#it's just. everything baby me ever wanted from zelda.
alys-gay-parade · 1 year
Some deep thoughts about Zelda before I go to sleep tonight:
I grew up with oot being my introduction to the series, and over the years, it consumed my life. Botw was exactly what I wanted from a fully open world zelda game, and totk has only built up from that. This is the franchise that taught me how to world build, write characters, and explore my identity. Looking back at my adolescence, I can safely say that Link and Zelda (as she slowly became an actually compelling character) were the opposite ends of my gender envy spectrum. I loved the effeminate twink that I could easily identify with (people who say he never had a personality before TP are wrong, my boy has always been a sassy bitch with a big heart) and the regal lady who was not opposed to getting her hands dirty to do the work she needed to do. Sheik being Zelda is still one of my favorite plot twists in the franchise, my girl rlly said "Fuck it, I'm gonna pose as a man my whole adolescence." Iconic.
I love how they imply in totk that the games in the timeline pre-botw are the legends passed down over hundreds of generations, explaining the thin and inexplicable timeline away as just cultural histories becoming warped and lost with each retelling. I bet they argue about the order of events in-universe, and you can not convince me otherwise. It makes me laugh looking back at oot seeing rauru portrayed as a pudgy old man hylian, knowing now that he's just straight up a god-like being that married a hylian woman.
This brings me to the future of the series, and a proposal: remake the old stories, but with the new lore, as they Actually Happened. Make the players figure out what parts were true and what parts were warped by time. Hell, make them with the effects of the new timeline Created by Zelda in totk. How does her presence alter history? How can we reimagine the events of pivotal games in the timeline with our new information? How can we keep improving our open world gameplay while revisiting the history that became fables?
I fell off of Zelda in my depression. But totk has renewed my love for what the franchise is and can become. They've really created so many opportunities to expand on what we know, as well as avenues to tell more new stories, possibly both in the same game if they play their cards right.
Thank you, Zelda Team and Miyamoto-san. You built a core aspect of my identity and continue to strive to improve and explore a world that means a lot to many. You honestly are a golden example of what making a compelling universe looks like.
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hotvintagepoll · 11 days
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Rita Moreno (Singin' in the Rain, West Side Story)—She’s an EGOT, an absolute legend for how she navigated her career as a woman of color in the fifties and sixties. Her performance as Anita in West Side Story is why I go back to that movie so many times. She is an icon and she is the moment.
Eartha Kitt (Anna Lucasta, St. Louis Blues)—My friend and I have a saying: NOBODY is Eartha Kitt. A thousand have tried, and they've all come up empty and will continue to do so. Everyone knows her for something: from "Santa Baby" to Yzma in Emperor's New Groove to Catwoman to making Lady Bird Johnson cry for the Vietnam War. She was a master of comedy and sex, an extremely vocal activist, and she aged like fine wine... I honestly don't know what I can say about her that hasn't already been said, so I'll stick to linking all my propaganda. Like what else do you want from me. She was iconic at everything she ever did. Literally name another. How can anyone even think of her and not want to absolutely drown?
This is one of two semifinals in the Hot & Vintage Movie Women Tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Propaganda is not my own and is on a submission basis. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Eartha Kitt:
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"A hot vintage woman who was not just known for her voice, beauty, poise, and presence, but also her unapologetic ways of speaking about how she was mistreated in the show business as a girl who grew up on cotton fields in South Carolina in the 1930s through the 1940s coming to Broadway first and then Hollywood."
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"Have you watched her sing?? Have you seen her face?? Have you heard her talk?? How could you not fall instantly in love. She makes me incoherent with how hot she is."
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"She can ACT she can SING she can speak FOUR LANGUAGES she is a GODDESS!!! Although she is (rightfully) remembered for her singing, TV appearances (Catwoman my beloved), and later film roles, her early appearances in film are no less impressive or noteworthy!! She’s an amazing actress with so much charisma in every role. She was also blacklisted from Hollywood for 10 years for criticizing the Johnson administration/Vietnam War, so. Iconic. Also Orson Welles apparently called her “the most exciting woman in the world.”
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"She had such a stunning, remarkable appearance, like she could tear you to shreds with just a glance- but the most undeniable part of her hotness was her voice, and it makes sense that it's what most people nowadays know her for. Nothing encapsulates the sheer magnetism of her singing better than this clip of her and Nat King Cole in St. Louis Blues, she pops in at 2:49. Also I know it's post-1970 but her song that was cut from Emperor's New Groove is likely to make you feel Feelings."
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"Even with as racist as Hollywood was in the 1950s and 60s, Eartha Kitt STILL managed to have a thriving career. She also once had a threesome with Paul Newman and James Dean, and called out LBJ over the Vietnam War so hard that it made First Lady Johnson cry. Eartha Kitt was talented, sexy, and a total badass activist."
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Rita Moreno:
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"Amazing showstopping actress in her one big memorable role as Anita in West Side Story. She sings and dances with unmatched joy and energy, and then breaks your heart with her acting. Rita took a role that felt as a stereotype to latina women and made it compelling and multifaceted. Her subsequent career was filled with mostly side roles, but she still managed to excel in whatever Hollywood threw at her."
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"It’s Rita!! The EGOT herself! She can act, she can sing, she can dance, a triple threat. Obviously absolutely iconic as Anita in West Side Story (her part of the Tonight Quintet is the sexiest part of the film, fight me). But before that she was the amazing Zelda in Singin’ In the Rain!?! Thanks Zelda, you’re a real pal."
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"She continues to be amazing but also she's got legs for days."
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"THEE iconic rita moreno, EGOT winner, civil rights activist, theatre legend. watch her documentary "Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided to Go for It". also her rendition of "fever" on the muppet show"
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aheathen-conceivably · 4 months
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🎶'Cause he held in his arms, and he taught me to be strong 🎶
Although Zelda and Giorgio’s efforts on the farm were growing less dire, there were still days when some of them had to go without meals. Rather than leave Violette there with empty cupboards and exhausted adults on days when she wasn’t at the schoolhouse, Antoine would bring her to Abraham’s ranch with him. 
It comforted him having her so near, seeing her run unencumbered on the sand without any of the worries that plagued his or Zelda’s mind. She seemed happy and comfortable there, but sometimes it terrified him that she was growing older and there was nothing he could do to stop it. It seemed like only months ago that she’d been born, not over seven years before. Soon enough she’d be a young woman, and the thought alone was enough to make him panic. He wanted nothing more than to freeze time at exactly this moment, before anything could hurt her or take her away.
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He was happy that she had William, who was such a kind and soft spoken boy that was always happy to play whatever games Violette suggested.  But even his presence reminded Antoine that one day there would be a boy he couldn’t protect his baby girl from, one who would break her heart and make her cry, just the way he had done when he was young. 
He only hoped that he would be there when it happened, to help her pick up the pieces and stay as strong as he knew she was now. Every day he could see his mother and sister not only in the color of her eyes, but in her temperament too. She was strong willed and stubborn, but she allowed herself moments of such fancy and wonder, that he couldn’t help but see Zelda in her too. Each and every one of them triggered a fire in his soul, a pure rush to safeguard them against the rest of the world, that all of them combined in his only child was enough to make his heart burst.
He told himself at least he had her there with him now, that if he could focus on exactly the girl she was now and give her everything she could possibly want, he would show her the type of man and life she deserved; because above anything, he knew that she deserved the world.
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He wanted to give her the best sides of himself, the moments in his day that made him feel happiest and uplifted him from the drudgery of the world. So of course, he took her to meet Silver. He had been worried that the horse would respond to Violette the way she did with everyone else, but she seemed to immediately sense that the child was Antoine’s, and thus an extension of the trust she already had for him. With amazing softness, she lowered her head toward Violette, and the child’s usual harsh bravado softened in turn, transforming into a gentle, hushed amazement as she looked into the horse’s eyes. “Poppa, I love her!”
He could feel the pride welling in his chest, threatening to burst into tears, when she looked back at him with excited eyes, “Can we take her home, Poppa? Please? Please!”
“I’m afraid she lives here, Princess. But I’ll get you your very own pony one day. I promise.” Her face transformed even more, brightening with excitement as she continued to pet Silver. The horse seemed so content, that Violette brought her face against her nose. Antoine panicked, bringing his hand forward to stop her, but the horse stayed calm, looking back at Antoine as though to tell him to calm down for once.
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With her face still close to Silver’s Violette turned her eyes up at her father, “Can we at least ride her then? Pretty please?”
Antoine had asked himself that very question every day since Abraham had offered. But he didn’t want to tell his baby girl he was afraid, or that the stories of the men she had kicked into the sand were more gruesome than any Western he had ever read. So instead he simply said, “Maybe one day….”
Even a child could hear the wistfulness in his voice, but then Abraham’s curses from outside punctuated the moment. Antoine knew that meant one of the horses was refusing his commands, so he gently moved Violette’s hand away from the horse and opened the stall gate. “You go and play with Will now, alright? We’ll visit her again tomorrow.”
She looked up at him with her big olive eyes, trying to stop him as his boots headed for the door of the barn. She needn’t say a word to besiege him to stay; but he mustered even more strength than needed against the most stubborn of horses to drop down on one knee and kiss her goodbye, promising that he would come and find her at the end of the day just as he always did.
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stem-sister-scuffle · 5 months
Winry Rockbell (Full Metal Alchemist) vs Princess Zelda (Breath Of The Wild/Tears Of The Kingdom)
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Winry Rockbell is an Automail Mechanic!
Princess Zelda (from BOTW/TOTK) has a special interest in Sheikah Technology!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Winry Rockbell:
"The best automail mechanic in the whole of Amestris: need I say more? She’s also the only person who can really get Edward Elric to listen / scare him"
"She's super smart and is crazy about mechanics, but she's also so kind and compassionate! She helped deliver a baby, she cares really deeply for her friends and family! She truly rocks!"
"i’m a biomedical engineer so she is the best women in stem"
"she’s extremely skilled and dedicated to her craft, her work is very high quality (she’s also the personal mechanic for one of the protagonists) and she has a dedication to improving the lives of the people around her in any way she can (and she has so much autism swag about automail, it’s a joy to watch). i love her your honour"
"She's so good and so fun and she's trying her best. She makes sure the prosthetics work and they're super plot important!!!!!"
"She can build and repair robot limbs AND attach them to human nerves"
"She’s only 15 and is repairing magic-infused heavy machinery for fun"
"Spunky, kind, and smart as hell... one of the shounen manga girls of all time."
"At age fifteen she could build a whole metal arm in 3 days (pulling all nighters)! She geeks out over the work of other prosthetics engineers and earned herself an apprenticeship where the shop's costumers began to prefer her after only a few months! She's kind but takes no shit and narratively symbolizes the goodness of humanity. also she read medical textbooks as a kid (her parents were both doctors) and was able to apply that knowledge for successful impromptu midwifery years later!"
