#it's giving 'It still went on the roof' vibes lol
safety-sam · 2 years
"We'd be lying to your face" 😂
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stormblessed95 · 9 months
Jikook's Rainy Day Fight
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So FINALLY getting around to making this post. Lol so honestly go read this one first. It's a HUGE post I made where I really broke down my thoughts about the rainy day fight before they told us more about it. I still stand by alot of these thoughts for the most part now that we know more. The only thing I might switch up a bit is the very last paragraph where I said something like "this clearly has nothing to do with BTS as a whole and seems like a couple-esque fight more than anything else." Imma walk that one back with the new info given lol
Regardless, read this post first before proceeding. Thanks!
Okay, all done with that post? Great! So here is what JK said about the rainy day fight:
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And here is what Jimin said:
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Overall, the dramatics were ridiculous (i say lovingly) for what this fight was about and somehow it still gives off couple vibes simply because of the way they escalated this "speak more politely to your hyungs" conversation into a "I'm cutting you off" and a slam dunk hug in the rain reunion. Lol
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(The way they both think back the most fond over that reunion hug is so freaking cute)
Things I want to additionally point out.
- Hobi hyung getting angry was the barometer of "wow. I super fucked up this time" which makes me cackle 🤣 the man is an angel lol
- after brushing aside his other members remarks and everyone else huffing but leaving, Jimin was the one to make the effort to pull him aside to have a more serious conversation about it. Trying to take it seriously with him, give him respect in return and not make it seem like he was being ganged up on. It speaks once again to how they have always been so incredibly close to each other. This was back in 2015 ish and they made these allowances for each other and gave each other their trust.
- Both Jimin and Jungkook told the same story, but took the blame for the fight upon themselves. They recongized what happened but when sharing the story with a third party, made it seem totally like their own fault (when clearly they both had some anger issues and bad judgements during that fight). It seemed like they were lowkey trying to protect the other and mostly just felt bad about their own contributions to the fight rather than the other person's. Clearly the forgiveness was absolute.
- Jungkooks snarkiness clearly got Jimin feed up to the point where he snapped and said something he clearly didn't mean, but also clearly felt. He probably felt disrespected and felt like that wasn't the type of bond they had cultivated together. And JK clearly felt bad and was upset himself and even after they separated, when he found himself upset and lost, his first instinct was to reach out to Jimin. And even pissed off and mad, Jimins first instinct was to answer JKs phone call and make sure he was okay and safe. Just for them to reunite not too long after, both feel shitty for their behavior and find a secluded spot for them to actually talk it through before they went home and to bed. Regardless of their full day of schedules right after that too. It's incredibly sweet of them.
- its still lowkey giving off couple fight/break up and reunion vibes. Lmfao but only in how they handled their dramatics, not in the actual fight. Nor do I think they were a couple during this time frame. I do think they were harboring crushes on each other, but that's a seperate conversation. And the fact that JK held onto feeling guilty over his bratty attitude and causing this fight so many years later??? Clearly, it had a lasting impact, even though he still acts like a brat to Jimin sometimes lol its done in a teasing manner rather than a disrespectful one. And it's something that the two of them clearly encourage in their bond together.
- the acknowledgement of that through this fight (and the subsequent conversation on the roof and make up afterwards) they got closer is worth highlighting and mentioning too. When a fight/disagreement is done in a healthy way (and while it didnt start that way. They clearly got there), the communication and the way you can get to know someone better can be so helpful for having an even better relationship. Platonic, romantic or any other kind. I'm glad they spent that time together on the roof. It was probably something they both really needed that night and lead to even more emotional vulnerability and comfort between the two of them going forward I'm sure.
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Thanks to everyone for waiting so long for me to write this up and for anyone who read this far too. 💜 I know I ramble a lot! I think this was everything I had to say about the rainy day fight though! 💜 Hope you all have a good rest of your day/night!
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valfeathers · 1 year
I would love your headcanons for all of the Wammy boys.
ok!! finally got around to it! sorry abt the wait lol
ok so i’m going to condense these & limit myself for now,, but anyways here’s a little something abt each of the boys
there's more art at the very bottom of this text btw :)
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(consulting my wammy boy google doc)
A -
he was the in-house music/pop culture expert. if you needed a music recommendation you could go to him and he'd definitely find you something.
he was a master violinist, but after being scouted for wammy's he set his sights on the guitar and spent years learning how to play. his fingers were pretty much always calloused because he kept losing his picks.
he never lost his irish accent.
B -
he was the reigning king of pranks. never turn your back on him, i mean it, he will hotwire your car to roll down a hill (true story, ask roger)
the thing that set him apart at wammy's the most was the fact that he would just. get the mop out. sometimes. it wasn't unusual to spot him cleaning something unprompted. clean freak b? clean freak b.
after A died, he didn't stay long. he couldn't stand to be under the same roof as L, and for the short while he was still in the house he moved around like a ghost, seething with just. grief and anger. he left without a word, or a note, or any sort of message at all.
L- (for everybody's sake i'll keep this one short)
he's been to his fair share of concerts, shows etc (i'm an 'L actually went out in public' truther till i die)
as teens, A & B helped him deck out his padded cell with posters etc to liven it up, and he never took them down. over time he converted it into a ragtag office
he and roger are not friends. far from it. they so do not get along. L still calls him 'codger' occasionally and roger gets reminded of B every single time.
he cuts & dyes his own hair, and he definitely got into stick n pokes (+ bonus: the first time he bleached his hair, he had mello help him & the two geniuses forgot to use toner, so he wound up ginger. everything worked out, though, because he wanted to dye his hair red anyways)
he used to creep downstairs at ungodly hours and raid the newly stocked dining hall for cereal. he has run into L multiple times doing this.
he gives me 'broke his arm as a kid and had to wear a cast' vibes. i can't explain it, that hc just calls to me.
like L, he got into his fair share of scraps as a kid. they've bonded over that. (+bonus: he has bitten someone before)
he was fiercely protective of matt & near when he was younger in an 'only i can bully them' kind of way that is so common with siblings.
labb gives me an excuse to imagine him as a big reader so that's what i'm doing! he read the classics as a kid & he wrote in his off time too,, he has dozens of journals that will never see the light of day.
he arrived at wammy's very young, he was actually the youngest wammy alumni on record.
i haven't gotten the opportunity to draw him with it yet, but i hc him as a cane user! a cane that linda customized for him at L's request. (from now on i Will include it in all of my near art istg)
out of the successor trio, he's the only person who was around when A was alive. he has one vague memory of A, that being A giving him a tiny wordless wave.
thank youu thankyouthankyou if you made it this far omg!! this took me a while but it was fun! have some domestic-y family-y wammy boy art to rest ur eyes after that little novella
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auyuyu006 · 2 months
A Kenshi Takahashi Playlist ♫
Featuring chill 80s, indie pop, and rock music. Heavy on the melancholic and wistful sound. Songs are linked below!
