#it's like okay and if you get any more items and dont have space to put it or time to do it you can put it in the steel for a week.
bunnyb34r · 6 months
Oh thank god, inventory ISN'T the week I get back, so I actually have ab 3 weeks time to get ready... but like 80% of my shit is already tagged bc I was blitzing through it yesterday in a mad dash to finish everything by friday. I think I just have the nike shitë and the clearance shit I dont wanna deal with sgdgdggd but anyway I'm so relieved I don't need to scramble to get it done 😭
Last inventory we only got 2 weeks to prep, in past years it's [always] been 2 MONTHS, but corporate was like nahhhh we dont need you guys wasting months for this pfft two weeks. Well guess who had a horrible inventory and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars last year :)
I'm hoping my brain will shut up now but I'm still in stress mode so idk
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nahoney22 · 6 months
Hi! i love your writing and was wondering if you could do the tbb (or just tech if you dont wanna do all of them) reaction to their gender neutral S/O pulling out their old instrument or color guard equipment from their marching band days and practicing what they remember (i dont even know if star wars has an equivalent to marching band/color guard lol but i picked an old practice flag up for the first time since high school earlier and the thought popped into my head for this request..) feel free to disregard this if it’s not something you wanna write, keep up the amazing work!!
Colour Guard Memories
The Bad Batch Boys X GN!Reader
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How The Bad Batch react to you pulling out your old instrument or colour guard equipment.
warnings: none, gender neutral reader, can be read as platonic or romantic, Batchers admiring/encouraging reader.
authors note: this is a really cute idea and sorry it has took so long to do anon. In the UK we don’t really have marching bands/ colour guards aside from royal parades from what I know so I’ve relied on Google to help me out 😅 enjoy!
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"Think we've got everything?" Echo asks, sealing the final box of your belongings.
As you survey the sea of packed boxes, you're struck by the realisation of just how many possessions you've gathered over the years. It's only now, in the process of moving out of your family home, that the extent of it hits you. After what feels like an eternity of packing and stacking, you're finally done and you couldn’t be any more grateful for Echo's helping hand.
"I hope so," you reply, wiping your brow and straightening up, hands on your hips. "Now, all that's left is to get it onto the ship." The prospect of lugging boxes onto the ship isn't exactly thrilling, but you're itching to kick back and relax.
Echo chuckles and reaches for one of the sealed boxes, but disaster strikes as the bottom gives way, sending its contents tumbling to the floor. "Well, that's just great," he says wryly.
Letting out a sigh, you join him in gathering up the scattered items. Amidst the chaos, something catches your eye: an old, familiar object. "No way!"
Startled by your sudden excitement, Echo turns to you. "What is it?"
"It's my Sabre!" you exclaim, holding up the cherished item for him to see.
He blinks in surprise. "Uh, your lightsaber?"
You playfully roll your eyes at Echo, a mischievous glint in your eyes, as you take the equipment into your hands and wave it at him. "You've known me long enough to know I'm not a Jedi, Echo," you tease, giving the Sabre a quick twirl. "It's from when I used to be be a colour guard for a marching band."
Echo chuckles, shaking his head in amusement. "I didn't know you did that."
"Yeah! I loved it. Want to see what I can still do?" you ask, a hint of excitement in your voice.
"The floor's all yours," he says, stepping back to give you space.
You take a moment to steady yourself, feeling the weight of the stainless steel Sabre in your hands. With a deep breath, you begin your routine, the familiar movements flooding back to you. As you twirl the Sabre with practiced precision, you can't help but feel a surge of nostalgia. However, in the midst of your performance, disaster strikes as the Sabre slips from your grip, narrowly missing a nearby window.
"Okay, okay, I'm a little rusty. Give me a second," you laugh sheepishly, quickly retrieving the saber and regaining your composure but Echo was still smiling and impressed throughout.
Determined to redeem yourself, you focus on each movement, executing smooth transitions and intricate spins. With each flourish, you feel a sense of satisfaction, the familiar rhythm of the routine bringing back fond memories. As you finally come to a graceful finish, you can't help but feel a sense of pride wash over you.
Echo applauds, a smile playing on his lips. "That was really impressive. You should've told me you could do that before."
"We all have our hidden talents," you grin, a twinkle in your eye as you admire the old memory in your hand before carefully tucking it back into the box. "Anyway, we should probably get going before I get distracted again."
“Well,” he says, resting a hand on your shoulder, “you should perform for me again sometime. If you want to that is.”
There’s a shine in his eyes, genuinely in awe of you and your talent. “I’ll definitely think about it.”
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Low on credits and desperate for some food to fill your stomachs, you and Hunter venture into a bustling market on a remote planet, hoping to find some opportunity to earn a bit of cash.
"See anything?" Hunter asks, strolling alongside you as you take in the sights and sounds of the market.
"Not really," you reply with a frown. The market is dimly lit, offering little in the way of useful materials, and the locals don't seem particularly welcoming. It's no wonder Hunter insisted on accompanying you.
But then, something does catch your eye. "Hey, that looks like one of my old flags," you remark, pointing to a colorful flag tucked away at the back of a small pop-up stall.
Hunter stops beside you, his interest piqued. "You used to spin those, didn't you?"
You chuckle at his phrasing, yet surprised that he remembers since it was just something you mentioned in passing once. "Yeah, I did. Not sure if I still have the touch, though."
A smirk spreads across Hunter's face as he holds up a finger, indicating for you to wait a moment. A bit embarrassed, you watch as he approaches the seller and strikes up a conversation. After a brief exchange, Hunter returns, flag in hand. "Let's put that theory to the test, shall we?" he suggests with a grin.
"Hunter! Did you just pay for that?" you exclaim incredulously as he shoves the pole into your hand.
"No," he says with a mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "But they said if you can impress them, you can keep it."
You narrow your eyes at him, a mixture of amusement and disbelief dancing in your gaze. "Fine. But I'm warning you," you declare, stepping into a clearing and scanning the area to ensure there's enough space before attempting to recreate a routine you haven't performed in years. "I'm not as good as I used to be."
Taking a deep breath, you grip the pole firmly and let muscle memory take over as you start spinning the flag with practiced precision. The fabric unfurls in vibrant arcs, catching the sunlight and casting colorful patterns across the ground. With each twirl and flourish, you feel a surge of nostalgia as memories of your days in the colour guard come flooding back.
As you continue your impromptu performance, you can't help but lose yourself in the rhythm of the routine, the flag becoming an extension of your body as you spin and swirl with grace.
Hunter is watching you silently and appears to be actually enamoured by your performance. His eyes are wide in surprise.
When you finally come to a graceful finish, you turn to Hunter with a triumphant smile, the flag held aloft in your hand. "How's that for impressing them?" you ask, a hint of pride in your voice.
“That was… wow.” Is all he says, a proud smile on his face. He takes one look to the seller who just gives a brief nod. “And the flag is yours it seems.”
Hunter comes up beside you once more but you feel a tug on your top, turning to face a young child who was holding out credits to you. Bashfully, you accept and the credits swiftly came flooding in.
“Heh, seems like you still got it.” He nudges your side playfully.
This could be a pretty safe way to earn some extra credits it seems.
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"Wrecker, come look at this!" you call out excitedly, beckoning your companion over.
With Wrecker's assistance in tidying up the Marauder and transferring some items to the Remora, you stumble upon an unexpected treasure: an old snare drum tucked away amidst the clutter.
"Woah, what's tha’?" Wrecker asks, intrigued, as he joins you on the floor, his eyes fixed on the instrument in your hands.
"I used to play it in a marching band. Forgot I even had it," you reply with a wistful smile, the memories of your band days flooding back, tinged with nostalgia and a touch of sadness for times gone by.
Wrecker notices the flicker of emotion on your face and decides to lift your spirits. "Well, go on then. Give us a beat," he encourages, nudging the drum closer to you and offering a drumstick.
You smile gratefully, feeling a rush of anticipation as you accept the drumstick from his outstretched hand and pick up the matching one from the ground. "Just so you know," you say with a playful glint in your eye, "it sounds much better in a chorus rather than individually."
With a deep breath, you position the drumsticks in your hands, feeling the familiar weight and texture of the material. Closing your eyes, you let muscle memory guide your movements as you begin to play. The rhythmic tapping of the drum reverberates through the air.
As you lose yourself in the music, your fingers move effortlessly across the drum's surface, producing a lively beat that echoes off the walls of the ship. With each stroke, super fast and then skilfully slow, you feel a sense of liberation.
Wrecker watches in awe, a grin spreading cross his face as he listens to the infectious rhythm you create. For a moment, all worries and cares fade away, replaced by the joy of listening to you play. Flourishing a finish, your cheeks warm to Wrecker applauding enthusiastically.
"Tha’ was amazing!" he exclaims, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "You've still got it."
You grin, feeling a surge of pride at his words. "Thanks, Wrecker," you reply, a sense of contentment washing over you. "Maybe we should start our own band."
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"Is this yours?" Omega's voice interrupts your thoughts, drawing your attention to the slim case she's holding. As you approach, a wave of nostalgia washes over you at the sight of the familiar case.
