#it's going to be a long wait for s14 and then s14 is going to feel so short!!
upslapmeal · 9 months
The Church on Ruby Road
I watched a day late and had to sleep straight after but can't not make a post for the sake of consistency so:
Fifteen and Ruby are excellent! Really got an instant feel for their characters. I really enjoyed Fifteen's curiosity and love of learning (and enthusiasm just throwing himself into the singing lol)! Not a huge fan of ~~mystery backstory~~ companions but I like that it's thematically and emotionally linked to the Doctor. The story was fun! Nothing incredible but a solid Christmas special ep and vehicle for character introductions. Loved Ruby's family! But who is Mrs Flood? She didn't recognise the Doctor's TARDIS at first but is clearly familiar with TARDISes as a concept (a scene I totally missed on my first watch and had to go back to after seeing gifs)...
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deanscutiepiesam · 7 days
happy wincest wednesday! random question: do you think salmondean have any weird phobias that they didn't mention on the show? -lizzy
Happy Wincest Wednesday!! ♡
First, thanks for the ask! Second, this is a really good question, and it got me thinking. So I'm just gonna ramble a bit about why I think they have each phobia I list under the cut. Also, they're not that weird of phobias, I don't think, so I hope that's okay! ^^
• Cynophobia: Fear of Dogs.
After being brutally mauled by hellhounds, I would be scared too :( However, in typical Dean fashion, he represses it, and it comes off as just an aversion to dogs. (Ex. Running from that small dog in Yellow Fever, being upset at Sam for having a dog in his car in s8, Portia from Man's Best Friend with Benefits clocking that Dean dislikes dogs.) I think it isn't until Dog Dean Afternoon where he can understand them and act like them, does he come to face his fear and even come to like dogs. Hence why he was sweet with Miracle in s15.
• Pyrophobia: Fear of Fire.
I think this one was temporary, as well, and definitely when he was little. I feel like watching your house go up in flames and having your mom die when you're four will do that to you. As I said, this one is definitely temporary as Dean had to "grow out of it" when he started hunting with John, and they needed to salt & burn bones and things of that nature.
• Taphophobia: Fear of Being Burried Alive.
I don't have much canon support on this one, but I think waking up burried in s4 could've fucked him up a bit. Not to mention in s14 with the Ma'lak Box, he has nightmares about trapping himself in it with Michael. I feel like anyone would be freaked out over this, but I don't know, it just feels right. Dean likes being in control and he usually fears things where he feels trapped and vulnerable (like planes) so I think it's possible.
• Homophobia (Kidding lmao.)
Wait, actually...
• Internalized Homophobia.
I don't have to explain this one. You understand, yes?
• Eisoptrophobia: Fear of Mirrors.
Sam is a very guilty character, as we all know, and I think that could seriously skew how he sees himself to the point that he avoids looking at himself whenever he can. I think it gets worse after he gets his soul back, and he has identity issues with all his soulless counterpart did. Plus, all the times he's been possessed. Sometimes, he looks and sees Lucifer, sometimes Gadreel (maybe even Meg in earlier seasons. She could've started his aversion). Regardless, it's just easier for him not to look at himself.
• Phonophobia: Fear of Loud Sounds.
Late seasons Sammy flinches™ :((
In canon, he has visible reactions to Dean getting loud and angry, and I also think it could apply to other loud sounds as well. With all he's been through, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a symptom of his ptsd. (Also, I headcanon that he enjoys spending time with Eileen because it's always quiet. They can sit in silence and sign to each other, and it's calming.)
• Decidophobia: Fear of Making Decisions.
Wait, hear me out. Nearly every time Sam makes a big decision in his life, it backfires on him. It's always the "wrong choice" no matter how much good he tries to achieve. I, of course, don't blame him for this, but basically, everyone in his life does. With that in mind, I think Sam would struggle to make big choices. The fight being zapped from him in the later seasons? Submitting to Dean? It's easier. In his mind he can't "fuck anything up" if he just does what he's told... and even then, it's never good enough :(
Sam & Dean:
• Eremophobia: Fear of Being Alone/Abandoned.
This one also doesn't need explaining. These codependent boys need each other like oxygen. Canon support: the entire show.
• Somniphobia: Fear of Sleeping.
This is a long one y'all...
I headcanon that they both are anxious to go to sleep because [insert trauma here], but they never realized it because they'd always slept either with each other (when little) or next to each other (in motels). But after having separate rooms in the bunker, it called it to attention. I feel like they started (literal) sleeping together after the newness & excitement of having their own rooms wore off.
People can have this fear for different reasons, and I listed nightmares, but I also think Sam would have sleep paralysis and sometimes see Lucifer, which isn't fun. Fear of dying in your sleep can also be a symptom, but I'm spinning this one to the fear of each other dying. If the brothers are (literal) sleeping together, they can check the other's pulse from time to time, feel their breathing, and know that the other is okay. Also, another symptom can be things happening to them in their sleep (website said like burglary, fire, disasters, etc), I think it's fitting too, but it'd be more like monsters and demons for them.
Canon support for this is kinda low, but there is some, in my opinion. In motels, sleeping on the edge of their beds near each other. After hell trauma, sleeping fully clothed on top of the covers, never settling. Guns and knives hidden under beds, mattresses, and pillows. (People have also pointed out seeing one brother's stuff in the other brother's room, so this fuels my delusion that they share rooms in the bunker sometimes.)
Anyways, that's all I have for right now. I'm sure I could find more if I kept researching (because this is so interesting and I'm going down a rabbit hole of fears), but this post is already kinda long... Thanks again for the ask, and I hope this is what you were looking for! ^^
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jaydexbg · 5 months
Aite, Jay's thoughts on Restoration now that the emotional dust has settled.
My non-spoiler thoughts are... it's okay, a love letter to the series? No. A love letter to fans? For the most part.
No shade to RT, Burnie or anyone who worked on this, they did what they could, and had time for. This is going to be loooooong as its my full summary of the movie as a long-time fan, RvB is my special hyperfixation/interest. Spoilers below the cut.
Alright, to start. I personally will believe that s14-17 are cannon, and that Restoration is a simulation/Jax movie/AU/Alternate ending./what have you. I believe this for many reasons, but let's get the Big 3 out of the way first.
