#it's enrichment
blackmosscupcakes · 26 days
Also, loving Moonward as a demonstration that if you put actors into a TTRPG with NO rolls and NO rules where they decide almost everything that happens to their character and have complete control over their eventual fate, 3/4 of them will just straight up choose to have a dramatic emotive death scene
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
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fruity-hub-blog · 2 months
When canon content reinforces your funky lil headcanon
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I pulled artifact obsession out of like 1 or 2 lines in the og run but like I just remembered this was a thing and was like :D
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yandere-daydreams · 3 months
Helloooo out of curiosity, how do you deal with hate? Like on or off anon? Sorry if you’ve answered something similar before but yeah. I’m just starting out as a yandere writer (inspired by you and this blog!!). I posted a fic and it didn’t even have over 200 notes when I got my first hate comment (not on anon). My fic wasn’t even on the main tags lol.
honestly the only advice i can really give is not to interact with it. discourse in any form is very draining and unpleasant, so while there is that knee-jerk reaction to defend yourself, you'll be better off just deleting the ask/comment and moving on. it's also much worse for newer/smaller blogs without established followings, so with a little time, you do eventually grow out of being an easy target for people with simply nothing better to do. just kinda weather the storm for a while and it'll get better quickly.
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psalacanthea · 4 months
I love that in the backgrounds of a lot of people's fanart, when they have companions reacting, Astarion is often there just because he's so fucking goofy he's probably always making a ridiculous face.
it's what he deserves
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slitherpunk · 1 year
girls love to come back wrong
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
Shoplifting helps you express your hunter-gatherer instincts ❤️
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blue-hi · 6 months
i think i need to be kidnapped and put in charge of the post office
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starthelostboys · 1 year
david was built to be a vapid mean girl and the only way he live that dream is by bullying/flirting with ever pretty boy he sees on the santa carla boardwalk
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hisohisoart · 2 months
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Halsin turned out to be a very good addition to the party.
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sibblank · 3 months
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she loves dying and being dead
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eff-plays · 4 months
You mean to tell me Astarion has all that fluffy white hair and nobody's put him in a Playboy bunny suit yet? Okay. Busted-ass fandom.
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theokusgallery · 3 months
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the emotions this man evokes within me i have not otherwise felt since middleschool
Kill kill kill kill kill
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Metal Sonic: "..-. .-. .. . -. -.. ... .... .. .--. / . -. -.. . -.. / .-- .. - .... / - .- .. .-.. ... / -.. --- .-.. .-.. --..-- / -. --- .-- / ... .- --. . / .. ... / -- -.-- / -... . ... - / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.."
he says as he catapults sage into a wall
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mothforpresident · 1 year
On my walk to work I found a walnut tree so of course I started collecting walnuts to bring them home and eat. I felt like a squirrel crouched on the ground, cramming walnuts into my pockets. Now my backpack is full of walnuts.
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audible-smiles · 1 year
I know "eggs laid by vegetarian fed hens" is just meant to evoke the mad cow scare of the 80s-90s, but tbh I would pay extra for eggs laid by hens who got little a mealworms, as a treat
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