"I haven't seen this for a long time," you smile warmly, taking the case into your hands. Kneeling down, you blow the dust off and flip open the lid, revealing your old clarinet nestled inside.
Omega's eyes widen with curiosity as she peers at the instrument. "Wow, that's cool! Did you play it?"
You nod, a fond smile on your face. "Yeah, I used to. In a colour guard and in parades."
"Can you play something now?" she asks eagerly.
Before you can respond, Omega suddenly calls out, "TECH! COME HERE!"
Tech, engrossed in his data pad, looks up in surprise and heads your way. "What is the nature of my presence this time, Omega?"
Omega launches into an exaggerated explanation of your discovery and her request. "Listen to them play."
Tech adjusts his goggles and looks down at you with curious eyes. "I was not aware you could play any instrument."
"I haven't in a long time," you admit sheepishly, wiping the mouthpiece and adjusting the bridge keys. "But I can give it a try."
With a deep breath, you bring the clarinet to your lips and begin to play a soft, melancholic tune. The notes fill the air, weaving a gentle melody that seems to resonate with the quiet stillness of the surroundings. It was a gentle tune, a stark difference to the ones you played in parades.
As you play, you notice Tech glancing up from his data pad, his expression softening as he listens intently to the music. It's a rare sight to see him so engrossed in something other than his work, and you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that your music has captured his attention.
By the time you finish the piece, Tech is still watching you, a thoughtful look on his face.
Omega bursts into a loud applause meanwhile Tech smiled at you. “I would not mind you playing that whilst I do some repairs... it’s rather relaxing.”
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“What are you doing?” Crosshair's voice breaks your concentration mid-performance, and you freeze as your arms flail, causing the wooden rifle to slip from your grasp and clatter onto the grass.
You spin to face the clone, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up your neck. "I found my old rifle from when I used to perform," you explain quickly, bending down to retrieve the prop. With a flick of your foot, you send it spinning into the air, catching it effortlessly as it falls back down. "Want to see?"
Crosshair eyes the rifle with a hint of intrigue, his skepticism giving way to mild interest. "Perform? Rifles are for shooting. Not messing around with.”
“It’s wood, idiot.” You knock on the equipment before you then shrug, a sheepish grin tugging at your lips. "Anyway, it’s called rifle spinning. I used to do it as part of a routine in a performance group. It's more about coordination and showmanship than anything else. Wanna see?” You ask again.
Crosshair nods slowly, his gaze lingering on the rifle as you twirl it expertly in your hands. He stands back as you shows off your moves and he couldn’t hide the small impressed smirk forming on his lips. "You’re quite impressive I’ll give you that. But don't let it distract you from our mission." The compliment was rare but not one you were going to refuse as you give him a smile of thanks. But, he was right. There were more pressing matters at large.
You chuckle, nodding in agreement as you secure the rifle back in its holster. "Of course not. Just a little trip down memory lane."
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@littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 7 @ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix x @mssbridgerton @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot @imalovernotahater @id-rather-be-a-druid @the-bad-batch-baroness @lulalovez @green-alm0nd
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lovelyrotter · 9 months
okay but i actually kinda wanna know ur take on stridercest being canon compliant O_O <- autism stare
oh hey i am also hitting you with the autism stare. ill try to get my thoughts down in a way that makes sense to more than just me hahaha
bear in mind that im an epilogue lover and i think Meat/Candy are really valuable pieces that further all of the characters and are also hard canon in the sense that we're looking at just 2 post-game universe outcomes out of an uncountable number (the book in the picnic basket representing post-canon fanfic). i think the characters actions in the epilogues make sense and are satisfying to me. yes even jane (i love alpha jane and i will not do her the disservice of 'cleaning her up' w/o showing her work for it. thats not how you depict a character who grew up with fascist programming). i could totally go on a whole tangent about this specifically but thats another post lol we'd be here forever and its also not stridercest
but okay. canon stridercest. under the cut cause it got kinda long
basically it has to do with the cherubs and how their relationships and mating rituals are pretty obviously incestuous leaning even though cherubs dont have the human concept of Siblings or blood family. the cherub who predominates will search across paradox space to mate with another cherub who closely resembles the cherub they predominated which is like textbook Freudian sexuality. theres a lot of Freud and Jungian stuff in HS imo even if im kinda [wobbly hand gesture] at the validity of these theories applied to real life and real people. but theyre super fun tools and lenses to use in fiction and i mean. gestures at all of dave
so the incest aliens cherubs. the whole reason why im talkin about them is bc Caliborn is so incredibly interested and invested in the Striders in particular. caliborn as both Lord English and Lil Cal shapes earth NOT OVERTLY but more so embeds himself in earth society, but again, the Striders lives in particular. dave is full of incest jokes. hes even apparently got a list of his friends arranged in order of how likely theyd incest-elope with each other (thank you epilogues for this amazing factoid). he seems to think about it often enough to, yknow, Do That. have a good solid think about that and construct an organized list about it. bearing in mind dave makes jokes about stuff thats a) bothering him, or b) generally camping out in his brain. hes not even really aware of it most of the time (as we see in one of the openbounds where hes all 'why am i thinking about puppets???' after seeing dirk for the first time in that dream bubble. he is thinking nonstop about dirk at that point and going off his only frame of reference for ANY dirk, which is his bro. his bro who was most likely deeply warped by Lil Cal)
sorry for the long blocky paragraph lol. but now onto the next thing
Caliborn as Lil Cal is the centerpiece in the beta strider apartment. dave cant escape him and beta dirk grew up with him. what the fuck do you do when youre childhood comfort item is also the most evil creature across all of paradox space? if youre a dirk you try to fight it. but how long can you keep fighting something like that. its safe to say that bro was affected by Caliborns particular brand of perversion and sfw kink. i dont think i have to say how insidious abusive and toxic he is about those things. and looking at the truth of beta bro (16yo alpha dirk) you can start to see just how warped beta bro became. beta bro is a false dirk (still a very Real dirk but not the Truth of dirk. beta bro has been toxified and made infinitely worse by an absolute evil influence over decades of life. in 80s fuckin texas. presumably in the system. anyone would be fucked up after that)
so for this analysis/theory im stating beta bro as a false persona. using jungian terms he is apha dirk's shadow
both dave and dirk live with a fake, carefully manicured version of their bros. they live with personas (or shadows of their guardians on the walls. hello platos allegory of the cave). they dont actually know e/o and they dont until the striunion
alpha dirk especially grows up embedded in the Public Persona Of Dave Strider 400 years post mortem and completely alone with unlimited internet access. hes a self admitted expert on his bro and we dont get to see a lot if any of his early childhood but i can hazard a guess at how much he clung to that persona of his bro. he fuckin idolizes dave. he LOVES dave. right off the bat he is in some kind of love with dave and i think if you try to argue against that then thats you slippin. i think youre a fool and have to reread homestuck because i wholeheartedly believe the striders loving eachother is part of the win state
once again this is speculation cause we get barely anything about alpha dave, but from what we already know about him im guessing this bro-persona is
achingly effortlessly cool
oozing masculinity (toxic or not, not really interested in categorizing that although toxic coolboy masculinity IS something the striders contend with & is an important facet in their lives)
a skilled fighter
a dedicated moviegoer (hes a director need i say more. this one is probably the only genuine thing about his on-screen persona)
and now lets look at jake. someone whos grown up on pretty much nothing but movies, whos doubtlessly been influenced by hollywood and its idea of gritty 'main character' masculinity through that, and who also clings to more old-school ideas of manliness (think victorian/edwardian era gentlemanly-but-loves-a-good-scrum kinda manly. moustache twirly with a monocle kinda manly. basically everything that grandpa harley is)
but okay lets look at what jake wants to be. lets take a look at his teenager persona
achingly effortlessly cool (his own 'hollywood star' kind of cool also def influenced by his favourite characters like lara croft who is indeed achingly cool. you see him succeed in inhabiting this hollywood star persona on earth c)
oozing masculinity (the old school manly mans-man kind)
a skilled fighter (two pistoles always. harder to aim cause you cant use a free hand to make up for kickback. that takes skill)
a dedicated moviegoer (again one of the only genuine parts about his persona. his questionable-to-wretched tastes aside. but bearing in mind that the SBaHJ movies are intentionally bad which is what makes them loop around to good. such is the nature of intentionally 'bad' art. jake fuckin lives in this perpetual bad-good art loop. okay enough with the art tangent keep focused man cmon)
because dirk has obviously way more contact with jake i dont doubt he sees through jakes own (admittedly way more flimsy) coolboy persona but the point still stands i think. different flavours but the same kinda guy. dirk has a type and i dont think its a stretch to say that hes looking for aspects of the bro-persona he grew up looking at in other boys, much like the winning cherub looking for the one they lost in the cherub theyll mate with
also wtf is with dirks obvious boner for dave chasing him across paradox space to decapitate him huh?? the last few sentences in Meat are about that very thing. he wants to fuc fight dave sooo bad. haha remember how the cherubic mating ritual is one of the most violent and long running spectacles in paradox space? i sure do
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seeminglydark · 4 months
1. would caro and john be into the tv show, the x-files? would they buy tapes of the episodes and talk about their own conspiracies and guess about the outcomes of the episodes.