"She is practically a child engineering Genius! Designs and makes prosthetics. She takes her work very seriously and geeks out over other people's designs. She is such a beautifully written strong female character that holds her own in a fandom full of amazing strong female characters and a great role model. She's Hella cute"
"She is considered a prodigy in her field, and is known as the “Automail Otaku” because of her unending interest of any machines and tools in the building and repairing of automail. She is incredibly smart, sincere, and passionate. She works hard for what she wants, is full of optimism despite what she has suffered, and is very loyal to her friends."
"built a fully functioning prosthetic arm for her friend when she was TWELVE basically by herself and has been his regular mechanic since. also heavily dabbles in the medical side as well as the mechanical side (for example: she successfully delivered a baby single-handedly at fifteen having only ever read about the subject before). she is so skrunkly she’s an icon a legend and she is the moment"
"Listen any girl who can master mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and biology in order to build prosthetic limbs by the age of 12 is Impressive. She’s the one that got me onto an engineering career path I’m very biased"
Princess Zelda (from BOTW/TOTK):
"she has a clear interest in the technology of the sheikah and spends her time going out of her way to study it, despite being forbidden to"
"She's super into biology and ecology and technology and she just wants to learn soso much about everything :) She's a really well written and interesting character but her scientific mind often gets dumbed down or turned into an UwU quirky thing in fandom and I want VINDICATION. She has a malewife"
"When investigating ruins about ancient technology is the only time she seems excited and genuinely happy"
"She's literally so bad at magic that she says fuck magic im going to learn how to control an army of robots with an ipad and you know what? She did. It backfired but she still did it. In age of calamity she literally uses a tiny egg robot as a weapon. She does this in spite of her father hating it, which like, women overcoming adversity #girlboss. Only negative is that she's a monarchist. Sad!"
"She was born a princess but all she wants to do is run around studying ancient ruins and the natural world around her. Yearning to be a scientist, forced to be be a holy savior, suffering all the while."
"Her special interest is repressed by her father and he's so mean but all she wants is to help with robots. She tried to feed Link a live frog to see what would happen"
"I don’t even know where to BEGIN with this one. Strap yourself in, this is gonna be LONG. See, unlike most Hyrulian Princess Zelda’s before her, this one is a BOSS. She couldn’t awaken her powers, so she decided to HELP RESEARCH A MASSIVE ROBOTIC ARMY AND GET IT FUNCTIONAL BY HERSELF. AT SEVENTEEN. In addition, she is practically doing nothing BUT research. You know, aside from when she spent one hundred years straight fighting off calamity ganon by HERSELF, all so link could heal and wake up. She then threw herself straight into running her destroyed kingdom, and basically only ever stops being a badass research princess when evil things decide they want to screw up her day. Also, she once tried to make link eat a frog for research, and kept doing her learning even after her (absolutely abusive, screw you king rhoam) father tried to forbid it. She was having NONE of that, and I love her for it. She is wonderful. That is all, your honor."
"she's a princess and in spite of that a massive fucking nerd. she managed to save her girlfriend from dying to getting fucking laser beamed and fistfight the apocalypse for 100 years waiting for her to wakeup. girliepop saw prophecies foretelling the apocalypse and was like "well we're not just gonna fucking wait for it are we" and proceeded to start excavating superweapon mechs like a dog digging up bones. do you understand me. also she's pretty but thats unrelated"
"Because she's a princess and she held back Calamity Ganon for 100 years which is pretty kickass if you ask me and also she opened a school and started a nature reserve and she's been through a lot and just kinda wants to live her best cottagecore life right now."
"Tried to make her friend eat a frog to see what would happen."
"I love her and she and her special interest deserve so much. Pursuing technology and engineering makes her genuinely so happy and in the game, its truly one of the only times we see her fully excited with what she's doing. Everything else feels out of obligation."
"She gets SO excited over ancient technology. In the musou spinoff, she built herself a lil Guardian music box as a child. She runs around Hyrule working on the Divine Beasts and Guardians to get them fighting fit after being dormant for 10k years. She is such a nerd."
"Because zelda"
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margindoodles2407 · 1 year
In Defense of King Rhoam
okay so before I start this I just want to say, before you go dissing me in the comments just hear me out. I know that some people absolutely despise Rhoam, and I'm not trying to change their minds because I completely understand why. I just thought I'd offer my perspective on his character and why I don't hate him as much as other people do.
I will defend King Rhoam to my dying breath.
Not his actions. Of course not. The way he treated Zelda was a way no parent should ever treat his or her teenage daughter. But even though we focus so much on Zelda's pain- as rightly we should- we tend to forget about her father's.
As far as we, the players, know, Zelda was an only child. Unless she was a miracle child conceived in old age, that means that Rhoam and his wife were married probably at most two years before she was born. Therefore, if she was six when her mother died, then Rhoam and the Queen had been married probably at most eight years. They were newlyweds. And, let us also not forget that the Calamity's return was prophesied very shortly after Zelda's birth.
Imagine being the head of a huge country, home to six major races and thousands of people. Imagine that your wife has just had a baby girl and that whole country celebrates. Imagine that, on that occasion that's supposed to be so joyous, an evil so old that everything about it but its name has been all but forgotten is said to return soon.
Imagine, then, that that wife whom you love throws herself and her sacred power into the work she must fulfill, because if she doesn't, those six races and all those thousands of people could die in a heartbeat.
Imagine that, one day, she suddenly dies.
Imagine that your six-year-old daughter doesn't even cry.
(We know why Zelda doesn't cry. We can't forget that Rhoam doesn't.)
Rhoam's in grief. He mourns his wife, and as everyone knows, when you're in grief you become blind to the pain of others because yours is so intense. But he also knows that his kingdom is still in danger, and that his wife must have passed her sacred power onto their daughter.
Zelda didn't cry. But she's six years old. She doesn't know how to tell him why. So he jumps to conclusions, and assumes that she's just mature- because she's SIX, and she doesn't know how to express her emotions- and so he sends her away to start her training.
Zelda tries, and she tries, and we KNOW that she tries; we know she tries her hardest, we know that she passes out in the freezing water of the Sacred Springs because she's trying so hard and nothing's happening. But we also need to remember that, because of this, she's away from home- where Rhoam is- all the time. Rhoam only gets to see her when she's at the Castle- which isn't often- and when she's there she wants to do the things she loves and not worry about her destiny. She's sixteen. She she still doesn't tell Rhoam how she's feeling, and since he can't see her trying her hardest, he once again jumps to conclusions and assumes that that's all she does when she's gone, too.
And Rhoam is running out of time. It's been ten years, and he doesn't know how seriously the princess takes her duties, so he keeps pushing her because he also has six races and thousands of people to look after.
He has to sacrifice being a father to be a king.
And we can see the whole picture, so we're quick to judge him. And to be clear, yes, the way he treats Zelda by jumping to conclusions isn't a model of parenting that any parent should ever follow. But, unlike us, Rhoam can't see the whole picture.
Not until it's too late.
Rhoam probably dies first when the Calamity hits, and then suddenly, as a ghost, he can see his daughter. He sees her flee the guardians with her knight, he sees her slip her hand from his, he sees her sob in wretched agony as she chokes out that the terrors around them are her fault because she couldn't access her cursed power. He realizes that she did take everything seriously, that she cared so much- that she probably cared more than he did.
He loves his daughter, he always has. But he realizes that he never showed it.
He realizes that he was a terrible father, and that is why he is stayed to the earth as a poe.
Ghosts are the souls of people with unfinished business. Rhoam's was that he was a bad father- and so, by extension, a bad king. So he haunts the plateau where his devoted Sheikah bodyguards buried him, and 100 years slip by like sand in an hourglass.
Link awakes from the Shrine of Resurrection, and Rhoam decides to atone for his past mistakes. He as a ghost can't save his daughter, but Link's alive. Link can. And so he becomes like a father to this boy he knows but who doesn't remember him, guiding him along his way, providing him with direction, food, and shelter, and he tries to fix all the mistakes he made in his life.
And when Link completes the shrines and meets him in the bell tower of the Temple of Time, Rhoam provides him with the Paraglider and the story of 100 years ago. He pleads with the boy to save his daughter, to be the man he never was.
When Link agrees, Rhoam can finally pass on.
He can't tell Zelda that he's sorry. Not yet, not until her time comes and she peacefully passes over into Hylia's realms of light. But he can send her someone, someone to care for her like he never did.
He can only pray that she forgives him.
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Can we get some some more Trueblood heir Alec for writing wendsday?
How is everbody doing? I hope that this week will be less stressful for you than the last!
Hey anon, i went with star eater which is the alec trueblood sentient shadow au. i hope you enjoy it and that this verse worked for you!
Thank you so much for asking! the week was less stressful but more busy but i'm slowly catching up on all the things i'm behind on! (writing and laundry and i need to thaw some chicken)
Saeth: doing alright. Really sore and tired. Our wrist is killing us because host got into on tumblr (rping as if Pokémon is real) and killed our hands lmao (I’m plural and not the host of our system)
*they've also been playing the new zelda game and finally passed out after refusing to sleep so they could keep playing - lumine
Alec stares at his little sister and his something-of-a-younger-brother Jace and wonders exactly where everything went wrong. It’s one of the rare times that Alec gets to see them both and while he’s still getting used to Jace, he likes the other boy well enough.  Or at least, he does when he’s not encouraging Izzy to break the rules and be stupid.
“We’re not doing that.” Alec says, interrupting Jace’s latest attempt to form a plan. A plan that Alec already knows wouldn’t work. “Mother left us here with the understanding that we are mature enough to not cause problems or get ourselves into trouble. Are we not mature enough?” Alec gives them both the deadpan stare he’s seen Ragnor give to idiots and is gratified when they shuffle nervously.
“But hermano—” Izzy whines and Alec’s noticed that she only ever calls him that when she wants something, “LA is so boring compared to New York. We just want to see if the demons are different!”
“It’s daytime. The only demons you could hunt are in the sewers. I didn’t know you were so interested in sewer monitoring.” Alec pretends to brighten up and he starts to tap into his tablet when Izzy shrieks and tries to grab it from him.
Alec’s genuinely surprised.
Not many people dare to touch him and certainly not in anger, so it’s with baffled confusion that he watches his shadows pluck Izzy up and deposit her back in her chair.
“That was rude.” Alec comments, because he’s not sure what else to say. “I didn’t realize you were still a toddler, Izzy.” Because he honestly doesn’t remember having to deal with this level of entitlement since Izzy was two and refusing to understand what ‘no’ meant.
“I’m bored and you’re such a dull blade, Alec!” Izzy complains and she huffs and crosses her arms, “Jace and I agreed we were going to have fun!”
“Well, I didn’t agree to that, and this is going to be my Institute.” Alec reminds her, because it is and he’s not about to risk getting what he wants because his baby sister wants to act like a baby. “The portal to Idris is still open, you can always leave.”