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Ginga Densetsu- Akina Nakamori
An 80s jpop song filled with all the right city pop elements with a mysterious and dramatic flair. A perfect song for Kenshi imo.
All Dead- L'arc-en-Ciel
A beautiful 90s jrock song reminiscent of both aching for and wanting to forget your past and what once was. Sounds like anger from a place of aching. Sounds like everything you once knew ending and still getting up the next morning. 
Owner of a Lonely Heart- YES
This chill 80s rock song is both easy to dance to and has a touch of sadness and longing. It reminds me of Kenshi's character. I can picture Kenshi listening to this in a convertible with the roof down for some reason.
My Desire- Interpol
Possibly one of the most yearnful yearning songs to ever exist. My hc is Kenshi is a man who doesn't prioritize love in his life. But when he falls- he falls off a cliff. Love is like a kick to the stomach for him. He's not sure how to accept it, to express or show it, but he needs it. He's not sure how he went on without it for so long.
90s jrock gold (Seriously such a good song!!) Sounds like enemies to lovers to me. Something about the beat just gives me Kenshi vibes, specifically his more humorous and playful side. 
Strangelove- Depeche Mode
I am a firm believer that Kenshi would be a Depeche Mode fan. This reminds me of an ex-Yakuza FBI agent Kenshi trying to live his life away from his criminal past.
나쁜 남자 Bad Man- Rain
A sexy and iconic 1st generation kpop song. Kenshi is not Korean lol but as a Korean myself I have to throw one in there. I am a Korean Suchin truther though (she has a Korean name let me livee). Although this song sounds badass, the lyrics are filled with guilt. It really reminds me of Kenshi (and perhaps his past with Suchin... ?)
Another 90s buck-tick song. It’s such a charming and sweet song. I think that Kenshi would like it. It gives me domestic vibes. The guitar solo is delicious. 
Eyes Without A Face- Billy Idol
My hc is that Johnny Cage loves Billy Idol, and showed Kenshi this to cheer him up...? Because it was funny? I don't know. But Kenshi ended up genuinely loving it. This song is incredibly beautiful and melancholic!
(This is 100% just for fun and please feel free to add other songs!! I want to do Liu Kang or Ashrah next)
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belbobiggins · 9 months
Okay okay okay I just I need to let out all these ideas I have for one singular TF2 OC
Keep in mind that I've never made an OC before so if this is really shittily written and thought out that's why
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Okay so her name is Bella. At first it was just a few thoughts like: haha I wonder how spy would deal with a random child or lol I bet pyro gets along great with kids. Then I got an idea. What if I gave Heavy a FOURTH sister, and the reason we didn't see her during the comics is because she was busy playing with dolls in her room. She's a little girl, so what if she managed to sneak herself into all of Heavy's luggage and undetectedly be carried back to America with Heavy. Stuff happens, yada yada, she ends up staying at the base with all the mercs.
I just. I think some mercs would end up having great bonds with her, and others (Spy the sly and Medic gaming) not so much. Take Engineer for example: I think he'd definitely be too happy about not being the shortest person there, so much so he'd probably pick on her a little about her height. But I also think he'd make a great father figure and would end up teaching her a lot inside the workshop.
Scout would probably have an older sibling type vibe to him, same goes for Pyro. While Pyro would play with her and enjoy doing kid stuff, Scout is an overconfident white boy who would take on a "mean" older brother role. He'd be an absolute dick, same as he is to everyone, but I think he'd have his moments where she and he could connect.
Medic. I have SO SO SO many ideas for this. Heavy is her older brother, yeah? She snuck into his stuff and came with because she was afraid of being away from/losing him. Now this psychotic German comes along and is taking all of Heavy's attention. How is Bella gonna react? Poorly. She's probably jealous and will glare at poor Medic when his back is turned. I think the two have a bit of friendly(?) competition going on.
Soldier is... Well... The Uncle™. He dated her sister Zhanna some point (due to me being a Freedom Fries enjoyer, Zhanna and Soldier split up but are still friends :]) so she probably likes having him around. He frequently went to her home in Russia to see her sister, so it's expected that Bella and Soldier are a bit close, because he's probably still considered a part of the family by Zhanna. Soldier will make her medals every time she does something patriotic and frequently teaches her about (incorrect) history. He has also taken her rocket jumping a few times, unbeknownst to Heavy.
Demoman probably has around the same deal going on as Soldier. He's friends with Soldier, so he's automatically okay in her book. Sometimes he'll sneak her a sip of his scrumpy, and he tells her what "a good laddie" she is everytime she runs him an errand or gives him a hug. These two have a very friendly bond I think.
Spy is... Well... A sneaky 🚩French🚩 man. While he also hangs around Soldier a lot, I have a feeling Bella and him just generally avoid each other. He's not very good with kids (cough cough the Scout situation cough) and probably isn't very fond of them either, and She doesn't like him because he's rude and kind of creepy. He can just disappear whenever he wants and lurks around in the shadows in his spare time? Hell no. She is generally uncomfortable around him, and Spy is... Spy.
Sniper. Actually, despite what most would think, I think these two would be pretty okay with each other. Not as close as Bella and some of the others of course, but they co-exist contently. They're very similar. She doesn't talk much, same as Sniper. She's a bit introverted. She likes avoiding confrontation. The two just have mutual respect for each other. Sometimes she'll find him sitting on the roof of the base and they'll just lay there silently together, simply enjoying the company. I think I'll have the most fun drawing her and Sniper's moments together.
WOW that's a lot of words. Conclusion: I want the mercs to take care of this kid. If you have any questions about her, I'd gladly answer an ask. (PLEASE TALK TO ME I'M DESPERATE :])
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staydandy · 11 months
Black Knight (2023) - 택배기사 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : One legendary Knight called 5-8, meets a young Refugee named Sa Wol who dreams of becoming a Knight. 5-8 trains and mentors Sa Wol, helping him achieve his dream in a dangerous and harsh world. In 2071, toxic air pollution had devastated the world, leaving only 1% of the population alive. People rarely leave their homes and depend on respirator masks to breathe. A strict social stratification has been established in the deserted lands of the Korean Peninsula. Citizens, who have access to housing & amenities; delivery drivers known as Knights, who protect & deliver packages of the precious source of Oxygen; and Refugees who are left on the outskirts to struggle & fight to survive. (MDL) AKA : Courier | Delivery Knight | Delivery Driver
Whumpee : Yoon Sa Wol played by Kang Yoo Seok (left) • 5-8 played by Kim Woo Bin (right)
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Adapted from the webcomic "Taekbaegisa” by Lee Yoon Kyun • It really gives off Mad Max Fury Road vibes (in a good way) • There's a fair number of personal thoughts in the list below, but I think it just goes to show how much I liked the drama • I actually went though the trouble (& possibly causing my old af laptop to crash) of making a gif for a part 😆
Episodes on List : 6 Total Episodes : 6
*Spoilers below*
01 : (@ 1:22, ok, but it'd woulda been cool if this was a live qr code) … Yoon Sa Wol removes his mask & fights a gang alone (wins) … sparring … made to stand on his head as punishment, kicked over, something thrown at him, nosebleed … pushed out a moving truck (comedic) … shot in the head
02 : … continued from previous ep. ... Found, transported … bandaged, wakes, head pain (how TF is he even still alive?!), panicked, held down, knocked out with a shot of drugs (@ 7:12, I'm sorry, the bullet was stopped by his skull??!! how hard headed is he?! - is this kid Wolverine or an android?) … (@ 8:53 you'd think with O2 being scarce they wouldn't use an O2 eater like fire so much) … goes out looking for a fight, beat up with pipes & bats.. hits in the back of the head, collapses, passes out … comatose … pushed off a roof (accidentally - comedic) (@ 36:32 he's a Mutant! X-man! Wolverine for the win!)