2. also your comic has help peak my interest for the supernatural and conspiracy theories. what are some stories or theories that you’ve learned about that you have found the most interesting? and were you a believer before starting your comics or has your interest grown as you’ve continued with your comics.
3.lastly, i’m trying to buy more secondhand items and become the diy punk that i’ve aspired to be since high school (too afraid since i was a closeted trans man and living with an unaccepting family), any tips?
i, like john, try to stay away from modern tech as much as i can. i’m able to stay off my phone for the most part and rarely use my computer but i’ve been looking around and audiobooks on cassette are kinda expensive around me so i like to narrate book as i read them in paperback. i was wondering if canonically john uses resources such as the library and what his favorite books and movies are. i love horror and am just now getting into sci-fi and i love watching movies on my vcr + tv combo and i sometimes use a blu-ray player for more rare or expensive (at least in vhs format) movies.
sorry for the long winded paragraph, i’m unfortunately unable to escape my strict household (despite being an adult) until i find a job and am able to save every cent. i also tend to isolate myself so i have no friends to help me out. sorry to vent to you about this but i just wanted to end this by saying your comic and characters inspire me and give me hope that i’ll be okay once i’m free.
YES. John is obsessed with x-files. every once in a while you can see he has the iconic 'i want to believe' poster in his younger years on his walls. He still has it as an adult. both caro and john like watching those together, they also enjoy the twilight zone, charmed, Buffy (they they agree the corny movie from '92 is the best) and those old Bruce Campbell shows noones heard of, re: Brisco County Jr. I think as kids they theorize, and as adults they talk about everything everyone gets wrong, now that they know how these things really work. John can always guess WhoDunnit.
Ive always been interested in the idea of the supernatural. im a big skeptic though, ill be honest there, even though ive had many 'experiences' myself. i kinda like the idea of the unbelievable. definitely making the comics has peaked my interest in things i wasn't too keenly aware of before, like cryptids. im fascinated by the concept of Missing 411, and missing people who reappear somewhere else, but Liminal Spaces hold my heart specifically. ive always been keenly aware of the off feeling in those places before i even knew what that meant. i love scouring the internet for images of things like abandoned hotels that give me a weird kind of uneasy, most of the things people tag as Liminal aren't really that, so its a scavenger hunt to find something that fits my idea of it. coming up with the lore of my stories has been an adventure. my interest has definitely grown, more in places and phenomenon than in ghosts specifically.
there are so mnay things you can do to diy punk stuff, in my opinion thats the best and most rewarding way. it sounds to me that you need to start small and slow for your safety, so let me reassure you right here anon, that punk is a set of ideals, and not just fashion. youre still punk no matter what youre wearing. a jacket or vest is always a good place to start, you can literally buy ANYTHING at the thift store that strikes your fancy. this is a canvas you will be adding too for as long as its yours. once you have your canvas, its time to create, and there is literally no wrong way to do this. you can use paint markers, embroidery, bleach, ect. dont have money for spikes and studs? you can use soda can tabs and bend them, metal lighter caps, hell even staples and safety pins always look cool. you can make your own badges by bending metal soda or beer caps around a soda tab with a safety pin through it and then paint whatever you want on the cap. dental floss is what you usually see when punks have the white stitching on their pants and jackets, its durable and doesn't break, since crust and gutter punks need tough clothes that last. if you're worried about your family, i would personalize it first in small secret ways that are just for you, such as a message beneath your collar as seen here on my friends jacket. and here, and here! he hides patches on the inside as well! Im including a pic of john hiding a patch on caros varsity jacket as well. i will post my jackets one day, my camera is broken but i figured id share his since he hides things more than i do!
John absolutely uses the library, its a fantastic resource for SO many things, depending on where you're located. He would also probably use a digital reader later, because many of them you can get library cards on and borrow books that way. he is not a strong reader so he mostly reads books that may be under his age level, like goosebumps, but who cares, do what you enjoy. movie wise hes very obsessed with cosmic horror (hence the UFO tattoo) his favorites are Alien, The Thing, Killer Klowns from Outer Space and the Blob from the 80s. both he and Caro love the original Evil Dead franchise, horror comedy like American Werewolf in London, lost boys, etc.
Thank you, Anon, for the long winded paragraph. You asked some really fun questions for me to answer, i love nothing more than to talk about my characters, it was a really nice little break from editing a new podcast episode. I am so so sorry about your situation, and i am sending you all the best and all the love and strength that you can come out of this free and on the other side and live as yourself. If my comics and characters stories can provide a tiny bit of hope that its going to be ok, than ive succeeded at what i set out to do. wishing you all the best. and look into your library, they may have resources to help you with this as well.
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miowritings · 1 year
Fhdjdjfhdj I like your writing. Like a lot. So I’m gonna rq something else (plus you’ve not had any others). So can I pls have Rui, honami and shizuku x reader that collects loads of stuff like books and shells and things? Ty <333
A/N: hihihi! Thank you so much for requesting again, and i appreciate the compliment🩷sorry if this took too long.. please enjoy🍮
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Shizuku hinomori
shizuku didnt find anything weird about you being a collector, infact shes just like you! Except she collects completely useless items that remind her of you or her friends, shes very supportive of your habbit and if you dont have much space to place your books she would gladly tell you that you can place some of your things in her home
"Y/n its okay.. ah! How about this.. you can put some of your things in my room! Me and shii will take good care of it" she promises, if she does end up ruining your collection such as losing a shell or a book page tore apart she would be very very stressed
"Aahh!! I-i..i only meant to look at it! Oh y/n dear im so sorry! Will you ever forgive me..?" She asks, you noticed how her eyes were getting wetter and wetter, you told her that everything was perfectly fine and people make mistakes.. thankfully shizuku calmed down a bit "ah.. okay.. thanks dear.. i promise to not do it again.!"
She was a very good listener, would always listen to your chatters and even ask a question or two "thats so cool! What happened next?"
in the end she would take care of the items you collected and treat it as a person, she would clean them and treat them with great care!
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Rui kamishiro
Would never judge you for your habit, he would even encourage you by buying you more books or going to the beach just to pick up some shells or other knick knacks
When he enters your room for the first time and sees the bookshelf he was clearly surprised and even stared for a second, he would ask too many questions and if youre cool with it, he would try and take one of your books, to see if you noticed..
He would also give you stuff that reminds him if you, whether its a book, plushie anything, if it resembles you hes show it off
"y/n dear! I saw this book at the library and i think you might like it, wanna read it today?" He asks, even if you declined his offer you would still end up reading the book he purchased
If you're cool with it, rui would put mini doodles behind your books, sometimes it would be a heart, a doodle of both of you or sometimes a drawing of a wee wee..
Because of your habit, he also starts collecting stuff, stuff that reminds him of you or his friends, he also admits that its very fun to collect things!
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Honami mochizuki
Homami also collects things just like you, except the things she collects are like going through a memory lane
If she spots you picking some shells at the beach she'll gladly help you out, if she sees a book that has your favorite genre (ex; horror, fiction, etc..) she'll borrow the book and would give it to you as a present
When you finally show her your collection, she looks very surprised, she would grab a shell and would ask a question about it. She's a very patient person so if you talk about your collection she'll listen very closely
She sees how happy you are about your collection, so she decides to why not try it? She was very glad she did because its a very fun hobby indeed! Sometimes the things she collected was given to you<3
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lordiavolo · 1 year
nightbringer notes
- surprise guests presents are far less often, i think only 3 per day
- intimacy seems to give nothing and has been broken constantly resetting. i dont think theyve given us any apology reward for it either despite it being in a bug update. they possibly give phone calls but again. Games broken
- its easier to quickly earn dp through levels
- there are more daily tasks to do which makes it more gridning to earn daily dp
- item unlocks are now labeled in devils tree
- asmoxsatan has become one sided canon... which is. Great. :/
- asmo seems to be pushing in a non li direction, and has been completely turned into creep who wants to fuck satan. i thought this game was about fixing problems with the original story?
- things are getting retconned such as asmo and solomons pact being formed hundreds of years before it happened in the original timeline. yet solomon tells mc not to mention theyre from the past because it could "mess up space time continium" okay.
- luke is somehow alive
- no one seems to be mourning lilith until like chapter 10. despite it being so hard on belphie he kills mc in the original timeline, thousands of years later
- satan hates everyone
- mc basically is the reason for everyones early character development including introducing levi to tsl, which has somehow already been written, giving the brothers their rulers of the underworld status
- the brothers dont seem interested in mc at all, who kisses them which does raise their affection, however outside of mammon its never mentioned again (yet)
- theres more information on diavolos dad the demon king, michael, and lilith
- ruritunes are fun and easy. much easier than other rythm games as even if you get a nice as long as you dont outright miss the note you will maintain your combo
- while it seems easier to get through battles i fear in the long run it will be the same. as cards are harder to level, see below
- instead of being able to level the full card (minus leveling up skills) with just one card, you can now only 3 ☆ a card before you have to use multiple karma (?) to increase your skill level to unlock each ☆ level. i honestly have no clue how this system works nor do i have the patience to learn.