Alec nods decisively and says nothing, even when Izzy’s face scrunches up and she sniffles or Jace sends him a dark, admonishing look. Izzy and Jace get to do whatever they want in LA, but this isn’t LA and Alec isn’t that nice. Ragnor’s taught him all about consequences and Alec’s not going to be paying the price for other people’s stupidity.
Also, Alec already knows that Izzy and Jace aren’t interested in hunting demons during the day. The two of them want to see the mundane side of things in New York and if Alec knew anything about the mundane side, he might be willing to show them around.  However, he doesn’t, and he doesn’t trust them on their own. Therefore, they won’t be leaving without supervision and his company.
“We never get away from LA and you’re being such a jerk.” Izzy complains and she looks about ready to throw her plate on the floor, something else Alec thought she’d already grown out of. “You never even visit me, so why is it a big deal if we want to explore here with you?”
“You know why I don’t visit you.” Alec tells her, honestly confused, “I didn’t think you also hated Robert.”
Izzy pales and Jace looks between the two of them with confusion hidden under his arrogance.
“There’s no guarantee Robert will survive a second encounter with my shadows.” Alec explains and he shrugs, unsure why Jace looks so distraught and upset. “Mother says he’s lucky he was left alive. If I visit LA, I’m going to have to see him and if I see him, there’s no telling what happened. So, I guess I’m asking, what changed? Because I thought you still loved him?”
Izzy gives a little, small snarl and falls into the back of her chair with a glower. “Fine, that’s not what I meant. Don’t be stupid Alec, I just meant you could loosen up. Learn to live a little and let us live a little, you don’t have to be this unfeeling soldier all the time.”
“Not letting you break the rules isn’t being unfeeling or a soldier.” Alec rolls his eyes, “it’s understanding that the consequences for the rules you want to break aren’t worth it. Especially when the only reason you want to break the rules, is because you’re bored and curious.” Alec waits a minute and then he looks at them both, “and spoiled.”
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tobitofunction · 1 year
Sweet Child of Mine Part 2
kinda will be linked to tears of a kingdom
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Link was about mount Epona when he heard someone call his name, to be more specific it was his boys,” Master Link, where are you going?” Alec asked,” I need to go to your Village, they need my help,” he said rubbing Alec’s head,” Can I come as well?” he said looking up at him with big eyes, Link sighed and smiled softly before kneeling down to his level,” I’m sorry but it’s not safe, someone got hurt and we don’t know the extent of it,” he said not revealing everything just enough to make him know it’s serious,” Is it Dad?” he asked, Link, licked his lip and nodded sadly,” Your….your Father will be fine-“,” You just said you don’t the extent of it”, Link chuckled slightly,” You reminded me of your mother so much, she notices all the small details. Yes, I don’t know the extent of this, but I know that your father is a strong man. He won’t leave you” Jace nodded sadly making Link’s heart clench,” Do me a favour? Look out for your brothers and your Mom. She is still weak from giving birth, your a Sheikah and a champion son” Link began, cupping his son’s cheek and gently rubbing the fats of his cheek with his thumb,” So I know you to be perfect for the job, or?”,” I won’t let you down Master Link” Alec said before hugging the hero of Hyrule. Link closed his eyes and buried his nose into Jace's shoulder, he didn’t want to let go. A piece of him ever so slightly wants the Sheikah to be gone, he wants Jace to call him Dad, to have you in his arms every night but he knew why it can’t be like that, if Ganon's followers find out about you and the boys, you all be dead, so with a heavy heart he pulled away from the young boy and mounted Epona,” Goodbye Master Link” Alec said waving after Link as he rode off.
You watched Link ride off from the balcony, Jace was asleep in your arms,” He be fine” Zelda said from behind you,” It’s not Link, I’m worried about” you answered,” Priven will be fine as well, we have the technology to safe him” Zelda said rubbing your shoulder,” Have the champions been alerted?”,”Sidon is on his way to the village the others will be coming here again” Zelda said making you nod.
Much to Link’s surprise, he got to Karaiko village without a hitch, he tight Epona to a tree close to Imp’s house before quickly running up the stairs and into the house,” Master Link, good that you are here” Impa said gratefully,” How’s Proven doing?”, Impa sighed and looked at Paya whose fiddling with a wet towel,” He's in a coma, he lost to much blood and he has a concussion” she said quietly,” Can I see him?” Paya nodded and guided him to her brother, Link scanned the Sheikah male, parts of his silver hair turned into a light pink, due to the blood most likely, he was pale, his chest raised in an unsteady manner, his face was bruised and still has evidence of dried of blood on it in parts,” How did you find him?”,”He fell from his horse in the attack, hence the concussion, we think he might have been hit by an arrow. His horse in the attack ran off close to the village. He was still awake when we got to him, he was bloodied, talking nonsense the only thing we got was Yiga before he fell unconscious” she said placing the wet towel on his forehead,” How’s the baby? Is he okay? Is Y/N okay?”,”Yeah, it’s not her first baby, she did well. Alec wanted to join, but I tasked him with protecting his family” he smiled softly sitting down next to Paya,” That’s good” she slightly nervous,” Still nervous around me?” he teased making her blush,” Emmm, I.... you...I...I need to get more water” she said quickly getting up leaving the room, Link smiled after her but once she was away Link looked sadly at the man in front of him,” Priven if you can hear me. Please fight, you need to live, you have a family do it for them, do for....the boys.... they're too young to lose their father” he said.
“So what do you have in mind, my Queen?” Teba asked at the meeting, you were sitting beside Zelda, staring at the table mindlessly,” Unfortunately until we know why the attack happened we can’t do anything, but we need to be more careful from now on. Don’t travel alone, and send a message once you arrived at the destination” Zelda said making everyone nod,” Fine, we can do that”,” But for the time being I want you to stay in the castle, at least until Link is back with whatever news he can get” everyone nodded again.
Link was riding back home when he heard a familiar cackling, he looked to his left and saw multiple Yiga clan members appearing, some have their bows drawn at him while others sprinted at him with an inhuman speed with their swords, Link jumped of Epona and pulled out his trusty Master Sword and his Shield before meeting them halfway.
“Why did you attack Priven?” Link asked one of the still conscious Yiga, Link was holding by the shirt, his boot pressed against his arm so he can’t use his sword to attack him, the Yiga smirk was seen from between his unbroken mask, blood seeping from his mouth,” Say something” Link hissed now pressing his other boot into his stomach making him cough up blood,” Ganon is awaking, his true form, all of us have seen him within our dreams, he’s awaking” he said making Link’s eyes widen, he stepped away from the Yiga,” And not even you Hero of Hyrule can stop him. That Sheikah boy was just a way of getting a message out of there” he continued but Link slowly backed away towards Epona, the Yiga was to injured to follow him, but something the Yiga said next made his blood run cold.
Meanwhile, you were watching the kids Laenor was happily playing with the egg Sheikah egg they have built meanwhile Alec was standing beside the door with his wooden training sword,” My sweet boy, nothing will happen to us. The Palace is filled with trained guards”, you said walking towards him, you ruffled his hair before cupping his warm cheek,” Master Link told me to take of you, so I will do it” he said pushing your hand away gently,” You do know I am a champion and can protect myself” you smiled,” I know but you just a baby mom, until your fit again and Dad or Master Link is back I will protect you” he said making your heart melt,” I want to protect you to Mommy” Laenor said abandoning the egg and grabbing his own training sword but Alec shook his head,” No, your too young just play with your egg” Alec said pushing his brother away from him making him pout,”Okay enough protecting, let’s get something to eat, go the kitchen and I will get your brother” At the mention of food both boys faces light up, simountasly dropping their swords and rushing out the room towards the kitchen, you smiled after them, they truly did get their love of food from Link. You then walked towards the crib and saw that Jace was awake, he looked at you with curious eyes as you lifted him into your arms,”Good morning my love” you whispered against his cheek. Jace yawned at the gesture, his eyes opening slightly revealing blue eyes, the same eye colour as Link.
Link meanwhile arrived back at the castle a stable boy appearing beside him,” Master Link” he said bowing his head, grabbing Epona’s rains,” Where is Lady Y/N and her children?” he said, usually he gives the Stable boy and nod and a thank you but what the Yiga clan soldier said made his morals go out the window. The young boy blinked,” I don’t know Sir,but I assume she’s in their room” Link nodded and walked towards the castle leaving the boy with his horse.
You were feeding your son when Link bursts into the room, thankfully your body didn’t jump otherwise it would interrupt Jace’s meal.” Where are the boys?” he asked looking around,” I send them into the kitchen.Link what’s wrong? What happened to Priven?”,” I tell you with time but I need to check on the boys, stay here”. Link left leaving you perplexed behind.
Alec and Laenor were eating peacefully in the kitchen when Link walked in, a weight fell off his soul when he saw the boys eating away on the mushroom soup, a receipt which he taught them himself,” Master Link” Laenor said, climbing of his stool and ran towards Link, hugging my by the waist,” How were you adventure” Laenor asked looking up at him, his arms still wrapped around his waist,”Good, I’m glad nothing happened to you two” he said making Alec furrow his brows,”Let’s go to your mother” he said gently pulling Laenor off him.
“Your father, he’s in a coma” Link began as you all have settled down in your room, you gasped softly, your boys cocked their head not really understanding what that means,” He’s sleeping and we don’t know when he will wake up” Link said seeing the confusion on the boys face,”But he will wake up, right Master Link?” Laenor asked, Link sighed and rubbed the back of his neck,” Only the Goddess Hylia will know” you said caressing his head,”Y/N, I called for a meeting with the Queen, it will start once Sidon arrives”Link said after awhile, you looked at him, his was didn’t show anything but his eyes held worry, maybe even fear, something you only saw once in his eyes, the time where he was about face Calamity Ganon,”Stay here in your rooms, I get a maid to look after you” you said.
“How’s Priven condition?” Zelda asked Sidon,” Better, still not awake but his breathing is better, his wounds I was able to heal but the rest is up to him, it’s up to his will to live now” Sidon said, Zelda nodded and than turned to Link,”Link, you called this meeting because of other matters, do like to speak on them” Link looked up at the Queen before looking at you,”I was attacked by the Yiga clan on my way back to the Castle. The attack on Priven was to get a message across.... Ganon is awakening, his true form that is” he said,”But, he was destroyed ages ago?” you said making the other champions nod,”He has, but his remains have been buried deep underneath the castle, there was always a small possibilty for Ganon’s true form to come back” Zelda said trying to stay calm,”What can we do?”,” We go down to see, strike him with we have.... and I mean you and I” Link said,”We are champions we can help” Riju said standing up,” If anything happened down there I want to make sure people are there to defend Hyrule, you are those people” Link said looking around the table,” Zelda and I wield parts of the Triforce, we need to go down” he added,” So be it. We be leaving at dawn” Zelda said making Link nod his head.