1. Sarge's death. I understand it's inclusion, and I understand that with the anvil and steel boot of WB it was hard to produce something of immense quality. Sarge had been a consistent key player and many of us expected this.
But his death was... wrong. It didn't feel impactful, he didn't die a Sarge death. While the reasoning was good (saving Caboose) the execution and runtime made it feel sloppy and just a plot driver(barely). He deserved a much more heroic send-off, and this comes from a avid Red Team supporter, so this should have impacted me. If Sarge had a proper heros death (and the movie had more time), set in a similar vein as Church (or even like he would have died to Meta in s8) then I think I would have had a lot more feelings, and I think it would have also allowed me to accept it much easier, I'm not insanely upset at Sarge dying(however I still would prefer them all to be happy), im upset at how it was handled.
2. Doc's death. Alright, this one peeves me a bit. I LOVE the idea at play, I personally even think it works with Wash given their history in S8, it is a really good reveal. But this also means Doc, an integral character who's been there since Season 2. Doc, who had been the most mistreated and abused character--and JUST got over being overshadowed by O'Malley in universe(S17)... died off screen. And that alone makes me not want to take this as cannon.
It was a moment of "WHAT??-wait." I like Doc, I like all the characters of RvB, but Doc dying off screen after the battle is not it. The Matt Hullum double kill is arguably funny, but I won't stand for Doc dying like this. Sorry.
And 3. The one that bit me the most, hold your sighs/tears; Grimmons. I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that Grif would leave Simmons, or that Simmons wouldn't go with him. These two characters have been joint at the hip since episode one, they have been through EVERYTHING together. There is a LOT of subtext behind these two, Grimmons barely felt like a fan ship, if they revealed the two were married the entire time I wouldn't have batted an eye.
I don't like their ending. They should have either both went to earth, or both stayed in Blood Gulch. I understand Grif's entire thing was hating the military, but he loved his friends, he cared so much (saving Sarge MULTIPLE times despite Sarge still always bullying him, agreeing to go with Sarge and Caboose to fight the Meta even though he didn't have to, him throughout all of the Chorus Trilogy, and this is just the stuff that is cannon no matter what.), and I don't believe him simply being dismissed would have him leave, he stopped being apart of a proper military when Project Freelancer shut down, and while he was apart of Chorus they'd clearly been demoted/let go since they were ranked down to Privates in Restoration. (I also believe S15 handled the idea of them being moved after S13's ending far better)
And while I don't mind Simmons coming into his own as a leader, he dosent... have a team? They abandoned Lopez, Sarge is dead, Donut is an Admiral (likely for the UNSC), and Grif left. The Blues only have Caboose and Tucker. Carolina and Wash are likely going to go back to the hospital to let Wash heal (which is another thing). So its just Simmons, Caboose and Tucker alone in Blood Gulch? Doing... what exactly? Fighting? This is not a good ending for any of them and it barely makes sense. Id honestly have preferred a "where are they now" segment to this ending.
With those out of the way, lets go over a small lighting round of stuff i didn't like;
Wash felt like he was just there to tell us Doc died, and to get Carolina to the final fight. If you removed him entirely and just said "Carolina has been tracking Meta" nothing would change.
Carolina's inclusion felt like someone threw a cyan bolder into the script, her entrance being a homage to Maine's entrance in S10 was cool but she appeared out of nowhere.
I refuse to believe that after all of this none of them would be checking in on Wash, that man has been the glue of the Reds and Blues since he joined the team and I REFUSE to believe they would just dump him at an institution, however this is especially insane for Carolina. She would be with him every second.
Tucker was INSANELY underused, his moments of breaking through Sigma's control were good, but Tucker felt like he wasn't important. He should be, he should have been the main character of the story, he is the main character of Red vs Blue to me (after Church).
The way Lopez and Sheila were just abandoned is disrespectful. Its in character, and the whole gag but for a final season I dont want a gag like that in a finale. I wanted to see Lopez at that campfire scene imagining him not talking but enjoying the reminiscing. That would have been so sweet and nice. This also applies to Sheila.
The lack of Donut outside of a mention of him being an Admiral and the silly memory of him from Simmons is outrageous. He is a main character, we established this in S17 and retcon or not, he earned that development and it should have remained.
Grif was was insanely angry in the beginning, I imagine this more as Geoff because his performance throughout was probably the best of the movie. He's taken RTs closure hard and I completely understand him being upset, so this is barely a complaint.
Alright... with the negative out of the way, lets talk positive! i wish I could say my positives outweighed the negatives, but unfortunately that isn't the case, however I do have two big standouts.
1. The campfire scene. This, this scene alone is what adds a chunk to the positive section of my feelings. It was the scene that really gut punched me, the moment I heard Ed Robertson's voice I crumpled into tears (I am a HUGE Barenaked Ladies fan). The pure bittersweetness of watching these characters who have been through so much together finally taking a serious moment to reminisce is all I ever wanted from RvB. I wished with all my heart that Tucker, Church, Sarge, Donut, Doc, Lopez, and Sheila could share in it, who knows maybe Sarge and Docs ghosts popped by to listen. But, this is to me, what I wanted.
2. Agent Texas. This was good, this was REALLY good. The bait and swap to have Caboose bringing Tex back and not Church was good, and especially nice development from Caboose despite how rushed it feels. The kicker of this though? this Tex was not the same Tex as before. That reveal that this Tex was not based on the Directors memories of Allison's failure, but instead based on the Reds and Blues memories of her beating their asses is ACTUALLY insane, and a genius twist. And her getting her black armour plus the playing of Round One/Bullfight got me more hype then I was ever expecting to get from Restoration. I also believe that Tex finally being remembered properly and being able to move on with Church was heartwarming and very much deserved.
