought this idea was super cute and fit Lumen well, so I most definitely want to do it!:
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Then, this sweet and fluffy request for Czerny 🥺! Since that post I made about his skin lolosljske and also the rerun of the Lingering Echos event, I was hoping for an opportunity with Czerny's character as I haven't written for him before svshhs 🤔!:
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And finally, I'm considering sneaking in this request for Executor the Ex Foedere 💕😭! (It's the first and only request for 'Rico's alter I've gotten so far sbsjhde so tysm for sending it in 🐲 anon!) I'm Exe after all, so of course I've been really hoping for an opportunity to write for Executor the Ex Foedere...😖💞!
I have a few ideas of my own for pieces I could write for 'Rico's alternate, but you guys always have v creative ideas sbsjsh so I'm also waiting on more requests for him from anyone who's willing 🙏🥺!!:
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As usual, this queue is subject to change and additions svshhs 💕! I always like to have a balance between female characters and male characters, as well as more popular characters (such as SilverAsh and Phantom!) and more underrated characters (such as Czerny!), so I tend to center my request queue on said balance 👍
(I'm hoping for some Arknights wife requests to balance out the husband requests lololsbsjs 🥺)
Anywho, please do continue send in requests svshhs 🤲 they make me v happy to receive and I'm always v grateful for each one~ and my work for the blog wouldn't be possible without them!
That's all for now 💕! I hope you'll all look forward to what I have upcoming and I'll promise to do my best for all of you as always 🥺🥰~
Thank you v much for your time if you've read this far aaa 🙏 Please remember to take care of yourselves and I hope you'll keep sticking around 💕! Please have a good day 🌼!!
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Yours Truly,
- An Exe at work 💕! (and a 'Rico/Executor who kindly reminds everyone that we both love all of you lots svhdhdd!!)
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mirjam-writes · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @suavissimapenna <3 Sorry it took so long!
How many works do you have on ao3?
7 for Sherlock and 23 Good Omens that are completely mine. 6 collaborative fics I have either partly written, or just made art for. So, 36.
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Good Omens! I used to write for Sherlock too, but that's now in the past.
Top five fics by kudos:
Truth Or Dare (E, 6.5K words), my first proper smut ever! Post s1 gettig together story.
Angel Of Justice (T, 9.5K), my first ever Good Omens fanfic. Post S1 from Michael POV, A/C as a background couple.
!False (It's funny because it's true) (E, 5.4k), an office romance human AU set in software company.
A Stable Relationship (E, 9.9k), horse rider AU with trans Aziraphale. Friends with benefits becoming a romantic relationship.
Girls Just Wanna Have Sun (G, 1.7k), outsider pov scene about Robin's day at the beach, where she meets two weird gentlemen who have never been to a beach before.
Do you respond to comments?
YES I DO! Slowly, possibly, but yes I do, and I read and reread them!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhh... angsty ending? What is that? Technically Be Still My Soul: The Rift, but does that count if it's a middle part of a trilogy? That's definitely my angstiest fic of all time BUT I tried to write the happiest ending possible to it. But also, yeah, people died in the war (just not A or C), so maybe I'll count that story.
Edit: WAIT NO! To Love Somebody, a story from Shadwell pov about how he fell in love both Aziraphale and Crowley, and how that changed him. That's sort of angsty and the ending is bittersweet!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmmmmm. I have so many. I can't compare. Maybe Watching You (Watching Me), it's the porniest porn i have ever written, and it has...uh... several happy endings :D
Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far!
Do you write smut?
Yessss. I'm in my porn writer era at the moment :D
Craziest crossover:
I did some super weird anime crossovers as a teen (I hope those are long lost) but haven't dabbled on that since apart from very vague blink-and-you-miss-it references.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
One of my Sherlock fics was translated into french in 2018!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Only for one round robin event, which produced four stories! Not sure if that really counts as collaborating since we weren't allowed to talk about it when we did it, we just got the fic, read it, and added 600 words and gave it to the next one! It was super fun though.
All time favorite ship?
Aziraphale and Crowley. No competition there.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't usually start posting unless I'm 100% confident I'll finish the story, so I don't have public wips.
I had one pretty cool Sherlock post-apocalypse story idea, which I'd love to talk about if someone is interested, but writing it? Hmm probably not. But it's not really a wip, if I have only like two bullets in a doc?
What are your writing strengths?
I think I write pretty good bickerflirting and humour even in dark situations. And, uh... historical research.
What are your writing weaknesses?
LONG ASS SENTENCES. I need to cut them down. Chop chop chop. Also, I over-use commas and em-dashes.
Also, not being a native english speaker, but I think I've got a lot more fluent during the past years, so maybe that's not my biggest weakness anymore.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I have done it myself, in a situation when my pov character wasn't supposed to understand what was being discussed, but I did only a couple of lines.
My languages (apart from english) are finnish, very rough swedish, and teeny tiny bit of german, but many fics I've read that have used another language in dialogue, use French or Spanish (which are popular languages for English speakers to learn in school!), and with those I'm woefully lost!
But honestly, i don't need to understand every fic under the sun! You do you, I bet there are people who can understand whichever languages you'd like to mix in your story, and that will be amazing for them!
First fandom you wrote in?
The Book Series That Must Not Be Named. I projected so much of my teenage angst into wizard school drama.
Favorite fic you've written?
You monster! Making me choose. Uh.
Okay, fair. It's easy. Be Still My Soul, hands down. @be-still-my-soul-fanfic
No pressure tagging: @hkblack, @ambrasue, @tawnyontumblr , @ack-emma and @zehwulf and anyone else who wants to answer!
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
@mahpotatoequeen thank you for tagging me!
How many works do you have on AO3? only 11, but I make up for it in word count.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 468,908 words (sorry)
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? Only three fandoms. TMBS (show and books, idk if these count as separate) and wolf 359.
Top five fics by kudos:
So...I'm in some pretty small fandoms and only started writing last year so I don't have a lot of high kudos fics. But this is what I got so far:
The Oldest Siblings
Who You Were Meant To Be / Treat Them With(out) Mercy (tied)
It Should Have Been Us
A Joy To Obey
Honorable mention: The highest Wolf 359 fic I have since I only started writing for that fandom like a week ago (it's a nice fic about Renee and Dominik for anyone interested): For Better or For Worse
Do you respond to comments?