“Y/N, can I talk to you” Link said grabbing your arm,”Of course” Link pulled you to an empty corridor,” The Yiga member, knew that the boys weren’t Priven’s” your blood went cold,” I feared this will happen” you said picking at your skin,” I will protect this family, no matter the cause, don’t let the boys leave the castle. Have a weapon on you-” he stops mid sentence and pulled an ancient knife out of his back pocket, the glowing blue light illuminated his feature,”Take this. I’m so sorry” he whispered pulling you into his embrace,” Why are apologising, we both wanted to be together in a way” you said,” This situation happened because I was scared of you being targeted and yet here you targets which the enemy knows about” he said pulling away from you, he pressed his lips against your forehead and cupped your cheek while staring into your eyes,”I love you and the children with everything I have”
Link held the rains of the animal which Zelda was riding on with one hand and with the other the torch which helped illuminate the way. His mind was only half their,”Link?” Zelda called out but only got a hmmm in response,” LINK?” she tried again but nothing, she huffed and grabbed a bred roll and aimed it for her friends head,”LINK” she shouted as the bread roll made contact with his head making him stop in his tracks,”What was that for?” he asked as Zelda jumped off the animal,”Your mind is not fully here? What’s worrying you” Link licked his lips,”The Yiga clan knows that I’m the father of Y/N kids, and if the have some sort connection to Ganon he knows too, if he wakes up-” Zelda cuts him off with a hug,” I won’t let that happen Link, the children will be safe. We make sure of it” she smiled letting go of him, Link smiled back weakly,”How far still?”,” We walked-”,”We?” Linked teased,” We’re nearly there, tie it up here, won’t have much space for it” Zelda said before sticking her tongue out and grabbing the torch out of Link’s hand to walk ahead.
Soon red energy started to appear as they walked closer to where Ganon was buried,”I don’t like the look of those” Zelda said eyeing the energy which stretched into darkness,” It looks like Malice”,” Don’t touch it” Zelda hissed seeing Link reach for it. The deeper the walked into the more of them appeared, a distance green glow was also seen, stepping closer and closer until they find themselves in a large room, the streaks of malice which floated in the air all pointed to a slumber muified body in the middle, above his head was spiral of glowing green energy in form of words,” Ganon true form” Zelda whispered as Link stepped closer to her. Link looked closer and saw what seemed to be hand pressing onto the chest, it also seemed to be the source of the green light,”See that hand? It seems to hold the body in place” Link said,” Yeah, he’s sealed a way still. Look at the Jewellery, the Gerudo symbol” she added at the end she wanted to step closer but Link grabbed her wrist and shook his head,” The hand is sealing him away Link and has for thousand of years, we’re safe. The Yiga clan just wanted to scare us” Zelda said and stepped closer anyway, Link had an uneasy feeling build in stomach as he watched Zelda get closer to the corpse. Just as Zelda was only couple of feet away the body began to rumble, the malice surrounding did also, everything actually began to move,”Zelda get away from there” Link said and she did stumbling into Link’s just as the cracking of his body became more intesnse, Link pulled out his sword when he felt a burning sensation on his arm,”Link your arm” Zelda gasped making him look down, the Malice has found it self on his arm burning away on the cloth and his flesh, he placed the sword back when he heard the sound of stones crumbling behind him,” Zelda stay close” he said when everything began shaking intensely, the floor became unstable making Zelda stagger backwards, Link wanted to reach for her but the pain in arm was to intense and in just matter of seconds he saw Zelda slip and fall into Darkness,”NO!” he screamed and dived after hear, ignoring the pain in his arms.
Link found him self back where he started, the animal which he tied up was looking at him curiously, he looked at the entrance and saw that it was blocked offf by stone, he looked down at his arm, black with blood seeping through the torn skin, he pulled his sword out with his other arm and his eyes widened the blade was melted off,”This is not good” he said.
“Mom, Master Link is back” Alec said pulling at your sleeve and pulled out on the balcony, there he was cradling his arm close to his body rushing into the castle,”Stay here, don’t leave the room under any circumstances, the same goes for the balcony” you said closing the balcony doors making your son frown,”Why?”,”Cause I said so” you kissed Laenors head who was playing withe Sheikah egg.
“Link what happened? Where is Zelda?” you asked after finding him in his room, Sidon by side healing his arm,” Ganon awoke, everything went so quick. One second his body was being sealed by this weird green arm with enegry coming out if it and the next Zelda falls into the darkness, my arm....is burned, and the Master Sword-”he said said pulling out the sword making Sidon stop what he was doing,”How is that possible?” you gasped,” Tell everyone to pack their bags, we be evacuating the whole castle and surrounding area” he said making Sidon nod and leave the room,”That goes for you too, pack your bags we heading for Kakariko” he said,” You be leaving? To find Zelda and defeat Ganon”,”I said I will protect you and the children” he said cupping your cheeks, he caressed the skin wit his thump, you pressed your lips against his, the kiss was something you only shared so rarely, the only time you kissed like this was when you made love. “Please be careful Link, I’m begging you” you said against his lips,” I love you so much” he said. Unbeknownst to the two of you Alec was peeping through the crack in the door, a small gasp left his lips seeing the two of you, he softly moved away from the door. Questions flowing through his head which he never thought about before.
Laenor was sitting in front of you while Jace was strapped onto your chest, Alec was holding onto Link’s waist. The ride was silent,”Mom, do we have to leave? I like the Castle more than Kakariko” Laenor said,”Yes, my sweet boy. You have family in Kakariko. Your brother will be the leader soon as well, so it’s good to spend some time there” you said looking down at him. Link gave you a soft look, Jace narrowed his eyes at him,” What does my mom mean to you Master Link?”,Link was taken back at the question,” She’s my friend, a fellow champion, an amazing warrior, someone I’m glad I have in my life��� Link said making Jace nod.
Purah greeted you all,”Hey Linky- what happened to your arm?” she gasped seeing Link’s burned arm,”Let’s talk inside” you said, Paya volunteered to look after the children while you and Linked talked to the rest,” So he’s truly awake and he took Zelda? That’s not good, not in the slightest. That explains the more frequent attacks of Bokblins and others on everyone” Impa said,”How’s Priven?” you asked,”Better, all thanks to Sidon, he woke up for a couple of minutes until he fell back asleep” you smiled at Impa,”Linky, your arm looks awful, nothing much we can do about it but we can replace it maybe?”,”Replace?” Link asked,”The glowing hand gave me an idea? You have the Sheikah slate with you right? Let’s travel to my lab and we get started” she said,”Before we go there is another thing” Link said, he pulled out the sword,” The Master Sword” Purah said,” The sword is special yes but so are you Link, go with Purah. Once your fixed we discuss everything further”.
Priven was awake again, he was sitting up and looking out the window when you walked in,”Priven, your awake” you gasped running over to him,”Yeah, everything hurts like hell, but at least I’m alive....I heard everything from up here, it doesn’t look good for Hyrule” he said squeezing your hand,”Link will fix it, he’s the chosen one, he will do it” Priven nodded,”Are the children okay?”,”They’re with your sister. I’m glad your okay....the Yiga clan, did they tell you-”,”That they know I’m not the father, yes, I love our boys, I’m slapping myself for not being able to protect you” he said getting angry with himself,”Don’t, you need to heal. I’m of no use either, that doesn’t make feel great either but we can’t change that, we just need to make sure the boys don’t find out much about what’s happening. They’re to young for all of this” you said making Priven nod.
Link came back late the next day,”That was quick” you smiled bouncing Jace in your arms,”Yes” he held up his arm, it was covered in a dark metal decorated with gold,”Very handsome” you smiled,”It’s linked to the Sheikah slate, so I don’t need to use it physically anymore”,”Wow, Purah did all of that in such a small time” you nodded impressed,”I need to go now” he said making frown and sigh, Link looked at Laenor and Alec who where playing with the other Sheikah children,”Boys, say goodbye to Master Link” you called out,”Where you going Master Link?” Laenor asked giving him a quick hug,” I’m going on another adventure, I would love to take you with me but it’s a dangerous one, I need the two of you take care of each other and your...parents, they’re currently not at full health” Link said ruffling Laenors hair,”Yes sir” he said before running back to his friends. Alec was standing beside you, his head hung low,”Alec, what’s wrong?” Link asked using his index finger to push Jace’s head up,”I will return, I promise” he said softly, Alec nodded softl. Link turned to the sleeping baby in your arms, he gave you a soft look before focusing back on the baby who was slowly waking up. Link pressed his lips gently against the boy’s forehead,” When we meet again, I be a. stranger” he said breaking your heart, you held back tears, not looking into Link’s eyes when his focus was back on you. Alec observed your interaction, even at his young age he could the pain building inside the both of you.
He than mounted Epona, just than Priven walked outside the house with the help of his sister. Link gave him a nod before riding off. Alec looked after his as he vanished between the mountains. You tucked a piece of hair behind his ear,”We be in contact” you smiled rubbing his shoulder,”Is Master Link my father?”Alec asked quietly,” Am I a bastard?” he asked turning to you, your eyes widened and your heartbeat picked up, you looked around to see if anyone heard his question,” Your loved by your family, that’s all that matters” you said rubbing his head gently. You could see he wasn’t happy with that answer but he didn’t dig further,”Let’s go inside, dinner is ready soon”
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weemssapphic · 11 months
hi, can I ask for your top ten favorite fics ? :)
hi! you absolutely can :) here are some fics that literally altered my brain chemistry. this is by no means an exhaustive list. some of these I have mentioned before, some I have not. the order is also completely random, as I would die if I had to rank these - they don't deserve to be pitted against one another and, in any case, many of them are so different from one another that it would be impossible to choose which is "better".
anyway, gonna put this under a cut!
Little Cat by @lady-dimimi when I tell you every single chapter of this fic has me giggling and squealing and kicking my feetsies - it's so sweet, the idea of Larissa turning into a cat (and having such gay panic) is something I never knew I needed but now cannot live without. so well-written and every time a new part comes out I literally drop everything to read it.
Life Eternal by @milfsloverblog I've linked the first part but there are 4 parts in total which can be found in her masterlist. oh boy. I have never sobbed this hard at a fic before. I cry quite easily anyway but something about the beautiful way this was written just had my stomach in knots and tears streaming down my face. but I would read it over and over again because it's just that good.
Hot Chocolate on ao3 by AllTheMoreSapphic, Yennefer Payne (madamspellmans_met_tet) Larissa Weems is a virgin and Zelda Spellman is a dominatrix and jfhlkjdshagkdj this fic has me in a chokehold okay I cannot explain it you just have to read it, you won't regret it I promise. it's so well-written and there's just something about it that scratches an itch in my brain.