- it seems that the only way to get the cards (called jokers) needed to unlock skill levels is through raven, which is now nearly impossible to earn lots of. so far ive made 100s of dp playing, but only 19 raven. you cannot buy raven, which makes it seem like youll have to play the gatcha multiple times to get good cards.
- because of this although the game is seen as more easy to progress in than the original obey me, i presume as time goes on the battles will only get harder, and the cards are already incredibly difficult to level up. with the original game although you needed to do a lot of grinding, and battles werent as fun as ruritunes, it was easy to get to the end, so long as you were dedicated to logging in and read battle guides. now its up to gatcha luck and if you are skilled at rythm games, which isnt as easily learned as a original game battle strategy.
- all voice clips are redone, i presume with the same vas, however they all sound like youtubers trying to minic the official dialogue especially mammon, who sounds like a 12 year old boy with a chest cold
- the game is incredibly buggy which makes sense given it was pushed up to be released months earlier than intended (sept 2023)
- ur+s are easier to obtain as you can get multiple pieces from early hard lessons. ur+s no longer contain animations
- the ur+s being easy to obtain makes me suspect they will be releasing higher ranked cards as gatcha games typically do after a while to increase difficulty and gambling
- there are seemingly no longer daily chats
- you are not allowed to record fabsnaps (in game tiktoks) as the screen goes black
- the chats, phone calls, and friendship ap swapping is all in the same place, the decomm app
- you have to unlock the hard lessons to get all akuber locations, specifically you have to go to level 10 hard, which in order to get cards high enough you need the items in akuber (you can do it other ways)
- they still havent officially announced that theyre "decontinuing" the original app, leading to players still paying and grinding for the upcoming lessons thinking that theyll be doing that. they wont
- as i was writing this it told me a new nightmare was avalible. i tried to open it, even restarted the game but it doesnt show up for me at all, its 8pm and this is when they normally release them so i doubt it was a misclick, i just... literally cant see the nightmare
- upon release of the game they already had a 3000dp/160$ usd charge card mission, preying on gambling addicts and new players who think its a good deal
- you have to pay dp to unlock more comment options and emojis for fabsnap
- the 3d models are horrifying
- theres a new video call feature, which is also horrifying
- the fact the wanderers whereabouts episodes are called situations is hilarious to be. put that beast in a situation
- overall, the story is heartbreaking and nerve racking for orginal fans but i guess its fun if youre a new player, since theyre marketing this game to you, and not people who have already spent 100s to 1000s or more in this game
- cards are non transferable but apparently there will be co-events on both games. i have no idea how this will make sense plot wise to people in the original app, or vice versa
- the brothers now wear their demon outfits for the main story, with their casual outfits being up for sale for 300 raven in exchange raven mirroring the original game
- items in exchange raven are now limited, where as previously you could buy as many as you want, now you are limited to so many per month
- the ui is much more slick and futuristic
annnddd thats it at least for now. be sure to rb and add anything youve noticed. i kept it story lite cuz the story makes me literally nauesous but im up 2 date as well
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biribaa · 2 years
Yandere!Outsiders x human!reader headcanons(200 followers special)
yipee 200+ people in the world who are interessed in my writing. Thank yall, never thought my romantic scenarions thoughts would make some people happy lol, mainly bcuz i never dated someone and also bcuz im demiromantic so thought it was all just a bad romance coming from a 12 years old mf but dont get me wrong I rlly like my writing, but just bcuz I like it doesnt mean people around me will like it, but (impressively), no. Again, I thank you for having good taste
TW/CW: Yandere behavior, death, violantion, killing, manipulation, gaslight
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Definitely one of the most jealous of all the others, but being jealous doesn't mean being violent. Momo easily gets jealous and if you communicate way too much with others, for sure at one time or another Momo will lock you in his house and take care of you himself.
But among them all, Momo is the one who feels most guilty about his own actions, the only thing he wanted is to have you in his arms! It's not his fault he has so many people to get in the way.
Shy, actually. Whether you're mad that he locked you in forever or not, he's hesitant to show you affection no matter how much he wants to. After all, look at you compared to him. You are a being of pure kindness who blessed him with your presence, he is nothing but a crumb, a miserable and dirty crumb, he shouldn't even have the right to look as grandiose as you.
Momo is the one who most prevents violence among all, either with you or with other people. But, if the case is really accurate, like someone finding out about his obssesion for you, Momo will have no choice but to make a quick kill.
For someone who kidnapped you and locked you in their own house, Momo respects you very well and wants to prevent you from getting uncomfortable, mainly your personal space. Okay, but let's imagine the following scenario: You escaped, well, you made an attempt to escape, but Momo got you back, how will he act after that? Momo will try to get closer to you and watch you more, trying to prevent such a thing from happening again.
Momo is happy with any kind of compliment or physical affection coming from you, whether it was accidental or not, he is so grateful and dumbfounded that he is so lucky to have you, he still doesn't believe he will be the first companion who will receive affection from you, not just anyone, but you, he feel so, SO luck and grateful for having gained a measly touch from your delicate fingers.
Very caring, yet, very dangerous.
Doc takes care of you, he's kind and sweet friend, but that doesn't mean he has another side he wants to prevent you from getting to know. His obsession. His sick, disgusting, annihilating obsession towards you. Doc could spend minutes, hours, days, weeks and even years explaining how big his obsession is for you.
Doc is not an idiot, he is a strategist, and don't doubt me when I tell you that he is going to make one of the biggest strategies of his life to eliminate all those in the way and have only you.
Doc loves to offer help to you, he's almost always willing to help, even when he's definitely busy, he's willing to help you with anything.
Besides helping you, Doc also gives you lots of gifts to make you happy mainly because that's the main thing he wants to see from you, happiness.
Honestly, Doc doesn't even care if he's dating you or not, he just wants to see you well and healthy, and Doc could eliminate anyone who might be causing the opposite. Don't get me wrong, Doc would absolutely love to have you cuddle next to him, but he'd rather have a happy reader than a sad, partner reader.
"Oh, pff, they? Don't you worry, dear, I had a chit chat with they."
If Doc can't have you on his side all the time, fine, he'll find a way, he'll find a way to bring your presence to his house. I'm not talking about kidnapping, I'm talking about photos, personal and/or non-personal items, and clothes. You don't understand, Doc can't control his obsession, he has to find a way to satisfy it.
Probably the most creepy.
Doc makes absurd strategies to get closer to you, with a big sweet vibe, Zbaltazar on the other hand, focuses more on killing the victims, and he's not afraid to announce it, it's cold, and bitter. And what's sinister isn't the fact that he kills, it's the way he reacts, he kills companions as if he does it every day, it even seems to be boring to him.
Zbaltazar will manipulate you and gaslight you, and make you totally dependent on him and make you afraid of the rest of the world just for you to always seek him and have only him as a help option
Zbaltazar just doesn't mind grabbing you with his dirty hands from the last elimination. After all, why would you run away in fear? You depend on him, you can't just get out without him.
Zbaltazar convinces you to stay with him with rewards like food, water, affection, etc.
Zbaltazar also tries to gaslight you to believe that everyone—except Zbaltazar—are lying and fake people so you can only be with him.
you didn't fall for Zbaltazar's manipulation? Too bad, now you've been kidnapped to be with him, that's the only option he can find 100% effective to finally have you.
It's very uncomfortable to stay in Zbaltazar's apartment, even alone you always feel watched...
If you try to run away, and then get caught, Zbaltazar will punish you so you don't make the same mistake again. And NO I'm not talking about sexual things, that would be r#pe and I hate to write about it, I'm talking about locking you in a dark room to see where the peak of your sanity goes.
"Lovely. All these attempts of yours are lovely, I really, really admire your determination. Unfortunately, all these attempts are completely useless."
The way Clementine is aggressive is scary even to me.
Clementine will ALWAYS show you and everyone else that she is in charge, she always puts her hand on your waist or shoulders so people are aware that you belong to her, and she will always send an aggressive and uncomfortable look at people who have been with you for a long time.
Clementine doesn't even try hiding it, sometimes when you're walking with her down the street she might take a bat, but if the case is something more romantic or you got mad at her because of her violent personality, she will try to take a smaller weapon and hide it, or just prepare her fists.
WAY too protective, Clementine would definitely stop everything she's doing if she hears someone is flirting with you.
But ignoring all of Clementine's completely aggressive character, she does want to do sweet and romantic things with you, and she's not even that abusive and invasive, it's actually cute. Head in lap, cuddles with rain outside, making food together, yep, sweet things.
Of course, Clementine has her limits of patience with you. If you run away too much, there will come a time when Clementine will just snap ande scream at you like a insane person, she yells at you like an angry person but she talks about things like how she is madly in love with you and how she does everything for you but you are not satisfied and etc. Minutes later or almost immediately, Clementine will apologize, and offer you some alone time (don't get your hopes up she locked the doors and windows).