Of course! I love hearing from you guys and discuss my work, fandom theories and ideas.
What’s the fic with the angstiest ending you’ve ever written?
My tmbs followers know the answer to that question. Sorry S.O.S. fans (but also: not sorry at all).
Edit: Also, how did I forget, but my tmbs fic The Boys Who Waited, has a super angsty ending. It's one of my lesser known fics, but I do really like how it comes full circle in the end and you don't realize the implications of what's happening until the fic is over.
As for my Wolf 359 fics, I'd say the one with the angstiest ending is my most recent fic about Jacobi dealing with the loss of Kepler. The fic received positive critical review from the esteemed @sophieswundergarten, but the last chapter does end on a slightly ominous note/cliff hanger. Here it is if you want to check it out: The Legacy of the Artist Formerly Known As Warren Kepler (or An Ode to Whiskey Boy)
Do you write crossovers?
Not really. Some of my fics blend the show and book elements of tmbs, or reference the other, but not to the point of what I'd call a "cross over"
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
Not on my fics. I think a few times on my blog, but I don't have time to think about or deal with that. I'm also neurodivergent, so sometimes I have trouble knowing whether people are actually insulting me or doing or saying something "as part of a joke". I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt.
Do you write smut?
Nope, it's not for me.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not, and I don't think so. I write for really small fandoms. It would be pretty obvious if someone did.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but @sophieswundergarten recently made a podfic of the first chapter of my fic Who You Were Meant To Be and that made my whole day! 🥰 The link to the podfic is in the chapter notes if you want to listen.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't do a lot of shipping. I wrote a few things about Renee Minkowski/Dominik Koudelka, but they're married in canon so a lot of that wrote itself. (Works are here if you're interested: For Better or For Worse / The Return of the Blessed)
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
All of my SOS sequels. I'm going to try though. We'll see what happens.
What are your writing strengths?
Long fic. I can take an idea and run with it. I'm also good a picking up where I series left things off or when a show gets cancelled and leaves a cliff hanger.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Short fic. I wrote around 7k-8k words for a Wolf 359 fic and someone commented how happy they were that they "finally got a long fic about this". And I was flattered, but like. 7-8k words???? LONG????
...who's gonna tell them?
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I've only done this a few times. I try my best and do as much research as I can. I want it to be accurate though, so if you're a native speaker, and I got something wrong, feel free to (politely) lmk so I can fix it.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
For the tmbs fandom S.O.S. since it's what I'm known for, but also Who You Were Meant To Be because I love a good redemption story and I've gonna a lot of really nice feedback on it.
For the Wolf359 fandom, weirdly enough, The Return of the Blessed, which is based on my own unhinged crack theory, but I love writing it.
Tagging: @itsgoghtime @oflightningandstars @myfairkatiecat @mysteriouseggsbenedict @heyitsthatonesmolgay and anyone else who wants to participate!
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jimiminily · 3 days
Jin is officially discharged from the military! 🥳🎊
Welcome back Jin 🫶💜
It has been 548 days/18 months/1.5 years
(enlisted: Dec 13, 2022
Discharged: June 12 2024, today!)
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Welcome back Jin 😊🥳🎊💜🫶
Firstly it feels so unreal TT im so happy Jin is back, I am really really proud of him. He did so good in his military journey, I'm actually really stunned
Oh I love him so much I can't describe the feeling
He's the first member that got enlisted, now he's the first one to be released/discharged from the military 💜
Now nothing can take him away and that's a relief ☺️💕 finally his military is over
Let's stay forever and together 💜
Welcome back loml 🩷
Today he got discharged and behind the gates you could see him bidding farewell to his military friends, they were all hugging and shedding some tears 🥹
and the members greeted him in front of the military gate, and Yoongi was at HYBE waiting (for reasons, iykyk), and it was such a beautiful moment 🥰 haha Namjoon came with a saxaphone playing dynamite, everyone was hugging each other ☺️ but Taehyung became really buff, in such short time?? They all became a little bigger/buff, and Jimin hugging Tae and Jin looked so wholesome and cute especially with tae 🥹 precious Jiminie🩷
It was great to see hobi and jungkook again 😌💕 I miss them all
Jin arrived at HYBE and started live, I missed him so much omg 😭🫶 it sounds super unreal to watch him start live, he was still in his uniform and shared stories from the military, showed his awards/certificates etc.
I noticed his voice became a bit deeper and he talks a little bit differently yknow like a soldier but that's obvious because he spent a really LONG time in the military, and that is SO adoring 🥹💕💕 the way he talks, the voice I don't know why it is so adoring to me I missed him so so so much.
he's so adorable I'm starting to tear up again Hhahahaha it's been such a long long time🫠 welcome back Jin 😌❤️
Remaining members left to be discharged:
• Hoseok: 127 days left (17 oct, 2024)
• Namjoon and Taehyung: 363 days left (10 june, 2025)
• Jungkook and Jimin: 364 days left (11 june, 2025)
• Yoongi: 374 days left (21 June, 2025)
And these are the links to the weverse posts and live from Jin ♡ (added translations), also a link to BTS long awaited ot7 picture on twitter
@BTS_twt todays tweet on twitter
[Translation] 'I (went) and come back'
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[240612 Jin 🔴 Weverse Live: D-day]
🐹 hello everyone, its been such a long time. bangtan! hello its bts' jin. its been a year and a half. its been so long since being in front of a camera and im not too sure what to say but ill try my best. ah whys the screen turning back in my day it worked so well
normally im much better looking but at my discharge ceremony earlier i cried a bit so im a bit swollen. and i came back to the company and the staff greeted me with posters and everything and this flower *brings out huge flower* oh okay go away now *tosses flowers*
🐹 I came into the building and all the staff were there with a huge bouquet and telling me welcome back! I was so happy and the tears came. I cried twice.
As a soldier, I was telling the soldiers that they shouldn't cry, but they were crying and they were soldiers I spent a year and a half with and I cried.