Heat by @rippersz a (so-far) 2 part series with a third part perhaps coming. quite literally one of the hottest things I have ever read, dear lord. jaw-droppingly hot. but seriously all fics by @rippersz are an absolute delight to read, one of the most talented writers I have ever had the pleasure to come across. would devour anything they write.
Find What You Desire by @pro-weems-places super hot smut with a hint of fluff and just the best vibes overall, I re-read this one so often because it's absolutely amazing. @pro-weems-places characterization of Larissa always makes me fuzzy inside, one of my favorite writers truly <3
push me gently (into love) by @yourlocaldisneyvillain one of my fav fav fav writers, her writing is so unique and so immersive. and this fic is EVERYTHING. so silly, so much fluff, some of the most divine smut you'll ever come across. Larissa deserves her goth gf okay??
Anticipatory Grief by @wh0re4women such an amazing author, all of her fics are incredible. but god this fic HURT. had me bawling like a baby. and you know what? I loved every second of it. so well written that you can feel the grief coming off the page in waves. highly recommend if you need a good cry.
Warmth of Your Doorways by @alexusonfire and @daydream-cement have I mentioned this fic multiple times already? yes. and I will continue to do so until I'm blue in the face because I love Jane Murdstone and I love the writing and I love the plot and this fic will always have a place in my heart and my brain. <3
Shapes of Love by @dianneking Morticia x Larissa wherein Larissa is a sex worker and is hired by Morticia. this fic literally has everything I could ever want in a fic and it's finally (and kind of sadly tbh) complete - queue me re-reading this gem over and over again (all of their writing is fire though by the way)
Sugar Mama on ao3 by valda (need an ao3 account for this one) I have mentioned this one before but it will always be one of my favorites. Phasma x Rey sugar mommy AU that unfortunately I think has been abandoned, but I just love everything about it. rip never forget.
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pastelsandpining · 1 year
Firstly, congratulations bb for the 400!! You deserve more! 🥳🎉💕
Than bots lol
For the prompts may i ask for our blonde children to have fight and make up? Maybe just me that rarely see these 2 fight lol
WILD I LOVE YOU!!! enjoy some Sky babies! <3 I don't think they would stay upset with each other for very long
enjoy my take on "hey, what if link didn't win the wing ceremony?"
special thanks to my beta @badmoonbuns !!
Masterlist | 400 Requests
flying low
Skyloft was quiet.
The air was colder high above the small expanse of her world. Zelda tugged her knees to her chest and tucked the hem of her skirt under her feet so no wind could pass through. There was a heavy sense of sadness sitting on her chest that afternoon, a plaque that had built up since the morning: since the Wing Ceremony had ended and the little wooden statue of the winner did not sit in Link's hands. 
It hadn't been the time or the place to confront her best friend, and the expression on his face should've been enough to make her realize he was just as disappointed as her, but she couldn't help herself. She was hurt, furious, because the Wing Ceremony wasn't something of luck. Link was a natural flyer, the best she'd ever seen, and she longed to know how he'd lost to Groose. How he could let himself lose to Groose, let her have to endure the ceremony at the top of the statue with Groose.
She'd looked at him on the landing platform, at the lost look in his eyes, and she couldn't help herself. She hadn't exactly been level headed. Zelda stepped up to him, voice low and quiet and sad, and asked,
"Oh, Link... Did you even try?" 
They'd never argued that badly before. Well, maybe she shouldn't use the word argue, because that implied a heated conversation between two people. In their case, one person had been conversing and the other had been receiving all of the heat. Link had always been a quiet boy, never one to stick up for himself because nothing ever really seemed to bother him, but his quiet compliance in the face of her disappointment had angered her even more.
Cruel. It was a cruel question; of course he'd tried. Maybe he was a sleepyhead, sometimes a bump on a log, but he gave his all to everything he did--being upset was no excuse. But she thought he'd win. She'd planned for him to win, because her gift had been specially crafted for him; her song and all of her practice had been with him in mind! She'd had so much faith in him.
Zelda had turned on her heel, her back to him, and stormed off to get the ceremony over with.
It was a dumb ceremony.
It wasn't a big deal.
But it was, because she'd only get to be the Goddess Hylia this once, for her class, and Link didn't win. He wouldn't be the one on the statue with her. He would have another chance to compete, to win, to take on the role of the Chosen Hero before his official knighting, sure, but it wouldn't happen with her, and Zelda was jealous.
Jealous and bitter.
She hadn't come down from the statue. She'd sent Groose on his merry way after a song and some convincing, but the peaceful quiet at the top had given her the space to let herself feel. She'd sunk against the goddess and buried her face in her hands, cried until her head ached and breath heaved, and even when she calmed down, she didn't move.
It was over now. There was nothing she could do to change what had happened. Not the race, not the ceremony, not the things she'd said. Zelda could admit she'd been irrational all day: pushing Link off of Skyloft, not believing a word he said, nagging him about practice--and she crossed a line. After the race, he looked like she'd slapped him. She couldn't help wondering where he was now.
She leaned her head onto her knees and closed her eyes. The breeze cooled off the stinging skin of her puffy eyes and tear-streaked cheeks, and she was so exhausted that for a moment, she understood Link. She wanted nothing more than to fall asleep. Maybe she would've, had the sudden footsteps not startled her. An awful feeling hit her when she told herself it could be Groose again, coming back with the ego she'd squashed when she disrespected the ceremony by giving it the least amount of effort possible. Or maybe he'd told on her to a professor or her father, and they were coming to scold her for it. Reluctantly, Zelda turned her head.
Maybe she'd prefer the sight of her father right now, rather than a windswept and hesitant Link.
"Hi," he said. It was a wonder she could hear his whisper over the wind.
"Hi," she replied.
"Can I... Um. Do you want company?" he asked, one of his hands gesturing awkwardly to the space beside her. Zelda shrugged her shoulders halfheartedly. When he didn't move, looking like he was still unsure of himself, she said.
The air between them felt horribly wrong. He sat down, leaving a decent gap of space between them, and she tightened her hold on her legs. For a moment, neither said anything. She watched him trace mindless patterns in the dust with his finger.
"I'm sorry I didn't win," he said while. He was avoiding her gaze.
"It's okay," she told him--and that was when he whipped his head to face her.
"It is not," argued Link. "I promised you that I was going to win and then I didn't."
"Things happen." Promises got broken, but Zelda didn't want to be mad at him. She wanted to have her best friend again, so they could march around Skyloft and soar through the skies. "Groose needed it for his ego."
Link's nose wrinkled and he replied, "What for? It's already as big as his hair."
She would've giggled if she hadn't felt so sad.
"I'm sorry for saying you didn't try," she said. "I was just upset and-"
"No, you were right, Zelda. I should've practiced more. I didn’t take it seriously before today and I’m really sorry I let you down.”
“I wanted it to be you so badly,” she admitted quietly, leaning her head against her knees again. “Did I put too much pressure on you…?”
“What? No. Gods no, you didn’t-! Zel, the only thing you did was believe in me.”
Zelda gazed at him, at the look in his eyes, and offered a hand. There was no hesitation this time when he took it, making a tiny smile curve on her lips.
“I’ll always believe in you. Even next year, when you’re flying for some other Goddess.”
Link made a face. It was half a wince, half disgust.
“I’d rather never be a knight at all than be knighted by someone else.” 
It was a stupid thought on his part, but it made her heart swell no less. An idea brewed in the depths of her mind; she’d already disrespected the ceremony once, what harm would a second time be? She scrambled unsteadily to her feet, dragging a confused Link with her in the process, and both of her hands grasped wildly for his.
“What if we did it anyway?” she suggested, her grip tight. “What if… What if we redid the ceremony, right now?”
“But I didn’t win?” he replied, brows furrowed. Zelda shook her head.
“Does it matter? I don’t— None of this is real, right? I don’t have the power to knight anyone. So what if I just…did it? With you this time?”
He looked at her as if she’d suggested throwing Mia off of Skyloft, but both events would have no real repercussions. Link thought, and thought, and to her utter delight, he nodded.
“I owe it to you,” he decided. “For sticking you up here with Groose.”
And it felt so much better, so much more natural to see him kneeling before her, his head bowed and hand in hers. Like he belonged there, looking every bit like the hero she knew he could be. It felt so good to remove the sailcloth she’d refused to give Groose from around her shoulders so she could hand it to Link instead. Something in them had healed, soothed by the ridiculous giggles of a secret ceremony, and when he stood up to meet her, she had the wild thought to kiss him. 
Instead, Link offered her his hand and gave her a smile that could melt ice.
“Will my Goddess bless me with a race through the skies?” he asked and her face burned.
“You’re on,” she declared, and without warning, she leapt from the Goddess statue.
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linklethehistorian · 4 months
salutations mr linkle the hyrule historian tumblr can u direct me 2 the last anon that said ur wrong bc i think they're great n I wanna give them a kiss on the lips!!!! anyway was it not u that said the OFFICIAL!!!!!!! 15 translation was wrong n bad so i dont think the opinions of anyone who considers rimbaud a doormat n wrote the abomination that is cherish are valid
anyway anon if ur reading this ilove u pooks u me n bitch tree anon n bully anon should b poly or smth we'd make beautiful children
Hmmmmmmmmmm, well I don’t remember anybody saying I was wrong, honey. 🤔 Last anon just asked me a question about if I’d ever considered something, and I answered! 😊
Anyway I’d love love love love to help you two hook up bc that’s so sweet and I want to meet your future children so much! 🥺💕💕💕 I could be a part of a real life love story! 🥺💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕 So cute!!! I don’t think Bully anon or Bitch Tree anon would be into it unfortunately at first, since they send me little hearts and cutesie things these days…. I’m sorry about that. 😔 Oh well! I’m sure when they hear your dedication to reach out to me they’ll still want to give you kissies somehow ‘cause they’re so dedicated to me too, just in a very loving way.