03 : [flashback] 5-8 is knocked over by explosions.. in a fight.. shot … (@ 16:54 #O.O# oh my! lol *gif 👀) … [present] 5-8 & Sa Wol spar (Sa Wol gets his ass handed to him) (@ 17:39 he just likes slapping that doesn't he 😆) … Sa Wol is hit with baseballs from a pitching machine … [switching back & forth quickly between various training & competition scenes:] sparring in a boxing ring, in a O2 deprivation room fighting, & dodging baseballs.. [in O2 dep. rm:] heavily bruised, unsteady, O2 at 5%, head pain, ear ringing, traumatic flashbacks, chokehold … car crash
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04 : Kickboxing match; bleeding, cut on his forehead
05 : Bruised, head pain, traumatic flashbacks, nosebleed
06 : Hit with the butt of a gun & knocked out … tries to fight, pinned down, knocked out with a shot of drugs … blood drawn … rescued, carried
More Whump Lists for this show: love-me-a-lotta-whump
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kuwdora · 4 months
January 6 - how are your plants doing? -bironic
Oh man. I used to post a lot about my plants on Twitter and then I stopped because of my burnout and my plants suffered. And then TweetDeck went kaput and I stopped posting on Twitter altogether. (I'm on bluesky now.)
So! Some updates:
A few of my plants have died - the ones that needed more water than others. So I'm very sad about the loss of my Tradescantia spathacea which I had managed to keep alive for 3 years. But at least my succulents are still alive, woo. My spider plants are doing well, too. Tessy is still doing population control and eating my spider pups, though I still have a few pups I need to transplant into a bigger pot and find someone to adopt them. Though I wonder how many spider plants could I reasonably fill the apartment with if I really tried? Hehe.
But yeah…my burnout and anxiety meant I didn't give enough time to my plants because I just lost the threads of everything while grinding in dozens of interviews. Quite a few need to be repotted and/or pruned. My peanut cactus gave me its first ever flower this past year which was cute and spectacular surprise (I hadn't gotten them to flower at all since I've had them). But I def need to split up the peanut cactus into some more pots because they just keep growing and getting root bound.
I did have a spot of trouble with some of my plants that was unexpected.
I have neighbors who are a queer couple and moved in sometime early last year I think. I came outside to get my mail and saw them crouched on the ground in front of their apartment. And then a squirrel hopped down from the railing and walked into the guy’s hand for a treat. I watched these guys with this squirrel for awhile and they were precious and enamored with the critter. The guys told me they felt like Disney princesses when she shows up for food. It was the cutest fucking thing to witness. Apparently the squirrel had started coming around and been reacting to the one guy’s voice. So they’ll have their window open and she’ll come and settle on a ledge and they come out and feed her.
A few weeks later the squirrel’s kids started showing up behind her. The kids are very messy eaters but they’ve all started getting habituated to people, far more than my liking. I grew up in a rural area where red squirrels destroyed sheds and doors and bird feeders. I did not want any of that to be my problem. Alas.
These kiddo squirrels are very cute and all and indeed they do like coming around and getting peanuts from their fanboys. One of these squirrels likes to use my stairs and my plant shelves as a shortcut to the roof to hop onto the branches of the nearby trees. He has knocked over a half dozen of my plants so far on his way up.
Thankfully none of the pots ever broke because they fell into my hibiscus bush, but it broke nearly all the branches of my meagerly flowering hibiscus. I really needed to prune the bush anyway, but my main concern was for the 8” and 6” terracotta pots the squirrel kept knocking over. A few of my succulents lost some pieces and I really should be propagating them but in the meantime I'm WTFing about this squirrel. Cause we'll open our door and just find him hanging out on the top shelf.
I've found peanut shells in my plants, lol.
This little squirrel has the gall to come and sit on the stairs and chatter at me and make other huffy noises. I’ve never fed him, never leave food out. But he gives me very bossy entitled vibes. I’ve relocated the heavier plants away from those shelves because I can’t seem to stop him from climbing.
My hibiscus bush has some new growth which is nice, so I’ll be trying to take better care of that. And taking better care of the rest of my plants. I lost track of so many things over the past year and a half. But I know focusing on my plants always makes me feel better so I just gotta keep on with it.
I also need to make some more acrylic pours for my terracotta! So much fun.
peanut plant photo:
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eehee thank you my little squirrel kiddo for leaving your peanut shells in my plants. It's been shells in like 4 different plants now.
January posting meme + claim a date - prompt me. Still open dates!
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soya-ix · 1 year
Renewing my HisaKiki Playlist (Taylor's Version)
1. Call It What You Want (Ch127-1)
Nominated for the candle-lit-midnight vibes.
2. Cornelia Street (Ch127-1)
We were in the backseat Drunk on something stronger than the drinks in the bar 'I rent a place on Cornelia Street' I said casually in the car We were a fresh page on the desk Filling in the blanks as we go As if the street lights pointed in an arrowhead leading us home
I love how Cornelia Street captures the delicacy of a relationship that's just begun. Every step is taken with ultimate care so that the initiator doesn't look too bold or rushy and scare their lover away. At this stage there are lots of fun solving riddles in the words, like when the girl "casually" said "I rent a place on Cornelia Street" she actually meant "Do you wanna move in?"
I suppose our Kiki wasn't thinking that much but it's still a similar scenario — carefully taking small steps to develop a cherished budding romance. AND it's also in the backseat of a car(riage)😜! When she invites Hisame to breakfast dates, she seems to be making a proposal similar to the one in the song. Well even if she doesn't mean it, Hisame gets it anyway😋.
3. King Of My Heart (Ch127-1)
Nominated for the bridge. I can totally imagine them having beer on the roof at night and chatting til Hisame falls asleep again.
4. Love Story (Ch127-2)
When Hisame decides to go back to Kiki's place, he doesn't know she would still be there, but there they meet again, as they can't stop thinking about each other. Sensei probably didn't intend this but this part is quite similar to the classic balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet (except that Kiki isn't on a balcony. But remember the comic in an official volume where she IS Juliet and IS actually on a balcony?)
And there are other elements that coincide, for example the girl's father does not like the man lol.