Yandere Clementine is much quieter than she ever was, and her entire silence is already menacing, her gaze? Even more, and her bat? If someone quote, their brains will already be all over the floor.
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19180901 · 2 years
Okay, so I got a request :)
Can I request a Bentho x sick gn reader ??
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anD yes gotta love our baby boy benthomaar <333 i love him sm it hurts ugh why is he so cute im gonna slap him into space wtf
anyways i gotta be aesthetic again so hope you enjoy this😋😋
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✣ . Benthomaar x sick!gn!reader
No warnings, just a few kissy kisses but it's all just tooth-rotting fluff <3
All of this happens before the resurrecting Wojira thing and Benthomaar becoming king. King Trimaar is still alive and so is Kalmaar (unfortunately).
ㅤ- <3
"Love, I can't let you go out like this!"
You groaned in response as Benthomaar, your beloved and caring boyfriend pushed you back in bed like some toddler that searched for some snack at 3:00 am. It wasn't that bad! Just a few coughs and a bit of temperature but nothing deadly...
"You are burning! We can't go pick corals if you're sick. You're gonna stay here until you are well again, end of discussion." He scolded you and tucked you into bed. You pouted your lips at him and crossed your arms.
"But-" "No buts. Stay here, I'm gonna get you chicken soup." You sighed as dramatically as possible and he just smiled at you. Before he could leave though, you grabbed his hand.
"I don't want you to go. Can you stay? Please?" You asked with the best puppy eyes you could pull out. You internally cringed at how cliché your current situation was.
“I'm not gonna leave, okay? I'll get you some medications and soup. I'll be back real soon," he reassured you and pat your head. He can see that you were a bit disappointed that he was leaving you alone. "Y/n, let me take care of you. I want to help you." He smiled the brightest and most adorable smile you've ever seen in your entire life and he kissed your forehead ever so gently. You melted at his affectionate gestures. Gosh, what did you do to have such a perfect lover?
He left you and went out the ridiculously huge doors of his room to get you the chicken soup and meds.
About 20 minutes later, he came back with said items on a tray, plus a glass of water. He sat next to next to you and took out the medicine and gavd it to you. You sat up and ate it with the water.
You were about to take the soup, but a certain prince took it before you could.
You raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled at you. "Say aah~ !" He took a spoonful of the soup and held it up to your mouth, waiting for you to eat it (drink it?).
Your face reddened and you tried to hide your blush with your hand. "Bentho, I can eat it by myself! You don't need to do all of this for me..."
"Of course I do. I want to feed you, wether you're fully capable of doing it yourself or not." Could he get any more adorable?
You complied, rather bashfully, and he fed you the soup.
Once you were done, he put the bowl on the tray and placed it on the bedside table.
"You know you could've just rang the kitchen and they would have come to give you the things." He chuckled and answered you, "I know, but I wanted to do everything by myself for you."
"Wait, you made the soup?" You asked, surprised.
"Of course. Why are you surprised?"
"Since when do you know how to cook?"
"There's a whole lot of stuff I can do that you don't know about."
He giggled at the impressed look displayed all over your face. He took your hand and intertwined your fingers, before resting his face in the crook of your neck.
"I love you, Y/n." You could feel him smile against your neck.
"I love you more, Prince Benthomaar of the underwater kingdom Merlopia." You giggled, taking your other hand and playing with his hair.
You stopped when you realized something.
"Hey! You're gonna get sick too if you stay too close to me!" You tried to move yourself away from him, but he hugged your waist and layed on the bed, taking you with him.
"Hmm, so what? You're also going to take care of me, won't you?" He laughed and you just blushed furiously.
"I mean, yeah but-" You tried to reason, but he cut you off and buried his face in your neck, once more.
"Then I have no reason to worry about me getting sick." He turned you around, and kissed you sweetly on the lips. "I just want you by my side."
"I'm always by your side, Bentho." You tittered and he smiled that cute smile of his.
"I meant physically."
"I know, I just wanted to mess with you."
He chuckled, and you kissed his cheek.
"I love you."
"You already said that"
"And I'll say it again." He pinched your cheeks and beamed at you. "I love you so, so much Y/n. More than I could put into words."
You snickered and hugged him before replying, "As do I, my love."
The next day came, and you woke up to Benthomaar sitting up, wildly coughing and sneezing.
You sighed. "I told you you shouldn't have been staying too close to me."
He looked at your awake figure and smiled sheepishly.
He was so sweet and you loved him, but man did he need to start listening to you more.
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WOO I MANAGED TO FINISH IT IN ONE DAY!! Hope you liked it! :) I was internally dying while writing this. I love this dude SO MUCH BRO
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© legoffection. Please do not repost my work on any platforms, plagiarize and heavily edit my work under any condition!
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hi! not really sure if this is the place to ask but i'll give it a shot. do you have any tips on helping alters who dont speak to communicate better? at the moment theyre only communicating using emotions/feelings if that makes sense? but when they front it gets a bit tricky since they feel uncomfortable using words at all, including writing. we have another alter cofront with them to help "translate" but we dont really want to be doing this long-term since we want them to be able to do things for themselves too
Hi! We have a few alters in our system who are nonspeaking or who experience speech loss. Some of these alters are still struggling to express themselves, but we can share the tools we’ve been using to make it easier, and others we’ve heard about!
1) AAC
We use a combination of SoundingBoard and Visuals2Go, both downloaded from the iPhone AppStore! They’re free and easy to use, but they have a limited vocabulary. We’d suggest maybe getting some free apps for your headmates to try out, and keeping what works! If they like using AAC, it may be worth it to buy a paid app that has better options and a more user-friendly UI.
With AAC, you can string together words (with pictures) to form sentences, that your device will then speak aloud. No writing required, and reading isn’t essential for many of the available words and phrases! We’ve heard there is AAC that you can use to write and make posts as well, but we don’t know the name of any programs like this - sorry!
2) Communication Cards
We’re at work now or else I would include a picture of our communication cards. We have a bunch of index cards we’ve written words and statements on and grouped them together for easy access.
One group has common starter statements. “I want…” “Let’s go…” “Can I…” “Where is…” “How many…” “I can’t…” “I can…” “I don’t want…” and all sorts of little phrases. Another has verbs like “eat” “drink” “talk” “play” “sleep” “leave” “call” “walk” “sit” “stay�� “look” and “go”. There is one with nouns, sorted by category (places, people, items, foods, weather, pronouns, and animals). And one with names of different alters, our POSIC hoarde, and our support team! It’s taken us a while to put it together, but we have one alter in particular who really benefits from using the cards to communicate.
3) Sign Language
None of our alters have learned any sign language, but if it sounds like it could help your headmates, perhaps your system could attempt learning some basic signs. This way you can help them sign to answer questions and express themself!
4) Drawing
If words and language in general is difficult, maybe getting them a little sketchpad or white board and encouraging them to draw out what they’re thinking may help! They don’t have to be great artists in order to express simple ideas, and this can allow them to connect with others even if both reading and writing are challenging.
5) Accessories
It may be a good idea to get some bracelets, rings, or other accessories that can express a few basic, essential ideas. We have three bracelets that we keep on us. The green one means “I’m happy and feeling comfortable!” the yellow means, “I’m okay but I’m a bit anxious and need some space.” and the red means “I am having a meltdown/doing poorly. I need to get somewhere calm and safe.” Maybe your system can get some sort of accessories and determine beforehand what sort of messages they convey. This way, your headmates will be able to express some basic or essential ideas quickly and effectively.
We hope that one of these options can help your headmates learn to communicate and express themselves better. Be sure to use ideas in your own way to make sure your accessibility tools will be useful for your headmates in particular! Thanks for reaching out, and take care!
Followers, if you have any ideas about communication tools or how to help alters/headmates express themselves, feel free to share!
🌸 Margo and 💫 Parker
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aesopsbaby · 1 year
Hello! Hope you are well! Your art is so pretty! You did a amazing job on making them. If its okay could I do the TR match up, please?
I'm pretty quiet and like to be alone. When in theaters, at parties or in malls Im more alert and avoid crowed areas. If I have to rest at all or find a seat, I would like one to closest exit.
Been raised as a tomboy, got into fights growing up. My mom wasnt too happy, but my dad was proud that I stood up to a bully. Was still grounded.
I like video games, cats, dogs, study lots of things. Im not saying, most of it is dark. My sense of humor is very dark and twisted. Do not show it as it offends or scares people.
Not unless I want to scare them away. Then I try to the old 'How can you prove you killed someone if everything was made out of candy?' Or 'Sidewalks are just extra lanes.'
Don't like parties, crowded areas in closed places, or anyone I care about being picked on.
Hispanic and 5'0" so yeah shorter than Mikey. I weigh about 98 pounds. Always been small, dont mind it. I use it to fit in tight spaces. Body is pretty flexible.
A guy that can reach the third or top shelf of the cupboard also open jars.