And yee! I did say the ‘official’ translation was bad! Thank you so much for remembering my words and sticking around my blog so long. 🥺💕 Anyway yeah, that unfortunately happens sometimes, and by sometimes, I mean a lot, ‘cause a) there are people out there who unironically think it’s okay to take creative liberties in translating because it’s their right as someone taking the time to do it (can’t be assed rn but if you search around this site enough, you’ll find an entire thread of translators talking about this), b), there are people who write for a lot of series they’re not into and therefore aren’t aware of all the context of previous novels, c) there are people who just slip up and make mistakes! Happens all the time unfortunately and most people don’t understand that if you misunderstand or change one thing it can change everything, and d) people who are tasked with translating 99% of the time never even talk to the people team of people who actually published the original, much less are in contact with the author themself! Mistranslations and drastic creative liberties happen a lot for example in the fandom I came from (The Legend of Zelda), which you can see a bit here! And if you still don’t believe me, you can go ask Dear old Author Neil Gaiman, who has even had some of the characters in his books turned from lovers to sisters and everything, a lot of the time completely without his knowledge until fans point it out to him! If you scroll his blog, I’m sure you’ll find those posts for yourself, assuming he doesn’t see an ask from you on if it happens. ‘Tis a sad thing, but Asagiri-sensei likely doesn’t even know when a mistranslation happens, much less do these people sit down and ask him things directly before doing their thing. He certainly doesn’t have involvement overseeing the process; that’s an unreasonable thing to ask of someone when it involves other languages they may or may not even be fluent in. And all the proof we need that it’s wrong is that the JP novel and the Stage Play (both things that Asagiri was directly, heavily involved in and/or directly penned the words of/material of the script for himself) both contradict it. If you’d like to take on that claim, since you’re implying I’m wrong, have at it! The burden of proof is on you, so, I look forward to seeing you send me the individual JP source lines of the Eng translations you want to take a crack at defending and a long wall of educational text explaining why each part of the English translation got it 1,000% right, directly in my in-box. If not, have a good day ‘cause I’m sorry, but I got limited time and other things to do right now, baby. 💕 I’ll eventually get to it myself some day, but right now I have other articles to finish first, art to make, and a fic to keep posting.
Speaking of which…OMG YOU READ CHERISH? 🥺💕💕💕💖💖💕💕💖💕💕💖💖😊💖💕🥺💕🥺💕💖💕💕🥺💕💖💕💕💕 That’s so sweet OMG OMG OMG! I’m glad you enjoy my beautiful ‘abomination’ enough to read and keep up with it! Don’t worry sweetie, the next chapter is on its way!
See this is why I love love love love love love love my ‘haters’ so fucking much, I adore y’all, I’d kill for y’all, OMG. You give me so much dedication and time, I know how much y’all adore me and I adore you right back! My beloved super fans. 💕💕💕💖💖💕💕💖💕💕💕💕🥺🥺🥺 Every ask I get and vague post I read makes my heart flutter, frfr, I’ve actually got an album I keep of screenshots of y’all’s posts to give me the motivation to keep doing what I do whenever I’m down. 🥺💖💖💕💕 This one goes in the collection for sure ahhhh 💖💖💕💕💕 I’m so important to people OMG IT’S SO CUTE AND SWEET
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"What's My Age Again?" - A LK/HW oneshot
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It was late, and Link was still awake, going over battle plans and strategies once more. Things had been calm these past few days, but he, Zelda, and Impa all agreed they should be ready at any moment should things turn sour. He’d thought Mask was asleep. He’d hoped so at least. Still it hardly came as a surprise to hear the little one quietly attempt to get his attention.
“Captain…?” Link turned around. He knew immediately the kid’s question wasn’t going to be as simple as why he was still up this late or something small like that. Clearly written on the smaller hero’s face was a look of worry. Something was really bothering him.
“What’s up, Sprite?” Link pulled himself away from his work to come sit beside the boy at the edge of his cot. 
“H-How old am I? Like… How old do you think I am?” He asked awkwardly. This was not the first time Link had seen the kid struggle with this. In truth, nobody knew the kid’s true age. He had the body of a 10-year-old, sure, but his mind was clearly far more mature than that. And yet, neither adults nor kids seemed to understand him. 
“I don’t… I don’t really know how to answer that.” Link admitted.
“Just… If you had to guess.” Mask pressed.
“Well, you look about 9 or 10. But I’ve seen you act like you’re 17 or 18. So… Somewhere in the middle? 14 or 15 perhaps? Does that feel right?” Link asked. Mask paused, but shook his head.
“No. It feels just as wrong as every other guess.” he said sadly.
“Well, how old do you feel?” Link asked him.
“I’m… Not sure. That’s why I asked. No number feels right. Sometimes I feel older than I should be. Sometimes I feel younger.” He explained, “Everything made sense before the Master Sword… After that it was like I was a child in the body of an adult. But when I got sent back, it was like being an adult in the body of a child! But do I even know what it feels like to be an adult either? I’ve never really been one, no matter the lie my body told. But… Can I really call myself a kid anymore? So much has happened since I left the forest, and I don’t think I could ever go back to the way things were. I’m not a kid, I’m not an adult, and nothing in between feels right either. So… Just how old am I?!” he wailed. Link wasn’t sure how to respond at first. He had no idea the effect that messing with time so much had on this kid… this person… Well, he did, but not anywhere near the full magnitude of it. The poor guy was having a full-on internal crisis, and Link had no idea how to help. Or did he…?
“Okay. Disregarding how you feel, how do you want people to see you? How do you want to act? Basically, how old do you want to be?” Link asked. Mask hesitated. Link could almost see the thoughts running through his mind. He felt too old, and he certainly didn’t like when people treated him like a helpless, fragile, or immature baby… But did he really want to be considered a grownup? He could handle responsibility, sure. But did he want to constantly carry those burdens the way the Captain did? Or did he want to let go, to let himself mature more before worrying about that again? Did he want to embrace his self-sufficiency and be left to take care of himself all on his own again? Or… Would it be too bad to let someone else help him for once? Mask believed he knew his answer now.
“...10. I want to be 10 again.” He said quietly, “I’m not ready to grow up yet. I want… I want to be a kid again.” The Captain gave him a small smile.
“Alright. 10 years old it is.” His smile turned into a smirk, and Mask got the feeling he wasn’t going to like what happened next, “Buuuut, if that’s the case, then I think it’s past your bedtime.” Before Mask could react, the Captain had scooped him up and wrapped him in his soft blue scarf so the kid couldn’t escape.
“WAIT NO I TAKE IT BACK!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!” He shrieked. Link laughed,
“Nope, too late. Besides, your little body needs the sleep regardless of what age you are mentally.” He set the kid down on his cot. Mask stopped trying to fight back and resigned himself to letting the Captain tuck him in.
Tuck him in… A soft goodnight from a caretaker; Mask never had that before. It was strange, but… comforting. It was nice. Something he wanted to get used to. He knew he shouldn’t. But… would it be that bad to embrace the babying just a little bit? 
“Goodnight, Sprite. Sweet dreams.” Link said, gently ruffling the kid’s hair with a smile. 
“‘Night, Captain…” 
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mountmortar · 12 days
Out of curiosity since you've mentioned The Legend of Zelda before, are there any of those games that you would reccomend? I've never played them before. I like Pokemon, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts if that helps
RUBBING MY HANDS TOGETHER EVILLY. OKAY. SO. i don't know anything about final fantasy or kingdom hearts unfortunately but i CAN take a wild guess and say that if you like pokémon there's a higher chance that you're a fan of 2D games because a good majority of fans are in agreement that pokémon was better when it was 2D. in which case. let me put this under a readmore so people who aren't interested in zelda don't get annoyed lmao:
first of all i have to recommend my favorite game in the legend of zelda series ever which is the minish cap. it's definitely the most polished 2D zelda game out there (aside from four swords adventures but that was on a home console not a handheld) and all the spritework is SO good and cute and filled with whimsy and does actually remind me of pokémon. and the soundtrack is an absolute banger AND it isn't a terribly long game at all so it can serve as a great little introduction for people getting into zelda. a couple other fun 2D zelda games (and these will probably appeal more to people who are fans of the original rby/gsc because of the style) are link's awakening (which does have a switch remake) and oracle of ages!!! oracle of seasons was fun to me but most people agree that oracle of ages was much More fun. if you want more of what the majority of the zelda series is about there's a link to the past, which was released in 1991 (so before pokémon) and features link, zelda, and ganon, who are all the Main Three of the games.
aside from that, if the 3D games interest you, a link between worlds (successor to alttp but you don't have to play it to understand what's going on) is REALLY good with a KILLER fucking soundtrack. spirit tracks is wonderful and you ride in a train the whole game for people who are ingo & emmet fans. ocarina of time is probably the most influential zelda game out there aside from a link to the past and in certain games (wind waker [sailing on the ocean!] and majora's mask [THE TIME LOOP GAME OF ALL TIME]) some things will go directly over your head if you don't play ocarina of time first. skyward sword is fucking AWESOME and i cried like a baby at the end of it.
and. this is just me personally but i cannot stress this enough. avoid breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom like the fucking plague. if you do play them you cannot think of them as zelda games. they're alright games for people who like them i guess but they're genuinely the worst fucking ZELDA games in the franchise. i am so serious about this. i'm trying to make my way through breath of the wild right now (previously i'd just watched a playthrough) and it is legitimately so fucking boring and the soundtrack is GODAWFUL. pokémon legends arceus did everything 100000x better than breath of the wild absolutely no argument. and even diehard breath of the wild fans were disappointed with tears of the kingdom which should tell you everything you need to know.
ANYWAY. tl;dr: play minish cap, link's awakening, or oracle of ages if you want some fun 2D games (very easily accessible on an emulator or homebrewed 3DS, or nintendo switch for link's awakening remake). play a link to the past (easily accessible on an emulator) or ocarina of time (has a 3DS remake; opens up the door to gain a better understanding of wind waker and majora's mask*) if you want the Classic Zelda Storyline to understand what's kind of going on everywhere else. play a link between worlds (3DS) or skyward sword (wii or nintendo switch) if you want a good 3D game where things are less likely to fly over your head.
*majora's mask and wind waker can very easily still be played without playing ocarina of time! there are just some things in the game that'll woosh straight over your head if you haven't played them. also okay that's a lie about wind waker being easily accessible because it's only available on the nintendo gamecube or wiiu BUT majora's mask does have a 3DS remake just like ocarina of time so if you've homebrewed a 3DS you're good to go on that end. OKAY i'm done
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jdetan · 8 months
An Overwhelmingly Important Mission
Link finds himself on his most daunting mission ever... finding a hearty durian for his pregnant wife's cravings.
Link looked out over Hyrule Field– the land that was bright, beautiful… and utterly doomed.
The Calamity couldn’t kill me… permanently. The Demon King couldn’t stop me. But this? He sighed deeply. This is a task I don’t think I’ll be able to accomplish. Hearty Durians have been all but extinct since… Well, since I blew up the trees rather than climb them, ate every known durian in Hyrule, and then lit the ground on fire in an ill-conceived plan to boost up a mountain with the updraft. WHY did you do that to me, past Link?
Link shook his head. Regretting his foolish actions would have to wait. He had a mission, and this mission he could not fail.