5. Enchanted (Ch127-2)
This night is sparkling Don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck Blushing all the way home I'll spend forever Wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you
See this edit and you'll know what I mean :D
6. You Are In Love (Ch127)
For me, the three parts of Ch127 are basically "You can hear it in the silence"(part3 when they silently gaze at the shadows), "You can feel it on the way home"(Hisame in part2), and "You can see it with the lights out"(part1 night talk by the fireplace). And conclusion: You are in love.
7. The Joker And The Queen
THE LYRICS. Recommend listening to this when you reread Ch127 Part1.
How was I to know It's a crazy thing I showed you my hand And you still let me win And who was I to say That this was meant to be The road that was broken Brought us together And I know You could fall for a thousand kings And hearts that would give you a diamond ring When I fold, you see the best in me The joker and the queen I've been played before If you hadn't guessed So I kept my cards close to my foolproof vest But you called my bluff And saw through all my tells And then you went all in And we left together And I know you think that what makes a king Is gold, a palace and diamond rings When I fold, you see the best in me The joker and the queen
8. This Love
This Love used to be my top1 HisaKiki theme song. The lyrics bascially tell the whole story, and the two verses can be interpreted from their respective perspectives.
My favorite parts are:
Hisame had already let go of the hope of being with Kiki, but eventually they ended up together, which in Taylor's words is:
These hands had to let it go free And this love came back to me
On Kiki's side,
When you're young you just run But you come back to what you need
9. Mastermind
Mastermind is now my top1 HisaKiki theme song succeeding This Love. It's more from Hisame's perspective. But I love the storytelling and the feeling of destined fate mixed with Machiavellian scheming.
Mastermind also echos a previous post where I discussed why HisaKiki work as a couple. I was thinking about the fascinating evitability and inevitability of their relationship. Mastermind explains it in a much more beautiful way.
Once upon a time The planets and the fates and all the stars aligned You and I ended up in the same room at the same time And the touch of a hand lit the fuse Of a chain reaction of counter moves To assess the equation of you Checkmate. I couldn't lose
What if I told you none of it was accidental And the first night that you saw me Nothing was gonna stop me I laid the groundwork And then just like clockwork The dominoes cascaded in a line What if I told you I'm a mastermind And now you're mine It was all by design 'Cause I'm a mastermind
So it's both a beautiful work of fate and a carefully planned lover's game.
And a bonus would be how astonishingly the bridge is basically Hisame's confession:
No one wanted to play with me as a little kid So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since To make them love me and make it seem effortless This is the first time I've felt the need to confess And I swear I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care
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mlobsters · 3 months
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supernatural s13e14 good intentions (w. meredith glynn)
well that was a little bit of the old spn spark for a second there, with the hallucination/vision/whatever hot!zachariah was giving jack. very sweet and sad. something about the sound design and the dialogue.. of the offscreen voices of sam and dean, it had sort of a... theater feel to it? (watching with headphones and maybe a little bit high so, grain of salt) plus just the very... childlike wish fulfillment of kiddo with absent parents.
DEAN You know what? We made it, though. You, me and the kid. Finally under one roof. SAM And you know what, honestly, it doesn’t matter where he’s been. I’m just glad Jack’s back. DEAN Right, home safe. Where he belongs.
like 💔 i didn't realize they really went with this nuclear family thing straight out
also when the fake fire is happening sam and dean sound about as distressed (maybe more?) as you'll ever hear them in this show and that was distressing even knowing it couldn't be real
ZACHARIAH Yes. And not just a single one-way ticket like the prophet’s spell. This boy, he can open a rift big enough to march an army through. He has so much power. We just… have to make him use it. MICHAEL Then make him.
ok but like. why doesn't michael make his own army of nephilim? he's an archangel still right? what am i missing
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i'm sorry donatello but all i can think is
the zachariah!cas sending the images of destroying the environment and wars etc to jack for proof of why humans are bad, reminds me of the fifth element?? i think? leeloo discovering all the bad parts of humanity? and then i think only will save the world? by the power of human love from bruce willis??? lol i've seen that movie a ton but it's been a long ass time
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captions staying on for this screenshot 😂
this random fight scene with these random figures from the bible. and donatello being twitchy and obvious as fuck that he's clearly up to something. demon tablet not to be ingested while soulless and under asmodeus's influence?
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donatello choking out dean from a distance and laughing like a loon, all righty
so now mary gets the catharsis of hearing from an unbiased source that her demon deal is what ultimately saved the world
bro. there's some bizarro music going on during this fight over donatello being soulless what is HAPPENING. jay gruska, is that you? (of course it is). ugh, if only i wasn't committed to keeping that earlier video clip 😞 (fine it's so goofy i'm adding an mp3 of it) it's tonally a mismatch to the vibe onscreen and is just super random. the horns that come in... lol. anyway.
but we're escalating up to cas whatever, trying to torture it out of him?
SAM Our plan, Dean. The spell, get mom back. Donatello’s soul is gone. That’s not just something you come back from. DEAN You did. SAM Yeah, because you convinced Death to get my soul back from the cage, but Amara ate Donatello’s soul. There’s nothing to get back. It’s gone. CASTIEL And Donatello’s already corrupted. I… perhaps the kindest thing to do would be to end his suffering. SAM What? CASTIEL I don’t like it either. But if Donatello’s life ends, then another prophet comes into being and they can finish the translation. DEAN So what, you just wanna kill him? SAM No! No killing! We just need the spell.
interesting how frantic padalecki is going with this. terrified the Plan is being wrecked yet again
CASTIEL I am going to do something that I promised I would never do to a human being without their permission. I’m gonna strip the spell from your mind. DONATELLO You—you—you—you can’t. I—I’ve absorbed too much power. Y-y-you’ll fry us both! CASTIEL I might. DONATELLO Ardeat intus— CASTIEL I’m sorry, but I’m not going to let you or anyone hurt the people I love. Not again.
well then. cas saving them from the moral quandary again. like killing billie for them
i don't even know what to say about this apocalypse world business with bobby, mary and jack. jack's just. poppin angels, ready to throw down with michael
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SAM Well… guess you could say Donatello is alive. CASTIEL You told me not to kill him. DEAN Yeah, but, Cas, you turned him into… he’s brain dead. Machines keeping him breathing. What’s wrong with you? CASTIEL Nothing. SAM Cas— CASTIEL His soul was gone. He was corrupted. He was a danger to himself and to you and to all of humanity. Did you know that he was working with Asmodeus? SAM What? No. CASTIEL Not by choice, but he was. Some people just can’t be saved. DEAN Yeah, but who gets to make that choice? You? What exactly gives you the right? CASTIEL Nothing. I took it. And if I hadn’t acted, we would still be sitting around and talking about what to do next. We would be wasting time. And it’s time we don’t have, Dean. I told you, war is coming. War. And I did what soldiers do. Now we needed the spell to open the rift, and I got it. We need four major ingredients: the grace of an archangel… a fruit from the Tree of Life… the Seal of Solomon… and the blood of “a most holy man.” We find those things, we can bring everybody home. And together, we can beat Lucifer and Michael. This is the only way we win, and this is the only way we survive. It’s like you said, Dean. Whatever it takes.
i mean, surely sam and dean have made these kinds of decisions time and time again. especially when the "whatever it takes" is saving each other. but now cas can take the responsibility/blame for doing the ends justify the means thing
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Hello there, Nisi! I am a newish follower (who is astonishingly not a porn bot!) and see that you are from Germany. I am American but visiting Berlin for the first time this summer. I’m very excited! I thought since you seem pretty friendly that I would ask if you had any recommendations for a person to see/do in Berlin. If you’ve never been (or just don’t want to answer a non-Naruto question), don’t feel obligated to answer. Thank you and have a nice day!