My health is pretty bad. I can be up and around for about 3 hours before I need to rest. Like take a nap rest. I try to tough things out and just say 'I'm fine.' When really, I'm sick and very tired.
There is no cure or really any treatment. There is just so much wrong with my body. Often have to take naps.
Romance pls! Thats all. Take all the time you need and hope I did this right!
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I'm finally posting these after procrastinating for way too long :,) sorry for the extremely long wait!! I made sure yours is detailed to compensate for the long wait♡
And AAAAAAA TYSM!! I'm really happy that you think my art is pretty <,3
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Ran / Kokonoi!
Both are tall and would help you to get stuff that's out of reach! Kokonoi would do it with little to no teasing but Ran,,,that little shit would tease you for the longest time before giving you the item.
So let's talk about Ran first:
If we're being honest, Ran is the most likely of the two to be putting things at the top shelf just so he can see you glaring at him and asking him to grab the stuff down.
He'd rather stay home with you if that's what you prefer <3 But watch out, he's insufferable, can and will whine for your attention just because he thinks it's funny.
DARK HUMOUR!!! Soulmates fr. You both will be cracking dark jokes and laughing your ass off.
Kokonoi now:
Upon knowing you dislike being in crowded areas, he'll immediately jot that down in his head! Everytime you both go out to somewhere that you want to go, you'll realised the place is empty and when you ask him about it, he'll smirk and shrug;
"I bought the place for a day so you can take your time." Kokonoi would do just about anything for you!!!
Going out on dinner dates to the fanciest places and he booked a nice view and a huge area that has no guests so you can be comfortable <3
Both of them would care about your health and try their best to help you. ( "Try" because they both are internally panicking since they have zero idea what to do-)
They admire your tough mentality and how independent you are, but they care deeply about you.
Ran would hold you close to him and hum softly while playing with your hair so you can rest peacefully.
Kokonoi reminds you to take breaks so you don't overwork yourself.
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bunnyb34r · 7 months
Seriously considered quitting today lmao
We came in and the team lead gave us a copy of the email he was given to give us ab what we need to work on (as dictated by the regional manager). We look and clothing says the ladies and children's areas need swapped. Opposite sides of the department, I have 5 table lengths in one massive table, she has like 15-20 table lengths all together. (She was liiiiiviid it was so funny we were both like 🤝 <- hating the new layout and understanding it's not gonna work) and NetflixCoworker, RC and I were like "I'm not fucking coming in overnight to do this. They cant make us."
Well we flagged down the manager (Bootleg FGM) and he was like ah that sucks...
And I had to show him on the layout how it's "supposed" to look and he's like hmm yeah, they're probably gonna take the shoe steel (pain in the ass) and swap it with the table down there and that table will be in what will be ladies. So she's not losing a table, she's supposed to have the same but we'll see
I'm allegedly according to the layout getting more space, instead of one big chunk of 5 I'm gonna get 3 sections, so I'll gain 2-3 tables I THINK idk
Anyway the biggest pain in the ass is gonna be moving the boxes from under the table... gonna have to like get an empty pallet and wheel em over I guess idk
But it's like I have like 30 items at any given time, that's a lot to move... and he's like well we'll do it in chunks not all at once so it's gonna be over about a week's time :) okay? Like no... but yeah sure (:
My problem is that the layout has been saying that for at least 6 months... how did you not notice dude... how...
And like if we've gone this long... why bother changing it.......
Idk it's just a clusterfuck and I'm tired
Finally got the leggings out, Grandma Chic is in I guess (but there is ONE cute pair at least) then I find I have MORE new items (help me) I got all but 2 out, I dont have enough room for them and i dont wanna make room if I'm gonna be moving
OH AFSGGSGSGS and NewLady was like "they're moving us... (me not you lmao) we're not gonna be together anymore :((("
Like haaa yeah :) that sucks :) so hard :)
(Her new neighbor will be NetflixCoworker lmaoooo) but this means the under the table space next to me will be NetflixCoworker's and I know she knows how to share agsggdgdgd
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youngster-monster · 1 year
real talk you WOULD be a really good writer for blizzard theres more conciseness in your fics than there is in the actual official lore, i spent like 2 hours one time trying to figure out how old illidan was and i STILL cant get a clear answer
i actually hadnt watched wc3, but since you mentioned it i thought i might finally get around to watching it because Why Not and .. no yeah you were right kael is so obsessed with him there. he is so funny for that
i cant play ffxiv because i fear what the double mount collecting opportunities will do to my brain as if itll like turn me into a shrimp or something. mmorpgs are crazy dangerous forreal
also the best part about recent content- or like. recent...ish... it was in shadowlands and now we're in dragonflight and i still dont know whats happening but kael AND vashj showed up in shadowlands and they had BANTER!!!!! i was going absolutely nuts about it it was great. i miss them (can replay shadowlands at any time)
devastated that neither of them had a Massive role in shadowlands though. i remember prior to launch i found out they would both make an appearance and i just about went feral abt it but then they only really appeared in covenant campaign stuff.. and not even for the full campaigns.. and also only for like two of them... i will never get over this ever
oh illidan's age is really easy! he was already a few thousand years old during the war of the ancients so... that's not right... no he was a baby when... wait a minute... (checks notes) (increasingly frantic riffling of paper) yeah okay so he's anywhere between 10,001 year old and Old As Balls, hope that helps
that's very sweet of you to say though. my secret is that when i make a story choice i try to stick to it and make it work even when my understanding of the universe changes with time :)
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(@ blizzard's "rule of cool" i am COMING for you)
also bold take to call my fics 'concise'... i AM looking at a few thousand words of completely unrelated worldbuilding that i snuck into this soulmate au but thank you for the vote of confidence <3
i'm SO GLAD you gave w3 a try!!! it's my favorite warcraft content for many reasons (nostalgia and 'best and only correct kael characterization ever' first and foremost) and it's SO funny like kael truly abandoned kin and country to go on a gay vacation to space mojave with some hunk he found in a ditch. iconic.
(also arthas' arrival to lordaeron is branded permanently into my brain, kid me was so in love with his undead ass it's not even funny)
you should play ffxiv tho... it will absolutely turn you into a shrimp but in a good way. you would not BELIEVE the amount of elves they're hiding in there. also the free trial including-- (i am dragged offstage by a comically long hook)
KAEL AND VASHJ BANTER.... god that's the dream. #1 item on my wow wishlist at all times. rare blizz w for that one now release more kael and vashj content PLEASE
they had to shove illidan in space forever because my level of normalcy about the whole thing would have risen to truly unsafe levels if they had had even the SLIGHTEST Possibility of interacting post-legion
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jbt7493 · 1 year
btw- okay sorry, i say btw because i just made like three stream of consciousness posts i saved to drafts because theyre kinda incoherent and they seem sorta naive and disconnected from real experience instead of making me sound cool and experienced. but . anyway. this one im posting. but i loved that post about like drinking out of a gourd instead of plastic bottles. i was talking with my parents earlier today while we were driving about that and its like man. thats cool man! i like having a sort of cool object.
i still wanna get some kind of like incredibly nice and cool jacket. i have a pretty cool jacket but i want like a REALLY nice jacket. and a really cool pair of boots. idk i want a lot of cool objects! itd be cool to have a cool - well idk about a gourd, but like a cool bottle or vessel of some kind instead of just a boring aluminum cylinder. i want to have that harness too. okay yeah actually like, the harness is kinda the big one
like okay, gourd guy is like. a unique guy. an interesting guy with a distinctive and cool object. but jackets and boots- theyre dope. theyre great i like them. but i mean theyre not that unique. you obviously can and should customize your jacket. and not just like 'ooough i have 20 evenly spaced equally sized rectangular band patches' i mean like idk some cool shit some cool fuckin embroidery and interesting patches and stuff. paint, studs. that sorta thing. fuckin tassles. but like, a jacket is a common thing to have customized and uniquely your own. it can be unique but its a common unique item to have.
the fuckin weird harness rig thing i wanna have on the other hand. that is like. a WEIRD thing to have. guy who wears his cool jacket every day is common, guy who wears a cool *harness* is like, hm, theres something going on here. and i mean everyone knows the utility of a jacket. but i am serious about the harness thing. i think it would be very useful! i hate having shit in my pockets, i dont want things to move around, i dont want to rely on the pockets of whatever pants im wearing, it turns *any* pair of pants or shorts (usually the undergarment is not as interesting as the upper garment especially cause you can wear a jacket) into like. okay you have interesting aesthetics going on. uh it means stuff isnt gonna fall out, im not gonna have to change stuff between pockets of different lower garments which means im more likely to actually carry around my phone and wallet. hell they have unlimited capacity so i could even carry around more objects than those. im not carrying a purse not because of sexism but like. i want everything i have to be attached to me. i dont want a free object which i could set down and that i have to like hold and shit. i wanna have it just anchored on me. uh but yeah and then i could have a cool knife also . and i could carry a nice drinking vessel and it would be convenient to carry and the weight would be distributed nicely all around my hips and on my thighs (i hate wearing most pants that have beltloops because those pants are usually heavier and im autistic and have texture issues andn also besides theyre not that cool aesthetically and also a harness would distribute weight more snugly and nicely than just a belt.)
