#it's gonna be a wild ride
extralively · 2 months
so do I use this blog to tease future chapters, or...? (◕ᴗ◕✿)
bc I'm currently writing chapter 8 of the main story and oh boy, it's getting....... angsty
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canon is happening you guys, and we all know how canon is
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knickknacksandallthat · 5 months
will part 4 start off with jean's pov in france? or the first time he meets kevin? or is it jeremy we're starting with?
i literally cannon wait to read this, ive been dying to know what their thoughts have been for the past three fics
Aww, ty anon!! I'm so glad you've enjoyed the series! I'm super excited to get their thoughts out there as well! It's funny b/c as I've been writing Kev's POV I've literally had to make little notes to myself on what they're thinking or doing at the moment so I could get here. But now I've got a wall of moments and scenes and little bits that I want to incorporate 😅 So...suffice to say it's def a work in progress making it all cohesive.
Getting back to your question though - we are starting with Jean in the Nest. Not quite the first time he meets Kevin but close to that timeframe. I did try searching through that chapter to see if I could give you a snippet, but alas, anon - everything I've written would be kind of spoilery right now. (There are a few surprises I still have hidden up my sleeve, waiting for y'all when you go to read this.) I don't want to bore anyone by repeating content, and there's a lot to delve into on jerejean's side before Kevin's even in the picture so...yeah. I think y'all will enjoy this next installment. It's been a blast writing so far and I can't wait to share it with you. 😁
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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Chapter 8 is finally up! This is a LONG chapter. You've been warned. Also I might have started the chapter with another sensual scene. 😏 You're welcome in advance. 
This chapter also begins the Lou-Wanda-Ed past love triangle arc (this is where Alicia learns about Ed's history with the couple). So there's gonna be drama!!! 
Lastly, for reference, Ed is gonna be dressed like this in the chapter...
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thehornedbasterd · 1 year
Upcoming Atomic Heart game looks amazing, on certain levels.😏😏😏😏
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charlottedabookworm · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ardyn Izunia & Nyx Ulric, Libertus Ostium & Nyx Ulric, Nyx Ulric & Selena Ulric, Libertus Ostium & Selena Ulric Characters: The Kingsglaive (Final Fantasy XV), Nyx Ulric, Ardyn Izunia, Original Characters, Libertus Ostium, Selena Ulric Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Galahdian Culture (Final Fantasy XV), Family Feels, Platonic Relationships, Fluff and Angst, there is so much happening in the background here you don't even know Series: Part 7 of Somnusson AU Summary:
Nyx is so tired.
He is tired of the wars that repeat and repeat and repeat, this endless cycle of hatred that their species is so capable of. He is tired of needing to fight, of watching almost everyone he loves live and age and die. He is tired of never aging, forever being frozen in the body he died in, a greenboy in the eyes of all who don’t know better.
He’s tired and he knows that his pater is too.
or: the lives and times of Nyx Ostium and his pater, Ardyn
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bri-does-art · 2 years
Rating: T/PG-13 Relationships: Sun & Moon & OC, Helpy & OC Warnings: Canon-typical violence, for both FNAF and Subnautica Summary:
It was probably all very silly, considering the precarious situation I found myself in, but it really was all I could think about.
Could you really blame me? I never expected to find myself in this kind of a mess. I was not some big shot, thrill seeking space explorer. I was no seasoned freight worker. No avid alien world survivalist. Not even a simple cruise liner flight attendant.
I was a gardener. My feet belonged firmly planted in the soil of a garden world. I had spent my entire life up to now solidly anchored on Earth, and never dreaming of leaving the safety of gravity and atmosphere, despite the increasingly uncomfortable quality of life on the crowded homeworld. Sure, I dreamed of greener pastures. Of fresh air and fertile land. But frontier life and adventures in the big expanse of space? Not quite.
A FNAF x Subnautica crossover, about the challenges of survival, surprise friendships with quirky software and alien merfolk, man made horrors beyond our comprehension and unexpected mysteries to be uncovered within the depths.
First chapter is up! There’s no update schedule planned, updates when I finish a chapter.
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allmoshnobrain · 8 months
I really love your Dave Mustaine story I’m excited and nervous for more. James totally fell in love with Nore and I’m not ready for the outcome… :’) anyhow hope you have a fabulous day and I’m looking forward to the next update!!
omg anon tysm for the comment hope you have a fabulous day too!! ❤ we're like mentally connected or something because I saw you sent this just as I opened Tumblr to post the new part lol
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xwhitenoise · 8 months
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introducing my lolth-sworn wizard, who's in a semi-constant state of patronizing amusement whenever a man speaks even if that man is a literal skin-and-bones skeleton
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downton-bridgerton · 2 years
I Came By general and spolier free review:
it was SO GOOD, not much jumpscares as expected, needs more thrill for me to be honest, a LOT of unexpected twist and turns, AND HUGH BONNEVILLE AS A VILLAIN?? GIVE HIM ALL OF THE FVCKING AWARDS MAN!!!!
overall: a solid 4/5 stars
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its-tickety-boo · 2 years
Just realized I've never actually been a Byler shipper while school's in session, looking forward to seeing how much that's gonna fuck me over
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kelliealtogether · 2 years
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Luring people into the cannibal fic, one chapter at a time. 😏
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tenrose · 10 months
Wish me luck on my 8 hours train journey back home in the middle of a heatwave. Leaving from a 35°C place to a nice 41°C place. The train is gonna have to go slower (it's already a slow train tbh), and it's probably gonna be a train older than me so I wouldn't count on AC either, but I just hope there's no massive problem that make us arrive at 1am cause if so I'm stuck at the station no able to go home cause the public transport don't run at night. Oh and also it's that time of the month so I'm feeling double heat.
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jonnywaistcoat · 10 months
Hi there,
If you feel comfortable answering:
Can a newcomer to The Magnus Archives start with The Magnus Protocol or will that be too confusing if they have not finished the original series first?
Have a good [insert time of day]!
We're writing Protocol with the intention that you don't have to have listened to Archives to enjoy it. Anything relevant from Archives should be explained and contextualised when it comes up in Protocol.
That said, obviously certain beats are going to hit harder if you're familiar with the original series (you might miss out on a few "Oh my god I know THAT voice!" moments) and it may be hard to join in with some of the theorising without that initial grounding, so listening to Archives first is probably a good idea if you have the time and energy for 200 episodes!
Although, now I say it, there are a few ways in which I can imagine being fully steeped in Archives might actually cause you to stumble a bit with Protocol. Certain preconceptions and assumptions that might trip you up. We shall see.
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elystelleven · 21 days
She got a little too silly whoopsies~
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(+ original pic)
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edsbacktattoo · 8 months
i love that Buttons actually just became a bird because that's the funniest thing imaginable but. who's Stede's first mate now? he's captaining all on his own (bc Ed isn't allowed to atm) and his first mate is a seagull that's in a sexual and romantic entanglement with the literal ocean. Stede does not Know How to Sail a Ship. like godspeed if there's a storm gayboy you're gonna have to figure it out or die
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autistook · 3 months
March 25th
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"'Come, Mr. Frodo!' he cried. 'I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!"" "Out of the depths came his last wail Precious, and he was gone. There was a roar and a great confusion of noise. Fires leaped up and licked the roof. The throbbing grew to a great tumult, and the Mountain shook." "'The realm of Sauron is ended!' said Gandalf. 'The Ring-Bearer has fulfilled his Quest.' "
'For the Quest is achieved, and now all is over. I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things, Sam.
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