Hii first of all welcome and I'm sorry for everything you have to witness here!
Uh, then second: dont go to berlin. Its expensive and big and loud and people are rude and the city is dirty. I swear I went last year again because I thought maybe I remembered it wrong, but no, still a shit city, sorry Berlin.
But, if you cant divert to a better place (cologne for example) I can tell you some things we did when we went to Berlin in July (my boyfriend is polish and had never been)
The parliament building's glass roof: A really cool thing about the german parliament is that you can go up the roof, which is a big glass bowl that lets you walk up and gives you a nice view of the city.Entrance is FREE!!! but you have to register your visit online first, because there are limited places available. Its absolutely worth it was by far the highlight of our trip. I recommend taking one of the free audioguides because it was very interesting. You can also do a tour of the building which we personally did not so I cant say much about it
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I know Americans are not the biggest walkers because they are used to driving around in cars,but I would recommend walking the entire way from Alexanderplatz (which is the one with the big tv tower) to the Holocaust memorial / Tiergarten. You can walk passed what people call the "muesum island", the berlin opera, then you walk down "unter den linden" towards the brandenburg gate. It full of touristy stuff if thats your sort of vibe, my bf made us go into one of those fake bavarian restaurants that serve a maß bier lol. Then the brandenburg gate and from there to the left you find the Holocaust memorial (or you just continue on to the big Tiergarten park / the zoo). I think its an hour walk tho. Bf and me did it several times when we were there.
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The holocaust memorial: I assuem thats on the bucket list anyway and its hard to miss. Its worth walking through and letting it all uh.. impress you. Its very well designed to make you feel uneasy when you walk further and further inside. Just note that taking pictures like selfies and shit IN the memorial and climbing on top of the stones outside of the memorial is seen as very rude. If you find it there is a museum underground but ive never been.
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Topgraphy of terror: Its another historical place related to the na zi empire etc. Its all outside, you can just walk along it and read along. It goes along a piece of the berlin wall.
The East side gallary: Very famous part where the Berlin wall has been left standing so that artists can spray paint it etc. Its larger than one would think and walking down is very nice. Its also suuuuper touristy and full. The shopping center that is near has a great Japanese Ramen place LOL
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Ok the other thing that people like to visit is checkpoint charlie because it was the checkpoint between the american and the soviet sector and history happeend there when the cold war almost became a very very hot war but uh its boring, its tiny, there are soo so so so many americans aroudn LMAO. Walk past if you are in the area otherwise just look at pics online, its not worth the time
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With Museums I just dont know that well. I have never visited the museum for the Berlin wall because i know most of the stuff (oops history degree), I dont visit the pergamon museum on the museums isalnd because a lot of items there are stolen and should be given back (tho I did go to the British Museum in londn too so maybe I just dont wanna overpay for entry LOL). The Museum for East germany was real nice and interesting but full full full full you could hardly walk. However Berlin has a Video Games museusm that has tons of games to play so that was a lot of fun.
The Tempelhoferfeld: when east germany was still a thing Tempelhof was its main aiport. Its now unusued of course, but the entire rollfield and such is still there! On nice days is a hotspot for people to just chill out a little or have a bbq.
I personally have not been but if you want you can visit Potsdam which is close and has a nice castle I think
General advise: use public transport. Uber is not permitted in Germany and taxis are overpriced. public transport is everywhere, especially in berlin. Just buy a pass for a few days or a daily pass or if you want to walk a lot just a single fare ticket but use public transport. They run up to late hours.
Airbnbs are not allowed in berlin so if you find one to book its breaking the law and ... like i would generally advise to just not xD
Also, not to be mean, but americans are LOUD in public and easy to hear from miles away. I dont know what it is that makes them feel that they need to scream at each other, but if germans stare at you that might well be it. Also we arent nearly as obsessed with WW2 and thanking the troops as americans are, idk you, but there wont be any veteran discount or some shit :D ive seen people complain about that on the internet if you believe me
phew this is long, my apologies. if there is something else you want to know you can message me again.. or like message me again anyway because i would be interested to know if that helped in any shape or form.
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For the ask game: 1, 2, 3, 9, 24, 25, 27, 28, 32 <3 (SORRY FOR THE ABUNDANCE OF QUESTIONS IM JUST V CURIOUS)
no need to apologise!! always happy to satisfy a curiosity!! sorry it’s taken me so long to answer, i spent too long Thinking for some of them lmao
1.  what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
straight in with the big ones huh? hmm i guess it depends what kinds of “things” they are – relationships, experiences, places, books etc. have all had a part in shaping me. it’s very difficult to pick just three things and i’ve spent way too long thinking about it so here’s three things that inspired Big Feelings that i’ve carried with me …
Feminine Gospels by Carol Ann Duffy
this performance of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof
'Great is the Lord' from In the Secret Place – String Heaven III by the King’s Chamber Orchestra
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
apologies for being lazy with your o's, apparently i didn't even manage three this time! XD
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[ID: a plain piece of white paper with blue biro writing on it. It reads:
hey bugaboo!
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Poltergay!!! my beloved! honestly it's a masterpiece and i could watch it forever!!
there's this film called "Frankie and Hazel" that my grandma gave me on DVD as a kid and i was obsessed with it! i watched it so many times and, and [sic] would happily keep rewatching it now if only for the nostalgia!!
the Lego Batman Movie. literally how is it that good?? it has no right to be but i'm so glad it is!]
9. tell a story about your childhood
when i was 12 i dislocated my knee cutting a slice of cake asdkfhaskdfjh
i still don’t know how i did it. it was a perfectly normal cake. i was cutting it completely normally. but then my knee just went and i ended up in a splint for two weeks lol
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
i gave directions to a group of people earlier and they were 1. correct directions 2. clearly conveyed
probably the first time i’ve ever managed to direct someone without giving them the worst instructions possible
25. fave season and why?
i originally thought this was fave season of miraculous then realised that would make no sense haha! the answer is 4 though
my favourite weather season is autumn, i like that it’s cool enough to wear layers but not properly cold, plus i love autumn colours and crunchy leaves and gay christmas!!
27. any nicknames?
with absolutely no context
uncle celery
apparently I have vegetable vibes??