🐹 Everyone, I've been discharged. It's been a year and a half and I wanted to look good for you but. *shows certificate* It's official. I got a lot of awards. I think I recieved 7-8 awards.
🐹 There was another soldier named Kim Seokjin in our unit so they called my name out twice and I got confused.
my friends also made and wrote me this poster. ah im embarrassed to say this but i was really popular in the military so the posters written with tons of words. they said to read it at home so im going to read a bit here
🐹 This guy wrote me asking to greet a girl group on his behalf
🐹 You dude, see I have only 3 celebrity friends
🐹 "Seokjinnie-Hyung, thanks to you I had so many experiences I will never forget. Thank you. I'm glad we were able to have such good food and good memories. To get to chat with, get scolded along with, live with the world star I was fan of since middle school, it was an honor.
I wasn't scolded though. Cuz I was an ace.
🐹 now! i need to talk about festa. i gave some good ideas but it was criticized! i proposed something for festa since ill have to do it alone, so i talked to the director in charge of festa around oct/nov? but they said theyve already said theyve planned most already. so i suggested a free hug, and they said no. so i pitched my idea of doing a free hug at an outdoor location where we do festa. but they said people could get hurt. but i kept saying i wanted to do it for a month or so because i wanted to hug those who have waited for me. so the company was in discussions, and they proposed that instead of a free hug, how about indoors where one person at a time is let in, and i tried to argue against saying i wanted an outdoor one. and they also said i should only do 50 since its the day after my discharge but i said no, 3,000 people and they finally agreed to 300, and i said no as much people as possible, and they said 500 and i said no, more and we finally agreed on 1,000 people
and this is something i personally wanted to do, so im not sure if the other members will do it. i dont really want this to be pushed to the other members as well. this is purely my interest although i was proposed other events such as fan signs. but i really wanted to do hugs
🐹 i discharged today right? so i havent had much to prepare, but i will do something, but i havent had much to practice and i havent sung in around a year and a half, and i rode in the car with jimin today and we've both talked about how we both are out of practice
now that im a free civilian, i will come to see you often!
i will express my heart to all of you tomorrow!
and i asked cameras to be allowed (t/n: to the festa event) so i hope everyone takes lots of pictures
🐹 our ARMYs who waited for me, thank you the most and love you
🐹 on June 13th, I will— AH IT'S TOMORROW*LONG GASP*
🐹 TOMORROW ! I'll express my feelings/thoughts to you
🐹 ill see you tomorrow! i love you army! thank you! 🫶 bye~ bye~ bye~~ 👋
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'The company has prepared for festa hard, the free hug idea that I talked about was just something I said, everyone ㅠㅠ what I said about coming up with the idea together it seems the context was delivered with the wrong meaning ㅠㅠ
And since there's a lot of people for hugging tomorrow, I request you to pass by quickly ㅠㅠ it will be hard to have a conversation and it's expected go as planned smoothly if you pass by quickly after a quick hug.. looking forward to your cooperation [cutely] ♡'
'Thank you so much to the people and reporters that came and took pretty discharge pictures, and thank you so much to ARMYs that came in front of the company and gave me love because of my discharge
i couldn't give my proper greetings in case it would get too chaotic but i'm so so thankful ~♡
our ARMY are the best'
Jin will be there tomorrow with ARMY's (big events) Like hugging 1000 ARMY's 🥹
See you tomorrow again Jin 💕🙈
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cuubism · 1 year
wip update
since I have a good number of actively-posting WIPs that some lovely people have been very kind about and invested in (and which I am very slow in updating), I figured it might be only polite to post a little update on where those are.
the melting press of the sun (dreamling) - Never intended this as a longfic, there may or may not be more than the 2 chapters it has now. I have a bit more written but it's disjointed and incomplete. I intentionally didn't leave any brutal cliffhangers on what I did post for this reason. We'll see if that one comes back.
Deja vu, Deja connu (dreamling) - The slowness in updating probably belies how deeply emotionally invested I actually am in this fic. Chapter three is just a major challenge--it's very long, covers a lot, has lots of fluff in the first part (fluff is kinda my Achilles heel, though not quite as much as wedding scenes, which this chapter also has) and a lot of heavy content later. But I have the whole fic outlined, a bunch of chapter 4 and 5 written in advance, and I'm super excited about the stuff that comes later, so it will definitely be finished, just... slowly. At least for this chapter.
In Waking Dreams (dreamling) - My current priority for an update. Chapter 4 just hit 10k and will probably hit 15k before its done (god help me), and I feel somewhat obliged to finish chapter 5 as well so I can post them in quick succession. Chapter 4 necessarily ends on a cliffhanger as it catches up to the events of chapter 3, but I feel bad about two cliffhangers in a row. But that one soon, I hope. (chapter 5 has a lot of the juiciest, long awaited scenes promised by the fic's premise, so I hope you will like that one when it's finally done 😅)
IRL (malec) - Fic that I have a tendency to get stuck on for 15 months, then write a ton of all at once, repeat. But I actually picked it up again the other day for the first time in ages, and I think I know all of the events of the chapter now, so who knows! Maybe I'll actually manage an update!
Subject: I Love You (malec) - Fic that I shamefully left with ONE CHAPTER remaining for a full year now. Honestly not sure why. Someday I will pick it up tho, I swear to god, or maybe I'll just cut the chapter short and make it an epilogue. (Actually maybe I do know why. It's another damn proposal/wedding scene. My absolute weakness and failure, I should stop writing them entirely)
mind & heart, body & soul (malec) - This fic haunts me, it follows me around 24/7 like a vengeful spirit that can't find rest. I can't wrangle it back into making any sense in my head, but for the sake of both my own sanity and the story's frankly frightening number of readers (I love you but you scare me), I've been trying to do one final chapter to offer some kind of wrap-up. Hopefully I can manage it.