My negatives far outweigh the positives, but the positives are so good, and with it being the finale of 21 years worth of content I cant in the right mind say I dislike Restoration. I don't like it as the ending to Red vs Blue, call me bias (my favourite season is 15) but the trade off of development for the characters between Restoration and Shisno is just not worth it for me. Say what you will about the Shisno Trilogy but you cannot ignore that it gave us the much needed development for many characters, Grif and Donut standing out the most. While the "god"-plot is far fetched and out there, and I've heard that Tucker was character regressed in s16 (which I do not believe and will die on that hill but thats a topic for another day), or the inclusion of the Blues and Reds putting a wrench in some lore I still don't think it was all bad enough to warrant a retcon entirely. Who knows, maybe this was all planned from the start, or it was just because of WB. But this ending is not satisfying to me. I won't say its a bad ending, if I didn't like Shisno so much and never bothered to watch it I'm sure as a direct continuation from S13 I would have a much more positive look on it.
I also do believe that Burnie wrote it in such a way that you can decide for yourself if S14-17(and 18 if you enjoyed it) or Restoration is the cannon ending and to that I respect it.
So in short, my review of the final piece of official Red vs Blue content, is that its okay. A lot felt OOC, and plot was rushed and messy, things felt like they were all predetermined and not driven by the characters as is RvB's biggest strength. It was far too short and even still I generally don't like retcons. But for what it is, and the positive moments it brings I still think its good. Not cannon to me, but I will definitely be taking points from it into my personal cannon post-s17 (Admiral Donut my beloved, you would be so cool if you actually showed up).
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destieltaggedfic · 1 year
Cas Possesses Dean - Part 8
Bound To You - Chipper99   Ao3
Set S15.  When Dean prays in his final moments, it gives Cas the energy to escape the empty.  His vessel however was disintegrated and Dean, desperate to live says yes.  However the state of Cas’ grace isn’t enough to fully heal Dean, and it certainly isn’t enough to leave him easily.
Word Count: 129k                            No Sex
terror & desire intertwined - rupertgayes   Ao3
Set S14.  A cult’s ritual has ripped Cas out of his vessel and is in the process of binding his grace so they can use it and Dean is seriously injured trying to stop them.  The only solution is for Cas to share Dean’s body.  Once they are free they have to work out how to get Cas back in the right body and the waiting isn’t going to be easy with nightmares of when they lost or betrayed each other turning up every night.
Word Count: 39k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
Lazy ass rising - fellshish   Ao3
Set 15x20 didn’t happen AU.  While Jack is rebuilding Cas’ vessel the rescued angel needs somewhere to stay and Dean is first in line to welcome him home.  Now he is locked away in the back of his mind for a couple of days while Cas seems intent on pampering Dean as much as he can.
Word count: 8k                                 No Sex
Contingency - Cheerful_Shinigami   Ao3
Set S4 AU.  Waking up in his grave was a shock, but his new friend Castiel is even more of a shock when Dean finds out that no one else can see him because he’s an angel that is possessing Dean and wants to disrupt heaven and hell’s plans for an apocalypse.
Word Count: 123k                            Graphic Sexual Acts
A gaze through the mirror - Sugar4Cas   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  A fast-acting witches poison has been given to Dean and the only way of slowing it down for long enough to cure is by having Cas possess him.  When even that is drawing close the solution is to increase blood flow to certain areas of Dean’s body.
Word Count:  5k                               Graphic Sexual Acts
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tjemegames · 1 month
HSR: e0s1 Sparkle Warps
It's been a long time coming, I'm so glad to finally have this little trickster on my roster.
42 days worth of saving and 100 warps later, I've successfully secured Sparkle and her signature light cone!
Here's what 100 warps got me:
2 x Hook (already e6)
1 x Arlan (e6)
1 x Memories of the Past (s4)
1 x Sampo (e6!!! finally, let's gooo!)
1 x Guinaifen (already e6)
1 x Sparkle (new, 79 pity)
6 x A Secret Vow (s14, a new curse may be brewing)
4 x Poised to Bloom (new, s4)
1 x March 7th (already e6)
1 x Earthly Escapade (new, 60 pity)
Total = seventeen 4*s and two 5*s
Much to my surprise, this was a very quick and rewarding warp session. I was fully expecting not to be able to try for sig since my luck has been relatively good lately, I figured it was high time for it to wear out. Thankfully, I was wrong and the gacha gods decided to bless me once more.
I also made this to ward off the clamor curse during my pulls:
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Such a silly little thing to have done while waiting for the banner to go live, but I think it's safe to say that it worked. 10/10, would use again.
Rounded out this session with 57 tickets to spare. I'm not sure who or what I'll go for next; the loose plan is currently to pull both DHIL and Jing Yuan's signature lcs. Outside of that, there's not really anything that I feel the need to save for. I'll probably throw a couple of ten pulls at whatever banner Moze is on when the time comes. Aside from that, I think I'll be in jade hoarding mode for a good while. We'll have to see if the upcoming drip marketing throws a wrench in that—if Sunday appears, I fear we'll be "bet[ting] it all" for him.
That's it for this one. Good luck to all the Jiaoqiu and Sparkle pullers: I hope you win all your 50/50s and 75/25s! I'll catch y'all in the next one of these.
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aerialworms · 2 years
My fics!
Watching Over You 12,986 words
Time slips past, and Castiel feels calm settle over him for the first time in months. He loses himself in the rise and fall of Dean’s chest, the soft flickering of his eyelids as he dreams. Against all odds, he finds it peaceful here. Cars rush past on the freeway outside, but Dean’s steady breathing fills Castiel’s ears until he forgets the outside world, forgets Dean’s destiny, forgets their impending doom.
How Cas learned to want, and then realized he could have what he wants.
Or; Five times Cas watches over Dean, and one time Dean watches over him instead. Told in snapshots spanning the whole of their canon relationship and ending with a post-confession fix-it.
Who are you? 500 words
Written for Whumptober 2021 prompt #9: "RUMORS OF MY DEATH HAVE BEEN GREATLY EXAGGERATED"
Dean, Jack, and Sam get Cas back from the Empty, but there's a hitch.
Going Under 500 words
Written for Whumptober 2021 prompt #11: Drowning.
Dean's been under for so long. Set during Dean’s possession in s14.
Beaten 500 words
Written for Whumptober 2021 prompt #14: Beaten.
Dean's unhealthy coping mechanisms strike again. Set during the s13 Widower Arc.