*** One day ago
“Anything I can get for you, Zelda? Footrub? Heated blanket? Something for your back?” Link ran around like a cucco in a frenzy, tending to his extremely pregnant wife. “Well, I’ve been having a weird craving for the last month…” Zelda said, slowly sitting up. “But I don’t think it’s going to be possible, so… don't worry, forget it!” “Zelda, you know I’ll do anything for you. Just name it, and I’ll scour all of Hyrule for it!” Link snapped to attention. Zelda was seven months pregnant, and to Link’s mind, this meant two things– One: she was not to strain herself under any circumstances and was, instead, to be waited on hand and foot. Two: Only one craving was too extreme– Link refused to let her eat any Secret Stones. Everything else was fair game. Zelda put a finger to her chin. “Alright, fine. I’ve been craving Hearty Durian… but well, they seem to have mysteriously vanished at some point during the Calamity, so…” She sighed lightly. “If you can find one, I’d really appreciate it, but I don’t think any exist anymore.” “Zelda.” Link said, already pulling on his traveling gear. “I will find you a Hearty Durian. Please, wait for me, my sweet! I shall return soon.” He grabbed his Purah Pad and dashed outside, mounting Epona and riding away with a “HYAH!”. Zelda waved from the door as she watched Link ride off, then let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding in. “FINALLY, some time to myself! I love Link, but my WORD… I’m not an INVALID!” She walked over to her study, happy to finally have a chance to run some experiments on residual Light Dragon parts. “Alright, let’s see what I can find out about my old form’s secrets…” She chuckled as she pulled out her favorite microscope.
*** Today
Link rode Epona from the Faron Jungle, glum and unsuccessful. “Hmm… so, as I expected, Faron’s a bust. The old places are all empty plains, except for that one that’s an empty plain with ‘Link Wuz Here’ written in bare soil that I made sure to salt so nothing would ever grow again… Goddesses DAMN me, I was stupid and feral back then! Not like now. Isn’t that right, little forest creature only I can see?” “Ya-ha-ha! You should start more fires!” The Korok replied, appearing in a poof of colorful smoke. “Sometimes I wonder if I took too many blows to the head…” Link muttered. “But that gives me an idea!” “Is it to start more fires, mister hero?” The Korok asked, climbing on his shoulder. “I like watching fires! I want to watch the world burn…” “Makar, did you eat malice during the Calamity?” Link asked, raising an eyebrow. “You seem slightly more… wicked than other Koroks.” “It tasted like licorice and hate!” Makar responded cheerfully. “So… it tasted like licorice.” Link muttered, poking at the Purah Pad. “Come along, I’m gonna visit your dad.” “Nooo! Not the Great Deku Tree! He sounds like Teba and that scares me!” Makar screamed as he and Link vanished in a series of blue lights.
*** The Lost Woods
“Thank you for bringing Makar back, Link. And thank you for not listening to his whispers… this time.” The Great Deku Tree said, as several Koroks put Makar in ‘naughty baby jail’ (a small pit with sticks planted in the ground making up a cage). “How can I help you today?” Y’know, Makar’s right. He kinda does sound like Teba. And Revali. And the ancient Rito Sage. Weird. Link cleared his throat, focusing his mind. “I’m looking for Hearty Durians. Zelda wants one, and I’d really like to undo the harm I caused when I… kinda obliterated the entirety of the species during my first adventure.” He blushed slightly. “Do you happen to know where any may be?” “Hmmm…” The Great Deku Tree paused, thinking. “As luck might have it, I have a collection of seeds from all species in Hyrule. I’ll happily provide you some seeds, but as for the fruit itself…” The face of the tree tightened, seemingly searching all of Hyrule. “Ah. I’ve found them. There is but one man in all of Hyrule that maintains a collection of Hearty Durians. His name is…”
*** Kakariko Village
“DORIAN!” Link shouted, kicking the door open. “You said that I could call upon you at ANY TIME to repay that ‘favor’ you owe me, right?” Dorian nodded, trying to comfort his terrified children. “Today is that day!” “Of course, Link… but what has you so agitated?” Dorian asked. “Is there any danger?” He gave Link a quick once-over. “You look like you’ve been beaten up a little.” “What? No, I just killed a few Lynels on my way here– I was bored.” Link shrugged. “I was looking for Hearty Durians– Zelda’s got a craving for them, and the Great Deku Tree said you have some.” “That’s all? Don’t they grow in Faron Jungle?” Dorian asked as he went out to harvest a durian. “You should be able to find them there in high quantities.” “It was… um… the… uh… the Upheaval! Yeah, the Upheaval! They started dying off and now they’re extinct in the wild! Anyway, one durian, please!” Link cheerfully accepted the fruit. “Thanks, man!” Link grinned, tossing Dorian a silver rupee. “See you later!” Dorian looked over at his Hearty Durian grove. “Kids… we’re about to be very rich.” He said, quietly. “Yaaaaay!” The children yelled, happily.
*** Just outside Tarrey Town
“Oh, wow… the scales and shards serve as natural batteries AND amplifiers for light energy…” Zelda jotted down some notes. “I wonder if it would be possible to replicate these artificially…” She jumped as the door swung open. “Zelda! I’m back, and I found a Hearty Durian!” Link yelled, plopping the gigantic, odoriferous fruit down on the table. “Are you doing ok? Do you need a backrub? A heated blanket? Some juice?” Damn it! There goes my thought process… shouldn’t this have taken him more than a day? I thought they were extinct in the wild after I found the last seedlings and sent them to Dorian for safekeeping! Could he have… no, that guy loves them– he eats them for every meal. He’d NEVER give one to Link unless… oh, of COURSE he’d owe Link a favor! Well, I really have been craving them… Zelda smiled and walked over to Link. “Thank you so much, Link! It’s just a shame they’re so rare…” “Not anymore! I recalled the soil outside back five years and planted some seeds! We’ve got a grove of our own now!” Link grinned. “Wait, you still have the power of recall? I thought that was tied to Rauru’s arm!” Zelda blinked in surprise. “Turns out that was one Sage’s vow I kept!” Link grinned. “Probably due to the power of love– it’s a mysterious thing.” “You heard the Stable Trotter’s new song too, huh?” Zelda laughed. “Well, as luck would have it, I’ve just made food, and the durian should go great with it!” Zelda produced a pizza and happily set about slicing the durian open. “Mmm… it’s not pineapple, but it’s so good!” Link stared in horror. Pregnancy led to strange cravings– she’d wanted pickles and fruitcake, honey-glazed curry, and worst of all, LICORICE, but durian on pizza? He shook his head. Our kid’s gonna have an even more impenetrable digestive system than I do… he thought, loading his pizza slice with a sensible topping of bacon, fish, crushed diamonds, fire fruit, and a scale from Farosh. I’ll never understand how Zelda can stand to eat that weird stuff…
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nickmaghighlights · 1 year
Nick Mag Highlights - #114 September 2005
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Welcome to another edition of Nick Mag Highlights! Today, we’ll be taking a look at Issue #114 from September, 2005!
Now, I understand you might be slightly surprised we went from Issue #1 to Issue #114, but I say take the whiplash in stride! Variety is the spice of life after all, and this cover exudes variety. We went from a roster of just one measly Nicktoon to a whole overload of shows spilling out from the top of the page!
But of course, front and center we have Drake & Josh, which was entering its third season at the time after facing massive success. Unsurprising too, since it really had everything going for it. Boys wanted to be Drake, girls wanted to be near Drake, and Josh was there to carry the show. How times change… now Drake Bell doesn’t even want to be Drake Bell.
But I digress, let’s dive into Issue #114! You can read it on the Internet Archive here.
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Is a franchise really a “thing” if it doesn’t have a fast food toy line? Think about it. 
I remember that online game they’re advertising on the left, I’m pretty sure you never get to see your created ghost stand back-to-back with Danny Phantom himself, pretty disappointing if that was the prize you were after. 
Okay, after looking at some footage, it seems like you never get to see your created ghost even move! Explains why my memories of this game are pretty vapid.
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There��s nothing else to incite fear into the heart of a child quite like the phrase “Back to School”. Except for maybe dentist’s appointments, needles, large bugs, and the Easter Bunny.
To tie into this most horrifying occasion, the overarching theme of this issue is stupidity. Let’s keep reading and find out if that was a dumb idea.
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At this point Nick Magazine had dropped Ooze News, instead opting to advertise the biggest Nickelodeon headlines (Oooh, Tak 3!) near the beginning, with a special section later on for showcasing any upcoming episodes of their regulars. Stay tuned for that!
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I’m not a Barbie expert. Are these based on outfits the doll wore at some point? ‘Cause otherwise these are just regular clothes that say “Barbie” on them.
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First speech bubble from Zelda in the blog’s history!
Anyway, did you know Frankie Muniz (Malcolm in The Middle) is a NASCAR driver now? Crazy.
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Lovely illustration work from Roger Langridge, who still posts comics on Twitter! Check him out after you’ve finished reading this post, liked it, reblogged, left a comment, followed, and bookmarked my blog.
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I know what some of you may be wondering, just what exactly was the hot-ticket item kids were asking for Christmas in a pre-iPhone world? Well, I guess a Firefly might be a possible answer? I don’t recall ever seeing one of these back in the day, and apparently they don’t even make them anymore. 
What this ad conveniently doesn’t tell you is the amount of parental controls stuffed into one of these things, which makes them a fantastic safety tool, but maybe not that cool of a toy. 
Take note, this was back when having “animations” was a selling point.
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Here we can the see the aftermath of Nickelodeon teaming up with Baby Bottle Pop for a bit of cross-promotion, which culminated with the crowning of the first (and probably only) “Baby Bottle Popstar”.
Indeed, kids across America were urged to send in their own rendition of the iconic “Baby Bottle Pop jingle” (which no doubt most of you are humming right now). Those performances were left to the mercy of the online populace, voted upon with the utmost scrutiny. Few died, but many were injured, and a young Alyssa of California was crowned Baby Bottle champion.
So it says in the history books, anyway. If you’d like to see the Baby Bottle ballad that shook the world, I recorded a video of the Nick.com link included in this ad, courtesy of the Internet Archive.
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Sorry, got a little intense back there. Anyway this is a fun section! And anything reminding me about Jack Black and School of Rock is a positive in my book. Little odd lumping in The Dukes of Hazzard next to Finding Nemo and Spongebob, but I guess they might have wanted to throw a bone to the preteens in the audience.
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Pretty cool full page spread advertisement for a Nicktoon, and for Catscratch no less!
Ah Catscratch, one of Nick’s oft-neglected 2000’s ‘toons, right next to The X’s and Making Fiends. Obviously I’m biased a bit, being a 2000’s kid, but it really sucks these shows fail to even get a passing reference nowadays. Oh well, if My Life as a Teenage Robot can escape Nick’s 2000’s dungeon, maybe there’s hope for the others.
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A pretty funny comedy section here, depicting the daily newspaper of the fictional town of Moronia. I’d recommend checking out the full section if you’re not already reading along, it’s pretty funny!
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Y’know I really wouldn’t have thought such generic phrases like “Feel Brand New” and “Make it Your Style” would be trademarkable. I would think at most you could get away with holding the rights to “The Lisa Frank Brand is for Every Happy, Cute Girl”. Although since they left that last one open, I bet the trademark is still available if anyone wants to snag it.