Leviathan (malec) - My long held passion project that I have, in classic form, not touched in months. In fact I've been stuck on the same chapter I'm on now since probably 2020, when I first started writing the fic. This particular middle part of the fic is just vexing me to no end. At some point, I will decide on a course of action, inevitably flawed, and just power through that chapter (I say, for the 2nd year in a row). Why did I give this story two big villains again? Or think having a whole separate story arc in the middle of the fic was a good idea? Ah well.
in the palm of your hand (malec) - The one and only multichapter I finally caved and marked abandoned. I learnt my lesson with this fic about letting a oneshot expand into a completely unplanned longer fic. Boy did I...
I feel like I don't express it enough, but I really appreciate everyone who's ever read one of my fics, commented, kudos'd, chatted with me about them on tumblr, made podfics or art or translations, shared headcanons in my inbox or your own fics with me... I'm always blown away by the kindness and interest, and love getting to share little (or big!) stories with you and am so happy when you enjoy them ❤️ I love doing fandom with you.
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bambinella · 4 months
Flickers and Memories
A/N: I read the LIS comics and to say they left a deep impact on me is an understatement. I genuinly loved the story, and it's been a long time since I read something so perfectly sad. Therefore I've written a fanfic, solely to cope with them. Enjoy! Link to the comics!
Warnings: Spoilers for the ending of the Life is Strange comics!
Summary: Story takes place after the 6th comic, Settling Dust! It's been a year since Max has been reuinted with Chloe in her own timeline, yet the couple still struggles with the sadness of losing someone they love. Thankfully, them being together is exactly what they need to get through tough times.
Word Count: 3094
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“Chloe? I’m home!” Max called out as she closed the front door behind her. She listened for a reply, knowing Chloe had come home earlier than her, and frowned when there came no immediate response. It was evening, and she had no idea where Chloe would have gone if she wasn’t at home.
“In here!” Chloe finally called back from what appeared to be the living room. Relief washed over Max as she made her way over to her girlfriend, smiling as she saw Chloe sitting on the purple blanket on the floor. Her smile faded as she saw Chloe’s sad expression, while staring at one of the pictures Rachel had given her. Oh.
“Hey you. You’ve been looking at those a lot recently. Are you okay?” Max asked as she sat herself down on the floor next to Chloe, leaning her head on her shoulder. Chloe huffed. Of course Max would have noticed.
“There’s no use trying to hide stuff from you, right Super Max?” She asked with a small smile, before looking back at the picture. “Yeah I’m fine, it’s just…”
“You miss her?” Max finished, gently rubbing her hand on Chloe’s back. She nodded.
“Yeah. It’s like an old wound that opened again. I’ve coped with her death for years, and it certainly was a lot easier with you by my side. Knowing that she’s alive out there, living with me in an alternate reality, has made me so happy. But at the same time it also hurts,” Chloe said with a sad smile. Max felt a stab of pain in her chest as she thought about alternate Chloe and Rachel. It had taken over two years to finally reunite with her Chloe again, but leaving the other Chloe had hurt her more than she had been prepared for. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes by merely thinking of her.
“That reminds me. Chloe, there’s something I haven’t told you yet… something I’ve been struggling with on my own since I came back, and I need your help with it,” Max admitted, making Chloe look up at her. If Max asked for help, it was something serious.
“Whatever it is, I’m here for you if you’re willing to share it with me, Max,” She said with a soft smile, taking one of Max’ hands.
“I figured it out a while ago, but… remember when we went back to Arcadia Bay, and we saw my grave in a flicker?” She asked. When Chloe nodded, she took a deep breath. “I discussed this with Tristan the other day. Flickers are mere windows that give you a view into another reality. To be able to walk through a door, into that reality, there has to be a space to walk into. Which means… which means that the reality I went to for two years was the one where Max Caulfield had died.” She concluded. Chloe’s face became pale at the mere thought of that.
“Oh Max, I’m so–” She said, yet stopped as Max shook her head.
“It’s okay! That’s not the part I’m struggling with. The thing is, in that reality I died as a kid. The Chloe from that reality suffered so much because of that, and when she finally found happiness with Rachel, I showed up again. I can’t imagine the pain I must have caused her,” Max said, hugging her own knees.
“Hey don’t beat yourself up like that,” Chloe said, wrapping her arms around Max as she hugged her tightly. “There was no way you could have known, and it’s not like you really had a choice, Max. Those flickers would have destroyed you if you didn’t take action, and you had no idea where you’d end up in the first place,” She said.
“I know that. Chloe also told me not to worry, that they had coped without me for years, and that they were able to do it again. She said that coping would be easier since she now had amazing memories of a life with me in it, and that she wouldn’t trade it for the world. And I think that’s the part that hurts me the most. I somehow always manage to hurt you by leaving you behind, no matter what reality I’m in.” Max said, leaning into Chloe’s embrace as tears ran down her cheeks. Chloe closed her eyes as she held her, gently rocking her side to side.
“Stop blaming yourself for leaving me when you were thirteen, you were a child. And definitely stop blaming yourself for dying in an alternate reality, Max.” She said, placing a kiss on her cheek before looking into her eyes. “You had no control over that. Chl– I was right. Now they have two years worth of memories with you. It might’ve hurt them a lot when you had to leave again, but that’s still priceless if you ask me. Pun intended,” She added with a smirk. Max couldn’t help but smile a little at that. 
“I miss her, Chloe. I know it’s selfish. This is my home, and you are my home, and I love you so damn much, I wouldn’t trade you for anything. I know this is where I belong, and I’m truly happy here, yet at the same time it felt like I left a friend behind. A best friend I’ll never get to see again. It doesn’t make sense since you’re literally the same person, but–”
“You don’t need to explain it, Max, I understand what you’re saying. It was a different me, but still me. Of course it hurt you leaving me behind,” Chloe said, placing a kiss on her temple. If Max wasn’t already crying, she would cry by how understanding Chloe was.
“Thank you,” Max wiped the tears from her eyes with a smile. “She knew about you, you know. Rachel. Not you from the alternate reality, but you. My Chloe,” Max said, taking one of Chloe’s hands in her own. Her girlfriend just stared at her.
“Rachel knew– did you tell her about me? About us? About what happened?” Chloe asked, her mouth suddenly dry.