Watch 100 words
Set in S5. Cas learns to cope with life on Earth.
Fill for the PB100 prompt "Watch".
One Year 100 words
Just past midnight, Dean and Cas celebrate their anniversary.
(100 words of fluff to celebrate Dean and Cas' one-year wedding anniversary. You go you funky little husbands!)
Hold Me Tight 699 words
Set during S9 E6 Heaven Can't Wait, the morning after Cas and Dean have defeated the Rit Zien.
Of course, they decided to share a bed, but things look different in the morning light.
BBC Merlin
Autumn Brings A Change 1,002 words
“Get away from me, Merlin!”
“Arthur, please! Just trust me! Please!”  
Arthur crawled backward, dragging his leg over the ground, sword raised to point at Merlin. “How can I trust you? You lied to me, for years, about everything!”
Arthur finds out about Merlin's magic in the middle of a battle, but once it's over, he can't threaten or get away from Merlin due to a broken leg...
After All This Time 2,661 words
"A thousand?” Arthur’s voice took on a steely edge. “What, days? Weeks? You've hardly changed, Merlin, don't exaggerate.”
"Years.” Merlin gasped. He pushed himself back to stare at Arthur, to run his hands through his damp hair, keep his eyes fixed on Arthur's shocked face, as though he was just a trick of the light that would disappear as soon as Merlin looked away.
"Years." Arthur said, flatly.
"Y-yeah." Merlin's teeth began to chatter. "A thousand, five hundred, and-" a particularly violent shiver ran through him and he stumbled on the muddy lake-bed, but Arthur caught his arm and steadied him again.
"Alright, Merlin, let's get out of the water before we both freeze to death."
 Merlin has waited by the lake for more than a thousand years. Finally, his patience is rewarded.
Good Omens
Three Things Crowley Can Do With His Tongue 1,048 words
A Nice and Accurate Account of the three ways the demon Crowley – a wily old Serpent – uses his tongue.
BBC Sherlock
Five Times John and Sherlock Slept Together and One Time They 'Slept' Together ;) 9,830 words
Five times John and Sherlock slept innocently together due to various circumstances and one time they *wink wink nudge nudge* slept together. Contains a bit of pining, a bit of misunderstanding, and a happy ending, if ya know what I mean... ;)
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egipci · 11 months
oh I NEED to know more about the 5+1 Mary finds out
hey hey hey-- ok so for a while now I've been thinking about writing something like "five times mary suspects and one time she knows John and Dean fucked," which is a terrible, terrible title but that's the gist of the story. There's a number of very obvious moments where a J/D revelation might happen in S12, e.g. what does she hear at the Asa Fox wake? There are all sorts of myths around Sam and Dean, surely there were also rumors about John. But there are also some that are less obvious, like, when she goes through the memory box, what if she finds pictures of John and Kate that Sam and Dean kept because they have so few pictures of their dad, and she asks Dean about it? Imagine watching him go through another "Jump the Shark" style melt-down, etc? Or finally in s14, why the fuck is Dean's greatest desire to bring back his dad rather than save himself and the world from Michael? None of these glaringly point towards an incestuous relationship, but the suspicion in itself is a cool character exploration of Mary.
Part of the hold-up with the actual writing of this is that I don't really have a strong grasp on how I want her to sound yet, which can be masked by some 2nd person trickery, but I already did that once, so I have to undertake a s12 rewatch, and commit to read more to shape that voice, or cleave off the story into two or more stories, one of which would be just about the "time she knew," which is (under the cut for spoilery reasons)
inspired by the s14 revelation that she and John are sharing a heaven + Dark Side of the Moon. A scene or more where she has to watch John's greatest hits, which may or may not include some incriminating VR-style memories, which I think is probably heavy enough to be its own story.
Anyway, since you went through all this rambling, a little bit from what would be the ending (I write my endings first [shrugs]):
John leaning against the counter, barefoot, coffee cup up to his face covering his mouth but even then she can see his eyes smiling, and Dean smiling too, open eager eyes, his sweet soft voice when he says hey from across the room. Not at her, he can’t see her. So much younger than she’s last seen him and her heart twists not for the first time for the decades of his life she’s missed. He pulls the bedroom door shut behind him and lets go of the handle slow and careful and crosses the room. He rises to his tiptoes, wraps his arms around John’s neck, thoughtless, practiced, leans his weight so so they’re together, thigh to thigh, their bellies pressed together, their ribs, their faces only far apart that John can look down at him grinning, his hand first at Dean’s hip, rucking his shirt up, then around his skull, tilting, before he opens his mouth to Dean’s cheek, sinks his teeth into the soft padded swell under his eye. They laugh. Then Dean buries his face into John’s neck, and John sighs. He closes his eyes. Next to her he says he waited a long time.
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wily-one24 · 9 months
Another question!
At what point in your SVU watch did it grab hold of your muse and sink it's claws in?
This is a complicated question and I'm not sure I'm going to answer it your satisfaction, but here goes...
I had never heard of, or really felt the need, to watch SVU (I had heard of Law and Order... but not the spin offs, and that didn't really spark a need to watch, even though cop shows are my jam).
However, during my funk, I would get lost in just watching facebook vids. There was a lot of crap of true crime mysteries and recipes and random stuff... but there was also some clips of a show that looked really interesting. The sound was sped up (probably a copyright thing) and i had no idea what show it was.
What grabbed me about these short vids was the storylines. And (let's hear who is surprised by this) Olivia herself. Although, at the time, I had no idea who Olivia was or who Mariska Hartigay was.
About two thirds of the way through last year, one of the vids of the show was the episode with Whoopie Goldberg and that was my in. Because I *knew* who to google and scan the list of credits and work my way from there.
I got the name Law and Order: SVU and had it in the back of my brain for a while and then one day decided to see if any of the services were streaming it in Australia. Prime Video was.
So I began my watch. And, I have to say, most of the short vids on FB were from later seasons, so NONE of the characters looked like the ones in the vid. I mean, Olivia was there, but in S1 she looks WAY different to, say, seasons 16 and 17.
But I kept watching. I did google some storylines, so I knew a lot about what was going to happen.