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kemikoko · 1 year
ahhhhh I'm back early this time!!! Anywho, if you haven't watched slides new stream on the QSMP its basically just him talking to Bad, Etoiles, pomme, Tallulah, and Chayanne! He was mainly just talking to Etoiles and got a nice gift from all of the eggs delivered by tallulah!!! :DD
But that's not what i'm talking about today! Today, I'm talking about what happened in slides new storage area that he made. But before that I need to give at least, some context so everything below the space is technically spoilers? but also not, because it's not necessarily lore, but also at the same time it is.
Meaning if you haven't yet watched the vod, and don't want spoilers (TECHINCALLY???) then please, come back later! :) you have been warned.
OKAY SO CONTEXT(its not context i just want to ramble about whay this man did beforehand, i am so sorry). After talking to Etoiles, slime says bye to both bad and pomme, and teleports back to eggxile, after telling them goodnight. He then goes on to explain how yesterday(when he streamed I dont know exactly when he streamed) he was expanding his home, and that while doing it he was listening to lo-fi and talking to bad.
And he shows up the storage room, after teasing us for a few minutes, and it looks nice! Its a pretty spacious room, with chest lined up on the walls, and barrels in the corners of the center, and in the center center there are four crafting tables. The room has a few handing lanterns, and it looks really pretty with his shades.
But after showing us, he goes upstairs, and outside to the way-stone, and teleports to the main area near, formerly where La Ciudad del Sacapuntas, used to be. He then goes exploring the area a little bit, and starts going upstairs to go to his former home. It starts getting more roleplay-ey, and sadder here so, fun.
Anyways, he starts exploring the old building, it looks more broken, and run down, seeing as he did explode it with bombs, and such. But after exploring that he goes up to juanaflippa's room, and starts exploring, or rather, looking around the room.(Despite the fact it still looks the same, as it did before she left) . He still looks around exploring all of the old photos, and insides the chest, and starts collecting all of flippa's thing putting them in his inventory, and not his backpack. After taking basically everything, leaving two chest, and a sign flippa left, it reading; "Love my family, thanks for all."
Before he left, someone starts walking in, and climbing the latter to go upstairs, and surprise, surprise, its Cucurucho or Osito Bimbo(or chayanne), Cucurucho tells slime "Good morning", before handing him a book titled 'IMPORTANT' . Inside the letter it just talks, about how since slime is Gegg's Manger, he must be warned that there are angry protesters, willing to harm gegg, and that's basically it. Cucurucho takes their's leave, and after a few more minutes looking for any extra photos of flippa's slime also takes his leave, and heads back over to his self-exlaimed eggxiled, island.
He goes over to his house, and back downstairs, to his storage room and starts organizing, his items for the rest of the stream. But I would finally like to talk about two things he did in particular that I find really sweet.
okay, hi, fellow person reading this. I am so sorry it took me so long to get here but this one is going to be more, ramble-y I guess? So deal with it. Anyways, the the first thing is, how slime was like so fond when taking flippa's knife, and just probably looking so go d for this damn egg, and when he went to put it up in his storage room, instead of putting it in a chest somewhere, Instead he makes a frame, and frames flippa's knife right over his bed, next to the chest full of flowers, from pomme he got ealier in the stream. Slime could have put it in a chest and moved on with his day, he could have! But he didn't instead he framed it right over his bed, and just sounded so fond of this pixel egg.
Another thing, someone pointed out like half way through sorting the chest, that slime was using Mariana's battle axe, and instead of slime just throwing it away entirely, he also framed it right over flippa's knife. Proving that q!slime might not forgive Mariana, but he still loves the dude, he loves and misses him and his daughter, and he wishes for everything in his being for them both to come back and for them, to just be a happy healthy family.
He also framed the ticket he and mar got together and I think that's so cute!! because while slime honestly doesn't like keep a lot of things on him that mean a lot, he keeps flippa's flower and the ticket. Also I don't wanna say slime keeps a lot of stuff on him but also slime has said himself he is a horder, so he doesn't just keep a lot of random stuff on him.
I think it's so sweet that while slime does not forgive Mariana for killing their daughter, twice, he can't help but miss this man, because that's his bitch wife, that's the person he bonded with the most, that's the other person who helps take care of jauna with him, that's his other half. Q!slime probably misses both mar, and Juana so much, but mar isn't ever alive anymore, and flippa is kinda dead, so.
I dont know I just like overcomplicating silly little things<3
flippa totally would have been good friends with richas, their both so chaotic<3
also I am so so sorry this turned out to be more me rambling then then anything, I tried to make it less like that, but I didn't really know what to add, or get rid of, so I'm so sorry for that :')) but if you enjoyed then :))))
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iconic--trash · 2 years
i can't sleep so im gonna gush about the warehouse i work at bc im also working on not masking anymore and letting myself just gush about things i love and god do i think warehouses are cool. not as cool as the assembly line i used to work at, but the management at that place was super corrupt
(im dyslexic and my autocorrect is off, forgive any typos bc i just dont care to fix them)
anyway. my warehouse is a Direct to Consumer (D2C) warehouse. we do a whole lot of stuff and i have experience in most of the departments by now. essentially if someone orders from our store (huge major retailer) there is a high likelyhood the package will be from the warehouse i work at.
we receive tons of merchandise from the ppl who make it, as well as customer returns both from the physical stores and returns mailed in by the customer. ive worked in both returns departments and boy do i got stories of nasty stuff people thought was okay to mail in to us.
and of course we send out packages to customers. my least favorite department so far was Pack, its so competitive over there as far as production numbers. the way packaging customer orders worked over there was like this: many rows of conveyer belts that orders would come down on. on either side of the belts were our stations, a desk in front of you and a shelf of boxes behind you. then under the first conveyer belt is another one going the other way that you put packages on. that one would take the packages over to Shipping, ive never worked over ther cause im kindof a little guy and heavy lifting not so much for me.
the competitive part of Pack is that people who take the stations further up the belt where the orders come from get first pick. my store sells both clothes and larger home goods that are stored in our Home department. the Home goods take longer to pack while clothes are pretty quick. so people at the head of the line would always cherry-pick the quick orders while shy people like me at the very end always got stuck with huge comforter sets and stuff like that. i never had good numbers over there lol. but ive only ever worked in Pack during our holiday season rush when we have tons of seasonal workers, so it may not be so competitive in the off-season.
another of our departments is called Active, i think because thats where most active merchandise is. mostly just clothes bundled in plastic but ive seen more toys and random stuff this season since toys r us closed. we have three floors in this dept. over here we put product away as well take product out, called Picking. which is what i normally do this season. a Picker takes a big metal cart and a few of these big boxes we call totes, they're like hard plastic with cutout handles and no top. using a scanner, that right now just looks like a cell phone with a good case, we walk through the isles of merchandise and pick stuff from cardboard boxes on shelves. when the tote is full enough we'll end it on the scanner and put it on a conveyer belt. the totes arent like, one customer order per tote, more like a random assortment of things that need shipped that day.
the people who decide what gets picked and in what order are Wave Planners over in Wave. i have no idea what they do except that its complicated and the rest of us depend on them for our work.
we have a few other departments where merch is stored too. in the center of our building is Beauty, where all the makeup, perfume, and idk beauty related items are. they have their own shelves and their own packing stations and a sorting area where orders are put together. its pretty neat. ive helped out in Beauty a couple times, with sorting, called MSL, and with Picking. ive heard certain parts of it stink of mixed perfume from damaged products.
another place is Case Reserve where basically stuff is put for longer than in Active. the shelves there go directly to ceiling, all three stories worth of space, so those are some tall shelves. they use big warehouse vehicles to get to high up merchandise when needed. i dont what the vehicles are called except MHE. i was almost trained to drive them once but i got covid and had to stop working before they could. now im glad though because i definitely did not realize what i would have been getting into lol.
a similar place is Home. like mentioned before, thats where our home goods are. ive never worked in Home directly but the gift wrap stations for Pack are back there and i used to do some gift wrapping sometimes. they have a big sorting area over and additional packing stations there too that ive helped out in. i don't much else about it other than that.
upstairs is Prep, they get stuff from Receiving and prepare it for getting put away on shelves, on the conveyers the boxes go, over to my department to get put away. they tried to train me in Prep once during the pandemic when there was nothing to do, but i was so confused lol. i have maybe a fourth of a day of experience in Prep cause they needed help in Beauty more.
the first department i worked in at this warehouse was ICQA, Inventory Control and Quality Assessment. basically trying to make sure that things are where theyre supposed to be and assessing what items are actually in a location vs what the computer thinks is there. icqa does a whole lot more than i can really describe here and a lot of it is complicated. icqa basically has sub-departments. my experience with icqa is walking around Active with a scanner and counting the items in whichever location the scanner tells me next. this called a Second Count or Seconds. its when the systems see an inconsistency in what a person said is there vs what is supposed to be there, and i go check to see what the truth is, so accuracy is the most important aspect of working in icqa.