28. do you collect anything?
when i was a kid i had an obsession with collecting the inner cardboard tubes from toilet roles. i don’t know what i thought i was going to do with them all but i just kept going until i had like two full bin bags of them. and then i just recycled them?? i was a strange child
nowadays i don’t collect anything in particular, except maybe mentally ill friends (affectionate)
32. how many tabs do you have open right now?
none, i’m writing this in a word document bc i have no wifi lol
thank you for all the questions!! i think i will use this an excuse to send you some more ;)
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
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Have I got enough crop fields yet? Probably not lol. It is all food for the farmer who decided to live in my tower as a source of emeralds.
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Which I can then use to level up the other friends who live in this little shack. Toolsmith, two weaponsmiths, armourer, and a leatherworker. Also I finally fixed the build, it looked a right mess bc I kept having to patch up holes and ofc I don't have silk touch yet so. Stone is a Pain rn. Also excuse the grass staircase, golems like spawning up on the roof and I have been too lazy to spawn-proof that yet lmao.
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Behold! The world's slowest iron farm! bc if villagers are gonna keep spawning golems, I might as well farm them. I will need some more wandering traders to come by though, I have lost two leads into the lava so far rip.
Got the idea for this from when Cub instigated something similar at ConCorp to deal with excess golems, though his worked a lot better than mine lol.
I do think I will need a proper iron farm at some point when I feel brave enough to build one and switch the world to easy, but that's a job for later.
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Also! Villager breeder! Made from memories of watching Stress build hers on-stream last year. It works! :D Just don't ask me how I'm getting the villagers OUT of the pit they're currently in. XD I decided that's a job for future me to deal with lmao. Still, feeling pretty good that it worked, bc it's the first one I've ever built. :D
Also I feel *slightly* bad for putting this under the barn, but it had the space I needed. I will have to decorate this properly later as well, it's not going to be this ugly forever. XD
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Also this is what I built on top of the hill. I had thought about a lighthouse or tower or something, but I went with this instead. It's a temple for Hekate, based on the one I visit in meditation. It's not a traditional design for that reason, bc I wanted the one I know, not one I don't know. It sits on a cliff edge like this overlooking a large bay of water surrounded by forest. So it fits really nicely here.
I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do with this world, and what I want to build, and thinking about Scar's advice for themes that give you things to build. So if there's a Hekate temple here, and that's the vibe I'm going for, well, that gives me ideas for other infrastructure I want to build, and how to work with the block palette I've picked.
I kinda want to riff off what Cub did at ConCorp, and have like, specific buildings for specific villager jobs. So there'll be a library for librarians, market stalls, a proper blacksmith for the tool/weapon/armourers etc, that kind of thing. And I want them scattered around the land that I've cleared, I don't want them all packed in together. I want them to be free to wander and sleep and do their jobs, but still be safe inside their buildings.
And then I want to build a larger temple for Hekate in the centre of town, based off a Cathedral-like temple I've seen in meditation before, though it won't be a gigantic mega-build. It will probably be something I do much further down the track though.
Also! I have a zombie spawner I want to turn into an xp farm, and maybe it won't be the best one ever, it would still be nice to have a better source of xp than villager trading.
So yeah, I have like, ideas in mind for where this world is going to go. I want to make this a more long-term world, and slowly chip away at these projects as I work my way through the early game and get myself established. I'm really enjoying this world, and getting to know java minecraft better, since I spend so much time watching people play java. I'm always surprised at how much I've picked up just through osmosis. So yeah. Having a lot of fun with this world and I'm excited to sink more time into it and keep building it up. :D
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pastanest · 4 months
this was all happening the week of my first exam. the first exam in the year im retaking. i.e. i wanna do good. at my uni, you can only fail the same year once. if i fail again i get kicked out.
so stress levels thru the roof. and sometimes, when the vibes are off, my throat does this thing where it kinda shuts down lol. it closes off completely and i cant swallow. usually it lasts from a couple hours to maybe a day or two. its not very painful most of the time, just makes eating a bit difficult. usually i can manage a few bites and liquids.
THIS TIME it was absolutely excruciating. was in so much pain, literally tried to eat a SINGLE GRAIN OF RICE. dying. water?? like lava. nothing went down.
i didnt wanna make a fuss cuz i was like almost definitely psychosomatic and will probs go down after my exam. i usually get it exam season and it goes away after. exam comes and goes. pain does not. i mention it to my mom. we go to the doctor. they give me, i kid u not, a shopping bag of loose pills.
dont get me wrong super grateful for our health care system it is free and relatively easy to navigate but man do doctors hate women.
at this point, im on maybe two days of no food or water. we go to an emergency room. the doctor, in front of my face, turns to my mom and says. “you know how girls are, so dramatic”
thankfully my mom knew what was up and gave him a stern talking to. they gave just same basic muscle relaxers, which i ngl thought woild work.
still nada.
at this point i kinda wasnt thinking about all the girls but i had missed two days of uni and we usually hang out even tho i no longer share classes with them.
- 🍌
HAHAHAHAHA HOOOOO BOY ON THE “doctors hate women” FELT THAT !!!!!! 😀
yeah the free healthcare system is a blessing but also a curse bc appaz that means nobody’s allowed to complain about anything 😍
I’m abt to smite the doctor who prescribed you and said girls are dramatic if you give me a name I WILL write an essay complaint and send it to the hospital I’m so serious that’s so fucking foul what I am SO SORRY ????????? that sounds so scary and difficult to get through, I really hope you’re better now!!
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Wild wild wild dream. I was in this large world, hanging out with what felt like a huge group of party friends on this huuuugeee battleship type yacht. It had many levels, some secret levels at the bottom where you could escape through escape pods and put life jackets on. There were a few times I jumped down into the ocean via the very bottom layer of the vessel but every time I jumped in, I could still breathe and swim easily as If I was in air. I felt like I went on these business venture boat parties often, as If it was a recurring party every time I visited that planet. But I never really felt right/normal. I didn’t really trust anyone, everyone felt like they were on their own mission with their own intentions. Every time I would ask someone about where we were going, or when we’d be back home, nobody would give me a straight answer. The parties were NYC Wall Street / Succession type vibes with suits, drugs, fancy glassware and secrets. On the last boat ride I was supposed to be meeting trèy at the end of the ocean journey, wherever the other side was. On my way there, I remember passing this planet’s “city hall” which was this HUUUUUGEEE a MAJESTIC LARGER THAN you could ever imagine -structure built on the ocean. It was burgundy brick or wood with white finishing down the sides and white roof shingles. It had enormous otherworldly fountain pools ⛲️ on top of the ocean water, surrounding the burgundy structure, the fountain pools were layered like tiered structures, smallest on the top, to largest at the bottom that jutted out way far. Right when we’d pass City hall, we’d always end up at this red light intersection that looked like state and upper wacker intersection. Anyway every night on this particular boat venture, people would drink, shit would hit the fan and people would die. I started to realize that I couldn’t trust anyone bc every time I journeyed, it was the same party roster and different people would kill each other every time (kind of like, fort night but with the same people?!?) so you really had to avoid everyone at all costs. One of the nights I was running from people and fighting for my life, I fell into the water on accident while hanging on the inside lower tier of the boat, but realized I could breathe, stayed under the boat and formed a mission to leave the planet. One problem, my arm completely split open from falling in the water and my whole skin and muscle was about to fall off the bone if I didn’t get stitches immediately from a doctor. As i started to panic and ask people on the boat where a doctor was, i finally realized that this planet had the same day on loophole, but we could relive it differently every day. So every day the party on the boat would break out in massacre, everyone killing each other until everyone died and the next day started over again. I was CONFIDENT I could escape this oceanic vessel. I knew there was SOMEone I could dupe, get them to trust me, then show me to a hospital outside of the boat, that was the loophole of how to escape the boat and then the planet. The owner of the boat looked like the writer dude from Ted Lasso, kinda scary lol. We sparked up a convo about business and I thought he trusted me. And then I was like hey i gotta get to a hospital on this planet ASAP, but where is one? He said there are foreign hospitals and local hospitals, and he told he how to get to them. But once I started making moves to escape, every human turned into the boat owner’s avatar, like Agent Smith in the matrix. I was running around this boat, gripping my forearm so it didn’t fall off my bone, trying to be sneaky but then I realized everyone on that boat was agent smith. The whole population was agent smith. Nobody was real, everything was a simulation. I was never built to escape. I kept waking up and falling back into the dream, me walking around, dragging my arm, trying to find a hospital.