“Yes. Rachel knows you loved her in this timeline too, and she knows that she… didn’t make it. I told her that you and I are together, and believe me when I say that she was so relieved to know that you’re happy here too, and not alone. That’s the reason she was so set on getting me back home in the first place, I think. Because she knew you were suffering without me, and she didn’t want that. Rachel loves you in every reality, Chloe, no matter where she is,” Max said, pulling a sobbing Chloe in for another tight hug.
“Oh Max! Oh I miss her so much!” She cried into her shoulder, and Max felt her own tears run down her cheeks again. Meeting Rachel had changed her life and they had become close friends, alternate reality or not. Friendship runs thicker than blood, after all. For Chloe to have actually spent time with Rachel in this reality, only to lose her? She couldn’t, no, didn’t even want to imagine the pain Chloe had felt, and was feeling now again.
“I miss her too, Chloe. We’re both lucky to have met her. Let’s treasure her letter and pictures, knowing that she’s alive and still loves us from far away,” Max said, brushing a hand through Chloe’s teal hair. They remained like that for a while, until Chloe pulled away from the hug with a sniffle.
“Hey Max?” She asked, wiping the tears from her eyes. She still looked sad, but not as broken as before.
“Yeah?” The brunette said while sitting up straight, looking closely at her girlfriend.
“Can you tell me more about her? About the Rachel you met?” Chloe asked with a tearful smile. Max leaned in to gently wipe the tears from her eyes with her thumb, before patting her lap for Chloe to rest her head on.
“Of course,” Max said with a smile of her own. For the next hour or so, she told Chloe everything she could think of about the two years she spent with Rachel and Chloe, from their reunion until their goodbye. They both laughed and cried at the memories, but most importantly they smiled brightly at them. Eventually the sadness faded to the background, and happiness filled in its leave. The moments Max’d shared with them were priceless indeed.
“I never met your Rachel, but the Rachel I knew definitely knew how to handle you,” Max said with a playful smile, booping Chloe’s nose. Chloe laughed at that.
“Oh yeah, Rachel knew how to handle me here too,” Chloe grinned. “That was one of the first things I noticed about her. I always thought she was prissy and stuck-up, but I was so wrong. She was one of the most badass yet also kindest people I ever met,” She said with a soft smile.
“She sounds just like you,” Max winked, gently running her fingers over Chloe’s blacked out arm.
“Oh I'm a badass for sure! That'll never change,” Chloe said with a cackle, sitting up to flex her arms while making a tough face. Since she started working at the garage she had become visibly stronger, so she had a point. Still, Max couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
“Bossy, sassy and badass. That’s Chloe Price for you, in every reality,” Max teased while ruffling her long, teal hair. Chloe shook her head with a giggle and swatted her hand away.
“Careful Maximus, I’m still the Captain! And ye don’t mess with yer Captain’s hair without consequences!” Chloe playfully threatened with the best pirate accent she could muster, her hand forming a claw at Max while wiggling her eyebrows. Max only smirked at her.
“And I’m still your first mate who needs to bring you down from your ego trip from time to time. I may not be Rachel, but I definitely know how to handle you too!” Max said with a mischievous grin, hooking her hands under Chloe’s arms as she dragged her towards herself. Chloe let out a squeal of laughter.
“MAHAAHAX!” She laughed, hugging herself as she sat in Max’ lap. Her girlfriend chuckled and lightly drummed her nails up and down her ribs.
“Yes my dear Chloe?” She smiled into Chloe’s neck, lightly blowing air on her skin to send her into another giggle fit. 
“Aahahahaa!! It tihihihihickles!” She cried out in laughter, her hands wrapping around her ribs to hide them. Surprisingly, Chloe wasn’t really fighting to escape at all, she just leaned against Max and laughed loudly while accepting her fate. It was almost as if she had provoked her on purpose, knowing how Max would react. The brunette smiled widely at that.
“That’s kind of the point,” She teased, placing kisses on her neck while moving her hands down to gently drill her thumbs into her hips. Chloe was sinking further and further into her embrace while laughing her heart out, a blush covering her cheeks. 
“Oohoho shihihihit! Mahahax! Max please I cahahahahan’t!” She laughed, almost fully laying down in Max’ lap at this point, yet still didn’t fight back. Max was sure of it now.
“Aww what’s the matter Chloe? Did you miss my tickles? My my, how the tables have turned~” Max teased with a wide grin, causing Chloe to blush harder. She playfully clawed at her sides, which finally made her girlfriend give in as she arched her back.
“Mehercy mehehEHEHERCY!” She wheezed, and Max stopped with a chuckle, gently patting her hand on Chloe’s side while looking at her panting girlfriend, who looked breathless but happy. She could tell that Chloe had needed a moment where she could just laugh her heart out and forget about her worries or sorrows. And they’d already had enough worries and sorrows for a lifetime, Max realized with a frown.
“I think I figured out what we need to do now,” She said, leaning in to place a kiss on Chloe’s forehead before standing up. When Chloe gave her a confused look, Max smiled and offered her a hand.
“And what exactly is that?” Chloe asked, taking the hand as she stood up.
“Chloe and Rachel didn’t help me return to my own timeline so we would mourn over them. They did it to reunite us. They’re the main reason I was able to come back home, minus Tammi and Tristan. We can miss them, but we shouldn’t let our sadness control us. We should live our lives and have fun instead. Together, just like they are doing right now,” Max said, placing a hand on Chloe’s cheek, who leaned into the touch. She stared at Max for a moment, before nodding with a smile.
“You know what Max? I really like that idea,” Chloe said, placing her arms on Max’s shoulders as she looked at her shorter girlfriend. When did she get so wise?
“There’s so many things I still want to do with you. Snuggle under a blanket in the middle of the night while looking at the stars. Dance with you underneath those same stars. Going to the beach to have a rematch for our “epic pool battle” from a few years ago. Improve my guitar skills so I can play music for you by the campfire. Have a roadtrip with no real destination in mind. There’s still so much I want to do, and I want to spend the rest of my days with you, Chloe Price,” Max said, taking a step closer to press her forehead against Chloe’s. Her girlfriend closed her eyes and leaned in to place a tender kiss on her lips, which she happily returned.