During my first watch, I got really frustrated with Elliot and honestly kept googling "when does Elliot leave?" and counting down the days until he did.
He's still not my fave character, but he is a major part of Olivia's character, who IS my fave. So, to have her as my fave, I have to accept Elliot as a tag along.
(Frankly, I think she has absolutely shocking taste in men and haven't actually liked any of her love interests to date, so.... stuck with El, I guess).
Somewhere along the way it went from "this is kinda cool, but when does Whoopi show up? I wanna know what happens to that girl in the cage." and "these plots are really kinda interesting" to "Olivia is my bb, I luvs her so much" and actually caring about each and every one of hte characters.
Plus, playing "spot the familiar actor" was wildly entertaining. I love it.
By googling future plot lines, I knew Olivia was attacked in S9 and then again in S14/15. So I was waiting for them. But I was not prepared for "Surrender Benson" to hit SO MANY of my kinks.
I mean, okay, kinks is the wrong word. Buttons. It hit so many of my buttons in terms of creativity and a desperate need to see my favourite characters in pain and a little (lot) bloodied up and in danger and then watching the aftermath.
When I got to S15, I was lost. The creative juices began. I had to play in that world.
So, that's a long, involved way of saying "season 15 was when it sank it's claws into my creative side"
But Olivia had my attention before I even started watching.
Some shows I watch and I love the characters, but I don't need ot write fic for it, because the world is kinda complete. This one? This one needs playing in.
@dahllaz, more interesting questions. I love it.
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Venomous Teachings au: Lore Changes
I’m having a lot of fun with this! I wanted my next post to be about Wu and the Ninja, but I also wanted to have art to go with that, and that’s taking longer than I expected. So I’m going to talk about the changes to some of the lore I talked about in the Underworld Duo post, specifically regarding Wojira, the First Spinjitzu Master, and Elemental Lineage.
But, I also have a wip of Wu’s redesign, for fun
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I cannot draw his hat, so imagine him wearing that.
So we start in the First Realm. Long before the FSM is born
Dragons are Elemental beings, few in number, and at this point their Elements are mixed; they haven’t been refined down to things like Fire or Shadow or Plants, they’re jumbled, with little rhyme or reason.
Over time, as Dragons become more numerous, the Elements settle. Dragons start being limited to Elements in a similar ‘family’, and the number of Elements they’re born with start to dwindle.
Then the war with the Oni starts.
During this period of time, a young Dragon with the powers of a Storm is fleeing from a battle. She flies as fast as she can, and suddenly she isn’t in the First Realm anymore. She’s in a world that’s almost entirely ocean and open sky.
And she thrives
The Dragon grows to enormous size and power, becoming a force of nature in her own right.
The natives of this world, Merlopians and Islanders (the Keepers from s14, I need a better name for them) live in fear of the Dragon, calling her Wojira. The Merlopians live under the waves, and the Islanders live on various islands that  dot the ocean. But, despite her power, she isn’t actively malicious; like the chaos of a hurricane, she simply exists.
Until she lays her eggs.
Dragons, as beings of Creation, are capable of producing viable eggs without the need of a partner.
Wojira claims an island for her own, hiding her eggs in a cave on the beach, and guards the island and surrounding ocean viciously. She uses her power to create an everlasting Hurricane to protect the island when she has to leave to hunt for food.
The Merlopians and Islanders, suspicious of Wojira’s strange new habits and fearful of what she might be hiding, plan to infiltrate the island she’s guarding. One day, when Wojira is out hunting, a team of the strongest Islander and Merlopian warriors work together and make it through the storm.
When they get to the island, they don’t find two eggs.
They find two Dragonets; one with the power of Water, and one with the power of Wind.
The warriors, terrified at the idea of two more Wojira’s roaming around, attack, injuring one dragonet, but the two siblings are able to work together and escape. They find refuge on a distant storm spire, hunkering down and desperately waiting for their mother to find them.
The party of warriors try to leave, but Wojira returns before they’re able to escape. Believing her dragonets slain, she becomes inconsolably enraged, slaying the whole party.
Wojira, fueled by grief and rage, whips the whole world into a deadly storm.
The Merlopians and the Islanders are trying desperately to survive, and they have no idea of the true motivation behind Wojira’s rampage.
Then, one day, a stranger from a far off realm arrives, and offers his assistance in subduing Wojira. This stranger, a young First Spinjitzu Master, crafts two amulets, designed to extract and contain her powers and neutralize Wojira as a threat.
A fierce battle ensues, and after nine days of fighting, the combined forces of the Merlopians, the Islanders, and the FSM are able to fully drain Wojira’s Water powers, creating the Amulet of Waves.
But, even with half of her powers gone, Wojira’s fury knows no bounds. And the army fighting her is quickly dwindling. In an act of desperation, a powerful Merlopian warrior who had befriended the FSM, Nyad, steals the Amulet of Waves, harnessing its full power to merge with the Endless Sea. Nyad is able to subdue Wojira long enough for the rest of her power to be drained, creating the Amulet of Storms.
Wojira, stripped of her powers, falls into a deep slumber. Nyad takes the slumbering dragon to the deepest point of the sea, the Tartarus Trench and leaves her there to rest for the rest of time. She returns to her people and to the FSM one last time, to say her goodbyes and to leave the Amulet of Waves in their care.
With the skies cleared and the seas calmed, the FSM is able to create the land of Ninjago. He leaves the Amulets under the protection of the Merlopians and the Islanders.
The FSM is the child of one of the oldest Dragons and one of the oldest Oni that live in the First Realm. His Dragon heritage gives him the innate ability to use Fire, Earth, Ice, and Lightning, but his Oni heritage gives him an ability that no dragon has.
He could learn more Elements than the ones he was born with.
After crafting the Golden Weapons and using them to create the archipelago of Ninjago, the FSM spends some time traveling, visiting other Realms and crafting the Realm Crystal. This is also when he learned thirteen other Elements.
Centuries pass, and the FSM returns to Ninjago. He sees the chaos and discord plaguing the humans, both from each other and from the very world they live in, and he wants to help.