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The Girl In the Movies
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The Girl In The Movies - Cosmic Giving Fic Raffle
Story Rating: Explicit, 18+ only
Warnings: Yandere vibes, implied videoing, kidnapping, noncon, stalking, obsession, choking, dry humping
Relationships: Dark!Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1260
Summary: Bucky is ready to make you the star of your own movie.
A/N: For my bestie @cryptidcasanova, you requested Bucky with some yandere fun... and well I went off lol. Just a note, despite the title, I don't actually mention gender/downstairs bits.
This work has Adult Content. By clicking “Keep Reading” you have agreed that you are over the age of 18 and are willing to view such content. My work is not to be copied or translated onto any other platform. I have discontinued my taglist - follow @slothspaghettilibrary to be notified of when I post.
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Oh god. 
This was it. Bucky was going to do it. Everything had been leading up to this moment. He had been dreaming about this, fantasising about how this would go. How perfect it would all be for the both of you. 
All that time he spent preparing a safe home for you would be rewarded. The days he spent searching for the perfect couch, one that he knew would be big enough for the two of you, one he could picture you bent over the armrest or the back of it and begging for his cock, would pay off. Thinking about it even now made the blood rush to his cock, made it chub up in his jeans like it had a million times before. He couldn't wait for you to see it, to feel the soft fabric against your pretty skin.
All that time spent at the garden centre would finally pay off too. He knew you liked your plants, had seen them on Instagram and how much care you put into making sure they found a perfect home. He couldn't just take the ones from your home. No, god no, that would be horrible. They were your babies. Your new home was decorated with the new plants Bucky had painstakingly researched and purchased to make sure they were perfect for you. Our plants, Bucky reminded himself, butterflies erupting in his tummy. They are our babies now.
All that time he watched you was finally coming to an end. No more making excuses to not hang out with his friends. No more rainy nights watching the lights in your bedroom flick off. No more. Bucky was done. He was ready to talk and touch and feel. He needed to close the distance between the two of you. 
He walked into the small cinema. It had a beautiful, old school feel to it that reminded Bucky of a time gone by. He had looked up the history of this place after the first time he saw you walk in. Apparently this had been theatre during the 1930s and 40s, boasting that even Captain America had done a performance here before he went off to fight really Nazis. Bucky could be a history buff if that's what you wanted. He could learn anything he had so he could understand you. 
Instantly his eyes trained on you, standing by the usher's podium waiting to accept tickets from patrons. Bucky had pre-ordered his ticket. He was seeing Licorice Pizza again. You wouldn't stop tweeting about it and how great it was, so he was still trying to absorb all the details of it. You scanned the QR code on his phone.
"Just down the hall, screen two will be on your left." 
You smiled at him and Bucky's whole heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest and his tongue felt like it had been glued to the roof of his mouth. He smiled back, or at least he tried too. He wanted to make sure you knew he appreciated you even if he couldn't say the words yet. Damn it. 
Halfway through the film he heard the door open quietly and he knew you were coming to watch. You always did this for films you liked. He knew this. Which is why Bucky moved seats closer to you. You were so absorbed in the film you didn't even notice him. He tried not to take it personally. He knew you were passionate. 
Before the credits started to roll, he put his plan into action. Just like the internet said, when he pinched his hands over your nose and throat, you passed out quickly. And the fire exit was right there. He dragged you outside and the rest was history. You were finally coming home. 
Your throat hurt when you woke up. You were probably just dehydrated, that happened sometimes when you worked the late shift and ate leftover popcorn for dinner. It had been such an exhausting shift you couldn't even remember getting home. You burrowed deeper into your bed, it was your day off. No reason to get up early today. 
A cosy warm blanket was tugged around you, keeping you wrapped and barely conscious. This was perfect. The best way to spend your day off. Sure you needed to bath your plants and do some laundry, but that could wait a little longer. Another tug disturbed your dozing and your nose scrunched. 
A deep sigh fanned across your neck and made your muscles lock up. You weren't alone. There was someone in your bed. Suddenly the night before came crashing back to you. The sneaking in the last bit of the movie, someone grabbing you. A flash of a smile comes to mind but you couldn't place who it belonged to. 
You squirmed, fingers digging into the arm wrapped around you. You had to get away, this couldn't be happening. This didn't happen to people like you. They just didn't. 
For all your quiet attempts at escaping, it alone roused the person behind you enough to lock their body around yours. Something hard pressed into your back and another, deeper sigh heated your flesh. Your captor pressed further into you, grinding his hips into your ass until you whimpered. Fear and something traitorously shamefully boiled in your gut. So overwhelmed by the feelings, you shook your head, trying to physically cast them aside, but you couldn’t. Your captor’s hand slid under your shirt and groped your chest, his fingers flicked across your nipple. 
“Please.” You wanted to cry. This couldn’t be happening, it had to be a nightmare. “Please.”
Lips pressed against your ear, tongue darting out to pick as the pace increased. He grunted, his nails digging into your flesh. It wasn't about teasing you anymore, making you feel things you shouldn't. Your captor was awake and demanding.
"Hold- hold still, I just-" he groaned, rolling the two of you over until he was crushing you into the unfamiliar bed. "Just let me take the edge off, promise to make it good." 
Your cries grew desperate, not to get away but to breathe at all. You flung your limbs out and the man on top of you only wrapped himself around you tighter. One hand crushed into your sternum and the other dug under you until he could grab your neck. Tears streamed down your face with every raspy, ragged breath you took. 