“I love you, Max. Let’s do all of those things together, and so much more,” She uttered after pulling away, placing both hands on Max’ face as she gently held her.
“I love you more,” Max said, placing a hand on her tattooed arm. Sometimes she felt like both her and Chloe were broken, but being in each other’s company was always enough to heal and get them through anything. Who needed therapy anyways, if they could simply hold each other like this. 
“And I love you most,” Chloe finished with a grin, playfully sticking out her tongue at her little ‘victory’. Max rolled her eyes with a smile.
“Do you know what I want to do most of all, right now?” She asked with a suggestive smile. Chloe felt her cheeks heat up as her eyes widened a little.
“Uhm, I–” She stammered, only to be interrupted by a pillow smacking against the side of her head. Max had stooped down and picked up the pillow she’d been sitting on earlier.
“This!” Max let out a gremlin laugh as she darted away from her girlfriend, running into their bedroom as she jumped on the bed. Chloe felt like she’d been staring a lot at Max this past hour, but she could only stare at her with a surprised smile and an open jaw. Out of all the things she had expected, this was last on the list. Max had successfully caught her off guard.
“Max Caulfield, you did NOT just smack me in the face with a pillow!” Chloe playfully growled, wasting no time as she made her way over to Max, very much looking like a predator stalking her prey. Max yelped in anticipation as she looked at Chloe with a huge grin, holding the pillow in front of her as defense. Chloe had successfully taken the bait, as expected, yet that didn’t make it any better for Max, who was about to die.
“Catch me if you can!” Max taunted playfully, getting ready to smack Chloe again. It took Chloe less than five seconds to disarm and tackle Max to the bed, tickling her until she begged for mercy. Chloe had gracefully decided to show mercy after reducing Max to a blushing and giggling mess, pulling her close to her chest. They cuddled on their bed in a comfortable silence until they were slowly falling asleep. The emotions, tears and laughter had left both of them exhausted.
“Hey Max?” Chloe yawned, fighting to keep her eyes open as she looked at her smaller girlfriend with a smile.
“Yeah Chloe?” Max smiled back, opening one eye to take a good look at the woman laying next to her. Chloe truly was her home, Max realized.
“You’ll always be my partner in time,” Chloe mumbled sleepily as she placed a kiss on Max’ hand, intertwining their fingers as she started to drift off.
“And you’ll always be my partner in crime,” Max finished with a smile, giving Chloe’s hand a final squeeze before falling into a peaceful sleep. That night she had an unusual yet comforting dream. She dreamed about Rachel and Chloe, but it almost didn’t feel like a dream, it felt like she was spectating them from afar. Her eyes shot wide open as she realized she was experiencing another flicker. This time it felt different, however. It didn’t hurt or pull at her, it simply felt as if she was looking through a window into their reality. 
She could see Chloe and Rachel cuddled up underneath a blanket in Gladys – they appeared to be in the middle of another road trip – looking at pictures from the three of them. Chloe looked sad yet happy as she held the selfie Max had taken of the two of them close to her chest. Rachel briefly tickled Chloe to make her laugh, yet even though Rachel could hide it better, Max could tell that she was sad too by the way she stared at the pictures. For a moment Max was overwhelmed by that same sadness, knowing that they missed her as much as she missed them, until she noticed a small detail that immediately filled her with joy. Both Chloe and Rachel had gotten new matching tattoos, Chloe on her left wrist and Rachel on her right wrist, and Max couldn’t believe her eyes at first as she looked at it. It was a tattoo of a polaroid camera, more specifically her polaroid camera. This time she was overwhelmed by a warm feeling as she realized what that meant.
They were never going to forget her. They were moving on with their lives, yet they would always treasure the two years they’d spent with her. Just like she was doing. And if she could somehow still visit them in her dreams, maybe their realities weren’t that far apart after all.
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rhea314 · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers podficcers
Thank you for tagging me @gracieryder and @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove, I feel so included <3
How many works do you have on ao3? 1,559 - which I believe is 1,208 podfic, 179 vids, and 163 fics
What's your total Ao3 word count? 615,783
What fandoms do you create for? I have works in 450 fandoms so I’m not listing them all so here are top couple of fandoms by work-type: - Vid: Nirvana in Fire, The King: Eternal Monarch, and 9-1-1 - Podfic: Yuri on Ice, Teen Wolf, and The Raven Cycle - Fic: Smallville, Stargate Atlantis, and Gundam Wing
Top 5 Works by Kudos: Fics dominate sorting by kudos so here's top two of each category: - Fic: The Rock and The River this Spirited Away fic wins out by a large margin, bubbling up is another Spirited Away fic and in second place. - Vid: Bury a Friend is my most kudos’d vid (Untamed) and Applause is second most kudos (Untamed RPF) though that is my most-watched vid on YT. - Podfic: through a window softly by impossibletruths, an Untamed fic for which I did a lot of music mixing is my top kudos’d podfic, so much so that it actually gets in my AO3 top 5 kudos list which is wild. The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli is in second place.
Do you respond to comments? I try!
What is the work you've made with the angstiest ending? - Fic: All my fics are neutral or positive endings (I think?) - Vid: this TKEM AU where Yeong dies - Podfic: I enjoy narrating big emotions so I have a lot of people-cry-in-this-fic grief/angst and self worth issues stories but often they end on at least an uplifting note. Possibly something in Attack on Titan or X-Men had a and-they-stay-sad ending but I can’t remember something specific to for-sure point at.
What's the work you've made with the happiest ending? So many happy endings (both the emotional kind and the porn kind). I’m not sure I could point to a ‘happiest’ since a lot of them are very happy.
Do you get hate on your works? I’ve had some weird comments but not particularly hate, hopefully that will continue to be true.
Do you create smut? Yup, at least with podfic and fic.
Craziest crossover? I wrote a heralds of valdemar / lord of the rings fic when I was just starting out in fandom.
Have you ever had a work stolen? I hope not.
Have you ever had a work inspired by your works? Very excitingly, people have made vids inspired by my vids which is the absolute coolest thing (Nothing by @nubreed73, and Mei Changsu is Climbing the Mountain by @sandalwoodbox)
I have had fic translated, which is neat.