He searches for years, eventually befriending four humans he felt were trustworthy. He bestows his own elemental powers on the four humans, but not without some tweaking; he altered the power so that when it was passed down from parent to offspring, the power fades from the parent. He also put a sort of seal on how much power an Elemental Master can use at once; he’s still haunted by Nyads sacrifice, and wants to prevent that from ever happening again.
Although, it isn’t guaranteed that those seals are unbreakable.
As time goes on, more Elemental Masters start to pop up in Ninjago. When he felt a new Elemental Master is needed, the FSM would seek out a descendant of one of the first Elemental Masters who hadn’t inherited any power and gift them with an Element related to the one their ancestor wielded.
One day, he’s shocked to learn of two Elemental Masters wielding Elements he had never mastered; Wind and Water.
Back during the days of Wojira’s rage, her two hatchlings hid, not strong enough to make their way through the storm to find their mother. After Wojira’s defeat, the two siblings stayed on the storm spire, wracked with fear and hoping their mother can find them.
Instead, they’re found by an Oni woman, who traveled form the First Realm to watch over a certain runaway hybrid. Upon finding the two dragonets, the Oni realizes what must have happened, and has to tell the two about the fate that befell their mother.
Using her knowledge of mystic herbs and Oni magic, she creates a sort of potion that turns the two dragonets into humans, like the ones living on the newly created archipelago, and the Oni, Mystake, takes a human form herself to take care of them.
Centuries later, their descendants still carry their powers in their blood. Unlike the other Elemental Masters, their powers don’t fade as their passed down. Wind and Water are also more wild than the others, more volatile, easier to lose control of.
I’m bad at outros.
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s14e12 prophet and loss (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
feel like i'm just grinding through s14 at a decent pace. several times now they've made me had minor (to moderate) breakdowns and i just want to keep plowing through because i don't want the breakdowns to last more than one day 🫠 been a long time since a season made me cry so much. and especially with mid-season episodes? but it feels more.... hm. calculated. like when i bitched about 4 months suddenly equals 40 years in hell etc.
ranted about it in 9x09 because i don't think i was making my feelings known here for every episode back in s4
instead i just sighed because “trust me, kevin” and “i always end up screwed :)” so now dean’s gonna feel guilty. he’s already feeling guilty enough, did we need that too? when they push too hard on the excessive dean whump, i get annoyed. like the whole 4 months=40 years, i enjoyed torturing people, etc. edgelord bullshit :P
except instead of getting mad about it being edgelord bullshit now, i'm just feeling brokenhearted and manipulated. very not fun times. it's too much too close together to the jack thing and too similar to things they've done in the past, i think. is why it's pushing me away so hard.
dean's nightmare in the box / suicidal deathbed-esque convo also with interstellar-ish music / interstellar cornfield chase (c. hans zimmer) played by anna lapwood on the organ
well. dean's nightmare was awful. shades of him in hell calling out for sam. cannot fucking wait until this particular plotline gets snuffed out. and because i can't deal with not comparing this interstellar-ish music (it's in both spn scenes) i tacked it on to the end of this video too.
SAM Oh, hey. Didn’t mean to wake you. Sorry. DEAN No, it’s just a… bad dream. It’s fine. SAM You want to talk about it? DEAN No, I’m – No, I’m okay. DEAN What’re you doing? Why don’t you get some sleep? SAM You know, Dean, you don’t have to act like what you’re planning to do is just business as usual. I-I know you’re scared. DEAN Never said I wasn’t scared. But it doesn’t matter. SAM Doesn’t matter? We know we could die, uh, doing what we do. It’s always a possibility. But what you’re talking about is far worse than death. Michael’s an archangel. He could literally keep you buried in a coffin, alive, forever. DEAN Okay. I get it. But what’s the other option, huh? Michael gets outta my head and ends the world? ‘Cause it’s all right there in Billie’s book. SAM Yeah, but that’s only if we don’t find another way to take Michael off the board, and there has to be another way. DEAN And what is that other way? [SAM says nothing.] DEAN Exactly.
(but at least he wasn't sleeping in his jeans this time. oh and they're in an actual normal mid-price generic hotel room)
this reminds me a lot of the conversations in s5 about sammy going in the cage.
and like when i was watching the old guard, i'm like ah yes, stuck in a coffin in the ocean drowning over and over because you're immortal - i have heard this story before! on the vampire diaries! someone... stefan?? was stuck in a ...... safe? and pushed into a lake to repeatedly die and revive. 500 years and 3 months, respectively.
well this rando dude torturing and drowning a woman scene, also awful. jesus. we're committing to darker-than-usual i guess
CAS Sam. Maybe if I spoke with Dean… SAM It wouldn’t matter. Believe me, I-I I’ve never seen him like this. He won’t listen to me. H-He just – No. If we don’t find some way… Dean’s gone.
that interstellar-ish music again...
DEAN You ever think about when we were kids? SAM Maybe. Yeah, sure. Sometimes. W-Why? DEAN I know I wasn’t always the greatest brother to you. SAM Dean, you were the one who was always there for me. The only one. I mean, you practically raised me. DEAN I know things got dicey… you know, with dad… the way he was. And I just… I didn’t always look out for you the way that I should’ve. I mean, I had my own stuff, you know. In order to keep the peace, it probably looked like I took his side quite a bit. Sometimes when I was… when I was away, you know it wasn’t ‘cause I just ran out, right? Dad would… he would send me away when I really pissed him off. I think you knew that. SAM Man, I left that behind a long time ago. I had to. And if we’re gonna get through this, I-I have to do like you said and… try and keep my mind off of where we’re going. So, if we could not have conversations that sound like… deathbed apologies, I would really appreciate it. DEAN Right. Yeah.
listen i know this gets resolved somehow and i'm not gonna bail on this fucking project with a little more than a season left but i can't express how much i don't want to watch something that's making me cry so hard my head is killing me (more than it was already) on a regular basis. this is too many things that cut too close to home with characters i'm too attached to. sigh.