Additionally I’d like to give props to this company for being so bold as to have one of their mascot characters thank the Lord himself for their brand’s existence. You hardly see such tenacity nowadays.
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Weird short fascination I had as a kid: I really liked the style of these ads that Pop-Tart was running at the time. I’m sure a lot of you remember the commercials in particular. I guess the black-and-white scribbly style just tickled my brain! Weirdest thing was they never actually inspired me to buy Pop-Tarts myself, it was only last year or so I had my first ‘Tart. Suppose that makes me a fake fan.
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We’ve made it to The Comic Book, rejoice! 
Initially, I was particularly excited about this being the opportunity to introduce some of the regular comic series featured in this section, since I thought they’d have already started appearing by now, seeing as how we’ve jumped ahead much later into the magazine’s run.
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But, uh, no, actually! This issue is completely lacking in strips from any of the notable ongoing comic series from the mag’s lifespan. Not even a Scene But Not Heard, which I guess disproves my memory of each issue having one!
Oh well, we’ll get to them when we get to them, the one-offs were usually just as entertaining. And we do at least have one recurring strip to talk about, Impy & Wormer!
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Impy & Wormer was a regularly published strip for this section, created by James Kochalka. The strips were so small, you could find one of them at the bottom of each page of The Comic Book. It’s a pretty cute idea! I often found myself doodling Impy in the margins of my notebooks when the magazine was around. 
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Say what you will regarding how Web 2.0 and the modern internet has affected society’s mental health and the overall cultural zeitgeist, but it did lead to this funny one-panel comic :)
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Holy moly. Does anyone else remember Postopia? I swear for the last couple years I tried my damned hardest to find out what website it was that I played some weird Flintstones flash games on as a kid. I recently found out that it was indeed Postopia. Man, between this and Pop-Tarts it really seems like I would just buy into whatever weird viral marketing these fast food brands were pumping out as a kid.
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I remember these being a fairly common activity in the mag: gag product labels. Cut ‘em out and tape them on to their intended packaging and you’ve got an instant barrel of laughs! Problem is they never seemed to be the right size for the products I tried them on. 
Come to think of it, my parents were really the only ones who got to see them finished, and they didn't really find them that amusing either. Was I really supposed to show my friends some dental floss I had taped a fake label onto?
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“Nostalgia” is a term I honestly hate throwing around, what with how common it is, but this page in particular is really inciting some wistful childhood memories. Doesn’t seem like the worst deal in the world either, at least if you’re into membership cards, special edition issues, and stickers.
Sidenote, Step 4 isn’t really a surprise if you tell everyone it’s a Spongebob hat, guys!
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Man, these guys hate teachers! I did not know a single kid in school who hated their teachers as much as the Nick Mag writers seemed to. A lot of my teachers were pretty nice, actually.
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Yeah, in terms of replacing the Cartoon Calendar section (which we saw an example of in the previous NMH post), this leaves a lot to be desired. Still, I like when the magazine tried to give out fun factoids, it made me feel like my intelligence was being respected. Those puns are Zelda Van Gutters-tier writing though.
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Now now, I’m not going to keep going on about Drake Bell. There’s only so many times you can shoot the elephant in the room before you start looking like the weird one. Drake & Josh was such a favorite of mine around the time this magazine came out, and it was really fun getting at least a little insight into what the behind-the-scenes view was like.
Small extra detail I find interesting is that almost every blurb below summarizing the new episodes for each show mentions romance and crushes (baring All That, but that’s a sketch show anyway*). Even the interview brings up that Josh had gotten a new girlfriend in Season 3. Guess Nick was really going all in on the love aspect to keep their preteen audience’s attention in the midst of puberty, which feels kind of manipulative in hindsight? Oh well.
*They were still making All That in 2005?
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TurboNick, huh? I… think I remember this? Barely. Looking it up on Google gives me a faint sense of remembrance. Although I don’t remember Pick Boy. Sorry, Pick Boy. 
I guess the idea was you could check out clips from all your favorite Nick shows and eventually be graced with a full-on episode thanks to Pick Boy, and given his name I’m sure voting was involved to decide the full episode that was released. Not the worst idea! I certainly don’t remember Cartoon Network posting full episodes online. They probably didn’t even have their own Pick Boy.
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I’m willing to give credit where credit is due. In the last NMH post I accused a lot of kids’ for being very fart-centric. I’m still sure in the Gnarly 90’s that was true, given all the stuff Ren & Stimpy were getting up to on prime-time television. But here in the Techno 2000’s we reference Spock and take Grandma to prom. A much more sophisticated fare.
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Man, this must have been so cool for any Sly Cooper fans picking up this book. It’s a triple threat: questions, concept art, and a quick-look at Sly 3! I may not be a fan myself, but I can always appreciate some concept art and creative insight for a largely beloved character and series.
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And rounding us off it's... Hey, it’s Bill Trinen! He was a sort of meme for a while, wasn't he? Back when they let him be in Nintendo Directs, anyway. Well, I say meme, but I guess he was more like an oyster stuck on the underside of a much larger meme named Reggie Fils-Aimé.
Yeah, definitely more like an oyster… What were we talking about? Oh yeah, NintenDogs! Never played it. Apparently they poop! Cool, I guess!
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Well, well! That wraps up another addition of Nick Mag Highlights! I think getting the 2000's side of the timeline after the first issue was good for giving a bit more context on how the magazine looked and grew throughout its time on the market. I’m excited to see what’s next, and I hope you enjoyed it too. There’s tons more content and memories to read through. 
Also, one last thing. While looking up that one Danny Phantom flash game from the start of the issue I found that there’s apparently a new Danny Phantom graphic novel coming out this Summer? I’m surprised I haven’t heard anything about this! The art looks really pretty. If this seems like your thing, keep an eye on it!
That’s all for now! Until next time, keep reading!
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captain-of-silvenar · 2 months
for the fic asks, I, L, M, and T!
Thank you for the ask! Lets get to it :)
I: How many fandoms have you written in?  Do you have a favorite?
Oh dear hm. Quite a few probably. Never published really, but the obvious one I've written for is TES. Kingdom Hearts is what got me into writing actually. Legend of Zelda is my first game and I have a few tiny ones laying around. Transformers for sure.
It would be easy for me to say that TES is my favorite. But when I go back and think of it, a lot of the joy I have with writing and how I actually met up with my now-fiance is through RPing and writing Kingdom Hearts. And if someone asks me about KH, it might let loose a dam and welp. There I go, haha.
L:  Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write?
I wrote and answer in this ask here of a fic I've written that is particularly charged. If I had to choose a different one, then perhaps this poem I wrote for the TES Summer Fest last year was emotionally challenging.
It's a poem to the Bosmer and how they uses teeth and bones to interact with the world around them (and specifically how Yera does it). The Bosmer race mean a lot to me, they're my favorite race, so I poured a lot of my love into this poem to them. There are more layers to it that mean a lot to me, and I'd be happy to explain in detail if anyone wants to know later.
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story?
Maybe not an AU within the same fandom, but I did turn two of KH OCs into TES ones and then it sort of. Exploded from there, haha.
And it sure did turn into a story, absolutely disconnected from their roots and now I have two Telvanni Twins who have such a fraught backstory that I can't believe I did it again to these OC!
I tend to do it with this particular KH OC, they have like 3 iterations of themselves in my head now that each are in different fandom/ideas.
It's really funny to go from a person with super power mind reading abilities in the world of Kingdom Hearts, then just turn them into a Telvanni Master who's main research is about memory stones and memory manipulations. I did not go very far with this idea but it's so funny it happened.
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
It's not my cup of tea, and I understand it's purpose in places. However, I've read a handful of fics from different fandoms where there is such a serious character assassination and hyper "they-would-not-say-or-do-that-kind-of-stuff" stuff that I don't even know where it comes from. Absolute slander of either an NPC or their own OC who I can't help feel they just. Hate? Yet they keep writing about this NPC/OC and putting them in situations to encourage the bad behaviors?
I just hold my tongue and leave the fic when I realize it was not made for me.
I guess another one I don't like is reduction of a female character into an instant motherly figure. Like, it does not matter what kind of person this character is in canon; a warrior, a harden veteran, a loner, etc etc. But like you put them with the male lead with children involved and suddenly they HAVE to be the mom, they HAVE to use the baby voice when there is no way this character ever had a desire to act like this. Not to say they couldn't be motherly and loving like that. But just a burning desire for this female character to suddenly drop everything and be the at-home mom figure and that rubs me really wrong.
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rosewinterborn · 10 months
9 Characters Tag
Tagged by @synobun whom i dearly hope i haven't offended with my quentin coldwater takes 🥲
My list won't be as compact because ✨️mobile✨️ and it took me a bit to untangle "character i like" from "character i associate myself with" so in no particular order:
Juno Steel (The Psnumbra Podcast)
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Art by @acadieum and @hemaris respectively (two of my fave penumbra artists)
-baby's first nonbinary character
-grumpy martian private eye with so much baggage you can see it from the other end of the solar system
-he's a snarky bitch and i love him so much
-i should not have imprinted on him bc he's a terrible role model
-he's my current tumblr icon and has been since like. 2019 i think. Time flies when everything is on fire
Feyre Archeron (A Court of Thorns and Roses)
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-one of my comfort reads
-the most i have vibed with a depiction of depression (and the ensuing crawl back toward the light)
-i don't want to say "she's just like me fr!" but i do feel a certain degree of kinship toward her and her character arc
Mollymauk Tealeaf (Critical Role Campaign 2)
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-i want his gender
-tarot cards
-enthusiasm for tacky extravagance and general hedonism
-snarky asshole
Alanna of Trebond (Song of the Lioness)
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-baby's first lady knight
-irrevocably rewired my brain in middle school
-i aspire to this level of spite and stubbornness
Keyleth of the Air Ashari (Critical Role Campaign 1)
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-i relate very hard to her awkwardness, general good nature, and desire to keep the peace. She is powerful and insecure and earnest and i think she desperately needs a hug
-she's probably the closest on this list to me irl
Orym of the Air Ashari (Critical Role Campaign 3)
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-there is something in the air (ashari) that makes these people relatable to me
-with orym i think its the endless sense of responsibility and the knowledge that you're not the main character, combined with the painstaking desire to do unquestionable good even when its not really possible
-also, depending on the art, gender
Kaladin Stormblessed (The Stormlight Archive)
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-more responsibility, more stubbornness, more depression (guys i think i might have some problems)
-somewhat widely (afaik) headcanoned to be asexual which is always fun for me
-if i ever get a tattoo there's a high likelihood that it'll be the First Ideal
Link (Legend of Zelda)
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-i want his gender also
-thats probably all there is here, idk that he has a lot of personality (probably on purpose) but legend of zelda" twilight princess is one of the like. Five video games I've gotten super into in my life
(Hang on i have more but I'm out of pictures)
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