People have made podfics of my fic which is just delightful and makes me so, so happy as a fellow podficcer.
I've also had people make me fanart/coverart which is super cool!
Have you co-recorded/co-written/co-vidded before? I’ve done a podfic collab where we co-wrote the story together and then recorded the story together. I’ve been part of multivoice collabs of things I did not participate in writing for with both in-person/live recording and recorded separately then edited together. I’ve also done oral not!fic collabs.
I've done collab vidding with @sandalwoodbox
All time favorite ship? I can't decide. I tend to have one OTP per fandom I'm into, but see fandom list it's too long to pick just one ship.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I’ve got a variety of old files for fics I never got a permission response on that will just live in my computer forever. Some are complete, some needing editing, some are partially completed and all abandoned due to lack of response. I learned my lesson and now do not record unless I have already received permission or the author has BP.
What are your podficcing/writing/vidding strengths? - Podfic: Consistency? Enthusiasm. Emotion (I hope).
- Vid: Picking decent songs?
What are your podficcing/writing/vidding weaknesses? - Podfic: Accents, words not in english, cover art.
- Writing: Doing it without a challenge/exchange
- Vid: I don't know how to do a lot of technical stuff so I'm sort of coasting on my current skill level without challenging myself much.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? For podfic I try! Sometimes I don’t know what I don’t know (see past mispronunciation of French where I thought I knew what I was doing T_T). But having been in into anime, c-dramas, k-dramas, and a variety of fandoms with various languages involved I know I will give it my best shot, possibly fail, and it will take me 2-3x as long to record, but sometimes I can be proud of what I’ve come up with on the far end and that’s nice. Forvo, google translate, and finding friends/acquaintances I know who speak the language have all be helpful.
First fandom you podficced/wrote in/vidded? - Podfic: Spiderman/Smallville crossover: 2008.
- Vid: Eastwick (TV)
- Fic: Heralds of Valdemar
Favorite work you've made? - Podfic: The Ion Arc by Sunhawk - I started recording this Gundam Wing story in 2008 and finished in 2019 and it clocks in at over 80 hours. This was my labor of love for just over a decade and will always hold a very important place in my heart. Have I re-listened to it, no. Do I think it’s the best podfic I’ve ever made, probably not, doesn’t matter, still my favorite. - Vid: I’m not sure how to pick so I’ll just go with my co-vid with @sandalwoodbox Hug Cats! - Fic: I’ll follow the consensus and say The Rock and The River for this.
Tagging - feel free to take up this invitation to answer some questions or not as you see fit!: @sandalwoodbox, @revolutionaryjo, @rollerskatinglizard
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angelst4re · 2 years
hi! idk if anyones ever requested this, also this is my first request. i've been reading the little stories you've written for like since last night at like 8pm and its 2pm the next day. anyways! do you think you could do something where the reader has their own band(them, their brother and two friends) and reader has a 1 year old and has like been with jamie for a good few months and the kid wants to join us on stage? smthn like that! i love your stories as well, so fuckin addicting bro. <3
hi my love!! i'm so happy you like them!! okay this is absolutely adorable. i wrote a whole backstory to this then deleted it because i thought it was too long and now i wish i kept it because it feels too short :(
For the Thrill of It- Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
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summary: you're in a secret relationship with jamie and there are rumours going around about it, so with the help of your daughter you let them all know the truth!
warnings: none!
note: 300 FOLLOWERS???!?!?!!!?!?? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!1!! I DIDN'T EVEN THINK I'D GET 3!!!?!!??
You began dating Jamie four months ago, although you’ve known him for quite some time. He was friends with your brother a few years ago, they were even in a band together. However, life works in mysterious ways, and they lost contact for a few years, and both went on to live their lives. Jamie became an actor, but still pursued his music career. Your brother (Daniel) still had a passion for music, and you even joined his band when you turned 22. 
Your band ended up being quite successful, having a few chart topping songs, even going viral online. You met your boyfriend at an afterparty and started dating not long after. Looking back on it, you feel like things were rushed as you fell pregnant after not even a year of knowing each other. But you were young and in love, so you kept the baby, wishing for her to grow up with both parents around- although that didn’t happen. 
Just after Gracie was born, her father left, leaving you to look after her by yourself. Although your brother stepped in to help, offering you and your daughter a room in his house, which you were more than happy to accept. But there was one thing you weren’t expecting. 
“Jamie’s going to be staying for a while, we’ve known each other since college, you remember him, right?” Daniel asked, introducing you to the blond. 
“I think so…” You say, racking your brains for any vague memory of him. “Bob Dylan tattoo? On his bum?” 
“That’s the one!” Daniel laughs, “he’s super nice, though. Trust me, I wouldn’t let anyone weird stay here while my little sister and niece are here!”
You got along very well with Jamie and became friends almost instantly after he moved in. You would stay up after putting Gracie to bed and watch movies together, he would recommend some and you would recommend some since you both had similar tastes. He would even offer to babysit for you when you and your brother would go out to meetings to discuss the upcoming tour. You trusted him, so you left your daughter in his care.
After a few months of living with your Dan and Jamie, you had realised you caught feelings for your new friend. You tried to ignore them, especially after what happened last time you got into a relationship, but it was impossible. Everything about him was perfect, and it just made you fall for him even more. 
What you didn’t know was that he felt the same way. He had planned one night for your brother to take Gracie to see her grandparents, this is when he would ask you to be his. He asked around: your brother, your friends, everyone, to find out what your favourite flowers were, and what your favourite food was. So, when you came home that night, you saw the kitchen table decorated with candles, flowers and he had cooked your favourite meal. 
After dinner, he had told you how he felt, and you told him you felt the same way, however you were still afraid of getting into a relationship too soon, especially because you knew how the media would react. So, for the time being, you had decided to keep it a secret. Although, that didn’t keep the media from speculating, especially when he came on tour with your band. You were so happy you had him with you, as it meant he could look after your daughter whilst you weren’t there. 