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upslapmeal · 10 months
The Giggle
I. hmmm. I think I've warmed up to this ep in the last couple of hours as it's sat with me but this was my least favourite of the three. I think. idk maybe just WBY was so good that whatever came after would feel like a bit of a letdown, regardless of what insanity (my beloved DW insanity) it contained
it just kinda felt a bit all over the place? like the 2023 stuff felt v disconnected, and I think it could have just done with a bit more space to breathe and really feel the threat of the Toymaker, esp in the second half. as excellent as NPH was I do wonder if the simplicity of the games (splitting the deck and catch) did his threat level a disservice when compared to the complexity of the trilogic game and the insane riddle games Dodo and Steven had to play. and the last thing I want to do is be a well ACTUALLY that's not how it worked in classic who person, I just wasn't a fan of the prizes element - as ambivalent as I am towards the original serial, I did like the simplicity of the consequences: either you lose, and the Toymaker keeps you as a toy, or you win and the Toymaker loses everything but you have to pay the price. the problem with the Doctor wasn't so much that One beat him at the game, it was that One managed to escape afterwards. maybe it works differently outside his realm idk I'm not going to dwell on it too much but I think the episode just confirmed that I don't care too much for the Toymaker as a villain lol
BUT!!! there was lots I enjoyed!! I liked when the Toymaker really got to show off his reality bending, even if I think they could have done more with it. Donna and the Doctor got some great moments, even though I wish Donna had done a bit more. it was lovely to meet Mel! still a long way from her episodes in classic who but I'm looking forward to getting more of her in s14! the vlinx seemed ready for a UNIT spinoff any second now, and the choral music that cropped up a few times in the ep (the Toymaker's theme?) really reminded me of the music in Years and Years
and then there's the big stuff - bigeneration? sure why not!! p much everything in this show post-Billy Hartnell going back to some cavemen was new and ~not what this show is~ at some point or other so why not introduce something wild and new for an anniversary special! (annoyingly though I saw someone spoil it in a random youtube comment!!! I tried so hard to avoid the leaks why) it does leave me wondering what's going to happen with the DTface Doctor - will he regenerate and lead to two co-existing Doctor pathways? I do find it funny how Fifteen essentially went nah I'm not bringing that trauma with me, that can stay behind in Mr Vessel For Trauma (though I can't wait for him to get some Fresh Trauma™️ of his own). all the reassurance in the lead up to the re/bigeneration felt a bit silly given that Fourteen has only existed for a solid 24 hours but I did like the comedic effect of it leading to...nothing (at least for a moment)
and Ncuti was ELECTRIC waltzing around in his pants and absolutely owning every moment on screen!! 'you need a chair' yes he does!! it would have been fun to see him with post-regeneration effects but it was excellent getting to see him and Fourteen interact, and their excitement at having done something totally new! he's going to be off at the club while Uncle Fourteen does his residential therapy, but I can't wait to see what he brings to the darker, angrier, ancient side of the Doctor too.
anyway, The One Who Waits is going to be the Big Bad the Meep referred to aren't they
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thecollectionsof · 1 year
D, N, and W!!! <3
hello beloved favorite niche internet microcelebrity (did i forget any words? beloved? no wait i got that fuck. lovely <3)
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t. i’m so sorry but it’s the s15 ships :( it feels like sacrilege and i tried so hard to get into them but i just can’t !!!! i dabble into really interesting fic concepts but as much as i try i mainly stick around s12-s14 ships :(
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice). i’d love to see more long fics, completely out of the box and/or “weird” ideas (like if you’ve ever thought an idea was too weird and nobody would like it?? how do you know unless you just. do it), and collaboration. i love seeing people brainstorming together and when people are going back and forth in asks and playing with ideas together, i wish that was not only more common but also that more people got involved too!! if someone took an idea and played off of it i’d love them forever how fun is that??
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom. omegaverse </3 not my thing not my thing i’m sorry to anyone who likes it but i just cannot do it
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Wait now I'm curious, which characters would you bring back for your fun self-indulgent fic?
first and foremost is that by the end, all angels have been restored to life. they're a little fucked up and traumatized and disoriented by all of it, but they're alive and ready and willing to start fixing heaven to not be a torture cult. archangels especially. this is mostly their mess, they're gonna fix it. special mentions go to uriel because i need his interactions with lucifer's children, that would be insane.
second and also obviously to me is charlie and kevin. they're. they're fine. they're literally fine, their deaths were stupid and pointless and they're fine. i guess by nature of the rewrite rowena hasn't died yet but like. she also falls under this category. crowley too.
oh! and meg! absolutely meg! very important to me that if this is a story about lucifer's kids, that we address the elephant in the room of demons Also Being That, Sort Of. and like. megstiel endgame. megstiel endgame is so real to me. they get each other. they have both done some fucked up shit but they tried to be better and waaah. there is no castiel confession scene in this au because things do not get that dire but if there were, he'd be giving his confession to meg.
now we get to the slightly more complicated choices. first up, bobby & rufus. because they are a pair, do not separate, ect ect. i love death's door as an episode but. i feel like we all have to admit that without bobby there was a huge hole in the show that logistically they filled with the bunker (home base + knowledge) but like. fuck that, man. let that old man live. let him be grumpy gay married with rufus. let him meet his grandkids who are technically lucifer's kids but whatever, it counts.
and jo and ellen. jo. and ellen. and. on the one hand, by s13 where do they fit, is it cruel to bring someone back after that long dead, but on the other, they deserve a chance. plus, maybe ellen and mary can bond over the whole dying and coming back and being moms thing, even if ellen's was a significantly shorter tenure in death. and jo trying to fit in with sam and dean when she's still so young... yeah. i think they should come back.
(and also nick should be. around. but like. very much not how he was written in s14 im so sorry my poor meow meow murder man but i find you significantly less interesting the more the writers pushed for you to be evil)
that's all the characters i can think of rn, but yeah. moral of the story is that Everyone's Fine. Highly highly traumatized, and that's part of the point, but like. they're alive. they have the chance to keep going. that is what matters.
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chopcult · 1 year
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nocturnalswarehouse · 2 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by @blossom-adventures and @thequeenofthewinter :)
3 Ships:
I'm going to delve away from Skyrim here because my procrastination response if I don't want to be productive around my place, is to immerse myself in as much media as possible. So an obvious one is OC/Brynjolf. Otherwise, Adi would not exist XD my others are OC (or reader)/Jacob Frye because I'm still hyperfixating on AC Syndicate. I also recently finally started Jane the Virgin, and I'm a slut for Jane/Rafael
1st Ever Ship:
I was but a young child, barely able to comprehend reading when my first ever a ship came to be. I shit you not. I think I was 5. It was Blue/Magenta in Blue's Clues. I found out a couple years ago was also my first gay ship, and I am HERE for it.