There's other departments. as well as offices upstairs that ive never even seen. but those are the ones i have most experience in.
the whole place fascinates me. its intriguing knowing how every single department is working with each other, its one big flow. but also so super complicated. i love walking through the warehouse and just gazing up at conveyer belts that are two stories above my head. watching totes zip along complicated conveyer lines. the Active department has no walls separating it from Wave so i get to see it from the second floor, sometimes even the third floor, and its just so cool. we seriously have so many conveyer belts just all over the places going in and out of walls, going up and down at steep angles, taking all sorts of things all over the place.
the warehouse i work at supposedly has 2 million square feet of walkable surface and i believe it when im walking around at work. ive heard that people who do my usual job, Picking, can walk up to ten miles in a day just working.
i guess im done gushing lol. sorry for the long post, i just really like my line of work :D if anyone happens to read this and has any kind of warehouse questions please feel free to ask
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
I'm violently demanding all of the emojis for Kou, actually
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"Ah.. Curious are we friend?"
🌅- Do you have a certain routine for starting your night?
"I usually have a cup of coffee and read whatever emails have come in.. Usually I'm coherent early in morning.. so I try and get to the inquiries that people send during the morning time.. Sometimes some of the managers don't get around to sending their correspondence until later."
👽- What is your stance on aliens? Should they be treated just like mutants?
" Hmm.. I don't have much of a stance on that. I think regardless of mutations or origins.. you should be treated with respect and equally.. Along as you aren't causing problems for anyone else or hurting Alternia itself."
🌞- Have you ever gone out or gotten caught out of your hive during daylight? What happened?
"No I haven't. I don't know if I would.. not sure if I'm safe to go out there.. but even if I was. The undead would certainly eat me alive."
💀- Are you strong enough to face shadow droppers on your own if faced with them?
"Maybe. Maybe.. I'm not sure. I'm not particularly versed in a fight. Even if their only goal is to kill me. I certainly wouldn't allow them to take me down with them.. and I would definitely run. I'm rather quick on my feet believe it or not."
🛌- Do you sleep in a recuperacoon or do you rest in other accommodations?
"Recuperacoons are for grubs, no? Retired mine a very long long time ago.. and no use of having it in my place.. I have a bed. Rather small though I have been meaning to get a queen maybe."
🤳- Do you use trollian? If so, what is your handle? If not, do you use any messaging system?
"I have one.. but I don't use it. Please warn if you send me a message. glisteningComposure.. I think I've had a few before.."
💅- Do you have time or resources for self care or small luxuries?
"I don't have much free time.. I'm not struggling with money or such.. Just my time. I do think a little bit of self care that I do is making sure I eat and maintain my spaces I work with.. I don't also enjoy frivolous things or much decor. So.. maybe with some time that can change?"
🌌- Have you ever wanted to travel intergalactically? What would you look for in a place to visit off planet?
"Not particularly a thought I've had. I know some that travel tell me they wish they could ge feet down back on Alternia.. after all. Isn't your first home always your true home?"
🍳- What sort of cuisine do you normally eat? Are you openly okay with items labelled only as grubsauce or grubloaf?
"I usually make something quick or light. More like cut up fruits and vegetables.. or maybe a soup out of a can. I'm not gifted with cooking.. but I'm not awful either."
🚌- How do you normally get around/travel? Would they ever be able to afford their own scuttlebuggy?
"Walking or public transportation believe it or not. I could purchase purchase a vehicle of some kind.. however I don't believe it would be of too much use to me. Just another thing I have to keep track of."
🌃- Do you prefer to live in a rural area or more populated places with communal hive stems?
"I prefer city living in all honesty. It eases some of my worries and concerns. I find that in mote heavily concentrated areas like the one I live in... Some do ignore me or dont notice me. Which is a good thing. Usually there is a fair bit of gawking and staring.. Plus.. I've found most places in the cities a bit more progressive than what I first believed."
🎭- How do you access entertainment? What is available to you to do for fun?
"We all have our television and such... access to the internet. I do find myself enjoying those cafes with open mic poetry occasionally or a movie. Though most of the time.. I opt for a film in a separate window and my work in another."
🩺- How do you access healthcare? Do you have access to doctors or do you have to rely on other forms of medicine?
"If I do feel bad.. Usually I self medicate or use my intuition to avoid most if not all of my visits to the doctors or hospitals. If worse does come to worse.. I have a friend I can ask for some assistance even if they might not enjoy seeing blood."
🔮- Do you believe those who claim to be gifted with the ability to see ghosts or talk to lusii telepathically? Or do you think they are lying?
"I think anything is fairly possible. I've seen odder powers.. and besides. Chuckle voodoos are a thing.. along with Ceruleans manipulation. Why wouldn't that be a thing?"
"There must be minor influences of everything. Such as lusii being drawn to someone.. spiritually drawn without exactly being able to see the spirits.. I think it depends."
🧿- Do you believe in horrorterrors? Or do you believe they're just scary stories?
"I'm doubtful but I leave myself open to changing my mind about these things. I've been told some of Alternia's older generations are more knowledgeable.. such as The Threadweaver. He apparently is knowledgeable of such.. Which is quite funny for someone like himself."
🤖- How do you feel about drones? Do you try to avoid them when they come around?
"I do have my thoughts.. though I never cross them. I try to make myself a little bit scarce. Last thing you need is to be chased by a drone in broad moonlight for looking at it a little funny."
♥️- Do you think that pity should still be considered the normal feelings for a red or would you say love is a more common practice to look for in a mate?
"For some reason.. I've never considered pity in red the 'common' thing.. Or maybe times have changed. Usually most I've seen, have genuinely had love on the forefront of their minds when chasing after someone for their red. Would ge a miserable relationship if the other was putting pity into these feelings."
♦️- Do you think it's dangerous for lowbloods to be pale with highbloods?
"I think it depends on what caste.. I know when Purple, Violet and Fuschia's tempers flair.. If you aren't physically prepared for that. Might be a bit messy.. Though. Not all lower bloods are pushovers or weak. Not exactly on par with their castes strength.. but enough to defend one's self.. and how about the reverse? What if that lower blood was stronger than the high blood? Wouldn't that be dangerous as well?"
♣️- Do you have any interest in an ashen, or do you see it as obsolete in current day?
"Ashen is rather childish.. No? If you need someone to interject on your spades.. I believe that says a lot about your relationship than anything... and I certainly couldn't imagine having to do that either."
♠️- Do you think pitches should only be based on hate, or do you believe they should also be based on a strong rivalry as well?
"Im no spades expert. But there is challenge between spades and romance. A type of love behind it.. even if people would get colored in the face about it. They certainly love that person.. but not in red nor pale of course. I believe there's a type of rivalry and a bit of care that goes hand in hand. Not particularly full blown hate.. Of course there's loathing.. I just don't think defining it so starkly is correct."
🔱- How different do you think Alternia would be if the planet wasnt ruled as a tyranny? Would it be better or worse?
"Alternians would always revert back.. I feel it... Another event for history before another Sea dweller sits on that throne. They'll out live all of us and then some. I suppose it makes sense why it's always been this way."
🪦- Do you believe everyone should be given a proper burial or is it a waste of time to have gravediggers?
"In a perfect world. Yes. However don't you think it's funny? The ones who do get burials are all higher bloods.. and if they're lower.. I usually find them at unmarked Graves being reclaimed by nature.."
🪖- How do you feel about the ever looming threat of being put into the fleet if called upon by the empress to do so?
"If the emperor for some reason called apon me of all people. I believe I could dodge it.. by providing other assistance where necessary or maybe just becoming scarce. I'm not much of a fighter."
⚖️- Do you believe the justice system works, or do you feel justice has to be taken into your own hands?
"Sometimes justice comes after the fact in unexpecting ways. Though our system helps occasion. Most is swayed by what lines others pockets or even who has the most clout.. It is a tricky line. But innocent blood should not be spilled in the pursuit of what is right."
🃏- What are your thoughts on organized religion?
"To each their own. If it allows them to feel more comfortable with the inevitable without harming others.. so be it."
🎄- Do you celebrate holidays of any sort? If so, what ones?
"Not particularly.. though if I was invited to an event or maybe even a gift during the times. I would not make a fuss. Certainly seems pointless as I have no one to celebrate with."
🐚- Are you afraid of the beach or ocean? If so, what reasons?
"I actually enjoy the beach. It's rather calm and pleasent."
🐾- What is your lusus like? Are/were they around often or do/did they normally leave you all by yourself?
"Hm. I don't believe I recall my lusus in all honesty. I do remember most of my grubhood was spend by myself. I was never in danger.. but suspicion tells me perhaps my lusus was poached."
🔥- Have you ever done something (outside of murder) that most likely should be considered a criminal act, but either wasn't or was just swept under the rug due to your status?
"Nothing that I'm aware of. Perhaps hiding my blood color could be considered one.. but otherwise. No."
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