Gracie adored Jamie, almost as much as you did. He always made time to play with her when she would give him her teddies, he was there when she took her first steps and even helped her to walk, he would read to her when it was time for bed, he would play music and have dance parties, he was the type of father she needed, and you were so happy that he was there. One day after work, you had come home to find them both fast asleep on the sofa, you almost cried because of how sweet it looked. You couldn’t wait to see what the future held for you three. 
However, it was difficult to keep this relationship a secret from the rest of the world. The two of you had almost held hands whilst on a walk once, and that’s when you realised you needed to come forwards and say something, to tell everyone the truth, to stop hiding. The internet was currently divided into people who thought you were dating Jamie and people that thought you were just friends, but tonight you were ready to put an end to the rumours. 
While you were on stage performing your final song of the night, you gave Jamie a quick smile as he stood with Gracie at the side of the stage where no one else could see. She kept pointing at you, and you knew what was coming. You stopped singing and motioned your hand to say ‘come here’, at this, Gracie began running across the stage to you, her noise cancelling headphones falling from her head. You grinned and looked back up at Jamie, who was wiping a fake tear from his cheek. This was the first time she had ran without tripping over.
“As you all might know, this is my daughter Gracie,” You say, crouching down to her height, “Gracie, baby, do you want to say hello to everyone?” You handed her the microphone and she had a massive grin on her face. 
“Hello love!” She said, waving to the crowd, she sounded just like Jamie. Everyone in the crowd 'awed’ and laughed at how she sounded like a cute grandma. 
“It’s Gracie’s second birthday soon, and one thing I know she’ll want for her birthday is to be able to go out with her mummy and mummy’s boyfriend without everyone posting rumours on the internet… so, Gracie, who's mummy's boyfriend?” you look to the side and send Jamie a big smile.
"Jamie!" She says with a big grin, looking over to where he stood.
"Do you want to come out, love?” You ask, taking the microphone back from Gracie.
As Jamie walked out onto the stage, you covered your daughter's ears, anticipating the screams from the crowd. Jamie kissed your cheek as you stood back up, and he picked Gracie up as she reached her arms out to him. 
“Can you cover her ears quickly, baby?” You ask Jamie, who nods his head.
“So there you go. There’s the truth,” you smiled. “If you want to judge me, call me some names that I won’t say in front of my daughter, then fuck you. But to the rest of you out there, thank you for being here tonight. I love you! Good night!” 
Gracie waves to the crowd as Jamie walks with her to get ready to leave, and you weren’t far behind.
“You realise everyone’s going to be talking about this for the rest of the week?” Jamie chuckles, kissing your forehead. 
“I know, but we won’t have to keep it a secret anymore. We can take Gracie out and not have to keep a distance, we can go on dates, we can-”
“Get ice cream?” Gracie asks, playing with the bracelets on your wrist. 
“Ice cream sounds lovely, y’know.” Jamie says as he nods his head, “good call, Gracie.” 
“Let’s go, darling!” Gracie says confidently, taking your hand and leading you out, obviously she had caught that word from Jamie too. He looks at you with a big grin on his face. 
“Yeah, let’s go, darling!” He repeats, chuckling as you make your way to the exit.
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Hi BPP, How will I know when the implosion begins? Is there an inverted yield curve for fandoms? Point form answers are are acceptable! Happy D-DAY!! 💜💜
Thank you for all the work you’ve put into this blog. It’s been a super interesting and enjoyable part of SM for me!
Hi @babyyourelemonade
An inverted yield curve for fandoms! Now that's a brilliant idea. I'd personally pay to contribute to funds for research on that topic honestly. And it could have implications outside of fandom too, such as for whole countries since many fandoms now work like splintered political communities more than anything else. I imagine it would be an upgrade to the theory on what caused the fall of Rome, or something like that.
I think I'm alone (mostly) in my opinions on the fandom imploding, and I don't want to talk much about it because I genuinely hope I'm very wrong, and because I don't have a lot of evidence to back up why I feel this way, so there's little point in going on about it.
But you've asked so I'll be brief:
Personally, I think the implosion has already started lol. The moment the fandom decided that taekookers were someone else's problem and should only be ignored, the seeds for implosion were already set. In my opinion. Think about Larries and the 1D fandom. Shipping is one thing but as I've said before, there are theories unique to taekook shipping that are inherently subversive to the very idea of BTS, and all it takes is someone crazy enough to do real damage. But that risk was somewhat contained so long as BTS was active and things were predictable. After the 2022 Festa Dinner and the fandom now experiencing Chapter 2 where so much is now unpredictable, where indulging in competition between the members is more permissible, the control on that risk has reduced somewhat. Solo stans, akgaes, and toxic shippers are like an immuno-virus that weakens from within because they're just as passionate and involved as regular fans, they're just twisted enough to prioritize their desires over everyone else, including the members they claim to stan.
The second problem is ARMYs. Lol. Specifically the ARMYs who have tied BTS's worth to the records and titles they hold, because those are the people most likely to do stupid shit when they feel threats to those records are imminent. At some point in 2021, I noticed when people would discuss what BTS means to them and to the industry, they'd just rattle off only records and accomplishments as if that was it. Before then, at least in my experience, people would talk about the lyrical impact of BTS's songs, they'd talk about the stylistic choices made in this or that album that relative to the other albums out at the time, and so on. There's nothing wrong with gloating about BTS's records because frankly that's the only thing that shuts up some antis. But it becomes a problem I think, when those records become the primary reason you think BTS have the status and caliber they have, and you’ve tied it to a central part of your identity.
Because records will always be broken.
And in Chapter 2 that is nearly guaranteed to happen. So the ARMYs who make that both their identity, and BTS's, will expose BTS to even more ridicule than they would've faced otherwise and will be disproportionately affected. If another group gets a Grammys nomination this year for example, or *gasp* actually wins the award next year, lol just pack it all up and give it to God. It will be bloody in these purple streets. Because too many ARMYs have tied BTS's worth to their achievements and only heightened the risk for implosion before 2026.
I've got a few more reasons but I've already written enough, and like I said I don't have much evidence for what I'm thinking anyway. But I suggest anyone who calls themselves a fan of BTS, reflect sometimes on why they're a fan, why they spend time in fandom spaces, and think about how to build real, honest community with people here while trying not to take too much personally.
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