"I didn't mean for it to start like this," he groaned in your ear, grinding his cock over in between your ass, pulling at the fabric of your underwear. "Was gonna wake you with my mouth between your legs, taste you after so long, baby. Make you breakfast while you got used to our home and-"
His voice shook, like he couldn't control himself any longer. Every thrust became harder and violent, your body jerking against the grip on your neck. He wasn't even inside, and yet it felt like he was already tearing you apart, ripping your soul at the seams until you couldn't see or hear or live.
He shouted when he came, the damp spot pressed into your back as he came down. His harsh breathing evened out as your vision began to swim. Black spots formed behind your eyes. 
"Shh, that's it, we can do another take. Will get it right this time. I've got plenty of film for us to make the perfect movie of our lives."
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tenseoyong · 3 years
sooo yuta’s combination of soft dom yet corruption kink yet loving and sweetly considerate yet super hot and sexy teasing vibes are driving me crazy lately... would you be able to indulge my thoughts and write about yuta taking his kinda shy gf’s virginity? LOL thanks and love uuuuu :)
yuta’s ability to bounce back and forth between sweet and soft, considered and sickly affectionate to taunting and teasing, rough and dominant would make anyone’s head spin—let alone you, being the cliche shy virgin. being such a confident and sure man, obviously having gone around the block or two, you had imagined being so inexperienced would have been a turn off for yuta; a bad thing. and yet, after progressing through your relationship and coming upon the point of taking things to the next level, when you had meekly confessed to having hardly kissed someone let alone had sex, yuta’s attraction seemed to be amplified. his excitement was obvious, but yuta didn’t push, shaking the dirty thoughts running through his head away, assuring you, “there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin, babe. but...we can always fix that, hm? what do you think?”
yuta relished in knowing he was your first in nearly every possible way. and he even had a hand in making things turn more in his favor—teasing you with horror stories about sex, reminding you how it could hurt, how most times girls don’t get off, or how bad most men were at oral (if you got it at all) just to be able to blow your mind later. nothing beat the look on his precious, innocent little girlfriend’s face when yuta went down on you for the first time. he could feel your nervousness, feeling the shake in your thighs while he dug his nails into the plush flesh as he laid himself out between your spread legs—seeing your hesitance about showing yourself so intimately to another. yuta’s eyes, pupils blown out from lust and darkened in desire didn’t help either—but all doubts went out your mind as soon as yuta’s tongue swiped through your slick folds for the first time.
yuta didn’t hide his laugh, your pleasantly surprised expression driving his ego through the roof before he went to work; dragging his tongue through your folds with the flat of his tongue, firm and long licks switched into quick, fast kitten licks against your clit that had your thighs shaking around his head for a completely new reason now. even with his mouth busy, yuta still didn’t miss a chance to taunt you; grinning, lips and chin covered in his spit and your slick, “hmm, sweetest pussy i’ve ever tasted—i’m the only one that’s tasted yours, though, aren’t i? aw, that’s okay baby, you don’t have to be shy about it, i’m the only one that’s going to be eating your pretty pussy now, right? good, because this is all mine.”
introducing his fingers was an experience yuta wished he had filmed to witness again and again; while he focused on your clit, alternating between kitten licking fast as lightning and completely enveloping your clit with his plush lips and sucking less than gently, he gently prodded your opening with a single finger. he felt the way you tensed up, knew the mental fear you had for things going inside, and found your naive innocent all the more charming. but you powered through, for him, he thought, and hummed against your clit, forcing you to focus on the pleasure he was giving you rather than the foreign intrusion. a single, slender finger sunk into your heat all the way to his knuckle, and he sucked in a hard breath feeling your tight walls around his finger. you were tensed, and worried, and he knew it would take a lot to get you to fully relax and let him in without hurting you unintentionally. but yuta was prepared to put in the work.
continuing to hum and suck your poor, sensitive clit, yuta thought the way your hands clenched at the sheets, fluttering in the air, unknowing where to grab before a particularly hard suck had your hands instinctively latching onto yuta’s soft locks was especially adorable; desperately humping against his face, you didn’t seem to notice yuta slipping a second finger into your warmth, gently massaging the tense walls, scissoring his fingers to slowly begin opening you up for him. keen eyes watched you withering against his bed, because of his mouth, know he was the first and only one to see you this way, to taste you like this, and hear your delicious moans, “so desperate, so eager—a perfect little slut in the making, my little slut.” especially the sharp cry you gave when his skilled fingers located your g-spot, touching your bundle of nerves for the first time ever—the very sound sending shock waves straight down to his cock, and his own groan of appreciation only made it worse, the vibrations around your clit causing you to gasp and cry out again, shaking violently as you came around yuta’s fingers—and yuta’s eyes rolled back in his head; music to his ears, he decided right then and there.
in the afterglow of your first orgasm, you only blinked hazily at yuta as he moved to kneel between your spread legs; already overwhelmed from the new pleasure, and whining pitifully when yuta pulled two slick-covered fingers from your throbbing core. he didn’t bother to wipe the mess you made from his mouth, much to your embarrassment, and it only drew more attention to the sinful grin the japanese man wore—and distract you from yuta using his slick-covered hand to pump his own cock, spreading your cum over his member for an impromptu lube before looming over you. feline-like eyes locked on yours, keeping you lost in the staring contest while yuta dragged the tip of his cock through your folds, collecting the remaining slick on his member, pausing to tease your throbbing clit with his head—and laughing at the shout you gave from the overstimulation, “so sensitive, you virgins are. but that’s fine, you’ll get used to me soon—to the pleasure only i can give you.”
ducking down to claim your lips, yuta swallowed the surprised shriek that seemed to jump from your throat when he quickly bottomed out, hard cock snug inside your sopping pussy. he didn’t kiss you long, wanting to witness and enjoy your expression as he entered you for the first time—nearly losing it at the way your face initially pinched, expecting pain, and then switching to a frown, then settling on confusion, “yah, what’s with the faces,” yuta teased, not moving an inch, just resting deep inside you. “not what you expected?” gulping, you tried to avoid his hard gaze, suddenly feeling more shy that you’ve ever been in your life—even though you quite literally had yuta resting inside you. “n-no...it’s just...i thought it was supposed to hurt. it’s supposed to, right?” everyone always said it would hurt, and yuta was no small man, and yet...you didn’t feel pain as slipped inside you for the first time—only a strange, albeit welcomed pressure in your core.
yuta’s mock thinking face made you feel even smaller, how you could feel so embarrassed and childish while having sex, you’d never know, and yuta loved to make the feeling worse with his teasing. but for once, he had mercy, and only caught your lips again before giving an experimental thrust; nearly withdrawing completely from your heat, the muscles seeming to both protest and beg for his return, and yuta granted it with a deep, slow thrust back into your eager pussy. “it can hurt, if you decide to fuck stupid men that don’t know how to properly turn their partner on,” yuta hummed, setting a smooth, steady rhythm, rocking his hips against your moderately fast. “but you, you wanted me to fuck you, didn’t you? loosened up for me so nicely, welcoming my cock like you were meant for me, didn’t you? pretty pussy just begged for my cock, but don’t worry, i’ll show you how good sex can and should feel—i can teach you so, so much...”
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