Last Song:
Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
Last Movie:
I watched one in my filmmaking class by a local director who created a film about a Ukrainian woman who immigrated to modern-day Winnipeg. Do I remember the title? Nope. Do I want to? Nope.
This movie was filmed back in like,,, 2019 I believe, is what he said and released like last year. It's two hours and could've been easily cut down to one. Very slow, almost too slow. I liked a lot of the shots. It was interesting to watch a film where only two characters - who were in there briefly - spoke English.
So there are good things about it, but it definitely could've been way better. I felt like the writing was almost too dry, and the director didn't give us any context as to what the plot was or any warnings that were needed (nudity and a certain subject related to nudity that is unpleasant to watch, to put it nicely).
I just think we should keep cishet white north American men away from creating films with that kind of subject because they don't,,, get it. Granted, neither do I but I do have an entire family of immigrants.
Currently Reading:
Well, it was my personality psych textbook, but no more! I hope to finish @thequeenofthewinter's fic because I'm behind due to school, and after that? Well, when the term starts, one of the texts for one of my classes is "The Handmaid's Tale," and I'm VERY excited to read it.
Currently Watching:
Too many things at once.
Jane the Virgin
Wednesday (I get the hype, I have critiques, but imma keep them to myself because it's very nitpicky and a bit pretentious)
RuPaul's Drag Race S14 (I'm on episode 7)
Canada's Drag Race S2 (I'm on episode 4)
The Witcher (started it in September, had a depressive episode)
Slow rewatch of Avatar: The Last Airbender because I'm following the podcast recaps and discussions
Slow rewatch of Kim Possible because I got bored and switched to the Witcher (it's great to watch after a long shift at work, though)
Wizards of Waverly Place (helped me through the depressive episode. Downside? I've seen it so many times the show is fully memorized)
Hunters on Amazon Prime (They re-edited the show to take out the scenes that got a lot of negative press, and I'm mad, so I stopped because they also re-edited my favourite scene in the entire show)
Teen Wolf (gotta prep for the movie coming out in 2023)
Okay yeah, so my fam and I have a lot of streaming services. Welcome to my Dad, and I are movie buffs
Currently Consuming:
Water. I'm pulling an all-nighter because I gotta be at the airport in two and a half hours, so if I sleep I will miss my flight. Gotta stay hydrated!
Currently Craving:
Tacos from a place back home, and lemonade from a pop-up lemonade stand that ends up at every big event in my city back home and if I can convince my parents I'll be able to get one and won't have to wait until Stampede in July next year. It's the best damn lemonade I've ever had.
The specific tacos I'm craving are the best damn fast-food tacos I've ever had, but I've definitely had better. My sister worked at a Mexican restaurant specializing in tacos that a family member owns, for god's sake. Although, now that I'm thinking about it, I also crave those. I think I just want tacos.
I can't really think of anyone to tag (the main person I would've tagged, tagged me first XD), so I pass this on to anyone that wants to do it :)
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halfbakedideas · 3 months
eden watches ‘the empire of death’
spoilers ahead for s1/s14/s40e8…
“do you believe in the power of prayer?” wot.
something’s wrong with the tardis — uh. its interior is odd.
“memory is a time machine” ooooo.
how can this tardis be made because ruby remembering it. its interior looks like an almagation of so many doctors’ tardises but ruby’s only seen 15’s??
sutekh’s been here for how long??
“i damn you in the name of life itself.” 15
15, babes, you aren’t the last of the time lords. 14 is still somewhere around here, aren’t they?
not gonna lie, i like the way this tardis looks. might be an unpopular opinion.
oh it’s so janky lol.
“is this thing safe?”
“absolute death trap.” fucking love that.
73 yards.?!?!?
“funny things happen at 73 yards.” HELLO.
australia???!?!? noooo leave my country outta this.
i’m kinda hoping that this mixed tardis interior sticks around, even though it probably won’t.
“it’s been a very very long time.” 🤨🤔
“i think this was the city of, it began with a ‘b’” BRISBANE MENTION???? :D …maybe?…
“i supposed you do have a very nice face.” girl wtf.
oooo a spoon.
“i swear to you with a spoon.”
ooh it’s the crystals from 13’s tardis, in mini form.
the prime minister from 73 yards. oh.
this is the most complicated trail/process ever to get to the answer of who’s ruby’s mum.
why did ruby and the doctor change their clothes???
“don’t worry about me.” bullshit. absolutely worry about mel.
it’s snowing.
oh no 15!! D:
ha! take that. intelligent rope to the rescue.
tardis go yeet.
sutekh’s being dragged about like a rag doll.
“what happens if you bring death to death?” it’s ‘negative plus negative equal positive’ all over again.
oooh planet holograms. ood sphere!!!
nvm i was wrong about the whole city that started with a ‘b’ thing.
kate stewart, god of recruiting people into unit. (/j)
oh ruby’s mum really is just a regular, ordinary lady. wasn’t expecting that. i was clowning for ruby being 13’s daughter but 🤷
“she’s important, because we think she’s important. that’s how everything happens.” damn.
oh this is so lovely, but so awkward for me to watch. happy for runy tho.
15’s back in his clothes from the start of the season, hmmm.
“i’m sorry.”
“don’t be sorry.” ruby’s not gonna keep travelling with him, is she?
“and now ruby sunday, goodbye.” 😭 😭 😭
good stars, this is the most cinematic sounding music i’ve ever heard.
uhhh. creepy-sounding voiceover?? who the fuck is this. oh.
wdym i have to wait till christmas/next year 😔
overall, i rather enjoyed this episode. although the pacing felt a little odd, but it has all season so that’s not anything new. really, really liked the almagation tardis thing. but i’m very sad ruby’s season is over already. and this episode really cemented for me how good ncuti gatwa is as the doctor.
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